Dirty Lines Blurred Lines Volume 4

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Dirty Lines

Blurred Lines Vol. 4

Breena Wilde


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Blurred Lines ~ Dirty Lines
Copyright © Breena Wilde
Breena Wilde Books


Digital Edition

This book in its entirety is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or
given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase
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is forbidden without the written consent of the author, Breena Wilde, P.O. Box 1408 Bountiful, UT

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the creation of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business
establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover design by: Steven Novak www.novakillustration.com

Design copyright @2013 Breena Wilde

Interior design by: Breena Widle Books

Edited by: Clean Leaf Editing www.cleanleaf.weebly.com

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Dirty Lines

Blurred Lines Vol. 4

It’s been a helluva month.

John Zane is not only her client, he’s also her boss, and he’s asked her to be the body double in a

movie with none other than the “Hottest Man on the Planet”—John Cruze.

He’s the first man who’s ever cracked a hole in the ice around her heart.

John’s also gorgeous, kind, and sexy, which is bad because he’s off limits. At least until she’s fulfilled

her contract with John Zane. It doesn't help that Zane is totally hot, a great lover, and occasionally has

a sweet side.

It’s a glorious, sexy mess.

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Table of Contents

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Chapter 1

I’m dangling over a tank of water. Hundreds of sharks circle below. Every once in a while one

leaps, its ferocious jaws snapping, trying to catch me in its teeth.

I’m screaming, making my throat ragged at the effort. But I can’t stop.
A large one launches itself at me. It gets a hold of my thigh and rips me from my hook above.
The pain is searing.
And I’m falling.

My body jerks awake. Zane isn’t in the bed. I shiver as I realize I’ve grown accustomed to the

weight of his body next to mine: his warmth, the way he occasionally talks in his sleep, the way he
sometimes pulls me close to him as though he needs me.

I shake the cobwebs of sleep from my mind and shower.
The dream is still vivid though, and I can’t help but think about it. The reason hits me square in

the face. In the dream I was bait. And I realize I still feel like bait.

I’ve always been the bait.
And when a shark finally does catch me, it isn’t going to let me go.
I can’t help but wonder if I’d want it to. More important, I can’t help but wonder what it would

be like not to be bait at all.

To just be me.
Not an it, but a him, my mind nags, thinking about the two men in my life: John Zane and John


I rinse the soap from my hair and work to wash any thoughts about them from my mind. But

it’s difficult. They are very different men, but over the past month I’ve come to appreciate certain
aspects of both.

John Cruze and I had one accidental night together. It was amazing. Every time I remember it

my body craves more.

John Zane is the man I was supposed to be with that night. He’s the man I’ve been with almost

every night since. I’m not going to lie; my body has enjoyed the time we’ve spent together.

Every fucking second.
After my shower, I get ready: nothing special, just gray sweat pants and a white t-shirt. Even

though today is a special day. Extremely special. I’ll be doing one of the sex scenes with John Cruze.
The idea excites and terrifies me. I have no idea what to expect. Will we both be naked? Will there be

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people around? The unknown is what makes me most nervous. Well, that and the way my body might
respond to John in front of other people, namely Zane. Like the way my body reacted when John asked
me his twenty questions, the afternoon we had lunch. Peanut butter and jelly, sugar cookies, and sex

“And if I took off my pants and slid my cock in your pussy, would you let me do that, too?”
Holy shit. Nooooo! “Yes. God, yes.”
He licks his lips and moves so our knees are touching.
“If I pulled you on top of me, would you ride my cock?”
Fuck. “Yes.”
“Would you come all over it?”

Cruze and I haven’t spoken of that day since, but I can’t help but think about him, the way my

body felt when he asked his questions. The way his voice deepened and his features filled with lust.
The way his lips moved when he spoke as his fingers grazed my skin.

We’ve seen each other many times. In meetings, or passing each other in the hall. Every once

in a while I catch him looking at me and I wonder if he thinks about me too. We talk sometimes, the
basic stuff.

“How have you been?”
“The weather’s beautiful today.”
“That shirt matches your bewitching eyes.” That one was my favorite. He had to be

remembering our time together when he said that. Right? I mean, he’d said it to me when we fucked.

I can’t help but sigh as I pull on a pair of white socks and tennis shoes.
I hope he does think about me. With every delicious tendril in my body, I hope.
“You ready to go, Cadence?” Lincoln asks when I walk into the living area of the hotel room.

His features are stoic.

“Hi, Lincoln.” I shove a piece of toast in my mouth and pick up my purse. “I’m ready.” When

we get to the door, I pat him on his big, beefy arm. “Thanks for driving me every day. I appreciate it.”

His hard expression softens. “It’s my pleasure.”

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Chapter 2

Lincoln drives me to a warehouse not unlike the one he drove me to when Zane and I first met.

There’s a flurry of activity going on; the wall next to the door is missing. People on golf carts are
driving in and out, hollering at one another. One woman is carrying pillows. Another has a bouquet of
red roses.

“Wow,” I say, stepping from the limo. “Is all this for me?” I wink at Lincoln. One side of his

mouth lifts but doesn’t quite make a full smile. “It’s so busy,” I whisper, trying not to sound like an
overly nervous idiot. Not even I’m convinced, though.

Lincoln pats my shoulder. I’m guessing it’s his way of comforting me. “Mr. Zane has asked

me to help you find your way around. He’ll be by later, but asked me to wish you good luck.” Lincoln
is wearing aviator shades and I can’t see his dark eyes. It bothers me. It’s easier to tell what a person
is really thinking by looking in their eyes.

I shrug. “Okay. Thanks, Lincoln.”
He turns. “Come on.” His bulky body is stuffed into a black suit. The way he moves reminds

me of a well dressed WWE wrestler.

I follow, weaving in and out of rushing people. Like ants, they all seem to have someplace to


Taking a deep breath, I work to pretend I belong.
The inside of the warehouse has been divided into different sections. To the right is a set. It

reminds me of a luxurious bedroom. There are three walls. They’ve been wallpapered in red velvet.
Black scalloped swirls split the room in half. In the center of the back wall is a bed, and I can’t help
but think of John and me in it together. Above the bed is a large painting, a man and woman wrapped
in a beautiful quilt. The man is kissing the woman. It’s beautiful. Sensual. On the bed is a black
comforter. There are dozens of pillows on it. On either side of the bed is a small table. A lamp sits on
each one.

Toward the back of the warehouse are several racks of clothes. They are separated by color:

White. Red. Black. Gray. Green.

Directly across from the bedroom set is a large mirror, surrounded by bright lights. It sits on a

table covered with makeup. Two hairdresser chairs are tucked near the table.

John sits in one.
His eyes are closed. A young woman with sleek black hair pats his face with a foundation

sponge. The woman says something to him and he laughs.

