Kim Dare Obedient Slave

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Obedient Slave

A Sun, Sea and Submission Story

By Kim Dare

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Obedient Slave

Copyright © 2012 Kim Dare

Edited by Christine Allen-Riley and Jason Huffman
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-493-2

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable
by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: April 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product
of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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Chapter One

Matthew Tailor hurried toward the door leading out of his employee chalet, determined

not to be late for the daily staff meeting on today of all days. He jerked open the door, letting

brilliant summer sunshine pour into the small, Spartan space, but he only took one more step

before coming to a complete stop on the threshold. It was that or trip over the naked man

kneeling on his doorstep.

Matthew peered down at an expanse of sun-kissed skin, at lean lines of muscle and

scruffy blond hair. “Drew?”

The kneeling man tilted back his head, revealing his face and confirming Matthew’s


Several strands of hair fell into Drew’s eyes, but he didn’t lift a hand to push them away.

As Matthew’s gaze moved slowly down Drew’s body, he realized why.

The other man’s wrists were bound with leather, his cuffs connected to one another by a

substantial silver chain. They probably made fidgeting uncomfortable, but as Matthew dragged

his attention away from both leather and skin, he realized that Drew’s hands remained positioned

together, palms up, for another reason. A letter rested neatly across both his hands like some sort

of sacrificial offering to the gods.

Matthew looked quickly from the envelope marked with the hotel’s insignia to Drew’s

face. His friend’s grin told him almost everything he needed to know. Snatching up the letter,

Matthew tore it open and scanned its contents.

“I got it…” he whispered, more to himself than to Drew. “I bloody got it!”

Several seconds passed before he was able to look away from the letter confirming his

promotion and focus in on his friend. He’d imagined Drew in chains at his feet on a pretty

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regular basis ever since they’d met. But there were several very good reasons why the other man

hadn’t ended up there in reality.

Matthew frowned slightly as he tried to remember what those reasons were, and why it

was a bad idea to get a massive hard-on right then.

“Not that I don’t appreciate knowing about this as soon as possible,” he said, as soon as

he could trust himself to say the right thing. “But why the hell are you kneeling at my feet?”

“I’m your slave.”

Matthew looked both ways down the row of small chalets occupied by the staff of

Pendragon Hotel. It wasn’t likely that anything two men could do together would raise eyebrows

at that particular resort but, as luck would have it, there wasn’t anyone around to witness Drew’s

complete descent into insanity except Matthew himself.

“Drew, have you been drinking?”

Drew’s features morphed into a slow, sleepy grin. “Nope. I’m your slave.”

“Yeah, you mentioned that.” For the first time, Matthew took in a few extra details

regarding his friend’s attire. The white vest and denim cut-offs that comprised the usual staff

uniform were conspicuously absent. A tiny leather thong was all that took their place.

Matthew took a step back to get a better look at his friend, from a different angle.

Correction, the thong wasn’t the only additional item Drew wore. He also sported leather ankle

cuffs, although they didn’t appear to be connected together the same way his wrist cuffs were.

A horrible thought suddenly occurred to Matthew. His attention dashed from his apparent

letter of promotion to his friend’s face and back again. “If this is all some sort of stupid joke,” he


Drew blinked. No man should be able to look like a porn star and like a kicked puppy at

the same time. “I wouldn’t do that to you!”

Matthew sighed and irritably rubbed at the back of his neck, before sliding his hand up

over the short prickly hairs that covered his head. “Stand up, will you? You’re giving me a crick

in the neck.”

“Your wish is my command.” Drew unfolded himself up to his full height. His feet were

bare, but he still stood a good couple of inches taller than Matthew in his trainers.

Automatically squaring his shoulders and making the most of what height he had,

Matthew studied Drew incredulously.

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“Do you remember Mike? He worked here for a few weeks at the start of last summer.”

Drew asked, out of nowhere.

“Yes,” Matthew allowed, as patiently as he could.

“Remember when he spent a week dressed like this just after Tony got promoted to head

bartender?” Drew went on.

“He lost a bet with him or something, didn’t he?” Matthew said, his irritation at the sheer

randomness of the conversation already seeping into his voice.

Drew shook his head.

Matthew didn’t move. He didn’t even breathe as the facts slowly slotted into place inside

his mind. In any other hotel, the other staff would just get a man a drink, or possibly a cake,

when he received a big promotion. Here, they got him a—

“No.” It was Matthew’s turn to shake his head now.

Drew just smiled. “How may I serve you, sir?”

“No.” It was the only word Matthew had room for inside his head. “No.” It was worth

saying a third time, especially since Drew didn’t seem to have heard the first two utterances of it.

“There is no way in hell you’re pretending to be my slave for a week.”

Drew tilted his head to one side. “Why not?”

Because I’ve spent the last year trying like hell not to want you to be my slave for real!

“Sir?” Drew prompted.

“Don’t call me sir!”

“Would you prefer master?”

Matthew ground his teeth together. “I would prefer you to stop acting like an idiot, go

back to your chalet, change into your normal clothes and pretend this whole stupid thing never

happened,” he bit out.

“I’m very sorry, sir, but it’s not in my power to do that.”

Matthew raised an eyebrow. Folding his arms across his chest, he glared at his friend.

Drew took no notice of any of it.

Huffing his annoyance, Matthew once more looked both ways along the path running

past the chalets. They were still alone. “I thought you were supposed to obey me?”

Drew lifted both his chained hands and pushed his hair out of his eyes. “Yes, but not that

kind of order, master.”

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“If you’re the one deciding what kind of orders I can and can’t give then who’s the real—

The word submissive danced on Matthew’s tongue, begging to be said. Replacing it with

dominant wouldn’t have been too difficult. Swapping anything else into its place made him feel

like a liar.

“Slave,” he finally finished, lamely.

Drew leaned casually against wall of the chalet, all long tanned limbs and easy good


Matthew’s frown deepened as he bit back the urge to tell the other man to stand up

straight and present himself properly. It wasn’t his place to issue corrections like that, he

reminded him, for what had to be the thousandth time. He wasn’t Drew’s dom.

“Maybe it’s best if you think of me like a genie in a bottle,” Drew drawled.

“What?” Matthew pushed images of rubbing any part of Drew out of his head as firmly as

he could, but it was too late. He was already as hard as a rock.

“You know, like in the kids’ cartoon,” Drew went on. “I’ll obey your commands and

fulfill your wishes, but there are rules and there are limits.”

Matthew couldn’t think of a single thing to say. He’d imagined explaining real kink, and

what made it different from the games some of the guys who worked at the hotel played with

each other, to Drew a hundred times or more. He’d never once considered the possibility of

Drew trying to explain it to him.

“There’s this safe word thing. If I say red, you have to listen. And you don’t get to order

me to jump off cliffs or anything like that. But you can order me to fetch and carry and do all the

boring bits of your new job.” Drew paused for a moment, as if considering something very

carefully. “Or you could order me to crawl under your desk and suck you off while you do the

boring bits of your new job—that would work, too.”


Drew pushed himself away from the chalet wall and stood up straight, without any order

being required. “I know you’ve never fooled around with any of the guys who work here, but

you are gay, right? Hell, scratch that, you’re a guy. You do know what a blow job is?”

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Matthew opened and closed his mouth, but suddenly his mind was full of the images he’d

been trying not to dwell on for what felt like several lifetimes, and no amount of mental shoving

could get rid of them.

Drew on his knees with his lips wrapped around his cock… Drew head down, arse up on

one of the narrow staff beds, begging to be screwed until he passed out… Drew draped over his

knee so Matthew could bring his hand down hard and fast on his arse and—

“Okay, so this week obviously isn’t going to go the way I expected…” Drew murmured.

His eyes narrowed. He studied Matthew as if he really believed that Matthew was the one who’d

lost his mind.

Matthew still found himself to be entirely incapable of making words happen. Unwilling

to do another impersonation of a goldfish, he kept his mouth closed and simply stared.

“We’ll start with the basics, sir,” Drew announced. “A blow job is a really good thing! If

you’ll let me into your chalet, I’ll show you how good it can be—that’ll be much easier than

trying to explain it. An orgasm paints a thousand words and all that!”

Drew’s slow, sleepy smile never faltered. Somehow, he managed to wear his slave outfit

like it was the scruffy surfer attire he wore on his time off. He put his hand on the door handle.

“I know what a blow job is.” A sheer build-up of offended pride forced the words out of

Matthew’s mouth.

“That’s fantastic, sir,” Drew said. “But, of course, it still couldn’t hurt to have a little

refresher course, right?”

“Drew,” Matthew warned. That particular tone of voice was usually capable of bringing

the most unruly member of staff or drunken guest into line.

Drew just smiled serenely down at him as if he hadn’t even noticed it. “Yes, sir?”

Matthew took a deep breath and let it out very slowly. “This is not going to happen.”

“You don’t like blow jobs, sir?”

“What? Of course I like—” Matthew shook his head at himself. “That’s not the point.

And I told you not to call me sir!”

“Sorry, master. You know, if you liked, you could spank me for forgetting that...”

Matthew closed his eyes and rubbed his hand down his face. He remained silent for

several seconds, while he lined up an appropriate response inside his head. “I am not your

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master. You are not my slave. I’m not going to spank you. You’re not going to suck me off. This

ends right here, right now. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

Matthew ground his teeth together. If he couldn’t reason with Drew, his next best option

was to ignore him. Perhaps it wasn’t the most mature way to deal with the situation, but while

every moment made it harder for him to keep thinking with his brain rather than his cock, it was

the best he could come up with.

Matthew turned his back on his friend and strode toward the main building of the hotel,

sure that Drew would soon get bored and wander off if given no encouragement.

Drew’s bare feet made no sound, but as they reached the more populated parts of the

hotel complex it was easy for Matthew to tell from the guest’s stares that Drew was hot on his

heels. Hot being the operative word.

Matthew really hoped they were all too busy staring at the other man to notice that his

cut-off jeans were more than a little bit tighter over his crotch than they should have been.

Halfway across the hotel foyer, Matthew stopped for a moment and rubbed his hand over

his head, trying to remember what the hell he was supposed to be doing that day. He jolted

forward as someone, and he could easily guess who, walked into his back.

“Sorry about that, sir. You might want to give a little signal before any rapid changes of

direction until I get the hang of this.”

Ignore him.

Matthew repeated the advice over and over inside his head. He kept the silent litany going

as he slipped into the back of the staff meeting just in time to accept the congratulations of his

colleagues and receive his new employee ID, complete with the words Assistant Shift Manager

emblazed beneath his name.

Everyone grinned at Drew; quite a few people complimented him on his wardrobe.

Matthew dodged any comments directed to him regarding Drew as politely as he could until he

was finally able to escape the crowd and make his way to his new desk.

Ignore him.

Diving into his new duties should have been enough to make it easy to forget about the

near naked man lurking one pace behind him, but it didn’t. Being ignored should have driven

Drew away before a single hour had passed, but no. Apparently, Drew was quite capable of

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being a stubborn little sod when he wanted to be. Half a day spent following in the footsteps of a

man determined to ignore his existence didn’t seem to have fazed him at all.

By two o’clock that afternoon, Matthew was still waiting for all the things that should

have happened hours ago to actually occur. As he made his way to the burger stand at the

westward edge of the hotel complex, he mentally cursed Drew, and everyone else he could think

of for good measure.

The fact that his erection seemed to be as persistent as his would-be slave really wasn’t

helping his mood.

The lunchtime rush had already eaten; Matthew was able to walk right up to the counter.

The server grinned at him as if he…as if he had a damn near naked slave tagging along behind

him. Matthew forced a professional smile.


Matthew stared vacantly at the man flipping burgers. “Excuse me?”

“On the promotion.”

Matthew stared down at his name tag. “Thanks,” he said, with all the good grace he could

muster. “I’ll have a burger with everything and a side of fries and a Coke.”

