Sean Michael Three Wishes 1 Three Wishes

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living
or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of
either the author or the publisher.

Three Wishes
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2010 by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Alessia Brio
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-112-8
All rights reserved, which includes the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright
Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO
Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: December 2010
Printed in the USA

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Three Wishes

By Sean Michael


"Listen to me, you sneaky little fuck..."
James slammed his hand down on the desk, snarling

into his headphones. "No. No fucking way, Warren. You
listen to me. I want that equipment delivered, and I want
it delivered quietly and on time. We spend an amazing
amount of capital with your company, and I have clients
arriving in twelve hours."

Twelve hours to get the compound ready for three

scenarios. Then five days to ensure that everything went
off without a hitch. He had been planning this week for
three months, and getting the table in was the last piece
of a vicious fucking puzzle.

Three months of work for an income of one and a

half million dollars.

James would be damned if Warren's lack of planning

on the mainland fucked this up. He got the assurances he
needed, Warren sniveling and simpering, the fool. The
last thing he wanted to hear when he finally hung up on
the man was a sharp knock on his door.

"What?" He didn't allow visitors in his cabin.
Guard's voice came through the door. "Let me in,

James. Your fucking phone has been busy all damn

"I'm been working." Asshole. He wheeled over to the

door, checked the monitor. "Are you alone?"

"No, I have twenty naked twinks with me waiting to

rush you as soon as the door's open. Of course I'm alone,
James. Come on." He could almost hear Guard's eyes

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He worked the locks open, one after another, click,

click, click.

Asshole. Pushy, bossy, beautiful fucking asshole.
He swung the door open. "What do you want? I'm


"I want to check in with you and make sure we're all

set for this week. I have clients to greet at the airport in
less than two hours, and I've been trying to get a hold of
you since this morning." Big, blond, and beautiful,
Guard towered over him, all muscles and stupid
Hawaiian shirts.

"That shirt is atrocious." He wasn't going to back up,

even an inch. Except that he couldn't shut the door with
Guard there.

Guard's annoyed look was replaced by a shit-eating

grin, and he brushed at his shoulder with one hand. As if
lint would be caught dead on anything as atrocious as
that. "I like it. It brings out my eyes."

"So would a sharp spoon." James wheeled himself


"You're in a fine mood." Guard stepped in, closing

the door behind him and coming toward James.

James kept backing up. "I'm busy." Too busy to play

with Guard. Too-too.

"Then let's get right down to business. Where are we

with the medical?" Guard hit a few buttons on his
iPhone and looked at James expectantly. God, the son of
a bitch was beautiful.

"All set but the table and the lights. I have

confirmation from Warren that delivery is in four and a
half hours."

"That's cutting it close. The doctor wants a chance to

look things over before the patient comes in."

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"He can look in the morning before the scenario

starts. I have a private meal arranged for both parties."
Their scenario didn't start until seven a.m.

"The doctor comes in at five, the patient at seven, and

we've set them up on two different ends of the island.
The last thing we need is for them to run into each other
before the fantasy begins." Guard's voice was deep and
husky. A voice for seduction.

James ignored Guard's voice and his so very loud

shirt. "That's your job, stud. Lock the patient in his cabin
if you have to. Whatever. How about Mr. Valenti?
That's a delicate situation, and I want it handled right."

Body modifications were a sensitive thing, and that

man was in for a week, paid double.

"All the forms have been filled out, as have the

waivers. He has a private cabin. It was a smart move,
bringing in medical fetish guy's partner as a consultant
on Mr. Valenti's fantasy -- an excuse to get him here, but
nothing really for him to do. With Mr. Valenti, that is."
Guard scrolled through his iPhone, made a few

"That's what you brought me in for." James checked

his files. "I have a group of five pros in for the
Vicuna/Nedders scenario. Medical files on record, no
one new. Oh. Kevin Matthews has given notice; he got a
movie deal. We'll need to hire a replacement leather
daddy for an on-call status."

"No shit? That sucks -- he was fucking good at his

job. Five pros, huh? Can you double check we have
enough kitchen staff and food on hand?" Guard was
good with details. Not as good as he was, but good.

"Absolutely. Carmen and Luis are in the kitchen, and

they brought in Carlos and Tino. No booze available for
any scenario, as requested."

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"Cool. The Vicuna/Nedders couple are already here,

ensconced in their private bungalow. Everyone else is
still running on schedule. So from what I can see, we're
good to go." Guard looked up from his electronic files,
met his gaze.

"Of course we are. I made the arrangements. Have

you heard from Damien?"

One of Guard's eyebrows went up. "You mean in

recent history?"

"No, I mean in your lifetime." Jackass.
Guard stuck out his tongue. "I've had the same

fucking business emails you have. That's it."

"Huh. He'll have to stop in eventually. He'll need

money." James wasn't stupid. He cut all the credit cards
off if the sneaky bastard didn't check in.

"I suppose." Guard shrugged and shook his head.

"Whatever." Then the light blue, laser eyes were trained
on him. "You going to have dinner with me tonight,
after all the guests are settled?"

His body responded immediately, viciously, the

desire that he ignored every second of every day
flooding him. Torture. Having Guard this close and not
begging for a touch was torture.

"Sure. Carmen's making me pizza."
Guard smiled warmly. "Chicken and onions?"
He nodded. "Feta cheese."
"Make it a double and tell her I want the nice cream

soda, not that pink Crush shit."

"Spoiled brat."
"I just have good taste. In men as well as food." He

could feel Guard's look, right in his gut.

He opened his mouth, then spun around, headed back

for his computer. Guard deserved someone whole.
James didn't participate in the physical world if he could
help it.

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James heard a low growl and something that sounded

suspiciously like "damned stubborn asshole," and then
Guard called out, "I'll see you at ten," and the door
slammed closed behind him.

James closed his eyes, let himself remember when

there were three of them -- healthy, whole, laughing,
loving. If the boys would just give up on him, this whole
thing would go easier.

Guard was proving to be stubborn, though, and

Damien was probably too mean.

The phone rang, caller ID showing the number for

their pilot's cell.

Time to get back to work.

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Chapter One

Guard changed into a lilac shirt with huge green and

yellow flowers on it. He had matching shorts, but they
were probably a bit much. Instead, he put on his bright
yellow board shorts and his flip flops.

Grabbing his clipboard with maps, room service

menus, keys, and stuff attached, he walked down to the
water, where the deck ran out into the ocean. Aldo
would be here any minute with their medical fetish
client. What his name?

Guard checked his clipboard -- it would be better not

to call the guy med fetish to his face. Names were a
good thing and made the clients feel comfortable.

Sage Q. Williams.
What kind of name was that?
He'd bet the man's mother was a hippy. Or at least

had been when Sage was born. He would keep that tidbit
to himself, too.

The radio on his belt went off and he picked it up.


"It's Aldo, we're three minutes out."
He clipped the radio back on his belt and waved to

Carmen's nephew Luis. The kid came trotting over with
the wagon for luggage, and they made their way down to
the end of the dock together.

"Buenos tardes, Señor Guard. Is the man for cabin D,


"Si. He's Señor Williams."
"Si." Luis nodded, smiled at him. The kid wouldn't

remember for ten minutes, but it didn't matter. After
tonight, no one would see Sage Williams until it was
time to fly back to L.A.

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He heard the motor of the plane and shaded his eyes.

There it was. Cool. He was ready to get everyone tucked
in and go see J. Maybe tonight was the night. He
laughed a little to himself. Right. He had faith, though.
He had talked to Damien back at the beginning of this
nightmare, and they weren't fucking letting James just
fade off. Not now. Not tomorrow.

The plane eased down, landing in the water with

surprisingly little splash before heading to the dock.
Guard watched as it came in and waved when he could
see their client through the little window.

As soon as the plane stopped next to the dock, Luis

grabbed the rope Aldo threw and Guard moved up to
open the door for their guest. "Good evening, Mr.
Williams. Welcome to the island."

"Thank you." Sage was lovely, muscled and tanned,

bright blue eyes picking up the colors of the sea.

"I'm Guard, and if there's anything I can do for you

while you're with us, you just need to hit the pound sign,
then three on your phone. Zero gets you the concierge
on duty, though, and he can probably help you with
most of your needs." He could see Luis had the luggage
ready to go. "If you'll come with me, please."

"Of course. I... I was told that everything would be

arranged for tomorrow."

"Yeah, everything's ready for you. And the kitchen is

at your disposal this evening -- they'd be happy to
prepare whatever you'd like." He led the man to the little
golf cart Luis was loading the luggage into.

"Oh. Okay. Yeah. I'm... I'm a little nervous."
Guard would bet the farm that Sage was more than a

little nervous.

"Everything's set up to run as smoothly as possible.

It's our job to make sure your fantasy happens just the

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way you want it. So if there's anything I can do to make
you feel more comfortable..."

"I... I just. I've never done anything like this before,

you know?"

"It wouldn't be a fantasy if you had." Guard had a lot

of experience soothing nervous guests. Hell, he knew
being nervous enhanced the whole thing for most

Sage's laugh was warm, self-deprecating. "I guess

you're right."

"Of course I am." He gave Sage a wink and turned

the golf cart up the long drive to the private bungalow
he'd assigned the guy.

"It's lovely here. Is there a place to swim?"
"You've got a pool behind your bungalow." There

was also the entire ocean, but they didn't have life
guards. Besides, most of the guests were looking for
privacy, and while there were no outsiders here, there
were other guests.

"Excellent. Is it private?"
"Of course. Your privacy is assured."
"Thanks." Sage looked around, smiled. "I hope I can

sleep tonight."

"I could have a masseuse brought in, or someone to

guide you through some meditation." Unless he missed
his guess, though, the nerves and lack of sleep were part
of the fantasy.

"I... Can I think about it? I really need to find my


"Of course. You can ring the concierge or me if you

need anything at all."

Sage nodded. "Thank you. I know I'm being a

nervous Nelly, I just... This is such a big deal for me."

Guard pulled up in front of the man's bungalow and

clapped a hand on his shoulder. "It's the chance of a

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lifetime, and I hope it gives you what you want." He
wanted to be a fly on the wall, actually. It was amazing
what made some people tick. Amazing and fascinating,
even when it otherwise seemed weird.

"I do, too. Thank you." Sage stood up, smiled back at

him. "Will... someone come get me tomorrow?"

"Yes. At seven thirty. He won't speak, he'll simply

lead you to the place where you'll... see the doctor."

"Oh. Okay." The man pinked, but the tent being

erected in the loose pants Sage wore was impressive.

Man, it took all kinds. It really did fascinate him, the

things people wanted. The things people needed. That
thought sent his mind back to James, back to those near
black eyes, the pointed chin, the brilliance.

He was smiling as he helped Luis get Sage's bags into

his bungalow. "If you need anything at all..." He handed
over the keycard and the information pamphlets.

"I... My safe word is on file. My... the doctor will

know it?"

"He'll have your file, yes. Should you use your safe

word, everything will stop."

Sage grinned at him. "That's comforting. Thank you.

I'll call about my dinner decisions."

"Terrific. Enjoy your fantasy, Mr. Williams."
"Thank you."
Guard made sure his client made it into the cabin,

luggage and all, before he left.

He drove the golf cart back to the dock to let Luis off

and glanced at his watch. He had about an hour before
the next guests came in. Maybe he could go find some
flowers to bring with him for dinner.


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"Señor James? The men are all in their cabins and

settled, and the big house is ready." Carmen smiled at
him, put a huge pizza on his dining table.

James checked the last few items off his to-do list.

The main house held the kitchen and housed the staff.
He'd make sure the morning alarm would get the staff up
early enough to deal with the beginning fantasies,
though if he knew Carmen, she already had that well in
hand. "Thank you, ma'am. The pizza smells amazing."

"It does. Whatever did we do to deserve you?" Guard

came in and kissed Carmen's cheek. "And you got me
the good cream soda. Thank you."

"De nada." Carmen hugged Guard tight. "You boys

try to rest, si?"

"We'll be fine." Guard gave her a one-armed hug and

turned half away as he locked the door behind her.

James shivered, watching that fine ass. Even if it was

covered in the loudest fucking yellow pair of board
shorts known to man.

"Everything good?"
"Yep." Guard turned and then brought his hand

around in front of him, holding out a bouquet of flowers
at him.

His eyebrow rose. "Daisies?" He loved fucking


"Yep." There had to be two dozen of them. "I had to

drive all over the island to find them."

"They're beautiful." He hadn't seen any in months.
"I'm glad you like them." Guard grabbed a vase from

the top of one of his bookcases and put the daisies in it,
then set it on the table.

James got himself over to the table. "Everyone seems


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"Yeah. Williams is a little nervous, but he's here

without his lover. Or so he thinks. The Vicuna/Nedders
pair are ecstatic." Guard sat in the chair next to him,
laser-blue eyes trained on him.

"And our modification man?" He was not going to

get hard. Not.

"Already asleep. There's nothing for us to do but

enjoy the rest of the evening."

James nodded, knowing full well his cheeks were

burning, damn it. "Grab a plate."

"That's not what I want to grab."
"What?" His hands slid a little.
"You heard what I said." Guard was looking at his


"There's pizza." He wasn't going to do this.
"I'd rather have you."
"When are you going to give up on this?" He was

broken. Permanently.

"I'm going to haunt you when we're both dead, J."
"You two would be happier if you just forgot about

me." He waved his hand. They'd had this discussion
before. More than once. "Pretend I'm virtual."

Guard growled and grabbed his hand. "Why don't

you let me be the judge of what's going to make me

"Don't touch me, damn it." He stared at their joined

hands. He couldn't do this with Guard touching him.

"Why not? Do you know how much I want to do

more than touch your hand?" Guard's voice stayed soft,
the note of pleading in it enough to break his heart.

"Guard. Don't do this. We all decided this was best."
"No. No, I don't think we decided anything. You laid

down the law. End of story." Those blue eyes wouldn't
let him look away.

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It was all he could do to gulp in one breath after


"J..." Guard leaned toward him, moving in slow


The rap on the door was loud, sharp, rattling the

house. "Let me in, asshole. I smell pizza."

Fuck him.
Fuck him raw.


He pushed his hair back over his shoulder, looking

over the assholes he had the misfortunes to be hooked
up with. "Guard. Wheels. Que tal?" Then Damien
walked over and grabbed a piece of pizza.

"What are you doing back, man? I haven't cut you off


Damien shrugged at James. "Got bored. Also, the

dude who's into the hard-core mods? I wanted to see the
end results. I mean, damn. He's like a fucking romance
novel cover model -- perfect hair, perfect skin... That's
deeply fucked up."

"If you're going to have dinner with us, the least you

could do was sit like a decent human being." Guard
looked ticked off. Or maybe put out. Or maybe he just
needed to get laid.

"What? I'm not invited?" Damien knew better. James

loved him, and Guard needed his ass, his cock, his
mouth -- all of it. "You got any booze, Wheels?"

"We're dry this week, Dame. Sit already." Guard's

eyes followed his every movement. Oh, yeah, the man
was hungry.

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Damien nodded, his ponytail heavy with the damned

humidity. James looked exhausted -- stupid fuck, always
working. "So, tell me the mod fantasy guy I found is

"More perfect than me?" Guard batted his eyelashes

and winked.

"For this job? Yeah." He blew Guard a kiss, grinned.

"Tell me there are cameras."

"Damien." James stared. "Have you lost your mind?"
Guard just shook his head. "They're here for their

fantasies, not ours."

Goody Two Shoes, the pair of them. "Jesus, you two

are hidebound." He took another piece of pizza,
munching down happily. He'd been busy -- of course, he
was already plucking out players for scenarios months

Guard stuck his tongue out and began to eat.
"So, I'm staying a couple of days, at least. I need to

let some things marinate. Can I stay here with you,

James looked at him. "You have a cabin."
"I get lonely."
"What am I? Fucking chopped liver?" Guard had

stopped eating again to glare.

"Nope. I was hoping you were fucking James." Not

that any of them had done that in a long damn time.

Instead of bitching back at him, Guard sighed. "I was

hoping so, too." The man shot James a look.

"Are we still pretending that we can't fuck because

your legs are messed up?" Damien wasn't sure if that
was it or if it was just Puritan guilt.

"I don't know if I would have put it quite like that,"

growled Guard. The man was always so protective of
James and his shit.

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"No? It's true." Hell, he knew. He'd fucked up. He'd

been the one who had brought the crazy fucker that hurt
James here. Still...

"We'll get there, Dame. You need to be patient."

Guard had more faith than a temple full of monks.

"I'm right here, you shits!" James was hot when he

was mad.

"That's what I keep saying." Guard grabbed James'

hand. "You're right here and we're right here and the
bedroom's just over there."

"We are not doing this!" Yeah, James was definitely

adorable in screaming idiot mode. Very hot.

"Why not?" Guard demanded. "I'm not giving up on

you, and neither is Damien."

James met his eyes and Damien grinned, chewing

meditatively. "I could just blow you now. Derail the
whole conversation."

"Go for it, J. You remember what his mouth is like."

Guard squeezed James' hand.

James' mouth opened, snapped closed again. "Have

you both lost your minds?"

Damien pondered that. "Not recently."
"No. And you haven't lost any of your appeal, J."

Guard leaned in and pressed a kiss to James' ear.

Damien grabbed a third piece of pizza, watching.
Guard kissed the same ear, tongue snaking out to lick

at the lobe. It was the most he'd seen anyone touch
James since it had happened.

James moaned, then wheeled back away from Guard,

shaking his head. "Don't."

"Why? Guard wants you. You want him. I have a

video camera..."

"Fuck off, Dame. Either help me convince him or get

the fuck out." Guard could growl when he wanted to,
and the man was just as hot as James when he got going.

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"Shit, I'm not going anywhere. Not a chance. This is

fucking fun." Hot.

Guard rolled his eyes and turned back to James,

smiled. "Come on, J. Let's just put everything behind us
and go to bed."

Oh, dude. Guard had been working hard. That little

hesitation spoke volumes.

Guard leaned in, slowly. James looked up, hands

white-knuckled on the wheelchair. Damien leaned back,
watching avidly. It was hot. Really.

Guard's phone started ringing, and James' computer


"Shit." Guard grabbed his phone from his pocket and

barked into it. "What?"

James wheeled over to the computer and started


Damien? He just grabbed another piece of pizza.
It was good.
Fucking good.

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Chapter Two

Thor explored the bungalow he'd been given. It was a

pretty simple set-up, and if things went well, he might
not even wind up using it. Next door should have
everything he'd need.

He moved to the bungalow next to his, where he'd

hold court over a gentleman who wanted piercings, tats,
and body mods in general. Only the guy wanted to be
made to do it. Thor was going to be half artist, half Dom
on this one.

He shrugged. It took all kinds, and he was getting

paid very handsomely to be a part of this. Not to
mention that it played to both of his strengths.

He just had to remember he could do anything he

wanted to this guy, unless he heard the word
'grandmother.' Then everything stopped.

He turned the light on, finding the place to be one

long, inviting room. There was a large bed, chairs, and
all the tools he could ever dream of needing. Sweet. He
wandered, getting himself oriented. Part sex club, part
studio, all private. It was like magic.

The door behind him opened, a buff little stud

peering in. That had to be Benji Waterspoon, the client.
His sub for the next five days.

Thor turned, put his hands on his hips and watched to

see what the guy would do next.

"I... Sorry. I saw the light on." The man had huge

dark eyes, long blond hair.

Very pretty. Extremely pretty in that romance-cover-

model way. "That's okay, boy."

Those dark eyes flashed up at him, and he got hard.

Damien hadn't told him the man was fucking beautiful.

"That's right, I called you boy. The minute you

stepped into this room, you became mine."

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"I... I don't..." God, that flutter was hot.
"My name is Thor, but you can call me 'sir.'"
"Sir? I should... It's late."
"And yet you're here." He nodded toward the tattoo

chair. "We can start with your first tat."

"My first... But I..." The pretty boy took a step back.
"Either shit or get off the pot, boy." He snapped the

words out. The guy either wanted this or he didn't.
Thor'd know by how he responded right now.

The high cheekbones turned a dark red and those

dark eyes flashed. "I'm not a boy."

"You are my boy this week. Mine to use, mine to

decorate, mine to tell what the fuck to do." With every
'mine,' he took another step toward Benji. "Get in the
chair. Now."

He could see the effects of his words, Benji's cock

filling in the man's perfectly fitted jeans. Benji moved
away from him toward the chair, shaking his head. Oh,
this was going to be a sweet week. He stayed where he
was, watching as Benji moved like a dream.

Jesus, the things they were going to do.
Benji's arms wrapped around his own waist, perfect

ass leaning on the chair. "I should go to bed..."

Thor stalked toward the chair. "You should sit, boy."
Benji's ass hit the seat, even as the man shook his

head. Thor closed the gap between them and fisted
Benji's shirt, tearing it apart, open.

Muscled, tanned, dusted with a light smattering of

curls -- that chest was a perfect canvas.

"Gonna have to shave you first." He grinned. "Gonna

have to shave you a lot."

"You can't, though..." Those tiny nipples were hard, a

dark spot spreading on the man's jeans.

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Shit, those denials were sexy. Thor chuckled. "I think

you'll find I can do whatever the fuck I want." There
were cuffs built into the chair for wrists and ankles -- he
was going to be able to play hard.

He turned his back on Benji and grabbed a razor,

filled a bowl with hot water.

"It's getting late; we should talk about this


"If you wanted to wait until tomorrow, you wouldn't

be here tonight." He brought the supplies over to the
stainless steel tray next to the chair. Snagging a stool
with his foot, he dragged it over and sat. "You've heard
of Thor's hammer?"

"Like the god?"
"Exactly. I'm going to put the hammer on you." Right

over the man's left nipple.

The rules were simple -- good, beautiful art on the

man's body, shaving was fine, including head and face,
piercings good. He was going to make this man an
amazing piece of art, starting with his hammer.

He grabbed the shaving cream and sprayed it over

Benji's chest.

This was going to be a blast.


All Benji had to do was say grandmother and it

would stop. That's it. There were sound sensors,
security. This guy had been hand-picked, was a
professional -- drug and disease free, an artist. He was
safe. So why the fuck was he so scared?

And incredibly, hugely turned on.
"I don't think this was a good idea..." The first bit of

hair came off his chest. He had almost a week here. How
bare would he be by then?

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Thor's lips quirked into a half smile, and the man kept

shaving. Benji tensed, but he didn't move, didn't get up.

"Just relax, boy. This is the easy part."
"I'm... This happened faster than I thought it would."
"It wouldn't be any easier if you waited until

tomorrow. That's why you came over when you saw the

"I... Why a hammer?" Or was he not supposed to ask


"It's my signature -- Thor's hammer."
"You're signing me?" Wasn't that supposed to come

last? The signing?

"I am. You're my canvas."
Shaving done, Thor wiped his chest down with a

towel and then ran his fingers down along the area by
his left nipple. His breath caught in his throat, and his
nipple went rock hard.

"Someone wants my attention." Thor's little finger

flicked across the bit of flesh.

Benji gasped, his cock jerking in his pants as a shot

of pure need pounded down his spine. Thor made this
rumbling sound deep in his chest, patted Benji's cheek,
and then began to gather his tattooing tools. The gun,
needles, ink, a couple bottles of liquid, paper towel.

Oh, God. Oh, God. His heart started beating. No. No,

it started pounding. Slamming in his chest.

Then Thor settled on the stool, picked up the gun,

and turned it on, a low buzzing filling the room. Benji's
eyes went wide. This was where he always freaked out
and left. Always. He'd told them that. God.

He sat up. "No. I can't."
One big hand landed in the middle of his chest and

pushed him back. "If you don't sit still, I'll use the cuffs."

"I won't let you."

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Thor just laughed. The sound was deep and rumbling

and vibrated its way through him.

"Don't fucking laugh at me. I've changed my mind. I

can't handle it." He really was just the pussy boy
everyone had always said he was.

"You're going to have to."
Thor held him down with that one big hand, the other

holding the gun and setting it against his skin.

"You didn't even draw it..." The buzz started; so did

the sting. Oh.

"This is my signature -- I don't need to draw it."
He gulped in one breath after another, the man

putting ink on him. Inside him.

The outline of the hammer appeared first, and it

wasn't like the hammer he'd been expecting. It was more
like an upside down cross. He closed his eyes, shaking,
something in the back of his head screaming that he was
actually doing this.

The area over his nipple burned -- he couldn't tell

where exactly the gun was hitting anymore. He curled
his toes over and over. He was doing this. Oh, God. Oh,

"Almost done," murmured Thor.
"I need to go..." He was aching, shivering, wanting to

go jack off in the worst way.

"You need to sit and let me finish this." Thor's dark

grey eyes met his. "You can come if you need to."

"I... I wasn't expecting." God, the man was hot.


"I was." The buzz stopped suddenly. "There. Perfect."
"I..." He didn't know what to do. He should just get

up. Run. Run to his cabin and lock the door, find a big,
fat dildo, and fuck himself into oblivion.

"Antibiotic spray now." He heard a spritz, and

suddenly the tattoo was sprayed with a shock of cold.

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His hips bucked, his balls emptying, his orgasm

shocking him, wild.

Thor leaned back, nostrils flaring. The man's eyes

swept over him, taking everything in.

Benji surged out of the chair -- devastated,

embarrassed, excited, lost, all at once -- and ran for the
door. As he got to the door, a big hand wrapped around
his bicep and stopped him, pulled him up smack against
the hard chest. Thor's mouth landed on his, the kiss
sudden, hard, all-encompassing.

Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck yes. He opened up, the hand

squeezing his arm feeling so fucking good.

It was no-holds-barred ownership of his mouth by

this man. He cried out into Thor's mouth, his fading
erection making an amazing comeback.

His back came into contact with the wall, Thor

shoving him up against it to grind their lower halves
together. His chest burned, but that ache was distant.
What he felt the most was the fingers digging into his
upper arms, the heavy cock pressing against his. It was
hotter than hell, and the temperature was only going up.

One of Thor's hands let go of his arm, moving down

to grab his cock through his jeans. His hips rolled,
moving with a mind of their own, trying to get closer.

"Still want to go?" Thor asked, staring down at him.
He shook his head. No. No, he wanted something


"That's what I thought." Thor began to back up,

dragging him along.

Where were they going? He followed his cock,

needing so bad.

They stopped at the bed, Thor pushing him down. He

bounced, legs sprawling wide. Pushy bastard.

"Take off your jeans, boy. Show me what else you've


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He opened his jeans, eager to get the wet mess off.

He knew his body was beautiful. He'd heard it for years.

"Mmm... sexy little canvas, aren't you?"
He blushed, cock bobbing, bouncing on his belly.
"Get mine out, suck it, and I may let you come


Now this Benji excelled at. He loved to suck, loved

to feel a man's prick hot and heavy on his tongue. "Well,
come down here."

"You don't get to say what I do." Thor climbed onto

the bed and straddled his shoulders, pinning his arms at
his sides. "Now how are you going to get it out?"

His eyes went wide, and he wriggled, trying to get his

arms free.

"No, no, boy. You've got a mouth. Use it."
"You..." He bit his bottom lip, trying to figure out the

easiest way to do this.

He could smell Thor's need, the hard cock pressing

against the tight jeans' zipper. Benji nuzzled the tip,
knowing the tiny burn would feel so good. Thor
groaned, licked his lips, but didn't make any move to
help him. Benji grabbed the zipper tab with his lips,
figuring that would be the easiest part. Hell, he might
even be able to get to the man's cock without working
the button.

"Careful, boy." Thor's words made more sense when

he was done and it became clear that Thor wasn't
wearing any underwear.

"Did I get you?" He hated hurting people.
"No, but it was a close thing."
Thor's hand slid through his hair. It was long, thick,

teased and tortured and highlighted and... He licked at
Thor's prick, tongue trying to tease it out through the
hole made by the open zipper.

"If you need help, you have to ask for it."

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"I just don't want to scratch you."
"Sweet boy. You don't need to worry, though. I lived

through inking it, I can manage a little scratching -- my
only worry was skin catching when you pulled down the

"You... There's ink on it?" He leaned back, hoping to


"Get it out and you'll see."
He frowned, stared at the button. "Suck in."
Thor chuckled for a moment and then the man sucked


"Good man." He grabbed the tab with his teeth and

tugged. Hard. The button popped out, Thor's cock
springing and hitting him in the face. He grunted,
pressed back into the mattress. Thor's cock was
gorgeous. Long and thick, it was covered in gold and
silver swirls.

"Look at you..." He moaned, fascinated.
Thor looked pleased, and he tilted his hips, that

amazing cock nudging against Benji's lips. Benji
opened, tongue flicking the tip, lapping it. It surprised
him when the tattoo didn't taste different.

"You've got a good tongue. It'd be even better with a


He shook his head. No. God, no. No, that was


"Shake your head all you want, pretty boy. For the

next five days, you are mine to do with as I please."

He almost came again, cock throbbing. Thor grinned

down again, like the man knew, and the inked cock
pushed deeper. He swallowed around the tip, let himself
relax back, open wide.

"You like sucking cock." It wasn't a question.
He didn't answer. He did. He loved it.

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"Sweet boy." Thor set up an easy rhythm, cock

sliding in and out of his mouth in long, slow strokes.

Was he? Sweet? He wasn't sure. It didn't really

matter, because he was busy sucking.

Thor started moving faster, riding his mouth. Every

time he looked up, the man's grey eyes were boring
down into him, seeing him. He closed his eyes, and that
heavy cock slid in, to the root. It slid away again, then
in, filling his mouth so full. Benji tried to hold it in, to
swallow around the tip.

"Yeah. Good. More like that."
Okay. He could do more. He pulled harder, eyes

closed, hands trying to get free.

Thor held him fast, though, hips moving, pushing that

cock deeper and deeper. Low, growly noises came from
the man. Benji didn't know what to do, so he pulled
harder, trying desperately to control the thrusts. He
could feel Thor's cock getting even harder, and then the
man pulled out, come spraying over his face.

He gasped, fighting to get his arms free, to clean his

face off. Fuck. Fuck. His prick was hard as a rock.

Thor shifted back a bit, knees pinning his arms even

tighter against his sides. Then the man bent and licked
from his chin up along his face in one long stroke of his
tongue. Oh. Oh, fuck. His hips slammed up, fucking the

"You aren't very patient, are you?" Thor's fingers

rubbed the rest of his come into Benji's face.

"I'm really patient. Really." He had to wait for hours

on photographers.

"Good. You can wait until tomorrow to come again,

then." Thor moved, getting up. "No touching," the man
warned, pointing at his cock.

Benji groaned, but he knew he'd be able to get off

when he went back to his cabin.

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Thor went to a big chest and pulled something out,

coming back with it. Thor sat next to him and held up
the little small, leather thing. "You know what this is?"

"No..." That was a gigantic chest.
"It's a cock ring. It goes around your prick and balls,

keeps you from coming." Leaning over, Thor worked
the leather around his cock, around his balls, pulling it

"Jesus..." His hips lifted off the mattress and he

caught sight of the ink on his chest. Oh. Oh, God. Fuck.

"So are you going to stay the night?"
"Do you want me to?" Was he supposed to?
"Now that you're here, I'd like you to stay until our

time together is over."

He nodded, took a deep, deep breath. "Should I go

get my clothes?"

"No, sweet boy. You aren't going to need any


"Oh." He sort of... counted on his clothes.
Thor tugged down the sheets next to him and pointed.

"Go on, I'll tuck you in, clean and lock up, and then join

He scooted over, the skin on his chest tight. "Should I

bandage this?"

"How do you usually sleep?"
"On my back. My agent says it's good for my face."
"Well, then, you won't need anything on the tattoo."

Thor pulled the covers up to his waist, and then headed
back to the tattoo area.

Benji watched, eyes burning in his head. He was

never going to be able to sleep.

Thor cleaned up his work area, seeming easy in his

skin. His back, chest, abs, and arms were amazing; the
jeans hanging open were tight enough they were still

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hugging his ass. Benji could hear a low hum as Thor
worked. The sound was comforting, somehow.

