Fresh Meat by mrs pacman

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F resh Meat by mrs.pacman

A/N: This fanfic contains lots of sex, drugs, lesbian tendencies, and blood play. Please do
not read if you're easily offended.


Everyone at school was whispering about the newest addition to Forks High. Apparently
she was Chief Swan's daughter and that meant no male in this town was going to be able
to get two feet from her without Chief Swan pulling out his gun an placing a shot right
between their eyes.

We heard all kinds of rumors, like she had to leave her school in Phoenix because she
was having an affair with one of her teachers; we heard that she was a Ms Goody Two
Shoes and was stuck up. I decided that I'd put all those rumors out of mind and see for
myself once she got here.

I kind of liked the fact people were already gossiping about the new girl, maybe they'd
leave my friends and I alone now. We were the 'In Crowd', you know, everyone hates you
but everyone wants to be you or with you. It felt good knowing that someone else would
be taking some of that off of us.

My sister Alice and I were friends with Rosalie and Emmett and Alice was dating my
best friend Jasper. We've known each other for god knows how long. They all had
someone but me, they were exclusive. I on the other hand wasn't tied down and I loved
the chase. Every girl in this damn school has either had my tongue down their throat or
my dick in their pussy. That's just how it is.

We were known as the party kids. Sure we did drugs and we had sex but if any of the
pricks in this school had the chance to party with us they did. They took advantage of our
free spirits and we were the only reason this town was exciting on a Friday night. I'm not
conceded you know, I'm just a realist. I know what I want and I always get it. Speaking
of that, Jessica Stanley's walking up and I have her quite often.


"Good Morning Edward." Jessica smiled seductively, or tried to smile seductively. I let
her think she was sexy but it really didn't do much for me. Just passed the time if you
know what I mean.

"Hey Doll. Coming over after school?" I said as she pressed her tits against me and
nipped my ear lobe.

"You bet." She said as she turned and walked to class.

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"Damnitt Edward, can't you get a new piece of ass, she's disgusting." Emmett nudged his
elbow into my rib cage.

"Shut up Em, I got to get it somewhere." I said watching Jessica sway her hips before
turning the corner.

"Heard about he new girl Eddie?" Rosalie said as she slid her arm around Emmett's waist.

"Sure did, what about her." I said nonchalantly.

"I hear she's a virgin. You know snotty, uptight, and I mean tight." Rosalie said as Alice
giggled, clamping her hand over her mouth to stifle it.

"What's that got to do with me Rose?" I asked.

"I guess nothing but you've already banged the whole female population of the student
body besides your sister and me. I just thought you would've wanted to nail her too."
Alice was still giggling at Rose's bluntness.

"Shut up Rose, I think I can handle my own sex life thank you very much." I said as I
stomped off to Biology.

I made it to class early not wanting to listen to Rose give me shit and glanced at my table,
in the seat that had been empty all year sat the new addition to Forks. I felt my dick get
hard as my eyes traveled up and down her form. She was wearing a short black skirt with
her legs crossed that revealed more of the skin on her thighs than the dress code allowed.
Her shirt was a tight fitting blue v-neck blouse and from the way she had her arms on the
table in front of her made her cleavage almost spill from their prison. Her auburn hair
was curled in soft loose curs. She had the most perfect lips, luscious, soft, and pink. As I
walked to my chair she looked up at me through long dark lashes and I met her chocolate
eyes and I felt my breathing get heavier.

"What the fuck Edward? She's just another piece of ass." Dirty Edward thought as I took
my seat.

"Hello." She said, her voice ringing in my ears.

"Hi, you must be Isabella." I said.

"Call me Bella. And you are?" She looked into my eyes waiting for me to respond.

"Stop staring and talk you dumb ass." Dirty Edward didn't like to be at a loss for words.

"Bella huh? I like that. Name's Edward." I stuck my hand out to shake hers. She brought
her hand to mine and as soon as my skin came in contact with hers I felt a surge of
electricity pass through us.

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"What the fuck was that?" Dirty Edward also didn't like being caught of guard.

The bell rang so I took my seat. As soon as the teacher started writing on the board Bella
flipped her hair over one shoulder and began to take notes. As her hair disturbed the air
around us my nose was assaulted by her scent. She smelt of freesias. It wasn't like a
perfume smell that was overbearing like most girls in the place had on. It smelt natural. I
wanted to run my fingers through her hair; I wanted to run my fingertips along the skin of
her pale flesh. She was delicious.

I didn't hear a damn thing that went on during class. I couldn't keep my mind out of the
gutter as I thought about all the naughty things that Dirty Edward wanted to do to Ms.
Bella Swan. The bell finally rang and as Bella got up from her seat she dropped her
books. I watched a she bent over in front of me and I got a quick view of the lace baby
blue boy shorts that were hiding underneath her skirt. Of course my hard on got even
harder after that little peep show. I rushed out of the room and pushed my back against
the wall and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What the hell Cullen? She's just like the other pussy in this town. You'll bang her and
then you'll be over this shit. Just get her on her knees and you'll forget all this
infatuation." Dirty Edward was infuriated by sudden weakness.

"Hey Edward!" Alice said dragging Jasper behind her.

"Hey sis." I said still pinching the bridge of my nose.

"What's with you? You don't look so good." She asked as she placed her hand on my

"I'm fine. I met the new girl." I said looking at Jasper.

"And?" He implored.

"She's incredible. I've got to bang this chick and fast." I blurted out.

Alice punched my in the stomach, "Don't talk like that in front of me. I don't want to hear
about your latest conquest." She pouted.

"Fine, I'm sorry." I really was sorry.

We walked to the lunch room and sat at our usual table but I was afraid that lunch was
going to be anything but normal. I saw her standing in line and I couldn't help but picture
those lace panties and how bad I wanted to pull the off of her. This was going to be a
long lunch period.


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I liked coming to a new school. I needed a change of pace, Phoenix was getting boring.
There's only so much you can do before it starts to get old. Jessica, the girl I met in
English had dished about all the rumors she heard about me. I didn't have the heart nor
did I have the desire to set her straight. I just sat and listened as she tried to convince me
that she didn't believe any of them. I knew her type; she lived by 'keep your friends close
and your enemies closer'. I couldn't blame her, she was pretty resourceful, no wonder she
was pretty popular. Or maybe it was just that she's easy. I saw her all up on this god of a
man in the hall. He was pretty tempting, his bronze colored hair was messy, you know,
sex hair. He had piercing green eyes and a crooked smile that could make your heart
melt, if you had one. He was tall and well built.

"I'd like to see his abs sometime." Naughty Bella was alive and well this day.

It was sad that she threw herself at him like that, and they way he ogled her I'm sure he
was already familiar with her anatomy. How wonderful, a small town playboy. This
would be fun. I noticed the others he was with, they were all beautiful. The pixie was cute
and she seemed like the hyper type, then there was the blonde, she was down right
gorgeous. The other two boys were quite attractive, one was real muscular; he was with
the blonde girl. The blonde, shy looking guy was with the pixie. They all looked so

I turned to go to Biology when I heard a male voice calling after me.

"Bella, hey wait up." Mike Newton had already taken to me. Pretty pathetic. I liked the
attention though.

"Hey Mike." I gave him my cutest smile.

"Can I walk you to class?" He asked.

"What a douche. Knight in shinning armor I guess." I thought to myself as he walked me
to the door to my class.

"Thanks Mike." I said as I kissed him on the cheek. He grinned and I couldn't help but
laugh to myself, this was too easy.

I took a seat where the teacher assigned me. He said I'd be lab partners with Edward
Cullen. I heard some of the girls giggle and whisper at the mention of his name. I guessed
he was cute by their remarks but I was ready to see what their standard of cute was. I put
my books down and took my seat and placed my arms out on my desk waiting for the bell
to ring. I didn't notice when Edward walked up to take his seat. I was lost in thought
about what the upcoming weekend might bring, it's only Monday. When I heard the girl
at the opposite table gasp I looked up to see the bronze haired boy from the hall in front
of me.

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We exchanged pleasantries and the bell rang. I flipped my hair so I could take notes and I
could hear Edward stiffen next to me.

"You've got to be kidding me. Boys are so predictable." I thought as I continued to copy
the notes from the board. I cold feel him stealing glances at me and I couldn't help but
chuckle to myself. I was a new piece of ass so of course he'd be interested in having a

I decided to give him a peek when the bell rang. I let my books drop and I bent over
letting Edward get a chance to peek up the ridiculously short skirt I wore. I got scolded in
the office but they let me off the hook because it was my first day. I was glad they didn't
make me change; I just had to fuck with this dude. He hauled ass out of the class room
and when I emerged I giggled as his buddies huddled around him.

As I walked down the hall Jessica Stanley came up behind me.

"I hear Cullen's your lab partner? He's hot huh? Damn he's so irresistible." She sounded
like she was talking more to herself than me.

"Yeah, he's alright. You know him?" I said as if I weren't really interested.

"More than most girls." She said smugly.

"I doubt that." I said back.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I know his type Jessica. I'm sure lots of girls have had a look, maybe even a taste at
those goods." She looked at me, eyes wide, and face red.

"How do you know that?" She gasped.

"Experience." I said as I walked off.

I heard her mutter bitch and it brought a smile to my face. It was then that I knew I was
really going to have a good time here. Fake friends, hot guys, and I was the mysterious

The week went along smoothly. Mike chased me around along with multiple guys whose
names I didn't care to remember just yet. Edward and I were pleasant during class; he
sure did like to stare. I met his sister Alice; she was a doll and her best friend the blonde
one Rosalie was just as sweet. They invited me to a party at Alice's house on Friday. I
was excited, who would've thought Forks would have kids who'd throw a party.


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We were throwing a party at our house this Friday night. My parents were out of town
and we lived a bit out of the way so as long as we kept it low key we'd be alright. I
invited Lauren to come and left Jessica out of the loop. I had some fun with her earlier
this week and I hadn't spent time with Lauren in almost a month.

"Eddie, I invited Bella to the party." Alice said matter-of-factly.

"Good for you." I said.

"Hell fuck yes! You're going to get her virgin ass wasted and get this shit over with!"
Dirty Edward was rearing his ugly head and I didn't really mind. He was probably right.

Emmett, Jasper, and I rode into Seattle on Thursday night. We met up with Jasper's
'supplier' and got the goods we needed. Jasper always knew where to get the best. We
decided to go for ecstasy, we were looking to have a great time. On the drive home all I
could think about was placing that pretty blue tab on Bella's hot tongue and then having
hours of fun.

"What the hell Cullen! Watch the road!" Emmett yelled from the back seat.

"S..sorry." I stammered as I corrected the car.

"What the hell was that about?" Jasper asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about Friday." I said quietly.

"Oh, thinking about Lauren?" He pushed.

"No not her." I wanted him to leave it alone.

"Hell no Cullen! You're thinking about Bella huh?" Emmett was booming with laughter.

"Shut up Em!" I yelled.

"Oh c'mon, it's alright. Just tap it and it'll all be over. She's just new." Jasper said.

"Yeah and that's why I've got to get this out of my system. She's driving me insane.
Everything about her, she's shy but confident, she's bold but coy. It's not right. She's
driving me mad. I just want to fuck her and leave it at that." I was gripping the steering
wheel tightly.

"Oh god this is great. I can't wait to tell the girls. They're going to love this." Emmett was
laughing again.

"Yeah why do you think Alice invited her? Sure she wants to be here friend but she's
gotta see what we're about. I think the girls find her hot too. But I'm not going to bring

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that up." Jasper was grinning from ear to ear.

"Bella naked with another chick. Now you're just asking for too much Edward." Even
Dirty Edward colud see we had limits.


I was so glad it was Friday. I got home and took a shower and picked out an outfit to
wear for the evening. Alice also asked me to stay over. I picked out my favorite pair of
R&R Jeans that fit me perfectly. They hugged my ass in a way that made the boys back
in Phoenix drool. I paired it with my favorite Radiohead t-shirt. It was pretty tight, I had
it for years, and it just looked nice on me. It was cute but laid back. I was sure that all the
girls at the party would be decked out trying to impress the boys. I slipped on pair of
black ballet flats. I did my make up and my hair. I packed my over night bag before
heading out the door. I kissed Charlie on the cheek and told him I'd see him tomorrow.

I was hoping that this party wasn't going to be lame. I needed to let my hair down. I
wanted to let loose a little and I was ready to give the teens at Forks High a look into the
real Bella.

"Alice It's Bella. I'm on the way." I said into my phone.

"Great, see you in a bit." She said cheerfully.

I made it to their house in no time and I was actually the first one there.

"Shit, I wish I would've thought of fashionably late." I thought. I didn't want to be the
lame over eager one.

Alice opened the door and squealed when she saw me.

"Damn you look hot! I'm glad you can dress yourself." She said as she pulled me in the

"Thanks. So what kind of party is this?" I asked.

"A fun one. How much have you heard about our little group?" She asked me.

"You're the 'In Crowd', you have lots of sex and do drugs. Everyone hates you but
everyone wants to be you. Have I got it?" I smiled.

"Prefectly." I heard Edward's voice behind me and I suddenly felt flush.

"What the hell Bella? Get a grip, he's small potatoes." Naughty Bella didn't like getting
caught off guard like that.

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I turned around to see Edward staring at me.

"I'll leave you two alone. I need to finish getting ready." Alice said as she headed

"Radiohead huh?" He pointed at my shirt, his finger centimeters from my breasts.

Yeah, got this at a concert a few years back. They're amazing." I said not looking at his


"Look at her ass! Grab it! Grab it!" Dirty Edward was about to lose control.

I heard Bella recite the rumors that she heard, but it was the truth that came out of her
mouth, her luscious beautiful mouth.

"Perfectly." I answered her.

She turned around to look at me and I was almost knocked to the floor. She not only had
the best pair of jeans on but she had a tight Radiohead t-shirt on that hugged her full
breasts amazingly. Dirty Edward was hoping that I'd reach out and squeeze them.

I couldn't help but be impressed at her taste in music. Radiohead wasn't a favorite of the
other girls at Forks High. Alice left us and I decided to use the opportunity to get her

"What's your five top favorite songs?" I asked.

"Why five, why not one?" she questioned.

"Well, you can't have only one favorite Radiohead song. That would be cheating." I said
with a crooked smile.

"Alright, there's Climbing up the Walls, Talk Show Host, Idioteque, High and Dry, and
House of Cards." She answered quickly.

"What the fuck, she was beyond amazing. She just listed my top five too." I thought to

"So did Alice tell you what kind of party we were having? I think you should know
before hand." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. I was trying so hard not to stare at
her tits.

"No not yet. Why don't you tell me?" She said softly as she walked towards me.

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"We've got alcohol and...ecstasy." I said looking at her waiting for her reaction.

"Thank god!" She yelped.

"What, wait? What do you mean thank god?" I asked.

"I was so sure this party was going to be lame. I hadn't had any fun since I've been in
Forks. I need to let loose." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.


I was totally thrilled that I was one, going to get wasted and two, that I didn't have to go
home. I was so going to let loose.

I sure surprised the hell out of Edward which was quite amusing. He must've heard the
goody two shoes rumor.

"What's wrong Edward?" I said smiling at him sweetly.

"It's just; I didn't think this was your kind of thing." He whispered.

I walked up to him, pressing my chest against him and whispered in his ear, "Guess you
heard the wrong rumors Eddie."

I was glad that I surprised him; this was going to play out better than I hoped.

"I'm going to go check on Alice, see you later." I said as I walked past him and up the
stairs. I'm sure his gaze followed.

"Hey Alice can I come in?" I said as I knocked on her door.

"Yeah come on in. What did Edward say?" She asked.

"He told me about he party. I was quite surprised that you small town folk were into
that." I said half jokingly.

"You have no idea Bella. I'm just glad we didn't scare you off. I really like you, and your
jeans." She said smiling.

"You like?" I said turning around to giver her a good view. "They're my favorite pair."

"I can see why." Edward said as he stood in the doorway looking at me intensely, his
arms crossed over his chiseled chest.

I looked at him and gave him my most seductive smile. I wasn't going to let him have it
that easy. He would be the lamb and I would be the slaughterer tonight.

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"Edward go downstairs it's almost nine." Alice squeaked at him.

"Fine little one! I'll be the good host. Bella want to come with me?" He said holding out
his hand. I took it and he smiled that deathly crooked smile. I felt my stomach churn. I'd
have to kiss that smile off of his face later.

Rosalie and Emmett showed up first. They were excited that I was a good sport. They had
no idea. Lauren Mallory was next and she of course was staking her claim on Edward,
practically grinding on him. I guess she was here as his date. Alice and Jasper turned out
all the lights and music started playing loudly. I felt Edward come up behind me and
placed both of his hands on my hips.


"Open up." I said in Bella's ear. I loved the way my hands felt on her hips, I pulled her
into me, her ass rubbed against my erection.

Bella opened her luscious mouth and stuck out her tongue.

"Holy fuck I feel like this is déjà vu. Didn't I already imagine this very moment? YES!"
Dirty Edward was reeling in victory.

I placed the tab on her tongue and she slipped it into her mouth sucking the tip of my
finger between her closed lips.

"My turn." She said as she turned around to face me.

I opened my mouth waiting for her to place the tab on my tongue but instead I felt her
lips on mine and she slid her tongue into my mouth pressing the tab onto my tongue.

"OH fuck me, she did not just do that?!" Dirty Edward was alive and well in my pants as
she massaged her tongue with mine dissolving the pill into oblivion.

"Shit!" I said as she released my mouth.

"I was thinking more along the lines of "Oh fuck". She said as she smoothed her messy
lip gloss.

"What did you do that for Bella?" I asked.

"C'mon Edward. Did you really believe that I was a snotty virgin? Didn't you get
anything juicier than that?" She said coyly. God I wanted to smack that smirk off of her
glorious face.

