Lee Brazil Trapping Drake

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Trapping Drake

Lee Brazil

Breathless Press

Calgary, Alberta


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and

incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are

used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any

resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or

persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Trapping Drake

Copyright© 2012 Lee Brazil

ISBN: 978-1-77101-005-4

Cover Artist: Victoria Miller

Editor: Olivia Ventura

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used

or reproduced electronically or in print without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in reviews.

Breathless Press


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This story is dedicated to my muse, Havan, for the constant

inspiration and encouragement she provides.

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Chapter One

“Fuck.” His headlights glinted on white hair at the side of

the road as Drake struggled to see through the pouring rain. The

young woman standing beside her car, hazard lights blinking

furiously, clearly needed assistance. He didn’t feel like playing

Good Samaritan, but the rain was coming down in torrents, and

no one else was likely to stop in this neighborhood.

Pulling his SUV over to the side of the road, Drake Fallon

turned on his high beams and hazard lights. Sighing heavily, he

stepped from the car and approached the woman rummaging

through the trunk of her car. “Can I help you, Miss?”

The girl jumped. “Oh shit!” Her husky voice was startled.

The voice stroked over his nerves, soothing and stimulating

at once. Surprised, he peered more closely, tempted to drag the

driver into the glare of his headlights to verify his suspicions. “Are

you all right? Do you need assistance?” When no clarification

came, he reached for his wallet and flashed his identification, be-

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fore pulling out a business card and handing it over as well. “I’m

with the police department. I’m perfectly trustworthy, I promise

you. What seems to be the problem?”

“I need to change a flat, and it looks like my brother Jay has

neglected to put the jack back in the car.” When the driver finally

vouchsafed him an answer, it was in a softer, slightly higher voice

that did nothing to allay his suspicions.

“You do have a spare, though? I can change it for you. It’ll be

faster that way. I’ve got a jack in my trunk. Why don’t you go sit in

the front of my car and warm up while I take care of this for you?”

And I can get a damn good look at you when you pass through the

headlights on your way there. He strained his eyes impatiently,

taking in the long, straight fall of ash-blond hair, the bulk of a

short leather jacket disguising the driver’s torso, and the slender

length of hip and leg encased in tight black denim. The denim led

to shiny rain-slick leather boots with three-inch heels. Not the best

wear for changing a tire. He couldn’t clearly distinguish any facial

features in the strange shadows, but had an impression of high

cheekbones, dark eyes, and full lips on pale flesh.

The driver gave a mumble of assent and headed off to Drake’s

vehicle, stepping dangerously close to the passing traffic as he

opened the door. Drake caught his breath and stared as the dome

light popped on and confirmed his suspicions. Slight and delicate

of frame, a little oddly dressed, pretty beyond belief, but no doubt

about it, male.

Whistling, he walked around to the back of the SUV, trying

to keep one eye on the man in his passenger seat, telling himself

it was just a natural precaution, making sure he’s not a thief. He

opened the back hatch of the SUV, then picked up his jack and

a wrench. Setting the equipment down beside the sports car, he

pulled the spare out of the trunk and strolled around to the pas-

senger side window of his vehicle, tapping until the man inside

lowered it. “Keys?” He held out his hand to catch the keys as the

motorist dropped them into his palm. Drake eagerly absorbed

the close view of deep blue eyes, the delicate arch of pale brows,

and the smooth unlined face. He raised a hand to brush along the

smooth length of the narrow jaw, catching himself just in time.

“Here you go.” The driver again seemed to make an effort to

make his voice sound more feminine than it had at first.

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Drake smiled encouragingly. “It’s okay. I’ll help you with

your tire, even if you’re a man.” He accepted the keys and smiled

more broadly as the young man sputtered. “It’ll just be a minute.”

Conscious of the blue gaze on his back, he strolled back to the

little sports car, unable to care that the rain had soaked through

his clothes and his shirt now clung damply to his chest and back.

Maybe his friend back there would enjoy the view. Opening the

car door, he quickly applied the parking brake. A brick to prevent

rolling would have been nice, but he wasn’t going to waste time

looking for one. The less time he spent out in this rain, the better.

He turned his attention to the spare tire, only to find its con-

dition less than roadworthy. He fingered the treads where they

seemed inordinately worn. Fumbling in his pocket for change, he

pulled out a penny and slid it into the groove, peering close. Yeah.

No way could he in good conscience send someone out to drive in

this rain with tires like that.

Decision made, he hefted the tire and slung it back in the

trunk, then heard the car door slam and the driver approach. He

closed the trunk and gathered up his supplies, turning to face the

blond man.

“Is there a problem?” This time he made no attempt to sound

female, and Drake shivered as the husky tenor stroked across his

nerve endings. Wow. That was a hell of a voice.

“Yeah. I can’t put this tire on your car. It’s worn down well

past being safe to use.” The man started to argue, but Drake raised

a hand to silence him. “No. I can’t and I won’t. The main purpose

of tread on your tires is to provide traction and prevent drivers

from hydroplaning and having accidents in just such deluges as

we are standing in right now. I wouldn’t put that tire on your car

if it were dry as a bone out here. It’s just not safe. Now get back in

my car while I put this stuff away, and we’ll assess your options.”

Fascinated, he watched the man’s open mouth clamp shut,

full lips pressing into a tight red line as he shoved his thin white

hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. He watched the flex-

ing muscles under that tight denim head back to the car. Drawing

in a deep breath, Drake headed around to the back, striving to get

himself under control before he returned to close proximity with

the blond in his car.

He made a show of storing the tools, then went back to check

that the sports car was locked before climbing into the driver’s

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seat of his car. He turned up the heat a bit and twisted around to

face the blond, who watched him cautiously. He forced a smile.

“I’m Drake Fallon. And you are?”

“I’m Jesse Cahill. What do I do now?” Jesse. Drake rolled

the word around in his head. He liked it. It suited this little man

nicely. Slightly feminine, but definitely male. He also like the way

the blond seemed to look to him for help to solve his problems.

It made him feel more masculine, less tired and hungry, and less

like a failure after his long day at work. Appeals to your protective

instincts, you mean.

“Well, do you have AAA?” Jesse sank neat white teeth into

his plump lower lip, shaking his head and Drake fought back a

groan, dragging his gaze up from temptation to eye level again.

“Anyone you can call?”

Jesse broke eye contact and twisted his hands together in his

lap. He stared out the front window at the rain for a moment be-

fore looking back at Drake and again shaking his head.

“Are you sure?” Drake asked. “You mentioned a brother earli-

er. Can he come and pick you up? We can call roadside assistance

and get your car towed if you like.”

“He can’t. He works graveyard as an emergency room nurse,

so he can’t leave the hospital.” Jesse hesitated. “Could you call me

a cab?”

Was elation at the prospect of getting to spend a bit more time

with this stranger wrong? “How about this? We’ll call FSP, and I’ll

wait here with you until they come. Then we can go get a cup of

coffee and warm up, and I’ll drive you home.” When he realized

he was holding his breath, he forced himself to breathe normally.

A rush of unwarranted happiness spread through him when

Jesse nodded acceptance. “I need to get my things from the car.”

“Okay, you go ahead and do that while I get FSP on the line.”

He kept one eye on Jesse, who loaded his arms up with the con-

tents of his backseat, while speaking to the dispatch operator.

When Jesse slid back into the car he held a laptop bag, a back-

pack, and a covered plate. Drake took the backpack and the lap-

top bag and placed them on the backseat. Jesse waved the covered

plate under his nose. “Are you hungry?”

Nodding, Drake watched Jesse slide the cover off the dish, and

the delicious aroma of dark chocolate and raspberries filled the

car. He moaned. His stomach rumbled and he coughed in embar-

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rassment. “I’m sorry. I just got off a twelve-hour shift that should

have been eight hours long, and I haven’t eaten since noon. Those

brownies smell amazing. They are brownies, right?” His mouth

watered in anticipation.

Jesse smiled broadly and handed him the plate, taking one for

himself first. “Yep. They are. I baked them for a school bake sale

tomorrow, but your heroic measures in coming to my aid deserve

a reward more than the student council kids.”

Biting into the melt-in-your-mouth, chewy morsel, Drake

moaned again. Gorgeous and a good cook? “You’re a teacher?”

“Yes. I teach composition and literature at the Lynden Private

High School. I also have the misfortune to be the faculty advisor

to the Student Government. It’s a fundraising nightmare. What

did FSP say?”

“They’re on their way. In fact, there they are. Do you want me

to talk to them for you?”

“No, thanks, I can handle it. I appreciate all your help though.”

Drake nibbled another brownie while Jesse talked to the tow

truck driver. He turned back to the car as the driver hitched his

car up and prepared to deliver it to the garage. Jesse slid into the

seat next to Drake, folding the work order slip from the truck

driver and sliding it into his pocket. “Look, I’m kind of tired. Can

we forego the coffee, if you don’t mind?”

Disappointed, Drake agreed. “Where do you live?” Hearing

that Jesse lived relatively close to his own apartment complex

pleased him. Proximity would make pursuing this acquaintance

easier. The drive to Jesse’s neighborhood was relatively quick,

and he and Jesse managed to chat casually the whole way.

Pulling into the drive, he turned to face Jesse, who had one

hand on the door handle and an uncertain look on his face. Cau-

tiously, sensing that Jesse wasn’t immune to him, Drake gave in

to his earlier temptation. He reached out and ran his hand down

the side of that gorgeous face. When Jesse leaned into his touch,

Drake’s pulse sped up and he curled his finger around the back of

Jesse’s neck, threading his fingers into the still-damp blond locks.

Tilting Jesse’s head up, he leaned down, staring deep into the blue

eyes, looking for any sign that his kiss was unwelcome. Jesse’s

eyes widened, and he expelled a sweet rush of air that hotly ca-

ressed Drake’s lips. Drake sighed and brought their mouths to-

gether. Pausing, he again gave the skittish Jesse a chance to pull

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away. When no objection came, he tilted his head and caressed

the full lower lip with his own, adoring the soft warmth, reveling

in the delicate intimacy.

With a breathy whimper, Jesse’s mouth opened slightly and

Drake took full advantage. He swept his tongue inside, tracing

hungrily over smooth velvety surfaces, teasing and massaging

Jesse’s timid tongue with his own. The sweet flavor and delicious

heat, the residual taste of raspberry and dark chocolate intoxicat-

ed him, and he wanted more. He moaned loudly and pulled Jesse

closer, pressing his mouth open wider, coaxing a response from

the trembling man in his arms.

A sudden flash of bright light from a passing car startled him

and Jesse shoved him away, breathing heavily. “Oh my God,” he

whispered, huge eyes locking on Drake’s face. “I can’t.”

“Jesse? I’m sorry I got carried away. It’s just...you’re so damn

sexy. I know I overstepped. Look. It’s late. Can I see you again?”

“No. Not I can’t sleep with you. I want to. But I can’t. There’s

someone else.”

Drake jerked back as if slapped. “Someone else? And you

couldn’t call him to help you, I suppose?”

“You assume it’s a him?”

Drake snorted in response. He damn well knew the someone

else was a him. No straight man wore three-inch heels in the rain,

no matter how fucking short he was. Not to mention, he’d likely

have been punched square in the jaw at the first touch if Jesse

weren’t gay.

“I know it’s a him. Just like I know you can’t be all that in love

with him if you can kiss me like that.”

“I didn’t. You...” Flustered looked good on Jesse. He looked

just as adorable unable to put two sentences together as he had

sopping wet on the side of the road. Jesse fumbled with the door

handle, and Drake quietly flicked the lock. Child safety locks or

some such thing. If the car reached a speed in excess of fifteen

miles per hour, the door locks engaged automatically.

“I’m really sorry,” Jesse tried again. Drake scowled. He was

pouting, but he refused to let that bother him now. He was tired,

hungry, wet to the skin, and disappointed that the first man he’d

been seriously interested in since Alexi left him was attached to


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“Me too. You didn’t have to flirt with me. Just like you didn’t

have to pretend to be a woman. I’d have helped you even if you’d

told me up-front you were unavailable. You have my card. Call

me when you break things off with this guy who doesn’t satisfy

you.” A tiny twinge of guilt for his bitter jibes gnawed at his con-

science as the SUV door slammed on what sounded vaguely like

a muttered “when hell freezes over.” Drake slumped back in his

seat and drove wearily off to his own apartment, feeling old and

worn out.

