Jessica Lee Ariel Estates 1 On Thin Ice

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On Thin Ice

An Ariel Estates Story

By Jessica Lee

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

On Thin Ice
Copyright © 2012 Jessica Lee
Edited by Andrea Grimm and Venus Cahill
Cover art by Kendra Egert,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-477-2

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted
work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,
is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of

Electronic Release: February 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely

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For you, my love, always

Special thanks to my fabulous critique partner, Naima.

I’m blessed beyond compare.

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Chapter One

“Not one damn thing to show for ten thousand dollars and three thousand miles.” Silas

repositioned the dark lenses of his Oakleys and stared up into the arctic sky at the approaching


“Fucking storm,” grumbled Jonas, standing beside him, his gaze aimed at the growing,

oncoming image of their ride home.

The plane descended, going straight for a flat section of frozen tundra. Its large wheels

bounced off the snow then contacted once again, this time settling and rolling forward toward

Silas’ waiting entourage. The spin of the propellers whipped the already steady snowfall into an

icy blizzard around the men.

Silas rubbed his gloved palm across his face, his skin, half-frozen from the freak drop in

temperature over the last twenty-four hours, barely sensing the contact. Even if he shifted into

his lion form—which he’d give his right nut to be in right now—a below freezing enviro would

be a bitch to handle. Well that, and he’d scare the hell out of his approaching human pilot and

their resident guide.

The small charter halted twenty feet away and cut its engine.

“Our chariot awaits, men,” Silas called out, grabbed his rifle and part of his gear before

heading toward the passenger section of the plane. Each step sent his boots ankle deep in fresh

powder, making his trek a workout. Damn, he didn’t realize how much he appreciated the

mountains of North Carolina. Yes, winters there were cold with inches of snowfall each year, but

nothing as fierce as the Alaskan tundra. Fun place to visit, but hell if he’d want to call it home.

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The pilot, Murray, with his white blond hair billowing around his pale face, met him at

the cabin entrance. “Any kills we need to store for the trip back, Mr. Murdock?” He grabbed the

handle and popped the door.

“Hell, no,” Jonas, coming up from behind, answered for him. “Fucking storm.” He shook

his head, sending a spray of white flakes from dark locks as if the man possessed a serious case

of dandruff. Jonas lifted the barrel of his weapon. “Never even got a damn shot off.”

Silas leaned in as the pilot turned to stow their gear. “Liar,” he whispered. “You can’t say

you never got a shot off.” He topped off the statement with a quick swipe of his tongue against

the other man’s earlobe. Silas didn’t miss the shiver that rocked Jonas. He was pleased that Jonas

had wanted to join him on the trip. The raven-haired shifter had made the trek into the Tundra a

lot more…interesting. He only hoped when they got back home the other male hadn’t mistaken

the invite as an indication he wanted something more permanent. Because he neither wanted nor

needed that kind of distraction in his life. He thoroughly enjoyed the men and women he took to

his bed and did his best to make sure they were well satisfied.

But his Pride came first.

Jonas jerked his head, turned, and captured Silas’ gaze, his dark eyes smoldering.

“Bastard. You knew what I meant.”

Silas quirked a smile.

Yesterday, the five members of his Pride had been hot on the trail of a large bull moose.

But it was as if the wild game had sensed the early impending storm because their scents had

suddenly gone haywire. Then the weather had quickly followed, growing colder by the hour.

They’d had no choice but to end the hunt after checking in with their charter company and

learning of the forecast: large front moving into the area. High winds, blizzard conditions for at

least the next seventy-two hours. The news had blown the hunting expedition all to hell. Fall had

barely arrived. Too early in the season for a storm of this magnitude. Silas didn’t know what

he’d done to piss off Mother Nature, but she was apparently mad as hell and doling out some

payback in his direction. Nothing they could do but suck it up and head back to Anchorage for

the next flight east.

After loading the rest of his gear, Silas and his team climbed into their seats with their

guide choosing the lone spot at the rear of the plane. The pilot took his position up front, and

within seconds, the engine sputtered, then roared to life.

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“God, I still can’t believe our rotten ass luck,” Reid spouted from the row facing Silas.

“An entire year of planning and waiting…” Reid was twelve years Silas’ junior and his father’s

best friend’s grandson. He’d been driving Silas crazy for months about going with them to


“Yeah, but I’m still glad I got to come with you,” Travis added from the center seat,

squeezed in between Reid and Mac, Silas’ personal guard.

Reid glanced Travis’ way with a coy smile. “Yeah. It didn’t all suck.” He turned his

attention quickly to Silas, but not so fast that Silas hadn’t pick up on the fact that Travis was

more than a friend to Reid.

“Thanks again,” Reid added, “for giving the last minute go ahead for him to come along

with us. I’m sure it ain’t easy to make quick changes like that, being in your position.”

A loud contemptuous humph burst from Mac’s throat. He, as well as the Pride’s head of

security, Durran, had nearly burst a blood vessel when Silas had told them they could all kiss his

ass over who could and couldn’t come on the expedition. Assassination threats be damned. He

wasn’t about to break a promise to anyone and cancel the trip due to the fact he would be with

minimal security and out of contact for a week. Nor would he disappoint Reid because someone

on his staff didn’t have sufficient time to clear a family friend. Silas hadn’t made it to Pride

leader at thirty-two by being weak, stupid, or a chicken shit. Travis had no motive to come after

him that he knew of, and it had meant a lot to Reid to have him along. Well, for as long as the

trip had lasted.

“Don’t worry about it, Reid,” Silas said, arrowing a kiss-my-furry-ass glare in Mac’s

direction. “I’m glad you both joined us.”

“Buckle up, guys,” the pilot shouted out over the roar of the engine. “It’s going to get


The snap and click of metal against metal signaled everyone was secure and ready. The

Cessna’s motor revved, the plane did a one-eighty, and they picked up speed. The uneven earth

beneath the wheels made for a bone-jarring run before the nose lifted. Back and forth, up and

down, the plane tossed, fighting the crosswinds.

“Shit,” Jonas tossed his head back against the seat’s cushion. “I’m so glad I passed on


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Moments later and thanks to their talented pilot, the plane had gained enough altitude and

leveled out. Jonas released a sigh and popped a stick of gum in his mouth before closing his eyes.

But not everyone on board had settled down. Judging by the cold sweat popping like a hard rain

on Travis’ forehead, the young shifter seemed seconds from losing it.

“Hey, Travis,” Silas called out. Travis looked up. His fair complexion, already a stark

contrast against his short raven buzz cut, appeared a shade whiter than minutes before. “You

okay, man?”

Travis gave a curt and less-than-convincing nod. Reid’s gaze darted between Silas and


“Dude…” Reid ran a palm up and down his friend’s back. “Shit, you don’t look so


“Thanks,” he scoffed and rolled his eyes. His Adam’s apple worked up and down as if the

effort to speak had cost him.

“Sorry.” Reid cringed. He scrambled, looking in the side pocket of his seat and came

back holding up a white airsickness bag. “Here.” He shrugged. “You know…just in case.”

Jonas opened his eyes and sat forward. “Why don’t you unzip your coat, man? Maybe

it’ll help you relax and breathe a little better.”

“Yeah,” Mac added, beside Travis. “That might help.” He reached over to the younger

guy with the heavy down.

Travis swatted his hand. “No,” he cried out. “I’m fine.”

“Come on, Trav,” Reid chimed in. “You might feel better.” He leaned in and tugged on

the zipper.

Travis grabbed Reid’s hand, halting his progress halfway down. “I said…I’m fine.” He

didn’t look up as he delivered the message, each word perfectly articulated.

What the hell is up with that? Silas stilled in his seat. He didn’t have to look around to

know that every head in the passenger cabin was turned toward the pair.

“Fine,” Reid tossed back in return and pulled his hand free from the other man’s grip.

“Hey, I know you don’t feel good,” Mac began. “But Reid was only trying to help you

out. Just take off your coat, man.”

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Travis looked up and tilted his head in the guard’s direction. His hands twitched, and the

thin column of his neck did little to hide his bounding pulse. He reached up with shaky fingers,

all the while his gaze fixed on the larger shifter, and pulled the zipper until the material fell free.

“Fuck you,” Travis uttered.

Silas flicked his gaze at Jonas who looked about as stunned as he felt, then back to Travis

and Mac.

“What did you just say?” It may have been Silas’ imagination, but Mac suddenly

appeared a bit larger in his seat.

“You heard me,” Travis replied, then as if in slow motion, his head rotated toward Jonas

and Silas. He snarled, baring elongated canines. “Fuck all of you! The storm may have ruined

my timetable. But no way in fucking hell I’ll go back a failure.”

“Travis!” It was Reid’s voice, but Silas didn’t have time to glance in his direction

because he was too busy focusing on the pistol now sitting in Travis’ hand.


Silas whipped his head in the direction of Jonas’ curse. There was no time to blink. To

think. It all went down way too fast.

Mac lunged for Travis’ arm.

Silas slammed forward, head to knees, knocked by the weight of Jonas’ arm at his back.

Reid screamed.

A loud bang rang out in the cabin, the sound like a knife in Silas’ eardrums.

The plane banked hard to the left, sending his stomach to the back of his throat. A heavy

thud sounded, and the gun slid across the cabin floor.

“Oh, fuck,” groaned Jonas.

Silas pulled himself upright, fighting the G-forces from the plane’s free fall.

Mac had knocked Travis unconscious. Silas glanced over at Jonas, but that was the least

of their worries at the moment based on his friend’s grim expression.

“Murray…” Jonas added, his face pale.

Silas jerked his head over his shoulder. Their pilot’s slumped form laid forward, half over

the yoke, his head pressed against the small side window. The bullet meant for Silas had ended

up in Murray. His gut twisted. This was all his fault. If he hadn’t been so fucking arrogant…

Now, not just him, but people he cared about were about to pay for it with their lives.

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“Oh, my God,” Reid cried out. Silas swung back around. Reid’s eyes were wide with

horror, his gaze darting between the fast approaching tundra and him. “We’re going to die.”

“Not if I can help it,” Silas swore through clenched teeth. After unbuckling his seat belt

and shoving the strap aside, Silas surged to his feet, fighting the pull of the out of control aircraft.

The space was narrow, but somehow he managed to squeeze his six foot six frame between the

front seats and plop into the co-pilot’s seat.

They were in free fall, careening wildly to his left. Oh fuck… He grabbed the yoke, and

risked a glance at the pilot’s unconscious form.

“What the hell do I do?” Silas whispered and pulled hard on the controls. The plane

rocked, then leveled out. But they still had one problem: altitude.

“Shit.” They were too low, and judging by how quickly the Earth was approaching, going

way too fucking fast. “Hold on!”

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Chapter Two

Theo turned the snowmobile toward his garage door, then pulled forward so that the haul

of supplies he’d purchased stopped at the center of the entrance. After cutting the engine, he

pulled his helmet free and dismounted. The blast of cold air slammed into his face, forcing a

deep breath in through his nostrils. The scent of pine mixed with dry autumn leaves filled his

lungs. Fall was extremely short in northwestern Alaska, but he loved this time of year.

He maneuvered to the back of the sled, brushed off the building layer of snow, and

tugged at the bindings holding the next couple of month’s supplies. The unexpected storm had

almost derailed his return home, but he’d made it back before the worst moved in.

The unusually loud whir of an airplane engine stopped him in his tracks. Theo

backstepped away from the building and glanced up. Seconds later, a Cessna Caravan buzzed the


“Damn!” Reflex had him ducking to avoid the fat tires of the landing gear, even though

the plane had missed him by several feet. His pulse raced. Wind from the spin of the blades sent

snow flying around him like a wild arctic cyclone. Theo spun and watched as the tail of the craft

continued on barely clearing the treetops. “What the hell? You’re never going to make it over the

next ridge this low…” Then it dipped out of sight.

As if his words had sealed its destiny, a loud bang echoed across the land.

“Oh fuck…” Theo shook his head. Unbidden, his gloved hands curled into tight fists at

his side, his body fighting every instinct that screamed, You have to help them!

I can’t do that. The toe of his boot tapped out a steady rhythm on the earth.

Swore I’d keep my ass put and not get involved.

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He turned on his heels, tossed his hands up in surrender, and headed straight for his

cargo. “Why can’t I ever listen to myself?” Theo unloaded his supplies into the garage, leaving

them in a heaping mound. He’d deal with that mess later.

On fast-forward, he grabbed a satchel and crammed what few medical supplies he still

possessed inside, snatched a couple of blankets on his way out, and jumped back on his

snowmobile. “What if there are survivors, Dr. Lucas?” he continued, arguing with himself.

“What will you do then?”

Theo revved the engine of his Polaris, then jerked forward with the sled attached. A few

feet from his cabin, he’d reached a small crest. A thick plume of smoke rose in the distance—the

crash site. Dread at what he’d soon find settled like a lead slug in the pit of his stomach. Heavy

and churning like a virus aching to be purged.

“I won’t leave them there to die,” he growled.

Pushing past the guilt-laden anchor that wanted to hold him in place, Theo aimed the

machine toward the swirling dark beacon. He had to stop talking to himself.

Theo swiped a leather-clad palm over the shield of his helmet, clearing away some of the

wet snow. But the isolation from his pack was driving him close to the edge. Wolves weren’t

made for a solitary existence. Even one self-imposed.

Too bad, because that was his life now. And it was the best thing for everyone.

At least five miles of frozen landscape had zoomed by when the stench and smoke of

burning fuel thickened the air to an almost unbreathable stew. Cursing his heightened sense of

smell, Theo weaved in and out alongside the path of destruction through the mangled trees.

Suddenly there was a break in the tree line, and the area opened up. Theo thought he’d prepared

himself for the sight of the crash, but he was dead wrong.

His snowmobile lurched to full halt, tossing him forward in the seat. When had he

applied the brake?

The Cessna appeared broken in at least three pieces. Parts of the wreckage were engulfed

in an inferno, burning off the spilled fuel. Theo swung his leg over the seat of his ride and moved

toward the macabre scene.

“Dear God…” he uttered under his breath. Adrenaline surged through his veins, the effect

making his muscles twitch, his pulse pound in his ears. As an afterthought, he jerked his helmet

off his head and tossed it behind him in the direction of the Polaris. He made his way around the

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destruction, keeping a wide berth from the fire. The nose of the plane, including the cockpit,

were free from the blaze for the moment.

Theo edged closer toward the fuselage.

A large blond figure lay slumped forward in the seat: the pilot. Theo yanked the busted

door to the cockpit free, and climbed up. He reached out for the man’s neck and felt for a pulse.

Nothing. A heavy sigh Theo hadn’t realized he’d been holding escaped. He started to jump

down, but a blood soaked circular patch near the man’s flank stopped him in his tracks.

Theo slid his palm down the guy’s side, then pulled the hem of his shirt up. He’d lived

too much of his life in an area filled with wild game and hunters for him not to recognize the

type of injury this particular victim had sustained. And it had nothing to do with a plane crash.

His mind whirled at the sight. What the hell was a bullet wound doing in the back of the pilot?

Time to vacate this scene.

There wasn’t a damn thing he could do there anyway. Theo tugged the man’s shirt back

in place, turned, and jumped down. Hopefully, with the high rate of snowfall, all evidence of his

tracks would quickly be covered before anyone discovered the crash. The last thing he needed

was to be mixed up in some human’s personal war or have the NTSB or FBI snooping around in

his life. He trudged back toward his ride, giving one last scan of the area, when he spotted a dark

figure slumped in the snow at the outer edge of the crash zone.

His boot struck the hard shell of his helmet, grabbing his attention. Weighing his options,

Theo bent and snatched the obsidian globe from the ground.

One more minute… See if this one can be saved?

Get the hell out of here before it’s too late?

Ethics spanked self-preservation’s ass, and Theo headed in the direction of the still body

lying face down. Carefully, Theo squatted beside him, reached under the thick copper colored

hair shrouding the side of his neck, and felt for a pulse.

“Son of a bitch!” Theo jerked his hand back. The man was alive. How in the hell he’d

survived was a freaking mystery. “That’s some karma you got going on here, dude.” Now Mr.

Luck’s next big trick was going to have to be to keep breathing.

Theo pushed away from the survivor and darted back to the Polaris. Slowly maneuvering

around the smoldering debris, Theo brought the sled with all of his supplies closer to their


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He snatched his medical bag from his gear, digging in it as he made his way back to his

patient. All he had on hand to stabilize the man’s neck was a soft cervical collar. Theo pulled it

out and stared at the device. It wasn’t nearly as rigid as he would prefer, but it would have to do.

He had to get him on his back to assess his other injuries. Theo slid the padded material under

the man’s chin, secured the ends by the Velcro closure at his nape, and inch-by-inch rolled him


Multiple lacerations littered the man’s face. He must have gone through the windshield

when the plane went down. Surveying the rest of his body, Theo noted a possible tib/fib fracture

based on the bizarre angle of his leg. A broken humerus in his right arm couldn’t be ruled out.

But with the patient unconscious and no handy CT scan available, internal injuries were a lot

more difficult to determine. One thing was for sure, hypothermia would take him out if he didn’t

get to a warmer environment ASAP. And with the storm beating down hard on them, there was

no telling when a rescue team would make it into the area.

“Fuck…” There was a lot more to consider than the simple task of fixing this guy up,

then getting him to the nearest village when the storm passed. What if the passenger who shot the

pilot was the dude in front of him bleeding in the snow? Yeah, that’s exactly the person he

needed recuperating in the guest room. But based on the amount of cargo, there were other

people on that plane, and Mr. Luck there could be as much a victim as the dead guy behind the


Bottom line, there was no sense in debating it any longer. He could never pull out of

there and leave the man to freeze to death. Murderer or not, he was an injured soul that needed

his help.

After what felt like hours, Theo finally managed to situate the Incredible Hulk onto the

sled. The damn thing wasn’t built to haul what had to be over six and a half feet, two hundred

plus pounds of muscle. If the contraption could talk, he was sure it was cursing him out right

now over the extra heavy duty. It would take some skill to keep from breaking it in two on the

way back, but it had to hold. They didn’t have a choice.

