Sydney Lain Zed's Dishonest Mate [Siren Classic ManLove]

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Supernatural Society Mates 5

Zed’s Dishonest Mate

Zed and the leader of the elf territory have bickered back and
forth for centuries. During one forced meeting, he meets the elf

king’s son, Luka, a spoiled elf that doesn’t seem to care about

Luka lives a tortured life, forced to play a game he doesn’t know

how to stop playing. He longs for his mate to love him. One day
he meets Zed, but his mate is not the loving man that has invaded

his dreams night after night.

After being burned over and over again, Zed demands that

everyone in his life be honest. After years of abuse, Luka doesn’t
trust anyone. While waiting for Zed to hurt him, Luka tells his

mate things he thinks Zed wants to hear. Can Zed learn to forgive
all the lies? Will Luka learn to trust Zed with his heart?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal,
Length: 41,921 words

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Supernatural Society Mates 5

Sydney Lain



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Sydney Lain
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-222-3

First E-book Publication: February 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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Supernatural Society Mates 5


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Zed glared at the projection screen. He drummed the desk with his

fingertips. Tap. Tap. Tap. Each impact reverberated through the room
like a drip from a leaky faucet. Every time King Kane’s arrogant
smirk filled the screen, his fingers pounded harder against the wooden
surface. Soon there would be tiny holes in the cherrywood finish, a
constant reminder that this day happened.

The head of the elf territory had cold, calculating eyes that never

warmed. Ironically, Zed was considered the cold-blooded one. While
vampires were chilly as death, elves symbolized life. They were often
described by other supernaturals as warm and gentle. It was as though
the pointy ears meant the same as a halo hanging above their heads.
Thinking about that almost left him gagging. Lies and deceit had a
way of getting stuck in his throat.

The elf king glared. Zed shrugged. It wasn’t his fault that his

thoughts wandered to more important things, like should he put his
left foot out before his right foot when walking down the hall.

He almost laughed at Kane’s sinister scowl. Others might have

stuttered out apologies while their bodies shook, trying to appease
Kane, but to Zed, the elf resembled a criminal about to get away with
murder rather than a leader, and criminals didn’t deserve respect or

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fear-driven submissiveness. No, they deserved nothing but contempt.
As the minutes passed, the condescending smirk appeared more often,
and each time Kane’s lip arched upwards it fed Zed’s rage.

Kane couldn’t be trusted. There was something off, a smile too

big that showed too many teeth, a laugh that never reached his eyes.
At the first Supernatural Society Council meeting, two hundred years
ago, just after the formation of the territories, Kane’s distrust sent an
echo throughout the room. He voiced the fears of the other
supernaturals. It’s a trap to gain power, no one will respect the
, and so forth. He was a magnifying glass zooming in and
enlarging the hate and animosity.

Not much had changed in the last two centuries. Kane was still a

master manipulator focused on one priority, himself. Zed snorted each
time someone referred to the elf as a leader. The man spent days
preparing for a party, so every eye would be on him. When talks
switched to politics, somehow Kane managed to turn the subject back
to himself. If a shifter attacked an elf, he told a story of being chased
by a shifter, leaving out the part where he robbed and tried to kill the
man. No matter the topic of conversation, Kane needed to be the
center of it.

“I want the area surrounding the Vortex to become part of my


Zed arched an eyebrow up. “My,” he repeated. “The territories

belong to those that live within the borders, not to one person.”

Kane’s face turned red. “I want the area surrounding the Vortex to

become part of my territory.” This time he emphasized the word

Zed shook his head. Kane yapped like a dog begging for attention.

If someone popped into the room and offered to grant him a wish,
he’d silence Kane, saving the world from that annoying, high-pitched
screech. Then he’d never have to waste time playing this cat-and-
mouse game with both of them vying to be the predator. The same
question wouldn’t be repeated in some distorted attempt to gain the

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advantage like they were bargaining in a fair negotiation. In the end, it
didn’t matter. Under no circumstance would he relinquish anything to
Kane, not even a piece of lint, let alone property.

The screen flickered. He hoped the Internet crashed or the world

ended. It didn’t matter as long as Kane stopped talking. Damn, the
sound steadied and the projected image became sharper and clearer.

A part of him wished they were in the same room, not miles away

relying on technology to communicate. His hand twitched, itching to
wrap his fingers around the elf’s neck. When the Council ordered the
two leaders apart, they could no longer meet in person. He shrugged.
After repeated death threats and physically attacking each other, the
Council worried that one of them would kill the other. Having one
territory leader murder the other one just didn’t look good. That left
virtual conferencing as their only form of conversation. And even that
was forced by the Council.

It sucked technology had improved to the extent that the

projection looked good. The ceiling-mounted speakers played crisp,
clear sound, allowing Zed to hear each and every annoying word. He
wanted to go back in time to garbled words and pixilated pictures.

Kane had a natural gift. He annoyed everyone with his constant

disregard for others. The lies that never stopped coming irritated a lot
of people. If he opened the dictionary, under the word “pathological
liar” would be a picture of Kane.

He so wanted to wipe the smug expression off Kane’s face. His

hand twitched at the thought. The elf had played a part in selling
drugs at the Vortex, a club located within his territory. Zed had
foolishly hoped that the club burning down would end the petty
demands, but when Kane saw something of interest, he was like a
starving tiger ready to jump on a plump bunny.

The elf king’s ego allowed for nothing else. From the beginning,

he’d manipulated the entire situation. It started when Micah, Roman
Walker’s mate, killed two elves inside the Vortex, and it wouldn’t end
until Kane got everything he wanted. Zed didn’t blame Micah. The

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small human did what was necessary to save his life. The elves were
playing around with a supernatural drug that might have destroyed
them, but Micah intervened first.

Zed sighed. Micah’s power to control others allowed him to kill

the threat to his life. The small human had a lot to deal with. The guilt
might have destroyed him, but his mate kept Micah sane and helped
him deal with the truth. Zed couldn’t imagine being able to take the
will of another person. He didn’t envy the small human.

Still, Zed hated the false accusations. If he’d killed the elves, he

would have said so. These stupid games never interested him. Truth
mattered more. Lies had a way of hurting and led to mistrust. Once
trust was lost it never came back. He refused to lie and took pride that
only the truth slipped from his lips.

Kane accused him of being a lying murderer. Then he went on to

demanded compensation. If it had been anyone else, he’d give in
because the sense of responsibility was too heavy of a weight to carry.
The two elves that died were different. They had been a part of
creating the drugs sold inside of the club. The drugs ultimately led to
their deaths and now their deaths were reduced to a political

“It’s a reasonable request. I’m entitled to compensation.”
Zed’s hands formed tight fists. “Compensation?” he questioned,

forcing Kane to smirk again. Zed snorted. The elf king probably
didn’t know the elves’ names. That would be too trivial to bother
with. Even worse, the “compensation” wasn’t for the families. No, it
was all for Kane, the person responsible for running the drug
operation. He probably chose the Vortex as a screw-you move.

After his drug lackeys died, Kane walked into a Supernatural

Society Council meeting and demanded the area. Apparently, he
wanted to turn the Vortex into a shrine to honor the “innocent victims
in a senseless tragedy.” Zed at least talked with the dead elves’
families, something Kane didn’t bother to do. The families wanted
nothing to do with Kane’s nonsense.

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He hated the bullshit. Since the formation of the separate

territories the city had transformed into a somewhat peaceful place. It
wasn’t paradise and rotten apples existed everywhere.

Even with the current discontent, the city was still a better place.

Before the Supernatural Society Council’s formation, the streets were
covered with supernatural blood. With Roman, Zed and Mason
leading the territory formation, a lot of other supernaturals started to
support the idea, but Kane never got over his bitterness. He wanted
total control and hated rules.

The seven territories formed when the Supernatural Society

Council divided the city into different sections, trying to preserve
peace. The system wasn’t meant to segregate the different
supernatural members living within the city, but that’s what
happened. Each territory leader tried to keep peace. Well, most of
them. He looked at the elf king again. Sometimes there were

The elf territory started to decline twenty-five years ago. The

former king, Kane’s father, controlled the city. Randolph’s strict rules
kept the unsatisfied elves in line. Then the former leader suspiciously
disappeared. That’s when the prince became the king. The animosity
between territories grew as Kane started arguments with most of the
other leaders, but he still hated Zed most, which said a lot because he
hated everyone.

Zed saw through Kane. The elf king manipulated situations to get

his own way. He enjoyed causing trouble with lies that poured from
his mouth.

He sighed. How long could the “talk” go on? The entire meeting

wasted time. He had plenty of time, but he could think of a lot better
ways to spend it, like ripping out his fingernails or painting the walls
with a toothbrush, but with the fragile state of the Supernatural
Society Council, he couldn’t refuse the request to meet with Kane.

Well, he could have, but Mason started to push to reveal the truth.

He never lied about the past, just kept silent about it. As long as he

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didn’t say something that wasn’t true, there was no lie. All that talk
about lies by omission meant nothing to him. Only untruthful words
mattered. He sighed. Meeting with Kane might appease Mason. The
dragon understood the entire situation. If the request hadn’t come
from the dragon elder, he wouldn’t have given the elf king the time of

Kane’s smirk betrayed his intent. He enjoyed annoying him.

Wasting Zed’s time seemed more like a hobby than an attempt at a
serious meeting. If he had warm blood, it would have boiled over by

The king continued to speak of “righteousness” and “fairness.”

The fact those words existed in the elf’s vocabulary nearly pushed
him out of the chair. The chuckle threatened to escape. The
pretentious diatribe knew no end.

He closed his eyes and slowly counted to five. He reopened his

eyes and looked to the left at the elf sitting next to the king. A slender,
younger man with long, strawberry-blond hair pulled back into a
ponytail played with a light-colored bracelet wrapped loosely around
his thin wrist. The elf prince hadn’t looked up since the start of the
meeting. The complete lack of concern or interest both fascinated and
annoyed him. Since the meeting had started the younger elf existed in
some other place, which must have been better than this annoying

Finding out that the person he despised had a son stunned him. A

man needed to prepare for some things, like knowing the elf he fought
with for over two hundred years had reproduced. He shuddered. The
word “reproduced” should never be used when thinking about Kane.
But still, discovering something so alien and then being forced to sit
in the same teleconference pissed him off. A man like King Kane
should never have had a child. The possibility to produce a spineless
snake was too likely.

The young elf rubbed his hand and then his arm. He hadn’t seen

the elf prince’s face. Kane, lacking proper etiquette or consideration,

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never introduced them. Still, the graceful way he moved the delicate
fingers over his skin, the hair that was too red and too blond to be
classified as either, stirred something that Zed couldn’t identify. His
groin understood. Each movement of the young elf’s hand as it
rubbed across creamy, white skin awakened his cock. The prince was
completely fuckable. He cursed at the train of thought. He didn’t want
to be attracted to the young elf, but something forbidden started to
awaken inside of him.

The elf prince sat, oblivious to everything and everyone around

him. Slim fingers slid through long ends of hair, twirling it around.
Zed imagined those delicate fingers running up and down the
vampire’s body, stroking his hard, fat cock.

He examined the man’s slim body through the screen. Every

movement was fluid and graceful.

As if reading his thoughts, the prince lifted his head. Their eyes

met. Stunned, blue-violet eyes stared directly at him, stirring a deep,
lustful desire inside of Zed. The vampire prince longed to touch the
warm skin. He wanted to reach through the screen and caress the elf’s
pale flesh, then place light kisses all over his body. The small elf was
everything he desired in a lover. Zed frowned. He wouldn’t be
attracted to the son of a conniving, manipulative elf. The whole
situation added to his anger.

He refused to allow the desire to grow. He would stomp and kill

it. While a beautiful distraction, the prince wasn’t much of a person.
The younger man completely ignored everything around him,
including the conversation. That irritated Zed. While he tried to force
his desire away, the elf prince never acknowledged his existence or
his surroundings. The man didn’t pay attention to anything. The peace
between their races needed a diplomatic solution and the elf prince
didn’t care. The lasting implications of such behavior couldn’t be
ignored. Zed wouldn’t allow himself to be attracted to someone self-
centered and cold-hearted. Obviously bad traits didn’t fall far from the
tree. The elf prince’s attitude was a mirror reflection of the man he

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hated, probably inheriting all the king’s bad characteristics. The
younger elf was only a pretty face with a selfish, scheming, dishonest

“Do you plan on avoiding the issue?” King Kane asked in a low

hiss, the crisp, cold tone reflecting the anger at being ignored. “Two
elves were murdered inside of your establishment.”

Zed continued to ignore him. Let Kane get angry. Maybe the elf

king would start to understand him. Anyway, he wasn’t important.
Zed’s eyes continued to roam every visible inch of the elf prince’s
lean body. The man was beautiful, dressed like an angel in all white
clothes. Too bad looks were deceiving. He was far from an angel.

The prince didn’t care. He acted like the entire meeting was a

waste of time. Zed agreed with that assessment, but they called the
meeting. Shouldn’t the small, sexy man pretend to care? No, the elf
prince fidgeted in his seat and refused to make eye contact with him.
Did the man think he was too good to have a conversation with a
vampire? Elves and their superiority complex. Zed shook his head.
They didn’t even try to hide their feelings. While they couldn’t kill
each other without breaking the Council’s rules, the political battles
raged on.

“Are we boring you, prince?” Zed asked. He hated the despondent

attitude too much to remain quiet. “We’re only discussing the peace
between our races. What is more important than that? A hair
appointment? Shopping trip?” The prince, dressed in pristine white
clothes, looked the part, but he was too self-centered to care for his
people. He didn’t even want to be here. He was a spoiled brat that
didn’t deserve to be a prince.

The elf prince looked up to glare at Zed. His eyes shone with a

fierce anger that took Zed’s breath away. Then the prince turned and
Zed caught sight of the long, lean neck. He wanted to sink his teeth in
and drink the elf’s blood and then lick the wound closed, but he didn’t
want to stop at the prince’s neck. He wanted to move down the elf
prince’s body, tasting every inch of his warm, tasty skin.

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Zed refocused on the prince’s eyes. The anger blazed through

them. Zed should’ve been annoyed by the hostile glare, but the fire
turned him on. Even the thin-lipped glower had his shaft hard. He
wanted to make the prince even angrier to see the anger radiate
through the younger man’s body, not only his face. The strong
connection left him confused. He’d lived for centuries, but never felt
an instant connection like this. It went beyond sexual desire. He
wouldn’t mind fucking the elf’s ass, but he wanted more.

The prince cleared his throat. “Sorry, Prince Zed. I can’t help it.

Your constant whining annoys me. The way you pound your fist on
the table and demand that everyone follow your orders is typical of an
overbearing and pompous leader.”

Zed couldn’t believe his ears. Was this brat disrespecting him?

King Kane chuckled beside his son. “Watch yourself, boy. I’ve lived
far longer than a fragile little prince pretending he can rule.”

“My name is Luka, not boy. If you’re going to threaten someone

try using the person’s name. It sounds a little more menacing. Coming
from you, Prince Zed, you need all the help you can get because
you’re not the least bit scary.” The tips of Luka’s pointed ears turned

“Luka, dear boy,” Zed said, watching the red move from the elf’s

ears to lightly cover his entire face with a soft, pink tint. He enjoyed
making Luka angry. He couldn’t explain why, but the blushed face
turned him rock hard. He imagined the elf’s white skin turning pink
with wanton need as the desire took over. He wanted to play with the
smaller man’s body for hours, preventing any climax until the elf was
whimpering under his fingertips. He might talk tough, but when it
came down to it, he would be begging for a man’s cock. “When I
want to threaten you I will, but right now I’m merely concerned about
your welfare,” Zed said in a tone full of sarcasm with a slight bit of
desire mixed in.

“Concerned?” Luka questioned, with a mixture of confusion and


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“Yes, if you’re not careful, one morning you will wake up with

your throat torn out or a fat cock shoved up your ass,” Zed warned.
The light pink tone darkened as the prince flinched back at Zed’s
crude language.

Zed watched as Luka’s body relaxed. His eyes reflected pure

innocence, but Zed immediately recognized the spark of mischief that
played within the deep, violet-blue orbs. He was good at changing
facial expressions, but it was a little disconcerting as the elf prince
changed expressions to suppress his emotions. Zed looked at the
man’s perfectly formed face. He zoomed in with the projector, so it
focused only on the elf prince.

Luka’s lips turned upwards. He stared directly into the camera,

trying to focus on Zed, but with a teleconference he needed to look
directly into the camera lens and not at a single person. It was an
interesting bluff.

“Prince Zed, I’m very understanding. If you need to threaten

someone to feel less inadequate, then reflect the pain from your
incompetence and inability to protect your property upon me.
Whatever it takes for you to feel like a man again.”

“You little bastard…” Zed said, standing from his chair. His eyes

glowed red as they focused on the elf prince. Did this self-centered
brat think he could insult the prince of the entire vampire race and get
away with it?

“Hit a nerve,” Luka said, dusting pretend dirt from his shirt

sleeve. “The vampire prince seems like a pussy these days. He can’t
protect his territory. Probably can’t even get it up anymore,” Luka
added, and paused for a moment before continuing. “Since you
probably don’t have a fat cock let alone one that can perform, are you
threatening to rip out my throat?”

“Meet me later, elf, and I will show you who can’t get it up

anymore,” Zed sneered. He looked at the prince and made a promise
to himself. He swore when he met the brat, and he would meet him,
that he’d personally show Luka he could get it up. He planned on

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bending the elf over a flat surface and fucking him so hard he’d feel it
days later. Someone had to show the elf some manners and that there
were consequences for carelessly used words. Zed planned to enjoy
teaching that lesson.

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Chapter Two

Luka banged on the door so hard his fists throbbed. He kicked the

bottom again and again. He pulled on the handle, trying to force it
down, but it didn’t move. The door wouldn’t budge. He stepped away
and slowly turned to face his prison.

He looked around the room and cursed. He hated the white walls,

the white dresser, the white bedspread, the white carpet and every
white thing in the room, which was everything. Why people lived in
rooms without color made no sense. If he had his way, everything
would be filled with bright, vibrant colors. Walls would be painted the
color of sunshine with a sofa the color of the sky propped up against
it. He’d wear bright shirts full of multicolored flowers with a pair of
turquoise pants. He’d even consider pastels, anything but the dull
colorless clothes picked out for him. He wanted to make choices, go
shopping, buy useless knickknacks, and do all the things he’d been

Every decision from the time he got up until he went to bed was

made for him. Even his bathroom breaks were beyond his control.
When he became too difficult or refused to obey orders then the
beatings started. He slid down the wall and cursed. His back and torso
had been heavily bruised from the last beating. This time he couldn’t
heal the bruises. Every bit of healing magic went to his knee.

Without forcing the energy into his left leg, he wouldn’t be

walking. With nothing else left for his back or side, Luka was forced
to live with the pain. Even after a day, the pain hadn’t subsided.

He looked across the room at the wall mirror. His perfect face

reflected back in the glass. No visible marks, that was the rule. His

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body needed to remain unflawed. Now he understood the reason, a
forced mating with a stranger. He wanted no part of it. Apparently,
Luka needed to stay beautiful long enough to be sold to the highest

In a couple of days, King Kane would order another beating or

he’d walk through the door and do it himself. Maybe he would do
worse things, if Luka continued to refuse. This time he wouldn’t do
what they wanted. Well, if he didn’t get out of here, it wouldn’t
matter. He’d be dead. Normally his body healed after a day but the
damage to his leg needed constant energy. The knee was taking too
long to heal. Was his magic failing or the injury too severe? He
wasn’t sure, but if they beat him again, he wouldn’t be able to take the

“Stupid,” he cursed, as he wrapped his arms around his chest,

hugged his body and started to cry. He wanted to meet people and
touch them. It was forbidden for others to touch his body. The only
time he felt another’s touch was during the beatings, but most of the
time they used a belt or other objects. Kane’s orders never changed,
bruise, break bones, but do not scar. The king wanted him perfect,
like a doll.

Sometimes he hated himself. When the king walked in and

ordered Luka to strip off his shirt, he would, allowing Kane or one of
his men to hurt him. He wanted out and if he couldn’t be free, then he
wanted everything to be over. It was wrong to think of ending his life.
Elves were full of life. Their light healed others. They gave back and
created life. Everyone in the elf race believed suicide was wrong, and
most of the time Luka did too.

He shook the dark thoughts away and focused on building the

little bit of hope that still flickered within. Luka replayed the images
that helped him get through the worse of it. He had been cursed with a
special ability that no other of his kind had. He could see the future.

Every time he curled up in pain after a punishment, he looked into

the future. He closed his eyes and continued replaying the images.

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Prince Zed held his hand, pulling him toward the bed, and then the
two of them sat in front of a large window as he leaned back into
Zed’s strong muscular chest as they watched the city. His future
revolved around Zed, the head vampire in the city. The man was his
mate. He just needed to meet him in person, not through some
electronic conference. Zed would save him. He just hoped the
vampire didn’t dislike him too much.

He didn’t want their first meeting to end with Zed hating him, but

Luka couldn’t control his temper. When the meeting started, nerves
prevented him from looking at Zed. The fear of revealing the truth to
the king and seeing the real Zed overwhelmed him. Then Zed
attacked his character. The man didn’t see him. He didn’t see the real
Luka, but saw the puppet prince. The words came out before he could
stop them. Then it was too late so he went with it. Luka tried
everything to provoke the vampire prince. Zed needed to find him. He
hoped it was enough to get his mate to notice him.

In his visions, Zed protected him using his strong body. He held

Luka close, pulling him into a protective shell. The meeting last week
was a chance to make an impression. For the first time, he sat in on
one of the teleconferences. Vampires and elves didn’t meet face-to-
face, so Zed and Luka never crossed paths. He’d met most of the
other territory leaders except his mate. He just hoped he didn’t blow
his only chance to get Zed’s attention.

He cursed again. Nerves and fear always got in the way. He

couldn’t look at Zed. It was like looking for a lost treasure and after
the final clue was solved he stood in front of a large chest afraid that it
lead to nothing. Then Zed spoke to him. The horrible words made him
angry and the nervous tension finally left his body. He couldn’t
remember all the rude comments, verbal attacks, and insinuations
concerning Zed’s inability to perform. Luka needed to control his
temper, but in the end, his smart mouth always made things worse.

After refocusing, Luka realized his mistake. He hoped his strong

and proud mate wanted to find him. It wouldn’t be to love him, but to

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punish him for the degrading comments. Luka practically dangled his
body in front of the vampire prince. Zed had threatened to fuck him.
His own lust mirrored the look in Zed’s eyes. He wanted the fat cock
up his ass as much as Zed wanted to shove it up there. He’d take
anything as long as he was held by his mate. Zed just needed to keep
his promise.

The vampire prince ended the conference angry. Glowing red eyes

and long fangs threatened to do terrible things to him. It couldn’t be
worse than what they did to him here. Besides, when they met, Zed
would know. He would look at Luka and see his mate. Mates loved
each other. Mates helped each other. Zed would help him.

Luka loved the visions of their happy future. In one vision, they

sat at a table laughing. He was laughing. How long had it been since
he really laughed? Too bad Luka’s vision didn’t include sound. He
wanted to listen in on the conversation, but he only had silent visions.

“Well, what’s this?” a voice asked, moving across the dark rooms.
Luka froze. His head slowly moved, looking around the room. He

stopped when his eyes met the glowing red eyes of a very annoyed
vampire. He closed his eyes in relief and thanked anyone that might
be listening to his prayers.

Luka slowly stood. His leg ached, but he ignored the pain and

focused on the vampire. The monitor didn’t do the man justice. He
towered over Luka’s small body with a powerful, six-foot-eight-inch
body. Elves were generally small, but Luka was smaller than average.
Maybe it had something to do with the limited amount of food he was
allowed. If Zed wanted to, he could break him into pieces. He looked
up at the vampire, wondering if the enraged man would save him or
kill him. Zed’s eyes promised pain. He looked down, trying to avoid
eye contact. He didn’t want to see those eyes. The anger and rage
promised a lot of painful things. This wasn’t the man from his visions.
This Zed looked vicious.

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Was life with Zed going to be any different? The vampire looked

ready to hurt him and rip his body into pieces. Luka’s temper flared.
He wasn’t going to be Zed’s punching bag too.

Neither of them moved. The silence slowly killed him as he

waited. Luka hated to wait. He needed to know what was going on.
His heart pounded in his chest. As the seconds went by and still
nothing, Luka reached his boiling point. His mouth opened before he
could stop it. “Well, if it isn’t the ball-less vampire.” Luka looked up
and smirked. His mind screamed. What are you doing? Hell if he
knew, but when he felt scared and angry he attacked, and right now he
felt both. Luka hated playing with fire, but continued to push the
vampire to his limit. Zed’s eyes glowed. The glow only intensified the
elf’s fear and anger. Then his temper flared to match Zed’s burning
red eyes. He needed to know. Would an angry Zed hurt him?

Prince Zed’s pride would challenge any comment pertaining to his

inability to perform in the bedroom. Luka felt the anger radiate off his
mate. Just another push. Will the man attack? Maybe Luka would be
killed in a fit of rage. “Oh that’s right. You’re here to slit my throat.
Since that’s the only thing you can do.”

Luka waited, leaning against the wall. This was it. Did he need to

fear the person in front of him? What were his mate’s limits? He
looked away from Zed’s glowing red eyes that held hatred and
contempt. The eyes were so different than the ones from his visions.
He longed to see the loving, dark-brown eyes, but the person in front
of him was a complete stranger.

Luka’s inner voice screamed at him. The little voice ordered him

to plead with Zed for help, but he couldn’t do it. Was his mate
honorable? Luka tilted his head back and exposed his neck. “Do it.
I’ll make it easy for you,” Luka ordered.

