Kate Steele Male of the Species

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Male of the Species

ISBN # 1-4199-0638-0
Male of the Species Copyright© 2006 Kate Steele
Edited by Heather Osborn.
Cover art by Willo.

Electronic book Publication: July 2006

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.


The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been
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Kate Steele

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For Bobby, who has the intelligence and heart of a true alpha.

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Male of the Species


Moonlight played over naked skin, slick with sweat. Blood oozed from the wound

that marred Devin’s shoulder, evidence of the only mistake he’d made during the fight.
He breathed deeply, staring down at the nude man who sat before him cradling his
mangled foot, blood dripping from various wounds on his body.

Shudders took up residence deep inside him. Now that it was finally over, the

anguish he’d held at bay for years threatened to rush in. Familiar, tormenting questions
filled his mind. Questions that had no answers. Why couldn’t his father just love him?
Accept him as he was. Why? As he’d been taught, Devin let no hint of his sorrow show.

“This changes nothing! Do you really think the pack will let itself be led by a pervert

like you?”

Devin’s chin rose proudly. “No, I don’t. But remember this, old man, this pervert

your son—defeated you. And that knowledge is going burn inside of you until the day
you die.”

The air around him shivered and swirled. Where once stood a strong young man,

now stood a black wolf who gave the man a disdainful stare through piercing amber
eyes before turning and melting into the night.

Moments later a deep howl, filled with rage, broke the silence. The wolf accepted

the bitter tribute with fierce satisfaction. A new life awaited, away from the
unforgiving, narrow-minded bigotry he’d faced from members of his own pack. With
unwavering resolve, Devin put aside the past and looked toward the future.


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Chapter One

A sharp crack and the rattle of falling limbs pierced the forest as another tree

relinquished part of itself to the growing weight of the ice that settled on its branches.
The wolf barely acknowledged the sound, it had become so common. Instead, he
limped steadily on, searching for a place to rest, a place to escape the steady drizzle that
matted his thick, dark fur.

Hunger was beginning to pinch his belly—the rabbit he’d managed to surprise two

days ago had long since been digested. For a wolf alone, catching larger prey was
difficult unless one managed to find prey that was old or infirm. The weather had
driven the deer herds on to more hospitable climates, and the snow made any chase
that much more difficult.

His injury was another strike against him. Though not severe, hunger had drained

his body’s resources and slowed the healing.

The capricious wind shifted and he again caught the scent that had intrigued him

since entering this area. Another wolf, male and alone, had laid claim to this territory.
The evidence of this claim was clearly evident at the scent stations that were marked
with his musk.

From the size of the paw prints he’d seen, the wolf knew this lone male was large—

it would mean a fight if they crossed paths. At this point he didn’t care—tired, hungry
and alone, he’d lost the will to care. His entire being was now focused on survival and
the need that burned inside—the determination to prove himself to those who had
driven him out of the pack he’d been born into.

He continued on, the ground beginning an uphill slant. The wind shifted and

brought strongly the scent of the other. Halting, the wolf tested the breeze, found the
direction and turned toward it. Fate had already dealt him a series of blows that would
have felled a lesser soul, he decided to tempt it once again.

He found a small, well-hidden trail, the path worn and rich with the scent of the

other. He followed it to its ultimate destination, a den.

Some instinct told him the owner was not at home, and with only a slight hesitation

he ducked under the rocky entrance and entered. It was surprisingly warm and he
shook himself to rid his coat of the ice that flattened his fur. Moving farther into the
cave, his eyes were drawn to a strange glow farther back in the cavern.

He walked slowly, deeper into the gloom and was puzzled as the glow became

brighter. A small corridor led farther into the side of the mountain and he ghosted
through it, then halted before he entered the second chamber. The source of the glow
was revealed.


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The rock-lined space housed a pool of water from which a gently wafting cloud of

steam rose. The walls of the chamber were coated with a form of phosphorescent lichen
that produced the soft light. He looked around curiously and shivered as the warmth
began to penetrate his coat and pull the ever-present chill from his body.

The discovery of a carefully constructed bed of pine boughs and grasses brought

puzzlement, then a sudden understanding. No ordinary wolf would have made such a
bed, but he needed shelter and this place was more than large enough for two. He was
staying. He was tired of wandering aimlessly with no place to call home. The owner of
this den would have to accept him or kill him.

Deciding to mind his manners, he settled by the pond—no hardship, as he enjoyed

the warm vapors drifting up from the fragrant mineral water. He closed his eyes, his
last thoughts centered on the smell of the wolf that called this place home.

Not long after falling asleep, he was roused by the sound of a deep, rolling growl.

Instantly awake, his body tensed but he did not rise. Instead he lifted his head and
made momentary eye contact with the wolf whose scent had filled his dreams. He was a
full-grown adult, his coat thick and gleaming with a healthy sheen. It was a rich shade
of salt-and-pepper gray with hints of golden brown around the muzzle, ears and legs.
The color grew lighter as it moved down his body—his legs and belly a deep cream.

His eyes glowed, blazing green orbs that held not only a challenge but a question.

Some mutual knowledge passed between them and the wolf felt a surge of hope. The
baring of teeth and another growl startled him. With the inherent knowledge of his
kind, he kept his body low and nonthreatening.

The older wolf stalked forward on stiff legs and halted before him. His head came

down, warning growls keeping the younger wolf still while the elder drew in his scent.
Slowly the older wolf relaxed his stance, his muzzle drifting close enough to stir the
other’s hair as he sniffed at various parts of his body. He hesitated at the half-healed
wound that marred the younger wolf’s shoulder, then stepped back.

Normally a subordinate wolf seeking to placate an elder would roll to his back, bare

his throat and willingly concede dominance to the elder, but not this one. He rose with
quiet dignity and met the other’s glowing green gaze. Again a silent knowledge passed
between them and they touched noses. Walking away, the older wolf moved to his bed
and settled in. The young one approached and joined him. He lay down, his body
quivering for a moment at the much missed contact of another. Curled together, sharing
the bed and newfound companionship, the wolves slept.

During the night—lulled by warmth and security—a transformation took place, and

Devin Grant woke in his human form with his arm flung over the naked body of his
host. The warm, sensuous skin-to-skin contact increased the hardness of his already
firm erection. He breathed a soft sigh and rolled away, sitting up quietly.

“It’s been a while since I woke up with someone holding me. It felt good,” the older

man commented. He too rolled over and sat up to face Devin. “What’s your name,


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“Devin Grant. And I’m no cub.”
The older man looked him over appraisingly, noting the length and thickness of

Devin’s morning erection. “Perhaps you’re no cub, at that.” He smiled. “I’m Quinn
Alexander. Pleased to meet you, Devin Grant.”

Devin nodded. “Same here. Thank you for letting me stay.”
“Always happy to help a brother in need. You look like you’ve been through some

rough times.”

“I did my share of damage.”
“I’ve no doubt you did, young alpha-in-the-making. Question is, why was it

necessary? Who did you fight?”

“My pack—most especially my father. He wanted me driven out.”
“For what reason?”
Devin raised his chin proudly and gave Quinn a challenging stare. “Because I’m

attracted to other males. He, and the majority of the pack, consider that a perversion.”

Quinn turned his head slightly, a questioning gesture. “And what do you consider


“The way God chose to make me.”
Quinn nodded, a slow smile wreathing his lips. “Believe it or not, I’ve been waiting

for you, young wolf. We have a lot in common, but first, I don’t know about you, but I
really need to piss.”

He rose effortlessly and headed for the cave entrance. Devin’s brows were slightly

beetled as he watched Quinn’s retreat and considered his words. He snorted a soft
laugh at his last comment then rose and followed in Quinn’s footsteps.

Returning from outside after having taken care of the necessities, Quinn walked to

the shallow pool and waded in, seating himself in the steaming water. “This water has
great healing properties in addition to being quite soothing. You look like you could use
a bit of both.”

Devin agreed and following Quinn’s example, seated himself in the pool. The

bottom was smooth and comfortable. Devin settled in, scooped water over his upper
body and finally submerged himself fully, reemerging and flinging his wet hair back
while wiping the water from his eyes.

Quinn watched with amusement and found himself aroused at the sight of his

newly adopted alpha. In this wolf he’d found what he’d long sought. Now it was just a
matter of convincing Devin.

“How long have you been on your own?” he asked.
“Several weeks now.”
“And how did you like experiencing the whole mystique of being a lone wolf?”
“It sucked.”


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Quinn chuckled, then sobered. “In Montroy, a city about thirty miles from here,

there are others like you who’ve been driven from their packs by those who can’t accept
anyone who is different. I was such a one, once.”

One hand rose up from the water and came to rest on his chest, moving in what

seemed like a soothing caress. Dev watched the movement of Quinn’s hand, rightly
interpreting the unconscious gesture and wondering at the need of it.

Quinn’s eyes took on a faraway expression. “I see them when I visit the city. They

come and go. Some survive, as I did. Some disappear and there are rumors of how and
why, but that’s another story.” Quinn’s gaze sharpened. “I visit the city occasionally—
my aunt lives there. She agreed to help me if ever I found one I thought capable of
leading…which brings me to you.”

Devin’s brow rose but he said nothing, waiting with a patience born of his heritage.
“You’re an alpha, Devin Grant, a bit young, yes, but even now it’s apparent. Those

in the city need a leader. You know what it’s like to be alone, not a pleasant existence
for those of our kind. You could change things for them and for yourself. Form your
own pack, give yourself and them a family, a home, a reason to survive.”

“I’m not as young as you seem to think. I’m twenty-nine and I’ve had my fair share

of life’s nastier experiences, but even so, that’s a big responsibility you’re asking me to
take on.”

“You’re right. You are older than I’d thought. All the better to lead. And as far as

responsibility is concerned, escaping with as little damage as you have proves you’re
tough and clever. Despite your father’s disapproval of you, you learned from him,
didn’t you?”

Devin’s expression turned hard. “Before he discovered my sexual preferences, he

taught me everything he knew in anticipation of my someday leading the pack. He was
pissed as hell knowing it was the knowledge he gave me that allowed me to fight my
way free and survive.”

Quinn sent him a feral grin. “An appropriate punishment for someone who would

deny their own son and try to harm him. How were you able to keep your secret hidden
for so long?”

Devin’s eyes grew pensive at the memory. “After I graduated high school, I

attended college and worked out of state. I made it a point to stay away as much as
possible. But the occasional visit home was inescapable, and it was during one of those
times that he found out,” Devin revealed. “Because they assumed I’d be leading the
pack someday, the younger, unattached females began making themselves available to
me, if you know what I mean,” he said with a rueful roll of his eyes. “When I didn’t
take advantage of the offers, rumors started to fly. My father confronted me. I had no
choice but to tell him the truth.”

“Which he didn’t take well.”
Dev gave a short, mirthless laugh. “To say the least. There were a series of

incidents, some involving just the two of us, some with other members of the pack. The


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violence escalated each time, and during our final confrontation, I defeated him. I hope
it’s eating him alive,” Dev growled.

Quinn nodded, understanding Devin’s intensity. “I have an offer for you,” he said,

giving Dev a hopeful look. “If you’ll go to the city, act on my suggestion and start your
own pack, I’ll give you a home, all expenses paid. You can search for a job, work and
build the pack without worrying about paying rent or anything that has to do with
household expenses.”

“That’s a generous offer.”
“I’m well-off. I have an estate in town, complete with a large house that my aunt

occupies at present. You, and those you gather to you, can call it home until you choose
to find places of your own.”

Dev frowned. “You developed this plan rather quickly,” he commented. “And how

will your aunt feel about strangers coming into her home?”

“She won’t mind at all,” Quinn replied. “As I said, I’ve been waiting for you. This

plan was in place long before we met, and Rose has already given her approval.”

Devin considered before answering. “I accept—but I want you to know something.”

His amber eyes glowed with purpose. “Now that I know where I’m needed, I’d do this
without your offer. You weren’t wrong about me. I am an alpha and the need to lead a
pack is something I can’t deny.”

Despite the warmth of the water, a shiver slid down Quinn’s spine. This young

alpha was the answer he’d been seeking for so many years. Devin’s fire drew him like a
moth. He knew that others would be drawn to this man who had so much potential that
it shone from his very eyes.

Devin fixed Quinn with his mesmerizing and unwavering gaze. “I have one

condition that has to be met.”

“Name it.”
“I want to spend a season with you while you show me how you survived and

thrived on your own, here and in the city. Your experience will benefit those who’ve
never faced this kind of struggle.”

Quinn gave him an approving look. “I’d be more than happy to share what

knowledge I can, though I warn you, I’ve done things of which I’m not proud.”

“People in need oftentimes take succor where they can find it. Do you mind telling

me about it?”

Quinn shook his head and thoughtfully bit his lip before beginning. “My parents

died in an accident when I was five. In spite of the fact that I’m a werewolf, I was sent to
live with my mother’s sister. Aunt Rose knew that my mother had been turned by my
father and adopted into the pack. My mother and Rose were very close,” Quinn
explained. “Anyway, so there I was, being raised by a human woman. I’m afraid I
didn’t make it easy on her, but it was pretty much hell for me too.”

Dev raised a brow in question. “Did she mistreat you?”


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“Oh no, nothing like that. Aunt Rose is a wonderful person. It’s just that, not only

was I a werewolf with no elders to show me the ropes, I was also gay. Well, things kind
of spun out of control. I ran away when I was fifteen and spent three years as a hustler
on the streets. I pleasured others for money. Or in most cases, I let them pleasure me.”
He sat back, a slight tension marring his relaxed stance. “Not long after I turned
eighteen, I met an older man who took a shine to me. He was a very shrewd, well-to-do
businessman. He took me under his wing and taught me how to invest the money I’d
been saving. I wasn’t a total idiot, even in those days,” he quipped with a smile. “I
learned quickly and it wasn’t long before my money began to multiply.”

“When he died, my benefactor left me a nice chunk of change. By that time, I’d

come to grips with my life and myself. I’d been keeping in touch with Aunt Rose,
calling occasionally, just to let her know I was still alive. I finally let her know I was
coming home, and when I bought the estate, she moved in with me.”

“That’s quite a story. And I was right,” Dev offered with a teasing sparkle in his

eyes, “you do have a lot to teach. Maybe you can share the juicy details of your younger
days with me.”

Quinn sent a shower of water Devin’s way.
Devin ducked and laughed then placed a hand on his stomach as it emitted a loud


“How long since you’ve eaten?”
“Two days.”
“Come on.” Quinn rose and Devin admired his trim, muscular body as the water

sluiced down his length. “I took down an injured deer yesterday. There’s plenty left.”

Dev put a hand on his arm. “Just one more question. You’re sure your aunt’s

prepared to share her home with a bunch of werewolves—a bunch of gay werewolves?”

Quinn laughed. “Oh yeah, she’s looking forward to it.” He stepped out of the pool

and effortlessly assumed his wolf form.

Devin watched him go, silently shaking his head. “People. I’ll never understand

them. But thank God they aren’t all alike,” he muttered with a growing smile. He
changed into his wolf form and ran to catch Quinn. The two of them trotted from the

* * * * *

In the days that followed, Devin carefully assimilated the knowledge Quinn

imparted. Quinn shared secrets not only useful to a wolf, but to a man as well, and
Devin absorbed his freely given advice like a sponge.

They continued to share the bed and the pool, sleeping and bathing together in the

manner of their kind. There was no false modesty wasted on their nudity. It was a state
as natural to them as breathing.


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Devin found himself growing possessive and protective of the older man as an

alpha is wont to do with a member of his pack. In truth, Quinn was only thirty-four, a
mere five years older than Devin. Despite that fact, his build was slimmer than Devin’s,
though hard-muscled and fit.

Devin found a certain fascination in watching him while he imparted his lessons,

his expression intent. Quinn’s face was boyish, and he was a handsome man—Devin
could well understand others paying him for his favors. Out of respect, he restrained
his natural instinct to claim and dominate, forcing himself to remain on equal footing
with Quinn. Although it was becoming more and more difficult.

Quinn too faced his own struggle. He wanted this young alpha. He wanted to be

dominated and taken, to be part of a pack, a family. There were times over the years
when his despair had come near to making him end his own life. Others had, but he’d
made himself go on, hoping that someday, something would change—and now his
dream had come true. Devin was an alpha who accepted who he was, a man who
refused to be told that he was wrong in his need for another male.

Tall and broad-shouldered, his body was a poem of heavily sculpted bone and

muscle. But more than that, there was heart, soul and intelligence burning within him,
and a will to lead that would not be crushed.

There were times when, unaware he was being observed, he’d catch Devin with a

brooding and pensive look on his face. He knew the young man was remembering what
had brought him here and Quinn wanted nothing more than to soothe those invisible
wounds. But he held his tongue, knowing that an alpha’s pride would not welcome the
acknowledgment of such weakness, and knowing also that Devin’s spirit would lead
him through his despair.

He wanted to offer himself to Devin as his first pack mate but restrained himself

knowing that it would be easier for Devin to learn from him if they remained equal in
this growing atmosphere of pack hierarchy. He anticipated the end of the season and
the final imparting of what knowledge he could share—only then would he be free to
relinquish this temporary role of mentor. And so he waited for what he needed, putting
his alpha’s needs first.

* * * * *

Silas Prudome knelt on the floor before his master, swallowing the last bit of warm

seed that filled his mouth. Without resentment, he watched Master Dekins lean back in
his chair, his eyes closing with the pleasure he’d received from his willing acolyte’s
talented mouth.

At twenty-seven, Silas knew that soon it would be his time, something he’d waited

for since he was twelve years old and his father had given him into the keeping of
Master Dekins. His body and mind had become a receptacle for the master’s seed and
knowledge—and rather than fight his fate, Silas accepted, swallowed his fear, pain,


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pride and anger with each of his master’s loads and learned—far more than the master
had sought to teach.

When left on his own, Silas studied all the texts that were available, even those that

the master thought safely locked away. He drew in the dark teachings, reveling in the
stink of evil, the pain, the blood, the fear and the lust. The Horned One was his God and
he made his sacrifices, drinking in the power that was so tempting and addictive.

Again his gaze rested on Master Dekins. Soon, very soon, he would taste the

master’s blood, feast on his flesh and take the final step into his full power as leader of
the coven. A smile slowly curved his lips.

The master opened his eyes and looked down, seeing only the pale, angelic face of

his devoted acolyte. “I see you enjoyed that, young Silas.” He rose. “Come, receive the
rewards of your devotion.”

Silas followed willingly, anticipation hardening his cock and making his needy ass

twitch. Wistfully he swallowed the small regret that surfaced at the thought of the
master’s death. He consoled himself, sure in the belief that he’d find another who
would fuck just as well—and when he ruled he anticipated sinking his cock into each
and every member of the coven. He swallowed the excited groan that built in his chest,
releasing it only when, naked and on his hands and knees, the master filled him.


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Chapter Two

Spring arrived, bringing with it warm breezes and the intriguing smells of fresh,

new growth and returning prey. The snow melted and deer heavy with young bore
them in secret places, seeking to hide them from the hungry gaze of the wolves. It was
not always possible.

In wolf form, Devin and Quinn loped slowly across ground dappled with the

shadows of emerging leaves. They were sated and satisfied after a meal of tender fawn,
but a few weeks old. The doe had dropped twins, one of which had a crippled leg and
could not run when the wolves had discovered them at the edge of a meadow ripe with
new grass.

The fawn was quickly, mercifully dispatched and they feasted. Afterward they had

lain in the sun soaking up the heat and dozing while letting their full bellies digest their
meal. Awakening, they wandered the perimeter of the territory Quinn marked as his
own. They had no particular purpose in mind but to relish the day and the return of

Quinn stopped at one of his scent markers and rubbed himself against the tree,

renewing his mark. As he moved away Devin stepped up and laid his own mark over
Quinn’s, the alpha claiming the rank of “top dog”. Finished, Devin moved closer to
Quinn, his muzzle nudging Quinn’s flank. Quinn froze, his head swinging around, his
gaze meeting Devin’s. For one moment the very air seemed to freeze then, stiff-legged,
Devin made a pouncing movement, his tongue lolling out in a wolfy grin.

Quinn slowly raised his tail, an unmistakable invitation, and when Devin’s nose

extended to accept, Quinn raced away. Growling, Devin followed as Quinn wove and
ducked and dived between the trees and underbrush, successfully staying ahead of his
alpha until another small meadow opened in front of them. With an effortless burst of
speed Devin caught him and bowled him over.

The two of them tumbled, a growling, heaving ball of ruffled fur, until they came to

rest, panting, shifting to reveal two nude, masculine bodies, smooth-skinned and

Devin looked down, holding Quinn pinned under him. His cock hardened instantly

and he felt Quinn’s response as his erection strained between them. “You’re mine. I’ve
waited long enough.”

“Not nearly as long as I have,” Quinn answered, then gasped as Devin’s lips came

down hard on his, seeking, finding, taking.

Groans of need rose between them. Their bodies meshed and melded together. The

pungent, musky scent of males in rut sent its drugging essence into the air, filling their
lungs and noses with the perfume of desire. Dev wrapped Quinn tightly in his arms as


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though afraid he would run, but Quinn had no such intention. His own arms snaked
around Devin and urged him on, his hands kneading the muscles of Devin’s back
before sliding down to squeeze the fleshy mounds of his ass.

Dev answered the press of Quinn’s hands and rotated his hips, sensually grinding

their cocks together. His kiss gentled and became an exercise in exploration, the plump,
moist flesh of his lips sliding to the corner of Quinn’s mouth and from there to his
cheek, his jaw and downward to his throat. Baring his teeth, Devin adeptly pinched the
vulnerable skin of Quinn’s throat and sucked lightly, marking his pack mate before
moving on.

Quinn groaned and shuddered at the bite, a ripple of pre-orgasmic pleasure

tingling through him with the rhythmic suction Devin applied. His mouth eagerly
accepted the return of Devin’s, inviting the entrance of his tongue and then seducing it
with his own. Deep satisfaction swept through him when a rumbling growl broadcast
Devin’s pleasure at his actions.

With what seemed an effort, Devin pulled his mouth away and rolled slightly to his

side. He leaned on one elbow and sent his other hand exploring. Long, tapered fingers
slid with sensual deliberation over Quinn’s heated skin and stopped at a puckered
nipple, lightly swirling over it before gently pinching.

Quinn’s breath hissed from his lungs, his back arching. “Oh yeah. More.”
Dev smiled and complied, lowering his mouth to the tight nub. He swept his

tongue over it before drawing back to blow a warm stream of air over the wet tip.
Instantly it pinched even tighter, drawing a shiver from Quinn. Dev nibbled at it,
sucking the taut flesh while his fingers found Quinn’s other nipple, giving it a teasing
tweak that drew a gasp from him.

Impatient for more, Devin rose up and again found Quinn’s mouth, smothering his

lips and swallowing every husky murmur of pleasure. As they kissed, his hand slid
down over Quinn’s flat belly. His skin quivered at the fleeting contact before Devin’s
fingertips nestled in the generous bush of hair at the base of Quinn’s erection.

His fingers closed around Quinn’s cock and he gently pumped his hand a few

times. Quinn’s hips quickly found a counter-rhythm, pushing up as Devin’s hand slid
down, pulling down when Devin’s hand slid up. An aching groan of disappointment
slid from his throat when Devin stopped.

“Shh, I don’t want you to come yet. Turn over. I want you on your knees,” Dev


Quinn swallowed his protests and rolled, quickly coming to his knees, his upper

body resting on his forearms. He obeyed Devin’s silent command to part his legs, and
shuddered when Dev’s hands cupped the cheeks of his ass, squeezing and kneading the
twin spheres, parting them.

He felt the heat of Devin’s breath on his skin and heard the sound of his alpha

pulling in his scent. His body was shaking with anticipation, his knees threatening to
collapse, when that first wet touch was applied to the tight, hot skin of his entrance. A


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brief near-whimper escaped his mouth at the contact then a full-throated groan as
Devin’s tongue went to work in earnest.

Quinn panted and shook, his mind shutting down and his body taking over as

every nerve came alive with Devin’s ministrations. Dev’s tongue worked him open,
sliding and licking, nudging and demanding the way in. It wasn’t long before Quinn’s
entrance was not only well-lubricated, but eagerly relaxed and ready to be filled. As
Devin straightened, Quinn could feel his mouth replaced by the smooth, plump cap of
his thick cock. He bore down, preparing himself to bear the pain in exchange for the

To his surprise and relief, as Devin pushed in there was little pain, only the stretch

of muscle, the slide of thick flesh silky and hot against nerves that screamed with
rapture, and the inescapable sensation of being filled, joined, of being one. He heard
Devin’s pants of effort over his own continuous moans and was filled with fevered joy
as his body opened to receive his alpha.

When Devin was fully seated he leaned over Quinn, the curling hair of his chest

sticking to the sheen of sweat that coated Quinn’s back. “Mine,” he growled, and
ground his hips against Quinn’s quivering ass.

“Don’t stop now,” Quinn groaned. “Fuck me.”
“My pleasure,” Devin breathed as he pulled back slowly.
Quinn felt the withdrawal and craved nothing more than the return of Devin’s hard

cock. Devin’s deliberate and unhurried pace pushed him higher, driving his need into
madness. He struggled to push back, to impale himself harder and faster, but Devin
held him firmly, guiding the tempo, the rhythm, the speed of their joining until he
chose to change it. And change it he did.

His thrusts eventually came faster and with added force, increasingly hotter and

harder until he was slamming his hips against Quinn’s ass, the air filled with grunts
and groans and the slapping of wet, sticky flesh as his cock stroked in and out of
Quinn’s eager chute. Quinn’s own cock was rock-hard, the skin of his balls wrinkling as
they drew tight to his body. Climax was coming, rising, rushing out in spurts of white
cream that coated the grass as a mad euphoria ripped through his body, glutting him
with pleasure.

Quinn howled his release, and through the sound of his own heart pounding he

heard a cry echo his own. He felt the drawing pull of his sheath as it convulsively
milked Devin’s swollen shaft and the quivering pulses that signaled each spurt of Dev’s
seed into his body.

Knees locked, he couldn’t move, could only feel the shimmering heat that

surrounded them, the sweat that formed and trickled over his skin and the receding
pleasure that was replaced by muted elation and satisfaction. Devin went lax against
him, groaning softly as he pulled free. Quinn felt the warm release of semen slide down
his inner thigh. Moving to the side, Dev slung a weary arm over Quinn’s back and
pulled him over until they were spooned together.


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His face nuzzled the back of Quinn’s neck. When his tongue softly soothed the skin

with gentle licks, a shiver slid the length of Quinn’s spine. Dev’s arm tightened.

“All right?” he breathed.
“Very,” Quinn answered.
They drifted to sleep in sweet meadow grass, the afternoon sunshine gilding their

skin while it soothed and warmed.

Quinn was the first to awaken. He yawned, pushing back into the warm body that

flanked him. Devin’s arm slid from his stomach to his waist, hip and thigh, moving up
and down the length of his body in a lazy, mesmerizing stroke.

“I’m glad you’re the first in this new pack of ours,” he said softly in Quinn’s ear,

giving the lobe a nibble.

“I’ve wanted nothing more since the day you arrived. It…pleases me to again be

part of a pack,” his voice shook.

Devin pulled away and urged Quinn to his back. Quinn’s eyes were glowing with

emotion and he avoided Devin’s gaze until Dev cupped his cheek and chin, forcing him
to meet his eyes. “You survived with bravery, cunning, courage and sheer
determination. You lived and learned and now you’ve taught me so that I can offer a
better way to those of our kind who are alone as you and I were. Maybe in the great
scheme of things this was meant to be, but it doesn’t make the pain any easier to bear.”
His hand smoothed the hair back from Quinn’s face. “You’re my mentor and now my
pack mate. Your place will always be assured in the pack…and in my heart.”

Quinn nodded, speechless, as a single tear slid from his eye. He’d forgotten how

easily emotions were expressed between pack mates. Remembering made the moment
that much more poignant. Devin leaned down to lick the tear away, murmuring soft
words of encouragement and consolation until Quinn began to smile. He laughed out
loud. “You know, it’s ridiculous to lie here crying,” he exclaimed, sitting up. “I’d rather
run with my alpha.”

Devin grinned, rising from the ground. “Catch me if you can—or if you dare,” he

added enigmatically before flashing Quinn a wink.

“If my reward is a repeat of what I just got, I’ll dare,” he replied.
“That’s good to know,” Devin laughed. “Now show me how much you want it.”
He transformed in an instant, Quinn immediately on his heels. The two of them

raced joyously into the woods.

* * * * *

Devin sat at the edge of the pool, his feet and legs dangling in water that rose to his

knees. In a contented mood, he watched the rise of steam from the water as it swirled
and eddied with what breeze managed to find its way into the cave.

Quinn was seated in the water, his head leaning against the edge, his eyes closed,

his expression peaceful. Dev smiled, sure that Quinn was satisfied with the reward he’d


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received even though he’d not managed to catch his alpha. He reached out, fingertips
caressing Quinn’s cheek, moving to his temple to smooth back a fall of golden brown

“Mmm,” Quinn mumbled, acknowledging the touch.
“So, are we agreed? We leave for Montroy tomorrow?” Dev asked.
Quinn’s eyes opened, a fleeting hint of regret filling them before he nodded. He felt

a twinge at the thought of sharing his alpha so soon. “Yes, we’re agreed. We’ll have to
run as wolves to the small house I have about eight miles from the city. We can go there
first, get dressed and then drive into Montroy. It wouldn’t do for the two of us to be
strolling naked down the streets. I’ve no wish to spend time in jail for indecent

“There’s nothing indecent about your exposure,” Dev teased. “I find it quite


Quinn turned and rose to his knees, splashing his way between Devin’s thighs.

Dev’s cock responded to the hungry look Quinn gave him. It rose thick and heavily
veined, pulsing with life. Before Quinn’s mouth reached it, Devin stopped him.

“You know I won’t let you fuck me,” he warned.
“I know. Alphas only fuck and suck.” Quinn chuckled. “A nice rhyme, don’t you


“I think you talk too much. You should put your mouth to better use.”
That said, Dev urged Quinn forward and growled with pleasure when his tongue

flicked out to swipe the plump red tip of his erection. Quinn indulged in a few teasing
strokes before his moist lips made contact with the fleshy round head, parted and
sucked it inside the heated cavern of his mouth.

Devin threw his head back and groaned at the hot, wet friction that Quinn applied.

Every hard, silky-skinned inch of his cock was bathed and caressed as Quinn’s tongue
danced over and around his shaft, paying special attention to the underside just below
the flange where the nerve endings were most sensitive.

He parted his thighs at Quinn’s urging, giving him access to the full sac that rested

below his cock, and he cursed when Quinn’s nimble fingers began gently squeezing and
rolling his tender scrotum. Setting his hands to either side of Quinn’s head, Dev held
him in place and began pumping his hips, fucking his cock into the willing, wet heat of
Quinn’s mouth.

Quinn groaned and pulled back, panting. “Not too fast, you feel so good in my

mouth, I want to make it last.”

“I’ll try, but…” Dev groaned. “It’s so damn good.”
“It’ll get better,” Quinn promised and again took Devin’s cock into his mouth.
Dev fought the urge to come as Quinn sucked him, his mouth moving up and down

his full, thick shaft. It was almost a relief when Quinn released him, but the torture
began anew when Quinn’s mouth found his balls and sucked them inside.


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“Son of a bitch!” Devin cried out, his hands gripping the rock at the edge of the pool

as he fell back, his thighs spreading wider. Wild arcs of pleasure shot through his body,
the tension winding tighter and tighter. He began a murmuring litany. “Oh fuck, oh
fuck, oh fuck!”

He barely held on to his sanity as Quinn thoroughly laved and sucked his balls.

When Quinn released him he relaxed slightly until the heat of Quinn’s mouth again
claimed his cock and a wet finger moved behind his balls and slid over his perineum,
pressing gently.

An agonized bolt of pleasure shot through his gut and he bucked as a deep rolling

growl was torn from his chest. Dev was reduced to a wanton creature, wanting only
release from the exquisite torment being visited upon him. His hips undulated while he
fucked Quinn’s mouth with no intention of stopping. Faster and faster he pumped,
feeling the tight, winding sensation deep in his gut, then the glorious burst of release as
his cock convulsed and thick, warm ropes of semen inundated Quinn’s greedy mouth.

He felt the convulsive swallowing movement of Quinn’s throat against his

sensitized skin and groaned at the milking sensation. Every drop was pulled from his
body and with a final wrenching spurt he collapsed, totally drained, his muscles feeling
like rubber.

Quinn rose over him, heat burning in his eyes along with a question. Dev nodded

weakly, and when Quinn’s lips joined his, Dev opened his mouth to receive the offering
of Quinn’s tongue coated with his own semen. Dev moaned with pleasure, his tongue
moving into Quinn’s mouth to search out the sweet, musky flavor of his seed. When the
last of his offering was shared, Quinn eased back, a smile on his face.

“Sweet as spun honey,” he declared.
Dev snorted and threw his arm around Quinn, drawing him down beside him.

Content with the needed contact, he rested until the strength returned to his body and
he felt he could move without ending up as a large boneless heap upon the ground.

He sat up, bringing Quinn with him, then pulled him onto his lap. Quinn’s cock

was rock-hard and Dev wrapped his hand around the pulsing length of him, tightening
his fingers and pumping gently. Quinn groaned and began to pant, squirming in Dev’s

“Do you have any more clever rhymes you’d like to share with me?”
No. Please don’t stop.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Dev, please!”
“I will never leave you wanting,” Dev whispered, his tongue making a foray into

the hollows and swirls of Quinn’s ear, sucking the tender lobe into his mouth and
nipping it gently.

He abandoned Quinn’s cock for a moment and brought his hand to his mouth,

wetting it with saliva then resuming the slow stroking movement that had Quinn


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panting with need. Slick and wet, his hand slid with ease and he relished the feel of the
hard column of flesh in his fist, and the knowledge that he held Quinn’s pleasure in his

Quinn buried his face in Devin’s neck and his warm breath misted over his throat,

an ethereal caress that sent a shiver down Dev’s spine. He continued to expertly work
Quinn’s shaft, pleased when Quinn’s hand wrapped around his wrist and joined the
steady rhythm.

Dev took great satisfaction in knowing the form and feel of the growing pleasure

within Quinn. Male to male, there was no guessing at what to do, no unsure fumbling,
no mystery to unravel in order to bring gratification.

He heard Quinn’s moans coming faster and deeper, his fingers tightening on Dev’s

arm, and he increased the pace, rewarded by Quinn’s exclamation. “I’m coming, don’t
stop, don’t stop!”

“Not until you come for me,” Dev growled.
A deep guttural groan vibrated through Quinn’s chest as pearly ropes of semen

pulsed from his straining cock and rained over their chests, stomachs and hands. Devin
slowed his stroke, easily milking every drop. Shuddering, Quinn collapsed into his
arms and Dev let him rest as slick streams of white cream oozed slowly across their
skin. After a few minutes passed Dev eased forward, stood and then lowered the two of
them into the water with a resounding splash.

Quinn surfaced sputtering. “Dev!”
“You need a bath and so do I,” Dev teased and held on firmly, washing the semen,

saliva and sweat from their bodies.