He unfolded a couple of the wool blankets he’d stored and tucked them around his

patient. “Hang on, man. Just give me a little while longer to get you back and stabilized.”

Theo tested the tension once more on the bindings across the patient’s thighs and chest.

Satisfied, he climbed back on the seat of his black machine. Puffs of vapor billowed through his

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ski mask as he shoved his helmet in place. His biceps and back ached after the serious workout

getting John Doe secured without worsening his injuries—he hoped. This was one of those times

he was grateful for the extra strength afforded him through his shifter DNA.

On a deep breath, Theo twisted the throttle, and they crawled forward. So far, so good.

He rounded the tree line and checked his GPS, selecting home. The smoke signal had gotten him

to the crash site, but with the unpredictable weather patterns like the one they were experiencing,

leaving home without a compass or GPS would be suicide. Even if this was his backyard, it was

too easy to get turned around during heavy snowfall.

Three miles later, with the engine buzzing in his ears, the thick white flakes crowded his

vision making the already slow pace even more tedious. About two more miles and they’d be out

of the storm. He just hoped the guy strapped to the sled behind him was alive when they got


Stabilize him, let the storm pass, and get him out as soon as possible.

That was the plan.

If only the nagging voice inside his head that keep saying, you know it won’t be that easy,

would shut the hell up. He shrugged. But when had anything in his life ever been?

* * * *

Somebody needed to tell him when the hell his brain had decided to sprout its own

pumping station. Because every thump behind his sternum reverberated as a thud inside his skull,

jarring him into painful consciousness. He parted his lips on a curse, but the word tripped on his

vocal chords and stuck in his throat. He swallowed hard—make that, tried to swallow because

based on the section of sandpaper he had once called a tongue, moisture had long since vacated

the territory.

He dragged one eyelid apart and assessed his surroundings. Beams of light sliced the

small room and struck dark walls that reminded him of a cabin. Where was he?

Slowly, he reached up, swiped both palms over his face, and groaned. His joints ached

like a damn toothache. He rolled his shoulders, then dropped his arms back to the foreign bed

before forcing both his eyes open.

Holy shit…

Where did he come from?

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“Good morning,” the stranger said, his voice deep, soothing. Silently, he moved forward.

A ray of sunlight washed over his hair as he came closer, radiating off the short blond locks.


In one fluid motion, he nabbed a straight back chair and pulled it closer to the bedside,

then lowered onto the seat. Irises so blue and clear captured his gaze, and for a strange moment,

nothing else mattered. The wheres, whys, and whens just…vanished.

He was warm.


Then the other man gave a slight shake to his head, breaking the spell, and continued,

“You must be very confused right now.”

“Who…” The word came out rusty, barely recognizable. He cleared his throat and tried

again. “Yes,” he whispered. “Who are you?” He glanced to the window and the alien white

landscape beyond, then back to the blond. “And where am I?”



“I’m Theodore Lucas. And you’re in my home.”

“Your home?” he managed to scratch out.

Theo grabbed the tumbler on the bedside table, poured some water from a pitcher, and

passed it to him.

He stared at the liquid in the glass, then switched his focus to other man. He’d reacted as

if he were someone used to caring for others, but should he trust whatever Theo offered so


Shit. Who was he kidding? He breathed deep and went with it. His throat was so parched

at the moment he would have bargained with the Devil himself for a drink. He tossed back a

large gulp. The fluid rolled down his throat, so cool, refreshing, like the first rain after a long

summer’s drought.

“Easy… Take it easy.”

Theo’s words were in his head, but the need for more had a stronger hold. He coughed.

Swallowed. Then coughed again, harder this time, sloshing the water in the process.

“Okay, okay.” Theo lifted the glass from his hand. “There’s more, but let’s catch your

breath first.”

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After a couple more rounds with his lungs, he settled onto his pillow. The other man

eased back onto his chair, pushed up the long sleeves of his burgundy sweater, lean muscles

bunching beneath, and propped one black jean clad knee over the other.

He had to admit, the deep color of the shirt was a shocking contrast to the blond’s aqua

eyes. A combo that made it difficult to pull his gaze away.

“Yes,” Theo said, picking up where they’d left off. “This is my home. Can you tell me

your name?”

My name? He doesn’t know who I am. He brought me here, but doesn’t know me either?

“Yeah…my name…” His gaze flicked once again to the window, staring out at the blank winter

white pallet. He thought back, his mind like the image outside, except his was in a dizzying whirl

of obsidian. His heart raced.


And faster.

Cold sweat popped on his skin. What the fuck? “I-I don’t know.”

“It’s okay.”

“How is that okay?” he snapped, jerking his attention back to Theo.

“Sorry. Not okay,” Theo quickly added and shook his head. “Bad word choice. Not

unexpected, I should have said, considering the accident.”

“Accident? What accident?” Where had he been going? Oh God, even worse, he didn’t

remember where the hell he had even been coming from. Air sawed in and out of his lungs. His

fingers curled into the bedding as if the material somehow grounded him.

“There was a plane crash near here.”

Plane crash. He searched his brain for any flash of remembrance. Nothing. Fucking

nothing. He watched as Theo opened the drawer beside the bed then pulled out a dark brown


“I found this zipped inside your jacket pocket.” Theo thrust the object toward his hand.

Reflex found him taking it into his palm. “Maybe looking inside might trigger a memory or

two?” The look on Theo’s face seemed sincere, compassionate. Calming.

The small square of leather felt like a hundred pounds as he lifted his arm. He studied the

small creases in the hide, the subtle shade variations. I should recognize this. But damn, it could

have belonged to the man in the chair for all he knew. He flicked it open, and there in the first

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clear compartment was a North Carolina driver’s license. The name read, Silas Donovan

Murdock. The image next to the name was of a male with green eyes, hair the color of copper

pulled back at his nape. He looked over at Theo, and without words, the other man somehow

knew the question.

He nodded. “Yes,” Theo whispered. “That’s you.”

Wow. He dropped his head back onto the pillow, releasing a long deep breath. How

fucked up was it at—he pulled the card up and searched the license again—thirty-two to have to

relearn your own name and what you even looked like.

Theo went on to explain that he was in Alaska, and three days ago his plane had gone

down a few miles from the cabin. The Cessna had passed over Theo’s property, and it had been

easy to tell it was in trouble. After hearing the crash, Theo, being a physician, had gone in search

of survivors.

“Survivors… Christ, I didn’t even think to ask. I’ve been so caught up in my own

situation. Are there others?”

“No.” One simple word, but it held the power to wrap itself around his heart and squeeze

with viselike tendrils. “Based on the size of the plane and the debris field, there had to have been

a few other passengers, but you were the only one I found alive. Probably because you were

thrown free from the wreckage and fire. Any other…human…would still be in a coma, but

thanks to your extraordinary ability to heal, which we can talk about later, you’re well on your

way back.”

Theo rambled something about how fast he’d healed, but his brain had ceased the ability

to process anything else after the word, fire. “Dear God…” Silas muttered and closed his eyes.

On instinct, he reached for the pain in his chest, his fist coiling into the cotton of his shirt.

Everyone else had burned.

“Silas, are you okay?” The voice sounded like Theo, but the words were a distant echo in

his head.

Why had he survived and not the others? He couldn’t remember a damn thing about who

he was or why he was there, but for some reason the news about the rest of the passengers sent a

wave of grief scorching a path through him. His arm trembled.

His gut tightened.

He needed to go home.

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But where was that?

Silas tugged at the T-shirt, the neckline suddenly too tight. He shook his head. This

wasn’t right. There had to be a reason why he lived and no one else had. And he had to find out

why. He opened his eyes.

“I have to go,” he blurted out.

“What?” Theo reached for his arm, but Silas yanked it away before he could make


He pushed up onto his elbows. The room tilted, but fuck that. He was out of here.

“Silas, you’re not ready to hit the road yet.” Theo was on his feet, standing over him.

“Get out of my way, Doc,” Silas growled. But the ferocity had to have been lost based on

Theo’s lack of fearful response. The look on his face said, make me. Silas just needed to figure

out how the bed kept moving around on him long enough, then Theodore Lucas could kiss his

ass goodbye. And for more reasons than one, that sounded like a damn good idea. Pressing down

onto the mattress with his fists, Silas swung his legs over the side of the bed, then shoved his

body forward.

The room spun.

Pain sliced a hot path up his spine. “Oh, fuck…” Hundreds of tiny white dots exploded

like the fourth of July on his retinas. He swayed.


Then Theo’s arms were around him. Strong. Hard and soft all at the same time. Nice.

Theo reversed Silas’ direction and with a drunken humph, his back landed on the mattress.

Silas couldn’t have stifled the groan rolling up from his throat if he tried. Every joint in

his body throbbed. He rolled onto his side and tugged the rest of his extremities onto the bed.

Theo reached over him and pulled the sheet and blanket back into place. “You need to

stay for a few more days and allow yourself the time to heal.” He straightened, forcing out a long

exhale and ran his fingers through his short blond locks.

They looked so fine and soft. Would they feel like silk on his skin? Christ. He really had

hit his head way too hard. There was a hell of lot more to worry about than groping the guy

standing over his bed. Like who he was and how long it would take to get out there and figure it


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“I know you’ve got a ton of unanswered questions, and we can talk more after you’ve


“No, don’t go.” Silas lifted his head, but his eyelids shuttered, giving away the exhaustion

he’d been fighting. “I still have so many questions.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Theo rested a palm against his chest. “I’ll be just on the other

side of the door.” He indicated the one to the left of the bedside table with a turn of his head,

then glanced back. “Just call out if you need me. I’ll be back in about an hour. We can talk more

then if you’re ready.”

Silas nodded. Oh yeah. He wasn’t anywhere near finished with the doc. They’d definitely

be doing some talking.

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Chapter Three

“Oh, God, no. Please no…” Theo’s heart swelled and slammed against his breastbone.

His best friend—lover—his reason for living had gone under. “Jason!” He burst into a run,

except his boots failed to answer his adrenalin-laden command. Thick snow made moving at an

accelerated pace like running with steel anchors tied to his legs.

Theo shot another glance in Jason’s previous location.

Too far.

Dammit, he was never going to make it in time.

Why had he gone out onto the lake? Jason had to have known it was too late in the

season. The snow was still deep, but the temperatures had been climbing, making the ice brittle

in places.

“Help!” Jason could not die this way. Not after…. He sucked in a deep, strangled breath.

Such a stupid, fucking argument. They were both so damn stubborn. “Somebody, help!”

Theo fell to his knees, sweat dripping from his temples as he belly crawled toward the

edge of the broken ice. Inches from the jagged hole, he spotted a dark shadow moving under the

cloudy frozen layer.

“Somebody!” he screamed, his throat dry and hoarse. Finally, the sound of others joined

in the frantic rescue.

Every breath, every second, ticked by like hours. The frigid air burned a path down his

trachea. He should be freezing lying prone on the block of ice, but strangely, nothing on the

outside registered. The pain inside overwhelmed his senses, blocking anything else.

“He’s here!” Theo waved to the assembling males from their pack. “Come on!” The

team, linked by rope, formed a chain out to the breakaway point. “Someone grab my medical

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bag from my cabin,” Theo shouted to the remaining onlookers on the bank. “I’m going to need

everything I’ve got.” Everything… I’m not letting you die on me.

Moments later, the group pulled Jason’s limp body up, out of the icy waters, and onto the

frozen sheet. Theo’s vision narrowed. He didn’t give a shit who stared or what they thought. One

second, he watched as Jason’s dark head appeared, the next, he was in full CPR mode,

determined to save the life of the man he loved.

Fifteen rounds of chest compression followed by two full breaths. Repeat. Over and over

he slammed into his lover’s chest and filled his lungs with his air.

“Breathe, damn you!” He pressed down onto his sternum. “One, two…. Give me my

bag,” Theo demanded to anyone who would listen in the crowd. Someone complied and slid the

dark satchel over the ice. He broke away for the few seconds it took to drive an amp of stimulant

into Jason’s heart, then resumed compressions. One more round, then he halted, his arms

throbbing, and checked for a pulse.

“Come on,” he muttered. “Come on…” His hand trembled, making the job more difficult

to detect a heartbeat. Theo repositioned his fingertips. “Jason,” he growled. “You bastard!”

A large hand landed on his shoulder. “Theo…” He jerked at the contact.

“Help me, or leave me the fuck alone!” He scrambled back to his partner’s chest and

went back to work. Another presence was at his side.

“Theo, please…” They reached for his arm. “He’s gone.”

“No!” Theo sprang forward in bed, the wrenching cry bursting from his throat. He

choked back the rest before it reverberated off the walls. Air raced from his lungs in a hard pant

as he scanned his surroundings. Dreaming. Again.

He closed his eyes, forcing the memories back into their cave. Silence filled his bedroom

except for the galloping beat of his heart in his ears. Sweat covered his body and soaked the

sheets, creating a chill over his flesh. Theo shivered. He thought he had successfully buried the

pain and guilt of losing Jason three years ago when he’d moved away. Leaving medicine and his

pack behind. What good was he to his pack if he couldn’t even save his partner?

He flopped back onto his pillows. But this last week with Silas, being forced into taking

care of him, the nightmares were back. In full living color.

A loud bam! followed by a hushed cursed sounded on the other side of his bedroom door.

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Theo jolted upright. The epicenter of the chaos most likely the kitchen based on the

general direction of the noise. Silas.

Theo hoisted his body from the bed, grabbed a pair of sweats from the dresser, then

headed, once again, to rescue his guest from whatever mess he’d gotten himself into.

He rounded the corner and came to a halt. The refrigerator door stood wide open in the

galley kitchen, the interior light sending a bright ray of illumination over the green and white

checkered linoleum. In its wake, Theo found Silas on his knees frantically attempting to

recapture a spray of day-old macaroni and cheese with a bundle of paper towels.

The corner of his mouth curled into a smile at the sight. At least six-foot-six of half-

naked man crawled around on his floor. With each subtle movement, hard muscles along his

back rippled beneath olive skin. Incredible, considering the toll the massive injuries had to have

taken on his body and the speed at which he’d healed.

The only thing he couldn’t explain were the scars resembling claw marks that formed

deep grooves on his right flank and chest. But they did nothing to mar his appeal. Damn. Just the

opposite. Silas had to be the most gorgeous thing Theo had seen in a very long time.

The hairs along his arms lifted, but he had a good idea the reaction had nothing to do with

the temperature of the air and everything to do with the man down on all fours.

Theo shook his head and cleared his throat. “Would you like some help with that?”

Silas’ head popped up, his thick mass of copper waves framing his face, and he unleashed

a crooked smile—one that was dangerous as hell. To Theo’s libido. He bit back a groan.

“Sorry.” Silas stood, grabbed the empty container from the floor, and tossed the towels in

the garbage. “Did I wake you?”

“No. Don’t worry about it.” Theo eased the rest of the way into the kitchen and over to

Silas. He reached out and grasped the bowl. His fingertips laced between Silas’, and he gasped.

Maybe it was the dry Alaskan air and simple static electricity, or his imagination on overdrive.

But he could have sworn a bolt of energy had arced between their flesh. Nothing painful,


Theo flicked his gaze between the dish and Silas. Was the big guy breathing just a little

bit harder than before? Let it go, Lucas. What does it matter if his respirations are high or not?

He’s your patient, and unless he’s having a relapse, that’s all you need to be worried about.

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“You okay, Doc?” Silas stroked the backside of Theo’s knuckle with his index finger,

reminding Theo he still hadn’t moved his hand.

The subtle caress had every hair on his body lifting, going ramrod straight. And it wasn’t

the only thing about him to stand at attention if he didn’t get control of the situation.

Theo jerked the dish the rest of the way out of Silas’ hand, pivoted on his heels, and

placed the container in the sink. “Yeah. I’m fine,” he added, surprised he’d mustered that much

confidence in his voice. “Why wouldn’t I be?” He turned, giving Silas his I’m cool face.

“You just seemed a little jumpy. That’s all.” Silas tucked a lock of dark hair behind his

ear, reached to the side of Theo, and picked up a large glass of milk he must have poured a few

minutes earlier. “And I couldn’t help but overhear an odd sound coming from your room not too

long before you came in here.”

Shit. He’d heard him. “Oh, that.” Theo waved him off, went for the refrigerator door, and

closed it. “Crazy dreams sometimes.” He glanced over his shoulder. “You know how those can

be,” he said with a laugh. Even though nothing about that moment felt funny. Please let’s change

the subject.

“Yeah. I hear you.” Silas nodded, then took a gulp of the dairy. “They can get pretty

wild,” he added once the liquid was down.

“Hey, you’re out here digging around in the kitchen at four a.m., you must be hungry.”

Theo rubbed his palms together.

“Starved, for some reason.” For the first time, Silas released a short deep laugh. And the

sound washed over Theo like warmed bourbon on an icy night, heating him inside and out.

Damn. Was there nothing about the man that wasn’t sexy as hell?

“Then let’s eat.” Yes, please. He needed the distraction. “There are more clothes in the

dresser drawers in your room, if you want to put on something warmer than those lightweight

pajama bottoms. The fire’s out, and I know you have to be cold.” And for my sanity and any

hope that I can actually focus long enough to not burn everything.

Theo grabbed a frying pan from beneath the oven and sat it on the burner. “Most of

what’s in there might be on the small side, but there should be a few oversized sweaters and

sweatshirts that you may be able to make work.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be back in a minute to help.”

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“No problem. I’ll get some things going then get dressed myself,” he said, suddenly

hyper-aware of his own half-naked state.

Forty minutes later, both men were enjoying a hot breakfast. Theo chewed another bite of

scrambled eggs and leaned back against the maple wood of one of the two seats at the table.

Silas’ appetite had indeed picked up since he’d regained consciousness three days ago.

Theo watched as the other male snagged another crispy slice of bacon, popped it into his mouth,

and licked away the salty residue glistening on his full lower lip. Really nice lips. Theo’s cock

surged to life. Oh fuck! He sprang forward in his chair, dropping his gaze to the suddenly

fascinating texture of his toast.

