Kate Steele Hoosier Werewolf 1 Midnight Howl

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Hoosier Werewolf 1: Midnight Howl

Kate Steele

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2006 Kate Steele

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ISBN (10) 1-59596-515-7

ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-515-8
Formats Available:

HTML, Adobe PDF,
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader


Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

Editor: Connie Alberts

Cover Artist: Skyewolf

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This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some

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Chapter One

“No, don’t. Please, don’t,” Ethan begged. Ignoring his plea, the car died. “Son of

a bitch. You lousy piece of…” He paused. Closing his eyes and scrunching up his face,

he forced himself to shut up. “Okay, wait a minute. Deep breath. Let’s not lose our

heads here, yeah? You know you’re my sweet little baby,” Ethan apologized, rubbing

his cold hands over the steering wheel. His breath clouded the frigid air in front of him

and fogged the windshield.

“I know you want to run for me, baby. Just come on, start like a good girl and it’s

home to the garage. I’ll even turn the heat on for you,” Ethan promised. Closing his

eyes he turned the key in the ignition. His only answer was rrr, rrr, rrr. “Damn it!”

Ethan resisted the urge to bang his head on the steering wheel. Instead, he leaned

back and closed his eyes, waiting for his agitation to calm. When he could think

straight, he quickly made a calculation in his head. It was about thirty blocks from

home which meant an almost two mile walk. He shivered and considered calling a taxi

but remembered he’d left his recharged cell phone on the kitchen counter. The walk to a

payphone would take him quite a distance out of the way, not to mention he wasn’t

sure how long he’d have to wait for them to get there.

Don’t be such a wimp, Ethan, you can do this. But why does it have to be so damn cold?

Duh! It’s December. December in Indiana, and Christmas just around the corner. I

suppose I’m lucky there isn’t a foot of snow on the ground.

With these and other thoughts prodding him, Ethan grabbed his laptop in its

sturdy case from the passenger seat. Taking a quick, cautious look around the empty

library parking lot, he got out, locked the car and started his walk. Having worked well

past closing, Ethan had let himself out with his own key and reset the alarm system

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before heading for his car. Glancing at his watch before getting in the car, he’d been

surprised to find it was nearly midnight.

The library was in the middle of town, the first part of his walk taking him

through the small business district. He was grateful for the evenly spaced streetlights

and the fact that he wouldn’t be walking home in total darkness. This late night walk

had enough of an eerie quality to it without having to navigate in the dark.

At this time of night there was very little traffic moving up and down the road,

especially after the Main Street renovation project. The street had been cunningly

curved and now resembled the sinuous s-shape of a traveling snake. The idea was to

give Main a sort of artful look. At various points along the way wide, built up, modified

speed bumps kept the traffic from moving too fast. By keeping the speed limit down it

was supposed to give those driving through a better look at the stores along the way

and hopefully lure in more shoppers.

Whether it worked, Ethan couldn’t say for sure. It did seem to him that the two

streets on either side of Main that ran parallel to it now appeared to have a lot more

traffic on them. Looking left and right at every cross street, he saw more cars on those

streets than he did on Main. Unconsciously, he shrugged. It was too bad really. He

thought Main Street looked much nicer and there were some interesting stores there. He

loved the bookstore and his favorite lunch café was right next door to it.

Huddling deeper into his coat he trudged on, his leather dress shoes creaking a

little with the cold. Slowly, the business district gave way to suburban housing. At this

point the next dozen or so blocks were mixed with houses, fast food places, a large

chain-type drug store, a couple of car dealerships and a video store. Ethan was

anticipating his arrival at the twenty-four hour mini-mart. His extremities were starting

to go numb and his nose and ears were burning. He wanted to get in out of the cold and

spend a few minutes with a cup of coffee or cocoa.

Cold as it was, it was still a beautiful night. The sky was clear and a full moon

rode high above the increasingly large trees that lined the street. Ethan let his gaze

linger on that beautiful orb until he tripped on a crack in the sidewalk.

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Barely saving himself from a fall, he kept his eyes peeled for further hazards. The

neighborhood he walked through was as familiar as the back of his hand. It was a nice

place and while the homes were rather close to each other, they had individuality

instead of being cookie-cutter images of each other. The further from town one got, the

larger the houses became.

In the eighteen-hundreds, part of the street had been called Millionaire’s Row.

The houses were large and stately. A couple of them had since been converted to bed

and breakfast inns. One housed a firm of lawyers and a few of the others were

combination home and office for several doctors, one dentist and a podiatrist. Many of

the homes at one point had had Victorian railings and flourishes, but much of that had

given way to a less flamboyant style.

Ethan’s home, which he shared with his two brothers, was just beyond

Millionaire’s Row. Not as grand as those, it was still a stylish, old fashioned house built

of oversized brick in shades of gray. The front had two long columns which supported

a small second story balcony that was accessible from the upstairs hallway and two of

the bedrooms. The house had been extensively remodeled on the inside which made it

cozy and welcoming. There were three bedrooms upstairs, each with an adjoining

bathroom. In addition to the living room, kitchen and utility room there had been a

large dining room. Part of their renovations had been to turn the dining room into office

space for himself and Nick.

Ethan brought his free hand up to his face, breathed on his fingers and thought

about his brothers. Wouldn’t you know that Nick and Dustin are both out of town just when I

need them? Typical.

Ethan shook his head and silently scolded himself. It really wasn’t their fault.

After all, Dustin was at school and Nick was working. And he shouldn’t need his

brothers to get him out of a jam. He wasn’t a kid anymore.

He shivered. I can’t wait to get home and light a fire in the fireplace. The thought of

being snug and warm on the sofa with a good book in front of the fire made him groan.

He had the next day off and didn’t have to worry about getting up early to go to work.

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Going home and going straight to bed wouldn’t be necessary so he was free to indulge

and looking forward to it.

Trading his laptop case to his warmer hand, he was just about to shove his other

hand into his coat pocket when a movement at the corner of his eye caught his

attention. He turned his head to look but the streetlights revealed nothing beyond the

usual. Frowning slightly, Ethan kept walking but surreptitiously cast frequent glances

across the street.

There it was again. His heart thumped. A flash of movement between the evenly

spaced trees as though someone was rushing between them, then hiding behind them

out of sight. Ethan swallowed hard, visions of muggers filling his mind. Two and a half

blocks away, he could just make out the sign for the all night mini-mart. Forcing himself

to stay calm, he increased his pace and kept watch.

The movement came again and this time he was ready for it. Ethan quickly

turned his head and saw his stalker. It was a dog, a very large dog. At least he thought

it was a dog. It resembled a German Shepard but the hair was longer and thicker. He

started when the thought struck him that what the dog really resembled most was a

wolf. But that was impossible, wasn’t it? Wolves didn’t roam the streets of small towns

in Indiana. Maybe it’s a Husky.

Ethan shook his head. Whatever it was, the dog was acting strangely. Following

him and slipping from tree to tree to stay hidden, what kind of dog did that? Was this

some kind of prelude to an attack? The thought had Ethan again increasing his pace but

he was afraid to just flat out run. What if that encouraged the dog to chase him?

Weren’t animals more likely to attack when you ran?

Biting his lip, Ethan kept walking, his entire body tense and braced for what

might come. Luckily nothing happened. The dog merely kept pace with him. At some

point it stopped trying to hide. It simply stayed parallel to his course as though it was

escorting him. Finally he came even with the mini-mart, crossed the lot and ducked

inside. Ethan stood at the window looking for the dog, but it had disappeared.

“Is something wrong, sir?”

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Sheepishly turning to face the woman who stood behind the counter, he shook

his head. “No, not really. It’s just… well, it was a dog.”

“A dog?” The clerk’s brow rose.

“It’s not important. Um, I’m going to get some coffee.”

She smiled. “Help yourself.”

Ethan nodded and crossed to the far side of the store to where the big coffee and

drinks dispensers were situated. Setting his laptop against the base of a nearby

refrigerated case, he filled the largest Styrofoam cup available with steaming coffee.

After adding a generous amount of sugar and cream, he cradled the warm cup in both

hands, holding it close so the steam rose over his face. He groaned with pleasure as his

nasal passages unthawed.

Determined to stay for a few minutes to enjoy the coffee and warmth, Ethan

wandered slowly up one isle, then the next. As he walked, he made a mental note to

pick up a few things before starting the second half of his journey home. Buns, hotdogs,

a bag of chips, a package of malted milk balls. He smiled to himself. Okay, so it wasn’t

health food. But hey, a guy had the right to indulge on his day off.

Half a cup of coffee later, he was nearly ready to give in and go when the front

door opened and three teenage boys walked in. Ethan immediately tensed. Even though

he’d once been one himself, teens made Ethan nervous. High school had been

something of a trial for him. He’d been shy, quiet and studious which left him labeled a

nerd. Not only that, his muscle development had lagged behind the growth spurts that

brought him to his present height of five feet ten inches. He’d been thin and gawky to


Teenagers were not kind to those they perceived as different. Ethan had endured

some teasing with a few of his tormentors, even going so far as to call him queer or fag.

The fact that it was true hadn’t helped. He was gay and had known it from the time he

was twelve. But no one else knew and he’d made damned sure no one found out. Not

even his brothers. It was only Nick and Dustin’s presence that kept him from having to

endure anything more than the occasional smart remark. His brothers had taken after

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their dad and were both well developed, athletic and outgoing. They also protected

their brother.

Nick was the oldest and had been two years ahead of Ethan. When he’d

graduated, Dustin arrived at high school and took over Nick’s duty as protector. While

grateful for Dustin’s presence, it was humiliating to know that it was his little brother

who kept him from being physically abused. Ethan’s body had been saved, but his self-

esteem during those years had taken a beating he was still recovering from.

Warily he kept an eye on the boys. They wandered around, examining the

merchandise while making crude remarks and laughing raucously. One look at the

clerk’s face and Ethan knew she was no more enamored with their presence than he

was. When they headed to the back of the store toward the drinks dispensers his eyes

widened in panic. My laptop!

He arrived just in time to see one of them pick it up. “Hey, look what I found.”

Before either of his friends could say anything Ethan stepped forward and

blurted out. “That’s mine.”

Three pairs of unfriendly eyes turned his way and Ethan felt a chill run down his


“Fuck off. I don’t see anybody’s name on it.” The boy holding his laptop looked

to be about seventeen with shaggy brown hair and disdainful blue eyes. He also

appeared to be their leader.

“Ask the clerk. She saw me come in with it.”

“I wouldn’t take her word for jack shit. She don’t like me and my buddies too

much. She’d side with you just to fuck us over.”

“Imagine that,” Ethan muttered. “If you want to see a name on it, it’s on the

inside. Ethan Parks.”

The kid took a couple of steps bringing him face to face with Ethan. “You know

what, Ethan? You got a smart mouth. An’ I been noticin’ somethin’ else too. It’s a real

pretty mouth. I’ll make a deal with you. You suck me and my buddies off and I’ll give

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you this bag as a reward.” He leaned in and whispered. “And if you’re real nice I’ll fuck


Ethan blanched, totally appalled at the suggestion. Memories of high school

clouded his mind. This kid wasn’t the first one to make a remark about his mouth.

Goddamn it! Why did the fact that his lips weren’t thin make them less manly? It’s not

like they were girlie just because the bottom one was rather full. He took a step back. A

wire rack holding snack cakes snagged his sleeve, throwing him off balance. He

stumbled back and nearly fell.

The boy’s laughter cut off when a pair of strong arms caught and steadied him.

“Careful there,” a deep voice rumbled.

Ethan half turned and came face to face with a slightly bristled, chiseled chin. A

pair of unmistakably masculine lips smiled at him. Tilting his head, he gazed into two

of the most beautiful, golden brown eyes he’d ever seen. He swallowed heavily while a

finger of lust tickled his balls.

“You all right?” the man asked.

“Fine,” Ethan managed without a squeak even though his throat had gone tight.

“Good.” He took his eyes from Ethan and looked at the boys. “Now give the man

his case back.”

Ethan looked back at the boys. They were studying the man with a speculative

eye. Their leader conceded defeat. He held the case out to Ethan who gingerly accepted

it. “We were just having some fun.”

“You have a strange idea of fun. Everybody involved is supposed to have a good

time. Were you having a good time?” The man asked Ethan, lightly touching his


With his eyes still on the boys, Ethan shook his head. “No.”

“You see? He wasn’t having fun. Making somebody else feel bad doesn’t make

you any better or stronger. It’s cheap and it makes you look like a dumb punk. You

want respect from your buddies? Start acting like a man.”

The boy’s eyes narrowed. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say, man. Come on.”

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He signaled his friends and the three of them walked out but not before their

leader looked back once more. Ethan could almost see him thinking. The stranger’s

words had hit a nerve. He watched until the door closed behind them then turned to

face his rescuer.

In addition to being taller than Ethan by four or five inches, he was also broader.

His heavy red and black letterman-style jacket hugged his wide shoulders and tapered

down to his waist. Form fitting jeans clung lovingly to trim hips and long legs. There

was more than just a hint of muscle visible in his thick thighs and calves. Worn white

athletic shoes completed the look. Once more Ethan’s gaze met that pair of golden

brown eyes and he frowned. There was something familiar about the man. He could

almost swear he’d seen this blond-haired Adonis somewhere.

The man smiled. “Hello, Ethan.”

Ethan’s eyes widened and he flushed from the roots of his hair to his curling

toes. “Crewe Jackson?” he asked hesitantly.

“You remembered,” Crewe replied, his smile turning into a pleased grin. He held

out his hand.

Talk about shades of high school! Crewe had been a junior when Ethan entered

as a freshman. Crewe had been the quintessential high school jock but even more, he’d

proved to have a brain. In his senior year, the star athlete had ended up class president

and valedictorian to boot. All the girls were mad about him as well as one shy, gay boy.

Crewe had had a starring role in dozens of Ethan’s jack off fantasies. Those same

fantasies started parading insistently through Ethan’s head, making him grateful for the

coat that hid the slight thickening of his cock.

Silently cursing, Ethan put his coffee cup down on the counter and hesitantly

took Crewe’s hand. He braced himself. He was unprepared for the firm yet gentle touch

in addition to the heat that wrapped around his cool fingers. Crewe was a big man and

apparently conscious of his own strength. He didn’t crush Ethan’s fingers like Ethan

thought he might, though he certainly was capable of it. And the heat! It seemed to

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travel straight up Ethan’s arm and down his spine, driving a chill before it while

replacing it with welcome warmth.

The thought of what it would be like to share a bed with this man popped into

his head. That heat would be incredible to snuggle up to. Ethan’s runaway imagination

made him want to squirm, but instead he forced himself to answer Crewe. “Hi. Um,

yeah, of course I remember you. I’m just surprised you remember me.”

“Well, hey, I knew your brother Nick pretty well. We were on the football team

together and, as I recall, you used to come to the games.”

“Yeah, my parents and Dustin used to drag me along. They insisted that Nick

needed us there to cheer him on.” At that point Ethan realized his hand was still in

Crewe’s. Flushing again, he looked away, gently withdrew his fingers and hunched

himself inside his coat.

“Are you cold?”

Ethan looked up and met concern in Crewe’s eyes. “Um, yeah. I… um, my car

wouldn’t start so I decided to walk home.”

“That can’t be good on a night like this. Let me give you a lift. My truck’s right


“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Ethan quickly assured him. He was shocked by

the offer. “It’s only about ten blocks from here.”

“That’s ten blocks too many when it’s thirty-eight degrees outside. Come on. I

insist. Are you ready to go?”

Forgetting all about chips and malted milk balls, Ethan nodded and followed

Crewe, pausing just long enough to grab his laptop and pay for his coffee. Crewe was

waiting for him outside by a big silver-gray pickup truck that reflected the shimmer of

moonlight. “The door’s unlocked. Hop in.”