A movement to his right caught his attention. Ignoring Drew was one thing. Letting a

man he was responsible for, albeit unwillingly, starve was quite another. “Make that two of

everything, please.”

The guy put it all on a tray. He’d have been able to do that a lot quicker if he hadn’t been

quite so busy staring at Drew—at a man who was, in some weird way, Matthew’s property.

Matthew pointedly cleared his throat and handed over his staff pass card to be swiped.

The guy tore his eyes away from Drew for a second, only to go back to staring the moment he’d

handed Matthew’s card back to him.

It wasn’t his place to reprimand the guy for staring. If Drew really had belonged to him


Then he wouldn’t have been wandering around in public to be gawked at anyway.

Matthew sighed.

Suddenly, Drew stepped forward and neatly scooped up the tray of food before Matthew

had a chance to do it himself.

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Apparently, not the least bit hindered by his chained wrists, he easily balanced the tray.

“May I know where you prefer to sit, sir?”

Unwilling to fight for the tray while the burger flipper was still watching them, Matthew

waved toward an empty table overlooking the beach.

For the first time that day, Drew led the way rather than nipping at Matthew’s heels. The

moment Matthew’s gaze fell on the other man’s exposed buttocks, and the tiny back of the thong

nestled between them, he almost gave in, dropped to his knees and thumped the floor at the sheer

injustice of it all.

If it wasn’t illegal for a man to tempt someone this much, it bloody well should have


Drew’s heart raced faster and faster as he walked across the near deserted seating area,

but he kept his steps slow and languid. Concentrating on the heat of the paving beneath his bare

feet as if everything depended on him knowing the exact temperature of each bit of ground he

walked across, he managed to remain outwardly calm.

He could hear Matthew behind him. He was muttering to himself again, his words hushed

and barely distinguishable. It was a cute little habit of his that Drew had been aware of for a little

while, and one that Matthew had been indulging in more and more frequently throughout the


Reaching the table, Drew set the tray down and dutifully began to unwrap his new

master’s food for him, eager to take advantage of any possible opportunity to serve. He

completed his task just as Matthew joined him alongside the weather-worn wooden picnic table.

Matthew threw one muscular leg over the bench attached to the table and immediately

picked up the burger and fries that was still wrapped. It was hard to tell if he was still being

bloody minded or if he simply hadn’t realized Drew was trying to serve.

Kneeling alongside the bench as near to Matthew’s feet as he could get, Drew settled

down to wait for an order to be issued—or at least for Matthew to pass him his share of the food.

“What the—?”

Matthew jerked back as if a rattlesnake had tried to slither up his leg. Drew stared up at

him in genuine confusion.

“What are you doing down there?” Matthew demanded, in a more natural pitch.

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“Is there some way I can serve you, sir?” Drew inquired, mildly. His mouth watered at

the possibility that Matthew might actually break down and accept the blow job he’d been trying

to give him all day. The chance that he might actually be allowed to please his friend made the

breath catch in his throat.

Matthew glared as if he’d been insulted. “Get up. Sit on the damn seat.”

Drew obeyed. His knees were killing him after so long spent in such an unaccustomed

position. True, kneeling for Matthew pressed all the right subby buttons for him, but Drew

realized now that he really should have thought ahead and added knee pads to his outfit.

Gladly taking the opportunity to stretch his legs, Drew mirrored Matthew’s pose

perfectly, spreading his legs to straddling the bench and face his friend.

Matthew’s gaze slid down Drew’s body in a slow caress, making his skin prickle, all the

way from his collarbones to his navel. Beyond that point, a word like prickling didn’t do the

sensations justice. Adrenaline pounded through Drew’s veins, and Matthew hadn’t even touched

him with anything more than his eyes.

Drew’s cock strained against the front of his tiny thong. Matthew couldn’t be oblivious to

that. Hell, pretty much everyone he’d walked past that day must have known he’d been on the

edge of coming the whole time!

“Eat your food.” Matthew pointedly turned his face away from Drew, but he couldn’t turn

his body without it being obvious that he had something to hide. Something like the fact Drew

wasn’t the only one sporting one hell of a hard-on.

Drew smiled. “You know, I wasn’t joking about the blow job, sir,”

Matthew bit down on his burger, far harder than he needed to.

Drew absentmindedly ate a little of his own food, but his gaze never left his friend. “You

know you deserve it, right?”

It was unfortunate that Matthew just happened to be taking a sip of his drink at that

particular moment. Drew rubbed the other man’s back until he stopped coughing. “That time, I

was actually talking about your new job, not my lips wrapped around your cock.”

Matthew glared at him as he brushed the back of his hand across his mouth.

“You worked bloody hard to get that promotion,” Drew admitted.

Matthew shrugged.

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“You’re just about the only guy here who never lets a hot visitor distract you or any of

the staff for that matter.”

For some reason, that observation made Matthew blush. Drew stared at the color on his

cheeks, quietly fascinated. Matthew rubbed a hand over his close cropped hair in a familiar

gesture that Drew had been dying to copy for months. His palms itched with the need to know

what the tiny little spikes of hair would feel like against his skin.

“So,” Drew pressed on, determinedly. “No one’s going to think any the less of you

because you blow off some steam with a willing slave.”

The blush vanished. Every muscle in Matthew’s body tensed—and he had more than his

fair share of them.

Drew’s hands immediately declared their willingness to exchange permission to stroke

Matthew’s hair, for authorization to stroke Matthew everywhere else. Either to try to reduce his

stress, or just for the sheer joy of touching him, Drew was very flexible on that point.

“I will.”

Drew stopped admiring the lines of muscle visible past Matthew’s vest top. “What?”

I’ll think less of me,” Matthew ground out. Apparently, his appetite deserted him at that

point. His meal practically untouched, Matthew jerked to his feet and stormed off in the direction

of the main hotel.

Drew spun around on the wooden bench so fast, he risked getting some serious splinters

in his bare buttocks. Drew’s legs were longer than Matthew’s, and he wasn’t embarrassed to be

seen running around the hotel complex like a fool the way Matthew always seemed to be.

Drew caught up with him in the narrow walkway between the hotel’s main building and a

smaller structure that contained the massage suites. Catching hold of Matthew’s arm, Drew

jerked them both to a stop and made Matthew turn around to face him, whether he wanted to or


“Get off me!”

Drew stumbled back as Matthew snatched his arm out of his grip. Before he had a chance

to steady himself, both Matthew’s hands were gripping his biceps holding him upright. In that

moment Drew had no doubt that Matthew had it in his power to make sure he didn’t go

anywhere ever again, and he loved it.

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The next moment, Matthew pinned Drew to the wall. Standing right in front of him, with

barely a paper-width of air between them, Matthew glared up at Drew, his breathing rapid, his

eyes shining brightly with anger.

Matthew leaned forward, finally bringing their bodies together. Drew’s erection rubbed

against Matthew’s equally hard shaft through their clothes. A spike of bliss burst through him.

Moaning his pleasure, Drew automatically thrust his hips forward. After a day of being held at

arm’s length, any kind of contact with Matthew was heavenly.

“Don’t.” It was an order, not a plea. If Matthew was anywhere near as desperate to come

as Drew was, he hid it very well beneath a covering of… Drew focused in. Unfortunately, it

seemed to be hidden beneath stone cold fury.

That probably wasn’t a good thing.

Drew stilled his hips. His inch or two of height advantage meant nothing right then.

Strength was far more important, and Matthew had the lead on him there. And a will to dominate

that overruled damn near everything else. Muscle meant nothing compared to that.

Drew closed his eyes. When he opened them a few seconds later, Matthew was still as hot

as ever.

“Do you have any orders for me?” Drew whispered.

Matthew’s eyes narrowed. He nodded slowly, as if he was coming to a decision, right

there and then. “Yes.”

Relief rushed through Drew as he realized he was finally getting through to the man he’d

wanted to submit to for almost as long as he could remember. It was more luck than judgment

that ensured he didn’t come in his little leather thong with the sheer joy of it.

Matthew smiled. Then, of all the bloody stupid things to do, he stepped away.

Drew frowned. “What are you—?”

“It’s not your place to question my decisions,” Matthew cut in.

His frown not easing in the slightest, Drew nodded his acceptance of that fact—in theory,

at least.

“You want orders?” Matthew asked. “Fine.” He folded his arms across his chest. “You

can start by collecting all the midday tallies from all the different activity centers. When you’ve

done that, bring all the paperwork back into the staff offices, find an empty desk and enter them

into the system.”

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Matthew’s expression didn’t falter. He was all business now, once more the guy who was

determined to climb the hospitality career ladder so quickly the rungs might catch fire in his


“You want me to do paperwork?” Drew checked.

“Yes. I’ve had enough of tripping over you all day. It’s about time you buggered off and

did something useful.”

Drew stared at Matthew, completely speechless for a full minute. “There’s nothing else

you’d prefer me to do, sir?” He straightened up and was about to step away from the wall, he

might even have been about to reach out and run his fingers down the other man’s chest, heading

straight for his fly, but Matthew’s glare made him freeze.

“No. There is nothing else I want you to do. Maybe no one has ever told you that being

hot and willing to screw anything that moves won’t always be an effective substitute for hard

work, but you can’t kneel your way out of doing your fair share this time.”

“You think I’m hot?” Drew asked, very willing to be pleased with that statement and

discard the rest as nothing more than evidence of his friend’s frustration.

The vein in Matthew’s jaw throbbed visibly as he clenched his jaw very tight. “Go!


Drew went. He hoped to feel the sharp sting of Matthew’s hand on his arse, speeding him

on his way. He let out a disappointed sigh as he stepped out of the other man’s range. No such


* * * *

Matthew stared at the computer screen before him, as if the words and figures there might

start to make sense if he gazed at them for long enough.

“You deserved your promotion.”

Matthew glanced up from his work. For the first time that day, it wasn’t in order to sneak

a quick, or occasionally not so quick, glance at where Drew had decided to work—right in the

middle of his line of sight.

The moment Matthew saw Claude step forward to stand on the other side of his desk,

Matthew pulled himself to his feet. As the man in charge of this particular hotel, and the son of

the owner of the whole chain, Claude was the very last man on the planet he wanted to see.

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“I don’t promote men who don’t deserve it.”

Rubbing his hand over the top of his head, Matthew desperately tried to pull his brain

back onto his job. “The figures for—”

Claude waved a hand and dismissed the offered update. “I have no doubt you have

everything under control.”

Matthew’s stomach clenched. “But?”

“I understand that this side of the job is new to you, but if it makes you this stressed,

you’re going to have a coronary by the end of the month.”

“It’s not the job,” Matthew rushed out, as the prospect of it being snatched away from

him sent horror screeching through his veins.

Claude blinked. “Oh?”

Matthew couldn’t help it. His attention flicked toward Drew. He mentally cursed as he

watched Claude follow his gaze.

“Oh.” Claude’s lips twitched. His eyes glittered with amusement as he turned back to

Matthew. “That particular tradition is still going strong then.”

If the guy hadn’t been his boss, Matthew would have glanced heavenward. Or maybe

he’d have told him to bugger off. As it was, he bit his tongue.

“I’ll let you get on with it,” Claude said. Turning on his heel, he strode off toward his

own office. His shoes clicked loudly on the tile floor. Strange how they never did that when he

was sneaking up on someone at their desk. Matthew frowned at Claude’s back. Considering that

he was the only guy in the entire place who wore a shirt and tie, he could be bloody

inconspicuous when he wanted to be.

“Is everything okay?”

Matthew retook his seat behind his desk. “Go away, Drew.”

The other man’s bare feet wouldn’t make any sound; there was no way to tell if he had

obeyed. Matthew waited a full minute before he risked a glance up. He let out a sigh of relief

when he saw that Drew, for once in his life, had done as he was told.

Now, if he could work out some way to make him keep on doing that for the rest of the

week, then…Matthew sighed softly to himself… then all he’d have to do is convince himself not

to take advantage of a situation that had apparently been designed to test the restraint of a saint.