“I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for what you’ve done.” The sudden heartfelt words

had Theo glancing up from under his lashes. Silas’ green eyes met his. Gone was the earlier

glimmer, replaced by a sincerity that deepened his irises to a smoky jade. “I don’t remember the

details of my life, but I do know not many people in this world would have done what you did to

save a complete stranger.”

Theo gave him a slight smile. “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t do that much.”

Silas leaned in, his eyelids narrowed, and before Theo could pull away, Silas had his

hand clasped over Theo’s.

“Yes.” His voice dipped to a near growl. “You did. And it meant a lot to me.” Silas’ gaze

bore into Theo’s, stabbing straight to his soul.

He needed air, but damn if he could remember how to draw a breath at the moment. As if

sensing Theo’s distress, Silas released his hold and sat back.

At a loss at how to respond, Theo uttered the only thing he could think of, “You’re

welcome.” God, how clever. A graduate from one of the most prestigious medical schools in the

Pacific Northwest, and that was the best he could do?

Theo risked a sideways glance at Silas’ reaction. The small grin on his face said that his

response must have been enough to satisfy.

“So how have you been feeling lately? Any flashes of memory? Images?” Theo shoved is

plate away and propped his elbows on the table.

Silas shook his head. “It’s so damn frustrating. It’s like there’s something there, just on

the perimeter, but I can’t reach it.” He rubbed his face then dragged both palms through his thick

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mane of hair. “The last few nights all I do is lie awake, searching inside my head for the smallest

glimpse of…anything.” A gruff sound of disgust left his throat followed by a long sigh.

“I’m so sorry,” Theo whispered. “I wish I had the answers for you.” But there were a few

details he had yet to reveal. But how much and when to go there gnawed away at Theo’s gut. He

needed to decide. And fast. Silas was nearly one hundred percent. Thanks to his unusual DNA.

The male was not human, and for sure, not a wolf shifter based on his scent. The subtle notes

were unlike anything Theo had run across before. Not unpleasant. Just the opposite. A blending

of sandalwood and wild grasses.

Fresh and untamed.

Each whiff made his skin prickle and his wolf twitch. His animal side didn’t know

whether to bolt or crawl all over Silas. Mark him from head to toe as his.


Very bad combination.

Silas didn’t belong here, and Theo needed to help set him free as soon as possible. The

other male had a life on the east coast that he deserved the chance to reclaim. But before Theo

could do that, Silas needed to know the whole truth about what Theo had found at the crash site.

The storm was long gone, and it was only a matter of time before whoever Silas had left behind

would come looking for him when he didn’t return.

Sending him off without all the info in his current mental state did not sit well. For all

Theo knew, he could be jetting Silas straight back to a death sentence. But what if Silas had been

the one with the gun? Waiting around for him to remember on his own could mean Theo’s own

demise. But he didn’t believe that would be the case. He’d only spent the last four days with him

awake, but some inexplicable part of him said he didn’t seem like a murderer. One of Silas’

major concerns when he’d learned of the plane crash had been about the remaining passengers.

What mad man worried about the welfare of others?

“Listen…like I said, I’ll never be able to repay you for what you’ve done, but I’m good

now, and I have got to go home and find out who the hell I am. It’s driving me crazy.” Silas

tilted his head in Theo’s direction. “It kills me to ask you for another damn thing, and as much as

I’ve enjoyed your company…” Silas flashed a wry smile. “But is there any way you can take me

to the nearest village, so I can get a ride out of here?”

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“I understand.” Theo nodded, then cleared his throat. “But I think there’s something you

need to know before I do that.”

Silas lowered his forearms to the table and slid forward, his gaze never leaving Theo. “I

don’t know if I like the sound of that.”

Theo rehashed what he had seen when he found the pilot. That it appeared the man hadn’t

died of his injuries sustained in the crash, but of a gunshot wound.

“A bullet… The guy had a bullet in his back?”

Theo nodded.

Silas lunged to his feet and spun. He paced the length of the galley, covering the linoleum

surface in silence twice before coming to a stop at the sink. He gripped the metal edge, his

knuckles blanching, then dropped his chin.

“Someone fucking tried to kill all of us,” he chewed out.

“That’s the way it looked.”

His head cranked in Theo’s direction, jade green eyes flashing. “Why would you even

risk bringing me back here?” He straightened and faced him. “Whatever is going on with me,

you could have brought the shit right to your doorstep. What were you thinking?”

“What do you mean, what was I thinking?” Theo pushed from the table and marched the

four steps that brought him face to face with Silas.

“You should have let me die.” The deep timbre of his voice, and the foreboding words it

carried, sent a turbulent wave through Theo’s chest.

“Kiss my ass.” Theo shoved at the other guy’s chest. “That’s not who I am.”

He grabbed Theo’s forearms and yanked him close. “What if I’m the guy who took down

that plane?” He leaned in, his mouth at Theo’s ear. “What if that’s who I am?” Silas pulled back,

his face mere inches from Theo’s.

“You’re not…” Theo whispered, unable to drag his gaze from Silas’ hot glare.

“You don’t know that,” Silas tossed back on a growl.

“Yes, I do.”


“Because if you were, I wouldn’t want to do this.” Theo slammed his mouth into Silas’.

A deep groan filled his ears. Silas? His own? God, he had no idea at this point.

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Silas opened and Theo followed his lead. Their tongues touched, hesitantly at first,

exploring, tasting. Then with a fierce hunger Theo hadn’t known he’d repressed, he dove inside,

needing so much more. He reached up, sank his fingers into Silas’ thick waves, and tugged at his

scalp. Silas gasped, then his wide palms were at Theo’s hips, holding him in place as he drove

his hard length into Theo’s lower abdomen.

Oh, fuck… Yes.

Sucking in a harsh breath, Theo wrenched away. “No.” He stumbled back. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head. “That should not have happened.”

Theo swiped a hand over his mouth as if he could wipe away the evidence of his mistake.

The puzzled look on Silas’s face said exactly what he felt: he’d lost his mind.

“You’re not making any sense, Doc. What are you apologizing for?”

He dropped his arm away and pointed at the other man. “That right there. I’m ‘Doc’, to

you. That’s what I’m apologizing for. I’m your doctor. You’re my patient. I crossed a line that I

shouldn’t have.” Theo stabbed his hands into his short locks and brushed past Silas into the

kitchen. “Oh God, you may not even be gay in your normal life.” He braced his hands, arms

spread wide, on the white tile of the counter. “And here I am kissing you when you have no idea

yet who you even are.” A guttural sound of self-loathing bubbled up from his throat.

Silas’ broad palms landed on his shoulders. The larger man spun him around and jerked

him into his chest. Oh shit. The contact held a dizzying effect. Not from the impact, but the

overwhelming presence of the man next to his skin.

“First, Dr. Theodore Lucas, let’s get something straight. I’m not your patient anymore. I

believe it was me who said I’m more than ready to move on. So you can stop beating yourself up

over some fucking imaginary line.” Silas drew a vertical path with his fingertips up the sides of

Theo’s neck until he cupped his face.

“Second, you’re right. I have no idea what my orientation is or was before the accident,

but I do know when something feels right. And in the here and now, I know what I like and what

I want when I see it.” Silas dipped his head, then his tongue darted out, and he licked the seal of

Theo’s lips, drawing out a sigh.

A tremor raced down Theo’s spine.

Silas rubbed his cheek against Theo’s. “And what I want, is your skin next to mine,” he

breathed into his ear.

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Theo’s eyelids shuttered.

Then Silas traced the curve of Theo’s neck with his tongue. “Mmm, so good. You taste

like spring: sweet and fresh. Like that first bite of a perfectly ripe fruit. Christ, I want to lick

every inch of you.”

Silas dropped to his knees, and the action had Theo’s eyelids popping back open. His

cock jerked behind the fabric as if it knew what waited on the other side.

“How long has it been since you’ve let somebody take care of you?” Silas glanced up.

Theo swallowed hard. “A while,” he managed to utter.

Silas smoothed his hands over Theo’s thighs, the heat searing through the cloth in

hyperawareness. Up and up Silas moved them until he gripped the waistband of Theo’s sweats.

By reflex, Theo dropped his arms and covered the back of Silas’ knuckles with his

fingers, halting his next move.

“I want to.” Silas narrowed his gaze, lust brewing like storm clouds behind his irises.

“You haven’t coerced me to do anything against my will. In fact, I’m dying to taste your cock on

my tongue.”

“Oh fuck…” Theo’s hands fell away, and he dropped his head between his shoulder

blades, bumping the cupboards behind him.

Slowly, Silas pulled the waistband lower. With every inch of exposed flesh, Theo’s pulse

and respiration battled for dominance. He risked a glance below. Silas looked like a kid on

Christmas morning, enthralled with a present he couldn’t wait to unwrap. God, he was beautiful.

The moment almost surreal because he certainly didn’t deserve to feel this way again: happy,

passionate, and excited.

The cool early morning air in the cabin chilled the exposed flesh of his groin. Silas leaned

in and feathered a myriad of kisses from Theo’s navel down to the root of his exposed cock.

“Mmm.” Theo couldn’t help himself and reached for the other man’s head. He loved the

color and texture of Silas’ hair and had to sink his fingers into the thick layers. Theo threaded his

fingertips to the roots, and Silas’ head lolled under the attention. “You like that, huh?”

“Oh, yeah.” A playful smiled formed on Silas’ lips before he directed his attention back

to Theo.

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Silas tugged the material lower another few inches, and the hard length of Theo’s

erection sprang free. Despite the early morning chill in the air, he was rock hard, the shaft rising

up to nearly brush the lower half of his abs.

Fixated, he watched as Silas raked his gaze over the engorged length from balls to crown.

“Very nice, Doc,” he drawled.

Theo didn’t think it possible to be turned on more than he already was. But damn, if he

wasn’t about to come just from the way Silas looked at his cock.

“You’re killing me, Red,” Theo said on a moan.

“Red?” Silas tilted his head and lifted a brow.

“Yeah. Red.” He tugged on a handful of Silas’ dark copper waves.

Silas coughed out a laugh. “I couldn’t swear to it, but I bet you’re the only one I allow to

call me that.”

The declaration brought a smile to Theo’s lips. “I think I kind of like the sound of that.”

He worked his palms on the silky locks, enjoying the smooth slide of the strands between his


“You do, huh?”

One second, Silas was speaking, the next, Theo’s cock bumped the back of Silas’ throat,

knocking a gasp from his own. Silas glided back up Theo’s shaft, hitting every sensitive nerve

with his lips and tongue along his path. At the crown, Silas circled the rim once, traced the slit

with the tip of his tongue, then released the swollen head with a pop.

“Oh…fuck,” Theo groaned.

“Now I like the sound of that.” Silas looked up, one large hand firmly gripping the base

of Theo’s shaft, and winked.

“You are so wicked.”

“Hmmm… I guess some things just come naturally.” He grinned.

With his free hand, Silas helped Theo the rest of the way out of his sweats. Theo stepped

out of the blue cotton, then knocked them away with his foot. Silas didn’t waste another second

and cupped Theo’s sac with his free palm. He dipped his head and sucked one of his jewels

between his lips. The gentle warm tug sent a zing of sensation up his shaft.

Theo’s knees trembled. “Oh, shit.”

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Silas maneuvered from one to the other, sucking and rolling the orbs over his tongue.

Then his tongue was on Theo’s cock, flat and hot along the backside. From root to tip, he

dragged the slightly rough and moist flesh along the sensitive zone, taking Theo to his toes.

“Oh, my God,” he panted. “So good.”

Without warning, Silas engulfed Theo’s length, sinking back down in a brain short-

circuiting rush. Over and over he worked Theo’s cock this time not giving him a moment to

think, speak, or catch his breath. All he could do was hang on and savor every mind-altering

moment. And that was exactly what Silas was doing: blowing every neuron inside Theo’s head.

“Don’t stop.” Theo groaned. “Oh God, don’t you fucking stop.” Unbidden, his hips set up

their own pace, thrusting into every one of Silas’ downward strokes. His nails dug into the other

man’s scalp. But it only seemed to spur Silas on even harder.

His balls churned, tightened. “Going to come.” Theo gasped. “Oh, fuck. I’m going to


He lunged hard onto Theo’s cock, taking him deep down his throat, then sucked. An

electric storm exploded up his spine.


Theo erupted.

The room dimmed to a foggy haze. He bucked into his lover, jetting wave after wave of

cum down his throat.

Silas moaned, the action resonating through Theo’s rigid length, taking his orgasm

higher. His knees buckled, but Silas grabbed his sides, held him steady, and drained every last

drop Theo had to give.

Slowly Silas stood, allowing Theo’s cock to slide from his lips. He licked, kissed,

sampled his way up over Theo’s abs, chest, and nipples before coming to stand, putting them

face to face.

“Damn,” Silas uttered on a low growl. “You are so fucking hot.”

“Damn is right.” Theo hooked his fingers around Red’s nape and pulled him in. He

teased the edges of his lover’s lips with his own, skating over the surface in an erotic chase.

Ending the game, Silas groaned and sealed their mouths. Hot and hard, they kissed. Teeth

clashing. Tongues exploring. The salty taste of Theo’s cum lingered, but it didn’t matter. The

reminder only served to make Theo want Silas even more.

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Theo snagged his fingers in the neckline of Silas’ shirt and tugged it over the other man’s

head, breaking the kiss.

Silas inched back, allowing the material to pass over his arms. Theo tossed the sweater to

the table, then grabbed Red’s hand.

“My turn,” Theo stated, making his tone clear that it wasn’t a question, but a fact.

Silas’ eyebrows lifted in a nonverbal can’t wait.

Theo guided his lover by the hand into the den. In front of his overstuffed, well-worn

chocolate brown couch, he turned Red, placing his back to the cushions. Then he reached out and

tugged on the tie to the other man’s sweats.

He looked up. No hesitation greeted him in Silas’ eyes. Despite the chaos in Red’s life at

the moment, his expression couldn’t have appeared more confident in what was happening

between them. Theo liked that about Silas. A lot. In the short period that he’d known him, Silas

had displayed more strength and determination than any man he’d ever met. When he made up

his mind about something, nothing held him back.

The heavy material slid down Silas’ thighs and puddled around his ankles. Theo glanced

below and watched as Silas stepped free of the material and toed it to the side. His cock jutted

out from a dark patch of matching tight copper curls.

He swallowed hard, attempting to forge a passage down his suddenly parched throat.

During the time Silas had been unconscious, Theo had had to take care of Silas’ basic needs in a

professional capacity, so Theo had seen him naked, but never aroused. And damn if he wasn’t an

impressive sight.

Long and thick, Silas’ rigid length curved up toward his navel with a large ropey vein

extending from the base to just below the flared head. Theo’s mouth watered at the thought of

tracing the other man’s heated pulse with his tongue.

“Sit,” Theo commanded. Silas complied and splayed his large body on the couch, one

arm draped over the back cushion, his thighs parted. For him.

All mine.

The two words popped into Theo’s mind, startling him. Neither male had any idea what

or who waited for Silas back home, so Theo had better remove any notion of a stake or claim on

the other man. This would be a one-time thing before Red was out the door. But there was no

harm in enjoying the few moments they had together.

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Theo straddled one of his lover’s thighs and braced his hands on either side of Silas’

shoulders, curving his body over the larger man. “You look good enough to eat.” One side of

Theo’s mouth tugged up in a grin.

“Do I?” The words rumbled from Silas’ chest.

Theo nodded, slow and deliberate.

“Then I suggest you eat up, Doc. Devour me.”

Blood surged to Theo’s cock, taking him instantly back to full arousal. Before he had a

chance to stifle it, a growl rolled from his throat.

“Damn. That sounded real.”

He lowered his mouth to Silas’ and nipped his lower lip. “What if it was?”

“I’d say do it again,” Silas drawled. “Sexy as hell.”

A slight chuckle of relief burst from Theo. “Good,” he added and glanced up. “Cause you

do bring out my animal side.”

“Well, as long as you don’t bite.” Red quirked a smile. “Too hard.”

As one, they claimed each other’s mouths. Consuming each other in a kiss that needed to

last a lifetime. Because who knew how long they had. If Silas’ memories came back tomorrow,

everything could change, and Theo wanted to remember every inch of him.

He broke away and dropped lower to Silas’ chest, sampling the scarred ridges across his

breastbone. Silas’ breath hitched. Theo moved to his lover’s tight dark nipples and worked one

side, then the other. Every lick and suck to the tender buds had Silas squirming beneath him. His

hips rose and fell, grinding the backside of his cock against Theo’s own hard length. Theo didn’t

know who was getting more turned on, Silas or him.

“Theo,” Silas groaned out. “I need…”

Theo slid lower and wrapped his hand around the other man’s shaft, his fingertips barely


Silas gasped and arched into Theo’s touch.

“This what you need?” Theo stroked him once.

Silas hissed. “Oh, fuck.”

With his tongue flattened, Theo swiped the backside of Silas’ cock from root to crown.

Red’s fingers dug into the upholstery on another curse. “Yes! God, yes.” His head flung

back onto the high cushion.

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Theo opened wide and lowered his mouth over the flared head, taking him as far back

into his throat as possible. Damn, Theo wanted to please Silas as much as Silas had him, but the

size was too much. Physically, he wasn’t capable of swallowing Silas to the base. Theo rocked

his head up and down, working what he could of the five to six inches he’d managed to sleeve.

“So good.” Silas moaned his approval.

In tandem, Theo stroked the exposed shaft with his fist while his tongue and lips handled

the other half. Up and down. Faster and faster, Theo moved to his lover’s cues.

The sting in his scalp said Silas’ hands had found Theo’s hair, and he’d curled the strands

through his fingers.

“Like that. Fuck. Yes.” Silas tugged on Theo’s roots, the sharp bite going straight to his

own cock. The dampness on his thigh a telltale sign he was on the edge as well.

“You’re going to make me fucking come,” Silas groaned.

With his fist and mouth, Theo tightened his hold on Silas’ erection. And based on the

guttural sounds from above him, Silas’ orgasm was imminent. He didn’t believe it possible, but

the strain on Theo’s jaw was proof his lover’s shaft had grown another inch in girth. Amazing.