Feeling distinctly self conscious and out of place, Ethan opened the door and

settled himself in the passenger seat. He drew the seat belt across his chest and locked it

while Crewe followed suit and started the truck.

“So where to?”

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“Just straight down East Main.”

“You still live in the same house?”

“Yeeaah,” Ethan replied slowly, drawing the word out suspiciously. “How do

you know where I live?”

“I gave your brother a ride home a few times after practice.” Crewe turned up

the heat and put the truck in gear. Looking both ways, he steered the truck out onto the


“I didn’t know you and Nick were friends.” Ethan shivered, wanting to groan

with pleasure at the warm air flowing from the vents.

“We weren’t really close friends. Nick and I each had our own buds, but we were

teammates. Besides, I lived in the same neighborhood.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. About five blocks from you, over on Maple. As a matter of fact, I just

moved back about six months ago. My parents retired, took off on their travels and

deeded the house over to me. I had been living in Indianapolis for the past five years.

When that happened, I decided to move back home. I’ve always liked this town.”

“Me too. I’ve never wanted to leave. Guess I’m not very adventurous. So what

have you been doing since you graduated?”

“Oh, you know, I went to college, got my degree in physical education. I went to

work for a guy who teaches martial arts. When I came back I opened my own dojo. I’m

doing pretty well. I mostly teach kids. I’ve got different classes for them depending on

their level of proficiency and style. My assistant and I also teach some self-defense and

Tai Chi classes.”

“For women?”

“Women, men. Anyone who wants to learn.”

“You must be pretty good to be able to teach.”

Crewe shrugged. “I’ve studied since I was a kid. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kendo.

I’ve done competitions and exhibitions. The sword work in Kendo is amazing.”

“You use swords?”

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Crewe looked over and grinned. “It’s just sparring. Most of the time we use

shinai -- bamboo practice swords. We’re very well trained and very careful. Especially if

real swords come into play. Believe me, I have no desire to behead anyone.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Ethan joked.

Crewe chuckled. “So what about you, what do you do, Ethan?”

Ethan suppressed his inward cringe. “Nothing as exciting as you. I work at the

library. I’m an associate librarian.”

“Why am I not surprised by that? Whenever I saw you, you had your nose in a


“I still can’t believe you noticed me at all,” Ethan blurted out, his cheeks heating.

“Why? Because I was the star football jock and you were the shy, quiet kid?”

“Well… yeah.”

Crewe pulled the truck to a stop in front of Ethan’s house and turned toward

him. Even with his face obscured by shadows, Ethan could see the warmth that radiated

from Crewe’s eyes. “I noticed a lot more than you might think.”

Totally shocked, Ethan wasn’t prepared for the flood of longing, desire,

confusion and sheer panic that swept over him. “I, um… I don’t… I mean I…”

“Hey, calm down. It’s all right. I’m not trying to be pushy here,” Crewe soothed.

“So does the whole family still live here?” he asked, indicating the house.

Grateful for the change of topic, Ethan grabbed hold of his scattered intellect.

“No, just Nick, Dustin and me. Our parents retired to Florida.”

“Ah yes, fun in the sun,” Crewe teased. “So I take it none of you guys are

married. Anybody engaged, seeing someone seriously?”

Crewe’s question had Ethan tensing again but he managed to answer. “No. At

least not that I know of. Nick and Dustin go out but neither one bring dates home. They

don’t talk much about them either.”

“And what about you?” Crewe asked, his expression intense, his eyes locked

with Ethan’s. “Anyone special in your life?”

Ethan managed to shake his head.

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Crewe’s grin reappeared. “Umm. Well, that’s, um… Ethan?”


“You should come to my dojo.”

Crewe’s unexpected statement left him blinking. “Huh? Why?”

“Training. I think you’d like it. It would do wonders for your confidence.”

“You think so?”

“Of course. You’d be surprised how knowing you can take care of yourself can

build your sense of self.”

“Guess it must be pretty obvious after what happened at the mini-mart that I’m

not very good at standing up for myself.” Ethan’s cheeks blazed with shame. He

clasped his hands together and looked out the window.

“It doesn’t have to stay that way,” Crewe assured him softly. “Although I liked

being there for you, I’d feel better if you’d let me teach you some stuff.”

The quiet, warm intimacy of the pickup truck’s cab loosened Ethan’s tongue.

“Why do you even care?”

Except for the warm air blowing through the vents, silence filled the cab. Ethan

finally dared to look at Crewe. The look in his eyes made Ethan’s heart stutter and his

stomach clench. Crewe’s smile was gentle and filled with understanding, even


“Hard as it might be to believe, I do care. And I’m not just trying to drum up

more business for myself either.”

The twinkle in Crewe’s eyes brought an answering smile to Ethan’s lips. “I’ll

think about it.”

“I’ll expect you tomorrow evening at eight. Unless you have other plans?”

Ethan shook his head.

“Good. That’s settled. Oh! Will you need a ride?”

“I was planning to call the place that works on my car and have them pick it up

first thing in the morning. They’re usually good about getting it back to me the same

day it goes in the shop. Unless it’s something major.”

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“All right, but just in case…” Crewe reached over and opened the glove

compartment. Pulling out a business card and a pen, he wrote on the back of it before

handing it to Ethan. “That’s my card. If you can’t get me at the dojo, call my cell or the

house. The top number on the back is my cell. The other’s the house. Okay?”

Taking the card, Ethan nodded. “Okay.”

“Great. I’m really glad I ran into you. I’ll see you tomorrow night at eight.”

“Yeah and same here. Thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome. G’night.”


Ethan got out of the truck, crossed the public sidewalk and climbed the four

concrete steps to the walkway that bisected the yard leading to his front door. He fitted

his key in the lock and watched the retreating lights of Crewe’s truck before opening

the door and stepping inside. Closing the door behind him, Ethan leaned on it for a

moment. He looked at the card in his hand, felt the smooth texture of the paper and

read the lettering. Turning it over, handwritten in ink were two phone numbers. Crewe

Jackson’s phone numbers. Ethan stared at them for a moment. A tentative smile curved

his lips before he whispered, “Wow.”

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Chapter Two

Crewe parked the truck in the garage and turned the key in the ignition, shutting

the engine down. Except for the rattle of the automatic garage door and the ticking of

the truck’s cooling engine, all was quiet. He leaned back and took a deep breath

savoring the scent that tickled its way into his nostrils. The enticing flavor curled

around his senses, tightened his gut and made him groan with pleasure at the slow

burn that took up residence in his balls.

What a stroke of luck! Out for a run and finding Ethan walking home. It couldn’t

have worked out better. Crewe had been formulating plans to contact Ethan for the last

few months. He’d waited until he got the house in order and his business going. He

knew Ethan worked at the library and had made up his mind to make a casual

appearance there, but now it was a moot point.

All he’d had to do was run home, change back into his human form, dress and

drive back to the mini-mart. And how glad he was that he had. The sight of Ethan being

bullied by those young jackasses made his blood boil. How could anyone want to pick

on such a sweet guy? The thought brought a rumbling growl from his chest.

Crewe took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. It was over now and

contact with Ethan had been made. The incident, while unpalatable, had given him the

opening he needed and now Ethan was coming to the dojo. Crewe smiled with

satisfaction and anticipation.

At last he was allowed to claim his mate. Ethan Parks. Just the thought of his

name made Crewe’s cock jerk. Damn! And damn Lucas for making him wait so long.

Fucking bossy, alpha. Crewe let his head fall back on the headrest and closed his eyes

willing his need to subside. Sitting quietly, he let his mind drift through thoughts of the

past nine years.

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* * *

It all started during his last year of high school. Most of that year had been like

those previous. He’d gone to school, studied, played sports, hung out with his buddies

and fucked the girls who climbed all over themselves for a taste of his popularity, not to

mention his cock. His mother hadn’t liked that part but both his parents understood not

only the drives of an adolescent male but especially those of an adolescent werewolf.

His dad had been especially supportive, which wasn’t surprising considering he knew

from personal experience just what Crewe was going through.

Even though his dad understood, he made damn sure that Crewe took

responsibility for his actions. Crewe was lectured thoroughly on the subject. Don’t lead

the girls on. Never date one girl more than a couple of times. Make damn sure they

knew that if sex became an issue it was just sex and nothing more he was offering. And

never, never, never have unprotected sex. His dad had even supplied him with


Crewe had thought that part was a bit too much, considering the fact that his

sperm would remain non-motile until activated by the chemical changes having sex

with his mate would bring. When that happened the little critters would turn into

rockets and given the chance would go straight to the first available fertile egg

presented to them. Of course that egg would belong to his mate and the pregnancy

would be welcome.

His kind was immune to STDs and in the meantime sex would just plain feel

better without the condom, but he bowed to his father’s insistence. If the girl did get

pregnant and tried to accuse Crewe of being the father, he could honestly say he’d used

protection and a simple test of his sperm would confirm the fact that he was incapable

of impregnating anyone. Lazy sperm that just lies around doesn’t have a chance of

fertilizing an egg.

To an outsider some of the rules Crewe’s father imposed might seem calculating

or cold, but his father knew, just as Crewe did, that as a werewolf only his mate would

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be able to claim a permanent place in his heart and life. It would be cruel to let a girl

believe she could possibly have a future with him when such a thing could never be.

All of this became moot when Crewe took notice of Ethan. About a month before

graduation, it began in the most unexpected way. One day in the locker room after

practice, a faint scent caught Crewe’s notice. Crewe was getting dressed when Nick

Parks came out of the shower and opened his locker. Crewe knew Nick’s scent very

well, but clinging to Nick’s clothes was the scent of another person. Someone Crewe

found distinctly interesting. It was a scent that made his dick stand up and take notice.

At his age, his dick pretty much had a mind of its own. So at first he shrugged it

off as of no particular importance. Until that scent came to his attention more and more.

He’d catch ethereal whiffs of it in different places, the hallway, a classroom, the

cafeteria. The more he noticed it, the more he wanted to know who the scent belonged

to. It intrigued him and demanded his attention.

One afternoon he’d ditched a class and went on the hunt. Trailing those enticing

wisps of scent, he tracked them to their origin. The library. With as much nonchalance

as possible, Crewe walked around until he finally pinpointed the source of that

fascinating sent. Nick’s brother, Ethan Parks.

Ethan was sitting at a table in a corner by himself with his nose in a book. Crewe

let his gaze wander over the boy. He was almost sure that Ethan was a sophomore,

which would make him fifteen or sixteen. Like his brother, Nick, he had dark brown

hair and blue eyes, but the resemblance ceased at that point. Unlike Nick’s muscular

frame, Ethan was slim. His skin was pale and his features, while masculine, were

delicate and boyish. Crewe’s eyes were drawn to his lips. The top one was nice, full and

firm but the bottom one was definitely plush. Something about them had Crewe

wanting a taste.

A stab of desire shot through Crewe, tearing an involuntary sound from his

throat. Ethan looked up. Their eyes met and Crewe was hooked. He managed a smile

and walked away, but not before noticing the way Ethan’s eyes had widened and the

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flush that stained his cheeks. His scent had intensified, the smell of his excitement swift

and distinct.

Crewe was shocked. The closer he’d come to finding the person he sought, the

richer the scent had become. He was sure it was a boy, and despite that fact he’d found

himself becoming sexually aroused by it, some part of him kept denying it until he’d

come face to face with the undeniable. Crewe left the library in a daze of confusion.

He’d never been attracted to another boy before. Why this one? Why Ethan?

Over the course of the next few weeks Crewe allowed himself to covertly trail

Ethan several times. He usually ended up in the library, and Crewe secreted himself in

the stacks so he could watch Ethan unobserved. Once Nick had joined Ethan and Crewe

was able to overhear their conversation.

“Hey, little brother,” Nick had greeted Ethan.

“Hi, Nick.”

“I took care of that problem.”

“Jeez, Nick. You didn’t beat anybody up, did you? I don’t want you to get in

trouble because of me. I wish you’d just leave it alone.”

“I’m not letting that bastard, Seward, pick on you and no, I didn’t beat him up.

Though he deserves it.” Nick’s fist hit the table with a thump. “Damn it, Ethan, you’re

my brother. It’s my job to take care of you.”

“Yeah? What happens next year? You’re graduating next week, Nick. All those

guys you warned off are gonna come after me even harder because you’re not here any


“Not to worry, bro. You forget Dustin’s a freshman next year. He’s already

received his instructions.”

“Great. Now my little brother’s gonna protect me. Why can’t everybody fucking

leave me alone?” Ethan had slammed his book closed.

There was a stunned silence between the brothers while they stared at each other

for a long silent moment. Ethan shoved his chair back and stood, grabbing his books,

preparing to leave.

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Nick stopped him by blocking his way. “Ethan, don’t be mad. Please?”

Ethan’s shoulders slumped. “I’m not mad at you, Nick. I’m glad you… well, that

you care enough to help me out. I just… I just wish things could be different. I haven’t

done anything wrong!”

“I know. Some people are just assholes. You know my offer’s still open to help

you do some weight training. It’d build up your muscles.”

“Don’t start that shit again. You know I hate that.”

“All right, all right. Don’t get pissed. I’ll tell you what. We’ll stop at Dairy Queen

on the way home. I’ll buy you a banana split.” Nick had put his arm around Ethan’s

slim shoulder, giving it a squeeze before letting him go. “You need some meat on your

bones, man.”

“Nag, nag, nag. You’re worse than Mom.”

They were still bickering as they walked away. Crewe had smiled at the brothers’

teasing, albeit a bit sadly. It made him feel badly to know that Ethan was being picked

on. It also made him unaccountably angry. He had half a notion to go looking for

Seward himself. He’d never liked the guy. Instead he went home and talked to his


From an early age the children of weres were taught caution and discretion. It

was not only taught, it was deeply engrained in their genetic makeup. It was essential

for them to act with prudence and stay under the human radar. There was also a greater

closeness and trust engendered by the pack instinct. Crewe had no qualms about

confessing his attraction for Ethan to his parents. It never occurred to him to even worry

what their reaction would be and he was right. His parents listened, accepted and


“It’s possible this could simply be sexual attraction. Although the fact that you’ve

never been attracted to other boys is an important factor,” Crewe’s father told him.

“You say it was his scent that brought you to him?”

Crewe nodded.

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His parents looked at each other. “It sounds more like mate recognition,” his

mother admitted. “How old did you say this boy is, dear?”

“Umm, fifteen or sixteen.”

“Much too young. You both are.”

“Your mother’s right, son. Even if this boy is your future mate, you’re both far

too young. William would never give you permission to claim him. You’ll have to let it

be for now,” his father advised.

Mention of their pack alpha sent a shiver down Crewe’s spine. There was no way

he was ready to face William Devereau to ask for anything. “It’s a good thing

graduation is less than a week away,” Crewe joked. “Ethan smells really good.”

His father grinned. “I know how you feel. Your mother’s scent drove me out of

my mind. Still does.”

Crewe’s mother sent her husband a fond smile before turning back to her son.

“You’ll have plenty to take your mind off of Ethan, Crewe. I’m going to miss you but

I’m beginning to think it’s a good thing you’re going away to college. It’ll make this

easier for you.”

“So… you guys aren’t disappointed? I mean if Ethan does turn out to be my


“You know better than to ask that, son,” Ethan’s father told him. “If anyone can

understand the machinations of genetic imperatives and the call of our instincts it’s us.

As weres, we understand and live with it on a deeper level than humans will ever

achieve. To fight what nature demands is ridiculous.”

“I know. It’s just that some humans make such a fuss over two men being


“And for that reason you know that if you and Ethan come together as mates

you’ll have to face those prejudices. That’s the only thing that bothers me about this. I

don’t like it that the two of you will struggle with those issues and the bigots who spout


Crewe shrugged. “I’ll do what I have to do, Dad.”