“Demanding little thing.” Zed moved across the room. He was

fast. Before he could blink Zed stood in front of him, grabbed his
shoulders, and pulled him hard against the vampire’s body. He looked
down at Luka. The anger changed to shock. The two stared at each

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other for a long moment. The vampire prince hissed and pushed Luka
away. “You’re my mate.”

The look of disgust on Zed’s face hurt. Luka stumbled back. The

pain shot up his leg. His shoulders stung. Zed’s fingers pushed too
hard into the bruises. The physical pain didn’t hurt as much as the
shattering of his dream. He would never be loved by his mate. Even
Zed didn’t want him.

“Mates. Yes, we’re mates,” Luka confirmed.
Zed cocked his head and studied him. “You knew,” he finally

concluded. “For how long?”

Luka looked directly at his mate. He refused to back down. No

matter the size difference, he was a man too. He would stand his
ground. His mate’s eyes were no longer red, but a deep, sexy brown,
the same color from his visions. A vision of Zed staring down at his
naked body replayed in his head. He shook the thoughts away. Now
wasn’t the time. “I’ve known since the first time I saw you. Don’t
worry, no one else knows,” Luka finally said.

“Why would that worry me?” Zed’s eyes moved up and down his


“I’m a dirty elf. Someone not worthy of your time. Besides, you

hate me.”

“Hate you? No, you’re selfish and annoying, but that doesn’t

mean I hate you. I might, but I would have to get to know you.”

“Yeah, whatever. Just get on with it.” Luka pulled down the white

turtleneck to give Zed better access to his neck. “Is this enough for
you to rip out my throat?”

Zed looked confused. Luka wanted to smile. The man was

probably centuries old while he was almost twenty-two. He needed
some sort of edge. How far could he push Zed before the vampire
prince pushed back? He spent years being beaten and hurt. Would his
mate treat him the same way?

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“What am I supposed to do with you?” the vampire finally asked

in a disgusted tone, like Luka was the vomit spewed in a car on a hot
summer day that needed to be dealt with.

“Slit my throat. Drink my blood. Break my neck,” Luka said. His

heart broke at the loathing on his mate’s face. The harsh tone didn’t
help either. The vampire prince hated him and he wasn’t going to be
mated to someone that hated him.

“What?” Zed asked.
“I’ve known you were my mate since the first time I saw your

image.” Luka thought back. It was the first time Zed saved his life.
The vampire prince gave him a reason to live. He dreamed of this
moment, but every second that went by the dream turned more and
more into a nightmare. Yes, he longed to be touched and held, but not
by a man that hated him. All he knew were touches full of anger. It
hadn’t always been like that, but the time before his life turned into a
nightmare barely existed within his memories. Those memories had
faded with time. That happiness existed through a thick fog that
clouded those memories. Now, he wanted Zed to caress and touch his
body with love and fill his soul with warmth. “You hate my kind. We
can’t be together. You don’t want to be my mate, so if I can’t be loved
by you then kill me.”

“What does one have to do with the other?” Zed asked. “Only

someone spoiled would come up with your reasoning. Love me or kill
me. I might not have recognized you as my mate, but the first time I
saw you, I knew you were nothing but a spoiled brat that demands
everything and gives nothing. You’re not worth my time.”

Luka’s knees almost gave out, but he stood his ground. He was

weak, but he didn’t want to show that to his mate. He thought about
the years he fought to stay alive just long enough to meet the man that
saved him over and over again. The visions gave him a reason to live,
but that too was a lie. If Zed no longer gave him hope, there was
nothing left. “Please just do what you came here to do.”

“I didn’t come here to kill you,” Zed said.

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“Then why are you here?” Luka asked.
Zed licked his lips. “To show you I can get it up by fucking you. I

came here to screw your tight ass.”

Luka’s eyes widened. He suspected as much, but to hear his mate

say it so bluntly shocked him. Mates were supposed to have sex. He
looked at the large man and shivered. Right now his body hurt too
much. He definitely wanted the vampire, but he didn’t want Zed to
touch him in anger or with hate. Was it wrong to ask to be held with
love and affection? Did he deserve that? This was the one thing his
vision never showed him. He saw simple touches and kisses, but not

“Oh, well I haven’t done anything like that before, but if you take

me to your place, then you can do whatever you want to my body.”
That sounded like a give-and-take type of plan. He knew how to block
out pain. The sex shouldn’t be that hard to get through. As long as
Zed didn’t touch his heart, he’d survive. Besides, he might be able to
get Zed to like him a little.

“Shit, I’m leaving,” Zed said before turning and walking toward

the window.

“Stop, you’re really not man enough to fuck or kill an elf?” he

asked, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.

Zed turned and grabbed him by the neck. He pushed Luka into the

wall. Luka groaned when his bruised back hit the flat surface.

“You don’t have to be so rough.” Luka looked at Zed. This was it.

He would either help him escape or help him die. He’d leave the
choice to his mate. Maybe Zed would see some worth in him. No one
else did.

“I don’t like games,” Zed said, releasing hold of Luka’s neck.
“Take me with you. We can get to know each other. If you want,

you can kill me later.”

“I hate repeating myself. I didn’t come here to kill you. I came

here to fuck you.”

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Luka swallowed. The part of his body Zed touched burned. His

heart beat a little faster and his cock hardened at the thought. “That
can happen after we get to know each other.”

Zed’s eyes roamed Luka’s body. “Yes, maybe that would work.

You need character building. You’re far too selfish.”

Luka couldn’t believe Zed’s opinion of him. Selfish? Spoiled? In

what world? He lived in a dark box, forced to look at other people’s
futures. They beat him when he refused or if he saw something the
customer didn’t like. Basically, they beat him whenever they felt like

Zed pulled Luka by the waist up into his arms. Luka gasped as

Zed touched a particularly painful area. He looked into the vampire’s
eyes and saw rage. Damn, did this man hate him for groaning in pain
too? Fine, he’d try to keep quiet since no one cared about his

They moved instantly from Luka’s room to the street. Zed

lowered him back down. The moment his feet hit the ground the pain
zoomed up his leg. His damaged knee threatened to give out. He
smothered the cry before it escaped. He learned that trick a long time
ago when he realized that crying only worsened the beatings. He
reached his hand against his leg and pushed his healing power through
the broken part of his body. He focused only on his leg, which left the
other bruises and fractures to heal naturally, but the pain still tore
through him.

“Let’s go,” Zed ordered as he turned and walked away, not

bothering to check if Luka followed.

Luka cursed. His mate had teleported them to the border of the

vampire territory. Why didn’t Zed transport them directly to his
place? He started to walk after Zed, but his body hurt trying to keep
up with the fast pace. “Wait, how about you carry me back to your

Zed froze. “You might be accustomed to the pampered life of a

prince. As my mate, you’ll hold your own. That means pulling your

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own weight.” He looked at Luka like he was a mosquito sucking out
blood. “If you can’t handle it, go back and be the elf prince with
everyone falling at your feet.”

Luka wanted to gag. Since when did others fall at his feet? He was

a prisoner that barely saw the sun. Now, he had to put up with the
pompous vampire prince. He wished the dreams of a loving mate had
come true, but that wouldn’t happen either. He moved his leg. The
pain was bearable. Slowly, he started to follow his mate, trying not to
fall. If he hurt his leg any more, Zed would probably keep going.

Why was he so unlucky? That question plagued him since he’d

turned five. “Can you walk a little slower?” Luka asked, calling after
Zed. The vampire was already half a block ahead.

Zed turned and walked toward him. “You need to walk faster,” he


Luka needed to look up to see Zed’s face. “Your legs are long.

Mine are short. Slow down so I can keep up.”

Zed walked right up to him, invading his personal space. Luka

flinched at the anger on the vampire’s face. “Listen, elf prince. I
accept that you’re my mate, but I don’t have to like it. I won’t follow
your orders, so don’t bother giving them.”

Luka shook his head. Maybe living with Zed would be worse than

the life he had escaped. “Why did you help me leave?”

“You asked.” Zed paused. “Even if we never fulfill the mating,

I’ll always be responsible for you.”

“I don’t need anyone to be responsible for me. You hate elves. I

get that. Let’s not prolong our relationship any longer then we need
to.” Luka paused, not sure how to go on. He had nothing to live on, no
money, no clothes and no food. “I need some money and a ride to the
airport. I’ll pay you back once I get settled. This way we can both get
out of each other’s way.”

The part of Luka that gave up on his dream liked the solution, but

the anger directed from his reluctant mate indicated he was the only
one in the relationship that felt that way.

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“Sorry, mate,” the vampire prince said, emphasizing the word

mate. “You don’t get to run away. Not with me supporting you. I
won’t pay so you can lounge on a beach and do nothing. Besides,
there’s nothing you can do. You’re a prince that can only order others
around. Tell me I’m wrong. What are your skills?”

Luka flinched. He couldn’t use elf magic that well. The only thing

he could do was heal his own broken bones. He barely did that right.
Sometimes he dreamed of things that happened elsewhere like he was
seeing through another person’s eyes. The only skill he had was the
ability to see the future and that was out of the question. He couldn’t
even read. Before the nightmare of being the elf prince began, Luka
painted and drew animals. Sometimes he still sketched. He looked
down before answering, not wanting to see the smug look on Zed’s
face. “I don’t have any skills.”

“Now, you understand. The world holds no place for you. If you

can’t contribute, then you’re useless. Follow me. I can’t guarantee
you’ll become a leader or even productive, but you’ll be less of a
burden to those around you. A prince shouldn’t be one in name only.
You need to learn to be more.”

Luka shook his head. Too bad he was a prince in name only. He

didn’t even have royal blood. Why the king forced him to be his son,
he’d never understand. He looked at the angry face of his mate and
decided to follow. He hated to admit it, but he needed help. If he
rested for a couple of weeks, his leg would heal. His ribs were sore,
possibly fractured, but not that bad. He would accept his fate for now.
“Fine, lead the way.”

“I don’t need you to agree. Just follow in silence.”
Luka wanted to scream. No, he needed to control his anger, but

the rage started to build. No, he told himself. Keep it inside. Silence
was the best way for this to end. During the long walk, he no longer
asked Zed to slow down, but the vampire no longer zoomed ahead of
him. It was a tiny step, but it gave Luka a little bit of hope.

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He followed Zed through the main entrance of a building located

in the center of the vampire territory. The building was an old
skyscraper that resembled a hotel or apartment complex. From what
King Kane said, the main house was too secure for the elf king to
break in and enter. He’d tried and always failed. The only people
allowed to live with the prince were his trusted family members. He
hoped that the members treated him like their leader’s mate and not
the despised elf prince.

Two vampires approached the moment they entered the building.

Luka studied them. Tonight was the first time he’d seen vampires in
person. With the added hostility between his race and the vampires,
no elf went to any of the meetings that vampires attended. Those
meetings rarely happened and the video conferences took over most
of their communications. Zed was the first vampire he’d talked to or
touched. He smiled. It was appropriate that it was his mate.

Another vampire approached. The other two lowered their heads

as this one walked closer. He greeted Zed.

“Bishop, this is my mate, Luka,” Zed said, loudly enough for

everyone in the room to hear. He looked over to Luka. “I want
everyone to know he’s here. No one is to touch him.”

“Of course,” Bishop said. He cocked his head to the side.
“He can’t protect himself, so we need to discuss protection for

him,” Zed added.

Luka silently counted to ten, trying to keep the anger building

inside from exploding, but it was getting harder. He wasn’t some
defenseless waif that needed to be protected. He could take care of
himself. What he hated the most was Zed discussing his future like he
wasn’t a part of it. Luka glared at Bishop as the man looked him up
and down. After a few seconds under the intense stare, Luka moved
closer to Zed. He grabbed his mate’s shirt with a shaking hand.

“Bishop, enough.” Zed’s body tensed.
“Sorry, Prince Zed. I didn’t mean to scare him. He’s going to need

around-the-clock protection.”

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“Yes, also increase security for the building. My mate isn’t just an

elf but the elf prince.”

“You can’t be serious. The elf prince?” Bishop’s stern face grew

more serious. His eyes darted around the hotel, looking for all
possible problems and dangers. Luka started to like the man.

“Yes, the prince.” Zed laughed. The cold sound filled the room,

but the laugh never reached his eyes.

Luka seethed beside him. Zed didn’t take him seriously. Hell, the

man didn’t even talk to him after entering the hotel. Well, that was
going to change. Luka tugged on Zed’s shirt, but Zed continued to
ignore him. Luka tugged harder, pulling at the shirt. Still, he was
being ignored.

“It’s rude not to properly introduce us. Especially when you’re

talking about me,” Luka said with a slight annoyance in his voice.
Interrupting was equally rude, but he wouldn’t be ignored.

Zed looked at Luka and smiled. The smile never reached the tall,

sexy man’s eyes. It hurt that his mate didn’t like him and barely
tolerated him.

The vampire prince cleared his throat. “Do you want them to call

you “sir”? How do you want the common people to address you?”

Luka stared back. He didn’t care about titles. Zed’s opinion of him

was so low. What did he do? He looked directly into Zed’s eyes and
said, “It seems, Zed, that you’re the only one hung up on titles. To me
it doesn’t matter.” It was useless to try and control his anger. He
couldn’t do it. Everything that happened tonight was wrong. His
loving mate didn’t exist. He was left with someone that didn’t care
and thought so little of him.

Zed walked over and tried to grab Luka’s arm, but Luka moved

back and held up his hand to stop Zed from touching him. Zed
stopped and looked at the smaller man. “Do you hate a vampire’s
touch that much?” Zed asked.

Luka’s eyes widened. He didn’t think of it that way. Some of the

anger disappeared. He didn’t want to be hurt. Angry people tended to

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beat him. No matter what, he wasn’t going to let his mate hurt him.
That would destroy him. After years of hope and prayers, if Zed hurt
him, it would leave him with a large, empty void inside of his heart.
“No, but I won’t let you touch me in anger.” He looked over at the
other vampires. “That goes for everyone here.”

“You can’t stop us. You’re small and weak.”
Luka shook his head. “I might not be as strong as you, but my

strength comes from inside.”

Zed laughed. The sound filled the room. “Where do you come up

with this crap? Either you can protect yourself or not.”

“Well, I don’t have to worry about that now. I have a big strong

mate to protect me,” Luka said sarcastically.

“That’s true, little elf. I won’t let anyone hurt you. To touch you is

to disrespect me.” Zed looked at each vampire in the room. “It doesn’t
change anything. I’ll make sure you learn your place. You will live
here with me and do as I say. It will take a while for you to change,
but maybe after hard work you’ll appreciate things.”

“I’m not afraid of hard work,” Luka responded. He hesitated for a

moment before asking, “If I don’t live up to your standards, what
then? Will you beat me? Starve me? Kill me?”

“Where do you come up with this garbage? You seem to have a

very active imagination, but the stories you’ve heard about vampires
aren’t true. I will treat you as my mate as long as you live up to my
expectations. If you don’t, I’ll return you to your father and you can
continue your pampered lifestyle.”

Luka swallowed and turned away. His legs threatened to give out,

but he wouldn’t let his mate see the weakness. The threat hung in the
air. It helped a little that Zed didn’t know it was a horrible threat. No,
he would meet the vampire’s demands. Whatever character that
caused others to punish him, he’d find and eliminate it. His life
depended on it. “Ok, I agree,” Luka finally said.

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“Well, that’s nice,” Zed responded, then turned and walked away

from him. “Follow me.” Zed moved to the stairs. “You will stay with
me on the top floor.”

Luka stopped. “Can we take the elevator?” he asked. Zed’s back

stiffened. Luka flinched back as the other man became angry, but his
leg throbbed. He wouldn’t make it up the stairs. Before Zed could
explode, he quickly added, “I walked a long way today. More than
I’m used to and I’m tired. For today, can we please take the elevator?
Please,” Luka begged. If he couldn’t do this, would Zed send him

“The elevator doesn’t work. Tomorrow you will climb up and

down the stairs, but for today grab onto me and I’ll teleport us to the
top floor.”

Luka sighed in relief. He walked over to Zed and wrapped his

arms around the larger man’s waist. He leaned in. Being in his mate’s
arms felt right. Zed’s entire body was hard with thick muscles. He felt
the strength flow into him. Then the sadness hit. They might have
been loving and caring mates in his visions, but right now Zed barely
tolerated him.

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Chapter Three

Zed held Luka closer than needed. The elf smelled like the wind

and everything good in nature, a natural aroma of flowers, trees, and
pinecones. He was addicted to the sweet scent. While not necessary to
breathe, he took in a deep breath, memorizing the unique scent.

They reappeared inside of his apartment. Luka’s eyes were tightly

closed. The small elf’s brow wrinkled. His fists wrapped tightly
around Zed’s shirt. He held Luka a little longer than needed, relishing
the feel of the small elf perfectly nestled into his body.

Zed wanted a strong mate. No, he needed a strong mate. Not

physically strong, but his mate had to be mentally strong. Luka was
the type of person more concerned with how the problem affected
him. He would never be concerned with people dealing with difficult
times. Those things wouldn’t bother the small elf or if it did, it was
because it dirtied his pretty view of the world.

The elf dressed in a pure white turtleneck and white dress pants.

The outfit looked good on him, but most clothes would fit the elf’s
lean body. The bright white was another example of Luka’s
disconnect from reality. Zed would never wear a color that showed all
the blood and dirt that accompanied running a territory. The elf
avoided work and had no desire to participate in such things. Luka
probably never realized the impracticality of wearing such a light
color, but it was unpractical for any leader that needed to get down
and dirty.

The apple seldom falls far from the tree. Kane was exactly the

same way. Some things were just inherited. His beautiful, spoiled
mate lacked discipline and had serious character flaws. He was

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selfish, self-centered, rude and demanding. Those things could be
changed with hard, backbreaking work, but the worst part couldn’t be
changed. The dark blood of King Kane flowed through his mate’s
veins. Luka had a beautiful face, but he had an ugly heart.

Zed would try. The fates created them for each other, but if

tonight was any indication, he had his work cut out for him. The main
problem was the small elf’s attitude. Luka wasn’t serious. He wasn’t
trying. First, whining about walking too fast. He wouldn’t even
attempt to keep up. No, Zed had to modify his pace. Then the elf
prince demanded to ride the elevator. Normally, he’d force the small
elf up the stairs, but making a scene in front of the others would have
lasting negative implications for the spoiled elf prince.

He needed to get tough. In a room full of vampires, Luka would

learn to straighten his back and climb the stairs, not complain about
being tired. Leaders never got tired. He shook his head. Luka hadn’t
climbed the stairs. Instead, he complained. That said it all.

The first step was getting Luka to learn to suck it up and get the

job done. Complaining would bring more work. Maybe tomorrow
he’d have his mate climb the stairs ten times. It wasn’t barbaric, but a
start to improve the elf’s character.

Tonight, he’d let it slide. So much had changed for the elf. Luka

was young, he reminded himself. He had an eternity to change a few
decades of bad learning. Hopefully, taken away from his arrogant,
spiteful father, Luka would start to understand the world. He’d help
his mate stand on two feet and be less of a brat.

Luka moved from his body. Instantly, the warmth was gone.

Vampires were always cold, but having his mate so close warmed his
skin. The warmth had filled him, chasing the cold away. He closely
watched as the small elf looked around the living room.

Zed had owned the building for over a hundred years. He

converted the top floors into apartments for his adopted sons, Jacob
and Sage, and his most trusted associates. A good thing now that his
mate was moving in.

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Luka would piss off a lot of vampires as Zed helped him become a

better person. The hostility between vampires and elves didn’t help.
Other vampires might feel justified hurting Luka for being an elf, but
he trusted the people living in this building. He didn’t trust them to
treat the elf with respect, but he trusted them not to kill the young
prince. Of course, if Luka acted too much like a spoiled brat, all bets
were off.

Luka looked around the living room. The smaller man couldn’t

hide his distaste for the furniture and the basic features of the room.
As his eyes darted around, his expression soured.

“I’m sorry if the room isn’t up to the normal standards that the elf

prince is accustomed to. I hope it’s not too shabby,” Zed said

“No, it’s fine,” Luka said. “It’s just I thought there would be more

colors. Everything is black, white or a dull gray. Imagine yellows,
greens and blues. The place would shine.” Luka smiled at the mention
of adding brightness to the room.

Zed wanted to smile. Luka’s face had lightened up thinking about

making this room more of a home. Without the guarded expression,
Luka looked younger and more innocent. His mate’s smile was
breathtaking, but Zed needed to be firm. He wouldn’t spoil the elf
prince by ignoring the rude behavior. His mate needed to learn proper

“When you enter someone’s home, you should be honest, but if

you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything. You might also try
to thank them for having you as a guest. That’s common courtesy.
Your response was inappropriate,” Zed informed Luka. The vampire
prince almost backed off when the relaxed expression changed back
into the guarded one Zed now hated. He wouldn’t waver. It was his
job to teach his mate. He, too, was a prince, the ruler of a territory. He
wanted an equal and loving relationship and no matter how much he
wanted to strip Luka of his clothes and see every inch of the beautiful
skin, his elf mate needed to learn the basics of diplomacy.

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“I don’t need you to lecture me. I’m not visiting a stranger’s

home. I am in my mate’s home. Do you want me to treat you formally
and never speak the truth? We can have that type of relationship.” The
anger blazed in Luka’s violet-blue eyes.

“In the beginning, that’s the way it must be. At least until I know

you won’t disgrace the territory with your selfishness.” Zed almost
backed down after seeing the life leave Luka’s eyes. The anger
disappeared into a blank stare. Zed needed to be strong for the both of
them. The elf prince wouldn’t be warmly welcomed in his territory,
but a selfish elf prince wouldn’t be welcomed at all.

“Fine. What do you expect?” Luka asked. His violet-blue eyes

held little emotion as though the small elf just shut off his feelings.

“I’ll prepare a list of chores for around the building. You can

show the rest of the vampires your willingness to help. It’s important
they don’t see the selfishness that’s rotting your soul. Try to show
them that you care about something other than yourself.”

“Chores?” Luka asked.
“Yes, it will help build character.” Zed sighed. The idea of chores

seemed completely alien to the beautiful elf.

Luka clenched his fist. “Tell me, Prince Zed, what’s wrong with

my character? Before you pass judgment, it’s important that you get
to know me,” Luka said in a harsh tone.

“Your temper, for one thing. It’s out of control. Plus your

emotions are all over the place. One moment you’re angry the next
moment you’re depressed. There is no balance. You need to learn
control.” Zed stood and started to walk to his bedroom. “Follow me,
or do you need a formal invitation?”

Luka slowly moved in his direction. Zed watched as his mate took

small steps. There was something off about the way he moved. It was
slow and he focused too much on walking. Zed shrugged. It was
probably a way to seem more dignified. He asked anyway. “Are you
having problems walking?”

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Luka stopped. He forced his head down. “We walked a lot today.

That’s all.” His mate wrapped both arms in front of his chest.
Something was off, but he’d follow up later.

“To be my mate, your sleep schedule needs to change. We’re

night creatures, so you need to prepare yourself to sleep during the
day. Since you walked a long way and look tired, I will allow a short
nap tonight, but starting tomorrow you will remain awake to about
noon. Then you can sleep until sunset. Soon your body should be able
to handle an all-night schedule. Also, I’ll add stamina training to your
daily chores. Short walks and stair climbing shouldn’t make your
body tired. Do you understand?”

“What’s not to understand? You want to control when I sleep, and

when I’m not sleeping you still want to control me. Do you want to
schedule my bathroom breaks too? Maybe we can create a detailed
list with the specific times for me to shit or piss. Is it too undignified
to do them both at once?”

Zed moved in. He pushed his mate onto the bed. Since their

electronic meeting, the vampire dreamed of having his way with
Luka. He even started to picture the small elf in his mind. It was like
Luka called out to him. At one point, he saw Luka’s location in his
head. That’s how he’d found the elf prince. The address appeared in
his thoughts. The fates had a funny way of bringing them together.

Maybe after a hard fuck, the elf would start to relax and Zed

would stop craving him. Besides, sex would be part of a mate’s
responsibilities. It was time for Luka to give back. Zed reached down
to caress Luka’s face, but stopped when his mate looked up at him
with wide, frightened eyes. Zed pulled his hand away.

“Don’t push me, Luka. You won’t like the outcome.”
“And what would that be? Tell me what I can expect from my

mate besides demands and criticism.” Luka sighed. He tried to hide
the slight tremble, but Zed’s vampire senses saw the slight shake.
“Get to know me. Give me a chance,” Luka pleaded.

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Zed shook his head. He almost relented, but instead strengthened

his resolve. From the first teleconference meeting, he’d seen all that
was necessary to form an opinion. Maybe the younger man failed to
understand his own bratty behavior and spoiled life. Zed had his work
cut out for him. “Sleep for now. When you wake up, I’ll have a list of
tasks.” Zed turned and walked out the door, leaving his mate alone.

* * * *

Anger was an emotion Luka was familiar with. The world was

angry. The people around him were angry. He watched Zed walk out
of the room with a heavy stride and tightly balled fists. His hand
reached out to stop his mate, but when he opened his mouth to call
out, nothing came out. He didn’t know what to say. Everything he’d
said came out all wrong. The evening was filled with one mistake
after another.

He rubbed the parts of his body that Zed’s large hands had

touched. When Zed pushed him down on the bed, a part of him had
hoped for more and another part had feared his mate would take
things too far. He wanted soft touches and gentle kisses, but Zed
hated him too much to care about his comfort. He would be a warm
body for Zed to use and fill. He shuddered, imagining the disgusted
look on Zed’s face when it was over. Maybe they wouldn’t get that
far. The first sight of the dark purple bruises might disgust Zed too
much for sex to even happen.

