Rose Nickol [Club de Fleurs 04] Rachel [Siren Classic] (pdf)

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Club de Fleurs 4

Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel

Rachel Greene loved playing at the club and playing with Craig
Micheals. One night changed all that. Several months later, after

intense therapy and with Craig’s help, Rachel was ready. Ready
for more. With Craig’s support she was ready to take back her life.

Craig had been great while she was recovering and had taken

much of her life over. Now he was ready to take more from her
and she was ready to give it. Craig wanted Rachel and he wanted

her bad. Rachel was willing, but scared of her reactions. Would
she be able to play in the club again, how would she react? When

the men who had attached her came back for revenge, could
Rachel protect the man she loved, and even more important,

could he protect her from herself?

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 33,868 words

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Club de Fleurs 4

Rose Nickol


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance

Copyright © 2014 by Rose Nickol
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-436-6

First E-book Publication: October 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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To my friend Marita who edits and critiques my work and who is

always encouraging. Thanks for all the time you spend reading and

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Club de Fleurs 4


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

It had been over a year since Rachel Greene had been attacked at

Club de Fleurs. It had taken a lot of work for her to get over what had
been done to her and be ready to play at the club again.

Rachel was thirty years old, old enough to know better, five feet

six inches, and nicely rounded at one hundred and forty pounds. With
her long, red hair, sky blue eyes, and ivory skin, she was very
attractive. She had curves in all the right places.

Rachel’s life had been spiraling out of control. Her mother had

been sick with dementia, and Rachel was working three jobs to pay
for her care in a nursing center. When Rachel wasn’t working, she
was at Club de Fleurs, playing hard. The club rule was only one drink,
so Rachel had started drinking before she got to the club and was
usually drunk by the time she got there.

She hadn’t been smart about who she played with, and one night

she got into trouble because of it. A group of eight men came into the
club looking for a good time, and three of them thought they found it
with Rachel. The men had taken her into a private room. After they
restrained her tightly, facing a St. Andrew’s Cross, they barricaded
the door and proceeded to whip her with a single tail until her back,

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


ass, and thighs were covered with welts. Some of the strikes were so
bad that they had broken the skin and she had gashes. She had
screamed her safe word until a dungeon monitor finally found her, but
they couldn’t get in. Finally Kyle, one of the owners of the club, had
broken the observation window and they rescued her. She had been
living with Craig since that day and hadn’t played since.

Her physical wounds hadn’t been too bad, but the emotional and

mental ones were harder to heal. Craig had been at the club the night
Rachel was attacked and was the one of the people who had rescued
her. Craig had rescued Rachel in a lot of ways.

After the attack, Craig moved Rachel into his home and took care

of her. Once her physical wounds had healed, he helped her find a
therapist who could help her with her other issues. The same therapist
who had helped a friend of theirs, Sadie, deal with her PTSD. Craig
took her life over. He made her quit all but one job and took over
paying for her mother’s care.

Craig had made sure no one knew how messed up Rachel was and

did his best to keep her life normal. If not for his control over her,
things could have gone very bad.

That was over a year ago. Now Rachel was calm, confident, and

in control. Her therapist, Tina Springs, was ready to release her. Their
last session was planned, and Rachel was ready to take her life back.

Craig was happy for her, but also concerned that she would not be

able to handle things on her own and even more concerned he would
lose her.

He had fallen in love with Rachel the first time he saw her. She

was bright, witty, and amazing in every way, but that was all before
the incident.

After that night, Craig made Rachel quit drinking. Once she had

started seeing Tina, he could see improvement week by week. She
was almost back to her old self. You might even say she was better,
because she wasn’t drinking anymore and had more confidence. Time
to make his move.

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Rose Nickol

Chapter Two

“I really should think about moving out and getting my own place

again,” Rachel told Craig one morning at breakfast. It had been great
living with him, but now she was ready to be independent, ready to
take her life over again.

“Why, don’t you want to be here with me anymore?” He knew

this day was coming, but he didn’t want to lose her.

“Craig, you’ve been wonderful, but I need to take care of myself

now.” She smiled at him. He was so sexy. If she stayed here, she
knew exactly what would happen, which wouldn’t be a bad thing, but
he had done so much for her, she didn’t want him thinking she was
staying out of gratitude.

“Why don’t you stay a while? I want more out of our relationship,

how do you feel about that?”

Relationship. They didn’t have a relationship, did they? Craig had

basically taken over her life, doing all the things she couldn’t cope
with while she was healing. But if he wanted more, she was willing to
explore the possibilities. He was sexy, funny, and great to be with,
warm and loving. Everything she was looking for. What would it hurt
to stay and see what happened? If things didn’t work out, she still had
the option of moving.

“Yes, I like that idea. I think we could make that work.” She

smiled at him. He was so sexy, tall, and husky with dark blond hair
and twinkling hazel eyes.

“Rachel, I’ve waited a long time for you to be ready for this,” he

said, taking her into his arms. Leaning down, he gently brushed her
lips with his, running his tongue over and over her lips until she

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


opened for him. He broke the kiss and turned her towards the
bedroom. “You need to get ready for work, we’ll talk more about this
tonight. Today’s your last session with Tina. I’ll pick you up after.
When you’re ready, let me know, and I’ll take you to work.”

He’d been waiting for her to be ready for more. Before the

incident, they had played a few times, and he had thought about
making it more serious, but hadn’t done anything. He wasn’t going to
lose this opportunity or her. This time he was going to make sure
everything went right.

He took her to work, then came home and called Tina. He wanted

to talk to Tina for a few minutes without Rachel present to make sure
he wasn’t rushing things and see what she thought of his plan to bring
Rachel back into the club. She was in the club every night, watching
him at the bar, but she never played and he wanted to play. He hadn’t
played since she was hurt, and he was ready.

Tina made time for him before Rachel’s session and agreed with

his plan. Rachel was surprised to see he was there when she arrived
and even more surprised when he joined them for the first part of her

After they discussed what he wanted to talk about, Craig left them

and went to the waiting room to let Rachel have some private time
with Tina.

As soon as the door shut behind him, Tina asked, “So what do you

think about what Craig proposed?”

“I’m not sure. I think I’m ready, but I don’t know what will

trigger me,” Rachel answered quietly.

“Unfortunately, I can’t answer that for you. Just remember to take

it slow and try not to be afraid. Remember this is Craig and all he’s
done for you and how he’s been there for you. If it becomes too
much, stop, and if you need to, either one of you can call me, day or
night. I’m always here for you, and you both have my cell number.”
They talked for a while longer, then Tina walked Rachel to the door
and hugged her good-bye, reminding her to call if she needed her.

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Rose Nickol

Instead of taking them home, Craig took Rachel out for a nice

dinner to celebrate and so they could talk. They enjoyed their dinner
and were having dessert and coffee when Craig looked at Rachel and
said, “I want you.”

Rachel had just put a forkful of cheesecake in her mouth and

almost choked. Swallowing, she took a quick drink of coffee to stall
for a second and looked into his eyes. She could see the lust and need
there. “You do?” was all she could say.

“Yes, I do. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you, and I’ll

do whatever you need to have you,” he answered back, his voice
dripping with lust.

Taking another sip of coffee, she asked him. “You will?”
“Yes I will,” he smiled at her.
“Oh,” she responded, not sure why she was so nervous. This was

Craig, the man who had taken care of her for the past year. He had
made sure she got to work and taken care of her mother. He had been
there for every nightmare and every meltdown she had. It was Craig
that found Tina and made her go, taking her and picking her up from
all but the last few appointments. Craig drove her and picked her up
from work until a month ago. Craig was always there. But now he
wanted to change his role. He wanted more.

Before everything that had happened, Rachel would have given

anything to have attention from Craig. They had played a few times in
the club, but nothing serious, and Rachel had thought it didn’t mean
anything, but now she wondered. Could a man be as caring and as
thoughtful towards someone he didn’t care about as Craig had been to
her? Maybe she was more to him than she thought.

Reaching across the table, Craig took Rachel’s hand and said,

“Let’s go home. I want to make love to you. Tonight I will do more
than hold you.”

Ever since the incident, Craig and Rachel had slept in the same

bed, but he never did more than hold her. They both slept in sweats,
and nothing had ever happened. At first Rachel had tried sleeping

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


alone, but she had terrible nightmares and the only way to stop them
was for Craig to hold her. It was torture for him to lie with her every
night and know that nothing else would happen, but that was what she
had needed.

Now she was better, and he could be a little selfish and see to

some of his needs. The months of cold showers and using his hand
were over. He had talked to Tina and told her his plan. She agreed
Rachel was ready for more and thought they could negotiate their
relationship on their own without her input. With her validation, Craig
decided to put his plan into effect. Rachel would be his.

They finished their dessert, and Craig paid the bill. Taking her

hand, he pulled her from the table and led her out of the restaurant.
Helping her into his truck, he drove them back to the club, where he
had a suite that they had been living in.

They walked into the club, and Craig stopped to check on the bar.

Alan Rainer was working tonight. He had been helping out since he
started dating the receptionist, Theresa, and it had given Craig more
time with Rachel. After assuring himself that everything was going
smoothly with the club, he led Rachel to their suite. Since the owners
of the club had gotten married and had all moved out of the club,
Craig had taken on more responsibility in the running of the club. He
was considering buying a part interest in the club, but now was not
the time to think about that He had plans with Rachel and nothing was
going to distract him.

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Rose Nickol

Chapter Three

When they got back to the suite, he could tell Rachel was nervous.

Taking her in his arms, he gently brushed her lips with his and said,
running his hands over her back down to her ass, “Nothing’s going to
happen that you don’t want to tonight. Relax and just let yourself

Cupping her ass, he pulled her close and held her tight. Slowly he

walked them towards the bedroom while kissing her. Once in the
bedroom, he sat on the side of the bed and pulled her to stand between
his legs. Slowly, he reached up and starting unbuttoning her shirt.
Planting little kisses on her skin as he exposed it, he looked at her and
said, “We’re going to take this slow and easy. If anything scares you
or you need a break, just tell me. We have all night, and there’s no
hurry.” Now if he could just get his dick to cooperate with the plan.

“I’m ready. I think I’ve been ready for a while.” She answered

him as she ran her hands through his hair. She wanted this, she
wanted to play with Craig. She missed the lifestyle and the release it
gave her. She missed giving up control and letting a man take over
her body and make it respond to him and only him. When she and
Craig had played before, it had been great. He had always given her
the most intense orgasms and never pushed her harder than she could
take. Would it be the same now?

Rachel relaxed in Craig’s arms and let him undress her. With each

piece of clothing he removed, he kissed and licked the parts of her
body he revealed. As he took her shirt off, he kissed and licked his
way down her arms, stopping briefly to take a small bite at the inside
of her elbow and then sucking each finger into his mouth. Taking her

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


other hand, he worked his way up that arm to her collar bone. He
pulled her bra strap down and revealed the top of her breasts, licking
and kissing them both. Reaching around her, he unfastened her bra
and let it fall to her hands.

Looking into her face, he pulled the bra from her fingertips and

threw it across the room. “Beautiful, you are so fucking beautiful,” he
said with lust in his voice. Still watching her face, he took his hands
and palmed each breast, rubbing her nipples with the center of his

Her knees buckled, and she would have fallen had he not caught

her and pulled her into his lap. “Okay, darling?” he asked quietly,
cradling her in his arms.

“Better than okay,” she answered, reaching and unbuttoning his

shirt, wanting skin-to-skin contact. She ran her hands slowly over
him, feeling the light dusting of hair on his chest and finding his hard
little nipples.

Leaning down, she had to taste, licking his shoulder as she pushed

the shirt down his arms. Rubbing her face over his chest, she found a
nipple and licked, taking a small bite and sucking.

Not wanting his other nipple to feel neglected, she gave it the

same treatment, licking her way between the two, nipping and
sucking until she felt him shudder.

He held her and let her explore, letting her take this at her pace,

enjoying her touch.

“Touch me, Craig. I need your hands on my body. Make me

yours, make me forget,” she said as she threaded her hands in his hair
and pulled his head down for a kiss.

“Are you sure you’re ready, because once I get started, I’m not

going to stop,” he told her quietly. He wasn’t sure he could quit now
if she asked him to.

“I’m sure. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I miss the scenes we

used to do at the club, but I need to work up to that slowly. Please be
patient with me, but I also need you.”

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Rose Nickol

“Oh sweetheart, I’m going to take you to the moon and back if

you let me. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Remember I’ll never do
anything to hurt you, and if you get scared or need to slow down, just
tell me,” he told her as he turned and laid her in the middle of the bed.

Taking her hands, he raised them to the headboard and said, “Hold

on to this, and don’t move your hands. I’m not going to restrain you,
but I do want you to hold on. Do you think you can do that?”

“Yes, I’ll try, I just need you to touch me, please.” She pleaded.
He moved over her, straddling a leg on either side of her hips and

leaned down, taking her mouth for another kiss. Licking and sucking
his way down, he took one breast in his mouth, suckling. “You taste
so fucking good,” he said as he moved towards the other breast. “I
can’t wait to taste your pussy. Do you want my mouth on you?”

“Oh God, anything, just please…” Rachel whispered. The feel of

his mouth on her was so incredible, she couldn’t stand much more. It
was so good, she was about to come just from the attention to her
breasts. He hadn’t even touched her pussy yet.

He licked, sucked, and nuzzled his way down to her pussy, his

mouth following his roving hands. Reaching down, he rubbed her
mound and slipping a finger in her folds, finding her covered with her
juices, dripping for him.

“I’m going to taste you soon. You are so wet,” he told her,

stroking her pussy.

“Just please touch my clit, please.” She begged.
He gently brushed one finger over her, barely touching.
“Again, again,” she cried.
Applying more gentle pressure, he touched her over and over, not

giving her enough to come.

“Oh, please,” she moaned.
He lifted her legs over his shoulders, and using his hands, parted

her. Leaning down, he took a long lick from her rear hole to her clit.
Sucking and nibbling, he took her clit into his mouth. He tugged on it

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


gently with his teeth, pulling the little bud until he had her arching her
back and pushing herself to him.

When she reached down and pulled his head closer, he pulled

back and looked down at her. “Where are your hands supposed to
be?” he asked her.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Master, please don’t stop, oh…please.” She cried

as she put her hands back over her head.

“You’ve earned one punishment for that, but first,” he told her as

he dove back between her legs.

“Oh, oh, oh, I–I…” She screamed as he brought her to climax.
He continued sucking and licking, pushing his tongue into her and

rimming her ass with one finger until she came again and again, not
stopping until she was exhausted and motionless.

Laying on his back, he pulled her to his side. The evening wasn’t

over, but Rachel needed some rest. He would just have to wait.

Rachel lay next to Craig, her head pillowed on his chest, idly

running her fingers through his chest hair, tracing patterns over and
over. “That was amazing, thank you,” she said breathily as she turned
her head and kissed his chest.

“You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it,” he said with a hint of

laughter in his voice.

“I can’t wait to do it again,” she answered, lifting her head to look

up at him.

“Anytime you’re ready, I’m at your service, lamb,” he answered

as he pulled her up to meet his mouth. When he released her mouth,
he said, “But now you need your rest. Sleep a while, then we’ll play
some more. The night’s not over.” Then he eased her back down until
her head again rested on his chest. Pulling a light blanket over them,
he wrapped his arms around her.

‘He feels so good, Rachel thought. I could stay here forever.” A

part of her felt guilty that she hadn’t given Craig the pleasure he had
given her, but she was too sated and tired to do anything about it. “I’ll

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Rose Nickol

just sleep a few minutes, then I’ll return the favor,” she thought as she
closed her eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Four

Rachel woke sometime later to find herself alone. Grabbing one of

Craig’s shirts and pulling it on, she left the buttons undone and
padded barefoot out of the room to find him. He was sitting naked in a
chair in the living room, talking on the phone.

She walked to stand in front of him, and he pulled her down into

his lap without a break in the conversation. Still talking on the phone,
he slipped one hand inside the shirt to play with her breasts while he
continued talking, not otherwise acknowledging her. When he was
finished with his conversation, he cupped the back of her head and
took her mouth in a long, scorching kiss.

When they finally came up for air, he smiled down at her and said,


“Hi, yourself,” she replied. “I missed you.”
“I needed to check in with Alan and make sure the club was

okay,” he told her, smiling.

“Okay, come back to bed,” she said as she stood up and took his


Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her to straddle him,

putting his cock very close to heaven.

“Oh my,” she squealed, adjusting herself so that the tip of his

penis just brushed her entrance.

Grabbing her hips, he said, “Go on, honey, take a ride. You

remember what to do.” He looked down into her eyes and pulled her
down until he was just inside her. “Take me in all the way and ride,
baby,” he encouraged her.

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Rose Nickol

Rachel grabbed Craig’s shoulders with both hands and slowly

lowered herself onto him, taking as much as she could. Rocking
slowly back and forth, she gradually took more and more of him until
he was buried to the hilt. “Oh, God, this feels so good,” she
whispered. She rocked slowly at first, and Craig leaned his head back,
enjoying her motions.

“I forgot how good this could feel, oh God,” she said as she

looked up at him. He was hitting her G-spot with every stroke.

He reached between them and found her clit, slowly rubbing the

small nub, first circling it with one finger then taking two fingers and
applying light pressure.

“Oh, Craig, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” she moaned. “I’m so

close, so close.”

“Don’t come yet, baby. Wait, and it will be so much better,” he

told her as he took the lobe of her ear between his teeth.

“Oh, I don’t think I can stand it, I need to come. It’s been so long,

so long.” She panted, speeding up her rocking. The orgasms he had
given her earlier were nothing compared to what was happening to
her now.

“For both of us, baby,” he answered her as he licked his way

down her neck to her breast, taking the tip in his mouth, he gently bit
and suckled. He felt her shudder and knew she wouldn’t be able to
hold on much longer, neither could he.

Holding her hips tightly, he increased the speed of her movements

until they both came with a shower of sparks.

Screaming, Rachel saw stars and almost forgot how to breathe.

She fell forward, resting her head under his chin, breathing hard.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he whispered against her hair.

“You’re incredible.” He held her tightly to his chest. Even before
everything had happened, it had never been like this.

Rachel closed her eyes and enjoyed the afterglow, basking in the

warmth of Craig’s arms, not able to move if she wanted to.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Craig stretched his legs out so they were half lying, half sitting in

the chair and relaxed, content to sit and hold Rachel for a few

After a short time, he stood up and told her, “Wrap your legs

around my waist.” She did, and he walked over to the wall and leaned
her back against it. “Hold on tight, this will be fast and rough,” he told
her as he adjusted her legs around his waist. He was still inside her
and amazingly ready to go again. He took her there against the wall,
fast and hard just as he had promised. Then carried her back to the
bathroom and set her on the vanity.

Grabbing her head in both hands, he kissed her hard, exploring her

mouth, then released her and started filling the tub. “I think a hot soak
will do us both good,” he told her as the tub filled.

