EPOV of Chapter 22

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EPOV of Chapter 22: And the Volcanic Eruption


"Dude, I think you better hit the bathroom and rub one out there, Masen, or you're gonna last
two fucking minutes when you get your dick in her tonight," Emmett said once the door of the
shop closed and Bella and Alice disappeared from sight.

"I'm not fucking her!" I yelled at him. Who the fuck was I kidding? Just thinking about that
goddamn cupcake corset was making my dick weep. "I need to get my car," I said calmly
while Jazz and Emmett looked at me like I was insane. Which I probably fucking was.

I stood up and grabbed my jacket, shifting my dick. "I'll be back in a minute." I glared at the
two of them before I stalked to the back of the shop and locked myself in the private tattoo
room. I unzipped my pants and fisted my dick in my hand as I walked over to the iPod
docking station so I could blast music into the room. As I pumped harshly, all I could see and
smell was Bella and that fucking corset. I had no idea how the fuck I was going to get through
the night. I certainly wasn't going to be getting drunk. That would be stupid. Then I would
have zero control over my already uncontrollable dick.

It only took me about three minutes to finish, but I hung out for another five so the fuckers on
the other side of the door wouldn't talk shit about my stamina.

I turned off the music and yanked the door open, flicking the lights off behind me as I
shrugged into my jacket.

"Feel better?" Jazz asked, raising a brow at me and smiling.

Before I had a chance to answer Emmett opened his mouth and ran it, "Nah, Edward isn't
going to feel better until he's been inside Baby Bell. I, for one, am willing to put money on
tonight being the night."

"Shut the fuck up," I bit back, really pissed that he was doing this to me. I wasn't about to
place bets on whether I was fucking Bella tonight or not. "She's not like that. No fucking bets
or I'll kick your fucking ass. I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

The two of them snickered like little girls while I stormed out of the shop. It didn't take long
to get to the apartment parking lot because I was pretty fucking worked up. I would have
sprinted there if I wouldn't have been all sweaty by the time I arrived at my car. I was already
hard again when I got into the Audi and it didn't help matters any that it still smelled faintly of
Bella. I contemplated whacking off again, thinking that it might be a good idea to make sure
that I wasn't assaulting her all night. There was also the vaguely disturbing possibility that I
might succumb to the need to whack off in one of the bathroom stalls at the bar, and that
would just suck. I decided against it though, because I didn't want Bella to be at the bar
dressed like she was for any length of time without me there to make sure all the fuckers kept
their hands off her.

I called Jazz to let him know I was on my way to the bar. When I arrived, Emmett was
standing in the street between two cars daring some loser in a Honda Accord to run him over
for the spot. I slid into it as Emmett jumped onto the sidewalk and waved at the douche as I

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shed my jacket and threw it on my seat. There were two other guys in the car with the douche,
and they looked like a bunch of frat-boy fucks. One of them rolled down the window as I
stepped out of the car and started yelling something at me, but stopped when he took in my
arms and the sheer size of Emmett. Sometimes being a deviant had its benefits.

We bypassed the line because all of the bouncers at the bar had their tatts done at the shop.
Jasper got us beers and we walked around the perimeter of the bar looking for the girls.
Emmett spotted Rose and adjusted his pants. I guess Rose was hot, but she certainly didn't do
it for me. I had fucked plenty of blonds before, but now . . . well now I was fucked and not
getting fucked or fucking because I liked Bella. Which was fucking with me.

I could see Alice dancing beside Rose, but Bella didn't seem to be with them. I was really
fucking annoyed with Alice, because she knew how I felt about Bella, and the idea that she
was alone somewhere in the bar pissed me off. I was pretty sure I would kick the shit out of
someone if I found them grinding up on her.

I told Jasper I was going to get us some drinks as a way to justify looking around for Bella. I
didn't even bother to try to cover up that fact that I was seeking her out anymore. I pushed my
way through the crowded dance floor, passing by Alice and Rose who were completely
fucking oblivious to everything going on around them. I had to wonder how many shots they
had done while I was getting the car. I noticed they didn't have drinks, so I assumed that Bella
was probably somewhere at the bar.

I headed in that direction and got stopped, of course, by some chick I vaguely remembered
but couldn't really place. I brushed her off, annoyed that she was getting in the way of finding
Bella, and I was also a little worried that I might have-probably, most likely-fucked her at
some point but it had been so unmemorable that I couldn't even recall it. Which didn't say
good things about me.

I finally got to the bar and decided that while I was looking for Bella, I would actually buy the
drinks I had told Jasper I was getting. There were a lot of fucking people at the bar and I
looked down the line, finally spotting silver pants and the long dark hair as she leaned over
the bar rail. That fucking douchy bartender had her hand pinned to the bar with his own. I was
so fucking pissed off, not just because he was touching her, but because she was damn well
letting him. She wasn't trying to pull away, and then his face was close to hers . . . way too
fucking close. I almost pushed everyone out of the way to get to her and tell that fucker to get
his hands off before I broke his fingers, but he backed off and Bella took her drinks, heading
back to the dance floor.

I waited at the bar, first to try to calm the fuck down, and second so I could tell that asshole
bartender that Bella was mine. He approached me all smiles and cocky attitude.

"Hey man, what can I get for you?" he asked.

