Anitra Lynn McLeod Gridiron Gods 01 Waterboy

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Gridiron Gods 1


Shy loner Danny Jones lives in a world of kinky sexual fantasies.

In his dreams, the football players he caters to as the waterboy

indulge their lusts upon him in every conceivable way. Reality is

that no one sees him at all. Slump-shouldered and drowning in

oversize clothing, Danny has made himself practically invisible.

As the new guy on campus, Matthew Edwards is worried about

fitting in at Twin Pines College. Matthew hates change, but the

lure of a full-ride scholarship, and the chance to put a struggling

football team on the map, are all the inducements he needs to

switch schools.

When Matthew meets the timid Danny, he sees right through his

camouflage. All Danny needs is a little encouragement to come

out of his shell. With Matthew’s help, Danny transforms, but there

are those who want to prevent the two from joining together.

They will have to fight to be together.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal
Length: 27,540 words

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Gridiron Gods 1

Anitra Lynn McLeod



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-980-6

First E-book Publication: November 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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This one is for everyone who has ever watched football just to enjoy

the tight pants.

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Gridiron Gods 1


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

Danny Jones was surrounded by football players. Sweaty and

randy and insatiable. Walls of muscular flesh encased him, and big,
strong hands bent his body this way and that, using him in whichever
way they saw fit. As soon as he satisfied one guy, another took his

It. Was. Heaven.
No matter how diligently he worked, Danny couldn’t keep up

with their lustful demands. Cock after cock filled his hands, his
mouth, and the tight channel between his cheeks. A chorus of dirty
talk echoed in the locker room as the entire team used him to ease
their relentless sexual needs. They called him the waterboy, but he
was really the team fuck toy, and he was loving every second of—

“Hey, watch where you’re going.”
The snarled demand wrenched Danny right out of his most

frequent and favorite fantasy. He didn’t respond. No point, really,
given that the guy he’d bumped into was long gone down the hall. He
slumped his shoulders a little bit more and lowered his head to hide
his eyes behind long strands of brown hair. Daydreaming while
walking to the gymnasium wasn’t the brightest idea, especially not
when doing so made him so hard he had to lower his duffle to hide his

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The school mascot, a blond-brown grizzly bear, face caught in a

perpetual roar, emblazoned the side of his black and green duffle. The
bear’s open mouth was right against his boner. Just like in real life,
the only thing that even came close to his dick was make-believe.
Still, he wouldn’t want a real bear near his privates, so the cartoon
emblem was fine with him. What he’d really like to find was one guy
who wouldn’t mind trading a blow job for a blow job. Hell, at this
point, being twenty-one and still a virgin, he’d settle for mutual hand

“You’re late.” Coach Miller tossed him a stack of Day-Glo orange

floor markers, which he caught only because he dropped his duffle.
“Set these up for drills.”

“Sure, Coach.” Luckily for him, the coach didn’t notice his hard-

on since he didn’t even look at him. Rather than being insulted,
Danny was relieved. His main goal in the new school, Twin Pines
College, was to stay the hell off everyone’s radar. To go unnoticed
meant the likelihood of getting the shit beat of him for being different
would be pretty much nil, which was exactly what he wanted.

“And don’t forget to set out the towels and water.”
Danny nodded, but the coach didn’t see that either. The lord on

high had issued his orders, and therefore, they would be obeyed. Or
else. Since his scholarship was in part tied to his work as equipment
manager, which Mr. Miller oversaw, staying in his good graces was
not only smart, but surprisingly easy. Much like everyone else, the
coach didn’t pay too much attention to him as long as Danny got
things done.

Once Coach Miller exited the gymnasium with his all-important

clipboard tucked into his sweaty armpit, Danny rolled his eyes. He
knew exactly what he had to do to prep the area for team training. It
was the same thing every time, and yet the coach was always
reminding him.

“For crying out loud, I am the waterboy after all. If I forget the

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water, that would be a primary failure of my most basic function.”
Danny stopped talking to himself when two team members came in
the gym. Well, more like flew in. Their sneakers squeaked on the
pristine clean floor, and they were already in mid-conversation. They
talked so fast he sometimes compared them to squawking magpies.

Tyler Morgan and Kevin Henderson. Both of them were hotter

than hell, and they knew it. The two men had a lot in common. They
were both first-string defensive guards, both blond with blue eyes,
and both of them were outgoing. Frankly, the two of them were so
cheerful and upbeat they were almost annoying. Almost. If not for the
fact they were genuinely nice to him, he might have despised them.
But it was hard to hate two guys who made Danny feel like a real
member of the team. They’d even stood up for him when Dylan
Peterson freaked out on him. Christ, all Danny had done was
accidentally bump into the guy while he was getting dressed.

Using the lines painted on the hardwood floor as a guide, Danny

placed the Day-Glo stickers in a staggered V pattern. When he was
done, it looked like a drunken ladder. Rubber backings gripped up on
the thick layer of varnish, holding them in place. When the men of the
Grizzlies got here, they would have to double-time it through the
maze of stickers, darting and weaving their way almost like skiers
doing moguls. He loved watching them move, especially through this
obstacle course, since even the baggiest shorts bunched up around
their junk and displayed their tight buns.

Danny finished setting up the other items for indoor training while

covertly watching Tyler and Kevin interact. To him, it seemed they
had what he most wanted—an easygoing grace and ability to relate
without the crush of self-consciousness. Danny would give just about
anything to spend one hour in their shoes. How would it be to live a
life where he wasn’t afraid all the time?

“You’re just jealous because you just can’t get a date, loser.”

Tyler yanked his body-hugging T-shirt over his head, twisting his
sun-bleached hair into a sexy-messy tangle.

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“You got a date?” Kevin plastered his hands to his face in mock

surprise. “How much are you paying her?”

“Fuck you!” Tyler tossed his shirt at Kevin, who ducked.
“No, sorry, your mom has me booked.” Kevin managed to get his

T-shirt about halfway up his bronzed chest before Tyler tackled him.
Lucky for them both, the mats were already out, so when the two men
crashed to the floor, they weren’t hurt.

Hurtling more insults, they rolled around with the playfulness of

puppies. Very hot and sexy man puppies.

Envious at the easy way they wrestled with one another, Danny

wished that he could join in. He could just picture telling Kevin
something clever and cutting, maybe a snipe about his sister, and then
Kevin would tackle him. Not to be outdone, Tyler would say
something worse about the sister, and then the three of them would
end up grappling on the mat, tugging on each other’s clothes until
they were naked, breathless, and hard.

Once they were in a state of high lust, it would be Danny’s job to

release their tensions. And he would do so with gusto. While he took
Tyler into his greedy mouth, Kevin would be licking and fingering his
ass. Once he was good and ready, Kevin would slide balls-deep into
his backside while Tyler did the same to his face. Blissfully filled,
Danny would make sure they climaxed with screaming pleasure—

“Hey, I’m talking to you!” Coach Miller whapped Danny on the

arm with his clipboard.

“Sorry.” Danny resisted the urge to wipe his hand against the

injury. He knew if he did, his hand would smell like Coach’s pit. At
least this way the funk would stay on his arm.

Grunting, Coach Miller handed him a ring of keys. “I’ve got that

meet and greet over at Terrace Hall with the dean. You’re going to
lock up.”

One thing about Coach was he didn’t ask so much as he declared.

For all he knew, Danny had to get home for the fall break. Or maybe
he had a date. Damn rude of Coach to not even ask. Sadly, none of

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those things were true, so Danny did what he always did. He nodded
and took the keys without a word.

While going down the list of all the things Danny had to do when

locking up the gymnasium, Coach ticked off each item on one of his
stubby fingers. It was a long list that Danny knew by heart since he’d
locked up about twenty times before. While he listened and nodded,
he wondered how stubbed-fingered Mr. Miller had ever been able to
hang onto a football. His hands looked more like catcher’s mitts, but
there was a different coach for the baseball team.

“And make sure he gets a locker.”
Danny nodded, but his mind fumbled. He? He who? Shit. Once

again, he probably should have been paying attention. His damn
daydreaming was getting him into more and more trouble. Come to
think of it, he couldn’t remember any good his flights of fantasy had
gotten him into. Well, except for when he was alone under his covers.

“Here’s the combination to his locker.” The coach handed him a

paper and a padlock that Danny dutifully tucked into the pocket of his
baggy jeans. “I want him as far from Dylan as I can get him.” Under
his breath, Coach mumbled, “Fucking Dylan and his space issues.”

Danny didn’t need elaboration on that comment. Anyone who met

Dylan Peterson once knew to stay away from him. Dylan was the
biggest, baddest, and most homophobic motherfucker on the team.
Hell, probably on the planet. Danny drifted off into fantasies around
everyone but Dylan Peterson. One slip up and the guy wanted to
pound his face into hamburger. What made matters worse was that
Danny hadn’t even been daydreaming when he’d bumped into Dylan.
He’d been blinded by a huge stack of towels. Worse, it was Dylan
who caused the collision. Dylan stepped out into the big hall between
the rows of lockers. Still, when Danny ran into Dylan, the towels
went flying and so had Danny. Naked and dripping, Dylan had
loomed over him, ready to introduce his fist to Danny’s face. To this
day, Danny thanked whatever gods there were that Tyler and Kevin
had intervened.

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“You got that?”
Danny had no idea what Coach just said, but he gave a clear, “I’ve

got it.”

“And for the love of all that’s holy, boy, don’t let anyone in for

any reason. I don’t care if their hair is on fire and you’ve got the last
bottle of water on Earth.” After making a note on his stack of pit-
scented papers, Coach mumbled, “Last thing I need is another fucking
party in here.”

Danny hadn’t been responsible for that fiasco, but the coach

always mentioned it, as if Danny had been the one to let those idiots
in. But that had happened two years before Danny had even
transferred to Twin Pines. It was the coach’s prior lackey who had
stupidly let someone in, which was bad enough, but then he trusted
the interloper to lock up. Moron. The guy had in turn let in over one
hundred people, who had partied in the gym over the long Labor Day
weekend. By the time Coach showed up on Tuesday morning, the
floor had to be refinished because of a multitude of beer, urine, and
vomit spills.

Rather than point this out to him, Danny just nodded. He’d found

it was easier to just let Coach say whatever and bob his head rather
than bother to correct him. On the rare occasions where Danny did
point out his errors, the Coach would bellow, “I know that!” and then
repeat what he’d said yet again. Things just moved faster if Danny
agreed with everything and kept his mouth shut.

During his long list of instructions, the rest of the team came in, or

at least those who hadn’t found a way to beg off early for the short
fall break. From Danny’s quick count, he determined about thirty
guys had shown up. They were mostly second and third string players
who were staying around for lack of anything better to do, but some
had families who lived close enough so they could drive after the last
training session the coach insisted on. The Twin Pine Grizzlies were a
new team, formed to draw more students to the all-male college, but
they had lost their first two games. Coach Miller said they sucked and

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the only way to fix that was with more practice.

“Only babies have to run home to mamma,” Coach snarled when

the first brave soul had asked to be excused early.

Danny had no intention of ever going home. His parents didn’t

want to see him, and he didn’t want to see them, either. Mutual
loathing. His mother had insisted he was confused, but his father had
called Danny a worthless fag. Rather than argue, Danny had left early
for college. That was three years ago. He’d left that college at the end
of last year and come here to Twin Pines. As far as Danny was
concerned, he wasn’t confused, and he sure as shit wasn’t worthless.
He was, however, a fag, although he preferred the term gay. The irony
with that adjective was that gay implied happy when he was anything
but. Danny had no moral issue with his orientation because he’d
always felt this way from the moment he realized he had desires, but
he was sick and tired of encountering violent prejudice toward his
preferred sexual partner. And irony on top of irony was the fact that
he was belittled for something he hadn’t even done yet. Danny knew
he liked guys. He just hadn’t had an opportunity to be with one. And
the way things were going, it might be a long wait.

Dylan Peterson, the king of the homophobes, wasn’t the first such

jerk Danny had encountered and certainly wouldn’t be the last. Danny
just thought if he could get through college and get his degree in
computer science, he could get a great job and then try to find others
like himself. Or at least one guy. But trying to hook up while in
school was a mistake he wasn’t going to make twice.

Watching the guys go through the various training drills he set up

always put Danny in a great mood. His position on the team gave him
the right to keep a good eye on everyone in the gym. If one of the men
was in need, Danny was there. Need a towel to wipe that sweat?
Danny had it ready. Water to quench that thirst? He’d toss them a
bottle as soon as they looked his direction.

Some guys snickered at him for being a senior and still having

gone no higher than the waterboy, but Danny didn’t aspire to more.

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He liked being around football players, always had. Something about
the gear, the attitude, the oozing testosterone. He knew at an early age
he was too skinny and uncoordinated to actually play, but he could
still be a part of the team by clinging to the fringes. All through high
school and now all through college he’d been the waterboy. He was
comfortable and happy with his role.

And all through those years he’d had progressively kinkier

fantasies about the guys he cared for. Lately he’d been into giving
them service, like water, a towel, or a blow job. Always, his thoughts
turned down that road. At night, in his narrow dorm bed, he would
slip his hand below the covers and tease himself until he couldn’t hold
back. His delayed climaxes were epic. And silent. He didn’t want to
wake his dorm mate, Jacob. But Jacob was gone for fall break.
Hallelujah! It would be nice to whack off without clenching his lips
so tight his teeth hurt.

Danny hadn’t ever told a soul about his daydreams. He was even

less inclined to tell anyone about the dreams that invaded his sleep of
late. If the waking visions didn’t freak people out, his nighttime mind-
movies certainly would.

The dreams always started out normal enough. Well, normal for

Danny. It was him and two or three guys from the team, and then
suddenly, the ground shook, and a tremendous roar filled his ears and
caused the men around him to evaporate. Alone and shaking, he
would look up to find himself face-to-face with a blond-brown bear
that looked an awful lot like the team mascot.

What made the dream beyond creepy was that once the bear had

chased the other men away, it inevitably dropped to all four paws and
then sniffed eagerly at Danny’s crotch.

Even when Danny put the old Freudian spin on interpreting the

dream, he was left feeling dreadfully uncomfortable. The best he
could figure was that the constant use of his duffle, the one with the
bear emblazoned on the both sides, to cover up his boner was
percolating into his dreams. He figured he was so desperate he was

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dreaming of humping a bear’s face. Pathetic. But it made sense in a
way. The only thing was that the dream literally shook him.
Trembling and heart racing, Danny always took a long time to get
back to sleep.

It was bad enough to be a fag, but a fag with some twisted

bestiality streak? Yikes. Still, the odds of him hooking up with
anyone, even a bear, were pretty slim to none. By four this afternoon,
the campus was going to be a ghost town.

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Chapter 2

If there was anything Matthew Edwards despised, change would

top the list. He wanted to stay down in the valley and finish his
schooling, but he’d gotten a scholarship offer that his empty wallet
wouldn’t let him say no to. As an added bonus, all of his credits
transferred and they had a football team that desperately needed him.
He was able to go from second-string to first. The only way the deal
could be any sweeter was if they offered up a sexy boyfriend like a
cherry on top. That hadn’t happened, but from what he’d seen of the
guys around the sparsely populated campus, there were plenty of hot
guys who didn’t glower at his speculating glance. The only problem
was acclimating. Getting used to a new place, even one as small as
Twin Pines, put him on edge.

Moreover, Matthew couldn’t help but wonder if his orientation

had something to do with the offer. Funny how within two weeks of
his teammates finding out he was gay, he was offered a full-ride
scholarship to a school conveniently tucked far away in the
mountains. He told himself he was being paranoid, but it was oddly
timed since he was two months into his other classes.

Still, he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He needed

to finish school. Once he had his degree in accounting, he could
basically write his ticket to Anywhere, USA. Matthew’s goal was to
find a city big enough and hip enough that most people wouldn’t give
a shit who he wanted to put his dick in.

For the life of him, Matthew couldn’t figure out why anyone cared

who he wanted to fuck. Even if he wanted to be gangbanged on a
nightly basis by four guys in hockey masks who covered him in

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barbeque sauce, who the hell cared? If everyone involved was a
consenting adult, it shouldn’t matter to anyone but him and the four
guys. And possibly the cleaning lady, what with all that barbeque
sauce getting flung around. Not that Matthew was into that particular
scene, but he’d used the example in several rants and it always made
his point while making people laugh. Well, it made normal people
laugh. The queer bashers never laughed.

Matthew had discovered that most homophobes always thought

every gay guy wanted them. Fat fucking chance. Matthew thought
they secretly wished that was the case. He figured they had fantasies
of being tied up and forced to endure gay sex. They’d be screaming
no and stop if only their mouths weren’t gagged. But all the while,
they’d be secretly loving every second. By being compelled to accept,
they could claim they weren’t gay. This would in no way affect their
copious climaxes.

Frankly, Matthew thought most homophobes were ugly.

Although, to be fair, it might be more his perception of their
personality than strictly based on looks. But Matthew had never been
able to separate the two. He liked guys who liked guys. Period.
Seducing a straight guy wasn’t his dream score in the least, but he
knew other gay guys who held that up as some kind of Holy Grail. To
each his own was Matthew’s motto.

When Matthew hooked up, it was always mutually beneficial.

Every guy he’d ever dated was still a friend. They usually broke up
because someone moved, rather than some big drama. He’d never
really had a problem finding partners or dealing with guys who took
issue with his choices. Guys might call him a host of denigrating
names, but they did so far enough behind his back that he didn’t hear
them. Smart move. One big bonus to being a massive linebacker was
that Matthew was big enough to kick the shit out of anyone who
screwed with him.