“Okay,” Rachel answered. She felt almost drunk, only better. This

high was better than anything she had ever experienced. Nothing
before in her life had felt like this. She wasn’t sure her brain was
functioning and didn’t know how Craig was able to move. How he
had managed to carry her to the bathroom, she had no idea. It was all
she could do to sit up. She knew if she tried to stand that she would

Craig filled the tub, then turned and lifted Rachel into it, crawling

in behind her. He adjusted the jets so that most of them pointed at her
and pulled her back to lean against his chest. “Close your eyes and
rest, I won’t let you go, ever,” he added silently, letting his hand rest
on her abdomen.

After about twenty minutes, he lifted her out of the tub and stood

her. “Stand a minute, baby, while I dry you off, then I’ll carry you to

“Okay,” she answered, sleepy and sated, barely able to answer, let

alone stand.

He dried her thoroughly and quickly wiped himself down, then

lifting her into his arms, carried her to the bed. He still owed her a
punishment, but tomorrow would be soon enough.

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Rose Nickol

Lying beside her in the bed, he pulled her to him and spooned

against her, whispering in her ear, “I owe you a spanking, but we will
deal with that tomorrow. Sleep now, love.”

Rachel smiled. “Okay” seemed to be the only word she could

manage to say. Closing her eyes, she let her body relax into his and let
sleep overtake her.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Five

Even though Rachel had been sleeping with Craig for the past

year, it was different waking naked in his arms. She felt his erection
nudging her bottom and wiggled against it.

“Don’t start what you don’t want to finish,” he said against her


“Who said I don’t want to finish it?” she answered, wiggling some


“You’ll finish it all right,” he told her as he turned her to lay on

her back and straddled her. “Open wide, I have something for you.”

“Oh yummy,” she giggled, licking her lips.
He scooted up until his legs were resting on either side of her

breasts, just under her arms and leaning over her, slowly fed his cock
into her warm, waiting mouth.

Rachel opened her mouth, and using her tongue, slowly licked the

drop of pre-cum from the tip of his dick and let him gradually feed his
cock in her mouth. Swallowing slowly, she took more and more until
his balls were hitting her chin.

With him leaning over her, she didn’t have any choice, but to let

him take control. He slowly fucked her face, gradually increasing the
speed. He hit the back of her throat and she gagged, trying to
remember to relax and swallow.

He pulled back a little and asked if she was okay. When she

nodded, he started moving again.

Craig reminded himself that Rachel hadn’t done this for a while

and he needed to take it easy. She felt so good it was difficult to

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Rose Nickol

control himself. Slowing down, he eased up a little and gave her time
to get used to him.

Rachel reached around and grabbed both of his ass cheeks and

pulled him to her, wanting more. She appreciated that he had pulled
back and slowed down when she gagged, but she had this now and
was ready for more.

She licked and sucked, trying to control his movements with her

hands on his ass. It worked for a while, but after a few minutes, he
took control back. Fisting both hands in her hair, Craig held her head
and thrust rapidly into her warm, moist mouth. Thrusting fast and
hard, he came with a primal groan, sending streams of hot cum down
her throat.

Rachel swallowed every drop and then eased back so that he

slipped from her mouth. Smiling down at her, he said, “Thank you,
that was fantastic,” as he rolled on his side and pulled her to him.

They lay facing each other, Craig running his hands up and down

her back, soothing her.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Six

After a short while, Craig rolled out of bed, and said, “Come on,

time to shower, then we are going to do something fun.” It was
Saturday, and Rachel was off work. Alan could watch the club for
Craig, and they had the entire day to play.

“What?” Rachel asked excitedly.
“You’ll see. Shower and dress, you have thirty minutes,” Craig

told her as he headed for the shower first.

Five minutes later, he came out of the bathroom and reminded her,

“You have thirty minutes starting now.”

Rachel jumped up from the bed and ran to for the bathroom. She

liked long showers and knew thirty minutes to get ready would be
pushing it.

When Rachel got out of the shower, she found clothes lying on the

bed for her, so she dressed in what was there. Leaving the room, she
found Craig waiting in the living room. “Only ten minutes late, not
bad. We’ll add that to the punishment I owe you from last night and
deal with it later,” he told her as he pulled her to him for a kiss.
Grabbing her hand, he led her to his truck and helped her in.

When he got in, she looked at him excitedly and said,” So where

are we going?”

“First I thought we would go for brunch, then how do you feel

about going to some of the museums? Sadie has a few prints in a
gallery I thought we could stop at.” Sadie was an aspiring artist and
the sub-wife of Dave and Evan, two of the owners of the club.

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“That sounds like fun. I’d love to see some of Sadie’s work. She

talks about it, but I’ve never seen anything she’s done. I love the
museums, this should be great.”

They went to several museums and wandered around, then having

a late snack, decided to go the gallery to see Sadie’s work. Sadie was
there with both her men, and they all decided to go for a nice dinner
then head back to the club.

As they were leaving the restaurant, a man grabbed Rachel’s arm.

She stopped so quickly that Craig, who had been walking slightly
behind and beside her, almost ran into her. “I think you dropped this,
Ms. Greene,” he said to her, handing her a wallet.

“I’m sorry, that’s not mine,” Rachel answered, looking at the

wallet. It looked like hers, but she had left her wallet at the club that

“Are you sure? It has your identification in it,” the man said.
Rachel took the wallet and looked inside it, and it did have her

driver’s license and other things in it.

“Thank you…” she said, feeling at a disadvantage since he knew

her name and she didn’t know his.

“Mike Hawkins. Glad to be able to return it to you,” the man said.
“Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. This my friend, Craig Michaels. Thank

you again,” Rachel said, introducing Craig.

Craig held his hand out to the man, and they shook, then he laid

his hand low in the middle of Rachel’s back and walked her out of the

“I didn’t think you had your wallet,” he said to her as they walked


“I didn’t either. I thought I left it at the club, but this has my ID

and things in it, and it does look like mine,” Rachel said, shaking her
head, confused.

“We’ll check when we get to the club. I’m sure we’ll figure it

out,” Craig told her as he helped her into the truck.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


As they drove back to the club, Rachel thought about the man.

Somehow he looked familiar, but she couldn’t place where she knew
him from. Opening the wallet, she looked through it and found a
folded piece of paper she knew she wouldn’t have put in there.

Looking at the paper, it said, “We know where you live and where

you work. This isn’t done yet, bitch.”

She must have made a strange noise, because Craig pulled the

truck over and asked, “What’s wrong, what did you find?”

Rachel showed him the note, and he said, “There’s more to this.

When we get to the club, we will talk to Evan. He’ll know what to
do.” He gave her a hug, and they drove the rest of the way to the club.

When they got to the club, Craig pulled Evan aside, not wanting

to frighten Sadie, and told him what had happened.

While Craig was talking to Evan, Rachel ran to their room to

check her purse. She wanted to see if her wallet was in it and if
anything else was missing. The door to the suite didn’t look like it had
been tampered with, but Rachel couldn’t tell for sure.

She went straight for her purse, and it wasn’t where she thought

she had left it. When she finally found it after looking several places
she usually left it, it was open and her wallet was not in it. Nothing
else seemed to be out of place, but nothing felt right either.

Rachel paced the suite until Craig came back from talking with

Evan. She told him what she had found and continued pacing.
Chewing her bottom lip, she said, “I don’t understand. No one can get
in here but the cleaning crew, and they’ve all been checked out by
Evan. What the hell is going on?”

Craig snaked one arm around her waist and pulled her down to sit

in his lap. “Don’t worry about it. Evan has cameras everywhere, and
if anyone can figure this out, he can. We’re going to let him do his
job. Now, I want you to change into clubwear, we are still going to
meet Sadie and Dave and play for a while. Sadie wants to celebrate
the birth of Devan, and we aren’t going to disappoint her. Let’s go
find you something to wear.”

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Craig took her into the bedroom and chose an outfit for her.

Taking her in his arms and placing a bruising kiss on her lips, he
slapped her on the ass, and said, “You have ten minutes, then the
punishments start. I still owe you one from yesterday and one from
this morning, don’t think I forgot,” he said, grabbing what he was
going to wear out of the closet and going into the bathroom to change.

Rachel sat on the bed, thinking for a few minutes before she

grabbed her clothes and started to change. She hadn’t paid any
attention to what Craig had chosen and saw that he had grabbed a
very short black leather micro skirt and a tight, red satin, midriff-cut
tank top. There was no underwear, so if she sat or bent over, everyone
would get a show. The top was tight, and with her large breasts, they
spilled over the top, almost showing her nipples. It was hard for her to
believe that she used to wear things like this every night. She hadn’t
worn any of her clubwear in a year and was surprised it fit.

Craig came out of the bathroom wearing black leather pants and a

black leather vest with black snakeskin cowboy boots. He made her
mouth water. Now that their relationship had changed, she was
anxious for more.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Seven

Craig came out of the bathroom and took one long look at Rachel.

She was gorgeous. He couldn’t believe that she was his, at least for
now. He was going to work on making that permanent.

Grabbing her hand, he said, “You took longer than your ten

minutes. Come on, the others are waiting on us.”

Rachel hadn’t really paid attention to the time and wasn’t

surprised she had taken longer. Maybe she had even done it
subconsciously, wanting a punishment. Now that she was playing
again, her body seemed to crave it. She was a little anxious about her
reactions though, not sure how she would respond.

They found Sadie and the guys at the bar, and Rachel had a water

with everyone else. She didn’t drink anymore, and playing after a
drink in any situation was not a good idea. The Dom especially
needed a clear head, and most people rarely drank before playing.

The club was quiet for a Saturday night, but this was the rare

weekend when no demos were planned and there were just a few
regulars playing. Several people she knew came up and spoke with
the group, glad to see Rachel in clubwear and ready to play again. She
was in the club almost every night with Craig while he was
bartending, but usually in jeans and a shirt, not clubwear.

Sadie and her men went off to play. She was worried about the

baby, and her men wanted to get her out of her head. “Good luck with
that,” Rachel thought, knowing that a mother would never get so far
out of her head that she no longer worried about her children.

Craig came over to Rachel and, slipping one arm around her

waist, said, “Come on, time for us to play.”

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Smiling up at him, she slid off the stool, and reaching up, brushed

his lips with hers. “Thank you, Master. I’m ready.” And she was.

Still holding her tightly around the waist to his side, he asked her,

“Do you want to play in one of the public alcoves or go into a private
room?” He wasn’t sure if she was ready to go back into one of the
rooms or not.

Rachel thought a minute and answered. “One of the rooms. I trust

you not to push me too hard.”

He turned her to him and locked his lips to hers, softly saying

“thank you” as he kissed her.

He took her down the hall to the private room, and they found one

that was open. Luckily it wasn’t the same one she had been in when
the wannabe Doms attacked her.

Most of the rooms were furnished the same, but this one was

different. It only had a bed with restraints attached to the frame and
something new Dave had found, a framed spanking bench.

Once they got in the room, Craig turned to Rachel and

commanded, “Strip.”

Rachel quickly complied and dropped to her knees, head down.
“Good girl, you remember.” Craig praised her. “Stand now and

let’s see what else you remember.”

She quickly rose to her feet and stood, legs spread shoulder-width

apart, arms at her side.

“Good girl, do you remember your safe words?” Most of the club

used the stop light system for safe words. Having a standardized
system made it easy for the Doms to deal with different subs and not
have to remember all their different safe words.

“Yes, Master. Green for ‘I’m good, continue,’ yellow for ‘slow

down’ or ‘I need to ask a question or take a break,’ and red for ‘stop,
I’m done for now.’”

Running one hand over her back, Craig walked around her,

looking her up and down. He reached out and pinched a nipple, and
she barely moved. “Very nice.” He again praised her.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Punishment pose over the bed,” he ordered.
Rachel lay on the bed, her legs hanging off, with just her upper

torso touching. She felt Craig walk up behind her, and he gently
smoothed one hand down her bare back and over her ass cheeks.
Slipping two fingers inside her crack to her pussy, he asked, “Can you
give me a color, baby? How are you doing?” He was determined not
to overwhelm her in her first session.

“Green, Master, very green,” she answered, proud of herself.
“You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. You are very wet,

I can tell you are enjoying this,” he told her as he licked down her
back to her crack. “First, I owe you a punishment. Then I think we
will play a while,” he told her, talking against her skin.

He slapped her ass once then went to the toy closet. He took

several things out, but she couldn’t see from the position she was in.
Laying his items on the bed, he took a small paddle and showed it to
her. “I will give you ten with this. I want you to count, and if you
need a break, tell me. I don’t want you holding back. This is for both
of us.”

“Yes, Master,” she answered, taking a relaxing deep breath. “I can

do this,” she thought.

Craig walked around her, and rubbing both ass cheeks, hauled

back and smacked her a good one.

Ohhh! One, Master.” Rachel gave a little scream at the shock of

it. She had forgotten how bad it could hurt, and Craig hadn’t given her
any warm up or warning.

“Remember this is punishment. I’m not going soft with you.” He

warned her and smacked her again on the other cheek.

“No shit Sherlock,” she thought. “Two, master.”
“Fuck that hurt, ten had better be all I’m getting or I won’t be

sitting for a while,” she thought, almost giggling. She had forgotten
how much of a rush this could be. Some people might think she was
crazy, but the endorphins created were better than the best high from
drinking she had ever had. Once she got to sub space, the world

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melted away and she went to her happy place where no one could
touch her and everything was perfect. She hadn’t realized how much
she had missed this.

Craig completed all ten smacks, and running his hand over her

very red ass, leaned over her. Moving her hair away from her face and
neck, he took a quick taste of her skin and asked, “How are you

“Very green, Master,” she answered breathily.
“Good, baby, very good. Can you take more or are you done?”
“More,” she thought, not sure she could sit now, but she was

willing to try. “Yes, Master, I can take more.”

He moved off of her, and picking up a small flogger, showed it to

her. “I’m going to use this next. I don’t need you to count, but I do
want you to use your safe word if you need to.” Reminding himself
that he needed to watch her very closely and that she wasn’t used to
this, he trailed the flogger over her back, butt, and thighs.

It was a soft deerskin flogger with wide straps that wouldn’t hurt.

It just made a soft thudding and massaged the skin more than
anything. He usually used it for warm up, but chose to use it after her
punishment as a reward.

Starting slowly, he gently struck her back, butt, and thighs,

gradually increasing the speed and striking harder.

When he had her back and thighs dark pink and she was thrashing

on the bed, he stopped and trailed his hand down her back to the crack
of her ass.

Slipping his hand into her pussy, he rubbed her clit with his thumb

and inserted one then two fingers inside her.

‘Ohhh, more please, Master, more,” she moaned, not sure whether

she wanted more with the flogger or more with his fingers.

“I’m not done, lamb, there is more to come,” he answered her,

applying more pressure to her clit and fucking his fingers in and out
of her.

“Please Master, I need to come, please,” she pleaded.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Yes, baby, I know.” He leaned over her, and keeping up the

motion with his hand, surrounded her body with his. “Come for me
now,” he commanded.

Between the weight of his body and his fingers working her, she

couldn’t have stopped her orgasm if he commanded her to. She came
with a scream of his name and kicking her feet.

“Oh, my God. Thank you, Master.” She panted.
He kept manipulating her, and she continued to thrash for several

long minutes.

Removing his hand, he rolled her to her back and lay beside her.

He took his hand, still wet with her juices, and wrapped it around one
breast, rubbing his thumb over and over one nipple, slowly and gently
caressing the little bud.

Once she could think and move again, she placed one hand on his

chest, and slowly moving it in circles, caressed him. “That was
incredible. How soon can we do it again? I had forgotten what it was
like. Why did I wait so long?” She mouthed against him, licking his
skin as she talked.

“I don’t know, but we can do it whenever you want. I’ll gladly

accommodate you.” He answered her as he pulled her tighter to him.
He moved them so they both lay in the middle of the bed and rolled
her on top of him. Pillowing her head on his shoulder and cradling her
in his arms, he held her, just enjoying the feel of her naked body
against him. He hadn’t undressed yet, but he loved running his hands
up and down her back and through the crack of her ass. He didn’t
know if she was ready for anal yet, but he was going to explore that
with her tonight. If she wasn’t ready, he would have to back off and
wait until she was, he decided.

He lay for several minutes, enjoying the feel of her breath on his

chest and the feel of her fingers tracing patterns over his abs. Then he
turned and placed her on her back, rolling to his side as he did so.

“Time for more play. Are you up to it? Give me a color, lamb,” he

said to her.

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“Master, I’m green and ready for more. Don’t disappoint me

tonight,” she goaded him.

“Oh, lamb, I won’t disappoint you. I just hope you can take

everything I plan to dish out.”

“Bring it on.” She grinned at him.
“You asked for it, don’t forget that when it gets to be too much.

But, even though I love teasing you, I want you to use your safe word
if it does become too much.” He said the last part in a very concerned
and serious voice.

Rachel smiled, touched he was so concerned, and answered him,

“Yes, Master, I will use my safe word.”

Craig got several more toys from the closet, and they played for

several more hours. Finally Rachel was so exhausted from the
activities, that she no longer responded, and Craig knew she was done
for the evening. He had more planned, but it would have to wait for
another day, another day very soon, he thought.

Craig wrapped Rachel in a blanket and cradling her in his arms,

then carried her to their suite and their bed. It felt good to call it their
suite and bed. Although Rachel had been living with him for over a
year, their relationship had changed for the better in the last few days.

Placing Rachel in the bed, he went to the living room and made a

quick call to Alan, checking on the club. He knew that Dave and Evan
were in the club and probably checking also, but he took his
responsibilities very seriously and wasn’t going to shirk his duties.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Eight

Rachel woke the next morning, stiff and sore. But it was a good

kind of stiff and sore. She hadn’t realized how much she missed this.
Her mind and body craved the domination. She and Craig had only
played last night, but her mind felt clearer, and everything seemed so
much easier to handle. Giving her body and its responses to him, even
for a short time, relaxed her and helped her focus.

Today she needed to figure out how she knew the man from the

restaurant last night and how he had gotten her wallet. She knew
Craig would go into overprotective mode until the mystery was
solved and didn’t want to give up what little control he had let her
have back.

She had just started driving herself back and forth to work again

and loved the few minutes of peace she got in the car by herself. Until
the man was caught, she would have to give that up. She also needed
to call Tina and let her know what had happened, both with the man
and the note and with Craig. Maybe she needed a few more sessions
to help her work everything out. She didn’t like depending on Tina,
but talking to someone who was neutral was very helpful.

Still lying in bed, she planned her day and thought of what she

needed to do to figure out her problem.

Craig came in before she got up and sat on the side of the bed with

a cup of coffee in his hand. “Morning lamb, how are you this
beautiful day?” he asked her, handing her the cup.

“Wonderful, Master, a little stiff and sore, but it was great,” she

answered, sitting up and scooting back against the pillows and
headboard, taking the coffee from him.

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“Evan. called and he has some news. He’s coming in later to tell

us. I have breakfast waiting. Do you want to eat or shower first?” he
asked her.

“I’m gonna need help in the shower, Master. Do you think

breakfast can wait?” she asked coyly.

“I can warm everything up when we’re done,” he answered her.

