Lee Brazil a beautiful silence

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A Beautiful Silence


Lee Brazil

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Please note- this title contains adult material and is intended for mature readers 18

and over.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either

imaginary or used fictitiously. Resemblances to actual events or persons, living or

deceased, is unintentional.

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A Beautiful Silence Copyright © 2010 Published by Lee Brazil at Smashwords

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Dr. Mackenzie Taylor has been happy with his life thus far. He’s got a successful

career, a great group of friends, a terrific home on the California coast and a sexy

younger lover. Mack’s just turned forty-five though, and thinks its time to settle down

and start the family he’s always wanted. He doesn’t want to spend his weekends rushing

out to his lover’s country hide away or waiting around for Lex to arrive in Newport

Beach. He doesn’t want to wake up alone, eat take out meals or drink with his friends in

local bars.

Mack’s boyfriend of two years though, is a reclusive writer of growing fame

nearly twenty years his junior. While Mack has had his chance to sow his wild oats and

be the life of the party, Lex has stayed close to home and lived a pretty sedate lifestyle

despite his glamorous career and eccentric wardrobe.

A long distance relationship has suited both men for the past two years, but things

are changing, and they aren’t managing to spend much time together. Mack’s

discovering a new insecurity that has come with age, and Lex is discovering that success

in his chosen career comes at a price.

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Chapter 1

“Hey, Brody”, Mack slowed his stroll to finish the call before he got to his door

enjoying the cool ocean breeze that ruffled the elegant greenery that his association dues

paid for. He needed to get off the phone before he got through the doorway. Lex

wouldn’t want to listen to him talk to someone else. His painfully shy lover avoided

other people and Mack happily arranged his time so they could be alone when Lex


He paused near a red hibiscus by the gate leading to his walk. Tipping his head,

he surveyed the building that had been his home for the past two years. Contrary to most

California architecture, there was no pink stucco or cactus garden in sight. This designer

community resembled the east coast antebellum architecture of the south, and his unit

gleamed a clean crisp white. Flowering shrubs flourished along the front and lined the

interior of the short white picket fence that marked off his lot from his neighbor’s. He

fiddled with the gate for a moment while he talked, then opened it and stepped through.

The cement walkway needed to be power-washed and the flower beds could do with

replanting. Shit. Those were things that Lex would have noticed right away.

“Mack, what are you up to this evening?” Brody and his partner, James Sherman,

a model, owned the condo that adjoined his and Lex’s. The other two men had lived in

the adjoining condo long before Mack had made the purchase, and they’d become friends

over the last two years.

“I’m just walking up my sidewalk. You?” He bent to brush dull brown wood

chips off the cement back into the flower bed. The gardeners came every week, but the

stuff seemed to creep onto the walkway the minute they left.

“Well, James is off in NYC for some photo shoot or other, and I’m single for the

night again. Want to come by and have a drink?” Brody’s handsome partner with his

golden California boy image was much in demand lately, and frequently out of town, or

even out of the country, on photo shoots and related events. Mack and Davis, as the self

professed domestically challenged halves of a couple, gravitated together to drink

whiskey, watch sports, throw steaks on the grill, and commiserate with each other for

being the left behind part of a glamorous couple.

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“Sorry, man, I am, thankfully, not single this weekend. Lex is out for the

weekend but, hey, maybe you can come by and meet him. Just not tonight, ok? Tonight,

I have plans.” Mack leaned against his door and looked out over the yard. Yeah, it

needed work beyond what a few immigrant laborers could provide. Maybe he could get

Lex to run out to the garden shop with him and pick up some plants for the gardeners to

put in. On Sunday, when the itch had died down some. He snickered, if it did.

“He is? That’s great! So, where’s he staying?”

Mack pulled his phone from his ear and regarded it as though the object itself had

spoken. He turned his head and looked at the dark windows of his place. No light shone

from behind the louvered blinds. He went from horny as hell to angry in seconds. “What

do you mean?”

“Man, I’ve been here all day working on my yard, and no one’s been in your

place.” Davis’s voice was tentative, as though he didn’t want to be the bearer of bad


“Fuck. He did it again. That asshole is blowing me off again!” Mack slammed

his fist against his white door. The errant thought crossed his mind as he tilted his head

to hold his phone in place so he could cradle his now aching right hand with his left, that

he really fucking hated the color white. And mature men did not resort to violence just

because they were fucking disappointed.

“Hey, calm down ok? Maybe I missed his arrival and he’s inside asleep in the

dark.” Pitched soothingly low, Davis’s voice exuded his patented ‘humor the patient until

the nurse gets here to take over’ tone.

“You don’t believe that any more than I do.” Mack’s hand shook with the

intensity of his anger as he tried to open the door with his uninjured hand. After a brief

fumble he succeeded and pushed the door open.

“Go check it out then come over and we’ll commiserate and drown our sorrows in

whiskey shots and baseball.”

Mack hung up the phone and stepped through his door. Gloomy darkness met his

entrance. He peered across the short entry way to the living area. Neat and tidy, the

black leather sofa empty, as were the two matching recliners. He could tell by the lack of

light that Lex wasn’t in the kitchen either. Dark, silent, and, damn it, unfriendly, the

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house mocked his high hopes for a romantic weekend. No sexy curry scent drifted from

the kitchen. No sultry jazz singer crooned in the background. No warm wet kiss greeted

him, and fuck, there no relief loomed for the hard on he’d had for the last ten miles of his

trip home.

An evil little red light blinked at him from across the darkened living room. A

message. Fuck. He knew what it would say. Sorry, but Lex wouldn’t be driving down.

He had a deadline. He had a commitment; some bullshit excuse. Well, Mack didn’t want

to hear it. He refused to listen to it. Mack stomped across the slate gray carpet into the

living area and glanced toward the open door of the room they’d designated as Lex’s

office when they’d bought the place. Fuck. That room right there said it all. They

decorated the rest of the house, spent hours on the phone and the internet choosing paint

and he’d furnished it with the stuff from his old apartment. Randomly packages arrived

containing stuff that Lex ordered on the internet for the place. He’d call when a box

arrived, they’d laugh and talk while Mack assembled the bookcase, or bakers rack, or

whatever crap Lex had chosen, and then he’d put it carefully in the place where Lex said

it should go.

But that room, the one supposedly exclusively Lex’s, had stayed the same way it

had been when they moved in. Lex had professed to hate the white walls and dull grey

carpet. Mack had hung dark blackout curtains over all the windows in the room before

Lex’s first visit, and they remained the only sign of his use of the room. Lex’s paranoia

wouldn’t allow him to function in a room that faced the front of the house where any

passing stranger could see inside. The fact that he had never done anything else to give

the room his own distinct stamp, in fact, as far as Mack knew, he’d never even worked in

the room, pretty much said it all, didn’t it? This condo wasn’t Lex’s home away from

home, hell, it probably didn’t rate any higher than a motel from the way he avoided it


Mack wandered dispiritedly down the gray carpeted hallway past his own office –

no fucking white walls there- to the master suite. Here, now this room, they had created

together. The painful reminder of how well their personalities could mesh showed in the

creation of this room. They paneled the walls from a chair rail down in golden oak and

papered the upper portions in a forest green and antique ivory brocade pattern. The giant

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four poster bed, clothed in piles of fluffy and silky, slinky and cool, cotton, silk, cashmere

blankets and throws, angled out from one corner into the center of the room. Mounds of

pillows graced the head of the bed and an ivory wicker chest held more at the foot. No

electronics resided in this room. It held no computers, no TV, just the built in speakers of

the sound system that wired throughout the condo. They had planned this room as an

oasis to relax and enjoy each other, no outside world was permitted.

Toweling his brown hair dry while standing there after a shower, Mack’s gaze

strayed bitterly to the other half of the large walk in closet that lined one wall of the

master bedroom. The golden oak accordion doors on both sides were completely opened.

His side displayed meticulously arranged rows of dark suits for the office, white oxford

dress shirts, a small selection of casual shirts and a few coats on the bar. The shelves

contained a stack of 501’s in every shade of faded and a pile of colored t-shirts. Dress

shoes and tennis shoes, running shoes and flip flops neatly marched across the bottom. A

red baseball cap and a grey felt fedora sat in lonely splendor on an upper shelf. Lex’s

side of the closet contained a few pairs of Levi’s, a couple of white shirts, and a pair of

running shoes. Even the clothes he’d left here didn’t express the other man’s personality.

To see the office and the closet you’d think he was just an average anybody, instead of

the unpredictably eccentric and incredibly appealing hermit that he was.

Mack snagged the first pair of Levis on the pile and pulled them on, buttoning

them swiftly while trying to avoid brushing his fingers over his dick while he did so.

A t-shirt pulled down over his head knocked damp brown hair into his eyes and

reminded him that he needed to make an appointment to get an over due hair cut. He

opted for bare feet so he could enjoy the soft pile of the Persian silk rug that ran the

length of the room in front of the closet.

Silently he regarded himself in the free standing mirror that stood in the corner

opposite the bed. Brown hair with a bit of grey at the temples, he could call that

distinguished. Brown eyes, crinkles at the corners, not bad. Not enough tan for a

California boy, but he worked too much to hang out at the beach and tan. A trip to a

tanning salon might be in order, if only the potential health risks involved didn’t turn his

stomach. He turned sideways and studied his body taking inventory as he went. Broad

shoulders, chest wasn’t bad… maybe a little hairy. Maybe he should pull a William

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Shatner and shave it? He ran his fingers through the dusting of brown curls. Jesus… was

that a grey hair? He pulled it, wincing at the tiny pain. Was that a bit of softening in his

gut? He sucked in and threw his shoulders back. Nah. Nothing a little more time in the

gym wouldn’t take care of. He just had to start making sure that he made the time to

work out regularly. Was he losing his sex appeal? Getting too old for dating a younger

man? Maybe when Lex looked at him he saw an old man and not a hot lover. Maybe

that was the real reason they hadn’t managed to get together in over two months.

Mack leaned closer to the mirror trying to decide if the crinkles around his eyes

were crow’s feet or laugh lines when his cell rang again.

Without looking he flipped it open and asked, “Am I old?”

“I hope to hell you’re not old, because I’m older than you,” Brody chuckled. “I

called to see what happened.”

Mack wandered about the room hanging his jacket and scooping his laundry up to

put in the wicker basket. “There’re wrinkles around my eyes and I just pulled out a grey

hair on my chest. What hot young thing wants to be with a wrinkled old guy whose hair

is graying?”

“Is that what he said? He’s not coming up because you’re too old?” Davis’s

laughter abruptly stopped.

“I didn’t talk to him yet. I’m standing here in my bedroom and I just noticed I’m

not the man I used to be that’s all.” Mack adjusted a framed photo on the dresser that the

cleaning lady had apparently misplaced after dusting. Frowning he picked it up and

stared down at it. The shot captured him and Lex forever in time embracing in Lex’s

moon garden as he called it. The entire thing was white… all the plants, statues and

furniture. Dull and uninteresting during the day, day the garden in the moonlight glowed

with an otherworldly, magical life. He and Lex gazed at each other instead of the camera.

In the light of the full moon in the photo the two of them leaned together, forehead to

forehead. He replaced the picture and left the room. The distance he felt now hadn’t

separated the two men in that picture.

“I don’t think he wants me anymore.” Oh, shit. Did I say that out loud?

Flopping down on the cool leather of the couch, Mack waited for the response he knew

was coming.

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“What? Where did that come from?”

“Well, why would he? What’s a twenty-seven year old free spirit want with a

stodgy wrinkled old doctor? He’s not here, Davis. He hasn’t ever really been here.” Shit

again. Now he sounded like a maudlin old man instead of just looking like one.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, outside the bedroom and some shit he bought on the internet, there’s

nothing of him in here. I don’t look around here and get a sense of his presence. I might

as well fucking be single, because I sure as hell don’t feel like part of a couple.”

Silence greeted this declaration, and Mack drew in a breath. He closed his eyes,

leaned his head back against the black of the couch and breathed deeply again. His eyes

felt strangely hot and his chest tight. He rubbed it absently.

“That’s just the disappointment talking Mack. You were really counting on this

visit this weekend. Hey,” Davis’s voice picked up enthusiastically, “Since you don’t

have company after all, how about we go out on the sail boat? We can go over to


Mack shook his head. Dumb shit, he reprimanded himself. He can’t see you.

“No. I think… Davis, would you mind covering me this weekend? I think I need to go

out to the Hermitage and talk to Lex.” He plucked restlessly at a frayed spot on the knee

of his jeans as he waited for his friend’s response.

“You aren’t going to do anything crazy are you?”