I ordered three beers and a shot of Jager which I tossed back before I said anything else.

"You know that chick with the cupcake corset thing?" I asked, because I was pretty sure that
was what it was called, but I didn't want to look like a total idiot for actually knowing that.

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He raised his eyebrows and smirked at me, all fucking comical and shit. Although I think he
was going for something else, trying and failing to look cool. "Oh yeah, I know Bella," he
said, trying to make it sound like he'd fucked her or something.

"Is that so?" I asked, leaning forward on the bar, keeping my fists balled up tightly because I
was pretty sure I was at risk of strangling that fuckwad any second. And I would have enjoyed
watching him die a painful fucking death.

"Oh yeah, she's got this huge fucking tatt on her back and I plan to be looking at that later on
tonight, if you know what I mean. She lives in my building, which is just too convenient, you
know man?"

I clenched my teeth together, willing myself to not punch him out because then I would get
thrown out of the bar. "Oh yeah?" I raised an eyebrow at him and slid my tongue ring over my
lips because that seemed to calm me down a bit for some reason. "Well I'm putting that tatt on
her back, so I get to see her half naked in my chair all the fucking time. And I just happen to
live in her building . . . on her floor. I'm also her boyfriend, so I suggest you back the fuck

I grabbed the beers and threw some money down on the counter, and walked away before I
could do anything I would regret. Not that I would regret kicking his ass, but I would regret
getting charged, or Bella being angry at me for doing it, or missing out on fucking her for one
of the above reasons.

I definitely wasn't calm when I got back to the table to find everyone but Bella there. Alice
told me she had just left to go to the bathroom and I slammed the beers down on the table,
unable to contain the fucking fury. I looked in the direction of the bathroom, seeking out
sliver and fucking cupcakes and long, thick dark hair. It didn't take me long to find her
because she was like a fucking beacon of sex in a sea of horny alcohol and drug riddled
fuckers. I watched her moving through the crowd, her fingers sliding over some guy's back as
she tried to get through the crowd of people. There were too many fucking people touching

"Edward?" Alice asked, her voice cautious.

"I'll be right back," I said, my voice hard as I moved toward Bella, pushing roughly through
the crowd of people until she was right there and I could smell her. I reached out and wrapped
my arm around her waist, pulling her against me before I turned her around and trapped her
against the wall.

I wasn't in control. I knew that as I struggled with the urge to rip the pants right off her body
and shove my way inside of her right there where everyone could see, so that they would
know she was mine. It was a fucked up thing to want to do, because I shouldn't want to do
that to her; I cared about her. But I was so pissed off and I didn't understand what the fuck
was going on inside of me. All I knew was that it was Bella that was making me feel this way.

She asked me what was wrong, and I could feel the anger burning through me because she
honestly didn't seem to know. How the fuck could she not realize that watching someone else
touch her, watching her touching someone else, even if it was innocent, was driving me
fucking insane?

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At that point, I showed her the side of myself I worked so hard to keep from her, and was a
massive asshole, telling her I had seen the bartender touching her and how fucking mad I was
that she had just let him.

Then she got pissed at me for being my asshole, possessive self. She called me out on my
behaviour, and I couldn't really justify or explain it. I didn't even know why the hell I was
acting this way, other than the fact that I had never actually dated anyone or cared about a girl
before, so I had no idea what the fuck to do with all those . . . feelings. I tried to relax a bit,
especially when I realized that she was pushing on my chest and I wasn't moving away from
her, nor did I plan to.

I tried to rationalize my behaviour by telling Bella that he wanted to fuck her. Which was true,
he had pretty much told me that through all the garbage innuendo. I couldn't get past that fact;
that he wanted to fuck her and she probably knew, but she still let him touch her. Bella hadn't
done anything to stop him when it was glaringly obvious that she was fucking mine. Again,
the possessive bullshit was not controllable, and I was glad I had the wherewithal not to say
that out loud in so many words.

In a heartbeat, the whole heated argument did a one-eighty. . . well fuck me if she didn't tell
me that she wanted to get fucked. For a split second I thought she was referring to that douche
bartender and I almost lost my shit completely. Then I realized she was referring to me. My
already hard dick got even harder.

I was holding onto my ability to think rationally by a very tenuous thread, because Bella
looked fierce and angry and so motherfucking hot that I thought I really might want to just
fuck her up against this wall. Just to see if anyone would do anything, or if she would say no .
. . and because I sure as hell wouldn't give a fuck if we had an audience. Which was fucked
up. I knew that.

"We're going home," I told her, before I could change my mind and do exactly what I had
been thinking about seconds earlier.

She was irritated with me, obviously. And she clearly didn't understand why I wanted to take
her home, telling me she didn't want to go. So I pulled her into me and asked her if she
wanted me to fuck her in a bathroom stall. I mean, I certainly would, and the longer she stood
there just staring at me, the better that option sounded. Apparently I wasn't going to get an
answer so I dragged her toward the exit, throwing money at the coat check girl. I was
desperate to get the fuck out of there and back to my apartment before I couldn't hold on to
my pitiful self-restraint and I fucked her outside the bar, or in my car, or in the parking lot on
my car, or in the elevator on the way up to my apartment.

