Fidel s Rape Squad

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All characters in this book are

fictional and any resemblance to

persons living or dead is purely


Copyright ©1981




New York, New York 10013


Angela knew what to expect when she was caught. She was a professional, one of the best field agents the Agency had. But she couldn't help being scared. They were gathered around her, the dirty, unshaven Cuban troops, and she knew what they would do.

“We'll all fuck her,” said one soldier. “We'll fuck this gringo spy till she screams and begs our forgiveness!”

They grabbed at her, tearing her clothes off, pulling on her tits and jamming their fingers into her cunt. She twisted and gasped, trying to get away but this was futile. There were too many of them and she was surrounded.

Fuck her! Fuck that bitch's cunt and then her asshole! Come on, let's make her sorry she was ever born!”

And the soldiers pulled out their pricks and attacked her, slapping her with hard cocks and shoving them into her holes.


Fidel was sitting on the roof of the old Havana Hilton, gazing down at his domain.

He had a big cigar in his mouth, one of his country's finest, specially grown and blended on a pristine section of the best tobacco-growing plantation in all of Cuba.

He was sitting on a lounge chair, smoking the big cigar and sipping a tall, iced rum and Coke. Actually, since there was no trade with the United States, the mixer was Kiev Kola, imported from Mother Russia. Beside him was Toni Jennings, a tall, natural redhead with a deep suntan. She was an American, and his mistress.

Another man was on the roof with them. He was Dr. Rodolfo, Fidel's long-time associate and his chief advisor on covert revolutionary activity abroad. Together these two men had hatched plots which had ultimately toppled governments and in some cases even changed the course of world history.

It was a thrilling power to have and Fidel enjoyed it thoroughly. The smile on his face now as he sat out in the open, showed his inner satisfaction. He was looking out at Havana, knowing that it was all his to command as he liked. But there was a sea beyond that, and other countries in every direction, and Fidel smiled the most at the idea that his presence, his ideas, were felt in a large number of those countries all around his own relatively small island republic. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he was thinking that the time would come when every comrade all over the world would worship and fear him as the people of his own country did.

Toni Jennings was an American, but she worshipped him every bit as much as any of his actual Cuban brothers and sisters. At least that was what she told him. And showed him in ways that only a woman could show a man.

She was smiling at him now. She was giving him that look that meant he should finish up his business and get on to something more important, like the two of them.

“Aren't you two done hatching your plot for today, darling?” she said to him.

Fidel glanced at her and chuckled. She could always be counted on to bring him back down to earth when he started to feel his megalomania coming on. He winked at her, though this gesture was lost behind his dark, wraparound sunglasses. He blew her a kiss. This gesture was not lost and the American beauty licked her lips at him.

“Come on, I thought we were going to be alone up here. I thought we were going to have some time together, so we could sit and enjoy ourselves and watch the sun go down. But you've just been doing one thing after another. It's really annoying. Fidel, really it is. Now why don't you say goodbye to Dr. Rodolfo and consider starting up a little fire with me instead of some foreign government for a change.”

“Sometimes, love of my life, you can be a worse nag than a Cuban fishwife, do you know that?” he said to her with a wry smile on his face.

“You shouldn't talk to me like that in the presence of Dr. Rodolfo. He'll think that you don't respect me. It's very insulting, Fidel.”

Fidel tossed what was left of his cigar over the side of the building.

“You talk too much,” he said to her. “Sometimes I don't know what I see in you, I really don't. You can be so exasperating. Yes, that is true.”

“Now, don't you yell at me, don't yell at me in front of anyone else… don't you ever yell at me, do you hear what I'm telling you?”

Fidel looked taken aback by her outburst. He looked in dismay at his old associate who was trying not to notice this family spat that was going on right in front of him.

“Don't mind me, believe me, I was thinking about something else entirely, really I was,” said Dr. Rodolfo to his old friend. They had known each other for more years than either one liked to remember. Dr. Rodolfo was one of Fidel's teachers at the university. He was one of the youngest teachers on the faculty and also the most radical. The administration was taking steps to get rid of him when he quit on his own and went to join Fidel and his rebels in the jungle and the mountains, fighting the troops and the police, raiding selected military and police installations and starting to build their own army that would eventually overrun the capital. And then Fidel would take over and Dr. Rodolfo would find a permanent place in the government.

He had worked in various parts of the government from time to time, but what he liked most and what he was best at was what he did nowadays.

Dr. Rodolfo plotted out the tactics Fidel and his secret army and his organization of spies would use against governments that were ripe for revolution. They had various ways of overturning these corrupt governments, sometimes through the use of bribery and blackmail, and sometimes through the use of force and guerrilla warfare.

Fidel and Toni glanced at each other. They were quietly fuming, their all-out argument forestalled by the presence of another person nearby.

Fidel finished his drink and sat forward. He nodded at Toni.

“Look, Dr. Rodolfo, I think we have said as much as we can on this matter for the time being, don't you think? I believe that all of your ideas are sound. We should begin to get to work on this very soon indeed, I believe.”

“All right, General, that will be fine. We can figure out any small details later in the week. I will go ahead with that which has already been approved. The sooner we get started on all of this, the better, I feel.”

“Yes, yes, I quite agree with you,” Fidel said distractedly. “I trust you to make the wisest decision for Cuba and for the Revolution, Dr. Rodolfo.”

Dr. Rodolfo gave him a polite bow and another to the lady and then exited.

There was a guard standing by the exit. He stepped aside for Dr. Rodolfo to pass. Fidel whistled to him and signaled him to wait inside the door.

Now he and Toni were alone on the roof. The hotel was the tallest structure in the vicinity, so no one had a higher vantage point from which to look down on them.

He moved over to her lounge chair and scowled at her.

“You should not give me such a hard time, don't you realize that?” he said to her. “You are always arguing with me, always telling me this and that, saying I am doing this wrong. I am not giving you enough attention, I look sloppy… always something! Next you will be telling me I should shave off my beard and wear a three-piece suit.”

“Oh no, Fidel, never. You know how much it turns me on to see you in your fatigues and wearing those cute hats of yours… especially when you wear it in bed.”

“Please, I am trying to tell you something. Why don't you listen to me? You are like an American politician now. You talk and talk but you don't listen. You will always be stupid if you continue to act like this, don't you realize that?”

“Stop lecturing me. I'm not one of your damned worshippers, you know. If you don't want me to stay here I can always go back to America.”

“Ah, what would you do in America? In that capitalist, reactionary country? Huh? What would you do? Marry some stockbroker? Some capitalist asshole? And make lots of babies who would grow up to fight in Vietnam? You stupid whore!”

“Now don't get nasty with me. I don't care for that stuff at all. I will walk out of here and it won't be to marry any stockbroker. Maybe a senator, or a military man. I've gotten a taste for men in politics and in uniforms.”

“It must be one or the other in America. They do not combine the two. It is one of their silly, reactionary hypocrisies to think that you can separate the lawmakers from the force that can make people obey those laws.”

“Don't start talking politics to me now, young man,” she said, glaring at him. “I won't put up with it, I simply won't. If you're going to keep aggravating me then I simply won't talk to you. And if you keep it up long enough, I will leave you… and I don't care if it is to marry a stockbroker. At least he'll be home at night.”

Fidel heaved a weary sigh. He had had enough of arguing. The sun was going down and they were sitting in shadows now. It was a romantic scene. There was a gentle breeze, but the weather was balmy, just right for a night of love.

He reached out and caressed her arm, trying to calm her down now. He knew he could lose his temper, but it was nothing compared to this fiery redhead. He often thought she had to have Latin blood in her somewhere to have such a temper but she said that she was Irish and English, just about exclusively.

She growled softly as he petted her. It was like calming down an angry lioness. She began purring more contentedly, but she was still giving him dirty looks. He was not forgiven yet. He would have to do more than pet her on the arm for that, it was obvious. Fidel smiled at her. He made a funny face.

Toni was being difficult. She was pouting and refusing to open up to him. She scowled and looked the other way. She could be very difficult sometimes, when he offended her. She could make his life Hell, Fidel had to admit to himself.

It was pretty amusing, when he thought about it, that this feared and admired man, this portrait of the victorious revolutionary, should be in a relationship where a mere woman, and an American woman at that, could so emasculate him at times.

It was the sort of thing that could really damage his prestige, he knew, if anyone was to ever find out about it. But no one would find out about it. Not as long as he was always nice to Toni eventually, after the feathers stopped flying and he could reason with her. It was never easy and sometimes it was damned hard, but he would make a try at it and she always gave in when he started apologizing to her.

He looked up at the sky and asked God what he had done so wrong to deserve such a woman. Oh, of course, she was wonderful. She was magnificent in bed. But such a bitch sometimes. Such a shrew! It was incredible, simply incredible.

He stroked her shoulder. He smiled at her. He was begging for forgiveness, even if he wasn't putting it into the words she might have wanted him to say.

Toni was softening. She heaved a sigh and glanced at him. He made another funny face, like a sad little puppy dog with all of that hair around his features.

She couldn't help smiling at him. He was such a child sometimes. He could be so cute and cuddly, yes, just like a little lovable puppy dog.

“Stop acting so silly with me now, please,” he said to her. “Yes, come on, you can stop having that bad face and have a pretty one for me. Yes, yes, that's it, smile, keep smiling… no need to stop just because I caught you.”

“All right. But don't ever treat me like you treated me just before,' she said to him with a sudden burst of fury. She scowled again.

Fidel didn't know for sure what he had done to her that was so bad, but he wasn't going to risk starting another argument by disagreeing or questioning her.

He caressed her some more, rubbing her arms and then touching her thighs. She was wearing only a taut bikini bathing suit at that moment and his hand was rubbing against bare flesh. It was soft, meaty flesh too, it sent shivers up and down his spine.

It didn't matter that she had been with him for some time now, it didn't matter that he had fucked her countless times. Each time when he would touch her like this, and his excitement would build, and he would be flooded with desire for her, would want to fuck her like it was the very first time he was getting access to that luscious gringo body of hers. He went out of control, lust tearing through him, making him forget all about politics, revolution, espionage, deficits, loans, everything… then there was only Toni, tall and voluptuous, with her hair the color of fire.

He twisted sideways now so that they were in effect lying together, body to body. He embraced her and kissed her on the side of the neck.

“You are lovely, my beautiful Toni,” he gasped at her as he kissed her. “You are the loveliest.”

“Oh, you're just saying that to me,” she sighed. “You're just trying to make me forgive you for acting like a bastard, that's all. You probably don't even mean any of what you saying, if you ask me about it.”

“No, no, that's not true, that's simply not true, you know that I say that to you all the time… yes, yes, I do, you know that I think you are the most beautiful woman in all of Cuba. Do you know what it means for me to admit that about an American? Ah, it would mean my assassination if anyone should find out.”

She stared at him intensely for a moment and then sighed deeply.

“Oh shutup and kiss me, stupid,'' she said, puckering her lush red lips.

He eagerly pressed his against them and they kissed heatedly.

“Ah, you are lovely, lovely, yes, you are,” he mumbled, kissing her on the lips, the neck, then on the breasts. “Mmmmm, wonderful, wonderful!”

She had an enormous expanse of cleavage and he peppered her with kisses. He licked at the cleavage, pushing down against her titties, pulling the tits out from the tight bra that was covering them. They flopped out and bobbed up at her. The nipples immediately started expanding, thick little red buds.

Fidel glanced at them and felt another rush of pleasure go through him.

“Such beautiful nipples you have, yes, yes, you do, you do,” he said excitedly, running his tongue over her, licking and lapping away.

He pulled the nipple of her left tit into his mouth and chewed on it. Toni moaned and stroked the back of his fatigue cap. She smiled and nodded her head. Now he was under control. Now she could deal with him again. He was so much like a young boy in so many ways. She had to scold him or shame him into behaving again. Then she could deal with him. Then she could make him do what she wanted.

It thrilled Toni to no end to know that she had such power over someone supposedly so powerful, so rugged, so full of machismo. But she did have a great affection for him. She didn't really give a damn about his politics. Sometimes she would bristle about his insults against Americans, but she would take all of that with a grain of salt, knowing that he said most of it as part of a public relations campaign. After all, he was a politician, and like most politicians he wanted to stay in office.

She knew what his countrymen wanted to hear from him and so he let them hear that. He believed a good deal of it, of course, but she always knew that he took it a few steps than was absolutely necessary. It was that revolutionary rhetoric that made the crowd scream, and Fidel, being a great showman, sometimes became a bit silly.

After some of his more ridiculously bombastic speeches, she would kid him about it and he would admit that he had become carried away. Sometimes it was to his own dismay. He had confided in her, though he would surely have killed her if she tried to tell anyone, that he would have much preferred doing business with the United States rather than Russia. But circumstances did not permit it and if the Russians were willing to give him so much money to keep his government together and to make it appear as if the economy was successful when it was actually a mess, then he could not refuse it.

Right at that moment, on the roof of the Cuba Libre Hotel, Fidel was sliding down the panties of her bikini. She lifted her long, long legs into the air and he slipped the panties right off her feet. He looked down at the tuft of red hairs between her legs. She opened her thighs slightly, letting him peek at the moist pink meat in there.

“So beautiful, my wonderful, wonderful Americana beauty! Que linda!”

He moved his mouth down over her, kissing her belly. The ticklish flesh there trembled beneath his lips. He moved down, his hands moving before him, sliding over the skin, brushing through her red pussy hairs.

“Oh God, yes, yes, put your tongue down there in my cunt, Fidel,” she moaned at him. “Mmmmm, I want your tongue deep, deep inside of me...”

“Yes, my love, I will give it to you… I will give it to you deep inside your luscious cunt hole… prepare yourself for it...”

Toni trembled and shivered as she opened her legs and felt his beard bristling against the soft flesh of her inner thighs. She opened wide and let him sink tight against her crotch. She took a deep breath and gasped. It felt wonderful to have his head down there between her legs. She especially liked that bushy, full beard of his.

It added an element of masochism to her enjoyment of the way he would slide his face against her, touching her with the beard, scratching at her tender flesh. He would sometimes really rub it against her, making her shiver from the contact.

“Oh, now the tongue, now the tongue,” she moaned at him. “Come on, come on, shove that tongue inside my pussy, shove it in deep, let me feel it!”

He kissed her inner thighs and then moved his face against the outer lips of her pussy. She quivered and groaned as he worked his way to the inner meat of her cunt.

And then he was holding her cunt up and pushing in with his tongue. He drilled it right through her. He pushed deep inside, flicking this way and that, up and down and from side to side. She convulsed, quivering and shivering as pleasure rushed through her.

“Mmmmmmm, suck me, suck me, yes, yes, that's it, oh God, Fidel, stick that tongue deep inside me, push it up into my cunt, mmmmm, yes, yes, yes!”

He licked up and down, up and down, wagging his tongue back and forth along the full length of her pussy. She swayed and twisted beneath him, moaning and shaking as he pushed his tongue back and forth, in and out of her heaving twat.

“Ohhhhh, you suck so well, Fidel, you suck so well, ohhhhh, mmmmm, that's good, that feels so good, mmmmm, yes, yes, it does! Ohhhhh, don't stop, no, no, don't...”

He moved his fingers over her as he was sucking. He pushed back the foreskin on her clitoris so he could play with it with his fingertip.

Then she really began shaking and twisting about, with his fingers pressed tight against the little band of flesh there, pushing and probing, sliding hack and forth, back and forth all the time. The pressure built up within her very quickly. The tongue slid up to her clitoris and he moved his finger back so his tongue could attack the little pulsing band of flesh. She moaned and shook as he started licking on her clit.

“Ohhhhh. yes, yes, yes, that's good, that's so good, oh God, mmmmmm, suck me, stick me, ohhhhh, don't stop, no. no, that's good, that's so good, yes, yes, suck it, suck that fat cunt of mine, Fidel, darling, more, more, faster!”

The tongue lashed at her. She shook convulsively as he twisted and flicked at her. Up and down, up and down, the tongue moved against her, attacking her taut clit. Then he moved back down to the hole again, plunging deep inside and licking up and down, up and down, faster and faster all the time. The pleasure was increasing, rising, rising all the time, never ending. She shook and groaned and clawed at him.

She ran her nails through his scalp, digging in through the thick black hair. She held him down tight against her cunt and writhed up at him.

“Oh yes, yes, that's so good, so good,” she cried at him.

His tongue tore through her and she sobbed and gasped as he pushed her closer and closer to an orgasm. It was a wonderful sensation as it rushed through her writhing body. She loved cumming when he was sucking her like this. It was the best kind of climax, she thought to herself as she watched that hairy head of his attacking her cunt.

It looked like a porcupine down there, grinding and bouncing over her pussy.

“You're making me cum, darling, yes, yes, you are, you're making me cum,” she groaned at him. “Mmmmmm, yes, yes, it's good, so good, so good!”

The tongue dug deep inside her pussy, lashing about for another minute before Fidel was ready to move on to other things. He was panting with excitement now as he lifted his head from her cunt and took a deep breath. Her pussy juices were dripping from his mouth. He gulped and licked much of it off with his tongue. His eyes were wide and bright as he looked at her. He was alive with lust for this beautiful American.

She reached out for him and they embraced tightly for a time. He kissed her on the lips and the neck while they both explored each other with rising passion.

He reached for the crotch of his fatigue pants, grabbing a tight hold at his cock. He squirmed and sighed as he felt the fingers clutching tightly to him. He pressed his mouth to hers. She bit him and sucked on his mouth, getting a few hairs from his beard into her mouth at the same time. But she didn't mind that. She was licking and sucking and grabbing at him. She couldn't get enough, that was obvious.

Fidel opened his pants. She helped him. It was an awkward situation but they were propelled by their lust and it got them through without a problem.

Then the Cuban leader was writhing over her with his pants down and his long, thick cock pulsing against her thighs. She reached down for it, grabbing ahold of the hard, throbbing muscle and stroking him back and forth, back and forth.

“Oh God, that feels so good, Fidel, yes, yes, it really does, so very good,” she moaned at him. “Your big, beautiful cock there… ohhhh, its huge… I love it, it feels so big and strong in my hand, throbbing against my fingers.”

“It is big and huge, you silly girl,” he moaned at her, kissing her neck while his own fingers were playing with her pussy, lunging in and out of the hole, pushing deep inside and then touching her clit and making her shiver and shake.

She pumped his cock back and forth, back and forth, never stopping, letting the hot juice slide down over her fingers, more and more all the time.

She didn't want to put him inside her cunt yet. It was more fun to wait and play like this, and to tease both of them. Her excitement as well as his was mounting all the time, flaring and flaring, rising up to the limits of endurance.

“Ohhhh, this is better, this is much better, you know,” she said. “Don't you think so, darling? Don't you agree with me on that?”

“Yes, yes, of course. Of course… I agree with you on everything, my precious, sexy, beautiful American love,” he moaned at her.

“No, but really, it's so much better if we don't argue any more. I think that it would be a whole lot better for our relationship if you wouldn't do these things that get me annoyed and make me want to yell at you.”

“Yes, my love,” Fidel moaned, kissing and licking at her neck as his fingers pumped back and forth through her pussy hole, pushing deep inside and then sliding out to the very edges of the heaving, twisting cunt.

She, meanwhile, was pumping violently at his cock, sliding the throbbing muscle back and forth, back and forth, making the sperm dribble down over her clutching fingers. The cock was an enormous one. Toni often said that if he had not been so well-endowed she would never have gone with him. She liked them big or she didn't like them at all, she said to him at one time. Fidel laughed and told her that he would thank God every night that he gave him such a big dick for her to play with.

But it was true. Toni had been around. She had fucked a lot of men, some rich and important and some just physically sexy. But she was not one of those women who said that size didn't matter. It mattered a lot to her and she made sure that all of her steady boyfriends had enough meat for her to feel filled up.

