Sean Michael Three Wishes 2 Three More Wishes

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living
or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of
either the author or the publisher.

Three More Wishes
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2010 by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Alessia Brio
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-299-6
All rights reserved, which includes the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright
Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO
Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: September 2011
Printed in the USA

Three More Wishes - 2

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Three More Wishes

By Sean Michael


"I'm going to fuck you until you can't breathe."
The words slithered at him in the darkness and he sat

up, trying to figure out where he was, why he was wet
and cold. James shook his head, scrambled to try and get
up, get away, but he couldn't. Something was in his
back. Something was stopping him. Something was
inside him.

"I'm going to ruin you and leave you bleeding."
"Leave me alone."
He sobbed, sweated, twisting as he tried to run.
He heard his name, someone shouting for him, and a

loud banging. "James! James!"

"Leave me alone. Please. Help me! Somebody! He's

got me down here!" And he didn't know where down
here was.

The banging continued, got louder, as did the

shouting. Then it all went quiet, and he was shaking,
something was shaking him.

"Don't. Don't. Please. Guard! Damien..."
The dream exploded in a pop, and his eyes flew open.

"Oh, my God."

Guard was right there, hands hard around his arms,

shaking him. "James!"

"I. Sorry. Bad dream. Sorry. What are you doing

here?" Oh, God.

"Are you kidding me? You've been screaming for the

last fifteen minutes." Guard pulled him close, wrapping
strong arms around him.

"I'm sorry."

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Guard. His Guard.
"It's okay. It's okay, babe." Guard kissed the top of

his head. "You're safe, you're all right."

"I didn't mean to." He shouldn't have gone to sleep.
"Shh. Shh. I have you." Guard was warm, his chest

bare, some crazy-colored flannel jammy pants soft
against him.

"You can't stay here." But the touches were easing

him, gentling him, and he was fading away.

"Shh..." Guard laid him back down, still holding him,

touching him like he was the most precious thing.

"I'm sorry." His cheek landed on Guard's shoulder.
"It's okay, Jamie, I've got you. You're safe now."
"Never going to be safe again."
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Guard

could growl when he wanted to.

James’ eyes closed. "I'm tired."
"Then sleep. Let me guard your dreams, okay?"
"Okay. Just tonight."
Just one night.

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Chapter One

Guard was dreaming. He had to be. It was only in his

dreams that he woke up curled around James' body, their
shared heat filling the air with the scent of them. He
moaned happily, rubbing his cock against James ass.
God, this dream felt so good, so real.

"You two look cozy. And I was thinking you missed


Guard was going to kill the fucker.
Especially now he knew he wasn't dreaming. He

popped his head up over James' shoulder and glared.
"Anyone ever tell you that you have lousy timing?"

"All the time. Talked to Rosa. He had a bad night?

Did you give him a Valium?"

"No, actually, I didn't." No, instead a bit of a miracle

had happened; James had let Guard soothe and ease him,
had fallen asleep in Guard’s arms.

James shifted, frowned, starting to wake up. Guard

held on, kissed James' head. God damn Damien for
coming and waking him up anyway.

"I...What's going on? Why are you in here?"
Guard ignored Damien for now and gave James his

full attention. "You had a nightmare."

"I... I. You should go. Did I wake you? How did I

wake you?"

"Don't you remember?" He'd just stay where he was

for now, thank you. His cock had flagged a little, but it
was still snug up against James' body.

"I remember you coming. I told you to go, but you're


"You were screaming like someone was killing you."

He wasn't going to leave James like that.

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"I... I'm sorry. It's been..." Four years. Four years

since the incident. Four years since he'd been confined
to the chair.

Guard knew. They all knew. "I know, James. I know.

I'm here, though. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"Sweet." Damien's voice was dry as dust.
"Dame?" James' head whipped around. "You're on

the island?"

"Apparently." Guard glared. Damien knew it was a

delicate balance to get James to stop pushing them

"Come on, Wheels. You think I'd miss this


James winced, and Guard could see the devastation,

the guilt in Damien's eyes.

"All right. Let's get some breakfast in us, huh?"
If James and Damien could just let the past be the

past, they could start looking forward. Together.

"You two go. Ask Carmen for something. I have to

get up."

"We can help you, James." He was tired of James

running him off, pushing him and Damien away.

"No." Cold. Bald. James had never let him in, let him


"We're here now. It'll be easier." Come on. Come on.
"No. There's work to do, isn't there?"
"Of course there is. But we can take five minutes to

take care of each other."

James stared at him, breath coming quick. There was

a major panic attack, right there at the surface.

Guard stroked James' head. "Come on, J. Just

breathe. We can do this. All together. Come on."

"Go away. Go away."
Damien stepped forward, eyes shimmering.

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He nodded and held his hand out to Damien. "Help


"Go away..."
Damien came closer. "Jamie..."
"We just want to help, Jamie. Don't keep pushing us


"I'm not him anymore. I never will be. Ever. I'm


"Stop that. Stop saying that. I don't believe it, Damien

doesn't believe it, and somewhere deep inside you don't
believe it, either."

"It's true. It's all true." James sat up, scooted to the

edge of the bed. "Go. Make sure there's juice. I'll be out
in a little while."

Guard sighed, torn between pushing it and letting

James have a few minutes to pull himself together, to
put up his walls. He finally decided on going because
James had let him stay in the aftermath of the nightmare.
He was taking that as a win and ensuring James made
the same choice next time. If there was a next time.

He kissed James' shoulder and slid out of bed,

grabbing Damien's hand and throwing a, "We'll be at
your breakfast table," over his shoulder.

As soon as the bedroom door closed behind them, he

turned to Damien. The man was always away, on the
road looking for clients, arranging for Tops and other
specialists to make the fantasies come true. It wasn't
often that James didn't know he was coming home;
James usually cut the man's credit cards off when they
needed Damien here. "Perfect timing, as always."

Damien shrugged, pinked. "It's the anniversary. I


He nodded. "Yeah, I know." Then he hugged

Damien. "He's never let me in his bed before. We're
wearing him down."

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"He'll never forgive me." Damien would never

forgive himself.

"He already has. He thinks we only see the chair."
Arm around Damien's waist, Guard led the man over

to the table. There was breakfast for three, including
juice, laid out. Carmen was a treasure, and he would pay
her any amount of money to keep her happy.

"Fucking wheels."
"Better than the alternative."
"Yeah. Yeah, I should've done better work."
"Would you let it go? You're as bad as James.

Christ." He pulled out a chair and looked at Damien

Damien flipped him off, the motion lazy.
"Sit your ass down, man. We're going to have

breakfast with James and then we're going to talk about
the upcoming guests and then we're going to try to get
into his pants. Again."

"And when that doesn't work?" Damien sat.
"Then we try again tomorrow and the day after that

and then the day after that." He'd been at this game for
years now. He wasn't planning on giving up anytime

"Good plan." Damien grabbed a piece of pineapple.
"When did you get in?" Guard found the oatmeal and

dished himself up a big bowlful.

"Midnight. I wanted to be here."
"You should have come over. Helped me with


"I watched."
His head whipped around. "What?"
"I was outside. I watched. I mean, after the storm and

all. I wasn't around for the nightmare."

"You should have joined us, man." He was tired of

being close to one or the other but never the two

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together. At least he got to make love to Damien. Fuck,
he missed them.

"I couldn't. I don't belong there."
"Of course you do. We only ever worked right when

it was all three of us."

Damn them, they were the stubbornest assholes he'd

ever met. Too bad for them he was just as stubborn and
he wasn't giving up on getting his wonderful life back.

"I'd give anything to have it back."
"It'll happen, D. I can feel it." He believed it. With all

his heart. And he should know, he was the one who
stayed on the island, who was here day in and day out.
Gopher, security, he did all the things James, their
computer guru and, frankly, the real brains behind the
operation, couldn't. He met planes and inspected the
cabins. He oversaw new construction and accepted
deliveries. The guests knew Damien as their main
contact off the island. Guard was the man on the island.

"Nonsense. I'm not on the market. Is there coffee?"
James wheeled in, face carefully blank.
Guard snorted. "Of course you're not on the market --

you're already taken. And would Carmen dare serve you
a breakfast that didn't include coffee?"

"Not if she wanted to keep her job." Like James

would fire her. James treated that woman like royalty.
Of course, she took care of James like it was her calling
in life.

Guard met James' eyes, really looked at the man.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine. Ready to get to work." A cup of coffee was

poured, a Danish snatched. Ah, work. James holed
himself up in here behind his computer, using 'work' as
his shield and hiding behind it. James was damned good
at losing himself in it, too. Guard thought sometimes
that James forgot that it took all three of them to run this

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place, to make people's fantasies come true. No man was
an island and all that crap, which was kind of funny,
really, in a not very funny way.

He stared at James for a moment and bit back his sigh

before pouring himself a cup of coffee as well.

Damien rolled his eyes. "So, we're working. What do

you need me to do?"

"Have we got all the details on the kidnapping

squared away?"

A kidnapping. They had to be very careful with this

one. He'd put them on the far end of the island -- this
fantasy required total privacy.

"Ben will arrive on the island, ostensibly to have a

vacation. The abduction will occur on the man's first
night here. The dominant is perfect -- a bit coarse,
rough, but truly professional." Damien sounded sure.

James nodded. "Excellent work, by the way, in

double dipping on the Swan and Bonart fantasies,

Damien's grin widened. "Thanks, Wheels."
He nodded, smiled. Getting two men to pay for a

fantasy was fabulous. "I've put them on the west side of
the island."

James nodded. "Mister Leonides is going to be in the

eastern cabin. Did you find a Top for him?"

It was a giant pain in the ass, to find a dominant to

top a Top.

"Of course I did." Damien looked smug.
Guard couldn't blame him. He was good at his job.
James arched an eyebrow. "Leonides is famous in

certain circles, incredibly controlled."

That smug look got worse.
"Don't tell me you got one of his associates on board

to top him, Damien."

Damien's eyes got wide. "Would I do that?"

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James shook his head. "This man has a reputation,


"I wouldn't do that!"
Guard let his eyebrow go up. No, he supposed

Damien wouldn't.

James relaxed. "It would be a perfect solution, but

both men have to go home, and even if Leonides doesn't
keep a sub or anything..."

"He lives in a different city, I swear."
"But he does know Leonides?" Guard groaned.

"Really? Really?"

"Trust me."
James glared. "You always say that."
"Trust me, Wheels."
Guard watched his lovers' eyes meet, the air electric.
James nodded. "I always do."
Damn but they were sexy together. Why couldn't they

see just how electric they still were? The guys just
looked at each other, eyes caught, and Guard knew
Damien was hard as a rock. His own prick was firming
again, and he swallowed, held his damn breath.

"I..." Damien moaned.
"Kiss him," Guard muttered. All Damien had to do

was lean in...

Damien moved closer, hands landing on James'

wheelchair, and James jerked back.

"James," murmured Guard. "Please."
"There's one more fantasy."
Damien took a hitching breath. God damn it, there

was no reason that couldn't wait five minutes. Except
that James was the most stubborn man on earth.

"Kiss me, and I'll tell you I did my job."
Guard nodded. That was it. They couldn't let James

run away from them.

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"I know you did your job." James' hands were


Guard shifted, reached for James to wrap his hand

around James' wrist. He held on.

"Jamie. Please. One kiss."
Guard squeezed James' wrist and added his own quiet

plea. "Just one."

"I can't. I can't."
"You can, J. Dame'll do all the work. All you have to

do is let him."

Damien scooted forward, almost in James' lap. "One


Guard leaned in close for a better view. He could

smell James -- so good. James shook his head, but those
eyes were on Damien's mouth. Guard licked his own lips
and nudged Damien in the ribs. Damien blinked, but
kept leaning until his lips were pressed against James'.
Guard felt like all the air in the room had just been
pulled out. Whoosh.

James opened and Damien moaned, the sound almost

hurt as the kiss deepened. Guard was finally able to
breathe again, tiny panting breaths that were just enough
to fill his lungs as he watched the most beautiful kiss
he'd ever seen unfold in front of him.

Damien's hips were rocking, fucking the air,

desperation in every line of the man's body. Guard
reached out, both hands. One landed in Damien's lap,
rubbing against his lover's need. The other slid along
James' shoulder, connecting them.

Damien cried out, jerked into his touch, and James

broke the kiss. "We can't."

"Please." begged Damien.
Guard wasn't letting James back out. "We can. We

are. Come on, James. Let go."

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"Forgive me, please. God, I want you, Jamie, so bad."

Damien was nearly sobbing.

Guard hadn't seen Damien so lost in years.
"James. Please, kiss him again. I'll help him come."

And then James, if the man let him.

"Jamie..." There were tears, right there at the surface,

and when James grabbed Damien's neck, kissed the man
like he meant it, Guard almost died.

He took in a deep, almost sobbing breath, his fingers

sliding to wrap around James' thigh, his other hand
giving Damien something to rub against. Damien
humped him furiously, cock leaking against his touch.

He pushed his hand into Damien's shorts, groaning at

the heat of it. Wild and desperate, Dame took his hand
like a wild man.

"That's it, babe. He tastes so good, doesn't he?"

Guard was talking to both of them, his whole body tight;
he couldn't quite believe this was happening.

Damien sobbed, hips leaving the chair, cock

throbbing in his hand.

"Take it. Take the pleasure. In both hands." He wasn't

even sure which one of them he was talking to anymore.
It didn't matter.

Damien threw his head back, heat spraying over his


"Oh, babe. Babe. James?" What did his other lover


"Go away. I want you both to go away." James'

cheeks were streaked with tears.

"No, please James." Guard laid his cheek on James'

shoulder. "We love you."

"Go away!" James rolled back, bumping into the

wall. "Get out of my house!"

Damien stood, face white as a sheet.

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"James! We're your lovers." Guard was tired of

constantly being pushed away.

"You were. Not anymore. You're my business


"We want more than just business, James. We are

more. And you know it."

James shook his head, wheeling out. "Leave me


"Damn it." Guard sighed, letting James go, knowing

chasing him down would just make James angrier. He
turned to Damien, touched his lover's arm. "Hey. It's
okay. It's going to be okay."

There were tears now, and Damien shook his head.

"I'm so sorry."

"Shut up." He stepped in close and pressed his mouth

against Damien's.

Damien pushed a sound into his lips, but he ignored

it. James could walk away, but Guard wasn't letting
Dame go. He held on tight, taking the kiss, making
Damien focus on it and not on his pain.

Dame breathed in, gasped into his mouth, then let

him in. He kept kissing, loving on Damien. At least
Damien let him. Damien loved him. He knew it, like he
knew he had to breathe.

He shifted them, moved Damien so his lover was up

against the wall, their bodies pressed tight together.

Shut up, Damien.
He humped his hips against Damien, the man's ass

hitting the wall. He could taste James on Damien's lips,
warm and spicy. God, he loved them both so much.

Damien's hand wrapped around his hip, moving him,

rocking them together. He kissed Damien harder, adding
more force, banging Damien against the wall.

"Fuck me. Please. Please, Guard. Want you."

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"Turn around." He growled, grabbing Damien's shirt

and turning him. His glib lover, his shattered man.

He tugged Damien's shorts down, kneed Damien's

legs apart. Damien's ass pushed back toward him,

He pushed his fingers into Damien's mouth. "Suck

them." Those lips wrapped around his fingers, the
suction sudden and strong. "Fuck." He humped against
Damien's ass, cursing the material of his sleep shorts for
being in the way. Damien nodded, sucking his fingers.

He took it as long as he could and then pulled his

fingers out, groaning at the pop.

"If you don't fuck me soon, I'm going to beat you."
He pushed his fingers along Damien's crack. Dame

pushed back against his touch. He found the sweet little
hole, pushing his index finger in. Always so tight, so
needy, all theirs. He slipped a second finger in with the
first, spreading them apart to open Damien up.

"Fuck, yeah. Yeah."
"Almost there, Dame." He hoped James could hear

them, hoped the man knew what he was missing.

"Good. Need. Now."
He pulled his fingers out and spat into his other hand,

palming himself quickly to slick up his prick. He didn't
even worry about whether Damien was clean. He knew
his lover was waiting. He pushed against Damien's hole,
his prick breaching the tight muscles. Hot, tight,
Damien's body fought him for the briefest minute, then

Groaning, he kept pushing in, spreading Damien with

his prick. God, Damien's ass was the sweetest, tightest
place on earth. "Yes. Oh, love, yes." Groaning, he
pushed all the way in.


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Yeah. Yeah, it always had been. "I know, Dame.

Love you. You and James."

He started sawing his hips back and forth, pushing

into Damien over and over.

"Want him back." Damien was sheer fucking heaven.
"We'll get him back, babe." They were wearing

James down through sheer will power and love.

"I swear it." They were so close he could taste it. So

very close.

"I trust you." Damien slammed back against him,

took him deep.

"Good. Good." He pushed in, hitting that sweet little

gland inside Damien's body.

James had to have heard that.
He pumped in again, then again, working Damien's

gland as hard as he could. Damien was wild, humping
back, meeting each thrust, crying out for him.

"I've got you; I've got you." He kept humping, feeling

so damn good. Damien's hole was like a fist, working
his cock.

His and Damien's moans made beautiful music. He

kissed the back of Damien's neck, the touch gentle
compared to the way they slammed together. He loved
this man. This man and the one who'd run away from
them. They needed to be complete, together. He cried
out, hips jerking.

"Come on. Come on, you bastard."
Reaching around, he grabbed a hold of Damien's

cock, jacking it furiously. He felt each jerk around his
prick. "Damien." He jerked his hips twice more and
came, pumping into Damien's body. Heat sprayed over
his fingers. He collapsed against Damien's back,
panting, moaning.

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"Oh, fuck." Damien slumped against the wall. He

pressed against Damien, holding his lover up. "Still
good, us."

"Yeah. We are." They'd be even better if James

would stop being so damn stubborn.

"We should go. The asshole doesn't want us here."

He could hear the hurt in Damien's voice.

"Hush. That's our lover you're talking about."
Damien shook his head. "He doesn't still love me."
"He does. He wouldn't have let you kiss him if he

didn't. It wouldn't have upset him so much."

Damien groaned, leaned against him. "So you say,

man. I shouldn't have come back."

"James waits for you to come back, you know. He

cuts off your credit cards so you have to."

"He's an asshole." And Damien loved him.
"But he's our asshole." He kissed Damien's neck and

slid out. "Come on. I'll take you home. We've got clients
coming in." He turned Damien around, looked into the
man's eyes. "We're not letting it end here, though. He let
you kiss him. He let you kiss him until you came. We
just need to keep at it."

"Yeah. We'll see. Whatever. I gotta make sure Mr.

Bonnart is ready to take care of Mr. Swan."

"This isn't over, Dame." He kissed his lover hard.
He just hoped Damien kept believing.

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Chapter Two

Cameron squinted against the light. He could make

out the shapes of the beach, the sky, the trees. It was
beautiful. It had to be. It was going to be one of the last
things he ever saw. He'd sold everything he owned --
everything. House, books, cars, horses -- all of it, just to
come here. It was going to be worth it.

He heard footsteps coming toward him, flip-flops on

sand. He kept his head down, focusing hard to figure out
who it was. "Mr. Damien?" That's who he knew, who
he'd met.

"Hi, Cameron. I've brought someone to meet you."
He knew that voice, so he relaxed, smiled. "Okay. It's

lovely here. Smells so good."

"It's paradise, that's for sure. I've brought Xander

Bonnart with me. He's going to be your companion
while you're here."

He held his hand out toward the larger shape beside

Damien. "Pleased to meet you." God, please be a real
person, someone who wants to do this. Not some... cold
professional. Damien had talked to him for hours, had
him tell his fantasies -- all of them, even the dark ones,
the scary ones. The man was almost a friend.

"Hi there, Cameron." The hand that swallowed his

was large, warm, and it squeezed his tight but not too

"Shall we take a walk?" Damien had helped him get

settled last night in a pleasant little cabin, someone had
brought him a delicious breakfast this morning,
everything had been perfect.

"Sure." He nodded, and Xander started them walking.
"Thanks, Damien, We're good from here." Xander's

arm slid around his waist, and he could feel the warmth
as he was tugged against the man's side.

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"Enjoy each other." Damien's face faded away almost


"I. It's nice to meet you." This was so odd.
"It's nice to meet you, too." Xander tightened his hold

in a sort of hug. "Especially here. It really is like

"It is. The pineapple this morning was luscious. So


Warm. Xander was warm.
"Luscious. Isn't that a great word? Feels good on the


The sand beneath his feet became wet. He jerked,

laughed a little, and nodded. "Yes. Yes, it is."

"You like the water?" Water tickled at his feet and

disappeared again.

"I do. I used to go swimming a lot. Do you?"
"I love it." Xander led them into the water, the waves

rushing over his feet now.

"Oh. Oh." His heart was racing a little, all the colors

twisting together.

"It's great, isn't it?" Xander laughed, and they moved

a little deeper into the water, the sand so good underfoot.

"Yes. Yes." The waves splashed up around his knees,

and he jumped. Xander's arm stayed around his waist,
solid and making him feel so safe. "Don't let go." He
was putting a lot of trust in someone he didn't know.

"I won't." Xander led him deeper, the water swirling

high around his ankles and then his calves.

He grabbed Xander's arm, gasping. "I thought it

would be colder."

"It isn't, though, is it?" Xander suddenly picked him

up, carrying him close against Xander's chest. "Put your
arms around my neck."

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"You're tall." He wrapped his arms around Xander's

neck. "Is it weird? To let someone you've just met hold

"Maybe? I don't know. But does it matter?" He could

feel Xander moving deeper into the water, and then he
could feel it lapping at his ass. "We've been matched.
Who cares if it's normal or not."

"Right. Right. It's on my butt." He couldn't stop


"I'm taking you deeper. I won't drop you."
"Okay. Okay. Did... did Damien tell you anything

about me? I don't know anything about you." Which
wasn't true. He knew Xander smelled good, he knew
Xander was strong, and he knew Xander felt good.

"A little, but he wanted us to get to know each other

together." Xander twirled them, the water splashing up
over his shoulders.

"Oh!" His eyes went wide, and he fought to see.
They twirled and twirled, Xander laughing, the water

and sun everywhere. He held on, head thrown back. If
there was a God, he'd die of a heart attack, right here.
Right now. He didn't, but the moment stretched, lasted
and lasted before the laughter faded and Xander walked
back out of the water.

He didn't let go, he held on, let Xander hold him. The

man didn't seem inclined to put him down, just kept
walking. "I'd like to stay with you while we're here,

"Would you? I have a cabin." He nodded, rested

against Xander's chest.

"I want to spend every minute of the next five days

with you."

It didn't matter if Damien had paid Xander to be

decent; it didn't matter why Xander was being so good

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to him. This was his fantasy, and he wanted to be
wanted, touched, needed, for his last five days on earth.

"I'd love that."


Xander carried Cameron up from the beach. He could

have put the man down when they got to shore, but he
found he didn't want to.

Damien had told him a little of the man's story.

Cameron was going blind, soon he wouldn't be able to
see at all and he'd paid a ton of money to come here and
have his fantasies come true before that happened.
Xander planned to give the man the best five days he
could, every sensation, smell, taste and feeling he could
stuff into five days.

"What's your favorite food?" he asked softly, as he

reached the path to Cameron's cottage.

"Strawberry shortcake." There was no hesitation

there. None at all.

He chuckled. "That might explain the big bowl of

berries and whipped cream on your table on the patio
here." And look at the deck chairs -- not really deck
chairs, there were two and they were sturdy and wide
and covered in thick cushions. Perfect for two men to sit
in together.

"I can smell them. Like magic."
"Oh, there's biscuits, too. I guess we can build our

own strawberry shortcake." He sat, keeping Cameron in
his lap. "I hope this is okay. You feel good in my arms."

"It's amazing. You're warm. I'm not too wet for you?"

Cameron was lovely, light-haired and pale, with a tiny
goatee, pale blue eyes, and warm, red lips.

"Not at all. I'm the one who soaked you, after all."

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Cameron rested against him, relaxed, quiet, a smile

on the sharp-featured face.

Xander slid his fingers along Cameron's cheek. "Let

me know if you get cold -- we can go and get you dried

"It's lovely out here. Sunny." Cameron hummed

softly, cuddled into his touch.

"It is." He picked up a strawberry and brought it to

Cameron's lips, slid it across the lower one.

Cameron gasped, opened, tongue flicking out to taste.

Xander found himself licking his own lips as he
carefully pushed the berry between Cameron's. White
teeth sank into the bright flesh, juice splashing out. On
impulse, Xander leaned down and licked at the juice in
the corner of Cameron's mouth. Cameron's eyes fastened
on him, moving quickly, obviously trying to focus on

"Is there a certain distance where it's better?"
"I can only see shapes now. This close I can tell you

have eyes."

"Oh, man. That's got to be hard." He took Cameron's

hand and brought it to his face.

"Oh." Cameron's eyes closed, and that hand started

exploring him, sliding over his face, his features.

He hummed softly, enjoying the light, warm touch.

He didn't try to hurry Cameron at all, let the man take
his time.

"You're warm. You have smile lines."
He couldn't help smiling at that, which he knew only

deepened the lines. "Yeah. I like smiling. It makes me
feel good."

"Do you live here?" Sweet, curious man.
"Oh, I wish. It really is paradise." He shook his head,

as Cameron still had a hand on his face. "I don't. I live in
Boston. You?"

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"I used to live in Wyoming."
"You don't anymore?" He reached out and traced

Cameron's face with his own fingers, closing his eyes to
see it only by touch.

Cameron shook his head. "No. Not anymore."
"Why not?" He kept touching, fingers moving down

to Cameron's neck.

"Because... I raised horses. I sold everything, came


"You figured because you're losing your sight you

can't keep raising horses?"

"I know I couldn't. It's okay."
"You could, you’d just have to figure out new ways

of doing things." His little sister was blind, and he'd defy
anyone to tell her that she couldn't do something.

"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters except right now."
Xander nodded. "I know. I'm going to make it the

best five days of your life, Cameron."

"Thank you." Cameron looked lost for a moment,

then Xander was kissed. He kissed Cameron back,
moaning softly into their shared kiss.

God, Xander had asked to have a lover who needed

care, who wasn't going to fight him at every step, wasn't
a pushy little bottom, and Cameron yielded beautifully.
He slid his hand down along Cameron's side, wrapping
it around the man's hip. Cameron moaned into his lips,
and it surprised him, how simple this whole thing was.

He slid his fingers over the buttons of Cameron's

shirt, tugging them open. Cameron was pale, too lean,
like he'd been hiding from the sun. Xander zeroed in on
the pretty pink little nipples, his fingers going for them.
Cameron chuckled, leaned into his touch, unashamed,
uninhibited. He rubbed his fingers back and forth,
watching the sweet nibs grow hard for him.

"Oh." Cameron arched, lips parting.

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"Pretty." He licked Cameron's lower lip, then the

upper one.

"What are you looking for" What do you want?"
"You." It was an easy answer. He pressed their lips

together. He thought he felt a little sob pushing into his

Xander stroked his hand along Cameron's side,

hoping to soothe him. Cameron opened up to him,
tongue sliding along his in a caress. Moaning, he
matched the touch, playing with Cameron's tongue,
teasing and seducing it. Cameron melted into his kisses,
tongue following his, and they played gently together,
tongues dancing,

The kisses melted, one into another, Cameron going

boneless against him. Xander pushed his hand around to
Cameron's back, fingers sliding on the warm skin,
stroking it.

The easy, relaxed trust was amazing. How could

anyone offer himself so immediately? So easily? Xander
accepted it in the spirit it was given, loving on Cameron,
slowly exploring the lovely body. Cameron's hands
stayed on his face, watching him, holding him.

They kissed and explored for a long time, his fingers

learning the shape of Cameron's body as if he was the
one who was blind.

Carefully, he eased the wet clothes off, gentled them

away, leaving Cameron bare against him. Cameron was
soon dry and warm, wriggling against him.

"You, too?" Cameron's fingers finally found his t-


"Yes, please." He hadn't been planning on going so

fast, but Cameron felt so good. His shirt was gently
eased off him, Cameron's touch smoothing over his skin.
"You've got a great touch."

"Do I?" The question seemed so honest.

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"You do. It feels so good."
"You're warm." His abs were traced, teased, touched.
"You like that?” he asked.
"I do."
"Good." His belly muscles rippled under Cameron's


"I felt that!"
He chuckled, did it again, on purpose this time.

Cameron laughed softly, face delighted. It didn't matter
that they'd only just met; Xander thought maybe he'd do
a lot for that look. He shifted Cameron so the man was
straddling his lap, their cocks sliding together.

"You're big. I love that. The way a big man feels

against me." Cameron's words were soft, but they made
Xander harder.

He slid his hands along Cameron's back and dropped

them down to grab Cameron's sweet little ass. He
squeezed gently and rolled Cameron against him. Those
lips parted, Cameron moaning for him, begging so
prettily without words.

"We're going to come, and then I'm going to feed you

berries and cake and whipped cream." It was a good
plan, if he did say so himself.

"Yes. Yes, please." So sweet. So hungry.
He rubbed their bodies together, his hands on

Cameron's ass guiding the sweet body to slide along his.

"Oh. Oh, you're so warm." Cameron hid his face in

Xander's throat.

"For you." He kept them moving, started rolling his

hips. He felt every breath, every moan, on his skin.

Their pricks bumped and slid, making him moan, too.

Cameron's tongue tested his throat, the caress so careful.

Groaning, he dropped his head back. "Feels good,

Cameron. You feel like a dream."

"This is a dream. All of it. Right now."

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"A fantasy, yes." It was, wonderful and fantastic and

totally outside of the real world. Xander already thought
it was worth every penny.

Cameron nodded, lips sucking on his throat.
"You're marking me." He kind of liked the idea.

Cameron's answer was a tiny moan.

He kept them moving, their bodies slowly rolling

together. It felt so good, but wasn't overwhelming. He
thought maybe they could do this all afternoon.

He slowed them down, grabbed a strawberry and held

it in his mouth. Oh. Bright. He fed it to Cameron from
his own lips. Cameron nibbled, so careful. He was less
careful, biting through the berry, the burst of flavor
filling his mouth. Cameron's tongue chased the juice.
Chuckling, he chased Cameron's tongue.

They both started laughing harder, tongues playing,

the tension flaring between them. His laughter turned
into a groan, his hips moving faster now, his hands
pulling hard at Cameron. He was suddenly close, the
need right there.

"Please." Cameron's fingers wrapped around his

cock, tugging hard.

"Both of us," he managed to say, one hand leaving

Cameron's hip to push the long cock against Cameron's
fingers, too.

"Both." Cameron jacked them both with sure, short


"Yes. God. Yes." He bit his lower lip, moaned.
Cameron's handspeeded up, harder, moving over

them both.

"That's it, Cameron. Come on. Let's go over


"Yes. Together. Together. I want to know."
"Kn...know what?" he managed.
"What you feel like. What you smell like."

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Oh, God. That turned Xander on so much. "I feel

wonderful. You feel wonderful. God, soon, Cam."

"Soon." Cam's thumb rubbed over the tip of his cock,

nudging his slit.

"Shit! Yes!" Xander cried out, heat spraying up out of

his cock.

Cameron moaned, lips parting, fingers rubbing

through his seed.

"You like how I smell?"
"Y...yes." Cameron's fingers were moving less


He wrapped his own hand around Cameron's, kept it

stroking. "Good. Let's add you to it."

Cameron nodded, eyes closed, lips open. "Yes."
"When you've come, I'm going to taste you -- taste us


That sent Cameron over the edge, seed spilling onto

their hands.

Groaning, Xander mixed their come together and

then brought his hand up, painting Cameron's lips with
their juice. Cameron moaned, lips open, offered to him.
He pressed his mouth to Cameron's, and they shared the
taste between them, salty, bitter with a hint of sweet, and
he rubbed the rest into Cameron's belly. Cameron licked
at his mouth, the soft sounds pouring into his lips.

"So sensual." Had Cameron always been like this, or

was it because he was losing his sight?

Xander was going to find out. He was going to find

everything out.

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Chapter Three

It was perfect.
Well, if he could see Xander, it would have been

perfect, but if he could see, he'd still be on the ranch
with Chett and living a normal life, not spending
everything in a final blaze of glory.

Cameron opened his lips as another strawberry was

pressed in.

"I don't think I've ever tasted better," murmured

Xander. The next strawberry was on a bed of shortcake
and had whipped cream on top of it.

"What's your favorite?" He was going to remember

this flavor.

"Fruit?" Xander asked, tongue sliding along the

corner of his lower lip.

Cameron moaned at the heat, lips parting.


"At the moment, it's sitting in the sun and feeding

strawberries to this sexy man I met..."

"Flatterer." It felt good, though, and he chose to

believe it. To believe in all of it. He had that luxury.

"It's true, though. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else

right now." Xander sounded so sincere.

"Me, either."
"Good. And my favorite fruit are cherries. The

advantage of strawberries is that there's no pit to spit
out." Xander popped another strawberry into his mouth.

"Cherries are good, especially in pie."
"Oh, no. I like them fresh as is. The just ripe ones, so

they're still hard and they make a noise when they break
between your teeth and the juice squirts out into your

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Cameron's cock jerked, began to fill again. "You

have a way with words."

"Thank you." Xander kissed him again and then

rubbed their noses together. "Tell me what you like,
what you want. Should I tie you up? Should I spank
you? Do you want me to fuck you into oblivion?

"I haven't tried very much. I want to try as much as I

can before it's over."

Xander chuckled. "You don't need to be able to see to

do most things."

He didn't have an answer to that. He needed to see to

be him.

After a moment of silence, Xander spoke again. "I

want to take you to bed and show you everything you've
never done before."

"Please." He wrapped his arms around Xander's


Xander stood, holding him close and not letting go as

he was carried into his cabin, into the bedroom.

"Xander." It was darker in here, cooler, and the air

was moving.

"Yeah, Cameron?"
"I like the way your name sounds." The silence

scared him now.

"Oh. Thanks. It's short for Alexander, but I never

liked that name."

"My ex called me Cam. I don't let anyone do that


"Can I ask what happened?" It was the first time

Xander sounded tentative.

"With my ex?"
"Yeah. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. I

can't help be curious about a man who would be crazy
enough not to hold onto someone like you, though."

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"I'm going to be totally blind in a matter of months."

It was pretty clear, really.

Xander was silent for a moment, setting him down on

the bed. "He left you because of that?"

"He needed someone that could pull his weight. I


"Wow... " Xander's fingers slid on his skin.
Cameron shrugged. "It doesn't matter anymore."
"I'm still sorry it happened to you."
"I'm not." He wouldn't be able to kill himself if he

was in a relationship.

"No? I don't think I could let it go like that." Xander

kissed him suddenly. "On the other hand, we wouldn't
have this if you were still with him, and I'm finding I'm
liking this a lot."

Cameron nodded, kissed Xander again. He was, too.
"I want to feel your ass around me, Cameron. I want

to do that once before we do anything more
adventurous. I think it's important."

He swallowed hard, nodded. "You're bigger than

anyone I've been with. You'll feel so good." It might
have been his imagination, but he thought maybe his
words made Xander preen a little.

Xander settled him, legs spread across the huge

thighs. The man's hands moved on him, smoothing over
his skin and leaving warm tingles behind. He looked
down, but the room was dim, he only saw the barest

As if Xander could feel him trying to see, the man

grabbed one of his hands, brought it to his face. "Look
with your hands, Cameron."

He nodded and tried not to think about it. Stupid

fucking body. Xander kissed his palm and then his
fingertips before turning those lips on his wrist.

"Oh." Oh, so sensitive. Right there.

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Humming, Xander licked his skin, traced his veins.

His fingers curled, heat and lightning sliding up his arm.
That hot tongue slowly followed his vein up along his
arm. He started gasping, moaning, completely focused
on that tongue.

Another hum vibrated up along his arm, and Xander's

fingers began to tease his belly. Soft moans started
leaving him. Xander rolled him, putting him on his back
as the vein following continued farther up his arm.

"So hot. Your tongue is so hot." And Cameron was so

hard he hurt.

"You taste great." More licking teased his skin,

Xander's tongue like magic.

"Thank you. Please, don't stop."
"No, not going to stop. God, not going to stop." It felt

so good, hearing Xander's need.

The man followed his veins up over his bicep to his

shoulder. His skin goosepimpled, his entire world
completely focused on that touch. Along his collarbone
and to his throat, Xander seemed determined to taste
every part of him.

Soon Cameron wasn't even thinking. He was simply a

ball of sensation, of pleasure.

The warm fingers slid over him from his waist down,

the hot tongue everywhere else. He groaned softly,
twisted on the bed. Xander touched the tip of his nipple
with that hot tongue. He arched, chest pushed into
Xander's lips. The tip of Xander's tongue slid back and
forth across his nipple, the sensation building and
building. His hips were moving in time, bucking quickly
against Xander.

"Sweet, needy man." Xander moved to his other

nipple, worked it just like the first one.

Was he sweet? He'd been called depressed, angry,

bitter. Desperat... "Oh. Oh, please."