I was so fucking tense as I drove us home, breaking every road law possible. Bella sat silently
beside me, well silent except for the sound of her chewing her nails and rubbing her legs
together while she picked at the hem of her coat. I was really fucking hopeful that she was
going to let me fuck her tonight, because I had a feeling no amount of whacking off was going
to help me with the raging hard-on I had.

Bella was out of the car as I shifted it into park before I even had the keys out of the engine. I
slammed my door shut, listening to the furiously loud click of her shoes against the sidewalk

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as she made her way to the door. She waved to Marcus and I glared at him as his gaze
travelled down her body to her silver wrapped calves and fuck me shoes.

Bella pressed the button to the elevator relentlessly and I couldn't help but smile a little
because I was pretty fucking sure that she wasn't going to be saying no to me, even if she had
been pissed off at me less than twenty minutes ago.

She practically slammed herself against the mirrored wall of the elevator as soon as it was
open enough for her to get inside. I sauntered in behind her, keeping my distance, because if I
got too close to her I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain the facade of calm and would tear
her clothes off and fuck her against the elevator wall-which would be fucking awesome. She
only made that desire worse by slipping her jacket off so I could see the cupcake corset again
and her partially finished tattoo in the reflection behind her.

I could hear a faint clicking sound as I watched her, and she peeked up at me from under her
lashes, whimpering loudly. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face, because
honestly, it gave me the willpower to hold off just a little bit longer. Bella wanted this just as
much as I did, and that knowledge, the power that gave me, made me want to fuck her until
she couldn't and didn't want anyone else but me ever again.

I moved toward her slowly, as though I was a predator and she was my prey, which was pretty
fucking much the way it was. Except I wasn't going to give her the chance to run. I stood
there, my body separated from hers by only an inch or so, feeling the heat rolling off her. The
smell, oh fuck me, the way she smelled was shredding my last vestiges of control. I wanted to
taste every inch of her skin, but it was fucking doubtful that I would have the restraint
required to do that tonight.

The elevator chimed and the doors opened so I took a step back and Bella slipped past me,
looking uncertain and excited as she turned toward her apartment. I grabbed her by the back
of her pants and asked her-as calmly as I possibly could, when I was so fucking far from it-
where the hell she thought she was going.

I pulled her toward my apartment, unlocking the door quickly. As soon as I shut and locked it
behind her, I shoved her up against the wall, grinding into her, crushing my mouth to hers as
the fucking need to just be inside her body overwhelmed me. "You have no fucking idea what
I'm going to do to you tonight," I warned her, running my hands firmly down her sides to try
and ground myself. I had a lot of fucking ideas on what I wanted to do her body, but most of
them wouldn't be in my best interest if I wanted to have the opportunity to do this again, not
tonight anyway. Part of me knew I should be gentle and soft with her, because I cared about
her and that was what I would do if I was a normal guy. But I wasn't a normal guy and I didn't
think I could be gentle with her. I just fucking wanted her. More than that, I wanted her to
want me and no one else ever.

It dawned on me that her kitty might not be healed adequately for my planned activities. I
mean, I could fuck her from behind if I really wanted, because that would be hot and it would
definitely work out just fine for me. But I didn't really want to do that; I wanted to touch her
and make her need this just as much as I did before I finally relented and gave in.

"How are you here? Are you healed?" I asked her as I snaked a hand between her thighs and
cupped her pussy in my palm, running my fingers over her gently in a moment of clarity,

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because if I couldn't be inside her tonight, I needed to know now before it went too much
further. She hummed an affirmative into my mouth and I sighed in fucking relief.

I tried to find the zipper on Bella's corset but there wasn't one, and I couldn't figure out what
the fuck was holding the thing together. I had never had a problem getting a woman out of her
clothes before. By the time I was seventeen, I could undo a bra with one hand-again, not
something I was proud of, but it was a fact. My hands weren't even steady and I bit down on
her neck and groaned in frustration.

"They're eye hooks," she said softly, pushing my hands away gently. I had no fucking idea
what the hell eye hooks were but if she could get that thing off herself, I could focus on
getting her to the bedroom because the last thing I wanted to do was actually fuck her for the
first time in the hallway. That certainly wasn't what I had envisioned . . . and I had envisioned
a lot of things pertaining to my first time with Bella.

I pulled her down the hallway by her belt loops as I watched her hands move slowly down her
back, the fabric at the top of the corset loosening. Once we were inside my bedroom, she let
go of it and I pulled it away from her body. Her skin shimmered slightly in the light and I
watched as it textured with goosebumps. I knew I said something and that it contained
profanity, but the words were out and gone before I could figure out what they were. Getting
her naked was different now, maybe because I knew what was going to happen next? I didn't
know, but I was fucking losing it so I kissed her-far more aggressively than I should have - to
prevent me from looking at her half-naked body which made me want to just fuck her.

She grabbed my shirt tightly in her hands and pulled me backwards toward the bed, which
was where I wanted to be anyway. I didn't waste any time ridding her of her pants, but paused
for a moment to kiss my way across her chest and suck her tightened nipple into my mouth,
biting down and causing her to cry out. I was pretty sure I kind of fucking hurt her when I did
that since I was so damn overzealous, so I kissed it apologetically before sliding her pants
down the soft skin of her thighs and over her calves until she was wearing only a pair of

I was greeted with a hot pink satin thong. I hated pink. Fuck I hated pink. But on Bella,
jesuschrist almightly, I fucking loved it. She moved backwards onto the bed and I followed,
watching the way her body moved; the lean muscles, the smooth skin, the slender soft curves.
She was slightly thinner than I would have liked, but she was fucking beautiful and there was
no way I wasn't going to be inside her tonight. Not now. Any slight hesitation I may have
been entertaining, brought on by my usually silent conscience under such circumstances was
completely lost.