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Chapter Two

The moment Matthew closed his chalet door behind him that night, he let out a sigh of

relief and leaned against it. God, but he’d never realized that not having sex could be so bloody


For several minutes, he stayed exactly where he was, the coat hook that hung on the door

digging into his shoulder. Eventually, he raised the energy to straighten up and move to his bed.

He threw himself down on top of the blankets and let his eyes drop closed.

Every muscle in his body ached. But his cock, his poor cock… After being at least half

hard all day and continually tempted to screw the one person he couldn’t let himself touch, he

was sure it would have been less painful to have been jacked off with sandpaper.

But he’d done it. He’d managed not to give in. As hard as it was to really believe in that

particular moment, he knew it would have been more painful in the long run, if he’d let himself

play where he had no business.

Lifting his hand off the sheet at his side, Matthew cautiously stroked his cock through his

cut-offs. His shaft instantly hardened. Apparently, it wasn’t so confused it wouldn’t refuse to rise

to the occasion now that he was finally going to be allowed a little bit of release.

Unzipping his shorts, he slid his hand inside and wrapped it around his erection. He

gently stroked along the length. Taking a deep breath, Matthew let it out slowly, demanding that

his body relax and let go of the stresses of the day.

The job was his. Life was good. In fact, considering the competition for the post,

Matthew didn’t feel he was being too big-headed when he decided he bloody well rocked. Yes,

the job. That was all he’d think about. By sheer force of will, he blocked everything, and

everyone, out.

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Smiling up at the ceiling, Matthew arched his back and settled a little more comfortably

onto his bed. If he strained his hearing, he could make out the music pounding through one of the

hotel’s clubs. The beat was good and strong. His hand fell in time with it.

The tide was out that night. Matthew couldn’t hear the crash of the waves the way he so

often could, but there was something…

A strange humming noise sprang into existence, competing for his attention, disrupting

the beat from the club and making his rhythm falter.

Matthew frowned. His hand stilled.

The humming continued. Sitting up, Matthew reluctantly tucked himself away. It wasn’t

a humming sound, it was the sound of someone humming—off key and following a song that

Matthew had never heard. Perhaps if he wasn’t an assistant shift manager he could have ignored

it, but the job title was new, the need to prove he deserved the added responsibility fresh and


Pulling himself to his feet, Matthew strode to his chalet door. One of the guests had

probably drunk himself silly and wandered into the wrong bit of the hotel complex. With any

luck, it wouldn’t take too long to scoop them up and point them back in the right direction. Then

he could get back to the matter that he’d had well in hand a moment before.

Opening his door, Matthew looked along the row of chalets as he stepped—

“Hey, careful who you’re treading on, sir.”

Matthew dropped his gaze. Dear lord, it was like déjà vu all over again. “What the hell

are you doing down there?” he demanded.

Drew blinked up at him and uncurled from the small ball he’d managed to shape himself

into on Matthew’s doorstep. His chains clanked as he pushed a lock of blond hair back off his

face. “The rules state that I’m supposed to remain close and be available to you at all times, sir.”

Matthew opened his mouth. He closed his mouth. “And what did you intend to do?” he

finally demanded. “Sleep there all night?”

“Yes, sir.”

Matthew stared down at his friend for several long seconds. If he hadn’t come out to

investigate the noise, the silly little fool would have been there all night and—

Matthew’s eyes narrowed. The humming had stopped. Suddenly, he was completely sure

that had nothing to do with a drunk wandering out of earshot.

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“Get inside,” he ordered, before he had a chance to think better of it.

Drew quickly got to his feet. It was impossible for Matthew to believe that the way the

back of Drew’s hand brushed against his tenting fly as he stepped past him was in any way

accidental. He clenched his jaw. It took an amazing amount of self-control for him to close the

door quietly rather than slam it so hard the damn thing would fall off its hinges.

“Have you lost your mind?” Matthew ground out.


Matthew blinked.

Drew glanced over his shoulder and smiled. “Life without pockets is much harder than I

thought it would be. There’s no storage space in this thing.” He looked down at the tiny, black

leather thong.

Of course, Matthew automatically followed his gaze.

There was no way in hell Drew could fit anything behind the leather but his cock and

balls. As it was, the fabric stretched over his shaft, revealing far more than it concealed.

“Drew,” Matthew began, as calmly as he could.

“You know,” Drew butted in. “You look like a man who could really use a blow job.” As

he spoke, he sat down on the bed and leaned back on his elbows, looking like the most delicious

invitation to sin that Matthew had ever seen.

A sane man would run for the hills. They worked together, things would be awkward.

They were friends, they shouldn’t jeopardize that. Drew wasn’t the right kind of sub for him.

Casual dominance had never been his thing. Drew was probably only even offering because of

the stupid slave thing. There were lots of reasons why this was a bad idea.

Matthew was well aware that there was no way in hell he should even think about laying

hand on Drew. Except now that he thought about it, it was impossible for him to get the image

out of his head.

Drew’s lips wrapped around his cock. Drew completely under his control. Drew naked

and helpless. Drew looking up at him, knowing that he belonged to him completely.

Drew in general, if it came right down to it. The guy only had to breathe to make

Matthew want him.

Matthew mentally cursed himself, a dozen times in quick succession, but there was only

one thing he could do right then. There was no real decision left to be made.

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Drew held his breath as he stared up at Matthew. The other man looked far taller and

more domineering when viewed from Drew’s semi-reclined position. It suited Matthew


For several seconds, it seemed like it could go either way. Matthew could throttle him or

jump him. Drew swallowed. There was a little part of him that could already feel Matthew’s

hands wrapping around his throat, could so easily imagine the other man taking control of

everything—even his ability to force air into his lungs.

Suddenly, Matthew moved forward, closing the gap between them. Drew’s legs were

spread in blatant invitation, and Matthew now stood between them. Their eyes met. Matthew

stared down at Drew for a full minute, almost daring Drew to look away. Unable to breathe,

Drew could only stare back, and hope.

“Sit up.”

Drew slowly levered himself up so he sat on the edge of the bed, still holding the other

man’s gaze.

Matthew’s hands came to rest on Drew’s shoulders. Very slowly, they slid closer together

until they were wrapped around Drew’s neck. Strong thumbs pressed against his windpipe,

forcing him to tilt his head back to an uncomfortable angle.

Matthew’s grip on Drew was tight, but it was the fact that he obviously wasn’t squeezing

anywhere near as hard as he could that made Drew’s blood pump faster through his veins, that

made his head spin and his cock jerk behind his thong.

Drew took a breath, coaxing a little air past Matthew’s hands while he still had the


With their gazes still locked, Matthew’s right hand stroked higher up Drew’s throat until

it moved over his jaw and settled on his check. His thumb brushed against Drew’s bottom lip,

pulling it down, parting his lips.

Letting out the breath he’d been holding as a soft little sigh, Drew opened his mouth a

little farther in offering.

Matthew shook his head.

He might as well have slapped Drew across the face. Drew jerked back, only to find that

Matthew’s other hand was suddenly behind his head, his fingers entwined with his hair.

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“This is a mistake,” Matthew growled, but he didn’t step away.

Drew didn’t care if it was the worst error in judgment either of them would ever make.

The only thing that mattered to him was that it was a blunder that Matthew was apparently

prepared to join him in.

As if to reassure him of that fact, Matthew’s grip on Drew’s hair tightened. The anger in

his eyes burned a little brighter, too, but it didn’t overpower the lust that flickered alongside it.

Snatching away the hand that had lingered on Drew’s face, Matthew scrabbled at his fly.

Drew automatically reached out toward him.

“I’ll let you know when I want your help.”

Drew quickly dropped his hands down onto the bed at either side of him. The sheet

crumpled in his fists as he waited impatiently for Matthew to pull his zipper down. Unable to

touch, Drew could only watch.

Sneaky peeks in the communal showers at the hotel’s gym had told him Matthew was

well hung, but they hadn’t been able to tell him if he was a grower or a shower. He’d never had a

chance to see him hard.

Finally Matthew freed himself from his shorts. God, but he was gorgeous.

His erection pointed straight out from his body, seeming to aim directly at Drew’s mouth.

All Drew had to do was lean forward an inch and—


Matthew caught hold of Drew’s shoulders and held him still. Looking up, Drew saw the

annoyance in Matthew’s eyes. For a moment, he thought it was at him, but no…

Matthew was angry at himself. Angry for giving in, for actually allowing himself to have

a little fun. Hell, for all Drew knew, his friend had a dozen other reasons to be angry, too.

Drew only had one solution for all the things that might be bugging his friend, but at least

it was a bloody good one. He let his jaw drop a little lower, let his invitation for Matthew to use

his mouth however he pleased become just a little more blatant.

Matthew made a pissed off sound in the back of his throat. At almost exactly the same

moment, he thrust his hips forward. The head of his cock caressed Drew’s lips as it slid past

them into his mouth. Quickly covering his teeth, Drew created a snug little seal around his

friend’s cock.

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One of Matthew’s hands slid into Drew’s hair and took up a death grip on the strands.

Any attempt on Drew’s part to bob his head was suddenly out of the question. The only

movements were made by Matthew’s hips as he pulled away then plunged back into Drew’s

mouth, before slipping away again.

Each thrust was a little deeper. Drew tried to tilt his head a fraction and gain an easier

angle, but that was quickly corrected. Matthew’s grip on his hair stopped just the right side of

painful. Drew murmured his approval and moved his tongue more rapidly against the underside

of the other man’s cock as it filled his mouth once more.

Hot, salty pre-cum leaked onto his tongue as Matthew’s thrusts accelerated. Drew stared

up at Matthew’s body, watching muscles bunch and flex. The thin white vest hardly concealed

anything. Each line of muscle was perfectly outlined through the material.

Matthew’s arms tensed as he gripped Drew more tightly, as if he was never going to

release him. Whimpering his complete approval, Drew slowly lowered his gaze, until it settled

on the neatly trimmed hairs around the base of Matthew’s cock.

Just then, Matthew thrust even deeper into Drew’s mouth. The tip of his cock pushed into

the topmost section of Drew’s throat. Reflexes triggered and were quickly overcome; Drew

welcomed the other man in. With his nose pressed against Matthew’s groin, Drew’s senses were

filled with the scent of him.

His own cock ached behind his thong, straining against the leather, desperate for

Matthew’s touch. Matthew’s balls nudged against Drew’s chin. Drew’s mind whirled,

overloaded with taste and scent, and everything else.

In reality, only a moment probably passed before Matthew pulled away, but it felt like a

lifetime to Drew. All his predictions about only being able to breathe according to his lover’s

whim had come true. He was in heaven.

Matthew rocked back farther, until only the head of his cock remained in Drew’s mouth.

“Look up.”

Drew did as he was told.

Their eyes met once more, and Drew had no doubt that Matthew was checking that he

was okay. Even when anger still burned in his gaze, he couldn’t help but be a good dom,

couldn’t help but think about exactly what his control over another man was doing.

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Drew whimpered, happy to let Matthew know that the scene progressed in exactly the

way he’d hoped it might.

Matthew released his fierce grip and pushed his hand through Drew’s hair, in a rough

caress that tugged at the strands. “That’s right,” he whispered. “Now, keep your eyes up.”

Drew peered obediently at his friend as Matthew pushed forward, sliding the length of his

cock back into his mouth. Again and again, slow and purposeful, Matthew held Drew still as he

used his lips for his own pleasure.

Saliva gathered in Drew’s mouth, making it wetter and he hoped even more satisfying for

his lover. Pre-cum leaked onto his tongue too, hinting at the flavor that was to come.

Drew moaned. He desperately wanted to move one of his hands from the bedspread and

jack himself in time to Matthew’s thrusts, but he didn’t dare touch himself without permission.

His need to come was completely overruled by his need to obey.

Still looking up at Matthew, Drew let his desperation show in his eyes. Matthew’s lips

twisted into a mockery of a smile, as if he knew exactly how Drew felt but wasn’t inclined to

improve his lot in life just then.