Before I cold answer Lauren came up behind me and placed her hand on the front of my

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"Wow, excited are we?" Lauren said as she nipped my ear.

"Sure. Bella can I see you upstairs please?" I said as I pulled her along.

I walked her up to my room and I could hear Rosalie and Emmett in the study. Of course
they were already fucking. They couldn't go two minutes without fondling each other. I
pushed open my door and pushed Bella inside. I closed the door behind me and pushed
my back against it.

"Alright we need to talk Bella." I said roughly.

"So talk." She said smugly.

"You waltz into Forks High and you know all these rumors. You don't try to flatten them.
You flirt with every guy but me and have them drooling all over you. You try and act all
innocent but here you are in my house driving your tongue down my throat while we get
fucked up on ecstasy. Explain." I said.

"This is what I do Edward. Back in Phoenix it was easier, there was more of everything. I
let all of you think what you want. It's fun watching everyone squirm wondering who I
am, where I came from, trying to hash out what rumors are true or not. You know what
it's like. You and your 'in crowd'. It's the same thing. I know what they've said about you
all and it's perfect for me. I'm sorry if you felt that I mislead you." She said softly.

"Everyday you've been driving me insane. I get what I want when I want it and you
wouldn't give me a second look. That's not easy for me. Ass is ass but you're different.
You're not like them. Alice knew it too, damn, she always knows." I said biting my

"Edward I'm sorry about that. I just like the chase. I want you to want me. In all honesty I
was going to just sleep with you and be done with it." She said with a wink.

"Really? I was thinking the same damn thing." I answered back.

"I'm sure the gang will love to hear you've got a sixth member." She said as she pushed
me against the door, hard.

I could feel the E coming on strong as Bella pushed her lips against mine. She licked my
bottom lip begging for entrance into my mouth. I opened quickly and she slid her hot
tongue into my mouth massaging mine roughly. I kissed her hard and my hands
wandered to her perfectly round ass and grabbed two big handfuls of flesh. I caught her
moan in my mouth.

"The parties downstairs Eddie, we should get going." She said as she pulled away.

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"You fucking tease!" I said only half pissed off.

"You know it'll be more fun this way." She said as she pulled me by the collar


I wasn't going to fight it. We were quite a pair. I told him my plan and he confided that he
had the same quest. I laughed to myself. Two peas in a fucking pod. Well, even if we
have come to some sort of an agreement I wasn't about to let him in that easily. Plus I
really wanted to get downstairs and see the party. I knew Lauren would be waiting to
attack so I decided to put her in her place ASAP.

We reached the living room and of course it smelled of Vick's and smoke. Alice was on
the coffee table in front of Jasper and he was rubbing her through her shirt. I saw Lauren
at the other end of the room looking at me with a death glare. Now was as good a time as

I leaned into Edward pushing my tits against his chest as his mouth fell open with a low
groan. He was already fucked up, his pupils as big as a quarter. I grabbed Edward by the
collar and licked from his jaw line to the top of his cheek bone. He shivered beneath me.
His salty skin left an irresistible taste on my tongue. He pulled me tight to him and he
saw my eyes dart toward Lauren.

"You're a bitch you know?" He said softly in my ear.

"And that's why you're here instead of over there." I said before kissing his neck.

"Fuck Bella, you're insane." He said as he slid his hands into my hair.

"How did you guess that hair pulling is my favorite?" I said lustfully.

"I didn't but that is valuable information." He said before he pulled my hair tightly in his
hand. I bucked my hips into his as I moaned loudly at the pressure he caused on my scalp.


I don't really know what happened upstairs but apparently it went smoothly. She was the
best thing since sliced bread. She was ruthless and just as cocky and self centered as I
was. This was prefect. And what she did to Lauren was pretty shitty but it still made my
dick twitch.

"She licked my fucking face! Holy hell that was hot!" I thought to myself as she kissed
my neck eagerly.

I pulled her away from me and drug her into the kitchen. I lifted her up on the counter

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where she took a big gulp of gin straight from the bottle. Jasper walked in as I lifted
Bella's shirt over her head.

"Nice!" Jasper yelped as her black lace bra was visible for all to see.

"Likey?" Bella looked back lazily, her eyes full of lust.

"Sure do, I think I'll have a seat. Hey Alice can you come in here?" Jasper hollered.

Alice walked toward Jasper and he pulled her between his legs as she faced Bella and me.

I looked back down at Bella who was waiting for me to finish what I started. I kissed the
mound of flesh that was threatening to bust from the top of her bra. I sucked her flesh as
she moan loudly. Just when I didn't think my dick could get anymore hard her moans
prove me wrong.

"Alice why don't you jump up on that counter?" Jasper said to her as he picked hr up by
the back o her thighs.

"Hey Alice." Bella said before pulling Alice's lips to hers.

"OH FUCK!" Jasper and I both said at the same time. Sure it was kind of awkward that
she was kissing my sister but Bella was kissing another female and that's all that

Alice kissed Bella back, giving her the same urgency that Bella showed her. I unclasped
Bella's bra exposing her perfect breasts to me. I took her left nipple in my mouth as my
hand fondled her right one. Alice's mouth caught her moans as Bella ground her core
against my throbbing erection.

I knew Jasper was up my sister's skirt but I put that out of mind the best I could as I
attacked Bella's supple flesh. There was nothing like a hot girl topless on my kitchen
counter. Jasper stepped out into the hall and came back with a jar of Vick's. I dipped my
finger in it and rubbed it on Bella's collar bone as I blew cold air over her skin. She
writhed beneath me at the sensation, her mouth falling open. Jasper continued his work
on Alice as her lips kept their course over Bella's mouth.

I looked up to find that we had gained an audience and Bella smiled at me. Emmett's
mouth was half way to the floor and Rosalie was staring at Alice and Bella playing tonsil

"I'm in fucking heaven. Right now I'm in heaven. I can die a happy man right now." Dirty
Edward was reeling in pleasure.


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I had to admit it Edward's mouth on me while I assaulted his sister's mouth while her
boyfriend watched was truly exciting. I couldn't wait to hear the rumors tomorrow. I'm
sure Lauren had hauled ass out of the house when she realized how preoccupied her boy
toy was.

"Where's Lauren Edward?" I asked huskily.

"Who the fuck cares?" He said against my tit.

"I care, I think I scared her away." I said with a fake pout.

"Don't worry, you're all the ass I need Ms. Swan." He breathed against my skin

"What the fuck?" Emmett finally said.

"What Em?" Jasper looked at him shrugging his shoulders.

"Rosalie go get up in that shit." He pushed her towards us.

"I..I don't know." She said shyly. Apparently she needed some more E.

"C'mon it's okay Rose. We won't bite." I said..

"I think I'm going to shoot in my pants right now." Emmett was probably only half

Rosalie slid up on the counter and met my lips forcefully driving her tongue past my lips
and into my mouth. She was a good kisser, real rough. I liked that. I could hear the boys
groaning at the sight of the three of us half naked making out on the kitchen counter.
Every man's dream.

It went on like that for awhile. Making out, grinding, panting, and groaning. We eventual
stopped to give attention to the boys. We each pulled them into separate rooms. I was
quick to jump on Edward, nipping and biting every inch of his skin. He growled beneath
me as I bit the flesh on his neck hard. I could taste the blood on my tongue and realized I
broke skin.

"Oh fuck what did you do naughty Bella?" I thought to myself.


Holy hell she broke my skin. I felt her tongue lap at the wound there and I liked it. She
got up off me and looked at me like she was ready for me to yell.

"What's wrong Bella?" I asked.

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"Uh, I don't know if you noticed but I just broke through skin. I taste your blood." She
said looking away from me.

"I know, get back on top of me." I said nonchalantly

"What?" She asked bewildered.

"I know you broke skin and it was unbelievable, your teeth on my flesh like that. So
please, get back on top of me." I motioned for her to come towards me. I really was ready
to rip her clothes off.

She complied and once she was on top of me I slid my hand into her hair and pulled as
hard as I could. I felt a few strands come out in my fist but she didn't seem to mind. She
moaned as if I had thrust my dick inside of her. She ground her core against my throbbing
dick trying to feel some kind of friction between her jeans. Sex on E wasn't that great but
all the shit the foreplay before hand was amazing.

After a few more minutes we all made our way back to the living room where the girls
continued to give us a show. The guys and I could barely move as our ladies rubbed,
sucked, kissed, bit, and touched each other. Never in all of our days had the girls been so
free wit each other. Bella seemed to bring out the best in everyone.

I couldn't wait to see Lauren on Monday, I'm sure the rumors would be exciting. I was
glad that I had someone to share the torture with. For her, for Bella, it'd be well worth it.

A/N: Thanks for the reviews. I do want to let you know that this sotry really isn't about
plot. It's made for the smutt and I hope that everyone is enjoying the story so far. Please
keep the reviews coming. I love the feedback. I know you're all holdng on to your seats to
see how Truth or Dare unfolds. Happy reading!


Edward picked me up from school in his shiny Volvo. When we got out of the car he
grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. Everyone in the parking lot was

"Apparently," Edward whispered, "people haven't had the pleasure of seeing me be
exclusive. It's probably a big shocker."

I laughed; he took all the talk in stride.

As we made our way to the front of the school Edward stopped and looked at me.

"Are you ready?" He asked seriously.

"Edward I'm not a little girl. I can handle myself." I said sternly.

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"Whatever you say Ms. Swan." He shot me wink and started pulling me along. I didn't
think I'd be able to make it through the day without assaulting him.

Alice and I had English together with Jessica Stanley. She was the other toy of Edward's.
I knew she'd play it cool and act like she was happy that Edward found someone but she
laid it on pretty thick.

"Hey Bella! Heard about the awesome party I missed. I also heard you and Edward are an
item?" She asked.

"Yeah, it was amazing. I needed to have some fun. Edward and I seem to be getting along
much better now." I threw her a smirk.

"Maybe I'll get an invite next time huh Alice?" She turned to Alice with a soft smile.

"Uh, probably not. Private parties from now on." Alice winked at me and I put my hand
over my mouth to stifle a giggle.

"Oh well that's pretty lame." Jessica was pissed.

"Lame huh? I would've called it hot." I spat at her wanting her to release her jealous

She turned around in her seat and faced the front of the class. I heard her mumbling
something about sluts and bitches. Alice and I burst into laughter. I was going to have to
fend of the wolves if I was going to keep a hold on Edward.

"From what happened this weekend I think you're pretty much guaranteed to hold on to
Eddie boy for the rest of his life. You guys are two peas in a pod Bella." Alice smiled and
brushed my hair over my shoulder.

I felt a slight ache between my legs as her fingers grazed my shoulder. We had a
wonderful weekend, the six of us. The party wasn't even the highlight. We all hung out
and swapped stories and vegged out. They loved hearing about my years in Phoenix.
They were all bug eyed at the stories I told. I wish they could live in a big city and
experience it the way I had.

The day dragged on and I was excited to get to Biology. I liked that it was my lunch
period class, more time with Edward. On my way to class I felt someone tug on my arm
and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"What the hell Cullen?" I spat at Edward, he scared the shit out of me.

"I'm sorry Swan but I couldn't sit in that classroom without getting some tongue. You
have to understand what you do to me. Did I mention that your outfit should be illegal?"

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Edward said as he groped me in the dark.

I pushed myself against him pining him to the wall. He reached around and grabbed my
ass underneath my dress. Pulling me closer he kissed me hard and I immediately opened
my mouth to his, allowing his tongue to pass through. His tongue felt good against mine
and I felt the wetness gather on my thighs.

"Fuck Edward we're going to be late." I said against his open mouth.

"Fine you tease but it's your loss." He waved his hand toward the door.

"I'll make it up to you I promise." I said with a small pout.

Of course Edward and I didn't really pay attention during class. We were supposed ot be
watching a movie but instead he kept trying to feel me up.

"Edward stop it. You're insatiable." I whispered smacking his hand off my thigh.

"No shit I'm insatiable. You're the only one who can satisfy me." His words could make a
girl melt.

"You know before class in the dark? You got me pretty wet." Naughty Bella was ready
for some fun.

"I did huh? Who would've thought." He said trying to play hard to get.

"Oh yes, I could fell my panties getting soaked for you Edward." I whispered against his

"Soaked huh? I like soaked. What could I do to help you out with that?" He whispered
into my hair.

"We could skip lunch and go out to the woods." I said breathily.

"Bella don't toy with me." He said sternly.

"Why would you think I would do that?" I said with a pout.

"Don't pout. Your lips are driving me insane." He said as he kissed my cheek.

"Then it's settled. Once the bell rings you better be ready to haul ass." I said smiling at


Biology was excruciating. Not only was Bella wearing this amazing dress but we also

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had to sit in the dark. My teenage hormones were raging like a bull. And of course Bella
being the fucking tease that she is she started to talk dirty to me in the middle of the
movie. She proceeded to tell me how I got her all hot and bothered and how she'd make p
for being a tease during our lunch break in the woods.

"I would like to fuck her against a tree until she screams my name at the top of her
lungs." Dirty Edward was chanting over and over in my head.

Before Mr. Banner turned on the lights Bella reached over and grabbed my erection
through my pants and squeezed hard. I had to bite my knuckles to stop from groaning out
loud. Of course she giggled and had the cutest smile on her face that I really wanted
smack off of her.

"That was totally unfair Ms. Swan." I said roughly.

"I know, but only two more minutes Eddie my boy." She said playfully.

When the bell rang I jumped from my seat and drug Bella out the doors with me. We
practically ran through the parking lot to the woods behind the school. I felt my phone
vibrate and it was a text from Alice.

I see the two of you running to the woods. You guys are freaks. Have fun and tell Bella
that Rose and I expect a full report. - A

I groaned as I shut my phone.

"What was that about?" Bella asked.

"Alice and Rose want you to give them a play by play of our lunch activities. You know,
it's kind of sick that my sister wants to hear about our, you know, sex life." I answered.

"She's just glad that we have each other, plus you watched us make out." Bella said
smacking me on the chest.

I didn't feel like talking anymore so I pushed Bella up against a large tree covered in
moss. I didn't wait for her to open her mouth to me I just pushed my tongue through the
barrier of her lips and licked her teeth. She responded forcefully kissing me back. Our
tongues danced as my hands traveled down her sides and up under her dress.

"Fuck Bella you were telling the truth about those panties being soaked." I said as my
fingers pushed against the cotton material.

"Mmmhmmm." Was all she could manage as I stroked her lightly.

She moved her hands to my button and zipper, her fingers grazing my constricted
erection. I moaned as the material was let loose. Bella wasted no time in taking my stiff

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dick from the confines of my boxers. She gasped at the size and a small smile crept over
my face.

"Are you going to stare at it all day Bella or would you like to give him a nice wet kiss?"
I asked playfully.

I should've known better than to tease her with my dick in her hand because she got on
her knees and immediately shoved it down her throat and I thought I was going to pass

"Holy fuck Bella!" I gasped.

Bella continued to deep throat me while she played with my sack. I had never had anyone
pay attention to my balls before and it was exquisite. She pulled and pinched my skin and
cupped them in her soft hand. She sucked me hard and fast and as my cock made contact
with the back of her throat I knew it wouldn't be long. I pushed my hand through her hair
and grabbed a handful tightly and began to thrust my hips fucking her mouth, she moaned
against my cock at the pressure on her scalp.

"Shit Bella I'm gonna' come baby." I panted.

She pulled me out of her mouth and stroked me with the tip of my cock on the side of her
face. I watched as my come spilled down her cheek and on her lips. The sight of me
coming on her face was almost unbearable. She then slipped my spent dick in her mouth
sucking the come that lingered.

"Fuck!" Was all I could say as her tongue swirled around my dick.

She released me from her mouth with a loud 'pop'. She looked at me with a seductive
smile and all she said was 'yummy' before pulling out a wad of napkins to wipe her face.

"Bella that was....." She cut me off, "Spectacular?"

"Yes, spectacular." I agreed.

"I'm hungry let's go to lunch." She said pulling my hand.

"Well what about you Bella? That seems hardly fair." I said with a pout.

"Oh don't worry Cullen you'll get your chance." She said as she headed back toward the

We made it to the lunchroom with twenty minutes to spare. Bella and I both went through
the lunch line holding hands and picking up random food items. I could feel the students
in the cafeteria burning holes in my back with their staring. Sure enough when we turned
around the student body quickly glanced away.

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"This is too much fun Edward. I like this." She said as she raised my hand to her lips and
kissed the back of my hand.

We sat down with our trays with the rest of the group. Emmett and Jasper were
snickering as they looked from me to Bella.

"What's so funny Em?" Bella said playfully.

"It's just that we were wondering if you guys are going to need to be checked for ticks.
Getting naked out in the woods is kind of dangerous when it comes to bugs." Emmett
said as Jasper's faced turned red from laughing so hard.

"We didn't get naked dumb ass. I just sucked him off. I was being a tease today and I told
him I'd make it up to him." She said without looking at the boys.

"Bella you dirty girl!" Alice said as Rose's mouth fell open.

"What? At least I didn't let him fuck me against the tree." Bella said with a smile.

"Oh fuck I forgot I wanted to fuck her against the tree. Be grateful you ass she let you
come on her face!" Dirty Edward was insatiable; nothing was good enough for him.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and I kissed Bella on the cheek and headed out
the door with Emmett and Jasper.

"So how did it go?" Jasper inquired.

"She uh...let know...come on her face." I said softly.

"What the hell man!" Emmett said loudly.

"She did not?" Jasper asked.

"Yep, and then she stuck me back in her mouth and sucked off all the jizz before wiping
her face off. It was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen. I mean besides her kissing
Rose and Alice." I was already getting hard thinking about our last encounter.

