Kate Steele What the Cat Dragged In

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


What the Cat Dragged In

ISBN 9781419914782
What the Cat Dragged In Copyright© 2008 Kate Steele

Edited by Mary Altman.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication March 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Kate Steele

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Kate Steele


“‘The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat. They took

some honey and plenty of money, wrapped up in a five-pound note.’”

“Jared, what the hell are you blabbering about?” Bryan Gallier stared across the bar

at his friend and bartender, Jared Rames. The tall and lanky coyote shifter responded

with a canine-like grin.

Music from the jukebox and people-powered chatter saturated the Shadow Den.

The name perfectly suited the décor of the most popular shifter bar in town. The color

scheme was all blacks, grays and softly gleaming brushed steel. Many of the shifters

who frequented the place found it relaxing in light of the fact that, while in their animal

forms, they saw only black, white and shades of gray.

That’s not to say there was no color. The blaring jukebox shone with red, green,

orange, blue and yellow lights that reflected off the colors the customers themselves

brought with them. A blue-and-white-striped shirt here, a midriff-hugging pink

sweater there—everywhere the eye wandered, there were patches of color among the

shadows under the subtle overhead lights.

The booth benches and the chairs that ringed each table were covered in black

leather accented by the subtle glow of brushed steel rivets. The tabletops were all inlaid

black granite with eye-catching fragments of quartz that gleamed like tiny solar systems

within their dark and cool surfaces. Every table and booth was filled with customers

who were engaged in drinking, eating, talking and laughing.

Mouthwatering aromas drifted in from the kitchen. The scent of pizza, hot wings

and other simple finger foods entwined and enticed. Servers, male and female, mingled

with cool aplomb, delivering food and drink, clearing tables and taking orders, all the

while engaging their customers in friendly banter.


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What the Cat Dragged In

The pool tables in the back were seeing a brisk trade. Bryan, waiting for his turn at

one, had stepped up to the bar to get himself and several friends a refill on their beers.

On the way, he kept an eye peeled for the slim and somewhat studious-looking young

man he’d noticed earlier. The guy wasn’t flashy by any means. At first glance he

seemed ordinary with his brown hair and pale skin. But a second glance had revealed

more. Under the lights, his hair gleamed with an arresting silvery glow. He wore

glasses, something Bryan had never found particularly attractive before but somehow,

on this guy, they looked sexy. They framed his big brown eyes and emphasized their

soft golden-orange tint while at the same time bringing his refined and youthful

features into sharper focus.

As nice as those things were, what really drew Bryan’s notice was the man’s body.

Though somewhat slender, the lean strength of it was obvious. When he moved, it was

with a fluid grace that set Bryan’s imagination on fire. He wanted to feel those wiry

muscles against his own and glide his fingers over the pale skin that covered them. Was

it cool to the touch or warm and inviting? He was betting warm and he was longing for

the chance to make it hot and sweaty.

Bryan knew he was here somewhere. He’d caught a fleeting glimpse of the elusive

shifter when he’d first walked in the place, but for some reason he could never pin

down his whereabouts for very long. It had been this way for weeks. Frustration was

making him a bit snippy when he was treated to a dash of his friend’s outlandish


Jared’s light brown eyes held a teasing twinkle. “It’s just a little poem I know. Don’t

tell me you’ve never heard it.”

“I’ve heard it. My mother was nothing if not a traditionalist when it came to raising

her kids. We heard all the usual songs, rhymes and fairy tales, but what’s the point?”

“I just think it’s funny how the cat’s been eyeing the owl every time he sees him.”

Jared ran a towel over the ebony bar top in front of him. “Oops, he’s leaving. You’ve

lost him again.”


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Bryan turned his head in time to see the yummy morsel he’d been stalking slip out

the front door. The heady feeling of anticipation and simmering arousal that built inside

each time he saw the guy died. “Damn,” he snarled. “What’s the matter with him? He

never hangs out long enough for me to make a move.”

“Oh, he hangs around, sometimes for hours. But not when you show up,” Jared

observed, giving his friend a significant look.

“You’ve been talking to him, haven’t you? What do you know that I don’t?” Bryan

asked. He fixed his friend with a narrow-eyed, feral and faintly threatening glare.

“Just that his name’s Kyle, he’s an owl shifter and he likes you.”

“Yeah right, that’s why he practically runs away whenever I show up.”

“You don’t get it, do you?”


“Dumbass. He’s a bird. You’re a cat. He doesn’t think you’d go for a bird—except

maybe for lunch.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Is it? Think about it, Bry. There are a lot of shifters who take a dim view of mixed

couples. Some of the most vocal ones are found in the cat community.”

Bryan snorted. “Yeah, and there are a lot of just plain people who object to two men

being together. I’ve never let that stop me. This is just more of the same archaic,

fundamentalist bullshit. I don’t knuckle under to other people’s opinions. You know I

go my own way.”

“Yeah, I do, but he doesn’t. So what are you going to do about it?”

“At the moment, I’m not sure, but you know, opportunity has a way of presenting

itself when you least expect it. Something will come to me.”

“Don’t suppose it’ll involve getting married by a Turkey who lives on a hill,” Jared

quipped, returning to the poem.


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“You know Joe’s not a preacher, and we just call him Turkey a lot,” Bryan

deadpanned. He accepted Jared’s pained groan with a grin. Then, inspired by his

attempt, Bryan tried a slightly skewed line of his own. “But I could definitely go for

fucking under the light of the moon.”

“That’s dancing under the light of the moon.”

“Hey, you have your fun your way and I’ll have mine my way.” Bryan gave his

brows a lascivious wiggle.

Laughing, Jared served up the beers. “I hear you.”

* * * * *

Two owls touched lightly down in a clearing ringed by tall and sheltering trees.

Under the full moonlight, the water in the deep, rock-rimmed, stream-fed pool sent its

reflection winging skyward. For a split second, the air around the two large birds

wavered then cleared to reveal two naked young men. With whooping cries, they ran to

the rocks. One rose taller than the others. It had a wide, flat top and they clambered up

its side then launched themselves into the water. The resulting ripples gleamed like

broken shards of liquid crystal.

One head and then another broke the water’s surface. “Jeez, I thought you said it

was warm!” Tom Kogan complained while sweeping soggy, dark locks back from his


“What were you expecting? A hot tub? Suck it up, wuss,” Kyle Brixton answered,

knowing the insult would get a rise out of his buddy.

Sure enough, with a sweep of his arm, Tom sent a sheet of water into Kyle’s face,

then pounced. The two of them roughhoused and wrestled until, breathless from

laughter, they headed to shore and dragged themselves out of the water. Staggering

over the low boulders and into the meadow beyond, they threw themselves down into

the tall, cool grass.


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Kyle listened with half an ear while Tom chattered on about some woman professor

who taught at the university. According to Tom, every guy with any sense and a

working cock had a hard-on for her. For Kyle, there was something else he’d much

rather think about—or rather, someone else. Eyes on the stars sparkling overhead, he

thought about Bryan Gallier, the sexiest cat shifter to ever stalk across the black-tiled

floor of the Shadow Den.

The man moved like fluid fire. Kyle marveled at the fact that sparks didn’t fly from

his footsteps when he walked. He was, quite simply, fucking hot. Golden-blond hair

with streaks of wheat and tan and intense green eyes with topaz flecks set in a

stunningly handsome face easily drew the lusting gazes of almost every woman and

quite a few of the men in his vicinity. A body that was fine and fit and pure sin kept

them there. That image alone was enough to start a fever in Kyle’s blood. His cock

stirred and stiffened. He huffed out a sigh that was borderline moan. How was he ever

going to get a guy like that to notice him? Would that gorgeous lynx shifter even look

twice at an owl? And why was this guy so special? Kyle had felt desire before, but

nothing like this constant longing. Other guys provided only temporary surcease for

what had become a nagging hunger.

Tom’s monologue ceased. He rolled to his side and rose up on an elbow. “You’re

doing it again.”


“Zoning out on me. You’re thinking about that cat shifter, aren’t you?”

“Why do you say that?”

“’Cause I can’t tell if that’s a boner or a cucumber,” Tom teased, pointing at the

thick column of flesh that rose from Kyle’s groin. “That guy really revs your engine,

doesn’t he?”

Kyle groaned, grimaced and brought his arm up, laying it over his eyes. “This is

embarrassing. I can’t help it.”


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“Well, don’t mind me. It’s not like I haven’t seen that thing before. Besides, you’re

not the only one who got hard thinking about someone.”

Curious, Kyle moved his arm, opened his eyes and examined his friend. Tom was

in the same state he was with an erection that was full and hard and visibly begging for

relief. “Who’s got you so wound up? That professor you were talking about?”

“So you were listening after all. Yeah, Professor Karen Landry. What a hottie. A

blonde with a brain.” Tom’s hand drifted down to his groin. “Listen, I know we haven’t

done this since we were dumb kids just learning about how stuff worked, but I need to

get off. How about we each do our own thing and take care of business?”

Kyle thought it over for all of a second and nodded his agreement. He and Tom had

been friends for years, and as he’d reminded Kyle, it wasn’t as though they’d never

seen each other like this. Masturbating in front of each other had been one of the

wildest, most daring and mind-blowing experiences either of them had had until they’d

each found their first real sexual partner.

Sprawling back into the grass, he closed his eyes, pictured Bryan and reached for

his demanding cock. With sure, practiced strokes it wasn’t long before he teetered on

the edge of coming. With his body so engaged, it wasn’t difficult to let his fantasies take

wing. He could almost hear Bryan’s husky-voiced demands in his ear. “Spread your legs

for me. I want to see that tight little hole. Im going to ream you so good youll be screaming for

mercy.” That nearly tangible, rough and purring growl centered itself at the base of

Kyle’s spine, creating an ache of pure desire that traveled the length of it. Waves of

arousal journeyed under his skin, creating chills that surfaced as goose bumps

marching over his body. Those longed-for words and more echoed in the recesses of his

imagination. “But you wont really want me to stop. And I wont. Ill go on and on and on,

teasing you until you pop like a cork out of a bottle and drench us both in your come.” How

many times had he dreamed of Bryan’s forceful seduction? More than he was

comfortable admitting, even to himself.