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“I know you will, son. And your mother and I will be right here supporting


Crewe settled more comfortably against the truck’s headrest and smiled at the

memory. His father had meant every word he’d said. Crewe had lived his entire life

with the sure knowledge that his parents’ love and support was his. He went to college

and, for the most part, stayed away from the temptation of Ethan. Occasionally Crewe

returned home, each time seeking some small contact with him. Just seeing Ethan from

a distance or walking by his house late at night to catch his scent was enough.

He was never exactly sure when the uncertainty vanished, but on one of those

visits any doubts he may have had disappeared. Ethan was his, but for Crewe it was as

though something inside was on hold. He knew his instincts would tell him when the

time had come to claim his mate. With the patience inherent in his kind, he waited.

After college he took a job at an established dojo. His life moved on and

inevitably there were sexual encounters along the way. Crewe’s knowledge that Ethan

would one day be his stirred his curiosity about what sex would be like with another

man. He went out of his way to learn. While the experiences were pleasant, they were

unfulfilling. As time went by, sexual satisfaction became harder and harder to come by.

Crewe eventually retreated from any and all would-be partners. He thought of Ethan

more and more, and decided that perhaps it was time to make Ethan his.

Going to his alpha, Crewe petitioned for permission to claim his mate. As it

turned out, it was Lucas Devereau who received him and not William. William had

retired and his son, Lucas, won the position of alpha. Crewe was rather glad to have

someone closer to his own age to speak to. At the time he was twenty-six and Lucas

thirty-one. Even so, Lucas had refused his request. Bowing to his alpha’s will, Crewe

went away swallowing his frustration.

For an entire year, except for his own hand, he was celibate. At the end of that

year the yearning started in earnest and he absolutely knew it was time. He’d wake in

the night, drenched with sweat, his body tied in knots and his cock so hard it hurt.

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Jacking off brought only minimal relief. Once more he petitioned Lucas and what an

experience that had been.

“So once again you think you’re ready to claim your mate,” Lucas had drawled

while sitting behind his desk, sipping from a glass of single malt Scotch.

“Yes. I am.” Crewe answered without hesitation, meeting those piercing amber



“I’m twenty-seven years old. It’s time I settled down.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes. I’ve established a good reputation for myself. I’ve moved back to my

hometown where Ethan is and started my own dojo. I’m doing very well.”

“I see.”

“Even though he may not want it, I’ll easily be able to provide for him.”

“Umm-hum. Anything else?”

Crewe shook his head. “No.”

“Permission denied. See yourself out.” Lucas went back to perusing the papers

on his desk without giving Crewe a second glance.

Crewe stood there frozen in disbelief. Fine tremors racked his body as he fought

the rage building inside.

Lucas looked up, one brow rising in a supercilious manner that made Crewe’s

blood boil. “Is there something else?”

“You can’t do this,” Crewe managed to say though his throat had gone tight with


“I’m your alpha. I do what I please and you do what you’re told.”

The blaze in Lucas’ eyes should have flattened Crewe’s rebellion but his need for

Ethan was too great. “No.”

No?” Lucas rose from his chair and rounded the desk. Six feet five inches of

prime and proven alpha was coming straight for him.

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Crewe managed to shake his head, sure he was about to be severely damaged,

but he refused to back down.

Practically nose to nose, Lucas snarled. “Then tell me why. Why do you wish to

claim your mate?”

“Because. I. Burn,” Crewe growled, unable to respond with anything other than

the soul deep truth that drove him.

Lucas took a step back, his expression settling back to it usual calm mien. “Then

what are you still doing here? Go. Permission granted.”

Confrontation over, Crewe’s knees went weak with surprise and relief.

Lucas grinned, “Would you like a drink before you go?” At Crewe’s wordless

nod, he splashed some Scotch into a fresh glass and handed it over. “You guys always

make this so complicated. We’re werewolves, for God’s sake. Our instincts tell us when

to claim our mate. It’s caveman stuff. Ugh, me want to fuck mate,” Lucas intoned with

pseudo-primitive accent. “That’s all I need to hear.”

Crewe snorted Scotch out his nose. “Fuck! That burns!” he sputtered.

“And that’s a helluva way to waste a good Scotch.”

“It’s your fault. You and that caveman shit.”

Laughing, Lucas passed Crewe a box of tissues. “I couldn’t help myself.”

Crewe cleaned himself up and swallowed down the last of his Scotch. “Thanks. I

appreciate your time and the drink.”

“You’re welcome.” Crewe headed for the door and opened it, but stopped when

Lucas called his name. “Just one more thing.” Lucas’ eyes bored into Crewe’s. “If you

ever defy me like that again you’d better have a damned good reason or your ass is

going to be in a world of hurt. Are we clear?”

“Crystal clear, Alpha.”

Lucas nodded, then winked. “Call me Lucas. Now get the hell out of here.”

Crewe grinned and gleefully followed his alpha’s command.

* * *

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Sighing, Crewe stretched and took in another deep breath. Though it was fading,

Ethan’s scent still clung to the interior of the truck. Making a quick decision, he got out

of the truck, stripped and opened the regular door that led from the garage to the

backyard. He stepped through, closed the door and stood silently. The yard was

encircled by a tall privacy fence and even taller bushes. A strange wavering in the air

surrounded him, and a split second later Crewe was in his wolf form. With a toothy

grin he swiftly slid between the special hinged and hidden exit in the fence and padded

his way to Ethan’s house.

* * *

Ethan dragged his coat off and hung it up in the hall closet. He stopped to study

his reflection in the full length mirror on the inside of the closet door. He was dressed as

usual in a long sleeved white shirt, a tie, dark trousers and his dress shoes. He frowned.

All that’s missing is a pocket protector. Fuck.

Even though such formal dress wasn’t required, Ethan always dressed this way.

He was smart enough to realize that it was just another wall he put between himself

and others, but he was so used to doing things this way it was nearly impossible to

change. Formal clothes and manners were not inviting, and his fear of getting close to

people made him use anything at his disposal to keep them at a distance.

Toeing off his shoes, he shoved them into the closet and took the stairs to his

room. Once in his room, he peeled off his clothes and laid them on the wing chair near

his dresser. Opening a drawer in the dresser revealed sweats and neatly folded tee

shirts. He pulled out a pair of soft, worn, dark gray sweats and a favorite old blue tee to

go with them. About to don the sweats, he was halted again by his reflection. Most of

the time he avoided looking at himself but this time he studied himself frankly.

He was slim. Not skinny, thank God, but slim just the same. There was very little

extra muscle definition but no flab. Although Ethan could tell in his present condition,

if he put on weight he’d probably end up with a pot belly. The thought was not

amusing. His body shape reminded him of the swimmers he saw on televised

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competition, although they certainly had more muscle mass than he did. Still, his arms

and legs were long, almost elegant with their length of fine bone and flesh.

Very little body hair marred the pale perfection of his skin. There were sparse

dark puffs of it under his arms, a light smattering of a treasure trail and the trim bush

that framed his cock. Although flaccid, his cock was still a respectable size. At least

there was nothing there to be ashamed of.

He turned to the side. His belly was flat, and he was grateful for the fact that his

chest wasn’t concave. He frowned a bit at the curve of his ass. It was smooth, firm and

full, almost too full. The term bubble butt came to mind and he wrinkled his nose in

distaste. A lot of guys supposedly liked that, according to the things he’d read, but then

they weren’t the guy walking around with that butt.

He studied his face. Though he was now twenty-five, face and body combined

made him look more like eighteen. I bet if I went to a bar they’d card me. The thought

brought a grimace of disgust to his face.

Turning away from his reflection, Ethan wandered into the bathroom, used the

facilities, washed up and dressed. Heading downstairs, he went first to the kitchen to

make himself a cup of hot cocoa then returned to the living room. Setting the cup down

beside the book he’d left on the end table near the sofa, he went to the fireplace. The

glass doors were opened and the mesh spark screen pulled back. Ethan lit the fire that

was already laid out and ready. The fire caught and crackled, its warmth and light

comforting some primitive part of his human psyche.

Ethan curled up on the comfy, overstuffed sofa, pulling his long legs up, and

reached first for his book then the cocoa. He read for a few minutes, sipping the warm

chocolaty brew, but his mind wouldn’t stay focused on the printed page. Thoughts of

Crewe kept intruding. With a sigh he put away the book and cup and relaxed back

against the sofa. What could Crewe have possibly meant? I noticed a lot more than you

might think. And why had he seemed so intent on knowing if I was seeing someone?

He puzzled over his conversation with Crewe. The things he’d said, the looks

he’d sent Ethan’s way. The one he’d given Ethan in the truck had made Ethan’s heart

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beat faster. It was the kind of look one lover would bestow upon another. Why would

Crewe give him a look filled with such warmth, and why would he say he cared? In

what way? It’s not like they were ever friends. They’d never exchanged word one in

school. Except for a brief encounter in the library, Ethan couldn’t remember Crewe ever

looking in his direction. And yet Crewe knew my name and said he’d noticed me. Ethan

found it difficult, almost painful, to acknowledge the thought that maybe Crewe was

being more than just friendly. He wants me to come to his dojo. He wants to see me again.

That thought loosed a flutter of wings in Ethan’s belly and made his cock stir. He

closed his eyes, lips parting to release a breathy sigh. Reaching out and up, Ethan

switched off the lamp, leaving the room in darkness but for the flickering of the fire. He

stretched out on the sofa and lay back, making himself comfortable. Without stopping

to think about it, one hand pushed his tee shirt up while the other slid into his sweats.

Sure fingers wrapped around his swelling cock. A few easy pulls accompanied

by several soft, panting breaths brought his growing erection to aching fullness. Restless

movements of his hips sent the sensitized shaft sliding through his grip and he moaned,

loving the sweet friction. Ethan let his thoughts drift, random images coming and going

until they coalesced into one of his long-forgotten, Crewe inspired fantasies.

Instead of one of the numerous girls Crewe was always with, he’d offered Ethan

a ride home in his sleek, red Mustang. In his fantasy, Ethan never could come up with a

reason why Crewe would do such a thing, but then it was a fantasy after all. Crewe

would wait for Ethan to settle in the car then take off across town, but instead of taking

Ethan home, he would drive to the large park across the street from Ethan’s house. The

park was huge with picnic and parking areas off the twisting roads that ran through it.

There was a large pond and waterways fed by natural springs and even a sizeable

playground for kids to play.

Ethan would sit in the car, watching the scenery change, while his heart beat

faster and his body tightened with excitement. Crewe would bypass the more public

places and finally pull off onto a rough path that led to a small open area. The parking

and picnic area was sheltered and hidden by tall trees and undergrowth in every

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direction. They would get out of the car and sit on the picnic table with their feet resting

on the bench.

Neither one would say a word until Crewe would finally speak. “I want to kiss


In his fantasy, Ethan would look at Crewe and Crewe would lean in, touching

their lips together.

In reality, the thought brought a moan from Ethan and he was suddenly no

longer thinking of teenage Crewe but of the man he met tonight. The thought of Crewe

kissing him, touching him, made his stomach quake and his skin heat. His hand moved

faster on his cock, his grip tightening, his breath speeding. His free hand first pushed

his sweats down and then his tee shirt high up his torso, baring his chest. Slim fingers

reached for taut flesh, pinching and pulling one pebbled nipple.

His teenage fantasy was replaced by one of two men kissing. Crewe would step

down from the picnic table, turn and move between Ethan’s thighs. His mouth would

take Ethan’s while his sure hands worked to open Ethan’s pants and free his aching

prick. Ethan groaned, dizzy at the thought of Crewe’s touch. He stroked himself harder.

In his mind, Ethan could see Crewe bend. Crewe’s mouth would open and Ethan jerked

with shock when his imagination gave him the sight of Crewe’s mouth closing around

his cock.

The ache and burn in his balls intensified. Licks of fire skated up his spine. Ethan

pushed hard with his hips, driving his cock through his clenched fist, his thumb

brushing over and over the red, swollen tip. When fantasy turned Ethan’s thumb into

Crewe’s tongue, he burst.

“Crewe!” he shouted.

His back arched with the agonizing pleasure that surged forth. Spurts of pearly

cream shot from his cock and landed on his torso, coming to rest like warm curls of

liquid ribbon against his skin. Shudders wracked his body and aftershocks of release

pushed tendrils of pleasure over and beneath his skin.

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Ethan shook and panted, his muscles slowly unclenching while soft moans

accompanied the gradual relaxation of his body. He sucked in a long, stuttering breath,

went boneless and let himself drift in the remnants of pleasure that leached gently

away. A sudden yawn took him, his jaws cracking with it. Forcing himself up, he

wandered to the kitchen. A wet paper towel was used for clean up before he shuffled

back to the living room.

Checking to make sure the mesh spark screen was back in place, Ethan settled on

the sofa. He pulled the throw from the back of the sofa over himself and drifted to


Outside, a pair of golden eyes, peering through the sheer curtains, blinked.

* * *

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Crewe stood under the flow of hot water in his

shower, desperately pulling at his swollen cock.

After Ethan’s delightfully blatant, innocent and unrestrained performance,

Crewe was on fire. All he could see was Ethan spread out on the sofa with firelight

dancing on his pale skin. The way Ethan’s hands had moved, the sheer beauty of his

slim body writhing with the growing pleasure his hands coaxed forth, shook Crewe to

the core. He’d gone back for another whiff of Ethan’s scent. He’d been rewarded with

so much more.

Through the glass and the slightly parted curtain, Crewe had seen and heard

everything. Ethan’s moans had Crewe panting. When Ethan pushed his sweats down to

reveal that long, thick cock, Crewe was ready to howl. The sight of Ethan plucking at

his own stiff nipples sent a jolt straight to Crewe’s cock and he’d been plunged into

sensual overload. If the bushes near the window had presented a more solid purchase,

Crewe would have been humping them he was so turned on.

The final blow was delivered when Ethan came and shouted Crewe’s name. The

blaze of hunger that shot through Crewe nearly sent him through the window. Ethan

wanted him and the wolf wanted his mate. Now. A raging battle was instantly triggered

within Crewe. He’d shuddered as every muscle in his body quaked with the fight

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taking place between man and beast. The wolf’s need was primitive and savage. A red

haze had filled his mind, obscuring everything but the desire to claim, to mate.

Crewe had hung on to his humanity by a thread. That tiny part of himself that

remained untouched by the wolf knew full well that tamer actions had to come first.

Wild, unrestrained passion had its place, but he couldn’t unleash the beast just yet.

Ethan would flee in terror. It was only that thought which brought the wolf under

control, though it growled and threatened even as it backed down. Taking advantage of

the wolf’s capitulation, Crewe had fled.

A fast lope found him back at his own house where he changed back into his

human form in the dark yard and quickly let himself into the garage. Grabbing his

clothes from where he’d left them on the truck’s hood, he stormed through the house.

Crewe charged up the stairs and went straight for the master bathroom where he now

stood under the steamy spray.

Harsh pants tore from his chest. The strokes to his cock were fast and rough, his

balls drawing up with the hot rush of semen that burst from the swollen head. Crewe

voiced a strangled growl while wallowing in the pleasure and milking every last drop

from the thick column of flesh in his hand. Shaking, he slumped against the shower

wall and struggled to breathe. He’d experienced need before, but never anything as fast

and explosive as this. His heart felt as though it were trying to beat its way free of his


Crewe breathed a tired chuckle. “Ethan, sweetheart, we who are about to die

salute you. You almost did me in and I haven’t touched you yet. God, I can’t wait until


He finished his shower, dried himself off and collapsed into bed with a happy

smile on his lips.

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Chapter Three

Ethan spent the day puttering around the house. He called his usual mechanic’s

garage and asked them to pick up his car. A couple of hours later he learned the

problem was nothing more than the car needing a new battery. Breathing a sigh of

relief, Ethan called a taxi, picked up his car and stopped to do some grocery shopping.