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Chapter Two

Stepping through the doorway, Jesse resisted the urge to look

back over his shoulder at the incredibly handsome, dangerous

man who’d just come to his rescue like a knight in shining ar-

mor. He’d never felt the slightest temptation to stray before, but

Drake Fallon had short-circuited his thinking. Closing his eyes, he

inhaled deeply the scents of home: warm vanilla, a touch of cin-

namon, and the barest hint of residual smoke. He inhaled deeply

again, hoping to chase the seductive scent of Drake from his nos-


Jay must have smoked in the house again and lit incense hop-

ing to cover the smell. He shook his head, smiling fondly. A nurse

who smoked. Jay claimed the majority of the staff at the hospital,

doctors included, smoked. When Jesse chastised him, asking him

if he’d jump off a bridge if the doctors at the hospital did it, Jay

smacked him on the arm, just as he had when they were eight.

Jay claimed that working in the emergency room he saw a million

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ways that people’s lives could be cut short outside of their control,

no matter if they smoked.

Gorgeous brown eyes, thick dark curls of hair, and a firm

square jaw roughened with stubble intruded on his thoughts of

Jay. Drake, oh fuck, did the man know how to kiss! Seduction in

the flesh. When those firm lips met his, he’d been washed under

a tide of desire he hadn’t felt for a man other than Jay, ever. He’d

come to terms years before with his and Jay’s relationship. He’d

never desired another man or woman, until now. Drake had con-

fused and flustered him from the moment he’d stepped into the

glare of his own headlights and approached Jesse. There was no

other possible explanation for his stupid urge to hide by pretend-

ing he was female. What caused him to forget his commitment to

Jay during that kiss he couldn’t fathom, but he could ignore it. It

wouldn’t happen again. Jay remained the most important person

in his life.

Shaking off his perturbed thoughts, Jesse locked the door and

left the porch light on for Jay when he got in from his shift in the

early morning hours. His twin brother worked too many shifts

at the short-staffed hospital. Jay said the overtime pay made it

worthwhile, but Jesse missed curling up next to Jay, seeing his

smiling face when he got home from school, and being with him

in general. Maybe he could blame the long spell of celibacy for

his strange attraction to the cop this evening. With Jay working

twelve hours on the night shift, and Jesse’s schedule at the school

and his classes for his master’s degree, they barely traded kisses

in passing most days.

Realizing he stood dumbly in the entrance hall of his home

as though he were a stranger waiting for permission to enter,

Jesse placed his backpack and laptop bag on the cedar bench by

the front door. Missing something. The brownie plate. Grandma’s

Wedgwood. Only then did he realize he’d left the brownie plate

with its few remaining brownies on the floor of Drake’s SUV.

Fingering the little rectangle of cardstock in the pocket of his

jeans, he shrugged off the leap of pleasure at the idea of seeing

Drake again. He wouldn’t call. He could live without the plate,

even if it was a part of the matched set his mother had passed

down to him from her grandmother. If Jay asked, he could claim

one of the kids at the bake sale had broken it. Maybe he could find

a replacement from one of the online auction sites. Seeing Drake

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Trapping Drake


was too much temptation. The man made him hot, and that was

wrong. He loved Jay, and screwing around wasn’t an option.

He hung his leather jacket on the coatrack above the bench

and sat to tug off his boots. Drake’s brown eyes and Jay’s blue

ones swirled through his mind. He could picture them, the three

of them, actually. Drake’s large muscular body, golden and tan,

rough with the tiny hairs that dotted his arms, all muscle and fire.

Jay, sweet, lean and lithe, pale from sleeping during the day and

working at night. Sighing, Jesse shoved the boots under the bench

and headed down the hall to shower.

The fantasy sped through his mind, unrolling in lush detail

as he stepped under the hot spray, evolving as he shampooed

his long blond hair and applied the conditioner. Closing his eyes

he tried to imagine the touch of those large rough hands on his

skin, in tandem with the smooth familiar stroke of Jay’s hands.

His stirring cock rose to prominence as he imagined the two of

them touching him there, his own hand stroking and rubbing,

whimpers of pleasure and frustration spilling from his lips. The

insidious idea of Drake taking him wove through his mind and

the vision changed, two conditioner-slick fingers easing into the

tiny opening of his anus. Biting his lip, he squeezed his cock tight

in one hand and probed gently with a finger, pushing it slowly in,

groaning as he gave himself a few quick strokes, then pushed in

the second finger alongside the first. The stretch and burn faded

quickly and when he came, it wasn’t Jay’s name he whispered,

but Drake’s.

Shivering with pleasure and a touch of guilt, he quickly rinsed

his hair and stepped out of the shower. Remodeling the bathroom

was the next project on the household improvement list. A few

more days a month of overtime and they would have the mon-

ey to begin the project. They’d jointly purchased the ranch-style

home in a decent neighborhood with their mother’s insurance

money when she passed away. Jesse had been thrilled when Jay

suggested remodeling the kitchen first. He loved cooking, and the

newly remodeled kitchen was a cook’s dream.

After the kitchen, they’d focused their efforts on the backyard

and the outdoor entertainment area. He didn’t regret those choic-

es, exactly. But showering in this tiny little ancient tub shower

was a pain in the ass. They couldn’t enjoy one another’s company

in the shower here as they had in their old apartment.

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Exhausted, he fell into bed, curling onto his side and hug-

ging Jay’s pillow. Inhaling the scent of Jay, a mingling of cologne,

shampoo and underlying man, soothed him. It reminded him that

he had love, and that was worth more than a hot fling with a sexy

guy. If his dreams were as full of Drake as they were of Jay, then

he couldn’t help it. A man’s dreams were beyond his control.


Jay pulled his jeep into the driveway, grimacing as he real-

ized that his efforts to get off work early had been wasted. Jesse’s

Mustang was missing. He must have gone to school extra early

for a meeting or something. Damn it. Jay thumped the steering

wheel with a clenched fist. He was sick of working nights, sick of

sleeping alone, sick of not seeing Jesse.

He slid his seat back and pulled the little thermal icebox out of

the passenger seat. Another thing he was sick of. Packing lunches.

The cafeteria food sucked, and for a place that was supposed to

preserve life, it was damned unhealthy. Jesse usually made sure

that he had plenty of healthy food for his shifts, but eating alone

in the break room at work just wasn’t the same as sharing a meal

with Jesse, in the privacy of their own home, where they could

laugh, talk, kiss, and more as the mood moved them.

Two more nights and he’d have a three-day weekend, all of

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to spend with Jesse. He would hold

that idea in his arms today and hold Jesse through the long week-

end. Another week and he’d switch to the day rotation and get to

spend more time with Jesse.

Wearily, he locked his car and headed to the front door. In

the dim light of early morning, the porch light glowed dully, and

he smiled. Jesse had left it on for him knowing how he hated to

be submerged in darkness, an irrational fear from childhood that

he’d never quite vanquished. When his father had ranted about

the lights in the bedroom being left on and his mother had caved

in, taking the night light away, Jesse had used his allowance to

purchase a tiny laser pointer, and they’d huddled under the blan-

kets of the full-size bed they’d shared, hiding in the light.

Jesse’s jacket rested on its hook, his ridiculous boots stood

under the bench in the entryway, and his laptop and backpack

sat on the bench. Jay’s heart soared. Car or no car, Jesse hadn’t

left for work yet. Hastily he pulled off his own jacket and tossed

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it casually onto the bench, toed off his rubber-soled work shoes,

and headed down the hall, pulling off his scrubs as he went. He’d

shower quickly, then—he smiled wickedly—wake Jesse via his

preferred method.

The shower was still damp, and Jesse’s clothes were scattered

around. He must have gotten in late. It was so typical of Jesse that

he couldn’t bother to aim for the laundry basket. Jay took respon-

sibility for the laundry, just as Jesse did the cooking and shop-

ping. The man kept his kitchen pristinely clean, every tool, dish

and ingredient squarely in place, but outside the kitchen, outside

his own realm, chaos.

Too eager to play to waste time, Jay kicked his twin’s clothes

to the side and stepped into the shower. The hot water refreshed

and revived his tired muscles. He soaped up, shampooed his hair,

and rinsed off quickly. He couldn’t pass over brushing his teeth

and taking a swig of mouthwash. Jesse would bitch if he tasted

cigarettes on Jay’s breath.

He didn’t bother to belt his short black flannel robe as he

stepped out of the bathroom. Instead he threw it on the floor when

he entered the master bedroom. Jesse lay naked on the queen-size

bed, the covers kicked aside. He cuddled Jay’s pillow in his arms,

and his lips parted as he slept.

Beautiful. How was it possible that the man could be more

beautiful today than the last time he’d seen him? Jay crossed the

room silently, standing next to the bed and gazing down at his

lover. Lithe white limbs, graceful and lightly muscled. Fine white-

blond hairs, delicate and soft to the touch. Pale peach nipples on

a firm-muscled chest and abdomen. Hand slightly trembling with

passion and love, Jay stretched out and tenderly stroked through

the slightly damp locks of ash-blond hair. Idiot. To go to bed with

his hair damp. He’d catch a cold. Such an old wives’ tale for a man

of science!

Frowning, he noted the dark shadows under Jesse’s eyes.

How late had he stayed up studying? Where was his car? Leaning

forward, Jay pressed a kiss to the softly parted red lips.

“Drake,” his brother sighed, releasing the pillow he’d cuddled

and turning toward Jay, arms outstretched.

What the fuck? Jay jerked away from Jesse’s reach. The chill of

shock leeched through his system. Drake. Who the fuck is Drake?

All desire to play disappeared. He stood uncertain, pulse racing,

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panic setting in. Breathe deeply, calm down. Don’t jump to con-

clusions, don’t panic. He eyed his brother warily, as though the

man had slapped him. Had Jesse met someone? Neither of them

had ever thought it possible, though both had tried to date other

people. A tormented few years of misery, jealousy, and depres-

sion had convinced them otherwise. What would he do if Jesse

had decided that he wanted out of their relationship? What could

he do? He didn’t really have a fucking choice, did he?

He couldn’t stand in the way of Jesse having a normal rela-

tionship with someone he could love and care for. Someone soci-

ety would accept more easily than him. Neither could he let some

asshole take advantage of Jesse’s generous, soft-hearted nature.

He’d find out more about this Drake before he calmly handed his

brother, his love, over to another man. If Drake wasn’t worthy of

Jesse, then he’d take care of that problem too.

He’d spent many years taking care of Jesse, looking after him.

They looked after each other. He wasn’t going to stop that now,

unless this Drake proved up to the task.

But he sure as hell couldn’t sleep now! Climbing into the bed

over his brother’s body, he grabbed his pillow and stretched out

onto his side, facing Jesse. He traced each dear feature tenderly

with a fingertip, gently exploring, memorizing again the face and

body that had been his alone for the last five years. A sense of ur-

gency overcame his scruples about Jesse’s tiredness. If he didn’t

have much more time with Jesse, if the advent of Drake spelled

the end of Jay and Jesse...then he needed more than wanted.

He sidled closer on the big bed, enjoying the cool brush of

the cotton sheets against his skin. His hands drifted down from

Jesse’s face to his chest, exploring, finding a tiny peach nipple and

pinching it lightly. Taking his heart in hand, he leaned forward

and pressed another kiss on Jesse’s parted lips, this time sliding

his tongue inside to familiar territory. Jesse’s mouth muffled his

groan of pleasure.

“You’re home,” Jesse whispered, blue eyes opening wide and

shining with love. When Jay saw that look, sank into those deep

pools, felt the adoration in Jesse’s return touch, he couldn’t be-

lieve this Drake could pose any threat to their relationship at all.

Jesse tugged Jay closer, deepening this kiss. Jay melted into him,

half-covering Jesse’s body with his. He reached between them

and stroked his hand down to Jesse’s hard, leaking cock.

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Jesse tilted his head, and Jay responded by trailing his lips

from Jesse’s mouth across his cheek and down to the hollow of

his throat. The temptation to bite, to suck hard, to mark his lover,

was difficult to surmount, but he didn’t want to cause Jesse any

trouble at school. “I’ve missed you so much. Need you so much.”

His voice was husky, a trembling whisper.

Jesse responded by reaching out and pulling Jay’s head

back to him, holding him in place, refusing to relinquish his lips.

Jay sighed in pleasure. Jesse still wanted him, still desired him.

What that meant for this Drake, he couldn’t say. But he couldn’t,

wouldn’t, give this up. He groaned again as Jesse’s s tongue swept

inside his mouth, tasting, teasing.

Jay could only murmur indistinct sounds of approval, hoping

his touch conveyed his pleasure and awe, as Jesse still refused to

give up his kiss.

