24 Punishment at school

Punishment at school

School is the place where young people gather knowledge; meet friends so at the first glance there is no place for violence and accidents, and if there is no place for violence we shouldn't have any punishment at school. Unfortunately reality is different; we (students) can face with few types of punishment at schools.

The most common kind of “punishment” are marks. It's said that mark is school weapon. Marks theoretically should encourage students to learn. And theoretically it's quite fair - students who learn receive good marks, those who don't want to waste time for learning and miss classes get worse school reports.(in reality it looks different - marks not always are fair - but it's characteristic of our life, and it would be very difficult to change it). With marks is connected another form of punishment. Sometimes parents punish children who get bad marks (there are a lot of forms of such punishment, parents forbid to use computer, internet, go out, make parties etc. - but I haven't face with such problem - my parents claim that I've been learning only for myself, but on the other hand I think that if I got a very bed marks, they would say something to me).

Next form of punishment is connected with school violence. Maybe at our school we can't observe pure forms of violence, but e.g. at the beginning of first term someone has broke something in bathroom. I don't know exactly what happened. But it's not important. After that incident each student of our school had to pay about 2 ZŁ (school had no money to repair the bathroom, which was closed for long time). I think that it wasn't the best idea. It would be better to find guilty person and punish him (next time he would take into account that he can be punished) and it's not fair to punish all students for such things. I know that it would be very difficult to catch a person who did it, but nobody even tried to find them. One way to prevent such incidents is to install cameras at schools. It's common in USA and in western Europe. But in Poland would be very difficult to make such system because it cost a lot of money, and as we know polish education has no money for essential items so we can't dram about cameras (and it wouldn't be possible to put cameras everywhere e.g. in bathrooms and to tell the truth I wouldn't like to learn at school fool of cameras.

I wound be able to look into the mirror if I didn't say here about one the most horrible form of school punishment. And I need to emphasize that it was unfair punishment. It goes about history of art. For me it was the most disgusting thing I've faced in this school. I've chosen mathematic and physics profile because I didn't want to have history of art (it would be easier for me to learn history and prepare to study law on humanistic profile) and in the third class I had to learn this subject and the what is worse I would have history of art on my Matura report.

To sum it up. There are few forms, kinds of punishment at school. Punishments are necessary to keep discipline at school. Students have to know that if they broke some rule, they would be punished. The most common weapon of punishment is mark. Unfortunately enforcing more serious punishments is very difficult, because schools are not prepared to look for guilty persons.


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