Dlaczego Jezus musiał umrzeć 2

Prawdziwy powód dlaczego Jezus musiał umrzeć!

The Real Reason Jesus Had To Die!


Pastor Eli James

Kościół Odbudowy Izraela / Church of the Restoration of Israel

Obecnie chrześcijaństwo źle rozumie dlaczego Jezus musiał za nas umzeć. Powszechna opinia jest "On umarł za nasze grzechy". Tak, to jest prawdą, ale to ogromne uproszczenie ofiary Jezusa Chrystusa.  Niekiedy to interpretuje się jakby miało oznaczać, że Jezus przebaczył wszystkie nasze grzechy, łącznie z tymi przyszłymi. To, oczywiście, jest bzdurą.

Lepszym sposobem ujęcia tego jest to, że Jezus zmarł żebyśmy mogli pokonać naszą grzeszną naturę. I judeochrześcijaństwo interpretuje to powszechnym zbawieniem wszystkich ludzi, bez względu na rasę, wiarę czy stanowisko. Zobaczmy czego naprawdę uczy Biblia.

Mianowanie apostołów

W przeciwieństwie do stanowiska uniwersalistycznego, Christian Identity uczy, że Jezus Chrystus przyszedł tylko do dzieci Izraela (Anglosasi, Celtowie i narody kaukaskie=białe), a NIE do Żydów.  Nasza podstawa tej nauki jest w wielu wersetach Pisma dotyczących wyłączności całej biblijnej narracji dla konkretnej grupy ludzi, a mianowicie Izraela. Sam Jezus powiedział to tak:

"Jestem posłany tylko do owiec, które poginęły z domu Izraela" - Mat 15:24.

Kiedy Jezus mianował dwunastu apostołów, tak powiedział:

"Nie idźcie do pogan i nie wstępujcie do żadnego miasta samarytańskiego! Idźcie raczej do owiec, które poginęły z domu Izraela" - Mat 10:5-6.

To rozumieli wszyscy prawdziwi Judahici i Beniamici z Judei, że "domem Izraela" był ogromny tłum Izraelitów, których wypędzono do Europy i Azji Mniejszej 750 lat wcześniej. To osiągnieto przez niewolę asyryjską. Człownkowie wszystkich 12 plemion zostali zniewoleni przez Asyryjczyków i umieszczeni blisko Media, na terenie między Morzami Kaspijskim i Czarnym, tuż na południe od gór Kaukazu. Stąd ci Izraelici uciekli do Europy, albo na północ przez góry Kaukazu albo na zachód przez Azję Mniejszą, albo to co teraz nazywa się Turcją. Od tego przejścia przez Kaukaz Izraelici stali się znani jako "Caucasians".

Księga Jakuba rozpoczyna się słowami: "Jakub, sługa Boga i Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, śle pozdrowienie dwunastu pokoleniom w rozproszeniu".

The Book of James begins with these words: “To the twelve tribes scattered abroad, greetings.” It is evident that James was following the directive of Jesus to teach the “lost sheep.” Indeed, when the Apostles began their mission, they fanned out over this entire area, from Media to Britain, preaching the “good news” that the Messiah had come. From Parthia to Ireland, this news was greeted with great enthusiasm by all of those sheep that had been exiled 750 years earlier.

Even the Pharisees understood that Jesus had a special mission to these exiles, for they feared that He would go and seek them out, to assemble them and bring them back to Judea in order to use them as a force to establish His Kingdom in lieu of theirs:

Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me. Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come.” – John 7:33,34.

Having heard this, the Jews said amongst themselves:

Whither shall he go, that we shall not find him? Will he go unto the dispersed among the nations, and teach the nations?”

So, even the Pharisees understood that there were Israelites dispersed among the nations. Of course, Jesus meant that they could not find Him because He would return to heaven; but the Pharisees, being a materialistic sect, did not believe in the heaven that Jesus taught. They thought He meant somewhere else on earth. Blind fools, weren’t they?

Nevertheless, the main body of Israelites that He wished to reach were not in Palestine. The dispersed of Israel lived in numerous other lands, as I said, from Parthia – ‘Parthia’ means “exile” – to Ireland. Since Jesus had to be sacrificed “for our sins,” the job of reaching the exiles became that of the Apostles. In this they did an outstanding job, for Christianity spread like wildfire throughout the Dispersion, although the teachings were corrupted by the Popes and other false “Christians” who sought to deceive the flock and thus make sure that the flock stayed lost. Indeed, True Israel is still lost even today, with the vast majority of our people having been deceived by the Anti-Christ’s new religion, Judeo-Christianity.

At the same time, we Israelites are admonished not to be too proud of our heritage or our racial stock. Everything depends upon our adherence to God’s Law. Anything less disqualifies us from the inheritance. John the Baptist, during his ministry, had a confrontation with some Sadducees and Pharisees:

Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.” (Matt. 3:5-9.)

You see, these priests and politicians had gone out to the Jordan River for a “photo op” with John the Baptist and he wasn’t having any of their hypocrisy. Already puffed up with pride from their rank and station in life, John tells them to repent! These words are recorded for our benefit too.