Moving to the door, Thor locked it and then turned

off the light. The moon filtered in through a gauze-
curtained window, letting Thor pick his way through to
the bed and strip.

He caught himself yawning, eyelids getting heavy.
Thor slid into the bed next to him, and he could feel

the heat from the man's body. His eyes went wide again.
He hadn't slept with another person in a long, long time.
Thor moved closer, one big hand landing on his hip,
holding it possessively.

"I'm not sure I can sleep."
"You suffer from insomnia?"
"Sometimes. Doesn't everyone?"
"If I'm having trouble sleeping, I get some ink, or a

new piercing. I crash hard after the rush."

"What... what do you have pierced?"
"Give me your hand."
He reached out, more curious than trusting.
One of Thor's big hand wrapped around his and the

man brought his hand to his chest. To a pierced nipple.

"Oh, ow." He touched it, so gently.
Thor chuckled, and the sound was sexy. Then their

hands were moving down his body. Benji found himself
holding his breath. He felt the half-hard cock, the heavy
balls, and then his fingers were pressed behind them,
pressed against a little ring buried in the flesh there.

"Oh, my God..."
"You can play with it." Thor's voice had gone husky.
He traced the little ring, touched the place where the

metal pierced the skin. Thor groaned, legs spreading

"What does it feel like?" He was shivering, moaning

under his breath.

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"It's very sexy -- sensitive."
Benji couldn't imagine having something down there

like that.

"You should be coming down from having your tat

done soon." Thor settled them back down, kept hold of
his hand.

He didn't know whether to say thank you or not, so

Benji just held on. Breathing.

He was still holding on when he fell asleep.

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Chapter Three

Thor half-woke with a growl, his hand tightening on

his partner's hip. He grunted and then remembered who
he was in bed with. The pretty man he was going to turn
into a piece of art. The morning was suddenly looking

Benji was fucking beautiful and quite possibly the

hottest man he'd ever seen. He rubbed his morning wood
against the smooth skin of Benji's hip. The lovely eyes
blinked open, surprised, barely focused.

"Morning," he rumbled, nuzzling into Benji's warm


"Morning." Benji smelled like sex.
He licked the skin he'd been scenting.
"Oh. Oh..." Benji chuckled softly. "Tickles."
That made him laugh and lick harder. Benji twisted

toward him, bound cock still half hard. Lovely man. He
reached out and measured Benji's cock with his hand.
He could pierce it, ink it, whip it, fill it... Groaning, he
bit into Benji's skin, sucking up a mark.

The man's cry was sweet, hungry, and he bit again.

His fingers explored the tip of Benji's cock, thumb
digging into the slit. Benji grunted and pulled away,
escaping his hands. He growled and tugged the man
back in close. That pretty cock went rock hard.

Oh, yeah, Benji needed this so bad, wanted it. And

Thor was just the man to dole it out.

"I..." Benji moaned, body bowed in a long, lovely


He slid his hand along the line of Benji's body,

touching the warm skin, learning the shape. Almost too
pretty, those muscles under that golden tanned skin
shifted. He sneaked his fingers over toward the hammer
inked on Benji's chest, over the man's heart. His mark.

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Benji moaned softly, shivered. "You signed me."
"I did. The beginning of my masterpiece."
"The beginning..."
"I've got you for five days, pretty boy. Gonna make

each of them count."

Benji nodded, moaned softly. "We'll see. I might

freak out."

"I'm prepared for that." He was prepared for a whole


Benji's fingers slid down his body, brushed his cock.
"You've got a great touch." He pushed his cock

forward, bumping it into Benji's hand.

Benji wiggled, got their cocks together, hand

bringing them together.

"Careful," he murmured, touching the skin around

Benji's tattoo. "You don't want to rub it against anything
just yet." Not even him.

"It's tight."
He imagined so. They needed to clean it up, lube it.

They could do this first. He pushed, sliding his cock
through Benji's hand, along Benji's cock. Fuck, that was
good. Watching Benji moan was sweet -- and he could
see the luscious bottom boy hiding under the façade of
romance cover hero, like a tease. Fucking hot.

His fingers itched to start working, start inking his

masterpiece. He let his cock rule for right now, though,
driving them together faster. Benji groaned, hips
bucking, moving faster, harder, that pretty, bound cock
leaking for him. He rolled them, putting Benji beneath
him and holding himself up with his arms as he drove
their hips together.

"Oh. Oh, fuck..." Benji leaned up, bit his shoulder.
Growling, he ground down harder. He was going to

shoot, spread his spunk on Benji's fine skin. He reached

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between them, tugging at the snap on the leather ring
around Benji's cock. "I'm going to let you come."

"Oh, fuck. Fuck yes." Benji's hips moved faster,

driving against him.

"Yeah. Such a hot little thing."
He fucking loved the blush, the deep little groan. He

leaned in close and whispered "So hot," as he came,
splashing heat between them.

He heard Benji's distant cry, felt the long body

jerking under him. He stayed where he was for a
moment or two, letting Benji feel his weight. His boy
panted, fighting to catch his breath. He rolled off to the
side, fingers moving to rub their combined seed into the
lovely skin.

"Wow. M...morning."
"Yeah, good morning. It's a great start to what's going

to be an amazing day."

"I hope so." There was a hint of nerves there. Good.

That was part of this whole thing.

"It will be." He finished rubbing their come into

Benji's body and rolled up out of bed. "You need a light

"The guy yesterday said they'd bring food... Do you

know where?"

"I do. I'll place our order, and it'll be delivered."

Something light on Benji's stomach.

"Okay. I'm going to shower and... stuff." Benji stood

up, headed for his clothes.

"Oh, no. I don't think so." Chuckling, he grabbed

hold of Benji's arm and tugged him back onto the bed.
"You're naked while you're here unless I say otherwise.
And you take a shower if I say so."


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Thor hummed at the worry, the nerves. Hot. God,

pushing this man was hot. "And I'm not going to say so
this morning. I like the way you smell like sex."

That pretty mouth opened and closed, over and over.

Grinning, Thor called in their breakfast.

"Si, señor. Do you want the table left outside the


"Yes, please." Benji wouldn't see another soul until

their time together was up.

"Absolutely. I will leave a menu, too. This way your

other meals will be left."

Damn, these guys were good.
"Thanks, man."
He hung up and turned his attention back to his pretty

boy. "You like fruit, I hope."

Benji nodded, chewing on his bottom lip, worrying it.
"Don't look so worried, you're going to love our time


That got him a quick little grin. "Are we?"
Thor chuckled and nodded. "Yes, boy, we are."
He watched the shudder climb up Benji's chest, those

pretty pink nipples going hard. There was a discreet
knock at the door, and Thor was even more impressed;
that had been very quick.

Benji looked over at the door in surprise. "Fast


Thor was willing to bet management had checked

them both out and had had a selection of what they
expected him and Benji to order on hand, ready.

He went to the door, tugged in the food cart. The fruit

salad smelled luscious, the juices bright and fresh. There
were croissants as well, light and flaky.

He closed the door, locked it, and brought the tray

over to the small table by a fridge and microwave.
"Come and eat."

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Benji headed over, obviously unconcerned with his

nudity. Thor admired every step the man took, picturing
ink and piercings decorating the pretty body.

Benji tilted his head, looked at Thor. "So... is it

against the rules to ask personal questions?"

"Nope, go ahead and ask."
"Are you from... here?"
"Nope. They flew me in, just like you."
"Oh. Cool." Benji sat, covered his lap with a big cloth


"If you drip, I just might have to lick you clean."
Benji chuckled. "I can't believe I did this..."
"What? Giving in to your dreams? Everyone should

find the courage to do it."

"I just... Yeah." Benji grabbed a strawberry, nibbled

on it.

"I know it's not easy. That makes it sexier, makes it

more courageous." He picked up some pineapple and
started eating.

Benji offered him a half smile, sucking the

strawberry meditatively.

"You're going to look fantastic when this is over.

You're going to be my best work ever."

"I don't want to think about how I'll look. Not yet. I'm

not ready."

"You don't have to do any thinking at all, boy. You

leave that to me." He gave Benji a wink. He was eager
to get started, but he forced himself to eat a little more.

Benji ate slowly, focusing on each piece of fruit.

Thor was focused on Benji, examining and memorizing
each line. It would make his work better to know his
canvas so well. The man ducked behind his hair, hiding,
the heavy curls artfully arranging themselves around the
man's face. He wondered what Benji would look like
without it, what Benji would do without it to hide

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behind. His cock started swelling, filling like he hadn't
gotten off.

He got up and grabbed an elastic, moving to Benji

and pulling all those curls back.

Benji frowned at him. "What are you doing?"
"Pulling your hair back. I want to be able to see your

face." He didn't want Benji hiding.

Those high cheekbones went dark. "Why?"
"Why on earth not?" Wasn't that what Benji did?

Benji shrugged, a sudden tension in the air. "Well, I do.
I want to see your face because you're stunning."

"I am. It's my stock in trade. The beautiful hero."
"I'm going to make you even more beautiful." He

finished pulling Benji's hair back. The jury was still out
on whether or not he would shave it off and cover
Benji's scalp with color. It just might depend on how
well the man took to the needle.

He thought that he could sense panic creeping up in

Benji, tension and stress. "Come on, boy. Time to get
started." He grabbed Benji's arm and helped him up, led
him toward the chair.

"I... I'm not ready. I need something to drink."
"There's a bottle of water at the chair." He didn't stop,

didn't slow down, just kept moving.

"No. I'm not ready."
"If we wait for you to be ready, we'll be here until it's

time to go." He gently pushed Benji into the chair.

"That's okay..." Sweet boy, so worried.
He grabbed the cuffs and attached them to Benji's


"I'm not... I need a shower. I need to go check my

messages and stuff..."

"You're fine." He went and started choosing colors.

He was going to start with a gargoyle on the right side of
Benji's chest.

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Something fierce and strong, fantastical. Springing

from a stained glass window.

Benji shook his head, pulling hard at the cuffs.
Thor sat on his stool and started the gun, the buzz

familiar, good in his hand.

"Let me go. Let me go. I'm not ready for this. You've

already marked me and..."

"That was just a warm up, boy."
"I'm not a boy!" Look at that hard, aching cock.
"For the next five days, you are my boy."
"Five days..." Benji squeezed his eyes shut.
"That' s right." He set the gun to Benji's skin.
Benji cried out, cock swollen and red-tipped, hips

sliding away to the left.

"You're a bit of a pain slut, aren't you?"
"What? What? No!" Little liar.
He nearly chuckled, but it might have jiggled his

hand, so he didn't. Sometimes he worked from drawings,
or an outline on the skin, but with Benji he was going to
work freehand. He knew exactly what he wanted to do.

He started inking the gargoyle in his mind to life.
Benji was a natural, which was good. This process

would take a couple of days, with rests to push and
change the sweet body in other ways. It didn't take long
at all before Benji was breathing with him, focused on
the rhythm of lube, ink, and wipe. Lube, ink, wipe.

He was as hard as Benji was -- as into this as the

pretty model.

No more empty perfection. No more unremarkable

beauty. No one could mistake Benji for someone else
again. "Nobody else is going to look like you. One of a

Benji's answer was a soft, sobbing gasp.

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He nodded. "You're going to feel a lot of things over

the next five days, boy. That's a good thing."

"Not a boy." He loved how Benji's cock responded to

that name.

"You are at the moment. You're my boy for the next

five days."

Benji's answer was a low, rough moan.
The gargoyle was beginning to take shape. He

worked the outline in, curves and angles carved into
Benji's skin. It was good, even if he did say so himself.

Benji was beginning to pant, to cry out.
"Hot, isn't it?" He kept working, knowing the buzz

was making Benji wild.

"I need to get up."
"No, you're fine right where you are."
"I need to get up!" Benji could yell.
"You are up." He reached down and gave the hard

cock a single tug, then went back to his work.

"Fuck you. Let me go. Let me..." He hit a spot where

skin was close to bone and Benji groaned, long and

He hummed, jonesing on the sound, on the way he

knew that felt. The pain there was exquisite, too big to
yell through or ignore. A glance at Benji's cock
confirmed the man was still turned on, all without a
touch to his cock, or a kiss. This was purely him and the
pain getting Benji off.

"Oh, God. Please. Sir." Thor knew, without a doubt,

that Benji didn't know what he was begging for.

So he gave the man what he needed, the needle

buzzing in his hand, on Benji's skin. They were riding
the edge, and it couldn't last long, not with the need. He
was nearly done with the gargoyle, though, the beast

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fierce and strong and beautiful. The tail trailed down,
Benji crying out as he finished.

He put the gun down and pulled off his gloves, one

hand going immediately to Benji's cock. He circled it as
he grabbed the spray and aimed the nozzle at Benji's
chest for a spritz. Benji's lower body convulsed as he
squirted the cold antiseptic. Come sprayed up, nearly
mingling with the newly inked skin, but he kept his hand
in the way, and then smeared the spunk in to the un-
inked flesh. "Mmm. Nice one."

Benji sobbed softly, breath huffing out of his chest.

Someone was deep into this, riding high. He kept
rubbing Benji's stomach, enjoying the way the muscles
twitched beneath his fingers.

"I need to go home."
"When your five days are up, you're going to beg me

to stay longer."

"You'll be sick of me, and you'll say no."
"Somehow, I don't think so." Not if Benji fulfilled the

promise in him.

Then Thor would just take his boy home, damn the

consequences. That was a worry for four days from now,

He got the mirror, showed Benji his gargoyle.
Benji stared. "Why a monster?"
"It's not a monster. It's a protector."
"A protector?" Benji licked his lips, moaned softly.
"That's right." He slid his hand through the air over

the ink, feeling the heat of it coming from Benji's body.

The chains rattled as Benji arched.
"You're a beautiful man, a very pretty boy. When we

leave here, you'll be stunning."

Benji shook his head, groaned. "I'll belong to me."
Ah, there they were. The reason the pretty boy

wanted to do this.

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"I'll make sure of that." Benji would be very unique.
"What else?"
"What else will I be sure of, or what else will you

leave as?"

Benji chuckled. "Well, I'd like to know both, but I

mean what else are you going to do?"

Like the surprise wasn't part of the fantasy. "You'll

just have to wait and see, pretty boy."

Benji moaned, shook his head. "No fair."
"Too bad -- that's how it works." He was the boss.

That's what Benji wanted.

The fantasy had been simple, straightforward. Benji

needed someone to make him realize his dream.

Thor was that man.

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Chapter Four

As soon as Thor released him from the chair, Benji

ran. The bathroom was close and he slammed the door,
hand wrapping around his cock. God, he needed. So bad.
So bad. Benji moaned, leaning hard against the wall.

The door opened, Thor standing there, frowning at

him. "What exactly are you doing?"

"Nothing. Leave me be, man. Just need a second."

The endorphins were filling him.

"I can't do that." Thor moved in and grabbed his

hand. "This is mine, boy."

He cried out, prick dripping, hips snapping as he

fought to come. Again.

Both his hands were taken, pulled into one of Thor's

behind his back. Thor was so close, Benji just needed to
get his balance back and he could rub up against one
solid thigh.

"Fuck..." His feet slipped, the skin on his chest tight.


"You're going to say it with even more meaning

before we're done."

"Let me go. I need a second." His balls ached.
"You need what I tell you to need."
Thor pulled him up tight against the hard body, one

thick thigh pressed between his legs. Benji cried out, the
ache in his balls perfect. Just one touch to his cock. Just

"I know what you want. I know what you need. And I

know what you're going to get."

"Just... I just need one touch and I'll shoot."
"I know." Still, Thor didn't touch him.
"Fuck..." He was going to kill something.
"Oh, I don't think you're going to last that long." Thor

leaned in and blew across the new tattoo.

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He sobbed and pressed down, the ache in his balls

enough to let him come, hard.

"There you go, boy. You didn't even need a touch."
Benji moaned. "Thank you. Oh, God. Thank you."
Thor grabbed a towel and cleaned him up. He started

shivering, his body feeling like he was in total overload.

"You need to come again."
"I don't know." He didn't know anything.
"That's okay, boy. I do."
Thor let go of his wrists and grabbed one of his hands

instead, dragging him out of the bathroom and toward
the bed.

He stumbled along, shaking hard, gasping a bit. "I

can't breathe."

"You're breathing just fine." Thor pushed him down

onto the mattress and leaned over him, breath on his

"Help me." Adrenaline was crashing through his

body and he felt adrift, lost.

"I am." Thor began to spread biting kisses over his

body, lips wrapping around his skin and sucking it in.

Each bite made him jerk and moan, made him

shudder. "Oh. Oh, fuck."

"Yeah, I will, boy. Patience."
"I always thought I was patient..."
"You've never needed like this before."
"No. No, I haven't. Nothing's ever been like this


"That's because nothing's ever been the thing you

wanted most before."

"No. No, it hasn't been." He wanted to be free,

marked, decorated, touched. Felt.

Thor's mouth covered his, one hand moving to trace

around his newest tattoo. He cried out, tried to move
away. The skin was almost unbearably tight, aching.

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Thor stopped kissing him only long enough to say a few
words. "More spray later. And antibiotic cream."

"It aches." He wanted to cry, to scream, something.


"Good." Thor straddled him, rubbing their groins


"Hurting isn't good!" His cock hurt, it was so hard.
"Sure it is."
Thor nipped his neck, scraping his skin. He twisted,

turning on the mattress, spinning away.

"Back here," growled Thor, hauling him beneath the

strong body.

"I can't fucking cope with this!" But he could and he

had to.

Both of his hands were taken in one of Thor's again

and brought up over his head. Then a thick rope
wrapped around them.

"No!" He fought because it felt so good to fight and

know that Thor wouldn't listen.

"Yes." Thor's legs spread his apart, one big hand

pressing against his belly, holding him down.

"What do you want? Why are you here?"
"I want to blow your mind."
He stopped, looked at Thor. "I don't know what to do

now. I let you put ink inside me!"

"You didn't have a choice." Thor opened a bottle of

slick and teased two fingers against his hole.

"I..." The lube was cool and felt good, distracting

him, soothing him.

One of those slick fingers pushed right into him. His

eyes closed and suddenly, somehow, he could breathe.
Thor hummed, and one finger became two, spreading
him open.

"I'm sorry. I keep freaking out." He pushed down into

the touch.

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"You're allowed." Thor's fingers went deep, nudging

his gland. Any answer he had was lost in a low, rough-
edged cry. "Right there," growled the man, fingers
nudging against that spot again and again.

Benji lost himself in that shocking touch, the

electricity jolting him over and over.

He cried out when it stopped, the sudden lack of it

stunning. "Please!" He pulled at the ropes a little

"Easy, boy. I have you." As suddenly as he'd been

emptied, he was filled again, Thor's prick hard and hot
as it pushed slowly into him.

Oh, fuck yeah. His eyes rolled back in his head, his

ass stretched so well.

Still pushing in, Thor groaned. "Fuck, you're tight."
"Full." That burn was so good, so right.
Thor was finally in all the way, cock pushing against

his gland.

"I don't... I haven't let anyone in for a long time." Oh,

God, he'd missed it, so much.

"You feel good." Thor stayed buried inside him, not


"Uh-huh. I'm burning." He was flying.
"I'm gonna move now." Thor did, that cock sliding

inside him, almost pulling all the way out.

Benji's body followed Thor, trying to keep him in,

hold tight. Smiling, Thor pushed back in, the
movements slow, easy. Part of him wanted a hard
pounding, part of him was relaxing, focused on Thor's
motions. That thick cock moved in and out, over and
over. Spreading him. Filling him.

"Full," he murmured again, lips open as he sucked in


"Yeah." Thor moved faster, the thrusts getting harder.

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Fuck, he needed this, needed to feel. "Don't stop.


"Not stopping." No, instead Thor moved harder,

faster, building up.

"Thank you. Oh fuck." He tugged against the ropes,

kicked his feet.

Thor responded by thrusting into him even harder.
"I..." Shit, he couldn't think.
His lack of words didn't slow Thor down any -- the

man just kept moving into him. He started moving, too,
pressing down against Thor, taking the man in to the

"Yeah. Yeah." Thor nodded, hand wrapping around

his cock as they moved together.

"I want..." So much. He needed so much.
"I know." Thor's thrusts got even harder, the man

slamming into him now.

His hands found purchase on the headboard while his

hips bucked and rolled. Thor nodded, moaned, and kept
them coming together, the hand around his cock
squeezing him just right. His eyes rolled back into his
head, his heart slamming in his chest. Yes. Yes, please.

"I want you to come on my cock."
He nodded, body fighting for air, for control.
"Good boy."
Oh, fuck. He loved that. The possession, the

endearment, and the rush of that tiny blush of knowing
he didn't have to control himself here. Thor would be
there for him.

Faster and faster, Thor's body pushed into his. That

thick cock knocked against his gland with every thrust.
He could feel the spunk gathering in his nuts, making
them draw up. His cockhead dragged over his belly until
he wanted to scream with it. Then Thor slapped his prick
once, hard, and he was shooting so hard he saw stars.

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"Yes!" Thor shouted, pumping hard and then stilling,

freezing inside him as the condom was filled.

For a long time, the only sound was their gasps, their

lungs fighting for air. Then Thor pulled out and settled
down beside him. Benji squeezed his eyes shut, let
himself float for a second.

"I'm going to do a piercing next."
His head shook instinctively, denying the words.
"Not your choice, boy."
"No..." His cock jerked at that growled 'boy,' and he

hoped Thor hadn't seen.

Given the man's soft chuckle, he had a feeling that

was a vain hope.

When he gripped the headboard harder, that made his

newly inked skin snarl.

"Mmm. Look at that." Thor rolled away for a

moment, then returned and started smoothing cream on
the tattoos.

"Oh..." His muscles relaxed, completely without his


"Feels good, huh?"
"Uh-huh." Better than.
"Good." Thor flicked one nipple and then the other.

The sting was pleasant, really, sending a jolt to his cock.

"God, you're a sexy little thing."
He shook his head. He wasn't little.
"Deny it as much as you want." Thor's fingers moved

up to cup his cheek. "I know what I know."

It surprised him when he turned his face into the

touch, nuzzling in.

"Mmm. Sensual, too."
His cheeks heated, his chin ducked.
Thor tilted his chin up and kissed him. The kiss was

deep, slow, good enough to make his head spin. It went
on and on, Thor's breaths becoming his own. Benji lost

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himself, forgot to worry or think. It was like he was
floating in a bubble. Nothing outside of this place, of
Thor, could touch him.

Benji floated, safe, relaxed, easy, and right there.


Thor let Benji just be for a while before getting up

and going over to get all the piercing equipment out. He
was going to start with a double piercing of Benj's right
nipple. He was planning on a guiche and a Prince
Albert, but those could wait until their last day.

Ready, humming, he headed back to the bed.
Benji was dozing, hands still bound, the scent of sex

strong and heady.

So sexy. He climbed onto the bed and slid his hands

along Benji's body, starting at his feet and working his
way up.

"Mmm..." Benji's legs shifted, slid on the sheets.

Sexy, wanton man.

Bending, he bit at the nipple he was going to pierce.
Benji's eyes flew open, lips parting. "Fuck!"
"No, just a bite." He grinned, flicked his tongue back

and forth across the little bit of flesh.

That made Benji chuckle, made him smile. "Feels


"Uh-huh. Gonna turn this little bit of flesh into a


Thor chuckled. "You'll see."
"I think I'll just keep my eyes closed."
"Oh, no, that wouldn't be much fun." He grabbed

Benj's shoulders and hauled him up.

Benji arched, body stretching as far as the ropes

would let him. Thor ran his hand along the stretched

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skin, humming softly, careful to skirt the new tattoos.
Those pretty eyes were closed, body shifting at his

He undid the ropes one-handed and picked Benji up,

carrying the man over to the chair.

"No. Let's nap. I'm not ready." Benji's face was

turned into his shoulder, hiding.

"You've already napped. And if we wait for you to be

ready, you'll leave here just like you came." He
chuckled; he was pretty sure they'd already had this

"That's impossible."
"I know. You've already changed."
He laid Benji out on the chair, guiding the man's

hands to the bars. "Hold on and I won't have to cuff

"I..." Those hands wrapped around the bars.
"Good boy."
He put some alcohol on a pad. "This'll be a little

cold." He rubbed it over the left nipple.

"I don't want you to put ink on it."
"Nope. No ink." He grinned at Benji and prepared

two piercing needles. The rings he'd chosen were white
gold with tiny, black onyx beads.

"What are you doing?" Benji sat up.
"Piercing. Double piercing, actually." He pinched

Benji's nipple, encouraging it to harden right up.

"No. Double? No." Benji's hands wrapped around his

wrist, tugged his hand away.

He met Benji's eyes. "Hands back on the bars, boy."
"Please. Don't..." Benji's fingers slipped away from

his wrists. Obedient boy.

"I'm going to. It's the right next step." He was

building a masterpiece.

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Tears gathered in Benji's eyes, chest rising and falling

quickly. "No..."

"Go ahead -- let it all out." It was cathartic.
He pulled Benji's sweet little nipple into the forceps,

stabilizing it, focusing. Then he grabbed the thick needle
and set it where he was going to place the first piercing.
"Deep breath in if you can."

"Oh, God. Oh, fuck. No. Don't."
"Shh. Now." With that he pushed the needle through.
Benji's entire body went stiff, eyes huge and the

man's mouth opened like he was going to scream, but no
sound came out.

Thor threaded the little ring into the nipple. "Good

job. Just one more."

Benji groaned, head shaking faster. "I. I. I. I."
"Delicious, isn't it?"
He set everything up again. "Breathe for me."
"Oh, God. You put metal in me. Oh, fuck. Oh, take it


"Can't do that." As he spoke, he pushed the needle

through to make the second piercing.

"No!" This time Benji's feet dug into the floor, body

tensing to run.

He slipped the second ring in, closed it. "All done!"
Benji shook his head, breath coming quick and light.

"Take it out."

If Benji wanted to get rid of the piercings when his

time here was over, that was his privilege. Right now, it
was Thor's.

"Fuck. Fuck. Please." Benji was melting down; it was


"I'm going to give you a PA, a guiche, do the other

nipple. For a start. They'll complement the tattoos

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"A what?" Benji drew his knees up.
Chuckling, he patted Benj's cock. "A Prince Albert

goes in the head of your penis, through the slit. And a
guiche goes right here." He moved his hand to press
against the smooth flesh behind Benj's balls. "Like

"Oh..." That pretty cock jerked and swelled.
Such a lovely pain slut. He grabbed the antiseptic

spray and gave Benj's nipple a couple of squirts. That
poor abused bit of flesh went tight, dark red, the rings
moving against each other. Thor groaned. Fuck, that was

"I have to... I have to shower." Benji pushed himself

up, hurtling across the floor.

"No!" Thor growled the word out. Benji didn't get to

choose when he showered, when he ran. Benji didn't
answer, just kept moving. He followed, grabbing Benji's
shoulders and stopping him. "I said 'no.'"

"I didn't ask!" Benji tore the rubber band out of his

hair, tangled his fingers in the wild mass, and screamed.

Oh, that was lovely, all that frustration and anger

being let out.

He nodded but didn't let go of Benji's shoulders. "I

still get final say."

"Fuck you! Fuck you... I'm so fucked up." Benji

swayed in his touch, fingers curled into fists.

He pulled Benji into his embrace, supporting,


"Let me go. Let me go. Fuck. Oh, fuck." Poor,

overwhelmed little slut.

He just held on, let Benji rail and rant and cry --

whatever the man needed to get out. When Benji was
done, he was soaking wet and breathing hard, almost
limp in Thor's arms.

"Now it's time for that shower."

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He bent and picked Benji up, carrying the man into

the large bathroom with its party-sized shower stall.
Benji didn't fight him this time, but the man held on, and
Thor could feel that heart beat against his chest.

He strode right in and got the water going -- not too

hot, more lukewarm, and not too heavy. The showerhead
had a nice, light setting.

There was even a seat, and he settled in it, cradling

his sweet slut, holding on.

They'd relax and get clean, have a light lunch, and

then it would be time to do it all over again.

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Chapter Five

Benji was beginning to think he'd lost his mind. His

skin was inked, his nipple pierced -- twice, damn it --
and he was happier than he'd been in years. He felt like
he could breathe, like the world made sense.

The arms around him never wavered, even as he had

been washed, then dried. Ointment eased the pull of his
abused skin, and Thor had him spread out, naked on the

"Food's on its way," murmured Thor, fingers sliding

idly on his thigh.

"I don't know if I'm hungry."
"You need to eat, though, so you will."
He shook his head, a little confused. "I will?"
"Yeah, you need to keep something in your belly.

They're bringing oranges and grapefruits, cut really

"Oh..." He loved citrus, the tang. "Oranges. I... My

brain isn't on track."

"It doesn't have to be, though. I'm taking care of


"Is this normal?"
Thor tilted his head. "Normal? In comparison to


"I don't know. I just... I feel like I should be doing

something else. Being sharp."

"You came here to give yourself up to your fantasy.

You don't have to do anything else."

"Why did you come here?"
"To make you beautiful."
"Oh." Somewhere deep inside he'd been cringing,

waiting to hear that this was just a job. "So, this is your
fantasy, too?"

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"I'll be honest: it didn't start out that way, but yeah. It


He could appreciate that. "Thank you." He was so

fucking tired of the lies, the games.

"You're here, making yourself vulnerable. You

deserve the truth, boy."

His cock throbbed, just at the tone in Thor's voice. "I

do. This is so big."

"It's huge. The best things in life are."
He wanted to believe that. He needed to. He'd

sacrificed so much -- knowing that he wouldn't be able
to go back to playing the good boy, the hero, the golden

There was a soft knock on the door and Thor got up,

headed to it. "That'll be our food."

He didn't want to see anyone, so he hid himself, his

breath catching as the little rings in his nipple shifted.
There was no one there when Thor opened the door, just
a cart with food, which Thor tugged into the room.
"They have amazing fruits here."

"Did they bring any tea? I drink a lot of tea."
"There's a variety of herbal and fruit teas here. No

caffeine, though." Thor wheeled the cart over to the bed.
"You can stay there, and I'll feed you."

He nodded, took a deep breath, and stretched his

neck. "Lots of people in my line are into caffeine,
uppers. Not my thing." He was more the fasting and
cleansing type.

"No? Good for you. Those are hard habits to break,

and they don't do your body, or your face, any favors.
Especially long term."

"Yeah. And keeping the pretty face is the important

part." He suddenly wanted to claw his eyes out. Fucking

"I'm going to make you even more beautiful."

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"How? What are you talking about?" His breath came

a little faster.

"I'm talking about art, about something real, solid."

Thor sat next to him and offered the thinnest orange
slice he'd ever seen.

"Did they shave it?" He reached out for it, fascinated.
"I don't know, maybe they used one of those

instrument things. Um... Mandoline?"

The piece was slick and wet and smelled so good. He

licked at his fingers. A lime slice was offered over. It
was dusted lightly with sugar.

"Oh..." He groaned, eyes rolling back from the sweet


Thor licked his lips. "Oh, that one was good."
"Uh-huh." He leaned forward, licked Thor's lips


"Mmm." Thor fed him a lemon this time.
That made his eyes cross, made him pucker. Thor

laughed softly.

"Laughing at me!" His chuckle bubbled out of him.
"I was. You made the sour lemon face."
"It was a sour lemon!"
Thor laughed more, reaching to stroke his cheek. His

eyes closed, the touch making his lips part. Thor's lips
met his. Benji found himself scooting closer, sliding
onto Thor's lap, drawn to this fierce, wild man. Thor
gave him a grin and deepened the kiss, one arm
wrapping around him. Tart and citrusy -- the kiss made
him laugh, gave him the shivers. The shivers and a

Thor gave him a knowing smile and fed him a piece

of grapefruit. He nibbled it, then licked Thor's fingers

"Mmm." He could feel Thor's prick beginning to fill,

to press against one of his ass cheeks.

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He sucked one finger in, head bobbing over the thick

digit. Thor's cock got harder, pushing hot and firm
against him. He wanted it -- wanted Thor to fuck him
hard and deep, make him feel every inch.