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Xander let his nipple go and slowly, so damn slowly,

worked his way down. One of his legs cocked, bent as
he spread himself. Xander's chuckle tickled his belly,
then the man's tongue circled his navel before fucking
the little indentation. His own laughter bubbled out of

He could feel Xander's smile against his skin, then

that magical tongue was working its way farther down.

"Oh..." He reached down, needing to keep their


Xander nuzzled his hand and then licked, very

briefly, the tip of his cock. Cameron gasped, the heat
flaring, then disappearing, leaving a cold sensation.
Xander didn't go immediately back to it, instead, that hot
tongue slid over to his right hip. His eyes were closed,
and he focused on the heat, the slick. The pleasure.

Humming, Xander sent sensation shooting over his

hip, teeth and lips and tongue playing him.

"So good. So good, thank you."
"Shh. Just feel." Xander sucked at Cameron’s skin,

pulling it between his lips, then releasing it and licking
closer to Cameron's prick.

The sheets were so soft under his bare ass. His skin

was awake, alive. His cock was bypassed, Xander
moving to nose at his balls, lick them so gently.

"Xander..." He spread, tears in his eyes. So intimate.
One of his balls was taken into Xander's mouth. It

was so hot, so unbelievably good.

"Oh, God. Oh, God." He whispered the words, over

and over, like a prayer.

The sensations in his ball slid through his prick and

up along his spine. Then Xander let his ball go and took
in the other one.

"Going to come. Please. Going to." That pressure was

amazing, perfect.

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Xander let his other ball go and shifted. "Okay."

Then, without warning, Xander took his cock in.

He sat up, a sharp cry leaving him, seed spraying

from him like he was a teenager. Xander swallowed him
down, throat squeezing around the tip of his cock.

"Oh, God. Yes..." Cam shuddered with every


Xander kept sucking, even when he was done,

pulling out little aftershocks and cleaning him.

"Th...thank you. Oh, God. So good."
"You taste great." Xander slid up along his body,

sharing his own taste with him in a kiss.

"Thank you." He scooted closer, hands moving over

Xander's body.

A low moan sounded, Xander the noise wanton.
"How do you want me?" he asked.
"I want you."
"I'm right here."
"I know. I should finish what I started first." Xander

began to slide back down his body.

"Xander?" Finish? Finish what?
"Right here, Cameron." Xander pushed his legs apart

and kissed his inner thigh.

"But... Oh. So soft." The caress made his breath


"You are." Xander licked and then kissed again.
"I thought you wanted inside me..."
"Eventually. I need to finish tasting you first."
"Tasting me? Do I taste good?"
"You do." Xander's mouth was back at his balls, but

he just dropped a pair of soft kisses before pushing
beyond them, licking toward his hole.

"Xander?" He gasped, shivered. Chett wouldn't do

that for him. He'd never had a lover who would.

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"Hmm?" The sweet licks stopped just shy of his hole,

Xander's head rising. He supposed Xander was looking
up at him.

"You don't have to. I. I know some people don't like


"They have no idea what they're missing out on."

Xander's face pressed between his legs again, this time
the hot tongue going straight for his hole, teasing it.

He groaned and spread, legs sprawling wide.
"Yes," floated up from between his legs, and then

Xander began to lick at him, little touches to the
sensitive skin around his hole.

Oh, God. He grabbed his knees and pulled, spreading

himself, baring himself. Humming, Xander licked
harder, tongue dragging partway along his crack and
then hard over his hole. He'd never felt anything quite
like that, quite so intense, so wild. Then Xander's tongue
pushed into his body, wet and hot and spreading him
just enough to feel.

"Fuck..." The single, filthy word pushed out of him.
That seemed to spur Xander on, the hot tongue inside

him going deeper. He bucked into the penetration, cock
starting to fill again. Xander wriggled his tongue, and
then fucked him with it, pushing it in and out and in and
out. Cameron groaned, swallowed, moved on Xander's

It went on and on, Xander driving him out of his

mind. Crazy. Xander was making him crazy. It just kept
going, Xander stopping now and then to take a deep
breath, to blow against his wet hole. He shivered over
and over, nipples going tight. Xander spread his ass
cheeks with both hands, palms hot against his skin, and
dove in even deeper.

"I can't... You're. I. Your tongue." Fuck.

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His words spurred Xander on again, the man's tongue

moving faster. His cock started to try and rise one more
time. One of Xander's fingers slipped into him,
spreading him a little more than that tongue alone could

"Please..." He wasn't even sure what he was begging


Xander hummed, and the vibrations shot up through

him. His hands explored his own body, sliding over his
skin as he was driven higher and higher into absolute
craziness. He lost track of time, of everything, pleasure
all there was.

He cried out as Xander's tongue slid away, jerked as a

soft kiss landed on his balls. All he could focus on was
Xander and the need the man was building in him.

Xander pressed a tube into his hand. "Get my prick


"Yes. Yes." He got the tube open, slicked his hand.
Xander straddled his chest, waiting for his touch. He

found Xander's belly with his dry hand, then headed
south so he could find Xander's cock. Thick, hot,
swollen -- it felt great in his hand. Groaning, Xander
pushed into his touch, the tip of the hard cock leaking a
drop of liquid for him; Xander liked that.

Cameron focused on making the man move for him

again, to hear that deep, low groan again.

"You've got a great touch, Cameron." God, his name

sounded good in Xander's husky tones.

"Thank you. Your cock is so hard."
"It is. I want you."
"I'm yours." For another four whole days.
"Am I slick enough?" Xander asked, cock throbbing

in his hand.

"Yes. Yes, I need to feel you." He wanted to know

what that thick, fat cock felt like buried inside of him.

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Xander slid down his body and settled between his

legs. One was raised to Xander's shoulder, the thick
head of Xander's cock pressing against him. Damien had
assured him there wouldn't be any need for condoms,
that his lover would be clean. Not that it mattered. Not
now. But, still, it was good to know.

Xander was so hot as he pushed in, slowly, oh so

very slowly.

"Big. Full." He was so full.
Xander stilled, stopped pushing forward.
"Please. Let me feel you. I was empty so long."
"Not hurting?" Xander's voice sounded strained.
"No. Aches some, but it's good. A stretch."
"Good." Xander started pushing in again, sinking in


"Yes." Xander didn't want to hurt him. Good to

know. Cameron just wanted to feel, everything.

Xander stilled when he was all the way in and then

slowly pulled out again. Cameron's body clenched,
fighting, trying to keep Xander in. Groaning, Xander
pushed back in.

The pressure was deep, perfect. Hot.
Xander nodded, hard enough that he could see the

movement. Then it didn't matter, as Xander pushed in
and hit his gland.

His eyes rolled back into his head, his world

narrowing to his ass.

"Mmm. I think that was the spot, right there." Xander

pulled out and shifted back in again. He would have
agreed, but he couldn't speak, just nod.

Suddenly, Xander's lips covered his, the kiss hot as

Xander's prick filed him over and over again. Their skin
slapped together, bodies meeting at a furious pace, so
different than their slow build up. Panting and groaning,

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Xander filled his ears as well as his body. It was like
being surrounded in a bubble. He loved it.

Xander touched his right nipple, and then his left,

fingers fumbling a little, stuttering on his skin.

"So good. Xander. So good."
"For me, too." Groaning, Xander got his hand around

Cameron's prick, tugging on it.

"Yes. Thank you. Thank you." He'd needed, so badly.
There were no more words, Xander thrusting harder

and harder into him as his cock was stroked in a tight

His orgasm came slowly, curling down his spine,

sliding through his body.

"Oh, damn. Yes. Tight." Xander muttered and

groaned, hips jerking, snapping the thick cock into him
moments before heat sprayed deeper inside him.

That was exactly what he'd needed. Connection.


Xander bent to nuzzle his face, dropping soft kisses

here and there.

"Thank you."
"You're welcome, Cameron. And thank you. It was

lovely." Xander pulled out and cleaned him gently
before settling next to him. "The next four days are
going to be amazing."

He nodded. "The best of my life."
"Mmmhmm." Xander drew him in close, fingers

drawing designs on his skin.

It was getting dark, he thought. Or would be soon.
"You want to nap for a bit? Or have something to

eat? Another walk on the beach? Something sexy?"

"We could walk. There's supposed to be a Jacuzzi,


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"There is, at the end of the veranda. Needs to be

turned on, though. Let's do that so when we get back
from our walk the water is hot."

"That sounds fabulous. I... Do you have a cabin,


"I do. I'd like to stay here, though, with you. As we

only have five days..."

"Please. Please, you can stay." Only four and a half.
"Cool. I will." Xander kissed him, hand heavy on his


"Thank you." He stroked Xander's soft, thick hair.
"There's toys in here. On the dresser."
"Do you like toys?" He wanted to know.
"I do. Would you like to know what I can see from


"Yes, please."
"There's ropes, several thicknesses. There's dildos

and plugs, cockrings, cuffs." Xander's words conjured
up images.

He could imagine them, stacked and presented.

Looking obscene. "Wow."

"There's a paddle or two, I think. Maybe a whip, or it

could be a flogger."

"I don't want to be whipped." He thought he wanted

to be paddled, maybe, just to know how it felt.

"I won't whip you. You need... gentler sensations."
"Thank you." He let himself rest, let Xander hold


"Are you looking forward to our playing, or are you

nervous about it?" Every move Xander made, everything
he said, made Cameron feel cared for.

"I'm not nervous." That was the best thing about his

decision. He had nothing left to be scared of.

"Good. I'm going to make it the most amazing

experience you could ever imagine." Xander's fingers

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never stopped touching him, the gentle explorations
sensitizing his skin.

"You're like magic..." Did Xander have someone he

did this to at home?

"I think it's this place..." Xander's mouth slid over his

collarbone, tongue teasing his skin.

"No." It wasn’t just that. It was this place, this time,

this man.

"No?" Xander kept licking at him, tasting him.
"No. It's everything."
"Mmm. So sweet, Cameron."
"Sometimes it takes something major to make you

enjoy it." He knew that now.

"Yeah, you might have a point there."
That made him laugh, and he found himself wanting

to know more about Xander, and not wanting to know
anything at the same time.

Xander pressed a kiss to his shoulder. "If you want to

go for a walk, we should do that now before I get
distracted by all this wonderful skin."

"I'm happy here, if you are." What was he going to do

out there? See?

"Oh, then let's stay right here." Xander leaned past

him and then settled back in. "There's a menu here. We
should order our dinner so it's ready when we're

"I'll have the burger and fries." There were always

burgers and fries, and god knew he was tired of them,
but at least they were manageable.

"You sure? They have a seafood platter delight that'd

be cool to share."

"I..." He was tired of being ashamed. "I'm not so

good with things that need forks."

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"That's not going to be an issue -- I'm planning on

feeding you every decadent bite that crosses your lips
here on the island."

"Oh." Oh, God. Yes. "Then anything not a sandwich,


"Seafood platter delight it is. We'll have to see how

delightful it is."

"Works for me." It had been a year since he'd eaten

anything not finger-friendly.

Xander reached over him again, and Cameron could

hear the numbers on a phone being pressed. "We'd like
the Seafood Platter Delight for supper, please. Yes, the
Sea Breeze Cocktail will be fine. If you could have more
water brought as well, please? Thanks. Yeah, nibbles set
out for us for the rest of the evening would be great.
Breakfast? Well, I guess."

Xander slid a hand along his arm. "You want to pick

breakfast now, too? They said that way it can be ready
for us when we wake up. There's something called the
breakfast buffet -- does that sound good to you?"

"That's fine. No Pop-Tarts."
"God, those things ought to be outlawed." Xander

laughed, was still laughing as he spoke to the person on
the phone. "We'll have the breakfast buffet, please. I'm
not sure when -- we don't have a schedule. Can I call
when... okay, good. Thanks."

"There. That's our next few meals taken care of. All

we need to do is enjoy them."

"Thank you." So many fucking details.
"No problem." Xander kissed his jaw, then nipped at

his skin. "No problem at all. And we have a couple
hours before they're serving our supper."

"Excellent. I'm sorry I'm so worthless."
"What? What are you talking about? You're not


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"I can't even order supper for myself. It doesn't

matter. I'm here now."

"Really? You mean you couldn't have picked up the

phone and asked what they have? Of course you could
have." Xander cupped his cheeks, fingers sliding on his
skin. "I just enjoy caring for you, doing for you."

He leaned into the touch, tried to remember how to


"God, you're pretty." Xander's lips touched his,

tongue swiping across before disappearing.

"Pretty? Me?" How silly.
"Yeah. Very." Xander licked the hollow in his throat,

just below his Adam's apple.

That felt good, and it made him want to lift his chin,

beg for more. His right nipple got a pinch, his left a lick.
The sensations distracted him, made him twist one way,
then the other.

"Mmm. Yes, I was right. So pretty."
"Th...thank you." Please, he thought. More.
Xander hummed and licked a winding path down to

his navel. The skin next to it was bitten, the other side of
it sucked. He'd never met anyone so focused, so oral. It
was kind of stunning, having that attention for himself.

"Turn over," Xander murmured. "We're neglecting

your back."

He flipped, resting his cheek on his arm.
"Mmm. Look at all this skin I've never touched yet."
The words made him shiver, ache.
A soft kiss landed at the top of his neck, Xander's lips

warm. A shot of electricity slipped down his spine,
settled in the small of his back.

"Your skin really is lovely." Xander was such a

flatterer. Honestly, he was just a dude.

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Soft kisses worked their way down his spine. When

Xander's lips hit the center of his back, it made him jerk,

"Mmm. Sweet spot." Xander licked there.
"I." He actually scooted up, shivered.
"Hmm?" Xander licked the same spot again.
"I. That. Fuck." Cam shuddered.
"Oh, good," murmured Xander, and nibbled the skin

around that spot.

Cameron's legs drew up under him, the sensations

wild, huge. Xander's hands cradled his ass, thumbs
rubbing, one after the other, along his crack, pushing
against his hole. The world was spinning wildly, and he
held onto the bed, the sheets.

Xander cupped his balls next, then went back to

licking and kissing the skin along his spine. He panted,
chest heaving. So much sensation. Every now and then,
Xander would add a harder touch to the mix, biting or
scraping with his teeth.

"So much." He bit the words out.
"Too much?" Xander asked the question, but he bit

again before Cameron had a chance to answer.

"Please. No. Please, don't stop."
"I won't." One of Xander's hands slid along his back

and over his ass, fingernails scraping.

His butt raised, hips canting in response.
"Wanton. God. So good." Xander's voice was rough,


"Feel you. Feel you. Please."
Xander's hand slid over his ass, before smacking it.

He stilled, breathing hard. Xander squeezed, then
smacked again, fingers sharp on him.

"I. I haven't ever..." He wasn't sure exactly how he

was supposed to respond.

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"Your safeword is razor. Use it if you need it."

Xander kissed the base of his spine. "This is for you. It's
all for you."

"Okay. Okay. I will. I get it."
Xander kissed his right ass cheek. Then his left.


He nodded, squeezed his eyes shut tight. God, he

hoped so.

Xander's hand smacked across his right cheek. His

body tensed, his breath stopped while he waited for the
next blow. The soft, hot drag of Xander's tongue was
almost as shocking. Cameron gasped, and the sound
turned into a long, drawn-out moan.

"Mmm. Very nice." Xander licked his other ass cheek

and then smacked it gently.

His body rocked back, encouraging another of those

gentle, mind-blowing strokes.

"There you go. Now you're into it." Xander smacked

him again, and he would swear he could feel the outline
of each finger as it softly landed on his ass.

"Xander..." He moaned and shivered, cock aching

between his legs.

"Yeah, Cameron?" Xander's breath was hot against

his skin.

"So good. So much."
He felt Xander's smile on his skin. "Good. I want you

to feel everything."

Cam nodded. "Me, too."
"Good." Xander licked along his crack, fingernails

scraping the backs of his thighs. His toes curled.

Then Xander bit his right ass cheek, licked the left,

scratched the other thigh. Each touch made him shake a
little more, a little harder. Bites, licks, hits, scratches,
Xander kept changing the sensations, driving him

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higher. He might have begged, might have sobbed,
twisted. He was lost. Lost and anchored only to Xander.

He went up on hands and knees, shaking hard, thighs

spread wide.

"God, you're beautiful."
"I need something, please."
Xander smacked his ass, a little harder this time. A

deep little cry pushed out of Cameron.

"Oh, yeah, more like that, Cameron." Another smack

hit his ass.

He couldn't stop his groan, his sounds. The way his

body jerked back toward the touch. Xander kept
alternating sweet, hot touches with the stinging snaps of
his palm. Suddenly, he needed Xander inside him,
fucking him, making him stretch around that fat cock.

Xander's tongue slid along his crack again, fingers

digging into his ass, spreading his cheeks.

"Please!" He wanted to scream.
"Love the sound of your voice when you beg."
"I need your cock. I want to know. Need to."
"Need to know what, Cameron?"
"I need to know everything. Feel everything before

the end. I want to feel everything."

"You will, I swear." Xander's fingers pushed into his

hole, sliding in and out. "I could put my whole hand in
here. On our last day. You'd never forget this, then.

Cameron nodded. "I'd take it to my grave."
"Let's do it. We'll work up to it. On our last day, I'll

hold you in my hand."

Xander's kisses started up again, the wet tip of his

cock kissing Cameron's skin. Cameron held on, eyes
wide open, trying desperately to see Xander, just a bit.
Xander's mouth landed on his again, the kiss warm, wet,

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wicked. That distracted him enough to let him relax

Xander's prick pushed against his hole. "Ready,


"God, yes. Please. Please."
"Good." Xander pushed into him, slowly, spreading

him open.

Cameron sighed softly, took the man easily, riding

the ache. Xander kept pushing until the thick cock was
all the way in. He could feel each breath Xander took.
They leaned together, still, for long minutes. Xander
hummed, one hand sliding on his skin.

"I wish I could see you."
Xander grabbed his hands and brought them to his

body. "So look."

He groaned -- partially because he didn't want to have

to do it this way, partially because Xander felt so good.

"Look at me, Cameron." Xander's first thrust came on

the word look.

His hands started moving, exploring the broad chest,

the heavily-muscled shoulders. The bulging arms.
Xander panted and then began moving again. Long,
slow thrusts filled him over and over as he explored.
The man's belly was flat, dusted with hair.

"Great... great touch, Cameron."
"You're so hot."
"Mmm. I'm glad you think so."
"How could I not?"
Xander's mouth closed over his. His hands moved

constantly, almost distracting him from the pressure
inside him. Xander pressed kisses and licks over his

"Xander." He gripped the man's ass, tugged him in

deeper, fascinated by the way Xander's buttcheeks

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"God, you're tight." Xander kept thrusting, moving

into him.

"Been a while."
He and Chett hadn't for months before it was all

finally over.

"Lucky me." Xander sounded sincere. Even if he

wasn't, Cameron was going to go with it.

Xander moved faster, pushed in harder. Cameron

could hear each breath pushing out. He kept his hands
on Xander's ass, kept pulling the man closer, deeper.

"Yeah. Fuck." The words slipped out of Xander,

sounding husky, strained.

"Please. Please."
Xander's hand wrapped around him, tugging with

each thrust.

"Yes!" His cock throbbed, ached, his balls drawing

up tight.

"Yeah, Cameron. That's it. I can feel it."
His orgasm hit him low and deep, heat spraying from

him, splashing his belly.

"Oh, damn. Yes." Xander jerked a few times, and

then heat filled him.

"Xander." He went boneless.
Xander pulled out slowly, grabbed a tissue and gently

wiped him. He melted, eyes closing. They would have to
walk later.

Xander kissed the side of his face and kept him



There was a soft knock at the door, and Xander

kissed Cameron on the forehead. "Stay put, I'll get it."

Xander slipped his pants on, went to find the rolling

table on the front porch. He called out a "thank you," not

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sure if anyone was still in earshot or not. Grinning, he
rolled the tray into the bedroom with the beautiful bed.
Cameron looked lovely and decadent in the middle of it.

"Our supper has arrived."
"It smells good."
"It looks good, too. There's calamari and octopus,

snails, muscles, clams, shrimp, lobster. God, there's so
much here."

"I've never had some of those."
"I'm glad. I want to share all these new things with

you." He pushed the tray right to the edge of the bed and
then climbed up to join Cameron.

Cameron moved his head, tilting and lifting his chin,

obviously trying to see the food.

Xander put a bite of each thing on a plate and brought

it close, put the plate on Cameron's lap. "There a bite of
everything here. Start at twelve o'clock. Carefully, that's
the clam and it's still in its shell."

"How do you eat it?"
"You need to pull the clam out of the shell. There's a

fork for that. Now, the oyster, which is next to it, is also
on the shell, but with that one you just lift it to your lips
and suck it down. It's raw, by the way."

He took Cameron's hand and helped him find the

items on the plate. "Next is the shrimp, which they've
even taken the tail off of, so you can eat that as is with
your fingers. The scallop is next, and it looks perfectly
cooked." He leaned in to whisper in Cameron's ear.
"You can eat that from my fingers."

Cameron pinked, shivered, eyes closing. So sexy.

Xander couldn't imagine giving this one up. Why would
Cameron's ex have done so?

He picked up the scallop and held it to Cameron's

mouth. "The scallop is my favorite."

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Cameron opened, groaning as he bit down into the

sweet flesh.

"It's sweet, isn't it? And sort of melts in your mouth."

A well-cooked scallop would, and Xander was willing
to bet quite a lot that they did everything here just

"Amazing. I've never tasted one so fresh."
Xander held his fingers to Cameron's lips. "Lick them


Cameron's fingers wrapped around his wrist, then the

man's tongue lapped him clean. Xander groaned, his
cock jerking a little. Cameron was so sensual; it was
very sexy.

He wanted to know everything about Cameron. Why

was he here? Where was he from? Who had he left

"Here's the oyster," he said softly, putting the shell

into Cameron's hand.

"I just... slurp it?"
"Yeah. Just pour down your throat. Don't chew --

trust me on this."

"Don't..." Cameron's eyes went wide, moving quickly

in a show of panic.

He stroked Cameron's cheek. "Don't what?"
"Don't chew. Right. I'm a little wigged."
"We can skip the oyster, baby."
"No. No, I'll try. I'll never get another chance."

Cameron's lips parted.

He chuckled. Cameron would if he wanted to, though

maybe not as fresh as this one no doubt was. Xander
guided Cameron's hands up, the edge of the shell
landing against Cameron's lower lip. Cameron opened
up, his eyes rolling, and sucked the oyster down.

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"There you go -- you've now had an oyster. What did

you think?" Xander wasn't too fond of them himself, but
he knew some people loved them.

Cameron shook his head. "Slimy."
"Okay, no more oysters. They're really the only thing

on the plate here that I don't like myself, and hopefully
you won't find any other dislikes yourself. Lobster
next?" He loved lobster and crab, and bless them, the
kitchen had dealt with getting to the meat for them.

"Okay. Sure. Is it the tail?"
"There's tail meat, yeah. And claw meat, too. We

should see which one we think is sweeter. I understand
there's quite the debate raging about it in culinary

That made Cameron smile. "Is there?"
"Apparently." He popped a bit of claw meat into

Cameron's mouth. "That's 'A'."

He waited until Cameron had swallowed and then

popped in a piece of tail. "And that's 'B'."

"Mmm..." Cameron moaned. "B."
"Tail is it." He shifted Cameron and popped him

gently on the ass.

"Oh." Cameron shivered, shifted a little.
It made him feel so good, how easy it was to make

Cameron react. "You're such a sweet treasure."

"No one's ever called me sweet before you."
"No? I don't see why not." Who the hell had Cameron

been with?

"Cattlemen aren't sweet."
Xander chuckled. "No?"
"Not really. I mean, I'm not one anymore, but I used

to be."

He fed Cameron a shrimp. "You aren't because of

what's happening to your sight?"

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"Well, of course. We have... had. I had a ranch, but

there's no space for worthless people out there, and
people talk and stuff."

"You're not worthless, Cameron!" He didn't want to

hear Cameron saying stuff like that.

Cameron snorted. "That's nice of you to say."
"I'm not just saying it."
"What's next?"
"For the lovely man with the sensitive skin? How

about a clam." He took the little fork and pulled the clam
out, smelling. "Mmm. I think they've cooked it in a
spicy broth." He held the fork up to Cameron's lips.

Cameron opened up, nibbling. "That's not bad."
"The broth really makes or breaks the clams, I think.

Here. Calamari." He sniffed. "They've got some lemon
juice on it. It should be nice and tender."

"Squids? They don't taste like rubber bands?"
Xander chuckled. "Not if they're cooked right, no."
"Okay. Okay. I'll try."
"I'll try it first. Test it." He took one, moaning at the

taste. It melted in his mouth. "Oh, God. It's good." He
offered one to Cameron.

Cameron's lips opened, the man trusting him. He

slipped the perfect piece of calamari into Cameron's lips.

Cameron ate, humming softly. "I like that one. More,


God, it was good to see Cameron enjoying the food,

the pretty face lighting up. He popped another piece of
the silky calamari into Cameron's mouth. Cameron
crunched down, groaning softly. Someone liked those. It
made him smile, that Cameron had tried something new,
something he thought wasn't going to be good, and had
discovered how wonderful it actually was.

He fed the man another piece.

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"Thank you." Cameron was looking more alive every


"There's some king crab here. It's like the lobster,

only even sweeter. And there's some garlic butter to dip
it in."

"I love garlic."
"And if we both have it, there won't be any breath


That earned him another laugh, and Cameron nodded.
Xander dipped a chuck of crab meat into the garlic

butter and slid it between Cameron's lips. He watched
Cameron moan, lick the parted, hungry lips. He dipped
his finger into the garlic butter this time, painted
Cameron's lips with it and then leaned in and licked
them clean again. Cameron gasped, tongue touching his.
He hummed softly, letting the licking go on for awhile
before backing off a little and popping another piece of
crab into Cameron's mouth.

"I like that." Cameron reached out for him, touched

his wrist.

Xander decided that he loved Cameron's touch.


He also loved seeing Cameron relax.
He chose different things, keeping it fresh, sliding the

seafood between Cameron's lovely lips.

"Are you eating, too? You should. It's good."
"I am." He grabbed another scallop, taking a bite and

then offering the other half over to Cameron. "And I
think it's the best seafood I've ever had."

"I've never tasted better."
"We'll be spoiled for it now." He picked up a large

piece of lobster tail meat and ate half of it, feeding the
rest to his lover.

"Where do you go, when you go home?"

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"I live in a small northwest town." He kept feeding

Cameron as they talked.

"Cool." Cameron offered him a grin.
"I own a bookstore. I bet that sounds pretty nerdy to

someone who worked a ranch." It was his, though and,
nerdy or not, he loved it.

"No. No, cowboys read. Some of them, anyway."
That had him chuckling. "You, I take it? What's your

favorite book?" He slipped more food into Cameron's
mouth before the man could answer.

Cameron chewed, swallowed. "I used to like thrillers.

I liked the Patterson ones best."

"What do you like now, then?"
"What do you mean?" Cameron looked puzzled.
"You said you used to like thrillers. What do you like


"I can't read anymore. I haven't been able to for a

little over a year."

"There's audiobooks, though. They're awesome." Just

because he couldn't see, didn't mean Cameron had to
give everything in his life up.

Cameron shrugged, looked uncomfortable.
Xander tilted Cameron's chin, turning the lovely face

up to his. "What?"

Cameron's eyes rolled, searching the room. "Huh?"
"What's going on in that head of yours?" If only he

could read Cameron's mind.

"Me? I'm okay. Good."
"Hmm." He wasn't sure Cameron was good. But then

it was his job to make sure that Cameron was. He
pressed his lips to Cameron's. Cameron kissed him back,
carefully. "Have some more of this silky calamari." He
slipped another piece into Cameron's mouth.

Cameron murmured his thanks, hands still moving

idly, exploring randomly.

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"I could read to you," Xander murmured, having a

sudden vision of them curled up together in the big chair
in his living room in front of the fire place, him reading
from one book after another as they wiled away cold
winter evenings.

"You don't have to do that for me. I hate being a

bother. That's why I..." Cameron shrugged.

"It wouldn't be a bother, Cameron." He pressed

another kiss on Cameron's lips. "That's why what?"

"Why I came here. So I could have one last weekend

not being a bother."

"You're not a bother, Cameron. I'm loving every

second with you. Every second."

"Good. I am, too. I'm going to enjoy every breath."
"Cool." Xander popped another piece of garlic butter

coated lobster into Cameron's mouth. "It's because of
you, too, that I'm enjoying it so much."

"Thank you. It's been a long time since I made

anyone happy."

"Now that just isn't right. You're fantastic!" He took

himself another kiss. "You want more seafood? Dessert?

"What's for dessert?"
He did love the curious, questioning attitude

Cameron had.

"Looks like Pavlova with strawberries and kiwi. The

biggest strawberries I've ever seen, by the way. Even
bigger than the ones we had earlier." He'd want to come
back here just for the food if nothing else.

"What's a Pavlova?"
"Basically meringue, whipped cream and fresh fruit."

Which probably wasn't doing the dessert justice, but he
was pretty sure that was it.

"I love those crunchy cookies. Especially the lemon


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"Lemon meringue cookies? I don't think I've ever had

that." He grabbed a strawberry, made sure some of the
Pavlova had stuck to it, as well as a bit of whipped
cream. "Open up."

"Really? I love them." Cameron's lips parted.
"I'll make sure the kitchen knows." He pressed the

strawberry into Cameron's mouth.

Cameron bit down, eating happily, tongue cleaning

the juice from the man's lips as it dripped.

Groaning, Xander leaned in and helped, his tongue

sliding alongside Cameron's. God, Cameron was sweet,
sweeter than the fruit.

"Oh..." Those little sounds were fucking amazing.
"Another?" He asked, licking again.
"Uh-huh." Cameron's lips were open, wet. Needy.
He fed another strawberry between the lovely lips,

following it again with his tongue as sweet juices
slipped from Cameron's lips. Cameron's moans filled his
mouth as the man's hands explored him.

God, Cameron was sex on legs.
He fucked Cameron's lips with his tongue. They

shared one bite after another, the kisses going longer,
deeper between each bite. It was so easy to be with
Cameron, to be sensual. Cameron ended up in his lap,
licking and sucking at his fingertips. He held onto the
sweet bottom with one hand, the other feeding Cameron
and himself. Cameron's eyes were closed, focus on him,
on them.

"So what was your favorite thing we ate?" he asked,

when they'd finally eaten their fill.

"The calamari. You?"
"I think the scallops. Although the dessert was

stunning." It was all so good.

"Oh, God. Yes. That was amazing." Cameron

grinned. "Best dessert ever."

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"We have four more days -- I wonder if they can top


"Only four more days."
"Glass is still four-fifths full, lovely." He was not

going to let Cameron waste a second of the time he did
have here by lamenting that it would be over soon.

"It's just such a short time."
"Shh. Just live in the now. No thinking about leaving

here or even what's going to happen tomorrow."

"Right. Right, no thinking." Cameron nodded, lips

pressed together. "None."

"Just enjoyment. How did that song go? Don't worry,

be happy." He hummed a few bars of it.

“That's right." Cameron kissed him, the act hard

enough, wanton enough to leave him breathless.

He could get used to this. He could come to want it.

And it was time for him to follow his own advice. He
opened for Cameron, giving the sweet man his mouth.
Cameron's kiss was fierce, wild, holding more intensity
than he'd come to expect. He matched it, fingers sliding
through Cameron's hair. Cameron moaned, tongue
licking at his, lips parting for him.

Xander pushed Cameron back onto the bed, sliding

on top of him. Catching one leg under his arm, he spread
Cameron wide. His prick slid along the soft skin behind
Cameron's balls and nudged the sweet little hole.

"Again." Cameron's words sounded less like a

question than a plea.

He nudged again, the tip just pressing in. Cameron's

body rolled, that hot, swollen ring of muscles kissing the
tip of his cock.

"Wanton, needy man." He loved it, loved the way

Cameron begged with and without words.

"Please. In me. Again."

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He nodded and stopped teasing, pushing into

Cameron's body. It felt like the perfect sheath around
him, holding him tight. He slid all the way in, searching
for that little spot.

"So deep..." Cameron moaned for him. "So deep."
He pulled out a little and thrust back in again, hitting

Cameron's gland.

"Xander!" The shock and need in Cameron's voice

went right to his balls. He did it again, eyes on
Cameron's face. God, he couldn't believe anyone would
give this up. Ever.

He kept thrusting, the tight heat magnificent around

him, the look on Cameron's face even better.

"More. More. Oh, God. Please. Don't stop."
"Not stopping, Cameron. Don't ever want to stop."

Not ever. Not now, not tomorrow, not in five days.

"No. Never. So good. Your cock. So good."
"You, too." He moved faster, pushed in harder.
Cameron looked totally blissful, peaceful. He just

kept pounding, kept working Cameron's gland. Slowly,
that peaceful look morphed into hunger. Groaning, he
grabbed hold of Cameron's cock and began to pull.

"Yes... Harder. Harder. Never fucking come so

much." Cameron's fingers dug into his shoulders, the
nails stinging.

It spurred him on, and he shoved harder, tugged

faster on that sweet cock.

"Yes. Yes." Cameron's sweet ass rippled around his

prick, milking him.

"Fuck. Oh, damn." He kept pistoning his hips. Every

thrust was met, Cameron slamming, bucking, taking him
to the root. "Yes! Yes!" He shouted the word over and

Their skin slapped together, the sound so loud, so

fucking perfect. He pressed his thumb into the slit of

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Cameron's cock, pushing hard. Cameron cried out, shot
hard, heat spraying over his fingers. The way Cameron's
ass squeezed around his cock made him catch his breath,
moan. A moment later he was coming deep inside
Cameron's body.

They slumped to the bed, Cameron holding his

weight easily. God, he was going to be a wrung out
puddle by the time they left the island. Given the blissed
out look on Cameron's face, Xander was pretty sure he
could live with that.

Cameron's fingers brushed his cheek, the touch soft

and careful. He smiled and turned his face enough to
lick his lover's fingertips.

"I'm glad it was you. I wanted my last week to be

with someone special."

"Your last week? What are you talking about?"

Cameron's last week of what? Did he really think he'd
never find a lover who wanted him because he was

Cameron's eyes closed, face shuttered. "It doesn't


Oh, he hated that, the way the bliss and happiness

disappeared. "Shh. It's okay, Cameron. We're here and
now. Nothing else matters, right."

"That's right. You. Me. Now."
"Yeah, that's it. Just you and me, making each other

feel good." In every way possible. Xander would see to

"Yes. Yes, Xander. As good as we can."
"It's going to be wonderful. I swear." On his life, he

would make these the very best days of Cameron's life.

"I believe you." Cameron's lips brushed him.
"Good, because I mean it." He lay back on the bed

and tugged at Cameron. "Come explore me. See me with
your hands and mouth."

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Cameron came to him, cheek on his shoulder, fingers

sliding over his skin. The first touches were feather
light, then they got firmer. He tried to lie still, tried to let
Cameron simply explore, but he couldn't keep from
moving into the touches, arching under Cameron.

Cameron's lips found his nipples, first one, then the

other, the suction drawing them up to hard little points.
He arched into Cameron's mouth, hand sliding around
the man's scalp, holding him there for a moment. He
could feel the softness of Cameron's tongue, sliding,
licking, laving his sensitive skin.

"God, you're sensual." Cameron's explorations felt so


"Mmm. Taste good."
"I'm glad you think so." How had Xander gotten so


"I do. I so do." Another set of soft kisses brushed his


"Making me hard again." Cameron was like the best

aphrodisiac ever.

"I know we won't come again, but that's okay. We

can feel."

"And feel and feel and feel. Your touch is amazing."
"Thank you." Cameron traced along his sides with

both hands.

Xander hummed, his skin so alive under Cameron's


"Where did you get this scar?" Cameron asked,

fingers finding a tiny scar on his hip.

"When I was little I was playing in the kitchen with

my sister and a knife fell off the counter. It landed on
my hip." It had nearly cut his sister quite badly, but he'd
managed to push her out of the way

"Oh, man. Did you need stitches?"

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"Yeah. Three. I was lucky, though, the blade didn't

get anything important." He arched into another touch.

"Are my hands too rough?"
"Your hands are perfect."
"Good." Cameron slipped down, cheek on his belly,

hands moving down his legs.

"Pampering me." He felt so good.
"I just want to touch a while."
"Please, yes. Don't stop -- it feels so good." Like he

was the center of Cameron's universe and he was
discovering that he liked that feeling.

"I won't stop. I want you to remember me fondly."
"More than fondly, I swear."
"Good." Cameron sounded fierce somehow.
He slid his hand through Cameron's hair, stroking his

scalp. Xander didn't think he'd ever forget Cameron; it
would be impossible.

Cameron leaned down, kissed his hip, hands still

moving. He let his eyes drop closed so he could
concentrate on the touches, feel everything that
Cameron was giving him. The touches gradually
slowed, and Xander's eyelids grew heavy.

"Mmm... magical."
"Thank you."
"No, thank you." He stroked Cameron's head, fingers

tracing the man's features. The peace between them
amazed him, made him incredibly grateful. "You need
anything, Cameron?"

