Gold Cassandra Falling

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By Cassandra Gold

"Candy?" A female arm appeared in David Connor's line of sight, holding one of those big, red
foil hearts full of chocolates. A delivery man had brought it in an hour earlier, courtesy of
Kayla's boyfriend. She probably thought she was being nice by offering him one.

David restrained a grimace. "No thanks."

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If he saw one more Valentine's Day-related thing, he thought he might scream. He'd never liked
the holiday all that much in the first place, but after being dumped on Valentine's Day last year
and the year before, he was beginning to get a complex. Some people dreaded Friday the
thirteenth, he dreaded Valentine's Day.

"Suit yourself." Kayla grinned at him and popped a chocolate into her mouth. "Do you have any
plans for this weekend?"

"Like what?" He shrugged. Did Kayla think he would go to one of the singles' events? The
thought made him shudder. What might not seem terribly desperate on a normal weekend took
on a distinctly pitiful tinge on Valentine's weekend.

She gave him a mock-scowl. "Oh, like maybe going out with friends, or on a date? Bryce and I
are going on a riverboat cruise. It'll be so romantic."

He rolled his eyes at her dreamy look. "Yeah, crowds, overpriced food, and pressure to be in love
and happy are so romantic."

"Ugh, you're such a Scrooge."

"Scrooge hated Christmas, not Valentine's Day." He smirked.

"Whatever. He probably hated all holidays. Anyway, you're not ruining my fun with your
gloomy attitude. Be miserable if you want, but I'm going to have a wonderful weekend." Kayla
stuck out her tongue at him and flounced off.

After Kayla left, David realized she was right. He was being a jerk. If he wasn't careful he would
end up like Scrooge: old, miserable, and alone. He sighed and gathered up the paperwork he
hadn't finished. He might as well take it home and get something productive done.


The parking lot of his apartment building was almost deserted by the time David got home. Most
of his neighbors were probably out celebrating.

He parked in his usual spot and hurried inside. The foyer was freezing, but he stopped to check
his mail -- an issue of Out magazine, two bills, and some junk. Stuffing the mail into his
briefcase, he headed upstairs.

As he rounded the corner at the second floor, a huge bunch of roses appeared right in his face.
Surprised, he jerked back. The flowers kept coming. David's feet slipped off the step, and
suddenly he was falling backward. He flailed his arms in a vain attempt to catch himself, and for
a moment managed to get hold of the railing. Then a sharp pain radiated through his left wrist,
his arm buckled, and he kept falling.

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When he finally slammed to a stop on the landing, his briefcase was underneath him, his head
throbbed, and his left arm felt like it was on fire. He lay there, stunned and confused.

Above him, a voice cried, "Oh, shit!" Footsteps clattered toward him from above and below.

The flowers appeared in his vision again, followed by a face he recognized as a guy from the
third floor. "I didn't see you, man. Are you okay?"

Another voice interrupted. "Don't move."

Like he was going to. He didn't even know if he could. Everything hurt.

The owner of the second voice knelt beside him and leaned over him. It was his next-door
neighbor, Chris, the sexy firefighter David had daydreamed about many times. Of course, the
closest he'd gotten to spending time with Chris was brief hellos in the hallway, and giving him
some coffee once when Chris had run out. Now he had Chris' undivided attention, but falling
down the stairs wasn't quite the way he'd hoped to go about it.

Staring up into Chris' incredible blue eyes, David tried to smile. The expression must not have
come off too well, because Chris frowned. "That was a hell of a fall. Are you okay?"

"I don't know," he answered honestly.

Flower guy peered down at him, his expression apologetic. "I'm really sorry. The stupid roses
blocked my view."

Chris turned his frown on flower guy. "You should have been watching where you were going,
Todd." Returning his attention to David, he asked, "What hurts?"

David didn't even have to consider. "Everything, but my wrist is the worst."

"Want me to call an ambulance?" The flower guy, Todd, put his roses down and got his cell
phone out of his pocket.



David and Chris spoke at the same time, then stopped and looked at each other. Chris frowned
again. "Maybe he should, David. You could be really hurt."

The last thing David wanted was to ride in an ambulance. "If I need to go to the doctor, I can
drive myself."

Chris didn't look convinced. He slanted a glance toward Todd. "Help me get him up."

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Together, the two men eased David into a sitting position. His head throbbed anew. His wrist
bumped against his leg and he hissed at the stabbing pain. It was some consolation that his back
and neck felt all right, although he knew they'd be scraped and bruised, especially where he'd
fallen on his briefcase.

"Okay?" Todd watched David with concern.