For a man who’d been teased all day, Matthew’s stamina was impressive, but eventually

Drew sensed the other man’s rhythm falter. Groaning his approval, he did everything he could to

delight the shaft sliding more and more rapidly past his lips.

Matthew gasped. His head dropped back. Cum flooded Drew’s mouth. He swallowed as

rapidly as he knew how, determined to take everything that his friend could give him. Never

dropping his gaze, Drew continued to stare up at Matthew as his hips bucked. Even when the

other man’s head fell forward and his hips stilled, Drew never even blinked.

The last spurt of Matthew’s semen spilled across Drew’s tongue. He swallowed that

down too, and watched the expression of relief and satisfaction settle across Matthew’s features.

He really was stunning, in an almost-bald kind of way, when he let himself relax.

Drew had suspected something for a while, but in that moment it was confirmed for him.

From then on, it was his job to get Matthew to relax as often as possible.

Matthew opened his eyes. Within a second, a frown spread across his forehead.

Drew mentally cursed, but he kept his mouth perfectly still until Matthew slowly pulled

back, taking his softened cock from between his lips. Lifting a hand, Drew swiped at his mouth,

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making sure he really had caught every drop of cum. He had. Drew smiled to himself as he

lowered his hand back to his side. He still didn’t drop his gaze.

“Thank you, sir,” Drew whispered.

Matthew’s frown only deepened.

Drew licked his lips, relishing every bit of taste he could get from the other man. He was

still heady with the scent of Matthew’s pleasure. His lips tingled with the texture of the other

man’s shaft.

He blinked up at Matthew, before making a point of letting his eyes drop half closed. It

was hard to feel sleepy when his cock was hard and sending frantic signals racing through his

body letting him know that not coming in the next five seconds might prove fatal. However, it

was very easy for Drew to want Matthew to lie down next to him and fall asleep before he had

time to get completely stressed out again. That was far more important than a mere orgasm.

Every bit of Drew, bar his cock, agreed on that.

Lifting one hand, Drew tugged gently at Matthew’s fingers and lay back on the bed.

Making himself comfortable without an invitation caused his stomach to turn over, but he knew

that Matthew hadn’t been sleeping well in the run up to the promotion announcement.

He needed to make sure Matthew slept tonight. Submissive or slave, it was his job to

ensure his lover was well-rested. If that meant being a bit pushy with his prospective dom, Drew

could live with that.

Matthew moved forward and knelt on the bed but when he slowly lowered himself down,

it was to cover Drew’s body, not lay next to it. With his hands on the bed to either side of Drew’s

shoulders, Matthew hovered over him, practically pinning him in place.

Drew held his breath as Matthew continued his descent, inch by inch, until all that was

left for him to do was dip his head a fraction. Drew’s eyes fell closed. A second later, their lips


The kiss was slow and sleepy and full of afterglow. Drew whimpered into Matthew’s

mouth. He wanted to come. He needed it so badly his whole body ached with it. His cock freely

leaked pre-cum as the other man’s body settled over his.

The kiss morphed into another, then another. Drew’s head swam with a whole host of

new sensations as Matthew slowly, thoroughly, explored his mouth. His tongue was deft and

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supple, and it soon took possession of Drew’s whole world. There was no fighting against the

way it called to every cell of submission Drew possessed.

When Matthew eventually pulled back, he rested his forehead against Drew’s temple.

Unwilling to open his eyes and risk ruining the moment, Drew simply laid there as their

breaths mingled and the minutes passed by.

“Tell me what you want,” Matthew eventually ordered, sliding his head to one side so the

words caressed Drew’s ear.

Drew swallowed. The taste of Matthew still filled his mouth. He whimpered as he tried to

make the right words rise to his lips, but he couldn’t stop his hips from thrusting forward so his

cock rubbed against Matthew’s body.

“Answer me.”

“I want…” Jack me off. Suck me off. Hell, Drew really didn’t care how Matthew went

about getting him off, he just needed to come. “I want you to let me sleep here beside you, sir.”

Matthew pulled back, raising his body away from Drew, taking the heat and pleasure of

contact away with him.

Opening his eyes, Drew forced himself to look up at his friend. Keeping his expression as

bland as he knew how, he did his best to hide his frustration.

For once, Matthew’s frown seemed to be all about confusion and nothing to do with

trying to resist Drew’s attempts to submit to him.

“You have three seconds to change your mind. This is your last chance. Miss it and you

won’t be allowed to ask me for anything for the rest of the night.”

Drew swallowed. “Okay, sir.”

Matthew smiled knowingly, apparently very sure that Drew would soon regret his

answer, but he made no comment.

Still in complete control of the scene, Matthew rearranged them on the bed, twisting them

around until Drew spooned in front of him, both of them facing the blank side wall of the chalet.

Drew sensed the other man lean away from him for a moment, as if to pick up something

from the floor alongside the bed, but he quickly brushed that aside as unimportant. Matthew’s

body soon pressed against Drew’s back once more, and that was the only thing that mattered.

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The other man was gloriously warm against Drew’s skin, when a thin blanket was pulled

up over them it was all he needed to set him up for one of the most comfortable nights he had

experienced in recent years. All he had to do now was wait for his erection to subside and—

Drew’s entire thought process derailed as something tugged against one of the leather

cuffs that marked him out as Matthew’s slave. The chain between the cuffs had been removed at

Matthew’s request, so that Drew didn’t clink as he did paperwork. Nothing should have pulled at

the cuffs.

Drew opened his eyes and frowned down at the thin length of rope in Matthew’s grasp.

“Sir…What are you doing?”

“Tying you up.”

Drew pursed his lips. He’d been pretty capable of working out that much on his own.

Matthew finished tying his first knot. It wrapped securely around both of the D rings on

the cuff, ensuring it couldn’t be unbuckled until the rope was removed. Drew found himself

offering his left wrist up on cue, so that it could also be tied up with…He squinted at the thing

for a second. With what looked like the belt from a bathrobe.

“Why?” Drew asked.

“So you can’t try to get yourself off while I’m asleep.”

“Oh.” Drew opened his mouth to complain, but if he was being honest, it seemed to him

to be a very logical precaution to take.

“I gave you the chance to ask for an orgasm. You missed it.” Matthew deftly looped and

knotted the center portion of the cord around the corner post of his bed.

Drew automatically tried to lower his hands as far as he could, checking how much of his

freedom had been removed at his friend’s whim. There was a fair bit of slack. He could easily

move his arms enough to sleep reasonably comfortably, but there was no way in hell his hands

were getting anywhere near his cock.

Matthew’s hand touched Drew’s cheek, encouraging him to turn and peer over his

shoulder at the other man.

“You need to learn to take chances like that when they’re offered, because when you’re

playing with a good dom, no amount of begging will change his mind if you refuse to accept a

treat from him. Permission to come is a privilege he grants—you should always cherish it.”

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“Will change your mind,” Drew corrected, dismissing the rest. “Not just any good dom,

you.” That was an important point. Matthew knew it, too.

Making no reply, Matthew brushed their lips together very briefly and turned Drew back

to face the wall. “Go to sleep.”

“Yes, sir.”

Drew stared at the dark blue rope attached to his cuffs. Perhaps if Matthew hadn’t

decided to pull out the bondage, Drew would have had some chance of sleeping once his erection

subsided. Now, he knew he’d be hard and uncomfortable all night.

The sight of the rope…The continual pull of it against his cuffs…Hell, when it came right

down to it, the fact that Matthew cared enough to tie him up and ensure that his submission

continued through the night. Drew mentally cursed. Nothing would soften him now.

Matthew shifted casually into a more comfortable position as he quickly began to doze

off, no doubt lulled by his recent orgasm. He slid one arm over Drew’s side and settled it cozily

around him. Pulling them closer, he pressed his crotch against Drew’s arse.

It was all Drew could do to keep his groan of frustration to himself. Matthew might not

have bothered with his shirt or his trainers, but he’d kicked his shorts aside at some point and

feeling Matthew’s softened shaft against his buttocks brought all the pleasure of sucking him off

rushing back to the front of Drew’s mind. He was the one who’d made sure Matthew was sated

and content enough to drop off.

Within what seemed like mere seconds to Drew, Matthew’s breaths evened out into a

sleeping rhythm. Drew sighed into the pillow and wondered what the hell he was supposed to do

now. As if in disapproval of the soft little sound, Matthew tightened his hold on Drew, pulling

him even more firmly against his body.

Drew gave a wry smile. Talk about too much of a good thing. His cock ached like the


As he seemed to drop into a deeper slumber, Matthew’s hand slid down the bed. When it

stopped, it was positioned directly over Drew’s cock, casually cupping the front of his thong.

The heat from his palm soaked through the leather in seconds. Drew held his breath,

counting the seconds until Matthew shifted in his sleep and moved his hand again.

Nope, nothing. Matthew’s hand stayed right where it was. Damn.

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Drew bit down on his bottom lip and concentrated on staying very, very still. It was the

only way he could stop himself from waking the other man up by determinedly humping his


A minute passed, then another. Matthew made a contented sound in the back of his throat

and nuzzled Drew’s neck, all affection now that he was damn near fast asleep. But even then,

there was strength in him. His body was still all muscle, and it was impossible to avoid thinking

about that when those muscles rubbed against Drew’s near-naked body.

The hand cupping his cock through his thong pressed down more firmly against him. At

almost the same instant, Matthew rocked his hips, pushing Drew forward into his hand. Drew

helplessly tugged at the rope around his wrists, but he wasn’t entirely sure if he should be trying

to nudge away Matthew’s hand or encouraging its attentions.

Surely, he should accept whatever his dom wanted to do, even when he was asleep?

Nothing had changed just because Matthew was dreaming and couldn’t possibly realize what he

was doing. He still had the right to do whatever Matthew wanted, right?

Then, suddenly, it was irrelevant what he should do. The idea of submitting to his lover

when he wasn’t even awake was too much for him. The edge he’d been balancing on for what

seemed like several consecutive lifetimes, disappeared from beneath him. Drew came with a

jerk, the head of his cock pressed firmly against the front of his thong.

Turning his head into the pillow, Drew frantically bit down on the soft cotton. Pleasure

tore through him, but Drew carved a channel through it, ignoring the bliss and perfection that

rose up on either side of him in favor of keeping himself as still and silent as possible.

His ears rang as his pulse raced faster and faster. His lungs screamed for air. His cock

spilled into the restricted confines of his thong, his cum caressed his shaft as it filled the pouch.

Finally, several years later, it was safe for Drew to release his teeth from around the

pillow. He gasped noisily for air as he turned his face away from the makeshift gag.

“Wha-?” Matthew mumbled, sleeping clinging to every letter.

“It’s fine,” Drew somehow managed to whisper, in something not a million miles away

from a normal tone of voice. “Everything’s fine, sir. Go back to sleep.”

Drew didn’t think it would happen often, but just this once, Matthew obeyed him. He

didn’t rouse again before Drew fell asleep in his arms.

* * * *

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For several seconds after he woke up, all Matthew’s brain was willing to register was that

he was pressed up against a warm, naked body. Sighing with contentment, he snuggled closer to

the man he’d been sleeping so comfortably against.

It felt good to wake up next to someone again. It had been a long time. He’d missed it

more than he’d ever admit, even to himself, when he was fully awake.

Smiling sleepily, he pressed a kiss against his sleeping companion’s shoulder. It was only

then that it occurred to his half-slumbering brain to wonder who the other man was. Matthew

opened his eyes. A quick peek over his shoulder proved that he was exactly where he expected

himself to be, in his chalet at the hotel. That was good.

A glance in front of him, at the messy head of blond hair and the high cheekbones, and

Matthew had no doubt who was in his bed. For a moment, it felt perfectly right that Drew should

be sleeping there with him. Something deep down inside Matthew screamed that it actually

meant that all was right with the world.