“Oh, honey, Jesse.” Jay pulled away, looking down into Jesse’s

deep blue eyes. “Need to taste you,” he said, sinking to his knees

and twisting about on the mattress to press hot open-mouthed

kisses to the thick cock that arched against Jesse’s flat belly.

Jesse shook. “I want you to suck me.” His hands came down

to comb through Jay’s hair, and he sighed in pleasure as Jay licked

his dripping cock. Jay reveled in Jesse’s tight grip on his hair, each

gentle tug to the fine strands sending jolts of pleasure through his

body straight to his eager cock.

“Love you,” Jay answered before taking as much of the cock

into his mouth as he could, sucking and tonguing it while Jesse

jerked against him, moaning loudly. Jesse’s breath hitched when

Jay sucked him in to the root and ran his fingers down the crack

of his ass. His fingertip pressed against the hole, and Jesse arched

wildly, whimpering.

“Oh, Jay...oh, I love you!” A rush of warm cum into Jay’s

mouth quickly followed the loud groan. He swallowed in satis-

faction, stroking his own cock as he licked and sucked Jesse.

When Jesse lay gasping for breath murmuring indistinct

words of love and satisfaction, Jay shifted up onto his knees,

squeezing and stroking his cock frantically. He was nearly there.

Jesse reached a limp hand toward him, a generous offer, but Jay

shook his head. His teeth sank into his lower lip, and he felt the

well of cum rising. His balls drew up tight to his body, and he

shuddered as cum spurted in long ribbons onto Jesse’s taut belly.

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Jesse moaned again, swiping his hand through the sticky wetness,

and as Jay watched, licked the semen from his fingers.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Jay searched for control. He wanted

to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to beg Jesse not to leave

him. Instead, he clasped his twin’s wrist, guided his finger back to

the ribbon of semen, his mark on his man, and brought the drip-

ping finger to his own mouth.

Slowly, Jay licked and sucked cum from the slim fingers, lov-

ing the bitter salt of it, the sweet taste of Jesse’s flesh and the faint-

est hint of the tangerine shower gel Jesse used.

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Chapter Three

When Jesse’s coworker and friend picked him up for work

an hour later Jay stayed in bed, trying to sleep but staring at the

ceiling instead. Fuck. He might as well get up. Maybe doing some

laundry and yard work would convince his body of the necessity

of sleep. He made a mental note to call about Jesse’s Mustang be-

fore falling asleep. They could find the money for new tires. He

cursed his own carelessness. He knew Jesse was clueless about

shit like that. He should have checked the tires long ago and in-

sisted on new ones.

He crossed the carpeted floor to the thrift store dresser they

shared. It didn’t even match the bed. The furniture, like the rest of

the room, was cheap but functional. He wished he had the money

to buy better for Jesse, but his lover never complained about the

things they had or could afford. When Jay started taking on the

extra shifts at the hospital to save up the money for the bathroom

remodel, Jesse had protested. Jay shrugged his protests off. Work

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was nothing. He was used to it, and Jesse had worked hard to

help pay for his nursing degree. Jesse deserved the best.

Pulling on a pair of faded button-fly Levis, Jay gathered a pile

of garments from the floor. Jesse’s laundry, like his own dishes,

landed on the most convenient surface, each of them confident the

other would take care of it.

Remembering the damp clothes in the bathroom, he dropped

the pile in his hands by the door and crossed the hall. As he

scooped up the jeans and silky blue shirt, a slip of white cardstock

fell from the pocket. He picked the paper up, intending to put it

on the dresser top for Jesse, but the name on the card caught his

attention. Drake Fallon. Drake. This had to be the man Jesse had

met. He dropped the card as though it had bitten him, and then

picked it up gingerly by the corner. Wet clothes in one hand, busi-

ness card in the other, he crossed to the dresser. He held on to

the card for a long moment, then sighing, let it fall to the scarred

wooden top.

In the laundry room he sorted the pile from the laundry basket

and started a load in cold water. The business card, with its phone

number and handwritten cell number, kept taunting him. Drop-

ping a load of laundry into the machine without going through

his ritual of checking the pockets, he added detergent and fabric

softener. He wanted to call that number to hear the voice of the

man who thought he could hit on Jesse on the side of the road in

the middle of the night.

Ought to feel grateful, I suppose, that he didn’t just leave Jes-

se stranded there. Anger and a touch of insecurity sent his gaze

toward the bedroom at the back of the house. Slamming the lid

of the machine, he stalked back to the bedroom. He’d call, God

damn it. He had to know if the man was worthy of Jesse’s tender,

loyal heart. Jesse... Jay flopped down on his brother’s side of the

bed, fumbling for his cell phone. He held the white rectangle of

cardstock between forefinger and thumb, stomach rippling with

unease as he punched in the number.

It rang twice before a breathless, deep voice answered. “Jesse.”

That voice uttering his twin’s name sent unexpected shivers down

Jay’s spine. He gulped. Holy shit. If the man’s face and body fol-

lowed through on the perfection, the seduction in that voice, he

was fucked. “Jesse. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did last

night. I apologize. Blame it on tiredness, just...I’m sorry, okay?”

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Stunned, Jay briefly considered identifying himself. After all,

he’d never said he was Jesse, had he? The man leaped to a conclu-


“Jesse? Say something. Never mind. Don’t say anything.

Look, can you meet me for a coffee? I know, you probably think I

should be apologizing for more, like the kiss, but I’d like to apolo-

gize in person. Your partner won’t mind that, will he?”

Well, thank fuck for small mercies. Apparently Jesse had told

the asshole that he was involved with someone. And what the

fuck? He kissed Jesse? Jesse hadn’t said anything about the guy

kissing him when he told Jay about the Good Samaritan who’d

helped him.

Full of self-righteous indignation and a strong desire to see

the face that went with the voice, Jay agreed to meet Drake Fallon

for coffee. While he was there, he’d make sure the man never had

the urge to contact Jesse again. What kind of asshole takes advan-

tage of a man in a situation like that? Clearly the man was a user.


Drake gripped his phone tightly, running the other hand

through his mussed hair. When he’d seen J. Cahill come up on

his caller ID, the wash of pleasure he’d felt surprised him. He’d

actually contemplated trying to find Jesse’s phone number with

the information he had about the man. He regretted his parting

shot the night before, not that he doubted the truth of what he’d

said. No man who kissed him like that could be thinking about

someone else, in love with someone else. Mostly, he regretted not

having the opportunity to see the man again.

His dreams had been full of lush red lips and deep blue eyes,

expanses of pale skin and heated caresses. He’d awakened hard

and aching. Seeing Alexi and Simon in that bar last month, en-

countering Alexi again, seeing the elation love had brought to

his ex-boyfriend’s life, he’d wanted more than casual sex himself.

That look, and the naked adoration on Simon’s face, had con-

vinced him that it was time for more, that there was more out

there than affection and hot sex.

He thought he’d found someone special with his first glimpse

of Jesse. His first bite of those brownies had convinced him. Jesse

was special, worth a little extra effort, worth time.

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The boyfriend was baggage, sure, but if things between them

were as bad as they seemed, they’d break up eventually. Waiting

to kiss Jesse would have been wiser. He’d apologize, offer friend-

ship, and be patient. He could do that. If the damn dreams don’t

drive me crazy first. Now, though, he gave his cock a rough stroke.

The damn thing had reacted with vibrant enthusiasm to hearing

Jesse’s voice, though he hadn’t seemed to have much to say other

than a muted agreement to meet for coffee.

A quick cold shower and ten-minute drive later and he sat at a

table in the midmorning sun, two cups of coffee and a plate of cin-

namon rolls in front of him. He should have offered to pick Jesse

up. How would the man get to the coffee shop?

He watched clouds chasing each other gently across the blue

sky, listening casually to the muttered rush of people coming and

going around him. A cleared throat attracted his attention and

he rose instinctively. “Jesse. I’m glad you could make it. I should

have offered to pick you up.” Grateful for the dark glasses that

hid his expression, he let his eyes travel up and down the full

length of Jesse’s body. In the brilliant light of day he was even

better looking than he’d been drenched with rain on the side of the

road in the dark of night. Flawless pale skin, fine white-blond hair

pulled back today in a neat ponytail, firmly set plum lips, head

tilted at a challenging angle. His eyes were indeed a deep blue.

The man looked tired, though. Good. Maybe he’d dreamed

as restlessly as Drake. Drake certainly hoped that he had played

a part in them!

“I have my brother’s jeep.” The husky tenor was exactly as

he remembered, a sensual caress that his body responded to au-


“Ahh, well. Good, then. Please.” He gestured to the chair

nearest his own at the small round wrought iron table, but Jesse

smirked and deliberately chose the chair farthest from him. Fair

enough. Attitude was acceptable under the circumstances. “I got

plain house blend. If you’d like something else I’d be happy to get

it for you.”

Jesse shook his head, propping one denim-clad ankle over the

other, showing off a pair of battered Vans. He reached into his

jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, tapping them on

the palm of his hand a few times. Strangely enough, Drake hadn’t

remembered the taste of cigarettes from last night’s kiss. Usually

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he could tell if a man smoked. Drake smoked in high school and

had finally quit when Alexi refused to kiss him. It had taken him

a few months, but he’d finally come to appreciate the difference

not smoking made in his life. Fascinated, Drake watched as Jesse

pulled a cigarette from the pack and offered it to Drake. He shook

his head. “No, thank you. You know, it’s illegal to smoke those in

public venues in this state.” He couldn’t tear his gaze away from

the red lips pressed tight to the white cigarette, imaging those lips

closed tightly around his finger, his cock. He shifted in his chair.

“You going to arrest me, Drake?” The sweetness from last

night had definitely faded. Jesse had a right to be pissed, he sup-


“No, I’m not. But I’m not defending you if the manager asks

you to leave, either.” Thin white fingers pulled the cigarette from

his mouth and tossed it on the ground. He smudged it out with

the battered skate shoe, and then glared at Drake.

“Fine. But if I can’t smoke I’m not staying long. Say what you

have to say and I’ll say what I have to say, and let’s get the fuck

out of here.” He picked up the coffee cup that Drake pushed over

to him and took a sip of the black liquid, closing his eyes in bliss.

Oh, good Lord. If the man looked like that over a cup of cof-

fee, Drake would give a lot to see how he looked in orgasm. And,

he vowed, he’d find out some day soon. “Okay.” He pitched his

voice to a soothing tone and persevered in the face of Jesse’s hos-

tility. “I apologize. I shouldn’t have said anything about your

boyfriend. And I shouldn’t have kissed you, even though I didn’t

know you were in a relationship. We’d barely met and I rushed

things, a lot. I’d offer the excuse that you were just too damned

sexy and I wasn’t thinking clearly, but I’m an adult and I should

be able to control my impulses better than I did.” And wasn’t that

the fucking truth? He generally exercised a great deal of control

over his actions and his emotions. Jesse seemed to bring out this

rash side of him.

Jesse’s mouth dropped open and he stared.

“Really. I’m sorry. I was wrong, I admit it. Can we agree to be

friends?” Jesse had become paler. Hadn’t he expected the apology

to extend to the kiss?

A jerky nod answered him. Jesse broke eye contact and

watched two college girls as they passed by chattering and gig-

gling. At last he turned back to face Drake, and his expression

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seemed troubled. Drake’s protective instincts stirred. “What is it?

What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Look, I’m involved with someone. I just came here

to make sure you know that. And I’ve got to go.”

Pushing, knowing he might regret the outcome, Drake insist-

ed, “But we can be friends.”

“Yeah, sure...” Jesse slid from his seat and reached for the

cigarette packet again, grimacing slightly as he realized what he

was doing. He clenched his hand in a fist at his side. “Call me

sometime. We can...do something.”

A less gracious acceptance of an overture of friendship Drake

had yet to hear, but he’d take what he could get. Sipping his cof-

fee, he watched Jesse make his way across the parking lot to a

white soft-top jeep. The man didn’t even look back once to wave.

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Chapter Four

Jesse waved to Shane, the coworker who had given him a lift

to and from school today. Seeing Jay’s jeep in the driveway sur-

prised and worried him. Jay should have left for work over an

hour ago.

“Honey?” he called as he shut the door. He dropped his

things on the cedar bench and listened for Jay’s answer.

“Back here.” The husky voice came from the back of the house,

and relieved that Jay hadn’t overslept, Jesse headed to the large

family room that looked out over the patio and backyard. Jay sat

on the sofa, arms wrapped around his knees, looking outside.