But now, in a new place with new faces, new everything, he had

to start all over. He sighed.

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“Buck up, buddy,” Matthew encouraged himself. “It’s not like

you moved to Mars.”

Map in hand, Matthew stopped in the middle of the quad. Typical

to his gender, he refused to ask for directions. He didn’t know why
that was, but it was, so he rolled with it.

Orienting himself to north, he figured the building in front of him

must be dorms, so the building to the west had to be the gymnasium.
When he saw two guys in sweats burst through the double doors
talking a mile a minute, he mentally patted himself on the back.

“Elementary, dear Watson.”
He also couldn’t help but let his gaze wander over the two guys.

Damn. Two blonds who looked enough alike to be sort of like twins.
Matthew had never done twins, but it was a hot fantasy he indulged
in. When the two guys slowed their rapid-fire talking to give him a
good once-over, he grinned.

They grinned back.
Oh yeah, fitting in at Twin Pines was going to be easy-peasy.
After taking the time to watch the almost-twins saunter over to the

parking lot and give them a little chin tuck that he hoped said see you
real soon while thinking while we’re all naked, Matthew made his
way over to the double doors they’d come out of. Cloudy, gray skies
and his own beefy self reflected from the glass panels, preventing him
from seeing inside until he’d stepped in and his eyes adjusted.

After a short hall, he found himself in the main part of the

gymnasium. Black and green banners and grizzly bear emblems were
everywhere. He was stunned for a moment then recalled those were
the team colors. The grizzly bear was the team mascot. Feeling
somewhat like a traitor, he hiked his red and white backpack up a
notch over his right shoulder. He’d trade it in for an appropriately
colored one as soon as he could. Matthew was nothing if not an
enthusiastic team player.

A few guys hung near the door at the far end of the enormous

room, their voices nothing more than mumbles from this distance.

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From experience with other layouts, he figured the showers were
probably beyond those double doors. When he noticed another set of
doors on either side of the gym, he figured at the all-male school, the
upper classmen’s lockers and showers were to the right and the lower
classmen’s were to the left.

Matthew was about to head toward the right, thinking that if he

was likely to find the coach’s assistant anywhere, it would be over
there, when his attention was riveted to a very nice ass clad in faded
denim. Bent over at the waist, the owner of the sweet cheeks was
prying Day-Glo orange stickers off the floor. He didn’t straighten all
the way up in between grabbing the disks, but walked bent over,
stacking them in his hand as he went.

Oh the things I could do to that fanny, especially in that position.
Once the guy stood up, Matthew was a little disappointed. His

posture was horrible. His shoulders slumped, and he kept his head
down, almost as if he expected someone to walk up and wale the tar
out of him for no reason. Dark brown hair the exact color of espresso
straggled over his neck and covered up his ears.

There was something almost...dangerous about him.
The very idea had Matthew shaking his head and lowering his

eyebrows. Must be the altitude getting to him, because there wasn’t
anything remotely hazardous about a guy who chose to clothe himself
in an outfit so baggy he looked like he was swimming in fabric.
Probably the most terrifying thing the guy ever held in his hand was a
video game gun controller. And he probably overreacted and dropped
it half the time anyway.

But no matter how hard Matthew stared at the back of the guy, he

couldn’t shake a deep-seated feeling that there was something deadly
about him. Something waiting to be tapped, or unleashed,
or...something. Damn. How in the world could a guy who looked
totally vulnerable give him the shivers?

Come on, turn around. Let me see your face.
As if he’d heard Matthew’s inner call, the guy turned around and

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their gazes locked.

Time slowed, and his vision narrowed until all he saw was the

guy’s face. Matthew’s heart pumped one beat in super slow motion,
but that one pump slammed fifty gallons of blood through the network
of his veins. The strength of that one swell of blood literally pushed
him forward half a step. When the guy’s eyes widened, Matthew’s
heart sped up to normal then kept on going into frightened rabbit

Holy shit!
Never in his life had he felt such a visceral reaction to another

man. And there was no question he was looking at a man. He wasn’t a
kid, or a boy, or a guy. He was one hundred percent all-American
male. Which begged the question, what the hell was that gorgeous
hunk doing in those horrible clothes and slumping his shoulders until
he’d dropped about a foot off his height?

Looking at him made Matthew think of Clark Kent and how

anyone with half a brain and functioning eyeballs would know in a
second that Clark Kent was Superman. Matthew didn’t care what
disguise this guy was wearing, he was some kind of model or
undercover crusader, or something. No matter how hard he tried,
Matthew couldn’t hang a description on him. Whoever he was, he
was the ugly duckling, Clark Kent, and a Chippendale’s dancer all
rolled up into one.

Brown eyes as sweet and tempting as brownies peered through the

strands of espresso-brown hair that tangled over his forehead. A
strong, aquiline nose balanced out a sharply angled face, but what
held Matthew riveted were his perfectly shaped lips.

As clear as if he were actually witnessing the event, Matthew saw

those perfect lips press against his. Contact would shower sparks over
his body. But his vision continued as those perfect lips worked their
way down his chest, past his belly button, and right down to the tip of
his cock. When those lips opened to pull his penis within that hot
hollow, those eyes would look up at him, all sweet and sexy and

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hoping to see his pleasure.

All the blood in Matthew’s body rushed to his groin. He was so

instantly aroused, he couldn’t help but adjust himself.

The brown-eyed god tracked the movement of his hand and licked

his lips.

For the first time in ages, Matthew felt nervous and unsure of

himself. Usually when he wanted a guy and was certain the attraction
was mutual, he just walked right up and started talking. He wanted to
walk right up to this deceptively handsome stranger, drop to his
knees, and swear his allegiance. Why he had this bizarre compulsion,
he had no idea. Everything that had happened to him since he’d heard
of Twin Pines had been nothing short of strange.

What stopped him dead in his tracks was something he’d noticed

but failed to really see, and that was the man’s eyes had widened
when he’d taken a half step toward him. His eyes had widened in fear.
There was no mistaking that particular expression.

When Matthew looked, and really saw his beautiful eyes, they

were so filled with terror, Matthew’s heart squeezed tight. Who the
fuck had dared to hurt this man so badly that he carried the pain
around in his very gaze? Wanting to find the bully and tear the man’s
balls off and then feed them to him, Matthew resisted the urge to
stomp over and demand answers. Doing so would only scare him
more. Instead, he took a deep breath, and with a deceptively casual
air, strode over to the man with the stack of Day-Glo orange disks.

To his dismay, the look of terror in his eyes increased. And then,

something like a miracle occurred. His eyelids settled low over his
eyes, and a dreamy, unfocused heat stripped away the terror. To
Matthew, it looked like his undercover hunk just went from going-to-
wet-his-pants fear to ready-to-throw-down lust.

Matthew had no idea what he was going to say until he was a foot

from him. He opened his mouth and said, “I think you’re the guy I’ve
been looking for.”

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Chapter 3

Danny stood, mouth open, brain frozen solid, looking at one of the

biggest and sexiest guys he’d ever seen anywhere. He had to be a
football player with that body. Probably a linebacker, and probably a
good one. He had a voice that was liquid sex and a bulge that Danny
would be staring at right now if the guy hadn’t moved closer.

“You’re the coach’s assistant, right?”
“Yeah.” Technically, he was the equipment manager, but he

preferred the term waterboy. Still, he wasn’t about to correct him.

“Then you’re the guy I’ve been looking for.”
Disappointed, because Danny had thought he’d sensed a

reciprocated interest, he did his best not to frown. Just once, he
thought he’d found someone, but he was wrong, again. Unable to look
him in the eye, Danny dropped his gaze to the floor, taking a quick
gander at his bulge again. Filing that image away for later when he
performed his one-handed exercise, Danny remembered the fragment
of what the coach had said. This must be the guy Danny was
supposed to set up with a locker, the one he was supposed to keep as
far away from Dylan Peterson as he could.

Lifting his head, Danny peered at him, wondering why he had to

keep the two guys apart. No way would Dylan mess with this guy.
Hitting him would be like punching a boulder. Dylan was big, but this
guy was bigger. And way better looking.

Military-short brown hair that was tipped blond was smoothed

over the top of his skull. His cheeks and chin were dusted with after-
five shadows that enhanced the square shape of his head. Pine-green
eyes that gave his handsome face a hint of dominance sucked Danny’s

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attention right in every time he looked at them, so he avoided direct
eye contact. Still, he’d connected long enough to notice just a barest
bit of wicked control lurking in the depth of his gaze. Danny
immediately fell into a fantasy where he was ordered to his knees and
compelled to take this man’s cock into his mouth and—

“Are you okay?” Concern wiped away that hint of mastery, giving

his face a cast of kindness that couldn’t be faked. Could he be so
lucky that this man was big, handsome, and—dare he think it—nice?

“Yeah, sorry. You’re new here?” Danny wanted to slap himself

upside the head. Of course he was new here. But rather than point out
his obvious moronity, the new guy grinned.

“Yeah. I’m the new guy. Aren’t I sparkling?”
“You know, sparkling, like, because I’m new?”
Danny wanted to laugh, but nothing emerged because he was too

afraid of doing the wrong thing. For once in his life, he wanted to
make the best impression that he could. He thought if he did, there
was hope for a relationship. But he had to tread lightly. Before he
could decide what to say, the hunk frowned.

“Okay, lame joke. I’m Matthew Edwards.” He thrust out a hand

that was as big as a Christmas ham.

Tentatively, Danny placed his hand in Matthew’s, thinking he’d

probably pull back a bloody stump. Instead, Matthew clasped his
hand, gave him a firm shake, and then let go.

After a long moment of marveling at the way his flesh tingled

from the contact, Danny mumbled, “I’m Danny Jones.”

“Good to meet you, Danny.” Matthew held his glance just a bit

too long before breaking the intense contact by looking at the gym.

“Good to meet you, Matthew.” Maybe he could get by just

repeating everything Matthew said. Hell, it was better than saying
nothing and looking like a dweeb.

“So, is the coach around?”
Great. He’d just barely met the guy, and he’d already blown it.

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“He’s at a meet and greet.” Danny didn’t tell him where because he
didn’t want Matthew to leave. “I’ve got your locker assignment.”

And nothing else came out. Damn. Why couldn’t he just talk like

everyone else did? All day, everyone around him chatted like it
wasn’t any big deal, but Danny could barely string together two
coherent sentences.

“So...about that locker?”
Danny nodded. When he turned on his heel, Matthew followed.

On the way to the back of the building, where the coach’s office, the
showers, and the locker rooms were, Danny grabbed the unused
towels and tried to grab the cooler of bottled waters.

“Hey, I got it.” Matthew picked up the cooler like it weighed

about ten pounds. To get the thing set up, Danny had to make three
separate trips—one for the cooler, one for the water, and one for the

Danny couldn’t help but notice that when Matthew picked up the

cooler, his flannel shirt stretched tight over his shoulders, displaying
layers of thick muscles. Danny had a sudden vision of Matthew
picking him up and slamming him down onto his cock. With those
massive arms, Matthew would be able to pump Danny up and down
on his dick for hours without breaking a sweat.

Focus or you’re gonna do something stupid!
Danny moved in front of Matthew to lead him to the lockers but

also to keep his mind off his body. Usually it was visual input that
sparked his daydreams. If he could keep his gaze off Matthew’s body,
he might be able to keep his attention on getting to know him.

“Why aren’t you on the team?”
Danny laughed until he realized Matthew wasn’t laughing with

him. He slowed up until they walked down the hall side by side.

“Yeah, seriously. Did you ever try out?”
“Not really.”

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“Why the hell not?”
Danny almost asked why he sounded so pissed off about

something that had nothing to do with him, but he stifled the urge.
When he realized Matthew was waiting for an answer, he shrugged.
“I’ve always been happy being the waterboy.”

“Waterboy?” Matthew’s gaze raked over Danny as if he’d like

nothing better than to grab him, flip him over his knee, and paddle his

Despite his best efforts, Danny blushed. “You can put the cooler

over there.” He pointed to the spot inside the coach’s office where the
consumable gear was stored. Along with Mr. Miller’s random stuff
was a metal bookcase that held sports drinks and bottled water.

“Shouldn’t we take the waters out and dump the ice?”
“Yeah, but you don’t have to do that.”
Before he was even halfway finished speaking, Matthew had the

bottles out and placed with the others on the shelf.

“I don’t mind helping you out.” Matthew grinned up at him.
Danny’s knees threatened to melt right out of his legs. He clung to

the open doorway so he didn’t slump to the floor. Matthew’s smile
was so perfect he wished he had a camera to capture that expression.
What made his grin so compelling was that the smile didn’t just lift
the edges of his lips, but went right up and crinkled the skin at the
corners of his eyes. Matthew, for whatever reason, honestly enjoyed
helping him out.

“Thanks,” Danny managed. “I’ll take the cooler and dump—”
“I’ve got it.” Again, Matthew lifted the ice and water-filled cooler

like it weighed nothing.

Danny hustled to lead him back to where the showers were. There

was a huge drain in the center of the green-tiled room. Matthew
tipped the cooler over, dumping the water and ice right above the

There was a faint hint of steam and spicy soap in the air since a

few guys had showered before taking off. It took all of Danny’s

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willpower to move back toward the office and not indulge in a fantasy
of Matthew showering. He was on the verge of congratulating himself
when Matthew bypassed him, set the cooler down with the lid tilted,
then turned to face him.

Danny saw him in the same position, but naked and glistening as

he showered. Water slick with soap bubbles tumbling down his
muscular body, Matthew would offer the soap out to Danny so he
could wash his back. Of course, Danny wouldn’t stop there. Sudsy
fingers would stroke over his cock and balls then he’d wrap his fist

“Which locker is mine?”
“Oh, right.” Danny withdrew the padlock and strip of paper from

his pocket. Since Coach wanted him away from Dylan, Danny put
Matthew on the last row. It wasn’t his fault that it was the same row
where Danny’s locker was. Each set of lockers had a bench running in
between, and there were six such sets in the room. Danny pointed to
the locker right above his. “This one is free.”

Matthew opened it up, peered inside, then closed it, slapping his

padlock on. He tried the combo to make sure it worked.

“Which one is yours?”
Reluctantly, Danny pointed to the one right below Matthew’s.
“Good. I’d like to be close to a buddy.”
Buddy? Danny had never been anyone’s buddy.
“You look surprised.” Matthew tucked the combination into his


“I, um, yeah.”
“Aren’t you friends with your teammates?”
“You know, you really should try out for something on the team

besides waterboy. To me, you look like a quarterback.”

Danny was so shocked he felt both his brows rising up. “Only if

you drink a fifth of brandy do I look anything like Brandon Sanders.”
When Danny realized Matthew would have no idea who that was, he

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explained that Brandon Sanders was the quarterback for the team.

“I didn’t mean—” Matthew shook his head. “When was the last

time you really looked at yourself? Seriously, dude, I’ve noticed since
we’ve been in here you haven’t once so much as glanced at any of the

There was a huge mirror at the end of each block of lockers. Like

usual, Danny had his back to it. He never looked into a mirror unless
he had to. Even then, he got it over with as fast as he could.

Rather than answer, Danny shrugged, but before he finished the

motion, Matthew cupped his shoulders and gently but firmly turned
him toward the mirror. Danny looked into the reflective surface but
not at himself. He kept his attention on Matthew.

Sliding his hands down, Matthew made Danny straighten up.


Against his better judgment, he did. Danny blinked rapidly when

he realized how tall he was. Matthew pulled his shoulders back, and
he was stunned to realize he was wide, too. Not as tall or as wide as
Matthew, but much broader and fuller than how he’d always pictured

“Stop hiding, Danny.” Their eyes met in the mirror and held.

“You’re hot.”

“No, I’m—”
“Don’t argue with me.” Matthew glowered playfully.
“Okay.” But there was a long way to go between realizing he

wasn’t as scrawny as he used to be, and believing he was anywhere
near the definition of hot.

Before he knew what was happening, Matthew pulled his green

Grizzlies sweatshirt up and off. Danny curled right back down and put
his gaze on the floor.

Danny resisted, briefly, but Matthew’s verbal and physical

encouragement got him to finally stand back up and actually look at
himself. To his shock, he discovered he didn’t look anything like he

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used to. Muscles rippled across his arms, abs, and shoulders. When
Matthew finger-combed his hair back off his face, he realized he no
longer had acne, but clear skin. He wasn’t a skinny little boy
anymore, but a man.

“Do you see what I see?” Matthew spoke in a singsong, then

lowered his lips to Danny’s ear. Holding his gaze in the mirror, he
whispered, “I see a guy who has no idea how gorgeous he is.” Danny
opened his mouth to disagree, but Matthew cut him off. “And I swear,
if you argue with me, I will toss you down on this bench and show
you exactly how irresistible I think you are.”

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Chapter 4

Matthew was silently begging for Danny to argue with him. If he

so much as made a peep of protest, Matthew was going to do exactly
what he swore to do. Frankly, he was looking forward to tossing
Danny down on that bench and showing him, in no uncertain terms,
how incredibly appealing he was.