On one of my recent radio broadcasts, I asked the question: “When did the old-fashioned fire and brimstone message of Christianity get replaced by the Judeo-Christian gospel of personal salvation?” A perceptive caller put it very concisely. The new creed was promoted first by the televangelists beginning in the 1960's. With Jewish financial and doctrinal support, that’s when the Anti-Christ began deceiving the whole world through television, the image of the Beast. Of course, these same televangelists avoid the question of how the whole world is being deceived. They don’t want to draw attention to themselves.

Getting back to the dispersion of True Israel, note that this dispersion is NOT the “diaspora,” or dispersion of the Jews; because the Jews were not dispersed until 70 A.D., when the Temple was destroyed and the Pharisaic religion called Judaism was scattered throughout the Mediterranean and points east, such as Pergamos and Babylon. And James wouldn’t waste his time trying to convert the antichrists of his time, who were still in control of Judea. The Jews NEVER mention the TRUE DISPERSION OF ISRAEL, which occurred 750 years earlier! To understand this true dispersion is to understand that the Jews are liars and impostors when they claim to be the ONLY ones dispersed! Their rabbis teach that the 10 Lost Tribes simply disappeared from the pages of history, never to return again.

But the Bible says otherwise: “For I am Yahweh, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6) Indeed, the sons of Jacob (Israel) will return just in time to wake up to their true identity and snatch the inheritance out of the hands of the impostor who wishes to steal it. The Jews have no claim whatsoever to the heritage of Israel. Their only claim is through their intermarriage with the remnant of Judah that lived in Judea in Herodian times. That was when the Idumeans were merged with the Judahites. The resulting nation became known as Judea, a combination of Judah and Idumea, hence, the historical confusion concerning the word ‘Jew.’

The simplest definition of the word ‘Jew’ is this: A Jew is a counterfeit Judahite. These Idumeans who intermarried with Judah have taken advantage of the similarity of the words ‘Judah’ and ‘Judea’ – a distinction which our religious “leaders” have either conveniently ignored or forgotten – in order to pretend to be Judahites. In reality, they are not Israelites at all. By falsely claiming an association with Judah, they also claim to be Israelites. And since this impersonation of Judah did not begin until 150 B.C., it is historically false, inaccurate, anachronistic, and anti-Scriptural to refer to any Judahites, full-blooded or not, before this time as “Jews.”

Since the word ‘Jew’ carries the dual meaning of “Judahite” and “Judean,” we have to carefully distinguish every instance of the word ‘Jew’ from its Scriptural context in order to determine whether Judahites are being signified or Judeans are being signified. Our people are woefully ignorant of their own history. The fact is that the Pharisees of Yahshua’s time were virtually all Edomite Judeans and not Judahites. These Edomites had no tradition of a coming Messiah. This was exclusively an Adamite/Hebrew/Israelite/Judahite expectation. No other people were expecting a Messiah except us because no other people had the Hebrew Scriptures. Only the most educated people of other cultures had any awareness that the Hebrew Israelites and Judahites had such a tradition. The mixed seed or non-Judahite Judeans, such as the Pharisees, only knew about the Messiah thanks to their association with Judah. Consequently, they had no tolerance for Jesus when He came. They were not of His race and, therefore, they had no tolerance for His teachings.

By the way, the same thing is happening today in America that happened in Judea. A bunch of Jewish usurpers who call themselves “Americans” promote policies which benefit their own tribe exclusively. They support the Zionist agenda 100% while claiming allegiance to our country. Never mind that the Zionist State is a theocracy in which church and state are merged into one. Never mind that it oppresses minorities. Never mind that it takes $6B per annum of America’s money and turns it into bloodshed. While making enemies for us all over the world, these Jews promote the idea that the Israeli State is our “greatest ally” in the Middle East. As JW Gerhardt puts it: “Before the Jews invaded Palestine, we had no enemies in the Middle East.” The Jews, throughout their history, have always been chameleons who assume the identity of the host nations that they invade.

These are the historical and Scriptural facts: There were no Jews at Sinai. There were no Jews involved in writing the Old Testament. There were no Jews in Egypt or in Babylon during either of those captivities. Moses was not a Jew. Abraham was not a Jew; Jacob was not a Jew. And Jesus was not a Jew. The reason the Jews rejected Yahshua was because HE WAS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus answered them, I told you and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them to me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.” ( John 10:24-30.)

Can it be any plainer? From the context of the above passage, it is clearer than sunlight that Jesus is speaking to the mixed multitude Judeans and not to true Judahites. Jesus is telling them, the Jews, that they are not His sheep. They are of a different genos, a mixed breed of Edomites and Judahites who do not qualify as Israelites because of their miscegenated status. The Pharisees inadvertently admitted their different heritage to Jesus at John 8:32-39, which tells us of this exchange:

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?”