But, suddenly, the fog of sleep stopped slipping softly away, it disappeared all at once, as

if swept aside by a raging gale. Every muscle in Matthew’s body tensed. Memories from the

previous day rushed to fill his mind. A bitter taste filled the back of his mouth.

He really had done this, hadn’t he?

Matthew pulled back, letting an inch of empty air appear between their bodies, as if that

would somehow make the situation better.

Drew grumbled under his breath and tugged at the blanket, trying to get it back up over

his bare shoulder as he wriggled in an effort to line up their bodies once more.

Without thinking, Matthew helped him get the blanket arranged snugly around him. It

was the least he could do after tying up the other man and everything. Mentally rattling off curse

after curse, Matthew sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Dear Lord, he really had

lost the plot…


Matthew bowed his head and stared down at his feet. Squirming behind him reminded

him that Drew had never been good at being ignored.


“Yes?” Matthew ground out.

“Are you going to untie me?”

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Matthew continued to examine the view down toward the white painted floorboards. His

shorts lay in a crumpled pile, but he hadn’t even taken his trainers off.

“I wouldn’t usually mention it, but the thing is,” Drew went on. “I need to pee—really


Matthew lifted his eyes heavenward. There was nothing like a deadline to force him to

tackle a job. Keeping his eyes firmly on the dressing gown cord and never once looking at

Drew’s face, Matthew freed the other man from the makeshift bondage.

Drew quickly scrambled off the bed and ducked into the tiny en-suite, the door swinging

closed behind him. Matthew remained sitting on the edge of his bed until a yelp and a muttered

curse had him standing right outside the bathroom door, leaning in close to the woodwork.

“Drew, are you okay?”

“Yeah,” the muffled voice responded from the other side of the door. “Just took the top

layer of skin off my cock, that’s all.”

Matthew frowned at the door. When Drew suddenly opened it a minute later, Matthew

only just stepped back in time to avoid a black eye. “Top layer of skin?” he prompted.

“Damn thong was stuck to me. Think I must have pulled half my skin off.” Drew

stretched his thong away from his skin and peered down.

Matthew folded his arms and squared his stance in an effort not to lean forward and peek

down there too. Suddenly, there was only one question in his mind. “Stuck with what?”

Drew blinked at him as if he didn’t understand the question. “Cum, sir.” As if that should

have been obvious.

“I didn’t give you permission to come,” Matthew was pretty sure he’d taken leave of his

senses the previous night, but he still remembered that much, very clearly.

Drew didn’t even hesitate. “With all due respect, sir. All you actually forbade me to do

was get myself off.”

Matthew glared across his chalet at his friend. He always knew when Drew was lying, or

when he was trying to dodge his way out of trouble. Right then, he would bet his life on the fact

that Drew one hundred and twenty percent believed that he didn’t have anything to feel guilty


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If only Matthew could have felt that way, too. He turned away from Drew without

another word on the matter. “Go back to your own chalet, get cleaned up and changed. I’ll see

you in the staff meeting.”

He should probably have felt embarrassed by how relieved he was when Drew didn’t

even try to alter the order to better suit his own agenda, but simply obeyed and left Matthew in

peace to think back over the previous night and count up all the many and various ways he’d

screwed up.

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Chapter Three

“How may I serve you, sir?”

As if it hadn’t been bad enough, having to sit through the entire staff meeting with his

near-naked friend kneeling at his feet like some kind of obedient pet, those particular words were

the icing on the most bitter piece of cake Matthew had ever tasted.

They were, without doubt, the kind of words a good submissive might be inclined to ask

a good master first thing in the morning—quick to show he was ready to plan out his day in the

way that would best please his master. Except Matthew wasn’t Drew’s master. And, to make

things that extra little bit more excruciating, he couldn’t even claim to be playing the part of a

good master with him.

A complete screw up of a master was far closer to the mark. An embarrassment of a dom

who couldn’t even—

A bitter, metallic taste filled Matthew’s mouth as he bit the inside of his cheek.

“Go about your regular duties,” he finally ground out.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

More blood coated Matthew’s taste buds. “What do you have to be sorry for?” he


Coming without my explicit permission, perhaps? Some stupid part of Matthew, a part

that obviously wasn’t aware of all the details of their particular situation, piped up.

He still wasn’t sure how Drew had managed to do that without waking him up. He was

however very sure that it wasn’t his place to discipline Drew over it, or even to investigate the

matter further. Drew wasn’t his—no matter how much Matthew wished he was. Hell, Drew

wasn’t even submitting to him because he wanted to, just because of some stupid tradition.

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“I don’t have any regular duties, sir. They’ve been transferred to other members of staff.

I’m all yours for the rest of the week. My only duty is to please you.”

By letting me stick my cock in your mouth whenever I want to?

Matthew kept the words back, but he couldn’t change the fact that there were words for

men who did that as part of their job. And, God help him, Matthew was the one who’d made

them apply to Drew.

Jerking to his feet, Matthew strode out of the meeting room. Quite a few of the other

members of staff were still lurking around, waiting for their shift to start in earnest, but Matthew

didn’t care how many pairs of eyes tracked his progress. Making a fool of himself in front of his

colleagues was a far better fate than continuing that conversation with Drew.

Matthew kept walking, all the way out of the hotel. Not caring where he went, he just

kept turning corners, determined to lose anyone who might be trying to follow him. With more

than half a dozen twists and turns behind him, Matthew stopped and slumped against the wall.

He wasn’t sure if he was going to hell, or if he was there already. Either way, it was over

ten minutes before he was able to catch his breath, straighten up and step away from the wall.

He couldn’t change what he’d done the previous night. All he could do was accept it and

deal with it as best he could. There wasn’t a dom on the planet who had never made a mistake.

Perhaps they hadn’t screwed up so badly, or with someone who was so important to them, but—


Matthew shook his head, as if he could toss all his thoughts out of his brain that way.

Perhaps it wasn’t going to be that easy, but he shoved them aside as best he could, squared his

shoulders and forced himself to stop hiding in the corner like a little kid who was scared of the

monsters under his bed.

With as much composure as he could muster, Matthew walked back into the offices at the

back of the hotel and straight to his desk. He let out a relieved sigh as he realized that Drew

wasn’t there waiting for him.

Drew wasn’t actually anywhere to be seen.

Matthew sat down behind his desk, but he couldn’t quite convince himself that all was

right and normal with the world. The idea that Drew would simply give up, go back to his own

chalet, get dressed and return to his normal work, didn’t seem entirely believable. It was never

that easy with him.

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Drew wasn’t the giving up type. Except, apparently, he had given up. If Matthew had

needed any more proof that Drew wasn’t as into their being together as he was, this was

obviously it.

Rubbing impatiently at his temple as tension made his head throb, Matthew once more

forced all thought of Drew from his mind. He looked toward the paperwork in his in-tray.

Perhaps it was just pure self-preservation, combined with some sort of instinctive understanding

of just how much mental shit would hit the fan when he let himself really think about what each

of them had done over the last twenty-four hours, but paperwork had never looked so appealing.

Forms and reports moved across his desk at lightning speed. Rosters, timetables, the

numbers of guests taking part in the various activities; Matthew’s anger at himself fueled him to

get more work done in a morning than he would have ever believed possible if he were relying

on mere coffee and deadlines to push him forward.

Perhaps he was a rubbish dom, but he could at least be a competent assistant shift

manager. Matthew didn’t so much as glance up from his work until someone cleared his throat,

right in front of his desk.

At that point, Matthew was very clear in his own mind; his heart definitely didn’t sink

when he looked up and saw someone other than Drew staring back at him.

“What do you want?” Matthew snapped.

The member of staff who’d been trying to get his attention was an attractive, although

now slightly apprehensive looking, man. Most of the guys who worked there were. Claude

certainly knew their clientele, even if rumor had it that he didn’t share in their interests.

Something about the look on Matthew’s face seemed to make the man take a step back,

but it didn’t make him forget his message. “There’s a situation that needs your attention in the

second exhibition area.”

Matthew pushed himself away from his desk so hard, his chair rolled back several feet.

Rather than follow the other man toward the exhibition suite, Matthew strode ahead of him,

unable to keep his energy in check.

A “situation” to deal with. Excellent! Something to take his mind off Drew and his own

stupidity and—

“Here he is now!”

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Matthew came to an abrupt halt halfway through the door leading into the exhibition area.

Every pair of eyes in the room came to rest upon him. Suddenly, over two dozen men seemed to

be weighing him up in their minds.

In turn, Matthew undertook a rapid assessment of the situation before him. An audience

had been looking toward the stage at the other end of the room before he arrived. A man with a

microphone standing on one corner of the stage. Another man in chains on the center of the


At that point, Matthew’s brain function temporarily cut out. When he was capable of

another thought, there was only one thing it could be; he was going to kill Drew.

Matthew didn’t care if there were cheering spectators, or if the guy with the microphone

recounted everything he did in minute detail. He really would kill Drew this time.

He stepped forward. The men who had stood between him and the steps leading onto the

raised stage, melted away. If they hadn’t, Matthew wasn’t sure that he’d have remembered that

they were guests, and therefore probably shouldn’t be shoved aside in his haste.

Drew stood right in the center of the black-painted stage, his back to the audience. His

bare arse was also turned toward the crowd. There wasn’t a single stitch covering any part of his

body. Through his widely spread legs, it was possible for anyone who cared to look, to make out

the shape of his cock and balls. The spotlight pointing toward his back highlighted every detail


It wasn’t as if Drew could lower his hands and cover himself, not when the same wrist

cuffs he’d been wearing for the last day and a half were connected to chains hanging down from

a heavy wooden beam that hung above the stage.

As Matthew got closer, he saw that Drew’s ankle-cuffs were similarly connected, this

time to chains leading to eyebolts on the stage floor. Someone, probably the man with the

microphone, was babbling away about something, but Matthew was well past the point where he

was capable of listening to anything but the way his own fury pounded though his body.

He stormed up the steps leading onto the stage, his entire focus on Drew.

There was no way in hell anyone could put themselves into that kind of bondage. Double

or triple jointed, it would have still been impossible. Someone else had tied Drew up.

Worse still, Drew had apparently allowed someone else to tie him up. There was no sign

of a gag, and Drew was hardly one to keep quiet about things if they weren’t going his way.

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“What the hell is going on?” Matthew demanded, as he stepped up alongside Drew.

His words were private, spoken quietly enough to make sure they were the only men who

heard them, but that didn’t mean they lost any of the intensity they might have had if Matthew

had yelled them up at the top of his voice.

“Good afternoon, sir.”

Any tiny doubt that might have lingered over Drew’s complicity in the God-awful sight

Matthew had walked in upon vanished from his mind. For several seconds, Matthew remained

perfectly still. “What is going on?” he repeated, very carefully.

“You seemed to need the chance to blow off some steam, sir,” Drew said.

“And this is your solution?” Matthew demanded, moving around Drew’s widely spread

legs to face the other man properly. “I’m in a bad mood, so you offer yourself up as a human

punching bag?”

“No, sir!”

Drew seemed suitably horrified at the prospect. A little of the wind left Matthew’s sails.

“A human whipping post, maybe. But not a punching bag! That’s not my kind of scene.”

Matthew glared up into Drew’s eyes. The taller man stared down at him in return, his

expression as cheerful and as serene as ever, as if nothing could possibly break his good mood.

“No dom in his right mind plays when he’s angry,” Matthew snapped.

He knew that Drew had no reason to believe he was a good dom, but the idea that he

would put himself under the power of a man who he knew to be a bad dom made Matthew’s

stomach turn over just as thoroughly.

“Do you feel like telling me why you’re angry, or are you just going to sulk, sir?” Drew

asked, his tone of voice perfectly polite.

“I am not sulk—” Matthew cut himself off and took a deep breath.

Past Drew’s shoulder, he noticed an impromptu scene spring up between two of the

audience members. The other guys in the crowd quickly turned to watch whatever was unfolding

over there until something interesting took place on the stage. Every one of them now had their

back to Matthew and Drew.

