McLeod Anitra Lynn Catching a Clumsy Mate (2)

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Rough River Coyotes 11

Catching a Clumsy Mate

He stumbles right into love without even realizing it…

When clumsy cowboy Reid Holland is approached by a naked man,

he damn near breaks his own neck falling off a ladder. Instantly

smitten, Reid assumes the man must be for another. No way

would he luck out and get such a stunning partner. But when the

man turns out to be his mate, he’s convinced there’s been a


Disoriented yet irresistibly drawn to Reid, stylist and party planner

Finn Kirkpatrick struggles to remember what he’s doing in Utah,

but one thing he’s not confused about is his attraction to the

awkwardly shy cowboy. He is used to the finer things, but he also

knows a good thing when he sees it, and Reid is just that.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Shape-shifter, Western/Cowboys
Length: 36,434 words

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Rough River Coyotes 11

Anitra Lynn McLeod



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-360-3

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Rough River Coyotes 11


Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

“Pardon me. I seem to be lost. Can you help me?”
Reid Holland turned from trimming the orchard trees to find a

naked man approaching him. Lord have mercy. From the other
cowboys on the Rough River Ranch, he knew what a disoriented
naked man meant, but that didn’t make him any less fumbling than
usual. He damn near dropped the branch lopper right into his leg.
Thankfully, he didn’t, but he did manage to wobble on the ladder.

“Oh! Let me help you.” The naked man rushed over and grabbed

Reid’s leg in an effort to steady him. Unfortunately, his touch caused
a whole new kind of destabilization. This close, Reid got a good whiff
of him. He smelled like the very essence of life distilled into the
perfect scent. He was wild flowers, baking bread, a new bar of soap,
and the scent of a fresh paperback all wrapped up into one. Instantly
aroused, Reid realized his cock was about at the same level as the
handsome stranger’s mouth. He swallowed hard. Reid tried to find
something to say, but words escaped him. And then his intense
shyness caused him to try to move away, forgetting completely the
fact he was up on a ladder. Unable to find any semblance of balance,
he tumbled off, landing on his butt in the dirt. He was embarrassed

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beyond belief, but he stayed right where he was because he had a
spectacular view of the man’s naked body. Just like his scent, his
form was all the best things rolled up into one.

“Are you all right?” Now he was kneeling beside Reid in the dirt,

his expression concerned. His meticulously styled brown hair
gleamed with multicolored highlights. His eyes were jade green. A
beautifully soft, slightly opaque kind of jade. His lashes were so long
they looked almost fake. If he hadn’t have been so close, Reid may
have thought they were false, but they weren’t. They were real, and
this man was simply stunning. “Oh, dear. Are you mute?”

“I can talk.” Reid patted himself on the back for managing to get

that out. If there had been anyone else around, he would have
gratefully allowed them to help this man find his mate. But there was
only him. There were plenty of cows in the next field over, but the
nearest human was back at the farmhouse.

“Allow me to help you up.” He offered out his hand.
Reid just sat there staring. He was six three and a good two fifty

while the man before him was maybe five seven and one sixty-five.
Reid felt even more self-conscious than he normally did. He was
supposed to be an alpha, yet he was the one who couldn’t manage to
string two words together or even stand upright. But he’d also had
manners drilled into him to the point he automatically offered out his

Reid managed to get to his feet without putting any strain on the

other man, but once he was upright, the man didn’t let go of his hand.
He was looking at Reid and blinking very fast. Convinced he had
injured himself when he dropped the loppers, Reid looked down. All
he saw was a damn big bulge in his jeans. Mortified, he wanted to
turn away, but he didn’t want to take another tumble into the dirt.

Instead, he thanked the handsome man for helping him and then

stepped back, forcing him to let go of his glove-clad hand. He
managed to do this without falling down. However, before he could
congratulate himself on his miraculous ability to take a step without

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turfing it, he realized he’d stepped into something that squished. He
was convinced it was a cowpie, but he didn’t want to look down and
see. If he had managed to step in shit, he didn’t want the man in front
of him to notice.

“You’ve crushed your box.”
“What?” Reid was so poleaxed by the comment he looked down

and realized what he’d squashed was the juice box he’d brought with
him for lunch time. “Damn. That was my favorite flavor, too.”

“Aren’t you a little old to be drinking out of a box?”
Reid looked up. The guy was serious. For once, his almost

crushing awkwardness disappeared. Who the hell was this guy to tell
him what he should and shouldn’t drink? A strange mixture of anger
and embarrassment made him put his hands on his hips, glare, and
pointedly say, “I didn’t realize there was an age limit. Next time I’ll
have my butler pack me a bottle of champagne to better suit his

The man flinched back. “I don’t know why I said that.”
Rather than continue on with that rather meaningless subject, Reid

asked, “What’s your name?”

“I’m—I’m—Finn Kirkpatrick.” As soon as he said his name, he

made a face. “That’s my real name. My given name. But that’s not
what—I think I go by something else.”

“I’ll just call you Finn until you remember the other name.” Reid

bent over to pick up his now-mangled lunch. He’d taken the juice box
out to sip on between snips, something he now regretted. He’d been
planning on trimming the last tree then taking a break, but now he
supposed he should take Finn up the farmhouse so he could figure out
who his mate was. Just as Reid started to stand back up, he realized he
was now at face level with Finn’s cock. His very hard cock. He was
uncut, and as Reid stayed still, Finn grew enough that the head
emerged from the foreskin. It was slow-motion sexy, causing Reid to
lick his lips. What he wouldn’t give to move over the small fraction of
space between them and suck on that sweet prick.

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

“What’s your name?” Finn asked.
“Reid. Reid Holland.” Reid couldn’t take his gaze off Finn’s cock,

but if he stayed bent over much longer, he knew he was going to
make Finn think he was a weirdo. He straightened.

Finn looked up at him and seemed to waver.
“Are you injured?” Instantly alert, Reid dropped his lunch back in

the dirt and circled around Finn, looking for blood.

“I don’t think I am. I’m just very confused.” Finn dropped his

hands down to cover his junk. “How did I get here?”

“I don’t know. I was just trimming trees.” Reid didn’t want to be

the one to explain everything to him because he’d make a huge mess
of it.

“Where am I?”
“You’re on the Rough River Ranch. Seven hundred thousand

acres of prime grazing land with a hundred thousand head of cattle.”

“A ranch?” Finn made another face. “Why in the world would I

have come here?”

Reid knew why Finn was here, but he wasn’t too sure how to go

about telling him he was a coyote-shifter looking for his mate. He was
on the verge of explaining when his cell phone rang. It was his boss,
Marshal, asking him how things were going.

“Good.” Reid kept his gaze on Finn, noting that he looked equal

amounts confused and repulsed. Reid wasn’t sure what was making
him so upset, but whatever it was, it was annoying him plenty. Finn
somehow managed to twist the handsome right off his face. “There’s
a guy out here.”

“A naked man?” Marshal asked.
“Yeah.” Reid would have said a lot more, but he didn’t want to

freak out Finn any more than he already seemed to be. “Says his name
is Finn Kirkpatrick.”

“Is he yours?”
Reid stood there with the sun beating down on him, the smell of

parched land and cherry juice in his nose, the feel of sweat-wet boots

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on his feet, and a hard-on that was probably the most epic erection of
his life. He had just automatically assumed Finn was here for
someone else. But now that Marshal mentioned it, he allowed himself
a quick fantasy of what it would be like to have a mate. Sadly, Reid
saw himself tripping and falling on Finn, injuring him horribly.

“Reid?” Marshal’s voice came over the phone with perfect clarity.

Given how popular the area beyond their ranch was for recreation, the
powers that be had recently installed a cell tower. Overnight, they
went from having the worst reception to the best. But that didn’t
matter when Reid didn’t know what to say. “Do you need help?”

“I fell off the ladder.” Reid had no clue why he was telling

Marshal about his fumbling. It wasn’t like the man didn’t know he’d
hired on a grade-A klutz. But Marshal had never made Reid feel less
for his issues. Left alone and given solitary work, Reid got along just
fine. It was only when he was around other men, especially attractive
ones, that he became a lightning rod for every mishap in the universe.
If something could go wrong, it would, but only while Reid was in
close proximity to a man he found attractive.

“Are you injured?”
“No. I’m embarrassed.” Reid realized Finn was looking at him

curiously. “I’m fine. I’ll bring him up to the farmhouse.”

“Is he yours?”
Rather than answer, Reid hung up. Knowing Marshal, he’d

probably think he did it accidentally. That was good. He hadn’t
wanted to be rude, but he also had no idea how to answer that
question. Was Finn here for him? If he was, he was going to be
devastated to find out he had a big, clumsy oaf for a mate.

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Chapter 2

Finn Kirkpatrick was the name he’d been born with, but that

wasn’t what he called himself. He was certain of that. It was such an
excessively Scottish name that when he used it he felt a burning need
to be dressed in a kilt and speak with a thick accent. To get away from
his roots, he’d moved to the big city and reinvented himself.

“New York City.”
“That’s where you’re from?” Reid tucked his phone back into his

front pocket. Given how hard the man was, there didn’t seem to be a
lot of room in his jeans. When Finn realized he was riveted to the
man’s crotch, he yanked his gaze away so abruptly he managed to
take a step back. He was relieved when he hit dirt and not a cow patty
or a sticker patch. It had taken him forever to get to Reid because he’d
been dodging both along the way.

“That’s where I live.” Finn looked around at the hot, dry

landscape. The air was so devoid of humidity his skin suddenly felt
unbelievably itchy. His mouth was also so dry that the juice box he’d
disdained now looked inordinately good. He didn’t even care that
there was a big heelprint crushing the bottom. The top half looked
okay. But he could hardly ask this man to share it with him when he’d
put him down for having it in the first place.

“You’re a long way from New York.”
“Where am I, exactly?” Finn felt he should apologize and explain

that he honestly hadn’t meant any harm earlier, but he wasn’t really
sure why he’d piped up with the comment in the first place.
Something to do with his job, maybe? Everything was out of focus
and fuzzy in his head. It was like the information was there. He just

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couldn’t quite see it through the haze.

“Utah?” That was one of those states he’d heard about but had

never had any inclination to visit. Finn liked nightlife. He adored glitz
and glamor. Awakening without a stich of clothing annoyed him
beyond comprehension. It wasn’t the fact that he was naked, but the
fact that he would make a horrible impression without clothing. That
thought only caused him to furrow his brow and wonder at himself.
Just what kind of a man was he? He seemed far more concerned with
making a good impression than he did with the fact he was nude
without any solid memories from the night before.

“Utah. Forty-fifth state of the Union. Famous for honeybees,

skiing, and polygamy.”

“Utah.” Just the name Utah spoke of exactly what he found

himself standing in now—bleak, boring, and mostly unpopulated
land. Why would anyone want to live here when the city was so
exciting? “Where’s the nearest city?”

“Scorpion is about fifty miles that way.” Reid pointed. “But I

wouldn’t call it a city.”

“No.” Reid shook his head. “More like a town. Nice place though.

Good eats at some of the restaurants. Not as good as Cassidy’s food
but nothing really is.”

“Chief cook and bottle washer for the ranch.”
Finn could only peer up at the massive cowboy. He was tall and

broad, dressed in a blue chambray shirt, faded dungarees, a light tan
hat, and matching gloves. Although, to be fair, he didn’t think the
gloves were selected because they matched the hat. No. This was a
working man who probably picked his wardrobe for functionality and
not visual appeal. But then he noticed there was a kerchief around his
neck. It was powder blue and matched the man’s eyes. The
inappropriate erection he’d gotten when Reid bent down to retrieve

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his lunch was back and stronger than ever. What in the world was
wrong with him? Yes, the man was handsome in a rough way, but he
was most definitely not Finn’s type.

“How in the world did I end up out here?” Finn felt dazed. “The

last thing I remember is driving.” That was strange in and of itself
because he didn’t think he did a lot of driving in New York. He either
walked or took taxicabs everywhere.

“Well, there’s a reason for everything. I can’t really explain it all

here. Let’s get you up to the big house.”

“Big house?” Finn was mortified to realize that he was echoing

everything this man said.

“The farmhouse.”
Finn felt utterly off center. All he could think about clearly was

how rough this man’s shadow of a beard would feel against his face
when they kissed. When? The word echoed in his head. He was not
going to kiss this man. As soon as he told himself that, his cock only
got harder and his attention only riveted more fully on the cowboy’s
mouth. He was lightly sweaty and a little dusty from his work, but his
lips were clean. They also were a little redder than usual, probably
because of the juice. While he watched, Reid licked his lips, causing
Finn to utter a hungry little cry.

Reid’s brows lifted, tilting his hat back a bit. Obviously, he’d

heard the noise Finn had just made. In answer, he growled. It was a
low, aggressive sound that somehow managed to wrap around Finn’s
body. And then he was stepping forward, intent on kissing a man he
didn’t know. Reid stood still, watching him, his powder-blue eyes
displaying his excitement and a stunned kind of disbelief.

Breathless with anticipation, Finn placed his hands against Reid’s

chest, stunned by the hardness of his muscles. He wasn’t a man who
got his tan from a spray or his build from a gym. He was all real. And
Finn was going to kiss him. Finn closed his eyes right as their lips
came together.


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There was no other word to describe the feeling that possessed

him. What he had right here and right now was something so
enchanting that he wasn’t allowed to come to this moment with full
knowledge of himself. He would only ruin everything. Somehow, the
fates had stripped him of his identity to show him what his life had
been lacking.

Reid seemed to be holding himself deliberately still. He didn’t

grasp Finn or open his mouth. He simply stood and allowed Finn to
kiss him. When Finn pressed closer and parted his lips, Reid followed
suit. Slipping his tongue into his mouth allowed Finn to taste the fruit
juice that Reid had been drinking. It was sweet and oddly familiar, but
he wasn’t prepared for how famished he suddenly felt. It wasn’t a
hunger for food that gripped him, but a need for sex. He wanted to
have this man right here in the middle of the fruit trees.

Urged onward by powerful primal drives, Finn moved closer to

Reid, deepening their kiss. When he felt Reid’s cock against his belly,
Finn slid his hand down to palm him. Right before he made contact,
Reid’s cell phone clamored for attention.

Reid stumbled back so quickly he apparently tripped over his own

feet. He fell backward, landing on his butt. Unfortunately, he hit the
juice box. Bright red fluid gushed out and down the inside of his

Finn stood, stunned. He had an insane urge to laugh but didn’t

want to hurt Reid’s feelings. All the while his phone was still blaring.

Clearly embarrassed, Reid fished the thing out of his pants. Rather

than snarl in answer, he simply said, “Yeah?” Reid then listened to
whoever was on the other end. He made a point of not looking at
Finn. He also didn’t bother getting up. “Call Marshal. I have
something I have to take care of.” He listened again, this time with his
eyes closed. “Just get someone else, would you? I really can’t. I have
someone with me.”

Whoever he was talking to started talking so loudly Reid pulled

the phone away from his ear. He looked up at Finn, shook his head,

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and rolled his eyes. Without moving the speaker close to him, he drew
the microphone close and said, “I have to go.” Reid turned the phone
off and slipped it back into his pocket.

“You’re not having a very good day, are you?” Finn crouched

down beside him.

Reid laughed. “It’s pretty normal so far. Well, except for that kiss.

That’s not normal at all.”

“You expect me to believe that a naked man hasn’t come up to

you in an orchard and kissed you so passionately you fell on your

Reid blushed ever so slightly. He darted his powder-blue gaze up

and shook his head. “No. That happens to me every day. But
squashing my juice box so it looks like I had a horrible accident
between my legs? That’s the surprise.”

Finn laughed and offered out his hand again. He didn’t know why

he bothered. If Reid actually put any weight on him, he’d probably
toss him over his shoulder.

“I’m good.”
They stood together.
“Sorry I’m such a mess.”
“You’re just very shy, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” Reid tilted his head down, using his hat to shade his eyes.

“I should get you to the farmhouse.”

Without looking, Reid set off walking. Finn got a great view of

him and his cherry-stained butt. He took two steps to follow but
stopped. He’d walked across the open field to get to Reid. To do so
he’d had to dodge cow patties and stickers. Of course, he hadn’t
known they were stickers until he stepped in them. Here, there
seemed to be less of the low-growing plants, but that didn’t mean he
was keen on finding out.

“What?” He turned around and instantly made a face. “Lord have

mercy. I’m such a jackass.” He ran back over to Finn’s side. “Here,

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let me carry you.”

The idea of being in this man’s arms for any length of time made

Finn feel positively giddy. However, when Reid turned and crouched
down, Finn was confused.

“Hop on my back.”
Feeling foolish for having practically thrown himself at this man,

who clearly wasn’t interested, Finn climbed onto his back. Reid
grasped his knees while Finn clung to his shoulders. When Reid set
off across the dusty prairie, Finn discovered that his fascination for
this shy and almost painfully awkward cowboy was only getting far
more intense. With each step he took, Finn’s cock rubbed into his
lower back. The man simply had to feel the hot, hard length. Finn
kept waiting for him to say something, but Reid stayed remarkably

Afraid that if he spoke he would only distract him and cause him

to fall again, Finn stayed silent and tried to understand why he was so
aroused. He couldn’t remember everything about himself, but he was
fairly certain Reid wasn’t the typical guy he was attracted to. For
some reason, he kept seeing himself with men who were as well put
together as he usually was. Finn knew he was always impeccably
groomed. He was certain of that. He also wouldn’t ever drink
anything out of a box, and he certainly wouldn’t go anywhere with a
man who was sweaty and smelled so incredibly good.

Finn buried his nose against Reid’s back and sniffed. Yes, it was

definitely him that smelled so wickedly pleasant. It wasn’t cologne or
laundry soap or anything manmade. It was the smell of a man. A real
man. Finn wanted to start with his lips then work his way down to his
thick and hairy cock.

That made him tense.
How did he know that Reid was hairy? Finn looked down at

Reid’s forearms. They were covered with a light dusting of black hair.
Given what this man did for a living, it was doubtful he shaved
himself. He’d obviously not bothered to shave his face this morning,

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so the rest of him was probably in a very natural state. Somehow, the
thought of Reid naked and coming toward him made Finn keenly
aware of how his cock was rubbing on his back.

“What’s wrong?” Reid stopped and instantly put Finn down.
It was only then that Finn realized he was a stroke away from

climax. When Reid turned around, the first place he looked was down
at Finn’s cock.

“What’s wrong with me?”
“You’re turned on?” Reid looked from his prick to his face then


“I know that. The question is why?”
“It’s not your fault.” Reid met his gaze for barely a second before

he was looking away again. “It’s because I’m your mate.”

“I’m really sorry.” Reid met his gaze, and his heartfelt pain was

evident. “But you don’t have to be stuck with me. I’ll get you to the
house then go. Eventually, you’ll switch over to another guy who
isn’t such a disaster.”

“I don’t understand.”
“See? I can’t even explain something without making a mess. I’m


“You’re not.” Finn took half a step closer, feeling again a

profound urge to kiss this man that he didn’t know. The word mate
was one that he knew and understood, but he had a feeling he wasn’t
grasping the full meaning that Reid was trying to convey. “I think
you’re incredibly sweet.”

“Yeah? That’s only because I’ve got cherry juice all over my ass.”
Finn couldn’t help it. He laughed. When Reid looked up, he

initially looked hurt, but then he seemed to realize that Finn was
laughing at the situation, not him. Reid laughed, too, but he kept his
attention on the ground.

Drawn to him again, Finn moved close. “Kiss me.”

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“You don’t have to be stuck with me.”
“I’m not stuck with you.” Finn moved slowly because he didn’t

want to startle him. The last thing he wanted was to have Reid fall
down a third time. “I want to kiss you because I want to kiss you.”

“But there are men who are way better.” Reid looked on the verge

of launching into a full-blown argument about why he was unsuitable,
so Finn kissed him quiet. This time, Reid wrapped his arms around
him. At first, his hold was tentative, but the more Finn deepened the
kiss, the firmer his grip became. Eventually, his glove-clad hands
cupped Finn’s buttocks. Carefully, he lifted Finn up, pressing him so
tight he almost couldn’t breathe. And then Reid was grinding their
cocks together. Each pass heightened Finn’s awareness and made him
almost desperate for release. He felt he’d been saving up a climax for
his entire life.

Tearing his mouth away, Finn rose up so that he was able to wrap

his legs around Reid’s waist. Now that he had better maneuverability,
he was able to control more of the movement. He was also able to
reach between their bodies and free Reid’s cock from his dungarees.
Hot flesh met hot flesh, spilling copious amounts of pre-cum. Since
Reid was so strong and able to hold him up without Finn having to
hang on, Finn was able to wrap his hand around both of their cocks so
they were sliding past one another within the tight channel of his fist.

“I’m so close. So very close.” Finn had to let go of their cocks

because he wanted to kiss Reid and he couldn’t reach. As their
mouths came together, Finn tightened his legs, Reid tightened his
hands, and they climaxed amid growls and whimpers. Clinging to his
shoulders, kissing him more gently, Finn realized that though he
didn’t have all his memories, he was positive he’d never done
anything like that.

“We shouldn’t have done that.” Reid pulled back only long

enough to speak, but then he was back, kissing Finn possessively.

“Why not?” Finn asked between kisses.
“Because now I don’t think I can let you go.”

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Finn felt a confusing conflict. He felt content in Reid’s arms. He

knew what they’d just shared was only a taste of what they could
have together, but he also knew this place wasn’t right for him. He
was a city boy in the arms of a very big and sexy country man.
Normally, such a momentary dip into another lifestyle wouldn’t be
more than a way to pass the time, but he knew without asking that
what he was falling into with Reid was a forever-after kind of thing.
The question was, just how much of his glamorous lifestyle was he
willing to give up?

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Chapter 3

Reid knew he should have just kept going when Finn told him to

stop. He’d loved the way his cock was stroking along his back. He
was counting his steps, wondering how many it would take to make
him climax. Since Reid had to change his pants, he wouldn’t mind
changing his shirt, too. But then Finn had seemed panicked. So Reid
stopped. And then they were kissing again. His mouth had tasted so
incredibly good. Reid had wanted to tell him that he was a wonderful
kisser, but he didn’t want to confess the truth that he actually had
nothing to compare his kiss to.