My heart lurches as a hundred butterflies take flight in my stomach.
Will we get to kiss? I wonder.
Lincoln walks me over to John and the woman. He clears his throat. I can’t help but hide

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behind him. Nervous. Out of my element. I never wanted to be an actress. Technically I’m only going
to be doing what I do, which is fuck men for money… pretend to fuck, anyway. But this time I’m
doing it with a man I have feelings for, in front of a camera crew. I shudder.

The woman looks at Lincoln and her face immediately brightens. “Can I help you?” she asks,

totally ignoring me, her gaze on Lincoln.

He steps to the side so that I’m exposed. John opens his eyes, and when he sees me he sits up


“This is Cadence. She’ll be the body double for the scenes filmed today.”
John shoots me a big smile, showing off his amazing dimple. My thighs turn to jelly.
The woman sticks out her hand to Lincoln. “I’m Mindy.” Her olive skin colors and she bats her


“Nice to meet you. Will you be doing Cadence’s makeup?” he asks, turning the attention to


I’m busy pretending not to stare at John and the fact that he’s so fucking handsome I want to

lick him.

Mindy pulls her eyes from Lincoln. “Have you spoken with the director?” She searches the

packed warehouse. “There he is.” She moves away. “Nigel. Nigel.”

A man with thick salt and pepper hair and clothes straight out of Miami Vice turns. “What is it,

Mindy?” He’d been in the process of taking a drink of coffee.

Mindy points at me. “This is the girl doing the scene with Mr. Cruze today.” She walks away

from us and speaks with Nigel, the director. After several seconds and more than a few irritated looks,
Mindy returns. “Okay, we’re going to put you in a wig, minimal makeup, and put you in wardrobe.”
As she’s talking, she’s walking. Lincoln and I follow. I feel John’s eyes on me and it takes every effort
not to turn and look at him.

Mindy pulls a lacy red bra and panties from the rack. “What size are you?”
“Size?” I ask, mortified. Does she want me to get a megaphone and announce it?
“Yes, size.”
“Ugh, fine.” I lean forward. “Thirty-four C,” I whisper.
Mindy looks directly at my chest. “C? Really?”
I snort and glance back at Lincoln, who respectfully is keeping a straight face.
“B or C. Depends on the bra.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She takes another bra off the rack and hands that to me as well. “Go over

there, behind that screen, and get changed. When you’re dressed, put on the white robe hanging back
there and come over to my station.”

I nod. Mindy seems to be waiting for more. “Sure. Sounds good. Whatever you need me to do.”

Not like I have a choice. Zane basically commanded me to do this, and since he’s my client, and I’ve
already agreed, I want to get it over with.

“Great,” Mindy says, not looking at me but at Lincoln.
When I’m behind the screen I slide off my sweatpants, t-shirt, and my underclothes, then slide

on the red bra and panties. They don’t cover a lot. The C cup fits, but I stay with the B because it gives
me more cleavage, and that’s good, right? I think so.

Barefoot, I put on the robe and walk back to Mindy’s makeup table. John is gone and I quickly

search the warehouse for him. He’s talking to the director. Scarlett is next to him, robeless. Flaunting
all of her assets in a lacy red bra and panties. It’s apparent the C cup bra fits her the way the B cup bra
fits me. I can’t help but feel a little inadequate. Her body is gorgeous, curvy. I know mine isn’t bad.
I’m actually proud of it. As a businesswoman, I know my product pays the bills, but Scarlett… Wow!
Va va voom.

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“Cool, you’re back. Sit down.”
When I’m situated Mindy brushes my hair into a high ponytail, secures it, and puts this nylon

thing over the top of my head. “Awesome,” she says, taking a makeup sponge and applying it to my

I close my eyes.
“That’s the color,” she says and spreads it over my face. Then she brushes on some powder,

plucks a few eyebrows, and takes a pencil to them. “Open your eyes,” she says, and I do. “You have
really pretty eyes, Cadence.”

“Look up?” I do and she lines the bottom of my eyes. “How long have you known Lincoln?”

She changes brushes and dabs my cheeks.

“Not very long,” I say and can’t help but smile. “You think he’s hot?”
She laughs. “I was that obvious?”
“Not too bad,” I say as she puts some eye shadow on my lids.
Mindy chuckles. “Open.” She brushes a little more shadow near my eyebrows, then puts on

clear lip-gloss. “Perfect.” Mindy steps back to analyze her handiwork. She takes a blond wig from a
Styrofoam head and puts it on me. “Do you think Lincoln would go out with me?”

I shrug. “I don’t know him well enough to answer that.” My thoughts run through each time

I’ve come into contact with Lincoln. “He seems dedicated to his job. Kind. You could ask him,” I say,
shrugging again.

Our eyes meet in the mirror. She adjusts the wig, all of her focus on getting my hair on right.

When she’s finished, she stands. “Maybe I will,” she says, and hugs my shoulders. “Thanks.”

“Sure.” I’m staring at myself in the mirror. My bone structure isn’t the same as Scarlett’s, but

with the wig and the makeup I do look eerily similar. Having blond hair totally changes the way I feel.
Not any sexier, but different.

“Take off your robe,” Mindy says, breaking me away from my thoughts.
“Oh. Okay.” I stand and untie the robe, revealing my barely covered flesh. Several heads turn,

including Scarlett and John. The first gives me a once over and scowls.

John winks and mouths, “Nice.” My cheeks warm. He’s wearing jeans and nothing else. His

blond hair is rumpled. He looks sexy.

Mindy takes a silver can attached to a hose, flips on a generator, and inspects my body. “This

is a tanning solution, but it works great to accentuate the positives and hide the negatives.”

“Negatives?” I ask, trying to keep my anger in check. My body isn’t perfect, but it’s not bad. I

don’t have any cellulite. My ass is tight and lifted. “What do you mean?”

She shakes her head. “Scarlett has a smaller waist and bigger breasts. I need to make your body

look more like hers for the film, so I’m going to darken your waist area, giving the impression it’s
smaller. Then I’m going to accentuate your stomach muscles and elongate your thighs. Alright?”

I don’t say anything. How dare she? I mean seriously. It isn’t like I wanted this or asked for it.

For fuck’s sake.

Mindy leans in. “Look, Cadence. Don’t take it personally. Your body rocks. No doubt about it.

Scarlett’s body has been… enhanced, if you catch my drift. Her perfection is thanks to a skilled plastic

“Really?” I glance at Scarlett.
“Plus her diet consists of celery, mineral water, and more celery.” Mindy sprays the solution

into a towel first, wipes the nozzle, and comes closer. “Tip your chin, I’m going to start with your

I calm down. Whether it’s true or not, I decide I don’t care. Being in front of the camera,

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looking better than perfect—it’s part of her job. It’s what she gets paid the big bucks for. “Alright.”