It no longer mattered. Zed was gone. The ugly bruises that

covered his skin were still hidden. He was relieved that his mate
didn’t know about the marks marring his body. What if Zed approved
of the violence done to him? What if he decided to try it out? One
thing was certain. Zed didn’t know he could easily break Luka’s heart
into thousands of tiny pieces. The first time Zed hit him or selfishly
used him for sexual release would crush any hope he had of being
whole and healed.

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He wanted the man from his visions, the person that held and

protected him, but the vampire prince hated him. How were they
supposed to have that kind of relationship when Zed barely tolerated

Luka yawned. A nap sounded good. It was around midnight.

Normally he’d be sleeping and his body knew it. He removed his
shoes and tried to get comfortable on top of the bed. The firm
mattress dug into the sensitive, battered areas on his body. He tried to
push more of his healing magic into his leg, but it wasn’t working.
After a nap, it should be better. He needed to rest for his magic to
return. It would come back after a nap. He closed his eyes and drifted
to sleep.

* * * *

Small hands mixed food coloring into the icing. Each of the seven

bowls held a different bright color.

“That’s it. Mix it all together,” his dad said. Not the cold-hearted

king, but his real dad.

Luka looked up and smiled. He pushed back his bangs. Fingers

stuck to the strawberry-blond hair. He scrunched his nose.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll take a bath later.”
He nodded. Luka loved baths. He got to splash and play until the

water turned cold. He looked at his hands. They were an interesting

“Are you ready to spread the icing?”
Luka giggled. “The cupcakes will make a rainbow.”
“Yes, it will. My sweet boy loves colors.” His dad leaned in and

hugged Luka.

“Daddy, stop it. I’m almost five. That’s too big for kisses.” He

patted down the red hair and pouted.

The older man laughed. “Tomorrow you’ll be five. Then we’ll

talk about too old for kisses and hugs.” He gave Luka one more hug.

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Luka laughed. “Deal. Tomorrow we’ll talk about it.”
The room darkened. The walls were covered in blood and the

unnatural silence left the small child shaking. Hands pulled him
toward the dark wall.

Luka’s eyes shot open. The dim light burned, but it was a relief.

The dream—no, the memories—no longer invaded his sleep.

“Get up,” Zed ordered.
Luka turned toward his vampire mate. Didn’t Zed say he could

sleep? He felt so heavy. “What about my nap?”

“You’ve been sleeping for an hour. That should be enough. Here’s

a list of the things you need to do.”

Zed handed the paper to Luka. The writing was beautiful, but he

couldn’t read it. Would Zed hold that against him?

“Most of the things are for you. Like creating shopping lists for

food. You have a budget. It’s more than you’ll normally receive.”

He looked at the paper and then back up at Zed.
“If you follow that list, you eat. Stay in bed all day and then you

starve. In order to survive, you have to do things for yourself.”

Luka focused on his mate. His body ached. He reached for his leg

and pushed magic into it, but nothing. He felt the magic flow into his
body, but it wasn’t working. He looked at Zed. He couldn’t keep the
panic out of his voice as he said, “Zed.”

“Having a budget isn’t something bad. You’ll learn that expensive

clothes aren’t important. Now get up, we have a lot to prepare.” Zed
turned, leaving Luka alone in the bedroom.

He should’ve been more honest. He reached down, trying to push

healing magic into his leg. The relief wasn’t there. He grabbed his
knee and pushed everything into it. He started panting from the
exertion. His head ached, but nothing. He tried to move his leg but the
pain from his knee made moving it unbearable. He knew the damage
was extensive, but slowly he was healing it and using magic to walk.
If he couldn’t do that, then he was stuck. His body shook. He needed
magic to heal and take away the pain.

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“Zed,” Luka yelled. After a couple of minutes passed, no one had

come. Luka pulled himself to lean his back against the headboard.
There was no more pretending to be whole. He needed a doctor. No,
he needed an elf doctor.

“I don’t have time for games,” Zed said as he walked back into

the room with Bishop following him.

“Zed, I’m not feeling well. Can you call a doctor?” Luka’s body

continued to shake. Little bumps formed on his skin as he fought to
hide his teeth chattering. The fear pushed out and he couldn’t push it
back in. He couldn’t be damaged. Zed would send him back.

The vampire prince studied him. He moved over to the bed and

for the first time since they met, he gently placed a hand on his
forehead. “Your skin is deathly pale, but there’s no fever and you’re

Luka stared, unable to talk or move. He felt like a doll that sat on

a shelf looking pretty.

“Listen, Luka, things are going to change. It can be scary, but you

need to learn to move with the changes. Chores are a part of it. It’s
wrong to stay in bed all day and let others take care of you.”

The panic sucked up the air. He struggled to breath. No one was

going to get help. “I don’t care about your chores. I need a doctor.”
Luka’s eyes watered. He wouldn’t cry. “Please, Zed, there’s
something wrong.”

Zed pulled his strawberry-blond hair back and forced Luka to look

directly into his eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong,” Zed ordered.

“There’s something wrong with my magic.”
Zed sighed like he couldn’t believe he had to deal with the


“Fine, get up. I’ll bring you to a doctor.” Zed turned to leave.
“Wait,” Luka said. He was going to seem so ungrateful after Zed

offered to help him. “I am having problems walking. Can the doctor
come here?”

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Zed stopped. “Enough is enough.” He moved in to grab Luka’s


Luka pushed his body away. He almost fell off the other side of

the bed, trying to get away from Zed’s grasp.

“Please,” he begged. He covered his body with both hands to

prepare for the blow. After it didn’t happen, he lowered his arms. Zed
and Bishop both stared at him with wide, shocked eyes. “I’m sorry.”
He didn’t know what he was apologizing for.

“Bishop, call Roman and ask for Avery to come over. Explain the

situation. Then have Yavin pick the doctor up. I need you to start
working on the chore list. Until the doctor looks at Luka, he’ll stay in
bed.” Zed handed the list to Bishop. “Start with ordering food to fill
the kitchen. Then clothes and other personal items.”

“Yes, sir,” Bishop said. He turned and walked out the door.
“Thank you,” Luka said. He just hoped it wasn’t too much trouble

and Zed didn’t decide to get rid of him.

“Not so fast. What’s wrong with your leg?” Zed asked, focusing

on his bad leg.

“My knee hurts.” Luka looked away. He felt weak and stupid.

“The doctor will take care of it.”

Zed moved in. “I’m going to rip the fabric around your knee and

pull it off your body. I want to look at it.”

“No, that’s okay. We can wait for the doctor.”
Luka tried to block Zed, but the vampire moved in. He ripped the

pants just above the knee. Luka braced himself for the pain, but there
wasn’t any. With Zed’s long nails and teeth, he cut through the
material. When his naked leg was exposed, Zed gasped.

Luka moved a pillow trying to cover the damage. He knew the

swollen knee and the deep, purple bruises that covered most of his leg
looked hideous.

Zed pushed the pillow aside. “Who did this to you?”
Luka started laughing. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help

it. Was it because Zed looked like he might care? Luka knew the

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truth. Zed was probably worried about the chore list. The one he
couldn’t even read. He wanted love from the man. How pathetic could
he be? Before Luka knew it the laugh turned into sobs. He tried to
stop the tears.

“It’s okay. I’ll get a doctor.” Zed moved in to wrap an arm around

his shoulder and Luka flinched. He fought to control the sobs.

Slowly the tears stopped. He looked at the sadness and anger on

Zed’s face. What did he do now? “I’m sorry. I won’t let that happen

“Don’t be foolish. Cry when you want to cry. When I went to

touch your shoulders, you flinched away. Does a vampire touch
bother you that much?”

Luka looked at his mate. For the first time, he saw a little of the

man from his visions, not the angry vampire that wanted nothing to do
with him. “No, that’s not it. My shoulders are sore and I’m afraid the
touch will hurt.” Zed deserved some honesty in return.

Zed started pulling at his shirt, the movements slow and gentle.

“Let’s get your shirt off.”

“No!” Luka exclaimed. “I mean, that’s okay. Everything’s fine.”

He pushed at Zed’s hands.

“Are you bruised?” Zed asked. “Don’t lie to me.”
He shook his head. “No, I’m fine.” Zed narrowed his eyes. He

couldn’t convincingly lie. “Okay, maybe a little bruised,” Luka

“Then let’s take off your shirt. It’s going to happen after the

doctor arrives. Let me see the damage.”

Luka looked at his hands. He really wanted to avoid Zed seeing

him like this, but the determined look in his mate’s eyes showed there
was no way around this. He slowly nodded. “You’ll be gentle, right?”

“Of course,” Zed said in a gentle tone that surprised him. His mate

moved closer to remove Luka’s clothes. He just hoped that Zed didn’t
go running from the room as every inch of bruised skin was revealed.

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Chapter Four

Luka stiffened and braced for pain. The stance formed easily with

an expertise obtained from experience. Zed hated the bowed
shoulders and the clenched teeth. The small elf expected pain and was
ready to be beaten down.

Zed studied the high-necked shirt. Pulling it over his small mate’s

head might hurt. He didn’t know the extent of the bruising. He leaned
closer. “Luka, I’m going to slice the shirt down the middle.”

A hesitant nod informed Zed that his mate had heard and had

reluctantly agreed. His nails grew. At this length, they were sharper
than knives. He reached under the white material. His knuckle rubbed
against Luka’s back. The elf hissed in pain. He clenched his eyes
closed as if afraid to see Zed looking at his body. He would worry
about that later. Now, Zed needed to assess the damage.

His nail sliced through the fabric like a knife cutting through soft

cheese. The fabric fell open and he grabbed the ends and slid the
material down Luka’s arms. The small elf grabbed the fabric and then
pulled it into his chest. He then wrapped both arms around the pieces
of the white shirt and held it close like a security blanket.

Zed slowly started to examine the smaller man’s back, lightly

touching the dark bruises. He gently ran his fingers over the darkest
spot on Luka’s left side right above the hip bone and then moved
toward his ribs. The dark, angry marks covered the elf prince’s back.
Zed reached the thin shoulders but Luka flinched, moving away from
his extended hand. Zed’s blood boiled looking at the inflicted abuse.
Some bruises were healed more than others, reflecting the ongoing
abuse his mate endured.

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“This isn’t a little bruising,” Zed said, forcing the anger away.

Luka didn’t need to see it.

Luka shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not that bad.”
Zed wanted to scream. Any abuse was bad and shouldn’t be

tolerated. Instead, he lifted Luka’s chin up until their eyes met. Luka
darted his eyes around, but Zed waited. Finally, Luka looked directly
at him. He stared into his mate’s eyes for a few seconds, making sure
he had Luka’s complete attention. “Who did this to you?” Zed

Luka tried to pull his head back, but Zed reached behind him and

held his head steady. Whoever hurt his mate didn’t touch the small
elf’s head. They wanted to cause pain, not permanent damage.

“Listen, I can still prove my worth. I might need a little time, but I

will show you. Don’t worry. After the doctor heals me, my body will
be ready to work. I won’t complain. Just let me stay here. Please don’t
send me back because of this,” Luka pleaded.

The desperation tore at his heart. The words he had spoken earlier

came back to him. He told his mate that if things didn’t work out he’d
return him. The fear now made sense. Zed leaned in, touching their
foreheads. “I can see you’ve not been cared for, but you’re now mine.
No one will ever touch you like this again. You’re my mate.”

“I can stay?” Fear resonated within the question.
“You’re staying.” The statement held no room for argument. He

let the words sink in. “Now, Luka, tell me the name of the person that
hurt you.” Zed released his hold on Luka, and gently rubbed his chin.

Luka looked down. “It was the elf king.”
“Your father did this?” Zed stood. He couldn’t hold back his

anger. “Why?” he demanded. He cursed when his mate flinched back.
“I’m sorry.” He leaned in to soothe Luka. “I don’t like seeing you hurt
and thinking that someone hurt you makes me angry. But I’m not
angry at you. Do you understand?”

Luka nodded. “Do we have to talk about it?” Luka asked. He

wrapped his arms tighter around the remnants of the shirt.

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“No, we don’t have to talk about it now. The conversation can

wait until later. We will talk about it later. This is not something that
can be ignored.”

“Okay,” Luka said in a soft voice. “Can I have a blanket? It’s a

little cold without my shirt.” His mate tried to bend his knee, but the
leg barely moved. “I’m okay if you don’t want me to have one. I
probably seem ungrateful and spoiled to ask for something.” He
shook his head. “Forget it. I don’t really need one. I’m okay.” He
trembled as he said the words.

Zed moved to the closet and grabbed a blanket. He walked over

and helped his mate onto his back. He covered the smaller man’s
body with the heavy quilt. “Are you in pain?”

“No, not really.”
From the way Luka tried to position his back onto the bed, he was

uncomfortable. Zed wanted complete honesty from his mate, but right
now he’d let the small lie slide. “I’m sending Bishop to the
supermarket to pick up food. You can’t drink blood like us. How
about we make a list while we wait for the doctor?”

Luka looked at him. “I can pick my own food.” The shock on the

elf’s face was priceless and a little sad.

“Of course, what type of food do you like?” Zed asked.
“Well, I don’t eat meat. I love fruit. Bananas and strawberries are

my favorite, but it’s okay. I don’t really need to eat them.” Luka
looked away. “Zed, do you think that maybe you could like me a little

Zed felt like he’d been slapped. “Of course,” he said.
“I’m an elf. Vampires hate elves. Besides, there’s something

about me that people don’t like. The elf king hurts me and even my
mate doesn’t like my personality.”

“You’re not just an elf. You’re my elf. As for me not liking your

personality, you were right. I should get to know you before I jump to

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“Yes, you should get to know someone before you jump to

conclusions,” Luka said, nodding his head in agreement. His mate
was adorable, something he wouldn’t think about before.

“Also, the current animosity didn’t exist a few decades ago.

Vampires and elves got along,” Zed added. He wanted Luka to know
that the two races could be friends and they had been in the past. He’d
left out the part about King Kane causing most of the problems.

Luka’s eyes widened. “Really.”
His mate’s innocence was beautiful.
“It might have been before you were born. How old are you?”
The question took his mate by surprise. “Around twenty-one or

twenty-two. I’m not really sure. We don’t celebrate my birthday. I
don’t remember when it is anymore.” His mate laughed at the irony of
the situation.

The more Zed heard the harder it became to control his rage.

Everything about his mate’s life left him feeling sad for not being able
to help him earlier. He’d make it up to Luka by finding out his mate’s
birthday, and on his next birthday, he would host a large party with a
lot of people celebrating. He looked at Luka again. He was still hiding
something. There was more to this story and Zed would find out

“How about we start making a shopping list while we wait for the


Luka nodded. “Do you eat food or just drink blood?”
“I have no taste for food, but I’m old enough to tolerate it. Older

vampires drink very little blood and need only a little bit of sleep.”

“You don’t sleep. What will you do when I sleep?”
Zed looked down at his mate. “I will hold you in my arms and

keep you safe. Something tells me it’s going to be one of my favorite
parts of the day.”

Luka blushed then turned his head away.
“Now, let’s finish that list.”

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Zed wrote the different foods Luka liked. He added a few items of

his own. He would have to talk to Thomas, Roman’s brother, about
creating a balanced vegetarian diet.

Over an hour later, Yavin walked through the door with the

doctor. Luka pulled the blanket up to his nose and stared at the man.

“Hello, Avery,” Zed greeted.
“Hello, Prince Zed, and hello, Prince Luka,” Avery said. He

smiled at his mate, but Luka looked away.

Zed stepped back as Avery moved in. Luka looked at Zed with

large, bulging eyes that begged him to stay. He nodded and moved
against the wall. Like he’d leave his mate alone with anyone in his
current vulnerable state. Hell, he didn’t think he’d be able to leave
until Luka’s body healed and they were fully mated.

“What seems to be the problem?” Avery asked Luka.
“I can’t use my healing magic. I can feel it, but when I try to push

it into my body nothing happens.”

Avery held out his hand. “Touch my hand and release your


Luka shook his head. “I can only release my magic inside of me.

It won’t work on anyone else.”

Avery studied Luka. “I see. Let me see what happens when you

try to heal yourself.”

“Avery, is there something wrong with him?” Zed asked. “He

can’t use magic on anyone else.”

The doctor looked at Luka and his mate’s eyes widened. Avery

nodded and looked at Zed. The wordless conversation would be
obvious to everyone in the room and he knew the secret the two elves
shared would remain hidden.

“No, it’s not unusual. It means he doesn’t have a lot of magic.”
Luka moved to sit up. Zed placed a hand behind his mate’s back

to help him sit up. The blanket fell away and Avery gasped at the
damage. Zed looked at Avery and the elf nodded. He didn’t want to
upset Luka any more than necessary. Luka moved his hand to his

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damaged knee and forced his magic into the swollen area. His hand
released a faint green light, but nothing happened to his leg. It wasn’t

“Can I run my hands down your body? I want to evaluate your

magic. I’m going to have to touch some of the bruised sections of
your knee. Is that okay?”

Luka looked at Zed. His mate didn’t know what to say, so Zed

answered. “Yes, but be very gentle.”

Avery barely touched Luka’s skin as his hand hovered above his

body. “I see. Your body has too much healing energy in it. Your
system is overloaded and now blocking the magic.”

Luka clenched his stomach with his hands. “Is it permanent?”
“No, it’s not. You can’t heal yourself for a while, but slowly your

body will start to accept magic again. You will make a complete
recovery, so don’t worry about that.” The doctor placed a hand over
Luka’s hands resting on his stomach.

Luka nodded.
“Worry about what?” Zed asked. The two were keeping secrets

and he wanted answers.

“That I was permanently damaged,” Luka answered before

looking away.

There was more to the story, but right now Zed decided to let it


“The knee needs magic to heal. It won’t heal on its own. The rest

of your body will. My magic is different, so it will work. I’m only
going to use enough to fix the knee. It will be weak, but you’ll be able
to move it. Then you’ll need to take it easy for a while. Do you
understand?” Avery asked.

Luka nodded.
Avery leaned in. “You’re going to be sleepy after this.”
“No wait,” Luka said.
The doctor stopped moving his glowing, green hands.

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“I need to stay awake until noon. Is there anything else you can


Zed cringed. Those were his old orders and Luka intended to

follow them.

“Luka, let Avery heal you,” Zed ordered. He looked at his small

mate and saw defiance in the elf’s violet-blue eyes.

“I won’t waste the day in bed. I need to meet your people. You

said so yourself. If he heals me then I’ll sleep too long. I won’t lounge
all day in bed. Besides, Avery’s not talking about a couple of hours. I
will sleep for days. If I have to use crutches or a wheelchair that’s

Avery cleared his throat. “Luka, if you force your body too much,

the damage to your leg will be permanent. Besides, you need to rest to

“Let him heal you. That’s going to be the first item on the list. Do

you refuse?”

Luka looked torn. He desperately wanted to follow orders, but

didn’t know which ones. Finally, he closed his eyes and the tension
started to leave his body. “Zed, will you stay with me until I wake up?
You won’t be disgusted if I sleep for days?”

The fear and desperation in his mate’s voice stirred a fierce

protectiveness inside of him. He leaned forward and placed a chaste
kiss on Luka’s lips. “I’ll be close by.” He turned and nodded to

The doctor’s hands touched Luka’s leg, and the puffiness started

to disappear. The dark purple color lightened. Luka tried to keep his
eyes open but slowly he drifted to sleep. The doctor continued to push
magic into his mate’s bad leg. After another few seconds the elf
doctor pulled away. “Okay, that should be enough. Make sure he
stays in bed for the next few days. You can carry him, but no weight
on that leg.”

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“I have a few questions. Let’s go out to the living area.” He

walked Avery to the main room. “Yavin, wait outside, while I talk to
the doctor.”

Yavin silently turned and moved to the door. Zed waited until the

door closed before asking, “What’s going on?”

Avery paused and scratched his head. “He’s been using magic to

heal his body for too long. It’s starting to reject it. If he stops using it,
his body will heal and Luka can make a complete recovery.”

“Why would the elf king beat his own son?” Zed asked.
Avery turned away. “That’s something Luka needs to explain.”
“Please, tell me what you know,” Zed said. “Luka’s too fragile to

answer these questions.”

“I left the elf royal court shortly after Luka arrived, so I only

know the rumors and speculations that were being passed around at
that time. First, Luka is part human. That’s one of the reasons he can
only use his powers on himself.”

“Human. Did they beat him for that?”
“I don’t know, but there’s something else.” Avery looked

uncomfortable. “Our king isn’t a kind man. He’s paranoid of
everyone around him. As far as I know, King Kane has never fathered
a child. The prince was adopted.”

“Wait.” Zed needed a moment to process the information. His

mate had human blood in him and wasn’t the king’s biological son.
He didn’t care about either, but too many secrets surrounded Luka.

“It’s not a secret among the elves. I’m only telling you in case it

helps, but please keep this part to yourself. What I told you before is
true, but this is pure speculation.” Avery paused while trying to think
of the right words. “I don’t know why King Kane adopted a child.
Some say he didn’t have a choice. Others think he did it to shut up our
elders. But if you know our king, then you’d know he doesn’t care
and wouldn’t be forced into adopting a child. Until examining him, I
didn’t know the prince had human blood. One of his parents was most
likely a human.”

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Zed was equally confused. The Kane he knew would never adopt

anyone. The situation made less and less sense. There was one
question he needed to know. “If Luka was adopted, what happened to
his parents?”

“There are two stories. One story says that his parents sold him to

the king and the other story says that the king murdered his real
family. No one really knows. The only thing we know is that Luka is
not the king’s biological son.”

Zed clenched his fist. He had a feeling that it would be a while

before Luka trusted him with the truth. “Thank you. Yavin will take
you home.”

“I want to see Luka again to make sure he’s healing properly.

Also, his human blood will respond to your bites. If he’s in pain, your
saliva entering his system will speed the healing process. Luka isn’t
human or elf but a mixture of the two. His reactions to magic and
healing will be different because of his mixed heritage.”Avery turned
and headed for the door.

Zed watched Avery leave the apartment. He turned and walked

back to the bedroom. Luka slept peacefully. Zed pushed a piece of
hair away. His soft breathing and relaxed face was addicting. Zed
could sit in this room all day just watching Luka sleep. The vampire
prince wasn’t stupid. There were a lot more secrets being kept from
him. His mate was surrounded by mystery. Nothing made sense, but it
didn’t matter that much. No matter what, he’d protect his mate.
Nothing was going to hurt Luka again.

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Chapter Five

Luka opened his eyes. The heaviness in his arms and legs

confused him. The darkness left him uneasy. He always slept with the
lights on. Bad things happened in the darkness. The pitch black kept
him from seeing. His body shook as he tried to move to the side of the
bed. A scream from the past replayed in his head. He covered his ears,
knowing the sound wasn’t real, but an echo from another time.

His leg caught on the blanket. He pulled it the wrong way. It still

hurt. Not the painful stab, but a slight sting.

“Awake?” Zed asked.
Slowly, the memories came back. He had met Zed. His vampire

mate hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. Luka wanted to
cry, but he learned long ago that it didn’t help in situations like this. A
blur still existed in his mind. The last thing he remembered was the
doctor’s visit.

“I can’t see.” Luka’s voice quivered. Someone moved toward

him. He closed his eyes and pulled both legs up into his chest. If the
person was angry, the smaller he made the target the better the

The lamp next to the bed clicked on. Luka squinted. The light hurt

as it filled the room.

“Calm down. No one’s going to hurt you.” Zed reached out to

touch his shoulder.

He cringed and tried to move his body away.
Zed didn’t stop his approach. He gently rested a large hand on

Luka’s shoulder. He moved toward his neck and lightly massaged it.

“How are you feeling?”

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He rolled his eyes. “Like a tractor-trailer ran me over. Thanks for


The sarcastic words had a mind of their own. He didn’t want to

come off that way, but he couldn’t help it. He felt vulnerable and
weak and when he felt vulnerable and weak, he lashed out. He lashed
out a lot. No wonder Zed hated him.

“Well, at least your personality hasn’t changed. A simple thank

you might be more appropriate than hostility.”

Luka squinted, trying to look at Zed. “Thank you?” he questioned.
“For calling the doctor. For taking care of you while you slept for

a day and a half. Didn’t anyone teach you simple manners? When
someone helps you, the proper response is thank you.”

Luka looked away. “People don’t help me. I’m not usually in a

situation where I’m placed in the position of thanking someone.”

Zed ran a hand through Luka’s long, strawberry-blond hair.

“Yeah, I guess not. We need to talk.”

Luka looked into Zed’s eyes. They still weren’t the ones from his

visions, but they were kinder than before. The hatred was gone.
“Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

“First, why didn’t you tell me you were adopted?”
“What does it matter? I’m an elf. Something you hate. Did you

really need to know how useless I am? Surprise, your mate isn’t even
an important elf. I’m not really a prince.”

“I don’t care if you’re not a prince by blood. You’re my mate.”

Zed looked at him with a fierce gaze.

“Until when? I might be your mate now but what happens when I

disappoint you? Then you’ll send me back as punishment. Maybe
you’ll decide to beat me yourself. I know where this ends. Oh and by
the way I’m not even a full-blooded elf. I’m half human. My blood’s
even dirtier. Does that bother you?” He threw it out. If Zed wanted to
have the conversation, then fine. He never cared that his father was
human, but everyone else did. The only reason others didn’t spit on

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him was his ability. He watched as Zed clenched his fists and he
waited for the first strike.