When Jesse approached him, he turned his head slightly

away. Jesse automatically pressed the palm of his hand against

Jay’s forehead. No fever. “What’s wrong, honey? Did you over-


“No. I’m okay. I called in sick. I wanted to talk to you.” Jay

turned back to face him, and Jesse sank onto the sofa, staring.

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Jay’s eyes were darkly shadowed and red-rimmed. Had he not

slept at all? He reached out to embrace and offer comfort, but Jay

pulled away, leaning back against the sofa arm.

“Please. Don’t. I need to talk to you, and then...if you’re nice

to me, I won’t be able to say this.”

“Jay, you’re scaring me. What is this about?” Jay hadn’t ever

called in sick to work before. If anything, he went to work when

he shouldn’t. His brother had never refused his touch. Since birth

they had been one another’s comfort and support. The rejection

sent a searing pain, a sense of loss through him. He couldn’t lose


“I saw Drake today.”

Drake? Guiltily, Jesse flushed. “How did you even know

about Drake?” The words were out, and he couldn’t take them

back. He should have given Jay all the details from his adventure

last night, not just the bare bones. He could see, though, that Jay

had felt guilty about the whole thing with the missing jack and

the worn treads on the tires, so he’d downplayed it. Silly thing to

hide, anyway.

Jay’s sardonic smirk said as much. “When I got home this

morning, I went to wake you.”

Jesse shuddered with the memory. Beautiful way to wake up.

“Yes?” It was like coaxing a reluctant thirteen-year-old into tell-

ing a story. Jay wasn’t usually like this. He was normally so sure

and brash.

“You whispered his name. I knew it was important. I was


Oh God. That couldn’t have been good. “I’m sorry.” He forced

the apology out and brushed the moisture from his eyes as his

throat clogged with emotion. He’d pushed the confusion Drake

engendered to the back of his mind, determined to let it go and

be happy with Jay, who he knew loved him. Again he reached for

Jay, wanting to reassure his love.

Again Jay evaded him. “I’m not done. I found his card in your

pocket after you went to work. I realized he had to be the guy

who helped you with the car last night. I wasn’t digging, I swear.

I wouldn’t invade your privacy like that. It fell out of the pocket

when I picked up the laundry, and the name...it caught my atten-


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Heart aching, Jesse nodded. “I know you wouldn’t. But you

could, you know. There’s nothing I wouldn’t share with you.” It

had been foolish to hold any little thing back.

Jay’s eyes held his intently. “Really? Let me finish, and say

that again.”

“If you let me hold you, you’ve got a deal.”

“I don’t deserve it after what I’ve done, but I’d like noth-

ing more than to be held by you.” This time when Jesse reached

for him, Jay moved into his arms in a rush, snuggling close and

clutching him tightly.

Jesse let his hands wander, stroking silky hair, petting pale

skin, reclaiming, reassuring himself and Jay. “Okay. Go ahead.

When I hold you, I can handle anything.”

“I called him. I met him. We talked.” Jesse stilled and pressed

his lips to the crown of Jay’s head.

“What did he say?” If Drake had been as big a bastard to Jay

as he’d been at the close of the night last night, he’d hunt him

down and kill him.

“He thought I was you.” Okay, that was moderately better.

“He apologized.” That was even better. What in that could make

Jay so emotional? “For kissing me.”

Shit. “I’m sorry. He kissed me and it was only once. I should

have told you. It didn’t mean anything.” Fuck. He knew Drake

was trouble. “Please, don’t be upset about it.”

Jay shook his head. “I’m not upset about that. I got that he

kissed you and not the other way around from what he said. I ad-

mit when I found the card, when you whispered his name, I was

worried that he was someone who could take you away from me.

Someone that you could love without stigma, but...”

“I love you, Jay, honey. I found Drake sexy, yeah. I’ve never

been attracted to anyone but you like that. I didn’t fall in love with

him at first sight, though.”

“But you could love him, later. Couldn’t you?” Jay insisted.

“Maybe. But that’s not what this is all about, is it?” He knew.

Jesse knew what was coming. Jay and he, they were almost like

one person in two bodies. It stood to reason, didn’t it, that if he

found Drake so freaking attractive, if he thought he could love

Drake, then Jay felt the same way?

“No.” Jay tilted his head to meet Jesse’s eyes again. His own

reflected a deep sadness and near despair. “You know, don’t you?

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How he made me feel? I’ve been sitting here wishing I’d been the

one he kissed, feeling like a jealous ass, because I love you and I

want you, and I think I want him, too.”

Jesse swallowed carefully, combing his fingers through Jay’s

silky ash-blond hair. “So, what are you saying?”

“I don’t know. I just knew I had to tell you. I couldn’t stand in

your way. If you feel like I have felt all day, there’s no way I can

force that on you.”

“Jay, I’m not sure, but it sounds like you just gave me permis-

sion to see Drake.” Heart pounding, Jesse nearly held his breath

waiting for the answer. He couldn’t do it, could he? Even with


“Yeah, I am. Now let’s go back to your earlier statement. Is

Drake something you couldn’t share with me? Is that why you

didn’t tell me about the kiss?”

Sharing Drake with his brother? “If only you knew what I was

dreaming when you heard me whisper his name, you wouldn’t

ask me that.”

For the first time that evening, Jay smiled. “The same thing

I’ve been torturing myself with all afternoon?”

“More than likely. I didn’t tell you because I thought noth-

ing would come of it. I didn’t plan to pursue it. Drake is sexy as

hell, but I love you, and I would never do anything to make you


“You make me happy.” Jay’s whispered declaration lured

Jesse closer. When Jay skimmed his lips over Jesse’s cheek toward

his mouth, Jesse tilted his head to allow better access. His eyes

drifted closed when Jay sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and

traced it with his tongue.

Jesse cradled Jay’s head in his hands, opening to accept the

tender caresses. Jay muffled a laugh that melted into a groan as

Jesse’s tongue swept inside his mouth, tasting, teasing. They shift-

ed about on the sofa until their bodies pressed together, chest-to-

chest and hip-to-hip in the narrow space.

Suddenly Jesse couldn’t get close enough. A sense of urgency,

a response to the advent of change, he knew, swept through him.

He tugged at Jay’s T-shirt, pulling it smoothly up and over his

twin’s head, regretting the separation of their mouths but reveling

in the contact with warm pale flesh. He would caress, would love

the uncertainty of the last few hours from Jay’s memory.

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Jesse wasn’t alone in his enthusiasm. Jay’s hands trembled

as he fumbled with the buttons of the jeans Jesse wore, finally

just shoving the loose denim down over his hips and thighs. Jesse

whispered encouragement and approval, hoping his touch con-

veyed his pleasure and awe.

“Oh God. I need you. Please?”

Jesse’s body shook as he watched Jay. “What do you want?”

This was all about Jay, making Jay feel loved, secure.

“I want you to fuck me.” His shock at Jay’s response must

have shown. It wasn’t something they’d ever done before.


“Not if you don’t want to.” Jay trembled, waiting for his re-

sponse, clearly regretting making his wishes known.

Jesse looked down, grabbed Jay’s hand, and brought it to his

throbbing cock. “Oh, I want to. It’s just...well...I never...” How

could he be embarrassed to tell Jay he’d never done that before?

“Me neither,” Jay said, stroking his hand soothingly over

Jesse’s jaw. “I’ve never done it either, but...I think it’s something

Drake will want, and I may be a stupid jealous fool, but I want the

first time either of us does this to be the two of us, not the two of


Jesse wasn’t sure what Drake had to do with this, but he knew

what he wanted, and if they could find a place for Drake in their

lives, it would just be the icing on the cake. He dug between the

sofa cushions for a tube of lube and carefully prepared Jay. Not

having done it before wasn’t an excuse for hurting his beloved.

He knew the mechanics involved, and he knew every expression,

could interpret every emotion on Jay’s face. Watching closely for

signs of pain or that Jay had changed his mind, he cautiously pen-

etrated the little opening with a lubed finger, stretching and loos-

ening the muscle before adding a second finger and repeating the


When they were both flushed and breathing heavily, he

judged Jay ready and pressed the slick head of his cock to the tiny

opening, hesitating again. “You’re sure?” He had to make the of-

fer, give Jay the chance to back out. “We don’t have to do this. My

loving you doesn’t depend on this.”

“Please,” Jay whispered. Groaning, Jesse pushed forward as

the muscle stretched and accepted him. Jay stilled and sighed.

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Pleasure. His expression spoke only of pleasure and happiness.

Giving in, Jesse surged forward.

“I love you.” Their voices mingled.

Jesse groaned. Beautiful. The sensations, the pure intimacy,

the deep close contact of making love with Jay like this were over-

whelming. He thrust deeper, his body rubbing against Jay’s cock

with every movement.

Jesse stared down into Jay’s eyes, clear, dark blue pools of

emotion and desire. He’d never have chosen Drake over Jay, but

Drake and Jay? Jesse’s rhythm increased as the pinnacle of release

neared. Heavy breathing and the slap of skin on skin mingled

with Jay’s sexy whimpers.

“So close,” Jay whispered, clutching tightly at Jesse’s body,

petting and stroking frantically wherever he could reach.

“Yes, come for me,” Jesse murmured through panted breaths.

He gasped when the flood of wet heat spilled on their bellies and

the clenching of muscles around his invading cock signaled Jay’s

release. His own orgasm followed closely, the massaging muscles

coaxing it from him.

Jesse threaded shaking fingers through Jay’s hair and kissed

him deeply. He pressed tiny kisses to Jay’s jaw and throat, moan-

ing lightly. “That was amazing,” he sighed. They lay in silence,

snuggling on the sofa as the light of the late evening faded into


“So, how do we go about this?” Jay’s voice was content and

happy, all traces of sadness missing.

“Dating Drake? Finding out if we love him? If he can love us?

Good question.” He thought about it for a moment. “You say you

didn’t tell him you were you?”

“No. He thinks I’m you.” Jay snuggled closer.

“Okay, so...this isn’t strictly honest...and...” Jesse grabbed a

blanket from the back of the sofa to pull over them.

“I got it. He could end up hating us, you know.” Jay knew

exactly what he was thinking. He always did. They’d traded plac-

es as kids plenty of times, but the goal here was different. They

wouldn’t try to pass themselves off as each other. Each of them

would be himself; Drake just wouldn’t know that there were actu-

ally two J. Cahills.

“It might be irrelevant. He may not love us in the first place.

I think we shouldn’t make the decision to tell him more about us

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until we know more about him. He’s a cop, you know. We have to

know we can trust him, and he needs a chance to get to know us.”

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Chapter Five

“So are you going to tell me about this new man in your life?”

“New man?” Drake looked up from the papers he was busily

shuffling to gaze blandly at his partner.

The big lug wasn’t buying the innocent act, though. There

were benefits to having the same partner for so many years.

Drake just couldn’t recall any of them when Sean Mullins stared

at him in that probing manner. “Yeah. I can tell when you’re see-

ing someone.”

Drake snorted. “Super detective, eh? Tell me more.”

Sean’s feet came off the desk and slammed into the cracked li-

noleum underneath with a thud as he pinned Drake with a sharp

glance. “You admit it?”

“I wasn’t aware I was hiding anything.” Drake pushed the

stack of files over to a corner of his desk to make room for his feet.

It was late and the reports were overdue, but they wouldn’t be

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getting done tonight either. “You’re the great detective. You tell

me what your keen wit has deciphered.”

“He’s blond, short, and helpless.”

Drake crumpled a sheet of scratch paper on his desk and

threw it at Sean. “Why do you say that?”

“’Cause that’s the kind you go for, cute big-eyed waifs. Help-

less. People who need looking after, taking care of, you know.”

So Jesse was a petite blond, and he had needed help the night

they met. Didn’t mean a thing. “Alexi wasn’t blond.” As though

that were proof. “Neither was he helpless.”

“And he broke up with you because you were smothering

him with your caretaking ways,” Sean insisted.

“He broke up with me to get married and have kids, to make

his parents happy.”

“Please. I saw him with that guy in the bar a few months ago.

Your old buddy Simon, wasn’t it? He’s no more straight than you


Explaining Alexi’s decisions smacked too much of making ex-

cuses. Besides, Jesse was a petite blond and he did seem to need

looking after, if the condition of his car tires was any indication.

Quite honestly, Drake found that appealing. He liked taking care

of his man and liked being taken care of in return. “Okay, so he’s

blond and petite. I’ll grant you that much.” Blond, petite, and gor-

geous. “What else do your senses tell you, Batman?”