The first spray hits my skin and startles me. It’s cold. I take a step back and fall into the chair.
“Sorry, I should’ve warned you. It’s cold.” She helps me stand, pulls the bra straps off my

shoulders, and sprays them, my collarbones, and my cleavage. Then she moves to my stomach, hips,
thighs, calves, and feet. “Turn around.” I grab hold of the arms of the chair and she sprays down my
back. When she’s finished, I relax. “We’ll give you a few minutes to dry and you’ll be good to go.”

I can’t help but think what that means. I’ll soon be pretending to fuck John, pretending I’m

loving it, and I’ve no doubt it’ll be easy. The thought sends chills through my body and I feel my
nipples harden inside the lacy bra.


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Chapter 3

“We’re ready for you,” a girl in skinny jeans and a white bra top says.
I follow her over, and it’s then that I notice three cameras surrounding the bed, lights flooding

every crevice. I realize every part of me is going to be lit up, exposed. A ripple of terror shoots
through me and I think I understand a little better why Scarlett doesn’t want to do these scenes.

John and the director walk over. I’m suddenly breathless with worry—about what might

happen or what might not happen. Does my breath smell bad? Do I have something in my teeth…?

My pulse is pounding in my ears.
“Ready for this?” John asks, flashing his beautiful smile. He takes one of my hands in his and

searches my face. “Don’t worry. What we’re going to do isn’t about sex, it’s about looking like we’re
having sex.” He winks. “There’s a big difference.”

Nigel, the director, chimes in. “John is right. We’re going to roll cameras and get shots of the

two of you kissing, touching. John is going to remove your bra and panties. Once you’re naked, you’ll
push John away and turn to camera two. We’ll be focusing on your body, so I’ll need you to lift your
neck.” Nigel points to the camera at the end of the bed as he speaks. “Stand there for three seconds.
John will grab you roughly and push you on to the bed and spread your thighs.” I must give Nigel a
shocked look because he shakes his head. “Don’t worry. Camera two will still be on your body. No one
but John will see anything but your spread thighs.”

I glance at John. His face is expressionless, but I sense his tension.
“Once your thighs are open, we’ll stop and,” he turns and the girl in the skinny jeans is there,

holding up what looks like a paper thong. It’s nude in color and looks like it’ll rip to shreds at the
slightest movement, “you’ll change into this and we’ll continue shooting. Got that so far?”

I nod. Lick my lips. Swallow.
John is still holding my hand and he shakes it gently. “Focus on me. If possible, pretend the

cameras and crew aren't there. That’s what I try to do.”

“Okay,” I say. My throat is dry. “Can I get some water?” I say the words to no one in


“Here you go, Cadence.” The girl in the skinny jeans appears with a water bottle.
I open it and take a large sip, swishing it over my teeth and inside my mouth, then swallow.


She takes the bottle back and disappears.
“Alright people, let’s do this.” Nigel walks over to his chair and sits.
People are rushing around. Mindy comes over and fluffs my wig. Someone yells, “Quiet on the


The girl in skinny jeans comes over with a black thing and yells, “The Supernatural Client List.

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Scene thirty-one. Take one.” She snaps it closed.

Nigel yells, “Action.”
And just like that John and I are kissing.
John pulls me to him so our bodies are touching. He places a hand on my cheek and leans

down. My heart is beating so hard I think it’ll come through my chest. His lips touch mine.

In that instant, the cameras are gone. The people are gone. It’s just John and me and his lips on

mine, right where they should be. He deepens the kiss, pushing my mouth open. His tongue enters my
mouth and I meet it with my own.

John lets out a groan deep in his throat. In response my hands come up and my fingers entwine

in his hair.

God, he’s a great kisser.
John’s hands slide around my waist and he unhooks my bra. Our bodies part just long enough

for him to pull the bra off my arms and toss it to the floor. Then he pulls my body back to his, pressing
me into his taut abs and chest. My nipples harden as they brush against his muscled body.

John releases my mouth and I suck in a breath.
His eyes capture mine. They are filled with lust and longing and something else. I don’t have

time to decide what that something else is though, because his lips crush mine, our teeth touching, our
tongues dancing. I drag my nails down his back and my hands go beneath his jeans to his ass. His big
hands cup my breasts and he teases my nipples between his thumbs and middle fingers.

I gasp.
He slides his hands down my sides. His fingers find the hem of my panties. His hands caress

my ass as he pushes them off. I shimmy slightly so they fall down my legs to my ankles. Then I step
out of them.

My hands find the button of his jeans. I want nothing more than to take his hardened cock in

my hands, in my mouth, inside my pussy.

It’s then that I remember what the director said. I push him away. John steps to the side.
I’m completely naked in front of everyone, breathing heavily with desire. I stretch my neck,

lift my chin, and count to three.

John grabs me roughly by the shoulders and kisses me so deeply he takes my breath away, and

I’m lost in him again—until he pushes me onto the bed and forces my thighs open.

The director yells, “Cut.”
John’s eyes are on my pussy. I can feel the wetness there, the way my lips are spread apart. I’m

open to him.

The girl in the skinny jeans walks over. Her eyes glide down my body and linger on my pussy.

Then she blushes.

John takes a pillow and covers me up.
“Don’t move, Cadence. I need to mark your position.” She takes out a roll of tape and places it

under my right shoulder, my right hand, my elbow, my waist, ass, and the heel of my foot. “Okay, you
can stand up.”

John helps me up. He doesn’t say a word, but he doesn’t have to. The look on his face tells me

everything: that he’s disappointed we aren’t alone, that we had to stop. I wonder if my face is telling
the same story.

Mindy hands me the nude thong. It does feel like paper but is thicker than I anticipated. I slide

it on.

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Nigel is back. He’s trying to focus on my face, but his eyes keep dropping to my breasts. I

catch a glimpse of John. His jaw is clenched.

“You’re a work of art, Cadence. Just incredible. You’re making my job easy. One take. Are you

sure you’re not a professional?” Nigel says.

“I—” I can’t speak. What does he mean? A professional, as in hooker?
John comes to my rescue. “Some people are just naturally talented.”
“You got that right.” He pats John on the shoulder.
“Thanks,” I say, covering my breasts with my hands.
Nigel clears his throat. “For this next bit John is going to remove his pants and then pull you to

the edge of the bed.” He looks at John. “Pull her slowly, then kneel in front of her and put your head
between her legs, like you’re licking her pussy. Do that for five seconds, then stand, pull her hard
against your thighs like you’re ramming her, you know—fucking her good.”

I watch John roll his eyes.
Nigel turns back to me. “Cadence, for this sequence, I want you to start out with your hands

above your head so we can get some great shots of your tits. Count three seconds and then put your
hands in his hair, like you’re pushing his head into your pussy. Moan a bit, but keep your head out of
the shot. Okay?”