Deprived of his goodies the night before due to Crewe’s arrival, Ethan added

hotdogs, malted milk balls and chips to the more mundane selections of bread and

milk. With only himself to cook for, he wasn’t inclined to do anything fancy. Even when

all three brothers were home, only occasionally did someone cook a formal meal.

Though they all knew how due to their mother’s influence, most of the time they just

foraged for themselves. There were a lot of meals that consisted of soup, sandwiches or

some type of frozen dinner.

Ethan’s lunch consisted of hotdogs, chips, some dill pickle slices and a handful of

malted milk balls. It was consumed in front of the television where he watched a couple

of crime scene investigation shows he’d taped earlier in the week. The only thing that

gave him pause was the coroner’s examination of a victim who had drowned and was

in the water for some time. Averting his eyes, Ethan refrained from taking another bite

of his sandwich until that scene was finished.

After lunch he was about to clean up his dirty dishes when the phone rang. He

picked up the portable that hung on the kitchen wall by the doorway. “Hello?”

“Ethan. It’s Nick.”

“Hey, Nick! How goes it in Chicago?”

“Good. In fact better than good. The client was so impressed with the new

security system that he recommended me to a friend. I’ve got another job. I’ll be flying

out to Syracuse first thing in the morning.”

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“New York?”

“That’s the place.”

“Wow, that’s great. Your reputation’s growing.”

“Yep, business is booming. You doing all right? Holding down the fort?”

“Yeah, not bad.” Ethan shuffled his feet and walked to the kitchen window to

look outside.

“What’s wrong?”

“What makes you think something’s wrong?”

“I can hear it in your voice. Spill it, bro.”

Ethan smiled. “Okay, bro. My car died last night and I had to walk home.”

“Jeez, that must have been fun. Why didn’t you call a cab? Didn’t you freeze

your ass off?”

“Well, yeah, I did and I thought about calling a cab but I forgot my cell phone.

I’d have had to walk five blocks out of my way to the nearest pay phone so I just

decided to walk. It turned out all right though. I ran into Crewe Jackson at the mini-

mart. He gave me a ride the rest of the way home.”

“Crewe Jackson? Man, I haven’t seen him in a long time. What’s he doing in

town? Visiting the folks?”

“No, actually he’s moved back. His parents retired and are traveling or

something. They gave him their house. He’s been back about six months he said. He’s a

martial arts instructor and he’s got his own dojo. I, uh, I’m going over there tonight.”

There was a long pause during which Ethan scrunched his eyes closed and


You’re going to a dojo?”



“Because Crewe asked me to?”

“Ethan, you hate physical stuff. I couldn’t get you to so much as pick up a barbell

and now you’re going to go train in martial arts?”

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“I didn’t say that.”

“Then why are you going?”

“I, um… I’m not really sure.”

Another long pause fell between them and Ethan waited, barely breathing.

Nick’s next comment surprised him.

“You know, there’s something I’ve wanted to talk to you about for a long time

now. Fuck. I wish I wasn’t headed to Syracuse, but I’ve already accepted the job. You

would pick now to break out of your shell. Listen, Ethan. Whatever’s going on between

you and Crewe, you be damned careful, you hear me? As far as I know Crewe Jackson

is as straight as an arrow. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and get hurt.”

Ethan swallowed his shock. Heart racing, he managed to stutter, “I do… don’t

know what you mean.”

“Oh, I think you do. I should have told you this a long time ago. Don’t be

ashamed of who you are. I’m not and neither is Dustin. There’s more to it than that, but

I don’t want to get into it over the phone. When I get back, I’m going to get Dust to

come home for a weekend. I think it’s high time the three of us had a talk.”

“Talk about what?”

“You really want me to spell it out for you, Ethan? I can, you know. Right here,

right now if that’s what you want.”

“No! I think I’ll wait.”

Nick chuckled. “Good choice. I gotta go. I’ve got a few errands to run, then I’m

having dinner with Info System’s head of security.”

Ethan recovered enough to venture a shaky joke. “Is she pretty?”

“She is a he, and he’s actually damn fine looking. Chew on that, little brother.”

Without another word, Nick hung up. Ethan stared at the phone in disbelief.

Had Nick just said what Ethan thought he said? Holy shit!

Ethan grabbed for a kitchen chair and plopped himself down. Nick and another

guy? Nick? It couldn’t be, could it? Ethan’s head was reeling. Nick had just practically

come out and dragged Ethan with him. Heart pounding, Ethan wasn’t sure whether to

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laugh, cry or be sick to his stomach. He knew. Nick knew, and from the sound of it

Dustin did too. They knew he was gay and they didn’t care.

Ethan lowered his head onto his crossed arms where they rested on the kitchen

table and concentrated on breathing. His brothers didn’t hate him for being gay. One of

his biggest fears had just been ripped away. Hot tears spilled from his eyes and soaked

into his shirt sleeves. There was no way to hold them back and Ethan didn’t try. All the

angst he’d suffered over the years hit him like a ton of bricks and he went down under

the weight, drowning in the grief and guilt he’d lived with for so long.

Though he knew in his heart that being gay wasn’t something he had any control

over, he’d hated himself for it, for not being able to change. To have Nick and Dustin’s

acceptance changed everything. To know that Nick, the older brother he’d idolized his

entire life, was maybe just like him switched a light on in Ethan’s soul. Maybe I’m not

such a bad person after all. The thought brought a watery smile to his lips. Nick would

kick his ass if he heard him say such a thing. Nick had always protected him, even from


Every tear that slipped from Ethan’s eyes lifted a little more of the weight from

his shoulders until finally he sat up. He went to the sink and splashed water on his face

before using a paper towel to dry off then blow his nose. Looking out the window, the

day seemed brighter and he took a deep breath. The relief he felt was incredible, but the

emotional storm he’d just been through had worn him out. Checking the clock, he

decided he had plenty of time to take a nap before getting ready to meet Crewe.

The thought of what Nick had said about Crewe went through his mind but

Ethan shook his head, determined not to think about it for right now. He went upstairs

and popped a couple of ibuprofen to fend off the headache he knew would try to come

after he’d been crying. Lying down on his bed, he sighed, closed his eyes and smiled.

The quiet peace of the house settled around him, and even though they were gone,

Ethan had never felt closer to his brothers.

* * *

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Ethan sat in his car looking in through the windows and open blinds of the

brightly lit dojo. There was a class taking place. Several sets of students were on the

mats while others gathered around. In their midst was Crewe. Ethan could see him

talking and gesturing, probably instructing the students. He and his students were

dressed in traditional white karate garb, loose fitting white pants and wrap around


The only difference Ethan could see in their uniforms was the belts. There were

white, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown and black, though very few black. In fact,

Crewe and just two others wore black belts. Ethan knew enough about it to know that

black was the highest ranked belt, and even then there were degrees of black belt


He bit his lip and took a deep breath. It didn’t help the flutters in his stomach. He

hadn’t known what to expect and wasn’t sure if he was happy or disappointed that he

wouldn’t be alone with Crewe. In addition to the members of the class, there were

people sitting in chairs lined up along the far wall. Ethan guessed they were parents

who’d come to watch their children. Screwing up his courage, he opened the car door

and locked it behind him when he got out. Oh shit, oh shit. With that near panicked

litany running through his head, Ethan went to the front door of the dojo and opened it,

stepping inside.

The first thing he noticed was the warmth, although in contrast to the outside

temperature that wasn’t unusual. The second thing was the smell. It reminded him of

the school gymnasium. It was a combination of wax on polished wood floors, rubber

mats and the musk of human physical exertion, altogether not an unpleasant scent. The

third thing was the sound. Voices rose to accompany and accent some physical move or


Ethan cautiously moved away from the door and looked in through the wide

opened doorway that led into the practice room. Crewe was on the mat facing a

student. She appeared to be about seventeen or eighteen and was a good foot shorter

than Crewe. The two of them were doing some sort of sparring. Circling each other,

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they feinted and tested while searching for an opening. The girl did some sort of move

Ethan had trouble following and the next thing he knew Crewe was on the mat looking

up. Ethan blinked in surprise. That little girl had thrown Crewe!

Crewe quickly popped back up to his feet. The two of them did a formal bow

and he gave her a wide, delighted grin. “Excellent, Tara, really excellent.”

Tara smiled back. “Thank you, Sensei.”

“That’s it for tonight, everyone. Be safe going home.”

A general exodus started, though some of the students crowded around Crewe

talking and asking questions. Crewe was answering one student when he paused.

Ethan could see his nostrils flare and a split second later Crewe was looking at him. A

shiver slid down Ethan’s spine at the look Crewe sent his way. It was a look of pure

delight and something else Ethan was hard-pressed to put a name to. All Ethan knew

for sure was that it warmed him from the inside out.

Crewe finished with his students and sent them on their way all the while

keeping an eye on Ethan. He crossed the room, stood in front of Ethan and bowed

before giving him a wide grin. “You made it.”

“I said I would,” Ethan replied, his cheeks heating at Crewe’s bow.

A student came out of the men’s locker room. He smiled at them both.

“Goodnight, Sensei.”

“Goodnight, Brian. Was there anyone else in the locker room?”

“Not that I saw.”

“Great. Someone picking you up?”

“Yep, my dad’s out in the parking lot.”

“Good deal. I’ll see you next week.”

Brian nodded and left.

Crewe turned to Ethan. “Hold on a minute. I want to check the locker rooms to

make sure everyone’s gone.”

Ethan nodded and waited. Crewe strode off and knocked loudly on the door to

the woman’s dressing room. Receiving no answer, he opened the door and disappeared

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for a minute. He reappeared, went to the men’s dressing room and was gone for a

longer time. Ethan wandered into the practice room. On one wall was a trophy case.

Inside were pictures of Crewe at various competitions. Some of them depicted matches

in progress and some showed Crewe being awarded patches or trophies. Some of those

trophies and patches were present in the case as well.

When Crewe returned he’d changed his clothes and was now wearing jeans, a

tee shirt and his well worn, white athletic shoes. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I thought I

might as well change while I was in there. So, did you see much of the class?” Crewe

asked as he joined Ethan.

“I got here in time to see that little girl throw you,” Ethan teased with a smile.

“Hey, that little girl is seventeen and a second degree black belt. She’s been

practicing since she was five,” Crewe answered. “And maybe it’s a good thing you did

see that. You saw for yourself that you don’t have to be a muscle bound giant to protect

yourself. If she had to defend herself from the average guy on the street, she could do it


Ethan nodded thoughtfully. “I can see that, but I don’t want to beat people up.”

“Ethan.” Crewe drew Ethan’s gaze to his. “Martial arts aren’t about beating

people up. It’s about finding your balance, confidence and inner strength. For some it’s

a way to bring their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves into balance and

harmony. We teach first and foremost that these disciplines are for self defense not


“It’s kind of like Nick and Dustin when they work out. They do it to keep in

shape, but they both say it makes them feel good mentally too.”

“That’s right.”

“Don’t you think I’m a little old for this?”

Crewe laughed. “You’re what, twenty-four, twenty-five? I’ve got ladies in their

sixties in some of my classes. You’re never too old to learn something new. If you like,

we could start with something simple. Have you heard of Tai Chi?”

“Yes, isn’t that where a person moves in slow motion into different positions?”

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“That’s it. There’s a whole range of things Tai Chi can do for you, from

strengthening your muscles and tendons to reducing stress. It’s good for your heart,

your lungs, even your mood. It would be a good starting point, and when you feel

comfortable I could teach you some defensive moves.”

Ethan gave Crewe a tentative look from under his lashes. “I’m not very good at

physical stuff.”

“Oh, I’ll bet there’re some physical things you’re very good at.”

The tenor of Crewe’s voice changed with that statement. Ethan’s insides

quivered at the near caress of it. He looked away. “I’m not dressed for exercising.”

“We won’t do anything strenuous. Come on. Take off your coat and your shoes.”

Ethan watched Crewe as he kicked off his own shoes. He went first to the

windows and closed all the blinds then went to stand on one of the mats. Along the

wall in front of him were several wide mirror panels. Ethan took his coat off and laid it

on a nearby chair. Slipping his loafers off, he pushed them under the same chair then

joined Crewe.

“Stand here beside me and watch in the mirror. Just do what I do. All Tai Chi

postures are performed with the head, neck and spine in a straight line. The position

most often used is the open stance.” Crewe took the position, encouraging Ethan to

follow his lead. “One foot forward, the other back. The front foot should point straight

forward and the rear foot should be at an angle. Before we begin let’s do a little warm

up. And remember, just relax and have fun with it.”

Crewe took Ethan through a few warm up exercises that had him smiling. He

looked silly doing them, so did Crewe, which Ethan found a relief. He wasn’t exactly

enjoying this mirrored comparison of himself to Crewe. Crewe was so much more

muscular and defined than Ethan. In Ethan’s mind it was like comparing

Michelangelo’s David to a bumpy stick, but then his own self-image made him

exaggerate quite a bit.

Ethan envied Crewe. Crewe was so relaxed, looking casual and comfortable in

his jeans and tee shirt while Ethan in his buttoned polo shirt and casual slacks still

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managed to look uptight. Ethan gave himself a disdainful once over. I’d buy some jeans

but it probably wouldn’t help. Why do I always look so… stiff? Cause you are stiff. You’re a

repressed, anxious, neurotic gay man who’s never let himself have any fun. Ethan considered

that last thought. Had there been opportunities for fun? He realized there had. He’d just

been too worried about what others would think of him to enjoy them. The realization

was sad and sobering.

“Whatever you’re thinking about, they’re not happy thoughts,” Crewe


“No, they’re not,” Ethan admitted, only slightly surprised by Crewe’s comment.

He was beginning to understand just how observant Crewe could be.

“You want to talk about it?”

“No, not right now. Maybe someday. It’s just something I hope to change.”

Crewe cocked his head and gave him a pointed look. “If there’s anything I can do

to help, you know I will. Just ask. Okay? Ready to get started?”

Ethan nodded and Crewe again took the beginning position. They began doing

some simple moves. Ethan freed his thoughts and emulated Crewe, following his low

voiced instructions to breathe and relax. A few minutes passed and Ethan actually

found himself liking the slow, easy movements. There was a graceful, elegant simplicity

to it. He found it much more appealing than lifting weights or walking on a treadmill.

He carefully watched Crewe, mimicking his every move.

Their bodies worked in concert, each move shared, each move connecting them.

Eventually, instead of paying attention to what he was doing, Ethan found himself

watching Crewe more and more. His lips parted while his eyes followed the slow

bunch and release of Crewe’s muscles. Crewe was the epitome of masculine power and

polish. Ethan’s body hummed with the release of endorphins, his own movements

smooth and elastic. With effortless ease, his imagination pictured their bodies together

and moving in a far more sensual dance.

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A fire started in Ethan’s belly. His eyes connected with Crewe’s mirror image.

There was heat and need reflected there. Ethan could only stare as all movement

between them stopped. When Crewe turned to him, Ethan met him face to face.

Crewe’s hand lifted. He reached out and brushed his fingertips over Ethan’s

cheek. “I want to kiss you so badly it hurts.”

Ethan’s stomach twisted but instead of melting into Crewe’s arms like he once

dreamed he would, Ethan drew back. Surprising even himself, he asked, “Why?”

Crewe blinked as though he too was surprised by Ethan’s question. He quickly

recovered. “Because there’s something about you that draws me like no one else ever


“But you don’t know me. Before last night we’d never even spoke to each other.”

“Haven’t you ever heard of instant attraction?”

“I’ve heard of it and I don’t trust it. Things like that seem to flare fast and burn

out,” Ethan lamented softly, his voice tinged with regret. “You said you noticed me in

school. Why didn’t you ever talk to me?”