"I think so." Turning his head in a slow, cautious motion, David saw his briefcase had popped
open. Papers lay scattered over the landing behind him. He reached for one with his left arm
before he thought about it. The pain caused by the small movement brought tears to his eyes.

"Let us get your stuff." Chris gave David a little smile and started gathering papers. Todd did the

David noticed the issue of Out at the same time Chris did. He wanted to snatch the magazine up,
but Chris got to it first. Surprise flickered across Chris' face before his expression blanked.
David's face heated. Why hadn't he waited to get the mail? Now his neighbor knew he was gay.
Chris probably wouldn't want anything to do with David after tonight. Not that David thought all
firefighters were homophobic, but Chris was former Army on top of being a firefighter, and
neither profession was known for being gay-friendly.

Chris put the magazine into David's briefcase without comment. Todd finished gathering the

other papers and did the same. He gave David a sheepish grin. "I promise I'll be more careful
from here on out." He indicated the roses. "After they nearly killed you, my girlfriend had better
appreciate these."

David managed a half-smile as Todd turned to go. "I'm sure she will." More than I did, anyway.
His wrist twinged again, and David cradled it to his stomach with his other arm.

Although he tried to hide the move, Chris noticed. He eyed David's arm. "I think you need to go
to the hospital after all. That arm might be broken."

In a testament to how much pain he was in, David didn't bother to argue. He just nodded. "I don't
want to call an ambulance, though. My insurance has an insane co-pay for ambulance rides."

"I'll take you." To David's astonishment, Chris stripped off the coat and sweater he wore, leaving
his upper body clad only in a navy blue fire department T-shirt. He lifted David's arm gently, put
the sweater under it, and tied the arms around David's neck in a makeshift sling. He eyed his
handiwork for a moment and nodded. "That ought to hold your arm until we find out if you need
a cast."

"Thank you." David tried not to stare at the strong biceps and broad chest Chris's tight T-shirt did
nothing to disguise. The man was sexier than one person had any right to be. At least David was
in too much pain to worry about getting an embarrassing erection.


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The ride to the hospital passed in a blur. David wanted to enjoy being in close quarters with
Chris, but pain and rising nausea made enjoyment of any kind impossible.

Chris found a parking spot near the emergency room entrance and came around to the passenger
side to help David out. Feeling shaky and more than a little weak, David leaned into the arm
Chris slipped around his waist. Even in his pitiful state, he appreciated the strength in Chris'
muscular arm and the heat of his body. Chris smelled good, too, woodsy and masculine.

Inside the ER, Chris helped David into a chair and talked to the nurse at the desk. He came back
with some paperwork for David to fill out. Despite being left-handed, David did his best, trying
not to think about how much sitting in the hard plastic chair was going to make his muscles
stiffen up.

Fortunately, the ER was almost empty. A nurse came out to get David after only a few minutes.
A brusque doctor, who introduced himself as Doctor Jensen, and whose bedside manner left a lot
to be desired, examined him. After an x-ray, with the aid of pain medication administered
through an IV, David endured the process of having his wrist bone manipulated and splinted. A
nurse helped him into a sling and escorted him out of the room.

Chris stood at the sight of them, his handsome features set in an expression of concern. "How are
you feeling?"

"Okay." David attempted a smile.

Not looking at all reassured, Chris turned to the nurse. "Hey, Gina."

The nurse, whose name was apparently Gina, laughed. "Why am I not surprised to see you
bringing somebody in? Are your daredevil ways rubbing off on your friends now?"

Friends? I wish. "He's my neighbor," David muttered, not wanting Chris put on the spot. "And
it's not his fault. I fell down the stairs."

The nurse smiled at David. "I know, honey. I'm just teasing."

"They know me here." Chris chuckled for a moment, and then sobered. "Any sign of a head

The nurse shook her head. "Other than a lump, no. He's going to be fine." She adjusted David's
sling slightly.

"Good." The sheer relief on Chris' face warmed David's heart. Chris' gaze shifted to David's arm.
"No cast? Was it not bad enough, or too swollen?"

Gina finished adjusting the sling and sighed. "Too swollen. Luckily, the bones are in a good
position, so as long as he's careful, it should be good to go for a cast in a week or so."

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David scowled, none too pleased at the idea of a cast. But maybe it would be better than the
bulky, scratchy splint.

After a moment, Gina continued. "The doctor wrote a prescription for some pain meds for him to
take for the next couple of days. It might be a good idea for you to call someone to stay with
him. He's going to be in pain, and his arm needs to be elevated. He won't be able to do much for
himself, at least for a while. You know the drill."

Chris nodded. "I'll make sure he isn't alone."

"I'll leave him in your capable hands, then." Gina smiled and patted David's shoulder as if he
were a child.

