Looking At Her Strangely

Looking At Her Strangely - Section I

By Angil

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Section I, Next Section

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Chapter One

Posted on Thursday, 16 March 2000

Lizzy was in a hurry this morning. Her group was presenting their assignment for professional studies that morning, and she was running late. She had stayed up till 1:30 to put the finishing touches to the web site her group was using, and practicing her speech. She'd slept through her alarm, and was woken up by her sister Jane, who lived in the other room in their granny flat. She dressed in a flash and then rushed through breakfast like a whirlwind.

Lizzy stood in front of the mirror and nodded to herself as she finished fixing her long, brunette hair and straightening her blouse. Elizabeth Bennet was a smart 18 year old and was doing her Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Avionics at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She turned as she saw Jane's reflection join hers in the mirror.

Jane leaned against the door, a cup of steaming coffee in her hand.

"Here, I thought you might need this." Jane Bennet was a tall and graceful 19 year old. She too was studying at QUT, but she a second year student studying primary education.

Lizzy took it gratefully and had a sip.

"Thanks Jane, it's just what I need. What would I do without you?"

She looked at the time and nearly spilled her drink. It was 7:35am.

"Oh, I'm supposed to be picking up Charlotte now. I'm late. She's going to kill me!"

She gulped the rest of her drink quickly.

"Can you pack up the laptop when it has recharged? I'll just say goodbye to all in the house. I hope mum doesn't want to come with us, or I'll get there after its finished!"

Lizzy picked up her bag and the bag containing the posters for the presentation and ran out the door of the granny flat. The granny flat joined onto the garage. Lizzy cut across the garage to the old Blue Toyota Corolla she shared with Jane, dumped all of the presentation material into the boot and made a mad dash into the awakening Bennet household.

A short hall brought her to the kitchen where her father was finishing off a drink of coffee while reading the paper. She could see her mum coming down the stairs.

"Mum, Dad, I'm leaving now. I'll see you all there."

"What, you cannot leave without us. We must see what type of boys you are associating with at university!" screeched Mrs. Bennet.

"Mum, I'm supposed to leave in negative five minutes!"

"Oh, I hate it when you talk in technical terms. Your father does enough of that as it is."

Mr. Bennet just looked up from his coffee with an eyebrow raised and a half smile on his face. Mrs. Bennet then looked her daughter up and down with disapproval.

"Look at what your wearing! Why are you wearing trousers? You look like a male."

This comment created a frown from Mr. Bennet, and a sigh from Lizzy. At this point Jane also entered the kitchen.

"At least Jane's wearing shorts so she can show off her legs. Not that she needs to because she is naturally beautiful, but you Lizzy need all the help you can get!"

"Mum, this is a presentation! Jane isn't getting marked on it."

"What do marks matter with getting a man! Men don't want a smart woman."

Mrs. Bennet threw up her hands in frustration.

"I don't know why I try with you Lizzy! Doing such an unfeminine subject like engineering!"

Lizzy's face was starting to go red as her temper was rising. She said sarcastically, "Yes, but it's full of men."

"What good will that do you if they don't realise that you're a woman because you look just like a man!"

Lizzy was completely frustrated now.

"I don't have time for this. I nearly fifteen minutes late now! The presentations start at 9 in Z block. You know where it is?" Her father nodded as she walked over to him to give him a kiss. "Wish me luck."

Mr. Bennet gave Lizzy a quick hug.

"You don't need luck, I know it will all run smoothly. You'll be fine. You've done enough preparation judging from how late you stayed up last night."

Lizzy gave him an inquiring look and he smiled at her.

"Good luck."

Lizzy turned around and walked to the garage with Jane.

A minute later, Mr. Bennet saw his girl's car speed off down the street.

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Chapter 1 B

Posted on Thursday, 23 March 2000

The same morning

"Charles, come on man, wake up....Charles!"

Charles Bingley rolled over in his bed and opened one eye very grudgingly. He immediately regretted it as a headache hit him. That would be the last time he'd be going clubbing when he had to get up at a reasonable time the next morning. "What? Go away, Darcy. It's too early. Leave me alone."

"It's nearly 7 Charles. Come on, get up. Are you coming in with me today or not? Remember, you said you would come in today to watch Richard's presentation. And don't you need to go in to do some study and to hand in an assignment?" said Darcy as he mentally shook his head at his blond friend.

"Can't we go in later? It's too early. Your cousins presentation doesn't start until 9 anyhow."

"I have to help set up." William Darcy was a tall, extraordinarily good looking 3rd year engineering student specializing in avionics at QUT. He had also worked as a tutor for the first year professional studies class, and had promised to assist in set up. He was also getting paid for doing so. Otherwise he'd be doing the same as Bingley. "Plus, your sister wants to go in. If we wait, we'll have to give her a lift in." Bingley's sister, Caroline, was infatuated with Darcy and was convinced they were in a relationship. However, he found it very difficult to put up with her.

"Ok, ok, I'm getting up." Charles reluctantly pulled himself out of bed, pulled on a shirt and jeans. "Ahh, my head feels like stone." He managed to stumble out of the room and to the bathroom.

Darcy looked at him unsympathetically. He'd also been clubbing the night before, but he had avoided drinking because he was the designated driver. "Maybe you shouldn't drink three jugs of beer next time?"

"There isn't going to be a next time." Darcy didn't believe it for a minute. "Plus it was nearly four jugs, 3 pints of Guineas, and some rum and coke. Or was it vodka? I can't remember. Actually, I can't remember that much of it," he admitted as he emerged from the bathroom.

"You don't even remember the nice little red head your were talking and dancing with for most of the night?" Darcy asked.

Bingley struggled to remember, then a light came on. "I remember, I think. I think I got her phone number."

"Will you call her back?"

"Maybe. Probably not, I can't really recall what we talked about. I think her name was...umm, Harriet?"

Darcy just smiled at him as they made their way to the kitchen of their house. Charles was always able to pick up girls, though he was never really interested in any of them. Darcy made some coffee, while Bingley made some toast. Darcy looked out of the window. He could see an ultralight descending. The house they were renting was situated in Archerfield, only a five-minute drive from the Archerfield airport, which was convenient for Darcy, as he occasionally worked at the airport. They shared the house with Charles two younger sisters, Louisa and Caroline, and Louisa's boyfriend, Hurst.

Charles ate his breakfast quickly and sipped at his coffee while Darcy read the paper. His head was slowly clearing, though it still pounded. Charles was also a third year student at QUT, but he was studying Architecture. He already had a job guaranteed for him at the end of the year. Their father was the managing director of Bingley Construction, which had recently expanded to Sydney. Charles would be working in the architectural division of the company. Charles and Darcy had rented the house for the last three years, ever since they graduated from Terrace together. (Terrace is a prestigious boys school.)

Bingley continued to complain about the hour and his head, but Darcy wasn't listening. By seven thirty they were ready to leave. Darcy was just about to breathe a sigh of relief that Caroline wasn't up yet when she entered the kitchen wearing a rather skimpy orange nightie.

"What are you two doing so early." She continued on without waiting for an answer. "I don't know how you manage it, going out until the early hours of the morning, then getting up an going out again within hours. It's hardly fair, your always going out clubbing without me. Just because I'm not 18 yet."

She walked up to William and took hold of his arm to lean on.

"Especially for you William, leaving me alone while you go out and enjoy yourself."

Darcy shook her off his arm and walked to the hall she had just appeared from.

"I don't see why. I'm not your keeper. I'm sure you are able to amuse yourself quite well without me. Do you expect us to stay with you just because you're not 18 yet?" He picked up his car keys from the table. "Are you ready Charles?"

This was not the response Caroline was looking for. Caroline was a first year business student. She had graduated from Brisbane Girls Grammar the year before. She would have gone to University of Queensland, which was considered the more fashionable university, but her Overall Position wasn't good enough to get into UQ, and Darcy was going to QUT, which made that university respectable. "You are not leaving yet, are you? Didn't you remember that I'm going in as well? You have to wait for me."

Neither Charles nor Darcy wanted Caroline to go with them. Charles found his sister rather annoying at times. And at this particular point in time, she was making his head pound worse.

"Caroline, there's a perfectly good public transport system here. You don't need us."

Caroline looked at him with shock. "Public transport! Are you mad? I can't catch a bus. The people on there! I'll be with all the unemployed and homeless. And the horrible seats. Or I'll have to sit next to some unwashed old man!"

"Well, maybe if you had gotten your license by now instead of having us drive you around all the time, you wouldn't have this problem." Charles patted his sister on the back. "Don't worry. You'll survive like the rest of the population who catches the bus every day."

"You can't be serious. William, tell him that he should wait for me," Caroline pleaded to Darcy.

"We have to leave, now." Darcy was starting to get impatient.

"Just wait a few minutes. Then we can leave, just don't leave and make me catch the bus." Caroline felt that she had a chance with William.

Darcy looked at her and had a wicked thought about how to get rid of her. He knew Caroline well, he'd known her since meeting her brother over eight years ago, and for a very short time he had actually dated her. But those days were long over; just she didn't believe it was so.

"We have to leave now. We'll take you with us if you're at the car before we leave."

Caroline ran over to Darcy to give him a hug. She was victorious.

"I knew it, you wouldn't leave without me. I won't be a minute." She then left to get ready.

"Quick Bingley, lets get out of here." They were the door, down the front stairs and at Darcy's commodore very quickly.

Caroline turned in shock as she heard the car peal off down the street. What, they were serious. How could William and Charles do that to her! She was furious and frustrated.

Charles head pounded worse than before with that little sprint of exercise.

"I still can't believe I'm up this early. I swear nothing good will come of going to uni so early. I should have just rolled over."

Darcy chuckled. "Come on Charles, don't look at it that way. And there's been one good thing so far. You get to avoid Caroline for a few hours."

"Well, I guess that's one thing. But nothing else good will come of today. I know it."

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Chapter Two

Posted on Thursday, 23 March 2000

Lizzy pulled up in front of Charlotte's house in Holland Park and beeped the horn. Charlotte was waiting for them. She jumped in the back seat and they were moving again within seconds.

"Sorry we're late. I slept in," apologised Lizzy.

"Heh, that's ok. I'm more worried about what the guys will think. But I would have expected you to be the last person to sleep in."

"I was up till rather late finishing the webpage."

"Shouldn't it have been finished a week ago?"

"I would have been if people had decided to give me their sections in time. But as it was, our appointed graphic artist couldn't be bothered giving the pictures until last night, then I found I had to seriously edit them. I just want this whole damn thing finished."

Charlotte nodded her head in agreement. Charlotte Lucas was a plain nineteen year old. She had long brown hair, brown eyes and she was slightly plump. She also wasn't particularly tall. She had studied science last year, but changed to become a first year mechanical student. She lived at home with her mother and stepfather, and her six stepbrothers and sisters.

They drove in silence until they reached the car park at QUT at 8:15. Then it was a mad rush to not be any later than they already were.

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Darcy and Bingley pulled into the QUT parking lot right under Z block at 7:55am. From there it was a walk to the lift, and up to level 4. Stepping into the open hall of level 4, they were greeted by the sight of students bustling around relatively quietly. It didn't first register that there were students in the hall, because all were dressed professionally, as opposed to the normal casual attire that adorned most students. The kidney shaped seating in the centre of the hall had been replaced by empty stalls that were being set up. The high cement walls were adorned with posters promoting the student expo.

Darcy looked around the hall, until he saw his cousin. Richard Fitzwilliam was standing in front of an empty stall, and throwing expectative looks in the general direction of the lifts. Richard lifted his hand in a lazy wave. Darcy and Bingley walked over.

"Hi Fitz, how are you this morning?"

"Nervous. None of my team has showed up yet. I mean, it's only just eight now, but I would have expected Liz to be here by now. I don't know what could possibly be keeping her." Fitz ran a hand through his blond hair. Fitz was as tall as his cousin and as good looking but in exactly the opposite way. Where Darcy was dark, Fitz was blond and had compelling blue eyes. Where Darcy was quiet and reserved, Fitz was open, easy going and lively. Fitz was Darcy's age, but he had spent two years traveling and in the army reserves, before starting his avionics coarse.

Fitz looked over at Bingley's forlorn grimace. "You don't look too good this morning."

Bingley smiled goofily. "I was up till rather late last night."

Fitz nodded knowingly. "Ah, I see. A good night?"

"I can't say. I can't recall that much of it."

Both Darcy and Fitz smiled at this. Darcy looked at his watch. "I'd better see one of the lecturers and see what I have to do today. I'll probably be running errands all day."

"Yep, see you around." At this point, Richard looked up to see William Collins approaching. "Ah, I think I have a team member who will join me. Not the one I would of liked, but I guess he will do."

Darcy left to find a lecturer, and Bingley trailed after him. Bingley trailed after him for the next fifteen minutes before Darcy mentioned anything. "Bingley...don't you have anything else to do today. Maybe hand an assignment in?"

"I guess I should. I'll come back later then." Bingley was just about to turn around and leave when he slapped his head with his hand. "Damn, I'm such an idiot. My mind must still be back in bed." Darcy stared at him. " I left my bag in your car. Can I borrow your car keys to get them out?"

"Sure, just return them soon." Darcy fished into his trouser pockets before pulling out a bunch of keys and passing them to Bingley.

"Thanks." Bingley headed back towards the lift and waited, all the time muttering to himself that he should have stayed in bed. His head was still aching. 'Nothing good will come of today,' was his main thought as he waited in the lift. He was still thinking that when he rushed out of the lift.

And ran right into an angel.

All either could do was stare into each other's eyes. Charles looked straight into her sea blue eyes, as she was the same height as him. Long blond hair hung loose down her back, framing her graceful and flawless face. He could nearly see the halo hanging above her head. He also took in her very graceful figure, and two very nice, long legs. It took him awhile to realise that his angel had kneeled to the ground. It was then that he realised that he had been quite rude to run into her. He dropped down on to one knee to help her pick up the posters she had dropped.

"I'm awfully sorry. I hope you are all right?"

The angel looked up at him and smiled a smile that was able to make the face even more beautiful than it was before, though he hadn't believed that to be possible. She then blushed slightly. "Oh, don't worry. I'm fine." Her voice was absolute music. He was enchanted.

He helped her pick up the last poster. As he handed it over to her, he found himself very reluctant to let it go. They both stared into each other's eyes for a while longer before Charles roused himself, got up and gave her a hand up as well.

A brunette was holding the door of the lifts open. "Jane, are you coming up with us?"

Jane blushed and looked over to the other girls who Charles had only just noticed. "Sorry Liz."

Charles realised he was holding them up. For once he found himself tongue tied with a girl. "Once again sorry about that." 'Why couldn't I think of something else to say?' he asked himself.

"Thank you for helping me pick them up. Ah, bye." Jane left regretfully, then stepped into the lift.

Charles stood there for a minute computing what had just happened. Then he smiled and walked to the car whistling. For some reason, his headache had seemed to disappear.

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Chapter 3

Posted on Thursday, 23 March 2000

Mistaken Assumptions

Lizzy watched the exchange between Jane and the good looking young man from the lift doors. Both her and Charlotte found it quite amusing. That Jane stunned the man was obvious. Lizzy finally had to interrupt the two as she was starting to get worried that they wouldn't move from there again.

When the lift doors had closed, Charlotte virtually collapsed into laughter, Lizzy chuckled and Jane blushed. "What?" asked Jane defensively.

"Oh, you hooked that poor guy in with just one look. I think this is a record, even for you," Lizzy managed to get out. Jane just blushed even more.

"And I think you like him too. When can we expect the wedding?" asked Charlotte between fits of laughter.

"I don't know what you are going on about. I don't even know the guy. We'll probably never see each other again." Jane paused on that thought. "But he was hot!"

"Oh, don't worry, for some reason I think you'll meet again. You made quite an impression on him. He's probably helping at the presentation today." Lizzy stopped as the lift reached level 4 and the door opened. " I don't think the guys will be impressed with us somehow."

Lizzy could see everyone else in their presentation group gathered around their bare stall. The three started walking towards the stall. Richard looked up just then and saw them. A relieved smile crossed his face and he breathed a sigh. "I'm glad you decided to make it today, ladies."

"Sorry we're late. I slept in."

William Collins moved to stand next to her. He smiled condescendingly at her and gave her a strange look. "To sleep in on a morning as important as this is simply unforgivable. One of my dear friends, Catherine DeBourg always tells me, to turn up late to a time such as this shows a very great disregard for your fellow team members and is the very height of rudeness. But we will forgive you for this lapse. One must expect that from your kind at times."

Lizzy rolled her eyes, as did everyone else. "Thank you sooo very much," she said sarcastically. "But I believe we've wasted enough time as it is. Let's get started, and if there is enough time we will go through the speeches." Everyone got to work.

William Collins bumped into her. "Sorry Elizabeth," he breathed virtually in her face with his strange smile that always sent chills up Lizzy's spine.

