Rose Nickol [Club de Fleurs 05] Tina's Twins [Siren Menage & More] (pdf)

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Club de Fleurs 5: Tina’s Twins

Tina Springs was introduced to lawyer Kevin Hoffman by her close
friend and former patient Rachel Green Micheals. She soon fell in

love with Kevin and his twin brother, Kurt Hoffman. She was in
trouble, big trouble. How was she ever going to choose between

them? They were both tall and very handsome and very attentive
to her. It all started out as fun and they had spent many evenings

going to dinner and other activities. But when Club de Fleurs
offered submissive classes and Kurt and Kevin volunteered to be

her Doms for the duration of the class, she knew she was in
trouble. What woman in her right mind would take on two men?
Then the mysterious packages started arriving at her house and

strange things started happening. Would her world ever be the

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 39,081 words

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Rose Nickol


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage and More

Copyright © 2014 by Rose Nickol
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-593-6

First E-book Publication: November 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Tina Springs had gotten herself into a mess this time. Yep, she’d

really done it. It wasn’t bad enough that she was in love with one
man, but she was in love with two men, and not only were they
brothers, but they were twins at that. How could she give either of
them up?

It had all started about six weeks ago when she went to talk to her

former client and now friend Rachel Greene Micheals. She was sitting
at the bar of Club de Fleurs, minding her own business, when Kevin
Hoffman came up to speak with Rachel. She still hadn’t stopped
drooling. When he put his hand on her shoulder and brought his
paternal twin brother Kurt up to meet her, her pussy gushed. She was
surprised they couldn’t smell her arousal. Talk about sex on a stick.
These two were Greek Gods and porn stars combined. No man would
ever measure up to them. There was no way she could choose
between them. She would have to give both of them up when the time
came, but for now she was having fun.

The trio went to dinner, movies, and a few events at the Club

together. There was no sex involved, but it wasn’t off the table for her
at least, she wasn’t sure how the men felt.

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When Tina had expressed an interest in taking the submissive

classes offered at Club de Fleurs, Kevin and Kurt didn’t hesitate to
offer to take the classes with her and be her Doms for the duration of
the class. Tina wasn’t sure how it would work for the three of them,
but both men assured her it would be fine.

At the introduction during the first class, there was a lot of

paperwork to be done. Tina didn’t mind until she got to the paper that
said, “Uncommitted Doms and subs will not engage in any oral,
vaginal, or anal penetration for the duration of the class.” Now wait a
minute, no sex for four weeks? She didn’t know if she could hold out
that long with these two. They hadn’t done anything so far, but Tina
was anticipating the time when they would. When she looked over
and saw that the brothers had finished their paperwork, she assumed
they were okay with it and finished reading and signing hers. Maybe
they didn’t want her as bad as she wanted them.

Kevin had to stifle a laugh when he saw Tina’s eyes go huge at

the final page in the sheaf of paperwork the Club made them do for
the classes. The no-sex clause was standard for these types of classes,
but Tina wouldn’t know that. Looking to see if his brother had
noticed, he couldn’t help but see the small smile there. Kurt had also
been watching their tiny angel. The next few weeks were going to be
very interesting, very interesting indeed.

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Chapter Two

The first week of the class had been a real eye-opener for Tina.

She had dipped a toe in what she thought were the BDSM waters
while she was in high school, but that had been several years ago. A
teacher had given her a brief introduction to his lifestyle, but it was
nothing like this. She realized now that the man had been a true ass
and a sadist, and had basically just wanted a young girl to abuse. Tina
realized now that she was lucky she had gotten out when she did and
hadn’t been hurt worse than what had happened.

During the first class all the students were asked about prior

experience, and Tina had given the Reader’s Digest condensed
version of hers. Kevin and Kurt could tell there was more to the story,
but didn’t push her. That would come another time.

One of the major shocks Tina experienced was that after the first

week of class, the subs would be expected to be in club wear or
naked. Preferably naked. Club wear would be allowed the second
week only, after that no clothes were allowed. Tina had seen Rachel
in club wear and was aware that lots of the subs went naked, but
thought that was just personal preference. She hadn’t really paid a lot
of attention to what people wore or didn’t wear.

Looking around the room, she noticed that she was one of the few

subs that wasn’t in club wear or naked. She also noticed that she was
not the only sub with two men, and one woman was there with four
men. Four? How would that work? she wondered. And there were two
male subs there with their Mistresses also.

Kurt noticed her looking around and asked, “Any questions,


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“No, Sir,” she answered quietly, no way in hell she was going to

ask him how four on one worked.

Seeing the question in her eyes, he looked at her and said, “I don’t

want to interrupt the class, we’ll revisit this later.”

“Oh,” she answered him, hoping he would forget.
Tina definitely wanted to explore more about the lifestyle and her

own submission, but maybe this class wasn’t for her. Kevin and Kurt
had insisted on paying for the class, so she really didn’t feel she could
quit and lose their money. She would just have to suck it up. Besides,
if she was ever going to have sex with them, they would be seeing her
naked. Having made her decision, she relaxed to enjoy the rest of the
class. If they wanted her naked, naked she would be, starting the next
class. No time like the present, she thought with a small giggle to
herself. She wondered if the Doms would be naked also, she couldn’t
wait to see that.

Kurt caught the giggle and raised one eyebrow at her, but she just

smiled back at him.

At the end of the first class, which was mostly an introduction and

paperwork, Kurt and Kevin drove Tina home. On the ride, they asked
her, “So what did you think?”

“I think I’m going to like it. I haven’t read through the list of

classes, but the instructor was great, and so are you two.”

“What was going through your mind when you signed the last

paper? I saw you looking around when the clothing requirements
were given, what’s up?”

Not knowing how to answer without embarrassing herself, Tina

tried hedging.

“I…um…well, I just wanted to see what everyone else thought

about the restrictions and what they were wearing.”

“I think there is a little more to it than that, don’t you, Kurt?”

Kevin said to his brother. They were riding in Kurt’s truck and Tina
was sandwiched between them. Stuck. She was stuck.

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Kevin was driving and Kurt was sitting on the other side of her.

They had pulled into an all-night diner’s parking lot, and Kevin had
purposely parked in a dark corner out of the light. Time for their little
angel’s first lesson on telling the truth.

Each man turned slightly in his seat and looked intently at her.

They each slipped a hand under one knee and spread her legs wide
over theirs.

“Wh–What are you doing?” Tina asked. She had kissed each man

and they had petted, but nothing below the waist yet.

“Tina, do you trust us?” Kevin asked, cupping her chin and

turning her face toward him.

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation.
“Very good.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “Good

behavior will be rewarded,” he said as he brushed the back of one
hand over her breast, in a movement guaranteed to arouse.

“Angel, you know we wouldn’t hurt you?” Kurt said from the

other side of her.

“Yes.” She answered again, turning her head to look at him.
He cupped her face in both hands, and pressing his mouth to hers,

pulled her bottom lip between his teeth. Moving one hand slowly, he
trailed it down her body to her spread legs and slipped it under her
skirt, letting it rest on top of her mound.

“Ohhh,” she moaned.
“I don’t think the answer you gave was the whole truth, was it,

angel?” Kevin asked as Kurt slipped one finger past her panties and
into her folds.

What was this tag team shit? Tina didn’t know who to look at and

was flipping her head back and forth like she was at a tennis match.
“No,” she answered Kevin’s question.

“I noticed that you stared quite a while at Penny and her four men,

want to tell us what’s up with that?” Kurt asked, moving his finger
just slightly.

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Busted, she was so busted, it was like they could read her mind.

There would be no secrets from these two. “Well, I just wondered
how it worked. I mean, there are four men and one woman
and…well…you know?” Talk about embarrassed. Good thing they
were in the dark, Tina was sure her face was seven different kinds of

Pinching her nipple through her shirt, Kevin asked, “No, we don’t

know, what exactly did you want to know?”

“Ouch, that hurt! I was just wondering how they all had sex

together and if they all did it at the same time and what would happen
if they did?” she blurted out.

“Do you really think that’s your business?” Kurt asked, adding a

second finger and slowly circling her clit.

“No, I was just curious and trying to picture in my head how the

logistics of being with more than one man would be. I don’t really
care about them personally.” She tried to explain without looking like
a sexual deviant. What did they think of her now?

Kevin looked Kurt in the eyes and he gave a slight nod. Time to

stop playing with their sweet angel and explain a few things to her. It
had been fun watching her squirm. “Angel, there are lots of
relationships out there you may not understand. What works for one
person may not work for others. As long as all parties consent and no
one gets hurt, I believe in letting people do what works for them. I
understand your question and I have a few books at home I want you
to read. There are several good books about polyamorous
relationships, and I think that will help answer your questions, and if
you still have concerns, we will all talk together, okay?”

Relieved that they seemed to be dropping this subject, Tina

answered with a smile, “Yes, I would like to read your books, and
thank you.”

Kevin pulled her head up for a scorching kiss and Kurt continued

to work his magic with his fingers. “Now, let’s give our little angel a
treat for being truthful, shall we, brother?”

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Turning her to him, Kurt answered, “Yes, I think so, brother.”

Before he took her in an equally burning kiss.

Sometime Kevin had managed to reach inside her top and had it

pushed up over her chest and had taken her breasts out of her bra. He
was pinching and pulling her nipples, working them into hard little

Kurt released her mouth and trailed kisses and small bites down

her neck to her chest. Taking the nipple, Kevin wasn’t pinching and
pulling into his mouth, he sucked hard pressing, it against the roof of
his mouth with his tongue.

“Ohh,” she moaned, arching her back and pressing further into

him. He still had one hand between her legs and was gradually
applying more pressure to her clit.

“The class…” She panted.
Smiling, Kevin cupped her face with his hands and turned her

toward him, “Angel, I’m a lawyer, and I can get around any contract.
The paperwork said no penetration. We’re not violating

Kurt pinched her clit between his fingers and said, “Now come for

us, angel.”

Her body obeyed instantly and she screamed both of their names,

thrashing in the seat, lost in the heat of her release.

Kurt turned her and pulled her into his lap, with her feet resting in

Kevin’s lap. He would hold her for a short time before handing her
over to Kevin. It was important that she get used to both of them and
being shared by them.

When Kurt handed her over to Kevin, she just smiled and

snuggled against him. “We still have a couple unanswered questions,
angel. What bothered you about the clothing requirement?” Kurt
asked, pulling one leg into his lap and putting the other on the dash.
Kevin wrapped one arm around her just under her breasts, effectively
immobilizing her.

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“Well, at first the ‘no clothes’ thing bothered me, I’m not that

attractive, and I could stand to lose a little weight, and the thought of
people seeing me naked, well…anyway, I looked around and all the
other subs were wearing way less than I was and…and I just decided
to go for it. I will be naked for the rest of the classes. If people don’t
like what they see, they don’t have to look again,” she said in a rush
to get it all out.

Kevin and Kurt both felt their jaws drop. How could this beautiful

angel think that she was unattractive? Her self-esteem would be
something they were going to be working on.

“Angel, you are beautiful, and sexy, don’t ever let anyone tell you

otherwise. If we had our way, you would be naked whenever you
were with us. Don’t ever be ashamed of the gorgeous person you are,
inside and out.” Kurt said and he lifted one foot and licked the arch.

“For the duration of the class, this body is ours and you will not

speak badly of it. In the future, all disparaging and self-depreciating
remarks will be punished. Do you understand?” Kevin asked as he
reached down with his free hand and twisted a nipple.

“Ouch, yes I understand.” Her panties were going to be trash by

the time she got home. Between what Kurt was doing to her feet, her
feet, who knew, and Kevin twisting her nipple, her fluids were
gushing. Sitting on Kevin’s lap, she was sure she was leaving a wet

“From now on, angel, you will not wear any underwear in our

presence. Whenever we are together you will be open and available
for our touch. Only short skirts and blouses that button in the front
will be worn. If you don’t have these things in your wardrobe, we will
be glad to take you shopping. We are going to take you to get club
wear, though don’t plan on wearing it long. We will also be buying
you clothing we can rip off of you. There’s something very satisfying
about tearing clothing off our woman.” Kurt told her with an evil grin
on his face.

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“And angel, we are not teasing. If you wear underwear, either a

bra or panties when you are with us, I promise you Kurt and I will be
glad to rip it off of you and then paddle your ass red until you can’t sit
comfortably. Do you understand? Also, from now on, whenever we
are alone together, or in the Club, you will call us Master followed by
our first name or Sir. Any questions?” Kevin asked, pulling her

Tina shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip. She was so in the

shit right now.

Kurt slid one hand up her leg to the juncture of her thighs. “You

will answer all questions verbally. We may not be looking at you and
need to hear you,” he said as he slid his hand to her waist and grabbed
her panties. “Lift her,” he said to his brother and pulled the garment

“Okay, Sir,” Tina answered him, what had she gotten herself into?
Sitting her back in his lap, Kevin deftly removed her bra, handing

it to his brother. He took her panties and they both pocketed their

“Hey, those were expensive, give ’em back,” Tina demanded.
Reaching in between her thighs, Kurt pinched her clit, hard. “How

are you supposed to address us, angel?”

“Ouch, dammit that hurt, Sir! Now give me back my things!” she


“I think we need to jump ahead on our angel’s classes and take her

home and bend her over the spanking bench for an hour or so, what
do you think, bro?” Kurt asked with a sadistic look in his eyes.

“Okay, boys, enough fun, time to take the lady home. I’m done

for the night,” Tina announced, struggling to free herself. She was
getting pissed and needed to get away before she let them have it.

Completely ignoring her statement, Kevin sat her between them

and fastened her seat belt. Not saying a word, he started the truck and
pulled out of the parking lot.

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Boy, I’ve really done it now, she thought. They are so pissed they

aren’t even talking to me. Should I apologize or just go with it?
Crossing her arms over her chest, she felt a tear slowly slide down her
face. She just left the tear, she didn’t want to draw attention to it.

Kurt reached over and rubbed the tear away with his thumb.

“Don’t cry, my angel, we’re not done,” he said softly, laying his hand
on her thigh.

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Chapter Three

Tina was looking down so she missed the look that passed

between the two brothers, but the atmosphere in the truck changed.
When she looked up, she didn’t recognize where they were. “Where
are we?” she asked, confused.

“That’s another one, angel, we’re going to our place.”
“Guys, I really want to see your place, but I’m tired and just want

to go home. Can we do this another time?” Were they seriously going
to take her to their place and spank her? She had to be batshit crazy to
go along with this.

“Angel, you will learn that when your Dom makes you a promise,

he keeps it. You were promised a spanking and that is what you will
be getting,” Kevin answered.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding, grown women don’t get

spanked. I haven’t been spanked since I…well I don’t remember, it’s
been so long. Take me home. Now!” If she could have stamped her
foot she would have, but at just five feet tall, her feet didn’t reach the
floor of the truck.

Both men just chuckled and Kevin kept driving. “Bro, we are

going to have so much fun with this one. I think we may have found
our match,” he said.

“Yep, a challenge for sure, but it is going to be fun taming her,”

Kurt answered as he moved his hand up her thigh.

Tina slapped at his hand and demanded, “Take. Me. Home. And

don’t talk about me like I’m not here. I didn’t sign up for this shit!”

“Actually you did, if you look through the paperwork you signed

for the class you agreed to obey your Doms for the duration of the

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class. So…unless you want to quit the class. Be quiet and take it like a
big girl.” Kevin told her.

“But I don’t want to get spanked.” She pouted.
“You should have thought of that before you got mouthy and

bratty,” Kurt informed her. He was the stricter of the two. Kevin was
more lenient and would have let her off easier because she was new.
Kurt believed in coming out of the gate strong and setting strict rules
so the sub knew exactly where she stood. He knew he was going to
have to go easier with Tina because she was so new to the lifestyle,
but that would only last so long. He had discovered that if he let his
brother go easy on the sub, they had more trouble with them later.

Kurt decided to let Tina stew in her own juices, as the saying

went, and lifted the leg closest to him over his and started to trace
patterns on the inside of her thigh. Just enough to arouse, but nothing

When she reached down to slap his hand away, he gathered both

of her wrists in one of his big hands and held them in her lap. She
started to struggle, and he pinched the inside of her thigh, hard.

“Fuck, that hurt, ass.” Tina glared at him.
Reaching a little higher, he pinched the lip of her labia, harder.
When she opened her mouth to cuss him again, Kevin said, “I

wouldn’t. He’s only going to reach higher and pinch harder. Think
about how that would feel on your clit, angel.”

She wisely kept her mouth shut. She was going to have bruises

tomorrow and had already had her clit pinched once.

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Chapter Four

The three sat in silence until they pulled up in front of a huge

house with a long, winding driveway. Kevin activated a remote on the
visor and the gates slid open. He drove to the garage where another
button opened that door.

Tina knew her mouth was hanging open. The house was huge. She

knew where she was now, Cherry Hills, one of the richer
neighborhoods in the metro area. How much money did these two

Tina wasn’t poor, she felt she was comfortable, but her entire

apartment building could fit in this house, no mansion, and she lived
in an eight-unit building. Holy Christ! This was luxury at its best.
How many rooms did two guys need? She hadn’t even seen the inside
yet, but could tell it was huge. She had grown up lower-middle class
and her parents had given her and her brothers and sister all the
necessities, but money for extras was tight. She still considered going
out for a meal a treat. There had been six of them, including her
parents, in the small house, but it was full of love and her mom had
always found a way to make the important things happen. Her
grandmother on her father’s side did her part also. A tear ran down
her face for the two most important women in her life. How she
missed them.

Kevin and Kurt were both watching the play of emotions across

her face. When Kevin saw the tear, he cupped her face gently and
asked, “Okay, angel?”

Smiling, she turned her face into his hand and answered, “Just a

trip down memory lane, Sir.”

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He looked into her eyes, and liking what he saw there, nodded to


Kurt got out of the truck and helped Tina out. Once she was

standing, he flipped her over his shoulder, caveman style, and carried
her into the house, squealing and laughing the whole time. “I can
walk, let me down,” she demanded. She wanted to look around and all
she could see from her position was Kurt’s ass, not that it was a bad
view. She just wanted to see the house.

“We’ll give you the grand tour later, now we have a punishment

to administer.” Kevin answered as he walked up behind Kurt and
swatted her on her ass.

Kurt quickly walked through the house, and she bounced over his

shoulder like a leaf in the wind. She finally wrapped her arms around
his waist to anchor herself before she ended up with a concussion
from bouncing against his rock-hard back.

Kevin grinned when he saw her grab Kurt. You had to give it to

his brother. He knew how to control his women.

Kurt carried Tina quickly through the house. Taking the stairs two

at a time, he continued carrying her until he got to a closed door.
Standing her up, he kept his hands on her waist to steady her. Kevin
was standing close behind her to catch her if she fell.

Slightly dizzy from being upside down, Tina held onto Kurt’s

arms, trying to clear her head. Looking around she was in a hallway,
there were paintings on the walls and the area was beautiful. “This is
gorgeous guys, who did your decorating?” she asked in awe, she was
lucky if she could match towels.

“All the credit goes to our mother,” Kevin answered.
“When our grandfather left us this house after we graduated from

college, we wanted to update it. Mom came out for six months and
stayed with us to help with the renovations. Kevin was just starting
his law career and was busy and I was gone a lot with Uncle Sam in
the marines. Dad still sends us thank you cards for getting her out of

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his hair, although he was out here several times to ‘help,’” Kurt

Kevin laughed low under his voice. Even though his dad teased

his mom constantly, they were very much in love still. That’s what he
and Kurt wanted. Someone to spend the rest of their lives with. They
had shared everything since before they were born and had known for
several years that they wanted to share a wife also. Until Tina, they
hadn’t found anyone they thought would work. Now the future was
looking brighter, if they didn’t screw it up.

“She did a great job. Maybe I should hire her to do my place, it

looks like a kindergartener did it.” She laughed.

“Who did your place, angel?” Kevin asked, curious.
Laughing even harder, Tina answered, “I did. I’m lucky if my

shoes match when I leave home, I have no sense about that stuff.”

“We’ll find something you’re good at, angel,” Kurt answered

dropping his voice an octave.

Tina’s pussy gushed and a shiver ran down her back. I can guess

what you’re good at, she thought to herself, and it has nothing to do
with decorating, unless it’s decorating a sub’s ass

“Now you are standing outside our playroom. There are a few

rules for this room you need to know before you go in. You need to
pay attention and listen, because you are going to be spending a lot of
time in this room and you don’t want it all to be about punishment or
discipline. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” Tina answered breathily. What was it about these two

that made her brain go to mush? She was an educated woman, she
should be able to come up with more than one-syllable answers, for
cripes sake. Blonde bimbo here, if anyone needs one.

Pinching her nipples through her top, Kurt lifted her chin. “I don’t

think she’s listening, bro. We’ll have to see if we can come up with a
way to get her attention.”

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Tears brimming in her eyes from the sting in her nipples, Tina

looked up at Kurt and said, “I think you figured it out, jerk, that
stings, maybe I should pinch your nipples.”

“You could try, baby, but I don’t think your ass would like the

results.” He answered with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Swallowing, Tina looked up at him and answered, “Oh,” as

Kevin’s arms came around her from the back.

“Hey, he’s just teasing you. Relax,” Kevin leaned down and said

in her ear. As small as she was, they both towered over her. They
were each over six feet tall and built. Eye candy, anyone? She had
definitely found herself a couple hotties.

“Now rules. In the playroom, we are the bosses. You will listen

and do as we say. You don’t need to think, just obey. We will never
do anything that will hurt you, but we will punish you when you need
it. I know you are new to Ds relationships, but remember for as long
as we are your Doms and you are our submissive, you will always be
our main concern. You may not always enjoy what we are doing, but
punishments are not for fun.” Kevin was still speaking into her ear.
As he was talking, he had managed to work her top over her head,
leaving her naked from the waist up.