“I’m not going to fight with you and I won’t beat you.”
Luka’s eyes widened. Everyone wanted to hit him. Then he

huffed. “You say that now, but wait until I disappoint you. Right now,
you’re angry with me. Your fists are clenched at your sides. I feel the
anger radiating off you. How long until you start pushing back? Go
ahead. Do it. Hurt me.” His body shook, but he couldn’t stop. He
wanted to lash out.

“No matter how angry you make me. No matter what you say. I

will never hit you.”

“Yeah right.” Like he’d start to believe in the fairytale where Zed

protected and loved him. “I hate the furniture in the room. It’s plain
and ugly,” he said, remembering Zed’s disappointment when he
commented on the lack of color in the living room.

Zed smiled. “My style isn’t for everyone. And if you need to keep

testing me, go ahead. I am centuries older than you. Attack me all you
want. I won’t hurt you. If this is the only way you can feel safe, I’ll
take it.”

Luka doubted that, but the fight drained out of him. He started to

sit up and stopped when the blanket slipped from his shoulders. He
lifted the ends and looked underneath. “Why am I naked? Where are
my clothes?” He glared at Zed. “Did you molest me while I slept?”

Zed smiled at the accusation. “I removed the rest of your clothing,

so you would sleep better. As for touching you, I’ll wait until your
body isn’t one big black-and-blue mark.” He leaned closer.
“Someday, you’ll ask me to touch you and I will. I’ll caress every
inch of skin with love and gentleness, Mate.”

Luka looked at Zed, unable to contain the shock and horror. Not

only did Zed see everything, but he still wanted more. He promised
things that Luka couldn’t believe. He cleared his throat. “That’s not a
reason,” Luka said with a shaky voice. “I was passed out. Clothes or

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no clothes didn’t matter. I wouldn’t have awakened one way or the

“When I touch you, you will be awake.” Zed leaned in closer this

time, resting their foreheads together. “You will feel every caress and
kiss as you cry out and beg for more.”

“Never going to happen. Touches will never feel that good.”

Luka’s body heated up as the images invaded his mind. He wanted
Zed’s fingers to touch him now and prove that being held felt good.

“We’ll see about that,” Zed said, looking directly at him as he

pulled away.

Could Zed read minds? No, he could only read him. “What did

Cousin Avery say?”

“Cousin?” Zed questioned.
“Yeah. I recognized him from court. I don’t forget faces. He’s a

distant cousin.” Luka shook his head. “He’s not related to me, but to

“Avery said your body’s been abused for a long time.”
Luka felt the anger radiating from Zed. He froze. When King

Kane got this angry, it led to days of pain. Didn’t Zed just promise not
to hit him? He didn’t care who beat him as long as it wasn’t his mate.
He would never heal from that abuse. His heart would shatter. Mates
loved each other. After all Zed’s claims of never hurting him, the
promise didn’t last long.

“I’m sorry,” Luka stuttered.
Zed studied him.
Luka’s heart raced. His breathing became heavier. Was Zed

looking for ways to hurt him? Before he knew it, he was

“Shit.” Zed leaned in and started to rub his back. The gentle touch

on his naked skin helped calm him. Soon his breathing evened out.

“Are you okay?” Zed asked.
Luka wanted to scream. He wasn’t okay. His mate thought he was

weak, hated him for letting others hurt him, and thought he was a

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spoiled brat not capable of being useful. Luka looked at Zed. “I’m
fine,” he lied. If he was too much trouble, Zed would get rid of him.
No matter what, he wasn’t going to be sent back to the abuse. He’d
run away first, but he needed to stay here until he could run.

“Don’t lie to me,” Zed demanded.
“Are you going to hurt me?” Luka asked. He watched Zed’s


“You still think I’m going to beat you,” Zed said. “I’ve told you

numerous times in the last five minutes that I’d never hurt you. I don’t
go back on my word.”

Luka’s eyes widened. If he said yes would his mate become

angry? How could he calm the vampire? He wanted to test Zed, but
he didn’t want to be hit. He started rubbing his head. “It hurts trying
to find the right words,” he mumbled to himself.

“Don’t try. Be honest. I hate lies. When I say I won’t hurt you, I

mean it.”

Luka looked at Zed. “I said that out loud?”
Zed nodded. “Let’s start off by setting easy rules. If you’re in any

pain, I want to know. You won’t force yourself to do anything you
can’t do. Do you understand?”

“I can do anything you ask. You don’t have to worry.” He’d never

admit to anyone that he couldn’t handle Zed’s assignments. If he did,
then what? What would happen when Zed learned he couldn’t read or
that he wasn’t physically strong?

“Luka, what do you think is happening here?”
“Zed, you’re right. I’m testing you but you’re testing me to see if

I’m worthy of your time. I’ll do whatever you ask. I don’t want to go
back.” Before he knew it, tears started running down his cheeks. He
couldn’t keep it together. Zed was right. He was all over the place. “If
you don’t want me, then please kill me. They will kill me anyway, but
I’d rather you do it.”

Zed leaned in and kissed him. He felt safe and protected as Zed’s

arms wrapped around him. Luka’s hand moved forward, rubbing

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Zed’s chest. He felt like someone had wrapped him in a thick blanket
that would protect him from all the evils in the world. The soft, gentle
kiss promised lots of things like love, honesty and patience. Then Zed
reached out and tilted his jaw back to deepen the kiss. He opened to
his mate’s tongue, which explored and tasted every inch. He moaned
when Zed pulled away.

The tears were gone and he was left breathless. He touched his

swollen lips.

“I said things without knowing the situation. One thing you need

to know is I never break my promises and I don’t lie. So listen to me
when I tell you, I will never let you go and I won’t beat you.” Zed
paused, waiting for the words to reach him. “If you weren’t so
battered and hurt, I’d have you pinned down to the bed, showing you
how your body should be loved as I make love to you all night long.”

Luka’s eyes widened. Zed wanted everything. He bit his lip. He

wanted that too.

“Luka, how much experience do you have?” Zed asked.
Luka squinted, trying to figure out what Zed was asking.
“Sexual experience,” Zed clarified.
“None. I wasn’t allowed to be touched,” Luka answered.
“Then we will take it slow. Is that what you want?” Zed asked.
Luka looked away from Zed. He didn’t know how to answer the


Zed sighed. “The doctor fixed most of the damage to your leg.”

Zed pulled the sheet down. Luka blushed as his naked body was
exposed. He tried to reach for the covering, but Zed held it away. “I
removed your clothes to inspect the damage. Besides, you slept better
naked. Right?”

“That wasn’t your decision. It’s an invasion of privacy.” Luka

bent his leg. He looked at the knee. The swelling was almost gone,
but it still hurt. “Did anyone else see me like this?” Being naked was
one thing, but the hideous bruises that marred his skin made him
cringe at the thought.

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Zed growled and leaned over him. He rubbed a hand down Luka’s

chest, stopping at his nipples, and then moved down past his cock to
his sore knee. “No one will ever see you naked but me. This perfect
body belongs to me. Do you understand?”

“My body is far from perfect,” Luka argued. He tried to think of

something that would keep his cock from awakening, but Zed rubbed
his fingers lightly up and down his leg, stirring his desire.

“How are you feeling?” Zed finally asked.
“Great,” Luka said. The lie slipped out before he could stop it. He

felt confused and slightly overwhelmed, but he’d get over that in time.

“Mate, your body and health are important. I will take care of

both. No more hiding and no more lies.” Zed’s eyes bore into him.

“I don’t understand. You’re so different from before. Don’t you

hate me?”

“No, you’re my mate,” Zed said. His voice was a little sad. “I will

protect you and keep you safe.” After a slight pause, “You were right.
I never gave you a chance and automatically assumed things that
turned out not to be true.”

Luka pushed Zed’s arm away. “I don’t want pity. I can take care

of myself.” He moved to the end of the bed and started to sit up. Zed
carefully helped him back down. He lay beside Luka in the large,
oversized bed. Luka felt his cock stir again at the feel of the strong
man behind him. No, he tried to push the desire away, but as Zed
rubbed his hand up and down Luka’s naked hip, his body stiffened.

“What’s wrong?” Zed asked. He turned Luka to face him. Luka’s

hands moved to cover his bulging desire. “Nothing.” He couldn’t stop
the lie. After so many years lies were second nature.

Zed straddled his waist. The difference in power loomed between

them. He felt helpless underneath the vampire prince, but also turned
on. He reached up to touch Zed.

“Don’t lie. I can see your swollen cock. Do you want me to touch


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Did he want Zed to touch him? Yes, his mind screamed. He didn’t

trust the truth. If he asked Zed to touch him and then Zed refused, it
would hurt more than any fist or belt. He could take physical pain, but
not rejection. “I’m fine,” he stuttered.

Zed touched the side of his face. “Do you always say the opposite

of what you mean?” Zed’s hand moved down his stomach and
wrapped around Luka’s hard shaft.

Luka groaned and tried to thrust his hips up, but Zed wanted no

part of it. He held the elf’s hips down. “Careful, your knee. Just
spread your legs and feel me.”

Zed lowered his mouth down and licked the tip of Luka’s cock.

The heat pooled in his belly. Soon Zed’s mouth moved down and took
in the entire shaft. This was all so new. He didn’t know what to do.
Luka never dared to touch himself. He feared the consequences. The
only time his cock exploded was in dreams he never remembered.

Zed didn’t stop. He pushed Luka leg’s apart and sat in between

them. Zed’s hands rubbed both balls as his mouth sucked his hard
cock. One hand moved underneath and rubbed at his sensitive

Luka stiffened at the fast pace.
“Relax. No penetration,” Zed reassured.
He moaned half with desire and half with disappointment. He

wanted Zed to claim him and show the world he belonged to the
vampire prince. Zed rubbed his opening as he bit and sucked on his
balls. It was all too much. His fingers grabbed at Zed’s dark hair. He
held on as the climax approached. Zed moved back to his sensitive
tip. He sucked on it, taking the entire length in his mouth. Then he
moved down. Soon Zed’s head bobbed up and down. His brown eyes
locked with his eyes. The dark gaze burned more than the blowjob.
The finger stopped rubbing his hole and the tip pushed slightly in. Zed
sucked him hard and fast. Luka groaned as his cock exploded in his
mate’s mouth. The vampire prince licked his cock clean, sucking up
every drop of cum.

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Luka couldn’t move.
“I want to bite around your knee and hip. With my saliva inside

your body, it will help heal the worst of your wounds and lessen the
pain. But, you need to agree first.”

Luka looked into Zed’s eyes. He nodded. Zed didn’t have to ask.

He was powerful enough to do whatever he wanted.

“Yes, please take care of it.” He sounded so needy. Quickly, he

added, “If you want. It doesn’t matter to me.”

Zed moved down his leg and bit into the flesh just above the knee.

Luka felt his cock stir to life again. He wanted to beg Zed for more,
but he didn’t want to seem greedy or demanding. Zed already had a
low opinion of him.

Zed licked the wound with his tongue and then slowly moved up

Luka’s naked leg.

Luka bent his knee. The pain was gone. “Thank you.”
Zed placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “You’re still not allowed

to leave the bed.” The vampire moved to stand.

“Wait,” Luka called out. He didn’t want to be selfish. Someone

that took pleasure without returning the favor, but he didn’t know
how to ask. “What about you?” he finally asked.

“What about me?” Zed arched an eyebrow up. The smirk on his

face revealed the vampire was enjoying Luka’s uncertainty.

“Don’t you need release?” Luka asked, looking away.
“If you want to suck my cock, then ask,” Zed said with an amused


Luka’s face flushed. He quickly looked away from the large bulge

in Zed’s pants. “Who wants to do something like that?” The lie
flowed easily from his mouth. “I mean you helped me. It’s only right
that I help you.” Luka licked his lips. He wanted to take Zed’s stiff
shaft into his mouth.

Zed moved closer and whispered into Luka’s ear. “Liar, but when

you work up the courage, I’ll let you suck my cock. Then I’ll fuck
your mouth.”

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Luka hissed.
Zed rubbed his cheek. “Oh, and I won’t fuck your tight ass until

you admit you want it. No matter how much your body begs for my
fat cock.”

Luka shook his head. “I will never ask for sex.” His body shivered

with desire. He was so close to begging Zed to stuff his ass and fill

Zed leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Rest, your body needs

sleep to finish repairing the damage.”

“I just woke up.” As Luka said the words, he felt the energy drain

out of him.

“My saliva makes you sleepy as it repairs the damage. While you

sleep, I have to go out and then I’ll prepare lunch. Do you have any

“You’re leaving.”
“I have something to do. Bishop will be here if you need him, but

you’ll be sleeping.”

Luka nodded. He didn’t want Zed to go, but that would have been

selfish. Instead, he changed the subject. “You can cook?”

“No, I’m going to order out. Other than meat are there other foods

you won’t eat?”

“I don’t think so,” Luka said. He yawned as he tried to stay


“You don’t think so?” Zed asked.
Luka didn’t like the confusion on Zed’s face. He needed to be

clearer. “Um, I’ll eat anything you provide. I won’t be picky.”

“Mate, don’t second guess yourself. A lot of things revolve

around your wants and needs.”

“Zed, I never pick my own meals. Everything I ate arrived at set

meal times. I’m not sure what to eat or what to ask for.” There, he
was finally honest.

“I see. I’ll help you until you can decide what you like or hate.

Now get some sleep. After lunch is prepared, I’ll wake you up.”

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Luka nodded. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

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Chapter Six

Zed waited in the room until Luka fell asleep. He wanted to ask

more questions, but he wouldn’t get truthful answers. His mate used
lies to hide his fear. After years of abuse, Luka didn’t know how to be
honest. Maybe Luka couldn’t be honest. Zed would help him work
through that. Honesty was too important in a relationship. His mate
hid a lot of things and someday they needed to talk about those things.

His tiny mate lived a life full of lies. Zed wasn’t sure he’d be able

to change that, but he refused to fall to Luka’s level. Understanding
and accepting were two different things.

Had he already fallen to Luka’s level? No one had ever lied to him

as often. If they had, Zed would have shown them the door. He
thought about that. Lies destroyed people. His brother was hurt by the
lies told by his former lover. He growled. Kane had used Ned and his
little brother never got over it. Ned, Nathanial Ellington Darth, trusted
everyone. Zed raised Ned to believe in others. Then Kane hurt him
and now Ned trusted no one. His brother believed everyone had an
agenda. That’s not what Zed wanted for his brother. Ned lived alone,
a recluse up in a mountain or deep in the woods in a cabin. His little
brother never stayed in one place long enough to make it a home.

He shook the thoughts away. Priorities changed and his top

priority was keeping Luka safe. That meant keeping Kane away. Kane
was like a bad itch that never went away. He’d be back and as
demanding as ever. The challenge of protecting Luka loomed over
him, but one thing was certain, Kane wouldn’t hurt another member
of his family.

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He walked to the outer room. Bishop finished putting away more

groceries. “Well?” Zed asked.

“It’s been a while since I needed to shop for food. After Jacob and

Sage moved out, there’s been no need. Now the refrigerator is stuffed
full. I don’t know if the little guy is going to eat it all.” Bishop
laughed. “How’s your mate?”

Zed looked at the older vampire. The man served his family even

before Zed was born. Bishop was not only a trusted confidant, but
family. “He’s been abused most of his life.”

Bishop nodded to show his understanding. “Well, he’s going to

need time to adjust and a gentle, loving touch.”

Zed pushed his hair back. Luka needed love, but it might not be

enough. “He lies. A lot.”

“I see,” Bishop said. “Does he do it for personal gain?”
“Yes and no. He tells me what I want to hear. He’s afraid that the

wrong words will make me so angry that I’ll beat him up.” He paused,
trying to make sense of the situation. “Then he tries to push me to hit

Bishop nodded. “He’s trying to trust you. That’s why he’s pushing

so hard. If you hit him, then it’s all over.”

“I would never touch him like that.”
“Of course not, but Luka doesn’t know that. Until he trusts you,

he can’t be completely honest. It’s going to take time. A lot of it.”

Zed needed time to think. He’d given Luka no reason not to trust

him, but the small elf might not know how to trust. “I need to meet
with Roman. Mason is pushing me to tell Roman what happened
twenty-five years ago.”

“It’s time. Now that Theodore and Kane revealed their hands, the

others need to know.”

“There’s more going on.” Zed rubbed a hand through his dark

hair. “Also, if I tell them, then Jacob and Sage might find out the truth
about their parents.”

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“Zed, we did everything in our power to protect them. We were

too late, but you raised those two. They were happy here and they are
happy in Roman’s territory. It’s time to let go.”

Zed nodded. “Call me if anything changes or if Luka wakes up.

I’ll bring dinner back.”

He teleported directly outside of Roman’s building. He wouldn’t

enter into another man’s home without permission. That was just poor
taste. Besides, knowing Roman, he probably set up wards to prevent
anyone except a demon from transporting directly inside. It was
possible. He had wards set up at his place.

Zed walked through the door and up to the desk.
“Hello, Griffin. Is Roman available?”
Griffin growled. The wolf shifter headed Roman’s security and

was mated to Jacob, his oldest son. “Let me call up.”

Griffin picked up the phone. After a minute, he lowered it.

“Roman said you can go up.”

“On my way down, I’m going to stop in and see Sage and Jacob.

Can you let them know I’m coming?”

“They’ll like that,” Griffin reluctantly admitted.
“How are they doing?” He talked with Sage every day and Jacob

every other day. Both sounded happy.

“Sage keeps getting into trouble. He’s curious and does things that

he shouldn’t. Jacob chases after him. Micah only adds to the trouble.”
Griffin sighed. He looked at Zed. “Jacob’s started to take online
college classes.”

“Jacob told me. He wants to study history.”
Griffin nodded. “I’m just making sure you’ll support him. Human

universities aren’t respected among our kind.”

Zed laughed. “Jacob’s my son. I’m not going to disown him

because he wants to study human history.”

“He’s called Mason to ask for books on supernatural history as


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Zed sighed. He was never sure how much Jacob remembered

about his parents. It wasn’t only that. Jacob’s power was meant to
contain other powers. He hoped his son’s desire to study was his own
and not the power that lived inside of him.

During the elevator ride up to Roman’s penthouse, he thought

about his two sons. They weren’t biologically related to him or even
the same race. Zed was a vampire and Sage and Jacob were mostly
human with a little fairy blood mixed in. It didn’t matter. They were a

The elevator stopped. He walked off and knocked on Roman’s

door. The door opened.

Roman’s smile bordered on something between amused and

happy. “I hear someone’s mated.”

Zed shook his head. Maybe this was revenge. “Not yet. After his

body heals.”

“Avery told me about your mate’s injuries. Has he added


“I haven’t asked. Luka woke up a little over an hour ago. He

needs to calm down and feel safe before sharing the secrets that he’s

“Calm down? Hiding?” Roman asked, not understanding the

dynamics of Zed’s relationship with his mate.

“Luka’s dishonest. He hides things. He’s standoffish and cautious.

Also, he’s angry and verbally attacks one minute and then the next
minute he flinches away.”

“He’s your mate. I know how much you hate lies.”
“Of course, I’ll overlook it. Luka needs to heal both his body and

soul.” Zed studied every word Luka said. He looked at every
movement, trying to see the lies. He couldn’t trust his mate to tell him
if he was scared or in pain. “At first, I thought he was a spoiled brat
that needed to change, but now I realize it’s his defenses I’m butting
up against. He needs to trust me before he can be honest with me.

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Right now, he’s waiting for me to hit him. He expects me to hurt

“There’s not a lot of time. He’s the elf prince. What do you plan

to do?” Roman asked.

“Kane will find Luka and then demand his return, which will

never happen.”

Roman looked directly at him. “You need to be fully mated before


“I plan to complete the mating after his body heals. I don’t want to

worry about touching his bruises or hurting him.” Zed laughed.
“That’s more information than you needed to know. Have you heard

“Zed,” Micah said as he climbed down the stairs. The small

human was covered in blue and white paint. He walked over to
Roman and pulled the demon down and kissed him on the cheek. “I
finished painting the room.”

“Painting?” Zed asked.
Micah smiled. “I wanted a less modern feel.” The slow speech

surprised him.

Roman understood the unspoken question. “Micah worries about

ordering people around, so he speaks in simple sentences. We haven’t
learned how to control his power.”

Micah’s smile turned sad. Roman leaned in and rubbed his mate’s

back. Zed looked at Roman’s smaller mate. Micah controlled people
with words. No one could resist his commands.

“There’s something I’ve neglected to tell you. It’s the reason I’ve

come here.”

“Mason mentioned that you’d be stopping by. So, you’re finally

ready to tell us everything.” Roman turned to Micah. “Can you get
Thomas? I want him to hear this.”

Micah nodded.
Zed paced back and forth. The dragon kept his word. He had

waited for Zed to handle this.

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Zed’s Dishonest Mate



It took Thomas less than two minutes to arrive downstairs. He

looked behind the demon, but Micah wasn’t there.

“Micah went back to painting. Toby’s helping.” Thomas walked

closer to his brother. “Micah said something about a secret. Zed, are
you finally going to be honest?”

Zed closed his eyes. “Keeping personal things a secret isn’t the

same as being untruthful. I’ve never told you something that wasn’t
true. I’ve been honest about everything.” He sighed. “But yes, it’s

The story started centuries ago, but he didn’t need to go back that

far. He settled on the recent past. “Twenty-five years ago, a power
guarded by the dragon shifters was stolen. The power was sealed in a
golden box made by fairy magic. It was one of the last things the
fairies made before leaving this world.”

“A box. This is all over a box?” Thomas ran a hand though his

hair. The younger of the demon brothers had a bit of a temper.

“What kind of magic was stored in the box? Who stole it?”

Roman asked.

“Theodore Carlson and King Kane managed to steal it from the

dragon shifters. They wanted the magic sealed inside. When Mason
and I arrived, they had already started to open the box. The magic
couldn’t be pushed back into the container, so instead of giving it to
those two I released it into the world.”

“You released the magic. Why?” Thomas asked.
“It couldn’t be held back. Theodore and Kane wanted to harness

the magic, but I split the magic and pushed it back into the world.
Separated the magic is weaker. It was the only way to keep them from
it, but also to buy us some time.”

“What happened after that?” Roman asked. “You released an

unknown magic into the world. Even though it was diluted, it’s still

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Zed closed his eyes. This was the part he didn’t want to share.

“Humans were born with the magic, weaved into their bodies.” The
light went off in the demon brothers’ heads.

“Micah, Toby, Sage and Jacob,” Thomas said.
“No, Jacob’s different. But the magic manifested in Micah’s

voice, giving him the power to control others, and in Sage’s ears,
giving him the power to hear thoughts. I’m not sure about Toby.
Jacob just told me he was like Micah and Sage. He didn’t elaborate on
his ability.”

“You’ve known. Since we discovered Micah was different,

you’ve known,” Thomas accused.

“No, Thomas. I’ve known since adopting Sage and Jacob. I found

them and then saved them. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the first to find
them. That’s how their parents died.”

“Who killed their parents?”
Zed shook his head. “That’s a story for Jacob and Sage. I can’t tell

you before telling them. And I won’t tell them until they ask.”

Roman nodded. “Agreed. The past can’t be changed.” Roman

stared at Zed. “Why tell us now?”

Zed looked at the two brothers. “Mason thought it was time. He

wanted to tell you since discovering Toby was Thomas’s mate. The
dragon recognized the power inside of the truth examiner. He guarded
the power for hundreds of years, so he instantly recognized it within

“This has something to do with the drugs?” Thomas concluded.
“Carlson and Kane tried to create a drug to counteract the magic.

Micah could order them to do whatever he wants and Sage can…”
Zed paused. No, he wouldn’t say it. Even Sage didn’t know what he
could do. “That’s not important.”

“Are they still after the magic? Can it be taken from our mates?”

Thomas demanded.

“The magic is now a part of them. I don’t know if it can be

removed, but if it is, they will die.”

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Roman closed his eyes. “So they will be coming after them.”
Zed shrugged. “I don’t know if the magic is still in their plans.

Zane and Carlson are mere puppets. The person in charge remains
hidden in the shadows.”

Roman glared. “That’s why you never mentioned this. You

thought I might be involved in the conspiracy.”

He couldn’t hide his real thoughts. “There are lots of traitors. I

wouldn’t jeopardize my sons. Being wrong would put a large bull’s-
eye on Jacob and Sage’s chests.”

“Oh, that’s big of you,” Thomas spat out.
“Enough.” Roman looked at Thomas. “If things were reversed, we

would’ve done the same thing.” Roman turned to Zed. “How many
are affected by the Magic?”

Zed closed his eyes. “At least two more. Possibly three. It depends

how the magic split.”

“So we have to find the others and keep them safe,” Thomas said.
“Basically, yes.” Suddenly Zed felt hot under the demon’s angry

stare. He’d let it go. After all, he did keep important information from

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Chapter Seven

Luka moved to the side of the bed. He stretched his arms out as

his legs dangled over the edge. He looked down at his feet which
hung inches from the floor and wiggled his toes. Maybe Zed would
buy him a stepstool. He’d ask nicely, but no one ever bought him
anything. Asking might be perceived as a complaint. Zed showed
little tolerance to extras. A stool was as unessential as color in a room.
He shook his head and decided to suck it up. No need to ask for

A few days ago, he might have demanded a stool to see his mate’s

reaction, but he was going to play nice. Zed was his mate and he took
care of him. Luka was beginning to trust that Zed wouldn’t physically
hurt him. Emotionally and mentally was different. That type of trust
would take time.

He looked behind him, narrowing his eyes to see into the dark

corners. Zed had a way of spying on him, approaching quietly and
watching from the shadows. It was strangely comforting to know that
if he called out someone would come and perhaps even come before
asking, another thing that had never happened.