The Greek word here translated as “seed” is “sperma,” from which, of course, we get our English word, ‘sperm.’ There is no mistaking this meaning. There is no such thing as “spiritual sperm,” “spiritual Israel” or a “spiritual Jew.” That is absolute nonsense. These Jews, who are the “children of the devil,” as Jesus calls them at John 8:44, claim to be the progeny of Abraham, yet this seed of Abraham was never in bondage to any man. This logically excludes these Pharisees from any claim to being Israelites because all Israel was captive in Egypt, and then the northern House of Israel was taken captive to Media. The House of Judah was also taken captive separately to Babylon. If the current priesthood of Judea had no tradition of captivity, then it can mean only one thing: they are neither Israelites nor Judahites, but those very Idumeans who usurped the throne of Judah with the help of Rome. Josephus tells us that Herod had all of the racial Judahite priesthood slaughtered and replaced with Idumeans. The Idumeans were partially descended from Abraham through Esau, the patriarch of the Edomites, but Esau married outside of his race and never married an Israelite woman. Because of this, and note this well, Esau and his seed were cast out! This is why the Bible says “Esau despised his birthright.” (Genesis 25:34.) Esau was a race-mixer; and the Jews, his children, have always been race-mixers. Only pure-bred seed counts as Israel. This is God’s Law.

It is often objected that Jesus was addressing only these particular Pharisees at this particular time, not their whole seedline; but can that be the meaning of ‘sperma’? Let’s get serious. At John 8:44, Jesus tells them, “You are of your father, the devil.” Strong’s definition of the Greek ‘pater’ is this: “a ‘father’ (lit. or fig., near or more remote): – father, parent.” Was Jesus talking about their literal parent, who fathered them a few years before? Or was he talking about their ancestry, both near and remote?

At Matthew 23, He tells the scribes and Pharisees: “...that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of the innocent Abel to the blood of Zechariah...” Is He saying that these particular Pharisees, at this time and this place, murdered Abel? – an event that took place two thousand years before they were born? How could these particular Pharisees be guilty of a crime that happened before they were even born? That fact is that Jesus is talking about their seed, not about them personally. It is their seed, their genetic propensity for murder, which they got from Cain, their literal ancestor. Esau married two Hittite women, who were Canaanites, meaning genetically related to Cain. Then He says: “Truly, I say to you, all this will come upon this generation.”

Can the children be convicted of a crime committed two thousand years earlier by an ancestor? The word ‘generation,’ in Strong’s Concordance, from the Greek ‘genea’, is defined as, first and most common meaning: “from (a presumed order of) 1085.” Word #1085 is ‘genos,’ from which our words ‘gene’ and ‘genetics’ derive. Its first and most common meaning is “kin.” Still think Jesus was only addressing this local bunch of rabbis? What Jesus was telling them is this: “You are genetically descended from Cain and you are still doing his works.

Now, take this meaning for the word ‘generation’ and apply it to the cryptic statement at Matthew 24:34: “Truly, I say to you, this generation shall not pass away till all these things take place.” The Judeo-Christians, with their current vernacular for ‘generation’ imposed upon Christ’s words, take this statement to mean that there were people alive in Christ’s time, who will literally live until the Judgment Day!! – a period of 1975 years...and counting! What’s in a translation, you ask? Clearly, the word ‘generation’ should have been translated according to its primary meaning, which word ‘genos’ means “race,” as in “race of vipers.” The Book of Daniel tells us that the prophecies would not be understood until the time of the end. This is the time of the end. Replace the word ‘generation’ with the word ‘race’ in the sentence above and you will understand its true meaning.

Since Jesus Himself declared that He came only for the exiled “sheep” of the Dispersion – remember the Jews had not yet been dispersed and would not be until 37 years after His death – it is obvious that His message is exclusively for us, the children of the Dispersion, the True House of Israel. And to understand this True Dispersion is to comprehend why Yahweh took human form in order to die for us.


The Writ of Divorcement


Because the nation of Israel was so disobedient and rebellious, Yahweh decided to split up the Twelve Tribes into two Houses. These two Houses were henceforth known as the “House of Israel” and the “House of Judah.” This occurred during the reign of Solomon. Yahweh’s intention was stated through the prophet, Ahijah:

And he said to Jeroboam [of the ten northern tribes]...Behold, I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes to thee: But he shall have one tribe for my servant David’s sake and for Jerusalem’s sake...because they have forsaken me, and have worshipped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians...and have not walked in my ways, to do that which is right in mine eyes, and to keep my statutes and judgments, as did David his father.” – I Kings, 11:31-33.

So, the Father divided the twelve-tribed nation of Israel into the two Houses: the House of Israel and the House of Judah. After this division, and because of Israel’s continued disobedience, Yahweh arranged for the Assyrians to take the whole northern House of Israel captive to Media and put them “out of His sight.” By the way, “Ashtoreth” is the pagan goddess, Astarte, the goddess of “love,” whose memory the Roman Church memorialized as “Easter Sunday.” Astarte = Easter. And you thought Catholicism was Christian and not a pagan religion? What are all those “Easter eggs” and bunnies (both pagan symbols of fertility) doing in “Christian” celebration. All of these “Easter” symbols were begun by Semiramis, the ancient Queen of Babylon, and later incorporated into Rome’s version of “Christianity.” We should be celebrating the Passover, Resurrection, and Ascension, not fertility!

