Przyjazn i milosc

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Przyjaźń i miłość


= przyjaźń

The friendship between these two men was an old one.
I don't want you to screw up your friendships, Tom.


= przyjaciel

I'll always be your friend.
He doesn't like most of my friends.
None of her friends have seen her.

best friend

= najlepszy przyjaciel

She's my best friend.
He'd been one of my father's best friends.
We're not exactly best friends, you know?

close friend

= bliski przyjaciel

They became close friends.
I don't have lots of really close friends.




= kumpel, kolega (synonim: pal, buddy)

Thanks, mate.
Come on then, mate, what do you say?
I tell you, mates, nobody gives a damn about us.



= kumpel, kolega (synonim: mate, buddy)

"I told you, pal, it's private property," the man replied.
Nothing much I can do for now, pal.
Where's your pal?



= kumpel, kolega (synonim: mate, pal)

I talked to my buddy at the airport.
There's no good way out of this, buddy.
Don't know if you've met my buddy yet.


= znajomy

He has few close friends, but numerous acquaintances.
How do you like our new acquaintance, Larry?
She's not really a friend; she's just an acquaintance.




= kolega z pracy

Neither my colleagues nor I know what those papers were.
I know how you feel about some of my colleagues.
He glanced at his colleagues for confirmation.


= towarzysz, osoba towarzysząca

If only I had had a companion it would have been different.

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= miłość

He's in love with her.
You have been my only love.


= kochać

You know I love you, don't you?
I love her so much!

true love

= prawdziwa miłość

That's true love, Jane!
Of course true love would be beyond your ability to imagine.

the love of sb's life

= miłość czyjegoś życia

Jack was the love of her life.


= związek

She had doubts about their relationship.
Did you and she have a sexual relationship?
She was obsessed with that kind of relationship.


= para (dwoje ludzi)

What a beautiful couple.
They looked like a couple.
Kate was speaking with the young couple.


= chłopak (z którym jest się w związku)

He's my boyfriend.
Have you got a boyfriend?
She broke up with her boyfriend, did you know?


= dziewczyna (z którą jest się w związku)

So how's your girlfriend?
She's not my girlfriend.
He must have been blind to pick a girlfriend like her!


= były chłopak

She stared emptily at the photos of her ex-boyfriend.
She went to the party accompanied by her ex-boyfriend.


= była dziewczyna

He spread nasty rumours about his ex-girlfriend after she dumped him.
He invited his ex-girlfriend to his wedding, but she declined of course.
There was an awkward silence when Tom was introduced to an ex-girlfriend at a party.


= partner

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She gazed at her partner.
He was obviously losing faith in his partner.
Do you really think Jenny and Sean are partners?


= randka

I don't imagine that you get many dates, do you?

go out with sb,


date sb

= spotykać się z kimś, chodzić z kimś na randki

They've been going out together since high school.

ask sb out for a date

= zaprosić kogoś na randkę

He asked her out for a date.


= flirtować

Was she flirting with him?
He gave her a flirting smile.
Stop flirting, or whatever the hell it is you're doing.


= flirt, flirtowanie

He ignored her flirtation.
It was only a summer flirtation.


= komplement

Thank you for the compliment.

love letter

= list miłosny

It was a sort of love letter, really.

like sb

= lubić kogoś (synonim: be fond of sb)

I'm sure you'll like my sister.
I don't like him.

be fond of sb

= lubić kogoś (synonim: like sb)

You're very fond of her, aren't you?
I had certainly never been fond of him.

respect sb for sth

= szanować kogoś za coś

I really respect you for your work.

dislike sb

= nie lubić kogoś, mieć do kogoś niechęć

Did I say that I disliked you?
She disliked him immediately.

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despise sb

= pogardzać kimś

They despise each other.
Did he want everyone to despise him?

spend time with sb

= spędzać z kimś czas

I like spending time with you.
I was coming home to spend time with you.

keep sb company

= dotrzymywać komuś towarzystwa

Mind if I keep you company?
I'll keep you company as we go.

accompany sb

= towarzyszyć komuś

They do not know that you are accompanying me.

miss sb

= tęsknić za kimś

I've missed you so much!


= uczucie (miłości lub przyjaźni do kogoś)

Don't you feel any affection towards him?
He looked at her with affection.
I felt a growing affection for him.

fall in love with sb

= zakochać się w kimś

The guy with whom she fell in love left her after a few weeks.

be in love with sb

= być w kimś zakochanym

You're still in love with Judy.
Was she in love with him?
Are you still in love with your boss's wife?

love at first sight

= miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia

Do you believe in love at first sight?

be crazy about sb

= szaleć za kimś

I'm crazy about you.
He thinks it's a lot better to be crazy about two women than none at all.

adore sb

= uwielbiać kogoś

She absolutely adores her children.
You know that I adore you, don't you?



= zadurzenie, zauroczenie (synonim: crush)

Maybe it was never more than infatuation.
Love is a silly infatuation, depend upon it.



= zadurzenie (synonim: infatuation)

I bet she's got a crush on him.

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have a crush on sb

= być zadurzonym w kimś

I had such a crush on him in high school.
You've still got a crush on him, haven't you?

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