Fidel hated it when she talked about other boyfriends. He liked to think that all of his girlfriends were virgins when they first slept with him. It was part of his Latin background, she figured. They were all such babies, the men from that culture. Some were good lovers and others were bores, but they were so hung up on their macho image and their idealization of women as either whores or madonnas. It was silly, really, she thought. Women usually had a little of both in them.

But Fidel was not really as naive as that. He might have had some of the traits of his heritage, but he also knew enough about psychology and human nature that he could usually overcome such faults in his background.

They ground around together, touching each other, grabbing and squeezing, pumping at each other's genitals. The heat was rising higher and higher. They were nearly smoking as they rocked and rolled in that squeaking lounge chair.

The chair was an original from the Hilton days. Such non-revolutionary hardware as beach and sun roof furniture was not something easily or quickly replaced. The chair was now rather rusted and the springs squeaked loudly when you moved certain ways in it or put too much weight on it as they were doing now.

But their passion was too great for them to postpone what they were doing and get dressed again and go downstairs and go home. No, they couldn't do that. They would have to get it on right now and right there. There was no alternative. Not to them, feeling the way they did at that moment.

If they had been in their right minds, they would have thought to go right down to one of the empty hotel rooms and finish their passionate encounter in more comfortable surroundings. But they were impetuous. They weren't going to let anything happen that would dampen their ardor at this point. They were caught up in a flow of lust and they were going to see it through to the very end.

They tossed about on the bed, shaking this way and that, grabbing and shivering, their fingers clawing at one another. Fidel stuffed three of his fingers deep inside her cunt and was loving the way she poured cunt juice over them as he worked them back and forth, back and forth through her heaving crotch.

Toni was gripping his cock and pumping it furiously. More and more cum spilled from the tip of it and down over his fingers. Up and down, up and down, she pumped him. She was going so fast and hard that she came very close to making him cum right there in her hand. But she didn't want that. They weren't going to spoil the heat of the moment by turning it into nothing more than a masturbation contest.

They struggled and twisted from side to side, back and forth, grappling in that close, confined space of the lounge chair.

Then, finally, Toni couldn't wait any longer. His fingers were exciting her terribly but it was a pleasure that was different from the direct assault his cock could give her. She gasped and pushed him back from her.

“You've got to fuck me now, Fidel, yes, yes, you've got to slide that big cock up inside my pussy and fuck the shit out of me, do you hear me? You've got to really fuck me and make me cum… ohhhh, I don't know why I'm so horny right now, but I am, I really am… mmmmm, yes, yes, shove that dick into me, come on, come on, fill me with your Cuban meat, honey… mmmmmmm! I want it, I want it so bad!”

He growled at her. Everything she said he could second. He was feeling just as passionate and just as ready to fill her with his cock.

He grabbed the prick out of her hand and twisted it downward. He rubbed it over her cunt lips. This made both of them shiver wildly.

“Oh God, you're driving me crazy, Fidel, crazy, man, ohhhhhh… shove it into me, shove that cock right inside me, all the way!”

They rolled one way and then the other, and the chair continued to squeak, as if making some sort of rhythmic music to accompany them.

“Shove it in, shove that prick deep inside me, come on, come on, you can do it, you can do it, shove it into me… fill me with your dick!”

And then he was lunging it into her. He slid it right up inside the cunthole. She quivered and gave him a look almost of horror.

“Oh God, yes, yes, that's it, that's it… shove it in there… all the way now, come on, come on, give me every last inch, darling, every bit of it… ahhhhhh! I'm going to go crazy if I don't have it right now!”

And then Fidel was pushing into her, lunging slowly but steadily up the path of her cunt. She held her breath as the cock slid into her, and then when it was all the way inside she shuddered convulsively and kicked her legs into him.

“Oh, ohhhhhh, yes, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck my cunt, my hot cunt, ohhhhh, do it to me, fuck me, don't stop, don't stop, fuck my cunt!”

And Fidel began to lunge in and out with rapid, hard thrusts, back and forth through the writhing pussy. She groaned and screamed and shook from head to toe as his cock invaded her.

“Oh, that feels good… push it deep inside, yes, yes, faster… oh yes, fuck me with it, fuck me, you're going to make me cum!”

The cock plunged into her pussy. He lunged it deep inside and screwed it around and around, digging deep and then sliding back again. On and on it went. The pleasure was climbing, rising up, rushing through them. The pleasure was rising, rising all the time, more and more, rushing up, filling them both.

“Ohhhhh, fuck me, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck my cunt, fuck it, yes, yes, mmmmm, stick that dick into me, stick it in, ohhhhhh, I'm cumming, yes, yes!”

They rocked and rolled from one side to the other, back and forth, back and forth, twisting and clawing at each other as the pleasure rose all through them.

She moaned and twisted about as he fucked her. The cock plunged deep inside her and then slid back, in and out, again and again, faster, faster. The squishing sounds of her pussy juice rolling around his cock became louder and louder.

Toni was starting to feel a wave of solid pleasure now, as the cock plunged in and out of her. It was going to put her over the top. In and out, in and out, the cock moved through her, again and again, faster, faster all the time.

“Ayyyyyy! I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum, oh yes, yes, yes, mmmm, that's so good, ohhhh. I love it, I love it Oh God, yes, yes!”

Fidel grabbed at her ass cheeks, holding them tight. He dug his nails into the tender flesh of her big ass. He stuck them against her, nearly tearing the flesh.

“Ohhhhhh! Yes, yes, yes, that's it, that's good, ohhhhh, fuck me, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, oh, that's good, that's good, so good, yes, yes, yes, fuck me.”

He plunged his prick deep inside her and gasped. The pleasure was rushing up all through him too. He held it against her and twisted this way and that before the rush of ultimate pleasure hit him and then his cock was bathing her with sperm.

“Oh Fidel,” she cried. “Oh my big. strong, wonderful dictator!”


Dr. Rodolfo stepped out of the helicopter and ran towards the building.

An officer was waiting for him. A guard opened the gate and the two went inside. They shook hands in the less noisy inner courtyard of the big, colonial building. It was one of those structures built by the old Spanish rulers. Now it was a well-guarded site of some of Cuba's less publicized revolutionary activity.

Within those guarded walls were held various political prisoners, certain criminals, and suspected spies. They were all waiting to be questioned or they were waiting for their fate to be decided. Sometimes, when their fate was decided, they never left the building ever again. There was another courtyard on the other side of the building. On one wall there were the remnants of countless bullets fired in that direction. The firing squad was still the cheapest and most efficient means of execution there. It required no more equipment than the guards already had with them. And it made a properly chilling mark on the other prisoners who were waiting to be questioned and wondering how much they should tell their captors. If they knew that a firing squad was waiting for them, and they heard the solid volley of the squad executing a fellow prisoner, then they might be much more willing to open up with what they knew.

Dr. Rodolfo made a special trip out from Havana this day because of the very special prisoner they were holding for interrogation. She had just been captured, just been flown into the country. It was all a very illegal operation, of course, but Dr. Rodolfo knew, as did Fidel, his leader, that all countries acted illegally quite often. You simply had to accept that it was a fact. And you had to fight fire with fire. Critics of such tactics as these, if they were to ever find out about them, would have to accept the fact that it was done with the goal of revolution for the oppressed firmly in mind. If there happened to be certain elements in his approach to the revolution that some might scoff at or question, Dr. Rodolfo would deal with them when they came up. For the time being, he had Fidel's full confidence and that was all that was needed to get whatever he wanted done.

Dr. Rodolfo knew that he had certain enemies here and there. There were those who objected to the role Cuba was having in unsettling distant governments, or in propping up Soviet puppet regimes even when the public was largely against them. And there were those who objected to Dr. Rodolfo channeling certain of his own somewhat bizarre and kinky and even perverted sexual desires through his work. This, they would say, was certainly not the action of a revolutionary.

Again, Dr. Rodolfo would ignore such critics, calling them envious capitalists, and he would restate his loyalty to Fidel and their long friendship. Surely, the logic would go, anyone who questioned Dr. Rodolfo's practices would be likewise questioning the practices and integrity of Fidel himself. And that, as everyone knew, was unheard of since he was the one true revolutionary above them all.

He conferred with the officer who had taken charge of the prisoner.

Dr. Rodolfo nodded his head, listening intently to all he told her about the woman. He asked a few questions. But there was not much to ask. He would have to do most of the questioning himself, only he really knew what they wanted to learn from her. And he was determined to find out. He seldom failed to do this when he was really determined. He could make even the strongest, most steadfast person give up the information he or she was holding back. They were able to find many a double agent because of' Dr. Rodolfo. And many a plot against Fidel's government was stopped before it even got under way because of his efficiency. For that reason, if any rumors of Rodolfo sexual habits did get to Fidel's ears, he was deaf to them. Sometimes the ends simply did justify the means. You couldn't avoid that conclusion. The revolution had to go on, and if someone was loyal and did good work then you could easily ignore his peculiarities, especially if they only tended to hurt enemies of the state in the first place. And that was what Dr. Rodolfo made sure of. He would only take out his fun on those who had no one to speak up for them. Criminals, spies, double agents, saboteurs, assassins. They were the grist for his mill and no one could really work up the energy to defend such trash. They were his to do with what he wanted.

“All right. I've heard enough,” he suddenly said to the officer. “Take me to her. I will want to be alone with her, but have guards posted outside in case I should need them for any reason. I don't know how long I will be, but I shall probably want to speak to you when I am finished with her. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Dr. Rodolfo, I understand thoroughly,” he said. “I shall take you in there now. Take as long as you like. I understand that she is holding back some very valuable information about our activities in Central America.”

Dr. Rodolfo shot him a wilting glance and frowned at him.

“I think perhaps you know more already than you should know. I will not worry about it now. But remember that the military should not be involved in Intelligence matters. You are here as a commandant, to oversee the running of this center. That does not mean you need concern yourself with anything that happens here. As long as the prisoners do not escape you are doing nothing wrong. But please do not make me think that there is a security leak in this location or I will have to insist on a thorough investigation and a personnel change, do you understand?”

“Yes, Dr. Rodolfo, I understand quite clearly,” he said, snapping to attention at this rebuke. “If you will follow me, sir.”

“Yes, certainly,” said Dr. Rodolfo, content now that he had managed to intimidate a high-ranking officer.

He knew that such shows of authority were childish, but he couldn't deny the child in him sometimes. It was thrilling, almost sexy, to know how much power he actually did command. It was said that power was an aphrodisiac. That usually meant that it attracted, turned on, people who came in contact with the powerful. But in the case of Dr. Rodolfo, the power he possessed turned him on as well.

But no part of his duties or special privileges thrilled him quite as much as the interrogation of a prisoner like this one waiting for him. From the photos he had seen of her she was quite beautiful, tall and full-figured, with long brown hair. A wonderful-looking creature.

He knew that he was going to enjoy this. And if it worked out as these meetings so often did, he would not only get personal pleasure, but public honor as well. Fidel would congratulate him for a job well done. And the papers would be told that the famous Dr. Rodolfo had foiled another plot or managed to save Cuban lives, or however they would decide to tell the story. They would tell the story in a very vague manner, of course, not mentioning any details that would be hushed up for the usual security reasons. But the public would know that he had done something very good for the nation and that was all that mattered to them.

He was already something of a hero to many of the students and true believers in the revolution. They knew all about the legend of his adventures, how he quit the repressive, fascistic university faculty to join the deprivations and hardships of Fidel and his men fighting in the mountains.

Then he had gone on to become right-hand man to their leader, advising him and helping them maintain their government even though the treacherous Norte Americanos were trying to destroy it almost from the start.

They stopped in front of the door where the prisoner was being held. It was not one of the regular cells. This was one of several interrogation rooms.

A guard unlocked the door and Dr. Rodolfo stepped inside the doorway. He turned and nodded to the officer and to the guard.

“That will be all for now. I will send word if I need any help. The guard will stay and be ready to assist me if I feel it is needed.”

“Yes, Dr. Rodolfo,” said the officer. “He will be pleased to help you, of course. He is one of my best men, you understand.”

“I don't know how much of a compliment that is coming from you, but I will not argue the point. If I do need him he had better not fail me, that is all that needs to be said. I'm sure he understands the penalty if he does something wrong.”

“Yes, Dr. Rodolfo, I am sure that he understands,” he said.

“And be sure that you understand as well, Major. You are responsible for the actions of your men. If they fail, it is as if you have failed.”

“Very well, Dr. Rodolfo, I do understand. I will see you later.”

The officer bowed and turned away. It was obvious that he was feeling very humiliated by this treatment. He was used to being treated with respect, and this was obviously something that Dr. Rodolfo did not hand out too easily.

He did his job well, he was thinking, as he strode back to his office. There were never any complaints about him. Since he had taken over the maintenance of this place, there were no escapes, no mistakes of any kind.

But this Dr. Rodolfo didn't care about that. All he cared about was that you kissed his fucking ass, the officer fumed, as he walked down the hall and reached the staircase. He knew all about this Dr. Rodolfo, with his perverse needs.

Fidel should throw him in prison, the officer wanted to scream. The revolution was supposed to have rid the country of sex perverts, drug addicts, and prostitutes. They were supposed to be dead, in prison, or in America. But this Dr. Rodolfo, he was different, very different. He walked among us. He was a power behind the throne.

`The officer knew that if he were ever to voice his thoughts they would be considered treason and he would probably be thrown in prison himself. But they can't stop me from thinking it, he said to himself. They can't regulate that. Not yet, anyway. But perhaps the damned Russians had already thought of something. It would be like them to figure out some new form of mind control.

Dr. Rodolfo closed the door behind him. He glanced at the girl. He tried to show no expression as he looked at her. But he felt a tingle move up and down his spine as he took her in. If she was a spy, then she was certainly the most beautiful spy he had seen in a long time. She was ravishing. She had a body that would easily compete with the luscious form of Fidel's mistress. There was no doubt about that, and he wasn't seeing her undraped as he had seen that gorgeous gringo mistress of his.

How often he had fantasized about her. For some time now he had hoped that that American redhead would turn out to be a spy. If that were the case and she had betrayed him and he would know it, then Dr. Rodolfo would have his chance with her. And that was something he wanted more than anything.

Many nights he lay alone in his bed and thought about her. Toni. What a ridiculous name it was. A man's name in her country. But she was no man. She could never be even confused for one. She was beautiful. The most beautiful of them all. He envied Fidel the woman. He didn't care about Fidel's position as dictator. That was dangerous. Of course, Fidel had gone a long time without anyone ever getting close to killing him, but there was always a chance. There were plenty of people who hated him, and rightly so. He was the star of the revolution. His deeds were well-known. Luckily, Dr. Rodolfo thought, his own deeds were not so well-known as that. No assassin would come after him as they did for world leaders. He had no power or throne to give up.

No, Dr. Rodolfo did not long for that kind of power. What he had was more than sufficient. It was there in his work, in the way he was allowed to treat the people he worked with. And it was there in the things he was allowed to do to the prisoners as long as he usually got results from them.

Fidel was a friend. Not a close friend, but they had enough in common that the man would never throw Dr. Rodolfo out for no clear reason. And up till now he seemed perfectly willing to forgive him his little indiscretions now and then as long as he kept achieving results as he had over the last year.

Cuba had been getting more and more bad publicity for its foreign entanglements. He managed to turn this publicity around. Now they could help topple governments and work for those regimes that the Soviets felt needed propping, and there was very little said about it. The publicity all went the other way, the articles declaring the glory of another people's revolution, not knowing that much of that revolting was done by Cuban troops or with Cuban money.

Dr. Rodolfo walked towards the girl. She was sitting on the floor in a corner. She looked dazed. They had administered a tranquilizer to her earlier in the day. She looked dazed, but he was fairly sure that the effects were worn off to a degree that he could deal with her. She would be groggy but conscious of what was happening.

He wanted that. He wanted them always to know what he was doing to them. It spoiled so much of the fun if they were out of it, and couldn't react, and he couldn't hear their delicious screams as he did it to them.

“I am Dr. Rodolfo,” he said to her now. “Perhaps you have heard of me. I have some fame among your people. I have made many of you see the folly of your ways. It will do you well to talk to me now, if you do not, I am sure you will be very sorry for it. I do not take well to insolence…”

She looked at him and took a deep breath. Then she let it out and closed her eyes for a long moment. She swallowed hard and looked at him groggily.

She was obviously not sure where she was or what was happening, but clarity was returning to her. She remembered the capture, and then the first brutal questioning period. She remembered more and more of it now as she concentrated. It was almost as if she had just been given another drug, the way lucidity seemed to bubble up around her at this point. But most of the memories that came floating back to her were not particularly pleasant ones at all, she realized.

She saw herself running through the jungle, her ankles torn by thorns as she moved faster and faster, not wanting to be caught by them, knowing that it would mean torture and death or at least severe pain if they were to leave her wounded. She hadn't even considered the possibility that they would do this to her. That they would drug her and put her into a supply plane and fly her out of the country to here.

And where was here? She wondered. She couldn't say for sure. But her trained powers of observation gave her a few clues. Where else could she be flown so efficiently, with such dispatch, she asked herself? Nicaragua was a possibility except for this brutal efficiency. No, Cuba was the only real possibility she could think of.

She looked at the man standing there. He was observing her. He said some things to her that she heard but couldn't really concentrate on. Her brain was still a little foggy. She looked down at the floor and took several deep breaths.

The memories of her capture were returning to her again.

It made her shiver when she recreated that scene in her mind. But she thought it was important to remember all of that. It would help her regain her mind and her strength to put it all into perspective and remember all of the details.

She concentrated. She could see the faces. The gruff, Spanish and Indian faces.

They were jeering at her. They were laughing and pointing at her.

She must have been quite a spectacle after they ran her down, she thought bitterly, thinking about how she looked then, with her clothes torn, her hair a mess, sweat running down all over her from exerting herself in the jungle heat.

The zipper on her jumpsuit had broken so that you couldn't zip it up past a certain point. That certain point allowed a good bit of cleavage to hang out of the front of the suit. She hadn't worried much about that when she was on her own ground, before she was captured. But now, with those horny jungle fighters staring down at her, leering and smacking their lips, she wished that she had never been given such big, luscious titties, or that at least the damned zipper on the jumpsuit hadn't broken just where it had. Then she remembered she laughed slightly, thinking that it could have been worse. The zipper might have broken all the way down at her pussy. She wasn't wearing any underwear at the time and she realized that if her bobbing titties made them all excited, then the sight of her bushy pussy hairs would have been the final blow.

She lay there, twisted and uncomfortable, down in the grass and the shrub where they had finally caught up with her after a mad chase through the jungle.

She was there, alone and in pain. And frightened. Yes, she had to admit it. It was a hard thing to admit but she would admit it, at least to herself.

They were trained for dealing with everything but this. Fear. It was a dirty word at the Agency. It was one of those words they weren't supposed to know the meaning of. If the Agency started defining fear, then it would have to deal with the consequences of it. Pain was something else. They told you how you could handle that when it got to be too bad. That was no problem at all as far as they could see.

The Agency showed you, as part of your final training before going into the field, all sorts of useful tricks for dealing with pain when the enemy was torturing you for information. They showed the prospective agent in the field how he could put himself or herself out of misery, and not incidentally keep whatever information he or she had from getting to the enemy, by suicide. You were given the requisite capsule or chewing gum form of poison, which took approximately fifteen seconds to take effect. But if you had no access to that equipment, if it was taken away or lost, then they showed you some other neat ways of taking yourself out of their hands and stopping the torture from going on any further. They showed the method, derived from an obscure martial art in China, that you could kill yourself quickly and efficiently with your own hands. There were certain muscular and neural pinpoints. Which, if touched with just the right pressure, killed you instantaneously.

She remembered the gallows humor the agents indulged in after they learned this lesson in their training, and she remembered being very careful the next time she showered and scrubbed her back with a brush. It hardly seemed like a real prospect at that time, no matter how serious they all were about the line of work they had become a member of. They all wanted to work in the field. This was strictly voluntary, and of course you had to be accepted after a rigorous training period. Many were cut from the team at that point. They would have to accept the less colorful routine of office work or any of the endless prosaic positions that even a spy agency had to fill. There were typists and computer programmers, translators, readers, historians, letter writers, and so on. There were some people who did nothing all day but sit in their office and read foreign newspapers, just making sure that they were aware of everything.