“Define crazy.” Mack didn’t know what he was going to do. He was confused,

and damn it, hurt. He was a forty-five year old respected member of an established

profession, self supporting and independent. He hated with every breath of his being

being tossed from high to low at another man’s whim every freaking weekend. He felt

like a geeky teenager with a crush on the most popular kid in school. There really didn’t

seem to be a place for him Lex’s life.

“I don’t know. You tell me. Why do you want to drive all the way out to the

Hermitage tonight?”

“I think I want to just do it and get it over with, you know?” Because a clean

break would probably hurt a hell of a lot less than this emotional fucking roller coaster he

rode now. He tossed the thread he’d pulled from his jeans onto the glass topped table and

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then frowned at it. Rising he picked it up and meandered into the kitchen to throw it in

the trash under the sink.

“So, your plan is to drive a hundred and fifty miles in what, even over the phone I

can tell, is an overly emotional state, to break up with your boyfriend of two years

because you think he might think you’re too old and what, boring for him?”

“I am too old for him. And hell, we don’t match anyway. I’m neat and tidy,

dependable, predictable. He’s a New Age Romantic with an Emily Dickinson complex.”

That last got him a snort from Davis. At least he still had his sense of humor.

“So, he dresses like he’s living in a Renaissance festival. It fits with his writing,

you know?”

“It’s not just the clothes, Davis. I find the clothes sexy as hell. And the make-up.

I just don’t have what it takes to keep a glamorous guy like that interested, not without

pretending to be something I’m not. No, it’s better this way. I’ll go up and break things

off with him. We’ve been drifting apart for months now anyway.” Mack brushed what

water drops from his wet hair off his cheek only to realize from the warmth that the little

droplets were tears. “Fuck.” He opened his eyes. “I’ve got to go. Will you cover me or


“I will, but I think you’re making a mistake rushing into things like this.”

“Thanks. I’ll be back by morning.” He flipped his phone shut and spoke aloud.

“How long does it take to break up anyway?”

Two boxes later, he knew it wouldn’t take long. He’d searched the whole condo

room by room, and that’s fucking all he came up with. Two boxes of clothes, cd’s, and

books. After two damn years of a life together, Lex’s entire presence in the condo could

be reduced to two boxes.


“Ahh, hell. If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed, then I’ll go to him

myself,” Mack muttered, picking up his phone and heading into the foyer. Sighing again,

he looked toward the blinking red light on the answer machine. Grimacing, he reached

down and deleted the message unheard. Why not? He knew and Lex knew that the

excuse didn’t matter; why the other man wasn’t coming this weekend particular weekend

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didn’t matter. Their thing was over, time to move on and cut the ties. He’d been doing all

the running in this relationship, and it just couldn’t continue that way. Instead of driving

all the way to Lex’s to spend the weekend in wild sex, he’d be driving out there to tell the

other man their relationship was over and return two boxes of stuff he didn’t want


Knowing Lex as he did, he knew how it would turn out. Lex would shrug it off

and go back to working in his office or digging in his garden. It was essentially a long

drive to end a relationship that had really been going nowhere for a long time from the

looks of those two boxes. Too bad his old fashioned manners wouldn’t permit him to

break up with someone on the phone, but honor dictated a face to face encounter. He

loathed the idea that his memories of Lex would be tainted by an ugly break up scene,

-even if he contributed the ugly part of it himself- but he just couldn’t continue to drift.

He needed closure and a definitive end to their relationship.

And, his snotty subconscious inserted snarkily, if you don’t listen to the message

you can pretend all the way out there that maybe he does have a really great reason for

not coming to see you like he promised.


Two hours later he presented an automated security gate with a little plastic id

card to gain admittance to the estate he privately called The Hermitage. Lex kept the

white stone fence clear of vegetation for security reasons, he’d explained on Mack’s first

visit. Likewise the premises sported a large number of security cameras. He knew Lex

obsessed over security and keeping people off his property, but when asked the other man

had merely mumbled about the large numbers of lunatics out there in the world today.

Mack had always just been grateful that he was one of the select few to be allowed into

Lex’s private domain.

The grounds inside the estate gates were as whimsical as Lex and each folly owed

its existence to the man himself. When Mack stayed here he always felt close to Lex in

ways that he never would at the condo in Newport. Here the personality that had never

been imprinted on the condo resonated and soaked through everything. He followed the

long gleaming white moonstone drive almost reluctantly now, slower and slower, almost

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afraid of what he would find out when he reached the house. The anger and hurt that had

sent him rushing up here had faded a little, and he really wished he’d taken the time to

listen to that damn message.

The lights glowed at the front of the house and Mack couldn’t help smiling at

what they revealed. After the impressive gates and security cameras, the house itself,

though charming, was a whimsy of its own. Instead of the grand pillared estate one

might imagine, a small two story colonial boasting a large wrap around porch with

rocking chairs and potted plants sat amid a lush lawn. Roses grew along trellises to the

right and left, and a white stone sculpture of a winged, sexless fairy stood at the bottom

step greeting visitors.

The front door opened to his knock, and the housekeeper, Mrs. Brown, greeted

him with a weary head shake. “Good evening, Mr. Taylor.”

“Hello, Mrs. Brown. You’re here pretty late. What’s been happening here?

Where’s Lex?” Mack darted his gaze around the large front room, taking in the empty

living area with its Chippendale furnishings and graceful artworks. Get this shit over

with and head back to town, he thought, handing Mrs. Brown the two boxes of Lex’s


“Mr. Andrakis is asleep on the sofa in his office. The doctor says he had a panic

attack, but Mr. Andrakis said that he saw people moving about in the gardens. He thinks

reporters discovered his location.” Mrs. Brown’s eyes were sympathetic and she accepted

the boxes without raising an eyebrow.

Anxiety drama, most likely Lex stressed out and imagined he saw something that

didn’t exist. Mack nodded. “Did you see anyone? Call the police?”

Mrs. Brown’s grey head shook. “No. I didn’t see anyone and he wouldn’t let me

call the police. He barely let me call the doctor, but the attack was pretty bad. He’ll be

glad you’ve come out to pick him up after all. I know he worried when you didn’t call.”

Pick him up? What the fuck was that all about? He really should have listened to

that message! Mack followed Mrs. Brown into the kitchen wondering if he was an idiot

for feeling elated that Lex had actually packed his bags earlier in preparation for the trip

to Newport. Surely that meant that he had intended to make the trip? But really, did it

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change anything? Hell, yes, it changed things his heart insisted. You’re still too old for

him, his brain refuted.

Blinking, he stared at the kitchen table top. It was covered with paper. No, not

paper, mail. Some open, some unopened; there must be a ton of it.

“What is this?” Curiously, his blue eyes locked with Mrs. Brown’s.

“It’s what caused the attack, I think. Since the last book came out he’s been

flooded with mail of all kinds. Requests for interviews, appearances, fan mail, hate mail;

I think he’s just overwhelmed by it all and the stress of so many people wanting

something led him to see reporters where there weren’t any.”

“Do me a favor and bag this up. We’ll have to deal with it in Newport. I need to

get back as quickly as possible; I’m on call this weekend.” Shaking his head Mack

walked back to the foyer to pick up Lex’s bag, astonished to discover the sheer quantity

of luggage piled by the front door. Shrugging, he picked up the two largest bags and

carried them out to the car. Moments later he had shoved the last bag in and took the

bags of mail that Mrs. Brown handed him.

He reclined the front passenger seat of the BMW as far back as it would go and

turned back to the house to find Lex. The other man lay on a burgundy leather sofa in his

study, covered with an embroidered cotton blanket, skin milky pale in the moonlight, his

dark curls mussed and loose of the band that normally held them. Mack pulled the

blanket that covered him away and discovered Lex dressed suitably in his usual style of

flowing white shirt, soft black trousers and comfortable black leather boots.

Reaching out he shook the other man’s shoulder gently, “Lex, wake up. It’s time

to go. I have to get back to town.” The other man stirred, lashes fluttering, but didn’t

waken. Shrugging, Mack scooped the smaller Lex into his arms and carried him out to

the car. He positioned Lex in the reclined passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.

Mack drove somewhat more cautiously back to Newport that he had left it.

Silence filled the vehicle, broken only by the restless tap of his fingers on the steering

wheel and Lex’s deep breathing. He stole glances at the passenger seat as frequently as

possible while maneuvering through the Friday traffic. Clearly Lex had intended to keep

their date this weekend. Despite the distance that had grown between them, he really

didn’t want to break things off with Lex. In fact, he was almost sure that he would rather

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things went the other way. He was definitely ready for more in a relationship. He

wanted, he realized, a great deal more from Lex than an occasional weekend visit. He

wanted, his glance flicked over the mail bags in the back seat, to be included in all

aspects of his lover’s life. His brown gaze drifted to the man sleeping beside him. They

would definitely talk this weekend.

He pulled up in front of the condo and swiftly unloaded Lex’s bags. These he left

by the front door before he went back to the car and tried again to shake Lex awake. This

time the man became conscious enough to be guided into the house with a helping hand.

He led Lex, clearly still out of it and not aware enough to do more than go immediately

back to bed, into their bedroom and helped him stretch out between the green Egyptian

cotton sheets. Sheets, which, he thought wrathfully, he had chosen to match the other

man’s eyes. God, he was so pathetic.

A quick call to Brody had the other man covering his shift for the whole weekend

in exchange for Mack’s promise to do the same the next weekend when James should

have returned from his photo shoot. He wouldn’t take the chance of being called in to

work this weekend. Talking was necessary, and he wouldn’t allow either himself or Lex

to avoid it any longer. Either they moved their relationship forward, or they moved on.

At this point, he knew what he wanted, if he could just ignore these sudden attacks of

uncertainty. His gaze locked again on the sleeping man in the bed. He just wished he

knew what Lex wanted.

He undressed quickly and decided he needed the relaxation of another shower

before climbing into bed with his lover. As he stood under the warm massage spray

letting water flow over his face and hair, he remembered how good things had been

between the two of them at the very beginning of their relationship. At least sexually

they had always been highly compatible, and really, was it Lex’s fault that great sex was

no longer enough for him? Then again, great as sex might be, there hadn’t been all that

much of it lately either, his needy cock reminded him by jerking as he slicked the soapy

wash cloth over it. Sighing, he leaned his shoulders back against the walls of the shower

stall, pushing his pelvis into the spray. Mack spread his legs slightly, and pulled his dick

up so the warm water caressed his balls. Slowly, he began gliding his soap slick hand up

and down the length of his cock. The first time Lex had touched him had been like this,

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tentative and hesitant. His fingers moved gently over the tip, feeling the droplets of pre-

cum gathering in his slit, mingling with the soapy lather before being washed away by the

warm kiss of the continuous spray of water. He’d had to beg the other man to be firmer,

to move harder, faster, and even then he was certain that Lex had enjoyed teasing him

with those virginal touches a little too much. He circled the base of his cock with one

hand, sliding his middle finger down between his balls. His breathing gathered force as

he remembered the rapt expression he’d seen on Lex’s face as he explored Mack’s cock

with his fingers until he’d thought he’d combust from the inside out before he let him

come. That time he had come to the touch of Lex’s wet pink tongue lashing once across

the tip of his cock; he’d been on edge for so long. Shuddering, ending each rapid pump

of his fist with a soap slick swipe across the crown of his cock, Mack groaned as his cock

jerked in his hand erupting thick gouts of come into the wet warmth that cascaded over

him. Is this what he had to look forward too? Jerking off in the shower to make the act

seem more warm and fulfilling? Like warm water would cuddle him afterward. Mack

silently apologized to all the erstwhile lovers he’d snuck out on in the past. He never

wanted to hang around for the snuggling after sex. Now he looked at a future with his

multi-setting massaging shower head as a partner. Lovely. Fucking roller coaster. He

hated amusement parks.

Sighing, despite his orgasm, still unsatisfied, Mack wrapped a towel around his

hips and strode out to the bedroom. Lex’s slender body under the bed covers drew his

eyes. Giving his hair a rough dry with the towel, he threw it to the floor and considered

the bed. The other man sprawled across it, looking somewhat uncomfortable in his

clothing, but Mack was still pissed enough about the whole evening to leave him that


“Well, for now, you’re still mine, and I think that counts for something,” he

murmured, discarding his tentative plan to let Lex know how upset he was by sleeping on

the daybed in his office. He crawled into the bed and scooted close to Lex, wrapping his

arms around the other man and closing his eyes. He hummed with approval when Lex

turned to him in his sleep, snuggling closer and murmuring indistinguishable but soft

sounding words in his sleep. Mack smiled, yeah, that still meant something, for now.

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Chapter 2

Mack didn’t know how many hours had passed before he woke, cock hard and

aching and surrounded by scalding wet heat. He tried to reach down with his hand to

stroke through Lex’s black curls and discovered that he couldn’t move his hands. He

jerked them gently in surprise and spoke aloud in a raspy, sleep deprived voice, “What

the hell?”