“Yes,” I answer.
“When John pulls your body toward him, fall back on the bed and put your hands above your

head again.”

I nod.
“We’ll go to that point. Places, people.”
The girl in the skinny jeans is back. She helps me get my body back into position then steps

away. “How’s she look, Bob?” she asks the cinematographer.

“Move her shoulder toward me just a tiny bit.”
She does. “How’s that?”
“Shift her heel back just a smidge.”
Bob gives a thumbs up. “Okay.”
Nigel sits in his chair.
The girls grabs the black thing. “The Supernatural Client List. Scene thirty-two. Take one.”
The set is so quiet. I focus on John. He’s looking at me. He slowly unbuttons his pants and

slides them off, then steps out of them. He isn’t wearing any underwear, but I already knew that. His
cock is covered with a nude thong, just like mine. A light trail of hair runs from below his belly button
down into the paper thong. I know what’s beneath. It’s huge, magnificent, and feels so good inside me.

At those thoughts, I tear my gaze from his body and find his face. His eyes are intense, like

twin pools of everlasting lust.

John steps forward and slowly pulls me to the edge of the bed so my thighs are touching my

heels. He places his hands on my knees and then kneels, trailing his fingers down my thighs. I shiver
in pleasure.

He puts his face into position and looks at me, gives me a full on smile and then covers the

nude undies with his mouth, blowing warm heat against my pussy.

I moan, and it isn’t because I’m acting. It’s because, holy fuck, he knows what he’s doing. And

I’ve never wanted a pair of panties gone so badly in all my life.

Then, ever so softly, he rubs the front of his teeth against my clit. I grab hold of the comforter

and shake my head from side to side.

“Fuck,” I say softly. The word leaves my mouth before I can help it and I freeze, certain the

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director will yell cut, but he doesn’t.

I lean up, grabbing John’s hair between my fists, and push his mouth against my pussy.
John growls so low only I can hear and does the unthinkable. He moves my thong aside and

licks my bare pussy.

A shudder of heat rushes through me. Fuck. Me. He’s going to make me come in front of


His tongue slides in and out as his finger massages my clit. Then he moves his mouth up to my

clit and suckles, pulling me into his mouth as two fingers glide in and out, in and out, in and out.

I’m panting and throw my head back. “Please don’t stop.” My orgasm is right there, ready to


John wipes his lips on my thigh, kisses it, and then stands. The paper thong falls back into


My body is reeling. Begging.
John grabs me under the knees and pulls the backs of my thighs against him. Never in my life

have I wanted to be fucked as badly as I do right now.

A part of my mind is surprised by that knowledge. I have no time to focus on that, though.

John’s cock is slamming against my pussy and I can feel it growing. He slows a bit. Our eyes meet.

I know exactly what he wants because it’s what I want.
Slowly he moves his erection inside me, bringing his paper thong and mine along with him. He

pulls back and then slides in again and again and again.

I fling my body back, desperate for orgasm and at the same time hoping this sweet torture will

go on forever.

Finally my orgasm crests and I’m riding wave after wave after wave of ecstasy.
Nigel yells, “Cut.” It doesn’t slip past me that his voice is hoarse.
The full scope of what’s just happened sucks away the last of my orgasm.
“Oh my God,” I whisper.
John gives me a look and shakes his head slightly. “Can I get a robe for myself and Cadence?”

he shouts.

Instantly, one is over his shoulder and thrown over me. He slides his on, ties the belt, and steps

away. “Someone bring me a cigarette. Now,” he shouts and walks away.

I’m not sure what to do. I don’t have to wonder for long. Mindy comes over and helps me put

on my robe. She’s a little shorter than me but manages to whisper, “That was the most fucking hot
thing I’ve ever seen. You could’ve cut the chemistry between you two like a knife through cement, it
was so strong.”

I blush, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

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Chapter 4

Mindy walks me over to the makeup chair. I’m grateful. My thighs are shaking. She hands me

a water bottle. I drink the whole thing while she adjusts and fluffs my wig. Then she reapplies powder
and lip gloss.

Nigel walks over. He smiles like a cat who swallowed the canary, or like a perv who just

watched two people fuck.

Ugh, I’m an idiot. I’m sure John is humiliated.
“I was thinking the two of us could have drinks tonight at my place,” he says, putting one of

his meaty hands on my shoulder.

I catch his reflection in the mirror. He’s trying to see down my robe. “Probably not a good

idea,” I say.

Zane walks up and grabs me by the elbow. “Cadence and I need to have a conversation.”
“Wasn’t that amazing?” Mindy asks.
“Yeah, Johnny-boy. Cadence is a fucking pro.” Nigel pats Zane on the back and I feel him


Zane doesn’t respond and practically drags me through the warehouse and out to the limo.

When the door is closed he pushes me into my seat. My whole body tenses. Did he see what really
happened? By the look on his face, I’m betting the answer is yes.

“Take off that filthy thong.”
I hurriedly do so, wadding it up and putting it in the pocket of my robe.
“Remove the robe,” he says.
When it’s sitting on the seat beside me, he pulls a small candle and a lighter from his pocket.

He pushes up the wick and lights it. His eyes fixed on the flame, he says, “Did you have fun? Fucking
John in front of all of those people like that?”

I suck in a breath. He does know.
“That’s right, my little PFA, I know what you did and everyone else in the room does, too.”
“I’m sorry,” I blurt. “It just sort of happened.”
He looks at me, his features hard. “Lie down.”
I do.
“His hands all over your body. His dick inside your pussy.” Zane kneels next to me and pours

hot wax on one of my nipples. I scream, but he covers my mouth and pours wax on my other nipple.

It’s hot, but doesn’t really hurt that bad. Some of the wax drips down my breasts, but doesn’t

get far before it hardens.

“Sit up and spread your legs.”

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When they’re open, he pours a drop of wax on my clit. I throw my head back as an intense

pleasure and pain shoots through me. “Fuck.”

The wax hardens. Zane slides a finger in my pussy. “This is mine, sweet Cadence. At least for

the next five months.” His thumb presses against my wax-covered clit and he massages. “You
understand?” He blows out the candle and pours the rest of the wax on my stomach.

I scream. This time he doesn’t cover my mouth with his hand. Instead he sets the candle down

and slides another finger in my pussy, moving in and out. While his fingers are wreaking delicious
havoc on my pussy, his other hand peels the wax from my breasts. Then he leans forward and takes
one nipple between his teeth.

“You’re all mine. Body and soul.” He peels the wax off the other breast and takes that nipple

deeply into his mouth.

An orgasm is building quickly.
“Say it,” he says.
I look at him and see the anger. Beneath that is jealousy, but beyond that there’s more.
And I suddenly feel really bad. “I’m so sorry, Zane. I swear it won’t happen again.”
He slaps my pussy and pinches a nipple. “That isn’t what I want to hear, Cadence.”
I try to focus on what he’s saying instead of the tension building between my thighs, but he’s

making it difficult. “Tell me you’re mine. Do it.”