“It was too soon.”

Ethan frowned. “What do you mean?”

“We were both too young, Ethan. I couldn’t offer you anything back then.”

“I would have settled for your friendship.”

“I wouldn’t have settled for that. I wanted so much more.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I wanted you then and I want you now. What I feel for you isn’t

instant attraction. I’ve felt it for years. I want to get to know you. I want to spend time

with you and… oh hell, I’m just going to come right out and say it. I want you in my life

and in my bed.”

Stunned by Crewe’s admission, Ethan stepped back, then walked to the chairs

that lined part of the wall and took the one next to his coat. His heart pounded, his chest

felt tight and his stomach had tied itself into a knot. Breathing hard, he looked up to

where Crewe stood watching him.

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Unbidden, words tumbled out of his mouth. “I’m gay. I’ve never told anyone

that. I’m telling you because Nick says you’re straight. He said I should be careful.”

Ethan’s cheeks blazed but he steeled himself, forcing the words out. “I don’t want to be

a fuck toy for some straight guy who’s looking for something to entertain himself until

the right woman comes along.”

Crewe walked over and took the chair next to Ethan. He reached for Ethan’s

hand. Ethan let it lie limply in Crewe’s. “Ethan, please look at me.” Ethan looked up

into eyes filled with open sincerity. “I swear to you that’s not what this is about. It’s true

I only dated girls in high school. When I went to college I experimented with men. I

liked being with a man just as much if not more than a woman, but the point is I never

met anyone who touched me inside. I mean really touched me.”

Ethan wanted to turn away but Crewe captured his chin, forcing him to keep

their eye contact. “Do you remember that day in the library when we came face to face

for the first time?” Ethan nodded. “I followed you to the library a couple of times after

that,” Crewe confessed. “I couldn’t figure out why you fascinated me so much. I’d

never liked another boy before. I finally talked to my parents about it.”

Ethan’s eyes went round with shock. “About me? You talked to your parents

about me?”

“I did,” Crewe answered with a smile. He released Ethan’s chin with a soft brush

of his fingertips. “You know what they said?” Ethan shook his head. “They said that

even if we were meant to be together someday, we were both too young and I agreed

with them. You were only fifteen, Ethan. I was graduating and going off to college. I

couldn’t make you mine and then leave you. It wouldn’t have been right.”

“Sixteen. I was sixteen,” Ethan corrected softly.

“Sixteen then, but still too young.”

“Did your parents really say that? Weren’t they upset that you liked another


Crewe shook his head. “My parents are very sensible people. I know you’re

going to like them. But what about you? You told Nick about me?”

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Ethan nodded. “I didn’t really mean to say anything more than that I’d run into

you and that you’d taken me home.” He shrugged. “I guess it was when I told him that

you’d invited me here that he knew something was up.”


“He asked me why I accepted your invitation. I told him I wasn’t sure why.”

“Is that the truth? You didn’t know why?”

Shaking his head, Ethan blushed and worried his bottom lip between his teeth

for a moment before answering. “I knew why. I wanted to see you again. I… um… I like

you. I… liked you in school.”

Crewe’s grin was wide and immediate. “God, you’re going to hate me for saying

this but you’re adorable, you know that?”

“Oh, jeez,” Ethan huffed while squirming with disgust in his seat.

Crewe laughed but quickly sobered. “Since we’ve established the fact that I like

you and you like me, do you think I could kiss you now?”

“I guess.”

“You’re not sure?”

“It’s just that I’ve never…” Ethan’s foot and leg began to bounce with nervous


“You’ve never kissed another guy?”


“Does that mean you’ve never?”

No,” Ethan hurriedly interrupted.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make it good for you. I promise.”

Ethan looked up sharply, his rising temper bringing fire to his eyes. “Got much

of an ego?”

Crewe’s eyes widened, a smile tugging at his lips. “You know, I thought you

were shy and quiet but you’re a little spitfire, aren’t you?”

“Don’t call me little.”

“Ethan, are you deliberately trying to pick a fight with me?”

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“Not that I know of.”

“Good, because like it or not I’m going to kiss you now.” Crewe stopped. “Um,

that didn’t come out right. Damn it! Would you just please kiss me. I’m dying here.”

The desperation in Crewe’s voice brought a smile to Ethan’s lips. Unexpected

amusement tempered his unease and he leaned forward, wanting, needing the contact

now as much as Crewe. Crewe leaned in and their lips met, lightly, tentatively. The kiss

slowly deepened and Crewe groaned. Ethan felt the vibration from that softly urgent

sound all the way to his toes. His head spun and he reached out, hands landing on

Crewe’s biceps.

Muscles flexed under his hands and arms slid around him, pulling him close,

lifting him until, with a gasp, he landed in Crewe’s lap. As natural as breathing, Ethan’s

arms wound around Crewe’s neck. Crewe lightly painted Ethan’s lips with his tongue,

urging them open, sliding inside when Ethan answered his unspoken request.

Eyes closed, Ethan sank into the sensations being fed to him by Crewe. His self-

imposed darkness was filled with the warmth that built between their bodies. Heat that

magnified and released scent. Ethan breathed in Crewe’s masculine musk, the aroma

fueling his awakening desire. Crewe’s lips were soft, his taste unique and exciting.

Learning quickly, Ethan let his tongue play with Crewe’s, moaning at the dizzying

intimacy of the act. Arms around Crewe’s neck, the fingers of one hand roved over his

muscular shoulders while the others played with the soft hair at Crewe’s nape.

Ethan’s body resonated with every sound. His breath and Crewe’s. Crewe’s low

growls and his own needful whimpers. He pushed himself tighter against Crewe,

craving the closeness, needing the connection. The feel of Crewe’s cock, hard against his

hip was electrifying. His own had filled and desperately demanded attention. Lost in

this dark, sensual world of their creation, Ethan became desire personified. He was

ready to remain lost forever.

It was only Crewe breaking the kiss that brought him back. “Oh God, Ethan,

fuck! Baby, I wasn’t going to push you but come home with me. Please?”

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Pulling himself from the nearly overwhelming sensual stupor, Ethan managed to


Crewe set his forehead to Ethan’s. “Much as I want to, I’m not going to kiss you

again. Yet. I’m afraid I’ll never get you home and I don’t want to make love to you on a

rubber mat. Not to mention I don’t keep supplies here.”

“Supplies?” Ethan murmured softly before licking his swollen lips.

“Lube and condoms.” Crewe swept his thumb over the moisture that coated

Ethan’s lower lip. “You have the most kissable, suckable lips I’ve ever seen.”

“Don’t suck on them. I’ll look like a trout.”

Crewe chuckled. “I got news for you, they’re already swelling a little, but they’re

absolutely edible.”

“I hate them.”


Ethan ducked his head. “You heard that kid in the mini-mart. He said I had a

pretty mouth.”

Crewe hugged him close. “You know, there are guys who’d kill to look like you.

You’ve got this whole ‘pouty-lipped, fine boned, model slim and cute as hell’ thing

going on.”

“I don’t like it, Crewe. All it’s ever gotten me is picked on.”

“Oh, baby. Those people were assholes. You know their type, insecure with no

self-esteem. They have to make somebody else feel bad to make them feel better about

themselves. It’s not right and it’s not fair and you didn’t deserve that, but you’re not

gonna worry about that anymore. I’m gonna turn you into the karate kid and the next

guy who picks on you, you can dump on his ass.”

“I thought you said this stuff wasn’t about aggression, only defense.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t like the idea of anyone picking on you.”

“You’re starting to sound like Nick and Dustin.”

“I’m flattered to be put in the same class as those two. They’re good men, both of

them for watching out for you. That’s what family’s about. It’s too bad it doesn’t work

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out that way for everyone. I always think it’s such a waste when siblings or siblings and

parents don’t get along.”

“Yeah, I’ve been lucky in that department.”

Crewe sighed and stood, setting Ethan on his feet. “Yes, you have and now I’m

the one who’s getting lucky. Lucky to be with you. You ready to go? I’ll follow you

home so you can drop off your car. We can go to my house from there.” Crewe reseated

himself and put his shoes on.

“You could just go home and wait for me. I could walk over if you tell me the

house number.”

Crewe snorted. “I’m not letting you walk five blocks at night in the freezing cold.

Now get your shoes on, mister.”

“Are you always this impatient?”

Crewe rose from his chair. “It’s not just impatience, I want you safe. Other than

that, where you and a bed are concerned? Yes, I’m impatient. But don’t worry. When I

get you in bed I’m going to be patience incarnate.” Crewe leaned down to whisper in

Ethan’s ear. “You’re gonna beg me to let you come.”

“Oh, fuck. Don’t do that,” Ethan breathed. He managed to slip his shoes on and

shrug into his coat.


“‘Cause my knees almost folded.”

“Mmm, now that’s what I like to hear. Come on.”

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Chapter Four

With a hand on Ethan’s back, Crewe guided him to the front door, shutting out

most of the lights and locking the door behind them. Ethan went to his car, hyperaware

of Crewe’s gaze on him. He unlocked his car, slid behind the wheel and started it up.

Seeing that Crewe was in his truck and had it started, Ethan put his car in gear, cranked

up the heat and headed out. The lights of Crewe’s truck flashed in his review mirror.

Oh, fuck. What am I doing? Should I be doing this? I’m twenty-five. Why shouldn’t I be

doing this? Son of a bitch. Why do I have to be a virgin? Oh, fuck. What if I suck at it? A

nervous chuckled popped from between Ethan’s lips. Suck at it. Oh God, what if he wants

me to suck him? Oh God! What if he sucks me? Oh fuck!

By the time they arrived at Ethan’s house and he’d parked the car in the garage,

he was a nervous wreck. Walking to Crewe’s truck felt like taking the final walk that

ended in front of a firing squad. His knees felt weak and his hand was shaking as he

reached for the truck handle. Climbing in, he gave Crewe a fleeting, weak smile before

facing forward and fumbling with his seatbelt.

Crewe’s hand landed on his thigh, making him jump. “Relax,” Crewe

admonished softly. “It’s gonna be all right. I promise.”

Ethan gave him a jerky nod. Crewe shook his head, giving Ethan a reassuring

smile before steering the truck back out on the street. They were at Crewe’s house in no

time. Just before Crewe eased the truck into the garage, Ethan had enough time to see

that the house was a large, white clapboard with a wide front porch. He gave the

lowering garage door an almost longing glance as Crewe hurried him out of the truck

and ushered him into the kitchen.

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Crewe took his coat off and laid it over a chair, then held out his hand for

Ethan’s. “As you can see, this is the kitchen. I was going to give you a tour of the house,

but at this point I think that would be just cruel.”

Taking his coat off, Ethan gave him a puzzled frown as he handed it over. “What

do you mean?”

“It means the tension rolling off you is so thick I could cut it with a knife,” Crewe

teased. “Let’s go upstairs. The only tour you’re getting for now is what’s on the direct

route to my bedroom.”

Crewe took Ethan’s hand and pulled him along. Ethan wasn’t sure whether to

laugh at Crewe’s gentle gibe, be pissed at it or just continue to be freaked out. He settled

for freaked out.

With his hand captured by Crewe’s and his stomach doing jumping jacks, he had

little choice but to follow. Along the way he caught a fleeting glimpse of the living

room, the stairs, and a darkened hallway before Crewe pulled him into his bedroom

and shut the door behind them.

Releasing Ethan’s hand, Crewe crossed to a low dresser and turned on a small

lamp. The light was dim, giving the room an intimate glow, an impression amplified by

the closed door and the large bed that so prominently loomed in Ethan’s sight. Ethan’s

breath began to speed, his lungs laboring to catch up with the increasing rhythm of his

heart. When Crewe turned and slowly prowled across the room to him, Ethan forgot to


Crewe reached him and tapped him on the nose with the tip of his finger.

“Breathe, Ethan. You know what your problem is?”

Eyes wide, Ethan silently shook his head.

“You think too much.”

With that revelation, Crewe took Ethan in his arms and kissed him. It was an

effective ploy. Ethan’s head whirled and he was lost to everything but the sweet hunger

engendered by Crewe’s kiss. The fact that his feet were moving as Crewe guided him

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registered in some low level of his consciousness. It wasn’t until the room spun and he

landed with a soft thump on the mattress that he realized he’d been walked to the bed.

He bounced on the landing and bounced again as Crewe hit the bed next to him.

Crewe sat up and pulled Ethan’s shoes off, letting them drop to the floor. Ethan heard

four distinct thumps and knew Crewe had taken off his own shoes as well.

“Scoot up and over, babe. Don’t want anybody falling off the edge,” Crewe


His eyes followed Ethan’s progress, the heat in them warming Ethan while

sending a skitter of nervous tension down his spine. Crewe rolled to his hands and

knees, and once more Ethan found himself being stalked. Crewe crawled gracefully to

him and loomed over him, looking down at Ethan. His golden brown eyes shimmered

softly in the low light. A slow smile curved his lips and creased the skin at the outer

edges of Crewe’s eyes. Fascinated, Ethan reached up and brushed a fingertip over those

small furrows.

“Hi,” Crewe breathed.

“Hi,” Ethan answered softly.

Catching Ethan’s hand in his, Crewe brought Ethan’s finger to his lips. His

tongue slipped out and laved the soft pad. Ethan shivered when Crewe drew his finger

between his lips and lightly sucked. His cock instantly responded, blood rushing

through the thick veins while his flesh firmed and filled. Unable to help himself, Ethan

softly moaned.

Crewe released his finger. “Someday I’m going to take you in my mouth just to

feel you get hard against my tongue. It’s enough for now knowing that just this has you

hard for me. You are hard for me, aren’t you?”

Cheeks heating, Ethan nodded.

“Mmm, I’m going to find out for myself soon but for right now, I want your

mouth. This gorgeous, lush mouth.” Crewe traced his wet fingertip over Ethan’s mouth.

“These lips have haunted my dreams for years.”

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Without hesitation Crewe lowered his head, fitting his lips to Ethan’s.

Automatically, Ethan wound his arms around Crewe, opening up and giving in to the

kisses he was coming to crave above all else. One taste made it sinfully easy to give

Crewe exactly what he wanted. Ethan reaped the rewards, his more than willing

cooperation fulfilling his own needs and desires.

Though his thoughts were on hold, Ethan’s body was on automatic. Every

available part of his body that was in a position to was plastered against Crewe. His

thighs parted, one leg winding over Crewe’s. Using Crewe as an anchor, Ethan

undulated against Crewe, rocking, his body unconsciously begging to be touched.

Crewe didn’t disappoint. Never losing contact with Ethan’s lips, Crewe’s fingers

plucked at and opened the buttons on Ethan’s polo shirt. Reaching down, he opened

the button on Ethan’s pants and pulled the shirt free from the waistband.

The large, hot hand that slid under his shirt and glided over his body had Ethan

pushing into the touch. When tactile fingertips closed over one nipple and lightly

pinched he arched and cried out. Crewe swallowed the sound and kept Ethan’s mouth

for a moment more before sliding down to lick at his taut, pink nipple. Ethan’s hands

found Crewe’s head, fingers winding in his hair and pulling tight. He heard Crewe

gasp and looked up to see tears in Crewe’s eyes.

“Ease up, babe. You’re gonna snatch me bald,” Crewe teased, his own hand

reaching up to cover one of Ethan’s.

“Sorry,” Ethan panted, loosening his hold. “I’m sorry. It just feels so good.”

“I knew you’d like that. Let’s get this shirt off you.”

Crewe pushed the shirt up and Ethan raised his arms to make the doing easier.

His shirt was pulled up and off. Crewe made short work of his own shirt. It joined

Ethan’s on the floor. Their bare chests came together and Ethan shuddered at the

contact. Soft yet wiry hair tickled his nipples, bringing them both up hard. Intrigued,

Ethan slipped a hand between them, running his fingers over the short, gilded whorls

of hair that covered Crewe’s chest.

