Harte, Marie Satyr's myst


Marie Harte




This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

Satyr's Myst

Marie Harte

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by

Loose Id LLC

1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

Carson City NV 89701-1215


Copyright © February 2008 by Marie Harte

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-667-0

Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Ann M. Curtis

Cover Artist: April Martinez


Chapter One

The pain pounding in Rick Hastings's temples worsened when he tried to free his hands from the restraints binding them tightly behind him. Flat on his back, each time he moved his wrists he irritated his previously injured shoulder, and he gritted his teeth to keep from groaning aloud.

“You awake and playing possum?” The deep, gravelly -- what Rick used to think of as sexy -- voice sounded amused.

Trevor Jackson, that traitorous bastard. Not that Rick wasn't into his fair share of kink, but he hadn't okayed being drugged and kidnapped to God knew where. The blindfold didn't help matters, but Rick's sensitive nose identified the natural bougainvillea that surrounded his resort. He had to be somewhere close to Satyr's Myst. Somewhere close, and at night or in a darkened room, because the absence of light through the blindfold made it even more difficult to see.

Rick swore, earning a husky laugh from Trevor. What i it about me that draws such deceitful people? Two months ago he'd started receiving death threats from some religious zealot demonizing both his bisexual lifestyle and his ownership of Satyr's Myst, which was supposed to be a secluded, private pleasure resort. Two and a half years ago, the woman he'd

s 2 Marie Harte

thought was The One had walked out of his life, apparently not as comfortable with his lifestyle as she'd let on. And three years ago, Jaz, Rick's ex-lover, a man he'd trusted with his body and his life, had nearly killed him for a priceless antique.

You'd think by now I'd have learned my lesson. Yet the bitter taste of betrayal still stung. Apparently, Rick's position as “king of the island” wasn't enough to prevent the dickheads of the world from taking advantage. So he would need to use his most valuable asset -- his brain -- to save his ass.

What was Trevor's game? That remained the million-dollar question. Whatever the criminal had used to doctor Rick's drink left one helluva hangover, and Rick could only pray he lived long enough to return the aching favor.

“Damn, Rick. It's been eight hours already. Wake up.”

A not-so-gentle poke jarred his side, and he turned his face away onto…silk sheets?

“Hell. Might as well get it over with.” Trevor sighed, and in seconds, Rick blinked into the dim confines of his own bedroom. He glanced around. No, not his bedroom in the resort, but at his private retreat on the other side of the island. A retreat no one but a select few of his staff knew about.

“Who the hell helped you?”

Trevor rocked back on his heels, his impressive build impossible to ignore, no matter how much Rick wanted to. Giant biceps flexed as he crossed his arms over a broad, bare chest, leading Rick's gaze up past the powerful shoulders and thick neck to his captor's captivating face. The dark brown of Trevor's closely cropped hair only accentuated the golden tan of his skin and made his brown eyes glisten like fine chocolate. He still wore the knee-length tan shorts he'd been wearing when they'd first met and he'd surprised Rick with a flirtatious suggestion but was now shoeless. Apparently, he'd made himself right at home.

For the life of him, Rick didn't know why Trevor looked so familiar. He'd never seen the man before and knew it had to be the feeling of recognition that had let him lower his Satyr's Myst 3

guards to such a degree. Then again, who could have guessed this latest visitor would turn out to be a kidnapper? He'd have to start screening his guests personally again. He sure the hell didn't want to go through this again.

Not a slug by any means, Rick had the height but not the brawn to meet Trevor in a hand-to-hand fight, especially not with a bum shoulder weighing him down. So he needed to figure out a way out of here, if he could hold onto his temper long enough.

“You okay?” Trevor's voice roughened with concern, but when he leaned down to touch Rick's shoulder, Rick swore and scooted back in spite of the ache in his joint.

“Who helped you?”

Trevor sighed. “I knew you were going to be a huge pain in the ass. Any normal guy would be asking, `Why are you doing this?' or `What do you want?'”

“Answer the fucking question.”

“I was hired by an outside source. And if you must know, Tyrone's been a huge help.”

“No way. I don't believe you.” Tyrone had been with Rick since the resort's inception. He was one of the few blatantly honest people in Rick's life. From the get-go, Tyrone had been up front. He cared more about sex than money, and as long as Rick provided him with the resources to sate his needs, Tyrone epitomized the ideal employee, both loyal and able to handle anything thrown at him. After their first year on the island, their relationship had moved from employer and employee to that of good, solid friends. And Rick liked to think that their platonic relationship had made such a companionship possible. No sex and emotional baggage between them to muddy the waters.

“There's no way Tyrone would help you.”

“Believe whatever you want.” Trevor shrugged. “Now, you want to lay back and relax so I can fix your cuffs? I didn't realize you were in pain, or I would've tied you in front. Looks like you're favoring that left shoulder, hmm?”

“Fuck off.” 4 Marie Harte

Trevor had the gall to laugh. “You'd like that, wouldn't you?” He mumbled something under his breath Rick couldn't quite make out.

“What did you say?”

“They warned me about you…” Trevor stared at him, and Rick wondered what he saw when he looked at him.

Rick had never lacked for companionship. In addition to the wealth he inherited, his blond hair and blue eyes, coupled with a tall, athletic build, put him in good stead with potential lovers. And he'd been told on more than one occasion that there was “just something about him” that screamed sexy.

Trevor, however, didn't seem overwhelmed by Rick's presence, or he wouldn't be holding Rick against his will.

“You going to ransom me?”

“Nope.” Trevor grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the bed. He sat staring at Rick, to the point of making Rick, who didn't know the meaning of the word self-conscious, uncomfortable.


“You know, there's just something about you.”

Rick rolled his eyes and, to his surprise, pulled a grin from the rough man across from him. Something about the action pulled at his memory…

“Relax, Rick. We're going to spend a couple of harmless days together, safe and sound. Then I'm going home, and you'll go right back to work doing…whatever it is that you do.”

The suggestive tone set Rick's teeth on edge, though he didn't know why. He'd never been ashamed of running a resort catering to sexual pleasure. Nor had he regrets about his choice of lovers… Jaz “the traitor” and Elise “the heartbreaker” notwithstanding. But the speculative look on Trevor's face seemed disapproving. And this from a man with no compunction about kidnapping. Satyr's Myst 5

“You know something, Trevor Jackson, or whatever-the-hell your name is? I don't really care what you think about me or this island. I sure as hell wouldn't have welcomed you here if I'd known this is what you're about.” Rick gave him that polite sneer that he'd honed over a lifetime. And like those he normally aggravated with the expression, Trevor frowned in reaction.

“You don't know what I'm about.”

“Oh, but I do.” If Rick was good at one thing, it was reading desire. “You're a repressed asshole who can't understand why he likes dick when all his buddies drone on and on about `those fucking fags.' You've probably had to hide your desires your entire life.” A direct hit. Trevor was no longer frowning but scowling like a thundercloud. When he would have interrupted, Rick spoke over him. As stupid as it was to antagonize his captor while bound, it was too satisfying to pass up.

“You're big, and you obviously work out. You're into something physical. Ex-military or an ex-cop, I'd bet. And you pretty much do whatever you please. But you can't make yourself act on what you really want. Because you're scared.”

“Look, Hastings --”

“Scared of what you might feel, and scared of what others will say when they know you like men.”

Trevor's face reddened, yet the flush only made him that much more appealing, much to Rick's chagrin. To cover his unwanted attraction, he continued in the same icy vein. “It's too bad you're such a prude.” Rick gave him a clinical perusal. “You're obviously good-looking. Large, muscular. Probably have a huge cock. But you're so repressed, it would be difficult to bring that fire --”

Cut off by the giant male now covering him like a blanket, Rick whooshed out a breath, only to have Trevor suck it in with his hard mouth. 6 Marie Harte

Trevor inwardly cursed as Rick Hastings's addictive taste lived up to its promise. He'd been warned, not only by Elise, but by his brother Ethan, not to underestimate Rick's appeal. Elise, Trevor understood. Nearly three years ago, she'd engaged in an affair with the man she'd fallen in love with, only to leave because her deeply seated upbringing wouldn't allow such an unconventional lifestyle.

Ethan's warning, however, had been a shock. Though Trevor buried his own skewed sexual desires deep, he hadn't expected his very heterosexual brother to admit a touch of attraction for the same sex. Especially not with a wife as hot as Jewel.

“I'm telling you, bro. Doesn't matter if you're into guys or not. Rick Hastings has some kind of weird mojo when it comes to sex. He nearly had me, ah, interested.” Ethan flushed. “And I'm not into guys, at all.” He smiled. “Just ask Jewel.”

The warm mouth under Trevor's explained, and then some, just what Ethan had been talking about. The sight of Rick was enough to have Trevor battling a hard-on, an unusual occasion in itself. Not that Trevor harbored anything against gays, but he wasn't into men. Or at least, he wasn't in real life. In his fantasies, however, he did all kinds of things with men and women, usually at the same time. But right now, the taste of Rick… Good Christ, it was enough to make even a wondering straight man want to bend over and wait. And the feel of Rick's hot, unyielding chest under his, their bodies meeting skin-to-skin, took Trevor to an all new, and not altogether welcomed, state of desire.

Trevor groaned and would have backed away but Rick leaned up, pressing them tighter together. Succumbing to the raw desire pooling in his gut, Trevor deepened the kiss, aware he'd never been so hard in his life. Rick didn't soften his mouth at all, but angrily took charge, sucking and nipping until Trevor could do no more than feel. A mass of sensation, he caught his breath as Rick dueled with his tongue and captured it. He licked at the roof of Trevor's mouth, the faint stubble on his chin a surprising turn-on, clearly reminding Trevor of the differences between a man's and a woman's mouth. Satyr's Myst 7

His first kiss from a man. And Trevor wanted more as much as he didn't want the feeling. Rick arched into Trevor as they kissed, and Trevor felt the man's erection through his shorts pressing into Trevor's own arousal. Oh, shit. His cock screamed to be let free, and the unbidden thought of Rick's strong lips around his shaft was so real that Trevor felt himself on the verge of orgasm.

The shock of passion broke through his sexual frenzy, and he pulled back, alarmed at what he'd almost let happen. Rick stared up at him, his gaze cloudy, his lips curled into a smirk.

“Don't start something you can't finish.” Rick licked his lips, and Trevor had to work to stifle a groan. Of all the guys to finally find attractive, why this one? And why now?

“Thought that would shut you up. But obviously I was mistaken.” Could his voice get any lower? Trevor prayed he sounded more in control than he felt. He quickly stood and moved back to the chair, wincing at the discomfort his overeager dick was giving him.

“What did I tell you, Trevor? You let fear dictate your actions.” Rick scowled and jostled his arms again. “Though I can't see why you're afraid of me. You're bigger and obviously have me at a disadvantage. Are these cuffs really necessary?”

Trevor snorted. “First of all, the icy `fuck you' tone you keep giving me tells me you're a problem, tied up or not. And second, yeah, they are necessary. Because you not only run the island, you own the island. Look, Rick. You don't like it. I don't like it. But I have a job to do. Just sit pretty for a few days, and then you can go back to fucking anything that moves.”

If Rick's eyes turned any paler, they'd be white. Trevor stared, mesmerized, as he caught the full, infamous Hastings wrath. “You won't ransom me. Won't tell me why I'm here, or who you work for. You implicate one of my closest friends, and you want me to `sit pretty'? When I'm free from here, your ass is mine.”

It wasn't the words so much -- though the literal meaning behind them had him sweating -- but the icy disdain behind them that put Trevor in brain freeze. Rick had money, 8 Marie Harte

shitloads. And Trevor's business was still in its infancy. What if Rick didn't accept the truth once he heard it? Damn Elise for insisting Rick be kept in the dark about the whole of it until his part was finished.

“Whatever. Just sit tight, pretty boy. And try not to irritate me, or you won't get any bathroom breaks. Got it?” Trevor frowned and stalked into the living room, leaving Rick cursing behind him.

He was irritated as much with Rick, Elise, and his brother as he was with himself. Glancing down at his front, Trevor swore at his dick, which was harder than a pike.

Lusting for Rick was a huge mistake. One, because Trevor had never had sex with a man and, despite his fantasies, couldn't do it and continue living his life as it was. Two, this case had the potential to screw up not only Hastings's schedule, but Trevor's fledgling venture into independent security consulting. This was only his third job since leaving the force. And if Rick realized his ex-lover had hired Trevor to protect him, even from himself, he might not be so forgiving. He might even take it out on Trevor, whom he now obviously despised.

Shit. If it weren't for Ethan, Trevor would have passed on this damned job anyway. He should have, in fact. But his brother needed his help, too busy himself to assist Elise. And the stakes were high, no matter how much Rick wanted to pretend the death threats against him didn't exist.

“Three days. I can do three days.” By then his replacement should show. And then Rick could rant and rave until the cows came home. Trevor would be on a plane bound for Seattle. No longer on the hot seat, Elise had promised. Hell, the woman owned her own security firm. He still didn't understand why she hadn't used any of her guys for the job.

Yet if she had, Trevor wouldn't have experienced a fantasy made flesh -- his first taste of male perfection in the form of Rick Hastings. Satyr's Myst 9

The feel of Rick's lips, the foreign taste of male desire reflected back at him, stoked his desire anew, and Trevor couldn't help himself. He swore, grabbed a few tissues from a box off a side table, and unbuttoned his shorts. Wrapping his hand around his dick, Trevor recalled the feel of Rick pressed against his belly and thought them an even match. He wondered what it would be like to have Rick jerk him off, what it would feel like to touch another man the same way, to experience simultaneous bliss.

Not great thoughts for a guy who wanted to project an image as a tough-as-nails, rough-and-ready security expert.

Nevertheless, he began stroking himself and tried to concentrate on the image of a woman, any woman, to help rid himself of this ache. But Rick's face haunted him. The scent, taste, and feel of the man worked Trevor into a lather. His balls tightened, and his cock swelled painfully hard. Images he didn't want refused to leave him. Rick's lips moving ove his cock as he sucked… Rick bending over to shove deep into his ass as Trevor went down on a faceless woman… Finally, a woman's visage appeared, but only as Trevor was getting fucked in the ass. Trevor would have laughed if he hadn't needed so damned badly to release. Then thoughts of Rick struck again, and within moments, Trevor spewed into the tissues, his climax both silent and unfulfilling, because now his fantasies had a real face. One that spouted curses at him from the other room…and remained completely untouchable.

Panting, Trevor stood still until the shudders faded. Disposing of the tissues and refastening his shorts, he sank into a chair, falling into a depression. His future was chancy at best. The situation could only get worse with Rick all pissed off. He'd have to keep his distance…if he could. Trevor held his head in his hands, his thoughts a mess. Wanting a threesome was bad enough in a family that bred conservative, mainstreamed sons. That Ethan had confessed to Rick's allure should have told him something. But Trevor had been too stunned to understand the warning. Now that Trevor had tasted Rick, however, he wanted more. And in a family filled with feds, cops, and Marines, an ex-cop who was r 10 Marie Harte

anything but heterosexual, even in a manly field like physical security, would never fit in. Wouldn't his father be oh, so proud?

* * * * *

Two days later

Lilah Tanner was early. The bane of her existence. Never late, always prompt, a people pleaser. Her parents' obvious favorite, and a woman so sick of toeing the line she could puke. Hence her open-ended leave of absence from the doctor's office and her new job temping for Tanner-Grayson. Instead of a multitude of injured patients, Lilah would spend the next few days or weeks at Satyr's Myst, a pleasure resort catering to outlandish sexual fantasies. She snorted. Sounded right up her alley. Yeah, right.

To hear her cousin Elise tell it, all Lilah had to do was babysit some rich guy while soaking up a tropical tan. And to top it off, Mr. Rich was hot, owned an island, and had provided Elise with the best sex she'd ever had.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that this Hastings guy was Elise's “the one that got away.” But Lilah had no sympathy. Two and a half years ago when Elise had returned home to Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania, so silent and withdrawn, her close-knit family became despondent. Always the therapist, Lilah had weaseled the story out of her cousin and set her to work. Now, not only did Elise run a successful security business of her own, she'd married a wonderful, if stuffy, guy, had a one-year-old son and another baby on the way. Elise should have been ecstatic with her life and normally was.

But after receiving an odd phone call from friends on the West Coast, she'd become that sad shadow she'd once been.

So here Lilah stood, Ms. Fix It, staring at the most gorgeous black man she'd ever seen in her life. He had height, brawn, and his twinkling brown eyes said he didn't mind her plain face and bosomy build. Her kind of man. Satyr's Myst 11

“You must be Lilah. Elise said to expect you.” He kissed the back of her hand and took her overlarge duffle, his brows rising at its weight. “You're a lot stronger than you look.”

“You have no idea,” she murmured, wondering if her prudish cousin had ever indulged on this island before taking Hastings as her one and only. Trust Elise to land a cushy job as a security expert on a pleasure island and not partake in any sex for five freaking years. An absolute waste, in Lilah's opinion. Until she'd fallen for the resort's owner.

The man laughed. “I'm Tyrone. And while I'd love to introduce you to the finer points of the island, we need to get you to the site, quickly.” His grin faded. “Things aren't going well there.”


“By the bucket load.” Tyrone sighed and wiped a hand over his scalp. The humidity gave him a sheen, making him glisten under the harsh sun. Lilah squelched the needy impulse to touch him. “We intercepted two more attempts to ferret information about the boss from our computers. We're getting closer, but we're not there yet. I can't be certain our guest clientele is clean, either. Not to mention the last time we had a problem like this, it turned out to be one of our own.”

Lilah placed a comforting hand on Tyrone's thick forearm. “I know. Elise told me all about the problems you guys once had. Don't worry. I'll keep Rick busy enough that looking for trouble will be the last thing on his mind.” The look Tyrone gave her made her reexamine what she'd said, and she blushed to find she sounded incredibly sexual. Clearing her throat, she continued, “I'll just watch over Rick until you tell me otherwise. I'm still not sure why you couldn't have included Rick on this grand plan, though.”

“Because he's as stubborn as a mule. He refused to leave the island or get extra protection, even after the first attempt on his life. The only reason he's even still alive is that the timer on the bomb that destroyed his yacht misfired. Rick hit the ocean hard but suffered no lasting damage.” 12 Marie Harte

“Lasting damage?” First attempt on his life? Bomb? Elise failed to mention there was any danger involved. The job was supposed to concern a rich man with too much time on his hands who couldn't stay out of trouble.

“Rick's got a problem with his shoulder, but nothing major.”

Well, at least that she could help with. As a physical therapist, and a damned good one at that, Lilah had confidence aplenty in her skills. As a security guard, not so much. But she'd been told, pointedly, that she would be there as mere company for Rick. Per Elise, between the security on the island and the extra protection she'd hired, there was absolutely no danger involved. H&R Securities, which Elise's firm occasionally worked with, had provided added security to make Elise feel better.

Lilah didn't figure much could get through the precautions she'd already been subjected to on the way to this quiet little island. Before she'd even been allowed to set foot on the plane, she'd had to hand over a doctor's report, not over a day old, verifying that she was free from disease and currently taking birth control. Apparently, the island promised pleasure without recrimination, and they stood by their policy.

But she didn't mind. Lilah had nothing to hide, not to mention a depressing social life. She needed the break from the daily humdrum of life, a chance for some adventure, and hell, some much-needed passion. Unlike Elise, Lilah was all for soaking up the pleasures in life. Unconventional be thy middle name. She grinned and resolved to get rid of the invisible tattoo on her forehead that screamed “avoid me” as soon as possible.

“Right. Well, Tyrone. I'm here to help. Lead on.”

Tyrone sighed again and shook his head. He made small talk about the island as he drove a small Jeep through the mess of jungle from the resort to Hastings's private home on the other side of the island. Apparently, the island housed a clinic and a small town comprised of the locals and a small but well-to-do sugar plantation, also owned by Hastings. During their trip, Lilah formed an impression about Rick that made her wonder. Satyr's Myst 13

From Tyrone's and Elise's descriptions, the man was a walking billboard for sex. But living on an island where everything and everyone was his for the asking, Hastings had to be more spoiled than both had let on. The man was thirty-four, never married, and rich as Croesus. Inherited wealth that he hadn't squandered, but continued to build upon, beginning with his pleasure resort that catered to open sexuality and discretion for those who could afford his steep prices.

From what little she'd seen of the resort, the main building looked impressive where it sat on the beach amid an oasis of flora: orange and red birds of paradise, burgundy bougainvillea, and lush green ferns spotting among palm trees. Yet the resort didn't capture her attention the way this looming structure did.