Quinn relaxed and accepted his alpha’s attentions until the warm water and the

soothing movement of Dev’s hands lulled him toward sleep. He yawned.

“Time for bed,” Dev murmured and after helping Quinn to his feet they headed for

their makeshift bed.


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Chapter Three

Devin stared out the window at the passing buildings. Though not totally

unfamiliar with cities, he had been born into a pack that occupied a more rural area. His
visits to a city of any size had been limited to the times his class had taken various field
trips to museums and such. But although a bit uncomfortable, Dev was determined.
This was where he would find others like himself; this was where he would build his

Quinn drove through town, occasionally pointing out important landmarks. It was

early when he drove along Highland Boulevard, a street lined with clubs and bars,
places where the lost ones spent their time in the evenings. The street was quiet now—
in several hours’ time it would be flooded with people making their way from place to

Leaving the boulevard behind, they drove on, the business district thinning into

residential areas. Quinn headed toward Oak Park, an upscale suburb with large, well-
kept homes that were set on their own private lots and divided by high brick walls to
ensure their owners’ privacy.

He pulled into a gated driveway and swiped a pass card in the reader that waited

outside the gate. As the gate silently swung open, he drove in. The driveway was long
and wound through a small, well-groomed park filled with trees of all kinds. It was
shady and welcoming, with sunlight filtering through the leaves that danced to the tune
of a whispering breeze.

Dev relaxed, not realizing that tension had filled him as they drove through the city.

This was much more like the places he was used to, and it gave him ease. The driveway
began to curve, and when the car rounded the bend the house became visible. It was

Custom-built of aged and weathered stone, it was two stories with wings angling in

from a central arched entryway. Numerous windows reflected the afternoon sun and
chimneys rose from the rooftop, indicating the presence of several fireplaces. Along the
second floor ran a railed balcony, and Dev could see chairs and tables waiting for
anyone who cared to enjoy some fresh air and the view of the grounds it afforded. The
house gave the impression of age and offered a mellow welcome to those who
approached it.

As with the park, the landscaping was well groomed yet relaxed. No regimented

rows of precisely trimmed shrubs or color-coordinated flowers could be seen, just a
variety of plants and bushes freely mixing and mingling their colors and scents. The
effect was restrained wilderness, nature almost given her head but reined in with just
the right amount of control.


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As they came to a halt in front of the house, the front door opened and a woman

stepped out. Rose Benedict was tall and slender, her hair the same golden brown as her
nephew’s. She moved with an easy grace and hurried down the stone steps to throw
her arms around Quinn.

“At last! It’s been too long since you’ve been here. I swear, Quinn, I was about

ready to come and drag you out by the ears. Do you realize I haven’t seen you in over
two months?” she exclaimed, kissing him on the cheek.

Quinn picked her up and spun her around. “You worry too much, Rosie. Now let

me look at you.” He gave her a critical once-over as she stood waiting for his verdict
with a suspicious scowl on her face. “Just like always, too skinny. Don’t you know that
men like women with meat on their bones?”

“Since when?” she sneered.
“Oh, don’t let them fool you, honey, a man likes a woman with a little something he

can hold on to.”

“I’ll take that under advisement,” she conceded. “But for now, why don’t you

introduce me to your friend.”

Quinn placed a hand on Devin’s shoulder. “Rose Benedict, I’d like you to meet

Devin Grant. Devin, my Aunt Rose.”

Rose gave Devin an appraising look through piercing green eyes. “Pleased to meet

you. May I call you Devin?”

Dev smiled. “If I can call you Rose.”
“Of course.” She turned to Quinn. “Am I correct in assuming that I’ve just become a

den mother?”

Quinn gave her a beatific grin. “You are.”
She returned his smile and included Devin in her look of approval and delight.

“Excellent. Are you hungry?” she asked, and without waiting for an answer, she led
them inside. “Let’s eat, and then we’ll begin.”

* * * * *

Devin spent that evening and the next several days absorbing all the information

Quinn and Rose imparted to him. They went over the layout of the city so that Devin
would be more comfortable and not feel as though he were wandering lost. They
discussed all the places he was most likely to find recruits, and Rose was able to update
some of the information Quinn had already passed along.

“Any news on the coven?” Quinn asked.
They were seated at the kitchen table, maps spread across its surface, held down by

cups filled with their beverages of choice.

“They have a new leader—Silas Prudome dispatched Master Dekins,” Rose replied.

“Not that I’m sorry to see Dekins gone, but Prudome is bad news, Quinn, even more so


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than Dekins ever was. The word is he’s unbalanced and very powerful—a dangerous

“Are you saying there’s a black arts coven practicing in the city?” Devin asked.
Quinn nodded and sighed. “Remember when I told you that some young men have

disappeared? It’s my belief that the coven has used them in some kind of ceremony.”

Sacrificed them?” Devin asked, incredulity written on his face.
“Yes. Be careful, Devin, steer clear of them.”
A troubled look came over Devin’s face. “Only so long as they don’t interfere.”
Quinn looked ready to argue, but Rose stayed him with a shake of her head. “He

can handle it,” she told him quietly, then turned to Devin. “Just remember who and
what you are. Quinn’s taught me a lot about werewolves over the years. I’ve also made
some interesting friends who’ve accrued quite a bit of arcane knowledge. Those who
acquire magic can never harm those who are born with it through the use of it. Being
born a werewolf is a form of magic. Only through the use of the mundane—knife, gun,
or some such—can they touch you, and you’re well able to guard against that.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” Devin asked.
“I’m not blind, young man. I’ve watched you the last few days. You’re strong,

confident and most importantly, intelligent. I’ve no doubt you’ll be able to handle any
situation you’ll find yourself in.”

Devin beamed with pleasure at her compliment. At that moment, his face was open

and unguarded, the child within looking out. Rose’s heart went out him. With Dev’s
permission, Quinn had told her of the circumstances surrounding his ejection from his
home pack. She could only imagine how hurtful and wrenching it must have been for
him. She was determined to do everything in her power to help him and all the others
in similar circumstances, hoping that in some way it would alleviate their pain.

Quinn looked on, soberly listening to their exchange. He seems so young at times, he

thought, looking at Devin. I hope I’m not asking too much of him.

It was agreed that Devin would go into the city by himself. He insisted upon it,

saying that it wouldn’t be proper for Quinn to hold his hand as he revealed himself to
the others. In some situations an alpha had to stand alone. That evening Devin set out in
Quinn’s car, leaving Quinn and Rose on the steps watching the taillights disappear
around a curve in the driveway.

“He’ll be fine,” Rose commented.
“I know that,” Quinn replied impatiently. “But I can’t help but worry.”
Rose silently contemplated her nephew before speaking. “Are you in love with


Quinn shook his head. “I love him, yes, but am I in love with him? No. There is no

mate fever between us. I wouldn’t wish it so.”



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“He’s young and vibrant…and vigorous. He needs someone his own age, someone

who will support him and be able to keep up with him.”

Rose laughed. “Quinn, you speak as though you’re an old man. You’re a man in

your prime and will be for many years to come!”

“Oh, I’m not disparaging myself. It’s just that I wish for someone of a quieter

disposition, someone who doesn’t burn so bright. Too much light can sometimes hurt
the eyes,” he explained enigmatically.

Rose sighed, then smiled. “I understand, nephew of mine. Come inside, I’ll fix some

tea and we two elders can sit in rocking chairs and reminisce about the past while we
wait for the young one to come home.”

* * * * *

Devin wound his way through the pleasure seekers on Highland Boulevard.

Dressed in new, yet artfully faded jeans and a black t-shirt that molded his muscular
physique, with his dark good looks and intense amber eyes he drew more than a few
glances and double takes. The street was overcrowded and noisy and he’d already
fended off quite a few propositions from women as well as a few from several bolder

His search was taking him in and out of club after club, with no results. In the clubs

the music was loud and the crowds even thicker. In some, smoke hung in the air from
cigarettes and other things, and the sour tang of bodies, liquor and drugs were an insult
to his sensitive nose.

Out on the street the music insistently pounded, blending from one

indistinguishable tune to another as he walked through the residual heat that rose from
the pavement. In the dark, the neon lights beckoned and the trees along the street
wound with twinkle lights gave everything a festive look. There was excitement and an
expectant air as people trolled for partners, seeking encounters that ranged from one-
night stands to lifelong commitments.

He saw many young men, yet none had drawn his attention for long. They were not

those he sought, nor did they look in need of aid. He continued to walk, taking in the
buzz of the crowd. The conversations ranged from earnest interest to insipid bull, and
he shook his head at the efforts of one man who, thinking himself quite clever, had
already lost the interest of the young woman he sought to impress.

Passing them, he started to cross the street to the next block, when a scent tickled

his nostrils. It was then he noticed the small sign that pointed the way down a quiet
side street. La Bete Sauvage, it read, and Devin smiled. The Savage Beast—what better
place to find other weres like himself?

He walked a short way to the entrance and took the stairs down. At the bottom

another door waited, and when he opened it music blared forth in a blast of air that was
intermingled with the scent of the one that had drawn him here.


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Casually, he approached the bar. He intended to order a drink and peruse the place

for the one he sought, when to his surprise he came face-to-face with him with no effort
at all.

The bartender was young, younger than himself, Devin guessed—no more than

twenty-one. His eyes were blue, his hair light brown with streaks of reddish-blond
running through it. He was shorter than Dev, just under six-feet, but well built, his
strength apparent in the muscles that moved beneath his shirt.

His blue eyes widened with surprise before a certain wary reserve filled them.

“What can I get you?”

“Information,” Dev replied. “What’s your name?”
“Nick, Nick Boyce,” he answered, then frowned as though perplexed by his

obedience in answering. “Why do you ask?”

“I like to know who I’m talking to,” Dev answered simply. “I’m Devin Grant. You

don’t know me, but you know what I am,” he stated, his amber gaze capturing Nick’s.

Dev knew he’d found a possible recruit in this man. Not only was he a werewolf,

but the scent of another clung to him. Not the scent of a woman, but that of another
male. The scent was strong and more than what could be explained by a few random

Nick nodded. “I know.”
“Are you bound to a pack?”
The wariness in Nick’s eyes increased as he looked around to make sure they

would not be overheard. “Why do you ask?” he answered, sidestepping the question.

“If you are not bound to a pack, I have a proposition for you.”
A scowl twisted Nick’s features. “I’ve received propositions before—it goes with

the job.”

Devin’s eyes blazed as the will of an alpha reached out, caught, held and

mesmerized. “I seriously doubt you’ve had a proposition of this kind, although you can
be sure that all your needs will be met should you choose to accept.”

He gave Nick a look filled with dark and sultry promise, saw the involuntary shiver

that rippled through him and was pleased.

“What’s the proposition?”
“Meet me here tomorrow and we’ll discuss it.” He handed Nick a card that bore

Quinn’s address.

Taking the card, Nick’s brow rose. “Impressive neighborhood.”
“I’m staying with a friend. Speaking of friends, bring yours—he might be interested

in what I have to offer.”

Ignoring Nick’s start of surprise and without waiting for a reply, Dev rose and

headed home. He felt the weight of Nick’s gaze follow him all the way to the exit.


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* * * * *

Two days later the buzzer at the front gate rang and Rose was informed that Nick

Boyce and Sam Sterling were here to see Devin Grant. She opened the gate for them and
Quinn greeted them at the front door.

“Who’s Nick and who’s Sam?” he asked, extending his hand in greeting while

introducing himself.

Nick identified himself and introduced Sam. “So is this your place? The guy who

gave us the card said he was staying with a friend.”

“Yes, it is,” he answered and motioned for them to follow him as he led them

through the foyer and to the back of the house. “Devin’s outside.”

They entered a library and passed through double doors that led out to a patio.

Beyond was open lawn surrounded by trees. Shirtless and barefoot, wearing only jeans,
Dev was seated on the low wall that enclosed the patio. Eyes closed, his face was turned
up to the morning sunshine. The light played over his dark, gleaming hair.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” he said without looking at them. His voice held a

subtle yet unmistakable rebuke.

His tone caused Nick to bristle—a fact apparent when he spoke. “I waited until Sam

and I had the same day off. You did ask me to bring him.”

As though extremely bored, Devin deigned to open his eyes and turn his gaze to

them. He took Sam’s measure as his nostrils flared slightly, taking in his scent. Dark-
skinned with liquid brown eyes and short black hair, Sam stood at least six-feet-six-
inches tall and was built like a linebacker. His shoulders were wide, his body a solid
wall of muscle. He watched Devin, his expression neutral, and yet there was tension in
his stance, unease held tightly in check.

Devin rose and walked toward them, then around them as though examining them

for flaws. He came to a halt in front of them and said without preamble, “You’re

The level of tension soared.
Sam said nothing, his expression giving nothing away as he waited. Nick, on the

other hand, narrowed his eyes, anger burning within their sapphire-blue depths. “And
what business is that of yours?”

“It’s my business because I choose to make it so. It’s one of the reasons you’re here.

One of the reasons you’re pariah to the pack of your birth. Tossed out, unwanted,
labeled defective, perverted.”

Devin turned his back disdainfully and walked away. Behind him Nick took a step

forward, his hurt masked by his rising ire. Sam laid a hand on his arm, restraining him.
Where Nick’s emotions were written on his face, Sam’s expression remained
unreadable, his thoughts his own.

As he walked away Devin smiled with grim satisfaction. He didn’t want to hurt

these men, but it was necessary to provoke a response. He knew he couldn’t just declare


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himself alpha and invite them to follow him. His status had to be proven, his right to
lead and dominate established in such a way that there would be no questioning it.

He turned back to face them. “Isn’t that true? Isn’t that why you live here in this

city clinging only to each other, with no real purpose and no one to lead you—because
you were weighed, measured and found wanting?” He shook his head in false
sympathy. “It pains me to offer a place to those who are so inadequate, but I’m feeling
generous. You can join the pack I’m forming with the understanding that you’re here
not because you’re worthy, but because I’m taking pity on you.”

A rumbling snarl worked its way from the depths of Nick’s chest. “You arrogant

son of a bitch! Unworthy? Inadequate? Who are you to judge us?”

“I’m an alpha and my word is law. I say who you are and what you are and what

your place will be,” Dev answered with scorn plainly written on his face. “Unless you
want to challenge me. Do you think you’re man enough to challenge me, Nicky?”

Nick began pulling at his clothing, stripping with short, sharp movements that

betrayed his anger. Devin calmly removed his jeans and turned his gaze to Sam. “And
what about you, Sam Sterling? Do you want challenge me too?”

“I’ll hold my decision in reserve. Nick can take care of himself,” Sam answered, his

expression stoic.

Devin nodded and nimbly sidestepped as Nick transformed and charged. He made

his own transformation, all the while keeping one eye on Sam. He remained where he
stood, making no move to join the fight. Satisfied that Sam would remain out of it, Dev
turned his full attention to Nick.

Nick’s wolf shape echoed that of his human body—compact and heavily muscled

under thick golden fur. His blue eyes glowed with the strength of his anger, and his
claws flexed, eager to sink themselves into Devin’s flesh.

Dev easily sidestepped Nick’s next charge and nipped his flank in punishment.

Nick spun and they engaged, bodies coming together with a loud, hollow thump as
bared teeth sought to grab and tear some vulnerable spot. They tumbled down the steps
of the patio onto the lawn, the impact bouncing them apart. Unhurt, they each took the
measure of the other and began again.

Nick fought in earnest, defending his honor, determined to prove himself worthy

and make Devin eat his insults. Devin was hard-pressed to keep the engagements light,
to keep himself from damage and at the same time refrain from inflicting any physical
harm to Nick. Nick was agile and driven, but he was also blinded by his fury, a factor
that worked in Dev’s favor.

Dev danced and taunted, staying just out of reach of Nick’s snapping jaws. Their

engagements were lightning fast, with Devin inflicting light, stinging nips as he worked
to avoid Nick’s teeth and claws—but Nick was also clever. He began to find the rhythm
of Dev’s movements and was coming to anticipate them, getting closer and closer to
inflicting telling damage. Dev knew he had to end this soon or his plan would come to


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The three on the patio watched in silence. For Quinn and Sam, this was a dance

they’d seen before, the rushing charges, furred bodies clashing with growls and snarls
torn from the inner beast. For Rose, it was a new experience, but the knowledge she’d
acquired made it plain that interference would not be welcome.

Knowing that Nick was unraveling his methods of attack, Dev changed them.

Feinting a charge, instead of dodging away this time when Nick turned to catch him, he
ducked low and lunged forward, knocking Nick from his feet while closing his jaws on
Nick’s throat.

The sudden silence was deafening. No one moved and the only sound was the deep

panting breaths of the two combatants. Nick lay quiescent, yet his body was strung taut,
an occasional shudder working through it.

Dev gave a warning growl and released him while slowly backing away. As one

they changed, becoming human, two tired and battered warriors gazing at each other.

“Do you yield?” Dev asked soberly, no trace of his former arrogance or disdain


Nick took several more breaths before answering. “I yield the fight, but I’ll never

yield to your assessment of Sam or me. We are not worthless or inadequate!”

Devin suppressed a wince of shame, knowing that he’d hurt Nick. He took a place

on the grass beside him, sitting cross-legged. “I know that, Nick. You’re no more
worthless than I am. I, too, was tossed aside by my pack. I know what it’s like to be
alone, to have someone try to make you believe you’re less than they.”

“Then why?” Nick’s question was filled with anguish. “Why this fight, why did you

say the things you said?”

Devin felt a regret that made his very soul seem to cringe and yet he went on. “Had

I come to you and said ‘Nick, I’m an alpha, I’m forming a pack, join me’, what would
you have done?”

Nick considered. “I would have doubted you. Even though I sense in you a strength

that others don’t have, as werewolves, we require proof. An alpha has to prove his right
to lead.”

Devin nodded. “And have I proven my right?”
Nick sat up, realization and hope shining in his eyes. “You have.”
Devin stood. “And will you join me? I would be honored to call you brother.”
He reached his hand down to Nick. Nick joined his hand to Devin’s and was pulled

to his feet.

Nick grinned. “I will.”
Dev returned his grin and placed a hand on his shoulder giving it a squeeze. They

rejoined the three who waited on the porch and donned their discarded clothing. Devin
watched Sam as he handed Nick his shirt. Sam’s eyes were shuttered, giving nothing
away, and Dev wondered what thoughts he hid.


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He approached the two, his words for Sam. “Nick has accepted proof of my

strength to lead and accepted my offer to join me. What about you, Sam? Will you join

Sam studied Dev thoughtfully then spoke. “I knew what you were doing. I know

you’re alpha and that you had to provide proof. That’s why I didn’t offer to fight. Nick
is strong, a worthy opponent. I knew if you defeated him no other proof would be
needed. What I don’t understand is why us? Why do you want us to join you?”

“Because we’re the same,” Devin answered. “All of us cast from our packs by those

who would have us believe we’re not normal. We know our differences aren’t by choice
but by birth. Because we’re in the minority, they believe what we do is wrong. I say we
have just as much right to be who we are as they do, and just as much right to belong as
they do. What could be more natural than for us to join together, to support each other?
I don’t like being alone. Do you?”

Sam shook his head. “No, I didn’t like it, and even with Nick there was still

something lacking.” He gave his friend an apologetic look. Nick nodded his
understanding and Sam continued, a slow smile curving his lips. “I’d be honored to join
with you, Devin Grant,” he accepted formally.

Quinn moved toward them, openly grinning. “Nick, Sam, welcome. I see before me

leadership, passion and strength,” he said, including Devin in his gaze. “A good
beginning. Come into the house, there’s much to be said and plans to be made.” He
ushered them forward and drew Rose into the group. “And by the way, this is my Aunt
Rose. She’s your official den mother,” he laughed.

Rose rolled her eyes as the others chuckled. “All right, boys, get your butts in the

house.” She eyed Dev and Nick critically, examining the small wounds they had
managed to inflict upon each other. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Yes, Mother,” Dev intoned heavily then jumped as Rose took a swat at his behind.
Laughter trailed behind them as they made their way into the house.


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Chapter Four

Within a week’s time Nick and Sam had left the apartment they shared in the city

and moved in with Dev, Quinn and Rose. Each was given his own room and a further
surprise from Quinn. Quinn was determined that each of the young men who joined the
pack would be given opportunities that they’d perhaps been denied by their families.
He offered Nick and Sam the option of returning to school to earn a degree. Elated with
Quinn’s offer, both of them eagerly accepted and at Quinn’s insistence quit their jobs so
they’d be able to concentrate fully on their studies. Nick wanted to study criminal
science and Sam architecture. Devin was determined to put his degree in wildlife
biology to use and began searching for a job.

The five shared meals together and parceled out household chores and became a

normal family with small squabbles and much laughter between them. The men spent a
lot of time together, sharing their stories and getting to know each other.

Dev explained Quinn’s role as his mentor and how Quinn had encouraged him to

come to the city to form his own pack. The others were suitably impressed with Quinn’s
role as founder of the pack, and also for the simple fact that he was likeable and his
generosity was unprecedented. Quinn gave without thought, without humbling those
who received.

Their enjoyment of each other’s company and their constant proximity caused

Devin’s alpha instincts to pique, and it wasn’t long before the need to claim Nick and
Sam with more than just words became a driving force. All of them were sending
signals of interest, and as none of them were mated, there was no reason not to indulge.
The thought of it brought Dev’s cock to full hardness, ready and eager. He and Quinn
still came together nearly every night, but Devin’s need was such that even after his
release with Quinn, his body—his being—demanded more.

Tension filled him to the point that the others noticed. Quinn and Rose were

cognizant of what was happening, but the three involved were aware only of a growing
need for fulfillment, not only sexual, but emotional as well. Nick and Sam found great
satisfaction and comfort through the approval and guidance of their alpha, but as Dev’s
subordinates they also wanted his touch. Intellectually they knew they were accepted,
but their bodies were clamoring for physical proof.

The tension wound higher, finally reaching its saturation point. Supper was

through and the evening was winding to a close. Quinn and Rose had gone to bed.
Devin, Sam and Nick had settled on the floor in the library in front of the fireplace and
were discussing the various classes the two younger men were signing up for. All
through the conversation a thread of innuendo and subtle teasing had woven its way


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through their words. Looks passed between them from eyes darkened with rising need
until the air was perfumed with the rising male pheromones.

Dev watched, fascinated as Nick and Sam both used subtle body language to entice

him. There was the sensual lick of a tongue over lips left shiny and wet, the slow sweep
of a hand over a jean-clad, muscled thigh, fingers woven through shining hair and the
unmistakable thickening that formed a growing bulge at each man’s crotch.

Devin’s own cock was plumping, the blood heating in his veins as it rushed to that

part of his body that demanded it be put to use. The heat turned to flame and Nick
halted mid-sentence at the visibly escalating glow in Dev’s eyes. The air seemed to thin
as each man began to breathe harder, their chests rising and falling at a faster pace. A
pace that matched the increasing beat of their hearts.

Devin fixed his gaze on Nick and crooked a finger at him, beckoning him forward.

Mesmerized, Nick rose to his knees and quickly covered the short distance between
them, anticipation shining in his eyes. Dev grasped his chin, stared into his eyes for a
moment, then lowered his mouth to Nick’s. Nick groaned and shuddered, his body
going limp as Devin pulled him close and wrapped his arms around him. They kissed
for a long time, lips and tongues moving, tasting, touching and exploring. The heat of
their bodies rose, engulfing them. When Dev raised his head his gaze went straight to

Sam was sitting alone, his lips parted, his eyes filled with desire and hope. Dev

smiled. “What are you doing over there? Come here,” he ordered huskily.

Sam joined them and was welcomed into their combined embrace as Dev initiated a

passion-filled kiss with Sam that was punctuated with sighs of satisfaction and moans
of growing arousal. Breaking the kiss, he gazed fondly upon his two pack mates, a smile
curving his lips. It was echoed by Nick and Sam, the joy of being bound together filling
their spirits and making them soar.

It wasn’t long before the needs of their bodies again took precedence and laughter

turned to moans of pleasure and passion as hands and lips began to move and explore,
driving the need higher and higher. Clothing piled up in heaps around them as they
undressed each other. Naked skin found naked skin and nerve endings came alive with
the longed-for contact.

Dev looked at Sam and they came to an unspoken agreement. He pushed Nick to

his back, engaging in an exploration with mouth and tongue over smooth skin and
rippling muscle. Dev worked from the top down and Sam from the feet up until Nick
was moaning and writhing under their combined caresses. Dev’s mouth found the tiny
nub of one brown-ringed nipple and flicked it with his tongue before taking it between
his teeth, gently nibbling at the base with a back and forth movement that tore a
gasping groan from Nick.

Sam reached Nick’s hard, throbbing cock and took it in his fist to still the bobbing

motion it had taken on with Nick’s writhing movements. His tongue slid out to touch
the tip, following the flowing trail of pre-cum that oozed down its length. The long


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sweeping caress sent a shudder through Nick’s body, his hips rising, instinctively
thrusting. Sam returned to the tip, opened his mouth and took Nick in. Nick tried to
buck under him but Dev held him steady, sliding down Nick’s body to watch Sam
work his cock.

As Sam sucked and stroked Nick’s rock-hard erection, Devin repositioned Nick

with his legs over Sam’s shoulders, exposing the taut round cheeks of his ass, the
inviting cleft between and the tight portal at its center. He wet a finger in his mouth and
slid it over the silky folds of skin that circled the opening, found the center and pushed.
His finger slid steadily into the hot, satin-lined depths.

Nick’s muscles spasmodically grasped the finger and squeezed as he rocked against

it. “More, more, more!” he groaned and Dev complied, sending a second finger in to join
the first. Sam eased off Nick’s cock, not wanting to make him shoot too soon, and
instead kept a long, slow stroke going with his hand—enough to tantalize, but not
enough to push him over the edge. He watched Devin as he opened Nick, readying him
to be fucked.

Sam’s gaze wandered Dev’s body. Dev’s cock, like Nick’s, was long, thick and hard,

but neither man was as large as Sam. Struck by a sudden thought, Sam chuckled. Dev
looked at him with a questioning raise of one brow.

“I was just thinking,” Sam explained. “You’d better fuck Nick first, because if you

go after me you’ll get lost in there.”

Dev’s gaze slid to Sam’s cock and he gave him a scornful smile. “You’re big, but not

that big.”

“I don’t care who’s bigger or who’s first, but somebody better fuck me soon!” Nick


Dev motioned Sam aside and positioned himself between Nick’s thighs, pulling his

legs over his shoulders. “Don’t be so impatient,” he growled back, sliding the plump
head of his cock over and around Nick’s entrance. “You should be glad we’re
werewolves and don’t have to worry about diseases and condoms. And despite Sam’s
delusions of grandeur, I’m first and you’re getting fucked now.”

He pushed forward, applying pressure, and grunted as the head of his cock popped

inside the tight ring that guarded Nick’s passage. He held himself still, allowing Nick’s
body to adjust to the penetration before moving slowly, steadily forward until he was
fully seated, the thick bush of his pubic hair tickling Nick’s balls.

“Devvvv,” Nick groaned.
Dev leaned over him, his mouth finding Nick’s, his tongue seeking entrance,

exploring, teasing and taunting as his hips gently pumped, small inward movements
that massaged Nick’s prostate, drawing small moans from him with each slow thrust.

“Feel good?” Dev breathed, releasing his mouth. “Was this what you wanted?”
Yesss, more,” Nick pleaded.
“Oh yeah,” Dev groaned. “So much more.”


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He rose up on his knees, holding Nick’s legs, thrusting harder and faster. Nick’s

body flailed under him, welcoming the penetration, urging Dev deep, his channel
tightening, seeking to hold Dev’s cock inside. Nick’s groans were coming louder, his
body going rigid. Dev knew his orgasm was coming and stopped. Nick wailed his
disappointment, struggling to continue the movement of Dev’s cock inside him, but
Dev prevented him and gripped his wrists to keep his hands away from his own cock.

“Slow down, Nick, slow down,” he ordered softly. “Not yet, we can’t come yet.

There’s someone else who needs us.”

His words penetrated the fog of Nick’s lust and Nick’s gaze found Sam where he

sat watching them, his own hand wrapped around his cock, slowly stroking the thick,
hard length of it.

“Sam,” he groaned.
Dev looked at Sam and grinned. “Ever been the meat in a sandwich?”
Sam shook his head but looked intrigued.
He withdrew from Nick. “You’re about to be devoured. Get over here,” he


Dev positioned Sam on his hands and knees so that he was over Nick in a sixty-nine

position. Nick was still on his back. “This looks very intriguing,” he commented with a
lascivious grin.

“Now just remember, Sam, you can play with Nick but he came really close to

coming so don’t go overboard. On the other hand, Nick, I think you and I can turn the
heat up on Sam.” Dev took Sam’s face between his hands and looked deep into the
depths of his soulful brown eyes. “Burn for me,” he whispered and kissed him.

His tongue slid into Sam’s mouth just as Nick’s tongue slid over the head of Sam’s

cock. Sam’s back arched, his moan of pleasure reverberating in Devin’s mouth. Dev
released his mouth and let his lips travel over Sam’s face and throat before
relinquishing that tantalizing path. Rising to his feet, he straddled Sam’s body and bent
over him, his mouth and tongue tracing paths over the back of Sam’s neck and
shoulders before slowly moving down his spine. All the while, Dev’s body kept contact,
his hips moving, his hard cock rubbing between them, his taut nipples imprinting
Sam’s back.

By this time Nick had taken Sam’s cock deep into his mouth, his lips and tongue

massaging the thick, hard pole as he sucked. Sam was groaning with pleasure, his body
moving up and down between the constant caresses of Dev and Nick.

Dev continued his sensual slither down the length of Sam’s back and lower, his

cock finding the cleft between his buttocks. Reaching back, he pulled the cheeks apart,
pushing himself tighter to Sam’s body, his legs bent, his thighs straining as he fucked
his cock up and down the length of Sam’s parted trench. Unable to hold the position,
Dev pulled away and went to his knees between Sam’s thighs.

He was able to watch as Sam fucked his cock in and out of Nick’s mouth. Nick’s

ability to deep-throat Sam’s longer length was not only impressive but wildly arousing.


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Needing to push the arousal hotter and higher, he lowered his face to Sam’s cleft,
parting the full round cheeks to expose his entrance. Sam’s scent, deep, rich and dark,
rose to fill Dev’s nostrils and his tongue dipped in. He was soon lost to anything but the
scent, taste and feel of the man he pleasured.

His tongue prodded and probed, his saliva lubricating and preparing the way for

his cock. Before long the increasing desperation of Sam’s moans brought him out of his
single-minded pursuit and he pulled away, breathlessly ordering Nick to stop. All three
were on the edge, desperate for relief. Dev instructed Nick to get on his hands and
knees in front of Sam.

“Fuck him,” he commanded Sam tightly.
More than ready, Sam complied as Nick eagerly pushed back, accepting the slide of

Sam’s thick pole as it filled him. Dev positioned himself between Sam’s thighs and
guided his aching cock to his entrance. Realizing what Dev meant to do, Sam held still,
his hands keeping Nick still while Devin made contact and penetrated.

“Oh fuck, yes.” Sam groaned as Dev sank deep and deeper until he was tight

against Sam’s body.

The three of them held the position, sweat-slicked bodies joined and taut with eager

desire, until Dev began to move. His first thrust propelled Sam forward into Nick. Sam
withdrew from Nick, pushing back into Devin, and the rhythm was established. Thrust
and counterthrust, in and out, again and again—three prime males in a state of rut,
knowing nothing but the giving and taking of pleasure.

Their moans, grunts and cries of pleasure drove them on, as did the heady scent of

sweaty male and the heightened state of nerve endings that were touched, stroked,
kissed, caressed and sucked. The primal dance flowed, rougher, faster, harder until
with a roar of release Devin came, triggering the orgasms of all. As his cock pumped,
filling Sam, Sam filled Nick and Nick’s load spattered to the floor, bursting forth in
forceful spurts.

They writhed together as one, a single entity joined by an act as old as time itself,

driven to give and take. The pleasure was a decadent burst of euphoria that inundated
every sense, every nerve, as their bodies shuddered under its heady weight.

Breathing slowly, deeply, Devin withdrew, but maintained contact with Sam’s

body. Sam disengaged from Nick and Nick collapsed as Sam and Dev lowered
themselves to either side of him.

Devin heaved a sated sigh.
“I know what you mean,” Sam said sleepily on a yawn.
“I want to go to bed, but I don’t know if I can move,” Dev said.
“I have to move,” Nick groused.
“Why?” the other two asked simultaneously.
“’Cause I’m the one lying in the wet spot.”


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Sam and Dev began to shake with laughter. Nick’s scowl only served to heighten

their amusement.

Finally taking pity on him, Sam and Dev rose shakily to their feet and helped Nick

up. Dev took a shirt from the discarded pile of clothing and wiped the cooling semen
from Nick’s chest and belly.

“There. Better now?” he asked Nick.
“It was a nice gesture, but that’s my shirt, you know,” Nick replied with a

disgusted frown.

Dev bent double with laughter and felt Sam grab him and hold on as he too howled

at Nick’s dismay.

Nick growled, “It’s not funny, assholes.” He bent and gathered the rest of his

clothes and headed for the door.

Dev and Sam grabbed the remaining clothing and quickly followed, sandwiching

Nick between them, each throwing an arm over his shoulders. A few murmured
apologies cooled Nick’s ire and the three of them made their way upstairs in
companionable silence. After taking their showers they gathered in Dev’s room.

Quinn was already there, sound asleep. Sam and Nick hesitated, worried at what

Quinn’s reaction would be to their sharing the bed, when Quinn stirred and woke. He
gave the three of them a sleepy look, yawned and silently pulled back the covers in
invitation. They piled into the king-size bed and slept, their bodies touching, limbs
tangled together.

* * * * *

Awakened by a troubling dream filled with a sense of urgency and danger, Rose

had left her bed and gone to the kitchen in search of something to soothe her jangled
nerves. Emerging from the shadows with a cup of herbal tea, a smile curved her lips as
she admired the naked backsides of her charges disappearing up the stairs.

She thanked whatever fates had intervened and prevented the three of them and

herself from coming face-to-face. While she knew that weres were very casual about
nudity, she wasn’t sure her composure would stand up to the assault of that much
prime male flesh. I may be older than them, she thought, but that doesn’t mean I’ve lost the
ability to admire the beauty of naked men. Especially ones with assets that nice

Allowing them time to get well ahead of her, she followed them up and slipped into

her room, a muted chuckle tickling its way out. As she settled in bed and took up the
book she’d been reading earlier, she could hear the soft murmur of voices and the
closing of Devin’s door.

She sat for a moment, thinking about how they were all together in one room,

including Quinn, and knew that this was how it was meant to be. They’d initially
separated the young ones, giving each his own room, but she now realized that it


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shouldn’t and couldn’t remain that way. They were pack mates and brothers—they
needed the connection that the simple act of sleeping together would give them.

The arrival of Quinn, Dev and the others had brightened her life. She found herself

relishing this role of den mother and was determined to make the most of it. In some
ways, it made up for what she considered her failures with Quinn.