"You're a needy little slut, aren't you? And please -- I

mean it as a compliment."

"Yeah. Yeah, I get it." Boy, slut -- the words made

him ache, made him want to get on his knees and beg.

"Yeah? You sure you get it?"
"I. What?" He wanted more -- he wanted to feel


Thor chuckled. The man liked having him off

balance. His cheeks heated and he ducked his head, the
hair falling in his face giving him a hint of privacy. Thor
didn't let him have it for long -- the man's long fingers
slid through his hair, pushed it off his face. He shook his
head, leaned away a little.

"No, you don't get to hide. Not from me."
"I... Just..." Everyone hid. Everyone.
"This week is all about exposing yourself." Thor

offered him another slice of orange.

"What if it's bad? Ugly?"
"No, I don't do bad or ugly artwork."
"That's not..." He waved his hand. "Can I have

another lime?" He was the ugly one, inside.

"Of course." Thor fed him the lime slice, fingers

lingering on his lips.

His eyes closed as he focused on the sweet, the tart,

the bite.

"Mmm. I think this fits you well -- the duality of the

sugared lime."

"It's fascinating." He licked his lips.
"As are you."
"Bah." He was just another pretty face.

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"No arguing with the tattoo artist." Thor's fingers

flicked at his new piercings.

Stinging. Oh, God. Stinging. So good.
"Don't what? Don't stop?"
"I... No." He didn't know.
"I'll stop or I won't. It's up to me."
Fuck, that was hot. His entire body responded to the

words, balls tightening. Thor grinned, flicked his nipple
again, and then grabbed his cock and jacked it hard. His
ass came off Thor's lap, his body jerking.

"Yeah, feel it. Feel that."
"Fuck." His ass landed back down on Thor's leg.
"Again? Already?"
"I. Huh?" Thor made him stupid.
"You're ready to be fucked again already? I'm up for

it." Thor's shifted him, rubbing that cock along his

"We've come a lot." This time, the fucking would

take forever before either one of them shot.

"That's because you're a hot little number and what

I'm doing to you has turned you on." Thor gave him
what could only be called a wicked grin. "I think it's
time to put a ring on that eager prick of yours and do
some more tattoos."

"On. Okay." On was better than in.
Thor just laughed and stood, still holding him,

carrying him over to The Chair.

"Can there be music?" Something besides the buzz.
"All I can hear is my brain."
"All right, but if I think it's bringing down the

intensity, I'm turning it off."

"Okay." The longer he spent with Thor, the more

Benji understood him.

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"Okay." Thor went over to a drawer and pulled out

something small and dark, bringing it over and letting
him see the leather cock ring.

He spread his legs willingly, tilted his hips.
"I do like an eager boy." Thor grabbed his cock and

stroked it lazily.

"I. Damn. You..." His hips moved slowly in time.
"I need you good and hard before I put on the ring."
He nodded. "What happens now? Color or more

black?" He didn't want to consider more metal.

"I'm going to start adding color. Your gargoyle has to

be sitting on something, and the sky beyond it should be

"And there's the stained glass." He thought that was

going to be stunning.

"Yes. I might actually create the rest of the scene as

stained glass." Thor looked at him, at his chest, head
tilted one way and the other.

"What?" It was almost like having a photographer

look at him. Almost, but not quite.

Thor's eyes rose to his face, met his, and the man

smiled. "It's going to be stunning. You are going to be

"You think so?" He reached out, the hand on his cock

forgotten. He just wanted comfort, touch.

Thor's free hand wrapped around his, and the man

nodded. "Absolutely."

He held on, their eyes locked for the longest time.

Then Thor let go of his hand and wrapped the cock ring
around his prick. The pressure was sweet, perfect, firm
but not painful.

"There. That should keep you in fighting form for the

next few hours." Thor sounded altogether too satisfied.

"Do you have a tattoo studio in the real world?"
"I do indeed. It's a great little shop -- all mine, too."

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"Cool. Where is it?" Was that against the rules?
"You gonna come see me when this is over?" Thor

smiled at him. "I'll make sure you have my contact
information when we leave here."

"I'll be footloose and fancy free." Unemployed and

running from some pissed-off agents.

"Oh, I need to do a tat on at least one of your feet."
"I said I'm going to put a tattoo on at least one of

your feet."

"But... I..." Why? God, that would hurt.
"There we go. Now you have something to worry

about besides the ring for your cock."

"The ring's not bad." It was actually comfortable.
"I meant the PA." Thor gave him a wink, tapped the

top of his cock.

He shook his head. No. No, the nipple was enough.
"Yeah, PA, foot tattoo. PA, foot tattoo. It's enough to

keep you going in circles."

"No. There's not that much time." Only four days left.
"Oh, I'm going to step up the speed we're working at.

Don't worry; I'll get it all done."

His cock jerked -- not only at the words, but at the

look in Thor's eyes.

"Okay, Let's get started -- we've got a lot of work to


He closed his eyes, his hands clenching into fists as

he worked not to panic.

"Just breathe, boy."
"I'm trying. I'm already tender."
"I'm not tattooing over the same skin."
"Okay." He had trusted Thor this far.
"I'm going to do the outline of the stained glass first.

Then fill it in."

"Will it be beautiful?"

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"You'll talk to me?" He felt like he was going to cry -

- not from fear, just from adrenaline.

"I could tell you the story of the first tattoo I did."

Thor turned on some music, the sound of something
classical filling the quiet spaces between Thor's words.

That made him smile. "I'd like that."
"Well, I wasn't always such an ink god. I know, hard

to believe."

His laughter was cut off by the sound of the gun.
Thor started inking his skin, still working freehand.

"My first job was my new boss' girlfriend."

"Oh, God. That must have been terrifying."
"I was too arrogant to be terrified. I was also a dumb


Benji relaxed into the chair, the sting and burn

familiar now. "Did you mess it up?"

"I almost didn't. I was done, and it was a beautiful

little star with her name in it. Jenny."

He had to hear this.
"Yep. Jenny was the boss' other girlfriend. This gal

was April."

"Oh. Oh, God." His eyes opened, and he started

laughing, real, deep belly laughs.

Thor stopped the gun while he was laughing and

grinned at him. "I was fired, but the boss? He had to deal
with the girls getting together and teaching him the error
of his ways."

"You know, I've never done that." He'd never cheated

on a guy, not in all the years he'd been dating.

"Never dated two girls at once?"
"Oh, I've known I was queer from the start. I meant


"Ah. That's a good policy. It's a messy business."

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"Yeah. I'm sort of..." He almost shrugged, then

remembered not to move.

"Sort of what?"
"Boring, I guess."
"Well, once I'm done with you, no one will ever be

able to accuse you of that."

"If I let people see."
"It would be a shame not to, boy."
He whimpered and his hips rolled. "What would you

have me do? If I was yours?"

Thor chuckled. "You'd be lucky if I ever let you wear


"That would be awkward..."
"But beautiful. Stunning, in fact." Thor smiled and

changed out needles and ink.

"Sort of illegal." But arousing, to belong to someone.
"Only illegal in public, boy."
"I..." His cock was leaking as he imagined himself as

Thor's, to do with what Thor wanted to.

Thor looked happy, peaceful as he continued to ink

color into his skin.

"What... what else would you do?" Was it awful? To


"If you were mine when we left here?"
Benji nodded. "Yeah." If he was Thor's boy for real.
"I'd show you off." He'd been looked at his entire life,

right? That wouldn't be different. "I'd keep working on
you, too. You wouldn't have to wear clothes because it
would look like you were."

"You'd tattoo clothes on?"
"No, but I'd eventually cover you completely. Head

to toe."

"You wouldn't think that was ugly?" He didn't want

to be ugly. He just didn't want to be Random Hero
Number Four.

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"Fuck, no."
"But... What about when I... when your boy got old?

Wrinkled." The man would be a freak.

"You're a living piece of artwork, boy. That means as

you change, the artwork changes." Thor smiled, eyes
shining. "It would be very cool."

He nodded, his balls drawing up. "It would be...

different, huh?"

"I think it would be amazing. Growing old with

someone like that."

"God, yes. To be someone's. Just one person's." Shut

up. Shut your fucking mouth.

Thor nodded. "Exactly."
He closed his eyes, forced himself to breathe, to

focus, to be right there. "That's why I came here, so that
I couldn't be just anybody on a cover anymore."

"No, never again." Thor's fingers twitched his nipple


He moaned, jerked a little. "Stings."
"Good. Endorphins are better than any drug."
"Mmmhmm. Still. Stings."
"The PA will sting more."
He shook his head. "I... I can't imagine that."
"You won't have to."
"My cock will be... No. No, I can't do that."
"You don't have to do it. I will. The pain fades. It'll

be sexy, very sensitive." Thor set to work again, and he
sobbed a little -- more from stress than pain. "It's okay,
boy. You're good."

"Am I?" He was such a weakling.
"You are." Thor met his eyes and smiled. "You're

very good."

He could be good for a little while.

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Chapter Six

Thor worked on a few yoga poses, stretching his

body, easing a few aches that two full days of tattooing
had left in their wake.

Two full days.
They'd been glorious days, too. Benji looked

awesome with his gargoyle coming out of a stained
glass scene. The colors popped, the blackwork was
sharp. It was some of his best work.

The man needed like no one he'd ever met, too. That

need called to him, touched something inside him. Thor
always had a special place in his heart for the men and
women he inked, but this was different. This was much
more intense than he'd expected. He was more than
passing fond of Benji. Probably a lot more.

He shook the thoughts from his head before they

could start chasing each other like a dog after its own
tail. If he fell for Benji, he fell for Benji. It wouldn't be
fair to the man, to the art, to hold back.

He breathed deeply, feeling the oxygen filling his

lungs, feeding his cells.

Benji was sleeping. He got that -- the crash after the

high wore a man out. Beautiful as the man had been,
now he was absolutely stunning, would be even more so
after the next few days.

He was a joy to work with. Thor was incredibly

tempted to just keep him. It made him smile.

A soft knock came at the door, and he went over to

collect their breakfast. More fruit, little sausages and
fingers of toast, along with orange juice, tea, and a new
batch of water bottles for their little fridge.

His boy stirred, hands traveling over the long, lean

body. Benji was going to wake himself up when those
fingers hit the new tats. The long, thin cock swelled

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first, curving over that perfect belly. Thor's prick
responded to the sight, firming quickly.

He was going to pierce that pretty cock. He could

imagine it, inked with his signature, pierced, a little bow
tied on to dress it up. Or a chain, connecting cock to
nipple. A bell. A little tag that said 'boy.'

His boy. Fuck, yeah, he wanted to take Benji home

with him; he couldn't deny it. He climbed onto the bed,
bent, and pressed his tongue against Benji's slit.

He almost came, just from that immediate, instinctive

word. He slid his lips around the tip of Benji's cock and

"Oh. Oh, fuck..." Benji's hips rolled, eyes popping

open to stare at him.

He let the sweet cock slide from his lips and smiled

up at the man. "Good morning."

"Morning." Benji's moan was warm, happy. "You're

up early."

"Uh-huh. Admiring the view." He gave Benji a wink.
His boy chuckled, blushed. "Flatterer."
"Yes. It's true, too, though."
"Thank you. You... No one looks at me like you do."
"Their loss." Thor swiped at Benji's prick again. Poor

man -- no one had ever looked beyond the pretty face. It
really was their loss. He wasn't so shallow, though.

"Your gain?" Benji's entire body arched.
"Absolutely." He ran his fingers in the air over

Benji's tattoo. "Yours, too."

Benji twisted, body moving toward his touch.
"Sweet, wanton boy." He kneaded Benji's thighs.
He watched as Benji spread for him, exposing

himself easily. Bending, he kissed the hungry little hole.
Benji's cry echoed, the sound pure need.

"Love that sound, boy."

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"Love when you call me boy."
"It's who you are. My boy."
Benji's cock throbbed, the perfect body flushing with


He was definitely putting in the PA on their last day

here. The lovely cock cried out for it. His thumb rubbed
the pretty strip of skin behind Benji's balls. There would
be two rings here, too. He licked a stripe along the skin,
pulling the taste in. His boy spread wider, eager,

He sucked on his thumb, slicking it up, and then

pressed it into Benji's body. Hot and tight, Benji's body
was perfect, taking his finger in.

"Sweet hole. So tight." He licked around his thumb,

the wrinkled flesh hot.

That made Benji's sounds louder, needier, more and

more hungry. He pushed his thumb in deeper, rubbed it
around, half stretching the sweet hole out.

"So good..." Benji's hips were moving, taking him in.
"It is." Thor couldn't remember the last time things

had burned this hot, this fast.

"Touching me..."
He stroked the tight little balls, rolling them in their

sac. "Glad you noticed," he teased.

"Yeah. Yeah, I noticed. Fuck..."
"Your skin wants my fingers, my mouth."
"Yes." That single word sounded like a prayer.
He pulled one of Benji's balls into his mouth. Benji

stilled, breathing nice and slow, eyes closed. He lashed
the ball in his mouth with his tongue. The breaths slowly
became panting, Benji's fingers tangling in his hair. He
let that ball go, and slid his mouth over to the other one,
slurping it right in.

All his senses were filled with Benji -- it was like he

was drowning in the man. There were worse ways to go.

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His thumb pushed back into Benji's hole, rubbing in

circles. His eager little slut bore down, trying to take
him in. He tugged at Benji's ball, reminding his boy who
was in charge. A soft cry rang out, and his boy stilled,
settled. So good.

He sucked Benji's ball a moment longer, and then

licked his way up Benji's lovely cock. As soon as Benji
started moving, he stopped, tugged those sensitive balls.
His boy would learn. He didn't say anything -- he didn't
have to.

When Benji settled again, he began licking and

sucking the thin, velvety skin. With every motion Benji
made, he tugged, stopped. Soon Benji was perfectly still,
crying out softly, cock leaking for him. He licked at the
tip, slurping up the pre-come.

"Sir... Oh, God. Oh, fuck." That pretty ass was

working his thumb, trying to get more.

He pushed the digit deeper as he took the tip of

Benji's cock in, sucking hard. Benji cried out, arched,
hips rolling. No, no, no. Growling, he slid his thumb out
of Benji's ass and tugged hard on the man's balls.

"Fuck! Fuck, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it!"
"Try harder." He grinned up at Benji and added,


"Yes. Yes, Sir." Those pretty eyes were glazed.
"Sexy minx."
Benji was, the tattoos making all that beauty seem

more, better.

"Need. You make me need." Benji sounded like he

was going crazy.

Good. That was what Thor wanted. Benji eased down

into the pillows again, breath slowing.

"That's it, beautiful boy." He pushed two fingers into

Benji's body, opening him up now.

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Benji gulped in breath, shivering as he fought to stay


"I'm gonna fill you."
"Oh, God. Please. Anything. Sir."
"My cock. Just you wait." He pushed a third finger


Benji's thighs stayed spread, the hips unmoving, the

hungry hole taking him in, stretching.

"Very good. You deserve a reward for that."
"Thank you. Thank you, Sir."
He shifted, sliding between Benji's legs, and his boy

didn't move, watching him, eyes serious, waiting for

"That's perfect." He began to push in, moving slowly,


"For you." The words were bare whispers.
"Yes. Yes, for me, boy." Fuck. His cock throbbed and

he stilled, took a couple of breaths before he continued
pushing in.

Benji groaned, but didn't move, didn't shift to take

him in.

"So very good." He settled in deep and held still for a

moment, watching Benji.

Benji's eyes were closed, lips parted. The long hair

curled around the man's face, damp with sweat. His ink
shone, still so new, so fresh. Beautiful. His boy was
beautiful. His temporary boy.

He started moving, thrusting into the tight hole again

and again. Benji didn't move, let him in, the only
reaction the full cock and the soft, hungry cries. Such
wonderful obedience, and so soon.

He kissed Benji and then whispered, "You can move,


"Sir!" Benji's arms wrapped around him, his boy

riding him, the kiss fierce, needy.

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All that pent-up need being let loose was the sexiest

thing. Groaning, he moved faster, responding to Benji's
need. He flicked Benji's nipple ring and that tight ass
squeezed, working his cock.

"Yeah. Fuck."
He laughed and pounded harder.
"Please. Please..." Benji was wild underneath him.
Shifting, he kept thrusting, searching for just the right


"Please..." Benji's eyes went wide, a sharp cry on the


"There you go. Right there." He kept hitting Benji's

gland, holding those beautiful eyes.

"Yours. Yours. Yours." Benji was panting, calling for


"That's right." He wrapped his hand around Benji's

cock. "And you can come on my cock."

"Yes!" Seed sprayed over his fingers, hot and wet.
Groaning, he pushed in a couple more times, and then

froze as he filled the condom. Benji held him in deep,
body working him. Thor collapsed down onto his boy,
trying to keep from leaning directly on the man's chest
and the new tattoos. One hand stroked his head, loving
on him.

"Mmm. Sweet, sweet boy." He nuzzled into Benji's

neck, pulling in the smells of man and sweat and sex.

Benji offered him a soft, dear sound.
"Good morning, boy," he whispered.
"Good morning, Sir." A kiss brushed his jaw.
"It definitely is. And it's going to be a good day. I

have plans."

"Do you? Do I need to know?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "You don't need to

know at all."

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Benji relaxed, trusting him, and he felt that trust deep

in his gut.

"Breakfast is here, I'll go get it, let you take a

moment in the bathroom."

"Okay. I'll grab a quick shower." Benji kissed his

chin, his lips.

"A very quick shower."
"Yes, Sir." Good boy. Beautiful boy.
He couldn't wait to get back to work on him.
The tray was waiting for him, and he heard the water

running, heard Benji singing. He set up the tray on the
bed so he could feed his boy, and then went over and
made sure everything was ready for when he started
inking again.

The water was turned off, the sounds of his boy

growing more clear. He hummed, turned to watch when
Benji came out. Those hips rocked side to side, sweet as
could be. The ink was fine, making the strong body
perfect. He had an idea for a dragon rising up along
Benji's thigh, curving along that lean hip.

"Smells good." Benji smiled at him, the hard muscles


"So do you." He ran a hand over where the dragon

was going to live. The thigh muscle tightened, then
eased, and Benji stepped closer. "I've got another beast
for you."

"A beast?"
"Yeah." He touched the gargoyle. "A friend for this


"Do gargoyles have friends?" Benji's cock jerked,

began to swell.

"This one does. It's a long, sexy dragon."
"I had a friend who collected dragons."

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Benji nodded. "I have them all now. She died about

six months ago."

"I'm sorry." He continued to stroke Benji's thigh,

fingers tracing the lines where the dragon would go.

"It's okay. She's the one who did this for me." Benji

smiled, the look happy and sad all at once.

"She must have been a very good friend, to know you

so well."

"My agent. Carrie. She was my best friend."
"So you lost your agent and your friend at the same

time." He winced. That was pretty rough. It was no
wonder Benji wanted a change, wanted to do something
drastic like this.

"Yeah. Yeah, she..." Benji shrugged, bit his bottom

lip. "Can I sit with you?"

He sat on the big chair next to the bed and patted his


His boy settled close, leaned against him. "Thank


He kissed the top of Benji's head and rubbed his arm.

"Did you want to talk about it for a bit, or would you
like to have some breakfast and move on?"

"Do you want to know? We could talk and eat, but I

don't want to bore you."

"I would like to know whatever you feel comfortable

sharing with me."

A piece of toast was picked up from the tray, offered

to him. "About five years ago, I tried to kill myself.
Carrie found me. I lived with her, after, until she died.
She's the one who told me that I should follow my
dream, stop modeling."

Thor jerked when Benji said the words "kill myself,"

but didn't say anything until he'd finished speaking.
"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

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"I'd been modeling for years, and I was getting older.

I... It's hard, to stay buff, to stay perfect. To be the hero.
I just... One night I couldn't face it anymore."

"You could have stopped, found something else to

do." Thor ate some toast.

"I don't know how to do anything else. I'm not the

brightest man on earth." Benji shrugged. "I started
modeling when I was six. I was doing it full time at
fourteen. I got a GED."

"Wow. That's a long time to do one thing. Especially

once you've burned out. You must have enough money
saved up to be able to do nothing while you figure out
what you want to do instead of modeling?"

Benji nodded. "That's why I did it. I can walk away

now, if I'm careful. Forever. Carrie bought this for me
before she died, this experience."

"Maybe she's up there still pulling strings a little --

seeing as she made you a great match for it. If I do say
so myself."

Benji nodded, eyes on his. "I. Yes. I could be yours. I

mean, I know this isn't real. I know you're here because
they hired you, but... in another world, I could have
been. Yours."

"Feels pretty real, doesn't it?"
"God, yes. It feels like... the most real thing I've ever


"It's very real. And you'll have this forever." Thor

pointed at his chest where the piercings and the tattoos
stood out.

Benji nodded, nibbling on a muffin. The beautiful

eyes were sad, a little distant. "I will. But I have another
whole day. Let's not talk about goodbye yet. I'll let you
go back to your life tomorrow evening."

"You have two more days -- today and tomorrow. I'm

going to make them days you'll never forget."

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Benji smiled at him. "I don't doubt it."
He reached for a piece of cheese and offered it to his

boy. Benji leaned forward and nibbled it from his

"Mmm. You're so sensual." He loved that about the


Benji moaned, licking his fingertips.
"It's part of what makes the tats so good." Thor's

voice was husky, the effect of those little licks showing
in it.

"No, that's all you."
He chuckled, pleased. "Thanks, boy."
Benji fed him slowly, caring for him, focused on him.

He made sure that Benji ate as well. The pierced nipple
was hard, tense, the rings taut. He reached out, pressed
his thumb against it. Benji's lips parted, a sweet, sharp
cry filling the air. Fuck, yes. He would get his boy all
hard and wrap that pretty package up with black leather.

The sight of his boy bound and hard was an

addiction. If Benji were his... He shook the thought
away and flicked the pierced nipple again.

"Sir. Sir..." The pretty prick started to fill, swell.
"Yes. Such a good boy. Such a responsive boy."
Benji blushed, lips parted, so hungry. He pressed his

lips to Benji's, tongue slipping in.

"Master." The word was whispered into his mouth,

sweet, soft, just a breath.

He deepened the kiss, emotion swelling up inside

him. Benji's arms wrapped around him, held on, staying
close. He shifted Benji so the man was straddling his
thighs, their cocks pressed tight between them. They
started shifting, moving, Benji riding his lap, moaning
into his kiss. He wrapped his hands around Benji's ass,
encouraging the movements.

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Benji's eyes were open, watching him, letting him in.

He pushed the kiss deeper, taking more and more. His
boy was leaking against him, cock dripping and sliding
against his belly. Slick, hot, so soft and hard at the same
time; Thor loved it.

He bit at Benji's lips, and his fingers pinched the

unadorned nipple. The moan that pushed between his
lips was pure need.

He pulled one hand between them, wrapping it

around their cocks. He groaned at the sensation of
Benji's cock against his. He bit at Benji's lips, tugged
them, made them swell. He wanted to growl; he wanted
to claim the man as his, right now.

Those eyes were so big, so needy, staring into him.

He held the gaze, put what he was feeling into it. Benji
nodded once, breathing him in. Groaning, he stood,
holding onto Benji as he moved to the bed. His. His boy.
Damn it. And they both knew it.

He pushed Benji onto the bed and drove into him.

Those hands dragged him close, kept him right there,
happy sounds pushing into his lips. He began to pound
into Benji's body, their hips working hard. His. His.
Thor wanted to scream. He pressed harder into Benji. He
pressed faster into him.

"Sir. Sir. So good." Beautiful. His boy.
"Show me. Come for me." Make him come, too.
"Yes!" Benji arched, that sweet hole gripping him

with a fierce hold, and come sprayed in thick ropes over
the inked chest.

So fucking gorgeous.
He let go, his come filling the condom as his body

jerked over Benji. Benji's lips opened and closed, a
happy sound leaving them.

He rested against Benji, the man's come hot between

them. He'd have to sterilize the tattoos and cream them,

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but they could lie like this for a moment or two and just

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Chapter Seven

Benji ached and he headed for the bathroom, just to

sit in the shower, try and breathe. Maybe four days of
ink was a mistake. His muscles ached, his skin burned,
and his heart... Well, his heart was going to break.

It fucking figured that he'd come to do this and fall in

love. Everyone would tell him it wasn't real. Everyone.
But the problem was Benji didn't think this kind of
feeling could be faked. He was going to head back to his
empty apartment tomorrow, and Thor would head back
to God knew where, and that would be it.

It would be over.
He closed the curtain and let the water slam into his

back, keeping the direct spray off his chest and thigh and
the new ink. He could have a cry in here, have a moment
of wallowing in the heartache that was coming before he
went back out and let himself pretend for another few
hours that it wasn't over.

He'd wanted to be altered by this, but he hadn't

thought it would be his heart that would be changed.

He didn't think he'd been in there very long when

there was a knock on the door, followed by Thor coming
in. "Everything okay, boy?"

"Mmmhmm." He didn't trust himself to speak.
"You're being careful of your tats, right?" Thor pulled

the shower curtain aside, eyes hot as they raked over

"Uh-huh." He turned a little, making sure the spray

hit his face.

"God, you're stunning." Thor stepped into the shower

with him, so easy in his skin.

"It's your work."
"It is, true. But you wear it well. You are the canvas;

none of it would work without you."

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"Thank you." Come on, man. Figure this shit out.

You can cry tomorrow. Hell, tonight.

"Come on. You're done. I've saved the best for last."
"Okay." He turned the water off, touching Thor on

the way.

"Mmm, sweet boy." God, Thor's look was like a


He blushed, moaned a little bit. God, he was stupid in

love. Stupid.

Thor moved toward him, lips latching onto his in a

hot kiss. Benji opened up, his cock taking an interest,
even as sore as he was. Thor's tongue tasted good and it
had begun to feel familiar, maybe even necessary. He
wrapped his lips around the hot, wriggling flesh and
started sucking.

Groaning, Thor fucked his mouth with that tongue,

pushing deep as he sucked on it. He found himself
pressed close, his body eager and hard, cock moving
against Thor's thigh.

"My sensual boy." The words filled him.
Thor's. He would be Thor's. Forever, if Thor would

just ask.

The kisses returned, Thor's mouth owning his. A soft,

sobbing gasp left him, tore from him. Thor grabbed his
ass and picked him up, carrying him out of the
bathroom. Strong. So strong. It blew his mind.

"Doing you in the chair this time." Thor plonked him

down on the chair, eyes shining.

"K...kinky." He sprawled, his legs going out to either


"Boy, this is just the edge of kinky."
"The edge?" Benji was going to just explode.
"The things I could do to you in this chair."
He shook his head, his cock leaking on his belly. Oh,


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"Oh, yes." Thor's mouth covered his again, fingers

going to his hole.

He couldn't quite shift with his legs draped over the

edges, but his belly went tight as he tried to help.

"Mmm, yes, boy, so wonderfully eager. The things I

could do to you if you were mine."

Those fingers pushed in, went deep. He sucked in a

sobbing breath, hiding his face with his hands, his hair.

Thor growled. "No hiding!"
"I have to." He didn't have a choice.
"You're not allowed to."
"I have to!" His heart was in his throat. "In a few

hours, you'll go back to your real life and I'll go back to
nothing, and I can't keep my shit together when you
tease me with something I can't have!"

"Who said you can't have it?"
"Don't tease!" He pulled away, hurtling himself off

the chair. "Please don't. You... You're like... This is..."
He was going to short out.

Thor grabbed his arms, pulled him up against the

strong body. "Tell me what you want."

"I..." He ducked his head, let his hair cover his face,

swallowed hard. He was going to ruin his whole fantasy,
was going to fuck everything up.

"What?" growled Thor.
"I want to be your boy, okay? I know I can't. I know

you have a real life. I know all these things, but..." He
shook his head, biting his lips.

Thor took a long, deep breath. "Maybe all you need

to do is ask."

He looked at Thor, then murmured his safe word.

"Grandmother. Not as a fantasy thing. Not in a scene."

Thor nodded. "You're right." He frowned. "Okay.

Let's go out to the garden, just you and me. No fantasy,
no scene. Just you and me."

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"I don't know where my clothes are."
"We have robes in the closet." Thor went and

grabbed them, offering a bright red, silk kimono-style

"Thank you." He was shaking hard, feeling like he

could fly apart.

Thor helped him into it and slipped on a second

kimono. Then one arm slid over his shoulders, Thor
leading him out of the room.

It was beautiful outside -- sunny, the flowers

blooming, the wind blowing. It helped ease back the
utter horror that he'd just spilled his guts to someone
who could be a passing-for-straight, married axe

Thor drew him to a bench and they sat together.

"Feeling less exposed?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I..." He drew the robe around him,

peered out at Thor. "Have I fucked everything up?"

"I don't think you have at all. I would like to hear

what you have to say, though. To ask."

"What if you say no?"
"Then I say no." Thor met his gaze. "You can't let

fear keep you from going after the things that are
important to you."

He looked down at his hands, took a deep breath. "I

want to know if you're serious, if you are looking for a
boy of your own."

Thor put a finger under his chin and forced him to

look up, to look into the piercing eyes. "I am looking for
a boy of my own."

"Are you looking for someone like me?" He was

going to throw up.

"Don't go fishing, boy. Just ask what you want-- No.

Ask what you need to ask."

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"Can I be your boy? For real?" He couldn't move, and

if he tried, he would just run.

Benji swayed, the world actually going gray around

the edges.

Thor caught him and tugged him close, kissed the top

of his head. "Be very sure. I want you, Benji. I want you
to be my boy, but your life will change."

"How?" All the comfort in the world was in Thor's


"When you're my boy, I'm going to finish what I

started here. When you're my boy, I show you off to the
people I want to see you. They'll be able to look, but no
one touches you but me."

He nodded. That was acceptable. He wanted to be

owned, cherished, seen.

"There'll be rules, boy. Rules like I get to do to your

body what I want. Just like here. My vision, my tats, my
piercings on your body."

It felt like Thor was looking into his very soul.
"I have rules too. I want to be yours. I want you to

see me."

"Boy, I can't see anything but you."
His eyes closed, his body shifting, sliding against

Thor's legs.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. I was hired to give

you your fantasy and then slip away when your time
here was finished. But you..." Thor shook his head.

"I'm yours. Body and soul. I tried to not fall." He'd

tried, but...

"We both fought, but we knew, hmm?" Thor licked

his lips, and then deepened the touch into a kiss.

All he could do was open, accept, submit.
Thor growled a little and pulled back. "The things I

want to do to you should not be done in public. There's a

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couple of things we need to be clear on before we go
back and finish out your fantasy."

He nodded, arms wrapped around himself. "What


"Are you keeping your safe word or are you choosing

a new one?"

He tilted his head. "Why would I change it?"
"Because it's real now. It's for keeps. You don't have

to; I just wanted you to have the opportunity to do it."

"I'll keep mine. I know it." He'd used it.
"Good. Are you coming home with me? I want you

living with me full time, but if you need to pack and
close out shit..."

"I." He turned a dark red. "I did it. Before I came. I

sold my place, my stuff. I said this was my new start, the
new me. I left it all behind." He had money, a shitload of
it, but that was it. Everything he owned was in the cabin.
Every single thing. Even the dragons, the most special
ones, wrapped and kept safe in a chest.

Thor looked surprised for a moment, and then he

smiled, lips curving slowly upward. "Then you're free to
be mine, completely mine, starting right this minute."

Benji nodded. "Yes." He'd lost his mind. Lost it.


He'd never felt so free.


Thor basically dragged Benji back inside.
It was probably against all the rules the fine people

who were paying him had. He didn't care. He didn't even
care if he didn't get paid. Okay, he cared a little bit
because it was a shitload of money that would buy a lot
of ink, jewelry, and leather for his boy, but if he
forfeited it by having and keeping his boy, then so be it.

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Back to the chair, he pushed Benji into it. "Now,

where were we, boy?"

"You had your fingers in my ass and I was going

crazy." Benji met his eyes. "Sir."

"Mmm, that's right, boy." He very deliberately

grabbed some of the cream he'd used for Benji's tats and
slicked up his fingers.

