Anitra Lynn McLeod Gridiron Gods 03 Tight End

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Gridiron Gods 3

Tight End

When Ryan overhears two of his teammates performing a kinky

BDSM scenario on the football team bus, he sneaks his hand down

his sweats and strokes himself to a major climax. Ryan never

imagined anyone was watching. But someone was. And the

mysterious man convinces Ryan to put on a private show for him

over the Internet.

Knowing many secrets about Ryan’s destiny doesn’t give Phillip

the edge he was looking for. To win Ryan’s heart, he has to please

his body, and the best way to do that is to give Ryan what he’s

never had—a partner who understands, accepts, and willingly

indulges his kink.

Wicked hot sexual encounters sate both men physically, but Phillip

hungers for a deeper and utterly permanent connection, and that’s

the one thing Ryan might fear. If Phillip can’t convince Ryan to

bond with him, Phillip will lose his only chance to enter the

Gridiron Gods.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 23,133 words

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Gridiron Gods 3

Anitra Lynn McLeod



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-157-X

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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This one is for the Historian. Who knew under that prim and

proper façade you were a complete and utter pervert!

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Gridiron Gods 3


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

“I saw what you did on the team bus.”
“Did you now?” Wearing only a pair of loose boxers, Ryan Stone

was slumped on his dorm mattress, cell phone propped against his
shoulder, his gaze on a poster listing the rules of Beer Pong. Pulling
the phone from his ear, he checked the caller ID again, but it still just
said TEAMMATE. Putting the phone back to his ear, Ryan playfully
asked, “Who is this?”

“A teammate.”
A teammate with a cream-worthy voice, Ryan thought. As a

connoisseur of anything auditory, Ryan knew sexy when he heard it.
“Come on, give me a name. Or at least a hint. I don’t recognize your
voice.” But the low rumbling was hot as hell. If Ryan had heard this
guy talk before, he would have remembered. “At least give me a clue
about what bus ride you’re talking about.”

After a long pause, Mr. Sexy Voice said, “The one where you

masturbated while listening to Brandon and Derek.”

Ryan almost dropped the phone. “You were watching me?” And

he thought he’d been so very careful. Ryan had taken up the entire
bench seat behind Brandon and Derek, anticipating they would get
freaky. He hadn’t been disappointed. He’d heard some raunchy talk in

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his life but nothing like the stuff coming from the bus seat in front of
him. Crude didn’t even begin to describe the conversation between
two of his Grizzlies teammates.

“I enjoyed watching you very much.” Mr. Sexy Voice sounded

like a guy who liked to watch as much as Ryan liked to listen.

“Had I known you were watching, I might have made it more

worth your while.” During the bus ride home, Ryan had slumped
across the width of the seat with his back against the window and his
feet at the end of the bench. Pretty much how he was sitting on his bed
now. He’d covered up with a huge winter coat so that he could get his
hand down his baggy sweats without anyone seeing. By leaning
against the seatback in front of him, Ryan was able to pretend to be
asleep while listening to the low conversation between the football
team’s quarterback and center.

“I’d like you to make it worth my while now.”
Mr. Sexy Voice wasn’t in the room, but with the compelling

power of his voice, he didn’t need to be. Ryan wanted to do anything
he said as long as he kept talking. Moreover, the thrill of doing
something illicit had Ryan’s cock snapping to attention. “Would you

“Yes,” Mr. Sexy Voice said. “I would.” His low, slow chuckle

filled Ryan’s ear then went straight to his dick. “I want you to open
your laptop.”

Game for just about anything, Ryan cradled his phone while

situating his laptop across his belly. After practically every guy on the
team came out of the closet on that fated bus ride, Ryan was dead
certain he was indeed talking to a teammate. The burning question
was which one. God. All the Grizzlies were beyond fuck-worthy in
Ryan’s opinion. He couldn’t really be disappointed.

So, as much as he wanted to know exactly who he was talking to,

Ryan also decided to enjoy the mystery. Listening turned Ryan on.
That’s why that bus ride would be forever burned into his mind. He’d
heard everything Brandon and Derek had said. Rough commands,

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dirty stories, erotic torment—all of it ended in a mind-blowing orgasm
for the three of them. Hell, it sounded like this guy had gotten off, too,
and that would make four of them.

“I want you to enter this ISP address.” Mr. Sexy Voice reeled off a

series of numbers and dots.

Ryan entered the numeric string into the laptop. “What am I

looking at?” All he saw was black.

“My camera is off, but I want you to turn yours on.”
Grinning, Ryan activated his webcam and waved at the little black

smudge at the top of his open computer. “Can you see me?”

“Yes.” Mr. Sexy Voice paused. “Place the laptop on the table

beside you. Angle the cover down so I can see your cock.”

It was as if this man knew Ryan had narratophilia. Nothing in the

world turned him on like listening to dirty words, crude stories, or
other people having sex. To have any one of those things delivered by
a man with the voice of a god was pushing Ryan into orbit. In fact, he
was so high, he was in orbit around a totally different planet.

“Can you see me now?” Ryan asked, hoping he got the angle

right. He waved his hand in front of his boxer-clad cock.

“Yes.” Long pause. “Now, I want you to think back to that bus

ride. Do you remember how you sat there quietly masturbating to
what Derek did to Brandon?”

“Fuck yeah.” Best stroke talk he’d ever heard. And with his kink,

Ryan had heard a lot. “I’ve been masturbating to what those two did
nonstop since we got back.”

“Would you like me to do that to you?”
“You mean talk to me the way Derek talked to Brandon on the

bus?” Ryan’s eyebrow rose. Whacking off like that would definitely
be just about the kinkiest thing he’d ever done.

“Yes. I want to command you,” Mr. Sexy Voice answered.
Ryan considered. On that bus ride, platinum-blond surfer boy

Derek erotically tormented the quarterback, Brandon, who was tall,
dark, and handsome, with the pale skin of a vampire. It was West

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Coast meets East Coast wrapped up in dirty leather kink. And now a
man who embodied Ryan’s ultimate fantasy wanted to expand on that
kink with his own unique twist.

“I’m all yours, Mr. Sexy Voice.”
A long pause had Ryan wondering if he’d offended him somehow.

He hadn’t meant or said the name sarcastically.

“You may call me Phillip.” His tone was precise, almost formal.
“Phillip,” Ryan echoed. He rolled through all the guys on the

football team, but he didn’t remember meeting a single guy named
Phillip, Phil, or anything close. Damn. He was terrible with names.
Voices and faces he recognized, but he simply couldn’t remember
ever hearing this guy’s incredible voice. “I like that name.”

A chuckle like gravel wrapped in velvet soaked in whisky

emerged from the speaker of Ryan’s cell phone. Forgetting all about
the webcam, he reached for his boxers. Ryan wanted a hot handful of
his dick right now.

“Take your cock out.” Phillip kept his voice low.
“What?” Ryan asked then remembered that Phillip could see him.
“Push your underwear down. I want to see your cock.”
It was exactly what had been said on the bus. Breathing heavily,

Ryan shoved his boxers down, exposing the upper portion of his

“Slide them down more. I want to see your cock and your balls.”
Pressing his neck against the wall, Ryan angled his hips up enough

to push his underwear down and out of the way. Should his roommate
return early, he could also yank them back up. He’d have some
explaining to do, but at least he wouldn’t be sitting around with his
boner hanging out.

“That’s my pretty boy.”
“Fuck.” That was exactly what Derek had called Brandon. Ryan

figured whoever Phillip was, he’d been close enough to hear their
wicked-hot encounter. Unfortunately, he couldn’t remember who was
sitting where because he’d been way too busy jacking off.

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“Hmmm,” Phillip hummed lightly to himself. “You are no pretty


“No?” Ryan kept his gaze on his cock.
“You’re a hunk. Pure and simple.”
“You think I’m simple?” Ryan teased.
Again, Phillip chuckled with his wonderfully husky voice. “Not at

all, but you’re not pretty, either.”

“You can call me anything you’d like.” Ryan relaxed into his


“You’re the tight end, aren’t you?” Innuendo laced Phillip’s voice.
“Very.” Ryan laughed at his own joke. Given how rarely Ryan had

engaged in anal sex, this man’s comment was truer than he probably
thought. “I mean, yes, I play that position on the football team.” At six
foot three and two hundred and thirty pounds, Ryan was large enough
to be an effective blocker but still had the dexterity to participate in
passing strategies. It was also one of the reasons he didn’t have a lot
of backdoor action. Unfortunately, most guys were smaller than him
and way too intimidated to fuck him. Which genuinely sucked. Ryan
had enjoyed the few encounters he’d had, but they’d also been too
fleeting. They fucked, they had a lot of fun, but ultimately they were
gone. Ryan regretted that he couldn’t find more confident guys who
loved to top.

“Your cock is beautiful.”
Stunned by the comment, Ryan looked down at his dick. The

webcam light illuminated his prick like it was a museum piece.
Ryan’s black pubic hair cast a sinister shadow that probably made his
prick look gigantic. Hell, it was his dick, and frankly, he was

“Are you surprised by my comment?” Phillip asked.
“Yeah.” Ryan had never had anyone talk to him like this. It was

different. Not weird different but sexy different. He felt special and
admired. “What do you want me to do?” Ryan swallowed hard.
Having never done anything so unusual, he wasn’t sure he was ready.

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Glancing toward the lone entrance to his shared dorm room, Ryan
hoped his roommate didn’t come home early.

“I want to watch you masturbate.” Phillip spoke as if this were the

most normal conversation in the world. “You see, I realized that day
on the bus that you like to listen and perhaps might enjoy a little
exhibition. I enjoy talking, but more than that, I love to watch.”
Phillip’s voice was deeply emphatic.

“Ah, a voyeur.” Ryan had read some hot stories about people who

liked to watch, but he’d never met someone who was into that.
Different strokes for different folks. And it was just unique enough to
push him higher.

“Voyeur is the technical term. Have you ever shown off for


“Not like this.” Ryan had read about exhibitionists, but that wasn’t

his kink. Or at least it wasn’t until now. Phillip’s voice was so
compelling, Ryan figured he’d do just about anything to keep him

“Tell me.”
Ryan couldn’t see Phillip, but from the sounds over the phone, he

visualized him leaning back in a comfortable chair, as if he were
settling in for a long and lusty conversation.

“In high school I played just about every sport there was because I

loved to be watched.” Adoration was good, but finding guys to hook
up with had been even better. Still, Ryan had almost always been the
top, given his massive size. The truth was that he actually preferred to

“I’m certain you could tell who to approach by the way they

looked at you.” Phillip spoke as if he’d just read Ryan’s mind.

“Yeah. Guys give away so much with their eyes. I don’t think

they’re the window to the soul so much as they’re a doorway to the

After a rumbling laugh, Phillip asked, “How are you tan

everywhere? Even your cock is bronzed.”

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“My family was in Europe for the summer, so I pretty much spent

my free time floating naked in the pool.” Life had been sweet for three
months. The biggest decision he’d had to make was which toppings to
order on his pizza. “The only downside was I spent the summer pretty
much alone.”

“I can’t imagine a man like you without a dozen eager lovers.”
Pleased by the ego stroke, Ryan had to admit, “It was a rare dry

spell.” Usually he could take his pick, and did, but lately he seemed to
have become incredibly picky. All the guys who flashed him an
interested eye didn’t garner his interest in return. He wasn’t sure why,
but he had a curious sense of waiting. Ryan didn’t know who he was
waiting for, but still, he was willing to put his sex life on hold for a
while. “What about you? A line of sex slaves bowing down to you
wherever you go?”

“I’m choosy.”
How odd. It was exactly what Ryan had just been thinking.
“But I think I’ve found exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
“Have you now?” Ryan grinned. “Tell me what you look like.”
“Not just yet. You’ll meet me soon enough.”
“Ah, so I haven’t met you.”
“Not really.”
“How annoyingly vague.” Glancing down, Ryan was surprised to

find that his dick was still just as hard. Even chatting with this guy
aroused him. Un-fucking-real. “So, about my show for you.”

“Yes.” Again, Ryan heard Phillip settling in. “I want you to switch

your phone to your left ear so your right hand is free.”

Ryan did so without asking how Phillip knew. From the angle of

the laptop camera, all he could see was his cock. Probably Phillip
realized from watching him playing football that he was right-handed.

“Now, I want you to place your right hand above your cock. Don’t

touch. Just hold your hand there about an inch above.”

When Ryan did as ordered, he felt the heat from his hand radiating

down to his cock. Ironically, it was more tormenting than not touching

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himself at all.

“Lower your thumb and swipe that cum drop.”
Keeping his hand steady as he maneuvered his thumb was harder

than it seemed. When Ryan managed to flick the pad of his digit
across the head of his cock, he smeared the pre-cum over the now
overly sensitive head. A long, low groan escaped his chest and went
right into the cell phone.

“Simply beautiful.”
“The sound and sight of you.” Phillip uttered a deeply contented

sigh. “You are beyond stunning.”

Pleased, Ryan closed his eyes and sank a little lower on the bed.
“Lift your hand and lick the cum off.”
“Are you disobeying me?” Phillip’s tone was mildly curious, not

angry. To Ryan’s well-trained ear, he sounded a little amused to be

“No. Just—sorry. That’s what I say when I’m turned on. It’s like

slow-motion sexual Tourette’s syndrome.”

“I’ll remember that.” Phillip sipped something. In his mind’s eye,

Ryan imagined Phillip had just taken a drink of his wine. “Now, lick
your thumb clean.”

Even though Ryan knew Phillip couldn’t see him, he followed his

orders to the letter. Lifting his hand, Ryan licked the pearl off his

“Tell me what you taste like.”
“It tastes almost sweet.” Ryan had tasted his fair share of jizz. He

loved guzzling a hot guy’s cream, but every man had tasted the
same—salty. He’d never taken the time to notice that pre-cum tasted
completely different. Ryan had a sudden and strong hunger to taste
Phillip’s pre-cum. And then the rest of his cock.

“Look, it’s pearled another drop for you.”
Ryan reached down to swipe it away but stayed his hand at the last

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“Very good,” Phillip praised him. “You’re learning how to play

this game.”

“I’m a quick study.” And relinquishing control relieved him of

responsibility. Maybe his waiting was his determination not to settle
anymore. Ryan wanted to be topped, and that was that.

“Indeed, you are a most apt pupil.” Phillip paused, and Ryan

realized that when he hesitated like that, Phillip was looking at his
cock and thinking of his next move. To test his theory, Ryan flexed
the muscles in his buttocks, which caused his cock to twitch. An
almost imperceptible sigh filled his ear, and then Phillip said, “Do that
repeatedly until the drop falls on your belly.”

By clenching and releasing, Ryan was able to shake his cock

enough to fling the cum drop onto his waxed belly. It sat there against
his bronzed flesh, glistening almost like a teardrop.

“Rub your cock against your belly.” When Ryan reached his hand

down to press on his cock, Phillip cautioned him. “No, no, without
using your hand.”

Grinning, Ryan tried to do as ordered, but he couldn’t quite get his

cock to lower enough to stroke his belly. By lifting his torso and doing
a modified crunch, he was able to rub his belly against his cock.