"No. No, I just want to stay right here."
"We can do that." He could so do that.
"Good." A soft kiss landed on his belly.
"Mmm. You can do that again." The kiss brushed

Xander's skin again, sweet as anything. "God, your
mouth is hot."

"Good." Cameron chuckled, tongue on his belly.

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He laughed, too. "That tickles."
Cameron blew a raspberry on his skin this time. He

bucked up, gasping.

"You're ticklish." Cameron chuckled, then blew


He jerked again. "Fuck! Yes. I am."
Cameron's laughter joined his, fingers digging into

his ribs and pushing hard.

"Oh, damn." He tried to curl into himself, but

Cameron's body was in the way and he wound up
jerking and jumping, laughing hard.

Cameron bounced on his belly, fingers and mouth

driving him nuts.

"Oh, fuck, fuck."
"I've got you." Cameron held him, chuckling as he

panted and laughed.

"God. I don't think I've laughed so hard in a very long


"I know I haven't. Thank you."
"No, thank you." He chuckled and tugged Cameron

up, brought their lips together.

He took in the sight of Cameron -- relaxed, easy,

happy. It was a good look on the man. He thought he
probably looked the same way. Cameron's eyes moved
restlessly, but every other part of the man felt melted.

He kissed Cameron's forehead and pulled him close.

"Naptime, hon."

"Naptime." Cameron rested down into him.
"Yeah. Just like that."

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Chapter Four

Cameron listened to Xander snore. He listened for a

long time, then he slipped out of the bed, slowly making
his way to the door so he could listen to the night time,
the ocean.

There were pills in his bag, enough to do the job, but

part of him wanted to walk into the ocean and simply

He heard Xander's footsteps a moment before the

man's arms came around him, Xander's heat pressing
against his back.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." He wasn't going to

waste a second of his time.

"I'd rather be awake with you here than asleep alone

in the bed." Xander kissed the top of his head. "It's
beautiful; you want to go for a walk?"

"I'd love that. It's dark, yes?"
"It is. The sky looks amazing. A billion stars."

Xander took his hand and led him from the porch.

The sand moved under his feet, shifted, slid. Xander

let go of his hand and slid an arm around his waist,
pulling him into the warmth and strength close to him.

"Thank you. Is it pretty where you're from?"
"It's nice. Not as pretty as this, though."
Cameron wished he could see it. "It smells so exotic."
"Ocean and breezes, palms and flowers. It is exotic."
"Where I came from, nothing was exotic. Cow shit,

wind, and cold."

Xander squeezed his hip. "I don't know, to a city boy

even cow shit seems kind of exotic."

That made him laugh. "The mustangs are exotic,


"You're talking horses now and not cars, right?"
"Yes. Wild mustangs, although the cars aren't bad."

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"How cool is that? You had those on your property?

Or in the area at least? I guess they weren't yours if they
were wild..."

The sand got wet beneath their feet.
"They run in a protected area, mostly, but we had a

little herd on our..." No. Not his. "On Chett's property."

"Sounds like you already were in touch with magical,

even before you came here."

"I used to be, yes. Once upon a time." Once when he

was a whole man, useful.

"And now you are again." Xander kissed the side of

his mouth. "Although, I think half the magic of this
place is because of you."

"That's a sweet thing to say."
"I mean it, Cameron. I can't imagine being here with

anyone else."

"Thank you." He sighed softly as they walked. He

focused on the feel of the sand under his feet.

"Waves are coming," murmured Xander, and a

moment later water ran over his feet like a blanket of
wet before disappearing again.

"How fast do you think the water gets deep here?"
"Probably not very. I mean everything else it perfect,

so why not the beach? I bet we could go quite far out
and then there'll be a sandbar before it gets really deep."

"Oh." That was a long way to chicken out.
"We'll have to wander out tomorrow."
"Yeah, we should. See how far we can go before it's

too far while the sun is out." More water rushed up over
his feet.

Cameron nodded, smiled at the warm caress of the


"How far do you want to walk?" Xander asked him.
"Forever." He laughed a little, self-conscious.

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"Forever it is." Xander kept them moving, the sand

still wet under their feet, the waves occasionally rushing
up to them.

"Tell me why you chose this place?" He knew why

he'd come.

"Because it's warm, it's beautiful, and they said they

could find me you."

"You wanted a worthless cowboy?"
Xander made a pshaw sound. "That's not how I'd

describe you, Cameron. Not at all."

He didn't know how to respond to that.
"You're handsome and sweet and funny, and maybe

the most sensual man I've ever met."

"Thank you." He leaned into Xander's strength.

"You're exactly who I asked for, too."

"Good, I'm glad. I want to be exactly right for you."
"You are."
Xander was perfect.
Xander dropped a kiss on his lips. "Thanks."
He held on tight, just for a second. Xander deepened

the kiss for another second, and he could feel the man's
smile as their lips parted.

"You're happy, huh?" This might be his fantasy, but it

was important that Xander was happy.

"Yeah. Very. You, too, right?"
"I am. I'm trying to put everything into this time, you


"Yeah, it's a special time. Making wonderful

memories." Xander stopped and turned him, drew him
close again.

Xander's kiss opened his mouth. Cameron groaned,

licking into Xander's lips. He just needed to forget.
Xander took one kiss after another, everything else
slowly falling away. He stepped into Xander's body,
arms wrapped around the broad shoulders. Xander's

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hands landed on his ass, squeezed his buttocks, made
them ache, the burn from the earlier spanking still there.

"I can't believe I let you spank me. It was so good."
"That's why you let me." Xander rubbed him gently.

"There's more stuff I can do to you, more stuff I want to

"Please. I want to experience everything."
"You will. Well, nothing harsh. You aren't the type to

enjoy harsh."

"No. No, I've had enough harsh." Chett sitting at the

table and explaining that there wasn't room at the ranch
for someone who couldn't work and folks would start to
talk, start to wonder. That was harsh.

"But that leaves all sorts of wonderful things for us to

explore. I'm going to rock your world."

"Okay." He nodded, smiled, eager. "Yes, please."
Xander's arm slid back around his waist and they

started walking again, the breeze off the ocean delicious.

"Can you tell me about you? I promise it won't leave

here. I just want to know about you." He wanted to
know absolutely everything.

"Sure. You know I own a bookstore in a small town.

What else do you want to know?"

"Everything. When's your birthday? What's your

house look like? Do you have a lover back home?"

"I don't have anyone back home. I wouldn't have

come if I did." He couldn't quite tell if Xander sounded
affronted or amused.

"That's good to know, really."
"I live over the bookstore. It's not a big place, but it

has everything I need." He recognized that tone, though;
it was pride of place.

"What's it look like? Do you have a neat view?"
"The bookstore is on a street where most of the

buildings have been restored, renovated. It's a little artsy

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fartsy, but I like it. My apartment has four rooms, old
wood floors, slanted ceilings. It's old, but redone and
cute and home."

"That sounds fantastic." He could imagine it, clear as

a bell.

"It is, really. I have an eclectic collection of furniture,

lots and lots of bookshelves, and a fireplace."

"Cozy. I can imagine you in a space like that." He

liked thinking about Xander somewhere like that.

"I can imagine us both there, actually. Sitting by the

fire, me reading to you."

That thought made him smile. "Can you? That is a

beautiful thought."

"Mmmhmm. It is. I'll feed you fruit, and we'll listen

to the fire crackle."

Cameron nodded, letting himself fantasize. "Making

love by a fire is always magical."

"Yeah. It is." Xander stopped them again, mouth

pressing against his.

Each kiss made him fall a little bit harder for this

decent, peaceful man. Xander's hand came up to cup the
back of his neck, tilting his head, the kiss pressing
deeper. The world spun a little bit, shifted under his feet,
and he let himself trust Xander to hold him up.
Moaning, Xander deepened the kiss even further.
Cameron held on, the sand sliding under his feet.

"We should make out on the beach. Like in that old


That made him laugh, the sound ringing out, pure


Xander lifted him up and the next thing he knew he

was lying on the sand, Xander on top of him and kissing
him as the waves splashed over their legs. He gasped,

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the world spinning faster and faster underneath him.
Wild. This was wild.

Xander pushed a leg between his and began to rub

against him, cocks pushing through their clothing. He
spread and arched, gasping into Xander's mouth as water
lapped at his balls through his shorts. They rolled and
rolled, Xander rubbing and kissing, making him feel

He'd never been so wild, so out of control, and

outside to boot.

He was on top, then Xander was, then him again.

Each kiss was wilder than the last. They moaned,
laughed. They bit at each other, cackling together. Their
bodies humped together over and over, and suddenly he
was close to orgasm. He grabbed Xander's ass, his body
jerking convulsively.

"Oh, God, Cameron." Xander humped against him

and then froze.

"Yes." He couldn't stop laughing.
"Oh, God, so good." Xander half collapsed, panting


"Thank you. Thank you for this."
"Are you kidding? It was my total pleasure." Xander

licked at his lips. "You're something else. Something

He smiled, chased Xander's lips. He didn't have to

chase them far; Xander soon pressed them together, the
water still whooshing up around them. He gasped, the
water making it all insane, wild. Perfect.

"You gonna come for me?" Xander asked, rubbing

against him some more.

"My balls are going to dry up," he teased, feeling

almost young, whole.

"Yes. I want every last drop of pleasure you have."

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He gasped, his toes curling at Xander's words.

Xander's hand pushed between them, rubbing against
him through his wet shorts.

"More." He arched up, rubbed a little harder.
Xander's hand pushed into his shorts, wrapping

around his prick. There was a hint of scrape from the
sand, a distant ache. Xander worked him nice and hard,
thumb playing with the tip.

"I... Yes." Yes. Please. Now.
Xander's mouth covered his again, hand moving hard

and fast on him. Cameron screamed out his pleasure, his
need, his balls aching as he came again. Xander pressed
kiss after kiss on him, hand tugging, pulling every last
drop from him. It left him melted, a little shaken.

Xander's hand slid away, soft lips pressing against

his. The water splashed around them, coming up to his
thighs now.

"I could just stay here, let the water take me away."
"Oh, no, we have four more days together. Well, I

guess closer to three and a half now. I'm not letting
anyone have you before our time is up."

"Okay. Three and a half days and then you can let the

water sweep me off. Deal?"

"Yeah. Maybe I can let mother nature have you."
"That works." He grinned, fingers reaching up,

touching Xander's face, feeling that smile.

Xander's lips slid over his fingertips, pressing kisses

to them.

This was perfect.
And he was going to be thankful for every second.

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Chapter Five

Xander snuggled deeper under the covers and pulled

the warm body next to him closer. He wasn't ready to
get up yet, but the sun was shining brightly and he could
smell the ocean on the breeze. He could smell Cameron,

Oh, Cameron. Right. He was on the island, having

the best fantasy ever.

He slowly opened his eyes. Cameron's eyes were

open, searching the room, filled with desperation, loss,
an unbearable sadness.

"Cameron..." He reached out, fingers sliding on

Cameron's cheek.

"Good morning." Cameron's eyes closed, and he

rubbed against Xander's touch.

"What were you thinking about?"
"Huh? Me? Just lying here."
"Yeah?" He leaned in and nibbled at Cameron's


"Yeah. God, you feel good."
"Mmm. Glad you think so." He pressed close to

Cameron, his morning wood dragging over the man's

"I do. I can almost see you."
"Yeah? What do I look like?" He shifted to straddle

Cameron, face close as he looked into Cameron's pretty

"Big. Dark skinned."
He smiled and took Cameron's hand, brought it up to

his face. "What else?"

"You have amazing laugh lines. Strong cheek bones.

A beautiful smile."

"Mmm. I love your hands."

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Cameron smiled. It blew Xander's mind, that

Cameron didn't seem to know anything about being
blind. He kissed one fingertip, then another.

"Your lips are warm, too." He smiled against them.

Cameron responded, fingers moving faster, exploring
him. "God, your hands really do feel amazing."

"I like touching you."
"That works out really well as I love you touching

me." He leaned in to take a soft kiss.

Cameron pushed close, rubbed against him. Their

erections slid together, bumping and nudging, sending
jolts through his body.

"Good morning," Cameron said again. That sadness,

that loss was gone, and Xander felt about twenty feet

"It is, isn't it? Good, I mean."
"Yes. The best one in years."
He beamed down at Cameron. Definitely twenty feet

tall. Maybe even thirty. Cameron's fingers traced his
mouth again, saw his smile. He moved against Cameron,
hips making lazy pushes against his lover's belly.

"You're my wet dream. I don't know how they found

you, but I'll always be grateful." Cameron said the most
amazing things.

"Your wet dream. I think I like that."
"It's the truth." Cameron kept touching him, hands

moving down to his chest.

"I want it to be. I want to be everything you've ever

wanted." He wanted to be more than Cameron wanted.

"You already have been."
"Awesome." He brought their lips together again, the

kiss eager, happy.

They had a whole day ahead of them, whatever

games they wanted to play available to them. He had a
few ideas in mind, soft and sensual ways to blow

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Cameron's mind. He wanted to keep that curiosity, that
joy in those fading eyes.

He nibbled at Cameron's lips, moaning as the

exploring hands found sweet spots on his body. Every
moan made Cameron smile. It made him draw them out,
made him more vocal than usual. Cameron responded
beautifully, hands on him, adoring him.

"You make me feel so good, Cameron."
"I want to. I want to make someone feel good." There

shouldn't have to be that hint of desperation in
Cameron's voice.

"I'll gladly volunteer to be that someone every single


Cameron smiled for him, nodded. "Three more days."
"Shh. It doesn't seem long enough." Not nearly long


"I know."
He pressed their mouths together, using the kiss to

push away thoughts about how long they had left; live in
the moment.

He had plans for today. A dildo, a plug, a cockring.

Listening to Cameron scream with pure, unadulterated
pleasure. Just thinking about it made his cock ache a
little, and he rubbed them together.

"Mmm." Cameron grinned, fingers sliding over his


Bending, he took Cameron's right nipple between his

lips, rolling it and then licking when it hardened up for

"Oh. Oh, that's so hot..." The tiny bit of skin drew up


"Burning. You ever thought of getting some

jewellery for these pretty little nubs?"

"Me?" The look of pure shock on Cameron's face

tickled the hell out of him.

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"Yeah, you. You'd look really good with a little

jewellery here and there."

Cameron's lips opened and closed, over and over.

Chuckling, he slipped his tongue inside. His fingers
pinched one little nipple, hard. Cameron bucked for him,
and he pinched again. Yeah, a little ring, right there, just
to drive Cameron out of his mind.

Xander wondered if they had a piercer here on the

island. He wondered if Cameron would let him do it; the
man could always take it out when he left. A tiny little
ring, right there, marking Cameron. He slid down, licked
and nibbled at the bit of flesh.

"Sharp teeth. Sharp teeth. Fuck." Cameron's words

had him biting harder.

Cameron jerked, that sweet cock filling for him, the

tip kissing his belly. Yes. He licked his way over to
Cameron's other nipple. Cameron's hands opened and
closed, lips parted as the man waited for him. He took
his time, letting the tension build. The air felt heavy,
heady, the electricity between them suddenly fierce.

He got to Cameron's nipple, breathed against it.

Cameron didn't move, but that tiny bit of flesh went rock
hard, calling for him. Groaning, he flicked it with the tip
of his tongue, and then he grabbed it between his lips
and sucked hard. The sound of his name split the air,
sharp and short. His hips jerked in response, driving his
prick along Cameron's skin.

"Yes..." Cameron pushed up, offering him more

sensation, more friction.

He nodded in agreement, biting this time as he slid

along Cameron's body.

"Fuck. Oh, fuck. That's..."
Hot. It was blistering hot. That's what that was.

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"Yeah, it is." He bit again, licked, then bit, keeping

Cameron guessing as to which sensation was coming

Cameron's fingers hiccupped over him, stuttering. He

loved that, how what he did made Cameron react. His
fingers found Cameron's other nipple, and he plucked at
it. Hard and hot, the little bit of flesh fascinated his
fingers. He stroked it, feeling the texture and warmth of

"So good. Feel that deep."
"Down in here?" He pressed his hand flat against

Cameron's belly.

Cameron moaned, arched into his touch. "Lower."
He slid his hand lower, to the base of Cameron's

cock. A deep sound left Cameron, the man's hips rolling
up. He turned his hand, cupping Cameron's cock.

"E...even lower. Feel you in my balls."
"Oh." Beaming, he reached down to cup Cameron's


"Yes." Cameron's eyes crossed.
He bent again, holding Cameron's balls firmly in his

hand as he bit at the right nipple again.

"Oh, sweet fuck." There was nothing but pure bliss in

Cameron's voice.

Fuck, yes, he was piercing Cameron's nipples today if

they could arrange it. He pulled a little on the sweet
balls in tandem with tugging on Cameron's nipple.

"Oh. Oh. Oh." Cameron was flying, soaring for him.
Xander did everything he could to drive Cameron


"Please don't stop."
"Not until you come for me." It was his promise.
"Thank you. God, so good. I didn't know..."
"Now you do." He moved to the other nipple and bit

the tip, then took it between his lips and tugged hard.

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"Yes!" He doubted Cameron had any idea what he

was agreeing to.

He flicked his tongue back and forth across the hard

little nub, slid his hand back to rub along the soft skin
beyond. Cameron's balls. There could be rings there, or
a tattoo. A mark. He wanted it all. He wanted more than
the few days they had left.

He wanted Cameron.
Xander moaned, blinked at himself. He wanted

Cameron. He bit hard at Cameron's nipple, driving his
cock against the man.

"Please. More. Want to feel you."
He slid his hand back farther, pushing a finger

against Cameron's hole. Cameron bore down
immediately, accepting him in, taking him easily.

"God, you're hot and tight." So very good.
"Need you. Please. I... Can you... Fuck." Cameron's

cheeks were bright red.

"Oh, I want to hear what you want to ask."
"Your mouth. I. Again. Will you?"
"Where do you want it, love?" He wanted -- no he

needed -- to hear Cameron say it.

"On. On my nipple. Please. It's so hot."
Smiling, he blew on Cameron's nipple. Cameron's

hole tightened, squeezed his finger. He pressed his
finger deeper and wrapped his lips around Cameron's
nipple, tugging. Cameron's body moved in time with his
suction, and when he bit down again, Cameron jerked
for him, nearly coming. Moaning, he pressed another
finger in with the first, bit down.

"Yes!" Cameron pushed up into his mouth, asshole

jerking convulsively as spunk spread between them.

Groaning, he bent farther and licked at the cream on

Cameron's belly.

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"Oh, God. Xander. So good." Cameron sounded wild,


"It is. You are."
He kept cleaning, his fingers opening Cameron up,

stretching him. Cameron bore down, riding him, cock
never even going soft. He slid in a third finger and
wrapped his lips around Cameron's left nipple this time,
playing and nibbling and biting it at random. His sweet
man never hesitated, just rode him, rode the sensations.

He worked Cameron open for as long as he could

stand it, and then he pulled his fingers away and settled
with his cock between Cameron's legs.

"God, yes. Yes. Please."
He slid into Cameron's body, slowly sinking in to the

root. The tight heat grasped at him, held him. Cameron's
lips were open, eyes still, body focused on him. He
tugged Cameron's lower lip into his mouth, sucking.
Cameron's fingers moved over his face, trailed over his
skin. He moaned softly, letting Cameron know how
good it was as his hips started to move.

"Want to feel you forever." The words were barely


"Me, too." It made him soar, hearing that Cameron

might feel the same as he did.

"Oh... why can't I see you?"
"You can." He dragged Cameron's hand back to his


Cameron cried out, fingers searching him, the touch

frantic. He closed his eyes and let Cameron look his fill,
hips moving slowly, carefully. Cameron moaned,
fingers moving and moving before slowing, finding his
rhythm. He turned his head to kiss Cameron's palm, then
went back to thrusting, to filling Cameron over and

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Cameron met each thrust, focused on him, focused on

the moment. He slid one hand to Cameron's tempting
right nipple, tugging on it.

"Yes..." Fuck, his lover was fine.
He couldn't wait to get rings on the pretty nipples. He

pushed in harder, hips picking up speed. Cameron met
his thrusts, the man in tune with him, in touch. God, it
was so good, Cameron like the hottest, tightest vise.

"Yours." Cameron tightened, jerked around him.
He shivered, thrust again, harder this time. Cameron's

body pulled at him, kept him deeper.

"God. Cameron." He nodded, thrust even harder.

"Mine." Cameron so was; and he wasn't the only one
who felt it.

Cameron nodded, tongue flicking out, tasting his lips.

He groaned, or maybe whimpered, rocking in harder,
leaning in to press their lips together. Cameron's tongue
pressed into his lips, touching him, tasting him. His
tongue met Cameron's, his body pushing harder. His
sweet lover was close, needy, ass jerking around him.

He held on to his own orgasm, wanting to be sure

Cameron came again before he got lost in his own

"I . I. You..." Sweet man.
"You first, Cameron." He thrust harder, catching hold

of the long cock.

"I..." Cameron arched, heels banging on the mattress.
"Come on. Let it have you." He couldn't hold back

for much longer. He just couldn't.

"Yes." Cameron arched, bucked.
Xander pushed his thumb into Cameron's slit. Heat

sprayed over his fingers, Cameron grunting his name.

"Yes!" He slammed in a few more times, then came.
Cameron's legs wrapped around him, held him close.

He collapsed down, letting Cameron take his weight.

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"Have you. I have you."
"Mmm. You do, Cameron. You've so got me." More

than he'd ever planned for, more than he'd expected.

Cameron kissed his cheek, hummed softly.
"I'm going to call the uh... whatever passes for a front

desk here. I want to find out if they have a piercer
available." Xander just couldn't wait.

"A piercer?"
"I want to put rings in these." He slid his hands along

Cameron's chest, found and tweaked both nipples.

"I..." Cameron arched under him, and Xander knew

his lover would have come if he could have.

"It doesn't have to be permanent." But god, he wanted

them to be. He wanted to pierce and tattoo Cameron, to
mark Cameron as his own.

"Do you want them to be?"
Xander met Cameron's eyes, even though he knew it

was unlikely Cameron could really see him, and nodded.
"I do. I want to know they're always there. That I did
that. That you let me. That it got you off."

Those pretty blue eyes moved restlessly, randomly.

"I'd let you do anything, I think."

"That could be dangerous, letting me know that."

There was a lot he could do. A lot he wanted to do, his
mind jumping from one thing to another.

"You won't hurt me."
"No, but I might decorate you." Make you mine. He

managed to keep the words to himself. It was too soon,
wasn't it?

"Anything. I have nothing to lose here."
"Thank you." He took Cameron's mouth and then slid

to the side, eager to make the call, to find out if any of
the things he was imagining would be possible.
Cameron's hand stayed on his side, keeping them
connected. Keeping them together.

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He called down to the front desk, his own hand

sliding along Cameron's hip.

"Good morning, Sir. How can we help you?"
"Hi, I was wondering if you have a piercer available.

Specifically for nipple rings." His hand slid along
Cameron's hip.

"Absolutely. We have a body mod specialist on


"Oh, that's great. Can I arrange an appointment for


"Would you like to go to a studio or have someone

come to you?" This place was amazing.

"We'd like to have someone come here, please."

Cameron would be more comfortable in a place he'd
gotten familiar with.

"Yes, sir. Do you have a time in mind?"
He looked over at Cameron. "I think later this

evening." He wanted to let the anticipation build.

Cameron's face was relaxed, hands moving over his


"How does eight p.m. sound to you?"
"It sounds perfect. Thank you."
"You said nipple piercing. Should he be prepared to

do any other services for you?"

"That's all for now. I assume he does tattoos as well?"

Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. "Never mind.
Eight is good, thank you."

"He does, sir. Piercings, tattoos, extreme mods. He's


"Oh, okay, cool. I'll let you know if there's anything

else later on."

He hung up and turned to Cameron. "It’s all set."
"Oh. Wow. That easy?"
"Yeah, that easy."

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He curled back up against Cameron. "Tonight at


"You'll have to tell me what time it is."
It stunned him, how Cameron had none of the coping

skills that his sister had -- talking watches, audio books,
even a cane. "Did you leave your aids at home?"

"Talking clock, cane, you know, things that help you


"I don't have any."
Xander blinked. "What? None? But that's... how do

you... really?" He didn't understand that.

"How do I what?" Cameron looked honestly


"Do things on your own. I mean, you've been losing

your sight for a while, right?"

"Eighteen months. I was okay until about three

months ago; I did okay. Then I didn't and, well, it was
the beginning of the end."

"What are you going to do when you get home?"

Cameron would need help until he learned to do things
for himself.

"I'm not going home. I don't have anywhere to go."
"I don't get it, Cameron."
Cameron pulled away from him. "You have to

understand. I was a cowboy. I was worth something for
a while there. But it's like my ex says, two men can't live
together when one is broke. Folks talk. And he was still
a whole person, so I sold out and bought a ticket and a
weekend here. He helped me get enough pills to end it,
but I'm thinking that's messy and the guys here have
been great, so maybe I'll just walk out into the ocean."

"You... that..." Xander was, frankly, stunned. He

shook his head. He hadn't understood, right? Right?

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"It's okay. I've made peace with it, and you... You're

like magic, Xander. Pure magic."

He shook his head again. "No. No, I won't let you do

it." He wasn't letting go of Cameron.

"I have to. I'm not worth anything anymore."
"That's not true!" The words exploded from him in a


Cameron's eyes went wide, the man retreating, falling

off the edge of the bed with a thump.

"Cameron!" He vaulted over the bed, pulling

Cameron off the floor, pulling him close. "It's not true,
it's not true. You're magic, Cameron."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't going to tell you, but... I trust


"I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you have nothing to

go back to, because that means you're free to come
home with me. To live a full, wonderful life with me."
He wanted to kill Cameron's ex. Kill him a lot.

"I don't have anything to offer you. Not a dime. No

skills. I can't even shave myself."

"You are magic, Cameron. Absolute magic. You

have lots to offer me, and you can learn how to shave
yourself, trust me." He pressed their foreheads together.
"Don't tell me being blind makes you a useless waste of
space. My sister is blind, and she has a good life. She
has value. And so do you."

"I can't even support myself, Xander."
"Not as a cowboy, no. But I'm betting there's lots of

stuff you can do, or learn to do."

Cameron's face was a study in loss. "What? What can

I do? I can't see. I can't work. I don't..." His voice
dropped. "I don't even know how to start figuring out
what to do."

"I'll help you. You don't have to do it all alone. I can't

believe your ex dumped you like this. That was really

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cowardly of him." It was so hard not to shout and yell
and let Cameron know how angry he was that Cameron
felt like he had to give up.

"He was right. I'm no good to him, and he'd lose

everything, backing me."

Xander couldn't believe Cameron was just rolling

over and taking that. "Well, you're good to me, and I'm
going to back you." Xander wasn't letting Cameron end
his life. Not when they had so much between them.

"I don't even know how to answer that."
"You don't have to answer it. I'm taking you home

with me." It was as simple as that. Cameron was not
walking into the ocean never to return.

Cameron blinked. "What?"
"You said you had nowhere to go; now you do." He

wasn't taking no for an answer, either.

"I... You can't mean that."
"If you can mean it that you're going to end it after

this week, I can mean it that I'm bringing your home
with me." And he did. Truly. It was the perfect solution,
but more than that, it was what he wanted.

"Why would you do that? I can't give you anything."
"Cameron, haven't you been listening to everything

I've said over the last couple days? You're magic."

Cameron's eyes were wild, searching everything, the

man's breath coming fast. He put his hands on
Cameron's cheeks and pressed their foreheads together.
"I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm blind."
"So?" That wasn't the be all and end all of the man.

Now he just needed to convince Cameron.

"Didn't you hear me?"
"I don't think you being blind is the fatal catastrophe

you seem to think it is." He was still floored that
Cameron had just bought into his ex's bullshit.

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"It's so scary. I don't know what to do."
"I know it's scary, but I'm here, okay? Right here, and

I won't leave you to go through it alone." Cameron
wouldn't have to do anything alone ever again.

Cameron's hands found his face, looking at him. He

closed his eyes and let Cameron have all the time he
needed to see.

"Are you real? Is this a lie?"
"I'm real, Cameron. And I mean it. When our time

here is over, I want to keep you. The feeling's been
growing since our first day here. Knowing you don't
have anything to go back to just makes it that much
easier to work out the logistics."

"I don't know what to say. You're like everything I


"You don't have to say anything more than yes, you'll

come home with me." Those were the words he'd
wanted to hear for a while now. He almost couldn't
believe that it was going to be this easy to hear them.

Cameron's lips opened. "Just like that?"
"Just like that. We can have that scene, Cameron. The

one where we're sitting in front of the fire, me reading to

"I... I want to. I want to be important."
"You're important to me, Cameron. More important

than anything in a long time." He had to make Cameron
believe him.

Cameron moved into his arms, hid in the curve of his


He stroked Cameron's back. "Shh. I have you."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"What kind of man comes and falls apart in a

stranger's arms?"

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He was really going to go and kill Cameron's ex.

Slowly and painfully. "We're not strangers anymore,

He felt the soft little chuckle. "No. No, I don't

suppose we are."

"It's all going to be okay, Cameron. You'll see." It

occurred to him how, really, Cameron wasn't going to
see, and he snorted, tickled. "You'll learn my apartment
and the bookstore and be comfortable there. Do you like

"I love dogs. I had three at the ranch."
"Then we'll get you on the list for a dog."
It wasn't going to be easy-peasy or anything, but not

being able to see wasn't the end of the world, and
Xander knew that, before Cameron even realized it, so
many things would be second nature. It certainly wasn't
something to off yourself over.

He tried not to tense up and growl about that again,

though. Not now. Not here. This place was for joy, for
feeling, for learning each other.

"I don't know... I'm not good at being good at

nothing." Cameron's fingers kept exploring him.

"Oh, we'll find you stuff to be good at. Stuff aside

from making me feel incredible, I mean." He loved how
his words made Cameron's touch different. "But we
don't have to worry about that now. Now we focus on
just each other, just this." He leaned in and licked behind
Cameron's ear, tongue playing there. "I'm having your
nipples pierced this evening."

"Oh, God." Cameron pressed closer, clinging.


"Because you love it so much when I play with them,

and because when we go home the rings will be there, a
souvenir of our time here."

"What did you want? What was your fantasy?"

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"I wanted someone to love on. Someone to care for

who wasn't a pushy bottom." He smiled, bringing
Cameron's hand to his face so his lover could feel it. "I
didn't know you or your name, but I asked for you."

"I just asked to have someone help me feel

everything I could."

"I'm glad you weren't someone they'd hired for my

fantasy." Then Cameron wouldn't have been his.

"No. No, this took everything. It was my last hurrah."
"Now it's the beginning of your hurrah." Xander

would make sure Cameron always knew he was loved,
cared for, wanted, useful. Still alive and functional. He
still couldn't believe no one had helped Cameron, taught
him. It was criminal.

He was here now, though. Cameron was his and

would learn just how full his life could be. They'd learn
this together.

"I want to suck you. I want you to suck me."
"Fuck, yeah." No hesitation, no worry. Cameron was

right with him.

He made a happy noise in the back of his throat and

shifted, dragging the sheet off Cameron as he moved to
his hands and knees over the man. He took a lick of
Cameron's cock and then looked down his body to
Cameron's face. "My prick is about an inch from your
lips." He was hot and hard and wet at the tip, and he
wanted to feel the heat of Cameron's mouth on him.

"I can smell you."
Cameron's mouth pushed onto his cock, the suction

wild, immediate, and fierce. Xander might have
answered, but he couldn't do more than moan loudly.

Ravenous. Cameron was ravenous.
He just felt for a moment longer, and then took the

tip of Cameron's cock into his mouth. Cameron arched,
cock just spreading his lips. He tickled the tip with his

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tongue. Cameron spread, heels digging into the mattress.
He loved that, loved how he could make Cameron lose
it. Not that Cameron's mouth wasn't doing a great job of
making him nuts. It was everything he could do not to
simply fuck Cameron's mouth, take it hard.

Cameron's hands wrapped around his thighs, tugging

him in deeper. He let his hips press his cock in, even as
he pulled Cameron's prick farther in. Cameron's groans
and cries vibrated around his cock. He hummed, took
Cameron deep into his throat. He was going to have
bruises on his thighs, Cameron gripped him so tight.

Xander concentrated on sucking, on working

Cameron's prick with his tongue. Cameron was working
him, too, taking him into that hot, amazing throat. He
whimpered as the tension built between them, his balls
beginning to ache. Cameron's fingers brushed his sac,
nudging his balls. He could feel his orgasm building,
and he sucked harder on Cameron's cock, not wanting to
come on his own.

He traced Cameron's hole, touching the swollen,

heated ring of muscles. He was going to put his hand
inside Cameron before they left the island. Like
Cameron had heard his thoughts, the tight little hole
clenched. Groaning, he pushed his finger in deeper,
sucked harder on Cameron's prick.

His. He'd dreamed forever of having a lover,

someone who was focused on him. He couldn't believe
what was supposed to be a five-day fantasy was going to
be forever. How did he get so lucky? So happy?

He started bobbing his head, taking Cameron in

deeper and deeper. Cameron answered each motion with
a moan, a suck of his own. He found Cameron's gland
with his finger, pushing against it. He grinned when
Cameron jerked, bucked on his touch. He swallowed
around the tip of Cameron's cock.

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"Fuck!" Spunk splashed on his tongue, his cock

popping out of Cameron's lips.

He swallowed hard, taking Cameron in. Salt and heat

and his. His. He pulled off slowly, licking the whole

He felt Cameron's breath on the tip of his cock, then

those lips found his prick again. "Oh. Oh, fuck. Yes."

His words made Cameron suck harder, pull deeper.

His hips began moving, though he tried not to push too
deep. That hungry mouth devoured him, swallowing
around the tip of his cock. He pushed harder, deeper,
taking his cue from Cameron that his lover could take it,
wanted it. Hands wrapped around his hips, tugging him

"Oh, God. Cameron." He pushed hard a couple of

times, his ass cheeks clenching as he came.

His sweet man drank him down, licking and sucking

and moaning. He gasped, trying to catch his breath.

"Xander." His balls were kissed, cock cleaned.
"Cameron. Thank you. God, that was amazing."
"Uh-huh." Those arms were still around him.
He kissed the base of Cameron's cock, his legs

beginning to shake a little. Cameron eased him down,
cradling him on that firm body. He kissed Cameron's
thighs, nuzzled them. He needed a shave. Of course, so
did Cameron. They could bathe together, he could wash
and shave his lover, make it something wonderful.

He slid off Cameron, grabbed the man's hand. It told

him something, how Cam just sat up, trusted him. "You
remember me telling you about that huge tub in the
bathroom here?"

"I do, yeah." Cam pinked. "I probably need to brush

my teeth."

"Yeah, we can do that, too. But I was thinking a bath

and shaving." He slid his fingers over Cameron's cheeks.

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"Shaving your lover can be very sensual. It's so intimate,
you know?"

Cameron looked down, cheeks heating. "You think

so? Not embarrassing?"

"Embarrassing? God, no. We'll do it and you'll se--

feel. It'll be kind of amazing."

"I just paid to have the barber do it."
"Oh, it'll be my pleasure to do it for free." He tugged

Cameron toward the bathroom, pointing the man toward
the toilet while he started the water running.

The tub was huge, but it filled fairly quickly. He put

some sandalwood oil in, and he heard Cameron sniff.
"That's nice."

He still couldn't quite comprehend why no one had

done these little things for Cameron before. Cameron
flushed, moved carefully along the wall of the bathroom.

"You're doing great. I'm two more steps in front of


"Okay." Cameron was pretty good at listening,


He took hold of Cameron's hand as he came into

range. Then the other one. "Forward another half a step
and you're coming down into the tub.

"Down? It's in the floor?"
"Yeah, there's a couple of steps into it. You're right in

front of it, though, and I have your hand. You're fine."

"I can't do this forever. I can't keep never knowing

where things are..."

"You'll learn where things are at home, and you'll

have a dog and a cane for places you aren't familiar
with. And it'll get easier." He guided Cameron down the
little stairs into the tub.

Cameron's eyes were a little wild, frightened, but

Cam trusted him, followed.

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"Very good," he offered the praise as Cameron

reached the bottom of the tub. Giving the man a soft
kiss, he encouraged Cameron to sit on the little seat, the
water covering most of his body.

Cameron's face went lax, lips parting on a moan. Oh,

hell yeah.

"Feels good, doesn't it? It's about to get even better."
There was a water proof radio on one of the shelves

by the tub, and he turned it on low, soft music pouring
from it. Then he grabbed the soap.

Cameron moaned. "God. This is... wow."
"When's the last time you had a bath or a shower that

was anything but utilitarian?" Xander sat across from
Cameron, picked up his foot and ran a sudsy hand over

"What? I think I was five the last time I took a bath-


Xander chuckled. "You must have at least showered

with your ex, though?" Cameron was so sensual, he
couldn't imagine not taking advantage of that.

"Sure, a couple times. We worked hard, had lots of

folks in and out."

"And you weren't out, I take it. Must have been hard,

having to hide in your own home."