William Collins was a thirty-three year old electrical engineering student. Lizzy had known him for the last twelve years, ever since he had started working in her father's company, Longbourn Avionics. Their father's were partners in Longbourn Avionics, which had started just as a repair shop for avionics systems. Collins started as a technician, and after the death of his father four years ago, he had taken over his father's side of the partnership. Only a few years ago, Longbourn had expanded into engineering. The financial outlay had been considerable, and a very large loan had to be obtained. Unfortunately, the Bennet's house was heavily mortgaged, and it was not enough to secure the loan. The only one who would offer a loan was Mr. Collin's neighbour, Catherine DeBourg, the widow of a financier. But the agreement from the loan stipulated that in the case of Mr. Bennet's death, full ownership would pass to Mr. Collins, unless Mr. Bennet had another certified engineer to replace him.

It was only this year that Collins decided to get his qualification to become an engineer. Unfortunately, he decided to do so in the same year that Lizzy would start, and he picked the same university. Collins made Lizzy feel incredibly uncomfortable. He was a sleaze, in looks and attitude. First, he was old compared to her, of an average height, had greasy black hair but somehow believed himself to be irresistible. He was slightly plump, and had beady black eyes which were very disconcerting, since they were always staring at her, or not so much her, but at places that they shouldn't be staring at. He was also a complete fool. The employees at Longbourn called despised him. He worshipped Catherine DeBourg, and praised her continually. It was more than most people could put up with.

The other two guys in their group, Carter and Denny were both civil engineering students, just out from high school like Lizzy. They were good looking and friendly, but Lizzy didn't spend much time with them. They were the 'graphic designers', creating the mechanical and structural sketches for their Mars Rover.

Lizzy watched as they hung the posters up. She set up the laptop on their little bench. As they were putting the finishing touches to the display, Fitz came up behind her and laid a hand on her shoulder. Lizzy looked up and smiled. Ever since they first met, there had been a strong attraction. They had become the best of friends in a very short time. But there had always been that something more, so they tried going out for a while. It lasted two weeks before they realised that it felt too strange to be anything other than friends. But they had had two lapses from that decision after their break up as they just found themselves in tempting situations. But their on-again-off-again relationship was now definitely off. But that didn't stop the attraction.

"I think we have a bit of time still. I'd like you to meet my cousin. I know the two of you will just love each other." Fitz said that with an evil grin to himself. He knew that they would go off....literally.

"Sure, if he's as good looking as you," Lizzy joked.

"There are no worries there." Fitz looked around the room. Darcy had just walked past and was talking with Bingley only a few metres away. "That's him, standing less than three metres away. The dark haired one."

Lizzy's jaw dropped in shock. Fitz could not be serious...........

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Chapter 3 B

Posted on Thursday, 23 March 2000

Darcy was hurrying around when he ran into Bingley again. "Where have you been. You left with my keys twenty minutes ago. I thought you'd stolen my car."

Charles came up to him cheerfully and handed back the keys. "Nothing like that. But I ran into the most beautiful girl. She was like a dream come true. Words cannot describe her." Charles seemed to be in a daze.

"Hmm, did you talk with her? Did you find out her name?"

"No, I mean I literally ran into her. I found out her name was Jane. She must be around here somewhere though; she was carrying posters for this presentation. Maybe I'll see her again." He looked around the hall. Actually, he'd been doing that since getting back from the car, but with no luck. But this time he caught sight of Lizzy. "But, there is one of the girls she was with. I think she called her Lisa, or Liz or something like that. She's also quite pretty."

Darcy looked in the direction he pointed. And saw her. "Oh, her. I then wouldn't take her friend very seriously," he said. He remembered this particular girl. She was in his tutorial class. The first impression he had had of her was her entrance, talking and laughing with about a dozen, rowdy guys to his tutorial. He had immediately noticed that she was quite pretty, but too flippant and carefree. He just thought, floozy. The girl had no sophistication, wearing only shorts and singlet to his tutorial, flouting her femininity. But he had noticed her eyes. One of the guys had made some comment, and she had death stared him until he shrank in fear. He wondered how weak that guy could be to cower in such a way.

What had decreased his opinion of her further was the fact that she then disagreed with him within two minutes of the tutorial. And then she got up and left five minutes later. After that he had seen her for the first five minutes of every tutorial, and then she would leave. Yep, a most definite floozy.

Charles was disappointed at this bit of news. "Why, do you know her? Does she already have a boyfriend?"

"I have no idea about that. The girl is in my tutorial group. I have no idea who she is because I haven't marked any of her assignments. I don't think she's handed any in. She has never stayed for more than a few minutes of any of the tutorials. She appears to be in Fitz's group. She turned up late to the presentation. You can't get much more disorganized than that. I'm surprised that he put so much trust into a girl like her. She must be the one he's having the on-again-off-again relationship with. She is a terrible flirt, and I'd imagine her friends to be the same." Darcy was only getting warmed up with these comments. "I don't even know what her type is doing in engineering. She probably didn't quite get into law and decided the males in engineering would be a good distraction. She's has the intelligence of a sheep. I can guarantee that she's probably failing all of her subjects, if she's decided to turn up to the lectures at all. She'll be doing arts next semester."

Darcy had not noticed his friend become distinctly uncomfortable in this time. "Ah Darcy," and he nodded behind him. Darcy turned around and saw his cousin with the girl in question a step behind him.

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Chapter 3 C

Posted on Thursday, 30 March 2000

Lizzy recognised Fitz's cousin. He was her tutor. She remembered her first tutorial with him. As soon as she entered the room, she was struck by his good looks. Then she saw the look of disapproval on his face. She immediately thought, 'great, a sexist prick for a tutor.' Then he started talking and he was so boring, talking in an almost monotone. And he was talking about how to use email, which she already knew. She left. He talked and looked at everyone as if they were so below him, just because he was a third year and they were first years. She also couldn't believe his arrogance when she went to ask him a question. "You don't mean to say that Darcy is your cousin?" As she continued to look, she recognised the man who had run into Jane standing there talking with Darcy. They were not talking that quietly, she could hear the name 'Jane' mentioned. Lizzy tried to listen. She saw them turn in her direction, and a look of disgust cross Darcy's face.

"Oh do you know him?" Fitz asked innocently.

"Do you remember me mentioning to you that our professional studies tutor was as interesting as a brick wall?"

"I also remember you saying that he was as intelligent as one."

"You do realise that your cousin was my tutor, don't you?" Lizzy was still listening to Darcy's conversation, especially as her name had come up. And she was trying to keep her temper in as she heard his opinion of her. But she was also half amused at how wrong he was. He was still a sexist pig. Oh, she was going to have a little fun here.

"Was he? Well, I guess you didn't really get to know him because you never turned up for more than five minutes at a time. Come on, I know you'll get along well with him." He dragged her the few metres separating them.

"Darcy, Bingley, I'd like you to meet a girl I've spoken a lot of. This is Liz." Darcy turned around, looking uncomfortable. He wasn't sure as to how much she had heard, or whether she knew that he had been speaking of her. As she smiled at him, her eyes sparkling, he relaxed a bit.

"Yes, I already know Darcy. He was my tutor for professional studies." She then turned directly to Darcy, eyes dancing evilly. "You don't seem to remember me though. But then again, I didn't attend any of your tutorials for long enough for you to discover it. But I must thank you for being so generous in your marking, as you are yet to mark anything incorrect on any of my assignments." Darcy had no idea what she was talking about. Only one person, an Elizabeth Bennet had gotten full marks yet. This Elizabeth's assignments could not be faulted. She argued intelligently, even though some of the points were against his own preconceptions, but he could not dispute them and this made him uncomfortable. He tried to write some disputes in the margins, but they were hollow, even to himself, and he gave her full marks. "But as you don't remember it, I'll introduce myself properly. I'm Elizabeth Bennet."

With those two words, he realised that he had made two very gross errors and he was very discomfited by that fact. The first one his preconception that she wasn't intelligent. Anyone who read her essays would know that she was incredibly smart and was anything but a floozy.

Secondly, he had made accusations, even if true, should not have been said aloud, and especially not in the manner he had said them in. Yes, he was wrong to say it and he knew it. He could feel himself blush in embarrassment.

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Chapter 4 A

Posted on Thursday, 30 March 2000

Darcy managed to conceal his discomfort by thinking of something to say. It took a little while. "You are wrong there. I do remember marking your assignments. You write very well."

Lizzy was enjoying herself here. This will teach him. Her eyes sparkled as she stared him down. "Oh, do you think I should change and do Arts?"

"Ah ummm," was his rather incoherent reply as he blushed. He felt like a rabbit caught in headlights. He now knew how that poor guy who she stared down felt in his first tutorial. He just wanted to hide. Though her eyes looked very nice when she was angry.

"I never implied that. I'm sure you would do very well if you did decide to change, however...." He broke off as she kept staring at him in a very amused but piercing manner. He blushed as he realised that he was just digging himself deeper into the hole he was already in.

Bingley and Fitz were attempting to hold in their mirth. Both had seen him reserved, but never at a complete loss for words, especially because of a woman. Fitz had occasionally made him so frustrated that he couldn't find any words to express himself in, but Bingley had never seen him like this. This was a classic.

Lizzy felt that Darcy had suffered enough for the time being. She had won, no need to rub it in now. She could do so later. She turned to Bingley. "I believe you ran into my sister earlier on....literally."

Bingley smiled at the memory. "So that was your sister? I see that she is not with you now." There was an unmistakable question in his voice.

"I believe she went to the library. She should be coming back at any time." Lizzy looked around. Yes, she could see her sister weaving her way through the other students. "Here she comes now. Jane." She waved her sister over.

When Jane saw who was with them, she blushed slightly and looked down at her feet. "Hello Lizzy, Fitz." She nodded in Richard's direction.

"Jane, I'd like you to meet the person you ran into earlier. This is Charles Bingley. Charles, my sister Jane. And this is Richard's cousin, Darcy."

Charles couldn't take his eyes off her again. He offered his hand. She took it and he delighted in the feel of her smooth skin. "Sorry about before. I heard from your sister that you went to the library. I take it you study at QUT as well?"

"Yes, I'm doing a Bachelor of Education. What do you study?"

"I'm in my final year of architecture. Are you based at Gardens Point?" asked Charles hopefully.

"No, most of my lectures are at Kelvin Grove*." Bingley looked slightly down at this information. "But I have a few electives which are here." Charles brightened up with this bit of news.

Lizzy looked at her watch. "Fitz, I think we should get back and have a few trial runs of our presentation. It's about a quarter to nine now, so we have about half an hour."

Jane looked at her watch. " I guess I should hand in my assignment before your presentation Lizzy."

"I also have to hand an assignment in now. Where do you have to hand it in?" asked Charles. He didn't want to lose her company quite yet.

"In Q block."

"That's on my way to D block. I'll walk with you over there."

Lizzy returned to their presentation stand with Fitz. Charles and Jane walked away talking and were not seen again for quite a while. Darcy was left standing by himself.

* Kelvin Grove campus- some place else in Brisbane...far away from Gardens Point

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Part B

Lizzy, Fitz and Charlotte organised the rest of the display. For the next fifteen minutes they rehearsed their speeches. Lizzy, as the team captain made the introductory speeches and gave an overview of their project, their Mars Rover. Charlotte spoke next. She explained the mechanical details such as how the journey to Mars would be completed, and landing on Mars. Richard was after Charlotte. He explained the projects that the Rover would undertake as well as the avionics, navigation and communications systems that would be on board. Carter and Denny then explained the structural design of the rover. Collins came last giving details of cost, viability and the overall importance of the mission to mankind. Lizzy concluded the presentation. The speeches ran smoothly except for a frustrating disagreement with Collins. Lizzy and Fitz forced him to edit his speech. More specifically to edit out everything that Catherine DeBourg had decided to add.

During this time, Darcy was wandering around, running more errands and answering questions from the visitors who were starting to arrive for the presentations.

One of those visitors, who arrived around nine o'clock, came right up to Darcy and threw her arms around him. "Darcy there you are. I've been looking all over for you. I've had the most shocking morning so far."

"That's nice Caroline." Darcy disengaged her arms from around his neck and scowled at her. "I'm busy at the moment."

"Your always too busy for me." She pouted at him and flicked her blond hair over her shoulder. "That was cruel what you did to me this morning. Why did you run off after telling me that you'd wait for me? I had to catch the bus!"

"We told you we were leaving. We didn't have time to wait."

"The bus was soo awful! I had to sit next to some fat old woman, and I had to virtually crawl over her to get out! And the smell." She held her noise to emphasis the point. "There are so many strange people on the bus! I felt so embarrassed getting off it."

"My heart goes out to you," said Darcy sarcastically, turning and walking away.

Caroline trailed after him. "And then there was this family in the lift. They were so rude and unsophisticated. The mother .."

Darcy interrupted her, annoyed yet slightly amused by her. "Let me guess, an old fat woman?" he said sarcastically.

"As a matter of fact, yes. She was screeching the whole time, giving advice to her daughters about men and complaining about her nerves! She was so rude. Then her two daughters were giggling the whole time. And then they were dressed. They were hardly wearing any skirts at all, they were so short. It was so annoying. I don't know how you can put up with these people, Darcy. I'm just so glad we're not like that at all." Caroline chattered like that for quite some time before she realised that Darcy wasn't listening to her. He had walked away.

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Chapter 4 C

Posted on Thursday, 13 April 2000

Lizzy's team practiced till nine. Lizzy looked up then to see her family getting off the lift. Actually, she could hear her mother's screeching voice. "Hey Fitz, I guess I should introduce you to my parents. But I'm warning you now, my mother is rather annoying. And my sisters probably won't leave you alone."

"I'm sure they can't be that bad."

"No, they are."

Her parents and her other sisters moved towards their presentation stand. She cringed at the sight of her sisters. All of her sisters were there. Her seventeen years old sister, Mary, was standing there in jeans and daggy black shirt, her head buried in a book. Her dark hair was stuck in a rather messy ponytail. It looked like she had been forced to come. Her younger sisters, Kitty and Lydia, fifteen and fourteen respectively, were both wearing skirts that were far too short, and Lydia was wearing a rather low cut leopard print top. "Mum, Dad, I'd like you to meet my good friend Richard Fitzwilliam. Fitz, this is my father and mother." Lizzy then indicated to her sisters. "And these are my sisters: Mary, Kitty and Lydia."

Mr. Bennet held out his hand to the young man. Fitz shock it in his own strong grip. "Pleasure to meet you sir." Richard could see where Lizzy had gotten her dark looks. Mr. Bennet's hair was still dark, only slightly speckled with grey.

Mr. Bennet was already impressed with this young man. "Lizzy has told us a lot about you."

"I hope it was all good," he smiled easily.

Mrs. Bennet looked this man up and down. Hmm, he'd make good husband material. "Of course it was all good. So this is the young man Lizzy is always talking about?" Lizzy rolled her eyes at that. "What do you do, Richard?" she asked.

"I'm doing avionics like Lizzy. I'm also in the army reserves."

At this point, Lydia's interest was attracted away from the other men in the hall and back to the conversation. "Are you? I simply adore a guy in uniform. Especially one as good looking as you." Lizzy death stared her sister, shocked at her impropriety. "It's a pity that Lizzy has already claimed you, or else I'd take you for myself." Fitz merely raised his eyebrow, and threw a quizzical look at Lizzy. Lizzy blushed.

"Fitz and I are just friends, nothing more."

But Lydia's attention had already been attracted away from the conversation by some male in the hall. "Oh Kitty, get a load of him." She giggled and pointed across the hall. "Isn't he hot?" Kitty agreed and they giggled like the silly schoolgirls that they were. Lizzy just shook her head. "I don't know why your always complaining about there being no good guys here. There's heaps here I wouldn't mind knowing better."

At this point, William Collins had come up to her parents, oozing his patronising but imbecilic charm. "Frank, Frances, it's wonderful to see you again. How is everything? How's the business Frank? I hope everything is still running ok without me there?"

Mr. Bennet smiled laconically. "It's still standing Bill. We're getting along as well as could be expected. Don't worry yourself excessively about it." Mr. Bennet didn't particularly like Collins much. He turned away and started talking with Fitz.

Collins then tried to receive a warmer welcome from her mother. He smiled ingratiatingly. "It's a pleasure to see you here Frances. And it's a pleasant surprise to see that you brought all of your lovely daughters along as well. I'm sure they will find today very educational, seeing how the professional world works. I'm sure Elizabeth has already learnt a great deal about the real world while working with me."

Her mother had never particularly liked Collins because he would become the sole owner of the business if her husband retired without stipulating a qualified successor. But she could never be angry with anyone who complemented her daughters. Hmm, she thought, he might like Lizzy, and then if she married him, they wouldn't need to worry about Mr. Bennet retiring.

"Oh yes, Mr. Collins, we made sure to bring them. They all wanted to come and support Lizzy today. She's always talking about it. Plus we wanted our daughters to come see how it is in the real world and to meet some mature men."