The lack of a response didn’t surprise him. Lex didn’t make a lot of noise during

sex, and didn’t waste words either. He peeled his gritty eyes open to peer down his body.

The gentle shake of Lex’s head, silently told him that he wouldn’t be touching the other

man any time soon. With a groan he settled back upon the pillows and lifted his hips

urging more of his length into Lex’s hot mouth. The gentle suction and scrape of firm

teeth along his shaft caused a tightening in his groin and balls that told him release would

be coming. He couldn’t hold back a moan as Lex’s rough pink tongue stroked firmly

across the sensitive crown before he swallowed the length of Mack’s cock down his

throat. “Oh, God. Do that again,” he whimpered. “Please.”

Lex bobbed his head in approval, taking Mack’s full length into his warmth and

swallowing again against the swollen head buried in his throat. Mack arched urgently

into the sensations that overwhelmed him. He fought to hold back the rush of his orgasm,

wanting to enjoy the feelings that flooded his body after what seemed like an eternity

with only his own company. Unable to deny the urge, he threw himself into the orgasm

as it rose. He wanted to hang on, to keep the sensations building; he wanted to break free

of his restraints and flip Lex over and fuck him until they both lost control.

“Shit! Ohhh, I’m going to…” the tip of Lex’s tongue prodding his balls as he

swallowed rhythmically bobbing along Mack’s shaft sent him over the edge. His hips

jerked uncontrollably and his arms pulled frantically against the ties that bound them

above his head. “Jesus, baby,” he groaned, “let me touch you! I want to hold you!”

Again, he received no answer. Lex was a man of few words, though he spent

hours pouring them out of his fingertips spinning the swashbuckling space pirate tales

that had gained him fame as writer. Instead, he felt gentle fingers pressed to his lips,

shushing him as a mother does a child. How’s that for mood killing imagery, Mack

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thought. But then the single point of contact changed, and Lex stroked those fingers over

his lips tracing the dips and curves, gliding over the slick surfaces, pressing just hard

enough that Mack felt each whorl of his lover’s fingerprint as it moved across his lip.

Determined to be a participant in this seduction rather than a passive recipient,

Mack opened his lips and captured the stroking finger tip with his teeth. Holding the

digit in place with his, he rubbed it gently with his tongue, swirling over and around the

tip, tasting the essence of Lex in his fingerprint- a bit of salty sweat, a bit of something

sweet. More firmly, he licked up and then down, sensitizing the skin. He tried to show

Lex with the heat in his eyes that he wanted to do the same with other parts of the man’s

body. Gently, then more sharply he raked the finger tip with his teeth, locking his gaze

on those green, glowing eyes. He sucked the finger in further, laving it again with his

tongue, twisting his arms against the bindings again, as he saw the banked fire in Lex’s

eyes flare.

He jerked almost in shock when he felt Lex’s other hand stretch out to caress his

chest. He had been so focused on his own actions that what the other man did escaped

his notice. He tilted his head as much as he could to see. Lex knelt beside him, careful not

to touch him in any way other than that hand on his chest, and the finger in his mouth.

Slowly, Lex drew his finger back and traced Mack’s lips with the wet tip again.

The other man used the hand on Mack’s chest to brace himself as he leaned

forward, bringing his sexy pink lips down to Mack’s mouth. Mack strained to raise his

head and bring their lips together, but Lex drew back sharply. Fuck. Mack dropped his

head back on the pillows, resigning himself to accepting that this interlude would follow

whatever script Lex had in mind. He would definitely get his turn, he swore. Lex

regarded him with a stern gaze, and Mack nodded.

“Ok. We’ll do this your way, but just so you know, turn about is fair play, and I

will have my turn.”

The other man smiled and his green eyes gleamed with approval. His mouth

lowered slowly to Mack’s eagerly waiting lips and traced his lips again, this time with his

own soft lips. After repeating this, he gently stroked across Mack’s parted lips with his

tongue. Licking and sucking at Mack’s lower lip, Lex slowly moved his hand down

Mack’s heaving chest and rubbed circles on his abdomen. Firm fingers traced the muscles

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and lines of hair across his belly and Mack wondered fleetingly if his lover noticed the

slight weight gain as he had the day before. Such thoughts vanished quickly as Lex’s

tongue slipped into his mouth and began rubbing against his inner lips and teeth. It

quickly darted deeper, seeking his own and before he knew it, he participated fully in the

kiss. No one had ever kissed him the way Lex did. Their tongues rubbed and twisted

together in his mouth, he chasing Lex from side to side, moaning restlessly as the kiss

went deeper and deeper. Long endless moments passed in wet numbing heat, his mind so

absorbed in the kiss he scarcely noticed that Lex’s exploring hand had drifted further and

stroked his newly hardening cock in a tight grip. The pumping fist that encircled his

length dragged up to the crown, a semen moistened thumb swept across the head, and the

fist dragged down again, spreading moisture as it went. Maybe he shouldn’t worry so

much about age if he could get it up again so quickly. Lex’s weight fell against his chest

as he stretched out against Mack, reaching up with his unoccupied hand to the ties that

bound Mack’s arms to the bedstead.

“Fuck yeah, untie me baby. Let me touch you,” Mack groaned.

Lex froze at the sound of his voice. He pulled back, sitting up on Mack’s belly

and releasing his aching cock. His stern eyes met Mack’s eager gaze. “No.” His deep

husky voice was so drenched in sex that Mack shuddered and arched, pushing his cock

against Lex’s tight buttocks. “I’ll only untie you if you promise not to touch.” His eyes

held Mack’s refusing to release control of the moment.

Mack sighed and thrust his hips again. “Okay. I promise. No touching… as long

as you let me fuck you before I go insane, here.”

Lex nodded approvingly, and reached again for the ties that bound Mack. He

pulled on one and Mack’s arms dropped to the bed above his head. He automatically

reached to pull his lover into his arms, but Lex drew back, warning in his gaze. Mack

crossed his arms bent at the elbow over his head and quirked an eyebrow at his lover.

There, I’ve done my part, now do yours.

Lex settled back into position, Mack’s cock riding the crease of his ass. His eyes

gleamed wickedly as he reached back to pull out the silk band that kept his curls

contained. He rose up onto his knees and Mack missed the contact his body had been


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“You’ve been a bit selfish, haven’t you?” Lex asked softly, playing with the gray

silk band, twining it between his fingers, stretching it and snapping it back into place.

“Selfish?” Mack could barely force the word out as he followed the path of that

gray band from finger to finger. He knew what was coming. He knew it, and oh fuck,

his cock welcomed it.

“Hmmm, yes,” the deep purr practically rolled through his bloodstream to send

his cock bouncing eagerly. “We should come together our first time after so long apart,

don’t you think?”

“Well, really, I…Just do it…” Mack could barely stutter out what he wanted he

was so turned on.

“Do what, Mack, love?” Lex’s smooth voice feigned incomprehension, forcing

Mack to ask for what he wanted more than anything now.

He gestured with his hands to the band, “Bind me. Wrap it around my cock so I

can’t come.”

Lex’s eyes flared. Jesus. Was he wrong? Was that not what the other man had in

mind all along? Was he exposing some perverted side of himself that would be better off

left in the dark? Mack couldn’t stop himself, “Please,” he whispered, “I want you to. I

need you to.”

He nearly sagged in relief when Lex nodded and shifted to the side. He hadn’t

been wrong. His eyes followed the gray band in Lex’s pale hand down to his groin.

Deftly, Lex pulled the band around his shaft, crossing it in a figure eight before pulling

the bottom circle gently down under his tight balls. He released it slowly and surveyed

his work. Mack moved restlessly against the sheets watching Lex for any sign of what

came next.

Lex tilted his head to one side. “Hm, I think…” He tested the elasticity of the

band, “Yes, I think once more around these beautiful balls will be sufficient. You know,

I always use silk bands because rubber is so bad for my hair, now I’m even more grateful

for them. You look incredible like this.” As he spoke Lex twisted the band again and

dragged it up, pushing Mack’s balls, one by one, through it and fitting it snuggly at the

base of his cock.

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Mack winced and drew in a swift breath as his hair pulled and the band caught a

tiny bit of skin. Lex’s eyes flew immediately to his face and his hands fluttered

soothingly over the injured areas.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Did I hurt you?” Lex gently petted his cock. No

other word could describe his actions. He certainly didn’t stimulate it enough to convey a

sexual intent.

Mack shook his head searching for words to tell his lover how he felt. He lost

the luxury of thought when Lex spoke again.

“Now, I want you to lick me. Use just your tongue and make me come.” Lex

knelt on the bed, gripping his cock firmly.

Mack surged upright onto his knees and reached forward. He had intended, he

supposed, to brace himself with his hands on Lex’s lean hips, but the other man backed

off immediately.

“No. No touching, I want only your tongue. Can you do that?”

Mack swallowed. He eyed Lex’s lovely cock, hard, and long, the crown a rosy

blushed enticing mouthful. He wanted to take the whole thing into his mouth and show

his lover the same orgasmic delight he had enjoyed himself, but Lex’s command

constrained him to the use of just his tongue.

Determination set his tone. “You want a tongue bath? Can you come like that?”

Lex nodded eyes sultry and commanding, “Oh, yeah, I can. Bath me with your

tongue and dry me with the heat of your breath. I want it so much. I have the most

fantastic dreams about your wicked tongue when we’re apart.”

Mack groaned and adjusted his position on the bed. “Kneel up,” he ordered.

Lex locked gazes with him, and looked for a moment as though he would protest

this usurpation of his command, but smiled and raised himself again onto his knees. His

pale cock bobbed slightly, and he licked his lips as he gestured down at himself, “Please,

I ache for you, Mack.”

Mack leaned forward, balanced his jaw in the palm of his hand and opened his

mouth. Where to start? The velvet smooth skin of the rippled shaft with its iron core or

the soft delicious head with its glaze of pre-cum? Leaning forward fractionally, Mack

touched the tip of his tongue to the tiny indentation where the shaft met the circumcised

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crown. He prodded that spot with his tongue for a moment, enjoying the gasp Lex gave

as he did so. Then he drew his tongue down the vein that ran the length of Lex’s cock

and thrust it hard against the base before dragging it further spreading the other man’s

balls to follow the hard core down as far as he could. He flattened his tongue and swept

it back up in a rush of moist saliva over the same path, stopping when he reached the

same spot where shaft met head. He swept his tongue around the rim, ending again in the

same spot. Endlessly, he worked his way up and down then around Lex’s throbbing

cock, feeling the heat building in his own erection as he did so. Lex moaned his pleasure

at the twin sensations of Mack’s probing tongue and his rapid hot breath flowing over

sensitive flesh.

Suddenly his hand clamped in Mack’s hair, and he panted, “That’s it. Right there,

hard and fast.”

Mack obligingly froze and concentrated his efforts on that spot just at the rim.

“Oh god, I’m going to come, now, sweetheart, where do you want it? “ Lex’s

tight desperate gasp forced Mack to make the decision.

Mack reared up and drew his hand over his chest, “Here, baby,” he choked out,

“come here.”

“Yes! Fuck. Yes,” Lex groaned again and again shooting thick jets of white come

high on Mack’s chest as he did. They both fell back onto the bed panting. Mack reached

out to clasp Lex’s hand and pull him close, but remembered his promise not to touch and

drew back. Lex dragged a finger through the streams of pearly liquid streaking across

Mack’s chest. He brought his finger back to Mack’s open mouth, and whispered, “Just

your tongue.”

With a groan, Mack swiped his tongue through the cooling semen, savoring the

bitter sweet taste in his mouth before swallowing.

They stared at each other for a moment before Lex reached down to Mack’s

bound cock. “It’s so gorgeous like this. I hate to set it free.”

Lex reached over to the other side of the bed and retrieved a bottle of lube and a

condom. He rose up on his knees to straddle Mack, and edged backward. Mack watched

as his lover’s firmly muscled body moved away from him until Lex had their cocks lined

up side by side. Lex’s cock next to his made for a beautiful sight. Like seeing the two of

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them side by side, Lex’s slightly smaller and slimmer cock with his coloring pale and

flushed with arousal a deep pink that was a near perfect match for his lips contrasted with

Mack’s thicker, longer cock’s darker length as it blushed nearly purple from the force of

the blood pumping through his veins. Lex gathered the two cocks in his hand and stroked

them both with his oddly gentle touch for several seconds before rising up on his knees.

He gently untwisted and removed the band binding Mack’s cock before he deftly opened

the condom packet and slowly rolled it down Mack’s length, as he did Mack curse

inwardly and gripped his elbows over his head in order to control the urge to grab the

smaller man and flip the two of them over. Son of a bitch was going to kill him with

these barely there touches and building anticipation shit.