After two hours of bumpy driving through a narrow swath in the jungle -- a shortcut, she imagined -- they reached the outskirts of an impressive, open-air building that blended seamlessly with its surroundings. Bamboo and a light-colored wood, maybe pine, framed a monstrously large bungalow-style house. So this was Rick's private residence. The large front doors remained closed to outsiders, and she could only hope that somewhere inside the protected walls a few inner doors and windows were open. Unless the place had air-conditioning, which would be a blessing at this point. The resort was on the water, which, she imagined, promised a cooling breeze. She had no idea how close this place was to the outlying ocean.

Tyrone pulled the Jeep close and took her bag from the backseat. He motioned her to the doorway, and they stepped onto the clean, stone-covered walkway before the intricately carved set of wooden doors.

“I'll be in touch via radio.” Tyrone paused a moment, then set her duffle down, the ripped cords of his biceps bulging as he did so. He leaned closer, his expression worried.

The sight of such a large, buff man looking unnerved concerned her. “Tyrone?” 14 Marie Harte

“You're out here pretty far from anyone. If you need anything, anything at all, please call me.” He handed her a small neon pink walkie-talkie. “We'll keep in touch by radio. I just want you to have a way out if they're too much.”

Through the door, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps closing fast. The door opened, and she stared into the face of a very perturbed giant of a man. He topped her own five-eleven by several inches, and his bare, incredibly sculpted upper body could have been carved in granite, it looked so firm.

“Tyrone.” The large man sighed with relief and pumped his hand in appreciation. He glanced at Lilah and grinned. “Damn. You read my mind. It's been a while, and she's just what I need. Thanks a million.” Before Tyrone could say “boo,” the man yanked her and her bag inside the door and slammed it in Tyrone's face, locking them inside. Satyr's Myst 15

Chapter Two

Lilah stared in surprise. “Hey, what do you --?”

“Honey, I'm so hard I could chop down trees with this thing.” The brown-eyed, brown-haired sex god further shocked her by taking out his huge, hard penis and wrapping her limp hand around his girth.

Lilah looked up into his ecstatic face as he watched her and rocked into her hand, aware she couldn't quite close her fingers around him. She instinctively tightened her grip and heard him moan his appreciation.

“Dammit, Trevor.” Tyrone banged on the door behind them.

Lilah stood in complete shock. She'd never been in this situation before -- could never have imagined it -- yet strangely enough, she found she liked being viewed as someone's sexual salvation. She stared down at the impressive shaft throbbing in her hand, and an involuntary shiver shook her. It had been so damned long since she'd last had sex, even longer since she'd seen a man this fine. And she'd never, ever, been looked at the way Trevor was looking at her right now.

“Trevor.” Lilah licked her lips, and he groaned and leaned forward. His brown eyes practically glowed, the earthy chips of fire lighting her lust into a full-fledged bonfire. “I, ah, 16 Marie Harte

hate to say it, really I do.” She squeezed him again before reluctantly letting him go. “But there's been a mistake.” He frowned and focused on her mouth, and she had the hardest damn time remembering what she was saying. “I'm not who you think I am.”

“Mistake?” He leaned forward and kissed her flush on the mouth. Lips, tongue, and -- good Lord -- teeth. When he broke the kiss, she wanted to melt at his feet. “Tyrone,” he yelled through the door. “Go away. I'm not going to hurt…” he paused, staring down at her.


“Lilah. And with his royal jackass in residence, she'll be just what we need to keep our hands off each other's throats.”

Tyrone mumbled something, but Lilah was mesmerized by the impressive flesh now kissing her bare belly. Damn, but this guy was seriously hung.

“Now, Lilah, you were saying something about us not knowing each other?”

He kissed each corner of her lips before kissing her so thoroughly she forgot her own name. When he raised his head, he looked smugly satisfied.

“I -- I --” she stammered, then took a deep breath. “Trevor. I know your name, but nothing else. I'm a stranger. New to the island.” He pressed his cock solidly between them, not that she could possibly forget he was exposed in front of her. She panicked, aware she came seriously close to succumbing to sex with a man she'd just met…a man whose penis she'd held. “I don't even know what you like,” she added lamely.

Tall, dark, and handsome smiled down at her, and she thought he'd literally stopped her heart. “I like you.”

* * * * *

Rick glared at the door through which Trevor had vanished before slamming it shut. For two days he'd been badgering his close-lipped kidnapper for answers. And the only thing Satyr's Myst 17

he had to show for it was a raging hard-on that threatened to explode whenever he was in Trevor's presence.

For a man who wasn't into other men, Trevor certainly put out some confusing vibes. The longing looks, the impossible-to-miss erections he sported, the frustration that darkened those melting brown eyes into bittersweet chocolate, all made it hard for Rick to think about anything but fucking Trevor into submission. Talk about a man with problems. Rick lusted after something he hadn't encountered before…the unattainable.

Never had Rick had to work so damned hard for a lover. No one rejected Rick. Or at least, no one had until Trevor showed up. If that weren't hard enough to swallow -- or not, he thought literally -- Rick had as little control over this situation as he had information about why Trevor detained him here, of all places. A true kidnapper wouldn't have allowed him as much latitude as Trevor had. Each time Trevor cuffed Rick to the bed, Rick freed himself. Trevor would sigh, refasten the cuffs, and sit with him until they both grew snappish, then leave again.

In the time it would take Rick to release yet another restraint, Trevor would think up irritating things to say, thereby transforming their aggravation from sexual to argumentative.

Fumbling with the newest lock Trevor had imposed, Rick managed to free himself in under half an hour. When he stormed through the doorway, however, he stopped in surprise. He'd heard Trevor shout something, but hadn't understood it was at another person. Bemused, Rick realized he'd never seen this particular woman on the island.

Like Trevor, she also seemed familiar. Long, sandy brown hair framed an oval, if average, face. She had pale, even skin, but her features were too wide, too overwhelming to fit together prettily. Not that she was ugly, but plain would be a more apt description to put to her face. Her body, however, was another matter entirely.

Rick took a good, hard look and felt his body temperature, and another impressed part of him, rise. Though Trevor had her caged against the door, they stood perpendicular to the 18 Marie Harte

wall. In relief, Rick saw her curves bursting through an athletic, well-toned frame. She wore short shorts and a thin, red T-shirt that ended right below her breasts, leaving a perfectly sculpted abdomen to view.

The woman flushed and pushed her way past Trevor, and Rick's body raged to life. A living, breathing maenad. Like the worshippers in the paintings he possessed that paid tribute to Bacchus -- the Roman god of wine and debauchery -- this woman had a body made for carnal worship. Large, round breasts sat high over a pinched waist and firm, womanly hips. She turned to reply to Trevor, and he noted her firm ass. So very, very tight. Rick immediately had an image of himself penetrating those cheeks, or better yet, between those luscious thighs. Her arms and legs would wrap around him while he took her, and that graceful column of her throat would beg him to nip and suck while she arched her neck in supplication…

“Figures.” Trevor's deep growl brought his fantasy to an abrupt end. “Lilah, meet Rick. The man you've come to save from my `boorish companionship.'”

She glanced at him before turning back to murmur something under her breath to Trevor, and Rick took another unobstructed look at her perfect ass. Heart-shaped and firm, leading him to stare down her slim, taut thighs to her calves. Even her feet were perfect. Feminine, with red nails and long, slender toes, all encased in bright white sandals.

“El --” she paused and glanced at Rick over her shoulder, then looked again at Trevor. “My boss never claimed you were boorish. She merely said you had a tendency to speak your mind at the most inappropriate times. Just like your brother Ethan.” Lilah chuckled. “Which is no doubt why she thought we'd get along.”

Ethan… Reaper? Son of a bitch. Trevor Jackson, my ass. He thought Trevor looked familiar, and seeing him fully in the light of day, Rick wondered how he'd missed the family resemblance the first time around. But the look in Trevor's gaze as it wandered over Lilah drew Rick's focus, and he promised himself to demand an explanation from Trevor Reaper soon enough. Satyr's Myst 19

“Is that the only reason why?” Trevor's baritone sounded smoky, causing Rick to study him with fascination. He glanced down Trevor's frame and narrowed his gaze.

The top button of Trevor's shorts was undone, and the man had an erection beneath the clinging fabric, one impossible to miss. And Lilah had given it to him. Lilah, a woman, a person acceptable to Trevor. Then again… Rick pursed his lips. He wouldn't mind slaking his own lusts on a woman so incredibly sexy.

She left Trevor and walked toward him, and Rick saw that it wasn't just her body, but the way she carried herself. She was a walking advertisement for sex, one Rick knew would pay out not only for himself, but for Trevor as well. Lilah, he realized, might be the key in getting through to Trevor. Suddenly his imprisonment didn't seem so distasteful.


She paused in stride before shaking off whatever had unnerved her. Pasting a smile on her face, she held out a hand. “Rick Hastings? I'm Lilah. I'm here to keep you company.” As soon as she said it, she blushed. “I, ah, not like that.” Trevor chuckled. “I mean, hell, this is your sex resort, right? Well, I'm not here to sex you up.” She turned to eyeball Trevor. “Or you.” She swung back to Rick. “But I am here to take in some sun while we wait for your stalker to be captured.”

Rick blinked and turned a narrow gaze on Trevor. “That's what this has been about? Keeping me here under duress to keep my ass safe from some idiot stalker?”

Trevor mumbled under his breath. “Yeah.”

“So why the hell didn't you tell me that? Why make me think you had some nefarious plans for me?”

Trevor grinned, surprising Rick out of his anger. “Nefarious? Damn, Rick. You been up late reading the dictionary for fun or what?” 20 Marie Harte

As taken with Trevor as he was, sexual frustration was riding him hard, and his temper wasn't the best. Rick held up a wrist still attached to one of the cuffs and flipped Trevor off. Unfortunately, the larger man only laughed.

“Whoa.” Lilah held up a hand. “I don't know about this much kink. While I'm not exactly lily white, I've never been into the bondage scene.” Yet her eyes sparkled as she stared Rick up and down. “I bet you're pretty masterful though.”

As quickly as his anger had flared, desire replaced it. Rick strode to Lilah's side in a heartbeat. “Would you like to find out?”

Lilah held her breath for fear of inhaling Rick Hastings's alluring scent once more. He really was too much on top of what she'd recently experienced. Good Lord, but Elise might have warned her that she'd be facing not just Hastings, but Ethan Reaper's brother as well. Lilah had recognized the resemblance the minute he smiled. The picture Elise had on her wall showed Rick, Elise, Ethan, and two other people Lilah didn't remember. Elise kept the picture to remember her first big job, or so she said. But after seeing Rick, Lilah thought Elise kept it to remind herself of the man she'd lost -- something her melodramatic cousin would do.

Trevor Reaper had the same height and brawn as his brother. His hair was a dark brown, however, and his eyes an irresistible, melting rich chocolate. His square jaw hinted at stubbornness, which flashed in his gaze as he stared at Rick. But full lips quirked with pleasure when he looked at her, and once again she regretted that she'd let go of him in full arousal.

Knowing how important it was to keep Elise's name out of this, she tried her best to forget the fact that her gorgeous, petite, much sought-after cousin had nabbed Rick Hastings years ago. According to Elise, they'd shared such a connection that Rick had even asked her to marry him. Satyr's Myst 21

Lilah took a step back, and Rick followed her. Damn. The man tempted, and he wasn't even dressed to impress. He wore a pair of tropical print, knee-length shorts and a tight-fitting yellow T-shirt. She wanted to wipe her mouth, knowing she must be drooling as she stared into his impossibly blue eyes -- like a neon blue that shone with ethereal brightness. Yet she couldn't blink, couldn't breathe, and couldn't avoid his descending mouth.

“Rick,” she heard Trevor say, and then the blood rushed from her head, as it had when she'd held Trevor, and she tasted utter bliss.

The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds, but in that time she'd memorized his scent, the feel of his firm, cool lips, and the warm, luscious scent of passion that he breathed like oxygen.

“Welcome to Satyr's Myst,” he said in a throaty voice. “Tradition demands that I invite you to drink from a ceremonial chalice, but circumstances being as they are, I can only hope a kiss will suffice.”

“Um,” was the best she could utter.

“Until I can come up with something better.” He leaned into her, and she felt what he'd come up with.

Two monstrous erections had pressed against her belly in a matter of minutes. And like the dud she was, Lilah was wet, wanting, and frustratingly untouched.

Rick stepped back and smirked at Trevor. “See what you've been missing?” He glanced down at himself and chuckled, and Lilah remembered what else she'd found fascinating about Rick Hastings's history. The man had no gender preferences when it came to sex.

Shocked, she stared at him and then at Trevor, who immediately flushed.

“It's not like that.”

“It will be,” Rick murmured and stroked a hand down Lilah's hair. “Care to tell me who hired you, sweet? Because I'll pay you triple what they're paying for the information.” 22 Marie Harte

Lilah thought about what she could do with three times the money Elise had promised her for this job. But she'd sworn to keep Elise out of it, and Lilah was nothing if not loyal.

Regrettably, she shook her head and took a subtle step back. “Sorry. No can do. But we can enjoy our time together, can't we?”

“I certainly hope so,” Trevor said from behind her.

“As do I.” Rick smiled, and Lilah wanted to pin him to the floor and ride him first, then Trevor. Baffled at her sudden erotic fantasies, she shook her head. A few hours on the island and she was turning into one of the resort's love slaves. Much as the idea intrigued her, she didn't have it in her to throw caution to the wind and indulge in indiscriminate sex.

But you're on the Pill. You're clean, and eveyone on the island is as well. What could it hurt? Damning her subconscious for tempting her, she willed the devil on her shoulder away. Lilah had come to the resort for some R and R, not to create more regrets. Because as much as her body might want to tangle with the men staring holes through her, she knew the entanglement would leave her hollow. She'd played the part of the only woman available before and had vowed never to do it again. Glancing at the two of them, though, she had to wonder. Maybe after they got to know one another, her conscience would let her indulge…

And face more rejection once this crisis passed? Once Rick was free to return to his resort full of sexual conquests and bosomy beauties? He'd take one look at Lilah and cringe for indulging in a desperation screw.

“No,” she said aloud, not wanting to venture down that road again. Rick and Trevor stared at her, and she blushed. I'm turning into a complete idiot. It's just sex, for God's sake. Take it easy and try to be cool.

“It's been a long day, with the flight and the travel to get here. Where can I freshen up?” r Satyr's Myst 23

Rick simply watched her, and she wondered if he realized what a mistake he'd almost made. A man with his looks and money had women he wanted for the asking. Or men, she told herself, giving Trevor a thorough study.

Yes, the pair of them would look right together. Trevor with his dark good looks, his muscular body that screamed power, and Rick with his suave sophistication and bedroom eyes. His entire persona promised sex with every breath he took. Again, Lilah felt her womb quicken at what the sight of Trevor and Rick wrapped up in each other would look like. The temperature spiked, and she fanned herself.

To her relief, Rick nodded to the doorway from which he'd come. “If you go through that bedroom, you'll see a large bathroom. There are fresh linens in the large cabinet on your right.”

She nodded and made her escape, eager for a bit of alone time away from pretty faces and hard bodies. Remember, that's the one who slept with Elise. Why the hell would hewant you when he had the Tanner Golden Girl? With a sigh, she found the bathroom and a towel. Locking herself in, she proceeded to take a long, cold shower and talked herself out of any and all fantasies involving Trevor and Rick. But one thing she promised herself. Before she left the island, she planned to partake in some hot, messy sex with someone to whom she had no emotional or familial connection -- preferably with someone other than herself. Sighing, she lowered her hand to the place between her thighs and sought some much needed relief.

Trevor stared at the open doorway through which Lilah had exited. Then he glanced down at the large duffle bag presumably holding her clothes. The woman had been so damned eager to escape, she'd fled minus her belongings. A glance at Rick and Trevor exhaled a deep breath. Escape he could understand. He wanted out of this resort and off this island yesterday…before he did something really stupid. 24 Marie Harte

“So who are you working for, Trevor?” Rick asked in a low, too-calm voice.

Shit. “My client prefers anonymity, and that's what he's getting.” She, actually, but maybe the “he” would throw Rick. Elise would have his head if Rick found out she'd ordered his protection. She worried about Rick refusing the security as much as she worried about what her husband would think if he found out she had involved herself in Satyr's Myst business.

Trevor found it interesting that Elise seemed to carry a torch for the man she'd refused several years ago. But it was none of his business. He'd been hired to protect Rick, no matter what, while his brother's firm worked with Tyrone and the trusted resort security staff to unearth Rick's stalker. Having Rick out of the way certainly made their jobs easier.

“Interesting that you refer to your boss as a `he.' Didn't Lilah just mention her boss was a `she'?”

“I never said Lilah and I worked for the same person. In fact, I've never met Lilah before today.”

Rick walked toward Trevor and stopped uncomfortably close. They both paused when they heard the shower turn on. God, Trevor could all too easily imagine the water running over Lilah's tits and ass, the cold rivulets pushing her nipples to attention and contrasting against the hot wetness between her thighs…

“So you and Lilah aren't old friends?” Rick asked softly. His blue eyes narrowed on Trevor's as he waited for a response.

“No. But we're going to become good friends real soon.” That woman would be just what he needed to lose his focus on Rick. Buried in Lilah, Trevor would forget these uncomfortable feelings for a man -- feelings that shouldn't exist. Not to mention Trevor liked what he'd seen of the intelligent woman. Not many people could hold their own around a man like Rick Hastings. And she'd done it well, after holding his own cock in her hands, no less. Hell, he'd seen enough of the island to know that not everyone would lie down and fuck Satyr's Myst 25

on command. He still wondered what the hell had possessed him to push himself on her in the first place.

Rick grinned, and Trevor had his answer. As if he could have forgotten.

“Would you like to wager on it?”

Trevor frowned. “Don't you think we're a little old to be betting on which one of us gets the girl?”

“No, no. That's not what I mean. I'm going to have Lilah sooner rather than later. And I've no doubt you will too. This isn't about sexual conquest, Trevor. It's about mutual pleasure. Lilah exudes sex. There's no way she's going to deny us.”

Trevor sure the hell hoped not. Because he'd planned on leaving the island once his replacement showed tomorrow. He'd thought at first that was Lilah, but the woman didn't look like security, nor did she move like someone who could take down a six feet four intruder. How clever of Elise to think to distract Rick by sending along a sexy woman to win him over.

Pausing in thought, Trevor wondered if he might extend his stay a few days. Much as he wanted away from Rick's confusing allure, he desired Lilah's lush body. And he had a feeling once with her wouldn't cut it.

“But who do you think she'll go to first?” Rick persisted.

“First?” First implied there would be a second. And for a moment Trevor wondered why there needed to be an order at all, considering his deep-seated fantasies of sharing a woman with another man. Arousal buoyed, and he firmly pushed the thought aside.

“If I take her first, you let me do anything I want with you.” Rick looked him up and down. “No questions, no denials.”

“Bullshit.” Excitement quivered through his cock, and Trevor ruthlessly suppressed it. One more day. I can last one more day until my security replacement arrives. “Lilah's not a 26 Marie Harte

toy, Rick. She's a woman. You don't share women.” As much as I want to. Because sure as shit, if we start sharing her, the next thing you know, we'll be sharing me.

“Sure you do. In Satyr's Myst, you can do anything you want.” Rick stepped even closer, and it took all of Trevor's willpower not to back away. He refused to let Rick get the upper hand. “And no one will ever know.”

Rick's breath fanned over his lips, and Trevor swallowed audibly. He frowned at Rick's knowing grin and forced himself that last shuffle closer, determined to set the rules once and for all. He could physically overpower Rick, and Rick had to know it. But what the manipulator didn't know was that Trevor had spent the past ten years as a city cop. He'd stared suspects down, had ferreted full confessions, and withstood bullying from thugs a lot more intimidating than Rick.

“I'll know.” Trevor could see a light ring of blue around Rick's bright irises.

“Then let's make a memory you'll never forget, hmm?” Rick caught him off guard by jerking him forward.

Their mouths met, their gazes clashed, and then Trevor sighed helplessly into the carnal mouth making him forget reason. Just a touch of Rick and Trevor could do no more than listen to the instincts demanding he concede to Rick's demands.

Rick didn't handle Trevor gently. Unlike the last kiss they'd shared, this one was raw and fully untamed. Rick held Trevor in place, one hand on his shoulder, the other buried in his hair. His mouth ate at Trevor's, forcing Trevor to acknowledge the lust he perpetually felt for the sexual, intoxicating man.