This exile process was begun in 745 B.C. with the taking of half of Manasseh and other tribes. The process ended in 721 B.C with the fall of Samaria, the capital city of the northern House of Israel. By that time, all of the inhabitants of the House of Israel were taken captive, although it is clear from the Bible and from secular history that a large number of Judahites and Benjamites were also taken captive and mixed in with the captives in Media. Thus, all twelve tribes of Israel were taken captive by the Assyrians. In effect, these Israelites were exiled away from Palestine because of their rebellion.

The Father was none too happy with the House of Judah either, for they were also, later, taken captive to Babylon, “for their own good,” in 586 B.C. by the Babylonians. But they were to return 70 years later to reestablish the House of Judah in order to prepare Jerusalem for the coming of the Messiah. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell us of the house cleaning that took place amongst these Judahites and Benjamites in order to prepare the way for Messiah by keeping the seedline pure. Matthew, Chapter 1 and Luke Chapter 3 give us Jesus Christ’s genealogy, proving that He is a pure-blooded descendant of King David. What is the point of these genealogies if not to provide evidence for His Davidic descent? To Judeo-Christians, these “begats” are irrelevant curiosities.

It is not generally understood by Christians that God the Father compares this exile of the House of Israel to a divorce. Your Judeo-Christian minister will never tell you about the meaning of the casting away of His wife, the House of Israel, as in the Book of Amos:

For thus Amos saith, Jeroboam shall die by the sword and [the House of] Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land.” – Amos: 7:11.

After having Amos declare this prophecy, Yahweh then makes Amos to undergo one of the strangest episodes of any prophet. Yahweh tells Amos that he must marry a whore!

Therefore thus saith Yahweh; Thy wife shall be an harlot in the city, and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword, and thy land shall be divided by line; and thou shalt die in a polluted land: and Israel shall surely go into captivity forth of this land.” – Amos 7:17.

Behold, the eyes of Yahweh God are upon a sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob [Israel], saith Yahweh. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.” – Amos 9:8, 9.

These verses are telling us that Israel was to be put away for her whoredom and that she would be dispersed (“sifted”) among the nations in punishment for her sins. As a result of this dispersion, Israel would also forget her identity as Israel and be hidden among the nations (Isa. 29:10,11; Isa. 42: 16, 19-20; Romans 11: 7,8,25; Psalm 83:3; Isa. 49:2; Matthew 13:44.) Recall the Great Commission given to the Apostles at Matt. 10:5,6.

The Book of Hosea continues this theme of exiled Israel. He is also commanded to marry a whore:

And Yahweh said to Hosea, go, take thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from Yahweh.” – Hos. 1:2.

Read the entire Chapter to get the full flavor of this pronouncement.

In Chapter 2, Yahweh tells these children of whoredom about their mother, His wife, Israel:

Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts...”Hosea 2:2

And she shall follow after her lovers [Catholicism, Protestantism, Pentecostalism, Anglicanism, Judeo-Christianity, all of which today advocate race-mixing], but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then it was better with me than now.” – Verse 7

Here, our Husband, Yahweh, is clearly telling us that while exiled (“divorced”), we will continue seeking after strange gods and strange flesh, but we will not find satisfaction and will eventually desire to return to Him.

And I saw, when for all causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not; but went and played the harlot also.” - - Jeremiah 3:8.

Clearly, Yahweh is declaring that Israel was His wife, but because of her adultery and whoredom, He had to divorce her and put her away. All of this was realized in the Assyrian captivity and the wandering through the wildernesses of Europe and Asia Minor for our punishment and according to the terms of our divorce from Him.

The prophet Isaiah confirms this scenario of Israel being divorced from her husband, Yahweh:

Thus sayeth Yahweh, Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement, whom I have put away? Or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.” (Isa. 50:1)

How many Judeo-Christian “pastors” have taught you that Israel, collectively, was Yahweh’s wife? Although the House of Judah also played the harlot, only the House of Israel was divorced and put away.

Children of Israel (the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples), YOU ARE THAT DIVORCED WIFE.

You are the ones who have committed adultery and played the whore with other races and with their abominable religions.


Yahweh’s Law of Divorce and Remarriage


The Old Testament, therefore, has declared that this divorce is an established fact. Let us now look at God’s Law regarding divorce for reasons of adultery.

"When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favor in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s wife. And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement, giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife; Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before Yahweh: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which Yahweh thy God giveth to thee for an inheritance.”(Deut. 24:1-4)

Jesus Christ Himself reiterates these Laws for us in the New Testament:

It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication , causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” (Matt. 5:32)

Jesus repeats this teaching at Matthew 19:7-9 and at Mark 10:3-9, so we have three New Testament witnesses to this Law of divorce as well as all of the Old Testament references. But Jesus sets an even stricter standard, telling us that the only good reason for giving your wife a writ of divorce is for fornication, i.e. race-mixing. This is the unforgivable sin, and the husband has every right to cast her out. Of course, the wife would be justified in the same way if her husband had committed fornication.