But that wasn't for Angela. She wanted to be out there in the field where the risks were and where the glory was. Yes, she admitted it. There was a certain ego factor involved. The field agents, the undercover agents, were the ones who risked the most, faced the most danger, and were thus the top of the heap, the ones who were respected the most by far. They were the ones that Hollywood made movies about.

And Angela wanted to be part of that top of the heap. She was afraid all through the training that she wouldn't qualify. She was sure that she would be very unhappy if she couldn't become an agent and had to stay in one of the lesser jobs.

She wanted excitement, danger, adventure, and all the praise and glory that went along with it. That was why she joined in the first place, she told herself. If she had wanted to be a pencil pusher she would have become a secretary or an insurance underwriter or something like that, not a spy.

But she had gone through the training and passed it all with flying colors. And then she was sent into the field. She had done time in various parts of the world.

Some of her assignments were on the mundane side and usually, in the beginning she was only being assigned to work under more experienced men.

But the Central American assignment had been a big step forward for her.

She knew they were putting a lot of trust into her when they sent her on this one. She had a lot of responsibility. The things that she found out might have an international importance, and the information that she got back to the American government could have ramifications that no one could estimate in advance.

And she had done a good job at it too. She had been cunning and incisive. She had found out everything, or so it seemed. Some of the information was relayed back to the capital and her supervisors. But she had gone back for more. There was something big brewing, she had heard, and she wanted to find out about it and deliver it to the Agency as a scoop. Angela was almost more interested in how her work would impress her bosses than in how it would affect the world.

Perhaps she got a swelled head, she was thinking in retrospect. Perhaps the pursuit of glory had blinded her to the risks she was taking.

In any case, she did something wrong, she knew that, even if she couldn't put her finger on what it was. If she had had a clear head all the time, and obeyed orders as strictly as she should have been doing, then she wouldn't have put herself in such a dangerous position. They wouldn't have found out about her and wouldn't have gone after her as they did.

It was her downfall. They were sure to catch her once the chase began. There were too many of them and she didn't have the supplies it would take to stay in the jungle for any length of time on her own.

They found her, and then she was afraid. She knew that they were a particularly ruthless band of guerrilla goons. They were capable of anything. They would hate her. Hate who she was, what she stood for, what her government stood for. The feeling was entirely mutual, of course, but that didn't matter much. They had the upper hand at this point and she was sure that they would take full advantage of that fact.

She lay there in the rough grass, with the mosquitoes biting her as she trembled and tried to catch her breath and they all looked down at her.

“Look at the tits on her, will you? My God, she is really stacked,” one said, and then they all laughed and shook their heads in agreement.

She figured they had been fighting and living hard for quite a while and there was no women among their ranks. She had a feeling she was in for a very bad time. And then the fear came strong and hard. And she had to wonder if she would be able to take what they would give her. She feared the humiliation of breaking down as much as she did the pain that they might inflict when they interrogated her.

She had a strong will. She didn't think she would tell much. She didn't exactly know what they thought she knew or what she was doing there. It might be possible to bluff them. She could lie with the best of them, at least she could when she was given the chance during training. There was one class, taught by an old actor who had also been with the Agency, investigating infiltration in Hollywood. He had them all practice improvisation. And she had been very good at it. She would be able to make up a story, given the premise that the teacher would make up. She would be able to think up a convincing alibi for her actions on the spot.

But as was often the case, training and the real thing were not the same. And now as she lay there with the angry and leering troops around her, knowing that she was caught and that there was no way to escape, it was awfully hard for her to think straight, to concentrate enough to be able to figure out what she could say to them, what she could say that they might believe.

But it was too late for that. She knew that once they searched her they would find documents and notes which would give the game away. And they were bound to search her. Now, as she lay there looking at them, the way they were leering at her, she regretted hiding the notes where she did. It would be much less humiliating, she realized, if she had just put them in a pocket of her jumpsuit.

But she hadn't expected to be caught, and the routine search that a roadblock might make would not locate the secret information she was transporting,

“Come on, get her on her feet… we'll take her back to the camp for questioning. Hurry up, pick that bitch up and get her walking,” one of them said.

“Aren't we even going to get to fuck her?” said another of them.

“Not yet. Not till she's searched and questioned thoroughly. But I'm sure that tonight we will be able to enjoy her company.”

“All of us? Ha, that will leave her cunt pretty wet, I think, amigos,” one soldier said, and they all laughed at this.

She was pulled to her feet and marched along. Even though they were told they could have at her in the evening, some of the men were so horny that they couldn't keep from moving up to her and rubbing their hands over her ass.

“Ahhh, and it's a beautiful, big ass she has too, amigos… look at the way it wiggles when she walks. Mmmm… like a goddess she is!”

Another one sidled up to her and slid his hand into the front of her jumpsuit. He grabbed at one of her tits, squeezing in on the soft flesh. He pinched the nipple between two fingers and pulled on it for a moment.

“Oww!” Angela cried, pulling away from him and snarling violently.

“Oh look, the filthy spy can bark like a dog... I hope she's a bitch in heat, now that I think about it.”

They took her to the camp and she was pushed around by two guards while an officer in a khaki green uniform looked on.

“Strip her.” he told them. “Pull that fucking thing off of her and let's see if she's carrying any information about us on her.”

They ripped the jumpsuit from her shoulders, revealing the full sweep of her tits. They dragged it down over her hips and then revealed the brown bundle of hairs between her meaty thighs. The guards and the officer licked their lips.

“Search that uniform she was wearing,” the officer told them.

“It isn't a uniform,” she answered sharply. “This isn't even your country. You can't do this to me… you can't get away with this.”

“We can do what we want. Try and escape and we will catch you or we will shoot you. And that doesn't matter whose country this is.

“There is nothing in the uniform,” the guard told him then.

He looked at her and nodded his head up and down and sighed.

“I see. Well, that makes for more interesting possibilities. Hold her tight while I examine her,” he said to them.

She struggled as the officer moved towards her. But the guards were holding her tight. She couldn't get away. She couldn't do anything. When she tried to kick, they booted her hard in the shins and she yelped with pain.

The officer moved up to her luscious body and his eyes took it all in, roving over the curves, the meaty flesh, the full tits and the fluffy cunt hairs.

“Spread her legs,” he said. “Hurry up. Spread them wide for me.”

The guards twisted her arms behind her and then grabbed one leg each and pulled them apart. The officer got down on his knees in front of her.

He smiled at the sight of the luscious pink cunt there. It was plump and full and beautiful. The hairs were long and lightly curled.

He touched the taut cunt lips and peeled them apart. He nodded.

“They often think that the perfect place to hide things is deep inside their bodies. Somehow, they must think that people would be too discreet to check.”

He opened her cunt lips and looked in at the hole. He moved his fingers in against her, pushing right into the opening, opening it wider and wider.

Angela held her breath. She closed her eyes. There was nothing else to do. She didn't want to see what he was doing. It was bad enough to feel it, those dirty fingers probing at her pussy, pushing inside, stretching her open, sliding in, twisting this way and that, pushing deeper, deeper.

She tried to control her disgust at this. She knew that this was not something she could take any drastic measure about even if she had wanted to end it all that way. A strip search and even this kind of physical abuse were part of the job. They weren't a part that anyone was expected to be subjected to every day but the Agency would certainly say this was all part of the job.

But she knew this was only the beginning. It could only get worse and worse from here on. It could only start going downhill fast. They looked like just the ruthless types that she feared the most. It would take all of her strength and presence of mind to get through this alive, she knew.

He was still fondling her pussyhole, but she knew that he wouldn't stop there. There would be at least one more hole he would check, and then he would find something and she would stop being a suspect and would be guilty.

“All right, turn her around,” said the officer at that point, sliding his dirty fingers back out of her cunt once more. “Bend her over and make her stick that beautiful big ass out. Go on, hurry up now.”

They did as they were told, spinning the struggling girl around and then twisting her arms behind her so that she was forced to bend over. Her big buttocks jiggled nervously as she tried to stand in position. They were hurting her arms but she didn't want to make any outcry as they held her there. She didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they were hurting her.

The officer was smiling into her open ass. He reached up and patted the smooth flesh of one of the cheeks. He rubbed his hand back and forth through the crotch. She shivered and gasped as he did that. She didn't want to respond to him, to what he was doing now, but she couldn't help it. He was exciting her.

He slid the fingers back and forth through the cunt meat, back and forth, over the hair and the meat. And then he moved up towards her asshole.

He spread her cheeks wider apart and looked at the gaping asshole. It was a beautiful anus, all red and round and puckered perfectly. He smiled.

“She is very beautiful, this woman spy, inside and out, yes, very beautiful,” he said. “And I think… yes, I think I see something there.”

Angela had tried her best to draw it up her rectum, but she couldn't do it. The package was where it was and she couldn't bring it up her ass any further, neither could she expel it very easily unless she pulled on the string.

The little nylon string was hanging out of her asshole and the officer was looking at it and smiling and nodding. She was very clever, but not clever enough.

He reached in and took the end of the string between two fingers. He pulled slightly. Whatever was in there was in there tight. And she was holding her sphincter down tight to keep it right where it was too.

“She is trying to give me a hard time, I think… one of you slap her ass. Give it a good whack. Make it sting her.”

The guard on the left followed the command. He threw his thick hand flat against one of her ass cheeks. The flesh resounded. She whimpered. He looked at the officer.

“Do it again, but much harder this time, much harder!”

The guard did as he was told, swinging his hand down as hard as he could.

Angela groaned loudly as the hand hit her ass cheek.

“Owwww! Oh, stop it, stop it, don't hit me, you brutes!” she cried.

“Once more!” the officer shouted, gripping the nylon string.

And the guard did it, and this time the sphincter squeezed very tight and then opened for a moment. At that moment the officer pulled the string as hard as he could. A pencil-thin packet shot halfway out of her asshole.

“There it is, there it is,” he said, smiling and nodding his head.

“Owww! You bastards… you filthy, degenerate bastards,” Angela moaned, humiliated by everything they were doing to her now.

“Ha, ha, ha, I think we are getting to the lovely lady,” said the officer.

He dragged the rest of the packet out of her ass.

It was a nylon, waterproof jacket. It was closed with a pressure-sensitive nylon zipper that opened and closed when you pressed your thumbs to either side of it.

The officer fiddled with it for a moment and finally got it to open. I peeled the sides apart and saw that there were some papers inside, carefully and tightly rolled into the smallest possible package.

“Here it is, here it is, what we have been looking for, men,” he said. He laughed and slapped the girl on her beautiful, big ass. “Yes, she is a spy, as if we hadn't been sure… hah, hah, hah… but let me see what she has written here… my English is only passable… but I think… yes, I think this is in code.”

He scowled at the girl, or at her ass, to be precise.

“You have to make this hard for us so it will have to be hard for you, my foolish one. You filthy spy. We know what you are trying to do, of course. You are trying to discredit us. You will misuse the information you have found out about our interests in this country and you will lie. We are familiar with your tricks in the past. You will try to discredit us, try to get your United Nations to attack us and to tell us what we are doing is not good for world peace or some nonsense like that. But it will all be lies and you know it. But when you have a shred of truth, then you can build your lies on it and some people will believe you.”

“You are the ones who lie all the time,” Angela whimpered. “You are the ones who are imperialists, raping and looting around the world, overthrowing governments that have been elected so that your own sort of dictatorship can get in.”

“Shutup, you filthy capitalist bitch,” he growled at her.

He smacked her ass as hard as he could. Then he held the cheeks apart and slid his finger against her asshole. She cringed and shivered as he pushed it into the opening. He slid it forward, pushing hard, jamming it up her ass.

“Owww! Stop it, stop it!” she whimpered at him. “You beast… animal!”

“Ha, ha, the lovely lady doesn't like us, men. She thinks we are animals. Yes, maybe that is true, hey? We are animals here in this jungle. And it is the law of the jungle here. We can take what we want and do as we please.”

He rammed the finger in and out of her asshole, back and forth up her hot little ass. She shivered and quivered, her sphincter squeezing down against the finger.

“Please, please, take it out,” she whimpered. “Take it out… leave me alone, let go of me, you animals, animals!”

“This is only the beginning, you stupid bitch,” said the officer, as he opened his pants and took out his cock.

His prick was already throbbing with excitement from what he was doing with her naked crotch. With a couple of strokes it was rock hard, and he then thrust it up against her asshole, sliding it in deep, making her squirm and cry out.

“Oh God! Ohhhhhh!” she screamed. “Oh, oh, you're hurting me, you're hurting me, you bastard, you filthy bastard!”

“That's only the beginning, my dear. The entire platoon is going to have a go at you before we ship you out of here.”

She twisted and shuddered, his words burning into her flesh.


The officer pushed his cock into her asshole and held it there, deep inside, twirling it around and around within her. She shuddered and quivered moaning with the pain of it. The pain rose up through her, higher and higher all the time, with every move either of them made. The cock pushed deep inside her ass and he held it there.

The officer laughed and looked at the guards for their approval.

“Doesn't she squirm nicely? Ha, ha, ha, she likes to have things stuck in her asshole, I guess. She can stick that fucking thing with her spy reports on it in there, well now she can enjoy my cock inside there, deep inside her hot asshole.”

He plunged his cock inside again, back and forth, faster and faster, back and forth, in and out of the quivering rectal passage. She was in great pain, but the more he did it the more her asshole became used to it. And then came the waves of pleasure. More and more of them swept over her, rising, higher and higher with every stroke of his long, throbbing prick. He shoved it in and then twisted it around and around in circles inside of her. The prick heaved, throbbing crazily with every thrust he made up her twisting asshole. She cried out. Though there was a certain amount of pleasure coming from that cock shoving back and forth through her, most of it was still pain, and the pain could increase just as the pleasure was increasing.

“Ohhhhh! Oh, you beast, you fucking beast, stop it, stop that, stop fucking me, stop touching me, just leave me alone… let me alone, can't you hear me? Can't you hear what I'm saying to you? Don't you have any decency left in your body at all? Are you all so heartless, so savage, that you can allow something like this to go on? I don't believe it. I simply don't believe it!”

She squirmed and gasped as the pleasure increased. More and more, it shot through her with the pain. The pain was still in the lead, but the two were fighting.

“Ahhhhh! Stop it, stop it, what are you doing to me? Oh God, can't you stop it, please, please! Ayyyyy! Jesus, oh shit, oh shit, fuck me fuck me, fuck my asshole! Ahhhhh! Stick it in, stick it in me! Oh yes, yes, that's it, ahhhhh!”

He was starting to lose control now. It couldn't last much longer. He would have to give out. He knew it. He was gasping, sucking in air, realizing he would have to finish soon or he might not be able to finish at all. And he knew damned well that would be a pretty embarrassing thing to have happen in front of the men. They would be sure to tell everyone about it. They would tell that he had been unable to rape the gringo bitch of a spy. They would all know soon enough. He had to finish. He had to spray the bitch's asshole with his hot cum. He plunged deeper, sliding back out at breakneck speed. In and out, back and forth, faster, faster all the time.

“Ohhhh! Ahhhhh! Jesus, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, ohhhh, faster, stick it in me, fuck my asshole, you bastard, ohhhhh! Fuck me!”

“Ha, ha, ha! She likes me now, you see? Yes, yes, she likes the feel of that thick cock moving in and out of her asshole. She can't get enough of it. I show them. I teach them all to come around sooner or later, eh? Is good. I am the one. I am the one who can do it well, yes… better than any of you poor fools!”

He thrust deep inside her asshole and held it there as waves of pleasure shot up through him. The pleasure rose and rose, more and more all the time. He stuffed the cock inside her asshole, twirling it around and around in circles as he held it there. Then he dragged it back out, nearly falling from his place in her asshole. But he recaptured it at the last moment, shoving deep inside once more, all the way up her quivering anal passage. She whimpered and screamed and groaned.

“Ohhhhh, you beast, you beast, what are you doing to me? Stop it, stop it, that's enough, that's enough… how much do you think a woman can take?”

“You're going to take all of us before we're through with you, sweetheart,” cried one of the soldiers guarding her. “Every one of us is going to shove his throbbing prick into your fucking asshole, do you hear? Yes!”

“That's right. But I don't want to be the last one, do you hear me? By then it will be as loose as that of a dead woman.”

“And most likely she will be dead,” cracked another. “That is the appropriate punishment for disgusting American spies.”

“But first… first, before any of you do anything… I am going to cum and fill this bitch's asshole with my steaming jism...”

He pumped up into her asshole. He dug deep inside and twirled around and around inside of her. She cried out. The pleasure and pain were about equal now. She wedged herself back against him, driving the cock all the way inside her asshole. The cock pulsed at her bowels. She could almost feel the hard cock throbbing against the lining of her stomach. It was a weird, somewhat disgusting feeling. She was sure that she would never have joined the Agency if she had known that things like this would happen. And yet she knew that they did. Things that were even worse. At some time or another everyone who was hoping to become an agent would hear the horror stories, the stories about the things that happened to agents who were captured by the enemy.

They struggled and twisted about. Then she could feel the cock quaking in a new way and she realized that he would be cumming in the next moment. It was bound to happen. She could feel the man's balls hitting heavily against her flesh. He was going to explode. This nightmare would be over, but was it going to be just the first of many nightmares she would suffer? She wondered, remembering what she had heard them saying about everyone getting a shot at her. God, she thought, what would that be like?

The idea was almost incomprehensible. She had not been a virgin before this business, and she'd had her share of men, but never had she ever even considered something like this, the idea of being fucked by numerous men one after the other. It made her shudder just to think about it. And it was hard not to think about it with the men around her and the one man shoving his cock in and out of her ass.

He thrust deep inside her asshole and held it there while the pleasure rushed up all through him, more and more and more all the time.

“Oh Christ, yes, yes, now it's coming sweetheart you fucking little spy! Take it… take it up that beautiful, tight, warm ass of yours!”

And then he erupted. The cum poured out, more and more and more. It shot deep inside her asshole. She tossed her head all about as the cum exploded up her rectum. She cried out in the shame of it all. But there was nothing she could do about it. She was a prisoner, pure and simple, and they sure wouldn't be obeying the Geneva Code or anything like it. Neither of them was fighting a declared war. They were both on foreign soil, somewhere they didn't belong. But each was calling it their turf. The government she represented and the government they represented were vying for control over this situation. They both thought they were in the right and both thought the other's government was completely evil. When something like this happened, all the hate that each felt for the other exploded in the ugliest way.

She felt the cum filling her up and bathing her bowels. Some of the hot juice ran down her legs. She shivered as the hot sperm touched her sweating flesh.

“Oh God, oh God, this is terrible… horrible… oh Jesus…”

“I don't think she likes our fun and games so much, eh? Ha, ha, ha. Maybe they should send a man next time instead of you. But, heh, heh, we got some men with us who would fuck a man in the ass just as quickly, you know.”

“That's right. In the jungle for this long, you don't pass up a new face, know what I mean, baby?” one of them cracked, and then they all laughed.

The one who had been fucking her slid his cock out of her. It fell out, popping free from her abused asshole. She quivered and moaned and twitched.

The man slapped her ass with the back of his hand and moved away.

“One of you others want to give it to her? Hmm? Which one wants to be the next to slide his cock through her. Maybe after enough of us have fucked her she'll be willing to tell us all she knows. If not, I'm sure out Intelligence boys will have a good idea what to do with her, eh? They'll show her a good time.”

“It'll make what we do to her look like a picnic,” someone said.

“You better believe it. They play real rough. We just want to have a good time. But they mean business. I wouldn't want to be this lady for anything in the world!”

The next one to fuck her moved in. He whipped out his cock, squeezing it in his hand and jerking it back and forth, back and forth. He pumped it till it was throbbingly hard. The head was bloated and the juice was running down the shaft.

