Anitra Lynn McLeod Gridiron Gods 05 Linebacker

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Gridiron Gods 5


How do you convince someone who thinks they’re worthless that

they’re worth everything? The trick is loving yourself first.

Terribly insecure Anthony Reed believes he’s undesirable, so when

the hottest guy in school hits on him, he figures it must be a joke.

How could anyone want a guy with the big brown eyes of Bambi

and the body of Rambo?

Determined to show Anthony just how hot he is, Kevin Henderson

goes after the gentle giant with everything he’s got, and his assets

are considerable. But when things get too intense and Kevin’s own

insecurities are exposed, Kevin realizes they have more in common

than just a need for kinky sex.

Breaking down the walls they have carefully built to keep their

hearts safe draws them deeper into an indestructible bond. But will

they be able to let the past go and join their brethren in the

Gridiron Gods, or will they retreat into solitary safety?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 21,617 words


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Gridiron Gods 5

Anitra Lynn McLeod



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-244-4

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to
actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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This is for the Deep Thinker, who hides his wild side behind a crimson


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Gridiron Gods 5


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

Anthony Reed almost bailed on the second away game of the season.

Almost. What got him on the bus was the hope that maybe this time he’d
hook up with one of his teammates. Everyone else sure seemed to be
clicking. Left and right guys were finding not only a fuck buddy, but
apparently, a soul mate.

“So what the hell is wrong with me?”
Checking himself out in the one full-length mirror that hung on the back

of the upper hall dorm room entrance, Anthony decided he wasn’t hideous.
As a linebacker, he was built big and wide, but not excessively so. Yeah,
he was muscular, but he wasn’t a freak or anything. He didn’t have gross
veins sticking out, not unless he flexed really hard, and he didn’t walk
around doing that. He also wasn’t an ass who flexed his biceps offering
people tickets to the gun show, so clearly, it wasn’t his body or his
personality that was holding him back.

Maybe his fashion sense?
Anthony gave himself the once-over.
His clothing was pretty basic. Nothing too flashy and nothing too

cheap. Pretty much he wore middle-of-the-road T-shirts and jeans. His
only major indulgence was expensive athletic shoes, but he just couldn’t
find cheap shoes in size twenty. And then Anthony considered his military-

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short brown hair and his blah-brown eyes that dominated his square head.

“Yep, there’s the problem. I look like a fucking nark. Or a wannabe

cop.” Anthony tried messing up his hair, but the strands were too short to
do much more than stand straight up. The only way to change his eyes was
to get contacts, but the thought of sticking something in his eye on a daily
basis gave him the shivers. Maybe he could get glasses. “Aw, screw it. I’m
never going to win any awards for my looks.”

Anthony realized he had a head like a jar, the big, soulful brown eyes

of Bambi, and the body of Rambo. It wasn’t an attractive combination.
Nothing he could do in the next five minutes was going to change that.
Anthony grabbed his duffle full of gear, his puffy winter coat, and tossed
both over his shoulder. He stomped his way down the stairs then across
the quad to where the team bus was warming up.

There was the usual chaos when all the guys descended on the bus en

masse. Catcalls and vulgar greetings were the norm for this group, but
Anthony didn’t bother to join in. He didn’t feel like a part of the Grizzlies
anymore. Not that sulking was going to help matters, but right now, he
wanted to be alone with his thoughts. By the end of this trip, Anthony was
going to figure out what he was doing wrong. And then he’d finally get
some action. Lord knew if he didn’t get any soon, he’d end up married to
his left hand. Maybe that was the problem. Weren’t lefties supposed to be
evil or something?

“This seat taken?”
Anthony looked up and frowned. What the hell was Kevin Henderson

doing wanting to sit next to him? It must be a joke. Everyone knew Kevin
and Tyler were an item.

“Hey, no harm no foul.” Kevin flashed Anthony a disappointed


“No, wait, it’s free.” Anthony shoved over to make room for Kevin.

Maybe if he asked nicely, Kevin would give him the 411 on why he didn’t
seem to be attracting anyone. Although, to be fair, that might not be
Kevin’s area of expertise. The drop-dead gorgeous blond probably had to
chase off members of both sexes with a stick. Shit. Kevin was so fine he
probably had to hire bodyguards to protect his considerable assets.

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

“Hey, thanks.” Kevin shoved his duffle under the seat then dropped his

big body next to Anthony. Damn, but when he landed, Kevin made the
whole bus shake. Talk about rocking someone’s world. As a defensive
guard, Kevin was a big guy. Probably stood almost six five and topped the
scale at two-fifty. All of it bone and muscle. For once, Anthony didn’t feel
gigantic. At six foot six inches and three hundred pounds, it wasn’t often
that Anthony didn’t feel like snarling, “Fe fi fo fum.” Frankly, the only time
he felt normal was when he was around his teammates. And then he only
felt normal size-wise.

There wasn’t a lot of space left on the bench seat, what with their two

massive bodies, but Anthony didn’t care. Kevin felt really good mashed
into his side. Moreover he smelled fantastic.

Kevin Henderson had won the hunkalicious lottery. Incredible body,

the blond-haired, blue-eyed looks of a teen heartthrob, and he smelled like
he’d just walked out of a cologne ad. Moreover, with his straight-A
grades, he was no dummy. If any guy on the planet had the whole
package, Kevin Henderson was that man. And Anthony was sitting next to
him. And damn it all to hell if he didn’t feel completely unworthy. Maybe
that was his problem. Who the hell wanted to hook up with someone with
his self-esteem problems?

“Hey, guys, we have a slight problem.”
The echo of the words with his thoughts turned Anthony’s head toward

the back of the bus.

Danny Jones, the equipment manager, clapped his hands and said,

“Guys? Hey, listen up. The heating system is a little wonky, but never fear,
I’ve brought blankets.” Danny started passing them around, but it became
obvious there wasn’t enough for each guy to have one.

“We can share,” Kevin offered, and Danny tossed him a blanket.

“Right?” Kevin asked, hitting Anthony with his big baby blues.

“Uh, sure.” Frankly, Anthony didn’t mind. Sitting under a blanket with

Kevin sounded like a lot more fun than sitting under one alone. Besides, if
Anthony got really cold, he had his puffy winter coat. Or maybe he and
Kevin could make out. Yeah, right, and maybe when they got to Lone Pine
they were going to figure skate rather than toss the old pigskin around.

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Over their laps, Kevin fluffed a fleece in black and green, the team

colors, and then settled his arms under the blanket.

“This won’t be so bad.” Kevin flashed him a smile that practically had

the power to melt his underwear. Yep, Kevin was that fucking hot. If he
hadn’t come out gay on the last away-game bus trip, along with almost
every other guy on first string, Anthony never would have believed he was.
Kevin just seemed like the guy every mother wanted her daughter to come
home with. Hell, most mothers would want to bring him home for

Anthony would have smiled back, but so far the only power his smile

seemed to have was the ability to make guys run the other direction. “It’s
not so much a smile as it looks like you want to eat them,” Coach had said
when Anthony smiled during training drills. “Do that more on the field and
you’ll certainly psych out the competition.”

Anthony hadn’t been flattered by Coach Miller’s assessment. He found

he smiled less and less often.

Slumping down, Kevin rested his knees on the seatback in front of

them, and Anthony followed suit. With their knees higher than their hips,
they made a minitent for their legs.

Once the bus got underway, the guys settled down, and then Anthony

felt a hand fumbling at the front of his jeans. Since his two hands were
holding a gaming device, the hand that fumbled with his pants had to be

“Damn, dude, why didn’t you wear sweats?”
When Anthony casually glanced over, he realized Kevin was sitting in

such a way that no one could tell what he was doing, even if they were
looking right at him.

“I didn’t—I don’t—I.” Anthony shut the hell up and just sat there while

Kevin got the waistband button undone, then slid his zipper down, his
fingers grazing the length of his cock.

“Briefs?” Kevin asked.
“What color?”
Shit. For the life of him, Anthony couldn’t remember.

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“You don’t know? That’s okay.” Kevin chuckled. “I’ll find out later

when I tear them off you.”

Anthony almost creamed. The image of hunkalicious Kevin ripping his

underwear away was going on his top ten masturbation images. Oh, God,
and if he growled while ripping the fabric in two...

“You’ve got the biggest cock I’ve ever seen.”
Anthony looked down, but the blanket was covering his lap.
“In the locker room, Tony. I’ve looked at you plenty in the locker

room.” Kevin frowned. “I got sick and tired of waiting for you to notice.”

“And that’s why you’re doing this?”
“Yep.” Kevin got the flaps of Anthony’s jeans apart and then inched

his briefs down. As he pulled the wide elastic band over the head of
Anthony’s cock, the fabric snapped a bit, whapping the underside of his
dick head.

Anthony clenched his eyes and his teeth.
“Fuck, Tony, I’m sorry—”
“No, it’s okay. I—” like it. But Anthony didn’t have the guts to admit

the truth. If Kevin thought he was some kind of sicko, this was going to
end before it ever even got started.

“You liked that.”
Before Anthony could deny the accusation, Kevin whapped his cock

again. This time, the elastic landed squarely on where his head and shaft
met. The pain translated to pleasure. Anthony’s hips flicked involuntarily,
and he uttered a plaintive moan.

“You like it rough.” Kevin’s tone was singsong and oddly delighted.
Shit. Anthony tried to think of something to say, some way to stop the

inevitable shock and horror from spilling down Kevin’s face. The one and
only time Anthony had gotten this far with another guy, he’d asked him to
flick the head of his dick. The other guy’s reaction had been along the lines
of, “Gross, what are you, some kind of freak?” The jerk acted like
Anthony had just asked him to set his balls on fire. All Anthony had wanted
him to do was flick his cock and balls a little before he sucked him off. But
the asshole had made a big deal about it, and their encounter was over.

Kevin rubbed the spot he’d just flicked. “Did that hurt?”

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“A little.”
Kevin lifted and flicked the elastic band against his head again.
“Ah, fuck.” Anthony tried to hold his game steady, but it was a losing

battle. “Don’t. Someone is going to hear you whapping my underwear

“No, they won’t.” Kevin kept his gaze straight ahead. This time he

lifted up Anthony’s underwear until he had it about four inches above his
cock then whap!

Pain and pleasure blurred in his body and in his mind. Unable to keep

his eyes open, Anthony abandoned his gaming device and slumped down
in his seat, tucking his hands under the blanket like he was going to sleep.

“Good, Tony. That’s perfect. Tell me if it’s too much.”
Rather than being appalled by what Anthony wanted, Kevin seemed to

want to give pain as much as Anthony wanted to receive it. Had he finally
met someone who understood? And it was Kevin Henderson—white-
bread, corn-fed Kevin Henderson. What were the odds? There was a
beautiful kind of symmetry to the notion of them together. Kevin was red,
white, and blue, apple-pie America and so was Anthony. In high school,
every one thought he was a nark. Didn’t help that his family moved all the
time what with his father’s career in the military. Everyone also assumed
he’d go into the military or be a cop. Anthony certainly looked the part. He
could even act the part, but what Anthony really wanted was to be dressed
up in leather and chrome chains. He wanted his lover to flick him,
especially on his cock and balls, and then he wanted his lover to bend him
over whatever was near and fuck him until he screamed.

The idea of Kevin Henderson doing that to him was more than he

could take. Forgetting where he was, Anthony allowed a long, whimpering
growl to escape his chest.

Kevin pinched the tip of his penis.
“Oh, Tony, you are a wonderful find.” Kevin appeared to be genuinely

pleased. “But you simply must exhibit more control. If you want me to
continue teasing your cock, you’ve got to sit quietly in your seat like a
good boy.”

Anthony looked straight ahead.

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

“Put the game away and lean back like you’re going to go to sleep.”
Doing him one better, Anthony draped his coat from his knees to his

neck. Now, Kevin could move the Grizzlies blanket and no one could see.

“Good boy.”
Anthony shivered.
“Twist your nipples, one after the other.”
Following directions, Anthony twisted his right then left nipple. Kevin

knew he’d followed directions because his cock twitched both times.

“A direct line from your nipples to your dick. Good to know.”
As soon as Anthony relaxed, Kevin whapped him with his underwear

elastic again. The pleasure-pain increased with each hit. Anthony was
afraid he was going to climax if Kevin kept going.

“Have you ever had someone take charge of you?” Kevin asked.
“Are you a virgin?”
Anthony swallowed hard.
“Answer me truthfully or everything stops.” Kevin sounded dead


“You’re a complete virgin?”
Very low and quietly, hardly a whisper, Anthony said, “Yes.”
“Mouth, cock, ass—all untouched?”
Anthony couldn’t describe the look that washed over Kevin’s face. He

seemed utterly thrilled that Anthony was basically untouched. Maybe
Kevin had a virgin fetish. Bummer. There would only be one time for
fulfilling that need of his. Still, it wasn’t like Anthony was going to say no.
Having Kevin of all people be his first was the most major score of his life.

“Have you kissed anyone?” Kevin asked.
“Once. He touched my cock but not for long.”
“Because you told him to hurt you,” Kevin guessed.
“I’m going to hurt you, Tony.” For the first time since the clandestine

touching started, Kevin turned his head, his gaze hitting directly into

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Anthony’s eyes. “I’m going to hurt you so very good.”

Kevin’s smile oozed raw menace and the promise of rougher sex than

Anthony had ever dreamed of receiving. A shiver of anticipatory fear rolled
through his body. Kevin held his gaze as he snapped the elastic much,
much lower, right at the base of his cock. The whap shook him down to
the edge of his sac and all the way to the tip of his prick. Anthony held
Kevin’s gaze by sheer force of will.

“Do you know what SSC means?”
“Safe, sane, consensual.” Anthony answered quickly, as Kevin’s

serious face demanded.

“Good boy.” Kevin turned his head until he was looking forward. “Do

you understand red, yellow, and green light?”

“Green means go. Yellow means slow down. Red means stop.”
“You are perfect.” Kevin lightly massaged Anthony’s shaft as they

talked. “Have you ever role-played—of course not. But are you familiar
with the concept?”