Let us summarize up to this point:

1.) The House of Israel was once God’s wife.

2.) She committed adultery (race-mixing) and was therefore given a writ of divorce by her husband, Yahweh.

3.) According to God’s Law, a man who divorces his wife cannot remarry her. (Deut. 24:4).

4.) The divorced wife can, however, remarry someone else.

Remember, this is Yahweh’s Law; and Yahweh does not break His own Law. He said, “I change not.


Jesus Christ, Our Passover


It is clear from Scripture that Jesus had to die in order to redeem us or ransom us from our sinful nature. This may have erased some of our sin debt, but it did not free us from the bondage of our carnal nature. That has yet to be accomplished. Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension are His victory over death. Since we are still subject to mortality, we cannot claim to be “saved” from our carnal nature because we are still subject to the penalty, which is death; and since we are still subject to death, it is clear that we are still subject to the Law, which clearly states: “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23.) Also, “Sin is the transgression of the Law.” (I John 3:4.)

Follow the logic:

1.) Death is the penalty for sin.

2.) Sin is the transgression of the Law.

3.) We are still dying.

Therefore, the Law is still in effect.

Those “Christians”who falsely interpret Paul as teaching that we are no longer subject to God’s Law have a real problem on their hands. These same Christians drop dead daily (not to be confused with Paul’s confession of “I die daily”), and they fail to connect their deaths with sin, which is the punishment for breaking God’s Law. Suffice it to say that Paul taught that only “the ordinances which were against us” were abolished, NOT the whole Law. Those ordinances are clearly the priestly rituals of animal sacrifice for the remission of sins. Any other interpretation of Paul’s teaching is presumptuous and false. These rituals were temporary and were dictated to the Levitical priesthood.

In Hebrews, Chapter 7, Paul clearly spells out his position on this matter:

If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change[not abolition] also of the law. For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe.

Compare this statement to Isaiah 29:13-14:

And Yahweh said: Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment of men learned by rote; therefore, behold, I will again do marvelous things with this people [Israel], wonderful and marvelous; and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the discernment of their discerning men shall be hid.”

Jesus Christ, as the Passover Lamb, came to shed His blood for us, but rarely does a Judeo-Christian minister point out that His sacrifice was to put an end to the “sacrifice and oblation,” which was part of the “traditions of men.” The Levitical priesthood was given authority over the people because the people refused to obey God. Instead of us accepting his Law out of love and understanding, we instead were only capable of accepting it by fear of punishment. This is the real meaning of the Old Covenant and the necessity for the New Covenant. The absurd teaching that WHOLE LAW has been abolished is anti-Scriptural. As a result, the entire clergy that teaches this doctrine is of Anti-Christ, whether they realize it or not. This unscriptural doctrine came in with the “Christian” Pharisees who presided over the televangelization of the sheep, starting in the 1960's. The “boob toob” is the “image of the beast” spoken of in the book of Revelation. This is the questionable source of today’s “news” and the main vehicle of our society's demise. The Jews control the information we receive; hence, we are stupid.

When Jesus died, He came as the LAST BLOOD SACRIFICE, our Passover Lamb, thus abolishing the ritual priesthood. In Judea, the Levitical priesthood had been overthrown by the cult of Pharisees, at best a half-breed sect of priests legitimized by Herod the Great. Whether Levitical or Pharisaic, this priesthood and their rituals were destined for abolition as part of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy:

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself...And he shall confirm the Covenant [the Law will be written in our hearts as stated in Jer. 31:31-33] with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease...” (Daniel 9:26,27).

Some of the false teachers of Judeo-Christianity go so far as to teach that it is the Anti-Christ, NOT Jesus, who causes the sacrifice and oblations to cease. They interpret this passage as a reference to Antiochus Epiphanes, the Greek general who vanquished Judah much earlier. It is true that Antiochus Epiphanes, during the Maccabean period, temporarily took control of the Temple and prevented the priests from conducting their rituals, but those rituals were resumed when Antiochus was defeated. But Daniel 9:26,27 unequivocally is about the Messiah, not about Antiochus. This is just another example of the absurdities that are being taught in the name of Scripture.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”(Matt. 7:15.)

A very important question is in order here: Can these false prophets be trusted with interpreting Paul? I think not. Therefore, their false teachings declaring Paul’s universalism and antinomianism are consummate rubbish. They all deserve to be kicked out of the Church because they are teaching abominable lies.

Paul puts it this way in the 7th Chapter of Hebrews:

For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change of the law also.” Note that he is talking about the Levitical priesthood here and that the subject is NOT THE WHOLE LAW, BUT ONLY THEIR RITUALS. “For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe” -- Another tribe? What tribe? Judah, not Levi! – “of which no man giveth attendance at the altar. For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah; [Judah, not Judea. Remember that the House of Judah was NOT divorced by Yahweh. Only the House of Israel was divorced] of which tribe Moses said nothing concerning the priesthood.”According to the Old Covenant, only the Levites could be the priests who functioned as blood sacrificers.