Reid had never kissed anyone.
And then the kiss had gone wild. When Finn had unfastened

Reid’s jeans and forced their cocks to rub together, he thought he was
dreaming. Never in his life had he ever felt what he did with this
stunning young man. It was powerful and fast, a blinding kind of need
to mark him before another alpha came along. Reid had been
determined to give Finn a chance with one of the other men on the
ranch, but all that got swept away by raw need. Reid wanted Finn. He
didn’t want anyone else to ever touch him. Not intimately like this.
And then they were moving faster, their kisses were more frantic, and
then he’d climaxed so hard he swore time stood still.

When Reid came back to reality, he wanted to hold onto Finn so

tightly he could never get away. Even though Reid knew that was
wrong—he’d seen his own father ruin relationship after relationship
with his desperate clinging ways—he also didn’t want to do anything
to imprison his mate.


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That word evoked so much for Reid. He thought of lazy Sunday

mornings in bed. Reading the same books and then talking about who
would be best to play the characters in the movie version. They would
be able to do anything together and be happy. Just as Reid was falling
into the warm fuzzy bliss of that fantasy, he saw himself falling out of
bed and ruining the moment. He would somehow manage to drop the
book in the toilet, destroying it so it had to be thrown away. And
anywhere they went he would stumble, fall, and embarrass the both of
them. As much as he wanted someone to share his life with, he
couldn’t inflict that on Finn.

“It’s not fair to you.” Reluctantly, Reid put him down. “You

shouldn’t have to just get a mate but should be able to pick one.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Finn stood there

rather awkwardly. Reid blamed himself.

“Get on my back, and let me get you to the house.”
“There’s a huge mess on your shirt.”
“It balances out the mess on my jeans.” Reid buttoned up his

pants, tucked in his shirt, and then bent over so Finn could climb on
him. Once he was settled, he moved swiftly toward the farmhouse.
“Trust me, no one is going to look twice.”

“Because I’m the resident klutz.” Reid let out a sigh that did little

to make him feel better. “But you don’t have to be stuck with me. If
you just wait for a few days, you’ll find another alpha.”

“What in the world are you talking about?”
Rather than answer, Reid decided to shut up and walk faster.

Someone at the house could explain it to him because heaven knew
Reid would only make a mess of it, just like he did everything else.
By the time he got to the porch, he was huffing and puffing hard
enough to almost blow the door down. Before he could, Storm opened
the door and came flying out so fast he almost knocked Reid over.

“Sorry!” Storm kept right on going. From the brief glimpse Reid

had of his face, Storm was upset. Really upset. So much so that he

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was crying.

“Damn it, Storm. That isn’t what I meant at all!” Cassidy was

right on his mate’s heels. He stopped abruptly in the doorway. “Reid.
Hi.” Cassidy’s gaze went past him, obviously watching Storm.

“Is everything okay?” Reid didn’t want to get into the middle of a

fight, but he also couldn’t just stand there and say nothing. Honestly,
he was worried. Storm and Cassidy were perfectly suited mates who
seemed to work so well together. To see them at odds made him
realize he would never be able to make a pairing work. Just like his
dad always said, he was better off alone.

“Storm is upset.” Cassidy left it at that. “But it looks like we have

another visitor.” His smile was genuine. “I’m Cassidy.”

“Chief cook and bottle washer,” Finn said.
“Ah. I see my reputation precedes me.”
“This is Finn Kirkpatrick. He needs to be cleaned up, fed, dressed,

the whole bit.” Reid released Finn from his back, relieved that his part
in this was over. Unfortunately, before he could hoof it, Cassidy took
one look at him and tsked.

“Looks like you had an accident. Or two.” Cassidy blushed

suddenly, probably because he realized what had caused the stain on
Reid’s shirt. “Come on in. I just folded your laundry, so you’ve got
some clean jeans and shirts.”

Knowing it would be rude to walk off, and he really didn’t want to

spend the day in sticky red pants, Reid followed Finn who followed
Cassidy into the house. The first thing that hit him was a blast of cool
air. It was heavenly. Morning was still filling in the valley, but it was
the last of summer. The temperature should be falling off a little each
day, but apparently, Mother Nature didn’t get the memo because it
seemed to Reid it was getting hotter each day.

“I’ll just go up and—”
“You are going to come in here and help your mate get situated.”

Cassidy went into the laundry room.

“What is this mate thing about?” Finn asked.

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Cassidy spun and looked from Finn, to Reid, to the wet spots on

Reid’s shirt, then up to Reid’s eyes. “You didn’t tell him?”

“I tried, but I was making a mess of it just like I do everything, so

I stopped.”

Cassidy sighed. “Let’s get you settled and then we’ll talk.”

Cassidy grabbed a bright-blue storage bin and then handed it to Finn.
“Help yourself to anything in these stacks and or on those hangers.”

While Finn was looking over the collection of clothes, some new,

some used, Cassidy handed Reid a stack of laundry. Just as he always
did, Reid buried his nose in the pile and sniffed. Nothing smelled as
good as laundry that had hung outside to dry. Well, there was Finn’s
scent, but Reid was doing his best not to think about that.

“You should have told him,” Cassidy admonished.
“I didn’t know how.”
“He’s yours. It’s really—”
“I don’t want him.”
Cassidy’s cinnamon eyes went so wide it was a wonder they

didn’t fall out of his head.

“He can do a hell of a lot better than me.” Reid kept his voice

down because he didn’t want Finn to join in on the conversation. He
just wanted to go up to his room, clean up, get dressed, and then go
back out to the orchard. “I’m going to go change. I’ll sleep out in the
barn so another alpha can pick up on his scent.”

Cassidy opened his mouth to respond, but Reid turned away

before he could. Feeling like a total coward, he hoofed it up to the
second floor. He went past Paul’s old room and into his own. Paul
and Jacob were in their house now. It was a good thing. Jacob was
loud. Really loud. When the two had been mating, all the single
alphas had to leave the big house. Jacob had been releasing a glut of
beta pheromones, but also, the noise was enough to make every man
on the ranch—mated or not—crave someone to mate with.

Reid was no exception.
Desperate to get away, Reid had tossed some camping gear

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together then rode off to the swimming hole near the river. He’d spent
the night looking at the stars and wondering what kind of a mate he’d
get. Each time he pictured the moment, he saw himself messing it up
somehow. In the end, he decided he was better off alone. He vowed if
and when some beautiful naked man came up to him, he’d make sure
he went to someone else. The fact that Finn was so handsome wasn’t
going to make him change his mind. Reid had made his decision and
he was going to stick with it.

On his way up the stairs, he kept the clean laundry close so he

could smell that and not the lingering essence of Finn. If he didn’t get
his scent off him, he was going to lose his resolve to leave Finn for
another alpha.

Once inside his room, Reid closed the door and stripped out of his

clothes. Before he could change his mind about pursuing Finn, he
shoved his dirty clothing into the hamper then put some towels on top
for good measure. He didn’t want the scent to sneak out and mess
with his resolve. Bare, he went into his shower. Most of the rooms
had claw-foot tubs, but his little room had been some kind of storage
area, so he had a more modern shower that was plenty big enough for
him. Since he’d only managed to prune a few of the wind-damaged
orchard trees, he wasn’t that dirty, but he still thoroughly cleaned
himself. From what Paul—their resident chemist and cowpuncher—
had said, there didn’t have to be a lot of pheromones to make a man

It dawned on Reid then that Finn would also be driven by those

itty bitty chemical messengers. Still, if he showered and didn’t come
near Reid again, Finn would eventually find another alpha. That was
what had happened to Storm. He’d been raped by his intended and
had run here, seeking sanctuary at the ranch. He’d ended up with
Cassidy, and they made a perfect couple.

Although, that made Reid wonder why the two were fighting.

Storm was volatile, but it was pretty impossible for anyone to get into
an argument with Cassidy because the man was the poster child for

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easygoing. No one had a sweeter disposition than the ranch’s cook.

“And it’s none of my business.”
“What isn’t?”
Reid startled and damn near fell in the shower. Thankfully, when

he and Marshal had been designing it, they’d used slightly rough
rocks to line the bottom. Instead of taking a header, Reid’s feet
gripped up on the rocks, holding him in place. When he peered
through the vapor-covered glass wall, he realized Finn was in his

After settling his plastic bin on the closed toilet seat, Finn opened

the shower door and walked right in like he belonged there. Naked,
unfazed, and clearly intent on sharing the shower, Finn looked up at
him and again asked, “What isn’t any of your business?”

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Chapter 4

“Nothing. You should just wait your turn.”
“Didn’t you ever learn to share?”
Rather than answer, Reid turned away. Finn wasn’t about to let

Reid dismiss him because he thought he wasn’t worthy. Cassidy
hadn’t explained everything about this mating thing, but he’d given
Finn enough information to know that there was an inevitability to the

“No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re in the right

place for you to be. You can fight it all you want, but you’ll just make
yourself—and probably a bunch of other people—miserable in the
process.” Cassidy had sighed and looked upward. “Reid’s a good

“But he’s a little clumsy and very self-conscious.”
“He’s also very sweet.” Finn still didn’t remember everything

about his past, but he recalled enough to sympathize with Reid. He
was fairly certain there had been a time when he didn’t think of
himself as good enough. He’d changed his opinion, but doing so took
hard work, dedication, and surrounding himself with people who
loved him for who he was. Maybe all Reid needed was someone to
show him the way.

“Reid is one of the gentlest men I know.” Cassidy’s smile was

bright and welcoming. “A man could do plenty worse than to have a
mate like him.”

Trusting his instincts, Finn took his small pile of possessions up to

the second floor. Even though he could hear the shower running, he’d

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still be able to track Reid down just by his scent. As much as Finn
wanted to call himself an urban sophisticate, he still had plenty of
primal human drives. And from what little information he’d managed
to glean from Cassidy, there was an animal component that was
driving him toward Reid and vice versa. Unable to wrap his head
around being a coyote-shifter, Finn ignored that aspect for now. He
didn’t remember turning into a coyote last night in order to track
down his mate, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t true. It only meant that
he really couldn’t think about it at this moment.

Finn had stopped outside Reid’s bedroom door, wondering if he’d

locked it. When he found out it wasn’t, he took it as a bit of an
invitation until he got in and realized it didn’t have a lock.
Unperturbed, Finn continued on into the bathroom to find that Reid
was talking to himself.

Bold as brass, Finn had let himself right into the big shower. He’d

thought there was plenty of room until he found himself practically
nose to chest with Reid.

“You should go into Paul’s old room. Next door. It’s empty, and

you’ll be safe there.” Reid had a death grip on the bath puff.

“I don’t want to be safe.” Finn took the puff from him, added

more shower gel, and then proceeded to lather Reid’s body. Just as he
imagined while clinging to his back in the orchard, he was hairy. And
it was sexier than Finn could have imagined. There was a light
sprinkling of hair along his chest, just like on his arms, that thickened
near his cock then got lighter again along his legs.

“Keep hanging around me and you’re bound to get hurt.”
“Is that a threat?” Finn asked playfully.
“I told you I’m a walking accident. I’m surprised I haven’t already

inflicted you with a permanent injury.”

“You’re way too hard on yourself.” Finn slipped his hand around

Reid’s cock. “Speaking of hard.”

“Don’t.” Reid pushed his hand away and turned.
Finn just washed his backside. Reid’s entire body, including his

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ass, was nothing but muscle. He was a big man, and normally Finn
would be intimidated, but Reid was also terminally shy, which made
him seem far less frightening. As he stroked over him, Finn suddenly
realized why Reid was so determined to push him away. It wasn’t just
fear of harming him with his clumsiness, but he literally didn’t know
what to do with him. Finn was pretty sure that Reid was a virgin.

“I need you to explain all this to me.” Finn was done washing

him, so he added more suds and cleaned himself. He wasn’t
particularly dirty, only dusty, but smoothing the puff over his body
gave him something to do. Cleaning up also proved to him very
clearly that he was thoroughly aroused even though he’d just recently
had one of the most intense orgasms of his life.

“I don’t—I can’t—I’m not any good at this kind of thing.” Reid

rinsed himself vigorously then got out of the shower before Finn
could stop him.

Rather than run after him, Finn finished up, rinsed off, and then

stepped out. To his surprise, Reid was standing there with a towel.

“Thank you.” Finn accepted the towel, watching how Reid’s gaze

met his with so much want showing it was positively hungry.

“Why did you come in here?” Reid picked up his own towel from

the edge of the sink and finished drying himself off.

“Because you’re my mate.” Finn was surprised how right it felt to

say. He still didn’t remember an awful lot about his past, but he took
Cassidy’s words to heart. There was a reason he was here, and
fighting against fate was going to hurt. So he didn’t. Eventually, he’d
know everything there was to know. Finn seriously doubted that it
would change his mind about Reid. He believed there was something
basic that drew couples together. To hang it on a scent seemed silly,
but then again, animals didn’t have nearly the issues humans did
when it came to forming loving and lasting relationships.

“You can do better.”
“Stop putting yourself down.”
“I’m not. I’m just being honest.” Reid dried his hair, twisting the

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black strands around his head. He looked wild and untamed, filling
Finn with a need to civilize him. Or perhaps what was really pushing
Finn was a longing to indulge himself in dropping his civilized

“Do I look like a man who knows what he wants to you?” After

drying himself, Finn put the towel over the bar, ensuring that the tag
was in the back and the decorative front was facing out. When Reid
tossed his haphazardly over the bar, Finn straightened it with a fussy
kind of automatic need to have things in order. He found it funny that
simply doing everyday actions revealed exactly what kind of a man
he was. “Well? Do I?”

“You look like a man who only wants the best.”
The comment surprised Finn.
“Look at your hands.”
Finn lifted them and looked.
“Your nails are neatly trimmed, buffed, and there’s not a callus

anywhere on you.” Reid stuck out his hand. “Now look at mine.”

Finn took Reid’s hand into his. His hand was big, strong, callused,

and his nails were a mess. They were clean, but ragged and uneven,
almost as if he had a habit of biting them off when they got too long.

Reid tried to take his hand back, but Finn wouldn’t let go. He

found tremendous pleasure in simply holding his hand. “What’s your

“My point is that we are totally different people.”
“And that means we would never work?”
“That’s what that means.” Reid tugged on his hand, and Finn let

him go. “You need someone more sophisticated.”

Finn had a flash of memory. He was dressed to the nines, floating

around a party like a social butterfly. The man next to him was
impeccably groomed and had an outward persona as a successful
businessman. But there was a horrible dark side to him. He was sickly
possessive of Finn. He wanted to tie him up and hit him to prove his
mastery. He’d slapped Finn once, hard. So hard that the mark had

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meant Finn had to stay in their shared apartment for two weeks until
the bruise faded. He’d left him after that. But he’d been afraid, too.
Not that the man would follow him but that he’d never do any better
because he was more concerned with appearance than substance.

“Finn?” Reid was there, pulling him into his arms. “Are you


“I remembered someone.”
“Your true mate?”
“A man who hurt me.”
Reid quite literally transformed from a worried friend into a

furious protector. “Who hurt you?”

“He’s long gone.” Finn reached up and cupped Reid’s face. “But

you’re here.”

“I’m not—”
Finn didn’t want to hear any more self-deprecating talk, so he cut

Reid off with a kiss. Reid melted into him, clearly wanting more, but
just as obviously afraid. Refusing to stop, Finn managed to urge Reid
back to his bed. It was a big sleigh bed with a light, clear stain on the
oak wood and a crazy quilt spread over the top. Once he had Reid on
the bed, he urged him to his back and into the center.

“I shouldn’t. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t.”
“I will.” Reid’s whole face scrunched up. “I always find a way to

mess things up.”

“Not this time.” Finn grasped Reid’s wrist and lifted it toward the

head of the bed. “Did you ever play make-believe?”

“A long time ago.”
“Pretend that I’ve tied you up.” Finn placed Reid’s other hand

above his head. “You can’t move unless I tell you to.”

“You’re worried about hurting me, right?”
“Well, if you don’t move, then there’s no way you can. Right?”

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“No. I’ll find a way. You just don’t know me the way I know me.”
Finn leaned close, placing his mouth right above Reid’s. “I know

enough to know you are without a doubt the sweetest man I’ve ever

Reid blinked several times.
“You know something? I do that, too, when I know something

deep inside but I can’t quite wrap my head around the truth.”

“Blinking fast. You know I’m right. Just how out in the orchard I

looked at you and did that because I knew I wanted you with this
intense longing but I was afraid.” Finn kissed him gently. “But I’m
not afraid now. No matter what you say to me, I’m not afraid of you.”

Reid looked on the verge of arguing that they shouldn’t be

together, but he also seemed to be so hopeful that they should be.
Watching him was like witnessing a beautiful tragedy unfolding.

“I’m right,” Finn said.
“Please don’t let me hurt you.”
“I won’t.”
“What are you going to do to me?” Reid suddenly didn’t seem

quite as worried. Now he seemed intrigued.

“I’m going to claim my mate.”
“Cassidy told you?”
“He said I shifted into a coyote to find you. He also said that once

we mate you’ll be able to shift into one, too.” Finn kissed Reid’s
cheeks and chin, surprised at how good his short, sharp hairs felt
against him. According to his spotty memory, he’d only kissed men
who were tightly shaved. In a way he was glad that Reid was his first
real man because Finn was certain he was Reid’s first all the way

“Did Cassidy mention it’s not a destiny thing? If you wait, you’ll

eventually find another alpha that smells just as good to you as I do.”

“I want you.”
“But you haven’t met the others.”

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“I don’t care.”
“But once we do this, it’s a forever kind of thing.”
“I know.”
“If you say but one more time, I’m going to tie you up for real.”
Reid smiled. “Will you, now?”
“I will. Don’t I look serious?” Finn flashed what he hoped was his

most severe expression.

“You look very intent.”
“I am.” Finn straddled Reid. “Cassidy said that there was no point

to fighting the inevitable. I’m here, and you’re my mate. So you’d just
better deal with it.”

“I’ve never…” Reid wasn’t able to finish. Instead, he looked away

and seemed totally embarrassed.

“I’m glad.”
Reid’s gaze snapped to him. “You are?”
“I am.” Finn kissed him half a dozen times. “My only regret is

that I wish I could give you the same.”

“I don’t mind.” Reid actually looked relieved. “One of us should

know what the hell we’re doing.”

“I didn’t say that.” Finn settled himself so that he was sitting

lightly right on top of Reid’s straining cock, the heat of which was so
intense it was almost too much. Almost. “I have to say with you
everything feels brand new.”

“It’s like I woke up today and realized everything in my life was

only filling space.”

“I don’t understand.”
“I put all these things in my world to make it seem full when you

were what was missing.” Finn kissed Reid before he could answer.
He did this because he wanted to taste his mouth again, and he smiled
slightly when he was still able to taste a faint bit of cherry, but
mainly, Finn kissed Reid because he suddenly felt intensely sad that

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so much of what he thought he needed to make his existence
worthwhile was nothing more than stuff. The man below him was
real. He was deliciously simple. Not in mind, but in the elements that
made him whole. There was a complexity to Reid, but the fact was he
was more open and honest than anything in Finn’s world. “Please
don’t send me away.”

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Chapter 5

“I don’t think I could send you away.” Reid kept his hands up and

his legs extended and spread. He allowed himself to be captive to
Finn as a way to protect them both. “I’ve been trying to put you off
since you came to me, but you’re the most determined man I’ve ever

“And don’t you ever forget it.”
“I won’t.” Reid laughed lightly. “I don’t think you’d let me.”
Finn squirmed atop Reid’s cock, making him struggle to hold

steady. Finn’s ass was small, tight, and he had a way of moving that
was somehow like he had an extra joint in his hips. In a simultaneous
wave, he moved up, down, and all around to the point Reid was pretty
sure he was going to climax again without ever having gotten inside
Finn. But maybe that was for the best. If he never penetrated him,
Reid couldn’t start the bonding process, and Finn would still be free
to find another.

“You make me crazy.”
“I do?” Reid hadn’t done anything, so he wasn’t certain how he’d

managed to inflame Finn’s desire. Maybe whatever Cassidy said had
caused him to feel sorry for him. “I’ll stop.”

“I’ll stop making you crazy.”
“Is that so?” Finn laughed lightly. “I don’t think that’s going to

make a damn bit of difference.”

Before Reid could answer, Finn’s lips were locked again with his.

Finn was rocking his hips faster, harder, and so frantically Reid
thought he was going to be unable to keep his hands up. More than

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anything, he wanted to grasp onto him, center him, and then thrust
into his ass until he was buried to the hilt. He wanted to know what it
would be like to claim another. But then again, the last thing he
wanted to do was hurt anyone, especially not a man as stunning as
Finn. So Reid kept his hands up. He stayed still. His body ached, his
mind rebelled, and the animal inside snarled with demands, but the
core of Reid was stronger.

“Do you want me?” Finn asked, his voice breathless and sweet

against Reid’s lips.

“I do. I can’t think of anyone I’ve ever wanted more.” And then

Finn was kissing him with ravenous hunger. He found lube
somehow—Reid imagined that Cassidy had slipped him the bottle—
and then he was slicking up Reid’s cock with his manicured hands.
After a moment, he was centering him. Reid’s prick pressed against
the snug ring of Finn’s ass. It was a timeless moment that allowed
him to feel both his invading pressure and Finn’s surrender. And then
he was sliding inside him.

A stream of shocked expletives came out of Reid’s mouth. He was

a man who rarely swore, but suddenly he uttered so much that he
would surely make a sailor blush. Reid simply didn’t know what else
to do. He wanted to move but didn’t dare. Besides, Finn was doing
fine on his own. When Reid opened his eyes and watched him, he
discovered Finn’s eyes were closed, his head was back, and he
seemed utterly blissed out.