Even though she and Quinn had talked frankly and honestly about his younger

years, Rose still felt that in some ways she was to blame for his leaving. Simply knowing
that Quinn was a werewolf hadn’t been enough. She’d had no idea what it was like, or
what it meant to be one. It was the same when she learned he was gay. She hadn’t
possessed the knowledge to advise or comfort or help him. It was only after he’d left
that she went in search of that knowledge, determined to learn and to try to understand
what it was her nephew was going through.

Thinking again of the needs of the newly formed pack, she made a decision. “We’re

going to have to do some renovating,” she murmured and returned to her book.

* * * * *

Within the week, Nick and Sam began their classes and Rose enlisted Quinn in her

plans. He readily agreed and they hired a contractor who provided the workers and
material to see the job done.

Late one afternoon Nick and Sam returned home from school and Dev from a day

of job hunting to find they were barred from the upstairs.

“Where are we supposed to sleep?” Nick asked, a bit disgruntled.
“The library,” Rose answered calmly. “Come and see. The arrangements are only

temporary and you can survive for a couple of days.”

In the library they discovered a large mattress covered with blankets and pillows on

the floor in front of the fireplace. There were also some movable clothes racks that held
their clothing and several boxes that contained each man’s personal items.

“You can use the downstairs bathroom, and before you say anything,” she

cautioned, seeing the light of rebellion in Nick’s eyes, “it’s only for three days. The
contractor promised that the work will be done by then and it should be, considering
the number of men he’s got working at it.”

“Come on, Nick,” Sam soothed. “It’s not so bad.”
“Yeah,” Dev added. “Just pretend you’re the family pet and this is the dog’s bed on

the floor. Bet Rose will even pet your head and give you treats if you’re a good boy.”

Sam snickered as Nick narrowed his eyes at Dev and without warning pounced on

him. The two of them landed on the mattress and began wrestling around.

“Family pet? I’ll family pet you,” Nick gasped, trying to keep from laughing.
“Oh, would you please?” Dev begged and Nick lost the fight.


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He rolled to his back and laughed, the fight gone out of him. “Sorry, Rose, this will

be fine,” he climbed to his feet. “I don’t know what I’m bitching about. Even sleeping
on the floor, this is the nicest home I’ve ever had—and I don’t mean just the house. I
mean because of the people who are in it.” Nick smiled at her sheepishly and kissed her
on the cheek. “Forgive me?”

“Nothing to forgive,” she smiled, returning his kiss. “This will always be your

home, sweetheart. Now come on, you three, dinner’s ready. I talked Quinn into making
his famous beef stroganoff with homemade poppy seed noodles. He’s been slaving
away in the kitchen all day to keep from worrying about you on your first day of class.”

* * * * *

In three days’ time the work was finished and Rose presided over the grand

unveiling. Per her instructions, two walls had been knocked down, leaving only large
upright beams to keep the house structurally sound. The result was to turn three
separate bedrooms into one large open space.

An enormous platform bed, set low to the ground, resided in the heart of what was

once the center bedroom. Its oak headboard was attached to the inner wall and
contained shelves for alarm clocks, books, small lamps or whatever they chose to place
there. One side of the room had been turned into a sort of combination lounge-living
room with sofas, comfortable chairs, a television and stereo, and the other side had
become a place to study. It was furnished with a large table, matching chairs and two
desks fully equipped with new computers.

At one end of the long, open room a doorway had been cut into a fourth bedroom.

The furniture had been cleared out to make way for shelves, dressers and hanging
racks. The entire room had been turned into a huge walk-in closet-dressing room. And
at the other end a second doorway led into the large bathroom that they had used

Dev, Nick and Sam walked around, examining everything in stunned silence.
“Well?” Rose asked expectantly. “Do you like it?”
Quinn watched them, well aware of what all this meant to them and how difficult it

would be for them to express their gratitude at such unexpected caring.

“It’s amazing,” Dev answered.
The other two nodded their agreement.
“I’m glad you like it,” Rose quipped, seeking to break the tension. “Because you get

to keep it clean.”

Bashful smiles and small chuckles followed her announcement.
“We will,” Nick assured her. “Have you started dinner?”
Laughter met his question and Nick blushed. “What I mean is, maybe Dev, Sam

and I could treat you to a night out of the kitchen.”

“Can any of you cook?” Quinn asked, giving Rose a doubtful look.


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“Let’s find out,” Dev said, playfully rubbing his hands together in anticipation. “Do

you have a cookbook?”

“Saints preserve us,” Quinn intoned.
“Now, Quinn, I taught you how to cook. I think I can find something for them to

make that hopefully won’t send us all to the hospital,” Rose laughed.

“We can only hope,” Quinn answered and followed the group as they trooped

down to the kitchen.


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Chapter Five

The new pack quickly settled into a routine. Nick and Sam continued their classes,

Quinn took care of his business affairs and Rose kept the house and saw to the grounds.
Dev was again putting his degree in wildlife biology to use. Armed with previous
experience, he was hired by the state’s parks department and put in charge of a team
that specifically kept watch on the wildlife populations in the state’s parks. Especially
large predators, something he had a more than keen interest in.

Yet even with the new job to keep him busy, Dev never lost sight of his duties as an

alpha. He continued to search for recruits, all the while keeping an eye on the welfare
and state of mind of those in his charge. As a result of his careful observations he
noticed a growing restlessness in Quinn.

Quinn had taken to spending long hours alone, wandering—as a man and a wolf—

the groves of trees that covered the eight acres of his estate. He grew quieter and was
sometimes snappish when addressed. Dev knew something was troubling him and he
resolved to speak with him about it as soon as possible. His chance came sooner than

Deep in the night, Dev woke with the feeling that something was not quite right.

His gaze was drawn across the room to the doors that were open to the balcony. He
could see Quinn, fully dressed, looking out across the lawn. Dev carefully rose from the
bed so as not to wake Sam and Nick, and joined Quinn at the railing.

“What’s wrong?” Dev asked quietly.
“I have to go,” Quinn replied.
“Go where?” Dev asked, confusion apparent in his huskily voiced question.
“Back to where we met,” Quinn answered and turned to face him.
“I don’t understand. Why?”
Quinn studied Dev for a moment. “I spent so many years alone except for Rose, so

much time spent in solitude out there. Without realizing it, it became a part of me. I
need to be alone for a time.”

Dev remained silent for a moment, his troubled gaze wandering the tree-lined

lawn. “You’ll not stay away long?”

Quinn shook his head. “I couldn’t. You’re my alpha, my place is with you and the

others now. I just need…the silence for a time.”

Dev nodded, fighting unexpected tears, pushing them away and accepting Quinn’s

need. “Stay safe. You’ll be missed.”

“Thank you, Devin, for understanding, for not insisting that I stay.”


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“I don’t want to make you unhappy. I can’t indulge in selfish demands at the

expense of those who are mine.”

Quinn smiled and stepped into the embrace Dev offered. “So wise for one so young.

You truly were meant to lead.”

Quinn stepped back, turning to walk out of the room.
Melancholy at Quinn’s departure and yet understanding his decision to go, Devin

returned to bed. Nick stirred restlessly and murmured an incoherent something. Dev
soothed him with a touch. “Shh, go to sleep,” he whispered and Nick immediately

Dev lay awake for a time, dealing with the emptiness that assailed him. Quinn’s

absence was only temporary, he reminded himself sternly. He would be back, and in
the meantime, the others were here. He was not alone. Comforted with that thought, he
snuggled close to the others and slept.

* * * * *

In a darkness broken only by the sputtering flare of torches and the light of the

moon overhead, Silas Prudome drank deeply from a ceremonial chalice. His lips came
away smeared with red. He waited for a moment, then made his pronouncement.

“Adequate, but just. Surely we can do better than this?” he asked, giving his acolytes

a piercing stare.

One brave soul spoke. “It’s not always easy to find one with no familial ties, Master.

Let alone, one with any kind of vitality. These runaways are often drained of any true
spirit by the time we lure them in.”

“Then perhaps we need to look harder, Krieg.” Coming from Silas it was a mild

rebuke. He looked down at the mutilated body that lay sprawled across the altar.
“Dispose of this in the usual manner,” he ordered, then let his eyes wander the
assembled coven. “You, you and you,” he said, pointing to three different members.
“Attend me in my chambers.”

He walked away without a backward glance. The life essence he’d drained from the

young man sacrificed on his altar had invigorated him. Stolen energy was winging
through his veins, sending his own blood rushing to his cock. I’ll fuck these three and
perhaps more.
He smirked with satisfaction. Yes, definitely more, he decided, palming his
erection as he entered the house.

* * * * *

Quinn’s departure had triggered a spate of soul-searching within Devin. He began

thinking about his life and what the future might hold. Would he find a mate? Or
would he remain a solitary alpha guarding his pack? Would Nick and Sam eventually
leave for homes of their own? Would he himself wish to make such a move? He shook


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his head over these musings. There was always a constant need to find balance between
his human and wolf halves.

After a couple of days haunted by pensive contemplation, he’d barely put those

thoughts aside when the answer to one question walked into his office.

Ryan Mitchell was twenty-four and just out of college. Newly hired to replace a

man who’d retired, he came under Dev’s supervision. The minute he walked into Dev’s
office, Ryan’s scent hit Dev like a sledgehammer, taking his breath away. Entirely
masculine, his mesmerizing musk wrapped Dev in a cloak of such longing, desire and
heat that it caused him to break out in a sweat even as his cock began to throb. Dev’s
eyes arrowed straight to his target and he stared at Ryan in such an intense and
unwavering way that it drew a blush to Ryan’s cheeks.

As unexpected as finding his mate was, what was even more unexpected was the

flash of fear that momentarily appeared in Ryan’s green eyes. Dev frowned, puzzled at
his reaction. Ryan stood uncomfortably in the open doorway and seemed almost poised
to run.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized softly. “They said you were expecting me.”
Dev gave himself a mental shake and smiled. “I am. I’m the one who should

apologize, I was thinking of something when you walked in. I’m sorry if it looked like I
was going to eat you.”

And don’t think I won’t when the time is right, he thought to himself.
He struggled to still the twitch of his lips as the blush on Ryan’s cheeks intensified.
I wonder how far that blush goes, he speculated silently before taking himself to task.

Stay in control, Dev, you can’t just jump his bones. A little finesse, please.

Dev rose from his chair and walked around his desk. He held out his hand. “Devin

Grant. You must be Ryan Mitchell.”

Ryan mustered a smile. “Yes, I am.”
“Excellent,” Dev said, shaking his hand and ruthlessly quashing the wave of

excitement that swept through him at that first touch. “It’s good to have you here, Ryan.
We’ve been shorthanded for a while now. Please come in and take a seat.”

Dev seated himself behind his desk, hiding a grimace as his unruly burgeoning

erection protested its confinement. Ryan took one of the chairs in front of his desk and
Dev took shallow breaths, determined to ignore Ryan’s addictive scent and get his body
under control. “I’ve been reading your file, you’ve done some really excellent work.
That’s one of the reasons I chose you for this position.”

“Thank you,” Ryan replied with a pleased smile.
“The only problem I see is a lack of field experience. That being the case, you’ll be

teamed with me. I want to make sure you get the proper instruction on how we do
things around here—not that any of the others you’ll be working with couldn’t show
you, but we all end up with our own individual styles. You might as well start out at
square one and develop your own quirks rather than take on those of anyone else.”


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Ryan loosened up enough to joke, “So you’re quirk-free?”
Dev laughed. “Of course! I’m the boss—my quirks are automatically counted as the

correct and proper way to do things.”

“Okay, I’ll go along with that,” Ryan laughed.
Dev felt another wave of warmth sweep through him. Oh babe, I hope you’ll go along

with so much more. Aloud he said, “You ready? I thought we’d take a tour of the park to

Ryan nodded his agreement and followed Dev outside to a waiting jeep.

* * * * *

“I’ll tell you, Sam, this day was a revelation to me. The minute Ryan walked into

my office there was this total, indisputable shock of recognition that told me he was my
mate. And if that wasn’t enough, I got hit with a wave of lust that turned me into a
raving idiot. All I wanted to do was throw him on the floor and fuck him.”

Sam chuckled, shaking the bed. It was after midnight and Nick lay snuggled

against him, sound asleep.

“Go ahead and laugh, it won’t be so funny when it happens to you. Especially the

part where your dick stands up and begs to be put to use,” Dev groused. “It must have
been the human part of my mind that kept me sane, ‘cause the wolf was howling to let
loose. I was barely able to pretend that everything was fine and that I wasn’t struggling
to act like a civilized man,” he continued with a rueful shake of his head. “And it was so
frustrating trying to get to know him while he had no idea of what was going on inside
of me. I’m wore the hell out!”

“And so now that iron patience of yours is really going to be put to the test. I’m

happy for you, Dev.”

“Thanks, and I think you’re right. I’m going to have to be very patient here. I think

Ryan’s halfway afraid of me.”

Afraid of you? What did you do?”
“Aside from staring a hole through him when he first walked in and probably

looking like I wanted gobble him up—for which I apologized, by the way—nothing. I
was very nice and nonthreatening for the rest of the day, but I know what I saw and
what I sensed. Fear. I saw it in his eyes initially, and when we were out in the park I sort
of accidentally brushed up against him and he tensed up as though he thought I might
hit him.”

“Hmm. You accidentally touched him, huh?”
“All right,” Dev said sheepishly. “I admit it. My need got away from me for a

second. It’s just that he smells so damn good. I couldn’t help myself.”

“So what, you decided to do a scratch-and-sniff test?”
“Ha-ha, very funny,” Dev answered sarcastically while poking Sam in the ribs.


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Sam retaliated and a vigorous scuffle ensued that roused Nick and had him

pounding the two of them with his pillow. “Go to sleep!” he growled, but he soon
joined in the tussle that left the sheets a rumpled mess. Out of breath from laughing,
they finally called a truce and rested for a moment before rolling out of bed,
straightening the sheets and flopping back on the mattress.

“Seriously though,” Dev began, returning to their conversation. “There’s a story


Sam remained quiet for a moment before speaking. “Maybe you remind him of

someone who hurt him in some way.”

“God, I hope not. I’ve got a feeling that making Ryan Mitchell mine is going to be

difficult enough without something like that as a handicap.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it, Dev. You have a knack for making things come out


“Ya think?”
“Hell, yes. Look at the way you’ve pulled us all together. Sure, we’ve all done our

share and Quinn was the one who pointed you in the right direction, but if you weren’t
here to lead, none of us would be here now.”

Dev rose up on his elbow and leaned over Sam, kissing him on the forehead.


“You’re welcome,” Sam replied, then grinned. “I just thought of something.”
“What’s that?”
“No more hanky-panky for you. You’re a one-man wolf from now own.”
Dev rolled his eyes. “Yeah, how ‘bout that. One more reason it’s going to be hard

being patient with Ryan. I don’t like the idea of hobbling around with blue balls.”

Sam snorted a soft laugh, casting a glance at Nick who’d resumed his slumber.

“You’ll make it, buddy.”

“Yeah, I know. But you know what? I really hate cold showers.”
Sam was still shaking with mirth when Devin drifted off to sleep.

* * * * *

“Hey, kid! Hold up a sec.”
Eric Hawke froze for a second then turned, still prepared to run. After living on the

streets for the past month, he’d learned that a friendly face didn’t necessarily point to a
kind soul. There were people out here all too eager to use and abuse the unwary.

He brushed his too-long bangs out of his eyes. “What do you want?” His voice

clearly reflected his distrust.

“Take it easy, kid,” answered one of the two young men who approached him. “We

don’t want anything. Except to offer you some help.”

“Why would you want to do that?” Eric asked, giving them his best glare.


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“’Cause we used to be out on the street like you. Our leader, Silas Prudome, rescued

us and gave us a home. He likes to help people, so he sends us out to spread the word.”

“How come I never heard of this guy before? There’s been some people ‘round here

who’ve told me about places to go for help, but nobody ever mentioned him.”

“That’s ‘cause Silas keeps a low profile. He only helps certain kinds of people. You

know, people like you and me.” The man gave Eric a confidential smile and a wink.

Eric felt a rising blush heat his cheeks.
“Look, here’s twenty bucks and Silas’ card. If you want to hear more or meet Silas,

call that number. He’d be happy to come and talk to you himself.”

With a slow nod, Eric took the money and the card.
He silently watched the two young men walk to a car, climb in and wave as they

passed him.

“The master’s gonna love this one,” the acolyte said to the other. “I just hope when

the time comes, he feels generous and shares.”

“Oh yeah,” the other laughed. “That’s one prime piece of meat.”

* * * * *

Three weeks later, true to his word, Quinn returned. After the initial welcome he

received from everyone, Dev was finally able to speak with him privately.

“Do you feel better now?” he asked, true concern written plainly in his eyes.
Quinn smiled. “Yes, but I missed you all terribly. I have a feeling that this need is

going to present itself with far less frequency than before.”

Dev grinned, relief lifting a weight from his shoulders. In a small way, he’d blamed

himself for Quinn leaving, and despite the fact that he was pack alpha he sought
Quinn’s reassurance. “I’m glad to hear it, we missed you too. I was…wondering if
perhaps there was something I’d left undone, something that prompted this need to get

Quinn canted his head to the side and shook it. Not many alphas would admit to

possible shortcomings. Most were convinced of their infallibility. He couldn’t help but
admire Devin’s willingness to swallow his pride for the welfare of his pack mate. “You
never cease to amaze me. You’ve done nothing wrong. This need was in me and no
fault of yours. Every day you grow and every day you reveal the true spirit of an alpha.
It pleases me to know that perhaps in a small way I’ve helped with this. Thank you,

They shared a hard hug and Quinn reveled in the feeling of coming home. Dev

escorted Quinn upstairs, eager and yet also strangely reluctant to tell Quinn his news
about Ryan. They entered the communal sleeping room and Dev waited quietly while
Quinn unpacked.


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After a few minutes of silence, Quinn walked across the room and sat in the chair

near Dev. “Want to tell me about it?”

“Whatever’s troubling you.”
Dev gave Quinn a rueful look. “I need to work on my poker face. I didn’t realize I

was so transparent.”

With a small smile curving his lips, Quinn shook his head. “Normally you’re not.

This must be something significant. What is it, Dev?” he asked gently, reaching for
Dev’s hand.

Dev took his hand and squeezed it firmly as though seeking strength. “I’ve found

my mate.”

Quinn’s eyes widened with surprise and a fleeting flash of anguish before they

filled with delight. “That’s wonderful news. I knew it would happen. Not so quickly
perhaps, but I knew it just the same. Who is he? How did you meet? Have you claimed
him? Does he know he’s your mate?”

“Whoa, slow down a little,” Dev chuckled with a relief that was edged in sorrow.

He filled Quinn in on his first meeting with Ryan. “So you see, he’s fully human and
there’s something going on with him that I don’t understand yet. I’m going to have to
get to know him before I can make any kind of claim on him.”

“I can see that,” Quinn said, nodding thoughtfully. “Can I ask a question?”
“Of course.”
“Why were you so reluctant to tell me?”
Dev compressed his lips for a moment before nervously running his tongue over

his bottom lip. He let his gaze meet Quinn’s. “Because, as good as this makes me
feel…it hurts.” His eyes gleamed with moisture and emotion. “It changes everything,”
he choked out, unable to go on.

Quinn dropped his gaze and nodded silently. When he looked up, a pair of tears

slid down his cheeks. Dev opened his arms and the two of them came together, holding
each other so tightly their ribs creaked.

“I wish it could have been you,” Dev whispered, his body shaking with the force of

his emotions.

“I’ve thought the same thing a time or two,” Quinn confessed in a choked whisper.

“But it wasn’t meant to be. There’s no mate fever between us. But Dev, you’ll always be
my alpha.”

Dev nodded silently before moving back a bit. “Even though I’ve found Ryan,

we’re not mated yet. I want to hold you like before, one last time, and see the pleasure
in your eyes as I touch you.”

Quinn took a deep breath and smiled. “As my alpha commands,” he teased.
Dev grinned. “It’s good to be king.”


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Confessions and crisis over, the two of them retired to the bed. Dev made love to

Quinn slowly and tenderly until their rising passion brought them to a fiery finish.

Downstairs, Nick was patiently giving Dev and Quinn time for a proper

homecoming. Eager to impart his own news and deeming a suitable amount of time
had passed, he headed upstairs. Carefully opening the door, he stuck his head in to find
Dev and Quinn lying quiescent and replete.

Nick grinned. “I see Dev wasted no time in showing you how much you were

missed.” He leaned over the bed and planted a kiss on Quinn’s lips. “I’ll welcome you
home later, after you’ve rested.”

Quinn laughed and together he and Dev pulled Nick onto the bed, sandwiching

him between them. Nick squirmed then gave up with a sigh. “You know you’re getting
sweat and stuff all over my clothes.”

Dev pinched his ass. “Always so concerned about your clothes. Relax, they’ll come

clean, Mr. Fastidious. Did you need something?” he asked, wiggling his brow

“Yeah, but not that, although I’ll take some later.” He grinned. “The reason I’m up

here interrupting, is because I got a call from my old boss.”

“Oh?” Dev questioned, rising up on his elbow to look down at Nick. “What did he


Nick bit his lip for a moment then met Dev’s gaze. “I hope you won’t be angry with

me, but I told Nathan where I was going and who I’d be with.”

Dev considered this confession then replied. “I’m assuming you felt you were safe

to confide in Nathan?”

Nick nodded. “He’s one of us, I mean, I don’t know if he’s one of us in this way,” he

said, indicating the three of them in bed. “But he is a werewolf. He owns the club I
worked in and several other businesses in town and in some of the suburbs. He’s a
decent guy, Dev, he gave me a job and never asked anything of me. He treats all his
employees with respect and even takes care of them. One guy’s wife got cancer and he
footed all the bills for her treatment.”

“So back to the original question. What did he want?”
“Well, Nathan likes to stay close to his business concerns, so he spends time in each

place now and then, working there for a day or two.” He rushed on at Dev’s look of
impatience. “His bookstore in Millwood is his favorite place, so he spends most of his
time there. He says there’s a kid who’s been hanging around the plaza. He’s a were and
Nathan says he’s in bad shape, thin and really skittish, he can’t get near him. But the
thing is, Silas Prudome and his crew are trying to entice the kid to join them, and
Nathan says it’s not membership in the coven they’ve got in mind.”

Dev sat up, a sense of urgency possessing him. “I need to speak with Nathan as

soon as possible. Can you get me in touch with him?”

“I already asked him to come here, I was sure you’d want to see him.”


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“Good job, I knew you’d make a great beta.”
“Me?” Nick asked incredulously.
“Why not? You’re strong, brave and intelligent, a little hotheaded, but I suspect that

quick temper of yours will mellow with age,” Dev teased.

“What about Sam? Don’t you think he’d be a better choice?”
Dev slowly shook his head, “You know I love Sam. He’s a good man, but there’s

a…gentleness in him. I’d trust him with my life and I know he’d back me in a fight, but
in the alpha’s absence the beta leads. Sam’s not a leader.”

“You’re right.”
Everyone turned to find Sam standing in the doorway. He stepped into the room.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Rose sent me to round you guys up for lunch.”

Dev studied the peaceful look of Sam’s face. He didn’t seem troubled by what he’d

heard, but Devin wanted to make sure. “Did I offend you with my assessment?”

“Not at all. What you said was true, I’m not a leader. Nick is the right choice for

pack beta. The other things you said about me were also true. I’ll always have your
back, Dev. All of you. That’s what brothers are for. Now come on, you guys. Get
dressed, will you? Rose won’t let me have anything to eat until you all come down and
I’m starving!” Sam exclaimed.

“All right, all right, keep your shirt on,” Dev told him then grinned at Nick. “And

you better go change yours. I don’t think Rose would appreciate seeing that at the

A chorus of snickers followed Nick’s groan of disgust at seeing what was on his

shirt. “Why do I always end up in the wet spot?”

* * * * *

Not long after lunch the buzzer sounded at the gate and Nathan Cross was granted

admission. He drove up in a newer model luxury car and was greeted at the door by
Dev and Nick. Nick performed the introductions and Dev asked Nathan to the library
where the others waited.

Nathan was of average height, about six feet tall with green eyes and reddish-

brown hair that was beginning to gray at the temples. Dev estimated his age at mid to
upper thirties. He had a stalking walk, noiseless and smooth. As with all werewolves,
his heritage imparted an automatic strength that was apparent in the muscular
development of his body.

Upon entering the library Nathan’s nostrils flared and his gaze arrowed straight to

Quinn. Quinn’s eyes widened, his face going at first pale and then flushed. Noting the
exchange, Dev immediately went on the alert but made the introductions, keeping a
wary eye on Nathan.

When introduced to Quinn, Nathan spoke. “We’ve met, although it was years ago.”


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“Yes, I believe you’re right. How’s your lovely wife?” Quinn asked as though

issuing a warning.

“We’re divorced,” Nathan answered shortly, answering Quinn’s warning with a


“Oh. I’m very sorry to hear that.”
“Are you, Quinn?”
“Nathan…I…” Quinn looked around at the interested stares he and Nathan had

garnered. “I don’t think this is the time to discuss it,” Quinn continued, indicating the

“You’re right, of course. I came to tell you about the boy,” he went on, directing this

comment to Devin.

Devin indicated that everyone be seated and Nathan began.
“I first saw him about two weeks ago. He came into the bookstore and was

browsing. I kept an eye on him because quite frankly, he looked a little rough. Clothes
rumpled, hair uncombed. When he came close enough for me to catch his scent I
realized he was a were. When he caught my scent, I could actually see the fear fill his
eyes.” Nathan shook his head at the memory. “I tried to speak with him but he couldn’t
leave fast enough, as though he were terrified I’d try to hurt him.”

“Have you seen him since?” Dev asked.
“Oh yes, I made a point of asking the other store owners to keep an eye out for him.

I even went so far as to ask my friend who owns the diner two doors down to feed him
if he came in and I’d pay the bill. He’s been in a couple of times and the owner even
managed to get the kid’s name—at least his first name, Eric. No one’s managed to find
out where he’s staying though, and from the deteriorating condition of his clothes, I’m
sure he’s holed up somewhere out on the streets.”

Nathan fixed his gaze on Dev. “What the kid’s going through now is bad enough.

He’s obviously suffered some abuse of some kind, but to make matters worse, that
bastard Silas Prudome is trying to tempt the kid into joining his coven, and as I told
Nick, I don’t believe they’re looking for a new recruit. I think they’re looking for an
expendable body that no one will miss, should he disappear.”

“All right,” Dev said decisively. “We’re going out to search for Eric. I want

everyone equipped with cell phones so we can stay in contact with each other. If you
find him, try not to alert him to your presence. If it’s true that he’s afraid of other weres,
he’ll probably run. Call the rest of us and we’ll have a better chance of catching him.”

He turned to Nathan. “How old would you say Eric is, and what does he look


Nathan looked at Dev thoughtfully. “I’d say he’s mid to late teens, about five feet

eight or nine, blond hair, blue eyes, thin, wiry build. So far all I’ve seen him wear is
jeans, a brown t-shirt and dirty white athletic shoes.”

“One more thing,” Dev asked. “Silas Prudome. What does he look like?”


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“You won’t miss him, should you run across him,” Nathan growled. “He’s at least

six feet tall, slender build, but muscular with it. His coloring is fair—pale skin, white-
blond hair, blue eyes. Always dresses in complete black from head to toe.”

“Everyone got that?” Dev asked, his gaze going from one to the other, taking in

their nods. “If anyone sees Silas Prudome, you’re to let me know immediately. I want to
see this man for myself.”

“Dev,” Quinn began.
“Quinn, don’t,” Dev barked, then gentled his tone. “I don’t intend to start anything,

but it’s a wise man who knows the face of his enemy.”

Quinn nodded his understanding and swallowed his protests.
“Let’s get started,” Dev ordered, and everyone rose to retrieve their cell phones

while Nick brought one of the two SUVs around.

“I’d like to help,” Nathan offered.
“You have helped, Nathan, but quite frankly I don’t think you can do any more at

this point. Eric knows you on sight. If he sees you or gets the least idea that you’re
looking for him, he may bolt and we’ll lose him,” Dev explained.

“You’re right,” Nathan agreed with a resigned sigh. “But let me know if there’s

anything else I can do.”

“I will,” Dev answered. “Quinn, will you show Nathan out?”
A light blush tinted Quinn’s cheeks as he nodded and led the way out of the library

and out to the front of the house.

Nathan stopped beside him, looking out over the grounds. “I looked for you.”
“I didn’t want to be found.”
Why? Why did you go?” Nathan asked, his voice laced with pain.
“Because I loved you, damn it! You were married and doing your best to deny any

part of who you really were. How could I stay?” Quinn replied, catching and holding
Nathan’s gaze.

“I didn’t love her. I loved you. You were my mate—you are my mate. But you’re

right, I tried to deny that, tried to deny you and hold you at the same time. I’m so sorry,
Quinn. Can you ever forgive me?”

Quinn stood silently for a moment then reached out and took Nathan’s hand,

“When we settle this business with Eric, I think you and I need to talk.”

“Thank you,” Nathan said simply and took the steps down to his car.
Before he drove away he flashed Quinn a smile—the same smile that had melted

his heart years ago.

Quinn sighed and murmured, “Some things never change.”
“Maybe they’re not meant to,” Dev said, joining him. “Maybe they’re just meant to

be when the time is right.”

Quinn smiled. “Maybe,” he allowed.


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“Nick had only nice things to say about Nathan. His concern for Eric certainly

indicates a good heart.”

“He’s a good man, Dev. What happened between us wasn’t strictly his fault. Like so

many of us, he gave in to family and societal pressure and tried to deny his true self. I’m
assuming that he wasn’t able to continue with the masquerade.”

The others began arriving on the front steps.
“We can talk about this later…if you want,” Dev offered.
“I’d like that, but for now, let’s go find Eric.”


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Chapter Six

Devin walked the length of Millwood Plaza looking in shop windows, hoping to

catch sight of Eric. Having kept in touch with the others he knew that as of yet, no one
had spotted him.

It was late and the stores were closing, disgorging the last-minute shoppers while

their owners prepared to close. Dev reached the end of the long line of stores and
crossed the parking lot to the arcade and go-cart track that was located on its own
section of the lot, separate from the other businesses.

Through the large plate glass windows he could see a few stragglers who were

being ushered out by the owner, but none who matched Eric’s description. He circled
the building and was met by chain link fencing and a high wall of shrubbery that
enclosed and shielded the go-cart track.

Almost dismissing the idea of completely circling the building, he was pulled up

short by the distant murmuring of voices. Cautiously he moved along the fence,
stopped at the corner and peered around. A wave of anger swept over him at what he

At the back of the fence, there was a small building set flush against it. Backed into

the corner formed by the building and the fence stood Eric. A tall man with white-blond
hair was handing him a lit cigarette. Three other men watched silently as the older man
spoke to the younger, and whether he was aware of it or not, Eric was effectively
trapped by Silas Prudome and his men. Dev was sure of their identities, the
descriptions matched perfectly. He moved back out of sight and quickly dialed Nick,
giving his location and ordering him to round up the others.

Without hesitation, Dev walked around the corner and strolled nonchalantly

toward the group. He could smell the drug-laced tobacco and cleared his throat,
causing Eric to halt in the act of bringing the cigarette to his lips.

Heads turned and all eyes focused on him. Dev kept his walk easy, his body relaxed

as he strolled closer to the group. As he closed in on them, he saw Eric’s eyes widen
with the realization that Dev was a were. He made an effort to slide around the corner,
but one of Silas’ men moved to block his escape. Dev saw fear and panic blossom in
Eric’s eyes when he realized he was trapped.

Silently cursing, he knew there was nothing he could do at the moment to alleviate

Eric’s fear, so he continued closing the distance between them until he halted in front of
the group.

“Good evening…gentlemen,” he drawled, his tone sarcastic.


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Silas Prudome silently regarded him for a moment before stepping forward. “And

who might you be?”

“I might in time become your worst nightmare, but for now I’m Devin Grant, and

this young man is under my protection.”

Silas turned his head for a quick look at Eric then returned his insolent gaze to

Devin. “From the looks of it, your protection’s not much to brag about.”

“I offer no apologies for appearances. Eric has just this minute come in to my care.”
Silas raised a pale eyebrow. “Just like that?” he said, snapping his fingers together.
“Just like that,” Dev agreed pleasantly.
“And suppose I choose to dispute your claim?” While one man kept Eric in place,

Silas’ other two men stepped forward to his side.

“Then my associates and I will be pleased to discuss it with you.”
Nick, Sam, Quinn and Rose appeared out of the dark as though formed by Dev’s

words. Again Silas remained silent a moment while studying each of them.

He turned his regard to Dev. “I’ll give this round to you, Devin Grant, but don’t

cross me again. You won’t like the consequences.”

“I’ll take my chances,” Dev replied. “Now if you’ll excuse us, it’s time Eric was


Giving him a last haughty glare, Silas signaled his men and they disappeared into

the night, leaving Dev and his pack to face one terrified teenager. Eric had retreated as
far into the corner as possible and stood white-faced and shaking, his eyes watching
Dev’s every move.

When the others would have moved closer, Dev signaled them to halt and follow

his lead as he squatted down, presenting a nonthreatening stance. “Eric, as you heard,
my name is Devin Grant. These are my pack mates and we’ve been searching for you,”
he said gently.

“Why?” was Eric’s panic-stricken reply. “I haven’t done anything!”
“I know that. We’re not here to hurt you. We want to help you.”
“I don’t need your help. Just leave me alone. Please.”
Dev thought for a moment, formulating his reply. “Well, you see, that’s the

problem. I’m alpha of this pack and it’s against my nature to leave one of us to fend for

Eric shook his head, a flare of hope quickly smothered by the sadness that filled his

eyes. “I’m not one of you,” he murmured, his voice filled with resignation and bitter

Dev smiled gently. “I think you are, more than you know.” He rose to his feet.

“Eric, you’ve taken my scent, you know I’m a werewolf just as you are. Now tell me,
what else do you smell?”


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A confused frown beetled Eric’s brow but he raised his head and took a deep

breath. Shock and confusion registered on his face. “You smell like sex and…him,” he
said, indicating Quinn.

“That’s right,” Dev confirmed soberly, glad that he’d not taken the time to shower

after welcoming Quinn home. “We want you to come with us, but the fact is that we
believe males have every right to love each other, both emotionally and physically. If
you can’t accept that, then we may have a problem. Can you accept that, Eric? Can you
accept us?”

Eric bit his lip, his eyes glowing with tightly held emotion as he nodded his


“Good. Will you come now?” Dev asked, holding out his hand.
Eric walked slowly forward until he stood before Devin. Looking up into his eyes

he put his hand in Dev’s.

“Welcome home, Eric.”
A sob broke from Eric as he threw himself into Dev’s arms. Dev wrapped him

securely in his arms and held him, rocking him gently as he rubbed his back and
murmured softly, “It’s all right now, little wolf, everything’s all right.”

The others gathered around, each in turn touching and soothing the distraught

young man until he calmed. Dev released him and Rose dug in her pocket for a tissue.

“Here you go, no sense running around all wet and snotty,” she quipped.
A smile lit Eric’s big blue eyes and the others chuckled while he employed the


“Are you…are you a member of the pack?” he asked hesitantly, as though afraid of

giving offense. “You’re…human.”

“Yes, I am, but I’m still the den mother. Somebody has to keep you big bad wolves

in line.”