“Your entire body is one long line of muscle.” Phillip sounded

impressed and aroused, a delightful combination if ever there was
one. “I’ll bet you fuck like a piston.”

Phillip’s words were so raw and sudden Ryan’s cock twitched and

flung several drops of pre-cum across his belly.

“Any dirty word in any context turns you on.” Phillip paused. “Is

that why you say fuck when you’re aroused?”

“Fuck.” The word slipped out before Ryan could even try to

control himself. “Say it ten times fast and I’ll probably blow my load
all over the laptop.”

“No, that would cut this delightful show far too short.”
From the rustling noises, Phillip was shifting into a more

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comfortable position. Or maybe, Ryan thought wickedly, he was
grabbing a hold of his own cock. The idea of Phillip stroking off
while he watched Ryan over the web tightened his balls.

“You want to keep listening to me because at any time I might slip

in another dirty word. Isn’t that right, you cock-hungry slut.”

“Fuck.” His balls lifted another notch. “I mean, yeah.” Ryan

wasn’t ashamed to admit the truth. He’d come to terms with his
unique kink a long time ago. “Talk dirty to me, Phillip. If you do, I
swear, my cock will dance for you.”

Phillip chuckled. “If I was there right now, I’d tongue fuck your

ass until your cock was doing the tango.”

A chorus of fucks echoed in Ryan’s brain, and more pre-cum

dripped onto his belly. Never had anyone met his cravings so
completely. It wasn’t just what Phillip said. It was the voice he was
saying it with. Ryan had heard the expression liquid sex, but he’d
never believed it until he heard Phillip’s voice. Phillip’s voice was
concentrated liquid sex. His voice was so thick and sexy it was the
auditory equivalent of an orgasm. Ryan had always called them
eargasms, and Phillip was giving him about a thousand in a row.

“Spread your legs wide to make room for me.”
In order to comply, Ryan had to push his boxers all the way down,

which he did, and then he kicked them off. Crooking his knees, he
lifted his legs then spread them apart. Imagining this mysterious man
between his thighs, plunging his tongue deep into his ass, made Ryan
wish he had something to slide up there. He rocked his hips when he
thought of having a thick, hard cock fill his hole.

“Do you have any kind of a toy?” Phillip’s voice sounded wistful.
“Did you read my mind?” Ryan had never had someone pick up

on his cues so effortlessly. What was even more amazing was the fact
that Phillip wasn’t even in the room!

“I can tell by the subtle way you’re rocking your hips that you

want something up your ass.” Phillip sighed. “If only I was there.”

“Come over.” The words slipped out before Ryan realized what

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he’d said. He looked around at the disaster area of his room. With a
bulldozer and fifteen minutes he could have it relatively presentable.
Fuck. Who cared? If Phillip came over, they weren’t going to waste
any time looking at the room. They were going to fuck until they
broke the bed.

“As tempted as I am, I’m not quite ready for that.” Phillip took

another sip of his drink. “And neither are you.”

“I’m always ready.” Pretty much up to this point, Ryan had

practiced the time-honored tradition of find them, fuck them, and try
to forge a relationship with them, but his efforts had always failed.
“Don’t say no then try to blame me.”

Phillip uttered a delighted chuckle. “Blame? Not at all. I simply

don’t think either one of us is ready for what I want to do to you.”

That gave Ryan pause. With his voice barely above a whisper,

Ryan asked. “Are you going to fuck me?”

“Fuck you? Why, I’m going to ram my cock so hard and fast up

your ass I’ll fuck the breath right out of you.”

Ryan almost dropped the phone.
“But not tonight.”
Disappointed but not surprised, Ryan asked, “Are you really ugly

or something?” Oh, good one, he berated himself. That idiotic
comment was likely to make Phillip hang up.

Rich laughter erupted. Ryan heard Phillip pull the phone away

from his mouth until he’d stopped chuckling. Once he curtailed his
amusement, Phillip returned the phone to his face and said, “I’ve been
told I’m quite handsome.”

Thrilled he hadn’t blown it, Ryan immediately put his other foot

in his mouth when he said, “So if it’s not looks, it must be cock size.”
If his dick could talk, it would be screaming at Ryan to shut the hell
up. Ryan figured that comment would definitely make Phillip hang
up. Still, Ryan wanted to know. He certainly hoped Phillip wasn’t
small in that department. Not like he was into clown dicks or
anything, but Ryan wasn’t into sample sizes, either.

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From the whooshing and thump, Ryan figured this time Phillip

had dropped the phone entirely. Far off in the distance, Ryan heard
Phillip laughing even harder than he had before. Well, at least he
wasn’t pissed. And Ryan loved guys with a strong sense of humor.
That this man could be utterly filthy while being charming and
laughing intrigued Ryan. After a moment, Ryan heard shuffling, and
then Phillip was back.

“I can assure you, I do not have a small cock. Here.” Ryan heard

movement with Phillip’s phone, a click, and then a beep sounded in
Ryan’s ear. “I’ve sent you a picture.”

Eagerly, Ryan opened the mail and whistled. “Damn.” Even better

than the sweet size and pleasing symmetry was the fact he knew the
photo wasn’t faked. That had to be Phillip’s cock. Thick, long, hard,
and—whoa—uncut. Ryan’s mouth watered. He’d never been with a
guy who had an intact foreskin. “Talk about a beautiful prick.”

“Do you like my cock, Ryan?”
“Very much.” Ryan considered. “How about I come to you? Hell,

how about I come on you then let you come on me?”

“Are you always this impatient?” Phillip teasingly asked.
“When it comes to a drool-worthy fuck partner, yeah, I am.” A

long note of silence convinced Ryan he’d blown it for real this time.

“Is that all you’re looking for?” Disappointment darkened

Phillip’s voice. “You simply want someone, anyone, to have sex

“No.” Ryan shouldn’t feel defensive, but he did. “Actually, I

haven’t been with anyone since spring. I was just—” Ryan stopped
himself from babbling, convinced he’d already messed this up.
Frankly, he didn’t want to hook up with anyone who was touchy, not
with his habit of speaking first and thinking later. Ryan never meant
things in quite the way they sounded when he said them.

“Grab ahold of your cock.”
The order startled him, but Ryan did as he was told. And he

almost came. Who knew his own fist could feel so damn good after all

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that waiting? Hell, he’d have to delay his self-gratification more often
if this level of sensitivity was the result.

“Flick your thumb around the head. Smear that pre-cum all over

the tip.”

Amazed at the dexterity of his thumb, Ryan took measured breaths

so he didn’t blow his load too fast. Given Phillip’s voice and the way
he gave orders without hesitation, Ryan would be totally impressed
with himself if he lasted five minutes.

“I’d love to lick all that cum off your cock.” Phillip’s voice


“Oh, trust me, I’d like to do that, too.” When Phillip growled into

the phone, the low rumble resonated in Ryan’s body, galvanizing him.
“I’d love to spread your ass cheeks, plant my prick right against your
pink, puckered hole, and then shove.”

Ryan’s dick twitched.
“Watching my cock slide up your ass would be almost as

pleasurable as feeling your shitter clamp around my shaft.”

Ryan’s balls tightened another notch. He’d never heard anyone use

that word.

“I can tell you like that word, Ryan. You like that dirty, nasty

word. I’ll bet no one has ever said that particular filthy word to you,
have they?”

“No.” And Ryan wanted to hear Phillip say it again. And again.

Three times fast and he’d blow his load.

“Shitter is such a filthy word, isn’t it, Ryan? Shoving my thick

cock up your tight shitter would make you cream, wouldn’t it?”

“Fuck.” Ryan wanted to stroke his cock so badly he was shaking

with the effort not to. All he did was exactly what Phillip told him to
do. Ryan swirled the pad of his thumb around the tip of his prick
while he held his legs spread wide.

“Say it, Ryan. Say shitter.”
“Shitter.” Ryan’s cock twitched against his circling thumb.

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“Again. Tell me what you want.”
“I want your cock up my shitter.” Oh, God, Ryan wasn’t going to

last. Ryan paced his breathing and tried to relax his body, but every
muscle tensed. Wanting to jack off and not being allowed to was
maddening. Worse, Ryan wasn’t restrained by anything more than a
voice on the phone. The man who was mastering him wasn’t even in
the room, and Ryan was on the verge of climax!

“I’d start out sweet and slow.” Phillip’s seductive voice rolled

right into Ryan’s ear. “I’d have you wear those tight black pants from
your uniform, and then I’d work a hole in the back, right between your
cheeks. Once I’d exposed you, I’d lube your tight, sweet hole with my
tongue. And then I’d bend you over and fuck you, hard, with my
massive cock. I’d enjoy watching you struggle to take all of me. I’d
love hearing your moans and groans of ecstasy and pain.”

Ryan’s eyes rolled back. Never in his life had a guy talked to him

like this. The only way this could be any better was if he was in the
room, whispering his dirty words right into Ryan’s ear. Per Phillip’s
instructions, all Ryan did was swirl his thumb around and around the
tip of his prick. Soaking wet and totally slick, his cock wanted to be
buried in something tight and hot.

“I can hear you whimpering, Ryan. Is it the thought of my cock

filling your shitter or the thought of what I’d do to your luscious dick
while I’m fucking you?”

“Both. Tell me what you’d do to me.” Ryan didn’t recognize his

own voice. Guttural and rough, his voice sounded one breath shy of
desperate. Three months of celibacy had made him an animal.

“Once I’ve got my cock buried deep in your snug hole, I’d wrap

my fist around your prick and squeeze the base good and hard so you
couldn’t come.” Phillip took a deep breath, and Ryan realized they
were both extremely close to climax. “Then I’d stroke your shaft up
and down in the same rhythm that I used to go in and out of your

“Ah, fuck.” Ryan almost lost it right then and there. “Let me

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“No.” There was no mercy in Phillip’s voice, only self-assured

mastery, which only made Ryan more crazed. “I want you to make a

“I already have.”
“You’re angry. Good. That should make you even more

determined to do what I say so you can climax.”

“Just tell me what to do.” Like usual, a split-second after he spoke,

Ryan realized how rude what he’d said sounded. Softening his tone,
Ryan whispered, “Please. Tell me what to do, Phillip. Please.”

“You are indeed a quick study.”
“I’m learning.”
“Place your fist right on the tip of your delicious cock.”
Ryan did as instructed. All the pre-cum slicked around his

clenched fingers.

“Slowly lift your hips. I want to watch you fuck your fist.”
Rather than doing his usual fast and furious hand motions, Phillip

had him rising up. Unique and totally hot. Ryan tried to lift himself up
with finesse, but his hunger made his movements jerky and

“Picture your cock going into the tightest ass you’ve ever felt.”
“Ah, fuck.” Ryan didn’t think he was going to last longer than one


“Sweet, hot, dangerously tight.” Phillip paused. “And all slick

from your pre-cum.”

If Ryan were a cartoon, his dick would have exploded. He’d never

been so turned on. If Phillip told him to fling open the window and
scream a series of vulgar words, Ryan would do it without hesitation.
Right now he swore he’d do anything to climax. His balls throbbed,
his muscles ached, and he was going to make his lips bleed if he
didn’t stop chewing on them.

“My gorgeous hunk wants to come so badly, doesn’t he?”
Ryan nodded until he remembered that Phillip could see his dick,

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not his face. “Yes. Please. I’ll do anything.”

“Anything?” Phillip asked archly. “I do like the sound of that.

Right now I want you to keep sliding your cock into your fist.” After a
moment of watching him comply, Phillip sighed. “That’s perfect.
Fuck your fist for me while I imagine I’m fucking your ass.”

Every muscle in his body was taut, helping to lift him up so he

could pump into his clenched hand. As the crown pushed through the
top, Ryan uttered a low growl. When Phillip echoed the sound, Ryan
jerked up, shoving his cock out the top of his fist.

“You are glorious.”
“I can’t—I can’t hold back anymore.” Cycling every boring trivia

fact through his mind wasn’t going to delay this orgasm.

Phillip let fly a string of dirty words.
Ryan reacted by fucking his fist as fast as he could. Sweat poured

off his body as he thrust up. In his fury, Ryan bounced the tiny twin
bed under his massive frame. Whoever lived below him no doubt
heard the entire thing lifting up and slamming down into the floor.

As Ryan constricted his fist, his grip on his cell phone tightened.

Slick sweat shot the device from his hand right as a great gush rose up
from his balls, splattering on his chest. Jet after jet of cream coated
him. Never in his life had he come so hard and in such copious

By the time Ryan came back to planet Earth and retrieved his cell

phone, the mysterious Phillip was gone.

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Chapter 2

Phillip returned the cordless phone to the base and turned off the

computer. As much as he’d wanted to record Ryan’s performance,
Phillip hadn’t. He would never do something like that without Ryan’s
explicit consent. Besides, all Phillip had to do was close his eyes.
When he did, there was Ryan in all his bronzed glory, his every move
at Phillip’s command.

Not once in his exceedingly long life had Phillip ever seen such

perfection in the male form. What made Ryan Stone even more
intriguing was his intellect. Ryan played football like a pro, and had
the body of a Greek god, but he also had the mental power of genius.
Ryan had won a scholarship to Twin Pines College based on his
academics, not his athletics. When looking at potential candidates,
Phillip used a rigorous standard that focused exclusively on scholastic
achievements. He’d just been very lucky to select men who were also
athletically inclined, not to mention amazingly attractive.

“Agile, clever, attractive, and with just enough kink to make them

interesting.” Phillip lifted his wine glass as if in salute to his absent
companions. After a moment, he drank. Château Haut-Brion Pessac-
Lognan 1982 exploded the rich flavor of smoke, leather, and oak
across his tongue. The wine was a decadent treat, but one he thought
he’d earned.

Far too long he’d kept to himself, refusing to believe that fate

would mercifully bless him twice. Finally, almost accidentally, he’d
found a way to surround himself with the perfect potential
companions. After thirty years, he’d finally found his own special one
among them. Out of all the men Phillip had encountered in the last

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three decades, only Ryan sparked that marvelous and almost forgotten
sensation. With Ryan, Phillip could bond, then twin, then shift if need

“It’s been so very long since I’ve felt that unique union.” But the

sensation, that prickly tingling that washed over his skin when his
partner was near, happened to him one day when Ryan passed him in
the hall. With his back turned, Phillip hadn’t even seen his face, just
his spectacular ass as Ryan hurried down the hall in his black and
green Grizzlies uniform.

Excusing himself rather abruptly from the student he was speaking

with, Phillip had rushed to his office and poured through the football
team roster until he found out who wore number thirty-five. And
that’s how he’d become thoroughly smitten with Ryan Stone without
even knowing what he looked like. Seemed fair that Phillip was now
attempting to do the same to Ryan. Phillip wanted Ryan utterly
spellbound by him before he knew what Phillip looked like. After
tonight, he thought he was well on his way.

Phillip swirled the remains of his wine. An edge of amber gave the

ruby liquid a beautiful sheen unmatched by any other wine.
Appreciating each sip, breathing deeply of the aromas of tobacco and
earth, he likened his thousand-dollar bottle of vino to his pursuit of
Ryan. Just as he savored his wine, he would savor the seduction of
Ryan Stone.