"We've got to get the girls to do that kind of shit. This is so not fair Edward." Jasper was

"I know, she's from heaven, or hell, I don't know but either way I'm enjoying it." I said

We walked to our next class which was shop. We're working on a '67 Lincoln
Continental. It was such a gangster car, it made me want to own a tommy gun and do

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drive bys in the middle of the night. We were working on the interior and all I could think
of was fucking Bella in the back seat. I put that on my to do list.

I found it strange that Bella and I hadn't had sex yet. That wasn't normal for me.
Normally I'd have already gotten her in bed. As I thought about it made me smile. Sure
we fucked around but she was still hard to get. I could wait, especially if she planned on
giving me head like that again.


After school I went over to the Cullen's. Alice and Rose drug me up to Alice's bedroom
and we sat on the floor with pillows. Alice turned the music up so the boys wouldn't be
able to eavesdrop. I knew what they wanted; they wanted me to spill the beans about our
little trip to the woods. Of course I gushed all the details and by the time I was done their
mouths were hanging open and their breathing was a little ragged.

"So you let him come on your face? What did he say?" Alice asked.

"He was pretty speechless." I laughed.

"I'm sure he's already told the boys about it. I'm sure Emmett's going to want to know
what that looks like." Rosalie said.

"It's fun making Edward speechless. You know he's always got something to say so when
he's at a loss for words I know I did something right." I added.

"Well we've been meaning to ask you something Bella." Alice said looking at the pillow
in her lap.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well the other night at the party when we were all kissing, it was nice. We were
wondering if you've ever been with a girl." Alice's face was a little red.

"I've never had like sex sex with a girl if that's what you mean. But there's always a first
for everything don't you think?" I winked at Alice.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what we wanted to talk to you about. Well the guys seemed to be
enjoying the view they got on Friday night and well, we'd like to give them another
show." Rosalie said.

"Right, I see. I've got the perfect plan." I said softly.

We talked it over and made arrangements for another sleep over at Rose's house. Her
parents were going away for a wedding. We talked the boys into not buying any drugs
just for them to come over with some drinks. I knew the rest of the week was going to go

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by so slow with all the anticipation we had to deal with.

The three of us went shopping in Port Angeles on Wednesday night and picked out some
new lingerie. We had so much fun modeling each outfit. It was almost a form of foreplay.
I had to admit we all looked pretty irresistible in the items we chose. The boys were
going to have heart palpitations by the time we were through with them.

Friday after school I went home and cooked dinner for Charlie and kissed him goodbye.
He was pleased that I had group of friends so quickly so he didn't mind me going out a
lot. I made it over to Rose's house and we spent the next couple of hours getting ready.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Alice.

"A little but I think Rose is more scared than me." Alice answered.

"I am not." Rose said with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Girls it's just us...and it'll be fine. I'm sure that whatever we do they'll like.
We'll have a couple of drinks and then we'll change and give them a wonderful show.
You'll see girls." I reassured them. I had no reserves when it came to my sexuality really
and the fact that we were all so close really made it easier to have free expression.

They boys arrived around nine and brought beer and some other various bottles of liquor.

"Let's get this party started ladies! What do you guys have planned for the evening."
Emmett said as he slipped his arm around Rosalie's small waist.

"You'll just have to be patient boys. Tonight is all about you." Alice said as she traced her
pointer finger down Jasper's chest.

Edward came up to me and placed his hands on my hips and looked into my eyes. I felt
my heart skip a beat as his piercing green eyes almost saw into my soul.

"What the hell Bella? That was weird, what was that about?" I thought to myself. I had
never had that feeling before, it was warm.

"You look breathtaking Bella." He spoke softly, sensually.

"Just wait until later Cullen. There won't be words to describe it." I said as I turned and
went into the kitchen.

I had a habit of leaving Edward wanting for more. That was the game right? I found that
Alice and Rosalie didn't understand the game very well. They were a little more attached
to their men. I'd made a mental note to discuss that later.

"Ahem girls?" I called them to the kitchen.

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We made some drinks and went into the living room. We sat on the couch as the boys
filed in each holding a beer.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Alice squeaked.

"What a great plan. Naughty Bella is a genius." I thought.

A/N: I hope this meets all of your expectations. Remember it's all for the smutt ladies and


"Let's play truth or dare!" Alice said as we entered the living room.

"This could be fun. A lot of fun." I thought to myself.

I saw the look on Emmett and Jasper's faces; they were thinking the same thing I was.
We'd have to play this one out good.

"Who's gonna go first?" Bella asked.

"I will." I said eagerly.

"Bella, truth or dare?" I asked her with a smile.

"Truth." She played it safely.

"Have you ever flirted with a male teacher to get good grades?" I asked.

"Yes, it was my math teacher Mr. Moser. He was a dirty old man and I got an A just for
not wearing a bra for a week." She said with a giggle.

It was Bella's turn, "Emmett truth or dare?" She said as she faced him.

"Dare Baby!" He said loudly.

"I dare you to....lick the bottom of Rose's high heels." Bella cupped her hand over her
mouth to stifle her laugh.

"Awww man." Emmett said as Rose lifted her feet toward him as he got on his knees. He
gave them both one swift lick. Everyone busted out laughing at his disgusted expression.

"Okay Bella dear truth or dare?" Emmett said glaring at her.

"Dare!" She yelped.

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"I dare you to suck face with my girl again." Emmett said proudly.

"I thought you'd never ask?" She replied softly.

"Wait...what?" The three of us said at the same time.

"Girls can you come upstairs with me." Bella said seductively.

"We're coming too." I said sternly.

"If you know what's good for you you'll stay put." She pointed back to where I had been
sitting. The three of us sat back down as the girls walked upstairs.

"What the hell is this about?" Jasper asked.

"I don't know but she's not getting out of that dare!" Emmett said roughly.

"I don't think she's trying to get out of it Em. She did say 'I thought you'd never ask'
remember?" I asked Emmett.

We sat downstairs wondering what the girls were up to. We heard them giggling and
without a word all three of us got up and started walking quietly up the stairs. Thank
goodness the stairs didn't squeak. We could hear the girls better and once we made it to
the door we could see it was cracked. I pushed the door to my room open slowly, very
slowly. They had some music on, it was fucking Radiohead.

"Why the fuck are they up here listening to Radiohead. They're supposed ot making out
on the couch." Dirty Edward was getting disappointed.

When we were able to push the door open all the way all three of us gasped at what we
saw. I thought I had opened the gates to heaven. There were a couple of 'oh fucks', 'holy
shits', and 'thank you gods' that escaped our lips as we watched the show in front of us.

All three of them were dressed in a different outfit. Of course I noticed Bella's first. She
wore a tight, very small, school girl outfit complete with glasses, a tie, and two perfect
pigtails. She was bent over in front of us and she had the hottest white lace bloomers
under her short black skirt. Her white blouse was tight, the buttons were about to burst
and the tie snuggly between her perfect ripe breasts.

Rosalie had a cheerleading uniform on. It was a Spartan uniform that must've been two
sizes too small for her. She had her leg up on the bed and you could see completely up
her skirt where she wore yellow bloomers. Her hair was put in a high pony tail that
swayed with her movements.

Alice was in a skimpy nurse uniform complete with a stethoscope and hat. She was

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sitting on the bed facing Bella and Bella had her hand between Alice's legs.

"Oh fuck me!" Jasper yelled.

"Jasper now we're screwed." I said elbowing him in the side.

"Hello boys, we thought you'd be up here sooner or later. We've got a wonderful surprise
for you." Bella said as she curled her finger beckoning me, us, towards them.

"Sit, now." Rosalie pointed to three chairs near the far wall in my room.

"Yes ma'am." Emmett said as he almost hopped to his seat.

"Do our outfits please you boys?" Alice said sweetly.

"Uh hell yes." Jasper nodded his head.

"Good. I'm going to be your naughty nurse for the evening." She said as she licked the tip
of Jasper's nose.

"Okay." Jasper whimpered.

"And I'm going to be your own personal cheerleader. I'll be there to cheer you on allll
night long." Rosalie said as she rubbed her ass on Emmett's lap.

"Hell yes baby." Em said.

"Oh fuck now it's Bella's turn. Hands stay still." I thought.

"And I, Mr. Cullen, have been a bad, bad, little girl. My grades are slipping and I need
you to tutor me." Bella said as she straddled my lap.

"Oh fuck." I groaned as she rubbed her core on my erection.

Bella got up from my lap and walked over to the other girls. She pushed Rosalie on the
bed in front of her and got on top of her.

"Oh hell yes!! Heaven heaven heaven!" Dirty Edward was screaming.

We watched as Bella shoved her tongue into Rosalie's mouth. Alice kneeled on the bed
and grabbed Rosalie's right tit roughly. Rosalie let out a loud moan that Bella caught in
her mouth. I could feel my dick getting extremely constricted in my pants. I'm sure the
other guys were having the same problem. Bella's ass was in complete view, her frilly
lace bloomers taunting me. Bella released her lips from Rosalie and pulled Alice to her
by the stethoscope around Alice's neck. I heard Jasper let out a low groan as Alice
grabbed Bella by one of her pigtails. I didn't know how long I was going to be able to

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watch this.


I thought I was going to explode. Alice, my Alice was the sexiest thing I had ever seen.
She knew about my nurse fantasy and this was ten times better. The way she pulled
Bella's hair made my dick twitch. If they were keep on doing this I was hoping I'd get
some attention too.


Now not only am I football player but I'm the best Forks High's got. Now I've got my
own personal cheerleader who was underneath Bella who was straddling her. I don't think
I could've imagined something better than this. I was going to make Rosalie cheer for me
all night long.


We had the boys right where we wanted them. The outfits alone were enough to get them
excited. In all honesty once we started our little show we kind of forgot about the boys all
together. Alice started grabbing my tie as she fucked my mouth with her tongue. Her
mouth was hot and her tongue was slick and nimble. As I straddled Rosalie she slipped
her hand up my skirt and started rubbing me through my wet bloomers. We were brought
back to reality as we heard the boys moan loudly.

"Can we help you boys?" Alice whispered.

"Yeah get naked." Emmett said roughly.


I thought they'd never get naked. They each stripped each other slowly. Agonizingly
slow. Rosalie unbuttoned Bella's blouse and her tits spilled from the tight material.

"Fuck of course she's not wearing a bra." Dirty Edward was close to insanity.

Bella's tits were perfect and her tie hung right between them where I wanted my tongue
or my throbbing dick. Bella flipped her pigtail with her finger as Alice sucked her taut
nipples. Rosalie continued to work Bella's core, slipping her panties to the side so she
could slide her long slender finger inside of my angel.


Alice was doing a good job on Bella's tits, she sucked them hard, I wanted her to suck me
hard. Bella pulled up the hem of Alice's uniform bringing the material up over her hips
exposing her red lace boy shorts and the clips to her garter that met her white stockings.

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Bella slipped her hand between Alice's legs and began to rub her through her panties.
Alice let out a soft moan as Bella rubbed her wet core.


Rosalie finally got her fingers inside Bella and pumped them in and out hard. Bella was
straddled above her panting and moaning. Alice left Bella's tits and came down to Rosalie
and kissed her greedily. Rosalie pulled her fingers out of Bella and lifted her sweater over
her head; she didn't have a bra on either. Her nipples were hard and I wanted my mouth
on them so bad. Alice pushed her face into Rosalie's tit, sucking and biting the exposed
flesh. I thought I was going to burst in my pants.


As if it couldn't get any better Bella crawled up toward Rosalie's face, her pussy right on
top of Rosalie's mouth. Rosalie grabbed Bella's hips pulling her forward. Rosalie lifted
her head and drove her tongue into Bella's beautifully wet pussy. Bella threw her head
back and moaned as Rosalie fucked her with her tongue. I caught myself rubbing my
erection through my pants. I couldn't take the noises that Bella made, I wanted to make
her make those noises. Rosalie sucked Bella's clit sending Bella over the edge, her body
rocked against Rosalie's face as she came hard.


As Rosalie worked on Bella Alive moved behind them. She knelt at the end of the bed
and slipped her hands under Rosalie's skirt. She pulled off her yellow bloomers and lifted
the skirt up showing us Rosalie's soft pink core. Alice didn't hesitate; she licked Rosalie's
folds quickly as she moaned into Bella's pussy. My and had somehow found its way into
my jeans and I was rubbing my cock to the rhythm of Alice's tongue.


Rosalie was the hottest damn thing I'd ever seen. Here she was fucking Bella with her
tongue while Alice fucked her with hers. Her tits were magnificent and she ate Bella
swiftly. Her face was shoved into Bella's dripping core. She moaned into Bella as Alice's
licks sped up. I already had my dick out stroking it to the rhythm of Rosalie's grunts.


Bella moved off of Rosalie, her face was flushed and her breathing was heavy. Her tits
moved with each breath. She pulled Alice up off the floor and told her to lay o the bed
next to Rosalie. God she was amazing. She knelt between Alice's legs and ducked her
head between her thighs tasting Alice's wet core. She moved her right hand to Rosalie
and rubbed swift circles on Rosalie's clit.

"Is she really pleasing them both at the same time? She is not doing that at the same

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time." I thought as I released my dick and began stroking it hard and fast.

I could hear the guys breathing getting ragged; they must be having the same trouble I
was having. I couldn't believe how hot Bella looked with her face between Alice's legs,
her tits bouncing as she moved, her fingers rubbing Rosalie hard. She was the best, she
had them both coming at the same time. Bella, my Bella, made tow girls come at the
same time. Fuck me it was hot.


God Alice tasted good. I couldn't help but lick her juices until she was dry, she shoved
her pussy in my face as she came hard on my tongue. Rosalie's pussy was tight as I
shoved three fingers inside of her, her muscles clenching around my fingers as she came
hard right at the same moment as Alice. I'm sure the boys were enjoying themselves but
not as much as us.


This was the hottest thing we'd ever done. The boys were going to really punish us for
this. It sure was worth it. Rosalie tasted so good, my tongue felt so good inside her. The
noises she made had me dripping. Bella's tongue on me was incredible. The girl sure does
know how to please.


First Alice's tongue on me was incredible. I wanted to come in her mouth so bad and she
let me. Bella fingered me hard and rough and I loved it. I didn't want it to end. I wanted
to keep coming. I thought I was going to come just from tasting Bella. Her sitting on my
face like that was the most erotic thing I'd ever done. I hope the boys had as much fun as
we did.


After the girls were finished they all looked over at us with our dicks in our hands.

"Surprise!" Alice squealed.

Surprise indeed.

"Everyone out now." I said sternly.

The girls got off the bed and the Em and Jas got up from their seats too. They all went to
leave and before Bella could walk out the door I grabbed her by the wrist.

"Oh no not you Ms. Swan. It's time for detention young lady." I said as I pulled her to

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"Oh Mr. Cullen okay." She said with a seductive smile.

"Nurse I think I've got a medical problem I think you need to handle." Jasper called to

"Oh yeah Rose, I need a little pep rally before the next game." Em said as he pinched
Rosalie's bottom.

I closed the door behind them and turned to Bella who was sitting on my desk at the far
end of the room. Detention was going to be so much fun.

A/N: I've been loving the reviews. I'm glad it gets you as hot as it gets me. Whew! Well,
you know the subject of being love has to come up sometime. I just can't help but want
them in love no matter how dirty they are.


Bella was in for it tonight. That little show of theirs was going to cause Dirty Edward to
go insane. I was going to have her screaming my name by the time I was through. She sat
her cute little ass on my desk, legs slightly open, and the first three buttons of her blouse
undone. I could see the swell of her breasts and once again I thought about shoving my
throbbing dick right between them. I'm sure she would like it, especially after she showed
me her wild side.

"Oh Mr. Cullen, I know I've been a bad girl but isn't there some way I can make it up to
you. My parents are going to be so mad if I have to stay after school for detention." She
was good, really good.

"Ms. Swan I'm afraid it's not that simple. That little display earlier was anything but
proper and the school has quite a reputation to uphold. I'm going to have to punish you
severely." I said sternly.

Bella began to unbutton the rest of her blouse, my eyes flowed her slender fingers as she
caressed each button.

"It is a little hot in here, if I'm going to be in here for awhile I mine as well get
comfortable." She said teasingly.

"Oh no she doesn't Edward. It's your turn. She already had her fun, time to make her
scream." Dirty Edward was raging for his release.

"Ms. Swan that isn't entirely appropriate either but I'll allow it." I said as I stood between
her now fully spread legs.

I looked down at her chest, her breasts heaving as she took deeper breaths. I couldn't help

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but bend my head and run my tongue between them. She was salty and sweet, the perfect
combination of flavors. Dirty Edward was starving. Bella moaned as my tongue traced
over the two heaping mounds of flesh that lay before me. She brought her hand to the
back of my neck and ran her fingers through my hair pulling it tightly.

"Oh she wants to pull hair huh? She's the one with those perfect handle bar pig tails."
Dirty Edward was gloating at a victory he hadn't won yet.

"Mr. Cullen do you punish all of your female students like this?" She taunted.

"No but you're special, very special. I would have to say that you're the most tantalizing
specimen I've ever seen." I said as I bent down between her legs.

I could see the wetness gathering on her thighs and the smell of her arousal made my
head spin. I pushed her knees farther apart and Bella leaned back on her hands. I pulled
her by the back of her thighs pulling her closer to me. I pulled her panties down quickly
over her thighs and down her smooth silky legs. I couldn't wait any longer and I found
myself moaning at the taste of her. Her folds were soft and my rough tongue caused my
name to spill from her lips.

"Finally you've got her right where we want her." Dirty Edward was taking over slowly
but surely.

"God Edward fuck me with your tongue, please." She was begging.