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Wetting a finger on his free hand, Kyle reached down between his thighs. He

cupped his balls and, picturing Bryan’s tongue doing the deed, slid that damp digit

over the smooth, tender skin of his perineum. His back arched from the stunning shock

of that intimate caress. Climax detonated deep in his groin and semen burst like liquid

shrapnel from the confines of his body. The resulting tumultuous pleasure burrowed

bone deep and radiated out to erupt from every sensitized nerve ending in his skin. He

shuddered and cried out, riding the carnal waves until they gradually subsided. With a

final groan, he melted against the ground, every muscle going lax with the momentary

sating of his hunger.

Kyle’s shout of completion was followed a few moments later by Tom’s. They lay

there breathing heavily for a moment, Tom being the first one to break the silence. “You

realize you came before I did. Premature ejaculation, buddy—you better watch it.”

The sharp slap of flesh hitting flesh was accented by Tom’s yelp. Muffled curses

and laughter echoed in the clearing and drifted out over the once more still waters of

the pond.


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What the Cat Dragged In

Chapter One

With boneless grace only a feline could possess, the eerily silent lynx glided

through the tall grass. Upwind, not twenty feet away, an unsuspecting rabbit innocently

nibbled at a patch of clover. Despite the fact that it was constantly on guard, in this

instance, the rabbit failed to notice the danger closing in.

The sun had set and the day was steeped in twilight. The reduced light was no

impediment to the lynx. His visual acuity was geared for day or night. Inch after inch of

ground was meticulously traversed. The space between hunter and prey grew smaller

and smaller until finally the lynx crouched even lower. Every muscle tensed and

quivered with the repressed surge of adrenaline that rushed through his veins. Poised

to strike, he froze at the rush of air that passed near enough to ruffle his fur, then

snarled as his prey was snatched practically from beneath his nose. A frustrated yowl

echoed on the wind that carried his nemesis, a barred owl, away. The limp body of the

rabbit dangled from its claws.

The air around the cat shivered with the force of his wrath before engulfing him in

an opaque bubble that burst to reveal not the enraged cat but an exasperated yet

thoughtful man. “You little son of a bitch,” Bryan growled. “I don’t know what the fuck

your game is, but this is going to stop. That’s the third time you’ve snatched my prey.

Someone needs to teach you some manners.”

Blinking green eyes that still held a slight hint of tawny gold, Bryan pondered the

problem. A simple solution presented itself. If the owl wanted his prey, Bryan was

going to serve it up on a silver platter. A smile of anticipation curved his lips. He was

going catch himself an owl. In the blink of an eye, he shifted. The lynx padded through

the woods, leaving as silently as he’d arrived.


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* * * * *

Two days later, the lynx was once again on the hunt. Shadows on the ground

lengthened as evening approached. From a slow, ghosting glide, the lynx froze in his

tracks. His eyes scanned the surrounding trees while his nostrils quivered, obviously

taking in the surrounding scents. Apparently satisfied, he continued on his way.

Cautiously he approached that same clearing with its tall grass and tempting clover.

Another rabbit had found the succulent treasure and was feasting while his ears

swiveled and his nose twitched.

As before, the lynx went into hunt mode, slinking with deadly silence toward his

unsuspecting prey. Within pouncing distance, he paused. A split second later, just as he

expected, his nemesis appeared. With silent beats of his wings, the barred owl swooped

in to snatch the rabbit. Instead of yowling with anger, the cat shifted. Back in human

form, Bryan held his breath in anticipation.

The owl, prize clutched in his talons, swept upward and away, failing to notice the

nearly invisible line attached to the rabbit’s back leg. Twenty feet in the air the line

stretched taut, finally at its limit. For the owl, it was like slamming into a brick wall. The

tremendous wrench of resistance jolted him off balance. His body was jerked violently

backward. Having lost his forward momentum, his wings flapped awkwardly, losing

the buoyancy of the air beneath them. With a startled, hooting cry he tumbled out of the

sky to land with a thump in the tall, springy grass. With the air momentarily

shimmering around it, the owl transformed to reveal a slim young man, winded and


Totally naked, Bryan sauntered up and stood over his prize. “Well, well, well. Look

what the cat dragged in. I got you, didn’t I, wing-nut?” Bryan growled while admiring

the owl shifter’s trim body and sleek, wiry muscles.

The man on the ground had just enough time to mutter, “You bastard,” before

passing out.


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“Oh shit,” Bryan cursed. He knelt and put his ear to the man’s chest. His heartbeat

was strong and steady, his breathing even and regular. “I suppose that was a shock. You

bird-types are so delicate.”

Sighing in resignation, Bryan levered Kyle up and over his shoulder. As he headed

toward home, the thought crossed his mind that this was definitely not how he’d

pictured things happening. Still, he’d managed to catch the owlish little imp and toying

with one’s prey was a time-honored feline tradition. Smiling like the proverbial cat

that’d swallowed the canary, Bryan formulated a plan designed to show his captive just

how inventive a playful cat could be.

* * * * *

Kyle groaned and stirred. Eyes closed, his growing awareness presented him with

several impressions. The surface beneath his body was firm yet soft, the air against his

skin warm. He was also naked and his wrists were tied. “What the fuck?” he exclaimed,

trying to bolt upright. His efforts were wasted. Not only were his wrists tied but his

ankles as well. All his limbs were securely fastened, one to each of the four corners of

the bed on which he lay, leaving him spread-eagled and vulnerable.

From across the dimly lit room, a voice spoke. “So you’ve finally decided to wake

up. How do you feel?”

Squinting, Kyle could make out a man with short, tawny blond hair sitting in an

overstuffed chair. He held a book on his lap. On the table next to him was a reading

lamp and in its glow he could see a cup and an empty plate. Kyle found his mouth

watering at the smell of bread, cheese and meat. His captor had obviously finished a

meal not long ago. It had been awhile since he himself last ate and he tended to burn

through calories fast. His stomach actually emitted a faint rumble.

“I’m fine, except for this,” Kyle answered with a sarcastic grunt, ignoring his

protesting stomach. He pulled at his bound arms and legs. “What’s the deal here? Untie

me, asshole.”


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Laying his book aside, the man rose from his chair and approached. He was

barefoot and wore jeans topped with a dark green t-shirt. Recognition kicked in when

Kyle saw him move. It was Bryan Gallier. The one who’d played the dirty trick that

knocked him out of the sky. The one he’d been lusting over for the past several months,

but even lust couldn’t block his anger.

“You lousy bastard. You almost got me killed! What’s the matter, you afraid if I’m

not tied down I’ll beat the shit out of you?”

“As if,” Bryan scoffed, looming over Kyle. “You got what you deserved and now

it’s my turn for a few answers.” He reached out and lightly plucked Kyle’s nearer

nipple. “And maybe a little fun.”

“Hey, cut it out,” Kyle commanded as sternly as possible despite his rising anxiety.

He admired the steady strength of his own voice. Considering the zing of wickedly

arousing sensation that winged its way through his body at Bryan’s touch, he

considered himself lucky not to have squeaked like a lightning-struck mouse.

“Why? Does my touch turn you on?”

“How did you put it? As if.” A slow smile curved Bryan’s lips, and under any other

circumstances Kyle would have been fascinated by it, but now it sent a skitter of alarm

down his spine.

“Your nipple’s hard.”

Momentarily shocked, Kyle opened his mouth but found nothing to say until Bryan

seated himself on the bed. Panicked, he practically spit out an explanation. “Yours

would be too if someone pinched it.”

“Well, maybe you’ll get that chance. If you cooperate.”

“What the hell do you want? Why have you got me tied up?”

“You’ve been teasing me for the past couple of weeks. I just thought I’d return the


“You mean because I stole your bunnies?”


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“Yeah. Not that I’d starve without them. I only take them to satisfy my cat’s desire

to hunt, but I still want to know why.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s it.”

“That’s simple. I just thought it would be fun.”


“Yeah, fun.”

“There was no other motive than that?”

“No, why would there be?” Kyle stared into Bryan’s eyes, willing all the sincerity

he could dredge up into his own expression. He waited, every muscle tight with a fine


Bryan returned his look, then shrugged. “All right.”

Kyle let out his pent-up breath and relaxed when Bryan swiveled where he sat, his

hands going to the soft rope at Kyle’s ankle. Kyle could feel his fingers touch the knots,

only to pause.

“You know,” Bryan began, his back to Kyle, “you went to a lot of trouble for just a

little fun.” Slightly calloused fingertips began stroking Kyle’s ankle. “You had to have

been watching me, learning my habits, waiting for me to go hunting.” Bryan’s hand

moved in a long, slow glide as it followed the natural curve of Kyle’s leg. Kyle

swallowed the unexpected whimper that rose in his throat. “You may not think I

noticed, but I’ve seen you at the Shadow Den.”

“So what? Lots of shifters go there,” Kyle commented breathlessly. He swallowed

hard, then snapped, “Stop that!” when Bryan continued to caress him.

“Why? I like the way your skin feels. It’s soft, but what’s underneath is firm. I

notice you have very little body hair. I like that. It’s really smooth.” Bryan slid his hand

higher. “Are all bird shifters this way?”

“How should I know?”


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“I assume you’ve dated other birds. I went out with a swan once. That one time was

definitely enough. Swans have such a royalty complex. He kept looking down his nose

at everything I liked. Or should I say looking down his beak?” Bryan chuckled.

