Fan Jia territory.

Under the same moon, there is a huge and magnificent fleet of carriages, riding along with an army of elite men from Li Kingdom, slowly advancing towards the direction of Fan Jia’s capital.

The largest among those carriages was being pulled by sixteen strong horses uniformly marching forward.

The decorated gilded carriage, a gorgeous breathtaking sight, wrapped around the carriage, is a dark curtain embroidered with gold threads. An image of a phoenix like bird preparing for flight was sewn onto the curtain of the horse carriage.

The front and the back of the carriage were guarded by countless soldiers. Numerous armors and sharp swords along with spears were sparkling under the chilling moonlight. In the depths of the night, the army continued marching, but no one actually dared to make random noises or conversation.

As the silent army marched forward, the black and gold magnificent carriage was the secretive main focus of this journey. A cruel and cold evil overlord, who is able to spread fear, numbing the hands and feet of any person who sees him.

Inside that carriage, a devil lay hidden.

Perhaps, it was indeed a hidden devil. This carriage, ever since it had departed, had been quickly advancing towards Fan Jia’s capital.

During this short journey, behind the dark curtains, there have been numerous execution commands sent down and every edict was executed out.

After Fan Jia’s royal family lost their last royal bloodline, the Third Princess, along with the Great King Long Tian, Fan Jia has become an unprecedented weak nation. Blood was splattered across the nation, losing its warmth after seconds. All of the officials and nobles of Fan Jia, who were brave enough to oppose Li army from seizing the capital were forever silenced.

Your…Majesty…” Behind the black curtain, a weeping cry was heard for a second before it dissipated in the wind.

That was the cry of Si Qiang, who was cleanly stripped down like a lamb, laying supine, with his legs spread open. Si Qiang’s eyes reflected the image of a non-defying, cold-hearted, powerful man.

No sense of pity came from the man, it seemed as if the young man’s body was accustomed to such deep piercing.

Si Qiang’s petite body shivered as he cried out against the icy palm of royalty, stroking him miserably, “Your Majesty….”

He touched the King’s neck. He couldn’t believe that a man as tough as iron, with years of practicing martial arts, would have such beautiful toned muscles like this. Si Qiang cried as he wrapped his arms around the Great King. He knew this was the strongest man he had ever met in his life, enough to make any young man’s spirit go wild.

In contrast to Si Qiang’s moaning, Ruo Yan’s eyes were exceptionally clear.

Let go.” Ruo Yan tossed Si Qiang’s arms aside, which were wrapped around his neck. He swiftly and forcefully turned over the person lying under him, leaving the young man on his knees with his back towards him.

Because of the sudden change in position, the fiery weapon reached his deepest spot.

Si Qiang screamed out in tears. Previously, this man had vented himself several times which made his twin cheeks and thighs swollen red. This kind of terrifying pain mixed with pleasure traveled through his spine up to his temples. It gave him a sudden rush, making him unable to support himself much longer and he started slumping down.

Ruo Yan hadn’t finished yet so he didn’t allow the young man any moment of rest. Reaching out his hands, he grabbed onto the young man’s waist and continued with the intense thrusts.
Si Qiang’s legs were opened to its maximum capacity. He seemed unconscious, except for the occasional twitching, just like someone being pulled from a nightmare. The thrusting rhythm coming from behind kept its fast pace. “Ah —- Ow ——” The insufferable pain left Si Qiang speechless to the point where he regained consciousness. His face slightly distorted and his limbs for the second time quivered against the fierce thrusts, “Ah!”

What seemed to flare up inside his body almost scorched him. But at the same time, it surprisingly filled him.

The musky male scent of arrogance filled every inch of the enclosed carriage. On the symmetrically handsome face of Ruo Yan was a hint of satisfaction, but it was short-lived. After finding release, he indifferently let go of Si Qiang, who slumped down onto the soft blanket. From beginning to end, there was no trace of a smile on his face. Even his eyes were ice cold.

Your Majesty…” Si Qiang turned himself over on the blanket, ignoring the beautiful white fluid stains, he looked towards the strong man who had just almost thrust him to death. His harsh voice was softer after the flip, he endearingly said, “Just now….”

If you still dare to speak while I’m bedding you, I will immediately cut off your tongue.” A moment ago, Ruo Yan had released himself inside Si Qiang, but his gaze right now was as if he was looking at a stranger, “Also, don’t use your hands to hug me.”

He stood up, his tall firm body appeared even more oppressive within the limited space inside the carriage.

Hearing the heartless warning, Si Qiang bit his lower lip, lying still; he looked up and used a prepared clean soft towel to wipe the lower portion of the Great Kings body. While personally dressing himself, Ruo Yan ignored the young man. After all, he wasn’t Feng Ming…

If he was the smart, stubborn Duke Ming, how can he succumb so easily?  Not having any shame and even daring to hold his neck, moaning like some vile whore?

No matter how similar in appearance, maybe with closed eyes, you can imagine the similarities, but underneath all, there is only one Duke Ming.

Filled with disgust, Ruo Yan turned around and sat down in front of the table, no longer glancing at the alluring playmate he had been charmed with.

If only he was holding that person, if only the moaning was of that person, if only the arms that wrapped around his neck belonged to that person…

Reporting to Your Majesty, an urgent letter!” A loud voice came from outside the horse carriage interrupting his “if onlys.”

Miao Guang’s letter came. Ruo Yan opened up the letter sent by his sister from afar. Under the candlelight, line by line, he slowly read every word.

Duke Ming has fallen into the trap, whether it’s successful or not,  just a few more days and he’ll know.

This one line, he read three to four times, very slowly, as if chewing a very sweet taste of olives. His face always appeared cruel and indifferent, but this time a faint trace of gentleness appeared. This gentle aura had completely changed the overall character of him.

Si Qiang, who had withdrawn to one side with swollen red eyes, held his breath. He couldn’t believe as he gazed at the handsome stern looking face of Ruo Yan that his demeanor instantly changed.


He can’t believe that the King of Li…could also have this kind of expression.

Si Qiang always thought a few days ago that he would not have been loved by the King, but unexpectedly he was favored and in that moment, his entire life belonged to that man.

However, that was not true.

Si Qiang, come here.” Noticing that Si Qiang’s gaze have been fixated on his face, Ruo Yan put down Miao Guang’s letter and faintly called out.

Perhaps he was in a good mood, calling for his beloved catamite, giving the trembling young man, who haven’t finished cleaning himself, permission to nestle next to him.

Ruo Yan gently ordered, “Close your eyes.”

This tone of voice, along with the strict order Ruo Yan told Si Qiang awhile ago regarding touching him was completely different as night and day.

Si Qiang obediently closed his eyes, tilting his head slightly.

He held his breath, waiting anxiously, because he knew, the Great King will kiss him.

Moreover, it will be a very gentle one.

He slowly clenched his fist, anxiously tense, almost wanting to bite his lower lip with his teeth.

Your Majesty….

The heat gradually closed in.

When the Great King’s lips filled with passion covered his own, Si Qiang knew the corner of his eyes were already moist.

This was obviously an affectionate kiss, where the tip of the man’s tongue filled the depths of his throat, greedily sucking, he refused to let go.

Nothing could have made Si Qiang burst into tears as much as this.

Before this, it was only an overbearing force without any mercy. But now, the Great King even used his both arms to hug him, pulling him against his body, deepening their kiss without a moment to breathe.

It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter if he can’t breathe.

This man’s breath was enough to make him forget to breathe, even in his own body. Dying in the arms of a powerful man is a supreme honor.

The Great King, my Great King…

Si Qiang bravely held onto Ruo Yan, kissing him deeply, the yearning infatuation and dream that this life would never fade…

Feng Ming…”

Ruo Yan moaned in a muffled voice, bringing Si Qiang’s beautiful dream on cloud nine back down.

Within seconds, Si Qiang’s whole body stiffened up.

Feng Ming, my Duke Ming…Feng Ming…”

Each sigh was a knife cutting into Si Qiang to the point he despised himself for not being able to commit suicide.

Not only was he severely dragged down from cloud nine, but he also felt he was once again torn to pieces.





Luo Yun did not say anything, he immediately walked outside to give the order.

Eating halfway, Zi Yan noticed Feng Ming’s frown, he placed his chopsticks down and asked with concern, “Is Duke Ming worried about the Prince of Tong’s hostility towards you? I have heard some news regarding Tong Kingdom while heading here. Along the way, I happened to meet up with Mian Ya who was in charge of gathering information across the realms. He was planning on heading to Fan Jia. Even though Tong Kingdom’s situation pose some risks, but it’s not quite as dangerous as it seems.”

Zi Yan’s cautiousness was comparable to Rong Hu, so when Zi Yan spoke those words, it attracted everyone’s attention.

Feng Ming quickly placed his head closer, eagerly asking, “What is the overall situation then?”

Tong Kingdom is currently in disarray. Didn’t Duke Ming hear about this?”

Zi Yan was slightly surprised as he glanced over at Feng Ming, calmly explaining, “When Tong Kingdom’s Great King, Qing Ding was alive, he held complete power, however his younger brother, who is the Royal Uncle of Tong Kingdom’s Crown Prince, Qing Zhang, also had influential power within that nation. After the Great King, Qing Ding died, the Royal Uncle, Qing Zhang seized power, similar to that of the King of Tong.”

Feng Ming silently thought, the correct term should be Regent King. But of course, he wouldn’t be rude to interrupt Zi Yan at this time so he continued to listen obediently.

Right now, even though Qing Ding is dead, Tong Kingdom’s Crown Prince has no way of seizing power.”

Ah? Why not?” Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing asked together in a sweet and surprised tone of voice.

Because Qing Zhang is holding onto the current power. Qing Zhang has been reluctant to admit that his brother Qing Ding has died. Since the King is not dead, of course, it is impossible for the Crown Prince to ascend to the throne. And since the Crown Prince cannot reign, then he is also unable to retrieve the monarch power from his Uncle’s hands.”

Chiu Lan’s face was at a loss, “Qing Ding is obviously dead, that is what all the other nations have rumored, how can he not admit to it?”

Zi Yan smiled and asked, “Rumors are just rumors. Tong Kingdom’s Crown Prince, Qing Li, has no evidence to prove that it’s true.”

Feng Ming was deep in thought, after a moment, he finally realized and with wide eyes, he shouted, “I understand now!”

Chiu Yue quickly asked, “What does Duke Ming understand?”

I understand why the Crown Prince of Tong wanted to kill me to avenge his father. It’s to prove that Qing Ding is dead which will make Qing Li rightfully inherit the throne left by his father. Therefore, right now, Qing Li’s priority is to have everyone admit that his father is dead. If Qing Ding was killed then he needs to search for his father’s killer. Qing Li couldn’t find the real killers, therefore, he decided to accuse me, all thanks to my well-known status. Also, it would be in his best interest to frame me. He continues to accuse me as the murderer to prove to everyone that his father was killed. How hateful! What a disgrace! Even though he knows I’m innocent, he will surely try to eliminate me! He’s clearly only thinking about his own throne! Shameless! Ah, I was even planning on reasoning with him that I wasn’t the culprit…”

Seeing Feng Ming’s upset face, Zi Yan was reminded of what Rong Tian had said about Feng Ming’s cute expressions. He couldn’t help but smile kindly and said, “Duke Ming mustn’t be upset right away. Even if Qing Li wishes to take Duke Ming’s life for his own purpose, there’s still one person who will not allow that.”

Feng Ming straightened himself. Blinking his round eyes, he immediately nodded his head as if he understood.

That’s right, Qing Zhang will not allow him to do that.

First of all, if that happens, Tong Kingdom will offend both Rong Tian and the Xiao family. Secondly, if he allowed Qing Li to use the excuse of avenging his father to harm Feng Ming, then wouldn’t he openly admit that Qing Ding is dead? By then, Qing Zhang would have to immediately return the rightful power to his nephew.

Thinking about that, Feng Ming became relieved. His almond eyes gleamed as he chuckled, “Hehe, within Tong Kingdom, Qing Zhang is the one who holds the most power.”

Zi Yan silently praised him for his quick realization, and he nodded his head, “That’s why in your journey to Tong Kingdom, Duke Ming only need to take advantage of the conflict between their uncle/nephew relationship in order to pass through with ease. Qing Zhang is currently holding military power, if Qing Zhang is willing to protect Duke Ming, then Duke Ming’s safety is guaranteed.”

Great!” Feng Ming applauded heartily, his face filled with exhilaration, “Great! Haha! I knew that things have changed for the better! Haha!”

All of his three female attendants’ eyes shined, jumped for joy as they huddled together to cheer and applaud. The guards who were standing guard outside shook their heads after hearing the sudden loud noise inside. They didn’t know what fresh tricks Duke Ming had prepared this time.

After a while, they finally settled down. This time, Feng Ming and Chiu Lan noticed that Rong Hu and Zi Yan were still sitting unmoved like a mountain in their seats. Rong Hu’s face was a little more solemn.

Rong Hu?”

Even though this news is of private matter within the royal family of Tong Kingdom, but it is not considered top-secret. Mian Ya was able to retrieve the information so why weren’t we aware of it?” Rong Hu lowered his voice, “If we knew of this earlier, Duke Ming wouldn’t have to be worried for many days now.”

Zi Yan added, “I, too, feel that this matter is very strange.”

This is a big problem that shouldn’t be ignored. The group of female attendants who are usually clueless about these schemes immediately focused their attention. “After boarding the ship, the spies we sent out belonged to the Xiao family. The news informed to us were all from the Xiao family.” Rong Hu finally realized why the Prime Minister Lie Zhong Liu sent Mian Ya to gather information.

If they didn’t have Mian Ya, the person who Rong Tian appointed as leader of the spies to be next to Feng Ming, then they would have to rely all of their news and information on the Xiao Family, which shouldn’t be a problem.

However, it’s very difficult to believe that the Xiao Family’s information gathering network would be so incompetent like this. They should know that as assassins, they first need to have an accurate and correct information, otherwise, how can they carefully arrange a successful assassination attempt?

Chiu Xing asked frightfully, “Could it be that Luo Yun have been concealing this information?”

That’s not possible.” It’s unbelievable that Luo Yun’s big adversary, Chiu Yue was the one to speak on his behalf. “I remembered that the one who said Qing Li wanted to slice Duke Ming into thousand of pieces was not Luo Yun, but Luo Ning.” Seeing everyone curiously staring at her, Chiu Yue’s cheeks reddened, and she pouted her lips, “Why are you looking at me like this? I’m just saying the truth, it’s not like I’m purposely helping that scumbag.”