Sean rubbed his chin with one big hand, tapping the fingers

of the other on his desk top as he considered Drake. “Well, I’d say

you’ve been seeing him since...last Wednesday. Tuesday we had

that bust go bad on the south side. Wednesday you were a royal

bastard to be around. By Thursday you were plotting.”

“Not bad. I met Jesse on Tuesday night. Helped change his

tire. I thought I screwed things up before we had a chance, but

met him for coffee on Wednesday and apologized. He accepted,

and we’ve been out a couple of times since then.” Last Friday,

he’d been spellbound as he watched Jesse stroll into that bar. His

blond hair gleamed in the dim lighting, loose and flowing over

his shoulders. He’d taken the time to apply makeup and wore a

soft-looking silvery gray sweater that hit mid thigh. The sweater

was belted with a wide swathe of supple leather that rested in a

knot at his hip over tight skinny jeans and those same boots from

Tuesday. Jesse was beautiful, completely androgynous. Every eye

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in the place, male and female, had followed his progression across

the floor to Drake’s side. He’d felt more than a little thrill of pride

to be with the man.

After a single drink at the bar, Jesse had casually invited him

to attend a pep rally/bonfire on the beach. He’d accepted with-

out hesitation, even though Jesse made it clear that in front of the

students there could be no touching of any kind. The experience

opened his eyes to who Jesse was on a whole different level. Stu-

dents swarmed them as soon as they got out of the Mustang, chat-

ting, laughing, and vying for Jesse’s attention. Jesse had given it

freely, and the evening had passed quickly.

“So, tell me what I don’t already know?” Sean was a dog with

a bone, refusing to give up until he’d pumped every ounce of in-

formation possible from Drake.

“He’s a teacher at the performing arts high school. Don’t

smirk at me. Not a drama coach or any of those artsy things. He

teaches literature and advises the student government. Bakes

damned good brownies, too.” Kissed like a dream as well. He

hadn’t been expecting it, either.

Jesse’s call on Saturday morning had surprised him, but he’d

been pleased to accept the invitation to the pier for the afternoon.

The change in Jesse from the night before was startling. He’d

switched his seductive sweater and skinny jeans for a sleeveless

loose-fitting T-shirt and board shorts in a muted mustard color.

His hair had been ruthlessly pulled back into a ponytail and he

hadn’t worn a vestige of makeup. This Jesse was just as attrac-

tive, somewhat more vulnerable though, as though the absence of

makeup left him unguarded.

Jesse had offered him a skateboard, but was willing enough

just to walk when he’d declined. After indulging in people-watch-

ing as they strolled along the pier, they’d stopped for ice cream at

a Cold Stone Creamery. A drip of his plain old-fashioned vanilla

with chocolate chips had clung to his lips, and Jesse had shocked

him by leaning over and licking it away. It was a small step from

a lick to a lingering kiss.

“Sounds perfect. Too good to be true, in fact. What’s wrong

with him?” Had his unease communicated itself to Sean some-

how? The man really did see too much.

“He’s not in the market for a boyfriend.”

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That seemed to startle Sean, who checked his watch and be-

gan clearing his own desk. “And you are?”

“With Jesse? Yeah. I think I’d like more than a few dates and

some hot sex. I’d like a relationship.” Drake grabbed the papers

he’d neglected to fill out and shoved them into a drawer of his

desk, turning the lock. And wasn’t that a kick in the pants? First

guy since Alexi that he wanted more from, and even casual sex

was off the menu.

“So, convince him.” Both men rose from their chairs and

headed toward the door.

Sean made it sound easy. Drake just wished it were. “He’s

already involved with someone.”

“You’re going to let him go that easily?” Sean gestured Drake

to precede him through the door, and they continued down the


“No. You know I’m not. It’s just going to take time. And...

there’s something else.” Something that had been troubling him a

bit since that kiss at the ice cream shop.

“What? You’re just making excuses. Got some commitment

issues of your own, huh?”

“Hardly. There’s just something...It’s like he’s two different

people. This cheerful, helpful, chatty, social teacher who’s fun to

be around and sexy as hell. I mean, you would know if you saw

him Friday night...gorgeous in makeup and heels.” Drake lapsed

into contemplation.

“And? What’s the problem, Drake? I know you don’t care

about appearances.” Sean stood beside his own car which was

parked next to Drake’s SUV, flipping his keys in his hand.

“And then...he’s this complete skater guy with board shorts

and Vans who seems to get a thrill out of people-watching and

listening to me talk.” He shook his head slowly.

“Maybe he’s schizophrenic. Or maybe he just enjoys a variety

of things. Take your time and get to know him. Hey, bring him

over some weekend. Lisa would love to meet your new man.”

Drake grimaced. “He’s not mine. Yet.”

“I have confidence in you. You’ll bring him around. Open in-

vitation. When he’s yours, we want to meet him.” Sean slid into

his vehicle and drove off to his pregnant wife and happy home.

Drake slipped into his own vehicle, considering his next

move. It was his turn to call, to do the inviting. The problem was

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he didn’t know which Jesse to cater to. Maybe a drink at the bar

would be the best choice. That way, whether he showed up look-

ing like a fashion model or a skater boy, he’d be comfortable. Had

to decide soon, though; it was after nine, and he knew Jesse would

have to work early in the morning.

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Chapter Six

Determined not to let too much time elapse between thought

and deed, Drake pulled Jesse’s home phone number from his

pocket. It might have been a misuse of departmental resources

to search for it. He tried to feel bad about that, but couldn’t. Fig-

ured the police department and the good citizens owed him some

perks for all the missed lunches and unpaid overtime he’d put in

over the years. He programmed it into his phone. He planned to

make frequent use of the number, to become so much a part of

Jesse’s everyday life that he’d be the first one Jesse turned to when

things finally ended with the guy who couldn’t kiss. Okay, that

was a lame assumption, but it made Drake feel better about being


He pressed the speed-dial button he’d just programmed in

and listened to the ring. A sleepy voice answered. “Hello?”

“Jesse?” He felt a bit foolish, but was vindicated when the

answer came.

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“No. This is his brother, Jay. Hang on, I’ll get him.” There

was a rustle of fabric and murmur of voices, and sooner than he

thought possible the voice returned.

“Yes?” Curious. The brother’s voice and Jesse’s were identi-


“Jesse?” he asked, wanting to be sure.

“Yes, it’s Jesse. Who is this, please?” Jesse sounded as sleepy

as his brother had. A muffled yawn and the murmur of voices at

least confirmed there were two people in the room.

“It’s Drake, Jesse. You told me when we left the pier Saturday

to call sometime this week.”

Silence. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize your voice on the phone,

Drake. I did tell you to call, didn’t I?”

“Is it too late? You were asleep? I can call in the morning if

you prefer.”

More rustling and murmuring followed by the light padding

sound of feet on a floor and the running of a faucet. “No. It’s okay.

What’s up?”

A thought flashed through his head and he grabbed at it, held

it. Couldn’t believe how good it made him feel. “So, you live with

your brother, not the boyfriend?” Oh boy. That could get him back

in hot water. Why did he speak before thinking around this man?

“Jay? Yes. He’s my brother.” Drake had the sense that Jesse

had more to say, but nothing was forthcoming. “Anyway, Drake,

I have class early in the morning, and I’m kind of beat.”

Oh, broad hint. Back on focus, Drake. “Yes, well, I called to see

if you got your car situation worked out, and I wondered if you

wanted to get a drink after work tomorrow. I’m off at six, and

there’s a great bar about halfway between your place and mine.

In fact, it’s at the same strip mall where we had coffee last week.”

Drake heard an indrawn breath and then Jesse said, “Refresh

my memory. Which one was that exactly?”

“On Robards, where the Starbucks is. You were pretty tired

that morning, huh?”

“Yeah. Tired. That would be Cabana Sue’s? I know it. I’ll meet

you there at six tomorrow.”

The dead air indicated Jesse had hung up before Drake could

formulate a response. How had Jesse managed to meet him at ten

that morning when he should have been in school? He’d probably

taken a sick day after the long and exhausting night.

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The hours between the phone call and strolling through

the door of Cabana Sue’s were typically slow, but Drake smiled

broadly as he automatically selected a seat with his back to the

wall at a secluded table with a view of the doors. He’d see Jesse

before Jesse saw him. He ordered a cerveza and a round of chips

and salsa. If possible, he’d convince Jesse to eat with him before he

left. Somehow that seemed like a small victory to him.

He sipped his beer slowly, watching minutes tick past while

he pretended not to notice that Jesse was ten minutes late, then fif-

teen. Some stirring in the air sharpened his attention and he stud-

ied the lithe grace of the petite man who stood in the doorway,

looking left and right, searching for him. Being the object of that

search felt good, really good. He knew the instant Jesse spotted

him because his face lit up and a sweet smile curved his plump

mouth. And damn, if that didn’t feel even better.

Jesse wore tight-fitting denim today and a silky, blousy white

shirt that looked just as good on him as the T-shirt and board

shorts he wore on their last date. In place of the black skate shoes

he wore heels again and appeared a bit taller as a result. It seemed

he’d taken the time to add eyeliner and a touch of lip gloss as well.

Drake narrowed his eyes. Something was different today.

The appearance was familiar, a blend of Friday night’s super-

model and Saturday afternoon’s casual. The change was more in

his bearing, his attitude. “You talked to your boyfriend about us,

didn’t you?”

Blue eyes widened in surprise as Jesse slid into the seat closest

to Drake. “I did. How did you know?”

To Drake’s surprise, Jesse leaned in close and brushed his lips

over his cheek in greeting. The warmth of Jesse’s thigh close to his

own soaked through their jeans, and Drake wished he’d chosen

the seat across the table instead. He couldn’t concentrate clearly

when Jesse sat this close. He’d learned that in the front seat of his

SUV the other day. “You seem confident. Not conflicted.”

Jesse tilted his head and looked up at Drake through his lash-

es. “Did I seem conflicted before?”

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“No. You seemed tired, pissed and shaken.” Blunt. But ef-

fective. Jesse straightened his head, his face grew serious, and he

turned to face Drake in the small space.

“I talked to my boyfriend. About you.”

“You told him about the kiss? About what I said?” His heart

beat faster. Could it come this soon? The breakup he’d predicted?

“I did. I told him all of it.” Jesse reached a hand out and traced

a delicate finger along the veins in Drake’s hand where it rested

on the table; he tensed, then relaxed into the caress. Small steps.

Drake scowled at the waiter who approached the table to take

Jesse’s drink order, but it didn’t deter the young man.

“Hey, Jay. What do you want to drink?”

Jesse flinched, then laughed. “I’m not Jay, Emilio. I’m Jesse.

Jay’s on the night shift this month. And I’ll have a Long Island iced

tea.” Tumblers rolled into place in Drake’s head, but he couldn’t

focus on the solution. His body and mind were distracted by the

heat and warmth sitting close to him, by the pink tongue tracing

slick lips nervously. By the possibilities inherent in that conversa-

tion Jesse had had with his boyfriend.

“So,” he persevered as the waiter walked away, looking dis-

appointed. Must have a crush on the brother. “What happened?

He didn’t hurt you, did he?” The sudden possibility angered him.

He checked Jesse over quickly, looking for any bruises or signs of

abuse. Nothing.

“Of course he didn’t hurt me! He’d never hurt me!”

Drake drew in a deep breath. “Okay, sweetheart...please just

tell me the story of what happened when you told your boyfriend

about me. And you probably should tell me what you told him

and if he knows you’re here tonight talking to me.” He kept an

eye on the door, expecting a big angry man to come stalking in

looking to reclaim Jesse at any moment. Assumptions, he chided.

You’re making assumptions again!

“He told me it was okay, that he understood.”

“He understood?” The guy really had to be a fucking idiot.

“He understood what exactly?”

“That I want you. That I want to know you better, I mean.”

Jesse blushed as beautifully as he did everything else.

“And he was okay with that?” Unbelievable. The man couldn’t

possibly be in love with Jesse and “understand” something like

that. Every word he heard made Drake more determined to make

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Jesse his. He could love Jesse properly, kiss him so he’d forget

about every other man he’d ever known, and make sure he was

safe on the roads and elsewhere.

“Yes, and he wants to meet you.” That surprised Drake. He

searched Jesse’s eyes for some sign, of what, he didn’t know. That

he could be trusted, maybe. Nothing but intense emotion showed,


“He wants to meet me?” Drake’s voice was flat. “Really. Why

is that, Jesse?”

“Because when we met before you didn’t know who I was.”

The voice came from behind Jesse, but it was Jesse’s voice.