“Yeah, I’ve—”
“Simply answer yes or no.” Kevin’s tone was very formal, as if he

were interviewing him for a position. But as what? His fuck toy?

“Yes, I am familiar with the concept of role-play.”
Kevin grinned. “I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice. I shall have to

punish you.”

Anthony said nothing.
“Good. I will call you Boy.”
Anthony nodded. He was bigger than Kevin, but he liked the notion of

the smaller man taking charge, not that Kevin was all that much smaller.
And whatever role he was playing it was almost as if they were from
another time, maybe something medieval or perhaps something from turn-
of-the-century London. Hell, Anthony didn’t know, and he didn’t really
care. Kevin could call him anything he wanted.

“And as I am a Marquis in this scenario, you shall address me as your


Anthony nodded, but he didn’t quite understand.
“No, wait. You shall say ‘yes, my lord and master.’ Oh yes, I like that

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

very much.”

Now he got it. “Yes, my lord and master.”
“Lovely, my boy. That is simply lovely.” Kevin pinched one pubic hair

between his index finger and thumb then proceeded to pull.

Pleasure-pain radiated from the tugged up skin, slipping down around

his sac, then right down to the pucker between his cheeks.

“Tonight you will stay in my room with me.”
Anthony thought the coach already had the rooms assigned, but he

didn’t say anything.

“I know what you’re thinking, but you see, after the noise interfered

with my sleep last time, I told Coach I’m getting my own room.” Kevin let
the pubic hair go, and Anthony sighed. “I told Coach that it was me who
snored and woke up the other guys. He said if I can pay, I can have my
own room. I’m fairly certain that I can get you in there.”

Anthony nodded.
“What was that?” Kevin turned and assessed him with those wicked

eyes of his.

“Yes, my lord and master.”
“Very, very good.” Kevin stroked his fist along Anthony’s shaft until he

was ready to blow, and then stopped. “Take a long, deep breath, my

Anthony did and his breath wavered, showing his level of distress.

He’d often delayed his gratification to make his orgasm more powerful, but
having Kevin do it was maddening.

“How long is the ride to Lone Pine?” Kevin asked.
“Four hours or so.”
“Ah, you poor thing. Four hours of torment and then, well, another

hour or so while we get our rooms, and then get something to eat.” Kevin
turned his head and looked right into Anthony’s eyes. “You’re not going to
climax for at least five or six hours.”

Anthony slowly closed his eyes. He took a long, calming breath. Just

when he thought he could survive, Kevin cupped his balls then forcefully
shoved his middle finger down between Anthony’s legs. Slowly but surely,
Kevin rubbed that sweet spot between his asshole and his balls while

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keeping up a stream of dirty talk.

“How much longer, my boy?”
Anthony’s gaze darted to the huge digital clock in the front of the bus.

“Thirty minutes down and three hundred and thirty minutes to go.”

As Kevin proceeded to keep him tottering at the edge of release,

Anthony thought back to his concern that he would never hook up. Finally
he had, and with the hottest guy on the team, but he was going to pay
dearly for the privilege. A slow smile spread across Anthony’s face. This
torment was exactly what he’d always longed for.

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

Chapter 2

Kevin’s wrist was getting sore, but he wasn’t about to let up on his

erotic torture of the utterly delectable Anthony Reed. Who knew that the
big guy was actually terminally shy? Everyone on the football team had
assumed Anthony was stuck up or straight, but Kevin had sensed
something else in the huge and hung linebacker. Kevin suspected that
something lurked just below the straight-edged surface of Anthony.

And Kevin was right.
As arrogant as it seemed, Kevin loved being correct. Reading people

was a part of his business. And to think, he’d almost let Anthony get past
him. Almost.

There was so much more to Anthony than what could be perceived

from his exterior. To find out he had slight masochistic tendencies was
practically a dream come true. Kevin wouldn’t call himself a full-blown
sadist, but he loved to be in control. Moreover, Kevin thoroughly enjoyed
the act of tormenting someone sensually. Delivering mild pain also didn’t
bother him.

Anthony was perfect for his cravings.
Each time Anthony got close to climax, he blushed. With his military-

short hair, watching the crimson climb from his neck to his cheekbones was
exceptionally easy, not to mention visually arousing. With his body slumped
down in the seat, and Anthony sitting closest to the window, not even the
men across the aisle could see Anthony’s tormented features. The display
of pleasure denied over and over was Kevin’s alone to witness and enjoy.

In his erotic torture, Anthony Reed was sublimely beautiful. Not a soul

had ever come close to intriguing all of Kevin’s senses, not the way
Anthony did. Calling him “my boy,” calling him “Tony,” having Anthony
address him as “my lord and master”—Kevin did all this in a pathetic bid

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to distance himself even though he knew he was lost before they ever got

Something beyond the normal, something occult even, drew Kevin to

Anthony. Oh, Kevin could say it was sex, that it was only a way to answer
their mutual needs, but that would be another lie. And Kevin was sick of
the lies. Honesty was something so rare in Kevin’s life he forgot what a
thrill he got when he told the truth. It used to be that he got off on lying, or
at least getting away with a lie, but now, after so many years, Kevin found
only the truth and nothing but the truth was emotionally satisfying.

What Anthony didn’t seem to realize, as most subs didn’t, was that for

all the time he delayed Anthony’s release, he delayed his own. Kevin’s
vow to keep Tony tormented for six hours came back to haunt him
because touching his prodigious cock was keeping Kevin in a state of high
lust denied, too. And it was only going to get worse before it got better.

“Are your balls starting to ache, my boy?”
Kevin slipped his hand lower and cradled his sac. Tight and tormented,

Kevin detected an easing of his pain when he held the twin bundles of heat
in his palm. Relief washed down Anthony’s face and a low, slow sigh
tumbled from his lips. Ah, but Anthony had beautiful lips. Kevin allowed
him this brief reprieve. Mainly so that he could watch his features darken
with anguish when he started up again. But for now, he would coddle him.
For a virgin and a submissive’s first time in such a situation, Anthony was
handling himself exceptionally well. So well, in fact, it was like he was born
to be punished.

Keeping his gaze on Anthony’s face, Kevin slipped his middle finger

down until he hit the sweet spot between Anthony’s balls and ass. Rubbing
lightly, Kevin watched as Anthony’s lips trembled, his eyes clenched
closed, and he hung his head.

“You are so beautiful in your torment, my boy. Simply stunning.”
“You know you only make things worse for yourself when you beg me

for release.”

Anthony nodded and ceased to speak.

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Agony turned his features dark and then he opened his eyes and

looked over. Big, beautiful, utterly hungry brown eyes assessed Kevin.
Never had he ever seen eyes as desperately needy as his chosen’s.

The word stopped Kevin short. Turning his attention to the front of the

bus, he ensured no one was watching them, and they weren’t. Their
teammates had their own issues to tend to. Kevin grinned. He and Anthony
weren’t the only two hooking up on this bus ride. But his smile faded and
he frowned as he realized what he’d thought would be fun and games had
turned suddenly quite serious.

Why in the world would he think that word in association with Anthony

Reed? Yes, Kevin had had his eye on him for a while, but it was only
because of his sweet face and prodigious prick. Frankly, the man had the
biggest balls he’d ever seen, both literally and figuratively. Watching his sac
swing as he moved naked through the locker room, oblivious to the fact
that many eyes followed him, was a dick-stiffening sight. Moreover, no one
matched Anthony on the gridiron for sheer physicality. Anthony shed lead
blockers so efficiently it was like he was coated in oil. Once he set his
sights on tackling the running back, the man went down. Every. Single.
Time. It was poetry in motion. For such a big man, Anthony moved with
the quick efficiency of a man half his size. It was uncanny and a little

That’s what had first drawn his attention to Anthony, that intimidating

presence of his, because frankly, no one had ever intimidated Kevin. Given
what he did to put himself through college, it really wasn’t any wonder. So
what made Anthony different? That had been his goal this weekend. To
capture Anthony’s attention, engage him sexually, and hopefully rid himself
of whatever this curious fascination was.

One thing Kevin knew for sure, in fact the only thing he knew for sure,

was that no one would ever want to be with him. Not long term. Not when
they found out why he always had gobs of money. Before Anthony could
discover the truth, Kevin would be gone from his life. Fast, furious, fleeting.
Those were the code words of his sexual life. Kevin never lingered. That’s

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why the idea that Anthony could be chosen seemed so downright alien.

This time Kevin allowed Anthony a long enough reprieve that his cock

returned to a flaccid state. Even with his hand cupped lightly around his
balls and his finger pressing but not moving, Anthony was given time to gain
a tremulous state of relaxation before Kevin began again.

Starting his torment by smoothing his finger across the sweet spot, he

literally felt Anthony’s balls tighten and his cock rise up.

“Such a marvelous instrument is a man’s prick. To go from small and

soft to huge and hard within mere moments with mere movements. Why,
it’s utterly fascinating.”

Anthony’s frustration showed when he pouted his lovely lips as the

crimson blush rose up his face again. Kevin had lost count of how many
times he’d done this to the man, but this would be the last for a while. At
least until after they’d eaten and settled into their room. Once there he
would give Anthony the release he’d earned.

“I promise you, my boy, I will make all this worth your while.”
Kevin found a single pubic hair and tugged upon it hard enough to

make Anthony’s entire body go taut. “You dare to question me?”

Several heads turned their direction. Kevin waited until they looked

away then pinched the tender flesh at the base of Anthony’s prick.

“You will pay for that.” Kevin was a stern master, and Anthony had to

learn to follow his lead.

“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want apologies. I want obedience. Do you understand the


“Yes, my lord and master.”
Mollified somewhat by his show of submission, Kevin released his hold

on Anthony. As Kevin pulled his hand away, Anthony whimpered ever so
slightly. Was it the fear that Kevin would abandon him altogether?

“Slip your hand to mine.”
Anthony did as instructed. Mastering his movements, Kevin slid

Anthony’s left hand over the now fully tormented flesh in his own jeans.

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“Do you feel that?”
“Do you think that I have not suffered right along with you?”
“I–I’m—what would you have me do?”
Layered, their joined hands smoothed over his jean-clad cock. Kevin

was pleased to note that the rush of crimson continued up to Anthony’s
ears. How deliciously sweet! Kevin didn’t even have to touch him directly
to arouse him.

“I would have your virginal mouth around my prick.”
A tremble raced through Anthony’s body, shaking his hand atop

Kevin’s cock.

“But there are simply too many people around us. And it is far too

bright for a clandestine blow job.” Kevin almost had him lower his lovely
lips anyway. It wasn’t as if this group would erupt in violence. They would
watch. Just as they had when Derek and Brandon had played gay chicken
with one another. As an exhibitionist, Kevin wouldn’t mind putting on a
show for his fellow Grizzlies, but he wasn’t certain Anthony was ready for
that type of attention. Poor boy. It wasn’t fair to subject an innocent to a
public display he may later regret. If nothing else, Kevin was a wise and
benevolent master, even if he didn’t always come across as such. Playing
the part of an evil bastard didn’t actually make him one.

“I could put my head under the blanket,” Anthony offered.
Kevin considered him. “You want to suck my cock, don’t you?”
“Look at me.”
Anthony gave him a sideways glance.
“Look directly at me.”
Anthony slowly turned his head and faced him, but he kept his head

lowered so that his big, brown eyes were looking up despite the fact that
Anthony was taller. When the impact of Anthony’s gaze hit Kevin, really hit
him, he felt a shudder run from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. In
Anthony’s velvet-brown eyes Kevin saw a vulnerable pride, a tear-filmed
defenselessness, and very deep below, Kevin saw a kinship with his own
damaged soul. Kevin tried to look away, to shake off the connection, but

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he couldn’t.

Anthony was his opposite in everyway.
They had almost nothing in common.
But Anthony was also his chosen.
His only.
The one.
And the sooner Kevin accepted that truth, the easier this would be.

Dropping all the games, the pretence, the roles that had always kept him
distant, Kevin leaned over and kissed Anthony.

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Chapter 3

Anthony was falling.
Only that one guy had ever kissed him, and it was nothing like this. To

have Kevin kiss him in the middle of a busload of teammates without
seeming to care about who might be watching, or what they might be
thinking, sent Anthony’s senses soaring. Right as he neared the crest of the
most pleasurable sweep of feelings he’d ever known, that’s when he
started falling.

In love.
Anthony pulled back from Kevin and hung his head, terrified by what

had just happened. He’d wanted to hook up, to have some fun, and
possibly some rough, kinky sex, but instead he was tripping his way
through an emotional minefield. Anthony had always heard it was women
who confused sex with love, not men. Worse, he couldn’t even use that as
a defense when they hadn’t truly engaged in sex at all. At the most, all
they’d done was extremely heavy petting.

And one mind-blowing, sock-knocking-off kiss.
As a stern Dom, Kevin was perfect. He had a way of talking that

seemed to transport Anthony back to another era of waistcoats and riding
crops, masters and servants. But all that was play. None of this was
supposed to be taken seriously. Without asking, Anthony knew this was
simply a game. To remind himself that Kevin was only toying with him,
Anthony deliberately pictured Kevin with his true boyfriend—Tyler
Morgan. Imagining their blond heads together, their perfect forms writhing
against one another, reminded Anthony of exactly where he stood.
Anthony was on the outside looking in. At best, Anthony was window
shopping and Kevin, amazing and agile Kevin, was simply something
beyond the glass that Anthony could never afford.

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“You don’t enjoy kissing?”
Anthony couldn’t meet Kevin’s gaze, but he almost felt him assessing

him. Those intense blue eyes of his probed for weakness. If Anthony
wasn’t careful, Kevin would find out exactly how he felt, and then all this
would be over. The only way to keep this intriguing situation going was to
bury his feelings down so deep no one, not even he himself, could ever
expose them to the light.