Normally, he would be irritated at being talked about like he wasn't there, but just then he was
too tired and woozy to care. He sighed.

The sound must have drawn Chris' attention. "I'd better get him home and let him rest. Thanks,


Half an hour later, David once again ascended the stairs of his apartment building. This time,
Chris walked with him, carrying his battered briefcase and supporting him with an arm around
his waist. Each step took way more energy than it ought to, and he leaned into Chris gratefully.

They reached his door without any further mishaps. To his disappointment, Chris eased away
from him. "Where are your keys?"

"In my briefcase, I think." He hoped, anyway. His keys had been the last thing on his mind for
the past few hours. For all he knew, they could be lying on the landing, or lost somewhere.

Chris opened the briefcase and peered inside. The Out magazine lay on top of the other papers,
and David's face flamed at the sight of it. His sexuality wasn't a secret, but he hadn't gone around
telling all his neighbors either -- especially sexy, macho firefighter neighbors. Not that Chris
wouldn't have found out eventually. He sighed.

Spotting the keys, he snagged them with his good hand. "Got ‘em." He unlocked the door and
went inside, Chris trailing behind him. When they reached the living room, he stopped and
forced a smile. "Thanks for everything, Chris. I'm sorry I ruined your evening."

Chris grinned. "Oh, yeah. You wrecked my night in front of the TV. I was going to microwave a
frozen dinner and everything."

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How a guy who looked like Chris could not have a date this weekend was a complete mystery to
David. Now that he knew Chris was as nice as he was hot, it seemed even crazier. What was
wrong with the women in this town?

Before he could blurt out something stupid along those lines, Chris put a hand on the small of his
back and guided him toward the couch. "Let's get you settled. Do you have any ice packs, or
should I go to my place and get some?"

There had been something in one of the pamphlets the nurse had given him about ice packs for
tonight, to bring the swelling in his arm down a bit, something David would have forgotten
about. "Um, I'm not sure. There may be one in my medicine cabinet, but it wouldn't be cold." He
let Chris lead him over to the couch, and ease him down onto the soft surface. He toed off his
shoes, swung his legs up, and lay down. Being off his feet was an unexpected relief.

Chris fussed over him a little, bringing him a pillow for his head and one to put under his arm.
Watching a big, tough firefighter act like a mother hen made David smile.

Apparently satisfied with the arrangement of the pillows, Chris peered down at David, his blue
eyes filled with concern and something else David couldn't identify. "Better?" David nodded,
and Chris rewarded him with a smile. "I'll go look for ice packs."

David closed his eyes, intending to rest until Chris came back. He must have dozed off, because
he woke to gentle hands tucking something soft and fleecy around him. Opening his eyes, he saw
Chris covering him with a blanket that must have come from Chris' place, because it wasn't his.
Finished, Chris straightened and busied himself setting up one of David's collapsible wooden TV
tables, near enough to the couch for David to reach.

Chris hadn't noticed David was awake yet, so David looked his fill. The man really was too
gorgeous for words. His full lower lip, big blue eyes, and long lashes might have been pretty, but
his strong jaw and almost military-short blond hair left no doubt as to his masculinity. The body
didn't hurt either. At about six-foot three, Chris was only a couple of inches taller than David, but
Chris outweighed him by at least thirty pounds, all of it pure muscle.

Since Chris had moved into the building four months ago, he'd starred in a lot more of David's
fantasies than David would ever admit to. Too bad he showed no signs of being gay. Not that
he'd ever brought a woman home either, as far as David knew, but that didn't mean anything. The
odd schedule he kept as a firefighter probably didn't help Chris date, not to mention the stress of
his job.

The tray up and positioned to his satisfaction, Chris left the room. He returned a couple of
minutes later, carrying a couple of ice packs and a towel. His gaze came to rest on David, and he
smiled. "Hey, you're awake. You didn't have an ice pack, so I had to go to my place and get
some." Chris eased the sling off, put an ice pack on either side of David's splinted arm, and
wrapped a towel around the whole thing, tight enough to hold the packs on but not enough to put
pressure on his arm.

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Could he be any sweeter? David couldn't remember the last time anyone had shown such
concern over his wellbeing, other than his mother. He smiled back, hoping the expression didn't
come off as adoring and lovesick as he was beginning to feel. "Thanks, Chris."

"No problem." Chris set a bottle of water and David's pain pills on the TV tray and sat on the
edge of David's armchair. "You shouldn't be alone. You want me to call someone for you? Your
parents? A friend? A... boyfriend?"

