Enslaved by a Trailblazer Anitra Lynn Mcleod

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Enslaved by a Trailblazer

All he wanted was some kinky sex…

When Zane Chaslu is sold to a four-armed Uhiran with two

prominent bulges in his trousers and a wicked-looking tail, Zane

figures he’ll have more kinky sex than he can handle.

Unfortunately, his new owner has other ideas.

Intergalactic explorer Ertic Stin was utterly content with his life

when his entire world was destroyed by one royal summons.

Determined to avoid breeding with his queen, Ertic will do

anything to escape her. The last thing his plan included was kinky

sex with a lusty Earthling.

When Zane clearly enjoys Ertic’s discipline, Ertic finds himself

slowly but surely ensnared. But his newly roused sexual needs are

nothing compared to the powerful emotions that change

everything he thought he knew about himself. Awakened for the

first time, the last thing Ertic wants to do is sacrifice himself or his

lusty slave to a bitter queen.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Science Fiction
Length: 36,971 words

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Anitra Lynn McLeod



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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-600-4

First E-book Publication: December 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Because sometimes you don’t know what you’re looking for until you

find it.

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

This was not a good way to die. Not like Zane Chaslu had his

mode of death all picked out or anything, just that dying while trussed
up in bondage gear was going to be embarrassing. Not for him, since
he’d be dead, but his family would be mortified. How did a father
explain to his pastor that their one and only son had been discovered
in leather gear, hung from the rafters, with nothing showing but his
raging hard-on? Although, he didn’t imagine his dad would tell the
man who would conduct the funeral. But he’d still find out because it
would be in the police report.

And to think he could have stayed home and watched the game.

But no. Zane had decided to go and get his freak on just one more
time. Things had been going splendidly until the club got raided and
his master—the guy who had been torturing him with all kinds of
freaky toys—up and literally left Zane hanging. What was going to
kill him was the leather mask.

When his master held up a head covering with a zipper, Zane gave

a definitive no. It seemed too restrictive and far too dangerous since
he couldn’t utter their chosen safe word if something went wrong. So,
instead, they’d settled on a hard leather face mask that was attached to

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his head with two elastic straps. When Zane had tried it on, it seemed
to him he could push it away with his lips and his tongue. And he
could, if the damn thing hadn’t slipped down his black hair and come
to rest in the crook between his head and neck. Struggling had only
made it worse. Ever so slowly he was dying because he simply
couldn’t get enough air.

By the time the police found him he’d be dead. Oh well, he’d

lived a pretty good life. Zane was thirty-five, a dock worker, and had
a penchant for hard-core leather bondage. He’d really tried to stay
away from Razor, the local BDSM club, but he just couldn’t get the
same high whacking off at home.

All this just so he could have a little pleasure.
He would have sighed but for that lack of air thing. Normally, a

master never left his submissive trussed up. It was dangerous and
totally insane. The watchwords of the club were safe, sane, and
consensual. Everything had been going splendidly until his master
freaked and ran. Since Razor was a big club and the police were
undoubtedly taking their time clearing each room, he was going to die
hanging here. Idly, he wondered if he’d still have an erection in death.

But then there was a flash of light and Zane was suddenly

unencumbered by any leather. His relief was so profound he bent over
and gasped for breath for a long time before he felt ready to face
whatever this new scene was.

Lifting his head, Zane discovered he was standing on a stage with

several other men. They were naked, so Zane figured he was, too.
They also all had curious collars with blinking lights. Zane reached
up and touched the one he wore. It wasn’t heavy, but it felt strange
nonetheless. He enjoyed bondage, but he’d never liked to wear a
collar or anything on his face. After what had just happened to him, it
should be obvious why. He’d only worn leather accoutrements, so this
switch to metal was very odd. Had his master come back?

Zane looked around at all the men who were standing on the stage

with him. Some were very young, perhaps eighteen at best, and one

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had to be at least forty. They were all attractive in different ways, but
Zane didn’t recognize any of them from the club. As far as he could
tell, he was the tallest of all of them at six foot five. And probably the
biggest in terms of muscular strength. Dock work did that to a man.
Since all he did day in and day out was move enormous crates off
ships and onto other ships or trucks, his job was a ten-hour-a-day
workout. When people asked what his regimen was, he laughed and
said all he had to do was show up at his job.

As he stood there peering at a dynamite blond with surfer-boy

good looks, the kid was whisked over to center stage and then turned
this way and that. It was obvious he was being displayed for an

Zane lifted his hand to block out the lights, but he couldn’t see

anything beyond the stage. Whatever this was, it was the most bizarre
setup he’d ever been a part of. It couldn’t be the police because that
just didn’t make any sense. When they raided a place, they didn’t put
all the perverts onstage for some kind of kinky fashion show, or
whatever this was supposed to be. He supposed it couldn’t be a
fashion show if everyone was naked.

And then the surfer boy climaxed.
Zane’s brows rose. Holy shit. Something pretty damn weird was

going on because he didn’t see anyone touching the guy and then
suddenly he shot a wad a good six feet away. Impressed, not only that
he’d climaxed hands-free but that he’d shot such an amazing amount,
Zane was on the verge of saying something and applauding when he
heard a voice say, “Sold!”

Sold? Zane pondered that as the kid was taken off the stage.

Curious, Zane tried to follow, but he couldn’t seem to move more
than in a circle about five feet in diameter. There was a faint line
around him, like he was standing on an invisible disk.

“Okay, what the hell is going on?”
Zane heard himself speak, but those around him didn’t. They

didn’t even look over at him. He tried again, but no matter what he

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said or how loud he said it, he got no reaction from the others at all.
Reaching out, he pressed his hand against where the line from the
disk would theoretically be, and he felt a light wind against his
fingers. It was some kind of shield that kept him and his sounds

Since there wasn’t a whole lot he could do, he watched the show.

Each man was taken to the front-and-center portion of the stage then
shown from all angles. After the third guy, Zane noticed that
something was being inserted into the men just before their climax.
He figured it had to be a toy of some type. That was what was causing
the men to cream hands-free.

It took a while for him to realize his time was coming. And when

the double entendre of that caught up to his brain, he laughed. Since
this wasn’t a police lineup and he wasn’t at the club, he figured it had
to be the last gasp of his dying brain. A final good-bye climax on a
stage surrounded by other guys was somehow fitting for a man who
simply loved to get his freak on. Sure, it had cost him his life, but he
figured everyone had to go sometime. He’d rather die getting off than
getting squashed by a crate at work.

Eventually, Zane’s turn came. He stood tall and looked out with

pride at where he imagined the audience would be. He might be a
kinky leather freak, but he was also one hell of a good-looking guy.
And yes, he knew it. Hundreds of other guys and tons of ladies
couldn’t be wrong. If he regretted anything, it was not ever trying
anything with a woman. He should have at least done something
once, just for the experience, but as soon as he’d realized he had
sexual feelings, they were zeroed in on guys. And then his first
serious boyfriend had introduced him to bondage, and he’d never
looked back.

Although, to be fair, after his most recent experience, Zane wasn’t

that keen on practicing bondage anymore. Death had a way of making
something incredibly unappealing. So he stood on the stage and
displayed himself. He lifted his arms and pumped up his biceps, and

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then he turned, showing off the power of his upper back and
shoulders. After a few more classic weight-lifter poses, he stopped
because he suddenly felt silly. Just who was he trying to impress? No
one but himself, apparently.

When he felt fingers parting his cheeks, he knew what was

coming. Again, he laughed at the pun. Whatever the thing was, it was
warm and vibrated against his prostate. Closing his eyes, Zane rode
the crest of mounting pleasure. He hadn’t actually gotten off at the
club, so he was keen to have his final release now. God, it was good.
Each time he was able to resist the precipice, the device upped the
ante by delivering more warmth, more vibrations, more pinpoint
accuracy to the spot that forced him to surrender.

Zane opened his eyes right as his cock let a stream of cream fly.

Damn. He went a longer distance than he thought he would. And it
felt glorious. But then he was baffled because the wall of air should
have caught the cum. Reaching out, he found it was gone, so Zane
lifted his chest and bellowed, “I regret nothing!”

For his final words, he thought they were the best he was going to

do. Not like he was going to get a second chance for his final defiant
cry. The wind barrier was back, so he was stuck with those three little
words as his last. And then he frowned because he thought they were
originally the words of a war criminal. He’d heard them on an episode
of The Simpsons, but he remembered their origin being much darker.
Oh well. He didn’t have any affinity for evil. He just thought those
were the best words to sum up his life.

Zane simply didn’t waste his time regretting anything. Even the

fact that he’d died while practicing bondage didn’t really bother him.
Everyone had to die sometime. He just thought again about the
potential embarrassment for his family. Still, his father was a master
at spinning things his way. As a politician, he could no doubt turn
Zane’s demise into some kind of tragedy to win votes or perhaps even
a crusade against perversity. Yeah, he was clever like that. Since his
father’s main focus in life was his job, he considered his family to be

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props, not actual people with their own needs. If Zane couldn’t be the
perfect son, his father didn’t want anything to do with him. It was a
mutual feeling of utter loathing.

Eventually, the booming voice pronounced him sold and he was

whisked toward the back of the stage. Once through the curtain, he
was guided by unseen hands. They washed him carefully and then
pushed him out a door and into a long hallway. A leash was attached
to his collar, and then he was pulled along.

Zane didn’t resist. He was curious what the hell was going on

now. He honestly had no idea where he was, but he no longer thought
this was the last gasp of his dying brain. Everything was way too real.
He even felt the texture of the carpet below his feet. It was stiff and
unyielding like industrial-grade carpet. Since Zane loved to go
barefoot when he wasn’t working, he’d felt a lot of carpets. On the
docks he had to wear steel-toed boots. He hated it, but he thought he
would hate crushed toes more, so he wore them.

Whatever was leading him kept an even pace that matched Zane’s

long strides. Eventually, the hallway opened into what looked like the
foyer of one hell of a big building. His entire apartment complex
could fit in this one floor. Curious creatures were grouped in little
clusters here and there, making him dart his gaze around as he tried to
identify them. He thought this must be some kind of UFO convention
or something similar since there wasn’t another human in the bunch.
Who wanted to be a human when there were so many cool aliens on
the books from the works of Larry Niven, Gene Roddenberry, and
Isaac Asimov?

Still, as he considered the creatures, he didn’t see any he

recognized, and he found that very strange. Cool aliens from film,
books, television, and graphic novels had always been one of Zane’s
passions. What he enjoyed was their unique cultures and
understanding how their system of laws and daily interactions was
inherently different from his own. He’d read about cultures that
prized physical prowess, those who disdained it, and those who didn’t

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give it much thought. But what his dirty little mind always came back
to was how they had sex. Sometimes, with the bipeds, it was pretty
obvious, but some of the stranger creatures, like the puppeteers from
Larry Niven’s brain, gave him a run for his money. From gleanings in
his novels, he knew they had three sexes rather than two, but Mr.
Niven never spilled the details on how the creatures actually got it on.

“Like it matters.”
It didn’t, but he was curious anyway. Zane couldn’t remember a

time when sex—and all its fascinating mutations—didn’t interest him.
As he followed his invisible handler, he found he was once again
looking at cool aliens and trying to figure out how they did it. He
chuckled to himself. He could become an author and write The Big
Book of Alien Sex
. It would sell millions of copies. He could go from
planet to planet signing books and perhaps giving demonstrations.

Now he looked at the creatures in the lobby with a stronger eye.

He couldn’t tell male or female with most of them, but the only one
he would flat-out refuse to fuck was the gelatinous blob that reminded
him of Jabba the Hutt. He’d seen a parody, Pizza the Hutt, and had
laughed his ass off, but he still wasn’t real keen on sticking his dick in
whatever that creature was.

A tug on his leash drew his attention, and Zane looked over to the

creature at the other end. Everything in his world came to a
screeching halt. He went so still that for a moment even his heart
stopped beating. He was looking at a humanoid that was easily eight
feet tall, but he had four arms. Clad in a dark blue outfit that seemed
to absorb light, the curious alien smoothed back his beautiful bronze
hair with one hand as his other upper one held Zane’s leash. One of
his lower hands pulled up his trousers while the other slipped
something into his front pocket.

That caused Zane to look down at his trousers. His hips were very

wide, probably to hold up his massive upper body. His legs were
easily twice as big around as Zane’s thighs, but what really got his
attention was the fact that there were two distinct bulges in his pants.

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Zane looked up the expanse of his bronzed god and grinned.

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Anitra Lynn McLeod

Chapter 2

Ertic Stin considered his slave. He was very powerfully built but

also pale. As he reflected on his origins, he thought that was the
natural state of his being, and not that he was ill. Good. The last thing
Ertic needed was a sickly servant. What he needed was exactly what
he had—a strong back that would be able to handle the demands Ertic
placed on him.

When he noticed his servant was staring at his crotch, Ertic tilted

his head. When the creature looked up at him and flashed his teeth,
Ertic had to remind himself that in many parts of the universe what he
was doing was known as a smile. It was not the baring of teeth for a
fight. Or was it?

“Why do you look at me that way?”
“Do you like to fuck?”
The word translated easily enough, but Ertic couldn’t quite

believe his ears. Grasping the leash in his fist, he yanked hard and
down, forcing his slave to his knees. Once he was there, Ertic took a
step closer so that to maintain eye contact, his servant had to look up
the very long length of Ertic’s body.

“Do not speak to me with such familiarity, or I will have your

mouth chained.”

“Whoa, dude. I was just asking. Sheesh. Touchy much?”
Ertic’s translator had to work overtime to make sense of this

creature’s speech, but eventually it did, and Ertic wasn’t happy with
what he heard.

“You are my servant.”
“And who are you?”

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Slightly annoyed, he nonetheless answered, hoping to give him

just enough information to impress upon him the import of his new
master. “I am Ertic Stin. I am from Uhiran and destined to become the
consort of our widowed queen.” To his own ears it sounded very
lofty, but the truth was so ugly he had no intention of ever repeating

“You’re straight?”
Ertic didn’t understand what he was asking, so he ignored the

question. “You will be dressed and conditioned to act appropriately.”

“By you?”
“Yes, by me. Now rise and do not speak unless I ask you a


“Don’t you want to know my name?”
Since he intended to address him as slave, Ertic turned his back on

his willful creature and deliberately whipped him with the flexible tip
of his tail.

After a startled cry of pain, his slave went silent. At least he’d

done something right. Determined to get on with his mission, Ertic
asked the auctioneer for the nearest slave outfitter. He named several.
Making a mental note, Ertic thanked him, moved away, and then used
his patch to his ship to find out which one would have good wares at
reasonable prices.

Ertic had plenty of money, but he wasn’t going to waste more on

this farce than he had to. He had other plans for his funds that didn’t
include an alien servant or his future mate. Had he been more willing
to wrench his accounts open, he could have gotten a fully trained
slave on Uhiran, but then he ran the risk of his true feelings being
exposed. That could not happen. So he’d come here. Under the guise
of obtaining a sexual slave, he found one who would work for what
he had in mind. Besides, all he had to pay him was food, a place to
sleep, and clothing. That was far less than what a fully conditioned
Uhiran slave would be, even if he rented one. Another benefit was
that when he was done with this creature, he could simply abandon

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him and continue on with his plans.

Striding purposely away, Ertic was pleased when his slave kept up

without undue tautness on his leash. Once they were outside the
building, Ertic quickly got his bearings and then headed down the
street. His slave matched his powerful strides, impressing Ertic yet
again. Perhaps he was better trained than he thought. Or the whap
with his tail had hurt him more gravely than Ertic anticipated. He had
to remember that unlike the enslaved race on Uhiran, this creature did
not have thickened skin.

Once he reached the building he wanted, he strode within and was

instantly greeted by tall, slender Delutians.

Pointing to his slave, Ertic informed them of what he needed.

“Three outfits. All must match my color.” He pointed to his jacket.
“One will be a sturdy fabric for daily wear. It must be self-cleaning
and loose enough for movement. The second outfit will be one for
sleeping. It will be light and comfortable for his skin type. The third
outfit will be one for restraint.”

At that, his slave made a face.
“If he should annoy me or talk out of turn, I wish to have

something that will contain him until my anger has passed.”

Clearly, his slave did not wish to be bound. That odd little smirk

was gone, and he’d lowered his head submissively. It was amazing to
Ertic how quickly a firm stance could change the mind of any
intelligent creature.

“My slave will also need three pairs of shoes. One to wear with

his daily clothing, one for sleeping, and one that will make his feet
bleed if I am forced to make him wear them.”

This made his slave frown and flash a quick glare at Ertic’s back.

He would not have seen it had the tailor’s shop not been filled with

Whipping his tail out, he cupped it to his slave’s face and then

dragged him over to where he was standing. “You dare to make faces
behind my back?”

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“And you compound this error by lying to me.”
Wisely, his slave remained silent.
“I saw you in the mirror.”
He darted his gaze that direction and then lowered his attention to

the floor. “Did you expect me to be happy that you were buying
clothing with which to hurt me?”

“Dare not ask me another question, or I will have your mouth

chained.” Letting his tail return to normal, Ertic turned to the tailor
and described the mask he wanted. As he did so, it was clear the idea
of being bound in such a way terrified his slave. Good. That meant he
would now behave appropriately. Besides money, fear was one of the
most powerful motivators. It had certainly compelled Ertic to push

“There is one other item. I will need a fie’dat allintay.”
The lead tailor nodded and moved swiftly to the side of the room.

He came back with a closed wooden box that he held up while
another Delutian opened the lid. Inside, nestled down in silken red
fabric, were several models of the device Ertic needed. Since this was
a sample case, the units were small enough to be slipped on the tip of
his finger. Some were very basic and some were far too elaborate.
And then he saw one that was of a mythical winged beast. It was
stunning yet inexpensive. It was also a device that he must have for
his slave. Just like the outfits, any Uhiran slave must have a fie’dat

“This one.”
“And the size?”
Dutifully, his slave came over to him. He kept his face lowered,

which impressed Ertic. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to spend much time
conditioning him at all. That would save him time that could be better
spent elsewhere.

“Is it for him?”

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“Yes.” Ertic cupped his lower hand around his slave’s cock. Using

his other lower hand, he stroked up and down the length while
preventing the blood from flowing back out. Very soon, he was hard
enough that the tailor was able to take his measurements.
Unceremoniously, Ertic released him and walked away.
Surreptitiously, he checked his slave’s reaction in the mirror and was
disappointed. He simply stood there, cock hard, head down, awaiting

Annoyed, because he was getting exactly what he wanted but then

suddenly decided he wanted something else, Ertic turned his attention
to other matters. Sadly, his gaze kept going back to his slave. Each
time he looked, his penis had gotten a bit softer and ultimately
returned to a detumescent state.

Determined to push him, Ertic ordered his slave to his side again.

Once he arrived, Ertic wrapped his lower hand around his prick, made
him hard, then let go. He waited for him to react in some way, but he
didn’t. Ertic refused to acknowledge that he was intrigued by the
visual of his slave’s hairy genitals. Ertic, like all his kind, was utterly
hairless down below. This beautiful creature had hair practically
everywhere. It made him seem quite primitive and alluringly

With their orders clear, the tailors left him alone with his slave.

Since Ertic was bored, he decided to see just how far he could push
this curious creature until he lost his aplomb and attacked.

Over and again, Ertic wrapped his hands around his slave’s cock,

forcing it to hardness then releasing him and watching the intriguing
bit of flesh go soft. Time after time, his slave just stood there and let
him do as he wished. Frustrated, Ertic decided he would up his

“Onstage, you were allowed to climax. I will not be so generous.”
His slave had no reaction.
“The device that they are fashioning for you, the fie’dat allintay,

is used to display a slave’s cock so all who look upon him know even

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that most intimate part of him is owned. It will keep you hard until I
remove it. And when I chose to do so, I will watch your prick go soft.
At night, I will have your hands bound so you cannot pleasure
yourself.” When his slave still maintained his submissive posture,
Ertic used his tail to lift his chin forcefully, but he kept his gaze
downcast. “Look at me.”

When he looked into Ertic’s eyes, he swore he saw a depth of

emotions—lust, longing, a desire to please—but overriding them all
was fear. This creature was truly afraid. And Ertic didn’t think he
feared him as much as he feared his punishment. The shoes had gotten
a dubious frown, the restraining clothing had evoked a bit of terror,
but the mask, that was what had changed his feisty little slave into a
docile creature.

“Have you been punished before?”
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“Explain to me why the mask terrifies you so.”
Rather than tell him, his slave withdrew. Not by much, just a few

millimeters back as his gaze—his amazingly beautiful blue-eyed

He snarled and barked.
Ertic frowned and peered at him utterly perplexed by his behavior.

“Why are you making that sound?”

“You told me to speak.”
“I meant that I wanted you to explain to me why you are so afraid

of the mask.”

“If you’re going to treat me like a dog and issue commands like I

am a dog, then a dog I shall be.”

Unsure what a dog was since the translator wasn’t all that clear,

Ertic accessed his ship’s library via his eye shield. It took a long
while, but he eventually obtained the information that a dog was some
kind of pet. A canine. There were similar creatures on Yartz.

“I will treat you however I wish to treat you.” Ertic wrapped his

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hand around his slave’s cock while keeping his attention on his face.

Clearly determined to hold his gaze, his slave did something that

was very curious to Ertic. He unfocused his eyes, almost as if he was
looking far beyond where he was in time and space. Perturbed, Ertic
tightened his hold and stroked him more vigorously. His slave’s focus
went even softer. All the muscles in his body went loose. If not for his
widely spaced feet, he probably would have fallen, but he didn’t. He
simply stood there and accepted Ertic’s punishment.