Very softly, almost breathlessly, Danny said, “Okay.”
Uttering a disappointed sigh, Matthew said, “Finally, we have


“I’m not agreeing with you.”
Up went Matthew’s right eyebrow.
“I want you to throw me down on the bench and teach me a


A smile stole over Matthew’s face. “A lesson?” Now that dreamy

look Danny flashed earlier made some sense. Danny was apparently
into kinky daydreams.

“Or whatever it was you said.” Danny ducked his head.
Gripping his chin, refusing to let him slide back down into that

caved-in posture, Matthew tilted his face up. God help him but Danny
had the face of one of those arrogant cologne models, all angular and
haughty and superior. The fact that the man himself was none of those
things was a contrast that intrigued Matthew more than he thought

“I said I would show you how sexy you are.” Matthew gently

turned Danny’s head until their faces were only a breath apart.

“Okay, that.” A desperate kind of hope filled Danny’s eyes.
Matthew realized, quite suddenly, that no one had ever bothered

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to really look at Danny. Perhaps his camouflage had worked far too
well, and not only stopped everyone from checking him out, but
prevented people from even bothering to get to know him.

When Matthew refused to let go of the hold he had on his chin,

Danny gulped, and his eyes widened.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Matthew said. Hell no. He wanted to

do a lot of things to Danny, but hurting him wasn’t one of them.

“What are you going to do?”
Knowing that actions always spoke louder than words, Matthew

lowered his head the fraction it took to press his lips against Danny’s.
Automatically his eyes closed, but behind his lids, he swore he saw
stars. He had no doubt that this was Danny’s first kiss and the
beginning of an endless parade of kisses for the two of them.

Below his lips, Danny gasped, opening his mouth. Matthew didn’t

hesitate. He slipped his tongue inside Danny’s mouth.

Tentatively, Danny kissed him back, which somehow made the

kiss a million times sweeter. What turned Matthew on was Danny’s
obvious inexperience. There was something to be said for guys who
knew all the moves, but Matthew would take enthusiasm over finesse
any day. Danny was just so raw and eager, his zeal practically put
Matthew into orbit.

Turning into his embrace, Danny wrapped his arms around

Matthew’s shoulders, deepening the kiss. Untamed hunger caused
them to press their bodies together as tightly as their lips. When
Matthew felt Danny’s cock rubbing against his, an electrical surge
galvanized him, contracting every muscle in his body. Lust and
longing consumed Matthew’s focus. He knew he wouldn’t be able to
rest until he claimed Danny as his own.

Desperate to feel him, flesh-to-flesh, Matthew broke the kiss. A

look of panic twisted Danny’s features.

“Don’t worry. It’s only for a second.” Matthew pulled away only

long enough to wrench his own shirt off. When it was gone, he was
back, lips locked to Danny’s.

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Chest-to-chest, they pressed together, and when Danny squirmed,

rubbing his hard nipples across Matthew’s, he growled.

Danny pulled back, peering up at him.
“Sorry. You just feel so damn good.”
Danny grinned. “You sounded like...a bear.”
“When I join a team, I go all in.” Matthew growled again, a rush

of pleasure washing over him when Danny shivered.

Without waiting for an invitation, Matthew flicked his fingers

over the button of Danny’s jeans. When it popped apart, he grasped
the tab and slid the zipper down, exposing his white cotton-covered

“Oh, fuck. Tighty-whities.” Hardly any guy he knew wore them,

which was what made them so damn sexy. Maybe it was because they
were white, which always made him think—“Are you a virgin?”

Clearly alarmed by the question, Danny pushed Matthew’s hands

away from his pants and hastily zipped up.

“Whoa, wait.” Capturing his hands in his, Matthew held him still

without hurting him.

“Let go!” Twisting and turning, Danny struggled to break free.
“What the hell?” The more he tried to stop Danny from bolting,

the more panicked he became.

“I’m not going to let anyone make fun of me!”
“I’m not making fun of you.” Desperate to ease Danny’s fear,

Matthew lowered his voice. “I swear, I wasn’t joking. I think tight,
white underwear is sexy as hell.”

Danny stopped struggling, but kept his head down. “Really?”
“Then why’d you ask if I was...”
“Because the white made me think virgin.”
“I thought maybe my kissing was so pathetic you knew I was a


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“Are you kidding me?” When Danny looked up, Matthew moved

closer. “You kiss like I’m the hottest guy on the planet. I’ve never felt
sexier than I do right now.”

“Yeah.” Matthew looked around at where they stood. He’d always

liked locker rooms. That mix of sweat, chlorinated water, and manly
scented bath products turned him right the hell on, but this wasn’t the
place for Danny’s first time. If nothing else, Matthew thought he
should use his experience to give Danny the best first time he could.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“Did I fuck this up?”
“What? No, I just—do you want your first time in here?”
Danny looked around.
“Look, if we’re going to be together, you’ve got to be honest with


“Be together?”
“It’s also going to take forever to arrive at a consensus if you’re

going to repeat everything I say.”

Danny chuckled. “I can’t tell you how many fantasies I’ve had

that take place in here.”

“With you doing all the work?”
“How’d you guess?”
“It was that ‘teach you a lesson’ comment from earlier.” Matthew

looked down at their still-stiff cocks. “I guess we could do a little
something in here, to take the edge off. We don’t have to go all the
way to get some relief.”

When Danny tried to go down to his knees, Matthew pulled him

right back up.

“Did you ever have a fantasy where you weren’t being used to

provide pleasure to someone else?” He knew he hit the nail on the
head when Danny gave him a baffled look. “Did it ever cross your
mind to have something hot, wicked, and mutual?”

Danny’s expression of confusion told him obviously not.

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Matthew had hooked up quickly before, but never quite like this.

He felt something for Danny. It was fast, and it might all be in his
head, but he wanted to explore the connection that drew him to

Easing Danny’s zipper back down, Matthew rubbed his thumb

over the tip of his cock through the fabric and against the little patch
of moisture there. Danny’s entire body jerked, and he uttered a moan
that made Matthew’s cock quiver in response. Wordlessly, he took
Danny’s hand and placed it against the waistband of his jeans.

Fumbling at the topmost rivet button, Danny tried to get

Matthew’s pants down, but they were tight, and he clearly didn’t want
to hurt him by being rough. But that’s exactly what he needed.

“Here.” Matthew stepped back just enough so Danny could watch

what he did. Grasping the fabric on the other side of the top button,
Matthew twisted and yanked, popping all the buttons apart. Since he
didn’t wear boxers or briefs, his cock popped right out.

Danny licked his lips.
“I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.” Matthew winked.
“Or down your pants.”
“That, too.” Matthew grasped Danny’s hand and wrapped the

cool, soft, and surprisingly strong grip around his shaft. Once Danny
took hold, Matthew shoved Danny’s briefs out of the way then
slipped his hand to Danny’s now straining prick. He was surprisingly
large and very hard. Every move Matthew made against Danny,
Danny in turn performed on him. Rubbing his thumb across the crown
slicked the pre-cum over the head. Working that slickness down
allowed him to start with short, tight strokes.

Danny pressed close, his breathing uneven. Warm, moist puffs hit

Matthew’s chest. Unable to stay still, Danny rocked his hips, humping
against Matthew’s palm. The closer he got to climax, the more his
breathing hitched. When he tilted his head up, their gazes locked.

“Does that feel good?” Matthew asked. All the signs were there,

but he wanted to make sure. A drive to completely please Danny

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made him hunger for confirmation.

Sensing he was unable to speak, Matthew lowered his lips and

kissed him. Without words, Danny showed him how good Matthew’s
hand felt.

Sliding his tongue against Danny’s, swirling it in time to the way

he teased the pad of his thumb over the tip of Danny’s prick, Matthew
had them both panting and crushing their bodies together.

“Close, so close,” Danny murmured between kisses.
“Do what I do.” Increasing the pace of his strokes caused Danny

to tuck his head against Matthew’s shoulder and work his fist faster.
Together, they hit a rhythm between their hands and hips. When
Danny came, his cock spurting against Matthew’s palm, Matthew
growled and erupted against Danny. Lost in their mutual climax, they
pressed together, kissing and panting until the ravages of the powerful
orgasms ended.

Breathless, they clung together.
For a taste of what they could be together, it was sublime, and

Matthew knew without a doubt, Danny was someone special. He just
hoped he could be the same for Danny.

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Chapter 5

Involuntary quakes kept shaking Danny long after his climax

ended. This was different from what he’d felt by himself. Alone in his
bed, he’d teased himself until he was almost mad with lust, and when
he finally came, he saw stars. But this time, with Matthew, he swore
he saw entire galaxies. Never in all his wildest daydreams had he ever
thought he’d actually find the man he’d been looking for. And now,
those nighttime dreams of the bear who caused all the other men to
evaporate made perfect sense. Strong, sexy, and sweet, Matthew was
his bear. He even had blond-brown hair like the creature from his

“You okay?”
“Better than.” Danny kissed Matthew’s neck then worked his way

up to his cheek then across to his lips. After kissing him thoroughly,
Danny asked, “You?”

“I have never, ever, come so hard.” Matthew uttered a chuckle

that caused another series of quakes to shiver down Danny’s spine.
Without Matthew’s prompting, he stood a little straighter. Knowing
he’d pleased Matthew gave him a feeling of pride. Thinking back
over his life, Danny couldn’t remember anything, not even his perfect
grades, giving him such a deep sense of satisfaction.

After more kissing, stroking, and general enjoying of the

afterglow, Matthew stiffened.

“What?” Danny asked, terrified that Matthew had suddenly

awoken and realized he could do a hell of a lot better than Danny.

“Are we locked in here?”
“No, I’ve got the keys.” Danny chuckled, his instant fear that he

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wasn’t good enough disappearing. “That’s what caused my pants to
fall off about halfway thorough that.”

Matthew glanced into the mirror and then whistled low and long.

“Damn, but you’ve got a great ass.”

By turning his head a bit, Danny could see his backside in the

mirror. As he had earlier with Matthew’s help, he saw himself in a
whole new light. White briefs were pulled down just enough to show
the crack in his ass and both rounded cheek tops. In his fantasies, he
always focused on the other guys and never really saw himself except
as a means to give them pleasure. Now, though, he realized he was
just as sexy as any guy he’d been dreaming about.

“You have the most perfect ass.” Matthew pushed his underwear

down until both buns were displayed. He cupped Danny’s buttocks
and growled.

Grasping his in return, Danny said, “Yours are so strong you can

probably crack walnuts between them.”

“It’s that Buns of Steel workout.” Laughing, Matthew flexed his

buns together and then flexed each cheek alternately, making them
bounce in Danny’s hands.

Danny joined him in laughing and then sighed. For the first time

in probably forever, he was content. But time moved on. Eventually
they cleaned up, dressed, and locked up the gymnasium.

“Hungry?” Matthew hiked his backpack up on his shoulder.
Danny nodded. He was ravenous, as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks.

Unable to recall the last time he’d felt this way, he dismissed the idea
altogether. Who cared? He was hungry, he was with a screaming
hottie, and he knew exactly where he wanted to go.

“There is the best burger place up a bit on Main.” Danny pointed

in the general direction of the mom-and-pop place that he only went
to at odd hours. He didn’t want the other students to see him eating in
there alone. There wasn’t likely to be anyone around to see him with
Matthew, but that was okay, too. Danny wanted to keep him all to
himself for a while.

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They walked in silence, which unfortunately gave Danny time to

think. Twisting everything around in his head, he started to doubt not
only himself, but this very tentative relationship with Matthew. What
if, as soon as he met all the other guys on the team, Matthew realized
he could do a lot better, and dumped Danny?

“Okay, what’s going on in that head of yours?”
Danny peered through the strands of his hair.
“I can tell you’re upset because you’re slumping again. And

you’re hiding behind your hair.” Without a care for who might be
watching, Matthew stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk and
finger-combed Danny’s hair back. “Better.” He kissed Danny’s
forehead. “Now, tell me. What’s going on in there?”

Darting his gaze around, Danny realized they were pretty much

alone on the street, but he still felt exposed. “You’re totally out?”

Matthew’s brows lowered, and his lips quirked sideways. He

didn’t look mad so much as he looked baffled. “Yeah, I’m totally gay.
I thought the hand job in the locker room would have made that real

“No, not—what I mean is you’re open about it.”
“I don’t hide it. I don’t wear a shirt that says ‘ask me about my

gayness’ but yeah, I don’t hide it either.”

Danny couldn’t help it. He laughed, and Matthew joined him.
“Ah, there we go,” Matthew said.
“You’re about a million times sexier when you smile.” Matthew

paused. “Hey, so, are you still in the closet?”

“I’m...well, honestly, no one has ever asked. If they would have, I

would have said I was gay, but no one ever bothered.” He shrugged.
“Before you, I was pretty much asexual.”

“Not anymore.”
“No, not anymore.”
They continued to the burger joint, which was pretty much as

empty as the streets. Most of the students were gone, and the local

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residents were bunking down for the heavy storm predicted to roll in
that night. He and Matthew talked majors until their meals came.
Burgers, fries, and chocolate milkshakes effectively ended any
conversation, but Matthew played footsie with him under the table.
By the time they left, after arguing over the bill, which they ended up
splitting, they were both hard again.

“Guess I should really check in with the resident assistant and get

my room assignment.”

Danny’s heart skipped a beat. “He’s gone.”
“He was one of the first people to go early, and by now, all the

supporting staff are gone, too.” Danny didn’t have to look at a watch
to know it was after seven since the sun was long gone behind the
mountains. Pine scent filled the rapidly cooling night air, and he was
thankful for his thick sweatshirt.

“So I don’t have a room?”
“Not until he gets back next week.”
“You’re gonna make me ask, aren’t you?”
Danny flashed him big, blinky eyes of innocence.
“You have a room, and your roommate’s probably gone, but I’ve

got to ask for your help.”

“Ask? Oh no, I don’t want you to ask.”
“It’s like that, is it?” Matthew sighed and shook his head.
Matthew glanced up and down the street.
“What are you—”
Matthew grabbed Danny and pulled him into a darkened area of

bushes, then pressed him against a tree. In an instant, Matthew was all
over him. Kissing him, palming his buttocks, and rocking their hips
against one another. Matthew rubbed their cocks together so briskly
they almost caught fire. When his backpack got in his way, he snarled
and tossed it to the layer of pine needles. Danny was so turned on by
Matthew’s aggression, he almost came right then and there.

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“Is this what you want?” Matthew growled the question into

Danny’s ear then rubbed his harsh whiskers against his neck. A rush
of adrenaline rendered Danny unable to speak. All he could do was
grasp Matthew’s shoulders and hang on. Pressing him harder into the
tree, Matthew picked Danny up. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Using the tree for balance, Danny did as ordered. Now his cock

rode against Matthew’s belly. His abs were as tight and firm as a
drum skin, and his rolls of muscles worked up and down Danny’s
shaft like hard, thick fingers.

Groaning in hungry bliss, Matthew thrust his hips with a flicking,

stabbing motion that made Danny picture their bodies like this
without clothes. Bare, Matthew would be drilling his prick into
Danny’s ass, fucking him hard and fast. Moaning, Danny knew he
would have climaxed if not for all his long solo sessions. Instead,
Danny squirmed, trying to get his hips lifted so that Matthew’s
rocking shaft would rub across his hole.

“Ah, fuck.” Matthew suddenly stopped moving.
Danny clung to him. “What’s wrong?” He peered through the

thick net of mostly bare tree branches but he didn’t see any
movement. There were no lights on in the nearest houses. It was as if
they were alone in the woods when they were really in the heart of the
small town.

“I can’t do this.” Matthew relaxed his hold, allowing Danny to


“What? Why?” Danny refused to whine or beg but he couldn’t

help but think he’d done something wrong. “I’ll stop squirming. I was
just trying—”

Matthew cut him off with a kiss. “You squirm all you want,

whenever you want. That’s not the problem.” He sighed. “I’m not
going to bang you against a tree in the middle of town.” Pressing his
forehead to Danny’s, Matthew peered right into his eyes. “I want your
first time to be special.”

Touched, Danny cupped Matthew’s face and gave him a gentle,

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passionate kiss.

“It’s also not going to happen tonight.”
Disappointed, Danny blurted, “Why not?”
“Because we just met and this is all happening a little fast.”

Matthew picked his backpack up and slipped his right arm through
the strap, hefting it onto his shoulder. “I don’t want to rush you.”

“You’re not.” Danny wished he could back things up. If he could,

he’d return to when they first entered the darkened area under the
tree. Given a second chance, he wouldn’t move or speak or do
anything but let Matthew do whatever he wanted. “Now who’s the
one who’s thinking too much?”

“Wow. You know, when you get pissed, your eyes turn kinda

smoky. Makes you look dangerously sexy.”

Danny frowned.
“Look, it’s just, I want to slow down. This isn’t a race. And we

just met.”

Then why did Danny think that if he didn’t snag Matthew now, he

never would? Still, if he made a big deal out of this, he certainly was
going to lose him. No man wanted to hook up with a drama queen, no
matter how epic the sex might be.

“Danny, I can see your mind turning this around until you think

something’s wrong with you.” Matthew cupped his chin and lifted his
head. “This is part of it.”

Danny stood straighter and brushed his hair back.
“That’s a good start, but I don’t want to feel like I’m taking

advantage of you.”

“You’re not. Fuck, Matthew, I’m not some kid. I’m twenty-one.”
“I didn’t say—look. I figure there’s a reason why you walk

around with your head down and hide behind your hair. I got a feeling
that story isn’t a pretty one.”

“No, it’s not.” Danny didn’t want to tell him, but he knew they

wouldn’t move forward until he did.

