Numerical and verbal reasoning

Numerical and verbal reasoning (A category)

Text (questions 1-4)

Entrepreneurs running small firms play a vital role in ensuring a healthy economy, not just from a business perspective, but also in social, educational and political terms. They compete with the large businesses that would otherwise dominate the markets and are key providers of new jobs. Smaller businesses are able to accommodate working patterns tailored to the employee's needs. They are, therefore, valuable sources of employment for the large number of people with family responsibilities who wish to remain part of the labour market but are unable, because of domestic commitments, to take up full-time employment.

Base your answers only on the information given in the text

Question 1:

Entrepreneurs tend not to compete with large organisations.

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Text (questions 5-8)

Advertising and selling books via Internet sites is becoming more popular with traders. It costs less to publicise a book on the Internet than by traditional methods, and as books are stored in warehouses prior to being despatched to customers, overheads are lower than those of shops. True, the price war on the Internet is likely to put pressure on royalties, with publishers demanding that they be calculated not on the cover prices of books but on the prices actually received for them. However, these discounts will be greatest on best-sellers, rather than other books.

Base your answers only on the information given in the text

Question 5:

The consumer demand for books sold on the Internet is increasing.

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Text (questions 9-12)

The number of accidents, which occur during the course of the working day, will never be reduced to zero, regardless of the attempts of regulating bodies. This is because all activity inevitably involves some degree of risk and luck. However, it is possible to reduce the number of occupational accidents, and one way of doing this would be to impose punitive fines on organisations within which occupational accidents occur. Whilst this will result in cases of injustice to some organisations, the overall effect for the employee, in terms of securing a safer workplace, will surely be beneficial

Base your answers only on the information given in the text

Question 9:

Some accidents at work are the result of misfortune.

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Tables (questions 13-16)

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Question 13:

Which country has the same percentage of people using private and public vehicles to get to work?

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In which country is there the biggest difference between the numbers of people in the 5 - 14 and 15 - 24 year old categories?

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Approximately how many people in country B travel to work by motorcycle?

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What is the approximate difference between the number of people taking public and private vehicles to work in country B ?

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Graphs (questions 17-20)

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Question 17:

In country A, which source of energy had the largest proportional change between 1987 and 1997?

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Verbal and numerical reasoning (B category)

Each question consists of a text and four statements. Your task is to indicate which of the four statements can best be derived from the given text.

N.B. Sometimes a statement will be in entire or partial contradiction to the given text. Sometimes a statement itself is true, but that fact cannot be derived from the sample text. Base your answer exclusively on the information provided by the text. You may only choose one statement for your answer.

Question 1:

China is too large and too many people live there. That is the complaint on everyone's lips when traffic in China's congested cities once more comes to a standstill, people worm their way through shopping streets, or criticism is levelled at the impotence of China's leaders. But none of that mattered on the day that Hong Kong was handed back. With the return of Hong Kong, China has become even larger and that is an important fact for the merry-makers in Beijing.

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Apartheid and Kruger Park, for a long time those were the two things which the world associated with South Africa. After the abolition, in 1993, of the most sophisticated system of racial discrimination which the world has ever known, all that was left was Kruger Park, an institution which apparently had nothing to do with the evil of the past. For a long time, the Park had been seen as a model of a successful way to protect "good nature" against "evil man".

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It is expected that the social changes taking place in South Africa will also have been incorporated into Kruger Park within a few years. Then, Kruger Park will be seen to have become part of the new South Africa. The present, mainly black, government is not planning to slaughter this goose that lays the golden eggs: nearly a million people visit the park each year. A well-known politician even sees the Park as having a constructive function: "Appreciation of the natural environment and the conservation of nature can forge a link between all South Africans and can become an aspect of political maturity of which we can all be proud."

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All road, rail, air and inland shipping traffic in and around Breukelen came to a standstill on Sunday when a British Second World War bomb had to be deactivated. Inhabitants of houses inside the immediate danger zone had to remain indoors with the windows open and curtains pulled shut. The police invoked emergency byelaws to enable them to act against anyone found on the streets.

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The bible was right. At least, it was in the sense of nature conservation. Adam was told to give all the animals a name, and Noah filled a boat with them, but The Netherlands has regulated nature in plans from A to Z. Man held, and still holds, the life and death of the animal and plant world around him firmly in his hands, as if by some divine mandate.

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Except for misplaced ideologies, the over-indulged citizen is yet another threat to the government's nature policies. Although scientists agree that good nature conservancy depends on preserving as many species as possible, citizens prefer to see their nature with plenty of parking spaces and playgrounds. Not all animals and plant species are served by this desire. Nonetheless, this sort of public desire is kept in mind for political reasons.

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European regulations contribute to a sensible protection scheme for nature, because they are international. It would make little sense to try to protect Dutch migratory birds, for instance, if they are only destined to be shot out of the skies over France and served up as a delicacy. This can now be avoided because France has committed itself to the same regulations.

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It is pretty rough going, up there on the mountaintop where Lhasa has been built. Mobile phones don't work in the Tibetan capital. Slowly the travellers realise that they have never strayed so far off the beaten track, and that here there are rats even in the Holiday Inn. These unsuspecting tourists are being called the new generation of Tibetan travellers; inspired by the film Seven Years in Tibet (with Brad Pitt as leading man) they loaded their suitcases. The Brad Pitt effect has done the travel agencies no harm at all, because the film was in the cinemas over a year ago and people are still admitting that the film was the most important inducement to make the trip.

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In Papua New Guinea it sounds a bit hackneyed if someone says that he was born in the stone age and that his own lifetime has bridged ten thousand years of history. Half a million people living in the valleys of the Highlands were only discovered by western gold-diggers and missionaries in the nineteen thirties. New tribes were being discovered right up to the nineteen sixties, and it is claimed that an unknown tribe still lives in the border area between three provinces. They are said to live in trees for fear of crocodiles, and to have had no contact at all with western civilisation.

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Graphic (questions 10-15)

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Question 10:

What is the ratio of the production of cattle farming to other agricultural production in country X in the year 2002?

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In which agricultural sectors does the lowest production occur in the year 2002 in countries X and Y respectively?

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If there is a development whereby half the beef cattle production disappears in country X in 2003, and horticultural production doubles, what will then be country X's total agricultural production in millions of euros?

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Dairy production in country Y is the largest by far in 2002. By how much must the dairy production in country X increase to reach the same level of production?

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