What the hell was he? Theo coughed, but no way was he backing off.

“Oh, fuck. Coming.” Silas jerked his head from the couch and released his hold on

Theo’s hair. “I’m c-coming.” He panted. “Don’t have to.”

Hell, no.

Wanting it all, Theo held on.

Silas’ back arched right before he cried out, his body shuddering in release. Hot waves of

cum splashed the back of Theo’s throat. He sputtered under the sudden onslaught, out of practice

and unprepared for the volume.

Theo closed his eyes and worked his throat, taking every drop possible.

A tearing sound pierced his ears and had him flinging his eyes back open. Silas’ face had

twisted as if in pain. The veins on his neck stood out in sharp relief. His biceps bulged. That’s

when Theo caught sight of the origin of the odd sound. Long claws extended from the ends of

Silas’ fingertips, and during his orgasm, he’d dug in and torn the couch’s fabric.

Holy shit.

Instinct had Theo jumping back, releasing the other’s man cock.

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Silas’ eyelids shot open. Narrow dark slits had replaced the usual round pupil, exposing

more of the vivid green of his iris. He jerked his hands free from the upholstery and swung his

palms in front of his face.

“Theo!” he cried out, but the sound came out with a lisp. Long canines extended from

underneath his upper lip. Silas covered his mouth, his eyes wide. “Oh, God.” He sprang from his

seat, knocking Theo back. “Get away from me.”

“Silas?” Theo pushed to his feet, tracking the backside of his lover as he staggered for the


“Stay away from me! I don’t know…I-I don’t—I don’t want to hurt you.”


Red slowed his retreat, but didn’t turn around.

“Silas, hold on.” Theo closed in on him. The other man’s back heaved with each breath.

“Take it easy. Just get your breathing and heart rate under control. Everything will go back to


A long deep exhale released from Silas’ lungs. “What the hell? How do you know?”

Theo extended his arm and placed his palm against the damp flesh at the top of Silas’

back. The other man straightened. “Because I’m pretty sure I know what’s happening to you,

because it’s happened to me.”

He spun on his heels, Silas’ partially transformed gaze capturing Theo’s.

“You’re a shifter.”

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Chapter Four

With the new addition to the unsolved puzzle he now called his life, Silas felt certain he

had redefined the saying “fucked up mess.”

He’d survived a plane crash.

Lost his memories.

And as of forty-eight hours ago, he’d discovered he wasn’t even human.

Silas released a harsh exhale into the chilly autumn day, the cloud of vapor rising like

steam before his face. The previous storm had long passed, but several inches of snow remained.

He circled a small grouping of Aspen trees, his boots crunching in the powder, and reversed his

steps heading toward the cabin. The walk had felt good. Revitalizing. He’d needed this,

to get

out of his room and clear his head, more than he’d realized.

Nearly every minute of the last two days, Silas had spent in his bedroom trying to wrap

his brain around the newest revelation. A cold burst of wind slammed into his face, sending a

chill down his spine. He shivered, then shoved his gloved hands deep into his coat’s pockets. His

mind wandered back to the other night. Theo draped over him. The warmth of the other man’s

body against Silas’ skin as Theo had moved over him. His lips. Tongue.


His fingers curled into fists beneath the down. He had to put an end to this. What he was

doing to Theo wasn’t fair. The handsome doctor had done so much for him, and all he’d given in

return was a mutual blowjob, which had ended with Theo’s life in danger for the second time

when Silas had partially shifted.

God, he could have clawed the other man apart. Afterward, Doc had tried to explain that

when a shifter transforms they don’t lose their mind and suddenly go feral. If in his human form

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he had no intentions of attacking someone, when he’d changed, it wouldn’t have been any


It sounded plausible.

But the other night, he’d been so freaked out by what he’d seen, the concept that he

wasn’t dangerous had been difficult to absorb. Still was.

Another rush of cool wind lifted the hair from his shoulders.

Silas breathed deeply. The aroma of fresh brewed coffee wafted into his nostrils. Nice.

Theo was awake.

The cabin loomed another few hundred feet up ahead, and the decision was clear: he had

to leave. It was the right thing to do. Theo had no idea what kind of animal Silas contained

inside. Only that he wasn’t his kind. His kind. Not human, but a wolf shifter.

Christ, he couldn’t imagine that at one point in his life all this had seemed normal. The

info had all been too much to absorb, and he hadn’t pressed Theo for more details than what he’d


One thing at a time.

He’d needed time alone. To think.

Today he’d gather as much information as possible about the crash and his “condition”

from the doctor, then do Theo a big favor and get the hell out of his life. If only the idea of never

seeing the gorgeous blond again didn’t feel like an ulcer brewing in Silas’ gut.

A few minutes later, Silas made the trek up the three rear steps, the wood creaking under

the added weight. He grasped the doorknob and entered. The warmth from the heated space

blasted the exposed flesh of his cheeks, stinging them.

Doc stood in the kitchen, pouring a large mug of the roasted dark brew. “Want some?”

He kept his back to Silas but reached for another cup.

Theo had been incredibly patient the last couple of days with the wall Silas had built

between them. He was almost surprised with his cordial offer to share. But on the other hand,

wasn’t that the doc’s nature? The man was nearly too good and levelheaded for his own sake.

And Silas loved that about him. He was a calming presence to the chaos in his head. Ying to his

yang. Which made it even harder to walk away, especially when there was no guarantee that he’d

ever be back.

But staying was out of the question.

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“Yeah. Sounds good.” He unzipped his coat. “Give me a minute.”

After tossing what few items Theo had given him into a plastic bag, Silas strode back into

the other room. Theo sat at the kitchen table, elbows resting on the wood, sipping his coffee.

Another mug sat in front of the other chair, waiting for him. He dropped his stuff in the den,

snagging Theo’s attention, and headed for the seat beside him.

“What’s that?” Theo nodded toward the bundle Silas had left on the coffee table.

“An extra set of clothes, toothbrush.” He slid onto the chair and wrapped his hands

around the warm ceramic. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I can for those,” he added. “If it’s the

last thing I do, I will repay you for everything.”

Theo’s mug descended to the table, his gaze never leaving Silas’. “Of that I feel sure.”

The cup met the table with a thunk. “But do you really think that’s a good idea, leaving here

without knowing what you’re about to walk back into?”

“I know I can’t stay here.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because the best thing for you is for me to put some distance between us. For many

reasons.” Silas shoved away from the table and onto his feet, knocking over his coffee in the

process. “Fuck!” He made a dash to the kitchen, grabbed the nearest cloth, then returned to soak

up the spill. “You see. I’m a disaster waiting to explode like a nuclear warhead in your life.”

Theo lunged from his seat. “I’m not going to let you leave like this.”

Silas straightened, the stained dishcloth coiled in his fist. “You don’t get a say.”

“The hell I don’t.”

“This is the right decision,” Silas growled.

“Why don’t you let me decide what’s right for me.” Theo’s gaze narrowed on him, his

sky blue irises blazing.

“I’m out of here whether you like it or not.” Silas stepped around the table, tossed the

towel onto the counter in the process, and put them chest-to-chest. His extra inches had him

towering over the six-foot doctor.

“Since I have the keys to the Polaris,” Theo began, lifting his chin to Silas. “And unless

you’re planning to walk the thirty miles to the next village, then I do believe you’re staying until

your memory returns.”

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“Dammit, Theo!” Silas grabbed the other man by the biceps. “I don’t want to put you in

the middle of this. Whatever this shit is. Don’t you get it?” He shook his head. “Let me go.”

“I can’t do that.”


“Because if you go back there and end up dead…it’ll kill me.”

“Christ…Theo,” Silas said on a moan and closed his eyes. The subtle hints of spring,

unique to the sexy blond, teased his nostrils. He lifted his lids and allowed one hand to cup

Theo’s cheek. “What am I going to do with you?”

Savoring every second of anticipation, Silas gently lowered his mouth to Theo’s. Their

lips met, and he inhaled the soft breath from Theo’s lungs. Silas pulled back an inch, his cock

pulsing from the surge of blood taking him to rock hard.

“I want you so bad.” The declaration rushed out before he had the chance to consider the

consequences. Thing was, Silas wasn’t sure even if he had taken the time to weigh the

repercussions that he would have stopped himself from uttering the truth.

Theo groaned, then rocked his hips into Silas’, the blond’s own thick length nudging

Silas’. “Fuck me, Red,” he whispered against his lips. “Dammit, if you don’t, I think I might kill

you myself.”

A rumble of laughter bubbled from Silas’ throat at the thought. He dropped his hold on

Theo’s arms, then Theo found Silas’ hand, tugged, and led him toward the master bedroom.

The moment they stepped across the threshold, Theo released his hold, turned, and pulled

his sweater over his head. The doc was built, not muscle bound, but had a toned athletic physique

of lean hard muscle. Filtered rays of morning sun lashed the room, spotlighting the fine pale

hairs that formed a perfect vee on his chest. They trailed down and narrowed into a thin line that

disappeared beneath the low-rise waistband of his jeans. A wicked tease that had Silas’ cock

aching and his mouth watering.

“Off,” he commanded, lust taking his voice deep and hoarse. Silas reached for the

blond’s button fly and made quick work of releasing them.

Theo’s hand dug into Silas’ shirt. “Ditto.”

Silas tackled his own clothes and boots, scattering them onto the floor. Theo backpedaled

until his thighs bumped the mattress, then climbed onto the bed, his gaze drilled into Silas’.

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Bobbing long and thick, Theo’s cock flexed with each of his movements. Silas’ pulse raced at

the sight.


Theo’s gaze darted to everywhere but Silas at the compliment, but Silas didn’t miss the

pink color that rose up the blond’s neck and filled his cheeks.

Now, that is just damn irresistible.

He kneeled onto the bedding, placing himself directly in front of Theo, then lowered onto

all fours. Like the predator he’d discovered lay just beneath the surface, Silas stalked over

Theo’s nude form. He lowered his nose to his lover’s flesh and breathed deep along his thigh, up

to his groin, then higher still. Silas followed the silken hairs that lined the center of Theo’s abs

like a trail of breadcrumbs leading him home. An inexplicable urge that couldn’t be denied.

Theo writhed beneath him, lifting his hips, brushing his cock, his body against Silas.

Seeming to need the touch as much as he. At the apex of his journey, their mouths locked in a

hungry, feral kiss. Silas nipped at Theo’s lips, and his lover returned the bite. The metallic taste

of his own blood seeped over his tongue. A growl filled Silas’ ears. So fucking hot.

Silas lifted, moved to the side, and grasped Theo by the shoulder. “Over.” Damn, he

barely recognized the husky rasp of his own voice.

Doc flipped to his stomach. With the tips of his fingers, Silas followed the curve of

Theo’s spine down to the taut round cheeks of his ass. He leaned in, going for the twin dimples

right above his rear, and sampled each hollow with his tongue.

Theo squirmed, encouraging muffled noises coming from the head of the bed.

“You like that?”

“Oh, yeah.” Theo turned his head and glanced behind. “Never knew that could feel so

good. That tongue of yours is a weapon.”

“Thanks.” Silas chuckled. “I think.”

“Believe me. That’s a compliment, Red.” Theo wiggled his back end, capturing Silas’

attention and pulling him in like a magnet to steel.

Silas ran his palm over the smooth flesh. He sank low, found the soft tissue at the base of

Theo’s sac, and worked his way back to Theo’s anus, massaging the area with his fingers.

“Oh God,” Theo groaned and arched into the pressure.

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“Let’s get you on your knees.” Silas straddled one of Theo’s calves and helped him up.

With Theo’s bottom in the air, Silas placed himself between his lover’s legs. He stroked his

palms up both thighs and onto Theo’s rear. Unable to resist, he leaned over and gently sank his

teeth into the tender flesh of one cheek.

Theo jerked. “Oh shit!” he cried out and growled.

Silas lunged to the other side for a repeat.

“Silas…” Theo panted.

Gently, Silas kneed Theo’s legs wider with his own, then slid one hand over and

massaged the tight rosette with two fingers. His previous love life was still a mystery, but the act

of stimulating Theo there, preparing him, was automatic. A reflex. Who knew how many lovers

he’d had before Theo or whether he was gay or straight. Didn’t matter. All that existed was the

here and now, and loving Theo didn’t require any memories. It was second nature.

Theo sucked in a harsh breath.

“How long has it been, baby?”

“Three years,” he whispered.

His mouth went dry, and Silas worked his throat, searching for moisture. He moved his

hand to the stiff erection between his own legs and stroked its length. His cock throbbed under

his palm with need. He wanted Theo more than his next breath. But fuck, he wasn’t going to hurt

him even if the thought of not being inside him had his balls aching like an open wound.

“Silas…” Theo began, his tone threatening. “You stop now, and I swear…”

He didn’t need to look to know that blond head shook with warning. Silas sighed. “I just

don’t want to…”

“Just go slow.”

A groaned filled Silas’s throat, but he choked it back.

“I want this,” Theo added. “I want you.”

Silas’ heart and resistance melted. He curved his torso over Theo’s and kissed his way

back to his lover’s waiting bottom. At the puckered ring, Silas circled the opening with his

tongue. Theo bucked, pulling back at first, then pushing up for more.

“Oh…damn.” The sound of nails scraping cotton fibers said Theo had dug in, gripping

the sheets.

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Dragging his tongue over the center, Silas teased back and forth, encouraging it to open.

He dipped in, moistening the sphincter with the tip, then licked his index finger.

“Bear down, Baby,” Silas instructed and slipped the digit inside.

Theo gasped, then released a muffled groan into his pillow.

“That’s it.” Silas eased in and out, working the tight ring. “One more,” he whispered and

added his middle finger.

“Ahh…” Theo’s hips rose up under the invasion.

“Okay?” Silas massaged Theo’s lower back with his free hand.

“Don’t, don’t stop,” he managed to utter through hard pants.

With his other hand, Silas reached between his lover’s legs and gripped Theo’s cock. He

tugged, pointing the head toward the mattress, stroking the sensitive flesh while doing the same

with his fingers inside Theo’s ass.

“Oh…fuck.” Theo’s guttural moan of pleasure heated Silas’ blood and had precum

leaking down the backside of his own shaft.

Silas brushed the pads of his fingers over the swollen bump inside Theo.

He cried out and lifted his head. “Too good.” Theo rocked into Silas’ fingers, pistoning

his cock inside Silas’ fist. “Gonna make me come.” He turned his head, capturing Silas’ gaze.

“Not yet. I want you inside me when that happens.”

Silas’ cock jerked at the mental image. He slipped his digits free with a rumble of protest

from his lover. “Lube? Condoms?”

“Right.” Theo reached out for the bedside table, opened the drawer, and tossed a tube

toward Silas. “No need for condoms. Even though we’re different species, we’re both shifters,

and don’t carry STDs.”

“Well, damn,” Silas drawled. “There is a bright side.”

Theo grinned and moved back into position.

After adding a generous amount of the viscous liquid into his palm, Silas warmed it, then

slathered it onto his cock. The slide of his palm over his erection revved his pulse. He could only

imagine the mind-bending effect of Theo’s tight heat squeezing his shaft.

Erection in hand, Silas rocked forward, placing the broad crown at his lover’s opening.

Theo pushed back, bumping against the head. “Silas…”

He pressed in. “Promise me.” The words rushed out. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much.”

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“Promise.” The oath came out as if chewed through his teeth. “Want you,” Theo added

on exhale.

“You have no idea how bad…” Silas advanced an inch.

Theo froze.

Another inch. Then another. “Fuck. Breathe, baby.”

A hoarse breath escaped the blond’s lungs followed by a hard tremor.

“Talk to me, Doc.”


“Talk! I’m not moving until you answer me.”


“Yeah,” he didn’t miss the tremble in his own voice. His balls ached. Sweat ran in a

rivulet down his spine. It was all he could do not to slam into the blond’s sweet ass and fuck him

until he’d reclaimed his ability to reason.

“Like I said…” The statement rolled from Theo’s throat, deep, hoarse. “I’ll kill you if

you stop.”

Silas pulled back, then pressed forward, adding another inch.

“Oh, God,” Theo groaned. “Yes.”

Back out again, this time all the way to the crown before thrusting deeper. “So tight.

Almost there, baby.” At least another three inches remained. Silas dug his fingers into the other

male’s hips, holding Theo steady as he shuttled his cock, stretching him.

Theo mumbled into his pillow, then lifted up onto his forearms and locked his grip on the

headboard. “Burns,” he hissed. “More. I know you’re not there yet.”

“You sure?”

“Dammit.” Theo tossed his head back between his shoulders, his knuckles white. “Fuck

me, already.”

Theo’s plea arrowed to Silas’ cock, and need overloaded his senses. Silas slammed home.

His lover cried out, but shoved back into his thrust, as ravenous as Silas was for him. Over and

over, Silas pistoned into Theo. Holding back was no longer an option. But his sexy blond didn’t

seem to mind.

“Oh, God. Yes…” Theo mewled. “Silas… Damn you’re thick. Deep.”

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Silas’ head spun like the room was suddenly short on oxygen. But he couldn’t stop.

Fucking Theo was like sinking into a hot glove that sucked at his cock.



And he didn’t want it to end.

“Oh, God!” Theo yelled. “Silas… Gonna come.” Both fists rocked the headboard with

each deep stroke. “Can’t hold back,” he groaned. “Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Silas complied, driving into the other shifter, giving him everything he begged for.

A strangled cry released from his lover’s throat, and jet after jet of cum soaked the sheets

beneath the blond.

Doc’s release triggered his own, and Silas was only moments behind. He sank deep once

more, his balls tight, launching cum up his cock.

“Theo…” Whatever else he’d planned to say faded away as he emptied into his lover. His

orgasm had drained his mind along with the rest of him. Silas closed his eyes. Only sensation

remained. And damn if it wasn’t nirvana.

“Can’t stop,” Theo muttered, and a hard tremor rocked the bed, jerking Silas back into

the present. “God…Silas,” he moaned. “Too good. No more.”