“That's it,” Rick crooned as he licked inside Trevor's mouth.

Trevor closed his eyes, fully caught in his own sensuality and in the darkness of experiencing the forbidden. For years he'd buried his desires deep, not ready to give them an outlet and prove himself less a man than he thought he should be. The two long-ass days he'd spent here with Rick seemed like years. Not a huge surprise, coming on top of six Satyr's Myst 27

months of down-and-out celibacy. Recovering from an injury and battling depression over his future had sapped his sex drive. Who knew Satyr's Myst would revive it so heartily?

How stupid Trevor had been not to have at least satisfied his cravings stateside, preparing for the worst, before venturing into Satyr's Myst. But he'd honestly had little idea the resort, and hell, Rick, would be so damned enticing.

“Open for me,” Rick demanded.

Trevor opened his mouth, and Rick's tongue surged inside. The action made him groan, and he instinctively thrust his pelvis closer, rubbing against Rick's hard cock. Knowing he turned Rick on as well was a heady feeling and pushed him deeper under Rick's spell.

“You taste so good,” Rick rasped as he kissed his way down Trevor's throat. His hard lips smooth and hot, they trailed over Trevor's pulse before sucking hard.

The action had Trevor's balls tightening, and he moaned again, uncaring of anything but relieving the ache in his groin. Nightly masturbation wasn't helping at all.

“That's what I want.” Rick kissed his way back up Trevor's neck. “Your surrender.”

Before Trevor could think to protest the impossible, Rick plastered his mouth tightly to his, keeping one hand firmly on the back of his head. But Rick released his grip on Trevor's shoulder, lowering it to seek Trevor's erection through his shorts instead. The touch was nothing short of magnificent.

“Gonna come,” Trevor managed as he tore his mouth from Rick's. Like a firecracker, he was ready to blow. Maybe there was still time to stop --

“Good. Come, but in my hand.” Rick unsnapped Trevor's shorts and found him hot and throbbing in seconds. He squeezed hard, rubbing through the moisture pooling at Trevor's slit.

“Fuck.” It felt so damned good. He clutched Rick's shoulders and kissed him hard, not holding back the hungers raging through him any longer. Rick groaned and increased the friction of his hand while thrusting against Trevor. And in Trevor's imagination, the two of 28 Marie Harte

them were rubbing their naked dicks together, kissing and touching, then spattering each other as they exploded. Carnal hungers sated and reborn, Rick would fuck Trevor hard in the ass, the pain only enhancing his pleasure as he shoved through Rick's reach-around…

Pressure built at the base of his spine. Rick's flavor, his hand, his very touch creating a trigger that was about to send Trevor skyrocketing into bliss. Rick's tongue suddenly thrust into his mouth, and his fist clenched harder, hitting that sensitive spot under the crown of his shaft.

And Trevor lost it. Rick swallowed his cry as he shot over the other man's hand and all over the inside of his shorts. The pleasure seemed to last forever, his breath gone as Rick consumed his desire in a moment so pure it seemed unreal.

The seconds droned into minutes, the only sounds in the house the muted spray of water from the shower and their heavy breathing.

Trevor couldn't think. He could only feel, and the joy coursing through his body made everything else pale by comparison. He was dimly aware of Rick wiping his hand on his shorts, of the kiss Rick placed to his jaw. And then Rick tipped Trevor's chin down to better look into his eyes.

“That, my friend, is just the beginning of the memories we're going to make.”

Rick disengaged and walked away. And Trevor realized, belatedly, that he hadn't given Rick any ease from the huge hard-on he'd been sporting. And that Rick was headed through the open door of the bedroom…toward the shower currently occupied by their new guest. Satyr's Myst 29

Chapter Three

Rick gritted his teeth as he walked toward the bathroom. His cock was aching to the point of honest pain, and he knew if he didn't get inside Trevor or Lilah soon, he was going to seriously lose his mind. He would have thought with so much time on an island surrounded by sex that his sex drive would be somewhat muted.

But Rick had always been a healthy man, one whose hungers were very, very strong. Sex with different partners had kept him interested…until Elise. Then love had taken his heart and crushed it, and the pleasure he'd once found in casual sexual encounters no longer satisfied. For two years he'd been drifting day-to-day, disconnected from all but a few of his good friends.

Until Trevor. Until Lilah. This whole stalker situation was fucked up beyond any sense of normalcy. Yet he'd met Trevor because of it. How odd that the brother of a man who'd once helped save Rick's life was here to do the same thing. And Lilah…now there was a woman who needed a man. He hadn't missed the longing in her eyes when she'd looked at him, nor had he missed the vulnerability peeking through her shuttered gaze.

Despite her outward plainness, an inner beauty shone through her brief smile. Rick found himself wanting to know her, and more than sexually. Like Trevor. He wanted to 30 Marie Harte

know what made them both tick, what they liked and disliked, to know how they tasted, how their bodies tensed before they came…

Cursing when he found the bathroom door locked, Rick found the spare key hidden in a private box near the doorframe and let himself into the bright room. Though he could have given Lilah directions to any of the other six bedrooms in the house, he'd wanted her close by. Staring through the clear glass at her naked body, he moaned low in his throat and rubbed his cock through his shorts.

Masturbating Trevor had worked him into a lather, and seeing Lilah run her hands over her soapy body was making it worse. Trevor wasn't ready for what Rick surprised himself by wanting from him. Not yet. Lilah, however, would take him there. Her shyness could be dealt with. And he hoped to use sex to open the doors hiding her secrets. Intimacy with Lilah, he sensed, would give him a starting point into understanding her needs and wants as well.

Rick had always known how to handle certain people. He didn't question it anymore, but acted on his intuition. The few times he hadn't, he'd been burned. And he had no intention of making those same mistakes again. Determined, he quickly took off his clothing, approached the large shower, and opened the glass door.

Lilah shrieked when she turned and saw him. She clutched a hand to her breast, breathing hard while the water ran over her. “You scared the crap out of me.” Her nervousness grew as she glanced down his body, and her large gray eyes grew wider. “Rick?” She licked her lips. “What are you doing in here?”

“I'm here to give you what you need.” Pleased when she made no move to cover herself, he stroked his cock, knowing that soon he'd be deep inside her, touching the silken flesh between her thighs. “Satyr's Myst is all about fantasies, Lilah. And no matter the reason you're here, you're not immune to the island's spell.” Satyr's Myst 31

“S-spell?” Nipples firm, her belly quivered as she alternated her gaze between his face and his erection.

“The island is a magical place, home to Satyr's Myst.” He kept his voice low and even and could see the small hitch of her breath in the unsteady rise and fall of her chest. “Where people come to lose their inhibitions. To finally be free from the constraints society puts upon us. Skinny, fat, tall, short, man, or woman. It's all about pleasure.”

“You forgot pretty and plain,” she added, as if urging him to compliment her so she could deny him for false flattery.

“Physical beauty is shallow. You know this, Lilah. .”

“Why me?” Her eyes narrowed, daring him to say it.

“Because you're intelligent, and you know there's so much more to a woman than looks,” he said bluntly. He took the necessary steps to bring them together by not only closing the distance between them, but by being honest. “Inside here,” he paused and placed a hand over her breast, smiling to feel her heart racing like mad. “Inside, you're a goddess. One who needs to be properly worshipped.”

She stared at him, unblinking, as he fell to his knees and stared at her mound. She had a thin strip of light brown hair there, and the sight of her bared lips turned him on like nothing else. Eager to taste her and completely disregarding his iron-hard cock, he shoved a hand between her folds, the feel of the water over his body adding to his stimulation.

As he'd anticipated, Lilah didn't reject him. Instead, she gasped and bit her lip, a sensual twist of her lush mouth that had him desperate to get inside her. And then he touched her.

Lilah was wet and hot, and he smiled tightly up at her. “Took your own pleasure, did you?” Rick chuckled softly at the red flush on her face. “Naughty girl. You should have waited for me.” 32 Marie Harte

Before she could say a thing, he forced her thighs wider and clamped his mouth around her clit. The scent of aloe soap and her spicy arousal made him lightheaded with need. And Rick realized, as much as he wanted to eat her, he had to find relief. A few more minutes sucking her juices and he would come all over the tile, not the way he intended to spend. Quickly standing, Rick forced her back against the slick wall and began rubbing her clit with his skilled fingers.

“I need to come.”

She squirmed in his hold, trying to get closer. “So do I,” she moaned. “What are you doing to me?”

“I want to come inside you.” He shifted his fingers and slid one inside her while his thumb pressed her clit. He literally trembled as he felt her inner walls clamp down on his finger. “Oh, Lilah. You have no idea how much I want you.” And it was true. Rick actually felt as if his heart would explode if he couldn't shove deep inside her.

“I wasn't…going to…not with you.”

“But you will,” he urged, fucking her with two fingers now, while he thrust his cock repeatedly against her firm belly. “Right now. Because you need to feel me filling you. Need to know you're pushing me past all control. You, Lilah, not some faceless, nameless stranger. You.”

Even as he said it, he withdrew from her body and grabbed her ass, lifting her in his hands. She locked her smooth, toned legs around his waist and angled her pussy closer, riding just above the head of his cock. “Yes or no?” he panted, wanting desperately to thrust forward.

“Rick. Please, do it. Now,” she whispered and fused her mouth to his.

Groaning, he pulled her over him, and the feeling of utter acceptance shocked him to his core. The perfection of the moment equaled what he'd felt when pleasuring Trevor, and then and there, Rick knew he had to see where this tangled “relationship” with his two Satyr's Myst 33

newest associates might lead. Like it had been with Trevor, the sensations Lilah aroused in him were more than physical. As much as Rick wanted to come, he felt closer to Lilah on an emotional level. Her scent, the feel and sight of her imprinted on his brain, and he knew he'd never forget their first time.

Not wanting to acknowledge it but realizing Lilah could be his downfall, Rick began pistoning faster and deeper, seeking his respite with angry, needful thrusts. Because if he continued to follow where his dick happily led, he'd swear he teetered on the brink of taking an impossible step forward…toward loving again.

* * * * *

Dinner that night was a solemn affair. After giving Lilah an orgasm that had blown her mind completely, Rick had tenderly cleaned her up, dried her off, and disappeared. She'd been left to her own devices to find Trevor. When she'd found him, the giant had stared at her, giving her a look that told her he knew what she and Rick had done. But he'd said nothing about it, just showed her to a room conveniently next to his and vanished until dinnertime.

So now she sat at a comfortable table overlooking a luxurious pool on the outside deck. The jungle had been cleared back enough to frame water as blue as the island sky on a cloudless day, and the white sandstone surrounding the pool made it look like Rick owned his own private piece of the ocean. Teak lounge chairs covered in bright red and orange cushions were set in comfortable intervals around the pool, making Lilah wonder how often Rick entertained out here. The house did boast six large bedrooms, after all.

As she stared around her, she approved of the porch's terra-cotta tile and the burning tiki lamps, which gave enough illumination to see by while still lending the area an intimate feel.

The table had been set with three places, but only two were occupied at the moment. Trevor had heated up a surprisingly tasty pork dish flavored with orange and lime that he 34 Marie Harte

admitted having cooked. But he didn't touch it as he sat staring at her. Rick remained sequestered in his room, and she had no idea what she'd done to scare him off.

In her opinion, it was too late for recriminations. Hell, Rick had seduced her. She'd tried to warn him, and then the blasted man had gone down on her. Her face heated, and she focused on her food, avoiding Trevor's knowing gaze.

“So what was it like?” he rumbled.

She stared up at him, not knowing exactly what he wanted to know. He couldn't possibly be referring to --

“What was it like when he fucked you in the shower?”

She opened her mouth to retort it was none of his business, but what she read in his face stopped her. Trevor spoke softly, no disparaging looks or hint of disapproval, just honest curiosity. He looked as if he needed to know, and she asked a question of her own.

“What's with you and Rick?”

Trevor sighed and ran a hand through his thick hair in frustration, in what she secretly cataloged as “sexy male flexing bicep.” Trevor glanced at her, then over his shoulder toward the house.

“I think I heard Rick lock his bedroom door when I passed. I must have scared him,” she joked, half hoping she was wrong.

“Lilah.” Trevor paused, staring deeply into her eyes. Good Lord, but she could drown in that soul-searching stare. “What is it about you?”

“What? You ditching me too?”

“No.” He grinned. “There's a lot I'd like to do to you, but ditching you's not on the list.”

She blushed; she couldn't help it.

“Man, I look forward to seeing that flush all over your body.” His gaze boldly lowered to her breasts before he caught himself and sheepishly met her eyes. “Hell. I'm normally not this forward. I think it's the island heat.” Satyr's Myst 35

“Yeah. It's, ah, affecting me too. You probably won't believe it, but I'm not as easy as I seem to be.” Used to saying what she thought with little censorship between her mouth and her brain, Lilah was used to putting people off. And that wasn't counting the sexual acrobatics she'd recently exhibited. Yet Trevor appeared to appreciate her frankness.

He smiled, a broad, sincere grin that had her smiling back. “Good to know. And you may not believe it, but I don't normally shove my dick in a woman's hand when we've just met, either.”

He flushed, and she chuckled. “Yeah, it's the island heat, for sure.”

Trevor's smile slowly faded as he studied her. “Lilah, can I ask you a question?”

His hesitancy put her on guard. “Okay.”

“What are you doing here?”


“It's just…I was expecting our boss to send another security expert. But you, well, no offense. But you make me think of hot nights and silk sheets, not guns and ammo.”

Lilah chuckled. “No offense taken. I'm a physical therapist by trade. I'm here doing a favor for a friend and taking a break from my boring life.”

“Boring?” He tilted his head, studying her. “I can't see you as boring. But I get the PT thing. There's something about you that's soothing.”

“Well, `soothing' isn't the word my patients use when they're talking about me. Normally, it's `torturous,' `maniacal,' `sadistic…' You get the drift. But I get results, and that's what matters. Healing people isn't always pretty.”

Trevor snorted. “Tell me about it. I was a cop for ten years before I suffered a gunshot wound that didn't heal so quickly. Took me off of active duty for a while, and they told me it could be years before I'd fully heal, if I'd heal at all. I couldn't imagine becoming a desk jockey for that long, only to find out I'd have to leave the force.” He shook his head. “So I left.” 36 Marie Harte

Lilah studied him, wondering how he'd been hurt. Trevor looked healthy enough. And from what little time she'd spent around him, she hadn't noticed him moving awkwardly or limping. “So how were you hurt?”

“Got shot in the knee. It didn't heal right, and I built up a lot of scar tissue. Made it hard to be functional for a while. I pushed through it, but I'm still not as fast as I used to be.”

“But you don't appear to be limping.”

“I don't.” He sighed. “Problem is, after my bones knit and the skin healed, I wasn't walking properly and developed something called plantar fasciitis.”

“The inflammation of fibrous tissue connecting your heel bone to your toes.” She'd worked on a case just before she'd left home. The poor man had suffered excruciating heel pain, leading to more issues with his back, since he wasn't walking right.

“I guess you really are a therapist.”

She shrugged.

“Anyway, my own PT was pretty good, but my symptoms kept getting worse. And I was already sick of everyone looking at me with pity, as if I was going to be some light-duty freak maybe taking advantage of the system to ride out a career behind a desk.”

“No offense, Trevor, but you don't strike me as the desk type. I'm sure no one thought of you that way.”

“Whether they did or didn't isn't an issue anymore. Bottom line, I felt like it. So I had yet another surgery to repair the foot problem. Took me a while to heal. But I did. Mostly.” He frowned and glanced at her with suspicion. “I don't know why the hell I'm telling you all this. I don't want your sympathy.”


“Damn., I started out wanting to know what the hell you're doing here and ended up talking about me.” He shook his head. “Tell me something. This friend of yours. She the same Satyr's Myst 37

person who hired me through my brother's firm?” He glanced over his shoulder again. “Petite, dark hair, had the hots for you-know-who?”

“That's her.”

“Right. So do you know when my replacement's coming?”

“What replacement? I'm the only one she planned on sending. And like you said, I'm no specialist. Just here to have some fun and occupy Rick so your job's not so bad.”

Trevor stared at her, his gaze unfathomably deep, and scowled. “I was told I'd have a replacement here tomorrow. Dammit.” He swore under his breath. “I'll be right back. I need to make a call.”

He left and returned to the table not five minutes later, a look of fury darkening his face.

“Not good news, I take it?”

“My fucking brother was sandbagging. Ethan called off reinforcements. He intentionally stuck me here.”

“Sorry you're stuck.” She couldn't help feeling a bit miffed he found being near her so distasteful, but she understood where he was coming from. “If it makes you feel any better, my cousin didn't tell me about any danger, only that I'd be distracting a rich playboy from landing in trouble. And no, that was not `distraction' as in sexual, but as in `Lilah's a pain in the ass so she'll keep him busy.'”

“Your cousin?” His voice rose before he quickly lowered it again. “Man, they've really played us, haven't they? My brother thinks he's doing this for my own good. Said I needed to take a break and reevaluate my life. What the hell does he think I've been doing for the past year?”

“Well, I knowingly signed up for my sunny paradise. So far I've gotten it.” And then some. Memories of what Rick had done and of how she'd intimately touched Trevor turned 38 Marie Harte

her insides to jelly. “Apart from the danger aspect, of course. But I haven't seen that to date. And hope I don't have to.”

“You won't.” Trevor's firm promise warmed her, and she smiled with relief into his gaze. “Not from anyone outside these walls. I check the security feeds a few times an hour.” His stare turned sly as he lowered it to her lips. “But I can't guarantee your safety around me.”

“Trevor?” Lilah should have been worried. He looked like a tiger waiting to pounce. But the sexual anticipation fluttering inside her roared to life, and she knew he'd seen it when an answering response lit his eyes. “Now wait a minute.”

He stood and crossed to her, pulling her to her feet before she could protest again. Kissing her until she couldn't breathe, he finally released her mouth but kept a firm hold on the rest of her, caging her within his muscular arms.

And thank God for that, because Lilah didn't have a steady bone in her body after that kiss. Worse, she could feel his arousal prodding her belly, and an answering heat pulsed between her legs, her sex welcoming even the thought of penetration.

“You do it to me, Lilah. Make me want.”

“I can't,” she breathed. “I'm not… I don't have sex with people I've just met.” Her face heated, and she knew she was beet red. “I had sex with Rick a few hours ago, and I'm still not sure how that happened.” Hell, Trevor already knew what she'd done. Why lie about it?

“I know how it happened,” Trevor whispered, as he rocked into her and groaned. “Rick Hastings has power, honey. He can make you want him, gets into your mind and body until you don't know what you're doing 'til it's done.” He kissed her again, harder this time, as if he was punishing himself. Yet his mouth didn't hurt, and she sensed as much frustration as confusion in his touch. Satyr's Myst 39

Understanding all too well, Lilah accepted him, thrilled and yet not thrilled that she felt as much attraction for Trevor as she had for Rick. Talk about going from a dry spell into drowning in men.

Trevor pulled her ass tighter, rubbing her over him as he groaned her name. “That's it, Lilah. Damn, you've got me so hard, honey. If you're worried I'm going to think less of you if we fuck, don't be. Just don't think less of me.”

She could barely think, and then his mouth trailed down her neck, and he left a stinging, incredibly arousing love bite where her neck met her shoulder. “Less…of you?”

“Because I want to be deep inside a woman I just met. Because Rick had me hard and aching too. And I don't swing that way…normally. I'm selective, or at least, I used to be.” He sighed and moaned again when she grazed her hands over his shoulders and neck, caressing his sensitive nape. “You might not believe me, but I feel drawn to you, big time. Like a major chemical combustion. You make me hard, honey. So fucking hard.”

He thrust against her again, and she clearly recalled how large he'd been in her hand. Her panties were more than damp, her breasts tingled from his hot, hard chest rubbing against her clothes, and Lilah wanted nothing more than to feel him filling her up. So why the hell not?

“Please, Lilah,” he begged. “I have to have you.” But his begging sounded like a growling bear, and the burning gaze that met hers showed little supplication and more demand.

The power in this man, soon to be her lover, she decided, thrilled her to the quick. “Yes,” she sighed, and in seconds he had them both naked, her back to the thick glass tabletop as Trevor leaned over her. Her thoughts clouded with desire, she nevertheless remembered they weren't alone out here. “Trevor, Rick might --”

“Fuck Rick. This is about you and me, right now. And I don't care who sees us.” He clamped his mouth to her breast, leaning over her so that she felt his cock licking at the 40 Marie Harte

entrance of her sex. Arching into his mouth, she caught his groan and gave a hefty one of her own as he pushed deep inside her.

