Storyid: 4488041



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Chapter 1 to 37

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Chapter: 1


Its okay, Bella. I'll take care of you,” mike whispered in my ear as he pulled out a condom. I heard the wrapper tear and then I heard the condom snap.

oh well!” he said and continued.

It's not like I wanted it to happen that way. When he said he'd take care of me I believed him. Sorta. That was 2 months ago. I now stood in my bathroom with my best friend Jacob. Jacob was my best gay friend. Okay. Well he wasn't gay but he wasn't a guy either. I mean, we knew each other since forever. I've seen him naked and he's seen me. We've never had inappropriate thoughts or any emotional feeling toward one another. He was always by my side and watching my back. Always supportive. Even now with a positive pregnancy test in one hand and the house phone in the other dialing Mikes cell. I shivered at the thought of him. Disgusting pig!! I hated him.

ring ring ring

I was wondering when you'd call.” mike said trying to sound sexy. Idiot.

Mike, I got something to tell you and it's very important. So just keep your thoughts to yourself and just listen!”

okay” he said slowly.

I took one long deep breath looking at Jake.

Go on.” Jake urged.

I'm pregnant mike.” I said fast hoping that he heard.

Not my problem,” he said before hanging up.

I just stood there speechless the operator talking on the other line.

what happened?” jake asked. “helloooo! Bella. Breath. Say something!!”

I just looked at him terrified. He must have seen how scared I was because he just hugged me and held me against his chest.

its okay.” he said stoking my hair. This time, those words I believed.

what am I going to do?” I cried.

its okay. I got it!” he said jumping away from our hold. He smiled and left the bathroom. Yelling for charlie as he ran down the stairs.

oh no! Jake.” I yelled after him running slow. “jake. Don't. Please.” I pleaded.

what is it jake?” charlie asked.

Do you think you can sit. I got something really important to say.”

okay,” charlie said slowly looking at me and jake suspicioiusly.

dad. Don't believe jake on...” I was going to say before jake interrupted me.

I got bella pregnant!” he said.

jake!” I yelled.

Boy was I pissed. Charlie just sat there for a second or two before breaking down into hysterical laughter.

dad!” I yelled. Pissed that my dad wasn't taking this seriously.

sorry.” charlie said trying to hold a serious face.

dad. Its not funny! I'm pregnant.” I started crying.

okay bells, just calm down. I'm sorry okay. Look. I understand your pregnant and I am pissed. No I am beyond pissed. I am furious at you! How could you be so...” he as going to say stupid. I knew it. But when I looked up he was calm. “bells,” he continued. “listen. I'm mad but you know what? Being mad isn't going to help this situaiton. Its done. You're pregnant. Theres nothing to it. Whats happened happened. Now tell me seriously. Who. Is. The. Father?”

Jake was about to say something but charlie interrupted.

no offense jake but I know for a fact that you and bella wouldn't... do that.” charlie looked like he wanted to laugh at the thought. “its not possible for you two so don't think for a second i'm going to believe you got my daughter pregnant.” my dad looked like he really wanted to laugh. That pissed me off.

dad! Why do you think this is funny?”

sorry bells. I'm just nervous is all.”

you're nervous?” I yelled. “you're nervous. Well congratulations cause i'm scared, daddy!”i said hugging him. “i'm so scared.” he just held me.

its okay baby. Its alright.” and surprisingly I believed it was. Screw mike. I had my dad and I had jake. Everything else... well, I really didn't want to think about what was to come.

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Chapter: 2

Jake come on. We're going to be late.” I yelled up the stairs. Jake was getting ready in the bathroom. He spent the night last night. Again. Charlie never seems to mind when It comes to Jake. Except the part where I have to constantly refill the fridge.

patience is keen Bella.”he yelled back.

yeah well your butt..”i started but didn't really have a comeback in mind. I continued anyways “...will been keen.” I whispered realizing that made no sense at all.

my butt?” Jake asked coming down the stairs. Shoot he heard. “Keen? Good one.”

he went to the fridge of course digging around for a snack.

did you eat anything?” he asked.

nope. Not hungry.”

yeah well your fetus is.” I got the chills. He kept calling it my baby last night. I told him not to call it a baby so or course, him being Jake, finds a worse term to use. Fetus. I just glared at him.

you're cute when you try to scare me. Here. Eat an apple.” he said handing me the fruit while continuing. “all the baby books say you have to eat healthy. Its important during the first trimester. You can have a miscarriage if you're not careful. So you better learn to walk straight. What?” he said. He must have seen the shock on my face.

baby books?” I asked.

yeah. I read don't I?

when did you get baby books?”

when you told your dad you were pregnant.”that was a week ago. Wow. I'm surprised. Jake seemed to care more than mike. Thats sweet.

oh.” was all I said.

come on bells. Lets go. I heard about the new kids from billy. Of course he told us to stay away from the cullens.”


because they're bloodsuckers.”

geez Jake. Vampires would be a nicer term. I forgot. And soon you'll be a werewolf.”

well not because I want to. Its just going to happen cause they're here. Its already started.”

yeah. Well in the end hairy you still better be my Jake.”

nothing can stop that bells.” he said placing a kiss on my forehead. “i promise.”

i know. Now lets go.” so yup. That was Jake. Turns out that Jake has a long line of werewolf blood in him. And, according to his dad, it started up again cause the cullens. Vampires and werewolves. Doesn't matter to me. I'm just Bella. Well. Now I'm 'pregnant Bella.' we pulled up to the school and parked in our usual spot. Away from everyone else. My thoughts were interrupted by Jakes sniffing . I self consciously smelled my under arms. Not me.

eww. I think I smelled them.” I looked at him. Could he be a tad bit more weird. I think not.

right? Werewolf senses. I gotcha. Do I stink Jake?” I asked him. He look at me and sniffed.

He must have felt stupid smelling the air cause all he said was “shut up and get to class. See you in chemistry.” he waved and left.

Stupid Jake I thought walking toward the school. Its been two weeks since I told mike about being pregnant. It took me a while to get the courage to call him and tell him. It took him five minutes to tell the whole school. Of course he'd do something like that the jerk. How could I have let this happen. With mike of all people. I remember back to kindergarten when Jake him up for calling me a girl. Then my memories went to sixth grade when I got my first period and had to wear Jakes big shirt. Lauren and Jessica told mike about me crying in the stall. So of course being mike told the whole everyone at lunch about the stain on my pants. I cried and of course Jake kicked his ass. Again. Then my memories went to eight grade when Jake somehow managed to get me to stop taping down my boobs. So of course I went to school and mike told everyone I got implants. Jake beat him up again. Jake and mike seemed to fight over me a lot through the years. It always ended with mike in the nurses office and Jake suspended. And me well I got a lot of hassle from Jessica and Lauren. Why the three hated me my whole life is beyond my knowledge this time was different though. Since we were seniors and wanted to graduate, we had to hold off on all the fighting.

I paused suddenly feeling eyes burning into the back of my head. I didn't want to turn around but of course I did. And thats when I saw mike with Jessica and Lauren. I turned around a little to quick and bumped into something hard. At first I thought It was a wall, wouldn't be the first time it happened, but when I looked up from where I was now sitting my eyes looked with the worlds most gorgeous being. He was surrounded by four other fine looking people. So this is the new family, I thought. The cullens. Wow aren't they something. From the look on their faces the y seemed to hate me already. Great. One minute was all it took for the family to hate me. Imagine my surprise when the cutest one spoke to me.

want some help?” he asked with what had to be the most melodic voice ever. I couldn't help but blush. I grabbed his hand and was about to say thanks when he suddenly let go causing me to fall on my butt again.

geez Edward.” Edward? Nice name. A small pixie-like girl walking away from the group towards me. This must be his sister. “whats the matter with you today?” she continued helping me up. “are you okay?” she asked me.

I'm fine. I was just...” I was then quickly interrupted by Jessica.

still clumsy I see fat ass!” she said bumping into me. Great. Thanks. Now the new kids are going to know. “yeah Bella.” of course Lauren had to say something. “why don't you crawl back to the rock you crawled out of ugly.” and with that I quickly left. I felt like crying. I needed to find Jake before school started. I went to his locker and of course there he was surrounded by hormonal freshmen. As I approached I got glares from half of them.

Jake.” I said.

hey honey,” he said turning around to face me. Completely ignoring the fact that the girls didn't really fancy my nickname. They glared at me before leaving.

geez. Its just a nickname.” I said to Jake. “no need for them to get mad. I'm not taking you away from them.”

they'll get over it. Whats up?”

i want to leave.” was all I had to say for him to understand how I felt.

where to?” he asked.

oh I don't know. Home maybe. Off the planet.”

aww. Too bad.” he said sarcastically. “you can't go. I'll miss you. 'sides. I don't think your babe..fetus. Is going to like life on mars.”

Jake would you please to calling it a 'fetus'”

'well stop calling it an 'it'!”

fine,” I said angrily slapping him in the stomach. Big mistake.

ow. “ I said pulling my hand back. “ow. Ow. ow. Jake!!” I said shaking my hand. “ow!” I yelled once more as he grabbed my hand.

sorry bells. But thats what you get.” he said massaging my hand making it feel a bit better.

i hate you.” I yelled taking my hand back and leaving.

i love you too bells.” he said laughing.

I stopped and turned around “i love you to Jake.” then left as the bell rang. Great time for geometry.

Jakes P.O.V.

i love you too.” she said.

I know I'm her best friend and she doesn't see me like that. But at least I'm something. Not like that asshole mike who got her pregnant right before senior year. What a jerk. He gets to come school as if nothing happened. Bella is the one thats going to get bigger and bigger while he and all his stupid friend laugh and talk their shit about how much of a whore she is. Do they care that it was her first time. no. just another reason for them to hate. I hate mike with a passion. What a jerk. I'm the one who was there for Bella since day one. I was the one who was there when she was scared out of her mind when her period was a week late. I was the one, two months after her period still didn't start, who stood in line at the store and bought almost every pregnancy test there was. I was the one who told her dad I got her pregnant. I wish I would have too. I hated mike with a passion. Just leave me alone with him for one minute. Thats all I need. But Bella being Bella wouldn't let me fight him anyways. Did she always have to be so nice. God how I loved her.

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Chapter: 3

A.N. Okay. So like I said. This is my first fan fiction so of course my stories not going to be one of the best you read. Its kind of hard to write when you have a son. Especially my kid. If you thought Bella was clumsy think again. My son will actually run into an imaginary wall and fall down twice. But I going to keep writing this story even though I got one review. I aint tripping. Thanks for being patient and staying tuned.


So this is Forks High school,” I said to my 'sister' Alice as I got out the car. “great. School. Again!”

don't worry Edward. Todays going to be fine. I can see that.” was all she said before leaving me to walk ahead with Rosalie, my other 'sister'.

come on bro.” my 'brother' Emmett said. “winter break will be here soon. Then only four more months after that. It'll be fine. Look they like us already.” he said as the guys started drooling at Rosalie. It must bug him to pretend to be his wife's brother. He seemed pissed and walked away leaving me and jasper.

it won't be that bad. Really.” jasper said.

right,” I said in my sarcastic voice. We laughed. Okay. So I wasn't really nervous but... man. Did I hate high school. This was what my fiftieth time attending one. Okay. No it wasn't. I just hated this part of 'pretending to be normal' as carlisle would say. We five so weren't normal. For one, we weren't even humans. Two, we had special abilities that 'normal' humans wouldn't have. I can hear what a person think. Alice can see the future. And jasper, well jaspers a walking chill pill. He could calm anyone down or make them feel relaxed and all that.

are you two coming!” they all yelled at me and jasper.

sure. Why not?” I said as me and jasper followed.

I'm so tired of all the googly eyes,” rose said. “really, I mean whats with all the staring!” she yelled at two freshmen boys who were gawking at her.

jeez rose. Scare the poor humans why don't you,” Emmett said laughing but quickly shut up when rose glared at him.

okay, come on you two just calm down.” jasper said and rose just seemed to relax.

fine! Lets just get this over with already.” she said picking up the pace.

slow down rose. We're suppose to be 'normal' remember/'

oh shut up Alice,” she said in a bitchy tone as she slowed down.

could there thoughts be anymore...,”i said to my family. “...oh I don't know. Whats the word. Annoying!”

the blond babe is so hot. Won't take long to get her in that sack.” some pervert called mike thought.

the one with the copper colored hair is so going to be mine.”an annoying one called Lauren thought.

look at Lauren. Always thinking she can have any guys she wants. The one with the reddish hair is so staring at me.” her friend Jessica thought. I got bored and tuned them out.

god I hate high school girls.” I said feeling annoyed. Always thinking about looks and whose better than who. Can't they just...” I was cut off my someone bumping into me. Wrong time girls. I thought. You picked the wrong time to accidentally get my attention. I looked down to see the girl who bumped into me wasn't a Lauren or Jessica but a beautiful heart shaped face girl with the beautifulest brown eyes I've ever seen. My thoughts were interrupted by rose.

scare the poor humans why don't you.” she said, In a low voice, mimicking me. I ignored her and proceeded to help the girl.

want some help?” I asked in a friendly manner sticking my hand out while she blushed. Wow. Beautiful I almost said out loud but decided not to. She took my hand the minute her palm touched mine a shock coursed through my body. Scared me so much I let go and watched her stumble and fall on her but again. Smooth Edward, I thought. Very smooth.

geez Edward,” Alice said as she rushed pass me to help her up. “whats the matter with you today? Are you okay?” she asked the girl.

I'm fine. I was just...” the beautiful voice was quickly cut off by the one named Lauren.

still clumsy I see, fat ass!.” fat ass? Clearly they couldn't see how perfect this angel was.

yeah Bella!,” the one named Jessica said. Bella? Is that the angels name? “why don't you crawl back to the rock you crawled out of ugly.” with that the angel called Bella quickly left. At that moment I hated Jessica and Lauren. I glared at them. They obviously couldn't see I disliked them because the started to approach us. “hey there,” she started to say but I ignored her.

lets go,” I said to my family and we continued on our way.

wow that was rude.” Jessica said to Lauren. “its like he didn't even notice you.”

shut up Jessica.”

well I for one hate them,” Alice said which made me smile.

me to ed.”

thanks Emmett. Now let us 'normal' kids pick up our schedules.” we walked toward that attendance office.

i thought she was cute Eddie. Its about time someone catches your eye,” Alice thought.

I just smiled.

wow Edward I never knew those feelings existed for you.” jasper thought and I glared at him.

i was just saying man. Calm down.”

I just rolled my eyes. It didn't take long for the lady to notice who we were. She quickly handed us our schedules and that was that. We left.

okay,” I said, “so we all got our classes. Lets get the day going.” at least we all at least had one class with one another. I had three with Alice and jasper. I left my family heading toward my first period biology class. I blocked myself from hearing everyone but my family. I couldn't help myself but my thoughts kept returning to Bella. I'm interested. Very interested. She was beautiful and why I couldn't hear one word in her head was beyond me. Why Jessica and Lauren hated her I had no idea. I decided to tune those two out especially not wanting to hear what they thought about Bella. I walked into my class and began my senior year.

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Chapter: 4


I sat in my usual spot in geometry. In the back away from everyone else. I yawned. Boy was I tired these day. Having geometry first period didn't help. Whoever thought that having geometry for first period was a good idea has some serious issues. Don't all teacher know I brains are sleeping and don't usually wake up till at least second period. Mike, Jess, and Lauren enter the classroom and I got the chills. I knew how much they hated me before for no reason whatsoever. Now they have a reason to hate me and its worse. I couldn't escape from their glares and harsh words if I wanted to. I looked away and took out my pencil and notebook from my bad. I began calculating. Today was December twelfth. My last period was September 12. which, according to the Internet, I was due June nineteenth. So I guess I'm, what? Fourteen weeks? Wow. Only 26 more weeks and this baby will be here. I still didn't know what I was going to do. Adoption or what. Jake said that that would be kind of fucked up. Its not like I wanted to. But I don't have money. I cant expect for me and my child to live of Charlie. Renee still hasn't spoken to me. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the classroom door opening. I look up to see the familiar pixie girl walk in followed by a huge guy, I'm assuming to be her brother. They walked toward me and I immediately felt embarrassed for staring.

hi!” I heard a soft voice say. I looked up to see the pixie smiling. “my name is Alice,” she continued, “and this is my brother Emmett. and you are?”

Alice!” her brother whispered in a harsh tone.

sorry.” was ll she said. Still waiting for my reply.

'I'm Bella.” I said shyly.

yay!.She spoke to us in a friendly way. ” she seem shocked and quickly cover her hand with her mouth.

Alice!” Emmett said once again.


do you need me to move?” I asked them. “cause I can fine another seat.” I started gathering my stuff.

no!” she yelled. “just scoot over. We'll be fine.” she sat down next to me. Emmett doing the same.

so who are you?”


I couldn't help but laugh at Emmett for getting mad at alice's little outburst.

its okay,” I said reassuring him.

well. My names Bella of course. I'm a senior just like you obviously. I don't really have much friends or any at all. Which explains why I'm nervous talking to you. Well I only have one friend. Jacob. Thats about it.”

Jacob?” she asked curiously.

yeah. Jacob black. He's my best friend.” she seemed to tense at the name but then relaxed.

hmm.” she said quietly I almost didn't hear her. “maybe thats why I can't see.”

I'm sorry. What did you..” she quickly cut me off.

sorry. I was thinking aloud. Best if we paid attention.” she said and turned not speaking for the rest of the class.

I'm Emmett” her brother said.

I'm...” he cut me off.

yeah. I know. You slammed into my brother this morning. Quite the clumsy one aren't you?” he asked and I blushed feeling very embarrassed.

Emmett!”Alice said. “pay attention!” with that he turned around. Weird I thought they'd be meaner if they were “bloodsuckers” as Jacob referred to them. I seemed comfortable with them for some odd reason. I like them. I smiled at the thought of have two new friends. The feeling quickly left when mike turned around and winked at me. I shivered at the thought of mike. The jerk. Alice must have sensed something cause she kept glancing at mike then back to me. I hoped they wouldn't find out. At least. Not in the way everyone else did. I wanted to at least tell Alice. She seemed to like me.


Emmett and I had first period geometry together. We said good bye to our family and headed toward our class. I hated being stared at. It made me nervous knowing that they were paying attention to us. It mad it harder to be normal. We enter our class and I was delighted to see the one they called Bella in our class. Emmett must have notice my excitement.

'stay calm Alice. You'll end up scaring her away with your annoying self.”

be nice em. Our little Eddie seems infatuated with this one a bit.”

really? He doesn't even know her.”

so lets sit next to her and we'll get to know here. Come on. Follow me.” I was excited walking toward Edward new... ummm. Well new something.

hi!” I said politely. “my names Alice and this is my brother Emmett. And you are?”

Alice!” Emmett scolded me. What did I do wrong this time?

sorry” was all I said waiting for her reply.

I'm Bella.” I was happy when she answered in a friendly voice. It means she likes me.

yay! She spoke to us in a friendly way!” I said without thinking. Shit. I quickly cover my mouth. I'm an idiot.



do you need me to move?” Bella said. “cause I can find another seat.” she began picking up her stuff. I needed to stop her.

No! Just scoot over. We'll be fine.” we sat down next to her. I knew we'd be friends.

so,” I continued, “who are you?”

Alice!” Emmett was really starting to bug me. Can't I just e myself. She laughed at Emmett. Yay! She likes him too. Won't Edward be happy.

its okay,” she said reassuring Emmett that I wasn't bothering her. She continued, “ well. My names Bella of course. I'm a senior just like you obviously. I don't really have much friends or any at all. Which explains why I'm nervous talking to you. Well I only have one friend. Jacob. Thats about it.”

Jacob? Was that your boyfriend?

Jacob?” I asked curiously.

'yeah. Jacob black. He's my best friend.” I tensed. She must have seen me so I quickly calmed myself down. Black? As in the treaty Black? Werewolves vs. Vampires Black. No way. It couldn't be. I tried to look for her future but it kept coming up blank. I was beginning to fell confused.

hmm. Maybe thats why I cant see.”

I'm sorry,” Bella started. Shit! Did I say that out loud? She continued, “what did you...” I quickly interrupted her.

sorry. I was thinking aloud. Best if we paid attention.” I turned and tried not to talk to her the rest of the period. I hope she didn't notice anything. Then I heard Emmett speak. Great. I thought. He's going to mess it up.

I'm Emmett,” he said. They seriously can't be...

I'm...” she started to say. Yup. They were introducing there selfs again.

Emmet interrupted her. “yeah. I know. You slammed into my brother this morning. Quite the clumsy one aren't you?' I knew Emmet was joking but she probably didn't. Dumb ass.

Emmett!” I yelled. “pay attention.” he turned around. At least she seems to be comfortable talking to us. Why do the two girls keep glaring at her. Am I missing something? The one called mike turned around and winked at her. Boyfriend? no. couldn't be. She shivered at the sight of him. Is she scared? I looked between the two of them for the rest of the class period. Turing to figure out what I was missing out on. The bell rang.

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Chapter: 5


So whats you're next class?”i asked politely. They both handed me their schedules. 'cool. We have second period English together Alice. Third and sixth period too. Poor Emmett. Third period P.E.? Poor guy.” I laughed.

I don't mind. P.E. Is my favorite class,”he said smiling.

we should get going. Bye Emmett.”

bye Alice, bye Bella.”

bye Emmett. It was nice meeting you.”

you too.”

I blushed. At least Emmett and Alice Cullen like me.

hey Alice.” I stopped walking at the sound HIS voice.

hey Edward. Bella? Are you okay?”

I'm fine Alice. I think I forgot something in class.” I said about to turn to leave when she said

no you didn't. You grabbed everything

oh!” was all I could say before my face turn pink and I looked at the floor. God I'm such a tar tar. (retard).

oh!,” Alice said. “by the way, Edward this is my new friend Bella.” I looked up to meet his eyes.

hi!” was all I said. Why do I have to be such a spaz. Here I am standing in front of my new friend and her gorgeous brother and I barely manage to say a greeting. Stupid me.

'nice to meet you Bella.' he said. He took his hand out of his pocket and stuck it out towards me.

nice to meet you too,” I responded reaching for his hand. I barely touched him when I felt a shock. I took my hand back. Wow. That was weird I thought. He look at me with a weird look on his face like he was trying to figure out what I was thinking.

okay.” Alice said. “i met Bella in my first period ed. Turns out she has our next two classes. Isn't that fabulous?”

great,” me and Edward said at the same time. I blushed while we both smiled at each other.

My happiness, once again, was torn apart by none other than the asshole himself. Mike. “watch it chubs.” I shuddered at the sound of his voice. “wide load coming through.” everyone within hearing distance started whispering and giggling. I wanted to cry. I wasn't even showing yet. Just a little pudge. Looks like I over ate. Bella and Edward just looked at me with a confused and concerned look on their face.

hey ed, hey Alice” said a new voice.

hi jasper.' they both said back still staring at me. Jasper look at me with a confused look on my face. Probably wondering why I had tears in my eyes. I seen Alice look at him from the corner of her eyes. Jasper nodded. Probably a secret conversation. I felt calm all of a sudden. Weird I thought. Must be the pregnancy. I'd have to ask Jake He new more about me being pregnant than I did. We continued walking to class with jasper following us. Since I was comfortable talking to Alice and Emmett I worked up the nerves and turned to talk to jasper who was still following us.

do you have second period English, too jasper?”

he looked at me with a confused look. Stupid. “yeah I do. What do you mean too?”

i mean. I have it and so do your brother and sister.”

oh yeah. We figured that out this morning.” he said with a smile. I'm such a dork I swear I could punch myself. “oh.” was all I said.

I'm jasper by the way,” he said. “Bella” I said and shook his hands. “nice to meet you,” we said at the same time. We four started giggling. Great now four out of five cullens liked me. It was nice knowing that these four liked me and didn't know about my little secret.

look!” my thoughts were distracted by Jessica “the weird new kids met weird Bella. Should have known they were crazy when they didn't care to look at you twice, right Lauren?” Jessica blushed when Edward glared at her. Idiot. We walked into class behind jess and Lauren I saw them stop next to mikes desk. All three turn to glare at me. “Slut!!” Lauren called. I felt tears fall from my eyes. I went to my desk and put my face in my hands trying to calm myself down. I didn't feel like crying.

Bella?” I looked up to see my three new friends looking at me.

yeah jasper?”

why do they hate you?”

i don't know,” was all I said before I stood up and left the classroom. I went to the closest girls room and bawled the rest of the class period. I hated myself for giving into all their hateful remarks. I hated mike for turning this into my fault. I hated Jessica and Lauren for being the worlds biggest bitches. And I hated Jake for not being their to comfort me. Alice, Edward, and jasper didn't know what was going on so its not like they knew what to say. I looked at my down at my stomach. I probably would've blamed the baby but I knew it wasn't its fault. “I'm sorry kid. Mommies a big cry baby.” I place my hand on my stomach. MOMMY. The thought made me smile. It'll be alright. It has to be alright. Things are going to be fine I thought crying harder.


We three watched Bella leave the class in tears. I didn't like seeing her upset.

i wonder whats wrong with her.” jasper said to me and Alice. “i don't see why they hate her so much. Do you hear the things they call her. Fat?”

yeah,” Alice said. “ugly?” so I guess they were concerned about her as much as I was. We barely met her and we liked her.

what was she thinking Edward?” jasper asked me.

i don't know. I can't read her.” I heard Alice gasp and I turned to her. She had shock written all over her face. “what?” I asked.

neither can I?”

what? What do you mean?” this was a shock.

i tried looking for her future and it kept coming up blank. Like nothing was set in stone. I wonder how our powers don't work on her but jaspers does.”

what was she feeling Jas?” I asked turning to face him.

i don't know. Everything I guess. Love, fear, hate, anger, scared. A lot of different things. But those three,” he said pointing to mike, jess, and Lauren, “have the most hatred towards her.”

what are they thinking Edward?” Alice asked.

i kind of don't want to know. I don't want to hear anything bad about her. I like her.”

i knew it!” Alice said excitedly. I glared at her. Annoying sister.

calm down ed,” jasper said. “if it makes you feel any better she like you too.” that made me smile.

alright. I'll listen for a bit. But If I start hearing trash I'm out.” they both nodded.

Mike: “stupid new kids talking to Bella. Don't they know anything? They wouldn't be talking to her if they knew that..” I tuned him out. Then listened to Jessica “isn't he so sexy. Why is he trying to talk to Bella She's so stupid. She went out and got herself...” I tuned her out then listened to Lauren: “i know he wants me. He's just playing hard to get. He's just pretending to like Bella out of pity. Like he would like Bella I'd beat her ass if her fat ass weren't pre...” I tuned her out.

anything?” jasper asked. I shook my head. “well we'll be able to see hows she doing. We do have her for her next class.” I smiled knowing I'd see and talk to her again.

i like her,” jasper said to me. “she's nice.” I smiled. “thanks jasper.” “she's cute too.” me and Alice glared at him and he just shook his head smiling. We calmed down. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that she was getting along with my family. And that my family liked her. She was so beautiful. Gorgeous. In a hundred years I've never met anyone like her. I don't even know her. She doesn't even know me. I could feel my smile widen at the thought that she liked me too. I thought about her, with a silly grin on my face, for the rest of the period. When the bell rang we gathered our stuff. We couldn't wait to see her again. I couldn't wait to see her again. Its interesting trying to figure her out without my sixth sense. What I would do to read her mind and hear what she was thinking. Why I made her blush. Why I made her nervous. All the more reason for me to talk to her I guess. When we finally saw Bella we stopped in our tracks. She looked miserable. Her beautiful brown eyes were bloodshot and swollen. Her brown hair was a mess. Her perfect lips kept trembling. I wanted to hug her and comfort her but I didn't know her that well. But Alice could. She was a girl. They do that stuff.

Alice,” I said turning to face her. She broke her gaze from Bella and looked at me.


go comfort her.”

i dot know ed,” she said sounding unsure. “i don't think she'd want me to.”

of course she would.” I said pleading.

fine. Jasper calm her down.” “sure.” he said.

I'll see you two in class.” she said and walked towards Bella We went to the door and waited for the girls. We saw Alice approach Bella.

you sure do care about her.”

shut up jasper.” I didn't need him to tell me. I know I did.


Bella looked terrible. Why is Edward so concerned about her. I thought about it. No! It couldn't be. LOVE?? no. it can't be. Can it? “Bella?” I looked at her.

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Chapter: 6


I knew I looked terrible when all three stopped in their tracks and looked at me. I didn't care. I wanted to die. I hated feeling like this. So miserable and so alone.

bella?” alice said. She look concerned. That was all I needed to know before I hugged her and sobbed. She cared. She didn't know me and she cared.”shh. Bella its okay.” she said comforting me. I stopped crying feeling calm all of a sudden. Stupid pregnancy hormones. One minute you're up the next minute you're down.

are you okay?” I heard edward ask. I didn't even notice the boys came closer.

i'm fine thanks. We should get inside.” we all nodded and went into the classroom. I couldn't wait for fourth period to come so I can see jake.

are you sure you're okay?” edward asked for what seemed like the hundreth time. Boy. These cullens sure were caring. Especially edward. I liked edward. He was sweet and me. But was I allowed to like someone while I was pregnant.

i'm fine.” I said answering his question. He smiled and my heard melted. Too late. I thought. I lost it. Oh my god. I started thinking about edward and daydreaming about him. I'm totally falling for this guy. we.. err. Vampire actually. I smiled. I look up to find edward staring at me. By the look on his face he seemed frustrated.

what?” I asked him.

He smiled. He shook his head and laughed. “nothing,”he said. “you have a beautiful smile.” I looked away and started blushing. I turned back and he was still smiling.

what?” I asked again.

you have a beautiful blush too.” my heart started racing. I've totally fallen head over heels for edward cullen. I didn't look away though. We just stared at eachother. Flirting with our eyes and smiling at eachother. The bell broke our stance. I got up quickly gathering my things. I wanted to walk them to their next class. I would have too. If I didn't hear lauren.

hey. Edward right?” I pushed passed him and left. I needed jake. I was somewhat near my class when I heard my name. I turned to see edward walking my way.

bella? Are you okay. You hurried out of class.”

i'm fine edward.”

then why are your eyes watery?” he asked. I touched my cheek. I didn't even notice. Edward stuck his hand out about to touch my cheek.

bella?” I heard jake . I turned to see him walking my way. He must've have seen my watery eyes because he started running towards me. “oh bella. Are you okay?” he said as he got closer.

jake!” I cried like a baby. I held my arms out and he hugged me. I can be a big baby sometimes when it came to jake. I started crying.

it's okay bella. I'm here. Its okay.” was all he said. I stooped crying and turned around. Edward was already gone. “come on bella. Time for chemistry. Yay!” I laughed. Jake always made me feel better and I loved him for that.


hey. Edward right.” bella pushed passed me and I wanted to follow. I tried to move but the annoying girl stood in my way. “i wanted to know if you were busy friday. Maybe you might...”

beat it!” alice hissed.

thanks” I said to my sister. She may be annoying sometime but I loved her. She laughed.

my pleasure. Now go find bella. See if she's okay. I don't think she like that fact that lauren got your attention.” she left with jasper. Bella had no reason to be jelous. She was better than any girl here. She was the beautifulest. I walked following bellas scent and seen her ahead of me.

bella!” I yelled for her. She turned and had tears in her eyes. She must not have notice cause she still smiled. “are you okay. You hurried out of class.”

i'm fine.” she was a terrible liar.

then why are your eyes watery?” she touched her cheek. I knew she didn't notice. This is it, I thought. My chance to touch her. Just as I was about to touch her cheek I hard a husky voice.

bella?” I looked up to see a boy our age coming our way. He must've have been worried about her being upset because he started running towards her. My cue to leave. I turned and walked away.

jake!” I heard her cry. I walked away faster. Screw 'normal' speed. Boyfriend. Of course she had a boyfriend. I walked to fourth period pissed off. Stupid me, I thought. Falling for someone who clearly doesn't feel the same way about me. What was I thinking?

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Chapter: 7


Time for chemistry. Great. Why does school have to be so boring. I think the only reason why I go is because of Bella. If she gets home schooled towards the end of her pregnancy I'm right there with her. I can't believe that Bella pregnant. It still blows my mind that her first time was with Mike. I honestly thought it would be with me. I seen Bella in the distance talking to some guy. I hope she's okay. I know she had mike for her first three periods. I don't know why he has to be such a dick. First he doesn't want nothing to do with this kid and now he has to make her life miserable.

Bella?” I hoped I wasn't interrupting a serious conversation She turned around to face me and my heart broke, again. Her eyes were bloodshot. She looked like crap. It looked like she was about to cry again. What did mike to this time? I ran closer to her.

Oh Bella,” I said as I got closer. “Are you okay?” She stuck her arms out. She looked like a three year old asking for mommy to pick her up. She started crying as I pulled her into a hug. I hated seeing her so upset, knowing that things were only going to get worser. Someone this beautiful shouldn't hurt so bad.

Shh. Its okay Bella,” I said comforting her. “I'm here. Its okay.” She seemed to calm down at my words. It was nice knowing I could make her feel better. She turned around, probably to see if the guy was still there but he walked away a while ago.

Come on,” I said leading her towards that classroom. “Time for chem. Yay.” I said sarcastically. She laughed. We entered our class and sat down in our seats. I grabbed my book bag and started taking out my pen and notebook. I pulled out an apple that I had since breakfast. I gave it to her. She looked at the apple like it was something hideous, shook her head, and gave it back.

No thanks Jake.” I wish she'd realize that she had to think about her baby too. I pointed to her stomach and she seemed confused. I pointed again and this time she looked down. She rolled her eyes, shook her head, and sighed. She took the apple and started eating. “Mmmm,” she said sarcastically. She didn't want it at first but after a while I saw that she enjoyed it. I laughed. She's such a tar tar. We stopped paying attention in this class sometime last month so we usually just passed note. I started this one today since Bella started yesterday.

Jacob: Hey B. So hows your day been so far? Did Mike give you problems last period?

Bella: Hey J. My days good when it comes to the Cullens. Horrible when it comes to Mike. And its not just Mike, its Jessica and Lauren too. Laurens going to win Edward I can feel it. Why me god? Why me??

J: Tell me again why I can't beat up Mike? Laurens just jealous of you. And as for Jessica, she's just a clueless follower.

B: One, you can't beat up Mike cause you'll get expelled. Two, he's not even worth it. We all know you're the bigger better man. Lauren isn't jealous by the way.. What does she have to be jealous about. I'm clumsy, I'm not the prettiest, and I blush when Edward barely looks at me. Oh yeah. I can see why she's jealous.

I looked at Bella and rolled my eyes.

J: Thank you Bells. And Laurens jealous because you're beautiful, and funny, and smart and a lot of other things. Has your mom called?? Great. Pop quiz. Watch me fail.

I handed the note to Bella. I looked at the paper in front of me. I had no clue on how to do this crap. At least it was multiple choice. I picked C all the way down. Whatever. I turned to look at Bella. She tried for about thirty seconds but just gave up. She looked at me and frowned. I made a funny face and she laughed causing everyone to look at her. Her faced turned two shades pink. She bit her lip and crossed her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh.

If you two are done with your quizzes you can bring them up here.” the teacher said. Busted. We both got up and turned in our papers.

i hope you two passed this quiz.” the teacher said. “You two have been slacking off long enough. If you don't pass this course you won't graduate.” We turned and went back to our seats. Bella grabbed our note and began writing.

B: There goes another Fail. So much for graduating. Maybe I should become a statistic. I'm already pregnant so all I have to do is drop out and do drugs. You know where I can score an ounce of some bomb? No, she still hasn't spoken to me.

J: Score some bomb? Okay... thats not even kool cuz.

B: Cuz. Oh hell no blood. Don't be trying to front. I've been pulling drive-bys since I was a shorty. So don't be trying to get up in my kool-aid biatch. I fuck up ugly swamp donkeys like you. Fo shizzle!!

J: Blood? Oh hell no. One, Two fuck with my crew and we don't stop popping till bodies turn blue. Oh! And what.

B: We are such tar tars. I have to go pee. Really bad.

J: Thanks Bells, more than I needed to know. Better not pull out a strap behind my back.

I handed the note back an raised my hand trying to get the teachers attention.

Yes Jacob?” the teacher finally said after what seemed like forever. Poor Bella started doing the pee dance.

Permission to assist Bella to the restroom?”

Come get your passes.” We got out of our seats and rushed to the restroom. When Charlie found out that Bella was pregnant he wrote notes to all her teaching asking that someone assist her to the bathroom. For the last week she's been waiting till fourth period to use the bathroom or she goes between classes.

Thanks Jake.” she said when we walked out of class. “I appreciate all your help.”

No problem. Thats what I'm her for. Besides I don't want you busting any drives-bys by my house shorty.” I mean it when I say that I'm there for her, somebody needed to watch her back. I loved her and I didn't want her to go through all this alone.

So, I saw you talking to that guy before chem. I take it thats Edward right?” She blushed and nodded. I continued. “I take if you like him a lot to be so upset that Lauren spoke to him.”

I do like him a lot Jake. It scares me, but I do. I mean I've barely met the guy and I don't know much about him. I mean I know hes a vampire but thats it.”

You know what will happen if Billy finds out.”

Yeah. Which is why he's not going to, right honey?”

Aw. Come on Bells.”

Promise me Jake. Please?”


Please Jake. Promise me?” She pleaded. Sticking her bottom lip out. She looked so beautiful when she pouted. As much as I didn't want to, I gave in.

Okay Bells. Now go to the bathroom so we can get to class before the bell rings.” She turned and went inside. My best friend was into a vampire. How was I suppose to feel about this? I mean, I was her est friend, nothing more. I was in love with her though. I couldn't help it.

Thanks again Jake. Are you okay?”

Cullen?” I asked in a disgusted voice. “Are you sure?”

Yes Cullen!” She said slapping my arm. “I like him. He's nice, and sweet and concerned.”

I stuck my finger in my mouth and pretended to barf. We laughed.

They seem to like me too.”


She nodded her head before answering. “Yup. Edward, Alice, Emmet and Jasper. I haven't met the other girl yet.”


Yes yet.” I looked at her. That statement amazed me. When we were near our class the bell rang. Lunch time.

Come on Bells, lets get our stuff.”

Jake?” She asked after we grabbed our things and left the classroom.


Is it okay? You know, the Cullens?”

Yeah, Bells. It's Okay.” She smiled. It was nice to know that my opinion mattered to her.

Have you made an appointment yet?”

Yes, thanks for asking I totally forgot. Its today after school. Want to come?”

Like you have to invite me. Even if you wouldn't have I would've invited myself.”

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Chapter: 8

Bella's POV

We walked to our usual table after we grabbed our lunch.

Here,” Jake said hand me his milk, fruit, and juice. “You better eat it all.”

Jake I'm not even hungry.”

Eat or else.”

Or else?” I asked curiously. He's got nothing on me.

Or else I tell the Cullens for you.” He wouldn't dare.

Is that a threat? Are you threatening me Jacob Black?” I said playfully.

Why yes I am Isabella Swan.”

You wouldn't dare.” I glanced behind him and saw the Cullens heading our way. Jake turned around following my gaze. He turned to me and smiled.

I wouldn't?” He's totally bluffing.

Nows my chance.” he said walking away from me. He's totally telling the truth. Edward stopped walking with a confused look on his face. I hope he doesn't think Jakes going to start something. Shit!

Jake!” I yelled. He turned around, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. Damn it! “Okay!” He started walking back. Thank god. The Cullens started behind him.

Thanks honey,” he said and he fixed my hair and kissed my forehead before he turned to leave.

I hate you!” I yelled after him.

I love you too Bells!” He yelled over his shoulder. I smiled.

I love you too Jake!” He just waved it off.

Hey Bella!” I turned at the sound of Alice's voice. “Is it okay if we join you?”

Of course its okay with her.” Edward said winking at me. I smiled at him then turned to my plate. He sat down right next to me. I looked from my plate to Edward, when we locked eyes my heart stopped. Why did he have to be so gorgeous. We stared at each other for a while and probably wouldn't have stopped if Emmett didn't do a fake cough to get our attention. I hated breaking away from his gaze.

Bella,” Emmett started saying. “This is Rosalie. Rosalie this is Edwards girlfriend Bella.”

Rose pay no mind to what the idiot just said,” Jasper said. I laughed. I stuck my hands out to Rosalie.

Its a pleasure to meet you Rosalie.”

Its nice to meet you too, Bella. And please call me Rose.”


Where did your boyfriend go?” Alice asked. I snorted, almost choking on my milk. Edward started patting my back.

Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded my head, laughing. “Whats so funny?” he asked.

Nothing,” I said trying to hold back my giggles. When I finally collected myself I continued. “Jacob is not my boyfriend. He's my best friend.” Edward seemed to smile at that. I looked at him with questioning eyes and he gave me a crooked grin which of course made my heart melt and my face blush. We locked eyes.

Bella?” Alice asked making me break away, again.

Yeah Alice?”

What are you doing after school today?” She actually seemed interested in what I was going to do.

Well, I have a doctors appointment.”

Are you sick?”

I shook my head finishing my juice. “No. Just a check up.”

Oh. Well let me give you Edwards cell number..”

I think I can give it to her myself, thank you Alice.” Edward said interrupting her. He reached for my palm before someone rudely grabbed my wrist, hard.

Hey babe,” Mike said whispering into my ear. I froze. He started stroking my hair and breathing heavily on my neck. “Don't you think you should watch what you eat before you get fatter.”

My eyes started watering. “Shut up Mike.”I looked at him with pleading eyes.

Aw. Whats the matter baby? You mean your new friends don't know? Well, maybe I should give them the good news, after all they might want to know. Did you guys know that Bella here is...” he stopped when someone tackled him. It wasn't hard to figure out It was Jake.

Didn't I tell you to stay away from her?” Jake said in a very angry tone.

Back off Jake. I was only messing with her.” Mike said shoving Jake.

Jake. Please stop.” I begged.

He brought an arm back, ready to swing. “One hit Bella, just one hit.”

Jake, stop it!” I yelled. Jake had to seriously stop doing this. I wasn't worth all this trouble. He got off of Mike and straightened himself. Mike opened his mouth to say something but just turned around and left. He turned to face me.

Jake, you can't just go walking around trying to beat up Mike every time he bothers me.”

I can't?” he asked.

No!” I yelled, feeling frustrated and stressed.

Jake grabbed my shoulders trying to calm me down. I was so ready to go off on him. “Okay Bella. Look, calm down. Breath.” I nodded my head and began taking deep breaths. That calmed me a little. Not much. “Just go back and finish your food okay. I'll be close watching you okay. Just in case that jerk tries to mess with you again.” I rolled my eyes.

Okay Jake. Thanks.” He touched my cheek and I smiled. I didn't deserve all this from him. He turned and left.

Are you okay Bella?” Edward asked. I completely forgot they were there. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead me back towards the table. I sat down next to him. We were so close that our knees touched. I moved mine out the way in case he was uncomfortable. He moved his back to touch mine. I looked at him and he winked at me. I blushed.

Come on, finish eating before the bell rings. Then I'll walk to you class.” He put his hand on my knee. Okay. It was definitely going to be hard to eat like that. I tried anyways.

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Chapter: 9

Edwards POV

After lunch was over I walked Bella to her next class. Alice told us about Jacob Black, so I was a bit surprised that Bella was best friends with a werewolf. Well soon to be, maybe.

That Jake fellows seems nice, the way he sticks up for you and all.”

He is. I would've introduced you two but it wasn't exactly a good time for him.”

Oh well. Maybe next time.” I wouldn't mind meeting her best friend. It'll only mean that we were closer. She didn't seem to mind when I placed my hand in hers. She shivered. I was about to pull my hand back but she just held tighter. This girl is incredible I thought as she turned and smiled at me. She was so beautiful. I wanted to put her against the wall and just kiss her as hard as I could. I shook the thought out of my head before I got a hard on. We reached her classroom door and as much as I hated it I let go of her hand. I placed my hand to her cheek and she rubbed herself against it closing her eyes. With my free hand I placed her hair behind her ear, closed my eyes, and gently kissed her lips. As much as I would've like to keep going I pulled my lips back and opened my eyes. She still had her eyes closed and bit her bottom lip. She started blushing and opened her eyes. She was cute when she blushed. I gave her my crooked grin and she blushed twice as hard.

You should get to class,” she said, breaking the silence.

Goodness Bella,” I said sarcastically. “So rude.” She playfully shoved me and walked into class.

I tried 'pretending' to pay attention in chemistry but my thoughts kept returning to Bella and her soft smooth lips. I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to be her boyfriend so I can kiss her anytime I want. I'd marry her If I could, and if it weren't crazy, just I could stay home all day and kiss her. I was thinking about my beautiful, delicate little angel when a folded paper landed on my desk. Alice, I thought. I opened it up and sure enough it was a note from Alice.

Alice: Hi Edward. What/who are you thinking about.?

I sighed and began writing.

Edward: Nothing/no one Alice. Should you be paying attention?” I folded the note and threw it towards Alice but Jasper intercepted. He obviously was bored and wanted to get in on the discussion. Great. He wrote and gave the paper to Alice. She wrote her response and gave the note back. It read:

Jasper: Hi Alice, Hey Edward. Alice: Its only obvious who he's thinking about. Bella of course. Edward: Why are you trying to hide that fact that you love this girl. Are you going to ask her out??

Alice: Hi Jasper. I know he was thinking about her. There is definitely something there between the two of them. And I do believe its young love. Edward: You should definitely ask her out.

Edward: Hi Jasper, so nice of you to join in on the conversation. Okay! I was thinking about her. So what. I don't think I want to ask her out. I don't think Jake the werewolf would like that too much. I did kiss her though, so maybe I will.

Jasper: You didn't think I was honestly going to sit here in class bored out of my mind while you and Alice have fun. Why does she still hang out with him? Doesn't she know what he is? You might as well ask her out if you kissed her. You two are practically dating then.

Alice: Jasper: He her BEST FRIEND!! Edward: Pay no mind to Jazz. You see how Jake takes care of her. He protects her from that jerk Mike. Don't try to push them apart cause in the end you'll probably be left out.

Edward: Jasper, of course she doesn't know he's a werewolf. If she knew about him then she'd know about us. If she knew what we were I don't think she'd be talking to us. She likes us and she's comfortable. Alice: I don't think i'd make her choose. I like that he's there for her. Makes me feel better that someones protecting her, even though its not me. Do you think the rest will mind if I dated her?

Jasper: Alice:Sorry. I was just saying. Edward: I wouldn't mind if you started dating her. I like her and she likes us a lot and she's comfortable around us. I think you should definitely go for it. Are you going to tell her about us?

Alice: Edward I wouldn't mind either. Maybe you should tell her about us. Maybe she won't mind. Maybe you two will get married and she can become one of us. Yay. I woudln't mind having her for a sister. Oh pretty please eddie. Jasper: How does she feel about Edward?

Edward: Alice: I think I will tell her, but I don't want to lose her. I know I just met her this morning, but I don't know if I could go back to not knowing her you know. I need her. I think maybe I do love her. You'll be the first to know if I plan on proposing. ; ). Theres still that treaty thing though, so I don't think I could turn her if I wanted to. Wait, why are we talking about marriage and turning when we barely just met.

Jasper: Alice: She has strong feeling towards him. Love, but I don't think she knows she love him yet. Edward: why can't you tell me first? And by the way, I believe the treating says that we can't hunt humans. Its not hunting if she agrees. Besides there are no werewolves yet so it should be okay.

Alice: Jasper: whats wrong with me being the first one to know? Edward: Jasper has a point.

Edward: You know what? I'm going to do it.

Jasper: Marry her?

Alice: Change her? Yes! Thank you Eddie.

Edward: No you idiots! Ask her out.

Jasper: Oh.

Alice: Oh.

Edward: Sorry to disapoint you two.

Jasper: Edward and Bella sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Bella turning into a vampire. Laurens staring at you Edward.

Alice: I hate her. She's such a biatch. I want to slap her.

Edward: God her thoughts are so annoying. The bells about to ring. Lets get ready to go. We have gym next.

I slid the paper between them so they could both read.

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Chapter: 10


I sat in fifth period waiting for the bell to ring. It's not like I was in a rush for p.e. I had something important to ask Jake. When the bell rang I left my class and the Cullens were there.

Hi guys, ready for gym.” I got a lot of unenthusiastic grunts. I guess I'm not the only one who hates gym. I mean, gyms cool if you can run straight and stay on your feet the whole time without falling. I hated gym. It sucked, and the fact we had to take it till we graduated, well I think thats bull.

Tell me again why we need gym?” Alice asked walking next to me.

I have no clue.” Edward said walking on my other side, with Jasper on the other side of Alice.

Come on Alice, I've got to show you that thing I saw on the way to class.” Jasper said.

Oh yeah, that crazy thing you were talking about. See you guys in the gym." Alice said and hurried off with Jasper.

Okay. They could've been a little less obvious,” Edward said trying to whisper but I heard him.

Obvious?” I asked curiously. Did they want to leave the two of us alone?

Yeah, you see theres something that I wanted to ask you.” He put his hand on my elbow, letting me know that we should stop walking. I turned to look at him and made eye contact. I nodded my head signaling that I was paying attention and that he could continue.

He opened his mouth to say something but someone clapped a hand on his shoulder. It was Emmett. Edward let out a deep sigh, rolled his eyes, and shook his head.

Shouldn't you two be on your way to class? You're going to be late. Or do you guys want to be late?” he asked in a seductive way, hinting towards Edward. He started laughing before Rose smacked him on the side of his head.

You're such an idiot Emmett. You never know when to stay away and keep your mouth shut. Get your mind out of the gutter,” she said slapping his head again.

Gee Rose, that does hurt you know.”

Good, it was suppose to hurt. Come on,” she said in an irritated voice and started pulling his ear. I could hear him crying out in pain as me and Edward started walking.

You wanted to ask me something,” I said looking at Edward.

Best if I wait for another time.” I just nodded my head. Dang Emmett for interrupting. I kept walking Edward all the way to the boys locker room.

You can't come inside you know, even though I bet your dieing to see me naked.” Edward said jokingly. I rolled my eyes.

Oh yeah. Its killing me. Why don't you start undressing now.” I said trying to sound seductive. I sounded more like an idot

Okay,” He took off his shirt, but he still had a wife beater on. He had toned arms and his pecks were amazing. God he was so hot. I felt my face flush. I could feel the heat. I started fanning my face trying to make the burning sensation go away.

Edward took a step towards me. “It's good to know that I can make you feel that way,” Edward whispered in my ears. I could feel the heat of his breath and the tips of his lips on my neck. He but one arm on my waist and pulled me closer. With his free hand he brushed back my hair and kept his hand on the back of my neck. He put his lips close to mine, and when they were about to touch he said, “I think..

uh-huh,” I said interrupting him. I wanted him to kiss me.

...that we should...”

uh-huh.” I nodded my head. He dropped his hands. And I almost felt back not realizing I had put on all my weight. He steadied me out and we were now inches apart.

Its agreed then,” he said. “We should go get ready for gym.”

What?” I asked confused. I realized that he had dazzled me and made me think very bad things. Rated X bad things. I hit him playfully oh his chest, my palm over his heart. When it made contact he grabbed my wrist and my had just stood there on his hard chest right over his heart. We just stared at each others eyes until the bell rang. He grabbed my hand and placed it in his hand and kissed the back of my hand and every knuckle. He winked at me and left. I took in a deep breath not realizing that I was holding it in. I turned back to the real world and waited for Jake.

Hey Bella,” Mike said from behind me. I jumped. “I don't see Jake around,” he said as he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. My back against his chest and my butt...well you know where. I started shaking. He brushed the hair away from my neck before he started kissing it. He placed his hands on my stomach and started rubbing a little too hard that it hurt. “You should be careful in gym Isabella.” I got the chills from how he said my name. “You know how you can be clumsy, wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself and that bastard child of yours.” I shook off his his hold on me and I turned to glare at him. He was really pissing me off. Out of nowhere this feeling coursed through my veins and I pulled back my right arm and punched him with all that I had right in the nose. It started bleeding. “You fucken crazy bitch.” he turned and stormed off. Serves him right. My right hand started throbbing and i clutched my stomach, the pain that i felt there soon left. I looked at my hand and my knuckles were red and seemed like they were already starting to swell.

Hey Bells.” I turned and saw Jake. I hugged him hard and he hug me back with the same force. I pulled away and he grabbed my hand. “What happened? Did you smash you hand with your books again?” I pulled my hand back to examine it closer.

No idiot. I punched mike in the nose.” I realized what I just said and started giggling. I looked Jake and he seemed furious. His face got all red with anger.

You did what!” he said in a very angry manner. “Do you realize what could have happened? He could've pushed you back Bells, you could have gotten hurt.”

I'm sorry Jake,” I said in a weak voice, tears started forming in my eyes. He must have realized how angry he got and quickly changed emotions.

I'm sorry too Bells. Here let me see,” He grabbed my hand. “All I'm saying is, now that you're pregnant Bells, you got to think before you can act. Now tell me why you hit him.” He sat back and listened while I explained to him what Mike said and did and how it made me feel. His eyes seemed to have turned red.

I'm going to kill that guy I swear. The nerve of that jerk.” He placed his hands on my stomach and looked at me straight in the eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked in a very concerned way. I placed my hands on his cheeks and held his gaze.

I'm fine, Jake. Thanks for always being there for me. You are the greatest man I know.” He pulled my hands away.

What do you need?” he asked shaking his head.

Well I do have a tiny favor to ask of you. I want you to introduce yourself to Edward if its not too much trouble.” I paused as Jake took a deep breath and sighed. “Please Jake, it would mean a lot to me. Please?”

Okay Bells. No problem.” he turned away.

Jake, whats going on with me. You know, and my body.” He turned to face me. I knew he knew what was going on. He read the baby books for goodness sakes. I just stood there and listened as he explained to me about the babies first movements, mood swings, and stretch marks. When he was done I just stood there. Damn, I thought. I'm going to be going through a lot. This was going to be hard. I said thanks and headed towards the girls locker room. I got to my locker, put in my combination and pulled out my gym clothes.

Hey.” I turned and saw Alice. How can she always so happy. Everyone was dressed and I needed to hurry. “So, how did things go with you and Edward.” I looked at her and blushed. “That well? Yay! I'm so happy for him and for you too of course. So whens the wedding?”

Alice, he hasn't even asked me out yet.” She seemed confused but let it go. I quickly got dressed and realized my shirt was too small. Great.

Whoa Bella, I see you ate a lot for lunch.” She laughed. I knew she was joking but my stomach was sticking out big time. I blushed, at least she thinks I'm just full. Alice and I walked towards the gym and I kept having to pull my shirt down. It wouldn't stay put, it kept riding up.

Stop fidgeting Bella, you look fine.” Why me? My stomachs sticking out and my boobs look huge in this shirt. I started feeling nervous. My hands were shaky and I was starting to sweat. They're going to find out, I thought. I needed to find Jake. I looked around and saw him talking to Edward and Jasper.

Are you okay Bella? You don't look too good.” I grabbed her hand leading her to where the boys were standing.

I'm fine. I just need to talk to Jake.”

Jake.” I said as we got closer. He turned and smiled.

Hey sweetie.” He looked me over and noticed I was shaking. “Are you okay?”

I have a problem. Can I talk to you alone please? Excuse us” I said pulling Jake to the other side of the gym. He sat down on the indoor bench and I stood right in front of him.

Are you feeling okay? You look like hell.”

Thanks Jake. No I'm fine. Its just... I'm fat!”

Bella, no you're...” he started to say but I interrupted.