He watched expectantly, nearly protesting when Lex dropped the lube on the

bedspread without lubing his fingers for stretching. His hands clenched as his lover

reached back to his ass, wishing he could see what he was doing.

“Let me stretch you baby,” he whispered, wanting to touch that enticing pale skin.

Instead, Lex shook his head, his back arched and his breath came out in a long huff.

Mack’s eyes glittered as he saw what his lover did. “Fuck. God. Have you had that in

all this time?”

A single nod answered him as Lex dropped the flesh colored plug onto the bed

next to the lube. A few adjustments in positioning brought Lex’s stretched opening over

the throbbing tip of Mack’s cock. It jerked, wanting in the tight heat that waited for it.

“Oh, God,” Mack groaned. “That is so hot. You’re trying to kill me aren’t you?” Not

waiting for an answer, he thrust his hips upward, groaning again when his cock easily

slipped past the tight ring of flesh as Lex lowered himself.

Lex’s trapped cock pulsed between their hard abdomens as he leaned forward to

kiss Mack again. Mack held still, tense and eager for more, but unwilling to move too

soon, unwilling to give up this tight heat that enclosed him. If he admitted it to himself,

he couldn’t be certain that Lex was done teasing. Any premature movement on his part

might cause another reprimand and an unbearable at this point delay in gratification. He

wanted to come badly, but he wanted to be this close to his lover forever. Lex ripped the

illusion of choice from his by mouthing across his cheek from lips to ear. The warm

moist breath sent new goose bumps and shivers racing down his skin to pulse again in his

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cock. Then Lex spoke against his ear, a single word on a moist exhale of warm heat

across his ear. “Now”.

Mack’s hips surged upward, his hands released as if by magic from their grip

upon each other closed on Lex’s hips and he thrust fiercely, rapidly into the welcoming

heat of his lovers’ tight ass. Silent as usual, Lex’s breath hot and moist against Mack’s

ear came faster and faster as his cock jerked frantically in the hard warm place where

their bellies ground together.

Mack prayed for the strength to hang on until he felt Lex’s orgasm as ecstasy

ripped through his frame. He used one hand to help guide Lex’s movements, but stroked

his lover everywhere he could reach with the other, hungry for the contact he had been

denied. The warm jets of cum spilling between the two of them brought his own release

and he shouted Lex’s name as his cock flooded the tip of the condom in powerful jets.

His eyes drifted shut while he struggled to regain control of his breathing, and he

held Lex’s panting form tight to his side. “Lex,” he whispered, “we need to talk. But

first, I need a nap.”

He looked down to meet Lex’s green eyed gaze, reassured by what he saw there.

He was almost surprised to get a real answer, but Lex spoke softly against his throat. “I

know. Talk later, nap first.”

One more thing he absolutely had to clear up, before napping occurred to Mack,

though. “Payback’s a bitch, you know.”

He felt the huff of breath against his chest as Lex settled against him in a more

comfortable position. “Yeah, I know.” As he drifted off, he almost, but not quite thought

he heard Lex whispering against his chest again, “But worth it.”


Mack came awake with a start unsure how long he’d slept. He reached across the

bed for Lex, missing the warmth of his weight against his side. Nothing. His eyes

snapped open. A quick check of the bed and the room produced no Lex. Almost

reluctantly, he rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom, no Lex. As he relieved

himself he saw signs of his lover’s recent presence in the room, damp towels hanging on

the towel bar, soft white shirt on top of the laundry hamper. He needed coffee, then a

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shower. A quick trip out to the kitchen not only failed to turn up Lex, but failed to deliver

on the coffee. Apparently Lex was up, but had not made coffee or breakfast. Mack

fumbled around making the coffee. His lover was here somewhere. He knew there was

absolutely no fucking way that Lex had gone out the front door alone. He could barely

drag the other man out with himself for company. No way would he have gone out for

anything alone. Which meant, his sleep dulled brain finally forced him to acknowledge,

and his reluctant eyes confirmed, Lex was in his office, working.

“Shit. That just sucks.” Mack headed back to the bathroom to shower while his

coffee made. He could, he supposed, barge in through the closed door of Lex’s office

and insist that they talk, except he didn’t dare interrupt the creative process. Besides,

their activities had provided him with at least one certainty. He was not breaking up with

Lex. He was almost certain after last night and this morning that Lex wasn’t going to

break things off with him, but he still didn’t know if Lex was up for moving forward in

their relationship either. Mack cursed his own feelings of almost reverence for the

creative process. He was a doctor, a mechanic of the human body he called himself, and

a damn good one, but there was something about artists that called to him. Artists,

writers, actors, they all were beyond his understanding. Each one put so much of himself

into his work, creating beauty out of nothing. Mack knew he was entirely incapable of

doing the same, and he was literally in awe of those who could create. He tended to be

very leery of disrupting a process that he himself didn’t understand, and so he would

grant Lex the time and privacy to create. Meanwhile, he sighed, dressing in his favorite

501’s and a soft green t-shirt, there was always plenty of housework to keep him busy.

He dragged the laundry hamper to the alcove and started a load, then dragged

Lex’s suitcases to the bedroom. Almost defiantly, he opened them and began placing

Lex’s garments in the walk in closet alongside his own. He smirked as he hung soft

billowing shirts in green, burgundy, black and white along side his own oxford shirts. He

was openly smiling when he got around to placing Lex’s soft leather boots and various

pairs of house slippers in a neat line next to his in the floor of the closet. It didn’t occur

to him until he had emptied the last bag that the other man had brought an awful lot of

clothes for a weekend visit.

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Having put away the laundry Mack eyed the door to that office. Still closed.

Sighing, he approached the other bags from Lex’s house. The mail. He dumped it out on

the dining room table and went into his own office to retrieve some sorting bins. An hour

later he had divided the mail into four piles- bills, fan mail, professional, and personal

mail. Nothing else he could do with it at this point, not without talking to Lex first. The

other man clearly needed to hire a PA. The PA could take care of this crap, which would

keep Lex from freaking out about the constant, he eyed the professional stack, demands

that his fame was going to be making.

Mack headed into the kitchen to make a quick lunch for the two of them. Lex

needed to come out of that office and eat. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday

according to Mrs. Brown. Mack quickly sliced bread and made sandwiches with roast

beef and roasted red peppers, oil and vinegar, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. He added

glasses of fresh squeezed lemonade to the tray and carried it to the table. As Mack

looked up to check the door to the office, it opened and Lex came out. His gorgeous face

was dreamy, cheeks flushed and green eyes glowing with happiness. That glow

disappeared as he caught sight of the mail on the table.

“Hey, come on over here. I made us some lunch, and we need to talk.” Mack

spoke gently, wanting desperately to bring that happy look back to his lover’s eyes. At

the same time he felt a little jealous that it was work and not himself that put that look

there in the first place.

Lex nodded and strolled forward with his sexy loose walk. His feet were bare,

and he hadn’t bother to lace or belt his flowing chocolate brown shirt over the loose black

silk trousers he wore. Mack felt his cock stir as he watched the other man approach.

As they ate he gestured to the mail. “I sorted it. You know it has to be dealt with.

We’ll take care of the necessary today, but I think you need to hire a Personal Assistant to

deal with this crap.”

Lex’s head jerked around to meet his eyes. “I can’t.”

Mack sighed. Hesitantly, he reached out to pat the other man’s hand. “I know

you can’t. But I can. We have one at our office, and it really takes a load off. I’ll find

someone for you to deal with this other stuff, and then you can just concentrate on your

work. I have an empty office in my suite and the PA can work out of there. The

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accountant will make sure the financial stuff is on the up an up and the PA can set up a

web site to deal with these fan things. It’s not a big deal, ok?”

Mack was astonished to find himself with a lapful of Lex in response to that. The

other man’s tight hug brought tears to his eyes and he patted his back gently. “But we

have to deal with this stuff here today. You can’t just not pay your bills, you know.”

Lex pulled back and looked into his face, his gaze was almost pleading, and Mack

sighed again. “I’ll help you. Go get a check book and start signing checks while I clear

up this mess.”

Lex jumped up and headed for his office while Mack loaded the tray. He wished

he were as important to Lex as Lex was to him.

Fuck. His return from the kitchen showed him a signed checkbook on the table

next to the stack of bills, and no Lex. He glared at the door of the office. Fucker was

closed. With another loud curse, he scooped up the trays, stacking them on top of each

other throwing the checkbook on top and headed for his own office.

An hour later he was staring down at the checkbook and bills on his desk in

shock. He’d just written checks for over twenty thousand dollars in monthly, monthly,

expenses. What the hell? It wasn’t the amounts of the bills that bothered him so mush,

he thought. If Lex had that kind of money, he could spend it however he wanted to. It

was what was missing from the pile that bothered him. There should have been a hefty

mortgage payment due this month on the condo. He rifled through the pile again.

Nothing. They had bought this apartment together two years ago. There were 18 years

of payments left to be made. He wrote his check to Lex’s accountant every month for the

next month’s payment. Where was Lex’s payment? What was going on here?

Yet another subject to add to the upcoming discussion with his lover. It was so

not going to be a pretty talk. Where to begin? The future, the condo? Huh. He shoved

the last of the bills into their envelopes and stuffed the pile into his brief case for his PA

to mail the next day. He stretched and stood. Maybe he should work out he thought,

remembering Lex’s fingers on his abdomen the night before. Yeah. He needed to keep

all the advantages a hot body gave him in this relationship.

As he left his own office to change into work out clothes, the sound of Bowie’s

Lady Stardust was drifting through the apartment. He stiffened and looked around.

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Lex’s office door was open. The other man wasn’t in the living room, so Mack headed

down the hall to the bedroom, his heart pounding and his cock throbbing erect so quickly

he thought he’d burst the buttons of his 501’s.

Chapter 3

Entering the master bedroom with cautious steps, the sight that greeted him

confirmed what was about to happen. His lungs seized and his heartbeat sped. He

stepped into the room, his gaze locked on the slight figure standing near the bed. Lex’s

eyes locked with his, his cheeks were flushed a passionate pink, and his black curls were

tied behind his neck. The slighter man wore a black silk robe belted lightly at the waist,

and otherwise was completely naked.

Mack moved closer, knowing what was coming, wanting it more than he recalled

ever wanting anything in his life. When they had first gotten together Lex had asked him

for this almost every weekend they were together, but lately it was as though he’d

forgotten the desire that led to this act.

Lex’s hand came out and landed on his chest, preventing him from coming any

closer. “Will you?” he asked in his husky, seldom used voice. “Do you want it as much

as I need it?”

Mack caught his breath, nodding a little frantically. Need was a new concept in

Lex’s conversation. But he knew he needed this, because this was truly the time when he

felt that Lex really did love him, really did need him, Mack, in his life and in his bed. It

was almost, he thought the time he felt that they communicated best, and that Lex really

was opening himself to emotional connection with Mack rather than just a physical.

He nodded again, assertively. Yes, he wanted this. He opened his mouth, and

Lex’s hand moved up from his chest to press his fingers gently over Mack’s open mouth.

His lips flamed from the touch, but he knew it was just a warning that from this moment

silence was expected. The other man gestured, and Mack swiftly disrobed, tossing his

jeans and t-shirt on the armchair in the corner of the room. Knowing his part well, he

climbed onto the bed and knelt on his heels in the middle. Lex nodded approvingly and

disappeared from his line of vision. The music in the background stopped shortly

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afterward, and the entire apartment was silent. He felt the bed dip behind him and out the

corner of his eye saw the familiar leather bag drop onto the mattress. It clicked open, and

moments later he felt the stirring of air as Lex brought the blindfold down around his

eyes. It was fastened securely in back of his head and the darkness was complete.

Immediately his senses leapt. Without sight his ears strained, his nerves tingled.

Although he knew generally what to expect next, he never knew the particulars, and

Lex’s creative brain always found ways to make the scene new and different,

unpredictable. He opened his mouth in answer to a probing finger, and found himself the

recipient of a gentle, passionless kiss. Fingers gently forced his jaw wider, and he

accepted gingerly a leathery tasting gag of some kind that fit into his mouth. When Lex’s

hands moved away he tested it gingerly with the tip of his tongue and the edges of his

teeth. The taste wasn’t all that appealing, but it was neither tight nor painful. Probably

simply a decorative reminder that he was expected to maintain his silence.

Smooth clinical hands drew his arms up over his head, guiding his left hand to

clasp his right elbow and vice versa, similar to the position he’d awakened to earlier that

day. Hmmm. That might mean something. His brain tried to figure it out, but his body

was more into feeling at the moment and overrode his inquisitive nature. Soft leather

cuffs were attached to his upper arms linked to the wrists that clasped his elbows. The

passionless touch drew away and there was a rustling sound from the bag.