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Crewe groaned and took Ethan’s mouth for another scorching kiss. Ethan let his

tongue twine with Crewe’s just as his fingers slid through the pelt of fur on Crewe’s

chest. Crewe’s mouth began to wander over Ethan’s cheek and jaw. He kissed a path to

Ethan’s earlobe, giving it a sucking nibble before laving his tongue over the sensitive

hollow beneath it. Ethan sucked in a deep breath at the contact. His head tossed on the

pillow, his body shaking. With a hand to his head, Crewe held Ethan still and sucked at

the newly discovered hot spot until Ethan was gasping and shuddering under him.

Fantasy blended with reality and Ethan dove in with both feet. Nothing in his life

had prepared him for the sheer seductive luxury of being touched by experienced,

caring hands. Mind and body went their separate ways. Pleasure and sensation became

the order of the day. Crewe radiated heat and pure primal passion. He bestowed both

with equal fervor, his touches sending ripples of need through Ethan until there was

nothing but the desire for more.

Ethan’s hands tingled with the unaccustomed feel of bare flesh not his own.

Unconsciously they roved, explored, squeezed and petted. Crewe’s occasional groan

underscored the sounds that pushed from between Ethan’s lips. He was vaguely

conscious of them, but helpless to stop. It all felt so damned good! Crewe’s mouth,

tongue and teeth kept him swamped with sensation. They wandered over his throat, his

collarbone and lower. Both nipples were treated to their wet heat and the teasing edge

of Crewe’s teeth.

The tugs at his pants failed to register as did the slide of his zipper. Only Crewe’s

fingers closing around the stiff length of his shaft caught his attention. But for Crewe’s

body holding him in place, Ethan would have launched himself off the bed in sheer

shock. As it was he cried out, shoulders braced, hips pushing frantically, driving his

cock through the circle formed by Crewe’s fist.

Hot breath whispered across Ethan’s ear. “That’s it, baby. So hot. Fuck my hand.

Come on, give it up. Give me something sweet.”

Instinct kept Ethan’s hips pumping, the pressure building. A few firm sweeps of

Crewe’s thumb over Ethan’s cock head did the trick. He froze then jerked, coming with

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a yell. Pearly ropes of liquid heat burst free to land on Ethan’s chest and stomach.

Subsequent bursts spilled over Crewe’s hand. Ethan’s eyelids fluttered, his eyes

opening in time to see Crewe licking at the white cream that coated his fingers.

Crewe held Ethan’s gaze. Rising up on his knees he opened his jeans and pushed

them down, freeing his cock. Steady fingers reached out, scooping semen from Ethan’s

belly. Crewe coated his cock and pumped. Already panting from his own release, Ethan

couldn’t catch his breath. Everything was building anew. Arousal, heat, need. Watching

Crewe masturbate was something beyond his wildest fantasy.

Crewe was uncircumcised. His foreskin moved with each slide of his hand.

Crewe pushed it as far forward as possible then very deliberately eased it back. Ethan’s

mouth opened, his eyes wide with anticipation. Ever so slowly Crewe’s plump, red,

cock head was revealed.

“Oh, God,” Ethan reverently breathed.

“You like that?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Come here, babe. Give me your hand. Need you to touch me.”

Ethan sat up and scooted down a bit. Crewe took his hand and guided it, curling

Ethan’s fingers around his cock. Together they stroked. “Oh, yeah. Oh fuck, yeah,”

Crewe growled. “Faster, babe, squeeze it. Ah, God, yes!”

Crewe threw his head back. A jolt shook his body. Thick sprays of seed rushed

forth to splash against Ethan’s skin. Ethan shuddered, nearly as undone as Crewe.

Releasing Ethan’s hand, Crewe pushed him back on the bed and draped himself along

Ethan’s side. His leg rested possessively over Ethan’s legs, his hand caressing Ethan’s

torso, massaging their combined semen into Ethan’s skin. Crewe’s breath was warm

against his neck and Ethan shivered.

“Are you cold?” Crewe asked.

Ethan shook his head. “Not really,” he said, then unexpectedly yawned.

“There’s a good sign.”


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“You’re sleepy. Any guy who’s not sleepy after coming didn’t get off very well.”

“Is that a guy rule?”

“Yep.” Crewe sat up and wrestled his jeans off before climbing out of bed. “I’ll

be back in a sec.”

After a minute, Ethan heard the toilet flush and water running. Crewe returned

with a wet washcloth and a hand towel. Over Ethan’s protests he wiped him down,

dried him and pulled Ethan’s pants and briefs the rest of the way down and off.

“Nap time.”

“I need to pee first.” Ethan slid off the bed and headed for the bathroom, leaving

Crewe picking up clothes from the floor. When he returned, Crewe had their clothes

folded and lying across a chair. Their shoes had also been gathered and sat neatly out of

the way under the same chair.

Crewe had pulled the covers down on the bed and lay waiting. Walking out of

the bathroom stark naked under Crewe’s admiring gaze had Ethan coloring from the

top of his head to his toes. Crewe patted the empty space beside him and Ethan quickly

dove in, pulling the covers over them both.

“Don’t know what you’re so shy about. You’ve got a nice little body there, babe.”

Crewe eased an arm around Ethan’s shoulders and pulled him close.

Ethan snuggled in and laid his head on Crewe’s chest. “I’m scrawny,” he

declared, distracted. The whole ‘naked in bed with your lover and cuddling’ thing had

his head spinning.

“Not scrawny. You’re slim.” Crewe’s hand ran up and down Ethan’s back.

“You’ve got good proportions. A little exercise would build up some muscle definition.

The Tai Chi will help with that, and there’re a few other things we can do. You’ll never

be as muscular as Nick, but then it wouldn’t look right on you. And you’ve got some

very nice features.” Crewe’s hand strayed down and cupped one cheek of Ethan’s

bottom. “Like this killer ass and that gorgeous cock of yours.”

“Jeez, Crewe.” Ethan squirmed in embarrassment.

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“What? Your cock is gorgeous. Get used to it, Ethan. I say what I mean.” Crewe

took a deep breath. “So, was being with me as awful as you thought it would be?”

Ethan found himself smiling. The big, bad stud needed reassurance. “You know

it was good. I never thought it would be bad. I just didn’t know what to expect.”

“There’s more, you know.”

“You mean…” Ethan swallowed. “Anal?”

“Yeah. You gonna let me?”

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

“It doesn’t have to. Not if you’re prepared. I’ve got lots of lube and lots of time.

Remember, I promised to make it good for you.”

“I know.”


“Right now?”

“No. We need a little nap first. But later?”

Feeling again like he was on a ledge waiting to be pushed off, Ethan screwed up

his courage. “All right.”

Crewe squeezed him tight. “Don’t worry. You’ll be glad you said yes. Have I

steered you wrong yet?”

“No, but you haven’t been steering me very long either.”

Crewe chuckled and gave Ethan a slow, sweet kiss. “Sleep.”

Ethan was sure he wouldn’t but exhaustion proved him wrong. He slept.

And woke up to hot, wet heaven. Crewe was bent over him, his mouth full of

Ethan’s cock, his nose buried in Ethan’s pubes. Ethan arched into him, his body

automatically searching for more. A quick compressing massage gripped his cock when

Crewe swallowed. It was followed by the long slow glide of tightened lips and a teasing

tongue as Crewe slid up and off, leaving a teasing lick on the sensitized head.

The feel of Crewe’s mouth was utterly amazing. “More,” Ethan insisted, writhing

against Crewe.

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Crewe chuckled softly and rose up, pulling Ethan into his arms. He brought their

lips together, his tongue teasing and taking Ethan’s open-mouthed invitation. Crewe

rolled them to their sides, his movements matching Ethan’s. Their hips rubbed and

ground together, their cocks side by side -- thick, solid and hard as nails.

Pulling back a bit, Crewe growled softly. “More of that later. Right now I want to

be inside you. Gonna get you ready for me, babe.”

Ethan tensed, ducked his head and nodded. Oh, God, oh, God. This is it.

“Hey.” Crewe slid his hand under Ethan’s chin, pulling his face up so their gazes

could mesh. “Remember what I said. Lots of lube and lots of time. We’re gonna take

this real slow. I won’t come inside you until you ask me.”

“What if I don’t ask?”

Crewe gave him a confident grin. “You will.”

Ethan rolled his eyes but had to smile. Crewe’s good humor was contagious.

Crewe leaned over him. Ethan heard the sound of a drawer opening and closing. Crewe

came back with a bottle of lube. He opened it and spread some on his fingers and

thumb, rubbing them together, making them shiny and slick.

“What do you want me to do?” Ethan asked, fascinated by the wet shimmer of

those long, tapered fingers.

“Just lay here and feel good,” Crewe answered.

He kept them on their sides, face to face, and instructed Ethan to drape his top

leg over Crewe’s hip. Ethan’s legs spread to accommodate Crewe’s wider width. Crewe

wiggled down a bit, pushing Ethan’s leg higher until it lay over his hip, then reached

between Ethan’s legs. Warm, slick fingers brushed over Ethan’s balls and he jerked, his

leg tightening around Crewe.

“That’s it, baby. Here we go.”

Crewe’s clever fingers teased and caressed. He spent long moments massaging

Ethan’s balls and the short strip of skin between them and his hole. The feeling was

exquisite. One finger finally moved to his entrance and tantalized it by gently circling

and rubbing the soft wrinkled skin while making no effort to penetrate. Ethan’s tight

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pucker quivered, opening and closing, inviting and retreating. His hips started a slow,

rolling rhythm. He went from unsure to needy. Unconsciously his body employed

subtle shifts to capture that elusive finger.

When Crewe’s finger finally slid over his hole, Ethan couldn’t help the moan that

spilled out. His thighs tensed and he pushed back. Crewe filled his unspoken need and

slid his finger inside. Ethan’s sphincter gripped the invader but the lack of pain had him

quickly relaxing. Crewe pushed, going deeper in small increments until his finger was

smoothly gliding in and out.

Ethan panted, uttering an occasional small moan. “Good, feels good.”

“I can tell. You tell me when you want more.”

“Now. Want more now.”

“You sure?” Crewe teased softly.


“Then more you get.”

Crewe withdrew to add more lube to his fingers. Ethan protested the

withdrawal, but Crewe shushed him with a kiss. One slick finger became two. Ethan

tensed at first but relaxed and was soon pushing into Crewe’s touch, the slight burn and

stretch becoming an even greater pleasure. The brush of Crewe’s fingertips against his

prostate made him groan and spread wider, wantonly searching. In fact, he insisted.

“More. More, Crewe.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for three?”

“Don’t tease,” Ethan panted. “Yes. Gimme.”

“As my lover commands.”

More lube and more fingers. Ethan rode the slight discomfort, pushed through

the fleeting pain and barreled straight for the waiting pleasure. His body found a

rhythm matching Crewe’s push, forcing Crewe’s fingers deeper. It was all there. Almost

perfect. The heat and scent that rose between them. Naked skin on naked skin. His cock

rubbing against Crewe’s. The pleasure rippling through his belly. All there but not quite


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He whimpered, moaned. “Crewe.”

“Right here, baby.”


“There’s only one thing left, lover.”

“Give it.”

“Ask me, Ethan. Tell me what you want.”

Ethan shuddered, struggling with the words. “Your cock.”

“What do you want me to do with it? Say it, baby. It’s so easy. There’s only one

way you get to come, Ethan, and that’s on my cock. Say it. Please.”

Fuck me!” Ethan yelled.

“There you go,” Crewe soothed with a husky growl.

He pushed Ethan to his back and moved between his thighs. Reaching for a

condom, Crewe opened it and rolled it on. Another round of lube slicked Crewe’s cock

and he pushed Ethan’s legs back. Cock in hand, Crewe teased Ethan’s entrance while

Ethan rolled and writhed against him.

“Relax and push out, Ethan.” Steady pressure took him in, breaching the tight


“Fuck, Crewe!”

Crewe held still. “It’s all right, baby. Breathe, just breathe for me.” The tight

muscles that gripped his cock slowly relaxed. “You all right?”

Panting, Ethan nodded. “Yeah, that hurt a little.”

Crewe pushed forward a bit, then pulled back. “How’s this feel?”

“Better.” Crewe did it again. “Oh God. Good. More,” Ethan demanded. Crewe

complied and slid deeper, his cock brushing Ethan’s gland. “Oh fuck, it’s good! Don’t


“Not gonna stop. Can’t. You feel so damn good around me. Gonna fuck your

tight, little ass till you come.”

Ethan shuddered at Crewe’s vehement vow. Crewe hooked Ethan’s legs over his

arms and started a slow rhythm that took him in and out with deep, long strokes. The

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fact that he was nearly bent double didn’t faze Ethan one bit. He pulled one leg back

further to rest on Crewe’s shoulder, opening himself wider. One hand rested on

Crewe’s other shoulder, the other going to Crewe’s head. His fingers slid through

Crewe’s hair and pulled until Crewe followed where he wanted. Ethan rose up a bit

and sealed his mouth over Crewe’s, his tongue sliding into Crewe’s mouth. Crewe was

more than eager to play and their tongues stroked and coiled around each other, their

breath filling each other’s lungs until there wasn’t enough to go on.

Ethan lay back, panting for air. He felt so full, the caress of Crewe’s cock inside

his body overwhelming, amazing. Crewe changed positions a bit, encouraging Ethan to

wrap his legs around Crewe’s waist. In this position Crewe’s upper body was directly

over Ethan’s which made kissing less of a strain. He continued the slow, deep thrusts of

his cock. Ethan lost himself in the kisses and the feel of his own hard cock brushing

against Crewe’s sweat-beaded belly. The pleasure and need rose higher. Ethan could

feel it gather in his balls and the base of his spine. The pressure increased. His need for

release was almost painful.

Ethan began to push against Crewe. “Please, oh God, Crewe, please. I need.”

“What, babe? This?” Crewe rose up on his knees. Changing the angle, he thrust

harder, faster.

Yes,” Ethan yelled, Crewe pegging his gland with every stroke of his cock.

Ethan felt Crewe’s hand wrap around his cock. The next push of his hips sent

Ethan’s cock sliding through his tight, slick fist. A few strokes was all it took. Ethan’s

back arched, shoulders and hips slamming against the bed. His cock spewed. Thick

streams of fragrant, white come spilled between them, anointing Ethan’s torso and

Crewe’s hand.

His channel clamped down hard on Crewe’s cock dragging a guttural groan

from him while sending him over the edge. Crewe’s hips slapped against him hard,

once, twice, and again. Ethan could swear he felt the pulse of Crewe’s heartbeat deep

inside his own body.

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Crewe shuddered above him and collapsed, rolling to his side, taking Ethan with

him. His waning erection slid free and they both moaned.

“Fucking hell,” Crewe breathed, panting softly as another shudder rippled under

his skin. “Never, never felt anything so good.” He cupped Ethan’s face in his hands.

“You all right, babe? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Ethan shook his head and managed a weak smile. His body hummed with good

vibrations, making him feel intoxicated. “I’m fine, real fine, absolutely good.”

Crewe’s smile was warm, his eyes sparkled and danced with amusement. “Oh,

you are that. Very, very fine.” Crewe’s expression turned serious. “Do you want to go

home or will you stay with me tonight?”

Ethan bit his lip, then released it with a lick. Crewe’s eyes followed the

movement as though mesmerized. “You want me to stay?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Then I’ll stay.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. Are you hungry? We didn’t have the dinner I’d

planned to take you out to.”

“Not really, but I’ll keep you company if you want to eat.”

“Nah. I’m mostly sleepy.”

“The guy rule?”

“The guy rule,” Crewe acknowledged with a grin.

