Sydney Lain Roman's Silent Mate (Supernatural Society Mates)

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Supernatural Society Mates


Roman’s Silent Mate

Roman Walker left the demon realm to search for his mate in the
human world. When he arrived half a century ago, the human

world was chaotic with supernaturals challenging and killing each
other. After working to build a stable world, Roman still dreams of
finding his mate.

Micah Evans refuses to love anyone. With everyone he's ever
cared for dead, he believes his love is bad luck. Living on the

streets, Micah walks a lonely path as he hides from vampires and
shifters out to get him.

One dark night, Roman saves Micah from an attack. Discovering
his mate should be a happy time, but Roman now needs to

convince his human mate that love is worth it. If that wasn't bad
enough, he has to keep the supernatural world from falling apart
and his mate safe from shifters and vampires. Worst of all, Micah

continues to hide the reason he's being hunted.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: 33,794 words

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Supernatural Society Mates

Sydney Lain



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Sydney Lain
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-973-9

First E-book Publication: December 2012

Cover design by Christine Kirchoff
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Supernatural Society Mates


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Roman tried to control the anger, but it surged through him. He

tore the report in his hands to pieces. Still, not satisfied with any part
of the pages still existing, he threw the pieces into the air and watched
as each scrap burst into flames, destroying every last trace of the
written garbage.

As the city’s supernatural leaders continued to bicker, their less

than impartial findings didn’t surprise him. However, letting personal
feelings of hatred interfere with official business pissed him off. If the
behavior continued, the animosity building between the different
supernatural races would destroy the fragile peace built over the last
two centuries. Something he wouldn’t allow.

It took decades before the hostility and hatred started to dissipate.

The city vastly improved with clear territories and rules. Current
conflicts solved with less killing. Shifters no longer challenged other
shifter groups over petty power struggles. Vampires stopped feeding
on anything that moved. Even the few demons, like himself, didn’t
have to deal with other supernatural races trying to steal their blood
under the assumption that drinking a demon’s blood increased
supernatural abilities. The human world became a better place without
race-related disputes and with the clear rules for conflict resolution.

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The Supernatural Society Council, formed two centuries ago,

created rules and divided the city into territories. Often referred to as
the Council, the group dealt with conflict disputes between different
supernatural races. Since the Council’s formation, Roman watched
hatred morph into tolerance and in some cases acceptance. As a
Council member, he needed to put aside personal prejudices to help
solve problems. Unfortunately, not every Council member felt the
same way. He looked at the newly burned ashes. A Council report
like the one he just destroyed fueled the anger and hatred. The report
accused, reprimanded, and lacked any impartiality needed in their
governing body.

Roman wasn’t a fool. He knew problems existed. The cracks were

always there, but everyone was moving toward the same goal—
peaceful coexistence. The real problems started to surface decades
ago. For the last twenty-five years things moved backward, not
forward. The most frustrating and infuriating thing of all was he
couldn’t stop it. At times, Roman wanted to return to the demon
realm, leaving the city to fall apart. For once in his life he wanted to
take the easy way out. The tempting thoughts invaded at times like
this. These thoughts came as a tiny voice that whispered into his ear
telling him to go and never look back. He was a demon prince. The
son of the demon king, who ruled over a peaceful realm. He didn’t
need to play politics when he could rule, but he needed to stay here.

The door to his office creaked opened. “Hey, Brother, I’m back,”

Thomas said as he walked into the room. He stopped and lifted his
nose up and sniffed the air. “What’s that smell?”

Roman looked at his younger brother. Their close physical

resemblance was eerie even to him, but not surprising since they both
looked like their father. At least now with Thomas’s longer hair tied
back at the base of his neck it was easier to distinguish between them.
He personally preferred short hair. It was easier to manage and better
to handle in a fight.

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Roman followed Thomas’s eyes as they moved to the pile of ash

littering the table and floor. “I was burning garbage,” Roman
explained. He saw the confusion on Thomas’s face and added, “It’s
the Council’s last report.”

Thomas arched an eyebrow up. “Well, you handled that,” he said

with false amusement. He sat in Roman’s leather chair and looked up
at his brother.

“I don’t appreciate sarcasm, Thomas,” Roman countered. After a

heavy sigh, he continued, “Welcome back. Only a day late.” He held
up his hand to stop Thomas when his younger brother opened his
mouth to comment. “It doesn’t matter. We have more important
matters to discuss.” Roman paused, waiting for Thomas’s complete
attention. “The elves are trying to expand into vampire territory. The
elf king sent that report, abusing his power by presenting it as official

Thomas rubbed his chin. “Well, at least the vampires aren’t eating

the elves in response to their bid for territory expansion.” Thomas
laughed, then paused for a couple of seconds. “They aren’t, are they?”
he finally asked.

“No, not this time, but the last incident when the vampires were

snacking on elves led to this petition for the expansion.”

“But that was ten years ago. If it was that important, what took

them so long?” Thomas asked.

“Actually it was twenty-five years ago.” Roman sighed again. “It

has something to do with an incident at the Vortex.” Roman rubbed
his temple. Demons didn’t get headaches. After living and pretending
to be human, he learned and used some human mannerisms. After five
hundred years of living in the human world, the movements were
second nature and hard to let go to the point he sometime imagined
the tension building in his head, which Thomas referred to as
sympathy pains.

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“Vortex?” Thomas asked. Before Roman could reply, Thomas

supplied his own answer. “That’s the vampire club on the border
between their territory and the elves’ territory.”

“Yes and not a very successful one. It was on the verge of

bankruptcy. Rumors were spreading about illegal activities,” Roman
added. “But with no proof those rumors were never investigated by
the Council.”

“Yes, but the most controversial thing was that some vampires

couldn’t tolerate being inside the club. Something about controlling
urges too close to the elves. Apparently, elf blood is sweet, tasty, and
very hard to resist,” Thomas said.

Roman nodded. “Well, everything changed about two months ago.

Someone killed a few vampires and an elf. Everyone else in the
Vortex that night can’t remember what happened. No, they can’t
remember anything before that night. Their names and pasts all
forgotten. No one can explain it. How can a group that contained
vampires, a couple of wolf shifters, and some humans forget their
entire lives? The memory loss is permanent.”

Roman let the words sink in before continuing. “There are no

viable witnesses. So naturally, every supernatural group is blaming
another group, whichever race they hate the most.” Roman paused to
collect his thoughts. “The elves have been the most vocal in their
accusations and have moved on to demands for compensation not just
for the Vortex incident, but the one from over two decades ago.
Something about numerous examples of intolerance against elves
committed by vampires.”

Thomas shook his head. “I was only gone for three months. All

this happened in that time?”

“Thomas, this is serious.”
“Roman, enough is enough. These political games are driving you

crazy.” Thomas lifted his arm and pointed at the pile of ash. “Let that
rest for tonight. One day isn’t going to matter. Go out. Have fun.

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Roman looked at Thomas in disbelief. Was his brother suggesting

for him to avoid his responsibilities? Not only did he lead his own
territory, the only open territory for all races in this city, but he held a
prominent Council seat in the society. Responsibilities that didn’t go
away. “I need to contact the vampire prince.”

As a Council member, he knew that the other Supernatural

Society Council members consisted mostly of elders too incompetent
to handle this problem. If he let this problem continue to grow, the
damage would fester and rip through each territory. Roman’s body
became tenser with each thought. It would take hours of damage
control to prevent the hostility from expanding.

“It can wait,” Thomas demanded.
Roman snapped, “Yes, let me wait until after the fucking war

starts.” His fist slammed down on the desktop and a large crack
formed under his hand. He yanked his arm back.

Thomas stood. “Brother, go out. Get a drink. Wander around the

clubs. Find a cute ass to fuck. Do something. You do a great job
taking care of everyone but yourself. Look at you. You’re about to
boil over in anger over political garbage.” Thomas focused on his
brother. “You, too, can lose control. Don’t forget the last time your
anger exploded.” Thomas walked to the heavy wooden door and
opened it. “Go out and let go. I’ll handle the vampire prince. As for
the elf king, you can deal with him later. He’s a bit of an ass.”

Roman raised an eyebrow. Both brothers were about the same

height with Roman a fraction of an inch taller at six foot ten inches. It
was hard to imagine with both brothers’ ink-black hair and very
similar facial features that their personalities would be as different as
night and day.

Thomas was his complete opposite. The man never thought about

his words or actions because he took very few things seriously.
Thomas was the first to start a fight and the last to leave one. Roman
liked his little brother’s ability to speak his mind, but Thomas had a
tendency to piss off everyone around him. Roman learned to take care

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of situations like these because he spent a lot of time taking care of
his brother.

Thomas sighed heavily. “You have my word. For the evening I’ll

listen and keep my mouth shut. That includes not sharing my helpful
observations and useful advice.”

Roman rolled his eyes. He looked at his brother. Really looked at

him. What the man offered was very tempting. Thomas could handle
things for one night. Right?

The pressure to keep things from falling apart started centuries

ago. The fighting and bickering around him slowly ate away at his
patience. Now little things angered him. He needed to get away soon
before his anger exploded, or he blew something or someone up.

His brother meant well, and no matter what the younger man said

or did, he wouldn’t intentionally make things worse. Even at
Thomas’s most annoying, they were brothers. Thomas followed him
to this messy world, where nonhumans used the humans living here as
food and playthings.

He moved to the human world and, at least for now, no matter

how much he wanted to, he couldn’t return to the demon realm. The
reason for being here hadn’t changed. Everything came down to the
prediction made by another demon, a forecaster. A demon forecaster
helped demons find their mates, and the man told him that he would
meet his destined half in this world.

Forecasters were never wrong. With their demon powers they

foresaw the future in a way that helped mates find each other.
Demons lived for an eternity and finding their destined halves meant
everything. A demon wasn’t considered complete until after being
fully mated. Only half of the demons ever found their mates.

Following the forecaster’s prediction, he arrived in the human

world to look for his mate. Now after five hundred years he
questioned the prediction, which was never done, but as the centuries
passed the reality of how daunting the task was became more real.

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Roman’s Silent Mate



When Roman first arrived, all he did was search. He quickly

became bored wandering the world with no other purpose. The
hopelessness of finding one person in a world full of people started to
eat away at him. That’s when he got involved in politics. Thomas
laughed at first, but after awhile, he started to help him and became
second in command of this territory.

When he finally met his mate, he wanted the world to be pleasant

and not littered with blood from territory disputes or filled with
intolerance that led to race hatred. After all this time, the world
seemed more tolerant and less hateful, but the cracks underneath the
surface grew and widened.

Roman cleared his throat. “You win, but don’t contact the prince.

I’ll handle Zed when I get back. Don’t do anything rash. If something
happens, find me immediately. Understood?”

Thomas smiled. “Anything you want as long as you relax.”
Roman walked out the door mumbling under his breath, “I’m

going to regret this.” At the moment, he didn’t care that much. Maybe
Thomas was rubbing off on him.

As he walked to the elevator, Roman looked down at the city. It

was as busy as ever. Cars zoomed up and down the streets even at this
late hour. Outside the building people would be laughing and
hollering throughout the night, and the parties never ended. There
were endless possibilities for his night off.

Roman walked through his underground garage straight to his

sleek black motorcycle. He customized his baby for speed. Nothing
beat driving over a hundred miles an hour with the wind slapping his
skin and blowing his hair. It sucked to live in a state with a helmet
law. He didn’t need trouble tonight, so he picked up a black helmet
from the rack and grabbed his long black leather jacket.

He threw a leg over the bike seat and turned the ignition on. His

cock hardened as the motorcycle roared to life. For Roman riding was
orgasmic. Perhaps he needed to find a nice tight ass after all.

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He revved the engine and drove out of the garage at full speed,

weaving in and out of traffic. The motorcycle purred underneath him
as he pushed it to the limit.

* * * *

Roman arrived at the Vortex and circled the club. He pulled into

the parking lot and watched the activity while sitting on his bike. An
internal debate played inside his head—one side pushing him to go in,
the other enticing him to leave.

He planned on enjoying the night, but after two hours of driving,

something pulled him here—probably responsibility. He cringed as
the music escaped the club. It was too loud outside, never mind
inside. Don’t do it, a voice that sounded like Thomas’s played in his
head. It’s not work if he planned on having a few beers and finding
someone to hook up with. He rolled his eyes. Not even he believed

Outside people waited to get in, but he walked past them directly

to the door attendant.”Let me through,” he ordered. The attendant
looked weak with a small body and very little muscle tone, but
Roman knew a vampire when he saw one. A human that thought the
guy was a pushover would be very surprised to discover otherwise.
The vampire looked him up and down before shaking his head no.

Roman glared at the smaller man and opened his mouth to argue

when a larger vampire approached. The newcomer placed a hand on
the smaller vampire’s shoulder. The smaller one looked up at the
larger vampire. The light-red glow from the eyes of the bigger one
indicated they were engaged in a private conversation. He watched
the larger vampire closely. Only strong vampires communicated
directly through the mind. Roman was much taller than the
newcomer, but the other man’s arms bulged with large unnatural-
looking muscles, with his upper body too disproportionate to his

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lower half. The sight was strange, but the man’s story didn’t matter.
In a fight, he’d use demon fire to burn the vampire to a crisp.

“Do I have to wait outside all night?” Roman asked, interrupting

their mental discussion.

“No, of course not,” the larger vampire said. “It’s not often

another territory leader visits our club.”

“Not often,” Roman repeated. “When was the last time?”
“Actually, this is the first time,” the larger man corrected, but the

way his eyes moved past Roman and his quick reply betrayed the lie.
He stepped aside allowing Roman enough room to walk by. “If you
need anything, ask for me. Everyone calls me the Manager.”

Without another word, Roman entered the Vortex. The club was

smaller than he imagined. A large stage backed against the front wall.
A group of four men pounded instruments as a male singer wailed off
key. Roman shook his head in disgust at the loud, high-pitched noise.
Tables situated on both sides of the stage surrounded a large dance
floor that started at the center of the stage and moved halfway back.
On the back wall was a large bar with stools and behind the bar off to
the left a large door where uniformed staff entered and exited the club

In the club, few people danced. Most of the tables were empty.

Roman questioned the need to line people up outside the club and
make them wait when there was plenty of room inside. He pulled out
his cell phone and checked the time. Late but still early for a place
like this. Either way, he had plenty of time to figure this puzzle out.
He walked up to the bar and sat down.

“What can I get for you?” a thin, attractive man with brown hair


“Beer,” Roman said, studying the man’s appearance. He was good

looking, but a little young. As a bartender, he had to be over twenty-
one, but Roman was so much older. “What’s your name?”

“Jacob.” The man smiled as he licked his lips. “You need to work

on technique if you want to fuck me.”

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Roman smiled at the man’s directness. “Who says I’m

interested?” He leaned closer to Jacob. “If I was interested, I’d have
my cock up your ass before the night was over. With or without any

“I’ll give you one thing. You’re a cocky bastard,” Jacob said

before turning to get Roman’s beer.

While waiting, Roman looked around the club. As a high-level

demon, he could identify other supernaturals. No one could hide their
race from his kind. Some supernatural historians claimed all
nonhuman races were demon descendants, but Roman never believed
that theory.

Around the club, he saw mostly vampires. A few were feeding on

humans, nibbling at their necks. He shook his head. As long as they
didn’t kill anyone, that behavior wasn’t off-limits. To some humans,
vampire bites acted as a drug. These humans, after feeding a vampire,
couldn’t stay away. They were never able to move past the desire to
experience it again. Often the addicted human became a pet. Rules for
pet treatment became a necessity, but some vampires fought any limit
on how they treated their pets, using the willing participant argument.

As for the human race, most of the population refused to believe

in the unexplained. They ignored all the unusual things happening
around them. Even pets addicted to vampire bites still refused to see
the truth. Of course, pets fixated on the next bite and barely saw
anything else. After a group of humans started hunting nonhumans, a
law to keep humans from learning the truth was enacted by the
Council, but in a city this size more humans knew about the
Supernatural Society than Roman liked.

Roman moved on and continued to scan the club. He stopped and

focused on the far left table. A group of three shifters sat drinking
beer. The Manager walked over and joined the group.

Another mystery. Shifters hated loud music. Out of all the races,

shifters had the best hearing, and depending on what they shifted into,
some within the shifter society had even better hearing. Shifters didn’t

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hang out at clubs nor were they close to vampires. The two races held
a deep mistrust of each other.

“Here you go. We don’t usually see your kind here,” Jacob said as

he placed the beer on the counter.

“My kind?” Roman asked.
“Demons,” the bartender clarified.
“How do you know I’m a demon?” Most other supernatural

beings didn’t recognize demons. He studied the man. He looked
human, but he wasn’t. Not completely.

“Mr. Walker, you stand out too much. Wherever you go people

will know you. I might be human, but I do know the Council

Roman smirked. He would let the man continue to play at being

human. “I see. How long have you worked here?”

“For little over a year.”
Roman stopped drinking. “You were here two months ago?”
The man’s eyes widened. “No, I was off that night.” He paused,

looking a little sad. “Most of the staff here is new. A few people died.
I heard they were burnt to a crisp. The staff working that night don’t
even remember their names. No one knows the reason. A lot of the
staff not working that night quit after they found out what happened.”

Roman nodded and continued to drink his beer. “But you stayed.”
Jacob laughed nervously. “I like the location. It’s not far from my

apartment. I also need the job.”

“You’re not afraid?” Roman asked.
“No, I work for vampires. They pay well and they are forbidden to

feed off the staff.”

“Prince Zed’s orders no doubt.”
Jacob nodded.
“What else can you tell me about that night?”
“Nothing…” The man stuttered a bit. He looked over to the

shifters’ table as if the group would hear everything he said.

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Roman leaned in. “Why are three shifters here?” Jacob backed up.

Roman motioned with his hand for the bartender to come closer.
“Before you think about lying, I know you’re not completely human.”
The shock registered on the other man’s face. Satisfied with the
bartender’s new understanding of the situation, he continued, “It’s
none of my business why you’re hiding the truth. Of course, it will
become my business if you cause any problems.” He let his words
sink in. “Now tell me, why are shifters here?”

The man looked back over to the table. “I’m not supposed to


“But you do know.”
Jacob nodded. “The night of the incident there was a singer. The

club filled up when he performed. His voice sounded like an angel
singing. On that night he disappeared.”

Roman didn’t understand the connection. “Maybe he was a


“Everyone thought that. Others looked for him, but he never

returned to his apartment. They couldn’t identify all the victims, so
they stopped looking for him, assuming he was dead.” Jacob paused
before continuing. “But things changed.”

“How?” Roman asked.
“Two nights ago someone saw him living on the streets. Then the

questions started. Why was he hiding? Did he remember or know
something? Those shifters are here for a hunt.” The bartender
clenched his fist. “He’s a good guy. A little younger than me. About
the same age as my younger brother. He had talent and plans.” The
man turned his head away. “I don’t know what they plan to do with
him. The shifters will track him down and bring him back to the

Roman slammed his fist down. Hunting was forbidden. Usually

the hunted became prey, but even if the shifters didn’t kill him, they
would never forget the man’s scent. If the man didn’t die, the need to
track the person would overwhelm them. A hunted human would

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never be free. “Only the Council can judge someone’s fate,” Roman
said. “How do they plan to find him?”

Jacob hesitated before reaching behind the bar. He pulled out a

piece of cloth. “He left his jacket behind. The Manager, the larger
vampire over there in the group, cut pieces off for each shifter. I
managed to grab a piece of some of the leftover material.”

Roman held the piece in his hand. His eyes widened. The nutty

smell of pine filled him. The instinct to find and protect the man
overwhelmed him. He knew this reaction. He hoped to feel it since
coming to the human world. Roman’s head snapped up. “What’s the
man’s name?”

“Micah, Micah Evans,” Jacob stuttered.
He looked at the shifters. The scrap of material in his hand burst

into flames.

“What are you doing?” The bartender gasped as the fabric


“Don’t worry. I don’t need it. Can you destroy all the other

pieces?” Roman couldn’t take the chance of another shifter sent to
hunt the man.

“I’ll try,” Jacob said.
After five hundred years of searching, not knowing when he’d

find his mate, the first sign appeared and the shifters planned to hunt
him and a vampire ordered the hunt. “I’m going to find Micah.” The
sound of the man’s name on his lips purred in his ear. He paused and
looked at Jacob. “You will help me.”

The bartender’s eyes widened. “They’ll kill me if they catch me.”

Jacob closed his eyes and when they reopened anger burned through
them. “I hate it when people pick on the weak. I’ll help if I can.”