Slowly, he slid inch by inch toward her womb while he sucked and nipped her nipples, pushing her into a sensual frenzy.

She clutched his head with firm hands, lost in his touch. “Trevor, more,” she panted, writhing under him. “I need you harder in me.”

But the stubborn man didn't move as he pleasured her breasts with his skilled mouth and hands. His massive cock took root in her pussy, and she deliberately pulled him deeper with her inner walls, trying to make him move with everything she had.

He lifted his head and stared at her, his hands now on either side of her as he pressed forward. He pulled out slowly, then rammed into her with a wicked, powerful thrust that made her see stars. “Fuck, Lilah, you're going to make me come before I'm ready.”

“Again,” she demanded, rubbing against him. She felt so incredibly full as he crammed into her, his thick cock stretching and pushing while his pelvis brushed her clit with agonizing pressure.

“Like it a little rough, eh?” he rasped as he finally began fucking her. “Good. Because I want to give it to you, baby. All of my cock until I'm shooting deep inside your hot little pussy.”

His words, the deep gravelly tone of his voice, turned her on as much as his body did. So hot, so incredibly sensitive, the contact of her hard nipples against his muscular chest sent jolts of pleasure through her body straight to her groin. And then he pounded her harder, breaking the dam holding back her bliss.

“Trevor. I'm coming.”

“Come, Lilah. All over me.” He groaned and thrust again, sweat covering his chest and face. “Oh, baby, so good.” Satyr's Myst 41

She clamped down on his cock as she came, the ecstasy of the moment taking her out of her mind and body into a place she never wanted to leave again. Frozen in climax, she dimly heard him shout his release as he emptied in her. She finally came back to herself to find him kissing her lips with a tenderness mirrored in his gaze.

“Lilah? You okay, honey?”

“More than okay,” she breathed and sighed. She rubbed his cheek, falling into the depths of his stare. “You are so hot.”

“Sorry,” he said gruffly and leaned up from her.

“No!” She yanked him back to her chest and kissed him, seeking his tongue with hers. When he responded and deepened the kiss, she was astonished to find herself wanting him all over again. She broke from his mouth, panting. “I meant you're so incredibly hot, as in attractive. I can't believe you're here with me.”

She hadn't meant to voice her insecurity, but he'd frazzled her brain. Between Rick and Trevor, she didn't know if she'd be able to walk straight when she left the island.

Trevor, however, merely smiled and kissed her nose. “Baby, you're as hot as anyone I've ever seen. You have the most smokin' body I've ever been with. And that's no lie.”

Lilah accepted the compliment, knowing that because she worked out, what he said had a ring of truth to it. But still…best to let it go as a pleasurable interlude and no more. Reading into the emotion in his stare would be a mistake. Hell, they'd had sex only this once. She'd just met the man. She shifted and heard a glass fall to the floor and break, and reality returned in a rush.

“Oh, my God! We're on the table? What was I thinking?”

“You weren't,” Trevor answered with satisfaction. “You were too busy being filled with me.” He rotated his hips, and she felt his cock hardening again. “And I'm not done.”

“But Rick --” 42 Marie Harte

“Doesn't want to miss round two,” came his smooth voice from over their shoulders. “Not as long as I'm in charge and participating.”

Trevor stilled, and his gaze darkened with lust. Lilah felt him lengthen inside her, and then she noticed Rick's hand on Trevor's shoulder. To her shock, she saw Rick stood completely nude and obviously aroused.

“Now let's take this into my bedroom, where I've made some room for us to play.” Rick grinned, a feral expression that turned Lilah on even more. She should have been embarrassed to be caught having sex with another man by the one she'd been with just a few hours ago. But Rick's carnal stare had the opposite effect. She wanted him again, him and Trevor, together. And from his words and the look on his face as he stared at them, he wanted the same.

“Shit,” Trevor murmured. He closed his eyes as he flexed inside her and pulled out, only to thrust deeper again.

“That's it. You can ride her, while I ride you.” Rick chuckled, a husky laugh that sent sensual chills down Lilah's spine. “Remember the bet, Trevor.”

Lilah's curiosity caught. “Bet?”

Rick smiled and surprised her by leaning down to kiss the breath out of her. His face brushed Trevor's before Trevor could lean back enough without severing his connection with Lilah. “The bet I made involved which one of us would take you first. I won. Therefore, I get not only you as my lovely prize, but Trevor in any way I want as well.”

“You bet on me.” But Lilah didn't have it in her to be upset, as much as she wanted to be. Because Trevor, strong, solid Trevor, was trembling over her, his fear and desire almost palpable. Interestingly enough, he didn't speak. And the fact that Trevor and Rick clearly wanted her, Lilah Tanner, was heady indeed. “But I didn't get a chance to win, or to place a bet of my own.” Satyr's Myst 43

Rick's breathing grew choppy as he stared at them. He slowly stood and backed away from the table, his arousal impossible to miss. “So what do you want, Lilah? What fantasies are brewing in that sexy head of yours that I can fulfill?”

Lilah stared from Rick to Trevor, her mind buzzing at the possibilities. As if the last puzzle piece had been found, she realized there was more to the attraction she had for them than something merely physical. That two men who looked as they did could be so flawed intrigued her, and she found herself wanting to know more. More about Rick with his prosperity but broken heart, and Trevor with his secret needs that made him both wary and vulnerable. Suddenly her job, Elise, her reasons for even being there faded from her mind. And the potential joy promised to be endless.

“I know what I want. But I'll save my fantasy until you've indulged yours. Do whatever you like with me.” She paused and licked her lips, aware Trevor focused on them like a lifeline. The big guy wanted her, she knew. But he wanted Rick too, and he seemed afraid to let himself go. The healer in Lilah kicked in, and she smiled. “With me…and Trevor.” 44 Marie Harte

Chapter Four

Rick had been waiting to hear those words for what felt like forever. After spending the better part of the day debating the wisdom in taking what he wanted, namely Lilah and Trevor, Rick had finally decided to stop being such a dickless wonder and take a risk. Being inside Lilah, touching Trevor, watching Trevor take Lilah. All of it felt so real and connected -- to him. Though he'd just met them both, he felt them share more than just their bodies when they made love.

Trevor's relation to Ethan certainly made Rick feel as if he'd known Trevor for a while. Like his brother, Trevor was big and strong, and his heart needed saving. The bursts of desire that flared in Trevor's gaze when he looked at Rick told Rick that Trevor needed him. The man needed someone to open that door locking his desires inside. Sex was meant to be shared, explored, and enjoyed. Not treated as something dirty or wicked because society at large didn't accept it as the norm.

He mentally shook his head, aware of how often he'd fought that good fight. Hell, he was now being stalked because some bastard didn't like the idea of his wife exploring her own fantasies on the island. The fanatic's latest notes threatened much more than the small bomb Rick had experienced. Satyr's Myst 45

Yet Rick had his own protection. He studied his personal guard and licked his lips. His focus shifted to Trevor's cock, which bobbed with frustrated arousal. Trevor stood in the middle of Rick's room, his gaze narrowed on the large bed and the silk ties knotted on the iron rods of the head and footboard.

Lilah stood behind him, hugging him tight. Her lovely backside presented a temptation that warred with Rick's desire to fuck Trevor into submission, and he rubbed himself as he pondered how best to proceed. Lilah would help this go easier, and Rick found he eagerly awaited her assistance. The sensuality in the minx had been awakened. It was there in her large gray eyes and in the quick breaths passing through her full, parted lips. An unbidden image of her on her knees, sucking him, came to the fore, and he took his hand away from his cock lest he spill too soon.

“Lilah, Trevor, why don't we get more comfortable?”

Lilah released Trevor, and Rick curbed a smile of satisfaction when Trevor frowned and curled his hand, as if reluctantly letting her go.

“Come here.” Rick waited for her. As soon as she neared him, he stopped her and passed his gaze over her once more. “She tastes like rich cream, Trevor.” Rick ran a hand over her neck, breasts, and belly, and lower to the apex of her thighs. “Did you taste her cum? Did you feel her slick heat before you fucked her? Or did you just use it to slide that cock through her pussy instead?”

Trevor's breathing deepened, and Rick turned Lilah to face Trevor, her back to his front. She moaned low in her throat when he cupped his hands around her breasts and toyed with them, engaging Trevor's arousal again.

“She's so sweet, and all the sweeter because she doesn't know how sexy she really is.” Rick nipped at her shoulder and startled a shiver out of her. “Now come here, Trevor, and take her nipple in your mouth. You want to; I can see it in that ruddy cock.” 46 Marie Harte

Trevor wasted no time and joined them where they stood in the center of the room. He paused a moment, however. “We didn't really bet anything, Rick.” His hands crept to Lilah's breasts. “I'm here with Lilah because I want to be.” He lowered his head and took her nipple in his mouth, and Lilah sighed her pleasure.

And here with me because you can't help yourself. Rick waited and watched, aroused to see Trevor's firm lips close around Lilah's soft pink flesh. So erotic, so tantalizingly his to command, here and now. He whispered low, not caring whether Trevor heard him or not. “Lilah, love, keep him busy.”

Seemingly lost in the moment, she barely nodded as she clutched Trevor's hair, and Rick didn't think his words had much to do with her agreement.

Smiling, Rick left her back to put himself behind Trevor. Tension lit Trevor's body, and Rick knew Trevor was aware of every movement he made. But the large man kept his focus on Lilah, and he groaned when Lilah's clever hand wrapped around his cock.

Good girl. Rick stared at the broad base of Trevor's back, at the sculpted delts, narrow waist, and tight, muscular ass begging to be bitten. Rick leaned in to temptation and kissed Trevor in the middle of his back.

Trevor stilled, and then Lilah murmured something to him, and he gave her his attention once more.

“That's good, isn't it?” Lilah said as she pumped him in her hand. “You're getting harder, and you're wet.” She worked Trevor like a pro, and Rick planned to look deeper into her background. She could have made a fortune in the private sector, sexually teasing, maybe dominating her men. But the almost innocent arousal in her face told him she was as new to such open passion as Trevor. And that innocence pleased Rick to no end.

He increased the pressure of his touch on Trevor's back as he familiarized himself, and Trevor, with each other. And as he accustomed Trevor to the feel of his hand, he found his Satyr's Myst 47

thoughts drifting to the difference between this threesome and the muted, unsatisfying sex he'd had in the past.

Being with both Trevor and Lilah felt pure, and Rick realized he'd become jaded after Elise. Having once tasted the deep passion of love made other lesser, carnal feelings unsettling. And after so many years at the resort, he'd finally had his fill of wanting sex for sex's sake. With Trevor and Lilah, he wanted more. And it was more than the challenge of bringing both of them to something new and exciting. Rick wanted to be Trevor's first, to open Lilah to the passion dwelling within her buried sensuality. But what surprised him most was that he didn't want their sojourn to end here.

Stepping closer to Trevor, he allowed his body to press fully against Trevor's, and the delightful feel of his cock brushing Trevor's ass made him groan with lust.

“I'll be right back,” he whispered as he kissed Trevor's neck. Unable to resist, he reached around and took Lilah's hand -- the one wrapped around Trevor's dick -- in his.

“Fuck,” Trevor groaned and pushed harder through their fingers. “That feels good.”

Lilah stared into Rick's eyes, and her passion-clouded gaze fueled his needs anew.

“Right back,” he promised, planting a swift kiss on Lilah's full lips.

In seconds he returned from the bathroom, a warm, wet washcloth in hand. Trevor was now kissing Lilah's mouth in earnest, his arms around her as he surrounded her entirely.

Rick wanted to be a part of that bond and dimly recalled how much he'd once felt for Elise. But curiously, as he studied the pair before him, he understood that Elise would never have been enough for him. And he wondered if that's why she'd denied them, because she'd felt the same.

Physically Lilah was perfect. He didn't care so much that she was less the ideal of true beauty than that she had so much joy in her body. And Trevor, repressed as he was, showed the potential for so much more. A core of strength wrapped around human doubts and vulnerabilities. The combination was mouthwateringly appealing. 48 Marie Harte

Kneeling behind Trevor, Rick prepared Trevor to receive something new. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered.

Trevor ceased kissing and looked over his shoulder with a small frown. “Why?”

“Do it.” Rick stared up at him and felt that strange heat that normally accompanied his demands. He could no better explain his ability to seduce than he could his interest in both sexes. It was what it was, and he chalked up his sexual success to base instinct. In the world of sexuality, Rick was a definite hunter.

Though Trevor didn't look convinced, he widened his stance, and Rick took advantage to fondle the plump sac between his thighs.

“Oh, shit.” Trevor groaned and turned back to Lilah, lowering his forehead to hers.

“That is so sexy,” Lilah said. “I just knew you two would look good together.”

“You mean the three of us, sweet,” Rick corrected. “Trevor needs a bit more help than you do, but then he and I will both see to you.”

He could hear the grin in Lilah's voice. “I'm looking forward to it.”

Rick chuckled and played with Trevor's balls, sliding his hand over Trevor's cock. Pleased at his hardness, Rick released him and brought the cloth into play. “Now I'm going to wash you.”

“Wash me?” Trevor repeated, then sucked in his breath as Rick spread his ass cheeks apart.

Rick licked his lips, more than eager to rim Trevor's hole. With slow, soft swipes, he cleaned Trevor thoroughly, teasing his anus with small thrusts of his thumb through the cloth. Trevor's tight entrance promised a narrow passage, and Rick knew that if Trevor had indeed experimented with toys before today, they hadn't been large.

“What are you doing to him?” Lilah wanted to know, her voice breathless. “Every time I try to see, Trevor kisses me or touches my breasts, and I lose focus.” Satyr's Myst 49

“Not my fault,” Trevor said hoarsely, backing into Rick's touch. “Your tits are so suckable, almost as much as that honeyed pussy of yours.” He groaned and tensed. “Rick, I'm going to come if you keep doing that.”

“I'm preparing Trevor, Lilah.” Ignoring Trevor's words, Rick finished with the cloth and tossed it aside. Then he leaned closer and breathed over Trevor's hole. “For a pretty little kiss.”

Trevor nearly lost his mind when Rick's hot breath hit his anus. And then he felt Rick's tongue pressing him there, pushing inside. Lilah fastened a mouth to his nipple, and Rick cupped his balls.

Barraged by sensation, Trevor was reduced to groans and grunts, his orgasm perilously close. As if Rick could sense it, he'd back off just as Trevor felt that surge gather in his balls. Lilah, bless her, kept sucking his nipples, and her small bites and smooth licks turned him into one huge mass of feeling.

“Take him in your mouth, Lilah,” Rick said in a low voice. “Let him come down your throat.”

“Oh, yeah.” Trevor had to agree, aware he could never have imagined a fantasy this good. Sex had always been pleasurable…and forgettable not five minutes later. None of his relationships lasted, always compared to what he really wanted and found lacking. But this… This experience clearly showed him what he'd been missing his entire life. And he worried it had more to do with Lilah and Rick than from having his fantasies finally fulfilled.

Lilah didn't waste any time and took him deep in her mouth. He couldn't help thrusting forward, seeking her heat and the pleasure of her tongue. By damn, but she knew just where to touch him to set him off. And then Rick returned to tonguing him.

That such a small touch could light him up shocked Trevor. He'd contemplated toys, something to stimulate him anally, but he'd never quite found the courage to try. He'd 50 Marie Harte

worried that if he liked it, he might seek out a warm body to try it with. But now, with Rick shoving that tongue -- and oh, Christ, was that a finger? -- up his ass, he knew it wouldn't have felt right with anyone else indulging him.

“Trevor.” Rick's impassioned voice turned him on even more. “You're so tight.”

“Mmm,” Lilah murmured around his cock, and he wanted to warn her he was on the edge, but he couldn't manage the words.

“Come for us, Trevor.” Rick shoved that finger in deeper, and the pain prodded pleasure in its wake. Lilah swirled her tongue over his cockhead, and Trevor spiraled into ecstasy.

He shouted as he came, spewing down Lilah's throat with a force that made him see black for a moment. Rick thrust his finger in and out, encouraging his release, and the slight push on his balls pushed his orgasm to last even longer.

When Trevor came to his senses, he pulled out of Lilah's mouth, but he had no time to thank Rick, because Rick had taken Lilah to the floor. He flipped her to her hands and knees and thrust hard, throwing his head back as he groaned.

“Trevor, get your ass over here,” Rick rasped. “Bask in it later. Right now you need to give Lilah what she just gave you.”

“With pleasure,” Trevor managed, feeling oddly unstable on his feet. As if drugged, he shakily joined them on the rug and scooted under Lilah as Rick pounded her from behind.

He found himself in a sixty-nine position that he'd never been in, because as he positioned himself between Lilah's legs, he stared up into an eyeful of Rick's heavy sac and cock heaving into Lilah's pussy. Up close and personal, his inner self taunted, and he smiled as he used his strength to lean up into Lilah's damp cleft.

With easy precision he sucked the nub between his lips and ate her as Rick continued riding her. Curious, Trevor ran his hands up Rick's thighs and heard the blond man groan. Satyr's Myst 51

The constant press of Rick's balls against his head was enough to stir Trevor again, and Trevor wanted to cross another line.

Letting go of Lilah, he leaned back and sucked on Rick's balls. Rick cursed and rammed particularly hard, and stayed there. And Trevor knew he'd just come. Needing to finish Lilah, he returned to her sex and took one more swipe of his tongue before biting gently down on her clit.

She screamed and convulsed, coming around Rick's cock. Trevor eased on his touch and eventually let her go. To his astonishment, he grew hard again, and he scooted out from under both of them so that he might get a look at what he'd just participated in.

Rick knelt behind Lilah, his face a study in tortured pleasure. Lilah remained kneeling on her hands and knees, her head hanging low, her long, light brown hair obscuring her face. The position looked submissively decadent, and more fantasies built in Trevor's heated mind.

Rick exhaled deeply and opened his eyes. “That was incredible.” He leaned forward to hug Lilah, then pulled out of her and tugged her to the floor with him.

They both looked up at Trevor and smiled sleepily.

“How was it for you?” Lilah asked him. “Because it's obvious how it was for me.”

Trevor gripped his cock, the carnality around them making him feel nothing but desire as he stared at them. No embarrassment, no regret, just the need for more pleasure with these two special people. “It was incredible, and a lot more I wasn't prepared for.”

Rick eyed him knowingly, a satisfied smile curling those sensual lips. “That's okay, Trev. The next time we play, I'll use oil. And a few toys.” Lilah chuckled, and he squeezed her tight. “And on you too. So don't get cocky.”

“A little late for that, hmm?” She stared at Trevor's groin, and he grinned at her cheek.

“Honey, don't listen to Rick. Anytime you want to get cocky, you come to me.” A sudden yawn took him by surprise. “But maybe we could continue this later? I have to 52 Marie Harte

recheck the security feeds and take another walk-through. And I hate to admit it, but I think you two wore me out.”

Rick nodded. “Me too. But after you check the feeds, I want you back here. In my bed.” He stood, and to Lilah's obvious surprise, lifted her easily into his arms.

“Wow. You're stronger than you look.” She blinked between Rick and Trevor.

“Thanks,” Rick said dryly.

Lilah blushed. “I meant that I'm no lightweight. But you're not even breathing hard.”

“Lilah, you're not that heavy. And though I'm not built quite as thick as Trevor” -- he paused, though his gaze strayed to Trevor's arousal -- “I do keep myself in shape.”

“I see that.” Her sexy murmur had Trevor wondering if he had it in him for another round. His dick said yes, but his mind felt sluggish.

“I'll be back in a few.” He left Rick and Lilah and was halfway through the door when he turned back to see Rick staring thoughtfully after him. Lilah, to his amusement, was already in the bed, her eyes shut, a dreamy smile on her face. “Rick?” he said quietly.

Rick raised a brow, waiting.


As Trevor turned and left, Rick quietly exhaled the breath he'd been holding. The somber acknowledgment in Trevor's gaze shook him, and Rick feared he'd truly gone over the edge. The passion in Lilah's gaze, the intensity in Trevor's stare, the one that spoke of more than simple appreciation…both scared him more than they should.

