progress test 3a


1 Choose the correct answers.

Do you get on / off well with your sister?

1 Which search engine / machine do you usually use?

2 I suffer badly from / on hay fever.

3 I'm going to the doctor for a check-in / check-up.

4 What's your favourite cartoon column / strip in this newspaper?

5 When I met my girlfriend, it was love at first look / sight.

6 Do you watch any soap series / operas on TV?

7 Did you hear the weather forecast / prediction?

8 I feel awful. I think I've got ill / flu.

9 My friend got into trouble for computer dodging / hacking.

/ 5

2 Complete the sentences and questions using the correct forms of the words in brackets.

I (know) have known Beth since 2006.

1 ____________ (you/ever/eat) pumpkin pie?

2 Parents ____________ (invite) to watch lessons once a month at our school.

3 These cakes ____________ (make) by Jenny at school yesterday.

4 ____________ (you/give) your test results yet?

5 I phoned the doctor but he ____________ (already/go) home.

6 A I arrived at the party two hours late.
B Why, where ____________ (you/be)?

7 We had to do the test again because our teacher said we ____________ (not/do) it well enough the first time.

8 The doctor said, `You'll have a heart attack soon because of all the fast food you eat.'
The doctor told me I 
____________ (have) a heart attack soon because of all the fast food I ate.

9 If I ____________ (not/be) ill, I wouldn't be in bed.

10 You ____________ (not/have/go) to the doctor's. Just take an aspirin and go to bed.

/ 5

3 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

I was watching an interesting programme on TV last night. It was a documentary (DOCUMENT) about crime in the UK. According to the police, the number of crimes has fallen in the last few years. There are fewer 1_______ (ROB) and, they say, the streets are safer than they've been for a long time. The number of 2_______ (THIEF) from cars and shops is also lower as is the number of 3_______ (BURGLE). When the policeman stopped talking, there was a 4_______ (DISCUSS) about how safe our streets really are. Well, it was more of an 5_______ (ARGUE) than a debate. It wasn't very 6_______ (INFORM) because no-one listened to anyone else, but it was great 7_______ (ENTERTAIN).

I sometimes worry about crime. I live in a hall of 8_______ (RESIDE) at university. Some people have had things like CD players and laptops stolen from their rooms, and the gym has been 9_______ (VANDAL). It's difficult to believe that students have done these things, but I suppose some students are 10________ (HONEST) after all.

/ 10

4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I've only been a police officer 1__________ July but I've 2__________ arrested over thirty people. I haven't been hurt 3__________, but some of my colleagues have. I know the job is dangerous but it's better 4__________ to think about it too much.

I like my job. I have 5__________ keep fit and healthy and it is also important to have good people skills. 6__________ I wasn't a police officer, I don't know what job I 7__________ do. I first wanted to be a police officer when I was a boy. Our house 8__________ burgled and the two police officers who came to talk to us were really friendly and helpful and I loved their uniforms. Before that, I 9__________ always dreamed of being an actor. Now, I'm going to be both! I have 10__________ asked to help a film company. They are making a film about the police and need some `expert' advice!

/ 10

5 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the correct forms.

`ve had (have) a sore throat for a few days now. My wife thinks it's a cold but, if it 1____________ (be) a cold, I 2____________ (have) a temperature and I don't have it. She tells me to go to the doctor's but I 3____________ (not/be) there yet because I hate hospitals. The same thing always happens when you go there: you 4____________ (tell) to wait in a room with people more ill than you are. If you 5____________ (not/be) ill when you arrived, you would be after half an hour there. Then, after an hour or two of reading magazines that 6____________ (publish) ten years ago, you 7____________ (call) in to see the doctor. He looks at you for two minutes, then tells you to take some medicine and go to bed. The last time I went to the doctor's was three years ago. I 8____________ (be) ill for a few weeks before I went. I 9____________ (have to) wait for three hours and I felt worse when I got home than I 10____________ (feel) before I saw the doctor.

/ 10

6 Choose the correct answers.


The Shawshank Redemption *****

This is about a man who is accused _______ murdering his wife. Although he is a banker and has never 1_______ the law in his life, he is 2_______ guilty and 3_______ to many years in prison. There he makes friends with another prisoner, played by Morgan Freeman, and spends twenty years before he manages to escape.

Tim Robbins plays the 4_______ of Andy Dufresne, the banker. The film got very positive 5_______ but wasn't a success at the time. However, since then it has become a successful DVD and is often voted one of the top ten adventure films ever made.

Escape to Victory ** ½

It's a terrible film - but really fun to watch! It takes 6_______ during World War Two and it is about a group of prisoners who play a football match against a German 7_______ in Paris. At half time, they are 8_______ but they have a chance to escape. However, they decide to stay and try to win. In the second half, they 9_______ two goals and make it 4-4. Some real footballers star in the film such as Pele and Bobby Moore. The 10_______ of the film is unbelievable but it's great fun and Sylvester Stallone and Michael Caine are very good in it.

0x08 graphic
a for b of c from d with

1 a committed b cheated c broken d cracked

2 a found b made c called d said

3 a arrested b sentenced c committed d put

4 a person b act c plot d part

5 a reports b results c remarks d reviews

6 a part b place c time d off

7 a match b team c players d score

8 a beating b scoring c failing d losing

9 a kick b win c score d beat

10 a part b scene c plot d role

/ 10


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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.


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PHOTOCOPIABLE New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate

© 2011 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.



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