Collins nodded to this. "Yes, yes, I must agree with you there. It is an excellent opportunity for the girls. As my most esteemed friend, Mrs. Catherine DeBourg always tells me, one must take all the opportunities in life by the hand. It was quite right on you to bring them. But I must say Frances that it has been an absolute pleasure to work with Elizabeth on this project. She's matured so much in the time I've spent with her. I believe I can dare to suggest that my good influence has brought some of this on, seeing as I already have experience in the professional world. She is turned quite into a woman, so very useful and practical, and beautiful, I might add. She will make someone an excellent wife and mother one day." He leered in Elizabeth's direction.

Mrs. Bennet's suspicions were confirmed. Yes, Mr. Collins must most definitely be in love with Lizzy. Now, all Lizzy needed to do was encourage him more, marry him, and their futures were secure. Then Elizabeth could give up the mad idea of doing engineering. Well, she should stick in it long enough to get men for her other sisters.

Lizzy could feel her checks start to burn with anger. How dare he talk to her mother in such a way? Especially about her. His words were insulting to the nth degree. Lizzy turned when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Carter and Denny were standing behind her. "Ah Liz, should we have one more run through. Our presentation is only in fifteen minutes."

Before Lizzy could answer, Lydia had jumped in. "Stuff rehearsing. Lizzy introduce me to your good looking friends." Lizzy sighed as she made the introductions. She was starting to get rather sick of her family. Both Lydia and Kitty fluttered their eyelashes, and Lydia played with her long dark hair while flirting with them. Lizzy didn't want to listen or else she would have been sick.

Lizzy turned and saw Charlotte standing a little way away. She walked over to where she was standing in the display booth. "I wish my family hadn't come. We'll never get through a second run through with them here. Are your parents going to come?"

Charlotte shook her head. "No, my stepfather couldn't be bothered driving in on a Saturday just to see me do an oral." Both looked over to Lizzy's family. "Though I can't say that I mind. He'd only complain to me about what I did wrong in it afterwards."

Lizzy nodded in understanding. She knew that Charlotte and her stepfather didn't get on very well. "Well, I guess I'll run through my presentation again, if no one else will." Both Charlotte and Lizzy then spent the next few minutes quietly reading their parts. Richard joined them in a few minutes, followed by the others. They had a quick run through. Soon their booth was attracting too much attention, so they had to stop. They answered people's questions until their presentation time.

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Chapter 4 D

Posted on Saturday, 6 May 2000

Lizzy watched as Darcy led the examiners over to their booth. Naturally I would get stuck with him she grimaced. Casting a quick look around, she saw her parents and three of her sisters standing a few metres away. Mary still had her head in her book. Lydia and Kitty were standing further away, laughing and staring at any guy that took their fancy. Lizzy looked around, but could not see Jane anywhere. That was strange, she thought. Jane promised that she'd be here for the presentation. It was very un-Jane-like to miss it.

She walked to the forefront to begin. As she did so, she looked over the audience. She was surprised to see Darcy watching her very intently. He's probably trying to find faults in me to justify his earlier assumptions, she thought. Well, I'll just have to keep proving him wrong. She smiled at the thought.

Darcy watched this presentation group with interest. He could see the signs of nervousness on his cousin's face. Fitz stood and answered the examiner's questions with Lizzy easily enough. He looked absolutely relaxed to anyone else's observation. Darcy however noticed that he couldn't keep his feet still, the only sign of his nervousness.

As the presentation started, Darcy's attention was drawn to Lizzy. Her stance was relaxed yet strong as she came to the front. Her face contained a smile that reached the eyes. He could not see her betraying any nervousness whatsoever. He shifted uncomfortably as he remembered what occurred earlier and he had to admit that he was very wrong in his assessment.

Then she opened her presentation. Her voice was strong, clear and completely confident. Her presentation intelligent yet enjoyable. Her eyes swept her audience. Her eyes settled on him and he could see the very intelligent spark in them. Then they moved on again to another person. Darcy stood there, entranced. After a while he stopped listening to what she was saying. He was instead just listening to her voice. He roused himself after realising that. He was here for the presentation, not to listen to voice quality. But it was a nice voice. No, stop thinking that Darcy, he chided himself. She was not for him. He was not going to take Richard's seconds.

He glanced around the audience. Everyone else was attentive to her words. She told a joke, the audience laughed appreciatively. He looked back at her and saw the smile on her face. Not only were her audience enjoying the presentation, she was enjoying presenting it. She was in her element here, and she looked bewitching....well, he could feel himself being quite bewitched.

Caroline, who had been tagging along behind him, and now was standing next to him, noticed all the attention he was giving to this presentation and especially to one person. She could see a strange light in his eyes as he watched the speaker that shouldn't be there. She glanced at the speaker. Why on earth was he looking at her that way. She didn't even look female, and was most definitely not fashionable or sexy in any way. Well, she would just have to distract Darcy.

"Is she in Richard's presentation group? Why would he choose to be in a group with her? Her presentation is so boring and unoriginal, why there are several groups here who have come up with a fancy car." Darcy looked startled at being disturbed from his reverie.

"I think she's his ex-girlfriend, and the project was to design a vehicle to explore Mars." He said and then turned his attention back on the speaker.

Caroline was extremely dissatisfied with his answer and had to try again. "I'm glad he had enough taste to drop her. He deserves someone not quite as plain. Someone more feminine than her. Some girl who isn't doing something as butch as engineering."

"The break-up was mutual, though she speaks well, but there is little else that's remarkable," he said, annoyed with the interruption and Caroline in general, and turned back, just as Lizzy was turning the presentation over to Charlotte. Caroline wasn't pleased with the answer, but she was satisfied that he was still safely hers.

None of the following speakers were remarkable in any way. They spoke well enough, but they all lacked the animation that Lizzy displayed, and they betrayed nervousness in their presentation. Only Fitz was able to put some life into the presentation. He spoke in his usual relaxed manner, clear and confident. The audience always felt at ease with him.

Collins came last. His speech was rather bland, he kept losing his place and he repeated himself many times. Overall, it was tiresome to listen to him speak. It was a relief to all in the audience when Lizzy swept in to take control again. She summarised it all and opened question time. Darcy listened closely as the examiners asked specific questions. She or Fitz, and occasionally Charlotte answered most of the questions. No matter how difficult the question, she had a logical answer for it. Darcy had in the course of half an hour developed an admiration and very deep respect for her.

The question time closed, and the examiners took a small break. Darcy took this time to go and talk to his cousin and abruptly started walking over. "Where are you going, Will?" asked Caroline, trying to catch up to him.

"To congratulate my cousin."

Richard and Elizabeth were standing next to their display stand with the laptop on it. Surrounding them were other people congratulating them. Caroline paused in shock and then whispered fiercely at Darcy. "Those people talking to your cousin, they were the really tacky family in the lift with me. What is your cousin doing talking with people like that? You can't be wanting to go talk to him with THEM around!" Darcy couldn't really care. The family had moved away by the time they got there and Caroline sighed with relief.

Then Caroline noticed the brunette standing with Fitz, the girl who had attracted a little too much attention from Darcy. Caroline looked her up and down, virtually wrinkling her nose in disgust and tried to see what had attracted her Darcy's attention so completely. So unladylike, no sophistication, no style or femininity, so outspoken and independent. She probably was dating her computer. Caroline just thought, "What a nerd."

Lizzy glanced up and saw Darcy approaching with a tall bottle-blond tottering behind him, trying to cling on to his arm. Lizzy was quite amused as she looked Caroline up and down. She took in the mid length designer jeans which were too tight and to short for her, her designer orange top, and her expensive though completely ridiculous high heels. This girl was virtually holding her nose at the engineers. This girl wouldn't have a brain that understood anything other than fashion, and Lizzy was quite amused that she was the kind of girl who Darcy would pick for himself. It's what he deserved. She just thought, "What a floozy."

Darcy took a quick glance at the computer, impressed with the diagrams and graphics displayed on the webpage there. He offered his hand to his cousin. "Congratulation cousin. That was an excellent presentation. How does it feel to have it finished?" he asked.

"It feels good that this whole subject is finished now. It took more time than all of our other subjects combined. What did you really think of it, honestly?"

"You were excellent. You really brought some life to it." Darcy looked at Elizabeth. "You were especially good. You're an excellent speaker. I must say that last guy was rather tedious, but considering all of the effort, it won't effect your mark in the least. Overall, you have had best presentation group so far." Darcy glanced at the web page. "The web site was an excellent idea. No one else has made one. I didn't know you could do that sort of stuff, Richard?"

"I don't know how to. Lizzy made it." Lizzy received some satisfaction from seeing Darcy gape at that, and from the blond on his arm virtually wanting to shrink away from 'a computer nerd.'

Darcy was astounded at this. "It's a great page. You must have put a lot of effort into it?"

"Yes, all of last night."

Caroline was starting to feel left out. She sharply jabbed Darcy in the ribs, to give him the hint that she had had enough. The nagging pain in his side reminded him of her presence and he took this as a hint to introduce her. "Oh Fitz, I believe you and Caroline already know each other. Elizabeth, I'd like for you to meet Caroline. She's Charles' sister."

Caroline was not pleased at being introduced just as 'Charles' sister.' She decided to put Lizzy in her place. She smiled insincerely, " Oh, so you are Richard's girlfriend? I'm pleased to meet you."

Lizzy was slightly taken aback by Caroline's question. She could see that Caroline was trying to prove something, but Lizzy could not see what it could possibly be. She answered carefully. "Was Richard's girlfriend. We are just friends now."

This was not Caroline's expected answer. She tried again. She placed on the fake sincerity. "Oh, I hope you weren't too disappointed by him. If you've known him for as long as I have, you never would have fallen under his charms. He does this too often to unsuspecting females, breaking their hearts. But I guess it would never have worked out, you doing the same subject and all."

Lizzy could feel her ire rising. She was about to ask what doing engineering had to do with it, but luckily Fitz stepped in.

Fitz himself was slightly offended by Caroline's words, but had known her for to long to get offended anymore. "Caroline, you're making me out to be a bigamist, womaniser and skank of the worst sort. Surely I can hardly be that bad, or my cousin would never talk to me."

Caroline realised her mistake. By insulting Darcy's cousin, she'd insulted him. She saw Darcy giving her a rather disapproving look. "Um, I never implied that. But you do have a way with women. Someone must be there to pick up the broken hearts you leave behind."

Lizzy had to intercede to stop this conversation. "But as you can see, my heart is unbroken." Lizzy turned to Caroline, deciding the best way to distract the attention from her love life was to get Caroline talking about herself, no matter how unpleasant it would be. "So Caroline, what do you do?"

Caroline infected an air of superiority. "Oh, I'm doing Business Management here."

"That must be fascinating," exclaimed Lizzy, mimicking Caroline's wide-eyed gaze which was often directed at Darcy.

Caroline mistook this for awe and continued "Oh, incredibly. Of course, my first preference would have been to do it with all of my friends at UQ. But Darcy and my brother were both here, so I decided it can't be quite that bad. It is a quaint little university, nothing like UQ though."

Lizzy looked up, trying to find an escape from Caroline. She finally spotted Jane, making her way towards them, and lo and behold, Bingley was next to her. Lizzy gave a teasing smile at them. "What happened to you, Jane? I thought you were going to watch our presentation. Instead, you disappeared."

Jane blushed. "Did I miss the presentation? I'm so sorry Lizzy. I didn't realise how long it would take to get the things I needed from the library."

Lizzy gave her a sceptical look. "Sure, we'll talk about this later then. Anyhow, Jane. This is Charles' sister, Caroline."

The two exchanged pleasantries and Lizzy tuned out slightly. She looked over to where Richard and Darcy were talking about cars. Lizzy started edging towards their conversation. Caroline spotted this and decided to add her two cents worth (it wasn't worth that much actually) into the conversation.

"Eliza, it must be tiresome to always have the guys talking about cars. It's all I ever hear them talking about. You would think that there is nothing else."

"Well, occasionally I've heard them mention a few other topics, but it's hardly tiresome. I find it quite interesting."

"Here you go again Caroline. Always trying to make us look bad." Fitz smiled as Caroline threw a worried glance at Darcy and mentioned that she would never try to do a thing like that, and how intelligent they were for knowing so much. Fitz interrupted before it got to sickening to listen to. "Plus, we talk about other things. Only the other day I talked about aircraft, and we sometimes talk about computers, games and electronics."

Caroline cringed at that. "Well, I'll be the last to admit that I know anything about cars or any of those boys things. But why should I, when I have Darcy here to look after all of that?" At this she took his arm and he cringed slightly. Lizzy started coughing. "Anyhow, Darcy has a wonderful Commodore which WE drive around in all the time. It has so much power in it. I remember this one time when WE were going to the coast. We were doing 160km/hr the entire way."

Lizzy looked slightly impressed at that. She muttered quietly though it was heard by all, "Well, who would ever have thought that my law-abiding tutor is such a speed demon?"

Darcy looked up at this. "I was in a hurry."

Caroline interrupted. "Nonsense. It was only the two of us and we could have taken all day to get to the coast. I didn't see the need for it." Lizzy started coughing again as she understood why he was in such a hurry. "Well, I guess it's a boy thing. I just don't understand why we always have to travel so fast."

At this point, Lizzy's mother had spotted her daughter talking to another rich looking man, and decided it was time to find out who this young man was. Especially who was the young man staring continually at her Jane.

"Lizzy, Lizzy....why haven't you introduced us to your friends here?" Mrs. Bennet rattled on some other nonsense, Lizzy made more introductions. She was getting rather sick of them by this stage. She saw both Darcy and Caroline cringe and then pointedly ignore her mother. Bingley started a polite conversation with her.

Lydia and Kitty however were bored. Both ran up and barged into the circle. Lydia was quite breathless when she started talking. "Lizzy, you're such a bore, just standing around. You've finished your thing....come and introduce us to the guys."

"I still have to stay here. I'm not supposed to leave until all the presentations are finished."

"Oh, pooh girl...no one will notice that you're not there. Go and introduce them around. How else are they to find any proper men?"

Lizzy could not believe that her mother had just said that in front of other people. She cringed and wished them to disappear. It didn't work. "Mum, there is nothing of any interest for you here. Why don't you just go home and I'll come in with Jane once this in finished?"

Lizzy started steering her mother and sisters away. "Are you trying to get rid of us now, Lizzy? Not embarrassed by your own dear mother?"

"Of course not mum. It's just that everything of interest is over. You might as well go home."

"You just want to keep all the men to yourself," accused Lydia.

Lizzy sighed and looked to her father for help. He was talking to Collins...well, he was ignoring Collins prattle on. He nodded. "Dear, let's head off now. There really is nothing here. Let Lizzy and Jane follow when they are ready."

With her family gone, she rejoined the conversation. Lizzy lost interest very rapidly in the conversation. She was praying for Caroline to just go. Luckily her prayers were answered as Darcy looked at his watch. "It was nice talking with you Fitz, Elizabeth, but I must head off. Congratulations on your presentation."

They departed, leaving Lizzy and Fitz in peace.

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Chapter 5 Part A

Posted on Wednesday, 24 May 2000

Lizzy elbowed Jane as she, Jane and Charlotte headed back to the car. "So, that was a very long walk you took with Charles. What did you really do...and don't give me any rubbish about study or doing some errand."

Jane blushed. "We just kept on talking and we lost track of time. We didn't even realise what time it was until after your presentation was over. I'm so sorry about missing it."

Lizzy waved the apology aside. "So, do you like him?"

"He's a very nice person and I enjoy talking to him."

"That's not what I meant and you know it. I mean, do you really like him? Is anything going to happen between the two of you?"

"Lizzy! I hardly know the guy. But we get on very well. And he is so nice. We have so much in common, it's quite amazing.....and...."

Lizzy and Charlotte laughed. "You like him then." Charlotte said.

"It's too early to tell. But I think we will be very good friends. I don't expect anything else."

"Ha. Judging by the way he couldn't keep his eyes off you, I think he'll be wishing for a lot more than friendship." Jane blushed at Lizzy's statement. They reached the car and got in. Lizzy decided change the subject as she steered the car onto the highway. "Anyhow, to celebrate the fact that this subject is now finished, our team is going out tonight for a celebratory drink. I take it your going Charlotte....Jane, do you want to come with us? You know, one last night out before the exam period?"

"Um, I would...I'd love to but I sort of promised Charles..."

Lizzy and Charlotte choked back laughs at that. "Well, he is a fast mover then." Lizzy managed to get out.

"It is nothing like that. We just want to get to know each other better. Plus, it isn't a date. We're just going clubbing with a few of his friends at Rosies."

Realisation hit Lizzy. "Oh, but you are coming out with us then."

Jane looked at Lizzy in surprise. Sometimes Lizzy's reasoning moved a little to quickly for Jane.

"Fitz organized it and must have invited his cousin, who then invited Charles." Lizzy explained, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. This shall make things interesting, mused Lizzy, so much for a good night, Darcy shall put a damper on things, I just hope Caroline's not 18 yet. "So Jane, your plans for a quiet secluded night with Charles are all spoiled now! I hope you're not too disappointed!"