By this time Bryan’s hand had traveled to his knee and Kyle was getting desperate.

His skin felt flushed, his heart was starting to pound and there was a distinct, heavy

ache awakening in his groin. He subtly shifted his leg, hoping to encourage Bryan to let

go. It didn’t work.

“I’ve heard that about swans but I never dated one. Look, I don’t know what kind

of answer you’re angling for, but like I said, it was just a joke. You know? Good, clean


Bryan released his grip and twisted back to face Kyle. His hand casually reassumed

its place on Kyle’s knee. Giving it a squeeze, he smiled. “Liar.” Caressing fingers and a

warm, wide palm resumed their journey, leaving a trail of fire in their wake as they

glided up Kyle’s inner thigh.

“Oh fuck,” Kyle breathed, losing the struggle to keep his blood from rushing into

the one place he didn’t want it. His cock began to fill and rise.

“Umm, nice,” Bryan murmured. “Looks like somebody’s begging for attention.”

“I am not!” Kyle vehemently denied. “If you’d just stop touching me, this wouldn’t


“But I like touching you. Cats are very tactile creatures. We love rubbing against


Kyle steeled himself, waiting for a more intimate touch. It came in the form of a

gentle, barely there graze when Bryan’s pinkie brushed against the full curve of his ball

sac. Kyle’s hips jerked and he barely suppressed the surprised moan that leapt to his


“Man, you’re so responsive. Every little touch registers. I’m not going to have any

trouble at all making you come, am I? Look’s like I’ll have to be really careful not to

make you come too soon.”


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“I don’t want you making me come at all,” Kyle vehemently denied.

“But where’s the fun in that? Don’t you think this is a much more interesting way to

tease someone instead of stealing their prey?”

“Look, I’m sorry about that. Just let me go.”

“Not until you tell me what your real motivation was for playing tricks on me.”

Kyle opened his mouth then stubbornly closed it.

Bryan inclined his head to the side with a slight, inquisitive tilt. “You’ve just told

me one of two things. You won’t tell me the real reason because, in spite of your

protests, you really like this and you want it to continue or you’re too embarrassed to

tell me the truth. It’s all right either way. If you really like this, you’re going to get just

what you want, and if you’re bashful, by the time I’m done you’ll never be shy with me


Bryan’s hand bypassed Kyle’s groin and slipped along the tender line of skin that

marked where his leg and torso joined. It then took an inward path, fingertips teasing

the sparse wisps of Kyle’s pubic hair before sliding up to circle his bellybutton. Kyle’s

stomach gave a slight, convulsive heave which caused his cock to bounce.

“Are you ticklish or did you just like that?”

“I don’t like anything you’re doing,” Kyle contradicted between clenched teeth,

then almost groaned at the indulgent disbelief in Bryan’s eyes.

“That’s not what your cock says.”

“Just because my cock likes it doesn’t mean I do.”

“Are you two separate entities?” Bryan asked with a teasing grin. “Please tell me

you haven’t given your cock a name.”

“Fuck you.”

“You first,” Bryan answered before continuing his exploration.

Kyle closed his eyes, fighting the heat that spread over his skin. His flesh tingled

with the soft yet abrasive touch that came from the slightly rough texture of Bryan’s


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hand. As it moved, it left a trail of fire in its wake that contrasted with the chills that

chased themselves in frantic forays over the rest of his body. His abs were touched and

tested, the muscles lightly massaged.

Bryan’s hand kept moving upward, sliding over Kyle’s sternum and between his

pectoral muscles. Ready to breathe a sigh of relief that more sensitive parts were left

unmolested, Kyle yelped when moist heat misted over his nipple seconds before firm

lips closed around it. His body bucked on the bed but Bryan had apparently anticipated

his reaction and held him firmly in place. Eyes flying open, he lifted his head and

looked down to find Bryan boldly tasting him.

“No,” Kyle groaned, dropping back against the pillow.

He squirmed to no avail against the sinuous movement of Bryan’s tongue, teasing

his firm yet tender nub. Every nerve ending was broadcasting the intense pleasure until

it radiated outward in a web that encompassed his entire body. A nearly orgasmic rush

of sensation triggered his temperature to spike. Beads of sweat broke out from head to


He was given a short respite when Bryan lifted away only to lean in, his mouth

hovering near Kyle’s ear. “Ready to spill it?” Bryan drawled.

Kyle shuddered at the near-growling pitch of his voice. It vibrated against his inner

ear, sending a shiver down his spine. “Spill what?”

“Your secret or your seed. Whichever you’d prefer.”


“Umm, I’m so glad you said that.”

Bryan nipped Kyle’s earlobe, drawing an openmouthed gasp from him. Before he

could close his mouth, Bryan sealed his lips over Kyle’s. Shocked, Kyle started to

struggle but in seconds flat found himself melting instead. Bryan’s kiss was volcanic,

causing Kyle’s resistance to dissolve. His protests liquefied like iron ore in a blast

furnace, purified and forged into a desire as strong as steel. Unconsciously, his arms


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pulled at the ropes that kept him prisoner. Instead of escape, he now wanted just the

opposite. Instinct drove him to hold on to the source of such pleasure.

His humming “umm” of protest became one of acceptance and surrender. He slid

his tongue along Bryan’s, seeking more of the delectable taste that burst on his palate.

The touch and taste of the man boldly captured every iota of his attention. Kyle’s need

grew, his body quivering, unconsciously begging for more—more contact, more

sensation, more Bryan.

Confident hands slid up along the length of Kyle’s bound arms. Long fingers

encircled them while clever thumbs soothed over the sensitive, tender skin of Kyle’s

inner wrists. He’d never have guessed that these two innocuous spots on his body

could be so receptive and vulnerable to a lover’s caress. A long, low moan was drawn

from his throat. Again he pulled against the bonds that held him.

Bryan released Kyle’s mouth. “You make the sweetest sounds. For an owl, you’re

practically purring.” Bryan’s own voice was husky with arousal. “I love how you tell

me just where you like to be touched. You know I’m going to remember each and every

little spot and soon,” Bryan kissed and nibbled Kyle’s chin, “very soon, I’m going to lick

and taste every succulent, sensitive bit of it.”

His lips continued over the line of Kyle’s jaw then dipped below where he worked

his way down and over Kyle’s vulnerable throat. Straining back against the pillow, Kyle

arched his neck and willingly offered him access.

Bryan lifted his head to stare into Kyle’s eyes. “Giving in so easily?” he teased. “I

expected more resistance.” He dipped his head and traced his tongue over Kyle’s lower


Stung by the faintly disparaging comment, Kyle lunged upward, caught Bryan’s

bottom lip between his teeth and nipped it hard enough to draw blood.

Bryan lurched back out of range. “Ow! You don’t have to get violent about it. I was

only kidding. I love the way you’re reacting. At first I wanted you to fight me, but now I


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want you to give in. I want you to want this,” Bryan confessed, his tone definitely


His tongue did a slow sweep over the tiny tear in his lip, gathering the blood that

pooled over the wound. Kyle watched in fascination as tiny flares of arousal set Bryan’s

eyes a-shimmer. At the sight of that rich, red fluid, Kyle’s lips parted. His breath came

in short, hard pants. For carnivorous shifters, sharing blood with a lover was a most

intimate and bonding act. His gaze met Bryan’s.

“You want to taste?” Bryan whispered.

Unable to speak, Kyle nodded then groaned when Bryan joined their lips, his

tongue slipping into the welcoming heat of Kyle’s mouth. The coppery-rich and heady

taste of Bryan’s blood made Kyle’s head spin and his hips strained upward when a

sharp spike of need sent a fresh influx of his own blood into his already hard cock. He

shuddered at Bryan’s answering growl, the sound echoing inside Kyle’s chest.

Bryan’s touch, never timid, became even brasher and more determined. He released

Kyle’s mouth and returned to the base of his throat where sharp teeth pinched a fold of

his skin. Firm suction brought with it a fiery sting and Kyle knew he was being marked.

With his shifter physiology, such a subtle wound would disappear within the hour but

for now, it was an erotic act that merely enhanced the primal heat between Bryan and


Moving lower once more, Bryan applied himself to driving Kyle out of his mind.

His heretofore untouched nipple was treated to hot, wet suction and firm swipes of

Bryan’s tongue while his other nipple was squeezed and rolled between Bryan’s

fingertips. Waves of heat radiated from Kyle’s skin, a renewed sheen of sweat making

his body gleam.

Head tossing on the pillow, it took him a moment to realize that Bryan’s mouth was

no longer on his nipple. He was, in fact, no longer touching Kyle at all. The removal of

Bryan’s hands was by this time surprisingly unwelcome. Panting, Kyle opened his eyes

in time to see the cat shifter pull his t-shirt off and toss it across the room. Breathing


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hard, he let his gaze wander that firm, muscled chest with its light smattering of tawny

hair. Kyle’s fingers curled in frustration. He wanted to touch, wanted to pet the wiry

swirls of fur and feel the subtle hills and valleys of Bryan’s six-pack abs.

Bryan seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. His grin was feral, his eyes

twinkling with all the satisfaction of a pleased mischief-maker. His hands landed on

Kyle’s thighs. Leaning over, without any preamble or hesitation, he opened his mouth

and licked the underside of Kyle’s cock from base to tip. Kyle’s heart lurched, the breath

in his lungs exploding outward in a desperate groan.

A firm hand closed around the thick column of his erection and with a light

squeeze, gave it a few practiced strokes. Bryan’s mouth covered the smooth, plump cap,

his tongue teasing and tracing the shape before pushing lightly against the tiny slit.

“Oh shit! Oh fuck, yeah,” Kyle sputtered. His back arched while his heels fought for

traction on the bed.

“You like this?” Bryan inquired with a husky growl after letting Kyle’s cock slip

from his mouth.