His mind scrambled, ears straining to determine what was happening from the

hushed sounds that reached them. Something soft, more leather wrapped about his

ankles, a faint clink as something metallic pushed his knees further apart. A metal bar

latched to the cuffs prevented his legs from closing.

It was almost devastating to feel that detached hand on his cock. He was so hot,

so aroused by what was happening to him and the closeness it made him feel, that Lex’s

ability to be less involved, less lustful pained him. The two hands moved together,

swiftly twisting around his balls and cock. Soft silky threads wove around and between

his balls then tightly wove up his cock crisscrossing as they bit gently into the aching

flesh of his arousal. The hands disappeared, leaving him bound tightly enough to prevent

his orgasm, but not enough to cause pain.

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His chest heaving, Mack waited for the next step. This was all preparation. He

could tell by the coolness of Lex’s touch that they weren’t close to the culmination of the

game. Lex was standing back, he thought. Then he heard it, the faintest whisper of a

sound. Was it a camera, the slight click of photos being taken? He shivered and his cock

twitched in its binding. If he could protest, would he? He didn’t know. He certainly

trusted that Lex wouldn’t post pictures of them on the internet, so he relaxed again. Then,

on a wicked thought, he flexed the muscles in his groin, causing his bound cock to dance

visibly. The next distinguishable sound was an indrawn breath from Lex and a muffled

sound that might have been a chuckle.

It could have been a minute later; it could have been ten, before the hands were

back sweeping across his chest to his aroused nipple. He waited patiently and obligingly

jerked in surprise when the touch came. His nipples were sensitive and they responded

even to the detached contact by tightening further and flushing. He could feel the

gathering heat in the sensitive tips, and knew his response was correct when he received

an approving pat. His nipple was toyed with for only a moment before a metallic clamp

seized it in a slightly painful grip. The process was repeated on the other side and he

became aware of two chains dangling against the muscles of his chest. Lex gathered

these into his hand and tugged gently on them. His back arched into the pull, his body

seeking more of the stimulation. He didn’t get it. The chains were drawn in a line down

his chest and linked somehow to the binding of his cock.

Again, he became aware that Lex had stepped back from his preparations and was

taking pictures. Sooner, he stepped back to the bed jostling it. The blankets and pillows

rustled as things we were rearranged to meet some plan that Lex had in mind. Then he

found Lex’s hands were guiding his body down, his head coming forward to rest on a

pillow in front of his knees. His buttocks were raised and his knees adjusted. Again, he

heard the gentle clicks of the camera. His anus was quivering with expectation.

Something was coming. The faint smatterings of hair on his buttocks prickled and goose

bumps broke out on his skin. There was a slight thud as something hit the mattress.

Then the touch of Lex’s hand traced the crease of his ass. His breath was coming faster

now, his chest pressing into the mattress caused friction against the clamps on his nipples,

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and the slightest movement interacted with the chain linked to his cock. Though minor,

the stimulation was almost constant, and built upon itself.

The snick of a bottle of lube opening confirmed his expectations. Lex’s cool hand

spread his cheeks, and a finger traced the crease pressing slightly harder against the

puckered opening. Unable to stop himself, he rocked back, attempting to force the digit

in further. The touch was removed, and he actually felt, damn it, the disapproval and

disappointment Lex was experiencing. Fucking control freak. He stilled instantly.

Waiting patiently, he hoped that his stillness would convey his determination to give up

control, to submit himself to Lex’s needs without words. He wanted badly to beg for that

touch back, he wouldn’t disappoint his lover further by breaking the silence.

Some time later, the touches returned, soothing and hesitant at first, then the

finger slipped inside, stretching his opening to receive more lube. He found himself

biting back what would have emerged through his gag as muffled curses and groans as

the finger was removed again. Another brief episode of stillness, and two fingers slid

into his anus, stretching the ring of muscles that guarded the entrance, massaging and

thrusting gently, a prelude to what he didn’t know.

He was quivering with the urge to move, to fuck himself on those fingers when

they were pulled gently from his body and replaced by something larger. A blunt tip was

pressing against him, and for an almost stunned minute he thought it was Lex’s cock, but

though the size was there as it glided in, the heat was not. This was easily the same size

as Lex, but it was cool and not the slightest bit alive feeling in his rectum. It didn’t pulse

or throb, or twitch. A dildo of some kind, he decided. His back arched tentatively as the

length of the object was pressed home, and his passage felt as though it were aflame. It

burned with the desire for more, just as the rest of him did. Everything was still around

him. He couldn’t sense Lex’s presence, couldn’t hear the other man’s breath. Had he

been left here alone in the master suite?

It felt like an hour had passed before he felt those cool hands lifting him up again

to his original position. His full ass resting against his heels caused tremors to shudder

through his body. His cock was bobbing eagerly in its bindings, and his entire body was

quivering with anticipation of what would come next. The new tension in the air told

him the preparation was over. This was it; the game was beginning in earnest now. The

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bed dipped and swayed as Lex climbed up next to him. He knew by the lack of the

sounds of rustling silk that the other man was naked. There was a moment of stillness,

then the rustle of the contents of the leather bag. Air rushed from his lungs, a breath he

hadn’t know he was holding, as Lex’s hand, covered something soft, fluffy, touched him.

He struggled to hold still as the hands rubbed that fabric over his body head to toe,

brushing against his clamped nipples, his bound cock, gliding over his full ass and down

his spread legs. His skin prickled and his nerves leapt into the touch wanting more,

wanting harder, but he knew he wouldn’t get it, not yet.

After the thorough rubbing, the hands pulled away, and a length of silk began

trailing across his body, wrapping around his arms, dragging through the bristling hairs in

his sensitive armpits, and then trailing up his neck and around pulling tight, then releasing

to brush against his throbbing pulse. The silk glided over and round his chest. It must be

a scarf, it wrapped completely around his body and abraded his sensitive flesh with silky

heat, clinging and moving down to twist around his aching cock before tracing about his

thigh and pressing against his ass.

Again the fabric pulled away, and he waited seconds only this time before hearing

Lex’s breath coming faster from seemingly all around him, as he dragged his hands

against Mack’s muscles again. This time he rubbed with a fabric that though soft, was

slightly raised, maybe velvet of some kind. It abraded his skin creating flares of heat that

raced straight to his groin and tried to force their way through the binding that held his

cock at the ready. The heat that swamped his body wanted release. The orgasm that had

been tingling in his spine for what seemed like since he’d entered the room, God knew

how long ago, was searing in its intensity as it roiled in his balls. He knew the only thing

holding him back right now was that binding. He ached with the need to have Lex

remove it, so he could come, and also with the need for it to stay until his lover had

reached the culmination that this play brought for him.

He fought back the pleasure, eyes drifting shut under the blind fold, his teeth

clenching on the gag. His muscles flexed, jerking uncontrollably against their assorted

bonds, but his will and he admitted, his love, kept him in his role. He would kneel on this

bed, silent, and as still as possible under whatever erotic torture his lover chose to inflict,

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because this was something he could give Lex. Something Lex needed from him that

confirmed they were one.

His eyes jerked open and he trembled more violently. Lex’s bare hands now

caressed and molded his flesh. The firm grip moved across his chest, toying with the

clamps, tugging lightly on the chain. He arched silently begging for more, but the touch

moved on, down his abdomen trailing through the gathered sweat and following the path

of the chain to his groin. It tugged again, this close to his cock he felt the pull more there

than on his nipples, and nearly bit through his gag stifling the cries that rose to his throat.

He was swallowing frantically when Lex pulled his hands away and begging

silently, willing the other man to touch him again, when he felt the wet heat of his lips

and tongue against his throat. The tongue bathed his pulse points in wet heat, and then

Lex’s rapid, hot breath blew gently across the wet trails. He moved continuously, from

one pleasure spot to another, wetting, blowing, stirring him to heights he’d never thought

possible. He was well past the point of self control, and only the binding on his cock

prevented him from spilling his seed then and there. He held himself as still as possible,

willing that hot tongue down where he wanted it, needed it.

It was tracing the muscles of his chest and landed firmly over the clamps on his

nipple. A hand came up and the clamp was released. Lex must have wrapped the chain

around his hand because a gentle rhythm pulled at his cock as the mouth and tongue

laved his nipple, sucking him in and causing minor explosions of ecstasy in the frantic

released flesh before moving on to the other nipple. It eagerly received the same

treatment, and soon, thank god, the mouth was trailing down his belly, tongue rubbing

and heated breath blowing in swirling patterns until it reached his belly button, where the

tip of his cock strained through its bindings, reaching for the touch that it wanted.

Fuck yeah, he roared silently. Lick me. Oh, please, he begged silently. He nearly

fell backward in relief when the hot mouth paused above his cock. He could feel the

heated rapid breath of his lover against his oversensitive tip, feel the moisture of his

mouth millimeters away and he wanted badly to thrust upward into the heaven, bindings

and all and fuck Lex’s mouth until they both came from the intensity of their emotions,

but he held still. His entire body was held stiff and tense with anticipation jerking

convulsively, over and over at the first touch of that tongue on his cock. He was caressed

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endlessly by tongue and breath tracing the pattern of the ties that bound him, from the

pulsing tip of his cock to the tightly drawn sac that cradled his balls below, over and over

from top to bottom and then again bottom to top, the mouth tormented him beyond

control, until he sensed, as it hovered at his tip once more, that something was different,

then he felt it. The bindings were being tugged, not by the chain, but by Lx’s hand.

At the moment he felt the bindings unravel and fall away from his cock and balls,

he felt himself engulfed to the root in Lex’s hot sucking mouth and he exploded almost

painfully gushing thick gouts of cum into his lovers throat. Again and again he gasped

groaning against his gag as he jerked and shot more and more cum. Eventually he sank

back to his heels, weakly, but was reminded by the jostling fullness in his ass that this

wasn’t over.

He was bent forward again by commanding hand, his ass elevated, and the dildo

gently removed. This time when he felt something pressing against his opening, he knew

it was Lex. The tip was hot against him, and liberally wetted with pre-cum and lube. It

was jerking and he could feel the throbbing heat pressing against him. Lex’s thick cock

entered him easily, and he felt his own cock jerking weakly in an attempt to come back

up as his lover steadily invaded his ass. It was fuller, hotter, and altogether more than the

dildo had been, but Lex didn’t allow him time to enjoy the difference, he began a swift

steady rhythm of deep thrusts that slapped his balls against Mack’s ass repeatedly. He felt

the other man’s deep thrusts speeding up, moving harder against his welcoming body.

He felt Lex’s harsh breath panting against his sensitized flesh as he leaned forward to

untie the gag and the blind fold, felt himself moving demandingly, pressing back against

his lover as the gag fell from his mouth and the blindfold dropped to the bed.

He was not surprised to find himself achingly aroused again when Lex’s hand

crossed his belly and cupped his balls before begin a hard stroke against his cock that

matched the burning thrusts in his ass. He groaned and spurted again when he felt Lex’s

cum bathing his insides and heard his lover’s voice husky against his ear, “Come.”

Together, they collapsed against the bed, and Mack lay chest heaving with

exertion as Lex snuggled him for a moment before deftly removing his bindings and

leaving the room. He came back from the bathroom with warm damp cloths and began

bathing the sweat from Mack’s aching muscles.

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Without hesitation, Mack reached up and captured the other man’s hand as it

washed his chest. He pulled Lex closer and started into his yes, “I love you.” Maybe it

was too soon, and he shouldn’t lay his heart on the table, seeing where there relationship

had gone the last few months, but he wanted to make sure that Lex was clear on that,

because they were going to have that talk. He was now more certain than ever that Lex

loved him as well, and damned if he would give up on this relationship. They would find

a way to make Lex’s lifestyle and his mesh.

He pulled Lex into his arms and rolled to the side holding the other man close as

they drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4

The urgent buzz of the alarm clock broke through Mack’s sleep haze, and he

reluctantly stretched out his arm to shut it off. He shifted on the bed and remembering

Lex’s early departure from their bed the previous day, sought with a trembling hand for

his presence. He sighed with relief to find the other man lying next to him on his

stomach. His head was turned in Mack’s direction, and he was beautiful in sleep. The

clear brow was smooth, high cheekbones delicately flushed. His black lashes curled,

impossibly long on his cheeks, a feminine quirk that somehow enhanced the masculinity

of his face with its long sleek lines. His skin beneath the blush was creamy and smooth,

with the barest hint of shadow about his jaw. Despite his dark curls his beard grew

slowly. The graceful length of his neck led to smoothly muscled shoulders and a sleek

back. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on the lean frame, but neither was he an over muscled

jock. Lex was purely beautiful. Each sweeping plane of muscle led smoothly to another,

and drew his eye to the tempting mounds of his ass then down the long lines of his thighs

and legs.