I tried to quarantine the ferocious need for her as Bella backed up against my headboard, legs
pulled up and knees pressed together. I picked up one ankle and kissed my way up her calf,
asking her where she thought she was going as her head hit the wood and she looked down at
me through half-lidded eyes.

For all her little markers of deviance, she really was fucking innocent. I knew she had come
from a small town, and from what I knew, she didn't do the social shit when she worked on
her undergrad. I wanted to be good to her; I wanted to do this right. But I wasn't fooling
myself into believing that just because I was going to have her in my bed, which was a whole

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fucking hell of a lot nicer than some of the other locations I wanted to fuck her in, that I even
knew how to do it right.

I ran my hands up the outside of her thighs, hooking my fingers in the hot pink satin. I slid my
palms under her ass and she raised her hips so I could slide them down her thighs. And then
she was fucking naked, on my bed. I could hear my dick literally screaming at me to let him
out of my pants. I didn't get why this was different; I had seen Bella naked before. I had
practically tortured myself by dry fucking her, sliding my dick along her lips and her clit but
not going inside and I had managed to hold off. Now I felt like the hold on my center of
reason was slipping and I wasn't going to be able to . . . I didn't even know what the fuck I
wasn't going to be able to do.

Bella folded her legs underneath her and sat up, leaning in and pressing her lips gently to
mine, like she fucking knew I didn't know how to do this. Whatever the fuck this was. I felt
the warmth of her hands as they ran over my shirt before they slipped under and then it was
all hot and sweet and fucking too much as she backed up and pulled it over my head.

I watched her as her eyes travelled over the ink on my chest and my arms. I loved the way she
looked at me, the way she regarded me-my art-as pieces of myself that I wore in code along
my body that she wanted to decipher. She traced the lines slowly, creating a pattern of fiery
heat along my skin as her hands moved lower and caught on the waistband of my jeans.

I slipped my hand into the hair at the back of her neck as I tried desperately not to focus on
the fact that she was unbuttoning my pants and her hand was near my dick. I felt like a
fucking teenager I was so damn anxious. I leaned forward as soon as the zipper was down and
rid myself of them, aching to touch her. I didn't even give her time to breathe as I ran my hand
up the inside of her thigh, too fucking lost in the need to take my time the way I really should
have. I swept the back of my fingers over the soft skin of her bare lips before I sank my thumb
between them, into the warm, wet heat of her slit.

I resisted the urge to push my fingers inside and felt-fucking finally-the steel barbell that
pierced the soft skin of her clit. She gasped at the sensation as I kissed her and I groaned and
swore into her mouth, knowing exactly how fucking sensitive it was the first time someone
touched it because I had been there before. I remembered what it was it like, how sensation
was so much more intense with that steel bar piercing through sensitive skin. Bella's lips
parted from mine and I looked down at my hand at the same time as I heard a loud thud and a
moan that sounded half pleasure-half pain. I realized that Bella had hit her head on the
headboard and I dragged her down a bit so I didn't have to worry about her doing that again.

I made slow passes with my thumb over her clit, feeling the barbell sliding back and forth,
listening to her whimper and moan and pant. "Does that feel good?" I asked, knowing damn
well it did, but wanting to hear her say it anyway.

What was even better was the sound of my name being sighed as she confirmed what I
already knew. I moved two fingers lower, preparing to push in, wanting to feel the tight heat
of her pussy. I teased her entrance, circling but not entering her as I pressed my thumb hard
against her clit and her entire body went rigid and trembled as she let out the sexiest fucking
moan ever. I honestly thought I might cum in my boxers like a fucking fourteen-year-old
looking at porn mags for the first time.

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"Jesus Christ, Bella, did you just cum?" I asked, really fucking stunned and a bit smug
because I was just that amazing apparently.

Bella grabbed at my shoulders and pulled me down to her, surprising the hell out of me with
the force of her grasp and she bit down on my lip hard and kissed me. I really loved the tiger
in her, and I was hoping I was going to see more and more of that as time passed. She
hummed an affirmative and I pulled back so I could see her face as I pushed two fingers
inside her, really wanting it to be my cock instead.

I kissed the center of her chest once before I brushed my lips over her skin and down her
stomach to the softness of her pussy and flicked my tongue against the hot steel. Bella's legs
moved to clamp shut and I held them open with my forearms. The feel of her clit ring on my
tongue reminded me of the fact that I should have been the one to do it and I bit down on her
lip, probably a little too hard but the sweet cry that came from Bella didn't sound like pain, so
I didn't feel too bad about it.

"Do you want a ring right here?" I asked, passing my tongue over the spot where I had just bit
her before I slid my tongue between her lips and felt the warm steel of her barbell against the
one in my tongue. I pushed two fingers back into her at the same time and her hips rose
jerkily to meet my mouth and hand.

"If you want," she said in a heavy voice, "But not if it means you won't fuck me," she said
breathlessly as she arched her back.