How could I resist such an irresistible request? I bent my head between her legs and I
drove my tongue inside of her and she lifted her hips from my desk pushing her pussy
against my face. She tasted so good I wanted to lick every last drop of her. I slid two
fingers inside of her and pumped them in out and out roughly as I drew her swollen clit
into my mouth. It didn't take long to push her into the realm of ecstasy. She screamed my
name as her body shook above me.

"Oh fuck Edward that's so good." She said through clenched as she pulled me up by the
collar of my shirt. She moaned as she kissed me enjoying the lingering taste of her in

She was right, it was really good. I licked my lips savoring the last drops of her as she
fumbled with my button and zipper. My dick was grateful when the pressure was
released. Dirty Edward was even more grateful when she hopped off the desk and quickly
shoved me down her throat. She sure was good at sucking me off. I let my head fall back
as my fingers gripped her pig tail tightly, wrapping it around my fist. She moaned against
my cock, she really liked the hair pulling.

I pulled out of her mouth and pulled her up to me by her hair.

"Now Ms. Swan, I've been waiting a long time for this so you'd better be ready." I said

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against her open mouth.

"Y..Yes sir." She whispered.

"Now I'd appreciate it if you'd bend over the desk. Make sure you push those lovely tits
of your against the top of it." I said motioning toward the piece of furniture.

I reached over and grabbed a packaged condom and put it between my teeth.

"No need." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I could feel Dirty Edward's anger at questioning her.

"I'm on the pill and I'm you know..clean." She said as if I wouldn't believe her.

"Heaven, this is heaven! Oh it's gonna feel so goooood!" I thought I was going to jump
out of my skin at the thought of feeling her wrap around me with no barrier between us.

"Oh fuck." Was all I could muster.

"Exactly." She looked back at me and winked.

Of course I pushed her so her tits were pushed against the desk beneath her. I slipped my
hands up her skirt and grabbed two handfuls of her tight ass. I rested one hand on her hip
and ran my other up her back and grabbed a fistful of her pigtail. I let go of her hip and
grabbed my dick placing at her entrance. I slid inside of her both of us moaning as I filled
her completely. She was so tight around my length and it felt incredible. I gripped her hip
and her hair tighter as I pound into her with long hard thrusts.


I didn't want Edward to use a condom if he didn't have to. Thank god for the pill and even
though I wasn't a virgin I wasn't a dirty slut either. I was glad that he trusted me with that
much. Edward knew just what to do. He pulled my pig tails as he smacked my ass and
fucked me hard. I liked how he role played with me, never breaking character.

"God Bella you're so dirty. You're such a bad girl, god I want to come inside you."
Edward grunted as he fucked me hard, extremely hard.

I was hoping it would be hard for me to walk after this one. My tits felt good pressed hard
against the wood beneath me. His rough grip on my hip was enough to make me come. I
liked being man handled.

"Fuck me Edward! Fuck me!" I screamed as he hit my sweet spot.

I lifted my left leg up on the desk and he slid farther inside of me. His dick was quite

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large and the feeling of him opening me up and reaching the end of me was extremely
erotic. I didn't care that he continued to fuck me shitless, he felt good inside of me and I
never wanted it to end.

"Come on my dick Bella, do it now. Scream my name." Edward said through clenched
teeth as he pulled my head back. How could I not?

I felt my stomach tighten and my muscles clenched down on his throbbing cock as his
name escaped my lips in a loud scream. The sound of his name coming from my mouth
was enough to send him falling to his release. He thrust in and out of me erratically as he
came inside of me.

"Oh fuck Bella, fuck. Shit. Oh god." Edward sputtered incoherently.

He pulled out of me and kissed my bare back, running his tongue up my spine tasting the
thin layer of sweat.

"I fucking love you....I mean I fucking loved it." He corrected himself.

I looked back at him and I realized that I wanted him to love me. I got up and put my
blouse back on and he lifted my chin to look at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." He said and I cut him off saying "It's forgotten, it's nothing.
You didn't mean to say it."

He could see the hurt in my eyes and I was mad at myself for even feeling that way.

"Bella you don't fall in love. Love is ridiculous, it's just sex, it's just fun." I scolded
myself as I walked toward the door to leave.

"Bella don't be like that. It's just that...." He was once again at a loss for words and this
time it wasn't amusing.

"Edward what we're doing is fine with me. I don't want to be in love, it's never been
worth the heartache." I said as I turned and opened the door.


"Edward what we're doing is fine with me. I don't want to be in love, it's never been
worth the heartache." Bella said as she walked out of my room.

"Nice douche bag, you're such an idiot. You just had the best sex of your life and then
you go and fuck it up." I was talking out loud.

"Why would you say that though? Why? Why? Because you do don't you? You love her
and she's not going to love you back. What a whipped piece of ass you are." Dirty

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Edward always liked the upper hand.

"No, it's okay. I'm just going to talk to her about it." I said out loud again.

I left my room and tried to find Bella. I heard sniffling coming from the bathroom. Bella
was in there crying alone. I felt like a total fuck up and I felt like a pussy because it really
hurt me to hear her cry.

"Bella can I come in?" I asked.

"No I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute." She answered softly.

"I need to talk to you, please." Now I was begging.

She unlocked the door and I stepped in the bathroom. She had the lights off and she was
trying to dry her eyes quickly not wanting me to see her tears.

"Listen Bella.." She interrupted me, "You don't need to explain anything to me. I'm being

"Would you shut up and listen to me?" I said roughly, more rough than I wanted to.

"I've never met anyone like you Bella. I've never been in love before, hell, I've never had
a steady girlfriend. All I know is that I feel complete when we're together. We're two
damn peas in a fucking pod. You are amazing in every way. I just want you to know that
as much as I like what we did back there and as much as Dirty Edward wants to be
greedy I like the non-sex stuff just as much." I pleaded.

"Dirty Edward?" She smiled.

"Yeah, that's what I call my raging hormones." I chuckled at how ridiculous I sounded.

"I've got Naughty Bella inside me somewhere too." She said as she looked at the floor.

"Naughty Bella huh? Well Naughty Bella I'm Dirty Edward it's a pleasure to meet you." I
said as I stuck my hand out to shake hers. She shook my hand and smiled.

"So now what?" I asked her.

"I don't know Edward. I just want to be with you. No pressure, just us okay?" She said as
she hugged me.

"Okay. But can I ask you a question?" I asked softly. Bella nodded her head yes against
my chest.

"Have you ever been in love before?" I was almost scared to hear the answer.

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"No but I think I'm close." She whispered into my shirt.

"Good." I said as I kissed the top of her head.

We both left the bathroom and all we could hear was a huge "Awwwwww" from Rose
and Alice who had been listening at the door.

"Damnitt girls! Get out of here!" I yelled as they pulled Bella down the hallway to Alice's

A/N: I kind of feel bad for only having smutt so i'm going to try and give them some


"You have to tell us everything!" Alice squealed as she shut the door to her room behind

"What's to tell? We had amazing sex and he said he loved me but then took it back." I
said nonchalantly.

"He did what?!" Alice and Rose screamed at the same time.

"It's not a big deal guys. He loves me but he doesn't want to admit it." I said as I
smoothed out my hair in the mirror.

"Well do you love him back?" Alice asked unsurely.

"Yeah but I'm not going to tell him that yet. And you better not open your mouths, either
one of you." I said pointing at them.

"Fine, we won't. But this is exciting. My brother's never been in love before. I think he
needs it. I'm glad it's you." Alice said as she came up behind me and gave me a hug.

"Now there are six! Now there are three even couples. This is going to be so much fun!"
Rose squeaked.

I didn't really go looking for love; I was always fine doing what I did. Something about
Edward made me feel whole. We were like the same person. Wasn't it Forrest Gump that
said "we were like peas and carrots"? That's how I felt about it anyways. I didn't want to
put too much pressure on Edward and I so I made the decision to take it slow,
emotionally. We were both able to have sex and not let it get out of control so I didn't
think that would be a problem.

"What are we going to do for the rest of the night?" I asked the girls.

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"Game night!" Emmett said as he busted through the door.

"Boys versus girls on Halo 3. Get your butts down to the living room before we have to
carry you out of here like cavemen." Jasper said over Emmett's shoulder.

Little did they know that I was a champ at Halo 3 and tons of ass kicking was about to
take place.


I told the guys about what I did and they laughed. Of course they did, I was a puss. But
Bella was the coolest chick I'd ever met. Yeah it seemed to hurt her that I took it back
like that but she sucked it up and we made a promise that it was just us, that we'd do
whatever felt right. I didn't want to scare her off but she made my heart swell.

"Edward we've got to beat them do a pulp tonight okay?" Emmett took his gaming

"Sure, they are girls remember, they don't have the right evolutionary skills for battle." I

Little did I know that not only was Bella good in bed, cool as shit, but she also was a
killer at some fucking Halo 3. She alone kicked our asses. She got the most freaking kills
and she could tea bag a mother fucker like no one's business.

"How the hell do you play this good?" Emmett was clearly pissed off that we weren't

"Let's just say I've always been one of the guys." She said with a wink.

"Shut up Bella I'm getting a hard on." Jasper said as Alice smacked him on the back of
the head.

"C'mon babe, you know you're the only one who can take care of that for me." He said
smiling back at her.

We decided to do big teams on slayer. We were tired of getting our butt kicked. We
played for hours, the girls, except for Bella quit after the first hour. They came back
down to tell their significant others that they were going to bed. Of course Jasper and
Emmett went to the respective rooms and turned in for the night leaving Bella and I
downstairs alone.

"So now what?" She asked.

"I don't know; is there anything that you'd like to do?" I was hoping she'd say sex.

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"Can we go to your room and watch a movie?" She said as she got up.

"Sure, you pick." I told her.

We made it up to my room and she went for the DVDs. She rummaged through them and
picked one of the shelf. She put it in the DVD player and I heard Brad Pitt's crazy laugh.
She said she loved this movie and that it was her all time favorite. I thought I'd shoot a
load in my pants when she said that. Not only did this girl have impeccable taste in
music, clothes, men, but she loved Fight Club. It had been my favorite movie for years.
She cuddled up next to me on my black leather sofa as I lay behind her. She scooted her
cute little but to fit right in my lap and she giggled as my dick got a little hard beneath
her. Surprisingly we watched the movie, we were both so into it that we didn't have a
thought about fooling around. It was a nice change of pace. Normally she would've
already been naked riding on top of me. This was different, especially because I never
bothered to watch that movie with anyone else. All the girls at Forks were too brainless
and mind numbing to know a good film even if it bit them on the ass.

Before I knew it we were both asleep. She felt so good pressed against me with my arm
lay over her waist. I woke during the night because Bella was talking in her sleep. I
smiled as she moaned my name but quickly whatever se had been dreaming turned into a
nightmare and she started begging and crying in her sleep. She said the name James quite
often, and said a lot of 'no's' and 'get away's' before I had to wake her up.

I shook her hard, "Bella wake up, wake up. You're having a nightmare. It's okay, I'm

She sat up quickly clutching her chest. She wiped the tears and looked at her palm in the

"I'm sorry Edward, I didn't mean to wake you up." She was apologizing for being asleep.

"No it's okay. I was just worried. You seemed really upset. Are you okay? Do you need
to talk about it?" I wish I could read her thoughts, to find some way to make her feel

"I don't know if I can talk about it Edward. It''s painful." She said as she sat down.

"It's okay Bella. You don't have to talk if you don't want to." I said reassuringly.

"Not now, just kiss me please. I need you Edward." She leaned over and pressed her lips
firmly against mine.

I yielded and opened my mouth to hers. She slid her sweet tongue into my mouth and
kissed me lovingly, passionately. I brought my hand to the back of her neck pulling her
closer to me. There was something different in her, she was vulnerable, she let herself

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feel me. I left her mouth and kissed down her neck tasting her sweet skin. She moaned as
I traced her collar bone with my tongue. She moved on top of me, her legs on either side
of me as she pushed herself against my hips. She kissed my neck, nipping my skin
lightly. I shuddered under her as she gave every inch of my skin the same attention. She
moved her mouth to my ear lobe where she sucked and bit it gently.

Bella sat up and undid her blouse, I gazed as the supple flesh of her breasts were exposed
to me. This time I didn't want to ravage her, I wanted to show her that I wanted her, that I
wanted to please her. I sat up and gathered her in my arms as I sucked on her nipple,
loving it with my tongue. Bella's head fell back as my tongue moved from one breast to
the other. I felt her grind herself on my apparent bulge. She needed the friction just as
much as I did.

She slipped her hands to the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head. She caressed the
skin on my back dragging her nails lightly over my shoulders and chest. I brought her
face to mine and kissed her slowly delighting in the softness of her lips.

"Edward I need you, please, I need you." She said against my lips.

I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and brought her to my bed. I
laid her down and pulled her skirt and her panties off of her leaving her completely

"God Bella you are so beautiful." I never told the girls that but I meant it. Bella was the
most gorgeous thing I ever laid eyes on.

I undid my pants and slid my remaining clothes off letting them fall to a pool at my feet.
Bella's eyes raced over my form and I saw her pale cheeks flush with a soft pink. I didn't
think she could get anymore beautiful but that blush scent my heart soaring. I lay on top
of her snuggly between her legs as I kissed her hungrily. She whimpered as she felt my
dick against her thigh.

"Edward please." She said as she broke our kiss.

I shifted so that I was at her entrance and I eased in slowly. She was so wet and so tight
that I couldn't help but moan as I was fully sheathed inside of her. She wrapped her legs
around my waist allowing me deeper access. It wasn't rough or primal, it was nice. I felt
every thrust, every kiss she placed on my skin. My name escaped her lips, falling like a
religious chant. I picked up my pace as her moans grew louder as her legs squeezed me
tighter. I felt her muscles clench around me as she screamed out in pleasure. I watched
her ride the waves of ecstasy, her eyes open locked to mine. After a few more thrusts

I too fell over the edge her name falling from my lips in soft moans. She held me tight
and I lay on top of her enjoying the feeling of her beneath me. After a few minutes I
slipped out of her and brought her close to me.

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I had never felt anything like that. All I've ever known was rough sex and hot fucks.
This..this was something different. Before it clicked in my head Bella spoke softly to me.

"Did we just make love?" She asked.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. We made love together, not just me, but she felt it too. I
hugged her tightly, her head against my chest and I felt her sobbing quietly.

"Edward there's something I have to tell you." I braced for the worst.

A/N: This was a little mushy but it's going to get back to normal soon. Enjoy!


I had never felt so safe, so loved, so wanted in my entire life. This was something
inexplicably new to me and I wasn't about to let my past go unheard. I wanted him to face
the ugliness inside of me and if he still wanted me after that then I would tell him that I
loved him. If he kicked me out, or ran away then I'd just go on living. I hoped he'd want
me, that he'd still love me. I had never made love before and this seemed like it happened
all on its own, it was natural, it was real.

"Edward I want you to listen and then I want you to talk to me. If for some reason you
want to run away or you don't want me here then just tell me and I'll go." I said through
my sobs.

"I won't want to leave you Bella. What is it?" He said softly against my hair.

"My mom had a boyfriend before she met Phil, his name was James. He was perfect. He
got along with everyone and Renee loved him so much. He was nice to me too but that all
changed. Renee had to work late and James was waiting for her to come home. I had just
taken a shower and I was drying my hair on my way to my room. James stopped me and
asked me about the rumors he heard about me. I tried to tell him that they weren't true
although some of them were. He wanted to know if I had slept with my teacher. I didn't
but he didn't believe me. He said if some old man could have a taste then he wanted some

I described to Edward the night that James raped me. I told him how he raped me
repeatedly that night and how I begged him to leave me alone. I was just thankful that I
wasn't a virgin which he found amusing and kept calling me a whore while he pleased
himself with me. I sobbed through the whole story and Edward stroked my hair not
saying a word.

"I didn't tell Renee but eventually they broke up. He didn't stay at the house if I was
alone; I think he was scared after that. He was waiting for me to tell someone. Mom met
Phil and it gave me a reason to leave. I wanted to start over, that's why I came to Forks." I
said as I looked at him.

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"Please say something." I pleaded, my heart was pounding.

"Bella I love you." He whispered.

"I....I...I love you too Edward." I stammered. I was shocked; I really thought he was
going to hate me.


I listened to Bella bare her soul to me and all I could think of was one, I loved her more
than life itself, two, I hoped she'd love me too, and three, that if I ever found that James
fella he'd be missing three important parts to his anatomy.

Bella cried through the whole thing and I knew she was scared about what I would think.
It wasn't her fault, she was perfect. She was more than perfect really. She completed me
and I loved her. She asked me to say something and I could think of was, "I love you." It
was the only thing that would suffice. I wasn't sure if she told me it back, that didn't
matter to me. I mean, it did but I still wanted her to know no matter what.

To my surprise she said it back as the tears fell down her face. I pulled her to me and
kissed her hard, passionately.

"Don't ever think that you can't talk to me. Don't ever think that I won't be here for you.
It's you and me now, forever Bella." I said as I held her face in my hands.

"Forever?" She squeaked.

"Well as long as you'll have me. I've been living a wasted existence Bella. I've been
afraid to let someone in but you're different. I want to know everything about you and I
want you to everything about me. I don't want to scare you or put pressure on you but I'll
be here as long as you want me." I said before kissing her soft lips.

She kissed me back hard, her tongue pushing through my teeth and exploring my mouth.
I felt her walls come down and she melted into me. She gave me everything in that kiss.
Her hands were in my hair as she pulled me closer. We kissed like that for what seemed
like an eternity. Finally she let me go and laid her head against my chest. I listened to her
breathing until we finally both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to Rose and Alice squealing. They apparently had come into
my room and found Bella and I locked together in a deep sleep.

"What the hell girls? Get out; I don't want you to wake her up!" I tried to talk softly.

"Awwww, Eddie-poo's trying to take care of his girlfriend." Rose thought she was funny.