The stage was suddenly the most private place in the room.

“I’m…” Matthew stared at a random point on Drew’s shoulder while he considered his

options. “I’m sorry about last night,” he finally said.

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“Sorry?” Drew didn’t sound familiar with the concept.

“I shouldn’t have taken advantage of our respective positions and—”


The sudden return to his given name shocked Matthew into lifting his gaze and meeting

Drew’s eyes.

“Are you under the impression I sucked you off because I thought it was my duty?” His

eyebrows went up so far, he risked losing his forehead altogether. “That I was laying back and—

I mean, sitting down and thinking of England?”

Matthew frowned, his mental footing suddenly unsure.

“Bloody hell, man!” Drew let out an exaggerated sigh. “I’ve been throwing myself at you

for months. It’s not easy for a sub to chase a dom, but, damn it, it must have been obvious that

I’ve been giving it my best shot!”

Matthew continued to stare at Drew as if his friend spoke in a different language. He

pretty much was. The ideas he spouted out were so different from those that had filled Matthew’s

own head for the last few days, they felt like they were from a strange and interesting new

culture. Possibly one that could only be communicated with using hand signals.

All this time, Drew had been… What exactly?

He’d been hitting on him? Trying to make the first move?

True, Drew flirted with everyone, guest and staff alike, but perhaps, looking over the last

few months—

No, forget the last few months, over the last few days, Drew had been trying to submit to

him for real, no games, no stupid traditions, he’d been—

Drew dropped his head back and sighed theatrically up toward the ceiling, apparently

unwilling to give Matthew’s shell-shocked mind enough time to come to its own conclusions.

“Okay,” Drew began, as he returned his head back to its usual position. “Here’s the deal.

I want to submit to you. I want to have sex with you. If I didn’t, I’d have bloody well said so

long before your cock got anywhere near my lips. Any questions?”

The silence sounded very loud in the aftermath of what Drew suddenly realized had been

his rather loudly stated position.

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Matthew was still frowning. That was a bad thing. Drew was reasonably sure that, if he’d

been a dom himself, and he’d just been told that a sub he was interested in owning wanted to

belong to him, then he’d be turning cartwheels.

Gymnastics probably weren’t to be expected from a man like Matthew, but even so, a

smile didn’t seem to be too much to hope for, or even a slight easing of his frown.

Surely, he couldn’t still be clinging to the belief that Drew hadn’t been submitting to him

of his own free will and—

“Any questions…” Matthew suddenly said, his tone lethargic and almost musing. “Such

as, if you feel so submissive toward me, why did you come without asking my permission last


Drew opened his mouth, he closed his mouth. He swallowed. He cleared his throat.

Yes, in hindsight, the “any questions” thing had probably been pushing it a little bit too

far. He realized that now. But still, no response that was likely to get him out of trouble occurred

to him.

“Tick tock,” Matthew prompted. There was a light in his eyes that Drew had only seen

there once before, and that had been when Matthew had been thrusting into his mouth the

previous night.

But this time, it was slightly different. This time, there was an energy and a certainty in

Matthew that hadn’t been there before. Last time he had been in control, fair enough, but this

time he took control, took it like a man who knew he had the right to do that and who wasn’t

going to give up his dominance over the situation now.

“I…um…didn’t want to wake you up?” Drew hazarded. Even to his own ears, it sounded


“Do you want to try for another excuse?” Matthew offered, almost politely.

“You were pretty much jacking me off in your sleep, sir!” Drew blurted out.

“Oh?” Matthew took a step back.

Chains rattled above Drew’s head as he automatically reached out to stop Matthew’s


If Matthew noticed that, it didn’t seem to in any way alter anything he intended to do. He

took another step back. Then, he picked something up from the table set right at the rear of the

stage, where it wouldn’t get in the way of a man wielding a whip.

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Drew’s throat went dry as he watched Matthew inspect a long black-leather bullwhip.

“Did you pick these toys out yourself?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And what were you thinking when you selected this?” He ran the bullwhip through his

fingers from the handle all the way down the braided length until he reached the very thin tip.

“That it would look impressive on the table and show you that I really am taking this

seriously, but that you wouldn’t actually use it on me the first time we played this way,” Drew

said, with possibly a little too much honesty.

Matthew looked up. Their eyes met.

Drew was completely incapable of stopping the whimper leaving his throat. God, but he

loved seeing that expression on Matthew’s face. Nervous energy danced along Drew’s spine. In

that moment, he knew he was owned down to the core.

Matthew’s lips twisted into a small smile. Strangely enough, right then, that didn’t make

Drew feel the least bit better about whatever might happen next.

“If you really belonged to me, I’d punish you for coming without permission. And I did

make it very clear that my permission was required. Correct?”

“I do.”

Matthew raised one eyebrow.

Drew took a deep breath. “I do belong to you. I have for a long time. You just…never

seemed interested in owning me in return.”

If it hadn’t had to compete with the hammering of Drew’s heart, the silence that fell over

them would have been deafening.

Matthew made no comment on any of that as he calmly placed the bullwhip back on the

table and picked up another implement.

Drew watched him inspect a wide paddle. Yes! Part of him screamed the word as loud as

it could. The paddle. He could do that. Drew had no doubt that it would only ever offer him the

type of pain he would love. Yes, a nice reddened backside. That was the kind of punishment he

could get off on—

Although not literally, of course, part of his mind was quick to clarify—not unless he had


Matthew put the paddle back on the table without saying a word about it.

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Drew only just stopped himself cursing out loud.

Another toy found its way into Matthew’s hands. Drew watched the long tails of a

flogger caress Matthew’s palm as he pulled it across his skin. Drew frowned slightly, not sure if

it would be something he loved or loathed when it fell against him, not sure if it would offer the

kind of pain he enjoyed.

“And this one was chosen because?” Matthew prompted.

“It looked pretty, sir.”

And it was the truth. The thing did look very nice, in a kinky sort of way. The handle was

braided leather. The tails were made from suede—long, strands of colored suede dyed in shades

of deep blue and purple that hinted it would leave bruises the same color in its wake, if used by a

serious dom.

Drew couldn’t tear his eyes away from the thing.

“Has anyone ever used something like this on you before?” Matthew asked.

Drew shook his head. Little baby floggers, yes, but nothing like the one in Matthew’s


“Could you handle it?”

Finally, Drew managed to look up. Their eyes met once more. Could he take it?

Suddenly, Drew knew they weren’t talking about a simple flogging. Could he handle submitting

to Matthew, belonging to Matthew, being as serious as the other man was about his kinks?

“I don’t know,” Drew said. “But I want it anyway.”

Matthew nodded, as if that made perfect sense. He ran the flogger tails through his

fingers once more and stepped forward.

He still wore his usual trainers. He was probably the only guy who’d played in the room

who wasn’t wearing leather. All the guests who visited the half of the hotel that catered to the

kinky tended to look the part.

Matthew was the part. Without any help from heavy black boots, his footsteps sounded

very heavy on the stage. The sound seemed to echo through the room, bouncing off the high

ceiling, make his intent seem all the more serious.

Another shiver ran down Drew’s spine. There was just a tiny part of him that wasn’t

entirely sure he’d made the right choice when he decided to invite Matthew into a ready-made

scene with him. It was too late to worry now.

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Matthew still had the flogger in his hand. He’d obviously made his choice—not just of a

flogger, but of a possible submissive. Drew felt it down to his bones.

This was his chance. His desire to be claimed had finally sunk through the dominant’s

thick skull, and if Matthew was ever going to take possession of him, it would start here and


Drew swallowed rapidly. The chains rattled above him as he tensed. Leather shifted

around his wrists. Nerves itched at the inside of his skin, making it impossible for him to stay

still. It was equally impossible for him to read Matthew’s expression, to tell if he was pleased or

disappointed with him.

“You realize this is a test?” Matthew asked.

Drew nodded. He turned his head to try and track Matthew’s movements, but his

restraints stopped him short. There was no way he could keep his eyes on the other man as he

moved toward the front of the stage.

“Not a test of how much you can take,” Matthew went on from somewhere behind Drew.

Drew jumped as his friend’s hand came to rest on his shoulder.

“A test of how you feel when you really submit to me, of how I feel when I take

possession of you.”

“Amazing,” Drew said. It would feel amazing. He had no doubt about that.

“You can’t know in advance.”

Drew frowned. He knew. Deep down in that place that instinctively knew right from

wrong and day from night, he knew.

Matthew’s hand stroked down the center of Drew’s back, seeming to assess every inch of

the skin that passed beneath his palm. Finally, his hand reached Drew’s arse. He squeezed the

muscle, making Drew gasp and push his backside into the other man’s hand as hard as he could.

When Matthew’s hand disappeared from Drew’s world, he knew what would come next

and held his breath. Just as he expected, Matthew’s palm quickly came back, falling against his

arse with a sharp slap.

Drew clenched his buttocks, murmuring his pleasure as welcome heat spread through his

body in response to the firm, beautiful contact. He’d known it would feel amazing to have

Matthew’s hand falling against his skin. He’d been right.

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A moment passed. Matthew’s hand fell against Drew other arse cheek this time.

Symmetry was a bloody wonderful thing. Drew instantly fell in love with it.

Again, one cheek, then the other, Matthew cupped palm came down. Drew gasped his

pleasure, blatantly wiggling his arse for more. Head bowed and eyes closed to better focus on the

sensations rushing through his body, he sensed Matthew step away from him.

Pulling a deep breath into his body, Drew waited for round two to begin. He frowned as

he heard something swish through the air. An unexpected breeze caressed his body, but nothing

else. It was impossible to think Matthew had missed. He had to be practicing, testing the weight

of the implement, assessing how hard he wished to land it on his lover’s skin.

Drew impatiently shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he waited for the other

man to turn the tails of the flogger in his direction. Drew let out a little shout as Matthew finally

brought the suede down against his buttocks. The sound was all to do with shock and nothing to

do with pain. There had been relatively little force behind that first blow. The suede was

surprisingly soft against him.

Drew murmured as he studied the sensations making their way through his body. A few

of them headed to his brain, but most of them headed straight to his cock and God, that felt good.

The flogger came down again. Yep, Drew had been right the first time. Bloody amazing.

Knowing that Matthew was the man on the other end of it made it feel even better.

Again. Again.

Heat built up under the repeated contact until it danced through Drew’s body in eddies

and swirls that took pleasure all the way to his fingertips. Drew’s toes clenched against the

boards, his fingers twitched.

Matthew didn’t pause, not even for a second. Without any control over the way the suede

fell against him, Drew could only accept the other man’s decisions. The rhythm was Matthew’s

to determine, everything was his to command.

Bit by bit, Drew felt control of his body being given over to the other man. With every

fall of the flogger, a little more of him was transferred into Matthew’s ownership. It was hardly

the first time that Drew had been on the receiving end of another man’s whip hand. He’d been

spanked and paddled and…and this was nothing like that.

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This didn’t just sink into his muscles and make them burn as the minutes passed by and

more and more kisses were layered over the same bit of skin. The strikes seeped into his soul and

made his head spin.

With each fall of the flogger, Drew became more and more desperate to please the other

man, and it had nothing to do with being afraid of him or of wanting to avoid a repeat


Repeat performances were essential. He needed to ensure that it had the longest run ever.

No West End musical would last longer than Matthew and him.

Chains rattled above Drew’s head as he swayed under the force of a particularly well

aimed blow. The skin where his arse met the tops of his legs rapidly relayed a whole host of

sensations to both his brain and his cock. The logical part of his head labeled it pain. His cock

called it pleasure.

At any other time, Drew knew he’d want probably to swing for anyone who aimed at that

sensitive bit of flesh. Right there, right then, he was willing to drop to his knees and worship

Matthew for it.

His mind was in another place now. His body was working to an entirely new set of rules.

Reality didn’t apply.