“Tell me as we head to the dorms.”

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Side by side, they walked along the concrete path, their shoulders

occasionally bumping together. It took Danny a block to get his
thoughts in order, but Matthew waited without prompting him to

“It was the summer before high school when I realized I wasn’t

like the other guys my age. All they talked about was girls, when all I
could think about was guys.”

Matthew nodded.
“There was a particular guy that I liked, and he seemed to like me.

We were kids, really. Pretty clueless, or so I thought, but he turned
out to be a manipulative jerk. He only wanted to be my friend when
no one else was around. And worse, he never once—” Danny stopped
talking because he couldn’t say the truth out loud. Just thinking of his
first relationship made him feel foolish all over again.

“You gave, he got, and it never ran the other direction.”
“How did you know?”
“You aren’t the first guy that’s happened to. Sadly, you won’t be

the last, either.”

Danny nodded miserably. “I was so blinded by him, so anxious to

please him, that I didn’t really notice he never did anything for me.
When we got caught...” Danny trailed off when the memory brought
tears to his eyes. The shame, the humiliation, the beating—all of it
flashed through his mind in an instant.

Matthew wrapped his arm around his shoulders. “It’s okay. I’m

here, and no one is going to hurt you again.”

Quietly, absorbing protective strength from Matthew, Danny

continued, “That fucking asshole called me a fag, and said he was
only letting me suck his dick to see if I would.” The terror of that
moment, of being pulled out of the privacy of the slide tower and then
surrounded by a pack of snarling teenage boys who jeered at him and
snipped at him with hateful words that were a prelude to blows,
caused Danny to curl closer to Matthew. “The only thing that saved
me from getting beaten to death was a group of curious senior

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classmen who saw the scuffle on the playground. They were working
out in the park, running drills, and they saw the commotion.”

“Football players?”
“Yeah.” He didn’t say it, but it was obvious why Danny had such

a fascination for football players. They saved him, and he viewed
them as heroes. “I joined the team as soon as school started. There
were some guys who gave me shit, but there were others who were
fiercely protective of me. I felt safe with them, but I still had to put up
with crap from other kids when the football players weren’t around.”

Matthew hugged him hard. “So you tried to be invisible.”
“At first it didn’t work, but eventually, everyone forgot the story,

and I just blended into the background.”

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I swear, I don’t

understand people.”

“They were kids, and—”
“Don’t excuse them.”
“I’m not, but I’ve let go of the anger toward them. But there’s


Matthew’s arm tightened a notch.
“I was at another college before Twin Pines. There was this guy

who seemed interested. He was always smiling at me. I was so
cautious that I didn’t respond until the end of the year. When he got
me alone, he came onto me like gangbusters, but as soon as he had
my pants down, he started punching me.”

“What the fuck!”
“That was my reaction. Dazed, I tried to get dressed, but he just

kept hitting me and screaming about how I was a dirty cocksucker. I
honestly don’t know how I got away from him, but I did, and locked
myself in one of the spare equipment rooms.” Danny took a deep
breath. The shock and panic of that situation pricked across his
nerves. “I came here thinking that no one would know me, and I
could just finish up my last year in peace.”

“And still go on thinking that you’re worthless.”

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The words hurt, but what Matthew said was true. Danny told

himself he wasn’t worthless, yet acted like he was. Seeing himself
through Matthew’s eyes truly opened his eyes. His daydreams were
about pleasing others and not himself. He still had an inner picture of
himself as that acne-riddled teen who had the snot kicked out of him,
despite the fact that seven years had passed.

“I’m not saying that to be a dick. Do you see now why I don’t

want to rush you into anything?”

As much as he wanted to be angry at having his lust thwarted,

Danny understood Matthew’s reasons for slowing things down. He
was exactly what Danny had speculated earlier—Matthew Edwards
was big, handsome, and nice. It was impossible to be pissed off at a
guy who only had the best of intentions toward him. And it was
impossible to stop the first faint threads of love from growing.

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Chapter 6

Determined to rebuild the confidence that others had beaten out of

Danny, Matthew took things as slowly as he could. Keeping his
lustful hands off his sexy body for the week they shared his dorm
room was damn near impossible, and he gave in a few times, but
Matthew refused to go any further than mutual hand jobs.

They really didn’t need any more than that, what with Danny’s

amazingly dirty and creative mind. While they were rubbing up on
each other, Danny would tell Matthew all of his kinky daydreams.
After seven years of hanging around football players and secretly
lusting after them, Danny had hundreds of wickedly raunchy tales,
and he was damn talented at telling them.

As far as Matthew was concerned, he would give Danny all the

time in the world, even if Danny insisted he didn’t want or need that
time. Resolute, Matthew held to his word even though longings made
him crazy. What drove him totally insane was that whimpering moan
Danny made when he reached the crest. That sound pushed Matthew
into a frenzy. When he heard it, his balls tightened, and no matter
what he did, he couldn’t stop his orgasm.

Dreaming of that sound woke him and caused such a craving to

claim Danny, that he had to sneak off to the bathroom to take the edge
off with his own hand. While slipping his cock into his fist, he
pictured his prick sliding between Danny’s perfect cheeks. Tight, hot,
and wonderfully untouched, Danny’s virgin passage would slowly
encase his cock. When Danny was ready, Matthew would ride him
faster and faster until they both lost control.

It would be perfect.

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And he was willing to wait for the right time.
For the first time, that moment mattered a great deal to Matthew.
Unable to go out the first few days due to the three feet of snow

the storm had dumped on campus, they raided Danny’s mini fridge,
the vending machines in the rec room, and then his roommate’s secret
stash. Vowing to replace the items, they outfitted themselves and
made their intrepid way to the local grocery store. Between the two of
them, they gathered a serious amount of supplies, including a package
of condoms.

Danny kept eyeing them in the cart, but he didn’t say anything,

and Matthew didn’t either. The chatty clerk noticed them and gave
both of them sultry looks, but true to form, Danny didn’t notice.
Matthew smiled and flirted politely, but it was abundantly clear to her
he wasn’t interested.

When they got back to the room, Matthew tucked the condoms

away into his backpack without Danny seeing him, but he knew
something was up when he didn’t find them in any of the bags.

After darting him another sideways glance, Danny said, “I swore

we bought a box of condoms.”

The only answer Matthew would give was a shrug.
Eventually, after many such rebuffs, Danny dropped the matter.
Each day, Danny emerged a little more from his shell. He stood

straighter and stopped hiding behind his hair. With the longish strands
flipped back, the hanks of espresso brown framed his handsome face,
and enhanced his seductive eyes. Each time Matthew welcomed his
advances, he lost another bit of the terror that lurked in his gaze. If
Matthew could have any wish granted, it would be that such pain
would never cross Danny again.

They spent one of their last days alone playing with the game

console in the rec room. It was pretty crappy and crashed a lot, but
they didn’t care. Ripping away at imaginary foes gave them a respite
from raging hormones.

When the second storm hit out of nowhere, they thought they

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were prepared, and they were, to a certain extent. They had laid in
enough food for an army. What they didn’t get ready for was a power
outage. They were halfway through an epic battle with interstellar
aliens when the television fizzled. Darkness descended. Candles were
not allowed in the dorm, so Matthew used the glow from his cell
phone to guide them down to the attendant’s office.

“Where’s your cell?”
“No one to call.”
On the tip of Matthew’s tongue rested, What about your family?

But he caught himself just in time. While curled up against his chest,
Danny had told him what happened when his parents found out about
his orientation. Instead, Matthew asked, “Why are we going to the
attendant’s office?”

“He’s supposed to have emergency lamps.”
“And you have a key?”
“Not exactly,” Danny hedged.
“I, uh...I know how to pick a lock.”
Matthew’s eyebrows climbed high. “Do tell.” Even in the dark, he

saw a blush of embarrassment wash over Danny’s cheeks.

“I developed a computer program to run odds on how difficult any

particular lock would be to pick, based on the key pins. There’s a
whole science to the thing. Well, anyway, I had to do research, and
the internet being what it is...” His voice trailed off, and he shrugged.

“You are a man of many talents.”
In short order, they had Danny’s room glowing with an electric

lantern. The light was so white it was almost blue. By covering the
lamp with a tie-dyed bandana, they were able to turn his room into a
psychedelic light show.

“Trippy.” Matthew tossed himself onto Danny’s bunk.
“Totally, dude.”
“So, tell me, Danny, what else did you learn on the internet?”

Matthew waggled his eyebrows.

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“I’d rather show you than tell you.” Flipping his hair back, Danny

seductively unbuttoned his shirt. Danny was the first guy Matthew
had ever seen who could make brown and green flannel look sexy.

“Take it all off!” Matthew whipped his wallet out and started

throwing money his direction.

Dropping his gaze a little, like he wasn’t quite sure of himself,

Danny slipped off his shoes, his socks, then shimmied down his jeans.
Tight, white underwear clung to his hips and displayed an enticing
bulge. Hesitating, Danny bit his bottom lip.

Matthew waited, hoping that Danny trusted him.
After taking a deep breath, Danny finally looked up.
Crooking his finger, Matthew called him over to the bed. When he

got close, Matthew pulled Danny down on top of him, kissing him
while grabbing his ass. Firm buns filled his hands, giving him all the
leverage he needed to rock Danny’s body atop his.

Just as it had every time, their kissing went wild. Tongues

clashing, they were breathing hard in a matter of moments from the
effort of holding back. Danny tore at Matthew’s shirt, popping off a
button for every one he got unfastened. Matthew didn’t care. It was
sexier than hell to have Danny clawing his way into his clothing.
When he struggled with his button-fly jeans, as he had every time,
Matthew took pity on him.

“There’s a trick to it. Now watch.”
Danny rolled to the side then swung his legs off the mattress. He

rose to his feet. Attention riveted, he stood beside the bed.

It suddenly dawned on Matthew that Danny knew perfectly well

how to get his fly down. He just enjoyed watching Matthew do it.
Secretly pleased, he let Danny anticipate just a little by fumbling with
the topmost button. With a good, hard pull, Matthew popped every
button with one yank. His cock popped out like a wicked jack-in-the-

Visibly, Danny shivered. “Do you have any idea how fucking hot

that is?”

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Darting his gaze down to the ever-enlarging wet spot on the front

of Danny’s briefs, Matthew said, “Yeah, I’ve got some idea.”

Together, they removed the rest of his clothes. When Danny

licked his lips, Matthew knew exactly what he wanted to do, but he
sat up. “Nope, not now.”

“You can’t seriously think I need more—oh.”
Sitting on the edge of the bed with Danny standing put his mouth

at the same level as Danny’s cock. Matthew got him to quit talking by
leaning forward and kissing the tip of his prick through the white

Danny’s breath caught, and then he exhaled slowly as Matthew

nibbled around the crown and breathed out in moist, hot bursts.

Murmuring incoherently, Danny clung to his shoulders.
Matthew didn’t ask, but he was pretty sure no one had ever gone

down on Danny. He was honored to be the first, and he wanted to
make sure he gave him the best damn blow job he’d ever get.

Working him through the fabric was a tease that had Danny

uttering sounds of blissful surrender. When Matthew growled and
tugged the briefs down with his teeth, Danny dug his fingertips into
Matthew’s shoulder. Rather than hurt, the pain only egged Matthew
on. He wanted Danny wild with need by the time he actually put lips
to flesh.

Danny tried to pull his underwear down the rest of the way, but

Matthew grasped his wrists and pulled his arms behind his back. This
caused a new and much more plaintive whimper that tightened
Matthew’s balls a notch.

He wasn’t going to last.
Teasing his free hand over the exposed skin of Danny’s buttocks

encouraged him to tilt his hips forward, which lifted his tight little

“Hold very still, Danny.”
Darting a quick glance up, Matthew discovered Danny was

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watching him, his eyes enormous. He had pressed his lips together so
tightly they had almost disappeared.

“Make noise, Danny. I want to hear you.”
“Aw, fuck.” Danny uttered a slew of dirty words between

breathless pants.

Each time he swore, Matthew growled softly and slipped his

finger a bit further along the cleft of his bottom. Just as Danny started
to arch his back, Matthew continued to tug his underwear down in the
front with his teeth, all this while holding his hands behind his back.

Unsure which way to move, Danny did exactly as Matthew

wanted. He held very still, giving complete control over to Matthew.
He wasn’t trying to dominate him so much as he was determined to
make Danny accept pleasure. His only relationship had been a one-
sided farce. All Danny’s fantasies, which he had whispered into
Matthew’s ear in the dark, involved Danny giving pleasure without a
thought to himself. Not once was Danny the recipient of gratification.
Matthew would give him that first. And then, when he was certain
that Danny was well and truly cognizant of the fact he deserved
satisfaction just as much as anyone else, only then would Matthew
claim him.

Fidgeting ever so slightly, as if he battled with himself to hold

still, Danny’s whimpering cries grew in volume until he was almost
sobbing in erotic frustration. Just when Danny was surely convinced
actual contact would never occur, Matthew yanked his briefs down
with his teeth, and then breathed out against the tip of his exposed

Looking up, right into Danny’s eyes, Matthew kept his mouth

right above the now overly sensitive skin of Danny’s virginal prick.
“Never, in all my life, have I ever hungered for a cock the way I
hunger for yours.”

Danny opened his mouth as if to speak.
Before he could, Matthew drew Danny’s cock into his more-than-

willing mouth.

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Chapter 7

Everything stopped when Matthew’s mouth descended on his

prick. Danny couldn’t gasp. He couldn’t blink. All he could do was
stand perfectly still and watch as his entire length disappeared
between Matthew’s lips. What stunned him utterly was that while
Matthew took him within, he kept his eyes open, looking right up into
Danny’s eyes.

The connection was overwhelming and so intimate, his eyes

watered slightly. No one had ever given to him. No one had ever
cared about him. No one had ever troubled themselves about his
needs. Matthew did all of that. Wordlessly, Matthew showed Danny
that he was worthy of love. Staggered by the realization, Danny
thought that all he’d suffered was worth this moment.

Having his hands held behind his back helped him focus on his

own pleasure and not get lost in thinking of what he wanted to do to
Matthew in return, which was clearly Matthew’s intent.

Tenderly, Matthew worked his mouth over Danny’s shaft.

Mesmerized by the nuance of textures—from the rough of his tongue,
to the soft of his lips, to the hard scrape of his teeth—Danny realized
he was holding his breath. Carefully, determined not to move, he
reminded himself to simply breathe.

As Matthew’s finger continued to explore his cleft, Danny knew

that tonight, they would go all the way, but for now, he refused to
think on that future event. By holding his gaze and holding his arms,
Matthew kept Danny riveted. Ever so slowly, Matthew pulled back
until only the very tip of Danny’s cock was held between his lips.

“Matthew, I—”

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Flicking his tongue over the slit cut off whatever Danny was

going to say. Just when Danny grew used to the sensation, Matthew
increased the pace of his licking. When he became accustomed to
that, Matthew brushed his tongue under the most sensitive area where
the head and shaft met. Danny literally felt his balls tighten up.
Matthew must have felt them too, as they pressed against his chin.

Clearly, Matthew realized Danny was close, because he swirled

his tongue around the crown, then partway down the shaft. When that
failed to ease his need to climax, Matthew released Danny’s bound
hands, and wrapped his forefinger and thumb around the base of
Danny’s prick. A gentle squeeze held him still and lessened his urge
to climax.

With his hands free, Danny was able to slide his fingers through

Matthew’s short, cropped hair. The spiky strands were amazingly
soft, almost tickling his palms.

Twice more, Matthew brought him to the edge of release, then

pulled him back at the last moment. As he eased Danny toward the
precipice again, he slid his finger deep into the cleft of his bottom and
pressed against his puckered flesh.

His long-denied orgasm erupted, and he cried out, stunned by the

powerful gush of pleasure. Matthew sucked lightly, drawing his lips
down to the base as he drank every drop of Danny’s climax.

Not for a moment did Matthew look away.
Once he’d drained him dry, he eased his finger from between his

cheeks and slowly released Danny’s cock. After placing a tender kiss
to the softening tip, Matthew stood, and planted his lips against

Wild with need, Danny kissed him, marveling at the taste of his

passion on Matthew’s lips. Pulling back, Danny cupped his chin and
whispered, “You were worth waiting for.”

“Yeah?” Matthew grinned, grasping Danny’s butt and pulling him

against him. Matthew’s still-hard and throbbing cock pressed right
against Danny’s softening prick. “I’m not done with you yet.”

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Shivering with anticipation, Danny lowered his hands to

Matthew’s hips. “I get to actually participate in this, right?”

“Maybe,” Matthew teased. “Although, I could tie you up. Make

you take more pleasure until I drive you completely out of your

“I’m already there.”
“I could spirit you away, keep you bound and all to myself.”

Matthew waggled his brows.

“And you expect me to, what, struggle? Attempt to run away?”

Danny grinned up at him. “Here, let me bind my hands for you.”

Grasping his wrists with one massive hand, Matthew held Danny

close. “As wickedly tempting as that sounds, I think we’d forget to do
the basic things. Like eat, sleep, study.” He lowered his lips, kissing
him with brief smooches. “How about we just agree that you belong
to me?”

In a way, Danny recognized Matthew was kidding, but there was

a serious edge to his voice that compelled Danny to whisper, “I
belong to you.”

A solemn expression crossed Matthew’s face, but not one of

trepidation, more one of...pride.