Benji spread again, exactly like before, half-hard

cock heavy against one thigh.

"Fuck, yes."
So fucking sensual. So fucking perfect. And all

fucking his. His. For real. Forever.

He couldn't stop looking, now, knowing he could,

knowing that tomorrow he'd be in that jet, his boy
collared and kneeling beside him, sucking him off. Thor
pushed his fingers into Benji's body. "You're clean." It
wasn't a question -- he knew Benji was, as he was. This
place did its homework.

"Yes, Sir." That pierced nipple was hard as a rock.
"Me, too." He pegged Benji's gland, bending to flick

the nipple rings up and down with his tongue.

"Sir!" His boy arched, pressed up into his lips.
He wrapped his lips around the little bit of flesh,

sucking hard. The metal teased his lips, his tongue, but it
was the cry that he heard, soul-deep. Fingers sliding out,
Thor settled his cock right there, up tight against Benji's
little hole. His heart thumped loudly in his chest.

Those beautiful eyes met his, the look naked and

honest and needy. "Yours."

"That's right. Mine. My boy." Holding Benji's eyes,

he pushed right in, skin on skin, tight fucking flesh
touching and squeezing his.

"Oh. Oh, God. God. God. You. It's you." It sounded

like his boy was praying.

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"Yes. All me. Just me. Fuck." He pushed all the way

in, circled his hips.

Benji held his knees, spread for him. So fucking

eager. So good. He pulled most of the way out and
started humping into his boy. He looked down, watched
as his cock disappeared into that sweet, tight ring of
muscles. It would look amazing with a little ring or four
leading up to those tight balls. Chains strung through,
attached to a plug to keep this little hole ready for him.

"Fuck." He punched in harder, driving into Benji.

This boy was his. All his.

The ring of muscles around his cock spasmed, jerked,

milked him.

"Come for me, boy. Let me watch your spunk coming

from your plain cock for the last time."

Benji's eyes went wide, lips parting as spunk sprayed

between them. Groaning at the way the squeezing
around his prick got tighter, Thor jerked through a
couple more thrusts before it was more than he could
take and he came, even as he watched the last few drops
spurt from Benji's cock.

His come was filling his boy. The thought made him

groan. He finally stopped moving, resting against Benji,
holding his boy's gaze. Benji's body was still moving,
still working his prick.

"You're fucking magic, boy. My magic."
Benji nodded, hiding his face in one raised arm.
"Don't hide from me, boy." Thor pushed Benji's arm


"Yes, Sir. I'll try."
"You don't need to hide. You're mine, all of you."
"All of me?"
"Every last bit of you. From your head to the tips of

your toes."

That sweet hole clenched again. "Where is home?"

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"Seattle." Thor closed his eyes for a moment and

swallowed, then opened them again.

"You okay?"
"Your ass feels fucking amazing." Too good, if there

was such a thing.

"I can feel you -- your come -- inside me."
"Good. I want to be inside you, even when I'm not."
That made his boy jerk, ass squeezing again.
"Mmm. You were made for me." He believed it -- it

wasn't just words.

"Yes. Yes, Sir."
"Yes." He pulled out slowly, groaning as his cock

slipped away from the tight heat of Benji's body. He put
one finger against Benji's hole, encouraging his boy to
hold his seed in. "Hold it tight, boy."

He could feel that hot, swollen ring of muscles

squeeze, relax, then squeeze again.

"I'm going to put my ring on you now."
"Your ring?" That sweet hole spasmed again.
"Yes. My ring of ownership. Right here." He pushed

his thumb against Benji's slit.

"I. I. I can't... I can't keep you in. Not when you say

things like that."

He'd just have to plug that tight hole up, then. "Then

let me just..." He reached over, dug through the second
drawer with the toys, and grabbed a little plug.

Benji was panting, skin glowing with a light film of


"Beautiful." He slicked up the little plug and set the

head against Benji's hole. "Let me in, boy."

"Yes, Sir." Those lovely eyes closed as his boy

sucked in air, bore down on the plug.

"Good, boy." He pushed it right in -- it wasn't large

enough to cause any trouble. He patted Benji's ass, then
the man's soft, sweet ball sac.

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Then he slid his fingers up along Benji's prick. "You

ready?" They'd been working toward this since the

He smiled at the bald honesty. "We'll do it anyway."
"We will?"
He could see Benji's heartbeat. "Yes. We will.

Because you're my boy."

"Is it bad?"
"Is what bad? A Prince Albert? It's wonderful."
His boy met his eyes, then nodded. "Okay. If you say


"Trust me, boy. I won't say it won't hurt. But it's

going to be wonderful."

That pretty cock was shrinking, pulling in, trying to

hide from him.

Thor chuckled softly, ran his hand over it. "You can't

run away from your master."

Benji whimpered, and the sound made him hum


"I was going to do this anyway, but now I get to do it

knowing that you truly are mine, that this is a ring of
commitment." He started stroking Benji's prick. His boy
took a while to respond, for the sweet cock to begin to
fill. "That's it, boy. I will never do anything to you that
isn't meant to bring us pleasure and satisfaction once it's
healed, that won't make you even more stunning than
you already are."

He would reward this trust, this need, forever.
Bending, he placed a kiss on Benji's cockhead, he

traced it with his tongue, learning the shape and taste
before he changed it. It was never going to be the same.
Nothing about his boy's life would be the same. He
closed his lips over Benji's prick and pulled away
slowly, tongue slapping at it.

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Looking up, he met Benji's eyes. Those lovely eyes

were open, watching him, glittering in the sunlight. He
reached up, stroked Benji's cheek. His. This man was
his. For real. Benji's face turned, lips soft on his palm.

"My boy." He couldn't help but smile when he said

the words.

"My Sir."
"That's right." He felt those words all the way to his


Benji smiled, tongue touching the center of his palm.

He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over Benji's lips. His
other thumb rubbed that cockhead. His boy's lips parted,
thighs parting as those hips rolled.

"Let's do this."
He grabbed the ring and offered it to Benji to look at,

to examine.

Benji's fingers shook. "It's very big."
"It is. Part of its beauty."
"I might pass out."
"No, I want you to experience it all." Every second of


Benji whimpered softly, hand closing over the ring.
He took Benji's hand in his, held on. "It's an intense

experience, and our first as true master and boy."

"I'm fucking wigged out."
"Taking you into new experiences is part of what I'm

going to do for the rest of our lives."

"What am I going to do for you?"
"You're going to let me."
His boy nodded, shivered. "Anything."
"That's right. And that's what I'm going to do to you.

Anything. Everything."

That pretty prick jerked, started leaking, threatening

to blow.

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"No, no, no. You already got to come." He reached

into the toy drawer and pulled out a little leather cock

"Yes. Yes, Sir." His boy was moaning steadily now,

chewing on his bottom lip.

He bound the pretty cock, and then took the ring back

from Benji, sterilized it. Benji's fingers slipped down the
hard, flat belly.

"Hold onto the chair, boy." He met Benji's eyes

again. "I'm going to need you to be absolutely still."

The wide-eyed look burned him to the gut, but Benji

did it, held on.

"Good boy." Very good boy. Benji was such a

natural, and Thor knew how lucky he was that no one
had snatched the man right up already.

"I'm scared. I'm scared, Sir."
"It's going to hurt, I won't lie. But it'll be worth it, and

the pain won't last that long."

He slowly set out the things he needed. Forceps,

needle, pliers. Antiseptic. He looked up, but Benji's eyes
were closed tight, the lean body flushed, sweating.

"I want you to watch, boy." It was a lot to ask, he

knew, but he also knew that Benji would try very hard to
do it.

"Oh, God. Oh, God. Please."
"Yes, please. Open your eyes and watch. For me."
One tear slipped down Benji's cheek, but his eyes

opened, mouth forming the words, "For you."

"That's right. For me."
He picked up the antiseptic and sprayed it over

Benji's prick. The chair arms creaked as Benji's hands
clamped down.

"Good boy." He got himself ready, stopping just

before doing it. "Deep breath, boy. You'll release it as
the needle goes through."

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He took hold of Benji's cock with the clamp, focusing

on nothing but the task at hand, on marking his own
boy. He didn't even glance back up at Benji, trusting his
boy was watching as he'd asked.

The needle went in easily, the low cry echoing and

wild. He had to take a breath himself before his hands
were steady enough to push the ring in behind the

"I. Oh, God. I'm going to scream. Please. Stop."
"Almost there, boy. One more breath." Benji was

doing so well.

Benji sucked in one, shuddering breath, chest

hitching. He slipped the ring in, pulled the needle out
and just like that, they were done. He sprayed it again
with the antiseptic. Benji cried out, tried to shift off the

"No! Don't move. Let it just rest there for a moment."

He put his hand on Benji's hip and pressed it against the
chair. He could feel the lean muscles jerking and
jumping under his touch, fluttering against his hand.
"You're doing so well, boy." No screaming, no running.

"I want to make you proud."
"You do. I am." He looked up finally, meeting Benji's

eyes again for the first time since putting in the PA.
"You're amazing."

"It hurts." The hysteria was there at the surface.
"I've got something that'll numb it a little." He found

the numbing spray and used it. He didn't want the pain
to be entirely gone -- it was a part of the experience --
but Benji having a fit was not how he wanted the
experience remembered.

"There. You're doing great." He leaned in to softly

kiss his boy.

Benji moaned, hands sliding up his arms to hold onto

him. "Sir."

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"That's right, boy. And now you'll never forget it."

He looked down at his boy, at the rings in the little
nipple and the ring in the sweet cock. Just the first of

Just like today was the first of many.
"Forever, I promise. I'll never forget."
"Neither will I. This moment is ours. The first of a

couple zillion billion." Smiling, he took another kiss,
feeling it build between them.

His boy's laughter tickled his lips, and he gathered

Benji closer.

There was a peace inside him that he hadn't been

expecting, that was the antithesis of the way he'd started
feeling as he'd come closer and closer to their time here
being done. Now it didn't matter, because now he had
his boy.

He'd come here intending to give a man a fantasy,

and he ended up with one fulfilled.

"Love you," he said softly, meeting Benji's eyes,

giving his boy everything.

"Love." Benji smiled, lips brushing his. "Yes. Love."
"Good." It was nice to hear it returned, to know his

devotion was shared.

His boy nodded, once. "Sir."
"That's right, boy."
He pressed another kiss on those sweet lips and then

went back to admiring his handwork on the Prince
Albert. "I'm going to give you a couple of guiches,
attach them to the PA with a chain."

That poor cock leapt, tried to hide from him.
"You'll learn to love it, boy."
"Yes, Sir."
He thought his boy was the bravest man he'd ever

met. He didn't touch the PA -- it would be tender for
awhile. He did, however, cup Benji's balls, roll them.

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The lean body stayed still, quiet, Benji's eyes huge and
watching him.

"You are the prettiest man who ever sat in my chair."
"None of the others will need you like I do, either."
"No one ever has." He smiled, fingers sliding back to

tease the plug in Benji's ass. "And I won't even see
anyone else now."

"I... Will it get hard? With the ring?"
"Did you think I'd do something to you that wouldn't

let you ever get hard?"

"No. No, I mean now."
"Oh." He chuckled and ran his finger from asshole to

balls. "I guess we'll find out, hmm?"

He loved the way Benji's balls drew up, wrinkled at

his touch. He stroked them, then the base of the newly
pierced cock.

"I. I don't know if you should touch it."
"I'm not touching the ring."
Benji's reactions were fascinating. "No. No, thank

you. I. My heart's racing."

"Good?" Those eyes were focused, clear, that

distance between them gone.

"I don't want calm and collected, boy. I want you

right in the middle of it."

"I want to... I feel like I'll shake apart, it's so big."
He grabbed Benji's hand. "I have you."
"Thank God."
"And I'm not letting go, boy. I promise."
Tension melted from his boy, Benji's eyes dropping

closed. He kissed Benji's temple just as a soft bell

"That's it. No more fantasy. It's real now, boy."
"Yes, Sir. Can we please go home?"

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Thor nodded. "We can. Let's go."
They'd gather his boy's things, his things, and then

real life could start.

Their real life.

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Chapter Eight

"Master, love? Would you like a glass of wine?" Alan

felt a bit at a loss, really. Nothing to cook, nothing to do.
A gourmet meal was being delivered, the cabin was
spotless. He'd explored every inch while his master had
napped. Inside, anyway.

"I think perhaps a glass of champagne each would be

appropriate, love." Roman smiled at him, looking
relaxed from his nap.

The silver hair at his master's temples contrasted

sharply with the rich, dark hair on the rest of his head; it
gave him a distinguished air that was belied by the
twinkle in the blue-grey eyes.

"Yes, sir." His master was lovely -- strong and sure,

solid, firm. Even after years together, Alan was

"Come sit with me once you've poured them."
With his master: not by him, but with him. It meant

instead of kneeling at Roman's feet, he would be sitting
on the couch, curled into the body he loved so much. He
nodded, smiled at his lover, and hurried to pour the
wine. The bubbles made him chuckle, tickling his nose
as he smelled the bright, tart champagne.

"I don't suppose there are strawberries to nibble with

it? Although that might spoil our appetite for dinner..."

"I'll look. Maybe we'll get lucky." He searched the

refrigerator, coming up with a little basket of tiny,
perfect berries. "Oh, look."

"Oh, this week is going to be fantastic, I can tell

already." His Master had arranged the week as a gift for
him, five different experts coming in to do scenes with
him while his Roman watched.

He was nervous, excited, exhilarated. So many things

to experience, to feel, and to know Roman watched

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every second. To know how aroused his voyeuristic
Master would be.

He could feel his master's eyes on him as he brought

over the bubbly and the berries; they were warm, like a
touch. He served his Master, then sat as Roman had
requested. Roman dipped one of the little berries into his
glass and then pressed it against his lips, the bubbles
bouncing and breaking on his skin.

He moaned, opened, the tart and sweet bursting in his

mouth. "Thank you, Master."

"It was my pleasure, Alan."
"Are you excited to begin our fantasy?"
"I am. I have such wonderful things planned for you."

Those eyes met his, looked into him. "Are you?"

He considered his thoughts, his feelings. "I'm

nervous. Excited. A little scared."

"Why are you scared, love?" Roman took a sip of his


"It's a scary thing, to submit for the first time. These

are strangers."

"I have vetted each and every one of them, love.

They are the very best at what they do. They all know
your safe word." Roman smiled warmly at him. "And I
will be there for each and every scene."

"Yes, Master." Still, he moved closer, seeking his

Master's strength.

Roman's arm slid around his shoulder, his master's

hand squeezing him gently. "You are absolutely safe."

"I trust you. I trust you to find us amazing sensation."
"It will be glorious, Alan. Each day will bring a new

experience we can live over and over together."

"Please, Master. Will you tell me again, why you

chose who you chose?"

"I chose men who would make you feel deeply. It

thrills me to watch each and every emotion go across

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your face. While I will love to watch the blood welling
up on your skin as the master knife wielder cuts you, it
is your face with each passing second that will truly
bring me the greatest pleasure."

He pressed closer, arousal flooding him, along with a

shudder of fear. "Master..."

"You will know my eyes are on you, recording every

moment as surely as the cameras will be."

"Cameras..." He buried his face in Roman's neck,

beginning to pant softly.

"You won't even know they're there. Only my eyes

will be heavy upon you."

"You'll never leave me alone." This was for Roman's

pleasure; that was the will he submitted to.

"Never! I don't want to miss a moment, love."
Roman tilted his head and took his mouth. The kiss

plundered him. Berries. Roman tasted like berries...
Shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, Alan held on, crying
out into Roman's mouth. Strong arms wrapped around
him, Roman holding him tight.

He could feel Roman's erection, the hardness solid

and insistent against him. Even just talking about what
they had come to do turned his master on so much.

"What do you desire, Master?" Everything he was, he

would offer.

"Are you ready for me, love?"
"Always." He prided himself on being ready for his


"Then ride me." His Master's thighs spread.
He slipped off his loose pants, his cock eager and

bobbing as he unfastened Roman's slacks, eased them
down as he got ready to straddle the muscled legs.
Roman groaned, gaze like a fire burning across his
newly nude flesh.

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He was shaved clean, a heavy cock ring keeping him

erect, happy. Alan preened for Roman's eyes, knowing
his Master needed to see. Roman licked his lips and the
thick cock he'd just bared jerked for him, proved to him
how much his master appreciated the lengths he went to.

He climbed into Roman's lap, rubbed that perfect

prick over his hole.

"Oh, love. Yes." Roman moaned for him, breath

beginning to come faster.

"Love. Master..." He bore down, took Roman in, his

eyes rolling as his Master pierced him. So thick, so hot
and hard. There was no other sensation like this one.

He moaned, rode Roman's cock up and down, feeling

the man drag and scrape inside him. One of Roman's
hands wrapped around his cock, moving as he moved,
the touches good, but not hard enough, not solid and
there enough.

"Master." He knew better than to beg. His pleasure

was Roman's prerogative. Period.

Roman's hand tightened, brought more delicious

friction. "You may come when our food arrives."

"Yes, Master. Thank you. Thank you."
Roman's other hand wrapped around his waist and

tugged, pulling him down faster and faster as the hand
around his cock squeezed and fondled. Pleasure became
desperation as he had to fight the urge to shoot. Roman's
thumb began to rub back and forth across the top of his
cock, and then his master removed the cock ring.

He took a sobbing breath, his balls drawing up tight.

Please. Please let the food come.

"Oh, love, just look at you." He could hear the need

in Roman's voice, the strong cock growing harder inside

He arched, the need riding him impossibly. "Master."

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"I told you when you could come, Alan." The blue

eyes met his, held his gaze.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." He was going to fucking die.
"You feel wonderful around me, love." Roman

bucked up hard, and he bit out a scream, almost missing
the knock on the door.

Heat filled him, Roman's come going deep. His

orgasm was barely held at bay, and he met Roman's
eyes, begging that single nod. It came, his Master's smile
so proud. He shot hard, the world graying out around the

Roman's arms were solid and sure around him as he

came back to himself, low words murmuring in his ear.

"Master. My Master. Love." He was floating.
"Mmm... Alan. My very own."
"All of me."
Every inch.

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Chapter Nine

Roman put his arm out for Alan, ready to escort his

dear sub to their first scene.

Five scenes. It was his gift to Alan. There were some

things he couldn't do for his lover, but he could arrange
to have the very best do them. And he could watch. He
did enjoy watching. Had a bit of a voyeuristic streak,
one might say.

"Are you ready, Alan?"
"As ready as I can be, Master." Alan hadn't slept

well, had tossed and turned in anticipation.

He bent and brought their mouths together, the kiss

soft and gentle, meant to comfort, to soothe. Alan
opened to him, breathed for him. They were doing
scenes in a separate cabin, one set up with props, with
cameras. One from which he could remove Alan at the
end and bring him to a place that was theirs alone.

When the kiss ended, he put Alan's hand on his arm

and let his dear lover out of their cabin toward the scene
cabin. The island was beautiful, serene, a perfect place
for a fantasy. He thought perhaps he should buy
property on an island, just to escape.

The other cabin was very near and he didn't knock,

just brought Alan in. The place was well lit, lovely.
Peaceful. There was his chair in a dark corner, with a
grand view.

He led Alan to the table in the middle of the room.


"Yes, Master." His beautiful sub sat, legs swinging


He glanced at his watch. Their knife master was due

any moment.

"I love you." Alan sounded so worried.
He cupped Alan's face. "And I love you."

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"Thank you, Master."
The bell at the door rang.
"Enter," he called out imperiously. These men might

be masters in their own right, but he was the true master

Alan's fingers twined with his, holding on tight.
An older gentleman came in, tall, square, dressed in

leather, with a little kit that no doubt held his knives.

"Good morning."
Roman nodded. "Good morning. Master David, I


"Yeah. Nice to meet you."
Alan's grip never wavered.
"This is my sub Alan. You've got the instructions?"

He'd created meticulous instructions for each of the

"I have." David looked at Alan. "Your safe word is

battery, yes?"

Alan nodded, eyes down. "Yes, sir."
"I'm going to go sit and leave my boy in your hands."

He turned to Alan, squeezed his lover's hand. "Enjoy
this, love, and know that I'll be watching every

"I..." He could see Alan's struggle, fight not to beg

him to stay closer. His Alan was too well-trained for that
nonsense, though, too disciplined.

"Yes, Master."
"Good man." He melted away into the shadows,

settled comfortably in the chair waiting there for him.

Alan sat on the table, eyes on the floor, visibly

shaken. Roman willed his sub to find his center, to focus
and take the enjoyment he should feel from this.

David smiled and murmured softly, "Breathe."
"I'm sorry, sir. I'm very frightened."

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"Let me show you my knives, my tools." The leather

kit was opened.

The kit held only a handful of knives: one large one,

many tiny ones. They all gleamed in the light, looking
perfectly cared for. There were also a few long needles,
and a little wheel with teeth on it.

"Knife play and blood play are two very different

things, and from your file, I know you're here for the
knife play. Though you may bleed a little, and your skin
will carry the marks for a few days, I have no intention
of leaving scars." David had a nice voice, low and
soothing, and he spoke with a careful deliberateness.

"They... they're beautiful. Shiny." Alan began to

relax; Roman could see it in the line of the lean
shoulders, in the lovely dark eyes. His sub was
beautifully trained, eager and well suited to the lifestyle,
once he allowed himself to breathe.

Roman began to relax as well, watching closely as

David drew the knives out one by one and set them on a
table next to the bed.

"Are there rules, Sir?"
"You must remain very still while I'm using the

knives, and you must safe word if you need to. Do I
need to tie you down?"

Alan's eyes flashed to him. "Sir? What would you


"I want you to stay still without binding."
"Yes, Master." The ripple that took Alan was


Roman stayed sitting forward, eager to catch every

last movement.

"Then I need you to strip and lie down, please."
"I'm not erect, Sir. I'm sorry." Alan stripped carefully,

folding each piece of clothing and baring the man's
beautiful, barely golden skin.

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"You will be. There are so many sensations for you to

sink into."

Alan had spoken the truth -- his lover was not erect,

not excited, but there was the promise of pleasure
coming, Roman knew. Once his lover settled into the
pain, into the scene, it would come.

David waited until Alan was lying on the table, and

then the man began to touch Alan. Long fingers slid
over Alan's skin, touching him everywhere. Alan began
to relax, to breathe into the long, slow movements.

"I'm sensitizing your skin. It's easy, as you've shaved

yourself clean." David leaned down and blew across
Alan's belly.

Roman's nostril's flared, his cock jerking as he waited

for Alan's response. Alan's abs rippled, a soft, gasping
sigh sounding. Swallowing, Roman relaxed back in his
chair, hand rubbing across his own abs.

David had wonderful focus, the man methodically

and carefully touching and blowing so that every inch of
Alan's skin was woken up. The long, thin cock began to
fill, arching above Alan's body.

"Lovely," murmured David. "I do love a sensitive


"Thank you, sir."
Roman nodded. His boy was lovely.
"What made you want to indulge in knife play?"
"I didn't. I didn't think I wanted to, but... My Master

asked me to do research, to write to him and tell him my
thoughts. I found myself intrigued."

"It's good of your master to indulge you by bringing

me in for you."

"He is good to me."
Roman smiled. And some of the tops were there to

satisfy him, his urge to see, to watch Alan's face as he
was pushed further and further.

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"We'll begin." David picked up the large knife, and

Roman found himself holding his breath.

Alan's cock wilted a bit, and his boy's knuckles went

white on the table.

"Remember that I'm not going to scar you and that

you have a safe word." David turned the knife upside
down, putting the non-sharp side against Alan's skin.

Alan gasped as if the blade had cut him, the sound

sharp, wild. Roman moaned softly, so turned on his balls
ached. The big blade scraped, sweet and slow along
Alan's thigh. Oh, that was... yes. He could see the welt
drawing up in the blade's wake. It didn't cut, but the skin
drew up and Alan groaned, the sound almost a cry.

David moved the knife to Alan's abdomen and drew

it across the lean muscles. This time the sound was a
cry, and Alan's cock jerked, swelled. Roman wrapped
his hands around the arms of his chair to keep from
touching himself.

David hummed softly, moving the knife to Alan's

right pectoral. Alan's prick dripped; Roman could smell
it, smell his lover's need. The welts drawing up along
Alan's body were lovely, badges of his sub's dedication.

"I'm afraid I'll move, sirs." The words were whispers.
"Then I'll bind you."
David was as good as his word, pulling out black

rope and binding Alan to the table.

"I'm sorry." The words were soft, ashamed.
Roman shook his head; Alan was a good sub, a

strong sub. If he needed to be bound, then he had done
his best not to move.

"You would be sorry if you moved and I cut you too


"Yes. Yes, sir." Alan was tightly bound, hands up

above his head. His feet were spread and tied down

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"This way you can enjoy the sensation without

worrying about getting hurt."

"Thank you, sir."
Poor worried sub. Alan was good, very good. He

didn't need to stress so much. Roman thought maybe it
was at least in part because it wasn't him doing this to
Alan. He just didn't have the skills with the knife,
though. And he took special joy in knowing that Alan
submitted to him, submitted to his will.

"I'll continue now." The long scrapes across Alan's

skin continued, welts rising up wherever the dull side of
the blade passed.

Steady, soft little cries pushed into the air, Alan lost

in sensation, the bonds easing the man's tension. Roman
wanted to go over, stroke himself off, spray his seed on
Alan's skin. He could be patient, though. He'd let Alan
have the full experience before he moved in and took his
own pleasure.

"I'm changing knives." David spoke softly, almost

whispering. "This will be shorter, sharper."

Alan's answer was a soft moan, fingers stretching and

clenching. "I'm on fire, sir. My skin."

"It's going to get even bigger."
David's gloved fingers teased over Alan's skin, and

Roman ached at the short, needy cry.

The knife David picked up then was small and looked

wickedly sharp. He began to cut Alan's skin with it, the
blade moving quickly and shallowly across the welts
already on the skin.

"Oh. Oh, God. I... Master..." Alan's eyes cut over to

him, dazed, wild in their need.

"Breathe, love." Roman watched and watched; he

would remember this moment forever.

"So good, sweet boy. So very good." The cuts moved

toward Alan's nipple and Alan stiffened, stilled.

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David didn't cut the little bit of flesh, though, simply

moved on. "You must trust me as you would your
master -- he would not leave you in the hands of
someone who would harm you like that."

Roman nodded. It was true.
Alan agreed, too. "He would not. My heart is


Several more quick cuts were made. Each one earned

heady cries from his boy. Roman began to gasp softly,
terribly aroused. He could see the pre-come slipping
from Alan's cock, splashing on the flat belly.

David had begun to hum, the noise slightly louder

each time he sliced. There wasn't a lot of blood, more
welts and scrapes, the odd drop welling here and there.

"Aches. It aches." The sweat began to bead on Alan's


"Focus on that, on how it feels." David spoke softly,

easily. The man had incredible focus.

"Yes, sir." Alan's scent was strong, heady, and

Roman found his prick throbbing, wanting to be buried
inside his sub's mouth, ass, something.

"You're doing so well. You must make your master

so proud."

"Th...thank you. I hope so. I want to make him


"You are," Roman growled, and David nodded,

smiled. Roman could see Alan relax, breathe.

"Yes, you most certainly are. You are a joy to work

with." David's approval was clear, up front. Roman was
glad that they'd found such a good master to work on
Alan with the knives.

Alan's smile was a thing of beauty. "And you are a

master. My skin is... alive."

David gave a short bow. "It is what I do."

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The man picked up the round, almost pizza wheel,

instrument from his kit. "I have one last sensation I wish
to share with you before we are done."

"Yes, sir." Alan's eyes closed, his lover relaxed and


God, it was something else, to have given this to his

Alan, to have his sub experience something so different,
so intense. Soon it would be his fingers, touching the
marked skin, making Alan cry out.

The pizza wheel thing had little points on it, maybe a

dozen in all. David started at Alan's feet, so far
untouched, and rolled the wheel from heel to ball. Alan
cried out, trying to jerk away, pulling at the bonds.

David grunted. "Don't lose it now, boy."
"I. I. No. No, I won't. I didn't expect..." Alan took a

deep breath, obviously trying to ease himself.

"I'll do it again, then, and you'll be expecting it this

time." David did it again, running the wheel up one foot
and down the other.

Alan's toes curled, but that was it, no jerking, no

pulling away. Roman bit his cheek to keep from
groaning out loud. Alan made him fall in love all over
again. Fall in love with his brave, strong man with such

The wheel traveled up Alan's body, David moving

slowly, surely, leaving a strange pattern on Alan's bare
skin. Alan started crying out, sharp, tiny little sounds.
The cries were louder as the wheel passed over the welts
from earlier, and Roman found himself breathing with
the cries, drawing in deep breaths and letting them out as

"Master..." Alan's eyes met his, wild, hungry, dazed.
"My beautiful sub." He was almost trembling with

the need to turn watching into touching, into making
them both come.

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"Yours. Yours." Alan whimpered, licked his lips.
The strange wheel rolled across Alan's right nipple,

not breaking the skin, but the little nub had been so hard.
It made Roman gasp. Alan's eyes went wide, shocked,
cheeks flushing a dark red.

"When I do it again, you can come." The wheel rolled

back, not touching the nipple this time, and then it rolled
once more, this time running right over the little bit of
flesh again.

Alan never looked away from him, looking for his

permission, his permission above all things. Roman
looked into those lovely eyes and smiled, nodded his
head, just once. Spunk sprayed over the marked belly,
Alan's chest.

Roman made a noise and creamed himself, Alan's

perfect obedience more than he could withstand.

David breathed out, the sound shaky, the man's

erection evident in his leathers. The man would have
had to be a statue not to become aroused by Alan's
beautiful and complete submission.

Roman had to clear his throat in order to speak.

"Thank you, David. That was... quite amazing."

"He is. Stunning."
Roman nodded. "Thank you."
He held his hand out to the man. "We couldn't have

asked for a better start to our week."

"My boy is going to have quite the workout when I

get back to my cabin. Have a fine week." David turned
to Alan, whose eyes were closed. "Thank you for your
submission. You did an exceptional job."

Alan's answer was a soft moan.
Roman chuckled as the man left. A workout indeed;

he could just imagine. Except he had his own lover here,
utterly sensitized and stunningly beautiful.

"Master." Alan stared up at him, eyes dazed, lovely.

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"How do you feel, love?"
Smiling down at his lover, he stroked Alan's cheeks.

"Was it everything you'd hoped?"

Alan turned and kissed his palm. "Yes, Master. I felt


"And you were stunning." He undid one of Alan's

hands and brought it to his crotch, pressing it against his
leather-covered cock. "See?"

"Thank you, Sir." That hand moved over him,


"Mmm. Yes, make me hard again so I can come on

you, on those welts and scratches."

Alan was glowing, skin reddened and patterned,


"Tell me what you liked best." He undid his pants,

eyes on Alan's.

"He was kind when I was frightened." His sub didn't

respond well to threats, to anger. Alan was viciously
hard on himself, striving for perfection. The challenge
with Alan was always reminding the beautiful sub that
sometimes submission was about failure, about

"He was. It seems to me that he's a very

accomplished Master. His boy is very lucky." Of course,
so was Roman's boy.

"Not as lucky as I am." Alan's hand had his cock


"Mmm. Yes. Yes." He rocked into Alan's touch,

prick sliding along his lover's palm.

"Master. Beautiful." The best part was that Alan

believed it.

Bending, Roman kissed Alan's lips, his hands moving

to touch the hot welts that covered Alan's skin. Alan
cried out into the kiss, body jerking against the bonds

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holding his other arm, his feet. Roman loved it when
Alan lost his control, when every feeling was so huge,
his lover could do nothing but react.

His fingers found Alan's nipples, tugged on one, then

the other, earning another of those wild cries. He pressed
against the welt that bisected the one nipple, fingers
moving lightly enough to feel the textures left there,
then he pressed harder against the abused flesh.

Suddenly he wanted to bite, to tug, pull that sensitive

bit. So he did, making the pain, the mark there his. Alan
groaned, hand tight on his prick, thumb working the slit,
hard enough to make him scream.