Roman nodded. He clenched his fist to stop the burning rage

threatening to rip through him and destroy everything and everyone
inside the club. Having shifters hunt his mate enraged him. Tonight
the hunt was on. If he killed vampires and shifters to protect what was

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his then so be it. The peace he fought so long to protect no longer
seemed as important.

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Chapter Two

Micah walked from side streets to back alleyways, trying to avoid

people. The quiet was unsettling, forcing him to question the logic of
hanging out in areas with no one around. How did this happen? When
did he sink so far that he ended up homeless? Maybe he was always
meant to be here alone.

Micah thought back to when everything started. The answer was

simple. He was cursed, born with bad luck, a dark cloud of death
hanging over his head. A simple explanation to everything that had
gone wrong in his life. The signs were all there.

It started the day he was born, when his first breaths happened as

his mother took her last breaths from complications of a difficult
delivery. If that wasn’t bad enough, two months later, his father
slipped from the roof, cracking his skull open. At the ripe old age of
two months he was an orphan. That was the first time he found
himself alone in the world.

If it wasn’t for his father’s mother, he’d never know what it meant

to have a family. His grandmother officially took responsibility for
him and formally adopted him on his second birthday. She was the
best. She loved him and gave up a lot to take care of him.

At the time, he was happy living in the one bedroom apartment

she rented on her fixed income. It was small, but that didn’t matter.
He loved the old woman.

That’s what killed her. She loved him. It was that simple. She did

everything possible to give him a good life. She was trying to do that
up to the day she died. His onetime shrink—now deceased—tried to
convince him it wasn’t his fault, but he had to blame himself. They

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were driving in the snowstorm because of him. He was sick and his
grandma wanted him healthy. She called the doctor and made an
appointment for that afternoon. The trip landed him in the hospital
with a fractured collarbone and the onset of pneumonia, and his
grandma ended up in the grave. He was eleven and alone again.

Sitting at his grandmother’s funeral, he made the decision to live

alone. He refused to allow anyone to care about him. In return, he’d
never let anyone inside his heart. To love him or to be loved by him
was toxic. It was a hard promise to keep. Reflecting back, he made
the promise to punish himself, but when he slipped up a few times
and each time someone died, it further cemented the idea of being

He knew he’d succeeded when on his eightieth birthday, his then-

foster parents left his bags packed on the sidewalk after they changed
the locks. They were good people that tried to love him, but Micah
knew that would mean death, so he pushed hard enough to keep them
away. When they decided to get rid of him, he was happy, not sad,
because he had saved their lives. At that point, he’d already planned
on living the rest of his life alone.

He never thought about being homeless. That was something new.

At the Vortex two months ago, he discovered something even scarier
about himself. People just died around him. The people didn’t have to
love him. They could die just by being around him. That left him here
on the streets—broke and homeless with all day and night to be
haunted by the past. Sometimes he wanted nothing more than to curl
up in a hole and sleep until this nightmare ended.

Micah shook his head to clear his thoughts. He hated it when his

mind went down a depressing path. He picked up the pace while
walking down a deserted alley. He always remembered the past when
he screwed up, and this screwup was big. There was no other way to
say it.

For the last two months he blended in. No one looked twice at

him. After leaving the Vortex on that night, he locked himself in the

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subway bathroom and slept. He wanted to leave the city, but he didn’t
have enough money, so he was stuck. Thus, he started his life on the

It wasn’t that bad. There were places that gave him food. Not a lot

of food, but he didn’t need much. He was small at almost five feet
five inches, with a thin frame. He slept mostly in churches and
shelters, but he hated sleeping around others. He felt vulnerable. It
couldn’t go on forever. He needed to figure out what to do and fast.
He didn’t plan on being homeless the rest of his life. People tried to
help him. Some offered him a job and a place to stay until he got back
on his feet, but it was too risky. When he told them no, the
disappointment was clearly evident on their faces.

He quickly became accustomed to life on the streets. He’d moved

around so much since the foster care system started making the
decisions about his well-being. It was easy to adjust. He just needed
to stay hidden.

In the beginning, when no one recognized him, he started to

become confident that no one ever would. He looked different with
shaggy, greasy, dirty hair that covered the sides of his face and the
grime that turned his fair skin a couple shades darker. When the
weather warmed up a little, he stopped wrapping the scarf around his
neck and stopped covering his mouth and nose with it. When he
walked, he now looked up, not directly at people, but he stopped
staring at the ground. He realized now that confidence was a mistake.

Everything ended two days ago. The security he felt in his new

environment disappeared in an instant. All thanks to Sam. The man
was a first class jackass that preyed on needy people. He frequented
the Vortex and on occasion, Micah watched money exchanged for a
small bag of Sam’s multicolored pills. He thought about the thin men
and women that sometimes accompanied Sam. He watched as other
men paid money for Sam’s companions before walking them into the
Vortex’s backrooms.

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It happened two days ago. After leaving the soup kitchen, a man

grabbed his arm. He still felt Sam’s icky touch on his skin. If it wasn’t
for Sam’s weight issue and Micah’s swift kick to the man’s balls,
everything would’ve been over. Since then, when he closed his eyes,
he saw the man’s small eyes leering at him in the dark. He yawned at
the reminder of the little sleep he’d gotten since then. With the
shelters off-limits, he needed to use creativity to find new sleeping

The new urgency to leave the city left him pacing up and down,

trying to think of a solution. He had to find a way out before they
found him. Micah saw things singing at the Vortex. Not everyone
there was human. He sighed. Maybe he wasn’t either. That would
explain what he did. Micah touched his throat. He tried to talk, but
only grunts, no words. Since that night, that’s all that came out.
Maybe he’d be mute forever.

Micah shook his head. It didn’t matter. It’s not like he’d ever sing

again. It would draw too much attention to him. Only here and now
mattered. Sam wasn’t going to keep his secret. The man would head
straight to Vortex and tell everyone what he saw. Normally, Sam
would charge money for information, which would have given Micah
more time, but with the painful way they parted, he had no doubt that
the man wouldn’t wait for money.

He leaned against the wall next to the garbage bin and hit his head

against the brick. Would they believe Sam? he asked himself. Micah
didn’t know the answer, and he couldn’t chance being found. Too
many questions would be asked, and those questions would lead to
answers he didn’t want to give. No one could know what he did that
night or could do. He touched his throat again and decided not talking
was for the best.

Micah turned his head toward the sound of approaching footsteps.

He saw Sam walking in his direction. Micah started to back up.

Sam held up a hand. “They’re looking for you,” the chubby man


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Micah stepped back again. He turned his head to look behind him

and then looked past Sam’s large body. The two of them were alone
in the alley.

“I told them you were alive. I told them you were hiding. The

manager of the Vortex was very interested in talking to you.” Sam
paused. “You know, if I were you I’d get out of this city fast.”

Micah rolled his eyes. Did this man think he was stupid? Of

course, he needed to get out of the city.

“Tell you what, Micah. I can help you.” Sam smiled, but the

forced way his lips turned upward made Micah flinch and step back.
Sam continued, “Really. Spend one night with me and I’ll get you out
of the city.”

Micah shook his head no. He wasn’t a paid whore, and he wasn’t

desperate enough to become one.

“Is your body worth more than your life?” Sam asked.
Micah watched the man tense and his chubby face turned red with

anger. The rage reflected in his cold brown eyes. Not many people
said no to Sam. Micah considered his answer the smart and only
choice. Sam was sleazy and up to no good.

Time was running out. Sam was losing his temper. He wasn’t

going to wait for this sleazeball to think of something horrible to do to
him, so Micah turned to run and stumbled. Sam snarled and grabbed
his arm. Micah twisted free and sprinted away. He turned to see Sam
following. What part of no did the man not understand? He gritted his
teeth and ran faster.

He reached the corner and started to turn when three large men

stepped out, blocking the exit. Micah backed up. Behind him Sam
slithered toward him. He looked all around, but he was trapped.

He opened his mouth to scream, but only a guttural grunt escaped

his lips. He still couldn’t talk. He looked around at the approaching
men. How much more could he take? The panic started to fill him.
There was no escape.

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The three newcomers lifted their noses in the air and sniffed. They

looked at each other and howled. Micah started to shake. People
He shook his head no. That can’t be. He was seeing things.
Hearing things, too. That made more sense. After all these years, he’d
finally lost his mind.

“This one’s mine,” Sam said, approaching from behind Micah.
The largest of the men sniffed the air again. “I don’t think so. The

Manager wants to see him.”

Sam looked at the three howlers. “I’ll give you a bag of these,” he

said, pulling out multicolored pills. “For an hour with him. There are
a few things I’d like to teach him.” Sam paused and pulled the bag
back a bit. “We can share. Take turns.”

Micah shook his head no, but the three men were considering it.
“Fine,” the man that appeared to be the designated leader said. He

was taller and bigger than the other two. “Do it here.” He motioned
his hand to indicate himself and the two standing behind him. “We’re
not interested in fucking the unwilling,” he said, narrowing his eyes at
Sam. “A half hour should be plenty of time.” The man held out his
large hand. Sam lifted his arm to throw the bag of drugs, but Micah
used that moment to charge Sam. The chubby man dropped the bag
and covered his face as Micah went to punch him, but at the last
moment, Micah pulled back the punch and ran past Sam.

The three newcomers laughed, but made no action to follow.

Micah sighed in relief and ran faster.

“Help me get him,” Sam ordered.
“Sorry, not part of our deal. You have a half hour with him. Even

if it’s you chasing him down.”

“And if I lose him?” Sam screeched.
“You lose him, we’ll find him again. He can’t escape us.”
“I’ll give you five hundred dollars each if you get him and hold

him down.”

Micah ran. When he heard the three agree to the money, he ran

harder, pushing his body to the limit. He needed a big head start. He

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just hoped he’d gained it during their discussion. If he could lose
them, or hide in a large group of people, he might get away.

Behind him he heard growling. No, that can’t be, he thought. He

turned and the three men were gone. Instead, three large black wolves
stared at him. The wolves were massive in size. His mind screamed.
Wolves in the city. He shook his head, questioning his sanity again.
The city was full of vampires, but wolves, too?

He pushed his body harder. His foot caught on an uneven section

of pavement and he tumbled to the ground and slid across the rough
surface, scraping his hands and ripping his jeans. Almost instantly, he
forced his body back up, but his ankle burned with pain. The pain
moved up his leg. Micah whimpered as he tried to run, but winced
with each step. He hobbled and tried to run again, but his ankle hurt
too much. He looked back. The wolves were almost on top of him.

His ankle gave out and he tumbled again. He braced for another

fall, but it never came. Two strong, muscular arms wrapped around
him, pulling Micah into a hard, powerful body. He tried to push away.

“I’ve got you,” a deep voice said.
Micah whimpered before looking up into intense silver eyes. The

silver-colored eyes both beautiful and unnatural pulled him in. Micah
couldn’t turn away. He felt stripped bare from the piercing stare. He
could hide nothing, his body and soul naked. The intensity filled him.
His heart pounded. His whole body burned with the need to touch the
tall man that held him, to reach up and run his fingers though the
man’s ink-black hair. He wanted to pull the man down until their lips
met. He licked his tongue over his upper lip, circling down to his
lower lip.

Without thinking, Micah’s arm lifted up as his hand moved to

touch the man’s cheek. Right before he reached the lightly tanned
skin, Micah yanked his hand back. Horrified by his actions, he looked
down, but the pull was too strong. Micah's eyes moved back up the
man’s body and stopped at his eyes.

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They looked directly at each other. Micah’s eyes widened in

shock. He forgot about the danger they were in. He grabbed the man’s
sleeve and turned to point at the three wolves. He watched in
fascination as the wolves stood snarling and growling at the
newcomer, but made no attempt to approach.

He gasped when the largest wolf transformed into the man from

before, the one he assumed was the leader. Once again, he questioned
his sanity. A wolf transformed into a naked man. No, that can’t be. He
shook his head. This was real. His heart pounded a little faster. He
wasn’t crazy.

“Roman Walker,” the shifter said. “We’re here for him. He’ll need

to come with us.”

Micah looked up at the person the wolfman referred to as Roman

Walker. He felt the man's large hand rubbing up and down his back.
He shook his head, silently pleading for help.

Roman nodded in response and pulled Micah closer. “He is not

going with you,” Roman said in a fierce tone that oozed power,
strength, and confidence. Roman tightened his hold. “He’s hurt.
Leave now, and I won’t kill you,” he snarled.

The wolfman backed up. He hesitated before responding, “You’re

on the Council. You can’t kill us. There are rules.”

“Does it look like I care?” Roman asked. His silver eyes started to

glow, the white part turning black. “You can’t break the rules and
expect others to follow them. Back off or I’ll burn you alive.” Both
sides of the alleyway burst into flames. Two long rows of fire burning

Micah cringed and moved closer to Roman. Roman’s large hand

continued to rub in a circular motion between his shoulder blades.
The touch made Micah’s cock harden. Micah looked up mortified that
this man might notice. Roman stared past him at the wolves. The
man’s steady focus with his unnaturally colored eyes and the wild and
dangerous glare should have scared him, but Micah imagined those
deep, penetrating eyes on him while he licked the man’s cock from tip

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to base. Micah’s body shivered as he closed his eyes. His body burned
and begged for the large hand to keep rubbing his back and maybe
move a little farther down. The deep attraction was scary and new.
What was he doing? He silently prayed the night would end before
things went too far and he found himself begging the man to fuck
him. He looked up again. Maybe being pounded by this man wouldn’t
be so bad.

Micah turned when the wolf leader cursed. Micah watched as the

leader whispered to the two other wolves before turning back to look
at them. “Fine,” he said to Roman before turning to Micah. “This isn’t
the end.” The man’s body shifted into a wolf, and the three wolves ran
in the opposite direction down the alley.

Micah sighed with relief and leaned into Roman’s body. He

smelled amazing. His tongue licked his lips in anticipation of tasting
him. Everything about this man was an aphrodisiac. He never felt so
turned on or alive. He opened his mouth to say thank you, but no
words came. Then it hit him. He couldn’t talk. He remembered the
promise he made to himself. He wouldn’t let this man get close to
him. He was bad luck. His heroic savior deserved more than to die
like everyone else. Micah forced his body to pull away, but Roman
ignored him and continued to hold him tight.

“You’re safe,” Roman said more to himself than to Micah.
Micah looked up at Roman. He saw the honesty and openness. He

smiled at the kindness displayed in the steely silver eyes. His eyes
widened in horror as he realized his mistake. He wouldn’t encourage

Micah pushed at Roman’s chest. The large man slowly loosened

his grip. As Micah moved back, he grunted in pain as his ankle
struggled to support his weight. He heard Roman sigh as he leaned in
and picked Micah up.

“Do you eat?” he asked. His eyes roamed Micah’s body. “Do you

have a place to live?”

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Micah didn’t want pity. He might be homeless, but he chose to

walk away from everything. This man didn’t need to know how
hopeless and lost his life had become.

Micah’s hiding and running wouldn’t end here. There had to be

place where he could escape what he did or why he couldn’t speak. A
place far away, where he’d live alone. Without answering Roman’s
questions, Micah pointed to the ground, silently demanding to be
released. Roman arched an eyebrow in response. Micah slapped the
man’s upper arm and pointed to the ground again. Roman looked up
and continued to walk down the alley. Refusing to be ignored, Micah
buckled his body and pounded his fists into the man’s muscular chest.

“Stop that,” Roman demanded.
Micah shook his head and continued to slap his fist against the

man’s chest and arms.

“Fine.” Roman threw Micah over his shoulder like a sack of

potatoes. Micah punched Roman’s back, but stopped and gasped
when Roman placed a firm smack on his ass.

“I won’t leave you on the streets. You’re coming with me and

nothing’s changing that. If you continue to act like a child, I’ll treat
you like one. Starting with a few hard swats to your ass.”

Micah seethed as he continued to punch in a steady rhythm, but

Roman, true to his word, met each punch with his own smack, giving
equal attention to both sides of his ass. Micah’s anger grew and he
cursed inside as his cock hardened at the feel of Roman's large hand
on his butt.

Realizing his fist pounding made the situation worse, Micah

stopped. From this angle he had a pretty good look at Roman’s
amazing ass. He shuddered when a large hand started to caress his
sore bottom. He tapped the man’s shoulder, and Roman moved him
back down into his arms.

“Do you promise to behave?” Roman asked.
Micah shook his head up and down.

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“You will answer me. This defiance has gone on long enough,”

Roman ordered.

Micah looked at Roman. He pointed at his throat and shook his


Roman tightened his hold. “Are you refusing?”
Micah’s eyes widened. He tried again, but this time when he

pointed at his throat he tried to speak. Only garbled nonsense sounds
that didn’t even resemble words came out. He looked at Roman again,
hoping for understanding.

“You can’t speak.”
Micah shook his head and smiled at getting his point across.
“You’re a singer. How can you not be able to talk?”
Micah looked away, but not before his eyes started to water. He

fought back the tears and shrugged his shoulders.

Roman pulled Micah close. “It’s okay,” he reassured. “Let’s head

back to my place. You’ll be safe there.”

Micah shook his head and mouthed the word no.
“Micah, you’re not sleeping on the streets.”
Micah looked at Roman in confusion. How did this man know his

name? Seeming to understand the unspoken question, Roman said,
“Jacob at the Vortex told me. I came to find you. To help you.”

Micah, still confused, held out his palm so Roman could see and

wrote with his finger the letters W-H-Y.

“Because you’re mine.”
The words played in Micah’s head. His cock swelled even more.

Horrified, he covered his erection with his hands. He shook his head
back and forth to show his refusal to believe that statement.

Roman laughed. He moved closer to Micah’s ear. “Your body

knows the truth. Deep down you want me. You can’t explain your
desire, but you want my cock buried deep inside of you, my hands
touching every inch of your naked flesh.” Roman nibbled on Micah’s
earlobe. He smiled as the smaller man shuddered and bit his lip.

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“You’re mine. Remember, Micah, you can’t fight this. You were
made for me. We were made for each other.”

Roman leaned forward and captured Micah’s lips. Roman’s kiss

demanded Micah’s complete surrender, which Micah happily gave.
Roman pushed his tongue inside the other man’s mouth and played
with Micah’s tongue. When Roman finished ravishing Micah’s
mouth, he pulled away. Micah, breathless, touched his lips. He looked
up at Roman and shivered at the promise of more to come.

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Chapter Three

Roman licked his lips. His mate tasted like the sweetest dessert.

He pulled Micah close, ignoring the man’s stiffening muscles. After
five hundred years of searching, he needed to hold his mate a little
while longer for the reality to set in.

Micah looked up with forest-green eyes, the color matching new

spring leaves. He read both caution and desire. Roman smirked at
Micah’s lack of control. Mates, even human ones, felt an instant
connection to their other half. It manifested as desire. The less sexual
experience a mate had the more out of control the reaction. Roman
felt the pull as Micah did, but still regained control. From his mate’s
reaction, he had little experience.

Micah was too thin. Holding him in his arms, Roman felt the

outline of bones and little fat or muscle tone, and Micah’s sunken
cheeks were also a clear sign of malnutrition. His mate was extremely
underweight. He’d fix that if he had to force-feed him. A dirty, sweaty
stench filled the air surrounding his mate. He looked at the greasy hair
and the dirt covering Micah’s face and hands. Nothing a long, hot
bath wouldn’t fix. Cleaned up, his mate would shine.

Micah’s high cheekbones and prominent chin accentuated his

beautiful face. Earlier, watching Micah lick his pouty, pink lips turned
his cock rock hard. The pink tongue gently caressed both Micah’s
upper and lower lips. Roman imagined that tongue sliding up and
down his erection. The pouty lips were made to wrap around his hard
cock. He cleared his head of the erotic images. Soon those images
wouldn’t be imagined but real.

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The biggest problem was the shifters. After they focused on a

scent, they would always smell him. Hunting humans was illegal,
because shifters couldn’t move on. Anytime they now smelled Micah,
they would seek him out no matter how much time passed. To make
matters worse, there was the vampire threat. Roman growled. No one
would ever threaten his mate again. He’d stop anyone that tried to
hurt him.

The dark alley heightened his senses. Images of possible dangers

lurking in the darkness flashed in his head. He sensed nothing out of
the ordinary, but he needed to stay alert. With one threat tonight, there
could be more. If the shifters contacted the vampires or had other
friends, things could get ugly. He tightened his hold on Micah. He’d
kill anyone that attacked. No one would get close to his mate. He
would defend the man at all costs. His first priority was to get Micah
away from all danger and to a safe place.