"I wasn't planning.... I mean that Charles and I.." stuttered Jane, going red with embarrassment.

"Oh Jane, you're such a sweetie" grinned Lizzy.

"Okay, you got me again, Lizzy"

"So what shall we tell Mama? Should we say that we are going out with a bunch of stunning specimens of manhood? Or perhaps it would be safer if we just said it was a girls night! Either way we are never going to get out of the house without Mama's views on your clothes, my clothes and how to present ourselves to our best advantage. Remember what happened last time."

"Oh, Lizzy. She really doesn't mean it like that! Although maybe we should just say we are going to study somewhere." Jane murmured thoughtfully.

"Jane, I didn't ever think I would hear that from you! Maybe I should tell Mama you are going out with Charles in payment for missing my presentation today....."

Jane looked at Lizzy in horror, "You wouldn't!"

"Well, Charlotte, do you think that that would be a suitable punishment?"

"I think that it matches the degree of the offense."

"I'm really really sorry Liz, but please don't tell Mama about Charles, I won't be able to escape without her making plans for my wedding reception and telling the whole neighborhood about how wonderful things are going and remember what happened with John! I don't know how you manage to keep things a secret from her."

"Okay, Jane, calm down, I won't tell her, yet..." Jane breathed a sigh of relief. Lizzy looked at Charlotte in the rear view mirror. "So, when do you want us to pick you up tonight?"

Charlotte looked at her feet. "I..umm...don't really....feel in the mood to go out tonight. I have a lot of study..."

Lizzy interrupted her. "No, you didn't hear me Charlotte. You're going out tonight with us."

"Lizzy, I really don't want to."

"I don't care. You are coming out tonight whether you like it or not."

"But I don't have anything to wear."

"We'll find you something."

"I have no money."

"You don't need to drink. Plus, we have free entry." Charlotte was about to say something, but Lizzy put up her hand to stop her. "No buts, Charlotte, no excuses. You don't come out enough as it is. I don't think you've been out more than 3 times in the year since you've turned eighteen. Just enjoy yourself tonight. We have a week to study in."

Charlotte sighed and relented. "Ok, but I don't know if my step father will let me. He is rather strict with me and he doesn't like it when I go out."

"Your step father likes us." Lizzy said while pulling up outside the Lucas residence. "Don't worry about it. I'll do the talking."

Upon entering the hall, they could hear the sounds of the television going in the lounge, and a fight going on between Charlotte's younger brothers and sisters. The Lucas's house was a neat little house, but it had hardly any room for all of the children to live in, putting a lot of pressure on Charlotte. They managed to get to the stairs that led to the bedrooms before Mr. Lucas spotted them.

"Ah, girls. Good to see you back. How was the presentation?"

The girls stopped at the foot of the stairs. Lizzy answered. "It was very good. But it was quite a relief to have it finished."

"As it must be. And how do you think you went."

"I think we put in enough work to receive a 7*."

"That's good to hear. I would hope that Charlotte would get good marks like that. Don't you think so Charlotte, eh?"

Charlotte looked at her feet. "Yes father."

"So, are you girls going back to study now that that is finished?"

"Actually, I'm sleeping over Lizzy's place tonight."

Mr. Lucas looked at Charlotte sharply. "Why do you need to stay there overnight? I hope your not planning to go anywhere tonight, so close to exam time."

At this point Charlotte's sixteen year old sister, Mariah, came racing down the stairs, nearly knocking Lizzy over. She straightened her dark hair, which was all done up. "Ah, sorry Lizzy. Oh, dad...I'm going to Mary King's party. I'll be back tomorrow."

Mr. Lucas smiled at Mariah. "That's nice. Don't be back too late tomorrow." He turned back to Charlotte. "What are you girl's planning to do? "

Lizzy smiled at Mr. Lucas. "Oh, don't worry about it. We're just having a quiet night out, just us girls to celebrate the end of our professional studies subject. Then we're going to hit the books. And I need Charlotte to help me with my maths, which we're going to study tomorrow."

"What do you mean by a quiet girl's night out?"

"Oh, we're just going for a bit of pizza and seeing a movie."

"Well, I guess that's ok, but Charlotte, you shouldn't be putting Lizzy and her family out by staying at their place. Come home after the movie."

Lizzy interrupted. "Oh, it's no trouble, Mr. Lucas. I suggested it because it really would be quite late when we got home, that it would be far easier for her to stay with us."

Mr. Lucas looked at Charlotte. "Ok, but make sure your not home too late. You have to help your mother with the housework, which you never seem to have time to do anymore."

"Yes dad." Then all the girls escaped up the stairs to Charlotte's tiny room. Charlotte closed the door and leaned on it as Jane lay down on the bed, and Lizzy headed to her wardrobe. Charlotte sighed. "Privacy at last. You see what I have to put up with. Father really doesn't like me going out. And there's always so much to do."

"Charlotte, don't worry about it tonight. Let your hair down for once!" Lizzy smiled at her. "Now, come over here and pick something to wear tonight."

Charlotte walked over. "But, I don't have anything to wear." She complained.

"Nonsense," said Lizzy and threw open the door. She started rummaging through Charlotte's clothes. She went through quickly, discarding most, occasionally stopping and considering. She didn't really consider any until she saw a sexy little red dress which came past her knees. "Charlotte, I never knew you owned a dress like this."

Charlotte glanced at that. "Oh that. I don't know why I bought it. I've never worn the thing. It's really not my style."

Lizzy took it out. Even Jane was impressed by it. "Wow, that dress is great."

"You are wearing this tonight." Charlotte protested, but both Jane and Lizzy nagged her until she gave in. With that decided, they were off to Lizzy's and the night ahead.

Author's Note: * 7 refers to a high distinction at university

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Chapter 5 Part B

Posted on Wednesday, 7 June 2000

Lizzy, Charlotte and Jane arrived at Auroras about eight. Walking up the stairs to the bar, they could see that the place wasn't full yet. Lizzy looked around, trying to spot someone they knew. To her left, she saw Carter and Denny chatting to some chicks at the bar. She didn't want to interrupt them. A band was playing behind her on the wooden stage, and a few girls were dancing, though most people were sitting at the wooden tables or booths, drinking beer. She checked each but couldn't find Fitz. She looked to the back and saw Fitz and Darcy standing around a pool table. Lizzy pointed in their direction, and the girls made their way there.

Darcy finished his shot, sinking a small ball into the corner hole. He studied the table before deciding to sink a ball which Bingley had set up earlier at an opposite corner. He didn't want to leave it there for Bingley to knock away from the hole. No offence to Bingley, but he wasn't a brilliant pool player. He looked up to Bingley to confer with him, but saw Bingley staring at something. Darcy followed Bingley's gaze to look at Jane. He shrugged his shoulders and continued his shot. Then he saw Lizzy.

Needless to say, he missed his shot. The white ball flew off the table, nearly hitting Lizzy. She deftly caught it.

Darcy was slightly too distracted by Lizzy to notice. She walked towards him casually. She wore tight jeans, accentuating her trim figure. Her long, wavy, dark hair was down. It floated around her shoulders and framed her face. Her dark eyes sparkled mischievously. She was wrapped up in a black jacket which didn't hide her figure. He liked what he saw too much.

Bingley on the other hand was far too busy looking at Jane. She wore a long black skirt and a light blue top, emphasising her blue eyes. Her blonde hair was down, falling like a mass of gold down her back. Bingley could not take his eyes off her. Especially when she smiled, just at him.

Then Darcy realised he missed how bad his last shot was. He swore.

Fitz laughed at Darcy's shot. "Brilliant shot Darcy. Two for us." He wondered what the distraction could have been for his cousin to make such a lousy shot. That was a shot that he would have expected Collins to make. He turned around and saw Lizzy making their way towards them, holding the white ball in her hand.

Lizzy smiled in his direction, then turned to Darcy. "Great shot. Just note that you're supposed to hit the balls and not the people."

Collins made his way towards them. "Ladies, you are all looking exceptionally beautiful tonight. Especially you Lizzy." She could smell the beer on his breath. He aimed to put his hand on her shoulder, but Lizzy moved away quick enough and made her way to Fitz's side.

Fitz turned to her. "I see you got the message about the venue change?"

"Yep. Why though?"

"We heard some ad for discounted beer here."

"Figures." She rolled the white ball across the table to him. Fitz looked them over and had to admit that they were the three best looking girls there. He was surprised to see Charlotte, especially looking so good. She wore a knee length red dress, and her brown hair was done up in a knot at the top, with wisps falling out and down her face. Her intelligent brown eyes shined, and when her red lips smiled, her face lit up beautifully. Though petite, the dress emphasised her best points. He saw her in a totally new light.

Richard lined up his shots, then sank two balls in a row. That evened up the score to four all.

Bingley pulled himself away from Jane (with much prodding from Darcy) to take his shots. Lizzy walked over to where Darcy and Fitz were standing. "So, how is the game? Who is playing?"

"Collins and I against Darcy and Bingley." Said Fitz.

"Ah, that explains why you haven't won yet."

"Don't think it a forgone conclusion that I'd win. Darcy is a pool shark."

Lizzy looked at Darcy. "Then why hasn't the pool shark won yet?"

Darcy looked at her challenging eyes for a while before realising that he should actually reply. He hid his embarrassment by talking to her in his distant manner. "My cousin and I are fairly evenly matched."

They turned to watch the ball Bingley hit fall short of the hole by centimeters, but nearly knocking Collin's and Fitz's ball in. Richard turned to Collins. "This should be easy for you."

Collins looked over at the ladies, his eyes strolling to places that they shouldn't. " These gentlemen have been teaching me to play pool. I must admit that I am nothing compared to them, but I must say that I think I am catching on quickly. It is rather complicated planning moves, as you ladies must attest to, but I am sure...."

"Hurry up and take the shot," said Fitz. Fitz moved over to the table and pointed to a point just in front of their ball. "Line the white ball to roll here." He then pointed to a point on the white ball just below the centre. "And hit the ball here so that it doesn't roll into the hole with our ball. Don't worry, this should be an easy shot. Just nudge the ball in."

Collins wrinkled his nose and bent awkwardly over the cue, squinting to aim his shot. His hand kept shaking, and he didn't bend close enough to the cue to aim the shot. Fitz cringed as Collins hit the white ball. They watched the ball hit both balls away from the hole, and then saw the white ball fall in the hole. "Two shots for you, Darcy."

Lizzy took this opportunity to buy a drink from the bar. Darcy's eyes followed her intently, as did Collin's. But another pair also watched her.

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Chapter 5

Posted on Tuesday, 27 June 2000

Part C -Cue Dramatic Music, Enter Evil.

George Wickham leaned against the bar, his green eyes watching the brunette intently. He sipped his beer as his eyes licked up the woman as she ordered drinks. She was absolutely delicious. He had to admit, Darcy had taste this time. Revenge would be very sweet.

Wickham had been attracted to Auroras because of the cheap beer promotion. He had arrived at six, coming at the same time as Denny and Carter. He talked with them casually before finding out that they were half decent pool players. He had played with them for an hour before he saw Darcy enter. He saw Fitz wave to Denny and Carter but he was fortunate that Darcy and Fitz headed for the bar before going to their pool table. He quickly sunk the eight ball, forfeiting the game to Carter, and made a hasty retreat to a dark table. There he stayed watching Darcy's group for awhile.

Later on, he found himself talking with Denny and Carter again at the bar. From that he was able to extract some more information about their connection to Darcy and Richard. It was while he was there that he noticed the three stunning chicks walk into the club. The dark haired one took his fancy. He was just about to walk up to her when he saw where she was headed. He watched them walk up to Darcy's group. And he watched Darcy's unshatterable exterior crack with one look at the brunette. George smiled to himself. No, Darcy, you may try to hide it, and others may not see, but I know you far too well, thought Wickham. I've not seen that look for any other girl, and your eyes tell all. Darcy was interested more than he cared to admit. Wickham managed to get some information about the girl from Denny and Carter. Elizabeth Bennet. Yes, revenge would taste very good.

Part D - BEER, mate, It's all Good

Lizzy returned to see that Darcy had only two balls left on the table. The girls sipped their drinks as they watched Darcy and Bingley thrash Fitz and Collins. The group turned the pool table over to Carter and Denny again, and they made their way to some booths. As Lizzy walked to the table, she found Collins at her side. "I saw that you were very interested in the pool game, Lizzy. It is a most delightful game. I dare say that you haven't had a chance to play before, being ladies as you are."

Lizzy interrupted here. "Actually, I've played a few times. Not many and I'm hardly a brilliant player, but I do know how."

Collins then smiled his sleazy smile and said suggestibly, "Well, maybe you would like me to help you play better. I'd be delighted to give you a few pointers." He breathed on her and she retreated. God he's disgusting, thought Lizzy.

"I'm sure Fitz could also give me pointers." She turned to find Fitz talking with Charlotte. She threw him a helpless look. He came over to save her before they reached the table.

"I'd love to give you pointers anytime." He then turned to Collins. "With a bit of practice you'll get used to it. Was that the first time you've played, Collins, mate?"

"Well, I used to play when I was younger though it wasn't much and I've forgotten how. You and Darcy are both excellent players, though that is hardly surprising since you have Catherine DeBourg as an aunt. She is a most accomplished lady." Lizzy turned off for the Catherine spiel. They reached the booth. Lizzy slid immediately into a corner and forced Fitz to sit on her side, blocking Collins' attempt to sit next to her. Instead, he decided to sit opposite her, to his mind providing a better angle to admire her exquisite profile. Charlotte sat next to Collins and Darcy slid next to his cousin. There wasn't much room for Jane and Bingley as they reached the table last.

Fitz looked at them. "Pull up some chairs."

Bingley took his eyes of Jane to reply. "It's all good, Jane and I are going to dance. Do any of you want to join us?"

Collins looked at Lizzy. "Lizzy, mate, would you like to have the honour of dancing with me?"

It would be anything other than an honour, thought Lizzy. "Maybe later, Collins, MAATTTEEE. I just sat down and I'd like to finish my drink. And I promised Fitz a dance, didn't I?"

"Well, Elizabeth, don't think you can avoid me forever. I'll ask you later."

"Its alllll good." Lizzy shrugged.

"Collins, mate, would you like to honour us by shouting this round?" Fitz asked.

"Of course, I would be honoured, its only fair, of course."

Lizzy watched Collins stagger off with a sigh of relief. "Thanks Fitz, mate. You save me yet again."

"I wonder if Collins can manage to order beer," Darcy asked disdainfully, "He seems to be able to consume it well, although I'm not sure if he can hold them too well."

"How's the beer here, Fitz?" Lizzy asked.

"Auroras brew their own beer here, so its rather a hit and miss affair, hopefully tonight will be a hit - although with Collins ordering...." Darcy replied.

"Don't you think it would be a cool job to work here. All you do, all day, is brew beer. Just throw stuff in and see what comes out!" Fitz exclaimed enthusiastically.

"It's all good!" Charlotte replied, smiling at Fitz.

All four enjoyed sitting chatting, well Darcy enjoyed staring at Lizzy, until Collins reared his head, sorry, returned with the drinks.

"What took you so long Collins? You were gone a full 20 minutes I'm sure!" Fitz greeted Collins.

"It took the bar tender quite a while to prepare the ladies drinks."

"What ladies drinks??" Fitz queried.

Fitz looked at Lizzy who was suspiciously examining her drinks when she exclaimed "Who put Lemon and ice in my beer!"

"The honourable Mrs. Catherine DeBourg, says all ladies must have lemon and ice in their drinks. Now I must return to get the jug for the men." Collins ambled back to the bar while Lizzy fumed and muttered several exclamations, which shall not be recorded here.

Finally Collins returned with the jug of beer (which he had to repurchase - what idiot leaves a jug of beer on the bar and expects it to be there when he returns?)

"And it's a miss," Darcy muttered ruefully after taking a gulp, and nearly giving Lizzy and Fitz a shower.

"It's all good, its beer, it can't be bad," Fitz consoled, then he took a mouthful of his beer. Lizzy just grinned and removed the lemon from her beer.

"Collins, maaatttee, never give me a beer with lemon again. Never."

After listening to Collins' monologue on the virtues of a lady, according to the honourable Catherine DeBourg, which was completed with the extension of another invitation to dance with him to Lizzy, Lizzy felt that Collins should be completely ignored, "So, who's up for a game of pool? I can't say I'll play too well though," she asked.

"I don't know how to play," Charlotte mourned.

"I'll teach you," Fitz offered, "and I'm sure Lizzy and Darcy will be able to play very well together."

Lizzy shot Fitz a concerned look, and wondered if this evening could get any worse.

"Don't worry, Lizzy, I don't expect you to hit many shots in," Darcy commented wryly.

Naturally Lizzy misinterprets this as an insult and only responds with a strange look to Darcy. It just got worse, she thought.

Explanation of Terms:

"Mate" and "Its all good" said with a rather broad Australian accent, have become incredibly commonly overused terms within uni. The author is not sure how wide this affliction has spread. The source of this infection will remain an unnamed member of the QUT Aerospace engineering student body (not the author). Naturally Lizzy uses this sarcastically.