When the tailors entered, Ertic called for the mask. He noted that

his slave’s gaze focused very sharply, very suddenly. Lifting the
restraining mask up, Ertic continued to torment his slave’s cock as he
checked the fit of the device. Before he realized what was happening,
his slave’s eyes rolled back and he collapsed on the floor.

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Chapter 3

Zane woke up, hoping against hope that whatever fucked-up

dream he’d been having was over, but it wasn’t. The very first thing
he saw was a tall, thin blue guy. The next thing was his heartless
master. He swallowed hard. He’d thought it was some crazy twisted
scene from his brain, but no. He was here, he’d been sold, and he had
to kowtow to an evil son of a bitch who clearly had more regard for
his boots than he did for Zane.

Playing at master and slave was a far cry from actually living it.

Zane had always enjoyed turning the reins over to another. He loved
the freedom of not having to decide anything. But what was different
about doing it in a club like Razor was that Zane got a say in just how
far things would go. Well, except for that last time. If not for the cops
showing up to raid the place, his master would have eventually let
Zane have a major orgasm, there would have been a little aftercare,
and then they would have parted ways. Both of them would have
gotten what they wanted, and Zane would have been able to make it
through another week before the need for another freak indulgence
would have pressed in on him again.

This, though, was wholly different because this was real. It wasn’t

a kinky power exchange mapped out in advance and played out with
the willing participation of both performers. This was Zane becoming
a piece of property that his master wanted to mess with. When he’d
held up that mask, Zane literally couldn’t breathe. His fear was so
great he thought he would simply die on the spot. Never again could
he tolerate something like that on his face. And here this bastard was,
tormenting him with the device for shits and giggles. Zane knew if he

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told him why he was terrified of that thing, he’d simply torment him
with it more, so he’d kept his mouth shut and he’d done everything to
be the perfect servant.

Somehow, he’d managed to displease his master anyway. And

he’d punished him with a threat so vile Zane had passed out.

“Get up.” Ertic’s voice was cold, which was a startling contrast to

how warm he looked with his bronzed hair, skin, and eyes. He was a
stunning god with a cruel streak that would ultimately cause Zane’s
death. Of that he was certain. Whether or not he followed his
directives, he was one of those types who would look for wrongdoing
to punish him over because that was what he liked—doling out
punishment. He wasn’t a master who enjoyed power. Nope, Zane
wasn’t that lucky. What he got was a master who was a sadist.

Since he didn’t want him to issue the order twice, Zane got to his

feet despite the fact he was trembling. Damn. He didn’t want to
appear weak in anyway because that would only make this bully
hotter to fuck with him, but his terror was genuine, and he couldn’t
stop shivering no matter what he did.

“Leave us.”
Dejected and dreading what would happen, Zane watched as all

the blue guys left. They seemed nice, but it was clear they weren’t
going to reprimand his master. Not if they wanted to keep his trade,
they wouldn’t. Zane had no idea what the items his master ordered
were worth, but given the sinfully soft carpet below his feet and the
general plush surroundings, he imagined they weren’t going to be

Once all the tailors left, his master stood staring at him.
Where once Zane might have gotten distracted by wondering how

this alien had sex, he found himself thinking of how he could kill him.
Since he had two sets of arms, Zane had no clue where his heart
might be in his chest. Given what an asshole he was, he probably
didn’t even have one.

“You are terrified of this.” Ertic held up the mask.

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When he saw it, Zane swallowed hard and tightened up his

muscles so he wouldn’t collapse again. Just as he’d thought, this guy
was now going to toss it in his face until he literally killed him with
either the mask itself or Zane’s fear of it. It didn’t much matter which
way he went since Zane was going to end up dead.

“I will not use it on you.”
Zane didn’t think he’d heard him correctly. And then he thought

this was just another taunt. To his surprise, Ertic took the mask and
tossed it away in what could only be a garbage can. It was fancy as all
get out, but that was what it had to be.

Fearing it was still some kind of test, Zane stayed where he was

and kept his attention focused on his master. Too bad the guy was
straight, not to mention a total asshole, because he was really fucking
beautiful. Everything about him was bronzed and buff. Even his tail,
which was startling and unusual, was somehow sexy as it swished
behind him. It was difficult not to think of him sexually when his dark
blue jacket was all he was wearing up top. Damn, he really had a
stunning chest.

“Tell me your name.”
He didn’t want to, but he was more afraid not to. “Zane Chaslu.”

Remembering his master’s snarky little speech, Zane couldn’t stop
himself from adding, “I’m from Earth, and I’m not off to marry
anyone. I like men.”

“Males.” That word seemed to translate because his evil master


“You asked me if I liked to fuck.”
“I take it back.”
Ertic moved over to where Zane was standing. He did this with a

sliding grace that was totally hypnotizing. Rather than stomp, he
strode. His shoulders, all four of them, rocked horizontally, absorbing
the motion of his lower body. It was so graceful that for a moment
Zane forgot how mean he was.

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“You cannot take back a question once it is asked.”
“Then I don’t care to hear the answer.”
Ertic’s eyes narrowed, and Zane tensed, waiting for the mask to

come flying out of the garbage can and settle on his face. Since he
was dealing with an alien, he figured he probably had telekinetic
powers or something worse. When Ertic simply reached out and
cupped his chin, Zane tensed even more, terrified that he would
simply find another way to torment him. What was so agonizing was
all the games he’d played in the Razor came back to haunt him. He’d
loved those power exchanges, but this wasn’t mutual. This wasn’t
anywhere near safe, sane, or consensual. This couldn’t get any more
opposite if it tried.

“You are very unusual.”
Zane thought that was an understatement, but he was thinking it in

regards to Ertic. All those kinky thoughts about sex with aliens came
rushing back, and despite the fact his hands weren’t anywhere near
him, Zane got hard. He closed his eyes, cursing his body for
responding to stress in the only way it knew how. To his stupid body,
it didn’t know the difference between fear for sexual pleasure and
flat-out fear. Zane tried to stop his reaction, but he couldn’t do
anything and opened his eyes.

His master dropped his cool gaze down and then lifted his wicked

bronze gaze to Zane’s face. “You are very strange to me.” Again, he
looked down and then up, but this time, he moved a step closer,
forcing Zane’s head back.

Breathlessly waiting, Zane jumped a bit when he felt a hand at his

cock. Determined to keep his attention on his master’s eyes, he kept
his head up. Slowly, tentatively, his master cupped his shaft and then
teased his dexterous fingers up and down.

When one of the blue men opened the door, Ertic snarled a

command over his shoulder, and he departed. After a moment, Zane
heard the word translated in his head as a command to leave. He
didn’t have to ask to know he had some kind of translator implanted

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in his head or in his collar. There would be no other way for him to
understand his alien master otherwise.

“You are strangely beautiful.”
Zane thought that maybe he looked like an Uhiran chick, given

that his master was straight, but that didn’t explain why he was
fondling his cock. Hell, maybe the Uhiran women had cocks. Zane
really had no idea. On Earth, the sexes were pretty distinct by their
very differently shaped genitals, but who knew what the rest of the
universe was like?

“Does it hurt you when I make your cock hard and then let it go


Zane really didn’t want to answer that. He feared the more

information he gave Ertic, the more he would use that knowledge to
hurt him.

Ertic stepped into him and lowered his head so that his mouth was

against Zane’s ear. “Tell me true, my slave.” He flicked his wrist so
that the hole in his fist worked up and down the length of Zane’s prick
so fast he almost came.

“Yes. It hurts me to get hard and then go soft without a climax.”
Pulling back, Ertic stood to his full height, but Zane didn’t look

up at him. He couldn’t. He wanted release, but more than that, he
wanted freedom. Playing a sexual game was a far cry from living it.

“Look at me.”
Zane did only because there was a distinctly softer tone to Ertic’s

voice. His hand smoothed over Zane’s cock and then suddenly his
upper hands grasped Zane’s arms and pinned him where he stood
even though Zane offered no fight. Ertic’s lower hands picked up
where his upper hands had left off. With amazing dexterity, Ertic
stroked Zane’s cock until he was so close to climax it almost brought
him to tears. Fearing the worst, that his cruel master would only tease
him again, Zane was stunned when he used his lower hands to stroke
hard and fast along Zane’s cock.

“Oh, God.” Zane’s head went back and the most intense orgasm

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of his life tore through him, rendering him utterly incapacitated for
almost a full minute. Unable to hold himself upright, he fell forward
only to find himself caught in Ertic’s upper arms.

Dreading that his master would now punish him after giving him

pleasure, Zane was dumbfounded when Ertic grasped his shoulders in
his upper arms. Caught, Zane realized the sheer power of his master
when he lifted him. And then he stunned him again when he lowered
his head and kissed Zane right on the lips.

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Chapter 4

Ertic didn’t know what possessed him, but he felt compelled to

taste the mouth of his wanton slave. Lifting him up after rendering
him almost inert from pleasure, Ertic plundered his slave’s—
Zane’s—mouth, reveling in the raw flavor of his elemental essence.
Hungry for more, Ertic grasped him and incapacitated him by
gripping his upper hands to Zane’s shoulders and his lower hands to
his hips. As soon as he lifted him, Zane parted his legs, giving Ertic
the advantage he needed for more intense contact. Zane’s powerful
legs went around the wide expanse of Ertic’s hips and his tight, hot
little hole rode high against his topmost shaft.

A sudden, sharp burst of shared pleasure made each of them moan

into the other’s mouth.

Yanking him close, Ertic continued to tongue his slave while

grinding his upper cock into the tight heat of his bottom. Ertic was
expecting the Delutians to interrupt at any moment, but apparently his
snarled command kept them away from the fitting room. Determined
to toss caution to the wind, Ertic moved across the wide expanse of
the floor to one of the reclining couches against the back wall.

Kneeling down, he lowered his slave onto the cushions and then

eased him back. Ertic worked his trousers apart, exposing his upper
cock. Using the arousal from his cock to slick his way, Ertic
positioned himself against Zane and then shoved hard forward.

His blue eyes opened wide. For a moment, Ertic feared he’d hurt

him, but then his slave’s eyes rolled back and he rocked his hips,
pulling Ertic’s cock deeper. Determined to fuck him until he felt
release, Ertic settled in for a long, hard ride. What amazed him was

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that his slave didn’t struggle or push him away, even after all he had
done to torment him. All he could think was that he had indeed
bought a most curious creature.

“You like to fuck, don’t you?” Ertic asked even though the answer

was obvious.

“I do. God, yes. I do.” Zane looked up into Ertic’s eyes.
Ertic was stunned by what he saw. After all he had done to make

his slave cower, and he had succeeded, his slave now looked up at
him with lust and longing. How could this be? Moreover, what was
Ertic doing? He’d bought this creature to serve him in his attempt to
thwart the queen. But now, suddenly, Ertic only wanted to know more
about this most interesting alien and find all the ways they could
please one another. It was madness, yet he couldn’t stop thrusting into
the tight, clutching heat of his slave.

“I will keep you now as both my servant and my sexual slave.”

Ertic pulled his hips closer with his lower arms while using his upper
arms to hold him pinned to the couch.

Rather than argue, Zane nodded.
“Why do you surrender to me so effortlessly?” Ertic lessened the

intensity of his strokes because he feared he would climax too soon,
and he wished to prolong this rapture. He had never penetrated
anything, and he found the sensation remarkably intense. No wonder
his kind was obsessed with their pleasure cocks.

“I surrender because you’re my master.” Zane closed his eyes and

his head went back, exposing the length of his neck. His powerful
chest was relaxed, but his muscle definition was still quite strong. He
was beautifully formed. Even without all his arms, he was still far
more interesting in looks and deportment than any other Uhiran Ertic
had ever met.

“Were you a slave prior to me?” For some reason, Ertic thought

he was buying an untried slave because of the wording at his auction,
but he may have misunderstood the auctioneer’s meaning.

“In a way, I was.” Zane met Ertic’s gaze. “I will tell you when

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you are finished with me.”

“You will tell me now.” Ertic eased back his thrusts even more,

watching with satisfaction as his slave’s expressive face twisted into

“On Earth, I played at bondage.” Briefly, Zane explained that on

his world, some people engaged in restricting the moments of others
as a way to bring about intense sexual arousal. “I loved to be bound
and controlled by my temporary master.”

“He would beat you?”
“No. That wasn’t one of my things. I liked to be paddled lightly,

but I enjoyed being immobilized and then teased with toys.”

Zane explained a collection of curious items from dildos to butt

plugs to beads. Since Uhirans had four arms and a mobile tail, they
did not need to have many toys to bring about sexual arousal, at least
not that Ertic knew. Still, Ertic made a note that he might invest in
such items to use them on Zane. Not to pleasure him, just to see how
he would react to them. Ertic was simply curious.

“Tell me why you so feared the mask.”
It was clear that his even mentioning the thing changed the

pleasure level of his slave. Zane’s body went taut and his buttocks
tightened as he tried to pull away. Clamping his hands down firmly
told Zane without words that Ertic had no intention of letting him go
until he was good and ready to do so.

“I almost died in one!” Zane’s blue eyes practically flashed fire.

“There. Are you happy now? Are you going to stick it back on my
face and taunt me until I pass out again?”

Under Ertic’s hands, Zane trembled, causing him to instinctively

pull him up against his body to comfort him. “I will not ever put
anything on your face again. I promise you that.” Ertic had only done
so in an effort to see just how far he could push his odd servant until
he reacted. The poor thing had been so dreadfully terrified he’d lost
consciousness. Ertic had stood there with all the Delutians looking at

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him without trying to appear judgmental when it was obvious they
thought he was a brute. And he was. Because someone had done the
same thing to him, so he had turned right around and done it to
another. No one could shame him as deeply as he could himself.
“Never, ever again.”

Zane relaxed into him, and for a moment, Ertic let himself

imagine that Zane was in his arms of his own free will and not there
because he had nowhere else to go. What irritated Ertic was that
everyone, even he himself, was slave to someone. There were very
few entirely free creatures in the universe. Perhaps that was what
drew him to Zane. Their point of commonality should make them
allies and not antagonists.

But Ertic knew if any one of his kind found out what he’d been

doing, he would have no chance to explain or defend his decision. He
would simply be put to death. He feared that was his ultimate fate at
the queen’s hands anyway. She cared no more for Ertic than she did
for any of her courtesans. He was just prized because of his coloring.

“Tell me more about your world.” Ertic eased Zane away from

him so that his back was against the couch. Releasing him from his
fearsome hold, Ertic smoothed his hands along his flesh, feeling the
way his muscles were draped around his form. By distracting himself
with anatomy, Ertic hoped to hold off his release until his slave could
have another one with him. He thought that would be more likely to
bind them together.

“What do you want to know?”
“The creatures on your world. Are they all colored like you?”
“You mean humans? No. We’re all a little different. Some are

very pale and some are very dark brown.” Zane pointed to his chest.
“I’m tan from working on the dock without a shirt, but see, here”—he
pointed to his hips—“my skin is lighter because I was wearing pants.”

“Your skin is very soft.” Ertic felt as if his body was almost

melting under his touch he was so soft.

“Yours is harder, almost like leather.” Zane’s hands traveled over

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Ertic’s chest in such a way that he arched into him. How odd. He’d
never reacted to a stroke like that before. “Are all your kind colored
like you?”

“Sadly, no.”
“Why is that sad?”
“Because most are a matte silver—no sheen, no glisten. I am rare

in that all of me is bronze and I gleam.”

“And they dislike you because you are different?” The

compassion in Zane’s eyes compelled Ertic closer to him and made
him wonder why he would care.

“They hunger for me because I am different.”
“Is that why the queen wants you?”
Ertic nodded grimly. “She is the same color as most, but shiny,

yet she wants offspring that are more colorful.”

“So she only wants to mate with you because of your color?”
“It’s an honor.” Ertic said the words but didn’t feel them. He’d

been told them so often by so many it was as if the entire collective of
Uhiran wanted him to believe those words whether they were true or

“You don’t love her.”
“I don’t know her.” But Ertic knew enough and he’d seen enough

to form his opinion of her, and it wasn’t good. She seemed spoiled,
vain, and utterly self-absorbed. And then he realized he’d been
roughly the same way around Zane. So far he’d managed to make the
absolute worst impression without even trying. Zane had clearly been
willing when Ertic penetrated him, but he could have been much
kinder before. “Do you want to know her?”

It was on the tip of his tongue to spill everything, but he held

back. Just because he felt an affinity for this slave did not mean he
felt the same toward Ertic. After how he’d hurt him, he might just be
trying to get information out of him so he could use it against him.
That is what Ertic would do if their situations were reversed.

“My duty is to go to her and fill her belly with offspring.” And

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that was precisely what he didn’t want to do. Ertic wanted children
someday, but he did not want children who he wouldn’t be allowed to
see or take care of. He most definitely didn’t want his offspring to be
used as negotiating points or as tools for a vain queen who cared more
about what she wore than what her people had for sustenance.

“Which of your cocks will you use on her? Or does she have two


It took a moment to translate the last word, but Ertic already

understood what his slave was asking. Most slaves would be too
embarrassed to question an alien about his sex life, but this one made
it seem the most normal question in the universe. Given how he’d
discussed his own kind’s sexuality, it wasn’t much wonder.

“She has two, but one is for excretory purposes, like where I’m

filling you.” Ertic looked down and enjoyed the sight of his smooth,
hairless cock drilling into his slave’s hairy behind. He wasn’t covered
with fur, not like a pelt, but he had enough to form a stunning contrast
to the smoothness of Ertic’s form. When he thrust as deeply into him
as he could, he was rewarded with a tickle from Zane’s hair.
“However, I will use my lower cock, my mating cock.”

“Are they different?” Squirming, Zane caused his passage to

clench around Ertic’s prick, which almost propelled him into release.
He had to use his lower hands to hold his slave still and took several
calming breaths to regain his composure.

“One is for pleasure.” Ertic withdrew until only the tip of his prick

was pressed against his slave’s hole. He watched his eyes, waiting for
just the right moment. When he found it, he surged forward, filling
him in one thrust. “The other is strictly for procreation.”

“You’ve never put it in anyone?”
“Have you ever been tempted?”
Ertic peered down at Zane’s eager face. “You’d like me to put it

in you, wouldn’t you?”

“I would.”

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“You haven’t even seen it. For all you know it could have barbs.”
Zane’s eyes went big and then narrowed. “That doesn’t seem right

when the rest of you is totally smooth.”

“You haven’t even discovered all that this cock can do.” Ertic

pulled almost all the way out, but before Zane could look down, he
rammed into him, making him utter a whimpering cry that was
practically music to his ears. “You are the most sensual creature.”

“I’m glad you noticed.”
“Do you succumb to me so easily in the hopes I shall free you?”

Ertic couldn’t help but suspect his oh-so-willing slave had an ulterior

“Free me? No. You don’t seem the type. I just hope if I please you

that you will stop bullying me.” Zane met his gaze without any trace
of guile. Were all humans so straightforward?

Ertic considered his servant’s request. He wasn’t asking for a lot.

In fact, if Ertic were allowed to ask the queen for anything, he might
do the same. But his request would be for her not to force him into
procreating when he didn’t wish to. Yet Ertic was torn. If he relented
too much, Zane might perceive him as weak and easily taken
advantage of. That was something Ertic couldn’t tolerate. He needed
this man to help him with his desperate idea. One slip could reveal too
much and potentially put both of them at the queen’s displeasure. A
flick of her wrist and a certain cast of her silver eyes could end with
them facing death in the most horrific way imaginable. But he didn’t
want to think about such machinations when he was just now
discovering the pleasure of sexual congress.

As Ertic grasped his slave and fucked him in earnest, he wondered

what he would do now. It was too late to return to his cold state, and
truthfully, that was not what he honestly wanted to do. But he
couldn’t continue down this intimate road with a slave. Caught up
between what he wanted and what he knew was safe, Ertic found
himself leaning toward danger. In some way, Ertic knew he was only
sublimating his desire to conquer the ice walls of ToBo into

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conquering his delectable slave, but Ertic found himself powerless to

Using his lower hands to hold Zane’s hips, Ertic leaned into him

and over him so that he could use his upper arms to stroke Zane’s
now-hard cock. When Zane struggled, Ertic pinned him and reveled
in the way Zane’s pupils dilated. He liked being overpowered.
Considering how big he was in relation to the other humans on the
auction block, it was unlikely he ran into many humans who could
command him without using the devices he spoke of.

Once Ertic had his lusty slave immobilized, he showed him the

unique functions of his pleasure cock. Shoving it deep into Zane’s
ass, Ertic then closed his eyes and allowed his lust to build. As his
desire increased, the cuppanna, a hard cylinder around his pleasure
cock, swelled and then started to move up and down the length of his
shaft. This provided stimulation to him and his partner.

Opening his eyes, Ertic gazed into Zane’s eyes, loving the

surprised arousal he found. The more roused Ertic became, the more
his mobile flesh moved. Faster and faster his cuppanna stroked until
Zane cried out and climaxed, spilling all over his own belly. His
slave’s body tightened, causing Ertic to lose control, shove his
pleasure cock deep, and his cuppanna to constrict, forcing him to

“Oh, God.”
Ertic watched as Zane squirmed upon his spurting prick. His body

shimmied down as if he would take more of him within when there
was no more to give. At the height of Zane’s pleasure, his eyes rolled
back, his body heaved, and then he went utterly still.

Convinced it was simply his kind’s way to go limp after a

commanding orgasm, Ertic grinned and waited for Zane’s beautiful
blue eyes to open. After a long moment, wherein his slave was utterly
unresponsive, Ertic realized something was very, very wrong.