Kurt knelt down in front of her and palmed both of her now naked

breasts. “Some things we do you will like and some you will not. We
will push your limits, but not go past them. For the duration of the
class, we will be exploring those limits. All you need to remember is
that we won’t hurt you. You are our precious angel and we both want
to take care of you.” As Kurt was talking, his hands slid down, taking
her skirt with them. He lifted each leg and removed the skirt and

Tina had been so absorbed in listening to them that she didn’t

realize they had removed her clothes until she felt Kurt lick between
her legs. “Oh My God, what…what are you doing?” she asked

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“Last rule for now, baby, you will always be naked when you

enter this door. If you are wearing clothes, you will leave them here
by the door before we enter. You are never to enter this room alone
unless told by one of us to.”

They turned her and Kevin keyed a complicated code into the key

pad beside the door. It swung open and they walked her in.

The room was dark and it took a minute for Tina’s eyes to adjust.

Kevin and Kurt each on one side of her, holding her by the arm,
walked her into the room, closing the door behind them. She heard the
lock click and jumped.

“That’s to keep others out, not you in, baby, you can always open

this door from the inside, but you have to have the code to get it open
from the outside. We don’t want anyone stumbling in here by
accident. It would be kind of hard to explain to some of our friends
that are not in the lifestyle,” Kevin explained, and turned to show her
how the door opened.

Tina relaxed a little, she felt better knowing she could get out if

she had to.

Walking her over to a comfortable-looking sofa in one corner of

the room, they sat her down, one on each side of her. “We have a few
more things to talk about,” Kurt told her.

“First, safe words, we talked a little about them in class tonight

and we are going to talk more now,” Kevin said.

“Do you remember what a safe word is and when it’s used?” Kurt


“Yes, a safe word is a word I use when we are playing and I need

a break or to stop. The ones used at the Club are like the stoplight.
Green for “go, I’m good and enjoying what is happening,” yellow
means “it’s starting to get to be too much or I need a break or I need
something adjusted or to move,” and red for “I can’t take any more
and want to stop.” When I say yellow everything will stop and we will
discuss what I need and make any adjustments. When I say red
everything stops until we figure out what went wrong and whether

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I’m okay to continue or if we need to stop completely.” Tina
answered proudly. She had that part of the class down.

“Very good, baby, those words apply every time we play. I hope

you never have to use them. My and Kevin’s job as Doms is to read
your body and its responses and keep you from getting to the point
that you have to use your safe word. We will always watch you very
close, but especially while you are training. These first few scenes and
few weeks while we are going through the class, it’s very important
that we not push you. After the class is finished we will push harder.
At some point we will push you to use your safe word, because we
want to know that you will. But that won’t be for a while,” Kurt
explained to her.

“Now for this evening, we are going to turn you over our lap and

each of us will be giving you ten smacks with our hand. Eventually
we will use paddles, straps, canes, and crops, but until we know how
easily you bruise and what you can tolerate we will use our hands and
work up to the others. And yes, it will hurt. If you take your
punishment like a good girl afterward, there will be a reward,” Kevin
told her.

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Chapter Five

Tina swallowed. Paddles, canes, crops, straps, what the fuck?

These boys were serious. She looked around and saw everything they
had talked about hanging on the walls and things she didn’t know
what they were for sure. What the fuck had she gotten herself into?

She had witnessed some scenes in the Club and knew that these

things did happen and had seen some of them used. One night she,
Kevin, and Kurt, had watched Dave take a cane and Evan take a strap
to Sadie, their sub/wife, until her ass was bright red and she was
sobbing. She wasn’t sure why the owners of the Club were punishing
their wife, but at the end of the night she had talked to the woman and
she was very happy. Sadie was giggling and flirting with her men,
declaring them to be “the best” and that she couldn’t wait to do it
again. So she must have enjoyed it on some level.

Rachel, her friend, had told her that there were endorphins

released and it felt like she was floating. Rachel said it was hard to
explain, but it was the best high and there was nothing like it. Rachel
also explained that she personally liked a bite of pain and it helped her
to achieve the high. Not everyone needed or wanted that level of play
and that Tina needed to find someone to explore her own limits with.
She had told her how a good Dom would start easy and work up until
they found out what her limits were and how much tolerance she had.
It sounded like this was what Kevin and Kurt had in mind.

Kurt stood and pulled her up with him. “I’m going to help you lie

across Kevin’s lap, and he’s going to start you off with ten. I’ll be
watching your responses. When he’s done, it’s my turn,” he

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Tina could see the evil glint in Kurt’s eyes. She had a feeling that

Kevin was just going to be the warm-up and the real show would start
when Kurt got his turn. She was going to have to be very careful
around Kurt. She could already tell he was going to be the stricter and
harsher of the two. Kevin was definitely softer and easier.

Kurt helped her lie over Kevin’s lap and showed her how to brace

herself. Kevin trapped one of her legs between both of his and Kurt
spread the other wide open.

He must be able to see everything, she thought. Nothing hidden

here, no surprises for these boys. Good thing it was dark.

Kurt pulled a remote out of his pocket and turned the lighting up.

“I want to be able to see your reactions,” he told her.

So much for the dark. No hiding tonight.
Kevin placed one hand in the middle of her back to hold her down

and started rubbing circular motions over her bottom with the other. It
was soothing actually, until he reached between her legs and swiped
two fingers into her wetness. She couldn’t see from her position, but
he looked at his brother and nodded.

“We begin,” he announced. “I won’t make you count this time,

but when we are both done, we will talk about why this had to be
done.” He explained, and she felt the first smack on her right ass
cheek. He continued, some of the blows were harder than the others
and he never struck the same place twice, but they all stung, and as
much as she tried not to, by the time he was done, she had tears
running down her face.

Kevin flipped her over and held her a few minutes, giving her

time to calm down before he traded places with his brother. Helping
her across Kurt’s lap, she lay in the same position as she had on

Kurt started the same way, rubbing his hand over her cheeks,

soothing the places Kevin had struck. He also slipped his hand
between her legs, only his exploration was more thorough, slipping

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two fingers inside her and pumping them in and out. “Don’t come,”
he commanded.

He continued his pumping motions until he had her right on the

edge, then he pulled out and proceeded with her punishment. His
swats were harder than Kevin’s and a couple landed between her legs
and caught her pussy. She jerked when these blows landed, and his
firm hand on her back pushed her back down.

By the time he was done, she was really blubbering. He helped

her up and both brothers cuddled with her, telling her how good she
had taken it and what a good girl she was. They gave her water and
juice to drink, holding her close for a long time. When they had her
calm, they lifted her and carried her to a huge bed in the corner of the
room that she had not noticed earlier. They both took off their shirts
and shoes, leaving their pants on.

One on each side of her, they petted and stroked her, talking

soothingly to her. Kevin, who was lying behind her, turned her face to
his. “Sweetness, I know you were worried about the paperwork from
the Club. If you promise to be ours and only ours for the duration of
the class, we can put a collar on you and then we can do whatever we
want. Doesn’t that sound good, angel?” As he said the last word, he
took her mouth in a kiss that was meant to convince her to go along
with whatever he said.

Technically the collaring was supposed to be done before the class

started, but Kevin didn’t care, he wanted this woman and was not
going to wait four weeks to have her. Dave and Evan could revoke his
membership for all he cared.

Kurt liked what his brother was saying and as soon as Kevin’s

kiss ended, he took her lips. “It will be so good, baby, say yes,” he
told her as he claimed her mouth.

Tina couldn’t think around these two and she was sure on some

level she should say no. Lying here between the two of them and
having them work her body and mind, all she could answer, was,
“yes, yes, please.”

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“Angel, don’t be embarrassed to answer this question, but I need

to know, have you been with many other men? Both Kurt and I are
not small and we do not want to hurt you. We would also like to take
you together at the same time, and that means anal sex, have you ever
done that?” Kevin asked in a gentle, calm voice. He knew this was a
difficult question, but he didn’t want to hurt her and they needed to
know how slow they had to go.

“No, I’ve only been with one other man, a long time ago, and it

was not a good experience for me.” Tina answered him softly.

“Okay, angel, I know this is difficult, but if you could tell us what

made it so bad, we will try and help you. I can guarantee this
experience will be better.” Kurt asked as he rolled onto his back and
pulled her to lie partially on top of him.

“It’s really difficult for me to talk about, and it happened so long

ago that I’ve mostly put it behind me.” She said in a tiny voice. She
snuggled up to Kurt, and Kevin snuggled close to her. She felt very
protected, lying there between the two men.

Tracing idle pattern in the hair on Kurt’s chest, she started her

story. “When I was in high school, my English teacher was a man. A
very attractive man. At least he was to a seventeen-year-old girl. I was
very good in English, and he was always having me stay after class
and do projects for extra college credits. He also had me stay and
tutor other students. One night it was late and storming, so he offered
to take me home. On the way home, he pulled the car over and told
me about his lifestyle. He portrayed himself as a Dominant, but the
more I learn, I think he just wanted an excuse to abuse young girls. I
was so young and very naive. I had never dated, and spent lots of time
at home or babysitting. I worked a lot to help my mom with expenses.
There were four of us and I was the oldest, it was hard. Not that I’m
complaining, my mom did an amazing job with us and we had
everything we needed, and most of what I wanted.” She sighed,

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“Anyway, I was intrigued with what he told me and we started a

relationship. I only spent a few nights with him, but the last night, he
tied me to the bed and raped me. He called it dominating me, but it
was rape. I called no, begged him to stop and he just egged me on and
told me how hot it made him to hear me say no. I never told my mom
or dad, but I graduated a week later, and I went and spent time with
my cousins out of state. I never told anybody except a therapist I saw
in college and now you two. It’s part of the reason I went into the
field I did. I wanted to help other people get through things like I did
and it helps me feel good about myself to be helping someone.”

She had tears running down her face, but had a small smile of

relief. “I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me. I was
young and stupid. I should have never let myself get in that situation.
Please don’t think badly of me.”

Kevin and Kurt both tightened their arms around her. It was Kurt

that spoke first. “How old was this teacher?”

“I don’t know, in his thirties, and I think he was married. We

never went to his place, we were in his car and that last night he took
me to a motel several towns away.”

Kevin looked down at her and asked, “How did you get home?”
“He drove me. After he was done, he was all nice again. I didn’t

know what to do. I realize now I should have gone to the police, but
then I was so naïve, I thought what had happened was normal and he
told me if I ever told anyone he would deny it and make sure I didn’t
get into any good schools.”

It was all Kurt could do to keep from jumping out of bed and

going to find the bastard. “Do you remember his name, angel?”

“Yes, I’ll never forget,” she answered and told them. Kurt and

Kevin would never forget either. Tomorrow they would text Evan and
see if he could find the bastard. Road trip time.

“Thank you for telling us that,” Kevin told her. “We’re sorry you

had to go through something like that. Do you still want us tonight?”
The look in his eyes was that of a little boy who’d lost his puppy dog.

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If she said she didn’t want to do anything, they would respect her
wishes, but it would kill them. If holding her all night was what they
could get, Kevin knew that he and his brother would do what she

“Only if you still want me. You are probably used to women who

aren’t damaged goods. I understand if you just want to take me
home.” She answered, still idly tracing patterns on Kurt’s chest. If
they didn’t want to deal with her and all her baggage, she couldn’t
blame them, but she hoped they didn’t send her away.

Kurt pulled her so that she was lying fully on top of him and

grabbed an ass cheek in each hand. Rubbing her against his erection
through his jeans, he asked her, “Does this feel like we want you to go

Kevin took the hand closest to him and rubbed it over himself. “I

have one of those too, angel, and it’s just for you. If you can put up
with us, we’d love for you to stay.”

She planted little kisses on Kurt’s chest and said, “Yes, I’d like to

stay and continue.” She found a nipple and took the small nub in her

“As good as that feels, angel, I need to get rid of these jeans. I’m

going to have a zipper tattoo if I don’t,” Kurt said as he rolled her
over to her side.

Kevin had already removed his jeans and was ready for action

behind her. He pulled her back to his front and rubbed his erection
into her crack. “Like that, angel?” He growled in her ear.

“Ooohhh, yes, that feels good.” She purred back, arching into him.

He slipped his hands up over her breasts, palming each globe.

Tina squirmed and wiggled, silently asking him for more.
Kurt climbed back in the bed with a handful of condoms.
Looking at him wide-eyed, Tina asked, “Are we going to need all

of those?”

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“You never know, baby, it never hurts to be prepared. Boy Scout

motto, you know.” Kurt answered her as he lay in front of her, pulling
her slightly away from Kevin and plastering her front to his front.

“Bro, you were never a boy scout.” Kevin laughed.
“Still doesn’t hurt to be prepared and it’s a good motto,” Kurt

answered, then took Tina’s mouth with his ending the conversation.

Tina rubbed her nipples against Kurt’s chest, loving the feel of the

hair slightly abrading her. It sent little tingles all the way down to her

“She’s just like a little kitten brushing up against me, bro, I can

almost hear her purring,” Kurt told his brother.

“Flip her over, let me have some of that,” Kevin said as he pulled

her to him.

Kurt flipped her over, and with her back to him, licked the back of

her ear down to her throat. “Baby, we’re going to let Kevin take you
first. He’s a little smaller than I am and we want to go easy on you
because it’s been so long for you. We are going to play and get you
ready first, but it will still be a little uncomfortable for you at first.
Are you willing to try with us?”

“Yes, please, I want you both so bad,” she answered, her voice

full of need.

Kevin took her mouth in what started as a gentle kiss, but quickly

changed to something hot and steamy. They were both panting when
he released her.

Kurt was palming her breasts from behind, flattening and rubbing

them with his palms. “Baby, you feel so good and fit in my hand just
like you were made for me,” he said as he trapped her nipples
between his fingers and pinched. Pulling and stretching, tugging them
into hard little points of need.

“Oh, please, please, I…I want both of you so bad, please don’t torture
me.” Tina begged.

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“Angel, we won’t. Just let us take care of everything,” Kevin

answered, slipping one hand between her legs and into her folds.
“You are so wet for us, angel, you are going to enjoy this so much.
Just let your body tell you and us what it likes. No one will hurt you
ever again,” he said as he slipped one, then two fingers inside her.

Tina arched her back, pushing up against Kurt. “Oh please, don’t

make me wait. I’ve wanted you both so bad.” She moaned.

Kevin took her mouth again, then started working his way down

her body, licking and kissing all the way.

When he got to the apex of her legs, Tina squirmed. No one had

ever, except for the one lick Kurt had taken in the hall, she hadn’t had
anyone down there. Arching her back, she didn’t know if she was
trying to get away or push him closer. Her hands fisted restlessly in
the bedding and her back arched convulsively. Her body wanted, but
her mind wasn’t sure.

Kurt leaned over and looked deep into her eyes. “Just relax and let

your body go, baby. We’ll make it good for you. You can trust us. Let
Kevin take care of you. He’ll make it good for you.”

Kevin parted her legs, and slipping his hands under her bottom,

lifted her to his mouth.

Her legs were restless and she didn’t know what to do with them.

Kurt crawled down the bed and lifted her legs over his brother’s
shoulders, spreading her wide for Kevin’s ministrations.

Crawling back up to lie beside her, he cupped her face in his

hands and again kissed her, infusing her with warmth and caring.

Kevin parted her with his thumbs and buried his face in her.

Slowly he took a long lick from her dripping wetness to her clit,
circling the small bud with his tongue. Licking and lapping, he built
her to an impossibly high peak.

“I need…oh please…let me,” she writhed, needing just a little

more to push her off the moon.

Kevin worked his way back up her body. While Kevin had her

mind occupied elsewhere, Kurt had maneuvered himself behind her

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and she was now resting with her back to his chest, with him sitting
splay-legged behind her.

Kevin lifted her legs to the outside of Kurt’s, spreading her wide.

He lifted himself over her and slowly fitted them together. Bracing
himself on his hands, he slowly pushed himself into her.

Kurt had one hand on each breast and was pinching and pulling

the little mounds, keeping her body humming with need.

Tina undulated and writhed, trying to pull Kevin deeper. He had

gently pushed until just his bulbous head was inside her and she was
slowly stretching to accommodate his girth.

Going slow was killing him, but Kevin knew he had to give her

time. It had been so long for her and she only had the one experience.
He wanted to make this good for her. His turn would come later.
Slowly he made his way inside her, inch by inch.

Kurt was murmuring words of encouragement and playing with

her breasts.

Kevin pushed himself all the way in and held there for a few long


Tina continued to arch her back, reaching for more. Just a little

more and she could make that trip through the galaxy. The Milky
Way was calling. “Oh, please, just please,” she cried, wanting
something, she just didn’t know what.

Kevin looked into her eyes, and bracing himself with his hands,

pulled back and thrust in, fast and hard. He felt something give and
then he was buried deep inside her. When he gave that hard thrust, he
felt Tina tense, then her whole body relaxed. “Yes,” she whispered,

“Are you okay, angel?” he asked, against her lips, hoping he

hadn’t hurt her.

“I’m good, very good. Please don’t stop. I need more, more

please.” Her voice was soft and breathy. Her words a little slurred.

Kevin looked up at Kurt and gave a half nod, knowing her brother

understood what he meant. Even though she hadn’t known it, Tina

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had been a virgin, whatever the dickless wonder had done, he hadn’t
taken her virginity. He didn’t know if she’d be relieved or upset, but
he knew that he would have to tell her. He was glad that she had been
a virgin. Her trust had been a great gift. Too bad she had spent so
many years living with the memory of the jerk. He hoped he had
replaced those memories with something better.

Kurt was looking at him curiously and he gave a small shake of

his head. Not now, bro, but boy do I have something to tell you later.
He was sure Kurt could tell most of what was up. Tina was still
squirming and moaning underneath him. Time to take his angel to
heaven. He slowly pulled partially out and gently pushed back in. In
and out he went, deeper and faster each time, until she launched off
the moon into the heavens.

As Tina came, she screamed his name, digging her fingers into his

shoulders. She felt like she was going to rocket off the bed and be
literally launched into space. Kevin’s body over her and Kurt’s arms
around her held her anchored and safe.

Kevin continued to thrust in and out until she was on the edge

again. Kurt reached between her legs and applied pressure to her clit,
helping her to make the climb.

“Oh, God, I…I don’t think I can again, it’s too much.”
Kurt answered her, “you can and you will, baby, just let go.” He

continued to apply pressure to her clit. Kevin lifted her ass and the
angle of his penetration changed so that he was hitting that special
place in the front of her tunnel that she hadn’t known existed until

With every stroke, he hit her G-spot. Kurt was matching the

rhythm on her clit. Tina went over the moon again and this time
Kevin went with her. They both screamed their release.

Kevin fell to the side and pulled her to him. Kurt slid out of the

bed and came back with a warm cloth. Handing it to Kevin, Kevin
then gently wiped between her legs and over both thighs, they didn’t
want her seeing the blood and freaking out.

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Chapter Six

Kurt lifted her to his chest and carried her out and down the hall to

the master bedroom. He and Kevin each had their own bedroom, but
this room had been designed with their woman in mind. They had
custom-made furniture in the room and it had been designed with two
large men and one woman in mind. Though they had had other
women in the house before, they had never brought any of them into
this room. The only woman who had ever been in this room was their
mother, and that was when she was decorating. The room had never
been used, until now.

It felt right to bring Tina in there. This was where she belonged.

Kurt carried her straight to the master bath, and laying her on the
chaise there, he started filling the huge tub. Everything in this suite
had been custom made to their specifications and geared to fit them
and the woman they would spend their life with. He turned and Tina
was sound asleep. He hated to wake her, but knew she would be sore
and uncomfortable if she didn’t soak in the tub. Lifting her again, he
sat in the tub with her in his arms.

“No, just want to sleep,” she murmured, moving restlessly in his


Shh, baby, shh. Just relax. I’ve got you,” he answered against her

hair. He lay back and let the water fill around them, knowing that
Kevin was changing the sheets in the playroom and then would be in
to join them.

Kevin came in and joined them in the tub. “You brought her

here?” he asked, looking at his brother.

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“Where else would I take her? We built this for her.” He answered


“Right, I’m glad that I’m not the only one to see that.” They were

both talking softly so as not to wake their sleeping angel.

Kevin held out his arms and Kurt handed her over. Kevin held her

in his arms and let the warm water do its work. After a few minutes,
Kurt stood and dried himself, wrapping a towel around his waist. He
took Tina from Kevin and held her while Kevin dried himself then the
drained woman.

Kurt carried her to the bed and Kevin pulled back the covers so

Kurt could lay her down. They each crawled in on either side of her.
Tina barely moved the entire time, nestling into Kevin when he pulled
her back to his front.

Kurt looked at Kevin and asked, “Are you sure she was?”
“Yes, I’m sure, you saw the evidence yourself. I was as surprised

as you were after what she told us.”

“Are you going to tell her?” Kurt asked.
“I have to, I can’t keep that from her,” Kevin answered.
Kevin looked at him. “We’ll let her sleep a while, then I’ll wake

her and tell her. You can have her after if she’ll let you.”

“Great, thanks, bro,” Kurt answered with a hint of sarcasm.
“Well, we have to tell her, and if you do her first, she could just

get madder.”

“I know you get all the fun as the oldest.” Kevin was ten minutes

older than Kurt.

“And all the responsibility.” Kevin laughed. The men settled

down to watch their angel sleep and contemplate what possibilities
the future held for the three of them.

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Chapter Seven

The men let Tina sleep for a while, then Kurt slowly set about

waking their woman. Brushing her hair out of her face, he swept his
lips over her forehead, then gently pressed his mouth to hers, probing
with his tongue.

Tina’s eyes popped open. Where was she? She was surrounded by

warmth and a feeling of well-being. Everything felt right in the
universe. She looked around and Kurt was kissing her, it must be
Kevin on the other side
, she thought, and melted into their embrace.

Kurt’s mouth left her and he said, “Welcome back, gorgeous. Did

you have a nice rest?”

Tina nodded. Looking around, she asked, “Where are we, whose

room is this?”

Turning her so that she was on her back, Kevin answered her,

“It’s yours, angel, we hope you will share it with us.”