He probably shouldn’t let her take the lead, but what the hell, he
wanted to shower with her.

“You stay right here and I’ll be right back,” he told her as he took

her coffee and kissed her, quick and hard.

In the kitchen, he quickly put things away. When his phone rang,

he cursed and looked to see who the caller was. The number belonged
to Alan Rainer, so Craig quickly answered the call. “Not a good time,
man, can I call you back?”

“You need to hear this, I’ll just take a minute,” Alan replied

before he could end the call.

“Make it fast,” Craig replied, wondering what could be so


“I just heard from a buddy of mine in the justice system. Some of

the men who attacked Rachel and Jenna are loose. The rumor is they
are still gunning for the girls, blaming everything on them.
Apparently one of the guys, Mike Hawkins, has been spotted in the
area and was rumored to have told his cell mate that ‘the bitches were
going down.’ I’ve already called Dave and Evan and put them on
alert. Evan was going to call Kyle and let him know. I’m sure one of
them will be in touch, I just wanted to tell you myself.”

Jenna, Kyle’s sub and wife had been attacked by one of the men

in the group of eight the same night Rachel was, but luckily Kyle had
gotten to her before the man could hurt her. Unfortunately, she had
later been kidnapped by the group. Luck was still with her, and she
hadn’t been hurt as bad as Rachel either time. The incident still
plagued her.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Thanks for the heads up, man, we were contacted by the jerk last

night,” Craig told him and proceeded to explain what happened.
“Let’s all plan on meeting here in my suite later, and we’ll discuss our
options and see if we can come up with a plan. I’ll call Evan, Dave,
and Kyle and let them know the plan.”

Craig made the necessary calls, and resting against the kitchen

counter, he thought about how he was going to tell Rachel and what
to tell her.

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Chapter Nine

Rachel lay in bed waiting for her Master to come back. “Master.”

She liked calling Craig that. She wasn’t sure where this was going,
but she knew she was going with it. The pleasure he had given her in
the past two days was amazing. Her life was finally on the right track.
All thoughts of moving out were gone. All she wanted was to stay and
be with Craig.

She could hear him talking on the phone but couldn’t make out

the words. Who could he be talking to for all this time? He knew she
was waiting on him. It must be important.

Unable to wait any longer, she rose from the bed and walked

naked out to the kitchen. She heard him say good-bye to someone as
she walked into the room. His back was to her, and she walked quietly
up to him and slipped her arms around his waist. Pressing against his
back, she hugged him tightly and said, “I missed you. What’s taking
so long?”

Removing her arms and turning, he pulled her into his arms, and

holding her tightly, said, “I had a call from Alan and needed to talk to
Kyle and Evan.”

“What was so important that kept you from all of this?” she

teased, rubbing up against him.

Knowing he would regret what he was about to do, he told her,

“I’ll tell you all about it later.” Then he picked her up in his arms and
carried her back to the bedroom.

Dropping her on the bed, he pulled off the sweatpants he was

wearing and climbed over her, placing a leg on either side of her hips.

“Hey, I thought we were going to shower.” She laughed.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“After, now, open wide.” He almost growled at her as he moved

up her body until he could slowly feed himself into her warm, waiting

Two hours later, they were in the kitchen eating. “So what was

going on with Alan and Kyle this morning?” she asked him.

He was quiet for a minute, and probably making another bad

decision, answered her. “I’ll tell you all about it when everyone gets

“Oh, is Jenna bringing the children?” She was excited to see her


“I don’t know, probably. Sadie and her men will be here also.”
“I hope they both bring their little ones. I love babies,” she said


Maybe it will be good to have the children, it might keep Rachel

from getting too mad at me and throwing a big tantrum. Might,” he
thought. “I hope so too,” he answered her.

A couple hours later, Craig got a call from Kyle. They were all

going to meet at his house. Jenna didn’t want to leave the children,
and there wasn’t really room in Craig’s suite for everyone. They
could have made it work, but they would all be more comfortable at
the house.

Craig advised Rachel of the change in plans, and soon they were

driving to Kyle and Jenna’s house. Feeling guilty over not telling her
sooner, Craig decided to tell her what was going on in the truck. At
least there wasn’t much she could throw, and he didn’t think she
would hit him while he was driving, at least he hoped not.

Craig told her everything that had happened and what Evan and

Alan had told him.

“That makes sense now,” Rachel said quietly, still thinking. “I

thought the man looked familiar when I saw him in the restaurant, but
I couldn’t place him. Now that I think about it, he was at the museums
and at the gallery. I wonder where else he’s been following me?” she

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Rachel sat quietly the rest of the ride, trying to think about where

else she had seen the man and figure out how long he had been
following her. She knew she had seen him somewhere else.

Craig was surprised by Rachel’s reaction. He was sure she would

have been mad at him. He was glad she wasn’t, but a little worried
that this would cause her to spiral out of control again.

“Baby, are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
“I’ve seen him somewhere else, I just can’t think where or when. I

need to figure this out. Be quiet and let me think,” she answered,
frustrated with herself for not being able to remember.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Ten

Rachel was quiet all through the meeting and most of the way

home. She played with the children and talked a little with her friends,
but where she had seen Mike Hawkins before was really worrying
her. She knew that someone would be in trouble if she didn’t

Then she decided to call Tina. Maybe talking to her would help.

Dialing the office number, she left a message. Then thinking about it,
she decided to call Tina’s personal cell. Even though Tina was her
therapist, they had also become friends, and Tina had given her all her
numbers. She left a message on Tina’s personal phone, and all she
could do was wait for the woman to call.

When they got back the suite, she told Craig, “I’m going to lie

down. I want to think. I’ve got to figure this out.”

“Don’t worry yourself too much, it will come to you. Did you get

a hold of Tina?” he asked her, wishing he could help her.

“No, I left messages. She’ll probably call me later.” Rachel

sighed. “If I’m not up in a couple hours, let me know. I think I’ll take
vacation next week and see if we can’t work some of this out.”

“Sounds like a good idea, lamb. I’m going to meet Evan in the

security office. We are going to go over the security footage and see if
we find anything out of place. I’m still worried about your wallet. I’m
sure you didn’t take it with you yesterday, and I want to make sure no
one was in here,” he told her.

“They don’t have cameras on us all the time, do they?” she asked,

thinking of what they had done in the rooms in the past few days, a
little panicked.

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Laughing, he answered. “I turn them on when I leave and turn

them off when I come in. I have a remote on my key chain that turns
the cameras on and off. That’s why you probably never noticed.”

“Whew, that’s a relief,” she replied. Reaching up, she kissed him

then went to lie down.

Craig and Evan sat in the security room, watching the footage and

talking. All of a sudden, Evan jumped up and said, “There, did you
see that? Here, let me rewind it.”

Rewinding the footage, they saw a member of the cleaning crew

go into Craig’s suite. “That’s just the cleaners,” Craig answered.

“Watch,” Evan said. They sat and watched for a few seconds, and

they saw what appeared to be a woman go into Craig’s suite and go
into Rachel’s purse. She took the wallet and slipped it in her pocket.
Then she proceeded to clean the room. It had happened Friday while
Rachel and Craig were at Tina’s.

“That answers that. Now to figure out who she is and what she’s

up to,” Evan said determinedly.

“Goddamn, I thought you had all these people checked out,” Craig

said angrily.

“I do, and I will get to the bottom of this, you can bet on that,”

Evan answered him just as angry.

Craig looked at his friend and knew Evan was as worried as he

was. “I’ve got to get back to Rachel. Let me know when you hear
anything. I want to know everything, and Kyle should too.”

“No problem, I’ll call both of you as soon as I know anything,

anything at all,” he answered, feeling guilty that this was going on
under his nose.

Rachel was still sleeping when Craig got back to the room.

Wanting to be close to her, he stripped and lay down beside her.
Pulling her to him, he lay on his back and watched his woman sleep.
Even in sleep she was beautiful.

Rachel woke slightly when she felt Craig crawl into the bed.

Snuggling up next to him, she relaxed again and kept her eyes closed.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


She still could not figure out where she’d seen the man who had given
her the note, but she knew he was familiar. She kept going back over
all the places she had been in the past few weeks, knowing the answer
was there somewhere. It had to be.

It felt good to lie there in Craig’s arms. It was one of the most

natural feelings. She had removed her clothes before lying down, so
they were both naked. His skin against hers felt warm, making her
want to crawl in there with him.

She lifted her head and saw him watching her. She smiled.

Moving down and leaning over, she took a small male nipple in her
mouth and sucked, hard. She felt his tremor and did the same to the
other one. She went back and forth between the two little pebbles
until he fisted his hands in her long red hair and pulled her up his

“Hey you,” he groaned before taking her mouth with a kiss so hot

she could have melted.

“Hey yourself,” she answered breathlessly when he finally let her

up for air. “I missed you. I sleep so much better with you here.”

Running his hands down her back to cup her ass, he squeezed both

globes and said, “Good to know, lamb, good to know.”

Flipping her onto her back, he crouched over her and took a nipple

in his mouth.

“Oohhhh,” she moaned.
“Your turn,” he said against her skin. Working back and forth, he

sucked, nipping and nibbling both of her breasts, taking as much of
her flesh in his mouth as he could.

“Take me out of my head. I need to remember and I can’t, and it’s

driving me nuts. Take me someplace else for a while, please,” she

“I know lamb, you are trying so hard to remember that you are

driving yourself crazy. Let me help you with that. Hands over your
head. Hold on tight, lamb. This is going to be a rough, hard ride, and
it’s going to take a while.” He told her chewing on her neck.

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“Thank you,” she said quietly. She complied with his instructions.

This was what she needed, a good scene with her Master to take her
out of her head. She was worried because she hadn’t heard from Tina.
Even though she had been sleeping for several hours, she would have
heard her phone, so she knew that the woman had not called back.
Where could she be?

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Chapter Eleven

Rachel was also worried for her friend Jenna, if the men were

after her, they were after Jenna too. Luckily Jenna’s bodyguard
husband was very protective and had her watched at all times, but
Rachel knew Jenna would be worried for herself and her children.
Before the men had been caught things had been very tense.

Now they were going through it again. How long would it last this

time? Before, they had gone weeks and had to have someone with
them at all times. Knowing their men, it would be the same, and now
Kyle and Jenna had children to worry about. Kyle was going to be
even more overprotective. Craig probably would be too. Speaking of
Craig, he was leaning over her, watching her intently.

“Where’d you go, lamb? I’ve been asking you a question for at

least five minutes,” Craig asked, looking concerned.

“Sorry, Master, just in my head. I’ll try to do better.” She

apologized. If she wanted to get out of her head, she needed to stay in
the here and now and pay attention.

“I think this would be a good time for a punishment. I still owe

you one from the other morning, and you definitely just earned
another one. You stay right here and don’t move unless you want me
to increase the penalty,” Craig commanded roughly.

“Yes, Master, no moving,” she answered worrying her lower lip

with her teeth.

“Good girl, I’m going to be right back,” he told her as he leaned

down and ran his thumb over her lips, pulling her bottom lip away
from her teeth before pressing his own lips to hers in a bruising kiss

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designed to keep her mind on what would happen next instead of
what was going on in the outside world.

Craig didn’t want to leave her, but needed to get a few things from

his toy closet if he was going to give her the experience he wanted to.
Trying to keep her distracted from her thoughts, he said, “I hope
you’re up for what I have planned. Do you need anything before we
start? I’m going to take a while with you tonight.” He hoped to get her
thinking about what was to come and build some anticipation.

“Maybe I should use the restroom. May I get up, Master?” she

asked in her best submissive voice.

“Yes, you have three minutes, then I expect you back in position,”

He commanded.

Rachel jumped up and ran for the bathroom to do what she needed

in the allotted time. Running back to the bed, she got into position just
as Craig turned and came back to her.

“Very good, lamb. Now I want you to roll onto your stomach and

scoot to the edge of the bed with your feet hanging over. You can put
your arms in whatever position is comfortable. I’m not going to
restrain you unless you need it. I’m hoping you will stay still for me.”

“I’ll try, Master. Thank you.”
When she was in the position he requested, she folded her arms

and rested her head there, turning it to one side trying to see what he
was doing. He was just out of her visual range. She tried turning her
head to the other side, hoping to see, but still nothing.

“I don’t want you to be able to see, lamb. Relax, I won’t hurt you.

You can always use your safe word if you need to,” he said with a
chuckle in his voice.

Stepping behind her, he spread her legs apart and skimmed his

fingers down her body from her shoulders to the middle of her back.
He leaned over her and followed his fingers with kisses, brushing his
lips over her skin. Taking a small bite out of each ass cheek, he licked
the spots he had just bitten.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Moving back over her, he lay on top of her. Careful not to put all

his weight on her, he took her mouth in a comforting kiss, deepening
it to run this tongue through her mouth. Feeling some of the tension
leave her body, he rose and grabbed two of the items he had taken
from the closet.

Taking the items, he sat on the bed beside her and showed her

what he had. “I’m going to use this tonight. I think you’re ready.”

“Yes, Master, please,” she answered, breathless from the kiss.
Leaning down, he parted her ass cheeks to expose her small

puckered hole. He licked the small opening, running his tongue round
it before pushing his tongue inside her. Taking the lube he had just
retrieved, he coated one finger and dribbled more onto her skin.
Taking the coated finger, he slowly rubbed it round and gently pushed
into her. “How are you doing?” he asked as he pushed further into her
until he was in as deep as he could go.

“Aaahh, it feels good, Master, more.” She was panting and

making little whimpering sounds.

Removing the finger, he applied more lube and gently pushed two

fingers inside her. Slowing moving them in and out and stretching
her, readying her for the plug.

“Yes, more, more,” she panted, pushing her bottom up to meet his

fingers. More, she needed more, her body demanded it.

“Do you think you can take three? I have two in there now,” he

asked her. He wanted to push her, but not too much. It had been a
long time, and even when they had played before, they hadn’t
experimented with a lot of anal play. He wasn’t sure how she was
going to respond.

“Yes, more.” She was panting and making the most incredible

little noises, moving restlessly on the bed.

She had never tried anal before. When she and Craig had played

in the past, she refused to explore it. Now she was sorry she hadn’t
done more with it. If the sensations she was feeling got any better, she
would be boneless. Why she had waited so long, she didn’t know.

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Craig was kind, considerate, and loving. She couldn’t ask for

more. Even if he was overprotective. He had done so much for her
and her mother while she was living. She hoped he felt the same way
for her. She was in love with him. There was no doubt about it. If he
asked her to leave now, she would be heartbroken. She needed him
like she needed food and water.

She felt him pull out and add a third finger. She was so full. How

she was going to take him back there, she didn’t know. He was so big
he barely fit inside her pussy. She did know she wanted to try, badly.

Craig slowly pushed three fingers inside her, stretching her. He

wanted to take her back there, but knew she wasn’t ready, she needed
to be stretched more. The plug would help, but she would still need
more stretching. The tissues were sensitive there, and he needed to be
as gentle as he could until she was ready.

“I’m going to seat the plug now. Deep breath and blow it all out,”

he told her.

Rachel filled her lungs with air, cheeks puffed out like a

chipmunk, and blew out like a whale. “What a picture this must
make,” she thought.

“Okay, one more time,” he told her. As she blew out, he pushed

the plug in. “How does that feel?”

“Very full, Master,” she answered, wiggling and trying to get


Slapping her ass, he told her, “Hold still, and relax. It’ll get better

in a minute.”

“Yeah, right,” she thought. “One of these days I’m going to stick

something up your ass.”

“I saw that thought, and I’ll be adding to your punishment,” he

said, sitting on the side of the bed. “I want you to drape yourself over
my legs. Time to start on your discipline.”

She moved gingerly into position, still fighting the plug, unused to

the feel of it.

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Helping her into position, he adjusted her body where he wanted

it. He trapped one leg between both of his and spread her wide.
Moving his fingers through her folds, he slipped a couple fingers
inside her, using his thumb to press on the plug.

“Aaahhh,” she moaned, wiggling on his lap.
Smacking her ass, he told her, “Hold still. No talking, no moving,

no coming unless I give you permission.”

“Yes, Master,” she answered, still wiggling.
He smacked her again, harder, and said, “I said stop wiggling. We

are going to begin now. I’m going to warm you up first, so you don’t
need to count.” He peppered blows over her ass and upper thighs, not
missing a spot and varying the speed and strength of his slaps.

When he had her ass the color he wanted, he grabbed the paddle

he had taken from the closet. Helping her to sit up in his lap for a
minute, he showed her the paddle. He quickly kissed her and told her
what a good girl she had been, then laid her back across his legs,
repositioning her until she was where he wanted.

“This is going to hurt. You can scream and cry. I want you to

count each blow and thank me when I’m done. Can you tell me why
you need punishment?”

“I didn’t stay in bed when you told me to yesterday, and I’ve been

thinking too much and not paying attention, Master. Thank you,
Master.” She answered him in her best sub voice.

“Okay, this is going to sting,” he told her, holding up a black

leather paddle. The thing was huge and looked wicked.

What Rachel couldn’t see was that the other side of the paddle

was covered in fur. He wanted to intimidate her, but not hurt her. He
was going to give her twenty-five blows, but not all with the leather

He hauled back and planted the first strike.
“Aaahhh, one! Thank you, Master,” she screamed. Even though

he had warmed her up, it still hurt like hell.

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He gave her four more blows with the leather side, and she

counted and thanked him for each one. Her bottom was getting red
and he could see the heat, so he turned the paddle over and gave her
the next five with the fur side, rubbing the fur over her skin before
using it on her.

After the first five blows, Rachel knew Craig was serious. He was

going to get her out of her head. Even though it hurt, bad, there was
nothing like the feeling. She had enjoyed a bite of pain before
everything that had happened and had been afraid that she wouldn’t
be able to enjoy that feeling again.

This was proving her wrong. Her entire body tingled and she

wanted more. The things he was doing to her were incredible, and if
he stopped now, she didn’t know how she would handle it.

When he turned the paddle over and rubbed the fur over her, she

sighed, and asked, “What’s that, Master? It’s very soft?”

“I said no talking, sub, five more.” He growled, taking the paddle

and showing it to her.

She giggled at the sight and sighed. It felt good to play again. She

closed her eyes and let her mind drift. This was what she needed. She
needed to go to the place where nothing mattered and the only people
in the universe were her and her Master. Craig was taking her there.

She counted five with the fur side then he turned it over again. He

completed her paddling, alternating between the fur and leather,
varying the rhythm and strength of the strokes.

When he was done, she was sobbing, but it was a good cry.
Sitting on the side of the bed, he pulled her into his lap and

cradled her in his arms. Placing little kisses all over her face, he
whispered how beautiful she was and how she had been a good girl
and how proud of her he was over and over, until her sobbing calmed
and she smiled up at him.

“Thank you, Master. That was what I needed, what I’ve been

missing. It may sound silly, but a good punishment helps clear my
mind and relieve the tension. I feel so much better. Thank you.” It

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was hard to explain, but it felt as if a great weight had been lifted
from her and the fog was gone. Her head was clear, and the world
seemed brighter. Everything was going to be okay.