“Heh, heh, you like that, baby? You like my fat, long prick, huh? Yeah, it's going to feel so nice when it slides up your fucking asshole!”

He moved up against her. She had hoped that he would want to fuck her pussy this time. Her ass was still feeling raw and pained from the first attack. But they seemed to think it was much more of a rape if they shoved their cocks where they didn't belong, up her tight, quivering back door.

She closed her eyes and whimpered as the new one moved over her.

“Yes, get that ass in the air, bitch, get it up… come on, you hear me, you hear what I'm saying? Raise it up in the air so I can shove my hot prick into you!”

“Leave me… leave me alone… I don't want this, please, please, can't you understand that I don't want you to touch me!” She was becoming hysterical. She was losing all control as this got out of hand. It wasn't what happened already or what was starting to happen at that moment. It was the idea of all that was going to happen in the time ahead, the prospect of being raped again and again, Over and over.

The man clawed at her ass. He pulled her, shaking her from side to side. Then he was pushing his cock into her, he shoved it forward with sharp jerking motions. Again and again, deeper, deeper, sliding through her abused anus.

“Oh God, no, leave me alone, leave me alone, you bastards! You fucking bastards! You can't do this to me, you can't! Oh Christ, oh shit! You pigs, leave me be, let go of me, you can't get away with this… my government will see that you're all hung by your balls, those of you that have any! Bastards!”

“Ha, ha, ha, she's spirited, this bitch of a spy!”

“Yes, she can talk faster and spit her words better even than my wife!”

The man squirming on top of her, shoved his dick deep inside her. He thrust it inside her asshole and screwed it around and around. She groaned and convulsed as she felt the long rod moving through her rectum. She lifted her head and twisted it, shaking it to and fro, up and down. She cried out wildly, like an animal.

“Ohhhhh! God, stop it, stop it, please, please, don't do this to me… you're hurting me, it's tearing me… tearing my flesh… oh God, you beast!”

He pounded in and out of her, sliding back and forth in her asshole. He drilled deep and screwed around and around before pulling out again. He reached under her and grabbed at her titties. He pulled on the nipples, twisting and pinching them between his fingers, pulling hard, nearly tearing them off.

She cried and shivered. She couldn't stand it. The pressure was so enormous. It didn't seem to ever stop but kept building and building, reaching no crest. Every time she thought she had suffered as much as she could another, higher wave of pain mixed with sexual excitement passed through her body.

In and out, back and forth, he plunged his cock up her asshole. Others were gathering closer as he fucked her. They were mocking her, shaking their cocks in her face. It was turning into a spectacular nightmare for her. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore what was happening to pretend that none of it was there. But then would come the hard stabbing pains in her ass as the cock attacked her, sliding back and forth, in and out, again and again.

“Oh God! Ohhhhhh! Stop, stop, stop it, oh please, please, stop, stop that, leave me alone! Take your filthy cock out of my ass, you monster!”

“Ha! Listen to her scream… she loves it, boy, it's really getting to her. Yes! You're turning her on so much. Congratulations to you!”

They jeered and jumped around as he fucked her ass. One of them moved in and grabbed at her tits. He pulled on one of them, nearly tearing the nipple right off. She could only suck in a deep breath and try and pretend that it wasn't happening, that none of this was real. But that was the hardest thing she had ever tried to do and she was not accomplishing it very well, she knew.

They moved closer. They laughed and jeered and pointed. They reached in at her and pinched her nipples or pulled some of her pubic hairs right from her flesh. They spit at her and waved their cocks in her face. They were masturbating in front of her, getting ready till it was their turn. More and more seemed to crowd around her. She didn't know if it was true or if it was her imagination the way the things were going. She shook her head. The nightmare was getting worse and worse.

“No, no, no, leave me alone!” she cried. She hated to let them see her breaking down like this but she couldn't help it. It was just too much. No amount of training could prepare her for this, it was horrendous. “Oh Christ! Save me! Save me from these monsters, these godless communist monsters! Ahhhhhh!”

The man in her ass was jerking back and forth at full force, in and out, again and again, harder and harder all the time, thrusting, slamming deep inside, in and out, again and again, in and out, back and forth.

The crowd moved in. They were chanting, jeering. They shook their cocks and pawed at the defenseless lady spy. She closed her eyes and ground her face in the dirt. There was nothing else to do. For the time being, she knew she was defeated. There was only the hope of revenge to look forward to. But she knew that was a real long shot.


Dr. Rodolfo stroked the thick dildo as he paced around the beautiful lady spy.

“I should explain to you now that I have a long and deep dislike of Americans. If you were brought here accused of being nothing more than a housewife from your native country, my punishment for you would be not much less severe, I assure you. It is not necessarily fair of me to act this way, but it is the way that I feel and one must respect one's feelings on such matters, don't you think? In any case, I do not have to apologize for the things that I do. You have done what you've done and you must now take the consequences for your actions. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying to you.”

“I don't understand anything you're saying to me. I… I'm an American citizen. I take it that I am in Cuba. I've been taken here against my will, do you hear me? I was kidnapped from another country. I am a tourist. A journalist, and nothing more. I am not a spy or any silly such thing that you seem to think I am.”

Dr. Rodolfo sneered at her and nodded his head. He spoke in a condescending voice.

“Yes, yes, and I suppose those coded messages just happened to find their way into your rectum? You had nothing to do with placing them there?”

“I told you, I'm a journalist. Those are my notes. I coded them so that imbeciles like your soldiers wouldn't know what I found out. I was trying to expose to the world the… imperialistic designs of your famous dictator,” she said.

He nodded his head up and down, still smiling that evil, smirking smile.

“You have been trained very nicely indeed. You have the talent of a professional actress. But unfortunately for you this is not a stage you are on, and the reward for your performance will not be applause, it will be death. There are certain things we are going to find out from you. We will find them out sooner or later. That does not matter to me. You must understand that part of the punishment I am going to administer to you will not involve whether you tell me your country's secrets or not. The first part will be in the way of you punishment, the exacting of a simple justice for one who has broken the laws of the world, the laws of the cause of socialism and freedom for the peoples of the world. You are an evil cog in the evil scheme of capitalist imperialism. For this alone, there is a severe, exacting punishment for you. After you have paid for the crimes you have already committed, it will then come time for you to save yourself from the commission of further crimes if you are willing to confess your sins and admit your wrongdoing with a signed confession. If you are not so willing, then I am afraid the initial punishment will seem like some innocuous party game by comparison to what we have in store for you afterwards. Am I making myself clear to you at all, young lady?”

Angela heaved a weary sigh and shook her head back and forth.

“I… I don't know what the hell you are talking about. I am not a spy. I've said it before and I'll say it again. My name is Angela Johnson and I am a freelance journalist. Surely you wouldn't have done something like this without at least making a cursory check on my credentials. You must have found out that I had press papers back at my hotel room in the capital. I am sure that you sent an emissary, if you want to call them that, to loot my room and take anything you could find there. And if you did that, and you had any brains in your head then you would know that I am just what I say I am. Nothing less and nothing more!”

Dr. Rodolfo smiled at her. He shook his head and laughed softly.

“`You are really incredible. You will try and try, bluffing your way through it all. I must even congratulate you for such a good job. I do not hate the Americans so much that I will deny they do have some very clever people among them. Clever and also evil. You are a worthy enemy, at times, though more often you are incredibly clumsy. Right now you are bluffing us. You are hoping that we did not investigate. You are lying to me, hoping that I will believe you and think we have made a mistake. But we did investigate. We did find your hotel room in the capital. You left nothing particularly incriminating, except for a note written by a man from the American embassy. But there were certainly no press credentials. Nothing of the kind was in evidence there. Not at all. You have just made that up out of your very fertile imagination.”

Angela took a deep breath and expelled it. She shook her head with weary resignation. They were clever. She had hoped that she might have bought some time in which to figure out a way of getting out of this mess. If she could have just made them suspect they might have made a mistake about her then it would have worked After all, it was entirely possible that a journalist could be working on the same story and just as covertly as any spy. Yes, it was possible.

But it hadn't worked. They saw right through it. She had to think of something else. But she was beginning to realize that she was sunk. No, not completely. As long as she could still think, as long as she was still alive and could move she still had a chance, she figured. You never knew what fate had in store for you and she couldn't rule out the possibilities of some miracle happening, or some idea coming to her that she could work out. The Agency had trained her to consider all of the possibilities that might be at hand for escape when you were captured by the enemy. These ranged from small lies to suicide, but there was a lot of territory in between as well.

This Dr. Rodolfo seemed like a very strong opponent, though. It didn't seem like it would be at all easy to put anything over on him. And what was more, he seemed determined to punish her regardless of her crime, almost as if he were punishing her just for being an American. It was entirely possible, she thought, seeing the way he leered at her and stroked that phallic thing in his hands, that he wanted to have his fun with her no matter what she did, even if he knew she was innocent.

The thing was, Angela had to concede, she was guilty, at least of being an American spy. That still did not mean that Cubans had any right to kidnap and interrogate her in Cuba for what she was doing in another country. She was spying on spies, in effect. Spying on troops sent to aid that country's communist guerrillas who were trying their best to overthrow the existent government there.

Dr. Rodolfo moved closer to her now. He stood there smiling and nodding his head up and down.

“I think we have done enough talking for the present time,” he said. “I shall begin the series of punishments. Please be aware that I don't mind if you plead with me and beg me, I actually rather enjoy hearing such things. But be assured that it will have no effect at all on what I will be doing to you now.”

Angela took a deep breath and shuddered. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself with the instant meditative mood she had been trained to effect at times when she might be threatened by a case of nerves or anxiety. She had never had to use this technique before, but then she had never been in any situation quite as terrible as this one. She knew that it was probably hopeless. This man did not seem like someone you could talk into anything at all. Or talk out of anything, and he seemed fairly set to do just what he had in mind. There was nothing she could do to stop him.

He waved that thing in his hand at her. She saw that it was a dildo. Its phallic shape was quite intentional. But it was no ordinary dildo. It was spiked. Short, hard spikes studded it here and there along its great length. She gasped when she saw this and realized what he was going to do to her. She shuddered. She looked at him and saw the expression on his face, the look in his eyes. It all added up to something very, very evil, she knew. This was not a man who would be content with merely doing his job. No, he was going to enjoy this. He was going to get off on it. That was the sort of man he was. Angela knew about such men. She had seen them in her own organization from time to time. Yes, they were there. They were the ones who wanted to give orders, to give out punishment when the opportunity arose. They were the ones who liked their work just a little too much for comfort. They were the ones who called it their duty when they were actually getting personal pleasure out of the job.

Angela had no respect for such people on her own side of the ideological spectrum, and less for those on the side of her enemies. They were the ones who gave the whole business such a dirty name. It was a patriotic game, really, done with nationalistic pride. But there were those who disguised their kinky needs by being patriots, wrapping their sadism and perversion up in the flag. And now, she realized, she had become the prisoner of one of those people. He would take great delight in punishing her, sexual, personal delight, and he would claim that he was simply doing his duty. It was like the Nazis in the concentration camps, claiming that they were working for the good of their country, when in fact they were doing something for their own bizarre pleasure and nothing more.

He reached down and touched her under the chin. She twisted her head away. He kept his hand in the air. He smiled and reached for her again, grabbing her chin again and looking at her face. She didn't pull away this time. She was afraid to. There was something quietly menacing about him and she didn't think it was a good idea to do anything to antagonize him. He was crazy enough as it was, she decided.

He looked at her face. He was acting almost as if he were a doctor examining his patient. He had the mechanical smile of a cold-hearted physician He murmured something and nodded his head. Then he smiled a little more at her and took the hand away.

“Remove all your clothes,” he said to her, taking a step back from her.

She gasped and shook her head. She looked at him and trembled

“I don't see any reason for doing something like that,” she said to him.

“You don't see any reason? Ah. Do you think by some chance that it is you who is deciding what will be done and what will not be done?”

“Look...” She gulped, trying to fight back the nervousness, the hopelessness that had crept into her voice. “Look, I don't think you understand what is happening here. I don't know who you are used to dealing with, your own people, I suppose. You are able to do anything you want with them, I expect, as long as you think they are enemies of your dictator. But I am an American citizen. You are holding me illegally. This is an international crime you are committing. But it is still not too late for you to let me go and stop this from going any further.”

“Stop talking, please. It does you no good. It may even do you harm. I am bored by what you are saying and I don't like to be bored. That could mean that I will try harder to find some excitement in my interrogation of you.”

She shuddered. That just about said it, she thought. That was the admission she dreaded hearing. He was quite aware of what he was doing. He was hardly even trying to hide it from her now. No, he was going to let her know that his interest in this whole business extended beyond the merely professional.

“I will tell you once more to take off all your clothes,” he said.

“I won't do it. You can't make me do that, you bastard!” she shouted.

And then he slapped her across the mouth with the back of his hand. He did it hard enough to make her mouth bleed. She touched her lip and felt the blood.

“Oh, you fucking bastard!” she cried at him. She was still groggy, but enough of her strength was returning that she could swing her own hand into the air, ready to slap him across the face just as he had done to her.

But when the hand was in the air she felt all power going out of her limb. Some side effect of the drugs they had given her, she thought. It was almost paralysis. She gradually lowered the arm, whimpering at her inability to fight him.

He reached down to her dress and tore it open. She cried and shook.

“You bastard, what do you think you're doing? Get away from me, get away,” she whimpered “You can't touch me… you can't do this to me!”

“I can do anything I want to you,” he said, then laughed fiendishly. “You bitch, you spying bitch. I'll do what I want and you'll beg me to stop, but I won't stop. No, no, never, do you hear me? I'll never stop until you have paid the price, the severe price for your wrongdoing. Bitch! Stupid bitch! You'll be on your hands and knees begging me for forgiveness but it will never come, do you hear? Never!”

He slapped her face again, once, twice, a third time. Now her nose was bleeding as well as her mouth. She blinked back the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

“Now strip off your clothes, bitch, or I'll tear the flesh from your body while I stand here before you. And don't think I won't do it, either.”

She whimpered and sniffed and started opening the thick, olive green smock they had given her to wear. She had nothing on underneath it. She tried to stop thinking about what she was doing. She tried her best to ignore it and to pretend that she was somewhere else at the time, somewhere where none of this was happening, where she was free and happy. She strained to feel that she was elsewhere but it wasn't happening. She knew where she was and she knew who she was with and what he was going to do to her.

“Oh God, oh no, no, this can't be happening,” she moaned. But she knew that something like this had been a constant possibility from the time she became an agent.

It was always there, always waiting for her every time she went into the field. There was no telling when she might be caught by authorities of one stripe or another. But even though this was a very real risk she was always taking, she had never really considered it as such. It never seemed real. There was still so much that was like a game in what she was doing, or like some great adventure. It was fun, acting out like you were in some thriller. But now the fun was over and reality was crushing her.

When she had the dress nearly unbuttoned, Dr. Rodolfo tore it from her completely. Then she was lying there trembling and gulping. Dr. Rodolfo smiled as he saw her trembling, naked body. She was gorgeous, he was thinking. She had the same sort of lush figure that Fidel's mistress Toni had. Yes, and the girl's tits might have been even larger. She was a wonderful creature. So soft and full and lovely to look at it.

And to touch and to torture, he thought with an evil grin creasing his mouth.

He reached down and touched her breasts. He fondled them roughly, grabbing at one and then the other. He pulled hard on the nipples, tugging and twisting them this way and that until she cried out in pain from it. But he didn't stop at that. He was only just beginning now. He pinched hard on the nipple and pulled it out until it snapped back out of his fingers. He nodded and grabbed the other one.

“Very nice nipples, you have. I wonder how you would feel about it if we were forced to cut one or two of them from your body. Not so good, eh?”

“Oh God, oh God, you wouldn't, no, no, you wouldn't, you monster,” she whimpered opening her mouth and shaking her head from side to side.

“Ha, ha, ha, of course I would. It depends how I feel. And how you react. I shall observe you and see what goes on in that pretty head of yours. Yes, that is what I will do. I shall see how that body of yours moves and reacts. I am very interested in you, my dear. Yes, very interested indeed. Your nose is bleeding. I find that very disgusting. Stop it, please, Hold your nostrils or something. Hurry up about it!”

She sobbed and the blood poured down over her lips. She snorted back some of it, but she couldn't keep from sobbing and shaking wildly.

He grabbed her hair and snapped her head back. He held her head far back, till her throat was straining and he was almost strangling her. She choked and spittle drooled from the sides of her mouth. He laughed. Then he slowly released his hold on her.

She threw her head forward and coughed and whimpered.

“Stand up, you spying bitch,” he cried at her. “On your feet!”

She slowly rose to her feet. She was unsteady. The drug reaction was still taking effect. She swayed on her feet. She didn't know if she could stand up or not. The room seemed to be moving around and around in circles. She gulped and took deep breaths and closed her eyes, trying to make the circling motion stop.

Dr. Rodolfo walked around her. He looked at her and made little noises and nodded his head. It was as if he were examining some animal he might be buying or something. He clucked his tongue as he moved around her.

Then he reached out.

“What a nice, round, firm ass you have, my dear girl,” he said. “Yes, a very lovely, wide American ass… I enjoy touching such an ass very much.”

His fingers slid across her buttocks. He patted them gently. He smiled and nodded his head. He was pleased with the texture of her ass. It would be a very good platform for him to work on. Yes, so nice and round, so firm. So plump. He would turn those cheeks of milky white into blistered red mounds before he was through.

He patted her trembling ass some more, smiling and nodding his head as he patted her.

“Yes, yes, very nice, so very nice,” he said. “Just what I like. Just the sort of ass a man can sink his teeth into.”

He closed his fingers on her buttocks, pinching them tightly in his hand. She stiffened. Angela didn't know what to do in reaction. She didn't want to try and stop him because she knew he would only slap her for it. But to have him go on meant that it would certainly get worse, developing from stage to stage.

He was vicious. Like a mad dog, she thought, glancing at his leering, excited expression. He masked it with a veneer of old world charm and educated intelligence. But underneath that there was something very ugly and vicious. And she was now going to be the object of that viciousness, she thought with a shudder.

He held his grip on her ass for several moments. Then he tightened it. His fingers dug deep inside her skin, holding on tighter and tighter. His nails were finally almost breaking her skin. But she didn't say anything. This she could stand, she thought. But she knew full well there would be a breaking point before long. There would come a point when she would not be able to take any more at all. No. Everyone had their breaking point. During the training period they were quick to tell you that the Agency didn't believe in heroes to the end. They knew everyone had a point after which they could not hold back. If it was information the agent was holding, then there was always some way of getting it out of him or her. The more sophisticated your enemy, the more ways they had of getting to you, physically or psychologically. But sooner or later you cracked. It was a question of knowing when. Timing was important. Would they stop before they reached your breaking point? Or would they go beyond it? Then you had to consider your options. And for the Agency, depending on the sort of information you were carrying, these, of course, included taking your own life and cheating the enemy out of his victory. Another option was usually not included by the Agency. This was to spill the beans, telling your captors everything you knew. The Agency knew that a certain percentage of its agents would end up doing this when caught, anyway, but they were certainly not going to encourage it.

And now she was at a loss. She didn't want to die. She didn't think she could ever bring herself to actually put into practice any of the techniques they learned, the ways a person could kill himself without having any weapon at hand.

But she wasn't sure now. To look at Dr. Rodolfo made her think that he, if anyone was capable of pushing her to that point. He seemed to be a sadist with great reaches of sadism within him. He was certainly more than a match for her, she thought

He moved his hand between her buttocks and scratched at the flesh there. She quivered as his fingers moved against her pussy meat. He pushed a couple of fingers right into her cunt. She was dry there and it pained her to feel those fingers digging inside.

“Oh God… no,” she whimpered but was afraid to say more to him.