Drew gasped for breath. All the air rushed back out of him in a loud yell as the flogger

came down against his arse one more time. He was in no condition to pay attention to such

details, but Drew still knew that, if it had sounded like a scream of pain, his voice box had lied.

Endorphins and adrenaline combined to make pain impossible.

Seconds ticked slowly by, but nothing happened to fill them.

Drew slowly opened his eyes. He stared down at his cock as he regained his focus. He

was hard and curving up toward his stomach. He didn’t look like a man in pain. Unless he also

looked like a masochist. The thought made him smile.

A creak on the floorboards behind him reached Drew’s ears just before one cold fingertip

came to rest on his right buttock. Starting at the top of his cheek, Matthew drew a line down to

the base of Drew’s left buttock. Then, he repeated the process in the other direction.

A cross of momentarily cooled flesh tingled on Drew’s arse. An X that marked the spot.

Someone was going to get screwed tonight. Drew had never been more grateful to be told that it

would be him.

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The pull of the leather cuff around one of Drew’s ankles suddenly eased. He looked down

just in time to see Matthew step away from the eyebolt nearest that foot and walk around to the

one next to his other foot.

With both ankle-cuffs freed, Drew inched his feet closer together. His arse felt amazing.

The insides of his legs, however, just ached like hell. Not all pain was his friend, after all. He

hissed as he moved muscles that were no longer his friends.

“Just give yourself a minute or two to relax before you try to move too much,” Matthew

ordered. There was nothing of the polite little suggestion in his tone.

Matthew was in control. He gave the orders now. Drew smiled. His expression didn’t

change, not even when Matthew freed his arms and helped him lower them gradually to his


Fire burned down both limbs as renewed blood flow rushed into them. Matthew might as

well have poured molten magma into each arm. Drew clenched and unclenched his fists, trying

to get it all over and done with as quickly as possible.

Matthew remained directly in front of him. It took Drew a little while to realize that was

because the other man had no intention of moving until he was sure that being tied up hadn’t

stolen his balance from him.

“I won’t fall over, sir,” he promised, eager to show that he really could keep up with

whatever Matthew wanted them to do.

“From blood flow or shock?” Matthew asked.

Drew frowned down at him for a second, but it was hard to frown at Matthew for long. It

was far easier to stare at the other man as if he were an all-powerful God—at least, it was while

Drew was hard and aching to come, anyway. There would be no nighttime fumbling again. If he

wanted to come, he’d have to get permission and—

Matthew chuckled. “Fifty says you’ve completely forgotten how many men watched

every moment of your flogging.”

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Chapter Four

As Matthew watched, Drew opened his mouth to reply, only to stop himself short before

he’d uttered a single word. Matthew grinned. He’d seen the truth on Drew’s face. Lying

wouldn’t have done him any good then. The audience had obviously completely slipped the

other man’s mind.

“I might have been willing to flog you in front of everyone, but I’ll be damned if I’ll

screw you in front of them,” Matthew announced. He’d made his point. Drew was his. No further

public chest-beating was required.

Drew was his. Matthew stopped for a moment to savor that knowledge. He’d never

known a simple fact could feel so bloody good.

He knew that the appropriate thing to do now, would be to find Drew’s clothes, help him

back into them and guide his new submissive very gently back to his chalet. Appropriateness

could go to hell.

Bending down, Matthew hooked his arms around the back of Drew’s legs and hoisted

him onto his shoulder.

Apparently, Drew was a little surprised by that, at least if the way he screamed like a girl

was anything to go by. In other respects, however, he certainly wasn’t anything like any girl

Matthew had ever met. For one thing, a woman probably wouldn’t have been sporting a hard on

that nudged against Matthew’s shoulder with every step he took.

The crowd parted to let them through. Matthew paid them just as little attention as he had

during the scene. All his focus remained on Drew and what the future might hold.

As he made his way quickly toward the chalets, Matthew smiled to himself. He made a

point of gripping the backs of Drew’s legs, where the flogger hadn’t struck him, rather than his

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arse. He thought that was very compassionate on his part—especially after Drew threw him into

a public scene when he knew full well how much Matthew loathed them.

Quickening his pace Matthew didn’t make any attempt to stop the other man’s cock from

rubbing against his shoulder in a way that had to be very frustrating for Drew. Every

masochist—and especially a bratty one—needed a lover with a touch of the sadist to him.

Drew didn’t struggle, he didn’t even fidget. Matthew’s smile grew into a grin. Drew

wanted this just as much as he did. Drew had been throwing himself at him—he’d said as much.

The increasing relief pounding through Matthew’s brain with that knowledge made him want to

whoop for joy, but he steadfastly resisted that particular temptation.

All the way to the far side of the hotel complex, men turned to stare. More guys probably

saw them there than had seen anything they’d done on stage. Matthew nodded politely to any of

the guests that caught his eye, just as he would at any other time. Carrying a naked man through

the grounds might not get him rapidly demoted, but being rude to the clientele almost certainly


Claude stood at the end of the row of staff chalets talking to one of the grounds-men.

Matthew saw him there, but his footsteps never faltered.

When they were a few yards away, Claude glanced up from the deep pothole the grounds-

man pointed to. His lips twitched as he watched two of his employees approach, but he didn’t

say anything.

Matthew was already several yards past him, when Claude finally spoke.


He turned on his heel and looked his boss straight in the eye, almost daring him to try and

object to anything. “Neither of us have had our lunch break yet.”

If Claude heard him, he gave no sign of it. “You both have the afternoon off,” he said. “I

suggest you make good use of it.”

Matthew nodded his understanding, and turned back toward his objective, too impatient

to get Drew on his own to be immediately grateful to his boss.

“Thank you, sir!” Drew called out.

Matthew rolled his eyes, he was pretty sure his new submissive didn’t need to sound

quite so happy with Claude’s offer. Even upside down the guy was still a brat.

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Inside the chalet, Matthew dropped his friend unceremoniously onto his feet in front of

him. Drew straightened to his full height. Apparently, being carried around on another man’s

shoulder was inclined to make someone more than a little breathless.

Lips parted, cheeks flushed and a head full of blond locks all tussled and mussed, Drew

had never looked better, or hotter. Matthew dropped his gaze. It wasn’t just Drew’s cheeks that

were flushed with extra blood flow.

Matthew reached out and wrapped his fist around Drew’s erection without any further


The groan Drew let out was filled with frustration. It was also the single most erotic noise

Matthew had ever heard.

Drew lifted his hands and steadied himself by grabbing hold of Matthew’s shoulders. His

grip was reassuringly strong. There was nothing fragile or weak about Drew. No one could ever

believe that he submitted because he wasn’t strong enough to do anything else.

He was all strength, Matthew saw that now, especially when he submitted.

“If there is anything you’ve done in the last two days that you wouldn’t have done

regardless of stupid hotel traditions, or new job titles, or anything else, tell me now,” Matthew


Drew gawped at him. “You want to talk. Seriously? Talk? Right now?”

“Answer the question.”

Drew’s mouth opened and closed. No words emerged. He finally shook his head, as if

trying to clear it. “Okay. Talking…” he took a deep breath and seemed to think very deeply for a

few moments. “What wouldn’t I have done…?”

Matthew stared fixedly at the other man. As glib as Drew might be trying to sound, it was

obvious that the flogging had brought his submissive side right up to the surface. He was doing

his damnedest to obey.

“I probably wouldn’t have worn the leather thong.”

Matthew didn’t have an immediate response to that.

“The damn thing kept riding up into places where I’m pretty sure no clothing should go.

My balls were squashed, and the hotel owns far too many really cold seats,” Drew expanded.

“Your clothes,” Matthew said, blankly.

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Drew wasn’t trying to be difficult, Deep down, Matthew was sure of that. He was just

foggy with endorphins.

If the conversation hadn’t been so serious, it would probably have been flattering that the

other man couldn’t think straight, but Matthew had never felt more serious about anything in his


“Anything else?” he prompted, as patiently as he could.

Drew shook his head.

Matthew’s gaze narrowed. “You’re sure.”

“I’ve wanted to go down on you for ages. I’ve wanted you to spank me or flog me for

almost as long, and as for the rest…” He moved his gaze from Matthew’s face to his shoulder for

a moment. “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to obey you or try to do whatever it took

to make you happy.”

Really, it was amazing just how easy Drew found it to render Matthew speechless.

“Even if your paperwork is the most boring thing on the entire planet,” Drew added, in

just a slightly more muted voice.

Matthew couldn’t help but smile. Gradually, the real answer to his original question sunk

into his mind. Perhaps he hadn‘t been such a bastard the previous night, after all, or at least, if he

was, then he was an oblivious one and not the kind that made a really poor excuse for a


“Tomorrow, we’re going to head straight for the hotel’s leather shop, and I’m going to

get you a collar.”


Matthew stared into Drew’s eyes, memorizing for future reference, exactly how the other

man looked when he’d agreed to belong to him.

Drew broke the moment by clearing his throat. “Can we have sex now?”

“Yes. We can,” Matthew said, solemnly.

Drew grinned.

Sliding his arms around him, Matthew brought his hands to rest on skin still hot from the

flogger’s kiss. Drew jerked forward, pressing his whole body against Matthew’s broader frame.

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A whimper escaped from Drew’s lips, but it wasn’t more than three seconds before he

pushed his arse back against Matthew’s hands looking for more of whatever his lover was

willing to offer him.

“Eager, are we?” Matthew teased.

“Bloody desperate would be more like it.”

Matthew grinned. Drew was his. He owned him.

Now that he didn’t have to be afraid to want it, just how essential Drew’s submission was

to his future happiness hit Matthew like a ton weight dropped from a great height. No, not his

happiness, to his sanity.

Matthew released Drew’s arse and threaded his fingers through the other man’s hair

instead. Holding his head at just the right angle, he brought their mouths together in a fierce kiss

that was all about possession.

There was nothing bratty or demanding about the way Drew kissed him back. He was all

willingness to follow wherever Matthew led. Of course, that might have been because Matthew

happened to be leading them exactly where Drew happened to want to go, but even that

possibility couldn’t hamper the perfection Matthew found in that kiss.

Drew was his.

Guiding the other man across to his bed without breaking the kiss, Matthew didn’t pull

away from him until his leg nudged the edge of the mattress. Drew blinked and glanced down at

the bed. He had already half turned to climb onto it, when Matthew stopped him short.


Drew, for possibly the first time in his entire life, didn’t rush to say a single word. He

didn’t appear to have been rendered speechless; he just seemed to be waiting for Matthew to give

him more information, waiting for an order, or to be told how he could please his lover. He’d

chosen to submit rather than speak.

Matthew held the other man’s gaze for several seconds. There was a strange kind of

peace in Drew now. He’d given up control. It suited him.

“Lean over. Put your hands on the mattress,” Matthew ordered. With Drew willingly

cooperating with his every direction, Matthew soon had the other man arranged exactly as he

wanted him.

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Bent over the bed that way, Drew’s arse was perfectly presented for Matthew’s cock. It

probably wasn’t the most comfortable position from Drew’s side of things, but he offered no

complaint. His buttocks were flushed and beautiful. The flogger had done its job perfectly.

“No bondage. No restraints. The only thing that’s going to keep you exactly where you

are is knowing that you are precisely where I want you.”

Drew nodded. Right then, Matthew believed that Drew understood exactly what he’d

tried to explain to him, that their respective forms of dominance and submission melded together

so well that no further explanation would ever be necessary between them. Maybe, just for that

afternoon, it was the truth.

Making no attempt to rush, Matthew took lube and condoms from the rickety cabinet

alongside his bed.

Drew shuffled his feet apart on the floorboards and arched his back, as if desperate to

present himself just that little bit more impeccably. The light from the window alongside the

door illuminated his arse wonderfully.

Matthew stroked his hand over Drew’s buttocks. The other man gasped, and promptly

pushed back against his palm.

“Feels good.”