“I don’t like to kiss, but I will if that’s what you want.” It was an utter

lie. Kissing Kevin had been like kissing the dark side of the moon—all alien
and mysterious. But what he couldn’t admit was how vulnerable he’d felt
as their lips touched. In that split second of contact, Anthony swore he
would do anything for Kevin. As crazy as the thought seemed, Anthony
would lay down his life for Kevin. He wouldn’t even have to think twice.
And that was nothing short of utter insanity. One kiss, one all-too-brief
kiss, and he’d die for the man? Only a crazy person fell so quickly into an
emotional entanglement.

“I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. That’s why we

talked about green, yellow, and red light.”

Anthony nodded. “I guess I forgot.”
Kevin seemed on the verge of saying something else, but he changed

his mind. “Arrange yourself. We’re almost to the motel.”

Anthony pulled up his underwear and his pants as discreetly as he

could. He was stunned to find that he was still rock hard. His balls
throbbed, and the length of his prick felt almost raw with need. All he could
think about was wondering if Kevin would keep his word and release him
once they were alone in his motel room.

Lifting his gaze, Anthony glanced around at his teammates, but no one

was paying him any undue attention. If anyone saw Kevin kiss him, they
either didn’t care, or maybe the sight was so shocking they didn’t believe
their eyes. Or they thought poor Kevin had lost a bet. Anthony’s heart
sank. Maybe that’s all this was. Kevin had gambled and lost and hooking
up with Anthony was his punishment. It was the only thing that seemed to
make any sense. Chances were that once it came down to the nitty-gritty
of room assignments, Kevin was going to bail on his promise and tell

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whoever put him up to this that he’d jacked him off on the bus. It wasn’t
like the guy was going to come over and check Anthony’s underwear.

When they pulled up, Kevin let most of the others go first, which

forced Anthony to stay in his seat. He didn’t even look up at his
teammates. What if they all knew about the bet Kevin had lost? Anthony
dreaded looking into their eyes and seeing sympathy for Kevin there.

Once most of the guys had gotten off, Kevin rose, retrieved his duffle

from under the seat, then grabbed Anthony’s, too. Stepping back into the
aisle, Kevin lifted his hand, allowing Anthony to go in front of him.

When Anthony stood, his knees protested and his rock-hard cock

shifted. By shaking his legs, he regained some circulation and rearranged
his junk, but nothing short of an epic climax was going to relieve the

As he took a step forward, he felt Kevin’s hand at the back of his

jeans. Kevin hooked his finger through one of the belt loops. It was a
decidedly possessive gesture that at first pleased Anthony, but then that
feeling faded when he realized Kevin had waited until none of the other
guys could see.

“We’re going to put our stuff in my room, and then we’ll get something

to eat.”

Anthony nodded. Usually he was always hungry, but right now his

stomach felt twisted in knots. The uneasy feeling only increased when
Kevin dropped his hold on him. For all Anthony could see, Kevin did so
just as they joined the other guys waiting for their room assignments.

Once Kevin had his key, he flashed a mischievous grin at Anthony and

then led the way to room number twelve. It was on the lower floor, right
near the indoor pool. With a push and a flick of his wrist, Kevin had the
door open.

“After you.”
Anthony entered. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, so he

moved to the center of the room and stood very still with his head down.
He heard the door close and a click as Kevin locked it behind him.
Anthony swallowed hard. Then he heard the gentle squeaking of the bed
when Kevin tossed their gear on top of the mattress. It was then that

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Anthony noticed there was only one bed. It was a king-size bed, but still,
the area seemed ridiculously small for two huge men.

“Won’t Coach be suspicious?”
“Of what?” Kevin asked.
“That there’s only one bed.”
“You mean his no-sex-while-we’re-on-the-road rule?” Kevin laughed.

“That rule didn’t last fifteen minutes. And since I’m paying for the room,
it’s none of his concern what I do in my bed.” Kevin placed his mouth right
against Anthony’s ear and whispered, “Or who I do it to.”

Who I do it to. The phrase echoed in Anthony’s mind. Just what

exactly was Kevin going to do to him? He felt trapped and terrified. But
then he realized he could make everything stop. All he had to do was say
red light. Bound as he was by their agreement, Kevin would have to stop
everything. It would all be over.

Anthony opened his mouth. It was on the tip of his tongue, but the

words hung there, unspoken. Everything would stop. And Anthony
wasn’t quite ready for that finality. As crazy at it seemed, even if all this
was at the behest of some bet or dare, Anthony wanted to finish what he’d
started. Desperately, Anthony wanted Kevin to rid him of his hated
virginity. If the price for losing his cherry was to suffer the pangs of
unrequited love, then so be it. Anthony had lived with worse. Surely, he
could live with knowing Kevin would never really be his. Not for all time.
But Kevin could be his for tonight.

“You’re shaking.” Kevin came around and stood in front of Anthony.

He trailed his hand from the waistband of his jeans up until he cupped his
chin. “Are you afraid?”

“A little.” Anthony saw no reason to lie about that.
“You can stop this at any time.”
“I know.”
“Look at me, Anthony.”
It was the first time Kevin had used his whole name, and it snapped

Anthony’s head up. “I like it when you call me Tony.”

A queer look crossed Kevin’s face, but it was so fleeting it was like the

shadow from a high-flying bird that quickly passed over his features.

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“Tony it is.”
“And my boy.”
Kevin grinned. “Do you like the name I gave myself?”
“My lord and master.” Anthony shivered when he spoke because now

Kevin’s hand was trailing back down. “I love—am pleased to call you by
that title.”

“Good. Very, very good.” Kevin’s hand cupped his bulge, and

Anthony wavered on his feet. “Take down your pants, Anthony.”

“What?” Anthony glanced around the room as if Kevin were only

taunting him for the enjoyment of others. “I thought we were going to eat?”

“We are. But I’ve got a little surprise for you first.”
Release? Anthony wondered, but he doubted that was what was

coming. No, Kevin enjoyed keeping him tormented. Reminding himself that
he could stop this at any time, Anthony lowered his trousers and his briefs.

“White. How very appropriate.”
It took a moment for Anthony to remember the issue about the color of

his underwear.

“On your knees and facedown on the bed.”
Anthony followed directions. He couldn’t see, but he heard Kevin

unzipping a duffle bag and fishing around inside. Humming while he perused
whatever was in there, Kevin’s tune turned to a chuckle when he found
what he was looking for.

“Spread your legs a bit, my boy.”
It was awkward to do so with his pants down around his thighs, so

Anthony pushed them down to his ankles. That way, he was able to spread
his knees.

“Lovely.” Kevin knelt behind him.
Breathlessly, Anthony waited.
“I’m going to insert a very small butt plug into your very tender bottom,


Anthony had seen such items on the Internet. As curious as he’d been,

he’d never taken the plunge and ordered one. But he’d always wanted to
try. Knowing now what Kevin intended to do, he lifted his bottom up and
angled his hips back.

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“You are such a good boy.” Kevin fiddled behind him and then the first

brush of cool rubber against his crevice caused him to clench up. “Ah,
relax my pet. I promise, this won’t hurt. It’s very small and very slick.
When you are ready, we will move on to the other...items. But for tonight,
we will ease you in.”

Slowly, Kevin inserted the device. Anthony tried to keep his breathing

steady, but he couldn’t. God, it felt good. So incredibly good that Anthony
wanted to start rocking his hips in order to feel the plug slide in and out.

“I can feel what you’d like to do, but this is made to go in and stay.

You don’t move it in and out. Do you feel how the head is very large
compared to the base? This will help it stay inside while we eat.”

“I’m going out with this inside me?” Anthony almost automatically said

red light.

“I promise it won’t come out. This type of plug is designed to be worn

all day.”

“All day?”
Kevin chuckled. “Never fear, my boy. I’m not going to make you wear

it tomorrow during the game. It’s just for tonight to remind you of who
owns you while we’re out.”

As if Anthony could ever forget.
“There. Now, the base is wide enough that it won’t slip inside you but

also thin enough that it will not show. Stand and pull your pants up.”

Anthony did. Each movement he made caused the plug to shift inside.

It seemed secure, but it also stimulated all the nerves in his ass. Oh, God.
His erection returned with vigor as the plug made him feel a curious

“Ah, you are so lovely in your torment.” Kevin leaned in as if to kiss

him, but stopped at the last moment. Holding his lips almost tauntingly
close, he whispered, “While you wear that I want you to think of me
slipping that out and replacing that tiny little toy with my cock.” Kevin took
Anthony’s hand and placed it on his prick. “Do you feel how much bigger I

“Yes.” Anthony clenched up on the toy and was rewarded with a rush

of pleasure. Kevin was easily four or five times the size of the toy.

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Moreover, Kevin was real flesh that would be hot, and he would move.
Good, lord. If he couldn’t handle a kiss, how in the world would he handle

“This will ready you for me. That is, if you want me inside you?”
Anthony stood there, his hand on Kevin’s cock, the wonderful toy

filling his ass, and Kevin’s beautiful mouth a breath away from his. He felt
again at crossroads. It seemed that Kevin was purposely letting him have
all the time in the world to change his mind. Was it kindness on Kevin’s
part? Or did Kevin want Anthony to renege on the tentative deal they had

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Chapter 4

Kevin wanted to kiss Anthony so badly he shook with need denied.

But he didn’t dare close the distance between them. Anthony said he didn’t
like to kiss, which was probably a good thing considering Kevin had just
about lost his mind when he’d kissed Anthony on the bus.

Not once had Kevin ever kissed one of his subs. The need had never

possessed him. But with Anthony, all bets were off. This wasn’t a normal
session because here his emotions were most fully engaged. Usually, Kevin
felt separated from himself when he worked. In that time he was only the
rough Dom who cared about his sub but lacked any emotional attachment.
Perhaps that was the difference right there. This, with Anthony, wasn’t
work. No one was watching him. No one was paying him. Everything he
did, Kevin did because he wanted to. But one thing he refused to do was
push Anthony to a place he wasn’t comfortable going.

Waiting for Anthony to answer the question of whether he wanted

Kevin’s cock to replace the plug inside him seemed the longest delay he’d
ever suffered, when in reality it was only seconds before Anthony lowered
his head, but lifted those big, brown eyes, and said, “I want you inside me.”

Raw pleasure surged through Kevin’s body. Unique and powerful, the

sensation galvanized him. “Are you ready to go and eat?”

“Do I have to call you by your title while we’re out?”
“No, of course not.” Kevin excused himself to wash his hands. When

he returned, he said, “I don’t want those guys knowing what you and I are
up to.”

A curious disappointment flashed in Anthony’s eyes, like he was hurt

that Kevin wanted to keep their affair a secret. It wasn’t that he was
ashamed of what they were doing, just that he didn’t think their teammates,
as close as they might be, needed to know all the details.

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“Do you want them to know—” Kevin began.
“No!” Just like on the bus, Anthony blurted out his answer then

clenched his eyes and mouth shut.

“It’s okay, Tony. Really. You’re new to this.”
Up came Anthony’s head as his eyes opened. “You’re not new to


It wasn’t a question, really, but Kevin just laughed and shook his head.

“Come on, let’s go.” He covered his apprehension easily, almost
effortlessly, as this wasn’t the first time he’d felt ashamed of what he did. If
Anthony found out, this intriguing interlude would be over long before it
fully got started.

Bundled into their coats, they hooked up with a group of other guys

that were forgoing the usual diner for the pizzeria that was down about half
a mile on Main Street. There was the usual banter as they walked, and
some pushing and shoving, but all in all the guys were well behaved. They
were representing their school, and since most were on scholarship, they
wanted to be circumspect.

The pizza place was warm and filled with the aroma of aged meats,

gooey cheeses, and puffy bread. They commandeered the huge corner
booth and settled around the horseshoe-shaped table. Those who were of
age had a few beers, which was technically against Coach’s rules, but no
one got drunk, not with a big game coming up in the morning.

Kevin always refrained from alcohol while he was playing master and

servant, just to ensure he was in a sober state of mind, and so did Anthony.
After Kevin gave him a sharp look and a glare, anyway. Anthony put his
beer mug down and didn’t pick it up again. People did things under the
influence that they might not do sober, which was why alcohol and drugs
were expressly forbidden in Kevin’s dungeon. Technically they weren’t
within those walls, but the rules still applied. And Anthony, bless him,
seemed to understand. He didn’t even look upset when Kevin nixed the
idea of a drink.

While they sat across from one another, Kevin found himself observing

Anthony, but not dispassionately. Watching others was a common habit of
his, and Kevin usually did so without an emotional engagement. But not

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with Anthony. That connection refused to die. So, rather than fight what
seemed inevitable, Kevin allowed the feelings to possess him.

Anthony didn’t talk much, but what he said was almost amazingly

profound. He wasn’t shy so much as he was more of a deep thinker. And
right after he spoke he hung his head and looked away. It took a long time
for Kevin to realize that Anthony expected those around him to mock what
he’d said or laugh at him. It was an almost tragic discovery. Who had
instilled such a lack of confidence in such an intelligent and witty man?

When their eyes met, Anthony dropped his gaze, but a pointed cough

brought his attention back. Big, sad, and terribly beautiful brown eyes just
about pulled Kevin’s soul right out of his body. The connection he felt with
Anthony was so strong he practically vibrated.

Mouthing the word “done” to Anthony got him a quick nod. Anthony

hadn’t eaten much, and that troubled Kevin. Normally, Anthony ate like a
horse. Kevin rose, tossed a twenty on the table, then left with Anthony by
his side.

Main Street was just about deserted. Only the guys from Twin Pines

seemed to be out and about in the little town of Lone Pine tonight. For a
Friday night, it was kind of sad. Or perhaps the residents of the town had
other activities to fill their nights. They would know that the men of Twin
Pines College were here, and maybe they avoided the center of town to
avoid causing any trouble. The lonely night prompted Kevin to reach out
and clasp Anthony’s hand.