A chorus of groans and hoots met this announcement and Rose looked at each of

them. “I guess everyone intends to cook their own meals from now on?” She laughed
with satisfaction as they fell over each other in their attempts to placate her.

Dev watched the byplay with tolerant amusement, keeping watch. He didn’t trust

Silas Prudome for one minute and he was anxious to vacate the area and return home
with his new charge. The need to keep Eric safe was a priority. With this in mind he
gathered everyone’s attention and got them moving.

“Let’s go home,” he ordered, smiling as Rose put her arm around Eric and pulled

him into the middle of their group.

From the darkness, Silas Prudome emerged, a shadow filled with menace as he

watched them disappear into the night. He was not pleased by the appearance of Devin
Grant and his people. Not only had Silas and his men been outnumbered, but he
preferred his adoption of certain young males who were without family or protection to


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remain unnoticed. Still, considering what he’d learned, he chose to view the evening’s
activities in a favorable light.

“Werewolves,” he said to himself. “How interesting. An annoying complication,

but one that could have its rewards if used at the proper moment. Very interesting,” he
repeated and melted back into the darkness.

* * * * *

Upon their arrival home, Eric, who had remained quiet during the journey, seemed

to withdraw even further. It was Rose who took him in hand. She seemed to know
instinctively that the young man needed mothering.

“First things first,” she said. “Who’s hungry?”
A chorus of voices announced their readiness to eat and Rose led the way into the

kitchen. She made sure that Eric was seated comfortably at the table before she, Sam
and Quinn began pulling things out of the refrigerator and surrounding cupboards.
Cold meats and cheeses, condiments, bread, chips, soda, milk, glasses, plates and
cutlery all began to make their appearance on the big table and everything was sorted
out and passed around with much teasing and laughter.

With a shy smile, Eric gratefully accepted the plate of food that Rose made for him.

She watched him as he ate neatly yet with a dedication that indicated meals were not
something that came to him on a regular basis. As he ate his gaze wandered from face
to face and something akin to awe seemed to bloom in his eyes.

Rose followed the path of his regard, trying to ignore the fact that she knew those

seated around the table, looking at them from a newcomer’s perspective. A wry smile
tilted her lips as she found herself quite impressed. Her charges—and she included her
nephew in the lot—were all tall, strong and handsome young men. She could see why
Eric or anyone else might be intimidated or in awe of them.

What a stranger would not know was that they were all as well made on the inside

as on the out. At this moment they were all relaxed, eating, smiling and teasing each
other with a loving familiarity that was a joy to watch. Despite all the difficulties they’d
faced in their young lives, they were still able to offer their friendship and care to a

Not that they were perfect, by any means. Dev was rather autocratic at times, but

that came with his role of alpha, and Rose had to admit that he tempered his authority
with intelligence, patience and caring. Nick was hot-tempered, quick to fly off the
handle, but just as quick to apologize—and though he was rather fussy about his
clothes, it was a quirk the rest of them took in stride, just as he took their teasing in

Sam was the thinker of the group, the strong, silent type, and it was sometimes

frustrating to get him to express an opinion. She knew Dev worried that he wasn’t
expressing his needs and wants, that he was subjugating his desires for those of the
others. Rose had a feeling that if it meant a lot to him, the big man wouldn’t hesitate to


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let the others know what it was he really wanted. In addition to being closemouthed,
Sam was something of a slob, a trait that sometimes drove fastidious Nick to

And then there was Quinn, her own dear nephew. Tears stung her eyes as she

thought of the hurts he’d suffered over the years. Because of it he’d disappeared for
months at a time, leaving her to worry about him.

She smiled, thinking of Quinn’s most annoying trait, his tendency to worry—but

she realized that worry was the shape his love took. He cared for them all so deeply, he
wanted them all protected from harm and hurt of any kind. She wondered at the
appearance of Nathan Cross and what that would mean. Quinn had never mentioned
him by name, but there had been a time years ago when Quinn’s melancholy had gone
to a level so deep that she’d feared he might take his own life. Quinn’s inner strength
had carried him through that dark time and she could only thank the Maker that he’d
gifted her nephew with that determined will of his.

Her roaming eyes targeted Eric. And now this one, she thought. It was anyone’s

guess what time would reveal about young Eric, but for now she could see a young
man who needed a bath and bed. Eric’s plate was empty and his eyes had gone heavy.
A full stomach, too little sleep and too much emotional tension were taking their toll.

Rose reached out and gently touched his shoulder, causing him to jump.
“Sorry,” he apologized.
“It’s all right,” Rose chuckled. “I didn’t mean to startle you. Did you get enough to


Eric nodded and shyly returned her smile.
“Good. Come on upstairs with me. I’ll show you where everything is. You can have

a nice hot shower and your choice of beds.” She rose from the table and Eric followed.
She looked back at the others. “You all can take care of this mess.”

Her announcement was greeted by a chorus of “Yes, Mama Rose”, and a spate of

masculine laughter.

“They think they’re comedians,” Rose told Eric and winked at him.
Eric grinned and followed her upstairs. Rose showed him the suite of rooms that

the men shared, the bathroom, and a separate bedroom across the hall. “You can sleep
here or you can share the other room with everyone else.”

Eric’s cheeks flushed. “They sleep together? Like a regular pack?”
Rose snorted a laugh. “Oh yeah. From what I’ve learned from my nephew, Quinn,

and others, sleeping together brings them a feeling of safety and security and it tightens
the pack bond. But then I guess you already know that.”

Eric nodded. “I used to sleep with my pack…before—well, before.” He stopped

speaking and dropped his head.

Anger stirred inside her at the thought of this sweet young man being thrown away

by his pack and family. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” she told him gently. “Whatever


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happened to make you leave, you won’t find that here. All we ask is that you be honest,
be yourself and treat everyone else the way you want to be treated. Whether you sleep
here or not is up to you. No one will begrudge you your choice or belittle you because
of it. Would you like this room for now? Then later, if you want, you can switch when
you get to know everyone a little better.”

Eric nodded and Rose went on briskly, “That’s settled. Now why don’t you go take

a shower. Hold on a sec.” Rose ducked out and quickly returned with a bathrobe. “You
can use this,” she said, holding out the robe. “Hand me out your clothes and I’ll wash
them for you. Tomorrow we’ll go do some shopping. My room’s the second door down
from yours so if you need anything, you just come and see me. All right?”

Eric entered the bathroom and moments later handed his dirty clothes out to Rose.

“Thank you. I really appreciate all this.”

“You’re very welcome, sweetie. We’re glad to have you with us. Sleep well.”
Rose took Eric’s things downstairs and paused in the kitchen on her way to the

laundry room. “You all did very well, thank you,” she told them at the sight of the clean
table and counters.

Quinn kissed her on the cheek. “You’re welcome. How’s Eric?”
“He’s taking a shower. He’s also opted to sleep in the room across the hall. I think

he’s finding this group a little overwhelming. You all take it easy on him, you hear?”

“Rose, what do you think we’re going to do to him?” Dev asked, smiling.
“Oh, I know you’re going to be nice to him, just…don’t rush him into anything.”
“Like what, for instance?” Dev asked coolly with a raised brow.
“Like sharing the communal sleeping room, Devin Grant,” she stated baldly. “Don’t

think I’m unaware of your need to physically claim your pack mates. And though
there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as both parties are willing, Eric is too young.”

“I know that, Rose. In the first place, now that I’ve met Ryan, and once I claim him,

I won’t be having sex with anyone else. And in the second place, I’d never touch
someone Eric’s age, even if he elected to sleep with us,” Dev answered, his voice
colored with offended dignity and a tinge of hurt. “Despite appearances to the contrary,
that’s not what we’re about. I realize that Quinn, Sam, Nick and I have used the
communal sleeping room for sex. Up to this point, it didn’t matter. That will change
now that Eric’s here. We have to make adjustments as the pack grows, we all know

Rose set Eric’s things on the counter and walked up to Devin. She cupped his cheek

in her hand. “I’m sorry if I made it sound like I didn’t trust you. You’ve done nothing
but protect each and every one of us to the best of your considerable abilities. I know
you’ll do the same with Eric. Forgive me?”

Dev smiled. “Of course. It’s good to know Mama Rose is on the job. There’s

something about Eric that brings out the mothering instinct, isn’t there?”


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Rose had the grace to blush a bit. “So true. I didn’t know I had that much mother in


Dev chuckled and Sam spoke up. “Gee, Dev, if you’re feeling motherly you can give

me a bath if you like.”

A burst of laughter followed Sam’s offer.
“How about I just dunk your head in the toilet?” Dev growled.
Sam seemed to seriously consider the offer before replying. “Nah, I just don’t think

that would help me feel the love.”

“Come here, smartass, I got your love,” Dev taunted, palming his crotch.
“Ooh, now you’re talkin’,” Sam answered with a grin.
Rose rolled her eyes. “Men. I have now officially seen too much. I’m going to wash

Eric’s clothes so he’ll have something clean to wear when I take him shopping for new
things tomorrow.” She made a shooing gesture with her hand. “Why don’t you all go
play elsewhere.”

Dev kissed her cheek. “Sorry for the crudity.”
Rose gave a long-suffering sigh. “Boys will be boys. Goodnight everyone.”
A general exodus took place, leaving the kitchen empty of bodies but filled with the

warmth of family.

* * * * *

Late in the night Nick woke with the undeniable urge to pee, so he slid out of bed

and stumbled to the bathroom. After taking care of business and washing his hands, he
stood for a moment leaning against the windowsill and enjoying the soft caress of the
breeze as it wafted over his skin. A huge yawn took him, his jaws cracking and his ears
popping with the strength of it. As he turned to head back to bed, a noise caught his

He frowned, blinking the sleep from his eyes and stood frozen, listening. A muffled

cry came from the direction of the hallway and Nick walked quickly to the bathroom
door and opened it. Standing across from Eric’s room, he again heard the sound and
crossed the hall, quietly opening his door.

Eric had left the small lamp that stood on top of the dresser lit. Its light was dim but

encompassed the bed and Nick could clearly see him tossing and turning, his arms and
legs flailing, small cries of distress passing his lips as he panted for breath.

Nick crossed the room and reached for him, a hand on his shoulder as he gently

shook him. “Eric. Eric, wake up,” he murmured softly and jumped as Eric started
awake yelling, “No!”

“Hey, calm down,” Nick soothed while seating himself on the bed. “It’s all right,

you were dreaming. It’s just a dream,” he repeated.


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“No, it’s not, it happened, they hunted me,” Eric whispered, his eyes wide, the

terror slowly fading.

What? Who hunted you?” Nick growled.
“My pack, my uncle. When he found out about me, he organized a hunt. He made

me the prey.”

Nick’s hands fisted as he fought to keep his temper under control. “Bastard, son of

a bitch,” he swore. “How did you get away?”

“There was a river in our territory. I jumped in the river and let it carry me away.”
“That was a smart thing to do. You got far enough away that they couldn’t track


“Yeah,” Eric agreed and sat up. “Thanks for waking me. I sometimes dream about

it. I’m sorry if I woke you.”

“You didn’t, I had to use the bathroom and I heard you.” Nick smiled. “How old

are you, Eric?

“Seventeen. I’ll be eighteen in a few months,” he answered shyly.
Nick nodded. “And your last name is…?”
Nick grinned. “A wolf who’s also a hawk. A man with a double spirit—no wonder

you got away.”

Eric frowned. “Are you making fun of me?”
Nick tempered his grin and shook his head. “Not at all. It took a lot of strength to

do what you did. How can I help but admire that?”

“Thanks,” Eric said with a shrug.
“Think you can sleep now?”
“Yeah, the dream never comes twice in one night,” he answered matter-of-factly

and Nick silently blessed the resilience of youth.

He gave Eric’s shoulder a squeeze and stood up, heading for the door. “I’ll see you

in the morning,” he said and began to pull the door shut behind him.

“Are you…is Devin your mate?”
Nick frowned his incomprehension at the question. “No. Why do you ask?”
“You…uh…smell like him.”
“Oh. That’s just because we sleep together. We used to have sex before Dev found

his mate,” he answered honestly. “You know how that goes. As long as you’re
unpaired, unrelated, and of age, sex within the pack is permissible. Hell, it’s even

“Yeah, I guess,” Eric admitted with a disgruntled mutter.


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Nick paused outside the closed door, a wicked grin lighting his face. Eric was

jealous. A good sign, he thought, considering that the young man was his future mate.
Nick had sensed something from the moment he’d first seen Eric, and when his scent
had assailed Nick’s nostrils, firing a yearning need that pulled at his very soul, he knew.
But Eric was young, too young and too much in need of nurturing to claim, so Nick was
resolved to wait.

He sighed, and began to silently recite as he walked down the hall, Patience is a

virtue, patience is a virtue, but one I sure as hell wish I didn’t need! He returned to bed with a
wry smile curving his lips. He turned on his side and grunted when Dev turned over
and slung an arm over his body.

“Where you been?”
Dev pulled him close and Nick went to sleep with Dev’s breath caressing the back

of his neck.


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Chapter Seven

“Hey, Ryan! Boss man says drop what you’re doing and come and help us unload

this truck.”

Ryan looked up from the computer where he was transferring his written notes into

an official report. “Be right there, Dan,” he acknowledged with a nod and a smile, while
typing the rest of his sentence.

For three weeks he’d been on the job and loved every minute of it. His coworkers

were nice guys and he got along well with all of them. True to his word, Devin had
been the one to oversee the bulk of his training, helping make the transition to his new
position a smooth one.

He paused in the act of straightening his notes, thinking back over the last few

days. Dev had been helpful, friendly and thoroughly professional, yet there was an
undercurrent of emotion there that Ryan found hard to ignore. His senses had gone on
full alert. Whenever he was near Dev, his very skin shivered with an eerie electrical
charge. He found himself becoming hyperaware of Dev’s every look, word and move.
There was no doubt in his mind that Dev was interested in him, though he’d made no
overt move to broadcast it. Ryan wondered what it would be like if Dev ever decided to
act on the building attraction between them. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

Not that he was afraid, he silently scoffed, then chided himself for trying to make

himself believe such a transparent lie. Okay, I am afraid, he thought, acknowledging that
little voice inside that insisted he face the truth. But it’s not like anything is going to
happen. Unless I want it to. And I
don’t want it to. That little voice replied with a sarcastic,
Yeah, right, which Ryan ruthless quashed as he got up and headed outside.

Parked in the lot was a flatbed truck, loaded with cinderblocks, lumber and bags of

cement. “What’s all this?” he asked, voicing the question in the general direction of the
small group of men who’d gathered around Dev.

Dev looked up with a small smile, his amber eyes warm and welcoming. “This is

our new storage building.”

“Are we building it?” Ryan asked doubtfully. “I gotta tell you, I don’t have any

bricklaying or carpentry skills.”

Dev laughed. “You don’t need ‘em. A friend of a friend is bringing a small crew to

do the actual building. The only way I got permission to have this built was to supply
an estimate to the powers that be that they would accept. So my friend talked with the
guy who’s going to do the building. He gave us a hell of a discount on the condition
that we unload this truck.”

“That’s it?” one of the others asked.


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“That’s it. The builder owed my friend a favor,” Dev supplied with a grin. “So, let’s

do it, guys.”

Dan and one of the other men jumped up on the flatbed, while the rest of them

formed two lines. As each piece was unloaded, they passed it down the line, where the
last two men stacked everything. Dev was the last in his line, Ryan the last in his. As the
men in both lines were facing each other, Ryan got an up close and personal view of
Dev while he reached for each piece, bent and stacked it.

Clearly outlined by his shirt and jeans, thick yet sleek muscles in his arms, legs,

chest and back stretched and bunched with each move he made. Ryan surreptitiously
watched and was mesmerized by the fluid play of those muscles and the sheer
masculine grace Dev possessed. Every time he bent over to stack another cinderblock,
Ryan’s breath caught in his throat. The tight fabric of Dev’s jeans outlined his perfect,
sculpted ass, and that mouthwatering sight was causing Ryan to break out in a sweat.

Dev was aware of Ryan’s perusal. And his growing arousal. Ryan’s scent was

becoming heavier, his pheromones pungent with a silent message of desire. Ryan’s
reaction to him was provoking a growing response within Dev. His body felt vibrant
and alive. The primitive urge to show himself to his prospective mate, to let Ryan see
that he was strong and fit, swept over him in a burning wave. Perspiration broke out
over his skin and with a low growl he deftly unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it from the
waistband of his pants. With his hard-muscled chest and six-pack abs exposed, he
turned to intercept the next cinderblock that was handed to him.

Ryan’s barely audible, hissing intake of breath calmed and satisfied Dev’s primal

urges. Dev let his gaze meet Ryan’s.

At the sight of Dev’s naked torso, Ryan gasped. When Dev sent him a hot, blue-

eyed stare filled with desire, Ryan forgot to breathe. His suddenly nerveless fingers
dropped the cinderblock he was holding. It went straight for his toes.

Before the first twinge of imagined pain from his soon-to-be crushed toes could

touch him, Ryan was stunned to find himself nose-to-nose with Dev. The falling block
was held suspended just inches above his vulnerable foot. “I believe you dropped this,”
Dev observed with a husky murmur as he slowly straightened.

Cold shivers skipped the length of Ryan’s spine. The aroma of hot male engulfed

his senses making his cock twitch and thicken. For a split second he let his own desire
answer that which shone in Dev’s eyes before he ruthlessly quashed it.

“Uh, yeah, thanks. I’m not usually so clumsy.”
“Sometimes we get distracted,” Dev suggested softly.
Ryan slowly nodded. “That’s true. Distraction can be a dangerous thing.”
“Some people find danger exciting. Are you one of those people, Ryan?”
Ryan stared into the intense blue of Dev’s eyes, falling into the heat as his mind

went blank.

“Hey! Let’s get a move on down there.”


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Ryan jumped at the shout from Dan at the front of the line. Pulling his gaze from

Dev’s he resumed the unloading, careful to keep from making further eye contact. He’d
just had his question answered. Dev had made an unmistakable move. Filled with equal
parts excitement and dread, Ryan deliberately blanked his thoughts and concentrated
on the work. He decided that one brush with danger was enough…for now.

* * * * *

“He likes me.”
“Who, dear?” Rose answered with a smile.
Dev had just gotten home from work and wandered into the kitchen. Rose

continued placing cut-up potatoes and carrots into a pot that already held a roast
simmering with cream of mushroom soup, sour cream and beef broth. While she was
sure Devin was referring to his newfound mate, she wisely decided to let him tell her.
Rose knew what it felt like to be in love. It came as no surprise that Dev wanted to talk
about Ryan. It was a well-known fact that new lovers took great pleasure in just
speaking the name of their love.

“What makes you think that?”
Dev moved to her side and picked up a small carrot piece. He turned and leaned

back against the counter. Taking a bite, he munched thoughtfully before replying. “We
were unloading a truck today. Ryan got flustered and almost dropped a cinderblock on
his toes.”

“Oh dear. Is he clumsy?”
“No! Not at all. He’s strong and he moves like…well,” Dev paused, suddenly

embarrassed. A ripple of desire swept through him to accompany his thoughts of Ryan.
“Well, he’s not clumsy. He got distracted.”

“I see,” Rose replied gravely. “What do you supposed distracted him?”
“Me,” Dev answered proudly.
Rose chuckled and turned to him. “And what were you doing that almost caused

the poor young man to crush his toes?”

Dev’s cheeks flushed. “I was…well, it was just that…um…” He ground to a halt.
Rose laughed and reached out, giving Dev a hug. When she stepped back, his face

was a study in wry embarrassment. “You really are in love.”

“Love?” Dev asked in surprise.
“You don’t think you’re in love?” Rose asked tilting her head to side.
“I don’t know. I never really thought about it,” Dev replied, a frown marring his


“Would you do anything for Ryan? Protect him with your life? Put his happiness

before your own?”


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“Well, yeah, but I’d do that for any of you.”
“How would you feel if Ryan was with someone else?”
“No!” Dev’s eyes flared with enraged denial. “He’s my mate. No one touches him

but me. No one.”

“And you don’t think that’s love?” Rose asked softly.
Once more Devin frowned, confused by the question. “It’s mate fever. Ryan’s mine.

Whether he knows it yet or not, he’s pack now. All those things you asked, I do because
you and the others are pack, you’re my family. I care for you as my role as alpha

“I thought it was because you love us.”
“I do love you all, Rose. You know that.”
“Even Eric? He’s not been with us very long.”
Dev answered without hesitation. “Yes, even Eric. He’s like a little brother to me. I

felt a connection to him the first time we met.”

“But you don’t know if you love Ryan?”
Dev sagged back against the counter, confusion filling his eyes. “I don’t know,” he

answered softly. “I really don’t know. The wolf in me says he’s mine, it feels possessive
and protective of him. But the man…I’m attracted to him, he has a sweet and gentle
soul. I want to touch him and hold him near me, but is that because I love him or is it
what the wolf demands? I just don’t know.” He looked at Rose. “What am I going to

“You’re going to figure it out, that’s what,” Rose told him confidently. “I wish I

could help, but this is something you need to do for yourself, Dev, and I hope you come
to the right conclusion.” She reached out and stroked his cheek. “’Cause, honey, I don’t
know him, but I don’t think Ryan’s going to settle for anything less than love.”

Dev nodded. “Thanks.”
“For what? Confusing you? Pointing out a problem you now have to wrestle with?”
“For showing me that I’d better get myself sorted out before I approach my mate. I

could lose him before I even get started.”

Rose sighed. “Well, you’re welcome, but now I feel guilty for messing things up.

You were so happy when you walked in.”

Dev grinned. “I’m still happy. I have challenges in front of me. And pot roast for

dinner. Who could ask for more?”

“Phtt!” Rose snorted. “Get out of here and let me finish.”
“Yes, ma’am, Mama Rose,” Dev returned with a smile and kissed her cheek before


Rose returned to her cooking, a smile on her lips and a thoughtful expression on her



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* * * * *

As the semester progressed, Nick and Sam made friends among those they

attended classes with. Sam was asked to try out for the football team but declined,
claiming an old injury prevented him from doing so. In reality, his superior strength
made him afraid he’d injure the humans. Being such a large and strong man, Sam was
always excessively careful of such things, and as Dev had pointed out, there was a
gentle streak in him.

Despite declining the offer, he made several friends among those on the football

team. They occasionally asked him to join them on nights out and Sam, not opposed to
having a few beers now and then, occasionally went. It was on one such night out that
he found his gaze draw to a blond man of medium height and build. And that, Sam
decided, was the only thing medium about him.

His hair shone with golden highlights and his dark blue eyes sparkled as he

deigned to laugh at something whispered in his ear by the older man who sat on the
stool next to him at the bar. The blond leaned over and returned the favor, but whatever
he said was met with disfavor as the man’s face took on an ugly mottled flush.

The older man rose, his movements sharp and clearly angry as he drew out his

wallet and threw some bills on the bar. He succinctly bit out a few short words and the
younger man gave him a haughty look, his patrician features set with an expression
that was clearly bored. He turned his attention back to his drink, dismissing the other
man who sent him a final angry glare before walking away.

Sam continued to watch the blond, fascinated by his indolent grace. Not more than

a minute passed before another man took the empty barstool beside him and ordered a
drink. He must have said something of interest, for the blond man turned and gave him
an assessing look.

The blond spoke a few words and the other man nodded his agreement as the two

of them rose and walked out of the bar.

Hustler, Sam concluded to himself, and yet he couldn’t find it within himself to

condemn the young man for his choice of occupation. Who knew what circumstances
had prompted him in his decisions. Sam had learned from experience what a mistake it
was to judge or censure others for their lifestyle, unless their choices caused harm to
someone else.

* * * * *

Brooding, Silas Prudome sat alone in his study. Spread around him on the desk

were volumes of magical lore, some harmless, and some which exuded a miasma of
darkness. In none of the books had he found a permanent or even semi-permanent cure
for that which ailed him. A steadily increasing impotence.

“Master Dekin, what did you know that you didn’t share with me, hmm? Didn’t I

give you my loyalty and love until the very end?” he muttered.


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Thinking back, he tried to recall if the master had ever prepared any special potions

or performed any rituals in which Silas did not take part. Silas could remember nothing.
If Master Dekin had, he’d done so in secrecy.

“And yet you never had trouble taking my ass, did you? Not that I minded,

eventually, but this I mind very much.” Silas continued to brood then stood and walked
to his study door. Opening it, he called out. “Krieg!”

From the speed of his appearance, Krieg appeared to have been awaiting this

summons. “How may I serve you, Master?”

“Devin Grant. Find him and those that were with him the night he took my little

blond prize. I want to know where he lives and where he works. I want him and his
friends followed. I need information, Krieg.”

“But Master, how will I find him?”
“Do I have to tell you everything? Surely there’s one amongst my acolytes who’s

computer literate?” Silas intoned sarcastically.

Krieg turned thoughtful. “Yes. Jensen, Master.”
“Very good, Krieg. I don’t need the details, I just want the results.”
“We’ll begin immediately, Master,” Krieg assured him and hurried away.
Silas shook his head. “A little slow,” he murmured. “But he’s a workhorse, not to

mention hung like one. I’ll have to think of a proper reward.” He smirked with
anticipation. Silas crossed the room and, once seated at his desk, pulled a book forward
and began his search anew.

* * * * *

Each time Sam went into town he found himself searching among the crowds for a

glimpse of the young blond that had captured his attention. Now and then he would
spot him, but he never approached. The thought of being mistaken for a potential client
caused him great unease, so he silently watched from afar.

He did manage to learn the man’s name. Owen Connors. It seemed Owen had been

in town for at least a couple of years and was well known to the bartender. Because he
plied his trade discreetly and never caused trouble he was never hassled about doing
business in the bar.

It was while Sam was watching him one evening that he noticed he was not the

only one doing so. The older man that he’d seen Owen with that first night was coming
into the bar on a regular basis. He never made contact with Owen, in fact, he seemed to
go out of his way to avoid notice by choosing distant booths or tables, but his regard
never wavered. He stayed fixated on Owen with a single-mindedness of purpose that
sent a hint of alarm skittering down Sam’s spine.

The next weekend Sam and his friends arrived in town later than usual. Once

settled in their favorite club, Sam began looking for Owen but there was no sign of him.


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For some reason he was plagued by a sense of unease, until, finally giving in to it, he
walked up to the bar.

He got the bartender’s attention and motioned him over. “Have you seen Owen


The bartender nodded, “Yeah, in fact he left just a few minutes before you came in,

said he was going to treat himself to a night off and go home early. Shall I tell him you
were asking for him?”

“No,” Sam answered, “but thanks.”
Sam went back to his table and was about to sit when he decided that he just wasn’t

in the mood for bullshit and beer. “I’m going home,” he told his buddies.

“Home? We just got here!”
“I know, I’m just not in the right frame of mind for this tonight.”
“Your loss. Take it easy, Sam.”
“You bet. Night,” he answered and made his way out of the club and on to the

relative peace of the sidewalk.

Despite the lateness of the hour there were still quite a few people out on the street.

Feeling restless, Sam decided to take the long way around the block to the parking
garage where he’d left the SUV. Turning the corner at the end of the street, he started
down the block. There were no clubs on this street and things were relatively quiet with
only a few other pedestrians like himself walking here and there.

He neared the corner of the furniture store he was passing and was about to cross

the side street when he heard a muted scuffle and a muffled groan. He paused and

“I was going to be nice to you. I wasn’t going to hurt you, but you think you’re too

good for me. Are you too good for me now, you little slut?”

There was a hollow thud and another groan.
“Get on your knees, whore. Suck my dick.”
Sam crept silently down the narrow street. It was dark between the tall buildings

that stood on either side, but his night vision was more than adequate, allowing him to
see his way clearly. Partway down the street several dumpsters stood flush with the
side of the buildings. On the far side of the last one, the older man who had fixated on
Owen stood over the body of another person.

Sam could see tousled blond hair and smell the aroma of blood and fear mixed with

the familiar scent of Owen Connors.

“I said get up!” the man snarled and reached down to grasp a handful of Owen’s


His hand never reached him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”


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The man looked up with a start, his eyes widening with surprise, then fear. Stern-

faced, Sam stared at him, his deep brown eyes glowing with an inner fire that set amber
sparks dancing within them. He held the man’s arm in an unbreakable grasp.

“Owen, are you all right?”
Owen raised his head and Sam’s eyes burned hotter at the sight of the blood that

trickled from his split lip. Owen gingerly got to his feet and experimentally moved this
way and that, testing his body for soundness.

“I’m all right, just bruised,” he answered.
“You want this bastard jailed for assault?”
“No, I just want to go home.”
Sam looked at Owen understanding that because of his profession he didn’t want to

do anything that would get him involved with the police.

“I’ll tell you what,” he told the man in his grasp, “I’m going to let you go, but if you

ever bother Owen again, no one will be able to identify the few pieces of you that might
be found.”

Sam concentrated and claws sprang from the hand that gripped the man’s arm, his

face took on a sharp, wolfish shape as his teeth elongated. That terrifying vision, there
then gone in a flash, drew a whimper of fear from his captive.

He released him. “Get out of here while you can,” he growled and grinned as the

man rushed away in a scrambling panic. He turned back to Owen, his grin fading away.
“You sure you’re okay?”

Owen took a few tentative steps and staggered, shaking his head slightly as Sam

reached out and steadied him. “I’m a little dizzy.”

“That’s not surprising, just lean on me. Let’s walk out to the corner and see how

you do.”

Slowly they made their way out of the shadows and to the corner, stopping to rest

under a streetlight.

Owen looked up at Sam. “I’ve seen you before. At Tabu.”
“Yeah, I come in now and then for a beer. Where do you live? I’ll take you home,”

Sam offered.

A subtle change came over Owen, an aura of calculating seduction. “Normally it

would cost you, but since you helped me, I’ll make the first round free.”

Sam gave him a disapproving stare. “I don’t pay for sex and I don’t accept it in

return for doing someone a favor.”

Owen had the grace to blush. “Sorry, I guess I’m not used to anyone doing

something for nothing. I’d appreciate the ride home if you’re still offering.”

“No problem,” Sam answered. “Come on, my ride’s in the parking garage around

the corner.”


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Walking slowly, the two of them made it to the garage. After getting Owen settled

as painlessly as possible Sam followed the directions he gave and soon had him home.

Owen lived in a small, ground floor apartment in a modest brick building about

eight blocks from Highland Boulevard. His apartment consisted of three rooms. A
combined living room-kitchen, a small bedroom and an even smaller bathroom. He
invited Sam in, excusing himself to go to the bathroom. Sam waited then grimaced
when Owen returned minus his shirt, with a damp washcloth pressed to his split lip.

As clinically as possible, Sam examined the bruises that were blossoming over the

muscles of Owen’s well-delineated torso. “You’re going to be colorful and sore
tomorrow. You keep any pain relievers in the house?” he asked.

Owen nodded. “I’m already sore, I just took some ibuprofen.” He went to his

refrigerator and pulled out a can of soda. “Want one?”

Sam accepted and Owen motioned him to a seat while carefully lowering himself to

the sofa. After taking a sip of his soda he brought his gaze to Sam’s. “Thanks again for
helping me. I just have one question. Why’d you do it?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Sam answered.
“Considering what I do for a living, most people would probably say I was getting

what I deserve.”

Sam shook his head. “First of all, I’m not ‘most people’. As far as I can see, your

choice of occupation doesn’t mean you deserve a beating any more than anyone else

It was Owen’s turn to shake his head. “You’re right, you’re not most people. Who

are you and how do you know my name?”

“I’m Sam Sterling and I heard your name mentioned at Tabu. There was a guy

talking to the bartender once while I was waiting for a refill. He was asking for you and
mentioned your name.”

“So you’re not psychic?” Owen joked and winced as his smile pulled at his injured


At that moment Sam’s cell phone rang. He answered and glanced at his watch. It

was Dev checking up on him. “No, everything’s fine. I didn’t realize it was so late.” He
listened for a moment. “Yeah. I’m just dropping a friend off. I’ll be home soon.” He
listened for another moment. “All right, bye.”

“A worried lover?” Owen commented.
“No, one of my pack…that is, one of my roommates,” Sam quickly amended.
He rose and walked toward the door. “I’d take it easy for a few days, if I were you.”
“Yeah, well, I gotta make a living, you know. Guess I’ll just take the clients who

want to do all the work,” Owen answered matter-of-factly.


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That casual remark sent an arrow straight to Sam’s heart. He stood for a moment

gazing at Owen, then reached for his wallet. Drawing out several large bills, he placed
them on the kitchen counter. “A loan, from one friend to another. Now stay home.”

Without waiting for a reply he closed the door quietly behind him.
Owen rose stiffly, walked to the counter and picked up the money. Returning to the

sofa he set it on the coffee table in front of him, fighting the conflicting feelings that
arose inside.

When his family had disowned him, he made a vow never to trust anyone again, to

take what he needed by whatever means necessary and not worry about what it might
cost anyone else. His gaze went to the closed door and he thought about the man who’d
just left.

Sam Sterling certainly wasn’t your average man. He gave without expecting

anything in return, which was a rare thing these days. A wave of warmth rose within
him, but Owen regretfully and ruthlessly squashed it. So what if he’s nice and a major

hottie in the bargain. You don’t count on anyone, not anyone but yourself.

A speculative gleam lit his eyes as he thought about what he’d witnessed in the

alley. Sam had done something, for a time his eyes had taken on a strange glow and his
voice a husky growling timbre. He loosed a mirthless laugh at how old Jerry had made
tracks. Then there was that phone conversation and that slip. He’d said pack. Not
roommate but pack.

Owen’s eyes narrowed. There was something strange about Sam Sterling,

something he was determined to learn more about. He reached for the money on the
table and gently fanned it back and forth, lost in thought.

* * * * *

From his vantage point down the street, a shadowy figure took note of Sam’s

departure. He walked up to the building and entered the lobby. Holding a blank
envelope in his hand he walked up to the desk of the lobby attendant.

“Excuse me, my friend asked me to drop this off to someone who lives in the

building, but I’ve forgotten the guy’s name. I do know he’s about medium height with
blond hair and blue eyes. Does that ring a bell?”

“That’d be Owen Connors, down the hall, apartment 1-B,” the man answered,

without looking up from the sports page he was perusing.

“1-B. Thanks.”
He walked down the hall, waited a moment while pocketing the envelope, then

departed, smiling as he walked away. He was sure Master Prudome would be pleased
with this information, and hopefully in the mood to reward his faithful acolyte.


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Chapter Eight

Over the next few weeks, Dev continued in his efforts to get closer to Ryan, but

Ryan was proving to be resistant to his overtures. Their growing familiarity appeared to
have put Ryan’s fear of him to rest, but he seemed determined to hold Dev and
everyone else at arm’s length. He was obviously trying to keep space between himself
and anyone who might get too close. Dev was determined to find out why.

He invited Ryan to dinner at the house, hoping to introduce him to Quinn, Nick

and the others but Ryan quickly came up with an excuse that he was busy to attend.
Dev was beginning to doubt his own charm and powers of persuasion when a problem
came up that neatly solved his dilemma.

A local rancher lodged a complaint about wolf predation on his cattle herd. Several

calves had been killed and the man was irate, to say the least. Upon investigating, Dev
could tell right away that it wasn’t the resident wolf pack.

