19)19 09 At my school slownictwo ze szkołą IIb

Lesson plan

Teacher's name: Janusz Rybski

Date: 18th September, 2012

Class: IIb – elementary school

Number of students 22

Level of the class Elementary

Topic: At my school – słownictwo związane ze szkołą


Groupings: - Whole class and work in pairs

Students can: -pronounce vocabulary connected with classroom items

Student know: - vocabulary connected with classroom items

Teaching aids: -blackboard, handouts, flashcards,coursebook

Language items to be taught:

Lexical: - a table, a desk, a floor, a bookcase, a chair, a door, a floor

Phonological: -Correct pronounciation of given vocabulary.

Anticipated problems: -Students may have problems with the discipline

-Students may have problems with pronounciation

Sugested solution: -Give the troublesome student a yelow card

-Correct them after speech

Procedures Aims Interaction Time
T says „Hallo” and checks presence and writes the topic on a blackboard.

-to greet students

-to check student’s presence

-to introduce to the topic

T-Ss 3min
T puts flashcards with class items on a blackboard and writes their names in english. Students look at the flashcards and repeat aloud after the teacher. T writes polish translation and asks pupils to copy vocabulary from a blackboard. -to practise vocabulary




T collects flashcards from a blackboard and shows them to the pupils one after another. Ss say appriopriate word as a whole class.

T says „a pen, a pencil, a pencil case” and Ss have show them on their desks.

T takes flashcards with Leo, Laura and Zabadoo and asks Ss if they know who they are. Ss open books at page 8 and listen to the dialogue „Leo’s new school”

-to practise vocabulary

-to practise vocabulary

-to introduce to the listening









T asks pupils to do an exercise 3 on page 7. Ss have to listen and draw items in appriopriate places -to practise vocabulary T-Ss 8min
Ss are asked to do an exercise 8 on page 11. Pupils have to complete sentences „What’s this? It’s a pen” -to practise writing T-Ss 9min
T gives Ss a homework which is ex 5 on page 9 -to practise vocabulary from the lesson at home T-Ss 2min

Student's signature Supervisor's signature

…............................. ….................................


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