“You’re welcome, lamb. I’m glad you feel better. Are you up for

doing something for your Master, now?” He asked her, grinning.

“Anything, Master,” she answered.
“Be careful how you answer. I may take you up on that one day.

Now on your knees.”

She slid off his lap and knelt in front of him. “May I use my

hands, Master?” she asked contritely, wanting to be able to touch him.

“Yes, lamb, you may touch me.” Craig scooted a little closer to

the edge of the bed and spread his legs so she could kneel between
them. She opened his pants and he fisted his hands in her hair, guiding
her to his raging hard-on.

Opening her mouth, Rachel ran her tongue over the head of him,

licking the droplet waiting for her there. Wrapping both hands around
the base of him, she opened wide and slowly took him into her mouth.
Swallowing, she fed more and more of him into her until she could
take no more.

Moving slowly, she gradually pulled back until she had just the

head in her mouth. She ran her tongue over and over it until, using his
hands in her hair, he pushed back in to the back of her throat.

Fighting to keep from gagging, Rachel swallowed and took a deep

breath through her nose. He continued using his hands, controlling her
movements, and she soon became aware the he was controlling all her

She relaxed and let him take over. Continuing to swallow and

breathe through her nose, she closed her eyes and reveled in his

Craig was watching Rachel intently and knew the moment she

gave in. He saw her body relax in a pose of total submission. She was
his. Forever.

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He knew he was in love. He had loved her from the moment he

rescued her. There was no way she was getting away from him. His
cock grew and his chest swelled with pride. This was his woman. He
was going to have the dream. They hadn’t talked about children, but
they would. Hell, yeah, he wanted the whole package. As soon as they
caught the man that was stalking her, he would ask her to marry him.

Whispering “I love you,” he came in her mouth.
Rachel swallowed and swallowed, not wanting to miss a drop. “I

must be hearing things,” she thought. She could swear Craig said, “I
love you.” Maybe he was just caught up in the moment.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twelve

Using her tongue, Rachel laved every inch of him and gently

released him from her mouth. Leaning back on her heels, she looked
up into his eyes. There she saw the truth. Her ears were not deceiving
her. He did say it. She could see it. Her mind filled with wonder.

Did he want the same things she did? Was she ready for this?

Would he want children? Would he want marriage? Where would
they go from here? Everything had changed in the last few minutes.

Craig saw the gamut of emotions run over Rachel’s face. He

removed his hands from her hair, and slipping them under her arms,
pulled her up into his lap.

“Are you okay, lamb?” He hoped he hadn’t scared her.
“Master…did you say…?” she asked hesitantly.
Holding her tightly to him, he buried his face in her hair and

answered, “Yes, lamb, I love you.”

“You do?” She knew it was true, but couldn’t keep the wonder out

of her voice.

“Yes, lamb, I do. I. Love. You. And have for a long time,” he told

her, cupping her face in his hands and with the last word taking her

The kiss took her breath away, and everything was a blur. Nothing

existed except the two of them.

Pulling back, he put a finger to her lips. “Lamb, I don’t want you

to say it until you are ready. I know how you feel for me, and when
you are ready, you will say it.”

He took her lips again and rolled them into the bed. Pulling her

close to him, he slipped one leg over both of hers and covered them

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with a light blanket. “Sleep now, love. We’ll talk more later.” Now
that he had said it once, he would never tire of telling her and calling
her that.

They rested for a short time then got up for dinner. Rachel

checked her phone. Still nothing from Tina. She left another message
at her office and on her personal cell. There was nothing else she
could do. If she knew where the woman lived, she would have gone to
the house, but she didn’t.

Craig and Rachel ate dinner, then he told her what he and Evan

had found out from the surveillance footage. Rachel was pissed, but
not sure at whom. Restless, she suggested they take a drive. “Drive by
Tina’s office, just in case she might be working for some reason,” she

“Love, I think that if she was at the office, she would have

called.” Craig tried to reason with her.

“I know, but it’s something to do, and I’ll feel better if I know that

her office is okay.”

Craig drove to Tina’s office. When they got there, there was a

note on the door. Closed until further notice. For emergencies,
and a phone number was given.

Taking her cell phone, Rachel quickly dialed the number. She got

an answering service. “Dr. Springs is out of town on a personal
emergency. Dr. Music is taking calls from her patients. I can have him
call you if you want me to,” the service told her. “Or her secretary
should be in the office tomorrow. You could call her and see if she
has more information she can give you,” the woman told her.

“Thank you, I will check back tomorrow.” Rachel ended the call.

Telling Craig what she had discovered, she asked him to take her
home. Part of her felt relieved and part of her was still worried. There
was nothing more she could do tonight.

They went back to the suite and cuddled on the couch, watching

movies until bedtime. There was no word from Evan, and the evening

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


was quiet. Rachel fell asleep in Craig’s arms, and he carried her to

Waking in the middle of the night, Rachel sat straight up in bed.

She knew where she had seen Mike Hawkins. She thumped Craig on
the shoulder until he was awake also.

“What’s up, love? Did you have another nightmare?” She hadn’t

had one for several months, but with everything that was going on, it
could have triggered them again.

“No, I know where I saw him. I have to talk to Tina.” He could

hear the panic in her voice.

“Rachel, calm down. We can’t reach Tina until tomorrow at the

earliest. Where did you see the man?”

“That’s it, don’t you see? She can’t know. It would be a conflict if

she did. I know she doesn’t know. I have to tell her.” Rachel was
bouncing on the bed, frantic.

“Rachel, I don’t understand. What do you have to tell Tina?” He

tried to use a soothing tone, hoping to help her calm down.

“He was at Tina’s office. I only saw him a couple of times, but I

think he was a patient. She wouldn’t see him if she knew. Wouldn’t
that be considered a conflict of interest? What could he be doing
there? I hope he isn’t trying to get to me through her.”

“Yes, love, I think it would be considered a conflict. You’re right,

she must not know. That doesn’t mean she’s in danger. As soon as her
office opens, we will call and see what we can find out. I’ll text Evan
and see if he can find her home address, then you and I will go and
check out her house.”

Knowing she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, Craig rose, and

taking her hand, led her out to the couch. He sat and pulled her into
the vee of his legs and turned the television on. Wrapping his arms
around her, he held her, rubbing his hands over her body, trying to
calm her.

Rachel leaned back against him, trying to relax, but her mind was

going a hundred miles a minute. They had to find Tina. What was

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Mike Hawkins doing at Tina’s office? Was it all a coincidence? How
could it be? She knew the man had seen her there. If she recognized
him, he had to have seen her. What was his reasoning for being there?
On and on she went, the thoughts running rampant in her head.

Minutes passed like hours. Why did it have to be the middle of the

night and why was no one calling them back? Looking at Craig, she
asked, “Did you text or call Evan?”

“Honey, it’s the middle of the night. I sent him a text. He’ll start

working on finding Tina as soon as he gets the message.”

“Oh, I…okay,” she answered disappointedly. She knew that they

couldn’t wake everybody up, but she hated waiting. “Do you think
he’ll check his messages if he gets up with the baby?” Sadie had just
had the baby, and she knew they would be up during the night with
the child.

“I don’t know what his routine is. He may not check messages

until morning. I know he’ll get on it as fast as he can. We need to give
people time. We’ll go to Tina’s office as soon as it opens, then you
can talk to Margaret as soon as she gets there.” Margaret was Tina’s
secretary and had been with her for years. If anyone knew what was
going on, Margaret would.

“Thank you, that will help. I’ll go get dressed so I’m ready,”

Rachel said, jumping up, glad for something to do.

Even though they had hours before Margaret would be at the

office, Craig let her go and went to get dressed himself. Might as
well. They were not getting any more sleep tonight.

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Chapter Thirteen

The time seemed to drag. To help it pass faster, Craig took Rachel

for breakfast. They still arrived at Tina’s office before Margaret and
had to sit and wait for several long minutes.

When the woman pulled up, Rachel jumped out of the truck and

ran to her. Craig followed a little slower and got there in time to hear
Rachel ask, “Do you know where Tina is?”

“Hi, Miss Greene, she’s out of town.”
“Where? For how long? How can I reach her?” Rachel demanded.
“I can’t really say. Dr. Music is handling all her emergencies, do

you want his number?” Margaret asked, thinking that Rachel needed

Craig slipped an arm around Rachel and said, “Let’s go in, and

you can explain everything to Margaret, love. She needs more
information to be able to help us.” He guided the two women to the

When they got into Tina’s office, Rachel was frantic. Craig sat her

down and explained the situation to Margaret. Margaret quickly
understood the severity of the situation. She explained that Tina had
had a family emergency and had gone back to her hometown. She
would be out of touch for several days, and there was no cell service
in the small town. She further explained that Tina should call in for
messages in a few days, and she would convey all the information to
her then. She promised to give her Rachel’s numbers and encourage
her to call.

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Rachel felt much better, but still wanted to check out Tina’s house

and make sure there was no foul play. Craig convinced Margaret to
give them Tina’s home address, and they went there next.

From the outside, everything looked normal, and peeking in the

windows, all looked good. While they were looking around the house,
a patrol car drove by and then came back and talked to them. Craig
explained the situation. The officer promised to have patrols watch
the house and sent them on their way.

When they got back to the club, Craig called Evan to let him

know they had Tina’s address and what they had found out. Evan had
identified the cleaner that had been in Craig’s room, but the woman
seemed to have disappeared. No one could reach her, and there was
no answer at her door.

He did discover that she had recently acquired a new boyfriend

and wondered if that had anything to do with the situation. He
promised to let Craig know when he found more out.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Fourteen

Rachel was exhausted from stress and not sleeping, so while Craig

was on the phone, she went to the bedroom to lie down. Stripping off
her clothes, she sat on the side of the bed and thought about all they
had discovered. She still felt something was wrong, but didn’t know
what. While she was sitting there thinking, Craig came in and sat
beside her. He told her what Evan had discovered and what the plan

What he didn’t tell her was that Evan was going to try and find

Tina’s hometown and check out the story they were given. Not that he
didn’t believe Margaret, but something didn’t feel right.

Wrapping her in his arms, he pressed his lips to hers, slowly

deepening the kiss until they were both out of breath and panting. He
lay back on the bed and pulled her on top of him, enjoying the feeling
of her body on his.

“You have too many clothes on,” she said against the skin at the

neck of his shirt and started undoing buttons.

“I agree with you, but I don’t want to move, and I don’t want you

to move, you feel so good, love,” he told her as he pulled her up for
another kiss and ran his hands down her back to her ass.

Parting her cheeks, he ran his fingers down her slit, rimming the

small puckered hole there. “I want to take you here, are you ready?”
he asked her as he pressed one thumb to the small pucker.

“Aaahhh!” She let out a little scream, not quite ready for his

intrusion. “Please.” She pleaded, not sure if she wanted him to stop or

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“Please what, lamb? What does my love want?” Since he had told

her he loved her, he couldn’t stop saying the word. What a sap he was

“I need. Please, Master,” she pleaded again. His thumb in her ass

felt decadent, and she wondered how his cock would feel in there. He
was so big, she was sure it would feel like a telephone pole was being
stuck up there, but she knew she had to try, even if she ended up using
her safe word. His fingers and the toys he had used had given her the
most intense feelings, she needed more.

“Are you ready, love? I want to take you here, please say you’re

ready.” Using his other hand, he now had both thumbs inside her and
was rhythmically squeezing both globes of her ass.

Raising up and looking into his eyes, Rachel smiled and answered

him. “Please, Master, I want to try.” Then she leaned down and
brushed his mouth with hers.

He reached up, and fisting one hand in her hair, pressed her to

him, deepening the kiss. Slowly rolling them over, he moved her to
the middle of the bed and crawled over her. Kissing her again, he rose
off her and said, “I have to get rid of these clothes and I need a couple
things before. Do you need to use the bathroom?”

“No, Master, I’m good.” She smiled at him again.
He slowly moved off of her and quickly went to the toy closet. He

came back to the bed and laid down the items he had retrieved.
Quickly stripping, he crawled back into the bed with her. Straddling a
leg on either side of her, he leaned over her with an arm on either side
of her, effectively caging her with his body. “Now, little sub, you.
Are. Mine.” He almost growled at her. Leaning down, he took her
mouth in a bruising kiss that seemed to last forever. When he finally
let her up for air, she was breathless and trembling. “And that is just
the beginning, little lamb. Hold on, this is going to be a rough ride and
take a while.” He told her in an almost threatening tone.

Her eyes grew wide, and then she smiled. She knew he would

never hurt her, and maybe a wild, rough ride was what she needed.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


She reached up and locked her fingers behind his neck, pulling him
back down to her. Just before his lips met hers, she said, “Bring it on,
Master. I’m ready for whatever you can dish out.” Then she pressed
her mouth to his, willing him to take over.

He didn’t disappoint her and took her in one of the hottest kisses

she had ever felt. Her whole body was melting like snow in a heat
wave before he was done, and this was just a kiss. What else did he
have planned for her?

Listening to the words that came from her mouth had him so hot,

he hoped he could last long enough to make this all he planned for it
to be. Deciding he needed to take the edge off for both of them before
he continued, he took her mouth again and fit himself to her pussy.

“You think you can take all I can dish out? Ready yourself, this is

just a preliminary.” Pressing firmly, he slammed into her with a hard
thrust, burying himself to the balls.

“Oh my God, yes,” she screamed and clawed at his back. “Don’t


He slammed in and out of her, and though it seemed impossible,

he went deeper with each thrust. He reached down and grabbed her
ass with both hands, holding her still as he thrust faster and harder.

She tried to move to meet his thrusts, but with him holding her, all

she could do was lie and take what he was giving her. And boy, was
he giving it to her. It had never been like this with anybody in her life.
Even before with Craig, she had never experienced the sensations and
sense of attachment she felt now. He was part of her, and she would
be incomplete without him. If something were to happen to him, her
life would end.

Letting go of her ass, he reached around and pressed his thumb to

her clit, rotating it and applying the pressure he knew she needed to
get relief.

“Aaahh, oh God, I…I’m…I’m going to come,” she screamed.
Moving his thumb, he panted. “Not yet, you aren’t.” He slammed

even harder and faster.

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“Oh, God, please, please, please,” she chanted, arching her body

to meet his every thrust.

He reached around, and parting her ass cheeks, stuck one finger

up her ass and pulling it back out, added another finger. Moving his
fingers with the same rhythm he was moving his cock, he told her,
“Now, Come!” and slammed his mouth to hers.

She screamed into his mouth, and her world burst into fireworks

and lightning. Her body stiffened in an arch reaching for more. He
continued his thrusts with his cock and fingers for a few more minutes
before he came with an explosion.

He collapsed on top of her, and knowing he should move off of

her, he lay there for a few minutes, catching his breath and enjoying
the feeling of her beneath him.

Rachel tried to catch her breath. With Craig on top of her, it was

difficult, but the feeling was good. She liked having his weight on her
but needed to take a few deep breaths.

Craig saw her struggling to breathe and rolled off of her, pulling

her on top of him. “Are you okay, love?” he asked as he rubbed her

“I…just…need…to…breathe,” she answered, panting with each


He rubbed her back soothingly and let her lie on him and catch her

breath. When she calmed down and was breathing normally, he asked
her again if she was okay.

Nuzzling into his chest, she answered him. “Yes, that was

incredible. How soon can we do it again?”

“Oh, lamb, you are going to be so much trouble. We aren’t done

by a long ways. You don’t know what you’re in for.”

“Like I said before, bring it on.” She giggled and bit one of his

nipples, hard.

He smacked her ass, and said, “Behave, or you’ll know what a

punishment feels like, and I’ll take that ass sore or not.”

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“Big threat, lover boy,” she teased him. This was fun and felt

right. She loved the banter between them, and was glad they were
comfortable enough to be able to play like this.

Laughing, he flipped her, and sitting on the side of the bed, he

pulled her over his lap. “I’ll show you threats. Five for being a smart-
ass and five because I can.” Then he smacked her ass hard ten times.
When he was done, he pulled her into his arms and slammed his
mouth on hers, grinding her lips against her teeth. When she opened
her mouth to scream with laughter, he thrust his tongue inside and
swept her mouth with it.

Pulling back, he asked her, “gonna tease me again, smart-ass?”
Giggling, she looked up at him and answered. “Yep, every chance

I get. That was just lame, if you’re going to punish me, at least make
it worth my while.” She knew she was asking for it, but it felt so good
to tease him.

“Oh, I can make it worth your while,” he said, showing her the

paddle he had taken out of the closet. It was big enough to cover both
her cheeks with one swat and had little holes drilled in it in evenly
spaced increments. The thing was about an inch thick, and if wielded
correctly, it could do some real damage. Craig didn’t want that, but
she was going to get five with it. “Game on,” he told her smugly.

Swallowing, she thought to herself, “What have I done now? I’ll

never learn when to keep my mouth shut.”

“Bring it,” she answered back cheekily, knowing she was asking

for it.

“No problem, love,” he answered, accenting the last word. “You

were going to get five, but now I think you can take ten. Use your safe
word if you need to. For this, your safe word only stops the paddling.
Everything else will continue.” He wasn’t going to let her off easy,
but wanted her to know she could stop if it became too much and that
they would continue to play.

“For the third time. Bring. It. On.” She was going to be in so

much trouble, but at the same time, she knew Craig would never give

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her more than she could take. She loved the fact that he reminded her
she could use her safe word, giving her and her big mouth an out, but
she had provoked him into this, and she was going to show him that
she could take what he was dishing out.

“You asked for it,” he told her, moving her off his lap and

standing up. He quickly flipped her to her stomach and positioned her
with her feet dangling off the side of the bed and her ass at the edge.
Looking down, he tapped a finger to his lips. “Hmm.” He studied her,
knowing she could see him. Reaching up on the bed, he grabbed a
couple pillows. Lifting her, he placed them under her abdomen,
raising her ass to the perfect angle.

“That’s what was needed, now everything is perfect,” he told her.

He rubbed both of his big hands over her ass, moving in circles and
covering all the skin from the top of her ass to her upper thighs. He
stopped rubbing and starting smacking. Applying light slaps to the
skin he had just caressed.

He reached between her legs and ran his fingers through her

wetness, stroking up and down until she moaned. Removing his hand,
he went back to work on her ass, continuing to smack her, gradually
building the intensity.

When he had her skin the color he wanted it, he grabbed the

paddle, and placing one hand on the middle of her back, told her,
“Love, I’m going to use the paddle now.”

Holding her back firmly, he reared back and smacked her. Her

skin immediately turned a bright red and she squealed.

“That was one, love. Do you want to use your safe word?” he

asked, rubbing the red mark.

“No, Master, I wish to continue.” She answered him, tears running

down her face. Fisting the pillow she had pulled under her face, she
grabbed a big chunk of it between her teeth and braced herself for the
next blow.

She had always enjoyed a bite of pain and thought that had been

ruined for her. The paddling was causing the most extreme feelings.

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More intense than she ever remembered. She had been afraid she
wouldn’t enjoy this kind of play again. She was very happy she was

She must have drifted into subspace, because, the next thing she

knew, Craig was rubbing her skin with a cream or ointment and
saying, “This will help the sting and the bruising. Are you back with
me, lamb?