As a man who prided himself on his ability to seduce and engage

the men he found attractive, Phillip understood that to claim Ryan, he
would have to proceed with the utmost care. If Ryan had any idea of
how firmly Phillip wanted to bond them together, and what that
bonding would entail, Ryan would undoubtedly run. And Phillip
didn’t think he could wait another thirty-five years for another mate.

“That’s why your jersey number being thirty-five simply must be a

sign.” Not that Phillip was ruled by portents. He didn’t read his
horoscope or cast bones to tell the future, but he did believe in signs.
Subtle indicators had pushed him toward his first partner, so Phillip

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believed those same faint nudges were pushing him toward Ryan.

“Tonight’s encounter only proved what I already knew. Ryan and I

are beyond compatible. We mesh perfectly.” Phillip loved to talk, and
Ryan loved to listen. Phillip preferred to dominate, while Ryan was
eager to submit. “When we actually come together in the same room,
our passion will be extraordinary.”

Ryan’s questions tonight had been wonderfully uninhibited and

almost sweetly innocent. Even his resistance to following orders had
piqued Phillip’s lust. Not that Phillip was angry about his struggle or
his queries, quite the opposite, in fact. Part of Ryan’s appeal was his
blunt honesty. Still, no matter how diligently he’d tried to stifle his
laughter, Phillip hadn’t been able to. Ryan was a handsome man, and
it was no wonder that he asked after Phillip’s appearance. Ryan
wasn’t shallow, but he wanted a man like himself—attractive, athletic,
and articulate.

Standing from the comfortable chair that nestled his desk, Phillip

left his office and entered his study. With a shrewd eye, he considered
himself in the mirror over the mantel. Unable to resist, Phillip
compared himself to Ryan. Phillip thought they would make a striking
couple. Ryan was a black-haired, blue-eyed god with a massive body
and perfect bronzed skin. Phillip was just as muscular but slightly
smaller. His dark-brown hair, emerald-green eyes, and naturally pale
skin would make a striking contrast to Ryan. Side by side, they would
look superb. And no one would ever guess that Phillip was quite a bit
older than Ryan.

“Ah, but who is counting.” Phillip smiled to himself. He thought

he looked about thirty or so, nowhere near his actual one hundred and

A chuckle escaped him when he thought about Ryan asking if the

diminutive size of his cock had held him back from meeting with him
face-to-face. Sending the picture via his cordless phone had been pure
impulse. If anything, his cock was too big for his body. Not that
anyone had ever complained, but as a connoisseur of all things

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artistic, Phillip recognized a lack of symmetry in his body. He’d
always felt there was a slight miscalculation in proportion. But
nothing to worry about. Phillip had a feeling that Ryan would know
exactly how to handle a large cock. His obvious excitement over the
fact that Phillip’s penis was uncircumcised caused a thousand wicked
thoughts to fill his mind.

“So many things that we can do together. So much that we can be

together.” But as much as Phillip wanted to rush into Ryan’s life, he
knew if he did, he would lose him. Worse, he knew if he went too
slowly, he would probably lose him that way, too. Snagging his
interest, compelling his commitment, that was a delicate mating
dance. As much as Phillip felt he was up for the challenge, he also
feared failure.

Turning his mind away from worry, Phillip thought it most

amusing when Ryan asked about Phillip’s looks and prick when they
both knew his voice was deep enough to rivet Ryan’s attention. In all
his travels, Phillip had never met a man who had narratophilia. Dirty
words, lusty tales, or just the sound of others having sex aroused Ryan
to ejaculatory heights. With his voyeuristic tendencies, Phillip needed
a lover with a compatible kink. Ironically, exhibitionists didn’t work
for him. Pity. There were so many men who filled that niche. But they
bored him. When an exhibitionist knew someone was watching, they
behaved differently. Phillip preferred a pure, undiluted display.
Genuine passion, true pleasure, and a heedless pursuit of climax
despite the consequences was what aroused Phillip.

Tonight, Ryan had exceeded all his expectations. Watching

Ryan’s powerful hips lift to thrust his prick into his fist...Phillip’s grip
tightened on his wine glass. With a deep breath, he forced himself to
relax. As much as he’d wanted to climax in time with the object of his
affection, Phillip hadn’t. Even now, as he stood in his study,
observing himself critically, his cock pressed unfulfilled against his
trousers. After snapping the picture of his prick, he’d tucked his cock
away and zipped up.

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“Waiting is the hardest part.” Swirling his glass, breathing deeply

of his wine, he took another sip.

Phillip had been pleased by the revelation that Danny Jones would

be the leader of the bear-shifting collective, or what was more
commonly called a sloth. Danny would lead with Matthew Edwards at
his side. Phillip had been even more satisfied when Brandon and
Derek had twinned. They were untested, but their bond was strong.
Their power vibrated like a low hum against his nerves. Phillip knew
he should wait for the others to pair off before claiming his own, but
he hadn’t been able to wait. Not after watching what Ryan did on the

There had been a momentary pang of worry when, on the ride up,

Anthony Reed had practically jumped into the seat next to Ryan. One
glance of Anthony’s face made his longing clear. Phillip had turned
away, unable to watch Ryan with another, but when he’d been unable
to stay away from the monitor, he was relieved to find Ryan chatting
with Anthony, and nothing more. It was clear from Ryan’s expression
and body language he simply wasn’t interested in Anthony in that
way. Clearly disappointed, Anthony had nonetheless stayed in his seat
and chatted the trip away with Ryan.

A shiver ran through Phillip, causing him to tighten his silk

smoking jacket and move closer to the fire. Installing the tiny cameras
in the team bus hadn’t been about feeding his curious sexual bent, but
about observing those he’d selected. Phillip had only hoped to watch
them in their element and confirm they were what he’d hoped they
were. All his diligent work and the expenditure of a fortune had been
handsomely rewarded.

Dreams of building a new and more powerful sloth so that he

could express that part of himself again had taken him all over the
United States. And here, in Twin Pines, Colorado, Phillip had not
only found his home but found the men who would rebuild the
Gridiron Gods. At long last, Phillip was home. The irony of the name
Twin Pines in conjunction with his need to twin to shift into bear form

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was not lost on him.

Disappointed that he would not lead his men, Phillip had let go of

that irritation to become the man behind the men, the one who
maneuvered them into place so that they would find their partners and
ultimately express their shifter selves.

For now, those who had been tapped for the Gridiron Gods had no

concept of what they would become or why. Phillip imaged they
would be terribly surprised when they were enlightened. He certainly
had been. But the time for that revelation was not at hand. There were
only two couples, and they needed more.

Again Phillip berated himself for not having the willpower to wait

for his own twin, but the years of loneliness had finally caught up to
him. Waiting even another week seemed too long.

“Ah, who am I fooling?” Phillip had rushed his claiming because

Ryan Stone was beyond beautiful. As soon as Phillip had seen him,
he’d had to have him. “I would give anything to bond with him and
have our souls twinned.” Phillip knew this as surely as he knew his
own name. Moreover, he knew the road for all his men would be
rocky, but if they held fast, they would emerge on the other side
stronger and more assured than any shifter group in the world. Of that,
Phillip had no doubt.

“They are not called the Gridiron Gods for nothing.”

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Chapter 3

Ryan eyed everyone on campus with burning curiosity. He found

himself considering each of his teammates and then engaging them in
conversation to judge the timbre of their voices. So far, he’d failed the
great sexy-voice hunt. Whoever this mysterious Phillip was, he wasn’t
making finding him easy. More and more, Ryan was convinced the
man had plucked the name Phillip out of the air. Desperate, Ryan
snagged a student listing from the pile of papers on the yearbook staff
table. He scanned the pages, but not a soul was named Phillip or
anything close.

“Damn.” Ryan tossed the list on the table and left the art room

before anyone realized he wasn’t supposed to be there. Curious and
intrigued by his husky-voiced lover, Ryan wanted to find him and
make sure everything was okay. Last night had been the most amazing
experience of his life. His orgasm seemed to last forever. Ryan had
been so lost in his pleasure he’d not even realized he’d dropped his
phone until the last of the shakes abated. Picking the cell off the floor
and discovering Phillip was gone had caused his heart to hammer in
his chest. Had Phillip climaxed? Had he enjoyed watching Ryan do
so? And the most important question—would he call again?

If last night was all they would ever have, Ryan knew he would go

mad. Lust, longing, and looking would consume him to the point he
would forget everything else in his life.

Whoever Phillip was, whatever he looked like, Ryan had to have

him. And not just over the phone. Ryan hadn’t been interested in
anyone in so long he kept thinking that he’d never find a lover again.
Last night had been so intense he was half convinced he’d

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hallucinated the entire encounter. All his efforts to backtrack the
phone number got him nowhere.

“Teammate. Ha!”
Convinced he would likely never hear from his mystery man

again, Ryan hung his head and returned to the main building. As he
walked down what was affectionately called the hall of gratitude, he
distracted himself by looking at the people who were listed. Anyone
who had donated money, goods, or time to the college had a plaque, a
picture, or both hanging along the west wall of the hallway.

Slowing down his ground-eating strides, Ryan began to study the

names of the generous donors in earnest. There were a lot of people
listed, mostly couples with a long family history in the Twin Pines
area, but at the end of the hallway there was one name that caught his

“Phillip Remson.” Up Ryan’s brows went. So far, in all his trips

around campus, this was the first time he’d seen the name Phillip all

Checking up and down the hallway, feeling almost like he was

doing something wrong, Ryan moved closer to the plaque. According
to the sign, Phillip Remson had bought the failing school more than
thirty years ago. By a generous trust fund that Mr. Remson created,
Twin Pines College was fully funded well into the next century. The
philanthropic Phillip Remson ensured the school would uphold the
highest in educational standards.

Ryan shook his head. His mystery man couldn’t be this Phillip. If

he’d saved the school that long ago, the man had to be well into his
sixties or seventies by now. And there was no way Ryan had talked to
someone that old last night. Not with that voice. And not with that
ultrafine cock.

“But maybe old man Remson had a son.” Ryan considered. Lots

of men named their sons after themselves. Unfortunately, there wasn’t
a picture, so Ryan couldn’t even extrapolate what Phillip Remson’s
son might look like.

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Ryan flagged down a passing administrative assistant and asked

about the Remson family. He got a shrug and a polite, “Dunno,” in
answer. Determined to run this slim lead into the ground, Ryan left
the main building and went to the library. A few students were
scattered around, sitting on the polished mahogany and leather
furniture, but the massive place was mostly empty since most
everyone was at class.

Checking his watch, Ryan realized he only had another hour

before his next class, so if he was going to find out about the Remson
family, he had to get a move on. Ryan went to the line of computer
terminals tucked in the back room. Dark and kind of spooky, the
computer lab seemed a little unwelcoming. There was a row of
moderately modern computers and what looked like horribly
uncomfortable stools.

Finding himself alone, Ryan shook off a case of the creeps.

Everyone had their own laptops, and once Wi-Fi became available
campus wide, hardly anyone used the library’s terminals anymore. But
it was faster to come here than to go back to his room.

Ryan chose the unit farthest in the back. He wasn’t sure why, but

he didn’t want anyone to know what he was up to. If he was wrong
about his hunch, he didn’t want anyone teasing him about looking up
the school’s founder. Ryan could only imagine the taunts if they found
out he’d had a mutual masturbation session with the man over the
phone. He shivered. No way did he talk to some geezer last night.

“No fucking way.”
But there had been something undeniably sophisticated about Mr.

Sexy Voice. He spoke with clear intent and polished English. Almost
like a gentleman from the turn of the century. For some reason, Ryan
could not get the image of the man dressed in high-wasted trousers, a
frock coat, and an elaborate cravat that would draw attention to his
eyes out of his head.

“I’ve never seen him, yet I’m convinced he has the most riveting

eyes.” Ryan grimaced and tried to contain his obviously irrational

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thoughts, but it was like trying to stop himself from climaxing in
midjet—wasn’t ever going to happen. There was something classic
and distinguished about his Phillip.

“And I’m going to confirm my suspicions.”
While the computer warmed up, Ryan pulled out his cell phone

and checked that the picture was still there. Yep. So far, that photo
was the only proof he had that something had actually happened last
night. Looking at the man’s cock hardened his, and Ryan adjusted his
bulge against his jeans. That was not the dick of an elderly man. No

Once his screen was up, Ryan logged in. High hopes were dashed

rather quickly. He found a few photos of Phillip Remson, but they
were from the local newspaper. Every shot was black and white,
blurry, grainy, and basically worthless. Just about all Ryan could tell
was the man was tall, had dark hair, and apparently didn’t like to have
his picture taken. Much like the man he’d talked to last night, the
details were vague. All he’d found out from his Internet search was
that Phillip Remson owned the enormous mansion that overlooked the

Ryan had seen the lights twinkling above, but he’d never given a

thought to who lived there. Oddly, he’d always found the idea of
someone looking over him from that height almost comforting.

Just as Ryan was about to shut off the computer, he heard a click,

and the room went black.

“Hello?” Without any windows, the computer lab was impossibly

dark but for the glow of his screen.

“You are ever so inquisitive.”
Closing his eyes against the power of that voice, Ryan turned his

head to look behind him.

“Don’t turn around.”
Ryan kept his attention straight ahead. “I want to see you.”
“I know.” Phillip’s voice was kind but stern. “I’m ordering you to

keep your attention on the computer screen.”

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The school’s welcome page was decorated in hunter green and

rich black. Whoever designed the website had incorporated the school
colors beautifully, but they didn’t give a lot of illumination. Ryan
thought of disobeying Phillip. He remembered the basic outline of the
room. If he spun around on his stool and reached out, Ryan would
have his mystery man in his arms. All his questions would be
answered. But he’d ruin something special, too. In the end, Ryan
decided to trust his gut and do exactly what Phillip said.

“Very good.” Phillip’s voice was even more unbelievably sexy


“Is your name really Phillip?”
“It is indeed.”
“Are you Phillip Remson?”
Such a long stretch of silence greeted his question Ryan wondered

if the man had left. Finally, after what seemed forever, Phillip said, “I

“You’ve got to be at least sixty.” Ryan blurted the comment

before he had time to stifle himself. “I mean, unless you’re his kid or
something. Are you like junior or the third or—”

What shut his mouth this time was a low vibrating chuckle right in

his ear. Ryan’s dick shot to attention, pressing up against the thick
fabric of his jeans. When he drew a deep breath, the masculine scents
of oak, leather, and pine teased his nostrils. Whatever scent Phillip
wore was subtle but unforgettable.

“Are you worried that I’m an ancient pervert?”
Swallowing hard, Ryan shook his head, which brushed the edge of

his ear against the man’s lips. Soft yet firm, his mouth felt at once
wicked and sensual.

“I was hoping to delay this moment, but you have forced my


Phillip reached around and placed his hand against Ryan’s lap.