"No. No, I wasn't out at all. Never." Cameron smiled,

the look wry.

"Will it bother you? Being out with me?" He was out.

He wasn't loud or anything, but he didn't hide who he
was at all.

"You'd be willing to tell people? About me?"
He stopped massaging Cameron's foot for a moment.

"Of course I would."

"Then I can't see that it would bother me."
"Excellent. Because I can't imagine hiding you


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Cameron turned a bright pink, beaming at him. He

grabbed Cameron's other foot and massaged it, too.

"So you don't have any family?" Xander couldn't

believe Cameron's entire family would have abandoned

"No. My dad passed away when I was ten, and my

mom had a heart attack about three years ago."

"No siblings?" His hands worked slowly up along

Cameron's calf.

"I have a sister, but she... She doesn't want people

like me around her kids, you know?"

He was pretty sure that Cameron didn't mean blind

people. "She's not happy you're gay."

Cameron shrugged. "Her husband was afraid I'd

molest her boys."

"Oh, my God! That's a terrible thing to put on you."
"It's a thing, I guess. Everybody has hang ups."
Yeah, hang ups, but... Damn.
Cameron's sister had cut him off for being gay, and

then the ex for going blind, neither of which were things
that Cameron could help. It sucked. Hard.

He kept massaging and when he got to Cameron's

knee, he moved to the other leg again, slowly working
up from the ankle.

"God, that feels so good. Where did you learn to

touch someone like that?"

"I just do what I think I'd like."
Cam frowned. "Should I be doing for you instead?"
"Why?" He was perfectly happy doing this; Cameron

had to get over this idea that if he wasn't doing for
someone, he was somehow less.

"I don't know. I just... want to be useful."
"Tell you what, when I've done you, you can do me."
"I'd like to. I like touching you." Cameron relaxed for

him, legs floating apart.

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"The feeling's mutual on that." He moved between

Cameron's legs, hands moving higher.

Tiny little hips, tight ass, ripped belly -- Cameron

was a compact beauty. And he loved touching the man,
making Cameron give those tiny little sighs. The man's
nipples tightened as his hands moved higher.

"God, you're sexy." He couldn't help but let Cameron


"Me? You're the amazing one."
"I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one."
Cameron chuckled, then gasped as he pinched those

tight little nipples. He was pretty sure he'd given up the
pretence of washing Cameron. Cameron's hands slipped
up his arms, surrounded his shoulders. He found
Cameron's mouth with his own, hands searching out
every inch of water-slick skin. Cameron's moans pushed
into his lips, one following on the heels of another.

"I still want to shave you." It was so easy to get

distracted in Cameron, though.

"Okay." Cameron nodded, lips moving under his.
"You make me need. So badly."
"I told you I'd give you anything."
"I know. I'm going to take everything." Xander took

more kisses.

When Cameron was melted, he backed away, reached

for the razor and shaving cream. He sprayed the cream
into his hand. "This'll be a little cool"

"Smells minty."
"I'll have to see if I can find chocolate scented

aftershave," he teased.

"That would be something, wouldn't it?"
He decided then and there that he'd find it for

Cameron. First he'd phone the front desk here, though,
because they seemed to be miracle workers. But if they
couldn't do it, he'd do his best once they got home.

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Home. Just the thought made him moan softly as he

finished covering Cameron's face with the shaving

"Was that a good moan?"
"It was a happy moan. I can't wait to get you home. I

mean, I can, because here? This place is perfect and
amazing. But at the same time, it's going to be so good."
And now they had a reason to look forward to when this
was over, so it wasn't something to be dreaded, it wasn't
looming at all anymore, which made their time here that
much better. It was win-win.

Cameron reached for him, fingers on his face,

looking at him. He loved that, loved that Cameron knew
to do it now and didn't hesitate; it made him smile as he
looked down at his lover, waiting for Cameron to look
his fill. Cameron smiled back, relaxed, the lines around
the man's eyes easing.

He kissed Cameron's nose. "Okay, I'm going to start

shaving now."

"Okay." Trusting him, Cameron just let his head fall

back. He loved that, deep in his belly.

Xander began to shave his lover. Cameron's sharp-

angled face quickly came into view, the heavy stubble
disappearing along with the little goatee. Oh shit.

"I... uh. The goatee is gone. I kind of forgot it was

there. I like you better without it anyway."

Cameron laughed, not sounding at all concerned.

"You do? You sure it doesn't make me look wimpy
without it?"

"God no, you're lovely."
"Cowboys aren't lovely."
"You are."
Cameron smiled, beamed, really. Had no one ever

complimented this man?

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He finished shaving, his hands following the newly

bare skin. Cameron's lips parted, face following his
touch. He kept touching, tracing all of Cameron's
features. Cameron was focused on him, moaning low,
nostrils flaring. He rubbed his cheek against Cameron's,
stubble against smooth.

Cameron stopped, gasped. "Do that again."
"This?" He rubbed their cheeks together again.
"Yes." Sensual man.
Humming, he moved to rub against Cameron's other

cheek. That earned him a chuckle.

"Did you enjoy it? The shaving?" Xander had. He

was looking forward to doing it on a regular basis.

"I did. It was the sexiest thing ever."
"Excellent." That was exactly what he'd wanted.
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Very, very much."
"Mmm. Good." Cameron's smile was warm,


"Every moment with you is like magic." He was so


"Can you... will you shave me down there, too? I've

always wanted to know what that felt like."

"I'd love to!" Between that and those pretty little

nipples pierced, Cameron was going to be a walking wet
dream. If he let the man up at all to walk.

Cameron blushed, grinned. "Always wanted to try

that," Cameron repeated.

"All right. I'm going to get you to sit on the edge of

the tub for this. There's a little seat-like thing."

"Okay." Cameron moved easily, legs floating and


He guided his lover up onto the seat and reached for a

towel, wrapping it around Cameron's shoulders.

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"Oh..." Each little luxury, each bit of care, made

Cameron moan. It made doing things for him that much

"I'm going to trim the hair with with scissors first."
"Okay. Just tell me what you need me to do."
"Just spread your legs and keep still. I don't want to

accidently cut you." That would not help with the sexy
at all.

"You won't." The trust in that voice made him ache.
"No, I won't." It was a promise.
He got the scissors and pushed Cameron's prick to the

side, clipping the short and curlies. The light blond curls
sheared away, the mass heavy, thick before it
disappeared. There was only stubble left, and he ran his
fingertips over it. "You should feel it now."

"Uh-huh." Cameron's toes curled.
He brought Cameron's hand down to the almost clean

crotch. Cameron's eyes rolled, head falling back as those
fingers explored.

"It'll be smooth in a few minutes."
"It's sensitive."
"Just wait." He bent and kissed Cameron's skin, the

stubble rubbing against his lips.

Cameron moaned for him, hips rolling up. He pressed

a kiss to Cameron's cock, to each of the lovely balls.

"Oh, fuck..." That was a needy little whisper.
He sprayed more shaving cream into his hands, trying

to warm it up a bit. He spread the cream over the
stubble, over the sweet ballsac. He spent more time than
he strictly needed to, but he loved touching Cameron.

He looked up along the lean body of his cowboy --

his own personal cowboy, how fucking cool was that? --
watching the blush climb up the flat belly.

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"I'm going to start shaving now." His voice was


"Okay. I'm ready. I'm ready."
Xander chuckled. "Okay."
"What? I'm letting you near my balls with a razor."

Cameron winked.

"I like those balls right where they are and won't do

anything to harm them." He'd never harm Cameron, not
for the world.

"Me, too. I like when balls are where they belong."
He chuckled. "Don't make me laugh, Cameron, not

right this second."

Cameron cracked up, the laugh merry. Xander

stopped trying to shave for a moment, grinning, loving
that laugh.

"S...sorry. Sorry, I just... that was funny."
"Never apologize for laughing -- I love your laugh."
"You're real, right? This isn't part of the fantasy?"
It broke his heart that life had taught Cameron to ask.

"It's both. This is still our fantasy, but it's also real."

"You're not going to walk away in two days?"
"I'm not walking away ever, Cameron." He picked

the razor back up. "You're stuck with me now."

"Thank God." The tiny whisper was almost silent.
He pressed their lips together, kissing hard. Cameron

arched, spread, legs cradling him. The shaving cream
spread out between them as they rubbed together.
Cameron's stubble scratched his belly, his skin. It was a
little arousing, a little maddening.

"I need to finish the job."
"Yeah. Then we can continue this." He made himself

sit back down between Cameron's legs.

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Cameron was hard as a rock, prick red-tipped and

wet. Groaning, Xander pushed it gently aside and drew
the razor along Cameron's skin.

"Oh. Oh, God." Cameron stilled, lips open, panting.
"How does it feel?"
"It tingles."
"Yeah?" He ran his fingers over the strip of bare skin.
"Oh. Oh, yeah..." Cameron whimpered, cock leaking.
"Good. I'm going to keep going." He ran the razor

along another stripe of skin, the sound of it loud.

Cameron's skin was pale, delicate, fine. Groaning, he

leaned in and licked the latest swath of fresh skin.
Cameron goosepimpled up for him, and his lover

"God. You're just... perfect." He continued shaving.
"No. I'm just here. With you. I can't see."
"So? What difference does that make?"
"I can't see. I can't work, read, cook, piss without

sitting down."

"You're going to learn to read and cook, though I

can't help you with the pissing thing. Besides, you're still

Cameron opened his lips, and Xander tugged the

man's balls. "Hush."

He went back to shaving, drawing the razor over the

sensitive flesh. His sweet lover. His. Xander loved
thinking that. When he finished shaving, he cupped his
hands and grabbed water, dumping it over Cameron's

That made Cameron wriggle, gasp a bit. "Damn."
"Wait until it's my mouth."
"I don't want you to drown." Cameron winked.
"I won't."
Cameron was still on the edge of the tub -- they were


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"You're the most amazing lover."
"So are you." He rubbed his cheek on the newly

bared skin. "Just perfect."

"P...perfect." Cameron arched, rubbed against him.
"Yes." He turned his face, licking the smooth skin.
Cameron tasted a little like soap, but a lot like need.

He pulled the skin into his mouth, rolled it between his

"Oh. Oh, that stings the littlest bit."
He hummed. That had been his intention.
Cameron's hands were in his hair, petting him. He

kept moving, taking a new bit of flesh into his mouth.
He could feel Cameron's prick like a brand next to his
cheek. Soft moans started sounding, happy and low.

He began to kiss Cameron's cock and balls in

between sucking the bared skin. Each sucking kiss left a
little mark. He pressed little kisses to each and every
one, then pulled up a couple more.

"You're... are you marking me?"
"I am. This is mine. You're mine."
"Oh, God. I like the sound of that."
"Yeah, me, too. I think maybe you need a tattoo

before we go home. Something that marks you as mine."
He wanted that. He wanted his mark permanently on
Cameron's skin.

Cameron moaned. "Before we go home."
"Yes. Something that's ours together, that will be a

souvenir, a talisman of our time here."

"Where will you put it?"
He licked his lips and drew back a little, looking over

Cameron's spread body. His hand moved from
Cameron's thigh up to just over his left nipple. "Here.
Over your heart."

"God, I want to be able to see you. To really see your

eyes, your smile."

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He took Cameron's hand and brought it to his face.

"You see me in a way no one else does."

"Stubborn man." His words made Cameron smile,


He kissed Cameron's fingers and then insisted that

Cameron look at him with them. Those fingers explored
his face, his cheeks, his jaw. He hummed happily; he
could get used to this. He would.

And so would Cameron.

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Chapter Six

Cameron sat in a huge chair, toes in the sand, the

world a vague shade of pink as the sun set. He kept
thinking about what Xander had said. That they were
going home. That there was help for him. Real help. He
wasn't sure this was the fairest thing to do to Xander.

"Oh, that's beautiful."
"Is it?" He tried hard to see details.
"Yes. You are."
Xander's words sank in and his chin ducked, his

cheeks heating. Xander chuckled, fingers sliding across
his cheek.

"Are you having a good day?" He nuzzled Xander's

hand -- that touch was addictive.

"I'm having a fantastic day. My lover's coming home

with me. And in the meantime, we have two more days."
Xander chuckled and tweaked one of his nipples. "Not
to mention the nipple rings going in tonight."

"Shh." He wasn't thinking about those, or the tattoo.


"No, I won't hush." Xander kissed his nose. "In fact, I

came down to bring you back to the cottage. The
piercer's going to be here any minute."

"Is it already time?" Sometimes it was like the world

was moving around him.

"Yeah, it is." Xander's hand slid into his, tugged


He followed, still not quite believing that he was

letting Xander do this. That he was considering going to
a strange house in a strange part of the country to live.
Xander's hand was warm and felt good against his, and
the man didn't walk at a snail's pace, warning him of
terrain changes in a quiet voice, like it was normal.

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"You said your sister is blind?" He stepped up into

the cabin.

"Yeah. She had a fever when she was three, and it got

bad. She made it, but lost her eyesight."

"Does she work?"
Xander led him to a chair, and he sat.
"She does. She's a transcriptionist -- types up medical

reports from doctors' dictations." There was some
clinking, and then Xander asked, "Do you want some

"After, I think. Do you have tattoos?"
"I do, actually. I have a little cloverleaf on my ankle.

It's in memory of my grandparents."

"Were they Irish?"
"They were. I have fabulous memories of them."
"Do you have red hair?" He wanted to be able to

picture Xander as he was.

"I don't. It's kind of a light brown."
"Is mine still blind? Blond. Blond." He felt himself

blush at the stumble.

Xander pressed a kiss on his lips, fingers stroking

through his hair. "Yes, love, it's still blond."

"I wonder sometimes, if I still look like me."
"Because you've changed so much internally?"
"More because it's been a long time since I could

make out features. I can see light and dark, that's all."

Xander squeezed him. "Well, I imagine you do look

the same -- in either case, you're a handsome guy."

That was a good thing to hear. "Yeah? Good."
"It is. Oh, here comes someone -- I believe it's our


Cameron's eyes went wide, searching for something

they wouldn't see. He was really going to do this.

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"He's quite something," Xander murmured into his

ear. "All tattoos and piercings. At least as far as I can

He grabbed Xander's arm. "You'll stay right here?"
"I'm not going to miss a second of this."
Cameron twined his fingers together. He couldn't

believe he was doing this.

"Hey, you Xander and Cameron? I'm your piercer.

Nils." The man sounded warm, happy, relaxed.

"Hi, Nils, it's good to meet you. I'm Xander, and this

is Cameron. Cameron's the one getting his nipples
pierced." Xander's hand landed on his shoulder, solid
and warm, grounding him.

"I have some jewellery for you to look at here."
"Cool. I'll describe them for you, Cameron."
Oh. Cameron squeezed Xander's fingers. "Yes.

Please." Thank you, God. Thank you for finding him.
Somehow, somewhere in Xander's words, there was

"The rings are silver and gold, and there's beads -- all

different colors and sizes. They're going to look lovely
in your nipples."

"Is there one you like more than another?" After all,

he wasn't the one who was going to be seeing them.

"I think the thin gold with the deep red beads would

look amazing against your skin."

"Okay." He wouldn't be looking at them. "Can I

touch them?"

"Sure, man." Nils sounded happy, calm. "Something

cool and round was put into his hand.

He felt it, fingers tracing it. "It's tiny. Smooth."
Xander laughed softly. "I bet it's going to feel huge

when it goes in."

"I bet." He was macho, though.

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"You'll feel it, that's for sure." Nils chuckled. "Is this

where you want to do it?"

"I'm comfortable here, yeah. Are we doing one or


Xander answered immediately. "Both."
His cheeks heated, but he nodded.
"Okay, I'll need your top off, please." Nils' voice was

all professional now.

Xander's fingers slid down his body to the bottom of

his shirt. Oddly enough, that was the most intimate thing
he'd done here, letting Xander undress him in front of
someone else. Xander slowly pulled the shirt up over his

"You'll need to get his nipples rock hard for me."
Xander leaned in to nibble at his earlobe. "I think I

can manage that, don't you, Cameron?"

"I... Yeah." Oh, dear God.
Xander's hands slid down his shoulders, along his

chest to his nipples. Fingers flicked at them again and
again. Cameron bit his bottom lip, his toes curling as his
cock firmed.

Xander pinched both nipples between his fingers,

tugging on them. "How's this, Nils?"

"Pretty." Nils' words made Cameron duck his head,


"I'm right here." Xander kissed his earlobe again.

"And I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm going to mark them with a pen first, then you'll

have to tell me if they're where you want them."

"I'll do that." Xander squeezed them again.
Cameron shifted forward in the chair, lips parting.

Xander moaned softly, and he thought, though he
couldn't be sure, that Nils made a happy, humming

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"One more good, hard pinch." Nils definitely

sounded happy.

Xander obliged, and even though Cameron knew it

was coming, he jumped when it came.

"Perfect. Lean forward, pretty boy."
Pretty boy? Him?
Xander's hands were back on his shoulders, helping

to guide him into place. The touch of the pen on his
flesh gave him goosebumps.

"Was it cold, pretty boy?" He still couldn't believe

Nils thought he was pretty.

"No. No. Just..." Different. Arousing.
Xander kissed his cheek. "You're doing great."
"Okay, pretty boy, are you ready?"
Oh, God.
Oh, fuck.
Something clamped onto his nipple, and he gasped.
"Almost there, Cameron. You're doing so well."

Xander squeezed his shoulders.

"There'll be a sting and a tug, okay?"
He nodded. "Just do it. I'm not a pussy."
Xander chuckled, and then a sharp pain hit him, the

drag of the ring being pulled through almost worse.
Then the second ring happened, this one worse because
he was expecting it.

"There you go. They look awesome, dude. If I do say

so myself."

Xander laughed softly. "They are pretty awesome."
Cameron's nipples were screaming. "Thanks." His

voice sounded raw.

"Yes, thank you, Nils."
"My pleasure guys. Spray them with this two or three

times a day and have fun." He heard Xander walking the
man to the door as Nils left his instructions.

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Cameron's nipples throbbed with his heartbeat,

almost seeming to pulse. His hands slid up his belly,
almost scared to touch his nipples.

"Go on," murmured Xander. "Give them a go."
"Is it safe?"
"We'll spray the antibiotic stuff after we've touched

them." He felt Xander kneel next to him.

His fingers brushed the edge of one ring, bumping it,

and he gasped.

Xander's hands landed on his thighs. "How does it


"It aches."
"A good ache." Xander's fingers slid slowly up his


"Yes." A very good ache.
"Perfect. They're sexy as all get out." Xander's

fingertips moved closer and closer.

His breath came faster, his nipples aching. Then

Xander's fingers brushed over them. He shot up out of
the chair, on fire.

Xander's arms went around his hips, the man's face

pressing against his belly. "Sensitive, huh?"

"Yeah. Yeah, damn."
Xander pressed kisses across his abdomen. The

touches were gentle, heated, and eased him back into the
chair. Then Xander blew on his right nipple. He grunted,
staring down as he fought to see. He could feel his
nipple draw up tight, move around the metal.

"I'm not going to play with them -- they're too

sensitive right now, and they need to heal. I can still
tease a little, though." Xander blew on the left one this

"Uh. Uh-huh. Fuck..."
Xander's soft chuckle sent shivers down his spine. He

grinned, afraid he looked terribly foolish.

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"God, you're so sexy. The rings are... God."
"Yeah? Hot?" Cameron wanted to be hot.
"Shit, yeah. I can't remember seeing anyone hotter."
That made him smile, even as his nipples throbbed.
Xander pressed against his arm, and Cameron could

feel the heat of his cock through his shorts. "Let me take
you to bed."

"Yes." He'd follow this man anywhere.
Xander helped him up and led him over to the bed.

"What's it feel like -- having the air move on them?"

"Like needing to come, almost."
"I can help you with that." Xander pushed him gently

back onto the bed.

"Did they bleed?" He stretched, spread.
"A drop as the needles went through, that's it."
"Are they pretty?"
Xander's hands slid up his thighs, spreading him.

"Stunning. Sexy. I can't wait 'til they've healed and we
can really play with them." Xander bit at his earlobe and
then whispered. "I'd love to watch you tugging and
twisting them, watch the effect it has on your prick."

His lips opened. God, he could see that. Actually see


"So fucking sexy." Xander's mouth found his, then,

the kiss hot and urgent.

Cameron wanted to scream with it. Alive. He felt

fucking alive.

Xander didn't touch his nipples or the rings in them,

but Cameron could feel them throbbing, so very there.
His hands found Xander's shoulders, then started
touching, feeling, loving every inch. Xander groaned
into his mouth, feeding him sounds as Xander's own
hands got busy fondling him.

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"Gonna keep you." He wasn't sure how. Hell, he

wasn't sure how he was getting off this fucking island,
but he was keeping this man.

"That's good, because I'm not ever letting you go."

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Chapter Seven

Their last night together.
It was their last night together here on the island

because Cameron was coming home with him. His little
apartment over the bookstore was going to become their
home. Xander could hardly believe it. This fantasy trip
had turned into a real life dream.

And tonight he was going to hold Cameron in his


He made sure he had a buttload of lube and some soft

towels for clean-up. He lit a few scented candles and
opened all the windows to the evening ocean breezes,
then he went out to the porch to get his lover.

Cameron was napping, a quiet little smile on the

man's face. The lines were gone from around the man's
mouth, beside the poor eyes. His tattoo was covered, a
small piece of plastic wrap taped over the little stylized
'x' above Cameron's left nipple. Smiling, he reached out
and traced Cameron's lips with his fingertips.

"Mmm. Xander. You smell good." Cameron's tongue

flicked out to taste him.

Desire licked through him at the touch of Cameron's

tongue. "I showered."

"Mmm. Did you? You should have hollered; I could

have come and washed you off."

"You looked so peaceful out here; I didn't want to

disturb you." Besides, Cameron couldn't get the tattoo

"The sun felt good."
"It's amazing here, isn't it? The sky looks like it's on

fire right now, all reds and yellows and oranges, with
some pinks thrown in."

"I can kind of tell. Some."

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"Cool." He stood there a few minutes, watching the

sunset with Cameron. "I've got something special
planned for tonight. In the bedroom."

"Our last night, hmm?" Those words didn't sound so

ominous now.

"Yeah. And then I get to take you home."
"You're still sure?" Cameron had given him the

bottles of pain pills this morning, and he'd bought
Cameron's plane ticket home.

"One hundred percent, Cameron. And I'm not going

to change my mind." He smiled and took Cameron's
hands. "You'll see just how serious I am this evening."
They were going to learn so much about each other.

He curled one of his hands into a fist, then brought

both of Cameron's hands to it. "What do you feel?"

Cameron's fingers explored his hand. "You're strong,

big. You don't wear a ring. You have a scar, right here."

"I'm going to put this inside you."
Cameron went still, eyes huge. "You are?"
"I am."
"You may not fit. I have a little butt."
It made him chuckle, and he pressed a kiss on

Cameron's lips. "I know. I'm exceedingly fond of your
little butt. It'll fit, though. We'll stretch you."

"I trusted you with everything else. This is yours."
That trust was very heady. "You are mine, Cameron."
Xander watched how his words made Cameron

straighten, shiver. How fascinating was his life going to
be, watching this beautiful man make himself strong
again, then making Cameron submit?

He opened his hand slowly, letting Cameron feel it

expand. Cameron moaned, cock leaving a dark, wet spot
on the man's board shorts.

"Are you ready?"
"As ready as I'm going to be."

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"You're ready." He kissed Cameron. "It's going to be

so good. Intense."

Cameron's lips clung to his. "It will. Good."
"I promise." He tugged on Cameron's lower lip with


That got him a chuckle, husky and deep. Better. He

needed Cameron relaxed for this, happy and needy.

Smiling, he tugged a little longer and then turned it

into a kiss, his lips sliding with Cameron's, his tongue
exploring. Cameron's arms draped around his shoulders,
their bodies starting to rub lazily. He was careful not to
rub against Cameron's nipples. They were still a little
swollen, though otherwise healing nicely. He didn't want
to bump the little tattoo, either.

In the last day, he'd begun to see something new in

Cameron. Hope. A sense of humor. A lazy sensuality. It
made the man even sexier.

He ran his hand down along Cameron's body,

working on setting all those nerve endings alight. The
man arched for him, humming into their kiss. He could
feel the heat of Cameron's prick rubbing against his
belly, his own rising quickly to meet it.

Cameron's fingers climbed to his face, seeing him. He
let Cameron look and then turned his head, kissing his
lover's fingers one by one.

"Mmm." Cameron's smile could illuminate the ocean.
Getting rid of Cameron's clothes was easy, then he

carried his lover to their bed and laid him on it. He
kissed those sweet, smiling lips, and then began to kiss
his way down Cameron's body. He pushed the shorts
away, spent a second just touching the tip of Cameron's
nipple with the tip of his tongue. He gave the other
nipple the same brief touch, too taken with the sensitive
nibs to ignore them entirely.

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"Oh, God. Xander. That’s amazing."
"Imagine what it's going to be like once they've


"I can't."
"They're going to be so much fun to play with." He

licked the right one again and then moved down farther,
swirling his tongue in Cameron's belly button.

Cameron laughed. "You're not piercing that. That's

for girls."

"Is that a challenge?" He couldn't help but tease.

Cameron's cackle filled the air, tickled and bright.

While Cameron was laughing, he grabbed the lube

and slicked up his fingers. Humming happily, he pushed
a single finger against Cameron's hole. Cameron
hummed, spread for him. Cameron was so hot inside, so
tight. He slid another finger in, moaning as he slowly
stretched his lover.

The tight little body danced on his fingers, belly

clenching and relaxing. Cameron was so easy in his own
skin when they made love, eager for every sensation like
it was brand new. Maybe it was. Maybe this was all
new. Either way, it was all his and he was going to revel
in all of it.

Groaning, he eased his fingers in and out, opening

them to stretch that tight hole.

"More..." Cameron grunted, going up on his elbows.
"I'm going to give you more. I promise." A whole lot


He pushed a third finger in with the first two. This

wasn't anything they hadn't done together already. That
was coming soon. Cameron's head fell back, throat
working, body moving against him.

He stretched and opened Cameron, and then added

more lube to his fingers, pushing four in this time, using
Cameron's movements to help him get them in.

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"Good..." Cameron's motions slowed, but didn't stop.
"God, look at you taking me in." Four fingers and

Cameron swallowed them up like a natural. It made
Xander moan, his prick throbbing.

"Your job. 'M feeling."
Xander blinked and then chuckled. "Yes, boss."
Cameron's grin was the most amazing thing he'd ever


He got all four fingers in, twisted and spread them,

opening Cameron up for his whole fist.

"Full..." Cameron moaned.
"Gonna fill you all the way up." It was a promise.
Cameron slowly eased himself down, all the way

down to the mattress.

"You ready for it?" All he needed was more lube and

he'd do it.

"I don't know. Am I?"
"You are." He pulled away his hand and got more

lube out. Then he bent and kissed the tip of Cameron's

Cameron's body kept moving, shifting restlessly, like

he was still touching.

"Hold on, Cameron -- I'm coming."
He slicked up again, tucked his thumb beneath his

curled fingers and started pushing into Cameron again.

"Mmm. Feel you. Xander."
He shook his head. "No, I'm feeling you."
Cameron stretched, arched, toes curling. He kept

pushing, his fingers sinking in and in, his hand
beginning to.

"I. Xander? Talk to me?"
"I'm right here, Cameron, right here, putting my hand

inside you. God. Do you know how amazing you are?"

"I... Oh, God." Cameron twisted, one leg drawing up.

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"You can do this, Cameron. You can open up to me

like this."

"So full." Yes, and stretching for him, letting him in.
"Yeah, I've got you here. You just need to breathe for

me, get a little more relaxed."

"Breathe. I can do that." Cameron nodded, inhaled.
"There you go. There we go." He watched as the

thickest part of his hand pushed into Cameron's body.

"Xander!" Cameron arched, body bowing for a

moment before he sank back down, taking Xander in.

"God, you're incredible."
Cameron's lips opened and closed, soundlessly.
"I know. I know. It's so big." It was huge. His whole

hand was inside Cameron's body. His whole hand.
Cameron's body. He thought maybe his brain was a little
bit broken.

He moved his fingers, and Cameron whimpered,

body rippling around him.

"God. Cameron." He took a deep breath and moved

his fingers some more, wiggling them like he was

"Please. Oh, God. Yours. I promise. Swear it."
"Yes. Mine. All of you." No one could deny it, not

now that he had his whole, entire hand inside Cameron's

"Yes..." Cameron moaned, body shifting, taking him

a centimeter deeper.

He slowly closed his fingers into an actual fist and

then opened them again, watching Cameron's face the
entire time. Cameron's eyes were huge, unfocused, lips
open in what looked like intense pleasure. He kept
moving his hand, pushing it in a little deeper, tugging it
back to his wrist again, opening and closing his fingers.
He couldn't believe how hot, how soft Cameron's insides
were around him.

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Harsh sounds poured out of Cameron, the man's

hands fisted at his sides. Reaching up with his free hand,
he touched the tip of Cameron's right nipple. Cameron's
body went tight, the pressure around his hand fierce.

"Oh, fuck. Cameron." He touched the tip of the other

nipple, too.

"Please. Please. I need you. I need to come."
"So come, Cameron. Show me. Come." His fingers

moved over Cameron's gland.

This amazing sound tore from Cameron, spunk

spraying over the man's chest. Xander felt every
moment of the orgasm through his hand, Cameron's
body squeezing all around him. Fuck, he could even feel
Cameron's heartbeat.

That swollen, red cock never even got soft.
When Cameron's body relaxed a bit around him, he

started moving his fist again. Fingers curled against his
palm, he pushed forward, his knuckles sliding against
Cameron's gland again. He did it again and again,
feeling like a god, to be inside Cameron in this way. All
these nonsense words poured out of Cameron, his lover
completely at his mercy.

It was stunning. Cameron was stunning.
Xander whimpered, kept moving his hand, just flying

with Cameron.

"Need you. Like breathing." Cameron moaned for


"God. Yes. Oh, Cameron." He leaned in to whisper

into Cameron's ear. "I love you."

He felt it as Cameron jerked, coming again, emptying

himself. His hand stilled, and he rested his forehead
against Cameron's, breathing with the man.

Cameron moaned, blinked slowly. "Xan..."
"Right here, lover."
"Thank you. Love."

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"No, Cameron, thank you."
One of those shaking hands brushed his face. He

pressed into the touch, encouraging Cameron to look at
him. Cameron's fingers explored him, slow, careful.

"I'm going to take my hand out now, Cameron."
"Oh. Oh, God. You... I don't know if I can bear it."

Cameron smiled at him.

"You can. You took my whole hand, Cameron -- you

can bear anything."

"Yeah..." Cameron's hands fell from his face.
He pressed kisses on Cameron's cheek, moving his

hand a little. Cameron just moaned in response. God, so
sexy, so strong. Cameron made him need and want and
love so much. Cameron squeezed him, gripped his hand
for a second, then relaxed.

Xander licked Cameron's lips, then his nose, his

cheeks, trying to keep his lover at ease and a little
distracted as the widest part of his hand stretched
Cameron's hole. Cameron moaned as he slid free, body

"Oh, God. You're so beautiful. I've never seen anyone

like you." Every response made him fall harder.

"I'm all yours." The simple words were heart-felt.


"All of you. Inside and out." He'd put his hand in

Cameron, and the man had let him.

"Yes. Yes." He pressed their lips together, rubbing

himself against Cameron's thigh.

Cameron tilted his hips, offered himself.
"Please." He slid between Cameron's legs and pushed

against the swollen hole. His cock slid in, to the root,
buried in the most perfect heat. "Oh, God. Cameron." He
gave a half-thrust, pulling out only a bit before pushing
back in again.

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"Yes. Feel you."
"You're still so tight."
"Can you feel how much you made me feel?"
"I can. So much. So big." Groaning, he thrust again.

Then again.

Cameron's body held him in, dragging along the shaft

with every pull. It was incredible, how much he felt
inside Cameron. It was nearly as big as what he felt for
Cameron. And somehow, Cameron was right there with

He began to thrust harder, his whole body moving

with it.

"Mmm. Yes." Cameron took him in and in.
"Love you." He said the words as he thrust. The smile

that crossed Cameron's face was beautiful. Stunning.

He shouted the words again as he came, body

convulsing. Cameron's hands wrapped around him,
cradled him, held him close. He kissed Cameron's neck.

He was bringing Cameron home with him, but at the

moment, it felt like he'd just been welcomed home by


Cameron stood at the doorway, listening to Xander

move around, pack.

He was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to be

gone, finished. And now he was going to Xander's.

"I think that's everything." Xander chuckled.

"Anything that gets left behind we can replace."

"There's not much. I... I didn't expect."
"It's okay." He could hear Xander coming closer,

then a warm hand slid along his arm. "I didn't expect
you, either."

"But you sure found me."

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He felt Xander's smile against his neck. "I did. I must

have done something really good sometime, to deserve

"I hope you always believe that." With all his heart.
"I'm sure I will." Xander squeezed him tight. "One

last walk on the beach before we go home?"

"That sounds good." He didn't know if his vision had

gotten worse, but he knew it wasn't as hard now. Xander

Xander put his hand in the crook of the man's arm

and they headed off, Xander telling him softly where the
stair from the porch to the beach was.

"It feels warm, nice. It'll be colder where you live."
"It will. I like the changing seasons, though."
"I do, too. I'm a little wigged. I've never been blind

anywhere but home and here."

"I'll take care of you, Cameron. I'll teach you how to

get around on your own. We'll see about getting you a
dog. It's going to be fun, discovering each other in a new

He held on tight. "I'm willing to try, babe." He

waited, to see how the pet name went over.

Xander was quiet a few minutes, just walking with

him. Then he said quietly. "Babe, huh? I like that."

"Yeah? It's... It feels good."
"It does." Xander stopped them, their feet on the wet

sand as their mouths moved together in a long, slow

He reached up, fingers sliding through Xander's thick


"I love you, Cameron."
"Good." He smiled against Xander's lips. "Love."
Xander kissed him hard. "Yeah, good. Come on. This

place is beautiful, but I want to take you home now."

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"That sounds perfect." He was scared, but alive.

Really alive.

"It does."
Xander kissed him again and turned them, led him to

the rest of his life.

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Chapter Eight

God, it was beautiful here. Stunning. Ben stretched

out on the beach chair, a glass of wine dangling from his
fingers. This had been the best idea ever.

He'd almost decided not to come out, after he'd found

out that they couldn't fulfill his fantasy, but the guys had
been so decent and he'd already cleared his schedule
with his agent. There were benefits to that whole best-
selling thing.

The sun had set over the beach a while ago, and it

was just him and the sound of the waves for miles. He'd
eaten a decadent supper, had had a few glasses of wine,
and his world was good.

He thought he heard a noise off to his right. He

frowned, listened, then shook it off. He'd bet there were
some big damned lizards here. The noise didn't come
again, but now he got the feeling he was being watched
someone not just looking at him, but staring at him.

He sat up, put his wine glass down. Maybe he should

stop. He was paranoid. It remained quiet, but he couldn't
quite shake the feeling of being watched. Finally, he just
got up, headed into the sweet little cabin. He was losing
his mind. Fantasizing something impossible. Stupid.

Just as he went in, something -- someone -- grabbed

him from behind. An arm went around his neck, nearly
choking him, a big hand covered his mouth, and he was
dragged back up against a solid, strong body.

He drew in a breath to scream, hands reaching up to

grab whoever had him. The hand over his mouth didn't
budge; neither did the one across his neck. His feet
dragged along the ground as he was pulled across the
veranda and onto the beach. Ben fought hard, trying his
best to get purchase on the sand.

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The hand on his mouth disappeared only long enough

for a hood to be brought down over his head, then it was
back, cutting off his scream through the material.

"No!" He struggled, breath coming faster and faster.
His captor was stronger than him, though, and his

struggles, his shouting resulted in nothing. Fuck. Fuck.
His heart was slamming in his chest, hands scratching at
the arms holding him. His feet dragged through water,\
and then wet sand. Then his hands were twisted behind
him, bound with something, so fast.

The next thing he knew, his feet were leaving the

ground and he was hoisted over his captor's shoulder.

"No!" His eyes felt huge, trying to see even when he

knew he couldn't.

A large hand landed on his ass, the sound of the

smack muted by his jeans. Oh, fuck. Asshole. Asshole.

Another smack landed. "Be good." The voice was

low, growly.

His cock jerked, his belly tight. "Let me go." He

thought maybe his captor snorted, but there were no
other sounds and the man just kept walking. "Let me
go!" His voice was muffled, but audible.

"No." Another smack landed on his ass, this one

harder than the first two.

His toes curled, and he jerked. "Let me go!"
The man didn't say anything this time, just smacked

him again.

Oh, Jesus.
His head was fucking swimming. Where the fuck was

he being taken? They were on a goddamn island. How
far could anyone take him? What if... what if this wasn't
a fantasy thing? They'd said it had fallen through. They'd
said it wasn't going to happen. He was just here to have
a holiday now.