Drake’s head whipped up, and his eyes widened. “Fuck.”

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Chapter Seven

Drake’s eyes narrowed, and Jay forced himself to stillness un-

der his scrutiny. Piercing gray eyes gave him the once-over from

head to toe. It was nerve-wracking. He counted his breaths, in and

out, striving to project a calm he just didn’t feel. This plan might

have been the biggest mistake of his and Jesse’s lives, and Lord

knew they had certainly made a few.

Drake pointed a blunt finger at him. “I met you last week. We

had coffee.” His harsh tone flicked Jay like a whip.

Jay could control his breathing, but some things were be-

yond human control. Flushing, he nodded. “I’m sorry. We also

went down to the pier on Saturday afternoon skateboarding.” He

pulled out a chair and seated himself at the little table. The basket

of chips and salsa sat neglected by the table’s occupants. Absently

he picked up a chip and began breaking small bits off it. “Don’t

be mad at Jesse. He didn’t know what I was doing that first time.

He was at work.” Drake looked stunned, and Jay knew he was

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babbling, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Drake just stared

from him to Jesse and back again. The more silent Drake got, the

more Jay felt the urge to fill the empty space.

They should have stuck with the original plan, let him get

to know them and then gradually introduce the idea of there be-

ing two J. Cahills. He’d forced this revelation too soon. “After you

helped Jesse with his tire, I found your number in the laundry,

and I wanted to know more about you. So I called. I was...worried

about Jesse.”

He could see gears clicking and information falling into place

in Drake’s eyes. The big man reached out, downed his beer in one

long swallow, and waved a hand for the waiter, ignoring Jesse’s

protest. “Tequila,” he ordered brusquely. “Bring the bottle and

three glasses.” He shoved the chips closer to Jay and deliberately,

it seemed, gathered Jesse’s hand in his. He looked down at Jesse.

“You’re the one I met on the highway a week ago Tuesday night.”

He wasn’t asking, he was telling.

Jesse nodded, started to speak, but was cut off. “No. Not yet.

I need to understand this, who was who when, before anything

else. You.” He frowned, pointing at Jay.

Jay squelched the tremor that tried to manifest itself. That

voice, those penetrating gray eyes. He shivered. Drake was just

too much. “You called me. We met at the coffee shop. And then...

when I called...yesterday...I spoke first to you, then Jesse.”

“Yes. Jesse met you here last Friday for drinks and the pep

rally. I was working. You and I went skateboarding before my

shift started Saturday.”

Jay saw Jesse nodding as his own head bobbed. He’d made a

neat little pile of chip crumbs on the table in front of himself. Un-

thinking, he reached out to place his hand on Jesse’s for comfort

and support, but saw Drake’s big square hand with its buffed,

blunt cut nails just in time. At the last second, before making con-

tact with the two hands on the table already, he veered to the side

and swiped Drake’s beer bottle. Shaken, yet somehow pleased

with Drake’s protective gesture, he began shredding the label

from the bottle strip by strip. He hurt for a whole slew of reasons

at this moment. He wanted to yell that Jesse didn’t need protect-

ing from him, that he would never hurt the man he loved in any

way. He wanted that protective mantle over his own shoulders,

as it was so clearly spread over his brother’s. He wanted the com-

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fort and security of Jesse’s hand clasp, but also of Drake’s. But

Drake didn’t know that. How much of the situation had Drake

processed? Clearly he had the identical twin thing settled, but had

he equated the “boyfriend wants to meet you” with Jay’s arrival?

The waiter approached with the tequila bottle and glasses, his

eyes lighting up when he noted Jay. Jay ducked his head hoping

to avoid eye contact, but Emilio cooed with happiness and set the

contents of the tray on the table. His hand came down on Jay’s

shoulder, and he bent close to speak over the growing crowd.

Caro, I missed you lately. You haven’t been in for months. And

your naughty brother,” Emilio cast a censorious glance at Jesse,

“he told me you were working the night shift.”

Jay saw the glint of fire in Drake’s eyes, the tightening of his

lips, and shrugged the hand off his shoulder quickly. “I am. I

have to leave soon.” He cast pleading eyes at Jesse. Usually Jesse

laughed off Emilio’s blatant flirtation and declarations of love.

What else could he do? In public they were brothers. It wouldn’t

do to appear too possessive or jealous, but Jesse was as aware of

Drake’s mounting tension and clenching fingers as Jay.

Drake heard the desperation in his voice and threw a bill on

the table. Against state law, he swiped the bottle from the table

and glared Emilio’s protests into submission. “Let’s go. I assume

you two arrived together? I’ll follow you to your place.”

Jay leaped to his feet. He needed to talk to Jesse, make sure

they were still on the same track, still wanted the same thing.

More than talk, he needed physical contact to be reassured that

Jesse still wanted him. Seeing Jesse with Drake, the protective

touch, the blatant desire that flared between them, he had to be

sure. The two of them just looked so right together.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked behind Drake

and Jesse as Drake clung tightly to Jesse’s hand on the way to the

car. He kept his gaze on that hand clasp. Jesse’s fingers looked

small and more delicate and artistic than ever clenched inside

Drake’s sturdy grasp. Was Drake staking a claim? Letting it be

known that he had made a choice? Jay looked up to meet Jesse’s

apologetic, pleading glance over his shoulder.

He nodded as reassuringly as he could. He could see quite

clearly from the white-knuckled grip that Drake wasn’t giving

Jesse a choice about the hand holding.

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“It’s okay,” he mouthed. He slowed his pace, observing the

man with his brother. Drake was talking urgently, his expression


Jay approached his jeep in time to hear Drake address Jesse.

“I think you should ride with me.” His protective stance partially

blocked Jay’s view of Jesse.

“No, I’ll be fine.” Jesse patted Drake’s shoulder gently. He

tugged his hand, wincing slightly, but Drake didn’t let go.

Jay waited patiently for the other two to notice him. Drake

turned his head to glare. “I’ll be right behind you.” The warning

wasn’t necessary. Jay was fully convinced the man would murder

him with the least provocation.

He scowled fiercely at Jay, but finally released Jesse’s hand

and opened the passenger door of the jeep for him. Jay couldn’t

look away, and Drake maintained eye contact as he deliberately

lowered his mouth to Jesse’s. Jay sucked in a deep breath. He

wouldn’t. He would. Jay’s heart beat swiftly and blood rushed in

his ears as Drake thoroughly kissed Jesse, who seemed helpless to

protest for long minutes. The sheer eroticism of the kiss drew his

gaze, but Jay felt that it was the power of Drake’s will that forced

him to watch.

Jay didn’t know what Drake hoped to prove with the kiss,

what he wanted to provoke, but it was the hottest fucking thing

he’d ever seen and his body responded accordingly. He licked his

own suddenly dry lips and nodded jerkily. Drake’s eyes narrowed

on him, missing nothing. “I’ll be right behind you, sweetheart.”

He turned back to Jesse, pressing a finger to his dazed brother’s

lips. “We’ll sort this all out. You won’t be alone with him for long.”

Just that quickly, the arousal faded. Jay felt sick. Nausea

cramped his stomach as he slid behind the wheel of the jeep, star-

ing straight ahead while Drake fussily fastened Jesse’s seat belt.

He could feel the hot anger of Drake’s gaze burned into him, but

he ignored it. Drake had understood part of the implication of his

arrival at that time. He just didn’t understand it all. How could



Drake didn’t bother knocking on the door of the house where

he’d dropped Jesse off just a week ago. He figured they knew he

was coming. He stepped into the dim foyer, noted Jesse’s boots

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under a bench to the side, and Jay’s skate shoes haphazardly next

to them. He bent and pulled off his own running shoes, leav-

ing them by Jesse’s boots. No shoes in the house was a common

enough rule in Southern California households. And he wouldn’t

be leaving in a hurry anyway. There was a lot to be settled here,

about Jesse, Jay, and that damned touchy-feely waiter.

In his socks, he moved silently down the hall toward a cozy

glow of lamplight. He stood in the doorway of a large airy fam-

ily room, much nicer than what he’d glimpsed of the rest of the

house. Jay sat on a comfortable-looking sofa, his knees drawn up

to his chest, arms wrapped around them while his usually defi-

ant chin rested atop the faded denim that covered his knees. His

bare feet poked out below, giving him a vulnerable and youthful

air that he hadn’t had before. The resemblance to Jesse was even

more pronounced in this attitude. Jesse hovered over his brother,

looking anxious and uncertain. He petted Jay’s hair, whispered

words that Drake couldn’t hear.

Something was wrong with this picture. Jesse didn’t have the

look of a man being abused. He looked worried, concerned for

his brother. I know I didn’t misunderstand. Jesse said his boyfriend

wanted to meet me. Then Jay answered the why. The implication

had been clear. Jay was both the brother and the boyfriend.

Strange as the thought had been, Drake hadn’t been able to

dwell too long on the idea. The waiter’s proprietary attitude to-

ward Jay had seriously pissed him off, and that had confused him

as well. He supposed that maybe it shouldn’t have. When he’d

seen how tired Jay looked Saturday, he’d just wanted to put the

man to bed and soothe him to sleep. Of course, at the time he’d

thought it was Jesse.

Some noise must have given his presence away. Jesse looked

at him with pleading eyes. “Drake, please. It’s not like you think.

You hurt him. Tell him you don’t believe that about him.”

Drake looked more closely at Jay. The shiny track of a sin-

gle tear held his attention. Swearing softly, without thinking

he strode across the room, sliding onto the sofa and pulling Jay

into his arms. “I’m sorry I hurt you. Babe, please. It was just the

shock.” He gave in to impulse, and the burning desire that had

overtaken him at the bar, to find out how identical Jay and Jesse

were. He pressed his lips to Jay’s, coaxing, tenderly, begging him

with lips and tongue to forgive his hasty words. Eventually, the

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trembling man in his arms relaxed and opened up. Drake sighed

in relief. The similarities were there, it was true, but he would

always be able to tell Jay’s kiss from Jesse’s. Equally sweet and

hot, Jay’s kiss was tinged with the acrid flavor of smoke. More

than that, the brother he had assumed to be the dominant partner

in the relationship seemed to need wooing. Whether a product of

the events of the night or the norm, Jay was less aggressive.

Slowly, sensing Jay calm and feeling Jesse’s approval in the

gentle caress of his hands, he acknowledged the thought that had

crossed his mind: The reason he had been furious at the waiter

was that Jay belonged to him, just as Jesse did. From the moment

he’d looked up and seen two Jesses, he’d fought off images of

what he wanted to do with them. It wasn’t anything he’d ever

imagined before, but he couldn’t shake the vision of the three of

them, naked and entwined, kissing, caressing. Realizing that Jay

was Jesse’s boyfriend, his visions had taken a dangerously seduc-

tive turn as he imagined himself watching the two of them please

each other and then joining in to take his own pleasures. He’d

shocked himself.

Jay hadn’t deserved to bear the brunt of his self-loathing.

Sighing, he turned on the couch and pulled Jesse closer, kissing

him lightly on the forehead. “Okay. Before I jump to any more

faulty conclusions, one of you explain this to me.” Jay tried to pull

away, but Drake tightened his grip. “No. You stay here. I need to

hold you.” And Jay needed to be held. Jesse beamed at him in ap-

proval, so he must have done something right. God knew what.

“Jesse, you tell him.” Jay’s voice was raw from crying, and

Drake pressed a sympathetic kiss to his head.

“Okay. Drake, Jay and I, we...well, we’re very close.” Drake

arched a brow. “We’re in love. We love each other, more than

some people think is right. We both tried for a long time to fight

how we felt. It made us miserable. Then we worked it out. Until

I met you.”

Unsure what that meant but determined not to speak until

he’d processed everything this time, not wanting to hurt anyone,

Drake just nodded. He ran a soothing hand through Jay’s hair,

tugging the band that held it in a ponytail out as he did so. Jesse,

he noted, wore his hair down already. He smiled encouragingly

at Jesse, shifting slightly as the weight of Jay’s body snuggled

against him began to affect his focus. He reacted to Jay’s proxim-

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ity exactly as he had to Jesse’s in the car. The same overwhelming

desire and the same need to protect filled him.

“We moved here, where no one knew us, and we’ve been very

discreet about ourselves, Drake. No one knows but you.” Now

Jesse sounded anxious.

“Your secret is safe with me,” he assured them, pulling Jesse

close to place a tender kiss on his trembling mouth. “As far as I

know, there’s no law against consenting adults doing what they


Jesse’s eyes shone with relief. “We hoped you’d feel that way.

