Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 1 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 1
Wzór opisu wakacji po angielsku
This year’s holidays was the best time I have ever had. It all started
with some plans. In June, a month or so prior to the holiday time, my
parents told me about their decision to visit Croatia in midJuly. I was
so thrilled when I heard the news that I could hardly believe they were
not joking. When the big day finally arrived, we started our big trip to
the European country I had never been to before.
Once we
arrived at the
holiday resort
my parents
had booked a
room at, I felt
as if I was in
heaven. The
views were
fantastic, the
weather was
perfect, and
the water was
warmer than
any other sea or lake I had ever been to. We spent a week at the
holiday resort and it proved to be brilliant experience. I swam every
day, had nice meals, did some sightseeing with my parents, and before
going to bed, we watched entertaining performances on the beach.
When the week finally came to an end, I became a bit depressed when
the time to come back home came. During the drive back home, I was
thinking of all the nice things I had experienced during the stay in
Croatia. I realised that such trips were worthy of saving money for, as it
is during such excursions that you get to experience something you
cannot experience everyday.
When we were back at home, my parents received a phone call from
my aunt from the USA. I went to my room and had a good sleep. When
I woke up, my parents told me that they had a surprise for me. It
turned out that they had arranged another trip for me. They gave me a
hint – the aunt from America was a part of it. Yes! In two week’s time,
I was travelling to the USA for a month! I certainly could not believe
the information at first, but I got reassured about the surprise by my
aunt very shortly. The two weeks passed very quickly and I finally got
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Opis wakacji po
angielsku przykład 2
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 1 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
to the airport in Warsaw in order to fly to New York to meet my aunt
and cousins.
The travel
alone was very
exciting – this
was the first
time I had ever
flown in my
life! I finally
arrived. I was
in the USA!
Once again, I
could not
believe it! My
aunt alongside
my cousins
took me to their apartment and showed me my room. I settled down,
slept for eight hours to overcome the jet lag, and the fun began! My
cousins were on holiday too, so we all had plenty of time to spend
together in the Big Apple. The month was filled with sightseeing,
festivals, playing various games, including bowling, basketball and
baseball, visiting restaurants, and staying up late. Sadly enough, the
month passed so quickly that I hardly noticed it was finally time to
embark a plane back home and bid farewell to America.
When I returned to my home, it took me a couple of days to get used
to being in Poland again and get the mindset right again. I would have
never said it before, but I became aware of one thing quickly – there is
no place like home!
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 1 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
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Póki co mamy tylko dwa opisy wakacji po angielsku :) Jeśli
chcesz stworzyć własny przykład opisu wakacji po angielsku i
przyczynić się do rozbudowy serwisu, napisz go w komentarzu,
a my umieścimy go na stronie wraz z Twoim imieniem. Z góry
dzięki :)
Zobacz także:
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 2
Opis dnia po angielsku
Opis wakacji po angielsku
Przykładowe opisy po angielsku
Pory roku i pogoda po angielsku
Miesiące po angielsku
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Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 1 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
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