“Yes, Master. I’m green Master,” she answered with a sigh, still


“I’m going to start preparing your ass for me, love. I’ll be using

lots of lube and going slow. It will burn at first, worse than my
fingers, but stay with me and it will get better.”

He prepared her as best he could, using the promised lube and his

fingers. Leaning over her body and effectively restraining her body
with his, he fitted himself to her and slowly pushed his way in, not
stopping until his mushroom-shaped head was past both rings of
muscle designed to keep intruders out.

Having got that far, he stopped and gave her a minute to get used

to him. Once he felt her body relax, he pulled back a little and pushed
further in. It was torture to go so slow, but he wasn’t going to chance
hurting her.

He felt her wiggling and trying to push back and take more of him

and knew the time was right. He pulled most of the way out, and with
a quick motion of his hips, thrust in half the way.

“Oh my God!” she screamed.
“And that’s not all of me, love. I’m not going all the way tonight,

we’ll work up to that. For now, this is all you get.”

Thank God,” she thought, “it feels like there’s a log up there

now.She tried to relax and took a deep breath.

Being careful not to put too much weight on her, he leaned into

her a little more. Fisting his hand around his cock so he didn’t go too
far, he continued to pull most of the way out and slam back in. By
covering her body with his, he could better gauge her responses and

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knew when she was ready for more. Keeping his fist where it was, he
increased his speed until they both came with a scream.

He pulled out of her, lying down on his back beside her and pulled

her upper torso to lie across his chest. Running his fingers through her
hair, they lay there in the glow of the aftermath, enjoying each other’s

After a few minutes, he got up and went into the bathroom. He

cleaned himself and came back with a warm rag for Rachel. She was
sleeping so soundly that she didn’t move while he was attending to

He moved her to the center of the bed and crawled in beside her.

Pulling her body to spoon with his, he cupped one breast and closed
his eyes.

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Chapter Fifteen

He woke to the sound of the phone ringing. Knowing his voice

mail would pick up, he relaxed back onto the bed, wanting to enjoy a
few more minutes with Rachel. When the phone starting ringing
again, he thought, “what the hell?” Jumping up, he ran for the phone.

“Michaels, here.” Craig barked into the phone.
“I have info. How soon can you get to the security office?” Evan

barked back.

“Twenty.” Craig barked back into the phone, not happy about

needing to leave Rachel, but he knew Evan wouldn’t be calling unless
it was important. One of the nice things about being in the Air Force
together was that they didn’t need to waste time on words. He could
be blunt, and Evan would understand. Disconnecting the call, he
stomped to the shower.

When he got out of the shower, he stopped to check on Rachel

after dressing. He wanted to make sure she was still sleeping. She
looked peaceful and content.

He scribbled a note that told her where he was and left it on his

pillow where she would find it in case she woke before he got back
and headed to the security office.

He got there with five minutes to spare, and looking at Evan, he

said, “This better be good. What’s up?” Knowing it was.

“We found the person who took Rachel’s wallet,” Evan


“Great, I want to talk to her,” Dave said back.
“You can’t. She’s dead,” Evan stated flatly.
“Oh fuck,” Dave answered back, sitting down.

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“F.U.B.A.R. all the way, man.”
“Fucked up beyond all recognition” was a phrase they had

frequently used in the Air Force when a mission went wrong.

“Details?” Craig asked, deflated.
“Not much at this point, man. Her apartment was trashed and the

body was a mess. I’ll spare you the gory parts. Needless to say, she
suffered. The cops don’t have many clues, but I suspect Hawkins.
Unfortunately the ass-hat seems to have disappeared. I have several
operatives working on it. Kyle has pulled some contacts out of the
wood and is seeing what he can find on his end. This is one big
S.N.A.F.U., let me tell you.”

“Situation normal all fucked up” was another expression they had

used in the Air Force.

Dave was glad to hear that Kyle was using his contacts too.

Before retiring, Kyle had been one of the most-demanded bodyguards
in the country, guarding everyone from movie starts to presidents.
When he retired, the man was at the top of his game. His contacts
could be some powerful and influential people. Craig didn’t want to
think about what Kyle and Evan could do when they put their
considerable resources together. He was just glad they were on his

“Great, man, keep me posted. Are there any clues?” Craig wasn’t

surprised to find out that Evan suspected Hawkins. Hell, at this point
he did too.

“No, but I have more bad news,” Evan added.
“Great, what?”
“Two more of the asses are due to be released in the next two

weeks. We are beefing up security even more, and I suggest that
Rachel take a leave from work until this is resolved. Kyle has put
Jenna on lockdown. You don’t want to know how pissed she is.”

“I bet. He’s gonna be in the middle of a hornet’s nest. I may not

be much better off,” he said with a little laugh.

“Better you two than me,” Evan answered, laughing.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


The men talked for a while longer, then Craig left to check on

Rachel and break the news to her. He was on bartending duty that
night and needed to take a quick nap first.

When he got back to the room, Rachel was still sleeping. He

quickly stripped and lay down beside her, pulling her body to spoon
his. He felt her body relax into his, and the tension he had been
feeling seemed to melt away. They would get through this.

When he woke several hours later, the bed was empty. Checking

the rest of the suite, it was also empty. Where the hell could she be?

He grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them and a shirt on.

Slipping his feet into sneakers, he headed for the club. No sign of her
there either. He ran back to the suite, and her purse and car keys were

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Chapter Sixteen

When Rachel woke, Craig was sleeping. Looking at him, she

couldn’t believe how much she loved him. Being with him was the
best thing that had ever happened to her, which was why she had to
leave. Right fucking now, before she changed her mind.

Jumping up, she pulled on the first thing she saw and threw some

clothes in a bag. Grabbing her purse, phone, and keys, she walked
determinedly to the door, hoping she didn’t see anyone along the way.
She walked cautiously past the security office, hoping to get by
without any questions.

Evan saw Rachel go by and thought about stopping her but didn’t.

He simply activated the tracking on her phone and let her go.

Once Rachel got by the security office, she increased her pace

until she was almost sprinting. If she slowed down, she’d lose her
nerve, and she didn’t want to stop and answer any questions. Walking
out the back door, she let out a sigh of relief. So far, so good. She
went to her old beater of a car and hoped it started. She hadn’t started
it for several days, and it wasn’t the most reliable. When it did, she let
out another sound of relief. Now where to go? She didn’t want to go
to any of her friends or family, not wanting to put anyone else in
danger. Maybe a cheap motel for now until she had some time to
think and make other plans. She had to find some place to hide, not
only from Hawkins, but someplace where Craig and the guys couldn’t
find her.

If Craig found her, there would be hell to pay. Actually, not if, but

when. She had no doubt he would find her, but hopefully not until this
all blew over and everyone would be safe. She hoped she didn’t have

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


to hide too long. She was really going to miss Craig. Just thinking
about him made her cry. If anything happened to him, her life would
be over.

Rachel decided to head down I-70 to the state line and find a place

in Kansas to stay. No one would think of looking for her there. She
hoped her car would make it. What she didn’t know was that Craig
had been making sure the routine maintenance was done on her car
and had some minor repairs done before she had started driving it
back to work. He made sure it was started every other day by him or
someone in the club. He didn’t want her driving something that
wasn’t safe.

Driving along, it was all Rachel could do to keep from crying. She

didn’t want to have to do this. When her phone rang, she jumped.
Grabbing it, she looked at the caller ID and saw it was Craig. Shit!

“Hello?” she answered tentatively.
“Where the fuck are you?” She could tell he was mad, and she

tried not to let that faze her.

“You aren’t safe with me there. I’m going to hide until this is all

over. I don’t want to take the chance of you or anyone else getting
hurt.” She was sobbing.

Taking a deep breath, Craig said a quick prayer and counted to

ten. “Baby, you need to come home. We’ll keep you safe here,” he
told her in what he hoped was a calm voice. He didn’t want to upset
her any further, but he needed to get through to her.

Sobbing, Rachel said quickly, “I can’t do that,” and disconnected

the call. Pressing the button to mute the ringer and put the phone on
vibrate, she put the phone on the seat next to her and grabbed the
wheel with both hands. It was starting to rain, and she needed to pay
attention to her driving.

“Shit!” Craig cursed at his phone as the line went dead. He called

back five times before he got the message she wasn’t going to answer.
He headed to the security office, hoping Evan was still there.

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As he walked into the office, Evan saw him and pointed at a chair

next to him. “Sit,” he said. “I know, I activated the tracking device on
her phone the minute I saw her walk out of here.”

“Thank God, but why the hell didn’t you stop her?” Craig was

glad Evan had thought to activate the tracking but couldn’t understand
why Evan hadn’t stopped her. They could have avoided this if he had.

“Tell me what’s up first,” Evan answered him.
That’s when Craig realized that Evan had no idea that Rachel had

left without telling him and had no way of knowing that she was on
the run.

Craig quickly brought him up to speed, and Evan looked at him.

“What the fuck are we doing sitting here? She has to have at least a
forty-five minute lead on us.” Grabbing a laptop, he prodded Craig
towards the door.

‘You drive, I’ll direct,” he said as they jumped in the truck. He no

more than had his belt fastened, telling Craig, “Head for I-70 East,
I’m going to call some of the crew in case we need back up.”

The rain was really coming down, and Rachel had to slow way

down because she could hardly see. She didn’t dare pull over. She
needed to keep going. Craig was probably trying to find her.

Slowing to a crawl, she cursed the rain.
Mike Hawkins could hardly believe his luck. After meeting the

bitch in the restaurant, he had waited for days for an opportunity like
this. Killing the slut who had taken the bitch’s wallet was messy and
unfortunate, but necessary. That slut was his only tie to the wallet, and
he didn’t need her getting mouthy. Now the bitch was finally alone,
but where the fuck was she going? This rain sucked, and he was
afraid he was going to lose her in the mess.

Rachel saw headlights coming fast in her rear window and was

scared the car was going to ram her. Gripping the wheel tightly and
bracing for the impact, she prayed. At the last minute, the car veered
around her. Just another car on the highway who didn’t see her until
the last minute because of the rain. The other car sped on, and Rachel

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breathed a sigh of relief. The rain was finally letting up, so she
gradually increased her speed and relaxed a little. Her phone had
finally stopped buzzing. She had several missed calls, probably all
from Craig. She’d have to look when she stopped. That wasn’t going
to be until she found someplace to stay. She had decided to only stay
at a place for one night, then move. If she drove during the day and
slept at night, she should be able to hide for several days and no one
would find her. She never thought that someone could be following
her or about the possibility that Evan could track her with her phone.

After driving for several hours, she found a place that looked good

for the night. It was small, but the outside looked kept up and she
hoped it was clean. She drove to a truck stop. She could get gas and
food there. As she walked in, she felt someone watching her, but
looking around, she didn’t see anyone.

She went into the diner they had there and ordered a meal. She

still couldn’t get over the feeling of being watched and ate quickly,
wanting to get out of there.

Mike Hawkins watched the bitch and waited. He had all night to

make his move.

Rachel filled her car with gas and got some snacks and other

things from the small store there. She didn’t need to worry about
breakfast. The motel boasted a buffet breakfast, so she would eat
before she left in the morning, providing the breakfast was edible.

She checked into the motel, happy it was the kind where all the

rooms were on the inside and only accessible from the lobby. For
anyone to get to her, they would have to go by the front desk. That
made her feel a little safer.

She settled in for the night and let herself have the crying fit she

needed. Pulling herself together, she stripped her clothes off and got
ready for a shower.

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Chapter Seventeen

“She won’t be sitting for a month of Sundays when I get done

with her,” Craig told Evan as he drove. The rain and hail had made
them slow down, and he was so pissed he was seeing red. He knew he
needed to calm down, but the more he thought about what a stupid,
moronic, idiotic fool Rachel was being, it just ramped him up higher.

Evan wisely kept quiet and watched the computer screen.
“Of all the things to do at a time like this. If anything happens to

her, I’ll…” his words trailed off, unable to finish his thought.

Evan continued watching the computer screen for a few minutes

and announced, “I think she’s stopped for the night. She’s been in the
same area for a while. I thought at first she had just stopped to eat, but
now’s she moved to a secondary location and has been there for a
while. I’m surprised her old car made it this far.”

“That’s my fault, I had the damn thing fixed and started every

other day. I’m taking her fucking keys,” Craig ranted. “How long
before we get to her?” he asked, relieved that she had stopped and
they could finally catch up to her, hopefully before anyone else did.

“Less than an hour,” Evan answered. The rain and hail had made

them stop for over half an hour, and it gave Rachel a good lead.
Apparently she had missed the worst of the storm and it hadn’t
slowed her down like it did them.

Craig hit the gas. No way it was going to take an hour. Knowing

they were that close just made him more anxious to get to Rachel.

Evan gave Craig the coordinates where Rachel was and made a

quick call to Dave and Sadie to let them know what was going on,

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


then leaned back to catch some z’s. He had a feeling he was going to
be driving them home.

To help pass the time, Craig plotted all the punishments his little

lamb was going to get. She definitely wouldn’t be sitting for a while,
and if he let her come in this lifetime, it would be a miracle. Yes, his
little lamb was definitely in for a hard time. He chuckled at his own
double entendre.

* * * *

Rachel was getting ready to get in the shower when she heard

something hit her window. Glad she was on the second floor, she
grabbed a towel and went to see what the noise was. She looked out
the window for a few minutes, and seeing nothing, turned towards the

She’d taken a couple steps when she heard the sound again.

“What the fuck?” she thought, looking again. Still seeing nothing, she
turned the radio on for some music and went to take her shower.

“Stupid bitch,” Mike Hawkins thought. When he hit the window,

she did just as expected and looked out. He had thrown rocks at half
the windows in the place before he found the bitch. Now that he knew
where she was, he could get something to eat and come back for her
later. She was obviously in for the night.

Craig made it to the motel in record time. Convincing the little gal

behind the desk to tell them Rachel’s room and give them a spare key
was too easy.

Too impatient to wait for the ancient elevator, they bounded up

the stairs. What the receptionist hadn’t told them was that they were
not the only people interested in the woman in 206.

Praying they were in time, Evan and Craig sprinted to Rachel’s

room, and using the key, Craig opened the door.

She hadn’t even used the security lock. “She is so getting it,”

Craig thought.

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Bursting into the room, it appeared to be empty. The radio was

playing, and Rachel’s clothes were on the bed. Listening, they heard
the shower running. Evan found a chair and sat back to watch the
show. It was going to be a good one.

Looking at his friend, Craig opened bathroom door, not bothering

to be quiet. It was obvious that Rachel couldn’t hear anything.

He walked into the room, and grabbing the shower curtain, he

yanked it back. Rachel screamed and threw the bottle of shampoo
she’d been holding at him.

“Hey, baby,” Craig said, proud of himself, catching the bottle.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing? How did you find

me? How did you get in here? You scared the hell out of me!” She
screamed and started crying.

He rinsed the soap from her hair and turned the water off. Lifting

her out of the shower, he wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the
bed, where he sat on the side and held her while she cried, not caring
that she was getting him wet.

Finally she came up for air and looked into his face. Cupping his

face with both of her hands, she smiled at him and said, “I thought I’d
never see you again.”

“You’re not getting rid of me that easy,” he answered as he leaned

down and gave her a long, lingering kiss. Standing her up, he told her,
“Get dressed, we’re going home. Master Evan wants to get back to
Sadie and the baby, and we’ll all be safer there.”

Whirling around, Rachel looked and saw Evan sitting in the chair,

grinning. Somehow she had lost the towel and was standing there
naked. Looking for it, Craig was holding it just out of her reach, and
he was sitting on her clothes.

“Give me the towel,” she screamed, grabbing frantically for it.
“I don’t know, not really the proper tone for a submissive,

especially one that’s in as much trouble as you are, my lamb. What do
you think, Master Evan?” he said seriously, dangling the towel just
out of her reach.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Give me the fucking towel now, you ass wipe,” she demanded,

too mad to temper her tongue.

Evan looked at Craig and said, laughing, “I’m going to gas up the

truck. I’ll be back in an hour or less.” Looking at Rachel, he said,
“Honey, if I were you, I’d watch that mouth. You’re already in more
trouble than you want to be.” Then he walked out of the room
chuckling. That little girl was in so much trouble, and as much as he
didn’t want to miss the fun, he had his own trouble at home.

Nodding to Evan, Craig grabbed Rachel around the waist and

flipped her over his knee. Pulling her legs apart, he smacked her five
times hard on the ass, then shoved three fingers into her pussy.
Fucking his fingers in and out of her, he asked, “Are you ready to
watch your mouth, little lamb?”

“That fucking hurt, you asshole,” she answered.
Pulling his fingers out of her, he gave her five more smacks and

flipped her over to sit on his lap.

“This isn’t even the beginning, little lamb. I know Master Evan

wants to get home, or we would stay here and finish this.”

Rachel was so mad she sputtered and couldn’t say anything.

Struggling, she tried to get loose, but Craig was having no part of it.
When she finally found her words, it was not pretty. Somewhere in
her head she knew she needed to shut up and shut up now. Her bottom
was pleading with her, but she just kept digging herself deeper and

It took a while, but Craig finally got her calm enough to get

dressed and talk reasonably to him.

“I’m so afraid that someone will get hurt,” she sobbed.
“Love, the safest place for you is with me. There are several of us

at the club, all former military, and we will all protect you. If Kyle’s
house wasn’t a fortress, Jenna would be staying at the club also. Let’s
gather your things and go home.”

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Still sobbing, Rachel nodded and helped him gather the few things

she had. He wrapped his arm firmly around her and walked her out to
the parking lot.

Evan was waiting in the truck, and Craig lifted her in. “Wait, my

car!” Rachel cried.

“We’ll send someone for it tomorrow. You’re staying with me,”

Craig told her firmly.

“But…” Rachel started to say, but one look from Craig and she

wisely shut up. He was probably still counting her punishments.

He slid into the truck beside her and lifted one of her legs over his,

opening her wide. Slipping his hand inside her jeans, he found her clit
and played.

Eventually Rachel fell asleep, and when she woke, Craig was

carrying her into the club. “We’re home?” she asked sleepily.

“Yes, love,” he answered, still walking. He carried her into the

suite and straight to the bedroom. What a F.U.B.A.R. night. Thank
God everything had worked out.

Dave carried Rachel to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. He

quickly stripped the clothes off the still sleeping woman before
stripping himself.

While he was undressing her, Rachel opened her eyes and smiled

at him, then closed them again. She was home.

Craig slipped into the bed beside her and pulled her close.

Tomorrow would be soon enough to deal with everything that had
happened. Tonight, he just wanted to cuddle with his woman.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Eighteen

After finishing his dinner, Mike Hawkins took the back way into

the motel Rachel Greene was staying at. The bitch’s car was still in
the parking lot, so he was confident that revenge was finally his.
Going in the back door with the key the cunt at the front desk had
thoughtfully provided, he snuck up the stairs to the bitch’s room.