And then he was gripping her cunt and tearing back on the lips, pulling them apart until the flesh started to split. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, trying to stay numb to what he was doing. But it wasn't possible. The pressure built up, more and more all the time. She gasped and her mouth opened wide.

“No, no, ohhhhhh!” she screamed as she became wracked with pain.

He held her in place with a hand on her buttocks while the other tore and twisted her cunt. He then pulled his hand away and booted her in the ass.

She fell forward, onto the floor on her face. She groaned in pain.

Dr. Rodolfo laughed as he saw the awkward, naked figure sprawled there.

“I should take a picture of you now and send it back to your supervisors in Los Estados Unidos. They would find it rather amusing, I think, to see the way that we have been entertaining one of their people in sunny Cuba, no?”

She twisted her head and looked back at him over her shoulder.

He was grinning at her. He was entirely pleased by what was happening.

He moved towards her and put his shoe down on her ass. He laughed and nodded his head. She was pathetic, he thought. She gave up so easily. The drug couldn't be working that good that it would sap her will to fight to this extent. Perhaps she wasn't such a crack agent after all. Dr. Rodolfo knew that if one of Cuba's men in a similar position were to give up so easily, and to become such a weak, sobbing fool, that person would be shot if he ever did return to his native land.

He pressed his shoe down on her flesh and then kicked up between her ass cheeks. Angela grunted from the pain of it and then shivered.

“Bastard,” she mumbled into the floor with her head turned.

“What?” he shouted, leering evilly. “What did you say, dear lady? I'm sure I heard you say something and it was not at all pleasant. Repeat it.”

“N-no…” she said, heaving a sigh of frustration.

He drew his leg back and then shot it forward again. He slammed it up against her cunt and she convulsed from head to toe in reaction.

“Oh God, no, no, stop it, stop it, you can't do this to me,” she wailed.

“I can do anything I like to you, haven't you learned that yet, you silly gringa bitch? Haven't I made that quite clear to you?”

“No, no, no, no!” the pretty American girl cried out piteously.

“Yes, of course. You think that I must play by some silly rules that your country tells the rest of the world to play by. But your country is full of hypocrites. Yes, they set rules that they don't play by themselves. I won't be fooled by that, though. No, not me, my dear, sweet girl. You will have to play by my rules in this place, you see. And I am afraid that the rules are in my favor. Yes, very much so.”

She tried to turn over but he hit her with his shoe again. This time he drove it so hard that the pointy tip actually entered her cunt.

“Ohhhhh! Oh God, you bastard, you monster!” she cried at him.

He laughed hysterically at that and kicked her again and again, each time driving his shoe deeper inside her cunt. She wriggled and convulsed with pain. She closed her eyes and cried as she felt the waves of pain shoot up from her crotch.

Then he pulled his foot away and came towards her. He leaned over her and grabbed her by the hair. He pulled hard, jerking her head up. He nearly broke her neck in that moment.

Then he was dragging her around in a circle and pulling her along the floor. He pulled her till he had the top half of her body in the air. Then he twisted her around and dropped her onto her back. He stood over her, moving up between her legs, kicking them apart and laughing as she lay there, helpless and exposed before him, her pink pussy open and gleaming at him. She was a beautiful woman. So very beautiful, he thought

It didn't matter that she was a gringo pig, a spy for the capitalist butchers. She was still a woman and still very, very beautiful

He thought about Toni, Fidel's mistress, again, and how much he had always wanted her. But he knew that that would be going too far. Much too far. Fidel turned a blind eye to him on most things he did, but this would definitely be different he thought. He was a jealous man, like all Latins and Dr. Rodolfo knew better than to alienate the leader of the country by doing anything to his mistress

His cock was throbbing as he looked down at her there. She was such a tempting little thing. He had handled a number of American spies in his time but this was the first one that had affected him quite this strongly. Usually he was only able to amuse himself in this way with the local traitors. Cuban women were not bad, of course, he thought. They were lovely, with their lush, Latin figured, full, bosomy, hairy-crotched things. But there was something softer, more feminine more delightful in this one, he thought. And his cock was throbbing that much more as he looked at her and considered all of the things that he would do to her now that she was in his power completely.

He watched her moving about, naked and alluring. She was whimpering. She didn't know that the more she suffered the more she turned him on, he thought, or she would be braver about this whole thing. She wouldn't be so emotional. Yes, it turned him on to hear those feminine cries of pain and anguish as she crawled about, her beautiful ass in the air.

He reached down and slapped her buttocks. He laughed as she moaned at this. He leaned over her and smacked her soft, ripe ass again and again, making the pink cheeks turn a bright red color. She whimpered and tried to crawl away from him but he followed her, walking right after her and smacking her every time she paused.

“Ha, ha, ha, do you think you can get away from me, by some chance? Is that what you think you can do, my dear girl? You are mad if you think that.”

“Oh God, your a brute, oh, you bastard,” she whimpered, still crawling away from him. “Just let me be, please let me be, I tell you. Oh Jesus, what have I done to you to deserve this?”

“I'll tell you what you've done, you silly bitch. You've worked for those capitalistic pigs for too long. They corrupted you and now you must pay the price for that corruption. Do you understand what I am saying to you? You must pay the price!”

He slapped her ass again, using both hands, slapping one after the other, turning that ass of hers brighter and brighter all the time.

“Oh God, stop it, stop it, why are you torturing me like this? What is wrong with you? You're mad, that's what it is, you're out of your fucking mind. You aren't doing this for any political reasons, stop kidding yourself! You're doing it because it gives you pleasure to act this way, that's all that it is… yes!”

Dr. Rodolfo only laughed at this analysis of his motives. He wasn't interested in what she thought of him, only in what he thought of her. And right at that moment he thought she was extremely appealing and he was ready to devote a lot of his time to examining that appeal. She was going to learn just what he liked in a woman. She might not think much of him after all of that, he had to concede

“Stop crawling away from me like that. It's not the way they trained you to act when you were back in Washington, was it?” Dr. Rodolfo laughed. “They told you to be brave. I'm sure they did. They said it was better to die with honor than to live and be humiliated by your enemy. I know what they tell you. Our agents are taught the same way. But ours are strong and know their business, while yours are weak and corrupt and give up very quickly, without much fight. That is why we will win in the end. Our people, and our cause is strong, while yours is weak and will fall apart if it is ever tested. You know this too, but you will not admit it.”

Angela seethed with anger and hate and frustration. There was nothing for her to do. She wouldn't give in, no matter what the Agency told her to do, and kill herself to save her from this situation that was developing. No, she would stay alive. As long as she was alive there was always a chance that she would get her freedom and then she could fight them on another day, when she might have the upper hand. Then she would have her revenge for what they had done to her. Perhaps she might even have her revenge on Dr. Rodolfo, but she figured that she would have to settle for some other member of his beloved cause, instead. She could not hope for the perfect ending to this nightmare. But she would not give in. No. she thought, no matter what they do to me.

Dr. Rodolfo knelt down next to her now. He caressed her burning ass cheeks where he had slapped and kicked her. Then he was pulling apart the cheeks and sliding his hand back and forth against her crotch. He grinned and nodded his head as he did it.

“Well now, let's see what we can do to you next, my dear,” he said.

He held her ass cheeks open so that her little pink, puckered asshole was exposed. Then he brought the spiked dildo up towards it. He grinned. It was hard for him to contain his enthusiasm now that he was getting this far in his treatment.

“No, no… leave me… leave me alone, you bastard, you bastard,” she whimpered “You can't get away with this. If I'm a prisoner then you must treat me as a prisoner is supposed to be treated according to the internationally recognized provision of the Geneva Convention… you must… you cannot… oh God!”

She knew it was no use. This man obeyed none of the laws of civilization He was a savage. An educated savage and nothing more. To try and appeal to his integrity, his sense of honor or ethics or anything like that was obviously futile. He was an animal, a perverted, educated animal. He was going to do things to her that no man had ever done before, she thought. But she was determined to last through it. He would not beat her, no matter what he did. That was going to be her vow to herself. He would try as hard as he could but he would get nowhere with her.

He put his finger against her asshole. He rubbed it around in a circle against her ass. She quivered and twitched. She had an idea what he was going to do, but she was trying not to think about it, trying to ignore what she knew was going to happen.

Then she felt the dildo touching her anus. She quivered and jumped. She wanted to run away but knew there was nowhere to run. She had to submit to this. She had to make herself accept what was going to happen and manage to survive on the basis that she would live to seek her revenge. It was a fantasy, she knew, but it was one that just might sustain her through whatever was about to happen to her.

He touched her with the dildo. He twisted it around against her asshole. She clenched her sphincter tight, holding it as tight as she possibly could.

Dr. Rodolfo laughed. She was going to fight him, he thought, but she would get nowhere with that. He had the upper hand and he would retain it. Sooner or later she would realize that it was completely futile for her to struggle with him. But he didn't mind that she was doing that. It added to his excitement. If she were to simply accept all that he was doing to her it couldn't be nearly as good for him. No, this way he knew that he had a lively opponent, he thought. There was some challenge there in making her do what he wanted, in abusing her and raping her.

He rolled the dildo around in his fingers as he held it against her asshole.

“I think you must know what I am going to do to you,” he said. “This will be part of your punishment. We have not even begun to interrogate you my dear woman. So you may bear in mind that this is only a practice session, as it were.”

“You fucking bastard,” she cried, then shivered as a passionate wave of hate and frustration shot through her lovely naked body.

Dr. Rodolfo stopped his grinning for a moment, gritting his teeth arid pushing the thick head of the dildo into her asshole She convulsed as he jammed it inside.

“Let's see how you like this deep inside your ass, my little spy,” he said.

He twisted it in half circles as he drove it up her rectum. She quivered and groaned and convulsed as the long phallic weapon jammed against her.

She felt the first of the spikes then. It stretched, then tore her skin. She groaned and cried and shook from it. The tension built and built through her as he pushed. The spike ripped the sweet female pussy flesh that was in its path and then slid up deeper inside her tight, quivering asshole. She moaned and twisted but tried not to show the full extent of the pain he was causing her. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of letting him know just how much pain he was causing her. But it was hard. She didn't think she could hold back for very much longer. She would have to show him what she was feeling. There would be no way to hold back on it, she thought. Not if the pain continued to mount, higher and higher all the time, rising up through every part of her body.

It was excruciating. Every spike that entered her tight, convulsing anus, tore the flesh, making her shake and quiver and moan. She didn't want to let him know that it was that bad already, but she seemed hardly able to hold back now.

“Oh God… you bastard, you fucking bastard,” she whimpered at him. “Stop… stop it, I'm telling you, you'll regret doing this to me, you'll regret it!”

“My dear girl, I don't think that I will,” he said to her.

He continued to drive the spiked dildo up her ass. He put all his strength into it, pushing behind that hand that held it in place at her rectal opening. His other hand was tickling her cunt at the same time. He was pawing at the pink flesh there and pulling on the pubic hairs and digging his fingers in and out of the hole. She convulsed and twisted and tried to pull herself up away from him. But it wouldn't work. She couldn't do it. He was still there, still on top of her, still driving that thing into her.

“Bastard! Bastard!” She whimpered. “You fucking asshole bastard! Get away from me, take that thing out of me… take it out, take it out!”

“I won't take it out, sweetheart,” Dr. Rodolfo laughed. “No, no, not until you've fully learned your lesson, do you hear me? Not until then, my dear. You have much more suffering to go through, I am very much afraid. Yes, I have a feeling you will need to be taught for some time about what you have been doing wrong.”

“Not from you, or from a bloody sadist like you I don't!” she screamed.

“Ha, ha, we shall see about that. If you think what I am doing now is sadistic you must wait and see what else I still have in store for you, my dear girl.”

“Yes, yes, I can imagine,” she groaned “I can imagine what you have in store for me, you bastard… you evil bastard… you'll get yours for this, you will, if there's a God in Heaven then you'll be paid back for this...”

“If there could possibly be any such fantastic thing as God, then he would have to turn his back on a society as corrupt and evil as yours, my dear, so it is no good your acting like you have a monopoly on such a deity, as is the typical attitude of people from your bedeviled country to the north of us.”

He stabbed the dildo into her, driving it deep inside her ass. She closed her eyes and tried to use the technique she had been taught during her training period. The technique that allowed you to transcend whatever situation you were in and achieve a feeling of meditative calm at once. But it was no good. She couldn't get the necessary moment or two of calm that would allow her to put the technique into effect. And without that it was hopeless. She was stuck there, having to endure everything that he was going to put her through. And she knew that would be a lot.

Dr. Rodolfo rearranged his grip and then pushed harder. He drilled it up into her. She convulsed. Another spike tore through her. She quivered and twisted this way and that. The pain seared her. She couldn't stand it. There didn't seem to be any end to the rising, throbbing pain that washed all over her writhing body.

“Oh God, oh God,” she whimpered into the floor. “No, no, stop it, you bastard, I'll get even with you for this...ohhhh!”

He broke through her last reserve and then she was crying, tears streaming down her face as her body twisted and turned and tried to crawl away.

But there was no crawling away from Dr. Rodolfo. He moved forward with every inch that she moved forward and his hand was still gripping tightly to that dildo, pushing it in, a little further all the time, pushing, twisting, driving it into her. The entire spiked monstrosity was finally inside her anus and she whimpered and convulsed as the waves of pain continued to climb and climb all through her.

“Ohhhh, stop it, stop it, no, no, I can't take any more, I can't take any more,” the girl screamed out. Her voice was almost loud and intense enough to break through the thick walls and door of her cell. She gasped and cried and twisted about from side to side, moving and shivering and twitching from head to toe as the pain ran through her.

She was disgusted by the fact that his fingers on her cunt at the same time were exciting her. He rubbed back and forth against her cunt, touching her clit and making it throb in response. He pawed at it again and again and she quivered and convulsed. She gasped noisily, coughing and shaking. If it went on for very much longer she was sure that she would lose control of herself entirely. And she didn't want that.

She didn't want him to get away with any permanent damage, nothing that wouldn't heal so that she could eventually exact her revenge on him, sooner or later.

She tried to take her mind off the pain. She tried to think of something else. She tried to do all the little tricks and games they told you to do when you were caught. There were so many of them. There was the game you played that you could fool the drug. And the test they gave you for when you were being tortured. But she couldn't get herself to do any of them, her mind was too scattered, her body already too much in pain to make any of the drugs work.

She quivered and twisted on the floor, crawling on hands and knees away from him. But he followed her, chasing after her with the bloody, spiked dildo.

He jammed it into her again, twisting it in half-circles, he convulsed as the pressure built up. He had all of it stuffed inside her so there was nothing to do then but slide it back and forth, fucking her pained, abused asshole.

“Oh! Oh God, no, no, stop it, stop it, what are you doing? You fucking bastard, stop it, no, no, no, no I can't stand any more of this, I can't…”

But Dr. Rodolfo wasn't done yet. He would finish this particular session with a bang.

He shoved the dildo deep inside her asshole, until only the flat hilt of it was still sticking out of the strained rectal passage.

Then he flipped her over. He pulled his cock out and shoved it into her trembling pussy. He jammed it deep inside her. He sneered at her. She was helpless. He could do whatever he wanted with her and he was doing just that.

He slid his prick into her pussy and held it deep inside her. He revolved it around and around in circles, around and around before dragging it back out again. Then he slammed it forward once more, shoving deep and hard. She cried out. Her cunt was wet. She didn't know what was happening. It was as if her body was betraying her. The pain in her asshole was sharp, hitting her with every slight movement.

“Ha, ha, you bitch… and this is only the beginning… only the beginning!”


Captain Gomez and his two aides, Juan and Panchito, entered the schoolhouse.

The half dozen or so people in there were alarmed when they saw the government soldiers moving into the school. They stood around awkwardly, wondering what to do next. No one there expected a visit from the troops to mean something good. Not in these times. It was war. Civil war and scattered in different parts of the country, but it was still a war, with all the expected effects and hardships.

The soldiers barked at the people standing around in the little building.

“All of you, get out of here… not you two, though,” he said, pointing to the two American nuns who supervised the school and did most of the teaching. “You two will stay right where you are and not move an inch.”

The two Americans stood still. They tried to remain calm. They knew this might mean trouble. They were not that naive. But they were not going to be intimidated. It was not in them to react like that. The people of the village and the surrounding hillside were brought up to fear men in uniform. Armed men. And with good reason. They were never given any reason to respect those emissaries of the law.

The soldiers and police of that area were among the most corrupt in the world. The police were less vicious and demanding, of course. They came from the area and lived in it and there was a certain sentiment involved in their actions. As long as they were well-provided for, with the usual things that supplemented a policeman's small official pay, they did not provoke much of a problem.

The army was something else again. They were not necessarily from the area at all. They were sent in and stayed in their camp and looked upon the villagers, innocent and primitive as most of them were, as enemy aliens. The number of incidents where village girls were abducted and their bodies found raped and mutilated were numerous. There was widespread looting, of course. The soldiers liked to have their pay supplemented as well. From time to time the government would answer the cries from village leaders about such horrible happenings and the troops would be made to stay at the camp at all times during their stay in the area. But this could not last for long. The troops were like soldiers everywhere in the world. They were restless, they were horny. Soldiers would begin to sneak away from the camp or else there would be incidents, the sort of thing that an army feared most of all, when the soldiers began to turn against their own officers. After the first officer was shot or had a hand grenade thrown into his bed, the restrictions were lifted again, and the village would become a place of terror once more. But there was nothing the government could do, as it saw the situation. The traitors, the guerrillas, the spies had to be flushed out of the area. They had to be destroyed, and all their sympathizers along with them.

It wasn't an easy situation by any means. There were bound to be some innocent people hurt. But innocent people who got in the path of evil, the government felt, were not really innocent. And the enemy was evil, there was no doubt about that.

Occasionally things did get out of hand, though, even by the government's rather loose standards in such matters. The raid by Captain Gomez and his two soldiers was in response to information that the American missionaries in the village were aiding the guerillas and were at the very least sympathetic to their cause This had to he stopped. It was bad enough when there were traitors around, but to have outsiders, gringos fighting against the security of the republic, then things had gone too far and had to be stopped for good and all. Or so thought El Presidente back in the air-conditioned confines of his palace in the capital

He was a rational man, he thought. Many considered him so. He was educated in the United States and in Mexico City. An educated, cultured man, he considered himself. He was not a sadist, a pig, a fascist as so many communist-funded newspapers and magazines often branded him. This was a lie. They did not know how difficult it was to run a country such as his. They tried to apply the same standards that were used to govern America or Sweden or Switzerland to his small, poor, primitive country.

They didn't know that the thing his people understood most was force. And if the enemy, funded and often physically aided by the Cubans and Russians, used force to try and subvert his government, then it stood to reason that he would have to use it to fight it, to beat it into the ground at all costs.

He knew that allowing some soldiers to raid the village and interrogate the American missionary women was dangerous in a public relations sense. If anything serious were to happen during this raid, there would be lots of bad publicity about it. He might find himself with difficulties even with his friends or supporters. It was even possible that he might jeopardize his relations with the United States. Perhaps some communists in the United States government would insist on cutting back the aid to his country. And then where would he be, he wondered? His privately-owned businesses needed fresh capital each year in order to turn a bigger and bigger profit. And besides all that, he had to pay for expensive cars, houses, vacation homes, tuitions for his children going to expensive colleges in the United States and England.

Captain Gomez stood before the two missionary women. They were dressed in their black habits, the strange holy costume that covered almost all of their flesh and left them sweating profusely in the tropical heat.

“You probably know why we are here, ladies,” Captain Gomez said. “I don't think there will be any point in your trying to deny what you have been doing.”

“What are you referring to, Captain?” asked Sister Eileen. She was red-haired, with freckles across her bright, glowing face. “I don't quite understand what this is about. Surely you do not have permission to come storming into this school the way you have done. We are committing no crime in here. None at all.”

“It is perhaps not the crimes you commit in the school as outside it that we are concerned with. If you were to mind only your own business, ladies, and not leave this school or become involved in outside things, you would have no trouble.”