“Mine, how can I have a room in your house?” She asked


“Kevin and I have always known that someday we would find the

perfect woman, someone we could share our life with. We both feel
you are that woman. I know it’s soon, but we want you in our life, we
want to learn all your likes and dislikes, and we want to teach you all
about us. We’ve known since we were young that we wanted to share
a woman. I know it’s a lot to take in. Don’t say anything yet, just
think about it,” Kurt said earnestly.

“I have something I need to tell you and it’s going to be a shock,”

Kevin told her gently.

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Shock, more than what Kurt had just said, she thought. What

more could he tell her? That there was also another woman and they
wanted to be a foursome? Maybe there were more brothers out there
that would want to share her. She couldn’t be like the woman in the
class. What did they call her? Penny, that’s right. She couldn’t wrap
her mind around being with the two of them, how would she deal with

“Do you have more brothers, or is there another woman?” she

asked quietly.

“No, after the two of us, Mom was done. She said it was all she

could do to cope with us and our shenanigans, she didn’t want any
more,” Kurt answered.

She told me told me it was because we took all her love,” Kevin

came back. Tina sighed in relief, no more brothers to deal with,
whatever the reason.

“Why did you want to know, baby?” Kurt asked.
“No reason,” Tina answered quickly.
“I think there’s a little more to it. Why did you ask, Tina? The

truth?” Kevin lifted up on his elbow and looked down at her.

Well, shit, she was going to have to answer. “I just wondered if

there were more like you two?” she answered.

“Is that all, baby? I don’t think that’s the only reason.” Kurt also

leaned on one elbow, they were like bookends surrounding her.

Might as well spill the beans, they aren’t going to let this go.

“You two are like a dog with a bone. I was thinking about Penny and
her men and wondering if there were any more of you that want to
share me.” She finally answered, she wasn’t going to ask about
another woman, if either of them ever thought about another woman,
she’d take that bitch out.

They both chuckled, and Kurt grabbed her chin and turned her

head toward him. “We will never share you with anybody else.
Nobody but the two of us will ever touch you. Do you understand?”

Possessive much? “Yes, no sharing,” she answered.

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“Now, I have something I need to tell you and I don’t want you to

be upset,” Kevin said seriously.

“Okay.” Tina wondered what it could be.
“When we made love, you were a virgin,” he said softly.
“How could that be? I mean…I know I was young and naive, but

he…he…well you know,” she said blushing.

She was so cute, how could she blush after all they had just done?

“Angel, I don’t know what happened that night, but I do know that
you were a virgin when we…” Kevin didn’t finish, not wanting to
embarrass her more.

“I worried for so long that I could have been pregnant and almost

didn’t go to college because of what happened, and now you tell me it
was for nothing. I was so sure.”

“Angel, he still raped you. I think what happened was that he

didn’t penetrate deep enough to take your virginity. What he did was
still not right. I’m sorry I had to take you back there. I was hoping to
erase those memories with something more pleasant.”

“Oh, you have, there will never be anything that can change what

happened between us. You made me feel so cared for, and cherished.
No words can really describe what you did for me. I hope I can have
the same kind of experience with Kurt.” She finished, looking shyly at

“Oh yes, we will,” Kurt answered eagerly. “Just as soon as you’re

ready. Do you think you’re ready or are you too sore?” He looked like
a little boy who’d just found his favorite toy.

“I think if we’re careful and go slow, I could try again,” Tina

answered bashfully.

The expression in his eyes said “goody,” but the words that came

out of his mouth were more reserved. “If you’re sure, baby, I don’t
want you to hurt.”

“We just have to be careful.” She smiled at him.
Kurt pulled her over on top of him, and cupping the back of her

head, pulled her mouth down to his.

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Kevin was rubbing her back and kissing the back of her neck. “Let

him make you feel good, angel. Just relax and go with it,” he told her
against her skin.

Kurt continued the kiss, and slipping his hands between them,

palmed her breasts. “You are perfect. My perfect angel.” He
whispered, awe in his tone.

Kevin took her hips and positioned her so that she was straddling

Kurt. “You are in control, angel. Just slip him inside and you control
how much and how fast.”

“I don’t…I’ve never.” She wasn’t sure she could do this. She

didn’t know what to do. This was all so new to her. She hadn’t dated
in college. It had taken a long time before she learned to trust again.
Everyone thought she was gay or frigid. She was sure she was frigid.

She had been on a few dates after college, but only went out with

the same man once or twice. When they wanted more than she was
willing to give, she stopped seeing them. She wasn’t going to be
accused of leading someone on.

The only reason she had continued seeing Kevin and Kurt was

because there were two of them and she felt safe with them. Why,
they made her feel so protected. She wasn’t sure, but she felt safer
with these two that she ever had with anyone else. Her heart knew
that they would protect her and cherish her.

They hadn’t pushed her and she had fun with them. Their kisses

were gentle and they had never asked her for more, until tonight.
Wasn’t that what she wanted when she agreed to take the classes with

Kurt grasped her hips and helped her position herself. Slowly he

slipped inside her, until she had taken just the head of his penis inside

“Now, baby, slowly rock back and forth until you have all of me.

Just rock back and forth like you’re on a teeter-totter and let gravity
do its thing,” Kurt told her through clenched teeth.

“Are you okay? Am I hurting you?” she asked, biting her lip.

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Hurting? Hell, this is torture. All he wanted to do was grab her

hips and slam her down on him, but he knew she wasn’t ready for
that. She needed to take him gradually, so she could stretch and get
used to him. Even though it had only been a few hours since she had
been with his brother, he knew she still needed stretching to
accommodate them before they could take her roughly.

Kevin was kissing and trailing his hands down her back until he

reached her bottom. He gently parted her cheeks and licked around
her bottom hole.

Tina sat up, dislodging Kurt, and whipped her head around.

“What…what are you doing?” she panicked.

“Just relax, angel. I won’t hurt you. I need to help you get used to

us here. We both want to take you at the same time, and we need to
prepare you for that. Tonight, all I will use is a finger, but eventually
Kurt and I want to put our cocks there. We will make it feel good for
you and if you absolutely can’t deal with it, we’ll talk and work it out.
But it will feel so amazing when we are both inside you at the same
time. Just relax and let your body feel,” Kevin told her as he rimmed
one finger around her, pressing on the opening there.

“I don’t know…I…” This was something Tina had never even

thought about. She hadn’t known people did things like that for a
large part of her life. She had read about it in some of her books, but
hadn’t really thought it happened until she had meant Sadie. Both of
them in her at the same time, how would that feel? She felt very full
with just one of them in her. How would she deal with both of them at
the same time?

Kurt pulled her down and took her in a burning kiss, distracting

her from what Kevin was doing. “Up here, baby, pay attention to me.”
He grabbed her hips and pulled her down on him again, going a little
deeper, he was now halfway inside her.

Tina’s head was bouncing like a ping pong ball. Both of them at

once, she had never thought about something like that. She was aware
things like that happened. There were groupings at the Club, but she

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had naively thought that they just played at the Club and not outside
of it. Maybe she needed to get to know Sadie better and talk to her.

Was she really contemplating this? Could she be with two men?

That would solve her problem of who to choose, but how would it
work? Wouldn’t they be jealous of each other? How would she keep
track of whose turn it was?

Kurt could see the conflicting emotions crossing her face, and

reached up and cupped her face with both hands. “Don’t overthink it,
angel, everything will work out. Kevin and I have been talking about
and planning for this for years. We know what we want to do. You
don’t need to worry about the who, what, and where, we will take
care of all that,” he explained to her as he pulled her down for a mind-
blowing kiss. “Don’t worry,” he said against her mouth.

Kevin was busy behind her, rubbing her ass cheeks. She felt

something cold and wet against her puckered hole and tensed up,
turning her head to try and see what was happening.

Kurt pulled her further down on him and she turned back to him.

“He’s just putting a little lube back there so he can ease his finger in.
It won’t hurt, but probably feels a little cool. Just relax and push back.
It might sting a little at first, but if you relax and let him in, it will feel
a lot better.”

“I don’t know…I’m not sure.” Tina was confused. Part of her

wanted to explore with these men and part of her wanted to run, and
run fast. Her brain was telling her to run, but her heart and her body
said stick it out and see what happens. She hadn’t had anybody in her
life that made her feel like these two did. The past few weeks had
been fun and so much more.

Both brothers had made her feel special. They had been out for

meals and to the movies several times, and every time she was in the
Club to see Rachel they were there. How they managed to know when
she was going to be there, she had no idea. She had asked Rachel, and
Rachel told her that they were not there on the nights she wasn’t.
Maybe she should ask them.

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“She’s gone off again. Tina, angel, where’d you go?” Kurt asked

when he got her attention.

“I just wondered how you knew when I was at the Club? Rachel

said you are only there on the nights I am.” She answered him, her
voice full of curiosity.

Kevin answered her, “Alan calls us whenever you are at the


“Oh,” she answered, not sure how to respond. “You come just to

see me?”

“Yes, baby, we wanted to get to know you better,” Kurt answered.

“We can talk about this later, I think we were in the middle of
something here.” He pulled her down further on him.

At the same time, Kevin pushed his finger further into her.

“How’s that feel, angel?” He asked, slipping one hand to her front and
circling her clit.

“I feel very full, and it’s kind of tingly, strange.”
“Strange good?” Kurt asked.
“I think so…it’s all so…” Tina didn’t have words to express all

she was feeling. “I need…”

“I know angel, just relax and let it come, don’t think about it. Let

your body respond to us, we know what you need.” Kevin applied
more pressure to her clit.

Tina’s body was making the climb, but she couldn’t get there this

time. She wanted to, but it was just out of reach, just out of her grasp.
“I…I can’t, I want to, but oh please, help me.” She could feel it was
so close, but for some reason she couldn’t get there.

Kurt grabbed her hips and pulled her down until she was fully

impaled on him. Using his hands on her hips, he lifted her up and
down, guiding her to push with her legs.

“I can’t, I…I don’t know what to do.” Tina had tears of frustration

forming in her eyes. She was so close, but couldn’t get there.

Kevin pulled his finger out and added another one, scissoring and

stretching her, matching the rhythm his brother had established.

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Kurt leaned up and took a nipple in his mouth, and as he bit it,

Kevin pinched her clit hard and said “Come.”

And come she did, screaming both their names. The small bite of

pain was what it took to push her over.

‘Oh, thank you, thank you, did you…?” Tina was so absorbed in

her pleasure that she didn’t know if Kurt had come to his completion.

Still holding her hips, Kurt flipped her over on her back. “Not yet,

baby, but I’m going to and you’re coming with me,” he said into her

“I don’t think I can again, I almost didn’t that time,” Tina

mumbled with a hint of despair in her voice.

“You will, baby, you will,” Kurt assured her.
Kevin had left the bed and came back with a warm, wet cloth. He

cleaned her of the lube and laid the cloth on the table beside the bed.
Lying down beside her, he reached between her and Kurt and started
playing with her breasts. “You can do it angel, we’ll get you there,”
Kevin said.

Kurt slowly started pushing in and out and Kevin continued

playing with her breasts.

Soon Tina was a ball of need. “I–I need more, faster, harder,

something…it’s right there, why can’t I get it? I can feel it, I just
can’t…” Tina didn’t know why she couldn’t get there and didn’t have
the words to explain what she needed. She wasn’t sure she knew what
she needed.

Kurt could see the frustration in Tina’s face and could feel the

tension in her body. His little angel was squirming underneath him,
trying to find the relief her body so desperately wanted.

Shhh, baby, you’re trying too hard. You have to relax and let it

take you. Kevin is going to try something and see if we can help you.
Do you trust us?’

“Please, I need…” Tina was almost sobbing in frustration.
Kevin reached in the drawer beside the bed and pulled out several

scarves. “I’m going to cover your eyes with this,” he told her,

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showing her one scarf. “Then, I’m going to restrain your arms and

“Why, will that help me?” Tina was starting to get confused and a

little scared. What would they do to her when she couldn’t see or

“Angel, if we take control away, it gives your body a chance to

respond to us and not worry about what to do. Taking away your sight
heightens the other senses and will make you sense of touch more
acute. Just relax and trust us.”

“Okay, but if I get scared, will you stop?” Tina asked biting her

bottom lip.

“Just tell us to stop and we will. We are just trying this to help

you, not to scare you.” Kurt tried to reassure her.

Kevin tied one scarf over her eyes. Taking a second scarf, he

fastened her hands together, then tied them to the top of the bed. Kurt
separated her legs and attached her ankles to the bottom of the bed.
When they had her the way they wanted her, they looked at each other
and nodded. They wanted to keep the verbal communication to a
minimum. The only stimuli they wanted Tina responding to was
touch, and the few words they directly spoke to her. Minimizing the
stimuli around her would help her focus on her body and her

Kevin, being closest to her face, leaned down and brushed her lips

with his. “Are you okay, baby?”

“Just a little nervous, I don’t know what you’re going to do to

me,” she answered with a quiver in her voice.

“Nothing you don’t want us to do, angel. Just relax and let go.”
“Oh…okay…. What’s he doing?” Tina jerked as someone she

thought it was Kurt did something between her legs.

“He’s just going to make you feel good, angel, relax.”
“I don’t think I can again,” she said quietly.
“You’d be surprised how often you can, angel, we’ll help you.”

Kurt answered from between her legs. He took one finger and slowly

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trailed it up from her rear hole to her clit, and back again with the
lightest of pressure, a feather would be better, but they didn’t have
any toys in this room…yet.

He leaned down and licked the path his finger had just taken, then

blew on it.

Kevin felt her shudder and nodded at Kurt. Keep it up, man.
Kurt repeated what he had just done twice more and Tina was

arching off the bed and moaning. Time to up the ante.

Kevin gently kissed her, then nibbled his was way down her jaw

to her chest, swirling his tongue around her nipples. Licking and
sucking the little nubs, he gently bit and pulled them to sharp,
throbbing peaks. When Tina was arching and moaning, Kurt slipped
between her legs and slowly pushed inside her. “I’m going to take you
now, baby, and when I tell you, I want you to come with me.”

“I don’t know if I can.” Tina was desperate, but she still wasn’t

sure she could.

“You will, baby, you will.” Kurt slowly pushed in and out of her,

giving her a chance to adjust to him. What he really wanted to do was
pound her, but he knew she wasn’t ready for that. He leaned down,
and just before he took her mouth in a consuming kiss, he said, “Now
Tina, come now!” and he gave a final thrust home.

Tina shot off the moon at Kurt’s words, and she felt like her body

had come apart and was fluttering down, like confetti at a parade. Her
whole body tingled, and she was sure she was scattered in pieces all
over the universe.

Kurt collapsed on top of her and lay there panting for several long

seconds before rolling to his side. Cupping her face with his hands, he
lifted the blindfold with his thumbs to look into her eyes. “Are you
okay, baby? That was awesome.”

“Awesome,” she whispered back, smiling at him.
Kevin came back with a wet cloth—when he had left she wasn’t

sure—and handed it to Kurt. Kurt gently wiped between her legs and
then got up to go and clean himself.

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“Why do you do that? I can get up and clean myself,” Tina asked,

looking at Kevin.

“Because we want to. We want to know you’re comfortable, and

if you’re too tired to get up, we don’t want you being sticky and
uncomfortable later.”

“Oh, I could do it myself,” she reiterated.
“We want to do it for you, so we will.” Kurt answered as he came

back into the room.

They unfastened her arms and legs, then lay in the bed with her so

that she had a man on either side of her. “We’re going to sleep for a
while now, and we’ll talk later.” Kurt said as he shut the light off.

“But, I…I thought I’d go home,” Tina said softly. She really

needed some time to think away from the two men. When she was
close to them, her brain was mush, and she needed to think about
what was happening and how to deal with it all.

Because the classes were only on weekends, there was another

class Saturday or later today, and Tina wanted to go home, shower,
and be ready. She needed some time to herself.

“I really want to go home, please,” Tina implored Kevin. He was

the less demanding of the two, maybe she could get through to him.

“Tina, go to sleep. We are all tired and have been through a lot

tonight. We will talk about it later. If you need anything before the
class, we will take you home then, but right now, good night.” Kevin
answered her, and wrapping one arm around her, pulled her tight
against him her back to his front.

“I wouldn’t argue with him, baby. Nobody’s won in a long time,

he doesn’t have the best prosecuting record in the DA’s office for
nothing.” Kurt then kissed her deeply and threw one leg over both of
hers. She was firmly trapped between them.

Sighing, Tina wiggled until she was comfortable and rested back

against Kevin. She might as well sleep, she wasn’t going anywhere
for a while.

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Chapter Eight

When Tina woke, she was in bed with Kurt, and he was wrapped

around her like Christmas wrapping. She tried to untangle herself
without waking him, but it wasn’t possible, and she had needs,
bathroom needs.

“Where you going, baby?” he muttered sleepily.
“Bathroom,” she mumbled back.
“Hurry, I miss you,” he answered, rubbing his face against her


Tina leapt from the bed and went to do what she needed to.

Finishing, she washed her hands and splattered water on her face,
running her hands through her hair, trying to bring a semblance of
order to it. When she was finished, she opened the door to find Kurt
leaning against it, arms crossed in front of him, one leg bent over the

Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her back into the

bathroom. “Shower.” He growled.

“Okay,” she answered. Kurt was apparently not a morning person.
He started the water and pulled her in with him. Taking her mouth

with a bruising kiss, he released her and leaned back.
“Mmmm…better than coffee. Hello.”

“Hi, you’re not much of a morning person are you?” she asked,


“If I get to wake up next to you every morning, I could be.” He

smiled back at her.

“Where do you think your brother is?” she asked.

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“Probably done with his run and on his way back. He runs every

morning, he should be joining us in here any minute.”

Just then, the door burst open and a panting, naked Kevin joined

them. “Thanks for starting the shower, bro. Did anyone make coffee?”

“We’ve only gotten this far, haven’t made it to the kitchen yet,

you should have done that on your way up,” Kurt told him.

“Didn’t want to take the time. Couldn’t let you have our angel

alone for too long,” Kevin answered him.

Tina stood, naked, under the running water, watching the

exchange between the two brothers, and wondered how she had
woken in an alternate universe. She must have been kidnapped by
aliens during the night, ’cause this couldn’t be real. Maybe she was
just dreaming.

Kevin stepped into the shower and grabbed her in his arms. “Hi

beautiful, how are you this morning?” He leaned down and kissed her
hard. “Much better,” he said.

“Baby, you look a little shell-shocked. Are you okay?” Kurt asked

her, amused at her look.

“I was just thinking I must have woken up in an alternate universe

or something, ’cause there is no way any of this is real,” Tina
answered, still bemused.

Kurt grabbed her little hand and wrapped around his stiff, hard

cock and said, “Does this feel real to you, baby?” stroking her hand
up and down.

Kevin grabbed her other hand and wrapped it around him. “I’ve

got one of those over here too,” he told her.

“See, bro? She was made for us, she can handle us both at the

same time,” Kevin joked.

Rolling her eyes, Tina let go with both hands and placed her hands

on her hips. “You are both off your rockers. I need coffee.” Or maybe
something stronger
, she thought, what time is it anyway? She had no
idea what time it was and if she had time for food or anything else

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before they needed to be at the Club. She wasn’t worried about
clothes. She was going naked to the class, no choice there.

Kurt pushed her under the shower spray and started washing her

hair. Kevin started on her body and they both teased her until she
couldn’t think again.

Once they finally finished in the shower, she put on one of Kurt’s

shirts and they went to the kitchen to eat. The men showed her the rest
of the house and pointed out the improvements they had made. They
wanted to take her home long enough to get some fresh clothes and
anything else she would need before Monday. She was spending the
weekend with them, apparently she didn’t have a choice.

Tina really needed some time alone to think, but the men weren’t

having any of it. She tried to talk them into leaving her at her house.
She needed to look over the paperwork from the class and desperately
wanted some time to herself. After arguing all morning, she finally
put her foot down.

“Look, my car’s still at the Club and I want you to pick me up

before the class, but if I don’t get some time alone, I’m going to blow
a gasket. Drop me off at home for a couple hours and let me read
through the class material for tonight while you guys go do your Dom
thing. I promise I’ll be here when you come and get me. If I don’t get
some time alone, I won’t be responsible for the consequences, and if
you tell me I’m cute one more time, Kurt, you’ll get hurt.” She was so
frustrated that she was almost crying.

Kevin could see her anxiety and knew they needed to give in.

Every time she had tried to talk to them during the morning, Kurt had
patted her on the head and said, “Isn’t she cute, bro?”

“Angel, we’ll drop you off and pick you up in a couple hours. If

you need anything while we’re gone, call us.” Kurt finally gave in.

They took her home and both gave her lingering kisses at the

door. You’d think they were going to be gone for a week instead of a
few hours.

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Tina no more than got in the house and changed her clothes when

her phone rang. It was Kurt. “Just making sure you are okay, baby,”
he said when she answered the phone.

“I’d be better if you’d leave me alone for a while. You promised

to give me some time and you’re not doing that. Please don’t call until
you’re ready to pick me up. I’ll be fine. I just want some time to think
and read through the material for tonight.” These two were going to
drive her batty.

“Okay, baby, you’ll call us if you need us?” Kurt sounded like a

little boy who’d just been told he couldn’t play with his new favorite

Tina took a deep breath and sighed. “Yes, I will call if I need you.

I’ll be fine. I just want some time to think and can’t do that around
you two.”

“I could get rid of Kevin if he’s bothering you,” Kurt offered.
Tina laughed and said, “Good-bye Kurt, I’ll see you in a little bit.”
She hung up the phone and grabbed the sheaf of papers from the

class last night. It was hard to believe that it hadn’t even been twenty-
four hours. So much had happened and she had so much to process.

She was sure that Mr. Stevens, or Rog, had raped her and taken

her virginity. To find out that she was still a virgin was a big shock.
All that wasted time crying and worrying about pregnancy. She had
secretly bought several tests and taken them throughout that summer,
sure she was pregnant. It was all her family could do to talk her into
going to college.