Part E - The Pool Game

Posted on Saturday, 15 July 2000

Within the darkest, shadiest corner of Auroras, well okay, the brightest, most well lit table, two teams faced each other in a match to the death of a long lost art, Pool.

So we exaggerate sometimes, it's all good.

So, Darcy and Fitz have taken their first shots and have fallen to the task of teaching Lizzy and Charlotte to play pool.

Collins stood in the aforementioned corner, watching Lizzy lean over to take her shot and sipping his (in our opinion) disgusting beer.

Darcy was trying to correct Lizzy's aim, without using the usual techniques of teaching someone to play pool, "Just hit the white ball as hard as you can, try and hit another ball, but don't sink the white ball or the black."

"Really, Darcy, thanks for those pearls of wisdom," Lizzy replied and promptly hit the white ball off the table.

"How was that Darcy? Do I get bonus points?"

Darcy tried to be angry at her, "You did that on purpose!" he exclaimed but found himself unable to stop laughing. "Your shot Charlotte."

As Charlotte lined up her shot, Fitz shook his head and proceeded to show none of Darcy's restraint in pool teaching techniques. Initially he demonstrated the "correct" position, but Charlotte seemed to be having difficulty in imitating him, thus Fitz had to resort to the traditional method of teaching a female to play pool.

"No, Char, not that way. Look, I'll show you." Fitz put one hand on her hip and drew her arm back with the other. Char initially looked at Fitz strangely, then decided that it's all good. Fitz smiled at her, then both returned to the match at hand. Char managed to keep the ball on the table, and hit another ball. (Isn't Fitz a good teacher?)

Meanwhile, another interesting exchange was occurring.

"I'm sorry for my earlier comment, Lizzy. It was out of line," Darcy apologised, "is that why you hit the ball off like that?"

"Which comment would you be apologising for? There were quite a few, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Well, all of them, I guess."

Lizzy gave Darcy "the look."

"It was very wrong of me. My opinion of you has completely changed, you're not what I thought you to be....."

"Really, Mr. Darcy," Lizzy cut in, "I find your 'apology' rather amusing. What am I, if I'm not what you thought I was?"

Suddenly Collins materialized from the pile of slime he is, and appeared beside Lizzy and put his arm around Lizzy's shoulder, thwarting all attempts of Darcy's to reply to Lizzy's remarks.

"Really, Lizzy, you should allow me to instruct you in the art of Pool. I'm sure you would find it most educational," Collins' slurred.

"I'm sure Darcy will be a sufficient teacher Collins!"

"Really, Lizzy dear, you must call me Billy!"

At this point, Fitz and Char returned from their little adventure, and announced Darcy's shot.

As Fitz was otherwise occupied, Lizzy had to defend herself against Collins.

"Whatever, Collins" Lizzy replied trying to wriggle out of his eel-like grasp, "I really should be paying attention to my most proficient teacher, Darcy."

Darcy glanced up quickly before taking his shot.......

......And then sunk three balls consecutively.

Lizzy tried hard not to show her appreciation, but was forced to admit that Darcy was a good Pool player.

And the game went on, as pool games are wont to do with two inexperienced players.

On Lizzy's next turn, Darcy gave a little more helpful instruction.

"If you aim to hit the six here, then it will hit the seven and sink the two."

"You have much faith in my pool playing abilities Darcy. Not going to happen , Mate. Any other brilliant ideas?"

"Well, you could just aim for the three which is straight in front of the hole."

"Like this?" Lizzy lined up her shot.

"Well, maybe not, if you do that then you are going to sink the white," Darcy moved over and pointed to the white, "Just aim a little lower so it will stop when it hits the other ball." Lizzy realigned her cue. "Not quite, your grip would work a little better like this," Darcy indicated with his cue.

Lizzy imitated his pose. "Like this?"

"Nah, can I show you?"

"I guess."

Darcy moved over to Lizzy and demonstrated in the manner Fitz did earlier with Char.

You guys don't want details do you?




















Still here? I guess you do then

"Put your hand closer to the white ball, so you can aim better" He moved her hand along the cue, closer to the tip. "Then shape your hand like this to make a cradle for the cue, move your thumb out a bit and place the cue in that nook." She did this, and he was satisfied.

"Now, lift your elbow, and move your other hand up the stick." She moved her hand a bit. "No, a bit more." He picked up her hand with his own and moved it to the end of the cue. It didn't escape his notice that it was a very smooth hand. And he kept his hand there, just to make sure she held the position.

"Your feet need to be a bit wider apart. One foot back from the table, the other leading. No, put your left foot in front." He moved her foot back slightly with his own.

Lizzy was now standing in a rather awkward position, back straight and head above the table too much "Now we need to bend down, so you can aim properly." He put his other hand around her waist and was now positioned right behind her. He was so close that he could nibble on her hair. No, that thought did not cross his mind. Much.

"You need to bend lower over the cue," Darcy and Lizzy bent over.

Darcy noticed that her neck is rather nice and that perfume is.....

Lizzy was still awaiting her next instruction and noticed that he was looking at her very strangely. Why was he looking at her like that? It was so disconcerting, those thoughtful brown eyes staring at her like that. What was she doing wrong now? "What now?"

Darcy recovered from his reverie. "Erm, then we have to aim. Yes, aim. When you're looking down the cue, you can see where the white ball will hit the three. Can you see that its not quite inline?"

"I see, I need to move it to the right?" They adjusted their aim.

"That should go in" Darcy smiled, "Ok, shoot."

Lizzy (and Darcy) took the shot, and.....

......It went in. (Now isn't Darcy the best teacher?)

Lizzy, naturally, was ecstatic and threw her arms up, "I got it in!"

Fortunately, Darcy, who was still standing behind her, managed to narrowly miss being hit in the face.

And now they had another shot.

"Do you think I should try this one myself?"

"Are you guys finished yet??" Fitz and Char inquired, finally noticing how long this shot has taken.

"No, I still have one more."

Lizzy moved around the table and aimed for the two. "I don't think this will go in, but I'll edge it closer to the pocket."

Lizzy took her shot, her position much better than before, and the ball settles on the lip of the pocket, not quite in.

Now we are back to Char, and the game continues.

Collins materialized beside Lizzy and Darcy (how does he keep doing that?) "Congratulations, Darcy. I have never seen such superior teaching. Lizzy is an excellent student. You managed to overcome the problem of her being female, and not having the natural ability to aim."

Darcy, saw Lizzy's disgusted look, and tried to dispose of Collins.

"I think she may be a better player than you Collins."

But Collins was not so easily thwarted, especially when slightly intoxicated. "Lizzy would you like to dance?" Collins then collapsed at Lizzy's feet, maybe not so slightly intoxicated.

Bingley returned. "TAXI!" then returns to Jane.

People led Collins away.

Darcy muttered "Finally."

Darcy's shot again. After he's finished, they've only got one ball left on the table.

Fitz's shot. After Fitz is finished, they've only got one ball remaining.

Lizzy's shot. Lizzy manages edge the six closer to the pocket, but not quite in.

Char, who has become an amazing pool player in the last three shots, with Fitz's help, manages to maneuver their final ball to in front of a pocket.

Darcy now sinks his final ball, and shoots for the game and......

.....he misses, leaving the black directly in front of a pocket.

Fitz now cleans up.

Game Fitz and Charlotte.

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Part F

The author does not promote or condone the excess consumption of alcohol

After congratulating Fitz and Char on great game, our players return to their table to find Jane and Bingley quite happily chatting away. Fitz and Char had a lively conversation about their win, Jane and Bingley were also engaged with each other, thus we are left with Lizzy and Darcy.

"Thank-you for your help, in teaching me to play pool."

"Anytime Liz"


"Sorry, Elizabeth. Beer does that to you."

Lizzy was quite surprised at the change in Darcy. He could actually joke! Pity it was just due to beer.

"It's all good. I don't mind at all. I was just surprised. Today I've gone from E. Bennet, to Liz." Lizzy raised her eyebrow.

"I'm really sorry. I want to apologise for my arrogant presumptions and priggish behavior. It was unpardonable. Please forgive me....and don't get up tight like you did last time I tried to apologise."

"I don't get uptight!"

"There you go again!" Darcy raised his hand "Now, don't say anything." Lizzy started to open her mouth to say something, "Ah...Ah, no, don't say a thing, let me talk."

Lizzy turned away and pouted.

"Aww, come on. You're so cute!"

"Cute! I'm not cute! I'm exceedingly peeved."

"That's off the point from what I was trying to say before. You want another beer?"

"I think I better have another beer. Thank-you for asking, you are sooo considerate. You buying?"

"No, its just that there's only enough for one glass in the jug and I was hoping you wouldn't want it. Split it?"

Lizzy was astonished.

"No, I want it all."

While they were arguing, Fitz took it. As Fitz would. Who leaves just enough beer in a jug for one glass with Fitz around?

"Where did it go? It's gone!" Darcy and Lizzy exclaim simultaneously. "You stole it!" Pointing at each other, then at Fitz.

Fitz sculls the glass, then sticks his tongue out, "It's all good. What are you going to do about it? Darcy you offered to buy the next round I believe."

"Grrr." Grumbled Darcy as he stomped, sorry, stumbled off, to buy it.

Meanwhile, Lizzy was in a contemplative mood in her not so sober state. The object of her muse is, of course, Darcy. He's actually not so bad, when drunk. And he did teach me to play pool, properly, quite patient, lucky he thought that first shot was just a joke. And he tried to apologise again after I became rather angry with him the first time. He was still presumptuous, but at least he tried.

"And he has a nice body" her muse completed just as Darcy sat down beside her.



"Who has a nice body?"

Lizzy blushes. "Paul McDermott of course. He's got a good voice too, and he's funny, and he also has a nice face."

"Really? Well, I don't think he's that good. What do girls see in him. Anyway, I was apologising before you, then Fitz interrupted."

"Okay, I take it you wish to continue?"

"Well, actually, I was awaiting your response."

Lizzy's eye brow raises again. "I believe you told me not to say a word."

"I did. Oops. Sorry. Moving right along."

Author is currently distracted. Listening to Paul McDermott sing. Aahhh. Ok, song finished, back to the task at hand

"Now, I know I was wrong in what I said before. And I was probably in that semi-trailer that went right over the line, but......"

Darcy started to babble on for a while. And Lizzy just giggled.

Hmm, back to slightly more sober beings. Jane and Bingley were dancing, again, they seemed to be getting on nicely, although Jane seems uncertain. Char whispered to Lizzy when Darcy paused for a breath and a drink, "Jane really ought to show more affection than she feels if she is to secure him." Lizzy started to giggle incessantly.

"Lizzy, are you listening to me?" Darcy demanded.

"Oops, sorry, were you saying something. I was....distracted."

"Lets dance Lizzy," Char exclaimed pulling Lizzy and Fitz up with her.

"Coming Darcy?"

"No, I rarely dance." Darcy remained seated and tops up his glass, before settling down to brood.

Lizzy realised that she couldn't stand particularly straight, let alone dance. She decided to sit back down.

"Hmm, I think I should just have another beer." They sat in companionable silence, watching their friends dance. "Lizzy, you get insulted too easily." Darcy said, after contemplating her for awhile.

Lizzy shook herself from her reverie. "Where did that come from....Wait a minute...no, I don't"

"There you go again. You get defensive all the time. I mean, I was attempting to apologise before, and you bit my head off. Why? What did I say that was so offensive?"

Lizzy thought for a bit. "I didn't bite your head off, you're over-reacting......Okay, since you asked. I found the bit about your opinion changing. You loudly proclaimed your opinion of me, which was inaccurate, ill-informed and based on a stereo-type held by sexist old men from the eighteen hundreds. You judged me, without even attempting to get to know me, or any of your other students, its beside the point that your tutorials were entirely boring and a trial to sit through."

"You based your entire study of my character on the five minutes of a tut for a subject which doesn't need tutorials. Perhaps if you had attended, your opinion, your prejudices which you formed on a first impression in a tutorial on writing email!"

The author acknowledges that neither Lizzy or Darcy are making coherent arguments, have you noticed that tends to happen sometimes after soaking in 6 or 7 beers?

Lizzy turned away from Darcy, stuck her nose in the air and crossed her arms. "Well, I can do that to!" Darcy exclaimed, and so he did, "and I still say you get insulted too easily, so there!".

"I do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

At this point, Jane and Bingley returned, and promptly fell into gales of laughter at the scene before them. Then left again, without Lizzy or Darcy even noticing their temper tantrum had been observed.

"Do too!"

Lizzy turns and sticks her tongue out, "Do not!"

"SEE??? I told you so!"

"Told me what?"

"Umm, I'm not sure. What were we talking about?"

"You're drunk!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"So are you!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

At this point Char and Fitz return, and promptly fell into gales of laughter, stole the quarreling pairs jug and then went away.


"What are they laughing at??"

"They stole it! They stole our jug!"

"No more beer." Lizzy peered into her glass. "All gone." Lizzy said mournfully.

Lizzy and Darcy tried to stand to give pursuit to the thieving couple. However, their attempt was thwarted by the fact that neither could stand without falling onto the other. So they both sat down again, and tried to act soberly.

Lizzy and Darcy conversed rationally for sometime, well it was rational to them, however, neither has any recollection of the conversation, thus it can not be recorded here.

Char and Jane returned at about 1 am to take Lizzy home, thus the final exchange can be recorded.

"So am I forgiven yet?" Darcy inquired hopefully as Lizzy stood up to leave.

"Your not too bad but is it just because you're drunk? And I may not remember you being not to bad tomorrow when you ignore me in the corridor. But I do think you should be like this more often, you're actually nice!"

"Hmm, good point."

"Oh well, Good Night"

And she left. Darcy left gazing wistfully after her.

NOTE: Paul MacDermott was a singer in the Doug Anthony All Stars, and is now the host of Good News Week, a comedy show, and he has a very nice voice.

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Part G - Debrief

Jane and Char managed to get Lizzy to their car, which was parked at South Bank, usually good 15 minute walk, however this took over 30 minutes with Lizzy. They managed to bundle Lizzy in the back of the Corolla and Jane took over the wheel (after convincing Lizzy she really didn't want to drive.)

"So, you and Charles are an item?" Char teased Jane.

"Well, he is very nice, and I do like him. I'm just not sure if he likes me well enough....What about you and Fitz!"

"Me and Fitz? You know we broke up."

"I wasn't talking to you Lizzy! Char?"

"He was only being nice, we're just good friends, I'm sure he sees it as nothing more than that. Although I did enjoy myself."

"I think he was being more than nice!"

"Jane and Charles, Char and Fitz, sitting in the tree. Looks like there's no room for me!"

"No room for you and Darcy? Of course, Lizzy would want a tree for her self."

"There's nothing between me Darcy. He is nothing but a sexist git with a very nice body." Lizzy slurred. "And, even if there was, I wouldn't want to share a tree with you!"

"Lizzy, shaddup"

"Ok" and promptly fell asleep, she dreamt of Collins and trees. Perhaps that is more properly called a nightmare.

Woo hoo! Finished the first day! And haven't even introduced the actual plot yet.

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Chapter Six ~ Lizzy's Morning

Posted on Sunday, 27 August 2000

Lizzy woke up the next morning rather late, and with a splitting headache. She could hear that both Charlotte and Jane were already awake. Lizzy looked at the clock and saw that it was already eleven. She rolled herself out of bed. " Ouch."

Jane popped her head around the door. "Ah, you're finally up. How do you feel this morning?"

"My head hurts."

"There, there, you'll live."

"I hope so."

Charlotte head appeared in the doorway as well. "Morning Lizzy."

"Hi...ouch. All this talking hurts."

"Well, Lizzy, I need to be getting home or else my dad will be furious. Jane's going to drive me home."

"Great, well, see you later. Actually, see you online."

"Will do."

Lizzy rolled back into bed as the two girls left.

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Part B - Darcy's Morning

Darcy woke up the next morning rather late, and with a splitting headache. He rolled over and looked at his alarm clock. 11am. My God, he thought, I've slept in later than Caroline. Suddenly his head hurt a little more, though that was probably due to the sound of Caroline's voice. He groaned.

"William, are you up yet dear?"

"No, I'm asleep. Go away."

"William, you never sleep in this late."

"Well, I just have. And I'll be going back to sleep when you leave."

"We can't have that now, can we?" Said Caroline coyly, with implications which Darcy didn't like one bit.

"Yes we can. My head hurts and your making it worse. Get out."

"Well, you shouldn't be going out all the time. Two nights in a row now. And I know how you dislike the company of strange people. You wouldn't have enjoyed yourself at all. Plus, that Eliza and that annoying fellow Collins would have been there."

"I knew all the people there and had a great night. I had pleasant thoughts in my head which sustained me through the night." Darcy would have smiled if his face wasn't tucked into the pillow.

"Oh, and what were they." She was preparing for a compliment.

"Oh just how a beautiful set of eyes can drive a man wild."