For the first time in his life, Reid felt whole. This was right. Even

though he’d been afraid for Finn’s safety, there was no denying that
they fit beautifully together. In the moment, he didn’t feel his usual
crushing anxiety. Carefully, he lowered his hands and cupped Finn’s
hips. His skin was soft and yielding to Reid’s touch. When he gently
lifted and lowered him, Finn’s eyes came open, he peered down, and
he smiled.

Working together, they quickly reached the tipping point, but

rather than tumble effortlessly over as they had in the orchard, they

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each struggled to make the moment last. Reid didn’t want his first
time to be over too quickly, but also, he wanted to make sure the act
was good for Finn. His pleasure mattered a great deal to him. Far
more than his own did. But hanging on became ever more difficult.
Finn was able to lift and lower himself while simultaneously
tightening his channel around Reid’s cock. That, coupled with the
visual of watching him in obvious enjoyment, conspired to push Reid
right over the edge.

“I can’t last.”
“Don’t try.” Finn lowered his bottom all the way then pressed his

chest against Reid’s. He kissed him sweetly, using a lot of tongue
while he uttered breathless cries.

Reid spanned his hands over Finn’s hips, holding him steady as he

flicked upward. He was careful not to go too deep or move too much.
All he really wanted was to get as deep as he could before his climax
jetted. Right at the moment of release, Finn clamped down, holding
him so tight he couldn’t move even if he wanted to. All Reid could do
was hold him, kiss him, and let the orgasm bind them together. For a
moment, he worried he hadn’t pleased Finn, but he felt his release
across his belly and smiled.

Shortly after the shakes left him, the base of his cock swelled,

tying him to Finn. When he startled, clearly shocked, Reid explained
that it was simply a part of the mating process.

“I hope you don’t have any plans because from what the other

guys said, it lasts about half a day.”

“Half a day?”
“Like six to twelve hours depending.”
Finn looked deeply concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m thirsty. I was in the orchard, too, but I got distracted.”
“No worries.” Carefully, Reid sat up and slid toward the edge of

the bed while keeping a tight hold on Finn. “There’s a glass in the

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They were halfway there when an urge to thrust overcame Reid.

“Sorry.” He pressed Finn against the wall and rocked gently until he
released deep inside him again. Finn wasn’t upset because he
climaxed between their bellies.

“Is this what’s going to happen all day?”
“Afraid so.”
“Are you regretting—”
“No! Not at all.” Finn toyed with Reid’s hair. “I’m just not sure

how much more I can take without going into some kind of pleasure

Pleased, Reid continued on into the bathroom where they both

drank then they returned to the bed.

“I’m hungry.”
“Now that I can’t help you with. There’s no food up here. Oh,

wait.” Reid got back up and made his way over to his dresser. There
was a candy bar along with his change, wallet, and a half-gone pack
of mints. They took the candy and mints with them over to the bed.

Barely had he gotten onto his back when Finn was devouring the

candy bar. “Sorry. Do you want some?”

“No. Go ahead.” All of his civilized veneer was gone. Finn went

after the treat like a ravenous beast. It was on the tip of his tongue to
mention he’d had breakfast, but he didn’t want to rub his mate’s face
in it.

His mate.
Reid found himself grinning. He had a mate. And not just any

mate, but a totally hot one who’d seduced him. When Reid thought
about it, he realized that was probably the only way it was going to
happen, what with his shyness and anxiety. If not for Finn pursuing
him so vigorously, Reid didn’t think he’d ever have ended up with a
man in his bed.

Finn ate the treat in record time then noticed he’d left little bits of

chocolate all over Reid’s chest. When he decided to lick them up,

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Reid felt another climax shake his body.

“You have no idea how good that feels.”
“I have some idea.” Reid smiled.
“It’s like the knot is right on my prostate. Every time you move,

the knot works over that spot.”

“Every time you clamp down, it crushes around the whole surface

of my cock, knot and all.”

They spent the next hour driving one another crazy until they

simply couldn’t climax again. Drained didn’t even fit the state that
Reid found himself in. He was so perfectly spent and utterly content
he drifted off to sleep.

When he awoke, it was late in the evening. The sun was setting

and the heat was finally abating. He was still inside his mate, but
something felt different. When he looked around his room, he realized
his eyes were seeing things in a totally new way. A yawn made him
realize he wasn’t human but coyote and so was Finn. Apparently,
their bodies weren’t going to give them a chance to mess up their
mating. Reid smiled even though doing so felt very strange with his
canine face. They were now bound for a lifetime. Before a million
and one potential problems could rob him of his joy, Reid licked
Finn’s face and climaxed.

Finn blinked up at him as he slowly seemed to realize where he

was and what had happened. “Am I a coyote?”

“And so are you?”
“Thank God. If we weren’t both animals, this would be very, very


Reid laughed, which caused him to slip out of Finn. Before he

even realized what was happening, he was human once again.

“That has to be the most incredible thing that has ever happened

to me.”


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“Yes. That. But also being with you.” Finn kissed Reid’s

shoulder. “I always felt like something was missing. Now I know you
were what was missing.”

“I never thought I’d get a mate.”
“Aw, Reid. You really need to wake up and realize how

handsome, sweet, and sexy you are.”

“When you look at me like that, I believe it.”
Finn lowered his lips, clearly angling for another kiss, but his

stomach let out a rumble that literally shook the bed.

“Wow.” Finn looked down at his belly. “I guess we’ve got to go

and eat.”

“I guess we do.” Reid climbed out of bed and offered out his hand

to Finn. “But we should probably wash up first.”

“Good idea.”
They made quick work of the shower. Reid was drying his hair

when he looked out the window. “Oh, no.” He felt his stomach knot
up. Whatever hunger he had was suddenly gone.

“What’s wrong?” Finn came over and peered down. “A cop?”
“Sheriff. You’re about to meet Judd Kingsley, the biggest

homophobic asshole in the county.”

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Chapter 6

A curious premonition went through Finn as he dressed in his

borrowed clothes. The name Judd Kingsley was familiar to him, but
he had no idea why.

“Are you okay? I was just teasing about meeting him. We don’t

have to go downstairs. I can bring something up for you.”

“You’re sweet, but there’s something familiar about him. Or at

least his name.” Finn pulled on a pair of stretchy gray briefs, the soft
navy-blue sweats, and a bright lime-green T-shirt. He felt
uncomfortable. He was happy with the colors, but the casual fit and
pedestrian fabrics weren’t what he was used to.

“You don’t normally wear stuff like that, do you?”
“No. How can you tell?”
“You look uncomfortable.”
“It’s not that I’m not grateful. I am. Truly. But I think I’m used to

suits. Ties. And footwear that doesn’t flip or flop.”

“No offence taken. I know Cassidy wouldn’t be upset either. He

just got clothing that would be easy to fit whoever showed up.” Reid
pulled a pale-blue T-shirt over his head. It made his eyes stand out.

“Your eyes are more vivid.”
“It’s part of mating. Your eyes are a very beautiful jade.”
“They are?” Finn hadn’t even noticed. He went into the bathroom

and stood staring at himself while he brushed his teeth.

“Nice, huh?”

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“They look fake.”
“They’re really eyes.”
“Silly!” Finn pinched his butt. “I meant the color is kind of fake-

looking. Like contacts or something. Yours though. Wow. Very

Reid leaned over so he could see himself in the mirror. He tilted

his head back and forth as if he wasn’t quite sure he was seeing
himself. “I feel different.”

“Considering what we just did, that’s not surprising.” Finn tucked

his shirt in and called it good. He looked up and realized Reid was
staring at him. “Is something wrong?”

“No. Something is very, very right.” Reid stroked his cheek,

making Finn shiver. “Are you cold?”

“I don’t know what to tell you.” Finn looked down at the rapidly

growing bulge in his sweats. “Maybe that’s why I always wore slacks.
You can’t really see how turned on I am in regular pants. Sweats,
though, seem to show everything.”

“They do.” Reid’s voice was husky.
Before Finn knew what he was doing, Reid had his sweats and

briefs pulled down, and he sucked Finn’s cock into his mouth.

The only way Finn was able to stay upright was to grasp the sink.

Thank God it had a solid vanity because if it had been mounted on the
wall he would have ripped it off. Reid kept right on sucking him and
cupping his balls until Finn climaxed with a high, breathless cry. He
had never had so much given to him without anything expected back.
Once Reid was done, he put Finn’s clothing back to rights, pulled him
close, kissed him, then proceeded to brush his teeth as if nothing had

A little dazed, Finn went into the main part of the bedroom. He

looked out the window, wondering if the vehicle was still there. It
was. But now there was a heavyset man standing beside it talking

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with a tall dark-haired man.

“That’s Marshal,” Reid said, coming up beside Finn. “He owns

the ranch.”

“Why does it look like the Sheriff is furious?”
“Because he probably is. He’s got something against Marshal.”
“Dunno exactly. He just really hates him. Maybe because Marshal

is out and proud or maybe because he doesn’t want anyone to be
happy. Judd Kingsley is a very miserable man, and you know what
they say about misery.”

“It loves company?”
“You got it.” Reid sighed, blowing minty-fresh breath against

Finn’s ear. “Ready to go eat?”

“Yes.” Whatever nerves he had about meeting the sheriff seemed

to have disappeared. Probably in no small part to his mate’s talented
mouth. As they went down the stairs together, Reid took a hold of
Finn’s hand, reminding him again that he’d made the right choice.
Reid was attentive, kind, and so sweet he could probably pass for

In the kitchen, Cassidy congratulated them then settled them at the

table. He piled on food until Finn thought he was going to burst.
Everything was excellent. “I’m going to get huge.”

“Naw. We’ll find a way to work it off.” Reid kept the comment

quiet, so it was just between the two of them.

“Is that so?”
“I can think of all kinds of ways for us to, uh, exercise.” Reid

waggled his brows, making Finn laugh. “So, Cassidy. What’s the
sheriff want?”

When Cassidy gave them a rather pensive glance, Finn wondered

if there was something more to the lawman’s visit than a minor
quibble with the owner of the ranch.

“He says he’s looking for someone named Allistair Chadwick.”
Finn’s entire body went taut.

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“That’s me.”
“I thought your name was Finn Kirkpatrick?”
“That’s my given name. Remember? I told you I had another

name that I couldn’t remember. Not until now, at any rate.” Finn
looked up at Cassidy, who was biting his lower lip. “What does he
want me for?”

“Your rental car was found abandoned on the River Road. Inside

was a cell phone, wallet, and luggage. The only thing not there was

“Oh, dear.” Finn rose. “I guess I should go out there and tell him

I’m okay.”

“And just what are you going to tell him?” Cassidy asked, tucking

his hair behind his ear.

“Oh. Right.” Finn realized he couldn’t tell the sheriff the truth.

Well, he could, but if he did, he’d end up in a lot more trouble than he
already was. Frankly, if someone told him the tale of his last hours a
few days ago he would have expected them to go right into the
nearest loony bin. “I’ll tell him a modified version of the truth.”

“And that is?” Reid asked.
“I have amnesia.”
“I don’t know.” Cassidy was looking toward the back of the

house. Not toward the front where the lawman was with Marshal but
toward the hallway that clearly went into another part of the house.

Curious, when Finn looked that direction he didn’t see anything.

Still, Cassidy’s concern aside, he got up. “I’m not going to let your
boss take the heat.”

Before either man could stop him, Finn was out the door. When

he stepped onto the porch, Marshal looked at him, clearly surprised.
Reid may have told him there was a naked man out in the orchard, but
Finn and Marshal hadn’t actually met. Rather than bother with
introductions now, considering they might just make things more
awkward, Finn went right up to the sheriff.

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Judd Kingsley was a very heavyset man with a florid face. He had

deep lines bracketing his mouth, but it was obvious they weren’t
smile lines. He looked like a man who spent an inordinate amount of
time scowling. A long time ago, Finn’s mother had remarked that by
the time someone turned forty, they got the face they deserved.
Clearly, Kingsley had gotten a mug that no mother could love because
it was exactly what he’d earned. He wasn’t a nice man. It was just as
obvious that he actually had no interest in finding Allistair Chadwick.
The only reason he was here was to hassle Marshal. That became
apparent when he didn’t let up once from his long-winded diatribe.

Finn struggled to control himself but found his own temper

remarkably short. He was waiting for the man to take a breath so he
could introduce himself and find out where his car and other
possessions were. But Kingsley either had gills or had found a way to
breathe through his ears. There was no break in his haranguing. In
fact, Kingsley was so intent on Marshal that he didn’t even notice that
three men were now standing on the porch.

“Does he ever stop?” Finn asked Reid.
“Not usually.” Reid stroked Finn’s back, giving him added


“He’ll notice eventually. Probably when he gets in the car to go.”

Cassidy tossed the dishtowel he was drying his hands on over his

The three of them stood there until, just as Cassidy said, Kingsley

was climbing up into his SUV. He stopped talking abruptly when he
looked right at Finn. “Who the hell are you?”

“I think I’m the man you’re looking for.” Finn took half a step

toward him only to watch in incredulous shock as Kingsley tore into
Marshal for wasting his time yet again.

“He didn’t know I was here. I didn’t even know who I was until

someone said my name.”

That shut Kingsley up but not for long. Under his breath, he

continued to make snide comments about the ranch and Marshal

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while he removed a clipboard from his vehicle. “Are you Allistair

“Fucking figures. Another queero for the land of gay cowboys.”
Finn was so shocked he simply stood there, staring at the man

who was sworn to uphold the law. He wondered how in the world
Kingsley managed to do that when he clearly had to be the biggest
bigot in the universe. Worse, he had no issue with displaying his
homophobia. Finn wasn’t stupid. He was aware that despite there
being a lot of progress in the world, there were still a lot of
homophobic jerks. What shocked him was that he’d never met one so
open about his hatred.

“How do you still have a job with that attitude?” The question

slipped out before Finn could think twice about taking on a man with
more authority than brains. A second too late he realized he’d just
stuck his foot into a very angry hive of wasps.

“Attitude? You want attitude? You leave your car practically in

the middle of the road and come out here to get your nuts off and
think I should, what? Kiss your butt and call it ice cream? You’re
lucky I don’t slap the cuffs on you and haul your faggot ass into jail.”

Finn was so shocked by his nastiness he quite literally recoiled.
“Don’t you dare talk to him like that.” Reid took a step forward,

placing himself between Finn and the sheriff.

“Oh, goody. Big and tall fumble fingers is going to save the day.

What are you going to do? Fall on me?”

Reid growled.
Kingsley’s eyes went wide.
“Easy, Reid. Kingsley was just going.” Marshal was attempting to

keep the peace.

“Fuck off, Marshal.” Kingsley spat on the ground, very nearly

hitting Marshal’s boot. “I’ll go when I’m good and ready. You knew
he was here all the goddamn time and just stood there with your
thumb up your ass.”

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“I didn’t know he was here.” In sharp contrast to Kingsley’s

petulant tone, Marshal kept his manner relaxed. “I just got back from

“Just tell him where he can retrieve his—”
“He’s coming to the station with me.” Kingsley deftly cut Reid


“No, I’m not. I’ve not broken the law.”
“Are you hard of hearing? You left your motherfucking—sorry,

fatherfucking car in the middle of the road. You could have killed

“I also could have stood on the car and danced the Macarena then

drove it into the river. Yet I didn’t. You can’t arrest me for something
that might have happened.” Finn had reached his limit. He couldn’t
pretend to be civil any longer, not with this bully pushing all his
buttons. A sudden flash of memory brought Finn’s father to full life in
his head. He was the same way. Always, Finn’s father put him down
for who he was, how he dressed, and who he liked. That was why he
had such a sudden and almost inescapable urge to strike out at this
man. Finn was not aggressive. He considered himself mature enough
to use his words and not his fists, but suddenly, he wanted to pummel
this overgrown bully until he couldn’t speak at all.

Just as Finn felt his hand balling into a fist, Reid transformed. He

was standing by his side, snarling lightly, when all of the sudden he
turned into a massive black coyote. With a growl that sounded louder
and more violent than an approaching storm, Reid catapulted off the
porch and right toward Kingsley.

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Chapter 7

Reid didn’t even realize what he was doing until it was too late.

All of the sudden he found himself turning into a coyote and lunging
at Kingsley. Thankfully, rather than landing on him, knocking him
flat, and then eating his face, Reid managed to slam into the driver’s
side door of Kingsley’s SUV. Instead of him smashing the big
windbag, he managed to hit him with his own car door. Staggering
back, Reid had no idea what happened until he shook his head and
looked around. The door was wide open, Kingsley was on the ground,
and Reid had a ringing in his ears that probably wasn’t going to go
away anytime soon.

“Shit!” Marshal was down on his knees, assessing Kingsley as

Reid collapsed in the gravel. Between his head hitting the outside and
Kingsley’s head hitting the inside of the door, he wasn’t sure which of
them was more injured.

“Reid!” Finn was at his side, petting him while frantically

examining his head. “You’re going to have a huge knot. It’s getting
big already.”

For the life of him, Reid struggled not to giggle. He had a big knot

all right, but he wasn’t thinking about the one on his head. Halfway
through his dirty thought he realized this was absolutely not the time
or the place. He’d just gotten everyone on the ranch in trouble with
his half-assed attempt at heroics. Kingsley had been running out of
excuses to come onto the ranch, and Marshal was hopeful that come
winter, they just might be shut of the man for good. But Fumbling
Reid took care of that for him.

“You knocked him clean out.” Marshal looked over at Reid.

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“Well, at least this time he didn’t piss himself.”

Reid returned to his human form, shaken and a little confused

about what happened. “I’m sorry, Marshal. I just got so angry, and
then I was lunging at him.”

“Don’t worry about it, Reid. I don’t think you could help it.”

Marshal shook his head and laughed lightly. “Kingsley’s got a real
knack for pushing an alpha’s protective buttons.”

Reid took a step back then realized he was walking on very sharp

gravel in his bare feet. All his clothes were on the porch, still buttoned
and zipped. He’d always wondered what happened to the guys’
clothes when they shifted. Now he knew. Everything had just fallen
away when he shifted.

“Here.” Finn gathered up Reid’s clothes then brought them out to


Feeling totally embarrassed, Reid got dressed. “I guess some

things aren’t ever going to change.”

“What do you mean?” Finn asked, helping to hold him up as he

slipped his boots back on.

“I’m always going to be a klutz.”
“That wasn’t you being clumsy. That was you being protective.”

Finn made sure he was steady then leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“For what it’s worth, I like that your instinct was to look out for me.”

Reid went from feeling all kinds of horrible to feeling warm and

fuzzy inside. Although, looking at Finn was probably responsible for

“That’s all well and good, but we’ve got a real problem here.”

Marshal was still crouched down next to the sheriff. “He’s got a
pretty good gash in his head.”

“But he’s still alive?” Cassidy asked. “That’s too bad.”
“Cass, seriously. We do not need a dead lawman on the ranch.”
“I realize that, but it would make our lives easier if he were out of

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the picture.”

“Yes, but away from here. Not dead here.” Marshal sighed hard.
“I’m sorry, Marshal.” Reid didn’t know what to do. Like usual, he

made a mess and then stood there unable to figure out how to put it to

“I know. I know. Really, Reid, don’t beat yourself up about it. If

you’ll recall, I did the same thing. But what kind of story are we
going to spin this time?” Marshal looked up at Reid, his eyes

“This time?” Finn asked. “Just how often has this happened?”
“This would be the second time.” Cassidy went past them to hand

the dishtowel from his shoulder to Marshal to put on Kingsley’s head.
“Kingsley was out here doing basically the same thing to Marshal’s
mate, Elliot.”

“He pushed my button something fierce, and I did the same thing

Reid just did.”

“Except you landed on him rather than bashing your head into the

car door.”

“You just got excited, that’s all.” Marshal sighed. “But last time

we concocted a tale about a renegade coydog.”

“Coydog?” Finn asked.
“A mix of coyote and dog. We couldn’t just say it was a coyote.

Marshal was too big. And we didn’t want a bunch of idiots with guns
out hunting coyotes on land that was supposed to be a sanctuary for

“Oh. Right.” Finn looked around at the bluffs as if just now

realizing he wasn’t invincible in his animal form.

“Despite the fantastic story we spun, Kingsley still demanded

action from Wildlife Services. The last thing we need is a bunch of
those guys with guns out here.”

“Too bad Dillion doesn’t work for them anymore,” Cassidy said.
“Dillion Palmer?” Finn asked.
“Yeah.” Marshal looked up at Finn. “You know him?”

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“I do. He’s why I was—oh. That’s why I was coming here!” Finn

turned to Reid, his excitement clear. “Dillion called me to help him.”

“Help him with what?” Reid was relieved that Dillion was fully

mated to Micah. If not for that, Reid might be concerned he’d gotten
in the middle of something he shouldn’t have.

Suddenly the animation left Finn’s face. “I don’t think I should—

that is, it was a private—I think Dillion should be the one to tell you.”

Anxiety made Reid hyperaware. All kinds of dangerous thoughts

got into his head and started trying to put down roots. The upshot of
all the scary thoughts was that Reid was going to lose Finn and he’d
be alone and lonely again.

“Don’t you even get that look on your face.” Finn stepped closer.

“It’s nothing bad. Just something that I don’t know if Dillion wants
everyone to know.”

“Like a wedding?” Cassidy asked, his eyes gleaming. “We could

do with a big old fancy wedding.”

“That would just draw way too much attention to us.” Marshal

looked up at Finn. “Please tell me it’s not a wedding.”

“I’m not doing this.” Finn crossed his arms and shook his head.

“My lips are sealed.”

“Fine. I’m sure whatever you’re doing for Dillion is fascinating,

but we’re still left with the knocked-out lawman.” Marshal sighed.
“Too bad Doc isn’t here. He’d be able to tell me if this worthless
gasbag is going to die.”

“He’s not going to die,” Cassidy said. “It looks like the edge of

the door hit him in the temple. He’s hurt, but he’s not going to croak
on us, which I still maintain would be a blessing.”