“Dogs,” he told the rancher.
“Dogs? Bullshit! Look at those tracks!” the man exclaimed.
“I am looking at them,” Dev told him calmly. “That’s how I can tell it’s dogs. In fact,

it’s a pair of them.”

“I don’t believe it. There’s nobody lives around here who owns a pair of dogs that

could do damage like that,” he claimed, pointing at the dead calf.

“Maybe they belong to one of the vacationers,” Ryan ventured. “There are cabins

not too far from here that are rented out in the summer.”

“That’s a good call, Ryan,” Dev told him with approval. “I’ll have Boyd and Rich

check that out while you and I check on the current location of the pack.”

After leaving the rancher with assurances that they would do everything in their

power to prevent another attack on his herd, Dev and Ryan walked back to their jeep.

Once settled in and on their way, Dev asked Ryan, “Are you all right with spending

a couple of nights in the field? A few of the wolves have radio collars, so we’ll be able to
find the pack easily enough, it’s just that we’ll have to hike in to get close enough to
observe them. I want to make sure they’re all present and accounted for.”

“Yeah sure, that’s not a problem. I was hoping I’d get to see them. I think wolves

are fascinating. There’s something mystical about them. They seem to have a
preternatural intelligence—it’s almost eerie, but intriguing all the same,” Ryan told him,
then looked somewhat uncomfortable as though he’d revealed too much.

Dev gave him a reassuring smile. “We have something in common. I feel the same

way about wolves. I’ve long felt a…I guess you could say a kinship to them.”


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“I know what you mean,” Ryan replied quietly. “I’ve wondered sometimes what it

would be like to run with a pack, to be free and wild like that.”

“Have you, Ryan?” Dev asked, mesmerized by the longing in his voice.
“Yeah,” he admitted sheepishly. “I must sound like an idiot.”
“Not at all. The whole point of dreams is that there’s an element of impossibility to

them. That’s what makes it so satisfying when you finally make them come true.”

Ryan gave him a long, thoughtful look. “You’re not at all the way I thought…”
Dev glanced over at him. “The way you thought I’d be?” he prodded gently.
“In what way?”
Ryan looked down, studying his own hands where they lay in his lap. “It’s just that

you seem so tough and competent and analytical, even. I mean, the way you’re so sure
of your decisions. Everyone follows you without a qualm, like they just know you’ve got
it all figured out. Today I’m seeing another side of you. One that’s not so practical, one
that’s maybe rooted in the philosophical.”

“That’s a good thing, I hope?”
“It is.”
“I’m glad.”
Dev let the conversation rest, pleased with Ryan’s admission. Having taken what he

considered a giant step forward after spending so long coming up against a brick wall,
he wasn’t about to push his luck. He rejoiced that Ryan was beginning to open up to
him, especially in light of the fact that wholly human males were notorious for not
talking about their feelings.

He actually felt sorry for them, in a way. He and his pack brothers had no trouble

expressing their emotions to each other, something that was cathartic and brought them
all closer together. But then he supposed that was the nature of the pack, where many
came together as one. There was an intimacy that came with belonging to the pack that
had nothing to do with sex. It transcended the bonds of what humans deemed intimate
and wove its threads around and between them, binding them together as surely as
chains of steel. It was empowering, comforting.

They returned to the office and collected the equipment they’d need for their trip,

including the monitoring equipment that would allow them to find the pack. Dev had a
pretty good idea of their general location and they utilized the services of the helicopter
and pilot who was contracted by the parks department and set out.

It wasn’t long before a signal came through, but because they were over a thickly

wooded area it was impossible to see the pack. Dev asked the pilot to take them to an
open meadow about ten miles away where he would be able to safely set down, and it
was agreed that they would return there to be picked up in three days’ time unless they
called with a change of plans.


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Descending from the helicopter, they shouldered their backpacks and started out.

Dev set a good pace and was glad to see that Ryan was able to easily keep up.

“This is beautiful,” Ryan enthused.
Dev gave him a quick glance, noting the sparkle in his eyes and the healthy glow of

his skin. “It certainly is,” he agreed wholeheartedly, but with a very different meaning.

Ryan shot him a suspicious look, but Dev’s countenance gave nothing away.
They continued on, making good time, and by late afternoon approached the area

the tracking equipment directed them toward. The wolves had moved into an area with
rolling hills that were less densely wooded and through which a small stream ran. Dev
and Ryan advanced downwind, keeping to the denser cover while going as quietly as
possible until Dev signaled a halt.

“This is close enough,” he murmured.
They pulled binoculars out of their packs and crouched down as they approached

the crest of the hill, then crawled the final few feet. The hill they were on rose slightly
above the wolves’ location and from this vantage point they were able to get a clear
view. The pack was resting.

“They’ve just fed,” Dev whispered.
“How can you tell?”
“Look at the belly on that guy over there by the fallen log, he always was a


Ryan shook with silent laughter and they continued to watch for a while as Dev

tried to locate every member of the pack. It wasn’t long before some of the younger
ones stirred, their at first desultory play turning into full-out roughhousing. They
played until they accidentally trod on the alpha female, who firmly chastised them
before lowering her dignity enough to join in the game.

Dev signaled Ryan to move back and they retreated the way they came until he

deemed them to be out of earshot. “They’re all there except for three, the beta male and
two others.”

Ryan looked concerned. “Are you sure you were right about it being dogs that

killed those calves?”

“Not a doubt in my mind,” Dev stated firmly. Of course he couldn’t tell Ryan that

not only had the tracks told him the story but the scent as well. “Let’s move
downstream a couple of miles so we don’t disturb them and set up camp. We’ll take
another look tomorrow and see if the others show up.”

Ryan agreed and they did as Dev suggested. Camp was easily set up. They’d

brought a single tent that was more than large enough for two and a couple of light
sleeping bags. The sun began to set as they prepared a simple meal over a small fire and
washed it down with cups of instant coffee.

Ryan sat across the fire from Dev and cast a few surreptitious glances his way. As

hard as he tried, he couldn’t ignore the butterflies that still occasionally stirred in his


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stomach whenever he really looked at Devin Grant. There was no denying the man was
handsome, with his dark, glossy hair, amber eyes and finely chiseled features. His
breath momentarily caught when Devin’s tongue swept over his bottom lip after taking
a sip of his coffee.

The thing that really disturbed him was how nice the man was. That first day when

he’d walked into Dev’s office he’d been taken aback by the intensity of the look Dev
had sent him. There’d been an elemental, primitive quality to it that had sent a quiver of
fear down his spine. His ex-lover Paul had sometimes looked like that, right before his
explosions of temper.

Paul’s volatile outbursts had been accompanied by belittlement and abuse that was

not only verbal, but physical as well. Ryan had become the equivalent of a battered
spouse. Just as others before him, he’d fallen prey to his own desperate denial and
Paul’s flimsy promises filled with regrets and assurances that it would never happen

It was only after he’d worked with Dev for a while that he realized the difference

between those looks. Paul’s had been filled with resentment and anger, whereas that
one scorching look from Dev had held a recognition and desire of such intensity that
the memory of it still took his breath away. He mourned the fact that there was nothing
he could do to reciprocate. It wasn’t that he felt no attraction to Dev—the man had
haunted his fantasies from the first day he’d spent in his company. It was just that he’d
vowed he’d never give another person the chance to hurt him the way Paul had, and his
fear easily enabled him to keep that vow.

Ryan’s gaze went to the tent that was set up nearby, and he eyed it with some


“I wouldn’t have bothered to bring it if it weren’t for the mosquitoes,” Dev had

explained. “But it’s either this or slather repellent on from head to toe, and the way that
stuff smells I’d rather sleep in the tent. Besides, we’d never be able to get close to the
wolves again.”

Ryan had agreed, all the while trying to calm the feelings of unease generated by

the thought of sleeping in such close proximity to Dev. He wasn’t worried that Dev
would try anything—it was his own reactions he feared.

Whenever Dev was near, a certain body part seemed determined to rise up and beg

for his attention. He’d never spent so much time half-hard with desire. A few times he’d
even jacked off in the bathroom while at work to take the pressure off his unruly cock. It
seemed that while his mind was telling him one thing, his body was insisting on

It was a dilemma that was taking its toll. Ryan had even considered looking for a

new position, but in the few weeks he’d been working for the parks department he’d
already grown to love the job. And too, the idea of never seeing Dev again disturbed
him more than he thought possible. As a result, his thoughts ran the same circuit again
and again until he sometimes felt dizzy.


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“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Lost in thought, Ryan started. “What?”
Dev smiled. “Having dinner with me. It wasn’t too onerous, I hope.”
Ryan’s lips quirked in a wry half-smile. “No, it wasn’t bad at all,” he admitted.
“Good, maybe we can repeat the experience some time.”
“Sure,” Ryan teased, knowing they’d still be out observing the wolves the next day.

“How about tomorrow night?”

Dev gave him a pleased look filled with mild surprise. It was the first time Ryan

had loosened up enough to tease him. “Smartass, just for that you get to do the dishes.”

Ryan chuckled. “I guess I can handle that.”
“Done a lot of dishes in your time?”
“Oh yeah, my mom made sure my brother and I realized that there was no such

thing as work that was exclusive to men or women. She really hates the term women’s
—she says it’s a phrase that entraps women in the old stereotype of being
household drudges who are only capable of,” Ryan counted on his fingers, “doing
housework, raising kids and waiting on the lord and master.”

Devin’s brows rose and he grinned. “She sounds like a person with very decisive

opinions. So do you get along with your parents?”

Ryan nodded. “Yeah, although it’s just my mom now—my dad died of cancer

about five years ago.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“He was a good man, I miss him.”
“You’re lucky, my parents disowned me when they found out I was gay. I haven’t

seen them in a while.”

Ryan gave Dev a wide-eyed look at his frank admission.
“What?” Dev asked. “Does it surprise you that I’m gay, or that I admit it?”
“A bit of both I guess. Most people aren’t forthcoming with that kind of

information. And truthfully, you don’t act any different from the average straight man.”

“Neither do you,” Dev stated softly.
Ryan favored him with an unblinking gaze. “No, I guess not,” he admitted.
“Another hurdle gotten over,” Dev commented with approval. “Funny how being

alone in the dark with someone makes these confessions so much easier.”

For the first time since the unusual conversation began, Ryan noticed that day had

slowly faded into night. He’d been so intent on Dev’s voice and the sparkle of the
campfire reflecting in his eyes as they talked that the change had made little impression
on him.

“That must be it,” he agreed. “So you don’t see your parents, what about other

family? Any brothers or sisters?”


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Dev flashed a wide grin. “No sisters, but I have an adopted mother and four


“That many?”
“Sort of. All my siblings are…I guess you could say adopted.”
“So are you the oldest?”
“No, but I’m in charge.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone looks to me for leadership and guidance.”
“That’s a lot of responsibility, but I can believe it of you,” Ryan commented

sincerely. “It’s probably just like at work, you have an air of competence and confidence
that’s unmistakable. I’d say the description ‘born leader’ fits you to a tee.” To his
surprise and delight, he saw a rising blush on Dev’s cheeks. His lips twitched as he tried
to suppress a smile. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

“What?” Dev asked with a warning tone to his voice.
“Embarrassing you.”
“I guess I’m not immune to flattery, especially when it comes from someone I like.”
“Thanks,” Ryan said quietly.
“So what about entanglements of the heart? Did you leave a string of

brokenhearted lovers behind you when you moved here?”

Ryan shook his head, his expression sober. “No, there was only one broken heart

and I brought it with me.”

“I’m sorry, Ryan,” Dev apologized, leaning forward, his eyes filled with concern.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, not really,” he replied lightly then turned the conversation. “What about you?

You must have them lined up and waiting their turn.”

“I admit I’ve had my share of relationships, and I can honestly say that each and

every one of them is important and even precious to me, but I never found that one all-
important person…”

At that moment a howl rang out, reverberating through the still of the night. All the

nocturnal creatures seemed to pause and listen as one howl became a heart-wrenching
chorus that seemed to call to the empty spaces in every soul.

Dev turned his head toward the sound as they both listened, and when he turned

back Ryan’s eyes widened at the amber glow of his eyes and the wild, triumphant cast
of his expression. It was as if the hazy features of a wolf had transposed themselves
over Dev’s, giving him a feral, untamed visage. Dev’s gaze caught Ryan’s for only a
moment before he bent his head and picked up a branch to stir the fire. When he raised
his head he was again just Dev, and Ryan wondered at the fleeting image, not sure if it
was real or just his imagination taking flight.


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Before he could say anything, Dev looked at his watch. “It’s kind of early, but we’ve

had a fair amount of exercise today. We should probably get some sleep—we’ll need to
be up at sunrise and be ready to go not too long after. Hopefully the pack won’t move
on for a while.”

Ryan nodded his agreement and quickly washed up the dishes while Dev banked

the fire.

Inside the tent it was nearly pitch dark until Dev turned on the small lantern he’d

brought. They undressed by its dim light, and Ryan found himself struggling not to
look at Dev’s body as he shed his clothes. He managed to keep his eyes averted as he
quickly peeled out of his own clothes, and leaving his briefs on, lay down on his open
sleeping bag, pulling the flap over himself.

“You ready?” Dev asked.
“For what?” he asked suspiciously, then blushed at the sound of Dev’s quiet laugh.
“For lights out, Ryan, that’s all.”
“Oh. Yeah,” he mumbled, thoroughly embarrassed.
“Goodnight,” Dev said softly, amusement still apparent in his voice.
“Night,” he answered and rolled his eyes at his own stupidity.
Despite the fact that he was tired, Ryan had some trouble relaxing. Knowing Dev

was only an arm’s length away had his body humming and his blood rushing south.
His cock began to throb and lengthen as it filled and he felt like groaning with
frustration. He shifted, adjusting his suddenly uncomfortable briefs, trying to
accommodate the extra girth of his cock while gritting his teeth in disgust.

By the quiet, even sound of his breathing, Ryan was sure that Dev was having no

such problems. Eventually his tension eased and he was finally able to sleep, only to
wake with a start just a short time later.

He lay still, not sure what had awoken him until he noticed the tent flap was

slightly open, admitting a ribbon of moonlight that had fallen across him where he lay
in his sleeping bag. Blinking groggily, he was hit with the dawning realization that he
was alone in the tent. Dev was gone. Thinking that perhaps he’d gone out to relieve
himself, Ryan waited for a few minutes until his patience ran out and he began to

He quietly got up and looked out the tent flap. The landscape was illuminated by

moonlight and not far away, sitting on a formation of rocks that lay along the side of the
stream, he could see Dev. He frowned, wondering what Dev was doing. He could see
some slight movement but couldn’t make out what was going on. Half asleep and not
thinking clearly, he began to walk toward Dev. His bare feet made little sound as he
approached and it was only when he was almost upon him that he finally realized what
Dev was doing. He stopped as a bolt of shock arrowed straight through him.

Dev was masturbating. Totally nude, he was leaning back with his eyes closed, his

fingers wrapped around the thick stalk of his erection, slowly stroking up and down the


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long, hard length of it. Ryan watched, unable to take his eyes off the most electrifying
sight he’d ever seen.

It wasn’t just the overwhelming eroticism of the act itself, but the beauty of the man

performing it. Dev’s body was art and music and poetry come to life. The arrangement
of bone and muscle and skin was so perfect it not only made Ryan’s cock ache, but his
heart as well. He longed to reach out and touch him, and yet to disturb the flawless
beauty of the scene would be tantamount to destroying a painting by a master artist.

Yet this art lived and breathed and moved. Hot blood flowed through Dev’s veins

and pleasure electrified his body as evinced by the quickening of his movements and
the husky groan that passed his parted lips.

Ryan nearly groaned in sympathy as more blood flowed into his already rigid

erection. Dev’s movements came faster, his hand twisting as it stroked, concentrating
on the upper half of his cock until his body froze for a split second and a thick spurt of
semen shot from the plump head of his cock to land on his chest. The rigid muscles of
his torso expanded and contracted with each spasm that seized him. Low rolling growls
rumbled from the depths of his chest while he continued to pump his hand up and
down, bringing spurt after spurt from his throbbing cock until it was milked dry.

Ryan blinked as though coming out of a trance and realized just what a

compromising position he was in. Appalled at himself for spying on Dev, he backed
slowly away then turned and quietly moved back to the tent. He lay down on his
sleeping bag and let the shock of what he’d just witnessed wash over him. Involuntary
shudders made his body quake even as he struggled to relax.

The rustle of the tent’s fabric announced Dev’s return and Ryan froze, feigning

sleep as he fought to keep his breathing slow and even. Eyes closed, he sensed the
movement of Dev’s body as he lay down on his own sleeping bag. All was quiet for a
moment and Ryan was just beginning feel safe when a voice came out of the darkness.

Ryan lay still and said nothing.
“You may as well answer me. I know you’re awake.”
He silently swore. “Yeah?”
“You were watching me.”
It was a statement.
“Yeah,” he admitted softly, his voice choked with tension. “I didn’t mean to, I

thought something might be wrong and by the time I got close enough to see what you
were doing I couldn’t…well, I didn’t… I’m really sorry, Devin, I shouldn’t have
invaded your privacy like that.”

“Oh, I’m not worried about that,” Dev answered, then moved closer until he was

able to put a hand on Ryan’s shoulder and urge him to move from his side to his back.
“What I want to know is, are you hard?”


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A tremor of shock raced through Ryan and he almost groaned at the question.

“Dev, I don’t think—” he began, his voice unsteady with arousal.

“At a time like this you shouldn’t think,” Dev interrupted. “Just feel,” he whispered

and lowered his lips to Ryan’s.

Ryan moaned. Heat and desire took him under and rolled him like a wave over the

shore. He shuddered at the intensity of the arousal and groaned again when Dev’s
tongue eased between his lips, teasing and tasting. Sensation overwhelmed and
inundated his senses until his mind shut down and his body took control.

He reached up, his arms desperately encircling Dev, pulling him closer until their

upper bodies were flush against each other. Dev moaned his approval and his hand
began to roam down until it found the thick bulge of Ryan’s erection where it was
trapped beneath his tented briefs.

Dev pulled away and whispered, “Baby, these have got to go,” as he tugged at

Ryan’s briefs. “Lift your hips,” he ordered and pulled them down and off when Ryan
obeyed. Freed from restraint Ryan’s cock rose up tall and painfully hard, the prominent
veins filled to bursting. Dev’s long tapered fingers wrapped around the throbbing heat
of Ryan’s cock and slowly stroked the velvety skin.

“Dev!” Ryan managed to croak, his hips slamming upward, ramming his aching

shaft into the tight circle of Dev’s fist.

“That’s it, baby,” Dev crooned. “Take what you need. Feel it. You’re so hard and so

hot, your heat’s burning me up.”

Ryan twisted and shuddered as the need took him to a place where nothing existed

but Dev’s touch and Dev’s voice, and every molecule in his body was awakened by the
arousal his mere presence created. His body demanded and reached until pure, raw
pleasure sliced through him and he was eviscerated by the sweet sharp pain of its
coming. A deep guttural groan was torn from the depths of his chest.

Dev buried his face in the crook of Ryan’s neck as he milked him of his seed, all the

while feeling the pulses of Ryan’s cock throbbing between his fingers. He bared his
teeth and took the delicate skin of Ryan’s throat between them and bit down, retaining
just enough presence of mind to stop short of breaking the skin.

Ryan’s weakening moans vibrated against his tongue and Dev released him to

softly lick and soothe the indentations left by his teeth before he rose up and
contemplated Ryan’s flushed face, then moved down his body to began cleaning the
warm semen from him. Ryan tensed then relaxed under the warm, wet ministrations of
Dev’s tongue, and softly sighed his pleasure at the feeling.

Dev smiled against his belly and moved up to take Ryan’s lips in a languid kiss that

was salty-sweet with the cream he’d gleaned from his body.

“Mmm,” Ryan moaned softly, his tongue slowly searching Dev’s mouth, seeking

out the heady taste and the sensual touch.

The kiss finally ended and Dev rose up on his elbow. He reached out with one

hand, his fingers softly tracing the lines and contours of Ryan’s face until he smiled.


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“That tickles,” Ryan murmured.
“Does it?” Dev asked innocently before stopping. “Feeling better?”
“Much,” Ryan answered and yawned.
Dev smiled and lay down beside him, throwing an arm over his body. “Go to


Without further encouragement Ryan did as he was told and Dev easily followed

him into slumber.

* * * * *

Ryan slowly emerged from a deep sleep. The first thing he noticed was the body

pressed hard against his back and the arms that were wrapped around him. Tension
filled him and a wave of black panic swept over him. He began to struggle against the

“No!” he yelled, his voice low and husky with sleep as he fought to break free.
“Ryan! Ryan, it’s all right!” Dev exclaimed waking as Ryan thrashed in his arms.
“Let go! Letgoletgoletgo!” he pleaded and jerked free, scrambling across the tent to

sit pressed to its side while his breath shuddered in and out of his lungs.

Dev sat up wanting nothing more than to go to Ryan, but he held his place,

instinctively knowing that he wouldn’t welcome his touch. Letting a few minutes pass
in silence he watched as Ryan slowly seemed to calm.

“Ryan,” he said softly. “Talk to me. What is it?”
Ryan looked up, his smoky green eyes darkened by shock. “Paul,” he murmured,

hesitated, then started again. “Shortly after I went away to college I fell in love with
Paul. We got an apartment together and things were fine for a while until Paul started
to change.” He ran a trembling hand through his hair. “He’d get angry over little things,
not just angry—furious—furious to the point that one day he hit me.” Ryan took a deep,
unsteady breath. “He beat me. Paul was always strong, but that day he was… I couldn’t
get away.”

“Oh, babe,” Dev said softly and made a move to approach.
Ryan held out his hand and shook his head, stopping Dev.
“Afterwards he said he was sorry. He took care of me and promised it would never

happen again. But it did. Again and again. I found out then why people stay with the
person who’s abusing them. I loved Paul. I wanted to believe him so badly. It went on
for almost two years, until the last incident. We went through the whole routine again,
the beating, the promises that he’d never do it again. But this time there was one
difference. I packed my bags and left.” Ryan shook his head, an anguished, bitter smile
on his lips. “I really thought I could stay away that time. A month later I was back. A
week after that, he fixed supper and drugged my wine. I woke up in bed with Paul
pressed against my back holding me. I couldn’t wake him up. He wouldn’t let go and I


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couldn’t wake him up. You see,” Ryan looked up at Dev, his eyes bleak and swimming
with tears, “he gave me one pill and he took the rest.”

“Jesus,” Dev murmured. “How could he have done that?”
“He was sick,” Ryan answered. “I didn’t even know he was on medication. His

doctor said that he would stop taking the pills. Until he got out of control—then he’d
force himself to start taking them again. Once he got himself under control with the
medication, he’d talk himself into believing he didn’t need it anymore. Until he hurt
me, then the cycle would start all over again. If only I’d known what was happening.”
He swallowed hard. “I could have helped him.”

“Surely you don’t blame yourself for what happened?”
“No, but I’ll never forget it. I’ll never take that chance again,” he vowed, his gaze

fixed on Dev. He saw first shock then determination bloom in Dev’s eyes.

“The memory will fade with time, Ryan. You don’t have to spend your life alone.”
Ryan closed his eyes and shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It’s

light out. Shouldn’t we get started?” he asked and stood, gathering his clothes.

Silently Dev followed his example and got dressed. Right before he left the tent he

moved close to Ryan, forcing him to look into his eyes. “This conversation isn’t over.
Not by a long shot.”

Without waiting for an answer he strode from the tent, leaving Ryan to think about

his words.

After a quick breakfast that neither of them took any pleasure in eating, they broke

camp and hiked back to where the wolves had been the day before. The pack had
moved on, but only a few miles, and as good fortune would have it, closer to Dev and
Ryan’s assigned pick-up point. Sometime in the night the beta male and the other two
missing members had rejoined the pack, much to Ryan’s relief. It made what he felt
compelled to do that much easier.

He and Dev had remained silent about what had happened in the early morning

hours, and though they had completed the task Dev had set for them, he made no move
to communicate with the helicopter pilot to come and get them. Because of his earlier
words, Ryan was sure that Dev intended for them to spend another night together
while he tried to persuade him toward his way of thinking.

Ryan had no intention of giving him that chance. His opportunity came when Dev

went off a ways to relieve himself. Ryan pulled the radio out of Dev’s pack and called
headquarters to let them know they were ready to leave. The promised ride was to meet
them at the appointed place in a couple of hours.

He made no effort to replace the radio. When Dev returned, he took one look at it

and asked, “When will he be here?”

“A couple of hours.”
Dev nodded, repacked the radio and they set out.


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As they walked Ryan kept telling himself he was glad he’d done it, but at the same

time he felt guilty. He didn’t want to hurt Dev, but he honestly felt that it was better to
stop things before they went too far. As far as he was concerned, the trauma of Paul’s
death would haunt him forever. He wasn’t about to make anyone else share his

They reached the pick-up point with half an hour to spare, and as it was open

meadow, they settled in the grass to wait. Dev lay back and closed his eyes, seemingly
unconcerned with how things had turned out. Contrary as it was, Ryan began to feel
irritated at Dev’s easy acceptance of the situation. Eventually he too lay back and closed
his eyes, but instead of relaxing, he silently wavered between relief and unreasoning
anger at the fact that Dev could so easily dismiss what happened between them.

It wasn’t long before the distant sound of the helicopter could be heard. Dev stood

and offered Ryan a hand up. Ryan grudgingly accepted and found himself not only
helped up but pulled straight into Dev’s arms. “Come and meet my family,” Dev said,
kissing him quickly before releasing him.

Ryan blinked with surprise. “What?” he asked, confused by the out-of-the-blue


“My family, I’d like you to meet them.”
“Don’t ask why. Just come. Please?” Dev asked, the importance of his request filling

his eyes.

On the verge of refusing, Ryan frowned and bit his lip, his resolve wavering in the

face of his attraction to Dev and his sheer loneliness. “This won’t change anything. You
know that, don’t you?”

Dev struggled to keep his small smile from turning into a grin of triumph.

“Tomorrow, after work. You can ride with me.”

“No, I’ll follow you in my car.”
Dev did grin at that. “All right.” The grin faded. “You mean it, don’t you? You

really will come?”

Ryan was struck by the uncharacteristic vulnerability he could hear in Dev’s voice.

“Yes, I’ll come, I promise.”

By that time the helicopter was descending and further conversation was



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Chapter Nine

The next day, Ryan sat at a large dining room table and looked around in

amazement. Seated at the table in addition to himself and Devin were five other people.
He’d been introduced to everyone and was now trying to keep straight which name
went with which face. As she was the only woman at the table, he had no trouble
remembering Rose.

Farther down the table was another memorable face, Sam. Not only because of his

dusky skin, but also his height—Sam was a powerful man, the tallest in the room, and
yet Ryan felt comfortable with him. There was an unmistakable air of gentleness in his
demeanor. When he really thought about it, as a group and as individuals, they were all
pretty memorable. What set them apart from any other family unit he’d been in contact
with was the oneness of them. There was a blending and a harmony, and Ryan was sure
that if he could see their auras they would mingle whenever they touched each other.

When they’d first arrived Ryan had been overwhelmed by the warmth of their

greeting, and everyone treated him like a long-lost member of the family. He found
himself wishing that he did indeed hold a place among these people. At the moment
everyone was talking and laughing and passing the food back and forth. There was no
formality or unease at the presence of a stranger. They had taken the stranger in and
made him theirs.

“So what do you think?” Dev asked, leaning toward him so as to be heard over the


“I’m amazed. And you’re not actually related to any of these people?”
Dev shook his head.
“And yet anyone who walks into this room can feel the closeness between you all.

Like I said, I’m amazed. And I’ll admit it, a little jealous.”

“You don’t have to be jealous, Ryan.” Dev smiled and looked at those assembled.

His eyes shone with pride. “They’re a good bunch,” he said simply. “And they like
you,” he added innocently.

Ryan gave him a squinty-eyed look. “I know what you’re doing.”
“What?” Dev asked nonchalantly.
“You’re trying to win me over with your family.”
“Would I do that?”
“You’re right. Is it working?” Dev asked softly, his amber eyes fixed intently on

Ryan’s face.


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Ryan struggled to keep from smiling. “I’ll let you know.”
Dev was prevented from further comment when Nick interrupted. “So, Ryan, how

do you like working with the big boss?”

“I like it most of the time, except when he’s a pain in the ass,” Ryan quipped


There was a split second of silence before Nick began to chuckle and farther down

the table Sam let loose with a big guffaw. It wasn’t long before the entire table erupted
in laughter. Realizing his mistake, Ryan turned his beet-red face to Dev. Dev had
maintained his composure, his eyes sparkling with what could only be termed as deep
understanding and affection.

He put an arm around Ryan’s shoulders and kissed him on the forehead. “Welcome

to the family,” he teased.

* * * * *

After that night, Ryan was openly courted by almost every member of Dev’s

extended family. He got phone calls and invitations to go to lunch or dinner or the
movies or whatever was planned for that day. They sought him out singly or in groups
and he spent days or evenings with the family on more than a few occasions.

During all this time, Dev did nothing to pressure Ryan in any way, although he was

finding it more and more difficult, especially those times when they were alone together
at work. Ryan seemed to accept everyone’s attention with pleasure, his manner easy
and accepting, not at all the way he was at first, when he seemed unwilling to let
anyone near.

Nearly a month after that first dinner with Dev’s family, Ryan walked into Dev’s

office and firmly closed the door behind him. Dev was standing in front of a filing
cabinet replacing some files he had recently transferred into the department’s computer
database. Surprised by Ryan’s vehemence, he closed the drawer and gave him his full

Ryan stood quietly for a moment then seemed to come to some decision. “I have

nightmares. You’ve seen them. Sometimes it’s not that bad, sometimes it’s worse, but
there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Dev was puzzled for a moment at what seemed a wild statement out of the blue

until it dawned on him what Ryan was trying to say. His heart jumped and began to
hammer in his chest. “I can handle that. We can deal with the nightmares together.”

“I can be very stubborn.”
“I know that already. I can be very bossy.”
“I know, and I can handle that.”
They looked at each other silently for a moment. “Is there anything else I should

know?” Dev asked softly.


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Ryan shook his head. “No, that’s it,” he said before he turned, opened the door and

walked out.

A slow joyous smile spread over Dev’s face, a smile that turned into a grin as he

laughed quietly. Ryan had just given him the chance of a lifetime, the chance to win his
mate. There remained only one bridge to cross and he prayed that Ryan would be able
to handle that crossing.

* * * * *

The day after Sam’s rescue from his assailant, an envelope arrived in Owen’s

mailbox. It bore no return address and upon opening it, Owen discovered a single sheet
of paper and ten crisp hundred-dollar bills. The note, unsigned, bade him to cultivate a
friendship with Sam Sterling and those he lived with, especially Devin Grant. In return,
he would receive a similar amount each week. The writer asked that he relate any
information he gleaned that might be of interest and to also be prepared to do him a
favor one day.

Already filled with questions about Sam, this only served to pique Owen’s interest

and so he did as he was asked. After getting to know Sam better his guilt began to
grow, and yet the money was a temptation he couldn’t resist.

He no longer had to accept the attentions of men who fawned over him and pawed

at his body. Although having someone suck his dick and pay for the pleasure was an
ego boost of major proportions, now that he could afford to live without it, he did so.

With his unknown benefactor’s instructions in mind, Owen steered the

conversations he had with Sam to family and friends, and was finally invited to meet
Sam’s roommates. He was awed by the house and grounds, and accepted Sam’s story of
Quinn’s generosity in providing a home and education to the young men lucky enough
to win the scholarships he offered.

He was introduced to Quinn, Rose, Nick and Eric, but it was Devin Grant he was

most interested in meeting, and he saw immediately why his benefactor had taken an
interest in him. Owen could sense the power that Dev radiated. Despite his feelings for
Sam, that power drew him, for in Owen’s world, power was the one thing that kept
poverty at bay. His own power over his clients had done that for him. The more he saw
of Devin, the more he wanted him. There was only one thing stopping him from
making his intentions known. Ryan Mitchell.

One night, when Owen was invited to dinner, he managed to maneuver a few

moments alone with Ryan. Ryan and Dev had gone out to the patio that overlooked the
back lawn. Owen saw Dev return inside for whatever reason and took the opportunity
to slip out undetected.

Ryan was leaning against the low wall. “Enjoying the view?” Owen asked,

sauntering out to join him.

Startled, Ryan jumped slightly but greeted him with a smile. “Oh yes. It’s beautiful,

isn’t it?”


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“It certainly is. It pays to have a friend in this household.”
“What do you mean?” Ryan asked with a frown.
Owen dramatically flung out an arm, his gesture taking in the house and grounds.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t calculated the worth of all this. And fucking Dev is sure to
get you a piece of the pie. I hear it’s already helped your career. It can’t hurt to have
your boss as your lover.”

Ryan’s expression went stony. “I’m not with Dev for either of those reasons. I care

about him, but that’s something that happened after I was hired. I got my job on my
own merit.”

“He certainly did.”
Both men turned to find Dev standing in the doorway leading to the patio. Holding

two glasses of what looked like iced tea, he glided across the patio with feral grace and
joined them. Facing Owen, he gave him a tight, warning smile. “Ryan more than pulls
his weight on the job. Anyone inferring anything else is dead wrong.”

“I’m sorry,” Owen apologized immediately backing down. “After all my

experiences it’s easier to assume the worst of people. Fewer disappointments that way.”

“I can understand why you’d feel that way,” Ryan answered. “I think you’ll find

that Sam and the others in this household will change that attitude. If you let them.”

I’m sure you’re right. Again, I’m sorry. Please excuse me.” With that, Owen made a

strategic retreat.

Ryan took the glass Dev held out to him, turning his puzzled gaze to Dev. “I

thought he was with Sam, but the more I see of him the more he seems to be turning his
attentions to you.”

“I know,” Dev replied looking toward the empty doorway. “Sam wants him, that

much is obvious. I just don’t know why he’s not reining Owen in.”

“That’s a somewhat patronizing statement, don’t you think?” Ryan asked. “It’s as

though you don’t think Owen should be given a choice.”

“Now don’t get your back up. Just hear me out,” Dev soothed. “Sam’s told me what

he knows of Owen’s background, which is sketchy—but the fact remains that Owen
was, and perhaps still is, a hustler. According to a very good source, people who do that
kind of thing have a tendency to bury their emotions and trust very few people, if any.
It’s obvious from the way I’ve seen Owen look at Sam that he’s developing affection for
him. It’s also obvious that Owen sees me as the leader of this group. A leader has
power, and power is strength and protection.

“Owen’s looking for someone strong to protect him, he’s looking for someone he

can trust,” Dev continued. “The trouble is, Sam’s not stepping up. Sam can be just what
Owen needs, but for some reason he’s allowing Owen to keep his blinders on. I think
he’s hoping Owen will finally turn to him on his own. Personally, I wish he’d just throw
Owen over his shoulder, take him off somewhere and fuck him until he sees what he’s


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“Whoa, caveman. That’s a primitive attitude.”
“You think so?” Dev questioned with a wicked grin.
“You can get that look off your face right now, Dev. I definitely wouldn’t go for

being treated that way,” Ryan warned him seriously.