Every part of my body screamed for me to cover her body with mine and just thrust right into
her when she said that. I muttered to myself to get a fucking grip before I sucked her clit
between my lips and grazed it with my teeth. I felt her cumming again as she let out another
throaty cry and then she moaned my name and chanted 'fuck me' until she was panting and

I released her legs, rubbing her inner thighs since I had been holding them down to prevent
her from closing them while my face was between them. I moved up her body slowly, trying
to maintain my veneer of calm. I felt unleashed and ready to fucking take. I paused at her
nipples, running my tongue around the soft, puckered skin, breathing out just to feel it tighten
more against my lips. I needed to ground myself in her because I was so fucking close to the
edge of something I didn't fucking understand, and it was more than I could handle. I told her
how good she tasted as I moved to the other nipple. The taste of metal and skin was making
me crazy and just when I thought I didn't have one iota of control left, I looked up at her.

Fuck me, she was all innocence and beauty and need as she begged me, pushing me back with
trembling hands. I let her, because it was what she seemed to want. She straddled my lap,
sitting back far enough that she wasn't making contact with my boxer covered dick, which
was both good and bad. I was sure if she pressed her pussy against it, I would lift her right off
my lap and whip out my cock so I could settle her down on it. The good part was, it gave me a
moment to collect myself.

That was until Bella started tracing the lines of my tattoos. She looked up at me for a moment,
her eyes soft as she pressed her lip between her teeth and her fingers ghosted over the lines of
the phoenix. She leaned forward and her mouth touched the ink where her fingers had been
only moments before. I took deep, steadying breaths, trying to keep my fucking wits about

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me, but I was falling into a spiral of sensation that I hadn't ever felt before as her lips parted
and her tongue traced the lines.

She could have done it for minutes or hours, I didn't know, but her fingers moved along my
jaw and she whispered the words, "I want you," against my neck as she ground herself against
my dick through the flimsy barrier of my boxers before she slid her hand inside and stroked
me. I was pretty sure my eyes would roll back in my head and never come back down if she
kept doing that. I couldn't understand why she was having such a profound effect on me
physically; she was just fucking touching it. She wasn't sucking it, I wasn't inside her, but the
feel of her hand on me was more sensation than I thought I could take.

I lifted my hips and watched her as she pulled my boxers down my thighs, pausing to touch
the tail of the dragon that wrapped around my upper calf, before she slid them off me. She
was sitting on her knees in front of me and fuck did she look unbelievable like that. I was just
about to lean back over her and push her down on the bed, but instead, she leaned over and
licked the head of my cock.

"Jesusmotherfucker, Bella, you don't need to do that," I said, my voice strained as I cleared
my throat and moved to pull her off me . . . until she wrapped her lips around the head and
then I couldn't help myself. I pushed on her head gently, trying to maintain my restraint and
avoid thrusting up into her mouth.

I muttered profanities under my breath, hoping she couldn't hear because I couldn't stop the
words from coming out of my mouth. I seriously wanted to know what kind of porn she was
watching since that was where she claimed to have learned this particular skill set. I also
wanted to know when we were going to start watching it together, because I wanted to re-
enact that shit with her. Often.

She sucked her way up my dick and stroked her hand along the base spreading the slick
wetness across the tip as she looked up at me. Jesusfuckingchrist, I didn't even know what the
fuck to do with the image before me. I was having a really hard time with the whole control
issue and I wanted more than anything-other than being balls deep inside of her-to shove my
dick back inside her mouth. Bella interrupted my perverted thought processes when she licked
her lips and spoke.

"I thought it would be easier to get it in . . ." She murmured. I huffed out a breath when she
shrugged, sort of innocently, as she evoked my imagination and I thought about the way it
was going to feel very, very soon. I settled my hands on the curve of her waist and let them
drift over her ass, squeezing gently, working hard to be soft and not turn into a fucking
savage, which was exactly what I wanted to do. I ghosted them over the back of her thighs,
and held on just behind her knee so I could spread her out on either side of my thighs. She
was so fucking close now, all I had to do was lift her up-and she was so fucking light it would
be nothing to accomplish that minor feat-and then I could be buried inside of her.

"Should I get a condom?" I asked, moving my lips over her neck, feeling her pulse rushing
beneath the surface of her skin as her breathing accelerated and I worked to slow mine. I
slipped a hand between Bella's legs feeling the wet heat I was going to be putting my dick in
momentarily. I didn't want to wear a condom and I really didn't think there was anything to
worry about with Bella. It was pretty obvious by her reactions to everything I had done to her
that she hadn't ever slept around.

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"I get the shot, and there was only ever . . ." She sighed, not finishing her thought as I ran my
thumb over her clit. I wasn't even sure that I wanted to know what she was going to say.
There was only ever what? I focused on the feel of her skin beneath my fingers, the warmth of
her body against mine, the pulse of blood pounding through her veins, showing me how
fragile and real she was and how I needed to be careful with her because I knew already that
this was different than it had ever been for me before.

"I know that. I meant do you want me to use a condom? I've been tested, I'm safe, but if you
want . . ." Like Bella, I didn't finish the thought, praying that she wouldn't want me to use one
as I pushed two fingers inside of her, imagining how fucking good it was going to feel when it
was my cock. Bella's head rested on my shoulder as she whimpered and ground her hips down
on my hand.