Anthony’s hand was cold, but it soon warmed up because Kevin’s

was hot. Hell, his whole body felt on fire. Anticipation caused a light feeling
that made his steps practically bounce on the busted-up, concrete
sidewalk. When he looked over, Anthony’s eyes were wide, almost

“Has no one ever held your hand?”
“No.” Anthony looked down at their joined hands. “Why are you?”
Surprised by the question, Kevin blurted, “Because I want to.”
They walked half a block in silence. The air in Lone Pine wasn’t as

sweetly scented at that in Twin Pines, but it was still clean, fresh, and held
that sharp, cold note that reminded one and all that harsh winter was

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“Do you not want to hold hands?”
“I do.” Anthony hesitated then glanced around. “But I also don’t want

to get into a fight.”

“With me?”
“No, with someone who maybe doesn’t like to see two guys holding


Kevin moved closer and their joined hands became lost between the

puffy layers of their open coats. “There. Now no one can see.”

Anthony let go and moved about a foot away.
“What in the world is with you?”
“Why this, why now, why me?”
And then it all hit Kevin in one big, horrible wave. Through the eyes of

an insecure man, everything he’d done could be viewed in a terrible light.
Sitting next to him on the bus and hiding their activity under a blanket.
Inserting a very small and very secret toy. Sitting across from him at the
pizzeria and not beside him. Holding his hand but only when no one could
see. Just about everything Kevin had done indicated he wanted a secret
relationship with Anthony. All of it could be twisted around in Anthony’s
mind to confirm his assessment that no one would ever really want to be
with him.

“I kissed you right out in the open on the bus. You were the one who

pulled away.”

A frown drew Anthony’s eyebrows together.
Moving sideways, Kevin grabbed Anthony’s hand. He was expecting

him to yank away, but he didn’t. They walked another half a block in

“I picked you because I’m attracted to you. I can’t explain it any more

than that. You interest me. I think you’re cute, and funny, and smart. When
I found out you’re a closet submissive who enjoys a little pain play, I about
creamed my jeans.”

Anthony laughed then sobered. “But...”
“You and Tyler.”

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“Oh, man, not this again.” Kevin sighed loud and long. He geared up to

give the same speech he’d given about one hundred times before. “Tyler is
my friend. Pretty much my best friend. But he’s not my boyfriend. We’re
not into each other in that way.”

“Yeah, oh.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kevin shook his head. “No, I am. I don’t mean to get all pissy at you

over something other people have done.” He squeezed Anthony’s hand.
“Tell me something.”

“If I can.”
“Who the hell put the idea in your head that you’re worthless?” When

Anthony tried to pull his hand away, Kevin held fast. “No way. You and I
are going to hash this out.”

“Because something deep-seated like this could blow up in our faces

while we’re playing master and servant.”

Understanding flashed across Anthony’s expressive face. “My dad.”
“Why does that not surprise me?” Kevin pulled Anthony a little closer

so that their sides were almost touching. “Did he hit you?”

“No. He just always had to be better than me. Like, one time, we were

in the grocery store, and this woman was staring at me. I later mentioned to
someone else that she seemed to be kinda hitting on me, and my fucking
dad laughed. He said she wasn’t looking at me, she was looking at him.
Everything was always about him.”

“Sounds like a real prince.”
“No matter what I did it wasn’t good enough. Like, grades. I got

straight As all the time, and he just said that’s what he expected from me
so why should we celebrate that?”

Kevin shook his head.
“And sports. Fuck. No matter how good I was, no matter how—”

Anthony cut himself off. “It doesn’t matter now. He’s dead. Cancer. And
I’ll bet he just loved being the center of attention. He didn’t even want me
to come home because that would take attention away from him.”

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Kevin almost offered out the standard condolence but stopped himself

at the last second. He wasn’t sorry. Anthony’s dad sounded like a total
narcissistic asshole.

“I don’t want to think about him anymore.”
“Good. Then we won’t. But don’t let him have anymore space in your

head. And believe me, I know that’s easier said than done.” Kevin had his
own daddy issues.

“Yeah.” Anthony squeezed Kevin’s hand, and that one gesture spoke


“Do you want to stop all this?”
“You mean you could magically make the plug in my ass disappear?”
Kevin snickered. “I forgot all about that.”
“No, I don’t want to stop this. I like playing master and servant with

you. I like being with you. And I’ll do my best not to let my insecurities get
in the way.”

“Good.” It was a perfect moment for Kevin to tell Anthony about how

he made his living, but he couldn’t bring himself to confess that. Not just
yet. “How does that plug feel, my boy?”

“Wicked good, my lord and master.” Anthony grinned. “Each step

rocks it a bit, reminding me it’s there, reminding me of what’s to come.”

“Do you really hate to kiss?”
“No. I was just afraid. Kissing you was...intense.”
“I felt the same thing.”
The rest of the walk back to the room was silent, but faster, almost as

if the two of them couldn’t wait to be alone. Kevin knew that’s what he
was feeling, and his gut told him Anthony felt that way, too. Once inside,
they toed off their shoes, tossed off their coats, then stood looking at one

Knowing that it was up to him to start them off on this adventure,

Kevin considered Anthony for a long moment. The shift that usually came
over him, the odd shiver of taking control, happened as it always did, but
there was a deeper layer of intensity this time. Before, such encounters
were always about money and need. This, with Anthony, was only about
need. And it had little to do with easing his sexual cravings. This, with

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Anthony, was more about easing the longings in his heart.

“Undress for me.”
Since Anthony didn’t wear much, it didn’t take long for him to be bare.

And he’d clearly never undressed under someone’s watchful gaze because
he made no pretence about doing it slowly, or suggestively. Anthony simply
undressed. And it was hotter than any show Kevin had ever seen.

“I tell you that white underwear is so fitting.”
Anthony blushed.
“But it won’t be after tonight.”
His powerful body was even more intriguing than Kevin remembered

from the locker room. Perhaps because this time there was nothing
stopping him from looking or touching. Semihard, Anthony’s cock listed to
the side and was a delectable shade of pink.

“Not only does your face blush when you’re aroused, but your cock

does, too.”

Anthony nodded, and the crimson rose up his cheeks and his cock in a

beautiful simultaneous wave.

“On your knees.”
With the grace of the athlete he was, Anthony lowered himself to his

knees and looked up at Kevin.

“My sweet boy with the hungry, hungry eyes.” Kevin leaned over and

kissed him ever so softly on his pouting lips. “I know exactly what you’re
so hungry for.” Standing, Kevin looked from Anthony’s mouth to the fly of
his jeans. “Don’t you want to suck your lord and master’s cock?”

“Yes.” Anthony’s hand trembled as he reached up.
“By the time I’m done with you, there won’t be a single part of your

virginity left.”

Relief and longing mingled in Anthony’s gaze.
“But I won’t claim you tonight.”
Disappointment darkened Anthony’s features.
“I want you hungry for the game tomorrow. I want you riled up and

angry and ready to tear them apart.”

Concern lifted Anthony’s lids as he tugged down Kevin’s zipper.
“Oh, Tony, how your hungry eyes have grown.”

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Anthony continued to work his way into Kevin’s trousers, but his

apprehension grew ever more apparent.

“You think I am going to have you pleasure me but I will leave

unfulfilled, yes?”

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Chapter 5

That was exactly what Anthony thought. Not that he would argue with

his lord and master, but the idea of releasing Kevin while his balls throbbed
all night was not appealing in the least. Right now, the plug up his ass was
adding to his erotic torture and causing his whole body to become overly
sensitive. Even the nubby weave of the carpet digging into his knees
pushed his arousal higher.

“Shall I be utterly cruel?” Kevin considered. “I could have you service

me with your oh-so-perfect mouth but then make you sleep without

Kevin leaned back, helping Anthony get his pants and underwear

down. Once he did, Kevin’s dick sprang free. Oh, God. His cock was
perfect. Anthony hadn’t dared to look at him in the locker room, so this
was the first time he’d seen his prick. Long, thick, and nestled in a tuft of
silky, dark-blond hair, it was the most luscious cock Anthony had ever
seen. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting him.

“Ah, look at your hungry eyes now.” Kevin let his trousers and

underwear slide down to his ankles then kicked them aside. He stepped
close so that Anthony was staring directly at his prick. “Now you have the
eyes of a starving orphan. Obviously you love the idea of sucking my cock
but dread the thought of trying to sleep with your balls throbbing.”

Anthony was almost in tears at the thought. He’d suffered through a

four-hour bus ride, another hour at the pizzeria, and then the walk back
with the plug teasing him. He was so primed he was surprised he didn’t
blow his load as they returned to their room. After all of that, Anthony
thought that once they were alone, Kevin would release him.

“On the other hand.”
Hope filled Anthony’s desperate body.

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“Keeping you keyed up would not give you the best night’s sleep.”

Kevin drew a deep breath as he considered. “If I let you climax now, I
imagine you would sleep like a baby.”

Anthony held so still he held his breath.
“Would you like that, my boy?”
“Yes, my lord and master. I would do anything.”
“Ah, you are ever the willing wanton. Such an eager boy. Show me

what you can do with your mouth. Suck on my finger and show me.”
Kevin extended his finger even though his prick was right there. Anthony
teased his tongue around the tip while looking right into Kevin’s eyes.

“That’s it. I want you to beg silently for my cock with your hungry eyes

and mouth.”

Anthony gave his finger the blow job of the century. He even simulated

choking noises since he’d read that men liked that. Frankly, he didn’t
know. He’d never sucked a cock or had his sucked, so he was winging the
entire thing. Anthony decided he was doing a good job when Kevin’s cock
twitched and pre-cum pearled at the tip.

“You are most talented with your virgin mouth.” Kevin withdrew his

finger then traced the wet tip over Anthony’s lips. “If you are a very good
boy, who sucks my cock until I’m dry and cleans up every drop, why then,
I might”—Kevin paused dramatically, his finger placed perfectly in the
center of Anthony’s puckered lips—“I might release you.”

Anthony hadn’t been asked a question, so he couldn’t answer, but in

his eyes he begged for the possibility of might. He would take the
possibility of might rather than the definitive answer of no. Even if Kevin
teased him for another hour, a might was so much closer to yes than a no
could ever be. Right now, Anthony swore he would do anything to get
closer to yes.

“Do you want to do that for me, my boy?”
“Yes, my lord and master, I want to do that for you.”
“What, exactly, do you want to do for me? You must be very clear

when you are making promises. I will hold you to your word.”

“I want to suck your cock until you are dry, my lord and master. I

want to clean up every drop.”

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“You want me to violate that sweet, virgin mouth of yours?”
Kevin parted Anthony’s lips with his finger and then slowly lowered his

cock until the tip was a bare breath from his mouth. As much as Anthony
wanted to close the distance, he didn’t. Kevin was in charge. If he wanted
to drag this out for another hour, Anthony had to let him, even though the
delay would probably make him certifiable.

Slowly, Kevin lowered his prick to Anthony’s waiting lips then eased

the knob inside the hot hollow of his mouth. A burst of sweetness surprised

“You thought I would taste salty.”
Unable to nod, Anthony blinked.
“Pre-cum is sweet.” Kevin’s smile turned positively masterful. “But the

salty will come.”

Anthony couldn’t help himself. He cracked a smile at Kevin’s pun,

which tightened his lips over his shaft.

“Ooh, you are sweet, my boy. So very charming with that smile despite

a mouthful of your lord and master’s cock.” Kevin moved incrementally
closer, which eased more of his length within. “Another piece of your
virginity claimed.”

Relief and pleasure caused Anthony to blush madly. He’d waited so

long for this moment, and found that Kevin was truly worth his long and
lonely vigil.

“Now, my boy. You will do to my cock exactly what you did to my


Determination to please his master was all Anthony knew. He wanted

to taste the salty bliss of Kevin’s release. He wanted to hear him utter
inadvertent noises of pleasure. Anthony wanted to please him so
completely he never would turn his gaze upon another. In this way,
Anthony swore he would lay claim to Kevin. Despite the fact he was on his
knees, his position terribly submissive, he would rule Kevin for the time he
had his beautiful prick in his mouth.

Hungrily, Anthony worked his lips and tongue over the head of Kevin’s

cock, darting his gaze up to gage Kevin’s reaction. For a long while Kevin

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watched him work with almost clinical detachment, but when Anthony
lifted his hand and teased his fingers over his sac, Kevin’s lids lowered, and
a blissful moan escaped his parted lips.

Slipping more of his length into his mouth, Anthony simultaneously

teased his middle finger back behind Kevin’s tightening balls to rub his
sweet spot.

“I should have known.”
Anthony’s uplifted brows asked the question.
“That you were smart enough to not only observe what I did to you,

but apply those same tricks to me.”

Smoothing his finger around that spot caused Kevin to part his legs and

stabilize his stance.

“Hold your head still for a moment.”
When Anthony did as instructed, Kevin rocked his hips, slipping his

cock in and out of Anthony’s willing mouth.

“Drooling all over my prick while I fuck your innocent face. You, my

boy, were made for me.”

There was no describing the thrill that raced through Anthony’s body.

He was made for Kevin, and vice versa.

“I want you to rock your hips in time with mine.”
When Anthony did, the plug rocked slowly in his bottom, increasing his

pleasure threefold.

“Press your finger more firmly—ah, there, just like that.” Kevin thrust

his hips, and Anthony followed suit. Rather than try to insert his entire
length into Anthony’s mouth, Kevin only fucked the first three inches in and
out. Almost as if—oh, God. Anthony understood what he was doing in a

“Yes, my bright and beautiful boy. I’m giving your mouth the same

amount that’s up your delectable ass.”

The plug inside was about the same length. By timing his movements

with Kevin’s, it was as if Kevin fucked his mouth and his ass at the same

“Close your eyes, my boy. Don’t think, don’t see, I want you to feel.”
It was wildly inventive and utterly shocking how intense the sensations

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became once Anthony cut his vision. In his mind he imagined two Kevins
were finding their pleasure with him. Between the two perfect men,
Anthony became the center of their pleasure. His urge to satisfy them was
almost overwhelming.

