P90X workout template


Full Routine
Fit Test
Upper Plus & Abs-Core Plus
Interval Plus & Abs-Core Plus
Total Body Plus
Yoga X
Kenpo Cardio Plus
X Stretch
Back & Biceps
Core Synergistics
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Legs & Back
Chest & Back
Shoulders & Arms
Cardio X
Abs-Core Plus & X Stretch

Sheet 1: Full Routine

Power 90X+ - Classic Routine Workout

Monday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!
Tuesday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!
Wednesday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!
Thursday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!
Friday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!
Saturday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!
Sunday What Day is it? ;) Keep pushin play!

Phase I Recovery Week 0 1-Feb 1 2-Feb 2 3-Feb 3 4-Feb 4 5-Feb 5 6-Feb 6 7-Feb 7

Main Week 1 8-Feb 8 9-Feb 9 10-Feb 10 11-Feb 11 12-Feb 12 13-Feb 13 14-Feb 14

Week 2 15-Feb 15 16-Feb 16 17-Feb 17 18-Feb 18 19-Feb 19 20-Feb 20 21-Feb 21

Week 3 22-Feb 22 23-Feb 23 24-Feb 24 25-Feb 25 26-Feb 26 27-Feb 27 28-Feb 28

Week 4 1-Mar 29 2-Mar 30 3-Mar 31 4-Mar 32 5-Mar 33 6-Mar 34 7-Mar 35

Phase II Main Week 5 8-Mar 36 9-Mar 37 10-Mar 38 11-Mar 39 12-Mar 40 13-Mar 41 14-Mar 42

Week 6 15-Mar 43 16-Mar 44 17-Mar 45 18-Mar 46 19-Mar 47 20-Mar 48 21-Mar 49

Week 7 22-Mar 50 23-Mar 51 24-Mar 52 25-Mar 53 26-Mar 54 27-Mar 55 28-Mar 56

Week 8 29-Mar 57 30-Mar 58 31-Mar 59 1-Apr 60 2-Apr 61 3-Apr 62 4-Apr 63

Phase III Main Week 9 5-Apr 64 6-Apr 65 7-Apr 66 8-Apr 67 9-Apr 68 10-Apr 69 11-Apr 70

Week 10 12-Apr 71 13-Apr 72 14-Apr 73 15-Apr 74 16-Apr 75 17-Apr 76 18-Apr 77

Week 11 19-Apr 78 20-Apr 79 21-Apr 80 22-Apr 81 23-Apr 82 24-Apr 83 25-Apr 84

Week 12 26-Apr 85 27-Apr 86 28-Apr 87 29-Apr 88 30-Apr 89 1-May 90 2-May 91

Day 01: 1-Feb-2010 <<< Enter Start Date Here!
Link: Fit Test

Day 30: 2-Mar-2010

Day 60: 1-Apr-2010

Day 90: 1-May-2010

Purpose: This sheet was designed to supplement or replace the paper worksheets used during the P90X+ program. For right now, the only workout I have designed for use is the Classic Routine.

Instructions: To begin using this sheet, follow these instructions

1) Start by entering the date that you plan on starting your P90X+ workout: Next to Day 01: above

> The rest of the calendar will be automatically filled in for you.

> The sheet will now customize the Day of the Week based on the start date. This way, if you start on Saturday w/ Day 1, the sheet will show SATURDAY as the Day of the Week.

> The number of the day that you are on also is reflected on the calendar

2) On Day 1 of Week 1 in the calendar, click on the DATE

> Example: I started on 9-May, so I just click on the calendar date to take me to the first workout.

> You will be taken to the sheet with the "Chest & Back" workout sheet.

3) PUSH PLAY!!! And begin recording your progress.

> If you want to make a note on a particular exercise, just add a comment to the cell. (See Microsoft's Help feature if you don't know how. It's easy. Just right-click the cell and select "Insert Comment"

4) Once you have completed your workout, place an X in the COMPLETED >>>>>>>> cell that coincides with your workout day.

> Placing an "X" in the COMPLETED >>>>>>> row will automatically update your progess on the "Full Routine" Sheet

5) Click the link at the bottom of the "Chest & Back" workout to take you back to the "Full Routine" sheet.

> You'll notice now that Day "1" turns in to an X… you have officially X'd your workout for the day!

6) Go get a Recovery Drink!!! I love that stuff!!! - It's my Health Crack… ;)

7) Repeat the above steps each day until Day 91!!! GOOD LUCK!

> Please send me feedback on this spreadsheet. Good or bad! I will probably make some changes to it in the future, but WOWY is also good to use for everything else.

Fitness Test: You may want to keep track of your fitness test results as well? Just click on the link to take you to that sheet if you want. It also has a calculation for the Nutrition Level.