"Going to come all over you," he promised.
"Please. Master. Master. Love." That hand moved

faster, jacking him furiously.

Groaning, he worked with that hand, letting his lover

pull him higher and higher.

"Yes. Yes. So fine." Alan's words were like a prayer.
"Love!" He cried out, his cock spraying over Alan's

body, painting pearly ropes onto the scraped and
scratched chest.

Alan groaned, teeth sinking into that sweet bottom

lip. Roman pressed their mouths together, taking that lip
between his own. Alan's kiss was wild, demanding,
proving how much control was shattered. They would
spend the rest of the day restoring that control, building
Alan back up again.

Preparing for tomorrow.


The whirlpool tub felt heavenly, the hot water

whirling around him while he sipped a glass of merlot

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and soaked. No thinking. No worrying. No touching.

His master had been very clear.
Somewhere in the background, Alan heard the

doorbell ring, his first instinct to hurry out of the tub to
answer. Getting up to serve had also been very clearly
taken off the table for this evening, though.

He took another sip of his wine, eyes moving behind

the blindfold he wore, trying his best to keep his mind

A few moments later, he heard his Master

approaching. "Are you hungry, love?"

"Yes, Master." If he didn't eat, he wouldn't be able to

hold the wine.

"Good. Open your mouth for me."
Alan opened his lips, the blindfold keeping his

curious eyes closed. Something round and cold was
popped into his mouth, and when he bit down, the juices
of a grape exploded on his tongue, echoing the merlot he
was drinking.

"Mmm." So good, so perfect. "Thank you, Sir."
"Here comes another." This once was smaller, a little

tarter, but still just right.

"They're luscious." He smiled. "Perfect."
"Like my submissive."
He felt his cheeks heat, and he didn't know how to

react. "Sir."

"I've flustered you!" Roman sounded delighted.
He pursed his lips. He was un-flusterable.
Roman's laugh was soft, his lips warm as they

pressed against Alan's own. It was the easiest thing ever
to open up, beg another kiss and another and another.
His Master gave them to him, each one a little deeper
than the last until they were both gasping for breath.

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Alan couldn't think, could only cling to Roman and

"More food," Roman noted, breath heaving in his

chest. "Before we are both too distracted to notice or
care anymore."

"Yes, sir. You, too." He couldn't care properly for his

Master like this.

"Don't worry, Alan. I'll eat." His Master chuckled, the

sound fond as well as amused. "It isn't easy for you, is
it? Letting someone else serve."

"No. No, Sir. It isn't easy at all. Caring for your needs

is..." Well, it was his life, his pleasure, his passion.

"I know, love. It's important sometimes, though, for

the shoe to be on the other foot."

A soft piece of brie cheese was popped into his

mouth before he could formulate any reply to his
master's words.

"Mmm." Oh, creamy, rich. Lovely as it slid on his


"I do love to watch you eat. And like this, every

morsel is an event." Roman sounded happy, satisfied,

"Everything tastes fresh, surprising."
"Here's another surprise, then." This time it was a

piece of fresh sourdough bread, chewy and soft and

"Oh. Oh, that's good." He smiled, licked his lips. The

flavors were definitely enhanced by the fact that he
couldn't see the food, that he didn't even know what it
would be until it crossed his lips.

"And more." This time his mouth was filled with a

strawberry, a hint of chocolate there with it.

All he could do was moan, head back on the lip of the

tub. Oh, God. Those were amazing.

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"That's a great sound." Another strawberry with

chocolate slid across his lips.

So good. So fucking amazing. He chased the juice

with his tongue. Another strawberry was slipped into his
mouth and Roman's mouth followed, tongue tangling
with his and the berry. He dropped his empty -- he
hoped -- wine glass, arms twining around his Master's

His master slid into the water with him, body

pressing against his. Yes... He moaned his thanks and
happiness into Roman's mouth, hands sliding over the
perfect skin. Another berry was put between their lips,
Roman pushing the fruit into his mouth and stealing
away the juices. Alan arched, his aching cock rubbing
the inside of Roman's thigh.

"Pushy sub," murmured Roman, pushing into him.
"Master." He was empty, aching, his skin tingling

and awake.

"Yes. I will fill you and make you ache and make you

come. We have all evening."

"Thank you." He pressed closer, licking and lapping

at Roman's lips.

"You taste better than the food."
"You are my world." But Roman knew that; he didn't

need to say the words.

"I know, love. And you are mine, hmm?"
"Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir." Tomorrow's fantasy was for

Roman. There were five nights -- two for him, two for
Roman, then the last day for both of them.

Roman's next kiss was all consuming, like his master

was having him for dinner. Alan moaned happily,
trusting his Master to keep him whole, safe, afloat. Their
bodies moved easily together in the water, sliding back
and forth.

"What do you need, Master? How can I please you?"

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"You just need to lie there and let me get you all

revved up. Then I'm going to take you to bed and make
you scream as you come."

He moaned, lips parting. He hadn't screamed for

Roman in months.

"Yes, my love. I'm going to make you scream as you

come, make it so good." Roman's kiss held the same
promise as his words.

Alan's skin tingled, one nipple ached fiercely, and his

lips swelled as Roman pressed them against his teeth.
No more words followed, only Roman's lips and tongue
and hands as they moved on him, stroking his abused
skin beneath the slick water. His nipple got special
attention -- the pinches, the pulls, they all especially
made him ache.

One of Roman's knees slid between his legs and

pressed up hard against his balls. Ache. Oh, God. So
good. He let himself shudder.

"Mmm. Yes." Roman rubbed his knee back and forth,

pushed it in behind.

The ache and pain and pleasure mingled together, and

his eyes opened, trying to see through the blindfold.

"I want to hear your pleasure and your pain, Alan. I

want to hear every noise you might make."

"Yes. Yes, oh God, I need you." He needed

everything Roman could give him.

"I know." Roman's kisses moved down his throat and

across his chest, teeth nipping at his skin, so sharp
against the places the knife had scraped. When Roman's
teeth caught one nipple, he screamed out, the pleasure
perfectly amazing.

"Yes. So good." He could hear the smug tone in

Roman's voice, as well as happiness, arousal. Love. So
much love.

"Yes. Good. Need you like air."

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"I like that," growled Roman. "I am the air you


"Yes. My air, my heart." He was near crazy,

overwhelmed by sensation.

"Out of the water." Roman's hands held his, drew him


He followed, trusting those hands easily. This was a

lesson he'd learned at the very beginning. He'd spent his
first month as a sub blindfolded, needing those hands for
everything he did.

"You're at the edge of the tub, love. Step out -- there's

a towel on the ground to keep you from slipping."

Alan stepped carefully, his knees surprisingly weak

after his long soak in the heat.

"It's not far," Roman promised him, drawing him


The floor was cool under his feet and he could smell

flowers, the ocean. Roman stopped him and let go of his
hands. The next sensation was the softest of towels,
drying his skin. He gasped, hips rocking, the sensation
overwhelming on his super-sensitive skin.

Roman hummed, touching every inch of him. His

Master even dried between his toes, behind his ears.
Then Roman began to blow on him. The first puff of air
made him gasp, stumble forward a step. His master's
hand was right there, steadying him.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm sorry."
"You know I want your reactions, no matter what

they are. There is no wrong or right way to feel, Alan."
More air blew over him.

His skin pebbled up, he could feel it. And his nipples

tightened, the tingle almost unbearable. Just his master's
breath was making him crazy, making him want to
scream. Roman knew it, too, had to, the way he kept
blowing, kept finding new places to send the warm air

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rushing over him. Moans poured out of him, over and
over, and he didn't hide a single one.

Suddenly, along with the warm breath flowing over

the small of his back, Roman's warm, wet tongue slid
against the little bundle of nerves there.

"Master!" His hands flailed, and his cock jerked

violently as his balls drew up tight.

One of Roman's hands slid around to grasp his belly,

steady him.

"Master. Master. Love." Right there was such a hot

spot, so sensitive.

Roman stroked his belly, tongue working slowly

down along his crack. Alan spread, hands searching for
a place to land and finding none. It was maddening, as
was the way Roman's tongue kept dancing toward his
hole and then away again. His tension ratcheted up, his
body vibrating. The long fingers on his belly stroked,
rubbing where the knife had scraped him.

"Master. Master, I'm burning."
"On fire. Good."
"Yes!" He was good. He was.
His master's fingers spread his ass cheeks and then

that wonderful tongue finally pushed inside him. Words
bubbled out of him, filthy and wanton. He couldn't help
himself. Roman drove him insane. His master tongue-
fucked him and kept doing it, over and over. His cock
was leaking, dripping pre-come as he soared.

Roman's hand dropped from his belly to his balls,

rolling them, tugging lightly. Alan knew he didn't have
permission to come. He knew and he fought the urge.
Roman wasn't helping at all, tongue driving him higher
and higher.

He wasn't going to be able to stand much longer. He

wasn't. He cried out, stumbling forward. Roman caught
him and he was moved, pushed over the bed, Roman's

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cock filling him. He couldn't speak. All he could do was
beg with his body and feel.

So big, his master's prick filled him all the way and

spread him wide. That was all he needed, his world. His

"Love." Roman's prick slammed into him again and


"Yes." He was Roman's love, Roman's boy, Roman's

life. He knew.

Roman's hands wrapped around his hips, fingers

digging into his skin.

"Yours. Yours. So good." He was so lucky.
"Yes. Mine." His master's thrusting got harder.
His balls drew up, his orgasm so close. Still, his

master didn't give the order. Alan tried to relax, to not
think about the pounding inside his ass.

"No. Feel it, Alan. Feel every second of it."
"Master." How did the man know?
"That's right."
He panted, trying to find his center, trying to give

Roman what he asked for.

"No matter what I ask, you'll do it."
There weren't any words left in him to answer, so he


"I know." Two more hard thrusts against his gland

and Roman leaned over him. "When I come, you can."

Fuck, yes. That gave him a goal. He focused on his

ass, on squeezing and moving and giving Roman

"Yes!" His master began to shout, the noises almost

as good as the sensation of that thick prick filling him.

Alan held on with everything he was, demanding his

Master's pleasure. Finally -- finally -- Roman screamed,
nailing his gland hard and filling him with his master's

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He grunted, but his body was caught, his orgasm

trapped inside him. "Fuck. Fuck, Master! Sir, please."

One firm hand wrapped around his prick, jacking him

as the other found one of the abrasions on his skin, his
master's fingernails scratching at it.

"Yes!" Spunk poured out of him, his head slamming


"Yes." Roman kissed his spine, resting against his


"Thank you. Thank you, Sir."
"Thank you, Alan. Today was a wonder."
"I love you." His fingers found Roman's, held on.
"And I love you. Always."

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Chapter Ten

Roman felt the cool ocean breezes on his skin. He

could smell them, too. Alan must have opened the
window at some point in the night.

Paradise was certainly a lovely place to wake up.
Warm hands were gently working his back, sliding

with the light oil his lover used to massage him.
Groaning out his pleasure, he breathed in another
lungful, smelling the promise of breakfast fruits and
cheeses. Alan was humming, focusing on him, on his
body, his pleasure. He woke like this often -- his dear
sub caring for him.

He was a very, very lucky man. "Mmm. Love."
"Yes, Master. My beautiful Roman." Those fingers

knew just where to touch. Alan did make him feel like a

"And how are you this morning?"
"Good, Sir. A little nervous about tonight's scene, but

not like yesterday."

"What about tonight's scene is making you nervous?"
"The unknown, is all. I get nervous before our scenes

sometimes. I think it's natural."

"Do the nerves make it more exciting?" It had been a

while since they'd had this discussion.

Alan chuckled. "I have no idea. It's just what it is."
He turned his head to smile at his lover. "I might

have to make you think about it," he teased.

"Thinking isn't my strong suit, Master."
Oh, that tickled him, and he laughed. Alan chuckled,

those fingers digging in deep, tickling him more.

"Alan!" He laughed and wriggled, trying to get away

from those evil fingers.

"Yes, beloved Master." His boy laughed, teasing


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He rolled beneath Alan and grabbed the man around

the waist, then continued to roll, putting his lover
beneath him.

"Wicked boy!"
"Your wicked boy." Alan's smile made his heart

flutter a bit.

"Oh, yes." He leaned in and pressed their lips

together, letting Alan feel how this beautiful man made
him feel.

Soft hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulled him

close, those sweet lips sliding against his. Moaning
softly, he gently deepened the kiss. His body began to
harden. Alan hummed, the sound happy, his lips
vibrating with it.

God, he loved this man.
Roman slid his hand along Alan's arm, fingers

dancing lightly. Alan smiled into their kiss, one hand
massaging the small of his back. He rocked them
together, their cocks bumping and rubbing. Alan
nodded, smiled at him, easy in that pale, sweet skin. It
was going to bruise so beautifully tonight.

Then tomorrow they would experience breath play,

then the fourth night he would have Alan over his lap,
spread out, and taken again and again and again.

Right now, he just wanted to make love with the most

important man in his life. Alan cupped his cheek, this
kiss about love and passion and forever, not anything
else. He sank into it, into his lover, and took the
moment, held it close.

This was it -- this was them. Not the games, not the

scenes. But this. This quiet happiness.

He kissed and he rocked, and the pleasure moved

through him in gentle waves.

"Love you, Sir." The words were whispered into his


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"Me, too." So very much.
He breathed in his lover and came. Alan's smile was

beautiful, transcendent as his lover watched.

"Your turn," he murmured.
Alan nodded, body beginning to rock faster.
"Mmm, just like that." He loved watching that body

move, undulate, dance beneath his own.

Alan stretched, showing off for him, dancing for him.

He bent and breathed in at Alan's neck, taking in the
flavors. He could feel Alan's heartbeat against his lips.
Groaning, he licked that spot.

"Master..." That was a soft, low moan.
"Right here, love. Always."
Alan nodded. "And I'm thankful every day."
"Good. Show me. Show me your pleasure."
"Master. Yes." Alan nodded, moving on him again.
The way was slightly slick from his come, the

movements easy, beautiful. His boy moved on him,
rubbing against his prick, sliding on his body, moving
up and down.

"That's it. Love you."
Alan's eyes were dazed, happy, unfocused. Groaning,

he leaned close and kissed Alan hard. Heat spread
between them, Alan moaning his pleasure. Beautiful.
His Alan was the most beautiful man in the world.

Alan hummed, slowly catching his breath. "Mmm.

How will we spend this beautiful day, Master?"

"I believe the beach is calling to us, love." He could

hear those waves as if they were saying his name.

"Oh, yes. That sounds amazing. I love the waves."
"I'll have to rub in lots of sunscreen, though. I don't

want you picking up any color. The flogger shows better
on your ass when it's pale."

Alan's cheeks went a sweet pink.
"Mmm, that's a nice color, too."

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"Master!" Sweet laughing boy.
He slid over to lie next to Alan, and pressed a kiss

against Alan's cheek. "Love it when you say my name
like that."

"I love you."
Alan smiled, settled close. "Let's go play."
He squeezed Alan and couldn't help but feel that any

moment together with his lover was a gift.


The water in the shower was lukewarm -- perfect for

rinsing off and centering himself. Getting ready for the
night ahead. Alan knew Roman needed to be able to see,
to watch without having to focus on control, on anything
but his submission.

This was almost easy for him. Roman had Masters

that he trusted -- perhaps not as amazing as this man
here, but incredible -- who flogged him, made him fly.

He washed his hair, humming softly, his muscles

loose and relaxed. He knew his master was also getting
ready, preparing to watch his skin mottle and bruise. He
didn't dawdle; he just got clean, dry, brushed his hair,
his teeth.

Roman was dressed in his leathers, looking

handsome and studly.

"You look lovely, Master."
"Thank you, Alan. You look good yourself. You're

going to shine."

"I hope so." He slipped on soft pants and a loose T-

shirt, sandals. He wouldn't be dressed for very long, so
his outfit was more about comfort than style.

"I know so." Roman held out his arms, beckoning

him close.

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Alan couldn't have stopped his smile for anything,

and he went into those loving arms eagerly. "Thank you
for today, Sir. It was amazing." They hadn't had so much
fun in years.

"It was, wasn't it?" Roman chuckled softly and

hugged him tight.

His cheek fit perfectly on Roman's shoulder. Roman

danced him gently to the soft music that was piping
through the cottage. Alan melted, humming softly as
they moved together.

"This was such a good idea. My sweet love."
Alan was soaring, flying. "Master."
Roman continued to dance with him for awhile

before asking, "Are you ready for our next scene?"

He nodded. "Although I could stay here with you like

this for days."

"We'd starve." Roman kissed the top of his head.

"Come, love. It's time."

He had eaten a light meal earlier, and he knew that

Roman would bring him back here, pamper him, and
feed him after.

Hand in hand, they made their way back to the

cottage where all their scenes were to take place. There
was a stunning sunset over the ocean as they walked,
painting everything with beautiful colors.

"This place is... magical." Alan squeezed Roman's

fingers in thanks.

"It is, isn't it? Even better than advertised." Roman

pressed their lips together, the kiss soft and full of
everything that was between them.

It was easy to cuddle in, settle and open up. Roman

took his time with the kiss, and then ended it, taking his
hand again and leading him into the cottage. The cottage
was warm with the last of the day's sun, inviting. The

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table he'd been on earlier was still there, covered now in
a white sheet.

"Do you want me on the table, Master?"
"I think we'll wait for the flogging master to arrive

and see how he'd like you arranged."

"Yes, Sir." He leaned into his lover's arms, relaxing,

breathing, focusing on their heartbeats.

The door opened and closed, a man with an amazing

upper body walking in, grinning. "Good evening, boys."
One of Roman's eyebrows went up. The man chuckled
and amended, "Boy and Master."

Roman nodded. "Good evening."
Alan found the man a smile. "Good evening, Sir."
The flogger master's muscles were fascinating,


"I'm Master Luke, and I'll be your flogger for the


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Luke."
"I'll leave Alan in your capable hands." Roman's

fingers slid against his ass for a moment and then his
master disappeared into the chair in the corner. He could
still feel Roman's gaze, though.

He stood, waiting for instructions.
"Safe word?"
"Battery ,sir."
"Okay. Let's get these clothes off you."
He nodded and stepped out of his shoes, placing them

to the side.

"No. I didn't tell you to undress."
Alan blinked. "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I

misunderstood." Damn it. He'd screwed up already.

"It's okay, boy. I need you to listen to my words

carefully, and ask if you aren't sure about something."

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"Yes, sir." He looked for Roman, suddenly needing

his center, reassurance. He wasn't used to making

"Eyes forward, boy."
He almost whimpered, off balance. This was

supposed to be the easy one. "Yes, Sir."

"It's never easy with a new master, but you're doing

fine, boy." Master Luke's fingers began working the
buttons of his shirt open. "I like to undress a new boy
slowly, see what I've got to work with a bit at a time. It
heightens the anticipation for me and for you."

This was more sensual than he had anticipated, the

air already thick.

"Yes, Sir." He swallowed when Master Luke's fingers

touched his throat.

"Look at this lovely skin. If the rest of you is as nice,

you're going to mark beautifully." The man's dark eyes
met his. "That's what you want, isn't it? For your master
to watch as I draw up the blood from beneath your skin."

"Yes, Sir. I want to arouse him, to make him proud."

To let Roman see how much Alan loved his Master.

"I'm sure you do make him very proud."
Buttons undone, Luke slid his shirt from his

shoulders, the man's thick fingers sliding on his skin.
The hot tub and day in the outdoors had done their job,
and only the faintest of marks here and there from the
cutting marked his skin.

"Mmm. I know what you were doing yesterday, boy.

Did you come?"

"When my Master granted me permission, yes."
"Good boy." Those fingers stroked over his skin,

pressing in here and there, the man watching the way the
color left and then rushed back to his skin.

He breathed in, eyes on the curtain, on the window,

on the flowers outside.

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"I'm going to flog you long and hard. You aren't

doing anything tomorrow that will be hindered by that,
are you?"

"No. No, sir." Tomorrow was breath play.
"Very good. Then I can have a free hand."
He didn't answer; he focused on breathing, on his


Master Luke continued to undress him, sliding the

pants from his legs. His prick was half-hard, the air cool
as it brushed over him.

"You're not bound." Master Luke sounded...


"No, Sir." Roman trusted him, his control.
"Impressive." Master Luke took him in hand and

jacked his cock a few times.

His eyes went wide, searching for Roman

immediately. Roman was exactly where he was
supposed to be, watching every movement they both

Master Luke let him go. "Just testing everything out,

boy. I won't make you come."

He wasn't used to another man handling his cock so

easily. He'd felt at ease with Master David, relaxed after
he'd been so nervous. This time he'd been confident
rather than nervous and now he was... unsettled.

"I hope the flogging will make it hard for you to wait

for your master's order to come."

"Yes, Sir. I will try not to disappoint."
"I'm sure you won't." Master Luke's voice was a low,

deep seduction.

Alan's cheeks heated, and he let his chin dip. He

wouldn't disappoint Roman. He was good at this. He
made his master proud.

"Chin up, boy." Master Luke's fingers slid along his


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He shivered, lifted his chin.
"There you go."
The man grabbed a thick, heavy flogger from a chair

Alan hadn't noticed, then Master Luke showed him the
implement, made of dark leather.

Alan's hands tightened into fists, then he forced them

to relax.

"You've been flogged before."
"Yes, sir. Many times, for my master's eyes."
"Well, I'm the best there is, so tonight you're going to

really be flogged."

"Yes, sir." He met Roman's eyes, needing

encouragement, support.

His master was there for him, eyes on him, full of

pride and love. That relaxed him again, let him take a
deep breath, let him focus.

Master Luke's breath ghosted over his neck as the

man whispered in his ear. "I'm going to start now."

"Should I just stand here, sir?"
"For now. I'll guide you as I want you to move."
This wasn't what he expected, not at all. He nodded,

tensing, toes curling as if to hold him onto the floor. The
flogger landed on his right calf, wrapping around it. He
didn't move, didn't make a sound, he simply focused.

"Very good."
The next hit landed on his other calf. The burn was

shocking, but he refused to acknowledge it. This was for
his Roman. The next two hits worked their way up his
left thigh. His balls drew up tight, hiding from the

"Great skin," murmured Master Luke, working his

other leg.

"Th...thank you, sir," he whispered. He dug his teeth

in his bottom lip, focusing on the sting.

"Hold your arms out to either side, boy."

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He lifted his arms, the blood seeping over his teeth

from where he'd bitten his lip. He held himself so tight,
barely breathing.

The flogger thudded hard across his arm. His fingers

curled and he wanted to pull away, jerk away.

"We're only just getting started, boy."
"Yes, sir." His eyes landed on Roman's feet, the

familiar rope sandals.

The flogger thudded against his side, wrapping

around his ribs. Warmth flooded his chest, his skin
aching a little. The flogger hit again, in almost exactly
the same spot. Alan took a deep breath, gulping in air.

Master Luke grunted, the sound satisfied, and the

flogger dug into the same piece of flesh once more.

This time he had to meet Roman's eyes, to know his

Master was pleased. He could see, faintly in the shadows
of the corner, that his master was smiling, that Roman's
eyes shone with pride. It gave him the balance to stay
where he was, stay silent and still.

The flogger continued to beat him, legs, arms, torso,

Master Luke kept things moving, each hit solid and sure.
There was a rhythm to it, something he could latch onto,
understand. It was strange, though, not one of the hits
landed on his ass. Doms could be so... peculiar.

"Ready for more?" The words were growled out,

another thud landing across his shoulders.

He swallowed, his words caught in his throat.
"Answer me, boy." The next thud hit across his

shoulders again, only harder, insistent.

He swallowed again, stumbling forward a step.
"Boy?" Master Luke had come around in front of him

and grabbed his chin, tilted it up.

His tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth and he

fought to loosen it. "Sorry. Sorry, sir."

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One of Master Luke's eyebrows went up, the man

examining his face. "Are you sure you're ready for

The care made him shiver. "I... I'm sorry, sir. I'm

trying very hard to please."

"Give me your honest reactions, that'll please me."

Master Luke grinned. "And I think what's coming will
be easier. At least part of it." The man nodded to the
padded bench near the window. "Over that, ass up."

"Yes, sir." He moved to the bench, trying to figure

out where his head was, where his heart was, right then.

He was unnerved, off-balance, and it made no sense.

None. He could feel Roman's eyes on him, his master's
stare as sure as any touch. He could also feel Master
Luke's touch as the man squeezed one ass cheek, and
then the other, as if testing them.

The urge to just stand up, walk off surprised him,

worried him. Shamed him.

"You've marked beautifully, but this will be the pièce

de résistance." Master Luke squeezed his ass again.

His ass muscles went tight, then relaxed.
"Mmm, yes." Master Luke's hand disappeared, and

he knew it was about to start.

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hear his heart, to

know his Master's will. He wasn't prepared at all when
the flogger landed on his ass. It was years of practice
that kept him still, kept him from jumping. Several more
hard thuds landed on his ass; he could feel the bruising
deep in his tissues.

He needed to see Roman, hear him, something. He

couldn't see his Master from this angle, couldn't hear
anything but the blows. They continued, blows landing
one after the other; Master Luke had quite the arm.

He wasn't in a space for it, though. He wasn't settling,

wasn't easing into the endorphins. If it had been Roman

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-- or even Rick, who was Roman's normal choice to
substitute -- someone would have noticed.

His safe word suddenly sounded, Roman stepping out

of the shadows. "I'm sorry, Master Luke, but I believe
we're done for the evening."

He looked at his Master, eyes rolling, heart slamming

in his chest. Oh, God. Oh, God. Roman had never, ever
safe worded for him before.

The flogger was still, Master Luke moving to meet

Roman. "Are you sure? Your boy's skin is marking so

"I'm sure. And I thank you very much."
He stood there, silent, feeling about two inches tall.
"Thank you for the opportunity." Master Luke gave

them each a nod and took his leave.

Roman turned to him. "Stand, Alan."
"Yes, Sir." He straightened up, eyes on the floor.
Roman's hands went to his shoulders. "Are you


"No, Sir. It just... There was something wrong. I'm so

sorry. I tried." He had failed, had let his lover down, and
Roman had spent so much money, wanted this so badly.

Roman pulled him in close. "We'll figure out what

went wrong, hmm?"

"Master." He held on, suddenly shaken, shaking.
"Alan! I have you."
"I'm so sorry, Roman. I tried my best."
"Come on. We need to go back to our cottage."

Roman grabbed his clothes and wrapped him in his shirt.

He nodded, head down, the island seeming almost

threatening in the growing darkness. Roman put an arm
around him and led him out of the play cottage and back
to their personal space. They didn't meet anyone along
the way.

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Part of him wanted to drop to his knees, beg

forgiveness. Part of him wanted to run. Most of him was
glad that Roman had noticed, that Roman knew. Saw.

They got to the cabin, which was lit up inside by

candles. The bed was turned down and there was a pot
on a warmer, no doubt full of healing oils. The place
was set for a post-scene seduction.

He didn't deserve it. He'd screwed up, big time.
Roman drew the shirt from around his shoulders and

left it and the rest of his clothes near the door. "Go lie
down, love."

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry." He moved slowly, fighting his

tears with each step.

"Stop apologizing."
"I... yes, Master."
"Good." Roman grunted and followed him. His

master removed his clothes and slipped on the silk robe
he preferred after heavy sessions and then pointed to the
bed. "Get on. You know the routine. We'll talk when
you've had a chance to relax."

He swallowed his sob, crawled onto the bed, hid his

face in the pillows.

"Shh. Love. Don't." Roman's hands were slick as they

moved over his back, rubbing gently, working the oil
into his abused flesh.

The touch was familiar and real, and Alan shook as

his muscles tried to relax.

"I'm not mad at you, love. Please relax." Roman's

words were so softly spoken, meant to ease him.

"I tried so hard. I swear."
"Of course you did. You would never give me

anything but your best."

He swallowed hard, nodded, and some of the tension

left him. It was true.

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"There's a good reason this didn't work out tonight.

We'll figure it out once you've been taken care of."

"Yes, Master." He told himself that it was time to

trust in Roman, in the man who loved him.

"Mmm. I do love the way that sounds." Roman's

fingers worked on his muscles, warm and soothing,
leaving him boneless and relaxed.

His breath matched Roman's, in and out, in and out,

easing him totally.

"That's better, love. Much better." Roman continued

to slowly work his muscles.

He moaned his response, his body warm and melted.

Roman lay down next to him, fingers sliding his hair
from his face.

"I love you." That was better than another apology.
"Good. " Roman stared into his eyes for a few

moments and then smiled. "So what happened?"

"I couldn't center; it felt wrong."
"Wrong how?"
"Like there was no rhythm, no pattern. I couldn't find

what he needed."

"Maybe he didn't need anything from you other than

for you to take the flogging."

"Maybe." He met Roman's eyes. "It just felt like...

empty heat. Unbalanced."

"You weren't taking any pleasure from it at all? You

usually enjoy your floggings very much." There was no
censure or disappointment in Roman's eyes, only
confusion and curiosity, a little worry.

"I know!" He nodded, upset with himself. "I do. I do,

Master, but this was... Everything was odd and I felt
lost, like I couldn't relax. This one was supposed to be

Roman chuckled, hand sliding along his back.

"Maybe that's what the problem was."

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"What? Master, I don't know what I did wrong."
"Maybe you were expecting it to be easy, so it was

more intense than you were prepared for."

"So it was my fault." Damn it.
"I'm not trying to assign blame here, Alan. I'm just

trying to figure out what happened."

"I couldn't settle into it. There's a peace in flogging."

It was something he loved.

"Why couldn't you settle into it this time? Why was

there no peace there today?"

"I don't know. He was..." Exciting. He couldn't say

the word out loud.

Roman didn't say anything, just continued to look at

him, clearly waiting for an answer.

"I found him aggravating. Almost irritating."
Surprise colored Roman's eyes for a moment.

"Really? How come?"

"I don't know. I don't react to people like that, you

know that." Frustration and worry built up in him.

"I know, love. I know." Roman's hand danced along

his spine again.

"He just put me off balance. I couldn't read him."
Roman patted his shoulder. "I admit I'm surprised to

hear that. I thought he exuded sexuality, intensity."

"He did." And that had surprised him.
"But you just said you couldn't read him." Roman

looked honestly confused, puzzled.

He sighed, he was just all wrong. Completely wrong.
Roman shook his head. "And now you're tightening

up again. Come on, love. Let's let it just go for now."

"I fucked up, Roman. I fucked up, and I don't

understand why. The other master didn't do that to me."

"I don't know why, either, love, but beating yourself

up over it or going around and around with it isn't going
to solve anything."

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"I wanted to be perfect for you. This, I mean. I

wanted this trip to be perfect for you."

"No, I think you said what you meant the first time,

but you can't be perfect, Alan. And we're together --
that's what will make the trip be exactly what I wanted it
to be."

"You deserve the best, Master." The perfect sub.
"I want you. You think perfection would be fun?

Would be interesting? Do you think I'd love perfection
when I could love you?"

"I..." He teared up, panicking a little.
"Alan!" Roman pulled him in close. "What's wrong?"
"I'm caught up inside, tangled."
Roman held him close, touched and stroked him.


"I don't know. Things were so different tonight. The

flogging master made me excited, Master. They never
excite me."

"The man himself, rather than the flogging."
He ducked his head, ashamed. "Yes, Master."
Alan drew into himself, imagining himself getting


"Stop that -- no closing yourself off from me."
His eyes flew up, met his Master's.
"Better. Have you never been attracted to anyone else

but me, love?"

"Not since I met you. I have been aroused by the

submission, by your eyes, by the actions, but not the

"What about outside of a scene? There's never been

anyone you've seen who's made your heart race, just a

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He shook his head. His mind, his heart, his life --

they were very focused on his Master. They weren't
dabblers, he and Roman. They were lifestyle.

"Then why this man?"
"I don't know! He was unnerving."
"I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this, why you

were attracted, why it bothered you so much. I mean, it's
not like you were planning to jump him or anything,
were you?"

"No!" He looked at Roman, shocked. "I just...