Sister Patricia stepped forward then and looked annoyed.

“But Captain, what are you saying? What is it you think we've done wrong here? I think there must surely be some misunderstanding. You must have gotten your orders wrong I fear. This is a school. We are sanctioned by your government. Your own president signed the proper forms allowing us to teach secular subjects as well as conduct Bible classes and hold services on Sundays.”

“I know nothing about the forms and who signed them. I know that no one is allowed to have dealings with the rebels. You are to be considered a traitor or an enemy of the government if you are found to be sympathetic to these bandits.”

“It's an attitude like that that makes them act the way they do, Captain Gomez,” said Sister Eileen. “If the government was a little more sympathetic to the ideas that some of their leaders have in mind you might find that there would be no need for all of this fighting, these raids and the rest of it.”

Captain Gomez scowled. He glanced at the two soldiers with him. They raised their eyebrows and nodded. He looked at the two nuns again and shook his head.

“I can see that I will get nowhere with you merely talking. You have as much as admitted that you are sympathetic to these rebels. I find it very easy to believe, therefore, that you have been helping them.”

Sister Patricia said; “Captain, we have done nothing with these rebels. They came to the village and spoke. That has nothing to do with either of us. We are not soldiers. We could not stop them from doing this. Don't you understand that?”

“Yes, and you provided them with food and provisions so they could carry on their brutal fight against the government and people of this country. That is a crime. That alone would get you shot by a firing squad if you were a citizen here.”

Sister Eileen was irate. She sneered at him and shook her head.

“Please do not treat us any differently than you would any poor peon in this country. And we know how you and your men treat them.”

“Sister Eileen, please,” said Sister Patricia, who was, as usual the more reasonable and less temperamental of the two of them.

Sister Eileen, she knew had a tendency to let her emotions get the better of her. She would shout and fume about something or other if it bothered her. Sometimes it would take everything Sister Patricia could do to keep her from flying off the handle completely She tried to tell the young woman time and time again that they were diplomats, in a sense, ambassadors to this foreign country. They had to keep some of their stronger emotions and feelings under wraps.

“But, you hear the things he's saying to us, don't you?”

“I hear them. Now please be quiet, if you don't mind. You're only making things worse than they already are, I fear. There has obviously been a slight misunderstanding in motives for certain things. I would like to clear that up as best I can. I'm sure, when you hear what I have to say, you'll know there's been a mistake.”

“The only mistake, lady, is that you came to this country,” Captain Gomez said, and his voice was filled with menace. “I think you will regret that very much when we are through with you.”


“You can't get away with this, don't you realize that?” Sister Patricia said. “The whole world will be outraged by this. You are doing more harm to your government than a thousand rebels could ever do. Listen to me, please.”

“We do not have to listen to you, lady, we have our orders,” Captain Gomez said. “That is all that is important to us. We are soldiers, you know.”

“You are butchers!” cried Sister Eileen. “That's what you all are. No wonder the rebels have you so scared. They know their cause is just and so do you, you filthy, godless butchers… that is all that you are!”

“Sister Eileen,” said the other American. “Please try and control yourself. We have got to make them see reason before they go too far with this.”

“That's pointless. It's like trying to teach Sunday School to the devil, don't you realize that, Sister? That's just what it is, I tell you.”

“But we must try. They are human. They aren't the devil, after all. They are not beyond salvation, you know that as well as I do, don't you?”

“No, no, I don't know that. They are beyond hope, they are! You know what they've done. You know the stories, the looting, the raping, the murdering. That's the kind of people these are, yes, that's what they are and we shouldn't forget it.”

Captain Gomez ground his teeth as he looked at the girl. He shook his head.

“She will be first. She will be the first one to pay for her crimes. Grab her arms, men, hold her and strip that costume from her,” he said.

The guards sprang into action at once, taking hold of the young woman. She tried to fight them, but they were too quick and too strong for her.

She pulled and twisted, but to no avail. They had her in their grip now.

Sister Patricia tried to help, but then Captain Gomez moved in. He grabbed her arms from behind her, twisting them back till he had them pinioned and she couldn't move. He held her tight and shook her from side to side till she was pulled right off balance Her feet slid forward on the wooden floor. She was helpless. She sprawled in his arms and watched as the other nun was grabbed by the two brutal guards.

“Let go of her, let go of her,” Sister Patricia shouted “Oh God, this can't be happening, no! Let go of that woman… she's a nun, don't you understand that? You can't touch her like that… keep your hands off of her, you're doing something very bad… very bad! Don't you believe in God? Answer me! You must! I can't believe this. No, no, I can't believe this is happening… let her go before you've done something that can't be undone, do you hear me? Do you hear me?”

“It's no use trying to reason with these animals” Sister Eileen gasped as she struggled with the two guards. “It's no use, I tell you. They're just savages, barely walking on all fours. They won't listen to reason, to common sense!”

“That's right,” said Captain Gomez. “Yes, yes, of course, we are savages, aren't we, Sister?” He laughed sarcastically. “Now the reality of your humanism starts to come out, doesn't it? Now we can see that what you present as a desire to help those who are needy is really just a mask for your real feelings of superiority and exploitation to come out. You like to be here among these people because it makes you feel like you are more important than you are. Perhaps it makes you feel like you are God, eh? Yes, I think that is a very good possibility. You come here in your strange uniform for these primitive people to look at you and think that you have come from Heaven. Then they can worship you as your own people would never do. Yes, it must seem very funny to you to watch our poor and uneducated making such a fuss over you. You begin to think that you can do anything you like here, yes? You start to think that the laws of this country are not for you but for other people. People less holy and important than you. Yes, does this sound familiar to you at all, Sister? Does it?”

They started to rip her clothes down from her body. Because of the hot, humid weather it was bad enough to have to wear the nun's habit. But both Sisters found it too much to consider wearing anything underneath all of that. There was no reason for that degree of modesty, after all, they thought. They were fully covered to begin with. And they had nothing to fear from anyone in the village or the vicinity. Or so they thought up till now. They hadn't counted on the ruthlessness and godlessness of these government troops. All they knew was their own pleasure and brute instincts.

The habit was torn down from her chest. Suddenly, Sister Eileen was struggling and her bare breasts were dangling out for the three soldiers to see.

Sister Patricia looked in anguish and then looked away again. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was too awful. It was horrible. Worse than anything she had ever seen before, anything she had ever imagined. They had gone through hardships since their stay began in this country. They had seen starvation, disease agony of one sort or another. But never anything like this. It was almost more than Sister Patricia could stand even to think about, let alone watch happening just a few feet away from her there. And it was happening in the schoolhouse, she thought hysterically. That had always seemed an almost sacred place to her. Surely no one would do anything inside there, she had always believed. That would be going too far, much too far.

But it happened. It was done. The evil men were there and they seemed in the process of raping Sister Eileen. Sister Patricia knew that her comrade was something of a troublemaker. She did not have the proper piety and respect to really make it as a nun. But while it might have gotten people mad at her in the past, even a couple had hated her, it had never really put her in danger as it had this time.

Now, it seemed, her belligerent personality had gotten her into some serious trouble. And Sister Patricia wondered whether she herself would be able to get out of it or not. It was quite possible that she wouldn't. She would be punished for their supposed wrongdoing. Captain Gomez was holding her pretty tightly just then. He was not just holding her, she decided, he was trying to hurt her.

The two soldiers who were wrestling with Sister Eileen were certainly trying to hurt her, that seemed entirely apparent just then.

They were now grabbing at her breasts. She had good-sized breasts, firm and full with thick red nipples. No amount of religiosity could minimize those gifts. And the soldiers were certainly appreciating them. They ran their hands over her breasts, back and forth across them and they pinched at the long, thick nipples.

“Ha, ha, she is really stacked, this woman of God, eh? Such beautiful big titties she has… they must taste delicious on the tongue, I think.”

“Go ahead and try them, Juan, she isn't going anywhere right now, you know. I think you can do what you want with this fucking cunt here.”

And then Juan laughed and moved his face down over her. She squirmed and pulled back and forth but she couldn't get out of the firm grip the soldier had her in.

She let out a cry of disgust when she saw him moving his face onto her tits.

“No! No! Get away from me, you disgusting pervert, get away from me! You'll fry in Hell for this, if there is any justice in this world!”

“There is justice, young lady,” said Captain Gomez. “And that is why this is happening to you. We are making you feel the bitter sting of justice. And you have only just begun to feel it, let me assure you.”

The Soldier was licking at her nipples. He sucked one into his mouth and chewed tightly on it. He flicked his tongue up at it again and again, then he pulled hard, sucking away on the nipple while she squirmed and whimpered in reaction.

“Stop it, you savage, you savage!” screamed Sister Patricia at them as she twisted helplessly in Captain Gomez's arms. He wasn't letting her loose at all but she was becoming more and more hysterical as she faced what was happening.

If she had ever thought anything like this could have happened she would never have thought of becoming a missionary, she was thinking now. She looked away again and again when the pressure of what she was seeing became too intense. But then she was forced to look again, compelled by a need to know just what they were doing and what they were capable of. It was like some terrible lesson in human nature for her to see those people there, grabbing at scratching and biting the poor, dear nun.

Well, Sister Patricia thought, she had to admit that if it was going to happen to any nun then Sister Eileen was certainly the one who deserved it. She always had an argument for anything you happened to want to say or do. She always took the opposite point of view or would pretend that you were being racist or superior towards the local villagers when you might mean nothing of the kind. Yes, Sister Patricia had to admit that there was a touch of justice in Sister Eileen getting this done to her. But only a touch. Nothing could really excuse such cruelty as was going on at that moment, with both the guards crawling over her, pawing at her and punching her and continuing to tear her clothes from her, ripping them ruthlessly.

They each had a tit in their mouth. One was licking and the other was biting, but they were both making her squirm and moan in disgust at what was happening.

“You fiends!” she screamed. “Get away from me… you'll get it for this, I swear that you will… yes, yes, you will!”

They didn't do anything but continue their attack on her. They bit at her nipples, pulling on them, twisting them this way and that. She quivered and groaned and tried to pull away again and again but couldn't get anywhere.

“She is a fool, she thinks she can get away from the two of you,” Captain Gomez said with a laugh. “Yes, she is definitely a fool, this one.”

They tore down the rest of the nun's costume. They were delighted to see that she had no underpants on. It was an unexpected pleasure for them.

They licked their lips and nodded their heads up and down. They were enjoying the whole scene now. It was getting more and more heated all the time. Both men were thoroughly aroused by now. Their cocks were throbbingly hard as they grappled with the beautiful American nun. They were enjoying themselves to the hilt as they touched her titties and then the curly hairs between her legs.

She convulsed wildly when they touched her there. She hated it. No one had ever done that before. She couldn't let it happen. It would be the worst thing, she thought, struggling and twisting, trying to get away from the two of them.

“She is like a wild cat, eh? Heh, heh… yes, she struggles pretty good but she won't get away from us. No, she won't get anywhere, this foolish girl… we'll all show her that she can't play games with these communist bandits and expect to get away with it… no, she will never be able to do that!”

They were on her top and bottom now. One was holding her by the shoulders and licking at her titties, pulling on the nipples, biting them and pulling them till they nearly snapped right off. The other was moving down between her legs. He got between her creamy, milk-white thighs. The smell of her cunt was hitting him in the nostrils. It was exciting for him, to be touching and looking at a nun in this manner. And he was only just beginning, he knew. He would do it all to her and there would be no one to answer to for doing such a wild and erotic thing. His officer was right there with him, supervising the entire attack on the girl.

He moved his face closer to the cunt and breathed deeply of the rich aroma. Then his fingers moved to the cunt lips and he peeled them back open.

“Yes, yes, a beautiful cunt she has here,” he said. “Soft and pink and beautiful. You can tell that it's never been used… no, never used in her entire life… so fresh and tight, such a beautiful cunt she possesses…”

He moved his mouth closer until he was kissing her pussyhole. She undulated her hips, struggled to try and avoid his mouth. But there was no way for her to get away from him now. He was going to do it. He was going to do just what he intended on doing and humiliate her as much as he possibly could. There was nothing she could do to stop him. There was no power she could summon that would cause a miracle to happen and sweep her away from this awful situation. She was going to have to life through it. She told herself to be strong. She told herself that she would not be the first martyr in her religion. For all her beliefs in helping the people of this country get a good deal and as strongly as she wished the current government would be overthrown, she was still a nun and still believe in God and all of it. They couldn't drive that out of her, she thought to herself. There was no way they could change her in that regard.

The soldier stuck his tongue into her cunt now. He licked up and down, up and down on her pussy. He pushed the tongue deep inside. The lips were tender as he pried them wider apart with his tongue. He shot his tongue in and whipped it about.

The nun quivered and convulsed. She cried out. She whimpered and sobbed as she felt the tongue piercing her maidenhood. She convulsed, twitching and leaping about.

“Oh God, stop it, stop it, what are you doing to me? What are you doing? You can't do this, don't you understand that? You can't do this! Ohhhhh! Please, please, let me go, stop it, stop it before it's too late… you'll all be damned for doing this, you must know that… damned, do you hear me? Yes, yes, yes!”

“Ha, ha, ha, she says we are damned, and she thinks we care about such things. She doesn't realize that the people here have such a bad life things couldn't be any worse after they are dead… they might as well take what they can get here and now and that is all they will ever get… and that is what we do too, lady… we don't care about your religion… we have religion too… maybe it protects us and maybe it doesn't… but we will do what we want here, take things when we can get them...”

He ran his tongue up and down on the quivering cunt. The pussy convulsed and twitched from side to side. It jumped this way and that. She couldn't control the movements of her pussy. It was just all too much the twisting and quivering becoming wilder and wilder all the time. There was no controlling it, she realized, and it was only going to get worse instead of better. She was starting to feel strange sensations moving all through her body. She had an idea what they were but she didn't want to accept them as such. She knew that she was not supposed to feel anything like that. It was not right. But then she could hardly say it was of her own choosing to have that man there between her naked legs, sticking his tongue up into her cunt the way he was doing. He licked up and down, up and down, faster and faster.

“Oh God, no, no, save me from this, save me, it can't be happening!” Sister Eileen screamed out. They were getting to her now, breaking through the reserves of strength and determination that she always had. They were breaking her down. They would have everything they wanted in just a little while, she knew. There was simply nothing she could do about it, nothing at all.

Sister Patricia had stopped most of her struggling. She was crying softly as she watched the outrage being perpetrated on Sister Eileen. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. She was repelled by the sickness and lust of the two soldiers. She knew that evil existed in the world but she had never before felt so close to it like this. There it was, as if the devil incarnate. Those two men and the third who was holding her arms and making her watch it all.

The man between the nun's legs was licking rapidly. He was using his finger to push back the foreskin on her clitoris. Then the little red bud, which had barely ever seen the light of day before, started to throb wildly.

She twitched out of control as he got ready to touch that throbbing band.

He moved his finger in and touched it very slightly.

She reacted violently, twitching her hips all over the place, lifting them in the air and nearly breaking his nose when her leg shot up.

“Ahhhh! Ha, she is quite a wild one, this nun… like some spitfire you might find in a whorehouse, eh? One of those young ones who can still give you a fight… I like it, yes, and the cunt tastes so good, so very good… ohhhhh! Yes!”

He plunged his tongue back into her cunt hole, pushing deep inside it and twirling this way and that. She quivered and twitched and convulsed.

“Ahhhhh! Stop it, stop it, stop this at once… this can't go on, you can't do this to me, don't you understand that? You can't do this!”

“He's not going to stop, don't you understand that? He's not going to stop what he's doing no matter what you say to him… that should be obvious.”

Captain Gomez smiled and nodded his head. He couldn't deny the fact that he was getting more and more aroused himself as he watched what was happening.

It wasn't helped any by the fact that the other nun was up against the front of his pants. When she would twist and struggle with him, even if it was only slightly, her big bottom would rub against his pants. He would shift and twist it from side to side and back and forth against him. He shivered as he felt those cheeks moving against him through her nun's costume. He was beginning to feel a strong need that he knew he wouldn't be able to satisfy easily. No, it would be very difficult, he was sure. She would probably struggle even more than the angry one there. This one he was holding in his arms seemed the one who was more serious about the whole business she was in. And for that reason she would protect her virginity even more violently.

But when she pressed back and he pressed forward, and the crotch of his pants seemed to sink into the black of her costume and push against the ass cheeks, he knew that he would not be able to hold out for very much longer.

He pressed forward, letting his cock throb against her wide, round ass. She moved slightly, and each movement excited him more. Yes, it was growing. His cock and also the desire to do something with it. He knew that it would soon happen. He would have to give her some of the treatment that the other one was getting. And she deserved it, after all. No one had said that only one of the two nuns was guilty. No, the orders had been to seize and question both of them and to make sure that they never did anything like what they had done ever again. And of course that could be interpreted in many ways, Captain Gomez had to concede. But he thought he had a pretty good idea what would impress them back in the capital. Yes, he would show them that he had the stomach to fight this war against the communists. He would be the one they would look to when they needed new leadership, when they were looking for an officer to promote and give a command to. Then they would remember him and know that he could handle it. He could do on a large scale what he had done already on a small scale.

They would know that he was strong and efficient and had the blood lust that was needed for a job such as this. The people in the capital who decided such things knew what a tough, crafty and dirty enemy it was they were fighting. They knew that you could not send just anyone out to fight that enemy. But the really qualified officers were few and far between. And those that were qualified would stand out.

And Captain Gomez was sure that he would be one of them after this became news. It would show the enemy that no one was safe if they tried to go against the government. The government was too powerful, too clever for any of them to get anywhere with their silly cause. The government had men like Captain Gomez fighting for them. That was what Gomez wanted them all to say, he was thinking as he rubbed his cock back and forth against her ass cheeks, from side to side, back and forth.

“Are you watching, Sister?” he said to her as he held her in his arms. “Are you watching what they do to your friend? You are next, you know. Yes, you are going to be the next one I let them have a go at… But I think that I might just be interested in going at you first myself… I'm sure you wouldn't mind that, would you, Sister?”

“Oh, you beast!” she exclaimed. “No, no, you can't do it… you dare not even try, you filth, you animal, let go of me!”

“I'm not letting you go. You're not going anywhere, don't you understand that? Nowhere! You are staying right where you are and you are going to do just what I tell you to do… and I don't think you will like it much… no, I am quite sure that you will not like any of this at all, my dear lady...”

Now he rubbed himself against her more vigorously than ever. He wiped his groin back and forth and up and down at her. She groaned and twisted and tried to pull away from him now that she knew what he had in mind. But he wasn't letting her get away. She would go nowhere. He pressed harder, rubbing up and down, up and down.

“Ha, ha, ha, can you feel that, Sister? Can you feel my cock there? Yes, yes, my cock! Listen to the word. Don't be deaf to it, it's a very good word. Most women like them, you know. Most of them adore them… and you will to once you get the hang of it, my dear girl… yes, once you have my thick prick sliding back and forth in your hot cunt you'll have just the same taste for them, I'm sure!”

“Oh no, no, you couldn't do that to me… you must respect my sacred vows, do you hear me? What you're going to do is a sin… a terrible sin!”

“Don't talk to me of sinning, lovely lady. I don't know anything of such subjects. All I know are the more earthly things in life. And one of them is a lovely, sexy lady with a nice, ripe, fat ass like yours that's what makes life worth living, not some silly, futile belief in God or some paradise in the sky...”

Suddenly, he was bunching up her black costume in his hand. She twisted and tried to get away from him but she couldn't do it. He had her locked where she was, even using only his one hand while the other one lifted her costume up.

“Stop it, stop it, I beg you once more, please, please!” she cried. “Oh God, don't do this to me, don't do this, do you hear me? Please!”