Even though she had overcome all of the trauma with the help of

her college counselor, she hated the thought of what might have
happened and how different her life would have been. She may have
dated more, she might have not left her home. She could have spent
more time with her mother. All the things that would have been

She gave into her feelings and cried for a while, but that helped

nothing. Getting up, she made herself a cup of hot tea and grabbed the

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material for tonight’s class. If she was going to continue the classes,
she might as well know what she was up against. Although, she was
sure, Kevin and Kurt would not let her fall behind.

Just thinking about Kevin and Kurt stirred up feelings she hadn’t

allowed herself to have for a long time. She wanted more with these
two, but it was soon, too soon. If she let her guard down, she could be
hurt. She still wasn’t sure they weren’t just having fun with her.

Tina sat in her favorite chair with her tea and settled in to read the

material for today’s classes, but she couldn’t get her mind off her men
and what had happened the night before. Every time she started
reading, she imagined their hands on her and what they would be
doing if they were here. Just thinking about them had her squirming in
her chair. And reading the class material made it worse. When she
thought about Kevin and Kurt doing all those things to her…she
almost picked up the phone and called them to come back and take
care of her. But she couldn’t do that after the fuss she had made for
them to give her some space.

She still had plenty of time before they were due to pick her up

and wasn’t accomplishing much, so she decided to lie down and take
a nap. She was tired from last night anyway.

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Chapter Nine

Kevin had a hard time convincing Kurt to give Tina the space she

needed. His brother had always been all or nothing and he definitely
was all for Tina.

“Could we just go sit in front of her house until it’s time to pick

her up? She doesn’t have to know we are there.” Kurt really didn’t
want to leave Tina.

“No! We can’t stalk her, we have to give her space.” Kevin

laughed at him. “Let’s go shopping, Craig and Alan are always taking
their women to the fetish shop in town, let’s go check it out. Maybe
we can find something for you to rip off our girl there.”

“Yeah,” Kurt answered, panting like a puppy, eyes wide open.

This was something he could get into.

The men went shopping and picked up several outfits and new

toys for their lady. They managed to kill an hour before they were
ready to go back to their woman. “Do you think I should call and see
how she’s doing?” Kurt asked. The man was obsessive.

“Kurt it’s only been an hour, I’m sure she’s fine. Let’s go get

some takeout and we’ll take it back to her place. Then maybe we can
get her to do a fashion show for us when I tell her how good you’ve
been.” Kevin had to laugh at his brother. He hadn’t seen him like this
with a woman in a long, long time.

“Yeah, fashion show, and maybe a striptease?” Kurt panted.
“You’re hopeless,” Kevin teased him.
“But you love me anyway, man. Do you think I should call and

see what she wants to eat?” Kurt was looking for any excuse.

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“I think you should give me your phone before you get us both in

trouble.” Kevin couldn’t blame him, he missed their girl too.

“Maybe I should just send her a quick text?” Kurt looked hopeful.
“Give. Me. The. Phone.” Kevin held out his hand.
Handing over his phone, Kurt pouted. “You’re no fun.”
The men continued to tease and joke with each other, while they

accomplished their self-assigned task. Not sure what Tina was in the
mood for, they bought a variety of takeout and headed back to their

When they pulled up to Tina’s house, she was sitting on the glider

on the front porch, holding a package.

“What you got there, angel?” Kurt asked as he bounded up the

stairs, one hand full of packages, the other reaching for her.

Dropping the packages he held, he reached down and lifted her off

the glider into his arms, giving her a long deep kiss.

“Good thing I didn’t let you carry the food,” Kevin said coming

up behind him. “Give me some of that.” Sitting down the packages,
he was carrying, he took Tina from his brother for his kiss.

The three gathered everything and carried it all into the house.

Kurt helped Tina carry the clothes and toys back to her bedroom
while Kevin set the food out.

Tina led Kurt back to her bedroom. It was hard to believe that

with all that had happened in the last twenty-four hours, he had never
been in her bedroom.

She dropped her packages on the bed and turned to go back to the

kitchen, but ran into to a wall of Kurt.

Backing her up against the bed, he tumbled her onto it and

followed her down. Caging her with his body, he nuzzled her neck
and collarbone.

Pushing up against his rock-hard chest, it was like trying to move

boulders. “We have to go back to the kitchen, Kevin’s waiting and the
food will get cold,” she said, giggling.

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“Kevin can cope on his own and the food can be reheated. I’m hot

already.” Kurt lifted himself off her neck and kissed her.

Giggling and pushing at him, she wiggled, trying to get free.
“Kevin’s right here, what’s going on in here?” Kevin announced

as he joined them on the bed.

“This big galoot won’t let me up. Get. Off. Me.” Tina giggled.
“Big galoot, I’ll show you.” Kurt lifted one leg over her middle

and sat on her pelvis. Grabbing both of her hands in one of his, he
proceeded to tickle her, mercilessly.

Tina giggled and wiggled, having more fun than she could

remember in a long time.

Kevin took Tina’s hands and held them over her head, giving Kurt

free access to her rib cage and stomach. He tickled her with both
hands until she screamed for mercy.

“What are you going to do for me if I stop?” he asked her with an

evil glint in his eyes.

“Whatever you want, just please stop tickling me,” she answered

him, still laughing.

Dropping his voice an octave, he looked at her. “Whatever I want,


Her eyes went wide and her brain went Oh, shit, what have I

gotten myself into now? She looked up at Kevin for help.

“Don’t look at me, this is between you and him. I’m just going to

sit back and watch the show.” Kevin chuckled.

“So…if I stop tickling you, I get whatever I want whenever I want

it, right?” he asked her, his voice dripping with lust and something
deeper, earthier.

Taking a deep breath and wondering if she could handle what she

was getting into, Tina answered softly, “yeah, whatever, whenever.”

Jumping off the bed, Kurt, said, “Cool, let’s go eat.” He grabbed

her hand and pulled her along behind him.

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Shaking her head, Tina stumbled along behind him to the kitchen.

As they sat to eat, Kurt leaned over her and whispered in her ear, “I’ll
collect my prize later.”

After they had managed to consume most of the food the men had

brought, they went back to the bedroom to open the packages.

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Chapter Ten

The first package Tina grabbed was one of the ones the boys had

gotten for her. They had found several outfits and she loved them all.
“Too bad I decided to not wear anything to the classes, I could wear
some of these,” she teased.

“You will model everything for us before we’re through.” Kurt


Kevin had grabbed the package she found on the porch. “What’s

this, angel? We didn’t get this one.”

Taking it from him, Tina turned it in her hands, looking for a

label. “I don’t know, I found it on the porch. It doesn’t have a label on
it, I don’t know where it came from.”

They needed a knife to open the package, so they took it to the

kitchen to open. Sitting it on the counter, Tina cut the package open.
She lifted the flaps and pulled out a handful of wadded-up paper.
Under the paper there was a glob of fur. “What the hell?” She gasped,
eyes wide.

Kevin leaned in and looked, it was a dead rat.
“Why would somebody put that in a box and leave it on my

porch?” Tina asked, baffled and a little sick.

“Probably just some kids playing,” Kevin answered. “Here, let me

get rid of it.” Even though he was sure it was probably just a kid’s
prank, Kevin took the box and put it in the back of the truck. Just in

It was time to head to the Club for that evening’s classes, and the

trio packed up and moved on. Tina packed enough clothes to get her

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through the weekend, not planning on being home until Monday

The classes were fun, and although they took them seriously,

Kevin and Kurt teased and played with Tina, making her giggle
throughout the class. She forgot all about the rat.

That night they took her back to their house and once again took

her to the playroom, “to reinforce tonight’s lessons.” While they were
there, Kurt collected his prize.

Sunday was a beautiful day, and they took a drive to the

mountains. Kevin told her about the cabin he owned, but it was a little
far for a day trip, and they planned to spend a weekend there when the
classes were done.

After spending the day hiking and enjoying nature, they were all

tired and relaxed. Not wanting to spoil the mood, they drove through
for food and took it back to the men’s house. They all crawled into the
big bed in “Tina’s room” and ate.

After they were done eating, the men pulled Tina into the huge

walk-in shower and thoroughly washed every inch of her, paying
special attention to her girly parts. Tina had never had so much fun in
the shower. Who knew getting clean could be such a blast?

When they were done, the boys thoroughly dried her and took her

back into the bedroom. They each sat on the bed and instructed her to
kneel before them.

“Have you ever had a man in your mouth, angel?” Kevin asked.
“No, but I’ve read about it,” she answered shyly.
“You’re going to learn that skill tonight, baby. I want you to relax

and think of your favorite lollipop. Lick me just like you would it.”
Kurt told her, fisting his erection and running his hand up and down

Grabbing her under the arms, Kurt pulled her forward to kneel

between his spread legs. “Open wide,” he told her and slowly started
feeding himself in her hot little mouth. “Easy, baby, just take what
you’re comfortable with,” he told her when she started to gag.

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“Breathe through your nose, and relax your throat. You won’t take all
of me tonight,” he told her, using his thumbs to rub at the tears that
were streaming down her face.

“Just relax, you’ll do fine.”
Tina was trying to do as Kurt asked and not paying any attention

to where Kevin was or what he was doing until she felt something at
her ass. Pulling back, she almost lost Kurt.

“Relax, baby, he’s just getting you ready to take us both. We want

to take you at the same time, but can’t until you’re ready. Kevin is
going to play back there a little and start stretching you some more. It
will feel so good when we’re both inside you. Don’t fight him, just
concentrate on me and what you’re doing for me.”

Tina’s eyes grew wide as Kevin slowly rimmed her back hole.

Kurt grabbed her head and pushed further into her mouth, until she
had to concentrate on her breathing to keep from gagging.

Trying to keep her mind on what she was doing for Kurt while

Kevin played was impossible. She felt something cold going inside
her and jumped.

Still holding her head, Kurt soothed her and in a calm voice, said,

“He’s just putting his finger in there to stretch you. He’s using lube so
he won’t hurt you. It may feel a little cold. Relax and let him in. It
will feel so much better once you relax.” He had started pushing in
and out, slowly fucking her face.

Seeing the nod from his brother, Kevin started slowly moving his

finger in and out, matching the rhythm Kurt was using on her face.

Kevin moved the hair away from her neck and started licking and

nipping on the soft flesh there. Taking the hand that was not occupied,
he reached around her and started playing with her breasts. They
wanted her overstimulated and thinking of nothing but her body and
how it was responding to them. He pinched and pulled her nipples,
bringing them to taut peaks.

Adding more lube, he added a second finger to her and continued

moving in and out, stretching her for what was to come.

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The stimulation was almost overwhelming and Tina could not

control her response. Rocking back and forth on Kevin’s fingers, her
pussy gushing. She had never thought she would like something like
what Kevin was doing, but the feelings it was causing were amazing.
She wondered what it would feel like when they finally took her

“Baby, I’m going to come and you need to swallow, just relax and

take what I give you. Swallow.” Kurt was thrusting in and out and
Tina could feel the warmth in her throat. Trying to relax her throat
and swallow, she rocked back and forth faster on Kevin’s fingers,
looking for her own release.

Kurt fell back on the bed, pulling her head down to his thigh,

patting and rubbing her face. “Thank you. That was awesome, baby,
thank you. Now let Kevin take care of you.” He panted.

Kneeling behind her, Kevin pulled her to him, lifting her enough

to slip inside her pussy with his cock. Lowering her down to his
thighs so that her spread legs rested on the outside of his, he reached
around and rubbed her clit, slowly and gently at first, gradually
speeding up and applying more pressure.

He moved them back away from the bed, making room for Kurt to

lie in front of them.

Bending at the waist, he bent her over until her head was at Kurt’s

pelvis and his head was between her legs. “Lean on your forearms,
angel, relax and take him in your hot little mouth again, make him
hard for you,” Kevin said into her ear.

As Tina leaned down and took Kurt in her mouth, he took her clit

in his. Kevin pulled out and put a condom on. Applying lube to
himself and her back hole, he reached around and tweaked a nipple,
and gently started pushing himself into her tight, round hole.

“Just relax, angel, let Kurt make you feel good. Relax and let me

in,” he said against the skin of her neck, pushing himself further and
further into her. He could feel her tensing and eased back, giving her
time to adjust.

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Kurt was licking and nipping her clit, running his tongue all

around it. Tina was rocking back and forth, making little mewing
sounds from deep in her throat. Digging her hands in Kurt’s hips, she
pulled him deeper into her mouth, trying to take all of him.

“Relax, easy baby,” he said, lifting his mouth from her. Wiggling

her ass and pushing back on Kevin, her body searching for release.

Cupping his hands around both her breasts, Kevin leaned back and

lifted her from Kurt, sitting back on his heels.

Kurt sat up and turned, facing her. Using his legs, Kevin spread

her wide and Kurt slipped his dick slowly into her wet pussy. “She’s
so tight like this, bro, I don’t know how long I can last.” Kurt panted.

“I know, she’s so hot and so wet for us,” Kevin answered,

pinching and pulling her nipples.

“Oh, please, please,” Tina moaned, not even sure what she was

asking for. She felt so full and so stretched, she didn’t know how
much longer she could last.

Gradually increasing their depth and moving faster, the brothers

established a rhythm, when Kevin was as deep as he could go Kurt
was just barely inside her. They continued increasing their speed until
Tina was rocking and moaning with them.

“Now, baby, come now!” Kurt commanded, and reaching down,

pinched her clit.

Tina came with a scream of both their names and both men came

with her. Collapsing on the floor, they all lay panting for several long

Pulling Tina tight to him, Kevin nuzzled her neck. “How are you,


“Numb,” she answered, unable to voice her feelings. “Good,

wonderful.” She finally managed.

“Do you want to do that again?” Kurt asked eagerly.
“I don’t think any of us are ready to go again, big boy.” Tina

giggled at him. The men helped her up off the floor and they all went

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for a quick shower before crawling, sated and exhausted, into the big

Kevin crawled in first, pulling Tina’s back to his front, and Kurt

lay down in front of her. Kevin wrapped an arm around her, cupping
her breast, and she lifted one leg over Kurt’s legs and wrapped one
arm around him, pillowing her head on Kevin’s arm.

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Chapter Eleven

Tina woke the next morning feeling better than she had in a long

time. Getting ready for work was a blast with Kurt teasing her the
entire time. Kevin had already left for an early court date.

Tina had an argument on her hands when it came time to leave.

Kurt insisted on driving her. He didn’t work and had nothing better to
do. They had all talked one evening when they first got together, and
all Kurt had said was that he was on permanent vacation. Kevin had
teased that his goal in life was to be a “boy toy” and the subject was
dropped. After arguing for several minutes, she finally convinced him
to let her go alone based on the fact that she had errands to do and
wanted to go to her house for a few things after work.

Tina’s day was busy with clients and the time passed quickly.

Both Kevin and Kurt texted her often during the day, but she couldn’t
respond as quickly as she would have liked due to her client load.
Tina was a licensed psychotherapist and had a very full practice. She
had seen several of the people from the Club, including Sadie, who
had had a problem with PTSD from an incident in her childhood and
most recently had just finished her sessions with Rachel, who had
been attacked in the Club. This was how she had come to know Kevin
and Kurt.

Finally her day was over. She had done her errands during her

lunch, so all she needed to do was go home and get some clothes to
take back to Kevin and Kurt’s for a few days. If this became serious,
she would have to decide what to do with her little house. She
couldn’t see keeping it up if she was living with Kurt and Kevin.

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Oh my God. It was way too soon to be thinking of moving in with

them, but that was where her mind was going. She hadn’t even talked
to them about it yet. What if they didn’t want her to move in? But they
have a bedroom already for you,
her mind told her. Overwhelmed
with her thoughts, Tina was surprised to find that she was sitting in
her car in front of her house already, not even remembering the drive

Sitting on her front porch was Kurt with a package in his hands.
Bounding out of the car and running up to him on the glider, she

jumped into his arms. “I missed you,” she gushed, hugging him tight
and taking a big kiss.

Running his hands up and down her back, he pulled her into his

lap and said, “I missed you too. Let’s get what you need and head
back to the house. Kev will have dinner waiting.”

“Okay, what’s in the box?” she asked, noticing the box Kurt had

been holding.

“I don’t know, it was sitting on the glider when I got here. There’s

no label or anything on it.”

“Just like the other one,” Tina commented, puzzled.
“You go gather your things, and I’ll take it and open it,” Kurt told

her, not wanting her to see if it was anything bad, and he had a feeling
it was.

“No, I want to see,” Tina said a little apprehensive. Who could be

leaving the packages? she wondered. One was okay, but two were too
much of a coincidence.

Kurt took her hand and led her to the kitchen, where he sat the

small box on the counter. Grabbing a knife to open it, he tried to
shield Tina from the contents. He opened it quickly and shut just as

“Wait, I didn’t see,” Tina said, trying to grab the box out of his


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Kurt slapped her hands away and turned with the box in his hands.

“It isn’t something you want to see. I’m going to get rid of it,” he
said, walking toward the door.

“What. Was. In. The. Box?” Tina demanded.
“Baby, you really don’t want to know.” Kurt was still trying to

shield her. He needed to put the box in the truck and text Kevin.

“I. Want. To. See.” Tina didn’t understand why he wouldn’t show


“Tina, do remember what was in the first box?” Kurt finally asked


“Oh…is it another rat?” she asked quietly.
“No…this time it’s a bird. Do you really want to see?” Kurt

sounded as exasperated as she felt.

“No…I don’t need to see,” Tina said, as she sat in a chair at the

table, not sure she could stand much longer.

“Why would someone do something like that?” She didn’t

understand. “Do you think it’s still kids?’

“I don’t know. It could be. Kevin kept the first box and we will

take it with this one to some friends at the police crime lab. They can
take it and have it checked out for us. If you get any more, we
shouldn’t them touch them in case they have fingerprints on them. I
am going to call Evan at the Club and we are going to have security
with surveillance cameras installed on your house. I want to see
who’s leaving the packages.”

“Okay, won’t that be expensive?” Tina asked, wringing her hands.
“No, we’ll get the Club discount and Kev and I will pay for it.

Don’t worry, with you staying with us, we need to set up something
here. Grab some of the things we bought for you the other night, I feel
like a fashion show tonight,” Kurt said, grabbing her hand and leading
her back to the bedroom.

It was easy for Tina to grab the stuff off the bed and quickly put it

in a bag to take to Kevin and Kurt’s. Grabbing what she needed for

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work for a few days didn’t take long either, and within a matter of
minutes she was ready to go.

She found Kurt on the porch, talking on his cell phone. Sitting on

the glider beside him, she waited for him to finish his conversation.

“I need your keys, I’m meeting Evan here tomorrow with a crew

to install a security system on your house. You’ll stay with us until we
get this figured out.”

“Okay, I can take money out of my savings to pay. Do they need

the money ahead of time?”

“Kev and I will take care of it and let you know later.” There was

no way he was going to let her pay, but he wasn’t going to argue the
point either. He had already talked to Kevin, and Kev agreed with

Taking her bags, he put them in the back of his truck. Turning, he

saw her walking toward her car. Running to catch up with her, he
grabbed her arm.

“Ride with me and we’ll come back for your car later,” he told


She was standing, staring at the front of her car, and said, “I’m not

going far anyway, look.”

Kurt looked and saw what she was looking at, a flat. “You must

have hit a nail or something, we’ll have it towed and get all the tires
checked. When was the last time you had any maintenance done?”

“It’s been a while.” She answered sheepishly, she hadn’t had any

work done since she came back from her mother’s funeral several
months ago, and the car needed some TLC.

“We’ll have it checked out at the shop,” Kurt said. He was glad

that he had an excuse to drive her back and forth to work for a few
days, and wondered how long he could get the guys to keep her car.

When they got back to the house, Kevin was waiting for them. He

greeted her with a kiss, and taking her bags, led her to the bedroom.
“Kurt’s had you alone long enough, time for some Kevin time,” he

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told her as he led her toward the shower. “I waited for you to take my
shower. Kurt can finish dinner while we are up here.”

He led her into the bathroom and lifted her to sit on the vanity.

Kneeling in front of her, he removed her shoes and ran his hands up
and down her legs. Following his hands with his mouth, he trailed his
lips higher and higher. “I’ve missed you,” he said against her skin,
lifting her skirt and spreading her thighs.

“Lift up, baby, these panties have to go. From now on you will be

punished for wearing them. I want nothing between me and that
beautiful pussy. I need to be able to touch you whenever, wherever I

“Ohhh,” she moaned, “but I can’t go to work without panties.”
He was licking her now and she was squirming and wiggling on

the vanity, trying to get his mouth where she needed it.

“You will, angel,” he told her, pulling her clit into his mouth.

What she didn’t know was that Kurt was in the bedroom going
through all her bags and disposing of all her panties. All she would
have left to wear were the thongs they had bought her, and those were
going to be put away for the Club only.

She needed to say something to him, about something, but

couldn’t think with his mouth on her. Oh God, she thought, how could
something feel this good?
Her juices were flowing and her little body
was shimmering with want and need.

“Oh, please, oh please,” she chanted, and didn’t notice that he had

lifted her and was carrying her to the shower. Sitting her on the bench
there, he got on his knees and continued licking and sucking, bringing
her the completion she needed.

Leaning back on her arms, Tina let the warm water from the

shower wash the orgasm over her. She was going to be spoiled for
anyone else after these two men were finished with her, which she
hoped was never. She was reluctant to admit it, even to herself, but
she was falling in love with both men.

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Kevin stood up and slowly fed his cock into her warm, waiting

mouth. She was so hot. He didn’t know what he and his brother had
done to deserve this woman, but for as long as the universe allowed,
she was going to be theirs and they would devote every minute of
every day to making her happy and letting her know how much she
meant to them. She completed their life, and he hoped they completed

Slowly, he pushed himself inside her. For someone who hadn’t

sucked a cock before they met her, she was getting too good at this,
“Slow, baby, just let me slide it in,” he told the eager woman. He
could tell she really enjoyed what they did.