“I could definitely sleep. It’s been a very unusual day.” Crewe sat up, removed

the condom and tied it off. Ethan watched with wide eyes. “A very unusual day.”

“But a good one, I hope?”

“One of the best I can remember,” Ethan replied, wanting Crewe to know just

how much it all meant to him.

“I want to give you as many days like this as you’ll let me,” Crewe answered

and, with a finger under Ethan’s chin, raised Ethan’s lips to his for a kiss. “Let me get

rid of this and we’ll sleep.” Crewe indicated the used condom.

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He slid out of bed and padded to the bathroom, then once again returned with a

damp washcloth and towel. Giving in to Ethan’s protest that he could do it himself, he

let Ethan clean himself up. After returning them to the bathroom, Crewe turned off the

lamp and eased back into bed. Ethan cuddled close into the heat Crewe radiated.

Mutual, satisfied sighs sounded then all was quiet.

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Chapter Five

Crewe woke up spooned around Ethan. It was the best thing ever. Better than

he’d ever dreamed. Ethan smelled so good. Just like in high school only more, richer,

tastier. Of course the fact that their scents mingled and were overlaid with the musk of

sex made it just that much more exciting.

Ethan had been so cute last night. Shy but feisty. Once they’d gotten in bed and

started touching, Ethan had lost his shy demeanor. He’d been so responsive he took

Crewe’s breath away. Ethan’s body knew what it wanted and it dragged that too-

thoughtful intellect along for the ride. Ethan had become downright demanding, and it

thrilled Crewe down to his toes knowing that his touch had brought all that out in his


He rolled a bit and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Six fifty-three. The

alarm would go off at seven. He reached over and shut it off, not wanting Ethan jolted

by the raucous buzz. He had a much nicer way of waking him planned. Crewe started

by nuzzling the back of Ethan’s neck. Soft kisses were placed on his warm, pale skin

while Crewe’s hand rubbed Ethan’s belly. Ethan started to stir, moaning a bit, his

perfect ass pressing back into Crewe’s morning wood.

Crewe groaned and bit back the urge to sink into Ethan. Even though that tight,

hot sheath beckoned him, no matter how prettily Ethan begged, Crewe was determined

not to do it. His baby would be sore after last night and Crewe wasn’t going to hurt

him. Instead, he slid his hand to Ethan’s cock and gently stroked. Ethan was waking up


He drew in a deep breath which came out as a husky groan. “Crewe. Fuck me.”

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Oh, shit. Crewe was left gasping at how two little words could take his breath

away. It seemed once Ethan got past the first hurtle he wasn’t going to be shy about

making his wishes known.

I’ve created a sex kitten. Crewe chuckled out loud.

Ethan stiffened in his arms and thumped his heel against Crewe’s shin. “What’s

so funny?”

Crewe could hear the soft uncertainty behind Ethan’s ire. “Just thinking how

sexy you are and how tickled pink I am by it.” Ethan relaxed. “It’s almost seven. Do you

have to work today?”

Ethan yawned but his hips were still moving with the slow, light caresses of

Crewe’s hand against his dick. “Yeah. Have to be there at nine.”

“I have to open the dojo at nine so that works perfectly. We can shower, have

breakfast and I’ll drop you home so you can change and go on to work. That sound all

right to you?”

Ethan nodded and moaned.

Crewe’s lips curled into a mischievous smile. He let Ethan’s cock go and threw

the covers back. “Come on then, let’s hit the shower.”

“Crewe! What about…” Ethan sputtered his cheeks heating.

“You’re voracious.” Crewe eyed Ethan’s erection. “No time for sex, babe. Let’s

go!” Crewe turned and headed to the bathroom. Behind him he heard Ethan’s

muttered, “You suck.” Not yet, babe, but I will.

Rumpled, grumpy and to Crewe’s eyes, utterly scrumptious, Ethan joined Crewe

in the bathroom. Crewe gave Ethan a new toothbrush, one he had stashed away from

his last visit to the dentist. While Ethan brushed his teeth, Crewe took care of personal

business then switched places with Ethan. He brushed his own teeth quickly, giving

Ethan a bit more privacy by stepping into the shower stall and turning the water on.

“Don’t flush when you’re done. I don’t want any important body parts to get

scalded,” Crewe called out.

“Yeah, yeah,” Ethan grumbled.

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Crewe grinned. “Hurry up and get your sweet ass in here.”

The door slid open and Ethan stepped in. “I don’t know why we have to shower

together. I thought that was for… I mean people usually do that to…”


“Never mind.”

Crewe reached out and hauled Ethan into his arms, pulling him under the warm

spray of water. “You’re not a morning person, are you?”

“No,” Ethan sputtered, wiping water out of his eyes.

“Bet I could cheer you up.” Crewe’s hand slid down to Ethan’s fast reawakening


“No.” Ethan struggled against him. “You’re just doing that ’cause I’m a grouch.”

“Babe, why do you think I hustled you out of bed? ’Cause I selfishly wanted you

here with the warm water spilling over both of us. I wanted to go down on my knees,”

Crewe sank to his knees, “so I could suck you.” His wet fingers slid slowly down

Ethan’s cock. “Just. Like. This.”

Crewe’s mouth sank over Ethan. Prepared, Crewe held Ethan up when his knees

weakened and backed him against the shower wall. Ethan’s moans, echoing in the

steamy shower cubicle, sent shivers of arousal up and down Crewe’s spine. His free

hand went to his own cock and started a fast, pulling stroke. Crewe growled and heard

Ethan gasp as well as saw his toes curl. If his mouth hadn’t been full, he’d have grinned.

The feel of Ethan’s cock in his mouth was exquisite. The nature of cocks was

fascinating. So soft on the outside while so solid beneath. Crewe could feel the hard

thump of Ethan’s pulse in the thick veins under his tongue. He tightened his lips and

slid his mouth up and down, his tongue swiping over the head before each downward

move. Ethan was leaking pre-come. It was warm and sweet, and Crewe searched

diligently for every drop.

Ethan’s moans became louder, his hips pumping, his fingers curling in Crewe’s

hair. Those sweet sounds made Crewe’s belly go taut, pushing his own pleasure higher.

Crewe sucked harder and increased the speed of his mouth. His hand cradled Ethan’s

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balls, gently squeezing. When one finger stroked over his taut rosebud, Ethan blew. His

hot load jetted down Crewe’s throat, spurt after spurt of hot salty/sweet yet tangy

cream. Crewe easily swallowed each burst and groaned when his own orgasm hit, a

shuddering jolt of fiery bliss that engulfed his insides and squeezed. Creamy ejaculate

shot from his cock and hit Ethan’s legs in warm, pearly streams that were washed away

by the still flowing water of the shower.

Groaning, Crewe got to his feet and planted his hands on either side of Ethan’s

body. He leaned in for a kiss and was surprised when Ethan’s arms wrapped around

him, squeezing so tight it was almost bruising. Ethan met his kiss, whimpering with

pleasure and something else. Crewe could feel the vibration of Ethan’s shudders against

his skin. He eased and slowed the runaway vigor of the kiss, then leaned back. Ethan’s

eyes were closed, his face damp but not enough to hide the few tears that leaked from

beneath his lashes.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Crewe took Ethan in his arms and rocked him gently.

“You…” Ethan took a stuttering breath. “You just… you’re so… I didn’t expect

this. I… I don’t know what to do.”

Crewe’s heart clenched. Oh, God, what you do to me. “Baby, you don’t have to do

anything. Do you like being with me? Like what we do together?” Ethan’s nod was

strong and sure against his shoulder. “Then that’s all that matters. We like each other,

we like pleasuring each other. It’s all good, Ethan.” If you only knew how much I feel for

you but, damn, I don’t want to scare you away. There’s so much you need to know, so much I

hope you’ll accept.

Ethan sighed and Crewe savored the warm puff of air that caressed his shoulder.

He hugged Ethan tighter before stepping back a bit and capturing Ethan’s gaze.

Shaking his head, he smiled. “Still adorable, even if you are grumpy in the morning.”

Ethan wrinkled his nose and Crewe laughed. “Let’s finish this shower. I’m starving.”

* * *

Three weeks and counting. Ethan pushed the book cart ahead a few paces and

shelved another book. The smile on his lips had become a near permanent fixture.

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Crewe had turned his life upside down and Ethan was loving it. He halted with a book

in his hand. Loving Crewe. A thrill shot through his chest, fear and delight in equal

measure. I love Crewe. Just thinking the words made his chest tighten again.

The past few weeks had been amazing. Any mutual free time they had was spent

together. Crewe was teaching him Tai Chi and some simple defensive moves. Ethan

had to admit that the exercise made him feel good. Not to mention the fact that it

brought him closer to Crewe. They’d gone out more than a few times, to the movies or

the mall. They always shared lunch now. Crewe would pick him up at the library or

Ethan would meet Crewe at the dojo.

They spent every night together either at Crewe’s or Ethan’s house. Nick was still

out of town. After his trip to Syracuse, he’d made another connection that sent him to

Boston and from there to Atlanta. At the moment, he was back in Chicago. It seemed he

and the security chief at Info Systems had a little more to work out. More than one date

could take care of. Ethan had shaken his head when Nick told him that one. He still

couldn’t get over the fact that Nick was gay.

Ethan shook himself and finished putting the books away. His shift ended in

another hour and tonight Crewe had planned something special. Something Ethan

wasn’t actually looking forward to for once. Crewe wanted to go out. To a club. A club

in Indianapolis called The Midnight Howl. A gay club.

Ethan bit his lip and grimaced. This was oh so not his thing, but Crewe was so

enthusiastic. He’d pulled out all the stops, loving on Ethan until he agreed to go. With

Crewe’s mouth wrapped around his cock, Ethan was afraid he’d agree to just about

anything. Which just wasn’t fair if he really thought about it.

Still, he figured it wouldn’t kill him to do something Crewe really wanted to do.

Isn’t that what lovers were supposed to do? Please each other?

He sighed and bit his lip, trying to keep his tension and insecurity at bay.

* * *

Later that evening, Ethan was wishing he hadn’t been so eager to please. He was

miserable and trying hard not to show it. They’d arrived at the club and it was

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everything Ethan dreaded. There was loud music, liquor, and loads of people. He’d

never felt so out of place in his entire life. Once again in a polo shirt and casual slacks he

knew immediately that he was going to stick out like a sore thumb. The look of the day

was casual all right, but jeans and leather were the proper attire and shirts seemed to be


The minute he and Crewe had come in the door, Crewe had been greeted by

person after person. During his time living in Indianapolis, The Midnight Howl had

been a favorite haunt of Crewe’s and he was well known. Crewe had introduced him to

people who’d been polite, but after the introductions Ethan stayed quiet and no one

seemed bothered by the fact that he didn’t join in the conversation.

Crewe got them a table and drinks, a beer for himself and soda for Ethan. Not

liking alcohol of any kind was something else that Ethan felt made him odd. He

couldn’t even join in the drunken revelry, and being sober in a roomful of drunks just

sucked. Not that everyone was drunk. Crewe most especially wasn’t. He was quite

obviously taking it easy on the beer intake.

One thing Ethan did find fascinating was the dancing. All those couples wiggling

and gyrating and in some cases practically fucking on the dance floor was an eye

opener. Crewe had actually gotten Ethan out on the floor, much to his embarrassment.

But after the slow dance ended, Ethan insisted on going back to the table. Crewe was

going out of his way to be sweet, touching and talking to him, encouraging him to relax,

but Ethan just felt lost, though he tried hard to hide it.

After awhile most of Crewe’s acquaintances had drifted away and were dancing.

One man stayed, Chad Sutter who Ethan actually kind of liked. He seemed like a nice

guy and truly talked to Ethan, including him in their conversation. In the midst of a

story about an incident that had happened at the club the week before, someone new

came to the table. He was a tall, broad shouldered man with sable hair and amber eyes.

“Hello, Crewe. Nice to see you again.”

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“Lucas!” Crewe rose from his seat and shook the other man’s hand. “Nice to see

you too. The club’s as hot as ever. I’d like you to meet my ma… lover, Ethan. Ethan, this

is Lucas Devereau, he owns the club.”

Ethan felt his cheeks blaze. Crewe hadn’t announced their relationship so bluntly

to any of the other people he’d introduced Ethan to.

“Pleased to meet you, Ethan,” Lucas said, turning to him and holding out his


Ethan returned the greeting and shook the man’s hand. Just like Crewe, he

obviously knew his own strength and felt no reason to prove it by hurting him with a

handshake. Lucas apparently knew Chad and greeted him cordially before turning back

to Crewe.

“Crewe? Could I speak to you in the office? It’ll only take a few minutes. You

don’t mind if I borrow him for just a bit, do you, Ethan?”

“No, not at all.”

Crewe rose from the table. “I’ll be back in a minute, baby. Chad will keep you

company, won’t you, Chad?”

“I’ve no plans to run away,” Chad answered and waved him off.

Ethan struggled to find something to say, then gave up. He looked over to find

Chad watching him.

“You’re not enjoying this, are you?”

Ethan shook his head. “Not really. This is so far beyond my scope of experience. I

feel like I’m about to fall off the edge of the map. I… well. Oh hell, I’m a nerd. I have

been my whole life.”

Chad laughed quietly. “Well you must be a very special nerd. Crewe’s wild

about you. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

“You think?”

“Oh, yes. And I’ve known Crewe since college.”

“Sometimes I wonder what we’re doing together. There’s something else I was

wondering too.”

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“What’s that?”

“Where’s the bathroom?”

Chad’s grin was immediate. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

The two of them made their way along the outskirts of the crowd and into the

bathroom. Chad gave him grin. “It’s quiet, best hurry before some randy couple comes

in for, um, refreshment.”

They each took stalls. Ethan sighed with relief as his bladder emptied, then he

tensed as the outer door opened. Two men came in laughing at something one or the

other had said. Ethan zipped up and was just about to go out to wash his hands when

one of them spoke.

“Did you see Crewe Jackson?”

“Oh, hell yeah. He’s looking fine tonight but who is that geeky little twink he

brought with him?”

“Efram, Eben, something or other. It’s just too awful. Crewe must be handing out

pity fucks. It must be those lips. They look like they could suck a golf ball through a

garden hose.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Looks can be deceiving. He did have a nice ass though.

Crewe’s probably just reaming it out for kicks. But as for pity fucks, if he’s handing

them out I’m not too proud to take one. That man is hot.”

“Honey, he did fuck me a couple of years ago and pity had nothing to do with it.

And let me tell you, the man is hung like a horse.”

The two of them prattled on and took care of business at the urinals. Ethan

waited in frozen silence for them to leave. He bit his lip hard, blinking furiously to hold

back the tears that stung his eyes. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter.

The men finally left and Ethan cautiously emerged from the stall. Another stall

door opened and Chad stepped out. Ethan stared at him for a moment, then turned

away and went to one of the sinks to wash his hands.

Chad took the sink next to his. “Well, this is awkward as hell. Ethan, I’m so sorry

you heard that.”

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Ethan shook his head. “It’s okay. It just confirms what I knew all along. I don’t

belong here. I don’t belong with Crewe.”

“Bullshit! This has nothing to do with you and Crewe belonging together. Any

idiot can see the love between you two. They’re jealous ’cause one of the hottest guys

here belongs to a sweet, geeky little nerd with the most luscious lips I’ve ever seen.”

Said lips quivered and Ethan found himself struggling once again to keep his

tears at bay. He turned away to grab a paper towel to dry his hands. Chad reached past

him for his own towel, then laid an arm around Ethan’s shoulders.

He gave Ethan a squeeze. “As for not belonging here, you may be right. You’re

too nice a person for this place. Too vulnerable. Places like this can tear you up if you’re

not tough enough.” Chad pulled a business card out of his pocket and handed it to

Ethan. “If you ever want to talk or if there’s anything I can do for you, just give me a

call, you hear?” Ethan nodded and stuck the card in his pocket. “I like you, Ethan.