Captain Gomez only laughed and continued what he was doing. He lifted the back up high enough so that her full, meaty ass was exposed. He looked at it and laughed and nodded his head. It was a beautiful, fat ass, he thought. And he knew that his cock would enjoy sinking in there between those big cheeks

He held up the costume so that she was exposed and held her tight enough so that she could not get away from him. Then he opened his pants. He pulled them open and got his cock out. By now it was throbbing wildly and he only had to stroke it once or twice to make it fully erect and ready to slide at her ass cheeks.

She squirmed and tried to pull away from him but she was not going anywhere. He grabbed her tight and pinched her so that she whimpered in pain.

Then he was edging her back against him once more, pushing his cock forward, up to the ass. He shivered as he felt the soft ass cheeks against the sensitive head of his throbbing cock. He pushed in hard. She convulsed.

“Oh God, no, no, this can't be happening, it can't be happening!” she screamed. “No, no, let go of me, let go, I don't want this, I can't, no, no, I can't let it happen, oh Jesus, please, please, stop this, stop it!”

He could feel the pubic hairs crinkling around his prick. He pushed harder, rubbing his cock against the lips of her virgin pussy. Around and around he moved his cock, probing at her, pushing in a little bit at a time and then sliding back. In a bit, then back, then suddenly, taking her by surprise, he lunged hard. He had found the opening he desired and he captured it with that one lunge.

He moved his cock halfway into her and held it there while she went through a series of volcanic convulsions and moans and groans.

“Ahhhh! No, no, no more, stop it, you monster! Oh God, help me, give me strength that I may make it through this ordeal… help me, Father, help me!”

And then Captain Gomez rammed into her, breaking her cherry with one violent lunge. She gasped and seemed to collapse for a moment, as if passing out dead away from the sharp pain he caused her.

Then he sank his cock deep inside her. He pushed it all the way in and then began thrusting it in and out, back and forth, back and forth, faster and faster.

“Oh God, what are you doing? How could you do this to me? I'm a nun, damn you! You servant of the devil! Oh! No, no, no, I can't allow it… I can't...”

He held a tight grip on her as he plunged his prick in and out of her cunt. He dipped deep inside, plunging his throbbing cock to the back of her cunt. He slid it in and out, back and forth, back and forth, again and again without a pause.

“Oh, that is so good, so very good… men, you are going to enjoy fucking this one a lot, I can tell you… it feels so fine when your cock presses into the soft flesh of her big ass… ahhh, and you can rub around and around against it...”

He proceeded to do just that, plunging his cock in and then dragging it back till only a couple of inches were still inside her cunt. Then he would shove it deep inside once more and hold himself against those creamy, huge buttocks.

The other two soldiers were hardly listening to him tell them about the nun he was fucking. They had their own very exciting nun to deal with.

At that moment she was being attacked from two positions.

One of the soldiers had his cock out and was wiping it around on her face and trying to slide it into her mouth. Sister Eileen tried her best to keep her mouth shut as he wiped it around, but he was pushing harder and harder, and now he was using his fingers on her mouth, trying to force her to open it. He pried open her mouth and lunged the cock forward at her, pushing hard, shoving deep inside her quivering mouth.

“N-n-no, no, you can't do this,” she moaned, but by then he was already forcing the cock into her mouth, lunging it deep and hard.

She gagged and groaned and twisted around and all over as he pushed it at her. She wanted to bite it off but she knew that was not a good idea. She was seeing how vicious they could be to her already and this wasn't even the worst.

No, right at this moment it was more than enough for her to stand. She wanted to have revenge on them but it was an impractical idea. No, she knew that she would only be making things worse for her and for the other nun. She was forced to turn the other cheek, instead. That was the only thing she could do in this situation.

The other soldier was between her legs. Her cunt was soaking wet now after he had thoroughly sucked it and chewed on her virgin pussy meat. He loved the taste of it, the richness, the plumpness, the smoothness of it.

But he wasn't going to do it for much longer. Now that the pussy was so well lubricated, he didn't want to miss out on his chance. He was going to slide his cock deep inside her and break her cherry. And he would enjoy watching her scream and shake all over. He would enjoy that a lot, the feel of that virgin cunt around his prick.

He sniffed and licked at the cunt for another minute, licking up her juices and enjoying the way they bubbled on his tongue. He pushed deep inside her, moving in and out, back and forth. Then he drilled deep inside once more and slid it up and out of her.

“Oh God,” she moaned, as she lifted her mouth up from the cock of the other soldier as he thrust it at her again and again.

He thrust at her once more and filled her mouth. She almost gagged on the long, thick prick that he was pumping at her. He ground it around and around at the back of her throat and slid it back out of her again, lifting his prick up and letting it bob against her face. He slapped her cheeks and her nose and even poked the thick head of his cock at her eyes. He was laughing all the while.

By this time the one below was in position over her. He held her thighs wide apart as he aimed his cock at her. He thrust it up against the pussy meat. She quivered and twisted this way and that as he started moving into her.

She nearly passed out now, shaking herself into such a frenzy of fear and terror over what was happening. But she didn't pass out. She would have preferred it that way. But she had to stay awake through this ordeal. She was awake through the pain of losing her cherry as he drove his prick into her, deep inside and twirled it around and around. Then he slid it back, nearly pulling it out of her. He jammed it forward once more, deep inside, twirling around and around in circles.

He gasped and groaned and laughed at the sensations he was feeling.

Again and again he fucked her, driving the cock back and forth.

“No, no, no,” she gasped when the other one pulled his prick back from her mouth. It dangled and bobbed against her face. The soldier was enjoying the way the thick, knobbed cock head tapped at her eyes and nose. It was all still a game, though a violently pleasurable game, to be sure. “Stop it, stop it, get away from me, get away… you can't do this to me, you can't, you can't! Ohhhhhh! Jesus! Help me, help me! Save me from this, no, no, this can't happen, this can't, no, no, oh God!”

The one at her cunt slammed his prick inside her pussy and twirled it around and around in circles. She quivered and convulsed as the prick heaved against her.

And Sister Patricia was shaking almost as violently. The worst had already happened. He had penetrated her, taking her virginity from her. And now he was pumping back and forth quite freely, with hard, vigorous strokes, in and out, back and forth through her tight, deep pussy. He smacked his hips forward at her ass. He loved the way the plump cheeks jiggled when he moved forward at her. He would grind around and around at her then, feeling the soft flesh of those buttocks against his own crotch. And then at last he would draw back, nearly falling out of the quivering pussy. But he would stop in time and recapture it, shoving forward, deep inside, pumping through. Again and again he fucked her, back and forth, back and forth, harder and harder.

“Mmmmmm, such a nice cunt you have, Sister,” Captain Gomez laughed. “Oh yes, oh, so tender, so warm and wet… the best I've fucked in a long time, I must say. ..we'll have to do this again some time, and in more comfortable surroundings… perhaps in your bed, yes? Wouldn't that be nice, my dear lady?”

“Animal,” she whimpered, convulsing as the cock shot up into her again. “You fucking animal, that's what you are, do you hear me? Animal!”

“No, Sister,” he grunted, jamming his cock through her. “No, not at all, not at all, Sister… just… just one of God's children, that's all...”

“You're a beast! Oh God! Oh, help me, Lord, help me!” she cried.

“There's no one hear to help you, Sister. If you wanted to be safe from harm you should have stayed in God's Country… isn't that what you Americans call your nation with typical arrogance?”

“We are all equal in God's eyes… except for butchers, murderers… beasts like you! You'll be damned for your actions, for all eternity!”

Captain Gomez liked it when she groaned and threatened him like that. It added a strange extra dose of sexual excitement to the festivities There was something wonderfully erotic about committing a sacrilege like this one. It was the true forbidden fruit, and Captain Gomez was finding that it tasted very sweet indeed.

His hands moved over her ass. She was so worn out from struggling that he didn't have to worry much about holding on to her. He could let his hands roam over those plump white cheeks, grabbing and patting and squeezing at her.

“Such a lovely ass you have, Sister, oh yes, one of the nicest I've ever come in contact with, I must say… so white and round and plump… lovely… it feels so good to rub against it and to pat it with my hands…”

He knew that his words were causing her as much anguish as his throbbing cock was. And he was delighted by it. Captain Gomez remembered his days in the Catholic school where the nuns would seem to take great pleasure in punishing you when you were unruly. You would hold out your hand and they would slap it with a ruler, again and again until your hand would be sore for the rest of the day. And if they thought you had done something really wrong, it would be your ass they would slap with the ruler.

Captain Gomez remembered the times he had been spanked by those nuns back in his childhood days and they spurred him on to take a greater and greater vengeance on this communist-sympathizing foreigner. He slapped his hand at her ass, cracking the plump cheeks, avenging all the times he had been beaten as a child.

“Bitch,” he growled at her. “You fucking bitch! That's what you are, do you hear me, woman? You're a fucking, worthless cunt! Mmmmmm, but such a warm cunt you are, too, ha, ha, ha… what does it make you feel to hear such words, hm? But I bet you secretly said them to yourself when no one was listening, right, Sister? Yes, I know how you people are… you put up such a front of holiness and righteousness, but it disguises your real, kinky nature… yes, that's right! Pervert! I know all about your kind… I know just what you do, you and the priests and the rest of you!”

He was becoming more and more enraged as his lust continued to flare. He thrust in and out, in and out, back and forth, faster, faster all the time. The nun quivered. She felt so convulsed with agony now that she seemed very close to passing out. The sensations rose and rose, more and more, higher and higher all the time.

She was even losing her ability to plead with him. It was too much. It was a nightmare. There was no way of waking up out of this, though, she realized.

In and out, back and forth, he pumped his prick at her, again and again, thrusting deep inside the heaving, twisting cunt. The pussy lips gripped tightly to the throbbing shaft. He shoved it inside and worked it around and around, then dragged it back, nearly falling out of her before thrusting inside once more, deep inside.

“Ahhhhh, I'm going to cum now, you bitch,” Captain Gomez grunted “Yes, oh Jesus, yes, yes, I'm going to fill you, do you hear me? I'm going to fill that fat cunt of yours with my seed… perhaps we'll have a child together, you and I, eh? Wouldn't that be very amusing? The baby would be half-American. Perhaps we could raise him to be a priest, eh, Sister? Ha, ha, ha…”

He thrust harder, in and out, in and out, again, again, pumping away, dragging his cock in and out of her, again and again, harder, deeper, as he gasped for air. He was pushing himself to the breaking point. The pleasure was intense, climbing, climbing all the time, higher and higher, more and more. There didn't seem to be any end to it at all. None. The pleasure swirled around him. He closed his eyes and images of his childhood flashed before him. The nuns, the beatings, his mother, the pathetic rituals to make the poor forget their wretched lives here on earth and pretend there was something better somewhere, anywhere, and the nuns smiling so sweetly, and the angry ones, and the beatings, and he rubbed his hands over Sister Patricia's plump, round ass, and he remembered how he had wanted to touch those nuns back at school, wanted to see what was under those heavy black robes, this before he had ever been with a woman, such a mystery, yes, and he fantasized, seeing himself fucking them, shoving his cock in between plump buttocks like Sister Patricia's round, smooth ass, and...

“Oh God! Ohhhhhhh!” he screamed, drilling his prick into her and letting a thick flow of sperm explode against the deepest recesses of her quivering cunt.

At that moment the man on top of Sister Eileen was also nearing his climax. He pumped harder and harder, leaning into her, grabbing at her shaking titties as he forced his prick back and forth, in and out, again and again and again.

“Ayyyyyy! I'm cumming, I'm cumming! Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes! Oh Jesus!”

At that same moment the third soldier splattered her mouth with his own fluid.


Angela came out of the water with her big breasts shaking. She stood on the beach with the hot, Aegean sun beating down on her naked, suntanned body. She raised her arms up over her head and lifted her face to the sun. She sighed deeply and smiled.

Then she looked down again and saw Charles Carlson watching her. He waved and smiled at her. He was under a beach umbrella a dozen yards away.

She stood there and looked around, glancing at the other tourists, most of them naked just as she was. A few modest ones were scattered here and there among them, and a few Greek boys were scampering about, fully dressed and spying on the naked foreigners.

The water was still and there was little noise except for a transistor radio here and there. Otherwise, it was quite serene there. And this was one of the more popular beaches on the island of Mykonos, Angela thought. The secluded ones Charles promised to take her to would have to be like some private paradise.

She had been “drying out,” as the Agency called it, for nearly two weeks. She had been instructed not to think about what had happened to her, to completely put it all out of her mind until she was fit to return to work again. They assured her that she would be as good as she ever was once she had time to recover, and they even told her there was no reason why she couldn't return to the field after a certain time, and even to the area of the world where she was most at home. Just because she had been captured once did not mean that she could no longer work in that area. She would have to be more careful, of course, and they would not reassign her to similar work duties for a while yet, but otherwise they were confident she would be just as good as she ever was.

The circumstances of her escape or release from Cuba were still a mystery, even to Angela. She was found wandering aimlessly in the Jamaican resort town of Ocho Rios. The local authorities sent her to the American embassy in Kingston. She was interrogated by several people there, including the Agency representative. It didn't take them long to figure out who she was and who she worked for. Her memory was coming back to her rapidly after she was given some time to sleep and her wounds were taken care of.

The Agency man commented to another American that he hadn't seen anybody get such a going over “since the days when we'd kick the shit out of V.C. spies back in `Nam, And it looks like this lady got it even rougher.”

She was flown to Miami and hospitalized in a secret clinic near Fort Lauderdale. Gradually, the agents put the pieces together. She was caught by the secret Cuban army she had been spying on. They loaded her into a cargo plane and flew her right from their jungle camp to Cuba where they proceeded to torture and interrogate her. When they got all they could from her they drugged her again and dropped her off on neutral ground for the Americans to find her. It was clever and ruthless, everyone agreed.

After hospitalization took care of most of her wounds and internal injuries, she was given time off for rest and recovery. Charles Carlson in Athens was assigned to take care of her and nurse her back to health. She was a good agent, they all agreed. Her capture could not be helped and she had done a very good job till then. They wanted her in top shape again so she could get back to work as soon as possible.

Carlson and Angela made a long, slow cruise of the Cycladic group of islands, sailing aboard with a three-man Greek crew. They visited Tinos, Paros, Delos, Naxos, and now Mykonos where they would spend the rest of the vacation.

She was feeling rested, she thought. The time in the Central American jungle and then her capture and everything that happened after it, all of that seemed years away from her now. Of course, if she wanted to concentrate on it and think back and recreate what she could remember of it, then it would all chillingly return. She would find herself sweating and shaking, seeing that face… Dr. Rodolfo's grinning, leering, sneering face, and she would remember some of the things he did to her...

She found herself shaking now, almost blacking out. She swayed. A couple of people glanced at her. A naked man with a beard touched her arm and asked in French if she was all right. She smiled awkwardly and nodded her head.

Then she made her way back over to Charles and sat down on their beach blanket. He was concerned. He put a hand to her forehead.

“Are you all right, Angela? I saw you start to sway there like you were going to have a blackout or something. Was it the Cuban thing again?”

“Oh no, Charles, not that,” she lied. “The sun. I think I got just a touch too much when I was lying on the rock out there in the water.”

“You sure about that, Angela? I mean, I have to know for sure. That's part of what I'm doing here with you. Observing you. It's not all just fun and games. I'm on official duty, you might say. I have to be sure that when you go back to work that you're actually capable of doing the job and won't fall apart.”

She took his hand, smiled and nodded her head slightly.

“Yes, Daddy, I understand your interest in me. But honestly, I haven't thought about Cuba or any of those assholes back there in days. And that's the truth. So will you believe me and just try not to see things where they don't exist.”

He chuckled. “I'll try. Feeling hungry yet, Angela? Ready for a little lunch?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” she said. “In a minute. Let me get dry in the sun first, though, okay?”

“Sure, sure, take your time,” Charles said. “You don't have to rush for anything.”

She grinned at him and then stretched back on the blanket, letting the sun dry off the clinging sea water from her brown body.

She put her sunglasses on and then glanced at him, wondering if he believed her story about it being the sun making her dizzy back there. She couldn't tell him the truth. She didn't want them telling her she still needed a long time for recovery. She didn't want to be assigned to some desk job, or else retired from the Agency altogether.

No, that could never happen to her. She would die of frustration, she felt. She had to recover and she had to be reassigned. One day, she hoped, she would have a chance to get back at them for what they did to her. There had to come a time, somehow.

But she knew there was not much chance of it as long as she was still emotionally strung out as she was now. She tried her best to stay calm and not think about what had happened, but sometimes it was almost impossible. It was like that game she remembered when she was a kid. A test for the mind. Tell yourself not to think about something and you would find it impossible to think about anything else but that.

And when Angela thought about it, and when she summoned up the memory of Dr. Rodolfo and those troops earlier in her ordeal, she would start to fall apart. It was as if they had her again, and she was once more a prisoner.

She would have nightmares about it many times. She would he sleeping and her defenses would be down. Her mind would choose its own subject, and it would often be the whole horrible scene again, playing out slowly and agonizingly.

She would wake up, startled, gasping and sweating, unable to believe that she wasn't back there in that dreadful prison, at the mercy of Dr. Rodolfo.

She and Charles had become lovers after only a few days together. But because she knew she was still suffering these nightmares and didn't want him to know, she insisted that they sleep in separate quarters. She made him think that it was modesty and a fear of gossip within the Agency. She was sure that the two of them were being spied on by another agent somewhere or other, keeping tabs on them both as he nursed her back to a full recovery. She liked Charles a lot, but she was not going to fall in love with him. She couldn't get into an emotional situation just now. She had to build up her strength again, her strength inside as well as out. That didn't leave any room for sentiment. But she enjoyed his company and she enjoyed fucking him and there was no reason they couldn't have that pleasure while they were together, she thought.

She leaned over towards him now. Thinking about the times they made love washed away all the other bad thoughts for the moment. She smiled at him and ran a hand down his sun-bronzed chest. She kept her hand moving down and for a fleeting moment she fondled his cock and balls. The prick twitched excitedly even from that slight contact. Charles sat up and leaned towards her, embracing her. They kissed heatedly and his hands found their way to her big breasts and he fondled the taut nipples.

She touched his cock again and noticed that it was getting hard. The prick flipped about nervously, and then her fingers went around it, squeezing the thick shaft.

“Fuck, fuck, lady, ha, ha!” shouted a young Greek boy. He was with a friend and they were both grinning impishly. One of them kicked sand and then they both ran away to bother some other tourists on the beach.

Angela let go of his cock and sat forward. She smiled at him.

“Come on, let's go get some food, shall we?” she said to him.

“Okay. I've got to put a towel around me to try and hide this thing first,” he said, pointing to his cock which was now sticking up hard and stiff.

They both wrapped towels around themselves and walked through the sand to the restaurant that serviced this secluded beach. There was a shaded patio where the tables were set. Charles and Angela sat down. An aging hippie was strumming at a guitar. People from all over Europe and America sat at the tables. Charles got up to get their food.

“Wine and moussaka, I think, for today,” Angela said.

He went into the restaurant. She looked out at the sea, at the swimmers and the fishing caiques beyond them. She would be ready one day, she thought to herself.


Dr. Rodolfo smiled at the girl. She was trembling already, but the festivities had only just begun.

“What's the matter, my dear girl?” he said. “You look so frightened. So guilty. Do you wish to talk to me now or are you still going to remain silent?”

“I… I have nothing to say,” the beautiful, young Cuban girl said. “I have done nothing wrong. I am innocent. I never hurt anyone. Believe me!”

“I don't believe you, you slut. You're guilty and you're going to pay for it. You will tell us everything that you know, do you understand me? Everything.”

“But… but I know nothing,” the raven-haired beauty whimpered. She was feeling waves of fright and couldn't control them. She tried calming herself down, taking deep breaths. But nothing was helping the situation. “I have done nothing. I am a loyal citizen of Cuba. I don't understand what this is all about.”

“You are playing games with us,” Dr. Rodolfo said. “You know that we know about your relationship with Victor Garcia. You know that he is wanted by the Cuban government for political crimes against the state. But you did not turn him over to the authorities. Instead, you hid him in a barn on the farm where you work.”