Reid wasn’t sure if the information that Kingsley would live made

him happy or sad. Frankly, he was rather ambivalent. Kingsley had
been nothing but a huge boil on the butt of the ranch. Every time they
turned around it seemed he was out looking for trouble. When
Kingsley didn’t find any problems, he had no issue with making
some. Life as a county sheriff was clearly not enough to keep the man

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busy. Storm had it right that Kingsley should just go and find a guy to
hit the sheets with. That would go a long way toward him dealing
with his latent homosexuality. Not that Reid would wish Kingsley on
anyone. He was amazed the man had found a woman who could put
up with him. The odds of there being a man who could were on a par
with the odds of a talking unicorn coming down off the bluff and
offering everyone rides.

“We don’t want him to get Wildlife Services out here again, so we

have to tell him something other than a big dog attacked him.”
Marshal stood up. “Does anyone have any ideas?”

“It’s my fault.” Finn stepped forward.
“No, it—”
“Let me finish.” Finn held his hand up to Reid, cutting him off. “I

moved over to go with him and accidentally fell against the door,
hitting him.”

“He’ll just be angrier with you.” Reid didn’t like Finn having to

put himself in jeopardy to cover up for his fumble.

“Yes, well, but that’s okay. He might huff and puff, but he can’t

arrest me.” Finn looked very confident. “It was an accident.”

“I don’t know. He’s mean. He’ll just find a reason to drag you in.”

Reid was terrified that if Kingsley got his hands on Finn, he’d hurt
him or send him away. He realized it was an irrational fear, but that
didn’t make it any less sharp.

“Let’s just see what he has on his little clipboard here.” Cassidy

grabbed it and stood. “Okay, your car is at the impound lot behind
Sullivan’s. They do the towing for the county. Looks like you just
need to pay a fee. Oh, and it’s a rental, so the rental company has
been notified. Doubt they’ve come for it though since you’ve got
another two weeks on your contract.” Cassidy frowned.

“What?” Finn asked.
“Just the notes Kingsley made on the side of the report.” Cassidy

looked up at Finn. “He made detailed notes about what you look

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“That sounds like pretty standard cop stuff,” Marshal said.
“Describing him as a tight and toned twink?” Cassidy looked over

at Marshal. “That doesn’t sound official to me at all. He also made a
note that your clothing was found near the car buttoned and zipped up
like you’d just jumped right out of it.”

“I shifted out of it. Please tell me I didn’t make a mess for all of

you?” Finn shivered, prompting Reid to put his arm around him.

“You didn’t. You had no control over your shifting at that point.

Even now, mated as you are, primal instincts can clearly push us to

“Looks like your personal items are at the courthouse in the

custody of the county sheriff’s office. No one reported you missing,
but your disappearance is listed as suspicious.”

“Dillion didn’t report you missing?” Reid was surprised.
“I didn’t tell him the exact day I was going to be getting in. I flew

into Denver then rented a car. I took the scenic route since I’ve never
been here before.” Finn looked up at him, his eyes wide and
concerned. “Can you help me find these places?”

“Of course.” Reid felt a little more grounded. If there was one

thing he knew, it was the area of Scorpion County. “I’m sure I can
borrow the truck.” Reid looked over at Marshal, who nodded.

“Yeah, that’s fine, but are we going to tell him that—sorry, I don’t

know your name.”

“This is Finn Kirkpatrick. My mate.” Reid couldn’t believe how

proud saying that made him feel.

“But he’s looking for someone named Allistair.”
“That’s my legal name.”
“You’re not in any trouble, are you?” Marshal’s voice was kind,

and that made Reid realize that he would never automatically think
badly of someone, not the way Kingsley did.

“I’m a law-abiding citizen.” Finn placed his hand over his heart.

“I was just driving last night when I suddenly felt funny. I remember
pulling over to the side of the road and getting out of the car. I could

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hear and smell the river. I was surprised how loud it seemed, and then
I smelled something that just made me drool and—” Finn turned
bright red.

“Don’t worry about it,” Marshal offered quickly. “We get it.

You’re not the first beta. It’s perfectly normal. At least it is for us.”

“Guys, he’s coming around.” Cassidy tossed the clipboard back in

Kingsley’s car then seemed to realize Kingsley had been holding it
when he went down. So Cassidy grabbed it from the car and dropped
it next to Kingsley’s sprawled form. “We’re going with you running
into the door, right?”

“Right.” Finn moved over and knelt down on the other side of

Kingsley. He made a big show of apologizing and helping the man to
his feet.

Whatever Finn did for a living, he should consider tossing it in for

a job as an actor. Reid had been the one to cause the mess but even he
was believing Finn that he’d stumbled in the gravel and run into the
door. The man was very convincing.

After some grousing, and a sly but noticeable swipe at his crotch,

probably to make sure he hadn’t wet his pants, Kingsley got into his
vehicle. He waited until he had the door closed and locked before he
rolled the window down halfway to give Finn the information on
where and when he could pick up his possessions and his vehicle.
Clearly, he’d changed his mind about taking him in. It seemed to Reid
that the man just wanted to get shut of them. And then Kingsley was
backing away from the house and set off on the long drive.

Reid watched him indirectly, out the corner of his eye. Kingsley

kept scratching his head and looking back. He clearly wanted to
believe Finn, but he also didn’t seem convinced he hadn’t seen
another big black coydog.

“That man is going to be trouble,” Cassidy said to no one in


“What else is new?” Marshal waited until Kingsley rounded the

corner of the long drive before he turned toward the house. “Since it’s

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too late to pick up your car or personal items, I suggest you go in the

Finn nodded.
“And welcome to the Rough River Ranch.” Marshal extended his

hand, which Finn shook.

“Thank you. It’s been exciting so far.”
Everyone laughed as they went back into the house. Reid was

worried about dealing with Kingsley tomorrow, but he was also
excited to have Finn here. He never thought he’d have a mate, so
having one as handsome as Finn was doubly exciting.

“I’m really sorry if I’ve brought more trouble down on you,

Marshal.” Reid had always tried to keep a low profile, but he couldn’t
let go of Kingsley attacking his mate. His behavior was unacceptable.
It had to stop.

“Don’t sweat it.” Marshal clapped Reid on the back. “Really. I

think he bought your mate’s tale.”

“Can I use your phone?” Finn asked. “I should call Dillion and

tell him I’m okay.”

Reid fished it out and handed it over. Rather than go inside, Finn

stayed out on the porch to make his call. “Um, yeah.”

“I just realized I don’t have his number memorized. I realized this

after I noticed your phone doesn’t have any of my contacts.” Finn was
blushing so hard it was a wonder his face didn’t glow in the twilight.

“No problem. Who knows anyone’s phone number anymore?”
“I can barely keep track of my own.” Finn smiled at him as he

followed Reid inside the house. After asking around, it was Cassidy
who had Dillion’s number. After programing it in, Finn went outside.

“What in the world could he be doing for Dillion?” Cassidy

wondered aloud.

“I don’t know.” Reid was determined not to think it was anything

hinky. He trusted Finn. They had just met, but that didn’t matter.
They were mates now. He felt he would be betraying him if he didn’t

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trust him.

“You were very sweet, you know.” Cassidy came close to Reid,

examining his head. “Going after Kingsley like that.”

“He needs someone to take him down.” Reid settled at the table so

Cassidy could check the ever-growing lump on his head. It was
tender, but not cut. “How does he get away acting the way he does?”

“He’s careful about who he does that kind of crap in front of.”

Marshal settled at the table across from Reid. “One day, though, one
day he’s going to forget.”

“Or someone is going to give him a run for his money.” Dillion

Palmer entered with Micah on his arm and Finn following behind.
Dillion was the only man Reid knew who was as big as Marshal. By a
bare inch, Marshal edged him out in the height department, but
Dillion was heavier. Still, the two men were gigantic. Being around
them was about the only time Reid felt smaller. Not small because he
was too big and tall for that, but he certainly felt smaller than usual.
That thought led him to wonder what it was like for Micah, who was
five two and maybe one twenty. Just how did he and Dillion work
things out in the bedroom? When that thought aroused him, Reid
decided to stop thinking of how the mated pairs fit together. It wasn’t
any of his business, and he shouldn’t think such thoughts about his
pack mates.

That thought made him smile despite his headache. He not only

had a mate, but he was now part of the larger pack. The men he
worked with were now even more his family than they had been

“Well, hell. If I had known I had the power to make people appear

by talking about them, I’d have mentioned you sooner.” Marshal was
up and around the table, his hand out to draw Dillion and then Micah
into one of those curious hugs that Reid had never mastered. It started
out as a handshake that turned into a semi hug with the clasped hands
between them. Reid had never tried to mimic the act because he was
convinced he’d end up giving someone an uppercut.

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“I guess I don’t need your phone after all.” Finn grinned as he

handed Reid back his phone.

“Reid? You ended up with Reid?” Micah wasn’t smiling so much

as his mouth just didn’t seem able to go all the way closed.

Before Reid could read way too much into Micah’s reaction, Finn

pressed into his side, grabbed his hand, and proudly said, “He’s my

Unable to speak from the pride practically swelling his head, Reid


“That’s wonderful!” Micah seemed genuinely happy, putting

whatever concern Reid might have had to rest. He knew he had a
habit of thinking the worst about himself. He also realized that
sometimes he assumed other people were thinking badly of him when
they weren’t. He was working on it, but it was a rather slow process.
Already, Finn was making him far less introverted.

“So, can I tell them?” Finn asked.
“You didn’t tell them why you were headed our way?” Dillion

accepted a beer from Cassidy then settled at the table next to Marshal.

“I didn’t know if it was public knowledge or not.”
“After what just happened, I think they’ll be thrilled to know.”

Dillion paused dramatically, making everyone wait while he sipped
his beer. “Damn, this is really good.”

“Tell them, dear, or I will.” Micah sat across from him, his

butterscotch hair gleaming from the overhead light.

When Finn sat down next to Micah, Reid settled on the other side

of him. Some mated pairs liked to sit across from one another, but
Reid liked to be by Finn’s side. As soon as he was settled, Finn put
his hand on his leg, reminding him why he wanted to sit as close as he

“I’m running for sheriff.” Dillion glanced around at all the men

present. “Wow. I finally said something that got everyone to shut
their yaps. Had I known, I would have used this at our last meeting.”

“You’re really going to do it?” Marshal looked truly pleased.

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“Yep. I called Allistair—Finn here to come and help me get some

things together.”

Reid looked down at his mate. “What do you do?”
“He’s your mate and you don’t even know?” Micah teased, his

fuchsia eyes gleaming.

“It happened really fast,” Finn said, grinning and blushing.
Reid felt embarrassed and on the spot, but Finn was laughing and

passing everything off. Rather than stumble away, Reid just stayed
right where he was and let his discomfort pass. To his surprise, it did.
He saw the humor in what was said. No one was making fun of him.
They were ribbing him. Now that he was more open, he was able to
see that. Tension eased out of his shoulders.

“I’m a stylist. But I also plan parties and do other things to help

people project a certain kind of image.”

“So you’re going to help Dillion became a gleaming example of

what a sheriff should be?” Cassidy asked.

“I am.” Finn looked right at Dillion. “I wasn’t all that enthusiastic

about this project when Micah told me about it, but after meeting the
current sheriff? I want to help you crush that despicable worm in a
virtual landslide.”

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Chapter 8

“You realize the election is a little over a year away, right?”

Dillion asked.

“Yes. I know. But you can never be too far ahead of the curve.”

Finn wished he had his luggage. He’d like to start working on things
right away. However, when Reid placed his hand on his knee, he
thought that he could probably wait a day. Or two. “There are things
that you can start doing now to get your name out there and make you
more appealing to voters.”

“I knew you were the right man to help us with this.” Micah

wrapped his arm around Finn’s shoulders, giving him a sideways hug.

“So you two know each other from New York?” Reid asked.
“We worked together on a party once. Micah was the


“After seeing what Allistair—sorry, Finn, can do, I knew he could

really help Dillion.”

“You don’t seem like you need a stylist.” Marshal considered the

man next to him.

“It’s not just about what he wears, but how he presents himself.

He should start working now to build his image. As sad as that might
seem, it matters in this day and age.” Again, Finn was really missing
his gear. “Oh, no.”

“You don’t think they went through all my things, do you?” Finn

had a sudden and rather horrible image of a Kingsley pawing at his

“I’m sure they probably did. Why? Was there something private

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in there?”

“My phone’s password protected. My laptop, too.” But he

imagined they had all kinds of high tech gear and super smart
technicians who could break in and lay all his private things bare.

“Then they’re safe.”
“Are you certain?”
“From what Billy said, he was just about the only person on staff

with any computer knowledge and he’s not super savvy or anything
like that.” Cassidy lifted his hands. “His words, not mine.”

“Who is Billy?”
“He’s one of us. He used to work for the sheriff’s department.”
“Poor man.” Finn felt sorry for anyone who worked there.
“Indeed.” Marshal laughed. “If not for Billy, an innocent man

would have gotten sent away for a murder he didn’t commit.”

“Because of Kingsley’s homophobia?” Finn was now afraid to

even go down and retrieve his things. Maybe he was better off just
starting over.

“Not directly but that certainly didn’t help the situation.” Marshal

explained about Owen, Noel, and a BDSM club called the Last Resort
on the edge of town.

“Wow. And here I was thinking this place was a sleepy little

western town.”

“Nope.” Cassidy brought beer for some, coffee for others. “It’s a

seething hotbed of lust, secrets, and gorgeous gay shifters.”

“God, Cass. You make it sound like a soap opera.”
“Hey, in a lot of ways this place would be perfect for a daytime

drama show.”

“But the club is shut down now.” Micah sighed rather forlornly.
“How do you know?” Finn asked pointedly.
“I just know.” Micah refused to say any more than that, but Finn

was positive a little flash of something passed between him and
Dillion. That drew Finn’s attention to Dillion. Micah had said he was
big, but Finn had never seen anyone so massive. But the way he

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looked at Micah and the way he touched him told Finn that Dillion
might be huge, but he was gentle, especially with his mate.

Everyone was laughing, but as Finn sat there he started to realize

that Dillion running for sheriff might not be the best idea in the world.
When he looked up, he met Dillion’s emerald-green eyes. There was a
flash in them, almost like Dillion knew what Finn was going to say
before he opened his mouth. So he didn’t. Because right after looking
at him, Dillion turned his attention onto his mate. In that moment,
Finn realized Dillion might want to become sheriff to protect the
town, but he was running mainly because Micah wanted him to. It
was clear Dillion would do anything to make his mate happy.

“When you run for office, don’t they dig up everything in your

private life?” Reid asked.

Finn exchanged a glance with Dillion. He’d been willing to leave

the topic for another day, but Reid clearly didn’t grasp the subtler
currents. Not that Finn was upset. It was a natural question that
someone was bound to ask.

“You all might want to give that some serious thought.” Into the

kitchen stormed a man with beautiful gray hair and cloudy gray eyes.
He looked agitated. Finn realized he was the man who had gone
rushing past him and Reid when they’d come in the house earlier
today. This was Storm. Cassidy’s mate.

“What’s wrong?” Marshal asked.
“Honey, please. We need to—” Cassidy was moving toward him,

but it was clear that Storm wasn’t going to be cut off.

“We need to tell them because we both know I’m right.” Storm

placed his hands on his hips, widening his stance as if he was ready to
come to blows.

“Someone better tell me what’s going on.” Marshal looked doubly

concerned. “Did you hear from one of the teams?”

“Teams?” Finn asked. He was just now realizing there was a hell

of a lot more going on here than he’d imagined. This wasn’t a sleepy
little ranch at all. But Storm’s outburst had saved him, at least

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temporarily, from having to talk about how Dillion running for sheriff
would expose all of them to potential media scrutiny.

“Long story. I’ll explain.” Reid looked distinctly uncomfortable.
“Maybe you’d better start spilling the beans.” Finn realized rather

suddenly that he knew practically zilch about the ranch, these men, or
even his mate. Just what in the world had he jumped into with both

“I’m pregnant!” Storm blurted it out and then stood there while

every man in the room peered at his belly.

All the questions and concerns in Finn’s mind evaporated.


“He’ll do it to you, too!” Storm thrust an accusing finger at Reid.

“That’s all they want to do. Fuck you until you’re huge and then—
and then—how could you do this to me?”

Cassidy was struggling to calm his mate while downplaying his

sudden outburst. “Storm, please. We don’t know that’s what’s going

“Oh, no?” Storm yanked up his shirt, displaying a belly that

looked mildly distended. It wasn’t as shocking as he seemed to think
it was. “Just look. I’m as big as a house!”

“How is that even possible?” Finn felt utterly disoriented. And

then, he felt his own belly drop down about three flights of stairs. He
and Reid had been fornicating like crazy ever since they’d met.
Tentatively, he touched his own belly. Was he even now carrying
their child? “Oh. God.”

“See?” Storm nodded vigorously as he held Finn’s gaze. “That’s

what they want. They say they won’t, but they do. And then you let
them because if feels so fucking good, but then they walk away to
make dinner while you sit in bed and gestate God knows what in your

There was dead silence for an excruciatingly long ten seconds.
“Where the hell is it going to come out?” Storm bellowed the

question loudly enough that anyone within half a mile of the

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farmhouse could have heard him.

“Oh, Storm. I’m so sorry.” Cassidy tried to wrap Storm up in his

loving embrace, but Storm wasn’t having it.

“Don’t you dare.” Storm sidestepped him and pulled his shirt back

down. “You’re the one who got me in this mess in the first place. You
and your penis!”

Finn almost laughed. It was right there, trying to escape, but he

swallowed his mirth when he realized it wasn’t funny at all. Storm
was clearly hysterical. But he also had a very good point. Just where
in the hell was a baby going to come out? As Finn sat there pondering
that, an even more shocking idea came to him. What would it be,
exactly? Baby, coyote, or some cross between the two?

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Chapter 9

Reid wasn’t prepared for Finn to pass out. He was lucky he

noticed him breathing fast and put his arm around him to comfort
him. That was the only thing that stopped Finn from tumbling off the
back of the bench. His weight was slight. Reid could hold him for
hours and not get tired, but that wasn’t going to actually help Finn
cope with the situation.

“Is he okay?” Micah tried to help hold him up, but Reid had him

so Micah let go.

“Can you get some water? Or a wet cloth? Something?” Reid had

no idea what to do for someone who had passed out from fear. He’d
felt his mate getting tenser by the second, but he didn’t think he was
going to hyperventilate himself into a faint.

“Did you knock him up?” Storm demanded.
“Storm, stop.” Cassidy grasped Storm’s shoulder.
“Just another alpha who can’t control himself!” Living up to his

name, Storm stormed out of the kitchen with Cassidy hot on his heels.

Just before he exited the kitchen, Cassidy looked back at Reid.

“I’m sorry. He’s…”

“Don’t worry about me. Go make sure he’s okay.” Reid wasn’t

upset with Storm. All he had to do was put himself in Storm’s shoes
and he understood why he was angry and lashing out. Deep down,
behind the fury and hysterics, Storm was terrified. Given his situation,
he had a right to be.

Reid looked down at Finn and realized that was undoubtedly what

led to him passing out. Finn must have imagined himself as pregnant
and then freaked out when he wondered where the baby would come

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out. Just thinking of it was scaring the crap out of Reid. The only
reason he didn’t join him in hyperventilating was because he didn’t
want to drop Finn. Instead, Reid looked down at his mate’s flat
tummy and wondered if he had actually impregnated him. Given how
he managed to mess everything up, he wouldn’t be surprised if he
had. He hadn’t meant to, but that was pretty much the story of his life.

As much as the idea of kids made him glad, he wouldn’t want to

just spring that on Finn without them talking about it. Since he was
gay and always had been gay, he’d never once worried about
impregnating anyone. Well, that, and the fact he was a virgin before
Finn pretty much meant he had just accepted the fact he’d never be a
father. But now, with this twist, he was realizing he could be a dad. It
was a wonderful thought, but not if his mate didn’t feel the same.

“Okay, we need to get a handle on this right now.” Marshal had

his phone out.

“Who are you calling?” Dillion asked.
“Well, Doc went with one of the teams in case they came across

anyone in need of medical attention. Dooley stayed behind in case we
needed any medical care here.” Marshal lifted the phone to his head.
“Dooley. We need you up at the big house. I know, and I’m sorry, but
it’s kind of an emergency. Whoa, no. Not that kind. No blood, just a
lot of raging hormones.”

Reid continued to hold Finn, who seemed to be coming around

just in time for Micah to put a wet cloth on his forehead.

“You okay?” Reid asked, feeling a million kinds of guilty.
“I think so.” Finn looked almost green. “I need to—I need a

moment to myself.”

Reid stood with Finn but let him go off to the bathroom alone.
“He can’t be pregnant already,” Micah said.
“Given how clumsy I am, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was.”
“Clumsy isn’t the issue here.” Marshal got up, probably to follow

after Cassidy and Storm, but then seemed to think better of it. “We
need Dooley to confirm what Storm suspects. I know Paul and Jacob

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have been trying—”

“Everyone within twenty miles of the ranch knows they’ve been

trying,” Elliot said as he entered the kitchen.

“Hey.” Marshal swept him up against his chest, making Reid long

to do the same to Finn. “Did you see Cass and Storm when you came

“Yeah. They’re on the porch.” Elliot looked back that direction

then up to his mate. “He’s really scared.”

“Storm told you what was going on?”
“He snarled at me in passing. Asked if you’d knocked me up yet. I

put two and two together.”

“Smart and sexy.” Marshal kissed the top of Elliot’s head.
“I am. But so is my mate.” Elliot got himself a lingering smooch

from Marshal.

“If he’s scared, why is he so mad?” Micah asked.
“Because it’s the only way he knows how to channel his fear.”

Elliot kissed Marshal’s chin then went over to the huge coffee urn.
“Anyone else want some?”

By the time Dooley and his mate Tristan arrived, everyone had

something to drink or eat because as soon as he got some coffee,
Elliot raided the fridge. Half of them were sitting at the table, and the
other half were standing around. The alphas looked guilty and
concerned while all the betas just seemed to be scared.

“This looks like the beginnings of an intervention.” Dooley

grabbed two beers, popped the caps, handed one to his mate, and kept
the other for himself. “Can we go into the parlor? There’s more comfy
seats in there, and after the day I’ve had, I need a little cushiness.”