Caroline moved a little closer to Darcy, certain of the compliment. "And just who was this set of eyes on?"

"Elizabeth Bennets."

Caroline was slightly taken aback by this unexpected answer. "Oh, well, you'll have a lovely family. Invite me to the wedding." She stood up and walked out.

Darcy laughed, then stopped as his head started to pound. He rolled over and went back to sleep.

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Chapter 7 - IRC

Posted on Thursday, 6 September 2001

That night, Elizabeth went and sat at her computer. She had eventually climbed out of bed. She managed to do a grand total of an hour of study before she gave up, went for a walk and sat down to watch 'Top Gun' which was on TV that night. Being a film on planes, and since she was an aerospace student, it was compulsory viewing material. Plus, she didn't quite feel like study.

Seeing that the movie had finished, she went and logged on to the Internet. Only Fitz (Colonel) and Charlotte (Chars) were on her channel at the moment.

Now talking in #Space
*** Whooosh...Top Gun Rules'
*** Set by Colonel on Saturday June 14 20:53:01
[Charlie] Good eveningz all people out there
[Colonel] This must be Lizzy speaking
[Chars] heya Lizzy
[Charlie] Right you are Colonel...what's the deal with the nick change, Fitz?
[Colonel] Ssshhhhhhhhh
[Colonel] Don't say my name, Dwiggie will hear and start harassing me again.
[Charlie] Is she still annoying you?
[Colonel] She won't leave me alone. Ever since I made the mistake of telling her where she could find my photo she's been after me like a hounddog.
[Chars] Why did you do that?
[Colonel] Well, she was just plain friendly before, I thought, why not?
[Colonel] Then after she seen the photo she keeps wanting meet up with me.
[Colonel] Plus she likes slapping me with a large trout
[Colonel] Says it turns her on. And she's always inviting me into private conversations that are very disturbing
[Charlie] Don't want to know
[Chars] Well, I like slapping you around with other things - some people are so unimaginative!
*** Chars slaps Colonel around with a .............
[Colonel] Just SAVE me from her....arghhhhh!!!!
[Chars] lol
[Charlie] You guys watch Top Gun?
[Chars] What kind of question is that?
[Colonel] OF COURSE!!! What do you take us for?
[Charlie] Just checking
[Colonel] Top Gun rules.
***Jane:-) has joined #Space
[Chars] 'ello Jane
[Jane:-)] Good Evening everyone
[Jane:-)] I see you've been watching Top Gun again Colonel.
[Jane:-)] Lizzy forced me to sit through it for the zillionth time!
[Charlie] I didn't need to force you that much, you like Tom as much as I do
***Topic in #Space 'Top Gun Rules... Tom Cruise.....hmm....' set by Charlie
[Jane:-)] Actually I like Val better
***Bings has joined #Space
[Colonel] Really! Well I've been told I look like him....Jane:-)?
[Bings] Who?
[Jane:-)] hello Bings
***Charlie notes Jane has turned slightly pink
[Charlie] Howdy partner
[Bings] I guessed I would find you here
[Bings] How did you pull up this morning? I've never seen Darce with a hangover before.
[Bings] Actually I've never seen anyone THAT hungover before
[Jane:-)] Charlie was a bit under the weather this morning
***Charlie slaps Jane:-) around a bit with a large trout
[Charlie] So much for the defender of my reputation
[Jane:-)] Well you established your reputation quite well last night
[Jane:-)] BRB
[Bings] BBL
[Charlie] Well I'm guessing those two have gone private chatting
[Charlie] I'm surprised you are still here Colonel and Char.
[Colonel] eh?
[Chars] Sorry Charlie what were you saying?
[Charlie] Don't worry
[Colonel] k
***Maverick has joined #Space
[Maverick] I see I'm not the only fan around
[Charlie] I see I'm not the only one who adopts nicks from movies
[Maverick] 'evening to you all
[Charlie] Well it's just me here at the moment, all the others will be right back
[Maverick] k, so how are you this evening, ma'am?
[Charlie] That's not how it goes!
[Maverick] Oh, no. I think she's lost that loving feelin'
[Maverick] Excuse Ma'am
[Maverick]You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips
[Colonel] There's no tenderness like before in your fingertips
[Maverick] You're trying hard not to show to show it
[Colonel] Baby!
[Maverick] But, baby believe me I know it
[Maverick] You've lost that loving feeling
*** Charlie slaps Maverick and Colonel around with a large Trout
[Charlie] and how would you be knowing that?
[Colonel] Oi! Shaddup
[Maverick] Whoa, That loving feeling
[Colonel] Now, its gone gone gone and so am I
*** Colonel has left #space
*** Chars has left #space
[Maverick] Whoa, Ba Dum Ba Dum Ba Dum ......
[Charlie] I guess I better play along
[Charlie] I love that song!
[Charlie] I've never seen that approach before (except on Top Gun>
[Charlie] How long have you two been doing this act?
[Charlie] Since puberty?
[Charlie] I'm ...erm....me
[Maverick] I'm Maverick
[Charlie] What, did your mother dislike you?
*** Maverick looks rather suave and pleased with himself
[Maverick] No its my call sign
*** Charlie looks wide-eyed and "impressed"
[Charlie] Aah, you're a pilot!
[Maverick] That's right ma'am a naval aviator
[Charlie] Oh
[Maverick] Actually we've only done this twice
[Charlie] How did you do?
[Maverick] Crashed and burned on the first. It wasn't pretty.
[Charlie] And the second?
[Maverick] I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow. But its looking good so far.
[Bings] kl;jwflgkn
[Charlie] Well, my friends have "arrived"
[Charlie] So nice of you to come back Bings, I guess Jane:-) is here now too?
[Jane:-)] Hello! How are you doing Maverick? Looks like you 2 have been having fun
[Charlie]I think I'll be off now
[Charlie] 'night all
[Bings] G'night Charlie
[Maverick] I think I'll go to
[Maverick] This is Maverick signing off
*** Maverick has quit IRC (Crashed and burned......)
*** Charlie has quit IRC (Leaving)

So we leave our fearless hero and heroine to face exams.

Top Gun is a movie and Maverick and Charlie and the above conversation is property of someone not the author, who uses it without permission. The song is "You've lost that lovin' feeling" . Also by an artist unknown to the author.

IRC is an internet chat program. An advancement on Telnet.

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Chapter Eight

With the humble exam block, in which no one sees anyone, except their computer and an online presence, for approximately three weeks as all become reclusive students, trying to cram 3 months of knowledge into their heads in a day or at the most two, as I was saying, with such a period of horror and terror behind them, we go on with the story.

Notable Interruptions to this period of horror.

Notable Interruption One
After her first exam, on the very first Saturday (which all students claim is not really a part of the exam period), Lizzy found herself on IRC yet again.

**** Now talking in #space
**** Topic : "What are you doing here! You should be studying!"
**** Set by Bings on Saturday at 01:15 am
[Charlie] Good day Maverick
[Maverick] Hello! It's just me in here right now
[Charlie] Did you have an exam today...that's if you are studying.
[Maverick] It went much as I expected. Thanx
[Maverick] How about you?
[Charlie] Well, I thought I was prepared, but I made a lot of silly mistakes. I was sitting on the train
when I realised what I'd done wrong! It's so frustrating!
[Charlie] AARRGGHH! Stuff exams! I don't want to think about them any more!
[Maverick] I'll agree to that. Now to more pleasant matters....
[Maverick] You forgot to leave your name, ma'am
[Charlie] Charlie is my name sir
[Maverick] Yeah, right. And Maverick is mine
[Charlie] Well, I'm glad we've got that settled
[Maverick] Why are you bent on being mysterious?
[Charlie] I like having a place where my opinions have no repercussions. I could ask you the
same sir!
[Maverick] I concede your point ma'am.
[Charlie] Then we agree on remaining mysterious and anonymous to each other. We can remain perfect strangers, but not.
[Maverick] I feel that neither of us performs to strangers.
[Charlie] What gives you that idea?
[Maverick] The way you spoke last time. It is just a feeling I get.
[Charlie] But am I not performing to you now. I could be anyone because you don't know me.
[Maverick] True, but your not performing. As you said, you can give me your real opinion because you don't know me.
[Maverick] Instead, you are getting to know me. As you said.
[Charlie] We are strangers
[Maverick] but not :-)
[Maverick] You got in there and introduced yourself, and now we're not complete strangers.
[Charlie] I think I agree with your reasoning and your reasons. Anyhow, what about you. Why don't you perform to strangers?
[Maverick] I'll get into a room but be too shy to say anything. I'm ok once I know the people, but before then I'm a recluse.
[Maverick] Anyhow...
[Maverick] I take it you go to QUT...
[Charlie] Aye, I do, I take it you do too?
[Maverick] I do...what course?
[Charlie] That would be giving too much information away.
[Maverick] Conceded. My ploy failed.
[Charlie] Most dishonest of you sir.
***Charlie slaps Maverick around with a large trout.
***Maverick slaps Charlie around with a larger trout.
[Charlie] Well, as it is, I think my bed is starting to call to me. I'll be heading off.
[Maverick] A pity. I've greatly enjoyed talking to you.
[Charlie] Look forward to talking to you next time.
[Maverick] Will do.
*** Charlie has quit IRC (I wish I was in the future...just after exams actually)

Notable Interruption #2
This occurred on the Wednesday after that Saturday. Lizzy was just returning home from her computer programming exam, nearly bumping into two men as they left the house. Lizzy quickly looked over them, noticing that one was wearing air force insignia, the other was dressed in a business suit. She met her father inside.

"What were they doing here, dad? Aren't you a bit old for the air force?"

"Actually, that is something I would like to talk to you about. Can you step into the library?"

"Of course, dad."

Lizzy entered her favourite room in their home, her father's library. The library had a timeless feeling that was an escape from her sisters. The library also acted as her father's study. In one corner was his desk, a filing cabinet and a computer. In front of the desk were two chairs for people to sit in. Surrounding the other walls of the study were three bookshelves, covered in books. These books ranger from classic novels, mysteries, fantasies to aviation manuals, books on aircraft and science encyclopedias.

Lizzy looked at the desk. Her father's laptop was open, and the desk was covered in piles of paper and schematic drawings. "What was that meeting for, dad?"

"The air force is looking for new technology to upgrade their existing fleet. We were discussing the governments requirements for the latest round of tenders."

"Dad, that's great. If we can get a government tender, it'll expose us to the world, giving you a larger market. And it would take years off the mortgage."

Her father put up his hand. "First, they didn't give us the tender. They have only announced the tender open within the last week. We were discussing the requirements of the tender and our capabilities of fulfilling it. Proposals shall be open for a year as companies do the research and development to produce what they want."

"What do they want?"

Her father sighed and sat on the table. "That is secret for the time being. Even this can't go beyond the room. But they probably will give us preferred tender status."

Lizzy nodded. "Yes, you know you can trust me."

"They haven't released the details to the public yet. And when they do, it will only be a very rough and underestimated expectation for the new technology. What they are asking really will advance Australian technology to be a world leader. Provided the government still wants to go ahead once the tenders are in."

Lizzy nodded, remembering the problems with Boeings project Wedgetail. "If the government gives us the go ahead for the tender then pulls out, it will devastate us. Even if they put it on hold like they have for Wedgetail. Anyhow, I want to know what do they want that we can give them?"

"These details will be released next week. I won't tell you beforehand."

Lizzy nodded and sighed. "I will be too busy studying anyhow. I guess I can wait."

Her father clapped her on the back. "That's my girl."

Lizzy left still curious but like a good student went back to studying.

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Chapter 9 - End of Exams=holidays=PARTY!!!

It is a universally acknowledged fact that the hour after any engineering exam, in particular, maths, is the busiest hour for the campus club. So it was this day.

It was a Wednesday and the end of Lizzy's exam block. She had just finished maths, and as tradition dictates went directly to the campus club, where, lo and behold a great many other first year engineering students had gathered. Lizzy made her way to the table that Fitz, Charlotte and Denny had already monopolised. A jug of beer was being very quickly consumed, and the empty jug joining its fellows. You wouldn't want an empty jug to get lonely, now would you?

Lizzy sat and poured herself a beer and started sculling it. Fitz watched in amazement as Lizzy downed the beer in virtually one gulp.

"So, Lizzy, how did your exam go?"

"Exam? what exam? don't want to talk about it."

"I could answer every question, and finished it," declared Collins, slithering up to the table, "I can't understand how anyone would of found it difficult, except maybe those of the fairer sex since they are not as biologically inclined to such manly endeavours. Not to slight the extraordinarily beautiful creatures they are - but we men know these things."

Lizzy rolled her eyes and fixed her stare upon his worthless person. Had Collins been more observant, he would of curled up into a ball and gone to hide in a far-away place - like Siberia - but this is Collins we are talking about and he thought it a mark of her love.

"Could you get me a glass of water? Please, Collins?" asked Lizzy.

"You know I would like you to call me Billy, Elizabeth. I would be honoured to get you a glass of water. Lady Catherine...."

"Could you get me that now, pleassse?"

"Yes, yes, but of course," said Collins, scurrying off to the bar.

"We have to get out of here before he comes back! Any ideas Fitz?"

"PARTY - at my place?"

"Let's go. Charlotte, Denny. SMS everyone except Collins. What time is the CityCat*"

"In about 4.35 minutes - run"

"Quickly! Collins is coming back!" said Lizzy, making a dash for the door.

"Wait Lizzy! Your water!"

Lizzy keeps running.

"Which is the quickest way to the CityCat?" asked Lizzy, going down the stairs two at a time.



Fitz dives to the left, Lizzy and Charlotte following - conceding that he should know where he's going - down more stairs and the gym, then swung right, up the roadway, and left and stopped at the construction site.

"Where did that come from? It wasn't there yesterday!"

"Fitz" whined Lizzy "it's been there for at least the last month. Come on." Lizzy darts off towards the library with Fitz and Charlotte close behind.

They arrived at the CityCat terminal after not many errors in direction finding, to see it pulling away and to find Denny standing there.

"Why didn't you catch the ferry?" asked Charlotte despondently watching the ferry move further and further away.

"I don't know where I'm going - where DID you guys get to? I thought you must have been trying to lose me as well as Collins"

"Hey - that ferry is going downstream....Fitz?" Lizzy declared.

"Maybe I misread the timetable. I don't think I would of though."

"How long had you been at the Campus Club?"

"About a hour. But that beside the point. Look at the timetable"

"I'm looking. It says that the Upstream ferry went 15 minutes ago."

"It doesn't say that! Look the next one is in 15 minutes then."

"LIZZY!! I have your water! Where are you going to?" shouted Collins hurrying up to them.

They all groaned. Well, Lizzy growled "Fitz.....You made me run across uni for no reason - we missed the ferry - which wasn't coming - and we still have Collins"

"But you look so good running, Lizzy"

"Really?" said Charlotte.

Fitz found himself the subject of two staring women. Not good.

"Would you look at that? My phone is ringing. Hello" said Fitz, trying to escape 'the looks', "Darcy, how are you?" pause

"Yes, we were there earlier, but we're going to my place for a party. You coming?" pause

Collins: "A party! How wonderful!"

"Charlotte, Lizzy, Denny, and it seems Collins"

"Well, most of Kings has gone home - UQ finished their exams a week ago"

"I'll see you then, bye. Oh, could you bring some drinks too - and try not to bring Caroline"

"He's coming" stated Lizzy, "is Charles coming?"


Lizzy smiled, and rang Jane.

Seeing the CityCat (the one going the right direction) pull up, she quickly told Jane what was happening (not that Charles would be there though) and jumped on the ferry.

*CityCat - Brisbane's high speed catamaran ferry service

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Chapter Nine - Part B - Party At Kings

Posted on Tuesday, 20 November 2001

The music was blaring. The alcohol was flowing. Fire Crackers were going off in the college. All was good.

Already there were Jane, Bingley, Charlotte, Lizzy, Fitz - in his natural environment, Darcy, Collins, Denny and Carter, Caroline and her accomplice Louisa and her boyfriend, Hurst. As well as many Kings inhabitants, (for example , drunken and sloshed (2 people), Dazza and Bazza, Pumpernickel and Bob - who's real name is Michael and rides a really nice motorbike), who thought "Party! I'm there - it's all good - I wonder how many girls are there?" (Thoughts probably not in that order.)

New people were arriving all the time, and the author takes this opportunity to introduce several new characters.

Anne de Bourg had arrived with Helga and Hog (another Kings inhabitant who happens to go to QUT and study engineering)

Lizzy walked over to the newcomers. "Hi Helga, how did you find that exam?" Helga was the other girl doing Avionics with Lizzy.

"Not to bad. Let me introduce you to my friend Anne. You know Hog - he followed us here - from down the corridor. Anne, this is Lizzy"

"Hello, Anne"

At this point, Hog drags Helga away. "Lizzyy! Help!"

Lizzy just smiles.

"So, what do you do Anne?"

"Well, I'm studying..."