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Chapter 5

Zane could not remember having a lust-fueled fantasy that came

close to what his Uhiran master was actually capable of. His pleasure
cock—and oh what a wonderful discovery that he had a cock that was
strictly for pleasure—was capable of the most wickedly intense
sensations. First of all, it self-lubed, which was the best thing in the
universe, but also, it came equipped with its own sex toy. A tube of
thickened flesh zoomed up and down Ertic’s shaft, rubbing all over
the sensitive nerves inside Zane’s ass. Zane didn’t know what the hell
that hard cylinder was made of that roughly went up and down his
dick, but it was rubbing him in all the right ways. Zane honestly
couldn’t remember a more pleasurable experience with any manmade
toy. Ertic’s prick surpassed them all. And then he’d climaxed, filling
Zane’s passage with his hot, alien jizz.

Spurt after spurt coated the inside of Zane, and he’d found the hot

pulse beyond his ability to describe. It was so wicked and different
and luscious that Zane literally zoned out. Zane had felt too good, like
he’d gone not one drink beyond what would end with him throwing
up, but he felt as if he had gone a dozen drinks beyond what he was
capable of handling. Zane tried to pull back, to push Ertic off him, but
his arms flopped uselessly to his sides and his powerful legs went
limp. Something about his master’s climax had paralyzed him.

Zane was cognizant below Ertic’s amazing body, but he couldn’t

move, couldn’t speak, and he barely could breathe. His fear from the
mask that had smothered him was nothing compared to this. He had
loved every moment of his encounter with his brutal then tender
master, but something had changed. Something—his cum?—had

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rendered him incapable of movement.

Unable to do anything, Zane lay useless on the couch, hoping his

master would do something. What he could actually do was beyond
Zane. And then, Ertic lifted him up and carried him over to something
that Zane couldn’t see. He felt a cylinder go up his backside, and then
a rush of cool liquid, and slowly, he discovered he was able to
breathe. Bit by bit Zane returned to himself. Once he was breathing
on his own, Ertic released him so that he was on his hands and knees
on the floor.

Gasping, he dug his fingertips into the cushy carpet. Zane couldn’t

remember anything that had caused such a strange reaction in him.

“Are you able to breathe now?” Ertic’s voice was carefully

modulated, but it was clear to Zane his master was worried.

“I can. I don’t know what happened.”
“I think you are allergic to me.” Ertic ran three of his hands

soothingly over Zane’s back while the fourth helped to hold him up.
“I have heard of this happening, but only with the Yartz.”

“What’s a Yartz?”
“A four-mouthed pleasure slave.” Ertic described something that

sounded roughly like a big sentient, circular couch with four holes.
“They are very versatile, highly sought after, excessively expensive,
and their major drawback is that certain ejaculate renders them inert.”

“If they have too much in their bodies, they can die. I fear you are

the same.”

“Death by cum. I’ll have to put that in my book.” Before Ertic

could ask, Zane shook his head. “I’m cracking wise. So it’s your
cream that makes them sick, or does it kill them?”

“Uhiran and Krase ejaculate seems to immobilize them. It doesn’t

kill them, but something in it pleasures them to the point they are
frozen. Was it—did my—was it painful?”

Zane understood by the tone of his master’s voice that he was

worried he had inadvertently hurt him, but he hadn’t. His paralysis

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probably would have passed without harm, but now that they knew,
he should probably pull out before he went off. Or maybe halfway
through. Damn. It really had felt incredible. Turning so their gazes
met, held, and locked, Zane offered, “It didn’t hurt. It felt so good I
simply couldn’t move.”

Relief turned Ertic’s face softer than it had been. “I’m sorry. I

should have anticipated or checked, but I just…You were so tight. So
hot. And you felt so good.”

Zane didn’t care if his master had been cruel before. He wasn’t

now. And Zane found himself attracted to him for more than his raw
sexuality. “I’m not angry.” Zane reached up, cupped his face, drew
close, and kissed him. Ertic’s lips parted against his and their tongues
dueled for supremacy. For once, Zane strove to master his master, and
when Ertic forcefully grasped him with all four of his arms, Zane
smiled and surrendered. He’d only pushed just to see, but now he
knew his Uhiran master would never surrender control. In the long
run, Zane thought he would be okay with that. Giving up control
wasn’t the worst thing he could do.

“You are very curious to me.”
“Am I?”
Ertic considered him and then lifted him up. “We have to make

things right for the Delutians.”

“Are those the blue guys?”
“Yes. They should be ready now with your clothing.” Ertic met

and held Zane’s gaze. “And no, I will not make you wear the outfit of
restraint. I must pay for it because I ordered it, but I swear, I only did
so to make you cower.”

“Why? All you ever had to do was ask me to do what you


At that, Ertic frowned. “What I needed?”
“Or wanted. However you would phrase it.”
“You would be agreeable?” The very idea seemed to perturb

Ertic. “You would willingly follow my instructions, even if they cast

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you in a subservient light?”

“If it matters that much to you and your reputation, yes. I would.”

Zane didn’t know all the details of Ertic’s station, but it seemed to
him he had to put on airs more often than not. “I would do anything I
could to help you. Just—” Zane cut himself off. Ertic already said he
wouldn’t restrain him, so it seemed foolish to remind him of it.

Ertic stepped close, pressing their bodies together. “If you will be

my obedient slave, then I will be your benevolent master.”

Zane nodded. “I will do as you say.”
“I will not harm you.”
With their agreement cast, they eyed one another, and then Ertic

was gone from Zane’s side to ask the blue tailors to reenter. They did
so without acknowledging they’d been kicked out of their own room.
If anyone had the idea of customer service down, these creatures did.
They entered the room with the outfits ready for Zane to try on.

All three of them were placed for Ertic’s perusal. He held out the

sleepwear first.

Zane slipped on the loose trousers of dark blue. He had no idea

what the fabric was, but it was sinfully soft. Each step he took
smoothed the pants and shirt against his form, outlining his body, but
not restricting him. He was enamored of the garment immediately.

Clearly pleased, Ertic ordered him to try on his daily servant wear.

Surprisingly, even though the fabric was heavier, it was just as
smooth against his body. He had full range of movement, yet he was
totally covered. They style was similar to what Ertic was wearing, but
for the fact his jacket was closed while Ertic’s hung open, revealing
tantalizing glimpses of his chest.

When the tailors offered out the restraining garment, Ertic studied

it and then nodded. It was taken away along with the shoes that
looked like the worst torture devices ever conceived. Just getting
them on his feet would cause irreparable damage, and he probably
would never walk again after wearing them. If Ertic’s goal had been
to make him obedient, it was well crafted, because after one look at

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them, he would never go against his master again. After a moment,
Ertic flashed him an apologetic frown, and then had him try on his
working shoes and sleeping slippers. Both fit him perfectly. His
sleepwear was bundled up, and he kept his workaday clothing on.

“We have this for you as well.” One of the Delutians offered out a

meticulously crafted wooden box that Ertic opened.

Whatever was inside made his eyes flash suddenly hot and his

eyelids lowered. “It’s exquisite.”

The Delutian bowed. “Should we fit the device?”
Ertic hesitated only a fraction of a second, but it was enough to be

noticeable and just enough to make Zane concerned. What the hell
was that thing in the box?

“We should ensure it fits, but I don’t want him to be wearing it

just now.” Ertic turned to Zane. “Lower your trousers.”

Since Zane had agreed to do what Ertic said, he dutifully dropped

his pants down to his knees. When his cock was exposed, Ertic took
the object out of the box then cupped Zane’s cock.

“I have to get you hard to check the fit.”
After two shattering climaxes, Zane doubted he’d get hard again,

but something about Ertic’s sleek hand got him there with a minimum
of strokes. Once he was hard, Ertic took the curious object and
slipped it down the length of Zane’s penis.

“What is it?” It didn’t hurt, but its appearance was so strange. The

metal looked like gleaming white gold but was far too light. The more
he stared at it, the more he realized that it appeared to be a winged
dragon with flashing blue gems for eyes and its folded-back wings
nestled perfectly around his sac. Cock jewelry? If it was, it was quite
heavy. So heavy in fact that it would undoubtedly fall off if he wasn’t
fully erect. Even if he was aroused, he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to
keep it on and up for longer than a few minutes.

“It’s a fie’dat allintay.”
“Oh, right.” Zane remembered that Ertic had said he would put

one of these on him to show that even his cock was owned. But he’d

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also told the Delutians he was only checking it for sizing, which was a
relief to Zane because the idea of his cock being hard anymore made
him distinctly uncomfortable. Normally horny twenty-four-seven, he
thought he’d had quite enough arousal for today.

“Is it uncomfortable?”
“It seems to fit okay. I don’t see how it’s supposed to stay on,


Ertic flicked something, and the device slowly clamped around

the base of his shaft.

“Oh, I see.” It would function like a cock ring.
“There is also a small lifter in it to keep it at the correct height.”

Ertic released his penis from the device and then put it back in the
box. “You may cover yourself.”

Zane pulled up his pants and then stood waiting for more orders.

Now that he understood a bit more about Ertic and his mission to give
himself to a queen he clearly didn’t want—or at least give the
products of his mating cock to her—he had a lot more sympathy for
him. Zane was more than willing to be his subservient slave as long as
Ertic kept his side of the bargain and didn’t hurt him. Since Zane had
no rights but for the ones his master gave him, he figured he was
probably ahead of the game at this point.

As he watched his master settle the bill, he couldn’t help but

admire the way he moved. It was just odd that he was so graceful with
the extra set of arms. And having four hands made sex beyond
amazing. He never could have dreamed this up in a million years.
And then the ejaculate that made him so blissful he almost died. He’d
been terrified to croak from suffocation with the bondage mask, but
death by overloading on pleasure from his master’s cock? That might
be the way to go. Not that he was looking to die. Hell, no. He wanted
to ride his other cock before he went. Of course, that idea got him
wondering if his two cocks dispensed the same ejaculate. Probably
not, considering they were for two different purposes.

When Ertic had been leaning over Zane on the couch, he’d been

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able to see the form of his chest and abdomen. Unlike a human six-
pack, Ertic had more of a twelve-pack. Considering his abs had to
work twice as hard, that made sense to him. And his arms were very
solidly placed across his body with firm shoulders. The upper was
quite a bit wider than the lower set, but the lower set was about as
wide as Zane’s. When they were standing, his lower shoulders lined
up almost perfectly with Zane’s.

“One last thing. We’ve found this to be a popular item.” One of

the Delutians held up something, but Zane couldn’t really see it. How
weird. There was clearly something there as it refracted the light, but
as to what it could possibly be, he had no idea. “It goes around a slave
collar, making it invisible.”

Ertic’s eyebrows rose. “Put it on him.”
Zane held steady as the tailor put the device around his neck.

When he looked in a mirror, he appeared to be wearing nothing but
his clothing. Cool.

“Good. I shall take that, too.”
He finished with the bill, and then all of the goods were whisked

into a bag that was then handed to Zane. Considering how much stuff
was in it, the sack was remarkably light. Ertic added his leash to the
bag and murmured, “We will have no need for this.”

“I will follow wherever you go.”
For a moment, their gazes met and held. Ertic didn’t smile, but

there was a flare of heat in his eyes. Zane didn’t know how he knew
what he was thinking, but he did. It was almost as if he could hear
Ertic praising him for his willingness to be in bondage to him. But
then he turned and the moment was broken.

“Come.” Ertic strode out of the room, his tail shifting back and

forth with his graceful strides.

Zane followed along behind him. Outside, they worked their way

along the enormous sidewalk. A multitude of aliens streamed past
them. Some matched their strides for a bit, traveling next to them,
while some were slower, and others faster, but all Zane could really

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think about was that very odd connection to Ertic. Zane couldn’t
recall ever feeling that way toward anyone before. Was it the
dynamite sex? Or had his supremely pleasurable cum done something
else? As Zane kept pace, he found he would simply have to wait and
see if the connection happened again.

After a very long and fast walk, they came to the face of another

massive building. Ertic hesitated near the entrance as if he were
checking the address. Zane examined the doorway and saw faint
markings. They reminded him of the symbols that could be found on
the US highway system. A plate bracketed by a knife and fork meant
food could be had at the next exit. He had a gut feeling that these
were international—scratch that—intergalactic symbols, but he didn’t
understand a single one of them.

“It’s not a very good system if the new kid on the block can’t

make sense of it,” Zane mumbled to himself. But then he thought that
humans weren’t really a part of the greater universe yet. All the
technology around him would be like magic on Earth, but here it was
taken for granted. Zane had a feeling humans had a long way to go to
catch up to everyone else. Not that he was worried about it.
Humankind had a knack for figuring things out fast. They were like
bright monkeys—a little scary, a touch dangerous, and whole lot of

Ertic must have found what he wanted because he entered. When

Zane stepped in, he realized that where the other building seemed
pretty plush, this one was excessively so. Even with his shoes on, the
carpeting almost kissed his feet is was so gooshey and soft. The air
was sweet, but not overly so, or sickly. It was fresh, clean, and
seemed to be at once masculine and feminine. How strangely
interesting. All he could figure was it was an alien fragrance that
didn’t quite register with him, so his nose was working overtime
trying to pin something familiar to it.

As if he knew exactly where he was going, Ertic walked up to one

of the long counters that looked to be made out of precious metal.

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Zane had a strong desire to stroke his fingers over it, but he had a
feeling he’d get slapped, so he contented himself with just looking at
it and wondering if it were actually made out of platinum. It would
weigh a ton if it were. But maybe there was some cool alien
technology that kept it afloat. Once Ertic stepped up, he waited for the
multitentacle creature behind the counter to glide down to where he
was standing.

“I am in need of a room.”
Zane struggled to keep a smile off his face. There were only two

things anyone got a room for—fucking or sleeping. Hopefully both.
Even after all they had done at the clothing shop, Zane was up for
more, especially in a place where they would have complete privacy.
Snickering silently at his pun about being up for more, he stood
behind his master, watching as his tail swept back and forth.

Zane had no idea what had happened between Ertic and the

cashier since he’d been distracted by thinking about what Ertic’s
mating cock might look like. Still, when Ertic walked off, Zane
followed. The fabric of his uniform caressed his partial erection with
a surprising amount of subtlety. He was so focused on the feel of that
he didn’t even realize they were on an elevator until he felt

The ride seemed to last forever, and Zane realized they were

going up to the top of the building. Was his master loaded? He had to
be rich unless aliens did things totally opposite of humans. On Earth,
the higher up in a building, the pricier the room would be. If they
went all the way to the top, the penthouse, that would mean…oh, my.
That would mean his master was filthy rich. Somehow that didn’t
seem right. If he was wealthy, wouldn’t he have more rights in his
society and be able to thwart the queen? Maybe unlike some places on
Earth, royalty really did have all the privileges. If the queen wanted
something, she was given it even if it was someone who didn’t want

Zane opened his mouth to ask and then realized they weren’t

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alone, so he stifled himself. He would never do anything to embarrass
Ertic. Not after they’d come to their agreement. He didn’t know what
that floating thing was, but he figured it was their porter.

When the elevator ride finally stopped, Zane followed Ertic out

and then down a hall that was open on one side. He glanced over
toward what he thought would be the center of the building and
realized there was a hanging garden around the outer ledge. There
were bird-like things and creatures that appeared to be like moneys
scampering through the trees. Baffled as to how they kept the
creatures contained and prevented their waste from falling down to
the lobby, he realized there was probably one of those shields like
he’d had around him during his auction.

“More cool alien tricks,” Zane murmured.
Eventually, he and Ertic made it to their room. No, wait, it wasn’t

a room. It was a suite. Zane didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so
luxurious. There was thick carpet, beautifully painted walls with
stunning artworks, and enough room to throw a party for one hundred
people with room to spare. Everything was colored in bright jewel
tones, which made it a virtual playground for his vision. Powerful
yellow against rich blue made a stunning contrast that was followed
up by crimson against purple. Zane had never seen anything so
distinctive and yet so amazingly put together. Still, on Earth, he
imagined it would seem garish to most, but he loved it. Walking into
the room was like walking into a rainbow.

To his untrained eye, this was a place for high rollers or—oh,

God. Was Ertic royalty? This would certainly be the kind of place a
queen would stay if she had to leave her castle. Zane kept all his
questions to himself because Ertic hadn’t given him any orders. He
moved to the side of the open area and waited while Ertic inspected
the rest of the suite.

Once he found it satisfactory, he dismissed the floating droid,

closed the door, and turned.


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Zane moved to him but kept his gaze lowered.
“You would do anything I asked of you?”
“Yes.” Zane still didn’t understand why that surprised Ertic so.
“Good.” Ertic reached out, cupped Zane’s face, and tilted it up

until their gazes met and held. “I want you to kill me.”

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Chapter 6

Ertic held his breath, waiting for Zane’s reaction. When Zane’s

eyes narrowed and distaste twisted the handsome right off his face,
Ertic realized he was never going to go for his crazy scheme. He now
had two choices. He could either pretend it was all a joke, or he could
confess what he’d been planning on doing since he received the royal
summons. Even after the intimacy they’d shared and the agreement
they’d made, he still didn’t know if he could trust Zane completely.
When he’d stopped breathing after their interlude, Ertic had shoved
his panic aside because he didn’t want to lose him, not when he was
just starting to enjoy his company. But trust was so far beyond caring.

“This is like the barbed penis thing, right? A joke?” Zane cupped

his hand over Ertic’s. “I don’t want to kill you. I like you.”

Stunned by the comfort of his body heat, Ertic released Zane’s

chin and took his hand. “I like you, too, but this is the only solution.”
Apparently, he had decided to forge ahead without really thinking it
through. But that was just it. He had thought it through. Ever since
he’d gotten the summons he’d done nothing but try to find a way out
of it.

“There has to be another way.” Zane’s voice was earnest.
“There really isn’t.”
“We could run away together.” Zane looked up at him with so

much hope it was almost heartbreakingly sweet. And then suddenly
his eyes went wide and joy transformed his features. “We could go
back to Earth! No one would think to look for you there. Once the
heat died down, then we could go wherever you want to go.”

“And you would go with me?”

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“Of course!” Zane looked down and then up, obviously trying to

contain his excitement. “After all, I am your faithful servant.”

Ertic sensed there was far more behind his slave’s sincere longing,

something far more serious than simple servitude, or the promise of
more incredible sex. Could he genuinely care about him after such a
short time? To test him, Ertic offered, “I will free you if you help

“No.” Zane didn’t even hesitate. “Don’t ask me again because I’m

not going to help you kill yourself. There has to be another way.”

Touched, and assured of his forthright desire to be with him, Ertic

leaned over and kissed Zane. It started soft, just their lips pressing
together, but then Zane made that soft sound of pleasure that sparked
Ertic’s lust. Pulling him close, he stopped when the shopping bag got
between them. It reminded him that he had to decide exactly what he
was going to do. He couldn’t keep indulging himself in sex with this
stunning alien to put off the inevitable moment of either taking a
stand against the queen—and dying…Or submitting himself to her—
and dying.

“Tell me everything. Maybe I can help.” Zane cupped his hands to

Ertic’s lower shoulders, something no one had ever done. It felt
curiously alien, just like his lover, and he found himself wanting to
keep experiencing unique situations just like this. Death wasn’t the
answer, but it seemed to be the only thing that would thwart a greedy

“Come sit with me so we can talk. And eat. I told the concierge

that I wanted a selection of foods sent up because I’m not sure what
you can and can’t eat.” Ertic led him over to the reclining area that
had several low couches around a table. Here they would be able to
relax, eat, and talk.

“I don’t know either, but I guess I’ll have to use trial and error.”

Zane made a face. “Although, that might not be the best idea. If your
ejaculate almost killed me…”

“A valid point. I shall see if my ship’s computer can come up with

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a solution.” Ertic engaged the access screen from his eye covering.

“That’s why you do that!” Zane nodded as he settled on a bright

yellow couch that contrasted his blue clothing in a most pleasing way.
“I wondered why you would do that with your eye—moving it around
seemingly at random. Now I know it’s a link to your ship.”

As he continued to search for data, Ertic explained, “I have a

covering over my eye that supports the interface. It makes it easy to
be in touch with my ship without drawing attention to the fact that I
have one.”

“Why does it matter? I mean, that people know you have a ship?

Doesn’t everyone?”

Ertic looked past his eyepiece but realized Zane was quite serious.

“Not everyone has a ship. In fact, very few have their own ship. Just
think of the population of your world with everyone owning their own
interstellar cruiser. Do you see how that would be a problem?”

Whenever he considered something, Zane’s eyes would dart to the

side and slightly up, as if he were picturing the notion. After a
moment, he shook his head. “Yeah, that would be a mess. We have
automobiles—little ships for the surface of our planet—and there are
so many of those it’s become a real problem in some cities finding
parking spaces.”

“It is the same for spaceships. Very few can afford them, and if

everyone had them, then the surface of the planet wouldn’t receive
light because of the layer of ships parked in geosynchronous orbit.”

“I get it. I do. It would turn the atmosphere into a parking lot.”

Zane nodded. “But then how do you decide who gets to have one?”

“Simple economics. Most can’t afford to fly in one, let alone own


Zane made a face.
“Just—that doesn’t seem very fair.”
“Because—well, it just doesn’t.” However, Zane was unable to

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articulate why.

“On your world, those autos you spoke of, how do you decide

who gets one?”

A faint wash of red infused his cheeks.
“Answer me.”
“I see.” Ertic paused as their food was brought in. From what his

ship was able to determine, Zane would be safest sticking to the basic
proteins that almost all the sentient beings in the universe thus far
could handle. “So even though your kind has a similar system, you
think the rest of the universe should have something different?”

“I guess I just thought that aliens would have a better system.”