“You can’t tell?” Kyle retorted, lifting his head to stare down at Bryan with

impatient exasperation.

Keeping the slow strokes going against Kyle’s cock, Bryan winked and slipped a

finger into his mouth.

Kyle’s eyes widened. “Now wait a minute.”

With a clear show of enjoyment, Bryan pulled his finger from his lips. “Why?”

Sliding his hand between Kyle’s thighs, he cupped the warm sac of his testicles, his wet

finger exploring the tender skin behind them. Reaching farther back, he found the tight

entrance to Kyle’s body. His finger soothed the wrinkled skin and teased the tiny pink

hole which jumped at every touch.

“Oh God. I don’t know. But maybe you shouldn’t do that.”

“Do what? This?”


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Bryan applied pressure, sending his finger in to the second joint.

“Bryan!” Kyle shouted while falling back against the pillow.

“Mmm? You don’t have to yell. I’m right here. Damn, you feel good—so tight.”

Kyle could feel it when Bryan moved a bit, stirring his finger around before pushing

deeper. He seemed to be searching for something. The gentle slide of Bryan’s fingertip

against his prostate gland drew another shout from Kyle. “There it is,” Bryan said,

smiling triumphantly.

Drops of pre-come spilled from the tip of his cock to land against his belly. He

shuddered and groaned, hips working with Bryan’s touch. Between the hand at his

cock and the finger buried deep within his body, his climax was fast approaching. There

was no fighting the growing sensations, and frankly he didn’t want to. He embraced the

expanding pleasure, welcoming the coming explosion. He was almost there. A little

closer, another few seconds was all he needed when Bryan stopped.

A wave of disbelief swept over him. Body straining and fighting the ties that held

him, Kyle practically howled with frustration. “No! Don’t stop!”

Bryan’s face appeared in front of him. “You need to come?”


“Then tell me what I want to know. Did you steal my prey just for fun or was there

something more?” Bryan’s eyes held a steely strength in them that let Kyle know he’d

accept nothing less than the truth.

Desperate not only from his physical need but with the need to make Bryan

understand, Kyle confessed. “I wanted you! I saw you at the Shadow Den. I knew you

were a cat shifter and that you’d never go against your kind and look twice at me. But I

wanted you to. I wanted you to notice me.” He lowered his eyes and turned his head

away. Warm fingers cupped his jaw and firmly drew him back to face the man who

held him captive in more ways than one.

“No one tells me who I can or can’t be with, Kyle,” Bryan declared before leaning

down to kiss him. It was a long, slow, openmouthed kiss filled with heat and need and


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reassurance. “I noticed you the first time you walked into the Shadow Den,” Bryan

confessed. “But you never stayed long enough for me to make a move on you. I finally

asked Jared who you were.”

“Jared. He’s the bartender, right?” Kyle panted. Unfulfilled need kept him wired

tight and he shifted restlessly.

“Yeah. He’s also part-owner and makes a point of getting to know all the shifters

who frequent the bar.”

“I thought he was just nosy.”

Bryan laughed. “Oh, he’s that too. He told me you were an owl shifter. He also said

he noticed you watching me, that you liked me.”

Kyle grimaced and felt his cheeks heat. “That guy’s got a big mouth.”

“Yeah, he does. It’s partly thanks to him that I kept trying to come up with a plan to

get to know you. It seemed a shame to waste such mutual admiration. I was pretty

much drawing a blank on how to get to you short of out-and-out kidnapping when

some smartass owl started snatching my prey. I thought it might be you—at least, I

hoped so. You gave me the opening I needed.”

“Yeah? Well, I got frustrated. I couldn’t think of anything else to do. I knew it might

piss you off, but at least you’d have to acknowledge my existence.”

“Hey, I’ve more than noticed your existence, but I’m glad you got frustrated. It

worked in my favor. So,” Bryan asked with an arch of one brow, “if I untie you, are you

going to stay or fly away?”

“I’m staying. You owe me for knocking me out of the sky.”

“You owe me for stealing my prey.”

For the first time since being taken prisoner, Kyle smiled. Bryan felt his cock jump.

That simple curve of the owl shifter’s luscious lips conveyed all the winsome charm and


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guile of the most calculating cat. It was unexpected and sexy as hell. A subvocal purr

rumbled in Bryan’s chest.

“Looks like we both deserve some payback. Now turn me loose. I want to touch

you too,” Kyle demanded.

“My pleasure,” Bryan growled.

Rising to his feet, he circled the bed, undoing the knots as he went. All the while he

admired his feisty captive’s body. A slim wrist was freed, both ankles, then the final

wrist. Kyle groaned and stretched, his lithe body showing a seamless flex of

symmetrical, flowing muscle.

“Damn, my arms feel weak. All the blood’s drained out of them.”

“Yeah, I can see where it’s gone to,” Bryan teased, his gaze dropping to Kyle’s still-

full erection.

“Funny. The least you could do is help me get the feeling back in them.”

“All right. Don’t get your feathers ruffled.”

Bryan unselfconsciously stripped off his jeans and briefs and climbed on the bed.

Kneeling at Kyle’s side, he intended to apply some TLC in the form of a reviving

massage to the owl shifter’s affected limbs. Instead, he found himself yanked down by

arms that felt far from weak. He managed to land with an elbow to either side of Kyle’s

torso, his lips hovering inches above Kyle’s.

“My feathers are already ruffled.”

Bryan inhaled the warmth of Kyle’s breath against his mouth. His lips parted in a

sensual half-smile. “I can see that too. You get aggressive when you’re riled up.”

“I’m an owl, not a dove. I’m every bit the predator you are.” Kyle returned Bryan’s

gaze with a bold and steady stare. “And I love meat.”

“You know I’m not going to be able to resist that line, don’t you?” Bryan asked, his

smile growing.

“Say it.”


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“I’ve got some meat for you.”

“Smartass, bring it on. But first…”

Pressure from the arms looped around Bryan’s neck increased. Bryan went

willingly and slanted his parted lips against Kyle’s. Twin groans of hunger rumbled

between them. Bryan delighted in the forceful thrust of Kyle’s tongue into his mouth. It

was all well and good to coax a shy partner into responding, but it was even more

exhilarating to wrestle for dominance with a passionate one. He wound his own tongue

around and over Kyle’s, battling the invasion with equal fervor while compression, heat

and friction caused his lips to swell.

Intimate contact with this man was every bit as wildly exciting as he’d hoped.

Every touch and taste felt magnified, and yet something more waited beneath the

surface. It was a calm, accepting pool of ageless warmth and welcome that bade him to

immerse himself. Kyle’s scent and flavor was absorbed into Bryan’s palate. The essence

of it overwhelmed his senses and imprinted itself in a place heretofore untouched, a

place centered in the core of his being. For a moment he allowed himself to be drawn in

until a flutter of panic awoke in the pit of his stomach.

Such intense awareness of his partner was a thing he’d never experienced before. It

was almost too much. Bryan tore himself free of Kyle’s arms and sat up. On his knees at

Kyle’s side with his heart pounding like a jackhammer, Bryan gazed down in dazed

confusion. Something was definitely different here. Yes, it was supposed to be

pleasurable—all his sexual encounters were—but this feeling that was insinuating itself

inside him was…more.

Kyle was staring back at him. His breathing was audible, harsh pants puffing from

between his swollen, parted lips. The whites of his eyes had completely disappeared to

be replaced by orbs gone a rich and fiery golden-orange. Seeing them that way, Bryan

was suddenly aware of the shift in his own visual perception. Without having to look in

a mirror, he knew his eyes were displaying the rich, glowing emerald green that

normally only appeared when he shifted.


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“What the fuck did you do?” Kyle’s voice conveyed his astonished apprehension.

“Well, that answers one question.”


“Whether or not I was the only one who felt that.”

“How could I have missed it?”

Bryan shrugged. “And just what do you mean by what did I do? What makes you

think it was all my fault?”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s just easier to blame you. I didn’t…didn’t expect this,

whatever it is. What are we going to do?”

Kyle’s question held an edge of panic that sparked a frisson of annoyance in Bryan.

It calmed his own misgivings. He watched that beautiful golden-orange color fade from

Kyle’s eyes and knew his own were returning to normal. “Why do we have to do


Kyle shrugged and seemed to stop and consider the situation. “I don’t know. It just


“Well, yeah, but it wasn’t bad, was it?”

“No, not bad. Just different.”

“So do you want to stop?” He waited, holding his breath, for Kyle’s answer.

The weight of the owl shifter’s gaze traveled over his body. Bryan’s blood sang

beneath the surface of his skin at that ethereal caress. He could actually see Kyle’s

apprehension disappear to be replaced by a look of determination and growing lust.

“No. I don’t.” Kyle sat up and scooted until he could lean back against the headboard.

He crooked a finger in Bryan’s direction and beckoned him forward. “Where’s my

meat, puss?”

Bryan growled. “You better can that puss shit, feather duster.” Kyle’s throaty

chuckle slid like a thick, sweet trickle of molasses down Bryan’s spine. Body on

automatic, he shuffled close, bringing his cock within range of Kyle’s lips.


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“Does your tail lash back and forth when you get pissed? I’d like to see that cute

little lynx stub twitch.”

“I know a taxidermist who’d love to have an owl to work with.”

“Now, now. I’ll bet I can pet something that’ll make you purr. By the way, kitty cat,

you have the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen.”

Before Bryan could comment, Kyle’s tongue slid over the head of his cock. After

that, the best he could do was, “Oh fuck!”

Bending forward a bit, Bryan grabbed on to the headboard. The firm, wet caress of

Kyle’s tongue was sending spirals of heat winding through his body. Any doubts he

had about continuing were swept away. That building warmth pushed up and out as a

light sheen of sweat broke over his skin. Kyle’s hands landed on the firm cheeks of his

ass. Strong fingers squeezed and massaged while Kyle’s mouth opened, granting Bryan

access to a slice of hot, wet heaven.