It bothered him that only luck brought him to the right place at the

right time. One day off and his mate would’ve been lost to him
forever. He had continued to watch the shifters from the bar. Jacob
helped slip a small piece of paper onto one of their shoes. The paper
was created from his pure demon energy. Roman formed the energy
into something solid and small. The shifters never noticed it. The
small object wasn’t part of this world, but it was a part of the demon
realm and a part of Roman, so it acted like a beacon, allowing him to
track the group from a distance.

He hated leaving space between him and the shifters, but with

their heightened sense of smell, he didn’t have a choice. The closer he
got the easier it was for them to smell him and then realize they were
being followed.

He was faster and stronger than the shifters. In a fight, he would

win, but he needed to be smart and focus on the objective. Which was
hard to do with his mate in danger. If the group discovered their
shadow, they might call off the search and continue it later when he
wasn’t prepared. Even having the shifters more alert to anything

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interfering with their job might endanger his mate. He needed to find
the man without anyone suspicious of his movements.

It meant giving the shifters a three-minute head start, a window of

time alone with Micah. In that short moment his mate was in danger.
The thought of losing Micah before they met made his blood boil.
Holding the smaller man in his arms helped calm him, but the
irritation that his mate was put in danger still angered him. He needed
to regain more of his composure, and that wasn’t going to happen on
the streets. The sooner Micah was home, fed, bathed, hopefully
claimed, and tucked safely in his arms, the sooner he’d relax, and the
city would be safer from his anger.

Micah’s body shook. His teeth started to chatter. Roman pulled

his mate closer. Micah reached up and touched Roman’s cheek. His
mate’s green eyes looked concerned. Roman cursed at himself. His
anger was causing his mate to worry. Micah continued to shake.
Roman touched their foreheads together and felt the cold radiating
from Micah’s body. “Let’s get you someplace warm,” Roman said.

Roman didn’t have many options. Retrieving his motorcycle from

Vortex was out of the question. They had miles of walking ahead, too
many in the cool night air. He debated calling a taxi, but the fewer
people close to his mate the better. In his anxious state, he’d hurt
anyone that approached Micah. In his arms, his mate felt fragile. The
near miss of finding him tonight and the thought of him in the
shifters’ hands still left him incensed.

He looked at his mate again. The man rested his head on Roman’s

shoulder. Micah witnessed too much tonight. He didn’t want to push
anymore on his mate, but the need to get the smaller man to a warm,
safe place pushed every other concern away. Roman cleared his
throat. “Micah, you know I’m not human?” he asked.

Micah looked up and rolled his eyes.
Roman smiled. Even though his mate couldn’t speak, his face and

eyes displayed every emotion. Did his mate know his every reaction

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was like reading an open book? “I want to get you indoors, but
walking back will take too long. You’re cold.”

Micah frowned. He noted the look of defiance reappearing on the

man’s face. Sensing another argument about to start, Roman looked
sternly at his mate. “You’re coming with me,” he commanded.

The smaller man looked directly into Roman’s silver eyes and

shook his head. Roman cocked his head to the side at his mate’s
refusal to follow. His eyes roamed the smaller man’s body, taking in
every detail of the delicate small frame. Micah was smaller, weaker,
and didn’t even come close to reaching Roman’s chin, but it was
amusing to watch the man refuse. Roman smiled. His mate wasn’t a
pushover. He studied Micah’s face. The determined green eyes
challenged him to argue. The longer Micah looked at him the harder
Roman’s cock became. He imagined the man spread before him,
stroking his cock, daring Roman to touch him. A dare Roman would
take as he played the man’s body like an instrument.

Roman continued walking. He’d work on gaining Micah’s trust

later. “I’m going to transport us back. It won’t hurt.” Roman let the
words sink in. “I can move instantly to another place.”

Micah’s eyes widened.
“I need you to put your head onto my shoulder and close your

eyes.” Micah’s body tensed. “It’s not dangerous. I’d never put you in
danger, but for the first time the quick motion and moving instantly to
another place might make you sick. I’d rather not have you throwing
up and nauseous all night.” Taking another look at his mate, he
definitely didn’t want the man sick. He needed as much food in him
as possible.

Micah sighed in defeat. He moved his head into the crease of

Roman’s neck. Through the sweaty, dirty stench, Roman inhaled the
scent of pine. He wanted to lick the man from head to toe. He cleared
his head. He had plenty of time to taste every inch of Micah’s
delicious body. After all, they had an eternity together. He didn’t need
to rush it, but convincing his cock was another matter.

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“Okay, hold on.” The movement was instant. One minute they

were outside in the cold and the next minute they moved to the inside
of his warm penthouse entryway.

“You can open your eyes now. We’re home,” Roman said. He

watched Micah’s eyes wander around the entryway and into the
penthouse, stopping to stare at expensive vases and the rich wood
furniture. “I hope the design is to your approval.”

His mate looked at him with a wide, horrified look. Roman took

in the man’s expression as Micah turned his head back to look around
the penthouse. Then it hit him. Micah lived on the streets. The place
was probably larger and richer than any place he had lived in before.
Roman started to open his mouth to reassure his mate that none of that
mattered, when Micah pulled at his jacket and pointed to the ground.
Roman reluctantly started to move Micah to his feet. His mate’s glare
showed the seriousness of the request. In hopes of calming his mate,
Roman nodded. “I’ll put you down, but keep the weight off your
ankle.” Micah nodded back. “We have to clean you up.” Roman ran a
hand through Micah’s hair, pushing the long ends behind Micah’s ear.

“You’re back,” Thomas said as he entered the room.
Micah leaned closer to Roman. A fierce rush of protectiveness

overcame him as Thomas approached. He let out a deep growl.
Thomas stopped and took two steps back. Thomas’s eyes looked his
mate up and down. Roman growled as smoke started to fill the room.

Thomas held up his hands. “Sorry. I’m just curious. What is he?”
“My mate,” Roman said.
“Yeah, I figured that one out on my own.” Thomas chuckled. A

smile formed on his lips. “I mean, what is he?”

“Human,” Roman explained with one sharply spoken word.
“Shit. That’s what I thought.” Thomas paused before continuing,

“I mean that’s great. It’s never happened with our kind before, but it’s
still great. We came to the human world to find your mate and well,
here he is…a human.”

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Roman ignored Thomas’s rambling. He turned to his mate.

“Micah, this is my brother Thomas.”

Micah forced a smile and waved his hand. Thomas looked at the

gesture and frowned. “A simple greeting would be polite. A wave is
rude,” Thomas said.

Micah turned away, but not before Roman caught the look of


“Thomas,” Roman warned. “Micah can’t talk.”
Thomas looked back and forth between Roman and Micah. He

slapped his forehead in an exaggerated gesture. The act brought a
smile to Micah’s lips. “I’m sorry, Micah. I should’ve thought about it.
I can tell you’re not rude. The wave was a nice gesture.” At that,
Thomas winked.

Micah nodded and smiled. He looked up at Roman. A glow of

happiness at the small words of approval left Roman a little sad.
Micah didn’t expect acceptance. He rubbed his hand through Micah’s
oily hair.

Roman turned to his brother. “Thomas, we might have problems. I

left my motorcycle in front of the Vortex.”

Thomas shook his head. “You went to the Vortex?” He balled his

fist. “What happened to relaxing? Relaxing doesn’t include work.”

Micah jumped at Thomas’s sudden mood change. Roman placed a

large hand on his mate’s shoulder. His mate seemed to worry
needlessly about other people’s emotions. Did he think Thomas
would attack? Another concern he’d look into later.

He pulled his smaller mate closer. Micah stiffened in his arms

before slowly relaxing. Roman held him for a few more seconds. He
loosened his hold but still kept Micah close. Satisfied after the
younger man leaned into his embrace, he turned to his brother. “I’ll
explain more later. Micah worked at the Vortex. His ex-manager sent
shifters to find him and bring him to the club to answer questions. I
interrupted the meeting between three wolf shifters and Micah.”

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“The Manager ordered a hunt?” Thomas asked before looking at

Micah. “Does he know about the club incident?”

Micah’s body started to shake. Roman would let it go for now. In

a soothing voice, he said, “That’s a subject for later, not for tonight.”

Thomas nodded and looked at Micah. Micah’s eyes widened

before turning his head away. “You’re going to have to tell us
everything you know,” Thomas said in a gentle, soothing voice like
he was talking to a wounded animal. “But you’re safe here with your
mate and his very supportive and equally large brother.”

Roman smiled. If something happened, Thomas would protect

Micah. They were a family now. He just had to get his mate to accept
it. If the man had been anything other than human, the mate
connection would have registered deep inside. Humans didn’t
understand mating, but it didn’t mean the connection wasn’t there.
Micah just didn’t understand it.

“Micah, you’re safe here. It’s easier to keep you that way if we

know everything,” Roman coaxed. Micah avoided eye contact and
looked past him, pretending he didn’t hear the question. Roman
would give Micah time. He turned toward Thomas. “You’re in
charge,” Roman informed his brother. “Micah’s tired, dirty, and
hungry. We can talk about it in the morning.”

Thomas nodded. “I’ll make a couple of sandwiches and leave the

plate in the kitchen, while you clean him up. I can smell him from
here, and it’s not a pleasant smell.”

Micah turned to Thomas and stuck out his tongue.
“Spunky?” Thomas said and laughed.
“Micah, behave,” Roman warned. “Remember what happens

when you act childish.”

Micah’s face reddened. He looked at Roman and gave him the

middle finger.

“Now, Micah, this is your last warning. Continue to act like a

child and you’ll be treated like one.” Roman leaned in closer and
whispered into Micah’s ear, “Next time you will find your pants down

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around your ankles bent over my knee while I spank your naked ass
until it’s a bright, burning red.”

Roman suppressed a laugh as Micah pushed his legs together to

hide his forming erection. He’d have to think of another punishment.
His mate enjoyed the idea of spanking too much. Roman leaned down
and picked the smaller man up. Micah protested and tried to push
away. “Standing is one thing, but I don’t want you walking on that
ankle. Come on, let’s get you into a nice, warm bath.”

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Chapter Four

“Now, let’s get you cleaned up.” Roman placed Micah on his feet.

“Don’t put pressure on your ankle. Lean on me if you need help
standing.” Micah nodded as Roman gently slid a hand down Micah’s
cheek. “It’ll feel good being clean.” The gentleness in Roman’s voice
left Micah confused. Not only because Roman was being nice, but
because being with Roman felt right, too.

Micah thought about being clean. For weeks he had longed for it.

He couldn’t remember his last shower. His smelly body was in
desperate need of a good cleaning. He even hated his own foul stench.
After a nice long shower, he would think of his next move. Micah’s
stomach growled. Well, maybe after a light snack he’d make

Micah leaned against the sink, putting most of his weight on his

good ankle. He watched Roman walk over to the large Jacuzzi tub and
turn on the water. Micah focused on the man’s perfect ass bent over
the tub. He licked his lips. He wanted to step up to Roman and feel
the man’s ass in his hands. Horrified by his thoughts, Micah quickly
turned his head away.

His body betrayed his desire for the other man. Anytime Roman

talked or touched him the blood rushed down to his cock. His body
burned with a yearning to be held in Roman’s strong arms. It took
every unattractive image he could think of to stop his cock from
exploding in his pants. There was something about Roman he just
couldn’t understand. He glanced back to Roman’s perfectly formed
ass. It was more than a physical attraction. The connection was on a
deeper level. Of course, Roman’s perfect, rock-hard body didn’t hurt.

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Micah turned his head away again. Just thinking about Roman left
him painfully hard. Focus, Micah, focus, he told himself.

He refocused his attention to the bathroom. The place was larger

than his last apartment. Roman’s entire home was bigger than all the
places he’d ever lived combined and that was a lot of places. If he had
to guess, this bathroom was one of many. He had never lived
anywhere with more than one bathroom. It was one of the things he
imagined only people with money having. Since entering Roman’s
place, he couldn’t help but notice extravagant objects. Hell,
everything screamed rich. This room was no different. The pristine
white and marble finishes betrayed Roman’s expensive taste. Looking
around cemented the idea that he didn’t belong here.

He rubbed his arm and fidgeted. People with money made him

nervous. They tended to dominate others, letting everyone know they
were better. Micah hated the looks rich people gave him. Like he
wasn’t fit to breathe the same air. Even in school with his discounted
lunches and cheap clothes, everyone looked down on him.

He knew what Roman wanted. The way the man eyed his body.

His intense silver eyes stripping him naked and the large hand that
rubbed and caressed his ass after the spanking. The man was pure sex.
Roman was dangerous and the danger was a big turn on.

Even if he gave in and let Roman have him, it wouldn’t work.

They were too different. He shook his head. Things wouldn’t move
forward. Micah wouldn’t allow his emotions to grow. His love was
deadly, but this would be just sex. His mind played with the idea. Sex
without a commitment. They were too different for anything more. He
licked his lips in anticipation. It would work as a one-night stand.

The thought of a rich, powerful man dominating him stirred

something within as a heat swirled around inside, moving to his cock.
Just thinking about those large hands moving up and down his body
made him shiver down to his bones. Before today he thought of nice
guys. Maybe that was the reason he didn’t find Mr. Right. That and he
wasn’t really looking. Micah now understood something about

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himself. He wanted a stronger hand. No, not just a stronger hand, he
wanted Roman.

No, he shook his head. He couldn’t let any man in. The curse was

too strong. This was the first time he had thought about having sex
with a person standing in front of him. He worked long hours during
the night and slept most of the day away, so it was easy not to date. A
lot of guys came on to him, but he wasn’t interested. He thought about
sex, but it was too risky. He never reached the point where he didn’t
want to stop himself. It was easy walking away from a guy. This time
he didn’t know if he could. He needed the man before him. If things
continued like this, he’d be begging Roman to fuck him. Looking at
the man’s powerful legs and rock-hard body, it would be a hard
fucking. With his lack of experience or no experience when it came to
sex, Micah doubted he could keep up. Maybe he’d be a big
disappointment in bed, another reason to thank the man and walk out
the front door.

His mind was like a ball being swatted back and forth in a tennis

match—stay for the night or leave as soon as possible. He shook his
head and cleared it. He looked at the oversize shower with the large
bench inside and formed an idea. He clapped his hands to get
Roman’s attention, then pointed to the shower seat. Roman raised an
eyebrow. Micah raised his eyebrows, mirroring Roman’s reaction.
Micah pointed at Roman again and moved his finger to the door,
indicating he would take care of his own cleaning.

He had a feeling Roman wanted a more active part in getting the

dirt and grime off his body. He imagined Roman carrying him across
the room, gently placing him inside the bathtub, and then personally
scrubbing every intimate area clean with his large powerful hands.
The shower Micah could manage himself, while sitting on the shower

Roman just stood watching him. Micah shook his head again. He

pointed to the oversized bathtub and mouthed no and then pointed to
the shower and mouthed yes.

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Roman grinned. He leaned down and turned off the water. “With

your ankle, sitting in a bathtub would feel real good.” He looked
directly at Micah. “But a hot shower sounds good, too. We can take
one together.”

Micah’s eyes widened. He wrapped his arms around his body as

he trembled with desire. He shook his head again.

“Strip,” Roman ordered in a low, sensual tone.
Micah wanted to rip off his clothes and obey, but he hadn’t

decided how far to go. Besides, he wasn’t going to be that easy. He
shook his head again.

“With your bad ankle, I’m not leaving you alone in a wet

bathroom to fall. Especially not in a slippery shower. Now take off
your clothes.”

Micah turned his head away and refused to look at the man.
“Now, stop that. You need a good cleaning.” Roman walked over

and pushed a piece of hair behind Micah’s ear. “Do you believe I’m
going to hurt you?”

Micah turned to look into Roman’s eyes. His heart nearly broke at

the sadness he found there. He asked himself the question, will this
man hurt me? No, deep down he knew Roman was safe, at least
physically. It was the emotional connections struggling to form that
could hurt. Roman stirred a strong sexual desire in Micah he thought
didn’t exist. With this man, he wanted to give him everything, and
that was scary on so many levels.

Micah grabbed the ends of his shirt and held them together. He

looked up at Roman with defiance.

Roman’s eyes changed. The determination easily read in his

expression. “You can either take off your clothes or I’ll rip them off
you. It’s your choice. I won’t let you go to bed dirty.”

Micah knew it was a losing battle. He spun his hand, motioning

for Roman to turn around. The man rolled his eyes but complied.
When the taller man faced the wall, Micah started to unbutton his
shirt, slipping the dirty shirt and jacket to the floor. He looked back at

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Roman to make sure he didn’t try to peek before unbuttoning his
pants, sliding them down to the ground. His underwear was
nonnegotiable, but he didn’t think tight, dirty, white briefs that stuck
to his skin would hide much. Not when his hard cock was pushing
against the material, threatening to pop out. He clapped again. Roman
turned around and raised one eyebrow at the display. Micah squinted,
daring him to challenge or demand Micah to be completely naked.

Roman laughed. “Fine, tiger, they can stay for now.”
Micah’s eyes widened when Roman started to unbutton his shirt.

He clapped again. Roman looked at him. Micah shook his head no.

Roman smiled. “Micah, I can’t help you shower with my clothes

on,” he reasoned.

Micah squinted.
Roman held his hands up. “I’ll just help you stand, maybe wash

your hair and back. Nothing more.”

Earlier that evening, Micah would never have undressed in front

of a complete stranger, and now he stood almost naked in an
oversized bathroom with the sexiest man to ever cross his path. Micah
looked at the shower. The walk-in section could fit both of them with
room to spare. When he looked at Roman, the honest intentions were
painted across his face. Micah nodded. He trusted Roman to keep his
word. He groaned and pulled off his dirty underwear, exposing his
desire. With one eyebrow raised, he dared Roman to say something.
The briefs wouldn’t hide anything after getting wet and he so wanted
to be completely clean.

He pointed to Roman’s private area then raised his finger and

moved it back and forth.

Roman smiled. “I’ll leave them on.” Roman slowly undressed, his

eyes never leaving Micah’s eyes. Micah couldn’t watch any longer, so
he looked away.

“The floor is slippery. Use me as balance,” Roman said, holding

out his arm.

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Micah grabbed onto Roman’s arm. He jumped as a small electric

shock danced across his skin. Roman held him up when he almost fell
backward. Roman laughed while steadying Micah onto his feet.
Micah looked up at the man holding him.

“You feel the attraction. It’s electrifying.” Roman leaned down

and whispered, “It’s because you’re mine.”

Before tonight, Micah would deny any person who claimed that.

Being with Roman changed that. He felt down to his core that
everything this man said was true which made the situation even more
dangerous. Not for him, but for Roman. His love was toxic. It
destroyed. No, he destroyed. The conflict started to play in his mind
again. He was poor, homeless, and thinking of a relationship. Roman
probably only wanted to fuck him. Hell, he wanted the man, too.

Roman’s eyes wandered Micah’s body, taking in every detail

before smirking.

Micah imagined those lips closer, breathing soft air onto his neck

and licking up and down his body. He shivered and felt his cock grow
harder. He covered the problem with his hands, wishing for it to go

Roman grabbed his wrists and pulled them away. “Look at it,

Micah. Your desire is beautiful. The way you respond to my voice
and touch. The way you respond to my every word. All of that is

Micah’s knees gave out, but a strong arm wrapped around his

waist and held him up. “I won’t touch you now.”

He bit his lip and wanted to beg for Roman’s touch.
“Relax, soon I will hold you, but not now.” Roman pulled Micah

to the shower. “Let’s scrub the dirt and grime off.”

Roman held out a soft washcloth lathered in soap. Micah grabbed

it and started to scrub his arms and chest. He tried to ignore the almost
naked man behind him. The small scraps on his hands and legs stung
a little as the warm water hit. He twisted his arm back to wash his
back, but lost his footing. Roman’s strong arms wrapped around his

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waist and pulled him back into Roman’s strong body. He gasped
when he leaned into Roman's hard cock.

“Let me help you with the rest,” Roman whispered in his ear.

Micah released the washcloth into Roman’s hand and prepared
himself for the onslaught of caresses and touches.

Roman lightly wiped in a circular motion down his back. “Put

your hands against the wall.”

Micah braced himself. The warm water moved down his back,

sliding between the crease in his ass. He turned to lean in a different
direction, but the water hitting his erect cock wasn’t any better.
Roman moved up and down Micah’s legs. He wiped gently at his
scrapped knee. He moved Micah to the shower seat and scrubbed
each foot, rubbing the cloth in between every toe. Roman lifted his
leg up and examined the bad ankle. Micah held onto the side of the
shower seat. His face reddened at the way Roman positioned his leg.
Nothing was hidden. He tried to reposition his other leg to block
Roman’s very intimate view.