Slowly, he lowered his legs down, putting more pressure on the

good leg than the bad leg. The doctor ordered him to stay off of his
bad knee, but enough was enough. He was bored out of his mind.
Besides, that was a week ago and after Zed’s tender bites he felt a lot

That was another new thing, feeling like someone cared. Zed

brought him food, helped him bathe, and wrapped him in heavy
blankets. He was being treated like a fragile piece of glass that had to

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be cared for. The first few days he had needed it, craved it. The raw
emotion forced through all of his blocks, pushing out. One minute he
was a rabid dog trying to bite heads off and the next minute a kitten
purring for attention. Now, he was ready to be a person.

The vampire had showed an extreme amount of patience, meeting

every verbal attack with a gentleness that surprised him. Zed took
care of everything, and followed the doctor’s orders by forcing him to
stay off the leg.

He rarely left his side. Luka looked around the room, making sure

he didn’t miss Zed teleporting back into the bedroom. No one was

He put pressure on both legs, and stood. The muscles in his thighs

were stiff like cold taffy from a week of nonuse, but the stinging pain
that kept his knee from bending was completely gone.

He crept toward the door on shaky legs. The wall supported him

as he made his way down the hall. A white dining room with a black
tablecloth reminded him that he lived in a black-and-white world. He
dropped into a chair. The kitchen cabinets, a pure white with black
handles, looked new or maybe just unused. Vampires had no reason to
cook. They drank blood which required a refrigerator for storage, not
a fully equipped cooking space.

The space reminded him of a picture he once had of his real

family. Using scraps of material and colored paper he constructed a
frame. Even though the image could never be hung, having it gave
him hope that someday that would change. This room was full of
possibilities and unattainable goals. There would never be a dinner
companion, a chance to discover new foods, a few friends sitting
around the table enjoying a home-cooked meal.

“What are you doing?” Zed asked from the doorway. “And what

are you wearing?”

Bishop stood silently beside Zed, arching one eyebrow up.
Luka looked down at the bright green lounge pants that loosely

hung from his hips and then touched the tight, sun-colored shirt with

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orange spots. He gave Zed a smile that rivaled his clothes in

Zed rolled his eyes like he’d done the first time the bags were

opened. The vampire looked horrified at the amount of color, but
Luka had reached for the clothing and thanked Bishop and Yavin,
who had spent an evening shopping for him, a task that was both rare
an unexpected. He didn’t care what he ate or if he had soap and a
toothbrush, but having fun, happy clothes lifted his spirits. Finally, he
had colors that belonged to him. Each piece was bold with some
articles more shocking than others. Even without Zed’s help, Luka
wouldn’t get lost in the dark. It still surprised him that the two
vampires had listened to his request for bright, comfortable clothes.

He ignored the question about his clothes and answered the

obvious one. “I’m sitting in a chair, but soon I’ll be standing. Then I
will walk over to the sink after I find a glass for some water.” Luka
smiled at the frown on Zed’s face.

“I can’t leave you alone for a minute. No walking.” Zed moved

toward Luka but before he reached him, Luka stood and moved to the

“Look, no pain.” Luka needed his mate to understand. The

bedridden invalid no longer existed.

Zed lowered his head and shook it. “I’ll call Avery and have him

stop by tomorrow. If he says you can walk, then fine, but not a
moment before.”

Luka shrugged. “Fine, I can wait.” He headed back to the chair.

The moment his butt hit the wooden surface his stomach growled. He
covered his face, trying to hide the flush that spread across his cheeks
as the gurgling got louder.

Zed and Bishop laughed.
Bishop pulled out a menu from the drawer and handed it to Luka.

“What do you want this time?”

Luka pushed back the menu. “Oh, I’ll have my usual.”

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“Luka, you didn’t even look at it.” Zed picked up the folded

takeout menu.

“When you have something you like, why change it for something

else?” The lie easily slipped out. He turned away. Something
wouldn’t let him lie while looking at the vampire prince. Truth meant
too much to Zed, and each of his secrets weighed him down. For the
last week, every time someone handed him a menu, he requested the
same thing, lentil burgers.

He didn’t know who recommended the dried, tasteless patties, but

someone thought the nutrients made a healthy meal. Most people
thought food that tasted bad was good for the body. If that was true,
then lentil burgers must be one of the healthiest meals.

The first night the order arrived he stuffed his mouth so fast he

never tasted the burger. He drank glasses of water to moisten his
mouth. For a one-time meal, it wasn’t that bad, but every time
someone handed him that torn, tri-fold menu, he handed it right back
and ordered the one thing he knew was written on it. It wasn’t easy to
pretend to like them when he longed to try something new.

“I’ll call in the order. Yavin will pick it.” Bishop pulled out his

cell phone as he moved out the door into the hall.

“Did you read the book? It’s important to know about vampires

before meeting the others. A lot of vampires live in the building.
Knowing about our history will help.”

Luka nearly fell out of the chair. He opened the book on vampire

history. Did that count? He didn’t read it. The sentences were far too
long and the words too big. It would be years before he could read
something that complicated.

“Not yet. I was thinking that meeting your people first might be

better than reading a boring history book. Let me form an impartial
opinion.” Luka nodded. He thought of all possible excuses, but none
would work. He didn’t think this one would either. He tried to look
into the future to see how it would turn out, but he couldn’t. A thick

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fog surrounded the future connected to him. He saw other things, but
he couldn’t see his future.

Being blinded was more of a relief than a hindrance. He didn’t

want to see the future. It would be great if he saw happy warm
visions, but if that wasn’t the case, he didn’t want to know.

“Luka this isn’t a game. I left something to do while you rested.

Did you even bother to open the book?”

“It’s a boring book on history. Sorry, not interested.” He felt

Zed’s anger, but it was better than the disappointment.

He never had real schooling. He met with people and listened in

on conversations and meetings, and the rest of the time he sat locked
in his room drawing images of the world he wasn’t a part of.

“Yavin will be here in twenty minutes with dinner.” Bishop

paused and looked at the two of them. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Luka said. He didn’t want anyone else to know about

the book.

“I asked Luka to read a book on our history and he refused.” Zed

barely contained his anger.

Luka cringed. “I want to meet people without judging them by

their history.” The excuse sounded lame even to his ears.

Bishop looked at him for a long time. He walked over to the table

and picked up the menu. He tried to hand it to Luka, but he backed up
like Bishop had offered him a ticket for electroshock therapy. Bishop
set the menu in front of him and stepped back. “Zed, Luka can’t

“What?” Zed turned toward him and closed the distance between

them. “Can you read?” he asked.

“Of course I can. Only an idiot can’t read.” He took a deep breath.

“I don’t want to read about your stupid history and that’s all there is
to it.” He turned to Bishop. “Stop trying to make more out of
something that’s so simple.” The two vampires stood looking down at
him. He needed to get out of this and divert their attention to
something else. “Zed, if it’s that important to you, I’ll think about it.”

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Zed pushed the menu at him. “Read it,” he ordered.
“No, I don’t want to read a menu.”
“You don’t want to or you can’t? There’s a difference.”
“I can read it,” Luka said. This time he picked up the menu and

ripped it apart. He turned to the two and smiled as he set the pieces of
paper on the table.

“Bishop, get me a book or something Luka can read to us.”
“It doesn’t matter what you give me. I won’t read it. You can’t

pressure me into doing something like that.”

Zed walked over and rubbed a hand down his back. “Can you

read? I want the truth. Our relationship can’t be built on lies.”

He sighed. Zed had a point. Besides, how long could he keep it

up? “My reading skills aren’t that good,” Luka admitted. He turned
away from Zed.

“What does that mean?”
“It means I know the alphabet and simple words and not much

else. Are you happy?” Luka pulled his knees close to his chest as he
sat on the chair. He bowed his head like a puppy caught chewing on a

“Zed, I’m going to check on the takeout order. I’ll be downstairs.”

Bishop rubbed the top of his head, and walked out of the kitchen. The
room was too quiet. He listened as the older vampire walked across
the floor, opened the door and then closed it. The seconds ticked by
and he waited for the verbal abuse that always happened after he’d
disappointed someone. He just hoped the fists didn’t follow.

“I’m furious,” Zed finally said.
Luka heard the anger in his mate’s voice. He nodded. “I don’t

blame you. It’s not every day you find out your mate is illiterate.” He
wrapped his arms around his body and forced the question out. “What
now? Do you want me to leave?” His voice shook as he said the

“You don’t get it at all.” Zed sat in the chair next to him, reached

under Luka’s seat and pulled the chair legs, moving the chair around

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until Luka faced him. “I don’t care if you can’t read. It’s something
you can learn. I’m angry that you hid it from me. I’m angry because
you lied.”

“I didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t tell you. There’s a difference,”

Luka defended. “What was I supposed to say? Oh, by the way I can’t
read. That doesn’t come up in a conversation.”

“I told you to tell me if I asked you to do something that you

couldn’t do. When I handed a book to you that was a perfect time to
mention it.” Zed pushed Luka’s strawberry-blond hair behind his ear.
“Every time you handed me back the menu, pretending lentil burgers
were your favorite food was another opportunity. Do you even like
lentil burgers? I don’t know.”

“The burgers aren’t bad but not great either,” Luka confessed.

“You’re not disappointed or embarrassed that I can’t read? It’s okay if
you are.”

Zed stood, pulling Luka out of the chair and up into his arms.

“The only one embarrassed is you.”

Luka felt the truth behind the words. He leaned in and placed his

head on Zed’s chest. He wanted to be held. He explored Zed’s hard
abs, moving his hand downwards. “Zed, can you take me back to bed?
I’m tired.”

Zed rubbed his back. “Tired? So you’re tired.” He lifted Luka up

into his arms and carried him down the hall, gently placing him on the
bed before stepping away. “How about I let you sleep?” Zed arched
his lips upward into a wicked smirk.

Luka groaned. He laid back and spread his legs. He licked his lips.

“Well, I guess there’s not much else to do but sleep.” Even after a
week, he still craved the feel of Zed’s lips wrapped around his cock.
Once wasn’t enough. He longed for more. Since then Zed had barely
touched him, teased him as he carried him from place to place, but
didn’t try anything more. Luka wanted Zed’s cock in his mouth and
buried deep inside of him.

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Zed’s eyes roamed his body, his chocolate-brown orbs filled with

lust and desire. The promise of more sent a shiver through his body.

Luka smiled. “It’s a bit hot in here.” Slowly he pulled off the T-

shirt and tossed it to the ground. “That’s better. But I’m still hot.” He
moved his hands down to the waistband of his lounge pants and
started to push downward, but hesitated. Maybe this wasn’t a good

“Why did you stop?” Zed asked.
“I…” Luka paused. “I’m shy,” he finally said. How could he tell

Zed how anxious he felt? What if he didn’t live up to his mate’s

“Really?” Zed asked. “Still unable to speak the truth.” Zed moved

closer and started to slide the cotton pants off his body. Luka sat on
the bed wearing only tight-fitting boxers. His hard cock pushed
against the fabric. “Shy? I’ve seen every part of your naked body. Are
you really being shy? Remember honesty.”

Luka looked at Zed. “I don’t know what to do. I want you, but I

don’t know what to do next.”

“Tell me what you want,” Zed ordered.
Luka reached inside his boxers and rubbed at his erection. “I want

to be filled. I want to feel you moving inside of me. I want you to
show me you can still get it up and fuck me.” Luka smirked as Zed’s
eyes promised more.

“You like playing with fire.” He ripped off the last bit of clothes

and stroked Luka’s hard cock. He grabbed Luka’s hand and held it to
his equally hard shaft.

Luka shivered at the feel of the large bulge under his fingers.
“I guarantee it’s hard and ready.”
He reached up and touched Zed’s neck. He pulled the vampire

into a kiss. Their lips met in a soft, passionate embrace. Zed let him
control the kiss. He explored, savoring the taste and texture. He was
greedy for more.

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As if reading the need, Zed’s tongue slid inside. Large, strong

hands moved down his back, reaching under to cup his naked ass. Zed
squeezed before pulling him into the vampire prince’s hard chest. The
kiss deepened. Luka’s heart pounded against his ribcage. The heat
filled his head, moving down his chest and settling in his groin. Now
completely relaxed with his heart open, he understood what it meant
to truly connect to another person. He rubbed down Zed’s clothed
back. He wanted to touch skin to skin. He pulled at Zed’s shirt. Their
kisses became frantic and more demanding. Zed pulled away. He
placed one finger on Luka’s lips.

Luka’s tongue traced his swollen lips. He licked Zed’s finger,

bringing the appendage inside to suck on the tip. Their eyes met, and
a sizzling heat burned between them.

“I want you, but if we do this, you are mine. I won’t settle for only

your body. Will you be my mate?”

Luka moaned. He wrapped both arms around Zed’s neck. “Yes, I

want to be yours.” His heart threatened to beat out of his chest as the
excitement and anticipation tingled every nerve ending. Nothing
would stop him from wanting to be Zed’s.

Zed moaned. He pulled Luka back into a kiss, sliding his tongue

into the elf’s mouth. Zed’s large hand reached in between the crease
of his ass. A thick finger rubbed against the sensitive opening.

“There’s no going back,” Zed warned. “If we do this, it’s forever.”
“I know. That’s what I want. That’s what I’ve wanted for a long

time. To be your mate,” Luka said. Ever since he saw Zed in a dream,
he longed for this day.

“You’re still holding back, keeping things from me.” Zed pulled

off his own shirt, leaving him bare from the waist up. He leaned in
and touched Luka’s cheek, before sliding his hand down his body. He
slid both hands under Luka’s thighs, lifted his mate up, and laid him
down on his back. Luka’s large, violet-blue eyes looked up. Zed
rubbed in between Luka’s thighs, spreading his legs wide apart.

“I’m going to touch every inch of you.”

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Luka smirked. “I’m going to touch every inch of you.”
Zed laughed. He leaned down and slowly kissed down his mate’s

chest. Luka bit down on his hand. He didn’t know what to do. The
caresses were sweet and loving. It was everything he wanted. He
closed his eyes and just felt each touch.

Zed’s hand pulled away. “It’s okay. Do you want me to stop?”

Fingers rubbed beneath his eyes.

“I’m crying.” He couldn’t explain why. His heart was filled to the

brim. He looked into Zed’s warm, brown eyes. “Please don’t stop.”

Zed sucked on his neck. He cried out as the vampire placed small

bites, breaking the skin as teeth sank into flesh. Bites pushed saliva
into his body. The fire burned inside. Every inch of heated flesh
wanted to be touched.

Luka cried out when a large hand wrapped around his cock. The

hand stroked up and down. Zed lowered his mouth, sucking Luka’s
hard shaft as his hands pulled at both balls.

He slid fingers through Zed’s long, brown hair. He gripped the

strands as Zed’s mouth engulfed his cock. His mate was an expert at
sucking. He moved his mouth up and down Luka’s cock. He gasped
when Zed pushed him back down on the bed. He stared up at the
ceiling, just feeling the mouth sucking his shaft as fingers danced
across his skin.

Luka moaned when a finger lightly touched his sensitive opening.

He bit down, trying not to cry out as the thick finger pushed into him.
Then Zed stopped. It wasn’t enough. He tried to push down, but Zed’s
strong body pinned him in place.

“Patience, Luka.” Zed warned. The deep, husky voice left Luka

moaning for more. The tone promised a night he’d never forget. Luka
bent his knees and tried to thrust up, but Zed held him down.

“Watch your knee.”
Luka groaned. “There’s nothing wrong with my leg. I want you.”

Luka needed this. He wanted to feel complete. He loved having Zed’s
large hands on his body. He needed more and he wanted it now.

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“Demanding,” Zed said. “I like that.”
He smiled at Zed’s approval. Maybe being himself would work

out. He’d worry about that later. Right now, it was important to feel
everything Zed wanted to give him. Zed’s skills far outweighed his
own. He lay there, a quivering pile of nerve endings just feeling Zed’s
large hands on his body.

He forced his hands to move. Luka touched back, rubbing up and

down Zed’s perfect chest. He touched the vampire’s strong back,
feeling each muscle ripple. The cool skin kept his temperature down
as fingers rubbed at each muscle. Zed’s power radiated off him, but
instead of being scared, he felt cherished and protected.

Zed moved carefully over his body, treating him like delicate

glass. Under his mate’s strong hands, each soft caress made him feel
special and loved.

Zed pulled away and started to stand. Luka cried out. He needed

more. It was too soon for it to end. Zed placed one finger on the elf’s
lips. Silently, Luka watched as Zed moved back and stood, half-
naked, glancing down at him.

Luka moved his hand to his cock, rubbing it up and down as he

watched Zed unbutton his pants. He increased the speed, but Zed
stopped and grabbed Luka’s hand. Zed’s intense focus on his body
left him moaning.

“No more. Just watch and wait. It’ll be worth it.”
Luka nodded as he moved his hands away. It took every ounce of

self-control to keep them at his side. Zed slid out of his pants. His
large, fat cock pushed free. Luka’s eyes widened. The thick shaft
bounced up in excitement. Zed stroked himself as he gazed down at

“It looks like I can still get it up.” Zed smirked.
Luka licked his lips. His arms motioned for Zed to come forward.

Zed raised an eyebrow.

“Please,” Luka moaned.

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“Please?” Zed questioned, but the glint in his eyes told Luka

everything. He knew exactly what he wanted.

Luka smirked. “I want to wrap my lips around your long, thick

cock, sucking on the tip, before sliding the whole shaft into my

Zed laughed. “I like it when you tell me what you need.” He

moved forward and sat on the edge of the bed.

Luka leaned over him and sucked on the twin sacs, ignoring Zed’s

massive length. He smiled at the moan he received from his soon-to-
be lover. His hands rubbed down Zed’s thighs as his tongue moved up
Zed’s long length. He arrived at the tip, licking off the pre-cum. His
tongue played with the sensitive tip before sucking on the cock. He
moved his mouth up and down, tasting the delicious juices. Luka
reached down to stroke his own cock, but Zed’s voice stopped him.

“Wait until I’m fucking you.” The voice demanded complete

surrender, but promised an award for compliance.

“You keep promising to stick your cock up my ass, but as of right

now, nothing’s happened.” Luka rubbed Zed’s erection. He looked as
innocent as possible. “You can get it up. Maybe you don’t know what
to do with it.”

Zed gazed at Luka. “You really like playing with fire.” The

vampire prince pulled out lube from the side table. He squirted some
on his fingers before thrusting one into Luka’s ass. “In a few minutes,
you will see that I know what to do with a hard cock.” Zed pushed in
a second finger. “No, you’ll feel it as I fuck you long and hard.
Maybe, I’ll fuck you all night to prove my point.”

Luka groaned. “All night. Don’t get ahead of yourself. I have yet

to feel that thick cock inside of me. Don’t make promises you can’t

The fingers thrust in and out as Zed bit his neck. Luka wrapped

his arms around his mate. Zed pushed in the third finger. The fingers
explored his most intimate part, pushing in and pulling it. It spread
him wide, opening him for what came next.

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“I hope you had plenty of sleep because I am going to fuck you

long and hard.” He pulled out the fingers and positioned his hard cock
at Luka’s entrance. Luka tried to push his hips down, but Zed kept
him steady as he slowly entered his body.

“Luka, let me lead. It’s your first time. We need to take it slow.”
“I don’t care. I want your entire cock in my ass now. Are you man

enough for that?”

Zed looked directly into his eyes and with one hard push he

slammed into Luka. He felt the burn and arched his back. Nothing
compared to being completely and utterly filled. Zed froze, giving
Luka time to adjust before slowly moving in and out. The pace was
slow and steady, but Luka wanted more.

“Faster, harder,” Luka moaned.
Zed laughed. “Oh no. I’m in control here. I say how hard and how

fast.” He slammed in hard and Luka thought he saw stars. The pace
increased as Zed thrust in and out. Soon Zed was slamming into
Luka’s body.

He pulled Zed down into a kiss as he rode out the passion. The

bed creaked under them. His legs were grabbed under his thighs and
then pushed up and out. Zed pushed deeper into his ass. He threw his
head back and moaned. It felt so good. His hands needed something
to grab. First his fingers wrapped around the blanket then moved up to
the headboard before finally resting in his hair.

Zed reached between their bodies and started to stroke his cock.

Up and down, and then he pulled the tip down and let go. The double
sensation of the cock spreading him wide and the hand stroking him
became too much. He felt the heat in his groin burn hotter. Zed leaned
down and licked Luka’s neck, sucking the sensitive flesh.

“I will bite into you as I release my seed inside of your body,

marking you as mine. There’s no going back,” Zed panted. His large
mate strained to control his body.

Luka nodded. He couldn’t speak even if he wanted to. Zed leaned

down and bit into Luka’s neck. He felt their lives connect as one. Zed

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pounded into him as their souls joined. He felt his blood chill and
Zed’s skin warm. His mate burned inside of him. Soon, his cock
exploded. The tears slid down his cheek as he felt connected to his
mate. They were one. Zed picked up speed and Luka wrapped his legs
around Zed’s waist, encouraging the vampire to move faster and
harder. Zed obliged. Soon the vampire spilled hot cum inside. He was
stuffed with both his mate’s softening cock and his cum. He had never
felt so complete.

He looked up at his mate and smiled. Zed smirked back.
“Well, it looks like you were wrong. I am able to get it up just


Luka smiled at the pompous look on his mate’s face. “Really, that

was one time. Who says you can do it again?”

Zed’s eyes widened. “I’m going to pound your ass until noon. For

the next few hours you will know nothing but my cock, marking and
stretching you.”

Luka bent his leg. Zed looked determined to fill him again and

again. His ass felt a slight burn, but he wanted their bodies to connect
over and over again.

“Don’t strain yourself. Remember you’re pretty old. Do you have

what it takes to fuck me for hours?” Luka moaned, thinking about the
possibilities. Zed’s cum leaked from his ass. He wanted to be covered
in it.

Zed pushed Luka’s strawberry-blond hair out of his eyes. “My

saliva and seed inside will help your body heal faster. I wouldn’t hurt
you, but I’m going to fuck you long and hard. It looks like my mate
has an insatiable desire for sex.”

“Please, the only thing I desire is my mate’s cock. I’m just not

sure he can keep up.”

The look in Zed’s eyes promised a night he’d never forget.

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Chapter Eight

Zed rubbed a hand down Luka’s back. His small mate

subconsciously moved into the touch. For the last week, they
connected their bodies over and over again, but it wasn’t enough for
either of them. They needed to always be touching, so fingers
caressed, arms touched, thighs rubbed against each other.

The recent changes felt good. No, it felt better than good, it felt

amazing. For over a thousand years, Zed walked the Earth. Only now
did he realize the cold loneliness that invaded his heart. It had made
him bitter and distant. When problems happened, he shrugged his
shoulders. If it didn’t affect him, then it didn’t matter. After all, he’d
seen the worst the world had to offer from supernaturals and humans.
When wizards started to hunt dragons or shifters tried to kill different
shifters, that’s what he had expected. Other supernaturals always tried
to take over, seizing control through murder and deceit. If someone
had more power or started to move too fast up the ranks, he had better
watch for the knife aiming for his back. The worst part was the
backstabbing often came from a friend.

Hate and violence surrounded him. When did he become apathetic

to it? Two, maybe, three hundred years ago when Ned left.
Thankfully, Sage and Jacob entered his life. Those two reminded him
that innocent victims still existed. That’s when the warmth reentered
his life.

Looking at Luka, the warmth turned into a sauna. With the small

elf, everything inside melted. He wanted a safe world, so his mate no
longer had to witness violence.

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He closed his eyes and felt the bond between them. A sense of

peace washed over him. A bright rope tangled around their bodies. A
warmth he’d never known before filled every crevice. Luka’s energy
shone so bright he basked in the light. He was addicted. When Luka
slept, he sat watching or lay on the bed with both arms wrapped
around the small elf.

Even now, Luka nestled perfectly in his arms. His mate’s

breathing started to change. Zed pressed his lips to Luka’s forehead.

Dark, violet-blue eyes stared up at him. It took a moment for the

reality to set in. His beautiful mate went from guarded fear to
complete comprehension in a matter of seconds. Then the fear started
to dissipate and the love returned.

Zed hated Kane. Now more than ever. Before he dreamed of

killing the elf king, but a quick death was too good for him. A slow,
painful, drawn-out death is what the man deserved. He would let
Kane think that each time, he’d end the pain, but then he’d heal the elf
and start from scratch. Maybe after five hundred years or so, he’d be
satisfied and let the man finally die, but only after centuries of
begging and pleading. Kane deserved much worse for hurting his
gentle mate.

After the realization that he was awake passed through Luka, a

large smile spread across the elf’s face. Zed smiled back, but the
smile reflected his dark thoughts. Luka froze. A small shaking hand
reached for him.

“Are you all right?”
The question held an innocent curiosity. Luka bit his lip, waiting

nervously for Zed’s answer. Luka’s eyes continued to hold warmth
and love. The fear was still there, but not as strong. He reached a hand
out and Luka stiffened, but this time didn’t flinch. Gently, his fingers
moved through his mate’s long, strawberry-blond hair. After a few
seconds, Luka leaned into the hand, closed his eyes, and savored the
feel of skin against skin.

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“You were sick earlier.” Zed hated changing the subject, but the

conversation about the elf king wouldn’t start with him, at least not
yet. Luka’s appetite or lack of appetite was more important. For the
last two days, he ate only one meal that consisted of vegetables and
fruit. It wasn’t enough for a small animal let alone for a grown elf.

“I’m fine.” The smile was open, but Zed couldn’t trust it. His mate

lied too easily and about stupid shit. If he asked Luka his favorite
food, he wasn’t sure he’d get the truth. If his mate was sick, he knew
that Luka would never admit it.

“I’m worried. I don’t like to see you sick.” It was a challenge, a

way to show the elf that he hadn’t believed him.