In the classes, they had fun and she appeared willing and

comfortable with what was being introduced to her. Kevin felt that
she had suppressed her submissive tendencies for a long time. If he
ever found that dick that raped her, he would show him submissive.
How different her life would have been without him.

He was thankful that she was willing to explore her submissive

side with Kurt and him. He had never met a woman who was more
willing to try everything. She hadn’t had any qualms so far.

She finished him off and they finished their shower. He helped her

dry and led her to the bedroom where Kurt had laid out clothes for her
to wear.

“Here, put on what Kurt left on the bed and meet me down in the

kitchen,” he told her as he went to his own room to dress. He and Kurt
really needed to move some clothes into the master suite. They had
plenty of room in there.

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Chapter Twelve

Tina looked on the bed, and there was a lilac lace bra and

matching thong, and that was it…nothing else. Was this a joke?
Surely they didn’t mean for her to just wear this down for dinner. This
would be fine to play, but she needed more to eat in. The thong was
two pieces of lace and a ribbon, and the bra wasn’t much more. No
way was she just wearing that for dinner.

Looking around, she didn’t see any of her other clothes. What had

he done with them? Looking in the closet and all the drawers, she
didn’t find anything else. She put the thong and bra on, then decided
to explore. She went in one of the boys’ bedrooms, Kurt’s she
thought, because he didn’t have a lot of suits like Kevin would, and
found a button-down shirt hanging in the closet. It would cover her
like a dress.

She wasn’t sure what the men would say about her finding the

shirt, but…really….she couldn’t go down in just her underwear, and
they were going to have to understand that.

Having made up her mind, she headed downstairs to the kitchen.

She found both men there, sitting things on the table for dinner.
Walking into the room, she asked, “What can I do to help?”

Kevin saw her first and started shaking his head no. Shaking his

finger at her, he called to his brother who was looking in the
refrigerator for something. “Kurt, look at this.”

Kurt turned around and shut the door, looking at her and shaking

his head, “oh, no, no, no…” he said and started advancing toward her.

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“What…oh the shirt, w–well…” Tina stammered. “I couldn’t just

wear my underwear, and I found this in your room. I have to wear
clothes for dinner.”

“Baby, you are lucky I left what I gave you. You could and will

be naked. I was being nice to let you have the bra and thong, now not
only have you lost them, but you have also earned a punishment in the
playroom after we eat. Now. Take. It All. Off. Or I’ll do it for you.”
He said it in that tone of voice that made her limbs melt and her pussy
quiver as he walked right up to her so that they were almost touching.

She had been so focused on Kurt that she hadn’t noticed that

Kevin was right behind her until she tried to take a step back. Backing
right into his chest, she stumbled and fell into Kurt’s arms.

He lifted her up and carried her into the living room. Sitting on the

couch with her in his lap, he leaned down and took her mouth in a
possessive kiss. “You, my girl, are in so much trouble,” he said
against her lips.

Kevin had followed them, and between the two men, they had her

stripped in record time. Once they had her naked, they ran their hands
all over her and brought her right to the brink.

“Now it’s time to go eat,” Kevin told her.
“But, I…” Tina started to say.
“But nothing, you should have done what you were told. Part of

your punishment is that you don’t get to come until we’re ready for
you to,” Kurt told her in a stern tone of voice.

They both grabbed her by the hand and led her to the kitchen. The

wooden seat of the chair they sat her in was cold, and she jumped a
little as she sat. They both laughed at her, bastards, but she wisely
kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t sure what they had planned for her in
the playroom, but was sure her ass was going to pay.

They made her sit at the table while they cleaned the kitchen. She

tried to argue the point that since they cooked, she should clean, but
they weren’t having any of it.

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Once they had the kitchen spotless, they each took a hand and led

her up the stairs to the playroom. Having her kneel on the floor, they
both stood over her, arms crossed over their chest, standing with their
legs shoulder-width apart. Kurt said, “We planned on ending up in
here tonight eventually, but for fun, not for a punishment. Now we get
to do both.”

Their stance and words were very domineering.
Tina looked at the floor and didn’t say anything. I’m so in the shit,

she thought.

“Since it was Kurt you disobeyed, he will have the privilege of

determining your punishment,” Kevin told her.

Kurt knelt in front of her and lifted her chin with one finger until

she was looking him in the eyes. Smiling down at her, he reassured
her, “If it becomes too much, say yellow or red, just like we learned in
class, okay baby?”

She smiled, the trepidation easing, and nodded. She could do this.

Besides, how bad could it be? All she had done was put a shirt on.

“First, I want some of what Kev got in the shower. Suck me off,

baby,” he told her and stood up, opening his jeans and taking himself

She sat back on her heels and opened her mouth, allowing him to

feed his long, hard cock into her waiting warmth. She reached up and
clasped his hips and let him take control.

He started stroking in and out, going deeper each time. Watching

her face, he continued until he came with a groan.

She licked him clean and sat back on her heels, a satisfied grin on

her face.

Kurt looked down at her. “Proud of yourself, little minx? Come

along, time for the rest of your punishment.”

If he thought that was punishment, he couldn’t have been more

wrong. Even though it had only been a few days since they had taught
her how to please them that way, she thoroughly enjoyed the feeling
of power it gave her to hold them in her mouth and know that she was

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pleasing them and totally concentrating on their pleasure only. This
was something she could do for them to help pay back all they had
done for her.

Kurt walked her over to the spanking bench and showed her how

he wanted her to lie on it. Once he had her positioned the way he
wanted her, he raised it until she was at the perfect level for him and
his brother. After her punishment, he was going to enjoy her hot little
ass, while Kev used her mouth again.

Showing her the soft, leather cuffs he planned on using, he

fastened her arms and legs to the attachments on the bench. Once he
had her secured, he walked over to the toy chest, knowing his brother
was watching her to make sure she didn’t struggle and hurt herself.

He grabbed a paddle, strap, and a crop from the closet. He planned

to introduce his little angel to a bit of pain and see how she responded.
One or two strikes with the crop should do it.

Walking back to her, he showed her what he had. “I am going to

let Kevin warm you up with his hand. He will be giving you ten
swats. When he had done that, he will then take the paddle and give
you ten with it. Next I will use the strap and the crop for five each.
Any questions?” His tone was menacing, but he was going to be very
careful with her. He didn’t like leaving marks on a sub, but wanted
her to remember the punishment for a few hours. If they were both
careful enough, by the time they went back to class this weekend, the
marks should be faded.

Kevin walked around to her backside and started running his hand

over her back and bottom, trailing one finger down the crack of her
ass and rimming her tiny asshole.

She tried to arch her back into his hand, but Kurt had her fastened

tightly so that she couldn’t move and hurt herself.

Kevin played with her, rimming her small hole and inserting just

the tip of his finger inside her for several minutes before moving his

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“Ohhh, more,” she moaned, moving her hips as much as she

could, trying to find something to rub her needy little clit on. If she
could just move one hand, she could take care of the problem.

Kurt knelt down in front of her and took her mouth in a long, hot

kiss. “I know what you want, and it’s not time yet,” he told her.

Tina groaned with frustration. “Bastard,” she said.
“What did you just call me?” Kurt asked sharply.
Oh, shit, I said that out loud, she thought. “I didn’t mean to say

that out loud, I’m sorry,” she muttered. She wasn’t in the best position
to piss him off.

“Well you did, what do you think I should do about it?” Kurt

asked her, standing with his hands crossed over his chest.

Oh shit, oh shit, she thought, what the hell did I start now? “I said

I’m sorry,” she said a little too belligerently.

“And that’s supposed to make it all better?” His tone was really

sharp now.

“What else do you want me to do?” Her tone was still snarky.
Kevin had been listening to the exchange and decided it was time

to start her punishment. Taking his hand away from her crack, he
hauled back and smacked her a good one. Leaving a red handprint

“Ouch,” she screamed. “That fucking hurt.”
Laughing, Kevin asked, “Was it supposed to feel good?”
“Just fucking get on with it,” she snapped back at him. She was so

going to be paying for this. She really wasn’t in the position to be
antagonizing them. One of these days, she would learn to keep her
mouth shut.

Kurt had gone back to the toy chest and came back with several

things. “Because you have decided to be so mouthy, I think we need
to ramp things up a little, what do you think, bro?” he asked Kevin.

“This is your scene, I’ll go along with whatever you think she


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Kurt showed Kevin and Tina what he had in his hands. Nipple

clamps, a medium-sized butt plug, and a large vibrator.

Kevin came around beside her and they each knelt down on either

side of her and took a breast in their mouth. Licking and sucking on
the nipples until they were hard little peaks and she was writhing and
moaning, they each let go with a pop and applied the clamps.

“I know this is your first time using these, but because you have

been so mouthy, I’m going to tighten them a little more than I
normally would. Next time you’ll think before you mouth off to me or
my brother,” Kurt said with an evil grin.

Why couldn’t she have kept her mouth shut or pissed off Kevin?

She knew Kurt was the more sadistic of the two and playing with him
was like playing with fire.

“Oh my God!” she screamed when they tightened the clamps. Her

nipples were going to fall off. What she didn’t know was that it hurt
even worse when the clamps came off.

“Now, Kevin’s going to put the plug in your ass, and I’m going to

lie under you and use the vibe. You are not to come until you are
given permission by me. Do you understand?” He was still using that
very stern tone. She had really pulled the lion by the tail this time.

“After he gets the plug in, he will start warming you up. We’ll

start with twenty spanks to get things going.” Her ass was going to be
so sore when they were done. She needed to remember to find a
pillow to take to work tomorrow for her office chair.

Kurt crawled into position underneath her and started the vibe. At

the same time he touched her clit with the vibe, Kevin let her have the
first swat.

“Count for us, baby,” Kevin said from underneath her.
“Fuck, one!” she cried out.
“Next time without the cuss word. We start again,” Kevin



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“Two, shit!”
“Try it again. Every time you say a cuss word, we start over again,

and although I have to be in court in the morning, Kurt does not and
he will be glad to stay here all night with you if you need it. Back to

Fuck, she really needed to watch her mouth. She thought Kevin

was the one who would go easy on her, but he wasn’t now.

Tears running down her face, she took a deep breath. I must not

cuss, I must not cuss, she kept repeating to herself and missed the next

“I’m waiting…” Kevin said.
“One,” she said dejectedly.
Kurt sped up the vibe and applied more pressure to her little clit.

He also took the other hand and slipped two fingers inside her. Their
little angel had no chance.

Kevin continued raining blows on her ass until they got to twenty.

Kurt upped the speed on the vibe every few smacks, until they had her
dancing on the bench and begging to come.

“Please, please, please,” she chanted between counting. “Please,

I’ll be good, I’ll go naked all the time. Please let me come.” She
wasn’t going to be able to hold it much longer.

Kurt laughed sadistically and upped the speed on the vibe yet


“Oh, please…” she moaned, and just as she was starting to get

some relief, he moved the vibe.

“Oh…don’t,” she begged.
“Kurt’s going to start with the paddle now. You are going to get

ten because you’ve been so mouthy,” Kevin told her as they switched

She could feel Kurt rubbing the paddle over her ass. “This is

going to hurt. Next time you’ll wear what I tell you to wear, and
you’ll think twice before mouthing off to me.”

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She heard the swing before she felt it. At the same time he set her

ass on fire, Kevin pushed the vibe into her swollen clit.

“Oh My Fucking God, what the hell?” She screamed and bucked

against the bench.

“That one didn’t count, no cussing.” And if possible, he hit her

even harder.

Kevin upped the vibe and pressed it harder against her, pulling on

one of the clamps with his other hand. “Next time I’m going to put a
clamp on this little clit and attach chains to all the clamps so I can tug
them all at the same time,” he told her.

Tina’s body didn’t know what to do, her ass was on fire, but her

pussy felt so good. She was so close to coming, but every time she
started to make the climb, Kevin would pull the vibe back and
everything would stop until she had calmed down. Fucking bastards.

Kurt finished the strokes with the paddle and was ready to switch

to the strap.

Before he did, he came around and squatted in front of her. “How

are you doing, baby?” he asked, moving the hair away from her face
and wiping her tears with his thumbs.

Kevin crawled out from underneath her and went and got three

bottles of water from the small fridge they had in the room. Handing
two to Kurt, he knelt beside her and wiped the back of her neck with a
cool cloth he had also brought.

Tina smiled, feeling cherished. Even though they were punishing

her, they still cared for her. “I’m okay, Sir, this is just intense,” she
answered Kurt.

“Yes, baby, it is, and for a beginner you’re doing very well. Now I

want you to drink some of this water before we start again,” Kurt told
her as he held the bottle up to her lips.

She drank greedily, thirstier than she realized. When she had

finished the bottle, she sighed and thanked them.

“Do you want more water, angel, or do you need to move

anything or go to the bathroom?” Kevin asked her.

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“No, I’m good, let’s just get this over so we can get to the fun

part. You are going to let me have fun, aren’t you?” she asked

Seeing the eagerness in her eyes, Kurt smiled and answered, “Yes,

baby, we are going to have fun tonight.”

Kevin took the cloth and wiped her face and upper chest. Then

went around to look at Kurt’s handiwork.

“Bro, I think we need to put some cream on this ass before we do

anything more to it. It’s awful red and I don’t want to break the skin.”

Kurt came around and looked, agreeing with his brother. “Yes,

you’re right, we don’t want to do more damage.” As it was, she was
likely to be black and blue for a couple days. They really didn’t know
how much she could take and how she would bruise. They needed to
be careful. The last thing they wanted to do was to break the skin.

Kurt went back to the toy chest and came back with a tube of

cream to apply to her skin. “This will numb you a little too, baby, but
it’s still going to hurt.”

He spent several minutes rubbing cream into her ass and soothing

her. Once he had the cream applied to all of her skin, he got another
bottle of water and gave it to her. And wiped her face one more time.

The men took their positions and started again. Kurt was using the

strap and he didn’t hold back.

She screamed with the first strike, nothing had ever hurt this bad

in her life.

Kurt looked at the nice red stripe on her ass. She wouldn’t be

forgetting that for a couple of days. He gave her two more with the
strap, then applied more cream to the marks.

Kevin was still underneath her and pressed the vibe harder into

her clit, speeding it up. He also put three fingers in her. Fucking his
fingers in and out, he pressed the vibe harder into her.

‘I’m going to come, I can’t stop it.” Tina screamed, unable to

resist the stimulation.

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Kurt had the crop now and as he laid one stripe on her ass, he said,

“Come now, baby, come for us.”

With the sting of the crop, her universe exploded and stars rained

down all around her. She didn’t believe she could come with all the
conflicting emotions her body was going through, but she couldn’t
stop it either. The pain in her ass was intense, but there was something
more there also. When Kurt had been using the paddle, she had
drifted almost to another place. Was this the subspace they had talked
about in class? She needed to do some research on the internet.

She was still coming down from the orgasm when she felt the next

sting on her ass. Screaming, she crested the peak again, exploding in a
kaleidoscope of colors.

Waiting for her to come down, Kurt planned on one more strike

with the crop, then two more with the strap before he stopped. Her ass
was getting to the point where she couldn’t take much more. They
were going to have to be very careful with her for the next few days,
and he couldn’t wait to stick his cock in that little round hole.

When she stopped thrashing and her breathing was back under

control, he gave her one more strike with the crop and then gave her
two on the pussy lips with the strap.

She screamed with the last two strikes, not believing he would hit

her there.

“Jesus fucking Christ, did you have to go there?” she cried.
“Don’t get mouthy, or we won’t have any fun. Your ass can’t take

any more tonight, but I have a good memory, and once you’re healed
I’ll warm you right back up.” He threatened her.

“Yes, Sir,” she mumbled.
“What was that?” he asked, trailing the strap over her ass. He

wasn’t going to use it again tonight, but she didn’t know that.

“Yes, Sir,” she said louder.
“Good girl. Not I’m going to take the plug out and you are going

to take Kev in your mouth while I take this lovely ass.”

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Removing the plug from her, he donned a condom and covered

himself and her back hole with lube, slowly pushing inside her.

Kevin walked to the front of her and slowly fed himself into her

warm, waiting mouth.

Tina didn’t think she could come again, but when Kurt reached

down and fingered her clit, she made the climb again.

They all came together, and Tina screamed both of their names.
After they all recovered, the men unfastened her from the bench

and carried her to the master bath. Sitting her on the vanity, they filled
the tub with warm water and Epsom salts.

Wincing as they sat her down, she knew she was going to be sore

for a few days. Definitely had to remember that pillow.

Looking down, she noticed she still had the clamps on her nipples.

They must have forgotten to take them off, and they were really
uncomfortable. She thought, oh well, and she reached for one to do it
herself, not knowing that they hurt much worse coming off. Pulling
the clamp off, she screamed.

Kurt whipped around from the tub to see what had happened to

her and saw her holding her breast with one hand and looking angrily
at the clamp.

“Did you take that off baby?” he asked her.
“Well, what the fuck do you think?” she replied back with tears

running down her face.

“Here, let me see?” he said, trying to move her hand.
“No!” she replied.
“Tina if you let me I can make it better. Now. Move. Your.

Hand,” he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand away from
her breast.

Leaning down, he took her tortured nub in his mouth and licked

and sucked it, knowing the counter pressure would help ease the pain
from the blood flowing returning to it. They had planned to put her in
the tub and bring her just to the point of orgasm before taking the
clamps off, to show her how the clamps could increase her pleasure.

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Kevin, who had gone into the other room to get something came

back into the room in time to see Kurt take her nipple in his mouth.
“What the fuck, bro, did you decide to take them off without me?”

Kurt pulled back and said, “Ask our angel what she did.” Then

went back to his nipple.

“Angel?” Kevin looked at her.
“I pulled it off, I didn’t know I was supposed to wait or how much

it would hurt.” She sniffed and sobbed.

“Okay, angel, next time you wait for us before you do anything,

Kurt and I know tricks to make it better,” he said, looking at the other

Tina immediately put her hand over her other breast, shaking her

head no.

Kevin leaned in and took her lips, wanting to soothe his angel and

trying not to laugh at her devastated expression.

She slipped the hand not holding her breast around his neck to

deepen the kiss.

Pulling back, he stroked her hair and said, “Okay, angel, Kurt’s

gonna make you feel good and I’m going to take the other clamp off.”

“No,” she said determinedly.
“Baby, we can’t leave it on, it has to come off,” Kurt told her.
“But it hurts so bad,” she whined.
“Angel, we’ll take care of you, just pay attention to what Kurt is


Kurt reached over and turned the tub off—they didn’t need a

flood—and then turned back to Tina. Kneeling in front of her, he
spread her legs wide. Slipping his hands underneath her thighs, he
lifted both legs over his wide shoulders and pulled her to the very
edge of the vanity. Using his thumbs, he spread her folds open and
licked her, running his tongue from her rear hole up to her clit.

“Ohhh.” Tina moaned and reached for his head with both hands.
That was Kevin’s sign, and he bent in to take the nipple with the

clamp into his mouth.

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“No, don’t,” Tina moaned. “I…oh please.”
“Just relax and let Kurt take care of you, baby, we’ll make it good

for you,” Kevin said looking up into her eyes.

Sniffling, Tina nodded and bit her bottom lip in a gesture that

said, “Okay, but I don’t trust you.”

Kevin took her nipple back in his mouth and Kurt upped his attack

between her legs.

When Kurt had her writhing and moaning and she was just to the

point of coming, Kevin moved his mouth and with a quick practiced
gesture, removed the clamp, and immediately took the nipple back in
his mouth.

Tina screamed and bucked and would have thrown herself off the

vanity if Kurt and Kevin had not been holding her. Keeping her
anchored until she calmed enough to sit on her own, the men looked
at each other and nodded, a mental high five.

“Was that better, baby?” Kurt asked smugly.
Tina smiled, euphoric from her release, and nodded. Kevin lifted

her while Kurt climbed into the tub. Handing her to his brother, Kevin
crawled in, facing her.

The men held her in the warm water and soothed it over her

aching skin. “How are you doing, baby? Kurt’s going to turn you over
so I can check out the damage. Hold on to his shoulders and get on
your knees,” Kevin told her after they had all sat for a few minutes.

Kurt turned her over and helped her to lean on his shoulders and

get onto her knees in the slippery water. Kevin kneeled up and ran his
hand over her ass, noticing the welts and bruises there. “It won’t be
comfortable sitting for a few days, but the skin looks good, you
should be okay in a few. Don’t make us do that too often, angel. We
would rather have fun,” he said, spreading her cheeks and licking her
rear hole.

“Oh my God!” Tina moaned and arched toward him.
Kevin rimmed her tightness with his tongue and brought her to

another orgasm that way.

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They helped her turn around and sit back in Kurt’s lap, and the

men thoroughly washed her. Adding more hot water to the tub, they
sat until the water cooled and they were all sated and relaxed.

The men helped her out of the tub and dried her off, carrying her

to the big bed and crawling in with her. Spooning her back to Kurt’s
front, she lay facing Kevin tonight. Usually it was the other way with
her spooning Kevin and facing Kurt. The men petted and stroked her
until she fell into a contented sleep.

Kurt looked at Kevin over the sleeping woman. “Did you order it


“Yes, they said it would take a couple weeks and they will call my

office when it’s ready.”

“Awesome, what do you think she’ll say?”
“I hope yes. Go to sleep, I have court in the morning and I need to

be fresh,” Kevin said, ending the conversation.

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Chapter Thirteen

Tina woke the next morning and was stiff and sore, but felt

amazing. Kurt was still in bed with her. Kevin had left hours ago, but
had woken her long enough to kiss her good-bye and wish her a good
day. She was lying with her head pillowed on Kurt’s chest, and he
was wrapped around her like a blanket. It was a safe and comforting

Extracting herself, she padded toward the bathroom to get ready

for work. They hadn’t heard anything more on the packages from her
house, but Kevin said sometimes these things take a few days. Tina
went through all the possibilities in her head, it was an endless list.