“Beautiful. There’s nothing you need to hide from me.” Roman

licked his lips before moving Micah’s foot up a little higher. “It’s a
light sprain.”

Roman stood and rinsed out the washcloth and added more soap.

He handed it back to Micah. “Here, finish cleaning yourself.”

Micah, confused, looked up at Roman.
Roman leaned in, his voice teasing. “Sorry, I’d love to clean your

cock and ass, but I promised hands-off in the shower.”

Micah looked up at Roman. Suddenly, he wanted to play. He

grabbed the washcloth and smirked. He slowly moved it over his
cock. He licked his lips as he rubbed the washcloth in a circular
pattern. Roman’s intense stare never left him.

Bolder, Micah started rubbing the material up and down his cock.

The blood rushed to his erection. He had never felt this hard before. A
part of him was screaming don’t encourage him, but he wanted
Roman. He wanted to tease back.

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“That’s it. Touch yourself,” Roman ordered.
Micah continued to rub his cock. His eyes went up and down

Roman’s body, taking in every inch of naked skin. He stopped at the
bigger man’s cock. The swelled erection pushed against Roman’s
underwear. The wet fabric hid nothing. The cock was thick and long.
He shuddered, thinking of it inside of him. A part of him was scared it
wouldn’t fit and another part excited to try.

“Spread your legs wider.”
Micah moved his knees apart. He stroked his cock harder. He felt

the burning in his body. He wouldn’t last much longer. One more
hard stroke and he exploded.

He sat on the shower bench out of breath and too tired to move.

Roman rewashed his stomach, cleaning off all traces of cum, but he
was careful to avoid his spent cock. Roman rinsed off the washcloth
and handed it back to Micah. “Now your ass.”

Micah’s face reddened even more. He cursed his light porcelain

complexion. He grabbed the cloth and quickly cleaned his rear. He
handed it back to Roman. Still smiling, he helped Micah out of the
shower and sat him on the edge of the separate bathtub.

Micah caught the gleam in Roman’s eye as he pulled off his

underwear. Micah wanted to protest, but Roman cut him off. “I have
to finish my shower, Micah.” The way the word “Micah” played on
Roman’s lips sent desire back to his cock as he felt himself harden

Roman slipped off the remaining little bit of clothes. Micah’s eyes

widened as he took in the full length and girth of the man’s cock. It
was huge, the tip swollen and moist. “Wait here,” Roman ordered and
walked back into the shower.

Micah reached over and grabbed a towel. He started to dry

himself. Five minutes later, Micah sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi tub
with the soft white towel wrapped around his body. He watched
Roman exit the shower. With water dripping down Roman’s hard
chest, he looked even sexier than before. Micah might not have had

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sex before, but he’d seen naked men, but nothing like the perfectness
of the man before him. He focused on the long, thick, semierect cock.
He could almost taste it. Without thinking, he licked his lips.

“Whenever you want to wrap your lips around my cock, just let

me know and it’s yours.”

Micah’s head snapped up. He looked at Roman’s smirk. The man

enjoyed teasing him. Micah, knowing it would get him in trouble,
lifted his hand and gave Roman the finger. Micah looked directly at
Roman and returned his smirk, daring him to react.

Roman’s face slightly reddened in anger. He wrapped a towel

around his waist and walked over to Micah. He lifted him up and
carried him through the door into the connecting bedroom. Roman sat
on the bed and positioned Micah facedown spread across his lap. He
pulled off the towel, exposing Micah’s creamy white ass.

“I promised you, if you gave me the finger again, I would spank

your ass.” Roman rubbed his hand up and down Micah’s backside.
“Apologize and I’ll forgive you this time.”

Micah shook his head. He loved pushing Roman's buttons. He

turned to the side and looked straight at Roman and stuck out his
tongue. He turned back around and positioned his ass for the
promised spanking. At the time, Roman meant every word. Roman
was backing down for Micah’s sake, but Micah wanted the man’s
hands on his ass. He pushed his cock into Roman’s leg for friction.

The first swat stung. True to the man’s word, each smack was

harder than the one before. His hard cock kept pushing into Roman’s
muscular thigh. It felt so good. After ten firm smacks, Roman rubbed
his ass.

“You were very good. Your ass is nice and red. Now I’ll reward

you.” Roman helped Micah up.

Micah straddled Roman’s lap. He leaned down and kissed Roman.

He rubbed his body against the larger man. Roman’s tongue pushed at
Micah’s lips, and he opened them to let Roman slide inside. Roman’s
tongue pushed in as his large hands moved up and down Micah’s

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back. Micah ran his hands through Roman’s black hair. He wrapped
his fingers in the wet strands and deepened the kiss. Micah pulled
away, trying to catch his breath. He gasped when Roman stroked his
hard cock.

Roman moved Micah onto the bed and positioned him on his

back. Micah looked up at Roman as he removed the towel wrapped
around his waist. Roman’s very hard cock jutted out.

Micah’s body shook with desire as large, strong hands coaxed his

legs apart. This wasn’t a good idea, he told himself. Everyone he
loved or cared for died. He wouldn’t survive another heartbreak. It
was better alone. No matter what his mind whispered, his body
reacted to every touch. He was powerless to stop Roman's strong
fingers stroking his cock. Micah tried to resist, to deny the longing,
but he was fighting a useless battle.

Roman stopped stroking his cock. “Let go. Don’t deny your

passion. Let me touch you.”

Micah nodded, opening his legs. He reached down to rub himself

when Roman’s large hand lightly slapped his hand away. “Not yet.”

Micah nodded as he pushed his hips up and down trying to urge

Roman to continue.

“Have you done this before?” Roman asked, reaching into the

nightstand for a bottle of lube.

Micah turned his head away, too embarrassed by his slutty

behavior to answer the question. He jumped, thrusting his hips up
when a finger pushed inside him.

“Answer my question,” Roman ordered.
He couldn’t explain the need to have Roman dominate him. The

instant desire to obey. The overwhelming yearning to let go and trust
Roman to handle everything. He closed his eyes to stop the thoughts
from ramming into his head. He wanted to stop drifting and focus on
the feel of Roman’s hands on his body. The finger continued to push
in and out of him.

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Roman leaned in and whispered into his ear, “Has anyone fucked

you before?”

He shook his head no and pointed to Roman and held up one

finger, trying to show Roman he’d be the first one.

Roman moaned and leaned back in. He caressed Micah’s ear with

his lips before whispering, “Do you want me to stop?” Before moving
away, he licked down Micah’s neck. “You taste wonderful.”

Micah looked up at Roman. The last thing he wanted was for

Roman to stop. He should stop, but his body wanted more. He wanted
to be touched. Micah wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck and
pulled him in for a kiss. Micah’s legs opened wider to give Roman
easier access. His fingers moved up and down Roman’s chest, feeling
the toned, muscular body. He pushed his hips up, rubbing against
Roman's hard cock. He loved the feel of this powerful man between
his legs.

Roman reached for the lube and spread it on his fingers. He

reached between Micah’s legs and pushed the finger in again. A
second finger joined the first as Roman kissed up and down Micah’s
chest. The two fingers moved in and out as Micah thrust his hips up
and down.

Roman moved his lips down to Micah’s cock. “Keep your legs

spread wide for me.” Micah nodded and watched Roman lean in and
lick his cock from tip to base. His tongue played with the tip, teasing
it before sucking on it. Micah barely noticed the three fingers pushing
into his ass. He pushed down on the fingers as Roman continued to
play with his cock.

“Are you ready?” Roman asked, looking directly into Micah’s

eyes. Micah could end it now. If he said no Roman would stop, but
instead Micah shook his head and pulled Roman into another kiss.
Micah, panting when they parted, still held Roman close to him. He
loved feeling Roman against his skin. He loved Roman’s musky,
masculine smell. Micah couldn’t get enough of him.

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Micah moved to his back and watched, licking his lips as Roman

rubbed lube up and down his long, thick cock. Roman never stopped
looking at Micah as he moved into position. Micah bit his lip as he
felt the hard erection touch his ass. Roman leaned forward, pushing
in. The initial pain of Roman’s thick cock sinking past the tight ring
of muscles caused his eyes to water. Micah bit his lip as he was
stretched inch by inch, spread wider than he ever thought possible. It

Roman leaned down and kissed Micah’s forehead. “I’m almost all

the way in.”

Micah saw the strain on Roman’s face as he fought to control his

body. Roman continued to slowly push in until his balls hit the bottom
of Micah’s ass. Then he stopped moving, giving Micah time to adjust
to the cock buried inside of him. Soon the discomfort changed. The
overwhelming sensation of being filled had each nerve ending on fire.
He wanted more as he pushed at Roman, urging him to move.

Roman kissed him again and slowly started pushing in and pulling

out and then back in. He set a slow but steady pace that was driving
Micah mad. Roman hit a place deep inside that left Micah demanding
more. Each push in hit that spot again and again. He needed more as
he reached for Roman and pulled him closer. Roman pulled out and
slammed back in. Micah just felt the cock moving in and out and rode
out the passion building inside. His eyes met Roman’s hungry stare.
Micah focused on the silver eyes as Roman pounded him into the
mattress. The hard, fast pace left Micah no longer knowing where he
began or ended. They were one and it felt good.

“After tonight, you’ll be mine forever.”
Micah nodded and pushed up, meeting Roman’s hard thrust. The

bed slammed against the wall as the sound of slapping flesh filled the

“Only my cock will fill your ass,” Roman said. He thrust hard a

few more time to prove his point.

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Micah nodded. He couldn’t imagine this feeling with anyone else.

Roman stirred something deep inside of him. Roman reached between
their bodies and rubbed Micah’s hard cock. The feel of the large hand
wrapped around him pushed him to the limit. He exploded all over
Roman’s hand.

Micah squeezed Roman’s cock as it thrust in and out of him.

Roman groaned and filled him with liquid heat. He thrust a few more
times before leaning down to give Micah one more kiss. They stayed
in that position for a few more seconds before Roman’s softening
cock slipped from his body. He felt the loss immediately. Roman
moved to Micah’s side before lying next to him.

Micah leaned closer. After being alone for so long, he wanted to

be close to Roman. A part of him cursed at how easy he made it for
the man to fuck him, but he wouldn’t change the unbelievable night.
He still felt the hot, sticky aftermath trickling out his ass.

Roman positioned himself to look directly into Micah’s eyes.

“You’re mine.”

Micah nodded, but his heart sank when Roman pulled himself

from their embrace. He turned his head away, so Roman wouldn’t see
the hurt or the tears threatening to fall. He was dumb to expect more.
Roman obviously got what he wanted and was done. He watched
Roman’s back as he moved to the bathroom before sitting up. Being
alone again sucked. Maybe he should get up and leave. This was new
territory. Micah pushed his body to the edge of the bed just as Roman
reentered the room.

Something on his face must have revealed the torment inside.

Roman moved to the bed and ran his fingers through Micah’s hair.
“What’s wrong?”

Micah looked at the bathroom door and then at Roman. He shook

his head no. He wasn’t about to tell Roman he was worried about
being abandoned.

Roman held up a washcloth. “Lie down. Let me clean you.”

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Micah nodded and did as he was told. Roman moved in and

started to clean the cum between his legs and leaking down his ass.
Roman gently rubbed his sensitive opening. “I went to the bathroom
to clean up and get something to clean you up. Relax, I’m not going

Micah turned his head away. Was he that transparent? He looked

away, too embarrassed by his obvious display of emotions.

Roman finished cleaning Micah and leaned in. “I’m going to go to

the kitchen. You need to eat something. Can you stay awake until I
get back?”

Micah nodded and watched Roman leave. He looked up at the

ceiling and tried to clear his head, but it bothered him when Roman
just up and left. He didn’t want to think about what that meant.

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Chapter Five

Roman woke the next morning with a big smile on his face. He

relished the feel of Micah’s body pressed close to his. He ran a hand
down his mate’s naked back. Roman pulled away a little to watch the
younger man. In sleep, Micah’s face relaxed with all the signs of
worry and tension gone. He looked content and at ease. Roman
moved his hand up to Micah’s soft, dirty-blond hair. He loved the feel
of the liquid-silk strands between his fingers. The long, uneven ends
covered Micah’s face. Roman pushed back the unruly hair as he
continued to watch his mate sleep.

Now that Micah had been scrubbed clean, his skin no longer had a

dark, dirty tint. The porcelain-colored skin tone had just the right soft-
pink undertones. He looked at Micah’s too-slender arms and thin
body. His mate definitely needed to add a few pounds. When he did,
he’d be even sexier.

Roman continued to rub his hand up and down his mate’s body.

He couldn’t get enough of touching him. He still had trouble
believing Micah was real.

Micah had trouble believing it was real, too. The expression on

the smaller man’s face when he left him alone in bed the night before
nearly broke his heart. Micah thought he’d been abandoned. Roman
never wanted to see that look again. A priority was to get Micah to
open up and trust him. His mate didn’t expect much from the
relationship if he thought that after a night of amazing sex Roman
would let him go. Roman vowed to break down the walls built around
his mate’s heart.

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Roman’s hand continued to travel down Micah’s naked chest. His

fingers lightly rubbed his mate’s nipples. Micah intuitively leaned
into the touch curling closer to Roman’s body. In sleep, Micah
recognized his touch and craved it.

When Roman started to move, a groan escaped his lips before he

could stop it. He hated leaving bed and his beautiful mate. He looked
again at Micah as the man soundly slept. Roman gently slid from the
warmth, moving slowly, so not to wake Micah. He stood watching the
younger man for a few more seconds. His mate never moved. He
leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. Roman smiled as Micah
nuzzled into the pillow. He touched Micah one last time before
moving away from the bed, still finding it hard to believe the man was

The beginning of the mating bond formed, and Roman felt for the

connection. The bond started as soon as Roman’s seed poured inside
of Micah. The bond, still weak, could be broken if Micah refused to
become his mate. His mate needed to fully accept the bond before the
connection became permanent, but Micah only shared his body last
night and still held back too much of himself. He needed to let go and
fully let him inside. Not just physically. Once they reached the
emotional connection, their souls would bind together and Micah
would live by his side forever as his immortality spread to his mate.

Roman didn’t live in this world for five hundred years and not

learn anything about humans. Getting Micah to open his heart was
going to be a challenge. The man lived alone and the bitterness of the
streets made his mate cautious, untrusting, and disconnected from
others. When Roman reached out to help him, Micah tried to pound
his way free. He fought with a fierce determination to remain in his
lonely world. To make matters worse the man watched everyone,
waiting for rejection. Micah didn’t trust people and that included him.
Micah might want to live alone but everything inside his mate said
otherwise. Micah was lonely, so lonely it was painful for Roman to

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His mate didn’t freak out at nonhuman things. Surprised by the

shifters’ sudden change, Micah maintained his composure. He took it
well. It’s not every day you see a person transform, and that was the
problem. He took it too well. Even the things Roman did like setting
things on fire and transporting them both back to the penthouse didn't
faze his mate. It was one hurdle that worried him when he discovered
his mate was human, but Micah surprised him by expecting the
unexpected. There was a lot more to his world—the world he wanted
to bring Micah into. Even though Micah hadn’t freaked out, it didn’t
mean he wouldn’t.

Roman folded a clean robe and placed it on the chair. He pulled

out a small notepad from the drawer and wrote a quick note. He put
the notepad and a pen on top of the folded robe. The notepad would
give Micah a way to communicate and hopefully open up to him.
After one last look at his sleeping mate, Roman turned and left the

By now the shifters had reported back to the club. He needed to

figure out what problems needed fixing. He looked at the clock.
Almost two hours before sunrise. Vampires hated to discuss business
during the day. Only the older, more powerful vampires could
function in sunlight. The older a vampire became the less sleep they
required. As centuries went by a vampire become more powerful.
There were exceptions like vampires turned by older vampires, but
older vampires like Zed rarely turned anyone. It was so rare Roman
couldn’t remember the last time it happened.

Roman walked directly to the kitchen and started to make coffee,

when Thomas walked in.

“How did things go?” his brother asked.
“Amazing,” Roman answered honestly.
Thomas studied him. “You didn’t complete the mating.”
Roman shook his head. “No, the initial connection was forged, but

Micah is holding back, and he doesn’t completely understand the
situation. He feels the connection, but he doesn’t understand it. Until

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he can open up more, our souls can’t join. The idea of mates and
mating are completely foreign to him,” Roman said.

Thomas cleared his throat. “You can force a permanent bond.”
“I won’t force it. If he wants to walk away, I want him to be able

to. Besides, forcing a bond requires the exchange of blood. I don’t
think Micah is ready to drink blood. He’s human. No, we’ll form the
bond through sex.”

“Don’t kid yourself. You will never let him go. Even if he decides

to walk out that door.”

Roman thought about it. Thomas was right. “Right now, it’s not

an option. He’s not safe out there.” When the danger was over, he’d
do everything in his power to stop his mate. Roman might want to
give Micah a choice but when it came down to it, he wouldn’t let the
man leave him. He paused before turning serious. “Has anything
happened?” Roman asked.

“Zed called. I put him off for now.”
The way Thomas said that made Roman nervous. He didn’t know

if he really wanted to know what happened, but he needed all the
information. “How exactly did you do that?” Roman asked with a
little hesitation in his voice.

Thomas shrugged his shoulders. “I told him the truth. That you

were in the middle of having sex and that it would be rude to interrupt
you on your night off.”

“You what!” Roman exclaimed.
Thomas looked slightly uncomfortable. “I knew you wouldn’t like

it, but Zed is one of the few people in this world that demands total
honesty. The man doesn’t like dishonesty, and he hates liars. No, he
despises liars. So I told him the truth.”

“You told him about Micah,” Roman demanded.
“Of course not. Thankfully, he didn’t ask for details.” Thomas

turned his head from Roman. “If he’d asked questions, I would’ve
told him your sex life was off-limits. Even I wouldn’t intrude by
asking questions.” Thomas nodded with an expression of someone

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who’d accomplished something great. “But, he was fine with my
explanation. Never asked anything else.”

Roman looked at the coffee pot and cursed at the slowness. He

needed to get a quicker machine. Only hot coffee would help clear his
head. “How did he take it?”

“Well, he doesn’t care about your sex life,” Thomas said with a

smirk on his face.

Roman turned and glared at his brother. “That’s not what I

meant,” Roman snapped.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” Thomas cleared his throat. “Well, the

same way the Prince normally takes things.” Thomas looked at
Roman. “Zed is one of our oldest friends. We owe him answers. We
need your mate to tell us everything he knows.”

Roman nodded. “Micah’s reluctant to trust people. It might take

time for him to open up, but there’s more to the story. He saw

Thomas nodded. “How much time do we have?”
Roman pulled out his cell phone. “Let’s find out.”
Thomas looked at his watch. “Shouldn’t we wait until sundown?

It will give us time to prepare.”

Roman shook his head. “We still have over an hour until dawn

and even if we didn’t, Zed will be waiting for the call, all day if

The phone rang four times before a deep voice answered.

“Roman, old friend,” Zed said with a voice that sounded a little too
happy. The forced enthusiasm leaked through the fake tone.

After Thomas’s explanation about last night, he cringed, waiting

for Zed’s comments.

“I heard you had a busy night,” Zed said, with a small hint of

amusement in his voice.

Roman wasn’t in the mood to play games. Zed didn’t want details

of his sex life, and the thought of the vampire teasing him was just too

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much. “Let’s not play games. You called for a reason last night. What
did you want?”

“Fine,” Zed replied. “After a few centuries these games get

tedious. Is the hot ass you were fucking last night the lost singer from
the Vortex?”

The bluntness of Zed’s words caught Roman off-guard. He

growled and snapped, “Don’t talk about him that way.” The rage
filled him at the thought of anyone viewing his mate as a sex object.

Zed paused. “What’s going on?”
“Just tell me what you want with Micah,” Roman demanded.
“I want to question him.”
“Out of the question. Tell me what you want to know, and I’ll see

what I can do.”

Zed took a few minutes to process Roman’s words before

responding. “He’s very unique. He might be the only one who was at
the club that night that knows what happened. For him to hide and
walk away from his life shows he knows something.” Zed paused
before adding, “Roman, old friend, you’re hiding something, too.”

“I will find out what happened, but I need time with him. Zed, you

waited this long. There’ve been no more incidents. What’s a few more

“Tell me what’s going on,” Zed demanded.
Roman knew the only way to prevent this from going forward was

honestly. He trusted the vampire more than most people. “Fine. The
person you’re asking to interview is my mate.”