Zane sampled one of the dishes, appeared to enjoy it, and then ate a
small amount. “I’ll wait and see how this hits me.”

“A very good idea.” Ertic nodded. “Why should we be held to a

higher standard?” He dipped two of his fingers into the creamed
senda and then licked them clean, watching as his slave’s attention
was riveted to the interplay between his tongue and fingers. Ertic had
bought him to do his bidding for his suicide plot, but he discovered a
uniquely sensual creature. It seemed Zane was very visually cued to
arousal. Ertic was more tactile. Given that he had four hands and a
sensitive tail, that seemed logical. Still, he made certain to eat slowly,
using his fingers as much as possible. It became clear to him that
Zane had lost the thread of their conversation. “Why did you think the
rest of the universe would be different?”

Snapping his gaze away from Ertic’s eating, Zane looked out the

far window in an obvious attempt to refocus his attention. “Because
you’re more advanced. I guess I just thought there would be a better
system, but maybe money is the best system, or it’s the only system.”

“Money doesn’t equal freedom.” That was a fact that Ertic knew

all too well. “If that were so, then I would not be here.”

Zane looked up, and pain flashed in his eyes, but he said nothing.
Ertic realized what he’d said in a way hurt him. He could see it

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and feel it almost as if Zane were connected to him. “But then I would
have missed buying you, and that would have been a tragedy.”

Zane smiled rather perfunctorily.
“Why didn’t you leap at freedom?” Ertic wanted to understand

what made his Earthling tic.

“Freedom at the cost of your life? No. That’s not right.”
“But you would be free. And I would ensure you had plenty of

money so that you would never become a slave again.” That gave
Ertic pause because he wasn’t certain how Zane had become a slave
in the first place.

“And you would still be dead and gone.” Zane looked down for a

moment and then met Ertic’s gaze. “I don’t want my second chance to
be on the back of your demise. I don’t know how to explain it better
than that. If you want to set me free, fine. Turn me loose. But I
guarantee I’ll try to stick around and be your friend instead of your
servant. If you want to kill yourself, that’s your business, and I
probably couldn’t stop you if you were really determined, but I will
do everything in my power to stop you.”

“Because I don’t think that’s an answer. Even if—let’s say you

continued on down the path of treating me like something nasty you
stepped in. You tortured me, humiliated me, and even did things that
brought me right to death’s doorway. I still wouldn’t kill myself.”

Ertic was flabbergasted. “I don’t believe you.”
“Fine. But that’s the truth.”
Ertic leaned closer even though they were separated by a table full

of food. “You are trying to tell me that even if you were facing a
lifetime of misery and abuse, you would continue on?”

“I would.” Zane met his gaze without any guile at all.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because things always change. It’s the one constant in the

universe—change.” Zane took another small sample of the meat he’d
tried earlier. “You were a total dick to me—at first. But then you

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realized you were being brutal for no reason because I wasn’t
resisting you. You in turn stopped being a douchebag and started to
actually engage me, which in turn got me to work with you and not
against you. Don’t you see that?”

Once his unit finished translating everything, Ertic did. What

Zane said made perfect sense. But still, something in Ertic resisted the
notion of suffering through misery hoping things would change.
“Let’s suppose that I did not change. That I continued to treat you
dreadfully. When would you have—wouldn’t you have eventually run
out of hope and made the ultimate choice?”

“No. Because once you kill yourself, that’s it. There’s no chance

things can get better because you’re not around to judge anymore. But
if you stay, and you keep fighting, then there is always a chance that
your situation will improve.”

“So you would live forever on the chance that change would

come?” Ertic wasn’t certain if he was more impressed or more

“I would.” Zane grinned at him. “But that’s just me.”
And then it hit Ertic rather suddenly. He admired Zane. He was a

slave with nothing of his own, yet his spirit wasn’t broken. Moreover,
as dubious as he found Zane’s personal philosophy, he had to give it
credit because Zane’s situation had rapidly improved. What had
changed was Ertic’s own opinion regarding his slave. Zane had gotten
him to change his mind and his behavior by somehow making Ertic
take a look at himself.

“Are you okay?” Zane asked. “You’ve been quiet for a long


“I find for the first time in my life that I am utterly impressed.”
“With my idea?”
Zane frowned.
“With you.”
A grin slowly spread across Zane’s face. “Yeah?”

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“Yes.” Ertic held his gaze and swore he felt Zane’s surge of pride

and his raw pleasure at having impressed someone who he cared
about. Cared about? “How can you care about me after what I’ve
done to you?”

“You stopped being a jerk and showed me that you’re just like me

in many ways.”

“You have to answer to a master just like I do. I think, for most of

the inhabitants in the universe, there is always someone above us,
someone we have to bow down to whether we want to or not.”

Ertic had had the exact same thought that everyone was in

bondage to someone else. “If I were to give you your freedom right
now, with no strings attached, what would you do?”

“I’d finish eating. I’d probably take a nap. And then I’d see if we

could sex each other up again.”

For the first time in his life, Ertic felt a grin slip across his face.

How very odd. He’d never felt quite this way before. It was so
strangely wonderful, yet almost scary. To test his slave once again,
Ertic dropped the joy from his face, glared at him harshly, and
demanded, “What would you do if I were to order you to strip bare,
crawl over to me on your knees, and suck my cock?”

Zane’s grin widened. “I would do exactly that.”
There was a long pause while Zane waited for the order and Ertic

considered issuing it. In the end, he decided that he wouldn’t, only
because he wanted his slave to have some sustenance before they did
anything else.

Nodding, Zane tried a few other items, but stuck with the first one

he’d chosen. Ertic had a bit of almost everything he was familiar with,
then rose. He slipped off his jacket, tossing it carelessly aside on one
of the sitting cubes. His gaze was drawn out to the other city
buildings that weren’t as tall as the one he was in. Their tops sprawled
off in the distance, far below where he stood. This was supposed to be

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his last night of total indulgence. He had planned on gorging himself
with food, liquor, sex—and then he would enact his plan to thwart the
evil queen. He sighed. It had seemed like such a great idea, but now
he wasn’t so sure. In order to pull it off, he would need Zane’s help,
which meant he would have to take him into his confidence.

Using the reflection in the window, Ertic looked back at Zane. He

was thoroughly caught up in eating. How could he take such
enormous pleasure in such a simple thing? Ertic shook his head. Zane
was such a beautiful creature. At first, his pale skin and black hair had
seemed strange to Ertic, not to mention his horrible deformity in only
having two arms, but when he looked at him now, he felt a surge of
pure desire. His black hair was wavy and full, tumbling around his
face with a casual ease that made him seem as if he’d just woken up.
His shoulders were broad, strong, and very well shaped. A light trail
of black hair started near his belly button and then spread around his
cock then down his butt and legs. Although, dressed as he was, Ertic
couldn’t see that now. But in his mind he could. When he’d had him
on his back on that couch, he’d been able to see everything.

When he’d fitted him with the fie’dat allintay, he’d been riveted

to how that device looked on his cock. To tell all who looked upon
him that he owned him so thoroughly was nothing but a way to stroke
his own ego. What shamed Ertic was that he need not do anything so
possessive. Zane was quite willing to be completely his. In return, all
Zane asked was for Ertic to treat him well. And that was telling in and
of itself because Zane didn’t demand, he requested. Moreover, he
didn’t ask for riches, or anything of the sort. He simply wanted the
very basic good treatment that all sentient beings wanted.

Zane was selfless, honest, sensual, and he had touched a part of

Ertic that he didn’t even know he possessed. All his life he’d
considered himself devoid of emotions. He didn’t experience any
giant highs or any staggering lows. His life was predictable. Until
he’d received the royal summons.

“What are you thinking of?”

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Ertic looked at the reflection and found Zane beside him.
“I was in the middle of a mission to map an unknown moon when

I received the command to come to the queen for breeding.”

“You’re an explorer?”
Ertic considered the translated word. “I am. I earn money by

sharing my discoveries with those who might develop the places I
have been.”

“Sometimes. But some places are so visually stunning that they

are preserved so that all might enjoy their singular beauty.”

“When you got the order, what did you do?”
“I stared at my screen for a long time. I didn’t move. I didn’t

think. I just sat there in my ship and looked at her directive.”

“She didn’t ask,” Zane guessed. “She told you what you would


Ertic nodded.
“And you didn’t like that, did you?”
“I have never been spoken to like that. It was as if I was hers to do

with as she pleased. I had no say in the matter. I was to do what she
said without question.” Ertic recalled that moment vividly. His tail
lashed side to side in memory. “After a long time of shock or
whatever it was, rage built in me. I have never been enraged. I have
never felt much of anything until that moment.”

“Wait, weren’t you happy doing what you were doing before


“I suppose. I just wasn’t aware of being happy. I simply was.”
“That’s amazingly Zen.”
“What is Zen?”
“Uh, well, dang. It’s kinda difficult to explain. It’s a state of mind,

a way of approaching life. It’s using intellect in a different way than
the norm. A way of—crap. I guess I’m not very good at explaining

“It’s acquiring knowledge?”

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“Kind of the opposite. It’s like having knowledge but not being

ruled by it. Or your emotions. Like, okay, look outside.”

Both of them focused on the world of Krase beyond the window.
“You could describe it in visual terms of lights against the

darkness, or our height over shorter things—comparisons. Fat or thin.
Hard or soft. Good or bad. Zen would be more in the mind of we are
simply here. There is no better or worse, no right or wrong—things
simply are the way they are.”

They were silent as Ertic considered how much the notion of Zen

was similar to what he had been only a short time ago. But then he
thought maybe he had simply been complacent. “I do not know how I
was Zen.”

“You accepted your life for the way it was. You weren’t happy or

sad. You were simply doing what you wished to do without worrying
about anyone or anything else.” Zane sighed and then brightened.
“You discovered worlds without anticipating what would ultimately
happen to them.”

Ertic thought he had the edges of understanding. “But her

command destroyed my Zen.”

“It doesn’t have to.”
“I don’t see how.”
“What if you told her that you were in love with another?”
“But I am not.”
Zane’s gaze dropped from the reflection, and he took an

incremental step back almost as if he’d suffered a blow. Too late,
Ertic realized Zane had been hoping for something very different to
come out of his mouth.

“You are not very Zen.”
“No.” Zane lifted his gaze back to Ertic’s reflection. “I find I can

accept many things because I hope that they will get better, but I still
make the comparison between good and bad when to be truly Zen, I

Ertic realized Zane wanted love more than he would probably

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ever admit. He’d inadvertently handed Ertic a way to control him
utterly. All he had to do was profess his love, and Zane would
probably do anything if he deluded himself into thinking they were in
love. As he stood there on the cusp of taking advantage of Zane, he
felt a pang of remorse. It was wholly out of character for him. Before,
he would have done what needed to be done to get to the end he
wanted, but now, he was reluctant to do anything that might end up
hurting Zane in any way.

When Zane slipped his hand into his, Ertic felt his heat, and then

Zane rested his head against his arm. Why he did this, Ertic wasn’t
sure, but he felt good against him, and Ertic closed his eyes, allowing
himself to feel comfort as he gave it in return. If he had his way, he
would have liked to stay standing there for much longer, but there
was a chime at the door, and Ertic opened his eyes, knowing his time
was now very, very short.

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Chapter 7

“Who is that? Room service again?” Zane reluctantly let go of

Ertic’s arm when he turned toward the door.

“It will be the royal guards.”
“They are here to escort me to Uhiran.”
“So soon?” Zane thought they would at least have the night

together. He was hoping he could brainstorm with Ertic and come up
with a way to get him out of the royal summons, something other than
his death.

“If I told you that—”
The chime interrupted him, and rather than finishing up what he

wanted to say, Ertic strode to the door and granted entrance to two of
his kind. Like him, they had four arms and a tail, but they were
colored like matte silver or really more of a pewter. They wore
garments of a similar fashion to Ertic’s, but they wore red shirts under
their black jackets. Both garments covered them completely. Their
pants went down to heavy boots, like Ertic’s, but their tails were held
rather stiffly, almost as if they didn’t trust them not to go off and start
fondling things. Their eyes were the color of storm clouds, and their
dispositions seemed about as gloomy. They didn’t greet Ertic or offer
any kind of pleasantry. They looked at Zane and then looked away
without any acknowledgment at all. He could have been part of the
décor for all they seemed to care.

Zane wasn’t sure if, as Ertic’s slave, he was supposed to do

something, but he decided to err on the side of caution and remain
still. If Ertic needed him to perform a function, he would ask him to

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do so.

The two guards entered the suite and then did a sweep of the

rooms. Zane had no idea what they were looking for, but whatever it
was, they either didn’t find it or maybe they did because they just as
swiftly left.

Ertic closed and locked the door behind them. He exhaled a long,

slow breath and then placed his two right hands against the door as if
he were bracing it or himself against an incoming storm.

“What in the hell was that all about?” Zane asked softly.
“They were looking for any type of escape avenue.” Ertic turned

from the door, and the misery in his eyes just about broke Zane’s
heart. He had no idea how or why he’d become so attached to him so
quickly. He just accepted that he was.

“Are they going to stand guard out there all night?”
“They are.” Ertic left the doorway and returned to the window.

“Would you do that again?”

“Press your head into my arm.”
“Sure.” Zane took his hand and leaned into him. Through the

reflection in the glass he watched as Ertic took a deep breath and
closed his eyes.

They stood there silently for a very long time.
Zane drew a deep breath, amazed to find that already he took

pleasure in Ertic’s familiar scent. He seemed to be a few degrees
cooler than Zane’s body, but not enough to be extremely noticeable.
What astonished him was that he genuinely cared about him after a
very short time together. Considering how Ertic would have used him
in his plans without a thought to what would ultimately happen to
him, Zane was surprised to find his emotional attachment was already
so deep. He didn’t fight the feeling, though. Maybe that was where
Zane was more Zen. He’d always accepted his emotions without
much issue. He didn’t see why some men worked so diligently to
remain aloof. Caring about others didn’t make Zane more vulnerable.

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He thought in many ways it made him stronger.

“I wasn’t really going to kill myself.”
“Good.” Zane did not want to discuss that again. He was scared of

losing Ertic to the queen, but he was even more afraid of losing him
to his own devices. If he went to the queen, there was hope of getting
him back, but there was no coming back from the great beyond.

“I was going to fake my death.”
Zane met Ertic’s gaze in the glass. “How?”
“I was going to blow up this room to the point that they wouldn’t

be able to find my body, or any body.”

“And the two guards?”
“They would have died.” Ertic’s eyes seemed suddenly hopeless.

“I would have taken their two lives for my one, and I don’t think I
would have shed a tear.”

“But now?”
“Now, because of you, I find that I am unable to even think about

killing them because I don’t know them. What are their hopes and
dreams? What if they, like me, are only doing what they must because
that is simply the way it has always been on Uhiran?”

“We’ll find another way.”
“It’s too late now. They will not let us leave this room until it’s

time to go.” Ertic turned and pulled Zane into his embrace. It was
almost too much with all four of his arms wrapping around him and
squeezing, but Zane was loathe to push him away when he clearly
needed all the support he could get.

“Then we must find another way.”
“To fake my death?”
“No, to make it clear to the queen that you do not want to breed

with her.”

“I do not think you understand that she is the supreme ruler of the

Uhiran people. She commands the royal army. She has seven planets
of loyal followers. If she wanted to mate with you, there is no way
you could say no.”

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“I could, and I would.” Zane considered again that he’d never

been with a woman. The idea of getting with one who had four arms
instead of two wasn’t any more appealing to him. He just didn’t find
them as fascinating as he did males.

“She would kill you.”
“And I would win because as powerful as she is, she can’t mate

with a corpse.”

Ertic released him from his fearsome hold. “You said that killing

yourself wasn’t the answer.”

“It’s not, and in that scenario I didn’t. She did.”
“But you are still dead.”
Zane shrugged. “But she didn’t get what she wanted, either. What

would happen if you said no to your queen?”

“She would mate with me anyway and then kill me.” Ertic

lowered his voice. “I fear she will do that anyway.”

“She has had many consorts, but none seem to live long after she

claims them. There is a huge ceremony for her to make them
officially hers, and then they are never seen again until it is time for
their deaths.”

Ripe, raw fear for Ertic swept a cold sweat over Zane’s back. Just

what kind of a woman was this queen? “Is she like a black widow?”
At Ertic’s puzzled expression, Zane explained to him that it was a
spider on Earth. “After breeding, she kills her mate and then tends the
young on her own.”

“That is precisely what our queen does, although she doesn’t

actually care for her own children.”

“Ah. More like a praying mantis.” Before Ertic could ask, Zane

explained, “Another insect that kills the male, but she abandons her
egg sac when she dies so the little guys have to fend for themselves.”

“Your planet has some very strange creatures.”
“You’re telling me!” Zane told him about some other strange

things to distract him, but it was clear there was only one thing on

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Ertic’s mind. “Why would she kill her consorts?”

“I do not know. It is proclaimed that they were traitors, but how

could all of them be so? It doesn’t make sense.”

“What does your gut tell you?”
“Sometimes I do not understand your way of speech. I do not see

what my intestinal tract has to do with this.”

“I’m sorry. It’s a saying.” Zane had to stifle a giggle. This

honestly wasn’t funny, but colloquialisms and idioms were clearly not
translatable. “What I meant was what do your instincts tell you?
When you think of the queen killing her consorts, why do you think
she does that? Answer without thinking—just say the first thing that
comes to mind.”

“Because she tires of them.” Ertic considered. “I think that is the

truth of why she does what she does. Rather than keep them around
her palace and have to deal with them in any way, she simply kills
them and moves on to another.”

“Then the way to stay alive is to not let her tire of you.”
“I do not want to even mate with her, though. If I displease her in

any way, she will keep me from my children or simply kill me. I do
not like to think of my children growing up without me.”

“Because they are mine!”
“Whoa, calm down. I understand. I just wanted to let you talk

about it.” Zane had never given children—his own or anyone else’s—
much thought, but it was obvious this was the crux of the issue
bothering Ertic. “Can’t you mate with her without impregnating her?”

Ertic gave him such a look of bafflement that Zane had to wonder

what the hell his translator had turned his words into.

“On my world, we have birth control.” Zane endeavored to keep

his words more simple so they would translate well. “It’s to prevent
conception, or diseases.”

“Explain this to me.”
Zane explained all the different forms of contraception he was

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aware of. “Your kind doesn’t have anything like that?”

“We have two cocks. If we wish to come together only for

pleasure, we use the topmost cock.”

“Oh, right. Yeah. I forgot about that. And no diseases?”
“None that I’m aware of.”
“I guess she would notice if you used the wrong cock?”
“Yes. My mating cock is very different from my pleasure cock.”

Ertic sighed.

Zane looked down at the double bulges in his trousers. As much

as he wanted to see because he was simply curious, now wasn’t the
time to ask Ertic to whip it out. “What if you aren’t fertile?”

“There is no way to know until I mate.” Ertic sighed again, hard

enough to make a plume against the window. Considering how big his
lungs had to be, it wasn’t much wonder he could do so from a

“You can’t check your jizz, huh?” After another baffled look,

Zane explained that human males could count the sperm in their
ejaculate and know how fertile they were.

“Your kind is curiously advanced in some areas while utterly

lacking in others. It seems to me you have more knowledge about
your sexual anatomy than you do about the universe.”

“Yeah, that’s humanity in a nutshell. We’re way more interested

in our genitals than exploring the galaxy.”

They were silent for a time again. All Zane could think of was

how could Ertic mate without creating offspring? It would help if he
knew more about Uhiran anatomy, but it was doubtful they’d be able
to come up with a solution overnight.

“How many children does the queen have now?”
“Three. They are all still too young to be seen at court.”
“They can’t be seen?”
“Until they reach the age of majority, they simply do not exist. It

is a holdover from when the children died before they were old
enough to take the throne. When they are adults, they enter the world

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of the court, and then they become useful in creating alliances.”

“That’s similar to the royalty of Earth’s past. Kids were seen as

bargaining points when making treaties. They often had no say in
where they went or who they would be married to.”

“It is the same with the queen’s children. She herself was only

made queen when all her sisters died.”

“A matriarchal society. Interesting.”
“Because you always know who the mother is, but the father

could be any male.”

“Wow. You guys don’t have DNA tests?” Zane had a very

difficult time explaining what that was, but in the end, they let it go
because it didn’t matter. For all their advances, there were certain
things they didn’t have because they didn’t need them. In the case of
the Uhiran, paternity had no bearing whatsoever. It mattered who the
mother was, that was all. Mated pairs stayed together to raise their
young, but they were seen as belonging exclusively to the female.
“Anyway, there has to be something we can do. Some way to make it
so that no matter how often you mate with her you won’t get her

“But I don’t wish to mate with her at all.” Ertic met Zane’s gaze.

“I have never had much of an urge toward sex until I bought you.”

“Wait, you never had sex until today?”
“Why does that surprise you?”
“I’m not surprised, just pleased that I was your first.” Zane

couldn’t help but smile at that. “And I brought out your inner gay
freak flag. Awesome.”

“Do I even want you to explain what that means?”
“Does your kind prohibit contact between same-sex couples?”
“As long as we are seeking pleasure, there is no law prohibiting

contact. Mating is different. To mate, there are rules and restrictions.
It’s very carefully overseen so that there are not too many or too few
of our kind.”

“How do they decide who gets to have kids?”

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Ertic tried several words, but the only thing that translated was

lottery. He explained how if a couple wished to mate, they had to pass
several physical and psychological screening tests to ensure they were
of good stock, and then they had to enter a lottery with all the other
couples who qualified. Only the top thirty percent were allowed to

“It sounds dreadfully complicated.”
“It is. And many don’t even try to mate. Since they can have all

the pleasure they want without repercussion, there isn’t much
incentive to procreate unless they have a strong desire to rear young.”