Both father and son love to bully Duke Ming, isn’t it the same thing?” Chiu Xing muttered.

Whether it’s Luo Yun or Luo Ning, they are both important figures within the Xiao Family. If they are secretly scheming against Duke Ming, then the consequences may be very dire.” Rong Hu was silent for a moment, narrowing his eyebrows, he said, “However, the highly skilled assassins usually frown upon backstabbing schemes. This doesn’t look like something the father and son would do.”

Zi Yan didn’t expect to encounter such a crucial matter upon arrival. Carefully pondering for a while, he softly said, “First, let’s not suspect anything. If they truly wanted to harm Duke Ming, then Duke Ming would’ve already been dead. Right now, we have to carefully investigate who is in charge of the Xiao Family’s information gathering.”

I’ll go investigate this matter.” Rong Hu answered.

Zi Yan and him exchanged glances. They have worked together for a long time, so one glance was enough to communicate their intentions.

Zi Yan stood up, tiredly stretching himself, “The Xiao Family’s information gathering situation will be handled by Rong Hu. It seems that I will need to head to Tong Kingdom immediately.”

Feng Ming jumped up in shock, he didn’t want to give in, “You just came, so why are you suddenly leaving now?”

ZY: Mian Ya has left for Fan Jia, therefore, we are short of someone to gather precise information. If you were to continue onwards, wouldn’t it be dangerous? I must be one step further, before Duke Ming reaches Tong Kingdom, I will be a good spy for you. The situation at the moment does not seem simple, Duke Ming has to be careful while on board.

Chiu Yue urgently declared, “You must stay on board in case something really happens so we can deal with it together.”

Zi Yan chuckled, “If Luo Ning, the commander of the assassination group, truly wants to take Duke Ming’s life, with their martial arts and number, even with an additional person like me, we won’t be able to stop them. If I stay here, I’ll just be buried along with all of you. Not to mention, I don’t think he is the one behind concealing information. I have heard of his name for many years along with his personality. It isn’t like that, and also, why would he want to kill Duke Ming? Everything is just speculation, please rest assured. Judging by the present situation, even if there is danger, it would only be along the borders of Tong Kingdom. After all, Duke Ming is publicly acknowledged as Holy Master Xiao’s son, who would dare to make a move towards him? If they dare to, it would be ‘borrowing someone’s knife to do the deal’, they wouldn’t personally do it themselves.”

Feng Ming heard the firmness in his voice and knew that Zi Yan had already decided. Staring at him, Feng Ming said, “Zi Yan, the situation in Tong Kingdom is in chaos, you have to understand that we are not the same. I have lots of bodyguards, but you are just one person.”

Zi Yan grinned showing his snow white teeth, “Rest assured Duke Ming, I’m very familiar with Tong Kingdom. Every year, His Majesty would relocate some of us to hide along the sea of Tong Kingdom. We would often be near the Dan Lin Strait. If something were to happen while I’m in Tong Kingdom, I will immediately flee towards the sea, I’ll guarantee that they will search in vain without finding a single strand of my hair.”

His calm composure greatly eased the tension in the room. Feng Ming laughed after hearing his words, “Ah, talking about Dan Lin Strait, I suddenly remember this vexing problem. I also have to open up a safe water route for transporting the luminescent sand, that place that has lots of pirates…”

After I reach Tong Kingdom, I will investigate about these pirates for Duke Ming,” Zi Yan abruptly interrupted Feng Ming, “When I leave this time, I will try my best to return before Duke Ming’s large ship enter Tong Kingdom’s territory.”

Zi Yan walked over to Rong Hu, whispered a few words to him and then turned around to stare at Feng Ming, putting on a confident smile, he said, “His Majesty said, he wants Duke Ming to obediently wait for his return, Duke Ming, please take care.” In a flash, Zi Yan’s image disappeared behind the door.

There were only five people inside the room. Rong Hu didn’t have time to spare, he looked up and said, “I will go investigate about the person in charge of overseeing the information gathering of the Xiao family.” Without waiting for Feng Ming to nod his head, Rong Hu had voluntarily walked out.

Seeing Rong Hu leave, Chiu Lan turned over to Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing and whispered, “Starting today, when Duke Ming sleeps, we will not allow Luo Yun to stand guard.”

Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing unrelentingly nodded, both desperate to protect Duke Ming’s handsome appearance. However, Chiu Yue still solemnly protested, “But I still don’t believe that Luo Yun would want to harm Duke Ming, his kind of person….”

It’s not just you that doesn’t believe it, even I can’t believe it, also I don’t think Luo Yun is such a bad person, even though his demeanor is fierce. However, we still have to take precaution, be a bit more careful, even if Zi Yan and Rong Hu don’’t suspect them. The three of us will stand watch just like before, taking turns each night. We won’t be standing guard outside the room, but instead stand guard along with Luo Yun in front of Duke Ming’s bed.”

Feng Ming watched as his three female attendants huddled together to carefully negotiate an important business.


Oh Prime Minister, just like you said, this journey is filled with many twists, every day is something new. The fact is I will most definitely be under layers and layers of protection just because of that indomitable dream? Right now, it feels like I’m a young tree being protected by many…. Feng Ming let out a long sigh. Right now, the dishes on the table were still warm.

Underneath the gentle moonlight, the large ship of the famous Xiao was slowly advancing towards Tong Kingdom.




The Xiao family fleet sounded their drums and chimed the gongs as they continued upstream along Aman River, heading straight to Dong Kingdom.

Even though the ship was magnificently decorated, staying on it for a long time would soon become boring. Besides the occasional encounter of the scenic shores and relaxing at port stops, the majority of the time was extremely dull and boring. During those times, Feng Ming found that playing the flute was his õnly source of entertainment.

The Xiao family had musicians traveling onboard and among them, there was someone who knew how to play a flute. Feng Ming eagerly wanted to practice; therefore, he purposely requested for that person to teach him. As each day passed by, his playing became easier on the ears.

The jade flute Du Feng gave was a precious gift to him, he even refused to let other people touch it. Everytime he finished blowing it, he would ask Chiu Lan to prepare a damp washcloth, to personally wipe it himself and then carefully placed it back onto his waist belt.

Chiu Lan would often laugh at him, “There are many better items in the palace, but yet none of them have brought such joy to Duke Ming like this one. Young Master Du Feng just gave a jaded flute and now it has turned into a precious object. If His Majesty were to find out, he would definitely be burning with jealousy.”

Feng Ming joked around with his female attendants, giggling with them, “Do you mean Rong Tian will be jealous of Du Feng or be jealous of the jade flute?”

During the night, under the moon and cool breeze, after he finished eating, Feng Ming continued playing a simple tune. Despite the practicing, he is still far from achieving the same result as the original owner of the jade flute. However, his slender body, along with his loose fitted robes and shoulder hung cloak that Chiu Yue handmade for him, while standing under the moonlight and holding his flute was enough to make all the observers, especially Chiu Yue mesmerized.

Duke Ming is amazing.”

Naturally, Duke Ming is impressive; therefore, a quick learner. I believe Duke Ming’s playing is even better than Du Feng’s.”

Chiu Xing, your praises are a bit outrageous.”

Ha ha..”

Gradually, even Luo Yun who usually is bothered by these silly chats was seen quietly leaning against the deck of the ship. He silently stared out towards the river, as if he didn’t care about the lively chatter of the men and women around him.

Duke Ming, please rest for a bit. You’ve been tirelessly blowing the flute. I have made this eight layer red bean cake, come and have a taste.”

That’s right, Chiu Lan. I find that your lamb thigh stew last night was relatively good.”

Chiu Xing is a glutton cat.”

You’re wrong! Just to let you know, the glutton cat is Lie Er. Unfortunately, Lie Er is not here so it’s Chiu Yue instead!”

Chiu Xing, you dare say bad things about me, I’ll pinch your ears…”

Luo Yun usually ignored these things, but at this time, he couldn’t help eavesdrop into their conversation and record each of their laughters.

Because the Prince of Tong expressed his hostility towards the Young Lord, each day sailing closer to Tong Kingdom, the actions of the Xiao bodyguards became more alert. They constantly sent out many spies to inquire about the latest situation in Tong Kingdom.

The security on board was even more tight. As a result, Feng Ming’s request to sightsee was limited as both the Xiaos and Rong Tian’s men were against it, afraid that assassination attempts would be more frequent.

Luo Yun proposed that Feng Ming needs to learn self defense, which Rong Hu also agreed to. Eventually, Feng Ming gave in to learning some self defense to protect himself if the time comes. That was when Luo Ning, who is usually on a different ship, requested to see Feng Ming and proposed that Luo Yun help train Feng Ming. Luo Ning told Feng Ming not to underestimate Luo Yun’s martial arts because even though he is not as skilled as Master Xiao, he has learned from him since he was little. Chiu Lan urged Rong Hu to say something regarding the request since it would be dangerous for Feng Ming to practice with Luo Yun. However, after some consideration, Rong Hu believed that Luo Yun would be a good option, judging on the fact that Luo Yun has some status within the Xiao family.

Even though Rong Hu is the representative for Rong Tian and is usually in dispute with Luo Yun, but from his natural instinct and intuitive, Rong Hu believed that Luo Yun’s attitude towards Feng Ming is not solely disgust and disdain.

This person could become of great help to Duke Ming within the Xiao family, especially if Duke Ming is able to become an ally with him. Rong Hu knew that he wouldn’t have the heart to train Duke Ming in sword techniques; instead, he looked forward to Luo Yun’s assistance. Feng Ming understood Rong Hu’s reason when he gave permission to Luo Yun to assist Feng Ming.


Thank you Young Lord.” Luo Ning expressed a sense of success and then withdrew himself.

After giving Feng Ming a ceremonious bow, he turned around to glance at Luo Yun, displaying a fatherly attitude, “Go and help train the Young Lord.” Luo Ning then left the main ship.

For a moment, Rong Hu sweared he sensed something from Luo Ning’s eyes, but this feeling was just for a fleeting second, not giving enough time for him to ponder.

The three maids took care of changing Feng Ming’s garments, while Rong Hu picked out two wooden swords from the storage for the training. After Feng Ming finished dressing, he handed one of the swords to Feng Ming and said, “Luo Yun’s swordsmanship is very fast, if Duke Ming is able to train without allowing his sword to touch you, then that is very good.”

Feng Ming nodded his head.

Feng Ming and Luo Yun started their battle practice, Feng Ming gave it his all, which surprises Luo Yun since he always believed that Young Lord was completely useless. Feng Ming did noticed that he had improved from the bloody battle in Dong Fan and the constant training with Rong Tian. However, despite all that, Luo Yun was still quicker and managed to give a strike to the right side of Feng Ming’s chest. The blow caused massive pain for Feng Ming, the wooden sword in his hand also fell, leaving Feng Ming with a distressed look on his face.

The three maids came to Feng Ming’s side and examined the area that was injured. The area was bruised and bleeding a bit. Feng Ming said that he was alright, but they felt hurt from the sight of it.

Chiu Yue was upset, she immediately looked over at Luo Yun, “Are you practicing or are you trying to take Duke Ming’s life?” Luo Yun didn’t respond, withdrawing his wooden sword and standing still to one side. Hearing Chiu Yue’s scolding, he only used his bright painted eyes to coldly stare at her without saying anything.

Chiu Yue’s eyes were even wider as she charged forward, but was pulled back by Chiu Xing, “Why are you arguing with that kind of person? First, let’s carry Duke Ming inside.”

Feng Ming smiled hesitantly, “I can walk…”

They helped Feng Ming inside the room and removed the armor on him. Feng Ming noticed that there was a hole in the armor and asked Chiu Xing to help mend it for him.

Chiu Xing didn’t answered, but Chiu Yue scolded him, “When are you going to change your mindset? You’re not worried about yourself and yet you are worrying about the armor. What’s the point of worrying about one armor when I can help you make two of them tomorrow if needed.”

Feng Ming knew that his female attendants did not want to see any bruises or scars on his body, worrying that they all might cry together, he quickly put on a smiling face, “I just feel pity for the armor, it’s rare to have such beautiful embroidery. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have worn this during practice, ha ha.”

Hearing his foolish reason, Chiu Yue didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. At the corner of her eyes, the cold Luo Yun suddenly entered the room and amidst her sudden anger, she shouted, “Why are you here? Afraid that you haven’t caused much injury?” Without thinking, she raised her hands and threw the armor towards Luo Yun’s head.

Without a blink of eye, Luo Yun raised his hand and caught that “weapon.” He didn’t say a word, but only carefully observed Chiu Yue.

When this person doesn’t speak, he gives off a heartless aura, not only that, he had once placed a sword against Chiu Yue’s neck. Everyone who saw the way he was looking at Chiu Yue was nervous for her.

Even Chiu Yue got goosebumps from his stare, unrelieved and uneasy inside, she could only stare back at him.

Duke Ming!”

Luckily, Rong Hu’s voice rang in, appearing very lively as if receiving pleasant news.

Duke Ming,” Breaking the silence of the room, Rong Hu quickly walked forward, energetically reporting, “Zi Yan is here!”

This unexpected news cleared up the heavy atmosphere brought in by Luo Yun.

Feng Ming was the first person to jump up, “Zi Yan?” He shouted in surprise and then followed by a painful cry due to sudden movement around his wound area. Chiu Lan and the others hurried after him as he ran out the cabin to the deck of the ship to meet up with Zi Yan.  

It’s really Zi Yan!” Pausing for a bit, he asked, “Where’s Rong Tian?”

His Majesty ordered me to meet up with Duke Ming and send his greetings.” Traveling all day and night to come here, Zi Yan was a bit more tanned than before, and also a bit leaner. “His Majesty was worried for Duke Ming and wanted me to catch up with Duke Ming first. Once he finishes the matter in Dong Fan, he will immediately come here.”

Originally, Feng Ming was dancing happily, but after hearing this, his face froze and his head drooped.

I also guessed that he wouldn’t be here that quick.” After a while, he raised his head, regaining his smile again, he patted Zi Yan on the back and invited him into the cabin, “Whether it’s you or Rong Tian who is here, there is no difference. Let’s do our best, that is what the Prime Minister said…”

For all of Rong Tian’s group, the fact that Zi Yan came was undoubtedly a good thing.