Rarely had a question been so embarrassing and depressing, all at the same time. David stared
down at the gray fleece of the blanket. "My parents are in Florida, and I'm sure most of my
friends have plans. I don't have a boyfriend." In fact, he'd been single for a year. The breakup last
Valentine's Day had been hard, and since then he hadn't had the energy to look for someone new.
He'd contented himself with his job, his friends, and his fantasies -- mainly about Chris, a fact
that made him even more pathetic. He pasted on a smile. "I really appreciate what you've done
for me, but you can go on home. I'll be fine."

Fine wasn't quite the word for how he felt. Achy, exhausted, and lonely would be more accurate.
Of course, honesty would no doubt make Chris feel compelled to stay, and that was the last thing
David wanted.

"I'm sure you will be, but I'm still not leaving you alone, just in case."

The implacable expression on Chris' face told David it would be pointless to argue. "Okay."

"Good." Chris' smile returned. "Are you hungry?"


David dozed off again while Chris puttered in the kitchen. This time, he woke when the edge of
the couch dipped. The first thing he saw was Chris' blond head not very far above him, haloed in
the overhead lights, and he realized Chris was perched on the edge of the couch.

"We'd better not leave these on too long." Chris peeled the towel off David's arm and removed
the ice packs. He gave David an encouraging smile. "I made you something to eat."

Realizing how hungry he was, David tried to sit up. Pain shot through his entire body at the
movement. He gasped and lay back. "Ow."

Chris winced. "Let me help you." He put an arm under David's back and helped him sit up. With
slow, careful moves, they were able to get David into a sitting position.

By the time he was fully upright, his back against the cushions, David realized why the nurse
hadn't wanted him to be alone. All the bruises and strained muscles he'd sustained in the fall
seemed to have stiffened. His now-cold wrist ached and throbbed as well, adding to his misery.
The mere thought of moving again made him cringe inside.

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Chris positioned the TV tray in front of him and set a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich
on it. "What would you like to drink?"

"Water, please. Do you think I could take some medicine now?" He was ridiculously grateful
when Chris nodded and gave him two pills.

"Don't worry. I know you feel like hell right now, but in a few days you'll feel a lot better." Chris
rubbed David's right shoulder in a gentle, reassuring touch before moving to the armchair to eat
his own soup and grilled cheese.

Unable to speak over the lump in his throat, David could only smile.


After they ate, all David wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep forever. The prospect of
making his way back to the bedroom wasn't appealing, though. He frowned. Maybe he could
sleep on the couch.

Chris' bright blue gaze landed on his frown, and Chris frowned as well. "What's wrong?"

David shook his head. "Nothing. I'm really tired. I think I'll go to sleep." He peered at the pillow,
considering the logistics of trying to lie down.

"Okay." Chris stood. "Let's get you to bed, then."

"I was just going to sleep on the couch," David began.

Chris was having none of his protest. "You'll stiffen up even more if you sleep on the couch." He
crossed to David's side and reached for his good arm.

The touch of Chris' large, warm hand to David's elbow, even through his shirt, stifled any other
arguments he might have come up with. David pushed himself up with Chris' help, his many
aches and pains making themselves known. David kept hold of his arm, and together they
shuffled down the hall.

"Do you need to stop at the bathroom?"

Another embarrassing question. David hated being so helpless. He nodded. Chris released him at
the bathroom doorway. He pushed the door behind him and took care of business, using the
toilet, brushing his teeth, and washing his face one-handed. Everything took longer than usual,
but he persevered.

Finally, he finished up and opened the door. Chris had waited for him, and took his arm again
without comment. They continued on to the bedroom.

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Chris flipped the light switch, illuminating David's neatly made bed, pajamas already laid out
atop the comforter. Chris bit his lip as if restraining a smile. "You're very neat."

Ducking his head, David wished he'd neglected to make his bed for once, or forgotten to lay out
his pajamas. His striped flannel pants and matching long-sleeved shirt were about as far from
sexy as it was possible to get, unless Chris was into old guys, or the Fifties. Then again, sexy
nightwear would have been worse. Chris would probably have run screaming into the night if he
had some kind of silk number laid out.

When David thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. Chris let go of his arm and turned toward
him. "Do you need help getting your PJs on?"

This was the worst humiliation of all. David wanted to say no, but he wasn't sure if he could get
into his pajamas on his own. Getting his shirt off over the splint, even with the sleeve the doctor
had cut, would be difficult at best, especially working with only one hand and stiff muscles. He
finally nodded, keeping his eyes on anything but Chris.

Heat suffused his face as Chris stepped closer. Large, capable hands began to unfasten the
buttons on his shirt. In moments, Chris had the shirt open to reveal the plain white T-shirt David
wore underneath. David tried not to shiver at the brush of Chris' hands over the thin cloth. It
almost felt like Chris was touching his skin, the barrier was so slight.