What? Silas dropped his gaze to where they were still joined. The size of his erection

appeared larger than before. Holy shit.

He glanced up at Theo. His spine glistened with sweat, and his body continued to quake

despite the fact cum no longer ejected from his shaft. The pressure of the size of his cock on the

other man’s prostrate had to be continuing to stimulate Theo.

Electric pulses rode along his length, extending his own orgasm. What the fuck? Silas

vibrated with each wave.

“Hang on.” Silas pulled back with his hips and grasped his shaft at the base. The

hypersensitive tissue screamed from the contact and the drag across the flesh. “Fuck!”

Cum sputtered from the swollen head and dripped down his hand. That’s when he noticed

the change. His cock wasn’t the only thing that had grown. His palms had morphed into

thickened paws. It was happening again. “No! No! No!” He jumped from the bed.

“Red?” Theo swung his legs from the mattress, but sat on the side.

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Silas braced his palms wide against the wall and hung his head. Air sawed from his lungs.

Calm. He had to calm down, and it would go away. Like last time.

“You could let it happen, you know?” Theo had moved and stood next to him. “It’s okay.

You would finally know what you are.” A warm palm landed on his shoulder. “I won’t be

freaked out.”

His gut tightened at the prospect. “You might not. But I sure as hell would be.” He wasn’t

ready. Didn’t know when he’d ever be ready for something like that.

“Okay. That’s cool.” Theo’s fingers were in his hair. “You’re good. Looks like your

features are already returning to normal.”

Silas nodded. His heart rate had slowed, and the tightness in his hands and face had

lessened. Not to mention the erupting tree trunk, once known as his dick, had settled down.

Theo took one of Silas’ arms and guided him into the bathroom. He tossed Silas a

washcloth and grabbed one for himself.

Silas lathered up the cloth, then Theo did the same for his. He started to wash, but Silas

reached out and blocked his path. Theo had given himself so freely to Silas, the least he could

do, especially after what he’d endured beneath him, was give him some comfort in return.

“What?” Theo tilted his head.

“Give me that.”

“Why?” Theo offered up his cloth.

After grabbing a towel from the rack, Silas turned, and made his way back to the bed. He

spread the white terry cloth over the evidence of their sex, then pivoted on his heels.

“Come here, Doc.”

Theo gave him a skeptical look, but eased forward. At the mattress he climbed up on one


“Lay down on your stomach.”

Theo didn’t move.

Silas hit him with his best dumbfounded look. “Are you so unaccustomed to anyone

doing something nice for you that you don’t even know how to follow instructions?”

Like a child about to be spanked, Theo lowered down onto his elbows. “Just feels

awkward,” he said, a bit of whine in his voice. “That’s all.”

“Get over it,” Silas growled.

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Theo barked out a laugh. “Aren’t you Mister Compassion and Understanding.”

“Sue me.”

“Don’t tempt me.” Theo cocked his head, one eyebrow arched.

Silas quirked a smile in return. “Now hold still.” He parted Theo’s rear cheeks and placed

the warm cloth onto his swollen entrance.

With a sigh, Theo dropped his forehead onto his arms. “You were right. That feels so


After a couple of trips back to the bathroom for a few more warm compresses, Silas

placed the soiled items into the wash bin and crawled back onto the bed beside Theo. He reached

up and stroked the fine pale locks at Theo’s nape.

Theo turned his head, a well-satisfied and drowsy look in his eyes.

“Hi there, gorgeous.” Silas smiled, and Theo’s whole face glowed. The sight coiled itself

around Silas’ heart, nearly stopping the pumping action. Wow. Silas wondered if any other man

or woman had ever affected him like that. He couldn’t imagine such a feeling twice in his life.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you earlier,” Silas began.

Theo’s head popped up from the pillow.

“If I had known…”

“Stop.” Theo swung his arm out and brushed it along Silas’ arm. “Hurt me? You didn’t

hurt me.”

“Yes, I did.” Silas couldn’t bring himself to stare into the other shifter’s crystal blue gaze.

He didn’t want to see what was reflected there. “At the end. What happened when I started to

change. This.” He indicated the now flaccid member between his legs. “It grew even larger and

the pressure down there had to be painful.”

Theo grew still, then pulled his arm back. “Uhm… It was quite the opposite actually.”

Silas jerked his head back toward Theo. Color flooded his checks, and he picked at the

thread in his pillowcase. “But you said you couldn’t take it anymore?”

“The pleasure, I meant.” Theo slapped his palm onto the feather stuffed pillow. “Dear

Lord, yes, the size was unbelievable, and for a moment, I panicked, thinking you were about to

rip me in two. But then the pressure…” Theo’s eyelids shuttered, as if the vivid recollection was

a pleasurable trip in itself. “It had my orgasm building all over again. I came, and came again,

until the ejaculations continued, but there wasn’t anything left.”

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Theo flipped to his side. “That’s when I called out to you to make it stop.”

Rolling onto his right, Silas put them face-to-face.

“It was the most incredible thing I’d ever experienced.”

Relief flooding through his veins, Silas shook his head and threaded his fingers into

Theo’s short locks. “Thank God nothing bad happened.”

Theo covered the back of Silas’ hand with his palm. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”

Weren’t those always the famous last words?

* * * *

“Theo, you have to let him go.” The male’s broad hands tugged at his shoulders.

“No!” Theo continued compressions. “I won’t let him die,” he bit out through his teeth.

Despite the below freezing conditions, sweat stung his eyes. He blinked rapidly and shook the

wet strands of hair from his eyes.

“You don’t have a choice, Dr. Lucas,” another male from in front of him added.

“He’s not going to die.” Theo’s voice cracked. “He’s not!”

“He’s already gone.”

“No!” Theo’s hands slid, and he collapsed over Jason’s chest. Grief sprouted like a

gnarled vine of thorns in his chest, his throat, strangling him. He wanted to sob, to wail, but he

couldn’t make a sound.

Theo gasped and sprang upright in bed. His stomach rebelled, but he choked it back.

Silas sat up, and leaned in close. “Hey, it’s okay,” he whispered, and pulled Theo into his

arms. They lowered back to the mattress, Silas still holding him tight. “Bad dream?”

Theo answered with a single nod.

“Like the one you had the other night when you found me in the kitchen?”

“Yeah,” he breathed.

“Want to talk about it?” Silas rubbed his arm.

“You think I’m this amazing person, but I’m not all that.”

Silas’ hand paused. “Based on the person I’ve met, I disagree.”

Theo extricated himself from Silas’ hold, and moved into a sitting position. With his

knees bent, he draped one arm and rested his lower jaw in the palm of his other hand. Pale

orange rays peeked around his window blinds, signaling the end of the day. What would Silas

think of him, of the real Dr. Lucas, if he told him the truth? The truth that he’d let everyone

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down: his dead boyfriend, his pack, himself. That he’d run away to survive the pain. Instead of

staying and learning how to live with his failures, his grief.

“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a doctor.” The bed rocked, and Theo

didn’t have to turn around to know that Silas sat behind him, waiting for him to continue. His

warmth seeped through Theo’s skin. “I grew up in a pack about seventy-five miles from here.”

Theo laced his fingers on the other side of his knees. “And ever since I was a little boy, I

wanted to go to med school, then come back to Alaska and take care of my extended family. My

parents died when I was around three years old during an outbreak of influenza. After they were

gone, my aunt and uncle took me in and raised me. I couldn’t help but believe that with earlier

intervention my parents might have lived.”

Theo smoothed the hair back from his brow and clutched his hands again. “Like here, in

our community, unless it was sledded or flown in, you were shit out of luck. But I did it. I fought

hard and managed to get accepted into a medical school in Washington State, then came back

home to help our pack.”

“So why are you here, alone, and not there?”

“I’ve never talked to anyone about that day before.” His palms were wet in his grip. It

was as if he stood on the edge of a cliff ready to dive, but he couldn’t be sure if the water below

would be deep and cool, or break him in two on the jagged rocks hiding beneath the surface. But

he had to take that leap or stand in limbo for the rest of his life.

“There was a guy—Jason—we’d been together before I’d left for school, and he’d waited

for me to return.”

The warm and solid weight of Silas’ hand landed on his shoulder, encouraging him

without words to continue.

“I’d been home for about two years when things came to a head, and we got in this huge

fight. He wanted more. He’d hoped that when I’d gone to the lower forty-eight, I would see what

it was like away from the pack and want a different life. Jason thought I would change my


Theo pushed himself over to his side of the bed and faced Silas. “I knew something had

been eating away at him. I shouldn’t have let it go on for as long as I did. I think both of us had

hoped with time that one of us would feel differently.”

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He stared at the covered window behind Silas’ head. “Jason was so angry. He wanted out.

Wanted me to go too. I can still see him standing in the middle of the room, his cheeks flushed,

yelling that I’d never really loved him. If I had, I would care enough to leave Alaska for him. He

said he was dying there, wanted the buzz and excitement that living in a city could bring to our

lives. Jason made it clear that he’d only stayed as long as he had because he didn’t want that life

without me. But that obviously his needs came second or maybe third after the pack and


Theo closed his eyes. “Looking back now, Jason’s statement about dying there had been

like a premonition. He ran out of the house, so enraged with me that he didn’t remember how

thin the ice was that time of year. By the time I found him, he was going under.”

Being face to face with the other shifter was too much. Theo opened his eyes and swung

his legs off the bed, putting his back to Silas. “I couldn’t save him. And after that, I didn’t know

how to live.” He inhaled deeply and surveyed the shadowed confines of the bedroom.

“I had some money put away, so I gathered my stuff and left. Figured it wouldn’t take

much for me to live, and maybe by the time the money ran out, I would know what the hell it

was I was supposed to do next. Coming here was the only way I could I breathe again. Staying

with my pack as if nothing had changed felt like a betrayal. My stubbornness about what I’d

wanted had killed Jason. He’d been right all along, I think I hadn’t loved him enough to put him


Silas’ broad frame came up behind Theo. Then Silas circled him with one arm and

pulled, bringing Theo’s back to his chest. “You didn’t cause Jason to die.”

Digging his fingers into the bedding, Theo closed his eyes once more. He’d carried the

guilt for so long, having someone try to excise the burden almost hurt.

“It sounds like a freak accident to me. And correct me if I’m wrong, but last I checked,

you didn’t possess any power over life and death or the ability to foretell the future. So you’re

not responsible for his death. And judging from the care you gave me while I was injured I know

you did everything possible to save him.”

Silas gave Theo a light squeeze. “So in order to punish yourself, you left your people, and

put yourself out here alone in the middle of nowhere for the past three years.”

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Red leaned over, his breath warm at Theo’s ear. “If Jason loved you like I’m sure he did,

do you really think he would have wanted this? For you to give up everything and everyone else

you cared about in his memory?”

He lowered his palm over Theo’s chest. “I know I would never want someone I loved to

be miserable for the rest of their days because of a stupid mistake that had been my fault to begin

with. What kind of legacy is that?”

A kiss brushed Theo’s cheek. “So what, you both wanted different things in life. Your

dreams and goals weren’t wrong, and neither were his. It’s just fate can be a bitch sometimes.”

Theo huffed. “God, how true those words are.”

“She stepped in and took Jason before you both could work out a compromise.”

“Yeah. I’m sure you’re right.” Theo sighed. “But accepting it is another thing. I hadn’t

had the dreams for several months. But after I brought you here and you started getting better, I

think it must have triggered them again.”

“I’m sorry my being here put you through that. Maybe now that you’ve talked about it,

though, and perhaps gained a new perspective, you’ve exorcised those demons.”

The heavy baggage he’d carried on his shoulders for the last few years did feel lighter.

Maybe Red’s predication was correct, and the haunting memories were gone? “Let’s hope.”

Silas pulled his arm back, and Theo straightened.

A firm slap landed between Theo’s shoulder blades, and Silas barked, “Now let’s eat. I’m


Theo couldn’t stop the grin from curling his lips. So much for worrying about Silas

feeling differently. He watched as the other man bounded out of bed, fully nude, and headed

toward the kitchen. Theo’s cock twitched.

Damn, how did Silas manage to take him from zero to sixty in zero-point-no seconds?

That was pure talent.

After mutual servings of breakfast for dinner, Silas stood by the stove, pouring them both

another cup of coffee. “Since this evening seems like the night for working through a few things

we’ve been putting off, I’d like to ask your help with something.” Red grabbed both mugs,

turned, and headed back to the table.

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They’d both pulled on a pair of jeans. Silas in the black ones he’d been wearing when

Theo had found him. They were torn in a couple of places, but after a couple of washings, they

were wearable.

Theo reached out and accepted his refill. “Sure. Whatever I can do to help, you know I


“Thanks,” Silas said with a hesitant smile. “But wait till you hear what it is before you


“Okay…” Theo cocked his head, waiting as Silas chewed on his words, his gaze fixed on

his coffee.

“Would it be too much to ask for you to show me…?” Silas glanced up in Theo’s

direction. “Would you show me what you’re like when you shift into a wolf?”

Progress. Theo had been wondering how long it would take for Silas to want to see

something of the other side. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me.”

Silas shook his head. “If this makes you uncomfortable, it’s okay. You don’t have to.”

“No. It’s okay,” Theo began and rested his forearms on the table, giving Silas his full

attention. “It’s part of who I am, and I would like nothing more than to share that with you—if

you’re sure…?”

“Yeah.” Silas nodded. “I am. I’m very sure I want to know everything about you.”

Theo’s heart galloped. He guessed there were times fate wasn’t so much of a bitch. After

all, she had brought Silas into his life.

He pushed his chair back, circled to the other side of the table, then reached out and

placed two fingers beneath Silas’ chin. With gentle pressure, he turned Red’s face toward him.

“That means more than you can imagine.”

Theo bent down and pressed his lips to the other shifter’s. Slowly, Theo sampled every

millimeter before withdrawing. Silas rotated in his chair and followed Theo’s retreat with his


After quick work to the buttons of his fly, Theo dropped his jeans on the floor. Silas

watched in silence, his brows drawn low.

“Once you’ve shifted a few times, the process goes very quickly.”

Silas lifted his head in acknowledgement.

Calling to mind the image of his wolf, Theo closed his eyes in preparation.

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“Does it hurt?” Silas’ question jerked Theo’s eyes back open. “I mean, what has

happened to me so far isn’t exactly painful. But the feeling…is unusual. But I haven’t gone all

the way yet. So I wondered.” His face crinkled up as if the mental image were unpleasant.

“No.” Theo shook his head. “There’s no pain. Once you’ve adjusted to the sensation, it’s


Apparently satisfied with his response, Silas moved to the edge of his seat.

With his eyes closed once more, Theo took himself back to his mind’s eye and the visual

of the wolf. Electric tingles started at his feet and, like a volcano spewing its contents, erupted up

his spine and over his head. Enveloping him as if he were the focus of an active Tesla coil. Then

he was falling. Impact with the floor punched the air from his lungs, and his eyelids flew open.

Theo was on all fours, staring at Silas’ knees. He lifted his snout and met Silas’ bright

green irises.

“Fuck…me.” Silas reached up and wiped his hands over his eyes and mouth as if when

he lowered them again, a different reality would appear. “If I hadn’t just witnessed this, I would

swear this couldn’t be you.” Silas lowered his palm in Theo’s direction, then retreated with a


The sudden appearance of a big ass wolf at his feet had to be intimidating. Theo edged

closer and settled his muzzle on Silas’ leg with a whimper that said pet me.

“Oh, my God. You’re beautiful.” He sank his fingers into Theo’s fur. “Snow white from

head to toe.” He groaned. “Feels so nice.”

For what seemed like forever but not nearly long enough, they sat there. Theo on his

haunches, Silas in the chair with both of his palms deep in Theo’s coat. The sun had long dipped

below the horizon, casting the room in darkness.

Theo reached inside his mind for his human form and shifted. Naked, he kneeled at Silas’


Silas reached down and pulled Theo up, facing him. “That had to be one of the most

special moments in my life. My memories may not be there, but I can’t imagine anything else

coming close.”

Theo wrapped his arms around Silas’ neck and pulled them close. “I know it’s definitely

one of mine.”

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Silas groaned and slammed his mouth to Theo’s. Then they were up, kissing, hands

searching, groping. Silas had him in reverse, moving in the general direction of the bedroom.

Oh, yeah. Red had to be a mind reader as well.

They crossed the threshold as one, bodies intertwined in passion when a knock sounded

at the front door. Theo ground to a halt.

Silas broke away, his brow wrinkled. “You expecting anyone?”

“No,” Theo said, a seed of anxiety coming to life in his gut. “Especially not after

sundown.” He darted to his dresser and grabbed the first pair of sweats and a T-shirt he came to,

then whipped back around.

“Stay here,” he barked the command and didn’t wait for a response. He brushed past

Silas, but the other shifter snagged his arm before he got away.

Theo pivoted on his heels.

Silas let go and gripped him by the nape with both hands, holding his head steady. “Be

careful.” The deep timbre of his voice and the sincerity it carried arrowed straight to Theo’s


“Always,” he whispered.

Another round of raps landing on the wood, this time more urgently, met Theo as he

crossed the den.

“Coming,” Theo called out. At the door, he grasped the doorknob but kept the deadbolt in

place. “Who is it?”

“Sorry to bother,” a male voice replied. “But if you have a few moments, we’d like to ask

you a few questions about a missing person.”

His pulse rate climbing, Theo flexed the fingers of his other hand. What the hell was he

going to say? Were they here to rescue or kill Silas? If he didn’t talk to them, it would only draw

more suspicion. He glanced back to the bedroom door.

Silas nodded and stepped back out of sight.

With a twist of his wrist, the lock retracted with a clunk, and Theo opened the door. Two

large men bundled in black-trimmed white down jackets with matching skullcaps stood on the


“A missing person?” Theo looked up at the duo and tilted his head. “It’s after sundown.

Not the usual time of day to be working a search party when you’ve lost your light.”