No Jake I am. I'm fat. My shirts to small and my stomachs sticking out. I look fat. And look at my boobs in this shirt. They're HUGE.” I started to cry and looked up at Jake, he was trying to hold back his smile. That ticked me off.

Jake. This is not funny. This is very serious.” I tried to stay serious too but I started smiling. Boy did I sound crazy. We both started laughing.

Bella, you're not fat, you're prego okay. And you look fine.”

Can I have your shirt please?" I cried. He sighed and shook his head.

Fine.” he said taking off his shirt. “You're welcome.”

Thanks Jake.” I said putting his shirt on over my tank. You could still see my little pudge but at least it was covered.

Okay Bells. Now stop crying and let me tell you about my great introduction.”

Edwards POV

I walked into the locker room with a grin on my face. I loved making Bella feel that way and it felt good knowing I could. I met up with Jasper.

By the smile on your face I take it you asked her out.” Jasper said clapping my shoulder. “Well done.”

Don't congratulate me, I didn't ask her out.”

What happened? I made myself look like an idiot dragging Alice away to leave you two to talk. And why are you smiling.”

Well what happened was Emmett.” I looked at Jasper and he rolled his eyes. “Need I say more. And as for the smile, I seem to make Bella feel, well lets just say that too bad we're in school.” I didn't mean to brag and sound like an asshole but the things I'm feeling for Bella I've never felt before.

So much more info than I needed.” jasper said shoving me. “So what are you plans now?”

Same plans. I'll ask her to be mine when the time is right.”

And that would be?” Jasper asked in a curious tone.

Oh. I don't know. Its not that easy. I get nervous sometimes when I'm around her. If my heart could beat it would stop beating at her touch.”

Dude. You're in love.” Jasper said in a sing song voice. I just rolled my eyes and continued getting ready. We were already dressed when Jake came up to us.

He outstretched his hand before introducing his self. “Hi. I'm Jake, you two probably already know that right?”

We nodded and proceeded to shake his hands. “Hi, I'm Edward and this is Jasper.”

Its nice to meet you both, but the reason why I wanted to introduce myself was cause we have a friend in common.” He led the way out of the gym. I looked at Jasper and he just shrugged.

He's talking about Bella right? Jasper thought.

I looked at him with a look that said 'COME ON IDIOT. YOU HAVE TO ASK' and rolled my eyes.

This would be Bella, right?” I asked.

You have to ask? Jasper thought mimicking me.

Yeah,” Jake answered. “I just thought it'd be nice to introduce myself to you guys seeing as Bella like you Cullens a lot. I'm just nice that way. You see, Bella's been having a hard time lately. I don't know if you guys noticed but she aint doing too good.”

Whats wrong with her?” Jasper asked showing concern.

Yeah. Is she okay?” I asked with the same level of concern.

I see you Cullens care about her. Thats good. She needs more people in her life that care about her.”

We do.” Jasper and I both said at the same time.

Thats good. You see, Bella a little out of it, you know. Estas loca en la cabeza.” He said whistling a crazy tune and spinning his index finger on the right side of his head, the usual signal of explaining someone was crazy.

Did he just call her crazy? Jasper asked. I stared at the ceiling and moved my eyes to the floor, my usual way of saying yes without being obvious.

Out of it?” I asked hoping he could elaborate a bit.

Yeah, shes not herself right now and she's only going to get worse.”


Yeah. I mean, I'm sure you've seen her crying a lot. She's very emotional. The sad part is that no one can help her.”

She's emotionally disturbed Edward! You really do know how to pick them, dont you? Jasper thought. I just rolled my eyes.

Jake.” Our attention turned towards Bella. I smiled. She looked cute in her gym outfit. Then again, she looked good anyways.

Hey sweetie.” he said facing her. I got a bad feeling in my stomach when he called her sweetie. I hated it. “Are you okay?” She looked like she was sick. Sweating and shaking. I hope she was okay.

I have a problem. Can I talk to you alone please? Excuse us” She said pulling Jake to the other side of the gym. He sat down on the indoor bench and she stood right in front of him.

Is she okay Alice?” Jasper asked. Alice shook her head.

She seemed nervous, but I don't know what the matter. I asked but she didn't say anything.”

God Alice,” I said. “You should try harder next time. Thats what you females do, right. Talk and all that other crap." She looked at me with fury In her eyes. I gulped. Shit wrong words.

Female? Did you just refer to me as a 'female'.” She looked like she was about to pounce me but Jasper jumped in front of her.

Calm down babe, Edwards just concerned okay. Calm down.” Thanks Jasper.

Sorry Alice,” I said.

Its okay Edward.” We turned to see what Jake and Bella were doing. She was crying and Jake took off his shirt and handed it to her.

What's he doing?' I asked.

Giving her his shirt.” Jasper said.

I can see that Jazz. But why?”

She a little self conscious right now.” Alice said.

Why? She's perfect.”

Alice laughed. “She ate too much for lunch and her gym tank wont stay down.” I looked at Bella. Her stomach was sticking out a bit. You could still see it even though she had on Jakes big shirt. It was cute. She was still perfect. I turned back to face my family.

Goodness Eddie, you can stop drooling now.”

Shut up Alice.”

Sorry. So, why didn't you ask her out?" She asked.

"He lost his nerve." Jasper said.

Alice looked at me, she seemed annoyed.

You mean to tell me that Jasper and I left you alone with her for nothing. What happened?”

I was about to but Emmett interrupted me and screwed up the moment.”

Damn Emmett. He's such and idiot!”

We know.” Jasper and I both said. We all started laughing.

You told them what?” We turned at the sound of Bellas voice. Half the gym did. She was yelling at Jake.


You told the what?!” I yelled at Jake.

What did I say?” Jake asked innocently. This pissed me off more. Oh hell no.

You told them I was crazy!” I said lowering my voice.

No I didn't. I told them...” I interrupted him.

You told them I was out of it. What does that sound like to you?”

Well when you say it like that...”

You! You said it like that.” he was really starting to piss me off.

Well, I was just saying...”

Is everything okay?” Edward asked. I didn't even see him come this way.

She's fine. Everything is fine.” Jake answered. I shoved him and stormed off. The nerve of that guy to tell Edward and Jasper that I was crazy. I walked to where Jasper and Alice were standing.

Are you okay?” Jasper asked.

I'm fine Jasper. I could kill Jake right now!” I clenched my teeth together. I felt calm all of a sudden.

What happened?”

What happened, Jasper, was that he was born.” He laughed.

Everything okay over here?” Mike said.

Like you care. Do you mind? You're kind of in my personal space. Or do I need to give you another nose bleed."

"You did that to his nose?" Alice asked. I nodded.

You didn't mind me being this close to you before.” Shit! Right in front of Jasper and Alice.

You know, I think you should leave.” Jasper said to Mike, stepping in front of me as if protecting me.

You know, I think you should mind you're own god damn business,” Mike said and shoved Jasper. Alice was at my side in an instant pulling me away from where the two were standing. The next thing I know Edward and Jake were next to Mike. Shit. Another fight.

Jake!” I yelled as he punched Mike. “Edward!” I yelled as he rushed Mike. I wasn't worth all this trouble.

All of this for that stupid little tramp,” Mike said from under Edward. Edward punched him again.

You don't ever call her that.” Edward said punching him again.

Jake do something!” I said and Jake pulled Edward off of Mike. Mike got up and rushed Jake, it didn't do any good. Mike bounced of Jakes hard body and ended up on the floor again.

Stop!” I yelled. It was one big wrestling match. Mike was pinned down and Jake wouldn't stop swinging. Somehow in the middle of it Edward and Jake were the ones shoving and punching eachother. How did that happen? I tried moving but Alice and Jasper were holding me back. I wriggle free from their hold and headed toward the two.

Jake!” I yelled. “Bad dog!” He stopped and glared at me. He hated when I called him that but at least he stopped fighting.

I told you to never call me that.” Jake said jabbing his finger into my rib. I laughed, it tickled. “I hate when you call me that!” he started laughing to and continued to tickle me until I almost fell on the floor.

Come on Wolfie..quit it...stop!” I yelled trying to stop laughing. “I can't breath Jake.” He stopped.

Ha ha! I fooled you.” I said like a little kid. I turned to face the Cullens and they were looking at me with confused eyes.

Come on Bells,” Jake said. “I don't think the teacher will mind if we leave early. Lets go home.”

Sorry about Jake,” I started. “He gets cranky when he doesn't get kibble and bits in the morning.” I said jokingly but they didn't get it. “Umm. At least he's not carrying garlic and a crucifix, right.” I let out a fake laugh to let them know I was just kidding but they all seemed so shock. “Okay. Well I guess I got to get going. Seeing you guys tomorrow?” I asked but they didn't answer.

Come on Bells, go get dressed.” I hope they didn't hate me because of what Jake did. It was all a misunderstanding. Stupid Jake and his testosterone.


She knows.” Alice said. I was still in shock. “She knows what he is and she's not afraid.”

If she knows what he, then she knows..” Jasper didn't finish. She knows about us too, He thought.

Lets go.”

Edward, its our first day of school. We cant just cut class.”

Its not like we haven't had gym before Alice,” I snapped at her. “Just go get dressed and find Rose. Me and Jasper will grab Emmett and meet you at the car.” We worked at vampire speed. Rose was in Geometry and Emmett was in Chemistry. In about 5 minutes we were all in the car headed for home.

Whats going on?” Emmett asked. “Did something happen.”

Edwards girlfriend knows what we are!” Jasper said.

What an idiot! How could you let this happen for some stupid human, Rose thought.

Be quiet Rose, you liked her at lunch.” I said.

No I didn't. I was just being polite.” she said in defense.

You did to like her,” Jasper said.

Whatever. She's not even worth all this. Lets just kill her and get it over with, Rose thought.

Be quiet Rose!”

Well I don't know how you could have let this happen. Hi Bella, I'm Edward Cullen. I like you and by the way I'm a vampire. You might as well have handed her a torch. How could you have been so stupid.” That was the thing about Rose. She always HAD to say whatever was on her mind.

Rose, chill.” Emmett said.

Don't you tell me to chill!”

Could you all just shut up, please!!” Alice yelled. “It wasn't his fault. We didn't tell her anything. She knew about us before she met us, so just leave Edward alone Rose.”

How did she know?” Emmett asked.

Well she knows Jakes a werewolf. If Jake told her what he was, then he would have had to explain to her why he was that.” Jasper said. “Look its not anybodies fault. Lets just get home and talk to mom and dad about what has to be done.”

Well why don't we just off Bella and Jacob?” Rose asked.

Enough Rose.” I snapped at her. Off Bella? Was she serious. Like I would ever let any harm come to Bella. We pulled up our driveway, got out the car and entered the house.

What are you children doing home?” mom asked.

Is dad around mom?” I asked.

He's in his office but he has an appointment and 3:45 so he won't be home for much longer. Is everything okay?” She was your typical mom always worried about her children, even though we were all old in our years.

We need to have a family meeting,” Emmet answered.

Alice called Carlisle and we all gathered around the dining room table. We never used the dining room table but Esme wanted to have one to keep up with our act. We filled mom and dad in on the whole Bella situation.

So what do we do?” I asked my dad.

Well if she knew about us and still acted as if nothing was wrong, then we do nothing.”

Nothing?” Rosalie asked. “I know what I want to do.” Thoughts filled her mind of many different ways she would kill Bella.

Rosalie, shut the hell up.” I yelled at her.

Now Eddie, that is no way to talk to a lady.” She was testing me and I was about to snap. Jasper placed a hand on my shoulder and I felt calm.

Thanks Jazz, I was about to kill Rose.”

I would've stopped you,” Emmett said.

Okay children,” Esme said. “You are all going to calm down. I will not tolerate any fights between you all.” We all obeyed. We never seen Esme mad and we didn't want to make her angry. We loved her too much.

Look, every things fine son,” Carlisle said facing me. “Just go about this as if nothing were wrong. Nothings wrong. So your girlfriends best friend is a werewolf, well he's going to be eventually, he's not one yet.” He got up and got ready to leave. “By the way, I'm proud of you son.” He patted my shoulder. “I'm glad you finally found someone.” He turned and eft.

Well that wasn't so bad,” Alice said. I smiled.

No, It wasn't.” I said. “I really thought that this would be a problem. I guess I was just overreacting.”

Nah. You were fine.”

Thanks Alice.” She got up and walked towards the door.

If you really want to thank me you can take me shopping.” I rolled my eyes.

Anyone else want to go?” I asked and in less than a second Rose and Jasper were by the door.

Get over here Emmett.” Rose said and he obeyed but he wasn't too happy about it. I laughed.

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Chapter: 11


I fell asleep on the couch as soon as my head hit the cushions. I'm not sure how long I was asleep for when someone started shaking me.

Bella, wake up babe. Wake up!” Jake.

Let me sleep.” I was so tired from all the crying today.

You're going to be late for your appointment if you don't wake up.” That woke me up. I jump off the couch, a little too fast.

Ow Jake. Head change. I'm all vertigo.” I sat back down. Jake left and came back with a glass of water. I drank it in two gulps. I didn't even realize how thirsty I was. “Thanks Jake.” I put the cup on the coffee table.

Come on I'll help you to the truck. I'm driving.” I didn't argue. Jake placed his arm on the small of my back and led me towards the car. He lifted me gently and sat me down.

Wheres your bag?” he asked looking for it.

Oops. I left it on the couch, I think.”

You can't remember where?”

Jake, please don't let me think. I'm way to tired.” I yawned the end of the sentence.

Fine. I'll go look for it.” He left and went inside. I shifted my body so I was a bit more comfortable. My foot hit something and when I looked down it was my bag. I was about to yell for Jake but I decided not to. Oh well. He woke me up, he deserves to be punished. He was inside the house for about three minutes before he came out. He looked frustrated.

Wheres my bag?” I asked Jake innocently.

I don't know. I looked on the couch, behind the couch, under the couch and the kitchen. I couldn't find it.” I started laughing. “Whats so funny?” I tried to be serious but when I saw the look on his face I started laughing. “Have you gone crazy?”

I shook my head. “No. You should see the look on your face. Oh, hey, look I found my bag.” I said innocently picking up my bag. "It was here the whole time. Wonder how that happened. Weird."

You little bitch...” he started.

Jake!” I slapped the back of his head. “Don't call me that foo.”

Foo? Are we going to start this again shawty?” I laughed and shook my head.

Come on Jake, we're going to be late.” It was quiet most of the ride until we got closer.


Yeah Bella?”

I'm scared. What am I going to say if he asks about the father. I've accepted the fact that I'm pregnant and I'm going to love whatever I have but I'm so scared Jake. What am I going to do?”

As far as the doctors are concerned I'm the father. And its 'we' Bella. You aren't going through this alone. We will take care of it. You, Charlie, and me. I'll move in if I have to.” I laughed at the thought of Jake living at the house permanently. It wasn't hard to picture. He already had an extra toothbrush in my bathroom, extra clothes in my drawers, his boxers were laying around on my room floor for goodness sakes, could he be anymore home?

We parked into the parking lot and went inside. I've been to this place a lot through out my life, mostly through the E.R, so I didn't surprise me when the security guard spoke to us. “Hey Jake, Isabella. Have another accident today?”

I laughed. “Nope. Not today.”

Thats sad Bella.” Jake said as we walked through the automatic doors.

What is?” I asked.

That every time you enter the door everyone assumes you fell. Its actually kind of funny.” We went to the second floor and entered the door marked OB/GYN. As I was signing in the nurse handed Jake paperwork to fill out.

Okay,” Jake said looking at the paper in front of him. “Name? Isabella Swan. Birth date? September 13, 1987. First day of your last period? September 12.” He looked up at me with a disgusted face.

What?” I asked. Did I have something on my face.

You were on your period for your birthday. Thats gross! I took a shower after you.” I couldn't help but laugh. “Are you done with that?” I asked pointing to the clipboard. He handed it to me and I gave it to the receptionist. It wasn't long before the nurse called me in. She checked my weight, blood pressure, and gave me a hospital gown to change into. I hated hospital gowns, they were creepy and didn't stay closed.

Do you mind turning around Jake?”

Why, its not like I haven't seen you naked.”

Its different right now, I'm pregnant, I look disgusting.”

You're beautiful Bells.”

Thanks Jake.” I proceeded to get dressed. I sat down on the table. I hated the sound of the paper crumpling. I got the shivers. “I hate this place.”

You practically grew up here. We opened presents and had cake in the waiting room for you sixth, ninth, and thirteenth birthday.” True, I thought. Crashed my bike into a bush and got six stitches on my elbow when i was six. Slipped in a puddle and hit a fire hydrant and fractured my wrist when i was nine. And last but not least, I got my period and freaked and fell down the stairs when i was thirteen. There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. He seemed really young and very handsome.

Hi Isabella, I'm Dr. Cullen and I'll be delivering that baby you're carrying.” Dr. Cullen? That explained the handsomeness. Oh no. He knows Edward. Oh crap! He shook hands with Jake who introduced his self as my my boyfriend. He frowned at the word. “Is this your first doctors appointment?”

Yes sir. It is.”

He frowned and shook his head. “You should have come in the minute you found out you were pregnant.”

I did. I barely found out last week.”

You didn't have any symptoms?” I shook my head. “No morning sickness, breast tenderness, anything?

No. I mean, I skipped two periods but I was always irregular.”

I see. Why don't you lay back on the table and I'll examine you.” He checked my uterus and measure my stomach.

Okay. According to the chart you are twenty weeks pregnant. You're blood pressures fine but not your weight. I see you weigh 115, thats okay for your age and height, but at twenty weeks pregnant you're considered underweight. You should be weighing about 130.”

Does her weight effect the baby?” Jacob asked, concerned.

Well, low weight pregnancy, means low weight babies. From the size of your uterus you're the size of a ten week pregnant person. Lets do a sonogram and check the babies heartbeat.” What he was telling me made me nervous. I stretched my arm towards Jake, he got up from where he was sitting, and grabbed my hand. I stared into his eyes and I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. Dr. Cullen put some cold, clear jelly on the lower part of my stomach. He turn on the monitor and began rubbing some kind of stick of my stomach. Jake and I looked at the monitor. I didn't know what I was looking at, at first and then I saw it. My eyes started watering. What I was looking at was unbelievable.

Thats the head,” the doctor said pointing to the monitor. “These are his arms and that little flutter right there thats moving fast, thats where the heart is. Would the mom and dad like the know the sex.”

Thanks, but n...” I was going to say no but I got interrupted.

Yes.” Jake said.

Okay lets see.” He started moving the stick around. “You are the proud parents of a baby boy.”

I let out a cry. I was having a boy.

Oh my god.” I started crying.

Oh honey. A boy. We're having a boy,” Jake said kissing the top of my head. The doctor grabbed another machine and placed it on my stomach. I didn't know what I was hearing at first, I thought it was galloping horses.

What is that?” Jake asked.

Thats your sons heartbeat. Its very strong. Thats good. You have a healthy baby boy Isabella.”

Thank you.” I tried calming down. The doctor shut off the monitor and turned to face me and Jake.

He has a strong heartbeat and thats good but he's very tiny for being twenty weeks. Pregnancy isn't the time for dieting. I suggest you get some prenatal vitamins if you haven't already done so. Some iron pills too. Stay away from caffeine and raw seafood. Drink lots of milk. And here, I took the liberty of printing these our for you. I'll see you next month. Bye.”

Bye Dr. Cullen. Thank you.”

I looked at Jake and smiled. He gave me a hug.

Wow Bells, congratulations. I'm happy for you. Come on and get dressed. Lets go get you some fruit.”

Okay Jake. Hey, do you think we could stop by the mall?”

Sure thing.” I got dressed and we left.

So you're having a boy. Any names. Mike Newton Jr.” I knew Jake was joking but that pissed me off!

No, Jake. Thats mean. And I have thought of a couple but I'll tell you some other time. I'm mad at you."

Sorry Bells. What do you need from the mall anyways.”

Maternity clothes and some new bras.”

Oh,'” was all he said. Jake may have been my best friend but he was still a guy. Sometimes he got uncomfortable when it came to periods and under garments. Yet, he still seemed to want to go when it came to pickout out underwear and bras. Like i said, he's still a guy.

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Chapter: 12


Alice, can we go now please.” I said. I was bored out of my mind. Rose and Alice went into almost every store here. Jasper, Emmett, and I were stuck carrying everything. It wasn't heavy, but how much can a guy take.

We've only been her for a while.” she said, whining like a little girl.

Two hours!” Emmett, Jasper, and I yelled at the same time. Alice just rolled her eyes.

Don't yell at her like that,” Rose said slapping the back of Emmetts head. “Don't you boys know how to respect women.”

Bella!” Alice yelled. I followed her gaze. Sure enough there was Bella with Jake. They looked around the place until their eyes fell on us and we waved.

I hate you Alice.” I said between my teeth, still smiling at Bella.


I'm carrying most of your bags. I look like a pussy.”

No you don't. You look caring. Now be quiet, here she comes."

Hey guys, hi Edward.” It was insane, the way she made me feel just by saying my name.

Hi Bella.” I smiled at her and wink, of course, she blushed. “Hey, how about I hold your bags?”

No thank you,” she said hiding her bags behind her back and nudge Jake with her shoulder. Thats strange. Jake caught on to what she was doing and grabbed the bags placing them behind his back. So secretive. I kept staring at her, I was still surprised at how shockingly beautiful she was. Her eyes locked with mine and I was instantly over taken by confidence. "So what bring you all to the mall, Edward? You sure have a lot of bags in your hand. I didn't know you shopped at Victoria Secrets, and Emmett, Forever 21? Wow, you guys really know how to shop." She laughed while Emmett and I glared at the girls. Jasper was lucky he was out of sight.

"So, Bella. What brings you to the mall?" I asked hoping it would change the way this coversation was going.

"Oh, Jake here needed some.." she started. She seemed stuck on her words and nervous all of a sudden.

"I needed some..boxers. Yup. I did. So, I bought some. Here. At the mall. Thats why we're here. For boxers."

"Yeah, Jake. I think they got that." Bella said. She seemed thankful for Jakes interruption. "We were just leaving actually. I'm kind of tired and Jakes getting cranky. So, I guess i'll see you guys monday. Have a great weekend." They started to leave.

Bella, what are you doing for dinner? I was wondering if you'd like to come over to our house.” Alice asked very excitedly. She had a big smile plastered on her face. I looked over at Bella. She seemed deep in thought. Probably thinking of a good excuse to not go. I wanted her to go. I wanted to tell her that I wanted her to go. But how would that seem. I liked this girl, alot. She had no idea how she affected me in way no other woman did. She makes me frustrated, and nervous. If my heart could beat, it would everytime she looked at me. If I could blush I would when she said my name. I didn't even know it was possible to feel this way about a girl I just met and i've been alive for decades. I met lots of girls. They held no interest in me and its a very strange thing to find myself focusing on this one. I don't even know anything about her and I want more of her. I loved the way she smelled and the way her hypnotizing brown eyes lit up when she smiled.

"Yes. Please. Do come over." I said smiling at her.

Well, Jake and I were going to...” she started to say before Jake interrupted her.

She's free.”

Jake,” she started to speak again. Her jaw was tight as she spoke. “Can I have a word with you please.” She pulled Jake a few feet away and started whispering. We could still hear of course.

Jake, what are you trying to do? Embarrass me! I can't believe you answered. I was going to say no you idiot. What were you thinking?” He opened his mouth to say something but she interrupted him. “I'm talking Jake. The least you can do is listen to what I'm saying. God you are so rude and inconsiderate.” Jake just stood back and took whatever she was throwing at him. He seemed used to the way she was acting. She looked at us and smiled. She turned back to Jake. “I'm so sorry Jake,” her voice sounded like she was about to cry. “I'm just so sorry. I'm hungry, and i'm tired, and i'm so fucken fat and everyone keeps staring at me probably thinking 'Look at the girl, she's so huge!' I look hideous. I'm wearing sweats the the mall Jake. Sweats!” she seemed mad now. “I look ridiculous. How could you let me leave the house looking like this. I hate you Jacob Black.” She turned and stomped towards us.

I would love to go to your house and have dinner with you."She said with a smile. I looked at her incredulously. She seemed as if nothing happened.

Jake was right. She's an emotional wreck. Jasper thought.

Is she okay, Edward? I thinks she's crazy. Emmet thought.

I knew there was something wrong with her, Rose thought.

Yay! She's coming to our house! Alice thought.

Great. Would you like to come over now? I can drive you.”

That sounds great. Is that okay with you Jake?”

Thats fine Bella.” He seemed to have ignored everything she just said to him. What it going on? I couldn't help but stare at the two suspiciously. I'm missing something, I know it.

Well we'll go get the car and pick you up in the front of the mall.” I said walking closer to her. I gave her a simple peck on the cheek and that was enough to make her catch her breath and her heart to race. I couldn't hep but let out a little sigh. I bought my lips to her ear and whispered, "Breath, my angel." She let out the breathe she was holding. Her breathe smelled sweat. I bought my lips inches from her and pulled back. I looked at her and she had her eyes closed and her lips were a light shade of pink. "You can open your eyes now." She opened her eyes and her blush turned two shades darker. I turned and walked away with my family trailing behind. We were silent up until we walked out of the entrance of the mall.

Did you see how she was acting, Edward? Is she still beautiful in your eyes?” Rosalie asked. “She a freaking nut!”

Yes, yes, and shut up Rose.” I said answering her questions. She huffed and walked away. I watched as she walked to where Emmett was. She had a sour look on her face like she bit into a lemon. I was never the object of her attraction but it probably killed her that I thought Bella was beautiful and not her.

Alice, can't you see anything in her future?” I asked turning my attention to Alice.

Well, I don't know. I mean, after I saw that I couldn't see I never looked again.” Alice said it as though it was easy to understand.

I really didn't understand that. Could you elaborate a bit more please."

Sorry, it made sense in my head. Okay, let me dumb it up for you. Alice no see Bella future so Alice no look no more.” I stared at her and we both started laughing.

Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice...” I said her name shaking my head.

What?” she said as she put her bags in the trunk.

Get in the car!” I said in a serious tone.

My goodness, so touchy.” She said as we all piled into the Volvo.

Um, dude? How are we all going to fit?” Emmett asked.

Yeah, I didn't think about that.” I said pulling out and driving to the front of the mall where Jake and Bella were standing.

Sorry, Bella. I think you're going to have to lap it.” I got out of the car.

I prefer she didn't. I mean, I would feel a lot better if Bella could sit somewhere with a seat belt.” Jake said.

Its fine Jake! Why don't you quit picking on me!” Bella started whining, hitting Jake with the bag she was carrying. She hit him a little too hard and the bag ripped spilling her things on the floor. “Now look what you did Jake. Do you see all the trouble you cause. You're like a black hole Jake and your sinking everything in and making it all bad. Just forget it!” She yelled when Jacob and I started picking up her things. “I'm going home!” she yelled and walked away.

The things she's feeling Edward, its insane. Its like she switches from one emotion to the next without even meaning to. Its crazy. Jasper thought. I could still feel the way she was feeling. Her emotions are strong.

Thanks man.” Jake said. “Sorry you had to see that, she hasn't eaten anything in a while so she gets cranky.”

I started laughing and suddenly stopped when I realized Bella was behind Jake. Shit, I thought when she glared at me. For some reason I was suddenly scared of this delicate little flower.

Cranky, Jake? I am not cranky! You take that back now. And I don't see how this is funny Edward. You think its funny that this guy keeps picking on me and making me seem crazy?” Jake huffed and rolled his eyes. “I know you're rolling your eyes at me Jake. Grow up!” She sat down on the bench and the next thing I know she's crying.

Look,” Jake said to me, “I'll drive her home and you guys can follow us. I'll talk her into going over. I need a break from her. You don't know what its like. At the food court today, she sent me back in line because they gave her 7-up instead of sprite. What the hell is the difference? They didn't even have sprite, so of course she sends me to a different line and i'm tired man. I need this break!”

I just stared at him like he was some crazy person. He started laughing. I think its in the water.

Okay. That sounds good.” I walked back to the car.

Poor puppy. I almost feel sorry for him,” Emmett said. Rose started laughing.

Anything, Alice?”

Well, as a matter of fact, I do see something!” She started squealing. “But I'm not going to watch for her future again.” She said shaking her head in a way that reminded me of a 4 year old. All she had to do what stick out her tongue and it'd be complete.

What, why not?”

Because, I want to be surprised.”

You are so selfish, Alice.”

Just drive, they're already leaving.”

We trailed behind Jake and five minutes into the drive Bella started yelling at him.

Why does he irritate her so?” Jasper asked.

I hope she doesn't act that way at home.” Rosalie said.

Don't worry, babe. We'll make Edward take care of it. Right, Eddie.”

Shut up Emmett.”

Well, I for one am excited. I can't wait to show her the things I bought. I get a new partner in crime. Yay. And we don't have to be afraid to show ourselves because she already knows. She is the best girlfriend in the world.”

"Not my girlfriend," I said Though i want her to be.

Alice, sweetie. Sorry to break up your personal party, but she's Edwards girlfriend, not yours. Sorry to disappoint you.” Jasper said.

You are going to get it when we get home Jasper.”

My moneys on Jasper.” Emmett butt in.

Rosalie slapped his shoulder. “Have you lost your mind? Alice is so going to win whatever they do.” Okay. The last thing I wanted was for my family to scare my girl away.

Okay, enough!” I growled. Everyone stopped arguing. “I would really appreciate it if you guys would stay on your best behavior, please. I really like this girl and I don't need you four to scare her away. Alice with your shopping, Emmett with your bets, Rose and Jasper, well quit following your mates lead. Okay?” There was a lot of huffing and complaints and mumbling. “Okay?” I asked once again.

Okay,” they all said. We parked on the sidewalk in front of Bellas house.

I'm going to see if she needs any help.” I got out the car just as my siblings started to howling. "Get her, tiger!" I heard Emmett yell.


I'm nervous Jake.”

You'll be fine, Bells. Just don't think about it, you'll be okay.” There was a knock on my front door.

Jake could you get that please?” I asked heading up the stairs to my room.

Its lover boy, Bells.”

Send him up.”

Now listen her missy,” Jake said in a serious tone. “While your fathers gone I am the man of this house. If you want this boy in your room then you come down here and walk him up. I am not going to allow some hooligan to walk into this house and up those stairs like he owns the place.” I started laughing leaving my room.

"First of all, Jake, if you were the man of the house then you wouldn't want a boy in my room. Second, he is not a hooligan. Third, I own this place. Or, my dad does but that leaves in charge. Duh! You're such a tar tar. Si no te callas te voy a callar.” That shut Jake up.

Hi Edward. What are you dong here? I mean, I know why your'e here. But why are you here, in my house."

I wanted to see if you needed any help.” He was such sweetie.

Sure, can you bring that bag up please?”

This is a cute bear.” I froze. In his hands was the blue teddy bear that Jake bought for the baby.

Thanks, I thought It was cute too so I bought it.” I hoped he believed that story. I led him into my room and he sat down on the bed.

You have a nice room. Its very comfortable.” He was being too modest.

Are you kidding? My rooms tiny. I barely fit in here.” He laughed.

But its home, and I like it. We should get going.” I led the way out of my room and Edward grabbed my hand. My body reacted in a way it never had. I got the chills, my stomach started doing flips, my heart started beating, my blood rushed to my face. I stopped walking and turned to stare at him. How this gorgeous god ended up in my house is a mind blowing question.

Why are you here? With me.” I asked him. He looke at me confused and his face quickly changed to understanding.

Why not? You're beautiful, you make me feel good, you make me keep wanting more. You frustrate the hell out of me but I still find myself wanting to talk to you. You know, I can hear peoples thoughts. Just what they're thinking at the moment. But..” I didn't let him finish. I let go of his hand and went down the stairs to talk to Jake.

He can read minds Jake.”

What? Who?”

Edward can hear thoughts. Stop thinking Jake. He probably knows.”

Bella, are you okay?” I turned and faced Edward.

No, I'm not.”

Whats the matter? Is it what I said. I didn't mean to frighten you but...”

So, I guess you know about me right? I mean, you probably heard why everyone hates me.”

Thats the thing. You're not letting me finish. This is something I can control. I blocked out every ones thoughts the minute you ran into me and I felt something for you. I blocked out Jakes especially to give you guys that privacy. But when I tried to read your thoughts, I realized I couldn't. I can't hear one single thing running through your head, not even when i'm this close to you.” When he said that he walked up to me and kissed me hard. He probably wouldn't have broken our kiss if Jake hadn't cleared his throat. We parted our lips but he our noses still touched. “I hate that I don't know what you're thinking right now. I hate not knowing how I make you feel. I can only tell by your blush and your smile and your words but I want more. So much more. I want you Isabella Swan. I may have just met you this morning and it may be too soon to say but I want you forever. My life was plain until I met you. You brought color into my world and I can't imagine life without it. You have me now and forever until your heart stops beating, whether you like it or not. I believe i'm in love with you Bella, beautiful Bella.” What was he saying. Why was he doing this to me? Why now? I'm pregnant and he's going to hate me when he finds out. He think he knows me but he knows nothing. Why is he telling me this, god damn him. I felt tears in my eyes. I didn't know what to say except...

I'm...” The tears in my eyes started falling. I had to tell him. “I'm...I'm...” He just hugged me.

Its okay my Bella, I know its too soon. You don't have to say anything to me. Lets just go have dinner and you can tell all the things that I wish I could hear you think.” I nodded my head.

I'll see you later, Jake.” I said, my voice cracking. I looked at him and he nodded. He knew I need to tell him soon. I just didn't want to.

Bye Bells.” His eyes looked empty and I wondered what was wrong. I wanted to see if he was okay but I was already outside.

Wheres Rose and Emmett?” I asked, realizing they weren't there.

They wanted to give us some privacy.”

Then why are Alice and Jasper here?”

Well Alice really likes you and Jazz, well Jazz usually does what Alice does. And they both have something to tell you.” My curiosity got the better of me and I let everything that happened in the house slip to the back of my mind. Edward opened my door and once I sat down I turned facing the back seat. Edward got in, started the car, and we left.

Hi Bella!” Alice shrieked with excitement. “We are going to have so much fun tonight. I think i'll ask your dad if you can spend the night. I can see the future and he's going to say yes. Isn't that wonderful? We'll have so much fun.” I was speechless. Did she just say what I think she did?

Well, Alice, I think you just scared her.” Jasper said. “Bella, are you okay.” I started freaking out.

Alice, you can see the future?” I sounded nervous. She knows. Edward might not know but that means she knows. I started taking deep breaths.

Bella, honey are you okay?” Edward turned to me.

Are you crazy? Keep your eyes on the road.” All he did was laugh. I started freaking out more. I'm pregnant in a car with a mind reading vampire and a future seeing vampire. To top it off, Edwards driving like a maniac. “Are you trying to kill me? Look how fast you're going.”

Jasper, could you calm her down please.” Within seconds I was calm.

What the hell was that!” I said in a week voice.

Thats my special gift. I can control your emotions and I know what you feel.” He said it as if it were nothing. Maybe it wasn't. Its okay, I thought. I'm not going to freak. Its still just Alice and Jasper. Thats what I'll keep telling myself. I'm just plain old Bella on my way to visit the parents of the guy who loves me. Thats not so bad.

What are you thinking?” Edward asked, seeming very interested. I laughed.

Guess.” I said teasing.

About Me?” I shook my head. “About school?”


Edward was getting frustrated. “Can you just tell me please?” I laughed.

Fine, I'm thinking about your parents.”

My parents?”

Yeah, I wonder what they'll think of me. I'm not a vampire, I'm just plain old Isabella Swan.”

First off, you are not plain. Second off, they already like you.”

They already like me? They don't even know me.”

They know that I like you and thats enough. I've lived for centuries and no one has caught my eye, until now. They're happy that I finally found someone that interest me.” I smiled at him and felt my face grow hot.

Yeah, Bella. We're all happy that Edward isn't alone now.” Jasper said. I turned to face him.

Okay, so I know you guys are vampires. Are you guys really 'brothers and sister'?” I asked Jasper.

No. Alice and I are together and Rose and Emmett are too.” I sat back while they told me how everyone met with everybody else. We were parked in front of their house for a while.

Well I think we should go, come on Alice. See you inside guys.” Jasper said and left with Alice. I was beginning to feel nervous. Carlisle was the only Cullen that knew about my pregnancy. What if Edward read his mind? Would he still love me knowing that I was carrying someone else's child?

Edward?” I turned to face him.

Yeah, Bella?” His eyes fell on mine. He smiled.

What if there was something wrong with me? I mean, what if I had a terrible secret and you found out, how would you feel about me then?” His faced turn serious.

Do you have a terrible secret?” I looked into his eyes, I didn't want to lie to him. I was in love with him, but he didn't deserve this. I couldn't put all of this on him. I sighed and rested my head on the seat. What was I gong to do? I turned to face him and his face was a mixture of feelings, concern, curiosity, confused. I sighed and nodded.

Yes, Edward. I do. Ands its terrible.” I started to cry. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

Don't cry, my love. I hate seeing you so upset. Its okay. I'm sure its not that terrible.”

It is that terrible Edward. It is and you have no idea.”

Well give me an idea. Tell me what it is.” I shook my head. I couldn't. He just confessed his love to me less than an hour ago, I couldn't do it. When did things get so confusing?

I can't right now, Edward. But I will, soon. I promise.” I would tell him soon, but not right now. I just wanted to be with him and be happy until I told him. He was going to hate me soon and I deserved to be hated. “Come on, lets go inside.” We got out of the car and headed towards the front door. It was a beautiful house. I grabbed his hand as we entered the front door.

We're here.” Edward said. He was speaking in his usual tone so it surprised me when everyone was there in a blink of an eye.

Wow, super speed. Anything else?” That made everyone laugh.

Silly, Bella. Thats only the beginning,” Emmett said. “Wait until you start coming here on a regular basis, you'll be seeing a lot of interesting things.” He laughed before picking me up and swinging me onto his back. He started spinning in circles and I began to feel nauseous.

Emmett, put her down now!” Dr. Cullens voice thundered through the room. He stopped and put me down.

Wheres the bathroom?” I was about to vomit. Dr. Cullen was at my side and lifted me into his arms.

Hold it in Bella. You'll be okay.” He ran me through the living room and into the bathroom where I started puking into the toilet.

Is she okay?” I heard Edward ask.

She'll be fine Edward, just give us a moment,” Dr. Cullen said. When I was done he handed me a towel.

Thank you so much, Dr. Cullen.” I said.

Please, call me Carlisle. I take it nobody here knows but me.” I looked at him and nodded my head. I started crying.

Please don't tell them. I'll do that on my own, just please.” I said through my sobs. He got up and sat on the floor next to me.

Its okay, I'm not going to tell them anything, I promise. But its not really healthy for you to be holding this in. You will have to tell them eventually.” I nodded.

Thank you for being so nice.” I said as he helped me up.

Are you kidding me? You're practically part of the family.”

I wouldn't go that far.”

We all know how Edward feels about you. There are no secrets between any of us. Well except one.” He turned and winked.

Bella love, are you okay?” Edward said once I was in view.

I'm fine babe, really.” Babe, I liked that. I should use it while I can. I hated myself for always thinking the worst. That Edward was going to hate me, maybe he wouldn't. Oh I don't know! Whatever happens, happens. Thats all there is to it.

Okay, I bet every ones excited that Bella knows about us and we don't have to hide anything. But, we still want her to be comfortable. So no picking her up without her knowing. No wrestling too close to her. None of the stuff that usually goes on is this house. Am I understood?” Everyone just grunted and let out minor complaints. “Am I understood?” Carlisle repeated.

Yes,” everyone agreed in unison.

Hello dear. I'm Esme, its a pleasure meeting you,” Edwards mother said pulling me into a hug.

I'm so sorry for not introducing you two, mom.” Edward said.

Oh, its okay dear. So Bella, what would you like for dinner? I haven't really cooked for anyone in a long while but I do watch a lot of cooking shows.”

How about you make her some chicken dear,” Carlisle suggested. “And maybe a glass of milk and a fruit salad. Does that sound okay to you Bella?”

That sounds fantastic, thank you.”

Come on my love. Everyone wants to watch a movie,” Edward said placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me to the living room where everyone was sitting. Alice and Rosalie were arguing with Emmett and Jasper on what movie to watch. Since I was the guest they let me pick. I chose Losing Isaiah. Bad choice. I started freaking out and yelling at the t.v.

Why the hell does she want her son! She left him in the garbage for goodness sakes.” I started crying. “Stupid crack whore!” I yelled. Everyone in the room was staring at me like I was crazy.

Bella dear. Your suppers ready.” Esme yelled from the kitchen. Edward walked me to the table where my food was

So Bella, tell me more about yourself.”

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything." He said seriously.

"Okay. I'll do my best. I was born september 13 1987. I was born to my father Charlie and my mother Renee. My parents split when i was five and i was left to live with Charlie and i've been by his side since then. I visit my mom in California, where she lives with her husband, once a year. Hmm. I've known Jake since we were both in diapers. We were in every class throughout elementary, middle school, and even through high school up until this year. My favorite colors are black and green. My favorite movie is Garden State. I listen to any kind of music. I sometimes hate silence. Silence can be so...so...loud, you know. Jake can't understand how i hate it when i'm the one who is mostly quiet. Thats not really much to tell. I hope your not disappointed." I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"I don't think I can ever be disappointed by you. You never told me about your terrible secret." Great. He remembered. I opened my mouth to try to explain.

Bela,” Alice said walking into the kitchen. “I called your dad and he said you are more than welcome to stay over. Come on, you can wear some of Eddies things.”

Its okay, I'll help her Alice.” Edward said grabbing my hand and we headed upstairs to his room.

Wow, your room is amazing.” He had a view of the whole forest and it was big. There were Cd's everywhere and books on shelves, and a bed. A bed? Do they even sleep?

Here you go,” he said handing me a pair of boxers and a wife beater.

I'm kind of looking forward to seeing you in my clothes.” I blushed. He touched my cheek and stepped closer to me. He was inches away from my face when he whispered, “Bella, would you officially be my girlfriend, love?” I answered his question with a kiss. He kissed me back hard and passionately. My hands were everywhere. In his hair, on his stomach, along his waistband. His arms traveled up and down my back finding their way under my shirt. I moaned at his touch. His hands were cold but they felt good. God he felt so good. Everything he was doing felt so good, his cold skin on my hot body. We didn't want to pull apart, but we had to.

I'll wait downstairs for you, my angel.” He gave me one more kiss before he turned and walked away. I quickly got undressed and put on Edwards clothes. I looked in the mirror that he had on his wall and checked myself out. I noticed that my stomach was sticking out a bit more than it did yesterday. I didn't look pregnant but I knew that the whole having-too-much-to-eat-and-being-full thing wasn't going to last for long. “I'll get it!” I heard Alice say before the phone rang. “Edward, its for you.” I didn't think much of it. What was I going to do? I sat on the bed for a few minutes and thought.

I'll tell him.” I said opening the door and leaving Edwards room. When I got to the end of the staircase Edward was there with Alice. They looked like someone just died.

Is everything...” I started to say when I noted that Alice had my bag. What the..? Edward was holding my sonogram photos. Shit!

You're pregnant,” Edward said in disbelief. His face showed no emotions. I didn't know what he was feeling, all i know is that he didn't look too happy.

A/N: I'M NOT JOKING ABOUT HER BEING ALL EMOTIONAL. I WAS THE EXACT SAME WAY ONLY A BIT WORSE. SO TRUST ME WHEN I'M SAY THAT SHE'S NOT OVER REACTING. I know this chapter kind of sucks but i was writing it while being a mom of three. I kind of had to rush through this. Its hard writing when these kids (ones about to turn 3 and the other ones about to turn 2 and the other is one and a half) are hitting eachother with baseballs and plasitc bats. It took a whole freaking weekend to write this short thing.

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Chapter: 13

Three-way Call

Mike, Lauren, Jessica

Stupid tramp,” Mike said holding and ice pack to his cheek. His face was still swollen even though the fight in P.E. was hours ago.

I know,” Lauren said. “I don't know why the Cullens like her. Don't they know that she's just a slut. She probably gave Edward a b.j. just so he could talk to her I bet.”

Why is she a slut again?” Jessica asked. Idiot, Mike thought. She's so fucking clueless.

Because, Jessica, she slept with me and she got pregnant.” I said in a frustrated voice. It was frustrating talking to Jessica sometimes.

Well, that doesn't mean she's a slut. Besides didn't you say you broke the condom just so you didn't have to use one. Its not her fault that you got her pregnant. It takes two you know.” Jessica did have a point, but who cares. I got the whole school to hate her.

Shut up, Jessica!” Lauren yelled from her line. “We just hate her is all. We always have, we always will. Now, what are we going to do about the Cullens?” She asked in a scheming voice.

I don't know Lor,” Mike said. “You got me.”

Well, we all know that Edward wants me. Its totally obvious. And Mike, I saw how his sister was staring at you at lunch. Now, all we got to do is figure out how we make them hate her.”

We all sat on the phone just thinking.

I got it!” Jessica yelled.

No you don't,” Mike and Lauren said together.

Well, why don't we just tell them thats she's having a baby. They obviously don't know, if they did, I doubt they'd talk to her.”

Jessica,” Mike said. “You're a genius.”

No I'm not. Stay on the line and I'll call.”

Jess, how do you have their number?” Lauren asked.

Its not that hard to get it. I got it from the attendance office on one of their forms.”

Jessica, you are so bad.” Lauren said.

Just stay on the line.” The line clicked and Lauren and Mike stood on the phone waiting.

Wow, that was a first. Jessica having a good idea.” Mike said.

I know right?” Lauren said in agreement.

Okay. Be quiet.” Jessica said getting back on the line. The phone rang once before someone answered.


I was thinking of Bella and the feel of her lips on mine. I lost control of myself when we were kissing. I didn't think of anything but her and her body. I felt the heat of her body flow through my veins and I lost all train of thought. Never before had I thought that just one kiss could send my mind into a whirlwind. “I'll get it!” Alice said. We all got use to that. She knew when the doorbell was going to ring or the house phone. I didn't hear a car so it was most likely the phone. Sure enough, the phone rang.

Hello?” Alice asked into the phone. She had to realize that most people didn't usually answer the phone on the first ring.

Edward, its for you.” Who would be calling me?

Who is it, Alice?” I asked her low enough that only we two could hear and not whoever was on the line.

I don't know,” she said while shrugging.


Hi, is this Edward speaking?” I heard a familiar voice but couldn't think of who it belonged to.

It is,” I answered.

You're friends with Bella Swan, right?” If Bella wasn't here right now I probably would've gotten nervous. But she was here and she was safe in my room.

Yes, she's my girlfriend.” I answered as a smile spread across my face. There was a pause on her line and when I looked a Alice she seemed so delighted by my answer. She looked like she wanted to scream.

Like you didn't know already, I mouthed to her.

I told you I wasn't going to peek, she mouthed back.

Hello?” Said a different voice on the line.

Hello?” I asked. This voice sounded familiar to but couldn't pin point who it belonged to either. God, this is why I hate high school girls. They're so...annoying. Passing the phone back and forth to each other as if they were in middle school.

She's pregnant, you know that right?” I looked at Alice.

Who is she talking about? I mouthed to her. She just shrugged.

Who?” I asked.

Isabella Swan.” She said slowing like she was spelling it out.

I looked at Alice.

What is she talking about, Alice mouthed to me.

I have no clue, I mouthed back.

What are you talking about,” I asked. “Bella's not pregnant.” Why was I still on the phone? These girls were probably from school and saw us talking. Girls can be so manipulative. Trying to ruin other girls lives for fun.

Yes she is, She's been pregnant since the beginning of the school year.”

Thats not possible.” I looked at Alice. She seemed to be in shock. Her face was a range of emotions. First shock, then confusion, then realization?

It is possible. What, the stupid tramp didn't tell you? Oh, poor guy. I feel sorry for you.” Said a male voice. I knew that voice. The females voices I wasn't so sure about. But this voice I knew. It was Mike. Then the other two must have been Jessica and Lauren. I hung up the phone.

Alice, that can't be true.” I said looking at her. “Alice, what are you thinking?” She looked at me and ran off. I heard her tell everyone in the living room about the conversation on the phone. Hasn't anyone ever heard of privacy? I walked to where everyone was sitting. I was pissed off. Stupid Alice.

Alice, its not true.” I said.

Actually,” Jasper began. “It can be. I mean, it explains the fact the she wolfed down her food in like five minutes.”

You're exaggerating Jasper. She did not.” I was lying. She did eat her food that fast. “She was just really hungry.”

It explains, the mood swings. Always yelling at Jake and then crying.” Rose said.

It explains the shirt in p.e. Edward.” Alice said.

It explains why Carlisle wanted Bella to eat something healthy for dinner. I mean, who would feed a teenager chicken. Don't they eat like junk food and stuff.” Emmett said. Why was my family against me on this. Why would they believe that stupid phone conversation.

Wait,” Alice said. I looked at her run off and return with Bella's bag.

What are you doing Alice? Give that to me.” I reached for the back but she pulled back.

Hold on, she said she had a doctors appointment today. Well what if there something in here that can prove or deny it.” She opened the bag and started digging around Bella's things.

I don't feel comfortable you doing that Alice.” I stuck my hand out again hoping she would give it to me. She froze.

She looked at me with a pained face.

Its true, Alice thought.She pulled out a couple of slips of paper and handed it to me.

At first I didn't know what I was looking at. Black and gray pictures. This didn't prove anything. I looked at them more closely. I kept flipping through pictures and came across one that said boy. It is true. I looked at the top of the paper. It had Bella's name, todays date, and Dr. Cullen... I ran to his office. I walked in shaking my head and threw the pictures at Carlisle.

Edward dear, what's the matter?” Esme said, her voice was worried.

It can't be true. Bella is not pregnant. Tell me she's not pregnant.” I said to Carlisle. I knew it my heart that It was true but I still couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it.

Son she barely found out last week. I barely found out today. She's twenty weeks along son. She's having a little boy. I didn't even know she was your girlfriend until you brought her here. The father was very excited, which is another reason why I didn't think twice about her.” Carlisle picked up the pictures and returned them to my hand.

The father? He was there?”

Yes, Jacob. I believe that was his name.”

I started laughing. Of course it was Jacobs. It explains them being so close and him always watching over her. No wonder why he loved her so much. What did she want with me? Why did she want me when her little 'family' was complete. I heard my bedroom door open and rushed to the end of the staircase, Alice was there too. Bella was walking to the end of the staircase. She looked beautiful in my boxers. I let my eyes move to her stomach. She was most definitely pregnant.

Is everything...” Bella began. Her eyes drifted to the pictures in my hand.

You're pregnant” I said in disbelief.

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Chapter: 14


Tears I didn't realize I had started to fall and they wouldn't stop. I turned around and did my best to run up the stairs but Edward beat me. He was at the top of the staircase when I was barely in the middle. Stupid vampire speed.

Why didn't you tell me!” He yelled and punched the wall, talking half of it down with one swing. I screamed. My heart sped up and I was really scared. I turned around and tried to run out of the house but Alice and Emmett were blocking the door. Crap. Alices face seemed like i had just stabbed her in the stomach and Emmetts was blank.

Why didn't you tell me!” Edward yelled again. His voice scared me. It was so dark, and deep, and pained. I never knew someone so beautiful could get so mad. His face looked pained and his eyes were wide. He started growling. I started screaming and my crying got louder.

Bro, calm down,” Emmett told Edward. Jasper was at his side in a second and tried to calm him down. He managed to get him calm a bit, but not much. Edward must've been really mad.

She lied to me!” Edward yelled at everyone. “She's pregnant! How could you do this to me? Why didn't you tell me?”

Tell you what?” I said in a weak cry. “That I made a stupid mistake? That I got pregnant by a jerk who practically raped me? How Mike wants nothing to do with this and left me to deal with it alone?”

Edward blinked. “Mike? What about Jacob?” He seemed confused.

Jacob?” I asked him a bit confused. Why would he bring up Jacob? Of course, he must have thought that Jake was daddy. “Jacob was there for me. Jacob dropped everything to man up to Mikes responsibility. I'm very blessed to have a guy like that in my life. Do you know he quit football to help me? Yeah, and he quit hanging out with his friends just so he could get a job. His girlfriend dumped him because she thought this baby was his.”

Its not Jakes?” Edward asked.

Didn't you just hear a single word I said! He dropped his whole life because Mike wasn't man enough to handle this! Jake has nothing to do with this baby and yet he's throwing his life away just to take care of us!” I pointed to my stomach. “Jake's in love with me, I know this." I was crying harder. "I hate it and I don't want to believe it but it's true. And he loves my son and I know he wishes it was his. I hate myself for not feeling that way towards Jake. And I hate Jake for doing all of this when he knows that I don't love him. I hate it! Jakes in love with me and wants to be with me, and he knows I want to be with you, and he's okay with that. Nobody is suppose to be that nice and understanding and it makes me hate myself even more. Jacob puts me ahead of his self and wants me to be happy even though it makes him miserable. I never asked for any of this to happen. I never thought that I would have to handle a situation like this. To fall in love with a guy I just met and to have to tell him I was pregnant. I was scared Edward! I didn't want to tell you, any of you. You all liked me and I didn't want to tell you guys cause I didn't know how you would all react. I didn't want more people to turn their backs on me.” I couldn't stop crying. My throat hurt from yelling and I was tired. They just stood there and stared at me. Alice was the first to move. She stood in front of me and just stared before pulling me into a hug.

I didn't want this to happen Alice.” I cried on her shoulder. “I didn't want to have sex with Mike. He practically raped me Alice!" I was shaking. "And to top it all off he left me in the middle of nowhere and droved off. I had to walk home in the rain. And when I found out I was pregnant I called him. You know what he said? Not my problem. I didn't do anything to deserve this Alice. I never did anything wrong.” I hugged her tighter. I didn't want to let her go.

Stay with her Alice,” Edward said. She pulled away to look at him. He was huffing and puffing and he looked like he wanted to kill someone. “Jasper, Emmett come on! Girls, take care of Bella and make sure she's okay.” He rushed passed me but turned and came back to kiss me. “We'll talk about this later, I promise,” he said as he looked into my eyes. God, how I loved him. I just nodded. He stroked my cheeks with his finger and kissed me again. He walked away from me and stormed out of the house.

Alright, finally we get some action,” Emmett yelled, clapping his hands and rubbing them together. “Nobody messes with my little sister and get away with it.” He took off after Edward.

I don't think this is a good idea guys,” Jasper yelled after them. He turned back to face Alilce and me. “We'll be back soon. Everything is going to be okay, Bella.” He gave me a quick hug and chased after the boys. I just stood there had I imagined that they cared for me so.

They don't hate me?" I asked my self. I looked at Alice, Rose, Esme, and Carlisle. "You guys don't hate me?”

Oh honey, we can never hate you for something that wasn't your fault,” Esme said in her motherly voice. She walked up to me and gave me a hug. “We know you never meant for this to happen.” She held me for a while and rubbed my back.

Yes, Bella. We don't hate you. You make my brother happy, and if he's happy then so are we,” Rose said. Esme pulled away from our hug.

He didn't seem so happy after he found out.” I wiped my eyes.

Well, what did you expect Bella? He's in love with you and you should have told him in the beginning. You don't have to hide anything from us.” Carlisle said. “Why didn't you go to the police after what Mike did? You could have pressed charges. Did you say no?”

I did but he didn't pay attention. After the condom broke I thought that he would stop but he didn't. And when he was done he kicked me out of his car.” I shuddered at the memory.