“Say it again.”
“I belong to you.”
Guiding him to the bunk and onto his back, Matthew settled him

so that he was laying sideways across the short width of the bed, with
his feet flat on the floor. Perplexed by his position, Danny lifted his
head, only to have Matthew slip a pillow under his bottom. Matthew’s
positioning of him clarified when he took the other pillow and placed
it on the floor.

“For my knees,” Matthew explained. “I’d love to be up in that bed

with you, but it’s hardly big enough for you, let alone the two of us.”

“Maybe we could live off campus.” Danny wanted to slap himself

upside the head. They hadn’t even had sex and here he was rushing
Matthew to move in with him.

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“I think that might be for the best.” Matthew flashed a smile that

was pure sex. “Somewhere with soundproof walls, maybe.”

Stunned by his easy acceptance, Danny simply nodded.
“You’ve got the most incredible ass.” Matthew settled his knees

on the floor pillow then rubbed his face along the inside of Danny’s
thighs. Kissing and biting, Matthew worked his way inexorably up,
pushing his legs farther apart as he did so.

Danny felt a little ashamed that he wasn’t hard, almost like he was

disappointing Matthew.

“You can be aroused and not hard, Danny.”
Danny peered down at Matthew. “How did you know what I was

thinking? It’s like you can read my mind.”

“Maybe.” Matthew held his gaze as he lifted Danny’s legs up and

pressed on the backs of his thighs. “Or maybe you give everything
away with your expressive eyes.”

While he watched, Matthew lowered his face and deliberately

licked deep into Danny’s crevice. The sensation of his hot, wet tongue
sent Danny back into orbit. Danny broke eye contact this time, as his
eyes rolled back from raw pleasure. Imagining this sensation was not
the same as experiencing it. Not even close. Matthew eased his legs
back, spreading his cheeks until his puckered flesh was exposed to his
lustful ministrations.

Licking and teasing his fingers around the rosette eased the

tightness, yet Danny still struggled to lift his head.

“Relax, Danny. I want you ready for me.”
Just the thought of taking Matthew’s large and luscious cock into

his bottom caused Danny to tense. What relaxed him was the way
Matthew refused to rush. Slowly, he tongued and fingered him until
Danny was practically panting with need.

“I want you wet.” Licking and slipping his fingers within his tight

channel was quickly soaking him. “I want you wild with need.”

Danny reached up and gripped the wall, clinging to it to stop the

sensation that he was spinning. Each pass of Matthew’s tongue and

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fingers pushed him higher and twirled him faster. Before he knew it,
Matthew had three fingers buried in his ass, and his cock was hard as
a rock.

“Now, please now.” Sensing movement, Danny opened his eyes

to find Matthew had risen up on his knees. His condom-clad cock was
slick and pointing right at Danny.

Gaze darting from Danny’s face to where they would soon join,

Matthew pressed against him but held steady. Danny quivered,
breathlessly awaiting penetration.

“Tell me.”
“I belong to you.”
For a timeless moment, Matthew held his gaze. His massive hands

cupped Danny’s hips, holding him steady, making him ready for what
would come. “Mine.” With that, Matthew pressed harder against him.

Danny held his breath, anticipating pain, but all he felt was

fullness. Insistent pressure tightened him against the invasion, and
then he exhaled, welcoming Matthew within.

Matthew’s gaze moved over Danny’s face, looking for pain or

regret, but all he could possibly see was pleasure and contentedness.

“Hold very still, Danny.”
Without any movement at all, Danny’s body pulled Matthew’s

cock in deep. He wished he could see Matthew’s prick sliding
between his cheeks, but he couldn’t from this angle. But watching the
expression on Matthew’s face as he watched was possibly hotter.
Matthew’s lids lowered, giving his expression a sinister appearance.
His nostrils flared, and his lips peeled back, exposing his teeth.
Snarling with the effort it took to keep still, Matthew became the bear
from Danny’s dream.

Fingertips digging into the meat of his hips, Matthew was slowly

and inevitably losing control.

“Do you know how difficult it is for me not to start fucking you

like a wild man?” Involuntarily, Matthew’s hips flicked, drilling his
prick in a little deeper.

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Simultaneously, they moaned.
“I’m ready, Matthew.” Danny felt as if he’d been waiting his

entire life for this moment.

“No, not yet. I want this to last.” Gritting his teeth, his entire body

one long line of determination, Matthew waited until Danny had
completely pulled his cock in. Balls-deep, he drew his attention to
Danny’s face, and then began to rock his hips.

Sublime torture, Danny thought, to feel Matthew slipping in and

out so slowly. Danny wanted to wrap his legs around him and urge
him, with his heels dug into his buttocks, but as soon as he tightened
his legs to lift them, Matthew shook his head side to side.

“Bad boy. I know what you’re trying to do.” Matthew flicked his

chin toward Danny’s hands. “Put them behind your knees and hold
yourself open for me.”

Cupping his hands behind his knees forced his legs back and also

spread them wide. Somehow, the position made him feel a hundred
times more vulnerable, but the way Matthew licked his lips made him
realize it was an incredible turn-on for him. And despite the exposure
of his position, he felt safe. Danny trusted Matthew implicitly.
Matthew wanted him still, so he would learn how to receive, but there
was something exciting about giving Matthew power over him.
Moreover, Matthew was getting off on being in charge.

“You want total control over me.”
Matthew’s pine-green eyes went wide, and guilt twisted his


Terrified that he would stop, Danny blurted, “I like it.”
Hesitating, Matthew considered how their two bodies were

situated. “I’ve never felt like this before. Possessive and controlling.
It’s as if I’m compelled to make you accept what I have to give.
Compelled to show you that you must allow pleasure without giving
anything in return.”

Stunned, Danny blinked up at him. “I want to please you, too.”
“I know, and I want that, but this compulsion is so strong.”

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Matthew leaned over him, pressing Danny down into the bed.
Lowering his voice to a whisper, Matthew held Danny’s gaze. “I
don’t want to hurt you, but I want to master you. Not in all things, just
here and now. Does that make sense?”

An illicit thrill tightened Danny’s body, including clutching his

passage around Matthew’s cock.

Matthew’s eyes closed, his head went back, and he released a sigh

that mingled ecstasy and agony. “Aw, fuck, Danny. Do that again.”

Deliberately, Danny tightened his cheeks, which clenched him

firmly around Matthew. By concentrating, he was able to crush and
release in a flickering rhythm. When Matthew timed his strokes to
occur between the grasping of his inner muscles, both of them

“Oh. My. God.” Matthew kissed the breath out of Danny. “You

feel so good. So sweet and tight and oh, God, Danny, I can’t hold
back.” Building the pace, Matthew lifted his hands from Danny’s hips
and placed them below his shoulders so that Matthew could get closer
but hold his weight up. “Let go of your legs and wrap yourself around

Ever obedient, Danny embraced Matthew, pulling him close.
“Ah, yeah, I can feel your cock against my stomach.”
“I think I can feel yours at the back of my throat.”
Matthew burst out laughing. “Damn, Danny, don’t make me

laugh! Not now of all times.”

“You were the one who said sex was supposed to be fun.”
“Hell yeah.” Matthew’s smile faded away as he held Danny’s

gaze. “But this is feeling a lot more intense than simple sex.”

Danny nodded. This was far more than what he’d ever expected

for himself. Matthew’s care for him was evident in everything he did.

“I don’t understand what’s happening, but I don’t think that

matters so much.” Matthew brushed a kiss across Danny’s lips. “I
think”—he shook his head as if fighting to speak—“don’t freak out,
Danny, but I think I love you.”

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Electricity sparked from nerve to nerve, galvanizing his body,

tightening him around Matthew. Danny clung to him as he slowed his
pace and now rocked into Danny’s body with the undulating grace of
love and not a frantic need to climax.

Realizing that he’d closed his eyes, Danny lifted his lids and

peered up at Matthew. His face was guarded, almost as if he expected
Danny to laugh or make fun of him. Nothing could be further from his

“I think I love you, too.” Rather than stark-raving terror at

admitting to such a deep feeling, Danny was stunned when peace
stole over him, relaxing him under Matthew’s massive body.

Relief eased a smile over Matthew’s features. “Hold tight, Danny.

Look right at me.”

Wrapping his arms and legs around him, Danny kept his eyes

open and focused on Matthew’s. They kept their languid pace,
matching their rhythm, synchronizing their breathing. When Danny
couldn’t hold back, he whimpered and released in a great gush
between their bellies. His climax clenched him around Matthew as
tight as a fist, preventing him from thrusting. Growling like the bear
from his dreams, Matthew rammed his hips forward hard and held, his
cock twitching deep in Danny’s body as he came.

After he caught his breath, Matthew pressed his weight against

Danny, squeezing him hard. “One more time. Tell me one more

“I’ll say it as much as you need to hear it.” Danny cupped

Matthew’s beautiful face. “I belong to you.”

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Chapter 8

Eventually, with the help of an army of snow plows, Twin Pines

emerged from the grip of two major snowstorms. Classes were pushed
back four days, but that was four days that Danny and Matthew got to
spend in blissful solitude.

“As soon as the streets are clear, we’re going apartment hunting.”

Matthew was sitting cross-legged on Danny’s bed, with Danny
wrapped around his hips. The power had come back on, but they were
using the lamp with the tie-dyed handkerchief for atmosphere.

“There are some nice places over on Evergreen.” Danny wiggled

his bottom, settling himself more firmly on Matthew’s cock. “The
apartments are within walking distance of the campus.”

It was an important point since neither of them had wheels.

“They’ll rent to college guys?”

“With a big enough deposit.”
Matthew frowned. He didn’t have much in the way of cash. After

flipping his money at Danny for the strip show, he’d carefully
gathered up bills, tucking them back into his wallet. When he’d
realized there was a fiver missing, he searched until he found it under
Danny’s tossed-off jeans. Unlike some kids, Matthew didn’t have
parents who were footing his bill. His folks would if they could, but
they didn’t have that kind of scratch. In addition to his scholarship, he
received a small stipend for living expenses. It wasn’t much, so
Matthew literally counted every penny.

“I have money.” Danny rolled his hips, which swizzled Matthew’s

dick inside him.

“Damn. You know I can’t think when you do that.” Matthew

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grasped his hips and forced him to hold still. “Maybe I should tie you
up.” He glanced around, looking for something to bind his hands
with. “And where’d you get money?” After what Danny said about
his folks, he knew it wasn’t from them. He had a scholarship, but if
all they had were stipends, they were going to have to get jobs to
afford their own place. If that was the case, Matthew would. He
wanted to be with Danny in a big-ass bed where he could love him
good and proper.

“I tutor students in math.”
“Ah. Brains and beauty. I think I’ll have to tie you up not only for

sex, but to keep you out of the clutches of the other guys.”

“They can look, but they can’t touch.” Danny leaned forward,

kissing him soundly. “I am a one-man kind of guy.”

“Me, too.”
Matthew’s strong possessive streak while they were alone was

curious to him, since he’d never been this way before, but Danny
didn’t seem to mind. Danny was just as possessive. His worry was
more understandable, given his history, but Matthew couldn’t
understand why he kept thinking Danny would leave him unless he
swore allegiance. It was such an odd compulsion and impossible to
shake. But he didn’t tell Danny.

Danny came to life under Matthew’s care, his confidence rising

each time they made love. At first, Matthew had felt funny using that
terminology, but it was the only phrase that fit how he felt when he
was with Danny. It wasn’t sex, or getting off, or anything so fleeting.
What they had was love. Crazy, wild, utterly intense, and wonderful
love. Much like the snowstorms, their mutual love hit hard and fast
and left a lasting impression.

Danny was Matthew’s first love.
He’d lusted after guys, and he’d had physically intense

relationships, but this was unique. Danny brought him to life. If he
helped Danny to come into his own, Danny turned right around and
did the same for him. Matthew had always had a healthy dose of self-

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confidence, but Danny gave him something more, a strength of
purpose he’d never felt so in tune with. He felt that together, they
would go places, do things, and they would be wildly happy.

No matter how hard he tried to stop his brain from slipping that

word in, it did anyway.

Matthew felt there was a nebulous issue just beyond his

awareness. That curious feeling he’d had while looking at the back of
Danny’s head in the gymnasium, just before he’d met him, that
feeling of danger, returned. Shaking off the absurd notion grew ever
more difficult, but no matter how hard he looked, Matthew could not
find one thing about Danny that was dangerous.

Kind, considerate, and amazingly open, considering his history,

Danny was the quintessential loner, but he wasn’t a killer. Despite
having suffered at the hands of bullies, Danny had no burning desire
for revenge. Long ago, he’d made peace with the persecutors from his
youth. He wasn’t a closet gun nut, nor was he suicidal, as so many
abused gay men were. Still, the feeling of danger lingered.

Once the student body returned, he and Danny had to get creative

with their hookups. Since Danny was so trusted by the staff of the
college, he had access to a lot of spare rooms.

What stunned Matthew was how Danny had no issue with leading

him into a darkened room, locking the door, and then pouncing on
him. Fast and furious, they’d get each other off with hands and
mouths, then return to the hallways as if nothing happened.

As predicted, Matthew’s feelings of possession increased,

especially when the other students got to see Danny, the real Danny,
for the first time. With his hair brushed back and his shoulders
straight, he drew attention. Several guys thought he was a new
student. Blushing, Danny took the praise without getting a big head.
Still, Matthew couldn’t help but lay his claim. Wrapping his arm
around his shoulders, Matthew made a point of walking Danny from
class to class.

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“Well, if I wasn’t out before, I certainly am now.”
“I’m sorry.” Matthew released him. “I didn’t even think about

what you wanted.”

“I want your arm around me.” Danny grinned. “You are still

going to help me load up the last of the equipment, right?”

“At your service.”
They made their way across the snow-riddled campus to the

equipment area where the school buses and the equipment truck were
kept. It was Danny’s job to ensure that each member of the team had
everything they would need for the away game. He also had backup
equipment and items to repair anything that broke.

If anything, Danny believed in being over-prepared. After almost

eight years managing equipment for football teams, he anticipated
even the most obscure of needs. Tools, extra gear, spare parts, even
superglue and duct tape were tucked among the many rolling boxes
that were loaded into the semitruck.

“Do they really call you the waterboy?”
“Some do, and I like it, but technically I’m the senior equipment


After methodically checking items off his list, Danny closed and

locked the equipment truck, then went the extra mile by putting
drinks, snacks, and other items in the team bus.

“Aren’t the guys supposed to do this?”
“I don’t mind.”
“You like pampering us.”
“Football players saved my life.”
“You’re sweet.”
Blushing, Danny ducked his head. “You ready for this game?”

Danny tossed Matthew a stack of green blankets with the team mascot
emblazoned on them. Matthew tucked into the bus.

“I’m nervous as hell.” Normally, Matthew would have kept that to

himself, but he knew the truth was safe with Danny.

“Why? I’ve seen you hustle in the gym.” Danny eyed him

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critically. “You’re awfully fast for a big guy.”

“Only on the field, hot stuff.” Matthew winked. “I think because

I’m the new kid and it’s my first time playing with the Grizzlies—
that’s why I’m all twitterpated. I just want to do right by the team, I

After ensuring they were alone, Danny kissed him quickly then

stepped back. “You’ll do fine.”

“You’re coming, right?”
“Hell yeah. Can’t have a full contingent of guys without the trusty


“You still have fantasies about being the team fuck toy?”
“I’ve found I don’t need the fantasies, now that I have the reality

of you.” Danny dropped his gaze to the bulge in Matthew’s pants.
“You’re so much better than anything I ever dreamed.”

“Once we get this beast loaded, I’m going to show you just how

mutual that sentiment is.”

“Promises, promises.” Danny tossed him a sack full of various

kinds of chips.

Once they had the gear stowed, they headed back to their dorm

rooms to gather their personal gear. Afterward, Danny made a detour
into one of the off-season sports equipment rooms.

“You realize that once we’re on the road, we won’t be able to do

anything?” Danny asked.

“We can sneak away.”
Danny shook his head. “It’s an honor code violation.” He lifted

his right hand. “As a representative of Twin Pines College, I promise
to uphold the sprit of the school and blah, blah, blah. No alcohol,
drugs, or sex.”

“Really. I could lose my scholarship, and so could you.” Danny

flicked off the light. “So, this is going to have to tide us over for three

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whole days.”

In the dark, it was difficult to see what Danny was doing, but it

didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what he was up to, not when
he grasped the top tab of Matthew’s jeans and yanked hard, popping
apart the buttons, right down to the base of his cock.

“I knew you knew how to do that.”
Danny chuckled. “I like watching you wrench your pants open.

It’s so fucking hot.”

Velvet blackness encased him as he felt Danny ease down the

length of his body. He knew he was on his knees because he felt his
hot, moist breath against his cock. Matthew shivered. Danny didn’t
suck his cock. No. Danny worshiped his cock. Teeth, tongue, lips,
even the sharp spikes of his after-five shadows were used to heighten
Matthew’s arousal. What made the event even hotter was that
Matthew knew his was the first cock Danny had sucked. Apparently,
he’d perfected his technique via his kinky daydreams.

“Was this ever in one of your fantasies?” Matthew threaded his

fingers through the length of Danny’s hair without disturbing his
wanton work.

In between openmouthed kisses that lead Danny from base to tip,

he said, “Not quite like this.”

“Tell me.”
As he teased his prick, Danny told him one of his wicked


“He was big, like you, and his body was drenched in sweat from

playing one of the most physically demanding games ever.”