“Shit. I see. That does change things. I’ve never met him, but I

heard he has a stunning voice and a beautiful face. I’m looking
forward to meeting him.”

“Zed,” Roman warned.
“I’ll give you time. The Vortex doesn’t belong to me, but it’s in

my territory and my responsibility.” Zed paused and Roman thought
he was done before the man continued, “Between us, and you can
share this with Thomas, there’s more going on at that club. I’ve been

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investigating it, but what happened that night is something different.
Three vampires and one elf burned to death. The fire was so hot that
the ashes disintegrated. We only identified those killed by going
through a list of vampires missing. The elf’s ring on the scorched
floor gave us some clues to that victim, but we don’t have a name or
know why an elf was at the Vortex. The elves have been against the
club since it opened. Anything your mate can tell us will help.”

The wariness in Zed’s voice indicated the difficulty he must be

facing, but before he could trust Zed he needed to ask him one thing.
“Zed, did you have anything to do with the shifters that were called in
to hunt Micah?”

“Hunt? What hunt?” The surprise in Zed’s voice sounded real, and

Roman trusted the man. One thing Zed never did was lie. He would
avoid a question or twist the question around, but he hated lies.

“The hunt I interrupted last night. Three shifters were searching

for Micah.”

Zed paused for a few minutes. “Interesting. I was unaware of a

hunt.” Roman felt the anger from his longtime friend. He could just
imagine his own rage if someone in his territory started hunting or
killing. “Roman, I need to investigate this. The hunt wasn’t my doing,
but I will get to the bottom of it.”

“It was the Vortex manager.”
“I ordered no hunt. It’s alarming to think of someone in my

territory responsible for it and thinking I wouldn’t find out. Humans
are off-limits. We feed on them, but we don’t hurt them. It’s the one
rule I strictly enforce. Roman, keep your mate safe. He knows too
much. Someone might start to think eliminating him the best way to
shut him up. Keep your mate a secret. He’ll be too easy to find

“I’ll protect my mate from anyone that tries to hurt him.” Roman

let the words sink in as the implied threat hung in the air—not even
Zed would be safe if he went after Micah. Roman’s suspicions during

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their conversation grew. He needed the answer to one more question.
“What are you hiding?”

“Hiding?” Zed asked. He paused. “This is a problem only I can

fix. Talk to you later.”

Before Roman could respond, the phone went dead.
“Well?” Thomas asked.
Roman filled Thomas in on the conversation. Thomas nodded in

agreement when Roman speculated that Zed’s territory had a lot of
problems and a lot of secrets.

“So now we need the truth. How long until Micah shares what he


Roman scratched his head. He didn’t have an answer to the


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Chapter Six

Micah woke in a strange place. Things were different. The bed

beneath him was soft and comfortable. His body curled into a ball on
top of it. He didn’t want to move. He’d lived on the streets for a
couple of months but even before that he’d never slept this well.

He finally uncurled his naked body. The slight ache in his

backside reminded him of the wild night. He blushed, remembering
Roman thrusting in and out of him. Micah couldn’t believe his slutty
behavior. He wanted to sneak out the front door before he had to face
Roman again.

Roman’s kind touch and gentleness started to eat away at Micah.

The man pushed his way into Micah’s heart. He shook his head. No,
he needed to leave before it was too late. Last night was about sex and
that’s it. He needed to get away from Roman and fast. He didn’t
regret last night. He wanted it and was powerless to stop it. His body
longed for Roman’s touch, which surprised him since they had just
met, but he felt things for the tall, handsome man.

He stood and the ache in his backside flared, but it was a light,

dull pain. He gently put pressure on his sprained ankle, but the pain
wasn’t there. He looked down at his knees. The knees he scraped
when he fell last night looked healed. Only a little redness left. He
looked at his ankle. It wasn’t swollen anymore. He shook his head. He
never healed this quickly.

He moved to the bathroom. On the counter a brand-new,

unopened toothbrush. He ripped the packaging and started to brush.
Roman must have a lot of overnight company to keep a steady supply
of new toothbrushes. The thought hurt a little, but he reminded

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himself of the situation. He was poor, homeless, and cursed. All
reasons to not get too attached to Roman.

He froze when he saw his reflection. It had been so long since he

really looked at himself. He pushed the dirty-blond hair behind his
ears. The long strands were new to him. He was the type of person
who liked short hair. Long hair made him look too girly. Even though
he sang for a living, he wasn’t a rock star and didn’t try to mimic the
look. He was a natural singer with a higher-than-usual voice. The soft
strands fell from behind his ears. He let the hair fall, the unruly, soft
hair unmanageable in the morning until he used hair products. He
looked at his eyes. They didn’t look different. He looked like himself.
Maybe a little sadder, but life put the sadness there. He looked down
at the upper part of his chest. He was so thin. He’d been thin before,
but he looked unhealthy. No one could find him attractive. For some
reason, people did even though he looked like an underfed waif.

He turned away. He walked back to the bedroom and picked up

the robe. He read the note. I’ll be in my office. Well, it was short and
to the point. Was he expected to join the man? Did he need to wait
here? Micah thought of Roman. He assumed this was his new lover’s
way of telling him to find him. Micah shrugged his shoulders. They
both seemed to lack communication skills. He shuddered to think
about future conversations.

The robe was too big. Not a little big, but a lot. The terrycloth

arms slid past his hands and the bottom came to his ankles. He tried to
wrap the robe tight, but it felt awkward. He couldn’t move and if he
loosened the strap, the robe slid off his shoulders. This wouldn’t do.
He took the thing off.

Micah stood naked in the middle of the room. He liked the feel of

the air on his skin. Nothing beat the freedom of walking around
wearing nothing at all. Alone, he preferred to be naked. When he had
his own apartment, he stayed like this all the time. Here, there might
be people he didn’t know and he wasn’t comfortable enough to flash
others. Hell, he wasn’t comfortable enough to flash Roman either.

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The man had the body of a god, something Micah couldn’t say about
himself. Besides, Roman wouldn’t like it either. Something about the
way Roman snapped at his brother for looking at him told Micah that
his new lover didn’t want him showing off that much skin.

He stopped to think about it again. If he walked out like this,

Roman might be upset enough to give him a nice, hard spanking. The
idea was a big turn on. Micah shook his head and walked to the
closet. He grabbed a large black T-shirt and hoped Roman didn’t
mind. If he did, Micah would offer his ass up as punishment.

The short-sleeve shirt felt more like a dress. It stopped just below

his knees. Well, at least he was covered and didn’t have to worry
about his ass showing. He felt funny not wearing underwear, but he
couldn’t keep up anything that belonged to Roman. The clothes he
wore yesterday were gone, but he wouldn’t put the dirty pair on
anyway. He shrugged and slid the robe on over the shirt. It would
have to do. Satisfied that all his private areas were covered, he
grabbed the notepad and pen before leaving the room.

Micah followed the hallway Roman carried him down last night

and arrived at the entryway. He needed to find Roman’s office, but
the place was too big. There were stairs leading to another level and
two separate hallways. Micah looked around the apartment. The more
he looked the more he was certain he didn’t belong. It was too big and
the furniture too rich. The person who decorated it had very expensive
tastes. Micah was more of a casual guy. He decorated with used
furniture and mismatched items.

He walked to the door leading outside and debating whether he

should just leave, but stopped himself. Walking out of here half-naked
would only get him arrested. If he had his dirty clothes he might
attempt it, but there was no sign of his things. They smelt really bad,
so even if he didn’t see the clothes he would smell them, but there
was nothing.

“If you’re looking for Roman, he’s down that hall.”

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Micah jumped, not expecting anyone else to be in the room with

him. He backed away from the door.

“That’s the door leading outside the penthouse. You can tell by

the elaborate locks,” Thomas explained.

Micah turned toward Thomas. The man stood next to one of the

hallways. In daylight, he looked even more like his brother. Thomas
was less than an inch shorter and had longer hair, but the family
resemblance was strong except for their eyes. Roman’s eyes, a unique
silver color, held power and warmth, while Thomas’s ice-blue eyes
held a cool power.

Micah nodded and walked toward Thomas. The larger man placed

a big hand on Micah’s shoulder. “Leaving isn’t an option. There are a
lot of people who want to know what happened at the Vortex. You’re
safe here, but outside that door is a different story.”

Micah narrowed his eyes at Thomas, but softened them when he

saw the concern on the other man’s face. He nodded, showing his
understanding, and turned away. No matter what Thomas said, he
needed to leave the first chance he got. Thinking back to the oversized
wolves waiting to rip him apart, he decided to wait a couple of days.
Roman didn’t need his problems, and he hated being a nuisance.

Micah walked down the hall and stopped in front of the last door.

He turned to Thomas and the man nodded before turning and walking
away. He lifted his hand to knock but stopped. He stood hesitating.
Behind this door waited the person he’d slept with. This new,
uncharted territory left him uncertain and a little scared. He wasn’t
ready to see Roman again. He debated turning around and going the
other way when the door opened.

Roman looked him up and down and smiled. “My shirt looks

good on you.” He opened the door wider and motioned for Micah to
walk through.

Micah walked in. The room was another example of Roman’s

wealth. He walked over to the black leather sofa in front of the
window. He ran a hand over the back of the couch, the piece of

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furniture more expensive than a half of year of rent for his old
apartment. He looked out the window. His eyes widened at the
spectacular view. From this angle, he could watch the city. Did
Roman know he had a million dollar view? Of course he did.
Everything about Roman screamed millions, and the man knew it.
Micah sat overwhelmed by everything.

“How’s your body this morning? I was rougher then I intended

last night.”

Micah’s face reddened at the reminder. He formed the OK sign

with his hand, but never looked at his new and first lover.

Roman walked closer. He sat next to Micah and lifted his chin,

forcing Micah to look into his eyes. “How are you feeling this
morning?” he asked again.

This time Micah wrote on his pad, “I’m fine!” He used the

exclamation point, hoping Roman would drop the subject.

Roman pushed a piece of hair out of Micah’s face, then moved in

to kiss the smaller man. The action took Micah by surprise. He
opened his mouth and Roman’s tongue slid inside. Micah moved and
straddled Roman’s lap. The kiss deepened, and Micah’s hands slid
down to hide his swollen cock.

Roman switched positions. Micah now lay on his back as Roman

moved down his body. The robe slid off his shoulders and Roman
pulled it free, dropping it to the floor. Roman pushed the black shirt
up to his waist. Micah moved his hands to his cock, but Roman
swatted the hands away.

Roman hovered his lips just above Micah’s cock. He looked

directly at Micah as he licked the moist tip of his erection in a circular
motion. Roman’s larger hand massaged and teased the twin sacs.
Micah nearly lost it when Roman opened his mouth, sucking his cock
in. He let out a small whimper as Roman’s mouth moved up and
down his hard shaft. Micah tried to push up, but Roman’s strong arm
across his hips kept him down. He needed more. Roman continued to
move his mouth up and down at a slow, torturous pace.

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Roman pulled his mouth free and asked, “Do you like it when I

suck your cock?”

Micah groaned and pushed his hips up. Roman held his waist

down. “Do you like your cock sucked, Micah?” he asked again.

Micah nodded. His eyes pleaded for Roman to continue. He

opened his legs wider and hooked his ankles behind Roman’s back
and pulled him closer.

Micah no longer knew what was happening. If Roman told him to

ride him, he would do so with pleasure. This man pushed all the right
buttons. Only Roman could get these reactions from him. Soon Micah
was pushing his hips up for more friction. He grabbed onto Roman’s
head to push the man to suck him harder. Just when he was about to
reach his limit, Roman pulled his mouth away.

Micah moved his hands in to finish the job, but Roman’s voice

stopped him. “Not yet.” He was turned onto his knees. Roman’s
fingers pushed into his ass. The man stretched him with his thick
digits. He turned his head to the side and watched as Roman pulled
his large cock free from his pants.

Micah licked his lips. He wanted to suck Roman’s thick cock. He

looked at Roman and smiled. The glint in Roman’s eyes showed
Micah that the man knew exactly what he wanted. Roman helped him

Micah rubbed up and down Roman’s erection before moving his

lips in. He started by tentatively licking the tip. His tongue swirled
around the hard cock. He opened his mouth and sucked the tip in. The
cock tasted wonderful in his mouth. He moved his mouth up and
down, but it was too big to fit the whole thing in.

Roman reached his long arms behind Micah and pushed one

finger inside. Micah continued to lick and suck. He smiled when
Roman moaned. He moved his lips to the tip of Roman’s cock and
darted his tongue over it. Micah smirked when Roman hissed.

Roman lifted Micah from his cock, positioning him on his hands

and knees. Roman pushed in two fingers and then the third finger

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slipped inside. Micah was ready, moving his ass up and down to fuck
himself harder on the fingers stretching his sensitive hole. He looked
back and watched Roman squeeze lube on his thick erection. Micah
focused on the large, perfect cock. He licked his lips, remembering
the taste. It wasn’t only Roman’s body that was larger than him but
his cock as well. He still couldn’t believe that was inside him
yesterday. He licked his lips in anticipation. He moved back, wanting
it inside of him now.

Roman moved his slicked-up cock to Micah’s ass and pushed

inside of him in one hard thrust. The slight burning quickly gave way
to absolute pleasure as Roman slowly moved in and out of his body.
He moaned as the speed picked up as Roman pounded into him.

Micah grabbed onto the arm of the couch and braced himself for

each thrust. Roman took him harder the night before. Today a slower,
gentler pace. He felt their bodies connect on a more intimate level.
Last night was more desperate with the need to have him inside. He
slowed down and rocked his hips back and forth. Micah couldn’t take
it anymore. He slammed his hips back. Roman met his thrust with a
hard thrust of his own. Roman picked up speed, pounding him harder
and faster before reaching in front and grabbing Micah’s cock,
rubbing it. Micah’s body stiffened as his cock exploded. His ass
squeezed Roman’s large cock and the man’s heat filled him.

Roman stayed connected until his soft cock slipped from Micah’s

body. Roman stood and pulled up his pants. He moved to a room off
to the side. Micah couldn’t find the energy to budge. He lay on the
couch with his robe on the floor and his shirt pushed up to his chest.
He sensitive cock spent between him and the leather couch. Roman’s
seed trickled down his ass with his naked bottom exposed. He
stiffened when Roman started cleaning him with a warm washcloth.

“You weren’t ready for a second round.” Roman paused, leaned

in, and whispered, “Your body loves to be touched.” He rubbed down
the inside of Micah’s thigh. “It’s been a long time since someone
touched you in a loving way.”

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Micah sat up and pushed Roman away. He grabbed his shirt and

pulled it down and glared at the man now standing over him. Micah’s
eyes saddened at the hurt expression on Roman’s face. He hated that
Roman was right. He wanted to be held, but Roman didn’t understand
that no one was allowed to love him. He wasn’t someone that could
be loved.

Roman held out a hand. “Let’s get breakfast.”
At the mention of food, Micah’s stomach growled.
Roman laughed and the sound was intoxicating. “Yes, you need to

eat more.”

Micah hopped up and grabbed Roman’s hand. They walked to the

door and Roman slowed their pace. “Careful with your ankle.”

Micah turned and pointed to his ankle. He moved it back and forth

to show it was fine and no longer swollen. As he exaggerated the
movement, the ankle started to feel a little sore, but not much. It still
confused him that his body healed that fast.

As if to answer Micah’s unasked question, Roman said, “Your

body will heal a lot faster.” At Micah’s confusion, he added, “I’ll
explain later.” Roman reached down to grab the notepad and pen off
the table and handed it to Micah. “Keep this. You can’t talk but you
can still communicate,” Roman said as he led him out of the room.

* * * *

Roman escorted Micah down the hall to the large gourmet

kitchen. Just feeling his mate’s hand in his hand felt right. The
connection forming between them grew stronger. He looked at
Micah’s knee happy to see the scrape from yesterday completely
healed. His ankle seemed fine, as well. A sign of the strength of their
mating bond. Micah now shared his fast healing ability and they
would share more as their lives started to connect as one.

The smell of bacon and eggs filled the hall. The closer they came

to the kitchen the stronger the smell. When he walked through the

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kitchen door, Micah froze and looked around the room, stunned by
everything he saw.

The table was filled with different types of breakfast foods. When

Roman asked Thomas to prepare the morning meal, he wasn’t
expecting something this elaborate. On the table was an assortment of
Danishes from cheese to apple to strawberry. The bagel assortment
was also impressive with at least seven different kinds. A full platter
of scrambled eggs along with a platter filled with breakfast meats. He
smelled the crisp bacon from the door. A large bowl of fruit salad
with a basket of biscuits finished the food selection. The drinks
ranged from two types of tea to coffee and juice.

Micah froze in place, never taking his eyes from the table full of

food. Roman pulled Micah to the table. Demons ate a lot, so the
amount of food wasn’t that much more than normal. Soon his mate
would see just how much the brothers consumed. Roman sat Micah
down and pulled out the chair next to his mate and directly opposite
of Thomas for himself.

“You outdid yourself, Thomas,” Roman said.
“Usually, I wouldn’t serve bagels, buttermilk biscuits, and

Danishes at the same time, but I wasn’t sure what Micah preferred.”
Thomas stopped and looked at the table. “I forgot the jam.” He
quickly stood and walked to the refrigerator, returning with five
different kinds of fruity spreads. “There, you can choose whatever
kind you like,” Thomas said and paused, looking at Micah. “Don’t
hold back. There’s more than enough food, but don’t fill up on bread.
You need protein, so that means eggs and meat.”

“Thomas likes to cook. At the turn of the century, he was a world

famous chief.” Roman wanted to curse when Micah snapped his
attention directly to him.

“We’re very old,” Roman tried to explain, but stopped and rubbed

his chin trying to think of the right words.

Micah started writing on his notepad and held it up. “How old is

very old?”

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“Well, it’s hard to say,” Thomas answered.
Micah expression moved back and forth between the two, waiting

for the answer.

“We’ve been in the human world for a little over five hundred

years,” Roman said. Thomas, from across the table, nodded in
agreement. Micah dropped the pen in surprise, but at least he didn’t
pass out. Roman would wait to mention that he’d lived in the demon
realm for at least another five hundred years. Time moved differently,
so it was hard to determine their exact age.

While Micah continued to stare at the two of them, Roman picked

up Micah’s plate and started putting food onto it. Micah snapped out
of his daze and began to protest at the amount of food. His plate was
loaded with eggs, sausage, bacon and ham, a whole wheat bagel, an
apple Danish, two biscuits, and a spoonful of fruit salad. Roman
turned and poured a glass of orange juice and set it next to the plate.
Micah looked up at Roman. He pointed to the plate and shook his
head no. He wrote on his notepad, “waste.”

Roman looked at his mate. “Eat what you can. I’ll finish the rest.”

Roman held his hand up in protest as Micah started to write
something. “No arguments. You’re far too thin to be healthy. I plan
on taking good care of you.”

Micah squinted at Roman. He reached for the apple Danish on his

plate and put it back on the serving dish. Roman opened his mouth to
argue, but shut it when Micah lifted a cheese Danish off the plate
instead. He reached over for a cup and poured hot tea into it. He
looked at Roman, challenging him to argue.

Thomas laughed. Roman couldn’t help but smile. It made him

proud to see his mate’s obstinate personality. Knowing the man
wouldn’t just follow along made him happy.

“You know how old we are, so how old are you?” Thomas asked.
Micah looked for his pen. He shrugged when he spotted it on the

floor. He held up two fingers on one hand and one finger on the other.

Thomas whistled. “Twenty-one.”

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Roman cringed. In the human world his mate might be an adult,

but being centuries older, the other man was young and inexperienced
compared to him. He looked at Micah again. Well, he wasn’t as
inexperienced as before. Last night and this morning, Roman had
shown Micah lots of new things.

Micah continued to nibble at his eggs. He looked from Roman to

Thomas. He tapped his fork on the orange juice glass. Roman looked
at his mate. Micah started to point to his teeth. He pretended to bite
his hand and pointed to his neck.

Roman looked at his mate, confused by Micah’s actions.
“No, we’re not vampires,” Thomas said. From Micah’s nod,

Thomas answered the right question.

“Micah, we’re demons,” Roman said. There was no easy way to

say it.

Micah’s eyes widened. He slowly lowered his fork and reached

down to pick the pen up off the floor. He started to write in his
notepad. Are you going to eat me?”

“Of course not. We don’t eat humans,” Roman said, winking at

Micah before adding, “I do plan on tasting every inch of you.”