With slow, careful moves, Chris slid the mangled shirt down David's shoulders and off his good
arm. David held his splinted arm out a bit to help Chris ease the rest of the garment off. Chris'
fingertips skimmed along the sensitive skin of his bicep, and not even pain and exhaustion could
stop the surge of desire he felt. Every cell in his body wanted to lean into the touch, but he didn't.

Chris' hand moved toward the button on his slacks, but David shook his head. "I can do it."

"Okay." Changing directions, Chris picked up the flannel bottoms from the bed. He waited as
David unfastened his slacks, pushed them down, and stepped out of them. Then he held out the
pajama pants. "Ready?"

Not sure what to say, David nodded.

Chris surprised him by crouching on the floor. From there, Chris helped him step into the pants.
Several times David had to hold onto Chris' shoulder to steady himself. Chris' shoulder was as
muscular and warm as his arm had been earlier. David bit his lip and stared at the wall as Chris
pulled the pants up his legs. The backs of Chris' fingers brushed his skin, and he had to restrain a
shiver at how good the brief touch felt.

When the waistband reached David's thighs, he caught it with his good hand. "Thanks. I got it."

Chris moved back, and David pulled the pants up the rest of the way. More than ready to sleep
now, he shuffled over to the bed. Chris pulled the covers down, and David managed to get into
bed by himself. David was almost amused when Chris tucked him in.

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Exhausted and not thinking, David started to roll onto his left side, the way he always did. The
instant he put any pressure on his wrist, stabbing pain shot up his arm. He let out a sound
somewhere between a strangled yelp and a whimper.

Chris cringed and rushed to his side. "Are you okay?"

"I forgot for a second." David peered up at Chris through tear-misted eyes, feeling embarrassed
and very stupid. He choked back the tears, determined not to let them fall.

"I've got an idea." Chris left the room. He returned a couple of minutes later, carrying David's
sling. "First, let's put this on."

David turned onto his right side, trying not to wince at the movement. Chris eased the sling on
and tightened it enough to hold David's arm mostly steady. His arm somewhat protected, David
rolled to his back again.

Just in time to see Chris shoving his jeans down his lean hips. David's mouth dropped open.
"What are you--"

"Sleeping in my jeans wouldn't be comfortable." Chris flashed him a grin and slid into bed
beside David, his back against the shoulder of David's bad arm. "Now you won't be able to roll
over onto your left side so easily."

"Oh." David wanted to protest, but the combination of pain, exhaustion, and his pain pills finally
kicking in made talking seem like too much effort. Plus, Chris' back was warm and solid against
him. Having Chris in bed with him was... comforting, in a way he didn't want to examine. With a
sigh, he allowed himself to drift into sleep.


The next morning, David woke to sunlight streaming through the blinds he'd forgotten to close.
For a moment, he almost forgot about everything that had gone on the night before. The weight
of the splint resting on his chest reminded him. He shifted slightly and looked over his shoulder.
Where Chris had lain the night before, there were a bunch of pillows to keep him from rolling
over. Chris must have gone home. The knowledge sent a pang of unhappiness through David, but
he ignored it and scooted to the edge of the bed. Even the slow, easy moves hurt. Sitting up at the
edge of the bed took much longer than it should have. Every muscle in his body felt stiff and
sore. His arm throbbed a protest.

Ignoring his body's rebellion, David forced himself to stand. He needed the bathroom, breakfast,
and pain meds. Each step he took hurt. At least he was walking on his own, although he wished
for Chris' steadying arm several times.

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After a quick stop at the bathroom, he shuffled the rest of the way down the hall. By the time he
made it to the kitchen doorway, growing weariness had him wondering if he should have stayed
in bed. He headed for the table, planning to sit down.

To his surprise, Chris sat in one of his kitchen chairs, reading a magazine. He looked up and
smiled. "Hey. Good to see you up. How are you feeling?"

A cascade of emotions poured through David, too fast to process them all. Chief among them
were relief and happiness. Chris hadn't left. Quick on the heels of those emotions was annoyance
at himself. He couldn't get too dependent on his neighbor. The man had other things to do
besides babysit David, and he probably didn't realize David had a huge crush on him that was
beginning to turn into something more.

After a pause, he managed, "Sore."

That earned him a wry grin. "I'm sure. Do you need some pain meds?"

David nodded. Chris stood. He walked over to the counter and snagged the pills, then got a glass
from the cabinet. "Sit. I'll bring you some water, too."

Although he wanted to protest at Chris doing so much for him, David sat instead. A moment
later, the pills and water appeared before him like magic. He forced his gaze up to Chris.