He allowed Kyle to guide his movements as, with each thrust and withdrawal, his

cock was treated to the most exquisite massage. Now that he’d found his footing and

was no longer restrained, Kyle was proving himself to be a most accomplished and

eager lover.

It wasn’t long before Bryan was forcibly removing himself from Kyle’s mouth.

“Stop, damn, I don’t want to come yet. I want to be inside you. You gonna let me in?”

“Since you ask so nicely, I guess I could accommodate you,” Kyle agreed. He

wrapped his fingers around Bryan’s cock and took a long, languorous lick. “Man, you

taste good. Next time we do this, I suck you off.”

Bryan nodded, liking the idea of a next time. Still, he couldn’t help but tease. “If I

hadn’t seen you in owl form with my own eyes, I’d swear you were a cat.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You’re fixated on the cream, babe.”


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Kyle looked like he wanted to refute that statement, then good-naturedly shrugged.

“It’s tasty cream.”

Bryan laughed and moved away. He opened a drawer in the bedside table and

brought out a bottle of lube. Turning back to Kyle, he lifted his brows in inquiry. Kyle

nodded and wiggled into position until he was lying flat on the bed with his head on

one of the pillows. With the practiced ease of someone well versed in these situations,

Bryan opened the lube and poured a measure of it into the palm of his hand, then

snapped the lid closed and set it aside.

He maneuvered himself until he was on his knees between Kyle’s spread thighs.

Urging his partner to lift his legs, Bryan shuffled closer, resting the cheeks of Kyle’s ass

against his knees. Kyle let one leg lie against his lover’s shoulder and held the other

back, exposing himself to Bryan’s eager gaze. The tiny, pink-tinged entrance to Kyle’s

body was revealed and Bryan felt of surge of pure lust sweep over him.

Not taking his eyes from his goal, he wet his fingers in the lube then reached out to

slick them over that tempting bit of flesh. It jumped at his touch and he glanced at

Kyle’s face. His eyes were closed, his expression denoting deep concentration. Bryan

positioned one finger and carefully watched Kyle while it sank within his body.

Kyle’s brows drew together and his mouth opened. “Oh yeah,” he moaned.

Smiling, Bryan stroked his finger slowly in and out, then added a second. Kyle

accepted the added bulk with a soft, keening moan and no protest so Bryan continued.

Carefully he worked the tight entrance, stretching it for the coming invasion of his cock.

A third finger joined the other two and Kyle’s body clenched around them. Bryan

waited. Kyle was panting, his eyes still closed. Slowly he relaxed, then actually pushed

himself against the intrusive, tightly fluted digits.

“Mmm, yeah. More,” he ordered softly.

Happy to comply, Bryan began slowly easing his fingers in and out, moving them

carefully. Changing the angle, he searched for and found what he was looking for. The


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small, spongy protrusion that was Kyle’s prostate. He brushed his fingertips over the

small gland with spectacular results.

Oh fuck.” Kyle’s eyes flashed open, his back arching while clear drops of pre-come

leaked from the flushed and plump head of his cock to spatter on his belly.

“That’s definitely the spot. You ready for me?” Bryan growled.

“Fuck, yeah. Give it to me.”

“Happy to.”

Bryan slicked himself up with the remaining lube and positioned himself. He teased

both himself and Kyle by running the fat crown of his cock around and over Kyle’s

anus. The nerves in his cock head screamed for more. Bryan heeded them, centered

himself and pushed. The taut ring of muscle at Kyle’s entrance momentarily resisted

then relaxed a bit, allowing him in. He was in no more than a couple of inches when

Kyle’s body clenched and held him in a viselike grip.

Kyle had gasped, his eyes were shut tight and hard puffs of air blew from between

his parted lips. Bryan insinuated his hand between them, letting his lube-slick fingers

find the place of their joining. “Easy, baby,” he crooned.

With gentle fingertips, he lightly rubbed the tender skin that was stretched around

his cock. Kyle began moaning, a low, sweet sound that made Bryan’s stomach muscles

clench. He continued, letting his fingers trail over his lover’s perineum. His actions

were having an obvious effect on Kyle. His body started rocking, his hips pushing

against Bryan while his muscles relaxed. Bryan slid deeper, fingers now cupping Kyle’s

balls while softly massaging them. With an easy push, he was fully seated. It was

absolutely exquisite.

Kyle’s passage was hot and wet, with a snug fit that held him perfectly. This time it

was Bryan who closed his eyes. The visual of himself buried inside his lover coupled

with the feel of it was almost too much. It was all he could do not to give in to his

body’s urgent demand to slam himself home a couple of times and shoot. It was



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Seeking to distract himself for a moment, Bryan ran his palm up and down Kyle’s

thigh, drawing his attention.

“What?” Kyle gasped. His eyes were heavy-lidded and even that single word

seemed to take great effort.

“You got some great accommodations, babe.”

Practically growling, Kyle threw his head back against the pillow. “Fuck me, damn


With that primal demand ringing in his ears, he gave in to the welcoming pull of

Kyle’s body and began to move. Bryan pulled out then slowly returned. At first it was

long, careful glides in and out while the pleasure established itself and remained at a

steady level. The pace and strength of his thrusts gradually increased, urging the

intensity of sensation higher. Climax eventually hovered within reach, teasing him

unmercifully. To continue as he was meant to enjoy the act longer, while greater speed

and stronger strokes would bring the explosive culmination they were working toward.

Torn between one and the other, Bryan did the only thing he could—endure and

wallow in every moment of sweet torture.

Eventually there comes a point when the mind no longer has a say and the body

takes complete control. Bryan was soon slamming into Kyle with short, jabbing strokes

of his cock that drew a constant stream of impassioned moans and curses from his

lover. With the last of his awareness, he wrapped his fingers around Kyle’s cock,

jacking him in time with each convulsive thrust. His world had become heat, sweat,

heavy, testosterone-laden musk and pure, near-agonizing need. Everything inside

wound tighter and tighter until a spasm of aching delight tore free and climax hit like a


Bryan’s cry was echoed by Kyle. Arched over his lover’s body, Bryan shuddered

with each rapid throb of sensation that struck him. His cock pulsed with every spurt of

his seed that was unloaded into Kyle’s gripping sheath. Wet heat spilled between them

and it registered on some primitive level that Kyle too had found his release. Reeling in


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a fog of aching pleasure, he breathed in the musky, come-scented heat generated by

their bodies. A nearly inaudible whimper caught his attention and drew his gaze to

Kyle’s face. At that moment, Bryan could swear he’d never seen anything more

beautiful. Drawn by the look of sated astonishment on Kyle’s face, Bryan bent closer,

joined their lips, closed his eyes and lost himself in the most breathlessly amazing kiss

he’d ever shared with anyone in his entire life.

The kiss spoke of tenderness, languorous fulfillment, shared joy and the simple

bone-deep, exquisite ache one person can discover when communing with the soul of

another. Reluctantly parting from Kyle, Bryan realized that his vision had again shifted

and Kyle’s eyes had returned to that golden-orange hue that spoke of his own

emotional upheaval. Once again they’d stirred unfamiliar feelings in each other and

neither was sure just what to make of it.

Without a word, Bryan disengaged their bodies and flopped over on his back with a

deep sigh. They lay quietly for a time, neither moving nor speaking until Bryan took the

bull by the horns. “Want a beer? Or something to eat? I’ve got roast beef and cheese.”

Silently he kicked himself. That wasn’t what he’d meant to say, but how did one

approach the daunting subject matter of emotions?

Kyle sat up. “No thanks. I think I’ll head home. I’ve got an early class tomorrow.”

“Oh, right. What are you studying?”

“I’m majoring in business administration.”

“That’s cool. Uh, hey, you’re welcome to use the shower if you’d like.”

“I’m good. I’ll get cleaned up when I get home.” Kyle rolled off the bed and stood

up. “Think you could show me the way out? I didn’t exactly get here on my own steam,

you know.”

Bryan felt himself flush. “Oh, yeah.” He scooted off the bed and led the way out of

the bedroom, down a long hall, through the living room and to the front door. Upon

opening it, cool, late-night breezes wafted in.

Kyle took a deep breath. “Man, that feels good.”


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“It does,” Bryan agreed. “Well, it was fun. Sorry about the whole string on the

rabbit thing.”

“It’s all right. It was worth it.” Kyle’s grin was short-lived. Bryan watched him

fidget with seeming discomfort. “Well, I’ll see ya around.”

“Yeah. Next time you see me at the Shadow Den, say hi and I’ll buy you a beer.”

“Sure thing.”

Kyle opened the screened storm door and stepped out on the porch. In the blink of

an eye, he’d changed into his owl form and spread his wings. Effortlessly, he lifted

himself in flight. Bryan watched until he was almost out of sight, then shivered at the

eerie hoot that ghosted back to him. The forlorn sound made his chest go tight.

Shit. I should have said something. Fuck. What the hell am I doing? That

was…damn, what was that? Fucking amazing. Scary as hell, but fucking amazing.”

Shaking his head and still cursing under his breath, Bryan retreated into the house, took

a quick shower and went back to bed for a few hours. His sleep was restless, his dreams

haunted by regret and a pair of big brown eyes that morphed into warm, golden-orange



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Chapter Two

Kyle took a sip of his beer and sighed.

“Would you stop that? I swear you’ve been moodier than a badger the last couple

of weeks. What’s wrong with you?” Tom asked.

“I don’t know. I guess I got what I wanted and found out it was too much. Or not

enough. I’m not sure which.”