That evening, Chiu Lan prepared some dishes for the private gathering. During dinner, Chiu Yue helped prepare six chairs for Feng Ming, Chiu Yue, Chiu Xing, Chiu Lan, Rong Hu, and Zi Yan, leaving out Luo Yun.

Since he had injured Feng Ming, even Chiu Lan, who treated everyone equally couldn’t bear to see him. Luo Yun did not mind being left out, and as usual stood to one corner while clenching his sword.

Rong Hu began relaying the various things that happened between them and the Xiao family for Zi Yan to hear.  Having guessed the reason behind the chairs, Zi Yan felt it was best to remain silent.

Instead, Feng Ming felt uneasy and asked Chiu Yue, “Why are we missing one seat?”

Are we? I’ll count again, isn’t it only six?” Chiu Yue gave a look at that cruel person, then gave a purely innocent look, “I don’t see a seventh person.”

Chiu Xing…”

I also don’t see anyone else.” The twin sisters really shared one mind.

Feng Ming rolled his eyes. How can they be even more childish than me? They are already not young and yet to play this type of game…

Luo Yun,” knowing that his female attendants cannot be persuaded, Feng Ming turned around to greet Luo Yun, “You can come here and sit together with us…”

I’m not hungry.”


The problem wasn’t whether he’s hungry or not. If the Xiao family saw them bully Luo Yun, then this may exacerbate internal conflict…

Luo Yun didn’t care what Feng Ming was thinking inside, he lowered his voice to say, “Young Lord.”


The armor from earlier is still quite new. It’s just…one hole… Are you sure you want to throw it away? If so, it’s quite wasteful…Not just that, the surface also has Chiu Yue’s needlework.”

So what if it’s thrown away?” Chiu Yue couldn’t stand hearing Luo Yun’s voice, she pounded the chopsticks against the table and shouted, “Didn’t you say the Xiao family is ostentatious? Why does one armor even matter? Throwing one away is not up to you. If you find it wasteful, then go ahead and wear it. Our Duke Ming never wears patched up clothes.”

This Chiu Yue, she really doesn’t know how to write the word “death.” Luo Yun’s eyes swept across the room, Rong Hu and Zi Yan’s actions were the same, moving towards Chiu Yue a bit hoping to protect her if needed. Luo Yun only grunted, stood up and walked outside without looking back.

Everyone stared at each other and after a moment of silence, the aroma of the food evoked their appetite.

Here, let’s eat….”

Without Luo Yun, the atmosphere was a lot better. Feng Ming was still feeling uneasy, but after tasting Chiu Lan’s newest dish, his mood was slightly better.

Zi Yan began telling them about his journey with Rong Tian from the time they left Yue Zhong until he left.

RH: His Majesty is very careful, even if I’m not useful, the Xiao’s henchmen are not just for namesake. If someone were to injure the Xiao family’s Young Lord under their protection, how would they be able to live up to their reputation?

CL: Didn’t they injured him today? That area is still red. That Luo Yun is really…

Before her words were finished, a figure appeared at the door, it was no one other than Luo Yun. So the saying is true: calling for God and God arrives, calling for the Devil and the Devil arrives. Everyone suddenly closed their mouth.

As if he didn’t notice, Luo Yun reported to them, “A spy has came back, does Young Lord want to see him?”

Feng Ming thought for a moment and then shook his head, “If there’s no new information, then I don’t want to see him.” The thought reminded him of arriving to Tong Kingdom and immediately be surrounded by the Tong army made Feng Ming wrinkled his face.

Hopefully, when meeting with the Prince of Tong, Qing Li, he can give Feng Ming a chance to explain to him that he was not his father’s killer.

Hopefully, that man will be reasonable….




Borders of Bo Jian, within the city of Han Gui, at the San Jiang inn in a secluded alley.


From his bed, he opened his eyes, while on high alert, Zi Yan turned his head to the left. The bed from across the room, next to the wall only had messy beddings left on it. The person on the bed was supposed to be sleeping, but not a trace of him was seen. Zi Yan sat up, taking his sword from under the pillow and hanging it around his waist. He put on his boots and headed out to the door down the stairs to the patio of the inn.


During the night, there was a gentle darkness throughout the city of Han Gui. At this time, every common household would have blown out their candles. Overlooking the city, there was one candle that was burning for the past few hours, burning brightly just like the stars in the night sky.


Your Majesty.” Zi Yan stepped onto the patio, standing behind a tall figure, he whispered, “Tomorrow we have a long journey, Your Majesty needs to rest.”


By night, Rong Tian’s figure appeared even more majestic than in daylight. The outline of the Great King, even Zi Yan who is tall and slender, couldn’t help but lift his head to examine Rong Tian’s profile, a handsome angular face that is appreciated and favored by Feng Ming.


Zi Yan understood what was on Rong Tian’s mind, “Your Majesty is still worried about Duke Ming, am I right?”


He doesn’t know what the Prime Minister and His Majesty had discussed about for one long night that had made His Majesty agreed to let Duke Ming leave on his own. However, once His Majesty allowed Duke Ming to travel to the seven nations, following the journey as a bodyguard, Zi Yan and the Great King were inseparable, so it was easy to perceive His Majesty’s concerns.


Traveling everyday in haste in spite of fear, just in order to quickly reach Dong Fan so he can be reunited with Duke Ming sooner. Constantly in endless thoughts, eventually making a sharp-eyed man and an unbreakable soul like His Majesty to worry nonstop, without any good night’s rest. Zi Yan felt that maybe in this whole life, he might not understand that feeling. Perhaps only people who love with passion can understand it.  Yet, Zi Yan was a calm person, too calm to be capable of passionate love.


I have a bad feeling.” Recovering from his daze, Rong Tian replied as his handsome face became solemn, “As if I have ignored something. What did I miss?”


Is Your Majesty talking about…Dong Fan? Duke Ming? Or Yue Zhong city?”


There is Prime Minister for Dong Fan, Wei Qiu Niang and Qian Lin for Yue Zhong, which I’m not worried about. As for Feng Ming’s journey around the world, that is the biggest target.” His eyes narrowed as a sharp light seemingly emitted from them. Rong Tian continued pondering, “Rong Hu is usually very careful, the Xiao henchmen are plenty, for anyone to harm Feng Ming, unless they mobilized an army, then there is no way they can succeed. Assassination or a secret attack cannot be done. Luring him from Rong Hu cannot happen. As for poisoning, I have repeatedly advised them, anything brought in the hands of Feng Ming must be tested for poison.”


Zi Yan’s eyes glittered in the night, with a low voice, he said, “This matter, Your Majesty has thought about it many times. Duke Ming is under many layers of protection, no one will be able to hurt him. Please rest assured, Your Majesty.”


But my mind is not at rest.”


Your Majesty?”


My mind is not at rest, I always feel that there is something I have ignored.” Rong Tian’s tone deepened, “Zi Yan.”




The troops are now in Bo Jian, the hardest path we have crossed it. I will personally lead the rest to Dong Fan to join up with the Prime Minister. Zi Yan, I want you to head back from here and meet up with Feng Ming.”


Zi Yan was stunned nonetheless, he immediately accepted the order, bowing down, he said, “Your subordinate obeys your order, however, once I meet with Duke Ming, does Your Majesty have anything you wish for me to relay to him?”


Please tell him,” Rong Tian paused for a bit, his pupils emitted a ray of gentleness and warmth. Silently pondering, his lips curved upward into a beautiful arc, a subtle tremble in his heart, with a pleasant voice as if he was standing in front of the person, with eyes slightly watered watching him.


Tell him to be extremely careful, the scariest thing is falling into a trap, often it’s hard to notice any flaws so don’t be careless.”


Understood, I will transfer the message to Duke Ming.”


Also tell him to patiently…wait for me.”




The place was very desolated. The entrance had been long abandoned by Yong Yin for many years. The further and deeper they walked into the place, the trees and grass became taller than a person, completely covering a young man. Du Feng leisurely walked into the tall grasses. A short time passed and a small tent emerged in sight. Though the tent was small, it was stitched together by a fine leather and held down by a layer of thick gold on each corner. On each piece of gold was a variety of patterns, individually carved and polished, refined and luxurious, definitely not something an ordinary person can have.


Du Feng didn’t show the slightest surprise when he saw a tent appeared in the area. The person led him to the front of the tent curtain, as if not daring to enter. He turned to Du Feng and respectfully bowed to him, “Your subordinate does not dare to enter, however, Young Master, please enter on your own accord.” Du Feng nodded, he lifted the curtain and his eyes first landed on a figure standing in the middle of the tent.




You came back.” The woman was alone in the tent, with her back towards him. She was a bit shocked to hear his voice. Turning around, her bright eyes landed on him, she then whispered, “Have you completed everything accordingly?”


Standing in the middle of the tent was the beloved sister of Ruo Yan, who is also his right hand person, Princess Miao Guang.


Du Feng displayed his trademark gentle smile and nodded.


Seeing his smile, Miao Guang subconsciously felt cold chills. “Yu Lang, your skill of harming people gets better each day, is there anyone whom you cannot harm at all in this world?”


Being praised by Miao Guang, Yu Lang didn’t show the slightest bit of arrogance. Slightly bowing, he replied, “As long as it’s for the Li Kingdom, Yu Lang can harm anyone as ordered.”


Anyone?” Miao Guang’s eyes glared sharply, then it quickly disappeared as she changed into an innocent girl. She then chuckled, “If my Royal Brother heard about this, he would be very happy.”


She didn’t want to continue discussing about this topic, so she decided to request this important figure whom her brother had hidden away for many years to sit down. Once she had sat down with him, she asked, “You handed the jade flute to the hands of Duke Ming?”


Of course.” After Yu Lang replied, his eyes swept across the tent, casually fixing onto Miao Guang’s. He was quiet for a while before lightly smiling and asked, “Is Princess worried that I didn’t do things thoroughly?”


No, I only believed that Duke Ming is the most foolish person, he is easily gullible and yet Rong Tian dares to let him travel alone, thus most certainly, there will be lots of skillful people arranged by his side. For example, Rong Hu is a very cautious man, even if you can easily trick Duke Ming, how can you easily deceive others?”


Your Highness is concerned about this?” Yu Lang paused for a bit before retelling her the process of his meeting with Feng Ming. He continued, “Originally, I was wondering how to hand the jade flute to Duke Ming without making them suspicious. I can’t believe even the heavens have helped me, Duke Ming actually opened up and asked to exchange keepsakes. I noticed that he seemed to like the jade flute and naturally, I removed it and gave it to him. He was extremely happy.” His eloquent tone and gentle voice would seem as if he was recalling old memories of a good friend to outsiders. Who would know that his intentions were vicious?


As Yu Lang spoke, he carefully observed Miao Guang from the corner of his eyes. Unfinished, he added, “During the time I left, I intentionally taught Duke Ming how to play the flute. He’s quite talented, after learning, his playing was easy on the ears.”


Miao Guang couldn’t stop her shoulders from slightly shaking, “He, he used the jade flute?”


YL: That’s right. From what I saw, he really loved that jade flute and will certainly bring it along to play it night and day, constantly practicing. The jade that was used to create that flute is very loose and crisp, it can easily create powder. Since he used his mouth to blow unwittingly, that powder will travel to his throat…


Enough,” Miao Guang abruptly stopped him. Yu Lang wasn’t surprised at her undaunted action, he paused before asking, “Are you angry, Your Highness?”


Miao Guang knew that abruptly stopping Yu Lang was uncalled for. She smiled brighter than before, “How can that be? I’m very happy for my Royal Brother. As for this success, I figured it would be best for Royal Brother to be the first to know. As his sister, I don’t want to be the first to enjoy the news.”


So that’s how it is. There is no need for Your Highness to be happy for His Majesty too soon.” Yu Lang glanced over at Miao Guang, his eyes unusually gentle, “The powder of the jade is not toxic, only when it comes in contact with the Wen Lan flower.”


Ah…how about the An Shen Stone?”


It’s in my hands.”


Miao Guang stretched out her beautiful hand, “Place it here.”


Yu Lang went silent.


What’s wrong?” Miao Guang displayed an unhappy face after seeing no movement from Yu Lang. “Didn’t you say it was in your hands?”


Yu Lang’s eyes met with hers, using a mild gentle tone of voice, he said, “This object is best to be in my hands instead.”


What audacity!” Miao Guang loudly shouted. Displaying the arrogance of a Li Kingdom Princess, she snorted, “How bold of you to speak with me that way. Having it in your hands is better? Who said that?”


His Majesty did.” Yu Lang answered. Just like an arrow shooting straight into Miao Guang’s body, she was in disbelief. Stunned for a moment, she asked in a low voice, “What did you say?”


This was what His Majesty said.” Although he had revealed his last resort, knocking off half of Miao Guang’s arrogance, Yu Lang did not display an attitude of contempt. Instead, his attitude was even more gentle and more respectful. He sighed softly, as if he didn’t have the heart to say the following words, therefore, using his most sincere tone of voice, he said, “His Majesty secretly ordered that the An Shen stone needs to be kept in my hands, it cannot be handed over to anyone else, it most definitely cannot be in your hands, Your Highness.”


He glanced at the half green half pale Miao Guang, sighing again, he continued, “If Your Highness doesn’t believe me, you can send someone to confirm the matter with His Majesty.”


How can I not believe you?” Miao Guang bit her lower lip, gently spurting out the words under her breath, but soon her bright smile returned, just like past matters were all thrown aside; as if nothing happened. A bit tired, she hesitantly stretched her back and stood up, “What Royal Brother said is correct. Having it in your hands is better. No matter what, Duke Ming cannot escape this time and its all thanks to you.” She gave Yu Lang a smile and waved her hand. “You’re excused, I would like to immediately write a letter to Royal Brother to tell him that the plan was successful.”


After sending Yu Lang away, Miao Guang opened up a white delicate silk spread made for writing letters. Pondering for a while, she dipped her brush in the ink to write, scribbling three to four lines at once. When she wrote the part, “Duke Ming has fallen into our trap,” her hand began trembling without reason, the small drop of ink pooled onto an empty area on the sheet.


Miao Guang stared at the drop of ink for a moment, then suddenly threw the brush, not continuing the half written letter. Sitting at that same spot, she held both of her knees and started sobbing, however suppressing herself, using a subtle voice so that no one could hear her crying.