Sheet 2: Fit Test

Power 90X - Fit Test & Nutrition

Fitness Test

Prior to Day 01

After Day 90

Prior to Day 01 After Day 90

Heart Rate


Body Fat % >>>>>>>


(N) Weight >>>>>>>
LBS (wearing clothes? Y/N)

Vertical Leap


Chest >>>>>>>


Waist >>>>>>>

Toe Touch


Hips >>>>>>>

Wall Squat


Right Thigh >>>>>>>
IN (measured at midpoint)

Bicep Curls

# / Weight

# / Weight
Left Thigh >>>>>>>
IN (measured at midpoint)

Abs: In & Outs

Right Arm >>>>>>>
IN (flexed, measured at peak of bicep)

Left Arm >>>>>>>
IN (flexed, measured at peak of bicep)

Nutrition Level

Body Fat % Notes


(Prior to Day 1)

Day 28

(Phase I Complete)

Day 56

(Phase 2 Complete)

Day 90

(Phase 3 Complete)

Body Weight RMR Daily Activity Burn Energy Amount

Type your body weight here to calculate Nutrition Level
0 0 600

Your Energy Level Nutrition Level

1800-2399 LEVEL I

2400-2999 LEVEL II


Your Nutrition Level = LEVEL I

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Sheet 3: Upper Plus & Abs-Core Plus

Power 90X+ - Upper Plus & Abs/Core Plus

Step Exercise Week 1 (#1) Week 1 (#2) Week 2 (#1) Week 2 (#2) Week 3 (#1) Week 3 (#2) Week 5 (#1) Week 5 (#2) Week 6 (#1) Week 6 (#2) Week 7 (#1) Week 7 (#2) Week 9 (#1) Week 9 (#2) Week 10 (#1) Week 10 (#2) Week 11 (#1) Week 11 (#2) Week 12 (#1) Week 12 (#2)

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)
01 Double Double Dip'll Do Ya

02 Dead Leg Switch Pull-up

03 2-Direction Circle Flies

04 Lunge Curls

05 Hammer Kick

06 Frog Push-Ups

07 "L" Chin-Ups

08 Fly Blaster

09 Lean Back Curls

10 1-Legged Bridge Dips

11 Spiderman Push-ups

12 7-Point Pull-ups

13 Warrior Swim

14 Pumper Curls

15 Side Hammer Kick

16 Iso Climber Pushups

17 Clean to Negative

18 Shoulder Everything

19 Bicep Everything

20 Combat Pushups

01 Hanging Toe Tap Knee Raises

02 Tip Toe O Crunch

03 Scorpion Plank

04 Banana Cannonball

05 Hanging Up & Overs

06 Discus Throwers

07 Warrior Bow

08 Scissor Climbers

09 Hanging Knee Kicks

10 Wood Chopper

11 Down Dog Crunch

12 Banana Mason

13 Mixed Bike

14 X Crunch

15 Plank Sphinx with Plange

16 Seated Backstroke

17 Hanging Pelvic Tilt

18 Straight Leg X Crunch

19 360 Chataranga Run

20 Cherry Bomb

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 4: Interval Plus & Abs-Core Plus

Power 90X+ - Interval Plus & Abs/Core Plus

Step Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 9 Week 11

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)

Interval Plus Workout

01 Hanging Toe Tap Knee Raises

02 Tip Toe O Crunch

03 Scorpion Plank

04 Banana Cannonball

05 Hanging Up & Overs

06 Discus Throwers

07 Warrior Bow

08 Scissor Climbers

09 Hanging Knee Kicks

10 Wood Chopper

11 Down Dog Crunch

12 Banana Mason

13 Mixed Bike

14 X Crunch

15 Plank Sphinx with Plange

16 Seated Backstroke

17 Hanging Pelvic Tilt

18 Straight Leg X Crunch

19 360 Chataranga Run

20 Cherry Bomb

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 5: Total Body Plus

Power 90X+ - Total Body Plus

Step Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)
01 O Crunch Push-Ups

02 Pull-Up Crunch

03 Dead Lift Curl Press

04 Step Kick Back Chair Position

05 Sumo Chair

06 Chuck-Ups

07 Cling On Run

08 Lunge Press Bella Twist

09 Balance Curls

10 Running Man

11 Hindu Pike Push-Ups

12 Lunge Squat Lunge

13 Mr. Moon

14 Kid Play

15 3 & 3

16 Half Dervish

17 Weighted Warrior

18 1 & 1

19 Lara Lunge Crunch

20 Spiderman Jumps

Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round Bonus Round
21 Plyo Push-Ups

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 6: Yoga X

Power 90X+ - Yoga X Workout

Week 0 (#1) Week 0 (#2) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 7: Kenpo Cardio Plus

Power 90X+ - Kenpo Cardio Plus

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 8: X Stretch

Power 90X+ - X Stretch

Week 0 (#1) Week 0 (#2) Week 0 (Rest) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 9: Back & Biceps

Power 90X+ - Back & Biceps Workout

Step Exercise Week 4

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)