“I’m yours,” I whisper.
He stops the extraordinary assault on my pussy and leans against the seat opposite me. His

eyes are closed and his shoulders are slumped. It’s the first time I’ve seen him show weakness.

I kneel in front of him. “I’m yours. I swear it,” I say.
He shakes his head. “I’m such a fucking idiot. You’re only saying that because you want me to

pay for your college.” His eyes open and he pierces me with his intense gaze. “If I told you I’d pay for
your college whether you fucked me or not, your tune would change, I’m sure.”

I suck in a breath and sit back, unsure of the answer. Would I? Really? I said as much to John

when he asked the question, but that was three weeks ago. Sure I still had feelings for John. Obviously.
I just fucked him—kind of—in front of a bunch of people. But what are my feelings for Zane? “What
are you saying?” I ask.

Zane’s intense gaze darkens. “I’m saying you better get over here and make me forget I just

watched you fuck another man.” He adjusts his body, spreads his legs, then he undoes his pants.

It’s my turn to kneel in front of him. I take his cock in my hands and put him in my mouth.
Zane seems to relax and tense up at the same time as I swirl my tongue along the tip of his

cock. He gets bigger and bigger, filling my mouth. I take all of him in so the tip touches the back of
my throat. When I feel he’s about to come, he pulls me off him and turns me so my ass is facing him.
He puts two fingers in my pussy. “God, you’re always ready.” He pulls me down on his cock so I’m
filled with him. Then he lifts me off slowly and pulls me back down.

I shiver as the tension builds.
Zane thrusts his cock into me several times until my orgasm is close. His is as well. I can feel

his tension building as well.

Abruptly, he bends me over his knee and spanks my naked ass hard, moving from one cheek to

the other.

Tears fill my eyes. His other hand finds my clit and he massages it while he spanks me until

my body shudders from the orgasm.

When my body relaxes, he pushes me off him and turns so we’re facing each other. “There will

be no more warnings. If you fuck John Cruze again, I will take away the college money, but I’ll do
more than that.” He grabs my arm and squeezes. “I’ll make sure your brother suffers too.”

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My body falls back like he’s slapped me. “My brother?” I ask, after the initial shock wears off.

“How the fuck did you know I have a brother?” Panic churns in my stomach. I haven’t seen my
brother in years. The last time he was so high he tried to light me on fire. One of his friends stopped
him at the last minute, dragging him from our apartment. There weren’t any goodbyes. No tears. He
was just gone. And the idea that Zane has seen him or knows where he makes me crazy inside. I want
to pummel him with questions and scream at him to leave my brother alone. Instead I grab my
bathrobe and tie it around my waist.

Zane zips his pants and scoots away. He opens the limo door and gets out. “It wasn’t that hard

to find out about you,” he says, pushing open the door. “And you’d better believe I’m serious.” I step
out after him.

“You better believe that if you harm a hair on my brother’s head, I’ll kill you.” The panicky

anger bubbles up. I realize I’m serious. I don’t even really like my brother, but he’s family and no one
better hurt him. He’s already hurting and he probably wouldn’t bat a fucking eyelash if someone
threatened to hurt me. But it didn’t matter.

I breath out, leaning against the limo. “I-is he okay?” I whisper.
Zane shakes his head. The anger in his features vanishes as quickly as mine has. He steps back

over and tugs on the tie around my waist. “He isn’t dead, but he’s far from okay.” Zane touches my
cheek and walks away. “By the way, I love the wig. Now get back to work,” he shouts over his

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Chapter 5

I touch a hand to my head, feeling the blond wig. I’d forgotten I had it on. My mind is swirling

with thoughts of Zane and my brother. I can’t believe he’s seen Travis. I follow Zane into the
warehouse with every intention of asking him to tell me more, but as soon as I walk inside, Mindy
grabs my arm and walks me over to the makeup chair. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” I whisper, my voice shaky. “Why? What’s going on?”
“Nothing serious. Just that Nigel is pissed you and John left. He wants the two of you to run the

scene again, but this time I need to tan all your parts.”

“Oh?” I ask, confused.
“Yeah, it seems that they didn’t like your tan lines.”
“Shit.” I’m stressing. I don’t know if I can go through that again. My eyes scan the warehouse

for John. He’s sitting on a chair next to the director. They seem to be having a heated conversation and
I can’t help but wonder what they’re talking about.

“I know. I’m sorry,” Mindy says.
“Don’t worry about it.” I’m distracted, searching for Zane. It’s like he disappeared.
Mindy lifts a screen and sets it down in front of the chairs. “Come over here and let’s get all

your parts tanned.”

I move without thought, untying my robe and letting it drop to my feet.
Mindy turns on the tanning gun and gets to work spraying my breasts. After a couple of sprays,

she pauses. “I’m not trying to get fresh, but there’s something on your breast. May I?”

“Sure,” I say, my mind elsewhere.
She picks at it. When it comes off, she holds it out for me to see. “It feels like wax,” she says,

flicking it into the trash. Then she looks at me, her eyes raised in question.

I don’t say anything. There’s no point.
She shrugs and starts spraying again, moving down my stomach to my hips and lower.
“Whoa,” I say, when some of the spray gets between my lips.
“Sorry,” she says, and it’s her turn to blush. After a few more sprays, she stands up straight.

“Turn around.”

I do and I hear her suck in her breath.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, looking over my shoulder at her.
She steps close. “Your ass cheeks are the color of ripe cherries. Did Zane...? Did he…?” she

trails off, waiting.

“No, really. I’m not sure what happened. Can you fix it?”
She shakes her head in disbelief. “I’ll do my best.”
The cool liquid from the spray tan feels good against my ass and I’m sad when she’s done.

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“I don’t know if that did any good. It looks like it hurts.” She moves close again. “Would you

like me to get you an ice pack?”

I want to kiss her at the suggestion, but I don’t want to make a big deal of it. I don’t want

anyone saying anything negative about Zane. Or me and Zane. “If there’s one available, that’d be

Mindy waves her hand. “Of course there is.” She sets the tanning gun down. “I’ll be right


I check my ass in the mirror and see she’s right. With the tan it looks like I’ve spent too much

time in the sun.

John’s face is suddenly in the mirror’s reflection. His features are hard.
I turn and face him.
“What happened before—” John grits his teeth. “God, I’m so sorry.” He shakes his head. “I

wanted to fuck you, of course. But doing that… with everyone around… it was so unprofessional. Can
you forgive me?” He buries his face in his hands.