Since the night it occurred, Kyle had brooded over that explosive encounter with

Bryan. He was torn between wanting more and wanting to forget. Something happened

that night. It had been frightening but glorious. He just wasn’t sure how to deal with his

confusion and he had a feeling he wasn’t the only one. Despite that one mention of a

next time, he’d not heard from the cat shifter—not that he could throw stones. He

hadn’t made any effort to contact Bryan either.

“Yeah, that makes sense. Does it have anything to do with that guy there?” Kyle’s

friend inclined his head.

Kyle turned and followed the direction Tom indicated. He found himself gazing at

Bryan, who was just sitting down at a table across the room. He wasn’t alone. His

companion was tall, blond and hard-on-inducingly handsome. The two of them looked

like a matched set. Surprised by the sharp pang of hurt and dismay that assaulted him,

Kyle quickly turned away and lowered his eyes to rest on the beer bottle he was

unaware of having grasped so tightly.

Concentrating, he willed himself to loosen his grip then raised the bottle to his lips.

Taking several long, deep swallows, he neatly finished the beer. Pleased at how steady

his hand was, he lowered the bottle to the table, set it down with cool precision and

looked at Tom. “I’m done here. Let’s go.”

“Kyle. What happened between you guys?”


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“Apparently nothing important.” Kyle fished his cell phone out and dialed a

number. It was answered by a soft, male voice. “Hey, you busy? I’ve been thinking

about you and I’m hard as hell. How’d you like to get fucked through the mattress?”

Kyle asked with false joviality, then listened to the reply. He forced a laugh. “Great. I’ll

be there in fifteen.” He stood up. “I got a date. Want me to drop you off somewhere?”

“No, I’m good. I’ll stay and hang with Pete and the guys, but Kyle—”

“No time to talk—I gotta go.” Pushing his chair in, Kyle froze when a familiar voice

sounded out behind him.

“Hey, how ya doin’?”

Slowly he swiveled around to find himself face-to-face with Bryan, the last guy he

wanted to see at the moment. The sick feeling that had settled in the pit of his stomach

rose up and took root around his heart as though trying to force it up into his throat. He

glanced longingly at his empty beer bottle, wishing for something that would wash that

traitorous organ back down to where it belonged.

Instead he swallowed and managed a brittle smile. “Hi. I’m fine. How are you?”

“I’m good. I haven’t seen you around lately.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“Oh yeah. School and all that, right?”


Bryan glanced at Tom, who was watching the owl and cat shifters with a

speculative expression on his face. Kyle did the polite thing and introduced Tom. “This

is a good friend of mine, Tom Kogan. Tom, this is Bryan Gallier.” He was momentarily

puzzled at the way Bryan seemed to relax some small bit of near-invisible tension. The

two men exchanged hellos and Bryan offered them both beers.

“You know, I promised to buy you one the next time we met,” Bryan reminded



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“Yeah, look, that’s nice of you, but shouldn’t you get back to your date?” Kyle asked

pointedly, looking in the direction of the blond who was now scowling at him.

“Oh, him? He’s, uh, just a friend,” Bryan stuttered.

Kyle nodded. “Mmm, well, thanks anyway for the offer but I’ve got to leave. I’ve

got a…friend of my own waiting. I wouldn’t want him to start without me. See ya

‘round.” Kyle turned his back on Bryan. “Tom? Later.”

Without looking back, Kyle strode through the crowd and left the bar as quickly as

he could manage. Anger, wounded pride and a host of other confused and jumbled

emotions were riding him hard. He just had to get out. He’d barely made it through the

doors and around the side of the building and was walking toward the back parking lot

when a voice called his name.


Stifling the vehement curse that rose to his lips, he spun around to face Bryan. The

man was stalking toward him with an angry look on his face. “What do you want?”

“I want to know what the hell’s wrong with you.” Bryan’s eyes were ablaze, the

amber flecks within them flashing like warning lights.

“There’s not a goddamn thing wrong with me that not seeing you won’t fix. And

what the fuck’s your problem? You pissed because I didn’t jump at the chance to have

the great Bryan Gallier buy me a beer? Well, fuck off. Not everyone falls under your

spell, furball.”

Falls under my spell? I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, featherbrain,

but it would take something a hell of a lot more significant than you to cause me a


Kyle’s heart contracted painfully at Bryan’s words, but he refused to show how

much it hurt. “Then I guess we’re both just fine, aren’t we? Now if you’ll excuse me,

I’ve got a hot piece of tail waiting.” Kyle started to turn away when Bryan’s hand slid

around his upper arm. He tried shaking it off. “Let go.” Bryan’s grip remained hard and



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“What do you mean no?”

“Just what I said. I’m not letting you run off to fuck some guy just ‘cause you’re

pissed at me.”

“This has got nothing to do with you. Now let go!” Kyle grabbed Bryan’s fingers

and tried to pry them loose while twisting his body away. Instead of getting free, he

found himself slammed against the outside wall of the Shadow Den.

“I said no.”

Cursing a blue streak, Kyle struggled, but to no avail. Bryan had him firmly

wedged between the building and the hard bulk of his body. One arm was twisted

behind his back while the other was resting on the wall, his hand palm down against

the rough brick. Bryan had a hold of both arms in an iron grip that showed no sign of

softening anytime soon.

“You son of bitch! Let me go,” Kyle hissed.

“Not until you talk to me.”

“About what?”

“About why you’re so mad.”

Kyle closed his eyes. Trying to slow his rapidly panting breaths, he forced himself

to relax. He could feel Bryan’s breath against his cheek and the warmth of his torso

against his back. It shook him to realize just how much he’d wanted further contact

with the man. But not this way. He shook his head.

There was no way he was going to confess to having those feelings he could barely

acknowledge, even to himself. “I’ve got nothing to say.”

“Maybe if I start it’ll help.” Bryan took an audible breath. “I lied when I said you

weren’t significant enough to cause me a problem. Why do you think I’m out here? It

pissed me off when you just dismissed me and walked away.”


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Shocked by Bryan’s admission, Kyle cursed at the unexpected sting of tears in his

eyes. He blinked them back and took a deep breath. “Fuck. Why did you have to…son

of a bitch.” He gave in to the inevitable. “I was jealous, all right? I saw you with blondie

and I…I didn’t like it. I didn’t like how it made me feel.”

“Kinda like you were going to be sick?”

“How did you know?”

“Why do you think I came over to your table? I saw you sitting there with Tom and

it felt like my stomach was tying itself in knots. I had to do something.”

“But you came with that guy,” Kyle pointed out somewhat acidly.

“That was a mistake. I knew it the minute I picked him up. That was me trying to

convince myself that what happened between us that night wasn’t anything special. I

knew I was lying to myself the minute I saw you.” Bryan released his grip on Kyle and

backed away.

Wincing, Kyle straightened his arms and turned around. He rubbed his shoulder

and made himself meet Bryan’s eyes. “I’ve kinda been doing the same thing. I thought

about calling you, but I kept chickening out. I wasn’t sure you’d even want to see me

again. Things were kind of awkward between us when I left.”

“I know and I’ve been kicking myself for not saying something before you left, but

hell, I’ve never dealt with this kind of thing before.”

“‘This kind of thing?’” Kyle asked with a raised brow.

“Come on. You know what I’m talking about. Besides, I haven’t heard you say the

word either,” Bryan shot back with an exasperated look on his face.

Kyle shrugged. “So what are we talking here? Love? Cripes, I feel stupid just saying


Bryan snickered. “Glad I’m not the only one.”

“You fucker. You just wanted me to say it first. Just remember I didn’t say I did or



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“Did what?”

“Love you.”

“Oh. Well, I didn’t say I love you either.”

“So where does that leave us?” Kyle asked. His eyes narrowed at the mischievous

spark that took up residence in Bryan’s eyes. Bryan moved closer and Kyle backed up,

first one step then another until, this time, it was his back that rested against the

Shadow Den’s outside wall.

“How about right here?”

Bryan bent and touched his lips to Kyle’s. That small contact was all it took. Kyle

opened his mouth and invited the cat shifter in. Their tongues met, taking up the

sparring match where their conversation left off. Kyle groaned and wrapped his arms

around Bryan’s neck. Bryan eased him away from the wall and slid his arms around

Kyle’s waist, pulling him close.

Kyle’s entire body loosed a silent, subcellular shout. Bryan’s desire was water to a

man dying of thirst; his kiss was air to one suffocating in a vacuum. For the first time in

more days than he cared to count, Kyle felt as though he could breathe without

restriction. The craving that had relentlessly tortured him was being appeased. He’d

become a sponge, soaking in every minute detail of the man in his arms.

His scent was subtly invasive. Bryan’s earthy musk was mixed with a faint hint of

aloe and some other natural herbal combination. It managed be at once both strangely

comforting and arousing. The solid strength and heat of his body encompassed Kyle

like a blanket. Had he been in bird form, he’d have ruffled his feathers to let the warmth

breathe over his skin. Bryan’s flavor was uniquely intoxicating—a rare vintage that,

once sampled, spoiled the palate for any other taste.

The feel of hands sliding lower to cup his ass pulled a moan from Kyle. His cock

had already gone rock-hard, but the difference in their heights gave him little to rub

against. On the other hand, even through their clothes, he could feel Bryan hard and


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heavy against his belly. The thought of it brought forth another groan which was fed

into Bryan’s mouth and answered in kind.

The pressure on his ass increased, accompanied by a lifting sensation. Hoping he

was interpreting the signals correctly, Kyle gave a little jump, wrapped his legs around

Bryan’s waist and was further boosted up by the man himself. Now on a similar level,

he groaned appreciatively and ground himself against Bryan. His back hit the wall

again with a gentle thump as Bryan stumbled a bit.

“Damn, I need a horizontal surface,” Bryan gasped, having pulled his mouth from

Kyle’s. “Maybe then I wouldn’t notice so much how all the blood’s rushed out of my


Releasing his grip around Bryan’s neck, Kyle slid a hand between them and found

the thick bulge of his lover’s cock. “I can tell you where it’s all gone,” he teased, rubbing


“Umm, fuck. I already know that. Open my pants,” Bryan growled.