“I imagine that weeds out the undesirable parents right there.”
Ertic nodded and then looked out the window, but it was clear to

Zane he wasn’t really looking at the view.

“What can I do?”
“Nothing. I must accept my fate with my shoulders strong and my

tail calm.”

Zane liked the bit about the tail because it swished frantically

when Ertic was perturbed.

“It is a lot to ask, but”—Ertic took a fortifying breath—“will you

stay by my side?”

“I would be honored.”
“I will have to treat you like a servant when there are others


“That’s okay.” Zane considered. “You won’t hit me, though,


“I will not strike you. All you need to remember are the things

you’ve already done. Be silent when there are others of my kind
around. Do what I tell you to. Keep your head lowered respectfully.”

“I can do that.”
“And it doesn’t shame you?”
“You’re my friend.” Zane squeezed his hand. “I want to help you.

I want to be with you, and it’s pretty obvious I can’t go as your

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“You are very kind.” Ertic turned. “Tonight I was going to fully

indulge myself in food, sex, and liquor.”

“You still can.” Zane grinned up at him.
“You refuse to be beaten, don’t you?”
“I don’t see any point when there is still hope.”
Ertic smiled despite his obvious worry. “Then I will endeavor to

be more cheerful.”

“I will endeavor to help you.”
Ertic looked at Zane then down at the double bulges in his pants.

“Would you like to see my mating cock?”

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Chapter 8

“I would love to see your mating cock.” Zane’s eyes widened with

excitement and his tongue crept to the corner of his lips.

Ertic was getting very good at reading his signs of arousal. “I’m

only supposed to reveal it when the time comes to mate.”

“So you have to wear something while you’re having pleasure

with the other cock?”

“I must—you will see. Step back.”
“Holy shit! Is it going to leap out at me?”
“No.” Ertic chuckled. “I just need room to remove my clothing,

especially these boots.”

In a flash, Zane was on his knees, helping to pull off Ertic’s boots.

It was clear he assisted not as a slave, but as a creature hungry to have
his curiosity quenched.

“You are very eager, aren’t you?”
Zane looked up and grinned. “I can’t help it. I find you


Ertic understood because he’d found himself staring at Zane when

he’d first seen him. The fact that Zane had been utterly bare but for
his slave collar gave Ertic time to peruse him at his leisure. Zane had
not gotten the same opportunity. They were so similar and yet so
different. It was interesting and intriguing. But now, rather than using
him in his fake suicide plot, he would have him stand behind him as
he presented himself to the queen. Somehow, the dread that had been
with him from the moment he received the summons simply wasn’t as
deep. Zane made the upcoming trip bearable. After his time with the
queen, Ertic could return to his rooms and lose himself in pleasure

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with his slave. It seemed a somewhat unfair existence for all three of
them, but the queen’s edict left little choice.

Once Ertic’s boots were off, Zane stepped back to watch as Ertic

stripped out of the rest of his clothing. His pants were similar to
Zane’s in style, but there was a discreet flap for his tail. Tailoring that
spot was complicated because it couldn’t be a hole at the back, it had
to be a slit so that when he sat or bent over, there was room for his
clothing to move to keep him covered but also to allow his body to
have a full range of motion.

To taunt Zane, Ertic turned his back on him before he removed his

pants. Once they were off, he tossed them aside, then swayed his tail
back and forth. He untucked his mating cock from the pouch. “Are
you ready?”

“God, yes! Come on, stud. Show me your two dicks.”
Ertic turned and watched as Zane’s gaze riveted on his hips.
Unlike his upper cock, which had its release fluid in a sac that was

interior, his lower cock had a sac more like Zane’s. It hung below his
mating cock. It also had a pouch on the front so when he was flaccid
he could keep his mating cock tucked away. Since he had never
mated, the sac was quite full. His upper cock was formed of similar
skin to the rest of his body—thick, bronze, sensitive but not overly so.
Much thinner skin covered his mating cock, making it far more
sensitive and turning it bluer like the color of his blood. It was also
thicker with a flattened head.

“This is so it will seat perfectly against the female. I am told it is

like a lock and a key.”

“And you’ve never done anything with it?”
“Is that a law?”
“There is no law, but I would only use it to mate.” For some

reason, Zane simply didn’t understand that he wasn’t interested in
using his mating cock for anything but mating. “Just because you use

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yours for all three functions makes you think I should, too. But I do
not. One is for excretory purposes and pleasure. The other is only to

Zane could not take his eyes off his lower cock. “Damn. And your

sac is huge.”

“It’s bigger when I tuck my prick into it.”
“Keep it out.” Zane moved back a distance. “Walk toward me.”

When Ertic stared at him, he shook his head. “I’m sorry. Please walk
toward me. I just want to see what you look like walking while you’re

“I’m a very curious creature.”
“You are visually aroused.” Ertic strode toward him, and the look

on Zane’s face was unreadable.

“Oh, fuck.”
Ertic stopped.
“It’s just so beautiful. Like this wickedly kinky dream come true.

Two big cocks swinging and a giant sac.” Zane grinned. “You’re

“You flatter me.”
“Why would I? I’m your slave after all.”
Ertic knew Zane said it in jest, but it bothered him all the same. If

he were stronger, perhaps he could find the strength to let Zane go.
But he wasn’t. Somehow, the idea of Zane coming to Uhiran with him
made him able to face what would come.

And then Zane did something so outrageous, Ertic was rendered

mute. Stepping forward, Zane dropped to his knees again, but this
time he cupped Ertic’s sac into his hands and then licked around the
smooth, sensitive flesh.

A strangled cry of pleasure erupted from Ertic before he could

silence himself. He feared the guards would enter and demand to
know what he was doing, but they either didn’t hear him or didn’t
care, because when he looked down, his slave was still hungrily

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lapping at his sac.

It was wicked and perverse. It was so dirty and wrong. It was

shameful and strange and for some reason Ertic couldn’t make him
stop. He wanted more. He wanted—“No.” Ertic stepped back,
swishing his tail vigorously.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that.” Zane stood but kept his

head down. “You told me you don’t use it but for mating, and I—”

Ertic didn’t let him finish. Scooping him up with his lower arms,

he carried him into the bedroom and tossed him down on the mattress.
Before he could speak or even move, Ertic was on him. Using his
upper arms for balance, he used the lower ones to pin his slave down
to the bed, and then he kissed him. And he kept on kissing him
because he was afraid of exactly what he wanted to do.

Hot, hungry, and so wickedly aroused, Ertic didn’t even come up

for air for a long time. Zane didn’t struggle, he accepted, and then he
made that moaning cry that did something to Ertic that he simply
couldn’t comprehend. That noise ripped away his civilized veneer and
turned him back into what a primitive Uhiran must have been like.
His sudden and violent urge to mate had nothing to do with
procreation. He wanted to fuck, but not for pleasure. Baffled by the
churning feelings that made no sense to him, Ertic continued to kiss
Zane until some of the madness passed.

Breathless, he lifted up, and Zane looked at him with those

beautiful blue eyes of his. There was no anger, no shock, only calm
acceptance. It was almost as if Zane knew what had overcome Ertic.

“What happened to me?” Ertic demanded.
“I pushed your button. Pretty damn hard, too. I mean, hell, if

licking your sac makes you that hot, then I can’t even imagine what
would happen if you put your mating cock in my mouth.”

Ertic saw himself doing just that. As clearly as if it were

happening, he saw his beautiful slave on his knees, his mouth open
and eager to suck at his lower cock. In and out he would slide the tube
of flesh until—until—no. That was something he shouldn’t do. He

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couldn’t use his essence like that. To waste it on an act that simply
couldn’t result in the creation of children went against everything in
his culture. He simply couldn’t.

Or could he?
The temptation to do what he knew he shouldn’t was so strong it

became irresistible. It seemed to him that if he didn’t do what he was
thinking, he would go mad and never be free of the idea. If he went
ahead and indulged himself fully, even in the most perverse act,
perhaps he could ultimately face the queen and give himself to her
knowing that she was not the first. Caught up in the notion, Ertic
peered down at Zane. His face was open, curious, and Ertic knew
without asking that Zane would be willing to do anything for their
mutual pleasure.

“If I wished to penetrate you with my mating cock, would you

allow me to?”

Zane’s smile was more welcoming than Ertic had predicted it

would be. “I would be thrilled.”

“I have never done anything with it before.”
“Yeah. I got that idea with how sensitive it is.” Zane cupped his

hands to Ertic’s upper shoulders. “Can I suck it first?”

The visual of him doing that returned and almost made his

pleasure cock spurt.

“Wow. I guess that’s a no.” Zane chuckled. “Given the look you

just made.”

“I made that expression because I almost released just thinking of

you doing that.”

“Oh.” Zane licked his lips suggestively. “So that’s a yes?”
“You can, but only briefly. I would like to be inside you before I

lose control.” Ertic looked around at the bedroom.

“I worry that the guards will come in.”
“And what we’re planning on doing is illegal?”
The word wasn’t quite right, as it did not break a law, but it broke

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an ethical code, a biological edict that had been a part of his people’s
civilization for millennia. Ertic had never considered himself sexual.
He spent all his time alone, doing what he did, with very limited
contact with his own kind. Once he obtained his majority and
received what his family had left for him, he’d invested his life in
discovering new worlds. Sex—for pleasure or procreation—was
something he imagined he’d think about later in his life.

“We don’t have to do this.” Zane kissed Ertic’s chest. “The last

thing I would ever want to do would be to get you in any trouble or
talk you into doing something you really don’t want to do.”

“That’s just it. I want to do this. I have a sudden urge to do this,

and I don’t think I could stop. Unless you said no. Is this something
you really want to do?”

“I want to, but we’ve already established that I’m a total kinky

freak. I almost died from wearing a leather mask.” Zane rolled his
eyes and laughed.

“Stay here.”
Ertic was up and off the bed before Zane could do much of

anything but watch him exit the room. From the bag of purchases, he
retrieved the fie’dat allintay, but he also went to listen at the door. He
heard nothing. Perhaps the guards couldn’t hear within even if they
pressed their ears directly against the door. The room was surprisingly
plush, so it would be fitting that it either had noise dampeners or an
extremely thick door. But what surprised Ertic was the potential for
getting caught added to his dangerous thrill. Was this truly his last
gasp at life? Would he, for one night, toss away all his Zen to indulge
in everything he had thus far refused to acknowledge an interest in?

“It’s madness. It’s all madness brought about by my desperation

not to go into the queen’s clutches.”

For a moment, he stood in the room, looking at himself in the

reflection of the windows. Both his cocks were hard. Both strained
upward, like plants seeking the light. His sac was swollen and ached
unbearably. Even now he could feel the places where Zane had

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licked. They seemed to be even more sensitized than the rest. But
what made him toss the fie’dat allintay away was the look on his face.

Ertic was alive.
He wasn’t just living, or existing. He was fully and totally alive

for the first time in his life. Perhaps what Zane labeled Zen really had
been complacency. Ertic did what he did because that was all he knew
how to do. He’d never pushed himself too hard, too long, or too far.
He went to places no one had ever been, but he studied them from the
safety of his ship. The ice walls of ToBo would have been the same.
He would have seen them with his own eyes, but he wouldn’t have
touched them with his bare hands or felt the ripping winds against his

On the brink of turning his very existence over to the queen, he’d

discovered there was so much he wanted to do and see and feel. His
grand plan to fake his death was so that he could go right back to
doing what he’d always done. He wouldn’t have changed. He
wouldn’t have grown or experienced anything from the situation. It
would have been a tragedy to kill two innocent Uhirans so that he
could go on being a walking dead creature.

Ertic spun on his heel and strode into the bedroom.
Zane was on his back with a pillow tucked behind his head. “Did

you know that there’s a mirror on the ceiling? I didn’t see it before
because your massive shoulders blocked it, but now I can see it, and

“I want to fuck you.”
Zane rolled over to his side, bent his elbow, and propped his head

on his hand. “Really?”

“Yes. I want to use both my cocks on you.”
“Is that so?”
“I’m going to do so much to you that you won’t be able to move

until dawn breaks.” Any other creature would have been intimidated
or at least a little bit afraid, but not Zane.

He grinned, and then he held his arms open. “I’m all yours.”

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So hungry for him he was almost shaking, Ertic returned to the

bed. He kissed and licked every spot on his slave’s body. He was
sensitive to almost every caress, but especially so when Ertic licked
his sac, just as Zane had done to him.

“I was going to put the fie’dat allintay on you so that you could

not release until I allowed it.”

“Remember that I’ve been trained in bondage. All you have to do

is tell me not to and I probably won’t.”

“I’ll do my best, master.”
“That you will. Because there is much I want to do and I notice

that you are keener when your release is held just out of your reach.”

“This is true.” Zane reached between their bodies and cupped

Ertic’s sac. “I can’t wait to feel you, all of you, gushing inside me.”

Moving out of his reach, Ertic returned to exploring all of Zane’s

body. Since he could not journey to an unknown planet, Zane became
the last world Ertic would conquer. There wasn’t a spot on him that
escaped attention. By the time Ertic had him on his back with his
strong legs spread, Zane’s eyes were hazy with lust.

Ertic held Zane’s legs wide with his upper hands so that he could

then part his cheeks with the lower set, exposing his hole. Darting his
gaze from where he flicked the slippery tip of his pleasure cock to
lube Zane’s ass up to Zane’s face, Ertic kept careful attention on
Zane’s reaction.

Zane’s eyes rolled back and he let out a low, slow sigh of bliss.

Without a doubt he was the most sensual creature ever created. He
reveled in pleasure and felt no guilt or shame for doing so. In his
quest for sexual completion, Zane was very Zen. To him there was no
right or wrong, just what felt good. Even things he wasn’t so sure he
would enjoy, like Ertic’s mating cock in his ass, he was at least
willing to try. In many ways, Zane was far more adventurous than
Ertic, and Ertic had been all over the universe.

Thrusting his pleasure cock in and out caused Zane to reach the

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point of climax far too soon. Ertic slowed his thrusts, but then Ertic
used one of his hands to stanch the flow of blood out of his penis by
wrapping his fingers and thumb around the base of Zane’s cock and
tightening it. He realized it also had the added benefit that it
prevented him from reaching orgasm.

Now that he was able to fuck him without allowing him to climax,

Ertic did so vigorously, loving the way Zane thrashed against the bed.
His legs struggled in Ertic’s powerful hands, but he was no match for
his strength. When it became too much to simply watch, Ertic
removed his pleasure cock and gave his slave a moment to recover.

“You may suck my mating cock if you wish.” Barely were the

words out of his mouth when Zane was hungrily lapping at the tip of
Ertic’s mating prick. The sensation was sublime. He dug his fingers
into Zane’s hair. The silky texture offered him no purchase as Zane’s
head bobbed. He swirled his tongue around the tip then worked it
down until his nose was pressed against Ertic’s lower belly.

Zane instantly ceased and rose, but the look on his face was one of

power. He didn’t have to say that he was just as good at bringing Ertic
to the point of release when he’d already proved it quite fully.

Pushing him onto his back, Ertic kissed him and spread his legs

wide using his lower arms since he was balanced on the upper ones.
Finding the right connection was eased when Zane angled his hips
back with a pillow. Now Ertic was able to align his body with Zane’s
perfectly. Nudging his breeding cock against his slick hole, Ertic
didn’t enter, not until he’d placed his pleasure penis beside Zane’s. In
this way, each thrust he made would be felt with all three cocks.

“Are you ready?”
Zane nodded as he reached up and gripped Ertic’s upper


Slowly, Ertic sank his mating cock into the tight, gripping heat of

Zane’s ass. A new and unfamiliar sound started deep in his chest and
rose up. It was a growl, a snarl, some beastly mating sound that he’d

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never made or even heard another make. As primitive as the noise
was, it was nothing to the pounding in his brain. He had to get his
mating cock as deep as he could. He had to plant his seed and mark
his mate.

Ertic pushed down, flicking his powerful hips until he drilled his

cock as deeply into Zane as it would go. He rode him then, rocking
back and forth, stroking all three cocks until their breathing grew
labored and their hips ground together faster and faster. To push them
just a bit closer to the edge, he engaged the cuppanna of his pleasure
cock, forcing the ridge of hardened flesh to ride up and down the
length of his cock and press against Zane’s.

“Oh, God!” Zane’s climax erupted, making his ass tighten to the

point Ertic couldn’t move.

Snarling, he rammed into him hard, and both his cocks erupted

simultaneously. He locked his arms to hold himself up as the pleasure
took control of him for so long he feared he might never come back.
Eventually, all the lust was drained away, and Ertic was once again
within his body, holding himself above his stunning slave. Looking
down, his gaze connected to Zane’s, and what he saw there told him
that, despite the fact he was a different species and the same sex, he
was still the perfect mate for Ertic.

“I have looked all over the universe, yet I found you without even

knowing I was searching for you.”

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Chapter 9

Zane had never heard sweeter words in his life. All the affection

he’d been feeling toward Ertic deepened in that moment, and he
relaxed under his powerful body. “I think I’ve been looking for you,
too. Just like you, I didn’t know I was looking until you were right in
front of me.” Zane had tried every kinky toy, a dozen items of leather
clothing, not to mention all the restraints—but all he really needed
was Ertic. For once, he felt utterly satisfied and totally fulfilled.

“You are not harmed by my seed?”
Zane had completely forgotten about what had happened when

Ertic’s pleasure cock had gone off inside him. He took a moment to
assess how he felt now. “I feel fine. Hell, I feel great! I feel like I can
get up and run a marathon.”

“Why is a marathon exactly twenty-six miles and three hundred

eighty-five yards?” Right after he asked, Ertic shook his head. “How
do I even know that?”

“I was just thinking I would have to explain that to you. And what

miles were.”

“It’s your system of measurement.”
“Can you understand me?” Rather than ask in a conventional

way, Zane asked with his mind.

“I can.”
“Holy shit!”
“I now understand that doesn’t mean feces from your deity.”

Ertic’s mental telepathy voice was just as droll as his speaking one. “I
can now understand much more of what you say to me.”

“It’s mutual.” Understanding Ertic wasn’t all that difficult as his

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language was far more precise than English, but there were still words
and ideas that simply didn’t translate. However, now when Zane
wasn’t sure about something, all he had to do was think and he found
the answer. It seemed by their link they were able to convey a
tremendous amount of information with images rather than words.

“Why is this happening?” Ertic released Zane’s legs then

unlocked his arms and lowered himself so that he was on his elbows.
He kept their cocks locked together and his mating cock buried so
they could come down before they separated. Ertic didn’t have to tell
Zane this as he knew it from his thoughts.

“Maybe it’s from your seed? One made me sick and another gave

me—well, us—super powers. That’s how it happens in the comics.”

“Magical ejaculate?”
“Maybe.” Zane shrugged. “Or we just really bonded while you

banged me simple.”

“I would be upset that you are making light of an incredible

moment, but I’m not because it appears to be your way.” Ertic
grinned and then laid a kiss on Zane that practically left him

“You are very, very good at that.”
“I must tell you something before you read it in my mind. I was

going to profess love for you to get you to do what I wanted in my
fake death plot, but I couldn’t because I honestly cared about you.”

It all came out in a huge burst that rendered Zane unable to speak.
“Why have your feelings for me not changed?” Ertic cupped

Zane’s head, trailing his thick, strong fingers through his hair.

“Because I understand why you considered doing something so

desperate.” Zane reached up and tenderly cupped Ertic’s chin. “I’m
not angry. I understand.”

Ertic’s relief was so profound Zane was able to feel it almost as if

it were his own.

“Dawn will come soon enough. I think we should sleep, and then I

will help you prepare for your meeting with the queen.”

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“I can feel that you are not happy to do so.” Ertic tried to keep his

softening mating cock within Zane’s body, but he couldn’t.
Reluctantly, they separated. Ertic rolled onto his back.

Zane was able to meet his gaze in the mirror over the bed. “I’m

not happy because I know you aren’t. I felt it before our connection
intensified, but it’s much stronger now.”

“I would hide it from you if I could.”
“Because I don’t want you to worry when it is my problem.”
Zane frowned. “It’s not. It’s our problem now.” There was a blast

of confused feelings that literally made Zane wince. “Whoa. Okay,
take a deep breath. You almost gave me brain damage.” Another
blast, this one tinged red with fear, made Zane’s body dance upon the
bed. “Fuck! Calm down.”

“I’m sorry! I’m not used to these emotions.” Ertic closed his eyes

and drew in a series of breaths. Eventually, he calmed himself enough
so that his concern wasn’t overwhelming to Zane. “Before, I simply
was, and my life was this smooth-running machine.” Ertic’s eyes
opened and pinned Zane to the bed more firmly than his powerful
arms ever could. “And then I bought you.”

Zane knew he was honestly happy about that, but all the changes

were suddenly overwhelming. “Just breathe.”

Together, they each breathed in, held it for a moment, then


“Why does that make me feel better when it is deceptively


“Not everything has to be complicated.”
“Yes.” Zane leaned over and kissed Ertic’s mouth. He then

returned to his back, staring at him through the mirror. “I knew almost
right away that I wanted you.”

“I did, too. I mean to you.” Ertic drew another breath. “We should


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“We should.” Zane rolled over but discovered he really couldn’t

cuddle against Ertic, not between his upper and lower arm. However,
when he went a little lower, wedging himself under the lower arm, he
found comfort for himself and Ertic.

“Is there anything else I can do?”
“No.” Ertic’s upper hand lowered to his hair and stroked along the

strands. “You are perfect just as you are.”

Zane felt his honest belief in that all the way down to his toes.