Luka looked down and leaned into Zed’s body.
“Don’t worry. It’s just that I’ve never eaten so much at one time.

My body reacts strangely to all the food. It will pass.”

He rubbed the back of Luka’s head. The lie stung. He’d witnessed

the way lies destroyed his brother. He shook the thoughts away. Now
wasn’t the time. Neither Ned nor Kane could reach through time and
space and ruin what they had. Kane had almost destroyed Ned long
ago. Kane had battered and tormented his mate, but he wouldn’t let
the elf king interfere with what they had.

“What aren’t you telling me?”
Luka nuzzled into his chest. His hand wondered upwards and

gently rubbed Zed’s cheek.

Zed leaned down, pressing their lips together. The kiss started out

soft, but soon it was filled with need. The passion exploded between
them. One kiss wasn’t enough. Then two kisses weren’t enough. They
both needed more.

He pushed Luka down on the bed and hovered over him. The

small elf wrapped both arms around Zed’s neck and pulled him back
down. Their hips connected as their hard cocks rubbed against each
other. He hadn’t given it much thought, but being naked in the same
bed had advantages. He reached between to their hard cocks. With his
hand, he gripped Luka’s cock and stroked it hard and fast.

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The bed creaked. Luka spread his legs and wrapped them around

Zed’s waist. The vampire moaned as his sensitive shaft bounced
between them.

“I like it when you’re hard,” Luka groaned.
He moved his hand faster, pumping the elf’s cock. His other hand

pinched the soft pink nipples. Luka bit his lip.

“Why do you like me hard?” Zed asked.
The desire and lust filled his mate’s eyes. “It shows that you’re

not too old to fuck me properly.”

Zed laughed. “Oh, and what does ‘fuck me properly’ entail?” He

sucked on Luka’s neck. He darted his tongue out and licked down the
elf’s neck and nipped at his shoulder.

Luka laughed. “Oh, the opposite of you trying to claim me only to

discover the soft cock unable to perform. It happens. Nothing to be
ashamed of.”

“It’s nice that you worry about such things.” This time he’d take it

slow. If Luka thought words would force him to act, he needed to
learn a few things. “I’ll try not to disappoint.”

Lips moved back to the elf’s neck. He bit into flesh, tasting blood.

The sweet taste of his mate’s blood stiffened his already hard shaft. It
swelled thicker. He released Luka’s cock. His mate moaned at the
loss. But Zed continued the exploration down his mate’s body. He’d
already licked every inch, sucked on every toe, nibbled on every
finger, and bit into flesh.

A finger reached behind Luka and pushed into his mate’s tight

ring of muscles. Luka, already stretched from his fingers and cock,
didn’t need much preparation. He pulled completely out and rubbed
the outside of the sensitive opening. A soft pink hue covered Luka’s
cheeks. During each round of sex, Luka turned a bright pink.

Zed positioned his hands under his mate’s thighs and pushed them

into Luka’s chest. He leaned down and licked at the sensitive hole.

“Zed,” Luka cried out. “What are you doing?” he asked between


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The action didn’t need an explanation, but he’d show his mate

with actions, not words. His tongue moved in and out, fucking his
mate’s tight hole. He pulled away. “Hold your legs here.”

Luka nodded. He wrapped trembling arms around his thighs,

keeping his knees against his chest.

Now with two hands free, he spread back the cheeks and buried

his tongue in. He licked every inch, listening to the hisses coming
from Luka.

Zed pulled away. He moved his hips closer and rubbed his hard

cock against the tight opening. Hands moved down, spreading Luka’s
ass, avoiding touching the opening. Instead, he rubbed against it with
his cock.

“Fuck me,” Luka ordered.
Zed tapped his mate’s nose. “Wait for it.”
He continued to tease his mate with his hard cock, avoiding

entering, but rubbing in between the crease.

Luka arched up. “Please,” Luka begged with such need that he

couldn’t deny him any longer. He pulled away and repositioned his
hard thick cock and lined it up with his mate’s opening. Dark brown
eyes met violet-blue as he slowly sank into his mate. He stopped
moving when balls slapped against Luka’s ass.

He rotated his hips, but never moved. He rested in between his

mate’s thighs. Nails scratched down Zed’s back and he responded by
rolling his hips. Screams of passion exploded.

“Move damn it.”
Zed laughed. “It’s hard and stiff. How long do you think I can stay

like this?” Zed rolled his hips. “At least an hour, probably closer to

Luka tried to coax him to go faster, but he ignored it. “What the

hell are you doing?” Luka demanded.

“Showing you my cock can stay hard for hours.” He emphasized

the word “hours” and smirked when Luka swallowed.

Luka lost all train of thought. He was lost in the passion.

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Zed took pity. He pulled his hips out and then slammed them back

down. There was no gentleness as he rode his mate hard and fast.
Luka wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist
to help guide him faster. The room filled with flesh sounds and
moans. After a few hard thrusts, he stopped and again moved his hips
in a circular pattern.

Then Luka’s cock spurted out hot cum that covered their

stomachs. Zed slammed in hard and fast, not giving the small elf time
to catch his breath. Soon, he was filling Luka’s welcoming body with
his own hot seed.

* * * *

Luka couldn’t stop smiling. The happiness filled him to the brim.

The sun couldn’t shine brighter. The moon couldn’t be bigger. The
night sky was clear and more beautiful. Luka’s whole world held so
much joy. He rocked back and forth, unable to contain the excitement
and giddiness.

Nothing could take away this happiness. Last week, the elf doctor

had refused to give his leg the okay for use, insisting that more time
off it would allow the bone to strengthen. Zed nodded at the doctor’s
diagnosis and then constantly reminded him about the promise to
obey Avery’s orders, but today that order would change. He couldn’t
wait to stand and jump up and down. His life couldn’t get any better.
He was happily mated and soon he’d be walking on his own.

“You look good,” Avery said, walking into the room. He took a

few steps toward the bed and stopped. “Bed rest does wonders.
You’re glowing.”

Luka smiled again and nodded. He pushed the blankets down and

waved his left leg at the doctor.

Avery laughed as he moved closer.
This was it, the day he would get a clean bill of health. He looked

at Zed and then rolled his eyes. Zed’s glare would send shivers down

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anyone’s spine. The doctor ignored it like he was used to
overprotective mates, but Luka wasn’t used to it. Maybe he’d never
be used to someone watching over him.

Luka cleared his throat. “Don’t mind him.” He pointed at Zed.

“He’s a tad bit overprotective.” He thought after the mating Zed
would ease up, but the vampire prince was even more overprotective
than before. “He hardly ever leaves my side.”

Zed never budged from his protective stance in the corner. If he

heard Luka’s comments, he never let on.

Avery chuckled. “That’s okay. New mates tend to be very

possessive. I’m used to it.”

Luka sighed. Avery released his leg.
“It’s completely healed. I was worried that the swelling would

destroy the joint, but the magic and Zed’s healing ability worked.”
Avery stood.

Luka grabbed Avery’s sleeve. He looked at Zed and then at the

door, repeating the action a couple of times, trying to silently tell his
mate that he wanted to talk to the doctor alone. Of course, Zed
ignored him. Why couldn’t this be easy? “Zed, I’d like to talk to the

Zed nodded.
“Alone,” Luka added.
“I’m not leaving.” Zed stiffened his shoulders like Avery would at

any moment launch toward him and attempt to force him from the
room. Avery was only a few inches taller than him. The elf looked as
threatening as a mouse.

He reached for Zed’s hand. “It’s okay. There are a few things I

need to ask the doctor.”

“Why can’t you ask with me in the room?” Zed challenged.
Luka looked to Avery for help. There were a few things that Zed

didn’t need to know. At least not right now.

“It’s common for a patient and a doctor to meet privately. Luka

might have questions that only another elf can answer. I don’t want

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him to push questions aside because he’s too embarrassed to ask in
front of others.”

He gave Zed a sheepish smile. “The doctor thinks it’s important.”
“Are you keeping something from me?” Zed asked. “Remember,

no more lies.”

Luka’s eyes widened. He mentally crossed his fingers, so it

wouldn’t count, and shook his head. “Even if we’re not in the same
room, I’ll still feel you.”

“There’s nothing that you should feel embarrassed about. I know

you better and more intimately than anyone else, but I’ll wait right
outside the door.”

The guilt threatened to suffocate him. He had plenty of times to

confess before now, but he didn’t. He just couldn’t be completely
honest. A little voice inside kept whispering to him, telling him to
hide the truth. He watched Zed move toward the door and felt the
loneness creep into him.

He started to reach out to Zed, but the visions slammed into him.

He watched Avery reaching out to touch Bishop, but the vampire
pushed the elf away. Then Avery sat beside him as Luka lay in bed.
His hand rested on his extended belly. He tried to push the images
away, but they kept coming. Avery’s ring rested on Bishop’s finger, a
sign of an elf’s mating. He closed his eyes and let the images flash by
one after the other. Once they started, he couldn’t stop them. The
speed increased. Each picture changed too fast to grasp the events. It
would take a while to understand each image. He might never
remember the entire vision, but deep down his subconscious would
understand and feed him what he needed to know. Just as suddenly as
they began, the visions ended. He snapped his eyes open. Avery
looked frightened, paler than normal. Zed stood next to the bed, a
large hand resting on his knee.

“What was that?” the vampire prince asked. His voice held a tinge

of fear.

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Luka looked away. “What was what?” he asked, pretending not to

understand the question.

Zed growled. “Something took over for a minute. It cut into our

bond. Your mind no longer connected to mine. I want to know what
that meant. Is that clear enough for you?”

He felt Zed’s impatience, anger, and fear through the bond.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Zed glared at him. “Not good enough.”
He sighed. “I might…I mean sometimes…” Luka couldn’t find

the words.

Zed moved in and grabbed his hand. “No more secrets. Stop lying

to me. Just say it.”

“I can see the future,” Luka blurted out. “When I see things, it’s

like my mind is elsewhere. That’s why you couldn’t feel me.”

Zed looked at Avery. Then he turned his attention back to Luka.

“You can see the future.”

Luka nodded. Didn’t he already say that?
“Was I in the future you saw?”
“I don’t know. Maybe not in this one. The images moved too

fast.” A flash of Zed’s hand on his stomach pushed into his head. He
turned to look at his mate.

Zed’s eyes narrowed. “Not this one? But in others.”
Luka nodded, not sure where the conversation was heading.
“Tell me about the others.”
Luka felt the anger. It ripped through their bond. He couldn’t

identify the source. Something made Zed angry. He never lied about
his ability, but Zed had asked over and over again if there was
something else. He swallowed. Why didn’t he just tell Zed
everything? This wasn’t the only thing he still kept from his mate. He
turned to Avery. “Can you leave us for a moment?”

Avery nodded. He turned and walked out the door.
“Zed, I saw us all the time. That’s how I knew we were mates. I

saw visions of us together.”

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“You manipulated the situation. You used your visions to bring us

closer. We weren’t on even ground because you knew how things
would turn out. Whenever there’s a problem, you look into the future
for a solution. Then manipulate the present. Everything about you is a

Luka felt the words slap his face. “It’s not like that. The visions

didn’t show me everything.”

“Really, then why weren’t you honest? What are you hiding?”
“Nothing,” Luka said without thinking. He bowed his head, so

Zed wouldn’t suspect another lie. “I can’t change overnight. For so
long I’ve kept secrets. I do things to keep the pain away. I hate
conflict. I don’t know how to change that.” He prayed that Zed
understood. A part of him was drowning and his lifeline pulled him
down, not up. “I wanted to meet you for a long time.”

Zed stood. “You wanted to meet me? So you lied and forced your

way into my life.”

The rage burned through his mate. For a brief moment, he thought

the vampire would hit him. He lifted his arm up to block the blow, but
when he looked up, he saw shock and disappointment.

“You still think I’ll hurt you.” Zed turned and walked out the


Luka forced the tears to stay inside as the pain tore at his heart.

They were mated and Zed couldn’t change that. He had time to make
Zed understand that the vampire had been saving Luka’s life years
before they met.

Avery walked over to the bed and placed a hand on his hand. “It’s

going to be fine.” He lightly squeezed.

Luka shook his head. “I’ve done nothing but lie to him. Even after

he asked over and over again, I still kept things from him. I’m not
done keeping secrets either. I don’t know how to share and be

“Talk to him. Trust him. You have to in order to be completely

honest. Stop hiding behind secrets and lies. Zed needs to learn about

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these things because you told him. Not hit with them because you
slipped up and couldn’t hide it any longer.”

Luka pulled his legs close to his chest. Avery asked him to trust

Zed. At that moment he realized that he didn’t. He was waiting for the
pain. Love hadn’t been a part of his life for a long time. “Avery, why
does Zed hate liars so much? Everyone lies.”

“Not Zed. Something happened with King Kane. Zed has a

brother, Ned, who had a relationship with Kane centuries ago. Kane
used Ned and lied to him over and over again. Zed’s brother never got
over it. Since then he’s been a shadow of himself. He hates people
and lives alone up on a mountain. The lies Kane told him nearly
destroyed him. He manipulated Ned into thinking they had a serious
relationship, but instead used him.”

“He thinks I’m the same way.” The tears started to fall. Luka

couldn’t stop them. “I didn’t tell him. I kept everything a secret.
We’re full mates and he still doesn’t know about this.” He pointed to
his stomach.

“The elf secret is something we guard. Most races don’t know the

truth. Both of your parents were males?”

Luka nodded. “Yes, my elf father gave birth to me. My other

father was human. I never told Zed any part of that. He doesn’t

“He doesn’t know you can have children.” Avery sighed. “The

secrets you keep will only hurt you. It’s not like he won’t find out.
Someday you’re going to get pregnant and your stomach will grow.
You can’t hide this.”

“I’m half elf. Until a few minutes ago, I wasn’t sure it was

possible.” The vision showed him that it would happen. He just hoped
that it hadn’t already happened. “I just have to tell him before it

“You need to tell him now. Learn from this mistake.”
Luka looked away, but still heard Avery’s heavy sigh. “Fine, but

you have to live with the choices you make.” Avery’s hands rubbed

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down his leg, hovered over his knee, and moved over his body. “The
leg is fully healed. Is there any pain?”

“No.” Luka’s hand went to his stomach.
“Your magic is still off, and your body has less of it.” Avery

moved his hands up to the younger elf’s stomach. He felt around.

“I’ve been sick.”
“Yes, your body’s started to change. That could explain the

nausea, or that you’ve already conceived. I can’t be certain but there’s
a good chance you’re already pregnant. It’s too soon to tell. Do you
feel it? Elves carrying usually feel the spark of life long before a
doctor can feel it.”

Luka shook his head. “I’ve felt the heat and I’ve been sick, but the

life spark isn’t there.”

“The mating is forcing your body to get ready. I can’t be certain if

it’s already happened.” He sighed. “You must tell your mate.”

Luka nodded. “I need to find Zed.” He reached out. Zed was

above him on the roof? “Thanks, Avery.” He paused. “I’ll send
Bishop in and ask him to take you home.” Avery started to object, but
Luka walked out the door. He’d seen them together in his visions.
Avery and Bishop were mates. Why were they not together? That was
a question for a different time.

“Bishop, I’m going to talk to Zed.” The older vampire walked him

down the hall to the door leading to the roof.

“This way.” Bishop opened a heavy door. The stairs led upwards.
“I’ll be fine.”
Bishop shook his head. “After you’re with the prince, I’ll leave.”
Bishop helped him up the stairs. When they reached the top, he

saw Zed. Even if he hadn’t seen him, Luka felt him.

Zed turned. His eyes were no longer brown but a glowing red.

Luka nodded to Bishop. “Thanks.”

Bishop looked at Zed.
Luka touched Bishop’s arm. “Can you take Avery home?”

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Bishop stiffened under his fingers. He reluctantly nodded before

walking back down the stairs.

“You shouldn’t be up here.”
“You’re here. Where else should I be?” He walked over to Zed,

determined to explain everything. “Can we talk?”

“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say,” Zed spat out.

“Everything is a lie.”

“You’re angry.”
“What gave it away?”
Luka closed his eyes. He looked at Zed. “Do you hate me?”
Zed’s eyes snapped to him. He pushed Luka up against the roof

door. “Hate you. No, I hate myself for falling for you.” He seized
Luka’s lips into a brutal kiss that was demanding and filled with a
relentless need for control. Luka relaxed into the kiss, letting Zed
have his way.

He pushed Luka hard against the wall, lifting the elf up. Luka’s

hardening shaft rubbed against Zed. The vampire’s large, cold hands
pushed his shirt up. The kiss softened as Zed lowered Luka to the
ground and yanked the small elf’s pants down. The bright red lounge
pants rested around his ankles.

Zed rubbed his thick finger over his sensitive opening. Still slick

from their previous round of sex, Luka only felt a slight burning as
Zed shoved two fingers inside. He braced himself against the wall as
Zed pushed in a third finger. He moaned as the finger touched
something deep inside. Soon he heard the rustling of clothes as Zed
freed his trapped cock. Luka felt the hot shaft against his ass crack.
Zed rubbed it in between his cheeks, only touching his opening. The
cock continued to rub and Luka groaned.

“Fuck me,” he demanded.
Zed ignored the order. “When I’m ready. I need to calm down

first or I’ll pound into you too hard and I refuse to hurt you that way.”

Luka heard the strain in Zed’s voice. His mate would never hurt

him. He turned his head. “I can take whatever you give. Stick that

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hard cock in my ass and fuck me. Or maybe you don’t know what to
do with it.”

Zed hissed and pushed in with one hard thrust. He bit his lip as

Zed gave him only a little bit of time to adjust before setting a hard
fast pace. He felt the burning pain mixed with pleasure as the cock hit
his pleasure spot over and over again. Zed increased the pace.
Something Luka didn’t know was possible. Zed held onto his hips
with a strong grip that would leave bruises. His own cock was
painfully hard. Luka wanted to reach down and stroke it, but his
hands pressed against the walls kept his body from being roughly
pushed into the hard surface. If he moved, Zed would fuck him into
the wall. He moaned and cried. He needed relief, but Zed ignored his

“Please,” he begged. “Touch me.”
Zed leaned in and whispered into his ear. “Not yet. Feel my cock.”

Zed pounded into him. “There is one thing I hate more than anything
and that’s liars.” He thrust in and out again and again. “You will keep
nothing from me. You will never lie to me.” He pounded his ass with
a few more hard thrusts. “If you do, next time I’ll fuck you over and
over again. Your hard cock will demand to be touched, but it won’t
be. For hours your ass will be mine. Do you understand?”

Oh yes, Luka understood. Zed threatened to fuck him over and

over again, with his hard cock never getting the stimulation it needed.
It sounded like the worst torture imaginable. “I promise. Now please
touch me.”

“That’s the problem with liars. Their promises mean nothing.

Maybe I need to fuck you a couple of times, so you understand.” Zed
licked his neck, pressing small kisses under his ear.

Luka squeezed the cock moving in and out of his ass. He moved

his hips back to meet each thrust, determined to bring Zed’s release.

He felt Zed’s lips turn into a smile. “Well, if you’re that

determined.” Zed’s large hand grabbed his cock and he squeezed as
he slowed his thrusting. Zed played with the tip. Luka wanted to

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touch himself, but he didn’t dare move his hands from the door. Zed
started stroking as he pulled almost all the way out and pushed in with
one hard thrust. Luka’s arms couldn’t hold up his body. Zed pulled
out and turned him around. His back hit the wall. Zed lifted Luka up.
One leg was pulled free from his pants before Zed slammed back into
him. He brought both legs up and wrapped them around Zed’s waist,
pulling his mate closer. He reached down and touched his own cock
as Zed’s large, perfect cock continued to pound his ass. Soon he
couldn’t stop his release. He exploded all over his hand and stomach.
Zed’s hot seed filled him, while some spilled out and down his ass.
He felt the warmth inside and then the spark. His eyes widened. He
looked at Zed and forced a smile. It was one more secret. Was it too
late to mention he could get pregnant after he became pregnant?

“No more secrets,” Zed said.
Luka looked into Zed’s eyes and cried. The guilt made him an

emotional mess. “I’m sorry,” he began to say, but stopped trying to
find the words.

“We start fresh. I want the truth.”
Luka wanted to tell him, but he smiled and nodded. The words

didn’t come. Why couldn’t he just be honest? He was scared that Zed
wouldn’t want a child, a child that had vampire, elf and human blood.

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Chapter Nine

Zed headed downtown. Normally, he ignored the Council’s

summons, refusing to jump because a group of men decided that they
needed something. After a single shrug and shake of the head, Zed
would put the order out of his mind. If the Council wanted to see him,
they could make an appointment. It’s not like he was hiding.

This time was different. Somehow King Kane discovered the

location of his missing son and demanded the prince’s return, as if
that was going to happen.

Yesterday, he sent Kane a short and simple response to his

demand. The note written in his handwriting read, “fuck you.” After
decades of not seeing the elf king, the last few months had been
torture. He liked it better when Kane terrorized his own people and
left Zed alone.

They hadn’t even finished discussing the first issue, and he used

the word “discussing” loosely, pertaining to the land surrounding the
Vortex and now this. Because of the seriousness of the charges, Zed
demanded an arbitrator. An arbitrator handled disputes between
territory leaders and they were hard to find. After a few years of
service, an arbitrator either left for another position or disappeared.
No one talked about the ones that vanished, but nasty rumors always
followed a disappearance. In the end, no one wanted to work for the

Twenty years ago, six arbitrators served the Council and now only

two. That’s how far things had fallen. Hopefully, the arbitrator elected
by the Council could handle the situation in a fair manner. Unless a
law was broken, the Council didn’t get involved. If the arbitrator

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deemed a law broken or if the arbitrator’s orders were not followed,
the Council stepped forward.

Knowing King Kane like he did and the way the elf twisted the

truth, Zed demanded an arbitrator. Normal disputes were handled
through negotiations, but his mate’s life wasn’t going to be
negotiated. Luka was his and the small elf could make his own
choices. He wasn’t a piece of property but a person. Today, Zed
would make sure everyone knew it.

King Kane might rule his own territory, but he couldn’t force

apart fated mates. He walked into the building and straight to the
arbitrator’s office. Not even a corrupt arbitrator would rule against
him. A mated pair was untouchable in the supernatural world.

Shortly after he arrived, Roman walked through the door.
Zed smiled at the glare Kane gave the demon. He called Roman to

show that he had the support of another territory leader. It was a bit
threatening to have them both here, but it sent a powerful message.

“Roman Walker, this is a closed meeting,” King Kane said.
“I invited him. He’s a possible witness,” Zed replied. Kane didn’t

like dealing with Roman. For some reason, Kane hated demons. He
never treated Roman with respect, but he kept his distance and only
badmouthed him out of earshot range.

The arbitrator sat down. Zed had requested the other arbitrator, an

owl shifter. Unfortunately, Kane beat him to it. Before he had a
chance to speak with the Council, the arbitrator had been assigned.
There was no way he would believe the elf arbitrator could act in a
fair manner.

Owen Lincroft did have a reputation of being fair, a person not

easily swayed by others. No one had ever complained about his
previous cases. He had long white hair and deep, blue eyes. Wrinkles
covered his forehead and a long beard covered his face. The arbitrator
looked innocent enough, but looks could be deceiving.

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The arbitrator looked around the room with his small eyes, staring

at both Zed and Kane with a look of disgust. Zed smirked. If the
arbitrator hated him, at least he hated Kane too.

Owen cleared his throat. “This meeting is to decide the fate of

Luka, son of the elf King, Kane,” the arbitrator said in a bored tone.

“No,” Zed interrupted. “That needs to be changed. Luka is now

my mate. A full mating precedes all previous relationships.” Zed let
the words sink in before continuing. “I request this meeting be
adjourned. King Kane has no right to interfere with our mating. Luka
is mine.”

“Impossible. Luka isn’t mated. Zed lies to keep my son a prisoner.

If anything happened between the two of them, I assure you it was
against my son’s will. Luka is a victim.”

Zed’s cold glare bore into Kane. “I can assure you that Luka is

very much mated. We are fated. I am willing to swear to that if

“I refuse to accept the mating. He isn’t allowed to be a vampire’s


“Watch your language. You’re talking about my mate.” Zed’s

glowing red eyes stared at Kane like the elf king was a roach that
needed to be squashed. His teeth pushed out, ready to rip the elf
king’s throat apart for disrespecting Luka.

“If he spread his legs for you, then he’s nothing but a whore.”
Zed stood.
Roman placed a hand on the vampire prince’s shoulder. “I have

something to add. There’s been bad blood between the vampire and
elf territory leader. Instead of looking at this in a negative way, we
should rejoice. Mixed supernatural race matings are more common
than they were before. I can also attest to Zed and Luka’s mating. The
fates have joined them. We can’t interfere.”

The arbitrator looked at both Zed and Kane. “Our rules are clear.

A mated couple can’t be forced apart under any circumstance. Your
petition is denied.” The arbitrator stood, ready to leave and go about

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his life like the last few minutes were nothing but a nuisance that kept
him from important duties.

Zed had to agree. The meeting was a complete waste of time.
“Wait. We haven’t even spoken to my son. How do we know that

this is what he wants? I demand for him to be brought here to testify.”

Zed growled. “I will not have my mate involved in these political

games. If the arbitrator wants to speak with Luka, then that’s fine. Of
course, I will be present. But you will never see my mate again. That
is unless he wishes it, and that’s not something he wants.”

“Prince Zed, King Kane can demand for your mate to be present

during the proceedings. He can also demand for the arbitrator, that’s
me, to verify the mating. You will need to bring the prince in to
answer a few questions.” Arbitrator Owen moved his hand over to the
pen and started to write out the order.