Because, well...I met you. And when Jay found out about you, he

met you. And we both feel the same way.”

Bewildered, Drake looked from one to other. “I’m doing my

best not to leap to conclusions here, but...could you be a little


Jay pushed Jesse out of Drake’s arms, grabbed his head and

pulled him down, taking his mouth in a heated kiss. Then he drew

back and Jesse was there, repeating the maneuver.

Jesse drew back and looked at Jay, and then the two of them

kissed, right in front of Drake’s eyes. His semihard cock jolted

to full arousal instantly. His field of vision filled with pale skin,

ashy hair swinging freely, and identical rosy red mouths locked

in hunger. Clear enough. That kind of feeling he understood.

He leaned forward and slowly, tentatively, feeling his way

in this new venture, brought his mouth into the game. He traced

kisses over one pale cheek to where the two mouths met and

probed with his tongue, tasting the heat of the kiss. In a second

the twins had made room for him, and the three-way kiss began

again. It was deliciously wet, hot, messy, and incredible.

He fell back against the sofa, pulling the two with him. Jay

straddled his lap, and Jesse knelt on the floor at his side as the kiss

went on and on.

“This clear enough?” Jay’s voice broke through the haze of

desire, the rush of blood in Drake’s ears.

“Oh yeah. That’s pretty clear. And...” He paused to breathe

deeply, hoping he wasn’t going to regret this. “I feel the same.”

Not exactly, but he could handle it. The twins might well be sexu-

ally attracted to him, but he’d hoped he had found someone he

could learn to love, who could love him. He could settle for be-

ing part of a caring relationship. These two loved each other, and

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neither of them would risk bringing a third into such a precari-

ous relationship casually, without feeling something. Maybe they

wouldn’t ever love him as they did one another, but it was worth

taking the chance. If he suspected that he was already well on the

way to falling in love with Jay and Jesse, he’d keep it to himself.

He could do his damnedest to make the relationship last as

long as he could. And when they got tired of sharing one another

with him, well, he’d have memories to keep him company.

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Chapter Eight

Jesse grabbed Jay and Drake both by a hand and tugged as he

rose awkwardly to his feet. “Bed. There’s no room here.”

The other two moved with more alacrity than grace, and Jesse

smiled in amusement as he watched them struggle to their feet.

Though the bedroom was only a few feet away, getting there

seemed to take forever as Drake and Jay were constantly stopping

the forward motion of their small group to share kisses and ca-

resses or strip off garments. The bonus to that was that they were

all naked by the time they reached the bedroom.

Jesse paused on the threshold, watching Drake take in the

surroundings as Jay kissed him. Drake strolled over to the bed,

and Jesse’s eyelids drifted down as Jay stole his breath with an-

other kiss.

He heard the creak of the bedsprings and muffled thump of

pillows being fluffed. “Show me.” Drake’s voice was a hoarse

whisper. “How it is between the two of you.”

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Together he and Jay moved across to the bed, climbing onto

the mussed sheets on either side of Drake. They faced each other,

knees pressed tight to Drake’s muscular thighs. Embracing, they

leaned into one another, kissing, caressing, loving.

“Beautiful,” Drake murmured in encouragement. Jesse

peeked at Drake from the corner of his eye, seeing the enthralled

look on his lean, square-cut face, the molten heat of passion in his

gray eyes. Drake’s rough hands came up to tentatively touch. Jes-

se shifted into the touch, loving the heat of it on his thigh. Perfect.

This was perfect. Jay’s hot mouth devoured his own; the familiar

gentle touches of his twin inflamed his desire as much as the new-

ness of Drake’s touch did.

Unable to wait longer, he reached down to clasp Jay’s throb-

bing erection in his palm. He shuddered as Jay moved at the same

time to return the touch. Drake’s rumbled “Yes,” mingled with his

and Jay’s. Trembling with building pleasure, he felt Drake’s hand

explore his body, roaming to all the places it could reach. A tiny

whimper escaped, and he bit down on his lip to stifle the sounds

of pleasure.

Jay’s free hand curled about his nape and pulled him closer,

sealing his mouth with his own. Jesse moaned freely into the kiss.

He barely heard Drake’s curse over the rush of blood in his ears

as the tension began at the base of his spine and spread through-

out his lower body. His balls drew up tight, and it was his turn to

swallow Jay’s cries. They both surrendered to the welling orgasm

at the same moment. Hot spurts of cum slicked his hand as he

firmly jerked Jay’s cock, milking it of every last drop.

At last they stilled, breathing heavily, resting against one

another. Jesse opened his eyes to see Drake run a single finger

through the sticky liquid, the mingled essence of his and Jay’s

orgasms. Jay’s gasp told him his brother watched as well. Drake

brought his finger to his mouth and flicked it with his tongue,

moaning a little at the taste. His big body shuddered beneath


Swiftly, Jay and Jesse dropped to their sides, cuddling up close

and leaning in to kiss Drake softly. “Was that what you wanted

to see?” Jesse asked. He knew Drake had enjoyed the show. He

could tell by the man’s heaving chest, his glassy eyes, and the

rock-hard erection that leaked steadily against his belly.

“That and more.”

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Jesse met Jay’s gaze, and the two began a purposeful journey

of exploration. Their mouths met at Drake’s mouth for a heated

kiss, and then each explored at will, roaming down the clean-

shaven cheeks to the sensitive hollows behind his ears and down

his neck. Jesse wanted to know Drake as thoroughly as he knew

Jay. He wanted to know where and how to touch to bring the

older man to pleasure.

Jay made his own explorations, traveling a similar path, but

Jesse knew his brother’s kisses were different. Would Drake ap-

preciate the differences between them in and out of bed? He

threaded his fingers through the dark hair on Drake’s chest and

tugged gently as he kissed along his collarbone to the hollow of

Drake’s throat. He resisted the urge to linger there, to suck and

mark the man as theirs. Instead he moved on down to a nipple

and laved it with his tongue before gently nibbling it with his


Drake’s groans and sighs of pleasure spurred him on. Jay’s

chuckle as Drake jerked and swore made his heart sing. Jay was

prone to nipping sharply with his fine white teeth, and Drake

must have liked it because his hands came up to cradle Jay’s head

to his chest and his hoarse demand for more sent shivers down

Jesse’s spine. Some day he’d sit back and just watch, but for now,

he couldn’t get enough of touching.

He kissed his way wetly down taut muscles, dipping his

tongue into hollows and licking and sucking at whatever flesh of-

fered itself to him. When he arrived at his destination, he reached

for Jay, tugging his twin down.

Together they licked and lapped at the sensitive flesh of

Drake’s balls, soft tender caresses followed by firm rough strokes

of their tongues. As one they moved up his cock, licking and

sucking until their mouths met at the tip, where they took turns

rubbing the throbbing head with their tongues and poking at the

leaking slit, sucking the salty precum from it. He was so absorbed

in his task, Drake’s hand fisting in Jesse’s hair startled a cry from


Drake’s cock glided into Jesse’s open mouth and he sucked

firmly, rolling his tongue around the head. A few short thrusts,

and the thick vein pulsed against his tongue as Drake began to

come. Jesse pulled away, ignoring Drake’s urgent tug at his hair,

and Jay moved in to take over, sucking and licking Drake.

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Trapping Drake


Jay pulled back and they were both there again, tongues

swiping over the pulsing head, hands stroking the throbbing

length, kissing each other and Drake’s cock as he finally relaxed

back onto the bed.


Drake slowly drifted back to awareness. Opening his eyes, he

looked up into Jesse’s shining blue eyes.

“I love—”

Fearing the rest of the words that Jesse might speak, Drake

hurriedly pressed a finger to his swollen red mouth, still damp

from sucking his cock. “Don’t say anything. This is new; let’s give

it time and see how it turns out, hmm?” He knew already how

it would turn out for him. In time he would fall in love with the

vulnerable Jesse. How he’d come to feel about Jay, he wasn’t sure,

but he sensed that the same potential was there. And they loved

each other.

Drake had vague memories of Jay leaving the bed earlier and

wondered if Jay regretted what they had done. “Jay?” he asked

quizzically, lifting a brow.

Jesse chuckled. “I love...” He caught himself, then rushed on.


Bewildered, Drake asked cautiously, “What?”

“The eyebrow thing.” Jesse’s attempt to emulate the raising

of one brow was comical. “It’s so Spock. Intellectual and all, you

know, sexy.”

“Spock? As in emotionless and logical?” Was that how he ap-

peared? Damn. He hiked himself further up the bed, stuffing the

pillows behind his back. “Where’s Jay?”

“Showering. He has to go to work in a bit. And I didn’t mean

emotionless. I meant sexy, and strong, and okay, maybe a bit alien.

And intelligent.” Drake pulled Jesse down and kissed him gently.

“I got it, baby. You’re cute when you babble. Can’t you do the

brow thing?”

Jesse shook his head. “No. I really would like to. Practiced

and tried for years, but I can’t. I can do this, though.” He held one

hand in front of them and spread his fingers in the traditional Vul-

can salute. “Live long and prosper,” he intoned solemnly.

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“I like this one,” Jay interrupted. He held out his hand to his

brother with the first two fingers extended and the rest curled

under. “Attend me.”

Chuckling, Drake grabbed the extended hand and pulled Jay

close for a kiss as well. Jay responded eagerly, and a bit of ten-

sion eased inside Drake. He hadn’t been sure how Jay would react

when the passion faded. A sudden warm wetness on his abdomen

startled Drake. He looked down to see that Jay had brought back

a damp cloth and was swiping the residue of their passion off his


“Did you resolve the crises of the world while I was gone or

just talk Star Trek?” Jay seemed okay, but Drake could already

tell that Jay hid more of his emotions and thoughts than Jesse did.

Jesse was an open book, Jay a deep well. Was he really okay with

sharing Jesse with Drake? Only time would tell.

“He can do the eyebrow thing!” Jesse laughed, crawling over

Drake to make room on the bed for Jay, who immediately climbed

into the spot vacated by his brother and looked expectantly at


“Well?” he demanded.

Feeling foolish, Drake arched his brow. “I cannot believe how

much amusement you two are getting out of this. Seriously, I

barely made the Star Trek generation through reruns. How did

you two come to be such fanatics?”

“Our mother was a big fan. We grew up on reruns and con-

ventions. Stood in line for all the movies.”

“Ah. I see. You want me for my resemblance to a certain green-

blooded Vulcan. Well, I can assure you that I am not guided by

logic all the time.”

Instantly they covered his face in tiny damp kisses and two

hands, one firm and capable, one gentle and soft, braced against

his chest. Jesse stopped and leaned back. “We decided, honey.

We’re going to take things slow and see where they lead.”

Drake watched bemused as they stared into one another’s

eyes, seemingly continuing the conversation in their heads. Fi-

nally, Jay broke the contact and turned back to Drake. “So, you

no longer believe I’m forcing Jesse to do something he finds dis-

tasteful?” His tone was challenging, his expression mocking. Jesse

made a brief, aborted gesture as though to intervene, but Drake

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Trapping Drake


and Jay simultaneously waved him to silence and he subsided,

muttering something about them ganging up on him.

Drake chose his words carefully. Jay gave every appearance

of being stalwart and independent, but he could be hurt easily.

That much had been seen earlier. “I’m not sure,” he noted Jay

stiffen, “how your relationship came to be. I hope that one day

you can tell me about that, if we’re together long enough. But I can

see that it is consensual and loving.”

“You don’t think it’s perverted and evil?” Jay challenged.

Sighing, Drake crossed his arms over his chest, and then real-

izing how defensive it looked, he uncrossed them. Fuck. “I don’t

think anything as beautiful as what you two just showed me can

be evil or perverted. It’s not common, I grant you that. It’s not the

easy route to choose in life. But it’s not my place to judge.”

Jay looked unconvinced. He glanced uneasily from Jesse to

Drake and back again before standing and muttering, “I have to

go to work. My supervisor called.”

Light dawned. Jay feared leaving him here alone with Jesse.

He thought Drake would try to influence Jesse into leaving him or

something. Funny, he hadn’t thought Jay would be the insecure


Drake followed Jay from the bed. “I’d better go too. I have to

work in the morning myself.”

Jay’s relief saddened him, but at the same time it felt good to

reassure him. He pulled on his jeans, found by the doorway, and

then wandered down the hall looking for the rest of his clothes.

Jesse and Jay’s voices mingled quietly behind him in the bedroom.