Dammit. I'm over Elise. Just because she didn't love me doesn't mean no one else eve will. Yet it wasn't so easy to dismiss his worries. Opening his heart up to a woman he'd known for more than five years had been difficult. But at least with Elise he'd known what he was getting. Or thought he had.

r Satyr's Myst 53

What did he really know about Trevor and Lilah? Rick knew Trevor's brother very well. He'd hired Ethan several years ago to fix a security problem at the resort. And Ethan had not only fixed the problem, but he'd saved Rick's life in the process. Ethan was a dominant, stand-up guy whose loyalty would never be in question. Trevor appeared to be cut from the same cloth. But whereas Ethan was decidedly straight, Trevor straddled the same fence Rick did, attracted to both men and women. Watching him with Lilah had been incredibly erotic and teased Rick's appetite for more. He couldn't wait to initiate Trevor into the more intimate aspects of anal sex. Rick heated as he stared down at Lilah sleeping peacefully beside him. Yes, he couldn't wait to take Trevor's virgin ass…as long as Lilah was there when he did it. And the notion that he needed Lilah to watch surprised him.

Rick had been in relationships with both men and women, but never steady ones with both sexes at the same time. When he'd fallen hard for Elise, he'd felt something missing and had chalked it up to his uneasiness about commitment. And when she'd left, he'd felt his fears justified.

Elise had known what he did and who he was, had entered into a relationship with him fully aware. But she couldn't take his lifestyle, and he honestly had never considered giving it up for her, not that she'd given him the chance to make such an offer. For Lilah and Trevor, however, he actually thought about trying something new. Satyr's Myst was his and would always be in his blood. But how much longer could he remain happy watching others indulge in fantasies while his stayed just out of reach?

Rick sighed and stroked Lilah's soft hair. She looked prettier every time he saw her, and he knew emotion clouded his objectivity. Hell, staring at Lilah, he had a hard time recalling Elise's face. Instead, Lilah's soft gray eyes winked in his mind's eye, her sweet breath caressed his face, and her body lay supplicant under his. Femininity personified. As he stared at her, he wondered what it would be like to be loved so deeply by a woman that she would want to bear his children. To be in a steady, loyal relationship with a woman who 54 Marie Harte

gave as much as she took, and who could accept not just Rick, but another man in her life as well. Another man…like Trevor.

And what the hell is wrong with me that I'm thinking about forever with people I've just met? He shook his head and moved away from Lilah, as if she'd put such thoughts in his head. Trevor took that moment to return to the room, and he quirked a brow, as if sensing Rick's agitation.

The blasted man had put on a pair of shorts, hiding parts of that glorious body that deserved to be shown off. Displeased, Rick scowled. “I have a few things to catch up on myself.” Trevor opened his mouth to object, no doubt, but Rick stayed him with an upheld hand. “Now that I know why you're really here, I promise not to leave.” He narrowed his stare when Trevor crossed his arms and blocked his way out. Damn, but the muscles rippling on his huge frame had Rick half hard again.

Rick took two strides forward and glared at Trevor. “And if you think what we just shared is the end of it, think again.” Without warning, he yanked Trevor's head down and kissed him hard on the mouth, groaning at the feel of Trevor's rising erection against his needy cock. “We're just getting started. Because I'm going to make you beg before I take your ass.”

“In your dreams.” But Trevor's breathing was harsh, his eyes glazed with lust.

“And in yours.” Rick nodded to the bed, a hard smile on his face. “Keep Lilah warm for me, and I promise not to be too long. I'll be in my study.”

Trevor studied him a moment, then stepped aside. Rick brushed his hand along Trevor's crotch, pleased that his lover was hard already.

“And make sure to save some of that for when I get back.”

Trevor called him an arrogant prick, and Rick grinned. He watched as Trevor sighed and turned to the bed, then got in beside Lilah. The pair of them looked right together, and Rick forced himself to leave, closing the door behind him as he tried to decipher the Satyr's Myst 55

meaning of Trevor and Lilah in his life. He puzzled over the pair all the way to his study across the house. Comfortable in his nudity, he nevertheless grabbed a pair of clean shorts from the laundry room before sitting at his desk. As if the clothing would provide his heart any protection.


Mentally castigating himself, Rick finally pushed his new lovers to the back of his mind and managed to catch up on some e-mails, make a few phone calls, and check on his to-do list. Though he wasn't in attendance at Satyr's Myst, his staff ran the place smoothly, thanks in no small part to Tyrone. Tyrone -- the same man who Trevor had claimed knew all about Rick's “kidnapping.”

Punching in Tyrone's number, Rick waited. After several rings, his friend finally picked up.

“Hello?” Tyrone asked hesitantly.

“Sorry to disappoint, but it's Rick, not Trevor.”

“Shit. Um, hi, boss.” Bos. He only ever called Rick that when there was trouble. “What's up?”

“Spill it, Tyrone. Who the hell planned this scenario? You?” He paused. “Ethan?” Rick wouldn't put it past Ethan to do what he thought necessary to keep Rick safe, regardless of Rick's opinion.

“Ethan was in on it, yes,” Tyrone admitted, his deep voice even deeper with guilt. “But dammit, Rick. You won't listen to reason. This isn't some pimply kid calling you out for a knockdown. First you're nearly mugged on the island. Then some asshole blew up your yacht a few weeks ago!”

Rick had tried to forget that, and he knew Tyrone had a point. “Okay. So I should have taken the threat a little more seriously. But did it really merit a stranger kidnapping me and holding me -- tied up, I might add -- in my own house under lock and key?” s 56 Marie Harte

“Lock can't be too damned tight if you're calling me.”

“True.” Rick grinned. Tyrone sounded pissy. “Look, I want to know details about this whole thing. Then maybe I'll forgive you.”

Tyrone chuckled. “You know, I'm just shaking, scared you'll be mad forever.”


“Condescending ass.”

“Tyrone. I'm still waiting.” But Rick smiled, pleased to find Tyrone in good humor and not at all intimidated. Many of Rick's acquaintances bowed to his every whim, captivated by his money and power. What few good friends Rick had didn't give two shits about his wealth. Which was why he was holed up here today. Because people who cared about him wanted him safe.

Rick sighed. “Okay. I'm sorry I didn't take the threat more seriously. Now will you tell me what you know?”

“Glad you've finally come to your senses. I do have some good news to share. I was going to tell Trevor, but since you're here… Our guys found the person responsible for the attacks. Believe it or not, it was Congressmen Shreeveson who hired a few baddies to shake you down. Apparently, the congressman isn't at all pleased that Lydia, his lovely wife, had such a good time here a few weeks ago. Or that she's booked to come again in a few months.”

Rick frowned. “Afraid his constituents might find out?”

“Probably. But from what I remember, Lydia said he was a dickhead to begin with.”

“Yes, you and Lydia were pretty close, weren't you?” Rick remembered Tyrone fucking the woman on the courtyard dais for all to see. An entertaining and sensual show that had erupted into an all-out audience orgy.

“Very.” Tyrone cleared his throat. “So bottom line is we've identified Shreeveson, and Ethan is making a special trip out to `talk' to him.” Satyr's Myst 57

“Good old Ethan.” Rick stared at the blank pad of paper before him, focused on answers. “But I'm more concerned with the fact that my security didn't handle an internal problem. And exactly how did Ethan know I was having any trouble? We keep in close touch, and you know I consider him a personal friend, but I don't remember telling him about my security problems.”

“Security here didn't have the resources to deal with the problem. We put all our efforts into watching over you after the bomb threat. Well, you and the guests. So I called one of the owners of H&R Securities, your good buddy Ethan.”

“Why didn't you tell me?”

“I tried to talk to you about security, but you've been too busy moping around the resort to care much what happens to you. Well, hell, Rick. I care. Nothing's going to hurt you while I'm here. And I mean it.”

“Tyrone --”

“And not only have we identified Shreeveson, but we also ID'd the two guys on the island who set up the bomb and the sloppy hack jobs into our computer system.”

“You have them both?” Instead of the relief he should have felt, Rick panicked. With the culprits identified and jailed, Trevor and Lilah would have no further need to stay. And Rick hadn't had nearly enough time with either of them to see where this relationship might lead.

“No. Just the one. We're closing in on the other one, though. Trevor helped us narrow the perp's -- his word, not mine -- whereabouts. Must have been one helluva cop. Yeah, those Reapers know security, I'll say that for them.

“Rogers and Perrin, your bombers, used a private pilot to boat them onto the northern side of the island. We caught Rogers on land, but Perrin escaped. Looks like he's hiding out in Bermuda. Don't worry, we'll get him soon.”

That's what I'm afraid of. Thinking quickly, Rick made a decision. 58 Marie Harte

“Tyrone, let's keep this between you and me. I don't want Trevor distracted from his job here.”


“Trevor doesn't need to know what's going on with Perrin or Rogers. He's guarding me and doing a damn fine job with it.”

“Oh, really?” Speculation filled Tyrone's voice. “You don't want him to know that the guys trying to kill you are under the gun. Why not?”

“Because I need more time. Some things can't be rushed,” Rick admitted between clenched teeth. Hell, did he have to spell it out?

Tyrone laughed. “O-kay, gotcha.” More laughter. “Didn't I tell you there was something about that man? I could see the instant connection between you two. And that had nothing to do with his reason for being here, and everything to do with how you looked at him. I haven't seen you stare at anyone that way in a long time.” Tyrone sounded way too pleased.

“If I didn't know better, I'd think you staged this to set me up.”

“Funny, you haven't mentioned Lilah.” Tyrone's hurried response told Rick he was on to something, but the genuine concern in Tyrone's tone needed addressing.

“What would you like me to say? That's she's a wonderful, caring, beautiful woman? Or that she tastes like honey and kisses like Venus in mortal flesh?”

“Now I know you're back to normal. When you make those Roman references, you're the same Rick who used to run our ideal retreat. I've missed ya, buddy. And I can't tell you how glad I am to see that you're finally back in the race.”

“The race?”

“You know, into the love shoot. Seems to me like you have two people with you who suit you far better than Elise ever did. Face it, you just liked the idea of loving her.” Satyr's Myst 59

Rick had wondered about that for some time, but he knew the truth. “No, Tyrone. Much as you didn't approve, I loved Elise. But not like…” He trailed off, not ready to put into words the intense feelings growing inside him for Trevor and Elise.

“Not like?”

“Just remember to keep contact with Trevor to a minimum. And warn Ethan of the same. I want Trevor and Lilah here for a little while longer.” Actually, a lot longer. But Rick didn't want Tyrone thinking he'd done the right thing by involving himself in Rick's love life.

“Sure thing, boss.”

The humor in Tyrone's voice irritated. “And stop calling me `boss.'”

Tyrone laughed outright, and Rick hung up the phone. Muttering to himself, he returned to Lilah and Trevor with all haste. Easing into bed with the pair, he tried to tell himself to go slow. People didn't fall in love at first sight, or first screw, he thought sardonically.

Yet as he snuggled close to Lilah and wrapped his arm around her, he settled his hand on Trevor's warm flank and sighed. Reality had never been this right before. And if the pair of them equaled their sexual promise as true partners, Rick knew he was a goner. 60 Marie Harte

Chapter Five

Two frustratingly long days later, Lilah glared at Rick from under the bridge of her hand, trying to cope with her newborn sexual hungers starving for attention. Despite the cover shading them from the burning sunlight, bright rays cast a blinding light over the humid afternoon. The cloudless sky afforded a view for miles, though Trevor kept casting guarded looks through the open windows at the area around them some forty feet below. She wondered what he thought to see through the canopy of green beneath them.

“I decided I wanted an ocean view even out here, so I had this tree house built when I first constructed my home away from home.” Rick sighed and leaned over the slender ledge of the window, earning a scowl from Trevor.

“Move back out of sight. It's not safe.”

Rick rolled his eyes but returned to the safety of the room.

What Rick called a tree house, she called a freakin' condominium. Though the smaller space was supported some forty feet off the ground, braced by the trees around them and several tons of stone and concrete, Rick's perch on top of the jungle was anything but primitive. Satyr's Myst 61

A small bathroom shielded by cedar walls took up the far corner, but otherwise the rest of the overlarge room remained spacious and open. Sturdy cork covered the floor, the wooden walls boasted origins from the jungle directly around them, according to Rick, and the comfortable furniture made Rick's tree house look more like a sultan's mini palace.

Next to a rattan rocker sat a wicker table covered with books and magazines. A pair of plushly cushioned chairs faced one overlarge window to the south -- where they currently stood -- and opposite them under the other window lay a thick mattress covered in what looked like purple silk. Colorful pillows littered the bed, and Lilah could all too easily imagine Rick fully naked and kicked back while beautiful people tended to his every need.

She sighed. Beautiful people, as in, anyone but her. Normally, her looks didn't bother her so much. But then, normally, she wasn't surrounded by a cagey ex-cop and a millionaire who owned a pleasure resort filled with nubile nymphos.

“Look.” Rick interrupted her thoughts and took her by the hand, pulling her closer to the window. The detachable screen was currently up, allowing for an unfettered view of the flora around them. And the ceiling fan's steady hum -- thank God -- provided just enough of a breeze to push the drifting ocean air their way.

Still, sweat beaded on Lilah's growing tan, visible around her bikini top and sarong, and she wiped absently at her naked belly, conscious of Trevor's less-than-subtle fixation with her bared navel. The last time he'd stared at her that way, he'd kissed his way down her belly toward the part of her wanting his touch even now. Unfortunately, he hadn't gifted her with his attentions lately. Which made her wonder, just what had he been doing away from Rick and her for the last two days? From what little Trevor shared, Rick's security personnel had informed them that Congressman Shreeveson had written the nasty correspondence and hired men to hurt Rick. But they hadn't yet caught the individuals responsible for actually setting the bomb on Rick's yacht. In her opinion, Trevor should have constantly shadowed Rick. Wasn't it his job as a personal bodyguard to protect Rick? 62 Marie Harte

“So, Trevor, are you going to tell us what has you so busy lately or not?” She didn't want to bother him, but dammit, her safety was as much at risk as Rick's. Nice of Elise to avoid mentioning the potential of meeting Rick's bomber face-to-face.

“Yes, Trevor,” Rick added. “You've been pretty mysterious lately, and though I'm fond of puzzles, I don't like to play with issues of security.” His glance at Lilah took her aback. Was Rick worried for he? Hell, she wasn't the one with a target on her back.

Trevor said nothing, his jaw clenched tight, and as much as Lilah wanted to yell at him for not sharing his thoughts and feelings, she also wanted to comfort him, the healer in her itching to make it all right.

She started when Rick's finger caressed her palm, and she shot him a sharp glance.

“Look, there.” He nodded over his shoulder at the window, apparently willing to overlook Trevor's silent stubbornness.

“What? Trouble?” Trevor joined them, glancing out over the green jungle.

Rick tugged Lilah closer to him and pointed through the open window. “You can see a glimmer of the ocean past the mahogany, cedar, and olivewoods.” He smiled, and Lilah wondered what he found so damned amusing. “In case you couldn't tell, I'm a big nature lover.”

Lilah couldn't dispute the words “big” and “lover” when it came to Rick. So why the hell hadn't he touched her since Tuesday night? Was he already regretting their steamy ménage? She blushed just thinking about it. Having sex with two other people might be routine for him, but it had been her first time and an experience she'd never forget.

Though not a prude, she hadn't seen so much action since she'd shared a porno with her last dud of a boyfriend. And even that hadn't done more than rush the selfish creep to finish in something like two minutes.

“Well, Trevor?” Rick asked quietly, pulling Lilah from memories better left forgotten. “Want to tell us where you've been for the past two days?” r Satyr's Myst 63

Trevor sighed and crossed his arms, a sight that never failed to enthrall Lilah. As a physical therapist, Lilah spent a lot of time around injured people. So she relished the sight of healthy joints, tissue, and skin. And Trevor's bountiful health just radiated in those bulging biceps… Her gaze fell to his groin. Bulging biceps and, oh, yes, that thick, strong shaft that hadn't seen much action lately, either, if his frustrated glare at Rick meant anything.

“I've been hunting the prick that torched your yacht.”

Lilah stared in surprise. “Are you serious?”

“Very.” He turned to Rick. “Your security received a tip. Seems the perp doubled back from Bermuda. I wanted to be in on it. I have a lot of experience tracking criminals, and I wanted to make sure you two weren't in any danger. At the very least, to get between him and you two.”

“You might have told us where you were going instead of scribbling a hasty `I'll be back soon and don't step one foot outside the compound' on a notepad,” Rick said quietly.

Lilah moved back so she could watch the dynamics between them. To her surprise, she saw a wall of rage in Rick's bright blue eyes, and she wondered how Trevor would react.

Glued to the byplay and irked at him for not having the guts to say good-bye in person, she smirked at the flush that began to darken Trevor's cheeks.

“I wasn't running out on you. Either of you.” He directed the last at Lilah, apparently noting her irritation with him as well. His voice held exasperation when he continued. “I wanted a jump on this guy. He tried to kill you, Rick. And I'll be damned if he steps one foot near either you or Lilah.

“The island police and your staff have him on the run and currently sequestered on the northern side of the island away from here. I'd have stayed with your security, but I wanted to get back…in case something happened, and he broke away. I thought it best to stay close.” 64 Marie Harte

Lilah wondered. A few days ago, the intimacy the three of them had shared during the night devastated her the morning after. And it looked like the intensity scared Trevor as well. Yet he seemed as helpless as she was to stay away.

Rick chuckled.

“What's so funny?” she asked, wondering at the sudden disappearance of his anger.

“Trevor missed us, Lilah.” Rick sidled up to Trevor, as swiftly and silently as a large cat. “You don't get to bail whenever it feels uncomfortable, Trevor.”

“I wasn't --”

“At least have the balls to be honest with us.”

Trevor scowled, ran a hand over his hair, and clutched at the dark strands. “I was…okay, dammit. It freaked me out. Is that what you want to hear?”

Hell, yes. Lilah stared, captivated by the fractured glimpses of Trevor's insecurities.

“I can't understand if you won't talk to me.” Rick's low voice tickled along Lilah's nerves, rumbling like a predator about to strike. “I'm not a rapist, Trevor. If you don't want to have sex with me, then don't.”

“That's not it.” Trevor swore and stalked away from Rick. He planted his hands on his hips, facing away from them. Lilah shared a look with Rick and blinked at the wide grin on his face.

Trevor continued. “The sex with you two was incredible, better than anything I've ever had. And I wanted to do it again. You have no idea how much. But this isn't easy. I mean, it is with Lilah. But Rick… I've never even kissed a man until you.” Trevor turned around to face them, and to Lilah's bemusement, Rick wiped his face clean of emotion.

“The two of you are my fantasy made real. I guess I don't want to fuck it up before I have a chance to enjoy it.”

Lilah couldn't help staring at his prominent erection. The thin shorts he and Rick wore more than showed their feelings, at least, in some respects. She empathized with Trevor, but Satyr's Myst 65

her mouth watered for another bout with both of them as well. Hell, she'd felt the same anxieties he did. Did he honestly believe she fucked around with two men at once all the time back at home in the States?

She could see the headlines now: “PLAIN JANE LILAH TANNER GOING AT IT WITH HOT GUYS IN BETWEEN DEALING WITH PATIENTS, INSURANCE CLAIMS, AND ARROGANT DOCTORS.” She would never have thought to even approach Trevor back home, let alone Trevor and Rick for a threesome.

“You, Trevor, have a problem,” Rick said as he slowly circled Trevor, studying him like a fascinating puzzle. “Your problem is that you have communication issues. But I think we can work on that.”

Lilah raised a brow. “You think? Personally, I think an apology is in order. And if it's a good one, maybe I'll consider forgiving him.” After I take advantage of that gorgeous body before my own fantasy crumbles. The fact constantly loomed in the back of Lilah's mind: sooner or later, Rick's pressing troubles would disappear. And with them, so would Lilah. And Trevor. Their threesome.

“I'm sorry, baby.” Trevor sounded sincere, and the deep appreciation glinting in those soulful eyes had her melting. He took a step toward her before Rick stopped him, blocking him with his body.

“Try apologizing to me too.”

Trevor frowned, but quickly smoothed the expression as he stared at Rick. Lilah wished she could see Rick's face, but he had his back to her.

“I'm sorry.”

“Yes, you are. But it's not all your fault. You need help.” The husky tone in Rick's voice awakened her body with renewed desire. “Don't you, Trevor? Don't you need my help?” The demand in Rick's voice intrigued her and had a surprising effect on Trevor. 66 Marie Harte

Lilah quivered, both shocked and aroused at the sight of Trevor's sudden excitement. His lips parted, his eyes shuttered to half-mast, and he clenched his hands at his sides as Rick stepped closer. He's aroused by it, by Rick's dominance.