Carlisle is right, you should have gone to the police,” Rose said.

I wanted to, I did. But I've seen movies and I know how lawyers turn everything around. They'll just end up making it seem like I wanted it. I just thought that it was all over, and then I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what to do. I told Mike but he just turned his back and turned everyone against me too.” I explained to them. They seemed like they would've cried in they could have.

Come on Bella,” Alice said grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs. “Why don't you find yourself a different shirt, that ones all wet.” I looked down and realized my shirt was stained in tears and a littlebit of boogers. She walked me to Edwards drawers and left me stading there. She sat down on his bed.

I don't want to go digging through your brothers drawers.” I said uncomfortably.

Nonsense, I do it all the time.”

But you're his sister.”

Well you're his girlfriend.”

I don't think I am anymore, Alice.” The thought saddened me. Why would he want to be with me now?

Well, I didn't hear him break up with you. Did you break up with him?”

No, Alice. You know I didn't. But, I'm pregnant. Edward doesn't deserve this. This is my problem, not his. Maybe I should break up with him.”

Don't you dare!” She practically yelled. “That would break his heart. So what if you're pregnant. I can't wait to become and auntie.”

That's the thing, Alice. This isn't his baby."

Oh pish,” Alice said.

Posh.” Rose said. I looked up and saw that she was standing in the doorway. “Who cares. When we found out that Edward confessed his love for you we practically already got you a wedding gown.” She walked to the bed and sat down next to Alice.

We're not getting married! Why is this family so accepting. Its not normal. Normal people would hate me. Normal people wouldn't think of marriage when they barely meet."

Normal people aren't vampires." Alice said. A big smile was spreading on her face.

"What?" I asked a bit suspiciously.

"Nothing. Just that... Edward does want to marry you!" She squealed and clapped her hands. I started shaking my head.

He really does love you,” Rose agreed.

But I'm barely eighteen! I'm about to have a baby in twenty weeks. You guys know Edward doesn't deserve this.”

Edward has been alive for decades and has never met anyone who caught his eye until now. He's ready to settle down with you.” Alice said to me.

But I don't know if I'm ready for that.”

Bella, do you love my brother?” Rosalie asked me.

Of course I do! I will forever. He makes me feel so... good. He makes me smile and laugh and he makes me feel like I'm.. something."

Then whats the problem!” They both said in unison.

I don't know!” I growled in frustration. I turned and opened up Edwards drawer. “It feels weird looking through his drawer. He's going to hate me.”

Never,” Rose said and Alice nodded.

Do you guys mind?” I asked when I found a shirt. I didn't want to get dress in front of them.

No, we don't mind. Its nothing we haven't seen.” Alice said. Thats not what I meant, but whatever.

So, you're having a boy?” Alice asked me.

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I'm having a boy. Its still seems so weird. I'm going to be a mom. Does that sound weird? I'm. Going. To. Have. A. Son.” I said it slowly. I got the chills. I took off my dirty shirt and put the clean one on.

You're lucky.” Rose said. “I wish I can have a baby.” She said in a sad way that wanted to make me cry.

You can't have babies?”

No. Carlisle says its because our bodies don't change. I wish.”

I'm sorry Rose and Alice.”

Don't be,” Alice said to me. “So, what are you going to name our nephew. Can we help you choose a name?" She seemed excited.

Are you guys really okay with being aunts to a child that isn't even Edwards?” I asked looking at both of them.

Are you crazy! I can't wait to go shopping for the little guy.” Alice clapped her hand. "Baby clothes are so cute!"

And I can't wait to help decorate the nursery." Rose said. "You're going to move in aren't you?”

I barely met you guys today! Are you crazy? My dad will kill me.”

No he won't. He'll be happy that someone wants to take care of you and baby Edward.” Alice said.

Baby Edward?” I asked unsure of myself.

Its way better than Mike Newton Jr.” Rose said. I got the chills at the sound of the name. "I hope the baby doesn't come out looking like him. That would really suck."

"Thanks a lot Rose. That makes this whole thing sound better." I said sarcsatically.

"Sorry." She said. I just smiled and she knew she was forgiven.

"How about Edward Jacob Cullen? How does that sound?" I paused to hear their thoughts. They opened their mouths but I interrupted. "Wait! I don't know if me and Edward will even stay together after tonight. I bet get use to Jacob Swan.”

How dare you!” Alice said playfully slapping my arm. “You guys are going to be together forever.” She smiled and sighed at the thought.

At least until I die.” I sighed finally realizing that I wasn't going to be alive forever.

Edward wouldn't let that happen,” Alice said in a reasurring voice.

No, but he's not going to want to chang her either. He's not going to want that for her. He's going to want her to live her life ” Rose said. They both seemed sad.

What do you want to do, Bella?” Rose asked looking at me.

I don't know." I sighed. "I want to be with Edward forever. I love all you guys so much, but I don't know whats going to happen.”

You should get to bed, Bella. Its pretty late.” Rose said getting up. Alice followed her lead. I crawled on top of his bed and laid down. I sighed. His bed was so comfortable. His mattresses were soft and his pillows were even softer.

Where did the boys go?” I asked them when they were near the door.

They probably went to go calm down Edward." Rose shrugged. "Or they probably went hunting. Good night Bella." Rose said leaving Alice and me in the room.

I place myself under the covers. "Alice? Are you sure Edward will still want me after tonight?"

She smiled at me. "Want? He'll more than want you. Like Rose said, we're already planning a wedding."

I sighed. "Good night, Alice."

"Sweet dreams Bella and baby Edward." She walked to the bed and placed her hand on my stomach. "Your future is still kind of fuzzy when it comes to this little guy." She shook her head and turned to leave. "See you in the morning." She said shutting off the light. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to fall asleep but once I got comfortable I knocked out.


That bastard Mike Newton. That bastard raped her and denied his son. I wanted to kill him. No, I wanted to do worse. I wanted to set him on fire and watch him die slowly. Mike Newton is dead man. We were driving around forks. I wasn't sure where I was going.

Jeez, Edward. Calm down. We don't even know where to find this guy. Jasper, can't you calm him down.” Emmett asked turning to the backseat where Jasper was sitting.

You think I'm not trying? Edwards pissed. Damn, Edward cool it. You're driving crazier than usual. I don't even know why you're doing this.” Jasper yelled at Edward.

He raped her, Jasper! He abused her beautiful body in a way no women should be hurt. And then, and then he has the nerve to deny that the child she's carrying is his. What kind of shit is that? You think I'm going to stay calm after he hurt my girlfriend the way he did?”

Edward this all happened before you, before all of us. It doesn't matter now. Tell him Emmett.”

Jasper's right Ed. I mean, as much as I would love to kill this guy for doing this to Bella, I can't. What happened, happened. Its in her past. We should all move forward.”

Fine, but I just want to talk to the guy.” I wasn't sure where this guy lived. I slowed down realizing that I was somewhere near Bella's house. Jacob! Jacob probably knew where he live. I turned around and started driving towards Bella's house. I just hoped that Jacob was there.

Stay here,” I said to my brothers as I got out the car. I straightened myself out to make sure I looked presentable. I proceeded up the porch and knocked on the door.

I let myself hear whoever was about to open the door. Who would be knocking on the door at this hour? I sighed. It was Jake.

He opened the door and blinked. I guess he couldn't believe I was in front of him.

I'm the person who would be knocking on the door at this hour,” I said to Jake.

Hey! I thought you were giving me privacy. What are you doing here? Is it Bella?" His face turned to panic. "Is she okay?” .

She's fine Jake. She's with my sisters." He let out a sigh of relief. 'I know about the baby.” I blurted out. He seemed nervous all of a sudden.

"Well, at least its good to hear she's doing okay. So you know? Do you want to come in? You can meet Charlie, Bella's dad.” I nodded and proceeded into the house.

Charlie!” Jake yelled. It was crazy how comfortable Jacob was here. I mean, I wouldn't yell in a house that didn't belong to me.

Yeah, Jake.” I heard Charlie call from the other room. I would've listened to his thoughts but Bella's father deserved his privacy too.

I have someone here I want you to meet,” Jake said walking into the living room. Charlie was sitting in a chair watching baseball. When he heard us approach he turned around.

Oh, hello,” he said in a nervous voice and got out of his chair. He straightened out his shirt.

Uh, Charlie. This is Edward, Bella's boyfriend? Um, Edward this is Charlie. Bella's dad.” Jake seemed nervous. I looked at Bellas dad. His face went from relaxed to fury in about a second flat.

Boyfriend? Are you the guy...she never told me who the father was. Who the hell do you think you are! Getting my daughter pregnant. You're mature enough to have sex but not mature enough to raise a child that you helped create. I should kick your ass right now but I know my daughter wouldn't appreciate it. Now, what the hell do you have to say for yourself.” Whoa. He scared the hell out of me.

Um, well my names Edward Cullen and I'm not the father to Bella's baby. I'm just her boyfriend.” I said. My voice breaking in between words. I cleared my throat.

Yeah, Charlie. He's not the dad. And I already told you that Bella doesn't want you to know.” Jake said in my defense.

Why doesn't she want me to know? That still confuses me.” Charlie told Jake.

Because look at what you just did to her boyfriend.” He pointed at me with his thumb.

Charlie's face blushed. “I'm sorry about that Edward. So, when did Bella get a boyfriend?” He looked from Jake to me and back and forth. I wasn't sure who he was asking so I just spoke up.

Today, sir. I have Bella in a couple of my classes. I like her sir, a lot. She's spending the night with my sisters tonight. I'm sure you know about that.”

Alice, right? Thats your sisters name?” I nodded. “So, you know about my daughter being pregnant and you still want to date her. How does your family feel about this?”

Like I said sir, I like your daughter a lot. I may have just met her but she makes me happy and I seem to make her happy as well. As for my family, they love her. They're glad that I'm dating a nice girl. We don't mind her situation."

I don't think that its a good idea for you two to be dating. No offense, but what happens when her babies born? I would hate to see my daughter hurt if you were to leave her.”

I'm don't plan on leaving her sir, I swear it. I never want to be without her. It may be too soon but I feel myself falling in love with her.” I lied. I was already in love with her but I don't think that thats something her father wants to hear.

Well, I'm not too happy about the last part but I see your intentions are true and I'm not going to stand in the way. If my baby's happy then so am I.” He turned to Jake. “I'm going to bed Jake. Don't stay up to late son. Night Edward.” He shook my hand.

Night,sir.” When we heard his door close we started talking.

What are you doing here?” Jake asked me.

I wanted to see if you knew where Mike lived.”

I do know where he live. Why do you want to know?”

Because I want to kill him.” I started getting mad again. "She told me what he did to her. How he r-r-raped her." I turned my face away in disgust. I looked back at Jake and he seemed pissed and sad at the same time.

"Yeah, I know."He said. His voice was empty. “I don't think Bella would want you to do that. You know, kill him. She gets mad when I beat him up and I'm just her best friend. She wouldn't be too happy with you if she found out you beat him up." He was quiet for a moment. "But I won't tell her. I, on the other hand, don't care what you do. I want you to kill him.” I stood there while Jake gave me the directions to Mikes house.

Thanks Jake.” I turned to leave

I'm happy for you Edward.” I turned around to look at him. His eyes seemed more empty than before. “I'm happy for you and Bella. I'm glad she's found someone who will take care of her.”

mean a lot coming from you Jacob. By the way, could you not tell Bella that I came here. And let her father know.” I turned and left. It really did mean a lot to me that he felt that way. Poor guy. It would tear me up if I had to witness Bella leave me for Jake. I got in my car and took off.

You seemed scared there for a bit,” Jasper said from the backseat. “Did the werewolf try anything with you?”

Nope. I met Bella's father.” Emmett and Jasper looked at me like I was crazy.

Look I got the directions now lets just get this little talk over with.” I put more pressure on the gas pedal.

Five minutes later we were at Mikes house.

Okay, genius. Whats the game plan?” Emmett asked me. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do. As much as I wanted to hurt Mike I knew I couldn't. Bella would hate me.

I'm just going to talk to him, seriously.” I got out of my car and knocked on the door. Thank god Mike answered.

Cullen? What are you doing here.” He was talking to me like we were old friend. Asshole.

I'd like to have a word with you.” I grabbed his shirt and pinned him against the wall.

I want you to stay away from Bella. Don't you go near her and don't you talk to her. Tell Jess and Lauren to do the same. I know what you did to her Mike. Do you know what that's called? Rape. If I ever see you lay your hands on her again, I will kill you.” I wanted to punch him so bad. It took all the strength that I had just to put him down.

He straightened out his shirt. He seemed pissed. “Don't you tell me not to talk to her. Thats my baby she's carrying.” I hated that he was telling the truth. “That tramps carrying my bastard baby.” That was the only excuse I needed. I couldn't control myself. I turned and punched him. Once my hand made contace with his body there was no stopping. I kept swinging like a wild animal. I heard bones cracking and I still couldn't stop. It took Emmett and Jasper both to pull me off of him. I was so wired that Jasper couldn't even calm me down.

That babies not yours!” I yelled at Mike as Jasper and Emmett pulled me away. “The minute that baby is born you will sign your rights away. You are never to go near my son or his mother.” I must have seemed like a mad man yelling in the middle of the street.

Come on, bro. You hurt him pretty bad. Cool it!” Lets go hunt, Emmett thought.

I nodded my head. We piled into the car and I turned back to Mike. I wish I could go back and beat the crap out of him some more. It felt good. Thats what the jerk deserves.

Lets just hunt, Edward.” Jasper said. I nodded and took off

Not a word of this to the girls. Alice probably knows but I don't want this to get to Bella. I don't need her to be upset. Its probably not good for the baby.” I warned my brothers.

You mean, your son?” Jasper said from the back seat. I smiled. That calmed me. My son. That sounded nice.

Thats right, guys. My son.” I got a couple of cheers from my brothers. Glad to know they were happy as well.

a/n: okay. again, this might not be the best chapter ever written in man kind. In fact, the following chapters might be bad too. I'm, once again, a mom of three today and sort of had to rush through it in about an hour before the fighting and crying began. All i'm hearing right now is Mommy BA BA or Mommy Eat. Its not easy wrting and taking care of kids. And thanks for all the reviews i'm getting. I got one or two about my writing and my grammer skills but oh well. the other ones make me happy. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story even though its rushed. lots of love to my fans.

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Chapter: 15


I wasn't sure what time it was when we got home. I was still pissed but hunting calmed me down a bit. Mike was lucky that I had my brothers with me. I don't know if I could've stopped. We stepped into the house and everyone was in the living room. Shoot. I started for the stairs but didn't make it.

Edward Cullen, don't think I don't know where you were! You get your butt over here this instant or I'll come get you myself,” my mom threatened. Boy, did she sound pissed. Of course Alice couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Hi, mom.” I said in my usual tone. Making it seem that every thing was okay. “Whats everyone doing in the living room?”

I just want to say that I am very disappointed in you, son. You are lucky that Bellas asleep and that she doesn't know about this. The lord knows she would be furious with you,” Carlisle spoke out.

I was actually hoping that nobody found out about this,” I said looking at Alice. She looked everywhere trying to avoid my eyes. I turned back to Carlisle. ”I know dad and I'm sorry. I just went over there to talk to him. At first.”

At first?” my mom urged me to continue.

Yeah, and then he started talking shit..”

Watch the language.” my mom warned me.

Sorry. I was calm at first, sort of. So I knock on the door and he greets me like were friends. Saying my name like were buds or something. Asshole.” I heard my mom growl. “Sorry. But he started claiming the baby was his and that really ticked me off. Then he called her a tramp. He's lucky that Emmett and Jasper were there.”

No, Edward. You were lucky that they were there,” Alice said. I knew what she meant by that. She probably saw I was going to kill him if I didn't stop. It wouldn't have been worth it to kill him. It wouldn't have changed anything.

Edward, son. It is Mikes baby. I'm sorry it upsets you to hear that, but its his son,” Carlisle said placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me straight in the eye.

I know that dad. I do. It just sucks that someone like Mike could get someone like Bella pregnant. He doesn't deserve that baby. The minute my son is born he's giving up all his parental rights. He better.” I huffed.

You can't make him do that. He has every right to be in his sons...”

My sons.” I interrupted.

..life if he wants to.”

I won't let him dad. I won't.”

Its not your decision son. Its up to Bella and Mike to make that decision. If Bella doesn't want a thing to do with him, then so be it. But if she's willing to let Mike be part of that childs life, if he wants to, then you have to be okay with that."

She won't let him.”

You don't know that son. You don't know whats going to happen.” He turned and walked away from me. That was true. As much as I hated to believe it, it was true. I didn't know what was going to happen. I knew that I loved her and that I wanted to be with her forever. I knew that I never wanted to let her go. I just hope, even though she said she loved me, that she feels the same way. I hope she wants me forever. I walked to the couch and sat to the left of Alice with Rose on her right.

So, how was Bella after I left. Does she hate me?” I asked, turning to face the girls.

On the contrary, she loves you very much.” Alice said with a wide smile. “She was a bit sad at first but she was fine after she calmed down a bit. We were talking about little Edward Jacob Cullen.”


Our nephew, silly.” Rose said, sitting up so I could see the smile on her face.

Yeah, you know, YOUR SON!!” Alice screamed out the last part and started jumping up and down.

Jeez, Alice. Keep it down. You probably scared the shit out of Bella,” Emmett scolded.

She's out like a light. I could scream my loudest and she won't wake up.” She opened her mouth but Rose quickly covered it.

I'm very happy for you Edward. You're really lucky you know that.” Rose said. She leaned over Alice to give my shoulder a squeeze. “So, any suggestions on names for our nephew. I mean, Edward Jacob Cullen sounds fine but we can probably come up with something better.” I don't think I want to my nephew to share a name with that dog, Rose thought. I glared at her. She gasped and mouthed an apology.

You guys really shouldn't get your hopes up. You don't know how Bella feels about all of this.” Esme warned us all.

Well, Bella was the one who chose that name.” Alice said to Esme. The thought of her wanting to name her son after me made me happy. I wanted this. I really did. I was ready for this. I spent my whole life being a teenager and now I am really ready to settle down with Bella and her...our son.

I'm going to see how she's doing,” I said leaving my family. I ran up the stairs and in a second I was in my room watching Bella sleep. She seemed so comfortable and peaceful. Her hair was in her face, one hand was under the pillow and the other rested on her stomach. I wished I could fall asleep next to her. At a time like this I would love to sleep again. I took off my shoes, pants and shirt and crawled into the bed. Her body was so hot I couldn't resist touching her. I placed my hands on her stomach and she jumped. My hands must have been too cold. I forget how delicate she really is. How in one swift movement I could kill her and her son. I shuddered at the thought. I pulled my hand back and moved over a bit to give her space. She didn't like that. She let out a sigh and scoot herself over so she was touching me again. “Mmm. Edward.” She talked in her sleep. This felt so right. Being here next to her while she slept. I wanted to do this forever. If I could change her I would. But she had to live for her son. It took years for newborns to get use to being around humans. I didn't want that for her and the baby. I shook away all the thoughts and just focused on my sleeping beauty. I placed a kiss on her neck and she stirred awake.

Hey there beautiful.” I said. She turned around and seemed confused. Then she realized where she was and threw herself into my arms.

Oh, Edward. I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you I really did, but then I liked you so much and I didn't want to ruin anything. I didn't think that I'd fall in love with you and I never thought that you would ever be in love with me. I'm just so sorry.” She hugged me tighter. God, she felt so good. So soft. I kissed her shoulder, then her neck, then her cheek.

Its okay, my love. Really it is.” She pulled away from me.

You don't hate me?” She asked with a smile.

Silly girl." I tapped her nose with my finger. "I meant everything I told you earlier at your house. I love you Isabella swan. I don't care that you're having a baby. Really, I don't. I want you Bella. And if you come with a baby, then I want him too.”

Really? I mean, you still want me even though I'm carrying Mikes baby?” I held back the growl that was rising from my chest.

Of course I do, my sweet. And, if you don't mind, maybe we can talk about that baby being mine. I really hate the thought of Mike being the father.” She blinked once. Twice. Then she scramble out of the sheets and got off the bed.

What?” She asked confused.

It was just a suggestion.” I sat down in bed and scoot myself closer to the edge. “With Mike out of the picture that boy of yours is going to need a father figure. In fact, Alice said that you're calling her nephew Edward Jacob Cullen. She is probably on the computer right now buying things for the little boy.” She stepped closer to me and when she was within my arm distance I gently pulled her towards me. She was standing between my legs and I place my hands on her stomach and started kissing it gently. “What do you think?” I asked looking up at her. She answered me with a kiss.


I'm not sure how it started. One minute we were talking about Edward becoming my childs father and the next we were naked under the covers. God, Edward felt so good. His hands were everywhere. I couldn't keep my hands and lips off of him.

I love you Edward,” I moaned.

I love you Bella,” he moaned back.

God I loved what he was doing but I craved for him to do it harder and faster. I fought and somehow managed to get on top of him. Much better, I thought. This felt so good. Edward seemed to have tensed up at our new possition. I knew he was scared that he was going to hurt me. I bent down and kissed him. I couldn't stop doing what I was doing, it felt to good. His cold body felt good underneath my hot body.

Don't stop touching me,” I whispered and he obeyed. He placed one hand on my neck and the other on my lower back. “You feel so good.” I told him.

Marry me, my sweet” he moaned but I really didn't pay attention to his words. I kept my mind focused on the way I moved. I started feeling good, real good. “Uh-huh” I said and nodded and continued moving up and down faster and faster. The ripples of pleasure pulsating through my body got bigger and bigger until I lost all control. I couldn't think of anything but the pleasure and how good it felt. I moved faster and faster until I just couldn't take it any more. The pleasure was too intense and I was left panting. I laid on top of Edward and didn't move until my body cooled off. Then I slid off of him and, with the sheets wrapped around me, I stumbled to my feet.

I need to go to the bathroom,” I said still trying to catch my breath. He nodded and got out from under the other sheet and stood up in front of me. I couldn't break my eyes away from his naked body. God he looked so good. He cleared his throat,and I panicked. I quickly covered my eyes, which then caused the sheets to fall exposing my naked self. Shit! It was one thing for him to see me naked while were having sex but it was another thing just standing there naked. I picked up the sheets and wrapped them around myself but it was too late. Edward let out a loud whistle.

Shh. They're going to hear you,” I scolded him.

Trust me. They already know. You weren't exactly quiet the whole time.” I felt my face turn hot. I ran to the bathroom with the sheets covering my body. Oh god. I couldn't have been that loud, I thought while using the bathroom. I hurried back to the room and Edward was still naked.

What are you doing! Get dressed,” I yelled and quickly turned away from him.

We just made love, Bella. You've already seen me naked and I don't mind seeing you naked. Do I look that bad?”

I turned to look at him and then quickly turned away, he was still naked. “You look perfect.” I told him. Then I felt his naked body pressed against my back and he wrapped his arms around me.

No need to feel embarrassed. I should be embarrassed.”

You? Why?” I asked him. Why the hell should he feel embarrassed? He look like he belonged in a playgirl magazine.

Well, lets just say that I don't really have much experience with...you know...sex.” I blinked.

You're joking, right?” I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He turned me around to face him.

I'm not joking. You were my first. How...was I?”

You were perfect.” I sighed.

It doesn't sound like I was. Is everything okay?”

Every thing's fine. I just wish that..that this was my first time you know. Instead of me, you know, with Mike. I wanted my first time to be with someone I loved.”

Well, I don't think that Mike counts. So really, this was your first time.” That made me happy. I hugged him.

I love you so much. Thank you, Edward.” My stomach started growling. He pulled away and squat down in front of my stomach. “Are you hungry, son?” he asked my stomach and it growled again. Edward looked up and smiled at me. “I think this kid is happy that I'm his father.” I just smiled down at him. I would have told him that at twenty weeks the baby hasn't developed any ears. But I didn't want to break his heart so I kept my mouth shut. He kissed my stomach and stood up.

Are you hungry?” He asked kissing my cheek. I nodded. We both quickly got dressed and he took my hand and we walked downstairs. It didn't take a genius to figure out why everyone was trying to hold back their laughs. I felt my face grow hot.

Bella! Oh my god, you're getting married!” Alice squealed getting up from her seat. She started walking towards me. What the hell is she talking about. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face.

What are you talking about, Alice?” I asked her.

I'm talking about Edward proposing while you guys...” She trailed off and held back her laughter. “While you guys were upstairs and you saying yes. Oh my god! I can't believe it!” She wouldn't stop squealing.

Congratulations Edward,” Rose said from her seat. Edward place his arm around me and kissed my cheek. What have I gotten myself into?


I can't explain what I was feeling while I was making love to Bella. It felt great, but I was scared. I was much stronger than her and I didn't want to hurt her or her child. I did my best to make her feel good and I was shocked when she somehow managed to turn me around and ended up on top of me. But at least she was doing all the work at her own pace. It felt good feeling her hot body on my cool one. I enjoyed watching her face grow red, as she moaned with pleasure until she reached her peak. I never felt anything like this. It was the greatest pleasure next to the love I felt for her. And when she agreed to marry me it blew my mind and I too felt what she was feeling when she was...peaking. When we came back upstairs after she ate I just laid next to her and watched her sleep. When I wasn't next to her I was digging in my closet. My mother had lots of jewelry. Most I gave away but some I kept. I looked for the simplest ring. Just to see if it fits, I thought as I walked back to the bed and dropped to me knees next to where she was sleeping. “Will you marry me, Isabella Swan.” I slid the ring on her ring finger. It fit perfectly. I would've have took it off but she looked more beautiful with it on. “Sweet dreams, my bride.” I kissed her and left the room. I hope she doesn't wake up and freak. I joined my family downstairs. Esme was repairing the wall that hit. Emmett was playing video games. The girls were talking about plans for the nursery and the wedding. I took a seat next to Jasper.

How about a game of chess?” I offered. He nodded.


I woke up the next day well rested. That was the best night sleep since I found out I was pregnant. Usually I'm either crying to Jake or tossing and turning with heat flashes. I got out of bed and did my best to stretch but my stomach started hurting. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

Ow. What the...” I said. I scratched my eye with something. I pulled my hands back and gasped. On the third finger of my left hand was a diamond ring. I groaned and crawled back under the covers. What the hell was I thinking?

Bella?” A voice said on the other side of the covers. I let out a groan. It was Alice.

Yeah, Alice?”

What are you doing under the covers?” She asked trying to pull the covers off of me. She succeeded. “Are you feeling okay sister?” Sister? What have I gotten myself into?

I sat up in bed and let out a long breath. “I'm fine, Alice. I'm just... How did this happen?" I groaned and threw myself back on the bed. "How did I end up engaged to a guy I just met yesterday?”

Easy. He asked, you said yes. End of story.”

I know I said yes, Alice. Buy why! I'm seventeen! I'm pregnant! Whats my dad going to say? I got to go find Edward, I got to cancel this whole thing.” I scrambled off the bed and headed for the door but Alice blocked my way. “Alice, move. I have to go talk to Edward.”

Are you crazy? You can't just call off your engagement. You have no excuse.”

I just gave you three! Seventeen, pregnant, my dad.” I quickly got dressed out of my pj's and into the clothes I wore yesterday.

Those aren't good excuses. Your age doest matter. Edward wants that baby, we all do. And your dad won't mind.”

I need to go, Alice. I need to leave.” I put my shoes on and walked out of the room. “I need to talk to Jake.” I walked down the stairs and out the house as fast as I could.

Bella, please don't do this.” I could hear Alice's footsteps behind me. I turned around to face her.

Alice, enough. I don't know how you all can be okay with this. I know that Edward deserves better. I love him, Alice, I do. Don't get me wrong. Last night... was amazing. I've never felt so much love in my life, coming from Edward. This is seriously scaring me, Alice.” She let out a laugh. “What's so funny?”

You're just scared, Bella. Its okay. You have every right to be. Just come back inside.” She let out another laugh. “Silly Bella. Have you always overreacted to things or is it just your hormones?” I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. Maybe I was overreacting. We went back to the house and everyone was standing by the door.

Every things okay.” Alice said putting her hands in the air. “Bella just freaked out for a bit but every thing's fine now.” Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Good. For a minute there I thought I'd have a runaway bride.” Edward said stepping towards me. “Sorry if I scared you with the ring. I wanted to see if it fit and once it was on I didn't want to take it off. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. Last nights proposal didn't really count.”

It didn't?” I asked.

Of course it did.” Alice hissed.

Alice, if you want her to be part of our family so bad, why don't you marry her?” Emmett asked.

Well, maybe I will. Then I'll be able to change her and she'll be with us forever.” She smiled at the thought.

Alice!” Edward hissed. “I will marry her and as for the second part we are not discussing it.”

Maybe we should Edward.” I spoke out. He looked at me with a shocked expression. He began to shake his head.


Edward, think about it. I don't want to grow old without you. Don't you want to be with me forever because I do. I love you Edward.”

He stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my cheeks. “I love you, too. But I will not be that selfish. I am not going to damn you for all eternity!” He stormed away from us all. I sighed. I couldn't imagine growing old while they all stood young.

Can I use your phone?” I asked Alice. She nodded and handed me her cellphone. “Thanks. I'm going for a walk.” I needed to talk to Jake. He'd know what I should do. I started to dial his number, then I realized that he was probably still at my house so I dialed my number instead.

Ring Ring Ring Ring

Swan residence. Jacob speaking.” I hated the way he answered the phone.

Hello, Jacob. Isabella Swan calling.”

Oh, hey. How are you feeling today?”

Not so good. Jake, I got myself in a bit of trouble.” He gasped.

Why? What happened? Is it the baby? Are you okay?”

Chill, Jake. I'm fine" He let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. You scared me. What kind of trouble did you get into?"

"Well, you see," I took a couple of breaths. "I had sex with Edward.” There was a short pause.

Sooooo. It's not like you can get pregnant while your pregnant.” He let a little laugh. I think I know that.

Thats not the trouble. The trouble is that while we were, you know, he asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

I don't see the problem.” Was he serious?

How can you not see the problem Jake! I'm engaged! And, and, he knows I'm pregnant. And he still wants to marry me! What am I going to do?” I took a couple of deep breaths.

Congratulations. Look, Bella. Its really not a problem. You should be happy. I'm happy. I'm glad that someones going to be taking care of you and your son. This really isn't a big deal so stop making it one."

If thats why your glad I'm getting married then I'm better off marrying you.”

Come on, Bella. It'll be good for your son to have a father and a family around. He'll be little Edward Cullen."

You mean, Edward Jacob Cullen?” I smiled at the name.

What?” He seemed shock.

That's going to be his name. Well, a couple of weeks ago I was thinking of names. My first choice for a boy was Jacob Swan or Jacob Black and for a girl it was going to be Jacklyn Swan or Jacklyn Black. And now that Edwards in the picture, Edward Jacob Cullen seems to fit. How does that sound? What do you think?”

I think...that its a great name. And I feel honored that you would give your son my name. I'm really happy Bells." He was quiet for a bit and I knew he had something to say that he didn't really want to say. "What are you going to tell Charlie?” he finally asked after a while.

Well, actually I was hoping that you would yell at me and tell me this is all a mistake. Then I could've at least had a reason to call off this whole thing before everyone got their hopes up. Now that you haven't, I have no clue.” I sighed and placed my hand on my forehead. God, this was so frustrating.

I could tell him for you.”

No!” I yelled at him so loud I heard myself through the ear piece.

Jesus, Bells. What the hell? That hurt.” I let out a little laugh.

Sorry Jake. I'm still in shock from the last time you told Charlie about my big news. I don't need you to tell him that we're getting married.”

Like he'd believe that. He knew I didn't get you pregnant.”

Cause he knows us Jake. We're not like that. What am I going to do though, seriously?”

Bring him over to dinner.”

Are you crazy? Wait, that sounds like a good idea. I'm going to ask Edward. I'll call you later.”

Bye, love.”

Bye honey.” I said and clicked.


Do I have the worst luck or what? Bella was engaged. She was getting married. And I was happy for her. I love her but I'm happy for her. I know she doesn't love me and I'm glad that she finally found someone. I really am. It still hurts. My life, my love, was moving on. She was going to get married and have a baby. What more did she need? She's not going to need me anymore. As much as I wish things could be different, I'm gad they're not. I'm glad she found Edward and that he makes her happy. Good for her. Maybe, maybe its time...to move on. I picked up the phone and did my best to remember herphone number. Maybe if I invite my ex over she would see that Bella getting married and maybe we could get together. I don't love her, but hey, she's something. Better than being alone.

Hello?...Hello?” The voice on the other line said.

Erica? Its Jake.” Well, so far so good.

What do you want?” She huffed into the phone.

I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Bella's tonight. For dinner. You could be my date.” Please say yes, please say yes.


What?” I was shocked.

I said no. Why should I?”

Because, I was hoping we could talk about us. Just come over.” I was getting impatient with this. I was sure I could get another girl but then I'd have to look for one. I know a lot of girls like me, but I'm too tired to go driving around to find one.

Okay. What time?”

About 7. Bye.” I hung up quickly before she had a chance to change her mind. Smooth, Jacob. Real smooth.


Edward?” I knocked on his bedroom door. “Edward?”

You know, you don't have to knock.” He said on the other side of the door. I opened it and walked in. He was dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt. Did he always look so good in everything?

Of course I'm going to knock.”

This room is your as much as it is mine.” He walked towards me smiling.

Look, theres something I wanted to ask you. Do you think you'd like to come to my house for dinner.” His smile faded. “Well you don't have to go. I wanted you to meet my dad.”

No, I'll go.” He placed his arms around me and started kissing me passionately. God, he felt so good. We backed ourselves to the bed and Edward lifted me gently and placed me down. He took off his shirt and proceeded kissing me. His lips were everywhere. My lips, my neck, my chest, my stomach. God, I wanted more. I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me so that I was able to grind my pelvis into his. Edward must have know what I was thinking, he pulled away from me and sighed.

Is that going to be on your mind every time I kiss you?” he asked me.

Is that a problem?” I said playfully.

Yes. Last night was perfect. But I don't want you thinking that that's why I want you.”

I know that you don't think that. Its just, mmm...I want you.” I bit my lip and tried to pull him back to me but he grabbed my hands.

Okay, that must be the pregnancy talking.”

Tears started up in my eyes. “Why do you and Jake always think that! Must be the pregnancy. Must be the hormones. God, do you guys always have to be so mean?” I started sobbing.

Bella, I didn't...”

No, leave me alone. I need to go home. I need a shower and change clothes. And I need to brush my teeth.” I stopped crying, I was a little mad now.

Well, you can do all that here. You don't need to leave yet.” In a few seconds Alice walked through the door with a towel, clothes and a toothbrush.

Here you go Bella,” she said handing me her clothes.

Thanks, Alice. At least you don't think I'm crazy and hormonal.”

I would never.” She smiled and gave me a hug. “Well, I'll see you guys downstairs.” She gave Edward a smile that said I-know-how-not-to-make-her-mad.

Okay.” I mumbled and she left.

Are you okay, Bella?” Edward asked. For some reason the way he was standing there all gorgeous and sexy made me even more mad.

No!” I stormed into the bathroom. The hot water on my back felt good. I turned and let the water hit my stomach. The baby must have liked the vibrations or something, it started to flutter. Oh my god. This felt so weird. It reminded me of the movie Alien. I got the shivers. Wow, pregnancy was crazy. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and rinsed it out. I stepped out the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair with my fingers. I felt cool. I walked to Edwards room and got dressed. I was a lot more calm after my shower.

Don't you think we should know more about each other?” I asked him.

Yeah, I guess we do.” We sat in his room the rest of the day and talked about our lives. He told me more about him and his change. How it hurt to become a vampire and how long it took for newborns to be able to control themselves. I told him about my life with Jake and Charlie and about my parents divorce. I told him about Renee. We knew everything about each other by the time dinner was to start at Charlie. I loved him more and he said he that it was impossible for him to love me more than he did this morning.

A/N: I had to cut this short sorry. I would have continued but I wanted to start the next chapter seperate from this one. Hope this was okay though.

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Chapter: 16

A/N: Okay. Well for starters i'm sorry i haven't updated. I've been a mom of three for the past two weeks and i won't be getting a break until monday. Then when that happens it'll just be me and my son and I can focus more on my writing. The reason i'm updating right now is because someone cough Falen Blair cough (lol wink-wink) said that i really need to update because some people check back daily to see if i updated. So here you go. oh wait! duh! theres a scene in here that you guys might fine unbeliveable. but believe it. i've been there myself and have witnessed more than twice. you'll see what i'm talking about.


Why are you so nervous?” Edward asked as he pulled my hand away from my mouth. I couldn't stop biting on my finger nails.

I'm not nervous.” I lied. "I mean, why would I be nervous?" I let out a nervious laugh. "I mean, I'm about to introduce my dad to my fiancé. A guy I just met yesterday." We parked in front of my house. “Okay,” I said turning towards Edward. “Are you ready for this?”

Why wouldn't I be. I'm just meeting your dad. Its not going to be so bad. Relax.” He leaned over to kiss me. I immediately reacted and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him to me and deepened the kiss. He pulled back. “If you keep starting to, you know... get turned on, i'm not going to kiss you anymore.” He sighed and got out the car. Well, what did he expect? He was so..hot. He walked around the car and opened my door for me.

Thank you, kind sir.” I said stepping out of the car. I started to stand on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. I almost fell but, of course, he caught me.

You should really stop straining yourself.” He said shaking his head.

I wasn't straining!" I said defensively. "God, what is it with you and Jake. You always thinking about my hormones. And Jake making sure I eat. And you saying 'stop straining yourself bella.' Thats really annoying.” I walked to my front door and stormed inside. “I'm home!” I yelled and ran up to my room and slammed my door short. It was a bit childish but I was mad. After about a minute I went back downstairs. Something smelled good. “Mm. Whats cooking?” Edward was standing in the kitchen next to Jake.

I made your favorite." Jake said with a smile. "Spaghetti.” I gave Jake a hug.

Thanks you so much." I said giving him a peck on the cheek. "It smells good. I'm hungry.”

Finally,” he said as he pulled away from our hug. “Its about time you get an appetite. I've missed you. Are you coming home tonight?”

Yup. I'm here to stay." He smiled. "So, wheres dad?” I realized he wasn't watching t.v. like he usually did.

He taking a shower. He wants to look nice when he meets your boyfriend.”

Oh, well thats... good.” I turned to face Edward. “My dads very...' I looked at Jake. "Nice?” I asked but he just shrugged. I'm not sure what my dad was. He was nice to some people, a bit over protective sometimes, mean to other people. I turned to Edward and he didn't seem nervous. “How can you not be nervous? Everyone is nervous when it comes to meeting the parents, or parent in this case.”

I'm just not nervous. I'm sure your dad will like me.” He walked over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. “You are the one who shouldn't be nervous." He took my hands in his and gave them a squeeze. "Its not going to be that bad.” The doorbell rang and I jumped and yelped.

Jesus, Bells. Chill out.” Jake yelled holding his chest. “You scared the shit out of me.” I came to my senses and opened the door. I slam the door closed in disbelief. I couldn't believe who stood on the other side.

"Bella!" Jake barked at me and I opened the door.

Erica?” I asked in disbelief.

Yeah." She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes. "I'm looking for Jake. Could you excuse me, fatso.” She said, chewing her gum like a horse chews hay. She looked like a hooker dressed in stanky ass clothes. She pushed passed me and her should hit my shoulder. I almost lost my footing but I caught myself. Oh no the bitch didn't.

Excuse me!” I gasped. I walked to her, grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face me. “You are in my house! Show some fucking respect you stupid bitch!” I pulled my arm back and slapped her as hard as I could. She stumbled back and hit the wall. I gasped and covered my mouth. I couldn't believe what I just did. She placed her hand on her cheek. She was stunned but only for a moment.

She shook her head. “That was a mistake, you fucking bitch. I don't give a fuck if your pregnant.” She rushed me and, thankfully, we landed on the couch. I did the whole chick fight thing. I clawed her face and pulled her hair and managed to roll off the couch. I was on top of the bitch and I couldn't stop swinging. The boys must've been in shock because they just stood there. It must have been a sight to see. Me being pregnant on top of this stupid slut beating the shit out of her. I was never the fighter type. I never started problems but if a bitch stepped up to me I could handle my own. Jake taught me well. The boys snapped out of it and ran to us. Edward managed to pull me off but I still kept swinging and trying to kick the piece of shit that was on the floor.

Bella! Are you crazy?! What do you think you're doing?” Edward yelled.

The bitch here thinks she could walk into my house thinking she owns the place. I don't care if your here for Jake bitch, you still got to show some respect. Put me down Edward." He just tightened his grip. "Now!” I yelled at him. He obeyed. Erica was standing up now. Her face seemed swollen. I got annoyed by her just standing there. I tackled her again. I was heated and nothing was going to cool me down.

Bella!” Edward yelled at me and grabbed hold of me once more.

Chill!” Jake said stepping in front of Erica.

No, Jake. This bitch is tripping.” Erica said hiding behind Jakes back.

"Coward." I muttered under my breath. I felt Edward shake his head.

Jake turned around to face Erica. “Don't call her that! Where do you get off fighting with a pregnant person. Are you nuts.” Erica had shock written all over her face. She stood in front of Jake with her mouth open and her eyes bulged out.

Ha! You look like a fish that got beat the fuck up!” I yelled. Edward still had his arms around me. “You can let me go now, Edward. I promise I won't fuck up the tramp anymore than I already have.”

Are you crazy. You're pregnant bella. I don't care if you were mad. Think of your son, not yourself.” Edward said as he tightened his grip on me. I could tell he was pissed even though he sounded calm.

You still haven't changed have you?” Erica asked Jake. He seemed confused about her question. So was I. “You still pick her over me. Over everyone."

What are you talking about?” Jake still seemed confused.

I'm talking about you always protecting her. Doing things for her. Sticking up for her." Erica started shaking her head. "She hits me and calls me a tramp and you get mad because I fight back and call her a bitch? What the fuck is that shit?” She pushed Jake. I started fighting against Edwards hold on me. No bitch was going to touch Jake like that and get away with it.

You didn't have to act so rudely.” Jake stated calmly.

The bitch didn't have to slap me!” She yelled pointing at me.

Dont call her that!" Jake walked to the front door and opened it. "Just get out.”

You see what I mean!"Erica yelled at him. "You love her! She knocked up and you still love her. The sad thing is you can't seem to accept that fact that she doesn't love you.”

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" I started fighting harder again Edward hold on me.

"You're only going to hurt yourself, baby. Stop it!" He said in a stern voice. I huffed and stopped.

Trust me, I know." Jake said sadly. I looked at him and we made eye contact. "I've always known and I accept it." He was telling Erica but he was saying it to me. I felt tears in my eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat. He broke our gaze to look at Erica. "Now get out!” She jumped at the sound of Jakes tone and stormed out the door. She turned around to say something but he slammed the door in her face. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. He turned to us and started laughing lightly, too. “Bella Bella Bella Bella.” He said shaking his head. “What are we going to do with you?" He sighed. "You should have seen yourself." He said laughing. "You looked like a crazy person.” Jake stopped laughing when we heard the bathroom door open. I gulped. Edward let go of his hold on me and backed away a couple of steps. We all watched Charlie come down the stairs.

Hey Bella. Who is this young man?” He looked at Edward. He must not have heard the comotion that just happened about a minute ago.

Um, Dad. This is Edward.” I said making sure my hair and clothes were straight. I grabbed Edward's hand and pulled him closer to where Charlie and I were standing. “My boyfriend, Edward.” I turned to Edward and he gave me a smile.

Its nice to meet you, sir,” Edward said sticking his hand out to Charlie.

Pleasures all mine.” Charlie said shaking his hand. He looked at Jake and...wait...did he just wink. I looked at Jake and he caught me staring. He cleared his throat.

Um, well the foods done if you guys want to eat.” Jake said. Okay. This was way too easy, I thought as we all walked to the kitchen. I served everybody and sat down. Edward sat across from me next to charlie and I sat next to jake.

So, Edward. Tell me a bit about yourself.” I sat back and ignored what Charlie and Edward were talking about. I leaned a bit closer to whisper to jake.

Somethings going on.” I whispered. He looked at me like I was crazy.

What are you talking about?” He asked me, leaing in closer. Our faces were about an inch apart.

Charlie is being nice to Edward." Jake cocked his head to the side, still confused. "Charlie is hardly nice to people he barely meets unless they put on a good impression.”

Well maybe Edward put on a very good one.” Jake said shrugging his shoulders.

They just met!” I said a little too loud. I looked up at Charlie and Edward. Charlie looked at me a bit confused and Edward smiled at me. I turned back to Jake. “I don't know why i'm whispering. Edward can hear us.” I shook my head.

He can!” Jake said in disbelief. We both looked at Edward. He looked at us from the corner of his eyes and gave us a slight nod that Charlie didn't notice.

Thats so cool." Jake whispered to me. "Could he turn invisible too?” Jake seemed like a eight year old who just saw santa. I rolled my eyes and ignored that stupid question. I turned my attention back to Charlie and Edward. They just finished up their conversation.

So,” Charlie started breaking the silence. “What bought all this on? Whats the special occasion? Not that I mind or anything.”

Well, Charlie, there was something I wanted to ask.” My hands started shaking. “When did you realize you loved my mom?”

He smiled. “The minute I met her." He let out a small sigh. "She was just so..." He paused. "Different, you know. Different from the girls I knew. She had your blush, you know." He smiled at me and of course, I blushed. He laughed lightlyl. "When I made her blush it was the greatest feeling in the world.” A lump started to rise in my throat and I swallowed it.

That's so sweet." I said, my voice cracking. I cleard my throat. "And when did you realize you wanted to marry her?” I took a drink of water.

The minute she spoke to me for the first time. I was walking into school and she ran into me. She almost fell but I caught her. She turned with my arms still around her waist and she blushed. She introduced herself in the sweetest voice I ever heard and thats when I knew I felt something. I never felt that way about anyone and I may have been young but I knew it was love." He was smiling like a fool. "Why all the questions?” He looked at me with questioning eyes.

Um, well you see. I...no. Thats not right." I shook my head. How was I going to put this. "Edward...”

Edward cleared his throat. “You see sir, the thing is.." He paused to straighten his self out. "I asked your daughter for her hand in marriage and she said yes.” He gave me a quick smile. “And we want nothing more than your blessing, sir.” I looked at Edward and he looked at me. He had love in his eyes and he seemed so happy. I smiled at him and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. He looked so hot just sitting there. God, I wanted to jump on him right here and now. I cleared my head from the dirty thought. I turned to Charlie and my smile disappeared.. He was four shade red and it wasn't blush. Charlie was pissed. He jumped out of his chair and stormed to the living room. We all got out of our seat and followed. He turned on his heels and towered over Edward. I would have been scared but Edward was still calm. Didn't anything scare this guy?

You did what!" Charlie yelled. "You barely know her! And you,” he pointed at me, “had no right to say yes.”

But, Dad." I tried to keep my voice straight even though I was scared. "You don't understand how I feel about him. I love him, dad. Really, I do. And you said that you fell on love with my mom the moment you met her. You knew you wanted to marry her and you didn't even know her.” I hadn't noticed that I yelling.

And look what happened.” He yelled back, waving his arms around the living room. “She ditched us Bells! She left because she wasn't happy. How often do you see her? Once a year since you were six. Is that what you want? To get married at a young age like your mother and I did? Only to regret it later.

But dad...” I knew that it wasn't going to happen like that.

I'm not done. And you mister.” He pointed to Edward. “She is pregnant. PREGNANT! And its not even your child. Are you really ready for that?" He asked in a tight voice.

Yes, sir. I really am." Edward was still calm with all the yelling going around. "Look. I didn't come here to make you upset. I know we're young but I really do love your daughter and I want to take care of her and her son. All we want your blessing, sir. And if we don't get that, then we won't go any further.”

What!” I gasped. “What do you mean we won't get married." I stepped closer. "I'll marry you without my fathers blessing. I don't care.” I cried.

I do.” He turned to me and smiled. “I do, Bella. I want to do this the right way, my love. " He took a step to stand in front of me. He place my hands in his. "I want your father to walk you down the aisle. We need his blessing.” He gave me a quick kiss before turning back to charlie. “May we have your blessing sir.” Charlie seemed to have calmed down while Edwrad was giving me his speech. Charlie looked at Jake.

What do you think about all of this?” He asked Jake. Why was he asking Jacob?

I think its a great idea, Charlie.” Jake said with a smile. Charlie seemed disappointed by his answer.

Aha! I knew it!” I yelled. Edward and Charlie seemed confused but Jake knew what I was talking about. “I knew it, dad. I knew it. You were hoping that Jake would be against all this and then you could have a reason to be against it too. I thought the same thing.” Shit! The last part wasn't suppose to come out. “I'm sorry." I looked at Edward and he seemed sad. "I didn't mean...Its just that." He gave me a smile and I knew he wasn't mad. I smiled back at him and squeezed his hands. "So what do you say, dad? Jake thinks that it's a great idea. Can we have your blessing?” He looked at me for a bit before walking away to sit down.

Bells, you really don't think its too soon?” My father asked me. I knew he was hoping that I would think it was. I mean, I knew it was too soon. But if Edward loved me and wanted this, then so did I.

I'm possitive." I said. I went to sit next to Charlie. "I want this, dad. Really. I love Edward." I looked at Edward and he had a big smile on his face. I knew he never got tired of hearing it. I turned back to Charlie. "Jakes happy about this, dad. You're the only one out of the loop. What do you say?” I pouted and looked up at my dad. He sighed. Yes! I knew we won.

Fine." I sighed. "You have my blessing." I squeeled and gave him a hug. "But don't you two blame me if it doesn't work out.”

I playfully slapped his arm. “Thanks for your support, dad. Your optimism is heart warming.” I said sarcastically.

He laughed and gave me a kiss on my forehead. “I'm happy if you're happy, Bella." He stood up and looked down at me. "Are you happy?” He asked me seriously.

Yes, dad.” I looked at Edward and smiled. “I'm very happy.”

Okay. Well I'm heading up to bed kiddo. I'll see you tomorrow." He gave me another kiss and turned to Edward. "It was nice meeting you, Edward.” He gave Edward a quick hug and patted his back. “I can't believe I just met you and you are already my daughters fiance. You move fast don't you.”

Dad!” I yelled at Charlie. I placed my face in my hands. That is so embarassing, true, but embarassing.

I looked up at Charlie and he winked at me. I sighed and shook my head.

Not that fast, sir. Goodnight, Dad.” The look on Charlies face when Edward called him dad was priceless. I couldn't hold back my laughter. Jake joined in a bit after me. My dad glared at us and we did our best to control ourselves. He huffed and walked up the stairs.

Well, I guess I should get going.” I stood up and Edward stepped closer to me and kissed me gently. “Are you sure you don't want to spend the night again?” He gave me that crooked smile that made me weak in the knees. I wasn't going to give in though.

Nope.” I said shaking my head. He seemed disappointed. “I'm just going to help Jake with the dishes then go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow.” I walked him to the door and gave him one more kiss. I was a bit sad when I saw him drive away. My feelings quickly changed when Jake turned the radio on in the kitchen. Washing dishes and listening to music with jake was the best.

Alright! Lets get this party started! Woo-hoo!” I yelled grabbing a dish towel. “You wash, I dry.”

I wahed last time!” Jake argued with me.

Fine, meanie. I'll wash, and you dry.” The song on the radio finished and we waited for the next song to start to actually wash the dishes.

Okay,” Art Laboe said through the radio speakers. “That was The Temptations with The Way You Do the Thing You Do. Coming up next are back to back hits from the Jackson Five, Never Can Say Goodbye and I want You Back. Now a message from our sponsors.”

Ahh!" I screamed. “Did you hear that Jake? Jackson Five! Come on, Tito. Show me what you got.”

I hate Jackson Five, Bells. I'm not going to be Tito this time. Sorry.” Shoot.

I huffed. “Fine! You can be Michael and I'll be Tito.” I said with a smile, hoping that would change his mind.

Nope.” His answer was set and I knew it. There was only one thing I could do.

I'll play the Shirelles if you don't. You know how I love the Shirelles.” Jake shook his head in disgust. He had always hated the Shirelles and I mostly played them when i wanted Jake to give into something.

Nope. I broke that CD along time ago. Too bad.” There was only one thing I could do.

Soldier boy!” I started singing as loud as I could. “Oh my little soldier boy. I'll be true to you.” I pointed to Jake at 'you'. His eyes started bulging when he realized what I was singing. He started shaking his head.

No, Bells. You better...” I didn't let him finished. I continued along with my song.

You were my first love. And you'll be my last love.” He was starting to crack. I could see him thinking. “I will never make you blue. I'll be true to you. In this whole world!!” I sang louder. That did the trick.

Fine!" He huffed. "Come on Michael.” He tossed me a wooden spoon for a microphone and he used a spatula. Right on cue. I took a quick drink of water just as the song started.

Okay. I'll take the lead since this is my favorite song and you can say whatever. One, two, three!” I started singing. (Okay. Bold will be Jake and Bella will be regular. Its italics.)

Never can say goodbye,

no no no no no, I

never can say goodbye

Even though the pain and heartache

Seems to follow me wherever I go

Though I try and try to hide my feelings

They always seem to show

Then you try to say you're leaving me

And I always have to say no...

Tell me why (Tell me why)

Is it so (Is it so)

That I

Never can say goodbye

no no no no, I

Never can say goodbye

Everytime I think I've had enough

I start heading for the door

There's a very strange vibration

Piercin me right to the core

It says turn around you fool

You know you love her more and more

Tell me why (tell me why)

Is it so (is it so)

Don't wanna let you go

I never can say goodbye girl

(never can say goodbye girl)

ou, ou baby

(don't wanna let you go girl)

I never can say goodbye

no no no no no no no no no

ou! oh!

I never can say goodbye girl

(never can say goodbye girl)

ouuuuuuuu, ouuuuuuuu

I never can say goodbye

no no no no no no no no no, ou

Never can say goodbye

No no no no no no, I

Never can say goodbye

I keep thinking that our problems

soon are all gonna work out

But theres that same unhappy feeling and theres that anguish theres that doubt

Its the same old did ya hang up

Can't do with you or without

Tell me why (tell me why)

Is it so (is it so)

Don't wanna let you go

I never can say goodbye girl

(never can say goodbye girl)

ou, ou baby

(don't wanna let you go girl)

I never can say goodbye

no no no no no no no no no, ou

We started laughing when the song started fading. I couldn't help but laugh. I took another drink of water. I was sweating from all the dancing I was doing. Shaking my hips from side to side and spinning around. The next song started.

Wow Tito. You did good.” I patted his shoulder.

Good? Are you serious? I did great!” He twirled a towel in his hand and whipped my butt.

Ow! Jesus, that hurt! Do you want to sing the song with me?” I was rubbing my ass and he was laughing. I hit him on the head with my wooden spoon. “Do you?”

Ow! No.” He was rubbing his head.

Fine. I'll just sing. I'll serenade you.” Jake started washing the rest of the dishes while I grabbed a chair so I could sit on the counter. I started drying the dishes he already washed and started singing. Thank god this song had a long intro.

When I had you to myself

I didn't want you around

Those pretty faces always made you stand out in the crowd

But someone picked you from the bunch

One glance was all it took

Now its much to late for me

To take a second look

Oh baby give me on more chance Jake joined me anyways singing background.