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Bella stirred, her eyes fluttered open and looked up at me.

"Good morning everyone." She growled.

"See, now look what you did, she's grumpy." I said sternly.

"Put a sock in it Edward. Bella get up you lazy ass, we've got stuff to do!" Alice yelped.

"I don't want to get up. Edward don't make me get up." Bella said as she wrapped her
arms around me.

"How can I tell her no? Five more minutes and I'll make sure she gets up." I told Alice
and Rosalie as they crossed their arms over their chests.

"Fine but we get her all day." Alice spat at me.

"Whatever you say Alice just give me five more minutes." Bella said through a yawn.

A/N: This one has a surprise at the end. Hope you enjoy. These crazy kids sure are freaks.
Thanks for all the reviews, i love them! Keep 'em coming!


Now the only reason I didn't rip Alice and Rosalie a new one was because we were going
to Seattle. I hadn't been there yet and I was damn excited about buying some new shit.
Last night with Edward, well early morning, was incredible. I felt renewed or something.
I felt complete.

"Bella everything's on Edward!" Alice shouted.

"What the hell do you mean everything's on Edward?" I asked.

"Edward said that whatever you buy I have to pay for it with this." She flipped out his
credit card like it was tickets to Fashion Week.

"What the shit Alice? There's no way I'm letting him pay for all this." I said motioning to
the multiple outfits hanging on the bench in the dressing room.

"Oh yeah you are. I promised him." Alice said with a pout.

I flipped open my cell phone so quick and thank god he's on speed dial.

"Hello love." Edward had a sexy voice even over the phone.

"Don't 'hello love' me Edward! You are not going to pay for all this shit, I'm going to put
it all back." I yelled into the phone.

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"I let you have five more minutes of sleep so one, you owe me, and two, you can't be a
grouch." He chuckled.

"Shit Edward fine!" I said.

"Bye babe." He said before I hung up the phone on him.

So after I was all pissed at him for buying me shit I got really excited about all the stuff
we bought. I had a whole new um.... underwear wardrobe. The girls and I picked out
some hot stuff. I was hoping that I'd get to see them in their selections some time soon.
Since our little performance we've bonded pretty tightly. I guess girl on girl sex is a good

We made it home pretty early but the girls said I couldn't return to Edward until they

"What the shit, that's ridiculous Warden Alice." I said jokingly.

"C'mon, you'll have plenty of time to get up on his shit Charlie's on his hunting trip
remember? You're staying with us the whole week." Rose said, she didn't really go home

We got back to the house and the boys were gone. We made popcorn and watched old
80's movies while we gave each other pedicures. We had a good time laughing and
horsing around. I had never really had any close girlfriends so it was nice to have some
female company.

It was around ten when the boys got home. I ran into Edward's arms acting all dramatic
like I'd been a prisoner. He wasn't buying it but he kissed me hard so I didn't really care
that my acting was out the window.

"Girls we've got a surprise." Emmett said with a short chuckle.

"What is it?" We all said at the same time.

"Say hello to Jack....Jack Daniels and his friend Cheeba. We're getting drunk and stoned
tonight!" Emmett was way too excited.

"I haven't smoked pot in a long time." I said reminiscently.

"Cheeba Bella, not pot. Got it?" Emmett was almost serious.

"How about Reefer?" Alice chirped.

"Fine." Emmett agreed with a laugh.

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We all sat around the living room couples snuggling together. It was perfect. Jasper had
the most beautiful hookah I'd ever seen. It was black glass with gold etchings and it had
four hoses. It so reminded me of Half Baked. Too bad we didn't have a crazy homeless
dude on the couch to share it with. We toked out and I drank way to much whiskey.
Jasper and Emmett started playing some drinking game that I wasn't paying any attention
to. The girls were egging them on.

"Edward I'm fucking wasted." I said with slurred speech.

"Really? I think I'm pretty gone to. Want to go to bed?" He asked.

"I want to go lie in bed but not sleep." I said mischievously.

"Well hell, I don't have a problem with that." He said as he pulled me up from the couch.

"G'night guys, we're going to bed." Edward called out.

"Like hell you are, you're just going upstairs to fuck." Jasper said abnormally loud, for
him anyways.

Edward and I laughed pretty hard. It wasn't every day that Jasper was out spoken.

We made out way upstairs slowly for fear of me falling and Edward wasn't in any
condition to carry me. We slipped into his room and I stripped down to my birthday suit.


The boys and I had a lot of fun today but I had to make a little confession, I thought about
Bella the whole time. I thought about the shit she told me and how I wanted to murder
James. He was less than dirt, he was like the putrid slime that gathered on toxic waste

I thought about all the ways I wanted to fuck her. Japer had to smack me a couple of
times cause I actually started talking out loud. Of course Emmett would smack him
because he wanted to hear about it.

"What the fuck Jasper? The only time I'm going to know the little details of Bella
moaning while getting off on some dick is through Edward. Let me have some fun
douche." Emmett should've offended me but he didn't, he was just an ass like that.

"Don't you think I'd want to see her 'O' face too Emmett but getting a hard on from your
best dude's girl is kind of rude." Jasper spat at him.

"What the hell guys? You two have got some good shit going on why the hell are you
guys all up on Bella's shit?" I really wanted to know.

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"She's just fucking wow. I can't believe she got our girls to all that crazy shit, we can't
help it. It's like she's the angel of sex." Jasper was right about that.

"You are correct." I said before we pulled in the drive way.

We were fucking wasted. She was naked and I was fucking hard. I didn't even think I'd be
able to get hard after all that fucking booze and weed. Excuse me, Cheeba.

"Bella I gotta' ask you something." I said as she stood their naked.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well, the guys think you're incredible. And after you girls gave us our little present
they've been obsessed with are. You think you could work on the girls
for them. Cause if not they're going to want to watch us have sex and I don't know if I can
do that, that's a lot of pressure on me." I said as I rubbed my hand on the back of my

"Maybe we could have class." She said before kissing me full on the mouth.

Of course I wasn't going to waste any time, I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to stay
conscious. We had a lot of whiskey.

I opened my lips and she shoved her tongue in my mouth. She caressed mine with hers as
she wrapped her soft arms around my neck pushing her fingers through my hair. She was
fucking delicious. Dirty Edward was in control and I planned on letting him have free
reign on her glorious body.

"Edward?" Bella asked.

"Yeah." I said breathily.

"I want you to fuck me." She said sternly.

"Huh?" I said, thinking I was already passed out or something.

"I said I want you to fuck me." She replied.

I didn't say anything. I pushed her back towards the bed and let her fall on the mattress.
Her hair sprawled out like Botticelli's Venus. I knelt down in form of her and slid my
tongue up her slit and sucked her clit into my mouth. I bit it firmly and she pushed her
hips up bucking into my face. I didn't mind because her pussy was the greatest thing the
gods ever created. I watched her as she kneaded her breasts, pinching and twisting her
own nipples and it made my dick painfully hard to watch her enjoying her own touch.

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I sucked her clit while I drove two curled fingers inside of her wet core. Her moans were
fucking golden. I loved the way she squirmed and gripped the sheets as her head went
back and her back arched. She was the sexiest thing on the face of this planet, hell any
fucking planet. She had the most beautiful 'O' face that I'd ever seen. I loved to make her

"Fuck Edward, oh shit!" She gasped as I hit her sweet spot; her juices coated my fingers
and slid down my hand. I slipped my fingers out of her and licked them clean, she tasted
better than warm chocolate chip cookies.

"Get on your knees baby." I said roughly.

Of course she listened cause she's a good girl like that and Dirty Edward liked her being a
good girl. She spread her legs wide and I knew she needed to feel me fill her. Just
knowing that she wanted my dick all up in her was enough to make me shoot right then
and there.

"Want it bad huh?" I said as I rubbed the tip of my dick up her folds.

"Mmmhmmm." She moaned.

I shoved my cock inside of her as I grabbed her hips hard. She had handle bars for hips,
they fit perfectly in my hands. The moment my dick filled her she sucked a sharp breath
through her clenched teeth and said 'fuck'.

"Yep that's what we're doing. Fuck." Dirty Edward was reeling with excitement.

I pulled in and out kind of slow just to fuck with her and she got pissed.

"What the shit Edward. Fuck me harder." She said as she looked back at me.

I smiled my crooked grin and the look on her face was full bitch mode. I knew if I didn't
give it to her there'd be hell to pay. I slammed my dick in her hard and her moans filled
the room. I couldn't suppress my own grunts as I drove into her. Bella kept her legs
spread wide taking all of me into her. Her pussy was the best, tight, warm, wet, and mine.

"Fuck Edward, fuck me, fuck me, oh god fuck it!" She was screaming.

I could feel my boys smack against her clit and I knew she had to be liking that. Her
juices were everywhere and she smelt fucking delicious. I reached up her back and
grabbed a fist full of her hair and the pressure on her scalp was all she needed to come on
my dick. I fucked her as she rode out her release.

"Fuck Edward, fuck me in the ass." I thought my heart stopped.

"What?" I said like an idiot.

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"I want you to fuck me in the ass Edward. You know you want to."

"Hell yes I want to." Dirty Edward was having heart palpitations.

I slipped my dick out of her and rubbed it up and down her crack. I put pressure on her
hole and she moaned so fucking delicious. I couldn't believe that Bella was going to let
me fuck her in the ass.

"Fuck it Edward, just fucking do it." Her egging me on was fucking hot.

I pushed my dick inside of her and she gripped the sheets. I was going to ask if she was
okay but she pushed back into me hard and then I knew better. I have to say that her ass
was just as tight as her amazing puss and it was almost involuntary how hard I was
fucking her. Bella loving it was even more incredible. I knew I wasn't going to last long
and I wanted her to come again.

"Bella fuck yourself baby, come on your fingers." I said through clenched teeth and hard

Bella slipped two fingers inside her pussy and worked herself hard as I thrust into her
tight ass. I heard her orgasm, her breathing, her cussing and I lost it. I pulled out of her
and rubbed my cum up and down her crack, my body shaking.

"Oh fuck Bella." Was all I could say.

She looked back at me and her eyes were full of love. Even when I fucked her in the ass
she loved me. I was in heaven.

"Ahem." I heard.

I looked toward the door to see Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper standing there with
wide eyes.

"What the fuck!" I yelled.

Bella looked at me and then at them. She smiled, but why?

"Why are you smiling?" I asked pissed off.

"I told you we were going to have class." Was she fucking serious.

"I fucking love you. You never cease to amaze me." I said to her.

I turned to our audience, "Did you enjoy the show?"

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Alice and Rosalie shook their heads vigorously while Jasper and Emmett had their hands
over their crotches.

"And that's how much fun it is to get fucked in the ass!" Bella said as she jumped up and
got dressed

a/n: don't worry, alice will get hers too. enjoy it for the realz. please r&r


So the boys wanted me to help out with the girls. I felt like they were pretty much down
for anything but I guess they had their reservations still. I overheard the boys talking in
the kitchen when they got home about it so I decided that the only way to do it was to let
them walk in on us having some fun. Hence the whole 'getting fucked in the ass is fun'
thing. Edward went downstairs with the boys to do whatever and I wanted to have a
chance to talk to the girls. I hadn't told them to walk in on us I only told Jasper and Em. I
wanted the girls to be surprised and not nervous.

"So what did you think?" I asked Rose.

I had wanted to talk to them both but Alice went out with Jas for the evening. Rose would
have to do.

"I thought it was the best sex I've ever seen or had. I couldn't get over how free you are in
telling him what you want. I don't speak up like that. I mean Emmett pleases me greatly
but....I just wouldn't be able to tell him what I want him to do." She said looking at the
pillow in her lap.

"We're just going to have to work on that. Hold on a sec." I said as I got up.

"Edward! Emmett! Can you come up here?" I yelled downstairs.

"What are you doing?" She said as she yanked my arm.

"Listen, we, me and you, are going to fool around and I want you to tell me exactly what
you want. The boys watching will just be a bonus okay? Then Emmett can see what you
like and then maybe you'll be able to direct him better." Before she could protest the boys
came running up the stairs, slowing down just enough so they thought we couldn't hear
their eagerness.

"I'm feeling a little frisky and Rose here would love to have a repeat performance of the
other night. Emmett and Edward do you mind sharing?" I said seductively.

"Fuck no!" Emmett yelled whole Edward nodded his head no.

"Good now if you'll excuse us we need to have some privacy." I said as I winked at Rose.

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The boys exited the room but didn't close the door all the way so I knew they'd be
watching. Rose looked at me with curiosity and I just shook my head for her not to

"I'm really glad the boys don't mind sharing, it makes this place all the more fun." I said
as I straddled Rose's lap.

Our sides were facing the door and I could hear one of the guys breathe in deep. This was
going to be so much fun. Rose uncrossed her legs and put them straight out in front of her
and I lowered myself onto her lap. Her breathing was getting ragged and she looked
down at my chest where my shirt was unbuttoned.

"Would you like for me to remove my blouse?" I asked softly.

Rose nodded her head.

"I need you to tell me what you would like." I purred in her ear.

"Bella I want you to take off your blouse." She ordered.

I ripped the buttons open and my bare breasts were in Rose's full view. She licked her
lips sensually and I felt my panties getting wet. I heard the door creak slightly and I knew
Rose heard it to but we ignored it. Rose didn't waste any time as she kneaded my left
breast and sucked my right one greedily. I could feel the vibrations of her mouth as she
moaned against my taut flesh. I pushed my fingers through her hair and tugged on it
lightly, she moaned again and I pulled harder. She moved her mouth to my other breast as
her fingers teased the nipple she just abandoned. Her hands were so soft and they felt
good caressing my skin. Sure I loved Edward's touch but there was something entirely
erotic about a woman's touch. Rose left my left breast and ran her tongue between them
both up to my neck and I gasped as the cold air hit the trail she left.

"Oh god Rose." I moaned as she kissed my jaw line.

"Bella I...." She trailed off.

"What do you want Rose. I'll do whatever you want." I said emphasizing 'whatever' for
our audience.

"I want to taste you again. You tasted so good." Rose said through a ragged breath.

"Where would you like me?" I asked playfully.

"Just lie down on the floor, here's a pillow." She handed me the pillow she was using

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I lay down on the floor, pillow behind my head as Rose got on top of me. She kissed me
hard and I opened my mouth to her wanting to taste her as well. She ran her tongue along
mine roughly as we both moaned loudly. I slipped my hand up her skirt and grabbed a
generous handful of her ass. She whimpered at my roughness.

I released my mouth form hers, "You like shit rough huh?"

"Mmmhhmmm" She mused.

"That's good to know." I said as I lifted her shirt over her head.

She hadn't put a bra on and I was grateful for the surprise. Her ripe breasts were right in
front of my mouth and even though I wanted to suck them I waited for her to direct me.

"Suck my tits Bella." She said nervously.

I did as she asked taking her right one in my mouth as I teased and bit her nipple. I bit it
roughly and she cried out in pain and pleasure. I moved to her left one and sucked it
greedily as I brought a firm hand to her ass smacking it as she yelped. She was a naughty
little thing and I felt the juices between my legs flow freely.

"Oh fuck!" She said as I smacked her hard on the ass again.

She returned her mouth to mine and shoved her tongue in my mouth with fierceness. She
really could be a wild one. She pushed her hand under my head and grabbed a fistful of
my hair and pulled it hard.

"Fuck yes!" I cried out into her open mouth.

Rose let go of my hair and kissed down my neck and over my breasts, her fingers
caressing my skin. She traced her tongue over my stomach, my muscles clenching at the
sensation. She then ran her tongue along the waistband of my jeans. Her thin fingers
worked my button and zipper and then she pulled them off and my underwear off of me
exposing my swollen mound. She kissed my hips and I couldn't help but buck against her
as her tongue scraped the sensitive skin there.

"I want to fuck you with my tongue Bella." She said against my thigh.

I wanted her to; I wanted to feel her soft tongue stroke my folds. I wanted her tongue
inside of me and I wanted to come on her face. The thought of her tongue in me alone
was driving me mad. She licked my in one hard, full swipe. She held my hips down hard
as she drew my clit into her mouth sucking it gently at first and then as my gasps came
quicker she increased the pressure of her sucks. She let go of my clit and ran her tongue
over me again.

"Fuck Rose that's so good!" I gasped loudly.

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Rose finally drove her tongue inside of me and I almost came unglued. She shoved her
perfect tongue in and out of me as I toyed with my nipples. I twisted my nipples hard
wanting to feel the pain radiate through my body. I cold feel Rose's hot breath against my
dripping pussy and she moaned as she sucked my juices. She removed her tongue and
slid two of her beautiful fingers inside me and pumped them hard. She shoved them
inside of me trying to feel the end of me. She curled her fingers and I lost it. She drew my
clit back into her mouth as she fingered me and I screamed her name. I felt my muscles
clench around her fingers as I panted above her.

"Look at me when you come Bella." She told me.

It was hard but I met her gaze as I rode out my amazing orgasm. He eyes were full of lust
and at that moment all I wanted was to fuck her as good as she gave me. When my
orgasm was spent I sat up quickly and attacked her mouth. I tasted myself on her and I
felt that familiar pooling in the lower part of my stomach. I pushed Rose down on the
ground as my tongue fucked her mouth. I left her mouth and sucked and nipped her skin
over her chest and down her stomach. I lifted her skirt and pulled her panties off of her
swiftly. I looked up at her waiting for her to direct me although I knew what she wanted.

"Eat me Bella. I want you to fuck me with your hot mouth." She was getting the hang of

I didn't waste anytime as I ducked between her soft milky thighs. I went to work on her
clit as I shoved two fingers into her wet core. She was already so fucking wet.

"Fuck Rose baby you're so wet. God you taste good." I said between licks.

"Shove your tongue in me. Do it! Oh fuck do it!" She was screaming.