Easing his jeans down until Danny could cup his balls, Matthew

pressed against the wall for support. He loved his dirty talk, especially
when it echoed his movements.

“Furious at having lost, but realizing his body couldn’t stand any

more physical punishment, he saw me gathering up discarded laundry
in the locker room.”

Danny left off his tale while he bobbed his head over Matthew’s

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cock. Just when he was getting to the point of climax, Danny stopped.

“He ripped my pants off and pinned me down on the bench beside

his locker.”

Visualizing what Danny described added to the increased tension.

A blow job and a lusty story were a heady combination. Danny was a
master of both.

“Prying my buttocks apart, he spit between my cheeks, then slid

his enormous prick along the cleft of my ass.”

“Aw, fuck.” Matthew saw himself doing that do Danny.
“As he leans over me, I realize how big he is, but I’m not afraid.

He’s angry, but not at me. I’m the only one who can soothe him.”

“Soothe the savage breast.”
Cupping his balls, licking them hungrily, Danny whispered,

“Beauty and brains.”

“You’re surprised I know that quote?”
“That you know the correct quote, yeah. Everyone always says it

wrong.” Danny was silent again while he bobbed his head.

“The others, do they watch?” Matthew was right in that imaginary

locker room.

“They help him spit on his prick, slicking it up so he can fuck


Matthew could picture a dozen hot guys spitting to ease the

passage of one big cock into Danny’s perfect ass. He had no idea why
it turned him on, but it did, and Danny knew it. While Matthew
pictured the scene, Danny pulled back and spit lightly against the
head of Matthew’s prick.

Gritting his teeth to stifle a growl, Matthew clutched the wall

behind him, digging his fingertips into unforgiving drywall to try to
keep his hands off Danny. If he touched him now, he feared what he
would do. Pushed beyond arousal, beyond rationality, Matthew
wanted to do to him exactly what he was describing in his story.
Matthew wanted to bend him over and slide his prick between
Danny’s perfect cheeks.

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Sensing his dire need, Danny left off his tale and concentrated on

sucking Matthew’s cock in and out of his mouth. Using his hands, one
against his balls, the other wrapped firmly around Matthew’s shaft, he
mimicked a deep throat that he couldn’t possibly pull off. But this,
what Danny did, was better. Slicking his fist by opening his fingers
and spitting gave sound to the image in Matthew’s head.

“I’m picturing you bent over that bench, with me spitting on my


Danny swirled his tongue around the crown of his cock.
“Ah, yeah, and I’m watching my prick ease into that tight and

perfect ass of yours.”

Danny clenched his fist, lowering it slowly down, as if Matthew

were sliding into him.

“Fuck, yeah, and you do that thing where you tighten and release

your ass.”

Danny mimicked the motion by flexing his fist.
“I’m going to come, Danny. I can’t hold on.”
Matthew came in a gushing torrent. Danny didn’t miss a drop.

Hauling him up, Matthew pressed him into the wall, kissing him
wildly as he yanked at his jeans.

“I want these off, and then I want your sweet cock in my mouth.”

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Chapter 9

Together, Danny and Matthew got Danny’s jeans down, but

Matthew wasn’t satisfied.

“I want them off. I want to tongue fuck that beautiful ass of


Danny practically came on the spot. Never in his life had he

imagined having a boyfriend so talented at dirty talk. He also got out
of his clothes in record time. Bare and quivering with excitement,
Danny about jumped out of his skin when the doorknob rattled.

Clutching him to his chest, Matthew pressed Danny against the

wall protectively, his body blocking him from view as he yanked his
pants back on. If someone came in, they’d see Matthew’s broad back
rather than Danny’s skinny ass.

“Did you lock it?” Matthew asked.
“I think I did,” Danny whispered back. For the life of him he

couldn’t remember.

Breathlessly, they waited. After what seemed forever, Matthew

went to the door, listened, and then came back to where Danny waited
in the dark.

“Whoever it was is gone.”
“We should go.”
“I am not going until I’ve gotten you off.”
“It’s okay, really.” Danny tried to brush past Matthew, but

Matthew wasn’t going to be put off. “I’m not hard anymore.”

“As if that’s a problem.”
Before he knew it, Matthew had Danny’s jeans back off.

Effortlessly, he picked him up and placed him facedown on a padded

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bench tucked behind the rows of equipment. Into his massive hands
he took Danny’s cheeks, pried them apart, and then buried his face
between. True to his word, he proceeded to tongue fuck him.

“Sweetest, tightest ass.” Pressing insistently against his puckered

flesh, Matthew punctuated his dirty talk with stabbing flicks of his
tongue. Danny was rock hard again in under sixty seconds. Taking
Danny’s cock in hand, Matthew proceeded to tongue him and stroke
him in a simultaneous rhythm that had Danny panting and moaning.
“You’re so damn hot you’ve got me hard again.”

Danny lifted his ass a bit higher. “Fill me, Matthew, just like in

the story.”

“I want to, but I don’t have any condoms.” There was a long

moment of silence. “I’ve never been with anyone without one. I swear

“I trust you.” And he did, implicitly. Matthew would never do

anything to hurt him. “I want to feel you inside me.”

“Are you sure? Oh, God, Danny, I wanted to wait until we could

do this right. Like in a bed with the whole seduction thing. But right
now I want to breed you so badly, I’m shaking.”

In all his fantasies, Danny had never dreamed of a man wanting to

breed him. Just the thought of having Matthew bareback, filling his
willing channel with his seed, made Danny shiver with longing.
Against his thighs, Matthew trembled, and Danny realized Matthew’s
need was as profound as his own.

“Now, please, I feel crazy for you.” Danny had no idea what

possessed him, but he needed to feel Matthew inside him without any
barriers. To have Matthew breed him would be the most intimate of
acts they had done thus far. It showed a level of trust and love that
nothing else could.

“I won’t last.” Matthew’s hard cock rested against Danny’s


“Neither will I.”
“We should do this when we have more time.”

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“I can’t wait, Matthew.” Danny didn’t know what was pushing

him, but he felt this had to happen now, before they left for the game.
His sense of urgency was overwhelming. “Please.”

Spitting and rubbing his cock along the crevice between Danny’s

cheeks, Matthew prepared him thoroughly, then eased the head of his
marvelous prick inside.

“Hold still. Hold still.” For good measure, Matthew gripped

Danny’s hips, preventing him from moving at all. “The feel of you,
Danny, so hot and tight. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

Danny felt each subtle texture of Matthew’s invading cock. The

ridge of his head, the throbbing vein that ran down the side, the way
his shaft flared at the base. When he was balls-deep, Matthew held
steady for almost a full minute, his prick quivering within, before he
began to rock his hips.

Oh so slow and sweet, Matthew slid his saliva-slick cock in and

out of Danny’s ass, making him wild with pleasure. Each pass of his
prick rubbed against Danny’s prostate, ramping up his pleasure. A
peaceful calm accompanied the rising urge to climax, dispelling the
pressing sense of urgency. This was what he’d hungered for all his
life, it seemed.

Reaching around, Matthew wrapped his fist around Danny’s cock.

Each time he pumped his hips forward, he pulled his hand down,
forcing Danny to fuck his fist. Faster and faster they went, as their
moans grew deeper and more guttural.

“Ah, God. Someone’s going to hear us.”
“I don’t care.” Danny lifted his ass higher.
“I’m going to lose it.” Matthew leaned forward, draping his body

over Danny’s back. “Tell me what I need to hear.”

“I belong to you.” Danny turned his head, kissing Matthew over

his shoulder.

After a lingering kiss, Matthew pulled back. “And I belong to


Grabbing the padded edges, Danny clung to the bench, trying to

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keep his ass angled high for Matthew’s ever-increasing thrusts.

“Hard and fast and deep and oh, fuck.” Matthew blew his load

deep into Danny’s ass. In turn, Danny came, jetting against
Matthew’s hand and the floor.

Panting, breathless, Matthew wrapped his arms around Danny and

gently lifted him from the bench, pulling him back onto his body.
Cradling him, keeping his cock buried inside, he knelt on the floor,
hugging Danny from behind.

With his mouth pressed against Danny’s ear, Matthew whispered,

“Tell me you’re okay.”

“Better than.” Turning his head, Danny kissed him over his

shoulder. “I felt everything.”

“Me, too.” There was a long moment of silence. “Danny, I


Danny did, too. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what had

happened, but something more profound than simple sex had
transpired between them.

Matthew’s ringtone ripped into the velvet black. He groaned.

Fumbling his cell from his pushed-down trousers, he growled,

The light of the phone illuminated Matthew’s face. Annoyed, he

listened to the person on the other end. From the low, gruff sounds,
Danny knew it was the coach. They were late and going to be later if
they didn’t get moving. Danny tried to rise, but Matthew held him

“I’ll be right there.” Matthew slipped the phone back into his

pocket. “Unfortunately, we have to go, but I wish we could stay here
and talk. There’s a lot I want to tell you.”

“Tell me about what?” Fear slipped into his feelings of blissful


“All these thoughts in my head.” Matthew kissed his neck,

squeezing him hard. “All good.”

Parting reluctantly, they washed up in the bathroom down the hall,

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then ran for the bus.

Danny used to ride with the equipment truck driver, but Dylan

Peterson pressured the coach to let him ride shotgun in Danny’s place.
Dylan said he couldn’t handle all the noise of the team bus, but
everyone knew it was his damn space issues. Danny couldn’t have
been happier. He loved being surrounded by his teammates. Their
exuberant hubbub always made him feel alive, even if he didn’t
participate. This ride was different, probably because Danny was

As per the rules, there was no drinking, drugs, or sex, but that

didn’t stop the guys from talking about all three. To keep his head in
the game, Coach Miller sat at the front of the bus, his attention
focused on his clipboard. To further distance himself, he slipped
earbuds into his hair-tufted ears.

Quietly, the guys on the team had speculated about what kind of

music he liked, but Danny knew he listened to environmental sounds.
He didn’t tell the other guys. He only knew because one of his jobs
was to make sure Coach’s player was fully charged before each trip.
In his duffle, the one that never left his side, Danny had chargers for
various electronic devices including MP3 players, handheld gaming
systems, and electric shavers. All the guys had to focus on was

Since they would play tomorrow morning, all the guys were

dressed in jeans and team polo shirts that were hunter green with a
small team emblem on the upper right. As soon as they got on the bus,
heavy coats were tossed toward the front as the guys gravitated
toward the middle and back.

First-string players congregated in the center. What few second-

and third-string players came filled out around the edges. Most of
those guys slapped on headphones and lost themselves in music,
games, or studies. They traveled with the team, but they weren’t as
much a part of the team as the core group. Most of them would never
see field time.

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Things were chaotic as everyone settled in, picking their seat

partner and getting drinks and snacks as they cleared the campus. But
once they hit the main highway and picked up speed, anticipation for
the coming showdown filled the first-string guys with testosterone.

“We are gonna kick ass. I can feel it.” Tyler Morgan bobbed his

beautiful blond head.

Kevin Henderson backed up his assessment with a high five.
Normally, Danny would be halfway into a fantasy where the two

gorgeous men were using him to satisfy their lusts, but not tonight.
With the feel of Matthew’s lovemaking still tingling across his
nerves, Danny kept his attention on what his teammates were saying.

Well, that, and Matthew.
They had elected to sit a distance away from one another, hoping

to prevent their urges from getting out of control, but all they’d done
was give themselves the distance with which to gaze at each other.
Eventually the other guys noticed, and like most guys, they couldn’t
help but rip on them good-naturedly.

“Finally, Danny comes out of his shell, and the new guy steals

him away.” Brandon Sanders, team quarterback and leader of the
offensive team, sighed dramatically. Jet-black hair in mass of soft
curls tumbled around his face when he shook his head.

Blushing, Danny darted a quick glace to Coach, but he was lost in

the sounds of the rain forest. “Like you ever hit on me.” Had totally
perfect Brandon Sanders, who Danny thought looked like Warren
Beatty in Heaven Can Wait, ever riveted his ice-blue eyes on him,
Danny would have probably died from shock.

“You’re not hitting on him now, are you?” Matthew puffed up his

chest and gave Brandon the evil eye.

Palms up and out, Brandon shook his head. “I’m not a poacher.”

He smiled, showing off perfect teeth. “I’m just saying that you’re a
lucky guy.”

Matthew grinned at him, then turned his wicked pine-green eyes

on Danny. “That I am.”

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Danny sat a little straighter, pleased that Matthew made no bones

about claiming him. It was a good thing they weren’t sitting together,
because now that it was totally dark outside, Danny would be willing
to take the risk to fool around with Matthew. No matter how many
times they hooked up, Danny was never satisfied. Like an addictive
substance, he craved Matthew constantly.

“Dude, I thought you were straight.” Derek Simmons, who was

sitting next to Brandon, scooted away playfully.

“Liar. You’re just cheesed he didn’t hit on you.” Kevin shoved

Derek’s shoulder, pushing him into Brandon, who wrapped his arms
around Derek and tried to kiss him.

Rather than duck away, Derek planted one on Brandon.
Danny’s jaw dropped open when Brandon not only kissed Derek

back, but cupped his strong, capable hand to Derek’s bulge. Brandon
fondled Derek’s growing erection with the same finesse he used on
the field. There was a reason Brandon was called the man with the
golden hands.

Not to be outdone, Derek eased Brandon’s zipper down, exposing

a thick prick nestled in black hair. Derek wrapped his fist around
Brandon’s shaft and started to pump.

“Holy shit!”
Danny had no idea who said it, but he agreed with the sentiment.

Not once in all his fantasies had he dreamed anything like this.
Beautiful, black-haired Brandon paired up with platinum-blond Derek
Simmons. Visually, they made a stunning pair. Danny also thought
they were well matched in temperament. What made this all the hotter
was that it was real. Danny pinched himself. Yep, this was real.

Dragging his gaze away from the entwined football players,

Danny looked at Matthew, who met his gaze. Heat flared between
them, but Danny knew if they touched one another now, they
wouldn’t be able to hold back. In unspoken agreement, they turned
their attention to the pair of groaning men.

Brandon and Derek were all over each other and showed no

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indication of stopping. Protectively, the other guys encircled them,
blocking them from the view of the coach and the other players.

Danny shook his head, stunned by what he was seeing. He’d

never fantasized about Brandon and Derek pairing off, but he couldn’t
shake the feeling that this was all in his mind. As he watched the two
men utterly lost in pleasuring each other, he realized that the other
men were just as fascinated. Tight jeans grew tighter as the teammates

When the bus hit a dip in the road, it bounced the two men apart.

Brandon and Derek separated, but it was clear they didn’t want to.
They were both breathing hard and probably a little shocked by what
had just happened.

“Later,” Brandon promised, tucking his hard dick back in his


“Bring it,” Derek offered, adjusting the prominent bulge in his


Dirty comments started flying so fast Danny couldn’t keep up.

After a purge of energy, all the guys calmed down and crowded in

Ryan Stone was the one who quietly asked, “How many of us are


There had long been a rumor that all-male Twin Pines was a

school for homosexuals, but Danny dismissed the accusation as trash
talk. He figured the school had no more gay guys than did the general

After a long note of silence, several heads popped up to check on

coach before settling back down. Ever so slowly, guys started raising
their hands. Not high, but to their chests. High enough that everyone
in the circle could see, but the other men on the bus couldn’t.

Danny almost fell out of his seat when all of the twentysomething

guys in the core group lifted their hands.

“Well, this explains why Dylan is freaked out.” Kevin Henderson

cast his attention toward the back of the bus.

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Danny followed his gaze. Through the window, he saw the

equipment truck trailing them. Dylan and the driver were clearly
visible in the dashboard glow. Even though the rig had plenty of
room, and there was a console unit between the two front seats, Dylan
was sitting mashed up against the door, as if he couldn’t get far
enough away from the driver.

“Sheesh,” Brandon said. “If he could, he’d probably ride in back

with the equipment.”

“Even from this distance Dylan looks pissed off, like he knows

what we’re talking about.” Kevin adjusted his bulge with an
aggressive hip thrust.

Everyone turned to look at Dylan, who flashed them all the finger,

then turned his head to the side, as if he were looking out the side

A round of snickers erupted.
No, he’s the nexus.
Danny had no idea where the thought had come from. How could

Dylan Peterson, the only one determined to keep himself on the edge
of the team, be the center of the team, the very thing that held them
together? Danny had always pictured himself in the center of the
team, but he realized he wasn’t the nexus. He was...

The Omega.
Danny shook his head in disagreement. He knew Omega was the

last letter in the Greek alphabet, but he couldn’t remember what it
meant. Moreover, nexus was Latin and Omega was Greek. Maybe it
was the idea behind the words and not the origin of the words that

From the depth of his duffle, Danny withdrew a spare cell phone

that was new enough to connect to the internet. A quick search told
him all he needed to know about Omega. In addition to being the last
letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega also meant heir, conclusion, and
end. Pondering the significance of what he’d learned, he shut off the

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phone and returned the inert device to his duffle.

You are the Omega and Matthew is the Alpha.
Danny heard the voice so clearly it was as if someone spoke

directly into his mind. Wildly, he looked around, but no one was
really looking at him, except Matthew.

“Danny? You okay?” Concerned, Matthew rose as if to comfort

him, but Danny waved him off.