Ryan realized the hand that was oh so close to his throbbing cock was
not old or decrepit or anything but powerful and downright sexy. His

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was a hand that knew how to not only take charge, but keep control.

“Do you want me to stop?”
“No.” Ryan would just have to have some faith that Phillip’s face

was just as attractive as his voice.

“I had planned on a long, lingering seduction, but your curiosity

and luck have preempted my plans.”

“No, you’re not.” Phillip chuckled as he smoothed his fingers up

to the waistband of Ryan’s jeans. Tugging against the tab, he popped
the button and then slid down his zipper. “You are impatient,
headstrong, and determined.”

“Are you going to punish me?” Ryan didn’t know why he was

asking. He’d never gotten off on anything like that, but Phillip had
that control-laced voice that simply demanded submission.

“I think I shall.” His rough tone filled Ryan’s ear and caused him

to squirm on the stool. “Stand up and face the wall.”

Ryan did as instructed.
“I want you to expose your cock like you did last night.”
Obediently, Ryan pushed his boxers and trousers down. In the

grayish light of the computer terminal, Ryan couldn’t really see
anything but the vaguest outline of his cock and balls.

Wrapping his fist around his shaft, Phillip pressed against Ryan’s

back, nestling his cock against his ass. “Do you feel that?”

“Fuck. Yeah.” Phillip seemed to be just a few inches shorter, but

his body was all muscle. The chest that pressed against Ryan’s back
felt hairless and wickedly strong.

“There’s that dirty mouth I so enjoy.” Phillip chuckled. “Normally

I love to watch, but for now I’ll have to settle with tormenting you.”

Firmly, Phillip stroked his fist along Ryan’s shaft. Ryan uttered a

moan that he stifled by clenching his teeth.

“You enjoy being bad, don’t you, Ryan?”
“Silence.” Phillip leaned into him. “Can you feel my cock pressing

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against your ass?”

Ryan nodded.
“Can you feel how big I am?”
“Fuck. Yes.” His cock felt enormous. Ryan wished his jeans

would fall to the floor and Phillip would fuck him right here. Screw
finding out what he looked like. If he was hideous, which Ryan
doubted anyway, they could just fuck with the lights off.

Phillip stopped his strokes and flicked his thumb over the tip of

Ryan’s cock, just as he’d had him do last night.

Clinging to the wall, Ryan struggled to hold still, remain silent,

and not climax.

“I’m going to smear that pre-cum all over your cock.”
A thousand questions filled his mind about why Phillip wanted his

cock slick. Once he had it wet, what exactly was he going to do with
it? As much as he wanted to know, Ryan didn’t ask. He was a quick
study, and he knew how to play this game.

“I want your prick good and slick for my fist.”
More pre-cum pearled at the tip. Phillip expertly flicked his thumb

over and around, drawing the natural lube into the palm of his hand.

“I want you to fuck my fist.”
Ryan’s eyes rolled back in his head as he thrust his hips forward.

Phillip’s hand remained steady no matter how hard Ryan thrust.
Phillip had to be almost impossibly strong to hold steady against two
hundred and thirty pounds of hip-pumping male.

“That’s it, my beautiful bear. Drill your prick into my fist.”
Ryan almost asked him why he’d called him a bear, but he

changed his mind when Phillip shoved down the back of his jeans and
boxers and pressed his cock against his ass. His bare cock.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” Ryan moaned, hoping like hell this was going

the direction he wanted.

“You like that?” Pressing against him, Phillip stacked his hands,

one atop the other, and held them ready. “Harder. Show me you know
how to fuck. Show me what an animal you are.”

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Growling, Ryan braced his hands on the wall, widened his stance,

and bucked into Phillip’s hands with more vigor than he’d ever used

Strong and steady, Phillip held his fists still as he stroked his

heavy prick up and down the split of Ryan’s bottom. Arching his back
only aggravated his longing to feel that monstrous cock against his
hole. Never had he taken a man that big there, but he wanted to try.
God, yeah, he wanted to do his best.

“I feel what you want, but you’re not ready for me. Yet.”
Chuckling, Phillip said, “Like I said before, I’ll have to tongue

fuck you for hours to make you ready for me.”

“Fuck.” Ryan couldn’t help it. Everything Phillip said or did—

hell, even the way he smelled—pushed every hot button Ryan had.
His balls were so tight they started to ache, clamoring for climax.

“But I can give you a little taste.”
Ryan stood still, wondering what Phillip would do, and then he

knew when, rather than penetrating him, Phillip slipped his cock
between Ryan’s thighs.

“How does that feel?”
Unable to speak a single coherent word, Ryan growled and

redoubled his efforts to fuck the hell out of Phillip’s hands. Every
thrust he made caused Phillip’s prick to pump between his inner
thighs. The tip of his prick nudged the back of his sac.

“That’s it, become my dirty animal. Fuck, Ryan. I want you to

become the beast that you are destined to be.”

A surge of energy welled up, galvanizing him into action. Harder

and faster Ryan went until he could only imagine he was a blur of
movement. Between his legs, he felt Phillip’s wicked cock slicking up
the tender skin as his movements tugged against his foreskin.

“You’d love to be on your knees sucking at my foreskin, licking at

my cock like it was a perverted treat.”

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“Yes, yes.” Desperate to taste him, Ryan’s mouth watered at the

thought of trying to take his girth between his lips. “Please let me suck

Phillip growled directly into Ryan’s ear. The sound resonated

more strongly here than it had last night.

No matter how Ryan tried to hold back, he couldn’t. “I’m gonna


With the timelessness of a dream, Phillip released his hands from

Ryan’s cock, pulled his prick out from between his legs, and spun him
around, pressing him into the wall.

In the blue-gray light, all Ryan saw was an indistinct outline of

Phillip—dark hair, pale face, wide shoulders, narrow hips—and then
he was on his knees, drawing Ryan’s cock into his mouth.

Wet heat and powerful suction shocked Ryan silent. He had to

press against the wall to hold steady. Right down to the base, Phillip
pulled his cock into his mouth. With a strangled, gasping cry, Ryan
climaxed. Just like last night, his orgasm seemed to last forever.
Cupping his hand to the top of Phillip’s head, Ryan teased his fingers
through silky strands of dark hair as Phillip sucked down every drop
of his pleasure.

Drained, Ryan slumped against the wall.
“Close your eyes.”
Ryan did. The next thing he felt was Phillip pressing against the

front of him, his lips soft against his ear. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” Ryan laughed lightly. “Frankly, I’ve never been better.”
“Your taste is sublime.”
Knowing it might anger him, Ryan couldn’t resist turning his head

just the fraction it took to connect his lips to Phillip’s. At first, Ryan
worried Phillip would pull away, but he didn’t. Phillip leaned into
him, deepening the kiss by opening his mouth and teasing his tongue
against Ryan’s. Tasting himself on Phillip caused one last shiver to
run through his body.

“I’m sorry, Ryan. I realize now I should have started with a kiss

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but was hoping to prolong the mystery.”

“Why?” It was all Ryan could think to ask. Peering at him in the

milky light, even with him this close, Ryan couldn’t make out any
details but for gleaming eyes and the most perfect smile.

“The most potent aphrodisiac is anticipation.”
“No,” Ryan said, reaching down to grasp Phillip’s marvelous

prick. “The most potent aphrodisiac is your voice.”

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Chapter 4

Pleased by Ryan’s sincere compliment, Phillip didn’t even

consider stopping him as he slid down the wall and kissed the tip of
his cock.

“You have the biggest, most beautiful prick I’ve ever seen.” Ryan

licked the crown, slicking away the pre-cum with the tip of his tongue.
Never in his life had Phillip witnessed a more pleasing image. What
made this even sweeter was he’d not asked for anything. Ryan only
wished to return to him the pleasure he’d given. And it had been so
painfully long.

Ryan swirled his tongue around and then flicked the pointed tip

just under the head.

“Ah, Ryan.” Phillip lowered his hand to the top of Ryan’s head,

luxuriating in the feel of his slightly curly black hair as he wantonly
sucked his cock.

“No instructions?” Ryan asked, glancing up then back to the cock

before him.

“Do you want me to?”
“No. I want you to relax.” Easing him to turn then pressing him

backward until he was against the wall, Ryan smiled up at Phillip. “I
have a feeling that you need to be taken care of for once.” And then he
returned to his leisurely exploration of Phillip’s cock.

Tension eased out of his body as he turned the reins over to Ryan.

Rather than taking him with the fast and furious need with which
Phillip had claimed him, Ryan seemed determined to taunt and tease
him into climax.

“So sensitive.” Ryan nibbled along his foreskin, which had Phillip

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digging his fingers into the wall to hold steady. “I’ve never been with
an intact man.”

“Never.” Ryan smiled up at him. “You’re my first.”
Phillip couldn’t help himself from hoping he would also be

Ryan’s last. He didn’t say those words, but the longing must have
been clear in the semidark. But rather than panic and perhaps leave,
Ryan’s face turned very serious for just a moment, and then he
returned his attention to Phillip’s aching prick.

More than a decade had passed since he’d taken a lover. Sadly,

since the man was not his true mate, the encounter was almost
shamefully unsatisfying for both of them. As soon as he’d seen Ryan,
Phillip had known he was the one. Feeling his lips tugging at his cock
only confirmed his supposition. They were destined. Fear, like a slow
pour of ice water down his spine, caused him to shiver. If he lost
Ryan, he didn’t know what he would do. Losing his last mate had
almost driven him mad. This time, Phillip vowed that nothing would
harm Ryan.

Cupping his balls into his massive hands, Ryan worked the fingers

of his other hand between Phillip’s legs, pressing against his sweet
spot. As his strong middle finger eased farther back, Phillip’s
breathing shortened. When Ryan’s digit pressed expectantly against
his pucker, Phillip growled. Slowly, inexorably, Ryan inserted his
finger as he continued to lavish attention on his cock and balls.

“I’m close, so close,” Phillip whispered. Looking down, he locked

his gaze with Ryan’s. Parting his lips wide, Ryan drew the head of
Phillip’s cock into his mouth and sucked while thrusting his finger
deep. Phillip tried to keep his eyes open, to watch the expression of
pride overtake Ryan’s face, but the orgasm that gripped him was too
intense. Clenching his eyes closed, Phillip climaxed.

Ready for him, Ryan was there, his mouth and hand and fingers all

working in tandem to milk the climax completely. Ryan didn’t stop
until Phillip was utterly drained. Decades alone, with only his own

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hands, had left Phillip ripe for the singular pleasure of another man’s
touch. That those rough and ready hands were those of his mate
caused Phillip’s powerful orgasm to echo throughout his body.

Before he’d recovered completely, Ryan rose and kissed him. This

time, the kiss was sweet, almost shy. Phillip would have wept with joy
if not for the fact tears would surely put Ryan off. Moreover, crying
would practically demand an explanation Phillip wasn’t ready to give.

For a long time they clung together, kissing and touching, but

Phillip knew they could not remain here much longer. With a
reluctant sigh, he pulled away and dressed himself.

“Why don’t we stay here for a while?” Ryan asked.
“It’s far too risky, and I know you have class.”
Ryan paused in zipping up his jeans. “You know my class


Realizing how creepy that sounded, Phillip tried to find a viable

reason for him to know that information.

“How long have you been watching me?” Ryan leveled his gaze.

“And don’t lie to me.”

Strengthening his courage, Phillip realized a lie would ruin

everything. “I’ve been watching you since you arrived on campus.”

“Why?” Ryan seemed more curious than concerned.
As much as he wanted to tell him the truth, Phillip didn’t dare.
Without another word, Ryan walked away.
“Because you’re my twin.”
Ryan stopped but didn’t turn around. “Twin? Like we’re related?”

Given what they’d just done together, the very notion caused
revulsion to twist the handsome right off Ryan’s face.

“Not that kind of twin.” Phillip struggled to find the right words.

“It’s complicated.”

“Explain it to me then.” Ryan sighed. “If you talk slowly enough,

I’m bound to understand.”

“Come to my home tonight. Let me explain everything to you

then.” Phillip’s heart stopped beating as he waited for Ryan’s

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response. “Please.”

“What time?”
Relief flooded him. “Seven.”
“I’ll be there.”
And Ryan was gone.
Falling back against the wall, Phillip let out a long sigh. If he

didn’t tell Ryan the truth, he would lose him.

“But if I do tell him the truth, I might lose him, too.” Damned if

he did and damned if he didn’t. But more than his possible incredulity
at their sloth was the painful realization Phillip would have to tell
Ryan what happened to his former twin.

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Chapter 5

Class went by in a blur. Ryan couldn’t stop thinking about Phillip.

He was indeed handsome, even in the odd lighting. He had a perfect
prick. And he had a voice to die for. The only problem was he’d
practically been stalking him. Even now, Ryan glanced around,
wondering if there were cameras in the classroom.

As much as he was flattered, Ryan was concerned. Was Phillip

just a lonely eccentric, or was he maybe a little crazy, what with that
whole twin thing? The only kind of twin Ryan knew about was the
kind that would make them relatives, and that they most certainly
weren’t. His parents had two kids, him and his sister, and that was it.

Slipping his phone out of his pocket, Ryan flipped it open,

connected to the school-wide Wi-Fi, and searched for the word twin.
And there was a possible answer. Twin as in being one of a pair. Twin
as in two similar parts joined or connected.

Ryan closed his phone and tucked the device away. If Mr. Leonard

caught him using it during class time, he’d confiscate it. Training his
gaze on the board, Ryan pretended to pay attention, but his mind
continued to chew at the perplexing issue of Phillip, like a dog at a

There had been something drawing them together. As a man of

science, Ryan was loath to admit the truth of that, but he also couldn’t
explain his powerful attraction to a man he didn’t know. Ryan
frowned. Yes, he recognized a deep sexual attraction to Phillip’s
powerful voice, but there was more than that. Something
almost...paranormal. Not once in his life had he engaged in sex like
that with a man he didn’t know well. Not that he hadn’t had an instant

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attraction, because he had, but even then he was always careful to use
protection. No matter how horny he was, Ryan didn’t just leap into
bed. Hell. With Phillip he’d been so amped up he didn’t even bother
trying to find a bed.

“Any wall will do,” Ryan muttered.
“Question, Mr. Stone?”
“No, Mr. Leonard.” Ryan pretended to make a note, which

allowed him to avoid Mr. Leonard’s penetrating gaze. He didn’t look
up again until class was over.

Ryan tucked his notes, what few he’d taken, away into his

backpack with his books. He hoped he could snag copies from one of
his teammates. Just about the last thing Ryan wanted do was flunk out
during his senior year. He’d worked long and hard for his degree in
chemistry. No matter what happened, he was going to keep his eye on
the prize. Ryan had plans. Big plans.

“And I’m not going to throw everything away for a man. No

matter how sexy his voice. Or how luscious his cock. Or how his
growl resonates through my body like a primitive call.” But Ryan
knew he was in trouble when he found himself planning what he
would wear and wondering exactly what Phillip had in mind. Ryan
just hoped he was strong enough to get an explanation first before he
was beguiled by the mysterious Phillip Remson.