Micah turned his head away, trying to hide his blushed cheeks.
“Not while I’m eating,” Thomas groaned.
Roman cleared his throat. He turned the conversation back to a

more serious subject. “Last night you were being chased by shifters.
Shifters are people that change into animals. You met wolf shifters.”

Micah picked up his fork and continued to eat. He nibbled on a

piece of bacon, absorbed in the conversation. His eyes glued to
Roman as he talked.

Roman bit into a piece to ham. “You already know about


Micah nodded.
“How?” Thomas asked.
Micah looked at each of them and shrugged his shoulders.

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“Come on. That’s not how it works. We answer your questions

and you answer ours,” Thomas said, his voice lighthearted.

Micah nodded and wrote, At the Vortex, a man was drinking

blood. He had long fangs.”

“You thought immediately about vampires?” Roman asked.
Micah rolled his eyes. He continued to write. “I took a guess. I

read Dracula.

Roman’s lips formed a smirk. Did his mate really base his

understanding of vampires on an inaccurate and downright horrible

For the next twenty minutes Thomas and Roman started to tell

Micah about the things they did over the last five hundred years.
Roman shared his interest in financing and banking. The money he
earned had made him very wealthy. Micah looked surprised at the
mention of his private gold collection. Like anyone smart in finance
would rely on paper money. Thomas pointed out that Roman’s gold
collection might make him the richest person in the world. Roman
had to downplay it. He was probably richer than any human, but there
were other supernaturals just as old as he was that had the same
fascination with gold. Zed, the vampire prince, collected diamonds
and other precious jewels, not just gold and silver. Roman loved
diamonds and emeralds, and he had a decent jewel collection, too.

Thomas’s face turned serious. The look was a sign that his

younger brother was about to speak his mind—something that often
pissed people off. Roman wanted to groan. “Thomas, not now,” he

Thomas shrugged and for a moment it looked like he was going to

drop it, but he didn’t. “I was going to ask Micah why shifters were
chasing him.” Thomas turned to Micah, not waiting for Roman’s
response. “Do you know?”

Micah’s pale skin became paler. Something Roman didn’t think

was possible. “Thomas. Now’s not the time.”

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Micah put his fork down. He shrugged his shoulders, never

looking up from his plate.

“Thomas, that’s enough,” Roman commanded. Thomas looked


“How long do you plan to wait?” Thomas questioned.
Micah clenched his fist as he continued to look down at his plate.
“I can wait until Micah is ready.”
Thomas stood. “Well, I don’t agree. We need to know what’s

going on.” His little brother walked out of the room, never looking

“Micah, finish your breakfast.” Roman sighed when Micah

pushed the plate toward him. “You’re too thin not to eat.”

Micah picked up the notepad and wrote a note before passing it to


Roman read the message aloud. “What now?” He shook his head.

“I don’t know, Micah.” He looked at his mate’s tense body. Roman
moved his hand under his mate’s chin and forced Micah to look at

“Micah, I’m going to give you time. I hope you can trust me

someday to share everything about you.”

Micah’s face lost all color. He looked horrified at the thought. The

strong fear pushed through the mate bond. “Micah, I’m old and very
patient. I’ve seen a lot. No matter what you tell me, it will be okay.”
Roman ran his fingers through his mate’s hair. The man started to
calm a little. “Now, let’s change the subject. You look adorable in my
clothes, but you need some of your own.”

Micah looked at him with a shocked expression. Roman picked up

on Micah’s feelings and growled. “You still think that I’d let you go
after last night. When you let me into your body it meant something.”
Micah’s facial expression changed to one of guilt. That’s exactly what
his mate thought. “It looks like you need convincing. I’ll be spending
a lot of time loving your body. My cock will be up your ass often
until you learn not to doubt me.” Roman leaned in and kissed Micah

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softly on the lips. The kiss was sweet and loving. Roman pulled away
and read the lust in his lover’s eyes.

Micah looked away. He wrote another note and slid it over to him.

Roman read the message.Why me?”

“Why not you, Micah?” Roman asked in return. It almost broke

his heart to see the sadness in the younger man’s expression. He felt
Micah's heartache. Roman was more determined to find out
everything about the younger man. “Can you eat a little more?”

Micah shook his head no. He picked up the notepad and stood,

walking out the door.

Roman followed his mate back to the bedroom. “Micah, we didn’t

finish talking.” He sat at the edge of the bed and patted the seat next
to him and waited for Micah to join him.

Micah’s took one hesitant step followed by another before

reaching him.

“Do you have any questions?” Roman asked.
Micah shook his head yes and started writing. He handed the note

to Roman. The way Micah turned his head away had Roman
hesitating before opening the note. Roman sighed. The man was
going to need a lot of convincing. “Micah, you can’t leave. It’s too

Micah shook his head no. He seemed adamant about not staying.

Roman felt Micah’s sadness and heartbreak at the thought of leaving.
No matter what Micah said, he didn’t want to go. Maybe if he met
Micah’s family or friends they might help him piece together the
younger man’s past. Micah seemed very reluctant to talk about it.
Roman wanted to understand his mate.

“Do you have family? Any place to go?” Roman asked, instantly

regretting the question when Micah flinched back like he’d been

Micah shook his head and wrote, “I’m alone. Everyone’s gone.
Roman read the note and shook his head. “That might have been

true yesterday, but you’re no longer alone.”

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Micah started to shake his head no. After watching his mate’s face

transform into sadness, he knew there was more to the story. “What
do you want Micah?”

Micah scribbled on the notepad, “To be alone.”
“Micah, I’m older than you can imagine. You won’t find

happiness in being alone.”

Micah picked up the notepad again. “I know.”
Roman was even more confused. Micah understood living alone

wouldn’t make him happy, but for some reason he believed that’s
what he needed to do. The self-sacrifice showed his strong character,
but Roman didn’t like the self-hatred mixed in. It would be a
challenge to convince his mate otherwise. Well, Roman wasn’t going

Micah started writing again. He held up the notepad. “Am I a


Roman jerked back as he read it. “Is staying with me that bad?”
Micah shook his head no and wrote, “I have to keep moving.”
“Does this have to do with the Vortex? Can you tell me what


Micah continued to shake his head no. Getting the man to open up

was going to be a challenge if not impossible.

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Chapter Seven

Micah watched everything. His silence had some benefits. Most

people barely noticed him. He liked being around Roman and spent
most of the day with him. Roman gave him small jobs to do like
organizing files. He placed the pile on the file cabinet and starting
putting the folders back in.

He tried reading the files, but the language didn’t even look

familiar. Each file held Roman’s personal notes and written reports.
Old fashioned physical files were a thing of the past, but Roman
preferred them. The man had a computer, but didn’t trust leaving
anything important saved on it. Roman also admitted he couldn’t
type. That had Micah smiling. It was one thing he could do that
Roman couldn’t.

In the last four days since he arrived, Micah met a few of

Roman’s warriors. They stopped by to report something or to get a
new assignment. It seemed some of them stopped by to meet him. He
was amazed by the different types of people that existed in the world.
All the nonhumans had special things they could do. Roman
explained that his territory allowed anyone to move in. A lot of other
territory leaders were prejudiced against other races because of the
years spent fighting. He smiled thinking that everyone could belong in
Roman’s territory.

Out of all the different kinds of supernaturals he met, he still

didn’t find anyone that could do the things he could do. Micah
suspected he was more than human, but no one was like him.

Not paying attention, his finger rubbed against the edge of the

folder. He pulled it away, but not before the edge cut through his skin.

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He hated paper cuts. The blood started to push out the opening. It
wasn’t deep, but it hurt. He walked over to the office bathroom and
turned on the water. He rinsed off the blood and looked at the cut. It
was gone. He reexamined his finger, but there was nothing. It was

“It’s because you’re mine,” Roman said from the door.
Micah looked up at Roman and waved his finger. He pointed to

where the cut had been and pointed to Roman, trying to demand an

Roman looked at him. “Demons heal very quickly. A lot faster

than humans. You are mine, so you can do it, too.”

Micah, still confused, looked at his finger again. Roman wrapped

his arm around his mate and led him back to the office. They sat on
the office sofa. Micah’s face reddened. At least once a day they had
sex in this room, a few times on the couch, the desk, and up against
the wall. He licked his lips in anticipation.

“Not right now,” Roman said, laughing. “Later, I’ll show you how

to ride, but we need to talk.” Roman handed Micah his notepad and

Micah scribbled, “I want to learn to ride now.” The idea of

moving up and down on Roman’s perfect cock had him hard.

“Oh, I’ll teach you. We need to talk about the healing. Let’s not

get sidetracked.”

Micah nodded. While he still wanted Roman’s cock inside of him,

he did have questions. He scribbled on his notepad, “I’m becoming a

“No,” Roman said. “You’re human and will always be human.

When we have sex, our bodies connect on a different level. That’s
why you heal faster than before.”

Roman danced around the answer. Only giving him part of it.

He’d let Roman slide. The man let him slide on answering the
questions about the Vortex. With this they could be even.

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Roman’s large hand rubbed his thigh. He watched the hand move

up his leg. Roman leaned in. “I want to call a doctor to look at your

Micah jumped up, pushing Roman’s hand away. He shook his

head no as he remembered the last time he spoke and what he’d done.
It was after that he stopped talking, which was fine with him. He
didn’t care if he ever talked again.

“Please, love. Your voice should be healed by now. We might be

able to fix it. Don’t you want to talk again?”

Micah shrugged his shoulders. He couldn’t even pretend to care

for Roman’s sake. The best thing would be for his voice to stop
working. Not being able to form words was a good thing. He couldn’t
explain that to Roman without telling him everything and that wasn’t
going to happen.

“Will you do it for me?” Roman asked.
Damn, the man was good. He turned his head away. Denying

Roman something was hard. He saved his life. He’d been nothing but
kind and caring. All Roman wanted was to make sure Micah was fine.
Reluctantly, Micah shook his head.

The smile on Roman’s face almost made it okay, but he didn’t

want to talk again and he had a feeling that was the reason he

“I’ll call Avery. He’s our best healer.” Roman walked over to the

desk and made the call, while Micah looked out the window at the
city below.

It took less than an hour for the man to arrive. Thomas showed

him into the office. Roman’s younger brother moved to the seat next
to Micah. “Do you mind if I stay?” Thomas asked Micah.

It didn’t matter to Micah who was present for this. The sooner it

was over the better. He looked up at the doctor. The man had his hair
pulled back. He’d never seen pointed ears before. Out of all the
people that visited, none of them had pointed ears, or none that he’d
seen. The man was small, just a couple of inches taller than him. He

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looked closely at the doctor. He wasn’t a vampire or a shifter. Well, at
least he didn’t think so. Could he be a demon? Micah shook his head.
He knew for a fact Roman didn’t have pointed ears. He had nibbled
on those ears enough times to know.

When the doctor moved forward and lifted his hand to Micah’s

throat, Micah grabbed the man’s wrist. He looked at the ring on Dr.
Avery’s finger. The ring was made of a unique and unknown material.
The dark-purple ring with little silver specks reflected the light and
sparkled. It looked alien made. Not something that existed naturally.
He’d seen a similar ring before at the Vortex worn by the stranger
responsible for everything.

Micah pointed to the ring.
“Oh, this. It’s made by elf magic. We push our energy into a

precious mineral or gem and form a unique stone that only elves wear.
The color differs depending on the maker,” the doctor said, smiling.

Micah thought back to that night. When the man arrived, he wore

a blue ring just like the one the doctor wore. The club was closed that
night and rented out for a special private party. It wasn’t Micah’s
night to sing, but the Manager asked him to perform for the special
VIP event. He didn’t want to, but the money for one night was equal
to a week’s pay and he needed it.

When the man arrived, Micah instantly hated him. He oozed fake

charm and wormed his way around the room like a sleazy salesman.
The stranger’s long hair covered his ears, so he didn’t know if they
were pointed or not.

The man had to be an elf. The rings were too similar and the

stranger was small like the doctor. Micah looked at Dr. Avery and
forced a smile.

“Can I look at your throat now?” the doctor asked.
Micah nodded. Dr. Avery’s warm hand touched his neck. He

moved his fingers all around his throat. Then the doctor closed his
eyes. Micah felt the warmth flow into his body. He looked to Roman

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and Thomas as both men watched. Roman’s muscles tensed. He hated
it when anyone else touched him.

“This is strange,” the doctor said.
“What’s strange?” Roman asked, grabbing Micah’s hand.
“Micah, I want you to think back to the moment you lost your

voice,” the doctor said. He moved back and stared at Micah.

Micah shook his head. He wouldn’t think about that night again.
“Please,” Roman said.
As soon as Roman said please, he was transported back to that

night. He took a break after the first set of five songs. After going to
rest in the backroom, the VIP guest approached. The man he now
believed to be an elf ran a hand down his back and slapped his ass.
Micah pushed the hand away.

At first, he wasn’t scared of someone only a few inches taller.

Even after the stranger’s face become angry, Micah continued to
ignore him. After his break, he went back on stage. All the club guests
were invited that night, so none of the usual crowd was there. He only
recognized a few people. Not being an open night, Micah tried a
variety of new songs for the clientele.

He watched as the stranger handed a bag of bloodred pills to one

of the Vortex workers. The man walked around passing the drug out
to the club guests. The drugs looked familiar, reminding him of Sam’s
multicolored pills, but Sam’s pills were only half bloodred, the other
half a light pink.

After all the pills were given out, the stranger held up his hand. At

each table the guests swallowed the pills. Only a few people didn’t
take the pill, the stranger and a few Vortex workers. At first,
everything remained the same, but after a couple of minutes into his
second set of songs, everything changed. People became restless. The
pills started changing the guests.

Micah shook his head. He was back in Roman’s office. He pushed

the memories away. Now wasn’t the time to dwell in the past. Micah
stood, but Roman held his hand tight and pulled him back down.

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Roman’s Silent Mate



Roman rubbed his back, pulling him in, and held him close. Surprised
by his shaking body, Micah leaned into Roman’s embrace, relishing
the feel of Roman’s strong body. He felt safe—untouchable.

“Micah, what’s wrong?” Roman asked.
Micah shook his head, the rest of his body frozen in Roman’s


“I see,” the doctor said.
“What’s wrong with him?” Thomas asked.
The doctor looked at Micah. The man’s eyes softened before

responding. “There is nothing wrong with his voice or throat.”

Micah already knew that. He wasn’t pretending. He couldn’t talk,

but it was what he wanted and it happened.

“He’s faking,” Thomas said, anger rising in his voice.
Micah cringed, but maybe it was for the best. If they hated him

now, he could leave before causing real problems.

The doctor shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. It’s more of a

mental block.”

“Mental block?” Roman asked.
The doctor paused to think about his words. Micah just wanted the

man to shut up. Let them think the worse. It was better that way.

“It’s when something bad happens that’s too traumatic for a

person to deal with. The person can shut down parts of himself. Some
people shut down their emotions. They stop feeling things. It doesn’t
often lead to a person becoming mute, but it can happen. Especially, if
the person is afraid to talk. Am I right?”

The doctor looked straight at Micah, waiting for a response. At

that moment, he hated the doctor’s kind brown eyes and soothing
smile. He had enough and didn’t want to hear anymore. Micah pushed
Roman away and shook his head no. He wasn’t going to listen to what
the doctor said. Micah didn’t deserve to be a victim. Deep down, he
hated himself, and he caused bad things to happen. This was his
punishment. For the first time since that night at the Vortex he felt

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anger flow through him. His hands gripped the notepad and before he
could think, he threw it across the room.

Micah stopped, frozen by his actions. He looked at his hands.
“It’s okay,” Roman whispered into his ear, wrapping his large

arms around Micah and pulling him back into Roman’s body.

Micah shook his head no. He pointed to the notepad across the

room. His mind screaming the words, look at what I did.

Thomas stood. “Thanks, Avery. I think that’s enough for now.”
Avery nodded. “I’ll show myself out.”
The room was too quiet. Micah started to pull away, but Roman

tightened his hold.

“Thomas, if you can leave us for a few minutes.”
Thomas nodded. “I’ll start dinner.”
“What going on, Micah?” Roman asked.
Micah shook his head. He balled his fist waiting for Roman to try

to change his mind, but he wouldn’t talk about it. No matter how
nicely Roman asked.

* * * *

Roman held Micah. For the first time, Roman had no idea what to

do. The more Micah refused to open up and trust him, the more lost
and angry he became. He’d given Micah no reason to distrust him and
still he couldn’t reach through Micah’s walls.

Things were becoming worse in the Council as well. The

bickering continued. Zed didn’t show at the last meeting and since
that morning, he hadn’t spoken to the vampire prince.

Zed was giving him time. The elf king continued to force the issue

and showed no signs of relenting. There were rumors that the elves
were going to pull some of their support for the Council. If one group
pulled away, others would follow. Roman shook his head.

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To make matters worse, he didn’t know if his mate knew anything

about the club. He couldn’t force Micah to share what he knew nor
could he get his mate to trust him. That was the worst of it.

He pulled Micah down into his lap. His mate was still stiff. He

rubbed Micah’s back. “It’s ok. I can wait as long as you need. I wish
you would trust me.”

Roman watched as Micah’s eyes watered and tears slid down his

cheeks. Whatever Micah was hiding, it hurt him so much he no longer

In the short time since they met, Micah had filled a large part of

his heart. Roman could no longer imagine a world without his mate.
The loneliness he felt before was gone. His mate was now the most
important thing in his life. Fate brought them together and he’d wait
for Micah. Even if the peace fell apart around them, Roman would
wait. Micah was more important. Roman just hoped he could forgive
himself if something bad happened.

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Chapter Eight

Micah finally got the rhythm right. He moved up and down on

Roman’s cock. The man didn’t touch him but let Micah seek his own
speed. Over the last two weeks, Roman fucked Micah in every
position imaginable and he loved each one. Micah reached toward his
lover, wrapping his arms around his neck, and leaned in. The kiss was
short and desperate. He pulled away, licking Roman’s lips. He moved
his hips up and down, enjoying the slow ride. Since his riding lessons
started, Micah was becoming an expert.

Micah discovered one thing about himself. He loved sex. No, he

loved sex with Roman. The man knew how to move. He cared about
Micah’s comfort and pleasure, bringing him to new heights after each

“That’s it, Micah, let go.” Roman placed his large hands on

Micah’s hips. He helped Micah move a little faster. Every nerve in
Micah’s body tingled. He needed more. “I’ve got you,” Roman

Roman repositioned them as he pushed Micah down onto the bed.

His mate grabbed his shoulders, while spreading his knees wide apart
as Roman started to pound into him. At first, Roman matched the
speed Micah set, but soon he pushed in and pulled out harder and
faster, pounding Micah into the bed.

Micah covered his mouth, stopping the grunts and moans from

escaping as he rode out the passion building inside of him. Roman
pulled the hands away. “I know you can’t talk, but I want to hear you.
All those cute sounds that let me know how much you love this.”

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Roman’s Silent Mate



Micah nodded. Soon the pace set by Roman was too much. Micah

reached down and stroked his cock. The pressure building inside
pushed him to the limit. With a few hard strokes, his cock exploded
over his stomach and hand. His muscles clamped down on Roman’s
cock. After a few more thrusts, hot cum poured inside of him. Roman
stayed in that position for a few seconds before moving to the side.

“These afternoon sessions are a great way to get through the day,”

Roman said. He pushed the hair out of Micah’s face—something
Roman did to show his feelings. Micah loved and hated the growing
bond between them.

“You’re beautiful. You know that, don’t you?” Roman whispered

in a soft gentle voice as his hand rubbed Micah’s hip.

Micah turned his head away. He might have a pretty face, but the

other part of him, the cursed part, was ugly.

“Don’t,” Roman reprimanded. “You’re my mate. I love

everything about you.”

There’s that word again—mate. Roman insisted they were meant

for each other. At first, he thought Roman used the term to keep
having sex with him, but by the way his lover gently washed him and
the tender way the larger man treated him, Micah knew it was more.

Sometimes Roman acted like he was a broken toy and being too

rough would break Micah into pieces. Micah didn’t think he was that
fragile, but now both brothers treated him that way.

Living alone should’ve been easy. When he moved to the city, he

had no one so he just needed to keep it that way. Micah wanted to get
close to others and have friends, but it wasn’t something he could
allow. After everyone died, he just had to prevent others from getting
inside his heart. He didn’t realize how alone he felt until he met
Roman. Roman’s constant reassurances and gentle touches helped
him understand the loneliness was eating him alive. Just being held
like this made Micah feel complete.