I step toward him. “John, you have nothing to be sorry for. I was right there with you, enjoying

every second.” I pull his hands from his face and hold his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

John chuckles but there’s no joy in it. “Can we agree we won’t do that again?”
I snort. “Yes, let's.”
His features relax. “Then it’s settled.” I see his eyes make their way to my ass cheeks. “What

the fuck happened to you? Did I do that? Or,” his hands ball into fists, “Zane. I should kick his
perverted, no-good ass.”

As he speaks, I shake my head. “No, you shouldn’t. Whatever you think happened, it doesn’t

matter. Stay away from him. Okay?”

He doesn’t answer, his eyes still fixed on my ass. I tip his chin. “Okay?”
“If that’s what you want, Cadence.” He turns to leave and then says, “I talked to Nigel. We

don’t have to redo the scene. They’ll CG a tan on the parts that bother them.”

“Really?” I’m relieved.
“Yeah, so we’re done for the day.”

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Chapter 6

As soon as John leaves, Mindy returns. “Here’s the ice pack, but it looks like you're done for

the day.”

“That’s what John said.”
Mindy picks up the robe and I put it on. I sit in the chair and she pulls off the wig and the nylon

cap, and then takes my hair out of the ponytail. Picking up a brush, she gently runs it through my hair.
“Your clothes are over there.” She points in the direction of the wardrobe area, where I changed.

“Thanks, Mindy. For all your help.”
She looks as tired as I feel. “Sure.”
I quickly change back into my clothes and walk toward the front of the warehouse. Lincoln is

talking to Mindy.

When Lincoln sees me coming toward them, he says something to Mindy and she walks away.
I can’t help but want to be nosy. “Did you ask her out?”
His aviator glasses are off so it’s easy to see his dark eyes change, but only slightly. “We’re

going to meet for drinks later.”

In response he puts on his glasses and we head to the limo.
Once inside, he tilts his rearview mirror so he can see me. “Mr. Zane is already at the hotel.” I

notice a slight change in his voice. It never ceases to surprise me that this big man is actually a good
man. It’s strange to think about after the way he broke down my door the night we met. He was just
doing his job. I know that now. But he seems almost protective of me, and I can’t help but wonder
what his story is. What makes a man choose the line of work he’s in? What makes a person work for
someone like John Zane?

Even as the question runs through my mind I cringe. Because I work for him, too.
“Thanks, Lincoln.”
He nods. “You’re welcome.” He starts the car and drives.
I buckle my seatbelt and make myself a drink. Ice and bourbon. Simple. Strong. After the day

I’ve had, it’s exactly what I need.

And when it’s gone, I make myself another. By the time that one's gone I’m feeling much more


Lincoln stops the limo at the entrance to the hotel and lets me out. We walk to the elevator

together and ride it in silence. When it opens on the thirteenth floor I get out, but he doesn’t come
with me.

I look back at him, a question on my face.
“Just be yourself, Cadence. It’s what drew him to you.”

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The elevator doors close. I stand there a moment, surprised by the comment.
Be myself?
Just this morning I pondered what that would be like. It was along the lines of being bait, but

still. I have no idea who I am, other than a hooker.

Sure, I have dreams. Desires.
Who the fuck knows, I think and sigh.
I reach the door and use the keycard and open it.
“Zane,” I call. He isn’t in the kitchen area or the living room either. The curtains are pulled

back though, and I can’t help but admire the view. It dawns on me that this suite is an exact replica of
John Cruze’s, only everything is flipped.

I move to the windows. It’s dusk and the setting sun is sending its last rays shimmering across

the water. It’s breathtaking.

And for some reason that makes me sad.
Strong arms circle my waist. I lean against him, no fight left in me. He presses the side of his

face against my head and kisses my hair. “I’ve made you a bath,” he says softly. “Come with me.”

He takes my hand and gently pulls me into the bedroom. I let him remove my clothes. The

bathroom is filled with the scent of lavender. The smell immediately relaxes me.

Zane helps me step into the gigantic tub. The water is warm. The jets are on and bubbles caress

the surface. I sit against one of the jets and let it gently pound on my lower back.

He dims the lights. “Enjoy.” Then he closes the door and is gone.
Tension I didn’t know I had immediately leaves my shoulders. I lean back and rest my head

against a white towel, take a deep breath and close my eyes.

The day's events pummel my mind and, try as I might, I can’t make them go away. The

moment with John was so fucking hot. I think part of the turn on was the fact that there were others
watching. I don’t know what that says about me as a person, but I liked the idea that someone might
know what we were actually doing.

The look on Zane’s face afterward is one I’ll never forget. It was a combination of anger,

jealousy, and, I now realize, pain.

I hurt his feelings.
That probably pissed him off more than anything.
But he said he’d hurt my brother… "make him suffer" were the words he used. More than

anything, I need more information. I want to know what Zane knows.

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Chapter 7

There’s a soft knock on the door. I open my eyes and watch Zane come into the bathroom. He’s

naked, his perfectly toned body shadowed against the dim lights.

“Mind if I join you?”
“Do I have a choice?” I ask softly.
Zane stops and looks at me, his face expressionless. “You always have a choice. I thought you

chose to be with me for six months. If you’ve changed your mind, we can talk about that.” He takes a
step forward. “As for this moment, if you’d rather me not join you, then I can leave.”

A part of me wants to tell him to get the fuck out. But it’s a very small part. The rest of me is

already singing praises to what it knows he can do to my body, the ways he makes me feel more alive
than I’ve ever felt.

That part wins out. “I want you, Zane.”
His expression darkens, turns lustful. I realize I know nothing about this man. At that moment,

I determine to really get to know him.

Zane steps into the tub. When he’s seated he pulls me over and turns me so my body rests

against his. His cock hardens and I feel it pushing against my lower back.

I rest my head against his shoulder.
“I want you. All of you,” Zane whispers. His breath against my hair and his words in my ear

make my body tingle. Goosebumps tighten my flesh and I press my body against his.

After that, it’s a flurry of hunger. Need, even. To forget. To feel.
I turn in his arms, straddle him, and his mouth is on mine. Forceful, urgent. I bite his lower lip,

suck on it. He draws my tongue into his mouth. The kiss is so deep I feel it all the way down.

His hands move to my waist and he slides his cock into my pussy.
We both groan at the pleasure.
“God, you feel good.” He holds me to him so that I’m filled up inside. Our eyes meet and we

search the other’s face. “I mean it, Cadence. I want all of you. Every last inch of you to be mine.”

His words make my throat tighten and the butterflies in my stomach stretch and yawn in

delicious ecstasy. But I don’t know what to say, how to respond. My emotions are all over the place.
Except I know one thing. “Fuck me,” I whisper.