And yet it is far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest, Who is made, not after the law of carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life...For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he offered up himself. For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath [New Covenant], which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated forevermore.”

No one with a thorough understanding of this historical episode can declare that the context of this passage is anything other than the ritual “law” of the priesthood. The false priests are great at ignoring the context and taking things out of context in order to deceive. Note this logical statement well: If the context were the Whole Law, then the New Covenant would be rejected as well, because the New Covenant requires that the Law be written in our hearts. What was “nailed to the cross” were these priestly rituals.

Paul is affirming that Yahshua was the LAST BLOOD SACRIFICE for Israel!

Would Yahweh write the Law in our hearts so that we should ignore it? Obviously, this “inwriting” has not happened yet. Paul, as a former Pharisee, was intimately aware of the rituals of the priesthood. He tells us of their fallibility, which, by the way, also applies to the Pope and his priesthood. So much for the infallibility of any Papal pronouncements. John Paul II, interestingly enough, died on the day of Passover, according to God’s true calendar, not according to the Catholic calendar. I think this is a reminder to us of the real Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ. I think it is also a symbolic indication of the fact that this entire earthly priesthood, Catholic and otherwise, is about to be sacrificed at the Judgment Day.

Getting back to Jesus Christ’s self-sacrifice, let us state this fundamental principle of Christianity: Jesus Christ, as Yahweh God in the flesh, literally died “for us.” In what sense did He die “for us”? We can give several reasons:

1.) Jesus, as the descendant of Adam, died to atone for Adam’s and Eve’s sin and to redeem our race. That’s why He is known as our “Kinsman Redeemer.”

2.) Jesus was the Last Blood Sacrifice, having shed His own blood as the Passover Lamb, in order to fulfill Daniel’s prophecy regarding the end of the rituals and oblations.

3.) Jesus established the New Covenant, in which the Law was to be written on our hearts.

4.) Yahshua (Jesus Christ), as God in the flesh, literally died for his wife, Israel, so as to eliminate the legal obstacle to His future remarriage to Israel.

All four of these were main objectives of the First Advent. The significance of the last fact is this:

Yahweh, having divorced his wife Israel, could not, according to His own Law, remarry her. The only way that He could do this was by subjecting Himself to death, thus eliminating the lawful provision preventing their remarriage!

This He did on Calvary.

In His own words: “I lay down my life that I might take it again.” – John 10:17.

This you must know and understand: The Bible is a Love Story. It is the story of the deep love that a Man has for his Wife, even though she played the whore so much that he had no choice but to divorce her and banish her into the wilderness for 2520 years. But His love for her was so great that He would literally die to see her redeemed and become His wife once more

Children of Israel, I hope you are beginning to appreciate how much God really loves you and how much Yahshua has sacrificed for you.

The Wedding Feast of the Lamb


The Second Advent has a twofold purpose:

1.) To judge “unfaithful” Israel and the world.

2.) To claim True Israel as His Bride.

Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with prophecies concerning the Judgment Day and the fact that the Messiah will return as the one who sits in judgment. The situation can be summarized in this way: At His first appearance, the world judged Jesus. At His second coming, Jesus will return the favor. But for those of His House who are known as overcomers, there will be a very significant post-tribulation event: the remarriage of Yahweh to His former wife, Israel.

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.” (Rev. 12:1,2)

Now, it is obvious that this woman clothed with the sun is Israel. The crown of twelve stars is the tip-off, signifying the twelve tribes of Israel. The child that is to be delivered is Israel Restored. Restored to what? Restored to her purity as a genetically unmixed, Law-abiding woman. This restoration began, symbolically, in 1776 right here in America.

Moses, at Leviticus 26:17 and 18, tells us this:

And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you [this is happening to us today]; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you [we are needlessly making enemies for ourselves by our idiotic support for the Jewish State]. And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.”

This is just one of the many places in Scripture that tells us that God will punish us, Israel, if we refuse to obey His Law. The interesting thing about this passage is that it sets up a particular period of time as a period of punishment. This is the famous “Seven Times Punishment.” How long is this period of time in years? Without going into the details of how the numbers are arrived at, let me just say that most prophecy interpreters are in agreement that a “time” is a prophetic reference to the number 360. In the book of Daniel (12:7), there is a reference to “a time, times, and a half,” which is 3 and a half “times,” which is interpreted as 1260 days. Using the day for a year exchange for prophecy, 7 “times” becomes 2520 years (3.5 * 360 = 1260; 7 * 360 = 2520). (The prophetic story of the Seven Times Punishment is detailed in the essay, “Why 2012?” at www.anglo-saxonisrael.com .)