Roman sighed. “I want nothing more than to enjoy the rest of the

day in bed with you, but I have a meeting.” His mate moved in and

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kissed Micah gently on the lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of

The way Roman said that alarmed Micah. Something was

happening and it involved him. He watched Roman get out of bed
with a body tense and stiff and ready for a fight. Something was going
on and it involved him.

“I have a meeting planned. Nothing big. Thomas and I are going

downtown. I want you to stay here and rest. There are going to be
people around watching to keep you safe. Someone will be sitting
outside the door if you need anything.”

Micah moved to protest, but Roman kissed him on the forehead,

stopping all his thoughts. “When I get done, I’ll take you out. We’ll
spend the night exploring the city.”

Micah’s eyes widened. In the last two weeks, Roman had kept

him inside. He wanted to go out, but the other man insisted it was too
dangerous. Micah really wanted to go on a real date, but this sounded
like a bribe—stay here and be good and I’ll take you out.

Micah smiled and nodded. He’d find out more later. He positioned

his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. Roman stayed for a couple
more minutes before leaving. When the door closed, Micah listened to
Roman’s heavy footsteps walking down the hall. After a minute went
by, he jumped from bed. He felt Roman’s seed sliding down his leg.
Roman always made sure he was cleaned before leaving. This
oversight had him worried.

Micah went into the bathroom and cleaned up before moving to

the closet. He looked at all the clothes his lover ordered for him. He
had picked out a few of the cheaper items, but when three times the
amount showed up, Micah wanted the extras returned, but Roman
refused, saying that he couldn’t help himself and that the clothes now
belonged to Micah. He didn’t cave right away, but when Roman
whispered how he planned on stripping Micah out of each and every
outfit, he gave in. Even growing up he didn’t have this many clothes
and it wasn’t just what was hanging here, but he now had drawers

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filled with items, too. Roman spared no expense in making him

When it came down to it, Micah had moved in. He didn’t plan it.

It just happened. They didn’t even discuss it. The permanent gestures,
like Roman ordering a special shampoo for him, and that the
bathroom counter now held his own toothbrush, toothpaste and hair
products further illustrated Roman’s intentions. Micah could no
longer deny he was becoming a permanent resident.

Everything happened so fast, he never stopped to catch his breath.

One minute, he was living on the streets trying to get out of the city
and the next minute he was living in a penthouse sleeping next to an
amazing man, eating out of a refrigerator packed with lots of food,
and picking outfits from a closet full of new clothes. He felt safe and
complete here.

That wasn’t all that surprised him. Micah’s body started changing.

Not only did he heal faster, but inside he was beginning to let go of
his pain and fear. He still didn’t trust himself around other people. He
moved his hand to his throat. While his body healed, his voice
wouldn’t. The doctor understood the situation and so did Micah. He
wouldn’t be whole until he could talk again. No matter what the

The doctor said the problem was him. He knew that. His voice

stopped working at the club. Since learning his suspicions were true,
he tried to talk, but nothing came out. He might be the problem, but it
didn’t mean he could easily fix it.

Roman never asked about the Vortex after the first day. Well, at

least not directly. He said things like, “Micah, you can tell me
anything. Whatever you’re running from, it won’t touch you here.”
When the doctor left the other day, Roman tried to get him to open up
and he refused. He felt Roman’s anger, sadness, and hopelessness.

That was another thing. If he focused, he could feel strong

emotions coming from Roman. Micah wasn’t a mind reader. He
didn’t know Roman’s thoughts, but he knew his mate’s feelings. He

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suspected the reverse was true. Micah didn’t want to know, so he
didn’t ask.

Thomas, too, never mentioned the Vortex since the first morning.

The other man made it his mission to keep Micah entertained.
Thomas worried too much about him becoming bored. He purchased
a laptop and gaming system for Micah. He just didn’t know how to
use the laptop and gaming was never his thing, but his lover’s
younger brother wanted to make sure each day was “fun.” Thomas
watched him more closely since the doctor’s visit. Even he started
treating Micah like delicate glass.

Micah slowly learned how things worked. The city divided into

areas called territories that were led by a different supernatural group.
Each group dictated their own territory rules. The whole thing
sounded an awful lot like mob territories, but he kept his opinions to
himself. The city had a larger ruling body called the Supernatural
Society Council and Roman held a seat on that Council. He was also
this territory’s leader. Everything was so new and confusing that it
often left him with a headache when he tried to understand it.

Even before that night, the people running the Vortex weren’t

playing by the Council’s rules. Singing weekly, he saw things that
now started to make sense. It wasn’t only vampires that came to the
club, but other supernatural races. The man responsible for that night
wasn’t a vampire, but he wasn’t human. After seeing the doctor’s ring
he knew the man was an elf. Not only that, the elf was in charge.
Everyone in the Vortex that night treated the man like the boss. From
what he understood now, elves and vampires hated each other, but the
elf commanded respect. The vampires jumped to satisfy him. It didn’t
make sense.

Things that night quickly went out of control. The vampires

started fighting and it freaked him out. The glowing red eyes and
pointed fangs invaded his dreams for a while afterwards. The ones not
fighting were rolling around on the floor in pain. Others were
screaming. With the doors to the club locked, everyone became

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trapped inside. The elf and some of the vampires watched and studied
the reactions going on around them. It was horrible.

He wanted to run away, but couldn’t. He was trapped inside of the

club. When the group spotted Micah trying to leave the main room
through the stage door, they ran after him. He just wanted everyone to
leave him alone. The group chased him to the back room, trapping
him against the wall.

He pleaded with them to let him go. He promised to keep quiet,

but it wasn’t enough. The vampires sneered at him. When he threw
things at them, they started laughing. The elf’s crude comments about
his ass made Micah both angry and frightened.

It was three vampires and the elf. To them he didn’t even have a

name. They called him human like it was a bad thing. Micah was
terrified. He watched as the group closed in on him. With his back
pressed against the wall, he had nowhere to go. When the elf told him
he was going to be fun to play with, he glared and said it and
everything changed. He would never forget the words. “Burn in hell.”

Micah didn’t expect the group to burst into flames. The four of

them became liquid fire as their skin burned off. He closed his eyes as
the tortured screams of pain rang through the room. Micah sat curled
into the wall rocking back and forth waiting for it to be over. When
the screaming stopped, he maneuvered around the black stains. There
were no ashes or any part of their bodies left.

When Micah went through the door, he heard more screams.

Blood was everywhere. He walked up to the stage and picked up the
microphone and gave the order. He still remembered the words.
Sleep and when you wake up you won’t remember anything.” He
didn’t want them to forget everything, just that night.

One thing he now understood, everything focused around the

multicolored pills Sam sold. For the first time, he started to wonder if
Sam was human. Micah knew the club was involved in illegal
activities. He thought it was mob related, but he never put together the
supernatural connection. Well, he kind of did that night. How was he

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expected to know anything before that? He was human. He thought a
little harder and wondered if he was completely human.

What he did at the Vortex was too much and he never wanted

Roman to know. He didn’t want anyone to know. The only other
person that knew what he could do was Jacob. The bartender arrived
that night after all of the chaos. Thinking back, Jacob wasn’t surprised
by his ability. He pulled Micah aside, handed him money, and told
him to disappear.

Roman, as the days went by, became more frustrated with

Micah’s refusal to talk about that night. The more heated their passion
became the more he found himself withdrawing from Roman. He
couldn’t find a way not to be frightened for his mate. Micah could do
horrible things.

He stretched his body and grabbed the new jeans and a T-shirt and

moved to find his lover. Micah opened the door and looked out. No
one was there. After Roman said his warriors were going to be
protecting him, he was happy to see the hallway empty. Micah walked
as quietly as he could to Roman’s office door. The loud voices
coming from the other side stopped Micah in his tracks.

“It’s not time,” Roman demanded.
“You can’t keep putting this off. Zed wants to speak to Micah.

The Council is starting to fall apart. This incident could lead to
territory wars,” Thomas said with a sharp and impatient tone.

“I’m not putting it off. Zed hasn’t asked. Besides, Micah can’t

answer his questions,” Roman replied.

“Roman, you’re part of the Council. The rules are clear. Micah

knows something. It happened in Zed’s territory. He has the right to
question him. You can’t keep protecting him.”

“What do you propose, Thomas?” Roman’s voice was low and


“I’m not proposing anything. You’re jeopardizing everything you

built. You will lose everything.”

“Thomas, I would give up everything to keep Micah safe.”

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Micah backed up as his body started to shake. Everything was too

good to be true. Roman wanted to sacrifice too much for him. He’d
already given him too much. This couldn’t happen.

It was then Micah knew. The time had come for him to leave.

He’d known all along this would happen, but he’d convinced himself
otherwise. If he left now, Roman could salvage something before
everything fell apart. He could no longer stay here.

Micah moved to the front door. He cleared his mind. If Roman

sensed his turmoil, he wouldn’t get far. Before he could think twice
about leaving, he pushed open the door and walked out. He ran to the
stairs and slowly went down them. He didn’t want to alarm any of
Roman’s warriors living in the building. On the ground level, there
were guards and a check-in person. Micah couldn’t sneak past them.
He followed the stairs down to the basement.

Down here there was no one, but Roman wouldn’t leave this place

completely open. He spotted the cameras as he walked to the door
marked exit on the opposite wall. The door wasn't locked from the
inside, but the alarm worried him. He had no other choice. He just
hoped the door led to the outside. He moved quickly to the door and
pushed it open. A loud wail sounded, but he sighed in relief when he
saw the street. Without looking back, Micah ran.

Before Micah knew it, he arrived at his old apartment. He looked

up at the building, but by now someone else rented the place. He
wondered what happened to his things. He didn’t have much, but he
still regretted not coming back for the photographs. He sat on the
bench across the street and watched people enter and leave the run-
down building. The place was no longer his home. When he lived
there it wasn’t really his home. The first place that felt like home in a
long time was the place he lived with Roman. He just couldn’t go

He needed to get out of the city and fast. He needed a plan, but

there wasn’t one. There was only one person he could turn to for help.
The one person who helped him before, but he hated asking him for

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more help. He had already risked so much to help him. He wasn’t
even sure the man could help or would help, but he had no choice.
Micah walked the two miles to Jacob’s apartment.

The small apartment was too close to the Vortex. He slipped

through the side door and went up to the third floor. He knocked but
no one answered. Of course, no one was home. How unlucky can a
person be? He just hoped Jacob didn’t have to work. If he was
working the nightshift, he wouldn’t be back until morning.

He slid down the door and sat, hoping he didn’t have to wait long.

He still felt the bittersweet ache in his ass and remembered Roman
kissing up and down his neck. Micah shook the thoughts from his
head. It wasn’t meant to be. He leaned his head against the door and
closed his eyes. He must have fallen asleep because the next moment
Jacob stood over him, shaking his shoulder.

Jacob helped him to his feet. “Micah, let’s go inside.” He pulled

Micah toward the apartment. “It’s dangerous for you to be walking
the streets.”

Jacob shut the door and flipped all the locks and even fastened the

chain. The man began to fidget. Micah started to think maybe this
wasn’t a good idea.

Jacob calmed a little. “What are you doing here?” he finally


Micah looked for his notepad, but forgot it. Jacob sighed, “You

still can’t talk.”

Micah nodded.
“This isn’t good. You need to talk. They sent shifters to find you.”

Jacob walked back and forth. Micah felt Jacob's nervous energy.

Micah suddenly felt unsure. No, he forced the uncertainty away.

He clapped his hands to get Jacob’s attention and pretended to fan
money then mimicked driving.

Jacob arched an eyebrow. “You need money to get out of town.”
Micah nodded.

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“What happened to Roman? He’s your mate, isn’t he?” Jacob


Micah’s pulse quickened. Jacob shouldn’t have known about

Roman. His lover was very careful who he told. Not many people

Jacob continued to talk, never noticing Micah’s reaction. “You

can’t run from your mate. He’ll find you.”

Micah wanted to trust Jacob, but he didn’t know. The man had

helped him get away the first time. Also, he helped Roman find him.
If Jacob wasn’t what he seemed, Micah was screwed. He had no
choice but to believe Jacob. He pointed to his throat and shook his

“Listen, I saw a little of what happened at the club. The aftermath

wasn’t pretty, but I’m not afraid of you. I don’t blame you. Roman
won’t either, but you have to trust him.”

Micah shook his head. He couldn’t take the chance. Staying with

Roman would only hurt him. Already Roman was risking too much to
protect him. Micah wouldn’t let him give up everything he worked

Jacob looked at Micah. “Don’t you think leaving will hurt him?

Roman is immortal. He’s going to live forever. You’re his one and
only mate. Leaving without offering an explanation isn’t the answer.
If you want to leave your mate then tell him. Talk to him about it. It’s
better than running from him. Aren’t you tired of running?”

Micah nodded.
Jacob stiffened. He lifted his head. He moved over to Micah,

grabbing his arm and pulling him to the window. “There’s not much
time. We have to get out of here.”

Jacob opened the window and shoved Micah out onto the fire

escape and climbed out after him. Halfway down, Micah heard the
door to Jacob’s third floor apartment break open. Jacob pushed at his
back. “Go faster,” he ordered.

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They reached the ground and Jacob yanked Micah’s arm, pulling

him in the opposite direction he was heading. They both started to
run. He heard snarling behind him and turned to see wolves. The
larger-than-normal animals that signaled shifters. They were still after
him. Jacob turned the corner. A large man stood at the end. Micah
recognized him as the shifter from before. The one he thought of as
the leader.

“When you get the chance, run.” Jacob charged the man. He tried

to block the man’s arms, so Micah could slip by, but he couldn’t leave
Jacob behind. He wouldn’t reward the man for helping him by
abandoning him.

“Go!” Jacob yelled.
Micah stood and shook his head.
Jacob all but cursed. He started screaming, “Help! Help!” but the

shifter covered his mouth, pulling Jacob to the car. He opened the
door and threw him inside.

“Get in the car,” the shifter ordered, turning to face Micah.
Micah walked over. He watched the large man as he climbed

inside the car. He moved over to Jacob and checked for injuries. He
looked fine, but his face was red with anger.

“Why didn’t you run?” Jacob asked.
Micah held up two fingers. One on his left hand and one on his

right hand. He moved the fingers closer and mouthed the word
. He pointed to him then pointed to Jacob.

“Great, we can die together.” Micah looked down. He didn’t want

anyone to die, but he hated that he got the other man involved. Jacob
playfully pushed his elbow into him. “Thanks, for not leaving me
behind. Don’t get me wrong. It was so stupid, but I know why you did

In ten minutes they arrived at the Vortex. Two shifters walked

them to the door. Micah hesitated, never wanting to return to this
place. The larger shifter pushed him through the entrance. He almost
lost his balance, but Jacob grabbed his arm. The two were directed to

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a table upfront, close to the stage. The club was closed until sunset, so
the place was empty. Micah and Jacob sat and waited with the two
shifters standing guard.

“We have about an hour before sunset. Then everything starts,”

Jacob whispered. The shifters turned to stare at them. Their faces
daring them to try to escape. One thing was apparent. They wouldn’t
be having a private conversation in front of these men. He turned to
look at Jacob. The other frowned, clearly not liking being overheard.

Micah looked around the club for a way out, but saw nothing. It

didn’t matter how long they had, they were not getting away.

The hour went by quickly. Micah cringed when the Manager

walked through the door. “Welcome back, Micah,” the vampire said.
Micah leaned into Jacob. “And Jacob, I’m surprised. You know what
happens to those that betray me.”

“What are you going to do to us?” Jacob asked.
“That depends on you, Jacob. I could kill both of you very very

slowly. No one would ever know. Or I could let you live. It’s really
up to the two of you. If you cooperate, I might even let you go. All
you need to do is answer a few questions.” The Manager looked at
both of them, letting his words sink in before continuing, “Let’s start
with the first question. What happened in my club?”

Micah shook his head. He wasn’t going to tell this pompous jerk

something he needed to tell Roman first.

“I know it was you. Not only did everyone in the club forget their

entire lives, but the contract I used to force some of them to cooperate
also stopped working. Nothing should void a blood contract. The only
one that could release them should be the contract holder, which is
me. But you did release them. I want to know how.”

Micah looked up. He had no idea what the man was talking about.

What was a blood contract? He erased their memories, but he didn’t
void a contract. Did he? Micah had no idea what he did. That night he
wanted everything to end and for the people to forget what happened.
How that turned into amnesia still shocked him. He meant to erase

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just that night, but he erased everything, but that had nothing to do
with a contract. He didn’t even know what a contract meant.

Jacob explained, “A contract is signed in blood on special paper.

It forces someone to follow the terms. Essentially they become a
slave. Contracts are no longer allowed under the Council rules.”

“Stupid rules. The Council has no idea how things work in the real

world. A group full of nobodies that have lost touch with the current
times. They shouldn’t exist. Things were better before the Council
changed everything,” the Manager spat out with a mixture of hatred
and anger. He pointed to the two shifters. “Look at them. They
entered a contract with terms impossible to fulfill. They are my
slaves. It’s all in the wording. When a contract is entered, blood is
used, binding the two. Look at them. Loyal servants forced to serve
the stronger race.”

The two shifters growled at the Manager. The manger held up his

hand. “If they both abide by the terms, they can live. If they don’t,
then they die. Simple, even a dog can understand it.”

“Why would they agree to your terms?” Jacob asked.
Micah, still stunned, found it difficult to comprehend the

conversation. He didn’t understand people hating each other. The
manger despised the wolf shifters and the wolf shifters were forced to
serve someone that despised them.

“They signed it because of the drugs. The special pills that

strengthen the ability of any supernatural race. I can do things only
the older vampires can do. The shifters are now stronger and faster
than before. More bloodthirsty, too, but side effects happen.”

Micah looked at Jacob, who looked equally surprised.
“Now back to that night. We tried a different combination, one

that included a special ingredient. Imagine if vampires could do things
only shifters could do, or if shifters started to heal like elves. That’s
the way to peace. Making everyone the same. Of course, every one
there that night had to agree to sign a contract. That’s the army we’re
working to create.”

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Micah looked at the vampire manager. The man was crazy. But he

didn’t know something that Micah knew. The Manager wasn’t at the
club that night, so he didn’t know the utter failure of the test. He
looked around the room. The only one here that knew was him.

“So, Micah. Share with me. How did you do it? Did you try the

pills? We never tested them on humans. How can you remember what
others can’t? Is that one of the side effects of the pills? Did the new
formula cancel the contracts?”

The questions came too fast. He didn’t have time to answer. He

looked at the smug look on the Manager’s face. The man hurt so
many people for what? Power?

Jacob spoke for him. “How is he supposed to know? He’s


“He ran. Innocent people don’t run.”
“Oh, come on. He walked into your little drug ring and figured out

no one was human. Hell, I would’ve disappeared, too. It’s not every
day you find out monsters exist.”

“Stop answering for him,” the Manager ordered.
“He can’t talk,” Jacob informed him.
The Manager walked over to them. He leaned down and placed a

hand on Micah’s shoulder. “Maybe I can help him talk.” Micah felt
the blood drain from his face. He started panting. He wanted the
Manager as far away from him as possible.

The door opened. “What’s going on here?” a new voice asked.

Micah turned. A man walked in. He was tall. Maybe as tall as Roman.
He had long brown hair and glowing red eyes. The Manager tightened
his hold on Micah’s shoulder, causing Micah to push at the man, but
the Manager just dug his fingers deeper into his skin.

The two shifters growled, but never moved against the newcomer.
“Prince Zed, what a surprise. It’s been a while since your last

visit. If you don’t mind, I’m talking with my employees. I will be
done in a few minutes.”

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“I don’t wait for anyone. Manhandling humans is against the

rules. Should I ask the two of them if they want to be here? Keeping
them against their will further violates our rules.” Zed held out his
arm. “Jacob, come here.” Jacob stood and walked over to the vampire
prince. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

“This one can tell us everything,” the Manager said, pulling

Micah closer to him.

Micah tried to pull away. The pain in his shoulder increased. If he

didn’t get away, his shoulder would be crushed. He felt sick having
the Manager’s hands on him. He was now too close and his captor’s
foul breath was making him nauseous.

“This one knows something about the incident from a few months

ago? Let me finish questioning him and you’ll have answers.”

Zed looked over at the Manager. “Let him go.” The man’s red

eyes glowed brighter. His fangs grew longer. Micah didn’t know
which was better. To stay with the Manager that promised him death
or get closer to the man with bright-red eyes and extra-long fangs. He
wanted to avoid both of them.

The Manager snarled, holding Micah by the back of his neck.