A quivering zing shot through Kyle’s middle and he obediently went to work on

button and zipper. Bryan shifted his grip and was soon one-handedly working Kyle’s

jeans open. The whole process was awkward and just plain crazy-dangerous. Anyone

could wander around the corner at any time, but when Bryan’s fingers found him and

he brought both their cocks together in his large hand, Kyle didn’t care. With a few firm

strokes, he was Bryan’s slave and willing to go along with anything.

He clung to Bryan with both legs and one arm. The other he kept anchored between

them, joining in the pleasurable efforts that soon had him at orgasm’s edge. While

Bryan vigorously jacked them off, Kyle slid his hand over the heads of their cocks. He

straightened then cupped his palm over them in quick succession, again and again,

which created the most amazing massage. Pre-come leaked from the crowns, making

them slippery and even more sensitive.

“Yeah, baby. Come here. Kiss me,” Bryan gasped.


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Kyle leaned in and fastened his lips to Bryan’s, eagerly taking the tongue that was

shoved into his mouth. A rough squeeze of Bryan’s fingers drew a grunt from him and

Kyle ground himself against his lover’s body. The ache in his groin was growing larger,

his muscles pulling tighter. His tongue fought desperately with Bryan’s. He was almost

there, needing to come so badly he was constantly moaning and nearly ready to beg. All

that was required was just one more little bit of something to push him over the edge. It

came in an entirely unexpected way.

Bryan shifted his grip on Kyle’s ass. Doing so jerked the seam of his jeans, pulling it

tight against his balls. That firm but not-quite-painful and totally unexpected pinch sent

Kyle over the edge. He pulled his mouth from Bryan’s and cried out. The pressure that

had been building in his gut burst free in slick spurts of warm, pearly seed that

spattered against his hand and Bryan’s. He bounced against his lover, wiggling in his

grasp and trembling with each blissful eruption that detonated inside.

Stuttering pulls at his cock merely increased the sensation, along with the second

flood of wet warmth that soaked his skin. Bryan’s guttural growl reverberated in his ear

and Kyle moaned in sympathy or encouragement, he wasn’t sure which. Not that it

mattered. They’d both come and there was nothing left to do but try to pull the

shattered pieces of their world back together.

Kyle waited for Bryan’s convulsive shudders to ease before loosening the grip of his

legs. Holding on to Bryan’s shoulders, he let first one, then the other slide down the

length of the tall cat shifter’s body before his feet found a steady purchase on the

ground. He was aware of the fact that Bryan was helping him to stay balanced,

something he found amusing as he seemed a bit wobbly himself. Kyle couldn’t help but

smile, proud that he’d been instrumental in weakening the bigger man’s knees.

“What’s so,” Bryan croaked, stopped and cleared his throat. “Funny?” he finished.

“Nothing really. I just feel good.”

“I’m glad. I got another question for you.”

“What’s that?”


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“Did you just wipe come on my shoulder?” Bryan was dubiously eyeing the fabric

of his shirt where it stretched over his shoulder and arm.

Kyle chuckled. “That’s a yes.”

“Oh man.”

“Well, where was I supposed to wipe it?”

“How about on your own shirt?”

“Hey, my shirt’s got come on it too. So do my jeans,” Kyle complained, making the

discovery while putting his clothes back in order. With a grimace, he slid his zipper up

over damp skin.

“Well, then I guess we’re even.”

“Come home with me and I’ll throw your stuff in the washer,” he offered, hoping to

tempt Bryan. “And while they’re getting clean, maybe we can find something fun to


Bryan grinned. “How far to your place?”

“We can be there in twenty minutes.”

“We can make mine in fifteen. I’ve got a washer and dryer too.”

“Let’s go.” Kyle started down the alley then stopped. “Oh, but what about, you

know, blondie?”

“I already told him I wouldn’t be back.”

“Were you that sure of yourself?” The thought made Kyle feel sulky. Did Bryan

really think he’d be that easy?

Bryan stepped close and put a hand to Kyle’s face. “Stop scowling. It wasn’t that. I

didn’t have a clue what was going to happen between us, but no matter what it was, I

knew I didn’t want to be with that guy. Okay?”

Appeased by Bryan’s explanation, Kyle nodded. “Okay. Did you drive?”



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“So did I. I’ll follow you in my car so I don’t have to get a ride back over here to

pick it up.”

“Sounds good.” Bryan leaned in and bestowed a scorching kiss which Kyle

wholeheartedly returned. “Stay close and don’t get lost. I’ve got plans for you.”

“Doesn’t involve rope, does it?”

“Not this time, but it’s always an option.” Bryan winked and headed for his truck.

Kyle followed and was still smiling when he climbed into his car, started it up and

followed the red taillights of Bryan’s vehicle as it pulled out of the parking lot.

Twenty minutes later they were at Bryan’s house, stripping in the kitchen. The

washer and dryer were tucked into an alcove hidden by shuttered doors. Water was

running into the washer and Bryan was pouring liquid detergent before loading the

fabric softener cup in the agitator. Kyle had hoisted himself up and was perched bare-

assed on the dryer. Between tender skin and cold metal was a towel he’d fished out of a

clean pile of laundry Bryan had left lying on a nearby counter.

Kyle watched Bryan finish with the detergent then start throwing clothes into the

washer. He let his gaze wander the man’s body, admiring the smooth glide of shifting

muscles under sleek, tanned skin. Only the fact that he’d come less than half an hour

ago kept him from getting instantly hard. As it was, a low-level, pleasurable ache

established itself in his groin. He took a deep breath and let his legs swing back and

forth a bit while simply enjoying the vision before him. For now it was more than


Closing the lid on the washer, Bryan turned around and leaned back against the

now-humming machine as the wash cycle began. Kyle liked how his position atop the

dryer put them eye to eye. The way Bryan was perusing his body was gratifying as


Pushing himself away from the washer, Bryan sauntered over. He placed a hand on

either of Kyle’s knees and eased his thighs apart, sliding between them. With a sexy


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smile, he leaned in. His breath was a fine wisp of warmth against Kyle’s mouth. Kyle

parted his lips in anticipation and wasn’t disappointed when Bryan’s covered them.

The kiss was firm and dominating yet gentle and languorous. Kyle felt no need to

repress the small hum of pleasure that was drawn from his throat. It felt good. Why

deny it?

The curve of Bryan’s mouth let him know a smile was forming on his lover’s lips

and Kyle was helpless to prevent himself from copying the movement with his own.

Bryan’s happiness communicated itself loud and clear. He ended their kiss and drew

slowly back. “I think there’re a few things we need to talk about it.”

Kyle instantly sobered, blinked at those unexpected words and nodded. “Okay.”

“Don’t look so worried. It’s nothing all that bad,” Bryan reassured him. His eyes

were filled with sincerity and one hand slid in a soothing rhythm up and down Kyle’s

outer thigh.

“All right. What’s on your mind?” Kyle asked, struggling to ignore his rising

arousal. Bryan’s touch never failed to stir him up, even if it wasn’t meant to.

Bryan straightened but kept their eye contact. “You know we’re going to face some

shit for this, don’t you? There’s going to be some in the shifter community who’ll try to

censure us.”

“I know. I’ve already faced a certain amount of that because I prefer men.

Withholding my contribution from the gene pool has earned me some lectures from a

few stern-faced elders with sticks up their butts. I told them I’m not going to spend my

life living a lie just so I can father a few chicks and make some poor woman a wretched


“Been there, done that,” Bryan said with a grin. “I’d like to enjoy life while I’m

living it, not drown in misery and regret. So that’s good. We’re on the same page here.

Now. About this whole love thing. Can you look me in the eyes and honestly tell me

you love me?”


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Kyle tensed at the mention of the word “love”. Bryan’s question was addressing

some thoughts of his own he’d been having concerning that subject. While he was

tempted to try avoiding absolute honesty, one look at the earnest expression on Bryan’s

face dissuaded him.

He shook his head. “No, I can’t. I like you. I like you a lot. I feel this need to be with

you that’s in a big way fueled by lust,” he smiled at the lascivious grin Bryan gave him,

“but there’s more to it than that. There’s a deeper feeling there. We’ve touched it a few

times, you remember.” Bryan nodded. “I’m guessing it’s the beginnings of love, for

want of a better word, but I think I need to know more about you. I need you to know

me before I can say with absolute certainty that I love you.”

“I knew there was more to you than just a cute face and hot body. You’ve got a

brain in that head of yours, don’t you?”

“Well, duh,” Kyle mocked, then laughed when Bryan tickled his ribs.

Bryan brought their foreheads together. “I couldn’t find a better way to explain how

I feel about you than what you just said.” He leaned back and caught Kyle’s gaze. “And

I do want to get to know you. Your likes and dislikes. The things I can do to drive you

bat-shit crazy when I’m pissed at you.”


“Just kidding. Maybe.”

“Bat-shit crazy is a two-way street, you know.”

“Now see, that’s one thing I like about you already. You stand up to me. You’re not

impressed by my magnificence.”

Kyle sputtered with laughter. “Narcissistic much?”

“Just a little. I know one thing.”

“What?” Kyle asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the gleam that filled


“I do like you naked and laughing in my kitchen.”


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“Hmm, yeah, well,” Kyle muttered.

Bryan’s observation made him feel surprisingly bashful. He could feel the heat

rising in his cheeks. It only lasted a moment. Embarrassment was a thing of the past

when long fingers wrapped around his cock. He jumped and gasped, going from

bashful to lustful in seconds flat.

“That’s a reaction I’m getting very attached to,” Bryan growled.