He wanted to stay in bed making love to his man all day, but he had to get up and

get started. He had office hours today, and an early shift at the hospital. He frowned. He

hoped Lex wasn’t expecting to be driven home today. There just wouldn’t be time. He’d

go in to work and call Lex later to make sure he was good with staying. They still had to

talk. Yesterday after their fantasy play Lex and had napped and fucked, and napped and

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fucked some more until they had apparently both fallen into an exhausted slumber that

ended with his alarm clock this morning.

Shit. He had to think about this anyway. They needed to talk about this

relationship. He was thirty-seven, and frankly, having a long distance, even if the

distance wasn’t really all that long, boyfriend wasn’t where he wanted to be right now.

Hell. A boyfriend was so junior high school. He wanted an adult relationship, not a

boyfriend, not a lover, a partner. He loved Lex and he wanted him to be that partner. So,

the rest of the shit could be blown off. They’d figure it out as it came up. What he

needed to talk to Lex about was merging their lives and making their relationship a real

partnership. He was almost certain after the weekend that Lex was as in love with him as

he was, and he just needed to convince the other man that more was possible.

A quick shower and cup of coffee saw him heading out the door and on his way in

to the hospital. A phone call to his office manager between patients set in motion the

process of acquiring one PA for his lover and what seemed to be a never ending stream of

patients with flu symptoms kept him fully occupied for several hours. The sight of a

weary looking Hispanic man pushing a floor buffer down the corridor had him dropping a

patient chart against the bed with a clang. Cleaning lady. It was Monday and Bonita

would be coming at nine to clean the condo. She always stripped the bed to wash the

sheets first. He had to call Lex and warn the other man.

He dragged out his cell to call Lex as he headed out to his car to drive the few

blocks to his office. He couldn’t help picturing the other man as he had last seen him,

sprawled in naked splendor across semen stained sheets from their activities of the

previous night. Lex would hate having the cleaning lady see him naked like that.

“Ah,” Lex’s husky groan came as he answered the phone. “Mackenzie, did

anyone ever tell you your morning after manners suck?”

Mack paused behind the wheel of his car. “What? Listen, Lex,” he tried to break

into the other man’s ongoing speech.

“I woke up this morning, dreaming about how hot you looked with your tongue

licking my cock, but you were gone. So I’m here all alone, taking care of myself.”

Distracted, Mack inhaled sharply. “You’re touching yourself?”

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“Yeah, sweetheart, I had to. I wrapped a piece of black ribbon around my dick

and I’m tracing the exposed skin with my fingers. I wet the tips in my mouth, but it isn’t

the same as your sweet tongue caressing me.”

Mack swallowed hard. He wanted to be there, to lick Lex’s bound cock until the

other man came on him again. “I’ve never seen you bound. Tell me.” His own cock was

swelling rapidly and pushing against the zipper of his black dress pants, and the drive to

the office was passing way to quickly for Mack to do anything about it.

“I tied it, at the base and just wound it up to the tip before I tied it again, nothing

fancy, but effective. Oh, where are you when I need you so much?” Lex was panting in

his ear now and his voice dropped even lower coming with some effort. “Wait, I’ll take a

picture and send it to you. I don’t want to come until you’ve seen me.”

Moments passed and Mack listened to the distant sounds of groans while

impatiently waiting for the ding that would tell him the photos was received. He ducked

under a low hanging branch that the building maintenance people never seemed to trim

and headed up the walkway to his office. Hoping for more privacy, he opted to take the

stairs instead of the elevator to his suite on the fourth floor. The ding of the email service

stopped him in his tracks and he clicked Lex’s message open rapidly. “Fuck, baby,” he

whispered into the phone. “That’s so fucking beautiful.” His mouth watered at the sight

of Lex’s cock spiraled about with a tiny black ribbon from base to head.

“You’re looking at it? At me?” Lex was breathing harshly into the phone now

and groaning loudly, “I’m going to come…”

“Wait!” Shit. The clock on the receptionist’s desk showed 9:05. “No! The

cleaning lady…” He dropped his head onto his phone in his hand as Lex’s cry of ecstasy

was met by a shriek and a slamming door in the background. “Is coming at nine.” He

finished softly.

The last thing he heard was Lex’s voice scarily icy and cold. “Fuck. You.

Mackenzie.” He cursed himself as he slumped into his office chair. “I’m such an


“Well, you’re a few minutes late for your first patient, Doctor, but I wouldn’t go

that far.” His PA had stepped into the room and was placing a stack of patient folders on

his desk. “We had a few cancelations, so it should all work out fine.”

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He tried repeatedly through the day to call Lex, but his cell phone went directly to

voice mail, so he figured the other man had forgotten to charge it as usual. He dialed the

house phone as he drove through traffic, and was surprised not to get an answer.

When activity in the ER was slow, he called again, and again received no answer

on either phone. As the day passed he began to get a little pissed, a little worried, a lot

worried in fact, that maybe, just maybe Lex had left and gone back to the mountains even

though they hadn’t talked. “No. Don’t be an ass. You know he wouldn’t. He couldn’t.

He doesn’t have a car here, and you know he’s not going to call or ride in a cab with a

complete stranger for two hours.”

He was midway through an emergency appendectomy when the light broke.

“Fuck. He’s working idiot. That’s why he’s not answering the phone!”

He looked up as completed silence reigned in the confines of the operating room.

The staff was looking at him like he was crazy. “Sorry.” He mumbled.

The phone silence explained to his satisfaction, Mack passed through the rest of

his day in what he couldn’t deny was a romantic haze. He found himself thinking about

Lex’s eyes, his sexy body, and the beautiful tone of his voice when he whispered

“Come,” against Mack’s ear. He found himself daydreaming about arriving home to a

home cooked meal, a kiss and a cuddle. “I’m acting like a freaking teenage girl here,” he

chided himself.

At length the day passed and he was zooming along the highway approaching his

exit with much the same anticipation as he had Friday night, only this time he had the

uncertainty of Lex’s presence ahead of him and his heart seesawed from high to low as he

contemplated the prospect of the other man’s greeting. Would he be angry? Would he

even be there?

His brakes squealed as he pulled into his parking space and he couldn’t keep what

had to be a shit eating grin off his face as walked up the front path that led to his door.

He fumbled his key in the lock and pushed the door open. Déjà vu he thought

darkly. Fucked again. No scent of dinner cooking, no warm kiss, the house was

blanketed in darkness. No sexy jazz, no compelling Bowie, no sign of Lex. His eyes

went to the office door. Yeah. Closed. Well, at least he was here. Ignoring Mack, but

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here in Newport still. This evening had the bitter addition of knowing he deserved

whatever was coming to him for his stupidity this morning. Nine little words. That’s all

he had to get out to save Lex the embarrassment of exposing himself in a humiliating

position to a complete stranger. But he couldn’t manage that, no. He got so turned on by

a little phone sex his brain short circuited. How the hell did he get through medical

school thinking with his dick like this?

He slammed the door behind him, almost hoping that it disrupted the writing

process and sent Lex out to him. He stalked back to the master bedroom and discovered

it in a shambles of unmade bed and the clothing they’d tossed about yesterday. So Bonita

hadn’t made it in here to clean after all.

He decided to ignore the mess and headed back to the living area to flop

disgustedly onto the sofa. This was it. He’s just written the final words of this break up

scene himself. The last words he’d hear from Lex, echoed in his head, Fuck. You.

Mackenzie. So cold, so final. “Yeah, fuck me,” he whispered into the darkness. “Not

only am I old, but I’m inconsiderate as well,” he looked around the clean crisp neatness

of the just cleaned condo. “And boring as hell.” The room was all black leather and

glass. No touches of color except the Pacific ocean-scape over the sofa.”

He pulled his cell back out of his pocket and dialed a familiar number. “Yeah.”

Brody answered on the second ring.

“Lex is working, so I’m single for a while tonight. Wanna go get a pizza?”

“Sure. Are you sure he’s ok with that?” Brody was just slightly hesitant, but

probably so glad for company that he was willing to piss off what he thought of as a

weird boyfriend in order to avoid his own loneliness.

“Fuck if I know. He’s locked in his office again. I’ve tried calling all damn day,

thought I was coming home to a very different situation. I fucked up this morning. And

look, I just need to be away from here for a while. Are you game?”

“Yeah. Come over when you’re ready we can take my car.”


Two hours later he was downing his third beer, pizza gone, and baring his soul to

his best friend.

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“So, you gonna tell me how you fucked up this time, or what?”

“I forgot to tell him about the cleaning lady.” Mack gazed down into his beer,

trying to peer through the tiny opening to the bottom of the bottle. He absently stripped

the shiny label off the brown bottle, scraping it with his thumb nail.

“That doesn’t sound too bad. What’s the big deal?” Davis seemed concerned but


“The big deal is I called him and we were at the end of some very… nice… phone

sex when she walked in on him in the bedroom.” He slunk further in his seat just

thinking about it. He was being a coward. He should just go home and air all this dirty


Davis dropped his soda glass back onto the table. “The end of sex? So she saw


“Way too fucking much of my personal life! I need to apologize to Lex for not

telling him about her before I left for work this morning. I could have; I just got so

wrapped up in the way I was feeling, I forgot.”

“So, tell him. Tell him it was an honest mistake and you’re sorry. If he loves you,

he’ll forgive you! It’s not so terrible. It’s not like you cheated on him or anything. He’ll

get over it.”

“I’ve never seen Lex angry, Davis. I’m pretty sure he hates me now and we’re

finished. I’m not just old; I’m inconsiderate and stodgy as well.” He considered the

naked beer bottle and waved it at the waitress to signal his need for another one. “I’ve

never been so confused in my life. Part of me says throw in the towel and give it up, and

part of me says I should do whatever I can to make this work.”

“Ever hear of the concept of self fulfilling prophecy?”

“You think I’m sabotaging myself to get Lex to break up with me?”

“Maybe. It’s all just bs. What’s the underlying problem here? What bothers you

the most?”

“I just don’t get it. He comes here for the first time in months, seems to want to

be with me, but then spends hours locked in his office working. We don’t see each other

very often as it is; why is it so hard for him to be with me even when he’s here with me?”

Wait, did that make sense? “Shit. I don’t know what he wants, what he thinks, where we

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are. On Friday I thought we were drifting apart, breaking up slowly, you know? I

honestly had every intention of driving out there and breaking up with him. Then, I don’t

know this weekend, things were different. We really connected in ways we haven’t for a

while, and shit. I know I love him, and I thought after this weekend, that he really loved

me too.”

“And now you don’t think so?” Brody was a great listener, a gorgeous man really.

“Fucked if I know now. I expected him to be like he was before, when we first

got together. I dreamed all day about him. He occupies every moment of my day, and I

get home and instead of a meal and music, instead of a kiss and an embrace from the man

I love, I get a fucking gloomy lifeless apartment. Do I really deserve that type of

punishment for lusting too much after the man I love? Why couldn’t I fall in love with

someone easy like you?”

Brody stiffened. “Are you saying you think James is easy, or you think I am?”

Mack snorted. “Hell, I know James isn’t easy. He keeps you on your toes more

than Lex does me. At least I don’t have to worry about the masses lusting after him.

Hardly anyone else ever sees him. That sexy body and beautiful face are all mine. I just

meant someone more like me. I should really be seeing someone whose temperament

and needs are more like my own don’t you think?”

“Are you serious? Man, I wouldn’t trade James for anyone else; no matter how

many envious pricks I have to beat off with a stick when we go out. Guys like ours are,

well, I guess high maintenance will do, though that’s not what I mean really. It takes a

lot of effort to make a relationship work with some one who is so different, whose needs

are so different from ours, but you know, a lot of doctors’ wives out there are making the

same complaints about their husbands.”

“Yeah, but it just fucking seems like he expects me to be laying myself out on the

line all the time, and I’m getting precious little back. I need that pat on the head like a

fucking kid to tell me I’m doing a good job, you know? I need the man in my life to give

something back to me that tells me that it’s more than sex. Fuck. What I really want is to

get married and settle down and live in domestic bliss for the next fifty years, but I need

Lex to need me as much as I need him for that to work. And I guess I’m hurt that he

doesn’t seem to need me. I worked twelve hours today, and I fucked up, yeah, but we

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could have talked about it. He could have given me a chance to explain. IF he loved me,

he’d have let me explain. He can’t even come out of his little hidey hole and give me a

kiss when I get home. Like, he didn’t miss me at all. It hurts that I don’t feel the same

level of commitment to our relationship from him that I give.”

“Fuck him. Wanna sleep on my couch? See if he notices you’re not there?”

