Weekly Lesson internet vocabulary


Weekly Lesson

Internet 101

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a browser

1)N. a program used to view the Internet. Microsoft Explorer and Netscape Navigator are examples of popular Internet browsers.

to click, a click

1)V.  to press the button on a computer mouse.
2)N.  the pressing of the mouse button.
3)V.  to make a small, sharp sound.
4)N. a small sharp sound.


1)N.  subject matter; the main idea of a book, a paper or a web page.

to copyright, a copyright

1)V.  to legally protect content with a copyright. 
2)N.  the right in law to be the only producer, seller or shower of a book, a play or a web page. 

to design, a design

1)V.   to artistically arrange the shape or layout of something.
2)N.  the artistic shape or layout of something.
3)N. an architectural or technical plan for something

to format, a format

1)V.  to determine the size, shape and form of a written document.
2)N.  the size, shape and form of a written document.

Internet (net)

1)N.  a series of interconnected computers and databases around the world.

to lay out, a layout

1)V.  to design the technical arrangement of a web page, building, garden etc.
2)N.  the technical arrangement of a web page, building, garden etc.

World Wide Web (web) 

1)N. a series of commercial, educational and governmental web pages on the Internet.


1)N. to go against (someone else's rights) or disregard (a law)


Vocabulary in Conversation

Use the above vocabulary to fill in the blanks in the following conversation. Your answers can be checked by clicking "answers" at the bottom of the page.

Tim: Hey! What are you looking at Barbara?

Barbara: I am taking a class called 21st Century Advertising. The teacher wants us to study different web sites to learn about web page ____________________.

Tim: That sounds like a great class for people who are studying business.

Barbara: It is. The _________________ is the future of business. And the _______________________ is going to be the storefront of the next century. To be competitive, businesses have to adapt their current advertising techniques. However, creating a good web site is much more difficult than most people think.

Tim: Have you discovered anything interesting which you consider to be well designed?

Barbara: Yeah, this site is fantastic. Take a look. It's is very artistic and the technical ________________ is convenient and very logical. It also looks good in different ___________________. I have already viewed it in Microsoft Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The ____________________ is also fantastic; the size and shape of the text is perfect. I am going to borrow some of their techniques when I design my own web page for class.

Tim: Borrowing ideas is OK, but you have to remember that the ______________________ of all web pages is legally protected.

Barbara: I know. Our professor taught us about intellectual rights. He told us that ___________________ infringement is a real concern for people who publish on the web.

Tim: That picture says "continue on." Why don't you ____________________ there so we can see the next page.

Barbara: OK.

Vocabulary Follow-Up

Use the above vocabulary to fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Your answers can be checked by clicking at the bottom of the page.

1.  I don't like the ___________________ of that building. The entrance is too small, and there are no windows in the lounge.

2.  They cannot simply reproduce that book without his permission. The ___________________ legally protects it from unauthorized reproduction.

3.  When you _____________________ a document in a word processing program, you change the size, shape and font of the words.

4.  Not allowing them to vote is an _____________________ of their rights.

5.  The book which Richard wrote is fascinating. The ____________________ is both thought provoking and educational.

6.  When I pressed that button, I heard a loud _____________________. I hope I didn't break the computer.

7.  Netscape Navigator is a _____________________.

8.  She attended a school for fashion _____________________.

9.  The web is an international collection of commercial and educational sights on the __________________.

10. Just __________________ on the "forward" button to go to the next web page.

"Get" Part 1

1) Complete the following text by filling in the blanks with the appropriate preposition or prepositions.

Use the following prepositions: over, with, by, on, through, out, into, together, down to, back to

Get Online

    Welcome to "Introduction to Computers and the Internet." This course is designed to help inexperienced computer users get _______ their fear of technology and get _______ it "technically." We are going to teach you how to get _______ with computers and get _______ the Internet. I am your instructor, Mr. Pfeffer, and these are my two assistants, Mrs. Frank and Miss DePaul. Together, we are going to help you get _______ these lessons. By the time you get _______ of this class you will have mastered the concepts you need to successfully navigate the web.
      First, I would like everyone to get _______ groups and choose a computer. Once you have gotten _______ and chosen a place to sit,  we will get _______ to work. We will be learning about different browsers and how they function. We will teach you how to interpret the layout of a web page and how to know where to click to move to other parts of the web site. At that point, we are going to take a short fifteen minute break.
    After you all get _______ to class, we are going to discuss web based content. We are going to teach you how to find the content you want using sources such as Yahoo or Alta Vista. So, let's get started.