Opening the door with the key, he slammed the door back and

forcefully entered the room. Seeing nothing, he checked the small
bathroom, and the place was empty. Where could the slut have gone?
He waited over an hour, and when she didn’t return, he went down to
the front desk to see if he could get any information from the cunt
there. Maybe she could entertain him for a few days.

* * * *

Rachel woke the next morning with Craig enveloping her. He had

both arms wrapped around her and one leg thrown over both of hers.
She tried to get up without waking him, but his hold was so tight that
there was no way.

Her squirming woke him, and he rolled onto his back, pulling her

on top of him. “And just where do you think you are going?” he asked

“Bathroom,” she answered.
Rolling out of bed and pulling her with him, he lifted her in his

arms and carried her to the room.

“I can walk to the bathroom by myself, Craig,” she told him.

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“You aren’t going anywhere by yourself for a long, long time,

little lamb. Get used to it.” He almost growled at her.

Knowing she was still in trouble from her escapades the night

before, Rachel wisely didn’t make a comment. Though she thought
several things, she knew better than to say them aloud.

Craig deposited her in the room and left her to do what she needed

to. “I’ll be right outside the door,” he told her.

Rachel did what was necessary and decided to take a shower. He

could stand out there all day and wait if he wanted to. Starting the
water, she adjusted it to her liking and stepped in. She had her back to
the shower door and didn’t hear the door open with the water running,
so when Craig stepped in, she screamed. Can you say déjà vu?

Turning into his arms, she asked, “Didn’t we do something like

this last night?”

“Close, but last night we didn’t have the fun we are going to have

now,” he answered her.

He pinched her ass, and she gave a little squeal. They played in

the shower until the water cooled, then they both dressed and went to
have breakfast.

Sitting at the table and eating, Rachel decided to confront the

elephant in the room. “About last night…” she started.

“Later,” was all he said.
“But…” she started again.
“I. Said. Later.” His voice was even more firm.
Well, so much for that, Rachel thought. He’s going to make me

stew all day, it sounds like.

Craig knew they needed to discuss the events from the prior

evening, but he was so glad Rachel was home and safe that he didn’t
want to deal with it. Time enough for that later. Besides, it wouldn’t
hurt her to fume for a while, and he needed time to come up with an
appropriate punishment. It might be time to do a scene in front of the
whole club. Maybe time to get his single tail out also. Rachel always
had been a bit of a pain slut.

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Chapter Nineteen

True to his word, Craig let Rachel think all day before talking

about all that had happened.

When she couldn’t take it anymore, she approached him again.

“Master, I really think we need to talk about yesterday.”

“Okay, talk,” he answered her.
“Umm, well, I…” she started.
“Yes, go on,” he said in a flat tone. If she wanted to do this, he

wasn’t going to help her.

“Damn it, Craig, you could make this a little easier for me.” She

practically screamed, stamping her foot.

“Why, you took off on your own, explain on your own.” He

wasn’t mad, but wanted to let her know he wasn’t happy either.

“Well, that’s it, I…I should have thought things out better. But I

was trying to keep everyone safe. If the ass-hat is after me when I’m
gone, no one here is in danger,” she said quickly.

“And why did you think that was a good idea?” He really wasn’t

going to make this easy.

“I guess it wasn’t, thinking back on it. But I had good intentions,

doesn’t that count for something?” She looked at him with puppy dog

Still not giving in, he looked at her blandly and said, “What about

you and your safety? Did that factor into your good intentions?”

“I said I didn’t think! Just punish me and get it over with!” She

answered him, starting to cry.

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Knowing he was getting close to pushing her to her limit, he had

to add one more jab. “You think a punishment will solve everything.
Spank your ass, and Rachel can do whatever she wants. Right?”

“I know better than that. Hell, I probably won’t sit for a month,

but it would be better than the cold shoulder you’ve given me all
day.” She was still sobbing.

Pulling her into his lap, he said softly, “a month or two.” Kissing

her gently, he told her, “I just want you to feel a little of what I felt
when I didn’t know where you were or if you were okay. Thank God
Evan activated the tracking on your phone and we could find you. If I
lose you, I’ll never recover. You mean the world to me, Rachel. I love
you. I’ve never said that to another woman except my mother. Don’t
ever do that to me again.”

He took her in a bruising kiss, wanting to leave his mark on her.

Picking her up, he carried her to the bedroom and quickly stripped
what little clothing she was wearing off, and then stripped himself.
His lips only leaving her for a brief minute.

Laying her in the bed, he crawled over her and with one forceful

thrust, took her.

He repeated the word “mine” over and over until they both came

with an explosive climax.

He rolled to his side and held her tightly. When she caught her

breath, she looked up at him and said, “I’m sorry I worried you. I love
you. Forgive me,”

“Baby, I will always forgive you. I may get mad, but I’ll never

hurt you, and I’ll never leave you. You are my life, my love, my
woman. Now rest,” he told her, pulling her closer.

Rachel snuggled closer to Craig. She’d really said it out loud. “I

do love him,” she thought. It didn’t matter that he didn’t acknowledge
it or react. She had still said it and she did, she did love him. She’d
loved him for a long time, she realized.

Pushing back from him so that she could look in his eyes, she

smiled and said, “Craig, I love you.”

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Smiling back at her, he told her, “I love you too, baby,” and pulled

her in for a sweet kiss. Pulling her close to him, he pulled a light
blanket over them, and they slept through the night.

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Chapter Twenty

Waking the next morning, it was back to reality. Craig had to tell

Rachel what Evan had discovered about the cleaning lady and what
they had heard happened at the motel.

Her car had been trashed and set on fire. They had also found a

body in her car. At first, the police had thought it was Rachel, but
when the man they had sent after her car explained, they figured out it
was the receptionist from the motel.

Someone had destroyed the room Rachel stayed in, and there was

blood everywhere. That blood also belonged to the receptionist. The
police didn’t have any leads, but both Craig and Evan suspected Mike
Hawkins. The man was more dangerous than they had figured.

Craig sat Rachel down after breakfast and explained everything to

her. At first, she was in shock. “Do you really think it was him?” she
asked in a small voice.

“We don’t know for sure, but since so much violence was

centered on your room and your car, I don’t see how it could have just
been a random act. Don’t ever do anything that stupid again!” Craig
was yelling by the time he finished. Not how he had wanted to deal
with this, but he had been so scared for her.

“That poor girl was killed because of me. If I hadn’t been there,

she would be fine. This is all my fault.” Rachel was sobbing.

“Rachel, none of this was your fault. You are not responsible for

the actions of another person. If it was Hawkins, he did this on his
own, not because of anything you did. I don’t want you to feel guilty
about this,” he said pulling her into his arms for a tight embrace.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Now, we need to talk about the consequences to your actions the
other night.”

Sitting on his lap, she took her bottom lip between her teeth, and

said, “Oh,” quietly.

Using his thumb, he pulled her lip away from her teeth and told

her, “Lamb, you know I won’t hurt you.”

“Yes, but I know what I did was wrong, and I’m a little scared,”

she told him honestly.

“Love, I don’t want you to be scared, so I’m going to tell you

what is going to happen. I wouldn’t normally tell you, but because of
your history, I’m afraid of triggering a response, and I want you to be
somewhat prepared.”

“And the anticipation of what was going to happen wouldn’t hurt

either,” he thought.

“We are going to do a public scene in the club Friday night. I put

us on the schedule and have reserved one of the main alcoves. I won’t
tell you how many you’ll get, but I’ll be using a flogger, a paddle, and
my single tail. Do you think you can handle all of that?” He wasn’t
going to tell her everything, he wanted to keep part of the scene as a

Rachel swallowed and took a deep breath. “Yes, Master,” she

answered with a hint of trepidation in her voice, pulling her bottom lip
between her teeth again.

“You’ll do fine, and you can always use your safe word if it

becomes too much,” he told her, pulling her lip free and rubbing his
thumb back and forth over it.

“Yeah, I can use my safe word and look like a fool in front of the

whole club. First public scene I’ve done in ages, and I chicken out of
it? I don’t think so. No matter what, I will do this,” Rachel thought to

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Chapter Twenty-One

The next few days passed quickly, and Rachel’s trepidation grew.

Her biggest worry was how she would react to the whip. They hadn’t
practiced, and she was afraid that it would trigger memories from her
past. She wished she could talk to Tina, but the woman was still out
of town and no one had heard from her.

Taking a chance that maybe Tina was back and had been too busy

to call her, Rachel decided to call Margaret again.

“No, Ms. Greene, I haven’t heard from Dr. Springs, but she isn’t

scheduled to check in for another few days. I will give her all your
messages when I hear from her. Have a nice weekend, dear.”

Rachel thanked the woman and disconnected the call. Something

still bothered her, but Margaret seemed to be her normal self, so
Rachel blew it off.

That night was the night Craig had scheduled them for the club.

He took her shopping that afternoon for a new outfit to wear.

Shopping with Craig was a blast. He followed her into the

dressing rooms and made sure everything fit to his satisfaction. He
played with her constantly, and she was so aroused by the time they
got back to the club that she was whimpering with need. Just where
he wanted her.

When she whined, cried, and demanded release, all Craig said

was, “All the better for tonight, my love. Patience, and you will get
what you’re asking for.”

“Bastard,” she muttered under her breath.
“I heard that and I’ll add it to your tally.” He chuckled.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Craig had chosen a halter-style top in dark turquoise and a very

short black leather micro skirt for her to wear. The top was more like
a string bikini than a halter in the fact that it barely covered her
breasts and narrowed to a string around her back and the ties were the
same around her neck. All of her back and midriff were exposed. The
skirt skimmed the top of her thighs and barely covered her butt. It also
rode low on her hips. She had worn more to the beach. He didn’t give
her any underwear to wear, and if she bent over she’d be flashing
everyone. Not that she was going to be wearing it for long anyway.
There were a pair of peep-toe, six-inch stilettos that went with the
outfit, but subs weren’t allowed to wear shoes in the club and they
were just for, as he put it, his personal pleasure. Craig had told her he
couldn’t wait to have her legs wrapped around him while she was
wearing the shoes.

Personally, she thought about stabbing him in the back with the

damned things, but as long as she didn’t have to walk anywhere in
them, it should be good.

Craig took her into the club about half an hour before they were

scheduled. He didn’t want her to anticipate any more than she already
had. He had thought about leaving her in the suite until the last
minute, but decided against it. He knew that all of her friends were
going to be there to support her and wanted her to have a few minutes
with them.

When they reached the bar, sitting there were Kyle and Jenna

Masters, Evan McGregor, Dave, and Sadie Ewers, Dean Daniels and
Connie Smith, and Alan and Theresa Rainer. They were the only
people in the club. What Craig hadn’t told her was that the owners,
Kyle, Dave, and Evan, had decided to close the club for a private
party that night. They were going to make this a celebration of
Rachel’s return.

Rachel was so happy to see all her friends, she had tears in her

eyes. Looking around, she noticed that there was no one else in the
club. She looked to Craig for an explanation.

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“Surprise, baby!” he said. Then they all hollered, “Welcome


The tears flowed freely as Rachel hugged everyone. “I can’t

believe you all did this for me,” she kept saying over and over.

Hugging her, Craig said, “I told you this night was going to be


“In more ways than one,” he thought to himself. He had several

more surprises planned for his woman.

They all talked for a while, breaking into groups of men and

women as they inevitably did. After a few minutes, Craig broke up
the groups and led his lady to the station he had planned on using for
the evening’s activities.

All the anticipation and anxiety had left Rachel, and all she felt

was happiness. This was where she belonged. Even knowing she was
about to be punished in front of all her friends didn’t bother her. She
knew she deserved and needed this.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Two

Craig led Rachel to the alcove where Dave’s new spanking bench

was. It had a frame around it and an assortment of clips and chains to
attach to various body parts for restraint or punishment. Craig had
chosen this device because he could use the clips to restrain Rachel
without restraining her arm or legs. Having the clips attached to her
nipples and clit would be incentive enough not to move. He hadn’t
used this device before, but Dave and Evan said it was very effective
with Sadie. He was anxious to try it.

Showing the various features to Rachel, he explained how he was

just going to use the clips on her nipples and clit and it would be up to
her to keep still enough not to hurt herself.

Jenna looked at Sadie and whispered, “evil, just pure evil.” Sadie

nodded but wisely kept quiet. She had been the first person to
experience the device.

Kyle, Jenna’s husband, pulled his wife close and whispered in her

ear, “Don’t fret, little one. I’m having one made for the playroom at
home.” She shuddered in anticipation and thought to herself, “great.”

Theresa and Connie just looked at each other, hearing everything

and not willing to tempt their men.

Craig had Rachel kneel and then explained to the group why she

was being punished and what he was going to do. Commanding her to
rise and strip, he prepared the bench.

Once the bench was ready and Rachel had removed her clothes,

he positioned her over it and leaned down to give her a reassuring
kiss. “You can do this,” he said against her mouth, leaving her no
doubt how much he loved her.

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He was right, she could do this. Her heart glowed from the

knowledge that she had so much support. She had never felt this loved
and treasured in her entire life. Her mother had done her best, but it
was hard for them while she was growing up and there hadn’t been
money or time for extras. Rachel had spent a lot of time on her own
and learned to be her own support system. Then when her mother got
older, she became ill with dementia, and Rachel had been her
caregiver for several years before it became too much and her mother
had been institutionalized.

She had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t realize that

Craig had been speaking to her. “I’m sorry, what did you say,

Looking indulgently at her, he asked, “Where did you go, little

lamb? Was it a good place?”

“Lost in memories and the warmth I’m feeling from my friends,”

she answered with tears in her eyes.

Wiping away the tears, Craig kissed her again and whispered, “If

it’s a good place, I hope you can go there again.” He knew her life
had been hard and hoped the future would be better for her.

“Time to get on with it,” he announced to the group. Leaning

down, he took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking and licking the
small bud until he felt it swell under his administrations. He attached
the clip and proceeded to do the same with her other nipple. Once he
had both nipples attached, he moved between her legs to work on her
clit. Attaching the clip to it, he fastened all three clips to chains and
attached them to the bottom of the frame. Cautioning Rachel to hold
as still as possible, he lubed a large butt plug and her puckered hole,
then pushed it inside her. Then he took an even larger dildo and
lubing it, inserted it in her pussy. Both devices vibrated and were
controlled by a remote he had in his pocket. He activated both on the
lowest speed and announced to the group what he had done.

Once he had her prepared to his liking, he squatted in front of her

and asked how she was doing.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Green, Master, I’m green,” she answered.
“As green as I can be with my pussy and ass buzzing, and I don’t

dare fucking move an inch or I’ll tear off something valuable,” she
thought to herself.

Taking a flogger, he trailed the ends over her back, butt, and

thighs, barely brushing the skin. Slowly, he started twirling it,
bringing the flying ends closer and closer to her skin until he could
hear the thudding of leather against skin with every stroke.

When he had her skin a deep pink, he stopped and ran his hand

over her to feel the warmth he had created there. He stepped around in
front of her and squatted so he was level with her face.

Talking softly so that only she could hear, he told her, “I’m going

to let Evan and Dave each take five swats.”

“Yes, Master,” she answered softly, knowing he was doing this

because when she ran away it affected both the men.

Craig rose to his feet and turned to the group. He called Dave and

Evan up, and they each chose their implement from the closet. Dave
chose a small paddle, and Evan chose a strap.

Dave went first. Squatting down in front of Rachel, he told her

how proud he was of her and cupped her face with his hand, looking
in her eyes. He smiled.

Then he walked around behind her. Gently rubbing each of her ass

cheeks, he pinched one, then hauled back and let her have it. The
paddle he chose was small, but he knew it would sting like hell. When
he was finished, he walked around and wiped her tears away, then
kissed the middle of her forehead.

Evan took his turn next, doing basically the same things Dave had

before he laid five strokes evenly over her skin. When he was
finished, he also kissed her forehead before returning to his wife.

Craig thanked both men and instructed Rachel to do the same.

Hiccupping and sobbing, Rachel thanked the men and apologized for
worrying and troubling everyone.

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Craig once again knelt in front of her and spoke softly to her,

assuring himself that she was okay to continue and that she wasn’t

“Now for my part of the punishment, I had planned on more, but I

think my little lamb realizes what she did, and she won’t be doing it
again. I’m going to give her three with my single tail, and that will be
the end of the evening. After that, we will be returning to our suite. I
want to thank you all for coming, and I hope our abrupt departure
does not upset anyone. I’m sure Rachel will be calling all her girls in
the next few days. I know she’s going to have some news for you all.”
After Craig’s announcement to the group, he gave Rachel the three
strikes then quickly unfastened her, wrapped her in a soft blanket, and
carried her off. He would do aftercare in their suite. He wanted her all
to himself now.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Three

Craig carried Rachel to the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed

with her. He held her tight and murmured to her, telling her how
proud of her he was and how good she had done.

Once he had her calmed down, he carried her into the bathroom

and ran a warm bath. He put plenty of Epsom salts in the water,
knowing her muscles would be stiff from trying to hold herself still
and not pull on her tender parts.

Lowering her into the water, he quickly stripped and crawled in

with her, holding her tight in his embrace.

Turning her head and looking up into his eyes, she smiled

lovingly at him and said, “Thank you, Master, that was perfect.”

“You’re welcome, love,” he told her, not exactly sure what she

was thanking him for but not wanting to break the mood and ask her.

She relaxed against him, her bottom sore but not any worse than

she was used to. She had been worried that tonight’s activities would
be more than she could take, but it was perfect. Just what she needed
for an introduction back into the club.

* * * *

Craig was so considerate of her and seemed to know exactly how

much she could take and when she was reaching her limit even before
she did. He knew how much to push her and when to pull back.

“Master,” she said tentatively, “I’m so sorry I hurt you and

worried you. I promise I won’t do it again.”

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Holding her tighter, Craig whispered into her hair. “I know, love.

It’s over now, and we won’t talk about it again. You made a mistake
with good intentions, and all will be fine.”

“Just don’t ever do it again,” he said under his breath.
They sat in the water until it cooled then rinsed in the shower.

Craig wrapped Rachel in a towel and dried himself, wrapping a towel
around his waist. Carrying her back to the bedroom, he sat her on the
side of the bed, then left her for a brief moment to get something from
the other room.

Coming back to the room with a small box in his hand, he got

down on one knee in front of her and said, “I know I should wait and
take you out for a romantic dinner when we are both wearing clothes,
but I can’t stand it anymore. I have to know your answer tonight.
Rachel, I love you. I want you to be in my life for as long as we both
live. I can’t handle the thought of losing you. Will you marry me and
be my wife, my partner, and my love for as long as we both live?”

At first Rachel couldn’t believe her eyes and ears. Seeing a tear at

the corner of one of his eyes, she took her fingers and gently brushed
it away. Dropping to her own knees in front of him, she wrapped her
hands around his neck and looked into his eyes.

“Yes, I want all of that, yes I will marry you and be your wife,

partner, and lover for as long as you want me.” Then she pulled his
face to hers for a kiss to seal the deal.