“But, but, I didn't know that he was wanted… no, he didn't tell me that at all. You must know that by now. Surely he told you that I knew nothing about him. Nothing at all. And it is the truth. Please believe me.”

Dr. Rodolfo smiled as he watched the way her heavy breasts were rising and falling as her excitement grew and grew. She was out of breath and there was fear written all over her lovely features. She gulped and looked pleadingly at her inquisitor.

She was a very tempting vixen, he thought. He could see why that bastard of a traitor had linked up with her. She would certainly make the nights on the run seem less lonely, Dr. Rodolfo thought, watching her bosom heave and her nipples protrude.

He reached down to her. She trembled wildly as his hand grabbed at her blouse. He took hold of it and ripped it open. Her big titties flopped out into view.

He smiled and patted them. He caressed the nipples and made them start to expand even more. He grabbed on and tugged on it till the girl winced.

“What...what are you doing to me? You can't do this… I have done nothing, really, I haven't… this is not justice, there must be laws against this...”

Dr. Rodolfo, still smiling, slapped her hard across the face. She gasped and her cheek turned a bright red. He slapped her again, across the other cheek.

Then he was grabbing at her tits with both hands, pulling and bouncing them against his palms. He started tearing at the rest of her clothes, tearing the things down,

“No, no, please, how can you do this to me, how…? I am innocent!” she shouted.

“You are not innocent because I say you are guilty. That is the only proof that is necessary here. We are going to find out all that you know, dear girl, but first we are going to punish you… yes, punish you… we will do that before we ever get to questioning you about this boyfriend of yours. But first you must pay the price for what you have done against your country, my dear...”

He grabbed her and twisted her this way and that, then he threw her to the floor. He rubbed a hand over his crotch, back and forth, making it stand out thick and hard. He opened his pants. She looked very tempting lying sprawled there on the floor.

He moved over her and ran his hand under her torn skirt. He fondled her ass cheeks. Then he pushed between them and grabbed at her cunt meat. He pulled on the pubic hairs, making her twitch and try to kick at him. He reached down furiously and shook her by the neck. Then he was punching and pulling on her. She was dizzy from the attack and didn't know what to do. She was afraid to give him too much of a fight, afraid of the consequences there might be for her. She knew that he was an important man. He could do whatever he thought was necessary. She was afraid of him. He looked to be a very cruel man, capable of anything. Anything at all, she thought.

And he proceeded to prove her right, tearing her skirt away and then ripping her panties down too. He grabbed at her cunt, pulling the lips apart. He jammed his fingers in and out of her, back and forth through her quivering hole. She jumped and twisted as the fingers moved in and out of her, again and again. She cried out. He was hurting her. But this was nothing. There was much more in store for her.

Dr. Rodolfo's cock was throbbing. He pulled it out and jerked on it. Then he moved over her, sneering all the while. He slid the cock down between her trembling thighs and moved it up against her cunt.

“No, no, stop it, please, please, you can't do this!” the girl shouted at him.

He only laughed and thrust deeper inside her, pushing tight against her heaving, twisting cunt hole. She turned and quivered and tried to get away from him.

But there was no getting away. He was already inside her. He pushed deeper, twisting his cock around and around in circles before dragging it out again.

“Oh God, no, no, stop it, please, please, stop this! I can't… no, please, leave me alone, leave me alone, won't you! Ahhhhhh! No, no, no!”

He rammed his cock into her and then dragged it out again, back and forth, while his hands grabbed at her tits and her face. He then put a hand against her neck and strangled her till she was choking and spittle was falling from her mouth. And all the while he was ramming his prick in and out of her, back and forth, again and again, in and out, faster and faster. He smiled as he watched her struggle.

He pumped hard, jamming his cock at her, again and again, in and out, back and forth, harder, faster, in again, out again. Each time he did it the girl gasped and trembled. She cried out in agony as the thick prick speared her.


Fidel took a long sip of his drink and nodded to Dr. Rodolfo.

“We're sending you in there, Doctor,” he said. “I want you to talk to some of these rebel leaders. I think that we're losing some of them. The government has been talking conciliation lately. It's threatening to bring some of the strongest groups in with full amnesty and a voice in their government. I have a feeling the Americans are behind this strategy. I want you to see what's happening. I trust you to get to the bottom of the situation, whatever it is.”

“Yes, sir,” Dr. Rodolfo said. “I shall try my best. Will I be flown into our jungle camp there by a supply plane?”

“No, we will do this more carefully, cautiously. We have a Panamanian passport for you. My good friend there is most cooperative on these matters. You will not be suspected. Your contact there will set up the meetings with the leaders in the capital. You can arrive and leave by a regular commercial flight of Air Panama. There have been too many leaks about our people lately. I do not trust anyone. I don't want anything to happen to you so I feel it is better that you go in there alone. Our troops, I fear, are in trouble, and might be tracked down at any time. But I don't want to bring them in, even though they might be caught. It would do too much harm to the cause we are trying to win there if our allies saw us fly away and leave them stranded.”

“Yes, I quite see what you are saying,” Dr. Rodolfo said. “There should be no problem doing it this way, I'm sure. It can be done in a matter of two days. I will be in and out before anyone notices anything is going on. It is a stupid government, of course, and their American aides are not much better.”

Fidel grinned. We are too smart for all of them, Dr. Rodolfo, you are right.”

* * * * *

“Angela, we don't like the idea of asking you to go back there so soon after what happened to you, but we think this is something pretty big. You're the only one who really knows what this fellow looks like. We've had a price on his head for years. He's probably the worst man of his kind since those boys who worked for Hitler in the concentration camps and experimental laboratories.”

“I know all about Dr. Rodolfo's qualities,” Angela said softly.

“If you could spot him, just point him out, it would be enough. This is a dead or alive hit we intend here, but all you have to do is point him out and we'll get somebody else to catch him. But we have to move quickly. He may not be there for long. The local authorities don't even know about him yet. They're inept, and if they do find out he'll probably know about it as soon as they do and go undercover.”

“I'll leave immediately, sir,” Angela said. “We won't lose him this time.”

“I hope not. He seldom leaves Cuba anymore. And with good reason. There must be thousands of people who would like to see him dead.”

“Well, you can count me among them.”

Things were becoming more and more sinister with each passing hour. Fear was growing inside the poor victim of their depraved lust. She knew that there was no hope of escape.


Dr. Rodolfo got out of the taxi a couple of blocks from his hotel and walked the rest of the way. He didn't think he was in any danger but there was no sense in taking any chances. He would only be in the capital one more night. In the morning, early, he would be leaving. His work was done. Things were going to go smoothly now, he thought, as soon as he relayed the information he had back to Havana. He was sure that Fidel would be willing to grant the concessions that the rebels wanted.

He moved towards the side entrance to the hotel. He glanced about for anything suspicious happening. He saw nothing that could do him any harm.

There was a report that his presence in the capital was known by the authorities. But how much they knew, if they had any information as to his appearance or the identity that he was using the false name and passport, he wasn't sure. But everything had gone smoothly so far and he didn't think there was anything to worry about. He would be gone before the idiots in this country could even figure out who was supposed to be there. And the Americans, if they were in at all, would be stuck once again. They would never catch him, he said to himself as he climbed the steps to the hotel lobby.

It was a big old colonial hotel. The elevator was an open cage painted gold.

He stepped into it and told his number to the operator.

He walked down the hall to his room and let himself in. Inside the dark room he felt for the wall switch. Something was odd in there, but he wasn't sure what it was. A smell. Yes, that was it. He smelled something strange, yet familiar. He had smelled it once before, a hint of some expensive, strong perfume, he remembered. And there it was in the air again, much stronger, fresher by far. The maid's he figured. He sniffed and thought about that bosomy young maid who had come to the room this afternoon with fresh towels.

Then he cursed. A maid with an expensive perfume? And then he remembered where he had smelled that perfume before and he turned, lunging back for the door.

There was a sudden sound near him, coming from the darkened bathroom. His hand was on the door handle when he felt someone gripping him by the neck. He put his free hand into his jacket to get his pistol but suddenly he felt a strange pinching sensation at the back of his neck. It was an old and effective, but little-known technique for instantly immobilizing somebody. It was like administering an instantaneous bout of polio or some similar crippling ailment.

Dr. Rodolfo crouched there in the darkness for a moment. Then the pain that had immobilized him became even harder and he fell to the floor.

When he was out of the grip of the pinching fingers, the pain subsided and in a few seconds he could stretch his arms and move his legs again.

He heard someone moving past him. He heard the chain being put on the door. Then the light went on. Angela smiled down at him. She was holding a revolver with a silencer attached. She pointed it at his face.

“Hello, Dr. Rodolfo,” she said. “We meet again so soon, eh?”

“You,” he gasped. “How… what do you want? I am...”

For once, Dr. Rodolfo was at a loss for words. His usual glib cynicism had vanished as he lay there on the floor with that gun pointing at him.

“I had hoped for another meeting with you, Doctor, but I couldn't really believe that it would ever happen. Not like this. Under such perfect circumstances.”

“You'll take me to your people? You'll question me, I suppose.”

“No, we don't want to question you, I'm afraid. We know there's a risk the longer we hold on to you. Getting rid you will be enough of an achievement without taking any chances in questioning you, in any case, we don't think you have much to tell us...”

Dr. Rodolfo gulped. He felt his bladder suddenly emptying and winced at the shame of it.

She extended the silenced gun to him, stretching her arm out. He debated whether to scream or to try and twist over and grab her leg. She was close enough, perhaps, if he moved swiftly…

Angela shot him in the balls. His mouth opened for a scream and then she shot three times into his mouth and throat, effectively muffling that final sound.

She went outside, closing the door behind her, and walked to the nearest exit. She sighed contentedly.

Angela left the hotel and went onto the street. She was feeling strangely giddy as she walked along in the night air. There had been a rain earlier and now the humidity was swept away. It was not often cool at this time of year in the capital. It was the rainy season and each day was muggier than the last, the humidity pouring down. It was the time of the year when most crimes were committed in the capital. People got on each other's nerves. Husbands were found with knives sticking out of their backs and wives would run away with the milkman.

The government liked this season most of all because it meant the rebels were easier to handle. Many of them would be pushed into the jungle and a good number would disperse, returning to the shelter of their homes and families, unwilling to fight until later on in the year when it was comfortable again.

The government troops didn't like the season, though. They, unlike the rebels, could not decide to run home to their families and get out of the rain. They had to stay where they were assigned and make sure that nothing happened on the rebel front. The rebels were crafty and you never knew when they might just launch a surprise attack. The government did not want to be caught with its pants down, even if it meant their troops staying out in the middle of the jungle during the rainy season, when there was nothing but steamy water, mud, insects, and the stink of rotting vegetation.

They were uncomfortable and rebellious themselves, these troops. They would get angry and irritable. The villagers would fear for their lives at this time of the year. And with good reason. When the weather got most unbearable was when the incidents of brutality reached their peak, and there were many ugly events that happened over the last few rainy seasons, though almost none of them were reported in the national press. The government did not think this made a very good impression on the citizens. They would start thinking that they had more to fear from their own army than from those communist rebels that they were so often instructed to fear and hate.

Angela thought about the government situation as she strolled down the main boulevard of the capital city. It was a complicated situation she knew. There were no easy solutions, no matter what her own government tried to tell its people. At times it was very easy to see both sides of the question as villains. They were both ruthless, for one thing. Neither one was exactly believing in democratic process. That seemed to be a thing of the past, as far as most of the undeveloped world was concerned, it was a dictatorship of the rich or the poor, no in between.

Angela was dismayed by the fact that her own government so often, in those circumstances, chose to fight with the dictatorship of the poor. It was slowly learning the error of this policy, but only very slowly indeed. It had to learn the hard way, of course, with major setbacks, unexpected revolutions here and there, allies suddenly becoming enemies.

Angela's job had been to help make sure that the communist enemy did not get far. Her most important assignment. And she had done a good job. Right up until the end. Then it was not so good. She had been caught by the secret Cuban army that was sent to train and help the rebels. If it were known that such a thing were happening it would be the equivalent of a declaration of war, and the Cuban government knew full well that several of the other Latin American countries would willingly side with this one to fight such Cuban aggression.

Even though she was captured and questioned, and tortured along the way, they did not erase the girl's knowledge completely. She was able to remember important figures and locations. The government was planning a raid on the rebel encampment, the one that also served as the base for the Cuban troops. But Angela feared that, as usual, they would be much too slow in getting to work on this and the Cubans would already be on their way home or else moved to another location altogether, making much of Angela's work out of date.

She had a more than professional reason for hoping that the Cubans were caught and eliminated. She remembered those leering faces of the Cubans as they raped and abused her. It was an endless nightmare. She didn't think she would be able to get through it. It went on and on, and her strength nearly ran out as the men went at her.

She was near the `zocalo' now, the little square for this section of the city. She sat on a bench, feeling a little dizzy now as she thought back on that awful day.

If she thought of it for long she could still bring forth the faces, the leering, cursing faces of those hardboiled soldiers. She could see their cocks, long and thick and pulsing away with lust. And they climbed over her and pushed their cocks at her face, jerking them back and forth, sliding them into her mouth and between her legs. They fucked her in the mouth and the cunt and the asshole. The pressure and the pain built and built till they had pushed her way past the boiling point. It was more than she could stand, much more. She knew that it had taken its toll on her mind as well as her body. It didn't matter what training she had, had in Washington. This was the real thing and it was worse than anything they had tried to prepare her for. Much worse by far, she thought

She sat there on the bench and thought about it, thought about the terrible day, and the vicious men. She wanted to see them all dead.

She wanted to line them up against a wall and give it to them, make them feel pain worse even than what she had felt. The thought of it was making her heart beat at twice its normal speed. She couldn't even see where she was at that moment. All she saw was the faces, the cocks of those troops. They were there, right before her. She was no longer in the town square, she was back there in the jungle, back there with those vicious soldiers.

They were fucking her again, jabbing her with their cocks, shoving them inside her pussy, her asshole, tearing at her flesh, jabbing and poking and pushing.

Angela felt herself getting dizzy. She shook her head and blew away the images from the past. It was happening again. It was her secret. If the Agency ever found out they would make sure she had only a desk job from now on.

But they would never know. They wouldn't find out anything about it. She had done a good job just now. She had wished that she had more time, and could have made it last longer. She wanted to make Dr. Rodolfo suffer enough so that it would be a fitting punishment for someone who had punished and tortured and abused so many people in the past, and so many of them completely innocent.

A policeman came up to her and looked down. She blinked at him and couldn't understand who he was or why he was staring at her that way. Was he a masher?

He spoke to her in Spanish, asking her if there was something wrong.

She realized only now that she was slumped over on the bench, looking nearly ready to fall right to the ground on her face. She straightened up now.

“I'm sorry. I… I don't know what happened, I just felt dizzy. I'll be all right now, though, nothing to worry about, nothing at all.”

She stood up, smiled at him and walked away. The policeman bowed politely. They had that Old World charm, she thought, but underneath it was the viciousness of a wild animal.

She went back to the embassy then. She would have to report in person that it had gone well. She had to take all the necessary precautions first, of course, making sure that no one had seen her at the scene of the crime and that she was not being followed. But she saw no one following her. It had been a clean hit. The papers would announce the death of some Panamanian businessman. He was probably killed for some valuables that he had on him and not for the small amount of cash that was left with the body. It happened all the time in the capital. No one would think anything of it. Except for the Cubans. They would know. They knew exactly who that Panamanian businessman really was and they would know they had lost this round. He was one of their most important men. He had handled all forms of espionage and intelligence for the government since the revolution had been won more than twenty years ago. And now he was dead. He had gone too far. He should never have left the safety of Cuba, Angela thought with a smile. Fidel would have to bear it in mind next time he contemplated a trip abroad,

She hailed a taxi, her feet tired from walking now, and she gave an address at the other side of town, A couple more taxis to different locations and then she would be able to make her way back to the embassy and file her report.

And then a nice weekend at the beach, she thought. She deserved it. The Greek vacation was starting to wear off.

Maybe a desk job wouldn't be so bad after all, she thought to herself as the taxi moved along through the traffic.


The Cubans moved stealthily. They knew that there were government troops in this area and they didn't want to run into them. They wanted to leave a calling card and then be gone. It would do the trick. The rebels would get the credit—or blame—for the little adventure, but that was just what the Cubans wanted. They knew what they were doing.

They knew that the rebels were starting to get soft, starting to give up hope that they would ever really be able to topple the government that was in power. After all, that government had all the resources of the country plus financial and military aid from the United States. How could they possibly hope to win against such odds, many of them were asking?

The Cubans knew that it did no good to try and inspire them with words. The only way to make them go on fighting was to force them to do it. But they could not force them. They were supposedly their allies, on their side in this fight. Instead, they would have to make the government troops force them into it. The Cubans knew that the best way of doing this was by provoking the government in the name of the rebels. The retribution was bound to be severe. The rebels would have to fight back then and the ball would be rolling once more. The Cubans knew that trickery was sometimes more effective than idealism in convincing your allies to do what you wanted them to do.

There had been a big uproar not long before because of the attack on two American nuns working in the area. It was widely believed, though not proven or admitted, that government troops were responsible for this atrocity. The government, however, claimed that it was the work of rebels merely trying to stir up trouble. That would be the case this time. It would be seen as a clear act of revenge for what was done to the nuns. Or so the Cubans hoped. It would become a vicious circle, one side committing a crime and the other side avenging it and then being avenged against and so on forever until a full-scale war had developed.

They crept up to the old but large and elegant house on the outside of the town. The mayor would be at his office if everything was going as it should.

Inside the house, if luck was with them, the Cubans would find the Mayor's wife and daughter. They would be alone and unprotected. Easy victims. It would seem like such vicious conduct on the part of the rebels. It would have to be avenged. The government would undoubtedly send hordes of soldiers sweeping down on the rebel encampments. It would spark the right note in the rebels and they would fight back with all they had.

The five Cubans crept up to the side of the house. There was no one in sight. They moved quickly and silently up onto the wide, open porch.

There was a screen door. The Cuban officer tested it and saw that it was not locked. They had to be careful now. They didn't want to alert the women inside and give them a chance of getting away through a back door or a window. This had to be neat and efficient. And brutal. Very brutal. They had to make the government steaming mad over this outrage.

The officer moved in quickly and his four men followed him. They made sure to make no sound, opening the screen door without any squeak. Then they were in the house. The daughter was the first one they saw. She was about to scream when the officer lunged at her, grabbing her by the throat and strangling the scream before it got out.

She was wearing only bra and panties at that moment and her body, the officer saw, was quite voluptuous. She was going to provide as much fun as that American lady spy they had taunted not long ago back at the camp, he thought.

He twisted her around and pushed her down onto a couch. One of the soldiers quickly came by and tied a scarf around her mouth so she could not make any sound. He winked at the officer and then began pulling her underwear off. He revealed her big, luscious breasts with their thick, purplish nipples. Then he grabbed the girl's panties and pulled them down her meaty thighs and off her legs. He spread the thighs. Her cunt gleamed at him. He slapped her a couple of times as she tried to get away. There was no getting away, he told her, not until she had been properly fucked by all of them.

The officer and two of the soldiers went down the hall and up the steps, searching for the wife of the town's mayor, a loyal government stooge. They would show him. They would teach him a good lesson he would never forget.

As the officer led his men up the steps he heard a noise overhead. And then he was startled to see men in uniform. Government troops. Machine guns were raised and there was a sudden burst of furious noise. The officer saw something very strange in the last moment of his life, a young woman, oddly familiar, standing to the side of the government troops as they ambushed all of them.

Other troops were moving through the living room at almost the same moment, catching those who had remained with the Mayor's daughter. One was holding his erect cock in his hand as the bullets tore through him. The bursts of gunfire were punctuated by the screams of the young, trembling woman.

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