* * * *

Ryan’s aging Mustang had barely made it up the steep mountain

incline. Once he was in the drive for the mansion, Ryan uttered a
relieved sigh. Driving back would be a hell of a lot easier since all he
had to do was coast. Thank God he’d gotten new breaks for his classic
car, along with new tires, right before the first snowstorm struck.

Patting the dash, he thanked Blue Bell for getting him where he

wanted to go. Checking out the sweeping drive, he didn’t see an
obvious place to park since there weren’t any other cars, so he parked

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right in front of the main entrance. Ryan thought it was unlikely
Phillip would have his car towed.

Nervous, he fiddled with his shirt and double-checked that his

khakis were zipped. He’d worn his favorite leather coat even though
snow was predicted for later this evening. He couldn’t help it. He
wanted to look good even if he was unsure about Phillip’s motives.
As strange as everything was, he found his belly full of butterflies and
his cock semihard with anticipation.

At the beautiful carved door with stained glass panels, tucked back

under a porch that would protect the wood from the elements, he rang
the bell and waited. After what seemed forever but was probably less
than a minute, an elegant man wearing black answered the door and
offered to take his jacket, but Ryan refused. If things went south, he
wanted to be able to leave in a hurry.

“This way, sir.” Unperturbed by his reluctance to follow protocol,

the butler escorted him through the foyer, which was beautifully
decorated in polished marble, gleaming hardwood, and glittering
chandeliers. With his head high and his steps even, the butler lead him
to what Ryan could only guess was a parlor.

Phillip was settled at one of two wingback chairs that faced a

roaring fire. He stood, smiled, and approached.

Oh. My. God. The man isn’t handsome. He is simply stunning.

Even in the subdued lighting of the room, Phillip’s dark good looks
captured Ryan’s full attention. As much as he wanted to look away
and examine the room, he found he couldn’t. Dark-brown hair cut in a
classic style tapered back from emerald-green eyes. Never had he seen
eyes so riveting. His features were refined, elegant, but manly, and his
body was long and lean, his movements athletic. He wore a custom-
tailored suit of blue so dark it was almost black, and it clung to him
like a lover’s caress.

Realizing Phillip had spoken, Ryan blushed and dropped his gaze

to the floor. Suddenly he felt woefully underdressed and totally out of
his element.

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“I simply asked if you would like something to drink.”
“Yeah.” Ryan almost asked for a beer but thought better of it and

asked for a cognac. He seemed to remember that being a common
drink to have in front of a roaring fire, and it sounded classier than

“Excellent. I shall have one as well. That will be all, Wilkins.”
“Very good, sir.” The butler left the study, pulling the door shut

firmly behind him.

Once he found himself alone with Phillip, what had seemed a

large room compressed quite suddenly. Even from a distance,
Phillip’s maddening cologne teased his nostrils, and Ryan found his
coat suddenly too hot.

“Here, let me take that for you.”
Ryan closed his eyes as Phillip slipped his coat from his

shoulders. This close, his scent and the timbre of his voice conspired
to make him lose all coherent thought. Screw getting answers. He
should grab Phillip and keep on walking through this mausoleum until
he found a bedroom.

“Please, sit.” Phillip extended his hand, his very large and sexy

hand that only a few hours ago had been wrapped around Ryan’s
cock, to the chair on the right.

When Ryan settled into the black chair, the scent of leather

enveloped him. Already in a state of high lust, the smell of warm
leather only pushed him higher. His pants felt way too tight and so did
his shirt. Hell, at this point, even his shoes felt too snug. But he wasn’t
about to strip down.

The butler returned with two drinks on a tray, deposited them on

the small table between the chairs, and departed.

Ryan watched as Phillip cupped his drink in his palm and swirled

the liquor around the bulbous glass.

“Where would you like me to start?”
Ryan’s brain misfired, and all he could think of was Phillip

starting at his neck and working his way down. Rather than blurting

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exactly what was on his mind, Ryan cupped his glass and managed,
“Twins. Why don’t you tell me about twins.”

Phillip smiled then sipped. “You don’t waste time.”
Matching his movements, Ryan took a small drink and was

surprised by how smoothly the liquor flowed down his throat.
Normally spirits made him wince but not this. Ryan figured the bottle
of cognac probably cost more than his car.

“I should have told you at the start who I was and why I was

interested in you, but I was afraid you would think I was quite mad.”

Ryan couldn’t help it. He grinned. Phillip didn’t talk like anyone

he knew. Most of the guys would say “crazy” rather than “quite mad.”
He found Phillip’s way of speaking and his mannerisms beyond sexy.

“I’ve amused you.”
Phillip leaned closer. “What’s wrong, Ryan? Have you decided

you don’t want to hear this?”

“All I can think about is getting your clothes off.” As soon as the

words were out, Ryan shook his head. “I meant to say that—”

“Please don’t change that sentiment.” Phillip deposited his glass

on the tray. “All I can think about is removing your clothing, too.” He
rose with fluid grace and offered out his hand.

Debating his options—Ryan could refuse and demand answers, or

give in and have mind-blowing sex and then get answers—Ryan
clasped Phillip’s hand.

Strong, sure, and more than capable, Phillip pulled him almost

effortlessly to his feet. Standing face-to-face, Ryan watched with
almost hypnotized interest as Phillip worked his powerful hands down
the buttons of Ryan’s blue shirt.

“Such marvelous skin.” Phillip eased the edges apart with

dexterous fingertips. “Such strength in your form.” Splaying his hands
across his chest, Phillip leaned forward and teased the pointed tip of
his tongue around one nipple. “As soon as I saw you walking across
campus, I knew.”

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“Knew what?”
Phillip looked up, his emerald eyes gleaming. “That you were the

man I had been looking for.”

“Yeah?” Ryan was beginning to believe Phillip was exactly what

he’d been looking for as well. His concerns from earlier today seemed
to have departed.

“Absolutely.” Straightening, Phillip then set to work on Ryan’s

khakis. “Ground-eating strides, proudly thrust-back shoulders, and a
determined glint in your wicked azure eyes all proclaimed you my

Ryan struggled to catch his breath. Phillip’s hands came close to

touching his cock through the fabric of his boxers but not close
enough for his raging hormones.

“Everything about you speaks of a man just at the cusp of a

tremendous moment in his life.”

Ryan tried to focus on what Phillip was saying, but he couldn’t

stop anticipating where his talented hands were going to go next.

“Confidence mixed with humility, beauty merged with brains, and

lust tempered by a need to find something deeper. You are everything
I’ve craved for the last thirty-five years.”

It was at that moment Phillip cupped Ryan’s shaft through his

boxers, rendering Ryan unable to process his words for a long
moment. When they finally caught up to his brain, Ryan whispered,
“Thirty-five years?”

Phillip smiled as he eased Ryan’s boxers down. “Didn’t I mention

that I was older than you?” With the greatest finesse, Phillip stroked
his fist up and down Ryan’s prick. “Perhaps I was remiss in
mentioning I’m one hundred and sixty-three years old.”

Ryan laughed. “And to think I was worried about you being


“Obviously you think I’m joking.” Phillip stepped close until their

faces were barely a breath apart. “Tell me the truth, Ryan. When you
look into my eyes, what do you see?”

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Looking deep into emerald-green eyes, Ryan saw...forests of

towering pines, crystalline streams, skies so blue the intense color
almost hurt. And then he realized he was seeing all this with eyes that
were not his own. A surge of longing for what he was seeing drew
him the barest bit closer to Phillip. Their lips pressed, and at last he
closed his eyes, but the vision remained. In fact, the vision deepened,
intensified, until he swore he was walking on four legs through the
woods. Scents invaded so quickly he couldn’t put names to them all.
Even the smallest blade of grass had a uniquely identifiable scent. The
experience was so richly detailed Ryan would have fallen into Phillip
if he hadn’t caught him and eased him down into the wingback chair.

“That is what we can be together.” Phillip kissed his way from

Ryan’s ear to his neck as he eased his trousers down. Pausing to
remove his shoes, Phillip continued to pull his pants down and off
until his butt was bare against the softest leather he’d ever felt. “When
we become twinned, that is the form we can take, and that is the life
we can have.”

“A bear?” Ryan realized that was what he saw in Phillip’s eyes.

The two of them together as the bear. As crazy as it seemed, there was
something to so incredibly blissful about the notion. To be a bear and
to have the unique experience of that form while still retaining his

“Yes, a bear.” Pushing his legs apart, Phillip angled them up until

he hooked them on the armrests. The gently curved shape held the
crook of his knees comfortably and left him utterly exposed to Phillip.
“Together we can have the most amazing life.”

Ryan opened his eyes just as Phillip lowered his head and licked

his hole. His tongue was wet, hot, and pointed just enough to tease the
sensitive skin with a clear intent of more to come. Much more. What
made everything extra intense was the fact that while he was naked
and spread in the chair, Phillip was still impeccably dressed in his
dark-blue suit.


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Pausing, Phillip met his eyes and said, “That comes later.”
Eyes rolling back, Ryan relaxed to the most thorough and wanton

rim job anyone had ever bestowed on him. Phillip licked and teased
and sucked at his ass with finesse. With all those years under his belt,
Phillip certainly had spent a considerable amount of that time
perfecting his bedroom skills. Not once in his life had Ryan had a
lover tease and please him so completely. It was almost as if Phillip
could read his mind. He knew exactly where and when to touch, to
lick, and just when Ryan was frantic for more, Phillip eased one slick
finger inside.

A slew of dirty words exploded in Ryan’s mind, but then the most

wickedly hot thing happened—Phillip whispered all those same
raunchy words against his tight sphincter as he continued to finger
him. Between the words, he worked his magic, rendering Ryan
nothing more than a dollop of flesh in the large leather chair.

Pre-cum gathered at the tip of Ryan’s cock. While he watched,

Phillip reached up and slicked the moisture away, smoothing it down
and around his shaft. All this while he continued to work his finger in
and out of his ass and growled those crude words. Phillip gave new
meaning to the term multitasking.

Moment by moment, Ryan went higher into orbit than he’d ever

been before, even higher than he’d been with the phone call. Phillip
effortlessly pushed every button Ryan had, and then some. As much
as Ryan wanted to return the favor, he knew Phillip was making him
ready. Unlike most of his lovers, Phillip had no problem putting off
his own pleasure to ensure Ryan’s needs were met first.

One finger became two, and two became three, but there was no

pain. Phillip had eased him into a curious state of relaxed arousal.

“I need to know if you want to bond with me.”
Dazed, Ryan looked down at Phillip’s eager face. As worldly as he

was, there was still a touch of vulnerability in his eyes. Ryan wanted
him with a desperation that was almost pathological. Without asking,
Ryan knew this was a choice he had to be sure of because once they

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were connected, there was no undoing that attachment.

Relying solely on his gut reaction, Ryan answered, “I want to bond

with you.” All his fears of being bound to another had fallen away,
much like his clothing. For the first and only time, Ryan felt
vulnerable but safe. A curious combination, but one that he willingly
embraced. This was exactly what he’d been hungering for all those
months he spent alone. He wasn’t picky so much as he was
determined to have more than fleeting encounters.

Anticipatory pleasure spread a smile across Phillip’s face. “I swear

I’ll protect you.” He rose up to his knees and removed his jacket, his
shirt, and then the leather belt around his hips.

Ryan licked his lips as he waited for the revelation of Phillip’s


Ever so slowly, almost tauntingly, Phillip eased the top button

apart then slid the tab down. Ryan swore he heard each individual
tooth of the zipper coming apart. Finally, Phillip’s glorious cock
sprang from between the flaps of fabric. Hard and thick and pulsing
with need, Phillip’s cock seemed bigger tonight than it had today in
the library. Ryan gulped, wondering if he’d be able to take all of him.

“I swear I won’t hurt you.” Phillip opened a drawer in the table

between the chairs and removed a small bottle. While Ryan watched,
Phillip proceeded to lube up his cock until the entire length glistened.
The more he teased his slick fist along the full length of his prick, the
more Ryan wanted to feel all of it filling him.

“I want to shove my cock in your tight little shitter.” Phillip met

his gaze and flashed him a lusty smile.

Ryan almost climaxed. That word. Hearing that filthy dirty word

while watching Phillip’s lips caress each syllable made Ryan mad
with raunchy lust.

Cupping his fist to his cock, Phillip pressed against Ryan’s

pucker, pushing just enough to hold himself there without guidance.
And then he did the most incredible thing. Phillip leaned over and
took the tip of Ryan’s cock into his mouth.

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Ryan’s eyes went wide. As Phillip eased his cock within the tight

heat of his ass, Phillip was also sucking him off. Ryan almost lost his
load right then and there. Truly, Phillip was more talented and flexible
than any man he’d ever met. Ever so slowly, he filled him, all the
while swirling his tongue around the sensitive head of his prick.

Reaching down, Ryan cupped Phillip’s cheek, causing him to look

up. The words that he wanted to speak were stuck in his throat. He
was so overwhelmed he was afraid if he did open his mouth all that
would emerge would be gibberish.

Sensing his distress, Phillip released his cock with a soft pop and

rose up, pressing their bodies closely together.

“Believe me, I understand.” When Phillip kissed him, Ryan knew

that he belonged with Phillip. Together, they were more than they
were apart.

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Chapter 6

Phillip understood exactly how emotional Ryan was at this

moment. He was in the same place. Somehow, it felt as if they had
been apart for years and just now returned to one another. In the most
bizarre way, he felt Ryan was his prior lover reincarnated. Phillip
knew that was folly. Ryan was unique. And soon, he would be bound
to Phillip forever.

“I’m almost afraid,” Ryan whispered.
Kissing him softly, Phillip murmured, “There won’t be any pain.”
“No, not that, just—I’ve never done anything this intense.”

Vulnerability and longing battled in his beautiful azure eyes,
compelling Phillip to do all that he could to ease his concerns.

Merging their mouths again, Phillip held back from going any

deeper. As much as he wanted to claim Ryan in a blaze of thundering
pleasure, he knew that was not what Ryan needed. He’d sworn to
seduce him slowly and give him plenty of time to grow accustomed to
not only him but the idea of their shifting ability. But as soon as he’d
gotten him alone, Phillip had pounced. Pure and simple lust combined
with decades of denial had made him desperate to claim his partner as
soon as he could.

“I’ve teased you about being impatient, when I am the one who

cannot wait.” Phillip lifted away from Ryan, determined to slow this

“Wait!” Ryan wrapped his powerful legs around Phillip’s waist,

refusing to allow him to withdraw his cock. “I didn’t say I wanted you
to stop.”

“I should.”

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“Because you need time to process all of this.”
“I need you.” Using his muscular arms and legs in tandem, Ryan

pulled Phillip down until their chests touched. “Please don’t stop.”
Ryan held his gaze with the steadfastness of a lifelong lover. “I want
you to claim me.”

Reassured, Phillip fell to kissing him. Lips and tongues collided in

a symphony of longing. Without any movement on his part, Ryan
pulled Phillip’s cock deeper within, until Phillip was buried balls-
deep. Closing his eyes against the wicked heat and crushing pressure
of Ryan’s snug body, Phillip tried to stave off his climax, but he knew
he wouldn’t last long.