I did as she commanded and I drove my tongue in and out of her lapping at her sweet
juices. I shoved my fingers back inside of her as she got closer to her release.

"Tell me what you want Rose." I said through clenched teeth.

"Make me come baby. Make me come hard." She moaned.

I curled my fingers and stroked her sweet spot and I felt her juices slide down my fingers.
Her muscles clenched tight around my fingers as I gathered her clit in my mouth and
sucked it as hard as I could. She bucked against my hand and my face as her orgasm
shook her. I kept my work on her until her breathing slowed.

She sat up and looked at me sleepily, "Fuck Bella that was amazing. Too bad the bys
missed it." She winked at me.

"And that's how you get what you want my dear Rose." I said as I opened the door.

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Both Edward and Emmett looked completely enamored.

"Emmett, I think she'll be a little more verbal now." I said with a wink.

Edward grabbed me by the wrist, "You are fucking amazing."


Radiohead is scheduled to play in two weeks in Seattle and I'll be damned if Bella and I
aren't down I front. I called Ticketmaster and they had tickets available and once again I
was glad that I was a spoiled rich kid and could buy them. I got in my car and drove over
to Bella's. I knocked on the door but she didn't answer. I flipped out my cell phone and
dialed her number. I could hear it ringing from the side of the house. I heard Bella giggle
and then she let out a loud moan. I walked over slowly and turned the corner only to find
Bella getting fucked by none other than my boy Jasper. Her legs were wrapped around
his waist and he was shoving his dick inside of her as she smiled. She made that beautiful
face when she comes. As soon as I went to yell the only sound that cam out of my mouth
was a loud beeping noise. Suddenly I sat up in bed, sweating, and I realized I had been

"What the fuck!" I spat.

"What is it baby?" Bella asked sleepily.

"Nothing, I just had a dream of Jasper fucking you." I said without realizing it.

Bella laughed and her face turned a bright pink, "Did I like it?" She teased me.

"Shut up Bella, that's not funny." I said annoyed.

"Oh c'mon Cullen, you're the only man I want." She said sweetly.

"Oh really? Would you like me right now?" I said as I got on top of her.

"Most definitely but we need to get ready for school." She said as she bit my ear.

"I think we can spare a couple minutes love." I said as I nipped the skin on her neck.

Bella responded favorably, she dug her fingers in the waistband of my boxers and pulled
them down quickly. She had been sleeping in one of my wife beaters and a pair of undies.
I lowered my head and sucked her nipple through the thin fabric. She arched her back
pushing her tit against my mouth harder. I slipped a hand between us and rubbed her
bundle of nerves. She moaned as she ran her hand through my hair. She bucked her hips
as I rubbed her harder. I pulled the soaked fabric of her underwear to the side and slid
two fingers into her hot core. I pumped them in and out roughly as I sucked her other

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nipple, the fabric soaked from my saliva.

"Ah fuck Edward! Get inside of me." She said through clenched teeth.

I grabbed my throbbing cock in my hand while my other hand held me up above her. I
didn't bother taking her panties off I just shoved them to the side and thrust my hard cock
deep into her. Bella wrapped her legs around me as I plunged deep into her. She attacked
my mouth with hers and our tongues danced feverishly. I pound into her hard and fast,
my balls smacking against her.

"Oh god I love your boys." She whispered to me.

"Fuck I love it when you talk dirty Bella." I said as I fucked her harder.

"I love it when you make me come Edward." She said as she gasped.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Oh god yeah, and I love the way you fill me. God you're so big." She breathed heavily.

"Fuck Bella!" I said, I didn't think I'd be able to last with her mouth running like that.

"Fuck me harder Edward. Fuck me hard. Oh fuck!" Bella screamed as her muscles
clenched around my dick and her body shook beneath me.

"God Bella I'm gonna' come." I said as I thrust into her erratically.

"Edward I want you to come, god, I want to come baby." She egged me on.

I finally met my release, spilling my vicious seed inside of her. I pumped in and out of
her slowly as we both slowed our breathing. Bella kissed my cheek before rolling out
from underneath me.

"C'mon Edward we have to get ready." She whined.

"Fine but I want to make it clear that I'd rather play hooky and stay in bed with that all
day." I said as I smacked her ass.

"Well when you put it like that?" She said as she walked towards me.

"Oh no ma'am, you already made your choice. Let's go or we're going to be late." I said
as I placed my hands behind my back.

We got ready fairly quickly, my parents were already gone, and Alice and Jasper were
finishing breakfast. I grabbed an apple and finished it quickly and Bella stuffed a whole
granola bar into her mouth.

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"Nice!" Jasper said.

"Fuck you." I said to Jasper, my dream from last night flashing through my mind.

"What the shit?" Jasper asked.

"Sorry dude, I had this dream last night and you were fucking Bella when I went to give
her the Radiohead tickets I bought." I blurted out.

"Oh shit!" Jasper said as he realized I mentioned Radiohead out loud.

"Wait? Do you really have tickets for the show in Seattle?" She asked me as she tugged
on my shirt sleeve.

"Yeah." I said as I shut my eyes tight waiting for her to scream. Which she did. Loudly.

Then she attacked me. She jumped on my and I fell against the counter as she assaulted
my mouth. Of course I let her because her mouth was the best tasting thing. I tried to pull
her off me so I could talk but she kept her assault. Finally she let go.

"Edward you're the best! I'm so excited! I haven't seen them in so long! You know last
time I almost passed out! Oh if they play Talk Show Host I think I will pass oout!" She
was blabbing on and on.

"Okay miss, enough excitement for one morning. We need to get going." I said annoyed.
I was upset that it wasn't a surprise anymore.

"What's wrong?" She asked sadly.

"Nothing, I just had this whole surprise planned out, now you know and it sucks." I said.

"Well all I know is we're going so if you had anything else planned I'll be surprised about
that part." She said trying to make me feel better.

"You're right. I'm sorry for being a grouch." I said as I kissed her cheek.

We made it to school and I was not excited about having to leave Bella's side. After that
dream this morning I felt uneasy. I had never been really jealous before and it made me
feel sick. After class I walked to meet Bella and I found her talking to Newton. She
brushed the front of his shirt as she giggled and I could feel the rage boiling inside of me.
I stomped over to her and grabbed her hand in mine.

"Excuse us Newton." I said with acid in my tone.

"Whatever caveman." Newton spat back.

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"What is your problem?" Bella said ripping my hand from her grasp.

"I don't like you talking to that dickhead Bella. All he wants is to get you naked." I said

"Edward you need to calm down. I don't give a shit what Mike wants, you're the only
man who's going to see me naked okay?" She said as she grabbed my collar.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just after that dream I just feel weird. I suddenly feel really jealous
and possessive and it's making me feel ill." I said honestly.

"Who fucked me this morning?" She asked breathily.

"I did." I said in a low tone.

"Okay, and who is going to fuck me after school?" She asked as she looked me in the

"Me." I said.

"That's right. I'm yours and no one else's so stop worrying." She said as she walked over
to Alice and Jasper.

Jasper gave me nod to walk down the hallway with him. I met at his side and we turned
the corner to go to our next class.

"So Neanderthal, what the hell was all that?" He asked me.

"I don't know, it's like since that dream this morning I keep getting jealous and I don't like
thinking about not trusting her." I said.

"So you're just jealous or you don't trust her?" He wanted me to clarify.

"Both." I hated saying it.

"Want some help with that?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"I think you're being a dumbass and I can prove it. Let me try and fuck her and you'll
see." He said seriously.

"Fine but you can't touch her." I said.

"What?! I'm going to have to try and touch her Edward. No type of penetration okay?"

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He said.

"Fine. How long?" I asked him roughly.

"As long as it takes for you to not be a dumbass. Don't worry, I'll report every detail." He
said thoughtfully.

For the next week Jasper hit on Bella when Alice and I weren't around and Bella turned
him down ever single time. It was harmless shit and she was too nice to tell me the shit he
was playing. We had a week left before the concert we were all fucking wasted on Gin
and juice. I passed out on the couch, Alice went to bed, Emmett and Rose were fucking.
Bella and Jasper were upstairs listening to music in my room and he laid it on her.


I noticed Jasper had been extra flirty with me all week. It was really weird and it made
me uncomfortable but I didn't tell Edward. I didn't want him to knock Jasper on his ass
and I didn't mention it to Alice because I didn't want them to break up or anything.

It was a week before the concert and we were all wasted on Gin and juice. Everyone was
either passed out or fucking so Jasper and I were listening to music in Edward's room. I
was laying on the floor singing Dai the Flu by Deftones when Jasper laid down next to

"You know Bella, I was thinking about that dream Edward had last week." He said

"And?" I asked.

"Would you, you know, ever fuck me like that?" He asked.

"Jasper, you know I love you, we've gotten really close, but I love Edward. I'm not going
to do..." He cut me off by pressing his mouth to mine.

His tongue slid into my mouth and he got on top of me quickly. I shoved him off of me

"What the shit Jasper! Why did you do that?!" I yelled at him.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't want it." He said.

"I already told you, damnitt! Edward's going to kill you if he finds out." I spat.

"I'm sorry Bella. It was wrong of me, please forgive me." He pleaded.

"Fine, but you better keep those thoughts to yourself." I said as I crossed my arms over

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my chest.

Just then I heard Edward come up the stairs and Jasper got up to leave. As soon as he
walked out the door I could hear them whispering.

"She said no man, I told you." Jasper said.

"What do you mean, what happened?" Edward asked.

"I asked her even she'd fuck me like in your dream. She said no and then I kissed her as I
got on top of her and she shoved me off." Jasper said firmly.

"She did?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, and then she didn't say anything about telling you because she cares about me
getting hurt. You should feel like an ass for not trusting her. She deserves better than that
and the only reason I even brought this up was so you would see it." Jasper said pissed

"I fucked up huh?" Edward asked softly.

I pushed open the door and looked at them both, their eyes wide with shock.

"Yes you did Edward!" I screamed.

I ran down the stairs, tears streaming down my face. I grabbed my Radiohead ticket off of
the counter and slammed the door behind me. I marched outside and realized I didn't
have a car with me. I ran back inside and busted in on Rose and Emmett.

"Emmett take me home please." I said through my sniffles.

"What's wrong?" Rose asked.

"I don't want to talk about it but one of you has to take me home." I said as I wiped the
tears from my face.

"Em I'll do it." Edward said at the open door.

"You get the fuck away from me Edward. I don't want you to drive me anywhere." I said
through clenched teeth.

"Bella we need to talk about this, I'm sorry okay. It was stupid okay, I'm stupid." He

"You know what, you are right about one thing. You're stupid Edward. And I'm stupid to
have thought that you really loved me. If you loved me you wouldn't have pulled this

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childish shit on me." I spat at him.

"Bella calm down, Edward leave her alone. I'm going to drive her." Rose said.

"Thank you Rose. Edward get the fuck out of my way." I said as I pushed past him.

Rose and I got in the car and I fucking lost it. I started sobbing and I told her what Jasper
did and what I heard them say in the hall. Rosalie's knuckles were white she gripped the
steering wheel so hard.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Edward is so fucking dead. I can't wait to tell Emmett he's
going to kick his ass!" Rose was yelling.

"I took my concert ticket and I'm going alone. I don't want to be with him if he doesn't
trust me. God I fucking new better than to trust someone like this. Rose my heart fucking
hurts. Who the fuck does he think he is?!" I was gasping for air I was sobbing so hard.

"Don't worry Bella. He's going to pay." She said as she pulled into my driveway.

I hugged her and went inside. Thank god Charlie wasn't home. I went straight to the
bathroom and threw up. I got in the shower, brushed my teeth, and locked my fucking
window. Edward kept trying to call me so I turned my phone off and tried to sleep. I had
nightmares all night long. All I could think of was Edward and Jasper planning their little
test. Fuck I wasn't even mad at Jasper because he trusted me. Finally it was morning, I
checked my phone and I had twenty missed calls from Edward and Alice tried to call me
in the morning.

I dialed Alice's number.

"Bella are you okay?" She screeched into the phone.

"Considering your asshole brother thinks I'm a fucking whore, I'd say no." I said

"Bella I know you're made but Edward's been up all night and he cried. He really wants
to talk to you." Alice pleaded.

"Alice, I love you, but I don't want to talk to that fucking prick. You tell him I'm going to
that concert alone, I already took my ticket. And you tell him that he better stay the fuck
away from me at school." I didn't give her a chance to speak, I hung up the phone and got
out of bed.

"So he thinks I'm some stupid whore, and now he's crying because I left. That little shit is
going to wish he ever had second thoughts about me." I said to myself.

I picked out my outfit and headed for the bathroom. When I was through getting ready I

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took one more glance in the mirror and walked out the door.


I didn't sleep at all. Bella walked out of here so pissed and she wouldn't let me explain. In
all honesty there wasn't anything I could say to justify how I felt. She never gave me a
reason not to trust her and I'm a fuck up. I cried last night and Edward Cullen does not
cry. Jasper stayed up with me all night as I called her stupid phone over and over again.
Finally I went downstairs and got a bottle of Jack and drank that shit until I passed out.

I finally got up and got ready for school. I wanted so badly to skip but I wanted to see
Bella. Alice told me what she said and I decided that I'd give her space but I at least
wanted to see her. But when I walked toward my locker I seriously regretted coming at
all. Bella was standing at her locker in a pair of cut off jean shorts that barely covered her
ass and her Radiohead t-shirt that she wore when we first hung out. She had her hair
down in loose curls and she wore a pair of old chucks. She looked so fucking cute and
she wasn't mine. Newton, Crowley, and a handful of other boys were standing around her
as she told a story. She laughed and smiled playfully and I thought I was going to vomit.

Rosalie pulled me over to her, "Edward I'm going to go over and see what's going on."

"Do whatever you want Rose." I said in defeat.

Rose skipped over there and Bella grabbed her into a hug and kissed her on the cheek.
She made sure to squeeze her extra tight, their tits pressed against each other. I saw each
of those bastards shift their pants as their eyes lingered over the girls.

"Edward you fucked up man." Emmett said as he punched me in the arm.

"Fuck you Em, I know okay? What the fuck am I supposed to do? Look at her, she's
flirting with those assholes and pressing her tits on Rosalie!" I said as I hit my locker.

"Wait. What? She was up on my girl? Hell yes!" Emmett was such a dog sometimes.

I leaned up against the locker as Bella walked by me. She didn't even look at me, she just
flipped her air and her scent hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't help but watch her as
she walked away from me. Her hips moved hypnotically and now I was the one shifting
my pants. Just then Crowley came up behind me.

"Whatever you did to piss her off, thanks a bunch. I don't think I've been that hard in
ages." He said.

Without even thinking I grabbed his head and shoved it against the locker next to me. HE
of course yelled obscene comments as he rubbed his forehead. There was a small cut
where his skin hit the little slots and a trial of blood dripping down his forehead.

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"Fuck you Cullen!" He said.

"Want me to do worse Crowley? If you ever talk about Bella that way again I swear to
god I will cut your nuts off and make you eat them." I barked.

The whole day was like that, Bella made sure to walk by me every chance she got and
each time she'd ignore me. She made it obvious that she was flirting, and she made it
obvious that she knew that I knew. When lunch time came around she sat with us. She sat
at the other end and didn't look my way once.

"You know Newton said he's going to the Radiohead concert. He asked if I wanted to ride
with him but I told him I wanted to go alone. Then he asked me if I wanted to go out this
week. I told him I'd think about it." She said to Alice.

"You don't want to go on a date with him Bella." Thank god for Alice.

"I know but it might be fun to just fuck around." She said it louder making sure I could
hear it.

I slammed my fists on the table and everyone looked at me, I just got up and walked out.
The rest of the week was like that. It was agonizing. I didn't try and call her. Friday night
I heard Alice talking to her in the bedroom.

"Why don't you talk to him Bella?" Alice asked softly.

"I want to, I mean I miss him, but I can't believe he didn't trust me Alice. Maybe if I ever
gave him a reason but I haven't. I've bared my soul to him Alice. He knows things about
me that no one else does. Him not trusting me, he threw all of that away." She was

"Bella just go to the concert with him. You guys love each other, let him make it up to
you." Alice pleaded.

"Alice, he stopped calling me. He hasn't even tried." She said angrily.

"That's because we all told him not to. He's been dieing Bella. He doesn't sleep at night
and he's been drinking a lot." Alice confessed.

"Fine, you can tell him that I'll meet him there." Bella said.

"Jasper and I are going do you want to ride with us?" Alice asked her.

"No let Edward ride with you. Just tell him I'll meet you guys there." She sounded so

I went to walk to my room when Bella opened the door. I stopped in my tracks, my back

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to hers waiting to hear her say something. She didn't, she just walked down the stairs and
out the door.

The next day I told Alice I heard them talking and all she did was hugged me. She
wanted Bella and I together so badly but I wasn't sure that was going to happen. I got
ready for the concert. I wore a faded pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Bella loved my
black t-shirt. The three of us piled into the Volvo and we rode as Jasper switched through
Radiohead albums playing his favorite songs. He selected Talk Show Host and it
reminded me of the day I had that dream and I thought I was going to lose it. I wanted
Bella back so badly.

You want me, fucking come on and break the door down. I'm ready. I'm ready.

I made up my mind, I was going to make Bella talk to me. I was going to tell her how I
felt and that I was sorry. I would make her listen. We parked the car and got out and
waited to hear from Bella. Alice's pone rang.

"Hey Bella where are you?" Alice asked.

"What? No way!" Alice squealed.

"What?" Jasper asked.

"She's the first one in line. She said the people behind her didn't mind if we met her up
front." Alice was way too excited about seeing a band she didn't really like.