After the sword event passed, everyone finally sat down, however, the current situation and chatting were greatly different than before. Chiu Lan and Chiu Xing’s hands were still trembling while they poured the tea. In addition to the shivering Chiu Yue was experiencing, she was a bit mad after surviving the mishaps, and of course, it was because of what Luo Yun said to her that made her angry.  


What did he mean by the ugliest crying woman? If that bastard didn’t have a sword in hand, and this young beautiful Chiu Yue didn’t want to die young, then she would have given him several slaps.


Feng Ming made a puzzled expression as he examined Luo Yun and then looked over at Chiu Yue. He later looked over at Xiao Liu and Rong Hu and noticed that none of them were interested in chatting. After Xiao Liu finished drinking his cup of tea, he looked out the window at the sky and then stood up, “I have to go.”


FM: So soon?


XL: There are some things His Majesty commanded me to do, to take advantage of this trip and quickly finish up my duties in Fan Cheng. Nonetheless, the reason I’m here is also according to the Crown Prince Yong Quan, which is best if I hurry back.


After finishing his words, he bid Feng Ming farewell, “Duke Ming doesn’t need to send me off, the sun is about to rise, even though we are on the ship, it’s still inevitable to prevent others from noticing. I can leave on my own.”


Feng Ming secretly praised him for his carefulness, very similar to Rong Tian indeed. Ah, when will he learn this skill of Rong Tian? Thus, he only sent Rong Hu as the mass representative to send Xiao Liu to the deck and silently see him off.


Eventually, all the guests have finally left. Feng Ming immediately stretched and gave two big yawns.


CL: Does Duke Ming want to head inside to rest? The sun is rising, Xiao Liu has left, Rong Hu will give the order to remove the anchor. How about resting a little and then afterwards have something to eat, is that alright?


Feng Ming lazily closed his eyes and nodded his head. He was then taken to the room and assisted to lie down by his maids. Once everything was arranged, still as usual, Luo Yun sat at the head of the bed, wrapping his arms around his sword,


Feng Ming wanted to sleep for awhile, but he wasn’t really tired. Once he closed his eyes a bit, he didn’t feel tired anymore. Opening his eyes wide, he looked at Luo Yun sitting in front of him, without anything to do, Feng Ming continued examining Luo Yun closely.


Luo Yun’s energy compared to Feng Ming last night was much more alert.  He guarded Feng Ming last night, and even now, half leaning against the bed, he could feel Feng Ming’s slight movements. He immediately opened his eyes, which just happened to come in contact with Feng Ming’s stare. Without much patience, he asked, “What are you staring at?”


Hard to imagine that a young lad, not much younger than Feng Ming, could show such a cold-blooded expression like that.


Being stared back by Luo Yun, Feng Ming should have subconsciously retreated back, but instead, he closed his eyes for a short moment, then within seconds, wanted to turn a rabbit into a tiger, not afraid of death, he reopened his eyes to look at Luo Yun some more.


So how is his training in the Xiao family?


Towards Luo Yun, Feng Ming had always been unusually curious.


You’re not sleepy yet?”




Luo Yun?”






Hey, Luo Yun.”


Feng Ming persistently whispered, causing Luo Yun, who was resting his eyes to open them and asked, “Young Lord, what is it that you command?”


Nothing really…”


Luo Yun glanced over at him, just when he closed his eyes, Feng Ming’s voice rang through his ears again.


Hey, let’s chat for awhile, I’m bored.”


I am here to protect you, not to relieve you of boredom.” Luo Yun said in a deliberate way to express his impatience towards Feng Ming, still holding his sword, Luo Yun positioned his back towards the chattering Young Lord.


Luo Yun continued to give out a cold distance aura. After a short moment, Feng Ming again broke the silence, “Why did you bully Chiu Yue today?”


Who’s bullying her?” The speed of Luo Yun’s response was unimaginably faster than before.


You did.”


I did not.”


If placing a sword to a neck of a girl is not considered bullying, then what is?” There was a long silence in responding to this question.


Luo Yun?”




Luo Yun, hey, Luo Yun….” Harassing him like this won’t make him place a sword to my neck, would it?


Luo —” The stiff Luo Yun suddenly moved, shocking Feng Ming to the point of shutting up. Not good, is he so ashamed that now he’s angry? He was just trying to build a bond by communicating.


Feng Ming cautiously observed him from the moment he stood up, firmly holding his sword, not turning around, to until Luo Yun walked straight out of the cabin did Feng Ming let out a sigh of relief.


So scary. This person’s presence is the same as his frightening old man (Master Xiao). Ah, he is the Young Lord of the Xiao family, but this has caused Feng Ming so much headache.


The time Feng Ming’s large ship left harbor was the same time the small boat floating down the Aman River reached a secluded area, less than ten miles from Fan Cheng city.


Just when Du Feng stepped foot onto shore, several men dressed in common outfits of Yong Yin civilians jumped out from among the bushes on both sides.  Facing Du Feng, they slightly bowed at him, “Young Master, you have arrived very fast, please follow me, the princess is waiting for you inside.” Turning around, they led Du Feng into the depths of the bushes.




Xiao Liu wore a gray outfit, the bottom of the garment reached his ankle, it was very fitting for his stature. A belt was neatly wrapped around his waist and he also wore a pale gray cloak on the outside. Although the color was not eye-catching, but once worn on him, it becomes very compatible, exuding a slight hint of caution and tranquility.


Seeing how Feng Ming was studying him, Xiao Liu grinned and apologized, “Xiao Liu deserves death for making Duke Ming wait.” He slowly bowed.


Although Chiu Lan has been serving in the palace, she was not clear of Rong Tian’s hidden henchmen. This was the first time she and the rest have met Xiao Liu up close, therefore, they were careful in their behavior towards this Crown Prince’s envoy who had made great accomplishment for the “Terrifying Supernatural Magic Trick Act”.


Feng Ming had a very good impression of him, after waiting for his ceremonious bow, Feng Ming excitedly grabbed his hand. After examining him up and down, he said, “Hey, why does he look very familiar?”


However, in his memory, this should be the first official meeting with Xiao Liu – besides the magic performance yesterday, which they were too far away to be able to see clearly.


Rong Hu asked, “He looks a bit like His Majesty, right?”


Once he said that, everyone looked towards Xiao Liu again. Chiu Xing was the first person to call out, “He really looks a bit like His Majesty.”


Feng Ming laughed, “No wonder there’s a feeling of familiarity.”


While laughing, Feng Ming led them into the main cabin. Everyone sat down, as for Xiao Liu, he was placed in the same seat Du Feng had previously sat in.


Ah….the matter yesterday…Thank you for helping us. If it wasn’t for you, then it would have gone bad.” Since it was their first meeting, Feng Ming and Xiao Liu were not as close as Rong Hu and Lie Er. Feng Ming had thought for half a day before he figured it would be best to show his appreciation, yet he couldn’t help but ask, “But how did you suddenly appear at the execution ground?”


Xiao Liu laughed heartily but was still very reserved. After listening to Feng Ming’s question, he relayed to them his encounter with Rong Tian.


When Feng Ming heard him mention Rong Tian, he was overly excited and frequently interrupted to ask, “How is he? Has he lost weight? Ah, when I was in Yong Yin, it would have been better if I made arrangements to meet him. Did he mention anything about when he’ll come to see me?”


Being interrupted by him, Xiao Liu did not mind and replied, “His Majesty said that he needs to go to Dong Fan first and then he’ll come looking for Duke Ming.”


Feng Ming whined loudly as if he was punched. At that time, he became listless, not in the mood for anything. Chiu Lan and the others came to his side to comfort him, “His Majesty will quickly come here. Dong Fan is not much further from here. Before Duke Ming heads to Tong Kingdom, His Majesty will surely come soon”, and so on.


As for Chiu Yue, while she was comforting Duke Ming, she was also observing the surroundings. That brat Luo Yun would usually take the opportunity to sneer or laugh mockingly at Feng Ming. Since Feng Ming is acting like a child right now, why is he suddenly quiet?


Xiao Liu continued with his story, mentioning how he traveled night and day in order to find a way to save Chao An, and while on the road, he mistakenly captured Le Ting. Rong Hu laughed at the mere mention of it and clapped his knees.


RH: Didn’t I asked why would you tie up Le Ting and hid him in your horse carriage? So that’s how it is, haha, that’s the story!


Chiu Yue pulled onto Chiu Lan’s sleeves and made a face at her.


Rong Hu and Xiao Liu must be fairly close, if not, then why would Rong Hu change into a completely different person around Xiao Liu, he appeared more lively.


Feng Ming is not usually depressed for more than three minutes, so after he pouted for a bit, his mood became better once Xiao Liu mentioned about the past events. Feng Ming clapped his hands and exclaimed, “I can’t believe my first magic trick was thrilling and yet dangerous, fortunately, you didn’t end up killing Le Ting or else we’ll be saving one Chao An, but yet harming another Le Ting. If that’s the case, it would be very bad.”


Chiu Lan nodded her head in agreement.


After finishing recalling the past events, Xiao Liu felt thirsty so he drank a full cup of  tea.  He stayed silent for a while before speaking again, “There’s an issue I’ve been thinking about but I can’t figure it out, therefore, I wanted to ask Duke Ming.”


His attitude when speaking appeared very solemn, making Feng Ming’s heart involuntarily beat irregularly. An issue? Another issue….can’t be…Feng Ming timidly asked, “What’s the issue?”


XL: I can guess the majority of what happened yesterday, like when the prisoner was placed inside the wooden box, before it was hanged and lit up by fire, he was pulled out. However…


Xiao Liu furrowed his eyebrows and continued, “If the prisoner was switched out, then why when it was lit on fire, there was frightening noises coming from inside the wooden box, as if someone was struggling? Duke Ming couldn’t perhaps have exchanged Chao An with another prisoner?”


FM: Of course not, why would I be so cruel?


Feng Ming straightened himself to answer, but he immediately felt puzzled as he muttered, “Ah, you’re right. Why was there a noise coming from the inside? Clearly there wasn’t anyone inside?


The more he thought about it, the more something didn’t feel right. Feeling alarmed, Feng Ming turned to face Rong Hu.


Rong Hu’s face was just as pale as him, he replied, “The one responsible for exchanging the prisoner was General Le Ting. I remember during the meeting, we only talked about digging a large hole under the execution ground to hide the prisoner, building the wooden box at the scene, using the time of nailing the wooden box to grab the prisoner from below the box to hide him away, there was no mentioning of using another prisoner as substitute. However…”


Le Ting is a general who is familiar with death on the battlefield, so killing someone doesn’t mean much to him. Using a prisoner inside the jail and to use him as a substitute can make the magic trick more realistic, perhaps that is something that Le Ting is capable of.


Everyone looked at each other, they all wanted to know the truth behind it.


The atmosphere suddenly became stagnate.


Feng Ming was petrified. If this was the case, even if the substitute was a prisoner who needed to be executed, this didn’t made him any less relieved. It would have been better to be beheaded than to be burned alive. It would be too cruel!


I know.” An ice cold voice interrupted.


Chiu Yue felt uneasy, knowing that the situation was terrible, she fiercely jumped up, stared wide-eyed at the speaker and shouted at him, “You know, you know, you know, what is it that you know? I’ll tell you this, this time we will not agree to any more of your requests. Don’t think that you can use this matter to force Duke Ming!” After finishing, she even gave a loud, fierce snort. The earlier matter where Luo Yun forced Feng Ming to travel to Tong Kingdom was still not settled.

All of the young maidens had the same common enemy as they all stared at Luo Yun.


Feng Ming asked, “You know who was inside?”


It was a rat.”




After they rescued Chao An out, they conveniently slipped a large rat only uniquely found in Fan Cheng, inside the wooden box.” Luo Yun’s face was like a dead person, as if he didn’t know he was telling them a funny story. Strangely, a handsome lad like him, if he were to smile more often, he would be very popular with the ladies.


That’s wrong.” Chiu Lan thought about it carefully, being skeptical she said, “Even if it was a large rat, it can’t make such a loud noise like that.”


Luo Yun used a cold faint voice to reply, “The rat’s tail was tied with a string and the string was then tied to two thin wooden blocks. Once the box was lit on fire, the rat would run up and down, causing the wooden blocks to knock against the box, all sorts of loud and soft noises can be heard.”


Everyone carefully pondered and imagined the proposed solution, after thinking, they were able to accept it as a fact.


Feng Ming was the first to be relieved, laughing, he said, “Good! A good big rat! Very thorough! No wonder the magic trick this time was a huge success!”


Chiu Yue observed Luo Yun and said, “Since we didn’t know, how did you know about it?”


That’s right, how did you figure it out?” Chiu Lan probed Luo Yun for an answer.


Chiu Yue gave a laugh and crossed her arms, “Don’t joke around, how can he figure it out? I’ll use one finger to bet with you that he doesn’t have the brains to come up with that idea. He probably heard of this news from the Xiao family men.”


After finishing, a fierce sharp sound and shimmering light shone forth. Luo Yun’s sword was unsheathed and pointed straight at Chiu Yue’s face.


Everyone was shocked, Chiu Yue was scared stiff, even the smirk on her face froze in place, holding her breath, she stammered, “You…what do you want?” She was so scared that she couldn’t even dare to cry.


LY: I’m betting with you and allowing you to use the sword to cut off one of your fingers.

With that one line, it’s confirmed that Luo Yun was the one who proposed the idea to Le Ting.


However, at this time, there was no point in him answering the question, the sword filled with gleaming light was placed just under the white neck of Chiu Yue.  


The tip almost touching her tender skin and with a little more force, it can easily stab into it. Chiu Xing was so scared her lips went pale, she also stammered and barely smiled as she said, “Luo Yun, Chiu Yue…she was just joking around. She…she was just kidding!”


Luo Yun was the same as always and replied dryly: “I’m not joking.”


Rong Hu and Xiao Liu’s face changed color, both silently stood up, hands to the hilts of their swords, awaiting for Feng Ming’s order.


Feng Ming was feeling uneasy. Taking action was not an option, harming anyone was also not good. He was certainly distressed for Chiu Yue, but Luo Yun was a part of the Xiao Family, and someone who had influence among the Xiao men. Could it be that before reaching Tong Kingdom, the two factions will begin fighting? Then what is the point of having him agree to travel to Tong Kingdom to die? Wasn’t it because they couldn’t agree, wasn’t that the reason he nodded his head to go?


This is terrible…what to do now? Just a while ago, everyone was sitting around and chatting, so why are they suddenly unsheathing swords?