Micah grabbed onto the fingers and tried to loosen the tight hold. He
forced air in, trying to breath, but it was becoming more difficult.

Roman and Thomas charged through the door and froze. Roman

looked horrified as he took in the situation. Thomas balled his fists in

“What’s going on here?” Roman demanded. His eyes never

moved from Micah. When no one answered, Roman repeated his
question. “Zed, what’s going on?”

Zed looked at Roman before moving his eyes to the Manager. The

room was silent as Zed spoke. “This club is a front for drugs. Two
months ago an incident killed the doctor responsible for creating the
drugs. That was the elf that died that night. Those that lost their
memories were the main suppliers. Needless to say, the drug ring has
fallen apart with no new drugs coming in and most of the sellers no

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longer in business. The few drugs still on the market are the last in the
supply and have become very valuable.” Zed turned to the Manager.
“I’ve lived far too long not to notice your greed. Did you think I
didn’t know what you were doing? Unfortunately, you’re just the
middleman. What I want is the leader. The one pulling your strings.
Let the human go.”

“I will kill him. Humans are nothing but food. You might think

the Council controls us, but we don’t want to be controlled.” The
Manager shook Micah. “He is nothing but food. A worthless thing
with no strength or power.”

“No, wait.” Roman moved forward. “Let him go. If you do, I’ll

make sure you get out of here. I will give you my word in blood. If
not, you’re as good as dead.”

“Are you crazy?” Thomas asked.
“I can’t let Micah get hurt. I’ll need your help.” Roman looked at

his brother. “Will you help me?”

“Of course,” Thomas said, clenching his teeth. “What do you say?

Give him to us and we’ll make sure you get safely out of the city.
You’re not going to get a better deal from him.” Thomas pointed to

Micah couldn’t believe it. He struggled to get free, moving his

body and slapping his hands and kicking his feet. He wouldn’t be
used by this criminal. Letting this man get away would destroy
Roman. His lover was good and believed in justice and helping
people. Letting someone this bad get away would hurt him.

“Micah, stop it,” Roman ordered.
Micah refused to listen. He kept trying to free himself.
“What are you going to do, Micah?” the vampire prince asked.

“Tell him to let you go. End it.”

Micah looked at the prince with wide eyes. The man knew. Did he

know everything?

“It’s my territory. Nothing gets by me. If you want to continue to

be a victim, just stand there. Do nothing. They will free you.” He

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pointed to Roman and Thomas. “Of course, the long term
repercussions will be hard to live with. What do you say, Micah? You
can help them.”

Micah’s anger burned inside. He wrapped his hand around the

man’s arm holding his neck.

“Micah, don’t move. Leave everything to me,” Roman said.
No, he could stop this. For the first time in months he wanted to

talk. He felt the difference inside of him. The words came as he
directed them to the person holding him. “Let me go,” he ordered.
The Manager instantly dropped his hands. The shock registered on his
face. He reached to grab Micah again. “Don’t ever touch me again,”
he ordered the Manager. The Manager tried to get closer but he
couldn’t do anything to Micah.

The wolves charged at him. Roman and Thomas moved closer to

intervene. Micah looked at the wolves. “Shift back,” he ordered. The
wolves transformed instantly back to their human forms.

Thomas and Roman looked at him. The brothers started to

approach. “Everyone, stop moving,” Micah ordered. Everyone in the
room stood still.

“Interesting. No matter what I do, my body won’t move,” Zed

said. “Not bad.”

Thomas glared at the prince. “He’s human. He shouldn’t be able

to do this.”

“Well, surprise, he can,” Zed replied.
Roman looked at him. “Micah, release them,” he ordered.
Micah shook his head, moving toward the door. When he reached

the exit, he looked back at the group. Thomas still looked confused.
Zed smiled like he had just won a prize. Jacob’s eyes looked sad.
When he turned to Roman, he gasped. The man looked so angry.
Micah had never seen him so angry. He looked at his lover one more
time before turning away. “You’re free,” was the last thing he said
before opening the door and running out into the night.

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Chapter Nine

Micah ran from the Vortex. He shook his head to push the images

of the others’ faces from his mind. Roman’s narrowed eyes and
clenched fists kept playing over and over again. No, now wasn’t the
time to think about that. He ran and ran until the pain in his side
became too much. He gasped for breath. His legs hurt too much to
stand, so he stopped and slid down the brick wall to rest on the

He tried again to clear his head as his breathing started to steady

out. The same thought played back and forth inside of him. Everyone
knew. Their horrified looks popped in his head, but he pushed the
thoughts away. Then Roman’s anger and shock forced its way
forward. This image wouldn’t leave. Over and over again the same
image played. It was the worst image. Micah admitted the truth to
himself. He loved Roman, but it was too late. Everyone knew the
truth. He was a monster that hurt anyone close to him. He couldn’t
control his power.

If he kept moving the images might stay away. He started to

stand. Running was the only option. He needed to get away and fast.
Maybe they were hunting him. Maybe Roman hunted him now, too.

He needed to think, but if he stopped moving the images would

force their way back inside of him. Ordering someone to take him
away would be easy, but that meant taking someone else’s choice,
their free will. No, he wouldn’t do that. Everything was too much. A
wrong choice could hurt someone. He couldn’t do it anymore. The
out-of-control feelings started to eat at his mind. He felt his sanity
start to slip away.

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“Micah,” Roman called out.
Micah jumped at the sound of his name. He turned toward the

voice he’d always recognize. Roman stood directly in front of him.
He stopped and looked at Micah for a minute before holding out his
hand. “Come here,” he ordered.

Micah shook his head. “I can’t.” Micah's voice was unsteady from

the raging internal debate inside of him. A part of him wanted to
obey. No, needed to obey. The other part wanted to run.

Roman lowered his hand. “What do you plan to do?” he asked as

his steady silver eyes never left Micah’s body.

The confusion was eating away at him. He didn’t know what to

do. He looked up and focused on the larger man. “I’m going to leave.
Find a new place. A place to disappear.”

“Your place is with me. Come over here,” Roman demanded.
Micah looked at the large hand held out to him. He focused on the

long fingers that knew just how to touch him. The fingers that made
him squeal in delight. He looked into the face of the sexiest man in
the world. He replayed the sweet kisses Roman pressed to his neck.
The strong hands that gently washed him after sex. He looked up and
down Roman’s body and licked his lips as he remembered the feel of
his lover’s hard cock in his mouth. He felt the phantom squeezes of
Roman’s large hands on his ass. “I won’t ruin your life. Being with
me is toxic. I damage and hurt people.”

“I’ve been in the human world for over five hundred years. I’m

over a thousand years old. I can handle it. Micah, look at me,” Roman
commanded. “You’re not leaving here. I won’t let you go.”

The seriousness in Roman’s expression told Micah everything.

Even if he left here, Roman would follow him. It was only a matter of
time before he said the wrong thing or ordered Roman to do
something against his will. He couldn’t control what he was
becoming. He knew what had to be done and it was breaking his
heart, but if it saved Roman that’s all that mattered.

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Roman’s Silent Mate



“Thank you,” Micah said as he smiled at the man that held his

heart. “I’ll never forget you or the time when we belonged to each
other.” He summoned every bit of strength inside of him to complete
the command. “Turn around, Roman Walker, and leave. Forget about
me,” he ordered. He gasped when he was done and closed his eyes so
he didn’t have to see Roman’s back as he walked away from him
forever. The tears slid down his cheeks. If he stopped and thought
about what he had done, he’d be on the ground sobbing.

“Look at me.” The order shocked Micah. He opened his eyes.

Roman stood still. His eyes filled with anger. “We’re mates. Do you
know what that means?”

Micah’s eyes widened as Roman stood staring at him. Not

moving. Not obeying. “No.”

Roman closed the gap between them. He grabbed Micah’s arm

and transported them back to the penthouse directly into Roman’s
bedroom. Nothing had changed since he’d left. The bed was still
unmade. His clothes littered around the room. He turned to look up at
Roman. The larger man’s face was red with anger. Micah flinched.
He’d never seen Roman so angry.

“Being mates means a lot of things,” Roman said with a steady

voice. “First, your powers won’t work on me. You can scream and
yell anything you want, but I won’t follow your commands.” He
moved closer to Micah. “It means you can’t run from me. I’ll always
know where you are. It means you are mine.” He grabbed Micah and
pulled him into a hug. “Trust me to take care of you.”

Micah leaned into Roman's chest. He locked his arms at his side.

After a minute he brought a hand up and pushed away. Roman
loosened his grip and Micah looked up at the man that held his heart.
He felt lost, but no longer alone. This man was offering to stay with
him forever and with Roman that meant an eternity. He had to ask.
“You know what I can do?”

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Roman paused, looking at Micah. Micah’s heart pounded harder

as each second past. “You know what I can do. Does it bother you?”
Roman asked.

“No, of course not. I love you.” Micah blurted out without

thinking. He tried to pull away, but Roman’s strong arms held him in
place. He refused to meet the other man’s eyes.

“Look at me,” Roman ordered and Micah obeyed. “You’re mine. I

love you. All of you.” Roman pulled Micah closer. “Let me help you.
I feel the pressure building inside. The weight on your shoulders
pushing you down. Let me help you stand. I’ll take some of it away.”

Micah felt it, too. The overwhelming responsibility of his powers.

The ability to take over anyone’s mind and make them a slave. The
ability to order anyone to following his lead. He could kill a person
with only a couple of words. He couldn’t live like this. “How?”

“By keeping you by my side. No matter what you say, it won’t

work on me. I’ll help you with control.”

The tension started to leave Micah’s body. He wasn’t going to be

alone. He took a step toward his future. “Roman, I love you. Please
stay with me forever.”

Roman lifted Micah’s chin up. He covered his lips with the

smaller man’s lips. “I love the sound of your voice.” Roman’s smirk
turned wicked. “This time you’ll beg. You’ll call out my name. Hold
nothing back from me.” He leaned in for a kiss. When the kiss ended,
Micah licked his lips as Roman moved his mouth to his ear. A light
breath tickled and teased when Roman whispered, “Take off your

Micah nodded and started pulling at his clothes. His body shook

with anticipation. When he stood naked in the room, he turned his
attention back to Roman. His eyes met Roman’s hungry ones. The
wonderful feel of the air on his naked body left little bumps on his
skin. His cock swelled. Roman moved past him, brushing against him.
The larger man unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off, exposing powerful

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Roman’s Silent Mate



arms and a rock-hard chest. Roman moved to sit on the edge of the

“Micah, you need to be punished for your earlier actions,” Roman

said. The seriousness in his voice showed he wasn’t kidding.

Micah eyes widened. He bit his lip.
“Yes, one punishment for running away and a second punishment

for trying to use your power on me.”

Micah’s cock jumped each time Roman said the word punishment.

“I guess another spanking is in order.” Micah tried, but he couldn’t
keep the excitement out of his voice.

Roman smiled. “You enjoy the idea of being punished too much.”

He looked Micah’s body up and down, drawing out the next
statement. “I’m going to spank your ass. Tomorrow every time you sit
down you’ll remember your actions and the consequences. Now come
over here. I want you facedown over my lap with your naked ass up in
the air.”

Roman was giving him a choice. Like he’d turn the man down. He

hurried over to Roman’s lap and positioned himself. He maneuvered
his hard cock between Roman’s legs. If he moved just right it would
rub against the muscular thigh with each swat. He moved his hips in a
circular motion to test the feel of the material against his sensitive

Roman lightly caressed Micah’s back. His large hand moved

down, rubbing against his butt. He moved his finger down the crease
of his ass and teased Micah’s twitching hole. “Love, if you come
during your punishment, I’ll put a cock ring on you and play with this
beautiful body until morning. Imagine me fucking you all night long.
Your cock hard and swollen, but unable to release its load.” Micah’s
body shivered at the seriousness behind the words. “If you don’t want
that, then make sure you hold back during punishment.” Micah

Micah jumped when the first firm slap hit his backside. The

burning sting caught Micah off balance. The second and third landed

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harder than the first. His ass burned. He bit his lip to stop any sounds
from leaving his mouth. The loud crack of flesh hitting flesh filled the
room as Roman’s hand continued to slap Micah’s ass. The friction of
his trapped cock moving against Roman’s leg left him moaning.
Roman rubbed the sore flesh. “Love, I want to hear you. Let it out.”
Micah nodded and let out a moan. The more Roman slapped the
louder Micah cried out. Roman continued to slap at Micah’s white
ass, turning the creamy skin pink.

* * * *

Roman’s cock hardened as he hit Micah’s perfect ass smack after

smack. He pulled back his anger as he hit each side of his mate’s ass.
Micah’s erection pushed against his leg. After a few more hard swats
he stopped and massaged the man’s reddened backside.

He lifted the younger man up and positioned him facedown on the

bed. Roman pulled the lube from the top drawer and spread it over his
fingers. The sight of his handprints all over Micah’s backside turned
him on more than he thought possible. He moved closer to prepare his
lover. His fingers moved between his lover’s reddened ass checks.
“Spread your legs.”

Roman smirked at the man’s instant reply. He stopped for a

moment to take in the erotic sight laid out before him, a feast waiting
to be devoured. He worked one finger into his lover’s tight entrance
and groaned when Micah pushed back, fucking himself on his finger.
He slid the second finger in as his mate continued to pushed back and
moan. Micah’s need to be filled had Roman hard and ready. He
pushed in the third finger. When satisfied his lover was ready, he
pulled out and stood to unzip his pants. His cock, rock hard, leaked
cum from the tip. He took his pants off and stood naked as Micah’s
hungry gaze took in every inch. He reached for the lube and spread it
over his large erect cock before leaning over and covering his mate’s
body with his own.

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Roman’s Silent Mate



“What should I do, Micah?” Roman asked, rubbing his cock in-

between his mate’s ass cheeks, teasing the sensitive opening but not
entering him.

Micah’s body tensed. “Just do it,” he demanded.
“Do what?” Roman asked, stopping all movement.
Micah hissed and turned his head to look at him. “Fuck me,” he


“As you wish,” was the only warning Micah got as Roman

slammed in with one push. The heat engulfed him as Micah squeezed
down. He steadied himself and waited. Micah moved from side to
side and pushed back trying to get him to move. Roman set a slow
and steady pace, giving his lover time to adjust. Micah squeezed
down on his cock. Roman smirked. His lover tried to move his hips
back again to impale himself harder.

“Love, what do you want?” Roman asked. He slowly pulled out

and pushed in, ignoring Micah’s whimpering. He could finally hear
his lover’s voice. He wanted the full begging.

“Move now,” Micah hissed.
Roman leaned down. “Like this?” he asked, his cock gently

sliding in and out.

“No. Please move faster. Harder,” Micah begged.
Roman pulled Micah up to his knees, never leaving the heat of the

other man’s body. The flushed pleasure on Micah's face had Roman
ready to pound into him. He pulled out until only the tip of his cock
remained inside. He grabbed Micah's hips and slammed inside of his
mate. He pounded Micah’s ass, pushing in and out of the tight
opening. Micah leaned down, trying to find a way to brace himself as
he was pounded into ecstasy.

The slapping sounds filled the room as the headboard hit the wall.

Micah’s moans and cries had Roman increasing his speed. He pushed
into his mate harder. Roman could feel his body reaching its limits.
He reached down and grabbed Micah’s hard cock. He moved his large
hand up and down, rubbing the sensitive organ.

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“Come for me, baby.” Micah exploded in his hand, squeezing his

trapped cock. Roman groaned, releasing his load inside of Micah’s
willing body.

Micah collapsed onto the bed. Roman managed to move his larger

body to the side, avoiding crushing the smaller man. Their heavy
breathing filled the room. This time he heard Micah inside his head.
That was amazing.

Roman looked at his lover and replied back. Yes, it was. Micah’s

eyes widened in shock.

Another thing mate’s can do is communicate directly with their

other half. Well, at least demon mates can.

“Why now?” Micah asked, using his voice.
“Before now, you weren’t ready to give me everything. The bond

was weak. This time you let go and trusted me. The bond
strengthened.” Roman sat up and looked at Micah. “Are you okay
with it?”

Micah eagerly nodded. So if I don’t want to talk anymore, I can

still talk to you.

Roman nodded. I still want to hear your voice, but for now that’s


Micah yawned. His eyes started to drift shut. Roman leaned down

and pressed a kiss to his mate's forehead. Rest. I’ll be here when you
get up.

Roman watched as his mate drifted to sleep. He ran a hand

through Micah’s dirty blonde hair. Micah instinctively snuggled
closer. He looked like a sleeping angel. Finally satisfied that Micah
understood he wasn’t getting away, Roman moved to stand. He took
one more look at Micah. He moved to the closet and grabbed another
blanket. He started to cover Micah, but stopped to take a long look at
his mate’s red ass. Roman smirked. Tomorrow he’d remember him
every time his ass touched something.

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Roman’s Silent Mate



Roman dressed and headed to his office. He walked through the

door and greeted Thomas and Zed. He barely looked at the two as he
moved to his desk and sat down. “Well?” he asked.

Thomas spoke. “Zed and I discussed it.”
Roman raised his eyebrow at the thought of the two discussing his

mate. Thomas stuttered, “Just discussing what happened and things.”

Zed cleared his throat. “The Council can’t know about your

mate’s ability. I have the Manager and the three shifters imprisoned at
my place. Tomorrow, Micah will remove their memories. When
everything is said and done, only the three of us and Jacob will
remember this evening.”

“Jacob?” Roman questioned.
“The man works for me. He was my plant inside the club.

Completely trustworthy.”

“I don’t trust him with my mate’s secret. Micah is the first human

that can control humans and our kind.” Roman turned to Thomas. “He
can control high demons as well.”

Thomas nodded. “He could turn me into a slave and I’d follow

him anywhere.” Thomas paused. “He could walk into this room and
order me and Zed to become his slaves and we couldn’t stop him.”

“He is dangerous,” Zed agreed. “It doesn’t stop with us. If he

wanted to, he could turn the demon king and the entire Council into
his slaves.”

Roman growled. “He’s my mate. I won’t let anything happen to


Thomas nodded. “That’s why the less people that know what he

can do, the better. He can’t control you. I don’t know if I trust Micah,
but I trust you to keep him in line. Others will be too frightened of
him, so the less people that know the better.”

“The problem is the Council. If they find out, nothing will stop

them from taking Micah and using him.” Zed stopped to think. “I will
make the Vortex mess go away and deal with the elf king.” He turned
to look at Roman. “You need to handle your mate.”

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Roman felt his pulse quicken. His mate didn’t need handling.

Micah didn’t want to use his power. He saw the pain on his mate’s
face when he did. He would make sure Micah was safe. Roman
turned to the Prince. “Zed, what is Micah?” he asked.

He knew his suspicions were correct when Zed didn’t look

surprised by the question. The man hadn’t been surprised the entire
evening. It was irritating. “I have a few things to look into before I’m
ready to answer that question, but he is human.”

“I know he’s human, but what aren’t you saying?” Roman asked.
“Just keep your mate close. The less people that know what he can

do, the better. He needs to learn to use his power. He might need it in
the future. Things are moving quickly.” Zed never waited for a
response before disappearing.

Roman knew it was pointless to stop Zed. The man knew a lot

more then he let on. Zed was honest. He’d never met anyone more
honest. He never lied, but he avoided answering questions.

“He’s hiding something,” Thomas said.
“Isn’t he always hiding something?” Roman responded.
“Things are just beginning,” Thomas added.
“No, this is the end. Micah will remain safe and out of danger.

Whatever else Zed is hiding doesn’t matter.”

“Agreed. It’s time for us to distance ourselves from the politics.”
Roman stood. “I’ll be with Micah. I want to be there when he

wakes up.” As he walked back to Micah, he started to plan for the
future. He wanted to walk away from the Council, but he needed to be
there to watch any decisions or information that came in about Micah.
His life just got a whole lot more complicated, but that was all right.
He had his mate.

First, he wanted Micah to be more comfortable here. The furniture

might be too much for Micah to ever feel this place was home. He’d
first have his mate redecorate their bedroom to make it more
comfortable and to help him focus on something. Slowly, Micah

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Roman’s Silent Mate



would develop confidence and forgive himself for what he’d done.
There were a lot of things to do, but they had all the time in the world.



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Sydney was born and raised in the Northeast of the United States.

She loves to read fantasy, contemporary, and paranormal romance
novels. After years of devouring book after book, Sydney started
writing her own stories. She enjoys creating complex characters and
throwing them together and letting the story write itself. Sydney will
often get up hours before dawn to write another chapter or read the
chapter written the day before. She has a busy schedule but gets
creative when finding time in the day to steal writing moments.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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