"Anne! So good to see you. How is Lady Catherine? I haven't seen you in such a long while" declared Collins, bounding up, "Lizzy, Anne is studying Business at QUT, I'm sure you have seen her there."

Anne cringed. "Hello Billy. My mother has missed your company immensely. She was saying earlier that she was hoping that you would drop around tonight. But, obviously you are busy. She certainly wouldn't like to know that you had come to a party like this."

"Really? Actually Elizabeth, I was just coming over to say good-night."

"Good-night Collins." And Collins left. Lizzy looked at Anne with admiration.

"That was well done! Do you mind if I do that in the future? I have been trying to get rid of him all night."

"Thanks. I can't stand the little troll."

"So you do Business?"

"Well, actually, I'm doing a double degree in Electrical Engineering and Business. But my Mum doesn't know that. She thinks I'm just doing Business, and due to my health I can only do 2 subjects per semester. I have to avoid Collins at uni - he tells her everything!"

"I take it you are Anne de Bourg. I'm Elizabeth Bennet. Nice to meet you."

"Anne! How are you? Finished exams yet? Did you have maths today too?"

"Hello William. I'm great. Maths was my last exam."

"How did you manage to get rid of Collins so quickly? He usually tries to hang around you like a putrid odour."

Both Lizzy and Anne laugh.

"Thanks cuz."

"You're cousins?! You poor girl"

Darcy gave Lizzy an evil look.

"I see my friend drunken over there. I think I shall have some fun." Said Anne leaving the two death-staring each other. Caroline saw the two together, and made a beeline towards Darcy, took his arm and led him away. Lizzy then went to view the other entertainment.

Anne wandered over to where drunken and sloshed were having a beer drinking contest - who can drink half a carton the quickest. At the moment drunken was ahead.

"Anne! Fancy seeing you here! Sloshed and I are having a bit of a contest over here. I'm winning - see I've drunk the most bottles"

"No you haven't. These bottles aren't finished. You haven't drunken the dregs"

Cries of "That's disgusting" were mingled with "Finish the dregs!"

drunken, in his rather drunken state was trying to impress Anne...we can all see where this is going ....and proceeded to scull the remains of his current bottle and then the dregs of the nine bottles he'd drunk earlier.

"See, still winning" declared drunken, "I don't feel so good" and rushed off to the garden.

The author does not encourage binge drinking or alcohol consumption

Jane and Bingley had spent most of the night talking quietly on the couch, avoiding the various people trying to disrupt their conversation, ie, sloshed, Hog and Bob. All were trying to steal Jane in various attempts, sometime individually or in a combined effort. Sloshed, who had lost his drinking partner to the garden, came and sat between Charles and Jane. "Come on now, mate, share her around. You can't keep her all to yourself all night." Charles and Jane looked forlorn. Then Hog saw that Anne was heading outside with Denny and Carter. "Hey, where are you three going." He beelined for the door and after Anne.

Anne called back. "Denny and Carter are going to drive around for a little while."

Charles called out. "You can't drive, your drunk."

Denny smiled back. "Oh, we're not going to leave Kings. We are just going to drive around the car park a little while."

Everyone headed outside except for Jane and Charles, Caroline and Louisa. "William, you're not going out there are you?"

Darcy didn't know, he was just following Lizzy. If she was going out there, so was he. Caroline followed.

Everyone filed down the corridor and down the stairs to the car park. Denny and Carter had reached the car park a little before everyone else, and loud screeches could be heard, as well as the smell of burning rubber.

The author does not condone reckless driving, doughnuts or drink driving.

"Hey, Denny had better watch out," called Hog.

"Who are those two caught in their headlights?" asked Dazza.

"Where are Charlotte and Fitz?" asked Lizzy. Hmm, I think that question answered itself.

"That stinks. That smell will be in my hair for days! Are you coming inside with me, William?" said Caroline.

"Yep, sure, in a minute," said Darcy without turning around. Caroline headed back inside. By this time Dazza had thrown a firecracker under the cars that were doing doughnuts around the car park.

"Security!" cried Bazza. A torch could be seen bobbing in the distance. Everyone split and the party quieted down after this.

A few hours passed in a slightly more subdued manner. Eventually, Lizzy came up and started talking with Jane, as Charles had been dragged away by Darcy. "Jane, will you be staying the night here?"

"Well, I don't think anyone can drive home tonight, no one is sober enough."

Caroline piped up. "I can drive as can Darcy. He's giving me a lift home. Charles, you coming?"

"No, I'll get a lift back with Jane tomorrow morning."

Darcy, who had been listening offered Lizzy a lift. Lizzy shook her head. "Jane will give me a lift tomorrow." Caroline looked triumphant and Darcy forlorn until he remembered he was giving Louisa a lift as well. When Caroline left, mostly everyone, including Charles, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure, she looks hot but that is one chick I couldn't stand going out with, and I'd go out with just about anyone," said Hog. "Poor Darcy."

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Chapter 10

Posted on Wednesday, 24 April 2002

The phone rang on the Sunday morning following the party. Jane dived to get it, expecting a call from Charles. The look of disappointment on her face indicated it wasn't him.

Ten minutes later, Jane got off the phone. "Who was that?" called Lizzy.

"Caroline. Apparently Charles and William have gone over to Archerfield for some reason or other. Caroline and Louisa want someone to come over for lunch."

However, Mrs. Bennet, who had been heading into their granny flat, overheard this part of the conversation. "You're going over to Charles' place? Well, you must wait a little while before leaving, it looks like it is going to rain, and they won't make you drive in the heavy rain. Then maybe the men will get back so that you can see them."

"Mother," said two exasperated girls.

"Oh, Jane, I was going to change the spark plugs today, but I can wait till tomorrow. They should be right."

Jane left around midday. It hadn't rained at all. It was getting late at night when Lizzy answered the phone. "Hey Lizzy, um, I won't be coming home tonight. The car's broken down, so Caroline is letting me stay the night."

"Ok, I'll come and fix the car tomorrow morning. I can get Dad to drop me off on his way to work. Do you have any idea what is wrong with it? Ah wait, don't answer that. I'll work it out tomorrow." Lizzy paused. "So, have you seen Charles?"

"Yes, he has been very nice. Good night Lizzy."

Lizzy laughed as she hung up the phone.

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Chapter 10b

Lizzy's dad dropped Lizzy off in front of at the service station near Archerfield where Lizzy bought some spark plugs. She then started the three-kilometre trek to Charles' place. However, as Lizzy neared the airport, she realised that she had no idea where Charles' place was, because the referdex* which she was supposed to look in, was in Jane's car. To make matters worse, the rain that was supposed to come yesterday had come this morning instead, making the ground muddy. Lizzy stepped in a rather well proportioned puddle.

As Lizzy was standing in front of the airport, looking quite lost, Darcy found her. "Elizabeth, what are you doing here?"

Lizzy looked up in relief, until she realised it was he. "Darcy,' exclaimed Lizzy with surprise. "I was on the way to Charles' but I sort of realised that I don't remember how to get there."

"Well, I'm on my way home." He paused. "You can walk with me."

"Thanks," said Lizzy with some relief.

Darcy snuck a glance at her. "So, were you lost?"

"No, I wasn't lost at all. I knew where I was."

Darcy just smiled condescendingly. "Of course."

"I wasn't lost. If I was lost it would, one, imply that I knew where I was going, which I didn't, and two, that I didn't know where I was, which I did know. My dad dropped me off on his way to work. I just didn't realise that I couldn't remember where I was supposed to go until after he had left. So, what are you doing around here so early?"

"I was just going for a morning fly. You should come with me one morning, since you obviously like being up at this time," he said with a smile in her direction.

"Do you usually use that line to pick up chicks?"

"It works every time. So, will you join me one morning."

Damn it, he'd backed her into a corner. Lizzy loved flying, but she couldn't say yes to someone so damn arrogant. However, she found she was speaking before her brain caught up. "I'd love to. When are you going next?"

"In two days." They walked together silently for a while. "I told you, works every time."

Lizzy just glared at him. "I'm only going cause I like flying, not because I like you," she said with a smile.

"Well, at least your honest." They walked silently, allowing Darcy to watch her figure.

Soon they had reached Charles' place. Lizzy walked up to her car, as it sat forlornly outside. "Poor car," she said as she stroked it.

Darcy stood there wishing that he was the car.

They walked inside the house. "There you are, William," exclaimed Caroline. "Oh, what are you doing here Elizabeth?"

"I came to fix the car."

Caroline looked at Lizzy with distaste. Jane walked into the room with Charles. "There you are, Lizzy. I was just about to ring you."

"Well, I've arrived now. Can I have the car keys?"

Jane left the room with Lizzy to get the car keys. While the two were out, Caroline began abusing Lizzy. "Imagine coming here in that state. Did you see her jeans, William? They were at least an inch deep with mud. It's as if she walked here."

"She did walk here. She walked with me from the airport." He then looked down at his own jeans, which were an inch deep with mud as well. "The airfield was a little muddy today."

"And that shirt of hers looks to be so old, it was little better than a rag."

Bingley spoke up. "Well, she is going to fix the car."

"And can you imagine that. She is going to fix the car herself. Well, I guess you would have to if you don't have a boyfriend and can't afford to get someone to fix the car. I'd don't know one part of the car from the other."

"Is that why you failed your driver's test three times?" asked Charles.

Darcy smiled. "Maybe you should learn. You should watch Lizzy."

Caroline looked horrified. "I don't need to learn while I have you around. There really are some things that you should leave to the guys, and that is one of them. Well, I guess that is what you expect from a girl who does engineering."

"Aren't you going out today, Caroline?" asked Charles as he noticed that Lizzy had walked back into the room.

Lizzy headed straight outside, followed by Jane and Darcy. Lizzy opened the car and tried to start the car. Nothing. Lizzy popped the hood and checked the battery terminals. They seemed right.

"Jane, can you start the car again?"

Nothing. "Hmm, can you turn the radio on?"

Music started blaring. "Ok, turn it off."

"What? I can't hear you."



"Obviously the battery is fine."

"It's probably the starter motor," said Darcy.

"Perhaps. Have you fixed a starter motor before?"

"A few times."

"Great, you can help me then. First, I'll just get these new spark plugs in. I was meant to change them yesterday."

*referdex = street directory

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3 Hours Later.....

A very wet and miserable Lizzy and a not so miserable Darcy sat on Charles' driveway with most of Lizzy's engine around them.

"Poor ole Rusty", sighed Lizzy. Rusty, short for Rust Bucket, was Lizzy's Laser.

"Maybe If we cut out some of the rust it might go" said Darcy.

Lizzy glared at Darcy in disdain, "there's nothing wrong with a bit of rust. It gives the car character."

"Of course. Character. Car falling apart...Character," chuckled Darcy.
** Insert Lizzy resorting to physical violence here **

"Well, do you know where these bits go? Who in their right minds would put the starter motor so far underneath that you have to pull apart half the car to get to it? Mechanics who want to make a lot of money. That's who."

"You don't need to hang around. I'm sure I can fix it," said Darcy, unwisely.

For his efforts, Darcy was rewarded with yet another glare as Lizzy got up off the driveway and back to the forlorn Rusty.

"If we just take out that bit, and that bit, and that bit. We may be able to get at it."

"I think you're right," said Darcy, also peering into what was the engine, although now resembled a large vacant space.

After another hour and lots more rain, Lizzy looked up, covered in crap. Darcy shook his head

"I think its gone Liz. Let it go. You need a new starter motor."

"No! We can just clean it up a bit more. It will be fine!"

"Those brushes are past it. I don't know how your car kept going. Well, obviously it didn't."

"Hmm. I think you're right. Where's the closest wrecker?"

"About 10 minutes away"

"Walk or drive?"

"What do you think? Driving. You couldn't possibly walk there in this rain. Should we have some lunch then head off?"

"We? Where do you think you're going?"

"Driving you to the wreckers. Where else?"

** Insert spirited argument for quite a long period of time **

Jane and Charles watched them through the window with interest.

"They're still at it."

"I say $20 they go for another 10 minutes," said Jane.

"I say a kiss that they don't."

Hmm, I win both ways thought Jane.

Back to the main arena.

"I guess you can drive me then. Though I am perfectly capable of walking."

"I know you are Liz. But I am also perfectly capable of driving you. Plus if I stay here Caroline wouldn't leave me alone. Think of it as helping me. And any way you won't get ripped off by the wreckers if I am with you."

** Spirited arguing continues **

Off in the grandstand.
"That's 5 minutes."

4 minutes and 30 seconds go by.

"Fine. Lets go," said Lizzy.

Charles grins. Then breaks into a triumphant smile.

"9 minutes 30 seconds. I win," chortled Charles.

"What a pity."

Lets just leave them at it. This is a mush free zone. Until we declare otherwise. Not that we don't like mush but once we start we won't be able to stop...really its for your own good.

Lizzy and Darcy drove off to the wreckers, and returned about an hour later very hungry as Darcy was so pleased that he'd won the battle that he thought it best not to let Lizzy think about it too much.

They ran into the house (Lizzy had proposed a race - actually she just said Last one there is a rotten egg, then bolted) and stumbled upon Charles and Jane. Charles was still collecting his winnings.

"Bet you that's going to go one for another hour," whispered Lizzy.

"Do we really want to know? Lunch?"

Lizzy and Darcy had lunch and went back to Rusty, although they were careful to avoid going into the Lounge again.

"Let's get this starter motor in, shall we?"

It was quite late by the time they got the starter motor in and most of the engine back together. Rusty was still not going and our two young mechanics were quite tired.

"How about we get these bits in then call it a night?" said Darcy, wearily.

"Good plan."

They continued until there was just one bit left.

"Eh? Where the dsafjk does this bit of pipe go? I sure don't remember pulling it out," exclaimed Lizzy.

"Don't worry about it. There's always bits left over."

Lizzy gave him a very strange look. Darcy was thinking about cataloguing Lizzy's looks. He thought he'd seen most of them today.

"If my car blows up. Its all your fault. You will pay."

"I could give you a hundred for it now."

"What???? It's worth much more than that!"

** back in the grandstand **
Charles and Jane looked up.
"They're at it again. $20" said Jane.

"Can I claim my prize now?"

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"Just start the car Liz"

Lizzy climbed in and tried to start it.

It kind of kicked over, but then spluttered. And died.

"I think we needed that other bit."

Darcy looked a bit sheepish.

"We'll do it tomorrow," he said hopefully.

"I'll just call my Dad. He'll come pick me up."

"Why don't you just stay here? I'm sure Jane wouldn't mind. I won't"

"I couldn't. I have no clothes. And I'm all wet"

"I've noticed," Darcy muttered, eyeing her appreciatively. He didn't see any problems with what she'd said. No problems at all. typical male

"Would it be aright?"

"What no argument this time?"

"I'm too tired, but if you really want one..."

"I'm fine."

And so it was that Lizzy spent the night at Darcy's and Jane spent another night at Charles'.

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Chapter 10 D

Posted on Friday, 27 September 2002

After a dinner of pizza and coke, Darcy sat at his computer wishing he had had something stronger to drink. Caroline sat next to him watching TV with everyone else, though she spent a lot of time glancing over his shoulder. "What are you doing there Darcy?"

"I'm writing an email to my sister Georgiana."

"Say hello to her for me. And ask her when she will visit us again."

"I think I already have."

Caroline was silent for a few moments. "You type uncommonly fast."

Darcy looked at Caroline. "No, I type pretty slowly."

"You must spend a lot of time on the computer due to you course. I would think it so odious, all that programming."

"Caroline, I'm sure they will force you to use the computer in your course eventually. And you will have to write your thesis."

Caroline tittered. "You've spent a long time at the computer. It must be a long email. I'm sure Georgiana will be delighted to receive it."

Charles pipped up from the couch. "Caroline, he's playing Age of Empires and alt tabbing to his email."

"Thanks Charles," muttered Darcy.

"Is that a business strategy game?"

Lizzy guffawed and nearly spilled her coke.

"It's very technical. You wouldn't understand," said Darcy.

Lizzy guffawed again. "Yes very technical. You need a LAN party, Darcy."

"Yeah, I have a 16 point hub. We're planning to have a LAN tomorrow night. What speed is your PC?"

"Celeron 633."

**Insert a few minutes of computer speak **

Eventually Caroline got impatient. "Darcy, ask Georgiana how her studies on the piano are going. And does she Somerton, though I must say that Grammer is the superior school."

"My mother went to Somerton," said Darcy.

"Of course, Somerton is a good girls school."

"Well, I'll write those comments in my next email. I already sent my email to her ten minutes ago."

"You use the computer so well, that I didn't even notice you sent it."

"From the curses I've heard Darcy utter at the computer, I don't think he uses it well at all," said Charles.

"And your method of using the keyboard is search and destroy," retorted Darcy. "At least I can type."

"I had better things to do with my time than learn how to type."

"Like play games."


Yet again Caroline became bored with a conversation in which she had no part. "Jane, Lizzy, you haven't met Darcy's sister, Georgiana, have you?" The two girls shook their heads. "She is the most delightful child..."