“That’s so wonderfully perfect, so beautifully sublime, ah, Anthony, I

can’t hold back.”

Kevin had slipped and called him by his given name. The joy of that

telling mistake caused Anthony to suck a bit harder, press his finger a bit
firmer, and rock his hips a bit faster. Kevin’s balls tightened against his
fingers. With a guttural cry, Kevin climaxed.

Salty and powerful, all of Kevin’s pleasure jetted into Anthony’s

hungry mouth. The taste was indescribably good. Sucking down his
ejaculation, Anthony opened his eyes and watched as the long-denied
pleasure twisted Kevin’s features with a satisfaction so deep it practically
bordered on pain. A growl rose from his chest and vibrated Anthony’s
gently tugging lips. Finally, after the longest orgasm Anthony had ever
witnessed, Kevin stopped twitching and carefully removed his softening
prick from Anthony’s mouth.

Stumbling back, Kevin collapsed on the bed.
Proud of what he’d done to him, Anthony licked his lips and grinned.

His cock was so hard the skin stretched uncomfortably taut, and his balls
felt like someone was squeezing them. As much as he wanted to drop his
hand and assuage his torment, he didn’t because he waited on his master’s
pleasure. The fact that Kevin had lost his grip on their game was telling of
how far Anthony had pushed him. And as much as Anthony wanted to
move away from the confines of their roles, he knew for now, he needed to
stay true. So, Anthony settled back on his heels and waited.

After a long time of watching Kevin’s chest rise and fall as his softening

prick occasionally twitched, Anthony knew without a doubt that he’d
exceeded Kevin’s expectations. The urge to breathe on his nails and buff
them against his chest was almost overwhelming. But Anthony stayed
where he was. The only movement he made was a subtle one, and that
was to clench and release his buttocks, which worked the toy inside him
and kept his cock at rock hardness. He had been hard for so long now that

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the sensation of pain turned to one of pleasure, which he was certain was
part of Kevin’s lesson.

“For a novice, you’re nothing short of amazing.”
By the time Kevin looked up, Anthony had lowered his face so that

when he met Kevin’s gaze his brown eyes were as big and sad as he could
possibly make them.

“Oh, God.” Kevin’s blue eyes darted down to Anthony’s aching prick.

“I—are you—damn. Come here.”

Rising up, Anthony swayed when the blood rushed down to his dick

and feet rather than his brain. Blinking back the dizziness, he moved
toward the edge of the bed. He thought for sure Kevin would take pity on
him and perhaps wrap his lips around his cock. But no. Kevin gave him
that wicked grin that said Anthony’s torment wasn’t over. Not quite yet.

“Yes, I know, you’ve just about perfected that sad-eyed boy look, but

I’m rather immune at this point, given that I’ve already climaxed.”

Disappointed, Anthony wondered what in the world Kevin would do

to him next.

“Here.” Kevin handed him a bottle of lube then settled back on the

bed. “You’re going to jack that massive cock of yours while I watch.”

“But I’ve done that a thousand times!”
“Are you arguing with your lord and master?” One brow rose high on

Kevin’s face.

Anthony was very tempted to say screw this, toss the bottle aside, and

then—what? Jump on Kevin and force him to suck his tormented prick?
As arousing as the idea was, Anthony knew he wouldn’t be able to follow
that through. Knowing that someday his turn at payback would come,
Anthony flipped up the lid and poured a small dollop in his fist.

As he stroked his shaft, he realized that though he’d masturbated about

a thousand times, he’d never done so with an audience. Kevin’s gaze ate
up every move he made. Moreover, the toy flickered inside as he clenched
his muscles. An urge to go as fast as he could was superseded by wanting
to give Kevin a good show. Pleasing him was paramount in Anthony’s

“That’s beautiful, my boy.” Kevin placed a pillow behind his head.

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“Slow strokes. There is no rush.”

Anthony tried to control himself, but he couldn’t stop a snarl from

darting across his face.

“Remember that I said I might allow you a release. I can change my

mind at anytime.”

Reminded of the power he’d willingly turned over to Kevin, Anthony

dropped the glare from his gaze and kept his strokes slow and even.

“Tell me how it feels.”
“It feels so good.”
“Now, hold your fist still and rock your hips.”
Following orders allowed the toy in Anthony’s backside to wriggle

within, upping his erotic torment.

Anthony’s gaze jumped to Kevin’s face.
Kevin sat up and reached out, cupping Anthony’s sac. “I’ve got to pull

your balls down, my boy. They are simply too high and too tight. I don’t
want you to blow too quickly.”

After choking down a strangled cry, Anthony continued to fuck his fist.

Each time he got close to release, Kevin delayed him yet again. Where the
pain had been somewhat pleasurable, now he was in genuine agony.

With tears of frustration blurring his vision, Anthony begged, “Please.

Please let me come. I can’t take any more.”

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Chapter 6

A pang of guilt ate up the calm that had infused Kevin’s body. Replete

and relaxed, he realized he’d pushed Anthony further and harder than any
experienced sub he’d ever had when the poor man had zero experience.

“Come here and lie down.” Kevin moved aside on the bed, pulling the

covers down so that Anthony could lie on his back. Once he was settled,
Kevin straddled his hips, greased up his fists, and proceeded to stroke
Anthony’s poor tormented prick.

With his breath chugging like the sound of a freight train straining uphill,

Anthony gasped and his entire body went taut.

“Yes. Oh, yes. Thank you, my lord and master.”
Kevin redoubled his efforts to give him release, but no matter what he

did, he couldn’t seem to push Anthony over the edge. Genuine panic
flooded his blood with adrenaline. Had he pushed him too far to give him
an orgasm? Kevin had never heard of such a thing, but he’d also never
heard of anyone tormenting a virgin for six hours.

Kevin drew a deep breath and then looked at his duffle. There were

toys in there that would send Anthony into orgasmic splendor. If ever
Kevin needed help, he needed it now. As quickly as he could, he climbed
off Anthony and parted his legs.

“What are you—oh, God!” Anthony lifted and held his legs open so

that Kevin could remove the plug. Once it was gone and set aside on a
hand towel, Kevin plucked up a C-shaped, hands-free prostate massager.
After greasing it up, he eased it inside Anthony’s quivering bottom. Once it
was set, he pressed the button and filled Anthony’s tender ass with gentle
vibrations while he continued to stroke his cock with both hands.

“Oh, yes, I–I’m—”
Whatever Anthony was going to say was cut off when he suffered the

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most intense orgasm Kevin had ever witnessed. Anthony’s entire body
turned crimson, like a full-body blush. Jet after milky jet exploded from the
tip of his cock, splashing across his muscular chest. His entire body lifted
up with the strength of his release, almost like he was being electrocuted.

All the while Anthony uttered unintelligible growls of satisfaction, the

like of which Kevin had never heard. It was epic, and sexy, and caused his
fully drained cock to rise to half mast. As the prolonged orgasm came to an
end, Kevin switched off and gently removed the toy. Anthony’s eyes rolled
back, and he shivered in response as he lowered his legs.

Finally, it was over.
The red drained out of his flesh, leaving behind vulnerable, pale skin.

His thoroughly tormented and released cock shrank, and Anthony’s
beautiful brown eyes closed, brushing his long lashes over his cheeks.

Kevin went to the bathroom, wetted a cloth, then returned and cleaned

the cream off Anthony’s chest. The guilt that consumed him earlier only
entrenched itself. The powerful linebacker was now as weak as a kitten.
Anthony put up no fight as Kevin washed him down.

All Kevin could think was that he’d hurt his gentle giant with his cruel

game. Kevin had wanted to push him, to see just how far and how long he
could go. If Anthony was in trouble, Kevin thought Anthony would call red
light to make him stop. But as a novice, Anthony didn’t know his own
limits. Kevin should have paid more attention. He berated himself for
making this encounter about himself and his needs rather than Anthony’s.
Everything about this trip should have centered around Anthony, but like
usual, he’d made it all about himself.

Anthony didn’t even stir as Kevin cleaned him thoroughly then lifted up

and tucked the blankets around him. For a long time after, Kevin sat
beside him, watching his chest rise and fall. God, but he was truly beautiful.
How could Anthony be so unaware of how stunning he really was? His
military-short hair gave the harsh features of his face a tender vulnerability.
Despite his body full of muscles, he was boyish in his trust, childlike in his
needs. And Kevin had taken full advantage of him.

“Thank you.”
Startled, Kevin placed his hand on Anthony’s chest. “Don’t thank me

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“I have never felt so utterly drained, so completely satisfied, in my life.”

Anthony opened his eyes and peered up at him. “Get into bed, Kevin. We
have a game tomorrow. Remember?”

“Right.” Kevin turned off the lights and joined him in the huge bed

which was made small by their two gigantic bodies.

After a very long time when Kevin thought Anthony had fallen back to

sleep, he realized Anthony was wide-awake and staring up at the ceiling.
Against the closed window curtains, the pool beside their room cast
wavering waves of light.

“Why didn’t you fuck me?” Anthony’s voice was very quiet in the


“As much as I would love to do that, Anthony, we’ve got to sleep. We

have the game tomorrow.” Feeling ashamed of what he’d done, Kevin
covered his regret by cracking wise. “Then I’ve got that whole bus ride
home to tease you. Then when we get back it will be late, and you’ll have
to come home with me—”

Kevin didn’t get any further than that before Anthony rolled over and

kissed him silent. Pulling back, he looked Kevin right in the eyes. “Swear.
Swear to me this isn’t a joke, that you’re not just screwing with me.”

Leveling his gaze, Kevin lifted his hands, palm up and out. “I swear,

Anthony, this isn’t a joke. I want to be with you. Even if you don’t want to
play games like this anymore, I still want to be with you.”

From the look that crossed Anthony’s face, it was clear he wanted to

demand more assurances, but what else could he have Kevin do? Blood
swear like they were eight? Frankly, if he wanted him to, he would. Kevin
didn’t know how to overcome Anthony’s deep-seated inferiority complex,
but he was bound and determined to find a way.

“Why is it so difficult for you to believe that I honestly want to be with


The answer tumbled from Anthony’s beautiful lips automatically.

“Because no one ever has.”

Kevin’s heart broke. “I do.” He leaned up and kissed him as gently as

he could. “I want to be with you. I want—” and Kevin cut himself off

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because he didn’t know how to tell Anthony that what started as a longing
to hook up and have fun had morphed into something so profound the
intensity was almost terrifying. “I want to be with you.”

“How many men have you been with?”
“Can we please have this discussion in the morning?” Kevin eased

Anthony onto his back and eyed the clock on the bedside table. “It’s now
eleven o’ clock, and we have to be at the field early to suit up.”

“I swear, I will tell you everything, but we have to sleep. Okay?”
“Look at me.” Kevin angled himself right over Anthony’s face. “Tell

me you’re okay.”

“I really am okay.” Anthony cupped his cheek and then kissed him.
That energy Kevin felt on the bus returned to twine around his body

and pull him into something so familiar and yet so foreign. He pulled back
and gave a reluctant sigh.

“Go to sleep, Kevin. We’ll talk in the morning.” Anthony was out

within moments.

Kevin curled against him, loving the solid feel of him, the heat of him,

but sleep was a long time in coming because of all the secrets between
them. Secrets that were on Kevin’s side, not Anthony’s.

Kevin woke before first light. He slipped from bed, dressed, and

exited the room without waking Anthony. It didn’t take him long to gather
his supplies and return. When he did, he found Anthony pulling on his
shoes, tears streaming down his cheeks.

“What are you doing?” Kevin tossed the room key on the desk by the


“Leaving.” Anthony tied his shoes and stood.
Kevin blocked the door. “Why?”
“Get out of my way.”
“I’m done playing that fucking game with you, Kevin. Take a good

look at me. I’m bigger than you are. If you don’t get out of my way right
now, I’m gonna pick you up and throw you out of my way.”

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Kevin realized Anthony could toss him around like a used towel. “I

brought you breakfast.” He lifted up the Styrofoam squares that were
carefully stacked in the plastic bag hooked by his finger. “I wanted to
surprise you.”

Anthony shook his head and stared at the bags. “I thought...”
“I didn’t try to sneak off.”
With a huge sigh, Anthony dropped onto the bed. “God, I’m such an


“No, you’re damaged.” Kevin settled next to him.
“And you’re what, the pied piper of damaged gay guys with daddy


“If only!” Kevin grinned. “Think of the money I could make.”
After wiping his face, Anthony laughed. “Fuck. I really thought that you

had woken up next to me, realized what you’d done, and bailed.”

It was then that Kevin realized just how deep Anthony’s insecurity

went. “I woke up this morning, took one look at you, and felt awful for
how I treated you.”

Anthony’s eyes went wide.
“I got breakfast to apologize.”
“How you treated me?” Anthony’s forehead wrinkled up. “You gave

me something no one else ever has.”

“I forced you to suck my cock then made you masturbate for my

pleasure after denying you release for over six hours.”

“No.” Anthony shook his head. “That’s not how I see it.”
“Why is it that you can turn things around to make yourself unworthy

so easily but you can’t do the same to me?”

Clearly stunned by the idea, Anthony sat on the bed pondering for a

long time.

“For some reason it’s easy for you to think I don’t want you, but

impossible for you to believe that I would do anything to make you happy.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Kevin realized how true they were.
He wanted Anthony to realize he was uniquely desirable. “You are worthy
of me. I’m not going to debate anything else until you accept that.”

Right down to the sticking place in his heart, Kevin knew that was the

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problem. Anthony honestly didn’t think anyone would ever want him. What
Anthony had told him last night about his father had just scratched the
surface of what that narcissistic asshole had done to his own child. If Kevin
did nothing else in his lifetime, he was going to convince Anthony that he
deserved respect. He deserved to be cherished. He deserved to be loved.

Kevin’s head spun.
Was that what this gnawing in his heart was? He loved Anthony. Oh.