Everyone moved that direction but for Reid. He stayed close by

the bathroom door, wondering how Finn was. Just as he lifted his
hand to knock, Finn opened the door. If not for fast reflexes, Reid
would have bopped him in the nose.

“Are you…” Reid trailed off. It was obvious that Finn wasn’t

okay. His lashes were still wet, and his eyes were bloodshot. He’d

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been crying. “What can I do?”

For a moment, he thought Finn was going to brush past him, but

his question startled him enough that he stopped abruptly. “Thank you
for asking, but there’s really nothing you can do.”

“There must be something.”
“I just—I didn’t realize what I was getting into.”
“I didn’t think to tell you.”
“I know. I’m not angry with you. Honestly, I’m not. I’m

just…concerned. It’s a lot to take in. I thought I was okay with the
shifting. I really thought that was just so amazing and unique. Also,
having a predestined mate was romantic, but finding out I might get
pregnant? It’s just…”

“Yes. Very much so.”
“Then let’s go find out what Dooley has to say.” Reid realized it

might put his fears to rest or it might just give him a whole bunch of
new ones. Still, knowledge was power. He wanted to know for his
mate’s sake but also for his own. Moreover, he wanted to help. Reid
had no idea what he could do, but there had to be something.

“It doesn’t matter to you, though.” Finn wiped his eyes again with

trembling fingertips.

“Of course it does. You’re my mate. Anything that happens to you

affects me. How could you think otherwise?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t—lord. I’m trying to freak out as calmly as I

can. Isn’t that just priceless? I always have to be seen as the most
together guy no matter what.” Finn scoffed at himself, but Reid
wasn’t having it.

“You have a right to freak out however you want.”
“Thank you.” Finn smiled wanly as he looped his arm with

Reid’s. “Shall we?”

They went into the parlor. Marshal was sitting in the oversized

recliner with Elliot in his lap. Dooley was centered on the long leather
couch with Tristan on one side and Dillion and Micah curled up

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together on the other. Cassidy was on the rocker, but Storm wasn’t
sitting on his lap. He was pacing along the front windows.

Unsure where to sit, Reid took the other oversized recliner. When

Finn looked at him and then away, Reid thought he might still need
some distance, but Finn settled into his lap. Reid was so relieved he
felt tears threaten. He pushed them away, concerned that the other
alphas present might think he was weak. Physically, Reid was very
strong, but emotionally, he knew he was a lot more tender than most.

“Storm, please sit down. I’m finding it difficult to concentrate

with you pacing.” Dooley sounded exhausted, prompting Reid to
wonder what he’d been doing all day. “We’ve got a bunch of sick
animals and now this.”

“Now this? Now this?” Storm’s voice rose. “Like I’m just some

annoyance to your day?”

“Not at all.” Dooley rose. “Take pity on me. I’ve been up since

five. I haven’t been sleeping well, and I had to put two animals down
today. I know I’m a vet, but it hurts. It always hurts when I have to do
that. So just please try to relax. Let me examine you.”

“I’m pregnant. I know it.” Storm was so agitated that no matter

how kind and soft-spoken Dooley was, or anyone was, he seemed
determined to lash out.

As much as Reid felt for Storm, he was getting angry with him.

Yes, Storm had a reason to be upset, but he had no right to make
everyone else miserable even if the situation was totally
understandable. Reid wanted to do something but wasn’t sure his
intervention wouldn’t make things worse. And then a strange but
potentially useful idea came to him. It was a little on the crazy side,
but it might just work.

“Would it help if I let you hit me?” Reid rose. He had to lift Finn

to get up, but he didn’t think Finn was just going to want to stay in his
lap if Storm actually took him up on his offer.

“What are you doing?” Finn asked, his voice conveying his shock.
“What I can.”

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“Are you crazy?” Storm asked.
“No. At least I don’t think I am. But you seem really angry, and if

punching someone will make you feel better, then you can hit me all
you want.”

Storm stared at him, shaking his head sharply side to side. “That’s


“I know. But I guess it’s the only thing I can think of.”
“I’m not going to hit you.” Storm was shaking. Ever so slowly,

tears fell.

“Okay. Then let Dooley have a look at you. All he wants to do—

all any of us want to do—is help you.”

When Storm looked on the verge of collapse, Cassidy was there,

holding him. He gave Reid a look that he couldn’t figure out, but he
realized Cassidy was surprised. Not by what Reid had done so much
as he was shocked his odd tactic had worked.

Reid turned to go back to his seat and discovered that Finn was

standing, looking at him with an expression he couldn’t quite read.
Finn wasn’t upset. Surprised, maybe? It was difficult to tell. Reid
went over, sat down, and took Finn onto his lap and back into his

Weepy but far more amenable, Storm allowed Dooley to check

him over. Everyone stayed since all of them had a stake in the
outcome. Not directly, of course, but eventually all of them could be
in the exact same situation. The beta mates must be wondering if their
turn to understand Storm’s agitation firsthand was next, but the alpha
mates didn’t escape, either. Reid was fairly certain they were thinking
what he was. How in the world would he be of any use to his mate if
or when he became pregnant?

“I need you to shift for me. I think it’s going to be easier to

understand what’s going on inside if you do.” Dooley touched
Storm’s shoulder. “Can you do that?”

Storm shifted.
Reid had seen some of the others shift, but he realized no matter

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how many times he saw it happen, he was never going to find it
anything but utterly fascinating. Storm was standing there, looking
hurt and angry, and then his body collapsed into a cylinder. That long
thin bundle seemed to jump up and out of his clothing and form into a
coyote about three feet away. His clothing, still buttoned and zipped,
fell into a puddle.

As soon as he shifted, Storm went right over and looked up at his

mate. Cassidy settled on the floor, and Storm licked Cassidy’s face. It
was obviously an apology.

“I know. I’m sorry, too. Do you feel better as a coyote?”
Storm nodded.
Reid realized Cassidy and Storm were being very kind in letting

the rest of them in on the situation. They could have communicated
silently with each other, shutting everyone out. Probably Storm didn’t
want everyone thinking he was a total dick.

“Why don’t you just hold him while I take a listen, okay?” Dooley

settled in front of Cassidy while Storm sat in Cassidy’s lap.

Dooley used a stethoscope to listen to Storm’s belly. Even though

Storm was inside his coyote body, Dooley still used his soft voice and
explained everything he was doing. He was a kind and attentive
veterinarian who really cared about every creature he tended. Having
to put down an animal, even to spare it from misery, obviously took a
toll on him. His eyes were bloodshot, and the bags below them looked
heavy. But Reid had a feeling Dooley wouldn’t trade his life with
anyone. He loved the ranch, and he loved his mate.

Tristan stayed close, probably ready to give Dooley anything he

needed out of his black medical bag or to fetch anything that wasn’t

“Is—” Cassidy barely managed to get the one word out before he

was choking up. “Is he pregnant?”

Hope laced his voice. Reid detected there was fear in Cassidy, too,

but it was just as obvious he wanted the answer to be yes. If anyone
on the ranch was destined to be a loving parent, then that man was

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Cassidy. From what Reid had heard, he’d been one of the first men to
come out and make this land his full-time home. No matter how many
men came or what issues they brought with them, Cassidy loved
mothering them all. And he was good at it. There was always
something cooking in his kitchen, and the never-ending laundry didn’t
bother him in the least. Reid figured he’d go crazy from the endless
repetition, but not Cassidy. He was the heart of the ranch. At least he
was to Reid. But in his mind the kitchen was always the heart of a
home. Since Cassidy was always in there, it seemed natural for Reid
to think of him as the heart of the ranch.

“He is.” Dooley smiled at Cassidy then gently caressed Storm’s

belly. “It’s strange for me to say this, but I guess strange is the new
normal around here. He is most definitely pregnant.”

“A pregnant male?” Finn asked, his voice dazed.
“Well, that’s the kicker.” Dooley handed his stethoscope to

Tristan, who tucked it away into his black bag. He stood, stretched,
then went over to the couch. Tristan joined him, and soon the two
were sitting close together on the end opposite from Dillion and
Micah. “In human form we’re all male. But once we shift, things

“Change?” Finn asked.
Reid realized he was playing catch-up to what the rest of them

already knew.

“The alpha mates are male in coyote form. But you, Storm, and all

of the beta mates I’ve examined so far are hermaphrodites. Er, you are
when you shift into coyotes. I haven’t examined you directly, but trust
me on this. Otherwise your mating in coyote form would have been
painful as hell.”

Finn’s whole body tensed. “I’m both male and female in coyote


“Yeah.” Dooley grasped Tristan’s hand. “If you’re anything like

the other men I’ve tested, you are fertile to a degree when you’re a
coyote. You get hard, you ejaculate, but you don’t have much sperm

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motility. Still, technically, if you mated with another beta you could
get him pregnant. Not like anyone’s tried that.” Dooley looked around
at all the men assembled. “At least if they have, they aren’t telling

There was a bunch of snickers, but no one fessed up to switching

off partners like that. Reid found it extremely unlikely. The individual
men might be kinky, but he was pretty sure they drew the line at mate
swapping. Reid couldn’t imagine letting another man kiss Finn, let
alone do anything else to him.

“Where was I? Oh, right. Beta mates.” Dooley looked over at

Finn. “So as a coyote you do have male genitals that are functional,
but you also have female genitals. And as I suspected but couldn’t
really prove until Storm helped me out, those are very functional.
From my research, there are times—seasons, really—where you’re
more likely to be in heat.”

“Heat? Like a dog?”
“Well, yeah. I guess.” Dooley yawned. “Sorry. Very long day. But

yes, you go into heat. In the wild, female coyotes don’t go into heat if
resources are slim or if they aren’t healthy. Their bodies know when
the best chance for reproduction is. As for our kind…” Dooley
shrugged. “That really doesn’t matter since we have things pretty

“Plenty of food, water, shelter. As a coyote, you don’t have nearly

the same issues as a wild coyote.”

“Oh. Right. That makes sense.” Finn looked over at Cassidy, and

Reid followed his gaze.

Cassidy was sitting with his eyes closed while he stroked over

Storm’s coyote ears. Storm’s eyes were closed, too, making them both
look almost meditative.

“So did Cassidy know Storm was in heat?”
Cassidy’s eyes came open, and so did Storm’s. They looked at

one another for a long moment, clearly communicating with each

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other the way mates could. Eventually, Storm nodded then settled his
head down on Cassidy’s leg to enjoy more of his soft strokes.

“I knew he was. I can’t even tell you how good he smelled that

night.” Cassidy made a face that sparked longing in Reid. “We had
talked about it because we knew it could happen. But all my
agreements, all my willpower…” Cassidy sighed. “I couldn’t resist.”

There was a pause.
“Oh, Storm. It wasn’t you.” Cassidy shook his head at his mate.

“He wants me to say it wasn’t my fault but his for shifting and
practically shoving his—I’m not using that word, Storm—in my face.
I could have run the other direction but, well, animal instinct, you

Reid realized that all the males present were nodding. All but

Finn. Reid didn’t have to ask what he was thinking. It was pretty
damn clear he was probably planning on never shifting into a coyote

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Chapter 10

“Believe me, I know what you mean about that scent.” Dillion

sighed as he kissed the top of Micah’s head.

Finn wondered what Dillion meant, but he didn’t have the courage

to ask. He was too busy worrying and wondering if he was pregnant.
Even though he and Reid had only just mated, that didn’t matter. All
it took was one time. Finn placed one hand low on his belly. One time
at the right time and then poof! Everything he knew or at least
thought he knew was over. As terrified as he was, he couldn’t help a
curious kind of anticipation. Bringing life into the world was a
powerful gift, even more so than his ability to shift. Changing into a
coyote was cool, but giving birth? That was something that he’d never
in a billion years thought he’d be able to do.

“You resisted?” Cassidy asked Dillion.
“I had to.” Dillion flashed a grin that was wickedly sexy. Finn

knew exactly how Micah had fallen under the man’s spell. Dillion
was uber-alpha, but he was also gentle. The combination of which
must have made his friend positively crazy.

“Explain.” The word slipped out of Finn’s mouth before he could

edit himself. He felt unbelievably rude for prying into their private
life, but he also wanted to know how the mated pairs had resisted. As
much as he lusted after Reid, and thought they were a very good
match, he wasn’t anywhere near ready to have kids. Not now, at least.
Maybe not ever. It was simply too difficult to wrap his head around
the idea that he actually could. Being an out and proud gay man made
certain things—children of his own—a total impossibility. Since it
wasn’t likely to happen, at least not unless he and his partner hired a

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woman and then dealt with all of that—well, hell. It just wasn’t
something he’d ever really considered. “I’m sorry. Ignore me. I just—
I’m still trying to wrap my head around all of this.”

“Tossing children into the mix is more than you can take?” Micah

met Finn’s gaze. “Believe me, I know. I’ve been there. I think all of
us have. It’s incredible and mind-blowing but scary as hell, too.”

“Yes.” Finn was glad that someone understood. Not that he didn’t

think Reid did. He was an extremely sensitive man who clearly cared
about everyone on the ranch. Offering himself out as a punching bag
just to make Storm feel better? That had told Finn a lot about Reid.
He was willing to do almost anything to help resolve a tense situation.
For a moment, Finn had thought that Storm was going to haul off and
hit him. He’d tensed so hard he was practically vibrating. If Storm
touched Reid, Finn was going to intervene. Pregnant or not, Finn
wasn’t about to stand aside and let anyone touch his mate in anger or
in lust. That made Finn understand that not only was Reid far more
astute than he’d thought, but Finn was falling in love with him far
faster than he would have believed possible.

“What I meant about knowing that scent is that Micah was

pouring it off one night.” Dillion looked around, seeming to catch the
eye of the alphas. “I gave chase. Believe me, I followed him,
determined to catch up.”

“By the time I did, he’d shifted over to human.” Dillion kissed the

top of Micah’s head very firmly. “We mated. Fast and furious and he
was practically on fire—right. That’s not what you want to know.
Micah was able to shift without consummating. If he hadn’t, he might
be in the same position Storm is now.”

“That’s why I understand why you’re so scared,” Micah said to

Storm. “I think everyone here does. We get it. From how it could
happen right down to your fear about what will happen next.”

Storm stayed as a coyote. Finn wanted him to switch back so he

could pelt him with a million questions, but he seemed content to stay

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in his animal form while his mate caressed his long, pointed ears.
Finn wondered if he was that pretty when he was a coyote. He
decided he was different because he realized coyote Storm had the
same gray hair as human Storm. Running through the field he’d look
like smoke.

“But what is it, and where will it come out?” Finn realized he was

becoming as hysterical as Storm had been earlier. “Sorry. I’m—I’m
so sorry. I’m just—”

“Scared.” Cassidy kept right on petting his mate. It became

obvious he was trying to keep Storm relaxed. “It’s okay. Really.”

Finn would have run out of the room but for Reid’s embrace. And

running away wasn’t going to change how he felt.

“We really need an ultrasound machine.” Dooley’s eyes were

closed and his head was back against the couch. “But my guess—and
keep in mind this is just me speculating—when Storm is human, his
baby is human. When he’s coyote, his baby is, too.”

“But where is it in him when he’s human? He’d kind of missing

that particular part.” Finn had a horrible image of the baby filling up
his intestines. When he realized he was freaking himself out worse, he
tried to stop thinking about that aspect all together. Unfortunately, he
couldn’t stop himself. It was like a slow-motion car wreck. He simply
couldn’t look away.

“I think he carries that part over from his coyote body. That way,

no matter what, the baby is safe and has what it needs to thrive.”
Dooley rolled his head forward and opened his eyes, pinning Finn
where he was sitting. “As to where it’s going to come out, I’m pretty
sure he’ll have to deliver as a coyote. There just isn’t any other
logical way for that to work.”

“As if any part of this is logical.” Finn laughed lightly at first then

he realized it was taking a turn for more hysterical. “I just—how did
he know he was pregnant? It’s not like he missed his period.”

“He says he felt funny.” Cassidy continued to stroke over Storm’s

ears. For all Finn could tell he seemed to be asleep. In a way he was

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glad that Storm was finally calm, but in another way he was worried.
He wanted to know everything now. Not later. Now. When Finn
didn’t understand something, he would whip out his smartphone and
search for all the information he could find. His friends teased him
that he was an info-junkie, but he didn’t care. Finn found the
unknown scary as hell.

“Funny like how?”
“Like his stomach felt bloated. He noticed when he was a coyote

he felt extremely protective of himself. I noticed that I was more
attentive to him, too. Maybe there was a part of me that knew.”

“Pheromones.” Displaying his remarkable kindness, Reid kept his

voice low since his mouth was close to Finn’s ear.

“I thought that’s what compelled us to mate?” Finn asked.
“Right.” Dooley nodded thoughtfully. “They do, but they also

could convey a lot of information.”

“Storm’s hormones going into overdrive would certainly alter his

pheromones. And clearly, if he’s got a child in him, the chemical
changes would be pretty crazy.” Cassidy’s hand slipped down to
Storm’s belly. Finn was surprised that he found himself envious of
that simple yet fundamentally possessive stroke. He didn’t understand
how he could be simultaneously terrified of being pregnant yet
ironically crave that same state. Maybe he was going crazy from the
chemical changes already going on inside him.

“What we really need is more equipment. I can’t tell you what’s

going on without a way to see inside him.”

“How much is an ultrasound machine?”
“Used, we’re probably looking at about a grand or two.”
Dillion whistled lightly.
“That’s not that much,” Finn said. “Sorry, but if all of the guys

pitch in, we should be able to get one. And I might know someone
who could help.”

Everyone present was more than willing to pitch in on buying

equipment because they certainly couldn’t take the pregnant men to a

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regular doctor or even a vet. Somehow, knowing that he was basically
trapped here only exacerbated Finn’s fear.

“We need to be careful about leaving paper trails back to us when

we buy equipment,” Dooley said.

“Some of it I can justify as a veterinarian, but we already have one

lawman looking to make trouble for us. Just imagine the mess
Kingsley will make if he finds out we have pregnant males on the

“It’s none of his goddamn business,” Finn said vehemently. “Just

who the hell does he think he is? Coming out here and sticking his
nose into our business. It’s harassment, pure and simple.”

“Now you know why I want his job.” Dillion sighed.
And then Finn realized this wasn’t all about him. There were lots

of other people here. He looked over at Micah and realized he was
falling asleep in Dillion’s arms. Dillion looked completely happy.
Finn almost felt badly for what he was going to say, but he felt he had
to be honest. “You shouldn’t run.”

“What?” Dillion’s mind was clearly elsewhere.
“For sheriff. If you run, all of this might come out.”
Finn looked at each of the men in turn. “Running for any kind of

political office puts you and pretty much everyone you know up for
scrutiny. I know it doesn’t seem fair, but there it is.”

“Most everyone knows I’m gay.”
“The fact that you are isn’t the issue. To some voters, yes, sexual

orientation is a big deal, but can you imagine what would happen if
voters found out all the men on this ranch were able to shift into
animal form?” Finn gave them a moment to let that sink in. “People
are afraid of the unknown. Even in this supposedly enlightened day
and age, I don’t think people would openly embrace something so
outside the norm.”

“I’m having a horrible image of the townsfolk descending with

pitchforks and torches.” Elliot hugged Marshal hard.

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“That would be a hell of a lot easier to shut down than assault

rifles and Molotov cocktails. Hell, I can see them using those
Humvees at Sullivan’s like tanks.” Marshal frowned at what he’d said
but didn’t bother to take it back. What was the point?

Everyone was quiet for a moment.
“And pregnant males. That’s just so far from center that—”

Dillion stopped talking when Storm let out a low, keening moan of

“That’s not happening. No one is coming to get you.” Cassidy

frowned at all the other men. It was clear he was agitated that he’d
just gotten Storm to calm down and here they were edging him right
back up. “We’re not going to let that happen.”

“Then Finn’s right. I shouldn’t run. Kingsley knows I’m tight with

all of you. And—hell. He knows about a little kink of mine that
probably won’t play well with the voters.”

“He likes me to wear pink panties sometimes. Sheesh. It’s not like

you enjoy masturbating to burning puppies or something totally
deranged like that.”

There was a chorus of nervous laughter.
“I like pink,” Dillion said defensively. “Besides, the color matches

Micah’s eyes.”

“Well, as far as things go, that’s pretty tame. But coyote-shifters,

pregnant men, and whatever else might be going on out here? That’s
not a good thing to have become public knowledge.”

“I keep thinking of those old movies where the government gets

involved and tries to build a race of super shifting humans.”

“There already might be someone doing that.” Reid explained

about the compounds.

“That’s where the others are?” Finn was even more concerned.

What if he was pregnant and one of those sickos found out? What if
they took him away?

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“I want to go to bed.” He was up and off Reid’s lap before he

could stop him.

“Finn, hey. Wait a second. It’s not all doom and gloom. Really.

It’s not.” Marshal was obviously deeply concerned by Finn’s terror.
“The ranch is a haven.”

“It is?”
“It really is. We’re very safe here. There’s only one road in or out

of the entire valley.”

“But Kingsley…”
“He’s a pain, and yes, he comes out here sniffing around for

trouble, but he’s not going to be the sheriff forever. Whether Dillion
runs or not, there are other men—hell, and two women that I know
of—angling for his job. Also, Storm came from two male shifters. So
we know that it works and works just fine.”

Finn looked over at Storm. He was back to being blissed out in

Cassidy’s lap.

“It’s true.” Cassidy didn’t look up. “We found out when his

fathers sent him a letter.”

“Where are his fathers?” When no one answered, Finn thought the

worst. How could he not?

“His fathers had to abandon Storm to protect him,” Cassidy said

softly. “We tried to find them, but when they made themselves
disappear, they did a very good job. From what they said in their
letter, they were afraid enough of the shifter hunters to separate from
their only child.”

Finn looked down at his perfectly flat belly. He wasn’t ready for

all of this. Not by a long shot. But the thought of someone else
terrifying him to the point he felt the best thing to do for his child was
to abandon him was somehow much worse.