Master, I want this to be about you."

"Relax, Alan. I know that, but I think you needed to

be reminded."

"I don't know what to do, Roman. How to make it


"I'm not sure there's anything wrong. We've learned

something new -- that you have a hard time finding your
center when you're attracted to a master who's not me."

He thought about that. It made sense, really. He'd

spent so much energy fighting his attraction that he
couldn't breathe.

Roman kissed his nose. "I'll just have to make sure

that all the other men you sub for are ugly as sin."

Alan blinked, then cracked up, laughing hard.
Chuckling, Roman hugged him tight. "That's a

beautiful sound, love."

"I love you." He wrapped around Roman, held on.

"More than life."

"I know that. And I know that even when you find

yourself excited by someone else. I know you don't love
them, I know it doesn't mean you love me less." Roman
stroked his back. "There's very little in this life you can
be a hundred percent sure of, but I am a hundred percent
sure of you."

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He lifted his chin and brought their lips together, the

kiss as much a promise now as it had been when they'd
had their first one.

Roman's hands grabbed his ass, squeezing, making

the marks burn. He moaned into the kiss, his hips rolling
instinctively into the touch, into the ache. The squeezes
continued, one hand and then the other spreading the
ache inside him.

"Master..." His need began to build, unsatisfied from


"Wanton boy. I like that you're hard for me."
"I am. I need you, Master."
"Good. As long as that doesn't change, nothing else


"Never. I swear."
Roman's answer was to roll over him, pushing him

into the mattress. He arched into Roman's body, the
move immediate, instinctive.

"Yes. Yes." Roman spread his legs, settling between


His body responded immediately, his need bigger

than it had been in years.

"Lube." Roman's voice was short, curt, needy.
"Yes, Sir." He reached for the tube, ready to take

whatever Roman needed to give.

"Slick up my fingers. I'm gonna take you with my

hand tonight. Give you something no one else can."

His eyes rolled in his head. Fuck. Fuck. "Yes, Sir."
Roman held out his hand, eyes watching his every

move. His hands were trembling as he carefully slicked
up those beloved fingers.

"Mmm. Nice, love. Such a good touch."
He smiled, pleased, fingers dragging over Roman's

palm now. That made Roman's fingers curl, tugging at
his for a moment.

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"Love you, Master." His fingers slipped over the

thick, strong wrist.

"And I love you, Alan. More than I could ever say. I

would never do this with anyone else. I never have. It is
yours alone, just as you are mine."

"Yes, Master. I want nothing more than to please


"You always do."
His eyes actually filled with tears, his heart was so

full. Roman kissed his nose, and his lips, his cheeks, and
then his eyelids. His eyes closed, and he gave himself
over, let himself be open and melted and ready.

Two of his master's fingers pushed against his hole,

and then right in. His thighs spread, one knee bending to
give Roman more room.

"We start with the familiar, with the comfortable and

necessary. The beginning."

The beginning. "Where I became yours."
"Yes." Roman's fingers slipped away, three returning,

filling him.

Alan hummed, images of their early relationship

flooding his mind -- dances and wooing, his Master
teaching him each and every one of Roman's specific

"Look at you." Roman was, eyes on his face,

glancing along his body and back up again. "I swear you
become more lovely every day."

He blushed, the praise filling him. "Master."
Chuckling, Roman rubbed their noses together. The

fingers inside him wriggled and stretched and played
over his sweet spot. Gasping softly, Alan rode the
pleasure, the touch.

"More now." Roman's fingers slid away, more slick

applied to them.

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"Your touch is magic. The first time you touched me,

I couldn't breathe."

"Yes? And this?" Roman's hand returned to his hole,

four fingers pushing in, making him stretch to take their

"Full. So much." So very much.
"Not quite as full as you're going to be." Roman's

fingers moved, tapping against his insides.

"No. No, not quite." His breath threatened to catch in

his chest.

Those fingers disappeared, Roman putting more lube

on them. His hips kept moving, even with Roman's
touch gone.

"Mmm. Yes." Roman's soft murmurs slid over his

ears, warmed him inside.

He moved closer, curling into Roman's warmth, the

muscled protection. Roman eased him and protected
him. Roman was his and he, Roman's, and that was the
one true constant in their lives.

"Ready for this, Alan?" Roman's fingers teased at his


"Yes, Master. Roman."
"Mine." Roman's fingers curled together and spread

him open.

"I swear. Forever." His body tightened, but only for a

second, a heartbeat.

As soon as he loosened, Roman pushed in a little

farther. "Yes. Forever."

"F...for. Forev... oh, Sir." So full.
"I have you." Roman smiled at him, fist pushing and


All Alan could do was nod, gasping as his lips parted.
"I have you in the palm of my hand." And Roman

did, entire hand inside his body now.

This sound left him -- deep and rough and raw.

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"Yes, yes, surrender yourself to me, Alan."
He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. All he could do

was let Roman in deep.

Finally the widest part of Roman's hand was inside

him, and the rest came easily. Another of those awful
sounds escaped him, tore from him.

"That's it. Give me everything."
He offered tears and groans, deep cries and pleas.

Everything. He offered over everything. Roman's hand
turned into a fist, moving inside him, pushing it all out.

"Master. Please."
"I'll let you come when I'm ready -- when you are


"Yes, Sir." It was the only possible answer.
Roman's fist slid and pushed and pulled and made

him want to scream until finally, when he really thought
he couldn't wait a moment longer, Roman murmured,
"Come for me, love."

He sobbed, balls throbbing as he shot, his entire

world shorting out.

Roman was still there when he became aware of his

surroundings again, his master's hand inside him, soft
kisses raining on his face.

"Master." The room was swimming.
"Always and forever, Alan. Always and forever."


Roman sat back in the world's comfiest deck chair,

watching the waves come in on the beach through the
bedroom window. There was a full moon hanging low
and heavy over the ocean. It was beautiful, his drink was
perfect, and he could still feel the tight grip of Alan's
body around his hand.

His lover was sleeping, he hoped blissfully.

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It had been an intense evening. Between the scene

going wrong and Alan confessing he'd been excited by
the other master, worrying about it. His dear, sweet sub.
Roman knew, whatever other men might catch Alan's
eyes, his lover would never betray him, never act on that

Alan's love was the single sure thing in a world of

uncertainty. The fact that his sub would worry so much
about the slight feeling of attraction he had for another
strong master only confirmed that for Roman.

He took a sip of his brandy and then a deep breath of

the lovely ocean air. Alan stretched under the sheets, his
name a soft murmur as his sub slept. It made him smile.
There was his sub, focusing on him even in sleep. He
knew if he went over there and looked, that tiny hole
would be pink, swollen, stretched from his hand.

Thinking about it made him hard. The trust Alan had

in him was heady, arousing.

Alan's eyes opened, peering over at him. "Master?"
"Mmm, yes, my love?"
"Are you okay? Is it late?" Sweet, sleepy boy.
"It's late. There's a beautiful night sky."
Alan rolled up, walking toward him. He opened his

arms and his lover settled in his lap with a soft sigh.

"Good dreams?"
"Mmmhmm. You and me."
"Oh, very good dreams." He offered his glass over to


Alan sipped, humming softly. "That's luscious."
"Almost as luscious as you."
"Flatterer." Alan kissed him.
"I don't need to flatter you."
"Mmm. I can feel you, all throughout me."
"Good. You feeling better about everything?"
"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry about earlier. I overreacted."

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"Maybe, but I'd rather you shared everything with me

and risked overreacting than holding it in." It was part of
why they worked, their ability to share everything.

Alan kissed his jaw, rocked softly like the man was


"Are you looking forward to our last three scenes?"
Alan nodded. "Although I have to admit that the time

I've spent with you has been the best part."

"It has been wonderful, hasn't it?" They'd grown

closer, even in just a few days.

"Yes. Yes, I love to spend time with you."
"It's like a vacation, only far more intense."
"It's more private. More like we're the only people


"Indeed. With magical elves bringing everything we

need." They hadn't seen anyone aside from the other
masters at the scenes. Their food and other needs simply

"Yes!" Alan's happy laughter made him smile.
Holding his lover close, he let his eyes drift back to

the moon and the ocean. It didn't take long before his
boy was asleep again, holding him.

It was perfect. In fact, this whole vacation so far was

perfect. Even the unsuccessful scene and the subsequent
discussion they'd had was nothing less than exactly what
they'd needed.

Good thing, too; it was costing them a fortune. One

he'd spend over and over to know his sweet sub was

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Chapter Eleven

Quinn paced, wishing for the thousandth time that he

hadn't decided to do this. Separate vacations, they'd
agreed. Time apart. A cooling off period. Right. Just
what they needed. Quinn would be the first to admit that
he wasn't easy to live with -- he was dramatic and loud,
temperamental and demanding, and, when he was
writing, he could be focused.

Then again, Pierce was busy, himself. Incredibly

driven. Asshole.

There was a light knock on the door. This was it. This

was the man who was going to fulfill his deepest,
darkest, secret fantasies. Stuff he'd never told anyone,
especially not Pierce.

He was sitting on an examination table, fingers

twined together, holding himself tight. "Come in."

"Good morning. I'm Dr. Donahue."
Dr. Donahue. As in Dr. Pierce Donahue.
As in Quinn's lover, who was dressed in his lab coat,

stethoscope around his neck, and looking at the chart in
his hand.

Oh, God.
Oh, God.
He didn't even stop to think. He just ran like the devil

himself was on his heels.


Pierce couldn't believe he was on this beautiful

island, preparing to give some guy medical
examinations to fulfill the guy's fantasies. Actually,
what he couldn't believe was the amount of money he
was getting paid to do it. He'd come to give a man who
wanted body mods a quick exam, and he'd been paid
more than enough for that. Then they'd asked him to

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stay and perform medical exams and tests on this other
guy. A gorgeous private island, a ton of money -- he
couldn't say no, and he hadn't.

After walking in, he introduced himself and looked

up from the patient chart in his hands, only to see his
'patient' running in the opposite direction. Lean and
dark, the man looked incredibly familiar. Like his wild
child lover that he'd left back home. Would that make
this easier, or harder?

And was he supposed to chase the man down? Was

that a part of the fantasy experience for this guy? He
looked back at the clipboard he had, which outlined
what was expected of him. He didn't see anything there,
so he headed in the same direction his patient had taken.

The little guy was quick, disappearing into a cabin,

the door slamming shut. Christ on a crutch. Clearly a
case of cold feet. Was he still going to get paid? He
looked around, trying to figure out what he was
supposed to do next.

He heard a voice coming from the cabin, so he

stepped forward so he could listen. "...don't understand.
This... He's my... He doesn't know. He doesn't know it's
me. I'll still pay. I just have to call it all off. I want to go

Fuck, this guy actually sounded like Quinn, too.
Pierce knocked firmly on the door.
"Go away. They'll pay you. I changed my mind."

There was true hysteria in that voice.

"Quinn? Is that you?" It couldn't be, could it? It didn't

make any sense. It really didn't.

"Go away." Hysteria and shame.
"Shit, babe, if that's you, you'd better open this door

right now." He wanted to know what the fuck was going

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A man came down the path in a business suit, smiling

at him. "Dr. Donahue, I'm afraid there's been a mistake."

"Oh, yeah? What kind of mistake?"
"Your client has changed his mind. Your time is your

own for the rest of the week. All of the facilities are at
your disposal, and you will, of course, receive full

"My client. You mean Quinn. That's my partner in

there, I know it." What the hell? Quinn had a medical
fetish? He was a fucking doctor; why hadn't Quinn ever
said anything?

He would swear the man's eyes twinkled.
"I'm sorry, sir. Our clients' privacy is respected

totally. However, please do enjoy the island."

"This is fucking insane."
"I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. However, the

next flight off the island isn't for five days..."

Wait. Wait, was this man telling him he had five days

to deal with this? "So, I should just relax and take a paid
vacation is what you're saying, huh?"

"I do think that would be the wisest thing, sir."
"Well, then. I guess that's what I'll do." He kept hold

of the clipboard, intent on re-reading it now that he
knew the man whose fantasy it was. If they'd only put
Quinn's name down, he'd have known.

"Have a fabulous vacation."
"Thanks, man."
He watched the guy walk away and then turned his

attention back to the little cottage in front of him. So.
How exactly did he do this?

The phone inside rang within minutes, and he heard

Quinn's voice. "Hello? Yes. Thank you. I'm sorry. I
just... I never... He'd hate me and I couldn't... I love him,
huh? Yeah. Can I fly out? Five days? Oh, God..."

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He knocked on the door again. He was going to hate

Quinn if they didn't get to the bottom of this. He was
confused, he wasn't happy, that was for fucking sure, but
to hate his lover for secret fantasies? Did Quinn really
believe he was like that?

Quinn's voice sounded, right by the door. "Who is it?

I don't need anything."

"Let me in, Quinn."
"Please go away." The door opened a crack, his lover

right there, pale as milk.

"Quinn! It is you. Come on. Let me in. We need to

talk." Did they ever need to talk. Maybe for five days.
"Sage Quinn Williams, you open that door now."

"I..." A single tear escaped Quinn's eyes, but his lover

moved away from the door, heading back into the dark

"Shit, Quinn." He went in and closed the door behind

him, put the clipboard down on the table next to the
door. "I... Come here." He opened his arms -- he couldn't
just ignore that pale face, the tears.

His wild lover barreled into his arms, sobbing. "I'm

so sorry."

He held on tight, focusing on just this, on the fact that

they loved each other. "Shh. Shh."

Quinn wrapped around him, his lover's passion and

emotion like a storm.

"We'll deal with this, we'll figure it out."
Quinn shook his head. "Just forget that it happened. It

was a whim. Silly."

Pierce snorted. Hard. "Given what they're paying me,

I can only imagine what you paid them. This is no

Quinn's cheeks flushed dark, chin ducked.

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"You ready to talk? To tell me what this is all about?"

To tell him why the fuck Quinn had never said
anything? He was a doctor, for fuck's sake.

"I just..." Quinn shook his head.
"You want to take a bit of time to just enjoy the

location?" Look at him, being understanding and patient
and shit. Quinn had better appreciate this. "There was a
hammock down near the beach between a couple of
palm trees. It looked big enough for two."

Quinn nodded. "I'm sorry. I just. You have your coat

on. Do you want to go change?"

"I don't know. You want just your lover or your lover

the doctor?"

Quinn's mouth opened and closed, over and over.

Pierce had read the file. Quinn wanted to be submissive,
wanted to be examined, touched, spread and filled and
stretched. It had been very thorough about everything,
aside from the man's name, of course.

"Come on, babe. Not talking about it isn't going to

make this go away. The cat is so out of the bag, they're
not even in the same country anymore." And he wasn't
going to let it go. Shit, he couldn't.

"It's just a thing. I didn't mean for you to find out."
"Just a thing?" He shook his head and, arm still

around Quinn's shoulders, led him out the door and
toward the hammock. "This isn't 'just' anything, babe.
Let's be upfront about that."

"I just... I don't want you to hate me. I don't want

things to be weird. I wish I'd just never... "

"It's too late for wishes."
They got to the hammock, and he contemplated how

best to get them both in it.

"Yeah." Quinn held the hammock for him.
He climbed in, steadied it with one foot, and held out

his arms. Quinn still wouldn't look at him, but his lover

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crawled into his arms, carefully. It was quiet for a long

He was the one to finally break the quiet. "So..."
"It was a fantasy. Just a fantasy."
"If that's all it was, we wouldn't be here."
"Why are you here?"
"Because I got a call from these guys offering me a

shitload of money to play doctor." And that was just for
the initial routine exam of the dude wanting body mods.
He'd thought it was a prank. Then they'd offered him a
ton more to do this 'other guy.' Had they known? They
must have.

Quinn's cheeks went almost purple, eyes closed.
"Come on, Quinn. Talk to me."
"I was stupid. This was supposed to be totally

anonymous. I can't believe they called you. I should

They were totally getting off track here; he wasn't

interested in discussing the people who ran this place. "I
can't believe this is how I fucking found out you're into

"I should go. I'll stay in my cabin until they can fly

me out. I promise. When we get back, if you want me
out, I'll go to the apartment in the city, okay?"

"What the fuck? You want to run away instead of

dealing with this? What if I think it's a fucking turn on?
What if I don't but want to do it for you anyway? What
if I think you're a freak -- you are, by the way, but I've
thought that long before this -- and I love you anyway?"

"I don't want to do it with you if it's just for me."
"Why not?"
Quinn wouldn't look at him. "Because I want it to be

real, if it is you with me. I mean. A stranger... that's like
a sex toy."

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"Well, you'll never know if you don't talk to me about

it, tell me what you want, what you need."

Quinn shook his head. "So, what? I'm supposed to

admit that I have sick fantasies about you? Jesus. I just...
I just wanted to try, to do them so that I can stop
thinking about you like that!"

"So they're sick, these fantasies of yours?" Were

they? If he'd thought they were sick fantasies, he
wouldn't have been here. Weird, yes. Different, strange,
unusual, not something he'd ever even dreamed of. But
sick? He hadn't thought so when he'd agreed to do this
before he'd known it was Quinn.

"Oh, come on. Normal people don't... That's not... I


He would have laughed if the pain on Quinn's face

hadn't been so real. His lover was many things -- wild,
brilliant, frustrating, maddening -- but normal wasn't on
the list.

"Since when have you ever aspired to be normal,

love? If either of us were that worried about what other
people thought, not only would we not be together, but
we wouldn't be where we are today."

"I care about what you think."
"Well, I can't think anything if you don't tell me." He

felt like they were talking in circles. "So just tell me
already what your fantasies are, what you want." He
knew the details, of course, from reading the file, but he
needed Quinn to tell him, needed to know that Quinn
wanted and needed this. Hell, he just needed to hear it
from the horse's mouth.

"I... I want. I dream about getting an exam, getting

things put inside my... And not being able to say no..."
He'd read the file. Quinn had asked for shaving -- balls
and pubes and hole. Had asked for punishment enemas,
for a series of sounds to be inserted in that pretty cock.

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For in-depth anal stretching and exams. Clamps,
binding, mild humiliation and total submission.

He figured they were maybe covering the mild

humiliation now, by making Quinn tell him. "You can't
say no, now. Tell me all about what you want."

"I. I." Quinn's eyes searched his, and he could feel

Quinn's prick, hard as nails against him.

He put on his stern doctor voice, the one he used

when he had patients who weren't following his
directions. "I said tell me."

Quinn's hips began to rock, and he didn't think Quinn

even knew. Quinn moved closer, lips near his ear. "I
asked for shaving, for enemas and sounds and plugs. For
my hole to be stretched. For clamps. I asked for the
whole scene."

"And if I want to give that to you? If it turns me on,


Those lean hips moved faster. "Don't tease me. That's


"I'm not teasing. I'm trying to talk to you about this."

He put his hands on Quinn's hips, encouraging the

Soft cries brushed his ear. "Oh. Oh. Oh."
"You should have trusted me," he whispered. "No

one can do this for you like I can."

"You're too important. I didn't want to fuck up."
"I'm so important you lied to me. That's fucked up,


"I didn't lie!" Quinn reared back, glared at him. "I

didn't ever lie to you. I just didn't tell you a fantasy!"

"One that was so important to you that you spent all

this money to make it come true."

"I just wanted it to stop. I couldn't stop thinking about

it. Don't you understand? I just wanted to do it and hate
it so that I'd stop thinking about it before you found out

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and thought I was sick!" There was true pain in Quinn's
voice, in the dark eyes.

"You could have trusted me."
"I didn't trust me."
"Oh, Quinny..." He brought their lips together,

kissing his lover hard.

Quinn tasted like tears, but there was desire

underneath it, hunger, and Quinn opened up like a
flower to the sun. He kept kissing, encouraging Quinn to
start rocking against him again. He hadn't felt that
hunger directed at him for years.

His own prick was growing, filling to meet Quinn's

need. The hammock swayed, his lover starting to make
little noises, cry out into his lips. He put his hand on
Quinn's ass, squeezing as their bodies moved together.
He knew every inch of this man, every inch, and he
hadn't felt this hot in so long.

"I'm going to turn you inside out," he promised.
"Pierce..." Quinn was leaking, a wet spot of pre-come

on the loose pants.

"I think you should call me Doctor while we're here."
Quinn's body jerked, convulsing, and Pierce knew

Quinn was right there, on the edge.

"And you're going to obey every order or you're

going to be punished."

Those lovely eyes searched his, and Pierce knew

Quinn was looking to see if he was just humoring.

He narrowed his eyes. "You don't believe me? Go

ahead, test me. See just how quickly I get your ass back
in that room and give you an enema."

Quinn's eyes went wide, the scent of spunk sudden

and sweet.

Oh, fuck. His own cock swelled at Quinn's reaction,

hard as could be, his balls aching. Fucking look at that.

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Quinn's lips were parted, his lover flushed and sweaty.

"Quinn..." Fuck, he could barely catch his breath.
Quinn eased the zipper down on his slacks, fished

around for his cock, then started stroking it with slow,
strong strokes.

"Did I say you could do that?" he asked. It was ruined

a little by the huskiness and need in his voice.

"You need it, and I can't suck you in the hammock."
"I still didn't say you could. Isn't that how this works?

I'm in charge -- you do as you're told or suffer the
consequences." Though, God knew, he didn't want
Quinn to stop.

"I'll suffer them, then. I know what you need." That

hand moved faster.

"Bitch." His hips were pushing up as best as they

could, though, into Quinn's hand.

Quinn nodded, thumb working the tip of his prick,

pushing at the slit. Groaning, he clenched his hands in
Quinn's hair.

"I can smell you. You're going to shoot."
"I am." He groaned, so fucking close.
"Love you." Quinn met his eyes. "More than life."
"Oh, fuck!" He jerked, spunk spraying up over

Quinn's hand.

"Mmm." Quinn's hand slowed, the touch gentling.
He tugged Quinn closer and held on. "Mmm... I'm

going to have to punish you for that, you know."

Quinn moaned, shook his head, but there was need


"You need to go wash up," he told Quinn. He looked

at his watch. "You have a doctor's appointment in a half
an hour.

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That should give him enough time to make sure they

still had the 'doctor's office' cabin and to review the file
again, set stuff up.

"I." Quinn's lips opened and closed, over and over.
"You heard me. Go." He smacked Quinn's ass for

good measure.

Quinn slipped out of the hammock. "Are you sure?"
"You want another punishment before you've even

had the first?" He met Quinn's eyes. "I'm sure. Don't
question me again. Not while we're here."

"Okay. Okay. I. Okay." Quinn looked at him, then

took off.

Fuck him raw. He couldn't remember his lover ever

looking hotter. This was going to be a hell of an
interesting and amazing five days.

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Chapter Twelve

Quinn stood at the door of the cabin, shaking so hard

he thought he might die.

This was. This whole thing. He just. He couldn't

believe. He couldn't think. Oh, God. Pierce. His Pierce.
His Pierce. Was waiting. Inside. With notes on his
deepest, darkest, most secret fantasies.

He was going to throw up. Blorp. Just like that. He

couldn't have written something so deeply fucked up.

The door suddenly opened, Pierce there in his lab

coat, stethoscope around his neck. "Come in, Mr.

His lips opened, his cock suddenly, painfully hard.

Oh, God.

One of Pierce's eyebrows went up. "You are coming

in, aren't you?"

"Y...yes. Yes, D...Doctor." Oh, God.
"Good. Close the door behind you, and then strip and

lie on the exam table."

He wasn't sure he could remember how to walk, how

to function, how not to have a screaming meltdown. He
stepped forward, closed and locked the door with
trembling fingers.

Pierce put on a pair of gloves, the latex snapping

around his wrist. Quinn shuddered, feet sliding on the
floor. He'd lost his mind. Lost it. Completely.

Pierce's attention focused back on him. "Do hurry up,

please. I don't have all day."

"S...sorry." He didn't know what to do; he couldn't

breathe. "I'm nervous."

"Nerves are allowed, being frozen by them are not."

Pierce's eyes narrowed. "We're here for you, Quinn."

He nodded, so ashamed. "I'm sorry."

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He stripped his clothes off, head down, arousal

almost -- almost -- gone under the weight of worry about
what this would mean for them.

"As long as you're sorry for making me wait and not

for wanting this in the first place, I accept your

He nodded, scooted up onto the table.
Pierce patted the foot stirrups. "Ankles in here, and

scoot down until your ass is hanging off the end of the

"I..." He put his feet up, crying out as a strap wrapped

around his ankle.

Pierce's hand smacked the underside of his thigh.

"Come on, wriggle out to the edge."

He jerked, the motion pushing him down. "I. I. This


"This is your intake examination. I'll probe you with

my digits for now. Then I'll shave for a more thorough

His cock started filling, and a deep, raw sound caught

in his throat. Once his ass hung over the edge of the
table, Pierce moved the stirrups apart, spreading his legs.
Fuck, he was all exposed and vulnerable. His thighs
tensed and he had to fight not to pull back.

"Let's see what we have here..." Pierce's fingers slid

over his ass, almost cold through the latex gloves,

He jerked, biting his bottom lip hard enough to sting.
"Oh, we need to shave the entire area, from the top of

your crack all the way to your balls, cock, and
surrounding woods."

"I... Do we have to?"
He moaned, hands sliding down his body, trying to

soothe himself.

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"I didn't say you could touch."
"What?" His eyes popped open, and he hadn't even

been aware they were closed.

"Hands down." Pierce slapped his ass again.
The sting made him cry out, made him buck on the


"Let's get to the meat of this portion of the

examination." Pierce pulled a stool over and settled on it
between his spread legs.

"I. I don't. We." He shoved his fist in his mouth,

forcing himself to shut the fuck up.

He heard what sounded like lube being squirted and

then Pierce's finger pushed into him. His body clenched,
his balls trying to crawl back up into his body.

"Relax, please."
He took a deep, shuddering breath, body trembling


"Another breath." Pierce's finger wriggled inside him.

In and out, in and out, then Pierce touched his inner
thigh, letting him know they were together, here. His
tension ratcheted down. "Everything seems to be in
order, but I do need to make a more thorough
examination, as well as clean the area."

Pierce took off the gloves, making them snap again.

Quinn wiggled on the table, eyes on his lover.

"Nervous?" Pierce asked, meeting his eyes.
"Yes." He loved Pierce, was panicked about losing

him, but he needed this.

"Trust me, Quinn. I'm a doctor. And your lover."
"Still? You promise?"
"Babe, I wouldn't be here doing this if it wasn't still


Quinn took a deep breath, let it out. "Okay. Okay. I

just needed to know I haven't messed everything up."

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"You haven't. Now let's get back to fulfilling these

kinky little dreams of yours, shall we?"

His cheeks heated and he slid his hands over his

thighs. Yes. God, yes.

Pierce popped his ass. "No touching during the


"I. Sorry, Doctor." He jerked a little, hips bucking off

the table.

"Very good."
Pierce went over to the little sink and washed his

hands. Then he filled up a small metal bowl, grabbed a
razor, and returned to the stool between Quinn's legs.

"I want you shaved clean for the duration. I'll do it

this time, but I expect you to do maintenance every
morning in the shower before you come to my office."

He swallowed hard, nodded.
"What was that?" Pierce asked.
"Okay. Okay, yes. I can... I can do that."
Pierce tilted his head. "Try, 'yes, Doctor.'"
"Yes, Doctor." He moaned, cock leaking.
"That's better."
Pierce dipped a cloth into the water and patted down

the hair around his cock, his ass. His ass cheeks
clenched; he couldn't help it, the touch was so intimate,
so unexpected.

"No moving now. I'd hate to cut you by accident."
"No. No, I won't move."
"Good, good." Pierce used a shaving soap, working

the lather up slowly between his palms.

Quinn couldn't stop moving, touching his belly, his


Pierce growled. "Do I need to tie your hands?"
"What? I'm not.... I just..." Fuck, that was hot.
"If you can't stay still, I will." Pierce watched his face

for a moment before applying the foam to his body.

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He closed his eyes shut, his ball sac feeling so tight.

The touches seemed bigger with his eyes closed, Pierce
covering his ass and his balls. He focused on breathing,
on the slow, steady in and out.

"Let's see what's under all this hair." Pierce began to

shave him, the scrape of the razor surprisingly loud as it
slid across the skin above his cock.

"Just skin." His skin was tingling, awake, aware.
"Yes, but skin that's never been bare before."
"No. Never." They had the most vanilla love life...


"So, not so much 'just' anything." The scrape of the

razor continued, moving slowly over his skin, baring
him to the air. To Pierce's gaze.

He wanted to move, to shift his hips, to buck up into

the touch.

"Yes, that's it. Stay absolutely still. There'll be a

reward for you if you manage it."

"Yes, Doctor." Reward. He clung to that word, that

idea, forcing himself to stay still.

Pierce grabbed his cock and pushed it out of the way

of the razor as the shaving moved slowly downward.
Quinn didn't move, but he moaned, long and low, the
sound pushing from him.

"God, that's a sexy noise, Quinn."
His entire body heated, things getting suddenly hot

enough to scorch.

"Careful now. Your balls." The razor moved down.
"I can't help it if they move."
"Don't worry. I'm not going to let anything happen to


"Good. I need them."
Pierce started to chuckle; he actually pushed the stool

back a bit, hands and razor away from him. Quinn didn't
look over. He stayed still.

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"Sorry, sorry." Pierce moved back in, and the razor

slid over his balls again.

"Oh. Oh, gentle..." His sac was tugged, stretched.
Pierce gave it a little jerk. "Trust me."
"I do." He hadn't, but he would.
"Good." The shaving continued, carefully, around his


His ass was next. His hole pulled away, tightened.
"Grab your ass cheeks and pull them apart for me."
"I..." Oh, God. Oh, hot. "Okay." He reached down,

ass muscles so tight.

"Look at that pretty hole."
"You... You've never said..." He was shocked.
"Never admired your hole before? I should have --

it's sexy."

His mouth opened and closed, over and over.
"Okay, hold your cheeks apart and stay still."
He almost couldn't breathe, but he did it, listening to

his heart bound in his ears. The razor slid across the skin
of his hole.

"Oh, God." Pierce's voice was husky.
He tensed.
"You're gonna be so sensitive."
"More sensitive, then."
He whimpered, then Pierce's finger brushed his hole

and he thought he'd just shoot.

"Good, Quinn?" Pierce's words were followed by a

lick of his lover's tongue.

He cried out, barely keeping himself from moving.
Pierce licked again and then slid away. "There.

You're bare."

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His thighs were shaking, trembling, his cock bobbing

over his belly. A warm cloth slid over his newly shaved
skin. "Can I... can I move?"

"Not yet. You can come, though, if you need to."
"Without moving? Is that possible?"
"Don't know. Not my problem." He could hear the

grin in Pierce's voice.

That made him chuckle, easing his tension again.

Pierce patted his thigh and then started touching, fingers
light on his skin. Each touch felt huge, amazing,

"If I tell you to come, will you?"
He whimpered, gasped. He thought he just might.
"Come on, then. Show me how much you want this.

Come." The word was accompanied by the briefest
touch to his bare balls, and he shot, body jerking. "Oh,
fuck. Quinn..."

"Love." He moaned, shivering.
"Sexy man." Reaching up, Pierce rubbed the come

into his belly.

"Thank you. I want to be." Maybe needed to be.
"You are. Christ, so hot." Pierce sounded a little awed

by it. By him.

His toes curled and he tugged at the bonds a tiny bit,

his cock trying to make a comeback.

Pierce kissed his inner thigh. "I think we should

break for lunch. Give you some recovery time before the
next examination."

"Okay. Sure. I... Do you know how it works? Lunch,

I mean?"

"We order food and then eat it." Pierce gave him a


He stuck his tongue out at his lover. Pierce's hand

landed on his hip, hard. He cried out, his cock jerking.
Oh. Oh, God. Please.

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"No sassing me, Quinn. I'm in charge here."
"I..." His breath came faster, his tongue wetting his


"You have something to say?"
" No. I mean, no." God, he was burning up.

Pierce was so intense.

