body mass index

WeightKg HeightM BodyMass
84.82 1.65 31.12
60.33 1.54 25.55
93.44 1.79 29.31
73.03 1.58 29.07
82.55 1.89 22.99
93.89 1.79 29.45
99.34 1.75 32.43
96.16 1.80 29.65
66.68 1.60 26.21
64.86 1.58 25.99
53.07 1.73 17.63
93.44 1.83 27.94
79.83 1.54 33.58
94.35 1.79 29.42
65.77 1.55 27.49
71.21 1.73 23.87
78.02 1.54 32.71
71.67 1.66 25.97
120.66 1.58 48.49
68.04 1.59 26.91
54.43 1.61 20.92
111.13 1.53 47.22
80.29 1.77 25.62
88.00 1.73 29.50
63.05 1.48 28.75
42.64 1.53 18.12
63.50 1.60 24.80
53.98 1.59 21.35
68.95 1.69 24.02
84.82 1.76 27.30
61.69 1.56 25.45
70.31 1.74 23.09
96.16 1.65 35.28
73.94 1.65 27.21
64.86 1.69 22.80
84.82 1.57 34.42
77.56 1.70 26.94
92.53 1.74 30.48
68.49 1.79 21.30
49.44 1.49 22.24
50.80 1.45 24.32
85.28 1.79 26.52
92.53 1.64 34.26
66.22 1.60 25.94
84.37 1.72 28.45
79.83 1.61 30.78
78.93 1.71 27.01
71.67 1.54 30.15
68.95 1.74 22.64
61.69 1.70 21.36


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