Zane closes his eyes a moment. Opens them. Then slowly lifts me off his cock. I gasp at the

pleasure. He pushes me slowly back onto him and we start a rhythm. Slow. Intense. Filled with an
incredible heat. I lean into him and press a soft kiss to his lips. Then another. I let my hands wander
the muscles on his shoulders, down his arms to his thick biceps and to his taut chest and down his abs.

He kisses me and our rhythm intensifies.
Zane pulls away, leaning his head back against the tub. I kiss his neck, his shoulders, every

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inch of him I can reach.

Water sloshes over the edges but we’re both too into the way our bodies feel together to care.
Zane’s eyes are closed, his long lashes wet and parted. His hair is longer than when we first

met and it curls slightly at the ends. His hands move from my waist to my breasts. He cups them.
Opens his eyes and teases my nipples until they’re hardened.

We move together faster. His body tenses and I know he’s going to come soon. Mine is coming

too, but I don’t want it to end, so I stop.

He looks at me. “What’s wrong?”
I give him a sly grin. “I need pain with my pleasure, Mr. Zane.”
His face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Do you?”
“Most definitely.”

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Chapter 8

We climb out of the tub. He wraps me in a towel, then wraps one around his waist. “Go into the

kitchen,” he commands.

I’m a little surprised, but only for a second. The man knows how to fuck. Whatever he has in

mind, I’ve no doubt I’ll enjoy it. “Okay,” I say and turn away.

As I’m leaving, he rips the towel off me. I don’t turn back, but shake my ass suggestively as I

walk: my fuck-me walk.

When I get into the kitchen, I’m not sure what to do, so I sit on one of the white plastic

barstools pushed against the island in the kitchen.

Zane walks out a few minutes later. He’s carrying an oblong looking egg attached to a small

cord. I know what it is and my pussy gets wet.

“What do you intend to do with that?” I ask. I just want to play, to fuck for as long as possible.
He smiles. “You’ll see.” He sets it on the counter and helps me stand. “I’m going to lift you

onto the counter. Lie down on your back. It’ll probably be a little cold.”

He puts his hands around my waist and lifts me onto the counter. I scoot towards the middle

and lie down.

“Bend your knees, sweet Cadence.”
I rest my feet on the counter so my knees are bent and hold them together. He growls softly

and pushes them open. I let my legs fall to the sides. The lips of my pussy spread wide. For him.

Zane slides a finger inside. Pulls it out. “So fucking wet.” He picks up the egg and presses it

into my ass. It slides in easily. Then he turns it on. The vibration is intense and I rock my head from
side to side. “Fuck, Zane. That feels good. Where’s the pain? I want it.”

He opens one of the kitchen draws and pulls out a nipple clamp. Then another. As he clamps

them on the pain is intense, but good. Then he turns me so that my pussy is at the edge of the counter.
Slides two fingers inside and brushes his fingers against my walls.

I moan at the intense pleasure. He pulls out and opens the refrigerator. I’m intrigued. He pulls

out a cucumber, goes to the sink and washes it, then brings it over. It’s a big one. Thick, though not as
thick as his hardened cock.

“What do you intend to do with that?” I lean on my elbows.
Zane kisses my stomach. “I’m going to fuck you with this. I want to watch it go in and out

until you come.”

I raise an eyebrow, willing to try anything once.
Zane leans forward and presses the cucumber inside. The feeling is odd. The cucumber is kind

of cold, but it doesn’t feel bad. Not bad at all.

Zane slowly drags it in and out, his eyes focused on what he’s doing. He rubs my clit with his

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thumb. “I’m going to make you come so many times you’ll beg me to stop.”

That seems highly unlikely, but God it feels good. I moan, close to coming. “I’d like to see you

try,” I whisper between clenched teeth. The feeling is so intense and fucking amazing. I throw my
head back as my orgasm explodes.

“That’s exactly what I intend to do.” Zane doesn’t slow his pace, pushing the cucumber deeper

inside my pussy. He kisses my clit, suckles it, and pulls it into his mouth.

“Holy God, Zane.”
Instead of my orgasm dying off, it intensifies, and I feel like I’m going to come again.
Just as I’m about to, he pulls the cucumber out and sticks his tongue inside my pussy. I

shudder all over his tongue.

But he still doesn’t stop.
He removes one of the nipple clamps and takes it into his mouth, his fingers move in and out

of my pussy.

“Oh God, Zane. Please, don’t stop.”
I feel his smile against my breast as he removes the other clamp and takes that breast into his

mouth. Just as I’m about to come, he rips the vibrating egg from my ass and flips me onto my
stomach. My big toes barely touch the floor. He pulls out a leather strap, spreads my legs and slaps my
pussy with it.

The sensation is amazing. “Fuck, I’m going to come,” I moan, shocked that he’s wreaking such

intense, delicious torture on my body. He slaps my pussy again. And just as my orgasm crests, he
shoves his cock into me.

“Cadence. Sweet Cadence. I could fuck you forever.” He rocks into me over and over. Faster

and faster. His hands are on my waist.

I moan, beyond spent, but my body is still anxious for him. His body tenses, and I know his

orgasm is close. But at the last minute, he pulls out, gently turns me so that we’re facing each other,
and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me tenderly and slowly slides into my
pussy. Once. Twice. And then he comes. He kisses my chin, my cheeks, my lips.

“How do you feel? Want more?”
The truth is I do. But I don’t know that my body could handle it.
He kisses the area between my breasts. “Let’s take a shower.”
I nod. And he growls.
“A shower sounds good,” I say, barely able to keep my eyes open.

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Chapter 9

After a shower, Zane tucks me into the huge bed and I fall asleep immediately. When I wake,

it’s morning. Zane’s side has been used, but he isn’t there.

I get ready, putting my hair in a loose bun and brushing mascara on my eyes. At the last minute

I add some light pink gloss. I don’t do more just in case I’m supposed to be filming today. Zane didn’t
tell me I was, but then we didn’t do much talking last night.

I decide to wear a dress. It isn’t exactly professional. It’s light pink, like a soft blush, with

spaghetti straps and lace edging along the neckline, emphasizing my cleavage. The material is soft,
liquid, and it skims over my body like a cool hug. I pair it with a taupe ankle strap bootie. I like what I
see in the mirror, but as I leave the closet, I grab a sweater wrap that’s the exact color of my shoes.
Just in case, I think. Then I decide, what the hell, and switch out purses, too. I’ve only used one so far
and there’s a matching clutch amongst all the others.

Then I head out of the bedroom. I’m starving.
Zane is sitting on one of the dining chairs eating. He’s wearing black pants, matching shoes,

and a gray button-down shirt. His sandy blond hair is perfectly mussed, yet out of his face. My first
instinct is to run my hands through it. But I resist.

