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Ritual of Casting Sacred Circle

Many times we are asked "how do you cast a circle ?" There are so many different was that this can be done. Differs from each Tradition to the next. Even within our own Avaloian Tradition we make improvisions on this. The main factor is to cast a sacred space. A space that seperates this world from the other. A space that we ourselves make holy. And that is what is important. A space that you set aside from all else, to glorify and exhault. For you are the one casting, cleasning, purifiying, and setting it aside from all else.

Before you cast, one should make sure of the intent of casting. Ask youorself why you are doing it. Once you have this the gathering is made easier. If you are doing this with a group of people One must be choicen to be the Lord or Lady. The Lord or Lady ussally has one person who waits them. This is not to say the Lord or Lady is higher than they, but the fact that they shall be the God/dess incarnate. You may also do this solitary. Depending on the amount tending.

The Lord/Lady has the sword brought to them. All else are standing outside where the circle is to be cast. The Lord/Lady takes the sword and walk desoil (clockwise) around the space to be cast. The wait has a small bell with them. Begining at the East, the sword, in a non-threating manner, is raised. The wait rings the bell. All fill fall silent. Moving clokwise the Lord/Lady saulte each direction. If there are four novices present each will stand to the directions as the Lord/Lady passes.

Lord/Lady: Let all those that wish to partake enter ye now ! (the bell is rung)
Everyone enters by stepping forward (no actual circle has been cast yet)

Wait: My Lord/Lady all those that wish to partake in this Magickal Rite are now present. I pray you, cast the Sacred Circle.

Lord/Lady: What thou doth sees makes here this night, shall be forever within this circle. So Mote It Be !

(When anyones speaks the So Mote It Be or Blessed Be, all shall repeat it)

Again at the East, the Lord/Lady takes the sword and draws within the ground or upon the floor the circle saying as the pass...

"I draw this magick circle let no evil or ill will cross its mark."

Once the Lord/Lady has reached the East again, They take the sword and place it upon the shoulders of the novice, and says...
"be thou the guardian of this gate... I call I summon I stir oh ye spirits of Air, come forth now I pray thee and wittness our Rite. So Mote It Be !"

The Guardian answers: I am he/she the guardian, no evil or ill will shall pass by me, My Lord/Lady.

the Wait rings the bell

The Lord/Lady goes to each quarter and perform the same, on each guardian. The Wait will ring the bell as each guardian answers.

Once the quarters are called the Lord/Lady goes to the centre of the circle as the Wait preforms the cleansing of the circle with salt and water. Incense can be used instead of salt and water mixture. The Lord/Lady summons the spirit of the Great Lady and the Great Lord by saying....

Great Lady witness now your childern who stand before you in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Standing East, with the incensor the Lord/Lady says....

Great Maiden Come To Us.....

All repeat....

Standing South, with the torch or candle the Lord/Lady says....

Great Mother Come To Us....

All repeat...

Standing West, with chalice of wine or water, the Lord/Lady says...

Ancient Queen of Wisdom Come To Us....

All repeat...

Standing North, with the salt, the Lord/Lady says....

Brother Come To Us...

All Repeat...

Drumming, rattles, any form of mucis making can be added to this. As you can take note there really isn't any particular God or Goddess called, this is the Avaloian Tradition. All Gods are one God, all Goddesses are one Goddess.

So there is the very basic beginings of Magicak Workings... you can take it from here..... Do What Thou Wilt, Save Harm None, Shall Be the Whole.

Bright Blessing...
Lord OberRon
Knight of the Sacred Light


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