We found Bella up front and she introduced us to her friends in line. Bella could make
friends in hell if she had to. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was wearing my favorite
pair of jeans she owned. They were tight and made her ass look good enough to bite. She
had a tight black v-neck t-shirt and her cleavage was more than ample. Her hair was
swept up in a messy bun. She didn't wear any make-up except for a soft pink lip gloss. I
licked my lips as I thought about her lips on mine.

She caught me staring and smiled a faint smile. I didn't know what that meant. Everyone
was chatting and I didn't want to move out of line so I decided that I'd talk to her after the
show. We waited for about an hour before they let us into the venue. The four of us made
it up to the guardrail and I could see Bella's face light up with excitement when she
realized how close we were. She held Alice's hand and told her how good they were live.
She talked so passionately about it, like it was a religious experience. I couldn't help but
smile. When the first band came on everyone pushed forward and I was suddenly pressed
up against Bella's back. Jasper was up against Alice and we were both grateful that we'd
be able to shelter them.

There were three bands that played, all not worth mentioning. They did a short set up for
Radiohead. The lights dimmed and it was almost pitch black. Then I heard it, they started
playing Climbing up the Walls and my knees got weak. The beat started and I was lost in

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the music. I looked down at Bella and her eyes were closed and she swayed to the music.

Let me explain the situation. Bella and I both had this love for Radiohead that was
borderline obsessive. We had spent nights describing how this or that song made us feel.
Climbing up the Walls was by far the sexiest song ever created. I was hearing it live, with
the love of my life pressed against me, I was in heaven. Bella was lost in the music, her
luscious lips mouthing the words. I closed my eyes and then they shot open as Bella
reached behind me and pushed me closer to her. She moved against my body to the beat
and placed my hands on her hips. I let out a soft groan as her ass rubbed against my
straining erection. She pushed on me harder letting me know she felt it.

Bella reached behind her and grabbed me by the neck and pushed my head down so her
mouth was next to my ear.

"I love you Edward." Was all she said.

I bent my head lower and kissed her neck softly. I sucked her skin and she let her head
fall back on my shoulders. She sang the lyrics breathily as my hands reached around to
her stomach.

"Bella I missed you so much." I said in her ear.

She grabbed my right hand and slid it between her legs. I rubbed her through her jeans
and I could feel the wetness seeping through. I felt her grind her ass on me and I pushed
my fingers over her harder. She leaned her head back and licked my lips. I crushed my
lips to hers and she opened her mouth to me. I slid my tongue in her mouth and kissed her
hard. She fought my tongue and won. She assaulted my mouth and I was happy to give
her anything she wanted. We toyed like that through the entire set. We were lost in the
music and each other. It felt like we were the only two in the crowd.

When the set was over everyone was sweating, and euphoric. We were all pretty high off
the experience but I was on cloud nine as Bella and I walked out holding hands. Alice
squealed when she saw us.

"I told you Edward!" She said jumping up and down.

"I would've thought after all that you'd be tired." I said as I messed up her hair even more.

"That was amazing! I think I have a whole new appreciation for them now!" Alice

Jasper walked from Alice over to Bella and hugged her tightly.

"Bella I'm sorry. I love you ya' know. Edward loves you too, more than he deserves to."
Jasper said loud enough so I could hear.

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"Edward, wanna' drive me home?" Bella asked.

I couldn't help the goofy grin that spread across my face as I said "yes."

A/N: I know you guys are waiting on the Alice/Bella action but i had to get the make up
part it. Hope you enjoy. A/B next chapter, promise! R&R!


I kind of regretted asking Edward to drive us home. I know I was grinding on his dick
and all but at the same time I was a little caught in the moment and now I was regretting
it. I could tell Edward was remorseful and all but that shit was fucked up. We got into my
truck and Edward went to turn the key but stopped.

"Listen Bella we need to talk." He said.

"Edward I'm sorry if I led you on or something back there but I'm not over all your shit."
I said looking forward.

"Bella c'mon, I'm so sorry for not trusting you." He pleaded.

"Stop Edward, you need to listen to what I have to say. I've poured my heart out to you
because I trusted you but for some reason that shit wasn't reciprocated. You had some
stupid dream about me fucking your buddy and you get all psycho on me. Fuck that
Edward." I was seething with anger.

"I know it was wrong. I just want you to know that I'll do whatever I have to in order to
make it up to you. I love you Bella." He said softly.

"Whatever Cullen let's go home." I said looking out my window.

He put the truck in drive and we rode in silence all the way to his house. He didn't know
it but I was staying over. I got out of the truck and he held the door open for me to get in
the driver's side.

"I'm staying the night with Alice." I said as I got my back out of the bed of the truck and
walked inside.

Edward followed behind me but made his way to the couch and I trailed upstairs to
Alice's room.

"What happened?" Alice asked before I could even put my bag down.

"He tried to apologize but I just don't want to hear it right now." I said dismissively.

"Listen here lady! If he apologized then you have to forgive him. He's been dieing this

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whole time!" Alice squealed.

"Alice I'm ready to get fucked up so if you don't mind can we not talk about this for the
rest of the night?" I asked.

"Fine, let's go downstairs. You know we have to share." She said as she grabbed my hand
and pulled me out of her room.

When we got downstairs I dropped a baggie chuck full of cheeba down on the table. I
swear to fucking gawd that Jasper's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Is that Red? Cos if it is I'm going to pee myself. You better bust of the Bob Marley
Eddie boy." Jasper said.

"Only the best Jasper. You know I had to write Stanley's essay for her to even give me
the number for the guy? It better be worth her shit." I said laughing.

Edward turned the reggae up really loud and I felt kind of like an idiot for smoking
Jamaican Red and listening to Bob Marley. It seemed a little too fangirl-ish. But once I
put that glass pipe to my lips and inhaled that shit I didn't really feel bad about feeling
silly. Jasper was the best at hittin' that shit, he had the lungs of a whale. Emmett coughed
and we all cracked up laughing. Alice took her tiny little hits and I thought it was damn
cute. Rose shot gunned that shit with me and I thought Emmett and Edward were going
to shoot a load.

We smoked half the bag and we were all so baked that we couldn't really move. The
living room was smogged out and we were so glad that the Cullen parents weren't coming
home until tomorrow. Everyone eventually made their way to their rooms. I told Alice
that I'd sleep on the couch downstairs so she could sleep with Jasper. Edward looked at
me, his eyes blood shot as hell, but turned around before going upstairs. When I saw the
look on his face I felt like a total bitch. I laid there for a good hour debating on whether
or not to go up to his room. Finally I decided to man..woman up and get the fuck in his

I crept up the stairs and pushed open Edward's door. He was passed out above the covers.
I slipped off my pants and took my bra off. I got on the bed next to him and kissed him
on the nose. He didn't move so I laid down and curled up next to him. It only took a
couple minutes before I was passed out too.


I wanted to tell Bella that she could have my bed or come and lay with me but I didn't. I
looked at her burned out ass on the couch and turned around. I felt like such a stupid
puppy. I got up to my room and passed the fuck out. I woke up and my clock read "3:34
AM". I realized that something heavy was laying across my chest and I looked down to
see Bella's arm. I couldn't believe that she got in bed with me. I moved her arm off of me

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hoping she wouldn't wake up. Unfortunately her eyes fluttered open.

"Bella baby, I'm sorry I woke you up." I whispered.

"Mmmm, no it's okay. I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable I'll go back downstairs." She

"No stay with me." I said.

"Edward I'm sorry for being a bitch. Next time you just need to slap a ho okay?" She said

"Okay Bella." I said dismissively.

I was going to close my eyes again and try to sleep but I felt Bella get up and straddle me.
I opened my eyes and her hair was hanging over us like a curtain. I noticed that she
wasn't wearing a bra, her nipples were hard. Before I could speak she kissed me hard. I
opened my mouth and licked her bottom lip. She happily opened her mouth to mine and
moaned as I traced her tongue with my own. I felt her push down on my hardening
erection. I pulled away and Bella's eyes were closed and she was panting slowly.

"Bella?" I questioned.

"Listen Edward, I'm done with fighting. I want you and I hope you want me too." She
said breathily.

"I do Bella. I want you real bad." I said huskily.

She scooted down my legs and jerked down my pajama pants. She giggled when she
realized I wasn't wearing any boxers. My erection sprang forth and she quickly gathered
it into her soft hand. She stroked me eagerly before taking all of me into her mouth.

"Fuck that's good." I said loudly.

Bella moaned against my cock, the vibrations filling my body. She reached for my sack
and stroked my balls pulling the skin tightly. I couldn't help but moan my approval as my
dick hit the back of her throat. Bella released me from her mouth and ran her tongue and
lips up and down my shaft. I watched as my dick rubbed against her cheek as she licked
me eagerly. She sucked on my tip, swirling her nimble tongue around making me squirm.

"Edward will you stand up so you can fuck my mouth?" She asked me, her voice full of

"Uh huh." Was all I could manage.

I stood up next to the bed and Bella got on her beautiful knees in front of me. She

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grabbed my throbbing cock and put it in her mouth. She grabbed my hand and shoved it
in her messy hair and I gripped it tightly. I held her head still as I thrust into her hot
mouth. She sucked me eagerly, suctioning her mouth tightly as I fucked her mouth.

"God Bella I've missed your mouth. Oh fuck!" I said through grunts.

I fucked her mouth harder, her gag reflex nowhere to be found and I cried out as my hot
cum spilled inside of her sweet mouth. I felt her swallow against me and I shuddered at
the pressure. She sucked off every bit of cum before rising to her feet and kissing me on
the cheek.

"Aren't we supposed to have make up sex?" I asked.

"Normally but I felt like you needed something a little extra." She said as she slid back
into bed.

A/N: I know it's taken me awhile but if you guys have been reading "After the Great
War" then you know why I've been neglecting this story. I've finally given you guys the
A/B moment you've been waiting for. the chappy is kind of short but c'mon, it's all about
the smut and you guys get it in here. please R&R. love you all! this chapter is dedicated
to .Alec, her current fanfic gave me the video feed idea plus she loves this story so much.


"What's up Eddie?" I said into the phone.

"Alice wanted me to call you; she said she's got a surprise for you." Edward said.

"What surprise?" I inquired.

"What the fuck man, I don't know!" Edward yelled into the phone.

"Stop acting like a bitch, I'll be there in ten minutes." I said before hanging up the phone.

I got into my car and hauled ass over there.

"I swear to god this better be good, it better not be clothes." I thought to myself.

I pulled up at the house and Edward met me at the door. He had that stupid grin plastered
across his face.

"What?" I asked with a shrug of my shoulders.

"We have to go to my room for your surprise, come on Jas." Edward was acting really

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We made our way up the stairs and I could hear giggling coming from Alice's room. It
sounded like her and Bella. I thought about ditching Edward and running over there and
opening the door but Edward grabbed my arm and pulled me the other way.

"Trust me; you're going to love it. It's kind of a surprise from Bella too. You know we
both felt pretty bad for putting you and Alice in the middle of that fight we had. I'm sorry
bro that was very assholey of us." Edward said as we entered his room.

When I walked into his room he had the sofa positioned right in front of his new flat
screen TV. He told me to have a seat and then we went and sat on the bed. He told me to
get comfortable before he switched on the television. As soon as the screen came into
view my dick got hard instantly. The girls had been giggling in the other room for one
very sexy, erotic, desirable reason. On the television was four separate video feeds from
inside Alice's room, each one had a different angle of Bella and Alice on the bed.

Edward chuckled behind me and I looked back him, my mouth hanging open.

"Ready?" Was all he said as he pointed toward the screen.

I turned back around and settled in for quite a show. Bella and Alice were kneeling in
front of each other and Bella started talking, both and Edward and I seemed to hold our
breath at the same exact moment, not wanting to miss a sound.

"Alice I really want to feel your tongue on me. I want to feel your tits pressed against me.
I want to feel your hips buck as you shove your sweet pussy in my face." Bella said
breathily as she cupped Alice's cheek and then crushed her lips to Alice's.

We watched as Bella kissed Alice hungrily and Alice met her passion. Alice scooted
toward Bella, their bodies pressed against each other. I could hear Alice's soft moans as
Bella assaulted her mouth.

"Oh fuck." I said huskily.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Edward breathed behind me.

Suddenly Bella pushed Alice gently toward the bed and Alice fell back giggling
playfully. Bella got on top of her and continued to ravage her mouth, their lips swollen
from the fierce contact. I watched intensely as Bella slipped her hand up Alice's tank top
and massaged her right breast roughly. Alice arched her back into Bella's touch, her eyes
closed as she let out a soft whimper. Bella's lips were curved into the most seductive

My jeans were getting quite uncomfortable and since Edward was on the bed behind me I
decided that it would be alright to free my throbbing desire from the confines of its cloth
prison. I moaned as my erection was freed and I gripped it tightly.

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Bella lifted Alice's shirt over her head, breaking their kiss only for the moment. Alice had
the softest, perkiest breasts in the whole wide world. They were smaller compared to
Bella's but they were perfect for me. Alice's nipples were erect and I wanted so badly to
tear into that room and ravage her. As if Bella could ready my mind she lowered her head
and placed her luscious lips over Alice's left nipple and sucked it greedily.

I picked up the pace of my stroking as Bella left a trail of wet kisses down Alice's
stomach. She ran her soft tongue underneath the waist band of Alice's boy shorts. Alice
flicked her tongue out and licked her lips sensually as she moaned loudly. Bella moved
her hand from Alice's hip and rubbed her entire palm against Alice's core. Alice bucked
her hips to meet Bella's motions.

"Mmmm Bella that feels so good." Alice moaned.

"I want to taste you Ali." Bella breathed as she slipped Alice's shorts down her thighs and
threw them onto the bed behind Alice.

Alice's sex was completely bare and I groaned at the sight of her soft pink flesh. Bella
softly caressed Alice's folds before dipping her head between her thighs. Alice yelped as
Bella quickly drew her clit into her mouth while driving her fingers inside of Alice's tight
cunt. I really didn't know how much more of this torture I'd be able to handle.

On the screen I saw Bella remove her fingers from Alice and replaced them with her
tongue. Alice bucked wildly against Bella's face as she fucked Alice with her mouth. I
could see Alice's pale skin turn a beautiful shade of pink as her orgasm rocked through
her body. Alice's back arched off the bed, her screams filling the room as Bella lapped at
her core. Once Alice fell back to the bed Bella crawled back up to her, Alice's juices
prevalent on Bella's mouth and chin. Alice kissed Bella hard driving her tongue into her
mouth as Bella moaned into her mouth.

Alice slipped her hands under the hem of Bella's camisole and lifted it over her head.
Bella wasn't wearing a bra and when I saw her plump full breasts I bit back a moan not
wanting Edward to hear it. Alice quickly started working her hands and mouth all over
Bella's supple flesh. Bella made the sexiest noise, like a squeal with a moan mixed in it
and I had to bite back another moan. Edward was right to want to be so protective over
that fine piece of meat, she was stunning.

Alice seemed pretty eager to get her sexing on, she pretty much launched herself on top
of Bella and ripped her lacey panties right off her Bella's firm ass. Bella let out a soft
giggle at Alice's over excitement. Bella's sex was bare and smooth.

"Mmmm Bella you smell really good. I can't wait to lick you." Alice purred as her fingers
slid up and down Bella's slit.

Alice quickly knelt down between Bella's milky thighs as drove her tongue inside of
Bell's cunt. As Bella's back arched off the bed, her tits pushed forward, she let out a

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delicious moan. Alice looked up at Bella as she fucked her pussy with her nimble little
tongue. Alice rubbed Bella's clit as she tongue fucked her. I could see the sheen of sweat
that covered Bella's chest and neck as her body temperature rose. Bella's mouth made a
perfect 'O' as Alice brought her over the edge. I watched as Alice continued her work, her
tits swaying with her rough movements as she lapped at Bella's juices.

I had been stroking my cock hard and fast, mimicking the swiftness of Alice's tongue and
I too rocked with me orgasm. My seed spilling down my shaft and onto my hands and
jeans. I could hear Edward's low grunts behind me as he too met his release.

Bella pulled Alice up to her and kissed her softly, their bodies sweaty and glistening as
they lay together. I couldn't help but hope that Bella and Edward would fight more often.
I shoved my flaccid cock back into my pants and when I looked back up at the screen I
saw Edward in the room with them. I quickly got up off the sofa and headed towards
Alice's room. I opened the door to find a naked Alice and Bella and Edward were
nowhere to be found.

"Did you like your surprise?" Alice said seductively.

"What do you think?" I said sarcastically as I made my way to Alice's bed.

Alice giggled loudly as I pushed her down on the bed. I had every intention of showing
her just how much I enjoyed her little show.

A/N: I know you've been waiting. Hopefully you likey. Love you all.


I'm sure some people would wonder why it's not hard for me to watch my sister get it on
with my girlfriend. I honestly don't watch Alice, it's like my eyes can't even deviate from
Bella, that and I tell myself that it's just another girl. After watching their little treat for
Jasper I couldn't wait to get Bella in my arms. I made my way out of the room before
Jasper and immediately grabbed Bella.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Bathroom, now." I said roughly.

We slipped into the bathroom and I stripped off all my clothes while Bella turned on the
water. I watched her naked form, the curve of her ass, the firmness of her thighs, the arch
of her back. She was beyond beautiful. Dirty Edward was already roaring to life as I
pictured Bella up against the shower tiles as I fucked her senseless.

Bella looked back at me, her eyes hooded with lust as she noticed my obvious erection. I
gestured toward the steamy shower and she got in quickly. I stepped in behind her and
stood as the hot water cascaded down Bella's glorious body. The tiny droplets of water

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were touching everywhere I wanted to touch. I watched as tiny droplets ran over her hard
nipples, I licked my lips as I thought about bringing the tiny buds between my teeth.
Bella's mouth was slightly open, her eyes closed, as the water ran over her face and over
her full pouty pink lips. The water ran down her flat stomach and over her cute belly
button, the stream flowed over her mound and down her hips and thighs.