“We don’t know if there are actually shifter hunters anymore. His

fathers said that’s who they were afraid of, but I think the only people
after shifters now are those who want to uncover the secret of how we

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shift.” Marshal eased Elliot up and off his lap then stood. “I know this
is a lot to take in. Believe me, I do. But we’re making this ranch as
safe as we can. And we’ve done a lot.”

“Like making an alliance with Leader and his people,” Elliot


“Leader?” Finn felt he needed a flowchart. For his more

complicated parties, he always had one on his laptop so that he knew
when and where everything would be unfolding. Here, he was lost,
and that was only adding to his anxiety.

“I’ll explain everything to him.” Reid placed his hands gently on

Finn’s shoulders. “Come on. Let’s go up to bed.”

As he moved toward the stairs with Reid at his back, Finn

couldn’t help but worry that they were going to be alone again. He
didn’t trust himself not to shift and encourage Reid to mount him. If
he had no control over his shifting before, how in the world would he
be able to resist if all his hormones were compelling him now?

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Chapter 11

“I’m not going to make you do anything.” Reid could literally feel

his mate’s tension. When Finn was nervous, his upper body tightened
like he was trying to touch his shoulders to his earlobes. “I just
thought you needed a break.”

“Thank you.” Finn walked woodenly over to the bed. He turned

on the lamp and then stood by the window, looking out into the yard.

Unsure what to do, Reid closed the door but then leaned against it.

He didn’t want to be too close when he sensed his mate needed space.

“Who is Leader?” Finn kept right on looking out the window. The

moon was a small sliver, casting very little light. Tomorrow night it
would be the new moon. Normally, Reid looked forward to that night
because he enjoyed nothing better than getting a blanket and going
out to the swimming hole to do a little star gazing. He always
imagined going with a mate would be better, but he didn’t think Finn
would be in the mood.

“Leader is the leader of the coyotes in the hills. His kind is like

ours in some ways. But different, too.”

“That’s a lot of double speak, Reid.”
“Sorry. They are coyotes who can shift into humans. But not

humans like us. They are old humans. Old in terms of—damn.” Reid
took a deep breath. “Ancient humans.”

“Like the one they found named Lucy?”
“Yeah. They’re short, with very thick skin. Big heads. Stout,

strong bodies. They came down because they needed Doc’s help.
Leader was injured. He would have died without surgery.”

“Doc saved him?”

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“Doc and Dooley. And another man. Sorry, I forgot his name. I

think he was someone Doc knew from the local hospital. I wasn’t
really involved.”

“No. I never thought I’d have a mate, so I just tried to stay out of

everyone’s way.”

“Oh, Reid.” Finn turned from the window, his face twisted with

concern. “I’m not going to abandon you.”

“I didn’t say you would.” Reid had thought that, but he certainly

wouldn’t say it. He didn’t want to make Finn feel guilty if that was
what he was planning on doing.

“I just—all of this is a lot to take in.” Finn lifted his hand as if to

encompass not only their room but the entire ranch.

“What can I do?” Reid hated being in tense situations. He wanted

to make things better but never had any clue how to do that. Through
trial and error, he’d realized asking was usually the best thing he
could offer.

“Nothing.” Finn flashed him a wan smile. “I just have to accept

that things are different. I had my whole world mapped out.” Finn
settled on the edge of the bed with one leg up and bent while the other
was touching the floor. While he talked, he toyed with the seam down
the inside leg of his sweats. “I changed my name, my style,
everything. The very first person I ever was a stylist to was myself.”

“Was that why you changed your name?” Reid moved over to the

other side of the bed. He’d always liked the room he had with the
king-sized mattress, but once he was settled, he realized how close he
and Finn really were. Still, he was far enough away that he hoped
Finn wouldn’t feel crowded.

“I grew up in a little town. Probably a lot like the town you told

me about. Scorpion?”

“Yeah. It’s fifty miles that way.” He pointed automatically while

in his head he saw the layout of the valley and the surrounding land
like he had a topographical map in his brain. “Were you…was it not

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“That would be an understatement.” Finn reached across the bed

that separated them, taking Reid’s hand in his. As simple as it was, his
touch was reassuring. “I was always so different from everyone else. I
liked things to be beautiful, functional, and fun.”

Reid squeezed his hand, happy to just touch him and listen. If

there was one thing he knew he was good at, it was being an attentive

“I knew I was gay pretty much from the first time I sat on Santa’s


“I don’t understand.” Reid hoped he didn’t have a strange Santa

fetish, or worse, he really hoped he hadn’t encountered a perverted

“You know those little mock kitchens? They have a stove, fridge,

all that? I asked for one of those. I was so excited when I saw one in
some magazine of my mother’s. I imagined myself creating fabulous
dinners for my guests. Even then I wanted to throw parties.”

“Aw, that’s sweet.” Yet judging by Finn’s face, the memory was

far from nice.

“My father didn’t think so. He wanted me to want boy things. Or

what he perceived as boy things. My sister could have the kitchen
stuff, but I was supposed to want the race car that I could peddle
around on the sidewalks.”

“But most of the greatest chefs in the world are men.”
“I never thought of that. But it wouldn’t have mattered. He had

clearly defined gender roles.”

“What about your mother?”
“She loved me no matter what.” This time, Finn’s smile was wide

and genuine. “But she also knew fighting my father was a waste of
time. She let him get me whatever he deemed most manly, but behind
his back she taught me how to cook and let me read books on hosting
parties. I got to plan my tenth birthday party. It was wonderful. My
father finally gave up on molding me into his clone. He withdrew

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from the family after that. He was there, but he wasn’t happy. And
then he wasn’t even there anymore.”

“He left you?”
Finn nodded. “He blamed me and my mother. He tried to get

custody of my sister, but it didn’t happen. Probably for the best, too.
God only knows what he would have tried to mold her into. Some
kind of doormat for men, probably. He was just so angry that my
mother loved me the way I was. It was as if she betrayed him.”

“I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you.” Finn squeezed his hand as if Reid’s small show of

support meant the world to him. “I wonder where he is sometimes,
but it’s more of a curiosity than I actually care. I doubt he changed.
He probably had another son. One he can love. Well, one he can love
in his conditional way.” After a long beat of silence, Finn looked up
and asked, “What about your family?”

“My family was just really average. They still live over in Red

Bluff. It’s about seventy-five miles that way.” The map popped up in
his head with a little green arrow pointing to his family’s house. “My
parents are still married. I see them about once a month.”

“Do they know about you?”
“They know I’m gay. They don’t know about the shifting.”
“So you weren’t born of two shifting men?”
“Nope. Regular old mom and dad.” Reid grinned. “So far as I

know, Storm is the only one who came into the world that way.”

“He seems so normal.”
“Storm is normal.” Reid wondered if Finn, despite the horrible

treatment of his father, was bigoted.

“Oh, no! I didn’t mean—I didn’t mean to put him down. I don’t

know why in the world I said that. Of course he’s normal. He’s just
not what I—I’m going to shut up now.”

“Please don’t. If you don’t ask questions, you won’t ever feel

comfortable here, and I want you to be happy.”

“Happy.” Finn nodded. “I thought I could give everything up. All

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the glitz and glamor of New York. The city just never really sleeps,
you know? You can find anything at any time day or night. I could
leave all that behind. Or I thought I could. But then I’m walking into a
world that is so different from anything I’ve ever thought of. It’s

“If you don’t want to live here, we can find another place.”
“Really?” Finn met Reid’s gaze with a stunned kind of surprise.
“Of course.” Reid realized that in order for their pairing to work

they had to have the ability to discuss things and compromise. “I love
it here. I always have. From the moment I set foot on the ranch, I
knew I was in the right place for me. But if you aren’t happy here, I
don’t think I can be either.”

“You’d give all of this up for me?”
“You’re my mate.”
Blinking rapidly, Finn leaned across the mattress. When he

couldn’t quite reach him, Reid made up the difference. They met in
the middle and shared a sweet kiss.

“I think I’m a very lucky man,” Finn whispered as he pulled


“You are?”
“I think I got the kindest mate in the bunch.”
“I think I’m lucky, too.”
Sweet kisses slowly turned more passionate. Reid was determined

to keep his dick to himself because he didn’t want Finn freaking out
again about getting pregnant, but Finn seemed determined to get Reid
out of his clothes.

“I thought you were scared?”
“From what Dooley said, we should just avoid having sex as

coyotes.” Finn popped the buttons apart on Reid’s shirt. “You can’t
get me pregnant in human form.”

“But what if you already are?”
“Let’s just skip over that for now, okay? I don’t want to think

about that. Not just now.” Finn was very good at working Reid’s

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clothing apart. The only thing he forgot was the fact that Reid was
wearing boots.

“My pants aren’t going to come off until those do.” Reid leaned

over, shucked his boots, then shimmied out of his jeans. By the time
he turned around, Finn was naked on the bed. His eyes were bright
and expectant. There was some fear there as evidenced by the tight
lines around his mouth, but he was far less frantic in his concern. “I
can’t offer you a lot, but I can tell you that I will always put you first.
If you are—right, we’re not talking about that—but just in case
something like that were to happen to you, I would do everything I
could to keep you safe.”

“I know you would.” Finn pulled Reid close, stroking his hands

over his head, sifting the strands of Reid’s hair through his fingers.
“You made me start to fall in love with you tonight.”

“I did?” Reid was so used to messing things up he couldn’t

believe he’d somehow managed to do something right. “How did I do

“When you offered to let Storm punch you.”
“He wouldn’t have.”
“I know. But by doing that, you made him see that he was hurting

people with his words. If he was going to do that, then he should just
hit you with his fists. It got through to him when nothing else was

“I just wanted him to stop hurting.” Reid kissed Finn’s shoulder.

“I don’t want to hurt you. Not ever.”

“You won’t. I know you won’t.”
Reid pulled Finn tightly against him, loving the way he fit so

perfectly. He wasn’t sure who or what to thank for giving him the gift
of a mate, but he was grateful all the same. Unlike their frantic
mating, this was a slow journey of loving tenderness. Reid explored
his mate with his gaze and his hands. When he had him moaning
softly, he then used his lips on every part of his body. He discovered
that Finn was ticklish but only in a curious spot. Right above where

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his briefs would ride. They laughed until Reid touched a little firmer
and a little lower. By the time he took Finn’s cock into his mouth,
Finn was gasping in need. But Reid wasn’t finished with him yet.
Truth be told, he would never be done loving his mate.

“Please, Reid. I want you inside me.” Finn was fumbling at the

bedside table. When he laid his hand on the lube, he handed it over to
Reid. “Please.”

Setting it aside, Reid kept right on teasing his mate. But all too

soon he knew he wasn’t going to be able to take any more. His body
strained to take possession of Finn. Each lick and kiss was pushing
both of them to find completion. Smoothing his hands over his skin,
Reid settled his mate on his back then slicked up his cock.

“Why are you—” Finn never got to finish asking why Reid was

lubing up his cock. Once he had his mate slick, he took him in hand
and then lubed himself up by rubbing their pricks together. “I like the
way you think.”

“I believe in sharing.” Reid grinned as he continued to slide their

now very slick pricks against one another. He’d be happy to keep on
going like this, but then Finn arched upward, spreading his legs wide.
The invitation was too good to resist. So he didn’t.

Slowly, with careful attention to his mate’s face, Reid entered

Finn. When Finn’s head went back and his mouth came open, Reid
almost retreated. Almost. But in the very next breath, Finn uttered a
cry of bliss that compelled Reid to go deeper. By the time he was
buried in his mate, Reid was shaking. Not from the strain of holding
himself up but from the strain of holding himself back. As much as
the alpha in him wanted to push hard and fast to find release, the man
inside wanted to take his time and show his mate without words how
much he cared for him.

The slower Reid went, the more time he had to really look at Finn

and feel the connection between them growing. He knew the other
mated pairs on the ranch weren’t in love when they first came
together, but that was something that always came to them.

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Eventually, they found the spark that made love seem like it had
always been there and they just hadn’t noticed. Finding out that Finn
had felt the first tug of love tonight because of something he’d done
on impulse pleased Reid more than he could ever express. For once,
he felt secure in simply being himself.

“You look happy,” Finn said, gripping Reid’s shoulders.
“I am. I think for the first time I’m really happy.”
“Good.” Finn kissed him tenderly. “I have a feeling you deserve it.”
“So do you.” Reid increased the pace, loving the way his mate’s

body accommodated his. Each plunge caused Finn to grip along his
cock. Reid felt powerful when Finn wrapped his arms and legs around
him and clung tightly to him, kissing his neck frantically as they got
closer to heaven. When the moment came, Finn spilled between their
bellies and Reid buried himself as deeply as he could. His orgasm was
so powerful he had to tighten his entire body in order to prevent
himself from bucking frantically.

“It’s okay. Fuck me, Reid. You’ve made the sweetest love to me,

and I know you need something more raw now.”

“I don’t want to—”
“You won’t hurt me.”
Reid thrust hard and fast, loving the way Finn welcomed each

plunge of his body. By the time his release was over, he was drained
and barely able to roll to his side with Finn still pressed against him.

“You are so beautiful.” Reid kissed the tip of Finn’s nose. “I’m an

extremely lucky man.”

Finn smiled and blushed. “I’m lucky, too.”
“You are?”
“You’re kind, and tender, and—”
“That’s not fair. Don’t put yourself down like that.” Finn stroked

his hands over Reid’s back. “I like you just the way you are.”

“Yeah?” It was strange, but Reid didn’t think anyone had ever

told him that.

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“Yes. And you’re not clumsy. Not as much as you think you are. I

think you just get distracted easily. That’s when you fumble. But
you’re a deep thinker, Mr. Holland. Men like you aren’t always so
attentive to the physical plane because your head is off in a mental

“I like that.” Reid pressed his forehead to Finn’s. “I’m going to

put that on a T-shirt.”

“I’ll get one for you.”
“Oh. I see your angle.”
Finn flashed him a curious look.
“You just want to get me a shirt so you can take it off and have

your way with me.”

Finn’s smile was like a warm blanket on a cold evening. “You

found me out.”

“Maybe I’ll get you pink panties.”
“That was a revelation tonight, wasn’t it?” Finn giggled. “Not that

I’m putting them down. It’s just deliciously kinky.”

“Are you kinky?” Reid hadn’t had enough regular sex to ever

contemplate anything outrageous.

“I’ve done some racy things.”
“Like I’m not telling.” Finn shook his head. “Is there anything

you want to try?”

“I haven’t done enough of anything to really be bored with things


“But surely you’ve had fantasies.”
“Well, yeah. I suppose. But they aren’t wild or outrageous.”
“Tell me one.”
“Okay. Uh, like, tomorrow night is the new moon. I’ve always

gone out to the swimming hole and spent the night stargazing. While
I’m out there on my back looking up, I’ve wondered what it would be
like to have someone with me. Someone who’s my mate.”

“So we’re just holding hands and watching the stars?”

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“At first.” Reid closed his eyes to better picture the scene. “But

then things would get more intense.”

“I could do that.”
“Get more intense?”
“Go stargazing with you and make love with you under the stars.”
“It’s a date.” Reid fell asleep with his mate in his arms and

anticipation in his heart.

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Chapter 12

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so annoyed.” Finn struggled to keep

a civil tongue in his head and murder out of his gaze. “That man
could test the patience of Gandhi.”

“He’s very trying.”
“You’re not irritated?”
“Not so much. But I’m used to dealing with cows, and they can be

way more stubborn than the sheriff.”

Finn laughed. It seemed each time he did something with Reid he

fell a little more in love with him. Reid simply had a unique way of
looking at the world. “Remind me again why you’re with me?”

“Because you’re sweet, sexy, and suave.”
“Oh, you are good.” Finn looped his arm with Reid’s. “Let’s take

my stuff and go shopping.”

“Mm-hmm. Shopping.”
“For what?”
“A surprise party.”
“For who?”
“You’ll see.” Finn waited at the cutaway door for one of the

deputies to bring his possessions from the back room. This was only
done after Kingsley grilled him to ensure he was really the owner of
the items. Annoyed, because last night Kingsley had threatened to
haul him off to jail but then today was refusing to believe he was who
he said he was, Finn quickly realized that Kingsley lived to irritate
other people. He didn’t have much of anything going on, so he
created drama out of nothing to give himself something to do. Worse,

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it seemed all the men and women who worked for him were cut from
the same cloth. As much as Finn would love to help Dillion take
Kingsley’s job, he realized that doing so would expose all the men of
the ranch to scrutiny. It didn’t matter that Dillion and Micah lived in
town. When the muckrakers went looking for muck to fling, their trail
would inevitably lead to the Rough River Ranch. Still, there had to be
someone they could help get elected. Anyone would be better than
Judd Kingsley.

“I love parties,” Reid said.
“You do?”
“Sure. There’s almost always cake involved. Any situation that

involves cake is a good one in my humble opinion.”

“Ah. Now I know the way to your heart. Sweets.”
“That. And sex.” Reid kept his voice whisper soft. “Mix the two

together and I’ll be yours for all time.”

“I’ll remember that.” Finn realized that despite his fears and the

almost one-eighty-degree shift in his lifestyle, he was happy with
Reid. He was a good man. His willingness to change things so they
could both be happy filled Finn with confidence that they would
eventually work things out. Micah had undergone a similar
restructuring when he’d gone from New York to Scorpion. If Micah
could make it work, Finn felt that he could, too. Especially when
there was a curious kind of rightness to the ranch and even the little
town of Scorpion. For some crazy reason, Finn felt comfortable. Not
that he didn’t love the city, because he did, but here, in these very
different places, there just wasn’t the same kind of pressure to be
wearing the right thing and be seen in the right places with the right
people. He found he was far less self-conscious.

When they finally brought his belongings out, Finn was dismayed

to find that his wallet was intact but for the cash. He was fairly certain
someone from the sheriff’s office had pocketed the money, but he had
no proof. Speculation was pointless, so he just wrote it off as the cost
of finding his mate. Five-hundred dollars in exchange for Reid? He’d

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have happily paid a hundred times that much. At least his phone and
laptop were in working condition. And his suitcase, while it looked
like someone had rifled through it, still contained his clothing.

“Are you going to keep the car?” Reid asked as he picked up most

of the items to carry out to the pickup.

“I called the company. They have a place here where I can turn it

in. I just need to pay the impound fee then drive it over to their

“Let’s get that done, then. Do you need money?”
“No. I’m good.” Finn had quite a bit saved. “I’ll have to find a


“I have money.”
“I’m sure you do, but I like working.”
“Oh. Right. Well, there’s not a lot of work around here. I mean

unless you want to learn to be a cowboy.”

“I don’t know about that.” Finn had a sudden image of himself in

leather chaps and a black hat. When he realized that was all he was
wearing, he struggled to keep his giggles suppressed.

“What?” Reid put his clothing in the bed of the truck while Finn

kept his briefcase and laptop up front.

“Oh, just my silly mind. Thinking of me dressed in cowboy gear

made me laugh.”

“You’d look sexy.”
“I would?”
“Oh, yeah. Tight jeans, a snug shirt, and—”
“I was picturing me in black chaps and a hat.”
“Only that?”
“Only those two things.”
Reid swallowed hard. “Yeah. That—that would be good. For me.

Not for work, but I would certainly enjoy you dressed that way.”

“See? You are kinky.”
“And now I’m picturing you wearing chaps, a hat, and pink


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“You just can’t let that go, huh?”
“It’s just so different. I never would have guessed in a million

years. But it’s…well, don’t laugh.”

“At you? Never.”
“Swear?” Reid asked as he jumped into the cab of the truck.
“I do so solemnly swear.” Finn got in beside him and placed his

hand on his heart.

“I tried on a pair of my sister’s panties once.”
Finn thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head, but at

least he didn’t laugh.

“By mistake!” Reid said, jamming the key in the ignition. “I was

sleepy, and my mom mixed up the laundry. Anyway, I’m barely
awake when I pull them on, and I realize they feel really funny. Silky
and way too snug on my junk.”

Finn had to press his lips tightly together not to laugh. He

managed, but barely. “Did you like them?”

“No!” Reid pulled his seat belt on, prompting Finn to do the same.
“Be honest.”
“Well, yeah. I mean the fabric was so slippery. It was like cool

and hot on my skin at the same time.” Reid was so red he looked
sunburned. “You think I’m a pervert.”

“Not at all!” Finn slapped Reid’s leg playfully. “It was an

accident. It’s not like you had some weird fetish for your sister’s

“God no. I like my sister as a sister.” Reid kept his gaze on the

road. “It’s okay. You can laugh.”

“Oh, thank God!” Finn laughed loud and long. “Although, now I

want to get some panties.”

“For you?”
“For us. We can take turns.”
They laughed all the way to the impound lot. Once Finn dropped

off the car, he was back in the truck, and they were headed to the
local grocery store where he picked up a few things for the surprise

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party he was throwing tonight with Cassidy’s help. In short order they
were driving up the River Road toward home.

“I just can’t believe how beautiful everything is.” Finn had the

window down so he could feel the wind in his hair. He felt free in a
way he didn’t remember ever feeling before.

“I love it here. And it’s different.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve driven this road probably a thousand times, but it’s never

quite the same because the light is different. Not just in intensity, but
the angle. The colors are always changing and—it’s just a magical

“I think so, too.” And in that moment, Finn knew he could never

ask Reid to go. He belonged here. And when he was very honest with
himself, Finn thought he was a part of this place as well. He had to be.
There were a lot of coincidences in the world. And he believed some
were big and some were small, but the fact he’d been drawn here
because of a friendship then discovered his dormant shifter
ability…there had to be something more at play than just coincidence.
“What makes us shifters? I mean Storm came from two shifters, so it
makes sense he would have the ability, but what about those of us
who came from non-shifting humans?”

“I don’t know.” Reid shrugged. “I know Dooley and Doc have

been trying to figure out if there’s something genetic, but I don’t think
they have an answer.”

“Are all the shifters gay?”
“Again, I don’t know. But I think there are other shifters. I mean

we know there are because Storm’s dads said that there were other
enclaves of shifters.”