After what seemed forever, he drifted off, and Ertic must have, too,
because his body relaxed. Within heartbeats, they fell asleep together.

A burst of fear woke Zane out of a dream where he and Ertic were

trying to find a way to put both his cocks into Zane at the same time.
They had just gotten to the point where they were lashing them
together with some kind of plastic wrap when he was ruthlessly
ripped out of sleep. When his eyes came open, Zane found himself
alone on the big bed. It felt painfully empty. Beyond the doorway, he
saw light, and realized it was dawn. Morning had come, and the time
for Ertic to go to the queen had arrived.

Zane got up and then pondered where the bathroom was. Using

their telepathic link, Ertic, who was in the main room, told him how
to activate the cleaning unit by tapping his foot on the floor. It rose up
and looked utterly foreign to Zane’s eyes. But then, Ertic pushed the
knowledge toward him, and Zane was able to use the facilities
without a problem. In some ways, it was better than what he was used
to on Earth. It was certainly more efficient and used far less resources.
Still, there was something to be said for standing under pounding hot
water while all his thoughts swirled around like the steam.

“Your thought processes will probably never cease to amaze me.”
“Thanks. I think. And now I know how you were able to clean me

out in the middle of the tailor’s shop.”After a moment of silence,
Zane asked, “How are you?”

“I’m afraid. But I’m sure you can feel that I am.”
“I can, but I thought I’d ask. Is there anything I can do?”

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“Kiss me.”
Zane was out of the bathroom and running toward Ertic, who was

waiting with his arms spread wide. As soon as he was swept into his
embrace, their lips came together, and their mutual joy managed to
calm them both.

A chime broke them apart.
“I ordered more food.”
Zane gathered his clothing and went to dress in the bedroom.

When he came out, breakfast was on the low table by the couches. He
sat across from Ertic, and they ate in silence. There was no need to
talk when there was nothing more to say. What they had done last
night wouldn’t change anything.

“But it does give me many happy memories.” Ertic smiled at

Zane, but it looked as forced as it felt. “This connection prevents
lying of any sort.”

“That might make things more complicated, or it might eliminate

a lot of problems. It’s difficult to say when I’ve never experienced
anything like this.” Zane stuck with the same thing he’d eaten last
night. He didn’t want to be sick on the way to Uhiran, or worse, sick
when he was around the queen. “What will happen to your ship?”

“I will leave it here. I’ve prepaid the docking fee and hired a

caretaker.” There was a wistful look on Ertic’s face as he looked out
the window and up into the sky. “I hope to return to her someday.
Soon would be best.”

“I hope that, too.” But Zane felt Ertic’s conviction that he would

never see the ship again.

“If I do see my ship again, I will be different.”
“How so?” Zane realized they could easily push ideas and

thoughts back and forth to one another, but he didn’t want to do that
when talking things through often led to greater understanding.

“I was an explorer, as I told you, but I rarely left my ship. I stayed

inside the metal shell and recorded my observations, my readings, but
I never actually got out and smelled the air or felt the worlds below

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my feet.” Ertic paused as a montage of images flashed through his
mind. All the worlds he had seen, all their stunning beauty or harsh
landscapes, blended into a collage that was amazingly varied. “If—”

“When,” Zane corrected. “Think positive, remember?”
When I return to my ship, I will set foot upon the worlds that I

can. I will feel their surface below my feet.” Again, Ertic paused, but
this time his gaze riveted to Zane. “I will have you by my side.”

“I would like that very much.” Zane had never had the urge to

explore, but the idea of it was intriguing. Still, he knew being with
Ertic was all the inducement he needed. “And I’ll have to get more

A possessive glint came to Ertic’s eyes. “You look good in my


“Your color?”
“On Uhiran, each family has their color. They use it in their

clothing and to decorate their dwellings. It is a way of showing your
familial bond but also pride in your region since each planet has its
own particular shade.” Ertic drew a diagram in one of the dishes. It
seemed perfectly normal that he would use the leavings of some
creamed meat rather than push the image to Zane. “Seven worlds,
each with a base color. Mine is blue.”

To Zane, it looked a lot like the planetary system of Earth, but the

planets were more evenly spaced around a central sun. There were
huge differences in temperatures and livable surface area, but all the
worlds were united as Uhiran. The Uhiran word for blue was
different, but that was the color that Zane saw and heard when it was

“So everyone from your planet wears some shade of blue?”
“Yes. There are millions of shades, and about the same number of

style variations with our clothing, but it is a quick way to know one

“Is one color better than another?”
“Not really. The only real significance of blue is that we are the

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farthest from the prime planet, where the queen resides. Her color is

“Which contrasts splendidly with blue.” Zane was sitting on the

bright yellow couch in his blue uniform.

“It does, but her color is the palest of yellow. It is almost white

but for that little tiny bit of yellow.”

“I would think she would wear a brighter color.”
“I don’t know. I guess I just think that darker, more intense colors

are stronger.” Zane rose. “Like my uniform. Any slave would be
proud to wear such a rich color.”

“I see.” Ertic was on his feet. “But I think you look better when

you wear nothing at all.”

“I think the same of you.”
Very quickly they were plastered together. When Ertic lifted him,

Zane eagerly parted his legs and wrapped them around Ertic’s hips.
The feel of both of his cocks pressing hard against his hole as Ertic
lifted and lowered him brought Zane so instantly to hardness it was
almost like magic.

“Magic?” Ertic asked, obviously reading Zane’s mind. “You are

simply oversexed.”

“I’m not the only one who is hard.”
They were so into one another that neither of them noticed when

the two guards entered. Ertic released Zane very quickly and then
turned away to hide his arousal and his embarrassment at having been
caught fondling his slave.

“Are you in trouble?”
“No. I’m just—that was private between you and me. Moreover I

do not want them to tell the queen that I care about you. She is known
to be very jealous.”

Zane lowered his head and stood very still.
“It is time.”
A blast of fear from Ertic almost brought Zane to his knees, but

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Ertic got himself under control. He grabbed the shopping bag from
the day before, slipped the cock decoration into it, and then handed it
to Zane.

“You should have let me do that.”
“I forgot. I’m nervous.”
“I know. I will walk behind you?”

Ertic turned and followed the guards. Once they were in the

hallway, a guard took up residence on either side of Ertic. It was clear
from the way they were pacing him they feared he would run off at
any moment. That gave Zane pause. If it truly was an honor to breed
with the queen, then why would every man the supposed honor fell on
want to run away? It had to be every male wanting to run because
Ertic had made no move to elude them, yet they were anticipating that
he would. The behavior of the guards was very telling.

Since he had no control over what thoughts of his went out to

Ertic, he was privy to everything Zane had just thought.

“I, too, wondered why I would need escorts. They say it is

customary, but it seems I’m not the only one who greeted his
summons with less than exalted joy.”
Ertic stilled his tail from
swishing back and forth. “Just stay close. There is nothing to be done

Zane kept his head down but his attention up. Despite all the

distractions with the unique things around the hotel and the curious
aliens, Zane kept his focus on Ertic and the guards. They all took up
places in the elevator, with Zane at the back of the pack. When they
reached the lobby, Ertic was escorted to the counter where he checked
out. Rather than credit cards, the aliens used a form of electronic
transfer that was accessed using his fingerprint. Zane wondered what
was used if the alien in question didn’t have prints or even fingers. He
wanted to ask Ertic, but again, he had more than enough on his mind.

After Ertic settled the bill, the guards escorted him outside, but

rather than turn down the enormous sidewalk with the bulk of the foot

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traffic, they went perpendicular to the building. In the center of the
street, there was a type of train. The guards secured a car and only the
four of them were on it despite the fact it could hold dozens of

In almost painful silence, they exited the domed city of Gerfal,

went underground, then came out at what had to be a spaceport. There
were only a few small shuttle-like crafts, and they entered the sleekest
one via a covered walkway. Apparently, Krase didn’t have breathable

The interior of the little ship was nothing but luxury with

sumptuous fabrics and gleaming surfaces.

“It’s good to be the queen.” Zane couldn’t help but be impressed.
“All her wealth and still she is not happy.”
“She isn’t?”
“It is said she is not. I do not know her personally. Yet.”

All conversation ceased as the shuttle lifted off. Zane would have

said something, but he was far too mesmerized by the very idea that
he was going into space. To the guards, the pilot, and even Ertic, such
travel was old hat, but to Zane, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Or perhaps not. After spending a lifetime with Ertic he, too, might be
bored by the idea of space travel. As strange as it seemed to think that
someday interstellar travel would be the equivalent to going to the
grocery store to him, Zane was further caught up in the notion of
spending a lifetime with Ertic. Despite his concerns about their
ultimate destination, he had his face pressed to the window and his
gaze riveted on Krase, which was rapidly dwindling behind them.

Once they were up and away from the planet, they set course for

the larger ship, which would take them to Uhiran.

“To Uhiran Yellow,” Ertic said softly into Zane’s mind.
Again, the word for yellow was different in his language, but that

was the translation when it came to Zane. Since they had nothing else
to do during their journey to the larger ship, they practiced walling off
their thoughts and clamping down on their emotions. In order to

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function, they needed to be able to not overwhelm each other. Zane’s
greatest fear was that he would lose control and blast Ertic at the
worst possible moment.

“Perhaps you should. Then she would think I was ill, and perhaps

she would no longer wish to mate with me.”

Actually, it wasn’t a bad idea. “But would she let you go, or

would she simply destroy you as bad breeding stock?”

“I do not know, but I fear asking would reveal the plan and that

would be the end of it.”

“Don’t lose hope. An idea might come to me once I see your


They continued their mental training on the larger ship. Ertic

noted that Zane was far more focused, and Zane pointed out there was
nothing to look at here. The bigger ship had hardly any windows.
What few there were, Zane did not have access to. This didn’t bother
Ertic in the least as he had seen plenty of space, but it was a great
disappointment to Zane.

“I just wanted to see it.”
“It’s nothing but stars. They are very far away. Basically, it looks

like this.” He pushed him an image that looked about like it did when
looking up from the surface of Earth. “I’m sorry you are sad. I would
ask the guards, but they would think it odd that I was indulging my
slave. It is already disconcerting enough that they caught you in my

Zane looked toward the closed doorway. It was obvious there

weren’t any locks on it, so the guards could come in at any time. “I
thought you said it wasn’t illegal.”

“For two male Uhirans to be together, no, it’s not.” Ertic sighed.

“But you are my servant. I supposed if I was forcing you to perform
sexual favors, it wouldn’t have looked so bad, but I had you in my
arms, and—I would just not care to do anything that might cast me in
a bad light.”

“I hear you.” But what was worse was that Zane could literally

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feel him, and what he felt was Ertic’s shame for being sexually
attracted to his slave. It was buried very deep, so far down that Ertic
himself may not even have been aware of his true feelings. It seemed
that after all they had been through, Ertic still viewed Zane as beneath
himself. As much as Zane didn’t think it would hurt, it did, but he was
able to mask his feelings from Ertic. Zane only wished that Ertic had
been able to do the same.

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Chapter 10

“I do not like the way he looks.” Queen Xathera cast her silver-

eyed gaze onto Zane. Rather than toss him a quick glance, the queen
openly stared. “How can he even function when he is so hideously

“He is a good worker.” Ertic looked at Zane and then away. He

was afraid if his gaze lingered too long she would notice that there
was more between them than master and slave. Before they’d left the
ship, Ertic had made a point of projecting a feeling of holding himself
above Zane—he didn’t, but he needed to keep their emotions at bay.
Zane didn’t think Ertic knew that the thought hurt him, but he did. He
knew it hurt Zane a great deal. However, it had the desired effect,
which was to cool Zane’s ardor. Despite his hurt, or perhaps because
of it, Zane acted like a perfectly trained slave.

“I’ll bet he was cheap, too.” Xathera smiled and then sipped her

drink. They were in her private rooms of the palace. Private meaning
that only her invited guests were granted entrance, but there were
dozens of slaves ready to do her bidding. The area was decorated all
in light yellow with more plants than anything else. The queen loved
indoor plants that bloomed. “Perhaps I will get one of these humans. I
could keep one like a pet.”

To cover the fact he had nothing to say, Ertic put one of the

delicacies in his mouth. It tasted awful, but he ate it anyway just so he
wouldn’t have to comment on her desire to keep a sentient being as a
pet. He didn’t like the idea of the queen doing such a thing because
when he saw her taunting a human, he saw her tormenting Zane. It
was bad enough he’d bought him as a slave, but what she would do to

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him would be much, much worse.

“A mate wishing to curry my favor would simply give him to


Ertic almost spit out whatever was in his mouth. She expected him

to give Zane to her? The idea was preposterous. He would sooner cut
off his lower arms and give them to her. Still, he knew he had to be
diplomatic. After appearing to consider her idea as he finished eating
his treat, Ertic murmured, “If I give him away, I will have none to
serve me.” Before she could offer one of her own dozens of slaves in
exchange, Ertic added, “At least not one who knew me so well as this
one does.”

Xathera looked at Zane again and then sipped her drink, her gaze

speculative. “How many cocks does he have?”

“Only one.”
“One?” She laughed. “And it performs all the functions of your


“How very vulgar.” She slowly ate one of the delicacies from the

tray between them, but her hungry gaze never strayed from Zane.
Ertic should have left him in his rooms, but it was considered bad
form to come before the queen without at least one slave in tow. “I
wish to see.”

“My lady?”
“His one cock.” Her brow arched high. She would be stunningly

beautiful with her silver eyes and hair if only there wasn’t such a
cruel streak in her. “I want to see.”

“He is not a sexual slave.”
“My guards told me you were holding him.” Now her cutting

silver eyes were leveled at Ertic. The heat in her gaze wasn’t for sex,
but for power. She simply wanted something for no other reason than
she was politely being told she couldn’t have it. “If he is not a sexual
slave, what were you doing with him?”

“I was holding him to show him that was not how I wanted

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him…to…handle my clothing.” Ertic almost cringed at the absurdity
of what he’d said, but since he couldn’t take it back, he pushed
forward. “He was rough with my other jacket, ruining the line of the

By mentioning his own clothing, he’d drawn the queen’s attention

to the fact that he wore nothing under his jacket. Her gaze wandered
the length of his bronzed chest, but then, slowly but surely, her
attention returned to Zane. If he wasn’t so worried for Zane, he would
be thoroughly insulted that she seemed to have so little interest in
him. Ertic was her prospective mate after all.

“So you do not use him for sex?”
“No.” It was too late for Ertic to change his mind and say

something else. He had to stick with that story now, or she would be
furious he’d lied to her.

“Put this on him.” From under one of the cushions cluttered on

her couch, she pulled out the decorative fie’dat allintay and tossed it
into Ertic’s lap.

The decorative item hit him like an accusation. “I bought this

because it is customary.” As if he didn’t care about what Zane called
cock jewelry, Ertic tossed it on the table. “My lady, I implore you.”
Ertic leaned closer to Xathera and lowered his voice. “I took pity on
him. No one else wanted him, and he seemed so eager to work. Please
be kind.”

Her gaze went from the fie’dat allintay, to Zane, then back to

Ertic’s eyes. “You pity him?”

“Think how difficult his life must be with only two hands.” For a

brief moment, Ertic thought he had touched her heart, but all hope
was lost when the queen laughed.

“One of you is going to put that on for my amusement. I will

graciously allow you to choose which one.”

Ertic was stunned that the queen wished to either display her

future consort in sexual bondage or make him do so to his slave. It
was a dreadful choice. Since he was not yet her consort, she could

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reject him and have him killed, or perhaps she would let him go. One
look into her glittering eyes told him she would never let him go. She
would keep on tormenting him until he gave in and either degraded
himself for her enjoyment or forced his slave to do it. Since she
couldn’t have his slave, she had found a way to make Ertic torture
him as punishment for saying no to her.

“If he is but a slave, then your choice should be obvious.”
“He is, but he is a kind creature. I do not think he will understand

what you are doing.”

“He will.” Again her gaze lingered on Zane as she swished the tip

of her finger around the rim of her glass. “I will speak slowly and use
little words so he is sure to understand.”

Caught, Ertic didn’t know what to do.
“Put it on me. Perhaps that will satisfy her.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I know. But I am your slave after all.”

The words cut deep. Rather than blunt their emotions, Ertic’s

tactic had only brought more painful feelings closer to the surface.
He’d pushed down Zane’s burgeoning feelings of love to bring out his
resentment. Both were intense.

“Come.” Ertic snapped his fingers, and Zane dutifully came near.

“Expose yourself.”

Zane lowered his trousers.
The queen uttered a gasping cry of disgust. “He is covered in


To Ertic’s surprise, Zane didn’t wince or show any emotion at her

outburst at all. When Ertic gently felt around in his mind, he found
himself blocked. Whatever Zane was feeling, he was apparently going
to feel it alone.

“Make him hard.”
Ertic reached out, but Xathera clasped his hand. “You will


To Ertic’s horror, one of the queen’s slaves came up behind Zane

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then reached around with his lower arms to stroke his cock. When
Zane startled, the queen ordered her slave to grasp Zane’s wrists with
his upper arms and hold him steady despite the fact that Zane wasn’t
fighting. With his head down, Zane stood firmly held in place while
the queen’s slave stroked vigorously at his cock. When he remained
flaccid, Ertic didn’t know if he was more relieved or worried.

“What is wrong with him?” The queen glared at Ertic.
“I told you that he is not a sexual slave.” If Zane could remain

unmoved, perhaps the queen would grow bored with this sick game
and move on to something else.

“All creatures with cocks get hard when they are pleasured. Try

touching him without so much power.”

It was the most excruciating series of moments in Ertic’s life. The

more the slave tugged at Zane’s cock, the softer it got.

“I think he is afraid.” Ertic certainly was. Whether Zane got

aroused or not, this situation could only end badly.

“No, actually, I’m bored out of my skull. She’s a fucking bully and

that doesn’t turn me on in the least.”

For a terrifying moment, Ertic thought Zane had spoken aloud, but

he breathed a sigh of relief to find that he hadn’t. “Please forgive me.
I don’t know what to do.”

“Tell her the truth.” Zane lifted his gaze to Ertic but kept his head


“The truth? And what is that?”
“Tell her that you care about me.”

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Chapter 11

“Go on, tell her the truth.” Zane lifted his head while keeping his

gaze on Ertic. He wouldn’t waste his time appealing to the queen.
One minute in her presence and Zane knew exactly what kind of a
creature she was. Surrounded by decadence, catered to by all around
her, she had turned her boredom into a quest for novel experiences at
the detriment of others.

“Yes, my consort. Tell me how deeply you care for your deformed

and disgusting slave.” Eager for drama, she leaned forward, using her
lower arms to balance her reclining position on the couch and her
upper arms to hold and fondle her cup. Over and around her finger
went along the rim, dipping into the drink to slick up her fingertip for

“What are you doing?” Ertic’s voice was filled with frantic fear

when his face remained impassive. The only outward showing of his
agitation was the vigorous swishing of his tail. “She will kill us both.”

“She wants drama, so I’m going to give her some, but not the kind

she was expecting. She will soon grow bored when she realizes I
won’t bow down and do her dirty work for her.”

“I do not understand you.”
Turning his gaze on to the queen, Zane considered her perfectly

coifed silver hair, her plastered-on gown, and her jewelry-drenched
form. It was obvious she’d spent hours on her appearance when she
wasn’t honestly interested in Ertic. If she had been, she would have
been riveted with him instead of staring at his slave.

When Zane looked right into her eyes, she stiffened. No doubt,

there wasn’t a servant around her who had ever dared to be so bold.

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Maybe the difference was that Zane wasn’t really a slave.

“You denigrate and torture those around you because they let you.

You continue to do ever more perverse things because you are bored
with the fact that no one tells you no. There isn’t a soul on seven
planets who disagrees with you. Everyone on seven worlds bows to
you and caters to you and does everything you say, but it isn’t enough
anymore. Now, to feel anything at all, you must inflict ever deeper
humiliations in order to live vicariously through others. I am not
going to let you do that to me.”

“It’s treason to speak against me.” Even though it was obvious she

was confused and infuriated, she was also flushed blue against her
silver skin. If she were human, she would be turning red with anger,
but Uhirans turned a more cyanotic shade. And Zane didn’t think it
was anger so much as she was embarrassed that he’d called her out.

“I’m not speaking against you. I’m telling you what you are.”

Zane paused for barely a breath. “You are a spoiled child.”

“I will kill you for your disrespect!” Rising to her feet, the queen

threw her glass at him, hitting him in his belly. Wine splashed over
his exposed prick and down his uniform. When the glass hit the
polished-stone floor, it shattered, scattering glass everywhere. The
sound was huge even though the room they were in was enormous.

Behind him, the slave who was holding him increased his grip as

if he expected Zane to struggle, but he didn’t. Looking right into
Xathera’s eyes, Zane said, “Go ahead and kill me for telling the

Stunned by his utter refusal to resist her or indulge her, the queen

peered down at him as if she had just now seen him. Much like Ertic’s
realization last night, the queen was quite suddenly alive. Zane gave
her a moment to let that feeling sink in. Just like Ertic, she had gone
along her life with no great highs or staggering lows. She existed, her
body functioned, she made all the motions of someone who was
living, yet she didn’t really feel a part of her own life.

“For the first time someone—me—has told you no. And I don’t

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care what you do to me for my refusal, which only infuriates you
more. But before you decide what to do with me, I’m going to tell you
a little secret.” Zane waited, wondering if she would cut him off, but
she didn’t. She kept her head high and her expression bland, but her
swishing tail gave her away. “You’re more alive right now than you
have ever been.”