“Normally, I would agree. Luka doesn’t want to see King Kane.

The man physically abused and tortured him for years. I request that
you speak to my mate in our home.”

The arbitrator looked toward King Kane. “Have you abused the

prince in anyway?” Owen gazed directly at Kane. “Remember, any lie
spoken to an arbitrator will lead to immediate dismissal as a territory

“Luka needed a heavy hand. He’s too wild and now he’s fucking a


“Is that how you justify torturing him?” Zed spat out.
“Enough,” the arbitrator ordered. “I’ll speak with the elf prince at

Prince Zed’s residence. Unless Prince Luka states otherwise, then he
will remain with his mate.”

Owen turned to look at King Kane. “I don’t believe in hitting or

hurting a child under any circumstance. If only a little of what Prince
Zed says is true, I will make sure you never see Luka again.”

King Kane turned toward Zed. “This isn’t over, Zed,” he spat out

before walking out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

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“That went well,” Zed said. “I want it noted that King Kane’s

final words bordered on being threatening.”

“That will go down on record. Now, when can I meet the prince?”

the arbitrator asked.

“How about tomorrow night after sunset?” Zed offered.
The arbitrator pulled out a book and opened it. “I’m free. The

sooner the meeting happens, the sooner it ends. No offense, but
there’s a lot more important things to deal with.”

Zed nodded. He had to agree.
“Zed, I’m heading back. Let me know what happens after the


He nodded at his longtime friend. He turned back to the

arbitrator—the man that thought he would decide Luka’s fate. There
was only one acceptable answer. He nodded before turning away. Zed
thought of home and then Luka. He stood inside of his living room
after he teleported across the city. Luka ran over and threw both arms
around his waist.

Yavin and Bishop walked over.
“Well?” Bishop prodded.
“Zed, they cheated,” Luka said, pointing at the other two. He

studied his mate. The smaller man was trying to delay the giving of
information. Luka had a tendency to ignore the truth.

Bishop laughed. “Just because you’re losing doesn’t mean we’re

cheating.” He turned back to Zed. “What happened at the meeting?”

Luka squinted. He reached down and picked up a strawberry,

sucking the fruit into his mouth. He licked his upper lip in a seductive
way before sucking on each finger, cleaning off all the juices.

“What are you doing?” Zed demanded. A part of him understood

that his mate didn’t want to deal with reality, but Zed didn’t like the
obvious attempt at seduction in front of the others. Both Yavin and
Bishop looked away, pretending not to notice.

“Eating.” Luka pealed the banana and started playing with the

fruit like it was Zed’s hard cock. “It’s really good.”

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Yavin cleared his throat. “I’m on duty downstairs.”
“Both of you get out,” Zed ordered.
Both vampires wasted no time getting out of the apartment. They

jumped up and ran for the door. He looked at his mate as Luka started
to unbutton the top buttons of his bright, sky-blue shirt. “Is it getting
hot in here?”

“No, the temperature is fine.” He leaned against the wall, waiting

for his mate’s response.

Luka looked up. He shrugged his shoulders. “Really, my balls are

sweating. Maybe I should have worn underwear.”

Zed groaned and closed the distance between them. “You do like

playing with fire.”

“Oh Zed. I only like playing with your fire.”
Zed pushed Luka up against the wall. He ripped the shirt open.

Buttons popped off and part of the material ripped. He pushed the
shirt off his mate’s body. Why his small lover liked bright colors was
beyond him.

He pushed down Luka’s pants. The man’s cock popped out. “You

really didn’t put on underwear.”

“I did it for you. Easier to strip me and have your way with my


“Oh, I’m going to have my way with you.” He pushed Luka face

down on the table. He pulled off his mate’s pants and then squeezed
his ass before pulling his butt cheeks apart. Zed leaned down, licking
the quivering hole. He felt his own thick shaft harden as Luka

“In my pants pocket is lube. Hurry and get it.”
Zed laughed. “So you were prepared to seduce me.” He pulled

away from Luka and looked for the discarded pants. He reached into
the pocket and found the lube. He looked at Luka and raised both

Luka laughed. “Maybe I’m just hopeful.”

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Zed opened the lube. “You’re such a liar. You planned to seduce

me, and waited for my fat cock to pound into your tight ass.”

“Yeah, I confess.” His mate licked his lips. “Can we start the

pounding?” Luka pushed out his ass.

Zed smiled. He pushed one finger past Luka’s sensitive opening.

Luka moaned and pushed back.

“You just fucked me a few hours ago. Hurry and get on with it.”
Zed leaned forward. “I love it when you demand my cock, but you

need to learn patience. You’ll get it soon enough.” Zed pushed in a
second finger. He pounded his fingers in and out of Luka’s ass. The
man bit his fist to keep from crying out. Satisfied that his mate was
ready, he pulled out his fingers.

He lubed up his cock and shoved it into his mate’s waiting hole.

Luka groaned as Zed plunged in and out of the tight heat. “I like to
hear you.”

“Really, then fuck me harder.”
Zed slowed his thrusting. He pulled almost all the way out until

only the tip rested inside of Luka. His mate moaned and Zed smiled.
He slammed his hips forward and then pulled out again, repeating the
hard thrust.

“You’re killing me.” Luka pushed back.
With his hands on the table he threw his body back. Zed pulled

out and turned Luka around. Luka’s back pressed into the table and
Zed spread his mate’s legs apart and slid between the creamy thighs.
He pushed the elf’s ankles up until they rested on his shoulders. He
looked directly into Luka’s lust-filled eyes and sank his cock into his
mate’s waiting body. He pounded his lover over and over again as he
reached between them and stroked Luka’s hard cock. Luka lasted less
than a minute. He tilted his head to the side as Zed bit into his long,
pale neck before exploding inside.

Luka panted, trying to catch his breath. He shivered as the cold hit

his sweaty body.

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“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Zed pulled Luka up, but his

mate’s legs couldn’t support his body. He picked Luka up and carried
him to the bathroom. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Luka nodded. Zed wiped up and down his mate’s leg, cleaning

every inch of skin.

“What happened?” Luka asked in small voice.
Zed rubbed his mate’s leg. Finally, the small elf was ready to talk

about it. He cleaned himself up and led them to the bed. He pulled his
mate down and then against his body. “The arbitrator is coming to
talk to you tomorrow.”

Luka sat up and looked at Zed. “Can he make me go back?” His

mate couldn’t hide the fear in his voice.

“You’re never going back. Besides, we’re fully mated. No one can

separate us. What do your visions say?”

Luka rubbed his stomach. “My visions show us being very


“Then trust your visions and trust me. Okay?”
Luka calmed a little, but Zed still felt the small elf’s heart

pounding inside of his chest. He’d help his mate learn to trust.

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Chapter Ten

Luka paced back and forth. The room, larger than most living

spaces, wasn’t big enough for the small elf trying to work off the
nervous energy. The world’s longest runway wouldn’t have been big
enough. Zed told him over and over again not to worry, but there were
too many possibilities of things going wrong. He couldn’t relax. He
felt like a can of soda shaken until it was about to explode.

He repeatedly closed his eyes and tried to force the visions to

come, but every time he tried to peek into the future the black
nothingness met him. Through the darkness the images of his future
rested, but he couldn’t grasp them. He touched his flat belly, not sure
if the life inside interfered with his talent. No one could do what he
did, so there was no wise sage to ask or an advice column to write to.
He was stuck figuring out the truth.

Zed grinned at him from the couch. He stopped and tapped his left

foot. “Are you sure I have to do this?” he asked. There was a slight
whine in his voice, but he was nervous and entitled to a little whining.

“Yes, but it’s okay. I’ll be with you the entire time. Stuck to you

like glue.”

“Icky, sticky glue that doesn’t wash off?” He wrinkled his nose at

the thought.

Zed laughed. “More like hot glue that warms your skin.”
Luka rolled his eyes. “I’m not worried about you leaving.” Maybe

he was a little worried about being alone with the arbitrator. Zed’s
eyes opened wider, silently asking, “really?” Luka playfully slapped
his arm. “What if he decides our mating isn’t real? The arbitrator is an

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elf. He could send me back.” The slight tremble threatened to take
over his entire body. The more he thought about it the worse the fear.

“How can he do something like that? You’re mine.” Zed grabbed

Luka’s hand and pulled him down onto his lap. “If the worst happens,
and that’s a pretty big if, you’re not going back. Your home is with
me and I will never let you go. No one will hurt you because I’ll be by
your side protecting you. No matter what. Trust me.”

He leaned into Zed. The strength oozed into him. Trust. There was

that word again. Did he trust Zed? He trusted his mate more than
anyone else, but…There was always a but. The guilt forced its way
back in. He needed to confess his last secret and show both of them
that he trusted Zed. This time he’d tell his mate everything. He
opened his mouth. Then he closed his mouth.

What if Zed got angry and left him to face the arbitrator alone?

What if he told him to leave? Now wasn’t the time for sharing secrets.
He pressed a hand against his stomach and lightly kissed Zed’s cheek.
Later, there would be time later.

“What should I tell the arbitrator?” That was another question

weighing him down. From the visions to the abuse, there was a lot to
share and sharing too much could be as devastating as not sharing

“Everything that pertains to our mating. Avoid discussing the

visions. If he asks, I’ll be there to help answer the questions without
saying too much.” Zed lightly pulled on Luka’s hair. “It’s going to be

Luka nodded. “The visions are strange.” Seeing the future wasn’t

a blessing, but a curse. People always wanted to know their future.
They thought nothing of causing him pain to force the visions. “What
about my father?” He shook his head. “No, I mean King Kane.” Kane
never treated him as a person. There’s no way he wanted to refer to
the elf as his father, but old habits were hard to break, especially the
ones beaten into the psyche.

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“No lies. If you don’t want to talk about it then tell the arbitrator.

That’s it. I will make sure the conversation ends.” Zed rubbed his

“Okay,” he said, just above a whisper, too nervous to agree any


“I’m going downstairs to meet the arbitrator.” Zed stood and

placed Luka onto his feet. He pushed a strand of hair behind his
pointy ears and lightly kissed his forehead. “I’ll be back in a couple of
minutes. Don’t think negative thoughts. Think of me holding your
hand as we face the arbitrator together. Everything will be fine.”

Luka shrugged. He watched as Zed disappeared. Normally, his

mate walked down the stairs instead of teleporting. Nothing worried
him, but leaving Luka did. He smiled. Zed’s actions were sweet even
though it made his heart beat faster. If Zed was worried, then what
hope did he have of staying calm?

He couldn’t stay still. His feet paced back and forth as if they had

a life of their own. He needed to move. If he didn’t, he’d burst. He
walked with a hand placed snug against his stomach. Everything was
happening too fast. From the mating to the child, his life was on fast-
forward. It was only a matter of time before Zed knew.

He lacked courage. The pain prevented him from acting. The fear

prevented him from trusting. Trust. There was that word again. Zed
hated lies and Luka tried to be honest, but this secret was too big. Did
he trust anyone?

The group arrived a few minutes later. Those minutes provided his

mind with time to envision lots of horrible things. Luka smiled at Zed.
The arbitrator walked behind his mate. Luka’s hand itched to touch
Zed. He walked over and grabbed his mate’s hand before glancing
over at the older elf. His heart pounded a little faster. He recognized
the man. The memories weren’t bad, but they weren’t good either.

He looked at Zed once more before turning to face the arbitrator.

He forced a smile as he tried to remember the man’s name, but
nothing. Luka reached out with his left hand, holding onto Zed with

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his other hand. The arbitrator extended his hand. The touch made him
want to pull away and scrub his skin. The elf felt cold and slimy.
Maybe it had more to do with someone other than his mate touching
him. The reason didn’t matter, he pulled away and squeezed Zed’s

“It’s nice to see you again.”
The arbitrator nodded. Luka had never talked with the old elf.

Unlike demons and vampires, elves weren’t immortal. The elf
standing in front of him was the oldest elf in the city, centuries older
than Zed. Visions flashed of the arbitrator at a party standing next to

“Young prince, I’ve heard alarming stories from your mate about

the king.”

Luka nodded. “I’m sorry but I’ve forgotten your name.” It was a

simple change of subject, but he needed it to make sure the
conversation wouldn’t be about the past. King Kane no longer
mattered. Only the future mattered.

“Owen Lincroft. I prefer to be called Arbitrator Lincroft or just

Arbitrator. Most use only my title. I, too, consider it my name.”

“Arbitrator?” He questioned. How can someone not use his name?

Was a job more important than a person’s identity? Luka didn’t think
so, but he kept that to himself. Zed would be proud at his discretion.

The elf cocked his head. His eyes narrowed slightly as he waited

for Luka to talk.

“I won’t talk about King Kane. You’re here to record our mating.

I want to swear before you that Prince Zed and I are fully mated.” He
squeezed Zed’s hand.

“All in good time.” The arbitrator laughed, but it sounded forced

and fake. “Let’s discuss how you got here. I’m curious. I want to
know how the two of you found each other.”

Luka shook his head. He wouldn’t talk about the visions. He

turned and looked up at Zed. His mate pulled him closer.

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“Fate brought us together,” Zed said. “The same fate that

designated us mates. We were destined to find one another. That’s
how it happened.” Zed smiled. “My mate doesn’t want to talk about
the past. He’s moved on and wants to live his life and plan for the

“Of course. What proof do you have of your mating?” the

arbitrator asked. “Elves exchange rings, but the two of you didn’t do
that. Remember, lying to an arbitrator has serious consequences.”

“Sir, I’m unable to create a ring.” Luka squeezed Zed’s hand.

“I’m half-elf and half-human.”

The elf stepped back. “Really.” His expression turned sour. “Are

you aware of this?” he asked Zed.

“Yes, and my mate is perfect. I don’t care if he’s human, elf or a

combination of both. He’s mine and that’s all that matters.”

Luka nodded. “Even if I can’t create a ring to give Zed, It doesn’t

change that we are mates.”

“I see. Well there’s not much else I can say.” The arbitrator

reached in his bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.

“What’s that?” Luka asked. The pen was beautiful, made of pure

gold with diamonds decorating the center part of it. The paper looked
old and about to fall apart.

“It’s special paper and a special pen. The paper will record the

mating and it will be the only proof you will need if someone
challenges the two of you again.” The elder started to write on the
paper. “Let me finish signing it, and then the two of you need to sign

Luka smiled and nodded. The old elf was nice, but still Luka

didn’t like the man. He felt uncomfortable. A part of him screamed
not to trust the elf. Maybe he just didn’t trust his own race anymore.
Maybe his distrust at everything around him clouded his judgment.
He reached for the paper.

The elder pushed the sheet toward him. Luka reached down and

picked it up. He smiled, looking at the eloquent writing. He closed his

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eyes and sighed. Before he could remind Zed that he couldn’t read it,
his mate pulled the paper from his hands.

“Let me see it before you sign it.” Zed read the paper. He placed

the paper on the table and patted Luka’s head. “Everything is in order.
I’ll sign it first.”

Luka backed away as Zed moved to the table. He watched his

mate lean in and signed the document that would bind them in the
eyes of the supernatural society. He turned to look at the arbitrator as
he moved in from behind. Luka smiled, but froze before his lips
arched all the way up. The arbitrator’s face lost all kindness as he
sneered at Luka. Luka turned to Zed. His fear forced his mate to turn
around. Zed moved toward them, but it was too late.

The arbitrator wrapped his arm around Luka’s neck. The room

started to spin. He tried to focus, but the room kept changing, forcing
Luka to close his eyes. He grabbed his stomach, trying to keep his last
meal inside. He still felt the room spinning, but he no longer had to
watch it happen. Soon the spinning started to slow and then stop.
Luka pulled forward, but a hard, painful grip stopped him from
moving forward. Luka’s legs threatened to give out.

“Crude, but effective,” the arbitrator sneered. “Welcome home,

my prince.”

Luka looked for Zed, but he wasn’t there. No, Zed didn’t

disappear, they had. Luka shook. Elves couldn’t teleport, but they
had. He looked around the room and felt his stomach drop. It was the
one place he never wanted go.

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Chapter Eleven

Luka’s fear hit like an electric shock. Zed dropped the pen, turned,

and rushed toward his mate, but it was too late. The old elf had one
arm wrapped tightly around Luka’s neck. His mate gasped for air as
he tried to push the older elf’s arm away. Their bodies, partially there
and partially somewhere else, existed temporarily in two places. The
spell was a crude version of his natural teleporting ability.

“Don’t do this,” Zed ordered, tucking away the fear. Weakness

would add to the danger.

The old elf never acknowledged him, choosing to focus on the

magic. The spell struggled to take hold. Zed moved toward them, but
stopped. Interfering might have devastating results. His fangs
extended as he helplessly watched the elf touch his mate. Luka tried
to break free, but the firm hold prevented any leverage.

The seconds ticked by like hours. Zed stood, unable to interfere.

The spell almost broke apart. The magic weakened, but then
strengthened. Elves lived attuned with nature, trying to go against elf
magic left the spell unstable. It was like a cow trying to swim. Some
things weren’t meant to be.

He clenched a fist. Nails tore into flesh as Luka was pulled further

away. Their eyes met. Violet-blue, terrified eyes pleaded for saving,
and then nothing. They completely disappeared.

Zed cursed. The entire incident stunk of Kane. The elf king never

let anything go. If someone snubbed him, Kane took great pleasure
returning the favor. Revenge for the cold-hearted elf ranged from
removing the offender from a job to murdering his entire family. Even
he couldn’t predict the elf king’s vindictiveness, and he’d seen the

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man at his worst. Now, the elf king had his mate. He glared at spot
where Luka disappeared.

“Bishop,” Zed yelled. His second-in-command barged into the

room. He turned toward his trusted friend.

“What’s wrong?” Bishop asked. The older vampire, stiff and

ready for an attack, looked around the room as fingers tightly
wrapped around a long, silver blade. The light reflected on the deadly

“Luka’s gone.” It hurt to say the words. Voicing what happened

made the situation real. It was like a dream that only existed in his
imagination until someone was told. When that person shared the
dream, then it became even more real. It was no longer contained
within one person, but shared. Telling Bishop made the situation real.
No longer able to stand by and do nothing, he looked at Bishop. “I’m
going to get him back. You’re in charge until I return.”

“What happened?” Bishop reached out and grabbed Zed’s arm.
He closed his eyes and forced his body to stop to answer the

question. The responsibility of being territory leader weighed him
down. His responsibility wasn’t only to Luka but the entire territory.
“The arbitrator used a spell. Something to get past the blocks that
allow only me to teleport in and out. He grabbed my mate and forced
him to leave the building.”

The reality sank in. Overconfidence made people do stupid things,

like setup a meeting with someone that would harm his mate. The
arrogant certainty that nothing would happen left an easy opening,
waiting to be exploited. The leader of the vampire territory had been
stupid and careless. Something he couldn’t afford to be.

Zed never trusted the old elf, but elves couldn’t move like him.

They were the tortoise in the old fable. That made him the
overconfident hare that slept during the race and failed to win. All
because he believed it was beyond an elf’s capability to teleport.

Luka believed Zed would keep him safe. His stupidity

inadvertently let Kane get too close. Now he needed to save his mate.

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This time Kane wouldn’t hurt Luka. All he needed to do was find

his mate. Nothing else mattered. Fate brought them together and it
seemed equally determined to keep them apart.

Without another word, he disappeared and reappeared outside of

Roman’s building. With a determined stride, he walked through the
front door.

“Tell Roman I want to see him, now,” Zed demanded.
“Prince Zed,” the guard stuttered.
Zed growled at the man’s reluctance to move. Today wasn’t a

good day to meet someone who didn’t jump at his orders.

“Get Roman down here.” He didn’t have time to wait. Luka didn’t

have time to wait. Didn’t this man understand? He wouldn’t be here,
demanding to see Roman, if it wasn’t important.

The guard backed up. He picked up the phone and dialed, never

turning away from Zed.

Roman materialized in the walkway a couple of minutes later. Zed

growled at having to wait two minutes.

Roman arched an eyebrow up. “What’s wrong, Zed?”
“Luka’s been kidnapped. I have to find him.”
“Kidnapped?” Roman looked surprised. “What happened?”
“The arbitrator used a spell. He must have been working for Kane

the entire time. I need to find him. The longer it takes the harder it
will be. Kane will try to hide Luka. Pretend to be innocent in his
abduction. I don’t know where to start looking. Avery knows the elf
territory and Kane.”

Roman looked directly at him. “Are you sure it’s Kane?”
Zed looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Who else would kidnap

his mate?

Roman sighed. “Okay, let’s say you’re right. After you walked out

of the elf territory with the prince, Kane placed blocks, making it
difficult to enter the area.”

“Avery can enter and so can we. Call him here.” While the demon

was trying to calm him and force Zed to cautiously approach the

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situation, he didn’t have time for negativity. Both Zed and Roman
could enter the elf territory. Nothing Kane did would stop that.

Roman looked at Zed with a touch of pity. He stopped trying to

talk sense into him. Roman was smart enough to realize that with his
mate missing, Zed couldn’t be reasoned with. Instead, he walked over
to the desk, picked up the phone and dialed it. “Avery, we need you in
the lobby.”

Three minutes later, Avery hurried off the elevator. “What’s going

on?” he asked, looking at both Roman and Zed.

“Luka’s been kidnapped by Kane. Can you help me find him?”

Zed half-asked and half-pleaded. If that didn’t work, he’d demand.

Avery’s eyes widened. “If he’s in elf territory, he won’t be in the

main house. You’re mated, can you sense him?”

“He’s too far away. But once I’m close enough to him, then that

will change. If I barge in, it will give Luka’s captors time to move
him. I need to enter close to Luka. There will be wards that prevent
me from teleporting directly to him.”

“There’s a place Kane might bring Luka—the underground

prison. It’s where he brings those that displease him. It’s located
underneath the main offices. It’s not a small prison.” Avery cleared
his throat. “Kane’s been known to lock elves up for no reason.” He
turned to face Zed. “How did you find Luka in the first place?”

“One night I saw him and knew exactly where to find him. I can’t

explain it, but the vision lead directly to him.”

“Can you try to see him now? Instead of reaching for the mating

bond, can you try to see his location?”

He closed his eyes. The darkness met him, usually, a kind friend,

but now ominous. Then a building appeared. It was tall and modern.
After the image focused in on the area, he recognized it as Kane’s
office, where Avery thought they’d taken Luka. Then he was
traveling down. Level after level passed by and soon he was deep
within an underground complex. Luka’s presence drew him deeper
into the building. He couldn’t see his mate, but he was close by. The

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fear and disgust radiated off the elf. The strong emotions nearly
pushed him back, but he forced the images to continue. It took Zed a
moment to realize the images were coming from Luka. The small elf
was able to project things to him. The dread filled Zed as the
realization hit. Luka was like Sage, but instead of listening to others,
he could see things. That was the source of the visions.

“He’s in the underground compound.”
“It’s more like a prison.” Avery wrapped both arms around his

thin frame.

Zed nodded. Apparently, the doctor had visited the place, but not

as a guest. He didn’t have time to worry about that now.

“Let’s go.” He focused on the building. Wards kept him from

materializing inside.

“There’s a park directly across the street. If you go there, then no

one will see you appear,” Avery said.

Roman looked at him. “Avery, wait five minutes and then tell

Thomas I’ve stepped out. Don’t go into detail. If he forces the issue,
then remind him he’s in charge.”

Avery swallowed.
“I don’t have time to handle Thomas.”
Avery nodded. “Got it. Leave him to me.”
“Let’s go.” Zed didn’t expect someone to follow him into danger.

He went to Roman for information, not for backup. The demon laid a
hand on his shoulder and then disappeared. Zed closed his eyes and

* * * *

Luka kicked, hit, and then bit the arbitrator, but the steel grip held

tightly onto his shoulder. He looked down to minimize the dizziness.
The floor moved, but it was better than the spinning. Teleporting
affected someone like a merry-go-round, spinning nonstop for an
hour. When the rider exited, the world still spun while he struggled to

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stand on legs wobbly like jelly. If he had closed his eyes the
unbearable nauseous feeling wouldn’t have affected him as badly, but
watching the process made it far worse. At least looking down didn’t
make him want to throw up.

The arbitrator grabbed his arm and pulled it behind Luka’s back.

The pressure tore at the joint. Any more and his shoulder would
dislocate. He whimpered as the older elf pushed him to the ground.
His legs gave out and he tumbled to the floor.

“Behave, or it will only get worse.”
“Worse? What could be worse?” Nothing else could compare to

being separated from Zed.

“Do I need to remind you that King Kane doesn’t take

disobedience lightly? If you continued to fight, he will make you wish
for death.”

The truth behind the cold, crisp words left Luka shivering. For

years a part of him had wanted to give up. The visions gave him hope.
Enough hope to live.

The spinning stopped. He smelled mold and dirt, the scent of a

drafty basement. It took another few seconds before his eyes regained
focus. The room was dreary with thick, concrete walls. The ceiling
had numerous brown water stains. The lack of windows or furniture
forced all kinds of dark images of the area’s purpose into his mind.
The bare walls looked lifeless and the thick wooden door impossible
to move.

He closed his eyes and started to think of his mate. If he

concentrated, Zed might see him. It had worked once before. Why not

“Welcome back.”
The voice yanked him back to the room. He turned to face King

Kane and whimpered.

King Kane’s eyes narrowed. The blue irises’ dark glare bore down

on him.

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“I want to go back to my mate,” he demanded. The fear was

overpowering, but being mated helped him find the courage to talk
back to the man that killed his father and forced him to be his son.

“I have plans for you that don’t include being a vampire’s whore.”
“I’m not a whore. Zed and I are mates. Not even you can interfere

with that.”