(show you that I love you)

Won't you please let me

(back in your heart)

Oh darlin' I was glad to let you go

(let you go baby)

But now since I see you in his arms

(I want you back)

Yes I do now

(I want you back)

Ooh Ooh baby

(I want you back)

Ya ya ya ya

(I want you back)

Na na na na

Tryin to live without your love

Is one long sleepless night

Let me show you girl

that I know wrong from right

Every street you walk on

I leave tear stains on the ground

Following the girl

I didn't even want around

Let me tell you now

Oh baby all I need is one more chance

(show you that I love you)

Wont you please let me

(back in your heart)

Oh darlin I was blind to let you go

(let you go baby)

but now since I cant see you anymore


a buh buh buh buh

a buh buh buh buh

All I want

a buh buh buh buh

All I need

a buh buh buh buh

All I want

a buh buh buh buh

All I need

Oh just one more chance

to show you that I love you







Forget what happened then

Let me live again

Oh baby I was glad to let you go

But now since I see you in his arms

Spare me of this cause

Gimme back what I lost

Oh baby I need one more chance ha

I tell you that I love you







I want you back!

We started laughing.

Hey Jake?” I said walking to shut off the radio.

Yeah Bella?”

You do realize that you washed the dishes anyways right?” He looked down at the sink. All the dishes were washed.

Oh crap. Fine. But you get KP next time we eat.”

Alright. We'll just eat fast food tomorrow. So, what are we going to do tonight? The usual?”

Bella, we are mature adults. Mature adults don't play childhood games, they don't have movie night, and they definitely don't do sleepovers.” I looked at him for a second before I smiled.

Okay. Well I shower first, then you. I'll pick the movie. You make popcorn. Karaoke. And you snooze you lose. Its on!”

Alright. Deal.” We finished straightening up the kitchen. Jake and I always did stuff like this. Charlie got use to all the noise we made so it didn't really bother him what Jake and I did. We usually ended up playing You Snooze You Lose. We both knew that the other person could be ruthless. Jake woke up one morning to find that his whole body was shaved. Even things that weren't meant to be shaved. He was pissed. One time when I lost I woke up to find out that jake had sprayed me with water, threw power sugar all over my body, and put honey all in my hair. It was a mess. I had to shower about 20 times before my hair stopped feeling sticky. We pushed the chairs under the table and walked to the staircase.

I officially bring the Bella Jake Experience to a start.” I said walking up the stairs with Jake trailing behind.

A/N: Okay. The fight scene may have seen a bit much but i got down with my best friends ex girl when she started talking trash to me. Ah, memories. and yeah, i was pregnant too. Don't worry. No one was harmed, well at least me and my son weren't. and no, don't think I'm a bad mom for fighting because when you are pregnant the littlest things can set you off. and it wasn't a long fight. it was a hit hit fall for her. well this chapter may not have been the best you read but i hope it was to your liking.

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Chapter: 17

A/n: Okay. I wrote I've had this chapter written but i wasn't sure if i wanted to post it. my family thought it would be a good idea if I could becasue Jake and bella get a couple of things out of the way. sorry to all the people who like my story (honestly, i'm still suprised so many people do). theres drama between my dad and his girlfriend so i have been a mom of three for like the past month. my baby bro and sis have been living with me so I don't get a lot of time to write. so let me present to you FINALLY a chapter. hope you enjoy.

Bellas POV

I went in the bathroom to shower first and left the door open. I stripped from my clothes and handed them to Jake. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water run on my back. One of us always stood out by the door while the other one took a shower. It was a habit ever since we were younger.

Mm. Hot water feels so good. I can shower for an hour . That how good it feels.” I said aloud knowing Jake could hear me. He hated when I never left hot water for him.

Don't think about it please. I don't want to shower in cold water. Again. Better yet, why don't you shower in cold water. You need to cool off.”

What for?” I asked a bit confused.

You seem a bit hyper.”

What do you mean hyper?” I asked as I started to scrub my body.

You were dancing and singing.” Jake sighed. “You looked like a pregnant crack whore dancing around the way you were.” He laughed. I gasped. “Did you have any soda today.”

Nope. Dr. Cullen was there so he made sure I ate healthy.” I rinsed the soap off my body.

They eat?” He asked seeming a bit confused.

No idiot. You can't see me but I'm rolling my eyes and shaking my head.” He laughed. “Mrs. Cullen..”

Your future mother-in-law.” Jake interrupted. That was right. One day they'd be my in laws. I got the shivers.

Like I was saying, before you rudely interrupted, she knows how to cook. They don't sleep so what else does she got to do but watch food network. She's a good cook. She made chicken Parmesan with a side of steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Shit was the bomb.” I conditioned my hair and rinsed it off. I stepped out the shower and started drying myself. I stuck my hand out the door and right on cue Jake handed me my pajamas.

Thanks.” I got dressed and stepped outside. “I left plenty of hot water for you.” He nodded and stepped inside the bathroom. I stood with my back against the wall. Carlisle and Esme Cullen were going to be my mom and dad. Sort of. Alice and the rest were going to be my brothers and sisters. Jake handed me his clothes and I just threw them on the floor in my room. I was too busy thinking about what Alice said yesterday, about me changing, to put them away. Did I want to be a vampire. I mean, from what Edward said it was hard at the beginning. Not being able to control yourself and he said the process hurt like hell. I wouldn't mind changing if it meant that I get to be part of their family forever. But how would it happen. I mean, would I give birth to my son and then turn. Then I'd end up missing on all of his early years. I didn't want that. I could wait till he was old enough then change. Then I'd be old. I didn't want to be old.

Did you hear me, Bella?” Jake asked, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I'm sorry, what?”

Could you hand me my pajamas please.” I stepped off the wall and got his pajamas. I stepped in front of the door. Jake was wrapped in a towel so I didn't see anything other than his chest. Jake grabbed his clothes and looked at me. “Are you okay?”

Nope.” I said shaking my head. He looked at me a bit concerned. “We'll talk about it downstairs. Get dressed.” I stood there as he got dressed then we went downstairs.

Okay. So what movie are we watching?” Jake asked walking into the kitchen. I walked to the entertainment system and sat down in front of all the movies. We already watched Garden State last week so I picked my other favorite.

I pick...” I said, putting the movie behind my back and walked to the kitchen. When he turned to look at me I pulled the movie out from behind my back. “The Labyrinth! Yes!”

No!” Jake yelled grabbing the syrup from the fridge.

Why not?” I looked at the cover. “Its like the coolest movie ever.” It truly was. I wasn't really a David Bowie fan but I kind of thought he was a bit hot in the movie.

One," Jake said putting up a finger. "Bowie in tights. Not what I want to see.” I shook my head. “Two, the last time we watched it I had a nightmare that Hoggle was chasing me through the maze.” I smiled. 'That was funny' I muttered. He didn't hear me. “Thirdly,” Jake paused to grab the popcorn out of the microwave. “I hate seeing the part where Jennifer Connelly looks for her baby brother in that crazy room with the stairs going upside down. Sorry,” He sighed. “But no.” He poured some syrup in the popcorn bag and started mixing it. “Any other choices?” I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled. I stomped back to where the movies were to grab a different one.

Okay, fine!” I huffed. “I grabbed three movies, Jake, and you have to choose one.” I heard him sigh. “Have to. No ifs, ands or buts about it.” Jake walked to where I was sitting. “Now the choices are... Now and Then.” Jake sighed. “Hope Floats.” He groaned. “And Now and Forever.” I smiled when a frown came across his face.

Aw! Come on!” He groaned. “Can't you pick... like a comedy or a horror. How about Dr. Giggles.” He said with a smile.

Are you nuts!” I gasped. “I'm scared of the hospital as it is. Do you remember what happened last time?” He started laughing.

Like I could forget. You were so scared the last time we saw it.” He started laughing harder. “You jumped so high at that one part you fell behind the couch.” Tears were coming down his eyes. “But, of course, you hit the lamp on your way down. Only you could do that. We had to take you to the emergency room so they could remove the piece of glass that was stuck in your skull.” His face was turning red now. He was laughing that hard.

Jake, breath.” I sighed.

No,” he said shaking his head. “They had to strap you down because you wouldn't stop kicking the nurses.”

Jake!” I finally yelled. “I was ten years old! Stop laughing!” I grabbed one of the pillows that we kept downstairs and started hitting him. I didn't seem to faze him.

Fine.” I huffed dropping the pillow. “I'm sleeping upstairs. Sleepovers finished. Goodnight.” I started walking away but he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned to face him and his face was serious now.

I'm sorry.” He said. I shook my head. “Fine.” He said in frustration. “We'll watch any movie you want.” I smiled. “I'm sorry I laughed at you. It was just funny. You really thought the doctor was going to kill you.” He started laughing again and I shook my head. I turned to leave but he wouldn't let go of me. “Sorry, again. I had to get that out. No more laughing I promise.” He pretended to zip his lips and lock his mouth. He handed me the invisible key.

Fine,” I huffed. “Then I pick the labyrinth. Its not like we're going to pay attention to it. We'll just end up talking through the movie like we always end up doing. Come on. Lets make our beds.” Jake handed me the pillow that I used to hit him with and tossed it on the couch. “Dibs!” I yelled. “I call couch!” I grabbed my blanket and sheet and proceeded to make my 'bed'.”

No!” Jake said in mock alarm. “Not the couch!” He gasped. “Where would I sleep. The floor!” He pretended to toss his hair behind his shoulder like a total valley girl. “What. Ever.” He said speaking in an annoying valley girl voice.

What. Ever.” I said mocking him. “Like totally!” We both said with a laugh. I walked to the TV and popped in the movie. I pressed play at the opening menu and sat down on the floor next to Jake. We rested our backs against the couch. We were sitting on Jakes bed.

Okay, Bells.” Jake said clapping his hands together. “It like so gossip time!” Jakes said in the valley girl voice.

Jake! Enough with the valley girl. I'll switch movies if you want. Valley Girls somewhere around here.” I started to get up but he pulled me back down.

Not if you want to live.” I shook my head at his horrible impression of Arnold “Okay, so how did you and Cullen meet, anyway?” He asked. He actually seemed interested.

I groaned. Not something I wanted to talk about. “Aw Jake. Didn't I tell you already. Its embarrassing.” I hung my head low and pouted.

Well, he obviously didn't think it was embarrassing since he already proposed to you. Just tell me!” He playfully shoved me.

Fine!” I groaned in defeat. “Okay. So we got to school friday and went our separate ways.” I paused to make sure he was actually paying attention. He was. “So, Mikes in front of me and I don't want to walk by him so I turn around and bam!” I clapped my hands to add effect. “I run into somebody. I, of course, land on my butt. I look up and standing in front of me is this gorgeous god.” I sighed. “He had reddish brown hair and green eyes. At first I thought I pissed him off because of the look on his face. I'm talking about the incredible Hulk meets Kane. That mean.” I laughed. “But, obviously he isn't mad because he sticks out his hand and helps me up and when our hands touch..” I let out a sigh. “its like electricity flowed through my veins. And right when I'm about to introduce myself Jessica and Lauren walk up. Moment: Ruined. Chance of them actually liking me: Completely gone. But then I meet Alice and Emmett in class. Turns out that Lauren and Jessica's had no effect on the Cullens. Woo hoo!” I threw my hands up in victory.

Wow.” Jake said shaking his head. “I can't believe you actually bumped into the guy. You, Bella Swan, are a walking calamity.” He clapped his hands. “Good story.”

Okay, my turn.” I turned to face Jake. “Why was Erica here?” It was a serious question and he knew it. I never had a problem with her but when Jake told her I was pregnant she started hating me. I never felt like she was good enough for jake but if she made him happy then so be it.

Jake shrugged his shoulders. “I invited her.”

Duh! I knew that. But what I'm asking is, why?” Duh.

He shrugged his shoulders again but didn't answers.

Why, Jake?!” I asked once more forcefully.

He looked at me straight in the eyes. His black eyes seemed so empty, I felt I could get lost in them. I knew what he was saying. I leaned over and hugged him tight. He hugged me back with just as much force. He bought her over because of me. I was moving on and he thought that he should too.

I'm so sorry, Jake.” I said, nestling my head in his neck. I could feel moisture on my cheeks. He was crying. I hugged him harder. “I mean it. I wish things were different, really I do. I would love to love you. But I can't seem to. But you'll always be mine Jake, you know that right?” I pulled away far enough to see him nod his head. Tear tracks stained his cheek. I embraced him again. “You'll always have my heart Jake. More than Edward will. I'm not saying I don't love him because I do Jake. But I've loved you longer. En me corazon por vida. Okay?” Tears were forming in my eyes. “We need to stop.” I pulled away from our hug, I didn't want to start crying. “Come on, we're having a slumber party!” I said in a high pitched annoying voice. I wiped my eyes.

Yay!” Jake said sarcastically. “Come on, Bells. I'm not in the mood anymore.” He was serious. He grabbed his blanket and started covering his self. “I”m tired of being alone. I need a girlfriend. A beautiful one." He opened his mouth to say more but I couldn't let him finish.

Aw, come on! Al diablo con las quapas! You know, a lot of beautiful women are ugly on the outside. Look at me!” I pointed to myself. Jake rolled his eyes. “I know what will cheer you up.” I bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Una muchacha como tu." He said. I shook my head.

I bought something for you at the mall.” A smile grew on his face and he looked at me out of the corner of his eyes.

When?” He asked. “I was with you the whole time.” Not true.

When you went to the bathroom.” I said with a smile. He turned fully now so I can see his face. He was hiding something. I could see it in his eyes his eyes. His smile grew wider.

What?” I asked curiously.

I got you something too.” He bumped my shoulder with his.

You punk!” I said slapping his shoulder. “You already bought me something. You bought me the teddy.”

That was for the baby. This is for you.” He went upstairs and came back down. He pulled out a jewelry box from his pocket.

Don't tell me you're proposing to me too!” I joked, grabbing the box. He laughed.

No. I wish. Open it.” He urged me. I pulled off the ribbon and opened the box. It was a necklace. On my necklace was a charm of a boy with a stone on his stomach.

Aw, Jake. Its beautiful.” I gave him a quick hug.

Yeah. I picked a boy because, well duh, you're having a boy. And I picked the one that had the birthstone for his month. Pearl, right? I'm not too sure.”

I love it. Thanks Jake. Here let me get yours.” I went upstairs to my room and dug through the bags. I pulled out his gift and went back downstairs. “Remember in second grade when Mrs. Parks had us make friendship bracelets for arts and crafts?” Jake seemed stuck in thought trying to remember. Then his eyes widened.

Oh yeah!” A big smile stretched across his face. “I remember. I made you the black and green one. Mine was sorry.”

I shook my head. “No it wasn't. Anyways, remember the one I made you. It was red and blue.”

He nodded his head. “Yeah, I remember.” Then he frowned. “I lost it when we were playing cops and robbers a couple of day later. I'm sorry.”

Don't worry about.” I took his hand and placed his gift in his palm then closed it. “I found this in the little cart outside the boys bathroom.” He opened up his hand to find the same exact friendship bracelet I made him. “Its the same color and everything.” I clapped my hands and he smile. “One of the strings is even shorter than the other. I sucked at making friendship bracelets.” I laughed.

Thanks Bells.” He gave me a quick hug. “Come on. Lets lay down.” He got on the couch and sat close to the arm rest. I got up and laid down resting my head in his lap. He started brushing my hair with his fingers.

Jake, what do you remember most about our childhood. Like, what memory can't you get out of your head?” I asked with a yawn. “Your comfy Jake.” I turned my head to look at him.

He laughed then sat quiet for a moment before speaking. “Remember in fourth grade when we were working on our forest project?” He looked down at me and I nodded my head. “Remember when Mark Solis got up to talk to Ms. Abacon?” He was quiet for another moment. I laid there and tried to remember. I remember working on the forest project. We had to use a shoe box to make a forest scenery. I remember Mark getting up and...

Oh god!” I said with a shiver.

Jake laughed. “Mark threw up all over Danny Leader...”

And Emanuel Toledo! Oh god I remember that!” I said with a laugh. “That was so gross! And we were standing right next to them. They were covered in chunks of pizza and...other things. Oh! Remember when we had to do that dance for Cinco De Mayo in fifth grade?” He laughed.

Oh yeah! You cried because Raoul had to be you partner. I had to switch places with Lauren just so you could shut up.” He laughed. I gasped.

Like you hated it! You had Lauren for a partner.” I looked up at him. “Lauren!” He looked down at me and smiled.

I know.” He shook his head. “I think the teachers were out to get us. They always tried to separate us.” It was true. All the teacher knew how close we were. They made us sit far away from eachother. It still never stopped us from talking and goofing off. After a while they just gave up.

Yeah. No one will ever be able to break us apart." I looked into his eyes. His face seemed sad.

What if Edward tried to separate us?” He asked in a low voice. I barely heard him.

Like I said Jake, I loved you longer. I'll always choose you.” He didn't seem to believe me.

Think about it.” He asked with a sigh. “Are you sure?” I sat up and stared into Jakes eyes for a few minutes. Jake was there for me through everything. He was there when Renee left. He was there for me when Mike and Jessica picked on me throughout our childhood. He was always there no matter what. He listened to everything I said. Never judged my decisions. Held me when I needed to be held. Always patient with me. Sometimes.

Yeah, Jake.” I finally said. “I'll always choose you. If Edward ever made me choose then I will speak the famous words of Lesley Gore.” I got up from the couch and went to the radio. I paused the DVD. I skipped to track 12 on my mixed CD.

Oh no!” Jake groaned. He knew what i was about to do. “Please, Bells. I already sat through two Jackson Five songs.” He paused sticking up two fingers. “Two! Plus, I sang along. I sang! Thats enough to last me forever.”

I ignored him and pressed play. I turned around and waited for the song to start. “I'm serenading you once again, Black. Sit back and enjoy.” I started dancing and singing like a fool in front of Jake. He always said that he hated to hear me sing. I knew he lying by the smile that always lit up his face.

You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys

You don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys

And don't tell me what to do

And don't tell me what to say

And please, when I go out with you

Don't put me on display, 'cause

You don't own me, don't try to change me in any way

You don't own me, don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay

Oh, I don't tell you what to say

I don't tell you what to do

So just let me be myself

Thats all I ask of you

I'm young and I love to be young

I'm free and I love to be free

To live my life the way I want

To say and do whatever I please

A-a-a-nd don't tell me what do do

Oh-h-h-h don't tell you what to say

And please, when I go out with you

Don't put me on display.

I don't tell you what to say

Oh-h-h-h I don't tell you what to do

So just let me be myself

That's all I ask of you

I'm young and I love to be young

I'm free and I love to be free

To live my life the way I want”

I took a bow but heard no applause. I looked up and saw Jake with his head in his hands.

What?” I asked a bit confused.

He lifted his head from his hands and sighed. “You will sing that to your fiancée if he told you to stay away from me?”

Well, no. But I will get up, throw my ring at him, and leave. Then” I sighed, “I will buy a lot of ice cream, drive to your house, or most likely here cause thats were you'll most likely be, and wallow.”

He got up and sat me down on the couch. He bent down in front of me and stared into my eyes. “No.”

What do you mean no?” I looked at him trying to understand.

I mean, no. I don't want you to do that. I don't want you to throw your future away over little ol' me.”

I gasped. “Are you serious? Jake you're my best friend. Blood is thicker than water.” I shook my head. “I wouldn't do that. I won't do that. Its you Jake. Always.” He started shaking his head and looked at me with pleading eyes. “Nope. I stand my ground. You will be my choice if it ever came down to choosing. Thats my final answers.” I crossed my hands over my chest.

Well, I would much rather be sad and lonely knowing your happy with Edward than watching you wallow. I'm serious.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

Nope. I wouldn't be happy if you weren't in my life.” I slapped his head lightly. “Are you serious?” I looked into his eyes. “You think i'd be happy? Be serious Jake.” I huffed.

I am being serious Bella. I've never been more serious. I'm more than happy to stay away from you and watch you be married to him. ”

We are seriously having an argument about this?” He nodded. I shook my head. “There is no argument Jake. Its you. I swear it. The end.” I laid down and pulled the blanket over my head.

Thats not the end.” I heard him move. The next thing I know he's trying to pull the blanket off of me. “Bella, its time for you to be serious.” he said in a huff. He kept pulling and after a while he sighed in defeat. “Fine!” He said in frustration. “Fine. Whatever you say. Will you come out now?”

Only if you promise no more talk about me picking Edward over you.”

I still think th-” I cut him off.

Do. You. Promise?” I stuck one hand out and stuck out my pinky. He sighed once more.

We're not five anymore, Bells.” I poked him with my little finger. “Fine!” He placed his pinky in mine and we shook on it. I pulled the blanket off and smiled in victory. “You. Are. A. Little. Brat.” He placed his forehead on mine. “What am I going to do with you?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Don't know. Love me 'till the end of time just like I will you.” I bumped my head against his. "Forever, Jake. You and me." Then the vampire thoughts came back to me. “Jake, can I ask you something.” He backed away from me. He probably noticed the seriousnes of my voice.

Anything you want.” He said with a nod.

And you won't get mad.” He gave me the Have-I-Ever look. I proceeded. “How...How do I put this?” I paused and thought. “Um. How do you feel about me...me becoming a vampire?” I winced waiting for the yelling to begin. It never came. I looked up at Jake. Jake had his hand to his chin and was thinking. I sat back patiently.

Hm.” He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it. “Well I don't know. Is that something you want?” He questioned.

I sat and thought about it for a bit. “Well, I think so. I mean, I want to. If I'm going to marry Edward till 'death do us part',” I used air quotes. “Then yeah. I don't want to turn eighty and get all old and wrinkly while Edward is still going look seventeen. I love him. I want to spend all eternity with him.” I said eternity with my best Dracula voice. I waited for Jake to respond.

Well, one, don't do that Dracula impression. You stink.” We laughed. “Second, if thats what you want then why ask me.”

I gave him my are-you-serious face. “Jake!” I said in a groan. “I wouldn't have asked if your opinion didn't matter. Come on!” I waved my hand in front of me. “I'm prepared to sit back and hear the yelling. Come on, lets get it started.” I placed my hands on my lap and waited. He didn't say anything. “Any day now, Jake. I could hear the crickets chirping.” He tilted his head and smiled at me.. “I'm serious. Totally movie status.” He sighed. Whats with all the sighing? I asked myself. I sighed. Then Jake sighed. I sighed again and so did he. I got up and placed my hands on his cheeks. “Say something!”

Do you really think that of me?” He said in a sad voice.

What?” I pulled my hands back. “I just asked for your..” He didn't let me finish.

No. I mean, do you really think that I'm going to yell at you. Do you really think i'm going to go against everything you want.” I opened my mouth to say something but he lifted his hand up to stop me. “Let me finish. You call me hoping I go against your engagement to Edward.” I shook my head. “Do not try to deny it. You admitted it in the kitchen. You and your dad are so much alike, you know that?. And now I know your hoping that I would be against you becoming a vampire. I'm tired of you thinking that. Have I ever went against your decisions?” I sighed. “Have I?”

No, Jake. You haven't.” I agreed even though I didn't want to. But I knew he was right. “Maybe I am just making excuses. I mean, who wouldn't want this?” Jake just shrugged his shoulders.

Why would it be so bad you changing?” He asked me.

Well, one, Edward says it burns. Like you're on fire. You know I have a low tolerance when it comes to pain. Second, I don't want to leave you behind. I don't want to stay young and you get old.” Tears came to my eyes. “I don't want to watch you die!” I cried. “I want to be with Edward forever but I don't want you do die!” I hugged him hard. It was a tight hug, the kind of hug that you never wanted to break out of. Jake laughed. I pulled away. “Why are you laughing?” I glared at him. He did his best to hold back his laughter bud didn't succeed. “This. Isn't. Funny. Jake!” I did my best to hold my seriousness but that failed. I started giggling lightly. “Why are you laughing?”

Silly little Bella. Didn't I tell you everything about me becoming a werewolf.” I just looked at him. “Well, one cool thing, besides changing when I want to, is that I'm not going to get older.” I felt my eyes widen and my jaw drop.

Are you serious?” I cried.

Of course. Why are you crying?”

Because, wh-wh-what if Edward doesn't ch-ch-change me? What if I don't get to become a vampire and then i'll end up getting old while you stay young.” My sadness quickly turned to anger. “Thats not fair!” I stomped my foot and slapped his arm.

Have you talked to him about it?” Jake said while wiping my cheek.

No, not really. But I hope I do get changed. Then we really can be friends forever.” I said hopefully.

That'd be sweet.” Jake hugged me and patted my back. “Come on, don't be upset.” He started tickling my cheek. “Come on, where that smile.” He baby talked to me “Wheres that smile.” The corners of my mouth turned up. “Oh, there it is. Look at the cute wittle smile.”

Shut up!” I slapped his arm and went to sit on the couch. “How is your werewolf thing coming along. Any changes?”

Jake shrugged. “I don't know. I mean, I feel my body temperature rising. I could smell the stink of your boyfriend.” I glared at him. “Sorry. Dad says I have all the symptoms and that I'm changing fast but I don't seem to have that temper that he says we're suppose to get. He says it because I'm use to putting up with all your crap.” He ruffled my hair and chuckled. “It could happen any day now, i guess. I don't know how it works. I guess one minute I'll be me and then the next I'll phase over to the werewolf.”

Have you tried, like, I don't know. Forcing it?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "You know, like try to take a dump.” He glared at me and I held back my laughter. “Seriously, just keep pushing. Maybe you'll change.” I slapped my knee and laughed. “I could picture that.” He glared at me and I quickly shut up. “Sorry.” I yawned.

Its okay. Come on, we should get some sleep.” He laid me down and covered me with the blankets.

What about you snooze you lose. Come on, we're suppose to be having the Bella Jake Experience.” I yawned again. “Its not fair. I'm not that tired.” I yawned again. Stupid yawns, I thought. My eyes felt heavy. I laid down on the couch.

I barely heard that last part because you yawned so loudly. Lets just go to bed.” Jake got up to make sure everything was off and everything was locked. I closed my eyes and shifted to get comfortable. Jake covered me with my blanket.

Goodnight, my love.” Jake said before placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. I loved Jake and I would really pick him over Edward any day. Even though Edward had my heart now, Jake had it longer.

So much for the Bella Jake Experience,” I said and Jake laughed.

Just go to sleep.” He sighed. “Thank god you don't have the pregnancy gas. You'd probably be farting your ass off.” He tried holding back his laughter but I could hear him. He was only sleeping on the floor next to the couch. I moved closer to the edge so I could slap him.

Shut up! I'm too tired to defend myself.” I groaned. I moved my hand along his face until I found his hair. I started brushing his hair with my hand and I sighed. “I love you Jacob Black.” I whispered.

I love you too, Isabella Swan. I'll always love you. Even though...” I didn't hear the rest of what he said. Sleep found me and I drifted with my hand clutched to Jakes hair.

a/n: hope that satisfied some peoples craving. it wasn't exactly the best chapter but hey, it was something. i'll try to update soon.

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Chapter: 18

A/N: I know! I finally updated! took forever, i know. well its cause i got a new computer then i had to wait for this one dude to get all my files out of my old computers hard drive. then i had fix this whole chapter cause it was going down this different path. but its done and hopefully you guys like it.

Bella's POV

Four weeks had passed and there were no changes. Charlie was down at the station a lot more and Jake and I hung out at the Cullen's. Jake and I finally decided to check out of school. The Cullen's couldn't because they had to 'keep up appearance.' Esme, Rose, and Alice filled their time with wedding crap and baby stuff. I found myself just laying around on the couch with Jacob and Emmett. Watching them watch sports. Edward was like a shadow. Every time my stomach moved he was there making sure I was okay. At first I thought it was sweet but now I was beginning to get bugged. I felt that at any minute I was going to crack. Jake knew this. He kept warning Edward to stop hovering and that I was okay. Jake told me to just mention the words 'change' and 'vampire' and Edward won't talk to me for a while. It worked a bit at first until he figured out what I was doing.

I don't mean to be overprotective.” Edward says to me. “But you're still not gaining weight and the babies weak.” I knew this was true. “We just don't want you to strain yourself. Carlisle say that your are a high risk pregnancy.” I sigh and throw myself back to the couch. “We don't want you to..”

..go into an early labor.” I finish for him. I heard it so many times.

The baby could die!” He says in a hard voice. I felt tears come to my eyes.

Well, I know that, Okay!” I stand up. “I know that! But I am fine! I only seem to strain myself when you're near me!” I was yelling now. He looked at me with sad eyes. I hurt him. I inhale and exhale. “I'm sorry.” I walk to him and wrap my arms around his neck. His go around my waist. I look up into his eyes for a long time. “I love you.” I whisper.

Are you sure?” He questions. The first time he asked it ticked me off. How could he think I didn't. 'Its not really normal for humans to really fall in love that fast' Alice put it. But I thought about. Every time I saw him I would get butterflies and the baby would kick. When he smiled I blushed. My breathing would stop when he told me he loved me. My heart would skip a beat when he touched me. When I saw a girl try to flirt I'd go mad with jealousy. Him holding me at night made me feel safe.

I'm positive.” I say. I stand on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. He turns his cheek. “What!” I say with a sigh. I was getting tired of this. I could feel my anger boiling over. I was reaching my limit.

You're straining yourself now.” I groaned and put my hands to my face. I started rubbing my eyes. “Do you know how many muscles you just pulled in your stomach.” He continued. That was the end of my limit. I could feel my face flush with anger.

What,” I start breathing heavily. I'm about to explode. “What the hell is your fucking-” a hand goes over my mouth. The next thing I know I'm being pulled towards the door and I'm out of the house. “Jake, what the hell are you doing?” I ask him calmly. I was breathing hard.

While you and your fiancé were in that heated argument Alice said that she saw you crack.” He shrugs. “She wasn't sure. She's says everything was fuzzy.” I get into the truck. Alice still had a hard time seeing things with Jake in the picture. It'd be different if he weren't a part of my future but he was. Jake starts my truck. “Where to?” He asks.

Just drive.” I say and I lay my head back. We drove. It started raining then it stopped. Jake parked outside of a coffee shop. We got out and ordered. Then we sat at the table outside and just talked.

Is it me, or do you feel weird?” Jake asks. I look at him

What do you mean weird?” I take a drink of my smoothie.

I mean, I feel like I'm in ghost town.” He gets the shivers. I laugh. I look around.

You're right. Theres no one around.” I get the shivers. “Kind of spooky.”

Yeah.” Jake agrees. “I feel like something bad is going to happen.” I change the subject before it starts freaking me out.

So, what happened to Mike?” I ask Jake. He swallow his coffee hard. I look at him curiously. He seems nervous.

What do you mean?” He asks back.

You didn't see him at school two weeks ago?” Jake stares at me. “His arm was in a cast and he was all bruised up. Don't you remember?” I look at him. He takes a drink.

Oh yeah.” He says after he swallows. “I heard he got into a motorcycle accident.” I look at him and nod.

He has a motorcycle?” I ask after a while. He drinks his coffee again.

His friend does.” I nod my head. I stare at him for a while. He doesn't look at me.

What friend?” I ask. He sighs.

Jeez, I don't know, Bells. A friend.” I let it drop. “Speak of the devil.” I tense up. Jake puts his hand on my knee. I give his hand a squeeze.

Oh. H-hey Bella.” Mike says. I don't get the chills when he says my name. Thats weird. I don't want to look at him. “Hey, Jake.” I look at Jake and he looks at me. I give him the usual whats-going-on look. He shrugs his shoulder. “So how have you guys been?” I look at him now. He looked horrible. Not just because he had bruises on him and his arm was broken. No. He seemed empty. Like a shell. His eyes had circles under them like he hadn't sleep in days. His hair was a mess. His clothes looked all worn and raggedy.

Listen Bella.” I stare into his eyes. Trying to figure out if he's hiding something. He's not. “I just wanted to say that I was sorry.” He meant it. “I mean, I know it doesn't mean much after all this time but I just wanted to let you know. I really am sorry.” He turns to look at Jake. “I'm sorry, man. I never meant-” Jake puts his hand up to stop him. Mike nods his head and looks at me. “Hows my-” I tense. He notices. “Hows the baby doing?” He rephrases.

Fine.” Is all I say. He nods his head. He stands there for a minute. Its awkward.

You look good.” I look at him again. “I mean, you don't look like you're gaining weight.” He pauses hoping I would speak. “Is that normal?” He asks.

Nope.” Is all I say. I look at Jake. I want him to help me get out of this conversation. He doesn't look at me. Mike just stands there and looks at me.

Okay, bye.” He says after a while and leaves. Jake lets out a laugh I didn't notice he was holding.

Asshole!” I say and push him.

What did I do?” He asks between his laughter.

You let him talk to me. You left me dangling on a piece of thread.” I shove him again.

Well, maybe it was a good thing that he talked to you.” I glare at him. “Okay, I'm sorry. But he sounded sincere. Give the guys a break.”

I'm not giving him anything.” I say. Jake sighs and mutters an okay. “So, where else do you plan on taking me.” He doesn't tell me. We finish our drinks and get in the truck. We go to La Push.

I feel like I'm thirteen for some reason.” Jake says when he gets out of the car.

Thirteen? Why?” I look at him.

Because thats when you got your period.” I glare at him. “I remember Billy telling me that you were a young lady now and that we weren't allowed to play the same.” I stop walking. He turns back and looks at me. We just stare at each other. I smile and he smiles back.

I remember.” I finally say. “Thats when everybody tried to change things.” I sit down on a crate that was just there in front of his house. Jake kneels down in front of me. “I remember Billy forcing you to hang out with Paul and the rest of the Quileute boys.” I shook my head. “I mean, its not like Billy didn't tell me the tales that he told you boys. I knew what was going to happen. I knew about the...”

Vampires and the werewolves.” Jake finishes the sentence for me. “I remember when they tried to take you away from me.” I look at him.

Gosh! Its not like I was your property.” I playfully slapped him.

Not according to you.” I look at him confused. “The barbecue Billy had when we were eight.” I think for a while and I finally smile. “You told all the girls that were trying to play with me to...

Stay the hell away from him because he belongs to me.” We say in unison. I laugh.

I made one of them cry.” I sigh shaking my head.

No,” Jake says. “I remember when Charlie and Billy decided for us that it would be best if we went our own way. Me with the boys and you...” I cut him off.

Alone.” I sigh. “I didn't have any friends besides you. Unless you count when Quil and the rest of them would come by and we would all play.”

I hated my dad.” Jake says.

Me too. I hated my dad.” I say.

Me too.” Jake breathes. We hear footsteps behind us. We stand up quickly and Jake stands in front of me. I peek my head out from behind him to see who it is.

Well if it aint Jake and vampire lover slash mommy Bella.” Embry says. I step out from behind Jake. My face flushed from embarrassment.

Stop calling her that!” Quil says stepping up to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The rest of the boys follow. Embry, Paul, Seth and Sam.

You guys want to hang out at the beach?” Quil asks. We all nod. I follow behind all the boys.

So, Bella,” Sam says from somewhere up in front. “How are your bloodsuckers behaving?” I glare at him. “I mean, are they sticking to their part of the treaty.” He was pushed by a couple of the guys.

Always gotta say something.” Quil says shaking his head.

Never know when to keep your mouth shut.” Paul says and Embry nods in agreement.

You know they are.” I speak up. Trying to keep my voice cool. Quil picks this time to speak.

So, Jake, no changes.” He looks back at Jake and Jake shakes his head.

We should all blame Bella!” Quil says to me. I push him playfully.

Why me?” I ask all innocent like.

Why you?” Quil and Paul ask in unison. I laugh.

Because,” Sam says, “he is way to use to you pushing his buttons.”

So. Its not my fault Jake doesn't know how to phase.” They laugh. The rest of the afternoon is the same. We hang out at the beach and make jokes and laugh. Bringing up times when we were younger and the bonfires that we had. I couldn't help but feel calm and easygoing with the boys. They weren't hovering and they were calm. When it came to lunch, it was a different story. Food was everywhere. Jake and I stood until the night came and he drove me back to the Cullen's where I, once again, was going to spend the night. We walk through the door laughing. We don't realize that everyone is sitting on the couch. Worried expressions plastered on their faces.

Everything okay?” I ask.

Where is your cell phone?” Edward asks after a moment of silence. His forefinger and thumb are pinching the bridge of his nose. His eyes are closed and it looks like he's trying really hard to stay calm. For some reason I feel scared right now. I gulp.

Upstairs.” My voice is low and shaky. I step closer to Jake.

Do you know how worried we've been?” He stands up. “Alice can't find you. We can't go over the border. We don't know whether you're alive of dead. None of you have your cell phones..” His voice is cut short by Alice.

Edward, calm down.” She pleads.

We were thinking the worst!” He saids in a tight voice. “I thought you were hurt.”

But I'm fine!” I say between my teeth. “You are overreacting. I was with Jake and the pack.”

You shouldn't have been there. You shouldn't go there. They're werewolves and they hurt people.”

It was fine!” Jake says standing in front of me. “We wouldn't have hurt her. The pack has no reason to hurt her.”

Told you that we shouldn't be treating the dog like a pet.” Rose says out of nowhere. I look at her shocked.

That is not fair!” I look at Edward. “Please. Everything is fine. There is no need for this...” He cuts me off.

Maybe you should think about spending a little less time with Jake.” The coldness is Edwards voice gave me the shivers. There was a rumble is Jakes voice. I turned around to look at him. He was red. Beyond red. Ten times stronger than red. He was shaking violently.

Jake?” I step closer to him. I pulled back immediately by Edward.

You shouldn't be near him now. He's going to hurt you.” He says. I gasp.

He has never hurt me a day in his life.” I step out from behind him. I try to go to Jake who is shaking more than what he was a moment ago.

Bella, leave him.” Edwards arms are around my waist. I squirm trying to free myself out of his hold.

Let go of me!” I yell. I look at Jake with pleading eyes. “Jake, say something!” I yell at him. “Are you okay?” The shaking continues. He doesn't look like his self.

Bella, stop fighting.” Jasper says from his position next to Alice. “Jakes changing!”

Let me go to Jake, Edward.” I turn my head to look at him. “Let go of me now.”

No.” He was angry. “He will hurt you.”

No I won't!” Jake growled in a way I never heard. A way that gave me the shivers and scared the crap out of me. “I could never hurt her.” He still shaking but he seemed calmer. He reaches his hand out to me. Edward pulls me a few feet back.

Let me go, Edward!” I yell the loudest I ever heard before. Esme and Carlisle wince from my cry.

Edward, let her go.” Alice's voice is low. She seemed scared.

No!” He growls out between his teeth. Jake growls back.

Let her go!” His voice is deeper now. Deep and dark. Scary dark.

Not with you!” Edward says. Jake growls in defeat and punches the wall. The wall cracks and there's a big whole where Jakes fist made contacts.

Jake?” I ask. My voice scared and shaky. I look into his eyes. They seem different somehow. I take a step and Edward pulls me back. I scream out of frustration. Jake growls. He's shaking bad now. He turns and runs out of the house.

Let me go to him, Edward.” I try to keep my voice down.

Stay away from him, Bella.” Edward says.

No.” My voice is cold and low.

He's changing, Bella. He's a werewolf now. He's dangerous.” Emmett says.

No.” I close my eyes and shake my head. I try once again to break out of Edwards hold. I sigh heavily in defeat. “Let me go!”

Not until he's gone!” He yells. “He's still out there.”

I don't care!” I yell and finally break free from his hold. My stomach feels sore. I touch it and wince. It felt bruise. I lift up my shirt and sure enough there a red band going across my stomach where Edwards arm were. I touched it and winced. It stung. I heard Edward gasp.

Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...” I cut him off.

Save it!” I look at him. He was hurt, I knew this. He hurt because he hurt me. He steps closer to me I take a step back. “That was the worst thing you could have ever done, Edward.” He looks at me. “Keeping me away from Jake hurt way more than this.” I point to my stomach.

I just don't want you near him...” I don't let him finish.

Don't make me choose, Edward.” I look at him. “Don't ever make me choose cause in the end,” I pause. I feel tears forming. “In the end, I won't choose you.” I hear them all gasp but turn to leave before they say anything. I stop at the door. “I love you Edward.” I don't turn when I say this. “But I don't like you right now.” I head out the door and to my truck. I drive away from the Cullen's house. I feel like I'm never going to go back. I drive to Jakes house. The place I know Edward won't be able to reach me.

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Chapter: 19

A/n: Just another filler. Enjoy.

I cry all the way to Jakes house. I park the car. Its late. I didn't notice. All the light in Billy's house were off. I walk to the side of the house and step on the crate outside Jakes window. It brought back memories of when I use to 'runaway' to Jakes. It's warm in his room. I find the door in the darkness and close it. I turn on the light. I rummage through his drawers trying to make as little noise possible. I find a pair of too big sweats and one of Jake's shirts. I crawl under his covers. I just lay there and cry. I cry out of anger, out of frustration. I hate Edward for being so damn possessive. I hate myself for always being so damn hormonal. I'm not sure how long I cried for. Sleep found me and soon I was dreaming of being little and running around hand in hand with Jake.

I wake up sweating I'm not sure what time it is. I turn and I realize I'm not alone. I sit up. “Jake, is that you?” I ask. Then I feel stupid.

Who else would it be?” His husky voice replies.

And thats why I feel stupid.” I lay myself back down. We rearrange ourself. I end up laying on Jakes chest. He strokes my hair.

I'm surprised you were able to sleep.” Jake says after a while.

Why?” I say with a yawn. “I slept like a rock. If I wouldn't have had a heat flash because of your heat I probably wouldn't have woken up.” I sigh. “Did that make sense.” Jake laughs lightly.

I don't know.” He sighs. “But what I meant was that your boy was kicking crazy. I've been awake for two or three hours. I had my hand on your stomach and your kid was going wild. Its like he was following my fingers. It was pretty awesome.” He smiles down at me.

I didn't feel him moving at all. The kicking doesn't really bother me nowadays. Its the heat flashes that kill me and you aren't helping.” I look up at him. “Sorry about the way Edward was acting.”

You shouldn't apologize for him.”

Well I feel like I should Jake.” I sigh loudly. “He pissed me off! He had no right to do that.”

Calm down, Bells. He just thought he was protecting you.”

He kept me away from you though Jake. He wouldn't let me go with you. He has never done that before.”

Yeah, well its a good thing he did keep you away.” I sit up and look at him a little confused.

It was?” Jake sits up next to me.

Yeah, I mean, I probably would've scared you if I turned into a werewolf right in front of your eyes.” I shook my head.

You wouldn't have...” I paused. I got out of the bed and stood up. I started pacing back and forth.

Bella, are you okay?” I stick up a finger signaling for him to wait. I stop and turn to look at him.

You're a werewolf? You changed?” My words came out broken. I was in shock. Jake nods his head slowly. I sit myself back down of the bed. “Wow.” I breath.

I know.” Jake sighs.

I mean...wow.”

I know.”

Congratulations?” Its a question. I'm not sure what to say.

Thank you?” We look at each other. We laugh. I'm not sure how long we stood up talking but pretty soon the sun is shining through his window.

You want me to take you home?” Jake asks. He's unsure. He wants me to stay.

No. I think I'll hang out here today.” That brings a smile to his face. I end up staying for two weeks. Billy didn't mind. Neither did the pack. We all would hang out at the beach. At night the boys would make a bonfire. I'd sit around and listen to the goof around and tell stories or bring up things that happened that day.

I could tell that Jake was happy to be part of their crowd now. He didn't feel left out like he did before. They were actually surprised at how faster and stronger he was out of the rest. When they were in their wolf form and having their little meetings and all that I would find myself just sitting there and thinking about Edward. Then I'd cry because I missed him so much. Then I'd get mad because I'd remember what he did.

Two weeks I don't see Edward or any of the Cullen. For two weeks I don't talk to any of them and nobody brings them up. I probably wouldn't have gone back if I didn't need the check up. But I did. Jake and I pull up the driveway.

I feel nervous for some reason.” I say. The car's been shut off for five minutes and we just been sitting here.

Why? You practically live here.” Jakes the first one to get out. He walk around the truck. I lock my door. “What are you doing?” He asks confused.

What if they hate me?” That makes him laugh.

You honestly think they hate you?” I look at him then at the front door. Alice is standing there. She looked terrible. She waved at me slowly. She looked like she was crying but of course they can't. I wave back at her and it brings a small smile to her face. I look back at Jake. I unlock my door. He opens it fast thinking that I'm going to lock it again. He helps me get out. I walk to the front door. Alice and I just stare at each other. She starts dry sobbing and hugs me hard. I hug her back.

I'm sorry about the way my stupid brother acted.” She pulls away so I can look at her. “I could kill him.” She hugs me again. “I missed you.”

I missed you too, Alice.” She lets go of me. To my surprise she hugs Jake. He just stand there confused while Alice apologizes.

Its all good. No harm done.” Is all Jake has to say. We follow Alice into the house.

Bella!” Emmett's voice booms from behind me. He swoops me up into one of his tight bear hugs. “We missed you.” I hug him back.

I missed you guys too!” He puts me down and I realize my cheeks are wet. I've been crying. Everyone gives me a hugs. Everyone except Edward.

He's in his room.” Alice says from her stand next to Jasper. “He hasn't left. He feels really bad.” I nod and head up the stairs. I pause in front of Edwards door. I'm not sure whether to knock or to just walk in. I decide to just walk in. His stereos on. Playing something I never heard. He's sitting on the couch. He looks at me and I gasp. His eyes are black and he looked like a shell of his self. He gets up quickly and pauses right in front of me. He's not sure whether I want him to hug me or not. I figure I'd make the first move. I throw myself at him and he hugs me hard. He starts dry sobbing.

I'm sorry about the way I acted.” He apologizes.

I missed you.” I breath in his scent. I kiss his neck, then his cheek, and finally our lips touch. He pulls away after awhile.

I missed you too.” He kisses me.

I love you.” I kiss him. It a soft lingering kiss. He places his forehead to mine.

I love you, too.” He says back to me. “I am so very sorry.”

I know. Lets just forget about, okay?” He nods.

Okay.” He whisper. He pulls away from our hold. He put his hands on the sides of my stomach. “You got bigger?” He gasps. I nod.

Two weeks with the werewolves will do that to you.” I could hear a low growl in his throat but he doesn't say anything.

Did they treat you well?” He asks my stomach.

Are you talking to me or the baby?” I joke. He smiles up at me.

The baby.” The baby kicks his hand. He laughs. He looks up at me.

They treated me fine. I had fun.” He stand up now but keeps his arms around my waist. “It felt good to get away.”

Away from me?” He seems sad. I shake my head.

Of course not.” I lean closer so I could whisper in his ear. “Away from Alice and her plans.” He laughs.

I'm sorry I hurt your stomach.” He starts rubbing my belly.

Don't worry about it.” I take his hand in my. “Come on. I have an appointment with Carlisle.” We head downstairs to the room that had all the equipment. Carlisle meets us there.

Hey, Bella.” He gives me a hug. “We all missed you around here. It wasn't the same.”

Sorry about the trouble I caused. I never meant...” He puts up his hand to shut me up.

It wasn't your fault.” He looks at Edward. “Lets get this on shall we?” I nod and sit on the table. He pulls out the measuring tape.

I got a little bit bigger.” I say. He nods.

A little bit. But not enough.” Carlisle says and put the tape measurer away. “Your baby is about the size of a twenty two week old fetus.” He shakes his head. “He has a good strong heart beat but we don't know how he's developing.” He helps me get up. He checks my weight. “One twenty.” He sighs and shakes his head. He makes me feel nervous.

I think you're scaring her dad.” Edward speaks up. Carlisle steps in front of us.

We still don't know whats going on.” I nod my head. He gives me reassuring hug. “Try to stay off your feet. You should rest.” I sigh and shake my head.

I hate resting.” Edward hugs me from behind. He kisses my head.

I know, love.” He whispers. We got to the living room. Jake sees me and gets up.

What did he say?” He asks.

No changes. I gained five pounds.” I say in an upbeat voice to sound cheery. Jake shakes his head. I sit on the couch. The rest of the day consists of me sitting down being bored.

A/N: This chapter was basically nothing. It was just a filler so I can finally get this story to where I want it to go.

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Chapter: 20

Bellas POV

Jake!” I whispered. I was doing my best to wake him up. I didn't even know why I was whispering. Everyone, except Carlisle, was out hunting. I kept shaking Jake. I sighed and gave up. I walked backwards a couple of step with a big smile on my face. I knew a great way to wake Jake up. I scream in the highest pitched voice I could muster up. It takes about, oh I don't know, two seconds before Jake scrambles off the couch. I give Jake an innocent smile.

What happened?” I ask innocently. “Are you okay?” He glares at me and I smile.

You know you could wake me up like a normal person.” He rubs his eyes and throws his self back on the couch.

A normal person needs to be hit with a crowbar?” He looks at me confused and I pick up a crowbar that I set on the floor. He lifts his head off the pillow and sticks his tongue out at me. “Oh! I get! Normal people aren't werewolf's who sleep like a friggin rock!” I throw the crowbar and I hits his arm. It doesn't even faze him.

Thats it!” Jake gets off the couch quickly and before I know it I'm on the couch with him spooning me.

Jake!” I yell.

What?” He yawns back.

I'm hungry!” He sighs but finally lets me go.

Fine!” He growls and gets up. He starts heading up the stairs.

Where are you going?” I ask quickly.

To shower.”

Jake!” I yell again.

What!” He growls back. He's getting mad. “You're pissing me off, Bella!” See.

Well, I'm sorry but I'm hungry and my stomach hurts and I'M HUNGRY!”

Fine!” He heads back down the stairs. “What time is it, anyway?”

Oh I don't know.” I stare at my feet. “Eleven.” I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe six thirty?”

Seven!” Jacob growls. I keep my eyes locked on my sandals. Is my nail polish chipping?

Bella!” Jacob yells. I snap my eyes up and smile. He sighs. “What on earth could you be hungry for at six thirty in the morning?”

Oh, I don't know.” I shrug my shoulders. “French toast, pancakes, bacon, sausage.” I sigh. “One of those little strawberry pies and a milkshake.” He sighs again.

Denny's?” He ask. I nod in agreement. He shakes his head. “Come on.” We head outside and straight to the truck.

Sorry that I make you drive so much, Jake.” I say after a long while.

Its cool. I like driving.” I laugh. “Whats so funny?”

Go ahead and stick out your head like a good little dog. You deserve it.” I laugh.

Thanks but hats a private pleasure, Bells.” I laugh harder. We get to Denny's and eat. When we're done, instead of going to Edwards, we go to my house. I go inside and put my purse down. I notice Jake isn't behind me. I look out the window and he's stretching and rubbing his stomach. I laugh and leave the house. As much as I wanted to point out that dogs like their bellies rubbed I decided to keep my mouth shut.

I can't believe you ate all that food.” Jake says sitting down on the grass in the backyard. I sit down next to him.

I told you I was hungry. I'm tired of eating healthy. I wanted French toast drenched in syrup and chocolate milk..”

Calm down before you get hungry again.” Jake interrupts me. I push him playfully.

Shut up.” I lay on my side against the grass. It felt good to lie down. Jake lays down next to me. He starts to run his fingers along my belly. Right on beat the baby starts kicking. We laugh. I sigh. “Jake?”

Hmm.” He looks at me.

Do you think the babies going to be born okay?” I frown.

Aw, come on Bells. Lets not have any of that.” He used his finger to raise the corner of my mouth. “Your son is fine. He's kicking and he has a good heartbeat. Carlisle says that he's doing fine. Nothings wrong.” I give him a fake smile. He sees right through it. “Come, on.” He gets up and stretches his arm out to help me up.

Where are we going? I want to nap.”

You're tired?”

I sigh. “No. Well, mentally I am. Alice and Rose are killing me with all this wedding crap.” I growl. “My mind is everywhere. I'm thinking about me and the baby. Then I'm thinking about me and Edward. Then I'm thinking about marrying him. The wedding day. Our future. The babies future.” I'm breathing heavy. “I'm just tired of all of this. Being guarded by vampires. Feeling like everyone is watching me when I'm with you.”

I'm tired of that too.” Jake adds.

I'm seventeen about to have a baby, Jake. I'm engaged to a wonderful man and I love his family. But...” I sigh.

But?” Jake is so impatient.

But I'm starting to really have second thoughts. Like, really. And its hard trying to hide it.”

Hide it? What do you mean?”


Oh.” Was all Jake had to say for him to understand.

Yeah. If she sees me changing my mind then..I don't know. Lets just go.”


I want a smoothie.” I say and he shakes his head. “What?”

You just ate enough food for like, two weeks.”

You're the one to talk. I think you scared the little girl next to us the way you wolfed down your food. Emphasis on the wolf.” I laugh. “Come on, pup.”

You know I hate that.”

I know.” We head for the truck. “Oh shoot! Hold on.” I turned and head towards the house. “I forgot my purse and I need to check off my calender.” I grabbed my purse off the kitchen table and walked to the fridge where my calender was. I marked off March thirteenth.

Friday the thirteenth.” Jakes husky voice said from behind me. I jumped.

Jesus!” I grabbed my chest and turned to face him. “You scared the shit out of me!”

He let out a light chuckle. “Sorry, Bells.” He chuckled again. “I didn't mean to scare you. Like I said todays Friday the thirteenth.”

I sighed. “Jake! None of that superstitious nonsense today.” I said poking his stomach with my finger. “Lets get out of here.” We walked out the house and got into my truck. We drove around until we found the little shop that sold smoothies. I gave the lady at the counter my order and sat down at a table with Jake.

So, Bells. Are you excited about getting married?” Jakes asked playing with the ring on my finger.

Are we talking about this again? Of course I am! I can't wait to be married to Edward. But like I said, its too much too soon.” I sighed. “But I'm am nervous about the wedding. Just a bit.”

A bit?” Jake asks.

I slapped him playfully on the arm. “Okay, Jake. You caught me. A lot! I'm very nervous. Wearing a white maternity wedding dress. Walking down the aisle in front of people. What if I trip? Do you know how embarrassing that would be?” I put my head in my hands and shiver at the thought.

You'll be fine!” Jake placed his hand over mine. “Nothings going to go wrong.” The lady at the counter called our order number and we got up to get our drinks. “Come on, Bells. Lets go drink these outside.” We walked outside. Everything seemed so weird. No one was on the streets. No cars were driving. It was cloudy and gloomy. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Jake? Do you have a crazy feeling in your stomach right now?” I looked at him. He finished drinking the last of his drink.

Nope. Why do you ask?”

Because, look at this place. It seems abandoned. Theres no one inside the shop or in any of the shops around. Theres no one on the streets. Its all cloudy and gloomy. Everything just feels so weird.” I shrugged. “I don't know. I can't explain it.” I play with my straw.

Whats the matter?” Jake asked concerned. “You were just craving a smoothie. You okay?”

I shook my head and started crying. “No. Jake I feel like something bad is going to happen. You see what you did!” I slapped his head lightly.

What I did? What did I do?” He seemed confused.

You had to go and mention Friday the thirteenth. I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I lost my appetite.” I wiped away the tears that were on my cheek. “I'm okay.” I said when Jake looked at me with concern in his eyes. I gave him a weak smile. We started hearing a chirp sound.

Is that you ringing?” Jake asked me.

Oh crap!” I looked through my purse for my cell phone. “I can't find it.” It stopped ringing. “Crap.” It starts ringing again. I find it.

Hello?” I heard a sigh of relief on the other line. “Edward? Is that you?” I asked into the speaker. No one was speaking.

Yeah, where are you?” He sounded worried.

I'm over here getting a smoothie with Jake.” I was starting to get worried. The feeling in my stomach was getting stronger. “What happened? I thought you guys weren't coming back till tomorrow.”

Everything is fine. Don't move from where you are. I'm going to pick you up.” He clicked.