"I think you mean 'no, Doctor.'"
", Doctor." His hands slid along his hips, just


"Better. You're touching yourself, though." Pierce's

hand smacked his fingers.

"You're whacking me." It was hot.
"Only because you're not doing what I say." Pierce

was a wet dream -- firm voice, firmer hand, those eyes
looking at every inch of him. This was what he’d needed
for so long.

His ass got another pop. "You're supposed to be

calling me Doctor."

"Stop hitting me!" It burned so good.
Pierce's slap was good and solid this time, landing on

his ass where it hung over the edge of the table. "You
don't give orders."

Oh, God. Oh, God. Yes. Please. "I don't have to listen

to you."

"Excuse me?" The next slap was just as hard. "That's

exactly what you signed up for, Quinn. And I'm going to
see that what you signed up for is exactly what you get."
Pierce hit his ass again. "You're going to eat lunch with
your ass well spanked. And you're going to do it naked.
That should teach you who's in charge here."

He was going to shoot so hard. It wasn't going to take

much more. Or maybe it would. Whatever. He was

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Pierce kept spanking him. There was nothing expert

about it, but they were good, solid hits and his ass
started to burn. His eyes closed, soft sounds pushing out
of him, spanked out of him. Pierce gave him a little tug,
pulling more of his ass off the edge of the table so there
was more to spank.

His thighs tensed, ready to pull him back up. Pierce's

free hand landed on his belly, pressing down against him
as the other hand danced and bounced on his ass.

"Please. Please, fuck. Fuck..."
"No, this is spanking. If you're lucky there will be

fucking. Later."

"I..." He couldn't think. Fuck.
"You're being punished, Quinn. For being a bossy


"N...not a prick." He wasn't. Bossy, yes.
"That's what you want to focus on right now?"

Pierce's hand just kept coming down on his skin.

"No. No, Doctor. Fuck, it burns..."
"Good. Maybe you won't sass me next time."
His cock jerked, wetness gathering on his belly. All

of a sudden, Pierce slapped his cock, not hard enough to
hurt, but it was a huge shock. He jerked away, only the
bindings keeping him on the table.

"I have your attention now." Pierce sounded smug.
"Uh-huh. I do. I mean, you do."
Pierce slapped his ass a couple more times and then

fondled his balls. "No coming."

Quinn could only whimper, toes curling, his body hot


"That looks pretty good." Pierce squeezed and

pinched his ass. "I want to see it while we lunch. You'll
have to lie on your stomach on a lounge chair."

His eyes went wide, but he nodded. "Yes. Yes,

Doctor." Fuck him, he was going to have a meltdown

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from pure... shock? Joy? Horniness? Who the hell

"Good. Very good." Pierce stood and started

uncuffing him.

He slid off the table, knees buckling, surprisingly


Pierce caught him, held him close. "Careful."
"Sorry." He was just... so hard.
"We don't want you to really need a doctor, huh?"
"No. No, I need you." Only Pierce.
"Right here, babe." Pierce's hand slid over his ass,

squeezed just a little.

He stumbled forward a step, licked his lips. "Burns."
"Good thing I'm going to make you lie on your

stomach, isn't it?"

Pierce led him out to a courtyard, the sun making it

well lit and warm. There was a gazebo there with several
deck chairs in it, and Pierce took him to one, pointed to
it. "Get settled while I arrange for some food."

"Okay." He headed over, arranged himself on the

chair, careful not to catch his cock.

Pierce disappeared back into the cottage, and for a

moment Quinn was entirely alone, the place quiet
enough he could plainly hear the birds, the waves on the
ocean. He crossed his arms under his head, the sun
beating down on him and leaving him dozy.

All of a sudden, Pierce's fingers were dancing on his

ass. "Look at that."

He groaned, shifting away from the touch.
"Tsk, tsk. This is what you wanted, Quinn." Pierce's

hand slid across the burning flesh, the touch gentler this
time, though still very much there.

He nodded but didn't answer. It was. It was what he


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"I've ordered a light lunch. Cobb salad, along with

fruit and iced tea. It should be here soon." Pierce settled
in the chair next to him.

"I hope there's pineapple."
"You and your pineapple."
He chuckled and reached out, touched Pierce's slacks.

"We're good, huh? You and me?"

Pierce met his eyes and nodded. "We are. I... it's hot,

how much it turns you on."

"I love you. More than any fantasy."
"Yeah?" Pierce smiled and stroked his cheek, pushed

his hair off his forehead. "Good. The fantasy is good,
too, though. Way better than I was expecting." Was that
color on Pierce's cheeks?

He could go with that, with hoping this could work,

at least for this week.

"Oh, here comes our food." Pierce sat up and patted

his shoulder. "You can stay where you are."

Quinn hid his face, closed his legs.
A tray rolled noisily along the walkway, Pierce

directing someone to leave the food on the table. "Thank
you very much."

Quinn didn't look. No way was he looking.
"What do you think of my handiwork?" Pierce asked

suddenly, hand stroking across Quinn's ass. "Color

"Very nice, sir."
"Thank you, I thought so."
"Was there anything else, sir?"
"No, I'll call if anything comes up."
Oh, God. Fuck. No looking. None. Oh, God.
"He liked the color of your ass," Pierce told him once

the footsteps had retreated.

"Hush!" He covered his face with his hands.

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Pierce laughed. "I read your file. I bet you're hard as

a rock right now."

Quinn wasn't going to answer that. No way.
Pierce didn't seem to be upset about that. "Are you

hungry? I know Cobb salad is your favorite, and this one
looks particularly good."

"I am. Thank you." He leaned up, took a piece of egg,

and offered it to Pierce.

"No, you enjoy it. I have a spinach salad with


"Thanks." He brought the salad down, nibbled on it,

enjoying the bleu cheese, the bacon. He could feel
Pierce's eyes on him. His lover's gaze was like a touch.
Quinn didn't eat much -- his nerves were too high, his
anticipation -- but what he ate, he loved. There was even
his beloved pineapple, fed to him piece by piece from
Pierce's fingers.

He moaned, licked, and lapped Pierce's fingers clean.

By the time the fruit was gone, Pierce was writhing in
his chair, erection pushing hard at his scrubs. Quinn
couldn't stop looking at it, at the wet spot on the dark

"You want something, Quinn?" Pierce knew, had to.
He nodded, eyes still caught. "You look like you do.

Want something, that is."

Pierce shrugged. "Maybe." The casual tone was

ruined by the husky note, though.

Quinn slipped one hand under him, adjusted his cock.
Pierce shook his head. "No touching yourself, Quinn.

On doctor's orders."

"I was just... moving it."
"Next time, you ask permission or there will be

another punishment." Pierce was really getting into the

He groaned, fingers curling along with his toes.

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"I think it's time for the rest of that examination.

Starting with an enema." Pierce got a wicked grin on his
face. "And then a good, solid probing."

"I..." His hips moved, almost humping the lounge.
"Don't try to deny you want it."
"I didn't say anything!" He just knew he needed to try


Pierce gave him a knowing grin. "You done with


"Yeah. I think so." He couldn't eat any more, lying on

his belly.

"Then let's go. You have an appointment with the



Enemas were something that the nurse usually took

care of, but Pierce knew how to do them, and he'd
brushed up last night when he'd taken this 'job,' so he
wasn't nervous about doing it per se. What he didn't
know was just how much Quinn wanted to be stretched,
how far his lover wanted to be pushed.

He took a peek at the file again, making sure he knew

what Quinn's safe word was. That way, if he went too
far for Quinn, his lover would let him know, right?

Right. That was how it worked.
"You know your safe word," he reminded anyway as

Quinn hopped back onto the examination table.

"I do." Quinn met his eyes, so sensitive to his moods.

"You don't have to do this. I won't be angry with you."

"I don't mind doing it, especially if it makes you react

like this morning. I just need to know that if I'm doing
stuff you don't want, you're going to say something."
And really, if Quinn was going to get off from getting an
enema, Pierce wanted to be the guy giving it.

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"I will. I'm not a masochist."
Right. Of course not.
"Assume the same position as earlier," he ordered,

assuming his 'doctor' mantle again.

Quinn moved up, settling with his eyes closed. Pierce

strapped Quinn's legs into the stirrups again, helping to
get that rosy ass hanging over the edge of the table.

Pierce resisted the urge to rub his cheeks against

Quinn's thighs. Instead, he rubbed his fingers against the
heat of Quinn's ass. He'd done that. He'd made Quinn
hard by doing that. He'd made Quinn writhe and beg.

It was rather heady. Definitely sexy.
"Okay. Let's get this enema started. Gonna fill you up

fuller than you've ever been."

Quinn's answer was a soft whimper.
He grabbed the kit and attached the long tubing to the

tap. The sink was close enough that the tubing made it to
Quinn's ass. "I'll open you up first."

"I... I don't..." He could see the nerves starting to get

to Quinn.

Did he calm his lover? Did he stop this for a minute

until Quinn got it together again? No. If Pierce had been
some random man like he was supposed to be, he would
stay in persona and keep going unless he heard the safe
word. So he lubed up his finger and pressed it into
Quinn's ass. That pretty hole squeezed his finger tight,
gripped him.

"Loosen up; this is easier if you relax."
"I don't know if I can."
"I'm moving forward whether you think you can or


"I..." Quinn's body went deliciously rosy.
Pierce felt his cock harden up, more turned on than

he'd dreamed he would be by this.

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He pressed a second finger in with the first. He could

see Quinn's cock start to fill, and that tight ass was so
hot around his fingers.

After a couple strokes in and out, he said, "Okay,

you're prepped," and removed his fingers from Quinn's

"I don't know if this is a good idea..."
"It's too late for that, Quinn. This is what you came


He lubed up the end of the enema tube and put two

fingers back into Quinn's body so he could guide the
tubing in. Quinn moaned softly, that sweet little hole
squeezing him.

He pressed the tubing in between his fingers. "We

just need to get this in..." He pressed it in, refusing to
give Quinn time to breathe or complain. "Filling it now."
He turned the water on low.

Quinn started panting almost immediately, started

trying to move.

"No moving. You'll make a mess."
Quinn stopped moving, still and stiff, careful.
"You need to be prepared. You're going to feel very


"I..." Quinn moaned, cock filling faster, curving

above his belly.

God, Quinn was beautiful, sexy. Pushing him like

this was... it made Pierce feel butterflies in his stomach.
He took Quinn's wrist, ostensibly checking the man's
pulse. His fingers slid over the thin skin, caressing
gently. Strong, but fast -- Quinn's heartbeat proved his
excitement, built Pierce's own.

He moved his hand to Quinn's belly, rubbing the

muscles there. He wondered how much would be too
much. How far could he push Quinn?

"I'm full." Quinn moaned for him, abdomen taut.

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"You can take a bit more." Not a lot, but Quinn could

manage more, and that way it was his decision to stop,
not Quinn's.

"Fuck..." Clear drops were forming at the tip of

Quinn's cock.

Pierce had to bite back his moan. There was just

something about doing this to Quinn... He was pretty
sure he liked it; he knew his cock did. And Quinn had
almost let a stranger do it.

He turned the water off. "I'm taking the tubing out

now. You have to hold everything in." He waited for
Quinn's tight nod, and then he matched actions to words.

He set the tubing in the sink and returned to his stool

between Quinn's legs. "You need to promise me

"Anything. I need a toilet."
"Not yet, you don't." He stroked Quinn's belly. "You

need to promise me that you won't hide stuff from me
anymore. Not something like this. I don't want anyone
else touching you."

"Oh, fuck..." He felt Quinn's abs contract.
"Promise me, Quinn."
"I swear. I do. I didn't want you to hate me. It would

have killed me."

"Next time, it doesn't matter if that's your worry. You

tell me." It was important. He needed to know Quinn
wouldn't hide something like this ever again.

Quinn grabbed his hand, dragged him up until he

could see those serious eyes. "I promise."

"Okay." He nodded, squeezed Quinn's hand. "Good."

He bent and kissed the leaking tip of Quinn's cock.

He could do this now, knowing it was just him, that it

would always be just him.

"Pierce. Love... Oh, fuck. So hot. Please."

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"Please what?" He imagined he knew what Quinn

needed, but he wanted to hear it from Quinn.

"I need. I gotta. Oh, jeez."
"What was that?"
Mild humiliation, the file had said. If making Quinn

say it out loud didn't do it, Pierce didn't know what

"I have to. The toilet. Fuck, Pierce. Come on."
"No, you have to say it. And you need to remember

that it's Doctor to you."

"Let me up. I have to get rid of the water. Oh, God.

Fuck." Quinn's cock was red-tipped, leaking.

"I have a bucket here. Just a moment." He grabbed

the bucket from the floor and held it up to the edge of
the table, where Quinn's ass hung. "You may release

"I... God. I need a toilet." Quinn was sheened with


"No, no. I have a bucket here. It won't make a mess."

He patted Quinn's cock.

"Oh, fuck. I can't. I can't. I can't do this."
Wrapping his hand around Quinn's cock, he slid his

thumb across the dripping head. "You will."

"No..." Quinn was moaning, cock swelling in his


There was no way Quinn would be able to hold back

through his orgasm. "I say you will." He rubbed the
head of Quinn's cock again.

"No..." Quinn's eyes were squeezed tight, body


His thumb slid round and round, pressing against the

little slit. "I'm going to fill you here, touch you inside.
You know that." At his words, Quinn almost screamed.
"It's called a urethral sound."

"Pierce... Fuck..."

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"Oh, no. Not for awhile. The sounds come in

different sizes, you know. They start thin. They don't
stay that way." He could see Quinn's sac draw up; the
release was moments away. "This is just the beginning,
Quinn. Only the first of many things I'm going to insist
you do."

Quinn's body submitted; he could resist no longer.
Once Quinn had come and had let the enema go,

Pierce put the bucket in the bathroom and grabbed a
washcloth. He ran it under hot water and came back to
clean Quinn. Quinn was teary, breath hitching, arm over
his eyes.

"Very well done, Quinn." He rubbed the come into

Quinn's belly and then used the cloth on his lover's ass
and hole.

Quinn's answer was a whimper, a soft moan.
He patted Quinn's belly. "Now you're ready for your


That sweet, pretty prick bobbed, throbbed for him.

For him, damn it.

He reached over for the speculum used for anal

examinations and took off the plastic cover. "I'll be
opening you up, taking a look." Stretching Quinn. He
greased the speculum up, then pushed his fingers into
that pretty, clean hole.

Quinn was still stretched from the water, though his

muscles fluttered, tightened around his fingers. "Let me
in. The more you fight it, the harder it'll be."

"It'll be cold."
"Yes, it will be. And unyielding. And it's going to

stretch you." Quinn's little noises settled right in his
balls. He was going make the man suck him before this
was over. He was going to plunge into that hot, hungry
mouth, fuck those pretty lips, and come down Quinn's

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throat. He was going to do this first, though, and blow
Quinn's mind.

"Here we go." He placed the speculum at Quinn's

hole and used his fingers to begin to push it in.

Quinn's breath came faster, the lean body seeming

caught between pushing down on the instrument and
pulling away.

He patted Quinn's inner thigh. "Breathe. This won't

be comfortable, but it shouldn't hurt."

"Breathing. Right."
"Yes. Breathing." He pushed slowly, but steadily.
"Fuck. Fuck, it won't fit."
He chuckled softly. Quinn took more than this with

his cock. "It's not that large."

"It feels huge."
"I could get the bigger one. That one would feel

huge." He bit back his smile.

"Mean bastard." Quinn winked at him.
"And you're loving it." He shook his head, but he

didn't mean it, not really. Once he had the speculum
seated, he began to open it.

Quinn stilled, toes curling, body trying to pull back.

"Be still." Quinn needed to listen a little harder. Or
maybe the word he was looking for was obey.

"No." He stood up and backed away a few steps. "I

was very clear about what you were to call me."

"I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, this is new to me."
"It's new to both of us, but you're more aware of the

rules than I am, I would have thought. Now what do you
call me?"

Quinn's cheeks flared. "Doctor."
He moved back between Quinn's legs and settled on

his stool. "Now let's see what we have here, shall we?"

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Quinn groaned, but the pretty cock was making a

sweet recovery. He kept opening the speculum, knowing
it would be stretching Quinn wider. A soft cry filled the
air, Quinn's body shuddering.

"A little wider." He suited action to words, spreading

the speculum a little wider.

"Fuck..." Quinn's quiet words made him smile.
He grabbed a long, thin wand with a little ball on top

and slowly began to feed it into the tunnel made by the
open speculum. The little ball would hit Quinn's gland
once it was through. Quinn began to pant, taking quick,
light breaths.

"Very good. Everything looks like it should." He

continued to put in the wand, smiling when it hit the end
of the road, nudging inside Quinn's body.

Quinn's shoulders left the table, a cry filling the air.
"Looks like your prostate is in functioning order." He

nudged it again.

"Oh, good. Good. Fuck."
"Yes, very good. It's an important piece of your

anatomy." He moved the wand back and forth, hitting
Quinn's gland every time.

It was like hitting the man with a tiny electric shock,

zinging him over and over. Fuck, it was sexy. He'd
never look at his medical instruments the same way
again. Cock engorged, nipples deep red and flushed with
blood -- Quinn's arousal was written all over his body.

Pierce spread the speculum a little bit wider, making

it stretch Quinn about as much as his cock would.
Nowhere near as wide as his fist would. The thought
shocked him. Aroused him. His fist in Quinn's body. Oh,
God. Moaning, he pushed the wand in again, rubbing
and rubbing over Quinn's prostate.

"I... Oh, God. Oh, God." Quinn was white-knuckled

on the table.

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"You need to come, babe?" He'd bet Quinn did. He'd

bet Quinn was flying. Not that he was going to allow it,
but he could stand to hear Quinn beg.

"Please, what?"
"I need to come."
"So?" That wasn't begging. He was sure Quinn could

do much better than that.

"Please. Please, I need to." Those hands started


He shook his head. "No, I don't think so."
"Yes..." Quinn groaned.
"Nope. No coming."
"Mean..." Quinn's legs trembled.
And Quinn loved it. Those hands slipped off the

frame of the exam table.

"Don't you touch yourself."
Quinn's fingers curled.
"I mean it." He rubbed Quinn's ass, reminding his

lover of the spanking. There would be more if Quinn
was disobedient.

"Yes, Doctor."
He had to admit, he did like the way that sounded.

"That's right."

Quinn's moan made him hard as rocks. He wanted to

pull the speculum out and slam his cock in, feel Quinn's
body tight around him. He wanted to hear Quinn scream
for him.

He cleared his throat. "Time for the next step in


"Please. Please, anything. I can't think."
"You don't have to think. I'm the doctor here."
"Fuck. Fuck. So hot. You're so hot."

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When was the last time he'd turned Quinn on like

this? Maybe never. God, Quinn needed him. Wanted
him, so badly. He didn't even want to think about how
close he'd come to never knowing Quinn like this, never
experiencing this.

He started pulling the speculum out. "I'm going to do

a physical examination, now."

Quinn groaned, hips shifting on the table, so eager.
"Careful." He got the instrument removed without

causing any damage. Depositing it into the bin, he went
to the sink and began to wash his hands. "You're doing
very well."

"Thank you." Quinn's body was slowly rippling,

fucking the air.

"You'll need to be still again while I examine you

with my hand."

Quinn's eyes went huge, wide. "Your fingers."
"That's how I'll start."
Now did he do this with a glove or without? A glove

would make it seem more doctor/patient-y, but he'd be
able to feel more without it. He decided, selfishly, to go
without. This was the first time, the only first time. He
would do it again some other time and wear the glove to
play up to Quinn's fetish.

He grabbed the big tube of lube and set up between

Quinn's legs again. "Ready, Quinn?"

"I... Your fingers. Yes, I'm ready for that."
"Mmmhmm. All five of them." He slicked two up

and pushed them into Quinn's body.

Quinn's head shook from side to side.
"Two is easy. Here's the third."
Quinn was humming softly, beginning to move with


"Yes, here we go." He let his free hand touch, stroke

Quinn's skin. He stopped touching long enough to put

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more lube on his fingers, and then he kissed the side of
Quinn's knee and tucked his thumb into his palm.

"Full. I. Full." Quinn's fingers touched his face.
He turned to kiss the gentle fingers. "Yeah, we're

getting there." He pushed gently, but insistently, Quinn's
body slowly stretching for him.

"I can't. You won't fit."
"Who's the doctor here? You? No. Trust me." Maybe

he'd never done this before, but he knew how the human
body worked.

Quinn actually chuckled, softly. That was just enough

relaxation for him to push the widest part of his hand
into Quinn's body, past the tight ring of muscles.

"Oh, fuck! Pierce! Doctor! Love!"
He had to brace Quinn's belly with his hand. "Gently,

Quinn." He continued to push his hand in, going up to
the wrist.

Tears leaked from the corners of Quinn's eyes. He

waited for a moment, holding his breath so he wouldn't
miss it if Quinn used his safe word. He wouldn't let
himself feel, let himself process this until he was sure
Quinn was all right.

"You. It's you. I wanted it to be you."
That was it, that was all he needed to hear, and

suddenly it hit him. His hand was inside Quinn's body.
His whole fucking hand. And Quinn was so tight and
there had never been anything that felt like this. Ever.

"It's me. It's you. We. Us." Yeah, he didn't have the


"Us." Quinn met his eyes. "You're in me."
"I know." It was... unbelievable, that's what it was.

And yet it was real -- he could feel each breath Quinn
took, each pulse of the man's heart. Right there in his
hand. This right here was what was going to change
them fundamentally; the rest of it was just sweet icing.

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He moved his fingers and Quinn jerked, squeezed

him, cried out. Pierce panted, trying to keep himself
under control. He couldn't go off here; he needed to
keep a cool head for Quinn. He needed to make his
lover, his -- something inside his head whispered, his
sub -- fly.

He began to move his hand, little motions that

nudged his knuckles across Quinn's prostate. Quinn's
body flushed a deep red, cock full and hard.

"I'm holding you in my hand, Quinn."
"Yes. I can't believe this..."
"I can." It felt... right. And also incredible. And so


"I have to move."
"Gently. Move with my hand."
Quinn nodded, whimpered softly. "Please."
He shifted his fingers and Quinn rippled. Groaning,

he did it again, his balls aching. Quinn was whispering,
whimpering, moaning for him.

"My hand is inside you." It was rather obvious, but it

still needed to be said.

"Yes. God. So big."
"Huge. This is... Wow."
He felt Quinn's breathless chuckles all around his

wrist. He opened his fingers, fingers reaching deep
inside his lover. Quinn screamed for him, hips bucking,
jerking, trying to control his motions.

"Easy, babe. Easy." He pressed hard on Quinn's

belly, and he'd be damned if he couldn't feel his other
hand, right through Quinn's body.

His eyes closed for only a second as he fought not to

just cream at the thought. He started moving his hand,
the one inside Quinn, again.

"Doctor. Love. Close."

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He nodded. He was, too. "You can come." He wasn't

sure Quinn couldn't help but come, so he wasn't going to
say no.

"Oh, God. Thank you. Thank you." Heat sprayed

over Quinn's stomach.

Pierce shuddered, his own prick jerking, spraying.

"Fuck. Oh." He groaned, hand still moving slowly.
"You've done so well, Quinn. You're amazing."

"Love." The tears were leaking slowly, staining

Quinn's cheeks.

"I love you, baby." He looked at his hand, still buried

inside Quinn's ass, and marveled.

"I want to go home with you." Quinn blinked, the

tears slowing.

"Of course you're coming home with me."
Quinn nodded, licked his lips.
"You're mine, Quinn. How could you doubt that with

my hand inside you?"

"I don't. I don't. I need you."
He needed to take his hand out to take Quinn back to

his cottage and fuck the hell out of him. He needed to
stop this game and figure out what this all meant, this
thing that his lover -- his boy, and where did that
thought come from? -- and he had found.

"I love you, Quinny."
"Love you, Pierce. I... can we go cuddle now?"
"Soon as my hand's out, yeah."
"Is it going to hurt?"
"It'll stretch on the wide bit." He rubbed Quinn's

belly. "I need you to relax."

Quinn groaned, took a deep breath. "Trying."
"Try harder." He wasn't going to panic. He was going

to do this with ease and aplomb like a real doctor. Okay,
so this wasn't something doctors did -- that was just

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details. He put more lube around his wrist, around
Quinn's hole.

The tight clench slowly eased, slowly relaxed for


"That's it. Keep it up."
"I don't think I could get it up again for love or


Pierce chuckled. "Nut job."
"Yeah, but I'm yours."
"That's right, Quinn. You're mine."
His hand slipped out, Quinn's cry short and sharp. He

rubbed Quinn's hole. "It's okay. I'm out. You did good."

"I... I need to... I need this to be over now. I need you

to hold me." He knew. He knew his Quinn.

He washed his hands and then undid the cuffs and

took Quinn's legs out of the stirrups. Quinn climbed
down, went to clean up and dress, head down, visibly

"Come here, Quinny." He put his arms around his


"Pierce." Quinn's arms wrapped around him, held

him tight, and his lover cried.

He didn't try to hush Quinn; his lover needed the

release. "I've got you. Let it all out."

The storm was fierce but short, Quinn giving him all

that passion and emotion in a rush.

"Come on, Quinny. Let's go hold each other and talk,


"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Quinn backed off, took his


He took his lover's hand in his own -- again -- and led

him back to their cottage.

Back to them.

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Chapter Thirteen

Pierce led Quinn into the cabin and straight into the

bathroom, turning on the shower and pushing him in
before getting the hot tub started. Quinn rinsed off,
breath hitching in his chest. Pierce joined him a moment
later and picked up the soap. Fingers lathered up, Pierce
began to run them over him. It was less washing than
touching, though, Pierce's fingers dancing on him.

He let his lover touch him, help him, work the

tension out of his muscles.

"You were beautiful," murmured Pierce.
"You made me need you, so bad." And he was so

grateful that it had been Pierce, had been his lover.

"Need what I did or need me to do it?"
"You." He met Pierce's eyes. "I would have safe-

worded. I needed it to be you. It was you I fantasized

Pierce beamed at him. "Good." The touches

continued, sliding on his skin, soothing him.

"It's the truth."
Pierce had put his hand inside Quinn.
"Come on. Out of the water." Pierce pulled him out,

turned off the water, and started to dry him off.

He found himself blinking down, staring at Pierce's


Once they were dry, Pierce drew him into the

bedroom and pulled him down onto the bed. His lover
wrapped around him. "It was me. I have you."

"It was you." He held on tight.
"It was. It always will be because you promised you'd

tell me everything from now on."

"I will, I swear. I... I was ashamed." Scared and


"For wanting this?"

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"No. For wanting the kink. For wanting that game."
"I'm a doctor. It should have been a no brainer to

come to me."

"What if you had hated me? I thought I'd get over it if

I tried it."

"Why would I hate you, Quinny? I know I'm pretty

vanilla, but come on, I'd be an asshole for hating you for
having fantasies."

"I just... I felt bad. Dirty."
"Maybe you were more worried about what you

thought the fantasies said about you rather than what I'd
think." Pierce stroked his cheek.

"Maybe. Maybe. But..." He swallowed hard, dropped

his eyes. It had been so hot -- not the medical stuff, but
the spanking, the domination, Pierce.

"But what? You're going to tell me, don't make me

chase it out of you."

He blinked up, surprised, a little tingly. "It's... I don't

have to."

"Yes, you do. You said you would."
"It was hot, you touching me. S...spanking me.

Making me like it. Not being doctor, but being you."
Did that make sense?

"Yeah? In the end, it was more important that it was

me than that I was a doctor? That part's just a bonus?"

"In the end, it was just you. I... once we got started, it

wasn't about the doctor. It was about you." If Pierce
hadn't been there, Quinn would have had to walk away.

"Good." There was a fierce note in Pierce's voice. "I

can't imagine knowing someone else had done any of
that to you."

"I couldn't have done it at all." He knew that now,

like he knew his own name.

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"Good," Pierce said again, hands dragging a little

harder over his skin now, like Pierce was laying his

"Yours." He meant the words, with everything he


"Don't ever forget it. I might get growly." His Pierce

wasn't, but he believed now it could happen.

"I promise."
Pierce's fingers dragged over his still-hot ass and he

moaned, rolled closer. "God, that's sexy. I never
thought..." Peter's words trailed away.

"I did. I thought a lot." He'd jacked off a lot.
Pierce grinned, fingers still moving over his ass.
"What're you smiling at?" He tried to shift away.
"You. Us. This." Pierce didn't let him get away, that

hand seeming to zone in on each and every hot spot.

His body was on fire, and he danced on the bed.
"God. Sexy." Pierce nodded, eyes taking him in,

making him feel as sexy as Pierce said he was.

He loved this, loved the heat, the intensity. Pierce's

mouth covered his, tongue slipping between his lips.
Pierce. Pierce. Love. He moaned, opening and letting his
lover in. Pierce rolled him, leaning over him and
deepening the kiss.

One of his legs bent, cradling Pierce. His lover

hummed into his mouth, the sound happy. It took no
time at all for Pierce's cock to get hard against his hip.
They rocked, almost like they were caught in the waves.
He could feel each move in his ass, and inside as Pierce
moved them together. He moaned into Pierce's lips, so
happy, caught in the pleasure.

"I want you so badly." Pierce played with one of his

nipples, teasing a finger across it over and over.

"I'm yours. You don't have to ask."
"But you're sore. From my hand."

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"Not in pain. Just tender." He thought he might like


"Yeah? You wanna ride me, Quinny?"
He nodded, "I do." He wanted to feel.
Pierce rolled back and reached for the lube on the

bedside table, then settled on his back. Quinn pushed up,
straddled the lean hips, feeling sensual and strong.

"God, you're hot." Pierce's hands slid up along his

sides. He arched under the touch, nipples going hard.
"Look at you." One of Pierce's thumbs slid across his
right nipple.

"You make me want things." He knew that now.

Pierce made him need.

"You're going to tell me about the things I make you

want now, too." Pushing, Pierce pressed his thumb into
the tip of Quinn's nipple.

His lips parted, the tiny sting only making him want


"Tell me one now." Pierce let his fingernail dig in.
Heat and ache hit him, deep inside. "Oh. Oh, Pierce. I

want more. I want this, with you."

"Sexy slut."
His cheeks heated and he almost came, the soft words

arousing him unbearably.

Pierce gave him a knowing grin and then slicked up

his fingers. "Gonna get you ready now."

"I'm pretty stretched already."
"There needs to be lube. I won't hurt you, Quinny."
He nodded and leaned down, kissed his lover

happily. "I know. I wasn't asking you not to. Just saying
that your hand was in me."

Pierce laughed, the sound a bit stunned. "It was,

wasn't it?"

"Uh-huh." He rested their cheeks together. That had

been all Pierce. He'd never asked for it, never thought to.

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Pierce nuzzled against him, two fingers rubbing at his

hole and then slipping in. Quinn moaned, his hole so
sensitive, so tender.

"Good?" Pierce asked, continuing to stroke.
"Yes..." He rested his head on Pierce's shoulder,

letting his back curl.

Pierce's free hand slid up along his spine, and then

Pierce pushed those two fingers into his body.

"Pierce." His lips parted, his cock starting to ache.
"God, you're still so hot and tight inside."
"I can feel you."
"I certainly hope so." Pierce's fingers wriggled and


He panted, tongue flicking out to taste Piece's skin.

That had Pierce groaning, and more cool lube was
pushed into his ass. He rocked lazily, barely moving,
encouraging Pierce's touch.

"Me now -- I can't wait anymore." Pierce's fingers

slid away.

"You. You."
"Gimme a second..." Pierce helped him, guided his

hips back, and then the tip of his lover's hot, hard cock
pressed against him.

His hands reached back, sliding on Pierce's thighs.
"Mmm. Come on down, Quinny. Let me fill you."
"Yes, love." He moved steadily but slowly, easing

himself down, the burn perfect and right.

"Oh, fuck, Quinn. Tight. So fucking tight. Still."
"Yes. Take me. I'm yours." All of him.
He thought he'd be able to drive this need out of him,

and had found it only got bigger.