She looked up at me, shaking her head. "No condom, I want to feel you and I want you to feel
me." She was breathless as she spoke and fuck me, it was all I needed to hear as I pushed one
more finger into her, trying to stretch her enough to accommodate me because she was so
fucking tight and if she wasn't ready, it wouldn't feel good for her at all. For the first time, I
really cared about whether that was the case or not. I was always good at getting someone else
off, but this time I wanted it, more than I wanted it to feel good for me. Well, it always felt
good for me so that wasn't something to worry about, but how Bella felt was more important.

I licked my lips, hearing my tongue ring clink against my teeth as I watched her face, the want
and need matching mine. She reached down, wrapping her delicate fingers around the wrist of
my hand that was buried between her legs and she pushed down gently. I exhaled slowly,
knowing that this was it and realizing that I was actually trying to stall though I had no
fucking idea why I would do that. I had been itching for this from the moment I laid eyes on
her, so why the fuck would I not be anxious as all hell to follow the fuck through when the
moment presented itself?

I was so focused on what was happening inside my head that I didn't realize what Bella was
doing until my fingers were in her mouth. I sucked in a harsh breath, grinding my teeth to stop
the string of expletives from spewing forth as I warred with the desire to pin her to the bed
and fuck her, or see what she would do next.

Of course, Bella always seemed to be one step ahead of me and she released my fingers from
her mouth and leaned in to kiss me. I could taste her on her mouth which was so fucking hot
and definitely fucking disturbingly debauched-for her. For a second, I wondered if she did it
because she actually liked it, or just because she knew I would.

I was distracted once again when her fingers wrapped around my cock as she rose up on her
knees at the same time. Suddenly the head of my cock was sliding between her lips and over
her piercing and I was overwhelmed by not only sensation, but emotions that were so fucking
foreign, they made me second guess what the fuck I was doing.

"Bella, I don't . . ." I shook my head, trying to clear my mind as I held onto her, because I
fucking wanted this, I wanted her. I had no idea what I thought I was going to say . . . I didn't
didn't want to do this? That was certainly a fucking lie.

"Don't tell me no. Please, Edward, I need you," she murmured against my lips. It wasn't a plea
though, because I was sure she knew that I wouldn't say no, regardless if I should or not. Her

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voice was seductive and low, pulling me in as she slid my dick over her clit one more time
before I felt the searing heat engulfing the head of my cock. She was panting and moaning
into my neck as she rocked her pelvis back and forth. I felt the insistent pressure on the stud
that ran through the head of my dick until it too was buried inside her, first one side and then
the other.

It was over-fucking-whelming. The sensations, how tight and hot it was, the way the barbell
pushed down, fighting against the tightness as she sank down on my dick and moaned out a
long 'oh, fuck,' until her ass rested on my thighs.

"Shit, Bella," I ground my teeth together, trying to keep myself from lifting her up and
slamming her back down. I took deep breaths which contradicted the shallow breaths that
Bella was taking. I knew it had to fucking hurt her at least a bit; I was pretty much an
abomination of cock. She ran her fingers along my jaw, massaging the hinge, and it dawned
on me that she was trying to get me to relax.

"Are you okay?" I asked, praying to fucking God she was because I didn't think I was capable
of stopping now that I was inside her. I would. If I had to, I would. But fuck me, I really didn't
want to stop, but more than that, the fear that I could hurt her started to infiltrate the haze of
lust and need I was currently swimming in.

I wrapped my arms around her, crossing them over her back and holding firmly onto her
shoulders so she wouldn't be tempted to move on me, because I couldn't handle that right
now. I felt like I was fucking for the first time. She didn't answer for the longest time and I
started to worry that it was too much for her, that maybe I was too much for her.

"Yes, I'm better than okay," she rasped. I could have sworn I felt her lips curve up as she bit
down on my shoulder.

"Kitten," I warned, because I wanted to be careful with her, and if she continued with this
kind of shit, I was going to have a hard time doing that. My heart was pounding in my chest
and I was breathing so fucking hard I thought I might be on the brink of a goddamn panic

As soon as I loosened my grip on her a bit, she shifted against me and the barbell in my dick
shifted with the movement, sending a jolt of heat rippling through my body. "Damn it," I
hissed and pried my fingers from her shoulders, realizing just how hard I had been holding
onto her. I kissed the spot where my fingers had been as she raised her head and kissed my
temple, letting her fingers drift down my neck.

She braced herself on my shoulders and lifted off me slowly. I expected her to move back
down at the same speed. The drag of the barbell was fucking phenomenal and I was really
glad I had decided to torture my body like that so many years ago because it was totally worth
it. Bella pulled almost all the way out, the balls in the stud tugging slightly at the edge of her
opening before she slammed herself back down on me.

"Motherfuck," I groaned and grabbed onto the sheets to avoid clamping my hands down on
any part of Bella and hurting her in the process. It was way more intense than I ever expected
it to be. I kissed my way across her jaw gently, until I reached her ear, whispering to her, "It's
too fucking good, Kitten. I'm gonna cum too fucking fast the first time. You're just so

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goddamn tight." I hated admitting it, but it was better that she knew it would probably happen,
and it really wouldn't slow me down much anyway.