God. It was that simple and that complicated. Kevin loved the shy way
Anthony had. He loved his subtle jokes and the way he deferred to others.
He loved the way his body blushed and even the way he put Kevin’s needs
before his own. In that moment, Kevin realized that Anthony probably
loved him, too, and simply didn’t realize it. But then darkness passed over
his soul. Kevin feared he’d watch the bright and beautiful love in Anthony’s
eyes die when he found out the truth about him. How ironic. Kevin
expected Anthony to accept that he wanted him just as he was, but there
was no way in hell that Anthony could ever accept Kevin for what he was.
All this rolled through Kevin’s mind in an instant.

Anthony looked down at the floor for a long time, and it was clear

from his curled in posture he was trying to resist believing what Kevin said.
But eventually, Anthony lifted his big beautiful—and for the first time—
believing brown eyes.

“You are more than worthy of me, Anthony. I’m the one who’s not—”
Anthony cut him off with a kiss. When their lips touched, it went from

sweet, to passionate, to nothing short of lovemaking with lips. As a rule,
Kevin didn’t kiss his subs. It blurred those lines of power and emotion. Yet
with Anthony, kissing reinforced the power of emotion. As Anthony
continued to kiss him and eased him back on the bed, Kevin felt
empowered by the connection. This was right. This was perfect. This was
everything he’d ever run from.

Anthony released him so he could pull him up the bed. “What?”
“What do you mean, what?” Kevin asked.
“You. Your face. You seem surprised, I guess.”
“I am.”

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“I honestly thought that I knew everything there was to know about

sex.” Kevin cupped the back of Anthony’s head and pulled him close.
When their lips were a whisper apart, he murmured, “Who knew it would
take a virgin to show me everything I ever thought was totally wrong?”

“Yeah?” Anthony chuckled, clearly not believing that he could teach

Kevin anything.

“Yeah,” Kevin confirmed. “You taught me that there is more strength in

surrender than there will ever be in resistance.”

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Chapter 7

Anthony was puzzled by Kevin’s assessment. “How could there be

power in surrendering? Considering we’ve got a game in a few hours, I
don’t want you getting any kooky ideas.”

“The only idea I have is surrendering to you.” Kevin lifted his hands to

his shoulders. “I’m done resisting. Take me. Claim me. I’m yours.”

Anthony peered down at him, the excitement of having control over the

object of his affection tempered by the responsibility of caring for him.

“What ever will you do with me?” Kevin asked.
Love you.
Anthony pulled back, disoriented. Had he spoken aloud? When he

looked back and found bafflement on Kevin’s beautiful face, he realized he
hadn’t. “I’m going to accept your surrender.” Anthony captured his lips,
claiming him with a soul-searing kiss. Having not been the recipient or giver
of many kisses, Anthony had nothing to compare Kevin’s kisses to. The
power, the heat, the way his soul seemed to slip from his body and swirl
around Kevin’s soul was strangely beautiful. Anthony had no idea if this
feeling was normal.

“You kiss me like I’m your entire world.” Blue eyes blinked dreamily

up at him.

“You are.” Anthony rolled until he pressed Kevin into the bed. Holding

him captive with the sheer weight of his body, Anthony explored every bit
of Kevin’s mouth. It wasn’t a kiss so much as it was a claiming. “You’re

Kevin’s eyes went wide.
And this time Anthony knew he’d spoken the words aloud. Before he

could stutter out an explanation, Kevin grinned and shook his head.

“Don’t.” Kevin touched his finger to Anthony’s lips. “Like I said, there

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is more power in surrender than I would ever have with resistance.” Kevin
leaned up and kissed him. “I’m yours.”

Drawn to him, Anthony locked his lips to Kevin’s as if they were both

drowning and the only way to survive was to share their breath.

Below Anthony’s body, Kevin felt smaller but no less strong. When

Anthony slipped his leg between Kevin’s, Kevin growled and pulled his
thigh up so that he could ride his erection against Anthony’s hip. Rocking,
thrusting, grinding, they worked their bodies together until they were both
in a state of extreme lust.

“We’re supposed to be eating breakfast and getting ready for the

game.” Anthony tried to put the brakes on this, whatever this was, but he
knew before he started it was a losing battle.

“Give in, Anthony.” Kevin shoved his hand between their bodies and

yanked down Anthony’s zipper. Before Anthony could stop him, he
grabbed the lube and greased up Anthony’s dick. “Surrender to me as I
surrender to you.”

All his life Anthony had done exactly what was expected of him when it

was expected of him. This time he knew what Kevin said was true. Giving
in was powerful. So Anthony yielded.

Working their powerful bodies together they managed to get their

pants down and off and cast aside. Their underwear and shirts soon
followed. Bare, they came together, the heat of their longing almost
scorching. Dueling tongues translated to dueling cocks as they rolled over
the entire surface of the bed. There was no need to dominate in either of
them, only a playful expression of passion.

Anthony finally pinned Kevin to the bed with his hands pressed up

above his head. When Kevin wrapped his legs around him and pulled him
close, nestling the tip of his prick against the sweet pucker of his ass,
Anthony pulled back.

“Whoa, wait, this is—”
“Very serious,” Kevin said. “I know.” After a deep breath, he added,

“I know this is all happening so fast, but I swear to you, I have never been
with anyone without using a condom.”

“Never?” Something secret inside of Anthony awoke.

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“Never.” Kevin’s intense gaze never wavered.
Anthony believed him. And that secret beast inside thrilled with

knowing he would be the first. The only.

“I want you to do something I never thought I’d want anyone to do.”

Kevin held his gaze as he clearly summoned his courage.

In that moment Anthony realized that just as he had his doubts, so, too,

did Kevin.

“Breed me, Anthony. I want you to claim me that way. I need you to

claim me that way.”

Anthony rose up over Kevin’s supine body.
“Please, if you don’t trust me or don’t want—”
“Want? Something inside me growls at the thought of claiming you that

way. But I thought you would do that to me.”

“Surprised?” Kevin offered weakly.
Against his will, Anthony laughed. “Yeah, I’m surprised. That’s putting

it mildly.”

“Since I’m the experienced partner, you naturally assumed I’d

penetrate you first, but I need you to do this for me. To me.”

Anthony didn’t know what to say, what to do.
“Please. I need you to trust me, to believe in me.” Kevin’s voice

broke. “I want you to claim me.”

Mesmerized by Kevin’s complete vulnerability below him, his willing

surrender to him, Anthony lowered his body, easing his way inside Kevin’s
body. Now he understood why earlier Kevin had lubed up his prick. With
the slick glide already on him, he smoothed up into the snug heat of
Kevin’s bottom.

“Ah, God!” Kevin tightened his legs around Anthony’s hips, pulling him

down, forcing him inside.

All Anthony’s dreams about how it would feel to penetrate another

man didn’t come close to this. Tight, hot, enrapturing—there were no
words to adequately describe the sensation. That the man who took that
aspect of his virginity from him was Kevin, the man who had so wickedly
claimed his mouth only last night, shot a thrill through Anthony that flicked
his hips.

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“Yes, Anthony. Fuck me.” Kevin dug his heels into Anthony’s

buttocks. “Ride me hard, fast, and wild.”

“I’m not going to fuck you.” Anthony flatly refused. Kevin hadn’t

answered him about how many men he’d been with, but Anthony knew
without asking that all had been frantic couplings. So far, everything they’d
done had been slow, and easy, and emotional. Anthony wasn’t going to
give that up now. He might be damaged from what his father had done to
him, but Kevin was just as damaged from what his lovers had done to him.
“I’m going to love you, Kevin.”

Kevin’s eyes went wide.
“I’m going to show you without words exactly how much I love you.”
And he did.
Slow and sweet, Anthony merged their bodies together. Claiming him

with his eyes wide open, all his senses engaged, made the all-too-fleeting
moment imprint upon him. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the feel—
everything was branded into his flesh, his heart, his very soul.

Rolling, Anthony found himself on his back, with Kevin riding him from

above. Hands on Kevin’s hips, Anthony helped to steady Kevin’s rise and
fall along the length of his cock. Atop him, Kevin was proud and beautiful
in his need, all his worries abandoned as they moved together.

While he watched, Kevin slid his hand down to grasp his own cock. “I

want to come with you.”

“Keep stroking like that and you’ll come on me.” Anthony matched

Kevin’s grin.

“I’ve never had sex that was so much fun.”
“Glad I could bring humor to the table. Or bed, as it were.”
“And emotion.” Kevin leaned over and stole a smooch.
“Oh, whoa, stay like that for a moment.” Anthony cupped one big

hand to Kevin’s head and the other to his ass. “God, but you’re tight
around me.”

“I’m not tight. You’re big.”
“Am I hurting you?” Instantly alert, Anthony tried to lift Kevin up and

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“No, hey.” Kevin grabbed his hands and pressed them into the bed.

“You’re perfect. And your mouth tastes so sweet.”

While Kevin held his hands, he pressed himself into Anthony’s hips.

Rather than a frantic stroke, this was slow and easy, so perfect.

“But you,” Anthony said, wanting to reach between their pressed

bodies and grab Kevin’s cock.

“I’m rubbing up against your belly. Your incredibly muscular belly. And

your amazingly big cock is stroking my internal happy button just the right

“Yeah?” Anthony tightened his abs, flicked his hips, and Kevin sighed.

“Release my hands.”

“Why?” Kevin asked playfully.
“I want to hold you.”
Kevin let go and settled himself more firmly on top of Anthony.
Wrapping his arms around Kevin’s shoulders, Anthony steadied

himself as they kissed and pressed until Anthony felt the inevitable rising up.
His balls were high against the base of his cock.

“I’m so close.” Just like last night, Anthony felt a longing to climax, but

he couldn’t quite push over that edge. It was the most curious sensation.
His balls tightened almost unbearably and his cock became so sensitive that
every little movement Kevin made seemed three times as intense.

“Here, watch me.” Kevin leaned up and proceeded to rock his hips in

time to the strokes he made with his fist against his cock.

“Ah, yeah.” Anthony gripped Kevin’s hips, helping him to slide back

and forth rather than up and down.

The closer Kevin came to climax, the tighter his ass clamped around

Anthony’s cock. Watching the way his fist glided along his shaft, and the
way he flicked his hand over the tip of his cock, pushed Anthony over the

“There, now, ah, Kevin.” Anthony lifted up while pulling Kevin down,

jostling him atop his body, altering the stroke Kevin made along his cock.

Kevin’s head went back, his fist tightened, and he came.
Something happened in the moment of mutual climax, but Anthony

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couldn’t describe what occurred. As they came, it was as if they shared the
same body. Anthony felt a hand at his prick combined with the sensation of
Kevin’s ass around his cock. When he looked up and Kevin looked down,
his eyes were wide, surprised, but pleased. When the intense orgasm finally
came to an end, Kevin collapsed against Anthony’s chest.

“I feel dizzy, and I’m lying down.” Kevin lifted up only enough so that

he could look into Anthony’s eyes.

“Me, too.” Anthony brushed back the blond hair from Kevin’s brow,

loving the way that simple gesture caused a softening of his features.
“You’re just like me.”

“How so?”
“No one has ever shown you how desirable you really are.”
As he considered, Kevin frowned, and then his brows lifted. “I think

you’re right.”

They fell to kissing one another until a knock at the door broke them


“Shit.” Kevin lifted off Anthony. “We’re coming.”
Anthony snickered.
“What?” Kevin whispered.
“We already came.”
“Funny boy.”
“Hey, it’s me. Let me in.”
Frowning, Kevin went to the door. “Dylan?”
“Yeah, open the damn door.”
“Let him in.” Anthony shrugged and wrapped his towel around his hips.

“Dylan sounds worried.”

As soon as Kevin unlocked the door, Dylan pushed his way in,

slamming and locking the door behind him.

“What the fuck do you—”
Dylan cut Kevin off by kissing him.
Anthony was so stunned he simply stood there and watched.

Homophobic Dylan Peterson kissing Kevin right in front of him? What was
this, backward day? Before he could figure out what to do, Dylan pushed
Kevin onto the bed and leapt at Anthony.

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Dylan’s big, calloused hands cupped Anthony’s face, holding him still

for a breath-stealing kiss that melted him down on the bed next to Kevin.
Back and forth Dylan moved between their bodies, kissing, breathing, and
then his hands were pressed against their chests. Through Dylan’s palm,
Anthony swore he felt Kevin’s heart. That dizzy feeling that had struck
after their luscious simultaneous climax returned threefold and rendered him
incapable of movement.

“You two are the sweetest so far. Out of all of them, you two will do

each other the most good. You’ll heal one another.” Dylan smiled proudly
down at them. “And before you even think about hunting me down and
beating my ass, I suggest you ask Danny Jones about this.” After that
strange and cryptic speech, Dylan was gone, closing the door firmly behind

“What the hell?” Anthony asked.
“I dunno,” Kevin said.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot.” Dylan knocked on the door. “You’ve got twenty

minutes to get your asses up and on the bus or you’ll be jogging to the

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Chapter 8

Kevin had never seen his teammates hustle like they did that day on the

gridiron. Plays, passes, and gorgeous tight asses in clinging pants were up
and down the field like they were all cogs in a well-oiled black and green
machine. Poetry in motion. Men of muscle and drive. They didn’t just win,
they trounced their opponents. A spot in the playoffs wasn’t just a vague
hope at this point. It was now a distinct possibility.

Coach Miller was ecstatic. So much so that a smile—well, a grimacy

kind of smile—graced his gruff face for probably the first time in years.

En masse, the men of the Twin Pines Grizzlies descended on the locker

room, ripping off gear and clothing in order to clean off the sweat, grime,
and grit of three hours of play.

Kevin turned this way and that, his gaze noting all the dazzling bodies

around him, but he was determined to seek out the only one he wanted.
The only one who mattered. And there he was.

Head down, eyes closed, Anthony let the hot water pound against his

neck then sluice down his body. A sudden smile crossed Anthony’s face.
He looked up and right into Kevin’s eyes, like he’d known he was
watching him. With a flick of his chin, Anthony called him over. Unable to
resist, Kevin went to his side, like a sock clinging to a T-shirt in the dryer.