What the hell? Who brought up the rat thing?


Chiu Yue, you..you…hurry and apologize, tell him…tell him you were just joking around.” Chiu Xing couldn’t persuade Luo Yun so she tried to advise Chiu Yue.


Feng Ming tried to placate the situation, “That’s right. Luo Yun, don’t be upset, Chiu Yue inadvertently offended you, let’s put the sword down and slowly talk things out, I will make Chiu Yue apologize to you, is that alright?”


A short moment later, Chiu Yue became a bit calmer. She was originally trembling with fear, but after hearing Chiu Xing and Feng Ming, she decided to bit her lower lip and for no apparent reason, lifted her neck as if not scared and stared straight at Luo Yun as she stubbornly said, “I..I…I won’t! You can just kill me, I don’t believe you will do it.”


Feng Ming didn’t know what to do. Chiu Yue, all of the people of the Xiao family are crazy, this you know as well, why is there a need to give a horrible answer at this time?


Seeing his eyes immediately flash, Chiu Yue screamed out, closing her eyes and cried out, “I know! I know you hate me! You have thought of wanting to kill me!” Her tears flowed down her face.


Chiu Lan and Chiu Xing also screamed out in unison. The three female screams were almost simultaneously along with a “clang” sound, Chiu Yue did not feel any pain to her neck. Could it be that Luo Yun’s sword was extremely fast, that pain was not even felt?


Chiu Yue was half scared and half skeptical, so she slowly opened her eyes, discovering that both Chiu Xing and Chiu Lan still had their eyes closed and were about to faint. Feng Ming innocently stood up, Xiao Liu and Rong Hu had a relaxed expression.


Luo Yun’s sword was placed back in the sheath. Compared to regular days, his expression was a bit more gentle, maybe even pleasant. He looked at Chiu Yue, who lost half of her spirit, his thin lips slightly lifted into a faint smile and before long, he said, “You are the ugliest crying woman I’ve ever seen.”


When he finished, no one knows why, his naturally cold face changed a bit, turning away as if reluctant to let others see the color within his eyes as this moment.


How cute is our newest budding couple?




I wouldn’t dare to.” Luo Yun looked at Feng Ming and helped him up, refusing his ceremonious bow, and then replied, “I really do know where to get the Wen Lan flower and for me to tell Young Lord is not difficult. I only need Young Lord to give me an answer to this question.”


Answering questions again? Feng Ming’s face faintly twitched. He was quite pitiful, it seems that answering questions is his fate. Lie Zhong Liu already left and now another person plans on continuing the same tradition.


Go ahead…” He replied in a weak tone of voice. Hopefully, it’s nothing related to death, world crisis or political affairs.


The spies came back from Tong Kingdom and reported that the Prince of Tong is still voicing his desire to kill Young Lord in order to take revenge for his royal father. Not only that, he has mobilized an army, waiting for you at the borders. As of now, what is Young Lord’s decision regarding this matter? Are you planning on giving the command to head straight for Tong Kingdom, confronting the Prince of Tong in battle or are you planning on avoiding Tong Kingdom and escaping with your tail behind your back?”


Uh…” Feng Ming dropped his jaw, looking around at his maids and guards. Luo Yun sure knows what questions not to ask – asking one that is terribly difficult. How cruel…


Luo Yun! How dare you?!” Before Feng Ming could react, Rong Hu suddenly stood up and strode in front of Luo Yun to confront him, “Wherever Duke Ming wants to go, it’s not up to Luo Yun to have a say in it.” This sentence was awfully similar to the one that Luo Yun said a short while ago.


Feng Ming frowned. Sure enough, even though Rong Tian’s men are here, there is also the Xiao family’s men present in the conflict struggle.


Du Feng was very surprised at the sudden dispute, but he was careful not to intervene, he just quietly stood up and observed the situation.


Luo Yun raised a hint of mockery as he sneered, “I wouldn’t dare to overlook Young Lord’s travel. However, that day, Young Lord did promise to make his decision after the situation was investigated clearly. As of now, the spies have returned, the situation within Tong Kingdom is as previously expected. Therefore, it’s very reasonable to inquire about Young Lord’s decision.”


You are clearly forcing him!”


How ridiculous. Who would dare force the Young Lord?” Luo Yun sneered, “If he’s afraid, he could just not go there, huh.”


What are you ‘huhing’ about?” Chiu Yue was boiling mad. She stared at Luo Yun, her large eyes emitting a hint of fire, “He is your Young Lord, you dare to treat him with disrespect?”


Luo Yun glanced over at Feng Ming again, “A person who is a coward does not qualify to be the Young Lord of the Xiao family.”


What did you say? You cocky brat! Shut your trap!” This time even Chiu Xing was blowing up.


The dispute between the two sides became more intense. Seeing Luo Yun’s fierce stare at Feng Ming, Chiu Lan bravely stood forward in front of Feng Ming as if to protect him.


They were all protecting him. Feng Ming felt a sting in his heart. He didn’t know whether the pain was from Chiu Lan’s action or Luo Yun’s words, calling him a coward.


You coward!” Luo Yun gently splur out those two words.


You shut up!”


Luo Yun!” Rong Hu roared out, “Don’t you know the ordinance of the Xiao family? Slandering the Young Lord is execution!”


So what if I’m executed? Can he become a person that resembles the Xiao family?”


Luo Yun’s contemptuous tone felt like a whip, making Feng Ming shudder. Even from behind Rong Hu’s back, he could still see Luo Yun’s scornful expression. This kind of expression was from deep inside, and come above the surface filled with anger and disdain.


Feng Ming can’t entirely blame Luo Yun. Perhaps a Young Lord like him made the Xiao family extremely disappointed. After all, the massive wealth and power that had been accumulated over many generations, all of them were within the palm of his hands.


You’re talking nonsense, you can’t criticize Duke Ming! Duke Ming isn’t like that.”


Is he the best, the most powerful, the most intelligent?” Luo Yun unhurriedly asked in response, “Do you dare to say that he is a man of indomitable spirit?”


You….you…” It’s unexpected that Luo Yun has the talent of speaking eloquently, in a way that even Chiu Yue’s charming voice was stuttering. She could only tremble a few “you,” before her eyes reddened.


Feng Ming was extremely sad.


He noticed that Chiu Yue’s shoulder were slightly trembling. Standing to one side and seeing his loyal servants and guards wholeheartedly protect him, standing up for him to refute Luo Yun’s scolding, filled him with an indescribable sadness.


Is he qualified to be Duke Ming?


How can he let his delicate maids, like Chiu Lan, face this kind of grievance for an useless person like him?


They shouldn’t…


Rong Hu’s downcast eyes, his deterrence was to the fullest, “You clearly know that going to Tong Kingdom is dangerous…”


I’ll go.”


The room was starting to fill up with hostile gunpowder scent when a gentle soft voice suddenly intervened. The presence of the soft sound made everyone pause for a bit before realizing who had just spoke.


Duke Ming?”


Ah? Duke Ming, you….”


No, you can’t!”


I’m going.” Everyone’s attention was originally on Rong Hu and Luo Yun, but after hearing Feng Ming’s words, they all turned towards him.


I’ve decided to go to Tong Kingdom.” Feng Ming took a deep breath and whispered those words.


His decision was so sudden that even Luo Yun thought it was strange. He was silent for awhile before commenting, “You have to think carefully before deciding. All of the men in the Xiao family never take back their words after they have been spoken.”


I have made my decision, I will not go back on my words.”


In fact, he had no choice but to go.


Even if Lie Zhong Liu supported him, allowed him to fulfill his dream, it was in hope that Feng Ming could face various obstacles. If he can’t avoid them, then he should welcome them head on. Rong Tian, if it was him, he would not worry about this kind of thing. He would always stand up tall, with his majestic allure and calmly face all crisis coming his way. I hope that I didn’t let you down.


Isn’t it just a trip to Tong Kingdom? No need to look at me like that.”


Feng Ming glanced back at the maids with looks of concern on their faces, he gave a hesitant smile towards them.


Duke…Duke Ming…”


I heard the scenery of Tong Kingdom’s sea is very beautiful.”


He can’t hide anymore. Chiu Lan and them have complimented him in every way, all sincerely believing that he is a perfect Duke Ming. He hoped that he can become a perfect Duke Ming in their eyes. Therefore, he should at least make an effort this one time.


I have made my decision. Please return your swords back in. Luo Yun, head back to your place, no need to argue anymore.” Feng Ming accepted Luo Yun’s suspicious glance. He raised his head and in front of his maids, Feng Ming must show a bit of pride of Xi Lei Duke Ming and the Xiao Family Young Lord.


FM: Going to Tong Kingdom is dangerous, but is it even more dangerous than Li Kingdom? I have been to Bo Jian, Fan Jia, Dong Fan, Li Kingdom, so why should I be afraid to go to Tong Kingdom? I’m going. Rong Hu.


RH: No, you can’t!


FM: Remove the anchor, we are going to Tong Kingdom.


The other people present didn’t know how to react. They were all unusually quiet. After a long time, Feng Ming noticed something was wrong, “Rong Hu, why aren’t you giving out the order to remove the anchor?”


Duke Ming,” Rong Hu lowered his voice, “We have promised Xiao Liu that we’ll wait here for him.”


Ah, he almost forgot about this. Feng Ming was bored for a moment, then he looked up at Luo Yun and made eye contact, “So are you going to tell us where we can find the Wen Lan flower?”


In front of Luo Yun, Feng Ming tried to display a calm demeanor, hoping to make Luo Yun’s subordinates a bit surprised. Feng Ming’s mood was a lot better as his tone of voice was more relaxed than previously.


Luo Yun finally gave the Young Lord some respect, he gave him a simple answer, “The Xiao Family does not have it.”


Feng Ming frowned, but also used the same tone of voice and coldly asked, “If the Xiao Family does not have it, then who does?”


Young Lord’s mother.”




Even though Feng Ming knew he needed to display a confident demeanor to regain his dignity as Duke Ming and the Xiao’s Young Lord, he still revealed a stunned or silly expression that contradicted to his image. After listening to Luo Yun’s answer, Feng Ming was immediately struck back to his original form.


His mother always seem to have a lot of “surprises” for him.


Lady Yao Ye planted many of these flowers.” Luo Yun glanced at him and asked, “Doesn’t Young Lord know that Mistress has a green thumb in planting these strange flowers?”


Feng Ming was speechless. Who in bloody hell would know this? His dear old mother, during the short period of time they met, tried to poison him and Rong Tian. What kind of world is this?


There was not enough time to lament when Du Feng’s voice traveled to his ears, “Thank you Duke Ming, we finally know the whereabouts of the Wen Lan flowers.”


After witnessing the dispute earlier, Du Feng still kept a calm demeanor. Even if he was curious, surprised, or pondering, his expression did not display any of it.


It seems as if nothing had happened.


Well that’s good, otherwise Feng Ming wouldn’t know how to explain the embarrassing situation that happened. He was extremely grateful to Du Feng and said, “I will immediately write to my mother and ask her to send someone to deliver the Wen Lan flower here.”


Even though he didn’t know where Lady Yao Ye was, Master Xiao must definitely know. Even if he doesn’t know where Master Xiao is, Luo Deng must definitely know. Thus, the problem is solved if he gives the letter to Luo Deng.


Feng Ming didn’t make any eye contact with Luo Yun, he turned towards Du Feng and chuckled lightly, “I apologize for letting Brother Du witness a minor argument between the group. Ah, I hope Brother Du can stay here for a few more days. Once the Wen Lan flower arrives, Brother Du can bring it along with the An Shen stone and together we can go meet Princess Chang Liu. What is Brother Du’s thoughts about this?”


Since they are friends now, it would be too formal to keep calling him Young Master Du. Feng Ming automatically changed the Young Master to Brother Du instead. Feng Ming did not expect his Brother Du to refuse his offer.


He slightly sighed, “I still haven’t told you Chang Liu’s third request.”


Oh?” Feng Ming patted his head lightly, “I forgot that there was a third request. I hope it is not difficult to achieve.” God forbid, what does she want this time? Hopefully it’s not as difficult to achieve as the Wen Lan flower where money cannot buy…


The third request, to say it’s hard is not hard, to say it’s easy is also not easy.” Du Feng observed closely, just one look at Feng Ming’s face, he already knew what he was thinking inside. With a worried face, he told Feng Ming, “She didn’t ask for any other items.”


Everyone gave a sigh of relief.


Du Feng continued, “She request that I not see her.”


Everyone’s shoulders collapsed once more. What? A request only?


Ah, what a tough love, the door of love in which not many can pass through clearly. Among the three requests, it seems as if this request is the one most hurtful for Du Feng. Besides Luo Yun, everyone who heard this looked at Du Feng with sympathy.


Du Feng was sad, but he wasn’t hurt, he gave a weak smile and muttered as if to himself, “I really don’t know if I’d rather express my gratitude to her request or to express my disdain for it. To meet or not to meet, is the same as choosing death instead. But since she had made her requests, how can I let her down?”


Let me bring the Wen Lan flower to her.” Feng Ming said.


Since the trip to Tong Kingdom is already settled, helping Du Feng by giving the Wen Lan flower to Chang Liu is a matter of convenience. It’s also an excuse to meet the helpless romantic Princess, and make a bit of contribution.


Hopefully, her husband, who is also the Crown Prince of Tong Kingdom, would not kill him after the meeting.


This was what Du Feng intended, he immediately clasped his hands together, “Thank you.” Officially standing in front of Feng Ming and giving his ceremonious bow. Since this matter involved Chang Liu, he had to show his utmost gratitude.


Feng Ming helped him up and said, “Then about that An Shen stone…”


DF: Whether or not the Wen Lan flower will arrive early or late is not a problem. However, the An Shen stone is needed for Chang Liu’s illness. I will immediately send someone to ride night and day to deliver it to Chang Liu in Tong Kingdom Palace. I have several friends in Tong Kingdom who can enter the palace and see Chang Liu.


When mentioning about socializing, having many friends, no one can compare with the reputed Reluctant King.


Du Feng’s proposal was very thoughtful because even if Feng Ming reached Tong Kingdom, he may not be able to give the An Shen stone to Princess Chang Liu. This matter is best handled by someone of Tong Kingdom.


Feng Ming nodded his head, “Alright, since that’s decided, I will also write to my mother, hoping that the Wen Lan flower will arrive here before we reach the borders of Tong Kingdom.”