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“Do you mind if we come inside?” The taller one in front with dark hair brushing his

shoulders glanced at his partner with a shiver. “It’s pretty cold. We’d appreciate the opportunity

to warm up.” He turned his attention back to Theo. “Like you said, not the preferred hours to be


Warning bells sounded in his head, but other than the bizarre hunt after dark, nothing else

seemed out of the ordinary or threatening. “Of course.” Theo stepped aside, allowing the men to


“Thank you for your hospitality.”

Theo watched as they removed their black gloves and unzipped their coats. A fire

crackled in the hearth from earlier when he’d shared dinner with Silas, making the room more

than warm.

“We were about to call it a night when we spotted your home,” the darker haired one,

apparently the leader, added. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but about two weeks ago there was a

plane crash a few miles from here.”

“Really?” Theo feigned ignorance and eased from the door. Until he knew more, no way

was he giving away anything. “Were many lives lost?”

“There were six passengers on the flight manifest, but we’ve only been able to account

for five.” The leader moved in closer. “I have a photo of the missing man.” He reached a hand

inside his coat, pulled out a 5x7-color image, and held it up to Theo. “Have you seen him?”

Damn, he hoped the other male hadn’t noticed the rapid rise in his pulse or the fine sheen

of sweat on his brow. He totally sucked at lying. And now that they had joined him in the small

space, there was no doubt they possessed the same underlying scent as Silas. Not nearly as

pleasurable of an aroma, but similar enough notes to discern they were the same species.

Theo stared at the picture and slowly shook his head. “No. I’m sorry. Haven’t seen him.”

“I see.” The man moved in, removing any remaining inches of personal space. “Please,”

he drawled. “Take another look. This is very…important.” He made sure to enunciate each

syllable of the last word while burning a hole in Theo’s head with his amber gaze.

“I’m sorry to disappoint.” Theo reclaimed a couple of paces between them. “But I can’t

help you.” Out of the corner of his eye, Theo didn’t miss the restless shuffle of the other male’s

hands going to his pockets.

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The vibe in the room had suddenly flipped from friendly, concerned citizens to

mercenaries. Theo worked his throat, trying to swallow back the dust balls collecting there.

“Well, that is a shame.” Dark and Tall placed his hand into his pocket and out came an

automatic pistol.

Oh fuck.

He dragged the top of the gun back, and with a snisk, chambered a round. “But what I

don’t understand, pretty boy.” He rested the barrel at Theo’s temple. “Is how you can stand there

and tell me you haven’t seen Silas Murdock when his scent covers you like a second skin.” His

upper lip curled back, displaying a menacing set of long canines.

A loud roar erupted from the room to his right seconds before the biggest damn cat Theo

had ever seen leaped from the shadows.

“Oh. My. God.” Theo’s stomach turned over.

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Chapter Five

The change had happened so fast, Silas hadn’t had time to second-guess the decision.

It had already been made.

He had to save Theo. They were there for him, and no way would he stand by, hidden,

and allow them to put a bullet in Theo’s head. Passive was not a word in his vocabulary.

The animal inside would kill anyone who threatened someone he loved. He’d think about

that revelation later. Right now, he had business to take care of. Like taking down the bastard

who had dared to pull a gun on Theo.

Silas launched into the room.

The mercenaries whirled.

Claws extended, Silas lunged straight for the male with Theo.

“Silas!” Theo ducked.

Under the full force of Silas’ impact, the other man hit the floor, knocking the gun from

his grip. It skidded across the wood and smacked the wall a few feet away. His face morphed,

jaw elongating.

Fuck that. Silas opened wide and went for the bastard’s throat, putting an immediate end

to any thought of a possible shift.

Silas wrenched his teeth from the other male’s neck. The warm cooper taste of blood

coated his tongue. He growled, then licked at his thick, furred muzzle, the act familiar—second

nature. Exhilarating. His shook his head, the heavy weight of his mane forcing him to

counterbalance with his front paws.

Whipping around, Silas found another lion, his predatory gaze targeted on a white wolf.

The other beast charged.

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Theo leaped, fangs bared.

On a roar, Silas sprang into action, headed for the center of their eminent collision. But

he was too late. The large cat swiped a broad paw at the attacking wolf. Theo yelped. Silas

rammed into the other lion, and both went sprawling, air punching through Silas’ nostrils. His

vision blurred. Strange images danced across his retina. He clawed to his feet, rocking his head,

doing his best to focus on the unfolding scene in front of him.

The mercenary was up on all fours again, shaking his dirty cream-colored mane and

looking pissed. Silas risked a glance to his left, and his breath hitched.

Theo was down.

His body lay on its side, his white fur stained with crimson.

Oh, shit. What had he done? This was all his fault. All his fault. The words looped in his

head, and a dizzying sense of déjà vu nearly knocked him on his ass. The walls of the room

bowed in and out. More images, including sounds, exploded across his mind’s eye at a stomach-

churning pace.

A gun shot.






The plane was going down.

Bile surged to the back of his throat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Not now. Not fucking now.

He blinked and glanced to the injured wolf slumped near the door. Theo.

The big cat moved, grabbing Silas’ attention. He repositioned his weight on his hind legs

and crouched low. Game on. The arrogant shit wanted to take on the Pride leader…bring it. His

scars hadn’t come from playing hopscotch.

They lunged. Jaws wide. Claws scraping the wood. Growls reverberated in his ears. The

taste of fur and blood filled his mouth. They rolled, side over side. Silas on top, then the other

male. But it didn’t matter. Even from the bottom there were ways to win.

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Silas slammed his muzzle into the other male’s, knocking his head to the side. Perfect.

The opening he’d been waiting for. Silas dove in for the kill, and the large cat went still. There

was no reason to prolong the fight. He understood well that it was over the moment Silas’

canines found their mark in his throat.

Moments later, the lion slumped under his hold. Silas released the grip on the beast’s

neck, kicked with his legs, and flipped the male over with a thump.

Back onto all fours, Silas scrambled over to Theo. He sniffed at his fur, zeroing in on the

wound. It appeared isolated to his front quarter.

Theo jerked, opened his eyes, and shivered. He turned his muzzle in Silas’ direction.

Large blue eyes stared into his soul, accepting who they saw looking back.

He licked at the wolf’s fur, gently cleaning the edges of the wound.

Theo dropped his head back to the wood, then with a shimmer of light, shifted back to his

human form.

“Oh, shit!” Theo cried out and cradled his arm against his chest. He shuffled onto his

knees, took a quick scan of the room, the bodies, and faced Silas. “Silas…Oh, my God.” His

head shook as if stunned. “You’re magnificent. I wondered if you were some kind of cat based

on your eyes. But a lion? Holy freaking shit!” He grinned. “That explains a lot, and I do

mean…a lot.” He gave Silas a knowing look.

With his uninjured arm, he reached out and stroked Silas’ mane. For a few seconds, the

comforting touch eased the vertigo inside Silas’ head and he gave in, allowing his human form to


Sweat beaded over every inch of his naked flesh. He shivered despite the heat from the

fire. Silas sent both palms to his face with a sigh. He was back. His memories had returned.

Including every disturbing moment of the day their plane had gone down.


“Yeah…” he muttered from behind his hands, then dropped them to his side and pushed

upright. His beautiful blond wolf shifter kneeled at his side.

Wow. So many men and women had come and gone in and out of his life, his bed, and

somehow he’d ended up falling for an Alaskan wolf. What were the odds? Silas raked his lover’s

exposed flesh for any other injury. As suspected, only his upper arm appeared scathed. The night

could have gone down so much worse.

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“You remember, don’t you.” It wasn’t actually a question.

Silas lifted his gaze to his Theo’s. “How did you know?”

“Because that’s the first time you’ve looked me in the eye since the battle ended.”


“I know.” The other shifter cleared his throat. “You’re leaving.”

“Believe me, if there was a way this could work… I’m the leader of my Pride, and

someone wants me dead. If I were to stay that would mean this wouldn’t be the last time you’re

put in danger. I have to deal with this head-on, and my duties to the Pride must come first.”

“Of course they do.” Theo stood with a grimace, clutching his arm. “Besides, you and I—

a cat and a dog.” He rolled his eyes and scoffed. “We’re natural mortal enemies.” He shook his

head. “It would have never worked. Right?” Theo cocked his head and brushed past Silas toward

the bedroom.

“Right,” Silas replied, his voice hushed. But the finality in Theo’s voice sent every

molecule of his being into a frenzy of denial.

“We’ll have to do something about those two before you leave,” Theo said from the other


“I’ll handle it.” Silas shoved his fingers into his damp hair. God, he was such a mess on

so many levels. He had to deal with the crap left behind at home. That was a given, but so much

had changed since he’d left. He had changed. And home held an entirely new connotation.

Theo stepped back into the room, his arm bandaged, and wearing a clean pair of sweats.

From his bare feet to the top of his pale locks, Silas drank in every delectable pixel.

But this was so far outside the box.

A wolf and a lion?

What would his people think? Someone already wanted him dead for the new ideas he’d

proposed to his Pack and his unwillingness to hide his orientation. To ask them to accept not

only a leader who was bisexual but who also desired a wolf in his bed… Silas rubbed a palm

over his day’s growth of beard. He had to let it go.

* * * *

Theo secured the binding over Silas’ bag. Neither man had slept the night before, too

much had gone down, changed, and needed to be handled. Such as the two dead bodies that were

now ashes a couple of miles from the cabin.

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Silas had gone through their gear for any clues before disposing of them, but they had

been careful to make sure nothing they carried could lead back to who’d paid them. After that,

Silas had quickly showered, then packed his things.

Couldn’t blame him.

The guy had lost two weeks of his life and had mercenaries hunting him down. But it

didn’t make the pain of letting him go any easier. His own dumb ass fault, though. He should

have never let it get this far or become so invested in the other shifter.

“You ready?” Silas stood behind him, his breath warm on the exposed skin of Theo’s


“Whenever you are,” he replied, unable to bring himself to look back. Theo swung his leg

over the seat of the Polaris.

“Let’s do it then.” Silas settled onto the leather behind Theo and slid his arms around

Theo’s waist.

Theo’s eyelids closed under the contact, and his cock went rock hard.

Oh, damn. This was going to be one long ride.

About three hours later, the outskirts of the village were a few hundred yards ahead.

There, Silas would be able to contact the right people to get him safely air lifted back to

Anchorage. Theo had an emergency radio at the cabin, but they both had agreed it was best not

to call any more attention to his place than necessary. Not when Silas could make it home from

the small town ahead.

Theo slowed the craft to a stop, lifted his visor, and pointed to the rooftops. “We’re

almost there.”

Silas leaned back, his arms retreating from around Theo’s waist in the process. Then his

hands were on Theo’s helmet, lifting it from his head. The hard acrylic hit the snow with a plop.

A gloved hand touched his cheek and turned his gaze to Silas’.

“I will miss you, Dr. Theodore Lucas,” Silas growled, his own helmet gone, tossed to the

ground. “Never doubt that.” His brows lowered. “After I leave, promise me you’ll get out of that

cabin ASAP. Return to your pack. For your own safety and for my peace of mind.”

Silas shook his head, loose cooper waves brushing his shoulders. “You’re so damn smart

and talented. They need you as much as I did. And I think you know that.”

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Theo nodded. “I do. You’re right.” He swallowed, pushing the lump back down his

throat. “I’ll leave, but I’ll never forget you, Silas Murdock.”

Their mouths collided. Teeth clicking. Tongues lashing. Theo jerked back and gasped.

“Hang on.” He dismounted, then climbed back on, this time facing his lover.

“Oh, yeah.” Silas grabbed him by the legs, pulled them up and over his thighs, then

cupped Theo’s ass and yanked his crotch against his. “Much better,” he rumbled from low in his


“Much.” Theo grinned. “But this is so inappropriate.” He glanced up and down the silent

trail, scoping out any possible onlookers.

Silas chuckled, a sound that never failed to set his veins on fire. “You’re a dog, Doc. I’m

a cat. When have we ever been ‘appropriate’?”

“Well…” Theo couldn’t suppress the bubble of laughter in his throat. “That is very sound

logic, Mr. Simba.”

The shifter’s eyes widened at Theo’s choice of a new nickname, but humor glistened in

their green depths.

“Besides,” he trailed a gloved hand down the other male’s chest, “having you pressed to

my back for the last few hours has been brutal. I deserve a little compensation for my pain and

suffering.” Theo reached up and pulled the zipper down on Silas’ coat.

“What are you up to, wolf?”

“You’ll see.” Theo bit into the end of his glove, holding it steady while he yanked his

fingers out, then manually freed his other hand and tossed them to the side. After parting his own

jacket, he undid the fastenings to his jeans and pulled his cock free. Despite the cold, his shaft

stood tall, rock hard.

Silas watched, his gaze hungry, his breath escaping in hard pants that sent billows of

steam into the air. Theo’s cat shifter didn’t need to be told the next step, Silas followed suit, and

released the thick length of his erection.

Theo nudged even closer to the larger male, bringing their cocks together. He reached

between them and gathered the twin cocks into his palm. Silas hissed, then dove for Theo’s

mouth. Fast and furious, Theo worked their lengths, sliding and stroking the engorged sensitized

flesh. Silas groaned into his throat and licked at his tongue, the roof of his mouth, mimicking the

actions of their hips.

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Red broke free. “Oh, fuck.” He gasped and ran his palms up Theo’s back, holding him

tight. “Never forget you, Doc,” he moaned into the pulse at Theo’s neck. His vision clouded. It

had to be the cold, because he couldn’t handle the idea that letting go of Silas was breaking his


A growl vibrated into his hair.

“Faster,” Silas ordered, his voice strained. “God, Theo,” he rasped. “Need to come.” Silas

leaned back and enveloped his palm over Theo’s. “Together. Come with me, baby.”

Theo moaned under the added pressure and friction. “Yes!”

Up and down, they pistoned their hands over their joined cocks. Pre-cum leaked from

both heads, seeping between their fingers and lubricating their palms.

“Fuck, yeah!” Silas squeezed a little tighter. “Shit. You ready?” His gaze bore into

Theo’s. “My damn balls are on fire.”

Theo was beyond ready. Lightening streaked up his spine as cum battered at the last

barrier to freedom. “Come for me, Red. Fuck yes, let it go.”

Silas tossed his head back, his upper lip drawing back to reveal extended canines. He

roared. Hot cum shot from the end of his cock, splattering over their hands and the arm of Theo’s


The dam burst on Theo’s orgasm, wrenching a strangled cry from his throat. Cum

pumped from the head of his erection, joining in the shower of white raining down their fists.

Silas rocked his head forward and claimed Theo’s mouth. Hot and hard. Soft and sweet.

Silas’ kiss held everything he needed, but nothing he was allowed to keep. His heart stuttered

behind the protective shield that Silas had somehow managed to bypass.

This was goodbye.

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Chapter Six

The taxi slowed and turned in to the drive, taking Silas up to the entrance of Ariel estates.

He studied the iron and copper forged letters that created an arch over the electronic gates. The

name had been in place for generations, Hebrew for “Lion of God.” Ironic, considering the fact

one of his own had put a hit out on his head.

“Right here is fine,” Silas called out to the driver. The car halted a few feet from the

security booth.

Silas pulled a credit card from his wallet, paid, then exited the vehicle, his sole bag in

hand. At the same moment, a guard emerged from the small building. He came forward on the

drive, a palm covering the handle of his pistol, then stopped.

“Can I help you, Sir?”

“Hello, Matt.” Silas moved closer. “It’s been a while.”

A huge toothy grin spread on his face. “Silas!” He burst into an eager trot, closing the

distance between them. “Oh, my God, Sir. Everyone thought you were dead.” The tall, wiry

guard shoved his palm into Silas’.

Despite the continued up and down action of the enthusiastic male, Silas kept moving.

“I’m not that easy to kill, Matt.”

“No, Sir. I never wanted to believe you were gone. Not our Pride leader. You have so

much more left to accomplish—for yourself and the Pride.” He released his grip on Silas’ hand

long enough to dart into the guard’s hut. A buzzer sounded and the gates parted.

Matt couldn’t have said it better. A long deep breath escaped Silas’ lungs.

Time to find a murderer.

* * * *

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Had it been two days or two centuries? Silas plopped onto the leather chair in his study

with a sigh. He missed Theo more than he’d thought possible. Not that he hadn’t been busy.

Since he’d returned, his staff had thrown him some sort of welcome event each day.

On day one, there was a dinner party. Today, a breakfast celebration followed by parade

after parade of visitors stopping by to see for themselves that their leader had survived. There

had been no time to have the much needed lengthy discussion with the head of his security force,

Durran Malloy.

In fact, now that he’d thought about it, the elder shifter had seemed somewhat aloof. Odd

since protocol required a debriefing on any event that may have affected the life of his leader.

Granted, the only time Silas had been alone for more than thirty minutes had been late at night in

his bed. Even there, though, he’d had more than one offer to change that arrangement. But lying

in the arms of a shifter other than his wolf didn’t feel…right.

His wolf. The corner of his lips turned up at the thought.



In the future, he’d have to make sure he returned to Alaska for a visit. See Theo’s face

once more. Feel his body pressed against his.


He jerked at the sound of the familiar voice and glanced over his shoulder.

“Eli.” Silas stood. “I’ve been wondering when we’d get a chance to talk.”

“You seemed a million miles away just then.” Eli stepped fully through the door and

released the handle.

Silas huffed and settled back into his seat. “No.” He shook his head. “Not really.” Only

about three thousand.

“Come. Sit, my friend.” He indicated the matching chair to his left. Eli was the same age

as Silas and had been his best friend all through school. During those years, the shorter male

became the brother Silas had never had.

Eli was a handsome man with hints of salt in the dark brown hair at his temples. He’d

been quite the ladies’ man. Still was. But for Silas, there had never been anything more than

feelings of close friendship for the shifter. He’d enjoyed their connection over the years and had

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appreciated a confidant during his fight to become Pride leader. Having someone he could trust

in his position…a priceless treasure.

Eli sat and crossed one leg over the other, the leather squeaking under the new burden.

“Christ, man. You certainly know how to keep things interesting.”

“Yeah. Interesting is a mild word for what went down. I’m so grateful you couldn’t make

it for the hunt. It’s been heartbreaking enough dealing with the tragic loss of the others. Losing

my best friend on top of it…” Silas shook his head.

