UNIT 12 –mergers and acquisitions

str 113

JOINT VENTURE-a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together
MBO (MANAGEMENT BUYOUT)- when a company`s top executives buy the company they work for
MERGER- two or more companies joining to form a larger company
TAKEOVER/ACQUISITION- getting contro of company by buing over 50% of its shares
BID- offer money for shares in a company
STAKE-money risked or invested in a company

MAKE A BID- the ​act of taking ​control of a ​company by ​buying enough of its ​shares to do this
LAUNCH A BID-about suggesting an offer- O złożeniu oferty
TARGET A COMPANY- a ​company that another ​company ​wants to ​buy
SET UP A JOINT VENTURE- to make an agreement that allows invest together with other company
MAKE AN ACQUISITION- ​buy something such as a ​company, a ​building, or a ​piece of ​land
REJECT A BID-odrzucenie większości udziałów?
SELL A STAKE- sprzedać udziały

RECONSIDER- to ​think about ​changing a decision or a ​plan
TIE-UP WITH- to ​form a ​relationship with another ​person or ​company that can ​help your ​business ​develop
DITCHED TALKS- reject talking with someone/ get rid of
PROVIDER- a ​company or ​organization that ​sells a particular ​type of ​product or ​service
WORKSPACE- the ​office, ​desk, etc. where someone ​works
CONTRIBUTE- to ​provide ​money or ​support to ​help another ​person, ​company, or ​organization to ​achieve its ​goal
NET ASSET VALUE- the ​total ​value of the ​assets of a ​company after its ​total ​debt has been ​subtracted
STEELMAKER- a ​company that ​produces ​steel (a ​strong metal that is a mixture of ​iron and ​carbon, used for making things that need a ​strong ​structure, especially ​vehicles and ​buildings)
ACQUIRE- to by or take control of sthu


A PIE CHART- wykres kołowy
RAID- an attempt to take ​control of a ​company by ​buying a lot of its ​shares- napad
ECONOMIES OF SCALE- reductions in costs resulting from increased production
DIVERSIFY-adding new and different products or services
MARKET SHARE- a company`s sales expressed as a percentage of the total slaes in market
FEE- money paid to investment banks for work done
CUSTOMER BASE- all the individuals or organizations that regularly or occasionally purchase goods or services from a company
OPTIMUM- best, perfect or ideal (adjective)
SYNERGY- combined production or productivity that is greater than the sum of separate parts
RAIDERS- people or companies that try to buy and sell other companies to make a profit

CONGLOMERATE- large corporations or groups of companies offering a number of different products or services
ASSET STRIPPING- Buying a company in order to sell its most valuable assets at a profit.

MERGE WITH- to ​combine or ​join together, or to ​cause things to do this:
PLANT (&EQUIPMENT)- large ​pieces of ​equipment and ​machinery that are used in ​manufacturing ​processes
TAKEOVER BID- An ​offer or attempt to take ​control of a ​company by ​buying enough of its ​shares to do this, or the ​amount of ​money ​offered
STOCK PRICE=SHARE PRICE- The ​price of a particular company's ​shares
UNDERVALUED- if something is undervalued, it is considered to be less ​valuable or important than it really is
GOODWILL- the ​value to a ​company or ​organization of things that cannot be directly ​measured, for ​example, its good ​reputation or its ​customers' ​loyalty
HOSTILE TAKEOVER- relating to ​situations in which one ​company ​wants to ​buy another ​company whose ​owners do not ​want to ​sell it
HUMAN CAPITAL- ​employees, and all of the ​knowledge, ​skills, ​experience, etc. that they have, which makes them ​valuable to a ​company or ​economy
UNMANAGEABLE- impossible to ​deal with or ​manage
INEFFICIENT- using ​resources such as ​time, ​materials, or ​labour in a way that ​wastes them:
MARKET CAPITALIZATION- the ​total ​value of ​shares in a ​stock ​market or several ​stock ​markets
SPLIT THEM UP- to ​divide or cause to ​divide into two or more ​parts:
LEVERAGED BUYOUTS- an occasion when a ​person or ​group uses ​borrowed ​money to ​buy a ​company


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