Now, the Assyrian deportations of the northern House of Israel began in the year 745 B.C. If we add 2520 to 745 B.C., we get 1776 A.D. (1775 is not the correct answer. Since there is no year zero, we always add 1 to our calculation because, instead of going from 1B.C. to the year zero, we in fact go directly to the year 1 A.D.) July 4, 1776 is of course, the birthday of the United States of America.

Revelation, Chapter 12 goes on to tell us about the “great red dragon” which “stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” – Verse 4. It is also a fact of history that the Illuminati was founded by the Jew, Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776 (May Day). This is historical confirmation that the “red dragon” stood ready to devour the United States in the person of the House of Rothschild. The name Rothschild means “red sign.” The red sign is a reference to Esau, whose name means “red.” Esau’s name was changed to Edom; and we know conclusively that the Edomites are today known as Jews. It was the Jews of the Bank of England who financed and encouraged King George’s war against the colonies. It was the international Jewish bankers of the time who financed the slave trade; and it was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who personally kept the books, disbursing payments to the Jewish shipowners. It was also the House of Rothschild banking family that financed both sides in the American Civil War. Indeed, the “red dragon” stood ready to devour the child, America.

America is the regathering of the tribes of Israel in the latter days. America was founded as a Christian nation. As long as America obeyed God’s Laws, we prospered. Once we allowed the Jews to come into power via the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, America began to slide downhill into the Jewish domain of world finance and usury.

This historical development has set the stage for 1.) The Judgment Day and 2.) The reawakening of the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples to their true Identity as the Israel of the Bible. This is today known as the Christian Identity Movement. We are the child that was delivered and the Jews tried their best to kill the child and they are still trying to kill the child.

Verse 17 says: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

The Zionist International is still trying to kill us by flooding America with illegal aliens in the hope that we will dilute our seed by intermarrying with the Mexican invasion, just as the Zionists are doing in every single White Christian nation in the world. They are using race-mixing as a weapon against us.

As I have explained in other writings, the House of Rothschild and the Zionist International are the 8th Beast of Revelation. (See my article entitled “The Apocalypse and the 8th Beast” at www.anglo-saxonisrael.com .) poniżej Scripture clearly tells us that the 8th Beast and the False Prophet (Judeo-Christianity and the world-wide ecumenical movement of which John Paul II was the most devoted proponent) will be cast into the Lake of Fire at the Judgment Day. Then Jesus Christ will reclaim His Bride, True Israel, and the great feast known as the Wedding Feast of the Lamb will take place. This Wedding Feast will formally re-establish God’s Kingdom on earth. Those who are invited into the Feast will constitute the leadership of the Kingdom.

There will be no Edomite Jews allowed into the Kingdom. They will be barred for three reasons:

1.) Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees. One of the main themes of the New Testament is the continuous condemnation of their religion. By 500 A.D., the rabbis of Judaism had succeeded in putting their oral tradition (“the traditions of the elders”), the Mishnah, in writing. From then on it has been known as the Babylonian Talmud. It is the Talmud, not the Old Testament, which is the real basis of Judaism. The false priests of Judeo-Christianity have either de-emphasized this main theme or have ignored it altogether.

2.) The Jewish people are not Israelites. They are Edomites and Khazars. The fate of the Edomites is contained in the Book of Obadiah. Read that book and understand what will happen to them.

3.) The Jews refuse to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The fact is that the Jewish people have been taught by their rabbis to hate Jesus Christ with a rabid passion. Would the potential husband marry a bride that hates him? – a “bride” who is even more sinful than one originally divorced?

There are a thousand other reasons why the Jews do not qualify for admittance into the Kingdom. That is a subject for another treatise.

I believe that the Wedding Feast will take place here in America and it will be attended by many representatives of Christian Israel from all over the world, namely, those overcomers who have lived through the Great Tribulation. It is these overcomers, exclusively, who will be invited to the Wedding, and NO ONE ELSE. “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matt. 22:14.)

And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked to me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away...and at the gates twelve angels, and twelve names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.” Rev. 21:9-12.

Matthew, Chapter 25, in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, describes the Wedding Feast and who is allowed to go in. Jesus is the Groom, and the Bride is those members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who have kept the Faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is the Faith, with the definite article ‘the’ in front of it and with a capital ‘F’. There is no possibility that any faith other than the Faith of the New Covenant, which mandates that God’s Law be written on our hearts, will qualify for admittance. The Kingdom is not for “believers,” it is for those “which keep the commandments of God.” The vast majority of those “believers” have allowed themselves to be flattered by wolves in sheep’s clothing who have taught them that God’s Law has been abolished.

Can you imagine hearing their “wailing and gnashing of teeth” when they find out that their hope of “going to heaven” was a false priest’s fantasy? What will they do to those priests when they find out how miserably deceived they were? On that day, I would not want to be an orthodox minister.

This is the coming fulfillment of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb and the great event in which Yahweh, in the person of Jesus Christ, will remarry his former wife, Israel. Now you understand the real reason Jesus had to die. “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide.” (John 15:13-16.) In this case, it was the husband who voluntarily died for his wife. Every sharp stone that cut His flesh, every thorn that pierced it, every whiplash that tore it, was a sacrifice for OUR SINS so that we, collectively, Israel, could put on “white raiment,” i.e, THE LAW OF GOD, and become His Wife again.. Can you imagine a greater love?