He’d never been part of a threesome before. The pitfalls be-

came all too clear. Between possessiveness, jealousy, and inse-

curity, the potential for disaster was obvious. Maybe he should

rethink getting involved in such a tricky situation.

He found his shirt by the sofa and tugged it over his head,

remembering the picture Jay had made sitting there with his arms

wrapped around his knees, tears of pain, tears Drake had caused,

trickling down his smooth cheek.

Fuck it. Too late. He was already involved, and there was no

going back.

The twins stepped into the hall behind him as he tugged on

one shoe and knelt to tie the lace.

“You can stay,” Jesse offered hopefully.

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Drake smiled at him and turned to Jay. “Not tonight, babe.

This is new, and we all need to come to terms with it. We don’t

know each other all that well, and your brother deserves the peace

of mind of knowing he’s left you home safe, not with some strang-

er he’s barely met.” Of course, he and Jay both knew that wasn’t

the real reason he needed to leave, but it would do.

A flicker of emotion, possibly gratitude, crossed Jay’s face.

“I’m off Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Can we see you this week-


Accepting the olive branch was easy. “Sure. I’m off this week-

end too.” Clearly Jay still needed alone time with Jesse. “Let’s

meet tomorrow evening and make some plans. We can talk about

how we’re going to do this.” And he knew just where they could

go. Visions of a handsome waiter touching Jay danced through

his head, and his eyes narrowed in response. He knew exactly

where they should go tomorrow.

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Chapter Nine

After having slept all day on Friday, Jay awakened when Jesse

arrived home. Making love and snuggling with Jesse revitalized

him, and the two of them set off for Cabana Sue’s anticipating

seeing Drake again for the first time since Wednesday’s big reveal.

Though they hadn’t seen Drake, both Jay and Jesse received

phone calls from him. Jay wasn’t sure what Drake had said to

Jesse. Hopefully it had been the same casual, friendly type of con-

versation he’d had with Drake on Thursday morning. He couldn’t

ask Jesse either. Jesse would be hurt by the insecurity that Jay

experienced every time he thought of Drake. The idea of seeing

Drake again tonight filled him with anticipation and a touch of

fear. Mostly, it flooded his imagination with graphic images of

things he wanted to do with Jesse to Drake, things he wanted

to do to Jesse for Drake. The idea of having sex with Jesse while

Drake watched aroused him unbearably.

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Cabana Sue’s on Friday night was a hopping place with a

mariachi band and a crowd of eager twentysomethings anxious

to down a few dollar margaritas from shot glasses and head on

down to the next novelty spot. It was loud, colorful, and damned

if Emilio wasn’t working tonight too. He scanned the crowd look-

ing for the tall lanky Drake, who should stand out in the crowd

by virtue of sheer magnetism. He spotted Drake at a horseshoe-

shaped booth at the back of the restaurant. It was the perfect size

for three of them, but it was in Emilio’s section.

Sighing and straightening his shoulders, Jay placed a hand

on Jesse’s shoulder and leaned forward to whisper into his ear so

as to be heard over the crowd. “Back wall, center.” Leaning back,

he watched excitement color Jesse’s face. His broad smile showed

gleaming white teeth, and his eyes seemed to sparkle a bit bright-

er. Damn. How fucking lucky was he to be loved by such a man?

His gaze traveled back to Drake. Couldn’t be seen mooning over

Jesse in this place. They were too well-known here.

Drake had seen them too. His gaze intently followed their

progress across the crowded floor, and the heat there said he’d

more than missed them. He didn’t watch just Jesse; his molten

glance moved from Jay to Jesse and back again. Perhaps Drake

had spent the last few days fantasizing about the three of them

as well.

The anxious knot of tension, his constant companion since

Jesse first whispered Drake’s name, lessened just the tiniest bit.

Maybe, just maybe, things would work out okay after all. If Drake

could love Jesse and accept Jay, then maybe the three of them had

a chance at something good.

He arrived at the table on Jesse’s heels and stood uncertainly.

Drake sat squarely in the center of the horseshoe and Jesse slid in

on the right, sidling right up against Drake. Jesse tilted his head

up and pouting, demanded a kiss, chastising Drake for his tardi-

ness in offering the sign of affection.

Torn, Jay lingered at the edge of the table. Where did he be-

long in this setup? Should he slide in alongside Jesse and hope

that Drake got the hint and slid along, providing them with more

room? Should he give in gracefully and allow Drake to separate

him and Jesse? The anxious knot tightened again. Jesse turned to

look at him curiously, patting the seat beside himself. Drake ig-

nored conventional politeness and leaned across the narrow table.

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Trapping Drake


Before Jay could protest, Drake grabbed his hand in a tight grip

and forcibly compelled him onto the seat to his left.

Opening his mouth to give Drake a piece of his mind was

pointless because he found himself thoroughly kissed. The angry

words he wanted to say fled, and he could only produce a muffled

whimper. Drake was damn good at this. His warm, firm lips slid

possessively along Jay’s mouth; his tongue slipped inside and laid

claim to the moist heat.

When Drake finally freed him, it was all Jay could do to gulp

in air and try to control his bodily reactions.

“Tequila. Bring the bottle, three shot glasses.” Drake’s hard,

commanding voice caused Jay to shiver. Sexy as it might be, he

was damn glad that tone wasn’t directed at him.

“Sir.” Emilio, who had come over to the table some time dur-

ing that kiss, addressed Drake.

The tension he’d been conscious of earlier faded away. Drake

had just let Emilio know, in no uncertain terms, that Jay was off-

limits. For the first time, Jay felt that Drake’s interest might genu-

inely extend to him. Maybe Jesse wasn’t the only one that Drake

cared about. Maybe he could learn to love Jay as well?

The fear of being on the fringe of the relationship they were

embarking on began to fade. Oh, he’d known that Drake enjoyed

seeing him and Jesse together Wednesday. He was damned sure

that Drake enjoyed their mouths on him, but now...he felt the tini-

est hope that Drake just might like him, Jay, not just him, Jesse’s


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Setting the Trap

Preview: Chapter One

Drake Fallon had spent a lot of time in the last three months

sitting in the emergency room waiting for Jay Cahill. Usually

though, he sat in the lobby anticipating a pleasant evening. This

time he was perched on an uncomfortable gurney, freezing his ass

off waiting for a surgeon to stitch the knife wound in his upper


He was angry, disappointed, and he hurt. He wanted to be

held and taken care of. He wanted Jesse.

The curtain rings rattled and he looked up. Jay entered the

little cubicle, his ash blond hair secured in a neat pony tail at the

nape of his neck, his sky blue scrubs impeccably neat. Damn. It

looked like he wasn’t going to get the coddling he wanted this

evening after being attacked by a crackhead.

“The doctor will be with you shortly.” Jay was reading over

the chart, then his head jerked up sharply. “Drake? What the hell

happened? It says here knife wound?”

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Trapping Drake


Sighing, Drake nodded shortly. He didn’t feel like being po-

lite. His scowl was instant. The paper crinkled under his butt as he

shifted on the uncomfortable surface. “We were doing a door to

door thing, canvassing for witnesses to an accident. Some crack-

head got the wrong idea and came at me with a knife. I didn’t

move fast enough.”

He stared resentfully as Jay put down the chart and ap-

proached him. He shouldn’t be so angry, so bitter, but it was clear

from the pristine state of his scrubs that Jay had just started his

shift, and since Jay was working there was no way he’d get to see

Jesse tonight.

He’d thought he understood the intricate web of emotions

he’d be maneuvering through when he began this relationship

with the brothers three months earlier. He hadn’t expected that

those three months would pass with only a handful of dates,

mostly because their schedules didn’t align well.

Jay’s shifts rotated between a month of nights and a month of

days, twelve hour shifts, and an incredible amount of overtime.

Jesse’s school schedule was more manageable, but neither brother

would see him without the other. Last week, when Jay was off,

Jesse had been out of town chaperoning his student government

group at a leadership seminar, so once again he’d been alone. And

now, damn it, when he needed someone to look after him and

soothe him, he’d be alone again.

“Does Jesse know about this?” Jay demanded. He poked

and prodded at the slash, and Drake growled. “He’s going to be

pissed. Shit, Drake, you could have been killed!”

“No, I couldn’t have. Have you ever dealt with these crack-

heads? Anyone who can rub two brain cells together can outwit

them. I wouldn’t have been hurt at all, except I wasn’t expecting

the guy. And no, I didn’t call Jesse. I don’t guess he’s going to

know either.” Because by the fucking time they all had time off at

the same time, he’d be healed.

“Why shouldn’t he know?” Jay produced a cell phone from

somewhere and leaned on the gurney. “He’ll come get you. You

aren’t going to be able to drive home after the stitches, and you’ll

need looking after. Jesse is great at nurturing people.”

“I can drive myself home. It’s not a big deal. Just a scratch.”

“It’s more than a scratch, you big lug. It’s pretty deep and

it’s going to need a lot of stitches. But mostly you need someone

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to drive you because of the codeine in the pain killers they gave


The pain killers were finally taking effect. His arm felt pleas-

antly numb, and a warm haze of codeine fogged his brain. He

wasn’t thinking clearly, obviously. Oh wow. “So, you’re off work?

I thought you were just starting your shift?”

“I am. Seven to seven. But Jesse’s home. He has to study for

an exam and he has papers to grade, but he’ll still come get you.”

“I can’t see Jesse without you.”

“Who says?”

He grimaced. “You did. Well, not in so many words, but I

knew you didn’t want me around Jesse when you weren’t there.”

Jay’s hand clenched on his arm, and there wasn’t enough co-

deine on the planet to keep that from hurting. “Uh...” He flinched.

Jay’s eyes widened and his face paled a little.

“Sorry!” Jay drew his hand away swiftly. “For both. I didn’t

trust you then.”

“And now you do?” He shook his head slightly to clear the


“Just a second, Drake. He’s picking up. Jesse? Honey, it’s Jay.

I’m fine. It’s Drake. He’s here at the ER getting some stitches. We

need you to come pick him up and take him home.”

The doctor, a tall angular man in his early thirties, entered the

cubicle at that moment, and frowned sternly at Jay on the phone.

“Well, Mr. Fallon. Feeling numb, now are we?”

Drake rolled his eyes and kicked his feet impatiently aginst

the metal frame of the gurney. “My arm is. I don’t know about

you. I’m hoping you aren’t too numb to sew me up.” The doctor

wasn’t amused. Jay was though. He could tell by the twitching of

his lips.

“Nurse, if you’re done with the phone, I could use some help


Drake stiffened at the asshole’s impatient tone. He might re-

sent the fuck out of Jay right now for standing between him and

Jesse, but damned if the doc had any right to talk to his lover like


“Bite me, Clive.” Jay threw at the doctor. “I’m talking to his

boyfriend about coming to pick him up. Stupid cop thought he

could drive himself home after getting sewn up.”

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Trapping Drake


Indistinguishable squawking came through the receiver, but

it didn’t sound like Jesse approved of that at all.

“You’re lucky we have such a hard time finding competent

staff,” The doctor taunted. He took over poking and prodding at

Drake’s arm. Clattering instruments on a metal tray tried to dis-

tract Drake, but he pinned his gaze on Jay. He wasn’t sure, but it

sounded like he might be going to get his pampering after all.

“Half an hour, Jesse. I’ll walk him out to you.” Jay tucked the

phone away and gave his whole attention to the smirking physi-

cian. “Don’t give me that bullshit about the top of the top. Your 4.0

doesn’t mean anything more than mine, except about sixty thou-

sand dollars more debt. Your bedside manner sucks and you’re

hurting him!”

The codeine’s melty warm fog made Jay sound loving. Drake

closed his eyes and pretended it was true. He could do that under

the influence of drugs. Sober, he had to stay safe, to protect him-

self. Three months of hot sex and random dates had shown him

that. These two loved each other, and he was a novelty whose

charm could wear off any time. A little emotional distance kept

things right for all of them.

And when he was past the weakness of seeing his empty life

flash before his eyes, he’d remember that. For now, he wanted his

boyfriends with him. “Hey, can you come too?”

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I’m an avid reader and former teacher of grammar and com-

position who believes that falling in love is the grandest adven-

ture anyone can have. In a nutshell, that’s every story I have to


Relocating from the crazy pace of life in Southern California’s

Orange County to the beautiful and leisurely atmosphere of the

Illinois countryside has given me the time to indulge the desire to

write that I set aside when I started teaching fourteen years ago.

Readers can find out more about me and my writing by visiting

me at my blog, Lee’s Musings or finding me on Facebook. Feel

free to drop me a line at lee.brazil@ymail.com


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