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The walking turned into running, his body jostling

against his captor's with every single step. He screamed,
kicking, fighting. Every so often another smack hit his
ass, and then another one as he kept struggling. His ass
was beginning to burn, the pressure on his belly solid,
keeping him from taking a full breath.

Finally, after what felt like hours but couldn't

possibly have been, they slowed. He tried to stay
relaxed, lazy, so he could run when his feet hit the
ground. There were no more smacks to his ass. His
captor's gait shifted, the sound of steps on wood ringing

Okay, Ben. Okay. Pay attention. Get ready to run.
They stopped, then moved forward, and a door close

by slammed.

He wasn't put down so much as dropped, bouncing

when he landed. Ben tried to scramble up, face planting
as he overbalanced. He was flipped, his hands yanked
behind his back, making it arch. One of his feet was
grabbed, ankle cuffed to the base of the bed.

Oh, God. He kicked out his other leg, connecting

with the baseboard. It was grabbed as well, and also
secured to the bed.

"Let me go! Motherfucker! Help!" The words tore

out of his chest.

"Don't make me start spanking you again."
He arched, fighting. "What do you want?"
"Your obedience."
He screamed again. "Fucking let me go!"
His shirt was torn open.
"Bastard..." He shook his head back and forth, trying

to get the hood off.

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Fingernails flicked like little knives across his

nipples. Oh, fuck. He pulled against the cuffs on his
ankles, that little burn fucking amazing.

"This can be hard or easy. It's up to you."
"What do you want, you asshole?" The hood didn't


Fingers slapped against his belly. He tried to draw his

legs up, protect himself, but they wouldn't go.

It was quiet for a moment, and then something cold

and metal slid against his ankle. Ben stilled, breathing
hard, ab muscles taut. Oh, God. Oh, God. The metal slid
along his leg, his pants falling away behind it.

"Wh...what do you want?" Oh, God.
There was no answer, just the slide of the scissors on

his leg and the falling away of more and more of his
pants. His toes curled, and he stayed stiff, barely
breathing. The scissors went under his underwear,
cutting them away, too, sliding along his hip. His balls
tried to crawl inside his body.

Finally, his jeans were gone and the scissors left his

body. Ben managed to take a deep breath. God. God.

Fingers landed on his foot and slowly moved up his

leg. His eyes were huge, wide, trying to see through the
hood, trying to figure out what was happening next. Up
and up, the warm fingers slid, moving toward his
middle. Toward his cock and his balls, which were
exposed with his feet spread the way they were.

He tugged at his bonds, legs trying to close.
"Go ahead -- struggle all you want to. You aren't

getting away."

"Let me go, you bastard. You fucker!" His cock was

threatening to fill.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That's not very polite, Benjamin." The

hand traveling up his thigh slowed, lay heavily against
his skin.

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"How do you know my name?" His balls were tight,


He could feel his captor's breath against his face,

even through the hood he was wearing. "I know a lot of
things about you, Benjamin."

He bit back his whimper, his moan. "Let me go. I

have money."

Fingers flicked across his belly, feeling awfully close

to his cock. His abs clenched like he was doing a crunch.
He heard a noise, a grunt, maybe. He didn't know. He
couldn't see. Then fingernails flicked over his right
nipple, the same touch snapping at his left nipple a
moment later.

"Don't!" His nipples ached, so right.
"I can do what I want. You're tied up and at my


"Let me up. Who the fuck are you?" His cock was

filling now, aching. Oh, fuck.

The man just laughed and tapped his prick, making it


He couldn't even turn away, couldn't hide himself.

"Fuck you! Let me up!"

The next touch wasn't a tap; it was a smack, right on

his cock. "Don't be an asshole. I dislike assholes."

He cried out, bucking violently.
The man chuckled. "You'll soon learn who's the boss,

and if you're as smart as I know you are, you'll figure
out how to avoid my little punishments as well."

Punishments? No way. No fucking way. He tamped

down the rush of arousal.

"That's how it works. And you, you pretty, fuckable

slut, are at my mercy."

He groaned, shook his head, unbearably fucking

turned on.

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"Oh, yes." His cock was slapped again, one of his

captor's fingernails just catching his slit.

Ben went wild, screaming and tugging, that sting

maddening. Something hit his right nipple as he
struggled, then his left. Then his inner thighs. His fight
couldn't last; the bonds weren't giving and his body was

When he stilled, so did the hits, and one warm finger

rubbed over his right nipple, soothing the sting. "This
doesn't have to be hard. Or at least harder than it's going
to be."

What did you say to something like that?
"If you're very good, I'll move your hands."
As if the words made them, he noticed that his

shoulders were screaming, his fingers tired. "Just let me

"No, I can't do that."
He groaned, but he didn't move.
"Good boy." Strong hands pushed beneath his body,

and he could feel his captor doing something with the
rope around his wrists.

He wasn't a boy, wasn't a slut. He wasn't...
The rope came free, and his right hand was pulled out

from behind his back, brought up over his head, a cuff
wrapped around his wrist. He moaned, tugging almost
immediately, his left hand scrabbling at the cuff.

His captor's knee landed on his arm, weight pressing

him down. "You're going to pay for that."

"What do you want?" The pressure was huge, almost


"You'll find out."
If he heard right, the cuff around his wrist was

attached to chain, and then his other wrist was cuffed,
too. Now he was stretched out, wide, exposed.

"That's better."

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He tugged at the bonds, searching for weaknesses,

but there weren't any.

"Try as hard as you can. You aren't getting away."
"Just let me up." The man could do anything he


He heard footsteps heading away from the bed.

"Don't leave me!" Oh, God. Oh, God. He started
struggling, trying to work himself loose.

The footsteps headed back toward him, and

something hit his left nipple.

"Ow! Fuck!" What the hell?
A low chuckle answered him, and then his other

nipple was hit as well.

"Fuck you!" Oh, shit. Stinging.
"No." The hard thing hit his belly this time.
"No!" He screamed again, suddenly terrified. He was

bare, spread, and he'd never even seen his captor.

The stick, or whatever it was, landed hard on his

thigh, hard enough he thought the skin had been split.
"No one can hear you."

He tried to curl in on himself, protect his belly, his


"There's nowhere to go, there's no one to hear you.

You are alone and at my mercy. Just accept it."

To his utter horror, tears started sliding from his eyes.

He fought the hitching of his breath, hiding the loss of

"That's better. There will be a reward if you keep

being good."

He shook, fighting the tears, the fear.
"I can hear the sounds you're making."
He bit his bottom lip, struggling with his moans.
His captor's hand landed on his thigh. He tensed, his

breath simply stopping. The long fingers danced in

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place, his captor's thumbs digging in. Every muscle in
his body felt tense, sore.

The hand slid, moving toward his exposed cock and
balls. His balls were trying to crawl up into his body,
trying to hide. Fingertips brushed them. All his muscles
went tight, the bonds on his wrists creaking.

Those fingertips stayed right there, touching him. "I

won't hurt you if I don't have to."

He fought to take each and every breath.
"There, that's not so hard, is it?" He cock was patted.

"If you're really, really good, I might take off the hood."

If he could see, he could get free.
The bed shifted, as if bending beneath the weight of

another body. His eyes were huge, and he stared into the
dark hood.

"Let's see just how good you can be." His captor

straddled him, knees at his shoulders. Oh God.

Ben gulped, teeth digging into his lip.
The hood was tugged up enough to free his mouth.

"Open up."

"Oh, God. Oh. I..." He was panicked. "Tell me you're

with the fantasy, that you're clean. Please. Please."

"Shut the fuck up and suck me."
He locked his jaw, shook his head. No way. No

fucking way.

The answer was a growl, and his captor got off the

bed. Two sharp hits came to his nipples again, one and
then the other. "Don't make this harder on yourself than
it has to be." Then those footsteps disappeared again.

He rubbed his head on the mattress, trying to work

the hood off, trying to focus. It was deadly quiet now in
the room, and he could hear the very faintest of noises
from the ocean. Waves hitting the shore. The hood
wouldn't slip off any more, and there wasn't anything to

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do, so he breathed, listened for his captor. There was no
sound aside from the distant waves and the night insects.

Ben found himself dozing, then starling awake, over

and over.

Heavy footsteps startled him awake again at one

point, and the hood was yanked up and off his face. His
eyes moved, watered, trying to adjust to the light.

He was finally able to focus on his captor. The man

was tall and built, the chest muscles bisected by a leather
harness that went over each shoulder and around the
man's torso. He wore tight leather pants, as well, and
heavy, leather boots. There was a sizeable bulge at the
man's crotch.

The man was about as different as anyone could be

from him. Dark hair topped a wide-jawed face, dark
eyes, maybe blue, showing through a mask that covered
eyes, eyebrows and part of his nose.

"What do you want?"
"A sex slave. Looks like I've got one, too." God, that

voice was melt-worthy, all low and growly, husky.

Ben shook his head. "I'm not. I'm a writer."
"You look like a sex-slave to me, boy."
"Let me up." God, the man was hot.
"No. You don't get anything until you beg to suck me

and do it. No food. No water. No getting up for

He shook his head. "I don't know you. I don't suck

strangers." Oh, God.

"Then we don't have anything else to say to each

other." The steely blue eyes stared into his for a long
moment, and then the man turned and walked toward the
door, each booted footstep loud.

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Ben wasn't sure what the hell he was supposed to do



Tip headed out to the beach, pulling off the leather

mask he wore and shoving it through one of the o-rings
on his harness.

The client was delicious. Sexy and hot, scared but

trying to be brave. The owners had done a fantastic job
making Ben believe his fantasy hadn't gone through. Tip
would swear Ben believed it was real. He wondered how
long the illusion would last before the man realized for
sure that it was just a fantasy, not a real kidnapping.

He wandered for about half an hour, knowing it

would seem very much longer to Ben. Then he made his
way back to the cottage and drank a can of Coke. He
was going to need the caffeine.

Before heading back into the room, he put the mask

back across his eyes.

Ben was resting, lean muscles stretched wide, heavy,

limp cock crowned with a mass of black curls. Pretty
boy. He'd bet that mouth was delicious.

Tip let his boots make a lot of noise on the

floorboards. Ben stiffened, teeth sinking into the full
bottom lip.

Tip put his hands on his hips and stood at the end of

the bed, where Ben would have a good view. "Are you
ready to cooperate?"

Ben stared at him, eyes bloodshot. "What do you


"I told you." Tip growled, curled his lip, laying it on

thick. "You're my sex slave."

"I'm a writer."
He laughed. "You're my sex slave."

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God, that stubborn set of jaw was the hottest thing


"You'll learn." He started slowly undoing his belt.
"Learn what?" Ben's cock jerked.
"What you are. Who you belong to now."
That pretty cock started to fill. God, what he could do

with that sweet body, and he had days to play with it. He
drew the belt off, taking his time.

"Don't hurt me."
"I'll do what I want to you." Once the belt was out, he

grabbed both ends and snapped it.

Ben's entire body jerked. Fuck, that was something.

He snapped the belt again.

"Leave me alone. Just let me go."
"What would be the fun of that?" He let one side of

the belt drop, the end landing on Ben's ankle.

Ben's thigh went tight, hard. He growled in the back

of his throat, making it loud enough Ben could hear it.
Then he snapped the belt, letting it curl around Ben's

Ben cried out, tugging again, pulling at the cuffs.

"Ow! Let me go!"

"No." He snapped the belt again, this time the end of

the belt landed on the opposite thigh.

"Stop! Oh, God. Please."
He laughed and hit Ben again, on the other thigh this

time. The man was so turned on that it turned him on.

"Leave me alone!" That long, sweet cock was hard


"You want me to walk out and leave?" He shook his

head, snapped the belt across Ben's belly. "I don't think

"How do you know what I want?"
"I can see your cock, boy." It was a lovely specimen.

And as hard as diamonds from what he could see.

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"My name's Ben!"
He snapped the end of the belt against one little

nipple. "I'll call you what I want."

"FUCK!" God, the wild need was a huge turn-on.
He let the belt hit again, the same nipple. It was hard

now, swollen.

"You bastard!" His boy could scream, too.
Tip leaned down and flicked his tongue across the

abused nipple. Ben stilled, shivered for him. He blew
across the damp tip. The tight little bit off flesh almost
reached for his lips. He dropped his mouth over it, lips
and then teeth squeezing. Ben groaned, the sound
hungry, loud, just what he wanted to hear. He tugged,
pulling Ben's nipple from his body.

"Oh, fuck..." Sweet little pain slut. God, that was hot.
He slapped Ben's hip, let that tittie go. Ben was

breathing hard, little nipple hard and dark. He growled
some, nipped at that bit of flesh again. Ben's pained
moan was pure need.

Tip pulled open the buttons on his leather pants, his

prick pushing out to rub against Ben's leg. Ben didn't
pull away, that warm skin giving him something to slide
against. He moved to the other nipple, the one that
hadn't felt the lash of the belt. He bit down hard on it.

"Fuck! Fuck, burns!" And someone liked it.
He let go of it and then bit again, all the while

rubbing against the lovely skin. He was going to come
on Ben, rub his scent right into the man's skin. Ben
made the best noises -- shocked and hungry, wild.

"That's it, boy. I know you love it."
Ben moaned for him, and he grabbed that nipple in

his teeth and pulled. He worked his cock along Ben's
hip, letting the sounds and the slight struggle go straight
to his balls. God, he'd never thought this would be so
fucking hot.

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He grabbed hold of Ben's balls with one hand,

holding them roughly. Ben's toes curled, legs yanking at
the cuffs.

"You smell good. Gonna make me come, boy." He

watched the flush climb up Ben's belly.

Lovely. His slave boy for the week was absolutely

lovely. He groaned as he tugged the heavy ballsac.
Letting them go, he slid his fingers behind, stroking the
smooth, hot skin. Oh, look at that tension, the arch, the

"I know what you want."
"Me." He pressed a finger across Ben's hole.
Ben's hole squeezed tight, almost kissing his

fingertip. Grinning, he bit down on the nipple in his
mouth again and pushed his fingertip in past the tight

"Fuck!" Ben jerked, bucked, riding hard.
"Yeah, that's it, boy."
He let Ben's own movements draw his finger in.

Someone was into it now. Feeling him, working it. He
pushed another finger in alongside the first, nipping and
biting at both nipples, at the expanse of flesh between
them. Those sweet nipples were dark now, bruised,

It wasn't the only mark he was going to leave on the

sweet body. He pushed his fingers deeper, rubbed more
heavily against Ben's thigh. He found Ben's gland,
started working it. Hard. He shifted, his cock and leather
pants rubbing against Ben's hard-on.

Ben was lost to it, entire focus on the pressure to his

gland. He kept biting, kept rubbing and pushing, poking.
It felt fucking good, and he was going to come. Ben was
too, if it was the last thing he did.

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He curled his fingers, missing the man's gland every

now and then, then hitting it again hard.

"Oh, fuck. Fuck. Please..."
"That's my slut. Give it up for me, boy."
Ben groaned, and he worked that sweet gland,

forcing Ben over the edge. The smell of Ben's spunk
made Tip come, and he splashed more heat up between

Ben went lax in the bonds, head rolling from side to


"That's my sweet, slutty boy." He sat up and tucked

himself back into his leather pants, then let his hand rub
all that spunk into Ben's skin.

Ben's lips opened, but those eyes stayed closed.
"We're gonna get along really well. You'll be begging

for my cock in no time."

He reached down and flicked one of the pretty little

abused nipples, slapping it with the tip of his finger. Ben
cried out, jerked away from him.

"Begging hard." He chuckled, made it sound dirty,

and then sauntered out.

He figured he was doing a damn good job if the man

was both a little scared of him and so turned on he'd

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Chapter Nine

He needed to piss in the worst way. He'd almost

managed to get one of the two buckles on his right hand

"Uh-oh. Someone's being a very naughty boy."
Shit. "I have to pee."
"Ask nice."
Asshole. "Please. Let me up."
His captor snorted. "That sounded real sincere."
"I am. Please. I'm going to piss the damned bed. Let

me up."

The guy reached under the bed and pulled out a

bottle, handing it to him. "You don't need to get up."

He looked at the bottle in horror. "You're not


"Do I look like I'm joking?"
"But... please. Please, I just need a bathroom."
"You needed to pee -- so pee."
He looked at the bottle, his bound hands.
"All you have to do is ask..."
He sobbed softly, desperate. "Please. Please, help me.

I need a bathroom."

The man took his penis and pushed it through the top

of the bottle. "You're welcome."

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. His body went tight.
"I thought you needed to pee."
"I do." He gulped for air.
"Then pee."
"I can't." It was like his body had forgotten how.
The man stared at him hard. Then he started undoing

cuffs. As soon as one hand was free, his bladder let go,
Ben whimpering in shame.

"There you go."

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When he was done going, the guy pulled away the

bottle and took it away. Ben covered his face with his
free arm, breath hitching.

His captor was soon back. "You were a very good

boy. You deserve a reward."

Ben didn't know what to do, didn't know if he could do

The guy grabbed his hand and lifted it up over his

head, putting the cuff back on. He squeezed his eyes
shut, heart pounding.

"You're going to make a great sex slave, Ben."
How did a man respond to that? At least it wasn't


His right nipple was slapped. "You say 'yes, master'

when I talk to you, boy."

He jerked, eyes flying open. "What? Yes. Ow!"
"Yes, Master." His captor slapped the other one this


"Fuck!" Ben's hips rolled up.
"Yeah. I'm going to do that. I'm going to fuck you

through the mattress."

His cheeks heated, the words exciting.
"Right now I'm going to give you some water. What

do you say to that?"

"Please. Please."
"Please, what?"
"Please..." He shook. "Master."
"Good boy!" His captor beamed at him, smile bright

beneath the black eye mask.

The guy sat on the bed and brought Ben’s shoulders

up off the mattress, putting a water bottle at his lips,
tilting it. Ben almost sobbed, it was so good. His captor
let him have his fill, careful not to get too much into his
mouth at a time. He drank deep, the water soothing his

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headache, making him feel so much better. The guy
gave him a moment or two and then offered it to him

"Thank you." He drank more, breath hitching.
"Play your cards right and you'll get some food, too."
On cue, his stomach growled. He tried not to notice

how the guy's chuckle was sexy. He sucked the water
down, ignoring everything else.

He'd drunk nearly the whole bottle before his captor

pulled it away. "That's enough."

He panted, licked his lips, the room spinning.
"You'll have to earn your food." His captor chuckled.

"Guess how?"

"I have no idea." He didn't even want to guess.
"Sexual favors -- you are, after all, my sex slave,


"My name's Ben." That casual boy made him ache.

He knew now -- knew -- that his captor, this situation,
was his fantasy. Knew it.

"Ben." His captor snorted. "And I am 'Master', boy."
He tugged at the cuffs a little. "Are you just going to

keep me like this?"

"If I don't, you'll try to run away."
He couldn't argue with that. This was... much more

intense than he'd thought.

"All you have to do is beg for my cock, and I'll give

you a feast."

"What?" Beg? He didn't beg.
"You heard me, boy."
"I." He licked his lips. "You're not serious."
His captor snorted. "Deadly."
"I." He kept doing that. Kept saying it. He didn't even

know how to beg without sounding stupid. He could
maybe write it. Maybe.

One of the guy's eyebrows went up.

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"I don't know what you want!"
"Wasn't I clear?" the man growled at him.
"Don't fucking growl at me! I'm trying! I'm... this is

easier when I'm typing!"

One hand reached out and swatted his nipple. "In

case you hadn't noticed, you're not typing. I'm in charge
here, and you're going to fucking do as you're told."

"Stop it! I can't think, you asshole!" He'd never

screamed at anyone in his entire life.

"You're not here to think, boy." His other nipple was


"Fuck. Fuck." His cock was trying to fill.
"That's not quite begging."
"No more swatting, please." He couldn't breathe.
"Oh, please, you're not going to pretend you don't

want that, are you?" Both of his nipples got flicked.

"Don't!" His prick started to leak.
"Because you hate it so much." This time his captor

pinched them both. At the same time.

Ben gasped, jerked hard on the cuffs. "Let me up!'
"That is not going to happen."
"Fuck..." He bit his bottom lip, chest heaving a little.
"Yes. That'll happen. Once you've begged for it."
His hole clenched, and an embarrassing wave of

arousal hit him. His captor smiled. The man knew. Oh,
that pissed Ben off, and the anger made him even hotter.

"You're so fucking hot for it." One hand slid down

along his ribs, fingernails digging into his skin. He
couldn't help pushing into the touch. It felt so good. "So
fucking hot." The words made him groan, his cock
bobbing. "Yeah. Look at you. Such a lovely slut." Ben's
whole body flushed with heat. "Tell me what you want,
boy. Beg for it."

"Please. Please, I want..." What did he want?

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Two fingers pinched his right nipple. "What was that,


This was his fantasy, damn it. He let himself sink into

it, believe in it. "I want more. Please."

A slow smile spread across the stubbled features. "You
forgot a word, boy."

It took him a second, then he moaned. "Please,

M...master." He almost came.

"That's perfect, boy." That low growl was back in his

capt -- his master's voice.

The guy tugged something out of his pocket, holding

it up for him to see: a little clamp with tiny, sharp teeth.

"Oh, God." His muscles tensed, his entire body


The man flicked his right nipple a couple of times

and then pinched it between two fingers.

"Don't." His body went tight-tight.
"I'm gonna do both."
The clamp went onto his nipple, teeth biting so hard.
"Take it off!" Ben cried out, fighting hard. "Please!"

Burned. It burned.

"Okay." His captor took it off and put it on his other


He screamed, the sound tearing out of him. One

finger slid across his freed nipple, rubbing back and
forth across it. That burn felt so good, so fucking good.

"You're ready for the second one now."
"Please." He was out of his mind.
"You do beg so prettily, boy."
"Help me."
"I am, boy. I'm giving you exactly what you need."

The second clip went on, biting just as hard as the first,
maybe harder.

"Take it off. Burns. Take it off."

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"Please." The stings eased, and he could breathe.
"No." His captor grinned, flicked the right nipple


"Stop it!" He tried to roar out the command.
"No!" That voice was a lot louder than his.
"Fucker!" This wasn't fair.
"I think the word you're looking for is Master." The

other nipple was flicked as well.

Oh, fuck. So hot. He was burning alive. Ben couldn't

believe this was happening.

"Say it, boy."
"M... M... Master."
"Very good." The words were joined with a soft

caress to his thigh. "I can make you fly, boy. Or I can be
your worse nightmare -- it's your choice." That growly
voice went straight to his cock.

Ben moaned low, body arching with something

bigger than desire.

"Pretty man." The right nipple clamp got another


"Please..." He sobbed the word, softly, not sure what

he was asking for.

His capt -- his master, flicked that nipple clamp again

and then bent, blew over it. The sensation was perfect --
rich and deep, his cock throbbing with it. Then his
master licked and blew over the now damp flesh. His
balls went tight, body so close to coming it was insane.
The little lick came again, his master growling softly,
which had almost the same effect as blowing across it
did, this time with the sound added to the sensation.

"Gonna." Shut up, Ben. Don't fuck it up.
His master's laugh settled in his balls. "This time,

you're allowed."'

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He saw his master move, shift to straddle him, then

the tip of the heavy cock brushed his lips, his cheek, and
he opened. God, yes.

The low growl felt like approval as the thick cock

pushed into his mouth.

Ben latched on, sucking hard. Each pull went straight

to his cock, and he let himself go. He didn't have a
choice. He didn't have to worry.

One hand touched his cheek, his master's prick

moving on his tongue. "That's it, boy. Suck it."

He moaned and nodded, taking it in deep. He fucking

loved pricks, loved having a dick in his mouth. His
master began to ride his mouth, prick going deep and
then pulling away almost too soon. Ben tugged at the
cuffs, trying to help, to touch.

"No, you just suck it. Take it all in."
He slapped that fat cock with his tongue.
"That's it. Knew you'd be a slut for it. Knew I had the

right boy." The words kept pouring down over him,
making him need more, pull harder.

Before long, Master was fucking his face, balls

slapping his chin. He needed to come, needed Master to
come. Needed.

"You gonna wait for me, boy? Wait like the good

little slut you are?"

One hand circled his balls, tugged a little, and he

sucked harder.

"Soon, boy." Master moved harder, faster, cockhead

hitting the back of his throat.

Ben swallowed hard, needing, demanding.
"Yes. Yes. That's my slut." Master pushed in hard,

come pouring down his throat.

He swallowed hard, trying not to choke, trying to


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"That's it. Come for me, boy. Show me what a slut

for my cock you are."

His balls got another tug, a roll, and he was coming,

shooting, body aching.

It was only when he was done that Master pulled the

gorgeous cock from between his lips. Ben closed his
eyes, breathing hard, not sure what he was supposed to
think now. Master patted his cheek, then the long fingers
slid over his shoulders, down toward his clamped
nipples. His heart rate sped, his worry ratcheting up.

"Taking them off is worse than putting them on."
"Then leave them on."
Master laughed. "No. I want you to feel them again."
He shook his head. "I remember."
"I'm doing it."
Ben tugged at the cuffs, trying his best to get free.
"Struggle all you want, boy, it won't help." Master's

fingers slid across his chest.

"Don't. Don't..."
The nipple clamp came off. Ben grunted, body

jerking, bucking against the bonds. Master's thumb
pressed against his nipple, rubbing it, which eased the
pain, but increased the burn at the same time.

"Please." God, he was crazed.
The rubbing continued, and just when he thought it

was mostly under control, Master took off the other
nipple clamp. This time he couldn't even scream.

Master rubbed this nipple as well, the pain easing

slightly, but lasting and lasting. He groaned, shifting on
the sheets, the world spinning behind his eyes.

"Good, isn't it, boy?"
"Yes. God, yes."
Master grinned down at him, thumb working his nips

hard. His cheeks burned, but he didn't look away.

"That's my slut."

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That's when he did close his eyes, moan.
Master slapped his cheek gently. "Yeah."
"Hey! No slapping!"
"That sounded an awful lot like you're telling me

what to do." God, Master's voice was such a throaty

"You hit me."
Master did it again. He hid his face in his upper arm.
"It's okay to like it."
He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Ben supposed it

was good that he didn't have to. Master slapped his hip
this time, the sound really loud in the quiet room. His
moan wasn't nearly as loud. The next smack was,
though, their skin coming together and leaving heat

His ass cheeks tightened, his body trying to move.

Another blow landed, this one on his thigh, then the
front of his thigh. The blows warmed him, excited him,
and he started shifting, moving into them.

"That's it, boy. You know what you want. So do I."
He grunted, twisting in the cuffs. The bindings

tugged at his skin, the small pain the perfect
accompaniment to the swats.

"Please." It was so good.
His right nipple was pinched, the burn immediate,

lingering. "Please, what?"

"Fuck... Master. Master." Asshole. Hot asshole.
"Better." He got two quick swats to his left hip that

he thought maybe were a reward for his answer.

"I need to get up."
"No." It didn't sound like it was up for debate.
"I do, too."
"You might want to, but that doesn't mean its going

to happen."

The words actually made him chuckle.

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Another smack hit his thigh, then another his hip, a

third to his other thigh following right away. He tried to
curl up, but the bonds wouldn't let him.

"You're at my mercy, boy."
"Not a boy." That made him so hot.
Master snorted. "You're my boy, boy."
His cock jerked weakly.
"Such a perfect little slut."
Oh, God. God, this was insane. Perfect.
The swats started up again, Master's hand hot, firm,

also perfect, as it hit him all over his legs and hips. His
skin warmed, his body melting into the blows.

"You're a beautiful little pain slut." The words made

him ache inside.

The hits continued, the warmth slowly becoming

deeper. Hard moans escaped him, pushed out of his

"That's it, boy. Show me how good it is."
"Fuck..." He was soaring, the pain perfect.
The swatting stopped as the burn got hotter, Master

dragging fingernails along his sides, his legs. It was
huge, so much. Too much. Master did it again. Then

"Please." He sobbed the word.
"I'm not stopping."
Was it a warning? A promise?
"I can't do this!"
"You're not doing anything, boy."
"Please! Help me!"
"Help you what? You're not getting away, boy."
"I don't know!' He screamed the words, then just

screamed for the sheer pleasure of it.

Master grinned down at him, looking pleased at the

noises he was making. The big fingers began to flick
over him, catching his hips, his belly, his nipples. He

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screamed until he was hoarse, then slumped on the bed,
sweating, worn.

Master nodded. "Yes. Nice. I like a boy with lungs."
Ben didn't have an answer for that.
It seemed he didn't have to say anything at all. Master

rubbed his skin, soothing and increasing the burn at the
same time. All he could do was lie there and pant. A lot.

"You've been a very good boy and deserve a reward.

Are you hungry, boy?"

He nodded. Swallowed. Groaned.
"Then I guess I'll have to feed you."
Ben didn't answer; every time he did, something went


"Such a smart little slut."
He groaned, his body responding.
Master tapped his prick, chuckled. "I'll be right back.

Don't go anywhere."

Right. Like he could.
Laughing, like he knew exactly what Ben had been

thinking, Master headed out.

Asshole. Hot, fine asshole.
Ben thought he could hear the man talking, and then

everything went quiet. He tensed, expecting Master to
come back, but no one. Finally, Ben found himself
dozing, lost in sleep.

He didn't know how long he slept, but eventually he

was woken up by Master returning.

"Sorry." It was boring, lying there.
"I didn't say you couldn't sleep. Don't worry, you'll

still get fed."

Master did something with the chains at the top of the

bed, and suddenly he could bring his cuffed hands down
some. Then the bed began to move, the top half coming
up so he was half sitting instead of lying down.

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It made him a little dizzy, having his head up, and he

cried out, swayed.

Master patted his cheek gently. "Just relax. It won't

take your body long to adjust."

He gulped in air, trying to center.
That big hand landed on his chest, pressed against it.

"Breathe, boy."

He let himself lean against it.
"We'll have to make sure you sit as well as lie down."

Master gave a wicked grin. "Besides, your mouth'll be
easier to fuck in this position."

Ben's cheeks went fiery hot, burning.
"That's right, boy. I took you because you were a

beautiful little slut, perfect for me to use."

Oh, fuck. Fuck. His body went tight.
A rough laugh answered his reaction. "Food first. I

don't want you fainting away on me while I'm trying to
fuck you."

He nodded, licking his suddenly dry lips. Master

pulled over a rolling tray, pulling a bell cover off several
plates of food. Ben's stomach snarled, hunger suddenly
fierce and wild.

Chuckling, Master grabbed a hunk of cheese and

pushed it against his lips. He opened up, the bright
sharpness of it so good.

"Good, isn't it?" Master popped a piece in his own

mouth and nodded. A thin slice of apple was offered

"Mmm. Thank you." Bright, tart. Perfect.
Master stopped in the act of grabbing him a bite of

melon wrapped in prosciutto. "Thank you..."

He met those hot eyes, looked away, looked back.

"Master." Saying it made his balls ache.

Master smiled and popped the melon into his mouth.

He ate, but his focus was on those large fingers. Another

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bite was pushed into his mouth, along with Master's
fingers. He caught himself licking at them, lapping as
they explored his lips. A low rumble came from Master's
throat. He moaned, wrapping his lips around one finger,

"You're very good at that, boy."
He was. He liked it.
Master's finger slowly slid from his mouth, and he

was fed another bite, this more salty than sweet. He
relaxed back on the bed, trusting in someone else to take
care of him. One bite after another was fed into his
mouth, Master feeding himself as well.

Everything was delicious. Fresh. Bright.
He wasn't exactly full yet when Master stopped

feeding him. Oh, his immediate hunger was slacked, but
he'd been enjoying the food, the feeding, and really
wanted more. He took a deep breath, wiggled on the
sheets a minute.

"Enough Mr. Nice Guy," growled his captor. "It's

time you earned your keep."

"What do you want me to do?" He was vaguely tied


"I'm going to fuck that sweet mouth of yours again,


He chuckled. They'd explored that, and he'd proven

he was good at it.

A low growl came out of his Master. "You find me


"You act like your cock is a punishment."
Master's head tilted, and he smiled slowly. "Smart

boy, already having figured out what a reward it is."

The temptation to stick his tongue out was huge, vast.

Almost irresistible.

Master climbed back onto the bed and grabbed his

hair, tugging his head back against the mattress. "Open."

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The low snarl was the hottest thing in a day filled with

The fat prick pressed against his lips, the growl

wordless now, only sound. He opened, sucking easily,
eagerly. This wasn't something he was worried about;
this was simple. Master's hands wrapped around his
head, the thick cock fucking into his mouth.

He used his tongue, slapping the shaft, trying to keep

himself from taking too much. Master pushed deeper
and deeper, though, taking him thoroughly. He
swallowed hard, leaned into the man's hands with all his

"Yes! Fuck!"
He tightened his lips, sucked harder, demanding.

Master pushed in harder, fucking his mouth eagerly. He
could feel the thick cock grow harder as Master got
close. He let his teeth drag the barest bit, almost a tease.
Master shouted, jerking hard into his mouth and spilling
down his throat. He pulled each pulse into him,
swallowing hard, knowing the sensations had to be
almost too much.

Master held his nose buried in the musky pubes. His

whole fucking world was this hot, hungry man. He tried
to cling to Master's cock as it slowly but surely slipped
out of his mouth. He pulled at the tip, trying to keep it

"Greedy boy." Master rubbed the tip against his lips,

then sat back. straddling his legs.

Ben licked his lips, moaned low, wiggled.
"You missed a drop." Master leaned forward and

licked the edge of his mouth. "I'm going to have to
punish you for that."

"Did not..." His whole body went tight.
"Don't talk back to me -- that earns you extra."

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His lips opened, but he wasn't sure what punishment

meant exactly.

Master chuckled, finger patting his lip. "Good boy."
He wasn't a boy. He wasn't.
Master pinched his nipples and then leaned back to

undo his ankles. Before he could react, Master flipped
him so he was on his hand and knees, his arms twisted
above him.

"Fuck!" He jolted forward, completely unnerved.
One of Master's hands landed on his ass, the smack


"Don't! Leave me alone!"
"You didn't swallow it all, you get a spanking."
"Let me go, you bastard!" No way. No way was he

letting this happen.

"Now, now. That's Master Bastard to you." Two

more swats landed on his ass.

"Don't! Let me go!"
"No, that's not my plan at all."" The spanking


He kicked out with his legs, screaming and cursing,

tugging at the bonds.

"Fight as much as you want, boy. This won't stop

until you take it like the slave you are."

"Fuck you! Let me go!" He'd had enough.
Master didn't say a word, just kept spanking him.
"Let me go!" he screamed, legs flailing furiously.
Master didn't. "You got more?"
"Fucker! I did what you asked! Asshole!" He was

getting tired. So tired.

"You seem to forget that I'm in charge here, not you."
"Let me go." He didn't want to be a weakling, to cry,

but he'd had enough.

"No. I. Will. Not." Each word was punctuated with

another swat.

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His ass was burning, his head pounding, and

suddenly he couldn't stop screaming, couldn't stop
flailing and crying, control completely lost.

"That's it, boy. Let me hear it all."
He bellowed until he simply had nothing left. When

he was finally quiet and still, the spanking stopped,
Master's big hand rubbing over his ass. He shook,
whimpered. No more. Please.

"You look good with a reddened ass, boy."
He hid his face in his arms, sobbed. The big hand slid

up along his spine, almost petting him.

"Jus' wan' to go home."
"Too bad."
His breath hitched as he fought to control himself.

Another smack hit his ass, then Master's fingers slid
along his crack. He broke, sobbing hard, frightened and
lonely and sick. Lost. This had been a mistake.

A terrible mistake.

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Chapter Ten

Well, fuck.
Tip rubbed his hand along Ben's spine again, willing

the man to use his safeword; the sounds of Ben's sobs
had moved from release to genuine, deep upset, and if
Ben wasn't going to put a stop to it, Tip was.

"B....bullet. Bullet, please."
Oh, thank god.
"Okay, Ben. I've got you. Let me just get the cuffs

off." He quickly undid the cuffs around Ben's wrists and
then drew the man into his arms.

"Please. No more. No more. I'm so tired."
"Shh. It's okay. It's over. You safeworded." This man

needed a real vacation, not a kidnapping.

Tip held on, rocking the lean body, holding on as Ben

shook. He stroked Ben's back, up and down.

"I'm sorry."
"For what?" Let the boy talk. It would be good for

him to let it all out.

"Everything. Please. I hurt."
He hadn't spanked the boy that hard. "What hurts?"
"Me. This was a stupid idea. I thought..."
"Keep going." It wasn't a stupid idea. Ben had been

jonesing off it, right up until the spanking.

"I just... it wasn't supposed to be so much."
"Ah. It got too intense." It had been far more than

Ben had been prepared for.

Ben nodded. "My head hurts. I'm a fool."
"You should have safeworded sooner, Ben." He

began to massage Ben's scalp. He had aspirin, too, and
lots of water. He'd get them into Ben in a moment.

"I just... I couldn't think. I've never done this before."

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"Not thinking is often the point." He kept massaging,

tried not to growl too much, though his voice was
naturally that way.

"God, your hands feel good."
Pretty boy. Tip found himself humming, rocking his

boy. "So what was the draw for this fantasy?" he asked
softly, needing to get Ben to open up more. Could they
salvage this for the man?

