Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 2 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 2
Wzór opisu wakacji po angielsku
This year’s holidays were the best ones of my whole life to date. They
started in July, which is when I travelled to Warsaw and got to know a
lot of friendly people. We would go out every evening for two weeks,
and I have so many good memories from that time. Then came mid
July, when I had to come back home for the next two weeks, but then
I again left my home to make my way to Germany, which is one of the
most beautiful I have ever been to.
The country is
very clean,
and people
living there are
as friendly as it
gets. In
Germany, I
met Nicole, a
girl who turned
out to be a
great guide, as
I spent three
wandering through places with her, and during that time she told me
anything I would ask her about every place we came to. As an
acknowledgement to the effort she made, I bought her a pair of
beautiful shoes she once told me she would love to acquire. The next
month or so turned out to be quite a lazy time, during which I got to
rest a lot, and recover from the long trip I had taken before.
The last month of the holidays was August, which is my favourite
month of the year. I seem to know why I like it so much – right at the
beginning of this year’s August, I won over $2,000 in a lotery, which
enabled me to travel to Indonesia, a country I had always liked to go
to. It was an organized trip, so I could travel and marvel at the beauty
of the country stresslessly, just the way anyone would love to visit a
place. Yet again, I made a few new friends, who where native
Indonesians. They familiarized me with the culture of the country and
introduced to numerous customs Indonesia posseses. I spent roughly
three weeks there, which was the most amazing time of my life.
All in all, my last holidays were the time I will never forget and always
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Opis wakacji po
angielsku przykład 1
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 2 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
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Póki co
mamy tylko
dwa opisy
wakacji po
angielsku :)
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opisu wakacji
po angielsku i
się do
serwisu, napisz go w komentarzu, a my umieścimy go na
stronie wraz z Twoim imieniem. Z góry dzięki :)
Zobacz także:
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 1
Opis dnia po angielsku
Opis wakacji po angielsku
Przykładowe opisy po angielsku
Pory roku i pogoda po angielsku
Miesiące po angielsku
Lubię to!
Opis wakacji po angielsku przykład 2 Po angielsku Język angielski dla każdego
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