“Whoa. I’m not doing anything drastic, man. Just blowing off steam.” Mack

caught the other man’s gaze, and said, “I love him, and this distance between us is killing


“I know. I wasn’t suggesting we do anything. James would hack my balls off

with a dull kitchen knife if I did. I just meant, if you want to know if he misses you,

sleep on my couch. See if he calls. If he does you know he misses you. If he doesn’t,

then he’s a jerk who doesn’t deserve you anyway. I have to tell you, I’ve known you

since you guys bought in two years ago, and I don’t think he deserves you. He strikes me

as a very self absorbed prick who doesn’t really care about anyone but himself.”

Mack jerked back in shock at the vitriol in the other man’s tone. “Wow. Just spit

it out why don’t you? How long have you been harboring this hostility toward my


“I’ve been down right pissed on your behalf for the past month while he’s been

jerking you around. He’s weird as hell, and some of the things you’ve told me about him

trigger some feelings. What would you tell a patient who confided in you that her

boyfriend didn’t like her to see her friends? I’ll tell you. You’d tell her that he’s a

control freak and to get out of the relationship because it could lead to abuse. Well, that’s

how I see Lex. He’s a control freak, and his desire to isolate you from your friends is a

very bad sign.”

“Control freak? Isolate me? Brody, man, you’ve got him all wrong. Lex isn’t

trying to isolate me into a culture of abuse. Man, he’s just really shy about meeting

people. As for keeping me from my friends, that’s not him, it’s me. When he’s here, I

don’t want to interrupt our time with other people. I just want to bask in our

togetherness, soak it up and keep it close so it can keep me warm during the times we’re

apart. “

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The two men regarded each other cautiously over the red checkered table cloth in

the pizza joint. Mack pushed his latest beer bottle aside, and spoke. “Look. You’re my

best friend. I want you to like Lex, because whatever’s going on now, I do plan to spend

the rest of my life with him. Why don’t you and James come over on Wednesday after

dinner for a drink and meet Lex? I think when you get to know him, you’ll feel


Brody was nodding acceptance. “Ok. James will be home, we’ll come by for a

short visit. But I have to tell you, his behavior sets off all kinds of alarms for me.”

“Look, Davis, I swear, he’s harmless. Part of what’s creating this image in your

mind is the fact that you always get to listen to me whine about how he’s let me down or

how pissed me off. I promise you, there are wonderful things about our relationship,

about him that make all these little glitches worth while. You’ll see.”

The two men rose and headed out of the pizza place, Mack striving to talk about

the great things about his lover to show his friend how wonderful Lex could be. Inside he

was torn. He wondered if he had really been so negative in his conversation about his

lover all these years. Had he truly never talked about how he exulted in the other man’s

presence in his home? Never shared the beautiful soul he knew Lex possessed with his

best friend? Maybe he was as much to blame for the distance in their relationship as Lex


He arrived home to find Lex already asleep in the master bedroom. The sound

system was pumping soft strains of jazz instrumentals throughout the apartment and there

was the faintest residue of some food smell in the air, but Mack wasn’t sober enough to

decipher it. He gazed down at his sleeping lover as he stripped.

“Wish you loved me, too,” he mumbled as he lifted the blankets and climbed into

the bed. He took Lex’s hand in his own and draped it gently around his waist, scooting

back into the other man’s radiant heat until his buttocks bumped against Lex’s groin. The

other man wore some slinky feeling pajama pants in the bed, and Mack sighed as he felt

them slink across his ass. He drew Lex’s hand up his chest to his lips and pressed a kiss

against the fingertips before settling it against his heart and closing his eyes. “Still mine,

for now.

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Chapter 5

Mack headed into work again on Tuesday morning, unhappy, sleepless, and

squinting against the bright sun. He felt more than a little annoyed by Lex’s selfish

absorption in his own world, which caused him a certain degree of guilt when he

remembered yesterday’s incident, which he had yet to apologize for. The place he had

carved out for himself in Lex’s life was growing too small, and he just didn’t fit there any

more. He was almost certain that the only thing keeping Lex in Newport was the fear of

leaving on his own. Lex’s fears and his creations were all consuming. Mack felt that he

would always be a peripheral function that Lex made time for only when he felt the urge

for sex. In the beginning that had been enough, Mack had his own goals and agendas, but

he had grown and changed and wanted a real relationship and a real family. Maybe it

wasn’t fair to blame Lex for being unable to see or meet his changing needs. After all,

the other man was only twenty-seven to Mack’s thirty-seven.

This point he brought up during a coffee break with Davis Brody in the hospital

cafeteria. His friend listened, and after taking a long drink of his coffee said, “Well, that

is true. But at twenty-seven you had over a hundred thousand dollars in student loan

debt, a low paying internship, and years of hard work ahead of you to get to a secure

place in your life. Lex, from what I’ve heard, has financial security, an established

career, and unlike most twenty some-things, a quiet lifestyle. He doesn’t seem to have a

need to sow more wild oats, does he?”

Mack turned his coffee cup aimlessly in circles on the table top. “I’m being

overly cautious?”

“I think you’re attributing Lex with your own feelings. Consider this. You have

no problem telling me how you feel and what you want. What’s keeping you from doing

the same with Lex?”

Mack turned his head away from the window to look into his friends blue eyes.

“There just hasn’t been a right time. He’s working, or I am, or something always comes


“Mack, I think you know that that’s bull shit. You didn’t have to come out with

me last night. You could have stayed in and camped outside that door until the man came

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out. Or, God forbid, you could have knocked on that door and insisted that he come out.”

Brody reached out and covered Mack’s hand on the coffee cup with his own. “I think

you’re more scared of the result of this conversation you want to have than you might

think. You’re grabbing at any excuse to delay the talk you know you two need to have.”

Mack stared broodingly into his now empty coffee cup. Was it true? Was he

sabotaging the conversation he supposedly desperately wanted to have? Hell. Yeah. He

was. He didn’t want to take the chance of hearing that Lex didn’t want the same things

he did. Didn’t want to hear that he was just a wild oat that Lex was sowing, or that sex

was all Lex was interested in. Damn, enough pussyfooting around. “All right. You’re

right. Tonight, I’m going to do it. As soon as I get home, I’m having that talk with Lex.

I have to know where I stand.”

“And if he’s holed up in the office?”

“Then I’ll break the door down if I have to. We need to reevaluate, and we can’t

do that apart.”

Davis slung his arm around Mack’s shoulders and drew him to his feet. “Right.

I’m here for you whenever you need me, man, but I think it’ll do you a lot more good to

share all this stuff with the right person. Let me know how it goes?”

“Yeah, sure. Sure.” Mack strolled off in the direction of a waving nurse down

the puke green hospital corridor. Funny. Like sick people didn’t need to look at more

attractive stuff. A nice blue, a soothing color would have been better. Must have been a

hell of a sale on puke green though, because this whole wing of the hospital was liberally

decorated with it. And, on top of that he realized….not only had he committed to having

that conversation today or else, but he had neglected completely to inform Lex that they

would be having guests for the first time ever the next evening. He shrugged. Well, it

might not even be an issue by then. Lex might be shocked into fleeing back to the

country by his request for more in their relationship.


It was a curious aspect of time that when you wanted it to go quickly it dragged,

but when you wanted it to pass slowly it sped by. The day passes in a blur of constant

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activity, and Mack didn’t have an opportunity to put much thought into what he wanted

to say in this conversation he’d promised to have. He grimaced at the prospect of

disturbing Lex in his office. Who wanted to stop working to talk about feelings? It just

seemed so, well, girly, and soap opera-ish.

On impulse he stopped by the hospital gift shop on his way out and looked

around. Maybe some flowers would soften Lex up enough to forgive him? He wandered

the shelves of the store picking up stuffed animals and books, motivational knick knacks

and cards. Though he replaced almost everything and moved on, he kept going back to a

sweet little cherub left over from Valentines Day he supposed. The pudgy little urchin

was gazing angelically upward and carried a tiny placard that read HOPE. Shrugging he

carried the little guy to the cash register and paid for it even though he felt a little silly.

He clutched the white bag in his fist as he walked to his car, feet dragging. The drive

home was hellacious. The exhaust and booming music that had enchanted and fired his

blood on Friday combined to create the devil of a headache.


Bite the bullet, he thought as he walked up the sidewalk. Open the door, don’t

bother changing, that’ll just give you more time to cop out. Go straight to the office and


Mack was almost to the door of Lex’s office when he heard the other man’s soft

voice from behind him. He whirled and stared. Lex was in the living room. He was

sitting on the couch, dressed to the nines in his inimitable regency gentleman style. Mack

dragged in a breath and stared. No one else could carry off such a retro look as well as

Lex. He wore a soft white flowing shirt tucked into what appeared to be buckskin

trousers in a soft grey. A grey waist coat embroidered with assorted solar shapes, stars

and moons and planets in white glossy threads was buttoned across his flat stomach, and

around his neck he wore a plain white scarf tied in a simple knot. His hair was carefully

pulled back and only a few curls had escaped the grey silk band that held them at the

nape of his neck. He wore what he referred to as armor, a touch of eyeliner, lip gloss,

and possibly, Mack squinted, possibly blush.

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For all that Lex was dressed up; Mack sensed an even greater distance in the

formality of his apparel than before. He swallowed, willing his unruly cock not to

respond to Lex’s seductive beauty. He walked stiffly toward the black leather sofa and

sat down a bit further from Lex than he might normally have done. He saw Lex noticing

and cleared his throat.

He opened his mouth, unsure where to start what he was positive was going to be

a short, disappointing conversation. Before he could say anything, Lex held up his

slender white hand. “No. First, you tell me where you were last night.”

Chapter 6

“What? I was out. You were working, so I went out.” Mack reached for Lex’s

hand, but the other man pulled it away before he could clasp it. He didn’t know where

Lex was going with this angle, but at least he was talking to him.

“With another man.” Lex’s voice was flat, cold. His eyes glittered strangely.

“With a friend who happens to be a man who coincidentally happens to be gay,

yes.” Mack confirmed. “Look, I’m sorry.” He just wanted to get the apologies over with

so he could start the important part of the discussion.

“You’re sorry?” Now there was no doubting the fury in Lex’s face and voice.

“You cheat on me in front of my face practically, and you’re sorry? You’ve been acting

weird all weekend, and I guess now I know why!” He jumped up from the couch and

started pacing the length of the coffee table.

“The hell I am! I didn’t cheat on you! I went out for a beer and pizza because

you were working. Its not like you were here for me to hang out with!” Now regret was

giving way to anger for Mack as well.

“I was here! I heard you come in but I had to finish up a project I was working

on. By the time I got out, you were gone! No note, no phone call, nothing. I worried

about you!”

“Davis is our neighbor, which you’d know if you spent more time here. I’m not

cheating on you with him. He’s got one heck of a hot partner, and neither of us would be

interested anyway. We’re too much alike.” He reached out again to capture Lex’s hand

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as he passed. “Baby, come here. We need to talk about a lot of stuff, I know, but you

have to believe me when I say I would never cheat on you.”

Hesitantly Lex took his hand and allowed Mack to pull him into his lap. Mack

looked deep into Lex’s eyes and saw the hurt and uncertainty there.

“Then what are you sorry for?” Lex seemed confused.

“Are you kidding? I’m sorry for the same reason I didn’t want to hang out here

last night. I forgot to tell you about the cleaning lady. I thought you’d be seriously

pissed and I was being cowardly.” He leaned his forehead against the younger man’s. “It

was stupid. I called expressly to tell you about her because she always does the bed linen

first. Then I got so caught up in your picture and what was happening, that I forgot about

it. So you got busted in an indelicate position at exactly the wrong moment by a perfect

stranger. I knew you’d hate that, and I thought you’d hate me, too.”

Lex’s shoulders were shaking and he ducked his head away. The he looked up

and Mack couldn’t believe the laughter in those green eyes. “Yeah. That. That was an

epic moment. Bonita was more stressed than I was. We had coffee and talked. I figure

she’s not exactly a stranger after she’s seen something like that, you know?”

“So,” Mack was hesitant now. “You forgive me? You aren’t mad any more?”

“I forgive you for being so in lust with me that you forgot what you were doing,

sure. I still want to know what the hell is going on with you though.” Lex’s voice was

pitched low, but the demand for information was firm.

Mack sighed. It was his turn to look away. He had the awful feeling that he’d

been a fool about a lot of things in the last few days, and was still uncertain about where

their future lay.

He settled back into the deep cushions of the leather couch and drew Lex back

against his chest. He tucked the other man’s head under his chin and kissed his black

curls gently. “I don’t know where to start, what to say. I want things between us to be


“But you do still want there to be an us?”

“Absolutely. I want to recapture what we had a year ago; only I want to make it

even better. I need more than just a weekend relationship with you, Lex.” Well, his arms

tightened, that was blurting it out wasn’t it?

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“That’s good, since I’m moving in here with you.”

“You are? Since when?”