Chris only smiled. "How about some breakfast? I could make some omelets."

Once again David wanted to tell Chris not to wait on him, but the words stuck in his throat.
Instead, he said, "That would be great." If Chris got any more wonderful, David was going to
melt into a puddle at his feet.

Seemingly oblivious to David's inner turmoil, Chris went to rummage around in the refrigerator.
David's gaze zeroed in on Chris' tight, muscular ass, highlighted by the way he bent over to pull
out the eggs. With effort, David forced his eyes away. He searched for something to distract
himself. Two magazines sat on the table, apparently Chris'. The top one was some kind of
firefighter trade magazine. The cover had headlines about the latest in safety equipment and
high-tech fire trucks. Beneath it, another magazine peeked out. David could just make out the
first few letters of the title, THE ADVO.

David's eyes widened. Could it be an issue of The Advocate? He reached across the table and
pulled the magazine out from beneath the other one, just enough to see a bit more of the title.

He'd been right. It was The Advocate. He sucked in a sharp breath, his heart beating faster. There
was no way Chris had gotten the magazine here, because the only gay magazine David
subscribed to was Out. Could his tough, former Army, firefighter neighbor be gay?

Caught up in his thoughts, David jumped when Chris placed a plate in front of him.

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Chris laughed. "Sorry."

Feeling stupid, David focused on the food. The omelet on his plate was bursting with ham and
cheese, and Chris had also made toast. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until the food was
right in front of him. "This looks really good, Chris."

Chris grinned. "Omelets and grilled cheese are pretty much the only things I can cook that don't
come out of a box or a can."

"I like to cook." David gave his sling a wry glance. "Guess I won't be doing much cooking for a
while, though." He picked up his fork and cut off a bite of his omelet.

For a few minutes they ate in silence. Then Chris nodded toward his injured arm. "Good thing
you broke your left arm."

David shrugged his good arm. "I'm actually left-handed."

"Wow, really? I would never have guessed."

David had to laugh at Chris' impressed look. "When I was a kid, I decided I wanted to be
ambidextrous. I practiced doing everything with my right hand for months. It drove my mom and
my teachers insane. Even though I don't do that anymore, I can still write and eat with my right

"That's cool." Chris actually sounded like he meant the words, which surprised David a little.
He'd always thought it was another thing that made him odd.

They went back to eating. The silence stretched until they had finished and Chris took the plates
away. Finally, Chris returned to the table. His blue eyes locked on David's face. "I guess
breaking your arm must have ruined your plans for this weekend."

Puzzled by the strange, cautious tone of Chris' voice, David frowned. "I didn't have any plans."

"No plans for Valentine's Day?"

David's puzzlement increased. "No. I told you I was single."

One corner of Chris' mouth turned up in a half-smile. "Valentine's Day would be the perfect time
to change that, though. Right?"

"No." The whole conversation had gone in a direction David didn't understand and didn't like. He
frowned. "It's not that easy. I don't exactly have guys lined up to date me."

"Good. I'd like to apply."

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Okay. Now he was officially lost. "Apply for what?"

Chris watched him, his expression serious. "The boyfriend position. You said it was still open, so
I'd like to apply." As David gaped at him, Chris smiled and leaned back in his chair. "I have to
warn you, I work long hours, I sing in the shower -- badly -- and I hog the covers like you
wouldn't believe. On the other hand, I make a mean grilled cheese sandwich."

David wanted to speak, but nothing would come out. All he seemed capable of doing was staring
at Chris, his mouth open.

The silence must have unnerved Chris, because his smile faded. "You can tell me no, you know.
I tend to come on too strong sometimes." When David still didn't speak, he rushed on. "I hope
you don't feel like you owe me something for helping you, because I wanted to do that. And not
because I wanted to take advantage of you or something. Oh, God, I'm fucking this up, aren't I?"

The miserable look on Chris' face loosened David's tongue. "No, not at all." He dared to reach
across the table and touch Chris' hand. "The boyfriend position has been open for a while, but I
think you might be just the man I was looking for. You're hired."

Chris' whole face lit up. He took David's hand in his. "I've wanted to ask you out ever since the
first day I moved in, when you brought up that box I accidentally left downstairs."

Apparently there was no end to the number of times Chris could surprise David in one morning.
"Really? Why didn't you?"

Chris shrugged. "I wasn't sure you were gay, for one. Plus, you're a little intimidating."

Intimidating? Me? David laughed. "What? I'm not."

Chris squeezed his hand. "You are. Just about every time I see you, you're dressed in those crisp
shirts and perfect ties, and carrying your briefcase. You always look so smart and professional.
I'm just a firefighter who used to be an Army grunt."