“I’m fine, just worried I might have forgotten something.”
“The master of the list forgetting something? I doubt it,” Ryan

Stone said. “You keep us so well taken care of, we feel like gods.”

They are gods. Gridiron gods. And soon they’ll come into their

own with the help of you and Matthew.

Chalking up the intrusive voice to exhaustion, what with keeping

on top of his studies, loading the team’s gear, and sneaking trysts with
Matthew, Danny took a deep breath and tried to relax. Frankly, with
everything going on, it would be more surprising if he didn’t have a
mini mental breakdown.

“Wait, what are the odds?” Ryan piped up. “Statistically, this is

nothing short of amazing. In the general population, only ten percent,
at best, are gay, so to have our team comprised of more than half
homosexuals is nothing short of amazing.”

There was a long silence.
“Brainiac.” Anthony Reed rolled his eyes, but it was clear he was

giving Ryan crap and checking him out at the same time. “But what
about all the comments about hooking up with the girls from the
colleges we’ve had games at?”

“Fronting.” Brandon shrugged. “I do it all the time. I don’t mean

to, it’s just a holdover from high school. Being out in that
environment wasn’t an option. Hell, my own dad practically
disowned me when he just thought I was gay.”

“Me, too,” Derek agreed. “It’s easier to fit in if I keep everything

on the down low.”

“Damn! Just think of all the fun we could have been having.”

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Tyler Morgan shook his head, eyeing Kevin speculatively.

“Nothing stopping us now.” Kevin and Anthony switched seats so

that Kevin could sit by Tyler and Anthony could sit by Ryan.

Before things got completely out of control, Danny warned,

“Nothing but the coach and the second- and third-string guys who
aren’t gay.”

Dozens of eyes turned toward the front of the bus. The driver

didn’t give a shit and never took his eyes off the road. Not once had
he ever looked into the big mirror over his head to see into the back.
But the coach occasionally looked back. Thing was, they could never
tell when that would happen.

“He looks when we’re too loud and when we’re too quiet,” Danny

pointed out.

“So, the trick is that most of us have to be behaving normally

while a few of us are getting off.” Surfer boy Derek Simmons looked
ready to start up where he’d left off with Brandon.

“Sounds dangerous.” Danny didn’t want anyone to get kicked off

the team. “Not to mention the danger of what would happen if Dylan
Peterson got a gander at what was going on in here.”

All those eyes now swung toward the back of the bus. Dylan was

looking out the side window, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t turn
his head and maybe catch sight of something.

“Fuck Dylan.” Kevin flashed Dylan the finger even though he

wasn’t looking.

“You first,” Tyler snarked.
Everyone laughed.
“You know the rules about away games.” When everyone glared

at him, Danny put his hands up in a classic defensive posture. “Hey, I
don’t make the rules, and I’m not saying I agree with them, or that I
even like them, but if we want to stay together, we need to deal with

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Chapter 10

Matthew was ready to back Danny up because he thought the

guys would revolt, but they didn’t. They actually listened to Danny’s
words of wisdom. The fact that they did was nothing short of
amazing. Most guys intent on hooking up and getting off couldn’t be
deterred. And certainly not by a waterboy.

But he isn’t really the waterboy, now, is he?
Reeling from the impact of the voice in his head, Matthew cast

Danny a curious look. Danny smiled and shrugged. Confused,
Matthew realized Danny was baffled by the team following his
suggestion, not reacting to the voice Matthew had heard. If he had, in
fact, heard something.

Matthew waited, convinced the voice would speak up to prove

him wrong, but nothing happened. In short order, the guys settled into
their seats, talking quietly or playing with various electronic games
while the other guys slept.

When they reached the motel, Coach split them up into groups of

four per room. Matthew found himself sharing with Tyler, Brandon,
and Dylan. As Danny walked off to room with the coach, the bus
driver, and the equipment truck driver, Matthew flashed him a
grimace. It would have been a night of excruciating temptation if he’d
been paired with Danny, but getting stuck with Dylan pretty much put
the damper on him having any fun at all.

Not that he was anticipating partying all night, but he thought they

might have talked about events on the bus. That wasn’t going to
happen with Dylan around. Within thirty minutes of hitting the room,
everyone was bunked down. As the two biggest guys, Matthew and

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Dylan got their own twin beds, while Brandon and Tyler shared the
enormous king bed. Convinced he’d never get to sleep, Matthew was
out in a matter of minutes.

Per Tyler’s prediction, they did indeed kick ass at the game.

Matthew had never worked with a more integrated team. It was
almost as if they were interconnected. When one guy needed
coverage, another guy was there. When one guy passed, another was
there to catch. It was incredible. They didn’t just beat the other team,
they soundly trounced them.

Basking in the glow of conquest, Matthew and the other guys

were so busy high fiving and hugging each other, they were utterly
oblivious to the glares and grimaces from the opposing team.

“Wining isn’t everything,” Coach said.
“It’s the only thing!” they hollered back in unison.
Dumping their gear, they showered in the guest locker room, then

descended en masse on the closest restaurant. By the time they were
finished, they’d eighty-sixed about half the items on the menu.

Matthew was hoping to sit by Danny, but Danny was busy

reloading the equipment. From his window seat, Matthew had
watched him rolling the bins filled with all their gear up the ramp and
into the depth of the semitruck.

When he’d offered to stay and help, Danny waved him off. “This

is my job.”

“But you need to eat.”
“I already did. Remember? I was up long before you and the other


So Matthew had gone with the rest of the team, but now he had a

funny feeling in his gut, and it wasn’t the two plates of pancakes, half
a dozen fried eggs, or the three pounds of bacon. Unsure what
compelled him to look around for Dylan, Matthew did, and felt a chill
when he wasn’t with them in the restaurant. Dylan wasn’t much of a
team player, but there was no way he would turn down free eats.

A sense of foreboding shot Matthew to his feet. Terror sent him

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running toward the equipment truck. Danny’s comment, that for a
linebacker he had amazing hustle, ran through his mind as he
practically flew across the street.

No matter how he told himself he was being a drama queen and

completely overreacting, Matthew couldn’t stop the crushing
foreboding. Danny needed him. Intuition drove him to push himself to
run faster than he ever had in his life. He didn’t know how he knew
Danny was hurt, but he knew. The closer he came to the truck, the
worse he felt.

The late fall afternoon was far too quiet. This close, Matthew

should have heard the sounds of the heavy equipment bins rolling
along the ramp and the truck bed. Matthew heard nothing but his own
heart pounding in his ears.

Grasping the edge of the truck, he bypassed the ramp and literally

flung himself into the back. What he saw stopped him dead in his

Dylan Peterson had the limp body of Danny in his massive arms.

Blood covered Danny’s face and smeared all over Dylan. So much
blood had transferred from Danny to Dylan that his white shirt was
almost maroon. All around them, the bins were pushed around and
tipped over, as if there had been a tremendous struggle in the confined

“What the fuck did you do?” Matthew wanted to wrench Danny

out of his arms, but he didn’t dare. He was terrified he’d hurt Danny
more than he already was.

“I tried to save him.” Dylan shook his head.
“Save him?”
To his utter shock, he realized Dylan was crying. Dylan wasn’t

holding Danny so much as he was cuddling him. Big, bad,
homophobic loner Dylan Peterson was cradling Danny and crying
like a brokenhearted child.

Dropping to his knees, Matthew reached out but he knew before

he touched him that Danny was dead.

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Chapter 11

Since Danny had organized and moved the team’s equipment

multiple times, he had it down to a science. In short order, he had
over half the truck loaded. Whistling while he worked, he was
looking forward to the ride back with the team. He doubted things
would get as wild as they had on the way down, but maybe that
curious voice he’d heard would come back and explain a little more.

All through the night, he’d laid on his back, listening to Coach

and the driver snore while he pondered the meaning of Alpha and
Omega. Calling Matthew Alpha was more than apt, but Danny could
not fathom how together they were the Alpha and Omega. The best he
could determine was that Matthew was the beginning and Danny was
the end. But of what?

When the alarm sounded, Danny was up and ready long before the

other guys. While the team slept on, Danny and the driver went early
to unload the team’s gear so when they showed up for the game,
everything was ready to go. Again, it was something he’d done so
often, he could lay out equipment in his sleep.

Watching the game filled him with pride. These were his guys.

Everything they wore or used, he’d touched. Watching them work
together in perfect harmony caused a surge of satisfaction Danny had
never felt before. Seven years with various teams and he’d never
experienced this exact set of feelings. Maybe the difference was that
his boyfriend was on the team. Who would have ever believed that
shy, nerdy Danny Jones would not only have a boyfriend, but one
who loved him openly, and one who was one of the strongest guys on
the team? Usually he watched everyone equally, but today he found

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his gaze drawn back to Matthew again and again.

When they won, Danny was in the thick of the high fives and hugs

and was even hefted up onto several shoulders. For a brief moment,
his gaze locked with Matthew’s, and the urge to kiss him was so
strong he actually leaned forward, but he stopped himself at the last

“Not here, not now, but soon.” Matthew had flashed him a smile

that promised hours of wicked pleasure. As soon as they got back to
campus, Danny was going to find an empty room, and they were
going to spend at least three hours making love. And then they were
going to find an apartment with a big bed so they could spend lazy
Sunday mornings loving and laughing.

Shooing his teammates away so he could pack up wasn’t that

difficult. They were exuberant from winning, but they were
ravenously hungry. Many of the players offered to help him load up,
including Matthew, but Danny wanted them to enjoy their victory
lunch. Besides, as much as their hearts were in the right place, they’d
be more hindrance than help. Danny knew exactly how and where the
bins fit together.

After rolling in the container that had spare parts for helmets, he

locked it down, and then turned to wheel in the next. A row of five
guys stood along the back end of the truck. They were so big, they
blocked a good portion of the weak fall sunlight.

When his eyes adjusted, Danny realized they were wearing plain

black shirts and faded jeans. He sighed. This wasn’t the first time a
beaten team had decided to bust up gear as a pathetic form of revenge.
It didn’t matter to him that they weren’t wearing the beaten team’s
colors. There was no reason for anyone other than the opposing team
to show up here, and by their size and stance, they were clearly
football players.

“Guys, look, you can’t get into any of the cabinets without a key,

and I don’t have one.” Wisely, Danny locked down all the bins, then
hid the keys in the cab of the truck for just such an event. Prepared for

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anything the team needed, Danny was also ready for even the most
unlikely of situations. Petty revenge was rare at this level of play, but
it wasn’t unheard of. “You’ll also suffer a world of hurt for trashing
an opposing team’s gear while on your turf. Is blowing off a little
frustration worth a fine and possible suspension?”

Danny didn’t start to worry until the guys didn’t say anything.

The last pissed off team had trash talked him while they’d kicked the
hell out of the bins. They had ended up doing more damage to their
own feet than the containers, but they’d gotten their anger out. That
these guys were silent sent a chill down his spine. Fight or flight
pumped adrenaline into his body, heightening all his senses. He
opened his mouth to scream for Matthew, but all that emerged was a
high, thin wail of anguish.

I’m going to die, and Matthew is going to be brokenhearted.
Somehow, that he’d finally found a man to love, that he’d gained

the respect of his teammates, that he’d come into his own, and that all
of it would be taken away before he could truly enjoy it didn’t
surprise Danny. Maybe the voice he’d heard had been his own
intuition, telling him the end was coming. Matthew was Alpha in that
he was the start of something new and wonderful, but Danny was the
Omega, and that was the end. For some reason unknown to him, he
wasn’t going to be allowed to experience the full of his bliss.

Danny knew if he didn’t escape, he would die. Oddly, the

realization brought a certain level of peace. He couldn’t run, he
couldn’t fight, but he could die knowing that for a brief, shining
moment, he’d had it all. Beautiful, blissful, and tragically brief. Still,
he wouldn’t change a thing. Matthew was worth it.

Before he knew what was happening, Danny found himself

surrounded. Unlike his dreams of being encased in a wall of football
player flesh, this was not erotic at all. He was so scared he could
hardly breathe. They said not a word as they shoved him around their
circle of massive bodies.

Panicking, Danny flung up his arms to protect his face, and that

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was when they started punching him. The first blow knocked him
stupid, sending him spinning across the circle. A second punch broke
something in his face, cut the inside of his cheek, and sent him to the
floor. One big hand to the back of his jacket yanked him up and shook
him like a rag doll.

Danny screamed, but all that emerged was a glut of bright-red

blood. The third punch broke his nose and blinded him. Unable to
count the punches after that, Danny fell into darkness. His last
thought was of Matthew, and all the things they would never get to do

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Chapter 12

Matthew’s initial instinct, to blame Dylan for what had happened

to Danny, faded when he looked at his hands. Whoever beat Danny
would have marks on his knuckles. Dylan’s hands were covered in
Danny’s blood, but his fists were undamaged.

“Hurry. If we move fast, we can save him.” Even with Danny in

his arms, Dylan was able to stand with surprising agility and grace.
For a big man, he moved with the fluidity of a dancer. Just who was
Dylan Peterson and what had brought him here?

Matthew was halfway through the motion of whipping out his cell

to call for help when Dylan did the last thing Matthew would ever
expect. He kissed him. Dylan stepped forward, pinned Danny’s body
between them and then kissed Matthew full on the mouth.

Stunned, Matthew dropped his phone, and stood there stupidly

while Dylan moved his lips against his. For a homophobe, he kissed
amazingly well. Matthew lifted his hands to push him away, but
found them cupped to his shoulders. When he opened his mouth to
protest, Dylan breathed in. A most curious feeling of being emptied
pulled Matthew closer to Dylan.

Tearing his mouth away, Dylan leaned over, planted his mouth on

Danny, and breathed into him.

“You sick fuck! What the hell—”
Dylan slapped his mouth over Matthew’s again and pulled the air

right out of Matthew’s lungs. Just as before, he pushed that air into

To Matthew’s ever-loving shock, Danny coughed. A bright burst

of blood splattered up, but he was breathing.

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“Here, let me.” Matthew would give him mouth-to-mouth

directly, but Dylan wouldn’t let go.

“It has to be me. I’m the nexus.”
“I don’t know what the fuck that is, but you better give him to me,

or I’ll beat you to death.”

Clutching Danny tight, Dylan backed away. And growled.
Rather than ponder this curious development, Matthew advanced.

And growled louder.

When Dylan snarled, Matthew snarled louder.
With a flying lunge, he pounced at Dylan. Something came over

him in midair. He felt his body grow bigger, longer. Hair covered his
features. His snout lengthened, and the smells in the enclosed truck
hit him in assaulting waves. He landed with a thud. Centered between
his massive paws was Dylan. His perfectly bald head gleamed in the
pale light.

Dylan was talking, but Matthew couldn’t concentrate, due to the

sensory overload. His sense of smell was so strong he could tell
exactly what Dylan had eaten last—a bag of chips, a soda, and huge
meatball sandwich. But overriding everything was the smell of his
mate’s fear and blood. Danny’s terror saturated the air and filled
Matthew’s lungs. The scent sickened him. And that’s when Matthew
noticed Danny was gone.

He swung his massive head side to side, but his vision was

completely different than it had been a moment ago. His vantage
point was lower and his eyes were wider apart, which altered how he
processed what he saw. But one thing was clear and that was Danny
had disappeared.

“He’s in you.”
Turning his head back toward Dylan, Matthew lifted his paw and

that’s when he heard the faintest cry. It was Danny, he was alive, and
he was also with Matthew inside a bear. No, he was the bear. He and
Danny had become the bear. Matthew thought that if ever there was a
situation for a rousing cry of what the fuck, this was it.

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“I can explain.” Even trapped under the body and between the

paws of a massive bear, Dylan was calm and unconcerned. Probably
because he knew Matthew wouldn’t hurt him. Matthew could smell
Danny on Dylan, but he also smelled that Dylan had nothing to do
with Danny’s beating. Just as he’d said, he’d tried to help. Whatever
he’d done with the air-sucking and breathing kisses had revived
Danny. Moreover, his growling had somehow pushed them to shift.
“If you get off me, I can tell you all you need to know.”

Lumbering backward, Matthew cleared Dylan’s body, then

stumbled into an ungainly plop. When his weight hit the floor, the
entire truck shook.

“You’re the Alpha and Danny is the Omega, the beginning and

the end.”

Faint, but still detectible, Danny’s voice, which seemed to float in

the back of Matthew’s mind, agreed with what Dylan had said.

“Only together can you shift. Can you feel Danny in there with


Matthew nodded his giant, shaggy head.
“If you can stay in that form a bit longer, I think he’ll be healed

enough to live.”

As Dylan spoke, Matthew felt the urge to shift back into human.

He fought it. Giving Danny more time in this form gave him some of
Matthew’s strength. If not for Dylan growling and grasping Danny,
they probably never would have shifted. The only downside to all of
this was that Matthew couldn’t ask any questions. All that emerged
from his long nose was snuffling growls.

“What the hell got you in an all fire...” Ryan’s voice trailed off.
When Matthew turned his bear head, he saw half the team filling

the ramp at the back of the truck. When they saw him, eyes rounded,
and guys stepped back.

“Holy shit!” Tyler Morgan said, but very softly as he continued to

move away. “A bear is eating Dylan!”

“He’s not eating me.” Dylan stood. “And stop moving away, he

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won’t hurt you.”

Since no one trusted Dylan, they continued to move back.
Matthew turned to reassure them, but doing so only frightened

them more. A pulling sensation within his body caused him to stand
and roar in pain. Without knowing how he knew, Matthew realized
that Danny was trying to shift back to human in an effort to reassure
his teammates. Determined to hold them together until Danny had
taken more of his strength, Matthew fought to keep their form, but
Danny forced the change.