“Tell me you want my help, Trevor, and I'll show you exactly how you need to behave.”

Trevor licked his lips and cast another glance at the open window of the tree house.

“Don't worry. The security sensor over in the corner is on, and I've set it to alert us if anyone comes within forty feet of the place.” Rick stepped back and turned, including Lilah in the discussion. To her delight, he sported an enormous erection. “Well, Trevor? We're waiting.”

We, not I. Lilah felt warm inside, pleased beyond measure to be included.

“Yeah, ah, yes,” he corrected under Rick's disapproval.

“Yes, what?” Rick asked coolly.

Trevor swallowed. “Yes, I want your help, Rick. Help me, please.”

Rick nodded, though he didn't smile again. And Lilah felt breathless with anticipation. When Rick removed his clothes and stood before them naked, her pulse raced with awareness.

“You, Trevor, are about to get your first lesson in good behavior. And Lilah is going to show you how it's done.”

Lilah blinked. “I am?” The hard stare Rick fixed her with melted her, and she felt like Trevor must, totally aroused by the forcefulness in Rick Hastings, the suave, sophisticated playboy with so many facets. “Oh, right,” she breathed. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

Rick winked at her, then nodded at her clothes. “Take them off.”

She untied her top and dropped her sarong and the bottom under it. Both men fixated on her, and Lilah's body responded. Her nipples hardened, and her womb flooded her sex with wet desire. Satyr's Myst 67

“Come here.”

Lilah walked to him and stopped before him.

“Trevor, undress, then remain still.”

They watched Trevor remove his shorts, and Lilah stared with fascination at his pearling cock. A creamy bead pooled in his slit, and she wanted to taste him, to capture his need on her tongue.

“Now, Lilah, I want you to spread your feet apart, shoulder width.” She did so. “And Trevor, get on your knees. Take her clit in your mouth and suck.”

Trevor grinned and took to his knees. He followed Rick's instructions without hesitation, and the feel of his mouth over her made Lilah gasp with excitement.

Rick stood behind Trevor, watching. His gaze traveled over Lilah with deliberate slowness, and Lilah felt a moment of embarrassment, to be watched while she took her pleasure. But knowing that Rick saw everything also heightened her enjoyment, and she stood helpless before him, at a loss as to how to feel.

“Do you like me looking at you?” Rick asked. “Trevor, I didn't tell you to stop. Continue.” Trevor grumbled an apology and returned to Lilah's sex. “Well, Lilah? Should I turn away?”

“No.” Oh, God, no. Trevor sucked hard, and she gripped his shoulders, her gaze glued to Rick's.

“Do you want to come?”

“Yes,” she hissed, responding eagerly to Trevor's skilled mouth.

Rick nodded, his gaze intense. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

She and Trevor stilled for a minute before Trevor continued tonguing her.

“N-no.” That had come out of left field, or so it seemed. But the gleam of satisfaction on Rick's face told her he had something planned. 68 Marie Harte

“Good.” He stepped closer to Trevor and angled his body so that his cock brushed by Trevor's head. “Stop, Trevor.”

Panting, Trevor pulled away from Lilah, and she could see how much he wanted to continue. As did she. Her body screamed for him to make her come. But Rick, obviously, had taken charge. And she was curious enough to see where this would lead. Rick had yet to disappoint when it came to the bedroom.

Trevor didn't move, holding unnaturally still as Rick taunted him by sliding his dick beside Trevor's cheek. Rick stroked against Trevor's face several times, until Trevor visibly trembled.

Lilah stared, wide-eyed, wondering if Rick meant to actually take Trevor and not her. She sensed this coupling to be as much an exploration as it was Trevor'spunishment for leaving her and Rick without a word. But that made her think…

“I understand Trevor not doing the right thing. He's as new at this as I am,” she said to Rick, trying not to appear weak on her rubbery knees. “But why have you avoided me for two days, Rick? I didn't do anything wrong.”

“No, love, you didn't. He did.” Rick pulled back, breaking contact with Trevor. “You, however, are so damned sexy I can't think when I'm around you. And our re-la-tion-ship,” he drew out, “such as it is, is going to revolve around the three of us from now on. I don't fuck you without him there, and you and he don't fuck without me there. Understood?”

“Oh.” Lilah cleared her throat, nervous and needy and out of sorts. “Right.”

“Good.” Rick leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss that scorched her down to her toes. “Now you and I are going to show Trevor how to communicate properly. Get on the middle of the bed on your hands and knees.”

Lilah responded to the command in his voice without thinking. She quickly moved to do as bid, her arousal growing at Rick's mastery. She hadn't been kidding when she'd first seen him in cuffs. While I'm not exactly lily white, I've never been into the bondage scene, Satyr's Myst 69

she'd said. Yet her body loved Rick's commands. She was so wet, she wondered if she'd soon be dripping as she knelt on the bed.

“Trevor, come here.” Rick joined her by the bed and motioned for Trevor to join them. He had one hand behind his back, and a drawer in the armoire by the bed sat slightly open.

Trevor approached, unusually solemn, his entire mien submissive. Rick's nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched, and Lilah saw his cock bob as the two men took each other's measure.

“Get on your knees and put your hands behind your back.”

Trevor's gaze shot to Rick's. “What?”

“You heard me. Get the fuck down, now.”

Trevor's breathing quickened as he knelt on the floor, and his rasps quickly turned into a moan as Rick stepped behind him and clicked what sounded like a pair of cuffs on him. The ex-cop knelt on the hard floor facing Lilah, his cock stiffly at attention and wet with desire. His face was flushed, his eyes hazy with lust. And Lilah had never been more turned on.

“Now you're going to watch while Lilah shows you how to properly behave.”

Rick returned to his armoire and came back to Lilah with a tube of gel and what looked like a miniature dildo in hand. The small clear toy looked no wider than her finger with a flat base at its end, and she knew where he meant to put it.

“This is for you, sweet,” Rick said, holding the plug up for Trevor's benefit. “It's a butt plug, and it'll help stretch you, Lilah. I don't want your first time to be painful.”

Trevor, Lilah noted, was fixated on the plug, and he swallowed hard while Rick played with it. Holding it in his large hand, Rick gripped it like a cock. He squeezed out a bit of lube and spread it over the toy.

“Do you think it's wet enough, Trevor?”

“Yes.” Trevor's voice sounded rough as gravel, and his nipples stood like hard buds against his bronzed chest. 70 Marie Harte

“I don't know. Maybe Lilah's not ready for this.” Rick turned his attention to her. “Are you ready, sweet? Do you want this?”

Lilah nodded, anything to get Rick's hands on her again. She was so wet she swore moisture dripped down her leg. And she felt empty, despite the attention. She needed Rick with her, in her.

“Watch, Trevor, as Lilah takes what I give her without complaint.” But instead of using the plug, Rick knelt with Lilah on the bed and turned her so Trevor got a glimpse of them both in profile. “We don't want him to miss anything,” Rick murmured in her ear. Then he knelt before her, his cock level with her mouth.

She automatically opened and took him when he pushed inside.

“That's it, baby. Suck me. Make me as wet as the plug.” He held the toy in one hand, the lube discarded somewhere. Lilah's focus was on his dick, and she couldn't stop from moaning around it. She'd never much been into giving oral sex, but tasting Rick amped up her drive. She sucked him deep, wanting him inside her all the way.

“Christ, that's good,” he breathed and thrust lightly into her mouth. For several seconds all that could be heard were Rick's and Trevor's heavy breathing and Lilah's moans. His balls brushed her chin, and she let his shaft fall free to suck the taut globes underneath. Rick's harsh intake of breath made her smile, and she gave his sac as much attention as his shaft. “No more, not yet,” he said quietly and pulled away.

They both glanced at Trevor and saw him straining. His cock was wet, his chest slick with perspiration. Need blazed in his gaze.

“Rick, let me --”

“No, Trevor. Good behavior takes time. If I'm to fuck Lilah's ass, she needs to be ready. And this will help her.” He held the toy up for both of them to see. “Watch while Lilah takes it inside.” Satyr's Myst 71

Lilah shivered, completely in Rick's thrall. She turned her head and kept her gaze on Trevor while Rick circled behind her. He nudged her knees wider and then slipped the plug over her clit.

She sucked in a breath. God, that felt good.

“Just giving it some more lube.” Rick chuckled, and Lilah forced herself to keep her eyes on Trevor, so she'd know before Rick moved. Trevor's stare followed Rick's movements, and his lust flared with his erratic breathing, his panting mirroring Rick's playing with the plug.

Lilah sucked in a breath and looked away from Trevor, her head bowed as Rick put the plug at the opening of her anus.

“I'm going to push it inside you,” he explained, the only part of him touching her the knuckles on his hand holding the plug. “When I push it in, you push out. It'll help you take it. Understand?” He kissed her in the center of her back, and she nodded, her hair swaying toward the bed.

He pushed, and the small intrusion hurt. He didn't relent, despite her moan, and she tried to push out, as he'd said. The discomfort increased until the plug slid past her sphincter, making her feel full, stretched, and uncomfortable as the foreign presence lodged in her ass.

“It's all the way in,” Rick announced in a thick voice. “Did you see that, Trevor? How Lilah took it like a good girl? How does it feel, honey?”

“It hurts.” She wriggled her hips, but the thickness inside her remained. “It's weird. I don't know.”

“I know what will help.”

She felt Rick between her legs, and his hands came down on her back. He stroked her, the heat of his palms bringing her some ease as she focused on something other than her stinging ass. And then he gripped the plug and pulled it out a tiny fraction. 72 Marie Harte

The movement stilled her, and then he pushed it back in. To her surprise, the discomfort turned into something else. Something she couldn't yet grasp.

Rick pulled the plug out again, farther this time, and paused before shoving it back in.

“Oh.” A spark of heat filtered through her sex.

“Good, hmm? I'll make it better.”

Lilah was caught in his spell, and as Rick played with the plug, thrusting it gently in and out of her ass, she grew wetter, wanting more.

He shoved the plug all the way in again, hard, and let go, his hands resting on her ass. “Now I'll fill the rest of you.”

Did he mean what she thought he --


“Oh, yeah,” Trevor said with a grunt. “Take it.”

Rick pushed his cock into her slick heat, the dual penetration of the plug in her ass and his cock in her pussy making it hard to focus on anything but the sensation of fullness. He groaned as he stopped, fully seated within her.

“You okay?”

“Yes. That feels so good,” she moaned, crying out when he withdrew, only to slam back inside her.

No longer gentle, Rick began fucking her in earnest, as if pushed past his own endurance.

“You see, Trevor? This is what a good girl does, how she behaves when she wants a man. She doesn't hide, doesn't run away.”

He gripped her ass hard and pushed her steadily toward orgasm. “She takes a cock deep inside her, welcomes it with her cream.” Rick reached under her to touch her clit, and the press of his fingers against her sensitive flesh shot her over the edge. Satyr's Myst 73

Lilah cried out and came, and Rick rubbed her good and hard until she could barely breathe through the pleasure. Then, to her shock, he withdrew the plug and replaced it with something bigger.

The stretching hurt, but the joy still zinging through her body confused her enough to allow his presence, to even, after a few moments, welcome it.

“Fuck, Lilah,” Rick panted. “You're so tight. Take it, baby. All of it.” He groaned as he fucked her in the ass. It took him just a few more thrusts before he shouted and froze, jetting inside her with helpless groans that shook her entire foundation.

Never would Lilah have imagined she'd enjoy anal sex. And especially not her first time. Though now that the pleasure faded, she felt the ache in her anus, the stretched flesh pulsing, well used around his cock.

Rick pushed down on her ass with the flats of his palms and slowly withdrew, the sensation burning.

“Oh,” she moaned, and he soothed her with whispered words of praise.

“That was so…” Trevor began in a guttural tone.

Surprised she'd forgotten Trevor watched, Lilah glanced over and saw his cock shiny with cream. His body was shaking, his face red with unfulfilled need. Lilah dripped with Rick's cum, and she saw Trevor staring at her thighs.

“Now, Trevor,” Rick began, his raspy voice filled with warning. “Come here.”

Trevor moved to stand, and Rick stopped him.

“No. Walk to me on your knees and crawl onto the bed.”

Trevor frowned but didn't disobey, and Lilah turned her head to catch the satisfaction on Rick's face. When she would have made room for him, Rick shook his head. “No, honey. Stay right there. Trevor, lie down next to her.”

Trevor awkwardly lay on his back beside her.

“Now spread your legs.” 74 Marie Harte

Lilah stared at Trevor's dripping cock, wanting a taste. And a glance at Rick showed him equally enthralled.

“Since you have trouble accepting a man's touch, Lilah will show you how to behave.”

She stared up at Rick in surprise.

“Lilah, take the cum in your ass and on your thighs and push it into Trevor's hole.”

Trevor's eyes grew wide, his lips slack, but he didn't protest. He widened his legs instead.

“Good.” Rick voiced his approval.

Lilah's stupor disappeared, and she quickly gathered Rick's cum in her fingers and knelt between Trevor's legs. Rick left then and returned to the bed with a slightly larger, clear blue plug.

“Lube him up good, honey. We don't want to hurt him…much.”

Rick's grin made her shiver and Trevor groan.

Lilah actually enjoyed the sensual torture, and by the time she was done playing with Trevor's ass and accidentally grazing his cock, she wanted nothing more than to watch Trevor spew.

“Now, Lilah,” Rick said with a smile in his voice. “Push it inside him, just the way I did it to you.”

Lilah made sure to be gentle, pretty sure Trevor had never experienced this kind of play, if the look on his face was any indication. The grunts and groans turned her on again, and she wasn't surprised to see Rick's cock stiff and sure as he knelt on the bed next to her, watching their interaction with intense eyes.

“All the way in,” Rick murmured, fisting his own cock. “Is that good, Trevor?”

“Fuck, Rick. Let me come. Touch me, please.” Trevor sounded desperate, and the precum gathering over his cock was testament to his need. Satyr's Myst 75

Rick shook his head. “Maybe Lilah can help…after I'm done.”

Trevor groaned, and they all watched as Rick masturbated while ordering Lilah, step-by-step, to fuck Trevor's ass with the plug.

In desperate need, Trevor writhed and pumped his hips, his cock weeping for satisfaction. Rick finally grunted and shot over Trevor's belly, and Lilah couldn't look away from Trevor's agonized stare.

“Is that what you want?” Rick growled.

“Yes,” Trevor said on a curse. “Fuck, yes.”

“Give it to him, Lilah.” Rick wiped his hand on Trevor's belly, then swiped a finger through his cum and held it to Trevor's lips.

Trevor, bless him, sucked Rick's finger hard, and Lilah had had enough. She shoved the plug up Trevor's ass, let it go, and straddled him.

Then, under Rick's careful watch, she gave both Trevor and herself the bliss they both needed.

Much later, when she could finally move again, gentle hands took her from Trevor and placed her next to him. She saw Rick release Trevor from the cuffs, then lay down beside her, keeping her between them. But as much as she relished this closeness between them, she didn't know where Rick and Trevor now stood.

Trevor groaned and closed his eyes, asleep in minutes. Rick chuckled in her ear. “He's mine now. He just doesn't know it yet.”

And me, what about me? She pondered the question in sated confusion.

As if Rick had heard her thoughts, he hugged her close and rubbed her belly with gentle strokes. “And you, sweet, can take me any time, any way you please. Now close your eyes and rest,” he murmured and kissed her neck. “You'll need your strength, because this is only the beginning.” 76 Marie Harte

Chapter Six

“Lilah, I can't believe how much better my arm feels.” Rick rotated his left shoulder and grinned up at her, and Lilah's heart dropped even lower toward her feet. Oh, hell, who was she kidding? For the past week she'd been in seventh heaven. And much as she tried to deny what she felt, the word “love” continued to float above her men, as she now thought of them.

Rick Hastings and Trevor Reaper. Two men who should have been way out of her league but who acted as if they'd never seen a woman more beautiful. And damned if their attitude wasn't wearing off on her.

Out here, in the middle of nowhere with no competition in sight, Lilah felt beautiful. She dressed in skimpy clothes, if she dressed at all. Her confidence was at an all-time high, and her sexuality seemed to have blossomed overnight. Just a look from Trevor or Rick and she'd grow wet and willing.

She'd been taken in just about every position possible by them both. Just remembering how tenderly Rick had taken her ass again the other night made her flush, and she focused on his arm, not meeting his gaze. She was still sore, but God, she wanted another go with him. And more, she wanted to see him take Trevor. Satyr's Myst 77

A glance across the pool showed Trevor's arms behind his head as he lay on a lounger clad in sunglasses, short trunks, and a layer of sunscreen while he baked under the tropical sun. They all remained poolside, the perfection of the day impossible to ignore.

The air was cooling, the water warm and inviting, and the clear sky reflected the natural beauty of Rick's incredibly blue eyes.

“-- Lilah, have you heard a word I've said?” He grinned, and she leaned down to kiss him.

Breathless, she broke the kiss and sat next to him in the lounge chair. “No.”

He laughed and faced her, taking her hand in his. “I asked about your life at home. We've talked briefly about the world beyond Satyr's Myst, but I'm very curious. Why did you become a physical therapist in the first place?”

Lilah stared down at their joined hands, bemused by the familiar heat of Rick's large palm. She'd never known anyone like him. There was something so incredibly sensual about everything he did. He seduced by merely breathing. “I like helping people, always have. I didn't have the patience to go through med school, though my parents still tell me I have the brains for it. I like a hands-on approach better.”

“Me too,” Trevor added in a gravelly voice. Apparently, the big lug wasn't asleep behind those shades after all. He shifted, and his biceps flexed.

She sighed.

“He makes for some interesting eye candy, doesn't he, especially when we know he's still got that plug up his ass?” Rick murmured before raising her hand to kiss her palm. After that first time, Rick had insisted Lilah continue to prepare Trevor for the anal penetration he planned, one day, to give him. Or so he'd whispered to Lilah. She didn't think Trevor knew Rick planned to take his ass, just that Rick liked for Lilah to sexually torture him, making him walk around during the day with a plug in his ass. 78 Marie Harte

“So you like helping people, and you're good at it,” Rick continued in a louder voice. “We've established that you work for a doctor's office at home in Pennsylvania. But I'm still confused as to why you won't tell me who sent you, or even your last name.”

Because I don't want you to hear the name Tanner and back away. I don't want you to compare me to your precious memories of Elise and find me so inadequate by comparison. Lilah shrugged prettily. “I like an air of mystery, what can I say? You have so many gorgeous, naked, and sexual people at your every beck and call. I want to be different,” she teased. “I don't want you to forget me so soon once I'm gone.”

Rick didn't smile. In fact, his lips thinned. “I won't forget you, Lilah.”

Trevor sat up. “Nobody's going anywhere anytime soon. Not with a nut stalking Rick. I talked to Tyrone, and he said the other guy is still on the loose. They thought they'd had him, but they lost him again. He could be anywhere on the island.”

“Great, just what I wanted to hear.” Rick shook his head.

“Right, well.” She felt uncomfortable at thoughts of leaving. Sadness lingered, and she worked to break the unwelcome feeling. Lilah had always been one to live in the moment, and she didn't intend to taint however long she had left of this wonderful vacation by dreading what tomorrow would bring. “Maybe you can answer me a question.”

“Shoot.” Rick reclined back in the lounger, half-sitting, and positioned her on top of him, her back to his front. He hugged her tight, and she caught the unmistakable sign of his arousal pressing against her ass.

“Why Satyr's Myst? Inheriting all that money, you could have focused more on other business concerns. So why buy a private island in the Caribbean and turn it into a sex resort?”

“Good question.” Trevor stood and walked around the pool, sitting in the lounger next to them. “Spill it, Rick. Why'd you set this place up?” Satyr's Myst 79

“Because I needed somewhere to be me.” Rick caressed Lilah's belly with soft strokes, as if absentmindedly touching her while he sought more of his answer. But Lilah couldn't help focusing on his hands, and she noticed Trevor's gaze caught there too.

“I've always been the odd man out.” Rick nuzzled her cheek and laughed. “I can see my being odd doesn't seem to surprise either one of you. As a child I was drawn to Roman antiques and history. Reveled in the mythology surrounding the gods and their licentious behavior. I wanted to be Bacchus so badly. He's the god of wine and debauchery, by the way.”

“Figures,” Trevor said with a smile.

“As a teenager I thought about sex all the time. And I thought about it with women and men. Even then I knew I was attracted to both genders. And it never bothered me, except that I had to keep it hidden. I didn't feel ashamed of my needs, but I knew to fit in I had to keep my sexuality private. I mean, it's one thing to be gay. It's not really a plus, but at least you're making a statement about who you are. But most people don't understand bisexuality. They think you're playing at being gay or straight, and it's like you get less respect because you're `indecisive.'”