“All coyote?”
“Different animals. And they have different ways of mating, so it

makes sense that there are heterosexual shifters out there.”

Finn considered.
“But I also think this is the best gift.”

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“Well, not that so much. But we can actually have children


Finn dropped his hand down to his belly. Despite all they’d been

doing today, the idea he might be pregnant was never very far from
his attention. He was still freaked out by the whole idea, but he was
less terrified and far more curious than he had been last night.

“Are you feeling better about that?”
“In a way.” Finn considered. “Storm will go first. By that point

we’ll know how it all works. I guess I feel sorry that he’s got to go
through it alone.”

“He’s not alone. Every man on that ranch will move heaven and

earth to help him.”

“Of course. And I’m sure he knows that. But no one can give birth

for him. That’s all up to Storm. That’s what undoubtedly made him so
terrified he was lashing out.”

“He seemed calmer this morning.”
“He did, didn’t he?” Finn had entered the kitchen with some

reservation because Storm was in there with Cassidy, but it became
clear within moments that he was in a very different headspace than
he’d been in the previous night.

“I won’t force you into that, you know.” Reid kept his attention on

the winding road. “I want kids but not right away and not unless you
want them, too.”

“I never really gave it any thought. I figured as a gay guy that

would be just about the last thing I’d ever have to deal with. But
now…I just don’t know how I feel about it.”

Reid let the matter drop, but Finn kept running scenarios through

his mind. He saw himself with a swelled belly and oversized shirts.
Reid would be doubly attentive, triply, probably. And then they
would have a new and very fragile life to guide through the world.
The more he considered the idea, the scarier it became. But it wasn’t
the idea of carrying the child or even giving birth that frightened him.

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Those concerns were waylaid by knowing that a man like Dooley
would be there to help him. Watching Dooley with Storm last night
showed him very clearly he would be in excellent medical hands. And
he had no doubts about Reid as a father. What he was worried about
was what kind of a world he’d be bringing his child into. If there were
shifter hunters still out to track them, that was a concern. Not to
mention bigoted fools like Kingsley.

And then, the most terrifying question of all popped into his head.

How in the world would they explain how they had children? If
Kingsley or some other official started snooping around and
discovered a bunch of children on the ranch, questions would be
raised. The idea of zealots with pitchforks and torches descending on
them became a very real possibility.

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Chapter 13

Reid was almost as surprised as Storm. He had no idea that Finn

and Cassidy had been planning a surprise baby shower for Storm until
he was called into the kitchen. Clearly, Storm was oblivious because
he about jumped out of his skin and then he started to cry.

“Aw,” Cassidy said, taking his mate into his arms. “Please tell me

those are tears of joy.”

“They are. You big, wonderful man, you.”
“Thank Finn. It was his idea.”
Finn shook off the praise, but Reid sensed he was pleased. As

soon as the guest of honor arrived, Finn was in his element. He had
everything choreographed from the cake to the gifts. How all the men
had time to even get gifts was beyond Reid until he realized Finn had
probably gotten Cassidy to whip them all into shape. And then the
best gift of all. With Tristan’s help, Finn had gotten ahold of an
ultrasound machine. It was used, and it wasn’t as high-tech as what
would be found in most gynecologist offices, but it would certainly
help Dooley in making assessments. But even better than that, it went
a long way in reassuring Storm that, though he was in this alone to
some degree, the other men of the ranch were with him in more ways
than just spirit.

“You done did good.” Reid kissed the top of his mate’s head.
“I hope so. I just wanted him to think of this more as a celebration

and less as a trial to endure.”

“I think he’s getting there.”
After a huge meal that consisted of all Storm’s favorites, followed

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by a luscious lemon cake that certainly didn’t disappoint Reid, they
turned to the gifts. Most notably, the ultrasound machine.

“I realize it’s a gift for Dooley, but—”
“No. It’s a gift for me, too.” Storm settled on the couch. “I want to

know. The more I know, and the more I understand, the less scary this
all becomes.”

Cassidy leaned over the back of the couch so he could hold

Storm’s hand.

After Storm laid down and lifted up his shirt, Dooley spread some

kind of goo all over his slightly pooched belly and turned on the
machine. Carefully, he rubbed the flattened wand over his tummy
while everyone peered anxiously at the screen. Since there were so
many men crowded into the living room, they were lined up behind
the couch. Finn was in front of Reid. He kept his arms around Finn,
holding him close but also giving him strength. More than any of the
others, Finn seemed vested in the outcome.

“What the hell is that?” Storm was straining upward, trying to get

a better look, but Cassidy held him down.

“Just relax,” Dooley said, then murmured his nonsensical words

that always seemed to soothe the animals he worked on. “Okay, this
just isn’t working.”

“Keep trying!” Storm demanded.
“No, I mean, it’s hard to look around when—it’s going to be

easier to see if you’re in coyote form. That way, I know where
everything is.”

Storm shifted, but there was another delay while they had to shave

the hair off his belly. The interruption upped the tension in the room
until all the men present could give piano strings a run for their
money. When Dooley finally got to work examining Storm’s coyote
belly, everyone, including Reid and Finn, was straining forward.

“There we go.” Dooley grinned. “One big, healthy pup.”
What came up on the screen wasn’t like anything Reid had ever

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seen. He couldn’t really see a puppy in the swirling black-and-white
pixels. Leaning over, pressing his mouth close to Finn’s ear, he asked,
“Do you see anything?”

“Not really.”
“Hang on.” Dooley tried to do something with the machine, but

jostled the wand. “Damn. Okay, learning curve, folks. Let’s try this
again.” After some more fiddling around, he finally found a way to
freeze the shot on the screen. “Ah! Okay, now, look here.” Dooley
pointed, outlining the coyote puppy.

“Oh!” Cassidy pressed his free hand to his mouth.
Storm wasn’t really able to see, so Dooley helped to lift his head.
Once Dooley showed him what he was looking at, Reid saw

exactly what he meant. It was a tiny coyote puppy. He could clearly
see the head and four little paws. Tears filled his eyes, forcing him to
blink rapidly. When he took surreptitious looks out the corners of his
eyes, Reid was relived to discover he wasn’t the only one emotionally
overcome. From what he could see, he doubted there was a dry eye in
the house.

“It was worth every penny.” Tristan wiped his eyes with the back

of his hand. “To see him like this. It’s just…”

“Amazing.” Cassidy reached over and caressed Storm’s head. The

touch was similar to what he’d given him last night, but somehow, his
strokes conveyed even more love this time. “Our boy.”

Storm yipped.
“Don’t switch back just yet,” Dooley said. “I’d like to make sure

there’s only one.”

“There might be more?” Cassidy sounded excited and scared in

fairly equal measure.

“Maybe. It’s hard to tell.” Dooley eased the flattened wand over

and around. “Nope. Only one.”

“Storm was worried because he seems so big.”
“Oh, he’s not. I did that with the screen so I could see him more

clearly. He’s really this size.” Dooley fiddled with the machine. “See?

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Tiny little thing. I don’t think you’re going to have any trouble
delivering him when the time comes.”

“And when might that be?” Cassidy asked the question that was

probably on everyone’s mind.

“Well, that’s a little more tricky. If he was a coyote in the wild, it

would take about two months. But since he’s a shifter, I don’t really
know. Humans take nine months. However, judging by the size of the
pup—when coyotes give birth the pups weigh about nine ounces—but
you’re bigger than the average coyote bitch.”

“You know he doesn’t mean it that way.” Cassidy frowned down

at Storm. “He wants me to tell you to stop calling him a bitch.”

“Aren’t you funny.” Dooley laughed. “But that’s the correct


“I’m not a stud,” Cassidy said to Storm. “Even if that’s the

companion word to bitch I don’t want to be called that.”

While all the men around him were talking, making jokes, or

whispering quietly to one another, Reid couldn’t look away from the
image on the machine. He was looking at a child. A very special child
who would be both human and coyote. He would be cherished by his
parents and every man on the ranch. Protective instincts filled every
cell in Reid’s body.

“So, basically, I don’t really know the time or how big he’ll be,

but I don’t think you’ll have an issue delivering.”

“And if he does?” Cassidy asked, his expressive gaze riveted to

Dooley right along with Storm’s.

“We will have everything set up to do a C-section. I’ve done them

before on other animals.”

“You have?” Cassidy seemed surprised.
“I have. I’m comfortable and confident that I can do that if you

need it.” Dooley placed his hand very gently on Storm’s belly. “But I
don’t think you will. Okay?”

Storm nodded.
“Okay, why don’t you shift back over and let me have a second

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try at finding the baby in human form.”

Storm shifted and waited anxiously as Dooley slid the wand

around his belly. Cassidy’s grip on his hand was so tight his fingers
were almost pale. When he noticed, he eased up, but Reid realized his
other hand was gripping the back of the couch so tightly he probably
would leave permanent dents in the cushion.

“There!” Dooley reached over and froze the image.
“Oh.” Finn leaned closer, his keen interest obvious to Reid.

Determined to support him no matter how he felt, Reid placed his
hand on Finn’s shoulder. When Finn reached up and took his hand,
Reid felt a powerful connection. Standing there, hand in hand,
looking at the tiny life within Storm was somehow more intimate than
anything they had shared thus far. “He’s so tiny.”

“Very much so.” Dooley smiled. “I’d say you’ve got quite some

time before he’s born.”

“Still, we better get moving on getting things ready.”
“Clearly, we are going to use Finn and Tristan to help with that.”

Cassidy looked at both men. “If they can get an ultrasound machine
here that fast, they’re the guys to help organize the ranch for this child
and all the children to come.”

“I’d be happy to help. Honored to, actually.” Finn wiped at his

face with his free hand.

Reid couldn’t see him, but he felt a shifting in his attitude. He

might still be concerned, and rightfully so, but he was no longer
terrified, and that was a step in the right direction.

After cleaning up and saying goodnight to everyone, they went

upstairs for bed. They brushed their teeth and then made ready for
bed. It seemed to Reid that Finn had a gentle smile on his face the
entire time. Once they were both in bed, Finn turned off the light then
slid close to Reid.

“Thank you for tonight.” Reid kissed the top of Finn’s head. He

felt more content than he ever had. Seeing Storm’s baby and realizing
all would be well took a huge strain off his mind. He undressed and

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then slid into bed.

“You’re welcome.” Finn kissed Reid’s chest.
“We need more parties.”
“You just want more cake.”
“Yes, that, too, but seriously, we need to celebrate things. We

have so much happening. There’s a lot we can’t control, but there’s
more that’s really astonishing. I get that Storm is afraid. It makes
sense because he’s the first. But to see what a miracle that is…I just
feel so incredibly grateful that we can do something that most gay
couples can’t. We can bring life into this world that is equal amounts
of us. Others can hire a surrogate, but it’s not both of them.”

“It’s still amazing that way, though.”
“Sure. I’m not knocking it. Not at all. It’s a generous gift on the

part of those women, and I’m sure it’s amazing because life is just
flat-out astonishing all the way around.” Reid placed his hand on
Finn’s belly. “If you are, I’m thrilled. If you’re not, it’s okay because
we’ll be ready someday.” Reid waited breathlessly for Finn to speak.
He’d witnessed his reaction to the events tonight and thought he felt
better, but it was one thing to think and another thing to know. “Are
you okay?”

“I’m better now.” Finn sighed. “I’m still scared, but it’s not with

the kind of mind-numbing, panic-inducing visceral fear I had earlier.
It’s more beautiful than I imagined.”

“Like you said. We can do something that only a very few can.

We can have a child together. A child that is literally part of you and
part of me. It’s amazing. But scary, too.”

“I thought Dooley made it clear that medically we’re ready for

anything that happens.”

“That alleviated a lot of my fears. Honestly, it did, but there are

other concerns. I guess that’s my cross to bear. I can’t help but think
of all the potential things that could go wrong.”

“I think that’s why you’re good at planning parties. You’re good

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at anticipating what people might need. And having a backup plan if
things go wrong.”

“Thank you. I think so. But sometimes that skill backfires in other

areas of my life. Like this with the children. I think, okay, I can have
one. Amazing. And there’s the physical aspects. But then what about

“Oh.” Reid hadn’t thought about that.
“I think I’d stay as a coyote to do that. Storm has nipples when

he’s a coyote. I’ll bet I do, too. So I think that would be the way to
give the baby immunity from disease. But then I can—we can—
formula feed after that. So we’d have this human baby.”

“I can learn how to take care of a baby.”
“I’m sure you can. So can I. You’re thinking diapers, and burping,

and all of that.”

“But there’s more. There’s paperwork.”
“He won’t be born in a hospital. He won’t have a birth


Reid suddenly thought of how vital paperwork was to exist in the

modern world. With the advent of electronic records, faking
documentation was probably getting more difficult all the time. “And
school. Vaccinations.”

“Yes. It’s all just the tip of the iceberg, though.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“The nosy and abusive sheriff.” Finn moved a little closer to Reid.

“Can you image what he’ll do if he discovers a bunch of children out
here? Even if we can prove by DNA that they are biologically ours,
he’ll wonder where the mothers are.”

Reid had a horrible vision of the authorities—the nameless,

faceless authorities—coming to the ranch and taking all the children

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away. He realized that he was squeezing Finn so tightly he was
making it difficult for him to breathe. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I understand. Really. I do. I’m sorry that I’ve managed

to just give you something new to be worried about. Where you might
sometimes be physically clumsy, I guess I’m that way when it comes
to emotional issues. Like telling Dillion he shouldn’t run for sheriff.
At least I kept my mouth shut around Storm and Cassidy.” Finn
moved back a bit like he was trying to see Reid in the dark. “But I had
to tell you. I need to share all my thoughts with someone and since
you’re my mate…”

“You should always tell me what you’re thinking about.” Reid

stroked Finn’s face. “It’s the only way we can consider everything.
Knowledge really is power.”

“I think so.”
“But with that comes the idea we’ve got to do something to solve it.”
“How? I don’t know anyone who can fake papers. And the more

kids we have, the bigger of a target we’ll be.”

“We’ll figure it out. I just wish we could find other compounds

who’ve made it work. Surely, they’d have ideas on how to overcome
that. I just don’t want to be seen as a crazy cult.”

“I’m thinking of what happened in Waco with David Koresh.

Their main concern was with trying to take the kids away.”

“There has to be a way to prevent that. There has to be.”
Reid held Finn close, but he couldn’t think his way around the

problem. The idea of Finn having their child was tainted in a way he
didn’t think he could get over. Protective instincts that had filled him
when he saw Storm and Cassidy’s child filled him again. He would
find a way to make the ranch safe for their children. Not just his and
Finn’s child, but all the children that would come from the mated

“One or two children won’t hit anyone’s radar, but a dozen.

More? That’s going to get people talking and snooping around.”

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Reid held Finn close to him, unable to sleep for his concerns. He

wasn’t angry at Finn for mentioning what he’d realized was a
problem. If anything, he was grateful that he’d thought of something
the others might not have. They needed to start working on solutions
to that potential problem now. Because one thing Reid knew for
certain was that whether or not he and Finn had children, he was
honor bound to protect the offspring of his fellow shifters.

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Chapter 14

“So, do you like it?” Finn felt awful for the sleepless night he’d

given his mate. In an effort to make it up to him, he’d put together a
picnic for their stargazing.

“I love it.” Reid grinned as he examined the stuffed-full basket.

“Are you ready?”

“I am.” Finn joined Reid in the truck then slid close. “I don’t need

the seat belt, do I?”

“Naw. I’m not going to be hot rodding.” Reid put his arm around

him. “It’s not that far.”

“It’s so pretty out here.” The sun had just set over the bluff, filling

the sky with dramatic glowing clouds while echoing those colors on
the landscape. The sky turned the buttes orange, pink, and purple.
“I’ve never seen sunsets like this.”

“The desert does have her beauty.”
“That’s why you love it here.”
“Oh, yeah. But there’s more. It’s the guys who work here. Every

man who’s made this place home, the ones who stay and really put
down their roots, they’re like my family.” Reid kept his attention on
the road, but Finn saw the depth of his emotion. “I would do anything
for them. I know it’s mutual.”

“I feel that way, too.”
“Yes. I know I’m new here, but I want to be a part of everything. I

feel safe here.” Finn touched his belly, wondering yet again if he was
or wasn’t. After a quick talk with Dooley, who was rushing to attend
to one of the cows, he said he was trying to find a way to determine

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pregnancy. Finn had stood in the yard, watching him go, wondering
how he kept everything together. When he saw Tristan bringing him
his breakfast in the barn, he had part of his answer. His mate was
there to help him. And Finn didn’t have to see it to know that the
reverse was true. When Tristan was in need, Dooley was there for
him. Armed with that very touching information, Finn decided he
needed to be there for his mate now.

“I thought you were worried about what might happen with the

kids in the future?” Reid shifted the truck into a higher gear then put
his arm back around him.

“I’m concerned. I think it’s wise to look ahead and plan for or

possibly even head off potential problems. But I can’t get away from
feeling like I’m in the right place for me.”

“It’s as if I always knew the city wasn’t really right. It got me

away from my home, away from all the troubles there, but I didn’t
really belong in New York. I think that was just another phase I
needed to work through.”

“So you’ll start wearing jeans and cowboy boots and—”
“It’s not about what I wear. But I imagine my wardrobe will have

to change by necessity.” Finn looked down at his dress slacks and
button-down oxford shirt. The summer-weight fabrics were light
enough that he wasn’t melting in the heat, but the paler colors showed
every bit of red dust they came in contact with, and there was a hell of
a lot of red dirt around.

“I like the way you dress.”
“Thank you. But it’s not very practical for the ranch.”
“Depends what you’re doing.”
“If you had your way, I wouldn’t be in my clothes for long.”
“See? Now you’re thinking.” Reid took his arm off his shoulders

to shift down, then kept his hand there as he traversed several turns.
“And we’re here.”

“It’s beautiful.”

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“Some beavers dammed up part of the Rough River, which caused

the river to swell and make a swimming hole.”

“So the water isn’t stagnant?”
“Nope.” Reid climbed out and retrieved the basket from the back.

“The water still moves through. Slowly and all, but it keeps it free of
mosquitoes, and any fish that get in can still get out.”

“And it makes a perfect place to swim.”
“And stargaze.” Reid took him over to a patch of long grass.
“Looks well used.” Most of the grass was flattened.
“I come out here a lot.” Reid turned red and looked away.
Finn placed a blanket on the ground, wondering what brought on

Reid’s sudden embarrassment. As he settled on the ground to pull
things out of the basket, he realized a man out here alone would
probably attend to some of his baser needs. He grinned. Somehow,
the idea of his mate masturbating in the wild was far more of a turn-
on than picturing him doing the same in bed.

“You realize there’s enough food in there for about six guys,

right?” Reid watched Finn as he took food out of the basket and set it
on the blanket.

“I thought it was a bit much, but Cassidy insisted. I think part of

this is his way of saying thanks for getting the ultrasound machine.”

“How did you do that?”
“I had the money, and Tristan had the computer know-how. He

went and searched around online to find places that sell used

“There are places like that?”
“Yes indeed.” Finn pulled out a bottle of wine and gave it to Reid

to open. “Just like there are auction sites for electronics and clothes,
there’s one for medical equipment. And we managed to find a seller
who was close.”

“How close?” After opening the bottle, Reid poured two glasses.
“Grand Junction.”
“Ah. That’s why Tristan suddenly had to go shopping.” Reid

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handed him his glass.

“To us.”
“To us.”
Just as Finn lifted the glass to his lips, he suddenly realized he

was about to drink when he might be pregnant. Rather than ruin the
simple toast, he took a sip, then set it aside. Each of them filled up
their plates, and then they ate while the sun set and the night filled the
valley with darkness.

“And now for the cake.”
“Don’t get too excited. It’s leftover from the party.”
“It’s still cake, and it will still work.”
“Come on,” Reid said, flashing Finn a lusty look. “We both know

why you’re giving me sweets. You want sex.”

“You’ve found me out.”
“Did you bring the panties?”
“Darn it.” Finn snapped his fingers. “I knew I was forgetting


“Ah, well. Perhaps another time.”
They ate in silence, watching as the light slowly faded from the


“Are you done?”
Reid got to work packing everything back in. “Do you want the

rest of your wine?”

“No. I’m good.”
Reid poured out both glasses then tucked them into the basket.

After he put it in the truck, they snuggled close and looked up at the
sky. Slowly, the night darkened, forcing the stars to pop out. It was
almost magical because there seemed to only be a handful then
suddenly there were so many some of them they merged together,
creating a path across the sky.

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“That’s why they call it the Milky Way. It looks like someone

spilled milk.” Finn was utterly fascinated.

“Can you see the stars in the city?”
“Only the celebrity type.” Finn laughed at his own joke. “I

haven’t really even looked since…well, since I was a little kid.”

Together they tried to remember as many constellations as they

could, but then they were distracted by one another. Even though it
was so late at night they were almost into the early hours of the
morning, the air was still surprisingly warm. When Reid worked the
buttons of Finn’s shirt apart, the shiver he felt was strictly one of
anticipation. In what Finn was discovering was his typical moseying
fashion, Reid popped the buttons apart, following each one up with a
kiss. By the time he got down to Finn’s trousers, he was frantic with

“You are so good at that.”
“What?” Reid asked, lifting his head. “Kissing you?”
“Making me crazy for you.” Finn buried his fingers in Reid’s hair.

As he placed his mouth against his belly for another kiss, Finn felt his
smile. “Oh, I see. You like making me crazy.”

“I do. I really do.”
“Remember those words, mister, because you’re going to need


“I am?”
“If you think I’m having a child out of wedlock, you’re crazy.”
Reid halted in midkiss. He kept his mouth pressed to the ticklish

spot right above where the elastic of his briefs rode.

“You want to get married?”
“Did you think we were just going to live in sin?”
“I guess I never really thought about it.” Reid left off kissing his

way down. Instead, he switched directions and came back up.

“Hey. I was enjoying that.”
“I won’t leave you hanging. But do you really want to get


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“Of course! Not only am I a gay man but I’m a party planner.