Hmm. That was strange.” I said looking at my cell phone.

What was?” Jake asked me with a mouth full of my smoothie.

Goodness, Jake. Its rude to talk with your mouth full. Oh, no. Edward seemed weird on the phone. He's coming to pick me up.” Jake seemed disappointed. “Don't look so down. You're making me feel bad. Don't hate me, please.” I pouted.

Like I could ever hate you. It just sucks. I thought they went hunting. I thought it was going to be just you and me till tomorrow.. No Cullens. No wedding or baby stuff. No Charlie. Just me and you.”

Well, we can do that later. Look, I don't want to leave but Edward seemed a little weird on the phone. Maybe something happened.” I get up and give him a kiss on the cheek. “I'm going to wait for him across the street okay. Will you drive home safe, please?”

You know I will.” He sighed. I leaned over and gave him another kiss on the cheek. I pulled away and he wouldn't look at me.

Don't be mad at me okay? Its never good to be mad at people.” I used the same sentence he told me. “You never know when something bad could happen to them.” I turned and started crossing the street.

I love you, Isabella Swan!” Jake yelled loudly. I let out a laugh and turned in the middle of the street.

I gave Jacob the biggest smile I could and just stared at him. “I love you, too, Jacob Black!” I yell. “You don't even know.....” Tires screeching. Darkness.

A/N: This chapter was combined with the next. but i figure that i had enough to make to chapters. so yeah.

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Chapter: 21


I don't know, Alice.” I said burying my head in my hands. “You're making me frustrated.” I was sitting on a stump in the middle of an opening.

Well, you have to tell us something!” She was arguing with me about the babies nursery.

I don't know what to tell you!” I let out a growl. “Look, isn't this what girls do. When it comes to babies you girls plan the baby shower and the nursery.” She let out a gasp. “What?” I asked fearfully.

I forgot about the baby shower. I'm so caught up with the wedding and the nursery. Rose! We forgot the baby shower!” Alice yelled.

No we didn't.” Esme said from somewhere. Alice let out a sigh of relief “We've invited everyone. Its in two weeks. And don't you say anything to her Edward. We all know she hates surprises.” My mother warned me. I let out a laugh. It was true. I surprised her with a necklace for no reason at all and she got pissed. She said that she hated when people spent money on her. Then Alice surprised her with a whole new maternity wardrobe and she had a heart attack. I laughed again. I missed her. I couldn't wait to see her. Soon, I thought to myself. Tomorrow.

Okay, Alice. Now that the baby shower is covered, what do you want from me?” I knew I was getting on her nerves.

I need you to tell me what color you want your sons room to be!” She let out a sigh of frustration.

Well, can't we go blue. Isn't that usually the color for boys?” I pushed her over the edge.

No!” She yelled. “We can't just go blue! Every other little boy in this world has a blue nursery!” She stood up and ran away. Probably to go find Rose.

Dude! What did you do to get Alice so heated?” Jasper said from behind me. I turned to face him.

I didn't do anything. She kept bugging me about colors for the nursery and I didn't know what to choose so she stormed off. For someone being so tiny she sure is infuriating.” He let out a light laugh.

Shouldn't she just paint it blue. I mean, blue is for boys, right?”

Thats what I said!” I let out a growl. Alice flew to where we were standing.


Why is it so hard for you boys to understand!” She said in a huff. “Blue is so...normal. Fine! Blue it is!” She started to say something but froze. Her face turned blank. She was having a vision. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was gaped. “Bella.” She gasped. I

What?!” I asked her. She didn't move. I stepped closer to her. “What is it Alice! What about Bella?” I started shaking her. I tried to get into her head but I couldn't see anything.

We have to find her!” Was all she said before running to where the cars were parked. I chased after her. She headed straight to my Volvo and got in.

What is Alice? What did you see?” I asked as I got in and started the car. We weren't that far from Forks. “What did you see!” I growled at her.

Nothing! Thats the thing. Her future just vanished. I can't see a thing!” She started dry sobbing. My stomach turned. “Call her. See if she's okay.” I got out my cell phone and dialed her cell number. It rang and rang and rang. I was starting to get nervous. I drove faster towards her house. “No answer.”

Try again.” Alice demanded. I did.

Hello?” Her voice shot through the receiver. I let out a sigh of relief. So did Alice. “Edward? Is that you?”

Yeah, where are you?” I knew I sounded worried. I was near her house and so far I couldn't see her truck.

I'm over here getting a smoothie with Jake.” She sounded worried. I was probably scaring her. “What happened? I thought you guys weren't coming back till tomorrow

Everything is fine. Don't move from where you are. I'm going to pick you up.” I shut the phone. I turned to Alice. “What does that mean? How can you not see her future?”

I don't know.” She sounded worried. “Its never happened before unless....” Her voice trailed off.

Unless?” I urged her to continue.

She gulped before answering. “Unless...unless the person was going to die or was dead.” She started to panic. I clenched my teeth together and drove faster to the only place I knew that sold smoothies. I picked up her scent. At a time like this I wish I could hear her thoughts.

Her scents getting stronger. She's about ten blocks away.” Alice said in her seat next to me. Thats when we heard tires screeching.

Oh no!” Alice gasped. I gulped. I drove faster.

Jacobs POV

I love you Isabella Swan!” I yelled as loud as I could. If there were people on the streets they probably would have thought I was crazy. She turned and gave me the biggest smile I ever seen.

I love you, too, Jacob Black.” She yelled twice as loud. She let out a little laugh. “You don't even know.....” Then I heard the tire screeching. I looked to my left and saw a Honda civic approaching Bella. We never saw it coming. She hit the windshield and rolled to the street. The car drove away.

The words she spoke just a minute ago ran through my head. Its never good to be mad at people. You never know when something bad will happen. I ran to her.

Bella! Bella, baby please. Open your eyes.” Her head was bleeding and she had scratches all over her face. Glass from the windshield sticking out from her chest and stomach. “Come on, Bella! Open your eyes!” I put my ears to her chest. Her heart was a bit offbeat and her breathing was a little too slow. I didn't know what to do. “Bella, please. Wake up!” I placed my arm under her head and checked for a wound. There was too much blood. I couldn't see anything and all I felt was glass. Her body was limp in my arms. I started crying. I heard someone scream.

Bella!” I looked to my right and Edward was running towards us. “Bella!” When he reached us he dropped to his knees. “Bella, love, open your eyes.” He took her out of my arms. I noticed her white shorts were covered in blood, lots of blood. The first thought that came to my mind was the baby.

Edwards POV

The baby.” Jake gasped. “Edward, the baby. We got to get them to the hospital. Her hearts not beating right and her breathings get slower.”

I know that!” I growled. I didn't mean to snap. He did nothing wrong. But I already knew that. I heard her heart beat slowing and her breathing off pace. “Alice!” I looked at my sister. She was still standing there in shock. “Alice!” She snapped out of it. She looked away from Bella to me. “Get to the hospital. Tell Carlisle we'll be there soon.” She nodded and took one last look at Bella before she ran off. I probably could've gotten there faster than her but I didn't want to leave Bellas side.

Come on Jake.” I lifted Bella off the ground and ran to my car. I laid her down in the back seat.

I'll drive.” Jake offered. He was shaking.

No. I could drive faster than you.” I walked to the driver side and got it. By the time Jake got in the car I had it started and took off when his door closed. Jake turned in his seat and placed his hand on her stomach.

The babies not moving.” He said turning back in his seat. He was nervous, scared, and worried. I didn't need Jasper there to tell me. I knew how he felt because I felt it to. If I were able to cry I would have. The thought of my love in the back seat dieing was enough to make me growl.

Calm down!” Jake yelled at me.

I can't!” I growled again. “My fiancé is dieing in the backseat of my car!” I snapped at him

Yeah, well she happens to be my best friend and my love. Look. Lets just calm down. Yelling isn't going to help. Why did you have your sister leave?”

So she could get my father ready.” Two minutes later we ran through the emergency room door. I had Bella in my arms and Jake was right behind me. The emergency room was empty.

Dad!” I cried when I saw my father. “Please. Do something!” He took her out of my arms and rushed down the hall to a private room. We followed. People weren't usually allowed inside the rooms when the doctors were with a patient. Thankfully Alice was able to get to Carlisle fast enough to have him set up a room in the far back. I sat back and watched him do his work. There was a lot of gauze drenched with blood. Needles for stitching. Stapling. The clink clink of glass hitting the metal bin. He paused after a minute and connected a monitor to Bella. Her pulse was slowing down and the machine kept blinking. Carlisle sighed and shook his head.

What are you doing?” I asked when I was him strap something around Bella's stomach. “What is that?”

Its a fetal heart monitor. It shows us the babies heart rate.” He moved it around Bellas stomach until he found the baby. “Oh no. Thats not good.”

Whats not good!” I yelled. Jacob looked back and forth between Carlisle and me. He was confused.

Whats not good?” Jacob repeated my question..

Carlisle let out another sigh before answering. “Well, the car must have hit her pretty hard. Her skulls fractured and she lost a great deal of blood. Nothing I'm doing is making her heart rate go higher and I can't stop the bleeding. And I can't do anything for the baby.” He let out another sigh.

What are you saying?” Jakes asked between his teeth, his jaw was clenched.

What I'm saying is that...” He paused trying to figure out a way to say it gently. “There isn't much I can do for Bella with the baby inside her. If it were just Bella it would be easier. I wouldn't have to worry about the baby.”

Can't you take the baby out?” I pleaded.

He shook his head. “At twenty six weeks the baby wouldn't survive. His lungs aren't fully developed.” I let out a cry. “The babies living off of Bella right now. Bellas not going to make it son, I'm sorry. And once she's gone,” he gulped. “Once she's gone, it won't be long before the baby goes to.”

No!” Jake and I yelled. Jake pushed passed us and stood next to Bella.

Bella, please,” he cried at her side. “Please, love. Wake up!” He yelled at her unconscious body. He started shaking with anger. He turned to me and grabbed me by my shirt, lifting me off the ground. “Do something!” He yelled shaking me. I just stared into his eyes. They were filled with tears. He shook me again. “Please! Please! Please!” He kept crying out. He let go of his hold on me and dropped to his knees. He started crying. He punched the floor. “Do something!” He yelled loudly.

I can't!” I cried. I started to dry sob. I wish I were able to cry. My throat was aching and my body was numb. I knew there wasn't anything I could do. I listened as the heart monitor beeped again. Her heart rate was dropping little by little.

Son, its not too late.” Carlisle said placing his hand on my shoulder. I knew what he wanted me to do.

No.” I said in a stern voice. I shook his hand off. I stood and walked to the hospital bed where Bella was laying. Her face was streaked with blood. Her hair stuck to the side of her head. She seemed so tiny and weak.

Edward.” Alice said from behind me. “Its not too late! Do something!” She sobbed.

I can't, Alice! I won't do that to her!” I growled. Jake got up from his spot on the floor.

Won't do what?” He asked but no one answered. “Won't do what!” He yelled again.

He won't change her!” Alice yelled. “It could save her life, Edward. It could save the baby.” She stepped to the side of me so I could see her face.

What do you mean he won't do it?” Jake asked stepping to my other side. “You could save her life and you won't do it! Just bite her!”

No!” I turned to face him. “Do you really want that for your best friend. Do you want to see her as a newborn attacking everybody she knows because she's so thirsty. Or do you want to watch her go through pain for days until the process is finished. You are a werewolf. Your best friend will become your enemy. I could break the damn treaty!” I let out a sigh of frustration.

Just save her! I'll talk to the elders. They'll probably understand that you had to do it to save her. Just do something!” Jake snapped at me.

I can't! Can't you all understand, I don't want that for her!” I growled.

And I don't want to lose a sister, Edward.” Alice hugged me. She cried on my shoulder. “I don't want you to lose your love and your son. Please, Edward. Just save them!” She hugged me tighter. Dry sobbing into my chest.

We don't know what will happen if I do. I could save her but we don't know If that will help the baby. Carlisle, what will happen if I bite her?”

I don't know, son. Vampire venom is a very mysterious thing. I don't know what....” He was cut off by the monitor. It started beeping loudly. He pulled out his stethoscope and listened to her heart. “Her heart rates dropping. I'm losing her. You better decide now what to do Edward!” I looked at Alice. Her eyes were red. I looked at Jake who was just standing there watching her die.

Do something!” He yelled before running out of the room. I heard him leave out the hospital door.

Do something, Edward.” Alice pleaded.

You better decide now. It won't be long...” Carlisle let his voice trail off.

Fine!” I stepped closer to Bella. “I love you, Isabella Swan.” I was about to bite her when Alice stopped me.

Wait!” Alice yells. “We can't do that here. Everyones coming back from lunch.” I let out a sigh of frustration.

Well do you have any idea how much time we have?” I asked frustrated.

Five maybe ten minutes.”

Okay,” Carlisle started. “Alice take the monitors to the house. I'll clean up. Edward get her to the car. I'll meet you there. I have to clean up and tell everybody that an emergency came up. We should make it back to the house before her heart...” I didn't listen to the rest. We ran out the hospital and did as we were told. In about five minutes we were home. We ran into the house and to the room that Carlisle used for Bella's check ups.

Is she okay?” I heard everyone asking Alice downstairs. She filled them in on what I was about to do.

Carlisle connected the machines once more to Bella. Her heart rate was down to fifteen. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was about to do. I hesitated at first. Then I bit her ankles, then her wrists. I bit her neck last. It took all the strength that I had, with a little help from Carlisle, to pull my mouth away. Her blood was the sweetest I ever tasted. I wanted more. I stepped to her but Carlisle stopped me.

Thats enough!” He snapped at me. I snapped out of my blood craze. I straightened myself up and looked at Bella. Nothing seemed to happen. The machines kept beeping and soon they stopped. Her heart rate was at zero. She flat lined. Seconds later we lost the baby as well.

I was too late.” I whispered. “I was too late.”

Carlisle turned to me. “Son, we did our best. We didn't know.” He gave me a hug and I shrugged it off. I was filled with anger. I ran out of the room and down the stairs. I looked into the living room Everyone was on the couch sobbing. Alice was crying onto Jaspers shoulder. Jasper, over taken with everyones emotions, had his head rested on Alice's head. Esme had a handkerchief to her face, even though we didn't produce tears, and was sobbing loudly. Rose and Emmett were holding each other tightly. I stepped forward and they all turned to me.

Poor Edward, poor Bella, poor baby, Alice thought.

I can't imagine what life would be like without Alice, the love of my life, by my side, Jasper thought.

My poor baby. I feel like I've lost one of my children. My poor Bella, Esme thought.

I started breathing heavily.

Come on, Edward. Cool it. Its going to be okay bro, Emmett thought.

Please, Edward. Calm down, Rose pleaded.

Their thoughts were too much. I turned and ran out the door. I blocked my families thought. I didn't want to hear the “Its okay Edward.” It wasn't. I ran for a bit before someone, or something, tackled me. I got into crouch, prepared to fight with whoever or whatever it was. A werewolf stood in front of me. Right before my eyes the werewolf transformed into Jacob. I stood up and put my hands up in the air.

I don't want to fight. Not now. You can kill me later.” I turned my back on him.

She died didn't she.” He asked quietly. I turned around and nodded. Tears started streaking his dirty cheeks. “I can't believe you just let her die!” He cried. He tackled me and pinned me to the floor.

I bit her. That was all I was able to do. Her body didn't respond.” He punched me. I didn't care. Nothing, no one, was able to hurt me more than I was hurting now.

You let my best friend die! You let your fiancé die! Your let your baby too!” He punched me again. He was crying hard and breathing heavily.

I know!” I growled. I pushed him off of me and stood up. My legs buckled beneath me and I sat down where I was standing. “I know!” I put my head on my knees and I started sobbing. A few second later Jake took a seat next to me. We didn't say anything to each other, we just sat their and sobbed like little babies

Then we heard it. A scream that I felt would haunt me forever. It was the most blood curdling scream I ever heard. It was Bella. I stood up and started running to the house with Jake a few feet behind me. We ran into the house and up the stairs. Everyone was crowded around Bella. Her back was arched and her teeth were clenched. The heart monitors were spiking. And all at one it all stopped and she fell back on the bed. I barely realized now that she was clean. The blood on her face was gone. Her hair was washed. Her clothes were changed. I turned to Alice.

What did you do!” I snapped.

Nothing. I just finished cleaning her and I was about to leave the room when she screamed. I swear.” She started shaking. I must have scared her.

I'm sorry, Alice.” She just nodded and gave me a weak smile. I turned back to Bella. “What happened, Car lisle?”

I don't...” the babies fetal monitor started spiking.

Whats happening?” I was panicking. I knew this wasn't normal.

I don't know. Bella's heart isn't beating but the baby's heart is. That can't be possible. His heartbeat is too fast. No babies heart beat can beat this fast. Something happening.” He stated checking the monitors.

She's changing.” Rose spoke out.

She can't be. She's too calm. She'd be in pain right now.” Jasper responded.

Well just have to sit back and see.” And that was we did. She was just laying there. She didn't seem to be going through pain. We didn't know how my son was reacting to the venom. His heartbeat rose a bit but Carlisle said that its still too fast for a normal baby. We all stood their motionless. Waiting for what? We didn't know.

Its not normal for the baby's heart to beat without Bellas.” Jake spoke out. “I mean, I'm no doctor but I know that it's not possible.” Carlisle nodded. Everyone kept their eyes on Bella. “Well, if she does change how does that effect the baby?”

What do you mean?” Alice questioned.

What I mean is that.” Jake paused. “Well, you guys have venom running through your veins right, instead of blood?” We nodded. (A/N:I'm not sure if that true.) “Okay, well, normally the blood that's running through Bella runs through the baby. You know, through the placenta or something. They share blood.” We all just stare at him incredulously.

Okay, well if its venom that runs through her veins now, then its also running through the babies.” Jake stops.

I see where you're getting at.” Carlisle speaks out.

What is the dog getting at?” Rose asked.

What the dog is getting at,” Jake starts. “If the venom is running through the baby, which it is most likely, then is he considered one of you. Like, is he going to be a vampire.”

Thats a good question.” Emmett say.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.” Esme says. We all go back to staring at Bella. Everything Jacob just said kept running through my mind and everybody else's.

Would the baby turn out like us?

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Chapter: 22

Bella's POV

I was running through the woods. Laughing. Laughing at what I didn't know.

You can't catch me, Mama.” I hear a child laughing.

Mama?” I question.

Come and get us.” I hear a different voice. Another child. Out of nowhere there are two children, two boys, running ahead of me. Both with long black hair tied into a ponytail and dark russet skin. Twins. Both look around the age of 4.

Why are we running?” I question. They're too far ahead I don't think they hear me.

Because daddy's chasing us.” I stop in my tracks at the new voice. I look down to my right. A young girl who looks exactly like the boys. Long black curls falling over her shoulders to the middle of her back and the same skin tone, around the age of three. I notice she's wearing a white loose dress. I look at myself and realize that I'm wearing the same.

Daddy?” I question. She opens her mouth to answer but look behind me and giggles.

Come on, Ayasha.” The boys call her in unison. She's still looking behind me and laughing. She stops and runs to the boys who are standing a few feet away.

Ayasha?” I question.

It means 'Little One.'” A husky voice says from behind.

Jacob!” I exclaim before turning around and hugging Jake. He kisses my shoulder, then my neck, then my cheek, then, finally, my lips. Its a long passionate kiss. One that I wanted never to end but it does. He steps away, grabs my hand, and then pulls me in for a hug.

Ayasha?” I ask him. He nods.

You said you wanted to pick the name of our daughter.” I pull away.

Our daughter?” He nods.

Yeah, since I got to name the boys.” He grabs my hand again. “I figure it was fair.” He places his hand on my stomach. “But since we're having another boy,” he pauses to kiss me, “I get to name him.” I look down at my stomach. There was a bump that wasn't there before.

Another boy?” I ask and he nods.

I guess I'm a boy maker.” He laughs and kisses each knuckle on my left hand. On the third finger I notice a ring. A wedding band. I pick up Jake's left hand. The band on his finger matches mine.

Asku!” Jake yells to the boys. “Bring Aya and Ayasha home.” He points behind me. I turn and theres a cabin. A big one. Jake leads me to the house.

Asku?” I ask.

Short for Askuwheteau.” Jake answers.

Askuwheteau?” I ask. Jake laughs.

Yeah, it mean 'He keeps watch'.”

He keeps watch?” I ask. Jake laughs again.

So many questions.” He shakes his head. “He's older than Aya by two minutes and...”

Ever since he was younger he use to watch over him.” I finish for him. I remember. “Then when Ayasha was born he watched over her too. Like a big brother is suppose to.” Jake nods.

And Aya is short for Ayawamat.” I say. Jake nods. “And Ayawamat means 'One who follows orders.” I laugh.

Because Aya does exactly what Asku asks.” Jake tells me.

Our children have funny names.” We get to the house. I sit on one of the lawn chairs on the patio. The kids rush over. They all place their dirty little hand on my tummy.

Can I name this one Mama?” Asku asks me.

And what would you name him?” He contemplates. He places his dirty index finger under his chin and thinks. I laugh. Too cute.

I know one.” Ayasha speaks up.

No you don't! You're a girl.” Aya says and nods at Jacob. “Right, Daddy?”

No.” Jake answers shaking his head. Aya seemed disappointed. I place my hand on his and he smiles up at me. 'I love you,' I mouth. He mouths it back.

Whats your idea, sweetie?” I ask looking at Ayasha.

Ahote!” She squeals.

Ahote?” I ask. She nods. “And what does that mean.”

It means,” she pause. “Um, ah, hm.” She sigh and rubs the top of her head. “I forgot Mama.”

It means “Restless one' stupid!” Aya yells at her.

You don't be mean like that!” Asku scolds him. Aya apologizes to Ayasha.

Why 'Restless one'?” I ask Ayasha.

Because he's always kicking!” She laughs.

He does not!” Aya argues.

That is what we get for having such a big family.” Jake says kissing my cheek. I look at Jake. He just smiles at me.

Are you happy?” He asks me. I lean closer to him.

Very happy.” I whisper. I kiss him. Its a nice sweet lingering kiss. I pull away at the sound of the children giggling.(A/n: Okay. I found these native American names one . I figure that they might as well have unique native American names. I think they're cute.)

I'm watering the flowers. The children are running around chasing little Ahote. They're laughing and having a good time. I loved them so much I felt like crying. Out of the corner of my eyes I see a flicker of movement. I think nothing of it. Then I see a flicker of copper running behind the flowers. I think its a redbird. Then I hear laughter. A soft melodic laughter that sounder like high pitched bells. It caught my attention and I smiled. The small child peeked between the bushes. I spotted him and he laugh his little laugh. His green eyes lighting up. He starts running, turning around once to see if I'm chasing him. I look down and I realize I don't have a watering can. I'm wearing jeans and a blue shirt. I start chasing the boy. Realizing that I'm running faster. Faster than human speed. I like this new pace. I push myself harder and I run faster. The scene has changed. I'm in an opening now. The little boy is still ahead of me. Dressed in nice clothes. Clothes you wouldn't see any other children wearing for they are far too expensive. His copper colored hair is messy and all over the place. Why does this seem familiar. His skin is pale but not as pale as mine. The sun is shining on us. I stop when I notice my skin. Its glittering in the sun like millions of diamonds. Again, this is all too familiar. The little boy runs to me and touches my skin. Then looks at his own. His is shining slightly. I get a good look at his face. He looked around the age of two. He seemed older by the way he was acting. He points to my face.

So pretty Mommy.” The boys says. I'm still amazed at how well he talked. His voice didn't sound like a normal two year old. It didn't sound thick and he didn't stutter. Its sounded clear as a bell.

Yes she is.” A voice says from behind me. I turn and hug him. Its a reflex. I kiss him.

I missed you, Edward.” I whisper.

Why?” He chuckles. “I was right behind you guys this whole time.” He loosens his hold on me.

Don't let go.” He tightens his grip. He pulls away slightly to get a better look at my face.

Are you okay?” I shake my head into his chest. “Whats the matter, love.”

I feel like I haven't seen you in years. Like I haven't felt you.” I kiss him. “Like I haven't kissed you in years.” He laughs at this. “Its not funny.” I say though I can't help but laugh with him. He stops laughing and he kisses me. Its a wonderful kiss that makes me want more. I moan.

Come on little Eddie.” Rose says. I pull away. I see her lift my son into her arms. She smiles at me and I smile back.

Lets give mom and dad some privacy.” Emmett chuckles. He's standing behind them. “Say bye to mom and dad.” The child looks at us.

Bye mom. Bye dad.” He says.

Bye son.” I say. I blow him a kiss and he catches it. I laugh.

Bye kiddo.” Edward says. He hugs me from behind. We watch them run a couple yards away. They pause when they hear a mountain lion in the trees. Rose places little Edward on the floor. In less than two seconds little Edward runs up the tree and tackles the lion to the ground. His audience claps. Emmett, Rose, Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme. The child pulls away from the lions neck. He did his performance with such grace and masterfulness. Not a speck of blood on his clean cut clothes.

Just like his father.” Edward whispers into my ears. I nod.

Come and get me, Dad.” Edward lets go of me and starts chasing after little Eddie. I stand and watch them tackle each other. Little Edward not getting fazed by Edwards light hits.

He's going so big isn't he?” Alice says wrapping her arm around me. I wrap my arm around her.

He is. I remember when he started hunting.” I laugh at the memory. Alice does too.

Yeah. Remember Emmetts face when Eddie took down a deer twice his size.” Alice says. I sigh.

You happy with us, Bella?” Alice asks me.

More than you know. I'm glad I have you as a sister, Alice.” She hugs me.

I've always loved you as a sister, Bella.” Alice whispers into my ear.

Care is I steel Mrs. Cullen away?” Edward asks from behind me. I turn and kiss him.

Do you have to ask, Mr Cullen?” He laughs. He lifts me onto his back and carries me to where our son is standing.

Are you having fun, sweetie?” I ask getting off of Edwards back. I reach for him at the same time he reaches for me.

I always have fun with you and daddy.” He takes a deep unnecessary breath. “And Uncle Emmett, and Aunt Rose, and Uncle Jasper, and Aunt Alice, and Grandpa and Grandma.” He says it all too fast and he exhales the breath he had been holding.

Easy there champ.” Edward says. Eddie reaches for him and he pulls him out of my arms. The sun starts to set. “Shall we go?” Edward asks me.

Go we shall.” I reply. He chuckles.

Edward and I just put Eddie to sleep.

Do you wish we could have more kids?” I ask Edward. He nods.

Don't you?” He asks. I nod.

I want, oh I don't know, five more?” He laughs.

Too bad vampires can't have babies.” He says. Then I think about it. I'm not going to age. I'm not going to have anymore children. This is my life. This has been my life since I married Edward. It gets quiet. Then I remember Jacob. My best friend.

Wheres Jake?” I close my eyes trying to remember the last time I saw him.

Jake?” Edward asks. I open my eyes. I'm in a clearing. I'm alone.

Mama!” I hear my daughter screaming. Shes running to my left.

Mommy!” I hear Eddie screaming. He's running to my right.

Left. Right.

To my left: Jacob, my children.

To my right: Edward, my son, my family.

I walk toward my left.

Where's mama going?” I hear my son ask me.

Away, son.” Edward answers. His tone is low and sad.

Oh.” My son says in the same tone of voice. I couldn't leave him. I turned in my tracks.

Mama!” I hear little Ahote crying out to me. My hearts hurts. It burns. I can't leave them. I don't what to do. I scream. Then it all vanishes. I'm just standing there in the darkness. Alone. I throw myself on the floor and cry. I'm not sure how long I'm crying for before I hear the voices. Thats right. The voices.

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Chapter: 23

A/N: okay. The last chapter was a floozy. I only put it because it showed Bella the way things could have been with the Jake and the way things will be with Edward. You know, a dream sequence. Yeah. I thought it was cute. Okay. I hope you guys like this chapter.

Edwards POV

Two days we've been waiting. No sign of anything. Just standing here and watching Bella. We were going on day three. Then I hear it. A soft moan.

She coming out of it!” Emmett voice booms way to loud.

Shut up, Emmett! You're too loud.” yells a melodious voice. The beautifulest voice I've heard since, well since Bella. “Again with the loudness.” She sighs. “I have a headache.” She moans. She tries to open her eyes and quickly shuts them. “Its too bright. My throats dry.” She moans. “I don't feel good.”

I walked to the bed she was laying on. I stood over Bella and watched her open her eyes. She seemed a bit dazed and confused. The first thing I noticed were her eyes. They were still chocolate brown. I took a step back and looked over her entire body. She looked exactly the same. She was a bit more paler, but she seemed more beautiful. Somethings not right, I thought to myself. I touched her hand. She jumped at the touch and took her hand back. I turned my back on her to face my family.

Somethings not right,” I stated. They all nodded their heads. Their mouths were gaped and their eyes were wide.

Edward?” Said this new melodious voice. I turned around to face her. She had her hand to her head and was squinting. She seemed to be in pain.

Bella, are you alright?” I did my best to keep my voice normal, I didn't want to scare her

I would be if you all stopped shouting!” She said between her clenched teeth.

But Bella,” I started a bit confused. “We're not even talking.” She pulled her hand away from her head. She struggled a bit to keep her eyes open. When she was finally able to hold her eyes open she stared at us confused.

Yes you are!” She winced again. “Your mouths aren't moving but I can still hear you!” She squinted her eyes shut once again. Something isn't right son, Carlisle thought.

Why do you all keep saying that!” Bella yelled at us.

She could hear our thoughts,” I said quick and low. On any other day Bella wouldn't normally hear us but today wasn't any other day.

I can hear what!” She exclaimed jumping off of the bed. She landed gracefully on her feet in a matter of milliseconds. She stood and seemed shocked. “How the hell did I just do that!” She placed her hands to her throat. “My voice...” She trailed off. She must have just realized how her voice changed. It seemed to be taking a while for her to catch on to what had happened. She must not know that we changed her. She starts humming. Testing her voice.

Bella, love, what do you remember about the last time you were awake?” I asked. I wanted to get a bit closer to her but newborn vampires weren't exactly able to control themselves. Bella seemed to be an exception to the newborn rules though.

Well, Jake and I were...getting a smoothie I think. Then I went to cross the street to wait for you to pick me up. I must have fallen asleep...” She trailed off. “I. I can't remember.” So she didn't remember anything about the car accident. “Its all to blurry.”

Bella, I think you should sit down. Something....”

I was hit by a car?!” Bella yelled looking at Emmett. Sorry bro, thought Emmett.

...:happened.” I finished the rest of my sentence.

I could have died?!” Bella yelled looking at Jake. He must have been thinking about it. “And you,” she pointed to me and started my way. I back up against the wall. My family surrounded me in a protective crouch. “Move!” She yelled to my family. And they did. Not because they wanted to but because something made them move. “How the hell did I...” She trailed off. She look at everyone. “Never mind.” She went from angry to fine in one sixteenth of a second. “You. You saved my life and my sons.” She wrapped me into a hug. “Mmm. You're so warm.” She pulls away from me. She looks at my face. Places her hands on my cheeks. “I always thought you were beautiful but now... there are no words.” She hugs me again.

A little too tight, love. You're a bit stronger than us all at this time.” She gasped.

Sorry.” She let go of her hold on me and blushed.

You can blush.” I gasped.

I can!” Her blushed turn a shade or two darker. “Is that bad?”

No, its just. You're a bit different for a newborn. Aren't you thirsty at all.”

Well, my throats a bit dry. I want some water. And speaking of thirst I'm kind of hungry. Mmm, French toast sounds good. She turned to leave the room. Less than a second later we heard her in the kitchen. Another second later she was back in the room. “Aren't I suppose to want blood?” She asked a bit confused. We all just started at her. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to the kitchen. “Jake!” She yelled from downstairs. “Are you hungry!” His face brightened up a bit.

Yeah, Bells. I'm starved.” He yelled back downstairs. He turned to me and clapped his hand on my shoulder. “Good job. You saved my best friends life by turning her into one of you but she's still the same old Bella. You see, she's not my enemy after all. Everything is a-okay.” He turned and left the room.


I was sitting at the table eating my breakfast with Jacob, though I couldn't really call it breakfast since it was dark out. The Cullens came down after a while and sat in the empty seat that surrounded the table.

All eyes on me.” I muttered. They really were. Every single person, with the exception of Jake who was wolfing down his food, was staring at me. I took one last bite of my breakfast and went to go rinse off my plate. “Okay,” I turned to look at everyone. “What going on?”

Bella, you aren't thirsty? You know-” Jasper paused a bit and looked at everyone. “For blood?” I let out snort. I couldn't help but laugh at the question. Jasper seemed a bit hurt by my reaction.

I'm sorry. Its just-” I stood there and thought a bit. “No. I don't feel thirsty. I don't feel anything. I don't feel different. It feels like any other day. I'm hungry, the baby's moving, its all good.” I placed my hand on my stomach. My son started kicking where my hand was. “Speaking of the baby, whats going to happen to him?” Everyone just sat there staring at on another and finally our eyes landed on Carlisle.

Well,” he paused to clear his throat. “I'm not too sure. I haven't read anything about it. We'll run tests.” He pulled back his chair and led me upstairs to the room with hospital equipment. “Okay, just sit on the bed and I'll grab the ultrasound monitor.” I sat down on the crinkly paper. A second later Edward joined us. He stood in front of me and just stared.

How was it for you?” He asked me. The question confused me. He must have sensed my confusion because he repeated the question. “I mean, when you first woke up, the change, how was it for you?”

Oh.” I considered it for sixty-fourth of a second before answering. “I don't remember anything really...” I trail off, listening to the bell-tone of my voice. “I remember darkness.” I play with my hands. The skin beneath my fingers was strange. So smooth and soft but still hard as stone. “Then I started getting a headache and all at once I started hearing all these voices. And they were very loud. I couldn't focus on anything but. I tried to speak but I couldn't. I opened my eyes and everything was just so..... bright. You know, the light was brighter and I was able to see every little thing. The dust, the wood, those little things inside the light bulb. At first I thought I was dreaming. I looked for you and when my eyes landed on the back of your head I called for you. I couldn't believe what I saw. For that second I forgot about the voices and I just focused on you. You seemed a thousand times more gorgeous. I was able to see you better and all at once the voices came back. I kept hearing somethings not right. Somethings not right. Then I heard you say that I can hear thoughts and that scared the shit out of me. I did my best to get off the bed without falling and I realized that I did it gracefully and fast. Then when I spoke I heard my voice. It sounded softer and music like, you know. Then thats when I found out you changed me to save our lives.” I looked down a placed a hand to my stomach. Edward mimicked my move. I looked into his eyes and we just stared at each other. I realized that I hadn't breathed and that I didn't have to. But I like it. I took a deep breath and I smelled everything. The plastic, the fibers from the chair, the wood. Then he finally grabbed me and kissed me with more force than he ever did before. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I tightened my grip and he tensed up. I pulled back and blushed.

Too tight?” I asked feeling the heat from my neck move to my cheeks. He chuckled and nodded.

I'm glad you can still blush. I would have missed that.” He gave me a peck on the cheek. His comment made me blush a bit more. Carlisle cleared his throat and I remembered why we were up here. I laid back and Carlisle placed cold jelly on my stomach. I stared at the monitor as he ran the little thingamajig over my stomach. It was the same as before. Which, of course, is a good thing.

Okay,” Carlisle started. “From what the monitor shows the venom from Edward didn't effect the baby. That, of course, is a good thing.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Now, what we got to keep an eye on is you.” He turns the monitor off.

Me?” I ask.

Can't you hear my thoughts?” He asked a bit confused.

I don't want to, so I don't.” I answered. I just confused him more.

What do you mean you don't want to?” He asked curiously.

Well when I was laying on the bed I really wanted to know what was going on. You know, like why couldn't I move or speak.” I paused. “Like, I wanted to hear what was running through everyones mind and why I was on the table and not able to move. So then I did. I heard you guys. But then it was too loud. It all came at once. I couldn't control it.” They were looking at me confused. “I don't want that anymore. I don't want to hear minds. Its hard.” I sat down. “Can't we go back to talking about why you have to keep an eye on me?” Carlisle shook away the thoughts he was thinking.

Okay, well, as you may know, vampires don't change. Our bodies don't. Women vampires can't have children because their eggs don't drop. They don't menstruate. Their bodies can't make the changes that it needs to carry a baby. So thats why I say we have to watch you. We got to make sure you grow with baby. If the baby grows and you can't make room for him...”

Don't finish.” I say. He doesn't. He stands up.

I didn't want to do that.” He paces back and forth.

What?!” Edward ask, obviously he heard what Carlisle thought.

When she told me not to finish, I wanted to. I didn't stop because I wanted to, I stopped the minute she said to.”

I'm getting confused. I have a headache.” I whine.

Bella, how do you feel?” Carlisle asks.

I feel good.” I pause. “I feel stronger. I can see things that I couldn't before. I hear things that my humans ears wouldn't be able to. I'm incredibly fast and Edward doesn't feel cold to me anymore. I feel great.” I smile. Then I start getting a burning sensations in my throat. “My throat burns.” I say.

You're thirsty.” They say in unison.

You still need to drink blood.” Edward tells me and I get the shivers.

But I can eat normal food. I'll just have some water.” I walk toward the door but Edward grabs my wrist.

You still need to drink blood. You are a vampire now. You need it.” I nod.

So you're going to teach me how to hunt?” I ask. He smiles. “You are having way too much fun with this.” I say to him.

Come on, love. You'll do fine.” He leads me out the room. Alice is the first one I see. I hug her and I remind myself not to hug too tight.

I want to come.” Alice tells Edward. He's about to say no.

Can't they all come?” I ask him. He sighs but then nods.

Wait!” Alice yells when we're heading out the door. I turn and look at her. “Don't you want to see yourself?” She asks.

Why? I probably look the same.” I say. She shakes her head with a big smile on her face. I turn to Jake. “I look different?” He just shrugs his shoulders. Alice takes my hand and leads me up the stairs to Edwards room.

Okay.” Alice starts. “Close your eyes.” I follow her order. “Okay, open them.” I open my eyes. She's holding a long mirror. I stared at the creature in the mirror.

She loves it.” I hear Alice tell Edward. “She's beautiful.”

She always have been.” He replies. It was crazy. My mind was focused on the mirror but yet I still heard there conversation with the lesser part of my concentration. I looked at myself. I didn't really look like my old self. If I had any damage from the car that hit me it didn't show. No cuts, no bruises. The girl in the mirror was beautiful. As beautiful as Alice or Rose. Her face was pale, more pale than before, the eyes were still mine, chocolate brown. Her hair was perfect, wavy and shiny. She looked strong even though she was standing still. Her face was flawless, a carving of a goddess. I was dressed in a comfortable fitting white dress and white stilettos. No doubt Alice's work. “I'm beautiful.” I whisper half shocked.

You've always been.” Edward growled in my ear. He kissed me. His lips warm against mine. I could feel the passion rising between us. Edward felt it too for he pulled away.

Whoa.” Was all I could say. Everyone chuckled at my reaction. I blushed and looked back at the mirror. I turned to the side. I studied my belly. I placed on hand on the top and one hand at the bottom of my stomach. My child kicked. I look at myself. My stomach was still small but noticeable now. My boobs. I gasped. “They're huge.” I mutter.

Shouldn't they be?” Jacob asked trying to break the uncomfortable silence that fell into the room. I turned to Carlisle with a questioning look. He looked uncomfortable.

Well...she could still be...producing...” He sighs.

Its okay.” I say. “I get it.” Everyone chuckles. Edward comes up from behind me and places his hand on my stomach.

Shall we hunt?” He whispers into my ears. I get the shivers and I nod.

Hunt we shall.” I reply. I head towards the door.

We could use the window.” Alice says and I pause.

The window?” I question. Without answering Alice grabs Jaspers hand and jumps out the window. Emmett and Rosalie are next followed by Carlisle and Esme.

Come on.” Edward says and grabs my hand. I pull away.

You got to be shitting me.” I say.

Come on, Bella.” I hear Alice say from below. Something I would not have been able to hear before. “You could do it.”

They're all waiting for you.” Edward says from next to me.

I'm starved.” I hear Emmett, his outburst is followed by Rosalies hand. “That hurt.”

Its supposed to.” Rose sighs. “Come on, you can do it Bella.” Again, this only occupied a small part of my mind. I could hear everything. Crickets chirping, the river running, honking from the freeway. It only took the lesser part of my brain and concentration to hear all of this.

What if I fall.” I say to Edward, which of course causes everyone to laugh. I laugh a little, part of me listened to the pealing bell sound.

You won't.” Is all he says before he grabs my hand and pulls out the window. I wouldn't have screamed but it was only milliseconds before my feet landed gracefully on the ground. It was as if the ground was coming to meet me. It was all so slow that I was able to plant my feet perfectly. It was no different from walking. Thats how easy it was. I sighed proudly.

Even in heels.” I whisper. “Thanks Alice.” She laughs then takes off running through the backyard. The rest follow. Edward grabs my hand and we dart through the forest. He lets go of my hand when we reach the river. He jumps across. I pause not sure what to do. I step back and just as Edward opened his mouth I jump. It didn't take long, an eighty-fourth of a second, to land on the other side. “That was too easy.” I say. “I want to do it again.” And I was about to but Edward grabbed my hand. I hear the rest laugh. Though they were hundreds of yards away I could hear them perfectly as if they were right there.

Hunting, remember?” He laughs. I couldn't help but let my mind wander around me. I could smell the tree sap, I could see nests at the tops of trees. I smelled the air. I could smell Edward and the rest of his family. And Jake? I stopped running. Edward looked at me questioningly and I put my finger up as he began to speak. I closed my eyes. I tried to sense where he was. Thirty or forty yards away. Wolf form. I willed my mind to connect with his. I felt us connect and my eyes flew open.

Jake?” I said, both out loud and in mind.

What the hell?” He thinks. I laugh. “Bella?”

Yes?” I think back.

What are you doing in my head?”

You're hunting with us?” I ask out loud. Edward looks confused. It doesn't take him long to figure out what I was doing. He could hear Jakes thoughts if he wanted to but he doesn't. He gives us mind privacy.

I asked you first.” Jake says and I sigh.

I don't know. Do you want me to leave?” I ask.

No. Its cool.” I try to look through his eyes. I could see where hes going. I could see what he sees.

This is creepy.” I say. “Does this creep you out?” I ask him.

Its better than not having you around.” He says before picturing what happened to me. I see it as though I'm watching it at the movies. The car hitting me and me flying through the air. I feel what he felt. It hurts me. I let our minds break free. I look at Edward who is standing there patiently. “I don't think I want to do that again.” He just nods and grabs my hand. We run until we reach the rest of his family. They're watching me, waiting.

What?” I ask.

They're wondering how you are going to do this.” Edward says.

What do you mean?” I ask him. But its Carlisle that answers. He points his finger at my belly. “I'll be fine.” I look at Edward. “Just tell me what to do.”

Close your eyes.” He says and I obey. “What do you smell?” He asks me.

Everything.” I say. “The trees, moss, dirt, water.” I span my senses. “Deer? East from where we are standing?” I open my eyes. He smiles. I focus on the smell of them. Two, maybe three. I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

Just do it.” Is all he says before I take off running. I could see the deer. A male. I could hear his heartbeat and I could smell the blood rushing through his veins. Venom fills my mouth. My instincts take over. I'm close to him when I smell a different smell. A warmer, more appealing smell. Mountain lion? I follow the scent and make a quick left. I hear him in the tree. Automatically I jump and land on a branch. I hear his paws thud on the branches. I follow it. I jump from branch to branch. I could see him and I know he sees me. Before he can jump or react I pounce on him and we both fall out of the tree. It wasn't much of a fight. We roll out of the tree and land on the ground. I pounce him and dig my teeth into his neck. I thought it would've been hard but it was like biting Jello. My teeth just slid in and I tasted his blood. It was different. Hot and wet but it eased the thirst that I didn't realize was there. I pushed off of him when he ran dry. I stood up and looked at what I just did. It felt good. I could feel adrenaline rushing through my veins. I hear footsteps behind me and without thinking I was in a defensive crouch. My lips pulled over my teeth and, without wanting it, a snarl escaped my mouth. I was hissing. It was Edward and Alice and the rest of them. I felt my eyes widen and I stood up straight.

Sorry.” I whispered before running away. I could feel tears well up in my eyes and fall on my cheek. I could cry. I hear Edward calling me and I stop. A second later he was in front of me. I was sniffling and he froze. He raised his hand to my cheek and wipe away a tear.

You're crying.” He says. It wasn't a question. He was amazed.

I'm sorry for running away. I was embarrassed.” I try to stop crying but I couldn't.

Embarrassed? Why?” How could he ask why.

For hissing at you. For hissing at Esme and Alice and Carlisle and the rest of them.”

Oh, Bella.” He whispers and pulls me into his arms. I feel safe and I stop crying. “We should be apologizing. We know better than to charge at someone while they're hunting.” I pull away from him.

They aren't mad.” He laughs.

Why would they be?” He asks. I shrug.

How did I do?” I ask him.

You did great. Better than great.” I hug him. “What do you want to do know?” He asks me. I realize how dark it is and I'm not tired. I take a deep breath.

Everything.” I whisper. We stand there for a long time before heading home and I realize that this is how its going to be for the rest of our lives. Edward and I will be together. Forever.

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Chapter: 24

A/N: Just a filler.

Bella's POV

I'm bored Jake.” I say as I throw myself on the couch. I was at home. My house. Alice said I wasn't allowed to go over since my wedding dress arrived today. Two more weeks and we will be married. Edward and I will take our hands in marriage and say I do. Then I will no longer be Isabella Marie Swan but Isabella Marie Cullen. I smiled at the thought.

You are a vampire now.” He says, shoving another chip into his mouth. I poke him.

Ow! It does hurt now.” He rubs his rib.

I know. But Charlie doesn't know about vampires, pup.” I poke him again. He wolfs down more chips.

I know that stupid.” Jake said rolling his eyes. “ All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be bored.”

Well I am.” I argued.

Do homework.” He suggests.

I finished it all. I even finished yours. We have officially ended our senior year.” I fake my enthusiasm.

Thats awesome. Now you aren't a senior and pregnant. You are just pregnant.” I slap his arm. “Again with the hitting! OW!!” He barks. I can't help but laugh.

At least you are entertaining.” I sigh.

Go hunting or something.” He suggests. I sigh.

I can't.” I frown.

And why can't you?” He asks. I point to my stomach. Its been four weeks since I've been changed and I actually looked pregnant at thirty weeks. My weight was still low but at least the baby was getting bigger. Though I was fine eating regular food that didn't repulse me, Edward still bought me a cup of blood every now and then. It was cool knowing that I could have both. Charlie didn't notice the change in me. That was because his mind was revolving around a girl he met at the diner. They've been on three dates in the past four weeks. He seemed happy and I was glad. Her name was Sue. She seemed very happy when he bought her by the house. I think they're in love. Or they are very much in like.

Come on, I'll join you.” Jake gets off the couch and puts his arm out to help me up. “Goodness Bella. How much did you say you weighed?”

Shut up. I only weigh one twenty five.” We head outside into the sun. Thats right. The sunlight. I found out, the day after my first hunt, that I was able to stand in the sunlight. No sparkling skin, nothing. When we reached the wood across from my house we break into a run. After a minute I stop. I take deep unnecessary breaths.

You okay?” Jake runs back to me. I shake my head.

My stomach is getting in the way.” I rub my back, not in pain, an old habit. “Its so uncomfortable. Annoying.” I rub my stomach. “Not you baby.” He kicks. I laugh. I look at Jake.

I still can't believe how amazing my life is.” I say as I sit on my knees on the ground.

How amazing is it?” Jake asks.

Well, for one, I'm here. The car didn't kill me or the baby, and I'm thankful for that.” I try to remember that day but its blurry.

They still don't know who hit you?” Jake asks. I shake my head.

Anyways, number two, the baby is healthy. He's growing good.” Jake nods.

Three, I still get to stay in my fathers life. And its good to know that when I move in with Edward that he'll be taken care of.” Jake nods.

Charlie and Sue sitting in a tree.” I roll my eyes as Jake continues to sing. “F-U-C...” I tackle him before he finishes his sentence.

That my dad you're referring to.” I hiss at Jake. He laughs.

I see you still get those mood swings of yours.” Jakes says as I get off of him. I mumble a shut up under my breath but he could here me.

And four, well it was something I was happy about, we get to be together forever. Just like we always wanted.” Jake tries to give me a hug but I dodge him. “Like I said, was happy about, as in not anymore.” I sprint over him and I take off running. I hear him running behind me. I stop when we run pass the border to La Push. I laugh knowing that I was still able to pass the line and the Cullens weren't allowed to. Jake passes a second later.

I win.” I say watching him pant.

No fair.” He shook his head. “You cheated.”

Oh please.” I said rolling my eyes. I walked through the woods. It wasn't long before I started smelling the rest of the pack. I stopped in my tracks. “Pack meeting today, or what?” I ask Jake. He shrugs in response.

Come on.” He says and takes my hand. When we get to the pack everyone turns to stare at us. Well, at me, mostly.

Hi.” I say shyly.

Hey vampire girl.” Embry says and walks to give me a hug and a kiss. “I'm glad you don't stink.” He says when he pulls away. I see Jake shake his head.

Thank you? I'm not sure what to say.” Embry just smiles. He's pushed out of the way by Quil.

He's a bitter dumber today. Hey Bells.” He gives me a hug and kiss on the opposite cheek that Embry kissed. He places his hand on my stomach. “Getting fat I see.” I sigh.

Gee, thanks.” I say and he laughs and kisses my cheek. He's pushed out of the way by Seth. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. I have a feeling he's about to say something stupid when a smile comes to his face. Sam pushes him out of the way.

You didn't get the memo that vampires aren't allowed here.” I gasp. He laughs. “Well, you're not a Cullen. Yet. So I'll let you slide.” I push him lightly. It makes him laugh harder. Jake pushes him too.

Well,” Paul says stepping towards me. “I guess I'll have to find a place where none of the rest kissed you.” I step back when he steps closer. I laugh when I hear Jake growl. Pauls lips get close to mine but at the last minute he kisses my nose. I laugh when Jake tackles him.

Thats what you get!” I yell. “Get him Jake!” Jake turns to smile at me and Paul catches him off guard and punches him. They wrestle for a while before Sam orders them to stop. We hear the bushes ruffle and we turn towards the noise. Its Jared, Brady, and Colin. I wave and they wave back.

I'm going for a walk, Jake.” He nods. I walk away and let them have their meeting. I'm not sure where I'm going. Just wandering around, I guess. Its April. The flowers are in bloom. I stop and smell the roses. Literally. I don't pay attention to the rustling behind me. There's a breeze and I hear someone sniff. I freeze. I sniff the air. Vampire. One I never met before. Before I know it I'm crouch in the direction of the stranger and hissing.

Whoa!” He says and I hiss again. He lifts his arm in the air. “I just thought that you....you smelled....never mind.” I can't help but smile at his nervousness. I never made any one nervous. Let alone a complete stranger. A complete handsome stranger. I blush. He gasps. “But..you just...aren't you...”

I'm Bella.” I say without thinking. What was I thinking?

Thats a pretty name. Hi Bella. I'm James.” He puts his hand out to shake mine but I don't accept. “Sorry about trying to attack you. I thought you were human.” I nod. I'm fixated on his eyes. A gorgeous blue. Short blond hair. Handsome. Not as handsome as Edward, but handsome nonetheless. “You seem human.” He looks me over.

I'm not.” He cocks his head to the side.

How are you pregnant?” He asks.

I was in an accident and I was changed.” He nods his head. “By my fiancé.” The smile he had disappeared. I don't think much of it. “I'll be going now.” I start to walk away but turn to face him. I gasp when I realized that he's face to face with me. If my heart could beat it would have beat crazy. “We don't hunt humans by the way.” His gaze trails down to my lips and his eyes stay fixated. A low growl rumbling in his throat. It gives me the chills. “You said you thought I was human. That meant if I was you would have attacked me. We don't hunt humans here and vampires aren't allowed in La Push.” I turn to leave.

I wouldn't walk that way if I were you.” He says to my back. I stop walking.

Why not?” I say without turning back.

Because there are werewolves over there. Wouldn't want to see a beautiful women like yourself get hurt.” I blush and I hope he doesn't sense it. He chuckles. I guess he did.

Don't worry about me. They're my family.” I hear him gasp. I smile. “If you behave yourself they won't give you any trouble. You don't hunt humans. You don't hunt here.” With that said I take off running to Jake. I tackle him when I'm close by.

I met another me.” He looks at me confused. “I mean, I met another vampire. Some guy named James.” He lifts me off of him. The rest of the pack gathers round me.

Did he hurt you?”

Are you okay?”

What did he want?”

Is he gone?”

Okay, guys. Chill. First off, no he didn't hurt me. Second, I'm fine. Third, he wanted to attack me but didn't when he realized I was a vampire.” They start growling. “Hold on. I told him about you and how we don't hunt humans and to behave himself or you guys will kill him.” Jake glared at me.

You talked to him?” I nod and he shakes his head. “Edwards going to kill me.”

He doesn't have to know. James is gone now. Something tells me that he's going to behave himself.” Jake gave me a questioning look. “Because I told him too.” He nods, understandingly.

I don't get it.” Quil says.

Bella, can sorta control people. Kind of. We're not sure how it works but we got to get going.” I sigh.

I don't want to leave.”

Too bad.” Jake says and grabs my hand. We run to Edwards.

Hi everybody.” I say in a low voice knowing that they can hear me.

What is she doing here?” I hear Alice ask someone. Probably Jasper.

Why is she upset?” Esme asks.

What did Jake do this time?” Rose asks. I couldn't help but laugh at Jakes annoyed expression. He leaves me on the doorstep and leaves. I open the door and let myself in. I ignore Emmett and Jasper hiding things. I head straight pass Alice's room with her and Rose covering something. I walk into Edwards room and throw myself on the bed. A second later Edwards arms are wrapped around my waist. I sigh happily.

I love you.” I say.

I love you, too.” He says. I turn to face him. He crushes his lips on mine. Our kiss deepens. I rip off his shirt and he rips off mine. I noticed, the first time we did this after I was changed ,how much Edward was holding back when I was human. Although I couldn't remember how it felt I did remember the small things. Our breathing getting faster. My hands all over his body. The waves of passion running through my body. And now that I wasn't human I didn't need to stop. And we didn't. Not for a long time after.

We lay on the bed. I watch Edward hum to my stomach. He hums my lullaby. Its odd that the baby stops kicking when Edward hums and the minute he stops the baby starts up again. I laugh.

Two more weeks.” He whispers to my stomach. “Two more weeks and your mommy will be my wife.” He moves his fingers along my stomach. “Two more weeks and you will become part of this family as my son, a nephew, and a grandson.” I let out a sob.

Thats sweet. But we don't have to be married for him to be part of this family.” I smile down at Edward.

Are you getting cold feet?” He asks, he's worried. I laugh and shake my head. He breathes a sigh of relief. “Good, cause all of the invitations were sent out two weeks ago.” I gasp.

Two weeks.” I sigh. I get off the bed.

Are you okay?” He asks. I nod.

I just have to get going. I told Charlie I was going to be home at eight.” I give him a quick kiss. Well, it was meant to be a quick kiss but it soon turned into a deep passionate one. I took five minutes just to muster up enough resistance to pull away.

I love you.” I whisper in his ear when he hugs me. He kisses my neck.

I love you, too.” He whispers back. “Forever.”

Forever.” I agree.