His comment hit the mark, making her think upon exactly what

she was getting out of this little tableau. She held very steady, glaring
at him, obviously debating her next action. Besting a queen, even in
her private chambers, was foolhardy, but Zane quickly realized he and
Ertic had no other choice. They had to do something, or she would
have hurt them both to get her greedy hands on a new toy—Zane—to
play with.

“You are nothing.” Straightening, she clapped her hands, calling

for another drink.

Zane held her gaze without giving her so much as a flicker of

insight into his innermost feelings. For the first time in his life, he
thought he might have obtained the elusive state of Zen. He didn’t
anticipate or dread anything. Whatever happened, happened. And that
was okay, because he’d said what he’d needed to say.

But then there was a crack in his calm. He’d given Ertic a chance

to stand up and say that he cared about him, but he hadn’t. As much
as he wanted to pretend it didn’t hurt, it did. Perhaps all they would
ever be was master and servant. The fact that Zane felt something
much deeper didn’t obligate Ertic to feel the same.

“You have ruined my evening and embarrassed your master.” She

didn’t once look over at Ertic, and neither did Zane. By focusing his
attention, he kept Ertic out of his mind and far away from his feelings.
Unfortunately, to keep up his mental shields, he wasn’t able to get a
read on Ertic. Zane had no idea what was going on in his head. The
only thing he knew for sure was that he wasn’t going to become
another emotional punching bag for the queen.

“I am not embarrassed.” Ertic stood, drawing both Zane and the

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queen’s attention. “I’m proud.”

Zane let down his mental protection and what he felt was pure

admiration. When Zane had put him on the spot, Ertic didn’t know
what to do, but then he realized that live or die, he was never going to
please the queen because nothing ever could.

“In the short time I’ve known him, I’ve learned more from him

than I have during all the rest of my life.” Ertic tossed the fie’dat
aside. “I’m not going to do anything to humiliate him because
I do indeed care about him.”

“You care about a slave?” Her voice was so incredulous it was as

if she was asking him if he enjoyed being beaten.

“I do.” Ertic met the queen’s probing stare.
“But he is disgusting. Two arms, one cock, all that hair, and he

has the manners of a sniveling Delutian.”

“In my eyes, he is beautiful.” Ertic kept right on looking at the

queen. Just like Zane, he offered her no fight, no argument. He simply
made his points and stuck to them.

“And I?”
“You are stunning, Xathera. But you know that you are. Yet it

doesn’t make you happy. Zane—my servant—is right in that you
have become so bored you make drama out of nothing to give
yourself something to do.” Ertic had clearly picked up on Zane’s
thoughts because he shared them almost verbatim. “You demanded
my presence for mating. You didn’t ask. You told me to come or else.
Not the best way to start an amorous relationship. I know this because
I did the same to my servant.” Ertic flashed Zane a quick look and a
brief mental apology. “But you reveal you are not genuinely
interested in me because you have spent the entire time staring at

“Because he is so hideous!”
“Because he is interesting.” Ertic sighed. “I wish you would

understand. I hope that sometime in the future you will grasp the
points we’ve made and you change your behavior. But I doubt that

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you will because there is no reason for you to do so when everyone
around you only tells you what you want to hear.”

There was a long stretch of silence. Zane felt the tension in the

slave behind him who had been holding his arms up and out for quite
some time. Despite the fact he was trembling, he would say nothing,
lest he risk the queen’s wrath turning onto him.

“I will not be spoken to in this way by anyone.” The queen

pointed to Zane. “Take him away.”

“He is my servant.” Ertic grasped the arm of the slave holding

Zane, stopping him. “We will go.”

“You will stay.” Xathera settled on the couch, resting her upper

body against the cupped portion of the side and back of the low-slung
furniture. “You are to be my consort.”

For a moment, Zane swore his heart stopped. She still thought

Ertic would mate with her after her cruelty? Either she was more
pathetic than he’d thought, or she was truly desperate. Why would she
be so frantic to have children with him? Ertic thought it was his
desirable bronzed skin, and maybe it was, but it might be something
else. Given her determination, it might be something altogether

Zane’s gaze went to Ertic, wondering what he would say or do.
Ertic looked at her, his brows low. “I respectfully refuse.”
She blinked once, twice, then settled her gaze on something far

from this room. It was eerie how her focus was so fuzzy. And just as
fast as she had gone away, she was back. “You don’t have a choice.”

“I do,” Ertic insisted. “I do not wish to have children.”
“You are my subject, and you will do what I say.” It was obvious

her control was slipping because her voice harshened and her fingers
clutched her glass rather than cradled it. “You have learned very bad
things from your slave. I think it best to have him put to death.”

“You think that will make me wish to mate with you?”
“I think I will give you a choice.” Xathera stood. She was just an

inch or two shorter than Ertic, but her hips were much wider, giving

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her a stunning hourglass figure. “You will willingly agree to be my
consort, or I will have that thing you care so much about put to death
before your very eyes.”

Before Zane could tell Ertic not to play her sick game, Ertic

asked, “And if I agree, what happens to him?”

“You can keep him and do whatever you wish with him.” Her

gaze held firm to Ertic’s. “Which will it be? A life with your slave on
the side, or your freedom?”

“My freedom?”
“If you don’t want to mate with me, I will kill him and then you

can go. Or you can stay, give me children, and he will live here as
your servant. It’s all up to you.”

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Chapter 12

“I will be kind, I think.” The queen sampled her drink. “You may

have the rest of the night to think it over. And to show that I am far
more generous than your slave thinks I am, I will even let you spend
the night with him.” She pointed to the archway. “Take them back to
their room.”

Ertic didn’t argue. He simply allowed her guards to escort him

and Zane down the long hall toward their room. The polished-stone
walkway echoed with the sounds of all their boots. Only Zane, in his
soft-soled slave boots, was silent. Ertic walked with his head up and
his tail held still behind him. He refused to let the queen know how
agitated he was by allowing it to flicker furiously behind him. Ertic
also stopped Zane from pressing into his mind. But he didn’t have to
work too hard at that as Zane seemed to understand and respect his
gentle nudge to stay out and leave him alone.

When they finally reached their room, they were locked within.
Their room was plush, with every amenity, but now it was

decidedly more of a prison than anything else. All the guises of
hospitality were still there, and if they asked for something, it would
probably be delivered, but the lock would remain until Ertic gave the
queen her answer.

Ertic wanted to rail at Zane for his behavior, but he couldn’t, not

when he was impressed and wished he had stood up for him first. Had
he, things might be different, but he had stayed on his low couch,
frozen with shock and fear. He felt he had let Zane down and hurt him
by doing so. Now he had the horrible choice of gaining his freedom
by Zane’s death, or enslaving himself to the queen for Zane’s life.

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“She won’t ever let me stay with you.” Zane dropped down to his

knees and helped Ertic remove his boots even though he didn’t ask
him to do so. “You realize that, don’t you?”

“She said she would.” Ertic yanked his boots out of Zane’s hands

and tossed them aside. He then cupped his chin, drawing him between
his spread knees so he could feel the heat of his body working
through the layers of their clothes.

“Xathera lies.” Zane met Ertic’s gaze then opened his mouth to

say more.

“Silence.” Ertic kissed him, loving the way Zane responded as if

there were nothing between them. No cruel queen hung over their
heads, no dreadful decision by dawn had to be made, nothing was
there in that moment but the two of them.

Zane made that plaintive cry that pushed the primitive part of

Ertic, causing him to rise up and take Zane with him. As soon as he
had him in his arms, Zane parted his legs around Ertic’s hips. It was
the exact same pose the guards had found them in on Krase. It was
what had likely started all the trouble, but still, Ertic didn’t care.
Holding Zane this way felt right, and so did having him in his arms.
No matter how he twisted his mind this way and that, Ertic could not
see himself ever embracing Xathera in such a way.

“Don’t hold me and think of her.”
“I’m sorry. It is not very Zen to compare you to her, is it?”
“No. But you’re new to the idea of Zen, so it’s not much wonder

that you struggle.” Zane smiled, but his lips slowly leveled. “Please
don’t say it.”

“I have to go to her.”
“You can’t.”
“I must.”
“She is going to kill me anyway.” Zane traced his finger over

Ertic’s lower lip. “She is a jealous creature who will eventually take
me from you. Not for herself. She won’t keep me as a pet. She’ll
destroy me in the hopes that your attention will fall on her. It won’t,

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but that’s about how her mind works.”

“I will secure a royal decree.” Ertic had already decided what he

would do. All he had to do now was convince Zane it was the best
course of action. “She will not be able to harm you if I give you to
another who is more powerful than she is.”

Zane’s eyes went wide. “Who will you give me to?”
“There was a Krase warrior who was bidding on you. If I offer

you to him—” Ertic didn’t even finish before Zane was bellowing and
struggling to get out of his embrace. “I order you to stop!”

Something in his tone chilled Zane to silence and stillness.
“It is the best I can do to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to do that. You should take the opportunity to

secure a royal decree for yourself.”

“You want me to let her kill you so I can go?” Ertic couldn’t

believe what he was hearing.

“You had better. Once she’s done with you, if you don’t have a

royal decree, she’ll kill you just like she’s killed all her other

“I know.”
“And she’ll never let me leave to go to another.”
“She might.” Ertic hated to use his own words against him, but he

did. “I have to hold out hope that she will hold to her words.”

“If you think she will do that, then I will stay here with you.”
“Not if I can convince her to let me give you away.”
“You wouldn’t give me to her, but you think she’ll allow you to

give me to someone else?”

“If I agree to stay as her consort, she might.”
“But if she doesn’t?”
“Then you will stay here with me.”
“But that means we’re both going to end up dead.” Zane made an

exasperated sound.

“I know.” Ertic squeezed Zane just a little tighter. “But at least

we’ll have some time together before that happens.”

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Zane glared at him. “You’re crazy.”
“Am I?” Ertic pulled him close because he couldn’t bear to see the

look of hopelessness in Zane’s eyes anymore. “It’s the only way I can
protect you. If I agree to what she wants, I might find an opportunity
to get you out of here.”

“Protect yourself and let me take care of me.”
“When our minds first touched, there was this idea, this concept

that I felt in you that made no sense to me. I thought it was so alien
and strange, but now I understand it intimately.”

“No.” Ertic laughed lightly. “Love.” He soothed his hand over

Zane’s head, smoothing back his hair. “I understand it now because I
love you and I will make any sacrifice to keep you safe.”

Zane sagged against him, all his resistance suddenly gone. “I love

you, too.” He lifted his head just enough so they could look at one
another. “That’s why I can’t let you do this.”

“It’s done. I’ve decided.” Ertic kissed him before he could speak,

and he kept right on kissing him as he took him over to the bed.
There, he gently placed him on his back and then made quick work of
his clothing. All the while he kept their lips locked. He did this not
only to stop Zane from speaking, but to have as much time physically
close to him as he could get.

Once Zane was bare, Ertic got rid of his own clothes, and then he

was balancing himself above Zane, kissing him as he teased his
fingers along the crevasse of his ass. Tormenting him until he was
literally thrashing, Ertic then plunged his slickened pleasure cock
inside, swallowing down Zane’s cry of bliss. Pumping in and out
made him squirm, but Ertic held his legs apart with his lower arms
while balancing on his upper ones.

Sensing the moment when his climax was near, Ertic deftly

removed his pleasure cock and slid his mating cock deep. As soon as
he buried himself as far as he could go, he held steady and then used
the cuppanna of his pleasure cock to stroke along Zane’s prick and

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his own.

Not once did he pull his mouth away.
Moaning, squirming, seemingly lost in pleasure, Zane’s mind lay

as open to Ertic as his body. Ertic plundered them both. He did this
not against Zane’s will, but with his permission, because now that
they had told each other the truth, there wasn’t anything else to hide.

Zane would never let Ertic sacrifice himself to protect him.
Ertic would never allow Zane to do so, either.
They would rather die together than apart.
It was that simple, which made things far more complicated.
Resolved to see things through to the end together, they worked

their bodies into ever higher levels of pleasure. Ertic was able to
match his arousal level to Zane’s so that they erupted into climax

Feeling his mating cock release deep into Zane’s body was the

pinnacle of Ertic’s pleasure. They could never mate, but there was a
singular beauty in that moment that couldn’t ever be duplicated with
any other creature. When he finally lifted his head, releasing Zane
from his fierce kiss, he looked down at the almost tragic beauty of his

Zane’s eyes slowly blinked open, as if he were just awakening. He

looked up at Ertic and flashed a lazy, lusty smile. “There has to be a
way out of this mess with the queen.”

“We will find it.”
“I will do anything.”
“I, too, swear to do everything in my power.” Ertic lowered his

mouth to Zane’s neck, kissing him softly below his ear. He knew this
was one of the most sensitive spots on his entire body, but it was also
a source of great reassurance when Ertic kissed him there.

They lay twined together for a long time until Ertic’s arms began

to tire.

“It’s amazing how strong you are.”
Reluctantly, they parted, and Ertic rolled onto his back, pulling

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Zane into the embrace of his lower arm. They looked up at the ceiling
and discovered there was a mirror.

“How odd. I thought that was something found only in the

sleeping establishments on certain worlds.”

“Perhaps she learned the custom from them.”
“To my knowledge, the queen has never left Uhiran Yellow.”

Ertic found himself wondering about the queen, but not sexually, not
like he had been before. This time, he thought of how she had kept
herself hidden during her pregnancies and how she only emerged
once the children were weaned from her breast. It was a mystery that
he would probably never solve.

“Do you really think she breast fed her own children?” Zane

asked, his fingers toying over the smooth flesh of Ertic’s chest.

“It does seem unlikely.” Ertic thought of her figure and how she

didn’t seem to have changed in the slightest after three children.

“But she’s young. Earthling women who are young generally

recover faster after a pregnancy than older women.”

“She isn’t young. The queen is almost three times as old as I am.”
Zane leaned up so he could meet Ertic’s gaze. “How old are you?”
“In your units of time I would be twenty-one.”
“Good God. I’m thirty-five.”
“Is age an issue?”
“No. Just—I never saw myself involved with a younger man who

was dominant. Trust me, it’s not you. It’s just some mental thing in
my own head.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation, my kind ages very differently than

your kind. Because of my skin, I won’t show my age for a long, long

Zane frowned and then tucked his head back against Ertic’s chest.

“I don’t know if I like the idea of me looking like an old man and you
looking all young and sexy. People will think we’re kinky.”

Ertic laughed. “We are kinky.” That was another word that he

simply loved. There was nothing in his native language to translate it

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to, but it made perfect sense when he heard it in connection with
Zane’s thoughts.

And then a very dark idea flooded into Ertic despite Zane’s best

attempts to keep it buried. The issue of their aging probably wasn’t
going to matter when they were both going to be dead soon.

“I’m sorry,” Zane offered. “I couldn’t get my brain to shut off.”
“It’s okay. I would have had the same thought eventually.”
“But I’m the one who’s always telling you to think positive.”
“It’s a little difficult in this situation.” Ertic kissed the top of

Zane’s head. “Tell me another story about a strange creature on your

Zane told him of plants that ate insects, and how trees could grow

right up through cracks in the street, and how a hermit crab tossed off
his shell to get a bigger home. Listening to the cadence of Zane’s
voice was soothing, and seeing the things he described in his mind
was fascinating. Ertic had no idea how much time they would have
together, but he intended to make the most of what they had left.

When morning came, they took their time cleaning up, and then

they dressed with care.

“You’re not really going to try to give me to another, are you?”
“I must try.”
“I won’t go.”
“You’re my slave. You have to do what I say.”
Zane frowned. “You know, I don’t mind playing that as a game,

but in real life it’s just not going to happen.”

“And what will you do?” Ertic stood to his full height. “I am

bigger than you. I have more power than you. But most of all,
regardless of what you think, I actually do own you.”

There was a look a vast hurt on Zane’s face.
“Please don’t make me be cruel to you when I don’t want to be. If

I can get you off of this world and send you back to Krase, then I
won’t feel like a total failure.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

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They were at an impasse with no way out. In their determination

to protect one another, the queen had put them at odds. “Which was
undoubtedly her point.” Ertic shook his head, and his tail swished
violently behind him. “She knew this would make us argue and that
we would look at her offer for me to stay here and keep you as the
best solution. I doubt she will be expecting me to make a
counteroffer, but as you said, I do not think she will agree.”

“So she wants us both here.”
“Yes. Which means she isn’t expecting me to choose my


“Because that means she’ll kill me.”
“I know.”
There was a moment where Zane looked at him, his face blank.

“You’re going to let her kill me to get your freedom?” When he
realized that was exactly what Ertic intended to do, his face turned
pale. “You said that you loved me.”

“I lied.”

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Chapter 13

Zane felt like he’d just been kicked in the belly. After everything

they had shared, how could Ertic even think of letting the queen kill
him? And then he frowned. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Not again. You’re
just saying this to make me angry so you can try your little trick of
giving me away.”

Ertic kept his face impassive and crossed all four of his arms.
“I’m not falling for it. You love me, and I know that not only

because you told me but because you showed me last night.”

“You will do what I say.”
“I’m not going to let you send me away.”
“You forget that I own you.”
“And you forget that you getting all bossy won’t make me your

willing slave.” Zane crossed his arms but didn’t look nearly as
immovable as Ertic did.

“I’m trying to save you.”
“And now we’re right back where we were last night. I thought

we were going to stay together and try to find another way out of

Their argument was interrupted by a surprisingly polite knock at

the door.

“Apparently, the queen is trying to live up to her softer, kinder

image.” Zane rolled his eyes. “After you, my wise and annoying

Ertic stepped to the door and then out into the company of two

guards. Zane followed on their heels then realized there were more
than a dozen guards accompanying them.

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“Oh, man, this really doesn’t look good.” When they were taken

around yesterday, there had only been two guards with them.

“Please do not do or say anything.”
“Tell me the truth.”

There was a burst of expletives that were untranslatable, but

eventually, Ertic confirmed that Zane was right about him saying
something awful to try to get him mad enough to do what he wanted.
“I just didn’t want you to be shocked when I tried to make her show
her hand.”

“She probably would have killed us both for you trying that.”
“I think that’s what she’s going to do now.”
“What the hell set her off?”
Zane thought she’d go back on

anything she agreed to, but he thought they would at least have a shot
at escaping before she did.

“I do not know, but something is drastically different.”
They cut their internal talk when they entered her private suite.

Just like yesterday, she was carefully arranged on the low-slung
couch. Everything about her was simply stunning. Her hair glittered
as it swept up into a complicated bun at the back of her head. Silver
eyes and skin gleamed under the lights. Her pale yellow dress looked
painted on, but not as vulgar as yesterday’s cut. This was slightly
more understated but still exquisite. If only she was kinder and cared
about those around her, she would never be at a loss for willing and
utterly devoted consorts.

“Stand back so that we may speak in private.”
All the guards and slaves moved back a respectful distance, but it

was clear to Zane they could be by her side for protection in an
instant. Not that he or Ertic had any intention of attacking her. That
would solve nothing.

“You are so amazingly beautiful.” Queen Xathera rose and moved

incrementally closer to Ertic. “Not for your mind, your contribution to
my worlds with your thirst for exploring, but for the very rare color of
your skin.”

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It was clear to Zane that she wanted to stroke her hands, all four

of them, over Ertic’s chest. Since he wore his simple jacket without a
shirt, all she had to do was move just a little closer and she’d be able
to fondle him at will. Damn it, but Ertic would probably let her. If she
did, Zane was going to—

“You will do nothing but stand there!”
“You don’t have to shout!”
Zane held his place, but he couldn’t

help but glare down at the floor since he couldn’t glare at the queen
and tell her to back the hell off the man—alien—that he loved. It
would be one thing if it was a fair fight for his affections, which Zane
already knew he had, but that she could manhandle him—
womanhandle him—on a whim was simply infuriating.

“I would have indulged you in anything, even your utterly

perverse relationship with your slave.”

With his face tilted down, Zane was only able to see her by lifting

his gaze. She was looking right at him and had the most disgusted
look on her face. Her snarl managed to wipe away her beauty the way
pig shit would ruin her dress. Why had no one ever schooled her on
the correct behavior and deportment for a queen? She could sorely
use How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

“I could have humored you in almost everything. But even I

cannot comprehend that you enjoy sticking your mating cock into his
ass.” The queen shivered. “That is so vile I feel that your mating cock
should be cut off and his hole should be sewn shut.”

Zane wanted to sink into the floor. “That wasn’t a fucking mirror

over us but a way for her to watch! No wonder she let us go back to
your room together. She just wanted to see what we would do.”

“I understand that. Please, still, do not speak unless I ask you to.”
“Sure thing.”
Zane wouldn’t say anything because he had no idea

what he would even say about what Ertic had done. He couldn’t help
but feel responsible because Ertic hadn’t even been interested in sex
until Zane came along. Worse, he’d never even thought about doing
anything with his mating cock until Zane suggested it.

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“It’s not your fault. I wanted to do what I did, and I would happily

do it a thousand times more.”

“After that, I can’t possibly mate with you. The idea alone is


Zane had to hand it to Ertic. No matter how rude or how snotty

she was, he just stood there and took it without any outward show of
emotion. Not even his tail was moving.

“So, where does this leave us?” the queen asked the air because it

was more than apparent that she didn’t expect anyone to actually
answer her. “I cannot use you for mating, and now I know why you
won’t give your disgusting slave to me.”

Ertic’s tail flicked once, sharply, then went still.
“I would enjoy forcing you to kill him.”
Zane’s stomach roiled. He would die to protect Ertic, but the

thought of Ertic having to kill him made Zane insane with worry. He
wouldn’t be able to follow through, and if Ertic somehow managed to
kill him, the horror of what he’d done would end up killing him.