Moving back just a bit, Phillip worked his hand between their

bodies and grasped Ryan’s cock. Judging by the slick coating of pre-
cum, Ryan was as primed as Phillip himself.

“Do you want me to talk dirty to you?”
“I just want you to kiss me.”
Phillip found that he didn’t need to watch anything other than the

expression of pleasure on Ryan’s face. It seemed their kinks had freed
them for this singular moment.

“I want you to ride me, slow and then fast,” Ryan said, easing up

his grip upon Phillip’s hips.

Watching his face for any signs of discomfort, Phillip rocked his

hips in a building rhythm. Sweat slicked down their chests, giving him
the lube he needed to rub his belly against Ryan’s prick. Lowering his
hands to Ryan’s hips, Phillip held him steady as he continued to thrust
harder, deeper, and faster.

Ryan clung to his shoulders, his whimpers urging him to dig his

knees into the carpet and rock so firmly against him he moved the
enormous chair.

“Breed me, Phillip.” Ryan’s gaze connected with his. “I want to

feel you come deep inside me.”

It was as if Ryan knew that would bond them together, and

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perhaps he did. In all the Gridiron Gods, there was a latent knowing of
their abilities. But to have Ryan speak those words while looking into
his eyes caused Phillip to erupt within his tight channel. Pumping his
orgasm deep within his lover caused a cascade of pleasure over his
body until every nerve was zinging.

Reaching between their heaving chests, Phillip wrapped his

forefinger and thumb around the base of Ryan’s prick, preventing him
from climaxing.

Ryan flashed him an incredulous look until Phillip lifted away

then bent down to suck at the tip of Ryan’s prick while his cock was
still pumping into his ass.

With a strangled cry, Ryan climaxed, jetting his cream into

Phillip’s waiting mouth. He sucked at him and stroked his shaft until
he was dry. All the while, Ryan’s channel milked him until his orgasm

Phillip collapsed against Ryan’s chest as Ryan melted into the

chair. Firelight danced colors around the room and heated Phillip’s
backside. At this moment, he longed for nothing. After so long alone,
so long waiting and wondering when he’d find love again, he’d been
rewarded. Ryan was everything and more than he’d ever dreamed of.
Tightening his arms around him, Phillip swore that this time, no harm
would come to his love. He vowed to move heaven and earth to keep
Ryan safe.

Below him, Ryan squeaked.
Lifting up a bit, Phillip asked, “Am I crushing you?”
“A bit, but it’s okay.” Ryan smiled. “I like the intensity of your


“You realize that this is just the beginning.”
“Oh, yeah, I got that.” Ryan glanced around the room. “God, I

forgot where we were. Do you think your butler came back in?”

“He only comes when I call.”
Ryan snickered. “I thought that was only me.”
Chuckling, Phillip asked, “As much as I appreciate my butler, he

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doesn’t get those kinds of calls.”

“Good.” Ryan leaned up and kissed him. “I want to be the only

man you place obscene phone calls to.”

“I promise.”
“Hey, that reminds me, how did you get your phone to say

TEAMMATE on my caller ID?”

Phillip lifted one eyebrow. “Who do you think bought the phones

for the team?”

“Ah. I see. And all the games and gear?”
“You’ve spoiled the hell out of us.”
“You’re worth it.” Phillip eased his cock out of Ryan and


“Do you have a towel or something?” Ryan looked around the

study. “If I sit up, I’m gonna make a mess on your chair.”

Rising, Phillip pulled up his pants and peered down at Ryan, still

spread fairly wide on the chair. “Perhaps I should leave you there so
you’re always ready for me.”

“Naw, you’d get bored taking me the same way all the time.”

Ryan winked. “Think of all the fun ways we can fit our bodies

“Good point.” Phillip moved to his bathroom and returned with a

small towel. Dropping to his knees, he pressed the cloth to Ryan’s
bottom and helped him slide up the chair.

“I’ve never met a man who comes as much as you do.” Ryan

pulled him down for a kiss. “Or a man as flexible as you. How the hell
can you bend like that?”

Chuckling, Phillip said, “It’s a gift.”
“Damn awesome one if you ask me.” Ryan relaxed into the chair.

“And this thing.” He slapped the armrests. “This had to be made for

“You are incredibly astute.” Phillip settled into the other chair and

cupped his cognac. “I was in Amsterdam when I saw this one.” He

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patted the armrest of the chair he sat in. “I fell in love with the design
on sight and knew I had to have another. You’ll notice the one you’re
in is slightly lower to the ground, slightly wider in the seat, with the
armrests angled back just a bit more.”

“It’s like you knew you’d get me in this chair.” Ever so slowly, the

smile faded from Ryan’s lips.

“I promise you, I wasn’t stalking you ten years ago.”
Flashing him a chagrined grimace, Ryan cast his attention to the

fire, and Phillip followed suit. The logs had burned down into coals
that radiated a tremendous amount of heat.

“We can stop this if you wish.” Phillip kept his voice even and his

grip on his glass light. He was afraid to let his true emotions show
through. If he did, he feared he would crush the glass with his bare
hands. The urge to twin to Ryan was so strong he felt his soul tugging
almost frantically upon Ryan’s. Undoubtedly the nexus, Dylan
Peterson, felt their clamoring souls even down in the valley. As much
as Phillip wanted to call Dylan here to take the last step, he refrained.

“I don’t want to stop this. I’m just overwhelmed.” Ryan picked up

his glass, toying with the liquid without drinking. “I can’t fight this
feeling that I belong to you, which is as comforting as it is terrifying.”

“Because I feel almost like you own me.”
Shocked, Phillip wanted to blurt out a response, but he forced

himself to think beyond the surface of what Ryan had said. Digging
deeper, he realized Ryan’s concern was not that Phillip would strap
him down and keep him like a prize, but that the bonding itself left an
indelible mark upon his soul. Clearly, Ryan wasn’t used to such a
strong feeling toward another.

“The bonding feels almost terrifyingly strong.”
Ryan nodded. “It’s almost like I don’t ever want to be more than a

few feet from you.” He sipped his drink. “Just watching you disappear
into the bathroom made my heart pound and my eyes water.”

Ryan’s honest words eased Phillip’s mind. “That’s simply the

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power of the bonding. It won’t always be so extreme.”

Ryan nodded, and they sat in companionable silence as they

sipped their drinks.

“So one hundred and sixty-three years, huh?” Ryan glanced over,

running his gaze up and down Phillip’s body. “You look damn good
for your age.”

“Clean living.” Phillip finished his drink and set the glass aside.

“Do you know what a sloth is?”

“A slow-moving tree creature?”
“Yes, but there is another meaning. It’s also the term for a group

of bears.” Phillip paused. “A sloth is what is slowly being built here at
Twin Pines.”

Ryan frowned.
“What?” Phillip asked.
“Nothing. Just—let me get this straight. You’re like, five times as

old as I thought you were. Together, you and I can shift into a bear,
and there are more guys on campus who can also do this neat trick,
and together we are collectively known as a sloth.” Ryan swirled his
drink. “Is that about it?”

There was more, but Phillip thought he probably wasn’t ready for

that, not just yet, at any rate. “I know it’s a lot to take in.”

“Oh, yeah, it is at that.” Ryan tossed off the rest of his drink.
“Are you upset?”
“Actually, no. What’s killing me is the fact that I actually believe

you. And I don’t know why.”

“Because you know all of this. Deep down in your soul, you have

all the answers to everything. You just need me to remind you of

“Do I now?”
“Yes.” Phillip pointed at his glass. “Do you want another one?”
“I think that might be a good idea.” Ryan looked down. “But I

should probably put my pants on first.”

“No need. I’ll go and get the bottle.” Phillip rose, exited the study,

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grabbed the bottle from the bar in the parlor, and returned. He was
disappointed to note that Ryan had put on his pants, but he said
nothing as he poured another dose of cognac into their glasses. “How
long have you played football?”

“Since I was yay high.” Ryan held his hand about four feet off the

floor. “How about you?”

“Since the game first started.”
“Indeed. Well, back then the game was closer to rugby than

football, but it is considered by many to be the first football game.”

“Tell me.” Ryan leaned near.
“It was a chilly November day in 1869. I was twenty-one, working

on my degree at Rutgers.” Long into the night, Phillip told Ryan about
his long association with football. Telling him this story would keep
Ryan in his home, where Phillip could keep him safe, but it also
relieved him from having to tell another story. Eventually, though,
Ryan would ask, and Phillip would have no choice but to tell him
what happed to his first twin.

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Chapter 7

Ryan woke up in Phillip’s arms. He grinned, loving the way

Phillip spooned up to his back side. Finally, a man who was shorter
and smaller than him but had no issue taking charge. Warm and
slightly sleepy, Ryan also realized he was horny as hell. How curious,
he thought, given how thoroughly Phillip had pleasured him last
night. And judging by the erection nestled against his butt, Phillip was
wide awake and randy, too.

“Good morning.”
“It’s good so far,” Phillip said, brushing a kiss to Ryan’s ear. “But

I have a feeling we can make this much better.”

Rather than answer with words, Phillip rolled him over so he was

facedown on the bed. Ryan heard and felt him moving toward the
side, and then he was back, sliding a pillow under his hips, angling his
ass up.

“Spread your legs.”
“Yes, sir.” Ryan parted them wide and arranged the pillow so he

was comfortable and completely displayed for Phillip.

“Perfect.” Phillip eased a slick finger between his cheeks and then

teased the sensitive flesh of his anus.

Keeping his eyes closed, Ryan luxuriated in being taken care of.

Phillip had no qualms about control, and Ryan had none about letting
go. Everything Phillip did excited him. Even the fact that he was
utterly silent this time was a turn-on.

After a moment, Ryan felt the slick tip of Phillip’s cock pressing

against his ass. Arching up, he angled his bottom to better take the

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thick width and long length of his lover’s prick. Phillip eased the knob
inside and stopped. His breathing was labored and rushed over Ryan’s
back. Almost achingly slow, Phillip slid the rest of his prodigious
length home.

When he was balls-deep, they sighed in simultaneous pleasure.
Phillip eased down onto Ryan’s back but kept most of his weight

on his arms. And then he began to pump. His rhythm was slow and
steady, like the drumbeat of an ancient song, one that built up into a
pace that was one shade shy of frantic.

Clinging to the mattress, Ryan dug his fingertips in, bracing

himself for the full power of Phillip’s thrusts. When he whimpered in
animalistic cries that matched the beat, Phillip growled and increased
his pace. Ryan surrendered completely, angling his ass up to accept
his lover’s violent possession. Clearly determined to claim him
completely, Phillip gripped his hips, held him down, and poured his
prick into him with everything he had.

Against his best efforts to stave off his release, Ryan climaxed,

which tightened him around Phillip’s cock.

Phillip howled with the strength of his orgasm. He lost his steady

pace and just buried himself in Ryan, his cock twitching deep inside,
and then he collapsed on top of him.

Gasping, they lay entwined for a long time. And then Ryan

couldn’t help himself. He chuckled.

“What?” Phillip asked, kissing his neck.
“That’s the way to start the day.” Ryan turned his head and kissed

Phillip awkwardly over his shoulder. “Now I know how you stay in
such fabulous shape.”

“If only.” Phillip kissed his ear and whispered, “But I promise to

make this a part of our workout regimen if you’d like.”

“Hell yeah I’d like that.” Ryan sighed. “But you’re the one getting

all the cardio, not me.”

“We can switch off.”
“Really?” Ryan considered. Most guys either liked to give or

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receive. He preferred to receive, but he wouldn’t mind giving on
occasion. “You’d let me top you?”

“Let you? Why, I’d be willing to serenade you, feed you, and even

ply you with fancy liquor.”

Ryan chuckled. “Give me a few more minutes, and all you’ll have

to do is suck me until I’m hard.”

“I can do that.”
They rolled until they were back in their original position, with

Phillip against his back, and they dozed again.

“Ah, damn, what time is it?” Ryan realized today was Thursday,

and that meant he had a class at eight. It was the only early class he’d
taken this semester.

“It’s seven thirty.”
“I hate to do this to you, but I’ve got to go.”
“No. Stay.” Phillip wrapped his powerful arms around him and


“As much as I’d like to, I need this class credit.” Ryan rolled over

and faced Phillip. “But I swear, as soon as classes are over, I’m back.”
He kissed him passionately. “You better have your sweet ass ready for

From the look he was giving him, Ryan knew Phillip wanted to

argue the point. He wanted him to stay here and spend the day in bed.
Phillip didn’t have to speak a word when the truth was perfectly clear.
But it was also apparent to Phillip that Ryan took his schooling
seriously. Blowing off one class would be the slippery slope into
blowing off all his classes.

Obviously reluctant, Phillip grudgingly admitted, “I love your


Ryan’s eyebrows rose. He sensed Phillip had almost said he loved

him but had changed his mind at the last moment. He wasn’t
offended. Even though he felt it, too, Ryan agreed it might be a little
too soon to speak those thoroughly intense words. So he smiled and
said, “And I love that you are so understanding.”

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“That I am. I’ll even rummage up some breakfast while you


Even though it was pushing it time wise, Ryan showered. He

didn’t want to stumble into class late, reeking of sex. When he
emerged from the shower, he found a towel and his clothing neatly
folded. Phillip had thoughtfully provided clean boxers and socks.
Ryan dressed and then made his way down to the foyer, where Phillip
was waiting with something that smelled heavenly.

“This is Wilkins’s version of a breakfast burrito.”
“You’re going to spoil me.”
“Good.” Phillip kissed him, handed him a napkin-wrapped nosh,

then helped him slip on his jacket. “The car is waiting outside.”

“The car?”
“I’m not letting you drive that deathtrap down this mountain after

a snowstorm.”

“It’s fine, Phillip. New tires and brakes.”
“I insist.”
“So do I.”
Phillip frowned. “It’s icy, Ryan.”
“I know that. But I’m certain the road has been plowed by now.”
“Yes, but—”
“No buts.” Ryan sighed. “You had no problem with me driving up


“That was before—” Phillip cut himself off.
“Before what?” Ryan was late, but this could become an issue

between them. Phillip obviously had a shitload of money, but Ryan
didn’t want him thinking that made him the boss of everything.

“Before we bonded.”
And then Ryan understood. That same gnawing fear that had

gripped him last night when Phillip left the room was possessing
Phillip now.

“Just because I want you to dominate me in the bedroom doesn’t

mean you can do it everywhere else, okay?”

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Phillip grimaced. “It’s not that.”
Ryan sensed that Phillip’s need to protect him went far deeper, but

he simply didn’t have time to get to the bottom of the issue now. “I’m
going to class, like I have a hundred times. I’m driving my car, just
like I have a thousand times. I’ll be fine.” Ryan could see it took a
tremendous effort, but Phillip nodded. “I’ll tell you what.” Ryan
tugged on the belt of Phillip’s robe until they were nose to nose. “I’ll
call you when I get to class. Okay? That way you’ll know where I am
and that I’m safe.”