A hand shot out and slammed into his cheek. His head snapped to

the side. The sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberated within the
room. His vision darkened. In the darkness, he prayed for Zed. If his
mate took too long to find him, there wouldn’t be anything left for
Zed to save.

No, he couldn’t give up. Before, he didn’t have much to lose.

Now he had more than his own life to think about. Zed would find
him, but for now, he needed to help himself. He buried the rage, the
fear, and the despair under his hopes for the future. He pushed down
any hint of hostility. “What plans?” Luka asked in a forced civil tone
with none of the animosity that he felt.

“A very powerful man wants to be your mate. It’s an honor. I

can’t guarantee that he’ll treat you as nice as me.” Kane’s lips arched
up into an evil smirk. “Originally, I promised him your virgin ass, but
spreading your legs for the vampire ruined that.”

Kane’s eyes narrowed in an accusing glare like he mated with his

destined half to spite the elf king. Self-centered didn’t even begin to
describe Kane.

Luka shook his head. “I already refused to mate with him. That

was decided before I left. Besides, I belong to another man, that
makes me undesirable and off limits.” Luka’s voice trembled,
betraying the fear he tried to hide.

“He doesn’t want a bond, just a child. If you please him, he might

keep you around. Maybe some of the techniques learned from
whoring to the vampire will come in handy.”

Luka felt the vomit forcing its way up his throat. He only wanted

his mate. The thought of another man touching him terrified and

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disgusted him. “It doesn’t make sense. I’m not royal or special, why

“Breeding and mating between races is disgusting. You’re a

product of a dirty union. The man that is desperate to own you will
one day rule the supernatural world. He recognizes your gifts. He’s
not an elf, but he’s better than a vampire. Your ability to see the
future will be an asset and the child a contribution to our cause.”

Luka took a deep breath. “I’m a product of a mixed breeding. I’m

half elf and half human.” He watched for the movement to dodge the
strike, but none came. The man who hurt and terrorized him only
watched with an evil smirk and narrowed eyes. He felt smaller than a
flea and just as useless.

“There’s no hope for garbage like you, but my plans are better

than spreading your legs for that pompous asshole. A mixed mating
won’t matter with your tainted, dirty blood.”

The hate coming from the king shocked him. He knew Kane

didn’t like him, but the man despised him. “If you hate me so much,
why did you adopt me?”

“I arranged for your adoption because of the visions. Your father

foolishly tried to hide you. Then he refused to give you up. Since the
first vision, I’ve wanted you, but even those were nothing but a

Luka backed up. “It’s too late. The mating is already complete.

You can’t force me to bond with another.”

“Yes, I agree. It’s too late for a bond, but who said anything about

forming a bond? That was the old plan before you dirtied your body.
Don’t think too much of yourself. The man only wants a child. Your
ability is too week, but maybe if you had a child with a stronger
bloodline things can be salvaged. The power can’t be taken from you,
but we might be able to force it into your child.” Kane laughed. “You
won’t live through it. It’s a shame though. In the end, you won’t see
the world we create.”

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Luka backed up. The man was pure evil. He killed his father and

hurt him day after day for this. The rage surged inside of him. He
pushed past the elf king to the door.

Kane grabbed his arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Away from you.” He yanked his arm free. “Keep your vile hands

off of me.”

Kane laughed. “Finally grew a backbone. Too bad I can’t damage

you. I’ve promised that privilege to someone far worse than me.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit. I’m sure you’re more of

an asshole.”

“You’re far too naive. There are people that will rip out your

insides and spoon feed them back to you.” Kane sighed. “Give up and
do what I say. Then I’ll be a fond memory. And believe me, the time
we spent together will become the happiest times of your life.”

“No, I have a mate. He’ll come for me.”
“It’s not like the vampire cares about you. The only thing he

wants is your body. He’s already had that. He won’t come for you
now. No one wants to risk a war and damage the fragile peace.” The
king laughed.

“I don’t understand. All I can see are scattered visions. Why go to

so much trouble for that?”

Kane nodded. “You’re nothing but a product from a failed

experiment. The magic we tried to capture was released into the
world. In essence, I created you.”

“I’m not related to you in any way. I had parents that created me.”
“No, we’re not related by blood, but I created you and the others

like you. They have human blood and strong supernatural abilities.
You exist because of me.” Kane pushed him away from the door. He
tripped and landed on his ass. He curled into a small ball and waited
for the first strike. Kane laughed as he backed up, opened the door
and then left with the arbitrator. The door clicked behind them. The
ceiling light switched off.

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The darkness scared him. Monsters hid in the darkness, killing in

the shadows. “Let me out.” Luka screamed. He crawled toward the
door, feeling around the cold concrete until he touched wood. He
stood and then kicked the door. The palms of his hands rammed into
the wood. Soon the pounding left his arms and fists numb. He slid to
the floor and curled into a tight ball.

Luka closed his eyes and tried to focus on Zed, but there was

nothing. He knew Zed was looking for him. He just hoped his mate
found him in time.

No, he wasn’t going to be a victim again. He closed his eyes and

looked into the future, but he saw the past.

He gasped as the scene started to play. Luka sat with his dad.

Their red hair glowed in the sunlight. His dad touched his hand and
guided it up and down the page as he formed numbers with a pencil.
The writing was more of a scrawl. His smaller self bit his lip as he
pressed harder into the paper.

Each morning he had asked, “Is today my party?”
His dad rubbed his head. “Soon, but not today.” That day the

answer changed. “Tomorrow, you will be five.”

The day dragged. He had helped decorate his birthday cupcakes.

Each one had to be bright. That’s what he had wanted, a lot of colors.
Outside snow fell. The streets turned white, but they were safe
watching high above the city in their apartment.

Then a knock. His father stiffened. He pulled Luka from the chair.
“Go hide in the bedroom. Don’t come out.”
“What’s wrong?” Luka shook. His dad never acted this strange.
“It’s a game. I’ll come soon, but stay hidden and be very quiet.”
Luka shook his head. He held onto his dad’s waist.
“Please, be brave. Do this for me.”
He closed his eyes and ran to the other room. He pulled open his

dad’s closet and hid in the back behind a large bag of blankets. The
closet door stayed open a crack. The sounds traveled into his corner.

“What do you want?” his dad asked.

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“Your son, and you’re going to give him to me,” King Kane


“Get out of my house,” his dad ordered. “Luka’s not going

anywhere with you.”

“I hoped that you’d say that.”
Then the screams started. He rocked back and forth as his tiny

fists pushed into his ears to keep the sounds from reaching him. Then
the visions came. He was older and just as scared. A man twice as big
as his dad held his hand.

“Don’t listen.”
“What’s going to happen?”
That was the first time he saw his mate in a vision. The screaming

played in the background, but he was safe.

“Someday, I’ll find you. Be strong until then.”
The memories faded. He was back in the present, far away from

his dead father’s body, but locked away in a dark room. He shook his
head. Hiding in the dark closet was the past. The child that couldn’t
fight back and hid in the darkness no longer existed.

Luka stood up. He closed his eyes, this time not looking to the

past or future, but staying in the present. His mind moved from person
to person. He was seeing out of their eyes, focusing on his location.
He found the guard outside a large wooden door.

He changed the guard’s vision. Using shadows, he arranged for

the elf to turn around. He could make this man see anything, but he
needed to be subtle. He pictured a rat, trying to gauge his ability. The
guard jumped back at the fake rat. Luka smiled. He found a way out.

Luka focused on the door. He created more shadows to force the

guard’s focus to the door. While he could change what the guard saw,
he couldn’t control him. He changed the position of the door from
locked to unlocked. The guard noticed it right away. He walked over
to the door and switched the lock position. Luka smiled as the door
was unlocked.

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He moved over to the door. He closed his eyes and focused on the

guard. He saw the door and captured an image in his mind. Luka
opened the door and closed it as quietly as possible. The man turned
but saw nothing and turned his head back around. Luka used the
guard’s eyes to guide him down the hall. Sounds he couldn’t hide, but
to everyone around him, he was invisible.

When he reached the hall, he used the other guards to locate every

elf around. He made a mental map of their positions. He focused on
being invisible and the people around him no longer saw him.

This was the second time he used this ability. The first was after a

beating. Afraid that they would come back, he curled up and
pretended he wasn’t there. They never saw him. Of course later, he
suffered a stiff punishment, but this time he wouldn’t just hide. No, he
planned to leave.

With absolute focus, he had everyone’s position. He made it up

two floors, maneuvering around all the guards. No one would know
he was gone. If they looked in the cell, they’d see him curled in the
corner. He traveled from mind to mind of all the guards on the floor.
Sometimes, he was seeing out of two guards at the same time and
then he could see out of three guards.

He spotted the next flight of stairs. Quickly, he moved toward

them. He needed to go up. Anything that went up led him closer to the
outside world.

A large arm wrapped around his body as a hand covered his

mouth. Something was wrong. He couldn’t see out of this man’s eyes.
He kicked and pushed, but his captor was too strong. After all that, he
wasn’t going to escape.

“Shh, it’s me.” Zed placed a kiss on his neck.
Luka whimpered as he leaned into Zed’s arms. He tried to talk,

but it came out all mumbled.

Zed removed his hand.
“You’re here.”
“Of course I’m here. We need to get you out of here.”

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Luka nodded.
Zed turned him around and examined his mate’s body. He touched

the bruise forming on his cheek. “Someone hit you.”

He nodded. “Kane.” The murderous rage from Zed left Luka

rushing to reassure his mate. “He only hit me once. Then they locked
me in a room.” He left out the part where Kane planned to give him to
man that would repeatedly rape him until he gave birth to a child. No,
now wasn’t the time. Even he couldn’t deal with that now. “Please,
take me away. I want to leave.”

Zed pulled Luka close. “You’re safe now.” He turned away.

“Roman, let’s go.”

A large man with short, dark hair walked up behind Zed.
He recognized Roman Walker, but the demon was another person

he couldn’t see out of.

“We have five floors to go,” Roman said as he moved past them

up the stairs.

Zed pushed Luka forward. He was sandwiched between the two as

one protected him from the front and one watched his back.

“Can’t we just leave?” He reached for Zed’s hand.
“Sorry, mate. The wards mess with time and space. We have to

leave the old-fashioned way. Walking.”

Luka closed his eyes.
“Luka, it’s dangerous to walk with your eyes closed,” Zed


Luka shook his head. He saw out of everyone in the building at

the same time. “Keep going. No one is around the next two flights.
The one after that is guarded by three elves.”

“You can see them?” Roman asked.
“Not just see them. I can make them see different things. I’ll block

us from their vision, but I can’t hide sounds.”

“So we need to be really quiet,” Zed said.
The three of them walked quietly up the stairs as Luka changed

the images each person saw. When they arrived on the ground level,

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he saw out of Kane’s eyes. He was fighting with the arbitrator. King
Kane pushed the arbitrator against the wall. The other man sneered
and threw magic at the king. The magic was different than the life
energy that an elf controlled. It was black and evil.

Kane laughed. He grabbed a knife from the drawer and walked

closer to the arbitrator. Three guards ran into the room. The arbitrator
looked for a way out, but there wasn’t any. Before the blood started to
spill, Luka closed his mind to them.

They reached the top level and walked out the front door. As soon

as the fresh night air hit their skins, Zed’s arms were wrapped firmly
around him.

“Close your eyes,” Zed ordered.
He closed his eyes. He felt the pull, but not seeing it helped with

the nausea. The feeling was different from the first time Zed
transported them across territories. He reached down and touched his
stomach. He felt weak and tired. His legs gave out just as Zed picked
him up.

“I’m fine,” he said before the question could be asked. He opened

his eyes just in time to see Zed roll his eyes.

“Of course you are. That’s why you can’t keep your eyes open

and almost fainted.”

Luka shook his head. “I’m fine because you’re with me.”

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Chapter Twelve

Luka curled up on the couch, dozing off and on. Avery had

already examined him, giving him two thumbs up. He didn’t need the
doctor to tell him he was fine, but apparently Zed needed to hear it.
He yawned.

His eyes closed. It was like they had a mind of their own. He

couldn’t keep them open. Sleep sounded so good. He could curl into a
small ball and pretend the last few hours had never happened. He took
a deep breath. He couldn’t get enough of it. The room that he was
locked in was musty and damp. Here smelled like home.

Everything was as it should be. Well, almost. He touched his

belly. The life sparked stronger than before.

Roman and Zed continued to discuss the threat. His eyes felt

heavier. They drifted shut. Then the door closed. He shot up and
looked around.

“Awake?” Zed asked. He walked closer. “Sorry, we woke you.”
“I wasn’t sleeping.” His voice sounded groggy. He rubbed his

cheek. It stung. Avery had reassured him that healing it would be
okay, but he wanted all his energy to focus on the life growing inside.

“Really.” Zed pulled him closer. “You were snoring. Stop lying.”
Luka looked into Zed’s dark brown eyes. The disappointment

shook him to the core. “I wasn’t lying. I just don’t remember
sleeping.” He pulled Zed into a kiss. “I swear. That’s not something I
would lie about.”

“Sometimes it’s hard to trust you.” Zed pulled Luka up. He

stumbled into Zed’s strong, supportive arms. His mate walked him
down the hall to the bedroom.

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He held onto Zed’s hand, squeezing his mate’s palm. The skin-to-

skin contact was a comfort that left him feeling safe. He relished the
strength. The worry reentered. What if this was temporary? He tried
to ignore it, but it was impossible to ignore. Tonight, he had to tell
Zed everything. If his mate didn’t trust him now, there was no telling
if he’d trust him afterwards.

The door closed. Zed tore at Luka’s shirt, buttons popped off. So

far he’d lost many new shirts to Zed’s urgent need to touch him, but
he wasn’t complaining. The desperation in Zed’s eyes to reconnect
their bodies reflected his own need. The shirt slid from his shoulders
and fell to the floor. Zed’s cool hands grazed his bare skin. Luka
reached out, wrapping his fingers around Zed’s wrists. His mate
stopped moving and looked directly at him. The stare bored into him,
demanding answers.

“Wait,” Luka said breathlessly.
“Why?” Zed questioned. He leaned down and placed small kisses

on Luka’s neck. “I need to hold you.”

Luka desperately wanted to let it go and wait until later, but he

needed to be honest. It couldn’t wait any longer. There was one secret
left to tell. “No,” Luka pulled back. “Before that. I need to tell you
something. You’re not going to like it.”

Zed looked directly at him. The lust, easily read, started to dull.

His lips turned downward into a frown. “Another secret.”

Luka wanted to cry. “I didn’t trust you.” He paused, trying to

think of the right words, but there weren’t any. “I didn’t trust you not
to hurt me. I saw you over and over again. In all the years since living
with King Kane, my dreams of you helped me to survive. When we
first met, you weren’t the same person. I was scared.”

“Scared? Did you think I would hurt you?” Zed interrupted. His

hands fell off Luka’s body like he was a repulsive creature too
disgusting to touch.

“Yes and no.” Luka scratched his head. “I couldn’t imagine a

world where no one hurts me. When I dreamed of you, your eyes only

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showed love, but when we met you were so angry. It was different. I
didn’t trust you, but I didn’t know you.”

“Is that why you lied? Even now you still can’t be honest.” Zed

turned from him. Luka grabbed his arm.

“No, I just couldn’t share the truth. I never really lied.” Zed

cocked his head in disbelief. “About this secret,” he clarified.

Luka almost regretted his statement when Zed focused on him.

The fury burned through his mates glowing red eyes.

“You lied every time you pretended everything was okay. When

you looked at the menu and tried to get me to believe you could read
it. When you walked to my home with a bruised and broken body.
When you kept your visions and abilities a secret. Those were all lies.
Even now you’re keeping something.”

Luka nodded. He wouldn’t argue about the past. “I trust you with

everything. You saved me from Kane and from myself. Zed, you’re
everything, and I want to give you everything, starting with the truth.”

“Why now?” Zed’s anger slowly started to fade. It was still there

but didn’t burn as hot.

“Because I love you and I trust you. You won’t hurt me. We are

going to be together forever.” Luka smiled. A tear fell from his eye,
but he ignored it. “That’s if you can forgive me.” The only thing that
mattered was Zed, and Zed needed to believe him.

Zed turned back around. His hands touched Luka’s cheek. His

fingers moved up, wiping the tears away. “I love you. That’s why it
hurts when you continue to keep things from me. Tell me. What is
this last secret?”

Luka closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. “There’s a secret that

elves don’t share with outsiders. It’s a secret I’ve been keeping from

“Continue,” Zed encouraged.
“Some elves are good at healing. The elf has to be good at healing

himself for this to work. Some male elves can give birth.”

“Give birth?” Zed’s eyes widened. “What does that mean?”

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“It means some male elves can get pregnant and carry a child.”

Luka paused. “It’s rare. Only about ten percent of male elves have
this ability. They are always healers. My father was human, but my
other parent was also a man. He was an elf healer.”

“So your secret is that you can get pregnant.”
“Kind of. My final secret is that I’m already carrying a child.

Your child.” Luka looked down. He didn’t want to see disgust or
anger on his mate’s face. He hands moved protectively to his stomach
as he rested his palm on the flat surface.

Zed’s large hand rested on top of his hand. “So we have a lot to do

in the next few months to prepare for the child.”

Luka broke down into sobs. “You’re fine with this. We never

talked about having children.”

“That’s because I didn’t know it was possible. You kept it from


Luka felt the words slap him. He almost fell back but Zed pulled

him into his arms.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that we would have

planned for this if I had known. This child is ours. I will do whatever
it takes to keep the two of you safe.”

“King Kane wanted me to mate with someone else to give birth to

a stronger weapon.”

Zed growled. He pulled Luka close. “No one touches you but

me.” The words were full of anger and said with a fierce

“Can you forgive me for all the secrets?”
Zed sighed. “I understand. It’s hard for you to trust, but I don’t

like the lies.”

“I swear there’s nothing else.”
Zed placed a tender kiss on his forehead. “Today, we start fresh.

With complete honesty. Do you agree?”

Luka nodded. “That’s all I want. A second chance to show that I

trust you.” He leaned into Zed. “This child will be part human, elf and

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vampire. Are you sure that’s ok? The world might curse the baby’s

Zed kissed Luka’s forehead. “This child will be welcomed. The

world is changing. The races are starting to get along. This child is a
symbol of that.”

“A symbol of love and tolerance.” Luka’s voice was soft as the

words slipped out.

“Yes.” Zed leaned in and captured Luka’s lips. The kiss started

soft but quickly turned into more. Luka grabbed behind Zed’s neck,
pulling him closer.

Zed backed his mate up until his legs touched the edge of the bed.

He gently helped Luka onto his back. He kissed up and down Luka’s
bare chest. Long fingers played with the button of his pants. One hard
yank and the pants moved past his knee. One more pull and his legs
were free.

“I will show you that your body belongs to me by touching every

inch of skin and enjoying your sweet flesh all night long.”

Luka slid his hand into his boxers and slowly stroked his hard

shaft up and down, savoring the feel of his own hand. He wanted
Zed’s hands on him. Luka pulled his hand free and moved it to the
waistband, pushing down and stripping off the last piece of clothes.

Luka’s cock jutted up. He licked his lips as he looked directly at

Zed. His eyes slowly moved down his mate’s body and rested on the
man’s cock. He moved his hand back down to his cock, lightly
touching it as he moved his fingers back further. He watched Zed as
he spread his legs even wider as his fingers touched his sensitive
opening, rubbing and teasing it. Luka moaned as his eyes, never
leaving Zed, pleaded with his mate to come closer.

“If you want my cock, come and get it.” Zed squeezed the front of

his pants as he gripped his cock through the material.

Luka sat up. On hands and knees he crawled toward Zed. His

fingers unbuttoned the top button before moving to the zipper. He slid
it down and yanked at his mate’s pants, taking his underwear down

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Sydney Lain


too. Zed’s massive cock pushed free. Luka licked his lips before
leaning in. His tongue circled the tip before sliding down the large
cock. His fingers squeezed the twin sacks before his mouth started
nipping at one before moving to the other.

Zed groaned, wrapping his fingers in Luka’s strawberry-blond

hair. He held his mate there. “That’s it. Now move up to the tip and
take the whole thing in your mouth.”

Luka nodded. He too wanted Zed’s cock in his mouth. He

wrapped his lips around the tip, sucking on it. His tongue moved
around, rubbing against the head of Zed’s cock. He played with the
slit before slowly lowering his mouth down Zed’s hard shaft. Soon he
reached his limit and couldn’t take any more of Zed inside of him. He
wanted to cry out. Luka desperately wanted all of Zed’s cock.

“Don’t worry. The whole thing will be inside of you soon

enough,” Zed said.

Luka looked at him. His eyes were wide and confused.
“Remember we’re connected.” Zed closed his eyes. “Move now,”

he ordered. “Show me how much you worship my cock and enjoy
sucking it. Soon it will be pounding your sweet ass.”

Luka nodded. He bobbed his head up and down. His cock was

painfully hard. He longed to reach down and touch it, but he resisted.
He wanted to wait until Zed was pounding into him. Luka moaned
thinking about it. He continued to suck on Zed’s cock, enjoying the
taste of his mate.

He reached behind Zed and squeezed his mate’s muscular butt. He

rubbed his hands up and down each cheek. Did Zed know how
gorgeous his ass was when he walked in front of him? He loved the
feel of the man’s ass in his hands. Everything about his mate felt

Zed moaned as he picked up speed. His hands moved to Zed’s

shaft as he sucked and stroked the thick, hard cock. Zed’s body tensed
as he pulled Luka from him.

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Zed’s Dishonest Mate



“Any more and I’ll come down your throat and not up your ass.

Which would you prefer?” Zed’s voice filled with desire.

Luka moved to the bed and positioned himself on his back. He

spread his legs apart to give Zed a good look at his own needs. “I
want you to fuck me. At night, I dream of your cock fucking me over
and over again, taking me to new heights each time.” Luka rubbed his
thighs. He’d wait for Zed’s touch for more. “Please,” he begged.
“Show me how much you love me. That you forgive the last thing I
kept from you.” There, he said it. The fear of being rejected by his
mate kept him from being honest. It was the real reason he didn’t tell
his mate sooner.

“Zed moved in. He rested between Luka’s legs, grabbing his

neglected cock. “Trust me to love you forever.” He stroked the cock a
few times. The pleasure had Luka withering as all thoughts left his

“This body will belong only to me. Do you understand?” Zed

moved down and kissed his chest. His tongue licked and sucked on a
pert, pink nipple, while his other large hand still stroked his cock. He
moved down to Luka’s flat stomach and placed feather-light kisses all
across his abdomen. “I can’t wait until you’re swollen with my child.
The world will see you’re mine. Just imagining it is so sexy.”

“Stop. There’s no way you’ll find me attractive,” Luka said. His

body tried to push up, but Zed held him down.

“You think so. Wait and see.” Zed sucked on his cock. He reached

down between his ass and shoved a dry finger inside. His lover’s thick
finger spread him as he moved the finger in and out of his ass. Zed
reached under the pillow and pulled out a bottle of lube. “Let’s get
you ready. It’s going to be a long pleasurable night.”

Luka moaned, wondering if he had the stamina to keep up with

the vampire prince.

Two slick fingers pushed inside of him as Zed continued to suck

his cock. Luka gripped Zed’s dark hair as the fingers found the spot

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deep inside of him that left him begging for more. He bit his lips to
keep from pleading. He’d be patient and wait for Zed to move.

“Not fair, mate. I want you to beg. I’ll continue to finger you until

you ask for it.”

Luka looked up at his mate. He saw Zed straining to keep control

and smirked. “It’s okay, Zed.” He looked at the painfully hard cock.
“If you need to finger me that’s fine. You’re much older, so if your
cock can’t keep up, that’s okay. Don’t strain yourself.”

He knew the moment that Zed yanked his fingers out that his mate

planned to pound the truth into him. Now, he’d fuck Luka all night
long to prove he could. Luka smiled.

“I forgot how much you liked to play with fire,” Zed groaned. He

moved Luka’s ankles up to rest on his shoulders and slammed in with
one hard powerful thrust. “Looks like my cock can keep up.” He
pulled out and pushed in again. The power behind each thrust left
Luka breathless. “Do you want me to be gentler?”

Luka looked up. “I want you to pound me hard and fast.” Luka

pushed down and squeezed the cock filling his ass.

Zed moved at a fast and steady pace. He pushed in and out as the

slapping of their skins and their panting and moaning filled the room.

“Look at me,” Zed ordered.
He opened his eyes and looked into his mate’s eyes. The love and

desire he saw matched Zed from his visions. “I found you,” Luka
said. He rubbed his mate’s cheeks. His back arched as Zed gave him
another powerful thrust.

“I was always here.” Zed slammed into him over and over again.

Luka gripped the bed sheets. His legs slid from Zed’s shoulder and
fell to the vampire’s waist. Zed never stopped moving. He felt the
passion start to build as the fire burned. His cock was swollen and
needed relief.

“Touch yourself,” Zed ordered. Luka rubbed up and down in time

with Zed’s movements. Soon his cock exploded in his hand. Zed’s
cock filled him. The hot seed slid down his ass.

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Zed’s Dishonest Mate



Luka closed his eyes and basked in the aftermath of their love.

This was only the beginning. They had an eternity together and soon a
child would join their lives.




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Sydney was born and raised in the northeast of the United States.

She loves to read fantasy, contemporary, and paranormal romance
novels. After years of devouring book after book, Sydney started
writing her own stories. She enjoys creating complex characters and
throwing them together and letting the story write itself. Sydney will
often get up hours before dawn to write another chapter or read the
chapter written the day before. She has a busy schedule but gets
creative when finding time in the day to steal writing moments.

For all titles by Sydney Lain, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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