Du Feng suddenly said, “I’ll be taking my leave.”


What? So fast?” Feng Ming couldn’t imagine that he would take his leave so soon. Feeling disappointed, he advised, “Stay for a few days, since your plan for Fan Jia is already delayed.”


The maids also expressed their thoughts.


Young Master, please don’t mind staying, Duke Ming really enjoyed chatting with you.”


That’s right. At least wait for the ship to reach Tong Kingdom’s border and then leave.”


Could it be that the Young Master has to go somewhere in a hurry? For me, it’s best if the Young Master decides to stay on the ship, that way you can quickly know whether the An Shen stone and the Wen Lan flower reached Princess Chang Liu’s hands.”


That’s right! Our Duke Ming will personally hand the Wen Lan flower to the Princess. Every word and movement of hers after receiving the gift will be relayed back to Young Master. As long as Young Master decides to stay here….”


Despite all the advisement, Du Feng still kept the same demeanor. A faint smile, crestfallen eyes, he looked around and once everyone calmed down, with a bittersweet smile he asked, “Should I really arrive and then leave her? Being nearby like that, can I really restrain myself from not rescuing her from the palace of Tong Kingdom? Every step closer to Tong Kingdom, all those painful thoughts I’ve abandoned, the thoughts of eloping with Chang Liu regardless of the consequences will appear. I, Du Feng, am afraid I won’t be able to control myself. I’m very afraid.”


This was the reason that caused everyone to be powerless. Du Feng’s sadness was the answer, even Chiu Yue who was the idealistic of the bunch had no choice but to remain silent. The consequences of that matter was not something to joke about. If Du Feng really cannot control himself and forcibly eloped with Chang Liu, even if the pair of lovers are together, they could still be hacked into thousands of pieces. Then there might even be a war between Tong Kingdom and Zhao Bei. A war! No one would dare start a war – of course Rong Tian and Ruo Yan are exceptions.


That’s why, I will be getting off now.” After finishing, Du Feng gave a long sigh. Facing Feng Ming, he said, “Since we are friends, I will come find you in the future.”


Hopefully, we will see each other soon,” Feng Ming muttered. Ever since Du Feng appeared, whether he was depressed or in pain, he still kept the same indifferent calmness, unlike Feng Ming who would express himself freely, being teased and criticized. At this time, Feng Ming perked up a smile, “Are you really leaving now? Alright, I’ll see you off.”


Feng Ming along with the others, walked Du Feng out onto the deck. Once out on the deck, the sky made it clear to Feng Ming that time flies really quick.


The Reluctant King is indeed deserving of the reputation. Feng Ming smiled hesitantly at Du Feng, “Although we’ve met for a short moment, it seems as if we were friends for many years.”


Du Feng was not as beautiful as Lu Dan, he was not domineering as Rong Tian, but he had another kind of gentle indifferent demeanor. If he applied the same saying his teacher once taught him, it would be “There was only five words that you can describe this Reluctant King: modest, righteous, just, benevolent, and tranquil.”


If there is one word to describe him, then the feeling of comfortableness comes to mind.


The small boat Du Feng came on was still there, floating next to the large ship.


When will we see each other again?” Feng Ming looked at his subordinates who were untwisting the ropes to the small boat and pulling it in, knowing that the time of farewell is nearing, he couldn’t help but ask Du Feng.


Du Feng raised his eyebrows, then laughed, “Fortunately, Xi Lei King is not here. If he were to see Duke Ming’s expression, he might be jealous. It’s Du Feng’s fault. Ah, am I really what the world have said about me, forever a heartless romantic? Chang Liu is suffering in Tong Kingdom, but after meeting a priceless friend, my mood is a lot better.”


Feng Ming quickly corrected him, “Meeting a priceless friend is definitely a happy thing, you don’t need to continue blaming yourself. Look, even though I appear hopeless without Rong Tian beside me, I’m very happy to meet you.”


However, his life is more fortunate than Du Feng. Rong Tian and Chang Liu are different, since Rong Tian will soon reunite with Feng Ming.


Not knowing what was on Du Feng’s mind, he remained silent.


The rope to the small boat was untied, some of the Xiao men brought the boat over so that Du Feng can embark and leave as he pleases. But this time, no one wanted to tell him those words.


Du Feng was silent for awhile before looking over at Feng Ming and with gentle eyes, he said, “Does Duke Ming know how to play the flute?”


Ah. This?” Feng Ming blushed red, “That’s right.” Therefore, the flute you gave is quite a waste to leave it with me…


I’ll tell Duke Ming a secret, alright?” Du Feng suddenly lowered his voice.


His voice was clear and gentle on the ears, once it was lowered, not only was it not terrible to listen, but yet his voice was more mesmerizing. Feng Ming had never been resistant to secrets, not to mention secrets from Du Feng. His curiosity raised as he excitedly whispered, “What’s the secret?”


Even though the two of them lowered their voices, the few people around Feng Ming could also hear it. Chiu Yue and the others’ ears pricked up.


I actually don’t know how to play the flute.”


Feng Ming swept his eyes towards Du Feng, “I don’t believe you.”


I never lie to my friends.” Du Feng seriously replied, “The enchanting sound the flute brings to others is because this jade flute is very special. The sound would be beautiful no matter what simple tune is blown, it can touch the hearts of anyone.”


Really?” Feng Ming was skeptical. After Du Feng said that, he was very excited. Initially, Feng Ming intended to just carry it for show and not play it. If the jade flute can be blown and still make nice sound, then he might as well try.


While thinking, he took the jaded flute from his waist, placed it to his mouth and postured his fingers as how he remembered Du Feng had in his memory, “Is it like this?”


He took a  breath, not knowing how cute his behavior was. Chiu Yue and Chiu Lan were laughing, even Du Feng curved his lips into a smile.


Elevate your hand a little.” Du Feng helped him adjust his posture and corrected him, “You don’t need to use much strength, you need to put your soul into playing the flute. Use the air from your abdominal region and concentrate while slowly blowing. When Duke Ming drinks tea, don’t you also blow the hot tea? Blowing the flute is the same as blowing tea, with a bit more rhythm.”


Not sure if Feng Ming is talented or that he is better than the teacher. With a slight guidance from Du Feng, Feng Ming was able to blow a bit, sending a clear flute sound, just like what Du Feng had said, the sound was unusually beautiful. Though he cannot compare to Du Feng’s playing despite standing under the same sky, but according to Feng Ming, his first time playing the flute exceeded his expectations.


Needless to say, Chiu Lan immediately applauded, “It’s beautiful! Duke Ming is amazing!”


Even Rong Hu gave a praise, “It’s really easy on the ears.”


Feng Ming was enraptured by the compliments. However, he did know his limits, blowing a couple of sounds, he giggled and thanked Du Feng, “I know you were modest when you said about casually blowing the flute can emit the same sound as yours. From what I see, I have to practice many years before I can play an enchanting melody like yours.”


After the farce, the gloomy atmosphere wavered down a lot. Du Feng silently listened to Feng Ming playing around with the flute before saying, “I have to go.”


Feng Ming knew that in order for him to not be sad, Du Feng stayed behind for a little awhile. His heart was more saddened by the separation, yet he felt it was strange that this person was not Rong Tian, so why is he feeling the same pain when he separated from Rong Tian?


Blinking his eyes a few times, he nodded and said, “I know you have to go.” He motioned his subordinates to prepare the boat.


They watched as Du Feng stepped onto the small boat. Waiting for the boat to drift away made everyone feel uneasy inside. Rong Hu suddenly cried out, waving towards another small boat heading their way, “Let them through! Don’t block them, it is the person we have been waiting for!”


Everyone was startled by him as they looked out towards that direction, another boat slightly larger than Du Feng’s, was unknowingly stopped by Feng Ming’s guards.


Rong Hu was telling the crew on the ship to make way while also reporting to Feng Ming, “Duke Ming, it is Xiao Liu.”


Feng Ming nodded his head, looking afar, there was a person on the boat arguing with the Xiao’s men, his stature was similar to what Xiao Liu looked like yesterday.


Luo Yun knew that person was one of them, so he motioned for his subordinates to let them through.


Oh.” Feng Ming suddenly remembered that he still haven’t completely see his guest off. He immediately looked down and sure enough Du Feng was still on the boat, seemingly turned around to look towards Xiao Liu’s direction. Noticing that Feng Ming was looking at him, he leisurely chuckled, “Duke Ming appears to be popular with many friends, one person hasn’t left and yet another one came. That’s great, that way, Duke Ming won’t be lonely.”


Not waiting for Feng Ming to answer, he bid his farewells to everyone, picked up the slender bamboo paddle and dabbled the water. Not sure how hard he rowed, but the small boat suddenly thrusted away from the ship, into the opposite direction of where Xiao Liu came from.


Feng Ming’s eyes followed after, though regrettable, but this carefree wanderer soon drifted farther away beyond his line of sight.


The time Du Feng’s image faded away was the precise moment when Xiao Liu set foot onto the ship. Feng Ming melancholy watched, as he turned around, a tall, slender figure appeared in front of his eyes.


A rarely seen excited Rong Hu introduced the young man, “Duke Ming, this is Xiao Liu.”




DF: Only Duke Ming has this object. It is called the “An Shen Stone” just as famous as the Heaven and Earth ring.


FM: An Shen Stone?


Feng Ming repeated the strange name twice, with little impression, he turned to look at Rong Hu, “Ah, have you heard of this thing?”




You have? Is it a treasure within the Xiao Family?”


Yes.” Rong Hu gave a simple one word answer.


Bring it here, fast.”


Compared to Feng Ming’s excitement, Rong Hu did not move an inch, “Duke Ming.”


What is it?”


The An Shen Stone is the most famous treasure in the world.”


Why is that?”


Rong Hu examined Du Feng and replied to Feng Ming, “It’s very expensive.”


Once he said it, he suddenly suffered a very massive kick. Turning around, the person who kicked him was Chiu Lan. After kicking Rong Hu, she softly scolded him, “There’s someone who is losing her life and you are thinking about how expensive the treasure is?”


DF: Even though Du Feng is not wealthy, my estate is not lacking in expensive items. When I received the letter, I have sent an order to my subordinate to sell off all my assets. As long as Duke Ming state the price, I am willing to become bankrupt. It’s just selling off land and assets take time to exchange to gold and transporting it would take a month’s time. If Duke Ming trusts Du Feng, can I bring An Shen Stone to Tong Kingdom first? After half a month, Du Feng will personally exchange it for gold and silver.   


FM: You don’t need to do all that, there’s no need to sell off your land. The purpose of An Shen Stone is to calm the nerves. Having it in my treasure safe would be a shame. A treasure needs to be at a place where its purpose is played out, can it be regarded as a treasure.


Feng Ming turned to Rong Hu and said, “Alright, where exactly is the An Shen Stone?”


Rong Hu understood Feng Ming’s meaning, but thinking about how Feng Ming handles his treasure and wealth worries Rong Hu.


While Rong Hu was silently worrying, he received another kick. Without asking, it must be Chiu Lan. Rong Hu looked up and saw Chiu Lan was pleading to him, frowning, he said, “ The An Shen Stone is a one of a kind treasure in the world, for Duke Ming to easily hand it over to someone like this is not worth it.”


CY: It’s Duke Ming’s stuff, he can give it to whoever he wants.”


The Xiao family is ostentatiously wealthy, open-minded, generous throughout the world. If Young Lord Xiao wishes to give a few things as gifts, not to mention one, even hundreds, thousands, what is there to considered? If the Young Lord Xiao wishes to give it to that person, then it’s not up to Rong Hu to have a say in it.” That sharp cold tone was Luo Yun.


He wasn’t one of Rong Tian’s men so he wouldn’t worry about how Rong Tian would manage his military forces in the future. According to him, if Young Lord Xiao still needs to have his subordinate agreement to give things to people then that would be a complete shame.


Chiu Yue did not expect that Luo Yun would speak for them, feeling surprised, she stared at Luo Yun for a bit.


Seeing how embarrassed Feng Ming was, Du Feng felt uneasy, thinking for a moment, he looked up and said, “Well, Duke Ming doesn’t need to give me the An Shen Stone, just let me borrow it. After Chang Liu recovers, I will ask her to return the An Shen Stone immediately to Duke Ming. I will also send gold and silver in exchange, just see it as a “borrowing” incentive for the An Shen Stone. Would that be alright?”


His eyes fell onto Rong Hu. He understood that the only obstacle left in having the An Shen Stone was only Rong Hu.


Hearing this, even Rong Hu had no interest as it seems that everyone is taking Du Feng’s side, especially his beloved wife, Chiu Lan. If he didn’t nod his head today, then Chiu Lan would probably resent him for the next few months. Feng Ming would also lose face if he were to refuse. Looking down, he silently thought, the Xiao Family has thousands of treasures, losing one would not be a huge thing, so why should he let Duke Ming be embarrassed in front of an outsider? Silent for a moment, he replied, “Although I’m responsible for the Xiao Family’s property, but the real owner is still Duke Ming. Whatever Duke Ming says, we’ll follow it.”


FM: Do as I say? Then quickly do as I say. (turning to Du Feng) You don’t need to worry, hurry and tell your subordinates to halt their property selling.


DF: Du Feng cannot just gain without merit, not to mention that An Shen Stone is…


FM: Let’s not talk about An Shen Stone. Just tell me, do you consider me, Feng Ming, as a friend?


Du Feng was surprised, he nodded and smiled, “If I didn’t consider Duke Ming as a friend, I wouldn’t have boarded the ship.”


FM: That’s great! Couples have an item to symbolize their love. Since we are friends, we’ll have an item to symbolize our friendship. An Shen Stone is the item!


After the moment of excitement, Feng Ming suddenly remembered a very important issue, he quickly pulled Rong Hu aside and asked, “Not good, I forgot to ask the location of An Shen Stone. It’s not in a faraway location like in Yan Ting is it? Please tell me it’s currently on the ship.”


Rong Hu smiled, he didn’t expect Feng Ming to be nervous about this, “Reporting to Duke Ming, An Shen Stone is currently in the treasure cabin of this ship.”




Rong Hu explained, “Has Duke Ming forgotten? Young Lord Xiao has to make several trips through different nations, Luo Deng had prepared everything. All of the precious treasures inside the warehouse were all transported onto the ship so that you can readily use them. An Shen Stone is among them. I have checked the booklet yesterday.”


FM: Hurry and bring it here.