"I just... when I jack off, I fantasize about losing

control, about not having a choice." Ben's cheeks were
painfully red.

He stroked one. "Nothing wrong with that. Fuck,

loads of people live in that world. You don't have to get
kidnapped to make it work, though."

Ben shrugged, hid from him. "It was just a whim." A

damned expensive whim.

"You don't have to tell me, but you shouldn't lie to

yourself, boy."

"It's what I do."
He tilted Ben's face up, looking into the bruised eyes.

"And how's that working for you?"

"Makes me a fortune." There was a wealth of

exhaustion, of need in those eyes.

"Money." He snorted. Sure it was important. It wasn't


Ben nodded. "Yeah."
"Well, this time your money got you me. And you've

got three days left before they mount your 'rescue'."

Ben chuckled, and Tip thought the laugh sounded so

sad. "You don't think that it's over now? Since I quit?"

"You paid for five days, man. I sincerely doubt

they're going to give you a refund. And you're the boss
in this little adventure, so if you want to change the
terms of your fantasy, I'm game." He grinned, winked.

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"Won't be the kidnappee, but I'm otherwise pretty
fucking open."

Ben chuckled softly. "Is this your job? This sort of


"They pay me very well to come here a couple times

a year and help fulfill someone's fantasy. I've never had
anyone like you, though."

"No? What does that mean?"
He shrugged, feeling weird, admitting any sort of

feelings to the client. "I wanted to make it extra special
for you." Maybe it was because Ben had been genuinely
scared at the beginning.

"You are amazing. Can we... can we rest for a little

while?" Ben blinked at him, slowly. "I've never been so

"Sure. Let's go out onto the porch, though. There's a

lovely day bed out there, and the waves make a great

He cradled Ben against his chest and stood, bringing

the man up with him. His hand cupped the man's hot,
beaten ass, protecting it, caressing it.

There was a little fridge out there with water and

juice. He thought there might even be some fruit. Ben
could relax, sleep if he wanted, just rest if he didn't. And
they could see what came up, so to speak, once Ben had
had a chance to breathe.

There was something magical about this man --

something addictive. Something he was going to
discover more about over the next few days that they
had together.

He sat, curled up with Ben held close. His boy.
None of the others before this had been, but he knew,

somehow, that Ben was.


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Ben rested, slept, relaxed, then blessedly, Master took

him into the shower, washed him.

Ben'd asked what the man's name was, but he'd only

been given a quiet, hushing kiss as an answer. "Shush,

They didn't get out of the shower right away, Master's

large body curled around his as the big hands helped the
water sluice away the soap. Something was going on
between them, some game he wasn't sure he knew the
rules to, but if felt too good to stop.

Master touched him everywhere, hands on his balls,

between his legs. He found himself moaning, spreading,

"Good boy." The low growl filled his ears, those

hands staying there, rolling his balls and sliding on the
skin behind them.

"Yes, Sir." He was soaring.
One of Master's thumbs pushed at his hole.
Oh. Oh. He moaned, hips rocking back.
"Greedy boy." Master's thumb breached Ben's ass.
Ben spread a little wider, hands on the tile of the


"That's right, boy. Spread your legs for me. Gonna

fuck this tight little hole." Master's voice was a sexy,
wonderful growl.

Fuck, that little endearment made him stupid, made

his ass tilt back.

"Yeah, I know you want it." Two thumbs spread him.
"Not a slut." That was a lie.
Master laughed, thumbs pressing in and stretching

him. The little burn was welcome, easy. So good.
Master's thumbs disappeared, fingers pushing in instead,
hitting his gland. He stumbled forward, moaning low.

"Hold onto the wall, boy."

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"What?" He looked up, eyes finding the hooks

embedded in the walls. "Oh, God."

"Master will do."
He looked over, unexpectedly tickled. "Making jokes

with your fingers in my ass?"

"Never a better time for it, boy."
He chuckled, fingers wrapping around the hooks.

Master's fingers disappeared, a light spank landing on
his ass, making it ache. And this time, the blow made his
cock throb.

"You ready for me, boy? Ready to feel my prick

spreading you wide?"

Another blow hit his ass.
"Yes, please."
And again Master's hand came down.
"Fuck!" He let go of the hooks, hands covering his


"You forgot a word, boy." Master dragged his hands

away, and the hard, thick cock rubbed against his ass.

"Please. I said please!"
"You don't have to say please, you just need to

remember to call me master, hmm?"

"Master. Master, please. I need." God, he could get

on his knees and beg.

"Well done, boy." Master backed off a bit, then that

thick cock was pressed against his hole. "Take me in."

"Yes, Master. Yes." Oh, God. So thick. So hard. So

good. He bore down, but the man's cock was thick,
bigger than any he'd taken before.

The big hands wrapped around his hips. "Grab the

wall, boy."

"Uh. Uh-huh." He couldn't catch his breath.

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Once he'd grabbed the hooks again, those big hands

tugged his ass backward, the thick cock splitting him

"Oh..." His body went tight, jerked, clenched down


Master stopped, one hand leaving his hip to pat his

belly, to rub. "Easy, boy."

"Big. Been... long time."
"You can take me. Just breathe."
He whimpered, sucked in a shaky breath.
"And another one."
Okay. Okay, he could do that. He could.
"Good boy." Master pushed in another bit.
"Not yet you're not."
Oh, he was. He so was.
Master pushed in some more, spreading him so wide.

He gasped, fighting for air, for space inside him.

"Keep breathing, boy. I know you can take me."
"Big," he panted. "Full."
Master patted his hip. "You love it."
His body clenched down, and Master grunted, teeth

sharp on his shoulder.

"Breathe, boy. Just fucking breathe."
Breathe. Right. He sucked in a shaky breath.
Master smacked his ass. "Another one, boy."
Fuck. Fuck. He managed another, lungs filling.

"Keep breathing."

He nodded. Right. Keep breathing.
The thick cock pulled out a little, then pushed back

in. Then Master rocked again. Oh, God. Oh, God. He
moaned, the pressure just perfect. Master rocked yet
again, going a little deeper this time. His body accepted
it, accepted that fat, heavy cock.

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Master kept pushing in, going deeper each time, until

finally those hips smacked against his tender ass with
every thrust.

"Oh." He'd done it. He'd taken Master in.
Master hummed, patted his hip. His asshole clenched,

his body working the massive cock inside him.

One of his nipples was pinched, then the other one.

Oh. That made him shift, made him move on Master's
prick. The pinches came again, Master's cock punching
in hard.

"Yeah..." He moaned the word, ass meeting the next


"That's it, boy." Master's hands landed on his hips,

tugged him into the next thrust.

"Master." Every inch of that prick filled him.
"That's right, boy."
The thrusts kept coming, filling him. When that cock

hit his gland, he screamed.

"Right there, boy. Right there." Master rocked them

together, hitting that spot every time.

There. Oh, fuck. Don't stop.
Master didn't. In fact, the thrusts got stronger, faster.

All Ben could do was hold on, fight to breathe and not
fall. Finally, Master's hand wrapped around his cock,
pulling in time with the thrusts into his ass. The pleasure
to his cock was secondary to the pressure in his ass.

The noise of their coming together was loud in the

spray of the shower, Master's hips hitting his ass hard.
He barked out his pleasure, his seed painting the side of
the shower.

"Fuck! Yes!" Master shouted, bucking hard into him.

The pressure made his prick jerk weakly. "Mmm. Such a
good boy."

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Master pressed against his back, leaning on him. He

moaned softly, holding the weight. One of Master's
hands slid over his belly, stroking.

"Master." He whispered the word.
"Right here, boy. Right here."
The easiest thing ever was to let the man hold him,

rock him.

The water beat down around them, hot and good.
Ben thought he could stay, right there, forever.


Tip got Ben out of the shower and dried,and then

carried him out to the great day bed on the veranda. The
waves were rushing against the shore, the sound a great
backdrop to the lovely sunset. He wanted Ben to enjoy
the last few days of his fantasy.

It was more than that, really. He felt protective of

Ben. He felt like Ben belonged to him.

Ben curled into his embrace, cheek on his shoulder,

breath soft against his throat. He thought maybe he
dozed as well, tired after the tears and the drama and the

When he woke up, the sun was setting again, and Ben

was sitting on the edge of the veranda, laughing at a pair
of birds playing in the surf. He stretched and got up,
padding over to where Ben sat. He settled next to the

"Hey. Good nap?"
"Yeah. I hadn't had much sleep." He gave Ben a

wink. "It's tiring work, kidnapping someone."

"It was scary, at first. I didn't know it was the


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"That's what you wanted, though, wasn't it?

Something as close to real as possible?" That's how it
had been presented to Tip.

"Yes. Yes, I just didn't think." Ben chuckled softly.

"It's a vice. I was curious. I'll know now, for the next

"You're really a writer?" That seemed to fit,


"I am. Thrillers."
"Man, you need to be careful getting first hand

experience on some of the stuff in those." He nudged
Ben's shoulder. "I bet I could help you get at least a feel
for a lot of it, though. You could tell me what you're
writing, and I could make it happen. More or less.
Without, you know, mutilating you or anything."

"Mutilation would be bad."
Chuckling, he put an arm around Ben. "It would be.

I'm good at whips, chains, ropes, autoerotic
asphyxiation, though. And other stuff like that."

It took Ben a long time to respond. "It scares me, how

excited you make me."

"You think it's me or the situation?" Tip had a hunch

it was him specifically. Not that he thought he was god's
gift, but he didn't think it would be so scary if it was just

"You're not the first man I've bottomed for. No one

else was you."

Tip couldn't help but puff up a little at that. The thing

was, he wanted it to be him. "I'm glad I excite you."

"It's not just that." Ben stood, started pacing a little


"Then tell me." He watched the lean lines as Ben

paced, the man's muscles working.

"It's... I don't know how."

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He stood and stalked over to Ben, being aggressive

about it. "No?" He could see Ben responding, the cock
hidden under the towel jerking. Sweet slut boy. He
backed Ben up to the side of the house. "You know.
You're just scared to vocalize it."

Those pretty eyes searched his. Sweet, needy subby


He wrapped a hand around the back of Ben's head,

tilting Ben's head back. Bending, he took a kiss. He
plundered his boy's lips, reminding Ben who was the
boss, who was in charge. He fucked the sweet lips, his
hips pushing with the same rhythm, rubbing their
middles together.

Ben's towel slipped away, baring the sweet ass. He

grabbed at it, fingers digging into the rosy flesh. It was
still hot, still burning from his hand. He bit at Ben's lip,
then soothed it by sucking softly. Ben moaned, opened,
melting for him.

He broke the kiss off, looking into Ben's eyes.
"I... I want more, Master. Please."
He grabbed Ben's hands and tugged them up over his

head. "Good boy." He watched the effect his words had
on Ben, watched the pretty body arch and flush.

Turning his moan into a growl, he took Ben's mouth

again, his fingers digging into Ben's wrist as he held
them high. Ben opened eagerly, sucking his tongue,
arching into him.

He grabbed hold of Ben's ass again and lifted him

clean off the ground, letting Ben feel his strength, the
power of his muscles. Those lean arms wrapped around
his shoulders, held on. Tip carried Ben back to the day
bed and laid him out.

His boy. Tip liked that thought. He liked it a lot.

"You're like a feast, boy. All laid out for me."

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"A feast?" Ben's smile was almost gentle. "No one's

ever said that to me before."

"Someone should have, because you are." He knelt

on the bed, next to Ben and ran his hands randomly over
the warm skin.

Ben stretched beautifully, arching under his touch.

He pressed harder, fingers digging in here and there.

"What do you want me to do?" Ben sounded


"I want you to reach up and grab the headboard and

hold onto it."

He stared at Ben, who stuttered, "Y...yes, Sir. Master.


He smiled and nodded. "Good boy."
The air between them was thick as syrup. The

electricity heady. He reached for one swollen nipple and
pinched it. Ben groaned, body rippling in something that
looked very much like an orgasm. Groaning, Tip leaned
and took the same nipple into his mouth. The bruised,
swollen bit of flesh pushed into his lips, between his
teeth. He bit down, flicked the very tip with his tongue.

"Yes..." Ben's voice was a sob.
So sweet. He bit down again.
"Hurts." Of course, and Ben was loving it.
He flicked it one last time with his tongue before

moving over to the other one, biting it, too. He bit down
hard, tugged the tip of Ben's nipple until his boy cried
out, hands landing on his head. Oh, no. He'd told Ben to
hold onto the headboard.

He growled, smacked one hip. "Hands up!"
"What? Fuck!? Ben jerked, cried out as he smacked


"I told you to hold onto the headboard and not to let

go, boy."

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"Sorry. Sorry."
He kept smacking Ben, steadily, surely, working Ben

until those hands went up.

He smacked Ben one more time and smiled. "Good


Ben's breath was hitching, eyes glassy.

" you, Master."

Tip smiled. "Very good boy."
He turned his attention back to Ben's right nipple,

blowing across it. He wanted them so sensitive that the
wind was unbearable, that he could brush one with his
finger and make his boy sob, twist. He licked and
nibbled one with his lips, then took it between his teeth.
Ben's breath hitched, and he saw the long fingers twist
around the headboard.

Nodding, he bit down.
"Fuck!" Ben's legs curled up, knocked into him.
Growling, he tugged on Ben's nipple, pulling the skin

up. He sucked, bit, sucked again. He pulled on the sweet
nipple, flicked across the tip, changed it up over and
over to keep the sensations sharp for Ben. Ben's cries
filled the air, his boy twisting underneath him. He wasn't
done yet, though. Nowhere close. He scraped his teeth
over the right nipple. Then did it again.

"Stop. Oh, fuck. Burns."
He bit again, then blew. Ben twisted, hands

threatening to let go. He growled a little in warning,
knowing Ben's nipples were sensitive enough now that
even the vibrations from his vocalization would zing
through him.

"Oh, god. Master. Master, I can't..."
"You can. You will."
Ben didn't seem to have the vaguest clue about what

he could be. Hell, the man thought he was still playing
out a fantasy -- he had no idea this could be real.

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"God, it burns." Still, Ben stayed where he was.
"You're going to feel it for days." He moved to the

other nipple, teased it with only the tip of his tongue for
a few moments.

"Want to feel you longer than that."
He nodded. Yeah. Three days was starting to feel like

a few million too few. Then he bit down hard. Ben
screamed, hands landing on his head, come spraying
between them. He felt like a million fucking bucks,
being able to make Ben come from just nipple play.

"Master." Ben was still moving, still flying.
"Yeah. Right here." He sucked Ben's nipple into his

mouth, working it between his lips.

Ben's cries were constant, desperate, pretty body

jerking restlessly under him. He simply continued to bite
and lick and suck, wanting Ben totally inside out.

Long fingers tugged at his mask. "Please."
"Are you sure you want to lose that part of the

illusion?" It was Ben's fantasy, after all.

"That stopped when you held me. Please."
He moved up the bed so they were face to face.

"Then take it off."

Ben's fingers were shaking, working the ties loose,

baring his face.

He smiled down at Ben as it came off. "Hi, I'm Tip."
"Tip." Ben moaned, fingers exploring his face. "Ben.

Your boy."

He nodded, nuzzled into the touches. "My boy. I


"Oh, good." Ben's lips parted, opened for him.
He pushed his tongue in, fucking Ben's lips. He

tangled his fingers in Ben's hair, encouraged the man to
move again, to rub against him. He pressed his chest
down so it would rub against Ben's nipples. Ben's

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fingers dug into his shoulders, a sharp cry pushed into
his lips.

Smiling, he bit at Ben's lower lip. Ben twisted under

him, fingers slipping down to push between, to work his
nipples. He jerked, the move unexpected. Pushy boy.

Ben pinched again, tugging at him. Growling, he

leaned down and bit at Ben's right nipple.

"Fuck. Fuck, burns. Burns."
He licked the nipple, then blew, soothing -- a little --

the pain of the bite.

"I can't... It's too much." Ben had no idea how much

that amazing body could take.

"I've barely even started."
"Master!" That shock was delicious.
Smiling, Tip rubbed his cheek against the other

nipple. He knew his stubble was maddening, that the
ache was huge. He rubbed his lips against it next, then
his stubble again.

"Master..." Ben tried to pull away, but there was no

way. No way was Tip letting this go.

Growling, he turned and grabbed Ben's nipple

between his lips, sucking before rubbing his teeth over

"I can't. Driving me crazy."
He didn't answer with words, just sucked harder. That

little nipple had to be screaming, and Ben was sobbing,
twisting, crying out for him. He kept torturing it. He
wanted it to be purple.

"No more. Oh, fuck. No more. Fuck. Fuck..." Ben

arched, cock driving against him.

He flicked the tip with his tongue, back and forth.
"Master." Ben's legs wrapped around him, held on


"Just keep those hands up there."
"You're evil."

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"Yep." He did, however, move to the other nipple to

continue torturing it.

"Uh-huh." He wasn't going to argue the point. He was

going to prove it true. He wanted his boy to go out of his

He grabbed the right nipple between his fingers,

squeezing it as he continued to suck and bite at the left
one. Ben's hands pushed at him, that cock leaked pure
fire against him, and the scent of desperate need hit his

"Hands up!" he growled, pinching harder.
"Fuck!" Ben beat at Tip’s shoulders, wild.
"Hands up before the punishment you have coming

gets any worse!"

"I..." Ben groaned, hands going up. So good, to be so

new at this.

"Mmm. That gets you a reward." He pushed a hand

between Ben's legs, searching for the little hole.

He'd save the punishment for later, for when Ben

could enjoy it. Ben spread for him, body begging him.
He tapped at Ben's entrance and then grabbed for the
lube, slicking up his fingers. Taking a moment to
admire, to look at the long, bare, abused body, Tip
licked his lips, moaned.

"Those sweet little nips of yours are almost the right

color." Almost. He just wanted a little more.

Ben convulsed, shuddered. "A...almost?"
"That's right. Almost." He lowered his mouth back to

the left nipple.

Ben shrank back, fingers white knuckled.
"You can take it, love." Then he bit.
Tip let his teeth dig in, ignoring Ben's howls, and he

tugged, pulling until the rush of pain became
overwhelming sensation. Then he did the same to the

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other nipple. Ben's sounds were soft little gasps now,
gentle sobs.

He licked gently at the right nipple. "So good, boy."
The wet cheeks were beautiful, the wild eyes more

so. He licked a line along Ben's cheek, tasting the heat
and the salt there.

"Master." Sweet boy.
"I'm right here, boy. With you."
His boy nodded, eyes searching his. He held that

gaze, made sure Ben saw him. He rolled Ben's balls,
chuckling as his boy's eyes crossed. Those pretty little
nipples were dark, dark purple now. Perfect.

He tapped the skin behind Ben's balls, touched the

sweet hole. Ben spread easily, letting him in. He pushed
the tip of his finger in, watching Ben's cock bob against
his belly.

Tight. Damn, his boy was still tight around him. He

couldn't wait to be buried inside Ben's body again, to
look into the eyes of his boy instead of his captive. Ben's
asshole clenched, tugging at him, trying to pull him in

"Wait for the lube, boy." He wouldn't penetrate Ben


"Yes, Sir." Ben made his mouth dry.
He lubed up his fingers and pressed two inside. He

watched the pleasure on his boy's face. Stretching his
fingers and pushing them deeper, he searched for Ben's

"Oh, fuck... Yes. Yes." Ben bucked up, head leaving

the mattress.

"Right there, boy. Right there." He hit Ben's gland

again, then again.

"Oh, God. Oh, God. Master. Master, I can't..."
"You can. You are."
Those hands started to slide, moving off the slats.

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"Don't you let go."
"Please. I..."
He pegged Ben's gland again, hard. "Don't let go."
"I have to!" Ben screamed at him, but didn't let go.
"No. You don't. You're my boy, and I know you want

to please your master."

Ben jerked, hid his face in the curve of his arm.

Those hands stayed firm.

"So proud of you, boy." He felt Ben's response

around his fingers.

Smiling, he stretched his fingers apart and pushed in

a third. Ben was gulping in air, body pushing up to meet
his touch. He reached with his free hand and flicked
Ben's left nipple.

"No!" Ben jerked away, almost falling off the bed.
He growled, grabbing Ben's hips and hauling him

back in. Hysterical babbling filled the air, Ben offering
him that delicious loss of control. He pushed his fingers
back into Ben's ass, finding that special spot
immediately. Ben's body convulsed, a sharp-edged grunt
on the air.

"I'm gonna take you. Gonna have my boy."
"Yes. Fuck, please. Please, Master."
He grabbed a condom and smoothed it over his cock

before slicking it up.

"Need you."
It didn't escape Tip that Ben didn't say he needed

fucking, needed to come, needed more. Ben needed him.

"You have me," he pointed out, moving so his cock

pressed against Ben's ass.

Those lean hips tilted, begging for him.
"Needy, wanton boy." It was so sexy, the way Ben

wanted him.

"God, the things you say."

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"You like that, Ben? Like it when I call you boy?

When I call you slave and tell you I'm going to fuck
your tight little ass?" He pressed his cockhead in, only
far enough to begin to stretch said tight little ass.

"I. I don't..." Ben nodded.
He chuckled and slowly pushed in farther.
"So big." Ben was good for his ego.
"I'll fit, though, boy. All the way in." He kept

pushing, sliding deeper. Ben moaned for him, body
welcoming his cock. "So tight, boy. So hot. I'm going to
fuck you into next week."

"I won't have you next week. What will I do without


"Shh." He bent to press their lips together, shutting

Ben up.

He'd figure that out. Later. Right now he was having

his boy, that tight heat wrapped so good around his
cock. He pushed in until his hips hit Ben's hot ass, then
he pulled out again.

"Yes." Ben's lips parted, eyes rolling back in his


He did it again, and again and again, slowly picking

up a rhythm. Fuck, his boy felt so fucking good around
him, so right. He broke the kiss to lick at one of Ben's
nipples Jesus. Jesus, that felt amazing, Ben's ass like a
fist around him.

He was panting like he'd just run a marathon and

they'd only just started, really. He wasn't sure how long
he was going to last, though. It was too damn good.

"Master. Yours. Master. Please."
"Mine." He couldn't agree more. He thrust in harder

and faster, barrelling toward pleasure like this moment
was their only chance at it. Ben nodded, body slamming
back onto him.

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"Yes. Yes, Ben!" He thrust just as fiercely, urging

them on and on.

His Ben nodded, body demanding his orgasm.
Tip found Ben's cock and wrapped his hand around

it. "Come on now, boy."

He slammed into Ben's gland as his answer. Ben's

body jerked, spunk slipping from his boy's cock.

"Yes!" The hot body squeezed tight around him, and

he filled the condom in long spurts.

Ben slumped onto to bed, blinking up at the sunshine.

He slipped out of Ben's heat and dealt with the condom
before collapsing down next to Ben. His boy pressed
close, kissed his collarbone.

He petted Ben's shoulder. "You're a good boy."
Ben's answer was a soft moan. He patted Ben's

shoulder again and let his eyes close.

He thought they both deserved a nap.

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Chapter Eleven

Tomorrow it was time to go.
How utterly fucked up.
Ben would have been pacing, if he hadn't been

bound, tied to the bed in the cabin, ass up.

Master Tip came in, naked, hard; he looked amazing.

"Ah, there's my boy." Like Tip hadn't been the one to
put him here.

Ben licked his lips, moaned softly. "Did you lose


"Shh. Don't ruin the illusion." One of Master Tip's

hands came down hard on his ass.

His breath huffed out of him, and he wriggled,

automatically trying to get away.

"There's nowhere to go, boy."
"I. Why did you hit me?"
"Because we both enjoy it, boy." Master Tip leaned

down to whisper into his ear. "And because I can. You
seem to forget that you're at my mercy, boy."

"No, Master. Never." It was hotter than he'd ever

dreamed, now.

"Good boy." Master Tip rubbed his ass, fingers

sliding over the abused flesh, making it burn.

Ben's eyes crossed, and he moaned. He couldn't help


"That's what I like to hear. I like to know that my

every touch makes you crazy, makes you want even
more because you're my slutty, needy boy."

God, the things Master said.
He pushed back into the touch, his toes curling.

"Yours." He meant it.

"I know, Ben. Deep in my gut, I feel the truth of it."

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Ben nodded, rocking slowly. "Tell me everything's

not over tomorrow, then." In one of his books, it
wouldn't be over.

"It doesn't have to be, boy. We can leave it all behind

right here, or we can exchange numbers." Master Tip
settled on the bed behind him, cock rubbing along his
crack. "You could be my boy for real, Ben."

"I would be." It was ridiculous, foolish, fabulous.

Totally him.

"I want it, Ben. I want you." Just like that, Master

Tip's cock pushed into him.

"Yours. I swear." No condom. Nothing between

them. Oh, God. Yes.

"All mine." The words were growled, Master Tip

filling him so good, so perfectly.

"All..." He pushed back as much as he could.
"Love your eagerness, boy." Master Tip's hands

wrapped around his hips and encouraged him back

Love. The word echoed inside him. Master Tip's cock

pushed against his gland. "Love!" He couldn't hold it
inside him.

"Mine! Mine!" With every thrust into him, Master

Tip repeated the word.

Ben focused on feeling, on soaring with his master.

Each thrust slapped their skin together, the noise just
about perfect. His butt was stinging, his thighs
screaming, and it felt so good.

"I've got you," growled Master Tip. "You're mine.

All mine." Then a sharp bite hit his shoulder, digging in,
deep. Marking him. Master was marking him.

"Gonna..." He was so close.
"Wait for permission, boy."
"Oh, fuck..." He was going to lose his mind.
"Yes. Fucking."

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"I can't." The blow to his ass made him groan.
"You will, boy. Because I asked you to."
Oh, fuck yes. "Master."
"That's right. I'm your master, boy." Tip's thrusts into

his body got stronger, rocked him on the bed.

The bonds tugged at him, pulled at his wrists, his


Then one of Master Tip's hands wrapped around his

cock, squeezed and stroked. "Okay, boy. Show me.

His body went tight, and for one terrifying bit, he was

afraid he couldn't do it, but Master Tip slammed in deep
and spunk sprayed from him. He could feel the heat of
his master's come filling him as his emptied out, and
Master Tip's shout filled the room.

He slumped forward, the ropes holding him, holding

both of them.

Soft kisses landed on his neck, Master Tip

whispering against his skin. "Mine. My boy. My Ben.
All mine."

"Yes." It sounded like a promise to him.
"I'm keeping you, boy."
"Okay. I'll let you."
"I'm serious, Ben."
He nodded. "I am, too. I know it's ridiculous. I know,

but I'm yours."

"Then it isn't ridiculous, and we'll figure it out."
"Okay." Life was too short to not grab hold of what

you needed.

Master Tip slid out of him and landed next to him,

mouth on his in seconds. Those lovely eyes were open,
staring into him, and he didn't look away.

"Mine," whispered his Master, as their lips parted.
With all he was.

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Tip settled Ben at the table on the porch with their

last supper -- which sounded more ominous somehow
than it was. At least now that they'd decided he was
keeping Ben. All that was left was the details.

He waited until they'd both dished up and had a few

bites of the flaky fish. "How do you want to handle

"Where is home for you?"
"I've got a tiny apartment in New York."
"I have a house in Colorado in the mountains. It's

only a few years old. I had it built."

"Wow. Sounds like the kind of place you wouldn't

want to leave." Sounded like Ben had money. Which,
hey, of course he did if he could afford this fantasy. "It's
not about the money."

"No, and if you like the city, I can try it there. I need

room to write, though."

"I'm not really tied down, either. I work for the guys

here a couple times a year -- that pretty much pays the
rent. I do odd jobs now and then for anything else I
need. I can probably do that anywhere."

Pretty, warm eyes met his. "I could use a personal

assistant. I travel a lot. Work a lot."

He let one eyebrow go up. "It wouldn't be weird,

having your master also be your personal assistant?"

Ben chuckled. "Like a personal assistant isn't the

closest thing to a master a writer has -- it's someone who
makes sure I get everything done I'm supposed to,
protects me from the crazies, and clears my head and
schedule so I can work."

"Huh. Well, when you put it like that, it does sound

like a master."

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"I'm yours, Tip. I'll be yours as long as you want me."
He leaned over the arms of their chairs and stroked

Ben's cheek. "Then you'll always be mine. Frankly, the
details are just that. I'll work for you if there's actual
work needed. Or I'll find a job, or whatever. I just want
to have you in my life."

Ben leaned into his touch, eyes crossing a bit. "Yes."
"As my boy." He wanted to be Ben's master, not just

his lover.

Ben nodded, cheek rasping against his palm.
"Then it's settled. I'm coming home with you."
"Yes, Sir."
The words settled in his balls. Tip smiled and pressed

their lips together. "Love you, boy." The words felt
right, solid.

Ben nodded, then suddenly he had his world, his boy

in his lap. That felt more right than anything. He held on
-- he wasn't letting go.

Of course, he was the kidnapper, he didn't have to.

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Chapter Twelve

Leo knelt in the center of the room, hands behind his

head. He had cleaned himself, inside and out, most
thoroughly. He had shaved his pubes, because, as he
always told his slaves, boys don't get to have fur down
there. He had a collar on, a blindfold, but besides that,
he was simply waiting for the Dom to come in.

The door opened, closed again. Leo didn't move. He

knew he looked good -- strong and healthy, sure.

He heard footsteps, the sound slowly circling him.
Leo had considered this for two yeas before buying

into the fantasy. He'd topped dozens of men, maybe
more. Trained boys to be perfect companions, perfect

When Aaron had been given to Matthias two years

ago, the words from his slave had been, "You need to
understand this better, Master. You don't understand us."

A foot touched the inside of his knee. "Wider."
He spread wider, his inner thighs protesting. He was

not giving anyone reason to criticize him, though.

"Better." The man's voice was deep, husky.
He wasn't sure if he was expected to answer, so he

went with silence.

"Shaved. Good. You're clean?
"Yes, Sir."
He'd given himself two enemas, just to assure that.

He had been known to give an unprepared sub
punishment cleanings, just like he'd shaved the heads of
every sub who hadn't come to him for training bare.

"Excellent." One hand landed on his shoulder. The

hand was huge, solid, firm, and it was all he could do
not to jump, jerk. "What do you want?"

He'd prepared for that question, had meditated on it

for days. "I'm here to learn submission, Sir."

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"It's not something you learn, boy. It comes from

here." The hand on his shoulder slid down, pressed over
his heart.

In that case, he was fucked. He was not a natural sub.

He'd told them that, though, informed them he was a

The man chuckled, patted his chest. "It's in all of us,

boy. You just need to find it and tap into it."

"Yes, Sir." He wasn't sure he was going to, but he'd

give it everything he had. He wanted to give his trainees
everything he could.

The hand disappeared and the footsteps sounded

again, stopping in front of him this time. "You can start
by licking my boots, boy."

Leo knew how this looked, how good it was to watch

a new sub bend to you, tongue on your boots, so
tentative, so unnerved. Not him. He was going to be
confident, sure. Brave. He bent, his hands balancing
himself on the floor.

"Uh-uh-uh. Hands behind your head or in the small

of your back, boy."

His eyebrow arched. Someone was confident in the

strength of his abs. He slid his hands behind his back,
using his thighs to keep himself steady.

"Better." The single soft word was his only


The leather of the boots was earthy, but clean, and he

focused on doing a good job, being graceful.

"Make sure you don't miss a spot."
Like he could see to tell if he did. He tried to lick in a

pattern, but his abs were beginning to scream.

A snort sounded. "I can see this is your first time, but

at least you're trying."

The temptation to snarl 'thank you' was huge, but he

didn't have much breath, and he knew this trick.

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He nodded, sat up, tried to take a deep enough breath

that his belly unlocked.

"Something wrong, boy?"
"No, Sir." The words were almost a whisper.
The man growled.
He sucked in one breath, another, and the muscle

tension eased. Oh, better.

"If nothing's wrong, you won't mind getting back

down there and licking my boots some more."

He bit back the growl that bubbled inside him. Relax,

man. Breathe.

"My abs won't take much more." See him. See him

try to do this right.

"Mmm. Very good, boy. I didn't think you would

admit it."

Leo didn't know how to respond, what to think.
"You get a reward for that."
"Thank you, Sir." He had to force himself not to pull

the blindfold off, look and see who they'd hired.

He heard the sound of the zipper, smelled the sudden

heat and musk. Ah, the blow job as a reward thing. He'd
always thought it was more of a reward for him, but it
was sort of standard operating procedure. In the Dom
manual, as it were, assuming there was an official

"You like sucking cock, boy?"
"It's been a very long time."
"I'll just bet it has."
He wouldn't sigh. He wouldn't. This was important,

to learn this, to be able to make his subs better.

A large hand wrapped around his head, tugged him

forward. "Open up, boy."

He took a deep breath, made himself relax, and

opened. Relax. Relax. It felt like forever before anything

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happened, and then he was tugged a bit more forward, a
hot mouth covering his.

The kiss shocked him, surprised him. His Dom's

tongue swept through his mouth, slid along his tongue.
And then the kiss was over. He blinked behind the
blindfold, trying his best not to sway.

His Dom patted his cheek. "Keep doing well and

you'll get another."

He hated not knowing what was next, what the plan


"Now you can show me what you've learned about

cock-sucking." Something hot and hard hit his lips.

He hadn't sucked for a long time, and he took a deep

breath, tried not to pull back. The thick cock pushed
between his lips, spreading them. He clamped down,
sucking the tip so that it didn't hit the back of his throat.
His hair was grabbed, his head tugged back a little as the
hard cock pushed in a little deeper. He did growl, that
time, pulling harder on the fat flesh in his lips.

"Better. You know what you like, boy."
He did. He liked obedience, willingness, yielding


"Use that to make it good for me."
The temptation to lean back and tell his man that this

blowjob was about establishing position, not about
orgasm, not about pleasure, and he well knew it, was
huge. Huge. Still, Leo resisted, focusing on the job at
hand. At hand. Oh, that was funny.

"If I don't come, you get punished, boy. This isn't a

joke." The words "I'm not a joke" sat there in the Dom's

Leo slowed his touch, aggravated now. Like he

couldn't make a man come. Shit. He had boys twisting
and sobbing for it. He took the challenge, exploiting
every single sensitive spot his lips found.

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"Better, boy. Remember, your focus is supposed to be

on me. On my pleasure, my needs."

Was he this distracting when he was topping?
The hand in his hair tightened, the Dom beginning to

move his hips. Leo forced himself to relax, to work the
tip, slap the heavy shaft with his tongue. He received a
moan for his troubles, the fingers in his hair opening and
closing once. There they were. A rush of satisfaction hit
him. He wasn't awful at this, damn it. The thick cock
slid on his tongue, pushing and pulling.

They found a rhythm together, a hot and fierce kind

of peace. It took longer than he wanted, but finally the
cock in his mouth got just a little bit harder and spunk
poured down his throat. He swallowed, trying to ignore
his aching jaw. When the pulses of come stopped, the
cock in his mouth slowly pulled away.

His head fell forward, and he rolled his head,

loosening the muscles in his neck. Man, he needed a
massage already.

"Very good. You get another reward."
The words were barely out when that mouth covered

his again, tongue pushing in. The man kissed him like he
was something desirable, like the man wanted him. It
was unnerving and hot as hell.

As the kiss ended, his Dom hummed. "You taste like

me. And under that is you."

He nodded, tongue flicking out to lick his lips. His

Dom's tongue chased his, the touch playful, light. His
tense jaw relaxed, his body beginning to respond to the
play. Their noses bumped and then rubbed together, and
his Dom caught his tongue, sucking on it lightly.

His arms windmilled a bit, keeping him upright. One

big hand landed on his shoulder, supporting him. Better.
This guy was good. Sure. Practiced.

"You're doing well, but this is just the basics."

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He knew that. He'd give his best effort, though. Tried

his best.

"And we're on an accelerated path."
They only had five days, he knew that, too.
"Yes, Sir." He wouldn't call another man Master.
"How are your knees?"
"Sore, Sir." There would be bruises in the morning.
"Good job. Up you get." Two hands slid beneath his

arms, helping him get upright.

It was strange, unnerving to be blindfolded and

moving. He didn't like it.

"We're going to the bed so we can continue this lying


"Yes, Sir." He took careful, unsure steps.
One of the Dom's arms slid around is waist, the

support steady and solid. The man smelled good -- male
and strong, heady. Leather and soap.

They stopped moving, and he was shifted, the bed

pressing up against the back of his legs. "Lie down.
Spread out on the bed."

His hand slid back, feeling the sheets, searching out

how big the bed was as he eased himself back.

"I'm not here to trick you; the bed is big enough for

you to lie on spread eagle."

"Okay. Thank you." He spread, stretched out, back


"Look at you."
"I have a blindfold on." He wasn't sure if teasing was

appropriate, but a man needed a sense of humor."

"I know. I can see." He could hear the amusement in

his Dom's voice.

Leo grinned, at least with one side of his mouth.
"You really are stunning, though, boy." A hand

landed on his right foot.

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His toes curled. "Thank you, Sir." He worked hard on

his body.