You’re a sweet kid and you make my friend very happy.”

At that moment the bathroom door opened and Crewe walked in. He took one

look at Ethan’s face and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Ethan walked into Crewe’s arms and buried his head against Crewe’s shoulder.

“These two guys came in while we were in the stalls,” Chad started to explain

and grinned at Crewe’s glare. “Separate stalls,” he elaborated and went on to detail the


Crewe was stony-faced by the time he’d finished. “Do you know who they


“Not a clue.”

“You wouldn’t lie to me, would you, buddy?”

“To keep you out of trouble? Yes. Yes, I would. Lucas wouldn’t care for you

starting trouble, Crewe.”

“I don’t give a fuck what Lucas wants.”

“Then give a fuck about what your lover needs. Take Ethan home, Crewe. I think

your boy needs to know just how much you care about him.”

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Ethan raised his head in time to see the stricken look that came into Crewe’s

eyes. He shook his head and put a hand to Crewe’s cheek. “Don’t even think that this is

your fault.”

“But it is. I never should have brought you here. I wanted you to have fun. I

wanted people who know me to see my lover. I wanted them to see how lucky I am. I

never thought… oh, fuck. Ethan this is my fault. I forgot what bitches some of these

people can be. I’m so sorry, baby. Can you forgive me?”

“Sure, but only if we can go now.”

“Now it is.”

Ethan looked back at Chad. “It was nice meeting you at least.”

Chad smiled. “Same here, Ethan.”

“Thanks, Chad,” Crewe chimed in.

“Anything for a brother,” Chad answered with a wink.

When Ethan would have pulled away, Crewe kept him close with an arm

wrapped around his waist. As they walked out of the bathroom Ethan pinched him.

“Let go. What are you doing?”

“Ow! I’m protecting you.”

“Nobody’s attacking me. At least not physically. You’re making me feel like a


“Well, forgive me. God forbid anyone should know I care about you,” Crewe

intoned sarcastically.

Ethan rolled his eyes. “You know that’s not what this is about.” He walked in

front of Crewe, leading the way to the front door.

“I know you’re pissed at me for bringing you here.”

“That’s not it either,” Ethan answered, glancing back at Crewe.

“Then what?”

They walked out and Ethan turned to Crewe. “You’re making me look helpless.”

“You were hurt. I saw the tears in your eyes!”

“That doesn’t mean I’m helpless!”

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“I never said you were!”

“You’re just like Nick and Dustin! You treat me like a baby!”

“You know perfectly well I don’t think you’re a baby!”

“That’s what you call me!”

“That’s because I love you!”

Ethan stared at Crewe. Both of them were flushed and breathing hard. “You love


Crewe swallowed and nodded. Ethan could see the movement of his Adam’s

apple. “I do.”

Ethan felt as though his heart would burst out of his chest. He shook with the joy

winging through his veins. “I love you too.”

Crewe closed his eyes and dropped his head. When he raised it again, his lips

had curved into a smile. He opened his eyes and gazed at Ethan. Ethan could see the

love and relief that filled them. “Can we stop yelling at each other now?”

“I think that would be a good idea,” Ethan admitted, returning his smile before

launching himself into Crewe’s arms.

Crewe picked him up, swinging him around and around until the two of them

were laughing and dizzy. “Let’s go home. I need to make love to my baby.”

Ethan kissed him silly. “Take me home, lover.”

* * *

The next day Ethan was exhausted. Crewe had been insatiable and, truth be told,

Ethan hadn’t been that far behind. Being able to tell the man you were making love

with just how much you loved him had inspired both of them to new heights. Crewe

had gone chuckling off to work. He’d left a rumpled and sated Ethan, grumbling about

being awakened by shower damp hair sliding across his skin as Crewe kissed him


A couple of hours later, Ethan was up, savoring a second cup of coffee and

contemplating the business card in his hand. Chad Sutter, Attorney at Law. It seemed

odd to think of Chad as an attorney. In Ethan’s mind, attorney implied staid and stuffy.

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Chad was anything but. He’d been articulate and friendly with a calm, solid demeanor,

the kind of man you instinctively trusted. Last night he’d gone above and beyond being

nice to his friend’s lover.

Ethan looked out the window, thinking about what had happened last night at

the club. It was just like when he’d been teased in school. And why? Because he was

different. He didn’t blend in. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, although he hated the

thought of completely losing his individuality. It was just that he wasn’t sure how to.

His mind was so occupied with other things that activities like picking out trendy

clothes or learning how to dance never made much of a dent in his thoughts.

But things had changed. Now there was someone else he had to consider. Crewe.

Ethan knew Crewe loved him just the way he was. It still amazed him when he thought

about it. Crewe loved him even though he was a nerd. Ethan was determined to show

Crewe just how much he loved him in return. He was resolutely committed to making

sure Crewe was never embarrassed to be seen with him.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number on Chad’s card. “Mr. Sutter’s

office. May I help you?”

“Yes, please. I’d like to speak to Mr. Sutter. This is Ethan Parks.”

“Please hold, Mr. Parks.”

Ethan waited on the line. Only a few seconds went by before it was picked up.

“Ethan! Hi, what can I do for you?”

“Hi, Chad. You remember last night when you said if there’s anything you could

do to help I should give you a call?”


“Um, where do you buy your clothes? The ones you were wearing last night?”

“My clothes? Ethan, what are you up to?”

“I think it’s time I had a makeover.”

Chad laughed. “Does Crewe know about this?”

“No. I’m going to surprise him.”

“Oh, Lord, this should be interesting. Are you free tomorrow?”

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“Yeah, as a matter of fact, it’s my day off.”

“Wonderful! I’ll tell Patricia to clear my schedule. Give me your address. I’ll pick

you up tomorrow at ten. You and I are going to shop. Oh, and I know the best stylist.

I’m calling to make you an appointment.”

“Stylist?” Ethan squeaked.

“For your hair. Oh, wait! I just had a brilliant idea! You, Ethan Parks, are going to

learn how to dance.”


“Dance. You have just become Eliza Doolittle and I am now Henry Higgins. The

Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Plain. The clothes, the hair, the moves. We’re gonna

knock Crewe’s socks off!”

“Oh, God.” Ethan hung up to the sound of Chad’s laughter.

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Chapter Six

Crewe got out of his truck and stalked up to the club entrance. He still couldn’t

believe the fact that when he’d gotten home Ethan was gone. The only thing he’d found

was a note telling him to meet Ethan at Midnight Howl and that he was with Chad.


Crewe stifled the growl that was building in his chest. Chad was his friend and a

member of Crewe’s pack but if he was putting moves on his baby, Crewe was going to

tear him to shreds. And why the hell would they come here? After what had happened a

couple of weeks ago, Crewe would have bet money on the fact that Ethan would never

set foot in the place again.

He entered the front door and took a deep breath. There! Ethan. He’d know that

scent anywhere. Crewe followed his nose to the dance floor and looked around. Where

the hell was Ethan? He had to have passed through the dancers. Crewe could smell him

quite distinctly. His gaze wandered over the tables around the dance floor until it

landed on Chad. Chad was sitting at a table talking to a couple of guys, his own gaze on

the dancers.

Putting on his best “I’m Pissed As Hell Don’t Mess With Me” face, Crewe

marched over and confronted him. “Where the hell is Ethan?”

Chad looked up and sent him a delighted grin. “Crewe! It’s about time you got

here. I’ve been doing my best to keep these horny fuckers at bay. I was about to start

looking for a stout stick. You better stake your claim before you lose out.”

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. All I want to know is where is

Ethan?” At Crewe’s rolling growl, the two men Chad had been talking to slunk away.

“Jeez, can’t you smell him? He’s right there.” Chad pointed toward the dance


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With a frown, Crewe turned to look. Not six feet away a group comprised of a

half dozen men moved and gyrated. They circled one slim figure who danced like he

was one with the music. His body swayed and undulated, slender hips rocking to the

bass beat. Crewe actually felt himself getting hard and was stunned. You fucking bastard!

Betrayer! How can you get hard for anyone but Ethan! How can you…

The man Crewe had been watching turned. He was Ethan!

His Ethan.

Eyes wide with shock, Crewe took in the sight from top to bottom and back

again. Ethan’s feet were encased in black leather boots. He wore a pair of black jeans so

tight they hugged his more than impressive package and that sweet, rounded ass, a

sight that had Crewe close to growling again. Tucked into his jeans was a loose pearl-

gray shirt that flowed over his upper body while giving teasing glimpses of the pale

flesh of his chest and throat. His dark hair had been cut and styled into tousled waves.

Mesmerized, Crewe pushed his way through the dancers until he was face to

face with his baby. Ethan’s eyes opened. His smile when he saw Crewe was radiant. His

eyes filled with so much love Crewe found it hard to breathe. Ethan reached up and

wound his arms around Crewe’s neck. “Dance with me.”

Crewe pulled Ethan close and did just that. Their dance became lovemaking set

to music. After only a few seconds Crewe’s body was on fire. Just as always, his

proximity to his mate filled him with the urgent need to stake his claim once again.

Crewe wanted to fill Ethan so full of his own desire, love and seed that he’d never

question who he belonged to.

Crewe slid one hand down Ethan’s back and cupped his ass, pulling them tightly

together. His mouth found the hollow behind Ethan’s ear, teasing and laving the soft

skin until Ethan was moaning and grinding against him. Leaving it with a stinging

suck, Crewe took Ethan’s lips, his tongue plunging in like a marauding pirate. He

searched out every bit of Ethan’s mouth, teasing and tasting and taking until both of

them were gasping for air.

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Crewe pulled back. Breathing hard, he nodded with satisfaction at the stunned

and helpless yet oh so needy look in Ethan’s eyes. “You’re mine. Don’t ever forget.”

“I wouldn’t want to,” Ethan swore.

Taking Ethan’s hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed his knuckles before

pulling him off the dance floor. They joined Chad at his table. Crewe possessively

pulled Ethan down on his lap. He was making damn sure everyone knew that Ethan

was his.

He nodded his head in thanks for the beer Chad pushed over to him. After

taking a sip, he gave Ethan and Chad an equally measured stare. “What’s going on


“Ethan wanted to surprise you,” Chad answered.

“I’m definitely surprised.”

“And horny too. Thought I was going to have to hose you two off out there,”

Chad teased with grin.

Ethan’s blush was immediate. Crewe cupped his cheek. “It’s good to see some

things never change. Baby, why did you do this? You know I love you. I didn’t care

about what kind of clothes you wore or that you couldn’t dance.”

“I know, but loving you made me care. You made me see that I deserved to be as

happy as anyone else.” Ethan slipped his arms around Crewe’s neck, his lips next to

Crewe’s ear. “I’ve been punishing myself for years because I always felt… just wrong.

You made me right. You made me see that it’s okay to be me. I wanted you to be proud

to be with me.”

“Baby, I’ve always been proud of you. You’re everything to me.” Crewe took

Ethan’s lips in a soft yet passion filled kiss.

Across the table Chad cleared his throat. “Guys. If you don’t cut it out, I think

I’m going to have my blood sugar tested. I may pass out from sugar overload.”

“You’re just jealous,” Crewe teased.

“You may be right.”

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“Can we go home? These pants feel like they’re getting tighter,” Ethan


“That’s probably because you’re…” Chad began with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Chad,” Crewe growled, smiling at the renewed blush that heated Ethan’s


“I’m just saying.”

“Don’t be looking at things you shouldn’t.”

“You’ve gotten awfully possessive.”

“Damn right.” Crewe stood and set Ethan on his feet. “Come on, baby. I know

just what you need to loosen those pants.”

Chad crowed with laughter as Crewe led a red-faced Ethan away.

* * *

Ethan and Crewe had just emerged from the basement and were about to go

upstairs when there was the sound of a key in the front door. They’d been downstairs

practicing some martial arts moves and had finished up with some Tai Chi. Crewe had

brought mats to Ethan’s house and added them to the basement workout room so

Ethan could practice whenever he wanted.

They both turned at the sound of the key in the lock. “Oh, shit,” Ethan squeaked,

scrambling for the towel that hung around his neck. He wrapped it around his hips just

as the front door opened.

Nick Parks did a double take then grinned. “Ethan, how you doing, bro? Crewe,

I’d ask how it’s hanging but I can see for myself.”

Crewe and Nick laughed while Ethan scrunched his eyes shut and shook his

head. Ethan just hoped his head didn’t explode from embarrassment.

Crewe reached out and shook Nick’s outstretched hand. “It’s good to see you,


“You too. Should I ask what you’ve been up to?”

“Tai Chi,” Ethan answered quickly.

“Naked Tai Chi,” Crewe elaborated with a wink.

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Ethan swatted him. “Shut up! And put on that towel!”

“Now, baby, it’s just us guys,” Crewe soothed, but did as he was told.

“I don’t care. Those are my goodies. Nobody else gets to look,” Ethan insisted

boldly then turned back to Nick. He stuck out his hand. “Hi. I’m glad you’re back.”

Nick grabbed Ethan’s hand and hauled him in for a hug. “Me too, Ethan. Me too.

I guess I don’t need to ask if this guy’s treating you all right. You look happy.”

Ethan grinned. “I am.”

Before he could say another word, a second key slid into the front door lock. The

door swung open. Another Parks brother stepped in, eyes widening before a big grin

wreathed his face. “Nick! Ethan! Hey! Did I miss something interesting?” He walked up

to Crewe held out his hand. “You must be Crewe. I’ve been hearing good things about

you. I’m Dustin. Ethan, you got yourself a hunk. And oh, hey, I ran into this guy


Everybody turned to find a smiling Chad in the doorway. “Surprise. You did say

drop in anytime.”

The hallway was filled with laughter and introductions, and Ethan stood on the

first step watching his brothers welcome his lover and his friend. Aside from the time

Crewe told him he loved him, Ethan had never felt so happy. His life finally made sense

and for the first time in years he felt at ease in his own skin. His gaze drifted to Crewe.

All because of you.

As though sensing his thought, Crewe looked up and smiled at him. He walked

back to Ethan and slid an arm around his waist. “Maybe we should go get dressed.”

Ethan lifted a hand to Crewe’s hair and brushed it back. “That’s probably a good


“Come on, you can give me some sugar in the shower.”

“We heard that,” Nick crowed.

Despite the heat blazing in his cheeks, Ethan raised his chin proudly. “So what?”

He grabbed Crewe’s hand and pulled him upstairs.

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A couple of hours later, everyone had settled in. Ethan and Crewe showered and

returned downstairs without too much time passing by. Nick and Dustin had taken

their bags to their rooms and now all three brothers were in the kitchen putting together


Crewe and Chad stood in the doorway, watching. “Have you told Ethan that

you’re a werewolf yet?”

Crewe shook his head. “Not yet. I wanted to cement our relationship before I tell


“Too bad. I could use some pointers.”

“What do you mean?”

“I found my mate. He’s human.”

Crewe looked at his friend, his eyes filled with delight. “That’s great. Who is it?

Anyone I know?”

Chad nodded his head toward the brothers. “That guy right there.”



“Whoa. Oh, wow.”

“You got that right,” Chad sighed ruefully.

To Be Continued

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Kate Steele

What is it they say? Watch out for the quiet ones? Kate Steele has found that

writing is the ideal way to release all those wild inner urges and she’s just getting

started. “I’m aging in reverse. With the help of lots of plastic surgery and vitamins I

fully expect to have my own male harem by the time I hit 90.” For now she’s settling for

the quiet life in rural Indiana with family and pets. Guilty pleasure: Singing in the car.

“With the volume loud enough I sound just like Celine Dion!” You can contact Kate and

sing-a-long at katesteele27@yahoo.com or visit her website at www.katesteele.com


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