Matthew wasn’t sure if Drew realized he’d mumbled the words out loud or not. Either

way, it was good to hear. Matthew wanted Drew to feel good, to enjoy his submission—most of

the time anyway. He wasn’t going to go so far as to insist Drew act like he enjoyed any parts that

included boring paperwork.

Matthew smiled. There was no trace of his usual frown as he took his hand away from

Drew’s arse and slicked his fingers with lube. Drew rocked back, as if trying to find Matthew’s

palm again. He let out a frustrated sound when he realized that it wasn’t within his reach.

There were few things more beautiful than a man’s buttocks, reddened from the flogger

and clenching as he rocked his hips. Matthew continued to enjoy the view until he stroked his

fingers across Drew’s hole. At that point, the other man fell completely still.

Within a few seconds, Matthew had two fingers working deep inside Drew’s arse,

stretching him open and preparing him for his cock. Drew moved an inch or two forward, before

quickly pushing back, riding Matthew’s fingers in an apparent desire to speed up the process

even further.

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It was impossible to know if Drew signaled agreement to something in particular or if he

just wanted to show his approval of events to the entire world. Matthew didn’t change what he

was doing either way. He was the one who decided if Drew was ready for him now, not the other

way around.

With his other hand, Matthew massaged the length of his own erection through his denim

shorts. He desperately needed to be inside Drew’s arse—and it really did feel like a need and not

a want now.

He undid his zip. Drew’s hips stilled as he looked over his shoulder. Reluctantly taking

his hand away from Drew from a moment, Matthew pushed down his shorts, rolled on a condom

and slicked it with extra lube, all as quickly as possible.

Drew bowed his head toward the mattress. A shiver ran down his back. They were still in

the middle of the hottest summer the resort had ever enjoyed. It certainly wasn’t cold.

Excitement was the only possible cause.

As if Drew had beckoned it from him, a responding shudder crept through Matthew’s

body when he settled his hands on Drew’s hips.

His friend’s head was bowed so low he was on the verge of turning himself completely

upside down all over again. It didn’t matter. Right way up or upside down, Drew was still his.

Matthew pressed the tip of his cock against Drew’s hole.

One second, two. He pushed forward, sinking steadily into the other man’s arse until his

hips finally came to rest against the flushed skin of Drew’s buttocks.

Drew whimpered, but he made no attempt to pull away. They both remained entirely still,

pressed tightly together. Drew’s flesh warmed Matthew’s, as if Drew wanted to share some of

the pleasure he’d received during his spanking with him.

Matthew already had enough pleasure of his own. Drew’s arse was tight and perfect

around his shaft. As he gradually adjusted, and his muscles relaxed a little, Drew clenched and

unclenched around him, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through Matthew’s whole


It was impossible to remain still forever. Every instinct Matthew possessed screamed at

him to move. Finally, he did.

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Staring down between their bodies, Matthew watched his cock slowly re-emerge, before

disappearing between Drew’s cheeks as he thrust into him once more.

Matthew reached forward and caught hold of Drew’s shoulder, steadying the other man

and increasing his own leverage at the same time. With their rapid breaths the only audible thing

in the room, Matthew pushed back into his new submissive’s arse. The sound of flesh meeting

flesh added a second rhythm to the air.

Again and again, Matthew thrust into Drew. He stared down between them the whole

time, watching every stroke slide home. And it felt like coming home. It finally felt like he was

screwing the right man, possessing someone who he actually wanted to own for the rest of his


If he wasn’t so sensible and logical, Matthew might have thought himself in love. He

thrust into Drew even harder at that thought. Drew swiftly moaned his approval. Matthew was

even quicker to push all thoughts aside in favor of simply concentrating on the wonderful

sensations surrounding his cock.

Drew bit down on his bottom lip. Pain coursed through the tender flesh, but it was a

controllable thing, something he could focus on and regulate. It was also the only thing in the

world that didn’t seem to make him even more desperate to come than ever.

He couldn’t come.

Well, he could. Drew had no doubts on that score. He was completely, exceedingly, very

easily capable of coming. But he wasn’t going to—not until Matthew gave him permission. He’d

hang on, hold back and do lots of other things like that, right up until that blissful moment when

the order to orgasm hit the air.

Drew wasn’t going to let Matthew down, not now, not on today of all days. Drew could

do this. He had control of his cock, he really did.

A high pitched whine filled the air. It took Drew a moment to realize he was the one

who’d made the strange, animalistic noise. If he could have put a hand over his mouth he would

have, but both hands were essential for balance as he bent over the bed and received his lover’s


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As if he read Drew’s mind and knew he’d thought about moving one of his hands,

Matthew’s thrusts sped up, ensuring that Drew would end up doing a nosedive into the mattress

if he tried to do anything of the sort.

Finally, the desperate little sound died away without Drew needing to move. Matthew’s

thrusts didn’t change though. He seemed to have found a rhythm he liked, and Drew sensed that

empires could rise and fall around them both, but Matthew would keep on going, never once

missing a beat. He had that kind of determination.

It was all Drew could do to keep back another whine as his thoughts circled around and

returned to their original point. No matter what he’d tried to convince himself of, Drew realized

that he didn’t truly have control of his cock anymore. He’d given that up, along with control of

this whole side of his life, when he agreed to submit to Matthew—to belong to him.

Even if they still needed to discuss the finer points, Drew knew that much, and he loved

it. He didn’t love it as much as he loved Matthew, but that was a pretty big thing to beat.

Drew’s arms trembled. He pressed his shins against the edge of Matthew’s bed in an

effort to keep himself steady, but Matthew’s hand on his shoulder was the only thing that really

kept him on his feet, and his arse where the other man wanted it.

As thrust after thrust hit his prostate, Drew pushed everything else aside and just focused

on one thing.

Can’t come, can’t come…

The thought pounded through Drew’s head, quickly falling in time with Matthew’s


Can’t come, can’t come…

“Come.” Matthew didn’t need to repeat himself over and over. His single word had

already overpowered all the orders Drew had tried to give himself.

Maybe it was the confidence that he managed to put into his tone, even when breathless

with his own rapidly approaching release. Maybe it was because Drew loved him. Maybe it was

just because Drew really wanted to come. Whatever the reason, the word went straight to Drew’s


His brain was only a casual observer. It was his body that obeyed Matthew now.

Drew came, pressing himself helplessly back against Matthew’s cock, his own aching

shaft remaining completely untouched as he spilled across the blankets. Drew’s orgasm roared

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through him like a spring tide, picking him up and carrying him along. He rode it like one of

those pro-surfers who visited the beach just alongside the hotel’s private bay.

Balancing on a board built of nothing more than determination, he desperately tried to

make his bliss stretch out and last all the way to the shore. Holding his breath, watching the

pretty white water break around himself, Drew kept his balance all the way into the shallows,

until he finally dropped to his knees on golden sands.

For some strange reason the surface beneath him felt more like bedding than a beach, but

Drew couldn’t raise the energy to care about that. He was well screwed, replete and had

apparently found a comfortable place to collapse while the afterglow fairies danced through his


Drew let out a content sigh. The universe only became an even nicer place when a warm,

muscular body nudged him forward and curled around behind him.


Even with only two functioning brain cells to work with, Drew knew it had to be

Matthew. He was the only guy in the world capable of making Drew feel as if life was full of

pretty pink clouds and soppiness.

“Love you,” Drew mumbled, finding a pillow and cheerfully pulling it under his head.


There was something about that tone of voice that pushed all the cozy threads of

afterglow aside and forced its way straight into the middle of Drew’s mind. It stood there,

stamping its feet until Drew finally managed to focus upon it.

Love you.

Drew gave a little shrug. What was said was said. It wasn’t as if Matthew wouldn’t have

worked it out soon enough anyway.

“You said you love me.” Matthew didn’t sound as if he entirely approved of the prospect.

Drew frowned at the wall, wondering what sort of impact his declaration might have on

his chances of getting that collar that Matthew had promised him. Before he could think better of

it, Drew’s hand was already on his neck, checking on something that wasn’t even there.

Matthew grabbed hold of his wrist and tugged Drew over to lie upon his back. He gasped

as he rolled over, his buttocks in no condition to think that “soft” cotton deserved to be called

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anything of the sort. Drew glared up at Matthew, but he couldn’t bring any real venom to his


“You said—”

“I know what I said,” Drew cut in. “Is it a problem?”

Matthew stared down at him. He really should try to stop frowning so much. If he wasn’t

careful, he’d give himself wrinkles before he was old enough to have really earned them.

“It’s just that I’m not sure I know how to stop,” Drew added. “So if it is a problem,


“Do you make a habit of saying stupid things after sex?” Matthew demanded.

“Stupid things, possibly,” Drew allowed, somehow managing to sound calm in spite of

the way his pulse raced. “But not things that aren’t true. I love you. And even if you decide not

to collar me, you’re going to have deal with that.”

“Wait a minute,” Matthew rushed out, leaning up on his elbow, all the better to glower

down at Drew. “Let’s get one thing straight. I am going to collar you. That’s not up for debate.”


His easy agreement seemed to take Matthew off guard. There was a silence and it was a

pity to waste it.

“Do you have any objection to owning a man who’s in love with you?” Drew asked.

“Of course not!”

“Then, there’s no problem,” Drew said, very pleased that had been taken care of and

everyone was clear on everything.

He tried to roll back onto his side. For some reason, having Matthew’s crotch pressed

against recently flogged skin was far more comfortable than having bedding against it.

Apparently, the comfort of his lover’s arse wasn’t top of Matthew’s list of concerns. He

pulled Drew onto his back once more.

“I do too, I mean…” He shook his head, as if confused by something.

Mellow and at least semi-comfortable, Drew was content to simply lay there and wait for

the other man to figure it out on his own.

“You really are the most infuriating man on the planet,” Matthew snapped.

“I am?”

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“Yes. You’re not supposed to blurt things like that out, without giving a guy a chance to

work out what he’s supposed to say back or…” Matthew rubbed his hand over his face and slid it

back over his scalp. “I have no idea why I love you.”

“But you do?” Drew prompted.


Drew nodded. That was all that mattered. Since Matthew didn’t seem to want him to turn

his back toward him, Drew tried rolling the other way, so he lay facing Matthew. Tucking his

face into Matthew’s shoulder, he found it was quite easy to make himself comfortable facing that


“You know, if you wanted to, you could just decree that we’re going to go to sleep now,

and that the conversation will resume later on.”


Drew made an affirmative noise in the back of his throat. “Your promotion, remember.

Technically, I’ve still got the rest of the week of being your obedient slave, sir.”

Matthew huffed. But he also laid down, and pulled the, now somewhat cum-stained,

blankets up over them both.

“Obedient slave, my arse,” he muttered.

Maybe obedient was stretching things slightly, Drew silently admitted to himself, and

slave certainly was. His loving submissive? Yes, that sounded far better. He smiled, completely

content, as he made himself just a little bit more comfortable in Matthew’s arms.

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About the Author

Kim Dare is a twenty-eight year old, full time writer from Wales (UK).

First published in December 2008, Kim has since released over fifty BDSM erotic romances.
That means that well over one hundred characters have chattered away inside her head during
that time—and that’s not even taking into account the fact that there are over three times that
number of people clamoring in the wings for a chance to tell their stories. It’s no wonder she
loses track of what’s happening in the “real” world at times…

While Kim’s stories range over male/male, male/female and all kinds of ménage relationships
and have included vampires, time travelers, shape-shifters and fairytale re-tellings, they all have
three things in common—kink, love and a happy ending.

Kim loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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Also Available from

Resplendence Publishing

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A to Z Series, Book 4

It took Harvey months to work up the courage to let his friends set him up on a date with Fitz—a
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their first scene ended in disaster before it even got started, he was very quick to retreat.

Forget going back to the club where he made a fool of himself. Harvey’s determined never to
leave the house again. Facing Fitz is out of the question.

Fitz, however, has other ideas. Intrigued by what he saw on that first date he’s determined to do a
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Harvey is going to have to get over his embarrassment and face Fitz sooner or later and, with the
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