She had recently started taking referrals from the state jail system,

wanting to not only help victims, but also help the perpetrators,
hoping to work the problem from both sides. Unfortunately, she had
found out that most of the perpetrators had been victims in their past,
and that is what had caused their actions. It was inspiring work, and
she was thinking of writing a book. She had already had several
articles published in major psychological journals regarding her work.

Tina was so deep in thought, she hadn’t noticed that Kurt had

joined her in the shower. Startled, she smiled up at him, glad he had
joined her.

“Morning, beautiful, how are you feeling this morning?” he asked,

pulling her into his arms.

“A little stiff and sore, but other than that, amazing,” she

answered leaning into him.

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He took her lips in a scorching kiss and turned her to face the

wall. “I want to look and see how you are doing. Spread your legs a
little and lean here,” he told her.

Kneeling down behind her, he, ran his hands over her buttocks,

and looked at all the bruising there, the welts had faded, but she was
going to be very colorful for a few days.

He gently bit each cheek before standing back up and turning her

around. “Let’s get you showered and ready for work,” he said,
grabbing the bodywash.

They finished the shower and Tina dressed in a short skirt and

loose-fitting top, it was a little sexier than what she usually wore to
work, but she was feeling sexier these days. Grabbing a pillow, she
gave Kurt a dirty look when he laughed at her.

“You’ll pay for that dirty look, but not for a few days.” He

threatened her. He dropped her at her office with a soul-searching kiss
and promised to be back at noon to take her to run errands.

The next few days went fast. Between work and being with the

men in the evening, Tina didn’t have time to think, and before she
knew it, it was Friday and they were getting ready for the evening

Kurt came into her room to see her grabbing a wraparound dress,

something that would be easy to take off at the Club before the class.

“Before you put that on, baby, let me look and see how that

bruising is doing.” They had been checking her every day and rubbing
cream on her every opportunity so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed
in front of the other subs in the class.

“Your bruises have really faded, I don’t think anyone will notice.

It’s usually fairly dim in there, so you should be good,” Kurt told her.
They had put a mirror where she could look for herself, so she knew it
wasn’t too bad.

Raising up on tiptoe, she gave him a kiss and grabbed her shoes to

go out to the truck.

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The men made the class a blast as usual, and afterward, they all

went to the bar to have a drink. Rachel was there with Theresa. Tina
knew Rachel and was good friends with her. Theresa was the wife of
Alan, who was tending bar that night. Both women were pregnant
with their first child and talking excitedly about babies.

While she was talking with Rachel and Theresa, they were joined

by Jenna and Sadie. Jenna was married to Kyle and also pregnant.
Sadie was married to Evan and Dave. Kyle, Evan, and Dave were all
owners of the Club. Sadie was also pregnant. Tina felt surrounded by
hormones. She wondered if there was something in the water and
looked curiously at the bottle in her hands.

She had a great time talking with all the women, and she and

Sadie made plans for a lunch and shopping the next day. She seriously
needed to spend some time with the woman and pick her brain.

Tina had a fight on her hands when she told her men about lunch

and shopping. “But, angel, we don’t know if it’s safe,” Kevin told her.

“Not safe, what do you mean?” Seriously, these two were over the


“Well with the packages and your tires and—” Kurt chimed in.
“Do you know something you’re not telling me?” Tina demanded.

They had better not be keeping shit from her.

“Well…” Kurt looked at Kevin, who shrugged his shoulders and


“Your tire was slashed with a knife and there have been a couple

more packages left at the house, but we can’t catch anything on the
surveillance and can’t figure out how the guy is doing it.”

Kurt told her, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his lap.
Tina took both hands and pushed against his chest, trying to get

up. “And just when did you plan on telling me this shit?” She was so
pissed she didn’t care about their damned no-cussing rule.

“Angel, we didn’t want to worry you more, and there isn’t

anything you can do anyway, so I didn’t think it would hurt not to tell
you. In Kurt’s defense, he wanted to tell you and knew you would be

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pissed when you found out.” Kevin had knelt in front of her and taken
both of her hands into his.

“But neither one of you bothered to tell me. I’m not some

innocent little flower that you have to protect from everything. I can
handle myself.” She was so pissed she could hardly see straight.

“We were just trying to protect you. Will you stay home today?

Sadie and her men can come here, and you two girls can talk, and we
boys will break something in the garage.” Kurt asked.

“No! We are meeting downtown at the new bistro for lunch, then

shopping. I. Will. Be. Fine! Please, don’t worry about me. One of you
can drop me off and pick me up, okay?” She was still pissed, but her
grandma always said you catch more flies with honey than vinegar
and pick your battles.

Kevin looked at Kurt, who shrugged this time, and they

reluctantly agreed. Kurt drove and dropped her off with Sadie, and it
was agreed that she would call when she was ready to come home.

Lunch with Sadie was great. She was very informative and willing

to talk about being married to two men and being their sub.

Tina and Sadie knew each other because Tina had been Sadie’s

counselor for her PTSD but had never talked outside of Tina’s office
except for the occasional friendly greeting once Tina started to come
to the Club. Tina was happy to get to know Sadie outside of the
clinical setting and had a feeling they were going to be great friends.

They were shopping when Sadie sat and took a deep breath. “I’m

sorry, Tina, I thought I was up to this today, but Junior here has me
worn out. He’s going to be just like his daddies and keep Mommy
worn out all the time,” she said smiling and rubbing her distended
belly. “I’m going to have to cut this short. I’m sending a text to the
guys to come and get me…can I take a rain check for another time,
maybe after Junior makes his appearance?”

“Sure, honey, we’ll do it another time, are you going to be okay?”

Tina was concerned.

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“Fine, just need to lie down and get these balloons I call feet up.”

Still rubbing her belly.

Tina sat next to her and took her hand, smiling and wondering

what it would be like to have Kurt and Kevin’s child growing inside
her. Would it be amazing? Did they want to be fathers? They hadn’t
discussed the future or children. Maybe they didn’t even want a
family. It was something she hadn’t thought about either.

Sadie interrupted her thoughts by asking, “Do you have your

phone or do you need to use mine to call one of your guys to come
and get you?”

“No, I still have some shopping I want to do, so I’m just going to

finish before I call them,” Tina answered smiling, still thinking about
a child of her own and how her men might react. This was the first
time she had really allowed herself to think about a future and
children with her men. Her men, she liked calling them that.

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Sadie asked her.
“Sure, why not. I’m a big girl, I can go shopping by myself.” Tina

was confused on why Sadie would think it was a problem.

“Okay,” Sadie said, still rubbing her abdomen.
It wasn’t very long before Evan and Dave both burst into the shop,

frantically looking for Sadie.

“Right here,” Sadie called out.
Both men knelt in front of her and each took a hand. It was sweet

to watch. You could tell they were both very devoted to their wife and
concerned about her.

Dave stood and looked at Tina as Evan helped Sadie up and to the

car. “Hon, do you need a ride or are your men coming for you?” he
asked, hands crossed over his chest.

Sighing, Tina explained that she was fine and going to do some

more shopping before calling her guys.

Dave shook his head and said, “Okay, take care of yourself,”

before giving her a quick hug and walking quickly to join Sadie and

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Tina finished getting what she wanted from the store she was in

and started walking outside to the next shop. She saw a coffee shop
and stopped for a quick latte. This was the first time she had had to
herself in several days. The guys were great, but unless she was at
work, there was always one of them with her.

She sat at an outside table, enjoying her time alone and watching

people walk by, not really paying attention to what was going on
around her. She was just getting ready to leave when a man walked up
to her.

“Hey, Whore!” he yelled at her and threw a thick red liquid on


Tina screamed and looked down. What the fuck? What the hell

was happening?

Suddenly several people surrounded her, asking if she was okay

and trying to help her clean up. One man took off after the person
who had attacked her and another was calling the police.

Tina was stunned and didn’t know what to do.
“Honey, do you have someone you can call?” one of the

bystanders asked.

Tina gave a little smile and started digging in her purse, which had

missed most of the mess, for her phone. Quickly finding the number
the boys had set up, which would call both their phones at once, she
hit the send button. When they answered, she broke up and started
crying. The person who had suggested she call had to take the phone
explain the situation. The boys promised to be there as soon as

“Fuck,” Kevin said, “I knew we shouldn’t have let her go alone.

Where the hell is Sadie?” He was pissed and didn’t care who knew it.
Kurt was driving frantically and Kevin didn’t care, he just wanted to
get there. Quickly calling Evan to find out what was going on, he
glared at his brother, daring him to go faster.

Kurt read his brother’s mind and hit the gas. Speeding ticket be

damned, he’d pay the damn thing. He needed to be with Tina now.

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“Shit,” Kurt suddenly said.
“What?” Growled Kevin, now off the phone.
“We should have brought her clean clothes. She’ll want to change.

What did Evan say?” Kurt answered.

“We didn’t have time to find her clothes, and Evan said Sadie

didn’t feel well and bailed, but Tina wanted to continue shopping on
her own. Dave tried to get her to call us, but she wouldn’t. Her ass is
so mine,” he finished.

“Yep, brother, you get her first this time, and she just got to the

point where she could sit comfortably. We may have to think
something else up if she can’t learn to behave.” Kurt grinned evilly.

“You got it, bro,” Kevin answered.
Parking the truck, they ran to find their women.

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Chapter Fourteen

They found Tina still sitting outside surrounded by several people.

She ran into their arms, but stopped short. “I don’t want to get you
messy,” she cried.

Not caring, they grabbed her to them and thanking the crowd, led

her to the truck. “We’ll just have to all shower together,” Kevin
teased her.

She smiled through her tears and leaned into him, Kurt was

driving and reached over and put one hand on her thigh, high on her

She couldn’t believe it. Even though she was covered in this red

goo, she was still getting turned on by these two. How could that be?
It was like they had a direct path to her clit and all she could think
about was being with them when they were around. And it was
apparent that they felt the same way. They always seemed to be
turned on when she was with them, who else would want to hold
someone covered with red goo?

Kevin and Kurt didn’t want to tell Tina this, but they thought the

substance she was covered in was some type of animal blood. As soon
as they could, they wanted to get her clothes to the crime lab and have
them analyzed. They were just glad she wasn’t hurt.

Kevin held her tight while Kurt drove them home, still pissed that

they had ever left her alone. She would be lucky to pee alone from
now on. He was considering having Kurt stay with her all day at the
office. Whether she liked it or not.

When they got home, Kevin carried her through the house and

straight to the shower. Kurt was right on their tail.

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They all three stripped and went right into the warm water, the

men thoroughly washing Tina. Before the shower was done, they had
her so aroused, that she couldn’t think of anything else.

Kurt carried Tina to the bed while Kevin sacked up the clothes

and took them down to the garage and put them in his truck. He
would take them to the crime lab while Kurt got Tina to take a nap
before the class tonight. This was the next to the last week of the class
and things had been going very well.

After completing his task, he jogged up the stairs to help his

brother wear their woman out.

The class went as expected and the remainder of the weekend was

quiet. The trio went to Tina’s house so that she could gather some
more of her things on Sunday and so that they could check out the
house. When everything appeared to be fine, they got what was
needed and returned to Kurt and Kevin’s.

They spent the rest of the day kicking back and watching movies,

relaxing and enjoying the day until Kevin suggested that Kurt stay at
Tina’s office while she was working. Tina flat-out threw a fit and
refused. Nothing the men could do convinced her, with her telling
them, “Nothing has happened at the office, and nothing is going to.
Kurt would just distract me and I need to concentrate on my work.”

The men appeared to let her have her way, secretly agreeing that

Kurt would stay in the parking lot for Tina’s building. It wasn’t as
good as him being in her office, but that way if she needed him, he
would be close. They would also make sure that Margaret, Tina’s
secretary, and building security could reach Kurt.

Monday was quiet days with nothing happening and Tina not

having a clue Kurt was there. Tuesday changed everything.

Kurt was in a bad mood when it was time to take Tina to work.

She didn’t know what had happened, but he had been very sharp with
her and nothing she did seemed to please him. Frustrated, she called a
taxi and took it to work, which made Kurt even madder. He followed

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her to work and he had almost caused a huge scene in her office,
stomping out before things came to a head.

Tina didn’t know what she had done and spent her morning

alternating between being mad at the way he treated her and upset,
crying, afraid she had done something wrong.

Lunch time came and both Kevin and Kurt were there to take her

to lunch. Kevin was usually too busy to go to lunch, and Tina was
very surprised to see him.

“What’s going on?” she asked, hugging and kissing both men.
“We came to take you to lunch and Kurt wants to apologize for

this morning,” Kevin said as he walked her to the truck, giving Kurt a

“Okay, but you never have time to do lunch.” Tina looked at

Kevin, something was up.

“I know, angel, but we wanted to talk to you, and given my

brother’s wonderful mood, I didn’t trust him to do it alone.” He glared
at Kurt again.

Kurt had the good sense to look sheepish and actually hung his

head a minute, but Tina could see him smiling.

They all got in the vehicle with Tina sitting in the middle. Kurt

immediately put one arm around her and the other hand under her
skirt, pulling her close.

“I’m sorry for the way I behaved this morning, I wasn’t mad at

you and should not have treated you that way. I was upset at someone
else and took it out on you, forgive me? And if you ever take off in a
taxi like that again, I’ll blister your ass, understand?” Kurt said, as he
pulled her in for a scorching kiss.

Tina melted into him. How could she help but forgive him after a

kiss like that?

Kevin took them to a drive-thru for food, then parked the truck by

a lake where they could sit and watch the ducks while talking.

“Angel, we’ve found several more packages at your house and

today one was delivered to the security guard at your office. The

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reason you didn’t know was that we are trying not to worry you, but
there are no clues on the packages and we can’t manage to catch
anything on the cameras at your house. Do you have any idea who
might be doing something like this? I think it’s more than kids, are
there any patients or anyone else that you think might want to do
these types of things? We are getting the police involved and they are
going to want to go through your patient records.”

“I don’t know if I can allow that, patient confidentiality laws

protect the client. I’ll have to check with my attorney,” Tina said
automatically, then realizing what she had said and who she was
talking to, laughed. “I guess I am talking to my attorney, what does he
recommend?” She smiled.

“Tina, I recommend that you cooperate fully with the

investigation. We want to find out who is doing this before it escalates

“What do you mean, ‘escalates’? What is going on, it’s just dead

animals, isn’t it?” Tina was starting to freak out a little.

Taking a deep breath and looking at Kurt, who nodded, Kevin told

her, “The packages have started arriving daily now, and the animals
inside are mutilated. I really don’t want to tell you this, but the
substance that was thrown on you was pig’s blood.”

Tina visibly shuddered and Kurt held her closer.
“Why would anyone do this to me?” she asked, tears running

down her face.

“Why don’t you call Margaret and cancel your appointments for

the rest of the week. We’ll all go to the cabin after we talk to the
police and take a few days to relax.”

Tina mentally went over her schedule. It would be a push, but

everything could be rescheduled for next week, and if needed, she
could work late a few nights. Getting away sounded wonderful, and in
a snap decision she did something she had never done. Took a few
days off for fun.

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“Yes, I will. Let’s go back to the office, I need to work for about

an hour and take care of a few things, then I will take the rest of the
week off. What do I need to do for the police?” she asked, her mind
made up.

“I’ll call and have an officer meet us at your office,” Kevin

answered her, and he and Kurt both had big smiles on their faces.

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Chapter Fifteen

By the time Tina and the men were done dealing with what she

needed to do and dealing with the police, it was too late to leave for
the cabin. So they decided to wait and leave the next morning, which
would give them Wednesday, Thursday, and most of Friday before
they had to be back for classes.

Kevin’s cabin wasn’t really a cabin at all. It was a huge two-story,

a frame with lots of window and very spacious. The outside was
amazing, but inside it looked like something from House Beautiful.
The décor was something else. Along with all the usual room and
accommodations, there were several special fixtures for BDSM play
including a fully stocked playroom, which the boys promised she
would spend several hours in. Kurt had the evil glint back in his eyes
when he made the promise.

Kevin proudly led her around his “weekend” home, making sure

she saw everything. Taking her out back, he proudly showed her the
deck he and Kurt had built and the hot tub that was back there,
“perfect for watching the stars from,” he told her with a promise in his

The back of the cabin was all windows, and Tina was sure it

would be amazing at night.

Since they had left early in the morning, after getting settled and

having an early lunch, they decided to take a nap before hiking to the

When they woke, they all had a snack before packing some water

and heading for the lake. It wasn’t a long hike, and they were there in
no time.

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“This is amazing. I never want to go home,” Tina announced

when they arrived. She walked around the lake, laughing at the
animals and in awe of nature.

The boys walked with her, enjoying her reaction to everything.

After they had walked around the lake and explored, they all headed
back to the cabin. The men wanted to get her ready for the evening.
Kurt had packed several of the outfits they had bought for her, and he
wanted a fashion show, then maybe a striptease…if he let her wear
enough clothes.

After a long shower where the men teased Tina mercilessly and

refused to let her orgasm, they all went to fix dinner. The men were
keeping her on edge the entire time. They wanted her hot and
bothered for the evening’s activities. They planned on starting in the
playroom and possibly advancing to the hot tub later, but weren’t sure
of that part of the plan. They could always play in the hot tub

After dinner, the men took her to the playroom. Kurt had already

prepared it for what he wanted.

“First we both owe you a punishment. Kevin is going to punish

you for not calling us Saturday when Sadie bailed on your shopping
trip and going off on your own, and I am going to punish you for
taking off in a taxi yesterday, any questions?”

Tina didn’t think it was fair, but knew if she said anything, they

would just punish her more. “Wasn’t I already punished this afternoon
when you wouldn’t let me come?” She pouted.

“No, that was teasing to get you ready for tonight, and the rule is

still in effect, now strip and go stand in front of the cross.”

“Yes, Sir!” she answered with attitude.
“Oh, and Tina, we’ll both be adding five to your count for


“Yes, Sir.” She answered dejectedly. She couldn’t get away with

anything, all she could do was hope it wasn’t as bad as last time, her
ass was black and blue for days after the last time.

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Stripping, she walked up to the cross and stood facing it.
“Now turn around and face us,” Kurt instructed.
Huh? Facing forward? What the hell were they planning?
Turning and complying, Tina started to quiver with fear.
Kevin immediately noticed and walked over to reassure her.

Cupping the back of her head, he gave her a deep, scorching kiss and
asked, “Do you remember your safe words?”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered shakily.
“What are they?”
Yellow to slow down and red to stop, Sir.” He voice was steadier


“Good girl,” Kevin told her, kissing her again. “Now, I’m going to

fasten your arms and Kurt will do your feet. This will help you stay
still and not hurt yourself.”

Kurt knelt at her feet and spread her legs the way he wanted,

attaching cuffs to each ankle and fastening them to the cross. Kevin
did the same with her hands.

When Kurt had her feet where he wanted them, he ran his tongue

from the inside of her ankle up her leg to the back of her knee, where
he gently nipped the skin, then continued up the inside of her thigh to
her core, taking her clit in his mouth and biting gently.

“Oh my God,” she cried, arching off the cross.
Kevin had her hands fastened above her head and also spread

apart. Seeing her arch, he grabbed a strap and fastened it just below
her breast, so that she couldn’t arch again. The only thing she could
move was her pelvis a little.

Once she was restrained to their satisfaction, Kurt and Kevin

walked over to the toy chest and got what they needed for the
evenings activities. Tina couldn’t see everything, but did see a tube of
lube and a very large butt plug.

“You are so not putting that thing in me,” she said.
Kurt turned, gave her a dirty look, and went back to the toy chest.
“You are going to be sorry you said that, angel,” Kevin told her.

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Hiding what he had gotten, Kurt walked back to her.
“What did you say?” he asked, his infamous evil glint back.
“Well…umm…I…sorry, Sir,” she finally spit out.
“Yeah, you’re gonna be sorry,” he said, and pulled a huge butt

plug from behind him.

“Oh shit!” Tina said softly.
“Don’t worry, it’s still not as big as we are and you’ve taken both

of us. You’ll be fine, angel.” Kevin tried to reassure her.

“Yeah, but if she pisses me off any more, I’ll find a bigger one,”

Kurt laughed evilly.

Kevin gave him a dirty look, and said, “Angel, remember your

safe words. If it gets to be too much use one.”

Kurt just grinned wickedly and went back on his knees. Spreading

her folds, he went back to licking and sucking her clit, until he had
her dancing on the cross.

When she was on the verge of coming, he stopped and took the

tube of lube. Applying it liberally to her puckered hole and the plug,
he slowly started to insert it.

Tina tensed up and a tear ran down her face. Seeing this, Kurt,

stopped what he was doing and went back to her clit. Kevin knelt on
the other side of her and took the plug from his brother, and slowly
started inserting it.

When they had Tina focusing on something besides the plug, it

was easier to insert. Once Kevin had it fully seated, he twisted it a
little and slowly fucked it in and out a few times.

All the while Kurt continued sucking and licking her little clit.

Once the plug was in place, Kurt stopped what he was doing and took
a butterfly vibrator and attached it to her clit. Starting it at the lowest
speed, he also turned on the plug, which was also a vibrator.

Once they had her clit and bottom humming, they each took a

nipple in their mouths and started sucking and licking.

Tina was in living hell. She couldn’t move, and she couldn’t

come. She was writing and grinding on the cross, trying to get relief.

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Begging wasn’t helping either. “Oh please, oh please,” she moaned,
“please, I’ll be good, I won’t be bratty anymore. Please.”

Kurt stopped what he was doing and looked at Kevin. “I don’t

believe a word of it, do you, brother?”

“Nope, not a word, but you know what, brother?”
“No, what?”
“I think we found a good punishment for our angel, don’t you

agree?” he asked, pinching and pulling the nipple he had been sucking
and licking.

“I agree,” Kurt responded, giving the nipple on his side the same


They both started rolling her nipples between their fingers, until

the little nubbins couldn’t get any more distended, then Kurt took two
clamps out of his pocket and handed one to Kevin. Simultaneously
they both applied the clamps, and when she moaned and whined they
were too tight, Kurt laughed and tightened them.

