$10 an Hour from E Whoring!! [Automatic]

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$10 an Hour from E-Whoring by Yoko from HF.

Hey guys, in this guide I’m going to give you a method for E-

whoring that is

completely automatic

once you set it up.

With this method you can easily earn

$10-$100 and hour.

This method requi


hardly any work at all to set up


cannot be saturated

in any way


The reason this article is titled $10 an hour and not $100 an hour is

because I don’t want people complaining when they don’t make $100

an hour. It is completely possible to make $100 an hour with this

method and should be very easy to make $10 an hour!


This e-book was created to show people how to make money

online. That means that it was created for educational purposes

only. Some techniques on this e-book break the TOS of some

websites. Try them at your own risk. I will not be held liable for

any illegal actions made by people who get a hold of this report.

Now let’s get right to it!

Step 1.

Create a new email Account.

Now, you are going to want to create a new email (Yahoo, Hotmail,

whatever you want), preferably one that sounds convincing for your E-




Step 2.

Set up an Auto Reply on your New Email.

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If you’re using Yahoo, go into your mail. Then click on the options tab at

the top and then click mail options.

Then you’ll want to click on vacation response on the left hand side and

then create your auto response message.

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Make sure that you check the enable auto response box and set up the

dates that you want your auto response to be effective. Then type your

message and hit save.

You can use my message if you want for your auto response, below is

an example of something you could use.

Heyy nice to meet you! <3

I would really like to get to know you some more :)

And do you think you could do me a favor please <33

I'm reeally poor right now could you maybe send me like $10 so I can buy my mom a present

for her birthday thats coming up?

My email for paypal is xxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com

I could send you some of my sexy pics in return ; )

Thanks babe!”

Something like that will work, you just have to make sure you sound

like a girl and give a convincing reason as to why they should send you


But this is what makes this method automatic, every time you receive

an email, your plea for money will be sent out to that person

automatically, you simply need to find the right people and get them to

email you.

Step 3.

Create an Ad on Craigslist.

You’re halfway done with the setup. Now you need to create a new ad

on craigslist. First

make an account

on craigslist of you don’t already

have one.

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Now just follow these steps.

Go to your account on craigslist and click on the New Posting tab and

choose a location for your ad.

You’ll want to choose a populated city so you can find more potential

donators. I chose Atlanta in this example.

Then follow these steps below.

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Then you will get to this page below, make a convincing ad that will

attract guys. I just made up some bullshit story. I usually receive 10-20

emails in the first 15 minutes of my ad being up.

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After you click continue, it will ask you to add pictures, you can if you

want. Make sure the pictures you add aren’t of some drop dead

gorgeous blonde hair blue eyes girl or people will be a little skeptical.

Then click continue and that’s it, you will shortly receive emails from all

sorts of horny guys. Now your auto email asking for a small amount of

cash will be sent out to all of these guys who like you and want to get to

know you. 25% of these guys will send you money. Just make sure that

you don’t ask for an outrageous amount of money, $5 to $10 is good.

You may have to create another new ad after a few days to get the cash

coming in at the rate it was when you first made the ad. It’s better if

you make the new ad in a different city than the one you did last time.

And also, the more ads that you have up at the same time the more

money you will make, but this method still works well with one ad at a


This method is completely automatic, but you can make more money if

you do a little bit of work. Some guys will reply to your auto message

asking for pics before they send you any money. You can send them

one or two pics and see if they send you the money. A lot of guys will

just be playing you, but some of them really will send you the money!

Thanks for reading and have fun raking in the cash!


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