“But then I would still be left with the perplexing riddle of what to

do with you.” Xathera sighed dramatically. “If only I could make you
kill one another. What fun that would be.”

Zane closed his eyes, feeling sick. Was she just going to stand

here all day and spin one horrible idea after another? But then he
wondered why he was in such a hurry when he was pretty sure no
matter what she picked it was going to end with their deaths. The
longer she talked the longer they lived.

“After long consideration, I find that I will have you both

executed at the same time and each of you can watch the other die.”

Zane hadn’t thought of last night as the last night, but even if he

had known, he wouldn’t have wanted to spend it in any other way
than the exact way he had.

“I feel that way, too.” Ertic turned and walked over to Zane. “I am

glad that at least before I die I got to know what love was.”

They embraced one another, and Zane knew it would probably be

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for the last time. Using their telepathic link, they expressed a hundred
different ideas of gratitude, sorrow, and abiding love faster than they
could out loud. In a way, it was a fitting end because Zane knew that
though they could keep communicating without the queen’s
knowledge, they would never again be close enough to touch.

“Guards! Separate them.”
When they came and placed their strong hands on them, neither he

nor Ertic fought. They parted ways almost resigned to their fate.
There was still hope, but it was fading fast. But no matter what the
queen did, she couldn’t take away their love.

“Take them to—”
The word didn’t translate, and Ertic explained it was a place to

hold prisoners and a place to torture them, too. After one quick look
at the image Ertic shared with him, Zane was wishing he hadn’t. Vlad
the Impaler would be freaked out by the place they were going. It was
nothing but spikes, straps, and things that looked suspiciously like
stun guns that would wrap around their genitals. Zane had been in
plenty of dungeons, but they were the make-believe kind with a
rousing climax waiting at the end. This shop of horrors would only
have a screaming death for a finale.

When they entered, Zane refused to look around because seeing

the torture devices up close and personal was only going to make his
fear worse. Luckily, the place was empty. Apparently, the queen
didn’t let her prisoners linger for long. In a way, that was good. At
least their suffering would be short.

What stunned Zane was that they were not separated by a great

distance. Each of them was placed in a smallish cage with only room
to stand, but they were right next to one another. They weren’t put in
any of the horrific-looking torture devices, but that might be because
Zane wouldn’t really fit the holds that were clearly made for those
with four arms. But he didn’t think it would be long before the queen
ordered him his own custom-made implement of pain.

“Something is wrong.” Ertic looked around.

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“You’re just now noticing that?”
“I mean that the guards tossed us in and left without even ensuring

we were separated. That’s odd.”

There was a tremendous boom that shook the palace so hard that

dust puffed out where the rocks in the wall rubbed together.

“What the hell was that?” Zane clutched Ertic’s hand through the

bars that separated them.

“I don’t know, but it sounds like a sonic cannon.”
“What’s a—” Another boom shook the very ground Zane stood

on, making him clutch the bars and Ertic’s hand all the harder.
Despite their fear, he learned from Ertic a sonic cannon was a massive
gun that basically shot big balls of sound at things.

They held very steady, waiting for another blast, but it seemed to

have stopped.

“Do the Uhirans have any enemies?”
“None that would have one of those weapons.”
“Who has those kinds of weapons?”
“The Krase.”
“Isn’t that the planet you bought me on?”
Ertic nodded.
“What are the Krase like?” Zane asked because into Ertic’s mind

popped the information that there had been two Krase warriors
bidding on humans when he’d bought Zane.

“Krase warriors are eight feet tall, have a mouth full of pointy

teeth, and have cocks so enormous they evolved a strosan, which is a
bracing device to hold up their erect prick.”

Before Zane could ask him not to, Ertic pushed an image of a

Krase warrior into Zane’s head. The idea of those monsters buying
humans was terrifying.

“Maybe your queen pissed them off.”
“She has that ability.” Ertic laughed suddenly.
“Have you gone loopy?”
“No, just that with our connection I understand ‘pissed off’ isn’t

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what it sounds like.”

“My species is good at strange sayings.”
“They are indeed.” Ertic’s bronze gaze locked on Zane. “If we

survive this, I swear I’m never going to let you go.”

“You’ll keep me as a slave forever?” Zane wasn’t so sure he was

actually all that upset about that.

“How else would I keep you?”
“Don’t you people have anything like marriage?”
Ertic examined the idea Zane shared with him. “My kind doesn’t

do that.”

“Not even before they have kids?”
“The children bind them together. There is no need for a


“Well, I want one.” Zane lifted his chin.
“For a servant you are very demanding.”
“That’s marginally better.” Ertic considered. “But you would have

to let me have total control over you sometimes. And let me decorate
your body with things like the fie’dat allintay.”

Zane sighed long and hard as if he were having a difficult time

deciding what to do about Ertic’s offer.

“I already know you want to.” Ertic smiled. “Our connection has

told me the truth.”

“That’s cheating.”
“Perhaps.” Ertic reached through the bars with his lower hand and

cupped Zane’s cock. “But you looked so wickedly wonderful when I
had it on you at the tailor’s.”

There was a cavalcade of erotic images in Ertic’s mind that spilled

over into Zane’s. If allowing him that honor got that kind of reaction
out of him, Zane was all for it. “But I want something in return.”

Ertic’s eyes narrowed, and he jokingly braced himself by lifting

his other three hands to the bars of his tiny cage.

“I wish to have you at my command for one night.”

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“Just one night?”
“One night every year you have to give yourself to me and I am

allowed to do whatever I want with you.”

Ertic delved into the images in Zane’s mind, and when Zane

reached out to cup his pleasure cock, it hardened almost instantly.

“Agreed.” Ertic lowered Zane’s hand to his mating cock.
“Agreed.” Zane gave him a gentle squeeze.
Ertic smiled, and suddenly the dungeon didn’t seem so bleak.

They kissed through the bars and then released their holds upon one

“We best settle in for a long wait. If the planet is under attack—”

Ertic stopped speaking when a gigantic beast strode through the door.

Zane had only needed to see an image of one of these creatures

once to recognize it instantly. What strode in, gun drawn and teeth
bared, was a Krase warrior.

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Chapter 14

“Your queen is a foolish woman.” The Krase warrior holstered his

gun and spoke directly to Ertic.

Rather than answer, Ertic stepped to the front of his cage, placing

himself between the warrior and Zane. He wasn’t sure why he felt a
need to protect him, but he did. Although, locked behind bars, there
wasn’t an awful lot he could do. Sadly, even if he was free, there
wouldn’t be a lot he could do against a fully outfitted Krase warrior.
From the moment of his birth, this creature had been taught nothing
but how to wage war.

When Ertic searched his face, hoping for some small show of

kindness or compassion, all he saw was a black tattoo against maroon
flesh. It was a curve representing a planetary horizon with five dots
underneath. This was their way of marking their wins, and it said that
this Krase warrior had conquered five worlds.

“All I wanted was two from her world, and she refused. Now her

pretty palace has a bunch of holes in it and I’m still going to get what
I want anyway.”

“What is it you want?” Ertic wasn’t so certain he wanted to hear

the answer.

“You two.”
“Us?” Zane stepped out from Ertic’s shadow.
“You must return to Krase at once.”
It was clear the warrior didn’t want to say, but it was also just as

apparent that he wanted this to simply be over with. “You have to
give your slave back.”

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Ertic felt as if the sonic cannon had hit directly below his feet. His

world felt like it was slipping sideways. First his queen wanted to kill
them to keep them apart, and now the war-lusting planet of Krase
wanted to do the same.

“All I want to do is just love him.” Ertic felt every time they

turned around it seemed there was just another trial to overcome.

“I want that, too.” Zane reached through the bars and took ahold

of Ertic’s hand.

The warrior peered at them and tilted his head to the side. “I’m

not here to stop you from doing that.”

“You’re not?” Ertic desperately wanted to believe him, but after

all they had endured, he found holding out hope was almost

“No. You can love each other all you want, but before you do, you

have to return to Krase.”

“But why?”
Again, the warrior took a deep breath, but his features hardened.

“You’ll find out.” He looked at the locking mechanisms of their
cages. “As if that would keep anything in.” Using something from his
weapon-riddled belt, the Krase warrior had them out of their cages in
an instant. He pointed toward the exit. “Go.”

“Shouldn’t we follow you?” For some reason, Ertic feared getting

a blaster in the back.

“You will walk in front of me so that I can keep you headed the

right direction.”

Ertic took Zane’s hand. They went back up the way they had

recently come down. The closer they got to the upper layers of the
palace, the more sumptuous the building materials became.

“Where are we going?” Zane asked.
“The landing pad at the top.”
Ertic wasn’t sure of the way, but the warrior was. He directed

them from the rear. As they went through the layers of the palace,
Ertic noticed that there weren’t any guards or servants around.

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“Where is everyone?”
“They are being held until I get you out of here.”
For the Krase to do that there had to be hundreds of warriors in

the palace.

Eventually, they made it to the top and into the fairly large shuttle

craft. Zane immediately chose a seat near a window. When he felt
Ertic looking at him, he turned and flashed a somewhat guilty face.

“I know, you’ve seen it a million times, but it’s all new to me.”
“I hope you never lose your enchantment with space travel.” Ertic

took a seat next to him and joined him in watching their craft take off
and escape the planet’s gravitational pull. They didn’t talk, just
looked out, and for the first time in a very long time, Ertic was
captivated by what he saw. He had landed and taken off hundreds of
times, but this was special because he was seeing it for the first time
with the man he loved.

Smiling, he shared visions of the worlds he’d been to with Zane. It

was a way to keep themselves entertained and to stop worrying about
what would come for them. They would find out soon enough.

“Holy shit!” Zane’s reaction to the Krase warship was milder than

Ertic was expecting. It was an enormous interstellar transport capable
of carrying over two hundred thousand Krase warriors. “How the hell
did she think she was going to fight these guys off?”

“I honestly do not know what she was thinking.” The Krase never

attacked unwarranted or even unannounced. Ertic knew without
asking they had spoken at length with Xathera to get what they
wanted. When she refused, they attacked, but they had only taken out
the defense systems along the palace walls. Once they had that
secured, they landed, gained their new prisoners, and then took off.
As they journeyed to the ship, more shuttles descended on the planet.
Ertic assumed it was to retrieve all their warriors.

The massive scope of the undertaking had Ertic convinced there

was something profound at stake. Some interplanetary law had been
broken or something equally as bad. Afraid that he would soon have

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to let Zane go, Ertic took his hand and held on as if that would stop
anyone from taking him.

“He said no one was going to stop us from loving each other.”
“That doesn’t mean we will be allowed to be in the same room,


“Try to stay positive.”
“For you, I will do anything.”
Ertic tried to keep his mind off the

reasons for what was happening and simply enjoy being with Zane,
but he couldn’t stop it from popping up in his mind like bubbles
desperate to get to the surface.

When they eventually reached the ship, they departed the shuttle

and were taken to their room. Ertic wasn’t expecting much, but he
was astounded by the decadence. It put their suite at the palace to
shame. Almost against his will, he turned suspicious. “Why this
hospitality if we are prisoners?”

“You are not prisoners. You are being escorted back to Krase.”
“If we’re not going there of our own free will, then we’re

prisoners, technically or otherwise.” Zane considered the room and
had the same reaction that Ertic did. “Yeah, this is just getting nothing
but weirder.”

“Would you rather go back to the dungeon I found you in?”
“Blessed!” At the shocked outburst, the Krase warrior turned and

appeared to be chagrined. “Just tell them so the suspense doesn’t kill
them.” A blond-haired, blue-eyed human wearing strangely fashioned
clothing approached them in the hall.

“Hey, you were on the stage. The blond-haired surfer boy.”
“Yes. Like you, I was sold.”
To Ertic’s shock, the tiny thing went right up to the Krase warrior

and placed his hand on his chest. Rather than eating him alive, the
massive warrior looked down and smiled. Ertic swore he was seeing
things, but he looked again and sure enough the officer was grinning
down at the tiny human who had bellowed at him.

“I’ve told you we must wait until the auction house has their say.”

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The Krase warrior tried to sound stern, but he really didn’t.

“It’s hardly fair to let them think something awful will happen to

them. Don’t you remember how terrified that poor Earthling and the
Finoc were?”

“Tyler, I agreed to let you accompany me if you stayed out of

official Krase business.”

“But I can help.” Tyler looked up at the fearsome warrior, and it

was clear that he was going to get his way when a low growl of
surrender erupted from the Krase’s mouth.

“Fine.” He looked around. “But not here.”
“Our room?”
“Come on.” Tyler turned and walked down the hall with the Krase

warrior at his side.

They were eventually taken into a room twice as big as theirs and

twice as richly appointed.

“Please, come in, and sit.” Tyler extended his hand to a sitting

area with low cubes and several small tables. He brought out
refreshments and fussed over them while the Krase warrior watched
with his arms crossed. “Blessed, please do not glower so. It’s unkind
and unnecessary.”

“His name is Blessed?” Zane gave him a look of incredulity.
“Blessed Despair. Isn’t it beautiful?” Tyler’s entire face

transformed, and it was clear he was as deeply in love with Blessed as
Ertic was with Zane. “I’m Tyler Stewart.”

“My mate.” Blessed stayed where he was, almost as if he were

keeping guard. It was clear from his posture and the two simple words
he’d spoken that he was very possessive of Tyler.

“Mate, husband, whatever. It seems there are so many different

words for that relationship in all the different cultures.” Tyler looked
to Ertic. “I know that you are Ertic Stin, but I do not know your…”

“Mate,” Ertic supplied. That word in Zane’s head had all kinds of

happy thoughts attached to it. “Zane Chaslu.”

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“Zane.” Tyler offered out his hand, and the two shook. It must be

an Earth custom.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Zane said. “So, what’s the deal?”
“You weren’t supposed to be taken from Earth.”
“No?” Zane frowned, his concern more than apparent.
“An unscrupulous slave trader illegally took a dozen slaves from

Earth and then sold them on Krase. Our job—”

A loud throat clear from Blessed caused Tyler to change his word

choice. “Blessed’s job is to locate the slave trader and also to help
retrieve the slaves.”

“Because you can’t ever go back to Earth.”
“For wanting to tell them the story so desperately you are making

a mess of it.” Blessed shook his head, but there was an indulgent
smile on his face nonetheless. “When you were taken, you were on
the verge of death. By taking you at that precise moment, the slave
trader was able to fill his ship with slaves without the rest of the
planet becoming aware he was stealing people.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Zane looked to Tyler. “You were one of


“Yes. I was going to be in a pretty horrible car accident. You?”
Zane turned a little red. “A freak accident. I was going to


In a flash of insight, Ertic now knew exactly why Zane had so

feared that mask. He had told him at the tailor’s, but now he saw and
felt that moment in Zane’s memory. He apologized profusely for ever
putting another mask near him. Zane forgave him, just as he had at
the time, but Ertic wasn’t so sure he could forgive himself.

“So, while in a way it’s a good thing we didn’t die, the fact that

we didn’t might cause some major time and history issues—
distortion—if we go back to Earth.” Tyler looked up at Blessed. “But
I really have no interest in going back.”

“I’m not real keen on going back, either.” Zane looked at Ertic.

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“Not when I met the love of my life out here.”

Ertic sat a little straighter. The more they talked, the more they

learned, and the safer he began to feel. And to think he would have
thrown everything away on his risky plan that would have included
the death of two innocent Uhirans. Believing, being more Zen, and
holding on to hope had actually brought him through the worst trial of
his life. And he had Zane to thank for all of it.

“You’ll have to free him so that he can become a citizen of Krase,

but after that, you’ll be able to go wherever you want except for

“No.” Ertic had no intention of freeing Zane.
“What do you mean, no?” Zane laughed, but it was forced.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I didn’t go through all of that just to end up freeing you.”
It took a moment, but the stunned horror on Zane’s face slowly

melted away. “Oh, I get it. This is another one of your little tricks.
Fine. You don’t have to free me. Happy?”

“Very.” Ertic leaned over and kissed him. “We already went

through this in the cage, remember?”

“I do.”
“Well, whatever that’s about, you still have to sign the papers. If

you want to turn around and enslave yourself to him right after, that’s
fine, but Krase law dictates…”

Tyler continued to talk, but Ertic stopped listening. The only thing

he wanted to hear were the happy thoughts of his more than willing

“Just remember that I do have that one night a year thing where I

get to be the boss of you,” Zane reminded.

“I remember.” Ertic kissed him again, completely forgetting the

other two in the room. “But you must remember that for the rest of
the time you are in bondage to me.”

“As if you would ever let me forget.”
“You must also remember that above all else I love you.”

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removed the slave collar from around Zane’s neck.

“I will never forget.”
Ertic lifted his brow.
“Oh, you know I love you, too. Do I really have to say it?”
“I suppose not.”
Ertic sighed.
“I love you.”
“Good.” Ertic stood and then turned to Tyler. “Please excuse us,

but we must be alone.”

“It’s a sex emergency.” Zane took Ertic’s hand.
“Right.” Tyler flashed Zane a knowing grin then stood. In short

order, they were returned to their room.

The door was barely closed when Zane was on his knees,

frantically yanking Ertic’s boots off. Working together, they got out
of their clothing and got their bodies on the bed. And this time, rather
than telling him how much he loved him, Ertic took his time and
showed Zane exactly how thoroughly they were bound to one

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Anitra Lynn McLeod


“You’ll never lose your wonder for it, will you?”
“No.” Zane had his nose practically pressed to the glass so he

could watch the frozen cliffs of ToBo dwindling away.

“Good.” Ertic had put the ship on autopilot and joined Zane in the

back part of the craft where the biggest window was.

“You’re okay with my rather childlike enthusiasm?”
“I like that you are always fascinated by space travel, and that you

enjoy every place we go, even the most frigid of worlds.”

“It was cold, but I’ve also never seen anything so stunning.”

Various kinds of algae ate the dissolved minerals in the towering
sheets of ice, turning them spectacular colors when the sun rose
behind and the light filtered through the layers. It was like a massive
planetary kaleidoscope. Since the sun only rose about once a week,
they had to wait, but it was worth it. And for the first time, Ertic had
gotten out of his ship and set his feet upon an alien world rather than
just observing from his ship. They hadn’t stayed long because even
with the fully insulated and heated survival suits, they were
practically frozen within minutes, but for a while, Zane had stood
upon a world that no one other than his mate had stood upon.

“Do you ever miss Earth?”
“No. I wonder sometimes about my family, but I really wasn’t

very close to them, and my friends were more casual acquaintances
than anything like best buddies. I have wondered what they made of
my disappearance, though.” From what Tyler had said, their bodies
were taken right before death, which meant the leather suit Zane had

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been in just went flat. Since no one knew he was at Razor, no one could
have reported him missing from there. Zane would just be another
person who mysteriously vanished. No doubt, his father the politician
could spin his disappearance to his advantage. Zane turned and angled
up for a kiss, which Ertic gave him. “I am more than content.”

“I am, too.” Ertic pulled him into his embrace. “Now, about these suits.”
They had removed the helmets, but the rest remained. “What

about them?”

“How quickly can we get them off?”
It turned out that when they were well motivated, they were able

to strip in a matter of seconds. Well, mostly they were undressed.
Zane’s pants were caught around his ankles because Ertic had tried to
yank them off over his boots. This in no way stopped Ertic from
pushing forward with his lusty plans.

“I don’t need them off when I can just bend you over.”
After a few plunges with his pleasure cock, Zane was slick and

ready when Ertic stepped close and slid his mating cock deep into his
ass. Feeling that while Ertic’s pleasure cock rode against his lower
back was wickedly arousing.

“And this way I have more control over you, my wanton slave.”
“Yes, master.” Zane grasped the braces around the window,

watching the first of many worlds he would explore dwindle away as
he and his mate had the first of many lusty encounters. “Just
remember than one day a year our roles are reversed.”

“Oh, yes. I remember.” Ertic lifted him and pressed him tightly to

his body so that he could lower his mouth to Zane’s ear. “There is just
one little catch.”

“What’s that?” Zane gasped the question because at this angle

Ertic’s mating cock felt utterly enormous.

“We didn’t specify which planet’s year we would use.”
“I meant an Earth year.”
“Ah, but you said a year, not an Earth year.”
“You should have been a lawyer, not an explorer.” Zane was

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unable to speak when Ertic lifted and lowered him as he thrust his
cock deep and then the cuppanna of his pleasure cock stroked up and
down, rubbing against Zane’s lower back. There was no doubt in his
mind that he was the recipient of the kinkiest massage in the universe.

“You think I’m trying to swindle you?” Ertic used his upper hands

to twist and tug upon Zane’s nipples.

“Aren’t you?” As soon as Zane got too close to the edge, Ertic

used his forefinger and thumb like a cock ring to prevent him from
climaxing just yet.

“A year on Uhiran Blue is only seventy-six of your Earth days long.”
“It is?”
“It is.” Ertic held him tighter as his own release grew close.

“Since the day I freed you and you reenslaved yourself to me, it has
been sixty-three of your days.”

“We should use your year.” Zane couldn’t wait to have Ertic at his

tender, kinky mercy.

“Yes, we should.” Ertic licked the outer rim of Zane’s ear. “Are

you ready?”

“God, yes.”
Matching their rates of breathing and working their bodies faster

and faster, they hit their climaxes within moments of one another. As
usual, it took a long time to come down from the exquisite ecstasy of
their releases. While they did, they watched ToBo fade away and they
mapped out their next conquest. No matter where they went, they
would be together, and while they discovered dozens of new worlds,
they would find dozens of new ways to merge their bodies.



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Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three things

Anitra Lynn McLeod enjoys the most. You can visit her at

For all titles by Anitra Lynn McLeod, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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