I ran my hands down her body and rubbed her thighs before I held onto her ass and lifted her
off me slowly, hoping that if I could control the pace, I could also control how my body was
reacting to being inside hers. It didn't matter though, it felt so fucking good. It was so snug
and hot and fucking perfect inside of her as I lifted her off me and settled her back down, over
and over again. I felt the rise of red heat paired with the fucking feelings I couldn't get a
handle on, and my ability to contain any of it was crushed beneath the weight of my need.

The storm of emotions and sensation swept over me, colliding with a force I could not have
anticipated and my body erupted without my permission as I came harshly, profanity spewing
out at the same time as Bella's moans and pants increased. She had been so fucking close-I
knew it-and I had already cum. I felt like a fucking douche and more than that, I was so out of
my element with the other feelings that I couldn't even begin to explain what had just
happened to me.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't expect . . . I had no fucking idea . . ." I muttered into her neck,
kissing her softly as I continued to rock her against me. I was totally unprepared for the
emotional part of this, it was so different than it had ever been for me before and I knew that
caring about her was part of the reason for that. Other than that, I had no fucking clue why it
was so intense.

I was waiting for my body to recover from cumming so I could make Bella cum as I moved
her slowly and gently on me. It didn't take long before her body trembled and she let out the
sexiest whimper I had ever heard followed by long, low 'fuck.' The feeling of her cumming on
my cock, still buried inside her, made me rock hard all over again. I was a little shocked that I
could do that, cum and then get hard again right away. For the first time in my life I didn't
need any recovery time at all and I realized it was probably because of Bella and I was
fucking thankful, because I wanted this to last a really fucking long time.

Bella started to lift herself off me and I clamped my hands down on her waist. "What are you
doing?" I asked her as I raised my hips at the same time as I pulled her back down on me.
Fuck, that felt so unbelievably good. "I'm not done with you." I smirked at her.

"Oh, God," she moaned softly, looking up at me when her eyes opened again. "But you just
came . . ." Her voice gave out as I shifted a bit.

"I know," I replied, distracting her as I held her to me, rising up on my knees and laying her
down on the bed, settling my hips against the inside of her thighs.

"So how . . ." Her brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to figure out what was going on
and I couldn't help but shift my hips just a little to make her moan.

"I don't need down time with you, or when I'm thinking about you," I said.

I loved the feeling of being on top of her like this. There was something about having her
body underneath me that was so fucking gratifying, but I was too deep into the sensation to
take the time to figure out why that was. I sat up on my knees, running my hands over her
sides to wrap her legs around my waist.

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"Ever?" she asked, biting her lip as she tried to understand what I was telling her. "So you can
just keep going, like a semi-automatic?"

I snorted, finding it funny that Bella would compare my dick to a gun, even though at times it
certainly felt like a dangerous weapon when I was around her. I bit my way across her chest
and sucked a tight nipple into my mouth. I looked up at Bella, her face flushed, lips parted as
she met my gaze and let out tiny, almost soundless whimpers. I wanted to stay inside her
forever because it was fucking blissful.

I sat back on my knees for a moment before rising up on them and I watched as her body
bowed for me, taking in the curves of her form as I skimmed my hands over her sides and
down to her hips, holding tightly as I pulled out of her and pushed back in slowly. I wanted to
be in control of this. I needed it because right now, it was the only thing I felt I was actually
capable of controlling at all.

"Oh fuck," Bella moaned and grabbed onto the sheets.

I knew it was far deeper this way. I could feel it in the way I pushed into her, filled her, as I
watched myself moving in and out of her, so fucking slick and wet and hot. Bella moaned as
she struggled to find purchase on the sheets so she could ground herself and move with me.
She reached over her head, her fingers skimming over the bars of the headboard as they
travelled upward and she latched onto them high above her head.

The darkest part of me wanted her tethered there to my bed, unable to use the control she
seemed to have over me. This wasn't the way I had thought it was going to be, and part of me
was desperate to plow right into her, but the other part wanted to be better than that. I wanted
to make her feel so fucking good; I wanted her to feel what I was feeling. I needed her to want
me in the same endless way, so that once I had fucked her like this, I would be everything for

I tried to go slow, to take my time and keep myself in check, but it was so fucking hard to do.

"Fuck, Edward, harder, please," Bella panted out each word as her head rolled forward and
she licked her lips. I could see it, the same look of desperation that I felt like I wore all the
time for her. I fought back a panicked urge to show her just how hard I could go if she wanted
me to and then she bit her lip, her eyes glowing bright in the dim room as she waited for me to
do something.

"Please, Edward, just fuck me," she whispered and that was it. I couldn't stop the black desire
that coursed through my veins as reason gave way to unparalleled want.

"Fuck," I growled at her and yanked her body away from the headboard, far too tempted with
the way her hands were wrapped around the wooden slats to pull out silk scarves and tie her
there whether she wanted me to or not. I ran my hands down her legs, pressing hard against
the soft skin, feeling tight muscles and fragile bone as I skimmed her knee.

I wanted to be careful with her.

I wanted to, but I didn't think I damn well fucking could. I pushed her legs back toward her
body, knowing she was flexible and that this position would definitely make her cum. I also

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knew that she wouldn't be able to move underneath me, so I could have the control I needed
so fucking desperately in this moment. I ran my hands up the back of her calves as hooked her
ankles over my shoulders and I pressed forward, keeping my weight off her, but pinning her
beneath me. Her jagged nails bit into my forearms and I almost hoped that she left behind
crescent shaped marks in my skin camouflaged by my ink.