2) Now reread the above passage to help you complete the list of definitions below.
get _____________: to overcome (difficulty, fear etc.)
get _____________: to become up to date with something
get _____________: to survive, deal with, manage
get _____________: to start using
get _____________: to finish or work through something challenging
get _____________: to leave
get _____________: to create, form (groups)
get _____________: to join up, come together
get _____________: to finally begin (work) after much waiting
get _____________: to return


Focus on Verbs

The following passage should be completed by putting the verb in parentheses in the Simple Past or the Present Perfect. If you are confused, you should refer to the English Page's Verb Tense Tutorial.


    Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change) ____________________ a great deal. The first computers (be) ____________________ simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) ____________________ much memory and they (be, not) ____________________ very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay) ____________________ thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) ____________________ very little. Most computers (be) ____________________ separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.

    Times (change) ____________________. Computers (become) ____________________ powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) ____________________ a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) ____________________ faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) ____________________ on the Internet and (begin) ____________________ communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) ____________________ to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) ____________________ into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.


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Weekly Lesson Answers
Internet 101


Vocabulary in Conversation

Tim: Hey! What are you looking at Barbara?

Barbara: I am taking a class called 21st Century Advertising. The teacher wants us to study different web sites to learn about web page design

Tim: That sounds like a great class for people who are studying business.

Barbara: It is. The Internet is the future of business. And the World Wide Web is going to be the storefront of the next century. To be competitive, businesses have to adapt their current advertising techniques. However, creating a good web site is much more difficult than most people think.

Tim: Have you discovered anything interesting which you consider to be well designed?

Barbara: Yeah, this site is fantastic. Take a look. It's is very artistic and the technical layout is convenient and very logical. It also looks good in different browsers. I have already viewed it in Microsoft Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The format is also fantastic; the size and shape of the text is perfect. I am going to borrow some of their techniques when I design my own web page for class.

Tim: Borrowing ideas is OK, but you have to remember that the content of all web pages is legally protected.

Barbara: I know. Our professor taught us about intellectual rights. He told us that copyright infringement is a real concern for people who publish on the web.

Tim: That picture says "continue on." Why don't you click there so we can see the next page.

Barbara: OK.

Vocabulary Follow-Up

1.  I don't like the layout of that building. The entrance is too small, and there are no windows in the lounge.

2.  They cannot simply reproduce that book without his permission. The copyright legally protects it from unauthorized reproduction.

3.  When you format a document in a word processing program, you change the size, shape and font of the words.

4.  Not allowing them to vote is an infringement of their rights.

5.  The book which Richard wrote is fascinating. The content is both thought provoking and educational.

6.  When I pressed that button, I heard a loud click. I hope I didn't break the computer.

7.  Netscape Navigator is a browser.

8.  She attended a school for fashion design.

9.  The web is an international collection of commercial and educational sights on the Internet.

10. Just click on the "forward" button to go to the next web page.

"Get" Part 1


Get Online

    Welcome to "Introduction to Computers and the Internet." This course is designed to help inexperienced computer users get over their fear of technology and get with it "technically." We are going to teach you how to get by with computers and get on the Internet. I am your instructor, Mr. Pfeffer, and these are my two assistants, Mrs. Frank and Miss DePaul. Together, we are going to help you get through these lessons. By the time you get out of this class you will have mastered the concepts you need to successfully navigate the web.
      First, I would like everyone to get into groups and choose a computer. Once you have gotten together and chosen a place to sit,  we will get down to work. We will be learning about different browsers and how they function. We will teach you how to interpret the layout of a web page and how to know where to click to move to other parts of the web site. At that point, we are going to take a short fifteen minute break.
    After you all get back to class, we are going to discuss web based content. We are going to teach you how to find the content you want using sources such as Yahoo or Alta Vista. So, let's get started.


get over: to overcome (difficulty, fear etc.)
get with: to become up to date with something
get by: to survive, deal with, manage
get on: to start using
get through: to finish or work through something challenging
get out of: to leave
get into: to create, form (groups)
get together: to join up, come together
get down to: to finally begin (work) after much waiting
get back to: to return

Focus on Verbs


    Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change) has changed a great deal. The first computers (be) were simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) did not have much memory and they (be, not) were not very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay) paid thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) did very little. Most computers (be) were separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.

    Times (change) have changed. Computers (become) have become powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) have created a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) have become faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) have also gotten on the Internet and (begin) begun communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) have started to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) have evolved into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.


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