Handing her the box, he gave her the most beautiful ring she had

ever seen. It was simple but elegant, something she could wear every
day, not too ostentatious. “I knew you wouldn’t wear anything flashy,
and I wanted to give you something you won’t ever take off. If you
don’t like it, we can exchange it for something you like better,” he
explained to her.

“No, it’s perfect. Here, put it on me and see if it fits,” she told him


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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


He slipped the ring on her finger, and it fit perfectly. She held it

this way and that, admiring the way it looked on her finger. Flashing
her hand at him, she asked, “So…what do you think?”

“Perfect, just like you,” he answered, standing up and pulling her

with him. Pushing her back on the bed, he fell on top of her.
Somehow they had both managed to lose their towels in the process,
and with a quick thrust, he was inside her.

“Rough and fast,” he told her, putting his words to action.

* * * *

Rachel woke the next morning and knew she must be the happiest

woman in the world, maybe the universe. Even the shadow of Mike
Hawkins hanging over her life couldn’t dampen her spirits.
Everything was perfect.

Grabbing her phone, she starting calling everyone she knew. Her

first call was to Theresa. They had become good friends, and she
couldn’t wait to tell her all that had happened. She quickly called the
rest of her girls, and they planned a lunch out. They were all going to
get together and make wedding plans.

Craig came in while she was making her calls and watched her

animate with enjoyment. He hadn’t seen her so happy for a long time.
Too bad he had to tell her that two more of the jerks that had tortured
her were getting released today. He really wished this mess was over.

By the time she had finished all her calls, she was almost jumping

on the bed with excitement. Looking up, she finally noticed Craig in
the room. Smiling at him, she asked, “Have you been there long?”

“Just for the last two calls. I like seeing you so happy.” He

grinned at her.

“We are all going to meet for lunch at Theresa’s favorite place

and plan the wedding,” she told him excitedly.

He didn’t want to dampen her spirits, but he wasn’t happy about

the idea of all the girls meeting outside the club. “Why don’t you do it

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here? We can have the kitchen cater anything you want, and you can
use one of the conference rooms for some privacy,” he suggested,
hoping she would see reason and listen.

“We all want to get out. Jenna and I have been under house arrest,

and she needs a break from the children. We’ll be okay, it’s just a few
hours in a public place. What can happen?” She had known the men
wouldn’t be happy about their plan, but one way or the other, they
were going to have their afternoon, the girls had decided.

Craig didn’t want to tell her what could happen. Shaking his head,

he left the room. Time to rally the troops. If the girls were going to
have an afternoon out, so were the boys.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Four

Even though Rachel was on “lockdown” as she like to call it, the

days flew by, and today was the day she was to meet the girls for
lunch. She was surprised and a little worried because Craig hadn’t
made any further attempts to dissuade her from going. She had fully
expected him to flat-out forbid the trip.

Craig drove her to the restaurant and escorted her inside. Some of

the others were already there, and giving Craig a quick kiss, Rachel
ran to join them. As she walked up to the table, she noticed that the
girls were grumbling to themselves.

Sitting in an empty seat, Rachel asked what was up.
Jenna looked at her and said, “Take a look in the corner. You’d

think they’d trust us in a public place.”

Turning her gaze to the space indicated, Rachel saw all the men,

including Craig, sitting at a table where they could not only watch the
girls, but also both doors to the establishment. Standing up, Rachel
said, “This is bullshit, I’m going to go over there to give them a piece
of my mind.”

Theresa grabbed her arm, pulling her back before she could fully

stand, and said, “Think that out, girlfriend. Has your ass recovered
from the last punishment?”

“Right, not the smartest move,” Sadie put in.
Relaxing back in her chair, Rachel agreed. “I know my mouth gets

my ass in more trouble. I need to learn to think with the damn thing.”

Everybody laughed, and the waiter came over and took their

orders. After he explained that the men would be paying the bill, they
all decided to order the most expensive things on the menu, including

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appetizers and drinks. If the men wanted to pay, pay they would. Not
that it would faze any of them, they all had money to spare.

When the women went to order their third rounds of drinks, they

were informed that the waiter could no longer serve them alcohol.
They all groaned and complained, but ended up ordering expensive
desserts instead.

After they had finished the meal, they set to the task they had

assembled for, planning Rachel’s wedding. Since neither she nor
Craig had family that would be attending, they had decided on a
private ceremony with a justice of the peace. Theresa and Alan would
stand with them. Later that same day, they would have a ceremony for
everyone at the club. They got all but a few details worked out before
the men came over and told them it was time to go. Jenna and Sadie
were anxious to get back to their children, and no one complained.

Kyle left first to make sure no one was lurking outside. He was

gone for several long minutes before Craig and Alan decided to go
and check on him. Leaving the girls with Evan and Dave, they took
off. Dave tried repeatedly to call Kyle’s phone with no answer. The
women crowded around Jenna, trying to reassure her that all was

After several more nail-biting minutes, Dave’s phone rang. It was

Alan. Kyle had seen Mike Hawkins outside the restaurant and given
chase. He had lost him after several blocks, and they were all on their
way back to the group.

Rachel wanted to call the police, but as Kyle pointed out, it wasn’t

against the law to stand outside a restaurant or to run. All the girls
were upset and subdued. They promised to do the remainder of their
planning at the club, much to the men’s relief.

As they were walking out of the place, a voice called. “I see you,

bitch. You had better enjoy today, you may not see tomorrow.” And
then they heard a gunshot. The men threw the women to the ground
and lay on top of them. Luckily no one was hurt. The shooter either
wasn’t a good shot or had just meant to scare them. Only one shot was

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


fired, but it was enough. The girls were scared out of their wits and
the men were pissed.

Rachel was scared and pissed. It had been her idea to meet

somewhere other than the club, now she regretted it. Maybe the men
weren’t as overprotective as the girls thought.

“What the fuck?” Kyle shouted. He had chased the fucker for

blocks in the other direction and driven back with Alan. There was no
way he could have come back so soon. It had to be one of the other

Kyle sent Jenna with Rachel and Craig and went to scope things

out again. This was not going to happen.

The men hustled the women back inside, and the police were

called. Now, unfortunately, there was something to report.

Several hours later, Rachel and Craig returned to the club. She

was exhausted. It had turned out to be a grueling afternoon and the
mental strain was almost more than she could handle. Pleading a
headache, she went straight to the bedroom to lie down. Craig made a
couple phone calls and followed quickly behind her. The calls he
made were to Kevin Hoffman and his brother, Kurt. Alan had
recommended the pair to help with some of the club’s activities and
extra security. They had both been former Army with Alan, and both
had been members of the Rangers. Both men were interested in
BDSM and members of the club, though they weren’t at the club
often. Alan had suggested they would be a good fit to help with the
bar and security and the fact that Kevin was an attorney wouldn’t
hurt. The club could use someone with a legal background.

After speaking with both the men, he had a good feeling and had

set up meetings for later in the week. With all that was going on, they
needed help with the bar and security.

By the time he made it to the bedroom, Rachel was sleeping

fitfully. She was tossing and turning, murmuring in her sleep. Afraid
her nightmares had come back, Craig quickly stripped and lay down
beside her, pulling her into his embrace. She immediately relaxed into

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him and calmed. He couldn’t wait until Hawkins was caught and their
life could return to normal.

When they woke later, Craig decided to tell Rachel the news he

had been holding back. “Lamb, I didn’t want to tell you this, but the
other two men who assaulted you were released this week. We don’t
know that they are involved in anything or that they will be, but I
wanted you to be aware.”

That explained why Craig’s overprotectiveness had kicked into

hyperdrive. She’d be lucky if he ever let her out of his sight again.
“Does Jenna know?” she asked.

“I don’t know whether Kyle told her or not. You are not to tell

her. Leave it up to Kyle,” he instructed her, reading her mind.

“She should know so she can be prepared,” Rachel reasoned.
“That decision is not up to us, leave it to Kyle.” Craig gave her a

warning look. The results would not be good for her if she told.

“All right, I get it.” She gave in.
Craig hadn’t worked in the bar for several days and was working

that night. Rachel dressed in clubwear. She didn’t plan on playing, but
wanted to dress up for Craig. She chose a dark green see-through
dress that was backless and had a V-neck cut to her midriff. It was
very short, and with her long, red hair loose, she looked very exotic.

She sat at the bar for a while, talking with Craig and some of the

other submissives who were in the club that evening. When things got
busy, she decided to check on Theresa, who was working reception.
She had often filled in when the woman needed the night off, and
when it was busy she helped out. She knew Alan was sitting with his
wife and would also help, but with Craig busy, she wanted a
distraction. Telling Craig where she was going, she slipped away.

The reception area was packed. It was a small room made to fit

four or five people plus the receptionist comfortably. There were
easily twenty people crowded in the room now, and they were all
talking. Apparently there was a bachelor party that had decided to
come in. None of the men were members, and Theresa and Alan had

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


their hands full, trying to explain to the men that they had to be
members. The group was rowdy, and Rachel could tell they were
going to be trouble. She pressed the panic button under the desk that
would not only call the police, but also notify the security office and
Craig. She jumped into the fray to help Alan and Theresa.

One of the men grabbed Rachel, and, putting his hand over her

mouth so she couldn’t call out, started dragging her towards the door.
Struggling and kicking, Rachel fought as hard as she could.

“I’ve got you now, bitch. You might as well give in,” the man

said, pulling her towards the door.

Rachel continued fighting and bit down hard on the hand over her

mouth. The man moved his hand long enough for her to scream and
the chaos got even worse.

There were several people blocking the door, and the man that

held Rachel was having a hard time getting to it.

She continued kicking and fighting, struggling for her life. The

man had put his hand back over her mouth and was now covering her
nose also. “Bite me again, and you won’t take another breath. Nod if
you understand.”

She nodded and relaxed. The self-defense classes Craig had made

her take after she had been assaulted were starting to kick in. She
remembered the instructor telling her if someone was holding you,
that if you went limp, they often relaxed their hold for a moment or
two and you could get away. Rachel let her body go slack, and her
knees bent.

Her attacker, surprised, muttered, “What the fuck!” and released

her to try and get a better hold.

Rachel took advantage of his movement and elbowed him in the

solar plexus, diving for the safety of the crowd.

She could hear the man behind her, shoving and yelling at people,

trying to get to her. She frantically fought her way through the crowd,
trying to get to Alan or one of the security people.

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There had to be thirty people in the room by now, and Rachel

could hardly move. Screaming to be heard over the din, she fought
her way towards the desk. She could hear the man behind her,
cursing, but she didn’t dare look back to see where he was.

Continuing to fight, she worked her way towards the desk. The

men in the crowd all appeared to be drunk and were grabbing at her
and trying to hold her. After what seemed like hours but was probably
only a few minutes, she looked up, and there was Craig. Grabbing her
and throwing her over his shoulder, he pushed his way through the
crowd and the door to the club, locking it behind him, just as they
heard police whistles.

He sat her at the bar beside Theresa and kissed her hard. Then he

and Alan went to deal with the mess.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Five

Theresa grabbed Rachel in a tight hug and asked, “Are you okay?

I was so scared. I’ve never dealt with anything like that before. Alan
threw me in here right away, and I didn’t see anything that happened.
I feel like I’ve been sitting here for hours.”

“I’m okay, one of the jerks tried to pull me outside, but I got away

and found Craig.” She started calmly, but by the time she said
“Craig,” she had tears running down her face.

“Was it that Hawkins guy that grabbed you?” Theresa asked.
“No,” Rachel answered.
“Do you think it was one of the other jerks?”
“I don’t know, I’d have to look at the pictures again, I tried to

block their faces from my mind,” Rachel answered, worried now that
it had been one of the jerks.

Theresa could see the distress on her friend’s face. “I’m sorry, I

shouldn’t have said anything. The guys will figure it out.”

Rachel took a deep, cleansing breath. She grabbed Theresa’s hand

and said, “Come on, let’s go to the suite, I need to get out of here.”

Theresa nodded, and Rachel called over the bartender. Tim was

behind the bar. He was part of the security team and had been
instrumental in saving Jenna when she was kidnapped. Rachel quickly
told him where they were going and asked that he make sure Craig
and Alan know where they were. Nodding, he went back to what he
had been doing.

The girls went back to the suite and sat talking, waiting for their

men. After several hours, they heard the sound of the men coming

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down the hall. As the door opened, both women launched themselves
at their men, holding on for dear life.

Rachel ran at Craig and jumped, wrapping her legs around his

waist and her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder.
Theresa did the same with Alan.

The men stood and held their loves for a moment, glad nothing

worse had happened. They didn’t know about the man who had tried
to abduct Rachel. She hadn’t had a chance to tell them.

Rachel started sobbing, and Craig looked down at her with

concern. “What’s the matter, little lamb? Everything’s fine.”

Seeing how upset her friend was, Theresa quickly related what

Rachel had told her had happened. The more she told, the redder
Craig’s face got. By the time she had finished, he was on the phone to
the cops, quickly relating the pertinent details.

“Do you feel up to going and trying to identify the man who took

you, love? The police have most of the crowd in custody.” He really
didn’t want to put her through that, but wanted to find the ass.

One of the things Tina had stressed with Rachel was the

importance of making sure that people were held accountable for their
actions. This was something she had to do. “Yes, I want to,” she
answered firmly. “I’d like to try and call Tina again. It would be great
to have her there with me.”

Craig was sure the woman was still away or she would have

contacted them after all the messages that Rachel had left over the
past several days, but he indulged her and let her make her calls.
When she once again got the answering service, she left more
messages and nodded she was ready to go.

Looking at Alan for permission, he gave a slight nod of his head.

Theresa asked, “Rachel, do you want me to go with you?” She hadn’t
seen anything, but she could offer moral support.

Nodding, Rachel hugged her friend, and they all went to the police

station so that Rachel could do what she needed to do. On the drive

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


there Theresa sat in the back with Rachel and held her hand being as
supportive as she could.

Having experience with the police and not happy experiences with

some of them, Alan called his friend Kevin Hoffman to meet them.
He wanted Rachel to have all the support she could.

The first question Rachel asked was if any of the crowd were the

men that had attacked her and Jenna. The police refused to answer
until she identified her attacker.

It was a grueling experience at the police station. First, several

different detectives asked Rachel the same questions over and over
until Alan and Kevin put a stop to it.

Rachel was finally taken to a room where she could observe the

men without being seen. The only person the police allowed with her
was Kevin, and she was glad of his presence. He was very supportive
and didn’t allow the police to bully her.

The man that attacked Rachel was easy to identify. She hadn’t

seen him that well, but he had a bandage wrapped around the hand
that she bit, and she knew his voice.

After she identified the man, a detective came in and told them

that the man was not part of the eight, but they weren’t sure he didn’t
have some sort of tie to the group. They were going to do some
further investigating and promised to notify them when they found
something out.

By the time they made it back to the club, it was late. Evan and

Dave had been called when everything had happened, and they had
closed the place early that night. They were sitting at the bar with the
security team when the group arrived back. The girls went to the
suite, and the men, including Kevin, went to the bar for a quick

Rachel was exhausted and just wanted a hot shower and to lie

down. Theresa assured her she could entertain herself and sent her off
to shower.

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After her shower, she felt much better. She wrapped herself in

Craig’s robe, the next best thing to being in his arms. Then she and
Theresa raided the refrigerator and found a snack, sitting and talking
until the men came back a couple hours later.

Alan took his wife home, and Craig took Rachel to bed. He held

her, talking and cuddling until she relaxed enough to fall asleep.

The next day, Craig sat Rachel down, standing in front of her with

his arms crossed over his chest. He told her, “We need to talk about
last night.”

“Okay,” she answered.
“Alan told me how you jumped into the crowd to try and calm

things down.”

“Oh,” she answered. She could tell by the tone of his voice she

was in for it. “I was just trying to help. I guess I didn’t think.”

“This is the second time you’ve done something to put yourself in

harm’s way. What do you think I should do about that?”

“I guess the correct answer would be that I need to be punished,

but I did it with good intentions.” She had tears in her eyes. What a
fuck up she was.

Craig could see her emotions in her eyes. “Lamb, you’re not a

screw up. It’s a testament to your emotional fortitude that you’re
willing to put yourself in danger to spare others, but I want you to
start thinking more about the consequences to your actions. I don’t
want you to change who you are. I just want you to try and look out
for yourself. I hope I’ll always be there to rescue you, but if
something would happen to you, I’d be devastated. That’s all I ask.”
He told her pulling her up from the chair. Sitting where she just was,
he pulled her into his lap and held her tight.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Six

Craig sat and held her for several long minutes before standing her

up. “In the bedroom, strip, then I want you across the bed, punishment
pose. We might as well get this over with.” He gave her a hard swat
on her bottom to send her on her way.

Rachel scrambled to the bedroom and quickly followed Craig’s

instructions. She knew she needed this, and dragging it out wouldn’t

Craig was right, she didn’t think her actions through. She had

always been impulsive, and it had always gotten her in trouble. She
needed to learn to think before she acted, no matter how good of an
idea it seemed like at the time. One of these times she could get hurt,
badly, if she didn’t learn the lesson he was trying to teach.

Rachel lay on the bed, face down, ass up, legs spread, waiting on

Craig and the punishment he had promised. She thought about all the
stupid things she had done in her life and the results of all those
actions. She needed this punishment, and she needed to figure out a
way to think first and jump in second.

Craig gave her several minutes to think about what was to come.

He always liked to use anticipation as part of the punishment.

Craig walked into the bedroom and without a word went straight

to his toy closet. He was not going to make this pleasant for her. He
got the things he wanted, and placing them on the bed where Rachel
couldn’t see them, he moved to stand between her spread legs.

“Tell me why we need to do this again, little lamb,” he said in a

deep, booming voice.

“Because I did something stupid. Again.”

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She sighed, muttering to herself, “just get it over with, we both

know I’m a dumbass.”

“What was that last part? I didn’t quite hear what you said,” Craig

said, amused. He could guess what she had muttered, but wanted her
to tell him.

“I was just talking to myself, Master.” All he needed to hear was

her comment, and then she would really get it.

“I think you need to tell me, love, or I’ll paddle you until you do.”
“Shit,” she thought, “I’ll never learn.”
“I was just thinking that some of the things I’ve been doing are

not very smart and that I’m glad you are going to help me.” That
sounded good, not the exact words, but close enough.

“I’ll accept that this time, but from now on, either say it loud

enough for me to hear or don’t say it at all,” he told her, smacking her
ass for accent.

“Yikes, yes Master.” She jumped.
“Now, I’m going to warm you up first, then I think fifteen with

my leather flogger should do it.”

“Oh shit,” she thought. She knew the flogger he was talking

about, it had thin leather strips and there was a knot tied on the end of
each strip. The damn thing hurt like hell, and after fifteen with it, she
would be looking for pillows to sit on or standing for a few days.

“The warm up begins,” he announced. He used his hand and

peppered blows over her ass and upper thighs until the skin was warm
and a deep rose color.

Grabbing the flogger, he trailed it over her skin, just barely

brushing the knotted ends over her. Trailing it between her spread
thighs, he moved his arm back and took aim there, giving her three
quick, hard swats to the pussy.