This time, Phillip flashed him a genuine smile. “I’d appreciate


“No problem.” Ryan kissed him, softly at first, but then the kiss

got a little out of hand, and he almost dropped his breakfast. “Damn,
you are very good at that.”

“Promise me you’ll call.”
“I promise.” Ryan crossed his heart by dragging his finger over his

chest. “As soon as I get to class.”

“As soon as you get to campus.”
“Okay. When I get to campus.”
Phillip seemed on the verge of saying something, but apparently,

he changed his mind.

Ryan strode to the door, turned and waved, then made his way to

his car. It was exactly where he’d left it, and someone, perhaps the
butler, had thoughtfully shoveled and salted the walk and brushed all
the snow off his car. Ah, yeah, having servants kicked ass.

Luckily, the storm hadn’t been that bad. From what Ryan could

tell it had only dropped about three inches. And the sun was out,
blazing all bright and cheery. Frankly, Ryan could not remember
starting a day in a better mood. He felt fantastic.

Sliding into the classic Mustang, Ryan patted the dash and said,

“This is nothing, right, girl? Old Blue Bell can get through this easy.”
He turned the key, and she purred to life. “Good girl.” After giving
her a few minutes to warm up, and time to devour the breakfast nosh

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that he wished he had three of, they were off. Just as he was about to
exit the drive, he remembered to fasten his seatbelt. No reason to
tempt the fates.

As Ryan had predicted, the roads were indeed plowed. In the parts

where there was shade, he slowed considerably, anticipating ice, but
everything was clear. The roads were wet, but there wasn’t a buildup
of slush or snow. He relaxed his grip on the wheel. It was just the
jitters. Phillip was nervous and protective. Ryan wasn’t angry. In a
way, it was kind of sweet. He’d never had a boyfriend be so caring.

At the end of the long downhill street that led into town, he

stopped at the four-way stop. When he checked his watch, he realized
that he had fifteen minutes to make his eight-o’clock class.

“Plenty of time.” He signaled and then turned left.
Ryan never knew what hit him.

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Chapter 8

Phillip watched as the second hand swept around the face of the

grandfather clock. He looked to his watch, confirmed the time, and
then paced across the parlor again. Ryan should have made the
campus by now. No matter how he tried to tell himself he was being
ridiculous, that he was simply projecting his concerns about his prior
twin onto Ryan, Phillip felt in his gut something was wrong. He
considered calling Ryan’s cell, but he didn’t want him to answer if he
was driving.

As he paced a path in the wool carpet, Phillip wished he’d

followed his gut and had Dylan Peterson, the nexus of the Gridiron
Gods, come to his home and twin them last night. If he had, Phillip
and Ryan would be able to communicate telepathically. Their
connection would be rudimentary at best, but as the years passed and
their link grew, they would eventually be fully integrated. Even after
one day, Phillip would know where Ryan was and if he was safe.

Phillip had showered, dressed, and ate a hurried breakfast, more to

distract himself than anything else. He just couldn’t shake a feeling of
impending doom. Flipping on the television, he noted the local
weather was predicted to be cold but sunny, with all the snow melted
off the streets by midday.

At exactly fifteen minutes to eight, his heart lurched, his gut

twisted, and his blood ran cold. Phillip tried to call for his driver, but
he couldn’t catch his breath. Thankfully, Wilkins entered the parlor,
saw his distress, and understood his gasping commands. In short
order, Phillip was in the back of his town car, heading into Twin Pines
with his driver navigating the hairpin turns.

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Each corner they rounded caused Phillip to lean forward, dig his

fingertips into the seat, and peer through the windshield. When the
road and the surrounding land appeared unblemished, he settled back
with a sigh, only to have his heart in his throat at the next turn. Mile
after mile ratcheted up his tension to the point his fingernails left
permanent dents in the leather of the seatbacks. Just when he thought
he might have been wrong, they came to the end of the mountain pass.

Flashing lights, several police cars, orange cones, flares, two

wreckers, a massive truck, and what was left of a blue Mustang made
a confusing mess along the highway. Phillip had never seen such a
metal-crunching accident. Despite the confusion, there was no
mistaking Ryan’s automobile. The blue Mustang looked worse than a
mangled paper cup. The only salvation he could find was that there
was no body inside the car and none along the roadside. Since a white
sheet covered what he could only imagine was a body in the truck,
Ryan had to be in the lone ambulance.

“What do you want me to do, sir?”
Phillip was in a state of shock, unsure what he should do, but

when the ambulance pulled away, he said, “Follow them.”

Skilled in driving in all kinds of conditions, his driver paced the

ambulance at a safe distance while obeying all the traffic laws. The
last thing Phillip wanted was to be stopped for some infraction and
delayed from being at Ryan’s side. From the direction they traveled, it
was obvious they were headed to the hospital in Denver. Not good.
That must mean Ryan’s injuries were too serious for the local
hospital. But then the ambulance changed course and accelerated
toward Our Lady of Grace Hospital that serviced the Twin Pines area.

Phillip flipped open his phone and called the police chief. He

cashed in just about every favor he had to find out that it was indeed
Ryan in the ambulance. His condition was grave, and he was being
taken by helicopter to Denver. That’s why the ambulance had altered

Disconnecting from that call, Phillip placed another and had his

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driver change direction. If things were as bad as he feared they were,
he had only one choice.

As awkward as the conversation was, Phillip kept his ultimate

goal in mind. He simply could not save Ryan alone. In short order,
Phillip had convinced Danny Jones to gather the Gridiron Gods.
Phillip sent a limo to collect the five of them and had them taken to
the small local airport. After brief introductions, they boarded his
private jet and took off for Denver.

Phillip, Danny, and Matthew settled at the table. Brandon Sanders

and Derek Simmons sat directly behind them, and Dylan Peterson sat
across the aisle from them.

Even though it was clear the men were curious, they respected his

anguish over Ryan and refrained from pelting him with questions.
Instead, they settled in and talked quietly amongst themselves.

Normally Phillip flew alone in his private jet, but this was exactly

what he needed. Phillip felt buoyed by their closeness. It had been a
very long time since he’d felt the unique bond of a sloth. Even though
he and Ryan were not full members yet, that didn’t seem to matter to

“I wanted to thank you,” Danny said, reaching across the table to

grip Phillip’s hand.

“For?” Danny’s grip was surprisingly strong. He met Phillip’s

gaze with forthright and deeply honest brown eyes.

“All you’ve done to bring football to Twin Pines College. My

understanding is you funded the entire venture from uniforms to

Danny’s gratitude was honestly conveyed, and the other men

around nodded in agreement.

“You’re all very welcome.” Phillip squeezed Danny’s hand and let

go. He was afraid if he didn’t, he’d be clinging to him all the way to

“It’s okay. Sometimes we all need someone to hang on to.” Danny

grasped his hand. “I think Ryan would be okay with me standing in

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for him.”

Tears gathered in his eyes, blinding him to everything around him.

Silently, Danny moved to the seat beside him, cupped Phillip’s head
to his shoulder, and held him. Phillip wasn’t sure how long he sat
simply holding Danny’s hand and absorbing his calm strength. Again
he realized Danny was a true and valiant leader. Exuding tranquil
power, Danny refused to let Phillip isolate himself or wallow in his

“Misery shared is misery lessened.”
Across the table from them, Danny’s twin, Matthew Edwards,

nodded his agreement with what Danny had said. The linebacker’s
enormous body barely fit in the luxury seat, but Matthew didn’t seem
to care. Matthew seemed far more concerned with helping Danny help
him. Phillip sensed their commitment, although new, was incredibly
strong. And if anyone understood his fears, Danny and Matthew
would. Danny had been attacked by a mysterious group of men and
killed. It was by twinning their souls and shifting into bear form that
Matthew had been able to save Danny. Phillip was hoping to duplicate
their success.

Brandon and Derek seemed just as committed to one another, but

they had not shifted into bear form. Phillip knew by the way their
energy resonated with his body they were untried. Some twins only
discovered their shifting power when one was threatened, some twins
were able to shift on a whim, and some couples never shifted at all
even though the ability was there. Phillip had never uncovered the
reasons for the variations. He might have, if his original sloth had not
spread far and wide across the United States. Although, that curious
question hardly mattered now. Phillip sensed he was only focusing his
attention there to keep from falling into crushing despair over Ryan.

“We’ll get through this.” Danny released his hand and handed him

a tissue. “You’re not alone this time.”

After wiping his face, Phillip looked up. “How did you know?”

He’d never told anyone about losing Richard. Not even Ryan knew.

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“I can feel your hurt.” Danny placed his hand on his chest. “Right

here in my heart.”

“Richard was everything to me.”
“What happened?” Danny shook his head. “Never mind. You

don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s all right. I think that’s part of why my fear with Ryan was

so intense. I never told anyone after Richard was gone. Well, frankly,
there wasn’t anyone to tell. No one who would believe me, at any
rate.” Phillip took a moment to compose himself. “Richard and I met
at Rutgers. He was simply stunning, like Ryan. Intelligent, athletic,
and so driven. Richard wanted to do something with his life,
something beyond what we had with the sloth.”

“You had a sloth similar to what we’re building now?” Danny

asked, clearly intrigued.

“Yes. But after college, the members of the sloth separated. We

saw each other occasionally, and then I lost track of them. None of us
really knew what the purpose of our group was. When I took the time
to look them up, I found out Richard and I were the only pair left.”
That had been a tremendous shock. “We had grown so far apart that I
sensed nothing when they passed.”

“I’m sorry.” Danny offered him a bottle of water, which Phillip

gratefully took.

“Thank you.” Phillip opened the water and drank about half before

he continued. “Richard and I traveled all over the world doing
whatever we could to bring educational opportunities to
underprivileged students. Richard was always a teacher at heart. And
he cared so much.”

Danny didn’t ask the obvious question, but Phillip answered

anyway. He had never told anyone about that day. Phillip kept it all to
himself, ashamed that he’d been unable to save his twin.

“Richard and I were at the Thammasat University in Bangkok in

October of 1976. Students from all over Thailand were demonstrating
against Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn, a former military ruler,

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returning to Thailand.”

“I’m sure that didn’t go over well with the powers that be.”
“Not at all. The deputy director of the national police ordered an

assault and authorized free fire on the campus, including students and
protesters. By the official count, forty-six people died in the attack.
People were shot, beaten, and their bodies mutilated.”

“My God.” Danny’s face blanched. “They had no protection?”
“None. It was one-sided, vicious, and completely unnecessary. I

knew Richard was hurt, I felt him dying, but in the chaos, the
confusion, I couldn’t get to him. I couldn’t shift with him.” Just
speaking of that day brought everything rushing back. “I found him,
what was left of him, three days later.”

“I am so profoundly sorry for your loss.” Danny wrapped his arm

around him, and Phillip was amazed how much that simple gesture
comforted him.

“Since that day I vowed to never, ever feel that impotent again.

Everything I’ve done, the world that I’ve built, has been about
protecting myself. And then I realized what I had in fact done was
isolate myself. I knew I couldn’t live alone anymore.”

“That’s why you bought Twin Pines College.” Danny’s fingertips

smoothed soothing circles on Phillip’s shoulder.

Phillip nodded. “So many wonderful minds have been educated in

those hallowed halls. I wanted to continue the tradition, in honor of
Richard. He believed most firmly in the power of education.”

“You’ve been alone since you lost Richard?”
“Thirty-five years to the day.” He chose not to mention the brief

and bitter liaison, as there was no point. Neither he nor that man had
climaxed. In the common vernacular, their liaison had been an epic

“Thirty-five years?” Danny’s eyes went wide.
“Richard was killed on October 6th, 1976.”
“But that would make you at least fifty.” Matthew realized he’d

spoken aloud. “Sorry.”

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“It’s fine. I’m actually one hundred and sixty-three.”
Matthew’s mouth dropped open, but Danny wasn’t startled by the

information. Phillip sensed that as the leader of the newly formed
sloth, Danny was privy to more details than the other members were.

“I didn’t know this shifting thing gave us eternal life.” Brandon

stood up and leaned over the back of Matthew’s chair. His black hair
contrasted his pale skin beautifully. As the quarterback, he exuded
confidence, but he wasn’t the least bit narcissistic. Given his home
life, it was no wonder to Phillip that Brandon was a remarkably
sensitive young man.

“I’m going to be able to bang this beautiful body forever?” Derek

stood up and wrapped his arm around Brandon. Platinum-blond hair
complimented his richly bronzed skin. Together, he and Brandon
made a stunning couple. East Coast preppy meets California surfer.

“Derek!” Brandon slapped his arm.
“It’s quite all right.” Phillip chucked. “I assure you I’m familiar

with the raging lusts of twinned couples.” Phillip smiled, thinking
back to how even when Ryan had been full of questions, he’d put
them off to have sex first. At the time, Phillip had been relieved. He
was afraid if he told Ryan everything he might lose him. Phillip
realized now that telling Ryan might have offered him some insight or
protection. Or maybe he was just Monday-morning quarterbacking his
own life. If he had only one regret other than not tackling Ryan to
make him stay, it was that he’d not made love to him this morning.
Not that their rousing fuck had been disappointing, just that Phillip
wished he’d expressed the depth of the feelings in his soul.

“It would be nice if my twin had a bit more decorum.” Brandon

flashed Derek a disapproving frown, but it was obvious he wasn’t
really upset. If anything, he found Derek’s bold, uninhibited style as
refreshing as Phillip did. Derek was as open and breezy as a summer’s
day, and twice as hot. As the center for the team, he seemed to fill that
role in the sloth as well. His easy way and jocularity centered the
entire group.

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“Wait, if all the members of the other sloth are dead, then that

means we’re not immortal.” Matthew leaned across the table, and
Phillip noticed that Dylan, the nexus of the group, leaned closer, too.

“We’re not immortal. We can and do die. After a hundred years,

the small group of us succumbed to accidents.”

“No disease?”
“No. We don’t seem to get sick or carry any illness. But we are

physically vulnerable.”

“So if I bite someone, I can’t make them a bear shifter?” Derek


“And just whom, pray tell, are you planning on biting?” Brandon

gave him the inquisitive brow of a smitten and possessive male.

“No one in particular.” Derek tightened his arm around Brandon.

“I’m just curious.”

“We don’t work like that.” Phillip took another sip of his water.
“Right,” Danny agreed. “We’re not vampires.”
Phillip found their curiosity and playful banter a blissful

distraction from worrying about Ryan. Without them here, he knew
he’d be on the phone trying to glean whatever information he could,
even though there was nothing he could do until they landed in

“Why football?” Derek asked, clearly trying to move the

conversation away from death and dying.

Phillip smiled. “I brought football to Twin Pines to recreate the

environment I had in college.” What he didn’t tell them is that he’d
hoped to find another partner. And he had. But as swiftly as they’d
come together, fate took Ryan away. Maybe Phillip was doomed to be
alone. He’d had one twin, and that was all he was allowed. But Phillip
just didn’t think fate could be so cruel.

“All is not lost, Phillip.”
As much as he wanted to believe Danny, there was an empty spot

in his heart. “I don’t think I can go through that again.”

“The difference this time is you won’t be alone.”

