action research proposal form new

Research Proposal

Name: Tomasz Andrykowski

Date of submission: Tutor group: CSE2

Action Research Proposal (1250 words? )

Overall feedback from tutor pass / referred

(also see comments provided on the text)

Working Title: Should Prison Officers Be Allowed To Go On Strike?

Number of words

What is the focusof the research?

I would like to find out what’s the view of different groups of people on this case. I want to make sure that all of this research will be with a variety of people with different views as well as from different background for example prison officers, teachers or the public like myself.


Rationale for the research, why is the research important to you as a Future Public Servent?,What are the big ideas and issues the research addresses?(this section needs to be underpinned with references from appropriate sources)

I’m really interested with this question on this case because after my education I would like to become a prison officer so this will be my everyday life. This question for myself is very interesting because I have on my own different views on this case as at one moment I think that yes the prison officers should be able to go on strike but on the other hand I think that this would be unacceptable to happen because prison officers have to be inside the prison taking care of the prisoners as someone has to keep them under control and make sure they are well because although their right to freedom has been taken away, they still have other human rights like right for a clean drinking water, food and care. The prison officers are there for a reason therefore they should not be able to go on strike but on the other hand they do have the right to strike so I’m really unsure on whether they should be able to go on strike or not. This question is very important for me and I believe for many other people especially working in public services like the prison service because it has to be very clear on whether the prison officers should be allowed to go on strike or should they not be allowed to do it as they could have a very big problems if this is not clear for them, for the government and for the public.


What is the aim of the research?

The aim of the research is to find out what people think of this case. I would like this research to help me make a right decision on what I think on this case, whether the prison officers should be allowed to go on strike or should it be banned for them as right now I have mixed feelings and have different thoughts on it.

What are the research questions being asked?

  • Should Prison Officers be allowed to go on strike?


Methodology: what is the methodological approach you will be using and why is this useful to you as a future public servent? (this section needs to be underpinned with references from appropriate sources)

Mostly I will be using the internet to research my topic of whether prison officers should be able to go on strike or not. I will mostly use the internet for my research as its very large and contains loads of useful information’s about many different cases. I’m pretty sure that there were other people before me interested in this same case asking the same question that I have to ask which will be very helpful for me as this will help me to gather more information’s about this case and therefore get a much wider view on what different groups of people think of it. On the internet I can find information’s from many cities and countries therefore I will not have any comments that could be biased making my research and the outcome very reliable. To support my internet research I will also carry out other methods which will be for example interview at least 3 prison officers in the local prison, interview with my public services teacher who used to be a prison officer for couple of years as well as online internet surveys on different social websites.


Data collection methods: explain how you will collect your data. Justify the data collection methods you have selected. (this section needs to be underpinned with references from appropriate sources)

To get the right information’s needed for my research project I will not be able to only get my point of view or of other peple around me as the research have to have a much wider view therefore I will need to collect data and answers as well as points of view of a large group of people from a different background as well as of different age. I will be using a wide selection of methods to collect the relevant information’s that I need to know for my research project. I will need to book an appointment in the nearest prison available with at least 3 different prison officers and I will be interviewing them to see what they think of this case and what do they have to say about this question. I will also interview one of my public services teachers who used to be a prison officer. My last method will be an online survey to collect the different points of view from different people from the internet. I will also carry out a research on the internet to see whether this case have been discussed before and if it was then what were the outcomes of it.


Arrangements, Access and Ethics: Describe what arrangements you have made to carry out your research and for data collection with special reference to any ethical issues you will face or are aware of. (this section needs to be underpinned with references from appropriate sources)

I will need to book an appointment in the HMP Risley Prison which is not far from my house which is a good thing, I will try to arrange at least a 3 meetings with 3 different prison officers to make sure that their point of view is not biased. I will interview them and record all their answers in my notepad for later reference. I will also try to interview one of my public services teacher who is an ex prison officer to see what he thinks about this case, I will also have to create couple of different online surveys over the internet to get the points of views from different people.


Data Analysis: explain how you expect to undertake the analysis of your data? What is the process you will use? Then provide a few bullet points to illustrate what you think will be the main themes to emerge from your analysis at this stage.

First of all I will need to interview the people that I want to interview, collect all the necessary information’s from the internet, books and other sources then I will need to take all the information’s, go over everything again to make sure I have all the important things that I need to include in my research project, make sure that none of my interviews or the information’s that I found are biased or wrote by narrow-minded people. I will then make notes on them, bullet point everything and make sure I have a valid plan of actions on how to start, structure and end my project.


Reflection / self evaluation: explain what you have learnt so far in relation to setting up a piece of research, what have been the challenges and barriers you have faced? What are you looking forward too? What are your concerns at this stage in the process

This is my first research proposal ever therefore I was quite nervous at the start of it but now its much better. When I got told that we will be doing a research project I was not happy at all because I thought that it’s going to be very difficult and not entertaining for me at all. When I started setting up the research project I did not know what question I want to ask in my project, I did not know how to start it and I really was in trouble of doing anything about it. After I thought of the question I want to ask and started to plan what I want to do I thought that it might not be as bad as I thought as I will only be doing the internet research but then my public services teacher told me that it would be very good and beneficial if I could go to any local prison to speak to couple of prison officers, interview them and find out on what they think about this case. At first I thought that I do not want to go to the prison to interview some strangers as I’m sometimes really shy if I don’t know someone therefore I thought that this is not going to happen but then I thought that yeah it will be very beneficial for me as well as for my research project and that I will probably quite enjoy interviewing those prison officers because I’m really interested in prisons and would like to be a prison officers when I finish my education. I’m now really positive about this research project and I hope it will come out great and that I will enjoy it loads.

Word Count




  1. This detailed plan (1250 words) will be assessed formatively by your tutor, but must be achieved in order to complete the full module assessment.

  2. This plan is a summary of your thinking up to this point. You may choose to change elements of your study after you submit the plan.

1 Word Count: 1285


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