Strona bierna w j ang

Strona bierna w j. angielskim

gramatyka angielska

 by Ewelina

Present Simple
Active: John often writes science - fiction books.
Pasive: Science - fiction books are often written by John.
Subject + am/ is/ are + Past Participle

Present Continuous
A: John is writing a science - fiction book now.
P: A acience - fiction book is being written by John now.
Subject + am/ is/ are + being + Past Participle

Present Perfect Simple
A: John has written a science - fiction book lately.
P: A science - fiction book has been written by John lately.
Subject + has/ have + been + Past Participle

Present Perfect Continuous
A: John has been writing a science - fiction book.
P: A science - fiction book has been being written by John.
Subject + has/ have + been + being + Past Participle

Past Simple
A: John wrote a science - fiction book yesterday.
P: A science - fiction book was written by John yesterday.
Subject + was/ were + Past Participle

Past Continuous
A: John was writing a science - fiction book the whole last week.
P: Science - fiction book was being written by John the whole last week.
Subject + was/ were + being + Past Participle

Past Perfect Simple
A: John had written a science - fiction book before he left to Canada.
P: A science - fiction book had been written by John before he left to Canada.
Subject + had +been + Past Participle

Past Perfect Continuous
A: John had been writing a science - fiction book until midnight.
P: A science - fiction book had been being written by John until midnight.
Subject + had +been + being + Past Participle

Future simple
A: John will write a science - fiction book next week.
P: A science - fiction book will be written by John next week.
Subject + will/ shall + be + Past Participle

Future Continous
A: John will be writing a science - fiction book the whole next Monday.
P: A science - fiction book will be being written by John the whole next Monday.
Subject + will/ shall + be + being + Past Participle

Future Perfect Simple
A: John will have written a science - fiction book.
P: A science - fiction book will have been written by John.
Subject + will/ shall + have + been + Past Participle

Future Perfect Continuous
A: John will have been writing a science - fiction book.
P: A science - fiction book will have been being written by John.
Subject + will/ shall + have + been + being + Past

Tworzenie mowy zależnej

Autor: -

Data dodania: 29.02.2004

0x01 graphic
Więcej tematów z tego zakresu w: J. Angielski/ Gramatyka angielska

1. Opuszczamy znaki interpunkcyjne wskazujące na obecność cytatu (dwukropek i cudzysłów).

2. Uzgadniamy zaimki zgodnie z sensem zdania, np.:

He says: "I lost my keys."

On mówi: "Zgubiłem moje klucze."

He says that he lost his keys.

On mówi, że zgubił swoje (jego) klucze.

3. Jeżeli tzw. czasownik wprowadzający mowę zależną jest w czasie przeszłym, czas zdania podrzędnego zmienia się "o jeden stopień wstecz", tj. jeśli w mowie niezależnej mamy czas teraźniejszy, zmienia się on na przeszły, jeśli zaś przeszły - na zaprzeszły (the Past Perfect Tense).

He said: "I'm hungry."

Powiedział; "Jestem głodny."

He said that he was hungry.

Powiedział, że jest głodny.

He said: "I was hungry."

Powiedział; "Byłem głodny."

He said that he had been hungry.

Powiedział, że był głodny.

4. Zmieniamy określenia dotyczące miejsca i czasu:

today - that day

yesterday - the day before

the day before yesterday - two days before

tomorrow - the next day /the following day

next week/month/year - the following week/month/year

last week/month/year - the previous week/month/year

a year/month ago - a year/month before

here - there

Tryb rozkazujący w mowie zależnej

W zdaniach w mowie zależnej rozkazy występują w bezokoliczniku:

She said: "Help me!"

Powiedziała: "Pomoż mi!"

She asked me to help her.

Poprosiła mnie, żebym jej pomógł.

Pytania w mowie zależnej

W pytaniach, których treść jest przekazana za pomocą mowy zależnej nie ma szyku zdania pytającego:

She asks: "What is he doing?'

Ona pyta: "Co on robi?"

She asks what he is doing.

Ona pyta, co on robi.

W przypadku pytań ogólnych stosujemy słówka "if" i "whether" jako "czy".

Tom asks John: "Do you like her?"

Tom pyta Johna: "Czy ją lubisz?"

Tom asks John if he likes her.

Tom pyta Johna czy on ją lubi.

Tom asks John whether he likes her.



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