“Speaking of tragic loss, I’ve heard…” Eli narrowed his gaze as if he were choosing his

words carefully, “rumors that what happened up there may not have been an accident. People

have been speculating especially with the death threats you received prior to your trip.”

“Well, this time, the rumors and speculations are correct.” Silas studied the binding of the

book he’d chosen from his collection but had yet to turn a page. “Though one would think

Durran would have been here first to ask these questions.”

“Dear God,” the other male breathed, his tone one of disbelief. “That’s terrifying. And

yeah, that is odd he hasn’t requested a conference with you yet. But I have to ask, how did you


“I guess fate was feeling a tad generous on my behalf that day.” Theo’s face appeared in

his mind. The shifter’s blond hair shimmered in the bright sunlight like the day Silas had

awakened for the first time and found the male standing by his bed.

Silas blinked, washing away the image, then turned his head, giving Eli his attention. “A

rural doctor found me and took me in until my memory returned, and I was well enough to return


“What? You had amnesia?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “Sure did. And it was a bitch. The only way I even knew my own

name was the driver’s license in my wallet. It returned just two days ago. Then Theo took me to

the closest village, and I hopped the next plane home.”

“Amazing.” Eli smiled. “You have the damnedest luck.”

“You have no idea.”

Eli threaded his fingers and propped them on his knee. “So, tell me about this doctor.”

“Why?” Silas repositioned in his chair, his pulse ratcheting up a notch. “What do you

want to know?”

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“Uhm, why the mention of him makes you jittery as hell?” Eli grinned. “What’s his


Silas shoved a hand through his hair, releasing a large exhale. “Theo. Theodore Lucas.

Fuck.” He jumped to his feet and shelved the unread book. Silas turned on his heels and hit his

friend with his best evil glare. “I never could hide a damn thing from you.”

“That’s why you love me.” A satisfied grin beamed on Eli’s face.

“Fuck you,” Silas huffed and resumed his seat.

“You wish.”

Silas answered with a flick of his middle finger. A hearty laugh greeted his ears from the

other chair.

“Damn, it’s good to have you back, old man.”

“Aren’t you the pot calling names.”

“So, what’s really up with you two?” Eli began, his voice deeper than before, serious. “I

get the impression there’s more than a feeling of gratitude stirring for the man.”

Shit. Was he that transparent?

“Yeah.” Silas rubbed a hand over his face. “We got…close, during my time there.”

“Close?” Eli leaned forward and braced his forearms on his knees. “You mean…?” His

eyebrows lifted.

Silas nodded.

“Wow.” Eli sat back, his spine impacting the chair with a whoosh. “He must be

something to leave you shaken. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get under your skin before.”

“No. And you’re right. On both counts.”

“But as we’ve all learned, relationships with humans can never work. And especially so

for the leader of our Pride. There would be those who would have ‘issues’ if you were to take a

human as your mate.”

“True. If he were human.”

“If he were human?” It was as if someone had rammed a rod up the other male’s spine.

“Just what is the young Alaskan doctor?”

“He’s a wolf shifter.”

“Oh. My. God.” Eli stood. “Silas…” He shook his head, heading in the direction of the

bookcase, then spun. “A dog?” Both hands went to the male’s head as if he had to hold his skull

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in place or it would fly from his shoulders. “Whoever was sending you those death threats before

you left had been pissed enough with your political views and bisexuality within our own

species. I can only imagine how their heads will spin if they learn their leader is in love with a

male dog.”

“Love!” Silas leaped to his feet. “I never said I was in love with the wolf. Only that our

time together had been nice—memorable.”

“Yeah, right. And I’m fucking Santa Claus.”

“Ho, ho, ho, Kris Kringle.” Silas returned to his seat.

Eli laughed. “But you do care a lot for him, don’t you?” He stared, not giving Silas an

inch of space to bluff his way out.

“Yes, I do.” A soft click sounded behind him, drawing Silas’ attention. He glanced over

his shoulder. Nothing. No one was there, and the door was still closed.

“You okay, Silas?’

He whipped his head back around. “Yeah. Just thought I heard something.”

“I didn’t notice anything.” He rejoined Silas in the matching chair.

Silas shrugged. “Just a little on edge after everything, I guess.”

Eli nodded. “Understandable. This doctor must be pretty damn special.”

“Yeah.” Silas couldn’t suppress a smile. “He is.”

“Then that’s all I need to know, my friend.” He nodded once more. “I’ve got your back

whatever you decide.”

Spending time with Eli had been just what he needed. To his pleasant surprise, Eli had

been able to extend his visit through lunch and they enjoyed a plate of roasted chicken salad

outside on the patio. Beautiful warm weather was a nice treat for late October in the Smokey


Closing his eyes, Silas turned his face toward the sun, and for a few seconds, allowed the

UV rays to penetrate his skin. But he’d rather have frost in the air, and the heat from a particular

wild canine shifter keeping him warm.

“I can’t believe Durran’s men never found a trace of you, or that you never stumbled

across them.”

Silas opened his eyes and turned his attention back to his friend. “Durran’s men?”

“Yes, Durran had sent a small search team to look for you.”

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His pulse quickened. “How do you know this? Was it announced or something?”

“No. Not publicly.” Eli leaned forward and steepled his fingers over his plate. “I, being

the good friend that I am, came here and demanded a meeting with Durran to see what was being

done to find you, since the remains returned did not include any evidence of your demise.”

“Of course you did.” Silas chuckled.

“He told me that he’d personally sent a couple of his best men to search for you.”

A couple of his best men. A search party… Could it be possible? The one man whose job

was to ensure his protection was the one who wanted to destroy him?

Silas had no idea how he’d swallowed the rest of the food on his plate. But Eli had

already been through enough when Silas had gone missing, and he didn’t want to stress his

friend out any more than necessary. They were only suspicions at this point.

But it was all falling into place.

Access to plant someone he would have never suspected on the trip to take him out.

The money and means to hire mercenaries to track him down and make sure he never


Clever, Durran. Disguising the killers as his rescuers.

Eli left around two p.m., but Silas was whisked away again, this time to a budget

meeting. Everything had been put on hold while he’d been gone, making the department twitchy

until some decisions were made in regards to how money would be allocated for the upcoming

year. Stimulating.

By the time the meeting ended, local schoolchildren showed up with a musical dance

number to show their gratitude and appreciation that their leader had survived. A lovely tribute.

But he was about to lose his mind if he didn’t get to Durran.

Too bad.

He’d forgotten about the formal dinner. The sun had sunk below the horizon, and guests

were already arriving.

Where the fuck was his head of security?

Silas’ personal assistant shuffled him into his suite where a tuxedo for the evening lay

across the foot of his bed. “Dinner is at six-thirty, Sir. But you’re expected to greet your guests at


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Only a small number of other lion shifter packs lived in the United States, and before the

accident, arrangements had been made for other heads or representatives for the annual meeting

to discuss the health and well-being in the lion shifter community.

This could not be postponed. Never had he felt so trapped by his duties than he did


Four hours later, Silas marched down the hall that led to Durran’s office. He yanked at

the knot holding his tuxedo’s tie in place and pulled it loose. The damn thing felt like a noose.

Security had been in place for the evening’s affair, but strangely, Silas had only been able

to spot Durran’s second in command. After the meal, Silas had inquired on Durran’s absence,

and the excuse he’d received was Durran had been unavoidably detained but felt confident in the

male’s ability to handle things in his absence.

Unavoidably detained? What the fuck?

Silas burst through the head of security’s office door. His executive assistant sat at a

center desk, gathering her things for the evening.

“Sir!” She jumped to her feet. “You startled me. I didn’t expect you.”

“You’re here late.”

“Yes, Sir. With the event tonight and Mr. Malloy’s unexpected absence, there were

several things that needed to be handled.”

Silas scanned the area. “Where is Durran?”

“Out of town, Sir.”

“Out of town?” Silas closed the distance between the door and the desk. “When did he


“Earlier this afternoon. I made the arrangements myself. The trip seemed quite urgent. I

assumed it had to do with your accident.”

His fingers curled into fists at his sides, claws extending and stabbing into his flesh.

Calm, Murdock. She’s not your enemy. “Why would you say that? Where did he go?”

“Alaska, Sir.” The young female stepped back. “He was very adamant that he leave

immediately. Did I do something wrong, Sir?”

The bones in his face slid back into place. Get it together. He was scaring the hell out of

her. “No. You’ve done nothing wrong. You’re doing a fine job.”

The female seemed visibly relieved. “Thank you, Sir.”

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“But do you remember where Durran had been, who he’d been meeting with earlier today

prior to this sudden need to travel to Alaska?” Silas leaned in, splayed his fingers, and propped

the tips on her desk.

“Yes, sir. I remember because of how irate he seemed when he’d returned right before

asking me to make the reservations. When he’d left the office earlier, Mr. Malloy had said if I

needed him, he would be with you, Sir.”

The pounding in his ears made it difficult to hear the answer to his next question. “What

time was that?”

“Before lunch.” She chewed her bottom lip for a second, then nodded. “Yes, it was

before I’d left for lunch. He never found you, Sir?”

Silas straightened his spine. “Yes…I believe he did.”


As if on automatic pilot, Silas turned and left. Durran had come looking for him during

his visit with Eli. With this sudden need to get to Alaska, there was no other explanation; he’d

eavesdropped on their conversation. The sound he’d heard had been Malloy.

Durran is going after the one thing he knows will get my attention—Theo.

His head of security had been the anonymous Pride member who despised Silas’ lifestyle.

Hated his vision for the Pride. One that gave his people freedom to grow outside the confines of

the Estates. Malloy had been so loyal to their former leader that Silas hadn’t hesitated in keeping

him in his position during his transition and beyond.

So now that the others had failed to kill him, Durran felt it was time to do the job himself.

By going after Theo, another one of Silas’ “digressions” in Malloy’s eyes, and someone he cared

about, the head of security knew Silas would do whatever it took to save him.

Even if it meant walking into a trap.

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Chapter Seven

He was supposed to be long gone.

Theo had promised Silas he’d get out of the cabin and move back to his pack, but it

wasn’t that quick and simple. After dropping off Silas, Theo had continued on to his village to

announce his decision. His people were thrilled that he wanted to return. But many arrangements

had to made before he moved. Like housing for one, and his clinic had to be reopened, cleaned,

and supplies ordered. That took money and time.

God, he was tired. Theo taped up another box of clothes, then stretched. Two nights of

not crashing till three or four in morning was catching up with him.

After closing the door to the garage, Theo headed for the side entrance to the cabin. At

the top of the steps, he knocked off the residual snow from his boots, then grabbed the doorknob.

Theo froze. A yellow glow from inside shone around the partially open door. His pulse

bounded. There’s no way he would have left it like that. Too many wild animals out at night, and

the cabin would be freezing.

He crept back off the porch and grabbed a piece of firewood from the stack near the

house. Wood in hand, he eased back to the door and gently pushed it open. Peeking in, he

scanned the kitchen and dining area.

Dead quiet.

Step by anxious step, Theo moved across the linoleum. His hand trembled, but he wasn’t

sure if it was the weight of the wood or nerves. Probably the later. Didn’t care admitting it, he

was trying to stay alive, not win a medal. Theo turned the corner taking him to the den.

His breath hitched.

He drew back the wood. “Who the fuck are you?”

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A male with short hair more grey than not, sat near the fire, his frame filling the chair’s

entire occupancy. “Now, now.” He tsked. “There’s no need to club me like a baby seal.” He

waved his hand at the firewood. “I’m just here to talk. That’s all.”

“You haven’t answered my question.” Theo kept the firewood up and ready for battle.

“The name is Durran Malloy, chief of security, Ariel Estates.”

“That’s supposed to mean something to me?” What in the hell was the Ariel Estates?

“I work for Silas Murdock.”

Silas. Shit. Was this one of the bad or good guys?

“Based on your silence, you’re familiar with that name,” Durran stated, his tone sarcastic.

“What do you want?”

“To talk, as I said.” He spread his palms wide as if to say, “See, I’m unarmed.” Problem

was, with a shifter…they were never unarmed. And if he worked for Silas, that said he was a

lion, and his animal form could crush a wolf with one bite.

“Whatever you want to talk about, you can discuss it with Silas when you see him back in

North Carolina. I didn’t invite you into my home, and I don’t appreciate trespassers on my

property. It’s time for you to go, Mr. Malloy.”

“Well, now.” He rose and eased toward Theo, his body language easy to read. The male

was a predator, and tonight, Theo was his prey.

Durran stepped forward.

Theo stepped back. Oh, shit.

“That is certainly not the welcome I had expected from one of Silas’ lovers.”

Theo’s back struck the protruding edge of the refrigerator, knocking Theo’s arm. He

fumbled the wood, but managed to regain his hold, but not before Durran swooped in, taking

advantage of the two seconds of Theo’s distraction.

He ducked, the breeze from Durran’s fist whooshing past his face. Theo whirled, bringing

the thick cut branch up, and like a bat to a baseball, slammed it into the back of Durran’s head.

The reverberation echoed up Theo’s arm like a toothache.

Unbelievable. The guy just stood there, his hair mussed like Theo had swatted a fly

instead trying to expose grey matter. And then as if the world had slowed to a crawl, he pivoted

on his heels, facing Theo. Oh fuck…

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“You little prick.” The other male yanked the fire log from his grip, then with a hard

whack, the back of Durran’s hand landed on the side of Theo’s face.

A burst of stars exploded in his line of vision right before the floor loomed up and

cracked his chin.

Durran’s booted foot jammed in Theo’s side, then he flipped Theo onto his back.

Christ. The ceiling spun. The room rocked. Dinner surged to the back of his throat. He

was so a true land mammal and hated the sea. They could all keep their damn boats.

“A fucking freak of nature.” Durran twisted his fist into Theo’s shirt and jerked his torso

up, shoving his face in front of Theo’s. “That’s what you both are. Not only do you copulate with

the same sex, you don’t even have the basic moral decency to keep within your own race.” His

expression twisted.

“Dog and cat.” Durran spat, the sputum landing on Theo’s cheek, warm and wet.

He flinched, sending another wave of nausea up from his gut.

“You both disgust me. I will never allow someone like you—like Silas—to lead our

people.” Durran yanked Theo up onto wobbly legs. “You’re lucky I don’t chew you up and spit

you out right here.” He snarled. “But that’ll have to wait until your lover boy arrives.”

Theo blinked. Silas? Silas was on his way. “You’re lying,” Theo managed to slur out

through his busted lip. “Silas is long gone.”

A vicious smile curled Durran’s lips. “Oh, he’s on his way. I made sure he’d know where

to find me. I know how and when to cover my tracks, and my sudden dash to Alaska wasn’t

meant to be hidden. He won’t be able to risk the bait, and his stubborn alpha DNA will ensure he

comes alone.”

Durran gripped Theo’s chin with one hand, twisting his head hard enough to hurt but not

to crack a disk. “Silas will want to deal with me personally for putting my hands on you. And

I’m looking forward to it.”

Theo had no idea where the burst of adrenaline came from. But the next thing he knew,

his claws were out, his fangs descended, and he fought like a dog from hell. The older male cried

out, blood and spittle flew.

Oh, yeah. Theo would not go down that easily. If nothing else, the bastard would lose a

few pints of blood and be a little weaker by the time Silas arrived.

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Hard pants left both their lungs. The other guy was bigger, but Theo was more agile. He

twisted, dove low, missing another blow to his jaw, then darted for the den. The heavy thump of

boots behind him said Durran was faster than he looked and was on his heels.

A broad hand grabbed his neck from behind, then lifted him from the floor. Theo’s feet

dangled. If he weren’t about to die, the scientist in him would have taken the time to marvel at

the male’s strength. But at the moment, he was too fucked. With a sharp jerk, Theo flew across

the room. His body and head impacted the log wall with a blinding crack.

Fighting the dark clouds closing in on his sight, Theo blinked rapidly. He couldn’t

breathe. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t get air to his lungs. His legs crumbled, and his rump hit

the floor, jarring his diaphragm back into action.

Theo gasped and watched the other shifter and his dark snow boots closing in.

Then blackness.

* * * *

“Theo!” Silas shook the unconscious form of his lover. His heart ached at the sight of his

bruised body slumped on the floor of the cabin. “Come on, baby. Wake up.”

Silas lifted the shifter’s head. Both of his eyes were swollen, his bottom lip split, and both

sides of his face were discolored. A low growl resonated in his chest. He’d never wanted to make

another soul pay as much as he did Durran. “You’ve got to help me here, Theo,” he whispered.

“You’ve got to wake up.”

“Silas?” Theo rasped. His eyelids parted, his gaze unfocused.

“Yeah. It’s me. Now, come on, Wolf. On your feet. You’ve got to get out of here.” Silas

grabbed him under the arms and dragged him up.

Theo stumbled back but managed to steady himself.

“You were supposed to already be out of here.”

“I was going to leave at dawn.” Beams of sunlight from the kitchen window hit his

bruised face, and he squinted. “Guess it’s already here. Was already finished packing when crazy

man plopped himself in my den.”

Silas tugged on him to move, but his heels stayed planted. “Wait a minute.” Theo jerked

his head around, assessing his surroundings. “Where’s Durran? I’m still alive, and you’re here.”

His gaze swung to Silas’, eyes as wide as the swelling would allow. “So where is he? He wants

you dead. He wouldn’t just walk away.”

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Silas gripped Theo tightly under one arm and hustled the other male through the kitchen

and toward the back door. “I want you on your snowmobile and out of here now.”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Theo backpedalled. “I’m not leaving you here alone!”

“You should listen to your lover, Silas,” a familiar voice stated from the doorway. “Why

should he leave and miss all the fun?”

Silas moved in front of Theo. “Durran…” He shook his head. “My God, you’ve served

the Pride for over seventy-five years. Why end things this way?”

Durran took a step closer. “Who said anything about my service ending? It’s just

beginning. You will never be the leader Arick was to our Pride before his death. He had morals,

integrity. He respected the old ways that protected our people. You want to give everyone a free

pass to live among the humans. Join them in their universities. Exposing everyone to the risk of

extinction. You’re dangerous!” His forehead and nose wrinkled in distaste. “You soil your

reputation and cast aside your morals as if they were nothing.”