“You were amazing.” Anthony stepped aside so Kevin could step

under the spray.

“So were you.” There were plenty of available spigots, but sharing was

more important than speed.

Back and forth they switched off under the spray but kept their hands

to themselves. Their teammates wouldn’t mind, but both of them knew
they’d quickly get out of control. It was inevitable that casual touching
would lead them down the path of hot, heavy, and hungry petting.

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Anthony’s belly rumbled.
“Food,” they said in unison. Their cold breakfast hurriedly eaten in the

bus on the way to the game was hours ago.

They finished up, dried off, dressed, and then hustled up to the

sandwich shop. The day was cold, but sunny, so they grabbed one of the
tables outside and chowed down. Kevin found himself fascinated by
everything Anthony did. Even the way he wiped crumbs from his lips was

“What?” Anthony asked, twisting the top off his second bottle of

sports drink.

“What about me?”
“Everything.” Kevin picked up the wrappers from the four sandwiches

they’d destroyed and tossed them in the garbage. “Ready to head back to
the bus?”

“Yeah.” Anthony chucked his empty bottle into the recycling bin. “So,

are you gonna tease me on the way home?”

Kevin pretended to consider the idea. “Maybe yes, maybe no.”
“You.” Anthony grabbed him and playfully ruffled his hair. “Hey, let’s

see if we can track down Danny and find out what the fuck Dylan was up

Danny was knee-deep in grungy uniforms. He was separating the soft

washables from the high-impact plastic. When he saw them approaching, a
huge grin lit up his face.

“Dylan told me!” Danny reached out and cupped each of them by the

neck, drawing them into a three-way embrace. “You are now official
members of the Gridiron Gods.”

A slew of knowledge erupted in Kevin’s mind. It was like he’d known

all this information all along, but he had forgotten to remember. Like a
bookshelf he walked past so often it failed to register in his mind. All the
couples in the group, their histories, their stories, exploded fully formed into
his memory. Staggered by the sudden influx of information, he grasped
Anthony’s hand, pressed his back against a wall, and together they
slumped down until their fannies hit the floor.

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“Whoa.” Anthony shook his head.
“Yeah.” Kevin squeezed Anthony’s hand.
“I almost feel like I’m going to throw up.” Anthony placed his free

hand against his belly.

“Don’t you dare. I just spent thirty bucks on food.” And given that he

was going to have to quit his job, Kevin would have to start tightening his

Danny leaned over and offered them a hand up. “You’ll live. Just take

a few deep breaths.”

“You and Matthew, in the back of the truck.” Kevin wrapped an arm

around Anthony and together they were able to stand. “You two were that
blond-brown grizzly bear.”

“Guilty as charged.” Danny grinned as he flipped his long, brown hair

out of his eyes. Since he’d hooked up with Matthew Edwards, Danny had
come out in a big way. He’d stopped hiding behind his hair and stopped
drowning himself in oversized clothes. Frankly, Danny was a real looker.
Not that Kevin was interested. Anthony was more than enough to keep his
horny tooth satisfied.

“But you’re the leader,” Anthony pointed out.
“And?” Danny tossed another pile of laundry into one of the huge

rolling bins.

“What the hell are you doing mucking up after us slobs?” Kevin

grabbed a pile of dirty towels. Unsure what to do with them, he just clung
to the sopping wet pile of white until Danny pointed to another rolling bin.
Kevin tossed them in.

“It’s my job to clean up. I’m the equipment manager. Even though it

doesn’t look like it at the moment, I am, in fact, managing the equipment.”
Danny continued to sort their uniforms, gear, and towels into separate bins.
“Why does everyone think that as the leader I should sit back and boss
everyone around? Shouldn’t a good leader, a true leader, get his hands

“Well, no.” Anthony grabbed a pile of gear, but Danny told him to put

it back on the floor, which he reluctantly did.

“Dylan was right. You two are sweet, but you’re also not really

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helping.” Danny made shooing motions with his fingers. “For now you
really know all you need to know. If you aren’t sure about something,
anything, just think on it, and you’ll find the information is there in your
memory. The best we can figure is that we have what is known as a
collective consciousness. As to why all of this is happening to us, we really
don’t know. But hopefully we’ll find out soon.”

Shaking his head, Kevin grasped Anthony’s hand, and they left the

locker room behind.

“Twinned souls, shape-shifting bears, a mental collective...I really don’t

know where to start.” Anthony scratched his chin in a charmingly
befuddled way.

“I have never been called sweet in my life. This makes twice in one


“You are sweet.” Anthony playfully swatted his behind. “Sweet, and

tight, and—hey!”

Kevin cut him off by yanking him into an empty equipment room. Once

in the dark with the door closed, Kevin pushed him up against the wall and
proceeded to kiss the breath right out of him.

“Wow.” Anthony wrapped his arms around Kevin and cupped his

massive hands against Kevin’s buttocks. “What was that for?”

“I’m not sweet. I’m your cruel lord and master, remember?”
“Yeah. I mean, yes.” Anthony lowered his head.
All Kevin could see was the glistening wetness of his eyes in the mostly

dark room. “Okay, this is weird, but I think my eye sight is better.”

“My sense of smell certainly is.” Anthony pulled Kevin tighter. “I swear

I can smell that you’re turned on.”

“Are you sure my massive boner isn’t a dead giveaway?”
“Is that what that is?” Anthony rubbed their cocks together. “I thought

you were packing a pistol, sheriff.”

“You really do like to role-play, don’t you?”
“Yeah. I’m thinking rather than master and servant we should try

lawman and criminal.” Anthony lifted his mouth to Kevin’s ear and
whispered, “I’ve been a very, very bad outlaw.”

“Is that so?” Reaching around behind him, Kevin grasped Anthony’s

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wrists then lifted and pinned them to the wall. “I should punish you.”

“Oh, yes, you should.”
Kevin felt Anthony smile against his cheek. “Why, I’ve never heard of

a criminal so happy to be punished. You’re not resisting at all.”

“What was that you said earlier? Ah, yeah. There’s more power in

surrender than resistance any day.”

In short order Kevin had Anthony’s trousers down and his delectable

ass bent over what seemed to be a desk. Even in the mostly dark room, his
butt glowed white.

“You’ve got an ass like an onion.”
“What?” Anthony asked, turning his head.
“Makes me want to cry.”
“See? You’re totally sweet. Danny’s got you pegged. Danny’s got


Kevin cut off Anthony’s singsong voice by parting his cheeks and

breathing out against his quivering pucker.

Anthony uttered a long, low growl of pleasure that stiffened Kevin’s


“Nice.” Kevin let go then stroked his finger along the crevice between

Anthony’s buns. “Reach around and spread those cheeks for me, you
dangerous outlaw, you.”

Anthony did as instructed.
Kevin lowered his face and proceeded to tongue Anthony’s sweet ass

until he was whimpering. Rising up, Kevin placed his bare cock right
against Anthony’s virgin ass, loving the way he crooned his longing. And
then Kevin stopped. As much as he wanted to claim Anthony, as much as
he needed to claim his mate in the same way that Anthony had claimed
him, he couldn’t. Not with all the lies between them. Lies that were entirely
on Kevin’s side.

Anthony had told him everything, even the most hurtful, shameful

things. Anthony had shared with the openness of a child. It was Kevin, the
experienced partner, who couldn’t tell the truth.

“Don’t tease me, Kevin.” Anthony looked back over his shoulder, his

big eyes wide and glittering in the dark. “Fill me.” Anthony braced himself

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against the desk. “Fuck me.”

“No.” Kevin withdrew. Tucking his cock into his jeans, he stepped


“No?” Anthony sounded concerned, and Kevin felt, smelled, and

heard his insecurity with his newly heightened senses. “I’m not willing to
fuck you anymore than you were willing to fuck me.” Kevin slapped
Anthony’s pale and beautiful ass. “Get dressed.”

Silently, Anthony did as he was instructed.
“What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing.” Kevin kissed him long, soft, and sweet. “I don’t want to

claim you here.” Against his lips, Kevin felt Anthony smile.

“You want to make some big to-do about me?”
“Yeah.” And Kevin realized he did. Anthony deserved something

special for the claiming of the last bit of his virginity. “I’m not going to fuck
you in some back room like a manwhore.”

“You know what I mean.” Once Anthony was dressed, Kevin pulled

him close. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Anthony kissed him very softly. “I think it’s sweet that you

want to wait.”

“Sweet. I am never going to live that down.”
“Why would you want to?”
“I honestly don’t know. Maybe I’ve spent too much time trying to

cultivate my tough image.”

“You’re still tough. Tough and sweet.”
“Sounds like a horrible candy.”
“Not to me it doesn’t.”
After they got themselves situated, they returned to the team bus and

picked a seat furthest in the back. They tucked their duffels under the seat
then settled in with Anthony by the window and Kevin by the aisle.

Since the heater was still wonky, Kevin draped a blanket over their

laps. Anthony seemed to expect Kevin to do something, so he did the one
thing Anthony would never see coming. Kevin reached under the blanket,
grabbed Anthony’s hand, and held it.

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“Aw, see? Sweet.”
Kevin kissed him using his tongue in a very suggestive manner. “Sweet

and tough.”

“That’s why I love you.”
Kevin grinned. “Say that again.”
“What? That I love you?”
“Yeah. I’ve never—no one has ever—it’s nice to hear.”
Anthony rested his head against Kevin’s shoulder. “It’s nice to feel,


All the way back they held hands and snuck occasional kisses. But the

closer they got to Twin Pines, the more Kevin’s anxiety increased. Once
they got home, he had to tell Anthony everything. They were bonded and
twinned, an eternal commitment that Kevin was happy to honor. He just
hoped Anthony didn’t feel like he’d been gypped when Kevin confessed
who and what he really was.

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Chapter 9

“You live here?” Anthony had never heard of a college student who

owned his own house. Especially not a palatial one with perfectly tended
landscaping, bright lighting all along the walkways, and a driveway with
room enough for about twenty cars.

“Yeah.” Kevin slipped out of the driver’s seat of his sports car, waited

for Anthony to get out and close the door, set the alarm, then pocketed the

“We’re out in the middle of nowhere.” Darkness enfolded the house

like a lover. “The nearest house must be a mile away.”

“About that, I guess. Maybe a mile and a half.” Kevin strode up to the

front door, which was carved wood and stained glass. The door alone cost
more than Anthony had probably made in his entire life.

“Is something wrong?” Anthony noticed that ever since they’d hit the

school parking lot and got in his car, Kevin was keeping his answers short,
almost clipped. “Did I piss you off, or—”

“No, no.” Kevin turned and pulled Anthony close. “I’m nervous.”
“You?” Anthony couldn’t help but chuckle. “I thought it was the virgin

who was supposed to be all quivery.”

“That’s why I’m—I have to show you something, and tell you

something, before we go any further.”

Something inside Anthony shook. Whatever it was couldn’t be good,

not with the way Kevin was acting. Once they were inside and Kevin
deactivated the alarm, Anthony’s jaw about fell off his face. The foyer gave
way to a sunken living room decorated in high-end furniture of chrome and
leather. It was sleek, sophisticated, and just a shade dark and cruel.
Anthony couldn’t put his finger on anything in particular, just that there was
something rather heartless about the design. He felt nervous whereas on the

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porch he’d felt fine.

“Did you design this?”
“No.” Kevin placed his keys on a small table in the foyer. “A friend—

well, a business partner type friend—did all this for me.”

What kind of business wants to instill fear in someone? Anthony

wondered, but he kept his question to himself. Every thing he looked at, all
the décor, gave him the creeps. It was almost like he’d stumbled into a
house from one of those gothic romances his mother had always been
reading. He’d never read one of them, but the covers showed houses kind
of like this. Almost as if someone had updated the classic gothic castle for
the new millennia.

Most of his uneasy feelings vanished when they entered the kitchen.

Here the house was homey. Oak cabinets, warm-brown marble for
countertops. Everything was clean, shiny, and colored in inviting earth

From the built-in refrigerator, Kevin extracted two beers. Normally

Anthony didn’t drink much while football season was on, but right now, he
needed a little something. He popped the cap and sipped.

“I guess you’re wondering how I can afford all this.”
“Your parents are loaded?” Anthony thought a good percentage of

guys at the college had wealthy parents since it was a private college.

“No, I paid for it.”
“Did ya sell a kidney?” But even if Kevin had sold all of his internal

organs, that still wouldn’t account for this.

“In a way.”
Anthony took another long swallow of his beer as he tried to figure out

if Kevin was being straight with him or screwing with him.

“I sell myself.”
“You’re serious.” Anthony put his beer next to Kevin’s on the


“Unfortunately I am.” Kevin took his hand and led him back into that

frigid living room. They crossed the gray carpet, and there in the shadows
was a door. A black door.


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Once Kevin opened the door, Anthony discovered a short hall then

stairs leading down. The hall was painted black, the lights minimal. If the
living room freaked him out, this place hit about one billion on the creepy

“Please tell me that you just love Halloween so much you have a spook

house in your home all the time. I mean, I could understand that. I could be
okay with that.” Anthony knew he was babbling, but he couldn’t seem to
help himself. When Kevin squeezed his hand and pulled him a little closer,
some of his anxiety eased, but not enough to stop a low-level trembling.

Finally, they came to another black door. But this one wasn’t painted.

It was covered in black leather and set with chrome studs. In the upper
portion there was a peephole and the doorknob was fashioned from thick,
heavy chrome with a number panel right above.

“No easy-to-pick tumbler lock for you.”
“Not here, no. It’s too dangerous.” Kevin punched in a string of

numbers then pushed open the door.

A curious transformation happened inside Anthony when he got a good

look at the room. The fear melted away as arousal took its place. “It’s a

“Yeah.” Kevin let go of his hand.
Anthony considered the wall of whips. Lined up in a row were all

different sizes, shapes, and kinds of whips, from thin leather to thick, from
one strand to nine. “A cat-o’-nine-tails.” He reached for it but pulled back
at the last moment. Touching was too much. The only hand this belonged in
was Kevin’s.