The idea that Chris could be as insecure as David was liberating. "You're not ‘just' anything,
Chris. Not every guy would take me to the hospital and then take care of me afterward like you
have." He grinned, teasing. "Besides, you're really hot."

Chris burst out laughing. "I see how you are."

"I have priorities." The day, and life in general, seemed to be looking up. Who could have
guessed falling down the stairs and breaking his wrist would net David a boyfriend? It was
almost unbelievable.

Thinking, David ran his good hand through his hair. It felt tangled and dirty. He hadn't had a
shower since Thursday night. How Chris could be attracted to him in the state he was in was a

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mystery. A shower sounded heavenly, but he wasn't supposed to get his splint wet, and washing
himself one-handed wasn't going to be easy. He frowned.

Chris frowned, too. "What's wrong? Is your arm hurting?"

"Not any more than it was. I was just thinking that I'd really like to clean up, but I can't get the
splint wet, and..." David trailed off, shrugged. "I guess I'll have to make do with a washcloth."

After a moment of silence, Chris' grin returned. "I've got an idea."


"Are you sure this will work?" David peered at the bread bag covering his splint and held on
with a rubber band.

"I promise." Chris adjusted the rubber band a bit and gave him a reassuring smile. "I broke my
arm when I was a kid, and this is what my mom did so I could take a shower. We'll keep your
arm away from the water as much as we can, just in case."

Raising an eyebrow, David met Chris' gaze. "We?"

"I figured I'd better come in with you, to make sure you don't fall or anything. And somebody's
got to wash your back, right?"

The innocent expression on Chris' face didn't fool David one bit, but he managed to hold back
his laughter. "I suppose it'll be safer if you come in, too."

"Exactly." Chris dropped all pretense of innocence and eyed David's T-shirt. "Are you really
attached to this shirt?"

"No. Why?"

A moment later, David found out why. Chris pulled a pocketknife out of his pocket. "I think
trying to get this off will hurt your arm. If you don't care, I'll cut it off."

Not relishing the idea of trying to worm his way out of the tight undershirt, David agreed. "Go

Chris positioned the blade so that the sharp edged faced him rather than David, and cut a long
slice in the bottom of the T-shirt. Then, to David's amusement, he put the knife aside, gripped
both sides of the shirt, and tore. The material gave with a loud rip. Chris had to cut a bit at the
collar to get it off, and then another notch at the sleeve, but soon David was shirtless.

"Damn. You've been hiding a nice body under all those professional clothes."

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Chris' appreciative gaze made David blush. To hide his sudden attack of nerves, David
concentrated on pushing his pajama pants down. When he glanced up again, Chris had stripped
off his shirt. The man was too gorgeous, all taut muscles, smooth skin, and broad shoulders.
David wanted to touch, but he held back, still a little unsure.

Chris stripped his jeans and boxer-briefs off in a single, smooth motion and turned to start the
shower. "Let me get in first."

If Chris' chest and shoulders were nice, his ass was a work of art. Distracted, David had to think
for a second to come up with a suitable answer. "Okay." He shoved his own underwear down his
hips and stepped out of his clothing.

Chris got into the shower and held out a hand for David. "Ready?"

The frontal view of Chris almost made David swallow his tongue. Unable to speak, he accepted
the hand, allowing Chris to draw him into the shower. He moaned as the hot water poured over

Chris grinned at the sound. "Feels good, huh?" He pointed at the wall next to the shower head.
"Put your arm against the wall so it won't get wet."

David obeyed, resting his arm against the wall. He leaned his forehead against it too, letting the
water beat down on his sore back.

Warm, soapy hands ghosted over his back. "Is this okay?"

Another moan slipped out at the touch. Chris' hands felt so good, warm and firm yet gentle.
"Better than okay. Don't stop."

Chris moved closer, until David could feel the heat of his body. His hands continued to slide
over David's back and shoulders. When his lips pressed against David's nape, David shivered.

"God, Chris." Closing his eyes, David focused on the feel of Chris' lips and tongue teasing his
neck. It had been so long since anyone had touched him at all, and if anyone had ever touched
him this way, as if nothing mattered but him, he couldn't remember it. Pain receded into the
background, replaced by pleasure and sweet, heady arousal. His already half-hard cock rose to
full mast.

Chris' hands slid down his body. One cupped his ass, while the other teased his hip. Chris' breath
hitched. "You're so sexy."

Normally, David would have laughed or brushed off the compliment, but somehow he knew
Chris meant the words. He pushed back a little, enough that his ass brushed the tip of Chris'
erection. "I want you."

Chris groaned. "I want you, too, but I don't want to hurt you."