"She's only a year younger than you, Caroline," said Darcy.

"Anyone who is still in school is a child to me. Anyhow, she is the most delightful person you have ever met. We all love spending time with her. And she is so accomplished."

Darcy and Lizzy sat there thinking that Caroline was pretentious.

"I don't know how you modern women do it. Every woman I know is accomplished."

"What do you mean by accomplished, Caroline? I would say that I only know half a dozen women who I would call accomplished."

"A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, have a good education, know world affairs, fashion, have an appreciation of the arts and she should know a language or two. She should have all this and then have that little something extra in her tone of voice and expression, a confidence in her posture and the way that she walks." We all know who said this.

Darcy smiled. "All this she must possess, but she should be completely independent. An accomplished woman shouldn't need our help."

"I'm surprised you know any accomplished women at all."

"Are you saying that there are no women out there who could completely look after themselves?"

Lizzy smiled wickedly. "No, but if you are around, why should we mow the lawn?"

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Chapter 10 E

The next day

Lizzy started the car. The engine turned over and spluttered before dying. "It sounds like its missing from the carburetor," said Lizzy.

"I'd agree with that."

Both peered into the engine. "What's supposed to be connected to that?" asked Lizzy.

"Probably a pipe."

"Nah, you don't think so do you?"

"It was dark last night."

Lizzy just smiled smugly at him. "Where do we connect the other end?"

Both furiously looked around the engine trying to be the first to spot the elusive other connection to the pipe.

After a few minutes of furious looking, Lizzy called out "found it!" She pointed to a hole far away in the engine.

Darcy looked deflated then smiled. "No it can't be, the pipe isn't long enough."

"Then what goes there?"

"You remember when you dropped that spanner yesterday?"

"Oh, does it need replacing."

"Nah, just cover it up with gaffer tape. It fixes everything. Plus it isn't an important part of the engine."

They continued to look furiously through the engine before Darcy triumphantly pointed to the elusive second connection point. "There it is."

With the unnecessary part back in the engine, Lizzy started the car, which sounded a lot better. "I think it's all right now."

"Your car still needs work on it."

"I'll do it at home."

"Sure you don't need my help."

"I'll be fine."

** Insert awkward moment **

"Well," said Lizzy.

"Yes, well," said Darcy, looking at the ground.

"Thanks for your help."


"Well, I guess I'll tell Jane and we'll head off. Thanks for your help again."

"Are you still up for flying with me tomorrow morning?"

Lizzy had completely forgotten about her promise the day before. "Sure, what time do you want me here tomorrow morning."

"You could stay the night."

"No, I couldn't."

"It would be no trouble. We are having a LAN tonight, so you can bring your computer along, and Jane as well."

Lizzy looked at him strangely again. Why does she keep doing that, thought Darcy.

"Will you be undertaking any 'business strategy' games?"

Darcy laughed. "Sure. Stay the night and I'll make sure you're up tomorrow morning."

"I can't say no to a LAN."

"It's a deal then."

LAN : Local Area Network, or it is a collection of computer nerds, mainly playing games

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Chapter 11

Posted on Monday, 21 October 2002

Mrs. Bennet was seriously displeased to see her daughters back home, but was heartened by the news that they were going back that night. Mr. Bennet was quite happy to see them home, and was displeased to hear that they were leaving again.

Now to the LAN.

They arrived with computer in tow. Actually, Lizzy arrived with computer in tow, and Jane was there for moral support. Everyone had a good time. Notable events:

1) Jane spent time with Bingley, actually, that isn't notable at all.
2) Darcy spent a lot of time staring at Lizzy and losing many games to her.
3) Lizzy conquered Darcy's kingdom's multiple times, and was disturbed that Darcy kept on offering her alliances.
4) Caroline attempted to distract Darcy, which annoyed him as it interrupted his staring at Lizzy, and his game.
5) Bingley spent time with Jane.

All in all, everyone enjoyed the event, except for Caroline and Collins, who followed Anne. Collins knew nothing about computers or games (very scary trait in an electrical engineer) and he spent the time trying to distract Lizzy, which annoyed Lizzy.

When Lizzy crashed on the couch, Darcy went to crash in his room (reluctantly though, he quite enjoyed watching Lizzy sleep). However, he was thwarted in his plan of sleep, by Caroline who barged in while he was getting changed (we don't know if that was intentional or not).

When Caroline recovered her faculties, she started on a well-planned assault upon Lizzy's uncouth character, and Darcy's admiration. At any rate Caroline thought it was a very well planned attack.

Darcy however was grumpy that he had lost so many games to Lizzy, he was tired and had zero Caroline tolerance. He just crawled under his covers and put his head under the pillow. Eventually Caroline got the message and left him alone.

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Breakfast the next morning was a subdued affair, our warriors were grumpy from their late night and from memories of being conquered, alliances going sour and the general back-stabbing which goes on in PC gaming. It was also quiet since it was only 9am and no one except Lizzy and Darcy had surfaced yet. Darcy had woken Lizzy up to go flying, but had watched her sleep for a while first and then it was somewhat difficult to get her to wake, thus they were late.

Without more than 3 words being spoken, our quarrelsome pair found themselves at Archerfield airport, standing in front of Darcy's plane - a brand-new Cessna 172. Darcy walked around his baby checking for any damage, brushing his hand over the leading edges, spinning the prop, checking fuel level and generally giving her the once over. He unchocked the plane then climbed into the pilot's seat and continued his pre-flight checks, moving the control surfaces, tuning the radio to the ground control frequency and then realized Lizzy was still standing where she'd stopped when she realised this was his plane. She appeared to be gaping in awe, and Darcy could see her drooling.

"Are you coming?"

"This is it?? That is your plane? It's brand new. Latest model. And has the top of the line avionics suite. How could you keep this from me?"

"My parent's gave it to me as a 21st and as a congratulations gift for getting my commercial wings."

"They gave it to you. Can we swap parents?"

I can think of a way we could share, he thought. "They are most generous, I don't really deserve it."

Too right you don't, she thought. "Of course not."

"So are you coming?"

"Of course. Stop being in such a hurry."

Lizzy clambered up into the First Officer's seat. Darcy handed her a Headset and continued his pre-flight checks, getting weather and traffic information. Then they were ready to go. Lizzy was entranced with Captain Darcy, and scarcely noticed as they were given clearance to taxi to the runway and take-off after the green 152.

"Victor Romeo Foxtrot, requesting permission for take-off on runway 07" came Darcy's commanding, confident and downright sexy voice through her Headset.

"Permission granted Victor Romeo Foxtrot. Take-off when ready," crackled the tower.

Darcy applied full throttle and the little plane cruised down then runway and took off with ease.

Lizzy then realised she didn't know if they were going anywhere in particular or just cruising around.

"Hey Darcy. Ahh, where are we going?"

"I thought we'd fly down to the Gold Coast and cruise around there for a while."

Darcy commanded the plane with ease and was completely at home in the sky. After they had cleared the airfield airspace and climbed for a while, Darcy said

"Would you like to take over for a bit Liz?"

"Um, well I've only had 2 lessons - straight and level, and climbing and descending - I'm saving up for more though."

"I could teach you. I have completed my instructors rating you know."

Lizzy felt she could feel the patronising condescension that seemed to be emanating from Darcy at that statement. But then that was an offer that was almost too good to refuse.

"I would like that a lot. But do you trust me? And I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time."

"I trust you more than some one I don't know. You seem like an intelligent girl, and I'm sure my time wouldn't be wasted as you would really appreciate the lessons."

The nerve of the man! thought Lizzy, what does he mean by that? But still it is a very good offer. I wouldn't be able to afford to fly for ages at the rate I'm going, especially if I have to spend more cash on my car. Oh!

"Thank-you Sir. That is very kind of you."

"Are you ready to take the controls?"

"I guess so."

"Well, Handing Over"

"I Have Control"

And Lizzy was flying.

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Chapter 12

Posted on Tuesday, 5 November 2002

Lizzy stood behind the counter of Longbourn Aviation, her fathers repair and engineering workshop. She shook her head as she attempted to sort out Collins' latest mess, having managed to kill the new customer database that Lizzy had created two short months ago. A customer waited patiently as Lizzy attempted to locate his VHF unit.

Lizzy muttered unmentionable things under her breath as she tried to sort it out. "Collins!"

"Yes Lizzy, can I help you with something?"

Lizzy imagined her hands throttling Collins. Instead, she smiled pleasantly, and asked him if the VHF unit had been fixed yet and if he could fetch it. "Oh yes, that job has been finished. I entered it in myself."

"Could you show me where it is, then? I can't find it."

"Well, of course, I wouldn't expect you to be able to find it."

"Well, of course I wouldn't if you don't enter it into the right place," she muttered under her breath. She smiled at the customer. "We'll bring it out in a minute."

"Oh, hmmm........hmmm......I can't seem to find it. Silly computers."

The customer looked at Collins skeptically.

Lizzy sighed. "Do you remember where you put it? Is it on the finished jobs shelf?"

"Yes, of course it is. I'll just go get it."

Lizzy followed him, concerned. Collins picked up a box and brought it over. "See, here it is."

Lizzy shook her head. "Collins, that's someone else's GPS unit. Isn't his unit that one there?" asked Lizzy, pointing at the black box two shelves down.

Collins looked over. "So it is."

Lizzy shook her head again. "Don't tell me you got the tags mixed up? And Collins, we do have a computer for a reason. Learn to use it."

As Lizzy returned to the customer, Collins went to complain to Lizzy's father. As Lizzy returned to the back work room, Collins exited her father's office smiling smugly. Mr. Bennet followed Collins and rolled his eyes. "A moment with you in my office, Lizzy."

As Lizzy walked past Collins, Collins looked down at her condescendingly. "Yes, your father has some words to say to you. You should show a lot more respect you know."

Mr. Bennet closed the door after Lizzy. "Has Collins been whinging to you?"

"Of course he has. I'd much rather work with his father, at least he was a semi-reasonable person. Collins has no sense to speak of, but he's amusing. If it weren't for that, he'd be completely intolerable."

"He is intolerable, father. He's completely incompetent. He can't use a computer to save himself. He makes us look bad. I don't know how he can be your business partner."

Mr. Bennet sighed. "He's only my business partner by default, and that is because we needed him to get that loan to expand. It's damn annoying having a business partner that you can't discuss business with, especially this new contract. Anyhow, I wanted to speak to you about this new contract."

Lizzy was all ears. "I've been curious about it."

"Take a chair Lizzy. What I'm about to tell you is not to go beyond this room, you do understand." Lizzy nodded. "This is highly classified, so I shouldn't be telling you this. I've just finished filling out my clearance forms." He indicated to the mass of papers strewn over his table. "Basically, this contract is going to be a cooperative project between defence and industry. I won't know the exact requirements until I've received my clearance. All I know so far is that they have proposed the development of an integrated imagery system, using all of the various radar systems to create a detailed 3-D picture."

Lizzy whistled. "That is quite an ask. Do you think we can pull it off?"

"It would be damn good for us if we could. This will either make us or break us. I've been waiting for a contract like this for a long time. And I certainly won't let Collin's ruin it."

"How can you hide it from him?"

Mr. Bennet smiled. "Well, he can't know much about it if he doesn't get his security clearance."

"You wouldn't!"

"Well, he will need to get a reference from me, and I'm sure I'll be as supportive as I possibly can. I'll tell the absolute truth. I can't jeopardize Longbourn's security protocol."

Lizzy grinned. "Where do we go from here?"

"We'll need to get a few more engineers on the team, and probably get a few of your uni lecturers as consultants. At the moment we only have Hill and Col Forster, and we have Phillips to handle the maintenance section. We'll have to upgrade our security, there will be some very sensitive material here. I imagine we'll need swipe card access and our computer network will have to be upgraded. I'm sorry Lizzy, but I'll have to even restrict you from accessing some of this until you're far enough into your degree."

"Oh, come on Dad, I can do the computer network for you."

Mr. Bennet shook his head. "No, Forster will be doing it. He is our software engineer after all."

Lizzy sighed. "I can't wait for another two years to work on this."

"If we don't get the tender in two years, you won't be working on it."

Lizzy put on a disappointed puppy dog look on her face. "How can you say that Dad? You had better get that tender or else I'll be off to work for your competitors."

Mr. Bennet smiled at his daughter. "That's what I like to hear from you. Nothing like a bit of family support."

"It's called emotional blackmail, Dad. The security guys get a bit hedgy about it."

Disclaimer: we don't think this hot shot new technology exists, we have completely made it up, but if it does exist somewhere, we know nothing about it. If not, we claim the IP rights to it.

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Chapter 13 - Part A

The air conditioning was broken, yet again, and the lecturer, Mr. Redlac, was preaching at the front of lecture theatre. He held up a 'free beer' poster. "Now gentlemen, back on the River Thames, we had none of this free beer business. And I hope none of you young men, oh, and women, go for this demon drink. Dilmah tea is far better."

The students were looking at their watches, waiting for him to finish at exactly four o'clock. Lizzy was getting fidgety. She hated being late for a computer practical, and she hated having to listen to Redlac, especially when he had more or less finished the lecture. "And now, gentlemen, remember you need to know the points we discussed in the lecture for the mid-semester exam."

It was the second week of uni, and Lizzy, our model student, was keen to start her first computer practical. Fitz, Lizzy, Charlotte, Helga, Anne and about seven other guys that were at that Kings party several chapters ago, rose from the back row of the lecture theatre and quickly made their dash for freedom out the back door. Lizzy said goodbye to Charlotte, and Fitz, too, was about to say goodbye as well. "Ah, Lizzy, I think I'll skip this tut. It's only week two."

Lizzy shrugged and headed off alone to the computer tut, having been abandoned by everyone else.

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Chapter 13b - Wickham

Insert evil and foreboding music here

Wickham walked out of the ITS* office, where he had managed to score a job the week before. He was hoping to finish off a small task before heading home early. It was a Tuesday night after all. He just needed to deliver some more paper to the printer in lab S606 and then he was done for the day.

He opened the door and....ran smack bang into someone and dropped all of the paper he was carrying. "Damn," he muttered quietly to himself. That was before he looked up and recognised the very, very pretty girl he had run into. Hmm, and she looked to be eighteen as well.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me help you."

Wickham smiled a very smooth smile. "No, don't worry about it. Though I must say I don't mind running into someone like you at all."

Lizzy blushed becomingly. And Lizzy opened her mouth and was unable to say anything to such a good looking, smooth talking guy.

Wickham recovered and filled the printer quickly while Lizzy was still left gaping at him (or his well formed body). As he came towards her again, Lizzy realised she was looking a little foolish, and that she was still aiming to go home. Wickham indicated that Lizzy should exit first. "Are you heading home now?"

Lizzy nodded mutely. "Yeah, I was just about to walk to Southbank now."

Wickham nodded. "So you are a south-sider as well. Do you catch the train?"

Lizzy nodded again.

"Me too. I'll walk you to the train station. I've finished here for the day."

Wickham stopped at the office window, bent over the desk to pick up his bag, waved to a few people and turned back to Lizzy again.

Lizzy tried to think of something to say. She wasn't usually struck mute like this. "So you work here?"

"Yes, I just got this job as IT support last week. It's not a bad job, the people are good and I'm sure I'll enjoy it."

They started talking and walked towards the lift.

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Part 13c - Darcy's Day

Darcy left the avionics lab, having spent an annoying hour waiting for his supervisor to show up. His supervisor showed up forty minutes late, having forgotten that there was a meeting, and left after ten minutes. Darcy was frustrated and was looking forward to going. The day couldn't really get much worse.

Darcy pressed the button for the lift, waited for about ten minutes, then finally hopped on one that stopped all stations from level 11 to level 6. At level six, Darcy stared icely at the opening doors with thinly veiled contempt for the IT students who couldn't walk down the two levels to the 4th floor where they all got off.

And then Lizzy walked in, and he smiled and was about to say hi. Then he saw Wickham. Talking with Lizzy. Darcy shrunk back into his corner. The day had just gotten worse. At the fourth floor, Darcy rudely pushed through the people, said nothing to Lizzy when she said hello and strode out the lifts.

Lizzy shrugged and continued her conversation with Wickham to the second floor.

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The train reached Coopers Plains and both Wickham and Lizzy fell silent. She had rarely had such an enjoyable hour talking with someone she had never met before. She found that they had so much in common. Besides the fact that they both lived on the south side, they were both into computers and they both played the guitar. Most of the people who started talking to you near a train were really weird.

"I get off in two stops."

Wickham looked disappointed. "It was really nice talking to you."

Lizzy agreed. "I've never spent a more pleasant half hour on the train, that's for certain."

Wickham smiled. "I'd really like to see you again. Are you free tonight?"

Lizzy wanted to say yes. "No, I'm sorry, I've got a family party-gathering type thing to go to tonight. But....you could come along to it, if you want."

"I'd like that."

Lizzy quickly wrote the details on a slip of paper, smiled, and got off at her station.

ITS: Information Technology Services


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