Durran shoved a finger in Theo’s direction. “And this is a pinnacle example. A dog,

Silas? Even I didn’t think you’d stoop this low.”

His words were cutting, but they were only the words of a mad man. The cooler Silas

kept his head, the greater his advantage. “So, who should lead the Pride, Durran, once I’m out of

the picture?” Silas cocked his head. “You?”

“I’m the logical option, and I think our people would see their choice very clearly after

they learn of what I found here. How you attacked me so the truth wouldn’t be revealed about

where you’d been after the crash, and why you hadn’t returned home right away. You were

changed after the plane crash; a possible head injury had impaired your judgment.”

“You forget, I just held a meeting with all the heads from our fellow lion community.

They’ll know nothing was wrong with me.”

“Everyone will agree, I’m sure, that you appeared distracted. Distant. Did you not have a

lot on your mind, Sir?”

Canines swelled and dropped low in Silas’ mouth. “You’ll never get away with this,” he

lisped around his fangs, “because you’re not going to live long enough.”

Durran’s arm jerked from his coat pocket. Metal flashed in the sunlight.

Silas charged.

A gunshot rang in his ears.

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Theo cried out.

Oh, God. No.

But he couldn’t risk stopping to see if Theo had survived.

The sound of ripping seams filled the small space, then clothes fell away in tattered

shreds. Two fully shifted lions faced off on the linoleum. Each seeking the perfect opening to go

for the other’s throat.

They rolled and Silas’ hind legs dug into the floor, giving the slight edge of advantage.

Using the sheer force of his body, Silas backed the other male through the side door and onto the

snow covered ground.

Large jaws gnashed at Silas, littering bits of his fur on the snow. He reared up onto his

hind legs, claws extended, and swiped at the other male’s head. Blood sprayed like a sprinkler

head from Durran, dotting the landscape in a macabre shower of crimson. He roared and lunged

for Silas. The Pride leader leaped into the air, clearing the other lion.

Durran toppled, head over heels.

Silas whipped around and pounced.

Pinned on his back, Durran clawed at Silas. The sharp tips dug into Silas’ sides, but he

was too close to taking out the crazed beast to be deterred by the pain. Somehow Durran rolled.

Silas bounded after him. Back onto all fours, Durran turned with another roar.

As one, they charged, the head-on impact like twin diesel locomotives colliding.

The force staggered Durran into reverse. Silas’ vision blurred. But he could discern

enough to seek out and find his target—the big caramel colored feline in retreat.

Silas burst from his position, taking the other lion down onto his side. Without hesitation,

he sank his teeth in the male’s exposed throat and locked his jaws.

In his peripheral vision, Theo’s form moved in beside him. Thank God. He’s alive. The

wolf shifter squatted next to Durran’s head and leaned in toward his ear.

“As you can see,” Theo began. “There is a very good reason why he’s Pride leader and

you’re not. His fangs in your throat…a pinnacle example.”

Silas’ heart swelled.

Theo stood, and a metal click sounded. “This is for me and all the others you’ve hurt and

killed with your bigotry and greed.” A gun fired, the bullet burrowing into Durran’s head.

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Silas collapsed onto his hunches, letting go of his lion form. The change washed over his

body, pain from his wounds shooting down his sides. He bit down on his molars. Steam rushed

from his nostrils with each breath.

Theo dropped the gun. The hot dark blue metal sank and disappeared into the white.

“It’s over,” Theo said, relief apparent in his voice. His gorgeous wolf shifter turned and

crashed into Silas’ chest.

In reflex, Silas wrapped his arms around Theo, holding him tight. Nothing had ever felt

more natural. “Yeah, Doc. It’s over.”

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Chapter Eight

Silas dropped his suitcase onto the wood porch, reached in his pocket for his key, then

inserted it into the cabin’s lock. He grabbed his bag and made his way into the kitchen, his pulse

thumping like a jungle drum in his ears.

“What mode of transportation did you arrange, Red, dogsled?” Theo stood by the sink,

glancing at his watch in mock irritation.

“How did you know?” Silas quirked a smile.

Theo laughed. “Uh, maybe because you were supposed to be here two hours ago.”

Damn, the doc had never looked better. Tall, fit, with a thin grey sweater hugging his

biceps and faded denim gripping the exquisite curve of his ass. His cock hardened at the sight.

Silas’ lifted his gaze, the act a deliberate slow crawl up the other male’s body.

Theo grew still under Silas’ perusal.

Silas reached the top of Theo’s head, and the evidence of his appreciation must have

shown in his eyes, because one second Theo stood at the counter, the next, he was in Silas’ arms,

ramming his tongue into Silas’ mouth.


Silas pressed forward, backing his lover’s rear into the countertop. They broke apart

gasping for air. “Need you.”

“Yes,” Theo moaned.

Too much time had passed. They hadn’t seen each other over the winter. The weather and

their duties had kept them apart. But now. Now Silas was prepared to make up for the endless

series of lonely nights.

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He grabbed a fistful of Theo’s sweater and yanked it over his head, the material ripping

in the process. Theo went for his fly, and Silas tore at his own.

“I don’t know if I can go slow, baby,” Silas said, his words breathless.

“It’s okay.” Theo dove in for another kiss and nibbled Silas’ bottom lip. “I have a

surprise for you.”

Silas groaned. “What have you done, Wolf?”

Theo thumbed his waistband and shoved his jeans to the floor. “Why don’t you have a

look for yourself?” He stepped from the bundle of denim and turned, braced his forearms on the

speckled laminate, giving Silas his backside.

Silas placed his palms on Theo’s waist, the warmth of the shifter’s flesh radiating through

him. He slid lower until his hands parted his lover’s cheeks. That’s when he spotted the toy. His

cock jerked.

“Christ, Doc.” Silas bit back a groan. “You have no idea how fucking jealous I am of that


“Then why don’t you help me remove it so you can take its place.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Silas gripped the protruding nub and, with a gentle rocking,

tugged. Theo moaned from the pressure, then the device emerged. With two fingers, Silas

caressed the lubricated surface, then slipped inside.

“Oh, God. Silas.” Theo dropped his forehead to the counter’s surface. “I’ve missed you

so much.”

Silas growled in response. “Fuck. Theo. I need inside you.”

“Fuck me, Red. God. Fuck me.”

Silas wrapped his slick fingers around his cock, making sure the slippery gel covered the

head. Then nudged his shaft in close to his lover’s opening. He pressed in. “Bare down, baby.”

He groaned, and the head disappeared, the tight sphincter gripping him like a thick band. “Oh,

fuck. So good.”

The harsh sound of heavy breathing came from the counter. Theo’s legs trembled.

“Okay?” Silas eased back out, then bore down again.

“Yeah,” Theo grunted, his knuckles white on the counter’s edge. “Need you,” he moaned,

the erotic sound Silas’ undoing.

He thrust his hips, taking the shaft to the halfway point.

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“Oh, God. Yes!” Theo cried out and shoved back.

Retreating, Silas pulled his shaft all the way out, then drove back in. This time balls deep.

Over and over he repeated the action, languishing in the squeeze to his cock’s head. His sac

rapped against the other man’s flesh with each pounding thrust.

“Faster. Silas. Please…”

Silas pistoned his hips, giving Theo all that he had. Sweat trailed down his temples and

stung his eyes. His balls drew tight, churning with need.

“Touch me.” Theo spread his legs wide. “Fuck. Need you. So close. Want to feel you on

my cock.”

Silas dropped one arm around Theo’s hip and grasped his engorged shaft, the flesh hot

and pulsing against Silas’ palm. Theo’s breath hitched, and he mewled at the contact. Cum

surged from Silas’ balls at the sexy sounds emanating from Theo’s throat. Not yet. No, no. Silas

ground to a halt.

Not until his wolf came with him.

Theo groaned in disapproval. “Don’t stop. Oh God…” He pressed back and squirmed,

doing his best to keep Silas’ cock in action.

“I’ve got you, baby.” Silas stroked the other’s man’s cock, precum slickening his grip.

“One second,” he breathed.

Theo panted and rocked into Silas’ palm. “Fuck me,” he growled.

Slowly, Silas pulled out to the tip, then rammed back inside. He gritted his teeth under

the sensation. The need to come driving him out of his mind. Again. And again, he shoved into

the hot glove that was Theo.

“That’s it,” Theo cried out. “Pump me. Shit.”

Silas worked the length of Theo’s cock with his fist, at the same time, pistoning deep


“Pump me. Oh God. I’m coming!” he groaned. “Yes!” Cum shot from the end of Theo’s

shaft, soaking Silas’ hand.

His lover’s pleasure flipped the switch off Silas’ control and his own orgasm broke free.


Lightning raced to the top of his head and cum burst from his cock. His hips bucked with

each wave of ecstasy that rolled up and out his shaft. Fucking spectacular. Theo jerked beneath

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him in his own bliss, and the small contractions gripping his length milked every drop from


Exhausted, Silas bent forward and rested his damp chest against Theo’s back. “Christ, it’s

good to see you, Doc.”

He chuckled. “Likewise. By the way, I love the way you say hello.”

A few hours later, they sat at the table both starved from the calories burned earlier in the

kitchen, plus the mutual oral release in the shower.

Silas had grilled a couple of steaks while Theo prepared the salad and baked potatoes.

“So, who is handling your duties while you’re here for the next two weeks?”

Silas finished chewing then replied, “Eli. You may remember me mentioning him over

the last few weeks on the phone. Eli Novak, he’s a good friend, and one of the few people I can

trust right now.”

“Oh, yeah. I remember you talking about him.”

He carved off another bite of steak. “I appointed him Secretary of Ariel Estates. It’s the

perfect role for him. He’ll serve as a liaison between our people, other Prides, and myself.”

“That’s sounds great. Hopefully, it will help to ease the tension at home for you with

Durran’s mutiny and subsequent death.”

“Malloy couldn’t let go of the past and embrace the future. Our Pride has to change,

evolve with the times, or self-destruct. Fortunately, there are very few with his narrow vision.”

Silas looked up from his plate.

Theo sat there staring, smiling back at him.


“You impress me so. The man that you are. How you care so much for your Pride,

sometimes to the point of your own detriment.” Theo reached over and took Silas’ hand into his.

“I love you.”

Oh, fuck. Silas’ eyes welled, and he blinked back the tears. Shit. He never cried. He

hadn’t voiced the fact to anyone that he cared for Theo in the same way his wolf had just uttered.

Even to himself. Inside, he knew it, though. But he was unprepared for the impact the words

would have on his heart. And it was as if a two-ton truck had knocked the wind right out of him.

Theo pulled back. “Too soon?”

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Silas shook his head, the ability to speak in a half-second delay. “No,” he said, his voice

hoarse. “Not at all.” He stood then grabbed Theo’s wrist, bringing him to his feet. “You’ve only

stated what’s been growing inside me all along, and I just hadn’t stopped long enough to

acknowledge the imprint.”

Theo glanced up, blue eyes sparkling with so much emotion.

“I love you too, Doc.” Silas cupped his face. “Love you so damn much.”

Silas kissed him. Slow and sweet. Taking his time to show his shifter exactly how much

he meant to him. Theo moaned into his mouth, his tongue darting in and out in a lust-filled

dance. Silas gripped the male’s bottom close, grinding his swelling cock into Theo’s.

Theo came up for air. “I don’t think I could ever get enough of you.” He reversed his

step, leading Silas toward their bedroom.

They stripped along the way. So by the time they fell onto the mattress, both men were

completely nude. Silas pulled Theo close, trapping him face to face against his body with one leg

tossed over the other male’s thigh.

“So how are we going to make this work?” Theo ran his fingers into Silas’ hair and

kneaded his scalp.

Silas purred.

“Oh, I do like that.” Theo grinned.

“Feel free to do that little tug and scratch number any time, and I’ll be more than happy

to purr for you, baby.”

Theo jerked at his roots, sending a sharp sting radiating to Silas’ cock. His shaft thumped

against the other shifter’s abs. “You slut.” Theo laughed.

“Oh, man,” Silas drawled and flung a hand over his heart. “Now, that hurts.”

Both men chuckled. Then Silas caressed Theo’s cheek, sobering for a moment. “You’ve

worked so hard to be there for your people. It’s what you’ve wanted to do your whole life: take

care of your pack,” Silas said. “I’d never ask you to leave them for me.”

Moisture glistened in his lover’s eyes. “You don’t know what it means to me that you’d

be willing to be a part of my life but allow me to be there for my pack at the same time.” Theo’s

lips met his with a feather-light yet heart-stopping caress. “The same is true for you and your

destiny, Silas. I would never ask you to leave your Pride for me either. Being a leader is in your

DNA, your blood. You’d never be happy in any other role.”

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Unable to deny the other male’s logic, Silas nodded. “We came into each other’s lives

when we were both balancing on thin ice,” he began. “You saved me, Doc. In more ways than

one, you took me to solid ground.”

“And you pulled me to safety,” Theo added. “Pulled me back out into the world and gave

my heart permission to feel again.” A corner of Theo’s lips curled into a lovesick smile. “But if

things could work out for us to be together—full time. Is that something you would want?”

Silas’ stomach did that flip-flop kind of thing at the provocative thought. He brushed his

knuckles along Theo’s cheek. “More than I ever thought possible. But like I said, I’d never


“No. You wouldn’t.” Theo’s smile grew a little wider. “Give me some time with my

pack. To make things right and prepare them properly for my absence, not like before. You need

the same with your Pride. Time to ready them for the change in your personal life. You’ll be

asking them to accept that you not only have a partner of the same sex, but a different species.”

Theo released a slight chuckle, then reached over and smoothed his palm over Silas’ hair.

“When the moment is right, we’ll know it, and I’ll come.”

Silas forced the lump swelling in his throat back down.

“You and me…” Theo traced the outline of Silas’ lips, the touch echoing over his skin.

“This will work.”

“We work,” Silas added. “But in the meantime, whenever possible, we’ll come back here

to our special place and forget the world.”

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About the Author

Jessica Lee lives in the southeastern United States with her husband and son. She loves writing

and can't wait for that quiet time each day when her son is in school, and she can get lost in

another place and world with the fantastical, sexy creatures in her head. She's a member of

Romance Writers of America, Carolina Romance Writers, and EPIC.

Jessica Lee loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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Wolves and Coyotes, Lions and Tigers, Bears and Hares…


Erotic Shape-shifter Romance from

Resplendence Publishing

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Danny loves Alaska, but it doesn’t seem to love him back. The full Wolf Moon sparkles over
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his frail family might implode. All he wants is the right man in his bed.

Brandon and Justin are lovers and wolf shifters native to Alaska. They’re out to protect their way
of life, and sometimes that means extreme measures. When Danny’s brother proposes aerial wolf
hunting, Danny enters their sights. Danny was the closet case in high school, and now, he’ll be
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Sheriff Rebecca Savage never planned on returning to Beckit Falls, or for falling for two
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When Delilah Lewis moved from Atlanta to Gwinn Close, a sanctuary for shifters in Michigan’s
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It's time for the annual race, and tortoise shifter, Duncan, is finally going to catch some tail—
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The full moon is rising, and if Charlie stays collared through the Hare Moon, he'll remain an
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June – Sun Moon

Hollis Chambers came to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to teach summer school at a small rural
high school. She’d planned on hanging out on the shores of Lake Superior, taking walks in the
woods and studying the wildlife. She never imagined that she’d meet one man, let alone two, to
have a hot summer fling with.

Lynx shifters Daniel Cichosz and Josiah Wilder know a good thing when they see it and they’re
fairly certain that the gorgeous, full-figured substitute teacher is just who they’ve been looking
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July – Thunder Moon

July’s Thunder Moon is holding true to its name. But will the rash of lightning reveal more than
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Veterinarian and bobcat shifter, Tayen Locke, has devoted her life to saving animals, but a rise in
poaching has spurred her down another path. She’s been spending her free time in her animal
form, searching the nearby forest for illegal traps. She’s well aware of the risks—she just never
thought she’d end up snared by her potential mates.

Rangers Quinn Harrington and Rogan James know exactly what they want…they just don’t
know how to convince Tayen it’s her. Ever since they moved to town two years ago, they’ve had
their sights set on the sexy vet, who for the last six months has turned down every offer they’ve
made. Though they know she’s interested, they’re losing hope she’ll ever change her mind.

But an unexpected storm changes the nature of the game. It seems Tayen’s been keeping a secret,
and now that the cat’s out of the bag, literally, there’s nowhere left for Tayen to run—except
straight into their arms.

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After spending much of their lives feeling like outsiders, Jason and Mitchell have finally
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low profile and friendly, and the new shifter in town is a toned, tattooed bad boy who doesn't
want to play nice.

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September – Harvest Moon

Hanna Herst joins rock band Harvest’s tour under the guise of doing an interview on the lead
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their crew. Little does she know, the disappearance and the interview are only a cover to get
Hanna within Kaz and Myan’s circle.

Kaz and Myan know Hanna is their mate. They’ve spent the last year maneuvering her into their
camp and she’s arrived just in time for the Harvest moon, the time when shifters in their pride
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November – Hunter’s Moon

Mustang roundups by the government are nothing new out west. When two horses turn up on
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December – Snow Moon

When photographer, Macy Lawson, climbs Mount Elbert to take pictures, she doesn’t expect to
come face to face with a snow leopard, an animal that shouldn’t be roaming the Colorado
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nowhere to save her. He takes her home to escape a coming blizzard and introduces her to his
partner, Danel and their friends Calin and Abel.

Soon, Macy discovers Sorin prefers to share his women with these men, and they all want her.
Far from home and stranded in the wilderness, she decides to take the leap, live a fantasy and try
out ménage.

But Sorin has a couple secrets he hasn’t shared. He didn’t save Macy from a snow leopard. He is
the snow leopard. There’s a strong possibility Macy’s his mate, and if that’s true, home will be
with him and Danel, not in some far off city where leopards can’t roam free.

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