Knuckles rubbed along his sole, hard enough not to

tickle. "Lie still, boy."

Leo made his toes relax, made himself breathe. The

warm hand moved to cup his ankle and then slid slowly
up along to his calf. He focused on the touch, on the way
the hairs on his legs tugged the slightest bit. The touches
continued, sliding up along his leg. His quads tightened,
the muscles squeezed. A low rumble came from the Top,
the sound pleased. Then the touch moved to his other
leg, starting again at his foot.

He focused on his breath, in and out, nice and slow.
"You've got good control. But that's to be expected."
He would hope so. He was a Top.
"I bet you'll look amazing when you lose control."

The touch on his left thigh turned into a hold, fingers
beginning to dig in.

Leo wouldn't know. His tight muscles protested the

touch. His Dom let go and then cupped his balls. He
didn't close his legs, didn't reach down and grab the
man's arms, but it was a close thing.

The hand on him squeezed a little and then let go,

moved to wrap around his cock. "Being on your knees
servicing me turned you on."

He just... Natural response.
The Dom pumped him, bringing him back to full life.

He licked his lips, breathed in through his nose.

"I'm not going to let you come yet, though." That

hand kept pumping.

Leo could control himself. He could.
"If you come without permission, you'll be


"I won't."

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The jacking got just a little bit faster. "You need a


"No. I can control myself."
His Dom's thumb pressed against his slit. "You're


He set his jaw. "Yes, Sir."
"If that's the way you want it, boy." That press

against his slit came again.

His teeth sank into his bottom lip, and he breathed, in

and out, slowly. His cock was abandoned, both of his
Dom's hands landing on his belly, rubbing. That touch
was oddly more intimate than the touch to his cock,
more personal. The big hands spread, the reach of that
touch enormous. His eyes went wide behind the
blindfold, his lips parting instinctively.

His Dom's hands slid up along his belly, over his ribs.

That touch, again, was easier to take. His Dom's fingers
danced over his nipples, stroking them. It was almost a
tease. He was lucky in that he didn't have viciously
tender nipples, so the tease warmed him, bone deep. One
nail flicked across his right nipple, but there was no
matching sting on his left side. Now that was
surprisingly irritating. The right nipple received another
flick, and then those big hands kept moving upward.

He tensed his muscles, then forced them to relax.

There was a soft chuckle, his Dom's fingers digging into
his collarbones. That sent a shock down his belly, and
his hands moved.

"I said no moving."
"Sorry. Involuntary jerk."
Strong thumbs slid up and down along the side of his

neck. That was uncomfortable, intimate, and he had to
force himself to be still. The touch slid up his jaw and
across his lips. He kept his lips closed, teeth tight.

"Someone's tense. You have to trust me, boy."

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That was easier said than done. "Yes, Sir."
"You have to learn to give yourself entirely to your

master, to the experience."

How many times had he said something like that?

Well, okay, not often. He wasn't the chatty type, and he
sort of was a show, not tell type, but the intention was
the same.

"You're thinking too much." His Dom's weight was

suddenly fully on him, a hard kiss spreading his lips

He couldn't help his moan, the way his lips opened to

let the man in. The kiss was hard and soft at the same
time, this Dom demanding to be let in and then
caressing the inside of his mouth like he was to be
cherished once he was in. Leo made this sound,
completely caught unawares.

The kiss continued, the hard body on his covered in

silk above the waist and leather below, the twin
sensations erotic against his skin. There was a sudden,
surprising chemistry, like kissing someone for the
twentieth time.

The Dom's hands wrapped around his head, tilting it

to take the kiss deeper. Soft sounds built in his chest,
climbed up his throat. The long body undulated on him,
stimulating him. Big. This man was big, solid, strong,
and the smell was so good. Each kiss was followed by
another, stealing his breath. Fuck, yes. His hands slid up
the man's arms, the kiss wild.

He could feel the heat, the hardness of his Dom's

cock pressing against his own, even through the leather.
Yes. Fuck. Harder. He was fucking flying.

The kiss ended as suddenly it had begun, his Dom

tearing his mouth away. "You were told to be still."
Husky and wanton, his Dom couldn't hide the need in
his voice.

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Leo fought to catch his breath, to settle. That kiss.


"That's what I want, what you need. To let go, to lose

control -- to let someone else think."

The warm fingers wandered over his skin, no pattern,

just touching. His breath slowed, little shivers taking
him. One solid knee pushed between his legs, pressed up
against his balls. He made himself breath, stay loose,
stay relaxed. One hand grabbed his cock, rubbed hard
against the tip. His toes curled, his asscheeks clenched.

His right nipple was flicked. The same one as before.

And, once again, just the right one. Jesus, that was
maddening. His Dom flicked it again, harder this time.
Leo set his teeth together, took a deep breath.

"You can't move, but you can make as much noise as

you want."

Hopefully, he wouldn't need to. Hopefully.
This time his right nipple was tweaked hard. He

grunted, muscles tight as he fought not to jerk away.
There was finally -- finally -- a touch to his left nipple,
something hot and wet surrounding it, suction starting.
A surprised sound -- mostly shock, but a good part pure
hunger -- left him.

He felt the smile around his nipple. Oh, damn it. He

had to admit, the guy was good.

The long pulls around his nipple went straight to his

cock, to his balls. His prick throbbed in time with the
suction. His balls ached. The knee at his balls pushed
slightly harder, the ache growing. His abs tightened,
body clenching. The nipple not getting sucked was
twisted suddenly.

"Fuck!" He did shift that time. Fucker.
The tip of his nipple was bitten, then soothed with the

flat of his Dom's tongue. His Dom. The thought made
him nervous, worried, excited.

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His nipple was abandoned, that hot mouth settling

over the pulse point on his neck. His eyes rolled.
Marking him. The man was marking him. Shit.

The suction started slowly, built. His breath caught in

his chest, his body tingling. Sharp teeth scraped along
his now very sensitive skin. Fuck. Fuck. He shivered,
swallowing hard, over and over.

His Dom's tongue flicked over the hurt, and then the

suction started up again. This sound left him -- part
whine, part moan. A low moan sounded -- vibrated
against his skin. Oh, fuck. So hot. Suddenly, he wanted
to touch, to feel, to have another one of those kisses.

The suction slowly ended, a long lick going from his

nipple to his jaw, to his lips. He turned his head into the
kiss. Those lips backed away for a moment and then
pressed against his, this man clearly in charge of the

This kiss was just as powerful as the last, the pressure

stealing his breath, making him gasp. His Dom took
advantage of his gasp, tongue pushing in deep. His
mouth was plundered, explored, pleasured. Warm hands
slid from his shoulders along his arms, finding his
fingers and wrapping them together.

Leo held on, that connection sure and important,

grounding him. The kisses went on and on, stealing his
breath. His focus. His good sense.

The fingers tightened on his, the knee at his crotch

shifting, pushing against the skin behind his balls. He
grunted into the kiss, rocking against that pressure.

"Needy boy." The words were a bare whisper, and

then his mouth was being devoured again.

Yes. Yes, he needed. Fuck.
The whole leg shifted, pressing against his balls, and

then his cock, rubbing it. Suddenly, the urge to orgasm
hit him, made his eyes roll back. His Dom's knee nudged

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the skin behind his balls hard. The jolt of electricity was
sudden, sharp, and spunk sprayed from him, surprising
the fuck out of him.

"Smell that. Smell your spunk, you naughty, naughty


He growled under his breath, furious at himself for

the loss of control, pissed at the Dom for forcing him
over. "Man, banging the gland is a guaranteed shot and
you know it."

The man snorted. "Only if you're close." He felt

warmth near his ear, and his Dom whispered. "Kisses,
hand holding, and a little stimulation and you came for
me, just like that."

His cheeks heated, and the rush of shame he felt

surprised him, or maybe it didn't. He prided himself on
his control, damn it. "It won't happen again." He'd
learned his lesson.

The fingers holding his slid away, cupped his cheeks,

and he was kissed, almost tenderly this time. "You'll
wear the ring next time."

He didn't know about that, but he definitely wouldn't

be losing himself in any more kisses. The Dom leaned
back and rubbed his come into his skin, hands big,
warm, gentle. He kept his eyes closed, because no one
would know.

Then the blindfold was touched, his Dom playing

with it. His eyebrows lowered, his curiosity flaring.
Then the blindfold came away altogether, a handsome
man looking down at him.

Leo looked. Then blinked. Then looked again, a

sudden rush of cold horror hitting him. "Little David?"
Oh, God. Oh, God, what were the odds?

"Not so little, boy. I topped you fair and square and

made you come against orders."

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Leo's mind was gibbering, going ten thousand miles a

minute, and he forced himself to be silent for a minute,
to wrap his control around him like a cloak and choose
his words carefully. "Indeed you did, excellent job." He
was never going to be able to go home and re-enter the
scene. Never.

David smiled at him. "I did." Then the man's mouth

was on his again, the kiss strong and gentle at the same

Leo forced himself to relax, to breathe. He had to

figure out what to do.

David rubbed the leather-clad body against him.

"You did well for your first time, boy. Even if I do have
to punish you for coming without permission."

There was no way. No way was he going to allow

that. Not someone he knew.

The kiss ended, and David stretched out next to him,

solid and warm. He couldn't believe the muscled blond
was right there. The kid had to be ten years younger than
him, hadn't been in the Scene for nearly as long as he
had. He'd never be able to show his face at the cons
again, not with his reputation as a Trainer.

David frowned and leaned up on one elbow. "What's

wrong, boy?"

He sat up, sighed. "Now, that is a loaded question. I

need to use the facilities, if you don't mind."

"You're allowed. Then you can come back and talk to


He nodded, slid from the bed and headed to the

bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him
before turning the light off and turning on the water to
wash the seed from his skin.

What the fuck had he done?

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Chapter Thirteen

David watched Leo's ass until the door to the

bathroom closed after it. Then he lay back on the bed,
one hand reaching to adjust his very hard cock in his
leather pants.

He'd been in love with Leo since the day he first met

the man at a leather show several years ago. Hell, it had
been closer to awe back then. There still was a bit of that
mixed in with love and lust, but every overture he'd ever
made had been summarily ignored.

When he'd been tapped for this job, he'd jumped at

the chance to get up close and personal with the most
stunning man he knew. It had gone well, too, until he'd
taken the blindfold off. Then everything had changed.
Maybe he shouldn't have, but he didn't believe you
could have a proper Dom/sub relationship without being
able to look each other in the eye.

He glanced at his watch, standing, heading toward

the bathroom door. He knocked and leaned against the
wall next to it. "You drown in there, boy?"

He chuckled. "Come on out, Leo."
"I'll be out when I'm finished."
He crossed his arms over his chest. "Make it snappy,

boy." It didn't take that long to pee. It did take time to
regroup, and David didn't intend to let Leo do that.

"You heard me, David. I'll be out when I'm finished."
"You call me David instead of 'sir' again and you'll be

punished for it." He was not letting Leo take over. Leo's
fantasy was to be topped, and god damn it, that's what
he was giving the man.

He didn't get an answer, but the water did turn off. He

kept waiting, slowly counting the time off. Eventually,

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Leo came out, wrapped in a robe, face carefully

"Oh, I don't think so." He looked pointedly at the


Leo met his eyes, a dead-on challenge. "I think we

need to talk."

"We can talk. After you take off the robe."
"That's not going to happen, David."
He was going to put the man over his knee and spank

him. "Just like that you're throwing away the money you
spent to come here? You're giving up on being a sub for
the week?"

"I had no idea it was going to be someone I knew.

This is a totally different scenario."

"It shouldn't make a difference, Leo. You either want

to do this, or you don't." He got up into Leo's face.
"Don't you even try to say that I'm not a good top, that I
didn't rock your world."

Leo didn't back up. "I didn't say you did anything

wrong, David. I don't mean you any offense."

"Bullshit. And don't think I'm not keeping track of

each and every time you call me David instead of Sir.
Your ass is going to be rosy as fuck." God, the man was

"This is an unworkable situation."
He shook his head. "And you don't mean any

offense?" Sexy or not, he was going to beat the man.

"I don't. This isn't a commentary on your skill."
No, he thought it was. A commentary on how good

he was. "Then what's the problem?"

"I'm not comfortable with this."
He uncrossed his arms and held his hands out. "Isn't

that the point?"

"Not for me, no. I was trying to learn to be a better


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He knew that. He'd read it in Leo's file. However,

that wasn't what this was about. This was about Leo
liking it.

"By being a sub. Which you thought you'd breeze

through. You thought you'd go through the motions, and
then I surprised you, and you surprised yourself because
you liked what I did. I made you come, and it wasn't a
trick. I did that to you."

Tall and fierce, lean and wild, with dark hair and near

black eyes and a hooked nose -- Leo was stunning, more
beautiful now like this.

David moved forward and bumped Leo with his

chest. "I got to you, and now you're running scared."

"I'm embarrassed and in an untenable position."
"I'm sorry you're embarrassed, but we can get past

that. I don't get what this untenable position is."

Leo shook his head. "I work in the same circles as


"No. We're not in those circles now, and I know


Leo met his eyes. "It wasn't supposed to be someone

I knew."

"You think there's anyone out there who doesn't

know you?" He shook his head and pushed again,
backing Leo into the wall. "I'm not going to tell

Leo swallowed hard, the man's Adam's apple


"So now that that's out of the way, how about you

lose the robe, start calling me Sir, and get your ass back
in that bedroom?"

"It's not going to happen." Leo didn't sound sure.
"It so is." He stared into Leo's eyes, refusing to back

down. Leo couldn't deny the chemistry between them.

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This was his one shot at the man. He wasn't giving it up.
"On the bed, naked, ass up. Now."

"This is not going to happen, David. I am not going

to do this."

"That spanking is getting longer every minute."
Leo met his eyes, trying to stare him down. Jesus, the

man was a dream -- strong, fierce, with the ability to
submit hidden deep inside.

David didn't let Leo intimidate him. He didn't back

down. He didn't blink. Come on, Leo. You know you
want it. Give in to it.

"I did this for my subs."
"You're the only sub here today, Leo."
"I'm not a sub." The words were snapped out.
"You are today!" He could snap and snarl, too.
Leo growled deep in his chest, the man actually

stepped toward him, their chests slapping together. He
puffed up and pushed back, setting Leo back against the
wall. "It's your fucking program, boy. Get with it."

"I'm not a boy!"
No. No, Leo was his boy. "You're my boy, Leo.

Mine. Head to toe."

Leo's lips parted. That was it. David pushed a little


"Back off." The words were a moan.
"No fucking way." He brought their lips within


He could smell Leo's breath, see the need and panic

in the dark eyes. He pressed their lips together, taking
Leo's mouth like he owned it. It took Leo a few seconds
to respond, to wrap one arm around him and try to take
back control of the kiss. He pushed Leo's shoulders,
putting the man back against the wall as he refused to
give up control.

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Leo was hard for him, cock parting the robe. He

pressed his body up against Leo's, making sure the man
knew that he knew how turned on Leo was.

This wasn't a mistake; the chemistry between them

was as real as he'd always thought it would be.

He got a hand around Leo's head and tilted it, taking

the kiss even deeper from this angle. Leo's lips parted,
the kiss seeming to switch slightly from a battle to
lovemaking. He slid his free hand down inside the robe,
wrapping it around Leo's hip.

Solid, strong -- Leo was a wet dream. His wet dream.
He rubbed them together, pushed his leather-clad

cock against Leo's needy prick. He was going to hurt
something if he didn't get the leather pants off soon, the
zipper digging into his flesh. One of Leo's hands curled
around his hip, fingers grasping his ass. He allowed it,
pushing the robe off Leo's shoulders.

The kisses never faltered, both of them fucking each

other's lips furiously. He shifted his weight, one hand on
Leo's shoulder, one at the man's hip, as he began to
move them, heading for the bed. He refused to be
unsure, trusting in himself, in his will to make this work,
and sure enough, Leo followed his lead.

He got Leo to the bed and pressed on the man's

shoulders. Leo sat, but drew him down, too. David
straddled the man's legs and pushed, forcing Leo down
onto his back. He rubbed their middles together,
knowing it would be maddening for Leo to have leather
instead of skin against his prick.

Leo growled into his mouth, biting on his lips. He

reached between them and pinched one of Leo's nipples,
hard. Leo bucked, hips rolling up and punching into
him. He pushed down, holding Leo to the bed. He was
running this show, and what was more, Leo needed him

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Leo fought him, but he was bigger, stronger, and

Leo's body was willing to submit, willing to let him win.
He pinched the other nipple, the first again, and then
brushed his fingers across them in a gentler touch. The
tiny bits of flesh were tight, dark. Responsive. He teased
them some more, then bit on Leo's lower lip as he
pinched both at the same time.

"Fuck." Leo's snarl was delicious.
"Yeah, that's coming." He pinched again.
"Fuck you. Bastard."
"No, I'll be fucking you." He rolled his hips, rubbing

up against Leo's cock.

Leo groaned against his lips, chest surging up against

him. The man was such a stud. David moaned, grinding
down. It reminded him of taming a wild tiger or
something. It was exciting, arousing, and maybe a little
dangerous. Now all he needed was a whip and a chair.

The thought almost made him laugh, and he pressed

their mouths back together to keep from doing it. That
last thing he wanted was for Leo to think David was
laughing at him.

He pushed his tongue into Leo's mouth, fucking the

sweet lips. Swollen. Hot. From his cock. Groaning, he
pinched one of Leo's nipples again. David felt the groan,
more than heard it, Leo's body jerking under his. So
fucking good.

David grabbed Leo's hands, tugging them up over the

man's head. Leo didn't fight him; David wasn't sure Leo
was paying attention. He pressed Leo's wrists into the
bed and then dragged his hands along the outstretched
arms, fingers pressing into Leo's flesh. He wasn't sure if
Leo would stay, but the kisses helped, kept Leo focused,

He slid his fingers all the way back to Leo's nipples,

pinching them. Leo's roar was gratifying. He dove for

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that mouth, taking another kiss as he pinched again.
Hard, strong hands landed on his shoulders, his arms,
holding on. Growling a little, just enough to let Leo hear
it, he grabbed Leo's hands again and dragged them up
over the man's head. They were going to figure this out,
if it killed Leo.

He bit at Leo's bottom lip and pressed hard on the

man's wrists to emphasize his point. Then he slowly
drew his hands down along Leo's arms again, heading
straight for the sensitive little nips.

"Not doing this with you, man." Leo's hands didn't


David didn't say a word; he didn't have to. This was a

part of the game, saying no when you meant yes. This
was why they had safewords. And it was hotter than
fuck, hearing Leo say that even while the man obeyed
his silent command.

Leo was broad, cut, chest and pubes waxed clean.

He’d almost been disappointed he wasn't going to get to
shave the man when he’d noticed that earlier. He slid his
hand down along the beautiful body, stroking the skin
around that thick cock, skin that had to be super
sensitive. Leo jerked, hips trying to slide away. He
wouldn't let it happen, though, his knees moving to
bracket Leo's thighs as his fingers explored, leaving the
hard prick and full balls alone, for now.

Leo groaned into his lips, arms beginning to shift. He

didn't say anything, didn't move to push them back, but
he did growl. Leo growled back, but the movements
slowed. He bit at Leo's bottom lip again, hand dropping
to cup the heavy balls.

There was a tiny, tiny barbell back behind the man's

shaved sac, well-healed and hidden. His whole body
jerked, though he managed to keep his needy moan to

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himself. A dream. This fine son of a bitch was a dream.
His fucking dream. All his.

He pushed the barbell, moving it back and forth the

tiny bit he could. Leo curled his hips, sliding that
jewellery away from him. He shook his head. No. That
was his. Leo was all his; he'd been waiting for this man
since they first met.

He swore he was going to truss his man up with a

spreader bar, expose every fucking inch. He couldn't
stop his moan this time, and he twisted the little barbell,
bit down on Leo's neck.

"No..." Leo's hand landed on his head, hips rocking

them together.

"Don't make me beat you." He grabbed Leo's hand

and pulled it up over the man's head again, twisting the
little piece of jewellery behind Leo's balls harder.

"Fucker!" Leo bucked hard, damn near unseating


He rode it out, though, staying on top of Leo, not

letting up for a second.

"You let me go, little David! You fucker!" The loss

of control was like a drug.

"That's Master David to you." He tugged on the little

barbell again, twisted one nipple.

"Not going to happen."
"You don't have to say it; I can feel your need."
Leo made the best sounds -- desperate and wild.

David wanted inside, wanted to feel Leo's tight, hot need
around him.

He'd read the file, carefully. Leo hadn't taken anal sex

off the list, not at all, although it wasn't something they
indulged in, with their boys. He wanted this man,
though, had from the very start.

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"Want you." He stood and stripped off his pants,

nearly gasping in relief as his hard cock was released
from the tight pants. Then he climbed back on the bed.

Leo's eyes met his, dark and needy and sharp. "Do


David let his own need show. "I do." The air fairly


He held Leo's gaze as he leaned up and grabbed a

tube of lube from the nightstand. Leo didn't give in, but
he didn't pull away, either. David slicked up his fingers,
not making any attempt to hide what he was doing. He
could feel Leo tensing, deciding whether to run.

"You know it's what we both want."
Leo searched his eyes. "Both of us?"
"That's right, both of us." Because if Leo hadn't

wanted, the man would already be gone. Leo didn't say
anything, not another word, but that fine body didn't
move, either.

David kept that gaze, let Leo see his need as his

fingers slid between Leo's spread legs and touched that
unbelievably hot little hole. Leo's body tightened, trying
to pull away from him the tiniest bit. He kept pushing,
though, not letting Leo's nerves stop him. He pushed the
very tip of one finger in, Leo's hot body gripping him
hard. Fuck, feel those muscles, that amazing man.

Groaning, he pressed his finger deeper. "Hot."
Leo glared at him, but those hips responded.
He pressed his finger in deep, wriggling it around to

find Leo's gland. When he hit it, Leo jerked up, eyes
wild. Oh, man. Look at that. He tapped it again, all his
muscles tight in an effort to keep from shouting.

"Fuck." Leo's legs bent, abs rippling.
He nodded. Yeah. Fuck. And also wow, hot. He

pressed a second finger in with the first, moaning at the
feeling of Leo all around both fingers. He worked that

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gland, the man's eyes rolling back for him. Jesus, that
sensitivity was special. He kept working it, spreading his
fingers wide to stretch Leo, too.

"Stop. Fuck, stop." Leo was wild underneath him.

But not a safeword in sight.

Moaning, he pushed a third finger in and hit that little

spot hard. He'd read about prostate massage, heard about
it, but he'd never seen someone go so close so fast. He
stretched and twisted his fingers, opening Leo up, but
mostly he kept nudging that sweet little button.

"Stop." Leo sounded desperate.
"You're allowed to come." And if Leo came from

this, without a touch to his cock, David would feel like a
million bucks.

He pushed against Leo's gland again, watching the

desperate need in the man's eyes. Leo growled, tried to
sit up, pull away. David pressed his free hand to Leo's
chest and held him down, held him in place.

"God damn you." Leo jerked, body clenching around


"God damn us both, Leo." He kept working that

gland, pushing hard. He added a tweak to Leo's nipple
every third or fourth time he pegged it.

A sharp sound, like a bark, tore from Leo, just before

the heat sprayed from him.

"Fuck, yes." Emotion welled up in him, and he

pressed their lips together, pouring that into Leo's

The kiss was wild, fierce, toothy, and David had to

fight to stay on top of it. He did, though, because he
wasn't done. Not by a long shot. He was going to make
love to Leo if it killed them both.

One of Leo's legs wrapped around his hip, their lower

bodies grinding together. Leo's come made things slick
and slippery, and he groaned into the kiss, biting at Leo's

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lower lip as much to remind himself who was in charge
here as Leo.

"Come on. Let's do this." Leo snarled into the kiss,

that ass right there, offered to him.

"It's not a punishment," he growled back.
That didn't mean he didn't push two fingers back into

Leo, making sure everything was still slick and open.

"No. No, not a punishment. More. Come on."
"Pushy man." He couldn't help but tease, just a little.
Leo snorted. "You have no fucking idea."
"Oh, I think I have some." The man was the

consummate Top, after all.

He let his fingers slide away and smoothed on the

condom before settling between Leo's spread legs, his
prick nudging first at the man's balls.

"If you don't know where it goes, Little David..."
"Fuck you, Leo." Which was exactly what he was

going to do.

"Kiss my ass." Those eyes were laughing now.
"That's not quite it." Shaking his head, feeling like

laughing himself, he pushed the head of his cock against
Leo's hole.

Leo's body rippled, the man taking his cock in,

driving up onto him. It was entirely unexpected, and he
surged in, pushing in all the way. He'd never felt
anything so tight, so hot, so good. Leo rode him, the
man's strength surprising him, stealing his breath.

He pulled away and pushed back in, did it again,

making sure it was him fucking Leo and not Leo taking
him. Leo growled softly as that happened. He growled
back, thrust again, then again.

He knew when his cock pegged that sweet gland

because Leo twisted, moaned low. He kept just that
angle, pushing in hard to nail it over and over.

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"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Leo moaned, hands wrapped

around the edges of the headboard.

Oh, fuck, look at that. Moaning, David sped his

motions, moved faster, thrust harder. Leo's ass slammed
against him, over and over, driving against him. So
strong -- it was hot. Very hot. His fingers pushed into
Leo's ass, digging in, squeezing.

"Mine," he muttered, as he humped in hard.
"Fuck." Leo's eyes rolled, that sweet ass clenching

around him.

"Yeah. Yeah, fucking you. God, Leo."
"David. Harder. So good."
Yes! He pushed harder, slamming into Leo's body.

Leo's ass rippled around him, muscles fluttering and
jerking wildly. Fuck, he wasn't sure how long he'd last.
He wrapped a hand around Leo's cock, jerking with each
thrust. That fat cock was hard as nails, dripping, leaking
for him.

"All mine." He managed to move harder, faster.
"All. Jesus. The tip. Come on, David. Work the tip."
"Pushy bastard." He pushed harder, thumb working

the tip of Leo's prick hard.

"Yeah..." Leo didn't look terribly worried. In fact, the

man looked hungry.

Laughing a little wildly, David kept pushing as hard

as he could.

He didn't need Leo to tell him; he could feel it. He

pushed his thumb into Leo's slit and hit the man's gland
at the same time. Spunk sprayed, covering Leo's chest.
The man's ass squeezed him tighter than anything he'd
ever felt, and he cried out, filling the condom.

Leo's arms wrapped around him, held him. He rested

against Leo's strong chest, panting, entire body melted.
He could feel Leo's heart beating beneath his ear.

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It was the best thing he'd ever heard. Ever.

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Chapter Fourteen

Leo was dreaming. That was the only answer.
Dreaming. A weird, perverse, sexual nightmare. He'd

dreamed that he woke up, arms cuffed, and now he was
sitting at a table, still bound, looking at the ocean and a
shitload of food with Little David.

David smiled over at him. "All your favorites. What

do you want to try first?"

"My hands are tied. It makes eating challenging."
"Oh, I think you know how this works -- I'll be

feeding you."

Leo fought his groan. He did know how it worked,

and it was intimate and arousing and incredibly good at
helping a sub take the first steps into subspace.

"Now, tell me what you want to try first."
Everything was finger foods, not a fork in sight. "The


"Mmm. Nice choice." David picked up a shrimp and

held it out to him.

He opened up, carefully not touching David's fingers

as he snapped it up. He hadn't figured out exactly what
the best thing to do in this scenario was.

"We can do better than that." David slid a finger

along his bottom lip.

He was not going to open up, not going to shiver,

damn it. David licked his own lips. Leo couldn't stop
thinking about those heady, drugging kisses.

Another piece of shrimp was held out to him, this

time David holding it so that he couldn't help but touch
the strong fingers with his lips as he took the bite. The
touch was warm, gentle, and it made his belly ache.

This was ridiculous.
"How about something a little sweeter next?" David

picked up a small melon ball that was wrapped in

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prosciutto. The scent was fresh, good, and he nodded,
lips opening. David popped the melon into his mouth,
along with two fingertips. He nibbled on them, pushing
David a little, growling.

David just grinned at him. "I think your bark is worse

than your bite."

He bit down, shook a little.
David laughed, eyes dancing. "Oh, fuck, Leo."
He let himself grin over, wink. Play the littlest bit.
Still laughing, David grabbed a cracker with

something that looked like smoked salmon on it, holding
it up to his mouth. He snapped it out of David's fingers,
finding himself playing along, laughing.

David grabbed a little biscuit with caviar on top,

popping it into his own mouth and then making a face.
"Oh, god, salty."

Leo cackled. "It's fish eggs, little man."
"That's 'sir little man' to you."
"Sir little man?" He almost choked on his cracker.
"Just sir will do." David stared at him.
The air between them got thick again, heavy, and Leo

wondered at it. David kept holding his gaze, refused to
back down. He wasn't going to back down, either, not
now that he knew, damn it. David smiled, but kept

"What?" He growled.
David put his hand to his ear. "What was that at the

end of that?"

Leo vibrated. "Fuck off."
"No. I'm going to spank your ass if you don't start sir-

ing me."

"We know each other. We're friends, man."
"So? You paid for a fantasy, and I'm here to help you

make it come true. I haven't heard you safeword yet, and

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until I do, I'm your master and you'd better get with the

"So, what? I safeword, you and I can hang out and

swap stories?"

"I don't know. Maybe." David met his eyes, looking

as serious as a heart attack. "You wanted this
experience, and I need for you to see me as an equal, as
someone who knows what they're doing, who knows
you and how to be the master you need."

"I'm not a sub. You know that." The man had a point,

though. He'd been willing to try to do this, before being
faced with a friend.

"You are for the next four days."
He didn't have an answer to that. He didn't know how

to start.

"Leo, you are the strongest man I know. Just doing

this at all is an incredible thing. It doesn't matter who
your top is, though. As long as they're good. So you
know me; then you have all the more reason to trust me
to do right by you." David picked up another bite of
food. "This isn't about me lording anything over you.
This is about me giving you what you need."

"What I asked for." He wasn't sure if he needed it.
"What we both need. If there's anything between us,

Leo? We need to see this through, or I'll always be 'little
David' to you."

Maybe. Maybe not. Still, David had a point. He'd

committed to trying this, and Leo never went back on
his word. He opened his mouth for the bite, the cracker
crispy and good. "Thank you, Sir."

David looked surprised for a split second, and then

the look warmed. "You're welcome."

His lips twisted. This didn't sit very well.

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David grinned suddenly and leaned over to undo his

hands, then sat back. "Now it's your turn to feed me.

"I am not a boy." He grabbed a shrimp. On that, he

wouldn't budge.

"You're my sub, though. Feed me, Moro." David

opened his mouth.

"Moro?" The gentle, fond diminutive in Greek made

him smile, nod. He could work with that.

David smiled and looked pointedly at the shrimp in

his fingers. He put the shrimp on David's tongue. David
closed his lips over the shrimp and over his fingers,
sucking gently. He fed David some blini, some
spanakopita. David kept holding his gaze and nibbling
on his fingers, licking them clean.

"Better?" He grabbed a dolma, the slick grape leaf

cool in his fingers.

"Yes, Moro."
He fed half the dolma to David, ate the other half

before all the rice spilled out. David licked his lips, eyes
watching, heat building from that look. He licked his
fingers clean and tried to find a place, intellectually, to

"Have you had enough to eat?" David asked.
"I'd like another melon."
David raised an eyebrow. "What was that, Moro?"
"Don't play dumb. I will spank your ass the next time

you forget to sir me."

He didn't think so. "Then give me another fucking

bite of melon, Sir."

"Jesus, you are pushing it, aren't you?" David

grabbed the melon, holding it far enough away that he
had to lean forward to take it with his lips.

"I'm fucking aggravated."

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"Because you're getting what you wanted? And

maybe something special thrown in as a bonus?"

"No. Because it's uncomfortable for me, to be in this

position." He was fair enough to be honest. "Especially
since we're not strangers. I react to discomfort with

"I can't say I'm upset you're uncomfortable. We're

pushing at your boundaries here."

He nodded. "That's what I'd tell my boys."
"Because it's the only way to grow. It's impressive,

you know, that you wanted this experience to make you
a better Top."

"I want to be my best."
"That's one of the things I've always admired about


He accepted that with as much grace as he could.

"Thank you."

"I want you to try one of these little tartlets, they're

adorable. And then I want you to tell me what thing I
could do that would make you the most uncomfortable."

"Adorable? This I have to see."
On the second, he'd have to seriously consider that.
David offered over a little star-shaped tart with a

raspberry sitting in the middle of it. "See? Adorable."
David's gaze promised he wasn't going to forget the
second item.

"That is clever."
David just kept staring.
Leo took the tart and considered the question. That

gaze never wavered, but he had to admit, David didn't
push, didn't press.

He split the tart in two, offered David half. "That's a

difficult question, because your instinct will be to do
whatever I think of and mine will be to deny that. Then
there's the concern that I'm not sure. I've let you bind

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me, let you fuck me. I've cleaned myself for you, shaved

David took the tart from his fingers with his mouth,

chewing and swallowing before answering. "I think you
cleaned and shaved because it was pushing your own
limits without going too far. The same with the
binding." David smiled. "I like to think you let me fuck
you because it was me."

"No. I would have let another man fuck me in scene."

Leo took a deep breath, then continued on, offering
David another bit of truth. "I enjoyed it, wanted it,
because it was you."

David smiled, and it reached his eyes. "I feel the

same way."

"Did you know it was me? Coming into this?"
"Not until I'd signed a confidentiality agreement. But

before I agreed to do it."

"Why did you take the job?"
David stared at him for a long moment. "The God's

honest truth?"

"I haven't lied to you."
"I took the job because I love you."
Leo’s lips parted. "David?" He was at once shocked

and more than a little impressed. What kind of strength
to put something like that out there.

David met his eyes. "It's the truth."
He held the man's gaze. "You're brave." And

intriguing. Fascinating.

David shrugged. "I'm not going to lie to you."
"I appreciate that in a man."
Leo found himself looking, really looking hard at

David. He hadn't taken a lover in a long time.

"Have another tart, Moro." David pushed the sweet

toward his lips.

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"Thank you, Sir." He opened, a slow ache building in

his belly.

David smiled at him, slid the tart into his mouth. The

raspberries burst in his mouth, and he moaned. David
groaned at his moan, fingers lingering on his lips. He
licked at David's fingers, heat building in him. This time
it was David who moaned.

"Yes?" His fingers slid along David's arms.
"Have another tart." David grabbed for one, held it up

to his lips.

"Share it with me?"
David nodded, leaning in close. He leaned in, and

they both moaned, softly. They bit the tart in half, lips
sliding together. Leo chewed and swallowed, then
immediately he dove in, tasting the berries from David's
lips. David opened, letting him in.

His hands landed on David's thighs, thumbs sliding

on the lightly furred flesh. One of David's hands slid
over his head, cupping the back of it. Leo moaned, lips
parting. David's tongue pushed into his mouth, the flavor
on Dave's lips addictive.

Strong hands wrapped around his hips, drew him

over onto strong, muscled thighs. David's hand slid
along his back, the touch firm and sure. It was a position
he'd never been in -- it was arousing and unnerving all at

David's hand slid all way to his ass and then tugged

him in closer, his groin sliding against David's. His feet
were off the floor, his rhythm controlled by David.

David nibbled his bottom lip. "Sexy fucker."
"Uh-huh. More."
Grinning, David tugged him in even closer, bucking

up against him. Their mouths met, slid together softly,
then with more force. His balls ached, his cock full and

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ready, sliding over the man's warm belly. David got a
hold of his tongue and sucked on it, fingers playing
along his crack.

"I never do this with my subs." Never.
"You're so much more than just my sub, Leo."
The words made him shiver, and he pushed closer.

Damn. Damn, he...

"Wanton," muttered David, kisses getting sharper,

teeth tugging at his lips.

Leo shook his head. He was never wanton, never


David bit his bottom lip hard. He growled, hands

tangling in David's hair. David didn't cede control of the
kiss to him, though, hands continuing to move him as
well. His thighs slid over David's, both of them slick.

"Fucking want you, man." David's words laid it out


"Yes." That was easy. "Fuck, yes."
David's finger pushed into him, just the tip.
"More." This man made him fucking crazed.
David's finger slid away. "You forgot a word."
"Now?" He winked.
David laughed. Then goosed him. He jerked, their

chests slapping together. This was the weirdest situation

"You start sir-ing me, or that'll be a spank next time."

David kept threatening that.

"I haven't been spanked since my training."
"Then you'd better remember to sir me, Moro."
He would consider it. Seriously.
David used his strength to keep rubbing them

together. David kept him off balance, kept him shifting
and moving. The kisses kept him guessing, too, now soft
and easy, now sucking his brains out. He kept moving,
making soft little sounds that buzzed between them.

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"Want you to ride me." David's finger pressed against

his hole, tip pushing in.

He nodded. Yeah. Yeah, he could do that.
David grabbed a tube of lube that was sitting on the

corner of the table and slicked up his fingers, pushing
one in. He stilled, just the slightest bit sore. David
moved slowly, finger going in and then sliding out
again. In. Out. His eyelids went heavy, his body moving
with David. Another finger pushed in, opening him up.
The pressure made his hips roll, made him groan.