I walk to Edward house. Its early morning. All the lights in the house are on. When I get closer Edward is waiting for me on the steps. I smile and run to him. I wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss. I notice he doesn't wrap his arms around me and that he's not kissing me back.

You okay?” I ask him. He nods.

We need to talk.” He says after a moment of silence. I hear Alice sob somewhere in the house but she's quickly shushed.

Okay.” I say slowly. My stomach turns. It doesn't feel right. He walks pass me and when I try to reach for his hand he pulls away. I follow him. “Are you sure you're okay?” I ask again. He nods. We stop walking when we reach a small clearing.

Will you tell me what going on already.” I say. He turns to face me.

Is that a question or a command?” He replies.

Whats going on Edward. Why are you acting like this?” I step closer and he steps back.

Like what?”

Like that! I step close and you step back. Whats going on?”

The weddings off.” He looks at the floor. I chuckle.

What are you talking about? I didn't....”

I did!” He interrupts. I'm stunned.

What...why?” My stomach turns. My heart hurts. My throat hurts. I swallow the sobs trying to work their way up my throat. Tears are stinging my eyes.

Because, I don't want this.” He waves his hand between us.

Don't want what? To get married?” I feel the tears coming out of my eyes. “We don't have to get married if you don't want to. I didn't want to get married in the first place.”

I'm not talking about getting married.” He's breathing heavily. I don't know if he's very angry or if he wanted to cry.

Then what are you talking...oh.” Thats when I realize he's talking about me.

You don't want me?” I couldn't hold it back anymore. I drop to my knees and I start to cry. “But what about me?” I place my hands on my stomach. “What about my...our son?” I look up at him and he doesn't want to look me in the eye. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly shuts it. He looked like he wanted to cry.

He's not my son.” He says under his breath. I still heard him. That hurt me the most. That broke my heart. I became numb. I stand up and my legs are weak. My stomach hurts. Everything hurts. My heart, my eyes, my throat. I want to scream but I can't. As if it couldn't get any worse he continues.

He was never my son. I never wanted this. I never wanted you or the baby. I never cared. I never loved you...I....I just wanted to get you in bed, I guess.” I gasp. I shake my head not wanting to believe anything he said.

How could you...why....” I turn away from him. I'm mad now. I don't know where this anger came from but it was taking over my body. I wanted to turn around and snap his head.

Why didn't you just leave us to die?” I asked through clenched teeth. I started walking away but he grabbed my wrist.

Bella, please don't...” I swung around and punched him as hard as I could. My fist made contact with his cheek and he flew against a tree.

You don't ever touch me.” I spat at him. He got on his knees. He looked at me. His face was twisted. He was in pain. I had caused him pain. I started crying. I dropped to my knees and just cried. Cried because he had caused me pain, cried because I caused him pain, cried because I was just in so much pain.

Bella.” Edward whispered getting up from his knees and walking toward me. “I'm so sorry.” He says. I think he means it. I'm not sure. I don't want to look him in the eyes. He steps closer to me. I don't know what came over me, I felt this energy flow through me.

Don't come near me!” I scream and something came over me, protected me, like a shield. It threw Edward against the same tree. I stood up on my feet. “Don't you ever come near me. Ever!” I stepped closer to him. He was hurdled over in pain. “If you think that a simple sorry is going to okay, then you are wrong! I don't give a damn if I don't get married to you, Edward.” I turned to walk away.

I'm leaving.” He whispers. I turn to glare at him, he's talking to the floor.

So?” I say, trying to hold back the tears I want to cry. “Do you think I care?” He looks at me. I don't think I could ever forget the way his face looked right now. It wasn't perfect. He wasn't gorgeous. He was pained. Tortured. Hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see him anymore, a few tears escaping.

We are all leaving.” I open my eyes. He's standing now. “Alice.” I don't want to hear. I don't want to believe that Alice, my sister, was leaving. “Jasper, Emmett, Rose.” I shake my head. “Carlisle and Esme.” I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that they were leaving. I thought they loved me.

I don't care.” I say again. Its a lie, I know this, but I don't' think Edward knows. He looks at me like he expected me to react differently. “If you think that I'm going to cry, or hurt, or be in pain because of you then you are thinking wrong.” I hate the lies that I'm telling him. “I don't care if you leave. I don't care if your family follows. I don't care!” I scream. I think the house heard me. I hear things being thrown around. They're probably packing. “Its not like I meant much to you. You used me Edward. You and your family. For what? For you to have sex with me. For Esme, Rose and Alice to finally have something they always dreamed about. A baby. Well then thank god that you're leaving. Thank God!” I'm breathing hard. The lies that I'm telling aren't hurting just him, they're hurting me too. My heart is breaking and he probably doesn't see that. “I don't love you Edward.” My heart stings. “You never loved me and I never loved you.” I turn and run. I'm not sure where to run. I can't run to Edward anymore, I realize. I can't ever sleep next to him with his arms wrapped around me. I'll never hear him hum my lullaby. He'll never sing to my stomach, to my baby. My baby, no longer our baby like he said so many times. I won't ever see him. He won't ever see me again.

I can't run to Jake. I can't face him. I don't want to tell him what happened. I don't want to see him get angry. I don't want to hear his 'I told you' and the rest of the things he'll want to say to me. No, he won't say these things, he'll yell them. He'll yell at me and tell me that I'm stupid. He'll ask me what was I thinking when I walked into all of this. He'll probably run after Edward and kill him first then come back and yell at me and then kill me. Then he'll probably kill himself because he can't stand the pain of him killing me. My thoughts were getting all jumbled in my head. I'm not sure where I'm running and I don't stop until I bump into something. I fall on my butt. I can't help but laugh.

Its not normal for people to laugh at themselves, Bella.” I sigh in frustration and look up at the person standing over me.

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Chapter: 25

Edwards POV will be coming later. I know a lot of you are probably wondering what happened. You'll find out why he had to break it off later.

I'm not a normal person, James. Then again, we're not people.” I sigh and throw my back onto the grass. “We're vampires.” He chuckles. His chuckle is attractive. Cute. I didn't love it as much as Edwards but Edward wasn't in my life anymore. I look at him. He's checking me out. Looking me up and down.

Hey!” I say and glare at him. He chuckles and shakes his head.

A rope with a knot.” He mutters.

What?” I stand and stare at him.

You look like a rope with a knot.” He repeats his statement.

Yeah, I'm sure I look like 'a rope with a knot',” I use air quotes. “But I just broke up with my fiancé and I don't need you to tell me that I look terrible.” I walk away from him, tears starting to fall again.

I never said you looked terrible.” He says. I turn and look at him. “Its a saying. A rope with a knot. You're pregnant. You look good. But what I meant was, you're skinny and the only think sticking out is your bump. Grab a rope and tie a knot in it. Thats what you look like.” He turns and walks away.

Thanks?” I whisper under my breath. I thought he didn't hear me but he turned around and smiled a cute crooked grin. Again, not as cute as Edwards.

You know, I never met a vampire who could cry.” He walks towards me. “I never met one as beautiful as you.” I feel my cheeks grow hot. “I never met one who could blush.” He strokes my cheek and wipes my tears away. “Its amazing. Almost as if you're still human. You smell sweet like a human.” He smells my hair and I push him away.

Thats a little too creepy.” I step away from him

Sorry. Really, I am. I'm a tracker. Or I was a tracker.”

Whats a tracker?” I question. “And what do you mean, was?” I cock my head to the side.

Well a tracker, how do I explain this.” He contemplates. “Lets just say that when I smell a human thats...” He pauses. “....appealing to me, I track them down and I don't' stop tracking until I've finished them. Its kind of fun actually.” He chuckles.

It sounds sick!” I spat at him and run away from him. I don't get far before he's in front of me. “What!” I yell at him, feeling more annoyed than before.

Let me just explain. You asked me another question and I want to answer it.” I shake my head.

I don't want to hear it.”

Too bad. I meant was as in not anymore. I don't track. I stopped. I haven't fed on a human in a month and a beautiful women once told me that she doesn't hunt humans so I decided that I should stop my monstrous habits and be a good little tame vampire.” I snort.

I met you yesterday! How could you have changed that fast? I never had human blood but I bet its not that easy to quit.” I shake my head and walk in the opposite direction.

It wasn't.” He says from somewhere behind me.

You're following me now?” I yell.

You keep walking away and I'm trying to explain.” I stop walking and turn to look at him.

Thank you. Where was I? Oh. Like I said, it was hard. I hunted a deer,” He paused to put his hands up. “Not in La Push. It tasted awful compared to sweet human blood.” I gasp. I knew his mouth was filling with venom. “But, I wanted to change so I kept hunting and even though its still disgusting I'm getting use to it.” He looks at me with eyes I for some reason I can't help but believe him. I test my gift.

Tell me when the last time you hunted a human was?” I command.

I just told you. A month ago.” I guess that didn't work. I sighed out of frustration.

Did I answer your question wrong?” He says with a smile.

No. Its just...” I sit on the floor.

Your fiancé?” He asks sitting on the floor next to me.

No!” I growl. “Yes! Everything is just so...” I start to cry. James doesn't say anything. He just watches me cry.

Do you want to talk about it?” He asks after a while. He starts rubbing my back. It should creep me out that a guy I still don't know is touching me but it was comforting.

He lied to me.” I cry harder. “I lied to him. He said that he loved me in the beginning and that this was going to be our child, the baby isn't his, and now he tells me that he never loved me. And I lied to him. I told him that I never loved him but I did. I do. I love him so bad and I hurt all over.” I hug him. I don't know why but I just want to feel someone there for me. “My heart hurts so bad, James. And theres this one person, who I tell everything to, that I can't talk to about this problem.” I got on my feet. “I'm going home.”

I'll walk with you.” James says getting up. He follows me home. I don't ask him to come in. I take a shower. I feel numb. I lay down in bed. At a time like this I wish I could sleep. I could hear James. I could smell him. I know what he smells like. Thats kind of weird. He smells like winter rain whereas Edward smelled like, I never paid attention to how he smelled. I can't remember. I'm trying to think it up and nothing. Almost as though he never existed. But he did because theres a big whole where my heart use to be. I could sense James mind, lean and tiger tough but somehow gentle and wistful at the same time. I could make a connection with him, I could reach out to him with my mind. But I'm not going to. I sit down in bed and just watch my stomach. Watch my son move. I'm not sure how long James stood out my window watching me but by morning he was gone. My phone rang at twelve.

Hey, Bella. Are you still mad at me?” Jakes husky voice breaks through on the other line.

Mad at you?” I say. I sound like a zombie.

Are you okay?” He asks.

Edward left me.” I say. Its all that I'm able to say. I feel like I'll start crying if I say more. The phone line clicks. Its two minutes before I smell Jake a mile away. I still didn't get why Rose said he smelled. So sometimes he smelled like a wet dog, so what?

Jake doesn't bother to know, of course. He comes right up to me and does his best to hug me without squishing the baby. He hold me for hours while I cry. He just stands there and holds me. He doesn't whisper comforting words into my ear. He doesn't touch me. He just holds me and waits for me to finish crying.

What happened?” He asks after a while when I'm calm.

I don't know.” I whisper. I sit on the couch. My knees to my chest. I hug myself. “I don't know.”

Did he say anything. Did any of them say anything?” He asks. Concern is his voice. I shake my head and laugh lightly.

He told me that he used me. That he only wanted to bed me and that he didn't love me.” Jakes mad. I don't have to look at him to know this. I could just sense it. “Oh! And as if that wasn't enough, he said that he never wanted us.” I laugh again. “Fourteen weeks. He lied to me for fourteen weeks. He proposes and says he wants me forever. He turns me into a vampire to say my life.” I laugh again. “Then poof!” I snap my finger to add effect. “Its all gone in a two minute conversation where my heart is broken and I throw him against a tree.” I pause. “Twice.”

You threw him against a tree?” Jake asks. He surprised. I laugh.

You can always find a way to make me laugh Jake.” I start to cry again. “They're gone. They all left. They all used me.” I hug him again.

I don't know what to say, Bella.” Jake whispers in my ear. I hit him.

Tell me I'm stupid!” I hit him again. He just sits there and takes it. “Tell me that I was dumb to think that something like this was real.” I hug him. “Tell me something!”

I don't know...I'm sorry?” He stutters. We hear Charlie's car pull up the driveway. Jake scoops me into his arms and carries me to my bed. I lay there listening to the conversation down stairs.

What do you mean he left her.” Charlie yells slash whispers to Jake.

Well, he took off. Said he wasn't ready for any of this. They all left.”

All of them?” Charlie asks, surprise filling his voice.

Yup. Dr. Cullen his wife and the kids. Packed up and left.”

Even Alice?” Charlie sounded shocked. “That was her best friend.”

All of them.”

I told him...I asked him in the beginning if he was ready for all this and he said...he...he's a dead man. I'm glad he's gone now he doesn't have to worry about me.”

Whoa, Charlie. I haven't seen you this upset in...forever.” I rolled my eyes at Jakes comment. Maybe he couldn't remember the night Edward asked for his blessing.

Its just...how's Bella doing?” I could imagine him downstairs. His hands in his hair, sad, upset.

Well, I guess she could be worse.” Could I be? My whole body hurts. The man that I wanted to love forever just up and left. He abandoned me. Abandoned our...my child. I lay there motionless. Not wanting to move. Charlie comes to talk to me but I don't pay attention. I just stare at the plaster that falling off the wall. Jake stays. He sleeps on the floor watching over me. James comes by but I don't acknowledge him. I don't know why he comes by. He doesn't talk to me. He doesn't ask if I'm okay and if I want to talk about it. Thats a good thing. I don't feel like talking about it. Not even to Jake who keeps asking if I'm going to get out the bed. He knows James is there but I think he's too concerned about me to think about anything else but.

I stay in bed for three weeks.

Jake brings me food. I don't eat it.

He brings me blood. I don't drink it.

The baby needs something.” He says rubbing my stomach. I don't blink. He sighs. “You're killing him.” I flinch. The words sting. I open my mouth to say something but I can't. My throats dry. Its closing up on me. I panic. I sit up in bed and place my hands on my throat. Jake panics. He runs out of the house. Comes back a while later with a pint of pigs blood from the butchers. I down it. Its gross. I gag.

I forgot about the baby.” I whisper. He just stares at me with a blank face and nods. I lay back down, I turn so my backs facing him. He sighs.

The whole town knows.” He sighs again. He's probably shaking his head. “They know the wedding has been called off.” Is that what they think? Did they know the truth. “They know that Ed....he left. They know that all of the left.” Do they know why? “They think that it was too much pressure for him. That you were too much.” I turn around and stand up fast.

Is that what they're saying. That I was too much? Do they think I forced him into this?” Jake just stares at me for a long time. Then he nods. I cry. “Fuck!” I stomp my foot. “Fuck!” I scream. I drop to my knees. “I fucking hate them!” Jake laughs and I glare at him.

No you don't.” He says to me. I laugh a crazy laugh.

No.” I sigh. “I don't.” I get up. I take a shower. I get dressed. I go back to my bed and I sit down. I run my fingers through my hair and I just sit and think about what I'm going to do.

What are you going to do?” Jake asks me.

Freaky.” I breath.

Whats freaky.”

I was actually thinking about what I was going to do when you asked what I was going to do.”

Huh?” Jake asks confused.

Nothing. Never mind.” I get off the bed. I call the doctors and set up an apartment with a new doctor. “Next week.” I tell Jake and he nods. “The babies due in seven weeks. I don't think I can do this by myself Jake.” He sighs and sits next to me.

You'll be fine. We've been through this. I'll be here to help.” I shake my head and sigh.

How the hell am I going to give birth. Does my vampire body even know what to do? And what if the venom did effect the baby?” I looked at Jake. “What if its not showing now but shows up when the babies born?” I started hyperventilating. “And what if he's some weird thing. You know, like that movie Its Alive. What if he starts biting people and what if he's part vampire. What if he's part vampire and starts eating people.” Jake placed a firm grip on my shoulder and shook me.

Chill. The baby will be fine. If he's part vampire then we'll give him blood. Its not rocket science, Bella.” I sighed and rolled my eyes.

I know that doe doe!”I shook my head. “And how will we feed him blood in the hospital? What if he doesn't want blood? And what if he doesn't want formula?” I start pacing and thinking. I'm getting nervous. I need fresh air. “I don't think I can do this Jake. I think I'm going to go to that family in Italy that Edward was talking about. What were they called?”

The Volturi. But Bella you....”

I got to go Jake. I can't do this.” He grabs my shoulder. “Jake, let go of me.” I try to command him but it doesn't work. I sigh out in frustration. Why can't I control my power and what is my power?

Bella just calm down. You don't have to get all crazy.”

I'm not crazy Jake.”

I didn't say you were. Just calm down.” I shake out of his grip, run down the stairs and in a second I'm out of the house running through the woods. I run for a while before I stop in the meadow that Edward showed me. I feel mad and hurt and angry and scared and I just want to scream.

I see you're doing better.” James says stepping closer to me. I sigh out in frustration.

Get away from me!” I yell and, of course, it works. Something flows through my body and throws James against the tree. I can't help but clap and laugh. “Yay! It works.” James groans and I stop clapping. “Shit!” I run the where James is. “I'm sorry. Its just...my power I guess. I'm not sure. I can't control it. Why are you following me? Shit! I'm sorry. Are you okay? You don't look hurt. I didn't mean to laugh. I just got excited cause finally it worked.”

And what is it?” James coughs. He sits down and leans his back against the tree. His head is bleeding but other than that he seemed fine.

I don't really know. I can't control it. It comes and goes and well...i suck.” James laughs lightly and like a reflex a smile spread overs my face. I chuckle.

I wasn't following you.” James says after a while. He stands up and dusts his self off. “I was on my way to see how you were doing and I ran into you. Good to see you out of bed. How are you doing?” I shrug my shoulders.

You distracted me. For a while I actually forgot about my problems.” That brought a smile to his face.

Well if I'm that good then maybe you might want to go out with me.” I felt my eyes widen. “You know. Dinner. Movie. Hunting. Whatever.” I guffawed and I didn't have to look at him to see that he wasn't smiling anymore.

You mean a date?” He nods. “Me and you. Together. A date?” He sighs and nods his head. I laugh.

Thank you, my ego is wounded.” He says in a low disappointed voice. I laugh.

I'm sorry, James. Its just. You can't be serious. We cant date.”

Why not?”

Well...hmm...good question.”

You have no reasons, Bella.” He takes a step closer to me.

Umm. Well.... I'm pregnant?” He shakes his head and takes another step closer.

My fiancé just broke off our engagement?” He shakes his head and takes another step closer.

What would people say?” I ask and he shakes his head and takes one final step.


One final move.


His hands are on my face.


He's leaning closer.

I feel it. I know whats going to happen.

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Chapter: 26

OKAY! Let me get this straight...this is Fanfiction, right? Fiction, as in not true? Bingo! So yeah, I know my story isn't what a lot of people expect. Bella is basically human with vampire ways and she's pregnant and all that crap. Like I said...FICTION!!! Its not suppose to follow the story line because if it did then......fuck, we'd all be reading the same bullshit. Am I right? Did I offend some people? Fuck it! I aint writing to please you guys. I want to write a story....i'm doing it. I want to write it the way I want to....i am doing so. deal people. Yeah, its lame that Bellas not different and i'm sure a lot of you noticed that I said James was bleeding in the last chapter but like I said FICTION. If you want it to go just like Stephenie Meyer planned it, then why aren't you guys reading the book instead of this sorry story? If I lost fans because of this message, so what? I honestly don't care. If you guys continue to read the story then cool. Just agree to deal with whatever shit I decide to throw. Deal? Deal!

Post Script: I know a lot of you guys feel the same way and want to say the exact same shit.

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Chapter: 27

Okay. So first off, SORRY!!!! I know I haven't put a chapter up in like the longest but I moved!!!! Yup Yup. My boyfriend got us an apartment and everything. So we're all unpacked and we got the power and cable and Internet going on, so stay tuned for about ten or twenty minutes while I spell check the next chapter thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

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Chapter: 28

LOL! Damn! I couldn't believe the reaction that I got from my authors note. Lol. Aww. I love the people who like my story and the people who said they're going to stick to it no matter what! Thanks guys. That means a lot. Like I said before Edwards POV will show up eventually but probably not for another couple of chapters. And theres more drama to come in the sequel where........like I'm going to tell you whats going to happen in the next story. Hope you like whats coming.

You kissed him?” Jake asked. I opened my mouth to answer but he shut me up. We were at the house. It was early in the morning and I had to tell Jake what happened between James and I. I just didn't expect him to react like this. Ha! Who was I kidding? Its Jake I'm talking about. “You let that nasty tracker creepy bloodsucker kiss you?” I opened my mouth again but he continued. “How could you let something that disgusting kiss you.” I gasped and got off of the couch to slap his arm.

First of all 'something that disgusting',” I used air quotes, “is called James. Second of all, bloodsucker? I happen to be one too.” I sat down again and sighed. “And third of all, I didn't kiss him.”

Don't lie. You told me what happened. You showed me what happened. Don't say that you didn't kiss him.”

Well, for one, you didn't let it play through. You cut me off and started ranting-”

I wasn't ranting.” Jake said interrupting me.

You were too. And I didn't kiss him.”

Then what happened, liar?” Jake asked. I gasped.

I didn't lie! Like I said, he was leaning in and we were this close to kissing but.....” I paused.

But?” Jacob asked.

I threw up!” I yelled. “You know, you're starting to get on my nerves with the whole inpatient thing.” He didn't hear me. He was too busy laughing.

You..ha ha....you..you threw..ha ha..you threw...” He couldn't finish his sentence.

God Jacob! Breathe!” Me getting mad wasn't helping it seemed to make him laugh harder.

I'm going on a date with him.” I spat out. That did the trick. He shut right up.

What?!” He yelled. Here we go again, I though. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to explain better but Jake just shut me right up. Again. “What the hell, Bella?” I gasp. Jake never yelled at me this bad before. “I thought you were done with these fucking bloodsuckers.”

Hey!” I start but don't get to finish.

First you meet Edward and thats cool. Then you two get engaged a few hours later. I sat by and let that happen because you were happy. Then he leaves you. Now I hate him and I was kind of hoping that you'd hate him, too. Then you agree to go on a date with a guy you just met. That ticks me off. I'm not going to stand around and let you be stupid. Do you not see the pattern, Bella? This ones going to leave you too.”

You think I haven't thought about that Jake!” I stand up on the couch to meet his eyes. “I'm not stupid. What I did with Edward was stupid and irresponsible and......a lot of other stupid things. I gave my heart up once and trust me I'm not going to give it up again so just chill, okay! Its just a date. I'm not going to fall in love on a first date! And its not like we're going to run off to get hitched. Just back off!” We were glaring at each other with pursed lips and narrowed eyes. It doesn't take long before Jake starts laughing.

Jake!” I whine sitting back down on the couch. “You can't do that. You can't just laugh when I'm being serious. You do it all the time!”

Hey! You do it too.” Jake manages to get out before he burst out laughing again.

I know but I'm a lady so I have the right to change my emotions in a snap.”

I'll say.” Jake snorts and I glare at him. “All I'm saying is one minute you say you're running off to the Volturi and the next you come back with a date. What the hell is that? You have had more more luck in the past three or four months than I've had in ten years. And all this luck took place while you were pregnant. What the hell is that?”

Hey, you had Erica.” I pointed out.

I didn't want Erica. Erica was just there.”

Wow, Jake.” I fake enthusiasm. “No wonder girls are lining up to date you. You're such a sweet talking guy.” I roll my eyes.

Shut up!” Jake playfully pushed my knee. “So a date?”

I sigh. “Yes, a date. Is that okay? You know, for me to do. What are people going to say.”

They'll say, 'Look there goes Bella, isn't she beautiful?'” Jake said trying to comfort me.

Nope.” I disagreed. “They'll say 'Look, there goes that Bella girl. Who is she with this time? Is she going to force him into marriage too?' Maybe I should just tell James that I changed my mind.”

Its up to you.” Jake said shrugging his shoulders.

Jake?” I sighed. I start fidgeting.

Yeah?” He looked at me with a kind of questioning look.

Could you take me to Edwards?” I shivered at the thought. Jake noticed, he hugged me and agreed to take me. It was quiet in the car on the way over. The house was different. The house was boarded up. I used the spare key that Edward gave me to get in but the lock was changed. Jake did me the favor of kicking the door open.

Thanks.” I sighed. He laughed.

I've wanted to do that in forever.”

I nodded my head. The furniture was covered with sheets and everything looked sad and gloomy and....abandoned. “Kind of like me.”

What?” Jacob asked and I felt embarrassed when I realized that I said that out loud. I shook my head.

The house. I guess I'm not the only thing they abandoned.” Jake didn't know what to say so he just walked away. I walked to the living room, to Edwards piano. I removed the sheet and fingered the keys. The notes that played made me feel weird. It made everything feel weird. The fact that Edward didn't take his piano meant that he left in a hurry. Probably trying to get away from me as fast as he could, I thought to myself. I walked to the stair way. It took all my strength, and a little nudge from Jake, to get me going. It took me about five minutes just to reach the top of the stair. My cheeks were wet, my eyes felt heavy and my stomach was doing back flips. I passed Carlisles office, Rose and Emmetts room, and past Alice's and Jaspers. I reached Edwards door and place my hand on the doorknob.

Whats the hold up!” Jakes says from behind me and I shrieked.

Jesus, Jake!” I yelled and slapped his shoulder.

Sorry. You've been up her for a while.”

Just give me time.” I turned back to the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The room was empty. “Exactly like I thought it would be.” I whispered. The only thing left was a drawer. My drawer. The drawer that held my things when I stood the night. I opened it slowly as if something were going to jump out. My stuff hadn't been touched. My night gown still neatly folded, my hairbrush and bathroom bag still there. I don't know why I was so hurt by the fact that my stuff was left behind. Jake place his hand on my shoulder. I quickly grabbed my things angrily and shoved them into the bag that Jake had bought. Then I moved to the closet and began to stuff the maternity clothes that Rose and Esme picked out for me into the bag. We walked out of the room.

There was only one room left.

The baby's nursery?” Jacob asked, pointing to the sign on the door that said Edward J. Cullen. His finger focused on the J. I didn't want to tell him that everyone agreed on not adding Jakes name to the plaque.

The babies nursery.” I answered with a nod. “Its actually going to be the first time I see it.”

Really?” Jake asked in disbelief. I nod my head. “Well...are you going to open the door?”

Can't you have a little more patience, Jake?” I sigh.

Sorry.” He mumbles. I roll my eyes and open the door. Blue was all I saw. Edwards favorite color. Blue carpet. Blue walls. Dark cherry furniture. Dark cherry wood dresser, changing table, and crib. All inscribed with Edward Jacob Cullen on a silver plaque along the edges. The crib had silky blue sheets and a silky blue comforter. I looked in the closet. It was stocked with clothes. Lots of clothes, not just for newborn but up to three tee. On the shelves were diapers. Size newborn to size six. In the drawers were even more clothes.

We're taking everything.” I said without looking at Jake.

What?!” He yelled at me as if what I said was crazy talk. “We can't do that. Thats stealing.”

Not really. All this stuff belongs to my son, I'm taking it.” And with that said I walked out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the house and to the truck. I beat Jake by a second.

Bella!” He yelled, slamming the front door behind him. It didn't surprise me that the door fell off its hinges. “Have you lost your mind?” He gets inside the truck. “We can't take all of that. How are we going to get all that stuff out without people thinking we broke in?”

We'll do it at night. We'll rent a moving van and we'll come at night.”

And where are you going to put it?” He asked. I brushed a bit of dirt off the side of the door-was that a scratch?-and said casually, “In the house that Edward bought me.”

In the house that.... what?!”

Okay, Jake chill. I was going to tell you but I barely found out today.”

Okay. Back up a bit. What do you mean you barely found out today?” He turned to look at me.

Okay. Well I went downstairs this morning, right?” He nods. “And on the kitchen table is a stack of mail for me. Why didn't you guys tell me I had so much mail?” He sighs and shakes his head.

Oh geez, Bella, I don't know.” He says sarcastically. “I guess every time Charlie and I saw you in your zombie-like state of mind I thought, 'Well, I could tell her she has mail.'” I laugh. Jake motions for me to continue.

Right, sorry. Anyways. I'm about to throw them away thinking they're junk mail but one from the bank caught my eye. So I opened it. And it says something like congratulations for picking the bank of so and so and blah blah blah joint account for one Mr. Edward Cullen and one Ms. Isabella Swan. And I think to myself, what the hell? So then I open up another one and its a monthly statement and this month alone, while I was out of my mind, my account went up to eight thousand.”

What?!” Jake practically yells.

Eight thousand!” I repeat. “Each week, two thousand dollars is deposited into my account by a bank name I can't even pronounce.” I pause before I continue. “And so I'm freaking out, right, and thinking this is way too crazy. Then I open up another envelope and this one is huge. Like really huge and its a deed to a four bedroom house under the name of Edward and Isabella. Then, I open up the other one and this time the deed is under my name alone. I guess Edward took his name off the deed. But yeah. I own a four bedroom house. Mortgage paid off and everything. And every month the gas and the power and the cable and the rest of that crap gets automatically paid so I don't have to worry about ANYTHING!” I start panting which was unnecessary but I felt the need to after saying all that stuff. Jake is quiet. He's thinking.

Well...” I say and wait for Jake to speak. After five minutes I get worried.

Say something, Jake!”

Can I move in?” He asks. I laugh and nod. “So we come back tonight, then?” Jake asks me. I nod. “We're going to need some help.”

I'll ask James.” I say without thinking and Jake glares at me. I smile at him and shrug my shoulders. “I'll ask him after our date tonight.” He sighs but nods. “Thanks, Jake. For everything.” I hug him and he hugs me back.

I don't think I like the idea of you going out, Bells.” Charlie says from his spot on the couch.

Oh Charlie,” Sue says as she finishes tying the back of my white maternity shirt. “She's young and she's allowed to have fun.”

Look what having fun did.” Charlie says pointing to my stomach. “She's pregnant because she had fun.”


Charlie!” Jake and I yell at the same time.

Sorry.” He says with a shrug. “Its just, what are people going to say.” Charlie gets up from the couch and gives me a quick hug then sits down again.

They'll says that she's beautiful.” Sue says giving me a hug, she smiles at me and sits next to Charlie. Her hands go on his lap and his arm goes around her shoulder. She rest her head on his shoulder. “You really do look beautiful, Bella.”

Thank you Sue.” I smile at her. I look at Jake and he mouths to me. “I love her!” I laugh and mouth back. “Me too!”

So where are you guys off to?” Charlie asks.

Some party that James heard about in Port Angeles.” I say kind of fast so he doesn't hear.

A party!” He heard. I keep my eyes locked to the floor. I don't have to look at him to know that his face is starting to get red.

Charlie.” Sue says trying to calm him down.

What are you going to do at a party?”

I don't know....dance?” I ask working up enough courage to look at him. Charlie shakes his head. I look at Jake for help but he's trying to avoid making eye contact.

Wimp! I shout into his head. It was such a surprise to him that he jumped.

Quit. Doing. That! Jake says back. Then he starts to hum in his head avoiding any other crap I have to say. Theres a knock on the door.

Saved by the door.” I say quick and low. I rush to the door and open it and step out before Charlie has a chance to get off the sofa and start asking questions.

Hey.” I say kind of nervously. Not in the nervous I-like-you kind of way but more of a this-feels-awkward kind of way.

Hey.” He says in a low seductive kind of way that makes me more nervous. He gives me a kiss on the cheek right when Jake opens the door.

I left my shoes on the porch.” Jake says quickly and picks them up off the floor. I start to wonder why he left them there. He looks up at James and stares him straight in the eyes in that macho kind of way. “I always leave them out here.” No you don't, I say to myself.

I'm Jake. I live here.” He sticks his hand out to James who shakes it.

I'm James.” James says wrapping his arm around my waist. “I'm her date.”

Well.... I'll see you later, Jake.” I give him a kinda awkward hug since James still has his arm around my waist. I try to leave but James doesn't budge. What the hell are they doing.

Right, later.” Jake agrees looking at James. “I'll be here later because I'm always here.” He tells James as if it were vital information. One point for Jake, I say to myself.

Yeah,” James says still staring Jake down. “I know. But we might be out pretty late. Us being vampires and all we don't need to sleep. Do you werewolves still need sleep?” Jake glares at him. One point for James, I say to myself.

Yeah, we do. But it doesn't matter what time it is, I'll always be here.” Jake says in kind of a warning tone with a big silly grin plastered on his face. I look at James. He's glaring at Jake, his mouth in a straight line. He has no comeback. Winning point for Jake. I look at Jake then at James, back and forth I look, they're still staring each other down.

Okay.” I say. “Are you two done throwing those things around?”

What are you talking about?” James asks as if nothing was wrong.

Nothing.” I say shaking my head. James turns and we walk down the steps. “I'll see you Jake.” I say looking over my shoulder at him. I mouth I love you and he mouths is back. I turn my attention back to James.

So who's party is it?” I ask James as we step to his car. “Wait a minute. Where did you get this car?” (I don't know shit about cars and I don't give a fuck about the model and shit so I'm not going to bother with all the bullshit. Its black and fast and nice.)

One question at a time please.” James says with a smile. “First, I don't know. Second, thats for me to know and for you to never find out.” I open my mouth to say something but he opens the car door and motions for me to get in. I do my best to get in. James laughs and I glare at him.

Its not funny. My truck his high and easy to get into. This car is low and I'm huge.” I try to get in again and manage to succeed with help from James. “Thank you.” I say and close the door.

So where are we going?” I ask him when he gets into the car.

You'll see.”


You bought me to prom!” I yell in a low vampire voice kind of way. It was shouting to us but nobody could hear.

Are you surprised?” James says with a big smile on his face thinking he did something grand. His smile soon faded when he noticed I wasn't smiling.

You are so dead!” Was all I said before turning back to the room.

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Chapter: 29

28 chapters. 198 reviews. i'm not really that kind of author to be like 'hey you better review' but i got to know if this story is going to go somewhere. i got four reviews from the last chapter. i'm not sad or disappointed but if no one is reading then i think i'll just discontinue.

I would like to thank those four who reviewed: sammyluvr83, vampirelover13, MatthewReilly4Eva, and last but not least Alyria Pheonix. thanks a bunch guys.

here is chapter 29, it MIGHT be the LAST chapter i post. if it is, i am going to say thank you now, and maybe later, to the people that read and like my story.

You are so dead!” I repeated to James. He looked clueless.

Are you honestly mad?” He asks, catching on that I'm totally serious. I nod. “How can you be mad at me? I just did a good thing, my karma level should have gone up by two points.” I socked him in his arm. He immediately rubbed the spot I just his and mouthed 'ow'.

You retard!” I yell. “You bought me to Forks High senior prom! Are you insane?!” By now I have the collar of his shirt in my hands and I'm shaking him. I come to my senses and let go. I turn back towards the car.

I thought you'd be glad. Didn't you ever want to go to prom when you went to school?” James asked

No! I hated high school!” I sighed in frustration. I turned to look at him. He really seemed hurt by my reaction.

How could you hate high school?” James asked, half curious and half confused.

Are you really that dense!” I actually yell this time. He looks at me with wide eyes. “I'm sorry I yelled but...high school wasn't really that great for me. I got picked on left and right, it got worse when I got pregnant. Everyone was spreading rumors and whispering and some even thought that I got pregnant on purpose.”

Thats not too bad. They were probably just jealous.” James said trying to comfort me.

They called me a slut, James! They made me feel like crap for something I didn't even want!” I immediately look at my stomach and apologize. I look back at James and for a while he doesn't say anything and then finally he hugs me.

I'm sorry, Bella. I had no idea.” He says pulling away. I mutter an 'I know' and pull out my cell phone.

What are you doing?” James asks. I sigh and look at him and smile. He has fear written all over him.

Are you scared?” I ask holding back the laugh that was rising in my throat. His eyes narrow a bit, “Depends on who you're calling.” James replies. “My dad.” I tell him and his eyes widen in horror. “Chill, James. I'm calling Jake.” He just shrugs it off.

Hey, Bells.” Jake says when he finally answers the phone. “Date going that bad that you had to call me.” I hear James growl lightly.

Shut up, Jake!” I say, narrowing my eyes at James.

Did he just growl at me?” Jake asked, anger filling his voice. I could already see his war face in my head.

He has something stuck in his throat. Look, just forget about James right now. I need help. Can-” I don't even get to finish.

Was it James? Did he try something? Where are you?” I sigh and shake my head. I glare at James when a laugh escapes his mouth, he quickly shuts it. I mouth a 'what' to James who just mouths back a 'guy can overreact' and I shrug and frown.

Jake, chill. If James did something to me do you honestly think I would have defended him for growling at you?”

So you were defending him?” Shit.

Jake thats not the point.” I say quickly trying to sidetrack him. “The point is that I need you to get your butt over here.” He sighs and mutters okay.

Where are you?” Jake asks. Its quiet. James is just looking at me, waiting, his eyes piercing through my skull. Not really, he's not paying attention.

I'm at prom.” He couldn't help it, I know it. He snorts and I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Here we go.” I look at James and he's getting impatient. He points to the door and I put my finger up, gesturing a 'give me a sec' but he doesn't want to give me a sec. I turn my attention back to cell phone Jake but he's still laughing.

Wow, Bells. The guy gots guts.” I know he's going to talk more crap.

Could you just get over here! I can't exactly face these people alone.” I look at James and he seems offended. I mouth a sorry to him but he just shrugs and pretends that he has no feelings and that everything I'm doing and saying isn't bothering him. But it is.

You're not alone. James is with you.” He tells me seriously, like I honestly forgot. Did he really think I didn't know that?

James can't protect me from Jessica and Lauren and Mike.” I mouth another sorry to James but this time he just gestures with his hands as if saying 'keep it coming, keep the insults coming' and I feel bad. “What I meant was, Jake, he doesn't know what they're like. And I just really need you.” He sighs and finally agrees to come. I hang up and turn my attention back to James.

Gees, I never thought a mans ego could come crashing down with just one phone call.” James says without looking at me.

I'm sorry, James. Its just... Jake..-” I don't get to finish.

I know.” He says, no emotion whatsoever. “Jake.” He repeats. He looks at me. “Is everybody always going to come in second after that guy.” I feel my jaw drop. “Don't even act alarmed, Bella. No wonder why Edward left.” He immediately regretted those words and started to apologize.

Its okay.” I say numbly. I felt to much different crap at the same time that my mind just had a brain fart. I went blank.

Its not okay and I'm sorry. Its just frustrating. I bring you out on a date and you call Jake. How am I suppose to feel.” He steps closer to me.

I know James.” I sigh. “I'm sorry. But everyone was afraid of Jake in high school and he was my bodyguard and..”

You think I can't be that guy?” He asks. I look at him and he's sincere. “Hello, vampires here.” His hand gestures to the both of us. “Stronger than human strength...”

I know...”

I can't protect you, Bella if you wont let me.”

I know...”

So are you going to let me?”

What?” I ask, confused. He takes a deep breath and sighs.

Gees! Are you going to let me in?!” He asks impatiently.

I already did, James. I'm here aren't I?” He stares at me for a while before a big smile spreads over his face. I couldn't help but smile too.

Gees, you two disgust me.” I turn to glare at Jake. He's wearing the tuxedo that was meant for the wedding. Of course he got here fast, I only lived ten minutes away. “What? You should have just seen that scene. I felt like I was in a soap opera.” To my surprise James chuckles. I was shocked. Was that a sign that they were going to get along now...my hopes immediately crashed.

James.” Jakes says stepping up with his chest sticking out. His voice held no emotions.

Jake.” James says, mimicking Jakes action. I step between them.

Can't we all just get along?” I ask, one hand on Jakes chest the other on James. As if they heard me. They did the whole macho stare down for a while before they both broke away and each grabbed one of my arms and started walking.

Come on.” They both said at the same time and stopped in their traps. They stood there looking at one another. Each one glaring at each other for grabbing my arm.

She's my date.” James says with a tug.

She called me to help. I'm helping.” Jake says with a tug.

Enough!” I say pulling my arms out of their grasps. I grab a hold of each of their hands. James and mine intertwined and Jake and mine cupped. “There.” I lift up mine and James hand and show Jake. “Date.” I say. I do the same to James but this time I say, “Friends.” They roll their eyes and I practically had to drag them through the parking lot. I stopped at the double doors of the gym but James and Jake kept walking. “Hello, I'm hesitating here.” Jake and James exchanged a glance.

We know.” They say at the same time and practically push me through the double doors. It was a nightmare. Paper mache everywhere. Crappy music. The smell of latex balloons making my stomach turn. I turn to James. He smiles down at me reassuringly. Then everything gets quiet. I gulped and it sounded so loud it scared me. I turn to the room and everyone is staring.

I can't do this.” I whisper under my breath.

Yes you can.” Jake and James whisper back. I suddenly realized, standing there in shock while everyone looked at me, the phrase thrown to the wolves. And then, all at once, everyone started whispering.

Is that...” I focus on the voice. The one and only.... Lauren. She can't finish though. I focus in on her face. Shock, confusion, anger, jealousy, all emotions displayed on her face at once. How can someone do that, I think to myself.

Thats Bella. What...” Of course it didn't take long for Jessica to say something. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that I, for once, without Edward or any of the Cullens, made Lauren and Jessica flustered. Then I remember James, whose hand I was holding, was, to them of course, gorgeous. So maybe it wasn't all me.

She's been....Cullenized.” (I so read that somewhere and whoever thought of that word was crazy! Crazy cool not crazy crazy), someone said from the corner of the room.

Does Mike know she's here?” I hear feet shuffling across the floor, probably looking for Mike. Jake places an arm around my shoulder only to quickly retrieve it. He kisses the top of my head and walks away. I felt suddenly weak without him there. James must have noticed me watch Jake walk away. He squeezes my hand and I turn to look at him. My brown eyes lock on his blue eyes. He smiles at me and kisses the tip of my nose, of course I hear a couple of the girls gasp and sigh, and we walk away from the entrance. He takes me to the dance floor and I don't know what song is playing, I'm lost in his eyes. He places my arms around his neck and his hands go on my waist. He rests his forehead against mine and our nose touches and we sway back and forth to the song thats playing. I don't have to look around at the people to know that they're shocked. A crowd of people were forming around us, not whispering but just watching.

Do you feel like we belong on display or something?” I ask James in a low voice, not moving my lips. He could understand me but to everyone else it was just smiling.

Your gorgeous.” Is all James says. I can't help but blush which causes him to catch his breath. It reminded me of Edward. I lay my head on James shoulder, or at least I try since he's a bit, a lot, taller than me, and he rests his chin on my head and I began to think. To think about how comfortable I feel here with James. Someone runs by us real quick and snaps a picture of us, it annoys me but I continue to think. How James could make me happy and mad and flustered the same way Edward used to make me. Then I stopped thinking about James and thought about Edward. I hadn't thought about Edward lately. Not much. Not like I used to. I use to find my thoughts on Edward all day and now I hardly think of him. What does that mean? I love him, still. I can't stop. But what does forgetting mean? Does it mean that even though I love him I had moved on? Not to James though. I look up at James and his eyes closed. I couldn't fall for James. No matter how much I cared for James and no matter how much I wish I could love him, I can't. Not James. I'll love him, I know this, but I won't fall in love with him. He'll just be James. He'll understand. I let my eyes wander around the room. Some people are still staring, but a lot have moved on. My eyes land on Jake. His face is pained. I know it hurts him to see me with James but it won't always be like that. Jake, one day, will imprint and move on. How will I feel then? Probably glad. I smile at Jake and he smiles back but its a forced smile. I dance with James but my eyes stay on Jakes for a long while.

Its does hurt one when one sees one stare at another man.” James says, half playing around and half serious.

Jake is not a man. Jake is Jake.” I lift my head off his shoulders and look up at him.

I know, but still.” His eyes look over my head and he frowns.

Bella?” Mikes voice give me the chills and James aware of this. He holds me tighter and makes it harder for me to turn around but I manage. Just looking at Mike for some reason scared me. It reminded me of school. Out of habit I back away from him. My back touches James and he places his hands on my waist. He leans over without Mike noticing and whisper lowly so Mike won't hear, “Whats wrong.”

Hi, Mike.” I manage to speak. I do my best to make my voice sound smooth but it still sounded different. He notices but not much.

Something wrong, Mike?” Jakes says and Mike tears his gaze away from me to look at Jake. I hadn't even notice he was near me. James takes this opportunity to scoot back so now I was sort of behind Jake and blocked from Mike. Mike opens his mouth to answer.

Who is this guy?” James asks. I had never told James about Mike. Why would I have to? I had to now.

Thats the baby's father.” I say, my voice shaky. His eyebrows shot up and then furrow together.

I thought Edward was the baby's father.” I shook my head. “Then....” He trailed off waiting for me to explain.

I went on a date with Mike. Mike forced me into something I didn't want to do. I got pregnant. I told him. He made my life a living nightmare and when I was about twenty weeks along I met Edward who I fell in love with instantly.” Our conversation was over by the time Mike spoke.

Nothings wrong, Jake.” Mike says, trying to keep his voice even but he's scared. “Just wanted to talk to Bella. See how she's doing.” He look at me and smile and I shiver. Something doesn't feel right.

I don't think she wants to...” Jake starts but I cut him off.

Its okay, Jake.” I pull away from James but he still holds on. I look at him and he's glaring at Mike. Seems a bit familiar, I thought to myself. “Its okay, James.” He looks at me with a worried expression and finally lets me go after a little hesitation and another glare at Mike. I walk until I'm a few inches from Mike. I saw James take a step so that he was standing next to Jake. The two of them standing there glaring at Mike in their tuxedos reminded me of Pulp Fiction. 'Chill,' I mouth to them. Poor Mike seemed scared when I looked back at him.

You wanted something, Mike?” I say. I didn't mean to sound bitchy but thats how it sounded.

Yeah. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a bit.” He looks around and then his eyes land on mine. “Care to dance?” Before I answer he places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the dance floor. Before he touched me I had to remind myself to move at the perfect time or else Mike trying to lead me would have been like trying to lead a wall. Walking as slow as him kind of bugged me. I hadn't walked this slow in a while and I was hardly ever around Charlie and Sue so I was kind of rusty but I pulled it off okay. He chose a spot and placed his hands on my waist. I had the urge to slap them off.

You said you wanted to talk, Mike. Not dance.” There I go sounding like a bitch again. With a deep breath, and the smell of cheap cologne, I forced a smile on my face.

I wanted to talk about the baby.” He says. I stiffen.

What about the baby?” I ask uncomfortably.

Have you found out what we-” My jaw clenches. “I mean, you, have you found out what you were having?” I hesitate at first. My jaw unclenched.

I'm having a boy.” I say.

Wow. I'm having a son.” He says with a wide, proud smile.

I tense and through clenched teeth I say, “No. I'm having a boy.” The nerve of him. I wanted to kick him in the shins, no, worse, the balls.

Listen, I told my parents...” I cut him off.

What did you tell them? That you had unprotected sex with me when I didn't want to?” I say in a cold, cruel tone.

No. I told them that they were going to be grandparents and they were ecstatic.” I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

You shouldn't have done that, Mike.” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Why not? They're going to be grandparents.” He says, obviously not noticing my annoyance.

Because, Mike. This is just going to make things confusing.” I back away from him. “First of all, who said anything about you being in the baby's life.” He actually got offended by that. “You didn't want this Mike. You are not going to be on the baby's birth certificate. You are not going to be in his life unless I let you be.”

I was hoping I wouldn't have to say this.” He says shaking his head.

Say what?” I ask, doing my best to keep myself calm.

I told my parents that I would talk to you before...” I cut him off.

Before what, Mike?!” I yell. A couple of people turn to stare. “Before what, Mike?” I say in a lower voice.

My parents. I told them that you might react this way...”

What other way was I going to react. You made my pregnancy hell, Mike.” I interrupted. “Did you want to be all 'oh, la la la. Mikes an asshole, meet your son?'” I say sarcastically.

My parents are taking this to court.” He says in a confident tone like that meant something. I snort.

To court? For what? The courts aren't going to give you anything but a restraining order.”

Dont be so sure about that.” He says in a cocky tone. “I have rights. My name may not show up on that birth certificate but unless I sign my rights away that is still my son.” Hearing that felt like a smack in the face. I felt sick then. I could feel tears building up.

You will sign your rights away, Mike.” I say through clenched teeth but he shakes his head.

I don't have to. And thanks to Edward, that only hurts your case.” I gasp.

What does Edward have to do with this? He's not even here and he's not coming back.”

That may be, but thanks to him I have a good chance in court. He beat me up pretty bad and according to my dad that could have been considered assault or something. And he threatened me to sign away my rights before he assaulted me.” I shook my head in disbelief, then I smiled.

You may have the x-rays and the doctor or whatever but its too late to use that. Edward did that, not me. If your going to call that on anyone it should be him, not me. You've got nothing.” I Turn and walk away from him.

Dont be so sure about that.” He says. I turn to look at him. “You have no income.” He counts off with his first finger and sticks up his second. “You live with your dad in a house with no room. You have no way to support the baby.”

Neither do you. You live with your parents-” HE cuts me off.

We have a house with plenty enough room.” I shake my head.

You have no income...”

I work with my parents. And Bella, I'm not fighting for custody, my parents are.” I shook my head. I felt so many different emotions at once and I felt my power pulsing through my body, I have to keep myself calm or Mike was going to fly through the wall. I turn and walk away to find Jake and James. Tears falling down my face. “See you in court!” Mike yells over the crowd that had formed. The minute James sees me walking towards him he pushes through the crowd of girl circling him and pulls me into his arms. Of course, Jake and James had heard. I started crying.

Shh, its okay Bella.” James coos into my ears. He pulls me away and places his hands on my cheek. “It'll be okay. You have your dad, and Jake and even me.” I snort and smile at him.

Thanks.” I whisper. He kisses my forehead. Jake comes up to us and gives me a hug from behind and kisses my cheek. Of course, James did a low growl but didn't say anything. “Thanks you guys. Thanks so much.” I look around the room. “Can we leave, James?” I look at him and he looks around. He nods his head a little thinking something over. Then he looks at me and smiles. “What?” I ask, kind of scared to hear the answer.

Carrie?” He asks. I look at him confused. “Carrie!” He says again. I think and then....

You want me to spill pigs blood on the prom queen?” I ask in disbelief. Jake snorts and I elbow him. I glare at James.

Well I figure you could put your shield up and whoosh.” He gestures with his hands.

A shield?” Jake and I ask at the same time. James shrugs his shoulders.

I figure thats what I call it. I mean its like this invisible shield covers you when use your power. Not that you could control your power. Never mind, bad idea.” I glare at him.

Thats your power?” Jake asks.

We'll practice.” James says.

Whatever.” I say with a sigh. “Can we go,” I wail. “I'm tired of this place.”

Fine, but only if you promise that this is not the end of our date.” James says with a coy smile. I sigh in frustration.

Fine!” I finally agree.

Yes!” He says, proud of himself. We turn and walked toward the exit but didn't make it far before I heard my name being called.

Bella?” A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned and I felt my eyes widen. I quickly composed my face before she noticed. The face. The face belonged to Angela Weber. The body. The body didn't go. The body looked like mine. Well not mine but...pregnant? Oh yeah. Very pregnant.

Oh god.” I hear Jacob mutter under his breath.

An-Angela?” I stutter. “W-wow. Look at you. You-you're...” I let my sentence trail off.

Pregnant?” She asks with a laugh.

Oh god. Bella?” Jacob whispers low and quick. Angela doesn't even notice.

What? How?” I start to ask, ignoring Jake.

Ben.” She said with a nod and a small smile.

Wow. Ben. Thats...wow. You must be happy.” I look around for Ben but I don't see him.

Not really.” She says with a frown.

Why not?” I ask as Jake calls for me under his breath again.

Lets just say that he picked up where Mike left off.” I could see her eyes start to water. I frown.

Aw, Angela.” I hug her and she cries on me. I let her. I look around the room and find Ben. He's in the same crowd as Mike. Lauren and Jessica snicker before looking this way. Ben look proud of himself making Angela feel this way. Jake moves so he standing behind her. I look at him like he's stupid. 'Bella!” He mouths. 'What?' I mouth back. He looks at Angela and then at me. 'I imprinted' He mouths looking at Angela with longing in his eyes. I felt my eyes widen.

What?!” I whisper. Angela pulls away and looks at me a bit confused. I smile and pull her into another hug. This was one crazy night.

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Chapter: 30

After a while I finally let go of Angela. Her mascaras running but she doesn't notice. She smiles at me and whispers a thanks.

So..when are you due?” I ask. I'm not sure what to ask. I have too many thoughts running through my head.

July eighth.” She says with a smile.

Wow congratulations.” Jake tries to get my attention. “Could you hold on for one sec, Ang.” She nods. I pull James to stand by her. “Angela this is my friend James.” James head snaps up to look at me. His eyes are sad. I ignore it. “James this is Angela.” She gets nervous. “You two talk while I talk to Jake, kay?” She nods but when I walk away I could feel James eyes on me. I felt bad. I grab Jakes arm and tug him away but he doesn't move an inch. I look at him but his eyes are on Angela so I have to tug him hard.

Gees, Bells. That hurts.” He says trying to break free from my grasp.

It was suppose to.” I glare at him. He looks at me all innocent.

What?” He asks finally getting tired of me glaring at him.

You know what, Jake.” He looks at me and I realize he doesn't know what. “You imprinted on, Angela!” He looks at Angela.

I know.” He says, his tone is low and full of longing.

Jake!” He snaps his attention back to me. “Its Angela!” I say. “Angela!” I repeat slowly saying each syllable. He nods. “We've known her since kinder care.” He nods. “How can you imprint on her?” I demand.

I don't know, Bells. Its not like I can exactly control it.” He says, trying to make me understand.

I know Jake but....Angela?” He nods. “We knew her our whole lives.”

I wasn't a werewolf my whole life.” He says.

I know.”

And I haven't seen her since before I phased. This is my first time since.” Jake says trying to reason with me.

I know, Jake.” I say in barely a whisper. I don't know why I felt sad...and jealous.... and mad.... and jealous. But its what I wanted, I thought to myself. “So what now?” I ask, looking at James and Angela. She's quiet, nervous. He's nice and trying to keep her comfortable. His eyes lock on mine and he looks away quickly but not fast enough, I still saw the emotions in his eyes. He was angry, jealous, and yet still kind. He looks up at me and smiles a small smile that gives me goosebumps and butterflies. I can't help but blush. His smile widens at my reaction.

What do you mean, what now?” Jake asks me. My head snaps up to look at him.

I'm sorry, what?” I ask, dazed and confused. Jakes sighs.

What do you mean, what now?” It takes me a while to remember that I had asked that question.

What do you do now? Do you pull her aside and tell her or what?” I look at him while he thinks it over.

I can't do that.” He looks at her at the same time Angela looks at him. He smiles and she smiles back. Its not a sure smile though. Its more of a did-he-just-smile-at-me kind of smile.

She looks pretty tonight.” I say and he turns his attention back to me.

She does.” Jake agrees.

She got a motherly glow.” Jake glares at me and growls and out of the corner of my eye I see James chuckle at his reaction, Angela oblivious to our exchange. “Damn, sorry. But what are you going to do, honestly Jake? What, are you going to start out slow and ease her in? Show her the Jacob Black charm, or that lack of?” Jake inhaled slowly and I watched as he silently counted to three. He's getting fed up with me, I thought. “Sorry, Jake.” I grab his hand. “Come on.” And we head back to where Angela and James are standing. “Sorry, Angela.”