Rong Hu quickly grabbed the item and brought it to Feng Ming’s hands.


FM: There’s nothing special, it’s almost similar to an ordinary stone, just a little bit darker.


CL: When you are not sleeping well, you will know whether it’s useful or not. It’s really a treasure, hold it in your hand and you can feel yourself at ease. I wonder what is the reason for it? Maybe it was taken from a mountain where the Gods live.


FM: But it appears ordinary. (Placing it in Du Feng’s hands) Now this is our friendship item. That’s right, since I gave you something, do you have something for me?


Du Feng stared at his clever and lively expression, looking at him for a moment, he reached into his waist belt and pulled out his jaded flute, “I don’t have anything special on hand, just this flute that has been with me for ten years. It should be enough to qualify as a keepsake.”


Feng Ming, who experienced the beautiful melody by Du Feng now had the opportunity to examine his flute.


This flute was very different from the ordinary green jade color, it was darker, but unlike the ordinary reflective jasper, there was little transparency, strangely enough, it could make anyone feel amazed.


Feng Ming was planning on reaching out to accept it, but someone else was quicker than him and grabbed the flute away. He was stunned, looked up and saw that it was Luo Yun.


As usual, Luo Yun took the flute that played that fairy-like tune and examined it closely. Not only did he flip it around, he even sniffed it and as if not satisfied, he actually extended his tongue and licked the body of the flute.


Chiu Yue scolded him, “How filthy!” Just when she was about to continue, Rong Hu pulled onto her forearm. “He is testing to see if it’s poisoned.” Rong Hu whispered.


Sure enough after checking the flute from top to bottom, he handed the jade flute to Feng Ming, “It’s good.”


Feng Ming accepted the jade flute, happily held it in his hand without putting it down. He faintly felt the convex carving of the flute, which was a lot different than how he imagined when holding it. Not knowing what the jade is made of, it must be very rare, feeling excited for a bit, he felt something was wrong and turned to Du Feng, “This flute is very precious, and for you to carry it along for many years, how can I take it? No, it’s best if you give me something else.”


After finishing, he reluctantly handed the jaded flute back.


DF: Then is An Shen Stone not considered precious as well? It’s because the flute is carried beside me that it is considered precious, so why not? (Refusing to accept the jade flute Feng Ming wanted to hand back).


Hearing that it made sense, Feng Ming took back the flute. He really liked the item so much, Feng Ming quickly placed it in his waist belt, putting on a handsome gesture and anxiously asked Du Feng, “What do you think? Does it look alright?”


Du Feng smiled, “It’s like you have worn it for several years. If one did not know, they might mistake you to be a flute master.”


The two of them looked at each other for awhile and then invariably laughed together. Exchanging a keepsake item is considered a major completion. They then sat down and continued to talk.


Chiu Xing slipped out again for their third round of hot tea. Chiu Yue, Chiu Lan, Rong Hu, and Luo Yun sat together with them in the main cabin.


You just said that Princess Chang Liu has three conditions…”  Feng Ming mentioned about the situation earlier and looked at Du Feng. Sure enough, Du Feng’s refreshed face suddenly became slightly downcast.


An Shen Stone is only one of them, which is the most important. As for the other two…” Just when he was about to continue, he felt a bit embarrassed, unlike the wealthy young master he is, he lightly said, “The second thing she mentioned was, she wants a pot of Wen Lan.”


Wen Lan?”


Feng Ming had never heard of such name and just like before, turned to face Rong Hu, who shook his head, replying he also had not heard of such name.


Wen Lan is an extremely rare orchid, which I heard is not easy to plant. I’m afraid that not many people have seen it in the world.” Du Feng appeared as if thinking about the past, he smiled reluctantly and whispered, “It’s my fault. Why did I mention about this type of flower to her? I’ve told her that she had a sort of aroma similar to Wen Lan. If one were to smell it once, he will not find any other fragrant compare to it. Ever since I met her, all the women in this world were neither beautiful nor as fragrant as she was.”


Chiu Xing felt a bit sad.


DF: Actually, I have never seen Wen Lan and of course, have never smell it as well. The time I saw Chang Liu was when the royalties of Zhao Bei were having a ceremonial prayer to the water god for good weather. I was invited by a noble friend in Zhao Bei, from the Aman shore, when I lifted my head, she stood in front of me, quietly staring at the river. I couldn’t help but said those open lies, “Your Highness, do you know you have a special aroma, just like the Wen Lan flowers.”


FM: That…Wen Lan, what does it look like exactly?


Du Feng shook his head, “From the moment I lied, I also wanted to look for a Wen Lan flower to give to Chang Liu, to make up for lying to her. But I traveled across the world and only heard someone say that there is such an orchid like that, but no one have really saw it. Ah, every lie will eventually have a retribution. Chang Liu said within the letter, she is alone in Tong Kingdom and wants a pot of Wen Lan as companion. Even now, how can I bear to tell her that I’ve never seen Wen Lan and don’t know where to find the orchid flowers of her dream?”


This was a really big problem.


Not only did he have a headache, even Feng Ming and the rest had a headache.


Princess Chang Liu was already quite pitiful and for her to receive another blow would be worse. Who would have the heart to tell her that her first encounter with Du Feng was a lie? Even though Du Feng did not intend to hurt her, he saw a beauty and couldn’t help himself with the flattery.


What about the rest of you? Do you know where it is?”


All of his maids haven’t even heard of it so how would they even know where it was located. Rong Hu thought for a long time, he hesitated a bit before making a suggestion, “If we put up a reward, maybe someone will say something.”


That’s right! If someone does have it, we can buy it!” Feng Ming immediately agreed.


Du Feng chucked, “This method I have tried before and all the flowers were fake. Those so-called Wen Lan were all forged with other orchids, or they are from some rare part of the mountain. Because of money, people are willing to do anything.”


Oh?” Chiu Lan did not understand, “How can you tell if they were fake? If you haven’t seen Wen Lan before, how can you be certain?”


FM: That’s right! If this type of flower is rare, then it’s easy. We’ll just need to find a rare specie of flower with a unique scent and give it to Princess Chang Liu, she hasn’t seen it before either.


Even though this was a little deceptive, but it’s better than to tell her the truth, right?


CL: That’s right! Duke Ming is so clever!


When Chiu Lan asked the question, she already had a hidden meaning, but because she didn’t want to directly say anything. Compared to her, Duke Ming was relatively more straightforward.


DF: Although she haven’t seen it before, it is documented in books.


Du Feng gave a smile and gazed at Chiu Lan. His eyes, no matter who he focused on were filled with intimacy. Eyes like stars, made everyone’s heart beat heavily, even Chiu Lan, who was a wife, had to scream out in danger, the Reluctant King’s charm is incredibly alluring. Chiu Lan quietly stroked her racing heart and listened closely to Du Feng’s reply.


DF: It’s recorded that when Wen Lan blooms, its flowers are black. Although it’s black, it is extremely beautiful and has a light aroma, just like a beauty’s charm.


Feng Ming and Chiu Yue looked at each other.


Wow, that kind of orchid? Black flowers, yet gorgeous, with a light aroma, even the fact of imagining it is hard and describing it as a beauty’s charm. What kind of book did Du Feng read? It wasn’t wrongly documented, was it? They couldn’t help but carefully examine Du Feng suspiciously.


Rong Hu interjected, “About the Wen Lan’s record, I have seen it in a book which did said that. What Young Master Du said is correct. Such records is in “Za Wu Records” and “Xing Shu Shou Collection.”


Feng Ming shrugged his shoulders.


These two books were very well known and while studying in the palace of Xi Lei, Rong Tian had forced him to read them, which he only read a few pages and yawned. If he had finished reading those books, he would have some knowledge of the Wen Lan flowers and is now regretting that he didn’t.


Since it’s most likely that Princess Chang Liu read those two books, the solution of using fake flowers was no longer valid.








Luo Yun!” Chiu Yue could not take it anymore, she stared at Luo Yun, who was standing stiffly to one side, “Can you be quiet for awhile?!”


In fact, Luo Yun had been quiet, but during this depressing silence, his occasional cough was more noticeable. Luo Yun had a lack of response towards Chiu Yue, he just coldly glanced at her and then looked towards Feng Ming, “Young Lord.”


Ah?” Feng Ming absent-mindedly uttered.


I know.”


Ah?” After a long pause, Feng Ming finally reacted. He jumped up and looked at Luo Yun, “What? You know?”


Regarding the news of Wen Lan, if someone were to talk about it, it was not surprising. However, for Luo Yun and orchids!… These two things…really had nothing in common. In fact, everyone was feeling shocked.


You know where the Wen Lan is?”


Luo Yun, how do you know about Wen Lan?”


Where is that Wen Lan?”




Before Du Feng and Feng Ming could say anything, the group of girls had surrounded Luo Yun.


Hey! You little rascal, hurry and speak! We are asking you.”


Chiu Yue wanted so badly to kick Luo Yun like how Chiu Lan did with Rong Hu, but seeing his cold eyes and sword around his waist which probably drenched in lots of blood, she didn’t want to casually kick him and cause her pretty feet to be chopped in half.


Luo Yun, I beg you, tell us. Young Master Du is very pitiful.” Chiu Lan wanted to use her soft voice to beg Luo Yun, but it had no effect on him.


Feng Ming sighed, walking over, he asked, “Luo Yun, do you really know where Wen Lan is? Please tell me, I’ll even bow down to thank you.”


Feng Ming knew Luo Yun always despise him and if he kneeled down in front of him, he will be more despised and taunted by him. However, because of his friend, Du Feng and the pitiful Princess Chang Liu, what can some taunted words do? Since Luo Yun is part of the Xiao Family, this will only be consider an internal dispute.


Surprisingly, Luo Yun did not say anything terrible.




After a moment, Chiu Xing came out from behind the curtains and sat next to Chiu Yue, silently listening along.


Du Feng continued, “ The King of Zhao Bei thought that after killing the person his daughter loved, she would no longer have any hope and would peacefully become Tong Kingdom’s Crown Princess. But he was wrong. Princess Jin Liu learned about the matter and that night…she committed suicide.”     


The audience had already guessed what had happened, but hearing Du Feng say it aloud, their hearts trembled uneasily inside.


After his daughter’s death, Zhao Bei King was not only depressed, he was very heartbroken. The news of Zhao Bei King agreeing to the marriage proposal from Tong Kingdom had been sent out, but after the Second Princess’s death, who will take her place? Without no other choice, he decided to send his third daughter Princess Su Liu to Tong Kingdom.”








Once Du Feng mentioned a Third Princess, everyone was in shock. For the situation to come this far was beyond everyone’s guesses. The tragedy was  pitiful enough, does the story need to make another person suffer as well?


Feng Ming finally understood why mentioning “The Reluctant King,” made Du Feng show such a sad expression.


Chiu Yue bit her lips and said, “Is Zhao Bei King the real father of these three princesses? Even though women are not worthy, they shouldn’t be forced to suffer like this!”


So did that little Princess go to Tong Kingdom?” The question Chiu Lan asked was more practical to the matter.


No.” Du Feng chuckled bittersweetly, “Zhao Bei King only have three princesses, the second one had died, there was the eldest who refused the marriage and the youngest who was not even 13. The Third Princess was young and timid. Hearing that she will be sent far away, she cried night and day. Her cries were heard throughout the palace of Zhao Bei and eventually spread to the ears of Princess Chang Liu who was imprisoned.”


Ah?” Chiu Yue softly sighed, feeling suspicious, she didn’t want to believe, “Then…Princess Chang Liu…”


She accepted the marriage and is now the Crown Princess of Tong Kingdom.”


After saying that line, the whole room went silent. No one knew what to say.


Clear breeze gently passing by the self-injured branch, crying all her tears and yet still longs for that someone, refusing your kindness as a consort, for I still wish for the Reluctant King, my beloved Du.” (Note: Breeze = Feng, Branch = Liu, Du = surname)


Du Feng slowly crooned, “The Reluctant King, does he really need to be the Reluctant King?” He sighed looking up at Feng Ming, “Does Duke Ming now understand the meaning behind the words The Reluctant King, and what they mean to me?”


Feng Ming felt greatly ashamed, he placed his hands together to apologize, “You’re right, I’m wrong, I hope you don’t take offense.”


Du Feng released a faint laughter before falling silent.


Chiu Yue asked, “But why didn’t you…rescue the Princess and took her out of there? …You and the Princess…how could you be willing to just…”


How did you know that I didn’t go to Zhao Bei?”


Chiu Yue’s eyes lit up, “You did? Then…?”


DF: Since I’ve been to Zhao Bei, I have several friends there. After receiving the news, I’ve used all sorts of method to enter Zhao Bei Palace and find Chang Liu. I was planning on bringing her faraway.


CL: Were you discovered by Zhao Bei King?


DF: If I was, then I would have already been dead…




DF: I saw Chang Liu and I wanted to rescue her, but she asked me a question.


What’s the question?”


DF: She asked me, you can rescue me, but can you also rescue my little sister along with all the other noble ladies in Zhao Bei who can be sent to Tong Kingdom?”


This memory have been relived in his mind a thousand times, once it was spoken out loud, the helplessness and grief of Princess Chang Liu were portrayed vividly. Feng Ming was listening from one side and after hearing those words, his chest felt as if it was pressed with a heavy stone.


They looked at Du Feng wanting to comfort him with a few words, but not even a single word was spoken. Anything said was useless. After a moment of silence, Chiu Xing suddenly gasped, she stood up and softly said, “The tea is cold, let me change it for another.” She took Du Feng and Feng Ming’s cups and ran off as if escaping the tense atmosphere.


So, Princess Chang Liu still ends up…accepting marriage to Tong Kingdom?” Chiu Lan whispered.


She didn’t expect Du Feng to answer. The answer to this question was something they all knew. Feng Ming and Rong Tian were most afraid of separating, so after hearing the story, he couldn’t help but compare Du Feng and himself, if Rong Tian and him were to be separated like that, then it would be best to die.


His heart was in pain. Recovering from his emotions, Feng Ming suddenly remembered that he is now a Leader. If he cries, then others would criticize him. Quickly blinking hard and placing the thin layer of wet fog back inside, he tried to express some comforting words, “Things of the past after all has already passed. There’s no use in being depressed. Also, our ship is planning on heading to Tong Kingdom, why don’t we…”


Before he could finished, Feng Ming noticed that Du Feng was gently smiling at him, he gave an apologetic expression, paused, and then continued, “Does Master Du want to come along with us to Tong Kingdom? We might even get to see Princess Chang Liu.”