Those two things combined mean I want the biggest, fanciest, most
eye-popping celebration in the history of the town.”

Reid’s silence spoke volumes, which was a good thing since Finn

couldn’t see his face. Without any moonlight and absolutely no city
lights, Finn couldn’t see his hand in front of his face.

“You mean to say you actually want to marry me?”
The tone of Reid’s voice made Finn realize he wasn’t upset about

getting married. Reid was deeply touched. Before he could speak,
Reid found his lips in the dark and kissed him so passionately he very
nearly took Finn’s breath away. When he felt moisture, he realized
Reid was crying. Tenderly, Finn wiped at his tears.

“Lord have mercy. I am such a pansy.”
“No, you’re sweet and sensitive.” Finn kissed him half a dozen

times. “There’s nothing wrong with shedding tears of joy.” He
paused. “They are tears of joy, right?”

“Yeah. And surprise. And—hell. I just never figured I’d get a

mate, but to get one like you? I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

“Then no more talk of clumsy or other put-downs. Got it?”
“Yes, sir.” Reid laughed as he pulled Finn on top of him. “So

when do you want to do the deed?”

“I thought we were going to do that here?”
“The wedding, smarty. When do you want to tie the knot?”
“How about a winter wedding? That gives me enough time to

plan. And we can do something really amazing in blue.”

“Because it will be winter. There’s no way I’m doing white with

all this red dirt.” Finn giggled. “Besides, if I’m pregnant, I can’t really
wear white.”

“I won’t tell.”
“Of course not. You’re the one who corrupted me.”
“Yep. That’s me. Mr. Corruption.”
“Mister, huh?” Finn rose.

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“What are you doing?”
“Getting undressed. It’s surprisingly warm tonight.” Finn

removed all his clothes and heard noises that he suspected were from
Reid doing the same. It was difficult to tell in the almost perfect dark.
No wonder Cassidy had insisted on tucking a flashlight into the
basket. Without it, they’d never make it back to the truck.

“What was wrong with Mr. Corruption?” Reid asked.
“Mister just sounds so official.”
“Hey, when I corrupt someone, I like to go all out. I have a name

tag and a clipboard, too.”

“How very respectable. And sexy.” Finn settled on top of his

mate, discovering that he had gotten undressed. “I love the feel of

“Me? You’re the one who’s all soft.” Reid stroked over Finn’s

back and down to his buttocks.

“You’re the one who’s all hard.” Finn deliberately rocked his

cock against his mate’s.

“Keep that up, and I won’t be.”
“Not for long, at any rate.” Finn laughed lightly until Reid lifted

him for a sweet kiss that turned suddenly frantic. Fumbling for the
picnic basket, he managed to snag the bottle of lube he’d tucked along
the edge. Within seconds, he had Reid’s cock slicked up and was
slowly taking him inside. Nothing in the world felt as pure as that
particular moment. The way their two bodies merged into one was
astonishingly beautiful.

With a slow yet inevitable rising beat, they rocked together,

making the warm night positively sultry. When the moment of release
came, Finn locked his mouth on his mate’s, kissing him as they
climaxed within seconds of one another.

Deliciously exhausted, Finn collapsed on top of Reid and let out a

long, contented sigh. This was a good life. He could see his future
stretching before him in a way that was entirely different than what
he’d once envisioned, but this one was better. Mainly because it

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included Reid Holland.

“Ooh, should I take your name?” Finn pondered. “Finn Holland.

Or maybe a hyphenated Finn Kirkpatrick-Holland.”

“It’s a little long.”
“Fine. I’ll just take your name.”
“No more Allistair Chadwick?”
“No. He died the moment I shifted to find you.”
“Do you miss him?”
“I can honestly say that I don’t.” Finn had thought image and

station were the two most important things in the universe to him. At
the time, they were, but now, they didn’t matter in the least. What
truly mattered were the people he chose to surround himself with. The
connections he made, the good he did, and the way he lived his life
every day meant so much more than all the appearances in the world
ever could.

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Chapter 15

Reid and Finn sat side by side on the long couch in the living

room of the farmhouse. Dooley had found a pregnancy test for dogs
that he thought would work on coyotes. The only problem was they
needed to wait at least three weeks before he could run the test.
During that time, Finn had kept himself occupied with wedding plans,
and Reid was working with Paul on designing a house and figuring
out where they’d like it to go. Finn’s only stipulation was that he
wanted a skylight in the bedroom so they could see the stars at night.
It took some creative construction, but Reid was able to work that into
the plans. Since winter was coming sooner than anyone really wanted
to think about, they’d already broken ground. By the time the weather
turned cold, it would be ready.

Reid was excited and nervous, but at least all the money he’d been

tucking into savings had a purpose. Finn pitched in, too, but his
biggest contribution was in furnishing the house and buying them a
car. As much as he liked the pickup truck, he wanted something a
little more fuel efficient. He’d also gotten something a little sporty.
After pinning him down and licking his ticklish spot, Reid got Finn to
confess he loved driving along the River Road. It was just twisty
enough to be fun but not so challenging it was scary.

“I hardly ever drove in the city.” Finn looked up at him with his

big, beautiful jade eyes. “Are you upset?”

“No.” Reid had kissed him then, loving the way Finn surrendered

almost effortlessly.

What amazed Reid was that they made a good pair. Finn brought

joy to the ranch with his need to celebrate. But he also brought style

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and panache. Finn made friends readily. Even though he wasn’t used
to hard physical labor, he was able to organize supplies for chores and
help Marshal come up with a workable plan for attending to a myriad
of details. Marshal was amazed at Finn’s ability to hold so much
information present in his mind at one time. Word spread that if there
was a complicated issue, Finn was the man to plan and organize the

“I could turn this into my job, you know.”
“Yeah?” Reid wondered if that would be enough to keep him


“Yes. I would still make myself available to the people in town to

do parties and such, but I think I could do a lot right here on the

Reid couldn’t have been happier.
But through it all, Reid knew Finn was worried. When Finn

thought no one was looking, he would caress his belly and look away.
Whatever was in front of him wasn’t what he was seeing. Finn was
looking toward the future, wondering what his life might be like if he
was carrying their child. As much as Reid wanted to ease his mind,
there simply wasn’t anything he could do.

When the three weeks was up, they’d gone to Dooley for the test.
“Even then, don’t put too much into the results.” Dooley had done

his best to find a solution, but he wasn’t able to say with certainty it
was going to work.

“Well, then why are we doing this?” Reid had wanted to know

one way or the other not because it was going to change anything, but
because not knowing was agitating Finn. He wasn’t going to be able
to relax until he knew.

“Sweetie, we’re doing this because it’s the best thing we can do

right now. Just like Storm is the first in terms of actually having a
baby, I get to be first in figuring out a way to test the beta mates.”

“Right. Sorry.” Sometimes Reid became so focused on the two of

them he forgot that there were dozens of men hanging on the

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“I think it will tell us, though. I just want to give myself some

wiggle room so if it doesn’t work you won’t be upset.”

“We won’t be upset with you,” Finn assured Dooley. “We know

you’re doing your best.”

Reid agreed then held Finn after he shifted. Dooley examined him

then drew some blood. Finn shifted back. Instead of standing in the
clinic, they’d gone back to the farmhouse.

So they had sat there, not talking, waiting for Dooley to come

back. Everyone else was out working, which gave them some private
time to come to terms with the results. Even Storm and Cassidy were
out of the kitchen for a change. They had gone over to Grand Junction
to pick up things for the nursery. For now, they were going to have
things set up in their room since it was big enough, but eventually,
they were going to need a permanent place for the baby. Marshal was
already talking with Vance about moving the office from the current
room it was in to the side parlor opposite the living room. Since
Vance was spending far less time in the office, thanks to some
computer help from Tristan, he was amenable to the move.

The office space was huge, and it had a bathroom attached. Reid

thought it was way too big for one kid, but then he saw the plans.
There would be basinets on one side and bunk beds on the other. Finn
had organized the place so that the office could accommodate a lot of
kids. Perhaps even his and Finn’s. But Reid didn’t want to get ahead
of himself. They weren’t quite there yet. And Finn’s concern about
nosy townspeople was a good one that was brought up at the last
ranch meeting. A lot of the men were still out checking on
compounds, but those who were in attendance understood the
potential for problems.

“I never thought of that, but yes, it’s an issue. Kingsley would

have a field day.” Marshal had pulled Elliot just a little closer,
prompting Reid to wonder if they were trying to get pregnant or not.
“Still, this is the reason why we’ve come together. At least I think it

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is. Here, now, on this ranch, we all came together because it’s a safe
place for our kind and it should be for our kids.”

“We just have to find a way to make that happen.”
“And we will,” Elliot said. “Right now the men out looking at

those compounds might find something or someone who can help.
Because clearly, the place where Jacob grew up had to have dealt
with this issue.”

“I wish I could remember, but I don’t.” Jacob was sitting close to

his mate Paul. “I know they had to have paperwork on me because I
have a birth certificate, driver’s license—all of that stuff. I even have
a vaccination record. And I do remember getting the shots, so that one
isn’t made up, it’s real.”

“I’ll bet Doc would like to know that so he can vaccinate our

child.” It was clear Cassidy loved saying our child because he had
done so at least four times during the meeting.

“And the paperwork is something I can handle.” Jake Tanner,

resident cowboy and attorney, had revealed that though he couldn’t
forge papers, he could certainly find someone who could. “It’s more
common than you’d think.”

“Why does that scare me?” Jake’s mate Nathan asked.
“Because you watch too much affiliate news. Most people forging

paperwork aren’t lowlife criminals. A lot of decent people are running
from some damn unsavory types. Sometimes the only way to get
away is to disappear and start over under a whole new identity.”

“Maybe someday our kids can be born in a hospital and be just

like everyone else. But until that day comes, we need to take care of
our own.”

When every man there vowed to make that so, Reid felt like he’d

been given the biggest warm fuzzy in the universe. He had been
feeling anxious about the situation, but he believed in and trusted that
as a group, they could and would protect their own.

Finn squeezed Reid’s hand, bringing him back to the present

moment. He looked up in time to see Dooley coming through the

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“Okay, it looks like the answer is no.” As he spoke, he crouched

down in front of them.

Reid had expected him to hem and haw. He wasn’t prepared for

him to just spew it out like that. When Reid looked over at Finn, he
was sitting very still, blinking rapidly.

“I’m okay.” He met Reid’s gaze. “I wasn’t sure how I would feel

either way, but I’m sad and relieved. Is that bad?”

“No. It’s how you feel. And now we have time. We can plan. I

would have been happy if you were, but it’s okay that you’re not.”
Reid was struggling to put his own emotions into context. There were
just so many thoughts and feelings that emerged rather suddenly it
was like expecting a spring shower but getting blasted with a fire

Finn nodded and released a pent-up breath. He then turned to

Dooley. “How accurate is this?”

“Well, there’s a marker in the blood that I was looking for. Or,

more accurately, that marker is what the test looks for. To make sure
this would work, I took some blood from Storm to run the test first to
make sure that indicator was there in his coyote blood. It is in him but
not in you.”

“And enough time elapsed that it would show?”
“That’s why I wanted to wait. For domesticated dogs, they say

twenty days after mating.”

“It’s been twenty-one as of today.” Finn beat him to sharing that

number. It seemed both of them had been keeping track.

“So I would say that this is ninety-nine percent accurate.” Dooley

darted his gaze from Reid to Finn. “Are you both okay?”

“We are,” Reid said. “I think we’re just a little shocked to finally


“If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. Okay?” Dooley


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“When will I go into heat?” Finn asked.
“Well, coyotes in the wild generally go into heat mid-January to

mid-March. The actual heat only lasts two to maybe ten days. Male
coyotes only make sperm around that time, too.”

“Really?” Reid had no idea their mating was so regimented.
“Yep. It’s actually pretty interesting. But with our kind, there’s

something else going on. Storm got pregnant in the summer. That
wouldn’t happen with wild coyotes.”

“Is there a way for me to tell when he’s in heat?” Reid did not

want to just pounce on his mate. “From what Cassidy said, there’s a
distinctive smell, but I’m afraid if I caught a whiff it would be too
late. I mean, I wasn’t able to resist the call to mate as a human so

“I hear you on that. Basically, that’s the tip-off. You’ll know

because he’ll smell irresistible. There would also be some swelling of
his vulva, but you’d not really be able to see that unless you were
trained. By the time you got near enough to look, you’d be ensnared
in the mating scent.”

“So there’s nothing we can do?” Reid asked the question, but it

was clear Finn was just as keen on the answer as he was.

“You can be aware. Micah knew what was happening and

switched back to human before Dillion could mate with him.” A
sudden sappy smile crossed Dooley’s face. “Or at least he didn’t mate
with him in coyote form. So far, it’s the only way to prevent
pregnancy that I know of.”

“So either no sex or we have to have coyote condoms,” Finn said


They all laughed.
“That would be great, but I don’t see how you could get them on

with your little paws. For now, the best advice I can give you is to
practice the ancient art of abstinence.” Dooley turned back to the door
but looked over his shoulder. “But that doesn’t apply if you’re
human.” After a saucy wink, he left.

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“Are you sure you’re okay?” Reid squeezed Finn’s hand.
“I really am. I was relieved. But then I felt guilty for feeling that

way. But now we know. We can plan. And that’s good for me. I can’t
help it. I’m a planner.”

“I think that’s good. I’m more haphazard, so this is good news.

We have time.”

“We do.” Finn looked up at Reid. “But damn he would have been


“I think you’re going to get all the fawning over kids you’ll need.

Storm is just the first.”

“That’s right! I can channel all those parental instincts into

helping them until I’m ready.”

“See? It always works out.”
“But for Kingsley.”
“He hasn’t been back since the last time. I think me shifting and

attacking him scared him.”

“Let’s hope.”
“You ready to get to work?”
“I am.”
They stood together.
“And now I can have wine on my wedding day.”
“I noticed you’ve been refraining.” Reid noticed during their

picnic but hadn’t said anything.

“I’ve noticed you’ve been abstaining, too.”
“I just didn’t want to if you couldn’t. We’re in this together.”
“So let’s go get a bottle of wine and christen our new house.”
“I think they’re framing today.”
“Okay, we’ll wait until tonight and then go star gazing.”
“It’s not a new moon yet.”
“That’s okay. I wasn’t all that interested in looking at the stars.”
“Trying to get into my pants again?” Reid tsked several times.

“You are a lusty mate.”

“You love it.”

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“I do. And I love you.”
Finn stopped in midstride. He looked up at Reid. “I love you,


“Did you doubt I felt that way?”
“No, just—we hadn’t said it. I guess it’s just nice to hear.”
“I think so, too.”
“So, my love, let’s go upstairs and rechristen our bed.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
After long and languorous lovemaking, they each went to work on

their separate projects, coming back together for dinner with the other
men. And then they went out to make love for the first time in the
framework of their house. But then, Finn gave him the best gift of all.
The gift of trust. He wanted to patrol with the other men, and that was
something they did in coyote form.

Watching his mate shift pleased Reid. As a human, Finn was

beautiful, but he was also stunning as a coyote. His fur was rich
brown and his eyes hypnotic jade. Human or coyote, Reid knew he’d
follow him anywhere.

“Come on, shift!” Finn waited for Reid to switch over. As soon as

he did, they were off, running across the field.

Shortly, they caught up to Marshal and the others, blending in

with them as they patrolled the foothills and buttes. Since there was
only one road in or out of the valley, they didn’t have much to worry
about, but they patrolled to mark their territory. Doing so was a
primal instinct, but it also served to keep wild coyotes away. Leader
and his kind did the same farther up and around the backside of the

“Who’s that?” Finn asked, looking down at the main road.
When Reid looked, he saw dual headlights but nothing else to

help him determine what the vehicle was or who was driving it. “I
don’t know.”

The others looked down, but no one recognized the vehicle.
Everyone started moving downward because Cassidy and Storm

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were alone in the farmhouse. If there was trouble afoot, they wanted
to be there. Even though their clothes were back at the building site,
Reid and Finn kept going. Reid didn’t care if he had to fight naked. If
trouble had come into the valley, he was going to be there for his pack

Moving swiftly and silently, they were able to keep the vehicle in

sight as they cut across the upper field. By the time the car pulled up
to the barn, the group of coyotes was practically on them.

As soon as the car door opened and Reid saw Doc, he knew

something was wrong. He shifted over just in time to see a very
pregnant man get out of the passenger seat.

“What can I do?” Reid asked.
Doc didn’t bat a lash at Reid’s naked state. Given how aware Doc

was, and the fact he was the focus for all the shifters on the continent,
he no doubt had been aware of them the entire time. “Find Dooley. I
can’t do this alone.”

Dooley was there, helping the young man into the barn where the

makeshift clinic had been installed. They’d been adding on to it and
expanding it until they’d finally moved the animals out to another

“I don’t want to give birth in a barn!” The young man struggled

against Dooley but just as quickly changed his mind and clung to him.
“Don’t let go. Don’t let me do this alone!”

Frozen by fear and indecision, Reid broke through his inactivity

by imagining the young man was Finn. As soon as he did that, he
knew what to do. With Finn’s help, he mobilized everyone to bring
supplies and to get a vehicle ready to go should the birth prove too
difficult. Coffee was made, and sandwiches, and any and all supplies
that weren’t in the barn were brought in. After getting everything into
motion, Reid went into the big house to get dressed then he brought
the other men’s clothing over.

By the time he got inside the clinic to see if there was anything

else he could do, Reid discovered that the young man had gone into

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labor on the way to the ranch. From a hurried exchange with Doc,
they had discovered and raided one of the dark compounds. Since
Marshal hadn’t liked the idea of labeling the compounds good or evil,
they arrived at the more accurate dark for a compound that was
imprisoning shifters and experimenting on them verses light for a
compound that echoed what they were striving for on the Rough
River Ranch. Doc had tried to get the young man to shift into his
coyote form, but he couldn’t. Someone had done something to him so
that he was no longer able to shift.

Finn was standing to the side, transfixed and horrified. Gently,

Reid took him outside and held him close.

“He’ll be okay. Doc and Dooley can help him.”
“But why can’t he shift?”
“Because he was probably drugged.” Reid had told Finn about the

compounds, but hearing about the atrocities committed wasn’t the
same as witnessing the results first hand. Drugs were being developed
to force men to shift so they could be bred, so it didn’t surprise Reid
that a drug had either backfired or possibly the man had been drugged
after he’d become pregnant. He wouldn’t know until the child was
delivered and Doc told them what had happened. Not that the
mechanics really mattered. At this point, the only thing that mattered
was saving both the man and his baby.

Finn was clearly distraught, but he agreed with Reid that his own

emotions were secondary to being there for someone else. “If it were
me, that’s what I’d want. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Finn was instrumental in making sure everyone had what they

needed. He helped with food and drinks, but he also helped to arrange
sleeping areas for those who needed to catch a few Zs.

Just as the sun was coming up, the young man had been delivered

of his child via cesarean. Since the father was exhausted and
struggling to recover from his ordeal, all the other men pitched in to
help with the baby. When Finn’s and Reid’s turn came around, they
were both eager to watch over the newborn. He was healthy,

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

seemingly happy, and so sweetly beautiful Finn couldn’t stop looking
at him.

“He’s just amazing. I don’t know what else to say.”
“You don’t have to say a word.”
When their time was up, Finn was reluctant to let go, but he did

because he didn’t want to deprive anyone else of the sheer joy of
holding onto such a beautiful creature.

“There’s more men coming. We just got here first because of his

obvious distress. And mine. There was no way I was going to try to
do a C-section on that land or in the car.” Doc’s eyes were bloodshot,
and his shoulders tight with stress. “We need to get food and rooms
ready for about twenty new men.”

“We can do that.” Finn automatically volunteered himself and

Reid. Not that Reid minded. As he was following his mate’s
instructions, he suddenly realized that he hadn’t felt awkward or out
of place once. In fact, he’d spent the last few weeks feeling more
confident and relaxed than he ever had in his life. Even now, in the
midst of chaos, he felt strong and capable.

“Are you okay?”
“I’m great. Really and truly great. I’ve never felt so good.”
“Being needed is a good feeling.”
“It’s more than that.” Reid pulled Finn close, kissing him soundly.

“It’s being with you. I don’t feel out of place around other people
anymore. I feel confident.”

“I’m glad.” Finn smiled up at him then gave him a kiss.
“Okay. Enough of that. Let’s get things organized.”
By the time the men arrived, the ranch was ready to welcome

them and accommodate their individual needs. Finn organized the
influx of new shifters. While Cassidy filled their bellies in the kitchen
and out on the back table, Finn gathered a list of names and particular
details and then figured out where each man was going to go. If they
were paired, he kept them together and tried to give them a private
room. If they were skittish, he put them with stronger men. If they had

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Catching a Clumsy Mate


been kept in a cage, Finn ensured they had a bright and open place to

Watching Finn work, Reid realized he was in his element. He was

able to juggle a lot of moving parts and make sure everything came
together in harmony. As they worked together to help others, Reid fell
even more in love with his mate. Despite all the changes he’d
undergone, including a complete reversal of his environment, Finn
didn’t sit around and boo-hoo his situation. He embraced the
challenge. Reid realized that was why his clumsiness had fallen away.
Instead of concerning himself over what he should and shouldn’t do,
he simply accepted the situations as they came and then worked to
make them better. Reid had no doubt that he and Finn could handle
anything and everything that came at them.

Finn looked up from prepping a cot in the office. “What?”
“Just—I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Finn smiled then winked. “And if you’re a very

good man who helps me set up the rest of these beds, I’ll show you.”

“How can I resist an offer like that?”
“You can’t.”
Helping others turned out to be exactly what he needed to

embrace himself, his mate, and truly understand the part he was
destined to play. As Reid continued to do his best, he knew that no
matter what, he was making the ranch a better place for himself, Finn,
and all the children who would come. He might fumble, but if he fell,
there would be someone to catch him. Reid swore that he would do
the same for them.



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Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three things

Anitra Lynn McLeod enjoys the most. You can visit her at

For all titles by Anitra Lynn McLeod, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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