Blinking, bewildered, and utterly bare, Matthew found himself on

the floor of the truck with an equally naked Danny in his arms.

“Holy sh—” Tyler didn’t finish the thought because his mouth,

like the other guys’ on the team, was hanging open. Not much
wonder, given the fact they’d watched a grizzly bear turn into two

Danny was alive and breathing shallowly. Cupping his face,

turning him this way and that, Matthew realized the damage was
healed. His own body felt like a well-used punching bag, but he was
happy to take the pain from Danny. Unable to contain his joy, he
kissed Danny again and again until Danny opened his eyes.

As warm and welcoming as fresh brownies, Danny’s eyes

fluttered, and he peered up.

“You’re okay. I’m here.”
“Were we a bear?”
“Yeah.” Matthew laughed. “And now we’re naked.” Matthew

looked around. “Where the hell are our clothes?”

“You lost them in the shift.” Dylan brushed little bits of lint off

himself. “Your clothing basically exploded when you changed. But
don’t worry, I’ll get you something.”

Danny pointed to one of the bins. “Extra shirts and sweatpants in

there. Keys are in the cab.”

“Sheesh,” Dylan teased. “You really are super organized.”

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“Oh, shit, the coach!”
Guys poured into the truck, surrounding Matthew and Danny so

they could gain their feet and try to hide behind one of the bins.

Ryan ripped off his sweatshirt and tossed it to Danny. “Here, at

least this will cover you up a bit.”

Anthony gave his to Matthew, but he couldn’t get it on in time.

Still, Matthew used the shirt to cover up his junk.

After a bit of a scuffle, the coach penetrated the circle of guys. He

gave Danny and Matthew one quick look, shook his head, and
stomped his way down the ramp. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to
realize they were in deep shit.

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Chapter 13

“He can’t kick you off the team!” Matthew paced the small space

in their living room, his bare feet silent across the chocolate-brown
shag carpeting that was straight out of the seventies.

“He can, and he did.” Danny was on the couch that was from the

same era, still recovering from the beating he’d suffered. If not for
Dylan merging his soul with Matthew’s, and then forcing them to
shift, Danny would be dead. And Matthew would be a basket case.
Not that he wasn’t almost one now, but at least he wasn’t
brokenhearted. Basically, Matthew was one big, pissed off dude.

Danny would never tell him, but when Matthew got angry, he was

stunning. As he paced in the nude, all his muscles bulged, and his skin
glowed with pumping blood. His cock, large even when flaccid, grew
with each step. Drops of water from their recent shower fell from his
hair and decorated his shoulders like gems.

“Why didn’t he kick me off, huh? If you violated the honor code,

then so did I. It’s not like you were naked in the truck with me but
having sex by yourself.”

“Now there’s an image.” Danny pictured a naked Matthew

watching him masturbate. Despite his still-sore body, his dick rose to
attention, showing clearly through his tighty-whities.

Matthew noticed and grinned. “Don’t distract me.”
“Right.” Danny plopped one of the avocado-green throw pillows

on his lap. “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Dropping to his knees, Matthew pulled Danny’s hands into his.

“Why aren’t you more pissed off about this?”

“Because there isn’t anything I can do to change Coach Miller’s

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mind. He has the right to kick anyone off the team for a violation, and
you know it.” Danny was hurt by the coach’s actions, and he would
miss taking care of his guys, but he also knew the rules. “I’m just
damned lucky I didn’t get kicked out of school altogether.”

“You’ll lose your scholarship.”
“I know.” Danny grimaced. “I’ll figure something out. It’s not

like I’m destitute. I can take out loans, and I have the money from

“Coach didn’t even ask what was going on. It’s almost like he was

looking for a reason to toss you off the team.”

“Ah, yes, it’s all a vast conspiracy.” Danny twirled an imaginary


“Don’t make fun of me. And why aren’t you more upset about


With a shrug and a sigh, Danny said, “How would me getting

angry help?”

“I don’t know. But the coach should have asked.”
“For fun, let’s say he had asked. How do you think that would

have gone? I mean, picture his face as we explain that a group of five
guys beat the life out of me, Dylan merged our souls through some
kissing thing, you and I shifted into a bear, which blew our clothes to
shreds, and—”

“Enough!” Matthew lifted his hands in surrender. “He’d not only

kick us all off the team, he probably would have driven us to the
nearest loony bin.”

“You know, it’s your calm, cool, and collected reasoning that

makes you so damn cute.” Matthew tossed the pillow aside, revealing
Danny’s still-hard dick.

“What ever will you do with me?”
“I’ll think of something.” Matthew eased Danny’s briefs down

and off. “You’re the math whiz. Tell me what my mouth, plus your
bare body, times total privacy equals.”

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Danny crossed his fingers. “I’m hoping for a blow job, but I could

be wrong.”

Grinning, Matthew lowered his head. “I think you’re right.”
As he drew Danny’s cock into his mouth, Matthew eased his

hands under his ass, cupping his buttocks. After uncrossing his
fingers, Danny teased his hands through Matthew’s spiky hair.

“Ah, yeah,” Danny moaned. “Now that’s putting your mouth to

good use.”

Matthew growled low in the back of his throat as he looked up

into Danny’s eyes.

Danny growled back.
Popping his mouth off his prick, Matthew yanked Danny’s ass

down to the edge of the couch. “I’ll show you a good use for my
mouth.” He lifted and parted Danny’s legs, angling him back so his
ass was exposed. Spitting against his puckered flesh, Matthew
proceeded to tongue fuck him into oblivion. Once he had him good
and ready, he rose up and slid his cock balls-deep.

Simultaneously, they moaned.
“Every time. Each and every time I fill you, it feels as good as it

did the first time.” Matthew pressed Danny down into the couch,
kissing him soundly.

“I think the soul-binding thing has something to do with that.”
Matthew nodded as he built his rhythm.
Danny wrapped his arms around him, hugging him fiercely, but a

sudden thought made him chuckle.

“We finally have our own place, with a bed, and we still screw

everywhere but there.”

“I’m not going to stop to take you in there.”
“I don’t want you to.”
Matthew held Danny pressed down into the couch and rode him

good and hard. As soon as Matthew lost control, Danny did, too. For
a long time after, they didn’t move. They just stayed nestled together

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on the couch. They might have stayed there all day but for a knock on
the door.

“Who the fuck?” Matthew snarled.
“You and your potty mouth.”
“Yeah, well, you and your potty mind.” Reluctantly, Matthew got

up, grabbed his robe off the back of the bathroom door, and tossed the
other one to Danny. Once they were suitably covered, Matthew
opened the door.

“Dylan. What’s up?”
“Can I come in?” Low and respectful, Dylan’s voice was

surprisingly melodic.

“Yeah.” Matthew stood back and let Dylan enter.
Danny snagged his briefs with his foot and tucked them under the


Wrapped up in a thick jacket, Dylan nodded to Danny as he

stepped inside. “There are some things that you’d probably like to

“Well, yeah, but we’re really not dressed.” Matthew tightened the

tie of his robe.

Dylan’s cloudy-gray eyes darted between Matthew and Danny.

“Did I interrupt?”

“Not at all. Here, let me get your coat.” Danny wanted him to feel

welcome. “After what you did, you can come over any time you

“Thanks. I won’t take a lot of your time.” His jaw dropped as he

examined their apartment. “Wow. Seventies flashback.”

“We like it.” Matthew had scoured the two secondhand shops in

town for things that fit while Danny recovered. They had a lava lamp,
black light, and a pretty good collection of psychedelic posters. It was
kitschy and fun.

Danny offered Dylan the lone recliner, covered in rust-colored

faux leather, while he and Matthew settled on the orange couch.

“How are you feeling, Danny?”

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“Better. And thank you. I don’t think we properly thanked you for

what you did.”

“It’s part of my job.”
“Yeah, about that.” Matthew toyed with their pet rock on the

coffee table.

“I wanted to give you some time to recover before I told you what

I know.” Dylan looked down at the floor and made a face. Danny
wasn’t sure if it was the god-awful chocolate carpet or what he was
going to say that prompted the grimace. “As the nexus, it’s my job to
twin souls.”

“That’s the kissing thing you did?”
Dylan nodded. “I know the team thinks I’m homophobic, but I’m

not. It’s difficult for me to be around you guys when you haven’t
twinned yet. I can feel your souls tugging at each other like this
inescapable undertow.”

“More than just Matthew and I?”
“There are multiple pairs within the team.” Dylan lifted a hand to

preempt the next question. “I can’t tell you the other pairs. I feel them
tugging, but I’m not certain who belongs with who. I won’t know
until they find each other.”

“Like Matthew and I have.” Danny flashed a proud and very

satisfied smile at Matthew.

“Wait. So we bond, and then we twin? What bonded us?”

Matthew left off the pet rock for the mood ring, which didn’t fit him,
but he’d bought it anyway.

Dylan blushed so hard his entire face, even his bald head, turned

red. Danny suddenly realized that what everyone perceived as
homophobia was almost crushing shyness on Dylan’s part. To hide
his embarrassment, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

“I think I know.” Danny leaned near to Matthew and whispered,

“When you bred me. Remember how we felt different afterward?”

“That’s right.” Dylan nodded, keeping his gaze on the floor.
“Why didn’t that twin our souls then?” Matthew asked.

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“That’s my function as the nexus.” Dylan finally lifted his gaze to

them. “You’re the Alpha”—he pointed to Matthew—“and you’re the
Omega”—he pointed to Danny—“the beginning and the end of our

“Our what?”
“A group of bears is called a sloth.” Dylan shook his head. “It

doesn’t matter, call it what you want—our clan, our group, our
collective—but now that our leader is bonded and twinned, the rest of
the pairs, or twins, will start to form.”

“Twins?” A very dirty grin crossed Matthew’s features. When

Danny lifted one brow in question, he laughed. “When I saw Kevin
and Tyler, I thought they looked enough like twins that it would be
kinky to throw down with them.” He squeezed Danny’s knee
reassuringly. “That was before I met you.”

“I really can’t be upset, when those two were the stars of my

fantasies for months.” Danny had even told Matthew one of the tales,
but he’d left out the names.

“Anyway,” Dylan said, “as each couple forms, they will

eventually bond, and then I will twin their souls so they can shift.”

“Into bears.”
Dylan nodded.
“Why?” Danny and Matthew overlapped as they both asked the

question at the same time.

“I don’t know.” Dylan shrugged. “I don’t know why bears, why it

takes two, or what purpose our sloth will serve.”

Danny thought Dylan looked utterly tormented, and it broke his

heart. “How did you find out that you’re the nexus?”

“A voice told me.”
“I heard it, too. I mean, in my own head. It told me what I was,

what you two were. I thought I was just stressed out.”

“Now that the most critical couple has joined, the others will

follow. It’s my job to twin them, and your job to lead them.”

“Me?” Danny almost fell off the couch. “No, no, you must mean

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Matthew.” He pointed as if that would shift responsibility.

“No, it’s you.” Matthew nodded excitedly. “When I first saw you,

I sensed danger, and I thought I must be crazy because you’re
possibly the least dangerous person in the school, but it was the
danger that surrounds you, not the danger of you.”

Dylan nodded. “The guys who attacked you went after you

because they sensed you were the Omega. If they can destroy either
the Alpha or Omega before twinning, you can’t form the sloth.”

“And they went after the easier target.” Between him and

Matthew, Danny was a hell of a lot easier to pick off.

“Will they try again?” Matthew gripped Danny’s knee tightly.
“I don’t know. But you’re stronger together than apart. If they

come again, you’ll smell them. As the leader, you can direct the
others to fight them.”

Danny remembered their smell from when he was in bear form.

He was pretty sure Matthew remembered as well. Were they a rival
group? Shifter hunters? So many questions, but Danny sensed that
Dylan could only provide tantalizing clues but not full answers. As
the leader, that would be part of Danny’s job.

“That’s also why I had this urge to kneel before you and swear my

allegiance.” Matthew was positively beaming. “I thought I was going
crazy, but it all makes sense now. You’re the leader, Danny.”

“But I’m no leader.” The thought of being in charge of anyone

other than himself was stone-cold terrifying. “Up until a few weeks
ago, I was a stoop-shouldered loner with a kinky daydream

“And now you’re the leader of a group of shape-shifting, football-

playing grizzlies.” Matthew grinned. “And think for a moment,
Danny. You’re the perfect guy to lead.”

“How the hell do you figure that?” As much as he appreciated

Matthew’s support, the idea he was supporting was something Danny
didn’t want.

“You know what it’s like to be picked on, to be at the mercy of

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someone bigger and stronger. You would never hurt someone for
kicks.” Matthew cupped his hand. “You would never use your power
for evil.”

“You’re horribly biased, Matthew.”
“No, he’s right.” Dylan met and held Danny’s gaze. “I think it

was Plato who said ‘those who seek power are not worthy of that
power.’” At their startled expressions, Dylan wryly commented, “I do
have a 3.6 GPA.”

“I’m sorry that I treated you badly,” Danny said.
“Don’t worry about it. I couldn’t tell you. And even if I could, you

wouldn’t have believed me.”

“That day, in the locker room, you weren’t leaning over to hit me,

but to help me up,” Danny said. “What I perceived as anger was you
trying to keep your cool around me.”

With a relieved sigh, Dylan nodded. “I felt you as soon as you hit

campus. It drove me crazy, and at first I thought—” He cut himself
off abruptly.

“You thought Danny was for you.” Matthew bristled, and Danny

frowned at him. Matthew relented when he heard what Dylan had to
say next.

“I did. But then I was told I was the nexus. That I will never have

a companion.”

There was a long stretch of silence.
“If I’m the leader, then I can say that you will have someone. I

swear you will.” Danny would make it happen no matter what he had
to do. “Well, I guess after that I can’t say no to being the leader,

“You can say no, but it won’t do you any good.” Dylan looked at

him with so much hope swimming in his gaze, Danny felt his eyes
water. Wordlessly, Dylan thanked him for trying to find him a

“And you love taking care of us,” Matthew pointed out. “You

always have.”

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Responsibility settled heavily on Danny’s shoulders, but with

Matthew at his side, he new he would persevere. What the voice had
told him about the Gridiron Gods came back to him. Was that what
they were? In his heart, Danny thought they were.

Dylan stood. “And now I think you should get dressed.”
“What? Why?” Matthew demanded.
“Stop grousing. You just want to see how many pieces of

furniture we can fornicate on today.” Danny rose. “Where do we need
to go, and why?”

“There’s a meeting with the coach in twenty minutes. Both of you

need to be there.”

* * * *

Danny Jones was surrounded by football players. Big and angry

and intractable. Walls of muscular flesh encased him in a protective

“You always look after us, and now it’s our privilege to look after

you.” Brandon Sanders clapped his hand to Danny’s back with
surprising gentleness.

Coach stood glaring at the group of them, his features a mix of

exasperation and incredulity.

“I’ve made my decision. He’s off the team.” Coach Miller met

their obstinance with his own immovable stance.

Danny felt trapped between a rock and a hard place.
Speaking for the group, Brandon stepped forward. “If he goes, we

all go.”

Confusion wrinkled up the coach’s face. “You’ll walk over him?”

He pointed one of his meaty fingers at Danny.

“He’s a member of this team.” Brandon crossed his arms and

every guy around him did the same.

“He’s the goddamn waterboy!”
“He’s our friend and our teammate.”

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“I’ll replace all of you.”
“Every guy on the team? Midseason? Good luck with that.”
“You’ll lose your scholarship,” Coach threatened Matthew.
“No, I won’t, and neither will anyone else,” Matthew said. “We’re

here on academic scholarships, not athletic ones. You can kick us off
the team, but you can’t kick us out of school.”

For all the times Danny had felt alone and exposed, he now felt an

integral part of the group. Brandon wasn’t just talking out his ass. The
entire team, including the second- and third-string guys, were willing
to walk if Danny wasn’t reinstated. And Dylan made certain Danny
knew this had nothing to do with his leadership of the sloth. This was
because the guys honestly appreciated everything Danny did for them.

Overwhelmed by their support, Danny pinched himself to make

sure he wasn’t lost in a fantasy.

Behind him, conveying strength with his presence, Matthew

moved closer and whispered, “This is real. We’re all behind you,

Eventually, realizing he wouldn’t have a job if he didn’t have a

team, Coach reluctantly reinstated Danny. Clearly unhappy about the
situation, he crammed his clipboard into his sweaty pit and stomped
out of the gymnasium.

There were still unanswered questions about his and Matthew’s

roles, but Danny let that go for now. It was hard to think of anything
negative when he was swept up into big, strong hugs that told him in
no uncertain terms that he was beloved by his teammates.

It. Was. Heaven.



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Anitra Lynn McLeod has been writing since she was twelve.

Creating unique worlds is her forte, combining unlikely genres such
as historical, fantasy, futuristic and erotic into a steampunky—and
steamy—brew. Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three
things she enjoys the most. You can visit her at

, write to her at


or fan her at


You can also follow her on twitter @AnitraMcLeod
Or if all else fails, you can also snail mail her:
Anitra Lynn McLeod
PO Box 16631
SLC, UT 84116-0631
Send a SASE for a free bookmark.

Also by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Siren Classic: Devil’s Due

Siren Classic: Dirty Cowboy

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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