Trevor nodded, and Lilah thought about it. She'd never met anyone who liked both men and women before. Here, with Rick and Trevor, the situation felt natural. Neither man acted freakish or ultra-feminine or masculine. They simply acted themselves. But how would their situation look on the outside? Hell, she had enough of a hard time admitting to wanting two men at once. What would her prudish cousin and family think if they knew what she'd done?

She colored.

Rick continued. “Most people can't accept it. And God forbid you want two partners at once. You're labeled `a freak,' `a nympho,' and `a pervert.'”

“I have a thing for perverts,” Trevor said with a wink. 80 Marie Harte

“That's because you are one,” Rick said, and she could imagine him smiling. His hands made larger circles on Lilah's belly, and he shifted beneath her, his cock steel-hard. “I like sex, and I make no bones about it. For a long time I just wanted to be accepted for who I am. Not because of my money or my name. But for me.”

Lilah wanted so badly to ask about Elise at that moment but knew she had no business prying into that quagmire.

“So I built this club where I could be free to live as I see fit. And others with similar needs can join me here, indulge in fantasies without judgment and without consequence. That's why I'm such a stickler for safe sex. No chance of pregnancies or disease, and you're free to revel in pleasure from the day you arrive until the day you leave.”

“But you're around sex all the time.” Lilah chewed her lip and stopped Rick's roving hands with her own. “Don't you get tired of it?”

“Yes.” Rick sighed and pushed his hands through hers, petting her again. “You have the sexiest belly I've ever touched. Let me.”

“Yeah, let him. It's turning me on,” Trevor added. “Great abs. You could bounce a damned brick off them,” he said in a gritty voice, his erection prominent as he spread his thighs and stared at her.

“You two are going to give me a complex,” she grumbled, pleased yet discomfited with their constant praise. Yet she couldn't accuse them of lying to her. Their constant arousal and need to touch her spoke differently. “So, Rick” -- she tried to refocus -- “if you're tired of it, why are you still here? You have enough money to go anywhere and do anything you want.”

She felt him shrug behind her. “I don't know. For so long this has been home. And I'm a bit out of touch with reality, I admit.” He quieted, and she waited, sensing he was about to tell them something important. “A few years ago I fell in love with someone. I thought she was the one I'd been waiting for my whole life. But it didn't work out.”

“That sucks.” Trevor shook his head. Satyr's Myst 81

“Yeah. But you know, now when I look back on my time with her, I can see we would never have worked.”

“Why not?” Lilah could clearly see pretty Elise next to gorgeous Rick. She was slight, he was built. She was exotic and dark-haired, Rick had golden blond hair and the face of a wicked angel. And she could admit she genuinely liked them both.

“Because I needed more than Elise could give me. I need a woman…and a man.”

Trevor's gaze zeroed in on Rick's face, and Lilah could feel the intensity growing between the three of them.

“I've played around a lot. I admit it,” Rick said quietly. “But I want love and affection the same as anybody else. I just happen to need it from two people, not just one.”

“Oh, and, er, Elise couldn't handle that?” Lilah knew the answer, but perversely wanted to hear him say it.

Rick sat up straighter and turned her face to meet his. “I didn't ask her back then, because I didn't know. But no, I don't think she would have been able to handle it if she couldn't even handle a monogamous relationship. Could you?”

Lilah stared at him and pondered the answer to the question she'd been asking herself since she'd first engaged both Rick and Trevor at the same time. Could she? Did she have it in her to flaunt convention and live with two men so different from each other and herself? A hypothetical query, surely, but she had never been one to settle for anything less than the truth.

“I could…if my partners truly loved me. If I found two people I connected with, on every level, I wouldn't let common prejudices stop me.”

Rick's intense blue eyes flared with heat, and he smiled. “Good answer.” He looked as if he'd kiss her, but instead he settled back down and pulled her against him again, those damned hands of him dancing over her stomach. 82 Marie Harte

She faced Trevor with what probably appeared to be an expression of frustration. Trevor looked at her in silence, his eyes impossible to read behind those black glasses.

“What about you, Trevor?” she asked boldly. She and Rick had bared their souls. It was his turn.

“That's not an easy question.” He folded his hands over his lap, and she lamented her blocked view. “The family I grew up in, my friends and coworkers, well, they're all pretty conservative. I spent a lot of time in the police department, and gays aren't that accepted, though the force is starting to come around, slowly. I don't know that any of my friends could handle a bisexual, let alone a guy engaged in an ongoing threesome.”

Lilah felt for him, yet the Trevor she'd come to know seemed so much stronger than that. “So you'd let your friends and family dictate your actions?” Rick felt tense beneath her, and she realized it was more than sexual frustration filling him. He needed to hear the “right” answer from Trevor as well.

“No. I didn't say that. I just said it wasn't an easy question.” He exhaled heavily and took off his glasses, and Lilah clearly saw the turmoil in eyes so dark they looked black. “I've never been with a man before Rick.” He frowned, and she knew how uncomfortable the conversation must be for him. Yet he pursued it anyway. “And the women I've been with, frankly, weren't all that satisfying. But you, Lilah, you're special.” Trevor cleared his throat. “And so are you, Rick.”

Rick's hands stilled over Lilah.

“Which is why I'm really getting tired of all this.” Trevor stood suddenly, and Lilah worried. He was tired “of all this”? What the hell did that mean? He wanted off the island? He didn't like sharing her, or was it Rick he didn't like sharing? Or was the whole idea of a threesome too hard for him?

“I don't understand.” Rick shifted under her again, and Trevor began pacing, the ridge in his trunks stiffly at attention. Satyr's Myst 83

Trevor cursed and mumbled under his breath, then returned to stare down at Rick, his gaze hot. “For the past two weeks, we've spent an incredible time together. All of us, or at least, you and Lilah, or me and Lilah. But not you and me, Rick, not since that night. You had your hands all over me. But for the past week you've been distant. I mean, hell.” Trevor thrust a hand through his hair and swore again. “Don't get me wrong. I love Lilah. Honey, you're hotter than hell. And every time I go down on you, I about come in my shorts. But I thought the idea of a threesome, at least my idea of a threesome, was that it went all the way.”

Lilah heard what he didn't say, and she understood. Trevor -- huge, growling, and surprisingly shy Trevor -- wanted Rick. She'd wondered herself why Rick hadn't pursued Trevor after that first day, or hell, after the mind-blowing time in the tree house. But she'd been so consumed with the attention they'd focused on her that she'd put it to the back of her mind. Now that Trevor mentioned it, however, she wanted to know Rick's answer.

She tried to sit up, but Rick held her firmly against him. “Rick?”

He shocked her by shoving his hands under her bikini bottom. He began caressing her, sliding his fingers through her damp slit. “Finally. I've been waiting a long time to hear you admit you want me.”

Trevor looked dumbfounded, his gaze alternating between Lilah's groin and Rick's face. “Are you kidding me?” He ripped his shorts off and stared at the pair of them, his cock impossibly large and wet with arousal. “Does this look like I don't want you?”

“I don't know.” Rick's silky answer and heavenly touch caused shivers to run up and down Lilah's spine. Good lord, but she was close to coming. “You don't touch me, only Lilah. You've yet to suck me off, to even come close to my ass since that first day the three of us were together. What am I to think?”

Rick took his other hand and unlaced Lilah's top, exposing her breasts. He pinched a nipple while his fingers closed around her clit, and Lilah arched against him. 84 Marie Harte

“Quit teasing me, Rick, and be straight with him.” She was panting. She couldn't help it. Having Rick touch her while Trevor watched aroused her to no end. She could only think of one thing she wanted more…for Rick and Trevor to fuck while she watched.

“Straight?” He chuckled, but his voice was strained. “I'm anything but. Now, Trevor, if you're serious about wanting what I want, come here.”

Trevor clenched his jaw as he stared down at them with a raging glare.

“I know you have trouble submitting,” Rick said as he moved his clever fingers from Lilah's sex to the ties at the sides of her bikini bottom holding it in place. “So I'm trying to go easy on you. But it hasn't been easy for me, either. I want you, Trevor. To fuck you while sexy little Lilah watches and touches herself. To have you eat her sweet pussy while I fuck her, and then have that tongue of yours lick all of me as well.”

Trevor groaned. “That's closer, but not what I --”

“You what?” Rick untied and ripped away her bikini bottom. Her top followed. Then his hand was back between her legs as he spread her wide. “Tell me.”

“Shit.” Trevor closed the distance between them and knelt between Lilah's thighs, his arms braced on the sides of the lounger. “I'm so fucking hard it hurts. Damn it, Rick. I want you to fuck me. I want to know what it feels like to belong to Lilah and you.”

His cheeks turned an attractive shade of red, and Lilah smiled up at him. “Hard to say, wasn't it?”

“Like you wouldn't believe,” he muttered and lowered his face toward her pussy.

Rick chuckled. “Oh, I think I have an idea of how hard it was.” He ground his cock against her ass. “And I think you're finally ready.” He took his finger out of Lilah and paused. “Is this going to work with you, honey?”

“Hell, yes. I've been waiting for two weeks to watch you two go at it. Not that I don't appreciate what you guys do to me.” She moaned when Rick kissed her neck.

“Perfect, then. Trevor, you're on board with this?” Satyr's Myst 85

Trevor's eyes shifted to Rick's, and he nodded.

“If at any time you want to stop, tell me.”

“I won't,” Trevor answered in a thick voice. “Trust me on that.”

Rick's breath hitched. “You think it's been hard for you; it's been just as difficult for me. If it weren't for Lilah, I'd have gone insane. So she definitely deserves a reward, don't you think?”

“Oh, yeah.” Trevor focused greedy eyes on her mound.

Rick shoved a thick finger into her again and withdrew it. “Suck it off,” he ordered Trevor.

Trevor leaned forward and took Rick's finger in his mouth. The pleasure on his face made Lilah desire him even more, if that were possible. And Rick's soft groan made their play even better.

“I can't wait to have those lips around my cock,” Rick rasped. “We'll have to see if you can match Lilah in that department.”

“Mmm.” Trevor's mouth looked incredibly erotic as he sucked.

“Now put your mouth back over Lilah's plump little clit.”

Trevor did just that, and Lilah couldn't help grinding into his face. Trevor had an incredible touch. The pressure within her continued to build as he applied tongue and teeth, forcing her nub to spasm with greed. But she felt so empty inside. She wanted to come with one of them in her.

To her relief, her wish was soon granted. Rick reached beneath her and unzipped his shorts while Trevor kept his mouth glued to her body. And then something hard and hot prodded her ass.

“Spread her,” Rick rasped and angled his cock between her legs. To Lilah's surprise, Trevor let her go and pushed her higher up on Rick's body. He pulled Rick's cock out so that 86 Marie Harte

it stood straight and stiff between her thighs. And then he took the huge thing all the way into his mouth.

Rick cursed and shoved hard up under her. And Lilah chuckled, amused by Trevor's refusal to obey Rick's rules.

“Dammit, Trevor.” Rick groaned as Trevor swallowed him balls deep. And then Trevor's mouth returned to her. His mouth settled over her clit again while he positioned her with strong hands, working Rick's cock into her pussy.

Rick gripped her hips and began fucking her. Trevor continued to eat her, but every now and again he left her to suckle Rick's balls. And Rick surged harder into her every time.

“Christ, I can't hold it any longer.” He groaned and nipped her neck.

“Let it go,” Trevor rumbled and returned to Lilah's clit. “Both of you. Come for me.”

Lilah wanted to wait but couldn't. She exploded as Trevor sucked her harder, and soon she felt Rick tense as well.

“Yes, yes,” he moaned as he came inside her. His orgasm lasted a while, and Trevor and Lilah rode it out with him until he was spent.

When Lilah finally relaxed, she felt on fire. In the hot sun, with Rick underneath her and Trevor covering the lower half of her body, she needed to cool down.

“I need some air.”

Trevor grinned up at her and licked his lips, taking the remaining evidence of her passion into his mouth. “You taste like honey. So sweet and addicting. I'm going to need more soon.”

He stood, and his cock bobbed with need. He was wet, fluid dripping down his slit.

“We'll take care of you in a minute,” Rick said as he gently pushed Lilah up. He stood with her and shook his head. “I need a breather. All the blood's gone from my head.”

Trevor chuckled, but he sounded strained. “I know.” Satyr's Myst 87

“You're in for it now, Trevor.” Rick smiled, and the sheer carnality of his grin went straight to Lilah's sex. As if she hadn't just climaxed into oblivion, she found her tired body gearing up for another go-round. “Wait here.” Rick took Lilah with him toward the showerhead mounted to the outside of the house just a few feet away. They stepped under the blast in full view of the pool and Trevor, and Rick proceeded to gently wash her all over with a bar of coconut soap.

“You're so good for me,” Rick murmured as he cleaned her. He pushed her hands away when she tried to help. “You're so good for us.” He kissed her. “Do you think you can handle me taking Trevor?”

“Why wouldn't I?” He had to be joking.

“It's just… I'm a very sexual man, Lilah. And sometimes the things that I want can make others, well, uncomfortable.”

Stupid Elise. “Look, Rick. I appreciate the warnings. But I'm a big girl. I've had sex with two men at once, you know,” she teased. “And I've been waiting for you to take Trevor for as long as he has. I think it'll be really, really hot.”

Rick's blond brows rose. “You're not just saying that.”

“Hell, no. I don't know why you're so hesitant about him, but I think you need to put your doubts aside and go for it. I want to see you guys together. And I know Trevor does. He has a hard-on anytime you walk into the room.”

“I thought that was because of you.”

“Well, I do have a great body.” She put her hands on her hips and flirted.

“And a great mind, heart, and soul.” Rick kissed her with so much tenderness her eyes welled. How a man could be so incredibly sexual and so emotional as well boggled the mind. Oh, crap. She was totally falling in love with him. Ordinary Lilah had a major case of the sweets on Rick Hastings. 88 Marie Harte

“Now don't take this the wrong way,” Rick said in a low voice as he shut off the shower and patted her dry with a nearby towel. “But I'm not taking any shit from you about this.”


He finished drying her and then himself. “I'm keeping you, you and that stubborn jackass over there trying to cool his raging hard-on. You're mine, Lilah. And you need to start thinking of yourself as mine. Because when I want something, I don't stop until I get it.”

He walked toward Trevor, leaving her standing after him, her mouth agape.

Had he really just said what she thought he'd said? And what did “mine” mean? His for today, tomorrow, next month? Exclusively, or to share with Trevor? To stay on the island with him, or just to visit every now and then as no more than his sexual partner? To --

“Lilah, today.” Rick grinned at her and held out a hand. “I don't think Trevor's going to keep much longer.” Trevor groaned but moved when Rick pushed him toward the open doorway into the house. When she reached Rick's side, he curled a hand around her waist and added in a low voice, “Remember, we're keeping Trevor too. So think about that while you're at it. When I said threesome before, I meant it.”

Lilah felt as if she walked on air. Ecstatic at the thought of never having to leave Rick or Trevor again, it took a few moments for reality to come crashing down on her. Problems began intruding on her idyllic future.

One, she was a damned good physical therapist and didn't see how she could make that happen on this secluded island that catered to sex, not therapy. Two, she'd never told Rick about her connection to Elise. He'd blow his top when he heard Lilah's last name. Three, Rick was talking about a threesome like it was an everyday occurrence. How the hell would she explain her boyfriends -- plural -- to her parents? Golden Girl Elise hadn't been able to mention Rick. How the hell would misfit Lilah work her lovers into conversations during the holidays? And would she even be home for holidays? Would Rick want them to live here with him? How permanent was he thinking? More, would Trevor be keen on the idea? Satyr's Myst 89

She started when Rick sat her down in a chair directly in front of his bed in his bedroom.

“You're thinking too hard. Relax.” He kissed her breathless and nuzzled her neck. “I love you, Lilah Tanner. The rest is up to you.” 90 Marie Harte

Chapter Seven

Trevor didn't know what the hell Rick had said to Lilah, but her open mouth and wide-eyed stare concerned him. He was about to go to her when Rick stopped him.

“Get on your hands and knees in the middle of that bed, sideways, so Lilah can see what I'm doing to you. And don't fuck it up.” The harsh command jolted Trevor, and he looked at Rick with new respect. This side of his lover he'd seen briefly before, and he'd missed it. Or should he say, oon-to-be lover? Though he'd touched Rick and had, at most, kissed and licked his flesh, they hadn't shared much contact between them recently.

At first Trevor had been relieved. He'd had his hands full keeping alert for the criminal bent on harming Rick. And the distraction Rick presented wore at him daily. Desire made it difficult to do his job, but Trevor kept an eye on the security feeds and the grounds around the place, and he maintained a daily contact with Tyrone. So at least Trevor could rest on one front. He wasn't a complete wash-out when it came to doing his job. Hell, after the mess Ethan had landed him in by sending him here, he figured his brother owed him a raise. And yet…without Ethan and Elise's interference, Trevor would be that much further from self-discovery, a journey he'd very much needed to find his future -- with Rick and Lilah. He'd s Satyr's Myst 91

taken a huge step by participating in sex near another naked man. They'd shared the same woman. Yet the focus had remained on Lilah.

And Trevor could finally acknowledge to himself that wasn't enough. When Rick had admitted to loving and losing Elise, Trevor knew it was time he owned up to the truth too. Much as he wanted to pretend otherwise, he needed Rick's help to show him who he really was. Trevor liked women. And he liked men. Sexually.

Saying it to himself only grew easier the more time he spent with the two people who seemed to accept all of him. Lord knew Lilah had listened with more than her ears, but with her soft heart as well, while they'd teased and shared their lives with each other the past two weeks. She seemed to understand how difficult his leaving the force had been. Rick had simply sat in silence, absorbing but not committing himself to an opinion either way. And that silence had made it difficult for Trevor to ask Rick for what he wanted. But no more.

“I said, get on the damn bed.” Rick's voice lowered, and an almost animal intensity glowed in his bright blue eyes.

Trevor found himself moving quickly to obey the command in that voice. A glance at Lilah showed her as intrigued by Rick's ferocity as Trevor. He liked this part of Rick…a lot. His cock stiffened and seeped with cum. He'd wanted so badly to fuck Lilah earlier. As much as he wanted to shove his dick in Rick's hard and now unsmiling mouth.

Groaning, Trevor bowed his head and stared at the soft cotton sheets beneath him. He was going to do it. No more talking about it. No more dancing around the fact that he wanted to be fucked by a man. Trevor was about to engage in sex with Rick Hastings, full-out. And this was more than simple experimentation. Rick was not just any man, but the one Trevor couldn't stop himself from falling for. Yep, he'd landed in a big pile of L-O-V-E.

At the thought, he groaned and exhaled in exultant relief. Well, hell. He'd finally admitted it. Trevor glanced at Lilah, the other person to whom he'd lost his heart. The fantasies he'd lived with his entire life, of intimacies with a woman and a man, coalesced into 92 Marie Harte

a desire for a future promising the same. But it was so much more than the physical -- not that the physical could be ignored. Hell, Trevor had never before come so hard so much in such a short span of time. Sex with Lilah had ruined him for any other woman. He could no longer look at her and see anything but beauty and grace with a winsome smile.

And Rick obviously added to the experience. The occasional passing touch, the scent of him on Lilah, and on Trevor, at times, increased Trevor's ardor during love play until he was spewing uncontrollably. For a large man, Trevor possessed his fair share of dominance. But for all that Rick lacked his considerable bulk, Rick was by no means small or weak. And the aggression he now displayed, to Trevor, was a huge turn-on.

A hand slapped his ass, hard, and he sucked in a breath. Rick joined him on the bed, kneeling behind him, and slowly withdrew the plug that had been driving Trevor insane all day.

“The next time I give you an order, you do it without having to be told twice.” Rick slapped him again, but this time rubbed his ass when he was done.

Heat built, and Trevor wanted to lean into Rick's touch.

“Spread your knees.”

Trevor breathed deeply and did so, not surprised when Rick found his sac and began fondling him.

“What do you think, Lilah? Does he want more?” Rick asked in a velvety voice.

A glimpse at her showed Lilah cupping her breasts, her eyes half closed as she watched them.

