date back to sth – pochodzić z jakiegoś okresu, sięgać wstecz
This festival dates back to medieval times.

demand sth from sb – domagać się czegoś od kogoś
Our teacher demands a lot from us.

deny (doing) sth – zaprzeczyć, wypierać się czegoś
He denied murdering the hitchhiker.

depend on sth/ sb – zależeć od czegoś/ polegać na kimś
I know that I can always depend on my best friend.

die of/ from sth – umrzeć z powodu czegoś
Her neighbour died of/ from cancer last year.

differ from sth/ sb – różnić się od czegoś/ kogoś
Your country differs from mine in many ways.

deal with sth – radzić/ poradzić sobie z czymś
Do you think you’ll deal with the issue immediately?

disapprove of sth – nie pochwalać czegoś
I’m sad because my family disapproved of the marriage.

dispose of sth – pozbyć się czegoś
The factory disposed of hazardous waste but they were caught red-handed.

dream about / of sth – śnić/ marzyć o czymś
Last night I dreamt about hitting the jackpot.

excel in/ at sth – być w czymś lepszym od innych
As a child, I excelled at/in table tennis.

experienced in (doing) sth – być doświadczonym w czymś
Mr Taylor is experienced in bookkeeping.

explain sth to sb – wyjaśnić coś komuś
Let me explain the rules of the game to you.

excuse for sth – wytłumaczenie czegoś
There is no excuse for your misbehavior.

familiar with sth
 – znać się na czymś
Are you familiar with this system?

famous for sth 
– słynąć z czegoś
The city is famous for its impressive monuments.

face up to sth – stawić czoła czemuś, pogodzić się z czymś
I had to face up to the fact that I wouldn’t receive a pay rise.

fail in (doing) sth – nie zdołać czegoś zrobić
We hope we won’t fail in the attempt to climb the mountain.

fed up with sth – mieć czegoś powyżej uszu
I’m totally fed up with the traffic jams in the city centre.

feel like (doing) – mieć ochotę na coś
I don’t feel like going out tonight. Thanks for your invitation anyway.

fond of (doing) sth/ sb – lubić coś/ kogoś
Your fiance is fond of your mother, isn’t he?

frightened of sth – przerażony czymś
I’ve always been frightened of spiders and other insects.

glance at sth/ sb – rzucić okiem na coś/ kogoś
He glanced at his watch a couple of times.

glare at sb – spiorunować kogoś wzrokiem
Jennifer glared angrily at me.

good at sth – dobry w czymś
I must say that you’re good at history.

grateful to sb for sth – wdzięczny komuś za coś
We’re grateful to you for your support.

guilty of (doing) sth – winny (zrobienia) czegoś
The man was guilty of the accident.

hinder sb from (doing) sth – utrudniać/ powstrzymać kogoś od zrobienia czegoś
An injury hindered her from practising sports.

hope for sth – mieć nadzieję na coś
I’m hoping for better weather next weekend.

hopeless at sth – być w czymś beznadziejnym
I can’t help you.
I’m hopeless at science.

accuse sb of sth – oskarżyć kogoś o coś
I didn’t know what to say when Ann accused me of lying.

admire sb for sth – podziwiać kogoś za coś
I admire teachers for being so patient.

advise sb to do sth – poradzić komuś zrobienie czegoś
What would you advise me to do now?

afford (to) – pozwolić sobie na coś
We can’t afford to buy a new house for the time being.

agree with sb on sth – zgadzać się z kimś w jakiejś kwestii
Unfortunately, she doesn’t agree with her parents on most things.

apologise to sb for doing sth – przeprosić kogoś za zrobienie czegoś
You should have apologised to John for smashing the vase to pieces.

apply for – ubiegać się o coś
Are you going to apply for any interesting position in the local corporation?

approve of doing sth – pochwalać zrobienie czegoś
They will never approve of drinking alcohol in public.

arrest sb for doing sth – aresztować kogoś za zrobienie czegoś
Did you hear the news? The police arrested our manager for bribing a few businessmen.

argue with sb about sth – kłócić się z kimś o coś
Why are you always arguing with your sister about money! That’s irritating!

ask sb to do sth – poprosić kogoś o zrobienie czegoś
I’ve asked you a few times to do it.

attach sth to sth – załączyć coś do czegoś
She has attached her photo to the e-mail.

attempt to do – usiłować/ próbować coś zrobić
He attempted to smile but I guess he was in a bad mood.

avoid doing sth – unikać zrobienia czegoś
You ought to avoid smoking cigarettes!

ban sb from doing sth – zakazać komuś zrobienia czegoś
He was banned from entering that night club.

be able to – być w stanie coś zrobić
I’m sorry but I wasn’t able to finish my homework on time.

be allowed to do sth – mieć pozwolenie na zrobienie czegoś
It goes without saying that you’re not allowed to smoke here.

beg sb to do sth – błagać kogoś o coś
We begged him to tell us but he wouldn’t.

believe in sth – wierzyć w coś
Do you believe in supernatural powers?

belong to sb – należeć do kogoś
This old bag belongs to my uncle.

blame sb for doing sth – obwiniać kogoś o zrobienie czegoś
Why would you blame him for causing the accident?

benefit from sth – skorzystać z czegoś
I hope Poland will benefit more from the EU funds.

boast about sth – przechwalać się czymś
Our neighbour tends to boast about her wonderful garden.

borrow sth from sb – pożyczyć coś od kogoś
Could I borrow this pen from you, please?

charge sb with doing sth – oskarżyć kogoś o zrobienie czegoś
The man was charged with robbing the bank.

comment on sth – komentować coś
I’d rather not comment on this matter.

compete against/ with sb for sth – konkurować z kimś o coś
Children compete against each other for their parents’ attention.

complain about sth – narzekać, skarżyć się na coś
The hotel guests complained about the poor quality of service.

compliment sb on sth – prawić komuś komplementy na jakiś temat
Students like it when teachers compliment them on their hard work.

congratulate sb on doing sth – pogratulować komuś czegoś
Let me congratulate you on passing your exam. Good job, girl!

convince sb to do sth – przekonać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
We were hesitant, but Jake convinced us to go with him.

cope with sth – radzić sobie z czymś
How do you cope with pressure at work?


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