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ!” Rachel yelled, jerking up off the bed.
“Lay back down or I’ll restrain you,” Craig told her.
“If you’re going to fucking keep that up, you’d better if you want

to see your balls again,” she screamed.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“Oh, little lamb, you are in so much trouble.” He chuckled. He

knew the first three swats would sting, but he wanted to get her
attention. Mission accomplished.

Flipping her around on the bed, he fastened leather cuffs around

her wrists and ankles. Attaching a short chain to her wrist cuffs, he
attached her arms to her legs, spreading her wide. She still had some
movement in her body. She could arch her back, but her arms and legs
were stuck together.

“Fucking bastard,” Rachel muttered. She wasn’t really hurting,

more egging him on. This was what her body had been craving.

“Keep pushing and see how far you get, lamb.”
“Yeah right, I’m waiting.” She was so going to pay, but it was

worth it.

“Okay, you asked for it.” He warned her and let the flogger dance

over her ass and pussy. He didn’t even bother to count, just let her
have it.

“Hey, I thought you said only fifteen,” she screamed after several


“That was before you decided to get mouthy,” he told her.
“Fine, bring it on. Do your worst,” she tempted him.
“Lamb, you don’t want my worst, but you will get my best.” And

he gave it to her.

When he was done, he knelt behind her and rubbed a soothing

cream over her butt and upper thighs where most of the strikes had
landed. Then lubing himself and her rear hole, he took her ass, lying
over her and nibbling the back of her neck. Reaching underneath her,
he rubbed her clit until she came screaming his name, not once, not
twice, but three times.

When they were both sated and exhausted, he unfastened her, and

lying on his side, pulled her to him, tucking her head under his chin.

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Craig let Rachel nap for a short time, then went and ran a hot bath.

She was going to be stiff and sore if she didn’t get her muscles

After their bath, they ate and went to the club. Craig was

bartending, and Rachel liked to sit and talk to him while he worked.

The next several days went by quietly. The date they had set for

the wedding was not far away, and Rachel needed to meet with her
girls one more time. She still hadn’t heard from Tina, but according to
Margaret, she was checking in regularly and everything was okay.
Rachel still worried but couldn’t do anything about it.

Saturday came, and all the women had a meeting in the

conference room at the club to finish planning Rachel’s wedding and
collaring ceremony. They had decided to do both on the same day,
with the wedding being in the morning at the court house and the
collaring ceremony in the evening at the club. Kyle, Evan, and Dave
had offered to close the club for the private party that evening, and
other than a few small details, everything was planned.

Rachel planned to wear a simple white dress for the wedding.

What she was wearing for the collaring was a little more elaborate,
but with much less material.

There hadn’t been any more contact from Hawkins, but the men

had not relaxed. All of the girls were going insane. Talk about
overprotective alpha males. Rachel hadn’t been out of the club for
days, Jenna and Sadie were stuck in their homes with their children,
and Alan didn’t let Theresa out of his sight. Craig did let Rachel work

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


reception, but he or one of the security people had to be with her at all
times. Everyone was getting restless.

Finally, Rachel couldn’t take it anymore. She had to get out.

Looking at Craig, she told him, “Either you take me shopping or I
fucking go alone. If I don’t get out of here, I’m not responsible for my

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” He had to tease her a

little. He knew it was hard for her to be cooped up and didn’t blame

“I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I don’t even care if you

blister my ass so bad that I don’t sit for a year. I have to get out of this
place.” Going crazy was an option.

Grabbing her hand, he headed towards the door, pulling her

behind him. “Come on, let’s go,” he told her.

She didn’t even care where they were going, as long as it was

somewhere else.

Craig knew Rachel had been looking online for what she wanted

to wear to the collaring ceremony, but hadn’t found what she wanted
yet. When they stopped at her favorite fetish wear shop, she squealed
with delight.

“How can I shop with you with me? I want it to be a surprise,” she

said with a hint of dismay in her voice, but not enough to dampen the

“I’m not going in. I’m going to stand outside the door and wait as

long as it takes. Here’s my credit card, buy whatever you want, I
don’t care how much you spend. This card is unlimited, buy the entire
store out if you want to. When you’re done, call me, and I’ll help you
carry your packages.”

Almost jumping up and down, she was so excited. Rachel took the

offered card and entered the store. The only thing that would make it
better would be if one or more of her friends were with her.

When she entered the store, it appeared to be empty except for the

clerk. Heading straight for the clothing, she heard voices from the

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fitting rooms. Grabbing several items to try on, she walked towards
the changing rooms. There were only three rooms and they all
appeared to be occupied. Sitting on a bench to wait, she was startled
when all three doors opened at once.

“Surprise!” Theresa, Jenna, and Sadie cried out.
“What are you all doing here?” she cried in delight.
“Craig set this up yesterday. He knew you needed to get out, so he

arranged for all of us to come and help you. Let’s see what you’ve
picked out so far.”

The girls spent hours trying on and picking out various outfits.

Rachel found exactly what she had been looking for and several more
outfits, including something to wear after the ceremony in private for
Craig. She also picked up a few toys she wanted.

Paying for her purchases, she called Craig to let him know they

were coming out. True to his word, he appeared by her side with the
men, and they took all the packages she and the other girls had

Reaching up on her toes, she quickly kissed him. “Thank you, this

was perfect.”

As they walked out the door, they heard a voice call, “Hey, bitch!”

Rushing the girls to the vehicles, Alan and Kyle took off to find the
bastard. Craig was pissed. How the hell did the ass keep finding

Theresa and Jenna got in with Rachel, and everyone went back to

the club. Alan and Kyle would catch up later. The day was ruined.

Once again, the idiot got away. Frustrated, the men sat at the bar

having a drink, and the girls sat chatting in Rachel and Craig’s suite.
When was this ever going to end?

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Eight

Tired of everything that was going on, the girls plotted and

connived, making a plan. It wasn’t the best they had ever come up
with, but something they all decided would end this. Now to get their
men to cooperate and agree to it, as it put Rachel in danger.

They had decided to make it appear that Rachel had left Craig and

was staying at a hotel. The men could wire her up with listening and
tracking devices and take rooms in the same hotel. They hoped this
would smoke out her attackers and they would make a move thinking
she was vulnerable. None of the other plans they came up with
seemed reasonable so they went with this one. Now to convince the

Theresa volunteered to present the plan to Alan first. If he went

for it then they would have him tell the rest of the men. They spent
the remainder of the afternoon coming up with all the reasons it
wouldn’t work and shooting holes in those theories. Once they were
convinced they could argue anything the men came up with, they
were ready. Theresa would wait until they were home and tell Alan
that evening.

Rachel was relieved they had a plan, and she was in a much better

frame of mind when Craig returned.

Her phone had rang several times while she and her friends were

plotting, but she had just ignored it and let the calls go to voice mail.

While Craig was fixing dinner, she checked messages on her

phone. There were several and all from Tina. She excitedly dialed the
woman back, only to get voice mail. Leaving a message, she carried
her phone to the kitchen to tell Craig.

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A few hours later, her phone rang again, and she spoke with Tina.

“Oh God, Tina, I’ve been so worried. Did Margaret tell you what has
been going on?” Rachel asked.

“No, she just gave me all your messages. I’m sorry it took me so

long. I didn’t want to call you from my parents’ house. Things were
very busy and I knew I wouldn’t have time to talk. My mother passed
away and there was lots of family there and very little privacy. Please
tell me now what happened.”

Sitting down, Rachel told Tina. “Several of the men that attacked

me have been released and I’m being stalked. They’ve followed me
several places and there was a ruckus here at the club one night. I
really need to see you so I can tell you everything. When can I come
to your office, or would you rather come here?”

Tina’s schedule for the next few days was full so she decided to

come to the club the next evening. They could talk while Craig was

The rest of the evening passed quietly. The next day, Theresa

called to tell her that she had gotten Alan to reluctantly agree. “Oh my
God, girl, you wouldn’t believe what he put me through, but finally
after hours of begging and pleading he finally said he would talk with
the men tonight and see what they could come up with. He didn’t like
our plan, but couldn’t come up with another one. You owe me big
time.” Theresa was giggling as she told her. Rachel had the feeling
that Theresa had enjoyed persuading Alan.

Everything was falling into place. Rachel could feel the tension

leaving her body. The date they had set for the wedding was coming
up, and she knew in her heart that everything would be perfect.

When Tina got there, she was brimming with excitement. The two

sat and talked for several hours and Rachel voiced all her concerns.
She also told Tina about the plan to lure Mike Hawkins. Then they
decided to talk to Craig. Alan was there, but Evan and Dave hadn’t
arrived yet.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Kurt and Kevin were also in the club that evening. Kevin and his

twin brother Kurt had been friends with Alan for several years. Kevin
and Kurt were paternal twins and though similar, they were not
exactly alike. Both were well over six feet tall and had broad chests.
Two very good looking men. They had been members of the club for
several months, but didn’t often have time to play.

Kevin walked up to Rachel to say hello, and looking Tina up and

down, he placed one hand on Tina’s shoulder and said to Rachel,
“Introduce me to your beautiful friend.” Tina Springs was a small,
petite blonde, barely five foot tall with sparking blue eyes.

Rachel introduced Tina, and Kevin called his brother Kurt over to

meet her also. The four talked for a few minutes before the men
excused themselves. Rachel noticed that while they were talking one
or the other of the men were continually touching Tina. Interesting.

Tina stayed with Rachel while Alan had his meeting with the men,

including Kevin and Kurt. It wasn’t long before Craig came stomping
out. Looking at Rachel he stormed, “Are you out of your ever-loving
mind? What the fuck are you thinking? No fucking way!”

Alan was right behind him. “Hey man, settle down and hear me


“I. Said. No. Fucking. Way.” He was madder than Rachel had

ever seen him. Grabbing Rachel by the hand, he pulled her to the
suite, Alan, Tina, Kevin, and Kurt, trailing behind them.

“Craig, you need to calm down and listen to me.” Alan tried


Dave, Evan, and Kyle had joined the group, and they were all

crowding into the suite. Rachel wisely kept her mouth shut and
looked at Tina, shaking her head in warning to the woman to stay out
of the fray.

The two woman sat on the couch and leaned back to watch. After

several minutes of the men all arguing, Craig squatted down in front
of Rachel. “Lamb, are you sure you want to do this?” He asked with
concern and tenderness in his voice.

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Rachel leaned forward, and cupping his face with both hands, she

looked into his eyes and said, “Craig, I want this over. I don’t want
this hanging over our heads when we get married. I’m tired of looking
around the corner and hiding. Unless we smoke them out, they won’t
leave me alone until they get what they want. We’ll find someplace
safe, and you will all be with me.” She finished, looking up at all the

“I’ll have the entire crew there. We’ll buy out the floor she’s on

and have a man in every room and several in the lobby. We’ll make it
as safe as we can,” Evan put in.

“Kurt and I will be there, and we know some guys from the

rangers and the police force that would be willing to help. She’ll be as
safe as we can possibly make it.” Kevin tried to reassure Craig.

Still focusing on Rachel, Craig looked at her and slipped his hand

around the back of her neck, pulling her to him so that their foreheads
were touching, he looked into her eyes and asked one more time. “If
you’re really sure you want to do this.”

“I want it over with.” She smiled at him and gave him a gentle


Standing up, Craig said, “Gentlemen, I believe we have some

planning to do. I say we all plan to get together tomorrow afternoon
and see what we can come up with.”

Everyone parted ways, agreeing to meet the next afternoon. Kevin

and Kurt walked Tina to her car.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


Chapter Twenty-Nine

Plans were made, and it was decided that they would implement

everything the next weekend. Rachel was nervous but relieved. She
was sure that she would be as safe as the men could possibly make
her, but it seemed that even in the best laid plans, there were holes
and something could go wrong.

She and Craig went over and over all the possible contingencies,

trying to think of every possible thing that could happen and could go
wrong. When the day came, they were as ready as they possibly could

Rachel still hadn’t replaced her car, so she took Craig’s truck.

Sneaking out the back, she drove to the designated hotel and checked
herself in, hoping she had been followed. Everything was in place.
Her room had been reserved in advance, and the men had installed
listening devices and cameras in the room, hallway, and elevators.
They had also booked all the rooms on her floor and had several men
in the lobby. Rachel had been fitted with an earpiece so that Evan
could keep her informed on what was going on. Now all she had to do
was wait.

It was a few hours before she heard Evan on the earpiece.

“Rachel, I want you to be calm. Hawkins and two others are on their
way up the back stairs. Lock your door, and lock yourself in the
bathroom and turn the shower on. He couldn’t talk the clerk into
telling him what room you are in, and I’m not sure he knows for sure
where you are, but stay in the bathroom until I contact you again.”

Rachel sat nervously in the bathroom waiting. She had never been

good at waiting. She couldn’t hear very well with the shower running,

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Rose Nickol

but it sounded like the door was opening. She clasped her hands
together and prayed. The next thing she heard was a man shouting,
“The bitch is in the shower! Here we go, boys.”

She knew that Evan and his crew would wait until the last

possible minute to come in. They wanted to make sure they had
enough evidence to convict the jerks.

The room she was in had a separate room for the toilet, so she

went in there and locked that door. One more door to hide behind. She
heard them outside the main door to the bathroom and crouched
down, back against the door, hoping that would help keep them out.

“Mike, the shower’s on, but no sign of the bitch,” she heard a

voice say.

“She has to be here somewhere, keep looking,” she heard.
She heard more voices and lots of noise, but couldn’t make out for

sure what was going on. All she could do was wait until Craig or
someone came for her.

She sat there in the dark, listening and trying to figure out what

was going on for what seemed like hours. Finally, there was a knock
at the door, and she heard, “Lamb, you can come out now, it’s all

Opening the door, she jumped into Craig’s arms and said, “It’s

really over? You got them?”

Craig carried her out to the main bedroom, and it looked like a

tornado had hit it. “Yes, we got them. Kevin is going to listen to the
tapes and look over the footage, but he thinks we have enough to
convict them.”

Planting little kisses all over his face, she collapsed into him with


Craig took her home. The next day, all the girls came to the club,

and Craig and Kevin explained all that had happened to them.

“I want to know how they got into the room. The door didn’t look

broken,” Rachel wondered.

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


“One of the men had been dating one of the maids and stole her

pass key. The woman hadn’t even realized it was gone. They checked
several rooms before they found you,” Kevin answered. He had spent
all of the last night and this morning looking over the tapes and
listening to the audio to make sure they had what they needed. “The
cops called me, and one of the men that they found in Rachel’s hotel
room was also part of the crowd that tried to crash the club. He wasn’t
the one that tried to attack Rachel, but they are still checking on
connections. I’m sure they will find something, but we may not hear
for a while. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble. The cowards have
already confessed, hoping for a lighter sentence. Since this is their
second offense, the DA is making sure they have longer sentences,
and you will be getting a lifetime protective order against all of them
including the ones still in jail.” He directed this last to Jenna and

Jenna and Rachel hugged each other in relief. Maybe this was

finally over, but they knew that their men would always be a little
overprotective. Secretly, they loved it.

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Rose Nickol

Chapter Thirty

The next several days went by in a whirl. Rachel spent lots of time

with Tina. She had been coming to the club frequently and was
thinking of joining. By coincidence, Kevin and Kurt usually made an
appearance when Tina was there. She had been seen leaving with
them several times.

The day of the wedding approached and Rachel grew more

nervous and excited. The civil ceremony was simple and quiet. Alan
and Theresa were there, but Rachel missed her mom and wished she
could have been there. Craig saw the tear in her eye and asked,
“What’s the matter, lamb?”

Smiling she told him, “I’m very happy, just wish our parents

could be with us.”

He smiled missing his own family and answered, “They are, baby,

they are never far from us.” This just made her tears fall faster.

Afterwards, the newly married couple and their witnesses went for

a simple lunch to celebrate.

The collaring ceremony was much more elaborate. Kyle, Evan,

and Dave had closed the club for a private event, but the room was
still crowded with friends.

Craig was wearing his leathers. The outfit Rachel had picked out

was white satin with red trim. The dress was simple, formfitting over
the breast and flowing to the tops of her thighs. The red trim, accented
by rhinestones, was around the hem of the dress and top. It was cut
over her breasts with a deep V-neckline cut to her belly button. It was
also backless, and there was just a scrap that barely covered her ass.
She also had a pair of six-inch stiletto heels. Subs weren’t normally

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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel


allowed to wear shoes in the club, but this was an exception. Even
with the heels, Craig still towered over her.

The ceremony itself was beautiful and longer than the wedding

had been.

Looking down at Rachel who was kneeling at his feet in proper

submissive form, Craig pledged, “I will always love and care for you.
Your health and well-being are my first and only concern. I will
reward you and punish you as I see fit.”

Then Rachel said, “In return for your love and dominance I give

you my body to use as you see fit. I know that you will always love
and protect me. I give all that I am to you.”

Craig fastened the collar they had chosen around her neck and

said, “I accept the gift you have given me.” With the last words he
lifted her up and kissed her breathless.

He then took and fastened her over a spanking bench and, using a

paddle he had bought just for this occasion, paddled her ass bright red
to match the trim on her dress.

When he was done several people came to congratulate them,

including Kurt and Kevin. They had Tina with them. Kurt had his arm
around Tina’s shoulders, and Kevin had his arm around Tina’s waist.
Grabbing Tina’s hand, Rachel pulled her off to the ladies’ lounge. She
had to know the scoop.

“So, what’s up with you and hottie A and B?” she asked, sitting

on the couch provided there.

Blushing, Tina said, “We’re just friends. We’ve been out for

dinner a few times, and every time I’m here, they show up.” The
woman was giggling.

“Are you sure there isn’t more?” Rachel pushed.
“We are just exploring a friendship for now. I’m going to sign up

for one of Dave’s sub classes, and they have agreed to help me. That’s
all,” Tina explained.

Rachel nodded but didn’t buy it. She had seen how both men

looked at Tina and knew where this was going even if Tina didn’t.

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Rose Nickol

The women went back to the party. Rachel and Craig stayed about

an hour longer, then left for the beginning of their honeymoon. They
were spending a night in a hotel downtown, and tomorrow would
leave on an extended trip. They planned to be gone for several weeks.

Craig was taking her to his hometown to show her where he had

grown up and then they were going on a cruise.

When they came back they planned on finding a house. They both

wanted to start a family right away and didn’t want to live at the club
to do it. Rachel had already quit her job and was going to stay home
with the children. She had already promised to help Sadie and Jenna
with their families and was thinking about other things she could do
to keep busy until the babies came. It wouldn’t be long. She had a
secret to share with Craig but was going to wait until they reached his
hometown to tell him. Maybe they would be lucky enough to have



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Rose Nickol is a fifty-something-year-young mother of a daughter

she adopted from China and a shih tzu puppy. She loves all animals.
She played with writing in her younger years, but never did anything
serious about it until she was forced to retire from her career in the
medical field due to health issues.

Rose has lived in Colorado for over twenty years and enjoys the

mountain views. When she’s not writing or being a mom, she crochets
and does counted cross stitch.

For all titles by Rose Nickol, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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