Bella ran her hands over her skin delighting in the warmth of the water. She ran her hands
over her silky hair over her shoulders and down her breasts. I realized that she was
teasing me and I thought, "two can play at that game."

"Bella I want you to touch yourself." I said breathily.

"I am Edward." She stated.

"Let me rephrase that then. Bella I want you to shove two fingers into your pussy right
now." I said roughly as I grabbed her wrist and shoved it between her legs.

I heard Bella swallow hard as her eyes met mine. I had never really been rough with her;
we had a couple "Dominating Edward" sessions but nearly enough of them. The look on
Bella's face was priceless, she seemed to enjoy my dominating side just as much. Bella
let her fingers stroke her velvety folds as my eyes locked on to her target. Her breathing
was labored as she slipped her fingers into her dripping core.

"Fuck your cunt harder Bella." I ordered.

Bella looked at me, her mouth hanging open slightly as she fingered herself harder, her
tiny fingers disappearing between her legs. Her skin was flushed and her nipples were
rock hard as she came closer to orgasm. I wanted to taste her skin so badly, her tits
bouncing with her movements. I shuffled toward her and slipped my arm around her and
clamped my mouth of her right breast. Bella bucked beneath me as she met her release,
my tongue flicking over her erect nipple, sucking, lapping at the soft skin. Bella's moans
subsided as her orgasm was spent and I quickly brought my mouth to hers. My tongue
tangled around hers as I caught her moans in my mouth. I release her mouth, Bella
panting against my neck.

"Get on your knees Bella. I want fuck your mouth." I said roughly.

Bella did as I ordered, the water cascading down her back as she lowered herself onto her
knees. She reached out and grabbed my engorged cock and a menacing hiss escaped my

"No Bella, just open your mouth, I'm going to slide it in myself." I said with a smirk as
she looked up at me.

Bella opened her mouth wide, her lips placed carefully over her teeth. I slid my hand into
her wet hair, tangling my fingers in it and pulling at the scalp. Bella moaned at the

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pressure as I slid my cock into her mouth, her moans vibrating against my member. I held
Bella's hair and set a delicious pace, pushing and pulling her up and down my shaft. She
slipped her hand to my sack and pinched and rolled the skin delightfully. I threw my head
back panting as she made a sinful suction against my cock as it slid in and out of her hot
mouth. I could feel my balls tighten and finally my hot cum spilled inside of Bella's
mouth as she swallowed against my dick, taking all of me. I slipped out of her mouth and
a sweet smile spread across Bella's lips.

"Oh I'm not done with you yet. Get up and put your hands against the wall and do spread
those pretty legs of yours." I said as she got up of her knees.

Bella placed her hands on the tiled wall and spread her legs sticking her glorious ass out
on display before me. I groaned as I slid my hand over the curve of her ass before pulling
my hand back and smacking her left cheek hard. Bella let out a loud yelp and looked back
at me with a seductive smile.

"You like getting spanked love? Of course you would because you're such a dirty little
bitch." I said as I smacked her left cheek again, Bella's whimpers echoing in the shower.

"Oh Bella you like being dirty don't you? Dirty girls get punished Bella. That's exactly
what I'm going to do to you. I'm going to fuck you so hard that you'll feel me in your
throat." I said roughly as I grabbed her hips hard.

Bella was panting and I knew she enjoyed the dirty talk I was giving her. My dick was
already throbbing with need. I wanted so bad to plunge inside of her and split her in two.
I grabbed my shaft in one hand and guided it to her dripping cunt, my other hand gripping
her hip firmly. I thrust inside of her hard, sinking deep into her. Bella moaned loudly as I
filled her to the brim. Bella's back was arched in the most delectable way and I found my
hand sliding up her silky smooth skin and grabbing a handful of her long locks. I twisted
her hair in my hand, wrapping it around my fist before beginning my assault on her tight
core. I started off slow pulling out just so the tip of my cock and Bella squirmed from the
loss of contact. I pulled out completely ignoring Bella's whimper. I thrust back into her
tight pussy and began to pound into her furiously.

"Fuck Edward, oh god, fuck me." Bella was panting.

"Shit Bella you feel so good." I said through clench teeth as I buried my dick inside of
her over and over.

I let go of Bella's hip and smacked her ass again and Bella let out a loud grunt as my hand
made contact with her soft skin. I could see how red her skin had gotten from my hand
smacking her. It was red like when her blood pooled behind her cheeks causing that
wonderful blush of hers. I continued to pound into Bella as she screamed my name and
mumbled incoherent phrases. I soon felt her muscles clench down on my length and I felt
her knees get weak. I slipped an arm around her holding her up as her orgasm ripped
through her body.

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"Edward I'm....I'm...coming!" Bella screamed as I felt her sweet juices cover my length as
I slid in and out of with force.

Bella's body shook and trembled as her release was spent. I continued fucking her hard
wanting to meet my own release. I wanted to fill her tight cavern with my vicious seed. I
want to leave a part of me in her always. After a few more erratic thrusts I fell over the
edge of ecstasy. Calling out to Bella as my body rocked with pleasure. I shoved deep
inside of her spilling my cum inside of Bella's hot cunt. I slid in and out of her slowly,
panting, breathing her name. I slipped my flaccid cock out of and pulled Bella against
me. I ravaged her skin with soft kisses as I pulled us under the cooling water.

"I liked it when you called me a dirty little bitch. It was very...erotic." She smiled.

"I fucking love you Bella." I said as she turned off the shower head.

"And I you." She said as she gave me a soft peck on the lips.

I watched Bella get out of the shower. I watched as she bent over in front of my drying
off her toned legs. She meticulously removed every drop of water off of her milky skin. I
slipped out of the shower as well but toweled off quickly. We both got dressed and went
to go downstairs. As we walked past Alice's room we could hear their chosen activity for
the afternoon quit clearly. Bella and I looked at each other and smiled.

I fixed us some sandwiches and Bella put in a movie in the den. We ate while we
watched the Big Lebowski. The only words we spoke were when we mimicked the
bowling scene. Bella and I were both in a fit of laughter as Jesus said his famous lines out
on the lanes. Before long Bella was napping beside me and I felt my phone vibrate in my
pocket. It was a number that I didn't recognized and I flipped it open and said "Hello".

"Hey Edward, it's Lauren." The skank said.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I was wondering if you want me to come over." Her voice was far from seductive.

"Are you fucking kidding me? No I don't want you to come over. Bella I are together, I
don't need some skank piece of ass." I whispered angrily into the phone.

"Oh fuck you Edward Cullen you're going to regret that." And the skank hung up.

I felt Bella stir against me and I placed a kiss on the top of her head as she moaned
quietly before snuggling closer to me.

A/N: It's time that the kids started to grow up. I'm winding down the story. I know, don't
be sad. Check out Six Crew. Please read and review!

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When Bella and I walked into school on Monday there were people snickering as we
walked by. I couldn't figure out why they found us so amusing, it honestly made me want
to lash out a mother fucker. I made it to first period and Mike Newton turned around to
face me, a stupid shit eating grin on his face.

"So Cullen, hear that skank of yours gave you a real good present." The vile Newton spat.

"What the fuck are you talking about ass wipe?" I asked angrily.

"Bella, your bitch. I heard she uh, gave you Chlamydia. That's what you get for being a
man whore." He said smugly

"Who the fuck told you that? That's a lie and you know it." I said through clenched teeth.

Just then the bell rang and Mike was silent for the remaining of the class period. When
the bell rang he walked out quickly. Once I made it out of the door way I saw Bella
yelling at Jessica at her locker.

"You bitch! You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" She yelled at that ugly

"Bella admit it, you're just a dirty slut." She said back to Bella.

Oh hell no!

"Bella what's going on?" I asked as I walked up to her and Jessica.

"Have you heard that I gave you Chlamydia?" she asked.

"Yeah Newton informed me of my medical condition this morning." I said sarcastically.

"Jess, where'd you hear that from?" I asked her sweetly.

"Around." She answered without looking at me.

I quickly pulled Bella to the side.

"I'm going to get it out of her. Don't watch, it's going to get ugly, and don't' smack me
afterwards either." I smirked.

"Do what you got to do but you better not let her stick her tongue in your mouth." Bella
said sternly.

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I walked back over to Jessica as Bella turned to leave. I gave Jessica my best smile as I
pushed her up against the locker. Her breathing hitched as I pressed myself tightly against
her. I imagined fucking Bella and my dick got hard as I pressed the lower half of my
body harder against her. Jessica let out a soft moan and I had to hold back the vomit. No
one could sound as good as my Bella.

"Jessica I've missed that mouth of yours." I said as I stared at her chapped, cracked lips.

" have?" She asked breathily.

"Mmhm." I answered as I ran my hand down her side and rested it on her hip.

"I've missed you too." She whimpered.

"Jessica who would say such a terrible thing about me like that? That really hurts you
know." I said with a pout.

Score! You stupid bitch!

"L..Lauren did, she said that you told her when you guys were making out behind Bella's
back and that she shoved you off of her and she said she didn't want anything to do with
you." She said, her breathing still ragged.

"Good girl Jess. Thanks." I said as I pushed off the lockers and walked away.

"What the fuck Cullen? I felt that hard on, how can you just walk away from me like
that?" She screamed at me.

"First of all, that hard on was from Bella, only she gets my dick up like that. Second, I
just wanted to get information out of you. I don't miss your mouth or your ugly ass face.
You and that bitch are going down." I said through clenched teeth.

I walked over to the gang and they were all cracking up laughing. Jasper had tears in his
eyes and he was holding his sides. Emmett's laughter could be herd from India and Rose
and Alice were hugging on to each other so they didn't fall down. I looked around but
Bella was nowhere to be found. I was worried that she was pissed that I had to get all up
on Jessica. Just then I saw Angela walking towards us and I knew that Bella was always
nice to her.

"Hey Angela, do you know where Bella went?" I asked her nicely.

"Yeah, she walked back that way, she was really pissed." She pointed behind her.

I ran to where she had come from and I stopped dead in my tracks. Bella was standing
above Lauren who was clutching her nose on the ground, blood pouring from her hands
and onto the floor. Just then the gang came up behind me and stopped dead in their tracks

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"No fucking way Swan!" Emmett yelled.

"She just punched a bitch!" Jasper added.

"I don't know where you get off on telling people that shit about Edward. I don't give a
fuck what you say about me but you'd better back off of Edward! He doesn't want your
skanky ass you dirty bitch! I'm more than enough to make him forget about all the shit he
did with you hoe bags. If I ever hear you even speak any of our names I will beat the
living shit out of you!" Bella yelled and then hocked a huge mouthful of spit right into
Lauren's hair.

Bella turned around and saw us standing there. She took one look at her hand and shook
it, trying to shake the pain away. She walked over to us, leaving Lauren crying on the
ground. I took her hand in mine and looked over her knuckles. They were banged up a
little and I couldn't help the smile that played on my lips.

"Bella, that was fucking hot. You just broke that bitch's nose." Alice said as she pulled
Bella into a tight hug.

"Man I'm sick of all these dumb ass bitches. That skank needed to be taught a lesson, it's
not like Edward could've hit her." She said as she looked at me.

"That was great Bella. Thanks for sticking up for your man." I chuckled.

"Well, I'm going to go straight to the principal's office now. Better get this shit over
with." She said as she took my hand and dragged me to the office.

I sat down in the chair nearest the door as she walked up to the desk to see Ms. Cope.

"Ms. Cope, I just punched Lauren Mallory in the nose for spreading rumors about me and
Edward. I just wanted to turn myself in, save you guys the trouble of getting me out of
class. Edward's here as a witness, he'll tell you what went down." Bella said as she looked
back at me.

"Okay honey. I'll just go tell the principal. Hopefully he won't go too hard on you, that
girl sure does have a mouth on her." Ms. Cope smiled at both of us.

We didn't wait long before Bella was called back. I waited patiently for her to come out.
After a few moments she emerged with a small smile. I stood up and took her hand.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I've got three days suspension." She said softly.

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"Well, let's get out of here then." I said as I walked toward the parking lot.

"Nope, you stay the rest of the day, then you can take the other two days off." She said to

"What? No way Bella I want to go with you. I want to thank you properly for being my
maiden in shinning armor." I whined.

"No whining. You can see me after school." She said sternly.

"Fine, drive the Volvo and pick me up later." I said as I placed my key in her hand.

"What are you going to do for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"I'm going back to your place. But that's all you get." She said with a sly smile.

The rest of the day was boring. Of course everyone knew about Bella decking Lauren and
most found it amusing. Lauren was sent home, I'm sure she looked all kinds of fucked up.
All day my thoughts drifted back to Bella and I wondered what she was doing. All my
classes seemed to drag on and on and the end of the day couldn't come sooner. When the
Bella rang we met out in the parking lot and Bella was there, she had already moved to
the passenger seat. Alice and Rose were talking to her and they were laughing
hysterically, probably getting the run down on the Lauren beating.

"Hi Love." I said to her.

"How was your day at school honey?" She said in a motherly tone.

"Horrid. Yours?" I asked.

"Your mom and I had fun. I told her what I did to Lauren and she laughed. She did scold
me about doing that at school, getting suspended for fighting wont look good on my
record for Dartmouth. Then she helped me get ready for tonight." She said coolly.

"What's tonight?" I asked.

"Everyone's coming over. You'll see." She answered vaguely.

We drove back to my place in comfortable silence. My mind was racing through all the
things that my mom could help Bella with. We pulled up and Bella bolted out of the car
and through the door. I followed behind her quickly but once I stepped inside she was
nowhere to be found. I walked up the steps and went to my bedroom hoping that Bella
would be there waiting for me. She wasn't there. I checked the other rooms and finally
made it back downstairs. I heard people out back and I went to step out on the patio.
Suddenly I saw it, my family had decorated a newly installed gazebo and the backyard.
There was a huge congratulations sign and I was a bit confused. Why the fuck were they

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congratulating me? Bella's the one who knocked a bitch out. Suddenly my mom ran up to
me and hugged me.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Honey, you got accepted to Dartmouth!" my mom squealed.

"I what?" I asked.

"Dartmouth sent in your letter. I got it yesterday in the mail. Bella and I spent the better
part of the day setting up the celebration." She explained.

I feel like shit now. My mom's so excited and proud and I've been a little shit my whole

"Did dad donate money or something? Isn't it early for acceptance letters?" I asked still a
bit confused.

"No he didn't. You got in on your own honey. And it's not too early." She answered.

"Do you like it Edward?" Bella asked nervously.

"Who are you and what have you done with my bitchy girlfriend?" I asked in her ear.

She smacked me in the arm and pulled her into a big hug. She pressed her body against
me and my whole being felt on fire. I suddenly felt sad, and disgusted, and lame.

"Bella I need to talk to you. Can we go upstairs?" I asked her softly.

She nodded and I pulled us inside and up the stairs. I shut the door behind us and Bella
took a seat on the bed.

"This seems a little out of character for you Bella. What's going on?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I just was so excited to see your mom so happy and I was happy. We both
got in you know." She told me.

"You did? That's great! Can I tell you something?" Now I sat down next to her.

"I feel weird. I know Edward Cullen is the asshole of Forks High but I don't want to be
anymore. I want to be a good man, for you, for my mom. Do I sound lame?" I asked her,
I was terrified of her reaction.

"I know exactly what you mean. Getting that acceptance letter made me feel different
too. Like it's finally time to prove myself. I got a free ride Edward and I won't be able to
fuck that up." She explained.

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I didn't respond. I just pulled her close to me and held her tight. After a few moments we
heard a knock at the door. It was Emmett and Jasper.

"Come on pussies, we got a party to get to." Emmett boomed.

"Congrats Edward." Jasper said as we got up off the bed.

We made it downstairs and to find my closest friends and family waiting for us. I was
glad to get that off my chest to Bella. We were so much alike, so perfect for each other. I
as finally excited for the future.

A/N: I've tried for awhile to think of a way to end this story. It's short and sweet. I wanted
it in EPOV, only because he's the kind of man who wouldn't drag the shit out for hours
and hours. Please, I hope you guys are disappointed. This only felt right for me. What a
wild ride huh? CHeck out my other fics for your daily dose of .



To be honest with you, if someone would've told me that I would become a one woman
man who put his partying days somewhat behind him I would've laughed in your fucking
face. But now, after three years at Dartmouth with Bella I've come to realize that's exactly
where I want to be. We had been studying hard, trying to earn what we've been given,
and to make up for all the stupid shit we did when we were younger. In all honesty, I'd
rather make up for it then never having lived it. If I wasn't a cocky ass bastard I would've
never gotten with Bella. And if Bella wasn't a crazy ass bitch she would've never been
shipped to good ol' Forks. We spend a lot of our time fucking, because I don't think there
are two better sex makers in the world. Bella is the sun in my life, she makes everything
worth while. Aside from some crazy bitches and dick heads our first year we've made it
through pretty unscathed.

At the end of the month we've got Jasper and Alice's wedding to attend. I talked to Bella
about marriage and we both laughed at the idea of it happening anytime soon. I was
grateful that Bella wasn't secretly planning our union and picking out dress colors and
shit, she's just not that kind of girl, thank god.

Rose and Em are expecting a damn baby. Emmett is still a baby so I don't know how the
fuck he's going to be able to raise one. Rose cried for like three weeks straight when she
found out. Emmett didn't get any for three months. Fucker.

The wedding will be the first time we've all been together at once since last Christmas.
It's a shame that we're all spread out. At first we all took it pretty hard, after being around
each other all day everyday for as long as we could remember, it was hard to adjust. We
grew up and got over it. I think eventually we'll all wind up in the same town, how could

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we not after a lifetime of friendship?


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