“Holy fuck, my nipples are seriously going to fall off,” she


“What was that?” Kurt asked.
“Thank you, Sir. That feels wonderful. Can they be tightened

anymore?” she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

She was going to be so sorry. The one person you didn’t

antagonize during a scene was Kurt. He was very strict and topping
from the bottom was a big no-no in his world. Kevin just shook his
head and stepped back to watch the show. If she wanted to play it this
way, he was going to let her see what kind of game she was really

He knew Kurt wouldn’t do any permanent damage, but he needed

to let Kurt handle this and stand back so he could pick up the pieces.
He didn’t want her to be pissed at both of them and he was going to
have to be the peacekeeper.

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He had always been the level-headed one and Kurt was faster to

punish and take offense. Not that Kurt had ever hurt anyone or done
anything Kevin wouldn’t have, he just came off harsher.

“What was that, baby, you want them tighter? No problem.” And

he reached up and tighten the clamps as tight as he dared. He knew
they would be very uncomfortable, but would not do permanent
damage. Her nipples would be sore for a couple days. He also needed
to get things moving along, the clamps would have to come off sooner
than he had originally planned.

“Now baby, do you have anything else you want to say to me?”

He asked, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest.

“No, Sir, I’m sorry I was mouthy, Sir, please loosen the clamps,

they really hurt.” She sniffled.

“They will stay like that for a while, baby, maybe then you’ll

remember not to be so mouthy.” What she didn’t know was that the
clamps also vibrated. She was going to experience that soon.

Kurt walked up to her until he was standing so close they touched.

Using his chest, he moved back and forth, letting the friction rub her
little nipples.

“Oh, God, don’t,” she moaned as they upped the speed on the plug

and the butterfly, then started the nipple clamps vibrating.

Kurt cupped her breasts, lifting them so that the rubbing of his

chest applied more pressure, and took her lips, bruising them with the
intensity of the kiss. When she slightly parted her lips, his tongue
dove in and took over her mouth, searching every corner.

When Kurt pulled back, Tina almost collapsed. If the restraints

hadn’t been holding her up, she would have fallen.

As Kurt stepped back, Kevin moved in with a flogger in his hand.

“This won’t hurt, but it may sting a little,” he told her as he started to
slow drag it across her breasts, stomach, pelvis, and thighs.

When he came to her thighs, he started to slowly flick it over her,

gradually working his way up her body and applying more and more
pressure and speed until flicks became stinging zaps on her skin.

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Tina writhed and moaned, but she couldn’t get any relief. Her

nipples and clit throbbed, and she needed to come so badly that she
was panting and begging.

“Oh…oh…oh, I…please…please let me come, please,” she

moaned and begged. “I’ll be good, I’ll do whatever you want, you
have to stop this, I can’t stand it.” Her pelvis was thrusting in and out.

Kevin took the flogger and started flogging between her legs,

striking the vibe on her clit with almost every stroke.

Kurt now had a crop in his hands. It didn’t look that intimidating.

It looked like a small flyswatter, the end was a little square of leather
and looked very flexible. He was slapping it against his thigh and

“What are you going to do with that?” Tina asked.
“Punish a naughty sub,” Kurt answered and grinned, rubbing the

leather end over and around her breasts.

Tina looked down, watching as Kurt started gently slapping her

breasts with the crop. She panted and moaned, her body was feeling
so much stimulation.

Kurt slapped all around her breasts, until they were red and

swollen. Then he and Kevin switched.

The first thing they did was to remove the nipple clamps, causing

Tina to scream and have one of the best orgasms of her life. She
didn’t’ think it would stop. Screaming and calling the men’s name, it
went on and on.

When Tina stopped screaming and started to come down, the men

took a warm, wet cloth and wiped her face and body of sweat. Then
they gave her a bottle of water and asked if she was okay.

“Yes, Sirs, I’m good. That was incredible. I can’t believe I came

like that. You are both amazing and I think I’m falling in love with
you.” She said the last part very quietly, not sure if she should tell
them or not.

“Oh, angel, thank you. Thank you for having the courage to say

that,” Kevin said, and gave her a gentle kiss.

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Both men’s eyes lit up and they grinned from ear to ear, but

neither one said it back to her. She felt a little sad.

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Chapter Sixteen

Kevin saw the sadness in her eyes, but didn’t know what was

going on. “Are you okay, angel?” he asked, cupping her face.

Tina smiled and nodded, afraid to speak for fear she would start

crying. She had laid her heart on the line and they had not
reciprocated. What had she done? She was such a fool.

They were just playing with her. How could she have ever thought

she could be enough for two men? She couldn’t even please one man.
Once they left the cabin and got back to town, she would start moving
back to her house. She had been staying with Kurt and Kevin, but
now she needed to go home.

Having made her mind up, she plastered a smile on her face. She

was going to enjoy the rest of the time she had with them.

Kurt and Kevin had been watching the changes on Tina’s face, but

had no idea what was going on. “Are you sure you’re okay, baby? Do
you need to stop or anything?” Kurt asked.

“No! Don’t stop, please,” she responded.
Kurt looked at Kevin, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded,

then they took up their positions. Kevin was now flogging her breasts
as Kurt knelt down and removed the butterfly. Kissing her mound, he
used one hand and spread her folds open, then he took the crop and
started rubbing her with it. Trailing it from her plugged hole to her

When he reached her clit, he started tapping the little bud, tapping

harder with each strike. Between the flogging and the crop, she was
climbing the peak again. She couldn’t control her hips and was
thrusting toward the crop with each tap.

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“Oh please, oh please,” she moaned, as she got closer and closer

to her peak.

Suddenly, the cross flipped and she was lying prone with her

pelvis higher than her head. She heard a whirling noise and her legs
were spread wider.

Kevin put the flogger down and walked around to her head,

undoing his leathers as he moved. When he got to her head, his cock
was free and dripping pre-cum. “Open wide, time for you to give us
some relief,” Kevin told her, feeding his cock into her mouth.

Kurt had put the crop down and was standing between her wide

spread legs. She could feel him pushing inside her.

Both men leaned over and took a nipple in their mouths and

proceeded to fuck her senseless until they all came with a scream.

Once they all recovered, the men unfastened her and helped her

off the cross, carrying her to the master suite and placing her in the
large tub there. They all soaked in the hot water for a long while, until
Tina was almost asleep.

Kurt and Kevin then dried her off and carried her to the large bed,

where they all slept for several hours.

When Kevin and Kurt woke, Tina was still sleeping, so they left

her in bed while they went to check messages.

When Kevin checked his messages, there was one from the

detectives that were assigned to Tina’s case. The news was not good.
Her house had been broken into and blood had been poured over
everything. It looked like the contents were a total loss. Nothing was
going to be salvageable.

The men debated on how to tell Tina, finally deciding to wait and

tell her on the way home, so as not to ruin the rest of their time at the
cabin. Then they hurried back to their sleeping angel.

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Chapter Seventeen

Tina woke the next morning, snug between the two men.

Stretching, she was sore all over. A smile came to her face,
remembering how she got sore in some places. She reached down to
her nipples, gently rubbing her palms over them. Good thing she
wasn’t working for a few days, there was no way she was going to be
able to wear a bra. Even the thought of a shirt rubbing her nipples
made her shudder. She might have to go topless for a day or so, she
thought, giggling. She knew neither man would mind.

She twisted around to watch Kurt sleeping. He was so peaceful

and boy like. She was in love.

Moving on to her other side, she looked at Kevin. The two men

were so much alike, and so different. The way they played, the way
they teased her. The fact that Kurt was so much more intense than
Kevin, although she had seen a different side of Kevin last night and
could see the intensity in him and realized that he had the same
intensity as Kurt, he just focused it in a different way.

She loved both of these men, how was she ever going to walk

away? But she was sure that they didn’t feel the same way about her.
When she had slipped and told them she loved them last night, they
hadn’t even responded to her. This was just a game to them, and when
it was over, she would be out. She wasn’t going to let that happen.
She would take what she could get for the next few days, and when
they got back to Denver, she would go home. Yes, that was it, she
would make an excuse and go home. They had security set up on her
house now, she would be safe and she could go home.

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Having made a plan, she relaxed into Kurt’s arms and closed her

eyes. She was going to enjoy what she could get.

Kurt lay and watched his baby looking at them. She was so

perfect, the woman he and his brother had been looking for. He was in
love. Watching the expressions her face went through, he wondered
what was on her mind. She watched both of them for several minutes
with sadness in her eyes before getting a look of determination, then
relief. What could be going through her pretty little head?

He thought about everything they had done to her and everything

she had taken from them. She responded equally to him and his
brother and was so perfect.

Just when he thought about letting her know he was awake, she

relaxed back into him, wiggling to get comfortable. He allowed
himself to sigh and let his body relax. A few more hours in bed, then
he would have to think of something fun.

Tina must have fallen back asleep. When she woke, it was to both

men sucking on her nipples. Reaching down, she cupped a head in
each hand, holding them in place.

They each pulled back and Kurt looked at her saying, “Morning,

baby, how are the nipples feeling this morning?”

Tina smiled and answered, “Better now, but I don’t think I’ll be

wearing a bra for a few days and I’d rather not play with clamps again
this week.”

Kevin also looked up, and he responded, “Then you had better be

a good girl, because now that we know that would make you
uncomfortable, that would be a good punishment for a bad girl.”

They all got up, showered, and played for a while before

breakfast. Coming out of the shower, the boys handed her hiking
clothes and left her to dress while they started breakfast and packed a
lunch. They planned on hiking up past the lake and spending some
time up there.

Tina had a great time hiking with her men. They teased her all day

long and touched her sore nipples every chance they got. By the time

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they got back to the cabin, Tina was in a state. She was hot, tired, and
horny, and her breasts hurt. Heading straight for the shower, she left
the men to deal with cleaning up and making dinner.

If they were going to tease her, she could take care of the problem.

She had for years before she had found these two and still
remembered what to do. She may not have her vibrator, but she had
her hand.

Pulling off her clothes and leaving them in a pile in the bedroom,

Tina got in the shower. She’d show them that they couldn’t tease her.

Standing under the warm water, she relaxed and set the shower

heads to aim at the small bench there. She sat on the bench and spread
her legs, gently rubbing and pulling her nipples. Closing her eyes, she
imagined it was Kurt and Kevin playing with her and let one hand
drift between her legs. Rubbing and pinching her clit, she brought
herself to completion. It wasn’t as good as what Kevin and Kurt did,
but it relieved some tension.

When Tina opened her eyes, Kurt was standing there, watching

her. Not saying anything, he took her hand and helped her out of the
shower. Then he quickly and impersonally dried her off, not playing
as he usually would.

When Tina went to get some clothes, Kurt grabbed her arm and

pulled her back.

“I don’t think so. We need to go tell Kevin what you’ve done and

see how he wants to handle this. You are in some deep shit, little
girl,” Kurt told her, and the tone of his voice sent shivers down her

“Yes, Sir,” Tina answered. I am so deep in it, she thought. I

should have made sure the door was locked or better yet not even
touched myself.

Shivering with anticipation, Tina let Kurt lead her naked to the

kitchen. When they got in the room, Kurt told her, “on your knees,
sub and tell Kev what you did,” as he crossed his arms over his chest
in a very arrogant stance.

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Tina dropped gracefully to her knees, and let her chin drop to her

chest. Laying both hands palm-up on her knees, she hoped her pose
was submissive enough to get her out of the mess she had gotten
herself into.

Kevin knelt down in front of her and lifted her face so that he

could look into her eyes. “What did you do now, angel?”

“Well I kind of…you s–see…I…um,” Tina stuttered, trying to

think of a way to word it so it didn’t sound so bad. It was probably the
last time she was going to get off for while anyway, if she knew her
men. They would think that the perfect punishment was orgasm
denial. Well if she had done it once, she could do it again.

Leaning closer to her and looking deeper into her eyes, Kevin

asked, “Tell me, angel, what did you do that upset Kurt so much?”

Tears started running down her face and she hiccupped. “well, I

was in the shower and the water was running, and then you and Kurt
had played with me all afternoon, so it was really not my fault, but I
did and anyway….I…w–well…um,” she started stuttering again and
chewing on her bottom lip. “I got myself off!” There, she said it and
would take the punishment she deserved. Straightening her back, she
physically dared them to do something.

Kevin leaned back and said, “Okay, well I can see how that upset

Kurt. Let’s eat then we’ll go to the hot tub and talk about what you
did and the ramifications of your actions.” He stood up and grabbed
Tina’s hand, pulling her to her feet.

Tina was a little shocked that that was all Kevin said, and looked

at Kurt, who was already sitting at the table getting ready to eat.
Looking from one man to the other, she shook her head.

“That’s it? We’ll talk about it later?” She stamped one foot.
“Yes, and unless you would like the clamps back on, I suggest

you sit down and eat your dinner,” Kurt said pleasantly…too

“But I thought, you…” Tina knew somewhere inside that she

should shut up and sit down, but couldn’t get her brain to cooperate.

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“Fine, whatever,” Tina finally said as she stomped her way to the

Kevin had an amused look on his face and nodded to Kurt.
Kurt simply stood up, walked over to Tina, and held out his hand.

When she sat with her arms crossed over her breast and pouted, he
cleared his throat and looked at his hand.

Tina sat for a minute, then looked up and rolling her eyes, took his


Kurt led her back to where he had been sitting and Kevin left the

room, heading up the stairs.

Kurt sat down and pulled her onto his lap. He bent down and took

one nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking the poor little nub.
“Oh, baby, I wish you hadn’t decided to be mouthy tonight, you know
what I have to do.”

“But…I…yes, Sir,” Tina said, sniffling. Her mouth got her body

in so much trouble.

Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out a pair of nipple clamps and

bent his head back to her breast. Kevin had returned from upstairs and
knelt down and took the other breast in his mouth. When they had her
nipples hard and distended, they each took a clip and applied them.

“Wait a minute, you had clamps in your pocket? What’s up with

that shit?” Oh why couldn’t she learn to shut up? She was going to be
so sorry.

“Yes, baby, I had clamps, I knew my baby wouldn’t behave for

long and you have proven me right. Now, the clamps are not as tight
as last night, but probably feel worse because you’re so tender today.
Be good and we’ll take them off after dinner, be mouthy and they’ll
stay on longer,” Kurt told her before he took her mouth in a scorching

Kurt let her mouth go and suddenly flipped her over so that she

was lying face down across his lap.

“Now wait a minute, aren’t the clamps enough? I don’t need a

spanking too. Come on be fair.” Oh she was so going to get it now.

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She knew better than to say anything besides thank you, why the hell
did she keep opening her mouth?

“Oh, angel, all we were going to do was put a plug in you, but

now I think you’ll get ten and the clamps will stay on until we decide
to take them off,” Kevin told her as he rubbed her ass.

“Hey, man we need to get on with this, if we’re going to eat

before it gets cold. I didn’t plan on all this before dinner,” Kurt said
with an emphasis on the word before.

“Five each?” Kevin asked.
“Sounds good, man.” And Kurt laid one on her.
She reared up with a screech, but quickly lay back down. She had

brought this on herself. Each man gave her five hard smacks, then
Kevin lubed up the plug and inserted it. Flipping her back over, Kurt
stood her up, and they all quickly washed their hands at the kitchen
sink before sitting back down to eat.

Tina went back to her original stair, but before she could sit down,

Kurt pulled her back into his lap. “You’ll eat with me tonight. I’ll feed

“But…yes, Sir.” There really wasn’t any point arguing. It would

just get her in more trouble, and she had a feeling that she was in deep
enough as it was.

Dinner was more fun than Tina thought it was going to be. Both

Kurt and Kevin took turns feeding her and they purposely dropped
things so that they could eat them off her body. By the end of the
meal she was more aroused than she ever had been in her life. She
didn’t even notice the clamps and the plug anymore.

Kurt carried her out to the hot tub, leaving Kevin to clean up. “I

should help him,” she protested, and got smacked on the pussy for her

“Quiet, unless one of us gives you permission to talk. We were

going to have fun, but now we have to have a little punishment for
your behavior in the shower first.” He told her seriously.

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Tina pouted, but wisely kept her thoughts to herself. She’d been

mouthy enough for the time being. She knew she was going to pay.

Kurt crawled in the hot tub and took her in with him. Sitting

down, he sat her between his legs and lifted both of her knees over his
thighs. Reaching between her spread legs, he drifted one finger
through her slit, rimming the plug and dipping inside her pussy.

“Oh….please,” she moaned.
Leaning down he bit her earlobe and said, “Don’t come. You are

not allowed to come.” Then he pushed his finger in further, moving it
round in a circle.

Wrapping one arm around her waist, he kept moving his other

hand through her folds, barely applying enough pressure, so that she
kept pushing herself into him.

Kurt slowly kept playing, trailing his fingers up and down her slit

and rubbing her clit.

Tina’s pelvis was jerking up and down and she was making the

cutest little sounds.

Tina wasn’t aware when, but sometime Kevin had joined them

and he was sitting in front of her and had pulled her legs over his,
reclining her back further against Kurt.

Kurt moved his hand and Kevin took his place, holding her open

with one hand and using the other to trail his fingers up and down her

Tina was moaning and writhing and begging, “oh please, please,

let me come, please I can’t hold it much longer, please, I’ll be good.”

“Yes, baby, you say that now, because you want to come. But just

last night you were in a position similar to this and saying the same
things, then today the minute we left you alone, you took care of
yourself with no regard for us. How do you think that made us feel?”
Kurt said in her ear as he cupped her breasts, squeezing them and
rolling them in his fingers.

Tina was so close, she just moaned and thrust her pelvis faster.

“Please, please, I’ll be good.”

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“Kev, do you think she’s had enough?” Kurt asked.
“Nope,” Kevin answered, and lifted her legs up to his shoulders.

Parting her folds, he took her in his mouth, sucking and gently biting
her little clit. The next part of the evening depended on her coming
and getting in trouble, and Kevin was doing his best to make sure that

“Oh God, it’s not fair, please, I can’t take it. I have to come,

please,” Tina begged.

Kevin upped his game and started fucking her with two, then three

fingers. Kurt had reached underneath her and was fucking the plug in
and out.

Tina was going crazy, there was no way to stop it, and she came

screaming for both men.

When she stopped screaming and had relaxed, Kevin put her legs

back down and told her, “that was very bad, Tina, I believe Kurt told
you not to come without permission. What do you think we should do

Tina was so euphoric she didn’t care. If she kept having orgasms

like that she was going to be brain-dead. Kevin was saying something
to her, but she didn’t care. She was happy and sated and that was all
that mattered.

“I think she’s brain-dead bro, you’ll have to wait for the oxygen to

return to her brain if you want to talk to her.” Kurt laughed and pulled
her more into a sitting position in his lap, holding her close.

Kurt held her and rubbed her back, slowly soothing her until she

looked up to him. Her love for them shining from her eyes.

“Wow. That was…wow.” She smiled. Reaching up, she cupped

the back of Kurt’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. She started it
as just a brushing of the lips, meant to be a thank you, but Kurt took it
over and was soon exploring her mouth with his.

When he broke the kiss, Kurt handed her to Kevin. “Here, baby,

spend some time with my bro, I need to get some of what he had.”

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They turned her around so that she was sitting on Kevin’s lap and

Kurt lifted her legs over his shoulder, leaning in to lick from her rear
hole to her clit. He was going to make her come also.

Kevin leaned down and nibbled her neck. When he lifted his head

he told her, “We’re going to give you one more chance, angel. Kurt is
going to have his taste now and you are not to come. I really need you
to try, because we don’t want to punish you.” He tried to keep the
amusement out of his voice. There was no way she was not going to
come. It would be even harder now that she had already come once.
They were setting her up for failure.

Tina knew they were setting her up, but the orgasms were so good

and what was a girl to do? It wasn’t like she could just get up and
walk away. She could use her safe word, but what was the fun in that?
If this was all she was going to get, she was going to take it all. She
wanted this with these men. This was where she was meant to be. If
she could she’d spend the rest of her life here between the two of

Kurt had her legs over his shoulders and he was going to town,

licking and sucking, he had three fingers in her and was fucking them
in and out.

Kevin had one hand on the plug and was twisting and turning it,

pushing it in and out of her body,

“That is so not fair, I can’t help it, oh please, please, stop, don’t,

stop, oh please, I’m going to come, oh please.” She moaned, making
the climb even faster this time.

Kevin licked and sucked her neck, nibbling on her collarbone.

“Don’t come, you are not to come without permission,” he told her.

“I can’t help it, you are not being fair. I…I…I need, please, please

I can’t stop it.” She moaned.

The men continued pushing her until she screamed again, then

Kevin held her until the blood returned to her brain.

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She cuddled into Kevin, enjoying being held by him. Once she

could think again, Kevin sat her between himself and Kurt, and they
both wrapped an arm around her.

“You did very good, baby, I know that was tough, and you held

out longer than we expected you to. That was your punishment. You
are not in trouble anymore, the rest of the evening is just for fun. We
both want to fuck you together right now, are you up for that?” Kurt
asked her.

“Yes, please I want both of you at the same time, please.” Tina

was so happy. They weren’t disappointed in her anymore and they
both wanted her.

Kevin pulled her to straddle his hips, and Kurt moved in behind

her. Soon they were both inside her. It wasn’t long before they all
came with a scream that echoed off the mountains surrounding them.

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Chapter Eighteen

Tina woke the next morning sandwiched between the two men.

Kevin had each breast cupped in a hand, and Kurt was holding her ass
cheeks. What a way to wake up.

Tina needed to get up, but didn’t want to move. She had no idea

how she was going to move back home. It was incredible being with
both men. They said they wanted her forever, but neither one had told
her that they loved her. She had poured her heart out for them, and
they had not reciprocated. Did they love her and were not ready to say
it or were they just playing with her? How would she find out? Did
she want to find out? Maybe she needed to see a therapist, she giggled
to herself.

Snuggling back into Kevin, she tried to relax and go back to sleep,

but the need to get up was too much. She tried to figure out a way to
get up without waking her men, but there wasn’t.