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"I trust you." David turned his head to meet Chris' gaze, aware that the desire and trust he felt
would be clear in his face.

A slow smile lit Chris' face. "Condoms and lube?"

"Medicine cabinet." It had been a long time since David had needed to keep them in the
bedroom. Maybe now that would change. He grinned at the shower wall, his cock twitching a
little at the thought.

"Be right back." Chris exited the shower and returned in record time with a triumphant smile and
the necessary supplies.

Instead of using the lube and condom, however, he put them on the shower shelf and soaped his
hands again. He washed David thoroughly, lingering over his ass, stomach, and thighs. The only
part he didn't touch was David's erection, which bobbed against his stomach, a pearl of semen
glistening at the tip.

"Touch me. Please."

Chris chuckled and kissed his shoulder. "I am touching you."

David groaned. "Touch my cock."

"All you had to do was ask."

A slick, hot hand closed over his erection, and David nearly howled at the pleasure of it. His
head fell back onto Chris' shoulder as Chris pumped his cock. His eyes closed involuntarily, his
world narrowing to Chris' hand on his dick and Chris' lips nuzzling his neck. Then Chris released
him and stepped back. He shivered at the loss. "Chris?"


Two slick fingers probed his cleft, and David whimpered. He pushed his ass into Chris' touch,
whispering, "Yes," when Chris' fingers breached him at last. The slick burn fired every nerve
ending in his body.

Chris pushed his fingers in and out a few times. It felt good, but not nearly as good as David
knew Chris' dick would feel. David moaned. "More."

Chris removed his fingers, leaving David empty. He didn't have much time to mourn the loss,
because Chris' sheathed erection bumped against his hole a few seconds later. He pushed back,
pleading without words.

"God, David." Chris thrust forward slowly. "You feel so good."

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David leaned his forehead against the shower wall again, overwhelmed by the fullness and heat.
Then Chris' thighs were against his ass, and he let out a shuddering breath. "So do you."

Chris nipped his shoulder. "It's about to get better."

David had the fleeting thought that it couldn't get any better, but Chris withdrew until he was
nearly free of David's body before thrusting back in, and better was an understatement. Pleasure
sparked and spread at the friction. "Chris!"

Taking his hips in a careful grip, Chris pounded into David. At one point, he tilted David's hips
ever-so-slightly. The new angle let him go deeper. The head of his cock brushed David's
prostate, and David cried out.

The sound seemed to spur Chris on. His thrusts sped up, and he reached around to stroke David's
erection in time with his movements.

Pleasure built too quickly for David to contain it. Caught between Chris' hand and cock, David
rocked forward and back, seeking everything he could get. He heard tiny mewling sounds,
realized they were coming from him, and didn't care.

A hard, deep thrust pushed Chris' cock against his prostate in a way that made David see stars.
Pure bliss pulsed through his body. David cried out Chris' name as he came, semen splattering
the shower wall.

Chris pumped into David a few more times before a low cry told him Chris was coming as well.
Afterward, Chris leaned against his back, panting.

They stood there for a minute or two, breathing hard.

Finally, Chris wrapped an arm around David's waist. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you?"

David smiled. "I feel wonderful."

"Me, too." Chris' arm tightened in a light hug. He sighed and released David. "Clean up time. I'll
be right back."

David stayed where he was until Chris returned. Feeling a sudden need to see Chris' face, he
turned. Chris' unguarded, longing gaze reflected the emotion David felt. Heart full, he closed the
space between them and pressed his lips to Chris'.

Chris moaned and kissed him back, bringing a hand up to tangle in David's hair. David wrapped
his arms around Chris, remembering at the last second to be careful with the splinted one, and
parted his lips to let Chris' tongue inside. Chris kissed like no one else, with both tenderness and
passion. One kiss became two, then three.

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Chris was the one to break the kiss. He drew back and smiled. "We're going to melt if we stay in
here too long. Want me to wash your hair before we get out?"

"Yeah. Thanks." David stood still as Chris' long, strong fingers worked shampoo into his hair
and let Chris maneuver him under the water when he was done.

After a quick wash for himself, Chris shut off the water and stepped out. He helped David out
and dried them both efficiently.

Finished, he ran a fingertip over David's lower lip. "Want to go back to bed?"

David knew he was grinning like a fool, but he didn't care. "Only if you come with me."

"Well, I am off all weekend. And the nurse did say you shouldn't be alone." Chris waggled his

David laughed. "That's right, she did. I guess you'd better stay, then. Nurse's orders." He took
Chris' hand and led the way to the bedroom.

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Copyright © 2010 by Cassandra Gold

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / February 2010

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

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