I would like to summarize the foregoing as Twelve Points:

1.) Israel rebelled against her husband, Yahweh

2.) Yahweh divorced Israel and she was cast out into the wilderness of Asia Minor, Europe and points west and south.

3.) In 125 B.C., Edom (Jewry) begins to impersonate Israel by surreptitiously and violently assuming positions of the Levitical priesthood. This impostor sect became known as the Pharisees. These Edomites of Idumea eventually took total control of Judea with the appointment of Herod the Great by Caesar to the post of governor. These false Judahites (“Beware of those who say they are Judah and are not but are the synagog of Satan” – Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) have been working for the last two thousand years to prevent True Israel from waking up to her real identity. By their impersonation of Israel, we have been disenfranchised. The rabbis have been hoping that Israel would permanently disappear so that they could claim Israel’s inheritance and prevent her from achieving her destiny as the Bride of Christ.

4.) Yahweh comes down in human form, in the person of Yahshua, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer, and voluntarily dies in order to nullify His own Writ of Divorce.

5.) Christianity sweeps the Anglo-Saxon world and Israel gradually awakens to her true identity and to her final role as the Bride of Christ. As Israel grows in numbers and Christianity matures, the rabbis of Judaism keep maintaining the fiction that the Jews are Israel.

6.) Israel comes out of the wilderness with the establishment of the United States of America. July 4, 1776. This is the true “regathering of Israel.” The Jews, in their ongoing imposture, stage their own “regathering” in Palestine, thus lending very convincing “Holy Land” imagery to their diabolical strategy, deceiving the whole world. Only “the elect” are not deceived. I know this sounds like the plot to the movie, “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers;” but this is not a movie; it is reality.

7.) The dragon tries to kill (“devour”) the child of the woman clothed with the Sun (Son). This is the story of the True Holocaust: The House of Rothschild, as the 8th Beast and as the main financier of the Zionist International, has literally butchered 60 million and more Christians of the White Race and another 60 million non-Whites by its promotion and financing of the Communist International (also known as “the Reds”): a total of 120 million people massacred by this Beast from World War I to the present...and counting. Those who are familiar with the history of the Illuminati know that the Illuminati were the financiers and the secret organizers of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. This Jewish secret society has been involved in the planning, financing and execution of every communist revolution since the French Revolution. (For documentation of the Jewish infiltration, manipulation and direction of Freemasonry at this time, see John Robison’s book, Proofs of a Conspiracy.) Few people realize the nature and the extent of the Red Dragon’s wrath because this same Dragon has deceived the world into believing that the Jews are “God’s Chosen People.” The world’s “liberals” are deceived by the United Nations Organization, which was organized and financed by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds from the beginning. The UN is, therefore, also an arm of the Zionist International. That’s why the UN never takes any action against the Israeli State’s flagrant violations of the UN’s policies. The world’s “conservatives,” especially Judeo-Christians, have been deceived by the Israeli State, which is, in reality, the Synagogue of Satan and the “abomination of desolation.” “And no marvel: for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (II Corinthians 11:14.) The sheep follow the Devil thinking he is an agent of the Christ. When does this nightmare end?

8.) The child grows up. Having temporarily escaped the Dragon’s attempts to kill the child, the Israelites of America set the standard for liberty by writing the Constitution of the United States. As the child grows up, the Christian Identity Movement emerges, thus beginning the process of our reawakening to our Identity. British Israel leads the way in the early Twentieth Century. Christian Identity in America (American Israel) takes the lead in the latter half of the Twentieth Century and does so today.

(These 8 elements have already come to pass. The next four will happen very shortly.)

9.) Christian Israel prepares herself by coming out of Babylon and restoring God’s Law in our hearts. This is happening at this very moment. And this is what Paul meant when he said, in many different ways, “The dead in Christ shall rise first.”This is not a literal “rapture” into the ethereal planes. This is a reference to our restoration. We are dead to the world but alive in Christ. Thanks to the internet, Anglo-Saxons the world over are affirming their identity as Israel.

10.) True Israel is reborn or restored on earth and matures into the Bride of Christ. Just as Jesus Christ was resurrected, so is divorced Israel resurrected as Christian Israel. “For the woman which hath no husband is bound by the law [Ahem, the Law that your “Pastor” has told you is abolished?] to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.” (Romans 7:2) If the Law has been abolished, why is Paul still citing it?

11.) The Judgment Day

A prayer for all earthdwellers: Yahweh, let our Faith be strong enough to endure until the end.

12.) The Wedding Feast of the Lamb (Matthew 25:1-13.)

A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again...” (John 16:21,22.)

Come quickly, Lord Jesus, our Savior, Friend, King...and Groom.



do poniżej: http://anglo-saxonisrael.com/content/8th-beast-apocalypse



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