Finally she gave in and started really struggling to get free. If she

didn’t get up soon, it was not going to be pretty.

“Kurt, Kurt, you have to let me up,” she whispered frantically.
“Huh, what…what’s wrong, baby?”
“I need up. Now.” She pushed at him. Her need demanding now.
“Okay, Kev, Tina wants up, move man?” Kurt said, sitting up and

moving so Tina could get up quickly.

“Huh, umph,” Kevin said as Kurt pushed at his shoulder to get

him to let go of Tina.

The minute Kevin moved his hands, Tina was up and running.
“What?” Kevin asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
“Bathroom,” Kurt answered.

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“Oh,” Kevin came back. Both men gave her a few minutes of

privacy and when they heard the shower start, ran to join her.

After their shower and breakfast they packed up their things to go

home. The boys want to take her shopping and were going to stop on
the way home. They promised to take her to Aspen next time they
came to the cabin, but today had other plans.

The shopping was great, and on the trip home Tina curled up

against Kevin and slept. Kurt was driving and the men quietly talked
while she was asleep.

“Did it come in yet?” Kurt asked Kevin.
“Yeah, I have it at home, it’s exactly as we ordered, both pieces.

When do you want to do this?’

“I think we’ll go out for lunch and do it right before the last class

so she can show off to everyone, what do you think?” Kurt asked.

‘So, tomorrow then, cool.” Kevin was smiling. They still had to

tell her about her house, but now that he knew she was going to be
moving in with them, it didn’t bother him as much. She’d been living
with them anyway, giving her the ring and collar was just a formality.

Tina started to stir, so the men stopped talking. They needed to

tell her about her house and the fact that everything she owned had
been ruined.

When she was fully awake, they stopped for drinks and a quick

break. When they got back into the truck, Kevin started the
conversation. He was driving and Kurt had the job of calming her
after he gave her the bad news.

“Angel, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but someone broke into

your house,” he started.

“How bad was it?” she asked.
“Very bad. Someone poured blood all over everything,” Kevin

told her gently.

“Everything? There’s nothing left.” She was in shock.
“Yes, angel, everything was ruined. They managed to salvage

some pictures by cleaning them, but whoever did this opened drawers

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and your closet too. I have a crew trying to clean things, but I don’t
know how much we are going to be able to salvage.”

“When did this happen, and what is up with the expensive security

system we had put in? Why is all this happening to me?” She finally
put her hands over her face and started crying.

Kurt unfastened her seat belt and pulled her into his lap. He

needed to hold her and comfort her. This woman was going to be his
wife, and he couldn’t stand to see her hurting.

Shh, baby, shh, Kevin and I will take care of it. It will all work

out. Please don’t cry, baby.” He tried to soothe her, but she just cried

Kurt held her tighter and whispered in her ear, he felt so bad and

didn’t know what more to do. He loved this woman with all of his
heart and she was in distress. It was his job to make it better.

“Tina, baby, please, I love you, please don’t cry any more. Kevin

and I will take care of everything, please, baby.” He just wanted to
make it better.

Tina looked up at him and smiled through her tears. “Say it

again,” she said quietly.

“What part, baby?” Kurt asked.
“The part where you say you love me, did you mean it?” she

asked, her voice full of awe.

“Yes, baby, I meant every word. I love you and want to spend the

rest of my life with you and Kevin feels the same way.”

“He does?” she asked, turning to look at Kevin.
“Yes, angel, I do love you. I’ve loved you since the minute I first

saw you in the Club with Rachel. We were going to wait until
tomorrow to do this, but Tina, would you marry us? Kurt and I want
to be your husbands and your Doms. We want to spend the rest of our
lives with you and protect you always.”

Tina was still crying, but now for a different reason. They wanted

to marry her. They wanted to keep her. How could she be so lucky as
to have both of them want her?

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“You really want to marry me? You’re sure you really want me?”

She was shocked, bewildered and in awe. She couldn’t believe that
they wanted her.

“Yes, baby, we both really want you. We were going to ask you

tomorrow, but couldn’t wait. We have a ring and a collar for you at
home and will give them to you when we get there. Will you wear our
collar and our ring? We both really want you to. I love you, Tina,”
Kurt told her.

“Yes, I will marry you both and wear your collar. I want that, I

want it more than anything,” she answered, snuggling into Kurt.

“I have a confession. After I told you I loved you both the other

night, when you didn’t say it back, I got upset and was going to go
home tonight. I’m so happy now, you won’t be able to get rid of me.”

Kevin had parked the truck and moved closer to her. He pulled her

into his lap and took her mouth in the hottest kiss yet. “Does that
convince you of how much I love you?” he asked when he finally let
her up for air.

Tina just smiled, she was euphoric. Even with the threat looming

over her head. Nothing could ruin this day.

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Chapter Nineteen

The men were very concerned about the break-in at Tina’s house.

The fact that someone had been able to circumvent the security was
very disconcerting. Evan had been to the house himself twice to check
connections and see if he could figure out how it was being done. It
had him angry and puzzled. His security system was state of the art
and should have been tamper-proof. He had designed much of the
system himself and had patents on most of it. There should have been
no way, but someone had managed to leave several packages without
being caught, and now they had managed to break into the house.

Kevin and Kurt were glad Tina wasn’t going back to the house,

and couldn’t wait to get home and give her ring and collar. They were
all going to start a new phase of their life.

“I have a question,” Tina asked.
“What, baby?” Kurt answered. They had separated and were now

driving the rest of the way home. Kurt still had one hand between her
legs, but she was now back sitting between them.

“How do I marry both of you legally?” She figured Kevin would

have the answer to this.

“You will marry me in the civil ceremony, and then at the Club

we will both collar you. On paper you will be my wife and I will be
your husband in the eyes of the law. But where it counts, our eyes,
you will be married to both of us. We will both treat you equally and
you will treat us both equally. Any children will belong to all of us. It
won’t matter who the biological father is.”

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“That makes sense, and you really won’t care who fathers the

children? Do you want children?” She hadn’t thought about children,
but really did want them.

“Yes, baby, we want children, lots of children, how about you?”

Kurt answered her.

“I hadn’t really thought about it, but I think I do. A couple little

boys to drive me nuts like their daddies do and maybe a girl to take
my side occasionally. That would be nice. You already have a house
that would be perfect. Yes, I want children with both of you.” She
smiled picturing it in her mind.

When they got home, the boys immediately took her to the

playroom. As per their rules, she was naked before she entered. Kevin
left them while Kurt got her ready.

When Kevin entered the room, she was kneeling submissively

with her hands clasped behind her back. “Oh angel, you are so
beautiful,” he said as he entered the room.

Both men knelt in front of her and Kevin opened a small box.

“Tina, this ring is a symbol of our love and devotion to you. It
represents the way we both feel for you. Will you marry me and be
both of our wives?”

Kurt then opened the larger box. “Baby, this is a collar, will you

wear it and be our submissive and allow both of us to dominate you?
Will you be obedient always to us only and follow all commands you
are given? Will you accept punishment for not following those
commands? With this collar, in return we offer protection and love,
promising to love and dominate only you forever.”

Tina had tears of joy running down her face. She had never

imagined when she first got to know both of these men that this was
how it would end up. That they would be proposing. “Yes, yes to all
of it. I want it all and I want both of you. I pledge to be your wife and
submissive. I will do my best to obey and accept punishment when
you deem it necessary. When can we do this?” She was so excited and

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wanted to be their wife and submissive as soon as possible. She didn’t
want to give any of them a chance to change their minds.

“Baby, we can do the collaring tomorrow after the class if you

want to, as for the wedding, it’s up to you. If you want a big wedding,
our mother would be glad to help you, or if you want something
smaller we can work with that also. It’s all about you and what you
want.” Kurt answered her.

She looked at Kevin, who nodded in agreement. “Whatever you

want, angel, the wedding is all yours. We planned the collaring
ceremony with Rachel’s help, but the wedding is yours. And if you
don’t want our mother’s help, we will try to make her deal with that,
but we make no promises. Once you meet her, you will understand.
There is so much we want for you now that you are ours.” Finishing
with what he had to say, Kevin pulled her into his arms and kissed her
long and hard.

She had barely caught her breath, when Kurt took her from Kevin

and gave her his own passionate kiss.

Kneeling on either side of her, they look the long box and let her

look at it, she hadn’t really looked at the contents of the boxes before.
It was a beautiful diamond choker. It had all of their birthstones and a
small lock hidden in the design. “When we have children, some of the
diamonds can be moved and we can add stones for their birthdates if
you like. We designed it to allow for additional stones, and the
diamonds can be removed or moved around at your wish.” Kevin
explained and showed her which diamonds could be moved and
where the additional stones would be placed.

Kurt reached into his pocket and pulled out two chains with keys

on them. “When we lock the collar on you, the only way to get it off
will be with one of these keys. Only Kev and I will have the keys and
only one of us will be able to remove the collar.”

Turning her toward him, Kevin lifted her hair and Kurt placed the

collar around her neck. Taking the key, he locked it around her neck.
“You will wear this until we go to the class tonight, we will then

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remove it until the ceremony tomorrow.” He smiled. He had waited to
see it on her and it was just as beautiful as he expected.

Kevin then turned her toward him and took the ring from the box

and taking her hand, slipped it on her finger. “This is our promise to
always be there for you, to love and protect you, Do agree to be my
wife and accept all that comes with marrying both of us?”

“Yes, yes to all of it. I want a small wedding and if your mother

wants to help, that would be amazing. I can’t wait to meet the woman
that raised the two amazing men that I love,” Tina said passionately.

“Once we tell our mom, you will have no choice, she and Dad will

be here in the next day or so to meet you.” Kevin laughed.

“How will she feel about you both marrying one woman?” Tina

asked, suddenly worried.

“Watch and see,” Kurt answered, grabbing his phone.
“No! Wait,” Tina screamed, “I can’t talk to your mom for the first

time naked, there’s no fucking way!” And she started looking around
for something to cover up with. “And I can’t talk from inside the
playroom. Does she know about this room? Does she know what you
do in here? Oh My God. We have to go to another room and call her.”
She got up and started running for the door.

Kevin hooked an arm around her waist and lifted her so that her

feet we no longer touching the floor. It took a couple minutes for her
to realize that he was holding her, her bottom against his stomach and
her feet still running.

“Shit, I must look like a cartoon character.” She started laughing

and crying all at the same time.

Kurt had put his phone down for the moment, and they both

walked over to the bed, Kevin carrying her. Sitting on the side of the
bed, they pulled her into their laps and held her, both men touching
and soothing her until she stopped laughing and crying.

She looked up at them and let all the love she felt shine in her

eyes. Smiling, she cupped the back of Kurt’s head and pulled him in

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for a loving kiss. Kurt quickly took the kiss over, and when he
released her, she was gasping for breath.

Not giving her a chance to catch her breath, Kevin grabbed her for

his kiss. The three fell back to the bed with her lying across both men.

Running their hands over her body, Kurt took her earlobe between

his teeth and said, “You are in so much trouble, baby.”

“Trouble for what?” she asked indignantly, trying to sit up.
“Do I need to list what you did?” Kurt asked, wrapping his arms

around her to hold her in place.

“I don’t think I did anything wrong.” Tina was going to stand her

ground until they proved otherwise.

“Okay, one, where are we, we’re in the playroom and you are

supposed to obey and be quiet. You are only to answer questions, and
I believe you tried to tell me what to do. Two, not only did you speak
when you weren’t supposed to, but I counted at least two cuss words,
so that a total of three mistakes you’ve made in here tonight. I say ten
for each mistake, from each of us, that makes sixty. That’s a lot,

Tina knew better than to argue with him, so she decided to try

another tactic. “Is there something I could do to lessen my
punishment, Master?” She asked in the sexiest voice she could

“Oh baby, topping from the bottom, what am I going to do with

you?” And he suddenly flipped her over so that she was lying on her
back and he was kneeling over her. “Kev, what do you think we
should do with our little submissive?”

“First, I’m going to call our mother, I can’t wait to tell her what’s

going on, then I’m going to fuck this little angel until neither of us can
walk. You in, bro?” Kevin answered pulling out his phone.

“Yep, sounds good. What about punishment?” Kurt asked.
“That’ll have to wait until after class tonight, I think our little one

will have a red ass for her collaring tomorrow,” Kevin answered.

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Tina struggled to sit up, but Kurt wasn’t having it. “You can just

stay there until we are done talking to Mom and then we’ll take care
of you,” he told her, the evil grin back on his face.

A little shiver ran down her back and she relaxed into the bed.

This was where she belonged.

The men made their phone call, which ended with their mother

promising to arrive within a few days to help plan the wedding.

Then they fulfilled their promise to fuck her until none of them

could walk. Tina was barely recovered in time for the class.

The class was great and after, they all went to the bar in the Club.

The men had brought Club wear for her so she quickly went to the
locker room and changed. When she came out, she was wearing a
royal blue demi-bra, with a lacy thong to match.

Jenna, Sadie, Theresa, Rachel, and Connie were all sitting at the

bar, and their collective men were standing and talking not far away,
Kevin and Kurt had joined them.

Tina joined the ladies and they all moved to a large table where

they could sit and talk. It felt great to be part of the group and to get to
know the women better. They all sat drinking water and talking about
babies, as four out of the six were pregnant.

“When are you going to get that big lug Dean to collar you

Connie?” Sadie asked.

Connie smiled and shrugged. “We’re pretty happy the way we

are,” she answered and changed the subject.

Connie and Dean were doing a demo on orgasm denial that

evening, and the group soon moved to watch them.

The next day was Saturday and they planned the collaring for after

the class. The entire group was there and it was beautiful.

Tina was naked as per Club protocol and not at all self-conscious.

The men pledged their love and protection to her and she pledged her
obedience to them. After all was done, Dave, Evan, and Kyle,
provided champagne for everyone and the party started.

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After the partying was done, the men took Tina home and made

love to her in the big bed in her room. She was in heaven.

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Chapter Twenty

The next day Tina spent cleaning, even though it really wasn’t

necessary. The men had a cleaning lady who came in once a week and
for guys, they kept the place pretty neat. But she insisted. If she was
going to meet their mother, the house was going to be clean.

The men helped where she would let them, but by the end of the

day, they had had enough and went to check on her house. She was
driving both of them crazy.

Finding nothing unusual at her house, they sat across the street

and talked. While they were sitting there talking, they noticed a man
acting weird.

“What’s up with that?” Kev asked Kurt as the man climbed an

electric pole.

“I don’t know, get your camera phone out and we’re going to

video this dude,” Kurt answered, and they did.

The man shimmied up the pole like he had done it several times

and fiddled with something, the boys couldn’t tell what.

Suddenly the streetlights went out and the lights that were kept on

in Tina’s house went dark.

It was hard to see in the dark, but Kurt and Kevin watched the

man shimmy back down the pole and walk quickly to Tina’s house.
Once on her porch, he looked around quickly, and pulling something
out of his pocket, quickly opened the door and walked in.

Kevin couldn’t believe his eyes. Kurt quickly called 9-1-1 on his

phone and reported what was going on.

As they watched, the man came out and carried some type of

container back into Tina’s house.

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Having seen enough, the men slipped silently out of the truck and

ran to Tina’s house. Kevin took the back door and Kurt took the front.
In perfect sync with each other, they slipped quietly into the house.

Checking each room carefully, they found the man in Tina’s

bedroom pouring what smelled like gasoline on the floor. Most of the
contents of the house had been removed for cleaning or disposal
because of the blood.

Standing silently in the door to the bedroom, Kev turned the

camera on his phone on and continued to videotape. The man was

After a few seconds, he started talking. “All I wanted was for you

to love me. Why did it have to be them, and not just one, but two of
them? If you had paid more attention, we could have been together.
Now look what you made me do. I tried everything, I mowed your
yard, in the winter I shoveled your sidewalk. I did everything a man
was supposed to do. I was your neighbor, you should have noticed
me. I brought you food, why couldn’t you love me? I thought when
you started getting the packages, you would come to me for help, but
no…you went to them. What can they do for you that I can’t? I love
you and now…now you’re going to make me do this.” With the final
words, he started to pour the gasoline on himself.

Kurt and Kevin quickly jumped in to stop him. He had no clue

they were there.

By now they could hear sirens in the distance and knew the cops

were on the way. Walking the man out to the porch, Kevin grabbed
the hose and started washing the man down. By the time the police
got there, they had a full taped confession from the man.

Turning him over to the police, they quickly ran home to tell Tina

what had happened. On the way home, Kevin called a crew to get the
gas cleaned out of Tina’s house. They didn’t want a fire starting.

When they got home, after showering, they sat Tina down and

showed her the video.

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Rose Nickol

“Oh my God, that’s Charlie, he lives next door. He has some

mental problems and I give him money to mow the yard and do the
snow in the winter. He’s a wonderful baker and sometimes I pay him
for some of his baked goods. I don’t think he has much money, so I
try to help him out any way I can. That poor, poor man. We have to
help him,” she said when she saw the video and started crying. “How
could all this have happened?”

Kurt pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “Baby, I think he

saw all your kindness for something else. I think things got twisted in
his head. I don’t think you’re responsible for all this. Kevin will know
someone who can help him and we’ll make sure he gets all the help
he needs. Don’t you worry. None of this was your fault.”

Kevin hugged her from the back, pressing himself against her as

tight as he could. “Don’t cry, baby, it’s almost over. We will get
Charlie all the help he needs. I’m calling the jail right now to make
sure he gets the special attention he needs. They will take care of
him.” He hated to see her so upset and wanted to do everything he
could to help her calm down.

“I can’t believe he did all that, will you really help him after all he

did? He’s really a sweet man, I feel so sorry for him.” Tina was in
shock and still crying.

“Yes, angel, I know people who can help him,” Kevin told her,

taking her from his brother and holding her close.

Kevin then stood and carried Tina to bed. She had spent all day

cleaning, and now with the emotional upheaval of the evening she had
to be exhausted.

The men cuddled with her all night holding her tight. The mystery

of her house was finally over.

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Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins


Chapter Twenty-One

Even though the men’s parents were due to arrive, Tina still

needed to go to the office for a few hours. With everything that had
happened, she really didn’t want to, but she couldn’t totally abandon
her patients and needed to make arrangements for another therapist to
see them. She needed time to think about her future. Now that she was
marrying the men, she needed to scale back her hours. She didn’t
want to totally quit work, but wanted more time with her men. Kevin
was also thinking about scaling back his hours. They all wanted more
time together. She didn’t even protest when Kurt insisted on staying
with her at her office.

After she completed her work, they joined Kevin for lunch before

hurrying home to be there when his parents arrived. Their dad, Karl,
and mom, Lily, were wonderful. Tina was immediately at ease with
them. Lily reminded her very much of her own mom.

Lily was immediately in control of everything around her, taking

over with incredible ease. Before Tina knew it, the men had been sent
on several errands, and Tina and Lily were alone in the house.

“How did you do that?” Tina asked in awe. “They never leave me


“Honey, you’re not alone, I’m here, and besides, I trained those

boys and their father too. I’ll tell you my secret, but first about this
wedding. Kevin and Kurt tell me you just want something small. How
small? Justice of the peace small or not over one hundred people
small?” Lily asked.

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Rose Nickol

“One hundred people! Oh please, I was just thinking close family

and a few friends. I don’t know if my brothers can make it out, and
my dad doesn’t travel, and I just have a few friends and….”

Shh, honey, slow down, it’s your wedding, I was just trying to

get a feel for what you wanted. Kevin and Kurt have already
threatened me with banishment if I upset you. They love you so very
much, my dear, and because you’ve made my boys so happy, I love
you too. I can’t wait for you to give me grandchildren…any chance
you’ve started on that little project?” She asked with a giggle in her

Tina blushed, and shook her head no.
“No, okay, I won’t push, but I want grandchildren while I’m

young enough to spoil them. Don’t make me wait too long,” she said
as she pulled Tina in for a big hug.

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and planning the

wedding and getting to know each other. When the men came home,
they were sitting on the couch drinking a glass of wine, both a little

Kevin and Kurt had been worried about leaving Tina with their

mom for so long. Even though they loved their mom, she could be
intimidating at times. They were both relieved to find the women
laughing and enjoying themselves.

They immediately rescued Tina, by stating that she needed a nap

and dragging her, laughing up the stairs.

Their dad declared the same for their mom and followed close

behind them.

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Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins



Tina and Lily decided on a very small wedding. They were

married at the courthouse with Lily and Karl for witnesses two weeks
later. With the short notice, Tina’s family couldn’t get away for the
wedding and the men didn’t want to wait. Neither did Tina.

After the wedding they took a trip to Tina’s hometown so that she

could introduce her men to her family before they took Tina to
Europe for the honeymoon and showed her all the sites. She had never
been before and enjoyed every minute.

They made sure they were back in time for Charlie’s trial, but he

was declared unfit for trial. He would go to a hospital where he could
get the help he needed.

Once Karl heard the story, he insisted on paying for Charlie’s

care. Tina visited him once a week, feeling sorry for the man and
often one of her husbands went with her. They all made sure Charlie
had what he needed.

Tina and Kevin both cut their practices down to three days a week

wanting to spend more time together. With Tina pregnant, they
wanted more time with the children. Tina started writing and found
more work she could do from home eventually closing her practice to
all but a few customers. Kevin was planning on doing the same so
that they would all be home. Lily finally got her grandchildren, three
of them at once. Tina had triplets, two boys and a girl that they
named, Kurt Jr., Kevin Jr., and Lily. It wasn’t long before Tina was
pregnant again and this time Lily came to stay with the triplets while
Tina was in the hospital. Tina’s life was full and she was happy.

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Rose Nickol



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Rose Nickol is a fifty-something-year-young mother of a daughter

she adopted from China and a shih tzu puppy. She loves all animals.
She played with writing in her younger years, but never did anything
serious about it until she was forced to retire from her career in the
medical field due to health issues.

Rose has lived in Colorado for over twenty years and enjoys the

mountain views. When she’s not writing or being a mom, she crochets
and does counted cross stitch.

For all titles by Rose Nickol, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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