“Well, I thought you’d get the hint when you unpacked my stuff the other day,

and more stuff has been arriving daily. You never said anything though, so I was starting

to wonder if I had freaked you out and you were wanting out. Did I scare you?”

“You lost me there, baby. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I thought you

were getting tired of me because I ‘m getting old and stodgy.”

“You’re not old!” Lex protested. “You’re distinguished and sexy as all get out.

And if you review our activities of the past few days, I think stodgy is out, too.”

“But, look at this place. It’s all black and grey and white. It’s dull and


“It’s sleek and modern, and overly simplistic, but as we live here it’ll gain

character and life. You’ll see.” Lex was shifting in his lap, and playing with the buttons

of Mack’s oxford dress shirt. “So, if you aren’t freaked out because I went too far on

Saturday, then, why haven’t you followed up on your promise of payback?”

Saturday? Oh, yeah, he shivered remembering the intensity of that encounter.

“I’ve been preoccupied with trying to figure out how to ask you where you stood in

regard to the future of our relationship.”

“The longer you let it go, the surer I became that you couldn’t accept that part of

who I am.” Lex raised his head to meet Mack’s eyes again. “Mackenzie, I love you. I’d

do anything for you, but I hope you aren’t going to ask me to stick to vanilla sex. You

are so beautiful when you kneel in silence on our bed. I’ll show you the pictures I took if

you want.”

Mack shuddered, his cock stiffening as he recalled the details of Saturday’s tryst.

“Oh no, vanillas sex is out. I feel closer to knowing you in moments like Saturday’s than

at any other time. That’s another reason why I felt like we were drifting apart. You

didn’t seem to want to play like that very much any more.”

“Because even though you went along with my suggestions, you never made any

similar demands of your own.” Lex reached out to the table and picked up the little

cherub. He stroked it gently with his finger, tracing the letters of the word hope. “I felt

real hope about our future when you made that payback comment, and then when you

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didn’t follow through, I was confused. I hid out in my office because I wasn’t sure what

you wanted any more.”

“I wish I’d known that. I was afraid you didn’t want me any more. I didn’t knock

on your door because I didn’t want to disturb your work.”

Lex shook his head, rose and pulled Mack to his feet. He drew the other man

across the floor to his office door. “You could have just come in you know. Want to see

what I was doing?”

Mack nodded. The door swung open and revealed a room transformed. The

walls had been painted a honey gold color and hung with landscape prints by Van Gogh

and Monet. A large comfortable looking daybed was pushed against one wall and soft

throw rugs graced the carpeted floor. Burgundy sheers and drapes had been hung over

the blackout curtains. Leafy green plants stood on every available surface. The room

was warm and alive in a way that very much reflected Lex.

Heart pounding, Mack pushed Lex toward the daybed. “Strip. I want to fuck you

in this room, on your bed.”

Lex stumbled briefly then hurried to the bed. He check, then turned to find

Mack’s gaze locked on his ass in the grey trousers. His movements slowed. “Turn on

the stereo,” he ordered.

Mack shook his head. “No. No noise. I don’t want anything to distract from this


Lex’s eyes flared and his hands trembled on the buttons of his waistcoat. He

gestured to the armchair angled near the daybed. “Will you sit?”

Mack nodded and went to relax into the chair.

Lex turned and draped his vest over a hook on a carved coat rack. He bent and

slipped the leather boots from his feet and pushed them under the bed. His eyes remained

locked on Mack’s face as Mack assessed his progress. He waved toward an antique

steamer trunk under one window. “Toy box?” he suggested in a testing tone, arching an


Mack refused to give in to the urge to look away from his lover and seek out that

toy box. “Not yet. And you aren’t supposed to be talking. Quit trying to distract me.”

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Lex’s cheeks flushed, and he began unfastening a wide leather belt that had been

hidden beneath his waist coat. He moved to hang it on another hook, but Mack held out

an imperious hand. Mack watched Lex’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed but

obediently handed the belt to his lover.

“You aren’t going to…” Lex began, but cut himself off as Mack gave him a

forbidding glance.

His trousers came off next, and were neatly folded and placed on the floor. Lex

stood in his soft white shirt, looking uncertain, hopeful, and heavily aroused. His stiff

cock tented the folds of the silk shirt and Mack waited impatiently for Lex to remove it.

Lex seemed to catch the urgency with which Mack wanted that shirt removed, because

he. Turned slowly to pick up his trousers and replace them more carefully on a shelf.

Then he raised his arms above his head reaching behind his neck to remove the ribbon

that held his black curls contained in true regency gentleman style. The movement of his

arms brought the hem of the shirt higher, and Mack drew in a sharp breath as his lover’s

taut thighs and the tight sac of his balls were revealed. The flesh of Lex’s groin was

completely hairless now.

“What the fuck?” He burst out. “What did you…don’t answer that!” He warned.

“You can tell me later what happened to those delicious black curls. Take the shirt off,

now. And give me that ribbon.”

Lex was silently chuckling as he handed over ribbon and the happiness in his face

was undeniable. Why, Mack thought, hadn’t he done this before? Still fully clothed, he

grabbed his lover’s hand and guided him to the daybed.

In minutes Lex was seated, legs spread wide, braced on his elbows so he could

see what Mack was doing. His pale skin was a clear contrast to the dark colors of the

bedding. For a long moment Mack just looked his fill. His gaze travelled from that

beautiful face down the expanse of throat and across the firmly muscled chest. It too had

been denuded of hair. Lex’s pink nipples stood hard and sweetly begging for his lips, his

touch. He’d come back to those later. He traced the tight muscles of Lex’s abdomen and

the v of muscles to his groin. He caressed the milky length of Lex’s now hairless cock

with his eyes watching as it responded to the visual caress, leaping and leaking little

droplets of pre-cum.

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He drew the belt through his hands a few times and then dropped it to the chair.

He’d maybe have a use for it later, but for now, he definitely had a use for that hair

ribbon. Dropping to his knees, he reached out and stroked the eager cock, feeling his

own jump with practically bruising force against the zip of his own trousers. He traced

the thick vein on the underside, marveling in the smoothness he found there. He’d loved

the silky curls that adorned his lover’s cock, but this was just as good. Cupping Lex’s

balls in his hand, he raised them gently, lowering his head to press a kiss against the full

globes. Lex’s breath was coming in rapid pants now, conveying an urgency to move

things along. Mack wrapped the ribbon under Lex’s balls, crossed it between them and

the rising column of flesh, then twined the remaining g length of ribbon Lex’s cock. At

the tip, just under the rim of the crown, he pulled it as tight as he dared before tying a


“I’ve wanted to see this in person. The picture you sent was beautiful, but

nothing compares to the real thing.” Mack leaned forward and kissed the tip of the

wrapped cock, opening his mouth to gently suck the liquid from the slit there.

Lex was arching, trying to push more of himself into Mack’s mouth, but Mack

drew back, stilling him with a hand on his hip. “You like my tongue, remember?” He


Lex was nodded frantically, but dropped his head back at the first touch of that

tongue. His pulse was pounding urgently, but Mack refused to hurry this. It was his first

attempt at being Master of the Games, and he was going to put everything he had into

doing it right, even, if he drove himself crazy doing it.

After thoroughly covering every available spot on Lex’s cock with the warm

touch of his tongue, he slid back and rose fluidly to his feet.

He pressed a hand over his own aching cock, and watched Lex raise his head to

see what had caused the break in contact. Smiling at the arousal he saw, he spoke softly,

“Just getting more comfortable baby. You have me so turned on I think I’m going to

have a permanent zipper mark on my cock.”

He forced himself to move at a normal pace instead of just ripping everything off

and flinging his clothes on the floor. He took a leaf from Lex’s book and hung each item

he removed on the coat rack. His white oxford hung next to Lex’s flowing silk shirt, his

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black ants were folded neatly and placed on top of Lex’s trousers. He removed his shoes

and socks, conscious of Lex’s intent gaze as he pushed them under the bed. When he

was completely naked, he turned back to the bed and found Lex’s burning gaze locked on

his groin. He chuckled as he approached the daybed again. Lex scooted backward as

Mack crawled onto the bed between his legs.

Mack pressed his own cock against Lex’s. He grasped the two in one hand,

enjoying the different sensations now that Lex had waxed himself. He felt both soft and

hard, the crinkling of his own hairs contrasted with the silkiness of Lex’s bare skin.

Mack hummed with pleasure, feeling a tingling in his fingertips and palm. He reached

for one of Lex’s hands and drew it to the place where their cocks met. “You have to feel

this,” he whispered. A few minutes of Lex’s touch was all he was willing to allow

though, and he pushed Lex’s hand away and drew it up over his head. “Give me your

other hand, baby,” he ordered. “You didn’t forget about this did you?” He used the soft

leather belt to bind Lex’s clenching hand to the backboard of the iron daybed.

He leaned back and surveyed the scene. Lex’s arms were secured to the daybed,

his bare flesh was spread out in all its enticing glory, to be touched, petted, tormented at

Mack’s whim, and he knew just where to start. Mack shifted to bring his mouth down to

Lex’s nipple. The little nub of flesh was already tight, and he licked it gently at first with

his tongue. When Lex was writhing against him, trying to push his nipple more firmly

against Mack’s tongue, he obligingly took it into his mouth and sucked hard. The other

man gasped and stilled then moved more urgently. Mack pulled back and repeated the

process with the other nipple. He trailed a line of hot, open mouthed kisses down Lex’s

taut belly, swiping each sensitive spot with his rough tongue. Lex was squirming

frantically and making muffled passionate noises by the time Mack reached his cock

again. When Mack pressed one of those open mouthed kisses against the swollen

cockhead, Lex’s back arched. His cock twitched seeking more of the moist heat.

Mack drew back, looking around for lube. His gaze fell on the toy box as the

most likely location, and he rose from the bed. “Be right back,” he whispered. He

walked across the room and knelt at the chest. A few latches clicked and he opened it.

He was momentarily stunned by the contents of that chest. He’d probably felt some of

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this stuff before, but he surely had never seen it. He shrugged. There’d be time to

explore that later. For now, he scooped up a bottle of lubricant and returned to the bed.

Lex watched him eagerly, spreading his legs and lifting his ass from the bed.

Mack opened the lube with a snick and spilled some onto his hands. Stroking his cock

with one hand, he pressed the slick fingers of the other against Lex’s opening. The

wrinkled pink flesh gave a little under his touch, and he slowly drew circles around it.

He pressed his index finger more firmly against the opening, massaging with the others.

Slowly he pressed inside, unrelenting, waiting for the muscle to loosen and allow him

entry. Lex was gasping and panting now, pushing upward into the pressure, and soon,

first one finger, then two, then three were pumping languidly into the heated channel

forging the path that would allow Mack’s cock to penetrate.

Mack withdrew his fingers and stared at the vision he had created. He moved

forward pressing the tip of his swollen cock into the opening, feeling the warm wet heat

of the constricting channel engulfing his entire length as his cock moved relentlessly

forward, stretching and seeking. When he was fully seated, balls brushing against Lex’s

tight ass, he brought his mouth to Lex’s panting lips and whispered breathlessly, “Now.

Make yourself come while I fuck you. Let me hear how much you love this.”

Lex’s groan was music in his ears, and his hips snapped in response. He felt

Lex’s slender hands moving between them as he released his cock from its ribbon, but he

focused his concentration on his movements, determined to give Lex the best fuck of his

life. He pounded his cock into the tight warmth in first long deep strokes, then slow

shallow ones. He twisted his hips, and varied his rhythm until he found the exact depth

and the exact angle to strike Lex’s prostate with each thrust. When the other man’s frantic

cries told him he had found the perfect spot, he settled in, thrusting harder and faster,

slamming relentlessly until he felt the flood of wet heat on his abdomen and the

constriction of the rings of muscle became overpowering.

“That’s right, baby,” he grunted. “Come for me.” He felt his own release welling

up from his balls and his cock pulsed frantically against the clenching channel. He froze;

then thrust deep as he swelled again. “Oh God,” he groaned. “I’m coming now, baby.”

When the last jet of hot liquid bathed his cock in Lex’s channel, he collapsed on top of

his lover, who responded with a grunt of his own.

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He busied himself undoing the belt, then grabbed his shirt form the coat rack to

clean up the mess they’d made. They curled up together on the daybed, and Mack spoke,

“I love this and you. I don’t say that I ever would have done anything like this if I hadn’t

met you, but with you this is right.”

“I love you, too. I know we have more to settle, but as long as we love each other

we can work the rest out.” Lex’s voice was sleepy, but content.

“Yeah, we just need to keep the doors open between us,” Mack nodded. If he’d

known what was going on in this room, he’d have been a lot more certain of himself the

last few days. And, he admitted to himself, if he’d knocked on that door he would have

saved himself a lot of angst.

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