“Even by someone you cared about?”
There was a moment of silence before Ryan replied. “I was wondering if you heard

that. It wasn’t meant for your ears.”

“I know. But I’m still glad I heard it.”
“Just don’t think you can use it against me.”
“I’d never use it against you, Ryan. But I’d use it for you, for us.” Dev leaned in, his

lips finding Ryan’s, nibbling then sucking his bottom lip, until with a small breathy
curse, Ryan succumbed.

From the darkened library, Owen, with fists clenched, observed their embrace. His

emotions were in a tangle. He’d heard every word they’d spoken, and was bouncing
between humiliation, hope, hurt and rage. Dev’s words left him feeling vulnerable and
exposed, because no matter how he tried to hide it behind his anger, deep inside, he
knew everything Dev said about him was true.

This selfish and shallow need that fueled Owen’s growing attraction to Devin,

coupled with the honest feelings of love and affection for Sam and the guilt he felt for
accepting the money to spy for his anonymous benefactor all roiled inside him, until an
unreasoning resentment began to build. A resentment he let grow until one evening it
burst free.

Sam and Owen shared a table at Tabu, and yet were strangely silent. There was a

growing tension between them, a tension of Owen’s making that had Sam so puzzled
he finally asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I feel smothered,” Owen answered shortly.
“Yes, smothered. By you. What do you want from me anyway?”
Totally taken aback, Sam replied quietly, “I wasn’t aware I was making demands on


“Well, you are, and I can’t stop being who I am. Not even for you!”
Owen stood and strode out of the club, leaving Sam to stare in shock at his

retreating form. He sat quietly for a time wondering at Owen’s behavior and what
possible reason there could be for it. Sam reviewed his own behavior and couldn’t find
anything that could be construed as “making demands”, and yet Owen was obviously
feeling pressured. An idea began to take shape in Sam’s mind and a slow smile pulled
at his lips.


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Could it be? Could Owen finally be close to acknowledging the feelings that had

developed between them? Sam had noted Owen’s fascination with Dev, something he
wasn’t pleased about but felt he had no right to interfere with. But he’d also noticed
certain looks that Owen sent his way when he thought himself unobserved—looks that
had raised Sam’s hopes that perhaps, in time, he could find a way to make Owen his.

Rising from the table, Sam made his way out of the club humming a soft tune.

* * * * *

Ryan paced around his kitchen, nervous energy keeping him running as he checked

the pots and pans on the stove. He stirred the contents of one, took a small taste and
added another pinch of salt.

Dev was coming to dinner.
Their first date that didn’t involve public places or members of the family and Ryan

was a wreck. The thought of being alone with Dev had him fighting the decidedly odd
combination of being sick to his stomach while his cock firmed in anticipation.

Hands planted firmly on the kitchen counter, Ryan stared out the window into the

growing darkness. His anxious reflection stared back at him and he gave a shake of his
head. “This sucks,” he murmured, jumping as the doorbell rang. “Oh shit.” Suppressing
a shiver that sent a cold finger of dread down his spine, he took a deep breath, left the
kitchen and stopped at the front door. Taking another deep breath he reached out and
turned the doorknob, allowing the door to slowly swing open. Dev filled the open
doorway and Ryan let the reality of his presence sink in as he stared at him. Dev stood
silently for a moment and let him look, then took the initiative.

“Hi,” Dev greeted him softly and tipped his chin up, placing a gentle kiss on Ryan’s

lips before releasing him.

Surprising himself, Ryan stopped Dev from moving away, put his arms around his

neck and kissed him soundly. Dev’s arms wrapped around his waist and he hummed
with pleasure.

Satisfied, Ryan stepped back. “Hi. I hope you’re hungry.”
“I feel like I’ve been starving for weeks,” Dev growled, giving Ryan a hot perusal.
“Um, that sounds painful,” Ryan awkwardly joked. “Come in the kitchen,

everything’s ready.”

He could feel Dev’s eyes on him as he followed him through the living room. I could

have saved myself the trouble of cleaning, Ryan thought to himself as his own gaze took in
the casual furnishings. His taste was simple, the colors basic browns, greens and
creams. It was masculine but not in that ultra-modern leather and steel way—this room
offered comfort, not confrontation.

“I thought it would be nice if we ate out on the back patio,” he said, pulling a bowl

of salad from the refrigerator and shoving it nervously into Dev’s hands. “Here, you


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take the salad and the dressing. Go on out. I’ll get the rolls out of the oven and bring the

Ryan quickly placed the rolls in a covered basket, grabbed the butter and headed

outside. He paused in the doorway, watching as Dev looked around. The patio was
large and completely screened in. On one side there was a round and rustic wooden
table set for two. Over the table an antique copper chandelier shed soft light over the

Large and small potted plants were scattered around the entire enclosed space to

soften the look and make it more outdoorsy. On the other side of the room stood a
freestanding outdoor fireplace with a fire crackling inside its rounded belly. In front of
it was a sofa, a couple of comfortable chairs and small side tables for anyone who
wanted to lounge in front of the fire.

Dev gave him a grin filled with delight. “You have one of those clay fireplaces,” he


“It’s called a chimenea. Do you like it?”
“Very much. This whole room is incredible, Ryan.”
“I spend a lot of time out here. It’s like having all the comforts of home in the great

outdoors without having to worry about the rain.”

Dev chuckled. “I really like it.”
“I hoped you would,” Ryan replied with a smile. “Let’s get the rest of the food. I’m


They sat down to dinner, ate and chatted about work and other things. All through

the meal their eyes would meet and hold again and again. The passing minutes
increased the anticipation growing between them. Ryan felt the return of his nervous
tension—a not entirely unpleasant feeling in light of the sparkle in Dev’s eyes.

With the meal finally done, they cleared the table, put the leftovers away. Ryan sent

Dev back out to relax in front of the chimenea while he loaded the dishwasher. When he
returned to him, Dev was looking into the fire. He looked up with a smile when Ryan
sat next to him, but said nothing. His gaze returned to the fire and Ryan remained quiet.
Something was coming. He didn’t know what, but he’d seen a hint of it in Dev’s eyes,
so he waited.

“There’s something about fire that speaks to the primitive being in all of us, don’t

you think?” Dev asked quietly.

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Ryan answered. “Dev, is something wrong?”
Dev looked at him and smiled tightly. “No. It’s just that there’s something I need to

tell you before we go any further and I don’t want things to get screwed up.” He
reached over and took Ryan’s hand. “Not when I’m finally where I want to be.”

Ryan squeezed his hand and leaned forward, a slight frown between his brows.

“All right. I’m listening.” He felt a quiver of unease at Dev’s uncharacteristic solemnity.

“Remember the first time you met my family?”


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“Of course.”
“And how you said that anyone walking into the room could tell how close we all


“Yeah—Dev, what are you getting at?” Ryan asked totally puzzled.
“I’m getting there, it’s just not easy, okay?” Dev released his hand.
Ryan nodded trying to still his impatience and alarm as he watched Dev’s fingers

twist nervously together.

“The thing is, we are close, more so than any human family could possibly be,” Dev

admitted softly. “We’re werewolves and I’m the pack alpha.”

A bolt of shock shot straight through Ryan. Following close on its heels was a

healthy dose of skepticism. “What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean
you’re a werewolf? That’s preposterous.”

“Not just me, Ryan. All of us, except for Rose. We can assume the shape of a wolf at

will. We’re real, we exist. Not like those cheesy movies where the guy goes loony
during the full moon and kills everyone in sight. We can change whenever we want, we
retain our sense of self but at the same time we become the animal with all its abilities
and all its strengths and instincts,” Dev explained.

Ryan sat silently for a moment his disbelieving gaze holding Dev’s. “Why are you

doing this? You know Paul had mental problems. If there’s something you need to tell
me then tell me, I’ll try to understand. I’ll help you get assistance with whatever your
problem is, but don’t lie to me, Dev. Don’t tell me stupid stories because you’re
ashamed to admit you have a problem.”

“I don’t have a problem,” Dev denied vehemently, rising from the sofa. “I’m a

werewolf. I can prove it to you.”

Ryan too rose from the sofa and they squared off, each giving the other stubborn,

militant looks. “All right. Prove it.”

Dev began working the buttons of his shirt, his precise movements broadcasting his

agitation. “You’d better sit down. This might be a bit of a shock.”

Ryan raised a skeptical brow. “Believe it or not, I think I’ll be able to handle the

sight of you naked,” he replied sarcastically. The sudden toothy, near predatory grin
that Dev shot him sent a chill running down Ryan’s spine.

“Suit yourself. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Ryan frowned and kept his eyes on Dev as he quickly peeled out of his clothes.

Despite the ludicrous situation, his growing anger and the sheer dismay he felt at
getting involved with another mentally ill man, Ryan found himself admiring the body
that was being revealed.

Dev’s skin glowed in the light given off by the fire. His sculpted muscles worked

with easy grace as, piece by piece, his clothing fell away. Dark hair lightly covered
Dev’s chest, forearms and legs, and Ryan couldn’t help the thrill that shot through him
at the sheer masculinity of it. His breathing picked up speed when Dev straightened


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and Ryan got a second look at Dev’s cock. It was every bit as magnificent as he
remembered. And every bit as hard. A rumbling growl brought his gaze winging to
Dev’s, and sweat broke out on Ryan’s skin at the blaze he saw kindled there.

“Don’t be afraid and don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.” The air around Dev

shimmered and where he’d once stood there was now a huge, black wolf with glowing
amber eyes.

“Oh my God,” Ryan breathed then desperately backpedaled as the wolf started to

walk toward him. He tripped over his own feet and landed with a thud, rocking back
and striking the side of his head a glancing blow on the large clay pot behind him.
Stunned, Ryan lay there unmoving, the shock of Dev’s transformation and the pain of
his injury making his head spin.

Strong arms wrapped around him, pulling him close. “Oh God, baby, I’m so sorry.

Just breathe. Are you all right? Say something. I’m sorry, Ryan, I’m so sorry.”

Ryan looked up, into Dev’s desperate amber eyes. “Don’t apologize. You did warn

me. It’s not your fault I’m a klutz. Help me up.”

“Are you sure? Maybe you should stay here for a few minutes.”
“For God’s sake, Dev, just help me the fuck up!” Ryan clenched his eyes shut for

moment before again meeting Dev’s gaze. “I’m sorry. I’m embarrassed. I fell on my ass
in front the guy I…well, I fell on my ass and my head hurts. Can we please just get up
off the floor?”

“You got it,” Dev agreed. Standing he took Ryan’s hand, pulled him up and steered

him to the sofa. “Sit. I want to look at your head.”

Dev stood in front of him and urged Ryan to bend his head slightly to the side.

Gently he sifted through Ryan’s hair. “Here?”

“A little more to the left. Yeah there,” he directed with a small anticipatory wince.

Dev’s touch was light. He carefully avoided touching the small lump, for which Ryan
was grateful, but his injury wasn’t his main focus. For all his caring tenderness, Dev
was still naked and his cock was directly in Ryan’s face. “Uh, Dev. If this is a hint you’d
like me to suck your cock… I gotta tell you, I’m really not in the mood right now.”

“Ah shit!” Dev swore, stepping back. “This has become a fucking comedy of

errors.” He picked his jeans up from the floor and pulled them on with a few
disgruntled jerks. “Maybe I should just go.”

“You’re going to go and leave a possibly concussed man who just found out about

the existence of werewolves by himself? Well, that’s just dandy.”

“No, that’s okay. You go ahead. I can handle it.”
“I’ll just set my alarm clock to ring every hour so I’ll be sure to wake up. Of course

it won’t do me any good if I die on the half hour.”



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Shut the fuck up.”
Ryan grinned. “Help me upstairs, would ya? And before you say anything, no, I

don’t have a concussion. Are my pupils dilated? Did I pass out? No. I’ve got a sore ass
and little bump on the head.”

“You want me to carry you?” Dev asked, with mock sympathy.
“Nah, I can walk. But I do think you should stay with me. Just in case. You know?”
“Oh, I’m staying,” Dev assured him. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”
“Or wild wolves?”
“Not those either, baby. Not those either.”
Once upstairs, Dev fetched pain relievers and a washcloth dampened with cold

water while Ryan undressed and crawled into bed. He patiently watched Ryan take the
pills with a glass of water then urged him to lie down, placing the cool cloth on his

“Mmm, that feels good,” Ryan murmured.
“Just relax, babe. Go to sleep. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”
“We need to talk about the werewolf thing.”
“I know, but unless you feel it’s urgent, I think it can wait. Don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Ryan admitted with a yawn. He started to relax but suddenly tensed and

opened his eyes. “What if I have a nightmare?”

Dev leaned down and kissed him. “I told you, we’ll handle it. Together.”
Comforted, Ryan nodded and was soon asleep.
Dev put out the lights and slipped into bed beside him. Ryan shifted in his sleep

and curled up next to Dev, resting his head on Dev’s shoulder and his arm over his
waist. The damp cloth on his head dropped off and came to rest on Dev’s chest. Dev
sighed, balled it up and took aim, winging it in the direction of the open bathroom
door. He smiled when he heard the soft thump as it landed on the tiled floor.

He curled an arm around Ryan and whispered, “Three points.”
Ryan stirred and murmured incoherently.
“Shhh,” Dev whispered and kissed the top of his head. He drifted away with

Ryan’s scent lulling him to sleep, and woke a few hours later to Ryan’s touch.

“Hey, big bad wolf, you wanna play?”
Dev uttered a husky laugh. “What are you up to, cub?” he asked, then groaned as

Ryan’s hand encircled his growing cock.

“Cub?” Ryan exclaimed indignantly.
“You’re not a wolf. Not yet,” Dev growled.
Ryan slowly stroked Dev’s rapidly thickening erection. “So I can become one?



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“Mmm, just keep doing that.”
Dev groaned again.
“Or this?” Ryan asked, his voice low and sultry.
“Oh yeah…” Dev moaned and arched into his touch.
Ryan released Dev’s cock and eased his body on top of Dev’s. Dev welcomed him

by bending his knees to enclose him and wrapping his arms around him. Trapped in
the growing heat between their bodies, their cocks rubbed together as Ryan slowly
undulated against him.

Dev closed his eyes and released a long, low moan at the pure sensuality of the

feeling. Their bodies moved together, skin to skin, as their hands gently explored. Ryan
rose up slightly, kissing Dev’s face, small featherlight kisses over chin and cheek and
brow. Dev lay quiescent, accepting the tingling touches and smiling as a chill swept
down his spine.

He knew when Ryan felt his shiver, he could feel Ryan’s smile as it bloomed against

his skin. Ryan turned his attentions to Dev’s ears, first one and then the other, his
tongue traveling in a swirling path that ended with a light stinging nip as he suckled
the lobe. Moving his mouth to Dev’s throat, Ryan’s lips and tongue caressed their way
to his jaw, softly, slowly, again and again, until he rose up and began teasing Dev’s
parted lips.

He kissed the corners and nibbled the full bottom lip before sliding his tongue

gently over the sensitive skin. Their breaths were warm and moist, freely mingling
when Ryan sealed his lips over Dev’s and eased his tongue inside.

Dev had let Ryan have his way, enjoying the soft, slow touches that built the heat

between them ever so slowly until Ryan’s kiss sent a shock of pure desire through him.
Dev rolled, coming to rest on top and took control of the kiss, his tongue searching out
every centimeter of Ryan’s mouth as he devoured his mate. Ryan was moaning under
the onslaught, clutching Dev tightly to him while opening himself to his demands.

Dev pulled back and began his own explorations, hands, mouth and tongue leaving

no part of Ryan’s body untouched as he pushed the desire higher and hotter. Sliding
down Ryan’s torso he tongued the indentation of his belly button before moving lower
to the trimmed bush of Ryan’s pubic hair. He breathed deeply, inhaling the pungent
pheromones of his mate. The scent slid inside, swirled over his senses and held him

Rising from its nest, Ryan’s cock stood thick and hard, pulsing with life, and it drew

Dev like a magnet draws steel. His lips parted as he studied the smooth, plump cap and
the clear fluid that slowly beaded at the tip and ran down to leave a glistening trail. Dev
eased closer and touched his tongue to it. The sweet, heady taste burst on his palate and
drew a moan of pleasure from him as he slid his mouth over and down the long length,
seeking more, until he went too far and the head hit the back of his throat. He drew
back, coughing.


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“Are you all right?” Ryan asked huskily through his pants of pleasure.
“Yeah,” Dev managed to say, clearing his throat. “Just never done that before.”
“What do you mean you’ve never done that before? Dev, I know you’re no virgin.”
Dev gave him a sardonic look. “No, I’m not a virgin,” he replied sarcastically. “But

alphas don’t get a lot of practice sucking cocks, especially deep-throating them—and
I’ve personally never done this before.”

“Then why are you trying to do it now?”
Dev moved up the bed until he was leaning over Ryan. “Because you’re my mate.

With you it’s anything and everything. All.”

His mouth descended and their lips met in a slow, sensual kiss that conveyed Dev’s

feelings clearer than any words possibly could.

He pulled back and watched as Ryan’s eyes fluttered open, their smoky depths

filled with heat and a question. “I’m your mate?”

Dev nodded decisively. “I’ve known it from the day you walked into my office.”
“How?” Ryan questioned, clearly curious and somewhat doubtful.
“Your scent.”
“My scent?” he asked, his brows rising at the unexpectedness of Dev’s answer.
Dev buried his face in the crook of Ryan’s neck and took a deep breath. “Mmm,

your scent,” Dev confirmed. “You smell soooo good and so right. Spicy-sweet and
delicious. Your scent flows through me and fills every place that used to be empty. It
focuses my longings and directs me straight to you and it tells me with you, there will
be fire and fulfillment, passion, purpose and happiness,” he whispered.

“Dev,” Ryan whispered. “I don’t know what to say.”
Dev rose up and smiled down at him. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.”
Amber flares lit Dev’s eyes. “Now, teach me how to handle this bad boy without

choking,” he teased, slowly stroking Ryan’s cock.

“My pleasure,” Ryan groaned.
“Mine too. Did I mention how good you taste?”
After a few instructions Dev proved himself to be a very apt and enthusiastic pupil,

so much so that he refused to stop until he made Ryan come in his mouth while he
swallowed every creamy drop. He let Ryan rest for a few minutes then rolled his
unresisting body and settled him on his stomach.

“Not bad for an amateur, huh?” he teased and smiled at Ryan’s mumbled

agreement. “Now just relax. When it comes to this, I know exactly what I’m doing,” Dev
growled and straddled Ryan, his legs resting on either side of his waist as he lightly
seated himself on Ryan’s buttocks.

Dev started with a simple, sensual massage that at first soothed, then began to build

the desire anew. Though his body was still relaxed, Dev could feel the subtle sexual


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tension begin humming through Ryan’s muscles. His own cock was hard and leaking
pre-cum. When he leaned forward to lick and nibble at Ryan’s shoulders and the back
of his neck, he left a small puddle of the clear liquid on Ryan’s back.

Dipping his finger in it, he brought it to Ryan’s mouth and smeared it on his lips.

Ryan’s tongue came out and laved over his lips. “Mmm, more,” he moaned and Dev
obliged, offering Ryan his finger which he sucked with relish again and again as Dev
fed him the sweet crystalline fluid.

When it was gone, Dev moved down Ryan’s back, his tongue tracing his spine and

moving ever lower until he urged Ryan to spread his thighs. Dev shifted his position,
his knees between Ryan’s thighs so that he was free to move lower, his gaze transferred
to the taut round cheeks of Ryan’s ass. He massaged the full, curved spheres and lightly
nipped the smooth skin.

“Up on your knees, baby,” he growled.
Ryan obeyed and Dev was immediately there, his mouth moving down as he

parted the pliant, muscular cheeks to reveal the taut portal he sought. Without
hesitation his tongue slid over the delicate folds that guarded Ryan’s entrance, laving
and lubricating. He drank in Ryan’s groaning pants as he descended into the primal fog
that surrounded him.

Sweat broke out on their bodies as the heat rose higher, and the musky male scent

became more intense. Dev wet his thumb in his mouth and ran it over and over the
blooming rosebud then pushed it slowly inside.

Ryan moaned and pushed back, eagerly taking it inside. “Dev, please!”
Dev willingly gave in to Ryan’s demands and was soon fucking him with three

tightly fluted fingers. “Are you ready for me, Ryan?” he panted.

“Yes, hurry!” Ryan gasped.
Dev withdrew his fingers and pressed his body tightly against Ryan, sliding his

cock up and down the tight crevice before placing the head at Ryan’s entrance and
pushing forward. “Bear down, let me in, babe, let me in,” he ordered gently and
groaned when his cock breached the tight ring. Ryan cried out and Dev held his
position, massaging Ryan’s buttocks and back. “Are you all right?” he asked.

In answer Ryan began pushing back, forcing Dev’s cock deeper. “Move, Dev. Fuck

me,” he panted.

“Easy, easy,” Dev crooned as he moved deeper into the tight, gripping heat of

Ryan’s ass.

He covered Ryan’s body with his own, his chest pressed tightly against Ryan’s back

as he sank in the final few inches. Dev rocked his hips, sliding his cock a small way out
then in, over and over, in time to Ryan’s grunts of pleasure, stretching the tight sheath
until he was able to thrust smooth and deep.


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Stilling his movements, Dev nuzzled his face into the curve of Ryan’s neck where it

met his shoulder. He licked the damp salty skin then murmured softly, “Wolves mate
for life, Ryan. Once done, there’s no going back. I’m offering myself to you as mate,
lover, friend and guardian. My life is yours. What will you give me in return?”

“Everything, Devin, all that I am,” Ryan answered, his voice husky with emotion.
“So be it.” Devin slowly withdrew, pulling his cock almost free, then willed his

teeth to sharpen as he slammed his hips forward and clamped his teeth on Ryan’s
shoulder, breaking the skin and tasting the hot metallic flavor of Ryan’s blood on his

Ryan threw his head back, crying out, and Dev held on, thrusting deep and hard

again and again as a wave of heat engulfed them. He rode his mate hard and fast,
unmercifully driving them to the point of no return where a final piston-like stroke sent
them both flying over the edge.

A grating, guttural growl burst from his throat as his cock swelled and pulsed. His

essence gushed free in forceful spurts that drenched the velvet-skinned sheath that
clamped down and held him, massaging and milking him of seed. The smell of Ryan’s
release inundated his nostrils, drawing another growl from deep in his chest.

Holding Ryan tightly, Dev tipped them both to their sides where they lay panting.

Eventually Ryan stirred and pushed back against him. “You’re still hard,” he
murmured, his voice low and rough.

“All the better to fuck you with, my dear,” Dev teased.
Ryan shook with laughter and groaned at the feeling it produced. “Is that one of the

benefits of being a werewolf?”

“Uh-huh, we’re perpetually horny and well-equipped to take care of it.”
“Well, you certainly are well-equipped. What about me? Do you think I have what

it takes?”

Dev reached over, his fingers winding around Ryan’s cock, and smiled as it grew in

his hand. “You have a good start, but don’t worry, it’ll grow.”

“What?” Ryan exclaimed, not sure whether to be insulted or concerned. He was

inordinately happy with his current thick eight inches, and wasn’t interested in messing
with perfection.

Dev laughed. “That’ll teach you to fish for compliments.”
Ryan stilled, a thought crossing his mind. “I didn’t suddenly become the woman in

this relationship, did I?”

“Hell no!” Dev assured him. “You’re my mate, we’re equals—and you’re every bit

the man you always were.” Dev nuzzled his neck. “If for no other reason, you’ll believe
it when you fuck me. No woman could do that.”

Ryan chuckled. “That’s not strictly true. Ever heard of strap-ons and dildos?”


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Dev nipped his earlobe. “What kind of surfing do you do on the internet, hmm?” he

asked as he nuzzled the back of Ryan’s neck and began slowly thrusting in and out.
“Do you go to sites that get you excited? Look at naked men and stroke your cock?
Read erotic stories and come when the characters fuck each other? What’s your fantasy,

Ryan groaned at Dev’s slow thrusts and the steady strokes of his hand. “Well, it’s

never been wearing a red cloak and skipping through the woods with my basket of
goodies until the big bad wolf jumps me and fucks me until I come,” Ryan gasped out,
shaking with laughter. “Guess I’ll have to do some adjustments.”

“Impudent cub,” Dev chuckled and nipped his shoulder. “In case you hadn’t

noticed, I’ve got a handful of your goodies. You’d better watch it or I’ll gobble them up.”

“That’s no threat, you gobble so well,” Ryan panted and pushed back, his body

asking for more.

“Then how about this. When your birthday rolls around and you’re opening your

presents in front of the pack, you’ll open one box that contains a beautiful red cloak.”

Ryan stilled his movements. “I’ll be good,” he promised, subdued at the thought of

the embarrassment such an incident would bring.

“You already are good, better than good, the best there could ever be,” Dev

murmured. “I’d never do that to you, babe,” he apologized and began licking the bite
mark on Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan shivered against him. “No more talk, I want to make
love to my mate.”

“Dev? Just one more thing?” Ryan asked softly, beginning to lose himself to the

slow, caressing thrusts of Devin’s cock.

“Did you really mean it when you said you wanted me to fuck you?”
“Yeah,” Dev groaned. “But I’ve never done that before either so you’ll have to take

it easy on me.”

“I will. I’ll take care of you,” Ryan promised. “Now take care of me.”
“Always, Ryan. Forever,” Dev answered.
Their lovemaking was slow, sweet and hot, filled with promise and sealed with



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Chapter Ten

Despite wanting to keep Ryan to himself, Dev gave in to the demands of his pack

mates and brought Ryan to join them for dinner several nights a week. Not only was
Dev staking his claim, but his pack mates exhibited an equal need to do so as well.
Perhaps it was Ryan’s status by association with Dev, or merely the fact that he was
easy to like—whatever the reason, his brothers and Rose demanded Ryan’s presence.
During the course of the evening they’d talk and tease and finally allow Dev and Ryan
some privacy. This night, Dev had finally been able to pull Ryan into the library, and
the two of them settled together on a cozy overstuffed sofa.

There were a few other benefits to being a werewolf’s mate that Dev wanted to

explain in private, one being the mental link that formed between them, allowing them
to communicate with each other at long distances. Other perks were increased strength
and healing ability, in addition to resistance to disease. The one drawback was the first

Before he could go into details, there was a light knock at the door. “Come in,” Dev

called out and smiled when Eric hesitantly peeked in around the door.

“I’m sorry, but can I talk to you a minute, Dev?”
“Sure, Eric, come on in.”
Eric straightened and slipped through the doorway, crossed to them and stood

awkwardly. Dev patted the empty place on his left. “Have a seat. What’s on your

“You two need some privacy,” Ryan offered while moving to rise.
“You don’t have to go, Ryan. I don’t mind you being here,” Eric told him, taking the

seat Dev indicated. “I just want to show Dev the list of classes I’ve decided to take this
year.” He held the printout to Dev, who took it and studied it thoughtfully.

“These look fine to me. Did you talk to the counselor and Professor Jamison like I


Eric smiled. “Yeah, I did. They were both nice and Professor Jamison was really

helpful in showing me what classes would be most beneficial toward getting the degree
I want.”

“What are you majoring in, Eric?” Ryan asked.
“English and education,” Eric answered with a shy grin. “I know it sounds weird

but I’d like to teach someday.”

“That’s not weird. It’s an admirable goal.”
Eric ducked his head and blushed.


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“He’s going to make a fine teacher,” Dev agreed, reaching out to ruffle Eric’s fine

blond hair. “You get a haircut today?”

“Thought so, it looks good. Take your list to Quinn and tell him I said it’s okay.”
“Thanks, Devin.”
“You’re welcome, young wolf.”
Eric beamed and rose from the sofa, his footsteps light as he headed for the door.

Before he reached it, Nick sauntered in. “Hey, Eric. Nice haircut. Lookin’ good, little
man,” he complimented lightly.

Eric gave him a scowl. “I’m not little.”
“You’re smaller than me.”
“So nothing, just pointing out the obvious.”
“So just because I’m shorter than you that makes you better than me?”
“Whoa!” Nick exclaimed. “Now hold on a minute. I don’t think I’m better than you.

I was just trying to pay you a compliment. I’m sorry if I offended you with my choice of
words. I was only teasing. Lighten up, Eric.”

Eric’s cheeks colored. “Sorry, I guess I’m touchy about my height.”
Nick nodded gravely. “Well, now that I know, I’ll try to be more sensitive. Shorty.”
There was a pregnant pause while Dev, Ryan and Nick waited for Eric’s reaction.

His eyes widened and his pinched lips relaxed into a smile. “Thanks a bunch. Ass-

Dev snorted a laugh. “Give him hell, Eric.”
Nick and Eric grinned at each other before separating. Eric went to find Quinn

while Nick walked across the room to retrieve the book he’d come for.

Dev chuckled. “He’s a sweet kid, isn’t he? It’s hard to believe anyone would want

to hurt him.”

“Who wanted to hurt him?” Ryan asked with concern.
Dev explained how Eric had come to Montroy, how he’d been hunted by his own

pack and escaped only to nearly fall afoul of Silas Prudome.

“And this Silas Prudome actually performs ritual sacrifice? That’s barbaric! Why

doesn’t someone do something? Report him to the police?”

“He’s very careful to leave no trace of his activities. Unless he could actually be

caught in the act, there’s nothing the police would find as evidence against him,” Nick
said, answering Ryan’s question as he crossed the room on his way out. “And as far as
Eric being a sweet kid, yeah he is. That’s why I tease him. He’s had so much crap to deal
with, he takes things too seriously. He needs to relax and have some fun.”

“Well, nobody can deal out the bullshit like you can,” Dev teased.


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Nick shot him a grin as well as the finger before closing the library door behind


Dev and Ryan laughed at his departure before settling down once again. “Now,”

Ryan prompted, “you were saying something about the first transformation?”

Dev sighed, reluctant to continue but knowing it was necessary. “Yeah. On the first

full moon after a person’s bitten, comes the change. It’s unstoppable and uncontrollable.
It’s the one time we can’t control the process,” he explained. “It’s also the most
dangerous change for us for another reason.”

“What’s that?” Ryan asked with increasing trepidation.
“Bonded mates must have sex within the first few hours of the change or we lose

ourselves to the wolf.”

Ryan frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“No one really understands it. We think that joining sexually at that time weaves

the bond between the mates, the wolf and the human sides of their natures. Without
sex, the most intense and intimate contact two people can have with each other, it all
unwinds. We lose our humanity and our identity. We become, in fact as well as form,
nothing more than a wild wolf…and there’s no way back.”

“Jeez, Dev. You couldn’t have told me this before you bit me?” Ryan groused.
Dev gave him a careful, blank-eyed look. “Would it have made a difference? Would

you have refused me, Ryan?”

Ryan didn’t even stop to think. He immediately started shaking his head. “No. No

matter what, I want to be with you.”

“I’ll be there for you during the change, babe. I promise. I couldn’t be anywhere else.

Having sex at that time is imperative, instinctive.” He took Ryan’s hand and pulled him
up from the sofa and into his arms. “Although having sex with you feels like that all the
time. In fact,” he nuzzled his face into Ryan’s neck, licking the marks his bite had left
behind, “I’m feeling a very primitive and instinctive need right now.”

Ryan shivered. “God forbid we ignore your instincts. Especially when they involve

your primal urges. Let’s go to my house and get wild,” he whispered and bit the lobe of
Dev’s ear.

A husky growl was his answer and in less time than he thought possible, Ryan

found himself lost in the pleasure that only Dev’s lips, hands and body could bring him.

Once they’d returned to Ryan’s house, Ryan sent Dev out to the patio with

instructions to light the fire in the chimenea. Ryan retreated upstairs to grab a few
things and returned with two sleeping bags, a bottle of massage oil and a towel.

Dev took one look at what he carried and sent him a look filled with tension. “Plan

on doing something with that?” he asked, indicating the bottle.


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“Yep.” Ryan dropped the sleeping bags and towel on the floor and placed the bottle

of oil on the end table nearby. He pulled the long cushion from the sofa and placed it on
the floor. “Help me spread these out.”

Forgoing comment, Dev helped as instructed. The sleeping bags were unzipped,

placed on top of the cushion, and the towel placed strategically in the middle. “Now
what?” Dev’s tone made the question a challenge.

Ryan captured Dev’s gaze, the dark smoky green of his eyes reflecting the flames in

the chimenea. Dev stilled, his gaze unwavering and aloof as Ryan approached and
lifted both hands to place them on his chest. Ryan’s eyes widened when Dev loosed a
rolling growl, the sound vibrating between them. His fingers slid over Dev’s taut
muscles, moving down to find the tightening bud of one nipple. Dev’s growl of
warning became a groan of arousal.

“Now you strip for me. I’m topping you.”
Dev’s features took on a mutinous cast until Ryan’s hands again moved, caressing,

soothing, arousing. Dev nodded shortly and with tense, sharp motions started
unbuttoning his shirt. Ryan watched him for a moment then brought his body close,
circling around Dev, never losing contact. He made no move to help in the process,
merely caressed Dev’s arms, shoulders and back, silently encouraging while showing
his appreciation.

Ryan stripped out of his own clothes, his pace matching Dev’s until they were both

nude. Again he faced Dev, taking careful note of the wary glint in his eyes. “Why don’t
you stretch out on your stomach?”

His reluctance almost palpable, Dev did as Ryan asked, his muscles tight, his body

language clearly screaming his discomfort with the situation. Being careful to move
slowly, Ryan retrieved the massage oil and poured a measure of it into the palm of his

Setting the bottle aside, he rubbed his hands together. “I’m going to touch you, Dev.

Just your back for now,” he warned and gently let his hands make contact with Dev’s
skin. Dev jumped slightly but quickly settled and allowed the touch. “That’s it, babe,”
Ryan soothed, sliding his hands over warm, smooth skin.

Ryan continued, his hands working their soothing magic on Dev’s body. Dev

relaxed and tensed, depending on what part his body Ryan was working on, until the
gentle yet firm massage eased the stiffness in his muscles. Eventually Ryan moved
below the waist. He massaged the taut globes of Dev’s ass but didn’t linger, instead
moving down one leg and up the other, until returning to those tempting cheeks was

Ryan leaned down, his lips making contact with the curve of Dev’s shoulder.

Kissing and licking his way to Dev’s ear, he murmured, “I’m going to get you ready to
take me.” Instantly Dev tensed. Ryan waited for him to say something but he merely
nodded, his eyes remaining closed.


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With a sigh Ryan sat up and reached for the bottle of massage oil. Again he poured

a generous amount into the palm of his hand and warmed it before making contact with
Dev’s skin. Patiently he massaged the taut muscles in Dev’s lower back and buttocks
until they loosened under the steady warmth and pressure. Deciding it was now or
never, Ryan slid oiled fingers down the crease of Dev’s ass, grazing them over his tight,
puckered opening. Expecting Dev to jump out of his skin, Ryan was pleasantly
surprised at the small jump and shudder accompanied by a groan that greeted his

“That’s it, baby. Just relax. It’ll be fine, I promise,” Ryan crooned while increasing

the strength and duration of his touch.