Seeing him still here surprises me. Usually he’s gone.
He must hears me come in and he turns, a smile lifting his lips.
I’m taken aback. He’s really gorgeous. Not in a “hottest man on the planet” kind of way, like

John Cruze, but in a man’s man kind of way. Zane’s eyebrows are trimmed, but thicker than John’s.
His lips are fuller. Zane doesn’t have a dimple, but when he smiles his face is perfect. And his eyes?
They’re piercing. He’s a man full of confidence. One who might be shady, but there’s no doubt he
knows what he wants and how to get it.

I can’t help but wonder: if the tables were turned and it’d been Zane who’d fucked me in front

of the cameras yesterday, how would he have reacted? Would he have apologized like John did?
Would he have done anything but take what he wanted and enjoy every fucking minute of it?

I knew the answer.
“Hi,” I say as I walk toward Zane.
His eyes take me in and linger on my cleavage. “You look exquisite.”
“Thanks. Whoever picked out my clothes has great taste.” I sit in the chair he holds out for me.

“Thank you for them, by the way.”

He waves his hand. “You’re welcome.” He puts a piece of toast and some scrambled egg on a

plate. “Fruit?”

“Yes, please.”
He scoops some purple grapes, strawberries, and mango into a small bowl. “Orange juice?”

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“Yes,” I answer, unable to take my eyes from him. He seems different somehow, more relaxed,

and I wonder what’s changed.

“There you go. Eat up.”
I pick up my fork. “I will. Thank you.” I stab a grape and pop it into my mouth. The flavor fills

my mouth and I sigh. “It’s good.”

Zane chuckles. “You keep eating like that and I might have to fuck you first thing this


My thighs quiver and I’m instantly wet. I raise an eyebrow, challenging him, then fork a piece

of mango and slide it into my mouth, sucking on it as it goes in.

He growls softly. “You’re asking for it, sweet Cadence.”
“I want it, Zane,” I whisper.
He sets down the paper he’s just picked up and pushes back his chair. Stands in front of me. I

start to undo his belt when there’s a knock at the door.

Zane touches my cheek with the palm of his hand. “Raincheck?”
“I’ll hold you to that,” I say and smile.
He laughs. “You’d better hurry and finish eating. Lincoln’s here to take us to the office.

You’ve got work to do, PFA.”

I don’t hesitate because I’m famished. I take a bite of egg. Zane crosses the room and opens

the door for Lincoln.

“Mr. Zane. Are you ready to go?”
“As soon as Cadence is finished eating,” Zane says, patting Lincoln on the arm.
“Would you like me to wait here or in the car?”
“Here’s fine. We shouldn’t be too long.”
Lincoln closes the door and then stands next to it. He wears the same outfit every day; the only

change is his tie. Nothing dramatic. Always dark colors. Like today, his tie is a charcoal gray. He’s
removed his aviators and has them in his breast pocket. His expression is the usual—stoic.

“Hi, Lincoln,” I say and wave.
“Hello, Cadence,” he responds, his lips barely moving.
I push out my lower lip, but don’t say anything. Instead I shove another bite of food in my


Zane has gone over to the counter and is rustling papers. I don’t focus on him, but my food. I

take a bite of toast. It’s buttery and delicious.

After two more bites, I stand.
“You finished?” Zane asks. He looks wary. “You need to make sure you’re getting enough to


“Yep. I’ll just be a moment. I need to brush my teeth.”

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Chapter 10

In the limo, I lean back against the seat. Zane is still going through paperwork and I wonder

what’s so important.

“What are you doing?” I ask.
He stacks the papers and puts them in his briefcase. “Working.”
“Will you tell me about my brother?” It’s a question that I can’t resist asking.
He heaves a deep breath. “What do you want to know?” His features are guarded and I know I

need to be careful.

“You know where my brother is?”
He blinks. “Yes.”
“And you’ll hurt him…” The rest of the question dies on my lips as tears spring into my eyes. I

quickly brush them away. Travis is my blood, but we haven’t been close in a long time.

Zane’s face softens. “He’s already hurting.”
The answer sends me into a tailspin. “Where is he? Why is he hurting?”
He leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Why are you so interested? From what I

understand, you two haven’t spoken in years.”

I’m suddenly defensive. It sounds like he’s talked to Travis. What did they say to each other?

“You’ve spoken to him?”

“Of course.” He responds like I should’ve known the answer to that question already.
“Well what did he say? Where is he? Why’s he hurting?” The questions tumble from my lips

faster than I can consider them. I gave up on Travis because he walked out and I had no idea where he
was. “Did he tell you that the last time we saw each other he tried to set me on fire?”

A dark look crosses Zane’s face and is gone. “No. We’ve mostly discussed memories of when

he was younger.”

For some reason my face flushes with embarrassment. “He told you about us… about my mom

and dad… about what happened?”

Zane leans back. “We’ve talked in length about his childhood and yours as well.”
“Where is he, you son of a bitch? What have you done to him?” The current of anger and fear

that flashes through me is so intense I can’t control it. All I can think is that he’s got Travis locked
away somewhere and that he’s hurting him, torturing him. “He’s been through enough! How dare you
hurt him!” I lunge at Zane, punching his chest, tearing at his shirt.

Zane grabs hold of my wrists. He’s strong. Too strong. “I haven’t hurt your brother. He’s safe.”

His words bite through me and as quickly as the anger appeared, it vanishes.

I sink into his chest and cry like a fucking baby. “God, Zane. Don’t hurt him. Please don’t hurt

him.” I’m still pounding on his chest, but there’s no force behind each blow. “I swear I’ll do whatever
you want. Just please don’t hurt my brother.” Sobs wrack my body. Pain I’ve been holding deep inside

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for years comes out of me like a torrential rain.

Zane pulls me to him. “Shhhh. Hush. It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
I claw at his shirt, cry into his chest. I can’t stop. Now that I’ve started I don’t know that I’ll

ever be able to. The dam has broken, the floodgates have been blown to pieces, and all that’s left are
tears. I cry. For every fucking time my parents hurt me, every time they ignored me, left me to fend
for myself, yelled hateful words at me. I cry for my father’s cowardice, for taking his life when he
should’ve lived it and taught me how to live. I cry for my mother. She pushed me from her body and
kept on pushing. I never felt even the tiniest inkling of love, a moment where I believed she cared
about me. And I cry for my brother, because even after my mom realized she didn’t want me, she still
chose to have another child. And he was unwanted too. I cry for his suffering, for every wasted second
of his life. And mine.

I cry and cry and cry.
I hear Lincoln and Zane talking, but I’m too far gone in my mourning to understand. Too

fucking wrapped up in the pain to break free.

And I’m suddenly being carried. Zane’s arms cradling me. I hear him huffing as he walks

quickly up a set of stairs. The door closes softly behind us.

I stop crying. “Where are we?” I ask, so softly I wonder if he can hear me.
Zane looks down at me. His eyes are filled with tender worry.
“We’re home,” he answers.
I close my eyes. “Okay.”

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