Of course, the premise is that hopefully, the Prince of Tong Kingdom would not take revenge, order his army to slice them into eight to ten pieces.  


Du Feng’s lips curved upward, displaying a helpless smile, he sighed and then admitted to Feng Ming, “Meeting Duke Ming seems like we’re already close friends. I wasn’t planning on hiding anything. Originally meeting you at Fan Cheng and then departing, I was planning on heading to Fan Jia to see the current situation. I also know many friends there. Does Duke Ming know why I decided to turn back halfway and deliberately chase after Duke Ming’s ship?”


Feng Ming was surprised for a moment. He thought that Du Feng and him had a destined encounter. It seems that Du Feng intentionally chased after him and maybe last night’s flute playing was also intentional.


But why?


Even though he had been with Rong Tian for quite for some, Feng Ming still could not contain his emotions or receive the same poker face expression like Rong Tian. Encountering a situation in which he didn’t quite understand, Feng Ming exposed a cute puzzled face, humbly asking, “Then, what is the reason?”


Luo Yun sternly examined Feng Ming, if this “Young Master Xiao” dares to make a silly stupid action such as scratching his head in front of “outsiders” like Du Feng, then he will definitely use the hilt of his sword to knock Feng Ming’s skull.


Chiu Yue was the most sensitive, at this time she noticed that Luo Yun was shooting sharp and dangerous glances at Feng Ming. She couldn’t help but gave some warning glances at Luo Yun.


You stinky bastard, you need to display some respect!


Du Feng did not seem to notice the undercurrents that were happening between the others. His eyes were still on Feng Ming, he frankly answered, “Because I’ve received a long letter written by Princess Chang Liu.”




Princess Chang Liu!”


A personal letter?”




CY: Did the princess want you to come pick her up from Tong Kingdom?


CL: Can Young Master Du tell us what Princess Chang Liu wrote in the letter? Actually…this is Princess Chang Liu and your own affairs, we shouldn’t have asked.”


FM: For Princess Chang Liu’s letter, to force you to abandon your plans for Fan Jia and travel back here to chase after me must mean that there’s a relationship between the contents of the letter and me?


DF: There is a huge relationship.


FM: Oh?


DF: Chang Liu said she left her homeland, she is alone in a foreign land and usually encounters many depressing situations. She couldn’t sleep, has lost weight and fallen sick.


CL: Sick? Then what should be done?


DF: From the time I’ve received her letter, I have decided that no matter what she wanted me to do, I will immediately throw away everything, regardless of the consequences to achieve her wish.


CY: Princess Chang Liu told you to pick her up immediately from Tong Kingdom, right?


DF: If this was the case, then it would be much easier. I’ll just be chased by Tong Kingdom, though, I am not afraid of anything. But Chang Liu…she…Chang Liu requested three things from me. The first one, she’s sick, having sleepless nights, haggard to the point of falling ill. She said she doesn’t want to die, at least not now because if she died, her husband might again request Zhao Bei King for a propose marriage to marry her third sister. She doesn’t wish for her sister to suffer the same fate as her, therefore, Chang Liu wants me to search for a medicine to cure her illness.


FM: Mental worries are treated by mental medication. What Princess Chang Liu suffers is anxiety and I believe you are the cure to her worries.


DF: The source of Chang Liu’s illness is because she cannot sleep. What she needs is not me, but the treatment to calm her nerves. That is the reason why I came to see Duke Ming.


FM: Oh please, there is no such medication that can calm the nerves. I see you’re in denial, hurry…ah? What did you say?

This time, Feng Ming heard Du Feng’s last few words, his mouth opened wide, the finger he was just pointing at Du Feng was now pointing at his nose, “Me? I have a medicine that she needs? What kind of miracle pill?”





Once everyone settled down inside the room, Chiu Xing personally served the tea. Du Feng received the hot cup of tea offered by her with both hands. He smiled and thanked her, while looking at her with his painted eyes, her face suddenly flushed red to the tip of her ears. Once the cup left her hands, she quickly ran off. Even Feng Ming was amused.


FM: I’ve heard of your reputation.


DF: Is it “The Reluctant King?”


Feng Ming nodded his head, “Not bad, “The Reluctant King” is an interesting name.”


Is it really an interesting name?” Du Feng sighed loudly, “Does Duke Ming know what the end result to this story is?”


Feng Ming never thought of this, he was slightly surprised and asked, “What is the ending?”


Recalling the memories was something Du Feng wasn’t happy about, after a moment of silence, he finally answered, “The Princess’s name was Chang Liu, a passionate beautiful woman. After writing a letter of rejection to the Tong Kingdom Prince’s request for hand in marriage, her father, Zhao Bei King was upset and confined her. Her mother tried persuading her to accept the marriage, but Chang Liu would not agree.”


CL: Could it be that Zhao Bei Princess is still locked up by her father?


Du Feng shook his head. Seeing him shake his head, the two maids, Chiu Lan and Chiu Yue were relieved, “So she was released?”


Du Feng revealed an hesitant smile and continued, “Marriage between royalties has always been the method of maintaining monarchy. How can Zhao Bei King refuse Tong King’s request for a political marriage with good intentions? He imprisoned Chang Liu, but could not find any method for her to agree to the marriage. Therefore, Zhao Bei King decided to have his second Princess, Jin Liu sent over to Tong Kingdom.”


It seems the story did not end there….


However, Princess Jin Liu and her older sister were alike, they both had someone they liked…”  


Seeing how Chiu Lan and Chiu Yue’s eyes had rested on him, Du Feng explained, “The person Jin Liu loved was someone else, it wasn’t me. I heard it was a young guard of humble status within Zhao Bei.”


The two maids let out a light “oh” as their suspicion was lifted.


Not just them, even Feng Ming was very doubtful.


Jin Liu knew that her father wanted to send her to Tong Kingdom, but would rather die than obey. Zhao Bei King understood his daughter well so he ordered a minister to lure the young guard onto a boat, tied his hands and feet and threw him into the river to drown.”


Before he finished, three gasping sounds interrupted him, all harboring a sense of shock. The two sounds came from Chiu Yue and Chiu Lan who were standing behind Feng Ming, the third one came from behind the curtains. It was in fact Chiu Xing who didn’t wander far and was hiding behind the curtains, eavesdropping on the conversation.


Feng Ming was also shocked inside, but seeing his maids’ reaction to this tragedy, he decided it would be best for them to not hear more or else they’ll start crying, “Please bring something to eat over here.”


Chiu Yue was extremely concerned about Zhao Bei Princess who suffered and in a trembling voice she asked, “So what happened next?”


Hearing Feng Ming order the maids to grab food, Du Feng knew what Feng Ming had in mind, he didn’t reply, only stared at Feng Ming.


This person was very observant and had the ability to understand people at one glance. Feng Ming secretly praised him, but since Chiu Yue opened up to ask, even if he were to ask them to leave, they would be bickering among themselves. Letting out a sigh, he glanced over at Du Feng, “Please continue, I would also like to know what happened to that Princess.”




Du Feng couldn’t guess that Feng Ming would have that kind of reaction. Slightly surprised, he revealed a more carefree smile as he chuckled and sighed, “Since you’ve said that then I have no other options except to climb aboard.” Inserting the flute to his waist belt, he rowed the boat near the ship and proudly boarded it.


Once on the ship, before he could reach Feng Ming, Du Feng was surrounded by five or six of Xiao’s bodyguards.


Feng Ming knew how fierce they could be so he quickly shouted out, “I want him to board the ship! He is Du Feng of Bei Qi! Hey, hey, he’s the “Reluctant King,” haven’t you all heard of him?”


A cold voice traveled into his ears, “Who cares who he is, even if the Real King is here we still need to search him, not to mention one who is a fake?”


Without turning around, everyone knew the one talking was Luo Yun, standing beside them.


Among the Xiao Bodyguards, only Luo Yun’s voice holds much importance. They searched Du Feng thoroughly from top to bottom and then reported, “Only a flute, no weapons found.”


Feng Ming silently thought, as long as Luo Yun is here, making new friends will be difficult, yet he didn’t want to scold him. He could only turn to Du Feng and apologize for the inconvenience, “Young Master Du Feng, please don’t be angry, this is just…uh..haha..necessary formalities…”


It’s just little things, no need to mention. Duke Ming is of noble status so it’s better to be more careful.” Du Feng’s face was as usual, still smiling with a gentle warm tone, he then added, “I have many friends around the world, though this is the first time I’ve been surrounded and searched by many.”


Feng Ming was extremely embarrassed, he had to change the subject, pretending to be surprised, he asked, “Is it true that during that day when you accompanied Yan Ting Prince at the Palace of Li Kingdom, Ruo Yan didn’t have you searched?”


Du Feng knew Feng Ming wanted to change the  topic. Not wanting Feng Ming to be embarrassed anymore, he gently smiled and explained, “Why would Ruo Yan want to search me? He was expecting me to carry along weapons into the palace just so he had an excuse to kill. However, weapons are evil objects, and it’s not my nature to carry them along. All of my friends know this.”


Feng Ming let out an “oh” sound, as if he had realized something. He glanced over at Luo Yun for a bit, silently thinking, ‘Learn something, not just carrying a weapon all day and killing people is a good thing. Without conflict we can still earn the hearts of the people. Without weapons, one can still succeed in battles, which is a real talent. No wonder the princess of Zhao Bei is infatuated over him, even not wishing to become queen.’ Full of admiration, Feng Ming submissively said, “Please come inside, have some tea while we chat.”


Du Feng agreed and everyone immediately entered the main cabin.


Chiu Yue was left behind for she was standing to one side and muttering to herself. When Chiu Lan asked her, Chiu Yue replied that the Heaven had granted her wish of seeing “The Reluctant King” again. Chiu Lan was curious as to when she had that wish and told her it would be more useful to wish for a good husband or to stay forever beautiful. Chiu Yue said she wished for those as well.


When asked how many wishes Chiu Yue prayed for, Chiu Yue replied that she couldn’t remember, maybe..one hundred.  After hearing that, Chiu Lan placed both hands together and muttered to the Heavens to forgive Chiu Yue, not to punish her for she had a moment of weakness…




After sending his guests off, Feng Ming felt tired and began yawning.


CL: Duke Ming, you drank quite a lot tonight, please have a rest.


FM: Isn’t it because of you? I also want to rest, but didn’t Xiao Liu say he’ll come?


RH: Let me wait for Xiao Liu. Even if he did come, he’ll just have a friendly chat with everyone. Unfortunately, his status as an envoy does not allow him to easily make his presence known. If Duke Ming wishes to see him once more, then I will wake Duke Ming after he arrives. Will that be alright?


Feng Ming nodded in reply like a young chick pecking food. The maids all helped put Feng Ming into bed. It was Luo Yun’s turn to stand guard so he stood next to the bed with his arms wrapped around his sword. Feng Ming quickly fell into a sound slumber, dreaming about Rong Tian and how the two of them were embracing, staring at each other while laughing. While dreaming, Feng Ming suddenly heard a faint tune. As he concentrated harder into listening, he realized that that melody was the same one he heard at the banquet that night. The sound woke both Feng Ming and Luo Yun. Feng Ming quickly sat up and got dressed.


Chiu Yue rushed in and shouted out, “Duke Ming, hurry and look, that flute player is currently on the river. I finally spotted him!” After finishing, she pulled Feng Ming outside, ignoring whether or not Luo Yun approves.


A group of people ran out onto the deck, looking outward towards the river, sure enough, not far from the ship was a small boat floating on top of the river. There was no boatman, only a slender dashing figure with his back to the crowd, playing the flute while standing.


The sky was beginning to light up into a misty gray around them, the fog enveloping the river below created a mysterious aura around the person, but it still gave a hint of familiar intimacy.


After finishing up the tune, that flute player slowly turned his head, his eyes filled with joy and curiosity looked upward and rested on Feng Ming’s ship.


I know that I shouldn’t disturb your beautiful dream, but the scenery of the morning sunrise is so beautiful. If Duke Ming were to miss it, wouldn’t it be a shame?”


His thin lips curled up forming a bright, warm smile.


Feng Ming saw clearly who that person was, he was overjoyed that he laughed and shouted out, “No wonder women of the world are all mesmerized by Young Master Du Feng. Your romantic aura is incomparable. Ah, the sunrise is beautiful. Unfortunately, I am not an ordinary young lady who is easily seduced by you.”


Feng Ming put on a serious face, assuming that it was indeed a very serious expression, “I still remember the first time we met. When you lied to me, giving me a fake name, something like…Mu Sa. Ha ha, if you don’t come up here and chat with me as an apology, then I won’t forgive you.”




Condensing this chapter to speed along to the next…

That night, Tai Can, Chao An, his wife and mother arrived at Feng Ming’s ship to give their thanks to Feng Ming and the others for saving Chao An’s life.


Le Ting also arrived and told them that despite being in the battlefield for years, this was the most exciting he ever had and participated in. He also asked them if Xiao Liu would come here to join them. Rong Hu replied that since Xiao Liu had agreed to come then he would undoubtedly come.


While waiting, they had some dishes prepared by Chiu Lan. Tai Can and Le Ting praised her cooking. During the celebration, Feng Ming tried to refuse drinking wine, but was pressured into drinking.


Feng Ming then ordered for some entertainment for his guests. However, before the entertainment began, they heard a heavenly melody from a flute that made everyone mesmerized. They learned that the sound was within the ship’s vicinity however they were unable to identify where and whom was playing the flute. Soon the sound drifted off further away.


After hearing the music, they all felt that the dancing and music entertainment on the ship couldn’t compare to the flute melody they heard earlier.


As it was getting late into the night, Xiao Liu still hadn’t appeared and Chao An’s wife, along with the others were getting restless. Feng Ming told them they can leave without having to wait for Xiao Liu. Hearing that, Tai Can was relieved since he had been worrying that if they continued waiting into the night, the boat rower they hired to send them off wouldn’t wait for them.


After Tai Can and his family bid their farewells, Le Ting also decided to take his leave, hoping that he didn’t make his guards wait too long. Learning from his previous lesson, he brought along several bodyguards to avoid traveling alone again and repeating the same incident that happened with Xiao Liu.

Even after everyone left, Feng Ming and the others still hadn’t seen Xiao Liu.


Any guesses for who the flute player is?


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