For what?” She asked confused.

For leaving you with this guy.” I wrap my arm around James waist.

Oh.” She says blushing. “It was no problem. He's quite the charmer.” Her blush turns a shade darker. Jake clears his throat and Angela looks at him and smiles a bit uncomfortably.

Is he?” I ask looking at James. “I guess I hadn't noticed.” I smile at him and he smiles back. It gets quiet

Sooooo.... Angela,” Jake says, breaking the silence. “Do you know what your having?” He asks. She nods.

A boy.” She says with a smile. She places her hand on her stomach.

Thats cool.” Jake says trying to keep the conversation going. I could see how nervous he is. “Bella's having a boy, too.” Angela looks at me.

Really?” She asks. I nod.

Yeah. I'm due June nineteen.”

Wow, Mike must be glad.” She immediately regretted her words. “I'm sorry.”

Its okay. Screw Mike.” I say, shrugging her words off.

Yeah, screw Mike.” James chimes in. “Screw Ben.” He adds. I bite my lip and sigh. James shakes his head. I suddenly felt nervous and embarrassed for Jake.

Screw Ben.” Angela agreed, which surprised James and me. James and I shared a surprised glance. Angela smiles warmly to Jake and Jake blushes slightly. I can't help but smile at their exchange. James clears his throat.

Care to dance, Bella?” James asks sticking his hand out towards me. I'm about to say no but he looks at James and Angela, hinting.

I'd love to.” I say, feigning enthusiasm. I take his hand. “I wanted to leave,” I say through my fake smile.

I don't think Jake is ready.” He says, stopping and placing my hands around his neck and his around my waist.

Since when do you care about Jake?” I ask, curiously raising an eyebrow.

Since he doesn't care about you.” I roll my eyes. Men, I think to myself. I sneak a glance at Jake. He asks Angela to dance. She think its over, she's unsure of herself. She finally nods. Jake breathes a sigh of relief.

He got her to dance.” I say with a proud smile. “Can we go now?”

I don't think your friends want you to leave.” James says. I look up at him a bit confused at what he said. He's staring straight ahead above my head. I follow his gaze and it lands on. I sigh.

Lauren and Jessica.” I say, shaking my head and resting my head on James chest. “I could feel their glares burning a hole in the back of my head.” I squeeze my eyes shut. “I hate them.”

They seem nice.” I snap my head up to glare at him. “What?” He asks innocently. I roll my eyes.

They, too, made my life hell.” I turn to glance at them. They looked like chickens the way their head snapped to glare at me and snapped to smile at James.

No!” James said in mock surprise I couldn't help but laugh. “They're coming over.” He warned. I opened my mouth to say something but he crushed his lips on mine. I fought the urge to bite his bottom lip but I found myself giving in. It was nice, slow, and passionate. He tasted good, hell, he tasted great. I can't remember a time that I felt this good. Then the baby kicked and my eyes popped open at the same time James did. This isn't right, I thought to myself. I smiled. The baby kicked before but this, this was different. It was like his whole body did a flip inside me and it was just....amazing.

Did you feel that?” James asked with a big smile on his face. Joy and disbelief was his voice. He was as amazed as I was.

No!” I say sarcastically.

Got yourself a new man, I see.” And at that moment my happiness went poof. I closed my eyes and sighed. When I opened them I was ready to face whatever Jessica and Lauren were about to hand me. Jessica, as always, stood behind Lauren, following her lead. Lauren cocked her head to the side. I guess she wasn't happy about the fact that I had the hottest guy at prom kissing me. “Slut!” She said slowly, dragging the S and putting an emphasis on the T. I was about to lunge and her but at the same second James somehow had maneuvered us so I was standing behind him and he was protecting me. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I couldn't get use to this.

What is your problem?” James asked, his face inches from Lauren. She was stunned. I couldn't tell if it was because of his looks or if she was scared. I watched her look him over, stunned by how gorgeous he was. She couldn't see the small things though. His blue eyes were red with anger and his lips were in a hard straight line, yet she still looked at him which such lust in her eyes it made me want to gag. Stupid girl, I thought to myself.

M..my,” She started but shook her head as if to clear her mind from all the thoughts running through her head. She cleared her throat. “My problem isn't with you.” She said, her voice breaking at the beginning. She glared at me. “My problem is her.” She said pointing a finger directly at me. She tried to push past him but he wouldn't budge.

Her,” James turned to smile at me but his tone wasn't a happy one. He turned back to Lauren.“Is my date. If she's your problem, I'm your problem.” James said cocking head to the side. “What is your problem?” She was shocked at the way he spoke to her. Did she honestly think that he found her cute? I asked myself. Lauren was scared silent.

She,” Jessica started, her eyes narrowing when they landed on mine. I rolled my eyes. “Sh... she... well...” Jessica was lost. She turned to Lauren. “Lauren?” I bit back another laugh.

Whats going on, Bells.” Jake asked, coming up from behind us with Angela. I bit my lip and smiled.

James is protecting me.” I say trying to hold back my laughter but you could hear it in my voice. Jake lifted his eyebrows and bit his lip. He wasn't good at hiding a laugh. He chuckled lightly.

Is he?” Jake asked.

Yeah.” I say nodding my head.

Whats going on?” Angela asked, not understanding the inside joke.

Lauren and Jessica.” Jake and I said at the same time. Angela rolled her eyes.

Are they ever going to grow up?” She said shaking her head.

I see the two sluts found each other.” Lauren said when she noticed Angela had joined us. It was cute the way Jake walked to stand in front of Angela.

What did you call her?” Jake asked in a voice that gave me goosebumps. It was cold and dark and... scary. I couldn't help it when I said “Whoa..” Angela turned to me with worried eyes.

Whoa?” She asked taking a step closer to me. “What whoa?” I tore my gaze away from Jake and looked at her and smiled.

I have never seen Jacob that mad.” She was surprised. “Not even for me,” I continued. “You must have casted a spell on him, Ang.” That made her blush. We turned our attention back to the boys and I gulped. Not because Jake and James but for the fact that Mike and Ben were standing behind Jessica and Lauren along with Taylor and a few other boys.

Thats not good.” Angela whispered. I nodded my head in agreement.

James?” I ask in a low, calming tone. I place my hand on his shoulder. “Come on, lets just go.” I grab his hand but he doesn't budge. “What seems to be the problem, boys?” I ask, turning my attention to Mike and Ben. I see Mike wrap his arm around Laurens waist.

I didn't like the way your boyfriend was talking to my girlfriend.” He gave her a peck on the cheek, his eyes on me. Lauren smiled a smug smile and I just rolled my eyes.

Same here,” Ben chimed in following Mikes lead. He kissed Lauren on the cheek but Angela's reaction was different from mine. I saw her lips began to quiver and her eyes started watering. That had hurt Angela and Jake noticed this. A low growl escaped Jakes throat and before James and I could stop him he was already attacking Ben. Angela's eyes widened and she started to shake. Then.... all hell broke loose. Jake was on top of Ben punching him in the face. He was holding back though, but still. James was on Mike, he wasn't holding back. I ran to where James and Mike were.

You're going to kill him.” I said pushing him off Mike. I looked at Mike. His eyes were close, his face was starting to swell. I check his pulse, it was fine. His breathing wasn't so good. James pulled me off the floor and we started walking toward Angela. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jessica ready to lung herself at Angela and before my mind could react I was already lifting Angela into my arms and walking her quickly out the door. I turned back and saw Jessica on the floor rubbing her head and James pulling Jake off of Ben. “Shit.” I whispered. I walked out to the gym and to the car.

Bella!” Angela said, panicking when she realized what was going on. She started kicking her feet. “What the...how the...” She didn't finish though. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She fainted.

Jake isn't going to like this,” I moaned to myself. I sat her down on the hood and supported her back and head. “Come on, Angela.” I pleaded. I started fanning her face. “Wake up before Jake gets here.”

What happened?” Too late, I thought to myself. I gently laid Angela on the hood before I turned to Jake. His face was a mixture of worry and anger. I stepped out of his way.

Don't be mad...”

What did you do!” He practically yelled at me. James took his protective stance in front of me and started glaring at Jake.

She fainted.” I said peeking under James elbow. Jake was sitting on the hood with Ang in his arms and was fanning his hand in front of her face. She started to stir. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God.” I say to the stars.

Hey Angela. You okay?” Jake asks her. I felt back the urge to say 'Does she look okay?' I just bit my tongue and let it go. She looks at him kind of dazed and confused.

What happened?” Angela croaked. Jake smiled down at her before sitting her up on his lap.

There was a fight!” I yell and Angela jumps. I mouth sorry to Jake when he glares at me. “Uh.. yeah. There was a fight and James here,” I smack James on the shoulder, “carried you out. It was crazy.” She looked at me, still confused. I look at James for support.

Yup.” He says popping the P and nodding. “You're kind of heavy.” I sigh and placed the palm of my hand on my forehead.

No.” Angela says from her spot on Jakes lap. My head shoots up.

No?” James and I gasp.

Uh-uh. It was Bella.” She says looking at me. I look at Jake and his eyes are wide. I start to laugh lightly but I kind of looked stupid.

Angela. Dont be ridiculous.” I say, waving my hand at her. “I can't carry you.”

But you did.” She insisted. She looked at Jake. “Explain.” Jake was dumbfounded. She looked at me and lifted her eyebrows, gesturing for me to explain. I was stooped. I look at James. He just shrugs. “Someone...explain...NOW!” Angela said, her voice was angry. I stare at my feet.

You had to lift her up.” James sighs.

What was I supposed to do?” I throw my arms in the air. “Let Jessica tackle her?” I argued. I look at Jake with pleading eyes. “I had to. She's not like me, the baby would have gotten hurt.”

What do you mean I'm not like you?” Angela asked trying to understand.

You could have just pulled her out of the way.” Jake said lifting Angela off his lap to stand her up.

I could have...yeah...” I stuttered. “I don't know.” I said throwing my arms up. “I wasn't thinking. I just had to get her out of there before Lauren or Jessica hurt her.”

I don't care how I got out.” Angela said walking cautiously towards me. “I just want to know how you lifted me up like I weighed nothing.”

I'm strong?” I shrugged.

Why are you strong? Why do you look different? Why are you gorgeous like Alice and Rosalie Cullen? What is going on!” She demanded.

Jakes a werewolf. I'm a vampire.” I explain with a nod. Thats the way to do it! I thought to myself. Quick and easy.

You have got to be kidding me!” Angela sighed before she fainted. Again! Jake catches her before she hits the floor.

Way to break the news to her, Bella.” James says sarcastically. I slap him on the shoulder.

What was I supposed to say!”

Nothing!” Jake growled.

I had to say something!” I argued.

I could have told her.”

Oh, yeah. Big difference.” I roll my eyes. “I can see it now.” I pause to clear my throat. “Angela,” I try my best to imitate Jake. “I'm a werewolf. You're my imprint. I have to stay with you forever. I love you!” Jake glares at me.

I wouldn't have said it like that.” He mutters.

But you would still have tell her that you're a werewolf. Its just came out of my mouth.”

Could you two just stop bickering?” James pleaded. “Whats done is done. Lets just move on.”

Yeah!” I agreed overly enthusiastic. “So....” I start, not sure what to say. “What now?” I ask, unsure of what we were going to do about this situation. I look at James and he shrugs. A low moan escapes from Angelas mouth. “Oh boy.” I say and James drapes his arm over my shoulder and kisses my temple.

It'll be okay.” He assures me.

I doubt it.” I sigh and we walk closer to Jake and Angela. “That was some prom!” I say sarcastically and earned a glare from everybody.

Its short. I know. But hey, its something. Edward will not be returning in this story but he will be returning in the SEQUEL. FOR SURE!! I'm going to title it DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA because there is going to be a lot of it. A few more chapters an this story will be done. At the end of the last chapter is going to be Edwards POV of why he left and where he went (I'm sure a lot of you probably have suspicions. HINT* Strawberry BLONDE) and what he's up to. OOOOOKAYYYY. Stay tuned!

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Chapter: 31

Was it just me or was FanFic being totally queer? This was going to go up saturday night but i don't know what the fuck was going on. My son is sick and is throwing up everywhere. my poor babe. baby sis went home FINALLY! and i am somewhat free. got to get dinner started for the hubby. Papas and chorizo. YUM!!! hope you enjoy. oh! You know who I picture when I see James? I don't picture that ugly dude that played him in the twilight movie. No. I picture that one dude from that movie PULSE. The one that played Dexter or something. Have you seen it? Hold on....one sec...ha! I had to look up his names. Yeah. Its Ian Somerhalder. I thought he was good looking in that movie but when I Googled him he kind of looked feminine. CUTE, but feminine. Just give him blond hair and blue eyes and PERFECT. JAMES!!

Okay,” Angela says, putting another chip in her mouth. “Lemme get this straight.” We were sitting on the hood of James car, parked in front of the Cullens house. Its midnight. We kind of freaked Angela out when we were able to see in the dark and she almost tripped. We didn't have a flashlight so we had to dig around and find her one, so here we were on the hood of a car with a flashlight on Angelas lap. I could have been helping the boys but when Jake told Angela to take it easy I decided to play the pregnancy card. “I'm sick,” I moaned. James could see right through me. “No you're not.” He said and then chucked a box at me, which, of course, I caught. But Jake said I could sit this one out to keep Angela company.

Okay, so...” She pauses and I could tell she was running things through her head to make sure she got it right. “Jake is a werewolf...”

Shapeshifter.” I added.

... because of the vampires that were here, a k a, the Cullens.”

The Cullens.” I agreed, putting another dorito in my mouth.

The Cullens,” She continued. “Turned you into a vampire when you almost died from walking in front of a car.” I felt my eyes widen.

Is that what Jake told you?” I asked, almost spitting my food on her. She nodded. “I did not walk in front of a car, I got hit by a car. I'm going to kill you Jake.” We could hear Jake laugh.

He heard that?” She asked, I nodded. She opened her mouth to say something.

The vampire stuff could wait, I can explain that later. Continue with what you got.” I interrupted.

Okay, so Jakes isn't really a werewolf. There doesn't have to be a full moon to change?” I nodded.

Like I said, shapeshifter.”

And he imprinted on me which mean that he's going to love me forever no matter what.”

No matter what.” Jake yelled at the same time I said it. Angela blushed.

He'll love me even when I have my son.” She whispered in my ear.

Jake can still hear you and yes, he will.” That made her happy. Just then James came out carrying a lot of heavy boxes. “Gees, James.” I cried out.

What am I doing this time, Bella?” He sighed in annoyance.

We're suppose to make Angela comfortable. Do you know how strange it must be for her to see you carrying,” I started counting. “Ten! Ten boxes!” I teased.

Oh, its no..” Angela started.

Yes!” I cut her words off. “It does matter.” I turn back to James. “You're scaring her.” Angela starts to shake her head no. “See! She's shaking. Quit making her shake James!”

What's James making her do?” Jake yelled, poking his head out the window.

Nothing!” James and I yell quickly. Jake smiles real quick at Angela and then put his head back inside. “That was close.” I muttered under my breath.

You always have to say something.” James says placing the boxes on the floor and putting them in the moving van one by one. I started laughing. I knew James hated doing this slowly.

So, what happened?” She asked. At first I didn't understand but then she nodded towards the house. “Oh!” I say, not sure how to answer. Angela notices this.

You don't have to tell me. Sorry for prying.” She says nervously.

Its okay.” I smile, letting her know it is. “I'm not sure what happened. One minute Edwards telling me he loves me. I leave and come back a few house later and he tells me its over.” Angela lets out a low whistle. “Yup. Poof, he's gone and so is his family. Never to be heard from again.”

Well you seem to being doing fine.” She places her hand on mine, comforting, then pulls her hand away when she feels the cold.

I am. If it weren't for Jake and James keeping me occupied, I don't know what I would have done.”

They must be great.”

They are! You'll see, Angela. Jake is the best guy a girl can ask for, I know.” She makes a face. “I didn't ask for him, okay?” She nods. “James...well you have to get to know James yourself.” James looks at me quizzically and I just shrug. I turn my attention to Jake who is now carrying the crib pieces out the front door. He places it down in the moving van and sigh heavily.

Gees, Jake. You swear your tired.” I laugh.

Okay.” Jakes says clapping his hand. “The mens work is finished. You ladies get your lazy butt up those stairs and pack up all the baby crap.” Angela and I both gasp. “I didn't mean you, babe.” He says to Angela.

I think its a little too early to start calling her that Jake.” I say jumping off the hood of the car. He glares at me. “I'm just saying.” I say quickly throwing my hands up, palms facing towards Jake. I move out of his way when he walks past me to help Angela off the car. I grab Angelas hand and lead her inside.

I always wondered what kind of house the Cullens lived in.” Angela says when we walk through the doors.

Do you want to have a look around?”

No, its okay.” She lying but she follows me up the stairs. “They must have left in a hurry. The left all their stuff and everything.” She bites on her lip when she realizes I stopped walking. “Me and my big mouth,” she sighs under her breath. I laugh.

Its okay, Ang. You don't have a big mouth.” I grab her hand and lead her into the babies nursery. She whistles. “I know.” I go to window. “James.” I call.

What?!” He moans.

You guys forgot the plaque. Throw me a screwdriver.”

What kind?” He teases before throwing the screwdriver my way. “Don't I get a thanks?” I flip him the bird. “Thank you!” I laugh.

Is that going to be his name?” Angela asks when I hand her the plaque to put in the box.

It was.” I sigh. “I'm not so sure anymore. For the past, what, fourteen weeks thats what Edward and I've been calling him. I kind of got use to the name.” Angela nods. “I'm not sure what to call him now.” I sigh, rubbing my stomach.

Maybe you should keep it,” she says shrugging.

You think? I haven't really thought about it.”

Well you should. You could have the baby any day now.” Hearing that was like a blow to the head. Reality. Shit. Was I ready for all this? To be called Mama. For the rest of my life take care of someone else besides myself.

Seriously.” I sigh. “Come on.” I shake my head and clear it from all my thoughts. “Lets get all this stuff packing.”

How did you get all this stuff?” She asks, looking through the closet.

Alice and Rose did all of this. They got all this stuff. This is my second time seeing this room.”

Really?” I nod. “They must be loaded.”

Well if you're as old as they are...” I shut my mouth. “Forget I said any of that.” Angela, with wide eyes, nods.

What its like...you know...being a....a...” She looks around like somebodies listening. “Vampire.” She whispers. I laugh.

Its okay. No ones around but Jake and James and they know. James a vamp too.”

I got that So whats it like. You don't seem any different, well except the fact that you're gorgeous.”

I don't feel any different.” I think about it. “Not really. I mean, I can do stuff that the Cullens can't.”

Like what?”

I can cry. I can eat food.” She gulps at this. “And I vant to suck you vlood.” I say in a corny Dracula accent. “Shit! Angela, I'm sorry.” I panic when her eyes water. “Don't cry. Jakes going to kill me.” She sniffles and nods. “It was just a joke. I don't drink human blood.” She breathes a sigh of relief. “Nope. I drink animal blood.” She starts hyperventilating. “Are you going to faint again? Jake!” I yell.

Gees, Bells.” He cries when he walks in and sees Angela panicking. “What did you do this time?” This seems to be happening to me a lot.

Well I did a cheap impersonation of Dracula and then I told her not to worry that I only drank animal blood.”

Do you have to tackle her with every thought thats running through your head?” He's hugging Angela now.

Well how am I to know that she can't take everything I tell her.”

What'd Bella do this time?” James say, shoulders moving from silent laughter.

I didn't do anything!” I whine.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.” James says, and starts to put an imaginary weapon on the floor like cops do to crazy people with guns. Angela laughs at him.

Don't encourage him.” Jake and I both warn her. She tries to stop laughing but fails. “Cant we just pack!” I mutter and start shoving stuff angrily into the box. “I can never do anything right.” I mutter.

Oh, come on Bella.” James says throwing his arms around my waist, my back to his chest. “You did one thing right.” He says placing his hand on my stomach.

Even that I didn't do right. I'm a horrible mom.”

Are you serious!” Jake shouts at me. I just shrug. “Bella...” He trails off.

What? My son has no father. Just Uncle Jake and Uncle James.” James slides his hand off my stomach and walks out the room. Angela watches him walk away. “He doesn't even have name! Poor kid went from Edward Jacob Cullen to Baby Boy Swan.” I look down at my stomach. “Sorry, Ed...” I trail off and feel the tears falling down my cheek.

Bella,” Jake moans. “Stop doing this to yourself.”

I cant help it, Jake!” I cry. I put more stuff inside the box with too much force the box splits. “God, I'm useless.” I start to cry. Then Angela comes to comfort me and she starts to cry. Then we're both crying and Jake is getting mad at me and trying to comfort Angela at the same time. He gets fed up and storms off. Then Angela and I are laughing because we look like big fat babies crying. It was a mess.

Aw. I think Jacobs mad at me.” Angela frowns.

Don't worry about it. He'll get over it. You are his imprint.” I look over at her not sure whether I should I ask, but oh well. “How does that make you feel. I mean, yeah.” She shrugs.

Its weird. Its like, 'Oh, hey Angela. Jakes a werewolf, go get married.' Its...overwhelming? I mean, he's been sweet so far and I like him. He's cute.” She blushes. “I...I don't know. I mean. I don't love him but I guess, in time, maybe I will.” She smiles.

In time.” I agree with a nod.

So, whats with you and James?” Angela asks casually.

Nothing.” I reply quickly.

Gees, calm down. Its just, I saw you guys dancing and you seemed pretty close.” She shrugs.

We kind of are. He makes me laugh and like I said, he helps me keep my mind off Edward.”

He didn't seem too happy when you mentioned Uncle James.”

I think he likes me.”

Girl!” Angela says sounding ghetto. “Psh. That boy is head over heals. He wants play daddy.”

Don't even joke like that! Poor kid.” I look down at my stomach. “I can't imagine having James play daddy. I can't imagine anyone playing daddy. Not since Edward.” I sigh. “I don't like him though Ang. Not that way. I love him and I care about him but I don't feel for him, you know.” She nods.

Does he know?” She asks. “Have you told him.” I shake my head. “I think you should.”

I know. But, when he holds me, I feel good. And I like kissing him and holding his hands and... being with him but...”

But you don't love him because you still love Edward.” I throw a diaper at her.

Brat. I don't know whats wrong with me.”

Nothings wrong with you. You just lost the love of your life and James is like a comfort blanket. You keep him close but not too close, you know.”

Thank you, Dr. Freud.” I say sarcastically. She laughs. “Change of subject please.”

Oh, this is cute.” Angela says out of nowhere five minutes later. I look up. Its a cute brown and blue outfit with brown and blue stripes on the outside and blue with brow polka dots on the inside.

Take it.” I say and continue packing.

I don't think I could.” She looks at the tag. “I really don't think I could.”

Just keep it. Ed... the baby won't mind.”

Thanks.” She says. “You were about to say Edward, weren't you?” I shake my head. “You were.” I sigh.

Grr. I can't help it. Its just what I'm used to. Edward Jacob Cullen. Edward Jacob Cullen.”

Edward Jacob Cullen.” Angela, Jake and James chime in.

Yes! Its a habit.” I put my head in my hands. “I want to scream.”

With a voice like that it would probably sound like opera.” I laugh.

You're probably right.” I chuckle.

You should keep it.” I look at her.


You should keep the name. Edward Jacob Cullen.”

I can't.”

Why not?”

Uh, because he's not a Cullen. Duh! He has no blood slash venom relationship to them.”

Venom?” I nod. She looks at me while she put diapers in a box.

I don't have blood running through my veins anymore. I have venom.” She starts thinking.

Okay, then..... I share my blood with the baby. You know, the whole, placenta and all that?”

Yeah, Angela. I went to Health class too.” She rolls her eyes.

What I'm getting at is, is there blood running through the babies veins or venom?” I think about it. Jake comes barging through the door.

I thought of that!” He snaps his fingers. “I asked Carlisle the same thing!” He leaves the room.

That was weird.” Angela says slowing.

That was. But, I don't know.”

You know, how you drink blood?” She asked uncomfortably. I nod. “Does that go to the baby too.”

You know, I haven't really given much thought.” When was the baby's doctors appointment, Wednesday? “Shit!” I gasp.

What?” Angela asked, a worried expression on her face.

I have a doctors appointment Wednesday.”

Oh, neat. Me too.”

Nope. Not neat.” She frowns. “No, what I meant was, Carlisle was my doctor. He did all my check ups.”

Sooooo...” Angela trails off, waiting for me to continue.

So, isn't it going to be a little weird when I can't pee.” Her eyes widen. “Or when they can't take my blood pressure because I have no pulse!” She gasp. “What am I going to do?” I start to panic. “What happens when I go into labor. Will I go into labor? Shit! How are they going to give me IV.” Angela jumps up.

I have an idea!” She yells, pointing her finger towards the roof. “You should have a....a....” She snaps her fingers trying to think. “A...a...home birth! A home birth!”

A home birth?” She nods.

Yeah! We'll find some hippie chick named Flower or something and we'll schedule a home birth.”

A home birth. Yeah.” I start to feel better. “Yeah, a home birth. We'll find a Flower and schedule a home birth. Thanks Angela.” I get up to give her a hug but she takes a step back, she's nervous and scared. “Don't worry. I won't hug you hard.” She relaxed at my words and I gave her a tight, but soft, hug. I pull away. “Okay, enough about me. Lets hear about you and your son.”

Well, theres not much to tell.” She starts off uneasily. “Ben got me pregnant and I was scared to tell him. I saw how he acted different in front of Mike and how different he treated me. So I hid it. And I was scared. I saw what Mike and Jessica and Lauren were doing to you and I was scared.” Her eyes start to water, I place an assuring hand on her knee and she squeezes. She feels the cold but this time she doesn't let go. “When I finally worked up enough nerve to tell Ben, he flipped. He started telling me to get an abortion and at first I didn't want to. But I loved him and I wanted to stay with him. So I went to the clinic and...” She starts sniffling.

Its okay, you did the right thing. Abortion wasn't an option. Theres nothing wrong with that. It wasn't for you.” She shakes her head.

They said I was too late. That I couldn't get it done.”


Yeah, so I told Ben and he started these rumors that I slept with Tyler and his cousin. And Tyler backed him up and started telling Jessica and Lauren how many time we did it and where and it was all lies. And it hurt me so bad. So I told my mom hoping she would help. Bad idea. She calls my dad at work and tells him to come home because his daughter did something horrible and they wanted to kick me out. But when they realized I had no place to go they said I could stay until I get something figured out. Which means, that as soon as the baby is born it better be put or for adoption or I end up homeless with a child and no food and no money.” She tackles me. Well not really. She hugs me and starts crying on my shoulder. I don't know what to do.

Shh, Angela. Its okay.” I cooed. I pull her away and place my hands on her cheek. “Its okay, okay?” I wipe her hair away from her forehead and eyes. “We'll figure something out. Jake, James and I will help you figure something out.” Theres a soft tap at the door. I turn my head and its Jake. I motion for him to come over.

Oh, Jake!” Angela cries before tackling him. He whispers things into her ears. Telling her that things will be fine. At that moment, seeing Jake hold Angela, I felt jealous. I felt alone and I felt like screaming that things weren't fair. How did I end up alone? James comes into the room. He stands by me and rubs soothing circles on my shoulder. Then I start to hate myself. Here is James. A perfect, gorgeous, nice, sweet guy and I can't fall for him. He likes me and I have no feeling towards him. Can I be any more fucked up?

You okay?” James asks, concern masking his voice. You see? Sweet and caring.

I'm fine. Just thinking.” I place my hand on his chest, reassuringly. He nods.

Okay. Care to share?” He asks with a smile on his face. I shake my head.

Not now.” He nods. You see? Understanding. What more could a girl ask for?

So, how are we going to help?” He asks, moving to stand behind me to wrap his arms around my waist.

I have no clue.” I mutter.

She'll move in with us.” Jake tells us. Angela pulls her head back.

What?” Her and I ask at the same time.

She'll move in with us. At the new house.”

She can?” James and I ask at the same time. Jake glares at me.

I mean, can she? Is that okay? Does she want to?” I look at her. She shrugs.

Can I.” She asks in a raspy voice. “I have nowhere else to go.” She starts crying on Jake. I frown.

Sure, Ang. Theres room. I'll have my room. The baby will have his. Jake will have one and you can have the other.”

She can stay in my room.” Jake adds.

Or you can stay in Jakes room.” I clap my hands together and look at James. “Looking for a place to live?”

So this chapter was just a filler to pass the time. So......what are you guys' thoughts? What do you think about the baby's name? I was thinking about keeping the Edward Jacob part but having his last name Swan. Don't know.

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Chapter: 32

Just another filler. some stuff that has to get mentioned and cleared out the way.

Okay.” I say clapping my hands together. I had just finished loading the last box into the moving van. “Thats it. What do we do now? You still awake Angela?”

Mmm.” She mumbles and waves a hand at me. Jake is cradling her in his arms.

I say we get this stuff to our new house.” James says, starting up the moving van.

We can't.” I say shaking my head.

What?!” Jake and James ask, both alarmed.

Well, for one....” I shift uncomfortably. “Its in Seattle.”

Seattle!” All three of them practically yell at me. I laugh.

Good morning, Angela.” I say with a big cheesy smile.

Seattle? Seriously, Bella?” Jake asks shaking his head.

No, not seriously. Like Edward would have moved us so far from everybody.” I roll my eyes. “We can't go tonight, though.”

Why not?” James asks, looking through the side view mirror.


Before we get started,” Angela yawns. “Can someone turn on the flashlight. I can't see anything.” I sigh. James tosses me the flashlight and I turn it on and throw it at Jake. He glares at me.

What?” I ask, not knowing what his problem is.

I have Angela in my arms and you throw a flashlight. Real smart, Bells.”

Gees, Jake. I forgot. Sorry. And the reason why we can't go tonight is because we haven't told Charlie.”

Oh man.” Jakes says nervously.

What?” Angela asks clueless.

Give him a heart attack why don't you Bella.” James says shaking his head.

What?” Angela asks again trying to understand whats going on.

Bella is going to give her dad a heart attack.” James says to Angela. The way he said it was like, 'Oh yeah. Just another potato.' Angela is still lost.

Yeah,” Jake agrees and I'm surprised. I raise my eyebrows at him and he shrugs. “I can see it now, 'Oh, hey dad. Remember how Edward and I were going to get married? Yeah, when he left he left the house that he bought for us to me and Jake is going to move in with his girlfriend. Oh! And she's having a baby too.'” James clears his throat. “'Oh! And James is living with us too.'”

Well when you say it like that it sounds terrible.”

Bella.” James gets out the van to stand next to me. “This isn't something that your dad is ready for.”

Yeah. He thinks you and the baby are going to stay with him. He went crib shopping.”

He did?” I immediately felt guilty.

Yup.” James says.

What the hell is going on with you, two? Since when do you guys agree?” Jake and James look at me like I'm going nuts. They look at each other then back at me. I stomp my foot and groan. “Why are you guys making me feel like this?”

Like what?” James says backing away from me like I'm about to kick him.

Like I'm crazy!” I yell.

You're not crazy, Bella.” Angela assures me.

Thank you Angela.” I look from Jake to James. “Earlier you two couldn't stand each other.” Jake opens his mouth. “I'm not done!” He snaps it shut. “Don't think I didn't see all those macho stare downs and what not. And now the both of you are making me feel guilty for wanting to move out. But you guys were perfectly okay with moving in. 'Angela could stay with me,' and 'Sure, Bella. I'll move in.”

You asked me if I wanted to.” James argues.

Thats not the point.”

Then why are you yelling at us?”

Because I hate you guys.” I sigh. “Not you Angela.”

Okay.” She says with a smile.

Look, I'll tell Charlie tomorrow and if all goes well, we'll get settle in tomorrow night. Agreed?”

Agreed.” They all agree. We head to Angelas house and leave the moving van near the Cullens. Mrs. Weber is mad when Angela shows up late with a guy they don't know.

I told Jake to stay in the car.” I whisper to James. We listen to Angelas mom yell at her and I could tell that Jake was fighting hard to keep his mouth shut. She's saying things like, “I'm disappointed at you. Do you know what time it is? I can't stand for this in my house. Who is this young man? Your father should have listened to me when I told him that you were sinning.” In the end Mrs. Weber slams the door on Angelas face and Angela is officially homeless. I get out of the car to let Jake drive. I sit in the back and let Angela cry on me lap.

Where to?” Jake asks, turning around to see how Angela is doing.

Lets go to La Push.”

Are you sure thats a good idea.” Jake and I make eye contact in the rear view mirror. He glances at James real quick and raises and eyebrow.

He's not a Cullen and he doesn't hunt there. It'll be fine. I just don't want to explain to Charlie why we're showing up at...” I look at the clock. “At 2:28? It took us that long to pack. I didn't know we were going that slow.” Jake glares at me and gestures to Angela. “Anyways, I don't want to explain to Charlie that three people are going to be sleeping in my room.”

Well, my dads house isn't that big either.”

We'll sleep on the beach.”

Are you crazy?” HE turns to look at me. “Angela can't sleep in the cold.”

We'll find her a mat and a sleeping bag and hello..” I wave my hand in front of him. “Body heater.”

I don't know if thats such a good idea.”

I'm not tired anyways.” Angelas words are followed by a big yawn.

You think the pack will have a problem?” I ask when we cross the border.

I don't know. But screw the pack, any boyfriend of yours is a....”

Boyfriend for yours? James isn't my boyfriend.” James turns his head to look at me but I look out the window.

Well, he's a friend and if you like him then I better get used to him. He is going to live with us.”

Thanks Jake.” I lean forward in my seat to give Jake a kiss on the cheek. I ignore the low growl that escaped from James throat. He cleared his throat to cover it up so Jake didn't say anything either. The rest of the ride is quiet. Angela's crying has tuned down to sniffling. I keep my eyes on the window while James stares at me. I don't want to make eye contact. I know he likes to hear people call him my boyfriend but he's not. I hate to be the one to tell him but I have to. He has to understand that I don't feel that way about him. Jake gets off at Billy's to grab like, four sleeping bags and three mats. He puts them in the trunk.

You sure thats enough Jake?” I ask sarcastically.

You think its not. Should I get more.” I laugh.

It should be fine. Angela will be fine.” We arrive at the beach in no time. Angela and I sit back while the boys set everything up.


Yeah, Angela.” I turn, so I'm facing her.

I was just thinking...” She trails off nervously.

You were thinking?” I urge her to continue.

How is your baby alive?”

What?!” I snap. She flinches. Jake and James stop what they're doing. Jake sits next to Angela and glares at me and James comes to sit next to me to glare at Jake. Angela and I roll our eyes. “This is ridiculous. Sorry, I yelled Ang. The question just surprised me is all.”

Its okay.”

I was thinking about that when I was first changed. Cause, seriously, how can a baby survive when the mom can't supply the baby with oxygen. How can a baby live when the mom doesn't have a heartbeat? Thats why I'm scared. I mean, what if the baby is alive because he's in me. What's going to happen to him when I give birth? I don't know if he'll live and it hurts me too much to think about that.”

What if its the venom thats keeping him alive.” James says, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

Thats what Jake and I wondered. Maybe the venom effected him. Maybe we won't know until he's born, you know if he..doesn't....”

Lets talk about something else.” James, thank god, interrupted me. “How about we talk about Jake and Angela getting some sleep and you and I going for a walk.”

That sounds good.” I say getting up and wiping sand off my clothes.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” Jakes says when James and I are walking away. I shoot Jake a glare and James just chuckles and places a hand on my lower back to guide me away.

You know, its really starting to freak me out that you guys, all of a sudden, are getting along.” I stop walking to look at him. “Why are you guys getting along?” He rubs my cheek.

Because theres nothing to fight over anymore. Jake has Angela.” I just mouth oh. And were doing it again and I notice its happening a lot more. We were staring at each other. It was one of those stares that you try your hardest to pull away but you cant bring yourself to actually do it. We were just taking each other in, again. James was looking at me like, I don't know, like he had been lost in the desert for years and he finally found an oasis or something. I couldn't explain it. I could feel the intensity of his look overwhelming. He leaned it a bit and it took all my energy to not meet him halfway. I recoiled and walked away. He sighed but didn't say anything. I have to stop doing this to him, I thought. He doesn't deserve it.

So, James. Tell me about yourself.”

What do you want to know?”

I want to know what you were up to before you came here. Before the day I met you. What brought you to forks? Where were you going?”

He raised an eyebrow and leaned in. “The better question is, who was I running from?” He whispered. I chuckled.

Okay, who were you running from?” I mock.

I don't want to talk about it.”

Thats not fair!” I whine.

Fine. I was running from...” He stops walking and sits down on an abandoned log.

Running from...” I sit across from him.

My girlfriend.” I couldn't hold it. I snorted and he shot me a glare before looking down at his hands.

I'm sorry.” I say, trying to stop laughing. “Go on.”

I had this girlfriend. Victoria.” He said her name full of disgust and he visibly shivered.

That bad?”

Worse. She was crazy. Like, really crazy. When we would hunt she would....it was bad. I mean, hunting and feeding its not hard. You find a human and you drink.” I shivered. “But Victoria, she went beyond that. She tortured her prey and she enjoyed it when they cried. You could see it in her eyes. She was-”


James chuckled. “I was going to say weird but yeah, crazy sums it up. And when we weren't hunting she was clingy. It was always 'Snookums, when are we going to get married,' and 'I can't wait to have you all to myself.' And we weren't even going out. I mean, we had fun. But that was all I wanted. I didn't want anything serious.” He looks up from the floor and into my eyes. He's doing the staring thing again. “I wasn't in love with her.” He said, softly.

Snookums?” I say with a laugh. Its the best I could do to shake the feeling that James was giving me. He glared at me. “I'm sorry. Its just... I can't imagine you a snookums.”


Yeah, you don't seem like a snookums.”

He gets up off the log and kneels in front of me. “What do I seem like, then?” I could feel myself breathing harder. He was staring from eyes to my lips, leaning in.

I can't imagine you having a nickname. Just James.” He shakes his head and sighs.

Shot down like a gangster.” I heard him mutter as he got up. I ignored it. “What did Edward call you?”

Love.” My voice low and squeaky. I cleared my throat. “He always called me love. Could we not talk about him.”

Fine with me.” And its quiet. I stay looking down at the sand. Write my name with a stick and doodle. Maybe now would be a good time to actually talk to James, I think to myself. Now or never. I look at James and then continue doodling. Later. Not now, not never, just later. James eyes are on me and I wait the silence out until the morning when we hear Jake and Angela wake up.

Ooh. What did you two do?” Angela says, she obviously didn't notice how distant James and I were.

Nothing.” James tells her. “Good morning.” James walks past her.

What happened.” She mouths to me. I roll my eyes and signal to James. She nods understandably. Jake packs the stuff into the trunk.

What now?” Angela asks.

Now we go tell Charlie.”

Dun, dun, dun!” Jake sings. I slap his shoulder.

Shut up. Don't scare the courage out of me.”

So how do you plan on doing this?”

We just do it.”

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Chapter: 33

I take a deep breath in and exhale.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Char-” I stop when James shakes his head. “Oh, right. Not Charlie but dad.” I take a deep breath and exhale. “Dad?”

Yes, Bella?”

Theres something that I want to talk to you about. Can we sit down?” James nods his head, letting me know that I'm doing okay so far.

Is everything okay?”

Yeah, dad. Everything is peachy.” I rub my palms against my thighs nervously. “You see dad. I'm sure that you were ready for me and the baby to stay with you, and thats awesome. How many fathers would allow this in their home? Not many, I bet.” My voice quavered and I cleared my throat. “Anyways, I want to say this quick and easy.” I take a deep breath and exhale. “I'm moving out!”


James!” I whine. “We've been doing this for, like, an hour. Please, take this seriously.” James chuckles.

Told you to let me play Charlie, Bells.” Jake says.

But you would just go easy on me Jake and we both know Charlie.” I sigh. We were at my house waiting for Charlie to show up so I could break the news to him. “This is hard!” I moan. I had been practicing with James and he just broke my courage completely. Even if James was just acting, his reactions scared me. “I don't think I'm ready for this.”

Sure you are, Bella.” Angela says assuringly. “Come on,” she says slapping my knee. “I'll be Charlie.” Jake and James snort back their laughter.

Char-” I clear my throat. “Dad. Theres something that I've been meaning to tell you.”

You know you can tell me anything, dear.” Angelas reaction causes Jake to go into a laughing fit.

Th...this...isn't some...some...after school special.” Jake says taking a deep breath. “This is Charlie! Charlie!”

I growl. “I know, Jake! Thanks Angela, really. I just don't think any of this is working.” I get up and put the chair back into the kitchen. “This was a stupid idea. Who was I kidding. A house? Seriously? Moving? Seriously? That was stupid.”

Bella, don't do that to yourself.” Angela comes over to hug me. “Its not a stupid idea. And you'll have to leave eventually won't you?” She pulls away. “I mean, what are you going to do when baby Ed....the baby turns five. Are you still going to share a room with him?”

Well, no-”

Well then you have to do this.”

I think now would be a good time as ever.” James says looking out the window.

Screw you, James.” I mutter. “It could wait another week or until neverary.”

I just said that because Charlie just pulled up.”

Shit!” I moan.

He'll be here in about ten seconds.”

How did I not hear him?” I could hear him now though. Two footsteps. Stop. Two footsteps back, probably wondering whose car is in the driveway.

Do you not know how to use your vampire senses?” James says shaking his head. I flip him the bird and rush to make everything look normal. Put the chairs back, check. Turn the TV on, check. Everyone sitting down, check. “Hey dad!” I yell from the kitchen when he walks in seconds later.

Whose car-” He stops talking and freezes in he doorway. He looks around the living room. “Oh, hey.” He says to everybody. “Bella.” He walks next to wear I'm standing. “You didn't tell me we were having company.” He says in a low voice not knowing that his voice isn't actually low and everyone in the living room can hear him and I can hear everyone shifting in their seats uncomfortably.

Oh shoot. Yeah, just for dinner.” I put the spaghetti noodles in the pot of boiling water then walk to the living room following my dad. My palms felt clammy. I felt shaky, nervous and I felt like vomiting. “Dad this is, Jake who-”

I already know who Jake is, Bella.”

Yeah, I know. That was just a brain fart.”

Are you okay, Bella?” Charlies about to put the back of his hand against my forehead but I dodged it. The last thing I need is for Charlie to wonder why his daughter is bone chilling cold.

Fine, dad. Anyways, this is James. He's-”

He's the guys that took you out last night, right?”

Yes, sir.” James says getting up from his seat to shake Charlies hand. “Its pleasure to meet you Mr.-”

Officer Swan.” Charlie say, putting his hand over his gun.

Officer Swan.” James says and sits back down.

And, dad.” He turns his attention back to me. “This is An-”

This is Angela, Charlie.” Jakes says getting up and helping Angela up as well. “My girlfriend.”

Hi, Mr. Swan.” Angela says in a weak voice.

Hello there, Angela.” Charlie says to her stomach. The tips of his ears turn red. A warning that he's either embarrassed or mad. Probably both. He turns to the TV as Jake and Angela take a seat. “What are you guys watching?”

The game.” Jakes says turning to the TV. “Ballet? Oh, yeah. Ballet. Ang-”

I was just channel surfing.” Angela says. She pats the couch around her, looking for something. Charlie picks up the remote thats in his chair and clears his throat.

We were about to channel surf but we couldn't find the remote.” Jakes says nervously. He gets up and grabs the remote from Charlies hand. Instead of changing the channel he just shuts it off and laughs nervously.

Are you kids, okay?” Charlie asks.




Peachy.” He turns to look at me with and eyebrow raised. I laugh and smile. Peachy. I thought, kicking myself mentally.

You kids just seem a little..” BOOM! He slams his flashlight down on the counter and we all jump. “Jumpy.” We all laugh. I go back to the kitchen and rush cooking.

Dinners ready.” I yell from the kitchen and hear a couple of sighs of relief.

The first few minutes of dinner were uncomfortable. I stared and Jake who kept gesturing for me to 'hurry up and tell Charlie', he'd kept mouthing when Charlie wasn't looking. Angela kept glaring at Jake and mouthing, 'just leave her alone'. All the while James is just sitting back and smiling and mouthing to me, telling me how stupid we were.

So Bella,” Charlie said breaking the uncomfortable silence. “When do you plan on moving?” I choked. Literally. I started choking on my food. I gulped down my glass of water. “Bella, are you okay?” Charlie asked worriedly.

Yeah, Charlie. I'm fine.” I said between coughs and deep breathes. “What did you say?”

I asked, what have you been doing?”

You did?” I asked feeling stupid. “Oh. Nothing.” I answered too quickly and Charlies eyebrows shot up. I smiled innocently. “I just been hanging around with James and Jake.” His eyebrows were still raised. “And Angela.” His face didn't change. “You know, just hanging out.” Suddenly, James coughed something under his breath, which sounded kind of like, “Youranidiot.” I glared at him. Then a thought came to me. I smile my best chesire cat smile. He lifts and eyebrow, questioningly. “Aw, James.” I frowned. “Don't you like my spaghetti?” I asked innocently. Charlie, fork in the air in front of his mouth, looked at James wide eyes.

Uh, well.” James stuttered. “You know I ate before I came. Yeah, I told you.”

You did? Hm. I must not have heard you. Well, come on, don't make me feel like a bad cook. Try some.” I cocked my head to the side and just stared at James. James eyes flickered to Charlie who was watching with interest. Jake choked back a laugh and once again Angela was oblivious to what was going on around her. Her face was locked on her plate and she was wolfing down her food. James hesitated before lifting up his fork and twisting it into the spaghetti. He lifted his fork to his mouth, paused to stare at everybody. I leaned forward, rested my elbow on the table and rested my chin in my hand and raised my eyebrows, daring him. He put the spaghetti in his mouth and chewed. It took all his strength to keep from gagging. He finally swallowed and smiled at me.

I like my moms better.” James said and pushed his plate forward. Charlie cleared his throat and I sat back in my chair.

Okay.” Charlie said putting his fork on his plate. “Whats going on?” I felt my body tense and I tried to relax. I opened my mouth to quickly say, “What are you talking about,” but before I could say anything anything Charlie continued. “I'm not blind, Bella. Don't think I don't see all of you mouthing to each other, exchanging glances, gesturing to me. I'm not a fool. If you have something to say to me just say it. Stop playing games.”

Dad. We weren't-”

I'm not and idiot, Bella. I've kept secrets from my parents before. Just say it!” He practically yelled at me.

I want to move out.” I said slowly, choking back the sobs that wanted to break through.

What?” Charlie asked in disbelief.

I want to move out.” I repeated louder. Everyone shifted in their seats.

Are you crazy-”

I'm not crazy, dad. Edward bought us a house. It was for after we were married but he said I could have it.”


I said-”

I know what you said.” He snapped. “I can't believe this. I put up with a lot of your stuff Bella.”

What?” It was my turn to be in disbelief.

I let things slide with you. How many fathers do you know who lets a boy sleep in their daughters room, huh?” He yelled. “Huh?!” He shouted when I didn't answer.

None.” I snapped back.

Thats right, none. I wasn't stupid, Bella. I knew what you and Jake were up to.” I gasped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. “I thought that if I put my foot down on that matter you would rebel. So I kept my mouth shut and let it go on under my roof so I can keep an eye on you.”

Dad. It wasn't like that.” He didn't hear me.

Then you started going out with that Newton boy.” He spat. “And I couldn't keep an eye on you. I knew you were going to do something stupid and I was right”

Charlie!” Jake threw back his chair in anger but Charlie didn't flinch. His eyes were still on me.

Dad!” I cried. This hurt too much. Hearing this from my father hurt too much. My eyes were burning and my throat was closing up. This was the man who take care of me after my mom left. The man who I took care of. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

How many fathers do you know who let their daughters get away with this? I know hers didn't.” He pointed to Angela, whose eyes widened and tears began to form. She stood up to stand next to Jake who place a protective arm around her waist.

Thats enough, Charlie!” Jake growled.

Huh, Bella?” Charlie slammed his fist on the table so hard I jumped ten feet in the air. “Do you know what I sacrificed to take care of you? Do you know how hard it was for me? And how do you repay me? Being a little slut and getting pregnant!” He yelled loud enough for the neighbors dog to start barking.

Thats it!” James growled pushing away from the table. He walked around my father to stand in front of me. I was shaking and sobbing. James grabbed my face. “You don't have to hear this.” He said looking into my eyes.

I'm her father! She'll hear whatever I have to say!” Charlie yelled. “I sat back and kept my mouth shut when you got pregnant. I sat back and kept my mouth shut when Edward and you decided to get married. I sat back and kept my mouth shut when he left!” I coughed up a sob and dared to look at Charlie. James pulled my face away. He kept his hands on my cheek and kept staring into my eyes. I did my best to stay focused on him and ignore Charlie. “But I will not sit back and let you make another stupid mistake. I will not sit back and keep my mouth shut. If you think you are moving out then you got another thing coming. I'M KICKING YOU OUT!” He pushed off the table in anger and the table almost hit Angela. He stormed out of the house and to his cruiser and drove off. I couldn't hold it back now. The tears were falling and the sobs were escaping. James hand to lift me up in his arms and carry me to my room.

Shh. Stop crying.” He whispered to me as he sat me down on my bed. I shook my head. I couldn't stop. “Its okay, Bella. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”

Will it?” I cry. “Will it be okay, James? Charlie has never spoke to me like that.”

He was just-”

Never. No matter how mad he was. I never made him that mad.”

It'll be okay, sweetheart.” He pulls me into a hug and lets me sob on his shirt. I'm not sure how long we're alone for when Jake knocks on the door. I pull away from James

I got tears on you shirt.” I say through a forced smile. He puts my face in his hands and looks into my eyes.

I don't care.” He says smiling and my fake smile turns into a real one. We're doing the staring thing again.

As much as I'd hate to break up this cute love scene.” Jake says stepping into my room. James sighs and shakes his head.

Are you sure you hate it?” James asks getting up and walking out.

Whats his problem?” Jake takes a seat next to me.

Oh, I don't know. Maybe its the fact that every time he gets close to me, I push away like an idiot.” I throw myself back on my bed. “Or, maybe its the fact that every time he tries to get close something gets in the way. Like, I don't know, my lack of feelings.” I rub my eyes. “I'm so stupid. I had three perfect guys in my life and I let them all slip away.”

Aw.” Jake sighs. “I'm perfect?” I roll my eyes and playfully shove him.

Shut up! Angela is lucky to have.”

No. I'm lucky to have her.”

Are you?” Angela asks, appearing at the doorway. Jake gets up with a big ol' cheesy grin on his face.

I am.” He whispers softly before kissing her. Its was such a moving moment I felt embarrassed for staring and quickly looked away.

How are you feeling?” Angela takes a seat next to me and Jake is nowhere to be seen.

Horrible because of Charlie and....guilty because of James.”

Ah, James.” Angela says understandably.

And Charlie.” I mutter. “This night didn't exactly go the way I planned.”

Are you okay?” Angela asks taking my hand in hers.

No. I don't know if I'll ever be okay after hearing all that stuff from Charlie.” My eyes start to water. “I didn't know my dad thought of me that way. You know, that way.” I cry. “I can't believe it.”

He's just hurt, Bella. He's all you have. Parents don't exactly want to hear about their pregnant eighteen year old daughter wanting to move out.”

Parents dont exactly want to hear their pregnant teenage daughters doing anything except parenting.”

True. But he'll come around.”

I hope so, Angela.” I sniffle. “I hope so.”

So.” James says appearing in the doorway. “What do we do now?” Jake and Angela and James stare at me, waiting for an answer.

Now,” I sigh. “We move.”

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Chapter: 34

My computer crashed! When I say crash I mean CRASHED!!! Dark screen and everything. It totally sucks! Stupid computers and their stupid crashing. Anyways. I lost the next three chapters and it completely sucks because they were actually good but fuck! I'm lost now. I figure I type something up real quick and put it up cause I haven't updated in a while. Hope you like the little filler. OH! And what the heck are all those codes?? You know? The whole OOC and the rest of the of stuff like that. Anyone care to explain? Yes? No? I aint tripping...

I pull my copy of the house key out of my pocket and slide the key through the key whole. I hear Jake and James both sigh. I don't have to turn around to know that they're annoyed.

I wonder how long its going to take this time.” Jake says.

What?” Angela asks.

Bella has a problem.” James answers.

I don't have a problem.”

Yeah you do.” James says.

What problem?” Angela asks.

She has a problem taking big steps.” Jake answers.

Yup.” James says. “When we started packing up the baby's stuff it took her about half an hour to open the door.”

No it didn't.” I say.

Yeah. It did.” Jake says. I roll my eyes.

Hey, are you going to open the door yet?” James asks.

Shut up, James.”

She's just scared guys. This is a big step for Bella. Let her take her time.” Angela says.

Thanks, Ang.”

No problem.” She smiles.

I put my hand on the on the doorknob but before I get a chance to turn it someone opens the door. James. “What are you doing? You just messed up my big step! How did you get in?” James lifts his copy of the key. “You weren't suppose use it yet!” I whine.

Hey. Nice house.” James says stepping out of the way to let us in.

This is so not fair. You weren't suppose to see the house before me.” I push past him.

Well, lets just all be happy at the fact than now we can move in.” Jake says stepping through the doorway.

I can't wait. I'm so excited to be living on my own and not having mom and dad breathing down my back.” Angela says following Jake.

Okay. Well now that we're all inside lets see what we got.” I clap my hands and walk into the living. “I guess this is it.” I mutter when I see whats set up.

No way.” Angela gasps.

Way!” Jake and James high five each other. I know why they're excited. A big screen TV. Complete entertainment system. Game systems. Shelves full of Xbox games and DVD's . I couldn't help but think that Emmett had his part in all of this. Angela and I exchange a glance.

We're going to check out the rest the house.” I grab Angelas hand. “Downstairs or up?” I asks. Its a tri-level house. We walk down six step and we're in another living room. Couches. Big screen TV. DVD's. We turn right and theres a short hallway. “Bedroom.” I turn on the light and its a big bedroom. A very big bedroom. Completely furnished.

I call this room.” Angela says.

Fine with me.” I turn off the light and open the door opposite of the bedroom. “Yours and Jakes bathroom.” There a shower and bath. The walls are a soft green and so are all the accessories.

Wow.” Angela gasps.

Yup.” I close the door and head back upstairs. The boys pulled the couch so that its inches away from the TV and they're playing the Xbox. I roll my eyes. “Jake.” He doesn't hear me. “Jake!” I yell. He sighs and puts the game on pause.

What!” He says annoyed.

Angela picked your bedroom.” He lifts and eyebrow and smiles. He throws the remote on the couch.

I guess we'll see you guys later.” Jake says wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh.

Riiiight.” I says and push him when he passes me. I hear their door shut and shortly after that I hear muffled laughter. “I so do not want to know what they're doing.” I laugh and look at James. He smiles at me crookedly and raises an eyebrow. I shiver. “Want to check out the upstairs with me?” James gets off the couch and walks to me. He stops a few inches away from me.

When you say 'check out' do you mean...” He wiggles his eyebrow. I laugh and push him back.

When I says 'check out' I mean 'check out'. Dork.” I head up the stair with James following. There's a short hallway leading to a bedroom on the right and on the left there a hallway with two bedrooms and a bathroom opposite of the bedrooms.

I call this room.” James says at the doorway of the bedroom thats at the end of the hallway near the stairs.