Parting the curved mounds, he exposed Dev’s opening and let his fingers stroke

over and over the soft skin. Sensing Dev’s acceptance, he placed his fingertip at the
opening and pushed. Dev’s upper body came off the towel with a half-formed protest.
“It’s okay. Easy, babe, easy. Try to relax.” Ryan sent one hand upward over Dev’s skin,
rubbing the small of his back.

Panting and growling, Dev subsided. With tender, deliberate, in-and-out motions,

Ryan eased his finger deeper and deeper until it was buried to the knuckle. Dev’s lips
were parted, his breath coming in steady, audible puffs. Finding the small knot of his
prostate, Ryan glided the pad of his finger over it.

“Oh fuck!” Dev groaned while Ryan chuckled softly.
“See? It’s not so bad. Ready for another one?”
Dev nodded.
With infinite patience Ryan eased the taut ring of muscle using occasional brushes

against that small, yet oh-so-sensitive gland to increase Dev’s pleasure. Before long he
had Dev as stretched as possible with his fingers. “You’re as ready as I can get you this
way, Dev. It’s time. Up on your knees, babe—or would you rather lie on your back?”

“Like the wolf,” Dev groaned and pulled his knees up, presenting himself to his


Ryan moved into position behind him and applied a generous amount of lube to his

by now rigid, aching erection. Taking himself firmly in hand, he guided the plump head
to Dev and had just started to push when Dev yelped and pulled away.

“I can’t. I can’t do this,” he snarled.
Ryan sat back on his haunches, hating the defensive posture Dev had assumed.

“Talk to me, Dev. Tell me what’s going through your head.”

Chest rising and falling with his agitation, Dev ran a hand over his face. “I’m alpha.

Alphas can’t be vulnerable, can’t be weak. I shouldn’t want this.”

“So when you take me like this I’m weak?”
“Than what am I?”


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“You’re my mate, lover. When you take me inside your body you give me your

heart, your love.”

“And that’s all I want from you,” Ryan told him gently. “It doesn’t matter who’s in

the dominant position. All that matters is we’re making love. We’re showing each other
the depth of our love for each other. That doesn’t make us weak, baby. It makes us
strong. Stronger together than we could ever hope to be if we were alone.”

Dev gave Ryan a searching look and slowly relaxed. “When I was younger, I

believed being the bottom made you less of a man. I thought I’d grown out of that
attitude, but you’ve made me see that it’s still there, deep inside. The fear that if I let
anyone top me I’ll become less.” He let go a shuddering laugh. “How could I become
less with you loving me?” Dev gave his head a rueful shake. “When I first talked to
Rose about you she said I must be in love.” Dev returned his gaze to Ryan’s. “At the
time I really didn’t know. I do now.”

Ryan smiled and held out his hand. They came together exchanging soft kisses and

words of love that once more built the fire between them. Flagging erections regained
their strength with a speed that was almost painful and this time, when Dev presented
himself to his mate, there was no holding back. With little resistance, Ryan breached the
tight ring of muscle and slid balls-deep into his mate.

“Ryan. Oh fuck, babe,” Dev groaned pushing back into the hard cock that filled


“Feel good?”
“Oh yeah, yeah. Do you…do you like it?”
“God, Dev. It feels incredible. You’re so hot and tight.” Ryan pulled back and thrust

forward, pulling a groan from both of them. “I’m not gonna last long. It’s just too

“More. Fuck me, Ryan. Don’t stop!”
Ryan’s strained chuckle turned into a drawn-out groan as he started to move. Long,

slow glides became hard, staccato strokes that pulled the heat from their skin. Beads of
sweat carried the tart musk of rutting males, a drugging aroma that wrapped its
tendrils around them and stole any lasting inhibitions.

Their bodies labored as one, every move driving the pleasure higher, until the need

to come could no longer be denied. Instinctively Ryan reached around, filling his fist
with the pulsing club of Dev’s cock. With a few deft strokes he sent Dev over the edge.
Hot seed spilled over his hand mere seconds before his own climax wrenched its way
into his gut, tearing hard spurts of semen loose to drench the tight passage that
clenched and milked him.

The two of them collapsed and rode the receding waves of release until their

heartbeats calmed and their breath steadied. Ryan eased free of Dev’s channel and Dev
rolled to his side, pulling Ryan down to him. They lay face-to-face, at first saying
nothing, content to lie in the slowly lifting fog of spent passion.


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Ryan reached up to stroke Dev’s cheek, his own smile matching the slow, lazy

curve of Dev’s. “Are you all right? No regrets?”

“No regrets. How could I have any? I feel damn fine, babe.”
“Me too, baby. Me too.”

* * * * *

A week later, after privately enjoying their new status and all its rewards, Devin

officially announced Ryan as his mate. Because of Owen’s presence at the dinner table,
Dev’s exact words were that he and Ryan had made a commitment to each other—but
the pack knew exactly what he meant. Even though the news was expected, there was
an outburst of joy and welcome. They all spent the evening celebrating.

Sam had invited Owen to the house that evening. Owen had apologized for his

outburst and he and Sam had resumed their friendship, but Sam was beginning to
experience a distinct feeling of unease. Owen no longer seemed to need his clients as
much as he had before they met, and Sam had to wonder why, especially when Owen
so quickly repaid the money Sam had lent him. Where was his newfound wealth
coming from?

Although he was sure that Owen cared for him, Sam also knew that Owen was still

harboring desires for Devin. When Dev made his announcement, Sam caught the look
of pure jealousy that Owen had sent winging toward Ryan. And now Owen was saying
that he had to leave. An early dentist’s appointment.

Sam could smell the lie, even as Owen spoke it, and couldn’t help but wonder at

Owen’s eagerness to leave. Normally he was reluctant to end any evening spent with
Sam’s family. With these and other thoughts swirling in his head, Sam sat quietly,
methodically putting clues together.

* * * * *

Having made his excuses and persuaded Sam that he’d take a cab home, Owen

contemplated the news he had to impart. This was just the sort of thing his unknown
benefactor would want to hear. His smile turned sour when he contemplated the
happiness he’d seen on Ryan’s face. What was it about the man that irritated him so?
Why couldn’t he be happy with the growing affection he felt for Sam instead of
coveting Dev, a man who’d not shown the least interest in him above being polite and
welcoming to a friend of Sam’s?

Frowning, Owen silently cursed the deal that he’d made. He hoped this latest bit of

news would please whoever was paying him and bring about the end of their
association. Despite the money, Owen’s sluggish conscience was waking with a
vengeance and prodding him constantly.

Arriving at home, Owen wrote his note, sealed it in an envelope and dropped it in

the outgoing mailbox that served those in the building.


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Several days later, instead of the expected envelope that contained his payment, he

received a visitor. He’d spent the morning cleaning his apartment to avoid thinking
about the situation he found himself in. He’d even considered confessing to Sam, but
the thought of what Sam might do or say caused Owen’s resolve to crumble. A knock at
his door brought his brooding to an end.

Peering out the peephole, he saw an unfamiliar face, so keeping the chain on the

door he cautiously opened it. “Can I help you?” he offered doubtfully.

The tall stranger held up an envelope Owen was more than familiar with. It was the

one he’d sent out a few days ago. “You already have. I’m Silas Prudome. May I come

Swallowing his misgivings, Owen unlatched the door and opened it. Silas glided in.

Before Owen could close the door, two men who’d up ‘til then remained out of sight
muscled their way in, crowding Owen into the room, closing the door and taking a
stance before it. A thrill of trepidation and fear caused Owen’s stomach to contract but
he kept his expression blank.

“I’ve come to personally thank you for your help, Owen. I’d never have gotten close

enough to the werewolves to glean such information as you’ve provided me with.”

“Why yes, of course. Don’t tell me you were unaware of the fact that Devin Grant

and his friends are a pack? I was sure that someone as clever as you would have figured
that out by now.”

Owen sat down heavily on his sofa. He’d always known there was something

different about Sam and the others. He closed his eyes, remembering that night when
Jerry had assaulted him. Sam had done something, but in the dark with his head
spinning, Owen had wondered if his eyes were playing tricks on him. And later at his
apartment, Sam had almost said pack mate, not roommate as he’d claimed.

Silas took a seat next to Owen, drawing his attention away from these shocking

inner revelations. “I see this has come as a surprise. I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, but
perhaps this will settle your nerves.” Silas handed him an envelope. “There’s five
thousand dollars in that envelope. It’s time to pay the favor you owe me.”

“What do you want me to do?” Owen asked, his stomach clenching. Sitting this

close to Silas, looking into those pale blue eyes, Owen couldn’t help the chill shiver of
fear that sliced down his spine.

“Devin’s mate. I want you to arrange a private meeting with him. That’s all. I’ll take

it from there.”

“What do you want with Ryan?”
“He will be the bait. The tender morsel that will lure Devin Grant and his pack to


Owen’s eyes widened.


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Silas gave a bark of laughter before his expression turned impossibly cold and

malevolent. Pure evil shone from his eyes. “If you should decide to betray me, there
will be no place you can run that I won’t find you.” He rose from the sofa and strode for
the door. “Make the arrangements, Owen. Inside the envelope is a phone number.
When it’s done, call. Your part in this is over. Unless you choose to interfere.”

Silas swept from the room followed by his guards, leaving Owen stunned and



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Chapter Eleven

Ryan sat alone in the small diner, slowly sipping a cup of coffee and thinking about

the note he’d received. Somehow it came as no surprise that Owen would want to speak
with him. What good he thought it would do, Ryan couldn’t imagine. No amount of
talk would change the feelings that had grown between himself and Devin.

Knowing that Owen was jealous of him and coveted his relationship with Dev

would not make this an easy interview. Still, as Sam’s friend Ryan felt he owed this time
to Owen, if for no other reason than for Sam’s sake. Ryan could see the feelings Sam
kept in check for Owen and it hurt him to see Owen keep Sam at arm’s length. Ryan
knew how much it would hurt if Dev treated him that way. He sighed. On that score, he
had nothing to worry about. He smiled as he thought about the previous night’s

After laughing and teasing their way through the preparation and eating of dinner,

Ryan and Dev had retreated to the sofa in front of the chimenea. For several hours
they’d relaxed and talked, wrapped in each other’s arms, their hands and lips
wandering over each other. They tempted and taunted each other with sensual kisses
and touches that lit slow burning fires until Ryan finally put an end to it and dragged
Dev upstairs. Dev had quickly stripped and lounged in an overstuffed chair, his face in
the shadows, body taut, his hand slowly stroking his cock as he watched Ryan undress.

Ryan removed his own clothes slowly, driving the anticipation higher until, with

his hard cock leading the way, he walked to Dev’s chair and knelt at his feet. Dev
spread his thighs and made way for him, his hands cupping Ryan’s face as he lowered
his lips and initiated a sizzling kiss. Open mouths clung as their tongues engaged in a
mock battle that gentled into a skirmish of give and take.

Ryan pulled his mouth from Dev’s and moved down, biting his chin and sliding

lower, his tongue laving moist heated paths from Dev’s jaw to the base of his throat and
back again. Dev’s head lolled back as he let himself be taken, content to relinquish the
role of aggressor to Ryan for a time.

Gratified by Dev’s quiescence, Ryan continued the exploration of his body with

mouth and tongue and hands. Every breath of air carried Dev’s scent, the aroma a
unique and pungent spice that fired his desire and sent it soaring. His tongue slid over
hard muscles covered by smooth skin that tasted of salt and sex.

Ryan followed the beckoning scent downward to Dev’s crotch, where it became

stronger and stronger until it poured into his nostrils, the sharp musk of it causing the
blood in his veins to rush into his already rigid erection with such force that he groaned
with the intensity of it. His mouth closed over Dev’s cock and the flavor burst on his
tongue and slid down his throat as he greedily sucked it from Dev’s skin.


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Dev groaned and bucked under the force of Ryan’s ministrations, his hips

undulating, a steady endless rhythm that drove his cock deep into Ryan’s mouth and
down his willing throat. All the while Ryan was stroking his own cock, moaning out his
pleasure and need until Dev pulled himself from Ryan’s mouth and urged him up and
onto his lap.

Ryan straddled Dev’s body, his ass resting on his thighs, his legs hooked over the

arms of the chair. Their bodies clung, writhing together, their cocks massaged by the
movement, enveloped by their sweat and heat.

“You’re a wild man tonight. I have got to fuck you,” Dev groaned.
“So fuck me already,” Ryan panted.
Dev presented the index finger of his left hand to Ryan. “Suck it, get it wet for me.”
Ryan complied as Dev laved the index finger of his other hand. After thoroughly

wetting it, he released the finger from his own mouth and pulled the other from Ryan’s.
He reached around Ryan, his hands cupping the cheeks of his ass, pulling them farther
apart. Finding the tight portal of Ryan’s entrance he slid one finger in, fucked it in and
out a few times, then slid both index fingers in side by side while keeping a firm grip on
the round, fleshy globes in his hands.

“Yessss,” Ryan hissed and pushed down, fighting to get more penetration.
Dev let him fuck himself on his fingers for few minutes as he exerted gentle

pressure against the tight ring of muscle, working the small entrance open. Pulling his
fingers free from Ryan’s body he took a firmer grip on his ass. His arms strained as he
lifted Ryan, keeping him spread and open. “Guide me in,” he ordered hoarsely and
Ryan eagerly did so.

Cock in position, the head nestled snugly against Ryan’s ass, Dev slowly lowered

him. His cock breached the tight entrance drawing a throaty groan from both of them.
Slowly the thick column of flesh disappeared, swallowed by Ryan’s tight, velvet-lined

Once Dev’s cock was fully seated, they rested for a moment, taking the time to

breathe and calm the need to rush headlong toward orgasm. Dev’s hands, still cupped
around Ryan’s bottom, slowly flexed and squeezed the plump flesh he held. Ryan
responded with small rhythmic shifts of his hips that set his body in motion on Dev’s

The exquisitely deliberate movements were punctuated by panting breaths and low

moans as they stared into each other’s eyes, watching the need rise higher and higher.
The ride became an exercise in resistance—resistance to the growing heat, the sensual
contact of skin on skin, the trickles of sweat sending shivers down the spine and the
hypnotic, carnal slide of one thick piece of male flesh that penetrated, opened and filled
the hot moist channel that welcomed it, beckoning it deeper and deeper.

Eventually their resistance faded. Breaths came faster and groans grew louder as

the pace increased. With his thighs over the arms of the chair, Ryan was able to rise
above Dev’s lap, holding the position as Dev thrust upward and inward with a speed


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and vigor that left them both gasping. When Dev tired, Ryan placed his hands on Dev’s
shoulders and, leaning back, his heels pressing into the back of the chair, thighs
straining with the effort, he took over the driving rush toward orgasm.

His body rocked against Dev’s as he slid up and down the length of Dev’s cock.

Dev’s hands, slick with saliva, wrapped around Ryan’s cock and began a two-handed
stroke that drove him to the brink where he hovered, straining to hold onto the piercing
pleasure that cut through his body—until one final stroke broke the thread of his
resistance and he plunged over the edge, howling with mindless bliss.

His cock pulsed, the beat matching the wild pumping of his heart as spumes of rich

cream spattered against his hard-muscled belly and chest. His sheath, alternately
compressing and releasing, wrung matching jets of seed from Dev, until they collapsed
into each other’s arms, exhausted and replete.

Small growls of satisfaction accompanied slowing pants of breath. Dev stirred,

licking the sweat from Ryan’s shoulder and smiling as a shiver shook his body. “Was
that the best you can do?” he murmured, his voice husky and low.

“Pretty much,” Ryan answered. “Why?”
“Don’t get any better, you’ll kill me,” Dev quipped weakly.
Ryan uttered a tired chuckle. He leaned forward, allowing Dev’s cock to slide from

his body then, with a little help, got his feet under him and gave Dev a hand to rise.
“Bed,” he said succinctly and pulled Dev along with him.

Pulling himself from his heated reverie, Ryan saw Owen approaching the diner. He

grimaced while surreptitiously adjusting his half-hard cock and reminded himself to be
patient and fair.

When Owen walked in he pushed his windswept blond hair back from his patrician

face. He strolled with negligent grace to Ryan’s table and greeted him cordially. At
Ryan’s invitation he seated himself. “I guess you’re wondering why I asked you here,”
he began without preamble.

Ryan nodded. “You could say my curiosity was piqued.”
Owen waved away the waitress who approached to take his order, then continued,

“I don’t want any bad feelings between us. I know you’re aware that I have feelings for
Devin, but that’s my problem. I have a weakness for men with confidence and power
and Dev has both of those in spades. But the thing is, I’m trying to change. I know Sam
cares for me and I admit I care for him too.”

Ryan studied Owen thoughtfully as he gazed into the blue depths of his eyes. This

wasn’t what he’d expected. Though he didn’t know the man well, he’d thought Owen
was rather shallow but the man before him seemed sincere in his feelings for Sam and
his wish that there be no bad blood between him and Ryan.

Detecting nothing false in his manner, Ryan stood and offered Owen his hand. “I

appreciate what you’ve told me. Maybe we can be friends after all.”

Owen followed suit and took Ryan’s hand shaking it firmly. “I’d like that.”


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Ryan glanced at his watch and headed for the door, Owen following in his wake.

“I’m sorry to have to cut this short, but I have to get back to work or Dev will have my

Owen laughed, the sound rather high-pitched and forced. “I’m sorry, Ryan. I really

am sorry.”

Before he could turn back to ask Owen what he was sorry for, Ryan felt the sting of

a dart as it hit his thigh. He pulled the needle from his skin and spun to face his
attacker. A tall shadowy figure with white-blond hair moved out of the dim recesses of
the narrow alley that bordered the diner.

“Hello, young wolf,” he greeted Ryan cordially.
Unable to speak as the drug took hold, Ryan staggered, his befuddled gaze taking

in the wavering image of a man dressed all in black. He glided wraithlike from the
shadows. A complacent smile curved his lips, but did nothing to add warmth to the ice
that filled his eyes.

Ryan shivered, a foreboding chill running the length of his spine. He strove to open

the link that connected him to Dev. Feeling a tenuous contact, but unable to
communicate his need, he turned his addled gaze to Owen and forced his fleeing
consciousness to concentrate. An urgent buzzing filled his mind as Dev struggled to
reach him, but projecting Owen’s image was all he could manage, and within seconds
even that was beyond him. A wave of dizziness swept over him and the stranger’s
smiling face was the last thing he saw before his eyes closed and he fell into darkness.

* * * * *

The words were spoken through clenched teeth as strong, sinewy fingers wrapped

the throat they held in an unbreakable grip.

“Maybe you should ease up a bit, Dev,” Nick advised him with some sarcasm. “He

can’t tell you anything if you break his neck.”

Devin gave his beta a scorching glare. “He’ll tell me or I’ll separate his fucking head

from the rest of his body.”

He scornfully released his victim, allowing him to sink to the leaf-littered ground

where he lay gasping for air. Dev squatted down, fire blazing in his amber eyes as he
studied the man who dared betray a member of his pack, and not just any member, but
Dev’s chosen mate.

He silently berated himself for not squelching Owen’s unspoken obsession with

him. He’d felt sure that with time Owen would realize that it wasn’t meant to be and
turn to Sam as he should, for Sam was waiting for Owen to acknowledge the growing
connection between them.

Owen looked up, brushing disheveled blond hair back from his face. He winced at

the disdain in Dev’s eyes but blundered on, “You don’t need him. I can give you


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everything you need.” He reached out and seductively ran trembling fingers over Dev’s

Devin grasped the offending hand in a painful grip and flung it from him. “I’m

with Ryan. He’s mine—my mate—and I love him. You insinuated yourself among us
under false pretenses and now you know what we really are.” His eyes, hard, blazing
amber spheres, burned Owen with a look. “Werewolves are very unforgiving creatures
when betrayed—don’t make me give you to the pack.”

Owen gasped, his eyes widening, fear plainly written there for all to see. In the

dimming light of sunset, from the trees and rocks that sheltered the heart of Stone River
Park, glided the members of their brotherhood. In addition to Nick, Quinn, Sam and
Nathan, there were several others that Owen had never seen before. They were friends
that Nathan had called in to help. Silently they watched, eyes focused with unblinking
menace on their target. Owen could see no mercy written in their eyes, even from Sam,
and his heart cringed at the thought of what Sam now thought of him.

“Silas Prudome has him,” Owen admitted and dropped his head in shame. “He’s

been paying me for information and a future favor that he finally collected in the form
of Ryan. I’m sorry. I was a coward for taking the easy way out of my poverty. I didn’t
know you then. Any of you.” He directed this last specifically to Sam. “By the time I
did, I was in too deep.”

“So you turned Ryan over to that butcher and his sorry excuse for a coven. Those

fools and pretenders wouldn’t know what to do with real magic if it zapped them in the
ass,” Dev snarled. “Why didn’t you come to me or Sam? We could have fixed this
before it went so far,” he growled with frustration.

“I didn’t think there was any way out,” Owen whispered.
Dev’s hands clenched and he stood, pacing, putting distance between himself and

Owen. He looked up at the sky, judging the time. Ryan was only a few hours away
from his first change. When the moon rose the new components in his blood would
activate. Dev felt his own blood stir and his cock begin to thicken at the thought of what
had been planned for this night. This was to have been a night of celebration,

This transformation, Ryan’s first, would be uncontrollable, unstoppable. Their link

was such that if their mating was prevented, both men would be permanently trapped
in wolf form, their human identities lost, gone as though they’d never existed. Silas
Prudome would presumably wait until the transformation began, when raging
testosterone and the irresistible call of moonrise would bring Ryan’s need—not only to
change, but to mate—to a fever pitch. That would be the perfect time to sacrifice him in
the coven’s perverted ceremony.

Dev shook his head, clearing the explicit images that formed in his mind at the

thought of the coming mating with Ryan. Though no longer a prisoner to the moon’s
influence, that shining sphere still whispered and beckoned to the animal within. It
tempted with the promise of running wild and free with his brothers, of pulse-


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pounding hunts that sent adrenaline soaring through their veins. Hunts that ended in a
feast of hot, bloody meat and unrestrained mating, a primal dance performed under its
opalescent glow.

He turned to his pack mates. “I need a volunteer to stay with Owen.”
Sam immediately stepped forward. “This is my fault, I should have done as you

urged and claimed Owen. Stopped this before it began.”

Dev shook his head. “You blame yourself, I blame myself and in reality we’re all to

blame for different reasons. But that doesn’t matter now. He’s yours. I’ll expect you to
teach him proper pack etiquette, if he’s to join us,” he ordered with grim amusement.

Sam nodded his agreement.
Owen’s eyes widened with panic. “No!” he yelled at Sam’s approach and tried to

scramble away.

Sam easily subdued the smaller man and slung him over a brawny shoulder, giving

his firm ass a solid swat. “Take it easy, cub, I won’t hurt you…much,” he promised,
walking away with his prize. “First, a good spanking, then only pleasure for you, little
one. Hours and hours of pleasure—and if you’re very good and beg me nicely, I’ll even
let you come.”

Hoots of laughter followed this declaration. It was well known that none could kill

with kindness as well as Sam. By the time he was done, Owen would be one sorry, but
oh-so sated and satisfied cub.

“Problem one solved,” Nick quipped. “Now what, Boss?”
Dev began opening the buttons of his shirt. “Now we go make some upstart

warlocks wish they’d never coveted the blood and seed of one of our brothers,” he
stated with deadly earnest.

Rumbles of agreement met his declaration and articles of clothing began to litter the

ground. In short order the clearing was filled with strong, nude males. The fiery rush of
adrenaline through their veins brought each man rampantly erect. They moved
together, the group gathering close, bodies brushing, hands questing, nostrils flaring as
they scented the hot rise of spicy male arousal.

They touched each other, hands finding firm muscle under smooth, heated skin.

The contact was at once sensual, playful and reassuring—a promise of unity and
strength. The pack was one.

As a unit the change began. The air grew heated and shimmered, causing a subtle

wavering shift, molecules spun and dislodged only to realign their mass. The group
was reborn, reshaped into the pack, wolves of silver-gray, black or shaded brown, with
eyes that glowed golden brown, deep amber, flashing citrine and even emerald green
and sapphire blue.

One male glided forth from their midst. Midnight black with a silvery muzzle, his

eyes glowing like deep pools of amber honey, he regarded the pack, his unwavering
gaze merging with each of his brothers. Throwing his head back, he loosed a haunting


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howl that was echoed by each and every member. Turning, he began to run. En masse
the pack followed. Swift, sleek and deadly, they became one with the night.

* * * * *

Ryan lay on his side and smiled. Naked, his body was floating, drifting light and

free. Somewhere deep inside he knew something was wrong, but his mind couldn’t
connect with reality, and so he dreamed, random thoughts and images floating through
his mind.

A picture of the first time he’d seen Dev filled his inner vision—Dev, so tall and

powerfully built, his body firm and sleek. His skin golden from the sun, his hair dark,
and though he was only twenty-nine, touched with silver at the temples. Physical
attributes aside, there was an intensity, a vibrancy that shone from within. He was a
man of confidence who enjoyed his life and his work.

Ryan stirred, remembered how Dev had taken him under his wing when he’d

started with the parks department. Dev had been so patient and watchful, teaching and
guiding him, helping him fit seamlessly into his new job.

The sound of running water caught his attention and another image presented

itself. The day had been hot. They’d just relocated a problem bear into the back country
and were spent and sweaty. The truck was parked by a clear-running stream and Dev
suggested they take a moment to cool off.

Not waiting for Ryan’s agreement, he’d begun to strip. Ryan had watched,

mesmerized, as Dev’s muscular body was revealed. Naked, Dev had stepped into the
stream and splashed water over himself. His golden skin gleamed, reflecting the light in
the warm, summer sunshine.

Ryan stood still, mouth slightly parted, breath rushing in and out of his lungs as his

gaze wandered Dev’s body from his broad shoulders and back, his trim waist and
downward until it was caught and held by the sight of his firm, taut buttocks. He was
helpless to prevent the erection that grew behind his zipper, causing a large bulge in his

He’d watched Dev turn, seen his amber eyes flare with heat as his gaze took in

Ryan’s arousal. Dev had walked back to Ryan, his movements smooth, graceful, his
cock plumping and rising with each step. Without ceremony his hand had cupped the
back of Ryan’s neck and pulled him into a scorching kiss.

Ryan’s frozen awe had turned to instant pleasure as Dev’s other hand grasped one

firm cheek of his ass and pulled him closer. His tongue demanded entrance and Ryan
opened, moaning as Dev ravished his willing mouth. Ryan’s head spun and he
quivered at the turn his life had taken. This man was his, something he’d only dared

Dev had eventually ended the kiss, pulled back and looked deep into Ryan’s smoky

green eyes. “Sweet,” he murmured huskily. “You always taste so hot and sweet.”


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His hand slid from Ryan’s ass over his hip and around to his groin, rubbing the

thick bulge caused by his erection. Ryan groaned, eagerly pushing forward into Dev’s
hand. Dev worked the button of his jeans open and slid the zipper down. Lowering his
jeans and tented white briefs, his long, tapered fingers wrapped around Ryan’s cock
and began slowly stroking him.

Ryan’s knees buckled and Dev followed him down, urging him to lie back. His

hand cupped Ryan’s ball sac, massaging gently as the full pouch tightened, the skin
wrinkling as it drew up toward his body. He felt the warm mist of Dev’s breath just
seconds before his mouth closed over the swollen pulsing cap of his erection.

As events of that day continued to play out in his mind, Ryan groaned aloud. He

felt hands ease him to his back and run over his hot, sensitized skin. His cock was
rampant, stretched taut and full, pulsing with the increasing beat of his heart. His
memories mixed with his reality until he was sure it was Dev’s hands that touched him,
Dev’s mouth that suddenly engulfed his cock, pulling another guttural groan from his
throat as his hips convulsively pushed upward.

“Dev…Dev,” he moaned, lost to the wet, suctioning heat that surrounded his cock.
A hand replaced the mouth that worked him and continued to stroke. Ryan felt

movement, someone leaning over him. He struggled to open his eyes but gave it up as
lips took his. Discordant shock leapt though his body. Wrong, wrong, wrong! The taste,
the feel, the smell, all wrong! With a supreme effort he raised his arms—hands bracing
against the body that covered his—and pushed.

He rolled away, gasping for air, his cock shrinking, his skin crawling with

revulsion. Opening his eyes, he peered though enlarged pupils, the drugs that flowed in
his veins causing his vision to waver. As he stared at the man who’d been touching him,
his mind began to pull the pieces together. The blurred features cleared, forming the
image of an enemy.

“Prudome,” he whispered.
“You know me,” the man laughed. “I’m flattered.”
“Dev told me about you. He’s going to kill you for this,” Ryan promised.
“Devin is welcome to try,” Prudome replied arrogantly. “We can always use

another volunteer for tonight’s ceremony.”

“Why yes, young wolf. You’ve been chosen for a great honor. As this is the first

moonrise that will see your transformation, when Lady Moon is up and shining bright,
like it or not, your cock will rise to meet her. I shall then milk you dry into our sacred
chalice, slit your throat,” he made a slicing gesture across his own throat, “drain your
blood, mix the two and voila! Elixir of wolf. Your power will be ours and then Devin
will learn where the true power lies.”

Ryan felt a chill run through him. “You’re a sick man, Prudome. Everyone knows

you only play at having power. You’d do better to let me go. Even as we speak, Dev is
coming to get me. He won’t let this go unpunished.”


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“Devin Grant has no power over me!” Silas ranted, madness shining in his eyes. “I

am a master warlock and besides,” he added slyly, “he has no idea where you are.
Don’t worry, young cub, you won’t be deprived of your central role in this great
undertaking.” Silas walked out of the room, locking the door behind him.

Suddenly cold, Ryan shakily gathered the blanket he’d been lying on and wrapped

it around his trembling body. The drugs that had been used to subdue him had left him
weak and dizzy. He lay down, his body curling protectively in on itself.

“Dev,” he whispered, willing his thoughts outward and into the approaching night.


* * * * *

Silas Prudome retired to his study. He stood before his mirror and thoughtfully

admired himself through pale blue eyes. His light complexion was dramatically
showcased by the unrelieved black of his clothing. Opening his cape, he pulled it from
his shoulders and threw it across a nearby chair.

His thoughts wandered to the man he held prisoner. Ryan Mitchell was a

magnificent specimen of virile young male. He was tall and lithe, the muscles in his
arms, legs and torso all well-defined and firm. Silas’ fingers twitched and curled at the
remembered sensation of Ryan’s warm, smooth skin sliding under his exploring

He shook his head at the thought of the coming ceremony. Such a waste, but it

couldn’t be helped. Ryan’s potency was needed to renew his own waning sexuality. He
savored the remembered taste of the young wolf’s cock, his own firming in reaction.
Ryan’s shaft had been steel-hard, throbbing with the influx of blood that had rushed to
fill it.

Silas opened his pants and released his growing cock. He stroked himself, lost in

the fantasy of taking Ryan. Even so enticing a picture didn’t help as slowly his cock
deflated. Anger and frustration began to boil in his veins. He tucked himself in and
closed his zipper. Walking with tense, measured steps across the room to his desk, he
lifted the heavy paperweight that rested there, spun and sent it winging into the mirror.
A satisfying crash resulted.

Anger appeased, he walked around the desk, sat and opened one of the drawers.

Inside lay a knife, black-handled and double-bladed. He would wield this knife and
release the life force from Ryan’s body. Not only would he drink of the young wolf’s
blood and seed, but he would dine on his cock and balls, the very root of his manhood.

Silas felt his heart begin to race at the thought of those in his coven he would fuck

once Ryan’s essence filled him. He would still the whispers that spoke of his lost
virility. He reached for the knife, a whetstone and cloth. Calm stole over him as he
applied stone to metal, sharpening the silver blade. His eyes took on a faraway cast, a
complacent smile curling his lips. Visions of the coming ceremony and thoughts of his
own supremacy danced in his head.


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Chapter Twelve

Sam lowered Owen to his feet. “Strip,” he ordered, voice and expression

commanding obedience.

Breathing hard, Owen quickly glanced around, judging the likelihood of making a

run for it.

“You won’t get far,” Sam told him. “You may as well save yourself the extra

punishment for trying to get away.”

Resigned and with his temper rising, Owen undressed with sharp, angry

movements. “I don’t see why I have to do what you say. You have no rights over me.”

“Now there’s where you’re wrong—and it’s my fault in a way. I’ve let you have

your way for far too long and it stops here and now.” Seating himself on a fallen log,
Sam crooked his finger. “Come here, cub.”

Owen gave him a petulant glare and walked sullenly to where Sam was seated.

“Stop calling me that. I’m not one of you,” he grumbled.

“That’s yet to be decided,” Sam told him and he reached out, easily pulling a

struggling Owen over his lap.

“This is ridiculous. I’m a grown man—you can’t do this to me!”
Holding him firmly with one arm, Sam ran a large hand over the creamy white

cheeks of Owen’s ass. “You’re so stubborn and headstrong,” he murmured before
delivering a stinging swat to one cheek that instantly reddened the satiny skin as Owen
cried out. “What did I say you were, Owen?”

True to Sam’s description, Owen stubbornly refused to speak until several swats

later when his ass was tingling and burning. He finally blurted out, “I’m a cub!”

“That’s right, little one,” Sam praised, running his hand in soothing circles over

Owen’s heated cheeks. “Now let’s get started.”

“Get started?!” Owen wailed.
“Of course. You could have saved yourself the extra punishment, if you’d only

agreed with me sooner. Now we’re going to cover just exactly why this spanking is

No,” Owen pleaded.
“Yes,” Sam answered. “Reason one. You accepted money from Silas Prudome to

spy on us.” Three smacks landed on Owen’s quivering flanks. “Reason two…”

Sam counted off Owen’s transgressions, each one punctuated with a number of

smacks designed to show him where he’d erred. By the time the final blow fell, Owen


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was squirming and crying, not only from the humiliation and pain of the spanking, but
from the shame of his own actions.

Sam helped Owen to his feet, then rose and began pulling off his own clothes.

Owen had turned away, covering his face, and Sam’s heart ached for the suffering his
soon-to-be mate was going through—yet it was necessary. Owen’s choices had caused a
monumental amount of trouble. His actions warranted punishment, and this was mild
compared to a punishment from the pack.

He approached and placed a gentle hand on Owen’s shoulder. “Lay down, little

wolf. Rest.”

Without a word Owen obeyed, lying down on the warm, sweet-smelling grass with

his eyes closed. Sam smiled at the fact that despite his emotional state his body had in
some part enjoyed the spanking, as evinced by the semi-hard erection that lay across his
belly. Owen gasped as Sam unexpectedly straddled him, his buttocks resting on Owen’s

Sam leaned forward and kissed first one tear-stained cheek then the other, his lips

brushing away the moisture. He moved to Owen’s closed lids and spiky wet lashes.
Slowly he placed kisses over Owen’s face until Owen’s lips parted and he began
searching for Sam’s mouth with his own. A trickle of joy welled inside Sam and became
a flood as his lips met Owen’s. Owen desperately returned the kiss then looked up at

“You don’t hate me?” he asked tremulously.
“I could never hate you,” Sam assured, love shining in his eyes as he sat up. He

reached out and wound his fingers around Owen’s cock, beginning an easy, measured
stroke. “But I have to finish your punishment.”