"Mine. Yes." Pierce thrust up into him, cock pushing


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Head falling back with pleasure, Quinn arched, bow-

string taut. Pierce ran a hand along his pecs, down along
his spine. He needed, wanted, loved.

"Now ride me. Come on."
His abs tightened and he sat up, beginning to move,

to rise up on his knees until Pierce almost escaped him,
then sink down.

"Oh, fuck. Yes." Pierce's hands wrapped around his

hips, holding on tight.

He did it again, holding himself with only the tip of

Pierce's cock inside.

"Quinn!" Pierce's eyes were wide, his nostrils flaring.
Quinn rocked, teasing. Daring.
"Fuck. Tease."
"Hmm?" He went for innocent.
Pierce chuckled, the sound husky, needy. Quinn

rocked his hips, nice and slow, massaging the tip of
Pierce's cock.

"Quinny. Fuck. Fuck." Pierce was practically


"Yes. Yes." He kept moving, rocking sweet and slow.
Pierce panted and gasped, hands opening and closing

on Quinn's waist. He tried bouncing, taking Pierce in a
tiny bit deeper.

Groaning, Pierce thrust up, surprising him as that

thick cock slid in hard.

"Pierce! Yes!" He bucked, cried out in pure joy.
"Yes." Pierce nodded, hips moving, jerkily at first,

but then finding a rhythm, the hot cock pushing into

Pierce fucked him like he was necessary, like Pierce

needed nothing but him. He could see it in his lover's
eyes as well, that same need shining up at him.

"Love you." The words didn't have any sound behind


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"You, too." Pierce was barely coherent now, the

emotion right there in his face.

"Yeah. Harder. Please." `Make him feel.
Pierce's hands wrapped around his hips, his lover

pulling him down into each thrust. He screamed with
pure overload, pure joy. Then Pierce's hand wrapped
around his cock, started pulling.

"Yes!" He bucked, riding harder, faster.
"Show me. Come for me."
He nodded, balls drawing tight as Pierce's words sent

him over the edge.

"Yes!" Pierce cried out beneath him, and heat filled

him deep inside. Those strong, loving arms dragged him
close. Pierce pressed kisses over his face. "Damn,

"Uh-huh." His breath caught in his chest.
"Yeah." Pierce's hand patted his back, his lover

beginning to soften inside him.

"Hold me for a little while?"
"No. I'll hold you forever."
"Okay." It was a deal.


When Pierce woke the next morning, he ordered their

breakfast to be delivered to their room. He had an idea
or two and he wanted to try them out right away. He
wanted to see if this whole submission thing was more
than just the doctor fetish. It seemed important to know.

When the knock came, he nudged Quinn. "You need

to answer the door."

"Hmm. 'Kay. Hold up." Quinn stumbled around,

looking for a robe.

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The knock at the door came again, a little louder this

time. "Don't make them wait, Quinn, or I'll have to
punish you."

"What?" Quinn spun around, eyes wide, so hot.
"You heard me." God, that was something else, the

way just the words got right to the core of Quinn's need.

"I have to find a robe."
"You could answer the door as you are. But you can

find a robe if you insist. You have ten seconds."

"Ten seconds!"
"Nine... eight..."
"Fuck!" Quinn scrambled, and Pierce knew he

wouldn't make it. Pierce was quite looking forward to
that, honestly.

He kept counting. "Seven, six. five, four, three, two,

one. Zero." He made a buzzer sound. "Oops, you lose."

"Stop it!" Quinn wrapped a towel around himself,

cracked the door. "Sorry. Come in."

Pierce just grinned, thinking about what exactly he

would do as punishment. Quinn got the food in, thanked
the man, ushered him out, and then disappeared into the

"I want you to serve me naked." Quinn wasn't getting

dressed today.

The water started running, Quinn mumbling


"Make it snappy, Quinny. I'm hungry."
"Then grab a bite. I need a second."
"No, you're serving me this morning."
Quinn was, at best, a confused man upon first

waking. At his worst, he was grumpy and strident.

"Serving you what?"
"Breakfast!" The urge to call Quinn boy was huge.


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Quinn peered out the bathroom door. "You don't have

to yell..."

"But you need to get with it. You've already got a

punishment coming from making the room service
server wait." He was enjoying this far more than he ever
thought he would.

"I am. Give me a second to wake up."
"Maybe you need to get up earlier, so you're awake

when I need you."

He got a completely confused look.
"Are you my boy or not?"
Those lips parted and Quinn's cock started to fill, pale

and thick against the dark curls. "I. Yes."

"Then I want my breakfast. And I want you to serve

it to me. Now."

"I... Okay." Quinn went to the table, poured him a

cup of coffee, brought it to him.

He took the cup from Quinn, making sure his fingers

stroked along his lover's. "Thank you."

Quinn's tension eased, his lover's expression

softening. "You're welcome. Good morning."

"Good morning, Quinny." He stretched, reclining on

the bed as he took a sip of his brew.

Quinn handed him a plate of food -- cheese omelet

and fruit -- before going to pour another cup of black
coffee. He took the plate and waited for Quinn to finish
pouring his coffee. "I want you to actually feed me this

Quinn looked at him, eyes curious but present,

awake, aroused. "Can I sit on your lap?"

Oh, that was a lovely idea. "Yes, that will work."
Quinn came to him, cuddled into his lap, pretty ass

on his thighs as Quinn cut a bite of omelet off. "Open

"Mmm." He opened his mouth like a little bird.

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He'd worried it might be awkward or strange, but

with the feeling of Quinn's hot ass on his thighs and the
light of arousal in Quinn's eyes, awkward was the last
thing he was feeling. Quinn slipped the food into his
lips, free hand stroking over his chest.

He chewed slowly, enjoying the flavors, enjoying the

feeding. Quinn offered him bites of fruit, staying close,
periodically stopping to suck down the coffee.

"Have some yourself, too. You need your energy."

After all, he had plans. And a punishment to administer.

Quinn nibbled on pineapple, toast, bacon. He grabbed

the next piece of pineapple that Quinn picked up,
snapping it up with his lips.

Quinn laughed at him. "Hey! That was mine!"
He grinned at his lover and swallowed the fruit down.

"No, I'm pretty sure it was mine."

"No way." Quinn tickled him, or tried to.
He wrapped his fingers around Quinn's wrists,

stopped it. He met Quinn's eyes. "Not today. Today
you're my boy and you're serving me and what I say

He felt Quinn's cock jerk against his belly. Someone

liked that. Quinny wasn't the only one, either. It was hot.

"You need more coffee?"
"Just a little, yes."
Quinn reached, belly taut and lovely as he poured

another half cup.

Pierce waited until the pouring was done but Quinn

hadn't yet picked up the cup before sliding his fingers
along Quinn's stomach. Quinn rippled, arched under his

"So sensual."
"You have amazing hands."
"I hope so." They were his livelihood.
Quinn chuckled, but nodded. "It's the truth."

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He wrapped his fingers around Quinn's chin and

pulled him in for a long kiss. His boy. The thought made
him moan, even as the idea that Quinn had been hiding
this from him made him growl.

He sat back and narrowed his eyes. "Now you're

going to clear up, leave the tray outside the door, and get
me some rope."

"Rope? Where am I supposed to find rope?"
"Are you kidding me? I bet there are drawers full of it

in the other cottage."

"It's not like I got to explore the other place!"
He chuckled. "But you know what it was there for.

Go on. Find me some rope. I'm going to tie you to the

"I'll see what I can find. Let me find some pants."

Quinn got up, started putting the tray outside.

"Make it snappy, Quinn."
"Is the cabin thing locked?"
"I hope for your sake it isn't."
Quinn pulled on some pants, eyes rolling. "Grumpy

pants. I'll be back."

"Not grumpy pants -- dominant pants."
Quinn looked at him, eyes twinkling. "What happens

if I don't find rope?"

"Then we'll have to make a call to management. I'm

sure they'll be able to find some for us. Of course, if we
do that, I might have to get them to bring a paddle with
them, too."

Quinn stared at him. "I'll be back."
It took about twenty minutes before Quinn was back,

carrying a little duffle. "There's all sorts of shit in there."

"My, my. What have you brought for me?"
"I... I just grabbed the whole shelf. There was a maid

in there. It wigged me out." The bag was handed over,
shoved at him.

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Pierce handed it back. "Take out the rope and one

other thing."

Quinn sat on the end of the bed. "I don't even know

what's in there." The bag was unzipped and Quinn
started digging.

Pierce watched, curious beyond belief over what

Quinn would choose. Soft white ropes were taken out,
and then he could hear metal jingling.

"These are perfect," Pierce murmured, taking up the


"Thank you." Quinn reached out for him, hand

leaving the bag.

He took Quinn's hand. "And what else?"
"I..." Quinn just pushed his hand in, coming out with

a medium-sized sound with a nice, large tip on the end.
He frowned at it. "I don't even know what this is. I'll
grab something else."

"No. That's a sound. It goes in your cock, but that one

is way too big to start out with. We'll go through some
web pages when we get home and explore everything
together." He smiled. "For today, we can use my hand."

Quinn nodded, trusting him immediately,

instinctively. "I like the sound of that."

"The sound of it, eh?" He couldn't help but tease.
Quinn took it seriously, though. "Yes. Together. I

like that."

He nodded and drew Quinn close, taking his lover's

mouth. Their bodies pressed together, Quinn bowing
underneath him. He could feel the heat of Quinn's cock,
knew his own was filling to match it. This was... it was
wow. His fingers brushed over Quinn's ass, the flesh
covered with gauzy pants, hidden from him. He pressed
against it, the flimsy material not enough to keep the
heat from him.

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Quinn arched closer and he wanted to see it, to heat it

again. To slap the pale flesh again. He tugged, pulling
Quinn's pants down, fingers rubbing along Quinn's ass
as he tugged.

He nodded at Quinn's word. He was. He took Quinn's

mouth again, squeezing the lovely, bare ass. Then he
drew Quinn onto the bed. "Punishment first. A

"What for? I did what you asked..." Like Quinn

wasn't panting for it.

"I gave you a ten-second countdown and you were

late." He climbed onto the bed and sat against the
headboard before patting his legs. "Lie over my lap."

Quinn stared at him, cock filling, eyes wide.
"Get moving, boy."
Quinn took a step forward, then another. Pierce

rubbed his thighs, watching Quinn come closer. "Is it
going to hurt?"

"I'm going to hit you with my hand, Quinn. It's going

to hurt. But it's going to be a good hurt."

Quinn nodded, managing to push right into his arms.
He wrapped them around his lover and kissed Quinn

hard. "I love you, Quinny."

"Love you." That made Quinn relax, the lean body

draped over his lap. "Not too hard."

"Hey, who's in charge here?"
Quinn chuckled, but the grip on the sheets and the

hardness against his leg belied how casual Quinn was

"I'm starting now." He let his hand fall from a couple

feet up and land on Quinn's ass, no force behind the

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Quinn moaned, but the sound was happy, he thought.

He dropped his hand again, this smack a little more
solid; he could feel it in his palm.

"I need you." Quinn rocked a little, side to side.
"I know." He smacked Quinn again, this time actually

bringing his hand down instead of just letting it drop.

Quinn jerked and scrambled forward. "Ow!"
"Get back here!" He tugged Quinn back into his lap.
Quinn wasn't lying on him now, was crouching over


"I want to feel your cock against my legs." He used

his arm and elbow to encourage Quinn back down,
making sure the lean thighs were spread. He could feel
the heat of Quinn's cock on his thighs, could feel it
leaking. "Good boy."

The words made Quinn gasp and jerk. Groaning, he

started smacking Quinn some more. Quinn tried to get
away once and he held on, began murmuring to his lover
about what a beautiful boy he was, about how hot and
fine Quinny was.

He meant every word of it, too. The more he spanked

his lover, the hotter it made them both, and it was all
because of Quinn.

"Please. Please, love. Pierce. Sir."
He didn't know if Quinn was begging him to stop or

asking for more.

He smacked the reddening ass again, then pushed his

thumb into Quinn's hole, listening to the soft cry. His
cock jerked and he pushed his thumb deeper, loving the
way Quinn's body pulled at him. He let his free hand
find Quinn's ball sac, tugging almost hard enough to

"You like that, boy?" He tugged again, almost


"I. I. Oh, fuck."

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He swatted Quinn harder. "That wasn't an answer."

He let go of Quinn's balls and set a series of short spanks
on Quinn's upper thighs. The color was lovely.

Quinn tried to jerk away again, cock leaving wet

kisses on his thigh. "Stop it!"

"That's not how this works." He gave Quinn a few

more slaps, his free hand now holding Quinn down.

"Stop. Fuck. You're making me crazy."
"That's the point." He stopped hitting and started

rubbing instead, fingers dragging over Quinn's reddened

Quinn began to slowly rock against his thighs,

jacking off on him.

Good, but he had an idea of how to make it better. He

shifted them both until, oh yeah, right there; Quinn's
cock pushed against his now, each movement good for
both of them. He kept rubbing, giving the dark pink
flesh the occasional slap.

"So hot." The words were soft, shaky.
"Uh-huh." He was feeling rather breathless himself,

and the way Quinn was wriggling against him, he was
going to come pretty soon, too.

"Need you." His sweet lover was moving more

steadily now.

"You're doing great, Quinn. Just keep doing that."

That was his voice -- all husky and needy, praising his
lover, his boy.

"Yes, love." Quinn did, too, kept rocking, moving

against him.

He started softly slapping Quinn's gorgeous ass, not

hitting him hard at all, more letting Quinn's backward
thrusts push them into his hand.

"Gonna come soon." Quinn's motions got faster.
"Okay." He was close, too. He pushed his thumb

back into Quinn's ass.

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"Pierce!" Heat splashed over his thighs, over his cock

and balls.

Yes! He'd made Quinn come from spanking. He

rubbed up, his own cock sliding against Quinn until he
came, too, adding more spunk between their bodies.
Panting, he collapsed back against the headboard, his
hand idly patting Quinn's ass. Hot and red, the flesh was
taut under his hand.

"God, you're a sexy boy."
Quinn moaned, breath hitching a little.
He bent to pressed a kiss to Quinn's shoulder. "Love

you. Love you so much."

"Thank God."
He closed his eyes and patted Quinn's ass again,

loving the heat there.

"What happens now?" Quinn asked, the words

sounding tentative.

"We've got three more days in paradise, I say we

enjoy it. Play. Explore this whole thing. I mean," Pierce
chuckled. "It obviously turns us both on, huh?"

He loved the husky, warm laugh that answered him.


"Yeah." He smiled and closed his eyes. He was

looking forward to it. He was looking forward to a lot of
things, really. "Next time you're nervous about telling
me something -- remember how well this time went."

"I promise. Next time I'm lonely, though, I'm coming

to you."

He swatted Quinn's ass again. "That's what I meant,


"No more hitting!" Quinn shifted on his legs.
He chuckled. "I don't know, Quinny, it's pretty hot."
"No more." Quinn twisted, landing in his lap again.
"That's my decision, boy. Not yours." Not unless

Quinn used his safe word.

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Those eyes flashed up at him, the heat there again,

immediately. Perfectly.

"That's right. You're my boy. That makes me in


Quinn's white teeth sank into that full bottom lip.

"Yes, Sir."

His cock twitched at the words. He reached up, took

one pink nipple between two fingers and pinched it,
tugged it, watching the heat, the amazing wonder in
Quinn's eyes. It was like not getting what you'd asked
for at Christmas, but finding out that the toy you did get
was better than anything you could have dreamed of
asking for.

He couldn't wait to take his boy home and play.

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Chapter Fourteen

"Tell me I'm brilliant, Wheels."
"Fuck you, Damien. I cannot believe you didn't tell

the doctor who the sub was. That could have cost us a

Yup. James was still so hot when he was pissed off.

Damien grinned, leaned back against the door frame.
"And then there's body mod boy led out to the plane in a
collar? Whoa hotness."

"You are such a sleazy perv," Guard accused as he

walked in, nearly blinding everyone within a mile of the
place. Damien didn't know where Guard managed to
find all the crazy shirts, but he needed to find out and
pay the place a visit, put them out of fucking business. It
would do the world a favor. Today's shirt was fucking
bright blue and green on even brighter red, and the
shorts matched. It was a fucking crime to dress that
body in those clothes.

"He's a menace. We're lucky we didn't get sued."
He chuckled. "I met them both. I knew I was right. I

was so right."

"J's right -- we were lucky." Guard pursed his lips

before adding, "That you were right."

He pumped his fist in the air, grinned. "I knew. I

knew, damn it."

Guard gave him a look from beneath his lashes. The

man wanted, he could read it in the way Guard held his
body, looked at him. "Don't be obnoxious."

"Your shirt is obnoxious. I'm brilliant. Wheels, tell


James flipped him off. "Go to hell, Dame. Don't you

have work to do?"


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"What have you guys got against my shirt?" Guard

frowned and looked down at himself. "It even matches
my shorts."

"You two go on. I have work to do."
Damien looked over at James. "No. No, that's not

how this works. We have a beer now, and look at
applicants." This was his favorite part.

"And then a celebratory boff." Guard said it like it

was going to happen.

It almost had, too, the other night. Before all the bells

and whistles. Guard kept it up, and one of these times
James would be overwhelmed by Guard's sheer

"I'm so in."
James rolled his eyes, stared over. Guard didn't look

away, just looked. Finally James nodded. Once. "Beer."

"As long as the last guest has left -- the whole island

is dry while we've got anyone not staff on the island."
God, Guard could be such a stickler for the fucking

"I'll see you two tonight. I'll have new dossiers for

you." James looked at the door, pointedly.

Guard's eyes narrowed. "There'll be beer? And

dinner? And talking about more than just our next

"There'll be beer and dinner."
"And talking about more than just our next clients.

Deal. We'll get out of your hair for a couple hours. I've
already spoken to Carmen about dinner." Guard bent
and kissed James on the corner of his mouth.

James blinked at Guard and Damien went over,

rubbed their noses together. "You're going to have to
give in eventually."

"Fuck you, Dame."
"Maybe later. It's Guard's turn."

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He followed Guard out, whistling under his breath,

ignoring the constant voice that followed him,
reminding them that this -- that James -- was his fault.

"He'll come around," Guard said as they headed

toward Guard's cottage.

"You always say that." He wanted it to be true.
"We almost had him the other night, before the

alarms went off. He'll come around." Guard unlocked
his door and motioned him in.

Guard's place was warm, flooded with sun, lovely. A

total contrast to James' cottage.

"You want a glass of water or anything?" It was cute,

the way Guard was playing host.

"No. I want you to treat me like you're dying to get

into my pants."

Guard blinked for a moment and then grinned. The

eyes that met his were hot, all Guard's pent-up need
right fucking there.

The next second, he was pushed up against the wall,

Guard's mouth landing on his. He wrapped one leg
around Guard, dragging them together as he tongue-
fucked those beautiful lips. Guard fed him this noise. It
wasn't a whimper or a groan, but it spoke of a deep need
left too long.

The strong body pushed him harder against the wall.

Fuck, yeah. He got one hand between them, pushing at
Guard's cock.

"Dame." No one could say his name like that, like he

was exactly what Guard needed.

"You want my mouth? My ass? My hand?" He was

easy. Notoriously easy.

"Fuck, yes. Mouth first."
Fucking A. He slid down the wall, dragging Guard's

shorts down on the way. Guard's skin was tanned
beneath the horror show shorts -- no tan lines, not one.

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How the fuck did James not jump this on a regular

"Fuck my mouth, stud. Missed you." He opened up,

dropped his mouth over Guard's fat, thick prick.

"Fuck!" Guard's hands grabbed hold of his head, his

lover's hips beginning to move, driving the hot cock
between his lips, deep into his throat.

Hell, yes. He sucked hard, forcing Guard to take him,

push deeper, slam into him.

"Damien! Fuck!" Guard made a lot of noise, shouting

and calling out, grunting as he thrust over and over

He wrapped his fingers around Guard's balls,

stroking, twisting, tugging. The shout was loud, and
spunk poured down his throat, Guard giving it up to
him. He chuckled even as he swallowed. Damn, but
Guard was needing.

"Fuck, yes. You keep me up -- I'm going to make

sure your ass doesn't soon forget we're here on the
island, waiting on you."

Like he could forget. Ever. He kept his head moving,

kept sucking while he slowly jacked himself off.

Guard pulled out of his mouth and slapped at his arm.

"You come around my cock or not at all."

"Bastard." He grabbed Guard's legs, tried to get him


Guard had more success grabbing his arm and

hauling him up onto his feet. The man stepped out of the
godawful shorts and started down the hallway to where
Damien knew full well the bedroom was. "Bed. Where I
can do you right."

"Pushy blond. Who says I'm going to let you in?" He

almost managed not to crack a smile.

Guard just snorted. "Right. You want it as badly as I


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Guard's bedroom was clean and neat, everything

done in black and grey and white. It was funny, really,
how someone with such dreadful taste in clothes could
manage such good, solid masculine decorating.

"Who did your decorating again? I know James' was

done by the crazy geek school of design."

"I told J what I wanted, he made it happen. He's good

like that."

They stopped by the bed, Guard wasting no time in

pulling at his clothing. His cock popped out, slapped his
belly, hard enough to sting a little bit. Guard was
looking hard, watching as he bared Damien's body,
tongue sliding on his lower lip. "God, Damien, you need
to come home more often." Damien could hear the
hunger, the sheer need in Guard's voice.

"You know I can't."
James hated him. Blamed him.
"I don't know anything of the kind!" Guard grabbed

his arms and pulled him in for a hard kiss. "All I know is
that I'm in fucking love with two of the most stubborn
idiots on the face of the earth."

"Good. Fuck me. Let me feel it."
"Horn dog." Guard accused, but it was Guard who

pushed him down onto the bed, climbing up with him
after shucking the Hawaiian shirt.

"Yes." He dug his fingers into Guard's hair, dragged

their mouths together.

"You still clean?" Guard asked when their mouths


He knew what Guard was asking -- had he slept with

anyone while he was off the island. They were clean, all
three of them were, and James made sure they were
tested once a year, so if he'd been celibate, he'd still be
clean just like he'd been at his last test.

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"I told you before; I know what I lost, what I did." He

wouldn't cheat on them, even if it meant only getting
fucked once a year when Guard had time.

"Stop blaming yourself, Damien." Guard glared down

at him, body holding his in place.

"Yeah, you tell me how that works, asshole."
"Shut the fuck up." Guard's lips covered his again,

this kiss hard, almost harsh as their teeth clicked,
Guard's tongue invading his mouth.

He could taste blood and he didn't care whose it was.

It was hot, either way.

"Want you so fucking badly." Guard growled out the

words, eyes hot, burning.

"Then take me." He'd been fucking empty for so

fucking long.

Guard leaned up over him, body pressing him hard

into the mattress while Guard fumbled with something.
Moving back, Guard pushed his legs open. He spread,
hips rocking up, begging for it.

"Hot." Guard's fingers pushed into his hole, slick

with lube. "Fuck. Tight. Dame..."

Fuck. Fuck, it'd been a while. He panted through the

stretch, the burn. Guard worked his fingers in and then
back out, repeating the movements over and over until
Damien wanted to scream from it.

"More." He needed it.
A third finger joined the two working him loose,

Guard stretching and pushing now, fingers twisting and
brushing across his gland.

"Jesus fucking Christ. Guard. Guard. Fuck." He was

going to lose his shit.

"So tight. Fuck. Dame." Guard's fingers pulled out,

the blunt cockhead pressing against him, but not into
him. "Ready?"

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Not a chance. This was going to burn so good. He


Guard started pushing in, eyes dropping closed as a

low, tortured grown came out of the man. "Oh, fuck. Oh,
fuck, Damien."

Oh, fuck. Yes. Love. So bad.
The thick cock inside him kept pushing deeper and

deeper until he could feel Guard's balls pressed against
his ass.

Guard's eyes met his. "Damien."
He moaned and nodded, not trusting himself to

speak. Guard bent to kiss him, cock pushing even
deeper, pressing hard against his gland. He poured all he
could into the kiss -- love, need, regret. Everything.

When they broke apart, Guard started to pound into

him, long, strong thrusts. Somebody needed. Bad.
Fucking shit, it was good.

Guard moaned, the sound drawn out. "Could do this

for fucking days."

"Okay. You got a deal." James could wait for him to

get back to work.

"Yeah." Guard just kept pounding, filling him up

over and over like there really was nothing else the man
wanted to do.

His asshole felt stretched, his body full, and fuck, but

his cock ached. Like Guard could read it in his eyes, the
man's hand suddenly gathered his prick up, squeezing
the tip, making drops slide out to pool on his belly.

"Fuck yes, more."
"Yeah, I'll give you more." Guard shifted slightly, the

thrusts becoming long and slow, the hand around his
prick moving them, sliding along his flesh.

His eyelids got heavy, the bed springs creaking as

they moved.

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"Look at me," growled Guard. "Wanna see your face

when you come."

"'M right here. I know who's in me."
Their eyes met. Guard held his gaze, hand tightening,

everything speeding up. Fuck, he loved this man. Loved

"Come on," growled Guard. "Need to feel you come

around me."

He nodded, once, then he squeezed Guard's cock


"Fuck!" Guard's thumb pushed into his slit as that fat

prick hit his gland, hard.

Come shot from him, his balls hurting, he shot so


"Fuck! Fuck! Dame! Love!" Guard thrust in two

more times, and then heat filled him.

Love. He held that word to his heart.
Guard collapsed down onto him, still buried deep

inside him. He wrapped his arms around Guard, holding
on tight.

"Not letting go," Guard whispered.
"I swear it." Guard put a sucking kiss on his neck.

"I'm not letting go of either of you."

"Thank you." He was sorry. Still. He thought he

always would be.

"Shh. It's going to be okay." He was pretty sure

Guard believed it.

Damien nodded. For now, he'd play along, at least

until he brought the next set of clients in. Guard took a
deep breath and seemed to let it go, body growing
heavier as the man began to fall asleep.

He kissed Guard's temple, holding on for a moment

longer before sliding away. It was time to go.

He had work to do.

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Chapter Fifteen

Guard headed for James' condo, trying to get his

growls under control. Damien, the fucking asshole, had
disappeared while he'd been napping.

Oh, he'd left a note. "G. Email details. Hate

goodbyes. Miss you. Still sorry. D." Bastard.

Guard shook his head. One of these days his

dysfunctional family would be whole again. He rapped
on James' door.

"Who is it?"
"Who do you think, J? Let me in." Open all the

fucking locks, quit hiding from us, from me.

"Are you alone?"
He was going to beat the son of a bitch.
"No, I have a troop of Girl Scouts with me, they want

to sell you cases of Thin Mints."

"I love those." The words were so soft he almost

missed them.

Guard made a mental note to send an email to

Damien. If the man couldn't get them a couple of cases
of Thin Mints, then he didn't deserve his job. "Let me in

The door unlocked, James rolling backward.

"Damien left."

"Yeah, I know. Asshole." He followed James in,

closing the door behind him.

"He's got his assignments. He'll call when I cut his

credit cards off."

It made him want to growl, the way Damien ran

away, the way James let him. "Is dinner here yet?"

"Yes. Beer, too. Come on." James headed for the

table, the plates of fish and rice and vegetables lovely.

Guard moved the chair from across from James to

right beside him.

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James looked at him, but didn't say anything, just

handed him some folders. "Next month's clients."

He put the folders down on the table. "They can


"What?" God, that look made him ache.
"Let's just have dinner and share a beer or two, eh?

The folders can wait 'til we're done." He didn't figure
he'd capture that moment again, not so soon. But there
were other moments.

"I. Okay. Okay, sure. The kitchen promised apple

crisp if I ate fish."

"Oh, they've got your number." He reached over and

grabbed the plate of fish, dishing a portion of it onto J's

"They know me." James almost -- almost -- smiled at


"Yeah." He added rice and vegetables to James' plate

and then put a fork into the fish and held it up. "Have a

James reached up to take the fork.
He pulled it back. "No. I'm feeding you."
"What? Why?"
"Because it's sexy, it's intimate. Because I want to."
"We aren't lovers anymore." Still, James' lips opened

for the bite.

He tried not to let the words cut him, tried focusing

on the fact that J was letting him feed the man. "We
could be again," he said softly.

James looked at him, eyes vulnerable, sad,

devastated, but only for a second. "No. We can't. Eat
your fish."

He held onto that second, that bit of truth. "I'll eat

mine if you'll eat yours." He handed over James' fork
and grabbed his own.

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"We have some good clients coming. Some are

unknown." James started eating, nibbling at the fish.

"Tell me after dinner, J. This is just you and me,

sharing a meal. How's the fish?"

"Good, and I don't love fish."
"I know, which means it must be really good." He

had a bite himself, humming happily at the flavor. "It is

"It is." James ate a few more bites. "Damien didn't

stop back by. I sent his files via email."

Guard sighed and turned his neck from side to side.

"He's still blaming himself. I think a part of him hopes
we'll stop wanting him to come home." He just wanted
things to go back to normal, or what passed for normal
for them.

James didn't answer that.
He looked at James, met his eyes. "I love you, J. We

both do."

"I know. Eat your rice."
"I'd rather eat you." He hadn't meant to say the words

out loud, but they'd just kind of slipped out.

James looked at him -- stared, eyes wide -- then they

both started laughing, hard.

They ate the rest of their meal easily enough,

grinning and talking about nothing in particular. It felt
good. It gave him hope. One day, he'd have his family
back together.

He finished his beer and reached across the table for

the domed tray that, he figured, contained dessert. "You
think it's still hot?"

"It should be, yes."
James loved apple desserts, crisps, pies, cakes -- it

was bizarre. He pulled off the dome, just barely keeping
his lips closed on a 'ta da!' The dessert looked fabulous -

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- rich and warm with the apple filling thick along the

"Let me feed this to you," he said softly. His fork

sank into the crisp and the apples, and when he pulled it
away, steam rose up.

"This is a terrible idea."
"No, it's a good idea -- you love apple crisp." Just let

me feed you, babe, he thought, trying to laser the
thought right into James' brain. He held the fork to
James' lips and, to his surprise, his lover's lips opened.

He licked his own lips as James took the bite in.

"Good?" he asked softly, mesmerized.

"Yes. Another bite?"
He was so hard he ached. "Absolutely." He glanced

away long enough to make sure he got crisp and apple
on the fork, and then looked back at James, offered the
forkful over.

"Thank you." James' lips were soft, open, decadent.

God, it was pure sex.

When a bit of apple smeared across the side of James'

lips, he risked leaning forward to lick it away. The taste
of apple and cinnamon exploded on his tongue, but even
better than that was the flavor of James himself.

"Guard." That soft, breathed-out sound brushed his


"Right here." He met James' eyes, licked the corner

of James' mouth again.

"Don't kiss me."
"I didn't. You had a smear of apple..." He looked into

James' eyes again. "Why not? I want to."

"I know, but you can't. We're not lovers anymore."

James was right there, watching him.

"We could be. I want to be." So fucking badly, he felt

the ache of it with him all the time.

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James reached up, touched his lips. "I can't. Wanting

won't fix that."

"Why not? Give me one good reason."
"I'm broken."
"Bullshit. Your legs don't work so well, that doesn't

mean we can't adapt." He wasn't going to give up.

James shook his head. "I can't. I can't adapt


"I don't believe that. You're here. You're alive. You

have two men who love you."

James rolled back, out of his reach. "Love doesn't fix


Guard sighed. "No, but it means I'll stick around until

something does." He put the fork down and nodded
toward the folders. "All right, let's go over our next set
of clients."

"Three of them -- one is straightforward. Kidnap

fantasy. The other two are more complex. We need to
find a good Dom for the first, though."

"Are we kidnapping from home or not until he hits

the island?" It was fascinating the way every client
brought a new set of challenges.

"He wanted from home, but legal says no way. He'll

come here."

"Yeah? So we'll set him up in a cottage and he'll be

kidnapped from there? So he wants the whole non-con

James nodded. It was fairly typical for them -- decent

money and the Doms loved the job. They specialized in
the impossible fantasies.

"Anything unusual about the job?"
James smiled at him. "Isn't there always?"


Three Wishes - 202


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