Kyle wasn’t given time to reply. His powers of speech were swept away when

Bryan bent and slid his tongue over the plump head of Kyle’s rapidly filling erection.

Hips convulsively lifting, one hand grasped the towel beneath him while the other slid

into Bryan’s hair, fisting the short, silky strands. Taking the hint, Bryan wasted no time

and engulfed the thick length to its root.

Son of a bitch,” Kyle groaned.

Bryan’s mouth was hot and wet. His tongue teased and caressed. The movements

he made were constant ups and downs, slippery passes that went the length of Kyle’s

cock. Tight lips applied pressure and steady suction pulled his arousal higher. Bryan

paused and hovered at the crown for a time, his tongue laving the flushed, taut skin

while his teeth teased and lightly nibbled the rounded edges where the head met the

stalk. He pushed at the small slit atop the strong column with his tongue, the tip lightly

fucking the tender indentation.

Crying out, Kyle fell back on his elbows, unable to do anything other than hold on

and relish every bold caress. The tiny, rhythmic movement of Bryan’s tongue brought a

slight but blissful sting that threatened to drive him insane. When it ended, Kyle was

torn between gratitude and disappointment. But not for long.

Bryan grasped Kyle’s leg and pushed it up until his foot rested on the dryer’s edge

leaving him more fully exposed. He resumed the steady suck and stroke with his mouth

while one hand cupped his balls. A gentle, rolling massage sent Kyle winging toward

his climax. Hovering at the very pinnacle of sensation, he was given the final push.

Bryan’s wet finger circled his anus and slid home.


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Kyle’s guttural wail rose several octaves, following the path of bliss that

accompanied his wrenching release. The aching need that had tied his insides in knots

of desire burst free and left him awash in a daze of blistering sensation. He shuddered

and panted, moaning at the deep quivers that shook him to the core. Bryan was right

there with him. He felt the convulsive movements of his mouth that indicated he was

swallowing Kyle’s semen.

Small sounds came from Bryan that tickled Kyle’s waning erection. It hazily crossed

his mind that they could be termed yummy noises, a thought that brought forth weak

laughter. The tightening of his abdomen sent a fresh, albeit weak wave of pleasure to

lap against his sensitized nerve endings. He moaned softly, adding a counterpoint to

Bryan’s small chorus.

Releasing him, Bryan straightened and gave him a gimlet-eyed stare. “I wasn’t

aware my cock-sucking technique was so amusing.” Using a fingertip, he wiped at a

stray smear of come that marred the corner of his swollen and flushed lips.

Kyle’s lips parted, all levity fading as that finger disappeared into Bryan’s mouth

and returned free of anything but a faint sheen of saliva. “It wasn’t funny,” he breathed.

“It was beyond amazing. You know all those endorphins get released into the

bloodstream. It’s like being high, and besides…you were making yummy sounds.”

Saying it out loud brought that bubbling feeling back to his stomach. He found himself

struggling not to smile.

Bryan’s brow rose imperiously. “Yummy noises? Cats do not make yummy noises.

We purr. You on the other hand…”

“Yeah?” Kyle asked. He frowned, waiting for the insult.

“Make the sexiest, sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. You almost made me pop just

listening to you.” Bryan swooped in and took a fast yet scorching kiss before ducking

down and hauling Kyle up over his shoulder. He strode from the kitchen with his lover

in a fireman’s carry and headed down the hallway.


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Kyle’s breath left him with a jarring oomph. “What are you doing?” he gasped after

drawing in some much-needed air.

“Taking you to bed. I’ve got some more noises I want to make.”

Opening his mouth to protest, Kyle stopped before uttering the first syllable. He

suddenly realized he had no reason to object. Everything he wanted was right here.

Bryan was freely offering him his heart’s desire. With a smug smile, Kyle relaxed and

enjoyed the ride.


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“They shouldn’t let those bird types in here.”

Bryan followed the line of his friend and fellow lynx shifter’s gaze until his own

landed on the slim male figure that seated itself across the room at a table in the

Shadow Den. The overhead lights emphasized the soft, silvery highlights that shone

from the man’s medium-length and glossy brown hair while reflecting off the lenses of

his wire-framed glasses. Beneath the reflection, intelligent brown eyes, wide-set with a

faint and luminous golden-orange cast, studied the menu that was placed before him by

the waitress.

His features were fine, almost delicate, and his skin held the barest hint of a tan as

though seldom exposed to the light of day. When he smiled at the waitress, his teeth

shone pearly white. Not even the stretching of his lips could hide the perfect curve of

the upper one or the full, plump temptation of the lower.

“Why do you say that?” Bryan asked, clearing his throat to hide the growl that

slipped into his tone.

He kept his eyes slightly hooded to mask the shimmer of heat he could feel infusing

them. His rising temperature sent a lava-like flush cascading through his body. His

senses, ratcheted to full alert by the man’s arrival, stretched to capture whatever bit of

information they could glean. Nostrils flaring and filtering the air, he caught a faint hint

of the aroma for which he searched. It was the warm, clean smell of man mixed with the

natural distillate of outdoors. Layers of scent—leaf mold, ozone, moss, tree bark, grass,

freshly turned earth, rain, wildflowers and more—combined to form an indefinable

medley that overlaid and blended with the pure, musky essence of a male who was not

quite human.


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What the Cat Dragged In

Bryan’s muscles bunched, tensing as though in preparation to pounce. His heart

beat faster. The hot blood rushing through his veins began to pool in his groin, fueling a

growing ache that centered there. With a minute shift of his hips, he attempted to

compensate for the fact that what little space there had been behind his zipper seemed

to be shrinking.

“They all think they’re so smart, especially those owls,” Davis complained.

Unsurprised by the comment, Bryan sent his friend an indulgent though borderline

exasperated smile. He reminded himself that he’d wanted this meeting. He wanted to

gauge his friend’s reactions when Davis learned that the man he was so casually

disparaging was Bryan’s lover. While he wasn’t thrilled with Davis’ comment, he’d

known the man for years and was prepared to let it pass.

They’d attended grade school and college together. Bryan had majored in

engineering while Davis did his best to major in partying. He’d barely managed to

squeak through and graduate while constantly suffering under the lash of parental

wrath and various professors’ disapproval. It was just like him to overlook his own bad

performance and blame others who had applied themselves for making him look bad.

“He has just as much right to be here as you do. This place is for all of us, doofus. If

you’d take some interest in something rather than relying on the fact that your family is

rich, maybe those unused cells in your brain would start firing. You should concentrate

on less petty things. You might actually discover you have more than a Neanderthal-

level IQ,” Pen berated.

Bryan couldn’t stop the grin that blossomed on his face or the deep chuckle that

rumbled up from the depths of his chest. Silently he blessed Pen’s open heart and mind.

Davis’ fiancée, Penelope, was the best thing that had ever happened to him. She was

smart, down-to-earth and didn’t put up with his shit. Due to her influence, Davis was

actually shaping up and proving to his parents and friends that he possessed a

modicum of intelligence despite all appearances to the contrary.


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“Aw, Pen honey, you said you liked my primitive side. I didn’t hear you

complaining last night when we shifted and I caught you out in the woods by the

house. If all that yowling was any indication of—”

Pen slapped a hand over Davis’ mouth, giving him an outraged glare. “If you ever

want to have sex again, in this shape or any other, I suggest you keep the rest of that

thought to yourself.”

Wide-eyed, Davis nodded in agreement.

His friends’ banter only reminded Bryan more strongly of his own nocturnal

experiences from the night before. He turned his head back toward the man across the

room. Their gazes locked. Pen and Davis’ chatter faded to white noise while Bryan took

in that familiar, beloved visage and remembered how it had looked last night after

they’d made love.

“Hey, spaceman.”

Bryan blinked and turned his green-eyed gaze to Davis.

“Whoa. What’s got you all wound up? Tone down the glow, cat.”

Closing his eyes for a moment, Bryan strove to get his libido under control. It

wasn’t an easy thing to do considering the night he’d spent with Kyle—that and the fact

that the man he considered his mate was now just a short distance away.

He sighed and opened his eyes. “Better?” Davis nodded. “Not that it really matters.

Remember I told you I was meeting someone?”


“That’s him.” With a slight jerk of his head, Bryan indicated Kyle.

“The owl shifter?”


Davis’ cheeks actually turned red. “Oh man, sorry about that.” He turned a scowl

on Pen, who was snickering at his discomfort.


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“Not a problem,” Bryan answered, magnanimously forgiving his friend. “I’d like to

introduce you. You willing?”

“Sure, Bry. Any friend of yours, you know that.”

“He’s more than just a friend. He’s special, just the way Pen is special to you.”

Davis rose slowly to his feet. Bryan waited, knowing this was the first test of many

he and Kyle would face.

“It’s like that, huh?”


Davis shrugged, a slow smile curving his lips. “Fine by me. You know I got your


Bryan breathed a sigh of relief.

“You know, this reminds me of that old poem about an owl and a pussycat,” Davis

winked. “I’ll bet you know how that goes, don’t ya?”

Bryan groaned and took his friends to meet his lover.


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About the Author

Having been an avid reader of romance for years, and being possessed of an

overactive imagination, Kate decided only recently to try her hand at writing. She

discovered that, like reading, writing romance has become addictive. Whether writing

about werewolves and otherworldly creatures or contemporary gay/erotic romance,

she has found the perfect outlet and is thrilled to be part of the Ellora's Cave family.

Kate lives in a turn-of-the-century house located on three acres in the midst of

Indiana farm country. Keeping her company is her family, dogs, and other assorted


Kate welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

Tell Us What You Think

We appreciate hearing reader opinions about our books. You can email us at


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Also by Kate Steele

Chosen of the Orb

Lions and Tigers and Bears anthology

Male of the Species

The Orb of Atrios

To Tempt a Wolf

To Trust a Wolf

Venus Connection

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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