“Oh, yeah. He wants it. Harder, Rick.” She winked at Trevor and lowered one hand from her breast, down her sexy belly, to her pussy. Dipping a finger inside, she began fingering herself, and the sight only added to Trevor's need. Satyr's Myst 93

Rick leaned over Trevor, putting his cock in direct alignment with Trevor's ass. Nervous, yet incredibly turned on, Trevor couldn't help pushing back, angling the tip of Rick's shaft into his anus.

“Isn't she pretty?” Rick whispered into his ear and bit on his lobe. He thrust his tongue in Trevor's ear and pushed his cockhead deeper into Trevor's ass. The slight intrusion didn't hurt, thanks to Lilah using that plug on him all week, but Rick felt larger than the toys she'd used. Yet Trevor welcomed the discomfort, not surprised when he hardened painfully. Rick slapped the side of his ass with the flat of his hand, and it stung. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

Shit, I'm really doing this, and I want it so badly. “I want you to fuck me.”

“Where? In your ass, or in your mouth?”

Trevor trembled -- desire, anticipation, and nervousness flooding him at once. He'd never before felt both confused and aroused to the point he couldn't speak.

Rick, however, seemed to sense his dilemma. He leaned back and stroked Trevor softly. “It's okay, Trevor. I know what you need. Just relax and take it.” Rick backed away, severing their contact, and Trevor immediately groaned his protest.

“We do it my way, remember?” Rick sounded amused. To Trevor's surprise, however, Rick wasn't done. Oh, no, he was merely getting started. Instead of the cock he'd anticipated, the warm, moist plug tunneling through his ass clearly said this was going to take a while.

Rick deliberately made sure Lilah could see everything he did to Trevor. Though the action didn't involve her direct participation, Rick wanted her to watch. No, not wanted. He needed her to watch. And so did Trevor. Everything they did would be together. Pain and pleasure, fetish and kink, love and affection: all of it would be experienced by the three of them as one. 94 Marie Harte

At present, however, Rick focused on Trevor. The larger man's breathing sped up as Rick pushed the slim dildo all the way into Trevor's ass. Watching the toy disappear until his fingers touched the rim of Trevor's asshole was incredibly erotic, and Rick's erection smacked firmly against his belly as he shifted closer to Trevor.

“How does that feel?” he asked and ran his hand over Trevor's ass to cup his balls.

Trevor rocked into his touch, his moans deepening.

“Lilah didn't touch so deeply before, I'll bet.”

“No,” Trevor rasped and pushed back.

Understanding what Trevor wanted, Rick pulled the dildo out before sliding it back in. Slowly, ever so slowly. And as he did so, he squeezed Trevor's hardening sac with a firm but gentle hand.

“Fuck, Rick. I'm so close.”

Rick frowned. He wanted this first time to be perfect. And that meant Trevor didn't come until Rick had planted himself firmly inside him.

Pulling out the toy, Rick tossed it on the end of the bed, pleased to see Lilah's gaze resting on it. “Soon, love, we'll work it in you.”

She flushed and bit her lip, and Rick clearly recalled how good she'd felt sucking him off with those full, thick lips. Which reminded him…

He scooted around Trevor and knelt before him. As expected, Trevor's gaze rested on Rick's cock, his attention completely focused.

“Look at what you do to me, Trevor.” Rick laced his fingers through Trevor's smooth hair. The color was a dark brown, like the fertile soil in the Northwest. Rich and lustrous, the color magnified the vitality in Trevor's beautiful eyes. “Take me inside your mouth,” Rick murmured, holding his shaft to Trevor's lips.

Trevor licked his bottom lip and opened wide. Rick watched as he slid his dick between Trevor's lips, one slow inch at a time. Satyr's Myst 95

Lilah groaned. “That is so damned sexy.”

Rick gave her a sensual smile as he stroked Trevor's cheek. He felt Trevor's tongue working him, and he pumped his hips, thrusting in small, tight bursts, when what he really wanted to do was fuck Trevor's mouth hard and explode down his throat.

“That's good, love,” Rick said thickly and pulled out, watching as his shaft glistened with his lover's saliva. He pushed back in, torturing himself. Thank God he'd previously spent in Lilah, or he could have done Trevor some serious damage with his violent need, now under control.

Rick let Trevor feel the foreign taste of a man's cock. He even let Trevor move up on his knees to better caress his thighs and balls. And the feel of those large, callused hands felt better than good. The differences between Trevor's rough touch and Lilah's soft one aroused Rick to no end.

“Enough,” he rasped, his tone guttural as he pulled out of Trevor's mouth. “Now I'm going to fuck you.” Rick leaned back and grabbed a tube of lubricant. “Put it on me.”

Trevor rose fully upright, and Rick handed the tube to him. He watched the play of muscles over Trevor's upper body as the large man took the cream and smoothed it over Rick's cock. Rick sucked in a breath as Trevor gave him an incredible handjob.

“I want to watch you come,” Trevor growled, his eyes black with lust. “I want to fuck you too, Rick. To shoot inside you. Your mouth, your ass. I want to see my cum on your skin.” Trevor groaned and tightened his hand on Rick's cock. “God, I want to feel you inside me more than anything. I'm so fucking hard right now.”

Rick smiled, warmth unfurling at the utter need rocking Trevor's world. “I'm going to ease you soon enough.” Rick deliberately trailed his hand over Trevor's abdomen toward his groin. Closing his hand around Trevor's shaft, he measured the impressive thickness and whistled. “And I'm going to enjoy taking you inside me.” Rick glanced over his shoulder. “Maybe you can fuck me while I'm eating Lilah's pussy later.” 96 Marie Harte

Lilah, to Rick's delight, looked very near climax. Her hand was busy between her legs, her breasts were swollen, her nipples thick and pink. And her luscious mouth was parted as she panted in time with their lusty breaths.

“Now, Rick.” Trevor turned away from Lilah's sexy frame, sounding desperate. “Fuck me now.”

Rick moved behind Trevor and pushed him back to his hands and knees. Surprised to find himself shaking with anticipation, Rick guided his slick shaft between Trevor's buttocks. The small hole closed around him as he pushed, and he slowed as he met Trevor's resistance.

“Push against me with your muscles,” he rasped, clenching Trevor's tight ass, his fingers locked on Trevor's hips. “It'll hurt before it feels good.”

Trevor panted as Rick pushed forward. And then the pressure seemed to ease and Rick smoothly moved forward. Trevor groaned, with both pain and pleasure, Rick thought, until Rick stopped, unable to push further. His balls rested against Trevor's, and the erotic notion made his breath hitch.

“All right?” he asked in a husky voice.

“No. Yes,” Trevor moaned. “I need more, but you're big, and it burns. God, this feels good.”

Rick chuckled, and after a moment, pulled out slowly. He didn't completely withdraw, but pushed back in instead. A few more times with a deliberate, gradual pacing until Trevor met him thrust for thrust. And then the dam broke. Rick fucked Trevor harder and harder, grunting when he heard Lilah cry out her climax.

Trevor groaned as he took the pounding, his body shaking as he, too, sought fulfillment.

Close to coming, Rick forced himself to slow down and reached around Trevor's waist. He found what he sought and closed his hand around Trevor's weeping cock. Satyr's Myst 97

“God, yes,” Trevor hissed and thrust hard through Rick's fingers. The action pulled Rick along with him, and together they rode toward the bliss just over the edge of desire.

Trevor's hoarse shout accompanied the burst of cream spilling from his cock. And the feel of that hot, wet cum sent Rick over as well. He reluctantly released Trevor and brought his hand to his lips, needing to taste his lover's passion.

“You taste so good,” he breathed and continued to pound into Trevor, unable to stop. In just a few thrusts he came, his orgasm bursting over him like a rainbow of feeling.

The climax took him into a place where scent, sound, and touch ruled, and Rick knew he'd never forget this special time. Soft hands stroked his ass and back, and he realized Lilah had joined them.

“You two could make a fortune in film,” she quipped as she stared at them. Her eyes were glassy, and Rick realized she'd been crying.

“Lilah?” He sounded gruff, his voice still thick with arousal.

“I'm sorry. It's just that this was so beautiful. I probably sound stupid. It was just sex, I know. But --”

“It was more than just sex,” Trevor interrupted, his voice deeper than Rick's. “At least, it was for me.”

Rick refused to let Trevor pull away and kept them joined with his hands on Trevor's hips. “Don't move.” He moaned as he twisted his hips and pushed his dick forward again, reveling in Trevor's heat. “That was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. Equaled only to my first time with Lilah.”

Lilah flushed with pleasure.

“And like I told Lilah earlier, I don't want any shit from you, either. I'm keeping you, Trevor. You and Lilah.”

Trevor stilled, and Rick reluctantly withdrew. The sight of his cum over Trevor's ass rallied his flagging cock. 98 Marie Harte

“Now that is sexy,” he murmured, and Lilah nodded. “My cum over Trevor. I like.”

“Me too,” Lilah whispered and stroked Trevor's shoulder. “I'm sorry, Trevor. But what Rick said is true. He's keeping us. And there's nothing you can do about it.”

Trevor turned to face them as he sat on the bed and winced. “Damn. I've been truly reamed, haven't I?”

“By the best,” Rick joked, but he watched Trevor with all due seriousness.

“So you want to keep me?” Trevor's gaze narrowed, and Rick heard Lilah sigh. Trust Trevor to be difficult. “What the hell does that mean?”

Rick opened his mouth to reply, but Lilah beat him to it. She crossed her arms over her glorious breasts and glared at Trevor. “He loves you, you idiot. And so do I. So he wants to keep you with him. Somewhere.” She shrugged at Rick. “I'm not sure about the details. But I know I want you and Rick in my life. It may not make sense to either one of you. And you might regret ever setting eyes on me once we're back in the real world.” With other, prettier women, Rick could almost hear her think. “But I want to try to make us work. This isn't about what other people think right now, Trevor, but what you think.”

Rick couldn't have put it better himself, all except for that part about Lilah talking about regrets. He and Trevor would have to work on her ego. The woman was the most beautiful soul he'd ever seen, and in time, she'd realize life was about more than surface beauty; it was about what lay within.

“Well?” Rick forced himself to sound calm, while inwardly, he was a mass of nerves. Never before had anyone's opinion mattered so much. Not even Elise's. Trevor had to feel the same way about them. Because Rick refused to take no for an answer.

“Well… I'll have to think about it.” Trevor suddenly wore a poker face that could have won millions. “We've got plenty of time, after all. With your attacker on the loose, none of us are going anywhere.” Satyr's Myst 99

Attacker on the loose. Rick flushed as his deceit slapped him in the face. Tyrone had told him last week that his assailants had all been captured, but in his haste to cement ties with Lilah and Trevor, he'd conveniently forgotten to share that detail.

“Not good enough, Trevor.” Lilah stepped forward and leaned into Trevor's face. She kissed him full on the mouth and accepted the strong hug he gave her. He pulled her into his lap, and she settled comfortably. “Tell us what you think.”

Trevor exhaled loudly and rested his chin on top of Lilah's head. “What I think?”

Yes! Rick glared at Trevor, no longer as affable as he'd been. The wait was killing him, and by the twinkle in Trevor's eye, he knew it.

“I think you, Lilah, are definitely worth keeping. But Rick…” He eyed Rick up and down, resting his gaze thoughtfully on Rick's face. “Rick is too pretty for his own good. With all the temptation here, I don't think I could compete.” Trevor shrugged. “I just don't think I could live here and be happy if something permanent is what you're after.”

Rick's load lightened. “Then I'll move.”

Both Trevor and Lilah blinked up at him.

“What?” Lilah stared in awe. “You'd move from paradise…for Trevor?”

“No. For both of you. Hell, for us.” Rick surprised them all with his offer, yet as he pondered the notion, he knew it was the right thing to do. “I'll still own the resort, so we could return whenever we wanted. My work is flexible. I own businesses and invest all over the place in the States. But you two have a vested interest in your jobs. I get that. If we compromise, I think we can have it all.”

Trevor's stare all but burned a hole in his head. “You mean it?”

“I just said that, didn't I?” A sudden thought occurred to Rick. “You aren't going to get all macho about income, are you? I inherited more money than I can spend in a lifetime. But with Lilah's and your help, maybe we can do some good with it. I was thinking of opening up a clinic stateside to help people. Especially after suffering from this shoulder.” He rotated 100 Marie Harte

his shoulder, aware it felt much better after a few sessions with Lilah. “I'll probably need someone to run the place.” He stared at Lilah, who turned pink with pleasure.

“I don't know, Rick. This is all a little fast.” She bit her lip, and he wanted to kiss it better. “What if this doesn't work between us? Then I'll not only be heartbroken, but also out of a job.”

It was Trevor who soothed her worries. He tightened his arms around her and smiled up at Rick. “So you keep the job you have until you feel comfortable enough to leave it, that's if you even want to. Honey, take it from me. You can't let fear rule your future, or you'll never be happy. Do you love Rick?”

She nodded.

“Do you love me?”

Rick thought Trevor might have caught his breath, but when Lilah nodded again, the joy in Trevor's gaze washed away any sign of fear. “Then we'll work on the rest. Trust will come the longer we're together.” He cleared his throat. “I don't have to tell you that all of this is new to me. Hell, I don't know how I'm going to introduce you two at parties.”

Lilah laughed, nodding. And Rick grinned.

“But I trust Rick to help us get used to this lifestyle. And I know there's no one else I want to spend my life with than you guys. It sounds crazy. We just met. But it feels right.”

“I know.” Lilah's smile was blinding.

“It won't be easy,” Rick warned, hating to cast gloom and doom over their new joy. But after Elise, he didn't want false promises to be their foundation.

“But nothing worth having ever is.” Lilah surprised him with her wise words.

They remained silent a moment before Rick left for the bathroom. He returned with several warm, soapy cloths and towels, and they cleaned up with little fuss. After disposing of the linens, Rick joined them on the bed. Trevor took his hand, and they sat together comfortably. Satyr's Myst 101

“Um, Rick?” Trevor broke the quiet. “There's something you should know.” He shared a glance with Lilah, who nodded. “We were sent here by Elise. Elise Tanner.”

“I know. I weaseled the details from Tyrone a few days ago.”

“You called me Lilah Tanner,” Lilah said, her eyes wide. “I was so surprised when you said you'd loved me, I didn't realize you'd used my full name. But you know who I am.” Funny, but she looked more relieved than upset.

Trevor sighed. “And if you talked to Tyrone, then you probably also know they finally caught all the assholes harassing you. You're in the clear and have been since Wednesday.” At Rick's raised brow, Trevor scowled. “Look, I never wanted to lie to you, but Tyrone made it sound like you were one huge pain in the ass out to get himself killed, and that by keeping quiet, I was keeping you safe.”

“Yeah, Elise said the same thing,” Lilah offered hesitantly. “But if it makes you feel any better, my job was only to come here and distract you by being my annoying self. I doubt Elise ever intended for me to fall in love with you. She's too busy mooning over you when no one's looking,” Lilah added, annoyance washing her tone.

Rick smiled, pleased at her possessiveness. “After I persuaded Tyrone to confess what he knew, I made a call to your annoying cousin.”

Lilah perked at his description.

“She's always been overly dramatic. And now that we're no longer together, I confess it's hard for me to see what kept us together for so long.” He stroked a hand down Lilah's firm belly. “Now that I have you, Lilah, and Trevor, I won't want for affection again.” He stared at Trevor. “Ethan doesn't mind, by the way. I called him after Elise. Cleaning house, so to speak.”

Trevor flushed. “You told Ethan?”

“That I was in love with you. Yes.”

Trevor swallowed loudly. “You love me?” 102 Marie Harte

Rick rolled his eyes. “What do you think this is all about? If all I'd wanted from you two was sex, I could have announced you were no longer needed, fucked you back at the resort, and sent you home.” He spoke over Trevor's growl and Lilah's angered gasp. “But I feel for you two. I love you; aren't you hearing me?”

“I guess so,” Lilah grumbled. Then she frowned at Trevor. “But while we're on the subject, I don't remember you saying the magic words, Trevor.”

He flushed. “Do I really have to? Isn't it obvious? For a guy like me to be with you, Lilah, and Rick?” He stared hard at Rick, and Rick would have given a cool million to know what went through Trevor's hard head. “You know, the more I wonder, the more I don't think I'm bi.”

“What?” Rick scowled.

“Well, I've always been into women. Never men. There was always this fantasy I had of sex with both a man and a woman, but the man was always faceless…until you.”

“So you didn't even think Tyrone was hot?” Lilah blushed at the look Rick gave her. “What? He's as good looking as both of you. Sue me for being honest.”

“No,” Trevor answered firmly. “I can honestly say that Rick's the one I've been looking for. Rick and you, Lilah.” Trevor cleared his throat, his heart in his eyes. “I love you two. More than I'd ever thought possible. It won't be easy for me to share this part of myself with others, but to keep you two in my life, I'll do whatever it takes.”

Rick grinned, finally freed from that terrible burden of doubt. “I don't think it'll be as hard as you think. It's not like we have to announce our relationship to the world. The people that matter most, our family and friends, they'll either accept us, or they won't. And if what Ethan says is true, all you have to do is give your mother grandbabies, and she'll be happy.”

Rick glanced at Lilah and took her hand in his. “That okay with you, love?”

She rubbed her belly. “Babies? Not yet. But I don't mind trying to make them.” Satyr's Myst 103

Trevor laughed and hugged her tighter. But Rick noted the sudden panic in her gaze.


“This sounds silly. I should just accept this and stop questioning everything.”

“Honey?” Trevor put her from them so that they could both look at her face. “We're all being honest here. What's wrong?”

Her wobbly smile turned upside down as tears filled her eyes. “This is so perfect. So right now. And I used to think that was what I wanted. But I really want this to last. Who's to say we'll still be together a year from now?”

“Lilah --” Rick started.

But Trevor cut him off. “No, say what you really mean, honey. This isn't about the current divorce rate, or about the public tearing us apart. This is about you.”

Rick suddenly understood. “Lilah, you have to let go of your past, the way I'm letting go of Elise, and the way Trevor's starting a new life for himself. We love you for you…and hell, because of your body.” He tried to lighten the mood and grinned when she hiccupped into a laugh. “You're beautiful, baby. Smart, funny, sexy, and so damned beautiful you make my heart ache.”

“Yeah,” Trevor agreed, emotion thickening his voice. “What he said.”

“I'm sorry. I know it's stupid. But you two are so handsome, so damned good-looking, and I'm so --”

“You're Lilah, and that's enough of that sorry bullshit.” Trust Trevor to be as tactful as a raging bull. “Now cut it out, Lilah. It's demeaning to both Rick and me that you think we're so superficial to want a woman based on surface beauty. Yeah, okay, I've fucked a couple of women prettier than you. But I never wanted to live with one of them forever. Never wanted one of them to have my kids.” 104 Marie Harte

Trevor's brusque words were clearly having an effect on Lilah, because where there had been worry, hope now gleamed.

“And Lilah, I would never have given up Satyr's Myst for Elise,” Rick added gently. “But for you, I'd give up my last dollar. I love you, honey. You and Trevor. But you have to believe it to make it real.”

She grinned and tugged them both to her. “I'll believe it. I promise. Just help me if I forget, okay?”

“Deal.” Trevor kissed her solidly on the lips.

“Deal.” Rick kissed her, then took Trevor's mouth as well.

Desire heated anew, and as they stared at each other with joy and awe, the promise of the future in their grasp, love unfolded in scent, sound, and touch.

Hours later, as Lilah snuggled between Rick and Trevor, she twirled a hand in Rick's hair. “Rick?”


Trevor was planting soft, tender kisses over her shoulder.

“Just promise me one thing.”

“Anything, love.”

“Never give up this place. Satyr's Myst will always be that special place where I found love. And my first multiple orgasm. I don't think I could stay away if you paid me.”

Rick laughed and kissed her solidly on the mouth.

“And don't get me started on Tyrone.” She sighed. “He is so incredibly hot.”

Rick swatted her behind. “Have I mentioned yet how much I love instilling discipline?” Satyr's Myst 105

“Yeah, he does,” Trevor grumbled, smiling into her skin. “And have I mentioned how much I'm going to pay you back for slapping me, Rick?”

Rick answered back, and then Trevor smarted off. And as Lilah lay there, she thought she'd never been so happy in her life.

Marie Harte

Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things paranormal and futuristic, but especially all things romance. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with the warmth of first passion and knew writing was her calling. Twenty-three years later, the Marine Corps, a foray through Information Technology, a husband and four kids, and her dream has finally come true. Marie lives in Georgia with her family and loves hearing from readers. To read more about Marie, visit www.marieharte.com and check out her blog at http://www.marieharte.blogspot.com.


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