01 Wide Front Pull-ups

02 Lawnmowers

03 Twenty ones

04 One-arm Cross-body Curls

05 Switch Grip Pull-ups

06 Elbows-out Lawnmowers

07 Standing Bicep Curls

08 One-arm Concentration Curls

09 Corn Cob Pull-ups

10 Reverse Grip Bent-over Rows

11 Open Arm Curls

12 Static Arm Curls

13 Towel Pull-ups

14 Congdon Locomotives

15 Crouching Cohen Curls

16 One Arm Corkscrew Curls

17 Chin-ups

18 Seated Bent-over Back Flys

19 Curl-up/Hammer Downs

20 Hammer Curls

21 Max Rep Pull-ups

22 Superman

23 In-Out Hammer Curls

24 Strip Set Curls

Ab Ripper X

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 10: Core Synergistics

Power 90X+ - Core Synergistics

Step Exercise Week 0 Week 4 Week 8

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)

01 Stack Foot/Stagger Hands Push-Ups

02 Banana Rolls

03 Leaning Crescent Lunges

04 Squat Run

05 Sphinx Push-Ups

06 Bow to Boat

07 Low Lateral Skaters

08 Lunge & Reach

09 Prison Cell Push-Ups

10 Side Hip Raise

11 Squat X Press

12 Plank to Chatarunga Run

13 Walking Push-Ups

14 Superman Banana

15 Lunge-Kickback-Curl-Press

16 Towel Hopping

17 Reach High & Under Push-Ups

18 Steam Engine

19 Dreya Roll

Bonus Round

20 Plank to Chataruna Iso

21 The Halfback

22 Table Dip Leg Raise

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 11: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Power 90X+ - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Workout

Step Exercise Week 4

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)

01 Slow motion 3-in-1 Push-ups

02 In & Out Shoulder Flys

03 Chair Dips

04 Plange Push-ups

05 Pike Presses

06 Side Tri-rises

07 Floor Flys

08 Scarecrows

09 Overhead Tricep Extensions

10 Two-twitch Speed Push-ups

11 Y-Presses

12 Lying Tricep Extensions

13 Side-to-side Push-ups

14 Pour Flys

15 Side-leaning Tricep Extensions

16 One-arm Push-ups

17 Weighted Circles

18 Throw the Bomb

19 Clap or Plyo Push-ups

20 Slo-mo Throws

21 Front-to-back Tricep Extensions

22 One-arm Balance Push-ups

23 Fly row Presses

24 Dumbell Cross-body Blows

Ab Ripper X

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 12: Legs & Back

Power 90X+ - Legs & Back Workout

Step Exercise Week 4 Week 8

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R) Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)

01 Balanced Lunges

02 Calf Raise Squats

03 Reverse Grip Chin-ups

04 Super Skaters

05 Wall Squat

06 Wide Front Pull-ups

07 Step Back Lunges

08 Alternating Side Lunges

09 Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups

10 Single Leg Wall Squat

11 Dead Lift Squats

12 Switch Grip Pull-ups

13 Three-way Lunge

14 Sneaky Lunge

15 Reverse Grip Chin-ups

16 Chair Salutations

17 Toe Row Iso Lunge

18 Wide Front Pull-ups

19 Groucho Walk

20 Calf Raises

21 Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups

22 80-20 Seibers Speed Squat

23 Switch Grip Pull-ups

Ab Ripper X

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 13: Plyometrics

Power 90X+ - Plyometrics Workout

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 10 Week 12

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 14: Chest & Back

Power 90X+ - Chest & Back Workout

Step Exercise Week 8

Reps (L / R) Weight (L / R)

01 Standard Push-ups

02 Wide Front Pull-ups

03 Military Push-ups

04 Reverse Grip Chin-ups

05 Wide Fly Push-ups

06 Closed Grip Overhand Pull-ups

07 Decline Push-ups

08 Heavy Pants

09 Diamond Push-ups

10 Lawnmowers

11 Dive-bomber Push-ups

12 Back Flys

Ab Ripper X

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 15: Shoulders & Arms

Power 90X+ - Shoulders & Arms Workout

Step Exercise Week 8

Reps (L / R) Weight

01 Alternating Shoulder Presses

02 In & Out Bicep Curls

03 Two-arm Tricep Kickbacks

04 Deep Swimmer's Presses

05 Full Supination Concentration Curls

06 Chair Dips

07 Upright Rows

08 Static Arm Curls

09 Flip-grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks

10 Two-angle Shoulder Flys

11 Crouching Cohen Curls

12 Lying-down Tricep Extensions


13 In & Out Straight-arm Shoulder Flys

14 Congdon Curls

15 Side Tri-rises

Ab Ripper X

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 16: Cardio X

Power 90X+ - Cardio X

Week 0

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>

Sheet 17: Abs-Core Plus & X Stretch

Power 90X+ - Abs-Core Plus & X Stretch

Week 4 Week 8

Completed >>>>>>>>>

[Click here to go back to the Main Calendar Page]

Comments >>>>>>>>>


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