“You can touch whatever you’d like. Everything is clean.”
Anthony drew a deep breath and tasted disinfectant and bleach in the

air, but below was the tang of blood, tears, and sweat. He shivered.

One wall had a series of chains and cuffs, allowing the binding of

everything from a neck to ankles. One smaller cuff confused him until he
realized it would fit perfectly around the base of a cock. Not his cock, as
he was too big, but some man’s cock. There were other devices that
Anthony couldn’t even fathom a use for, but all of it intrigued him. Clips,
clamps, and collars were precisely placed along a portion of the wall where

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there also hung a collection of paddles.

“This is how you sell yourself?” Anthony could easily picture Kevin

dressed in a leather bastard outfit tormenting the hell out of—“Who are
your clients?”

Kevin pointed to the corners of the room. “I know they are difficult to

see, but there are cameras all over this place. I have very few clients whom
I service directly. Most of the money is made from others who watch.”
Rather than a look of pride, Kevin looked mortified. “The peephole in the
door is for one client in particular.”

Anthony turned away, trying to hide his erection. Was it wrong for him

to be so turned on by something that his lover clearly regretted? “Do you
only do this for money?”

“No. It feeds a need I have. But it stops now. I promise.”
Anthony spun and faced him. “Why would you stop?”
Kevin’s eyes went wide. “Because it’s wrong.”
“Says who?” Anthony thought he understood what was going on. “Did

you ever do this with an unwilling partner?”

“Of course not. It’s safe, sane, and consensual.”
“Then where’s the wrong?”
“I’ve been selling myself.”
“No, you haven’t.” Anthony moved near and embraced Kevin, who

resisted at first then melted against him. “You sold an image of yourself, I
guess, but you didn’t sell you. No one owns you but you.”

“And you.”
Anthony grinned. “Just like you own me.”
“I’m the last person you should want owning a part of you.”
“Why? Because you have this kink? It dovetails my kink quite nicely.”

Anthony pulled back and turned Kevin around so he was hugging him from
behind. “I refrained from touching that whip because that belongs in your
hand, not mine. The lashes, however, belong on my skin.”

“You aren’t angry?”
“No. Like you said, it fills a need in you. You need to do this, to

express this part of you. Just like I need pain. It’s not weird, or gross, or
any of the things that I’ve thought. It’s what you like just like a little pain is

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what I like. When I walked in here, I got hard so fast it was almost

Kevin arched his back, lifting his buttocks against Anthony’s erection.

“God, you are hard.”

“Yeah.” Anthony slipped his hand down to the front of Kevin’s pants.

“And so are you.”

“Just walking in here does that to me.”
“Is this why you wouldn’t tell me how many men you’ve been with?”
“Yeah. Mainly because I don’t know how many have watched the live


“That’s not what I meant when I asked that question.” Anthony

cupped his hand along Kevin’s cock. “How many men have you been
intimate with? Like you were with me?”

“I’ve never been intimate like that with anyone but you.”
“You don’t fuck your, uh, playmates?”
Kevin snickered. “My submissives. And no, I don’t penetrate them.

Not personally, at any rate.” Kevin nodded to a shelf under the paddles.
“There are all kinds of toys for that purpose.”

“Ah. That explains why you had toys in your duffle bag.”
“I never used those on anyone but you. I mean, I don’t want you

thinking that—”

“Relax. I understand.” Anthony knew Kevin was worried that Anthony

was concerned that the toys had been around, and reluctantly he had to
admit the idea did make him a bit squeamish, no matter how attentively
they were cleaned. Knowing they were new was a relief.

“I wanted something special for you.”
“How did you even know I’d be into that?”
“I didn’t. I hoped.”
Anthony placed his mouth against Kevin’s ear. “Take me upstairs and

then claim me.”

Kevin was stock-still for a long moment, and then he extricated himself

from Anthony’s grip. “How can I take such a beautiful gift from you and
make it dirty? Don’t you see? I’m a defiler. I’m filthy. Look at what I’ve
done.” Kevin extended his arms to his dungeon and all the cameras. “I’ve

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sold myself to hundreds of men, probably thousands at this point. I don’t
deserve to claim you.”

“I don’t care about any of this.” Anthony lifted his arms, too. “They

may have watched you and imagined themselves with you, but not one of
them claimed you. You gave that honor to me.”

Kevin shook his head.
“I get it now.”
“What?” Kevin crossed his arms over his chest.
“What Dylan said about us healing each other. I knew right away that

you were already healing the damage done to me by my narcissistic father,
but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how I was going to heal you.”
Anthony stepped into Kevin and pushed his arms off his chest. “I know

One brow lifted high. “And how’s that?”
“You did all this for money, right?”
“So?” When Kevin tried to step back and cross his arms protectively,

Anthony wouldn’t let him.

“It filled that need in you to have power and authority. Control turns

you on. And you used that to make a living for yourself. There’s nothing
wrong with that. You didn’t do anything to those men that they didn’t want
done. I’m going to heal your shame.” Another insight struck. “And with me
you did things differently.”

Now both eyebrows rose.
“I wondered why you wanted to play as if we were from another era.

My boy. My lord and master. You wanted to separate what we were
doing from what you do here for money. You don’t play that here, do

“No. Here I’m as modern and cold—”
“As the living room furniture.” Anthony snapped his fingers. “That’s

why I found that room so creepy. It wasn’t you. It’s a mask. A façade that
you put on to do this.”

“You should switch majors to psychology.”
“Naw.” Anthony pulled Kevin close. “All the money is in business.”

Twin Pines was starting up an MBA program, and Anthony intended to

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apply. “Which reminds me, what is your major?”

“I want to build dungeon equipment.”
Anthony grinned. “Ya know, I could help you with the business side of


“I was hoping you’d want to help me test my inventions.”
“That, too.” Anthony kissed Kevin and then realized he was slowly but

surely backing him up. “Where are you taking me?”

“Out of here.”
“But I want to play with—”
“I can’t.” Kevin was drop-dead serious. “We have to have a clear line.

This is for clients only. You and I can play, but not here, not with this stuff.
I don’t want those lines getting blurred.”

“Fair enough.”
“You’re really okay with me continuing to do this?”
“I really am.” Right down to the sticking place in his heart, Anthony

knew that if he took this away from Kevin, it would destroy something in
him. Something that he desperately needed. “I don’t want to watch you do
it, or hear about you doing it, but you need this. I like a little pain but not
full-blown...” Anthony looked at the row of clamps and shivered. “Some of
this, hell, most of this, is way beyond what I’m ever going to be
comfortable with.”

“I can change.”
“You can’t change what you are inside. And you don’t have to. I think

that’s part of why I’m with you. To make you okay with who and what
you are.” Anthony kissed him before he could argue. “There’s nothing
wrong with filling this need. You do what pleases you, pleases others, and
what you do with me is separate. Okay?”

“Damn, I really lucked out.” Kevin nudged until he’d backed Anthony

out of the dungeon.

“How’s that?”
“You’re handsome.” Kevin kissed him. “You’re kind.” Kevin kissed

him again. “And you are really fucking smart.”

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“All that and still a virgin.” Anthony uttered a long, dramatic sigh.
“Not for long.”

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Chapter 10

Kevin was shaking.
“Relax.” Anthony settled back with his hands cupped behind his head.
“I’m nervous.”
“Again, that’s supposed to be my thing, not yours.” Anthony looked up

from the plush bed, his big, brown eyes complemented perfectly by the
sandy tones of the bedclothes and the flickering candle light. Only the living
room was cold. The rest of the house was filled with warm and inviting

“I take initiating you very seriously.”
“I can tell.” Anthony looked at all the items on the bedside table. “If I

didn’t know better, I’d swear you were going to surgically remove my
virginity rather than simply use your penis.”

Kevin laughed. Perhaps he had gone overboard on putting anything he

thought he might want within easy reach.

“There’s enough lube there for the entire football team to have a go at

my ass.” Anthony eyed the closed closet door. “Are they all in there?”

“No one is getting at your delectable ass but me.” Kevin removed his

robe. “And if you keep cracking wise, I’m going to lose this fabulous

Anthony whistled low and long. “That is one hell of an erection.”
“All the better to take your cherrière with.”
“My what?”
“Your derrière cherry, or cherrière.”
Anthony laughed loud and long.
“I knew you’d like that.”
“Ah, God, but I love you.” Anthony held out his arms. “Come here.”
Kevin slid onto the bed. For a long time he just stayed right where he

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

was, looking down at Anthony, loving the trust that shined in his eyes.

“You really are stunning.” Kevin traced his hand along Anthony’s

massive chest.

Anthony blushed, but he didn’t hang his head. He was getting better at

accepting compliments.

Kevin leaned over and kissed him, thinking that this would be the first

of many, many times they would be together. But this would also be special
because it was Anthony’s first time.

“I just realized something.”
“What?” Anthony cupped the back of his head, threading his fingers

through his hair.

“This is my first time, too.”
Anthony frowned. “It is? Maybe you’d better explain.”
“My first time with a virgin. My first time going bareback.” Kevin

grinned. “My first time with the man I love.”

“Between the two of us there are a lot of firsts here.”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m nervous. I want to make this good.”
“It’s already good.” Anthony smiled up at him. “I’m here with you.”
Kevin kissed Anthony, loving the taste of his mouth, the feel of his

fingers tightening in his hair, the subtle rocking of his hips. Slowly but
surely, Kevin climbed on top of Anthony, loving the way his big body felt
so strong below him and the way he sighed with longing as Kevin slipped
between his legs.

Kevin kissed and gently bit his way down Anthony’s body. After their

long and lingering shower, he’d covered his skin with a light vanilla lotion
that only enhanced the natural flavor of his flesh. Anthony was a big and
sexy canvas that Kevin doubted he’d ever get tired of exploring. Each
touch elicited a moan, a groan, a whimper—all of it was music to his ears.

Pushing his legs up and back, Kevin settled himself and proceeded to

tongue fuck Anthony’s beautiful ass until he was practically sobbing.

“Are you ready for me?”
“God, yes! I’m crazy for you.” Anthony tried to lift him up, but Kevin

shook his head.

Kevin grabbed a lube from the bedside table and continued with his

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erotic torture by fingering Anthony’s bottom until he was bouncing on the
bed, begging for more.

“I just want to make sure you’re ready.”
“Do you want me to beg you? I will. I swear I will get down on my

knees and—”

Kevin rose over him, placing his cock against his now thoroughly

teased hole. “Keep going.”

“I’ll beg, plead, I’ll offer you anything.”
“Anything?” Kevin eased the tip of his prick inside, loving the way

Anthony’s eyes rolled back and a blissful cry escaped his lips.

“Anything,” Anthony confirmed.
“Move in with me.”
Anthony’s eyes went wide and a smile soon followed. “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t ask if I weren’t.” Kevin slid another tiny bit into Anthony’s

wonderfully tight bottom.

“You didn’t ask so much as you tormented me with sex.”
“It’s how I ask.”
“Ah. I’ll remember that.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“If I say no, are you ever going to go all the way here?”
“I dunno. Answer and we’ll see.”
“Yes.” Anthony leaned up and kissed him. “I’ll live with you.”
Kevin held very still. “Relax, love.”
“I am—I—oh.”
Anthony’s body drew him inexorably inside until he was buried as

deeply as he could go.

They pressed their foreheads together and growled.
“We sound like bears.” Anthony wrapped his legs around Kevin.
“Seems fitting.” Kevin lifted up on his elbows. “Hold on to me.” While

keeping watch on his features, Kevin thrust into Anthony. He was worried
that he would hurt him, but from the blissful smile on his face, Anthony was
in heaven.

“You feel so good.” Anthony tightened his hold.
Faster and faster they moved until that moment of inevitability

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

possessed him. No matter what he did, Kevin couldn’t stave off his orgasm
any longer. Determined to bring Anthony with him, he pressed their bellies
together, trapping Anthony’s prick, then grabbed his ass with both hands.

“Hold on.”
Kevin bucked hard and fast into Anthony, loving his startled gasps and

whispered encouragements.

With a breathless sigh, Anthony came, his seed spilling between their

bodies while Kevin’s filled him deep inside.

Collapsing on top of him, Kevin rolled his head until he found

Anthony’s mouth. He proceeded to kiss him until they both stopped

“Talk about epic.” Anthony hugged Kevin so hard he squeaked.
“And I didn’t even use my toys.”
Together they looked over at the table.
“Ya know, we do have all night.” Anthony grinned.
“And tomorrow is Sunday.”
“Ooh, yeah, so we have about forty-eight hours before we have

anywhere to be.”

“Just think of what I can do to you in that time.”
Anthony’s eyes rolled back with delight. “You know, I almost bailed

on that game.”

“Aren’t you glad now you didn’t?”
“I am. Now,” Anthony reached for something on the table and held it

up. “What the hell is this?”

“I’d rather show you than tell you.”
Over the course of the next two days, Kevin showed him what

everything on that table was for. And then he showed him again. After a
shower and a huge take-out meal, they sat playing footsies at the dinning
room table.

“We never shifted.” Kevin considered the stack of fried wontons and

then took three.

“No, we didn’t.” Anthony tilted his head. “From what I’m getting from

the other guys, we only shift if there’s a dire need. It’s not like a fun thing.”

“Then let’s hope we don’t ever need to shift.” Kevin lifted his beer and

clicked the bottle to Anthony’s water glass.

“Let’s hope.”

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Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three things Anitra

Lynn McLeod enjoys the most. You can visit her at


Also by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Siren Classic ManLove: Gridiron Gods 1: Waterboy

Siren Classic ManLove: Gridiron Gods 2: Quarterback

Siren Classic ManLove: Gridiron Gods 3: Tight End

Siren Classic ManLove: Gridiron Gods 4: Defensive Guard

Siren Classic ManLove: Dirty Cowboy

Siren Classic: Devil’s Due

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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