Baby's room.” I say, picking the room thats in the middle of the two other rooms. “My room.” I point to the room next to the babys. “And you better not be a pig because we share a bathroom. I turn on the light to the bathroom. The walls are a dark blue and the accessories are a light blue.

Whoa.” James says when he checks the cabinet. “Its like a baby pharmacy.”

Let me see.” I push him out of the way. The medicine cabinets above the sink are full of things I didn't think a baby would need. Teething drops. Gas drops. Colic drops. Teething tablets. Tylenol and Motrin. And a lot of other things. I check the cabinets under the sink. Baby shampoo, lotions and soap. All with different fragrances. Bath toys and washcloths. “I see what you mean by 'whoa'.”

Whats this?” James says picking up a little contraption. I laugh. “What?” He says glaring at me.

Its support for the baby when he's in the bath. Do you not see the picture?” I laugh and he throws it at me. “Oooh. Mature.”

I'll show you mature.” James says rushing towards me. He swoops me into his arms and run to his bedroom. He drops me on the bed and starts tickling me. Okay, I admit it. I'm ticklish. It gets worse when someone tickles me when I'm already laughing.

W-w-wait. St-st-stop!” I try to scream but end up laughing. “Tr-truce!” I manage to scream.

Truce.” James says and gets off of me. He offers his hand and I take it.

It doesn't take long for us to bring the boxes off the van but it takes a while to unpack the baby stuff.

Do babies really need all this crap?” James says, hanging up another handful of clothes in the closet.

Probably not. This boy is..was going to get spoiled. I think Alice and Rose went a little overboard.” I stick more onesies in the drawer. “But I'm glad I have a lot of stuff the share with Angelas baby. Thank god they're both boys cause I don't think Angela has anything. Whats my sons is hers.” James turns to look at me.

She's lucky to have you as a friend.” He says. I snort.

Yeah. She's really lucky. I made her faint. Twice.” James laughs. He walks and stands in front of me. He places his hand on my cheek and I can't help but relax against him. He rubs his thumb on my cheek and whispers, “You're amazing.” And he starts to lean in and I know he's going to kiss me. As much as I would love to kiss James and don't get me wrong he is a great kisser, I can't. I told myself that he deserved better and I mean it. I pull away and mutter a sorry and walk out the room, but not before I hear James mutter 'Crap' and see him throw a handful of diapers against the wall.

It didn't take long to put the rest of the stuff away. Jake and Angela helped out a little towards the end. I decided to ignore the fact that Angelas face was completely flushed. We're all adults. We know what happened. Jake and Angela kept flirting and I couldn't help but gag. They'd laugh it off and in the end I get pillows thrown at my face. But seriously, the way they stared at each other it made me blush and I felt like I was in the middle of something personal. I had to focus on a very ugly picture of Angela with braces.

Well that didn't take too long.” Angela sighs and throws herself on the couch. She shuts her eyes and I notice after a while that she's asleep.

Angela?” I push her foot with mine.

Leave me alone.” She mutters.

Don't you have school tomorrow?” Her eyes shoot wide open.

Crap.” She mutters. She gets up and runs down the stairs. A while later I hear the shower running.

I guess I'm going to call it a night too.” Jake says getting up from the couch. “Night guys.”

Night.” Jame and I both say.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” Jake says over his shoulder. I gasp and James laughs.

Shut up!” I mutter and get up and plop myself next to him on the couch. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I snuggle into his side. He kisses the top of my head. “What do you want to do, sweetheart?” James asks me in a low throaty voice. I ignore it.

Do you miss sleep?” I ask him. He shrugs.

Its been so long since I slept. I haven't really thought about it.”

How old are you, James?” He laughs.

Older than you.” He says and gets up to grab the remote. He turns on the TV and starts flipping through the guide.

How much older?” I ask, curiously.

A lot older. Stop asking.” He said annoyed.

Well if you just answer the question then-”

James sighed. “Fine. I'm twenty-two and have been for fifty years plus, okay!” He got up and sat in the couch opposite from mine. I snorted. “Don't.” He said, warning me not to laugh. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I start laughing. James sighs.

Wow!” I say trying to control my laughter.


Grandpa? Can I sit on you lap?” I get a pillow thrown in my face. “Hey!” I say trying to sound angry. “So, your what, seventy-two?”

James laughs. “If you say so.”

Is that a yes?”


Then its a no,” I sigh.


What the hell!” I yell, frustrated.

Hey don't get your panties in a bunch.”

Don't talk about my panties!” I gasp, offended.

Sorry. But I said I was fifty years plus. That means it could be, oh I don't' know, sixty, seventy, a hundred.”

Thats not fair!”

Hey you asked and I answered. I just didn't answer the way you wanted me to.”

I hate you!” I mutter and head for the stairs. James is in front of my face in no time at all.

Lets not go to sleep angry.” He says, holding up both hands in surrender.

We're not going to sleep, period.” I try to move pass him but he blocks me. “Get out of my way before I push you out of my way.”

Please. Like you could.”

I could use my shieldy thingy.” It was James turn to snort.

Like you could use it on me. You don't even know how to use it.” He laughs.

Hey! Thats not funny, you know.” I glare at him.

I know. I'm sorry.” He pulls me into his arms and I felt my body relax under his hold. “Lets just call a truce and watch a movie, kay?” He kisses the top of my head.

Truce, then.” I say.

Truce.” James says and kisses my cheek.

Oh my god!” Angela says slamming the front door. We were getting use to this. For the three days, since we moved in, she's come home from school slamming the door. First it was cause of Ben, so then Jake went to school with her and kept an eye on her. Complete stalker status. Except he wasn't stalking her cause she knew. Then it was because Lauren and Jessica tried to beat her up so then I had to go to school and get all 'in your face,' and what not. So far its been calm. But then again. It was only Wednesday. She was home late today and I forgot she- we- had a doctors appointment.

Hey!” James and I mutter from the couch. We were watching repeats of Jerry Springer.

Hey!” Jake says appearing from the downstairs.

Today totally and completely sucked!” Angela says and sits down. “Did you guys hear me?” She asks James and me.

Totally.” I say.

Completely.” James says.

You guys suck!” Angel mutters.

I grab the remote and shut off the TV. “Sorry, Angela.” I turn in my seat to face her.

Its okay.” She says, coolly. She turns her head to stare at the mantle and says, “I just won't tell you about you and James appearing in the yearbook.”

I felt my eyes go wide. “What?”

Angela gets off the couch. “Is anyone hungry? I'm starved.” She heads to the kitchen. I follow.

What about me and Bella in the yearbook?” James asks. I didn't notice him following.

Is that what I said?” Angela says, digging through the pantry. She shrugs. “Thats odd. Why would I says that?”

Okay. Spill.” I say, blocking her path. She turns around but James cuts her off.

Spill.” James says.

Angela screams so loud that James and I wince. “Jake, help! Help! They're trying to hurt me!” I hear Jake laugh but I don't' hear him get off the couch.

Sorry, babe. You're on your own. You walked right into that one. You should know how they are by now.” Jake says. Angela gasps. She glares at James and me and we stare right back. Its true. Since the four of us were living under one roof the house ended up getting divide. Jake and Ang against James and me. It didn't happen on purpose it just sorta, I don't know, it happened.

Fine!” She finally mutters after a while. “But first, chips.” She says and a second later James hands her a bag of Doritos. “I hate you guys!”

Aw, Angela.” I sigh and hug her. James joins.

We love you, too.” James says.

Get off!” She shrieks and pushes us. Of course we had to let her push us.

Okay, seriously. Whats up?” I jump on the counter. James comes to stand between my legs and faces Angela. His hands rest on my knee and mine are on his shoulder. Again, this happened without us thinking about it. James and I just always, somehow, manage to find a way to be near each other, kind of like a reflex. It just happens.

Okay. Well first,” She puts a handful of Doritos in her mouth and starts talking with her mouth full. “Wen turd to tawk to mmm.” My face was a question mark and I could just sense that James was confused.

Wen turd to tawk?” James says teasingly.

Whose Wen?” I ask, following James lead in the teasing.

Angela sighs and rolls her eyes. She opened her mouth to talk but keeps chewing and swallows. “Dorks! I said that Ben tried to talk to me.” I heard Jake get off the couch and the next thing I know hes standing by Angela.

What happened? Did he hurt you?” Jake starts probing her face and checks her arms and shoulders.

I'm fine, babe.” Angela says and kisses his cheek. “He didn't try anything. I think he's scared.”

James snorts, “Of you?”

Asshole. No. I guess cause I'm going out with this big husky sexy guy.” She plants a wet sloppy kiss on his mouth. James and I exchange a look and snort. “Dorks. Anyways, he tried pulling that whole court thing-” At the mention of court, my stomach starts to do flips. James squeezes my knee, comforting me like he knew what I was thinking. You see? Its like we're connected or something. “But I know he's not going to go through with it.”

Why not?” James asks.

Because he's got a basketball scholarship.”


Sooooo, he's not going to throw that away for a baby. Even his own.”

Good point.”

Okay. Get to the point about the yearbook.” I say.

Gosh. Self obsessed much?” Angela jokes. I grab a Dorito and throw it at her then grab another one and eat it. “Okay. The yearbook staff and I-”

Aka, the dorks.” James mutter and I laugh. Angela glares at us. She didn't hear but she knew we were laughing at something she had said.

You know, I don't have to tell you guys.” She says over our laughter.

I clear my throat. “Sorry, Angela”

Nope. Apology not accepted. You guys could wait till the yearbook comes out.” I gasp. “Oh, and I got this card from the counter at the doctors office. Since you couldn't make it I was nice enough to grab it for you.” She hands me a card and storms off.

That wasn't cool.” Jakes says. His voice was meant to sound mean but he was smiling so James and I shrugged it off.

We so weren't cool.” James sighs, in mock disappointment. He turns around to face me. His hands go on my stomach and he starts tapping his hands on my stomach, doing some beat thing. The baby always reacts to that. “Yup. He's going to be a drummer.” Jake says and starts tapping my side. On cue the baby kicks my side.

For a natural home birth call so and so at so and so.” I read off the card. I grab the phone that was, conveniently, sitting next to me. I call and get the machine. I leave my name and number and the new address.

You're really going to go through this home birth thing?” James looked up at me through his bangs. In the past week his hair has gone from short to a shag like cut. I didn't know our hair could grow but I guess it does.

I nod. “Yup. Its a lot safer than going to the hospital. I don't know how vampires have babies but at least here we're away from all those doctors.” I snap my finger. “Plus! They don't use any of those machines that reads the heart rate. Thats a big plus.” He smiles.

I kind of don't like it.” He frowns.


He shrugs. “I don't think that its safe. You could get hurt or the baby. I've read some scary stories that happened during childbirth.”

You read?”

He sighs. “I'm not a complete moron.” He rolls his eyes. He shakes his head to the side to clear his face from his bangs. The fact that he had bangs now kinda made his eyes stick out more. They looked amazing. Why am I thinking about James so much? I shake my head and clear it from all thoughts of him.

I know. You're half moron and half dweeb.” I pitch my voice lower. “Its okay, I won't tell anyone.” I whisper. He shakes his head and pushes away from me. He offers me his hand and that little movement made his wife beater lift a little bit to reveal his trail of hair that lead down to.... Oh god! I pulled my eyes away. I ignored his hand and jumped of the counter. I could feel the heat rising from my neck to my cheeks.

Are you okay? You seem a little flushed.” He says it in a way that sounded so cocky I had to resist the urge to slap him.

I'm fine.” I say, my voice trembling. I grab a glass of water. When I turn around James is staring at me from the door way. “What?”

You want to watch a movie?” He asks. Then stretches to where his fingers are touching the top or the doorway. He was dressed in loose pants, very loose pants. You could see his boxers but he wasn't sagging. It was the type of loose that made me imagine them falling down. You could also see his muscles working underneath his beater and on his arms and when did James become so damn SEXY!

Sounds good.” I nod. He turns and walks away. He had a nice...

Were you looking at my butt?” My eyes snap up and meet his. He had a big grin like he was proud that I was staring.

Yes. “No. You don't even have a butt.” Yes you do and its so damn sexy.

Riiight. Well come on Ms. Hormonal. We're watching something to get us is the mood..”


What? I was going to say, get us in the mood to laugh. Get your mind out of the gutter Swan.” I flip him the bird and follow him into the living room. Jake and Angela scramble up the stairs. Jake is fixing his shirt, straightening it out. I look at Angela. She smiles at me and she fixing her hair.

We so don't want to know.” I says when Jake opens his mouth to explain.

We were just-”

We said we didn't want to know.” James says and shuts Jake up for good.

A sucky way to end the chapter, I know! I really should start backing up my files and shit.

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Chapter: 35

Wow! i was actually surprised to see someone rooting for the James and Bella romance. They have a connection but COME ON Bella totally loves Edward. As much as i want James and Bella to be together, wait, who knows whats going to happen. Yes, people. Edward will be returning but not until the sequel, called DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. yup yup. the last chapter to this story will be all Edward. Yup. Starting from the break up till.... oh, i dont know. Hope you guys enjoy this litlle quicky. i had fun with this one.

Hi, this is Charlie and Bella- the sound of my voice on my dads machine brought tears to my eyes- leave your name and number and we'll get back to you, we both finished. BEEP

I sighed. “Hi, Dad! This is Bella. Its about two fifteen. I'm calling to see how you were doing.” My voice cracked. “I haven't talked to you in a while. Call me back, kay?” I sniffled. “I love you, Dad.” I hang up.

James rolls his eyes. “Thats, what, the eighty seventh time you called in the pass week and a half.”

Yup. And he's still not answering.” I feel my tears fall on my cheek. James wipes them away.

Give him some time, Bella. He's probably been busy.” James says trying to comfort her.

That wasn't true. In fact, what Bella didn't know, was that Charlie was home right now. He saw the caller ID and it was his choice not to answer the phone. He didn't listen to Sue when she said that he should just let it go and talk to his daughter. He didn't listen when Sue said that Bella was the only family he had.

I can't take back what I said, Sue.” Charlie sighed. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and slid them down his face. “I was an ass. You should have heard me. I never-” He swallowed hard and fought back the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn't want Sue to see him so weak.

She'll forgive you, Charlie.” Sue says giving him a hug. “She knows you didn't mean it.”

She doesn't know that. You should have seen her face.” He lost the battle with his tears. They fell and he sniffled. “I hurt her so bad. How could I have done that-” Sue pulls away and wipes his face.

She's your daughter. She'll forgive you.”

Maybe Sue. Just...maybe.”

So, that chick is coming today?” James says. He was helping me clean up the living room.

She's not a chick. Her name is Sue-Ellen.”

That doesn't sound very hippie.”

What is it with you and Ang thinking that all the people who do this home birthing crap thingy is a hippie.” I sighed and took a deep breath. “I'm nervous.”

James slings an arm around my shoulder. “Theres nothing to be worried about.”

He's right.” Angela says, emerging from the kitchen where her and Jake were 'cleaning.' They were, in fact, making out. The reason I know this is because James and I caught them. Hormonal, much? “You have nothing to worry about. If you want, Jake and I could stay. We don't have to eat lunch.”

Jake and I both snort. “Yeah.” I mutter. “Right.”

You guys don't have to stay.” James says. “I'll be here.”

Like that comforts us.” Angela says, rolling her eyes.

Its okay guys.” I say, interrupting Angela and James war before it actually go started. “We got it covered.”

Okay. Bye.” Jake says quickly and practically drags Angela out the house.

I know what they're going to do.” James says in a sing-song voice.


At two thirty the doorbell rings. I open the door to find a girl who doesn't look old enough to a nurse. She was short. Very short. Kinda. Black hair, straight face. Yup. Didn't look like nurse material.

Hi. I'm Bella.” I says cheerfully and a little nervous.

Jane.” She says flatly. She lets herself inside. She has a look around the living room and her eyes land on James. “No need to get up.” She says to James when he's about to introduce himself. “You don't live here alone.” She says and cocks her head to the side, as if she were listening to voices whispering in her ear.

Yes. We have to other house mates. Jane? Are you the birthing instructor.”

No.” She says flatly. “I'm just checking.” She says and leaves without another word.

James get off the couch and goes to the window. “She's gone. That was a little-”

Weird.” I say and my body shivers.

At three the doorbell rings. James answers it this time.

Hi!” Says a bright and cheery voice. “I'm Sue-” James slams the door on her face.

James!” I hiss and push him out of the way. “Hi!” I say, matching her cheerfulness. “I'm Bella.”

So this is our mother to be!” She cries and grabs my hands in hers. “Look at you. You're positively glowing. You're due soon?”

I nod. “June twentieth.”

My, my, my. Thats in five more weeks.” She grabs a notepad out of her purse and start to scribble. “Do you know where in the house you want to have your...” She trails off.

Son.” James answers. “She's having a son.” She jots it down.

And you must be the father.” She says. James and I both open our mouths to correct her but she throws her arms around his neck. “You two must be so happy!” She cries and pulls away. “So, do you know where you want to have this baby? Here is a list of what you need.” She hands me a paper with a list. A mattress, towels, water and some other things. “You might have to go to the hospital and tell them that you're doing a natural birth. That will help you get some of the supplies you need. You'll have to pay, though.”

Of course. The rooms this way.” I lead her upstairs to the baby's room.

My, my, my. This will be perfect. With just the right lighting. This is perfect.” She squeals and clap her hands. “I will check up on you, once a week, for the next five weeks. Then when you start labor call me. Then call me again when you're contractions are seven minutes apart.” She leaves the room and walks downstairs. “I'm not going to give you a check up today. Hearing all of this is overwhelming enough. Now. When the time comes to deliver you're free to have whomever you want in the room. I will have a nurse of two waiting in the hallway and an ambulance in the driveway, should any problems occur.”


Oh. Don't worry my dear. Everything will be fine.” She gives me a quick pat on the shoulder. “Now, next week after your checkup I will do a cleansing ritual.”

Cleansing ritual?” James asks, biting back his laughter.

Oh. Yes. We want to rid the house of any bad spirits if there are any. I'm a firm believer in the supernatural.”

Supernatural?” I ask.


You mean, like aliens?” James ask.

And ghosts?” I ask.

And vampires and witches.” Sue says with a nod. James and I laugh. We couldn't help it. It was just... too funny. “My dears, this is no laughing matter.” James wrung his arms around to try to get my attention. When I look at him, James makes a loopy gesture at his temple and whistles. I couldn't help but nod in agreement.

You're right ma'am.” I say and clear my throat. “Its no laughing matter.” After all, James and I are vampires and we live with a werewolf. We believe you.

Its no laughing matter.” James says and opens the front door.

Bella. James. I bid the farewell.” She does a little bow and turns to leave. “See you next Friday, dearies.” She waves and we wave back. Then she leaves, her hips sashaying. I close the door with a sigh.

That was-”

Weird.” James finishes.

When Jake and Ang come home an hour later, James and I tell the the story of Sue-Ellen.”

Sue-Ellen? That doesn't sound hippyish.” Angela says. I roll my eyes.

Dude! We are so going to be here next week.” Jake says. “I have got to see this with my own eyes.”

Angela nods. “Definitely.”

When the doorbell rings the following Friday, James and I answer it. Jake and Angela are sitting on the couch.

James! Bella!” Sue-Ellen cries and wraps her arms around the both of us. She made it seem like we were old friends. I could hear Jake and Angela stifling their laughter in the living room.

Hi, Sue.” James says with fake enthusiasm. Sue pinches his cheek and I bite my lip to hide my smile.

Uh, Sue. I'd like you to meet our house mates.” I grab her hand and lead her into the living room. “Sue, this is Jake.” I gesture to Jake. He shakes her hand. “And this is Angela.” Angela shakes her hand.

My, my, my. Look at you. You're positively glowing.” Sue gushes and Angela blushes. “You and the father must be happy.” Sue says, looking from Jake to Angela, who smile at each other and make no move to explain to Sue that Jakes not the father.

So. Should we get started?” James asks Sue-Ellen.

Sure!” She says. “Let me grab the Doppler.” She walk to the doorway and picks up her old school medical bag. She comes back with the same machine that Carlisle use to use on me. She turns it on and tests it to make sure it works. She places the mic just below my belly button. She moves it around until we hear it. The little swoosh swoosh swoosh.

Are you sure she's not having a horse?” James teases. Thats what it really sounds like by the way. Think of horses galloping on cotton or whatever makes a swoosh sound. I smile hearing his heartbeat.

He's a strong one.” Sue says, turning the Doppler off. “Here get changed into this and lie on the couch.” She hands me a hospital gown. I strip to my bra and panties. Jake and Angela look away and James is the only one gawking at me. The way he was staring at me was enough to make me blush and turn away. It didn't help that he could still see my butt. I hated having to move at human pace. If Sue weren't here I'd already have the gown on. Then again, if Sue weren't here then I wouldn't be getting naked in the living room. I put it on as fast as I can and lay down on the couch. “If you gentlemen wouldn't mind keeping your faces turned away.” Sue says and snaps some gloves on. She puts petroleum jelly on her finger tip and inserts them into my vagina. Yes, its uncomfortable. Theres a lot of mmhmming and mumbling. She presses down on my uterus and does some more mmhmming. She pulls out and takes off the gloves and puts them in a paper bag. “Trash.” She says and hands the bag to Jake. “Everything seems fine.” She pulls out a flimsy measuring tape. She places one end at the top of my pubic area and stretches it over my stomach. “My, aren't you a small one.” She says with a smile. She puts the measuring tape away and jots something down on her notepad. “Everythings fine.” She says when I open my mouth to speak. “You can get dressed now.” I glare at James when he snaps his head at me. He smiles and turns around.

So, everythings okay then?” James asks when I'm done getting dressed.

No need to worry, Daddy. Moms doing just fine and so is the baby.” She pulls something out of her bag.

Is that-” Jake says.

It looks like-” James says.

Oh, its alright dearies. Its just some sage.” Sue says and lights it. It bursts into flame and she blows it out so that there's just smoke rising. “I'll start with the babies room.” She says and we follow her up the stairs.

Whats that smell?” Angela asks sniffing the air.

Sage, darling.” Sue says.

It smells like-”

Just some sage and herb. No reason to be alarmed.” Sue says. She starts swinging the sage stick. “Its just some cleansing herb.”

Its doesn't smell cleansing.” I say and hold my breath.

Oh, crap.” Jake says and sniffs the air. “Thats-”

Yup.” James says.

Get the girls downstairs.” Jake says and practically pushes us out the door before he slams it shut, leaving him alone with Sue-El.

Hey!” Angela screams when James lifts her into his arms. He grabs my arm and starts pulling me.

I'm capable of walking!” I yell and pull myself free.

Suit yourself.” He mutters and at vampire speed he's out of the house and on the front lawn.

Oh god!” Angela moans. She starts fanning her hand at her face. “Oh god!”

Sorry, Angela. Jake wanted you out of the house. I was just following orders.” James says.

Since when do you listen to Jake.” I push him out of Angelas face. I kneel down in front of her. “You okay?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. That was fast. I blinked and here I was. I think I got to-” She doesn't finish. She does what she said she was about to do. Puke. I barely dodge it.

Here.” James says. He has a wet napkin and a bottle of water. He hands it to Angela.

I hate you.” Angela mutters between dry heaves.

Can you please give me my sage stick back.” I turn my attention to the front door where Sue was reaching towards Jake. He pulls her sage stick out of her way, which, by how tall Jake is, is pretty far. Tippy toes won't help her.

This isn't sage. This is weed.” He smells the stick. “Yup, chronic.” Angela and I both gasp. “How could you use this in a house when you know pregnant women are in the same room?”

Yeah!” James says.

It wasn't going to harm them. It was just going to life spirits is all.”

James sighs. “Lift spirits. Yup. It would have lifted Angelas spirit hiiiigh.”

Get your stuff and heres your stick.” Jake gives the 'sage' stick back to Sue.

Here.” James says and hands her the medical bag.

Why, I never!” She huff and storms off. She turns and smile at me when she's near her car. “She you next Friday, deary.” She says in her normal, cheerful voice.

Yeah.” James mutter.

Right.” Jake sighs.

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Chapter: 36

I cant believe that crazy bitch.” Jake says. “Three Aces.” He throws three cards face down into the pile.

Bullshit!” Angela says. Jakes picks up his three cards and the rest of the pile.

Yeah. Sue-El needs to get fired. I wonder if this is her first time.” I say.

What I can't believe- four two's- is that you're still going to let her treat you.” James says.

And I can't believe that you two knew what she was up to.” Angela says. “Um, two threes?”

Angela, babe, you suck at this game.” Jake says and kisses the top of her head. “Bullshit.” He tells her. She pouts and sticks her tongue at him, causing all of us to laugh.

Yeah, how did you guys know?” I asked Jake and James. “I mean- one three suckas- I know what weed is. Who doesn't, right?”

Right.” Everyone mutters.

I never smoked it but I do know the smell. I mean, we knew what the boys were doing behind the bungalows. But Jake-”

No 'but Jake.'" Jake interupts. "Come on, Bella. I was on the football team.”

That explains nothing.”

It explains why Jake doesn't have a brain.” James says. “Tackled too many times, man?” Angela laughs and I can't help but smile.

Dumb ass!” Jake says. “Come, on. I'm a teenager. I'm allowed to make mistakes.”

I squealed in delight. “Yay!” I says clapping my hands. “How was it?”

Whose turn is it?” Jakes say quickly, trying to change the subject.

Its yours.” James says. “But the young lady asked you a question.” Jake shot James a look and James just smiled it off.

Thank you, James.” I say, and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “Mwah!” I say, adding effect.

Is that all I have to do to get a kiss?” He says with a wicked grin.

Moron.” I roll my eyes. “Answer the question Jake.”

Jake sighs. “Four five's. I don't know Bells. I mean, it makes you stupid. Like, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing and...I didn't like the feeling of not being in control of my body.” I burst into a laughing fit. “Its not funny, bitch.” Jake says playfully, and throws his cards at me.

I know.” I gulped, trying not to giggle even harder. “Its not funny. Its just.... you should have seen your face. After school special, much?” I tease.

Look whose talking Ms. Drama.” Jake says. “Call your daddy today?”

I gasp. I would've been angry if he weren't joking, but he was. I smile. “Yup. Ten times.” I stick my tongue out at him.

Gees, Jake. Could your flirting with Bella be any more obvious.” Angela mutters. She pulls herself away from the table. Well, at least she tries to. “Help!” She says directly to James when Jake and I try to help her. “Storming off would have been so much better if I were able to actually storm off.” She mutters when James helps her up. “Dick!” She snapped when Jake tried to talk to her. She had tears in her eyes. “Its bad enough I'm fat and disgusting. I mean, why wouldn't you want Bella, right? She's gorgeous and sexy and she's not even as fat as me!” She cries.

I sigh. “Oh, Ang-”

I'm really hungry.” She cries and throws her arms around me. “I'm hungry, and I'm tired, and I'm,” she lowers her voice to whisper in my ear. “I'm really horny. And I can't take it!” I didn't have to look at the boys to know that they were doing their best not to laugh. “I hate being jealous of you, Bella.”

Oh, Ang. There is nothing to be jealous about. I love Jake but not the same way you do. And he loves me and cares for me but so not the same way he feels about you.”

But you guys have known each other forever. There are things you know about him that I don't.” She cries.

But, you have the rest of forever to find stuff out. I mean, come on! He imprinted with you. Imprint! He's never going to leave you or stop loving you.”

You promise?” Angela asks, looking at Jake.

Oh, honey.” He comes to lift her in his arms. “I love you.”

I love you too!” She starts kissing him passionately. “Can we-” She gestures to the downstairs. I clear my throat and look at James. He seemed very uncomfortable.

Yeah!” Jake moans and buries his head into the crook of her neck. “Oh, Ang.” He moans.

Oh, Jake.” She moans.

Oh, god!” James and I both sigh. “You feel like hunting?” I ask him.

I feel like getting out of this house before they do it on the stairs.” He says, and grabs my hand and pulls me out of the house. Okay, yeah, I'm able to eat food but James was the one that found out that when I didn't have blood I got really pale and sick looking. So I guess I still needed to hunt to stay healthy and whatnot. I actually got quite good at it. I was like Zena the fucking warrior princess or some shit but I could totally kick her ass.

The following Friday, when Sue-El shows up, Jake checks her medical bag to make sure she didn't have any weed on her.

She's clean.” Jake says.

Sue-Ellen does a repeat of what she did last week. “Everything still looks good. You've dropped-”

She what?” James interrupts.

She's dropped.” Sue repeats herself. “Its normal. The baby's in the birth position. Have a looksy, kay?” I get up and go into the bathroom. I turn to look at my side profile. Its true. My stomach, instead of being perky and straight, was sagging.

I hope my boobs don't do the same.” I mutter to myself. I lean over the counter and look at them through my shirt. They got, like, five sizes bigger. I mention it to Sue when I go upstairs.

Its just the milk, honey. Do you plan on breast feeding?” She asks.

I don't know. I don't know if I can.” I say.

Well you should try. Breast milk is the best for babies, you know.” I nod. “If you choose not to breastfeed, well, thats your choice.” She said in a tone that showed that she was totally against not breastfeeding. “You'll notice, days after the baby is born, that your boobs will get really engorged.”

Engorged?” Angela asks.

Yes. The milk will build up and her breasts will swell and it will be painful for a few days.” I shuddered. That doesn't sound pleasant. “Isn't motherhood a blessing.” She says dreamily.

Fantastic.” I say.

Just lovely.” Angela mutters. We walk Sue-Ellen to the door.

Three more weeks.” She says, excited. “See you girls next Friday.”

Bye.” Angela and I say, closing the door. I collapse against it.

I am so not ready for this.” I mutter from my spot on the floor.

Of course you are, Bella.” Angela rubs my arm. “You way more prepared for this than I am. I mean, you have everything.”

I mean, materialistically, I'm ready. I have the crib and clothes, sure. But am I ready?”

Angela shrugs. “Three more weeks and we'll find out.”

Gee, thanks.” I say, sarcastically.

It'll be fine.” She assures me. “I mean, you have me. Well you do until my sons born.”

You have me, too.” James shouts.

Ditto.” Jake shouts.

Angela touches her stomach and smiles. “Two and half weeks after you have your child, I will have mine.”

I touch her stomach. The baby kicks. “Two and half weeks? You know, you could have him before or after the date.”

I know. Do you notice that when we talk about your due date you say June twentieth.”


Soooo, you're due June nineteenth.”

I don't get it.” I say, but I totally do.

Isn't June twentieth Edwards birthday?”

I smile, guilty. “Yup.”

Well, theres hoping. I mean, that would be cool if the baby was born on the same day.”

I sigh. “Like I said, I could give birth before or after my due date.”

Yeah, well, I know you're hoping.”

I smile and let out a little laugh. “Yeah.”

Comfortable on the floor?” James asks. His shoes come into my vision. I look up at him.

Why, yes I am. Its just so....can you help me up?” I take his hand when he offers it.

You know, I meant what I said.” He says. I notice Angela isn't around. I wish she would have stayed behind.

I look at James. “What you said?”

Yeah. I mean, I'm here now. You know, I live in the same house as you. I might as well help you when the baby's born. I mean, its not like your going to need the sleep.” He suddenly found the floor interesting. He scuffled his shoe against the floor and look up at me, his uneven cut shaggy hair making him look even more gorgeous. I resisted the urge to sweep away the stray hairs that rested on his forehead. “I'm here for you. You know that, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Like I haven't noticed since day one of meeting you.” I walk towards him, not sure how close I want to get. He was serious about this and I didn't want to give him the wrong impression. Yeah right. Like making out with him isn't the wrong impression. But when I step closer to him, he pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me. It was a reflex to let my body rest against his. It felt safe, comfortable, natural. His chin resting on my head and my head leaning against his chest.

You know I care for you, James. Right?” I whisper. I felt his body go tense and then he sighed and relaxed.

Do you, really?” He said and I could tell he was smiling.

I squeeze him. “Yeah.”

Bella, I-”

Do you guys want to watch a movie?” Jake yells from the living room. Perfect timing. James sighs and lets go of me.

Sounds good.” I yell. I look at James. He seemed so...disappointed. I sling my arm around his shoulder. “Come on. Its your turn to choose.” He forces a smile on his face. We walk to the living where Angela is on the couch with a blanket and James is standing by the couch watching us. James leaves me to look through the DVD's.

You okay? Jake mouthed.


I had a feeling you didn't want to hear what he had to say.

I look at James. He was still rummaging through the DVD's. I shake my head and look at Jake. Nope.

Found one.” James says, lifting the DVD about his head. From Dusk Till Dawn.

I sigh. “Sure. Why not?”


Ouch.” Bella gasped. She shot up into a sitting position.


You okay?” James asks, leaning forward to make sure I'm okay.

I'm fine.” I sigh and lay back down.


I try to rearrange myself on the couch. I felt sooooo....... uncomfortable.

I sighed, frustrated, and threw the blanket off of me.

You sure you're okay?”

I'm fine, James. Just getting something to eat.” I walk to the kitchen. I reheat a bowl of spaghetti and place it on the counter. I grab a fork from the drawer and head towards the living room. My stomach tightens and a paint shoots from my pelvis to my lower back. I gasp out in pain and drop my spaghetti. “Crap.” I moan. “That was the last of the spaghetti.”

Bella!” James rushes to the kitchen and turns on the light. “What are you doing? Are you okay?”

I nod. “Yeah. I just got, like, a cramp or something. No biggy.” I look at the mess on the floor. “My spaghetti.” I whine. I drop to my knees to pick up the mess.

Dude!” I look up to see Jake sliding into the kitchen, pulling a shirt over his head. “What happened? Bella, what are you doing on the floor?”

Seemed like a good place to eat my dinner.”

James ignores me. “She said she felt a cramp or something.”

A cramp?”

I sigh. “Its nothing.” I start to get up off the floor and Jake and James rush to my side. “Oh, please.” I pull my arms out of the grasps. “I'm fine!” I almost shouted.


I have a pain in my lower back. Nothing serious. It doesn't hurt. But its there and its bugging the ef out of me.


He sighs. “What?” He snaps.

Check the 'tude. Can you rub my back?”

He sighs. “I didn't have an attitude. You're the one whose been crabby.” He puts his hand on my back. “Here?” I nod. He starts rubbing.

Nope. Harder.” He rubs harder. “Lower.” He goes lower. “Grr!” I say, frustrated. “Thats not helping.”

Gees, don't bite my head off.” James says, scooting away from me.

Screw you.” I mutter.


Ow! Ow, ow, ow!” I gasp. “Shooting pain.”

James runs downstairs. “Are you okay.”

I nod. “Its gone now.”

Maybe we should get you to the hospital.” Jake says.

No!” James and I both shout. I mean, didn't everyone understand that vampires dont usually give birth. The hospital? Out of the question.

Bella, todays your due date. Maybe-”

Has your water broken?” Angela asks.

I shake my head.

Well did you have any mucus discharge.”

Ew! No!”

Then, maybe its just the first stage of labor then.”

The first stage? As in, its going to get worse than this?”

Angela nods. “And we're suppose to call Sue when your contractions are seven minutes apart. And then, call again when they're five minutes apart.”


Fuck!” I moan.

James sighs. “Again!”

Shut up!” I practically yell. I sigh. “Its gone.”

I've never been this tired before I met you, Bella.” James shakes his head, blond hair swinging loose around his forehead.

I'll take that as a complement.” I said, knowing damn well it wasn't.

Dont.” He says, getting up off the couch. Thought so. I rolled my eyes.


I grabbed James hand and squeezed. “Shit!” I moaned. I squeezed James hand tighter.

Want me to knock you out?” James said. He was trying to joke around but part of him was serious.

I sighed as the pain subsided. “Phew.” I let go of his hand. “This sucks.”


Ow.” I gasped, as the pain ran through my stomach and lower back. It was more intense now. More... painful. “James!” I yelled. “Shit!” I moaned, when I realized he took off hunting. “Jake! Angela!” No answer. Crap.


Shit!” I was getting frustrated. Where the ef was James? Did Jake and Angela have to eat? I rolled my eyes. I was being stupid.


I took a deep breath. “Okay. Every fifteen minutes. I can do this.” The pain came and I tried my best to stay calm. I exhale. “Okay. I can do this.”


James runs down the stairs. “I'm back.”

I'm in pain.” I moan. I was on the floor. I coudln't get up, i noticed, when i was having a contraction.

Shit!" James mutters and comes to my side.

I took a deep breath as the pain left. “I hate this.” I cry, tears falling down my face.

Shh. Its okay.” James says, and pulls me into his arms.


Shit!” I cry.

Again!” James says.

What do you think?” I say, my teeth clenched.

I think that I'm going to call Sue.” He gets off the couch. “Wheres Jake and Ang?”

I don't care!” I screamed.


We're home!” Jake yells, he walks to the living room. His cheeks are flushed. I look at Angela. Her blouse is wrinkled, her face is flushed, and her hair is a mess.

Glad you could pull yourselves off of each other!” I snapped.

Whats wrong with you?” Jake asks. “Someone eat the rest of your lunch again?"

I arched my back and moaned.

Bella!” Jake comes rushing over. “Whats going on?”

What do you think!” Angela and I both scream at him.

She's going through labor.” James says. “I called Sue and told her that they're about ten minutes apart.”

Good.” I sighed.

So now what?” Jake asks. He squeezes my hand.

Now we wait for them to get worse.” James says. I shoot him a look. “Kidding! We wait until they're five minutes apart. Right, Angela?” I look at Angela. She nods. Her eyes are watery and she has a hand clapped over her mouth.

Oh, don't cry Angela.” I try to comfort her.

This is just so..... amazing!”

I raised my eyebrows. “What?”

You're having your baby!” She said, excited. “He's going to be here soon and..... its just so-”

It is amazing, isn't it?” James said. I look at him. He looked like he just realized what was actually going on. “This is amazing!” He shouts.

You're having a baby!” Jake shouts. “Your son! You're having your son!”

Yay!” I sigh.

What? You're not excited?”

Excited? Of course I am. Sorry if I'm not jumping up and down but I am going through pain.”

You're having a baby!” Angela cheers again.

Yes!” I punch my arm in the air in fake enthusiasm.

We're having a baby!” Jake yells and James. They pull each other into a manly hug, hanging on for a second and patting each others backs.

We? I'm sorry but are you guys going through pain right now?” They both shrug. “Thats what I thought.” I roll my eyes. I sigh. “And whats with the whole we thing?”

Well, come on Bells.” Jake says. He throws his arms up and waves them around the living room. “We're all living together. And we are all going to help with this kid. So yes-”

We are having a baby.” James says. He smiles down at me and his lips brush my forehead. “Can't we all be excited about this?”

Ow!” I moan.


Hmm.” Sue mutters. Her fingers are in me again. “Well, you're four centimeters dilated. Did your water break?”

I nod. “Half an hour ago.”

Walking will help.” Sue says and pulls her fingers out. James helps me off the couch.

Come on.” James says. “A nice walk outside will do you some good.”

Just don't go too far.” Sue says when we're by the door. “You don't want to have this baby in the woods.” I rolled my eyes.

The cool air felt good on my skin. “I didn't know we could sweat.” I sigh.

We can't. Then again, we also can't have babies.”

Aren't I so special?” I mutter. James grabs my hands and intertwine his fingers with mine.

Yes.” He says and lifts our hands so he could kiss my hand. I roll my eyes. We start walking towards the woods. I take deep breaths in and slowly breath them out. This labor crap was not easy. My contractions seemed be coming every five seconds.

I didn't expect this to be so painful.” I gasp when my next contraction passes.

James snorts. “What did you expect?”

I expected to push and BOOM-” I clap my hands for effect. “The baby's here.”

You wish.” James says.

I do wish.” I frown.


Okay, Bella.” Sue says. “You're ten centimeters dilated. Are you ready to push.”

I sigh. “I'm ready for anything. Especially for the pain to stop.” Sue laughs.

We were in the baby's room. I was lying on a mattress that was put on the floor. Jake holding one of my hands and Angela holding the other. I already kicked James out. I felt another contraction coming.

Angela, let go.” I say. She pulls away right when the pain kicks in. I squeezed Jakes hand.

Ow, ow, ow. OW! Bella, let go!”

I cant you idiot! I'm in the middle of some efing pain!” I yell.

Keep it up and I'll call James back into the room.” Angela warns me.

Please don't.” I cry.

Did someone say my name?” James says, entering the room.

Oh no!” I moan. “Get that camera away from me before I kick your head off.”

Bella, dear.” Sue smiles at me. I wanted to rip that smile off her face.


Just breathe dear.”

I can't fucking breath!” I yell. I take a big gulp of air. “You see! Air doesn't help! I don't efing need it!”

Bella!” James warns me. “Chill.” I glare at him and he glares right back. “BREATH!” He says through clenched teeth.

Okay, Bella. Push on your next contraction.” Sue-Ellen puts her hands back on my thighs.

Here it comes!” I warn everyone. Angela takes covers and I couldn't help but laugh. My laughter cuts off right when the pain hits. “Aaah!” I screamed and started pushing.

One, two, you're doing good, Bella. Five, six, seven, eight.” I keep pushing and try to ignore Sues counting. She was counting slow on purpose. I just knew it. “And rest.”

I sighed. “It hurts.”

James hands Jake the camera and he comes to my side. Jake follows him with the camera. James kisses my forehead. “Its okay, sweetheart. Just keep thinking about the baby and-”

I grab the collar of his shirt. “If you don't back away I will snap your neck!” I screamed and pushed as another contraction came.

James looks at the camera. “Baby, when you get older and see this video-” He leans closer to the lens. “You so owe me for this.” He points at me. I laugh.

Push!” Sue says.

Come on, Bella. You can do it.” Angela says, she pats my shoulder. I bite my lip. I didn't want to yell at Angela. She was just trying to help.

Hey!” James says. He has the camera again and he's in my face. “How come you can yell at Jake and me but not at Angela?”

Because I don't' want to kill Angela.” I stop pushing. “James!” I cry. “This hurts really bad.” I scream and push at the next contraction. “Hey! Stay away from there!” I yell at James when he starts walking over to Sue. He stands over Sues shoulder and starts filming my vajayjay. “James!” I scream.

Jesus, Bella. You should see this.” He gasp. He cocks his head to the side and makes a funny face. “Is it suppose to look like that?” He asks Sue.

James!” I scream when the next contraction comes.

Oh shit, Bella. I could see his head.”

Really?” I lean forward trying to see.

Okay, Bella.” Sue says. She looks at me. “One more push and your son will enter this world. Are you ready?” I nod. “Then push!”

So I do. I push with all my strength. It hurt so bad and then all of a sudden the pain just stopped. And I knew the baby was here. My son was here.


Everyone gasped. I tried to sit up but I was too tired. I tried to listen but I couldn't hear anything. No one was breathing.

Whats wrong?”

No one answers me.

Time was going so slow and the world suddenly...... stopped.

Sorry to leave you guys hanging like this but I figure everyone would be like, 'What happened? Whats going to happen?

So I figure I cut it off early and give you guys no choice BUT to stay and see what happens.

If you guys want to find out what happens then stay tuned for DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA! First chapter should be up soon. I think that everyone who put me as their favorite author should get an emial that says i started a new story. i dont know how it works. There is one more chapter after this and, as promised, it will be all Edward.

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Chapter: 37

This takes place after the fight scene between Edward and Bella.

She doesn't love me. Its okay. I don't love her either. Lie. My heart hurt. My head hurt. I was thrown against a tree. Twice. I didn't want to go home. But where would I go? I walked up the stairs that lead to the house. I open the door and walk in. Then I'm tackled. Thrown onto the floor and punched in the face.

Alice!” Everyone yelled. Jasper comes to haul her off of me. He succeeds but it wasn't easy. She still fought, even when Jasper had her arms behind her back.

You bastard!” She screamed. The words stung me. But come on, I just lost the girl I loved. Nothing could hurt me more. That was a lie, I realized, as I looked around the living room. Everyone seemed so... broken. Emmett was serious. Serious? Emmett? Unbelievable. He wouldn't look at me and neither would Rose. She saw me and turned her back on me. She was mad? Really? I thought she'd be glad. Esme. Oh, Esme. I was the one that had to tear my eyes away. I never seen my mom so upset. Dry sobbing, a handkerchief in her hands, wiping at her face. And Carlisle. Carlisle looked at me like I made the biggest mistake of my life. And I did. I know it. But seeing Carlisle so disappointed in me, it made me feel even worse.

Alice, baby.” Jasper whispered. “Calm down.”

She fought against his hold. “Let go of me!” She yelled. “I already see you're going to let me go. Just do it!” He did and she tackled me. Again. “How could you, Edward? How could you do this to her?” She punched me again, her fist hitting my jaw. “You bastard!” I pushed her off of me and she slid a few feed away from me.

You think I wanted to do this?” I sobbed. “I had to!”

Not like this! You didn't have to do all this!” She screamed at me. Her face was pained and she began to dry sob. “Not like this.” She whispered.

Aro was coming, Alice!” I snapped and she flinched. “Aro!”

Edward, calm down!” Carlisle said.

I am calm! Sorry, if me hurting right now is causing me to yell.”

Bullshit!” Rose turned and faced me. “Bullshit! We're all hurting.”

I glare at Rosalie. “I thought you'd be happy. I mean, everyone knows you didn't like her.” She gasped. “Everyone knew you were jealous.”

She slapped me. “How dare you!” She said between clenched teeth.

Rose,” Emmett said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

How dare you!” Rose continued. “Jealous? Yes. But not the way you think.” She raised her hand to slap me but Emmett stopped her. “Jerk!” She hissed, when Emmett and Rose pushed pass me.

Oh, honey.” Esme said, her voice motherly but still pained. She puts her hand on my face. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it and frowned. I hurt her. I never hurt her before. Not this bad. She left. Leaving me alone with Jasper, Alice and Carlisle.

What? No more punches?” I said, my tone easy going. This time I was surprisingly hit by Jasper. I swung back.

Jasper looks at me, he has it just as bad. Being empathetic does that to you. “Happy now?”

I shrug. “Doesn't matter.”

Why did you do it, Edward?” Alice says, stepping around Jasper.

Because I had to, Alice.” I sigh. “Didn't you hear? Aro was coming!”

And we could have canceled the wedding!” She snapped.

And that wouldn't raise his curiosity? Come on, tell me what you saw. I know you saw something when you considered canceling the wedding.”

Thats not the point.”

What did you see? Did Aro still show up? Huh? Did he?”

Yes!” She screamed. She lunged at me but Jasper held her back.

Alice!” Carlisle snapped, shooting her a warning look any father would give his kids. “What did you see?”

She gulped. “He was going come. He was going to find Bella and he was-”

He was going to kill her wasn't he.” I said.

No! But he was going to take her. I don't know where but he was going to. But that probably wouldn't have happened. I mean, he could have changed his mind.”

Could have? Could have isn't good enough. I did't want him anywhere near Bella!”

Well congratulations!” She screamed. “Because of you none of us will ever be near Bella!” She pointed a finger at me. “Not even you!” She whispered. It hurt hearing those words. Especially from Alice, the sister that always had my back.

I know.” I sobbed. Then next thing I know Alice and I are on the floor sobbing, holding each other. “God this hurts!”

Carlisle sighed. “Son, its not too late-”

Yes it is.” I say. “I... I hurt her and the stuff that I said... I can't take it back. Its too late.” Alice and I get up off the floor.

I'm sorry, son.” Carlisle places a hand on my shoulder.

So, what now?” I asked Carlisle. “I told Bella that we were leaving.”

Alice growled. “You are such-”

Alice!” Carlisle snapped at her. He turns back to me. “What do you want to do?”

Can we go to Volturi?” I say. Alice snorts. I glare at her. “What?”

You want to go to Volturi? Why? So Aro can read our minds and still find out about Bella?”

No. I was actually hoping the Carlisle could just talk to him.”

Edward, I-”

Please, dad?” I beg. “Please?”

He sighs. He's quiet for a while and I was sure he was ever going to speak again. Then he nods. “Everyone pack a bag.”

You can't be serious!” Alice says. “Are you guys crazy!”

Alice.” Carlisle warns again. “Just go pack a bag.” Alice opens her mouth. “Now!” He snaps. Her mouth snaps closed and she takes off.

Did I do the right thing, dad?” I ask him when we're alone.

He puts a hand on my shoulder. “I hope so, son.” He sigh. “I hope so.”

So then we leave. We catch the next flight to Italy and soon we're standing in front of Aros door. The plan was that Carlisle was going to talk to Aro. Let Aro know that we just stopped by for a visit and what not. Aro doesn't read our mind. Tells me that he's sorry to hear the bad news. We stay for a few weeks and then we head towards Denali to see Tanyas family. My body shivered just thinking about Tanya. Boy, was she happy to see us. When I say us, I mean me. And she showed it every second. Flirting. Twirling in her short skirts that she wore with no panties. Flipping her hair and licking her lips. Coming on to me. Trying to kiss me. She was successful a couple of times. She caught me off guard. Her lips would touch mine and I would just freeze. I wouldn't kiss her back. She was frustrated at first. But then she, being Tanya and all, thought I was playing hard to get.

I was alone, I realized. I mean, not really. More like I isolated myself away from my family. Stood in my room by myself. Listened to music while looking at pictures of Bella and me. Looking at pictures of just Bella. Pictures of my family smiling. It was rare to see that now. My family smiling. Alice, though she cooled off, a bit, hardly shopped. Which, it being Alice and all, was a sign of the apocalypse. Esme, well she was still motherly but I could still hear her sobbing from time to time. Her thoughts were always of Bella and she thought of Bella and her baby a lot. Emmett, well, he hardly ever smiled. He hardly ever laughed and joked. His booming voice was always quiet and he usually kept to himself and Rose. Rosalie, well she told me everyday that she loved me but she hated me for the choices that I made. She hated me for breaking up our family.

Jasper. What can I say about Jasper? He felt everything from Rosalie's rage to Esme's' sadness. He hated me the most because of the way I made Alice feel. I would hate myself too if I made the girl I love feel like that. Oh, wait. Thats right. I do hate myself because of what I did to Bella. But what hurt bad was that Jasper was nice to me. That hurt most. I felt like crap and him being nice made me feel like crap even more.

I finally gave into Tanya. Word of advice, when your family loves your ex-girlfriend even after you break up, don't jump into another relationship with the person they hate the most. I let Tanya kiss me. I let her pleasure me and boy was she really good at pleasuring people. But she helped me forget about Bella. Not really, but she did. At least, for a while.

I went back to see Bella once. Biggest mistake of my life. She was just as beautiful as I remembered. It was a sunny day in Forks, which was a surprise. I was hiding in a tree down the street from the house that I had bought for us. A house that I wanted to share with Bella and the child that I would call my own. I shook the thought away before it could swallow me. Bella was on her front lawn. It was a Saturday. Two years had passed. Her beautiful brown her was curly and flying all over the place while she ran back and forth. Her brown eyes were laughing just like she was. Her laugh, just hearing it knocked the wind out of me. It was still the most beautifulest sound to my ears. She was wearing a loose white dress that, though it formed every curve of her body and made her look very sexy, made her pale skin glow and her full pink lips stick out. Oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips. Then my brain, being mean, bought my thoughts back to Tanya. It made me remember that I had been kissing Tanyas lips and not Bellas.

Bella was running, playing tag with a small child. A small boy. I had been gone for more than two years so that meant that the child running was- who would have thought?- two years old. He had short black hair and eyes just as black. He didn't look a thing like Mike Newton and that made me happy. But it also made me notice that he also didn't look a thing like Bella. His dark hair and eyes didn't match Bella nor Mike. His skin was shades darker than Bella's. He was a little chubby but had a very cute smile and when I saw him smile and heard him laughing it made me want to smile and laugh. But I couldn't, I wasn't happy. Seeing this just made me hurt more. I choked back a sob and focused. Bella caught hold of the child, lifted him in the air, and placed him down on the grass. She tickles him and he laughs his cute little laugh and he falls to the floor, giving Bella an advantage and she began ticking him everywhere. They both laughed and smiled and acted as if nothing mattered in the world. Acted as if nothing were more important than this moment.

Then a car pulls into the driveway and a man gets out. Jacob Black. “Hey!” He laughs and throws his arms in the air. This cause Bella and the child to pull apart and focus their attention on Jacob.

Dada!” The child laughs and screams. Of course Jacob was 'Dada' to this child. Of course Jake would be the father figure. I suspected it but seeing it with my own eyes made it seem so real. So.... final. I mean, what did I expect? I broke up with her and she said so herself that she didn't love me. Of course she'd move on to Jacob. Telling myself all this didn't make the pain go away. It was still there. But, hey, I could be happy for her. No I couldn't. I wanted that. I wanted this moment. I wanted to be with Bella and this child right now. I wanted to tickle him and make him laugh. I wanted to be 'Dada.'

Jake!” Jacob bends over and lifts the child into his arms. The child gives him hugs and kisses. And, of course, the child would be called Jacob. “Hey, Bells.” I clenched my teeth together, waiting for the moment when they would join and things would be oh-so-perfect for them.

Hey!” She laughs and kisses his cheek. “Welcome home!” Home? Well of course it was their home! They turn and walk up the step and into the house. I hear their small chat and their laughter, even when I'm a mile away, running back to Denali. Back to- gag- Tanya. I will ask Tanya to marry me. She would say yes. She wants to be married as soon as possible but I tell her I want a long engagement. My family hates me for this but they put on a fake smile and tell me that they're happy.

And, two years later, we would return to Forks. Tanya and I still engaged. She's still bugging me about getting married. The thing is, I don't want to marry her. Alice understands. She tell me that its better than being alone.

But its not better than having, Bella.” She tells me when we're alone at the mansion in Forks.

I sigh. “Alice, although I totally and completely agree with you, its too late.”

It's never too late, Edward. Not when it comes to love.”

My mind drifts back to when I saw Bella two years ago. She was happy and that was good enough for me. “Its too late this time, Alice.” I sigh and throw myself back on the couch. “Its too late.” I close my eyes.

Eddie, baby!” My teeth clench at the sound of Tanyas voice and my eyes pop open. Alice laughs. “I'm back! Did you miss me?” She kisses me.

Tanya, sweetie, you were gone for five minutes.” I plaster a fake smile on my face.

But it was five minutes away from you and its just so....” She trails off. There was an awkward silence as we waited for whatever word Tanya was struggling with. “Long.” She says finally. Alice snorts and claps a hand over her mouth. She runs out of the house and I could hear her laughing. Tanya pouts. “I missed you!”

And I missed you.” I lied.


No! “Yes.” I sigh.

She squeals. “I can't wait until we're married? Can you?”

Yes! “Nope.” I lie.

She squeals again. “Its just what you need.”

Like a hole in the head and being set on fire.” I smile at her and she smiles back. Whatever I just told her right now flew right over her head.

You've been moody for the past four years.” I roll my eyes. “Aren't you ever going to tell me whats wrong?”

No!” I say, a little too quickly.

So, what do you want to do Edward?” She asks me.

Whatever you want to do, beautiful.” Cue the gagging.

She points a finger towards the stairs and she drags me up to our room. You see, this isn't what I wanted to do. I didn't want to have sex with Tanya. I wanted to go walking to my meadow and think about Bella. And hey, if just happen to end up walking down her street I might as well stop and say hi. But that doesn't happen. I go upstairs and Tanya and I have sex. Its nothing compared to the way Bella and I made love. This didn't have passion, it wasn't about love. It was just physical and it meant nothing to me.

Okay! So this is what happened with Edward after the breakup. He's miserable and he's stupid and he's with Tanya. Yeah, miserable sums it all up. A lot of you guys probably aren't happy with this but fuck it. Its the end of this story and now its time to move forward. Onward troops!


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