"Gonna open you up, Moro."
The sweet little diminutive made Leo still, then push

closer. He'd asked for this. "I'm sore, Sir."

"Too sore for riding?"
"No." He would want to know, if it was his boy. He

wanted to know exactly what his sub was feeling.

"Thank you for telling me, Moro." David kissed him

gently. "We'll take it slow, stretch you good." The care
was... unnerving.

David's two fingers slid in and out, not stretching him

wider, yet, just letting him get used to their width, to the
sensation of two inside him. More lube got pushed in,
too. He let his eyes close, let himself experience the

"So tight and hot, Moro. So good." David's fingers

began to stretch him gently.

David let him rest his head on one shoulder. He

almost missed it when a third finger pushed in, the
stretching was so gradual, so careful. His breath huffed
out of him, the groan slow, soft. David kissed the side of
his head, fingers pushing in deep enough to nudge his

"Oh." His eyes rolled. Fuck, yes.

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David chuckled softly, though it didn't feel mocking.

"Right there, huh?" David nudged that spot again. He
nodded, swallowed hard. Right there.

Over and over, David kept pressing that spot. An

ache started building in him, twisting his gut, and he
couldn't hide his moan.

"Mmm... yeah." David kissed the side of his head

again and stretched his fingers wider.

His asshole tightened, squeezed.
"Tight. Sweet. Can't wait to be inside you again."
"I don't do it often."
"Only for me." There was something fierce in the

way David said it.

Leo opened his lips as those fingers stroked over his


"Gonna make you fly, Moro."
"Fly..." His mouth opened wider, his body beginning

to shake.

"That's right." David's fingers slid away. His body

followed, wanting David's touch. "Ready for me,

"Please, Sir."
David's hand pushed between them, lubing up the

thick cock. He reached down, too, touching, teasing.
David groaned, bucked into his touch. His hands knew
more than most about pleasuring a cock, teasing one.

David let him play for a bit, even though he could tell

the man was getting closer. Then David's hand stopped
him. "Enough. Now you ride me."

He met David's eyes, intending to argue, but the look

was firm, hungry, and the hand on his waist moved him.

David got him to where that thick cock pressed

against his hole, the man's eyes meeting his. He saw heat
there, and the love David had spoken of, and need and
yes, challenge as well. He leaned in, took a hard kiss,

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even as he bore down and took that fat cock in. The burn
got him, bone-deep, and he couldn't help but shiver.

Lips keeping his occupied, David ran both hands up

and down along Leo's back, the touching grounding him
right there. He ended up resting on David's thighs, his
hole so full it ached.

"Start riding when it eases." David continued to touch

him: his back, his hips, his chest, his abs.

His body did finally ease, and he could take a breath,

could began the process of shifting on the hard cock.
The moan David let loose when he began moving was
very gratifying.

"Sir." He whispered the word into David's lips, body

sliding up and down that fat cock.

"Yes, Moro!" David moaned again, hands sliding

around his hips. David didn't move him, just held him,
hands moving with him.

Oh, fuck, it was good. Deep. So thick.
Over and over, he rose and fell, David's cock sliding,

caressing his insides. David was making the greatest
noises, too, full and deep and wanton. He loved gland
play, and he never got it, never got the touches there. He
was getting it now, in spades. Every time he sat down on
David's thick cock, it nudged him there.

"More." God, so good.
David's hands tightened on his hips, began to tug him

down, adding David's strength to the fucking.

"Yes." That fat cock scraped his insides, made him

want to buck and scream.

"God, Leo." David pushed Leo's head up off his

shoulder and slammed their lips together. It was like a
nuclear explosion, the way they met -- lips and bodies
and something more.

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David's cock hit his gland again and again. "Please.

Oh, fuck. Please." He could come from this, just from

"I've got you, Moro. Not going to leave you

hanging." David's hands clamped down, rocking them
together, nudging his gland over and over.

He could feel those fingers digging into his hips,

leaving bruises. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe.
David kept thrusting, kept pushing, kept kissing. Oh,
fuck. Oh, fuck. Please. He wasn't talking, but his mind
was going a million miles an hour.

Leo thought he was going to explode, and then David

broke their kisses to growl at him. "Leo. Come for me,

He groaned, body tensing, balls drawing up. David

slammed up hard. Spunk shot from Leo, his entire body
on fire.

"Yes! Yes!" David shouted, hips pushing up into him.

He shuddered, the pleasure going on and on.

David's mouth met his again, opening up, tongue

pushing in. He moaned, humming into David's lips.
David's hips were still moving, little jerks, and a
moment later a soft sound filled his mouth as heat
pushed up into him.

Oh, God. So good. He panted, eyes closed, their kiss

sloppy. Gasping breaths punctuated each kiss, David
holding onto him. It was so good that Leo just let him.

They sat there for a long time, sharing kisses, sharing

breath. When David's cock softened, slipped from him, a
thick, hard plug took its place, making him jump and
groan. Oh, that was smooth.

"I think we should go for a walk on the beach,


He arched one eyebrow. "Now?"

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"Yes. Now would be perfect. A pair of trunks each,

so we don't burn anything sensitive." David patted his
ass, jostling the plug inside him. It was big, heavy.

There was no way he was walking like this.
David patted his ass. "Come on. Let's go."
He stood up, the plug shifting inside him, and his abs


David patted them, fingers sliding on his muscles.


"I'm not sure taking a walk's in my future."
"That's not your choice right now, Moro. We are

going to walk along the beach, hand in hand, and then
we're going to sit in the swing chair together and drink
lemonade with ice."

"We are?" He grabbed a pair of loose, gauzy pants,

blinking as David took them, replaced them with swim

"We are." David put on his own swimming trunks

and held out a hand to him. "Come on."

His fingers twined with David's, and he followed the

man out.


David held Leo's hand as they walked along the sand,

the beach utterly beautiful. He felt good all through and
happy that Leo had decided to continue with the fantasy.
He brought Leo's hand up to his mouth and kissed the
man's knuckles.

Leo's dark eyes flashed to his, a faint blush touching

the tanned cheeks. It was cute, really, the way Leo
reacted to being... well, courted, wooed -- that was what
he was doing. He might not still be Leo's master when
they left this place, but he wanted so very badly for them
to be together.

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There was a core of gentleness in Leo, one that the

man protected fiercely. David wanted to see that
gentleness more often. He wanted it to belong to him
and to no one else.

They walked for a while, and then he broke the

silence. "It's a beautiful setting, isn't it?"

"It is. It's a different view of the ocean."
"It's a different view of the world."
Leo nodded. "I think it is."
David stopped them and leaned in to take a kiss. He

could taste Leo's surprise. It was heady. He slid his
tongue into Leo's mouth, keeping it slow and easy. For
now. Leo's hands slipped around his waist, fingers
touching him, stroking his skin. He'd never expected
Leo to be so tactile. It was exciting. The patterns drawn
on his skin were arousing, a little maddening, the feather
light touch making him shiver.

"Are you seducing me, Leo?"
"I am. I'm good at it."
He grinned. "You are. I've always known you would

be." He'd watched Leo turn subs inside out, had wanted
for years for that skill to be turned on him. For Leo to
want him.

Leo met his eyes. "I haven't had a lover in a long


"Why not?" He was actually fiercely glad about that.
"I'm not interested in dating a submissive."
"Good." He gave Leo a wild grin. "I'm not a


"No? You sure?" There was a hint of discomfort in

Leo's voice.

His eyes narrowed. "Quite. And so are you. What's

on your mind, Moro?"

"I don't believe that."

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Leo shrugged casually.
He bumped against Leo, their chests and middles

rubbing. "Talk to me."

"I hated my training. Hated acting submissive."
"But you paid to come here and be submissive."

David found it fascinating; Leo was such a study in

"I came to learn."
"To learn what?" He would keep pushing until Leo

opened up to him.

"How to make the subs happier, better. To be a better


There weren't many men who would do that, and it

only added to David's admiration. "You're a good man,

Leo snorted. "I want to be the best that I can."
"And you give a shit. You can't fool me."
Leo headed for the water, slowly. David watched for

a moment, admiring the way Leo walked with a plug up
his ass. He thought that Leo's concern was less that the
man hadn't enjoyed being a sub before, but had gotten
off on it.

David caught up to Leo, letting his hand linger on the

man's ass. The heavy muscles jerked, rippled under his
touch. "I love touching you."

"You are seducing me."
"Yeah, I am." He hoped he was doing a good job of


"I think I like it." Leo leaned against him.
"Good." He rubbed their lips together, then licked,

pushed his tongue inside.

He let his hand slide down, gently shift that heavy

plug. As he did, he slid their fronts together, chests,
bellies and cocks, and then tapped the base of the plug.

Leo pulled away. "Don't."

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He let one of his eyebrows go up. Leo's eyebrows

answered his. David laughed and slapped Leo's ass.

"Don't make me beat you."
"Nope. My job until Saturday. After that, we can


Leo looked at him, searched his eyes. "I can live with


"Good. It's a plan."
Leo nodded once, legs parting as David cupped the

heavy balls. He loved that he was getting to do this, to
touch Leo how he wanted. His fingers slipped back,
bumped that hidden barbell. Hidden depths. And he
wanted to explore them all.

He leaned in to lick at Leo's neck, the skin warmed

by the sun. He felt Leo's moan, against his lips. He slid
one hand back around to Leo's ass, squeezing one cheek,
nudging the plug. Leo jerked forward, rubbed against
him. He pushed harder on the base of the plug.

"Don't." Leo's hands gripped his upper arms.
David nudged it again, even harder this time.
"God damn it." Leo's growl was hot.
"Not gonna stop, Moro."
He knew. It was why he was doing it.
Leo tried to step away, but he kept his arm around the

lean waist, keeping Leo close. "Mine." The word
growled out of him.

Leo visibly shivered for him. He growled again,

taking Leo's mouth. Leo opened up, short hair slick in
his hand. He dominated the kiss, but didn't make it hard.
Instead, he explored. His. He needed Leo to know how
much he wanted this to be his, wanted to protect and
care and learn. Love. There was a warmth, deep inside

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him, each kiss they shared nurturing it, making it

He ran one hand down along Leo's belly, testing,

teasing. His fingers kept going, searching for Leo's
prick. Leo's stomach drew in, hips rolling up.

"So sensual. I love that about you."
That got him another blush, a ducked chin.
He tilted Leo's head back up, looking into his lover's

eyes as he cupped Leo's cock through his trunks. The
lifted chin seemed to get to Leo, his lover tensing. He
nipped that in the bud with a kiss, diving into Leo's
mouth. For such a sexual man, Leo was surprisingly

He kept kissing, sliding his hand down to cup Leo's

balls, hold them in his palm. A soft moan pushed into
his lips. He slid his free hand around to jostle the plug

"Don't..." Leo's cock left a wet spot on the swim


"Yes, I can see how much you hate it."
He slid his hand into Leo's swim trunks and got a

hold of the base of the plug. He tugged it out the tiniest
bit before pressing it back in hard.

"Fuck!" Leo pulled away from him. "Stop that!"
He growled again and stepped back up to Leo. "No."
Their chests slapped together, and Leo's eyes flashed.

He held that gaze, refusing to back down. He hadn't
backed down yet, and he wasn't going to start now.

Jesus, Leo was a firecracker, hot and wild and

needing the right touch. He pushed forward a few steps,
forcing Leo to back up.

"God damn it." Someone was turned on.
He smiled wildly and reached around Leo, pushing

into the man's trunks again. Leo spun around, and David
grabbed Leo's arm with his free hand, getting a look at

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that amazing, well-developed back. "Where do you
think you're going?"

"I don't know."
"You'll stay right here until I say you can go."
Leo's breath sped, and the electricity he felt fired up


"Fucking stunning." Leo really was. He wasn’t just

saying it.

Those shoulders rolled, and he saw those sweet

cheeks tense.

"You are." He stepped up against Leo, rubbing his

needy cock against Leo's ass. "You are."

The ass was working the plug, moving hard.
"Does it feel good, Moro?" He rubbed harder against

that lovely butt.

"Hmm?" That wasn't an answer.
He reached down and pushed the plug in hard. "I said

does it feel good?"

"Fuck. Fuck."
"That's not an answer." He growled the words out.

His teeth sank into the curve of Leo's shoulder.

He smiled around Leo's skin. "I thought so."
Leo grumbled softly.
"That is so fucking sexy, Moro." He purred back.
He let his fingers trail upward, heading for one

nipple. He pinched it between his fingers, tweaked it a
little. Leo's pecs jumped.

"Yeah, sensual fucker." He pinched again.
"You into nipple play?"
"I'm into whatever makes my lover feel good, Moro."

He stroked this time, the touch gentle, but definitely

"I was talking about work."

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This wasn't about work. "Were you asking your

master, Moro? Because you left off a word both times if
you were."

"I was making conversation."
"I'm feeling you up, Moro. Hardly time for idle

conversation." He rubbed his cock against Leo's ass
again. He loved that Leo was so off-balance.

His fingers wandered, finding Leo's nipples and

stroking or pinching them, as the mood took him. Leo
began to relax against him, their breath synchronized. It
felt good, to be in sync like this, to have Leo trust him
enough to give in to him. He kissed, nuzzled the long

David got his hips moving, rocking in that age old

rhythm against Leo's ass. Leo began to move back, rock
against him. There they were. He kissed Leo's neck,
pinched his right nipple again. This time he actually
heard a soft moan.

He kissed all the way up to Leo's hairline, then back

down to his collarbone. He had to stretch a little, leaning
over Leo's shoulder, and that made them rub together
even harder.

"Mine," he murmured.
"Yours?" The question was low, soft.
"Mine," he growled, his voice much stronger this


Leo's hips rocked back toward his cock.
"Take off the trunks, Leo."
The trunks were slipped off, Leo unashamed of that

amazing body. David took his own off at the same time,
then stepped back up against Leo's back. Leo gasped as
their skin met, heavy thighs parting.

He slipped his hand down to play with the plug,

begin to tease it out. Leo's cheeks clenched, fought him,
pulling back on the plug.

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"It's gonna be my cock in a minute, Moro."
"Out here?"
"That's right." It was private, and he wanted to fuck

Leo out in the sunlight, under the sky.

"You're insane."
"No. I'm in love." He tugged the plug right out.
This amazing sound left Leo, shocked and needy all

at once. He wanted to hear it again, then again.

He ran his fingers along Leo's crack, touching the

tender hole. He had lube in the pocket of his trunks; he
was ready to blow Leo's mind all over again. By now,
that sweet ring of muscles would be super-sensitive,
aching, hyper-aware. And his.

He took a moment to grab the lube and slick up his

fingers. Then he stepped back up and wrapped an arm
around Leo's chest. He could feel Leo's heart beating,
hard and fast, under his arm. He kissed the back of Leo's
neck and swirled one slick finger around the wrinkled
skin at Leo's hole. Leo's ass clenched, and he stayed
where he was, tapping, waiting for the strong muscles to

"Let me in, Moro. Time to make you fly for me


Slowly -- so slowly -- Leo relaxed for him. Moaning,

he gently pushed the tip of one finger into Leo's body.
Fuck, Leo was hot inside, silky soft. He wriggled his
finger inside Leo. He fucked Leo with it. Leo stayed
still, allowing his arm to hold.

"You set me on fire, Moro." He gently teased a

second finger in alongside the first.

"I'm the one burning up."
"You are hot." David pushed his fingers deeper.

"Very hot."

Those abused muscles fluttered madly around his


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"You're going to be tender, sitting down." Because of


"Yeah. No shit. It aches."
"You're going to really feel me, Leo. Standing, filling

you, hitting your sweet spot..." He pushed his fingers in
deeper still, searching for that spot.

Leo's body fought him, but he knew what he was

doing, how to touch. He found that sweet spot and began
pegging it, nudging it over and over. Soon, the tension
was replaced with soft moans, deep sounds that echoed
in Leo's chest. He waited until he couldn't possibly wait
a moment longer and pulled his fingers out so he could
slip on the condom and slick his cock up.

He left his arm across Leo's chest, let the man feel it.

Then he placed the head of his cock against Leo's hole
and rubbed around that sweet little spot. It felt like that
tiny hole was kissing the tip of his cock.

"Fuck, Leo. So fucking good." He grabbed hold of

Leo's hip with his free hand and pushed slowly in.

Leo was taking gulping breaths, trembling against


"I have you, Moro. We're in this together."
"I. I can't breathe." That was nonsense.
He smacked Leo's ass, hard enough to make him


"Fuck!" That ass was like a vise.
He bit at Leo's neck. "Ease up, Moro."
"Jesus. Fuck. You're making me crazy."
"Like nobody else ever has."
A nod was his answer. He nodded, too, and then

reached for Leo's cock, tugging on it as he worked his
way in deeper. Leo was hard, tip beginning to drip. He
rubbed it, spreading the liquid around. The turgid flesh
throbbed, pushed back against his touch.

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He started rocking, sliding his cock in and out. Leo's

head was forward, nape exposed to him. He couldn't
resist it for a moment, leaning in to scrape his teeth over
the warm skin. He was going to leave a dark mark, his
mark. Closing his lips around Leo's nape, he began
sucking it up. He could feel each suck around his cock.

It made him work harder, pulling up the best mark he

could make. Leo started shifting, started riding him. He
hummed around the mark he was pulling up, eagerly
meeting Leo's movements.

"Yes, Moro?" He nailed Leo's gland as he murmured

the words.

"Fucking hot." Leo moaned for him, fingers on his


Smiling, he went back to his mark, making it bigger

as he thrust harder, faster. His thighs were burning from
the position, but he wasn't stopping, not for anything. He
worked Leo's prick with his hand, the man's neck with
his lips, and that little gland with his cock.

Leo began to shake, to shift, to meet his thrusts. It

was so good. He'd never felt like this about anyone, not
anyone. He couldn't believe the connection was only
one-sided, too, that Leo would relax with anybody else.

He could feel his orgasm building, and he rubbed

hard across the tip of Leo's cock, not wanting to tumble
on his own. "Come for me, Moro. Come now."

"David... Fuck, kiss me, please." Leo craned his neck

so that their lips could meet -- clumsy and awkward, but
they met.

He pressed their mouths together, his lips opening,

his tongue pushing into Leo's mouth as best he could.
That sweet ass clenched around him, heat splashing over
his hand.

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"Fuck! Yes!" His own orgasm hit him as Leo's body

milked his cock. Leo worked him, body jerking around
him. He held on tight, not wanting either of them to fall
down and ruin the moment, as the aftershocks shook
him. "Moro. Moro."

"Yes." Leo moaned for him, shivered.
He stayed buried inside Leo, their lips clinging

together for moments longer. The position was
awkward, though, and he had to let go.

He slipped from Leo and took off the condom. Tying

it off, he tossed it onto his shorts and moved around to
face Leo. "I've discovered the main drawback of what
we just did."

"What's that?"
"We can't just sprawl out and relax."
"Yeah." Leo grabbed him, hauled him into the water.
He shouted at the sudden splash of water and then

laughed, holding onto Leo. They went down with a
splash, Leo rolling him in the surf. It was like a fucking
cheesy movie, and he didn't care. He found Leo's mouth
with his own, sharing the moment. Leo groaned, tongue
pushing in, sliding against his. No control, no cool
attitude. This was full-on passion.

His hands moved on the strong muscles of Leo's

shoulders and back, loving every bit of skin he touched.

"Fuck. David. You're... Damn it." Another kiss

bruised his lips.

He rolled them, putting Leo on the bottom and kept

the kiss going. Leo bucked under him, rolling up. He
pushed back, letting all his passion out -- it didn't matter
that they'd just made love, his desire and need for Leo
was right there.

It wasn't all about their cocks, either. This heat, this

connection was wild. It was there in his heart and in
Leo's eyes. Leo wrapped one hand around David’s head,

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held them close together. He looked into his lover's
eyes, seeing an intensity he could more than match. So
hungry, so wild.

He moaned and told Leo the fucking truth. "Need

you, Leo."

"Right here." Neither one of them was really hard,

but he still couldn't stop touching.

It wasn't even about getting off anymore. That had

never been the whole story, anyway. Not with Leo.
Groaning, he pressed kisses over Leo's face, the water
splashing over them in waves.

A piece of seaweed passed between them, and Leo

grimaced. "Ew!"

David laughed, the intensity slipping away. "Come

on, Leo. Let's go back before we burn something

"That would be unfortunate."
"I've only got a few more days with you -- I'm not

spending them with a burnt cock. It's got places to be."
He winked at Leo.

They stood, sand and salt sticking to them. "Shower,"

grunted Leo imperiously.

"Yeah. Together. You can wash your master."
Leo looked at him, eyebrow arched. "Maybe."
Laughing, he tugged Leo and got them moving back

toward the cottage by way of their swimming trunks.
"There's no maybe about it."

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Chapter Fifteen

They were in bed, curled together, watching the

ocean. It was lovely and odd, wonderful and weird, all at
once. Leo hummed as David's fingers trailed over his
bare belly. The man was a sensual lover, and he had to
admit, he loved that touch. David seemed to know how
to touch him just so, how to make him shiver. David
kissed his shoulder, finger sliding up to find his right

"Do... How do you usually start a scene?"
"Depends on the situation, on who the scene is with."

David's fingers found his nipple and began to tease it

"So, pick a situation." Oh, that touch made him ache.
"If I've got a new boy, I ease him into it. I tell him

what's expected of him, tell him we're going to start
now." At now, David pinched the nipple he'd been
teasing, short, hard, and sharp.

"Hey!" Leo barked, hips rolling.
"What?" David looked like butter wouldn't melt in

his mouth.

"Don't make me beat you."
David laughed and shook his head. "As I've told you

before -- that's my job."

"When did you get into the business?"
"When I turned twenty."
"I knew you were young." He'd been in his mid-

twenties when he'd started.

"I thought I was so mature at the time."
"We all do, don't we?"
David's hand rolled his balls, squeezed them. Then

the big fingers slid on toward his hole. "Probably."

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His ass tightened. His hole had seen more action in

the last twenty-four hours... David stroked the skin
around it, so gentle. "So hot here."

He caught himself nodding, agreeing. He felt

overheated, tender. David's fingers moved on, stroking
the insides of his thighs. That touch made his toes curl,
and he shifted away.

"Where do you think you're going?"
He didn't know.
"You can't run away from me, Moro."
Leo wasn't running. "Involuntary reaction."
David gave him a considering look and nodded. "I

can see that. When was the last time you let someone
fuck you?"

"Seven years, give or take." When he and Jon had

been together.

"I'm glad you did this. I'm glad you're here and that

we made love." David didn't call it fucking.

"I haven't had a lover in a very long time."
"You have one now." David met his eyes.
"Do I?" He held the gaze, his heart beginning to


David didn't look away, not for a second. "You do."
"Good." His fingers slipped over David's hipbone.
David smiled for him and pushed close, taking a kiss.

David tasted so good, spicy and male. He could feel the
care, the feelings David had for him in the kiss, in the
touches that still moved over his skin. It unnerved him
and relaxed him at the same time.

"It is, isn't it? Good, I mean. Between us. It could be

more than just five days, Leo."

"It is."
Something in David relaxed. Leo could see it. The

man smiled at him. He didn't smile back. He had a lot to
think about. But it was good.

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David's mouth covered his again, a little something

extra in this kiss. Leo opened a little bit, focusing on the
flavor, the heat of his lover.

"Little" David wasn't so little as he pressed against

Leo. Leo slid one hand along David's back, petting,

"I have an idea," David murmured, beginning to shift.
His eyebrow arched. "An idea?"
"Yes." David chuckled and moved until they were

both face to cock. "I want to suck you. And get sucked."

"Do you now? Do you get what you want often?" He

leaned in, licked David's cock.

David made a happy noise and licked his prick just

like he'd done to David's. "Yep."

"What if I object?" He licked again before teasing the


David mirrored his movements. "I'll growl."
"That's not scary." He let his tongue tip press into the


"It'll mean your lover's not happy."
"I can make you re-happy." He chuckled at himself,

licked again. Again David imitated his movements on
his own cock, tongue feeling so good.

The soft, teasing words stopped, their mouths licking

and lapping, every motion he made copied by David.
Except for the humming, those vibrations were an
addition David made. They made his balls draw up,
made the pit of his belly ache. David was good at this,
turning him on and making him need.

He groaned, swallowing around the hard length of

flesh between his lips. David hummed again, hips
jerking a little, telling him he was doing as good a job
on David as the man was doing on him. David shifted,
one thigh under his cheek, pillowing his head.

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One of David's hands slid around to rub his ass. The

touch was warm, gentle, loving. So was the way David's
head began to bob, the suction soft and easy. Oh... Leo
moaned, eyes closing, the world going soft. That tongue
was magic, sliding on his prick.

He sucked, too, but he was clumsy, caught in a web

of pleasure. David didn't seem to mind, his touches and
licks and sucks continuing, sending Leo higher and
higher. His hips jerked, rolled, pushing deeper into
David's lips. David allowed it, the suction growing

God. God. Good. David. Fuck. David pulled him in

deeper, hands growing hard on his ass. He moaned
around David's cock, arms wrapping around and keeping
the man close. David's head bobbed faster, taking him
into the tight throat. They started to hump, hips rolling
faster, pushing deeper.

It was like they were flowing into each other, his hips

pushing David's cock deeper into his own mouth. Leo let
himself relax, let himself go with it. Over and over
again, David's cock hit the back of his throat, the
movement echoed by the swallows around his own

Fuck. Fuck, yes. His fingers dug into David's thighs.

David pulled even harder, finger pushing between his
cheeks to tap against his swollen hole. His ass clenched,
muscles pulling away. David tapped it again,
swallowing around the tip of his cock at the same time.

His head slammed back, David's cock escaping.


David did it again -- tap and swallow, tap and

swallow. He shot hard, his entire body shuddering.
David drank him down, throat working around his tip,
tongue slapping his flesh. The pleasure went on and on,
just pounding him.

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David cleaned his cock, tongue playing with his slit

before he slid all the way out. Leo swallowed, trying to
move to take David back in, but his world was spinning.
David licked at his prick and down to love on his balls.

"Oh, fuck. So good." Leo spread, shaking, undone.
David hummed, the sound vibrating against his skin.
"David..." He bent one leg, exposing his tender hole.
David's tongue slid along the skin behind his balls,

lapped at the tiny hidden barbell there, then it tickled at
his hole, hot and soft. This broken sound left him, the
touch so gentle to be almost unbearable. A kiss pressed
again his hole. It was like David was making love to him
with each touch.

His body began to ripple, to undulate, his lips open as

he cried out. Moaning, David kept licking and kissing,
going back to play with the barbell a moment then
coming back to his hole, the sensations so hot and
intense. He shifted away, then back, his heels sliding on
the sheets. David kept working him, making him feel so
very good.

When two fingers slipped inside him, he arched, the

sting welcome. Fingers and tongue kept playing,
keeping him wet, working him.

"David..." He reached up, hands wrapped around the

headboard to give him leverage.

David kept giving it to him, stretching him. The

man's cock was hard, shining and hot against his chest.

"Please." He wanted that cock again, wanted to ride

the burn.

David nodded and gave his hole one last tongue-stab.

Then David was shifting back around, moving to kneel
between his legs. He grabbed his knees, spreading
himself wide. Moaning, David gloved up and then
pushed against him.

"Burns." Fuck, it was hot.

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"You like it." David kept pushing in.
He groaned, met David's eyes. "More."
David nodded and kept working the thick cock into

him. His head fell back, his body alive and alight. When
David's hips were pressed up tight against the backs of
his thighs, his ass, the man leaned in, bending his legs
back as David took a kiss. His body jerked and
clenched, working that stiff cock as he sucked David's

David moaned into his mouth, hips beginning to

move, to push the thick meat in and out of him. Fuck, he
loved it, wanted more, harder, deeper. His lover gave it
to him, David's thrusts getting more forceful.

"Yes." He growled the word, soaring.
"Fuck yes!" Harder, faster, David was thrusting with

everything he had.

He held on, squeezing David with everything in him.
"Fuck! Fuck, Leo. Moro!" David shouted, body

beginning to lose control, to jerk.

"Yes. Yours. Yours. Yes, come on. Come on." David

shouted, bucked twice, and came.

He moaned, rode out the spasms, body still jerking.

David collapsed onto him, a low groan sounding. Leo
hummed, held on. Damn.

David slipped out and got rid of the condom, then

moved back in, close and warm. He held on, kissed
David's collarbone. David turned his head, their mouths
meeting in a soft kiss. He cupped David's jaw. He was in
so much trouble.

Davis smiled at him, nuzzled his palm. It looked like

David was, too.


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David lay in bed, watching Leo sleep. It was their last

morning; they'd be gone by shortly after noon. They
hadn't had a scene since their first full day. But last
night... Last night had blown his mind. He was more in
love with Leo than ever. The difference now was that he
was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.

Of course, they lived on opposite sides of the

country; there were all sorts of things to talk about. To
discuss. For now, he just stared at his sleeping lover.

Leo's eyes opened, met his. "You're awake."
He smiled. "Yes, Moro."
"You know... I didn't get my fantasy, David."
He frowned. "You didn't?"
"No." Leo's smile was wicked, naughty, charming. "I

was supposed to learn about being a sub."

"I topped you." Butthead. Gorgeous, stunning,

beautiful stud of a butthead.

"I didn't learn anything." Stubborn jackass.
He snorted and rolled over on top of his lover.

"Nothing? Nothing at all?"

"No. You've failed completely. You owe me a small

fortune." Leo's hands circled his hips.

"You'll have to take it out in trade." He rubbed

against his lover, their bodies sliding together.

"Mmm. I expect to receive my payments regularly."
"Yeah?" Did Leo want the same things he did? "I

could make daily deposits under the right

Leo's smile grew. "I do believe we could discuss


Leo’s smile made warmth bloom in David’s belly.


"Perhaps you could teach me something." Leo's teeth

latched onto his bottom lip, tugged it. "Perhaps I could
teach you as well."

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He groaned, hips jerking, their cocks bumping and

rubbing. "Yes."

"Love." Leo looked into his eyes, direct.
He held that gaze and nodded, that warmth inside

overtaking him. "Yes," he said again.

"Okay, then." Leo drew him into a slow, lazy kiss.

His tongue pushed into Leo's mouth, sweeping through
it as they shared breath.

Leo spread, knees bent, cradling him. He cupped

Leo's cheeks, turning his head slightly to deepen the
kiss. Leo opened to him, let him in and in and in. He
could do this forever. Maybe longer. With Leo in his
arms, it didn't feel like an impossible dream.

"Your place or mine?" The words, cheesy as they

were, popped out of his mouth as their lips parted for a

"I don't have a sub lined up to work."
"You'll come out west for me?" He thought he might

come just from that.

"You have a place for me?"
"I do, Moro. It's right beside me."
Leo's cheeks pinked, fingers twining with his. A part

of him was still amazed that he could affect this
stunning man as much as Leo affected him.

"Then I suppose I should see the Pacific."
"Yeah, I suppose you should." He licked Leo's lips.
"We'll work out our details later." Leo sucked his

bottom lip in, nibbled on it.

"Mmm. Okay." He had more important things to

concentrate on just now. Besides, Leo had said yes. And
in the end, that was all that mattered.

His fantasy was complete.

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"Excellent. Yes. If the client wants to go to LA,

absolutely." James clicked the headset off, nodding
happily that three more files could be closed. For once,
there was no drama, no complaints, simply three happy
clients. Maybe he wouldn't have to kill Damien after all.

As if thinking of him had conjured the man up, there

Damien was with that cocksure smile of his, Guard right
behind him.

"How did you two get in here?"
"I have a key, remember?" Guard held up his

emergency key. "You didn't answer when we knocked.
We were worried."

"I was working. I'm fine." Now go away.
"Everyone get off okay?" Guard's grin and twinkling

eyes told him the man had very much meant that double

"Dipshit." James actually chuckled. "Yes. Three solid

fantasies. We earned our pennies."

"We charge a hell of a lot more than pennies."

Damien was such an asshole.

"Fuck off. I could cut you off." He rolled back from

his desk; he needed a drink. A celebratory drink.

"Then who would go find you the perfect jobs?

Perfect hires, perfect fantasies." Damien's grin became
even more shit-eating, if that was possible. "Did I or did
I not score big?"

James looked over at Guard, hoping for help.
"How about we all just have a beer and toast to a job

well done?" Guard gave him a hopeful smile.

"One beer." One.
"Spoilsport." Damien's hand dropped down onto his

shoulders, rubbing.

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Oh. His head fell forward, just for a second. Damien

took full advantage, rubbing harder.

"I need to get our beers." He rolled forward.
Guard was right there, though, three longnecks in his

hands and that hopeful smile still on his face.

"Just let me touch a second, huh, Wheels?" He hated

that sad sound in Damien's voice.

Guard crouched down in front of him. "He loves you.

We both do."

"You can't. I won't let you."
"You already did." Guard leaned in, lips pressing

against his.

He was trapped between them, Damien's hands and

Guard's lips. Guard's tongue slipped along his lips,
asking to be let in. He couldn't do this. He couldn't love
them again. He... God, Guard tasted good.

Guard's tongue slipped in, teasing against his teeth,

and Damien's hands worked the muscles in his
shoulders. They were not doing this. They weren't.
James' hands curled around the arms of his chair.

Guard's hands cupped his cheeks, tilting his head a

little to the right, and behind him, Damien groaned.
Dame's thumbs found the tight muscles between his
shoulders, pushing hard. Guard pushed in closer, chest
pressing against his.

"I can't." He moaned the words against Guard's lips.
"Why not?" Damien asked. "We did the other day.”
"I'm not loving you two."
"Please?" Guard's eyes begged him.
"Shh." He reached out, finger across Guard's lips.
Guard licked his finger and then drew it in between

his lips, sucking gently. Oh. Oh, fuck. He shifted, ass
sliding on the seat. Damien moaned, hands stuttering on
his shoulders as Guard kept sucking, eyes holding his
gaze. God, he ached, his prick hard and throbbing.

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One of Guard's hands dropped, palmed him through

his shorts.

"Jesus, James. You smell so good." Damien sounded

like he'd swallowed a frog.

"Like magic." Guard let go of his prick, only to start

working on undoing his shorts.

"Yes." Damien's mouth was by his ear. "Love."
Guard nodded, hand wrapping around his naked

cock. "Love."

"I can't..." Oh, God.
"Shh. That's just a knee-jerk reaction." Guard started

stroking him.

"We can. We can. Fuck, man. I want to ride you,

want to feel you inside me." Damien whispered the
words, breath hot as deep summer.

"Oh, fuck. Yes. Please, James." Guard begged so


"I can't."
Damien had gotten naked somehow and was in his

lap, eyes burning. "Please. Please. I need you."

Guard's hand kept working his cock. "You're hard as

a rock, James. I'd say you can."

Guard helped guide him in, Damien's ass like a flame

as they touched. The son of a bitch was slick. Damien
took him in, head falling back on a cry, and James
reached for him, hands around Dame's waist.

"God. Look at the two of you." Guard sounded like

he was in pain.

"In me. James. Oh, fuck, baby. I missed you."
He knew. He knew, and he hated it, but right now he

didn't care. He didn't care about anything. He needed.

"Fuck. Oh, God. James." Damien was babbling, word

after word, all full of need.

Guard was sharing kisses with them, him and then

Dame, and then him again. James focused on slamming

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Damien into him, onto him, over and over, the chair
rocking underneath them.

"Fuck. Fuck." Guard and Dame were both down to

one syllable words, grunts.

His cock ached, his body focused on nothing but his

balls, on the heat around his prick. Guard slid his hands
down, pinched his nipples through his shirt. His fingers
clenched, and he pulled Dame down harder. Damien
cried out, hands landing on his shoulders and digging in.

"Please. Please, baby. Let me come." Damien

sounded desperate, so needy.

He moaned, shook his head. "Not 'til I say."
Guard's low groan filled the air. "Hear that, Dame?

You have to wait until James says you can come."

"Yes. Yes. God. Baby."
James closed his eyes, hiding from their boy, their

lover. Guard's kisses roamed over his face, his ears, his

"Guard." He couldn't do this, couldn't handle it, but

damn it, he couldn't stop it, either.

"You going to let him come, babe? You going to let

our boy come?"

"Our boy." He almost sobbed, his fingers digging in

to the world's most perfect ass.

"Yes. Yes. Please, James, let me come." Damien

bounced on his cock, eyes pleading with him.

He couldn't breathe, couldn't think, and then Guard's

hand slid up, cupped his balls and squeezed. "Come.
Come for me, boy. Now."

Damien screamed, spunk spraying between them.

Guard's cry sounded in his ear, as well, the scent of their
come filling his nose.

James' balls emptied, Guard's fingers rolling them, so

hot. Then Damien kissed him, lips burning his, lingering
on his mouth.

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When their lips parted, Damien was crying, tears

streaking the man's face. "Forgive me."

He shook his head. "I can't do that now."
One day the man would understand that he already

had and now there was nothing left for him to forgive.


Three More Wishes - 232


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