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Chapter 9

It took a tremendous amount of wrangling and some incredibly

devious subterfuge to work their way into Ryan’s hospital room, but
luckily for them, Derek was a master of finagling his way into places
where he wasn’t supposed to be.

“I’m not a criminal, nor do I look like one, but I occasionally play

one on TV.” Derek grinned as he ushered everyone inside.

“My God.” Phillip had to steel himself against what he saw. Tubes

and wires flowed from Ryan’s body to a plethora of machines. Ryan’s
face, what little he could see under the bandages, was covered with
bruises and cuts. It seemed only his mouth and his right hand had
survived the accident unscathed.

“At least he’s breathing on his own.” Dylan read over Ryan’s chart

and frowned.

“What?” Phillip asked even though a part of him didn’t want to


“It’s bad.” As a premed student, Dylan knew what he was talking

about. “His brain activity is minimal.” Dylan looked up. “I’m sorry to
be blunt, but—”

“No, I need to know.” Phillip wanted the truth. “Coddling me now

serves no purpose.” He paused for a moment. “Can you twin us?”

Dylan lowered his head and pretended to study the chart, but

Phillip sensed he didn’t want to answer that question.

“Tell me the truth.”
Clearly reluctant, Dylan met Phillip’s gaze. “I don’t know what

will happen, but my gut is telling me that this is not a good idea.”

“You twinned me to Danny, and he was dead.” Matthew wrapped

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his arm around Danny, giving him a sideways hug and reassuring
himself that his love was okay.

“That was different. Danny had literally drawn his last breath

when you entered the back of the equipment truck. I twinned you
within seconds of his passing.”

“But Ryan isn’t dead.” Phillip reached out and clasped Ryan’s

hand. His flesh was warm, but there was no reaction to his touch.

“Not technically, but his brain function...” Dylan sighed. “I can’t

confirm he’s capable of higher functioning.”

“And?” Phillip sensed there was something Dylan wasn’t saying.
“And I don’t feel the tugging of his soul.” Dylan hung the chart

back on the notch at the end of the bed. “When two souls are ready, I
feel them tugging at me, like a strong undertow.” He frowned, clearly
frustrated he couldn’t describe the sensation. “Last night I knew you
two had bonded because I felt your souls seeking to twin, but right
now I don’t feel anything at all.”

“Are you saying Ryan’s soul has left his body?” Phillip looked

down at Ryan as if he could see something there that would indicate
such a change had occurred.

“I’m saying I don’t feel the tug. That could mean his soul is gone,


“Or?” Phillip prompted.
Obviously reluctant to speak, Dylan softly said, “Or perhaps the

chance for twinning has passed.”

The very idea struck Phillip almost like a physical blow. Phillip

blamed himself for having the opportunity in his hands but allowing
the moment to slip by because he’d simply wanted to bed Ryan again.
Had he been able to control himself, he could have twinned with Ryan
last night.

“It wouldn’t have changed anything,” Danny said. “I can feel you

beating yourself up over this, when you shouldn’t. Even if Dylan had
twinned you two last night, there’s no sense to the notion that
twinning would have changed anything about his accident.”

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Phillip knew Danny was right, but blaming himself came so easily

when he’d done it for years over Richard.

“There’s a time limit to twinning?” Derek asked.
“I’m not saying that.” Dylan looked beyond frustrated. “I’m saying

I don’t feel what I normally feel when you guys bond.”

“Well,” Danny said, “then I think we need to do something


“Like what?” Matthew tightened his grip on Danny, almost as if

he were afraid he would run off if he let him loose.

“My gut is telling me to try to pull his soul back to his body.”

Danny cast his brown-eyed gaze on each of them, almost as if he
weighed and measured them for the plan he was formulating. “There’s
only one catch.”

“And that is?” Phillip asked, dreading the answer.
“If I’m wrong, it’s going to hurt all of us very badly if Ryan dies.”
“It’s going to hurt anyway,” Brandon said softly. “Not just

because of losing him to the sloth, but losing him as a teammate.”

“And a friend,” Derek noted.
“I mean more than that.” Danny briefly explained his idea.
Dylan shook his head. “I don’t think that’s wise, Danny. All of

you would be connected.”

“And what’s the problem with that?” Danny didn’t sound angry

but curious. As the leader, he didn’t just blindly dictate to the others.
He was thoughtful and respectful of their opinions.

“While the idea sounds all ‘Kumbaya’ and holy on the surface, it

might become totally unmanageable.” Dylan crossed his arms over his
muscled chest. “You’re talking about linking the six of you. I don’t
know what that would be like, mentally, I mean. And if it fails...”

“So rather than just Matthew and I being able to communicate, all

of us will be able to mentally communicate?” Danny considered the
idea carefully.

“Maybe.” Dylan shrugged. “I really don’t know what will happen

if I do the twinning thing with multiple people, especially already

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twinned couples.”

“When you twin a couple, do you merge with them?” Derek


“No.” A look of sadness darkened Dylan’s face. As the nexus, he

was destined to be alone. “At the time of the twinning, I feel your
souls passing through mine to merge. It’s—unbelievably erotic.”
Dylan ducked his head.

“So you get a big stiffy?” Derek asked.
Brandon frowned at him, but then a tiny smirk twisted his lips.
“Hey, I’m just asking what everyone else was thinking,” Derek


“Yes, I get an erection.” Dylan sighed and stared hard at the

linoleum floor. “Can we talk about something else?”

“I’m willing to try.” Danny moved around the bed to stand beside


“I’m in.” Matthew joined them.
“And what if by doing this you put your twinnings in jeopardy?”

Dylan met Phillip’s eyes then looked away. “I’m sorry, Phillip, but I
have to say what I think, or I’m not doing my job as the nexus.” After
another deep breath, Dylan finally met Phillip’s gaze. “Are you
willing to risk everyone to save Ryan?”

“No.” Phillip didn’t want to hurt anyone. “It’s bad enough that we

lost our chance. I don’t want to take that away from everyone else.”

“Do you know for a fact this will happen?” Danny placed his hand

over his heart. “I don’t feel that will happen, Dylan.”

Dylan shook his head. “I don’t know what I feel.”
Danny gave Phillip a sympathetic glance then drew Dylan aside.

Even though he kept his voice low, Phillip heard what Danny was
saying to Dylan. Danny expressed his concerns that Dylan was
resisting the notion because of his beliefs that he would be alone after
twinning everyone else. Phillip thought it was unbelievably kind that
Danny swore he would find someone for Dylan.

“And we won’t let you suffer after this.”

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Dylan frowned at Danny. “What does that mean?”
“We’ll take care of your stiffy.” Derek didn’t shout, but his

boisterous voice carried clearly.

“Oh, good lord. I’m not worried about that.” Dylan blushed all the

way to the top of his bald head. Even the edge of his ears turned

“I don’t want to put the rest of you at risk.” Phillip wanted Ryan

with a desperation that was crushing, but the last thing he wanted to
do was hurt others in pursuit of his twin. When he looked down at
Ryan, he didn’t think Ryan would want anyone hurt to save him

“I’m willing to take that risk.” Danny clapped his hand to Phillip’s

shoulder. “If we start doing this and the energy is too intense or any
bad feelings—”

“What if we can’t stop?” Phillip squeezed Ryan’s hand. He almost

shot out of his skin when Ryan squeezed back.

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Chapter 10

“I can feel his soul now.” Dylan moved to the bedside and gripped

Ryan and Phillip’s joined hands.

“Can you feel if he wants this?” Phillip didn’t want to make Ryan

do anything he didn’t want to do. As much as he loved him, and as
much as he wanted to be together with him, he couldn’t dictate
matters of the heart. Ryan had to want this for him to continue.

Ryan gripped his hand so hard it hurt.
“There’s your answer.” Dylan plastered his lips against Phillip’s,

drawing his breath away. Dylan then leaned gingerly over Ryan and
breathed into his mouth.

Over and over Dylan kissed and breathed between the two of them

until Phillip was dizzy. Clutching the edge of the bed with one hand,
he kept the other firmly joined with Ryan’s hand.

“I can’t quite reach him.” Dylan redoubled his efforts.
Phillip felt the edge of Ryan’s soul brushing against his. Bright,

beautiful, but the contact was too brief for him to entwine fully with
him. Frustrated, Phillip didn’t know what he could do to make the
twinning work.

“Here, let me help.” Danny moved close and leaned into Dylan.
Dylan drew a deep breath from Danny, blew it into Phillip, and

then took it back and blew the air into Ryan. As the breath filled his
chest, Ryan’s entire body seemed to visibly tighten.

Phillip reeled with the influx of energy when the breath came

around again. Now it was as if Ryan’s soul was brushing his
fingertips. He could almost grasp a hold of him. So close and yet so

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“I’m here, too.” Matthew joined in on the next round, and this

time Ryan shivered uncontrollably.

When the breath came around to him, Phillip understood Ryan’s

reaction. So much energy filled him he felt able to run a marathon. Or
two. Hell, maybe even three. His fingers and toes tingled with power.
Now when he reached out, Ryan’s soul filled his hands, and the first
small blushes of twinning started on the edges.

“I can feel him trying desperately to twin, but we need more

energy.” Dylan turned, and both Brandon and Derek stepped forward.
The six of them formed a rough circle around Ryan’s bed.

Each breath they shared increased the energy until Phillip

practically vibrated. And then Ryan’s soul flowed into his. The shock
of his pure, clean brightness, the almost-crisp newness of his
intangible soul merging with his almost dropped Phillip to his knees.
Rather than speaking of love, he felt Ryan’s love flowing over him,
completing him. And then, to his shock, when their souls were fully
twinned, Phillip climaxed.

A chorus of growls filled his ears. Phillip realized all the men in

the circle had orgasms right along with him. When he managed to pry
his eyes open and looked down, he realized that Ryan had climaxed,

“That has never happened.” Dylan clung to the side of the bed, his

face suffused with blood.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Danny said, looking at the wet spot on

the front of his jeans. “All of us went off.”

“I didn’t just go off. I filled my pants with creamy goodness.”

Derek laughed lightly. “Hell, I came so hard I think I filled yours.”
Derek cupped his hand over Brandon’s crotch.

“You are so twisted, but I still love you.” Brandon laughed and

leaned into him.

“I can feel him pulling on me to shift.” Prickles and what he could

only describe as a second skin of static electricity stiffened every hair
on Phillip’s body.

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“Pull him toward you.” Dylan touched Phillip’s shoulder. “That

bed won’t support your weight as a bear.” Dylan quickly removed the
medical gear that monitored Ryan so the nurse’s station wouldn’t get
a code and come running in.

Phillip stepped back and tugged on Ryan’s soul, drawing him

closer. That curious itchy feeling, one he hadn’t felt in over three
decades, crawled across his skin. At the very last second before the
change, he realized he should have taken his clothes off, but it was too
late. Besides, he had dozens of suits. Losing one didn’t matter to him
in the least. As the shift occurred, his clothing exploded off him while
everything he felt as a man washed away. Suddenly, Phillip was on all
fours, his field of vision far closer to the floor, and his sense of smell
was almost overwhelmingly strong. The chemicals in the room stood
out, as did the unique smell of each man’s climax. And there,
wrapped around his heart and soul, was Ryan.

Phillip was so blissfully happy to see him, to be near him, to know

that he was safe, he simultaneously laughed and burst into tears. Ryan
comforted him all the while thanking him for saving him. In their
combined form they were so deeply intertwined it was almost as if
they were one. And with this merging, Ryan knew everything about
Richard and Phillip’s past. He now understood why Phillip had been
almost desperate to keep him safe. It wasn’t about dominating him. It
was from fear of what happened to Richard. Bound together, Phillip
and Ryan made peace with their issues and confessed their deep and
abiding love without a word.

“Wow. That is one big-ass bear. And it looks exactly like our team


Their fuzzy head swiveled toward Derek. To their eyes, his

platinum-blond hair was practically glowing under the florescent

“Can I pet you?” Derek reached out, and Brandon playfully

slapped his hand.

“Go clean up, surfer boy.”

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“Come with me, pretty boy.” Derek grabbed Brandon’s hand and

waggled his eyebrows.

“Like either one of us will actually get anything done if we go

together.” Brandon tried to extricate himself from Derek’s grip, but he
didn’t seem to be trying very hard to get away.

“Oh, we’ll get something done all right.”
Playfully, Brandon pushed Derek away then glanced over at

Phillip and Ryan. “That’s what we will look like if we shift?”
Brandon examined their bear form with wide, curious eyes.

It had been so long since he’d shifted, the sensation was almost

novel. Phillip felt his energy filling Ryan, healing him, restoring him
to health.

“I think it’s cute.” Derek reached out and brushed his fingers over

their head. When he scratched them behind the ear, he and Ryan
whimpered pleasurably. “See, everything, even a big tough bear, likes
to be scratched behind the ears.”

When someone tried to enter the room, Derek managed to put

them off by going out into the hall and pitching some kind of mock
hysterical fit. Phillip and Ryan were impressed with Derek’s acting
abilities. Maybe he should be on television, Phillip thought. Derek’s
show had the desired effect. The nurse comforted him then left, which
gave Phillip and Ryan more time to stay shifted. If he and Ryan could
stay in bear form for a bit longer, Ryan would be close to almost fully

* * * *

After a long time, Phillip and Ryan separated into separate human

forms, and with Dylan’s help, Ryan was settled back into bed with all
the machines hooked back up to him. In the shift he lost his bandages,
his flimsy hospital johnny, and most of his grievous injuries.

“How are we going to explain this?” Ryan asked, looking down at

his now-healed body.

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Dylan considered. “We’ll wrap you back up, and they won’t

know. And then, with your pull”—he pointed to Phillip—“you can get
him transferred somewhere else.” He left to find some gauze and an
extra johnny. If anyone knew where to look, Dylan was the man.

“And now we’ve just got to get you something to wear.” Ryan

considered Phillip’s naked body. “Although, to be fair, I’m not
minding you being naked.”

Phillip grinned. “Yes, but I think the administration of this

hospital might.” For now, he sat on the bed and covered his lap with
one of the blankets.

“Thank you.” Ryan grasped Phillip’s hand but then turned his gaze

slowly around so that he looked at all the men gathered there. “You
not only saved my life, you saved my soul.”

And finally, after a very long and lonely time, after tears and

traumas and untold troubles, Phillip was restored to the safety and
protection of a sloth.



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Anitra Lynn McLeod has been writing since she was twelve.

Creating unique worlds is her forte, combining unlikely genres such
as historical, fantasy, futuristic, and erotic into a steampunky—and
steamy—brew. Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three
things she enjoys the most. You can visit her at, write to her at,
or fan her at

You can also follow her on twitter @AnitraMcLeod
Or if all else fails, you can also snail mail her:
Anitra Lynn McLeod
PO Box 16631
SLC, UT 84116-0631
Send a SASE for a free bookmark.

Also by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Siren Classic ManLove: Gridiron Gods 1: Waterboy

Siren Classic ManLove: Gridiron Gods 2: Quarterback

Siren Classic ManLove: Dirty Cowboy

Siren Classic: Devil’s Due

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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