Owen gasped and moaned.
“That’s it, baby, stand hard and proud for me,” Sam crooned. He played Owen’s

body expertly, driving him to the brink of orgasm only to slow to a near stop, allowing
his body to recover control.

“Faster,” Owen begged, struggling to lift his hips into the maddeningly slow stroke.
Sam chuckled softly. “Not yet, cub. We’ve a long way to go. But don’t you worry,”

Sam assured him, “I’ll let you come for me. In time.”

Owen groaned and rocked his body in an effort to throw Sam off, but Sam, so much

heavier and stronger, easily controlled him. He leaned down, sliding his tongue over
the purple-hued head of Owen’s cock. Owen stiffened and cried out, bucking under
Sam’s restraining weight.

“Like that, do you?” Sam laughed. “Well then, let’s give you more.”
Sam slid the hard length of Owen’s cock into his mouth, his tongue lashing the

throbbing vein that pulsed along the underside.

Owen’s cries of need echoed into the night.


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* * * * *

The pack leader ran, his strides eating up the distance that separated him from his

mate. Around him he could sense the presence of his pack. The moon was rising. Its
lambent glow cast eerie shadows, but he was not deceived by the changing appearance
of the landscape. Seeing easily in the dark, his path was sure and certain.

He ran steadily, claws digging into leaf mold, green grass and rich dirt as the earthy

aroma rose to fill his nostrils. Animal scents came to him on the wind, attempting to
lure him away. Had he been on the hunt for sustenance, the fresh trail of a passing deer
would have caused him to veer from his path, but he was single-minded in his purpose.
This hunt had one goal, to free his mate.

As his body read the trail and his nose the scents, his mind was open as well,

hoping for contact with Ryan. A thread of awareness intruded on his immersion with
the night. He felt the disorientation, the rising excitement and pleasure of his mate. A
deadly growl of protest rumbled from his throat and his eyes flashed, the fire a promise
of retribution as someone dared touch what was his. Relief swept through him as his
mate’s pleasure turned to repugnance, his acceptance to violent rejection.

Submerged deep within the wolf, Dev’s human consciousness felt the wave of

revulsion and fear that emanated from his chosen. He heard the whispered hurry as it
echoed in his mind and he redoubled his efforts.

A black streak hurtled through the woods. At his heels ran the pack, unswerving,

unquestioning and unstoppable.

* * * * *

Silas Prudome donned his ceremonial robes. A new mirror replaced that which he’d

earlier destroyed. His acolytes had cleaned up the mess, one muttering of bad luck.
Childish nonsense, he’d reprimanded. He stood again in front of the silvery surface and
admired himself. Such magnificence, he thought. It never occurred to him to question his
own narcissistic opinion.

He left the room and walked at a stately pace, unhurried and sure of his success.

Outside waited the coven, and he joined them, taking up a long-handled torch. Waving
his hand over it, the torch flared to life. The members came forward, one after the other,
lighting their own torches in the dancing flame. Under black hoods, their solemn,
expressionless faces were revealed in the flickering light.

Leading the way, Silas walked a short distance through the shadowed woods. Small

night creatures stirred, disturbed not only by the movement, but by the building aura of
dark power that followed these invaders of their sanctuary. A pair of owls voiced their
unease and flew soundlessly away on powerful wings.

As the members of the coven reached the clearing where the ritual would take place

they walked a circle counterclockwise around the stone altar that rested at its heart.
Silver chains were draped over it, one to each corner, in anticipation of holding the


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sacrifice. Three times they circled the altar, a sinister chant flowing from each member
of the coven. Spacing themselves evenly around the outer circle they turned to face the
woods and planted their torches in the soil.

Silas stepped forward and began sprinkling the altar with herbs. Raising his hands

he chanted, “Great Horned One, master of blood and chaos, bless us as we perform this
sacrifice. In your name we spill the blood, in your name we devour the seed, in your
name we usurp the power of our enemies.”

He lowered his hands, passing them over the length of the altar. The herbs began to

smoke, the scent powerful, cloying, encompassing. The fragrant greens smoldered for a
moment then burst into flame, consumed until only ash remained.

Silas looked up into the night sky. The moon had risen. Full and round it glowed

like a pearl against black velvet. The stars twinkled, lesser diamonds honoring her
glory. “It is time. Bring our young wolf.” His eyes sparkled with a fanatic light as
several of his acolytes rushed away to do his bidding.

* * * * *

Locked in his prison, Ryan felt a ripple of movement under his skin. He shuddered

as a spasm of need swept into his groin. A wash of heat flowed over his body, bringing
a sheen of sweat to coat his skin. Muscles tightened, blood flow increased forcefully,
almost painfully filling his cock.

“No,” he whispered, helpless against the coming change.
He tore the blanket from his body, maddened by the rough fabric touching his

sensitized skin. Hoping to cool himself, he stretched out on the cold stone floor and
breathed a small sigh of relief at the momentary chill.

Ryan sent his thoughts out into the night and felt a tenuous connection form.

Struggling to slow his breathing and increased heart rate, he merged with the other and
found himself running. Blurred images rushed by as he ran, the air feathering over his
coat like the enticing touch of a lover. A glance to his left revealed a pack brother, his
body stretched out, limbs working with machinelike precision as he raced through the
encompassing darkness. Ryan shuddered, feeling his own body strive to match that
sleek shape and those fluid movements.

No! the whip-crack of Dev’s voice in his mind brought Ryan up onto his knees,

eager to placate his alpha. Hold on, baby, I’m almost there.

Dev’s voice had turned husky, it slid over Ryan’s body, bringing another wave of

heat. Ryan turned and crouched, buttocks pushed eagerly high, presenting himself for
the mating. Fists clenched, he pleaded, “Devvvv,” the sound building, tearing at his
throat as a half-formed howl echoed in the cold silence of the room.

He burned with frustration and need, his body felt as though it would ignite at any

moment. Still lost in the haze of drug-induced confusion and the mesmerizing pull of


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the unseen moon, Ryan was unable to hold the connection with Dev. He collapsed,
writhing on the floor as the desire to transform and mate rose higher and higher.

When the door opened and three of Silas’ coven entered, Ryan was helpless to fight.

Lost in a haze of lust and confusion, he stood and willingly stumbled from the room.

* * * * *

Owen’s hands fisted in the grass, pulling chunks up by the roots, and his eyes were

tightly closed as panting moans continually issued from his throat. On his knees, with
Sam between his legs, he writhed with the nonstop sensual assault of Sam’s tongue as it
worked at his eager pucker. Owen’s body opened, accepted and welcomed the invasion
as Sam rimmed him.

Sam retreated and wetting a finger in his mouth, slid it into Owen’s needy passage.

“I knew you’d like this, whelp, you were born to take cock,” he said.

“Please, Sam,” Owen whimpered. “I’ve learned my lesson. Please fuck me, I can’t

stand it anymore.”

“I know you have, little one, but I took an order from our alpha and it has to be

obeyed.” Sam’s free hand, large and warm, massaged Owen’s taut, tender buttocks.
“You can do this, Owen, you can take your punishment, make amends to Dev and
Ryan, and show the pack your courage. You need to do this, not only for yourself,” he
said softly, “but for me.”

Owen stilled his restless movements. “For you? Why?”
“Because I want you for my mate—don’t you think it’s time you admit you care for


Wide-eyed Owen struggled to rise, Sam kept him pinned and draped his body over

Owen’s back, his teeth nipping the back of his neck.

Owen shivered at the rub of Sam’s chest hair against his back. “You still want me?

After all I’ve done? After all the time I spent denying you?” Disbelief colored his

“Very much.”
“What if they don’t come back?”
A tense moment of silence followed Owen’s question.
“They’ll be back. I believe in our alpha, in the strength of our pack. In his eagerness

to steal power from one of us, Silas Prudome has overlooked one very important thing,
a fact that will be his downfall. Never fuck with the magic of a werewolf.” Sam swiped
his tongue over the nape of Owen’s neck and was gratified at the quiver that shook his

Gathering his courage, determined resolve swept through Owen. “Get on with it,”

he ordered through gritted teeth.


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Sam chuckled and fit his huge erection between the taut spheres of Owen’s ass,

pushing and sliding the thick length over his velvet-soft pucker, teasing him
mercilessly. “You’ve got heart, babe. You just needed someone to show you.”

“Shut the hell up and fuck me!” Owen groaned.
Sam’s laughter rang out. “Soon, little wolf-in-the-making, soon,” he promised as he

continued Owen’s…punishment.

* * * * *

Maintaining a hazy connection with Ryan, Dev was able to see the events around

him unfolding in his mind. He could feel the fire racing through Ryan’s body as he was
half dragged through the woods and into a clearing. He felt the cold, rough sting of
rock against Ryan’s naked flesh and the bite and burn of the silver chains that were
fastened to his limbs, holding him helpless and immobile.

Dev’s mind began to blank with the burning need transmitted to him from Ryan. A

maddening itch filled his body as muscle, bone and sinew reached for the change. He
stumbled, slowing the urgent pace, his head shaking as he sought to sever the link with
his mate.

It was too much—Ryan’s scrambled senses were overloading him, drawing him

into the mindless state of first transformation. Dev slowed even more, his pace reduced
to a slow trot. The connection strengthened with each passing moment and he was
pulled into Ryan’s consciousness until a sharp nip at his flank made him yelp and jump
with surprise.

He wheeled to face his attacker and came face-to-face with his beta. Lupine instinct

told him to answer the attack and his teeth bared, a rumbling growl issuing from his
throat. He stalked slowly forward, hair standing on end as he prepared to attack. His
beta backed away, crouching down, refusing to meet the challenge.

Dev’s human intellect surfaced, making him see that Nick had only done what was

necessary to help him break his crippling link with Ryan. His fur smoothed and he
came out of his tense, snarling position. Extending his muzzle, he touched noses with
his beta. Nick sprang up, danced around Devin, then ran.

Dev went in pursuit and easily passed Nick, once again on track. In the distance he

saw the flicker of torchlight. With a joyous, rolling howl, his dug his claws in and
propelled forward. The pack echoed his call and closed in on Ryan’s captors.

* * * * *

Silas Prudome gloated. Devin Grant’s mate lay helpless, completely in his power. It

was heady stuff, holding the life of another in his hands. He stood over Ryan and
brushed back his golden brown hair, noting the subtle glow that was beginning to build
in his green eyes. He was fascinated by the play of muscle that accompanied Ryan’s
struggle against the chain that bound him.


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Motioning his acolytes forward, he accepted the flask of scented oil handed to him.

Pouring the slick stuff into the palm of his hand, he handed it back and rubbed his
hands together. Each member of the coven poured a measure of oil into their own
hands and encircled the sacrifice.

Placing his hands on Ryan’s flat belly, Silas spoke the order. “Begin.”
In unison the warlocks began spreading oil over Ryan’s quivering body. Every inch

of skin was touched and caressed, only his rampant genitals were spared their
attention. Ryan thrashed and moaned as his body was anointed. Many of the warlocks’
robes tented as sexual tension rose.

Looking into the sky and deciding it was time, Silas motioned them to step back. He

wrapped a slick-fingered hand around Ryan’s cock and began stroking. Ryan’s body
tensed and he screamed in outraged denial. Silas smirked. He knew the young wolf
would not be able to hold out against this sensual masturbation no matter how hard he

To push matters along, he grasped Ryan’s balls and gently kneaded them. Ryan

snarled and bucked, the wolf peering from his brightly glowing eyes. Silas continued
his ministrations, noting the slick beads of pre-cum that oozed from the slitted head of
Ryan’s cock. He leaned down and swiped his tongue over it, capturing the thick, sweet
liquid. Ryan gasped and groaned, his body tensing.

Under his stroking fingers, the young man’s cock swelled, the blood pumping hard

and hot. Head tossing in useless denial, Ryan approached climax. Silas released his
scrotum and reached for the chalice, holding it in position and catching the first stream
of Ryan’s seed as it burst forth, spattering the inner surface. Panting with excitement,
Silas expertly milked his flesh of every drop, reveling in the young man’s involuntary
moans of release. Again and again, rich, creamy ropes of cum erupted until only a small
dribble remained. He slid his finger under the remaining drops and swept them into his
mouth, savoring the fresh, warm semen.

Satisfied that he had all Ryan could give, Silas eased his grip on Ryan’s still-hard

cock, feeling his own begin to rise. Chalice in hand, he moved up the length of the altar
until he stood even with Ryan’s shoulders. He reached for the knife sheathed at his side
then paused as a series of howls split the silence of the night.

Spinning around, he quickly uttered a chant. The torches flared and the flames

grew and joined, forming a solid wall of fire around the circle. Smiling complacently, he
turned back to Ryan and drew the knife, placing the razor-sharp edge at his exposed

“Time to die, young wolf.”

* * * * *

Ryan shivered. The orgasm he’d just experienced had momentarily cleared his

head. He lay against the rock of the altar, panting, drained. The skin of his back stung,


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scraped raw by his struggles, and the chains at his wrists and ankles felt as though they
were sucking the energy from his body. At this point he didn’t care.

He’d given up his seed. Defeated by his body’s demands, he’d climaxed at the

hands of Silas Prudome. Deep shame and remorse swept through him. He’d failed Dev,
betrayed their growing bond. He watched dispassionately as Silas reached for his knife.

The eerie, wailing cries of his alpha and brothers swept over him, their wild chorus

causing his blood to stir. Unreasoning joy swelled inside, if Dev could reach him in time
they could couple and avoid the fate of losing their human identities to the animal
inside. Afterwards, Ryan could leave, allowing Dev to find a mate worthy of him.

But that hope was quickly dashed when Silas’ spell created an impenetrable wall of

fire around the circle, closing off the possibility of rescue. He looked into Silas’ eyes,
bitter anguish filling him as the cold metal of the blade touched his throat.

“Time to die, young wolf,” Silas gloated triumphantly.
Ryan tensed, waiting for the blow that would end his life.


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Chapter Thirteen

The alpha wolf ran toward the wall of fire. His nose caught the scent of Silas

Prudome and the members of his coven, but most importantly it found Ryan’s scent in
the mix. Through the crackling flames he could see him lying chained on the altar as
Silas drew a blade from the sheath at his waist. Moonlight caught the silver surface,
causing it to flash as Silas placed the knife to Ryan’s throat.

At a dead run and without the least hesitation, the wolf propelled himself through

the flames. Eyes fixed on his prey, he leapt over the stone altar, front paws hitting Silas
squarely in the chest, knocking him backward away from Ryan. Long, sharp teeth
fastened on the man’s unprotected throat and tore.

Dev’s attack was so quick, Silas hadn’t even had time to scream. He lay on the

ground, blood pumping from the mortal wound, his eyes filled with stunned disbelief.
Around them, the other members of the pack had followed their alpha through the
flames. Like dogs herding sheep, they had the coven pinned in seconds flat. Dev
changed and took his human form.

“How?” Silas managed to choke out.
Dev stood over him and answered disdainfully. “You only manipulate the magic,

Silas Prudome.” Dev’s amber eyes sparked. “We are the magic.”

Shocked comprehension filled Silas’ eyes then dimmed as the life drained from him.

With his death the flaming circle disappeared, returning to its simple beginnings as
multiple torches planted in the leaf-littered ground.

Dev signaled to Nick, who approached and shifted. “Get them out of here,” he

ordered, indicating the coven. “Tell them if any of them dare to come back here or
anywhere near our territory their lives will be forfeit.”

Nick nodded and left to carry out his alpha’s orders.
Devin bent and took the key that dangled from the tie of Silas’ robe. He turned to

the altar, his eyes drinking in the naked form of his chosen mate. Methodically he
moved around the altar unlocking first a wrist, ankles and then the other wrist. His
mouth tightened at the angry red marks left on Ryan’s skin.

“Are you all right?” he asked, helping Ryan to sit up. Dev’s arm slid around his

back, but he quickly released him at Ryan’s hiss of pain. Examining his back, Dev
cursed at the sight of the raw scrapes that covered it, some of them slowly oozing blood.
“It’ll be all right,” he soothed. “The transformation will heal you.”

“It might heal my back, but it won’t heal what’s really wrong,” Ryan murmured.
Dev cocked his head and placed his hand under Ryan’s chin, lifting his face until

their eyes met. “What is it?” he asked gently.


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Ryan stood up and walked to the head of the altar. Reaching for the chalice that still

stood there, he picked it up, tipped it over and spilled the contents out onto the grass.
“This,” Ryan confessed stonily. “I let Silas bring me to climax—that’s my semen soaking
into the ground. I betrayed you. I couldn’t hold out, I tried but I couldn’t. I’m not worthy
to be your mate.” He dropped his gaze, unable to take Dev’s intense regard. “I know
how repugnant it’ll be for you, but I want you to fuck me so that you don’t lose yourself
to the wolf and then I’ll go,” he completed in a rush.

Instead of hurt or anger, an understanding smile graced Dev’s sensual lips as he

shook his head and sighed. “You certainly can be theatrical.”

“Theatrical!” Ryan near shouted. “I betrayed you and you think I’m being


Dev crossed his arms. “Ryan, what are you?”
Ryan frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s a simple question with a simple answer. First and foremost…you’re a man,”

Dev replied. “You’re still human. Your body responded as it was intended to when
certain stimuli was applied. Did you want Prudome touching you?”

Ryan responded with a negative shake of his head.
“Did you enjoy it?”
Ryan’s face paled. “Not at first,” he answered, anguish and shame swimming in his

eyes, “but when I came, I couldn’t help it, it felt…it felt…” he stumbled to a halt.

“Good?” Dev supplied.
Ryan nodded.
“Orgasms feel good, babe, that’s why we want to have them,” Dev teased.
Ryan shook his head as though trying to clear his confusion. “Dev, how can you

take this so calmly?”

The rest of the pack returned from seeing the members of Silas’ defunct coven on

their way. Each transformed into their human shape until the clearing was filled with
naked men whose skin gleamed in the flickering torchlight.

“Because there’s nothing to be upset about, Ryan,” Dev explained patiently. “Your

very human body was stimulated in a way that caused you to experience climax. It
doesn’t matter that you enjoyed it. How could you not have? There’s not one of us here
who could have resisted had we been caught in the same circumstances.”

A general murmur of agreement rippled through those who gathered near. Dev

rose and went to stand before Ryan placing his hands on the younger man’s shoulders.
“The only thing that matters is that you didn’t want Prudome touching you.”

“I didn’t, you have to know I didn’t!”
“Shh, I know,” Dev assured and wrapped his arms around his mate. Holding him,

he felt Ryan’s body begin to shake, heat and sweat rising from his pores. He breathed in
the alluring musk and groaned softly as his cock responded, rising to meet Ryan’s
already renewed and throbbing erection.


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Male of the Species

The members of the pack crowded in, their closeness a show of unity and support.

As a man they caught the scent of the alpha pair’s arousal. An encompassing wave of
rising testosterone swept through them. The headlong race through the night, the
confrontation with enemies—even ones so easily defeated—had heightened their
adrenaline levels. Ryan’s approaching change and the knowledge that their alpha
would soon mate had each man’s cock thickening, rising full, hard and rampantly erect.

Ryan began to pant, his body taut, quivering with need. Once again the moon

exerted its pull and he felt the magic build and flow through his veins until his body
itched and tingled. Emotions raged through him—fear, excitement and lust. His skin
felt hot and raw and he pulled away from Dev as a shudder shook him from head to

“What do I do?” he wailed, near panic engulfing his senses as he unconsciously

fought the transformation.

“Ryan!” Dev barked, commanding his attention. Knowing Ryan’s obedience was

fully his, he ordered gently, “Look up at the moon. See how beautiful she is?” Dev’s
voice took on a smooth lilt, soft and soothing. “Join with us. We’re wolves, born of the
magic. See it in our minds, feel it in our souls.”

Ryan calmed, his mind seeking the familiar link with Dev’s, and once found, he

sank gratefully into it. He soaked in the ancient knowledge of the wolf and his body
relaxed, accepting the physical changes. Once again the heat rose and a shudder of
desire tore through him. In slow motion he felt himself slide, collapse, melt and reform
until where once he stood on two legs, he now stood on four.

All his senses burst wide open and he was inundated with the scents and sounds of

the night. But foremost was the aroma of his alpha and the pack, the musky tang of
males in rut. He breathed in the heady aroma and a shudder of desire shook his body.
The new wolf turned his luminescent green gaze to the pack leader. His body conveyed
an unmistakable invitation. With satisfaction he saw a topaz flare of heat set his alpha’s
eyes aglow.

“Run,” Dev ordered.
A sharp thrill of excitement twisted his stomach and without hesitation he dug his

claws in and ran. He easily found the pack’s scent on the trail that brought them to his
rescue and so he followed it, instinctively knowing it would lead back to the heart of
pack territory.

Behind him he heard the wild wail of wolf voices raised in a joyous burst, then

silence. They were coming. The alpha, his mate, was pursuing, and a surge of
exhilaration washed over him. Merged with the wolf, he continued to run—nothing,
not even his body’s demand for the mating, would stop him. He was one with the night
and the woods and at that moment he wanted nothing more.

Never had he felt so free, so wild. The landscape slid by in a blur of motion, and yet

his nose told him of everything he passed and everything that was ahead. He could
almost feel himself take flight as he leapt over the rough, rotted trunk of a fallen tree


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and he marveled at the smooth landing as his muscles absorbed the impact of his return
to earth.

A rabbit burst from the brush ahead of him and he joyfully gave chase. Feeding was

not his intention, childlike, he wanted to play. He followed the rabbit on its zigzagging
path until the change in direction brought him the scent of the pack. His distraction had
given them the needed moments to make up for his lead and suddenly they were there,
surrounding him, herding him toward his original goal. Their bodies crowded close,
brushing his. They teased and tantalized with nips and nudges, the sheer bulk of the
group pushing him in the direction they chose.

He snarled, his playful mood replaced by petulant resentment at their interference.

Irritation rising, he sought to break free, but was hemmed in with no possibility of
escape. Ensnared by his brothers’ insistence, he abruptly gave in and found the trail.
Putting on a burst of speed he left them behind, determined that none would catch him
again—until a large, dark shape appeared at his side. It was the alpha, running easily
and sure, steadily pulling ahead of him.

The new wolf felt a competitive surge of resentment—he wanted to lead, not

follow. He reached deep inside, tapping into hidden reserves, and sprinted forward,
legs churning like well-oiled pistons. He pulled even with the alpha and managed to
gain a few inches of lead space until the alpha, seemingly without effort, again left him

Anger filled the new wolf as he continued to follow. Ahead a clearing appeared,

Stone River Pack’s meeting place. The alpha slowed his pace as he prepared to enter.
Lost in the red mist of his ire, the new wolf rushed forward, intent on attacking. Instead
of the expected impact, he found himself overbalanced and rushing headlong into the
clearing, tripping over his own feet and rolling several times before coming to a stop.

Dazed but determined, he quickly got his feet under him and turned to face the

expected attack. None was forthcoming. The alpha stalked slowly forward, golden eyes
glittering. His body language clearly indicated that he expected a show of submission.
Insistent aggression filled the new wolf and he stubbornly refused to accede to the
alpha’s silent demand. The need to challenge the alpha’s supremacy swept through him
and he attacked.

Teeth bared and claws digging into the ground, he launched himself forward. The

alpha male smoothly countered his every move. He maneuvered around the new wolf,
taunting him, putting him through his paces like a master teaching his apprentice. The
rest of the pack silently assembled in the clearing and watched the alpha pair’s

Soon tiring of the game, the alpha demonstrated his fitness to lead. With a

lightning-fast move he had the new wolf down and stood over him, his teeth pinching
his throat in warning. A ripple of shock flowed through the new wolf. As he lay quietly,
at his alpha’s mercy, anger drained from his befuddled senses and was replaced by a
swiftly growing lust.


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Male of the Species

Breathing hard, his nose was inundated with the warm, musky smell of the alpha,

an aroma that sent bolts of desire coursing through his veins. At his soft whine, the
alpha released him and he leaned up, his tongue licking the alpha’s muzzle. Gaining his
feet, he danced around the powerful male, his body brushing against the larger wolf’s
as he teased and enticed.

Ears pricked forward with increasing interest, the alpha permitted the new wolf his

exuberant show then growled in warning. Eager now to please and wanting the mating
the new wolf turned and presented himself. The alpha stalked forward, scenting his
mate, determining his readiness. Nudging his tail, urging him to lift it, the alpha licked
his mate’s entrance, feeling and tasting his urgent need. Wasting no time, he swiftly
mounted him and with unerring accuracy slid his unsheathed penis forward,
penetrating his mate.

A chorus of howls rose from the pack to accompany the quavering wail of the new

wolf as his mate began thrusting. Surrounding the pair, the pack watched the hard
staccato movements of the alpha as he vigorously fucked his mate, staking his claim
and growling at them in warning. This wolf was his and his alone, and every member
was shown that with the baring of the alpha’s teeth and the powerful strokes of his

Lost in the throes of passion, Ryan didn’t notice the changes beginning to take place

around him. Together, the wolves began to transform. Dark glossy hair withdrew to
reveal smooth, golden skin, limbs shifted and lengthened, thickening and reforming as
their bodies followed suit. Their faces flattened and animalistic growls became groans
as they took their human form.

On his hands and knees in the grassy clearing, Ryan moaned with pleasure as Dev

thrust repeatedly, filling him with the hard thickness of his cock. He felt the slick cream
of Dev’s pre-cum as it lubricated him, making it easier to take more and more of him.
Heat flowed through his body and rose as moisture to coat his skin. The brush of Dev’s
chest hair against his back sent a shiver down his spine and he pushed back
convulsively, wanting more—lost in mate fever.

“That’s it, baby, take me. God, yes, you’re so hot and tight,” Dev groaned.
Ryan shuddered with pleasure as Dev nipped at his shoulders and the back of his

neck. Primal needs and urges took control. He submerged himself in the timeless feel of
flesh against flesh and the seemingly endless thrust and withdrawal of Dev’s throbbing

Around them, the members of the pack had transformed and sat or lay together in

pairs or small groups. To a man they were aroused and erect. As they watched their
alpha breed his mate they began to touch themselves and each other. Thick, hard cocks
were stroked and sucked. Gasps and groans of pleasure filled the clearing. The air was
thick with the aroma of hot, aroused male.

For the pair in the center of the clearing, a new change began. Ryan felt it first as his

slick anal channel expanded with the increased swelling of Dev’s cock. Far from


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unpleasant, the change brought Dev’s cock harder against his prostate and Ryan fought
to keep from coming. His own cock was rock-hard, pre-cum flowing from the tip and
dripping onto the ground beneath him.

“Dev! You’re getting bigger. I can’t hold out much longer,” Ryan gasped out


“I’m knotting,” Dev acknowledged as he strained to keep thrusting the increasing

bulk of his cock.

Ryan pushed back hard and Dev thrust forward just as the swelling engorged the

knot completely. Ryan’s body caught and held his mate’s cock deep within as he came,
crying out his pleasure. He felt Dev’s teeth clamp down on his shoulder and rumbling
growls issued from his throat as he felt the shudders from Dev’s cock. Ryan’s own cock
pumped out repeated streams of warm, creamy seed as his sheath clamped around
Dev’s thick, pulsing shaft, milking him.

Drained and exhausted, Ryan collapsed to the ground, taking Dev with him. He lay

in a fog of pleasure, enjoying the cool grass beneath his body and the warm, sweaty
blanket of his mate above him. The rise and fall of his chest matched Dev’s until another
shudder ran through his mate. Ryan felt the convulsive heave of Dev’s hips against his
ass and grunted softly at the pressure. Another spurt of Dev’s semen bathed his
stretched passage.

Dev insinuated his arms around Ryan’s chest and rolled, pulling them on their

sides. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” he panted. “My fucking cock
feels like it’s in a vise.”

Ryan laughed weakly, testing their connection. Until Dev’s knot eased, they were

locked together. “As the vise, how do you think I feel? How come this never happened

“It was triggered by our first mating after your change. And you’re lucky—at least

you’re not still pumping out cum. My balls are ready to turn inside out.”

“It can’t be that bad—besides, I couldn’t pump out another load if I tried.”
Before he could answer, Ryan felt another spasm rush through Dev’s body. He

shivered at the warm mist of Dev’s breath as it brushed like gossamer wings over the
back of his neck. Uttering a long groan of agonized pleasure, Dev bucked against him
then gradually relaxed.

“Can’t be that bad, you say?” he answered Ryan’s last comment. “Want to try it?”
“Not possible,” Ryan answered not realizing that he’d thrown down a gauntlet.

Dev was never one to ignore a challenge.

He began gently nibbling at the back of Ryan’s neck and moved to his ear, nuzzling

and pulling a soft moan from Ryan. Dev sucked in the lobe and pinched it deftly
between his teeth, bestowing a gentle sting. Releasing his earlobe he whispered
seductively, “Look over there, baby, look at what Quinn’s doing.”


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Male of the Species

Until that moment Ryan had been so engrossed in what was happening between

himself and Dev that he’d had no attention to spare to what was taking place around
them. Now that Dev had brought it to his attention, he couldn’t draw his gaze away.

Quinn was expertly sucking Nathan’s cock and Ryan watched openmouthed as his

tongue bathed the long, hard shaft. Wetting it thoroughly, Quinn slid his mouth up and
tongue-lashed the plump, reddish head, then he lowered his lips to it. The wet sucking
sounds reached Ryan’s ears as did Nathan’s passionate moans. Quinn engulfed the
throbbing cock and began sucking, his lips wrapping around the shaft, his tongue
working against the swollen flesh as he pumped up and down.

His hand insinuated itself between Nathan’s spread thighs and Ryan could see

Quinn’s fingers caress the low hanging pouch that held Nathan’s testicles then move
lower, sliding into the crease between his buttocks. Nathan uttered a guttural growl, his
hips moving in rhythm with Quinn’s mouth. Ryan suddenly realized that Quinn had
penetrated Nathan’s anus and was slowly finger-fucking him.

He swallowed heavily and moaned, as his own cock began to fill and rise. Dev’s

arm reached over, and Ryan felt his long fingers wrapping around his rapidly stiffening
shaft. Ryan knew he was lost when Dev’s strong fingers started a slow stroking
movement. Everywhere he looked erotic images fed his growing need. His pack
brothers were celebrating, a carnal feast of carefree joy.

Dev followed Ryan’s amazed regard and spoke quietly as he continued working the

hard cock in his hand. “It brings us closer together, makes us one. Loving one another
physically as well as emotionally ties us, makes us strong.” He paused and Ryan wasn’t
able to see the smile that curved his lips, but he heard the amusement in his voice. “As
we like to say, the pack that fucks together stays stuck together.”

Ryan couldn’t help the spurt of laughter that spilled forth in reaction to Dev’s

absurd motto. His laughter turned to a helpless groan as Dev’s fingers tightened on his
cock. Dev was in the throes of another climax and Ryan enjoyed the bumping grind of
Dev’s hips against his ass. Relief shuddered through him when Dev relaxed his grip.

“You’re coming with me next time,” Dev threatened breathlessly when the spasm


“If you insist,” Ryan quipped and squirmed contentedly in his arms.
Dev tightened his grip. “Upstart cub,” he murmured softly.
Ryan moaned as Dev began masturbating him in earnest. The exquisite feel of Dev’s

hand stroking him was devastating to his senses. Once again he found himself climbing
toward a beckoning pinnacle of pleasure. His gaze again went to Quinn and Nathan. By
this time Quinn had Nathan on his knees and was vigorously fucking him. The sight
sent an electric tingle straight down Ryan’s spine and into his scrotum. The full sac
wrinkled and tightened, drawing up toward his body.

His hips began undulating, pushing forward into Dev’s stroking grip then back

onto the thick shaft still buried deep within him. He rocked mindlessly forward and
back, forward and back, the pleasure and need growing higher and higher. A fresh


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sheen of sweat broke over his laboring body and the tart aroma of musky male rut filled
his nostrils, resting on his palate until he swore he could taste his mate.

His mind shut down until all he had, all his existence was wrapped in the growing

pleasure, a rapture that built and built until everything exploded. His cry and Dev’s
rang out as they strained together once more. Dimly Ryan felt the spurts of his own
cum hitting his abdomen in time with the pulses of Dev’s cock as he shot burst after
burst inside him. It was almost as though Dev’s essence flowed through his body,
mixed with his own and was released through Ryan’s cock, so precisely matched were
the throbbing jets of their ejaculate.

As with all good things, theirs had finally come to an end. The knot in Dev’s cock

shrank, allowing Ryan to release his hold. Dev pulled free but rested tight against his
mate, their bodies melting together.

“Are you all right?”
Ryan turned in Dev’s arms. “Perfect,” he answered.
Dev’s brow rose. “Maybe not perfect,” he teased, “but pretty damn close.”
His mouth closed over Ryan’s before he could utter a retort. The kiss—long, hot

and sweet—was tinged with infinite tenderness.

They separated, looking deep into each other’s eyes, love plainly shining there.

Before either could say a word a wailing cry echoed out of the darkness.

“What the hell was that?” Ryan exclaimed, sitting up.
“Owen. I think his lesson is over.”
“Owen!” Ryan looked at Dev with a questioning frown on his face. “What did you


“I gave him to Sam.”
Dev reached up and pulled Ryan back into his arms, settling the two of them

comfortably together. “Sam still wants Owen for his mate. He’s decided to take my
advice and take Owen in hand. He’s been teaching him the error of his ways. I expect
we’ll see him sometime tomorrow, at which time he’ll offer an apology for his
misdeeds.” Dev’s hands began roaming over the firm muscles of Ryan’s chest and
abdomen. “Of course, we’ll probably be too busy making love to listen.”

“Or we’ll be sleeping,” Ryan teased, squirming under Dev’s insistent caresses.
“Or making love.”
“Or eating.”
“Or making love.”
Ryan laughed, giving in. “Or making love. Maybe we can let him apologize in a few


“Maybe,” Dev agreed and again found Ryan’s lips with his own.


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Male of the Species

Around them their brothers settled down. The pack slept peacefully, safe and


* * * * *

Miles away, standing before an empty stone altar, a black-robed figure stood

silently. He turned and stared down at the dead body of his master.

“You think you’ve won, Devin Grant, but your troubles are only just beginning.”

* * * * *

Back at the clearing that sheltered the pack, Dev opened his eyes and frowned. He

leaned up on his elbow and stared out into the darkness.

In his arms, his mate stirred. “What is it?” Ryan muttered sleepily.
“Nothing, baby, go back to sleep, everything’s fine.”
Dev looked around at those sleeping in the clearing and his gaze finally came to rest

on the man in his arms. Those gathered here were his, his to love and protect and guide.
No matter what storm came their way, he knew they would weather it. They were
together, a pack. They were one.


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About the Author

Having been an avid reader of romance for years, and being possessed of an

overactive imagination, Kate decided only recently to try her hand at writing. She
discovered that, like reading, writing romance has become addictive. Whether writing
about werewolves and otherworldly creatures or contemporary gay/erotic romance,
she has found the perfect outlet and is thrilled to be part of the Ellora's Cave family.

Kate lives in a turn-of-the-century house located on three acres in the midst of

Indiana farm country. Keeping her company is her family, dogs, and other assorted

Kate welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Kate Steele

Chosen of the Orb
Lions and Tigers and Bears anthology
The Orb of Atrios
To Trust a Wolf
Venus Connection

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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