"Is... this...what...you...want?" I asked, the words stilted by each heavy thrust forward into her
tight body.

"Oh God, yes Edward, fuck, shit, God..." Bella moaned, her head thrown back into the pillows
as I pushed into her hard, and harder still, unable to find the will to stop now that I was here
and inside her. I buried my face in her neck, feeling the pulse hammering beneath her skin as
she cried out my name and her body bent to my will. There was so much happening, and it
wasn't just about the fucking . . . even though that was more than I could have imagined it
would be, more than I had ever anticipated. It was all this fucking feeling, and with it
sensations I hadn't experienced before. I didn't fucking understand it; I had done every
debauched thing under the sun, but this . . . fuck . . . this was more than I knew what to do

"It's never been... I've never... I love fucking you, Bella." I couldn't explain to her how this
made me feel. I didn't want to ever be without her again and I couldn't figure out how to
channel this intensity. Bella grabbed onto my hair and pulled my head up, kissing me hard,
and as much as I wanted to slow it down, to find some semblance of gentle in all of this, I
kissed her back just as fiercely.

"I love having you inside me," Bella almost whimpered into my mouth and I groaned at the
way the words wrapped around me and pulled me down deeper into the darkness of my need.
Bella came hard and shaking in my arms, my name falling in a lament from her lips.

Before the spasms had even left her body, I pulled away and sat up, wanting more, wanting to
watch her cum again and again so that I could see what I did to her body. I needed it like I
needed to breathe. I loved the sound that came from her as I took away the closeness of my
body pressed against hers. Fuck, I wanted her fused to me, but for the moment this was better,
because I could see her. I shifted one leg and pressed her calves together on my shoulder
holding her thighs against me with one arm.

"Don't worry, Kitten, it's not even close to over," I told her, and the words felt half-threat and
half-promise as I watched her glazed eyes try to focus on mine. Her body was covered in a
sheen of sweat, her hair was chaotic fingers of raven softness framing her face and pieces
were stuck to her forehead like black flourishes of calligraphy as she licked her lips in open

I went slow then, wanting to show her that it didn't always need to be hard, that I could be
good to her too. She moaned and whimpered, her body jerking in a strange way, but I couldn't
stop, not even when she thrashed her head violently, her body arching wildly as she she told
me it was too much.

I wanted her to feel what I felt. I was so fucking decimated by this woman and this was only
the first time I had been inside her. I didn't want to know what it would be like after this
because I didn't want it to end.

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I rose up on my knees, taking her body with me as I slid my hands down the soft skin of her
shins, over her trembling thighs and I held onto her hips, thrusting into her with more force
than before as she swore and trembled and called out my name in a breathless moan. I could
hear my own heavy, saturnine groans spilling from my lips, sounding less human than animal
as I manipulated her body, keeping her at the edge and falling constantly until she let out a
painful sobbing moan. "Oh God, I can't stop . . ."

It was only then that I realized that I needed to fucking stop, or slow down, or really and truly
be more gentle with her, because she wasn't just some girl I was fucking; she was my whole
fucking world. I moved in her slowly, shifting one of her legs so that they slid weakly down
my arms as I sank down on my heels and ran one hand along Bella's back. I could feel the pits
in her skin, reminding me of how fucking fragile she was, and how I had just been fucking the
hell out of her like an animal. I ran the other hand up over her stomach and between her
breasts, feeling her heart beneath the frail cage of her ribs before I lifted her to me.

I kissed the salt-sweat sweetness of her skin and circled a nipple with my tongue. Her entire
body spasmed with the soft, foreign contact and I couldn't help but laugh darkly at the way
something meant to be tender caused such a violent reaction in her body. I trailed soft kisses
along her neck until I met her lips with mine, trying to kiss away any damage I had done.

I moved inside her gently, staying in deep and shifting her body against mine as she fought to
control her limbs. Her shaking hands weaved into my hair as she whimpered and bit my neck,
but there was no force behind it.

"Bella," I said as the sleeping inferno exploded into a raging heat and swept through my body
like a firestorm.

I cupped her face in my hands, pulling her lips from my neck as I sought even more from her.
I wanted something from her in return for all the things she didn't know I was giving her.
When her eyes met mine I saw things there I didn't understand. "Cum with me," I said softly
as the emotions pulled at me and pushed me down, down, down so deep into the darkness of
my soul that I feared if I looked away from her, I would be lost forever and I would never find
my way back from this.

"Edward," she moaned, shaking her head as her brow furrowed, but she didn't stop me as I
reached between us and found her swollen clit with my fingers as she gasped and her body
stiffened as she came again, her eyes on mine the entire time. I fell apart then, coming harder
than I ever had in my life, feeling like a part of my soul was leaving my body for hers.

I wrapped her in my arms, her body a trembling, quivering mess which masked the tremors
that passed through me. "Mine," I told her. "You're mine."

I whispered the words over and over again, praying that if I said it enough, she would believe
me and it would be true. Because now that I had been here in this place with her, where I
could show her what she did to me and what I could do for her, there didn't seem to be a way
back out that didn't include her.


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