Sean Michael Angel 03 Fight

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


Torquere Press

Copyright ©2007 by Sean Michael

First published in, 2007

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


Fuck, he did love fishing.
Dan leaned back in the little boat, eyes falling closed as

they swayed. It was growing cooler, but the sun was hot
enough he and Rafe had taken sweaters off and had risked
wearing shorts. The water lapped against the side of the boat,
lick-lick-lick. Man, there was a song in it. Something fun and
goofy, but upbeat.

Rocking a little.
Something he could hang a hook on.
Man, it was getting to be time to work again, wasn't it?
A low snore distracted him, and he looked over at Rafe.

The big body was sprawled out on his boat, Rafe's face turned
up to the sun as he dozed. The man's dark hair was starting
to curl around his face some, thick lashes fanning the tops of
his cheeks as they hid dark eyes, and Rafe's t-shirt was riding
up, exposing a few inches of belly.

His angel looked good enough to eat.
He slipped off his flip-flop, toes reaching out to slide up

along Rafe's leg. Pretty, pretty. Man, maybe he ought to look
at getting some phone lines up here and make this his home

Rafe rumbled a little, leg twitching under his toes. As he

watched, the front of Rafe's shorts started swelling, a nice
little bulge working up.

Oh. He approved. He stroked again and again, toes

dragging up that pale, sensitive skin.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Mmm ... Daniel..." Rafe shifted again, hand reaching

down to wrap around his foot, Rafe's eyes blinking open a

"Mmmhmm. Just playing. You can sleep." He scooted a

little bit farther down, pushing into that warm touch.

"And miss this?" Rafe brought his other hand down, and

began to massage his foot, fingers pushing firm and deep into
his sole, and then up along his calf.

"Oh." Damn. Damn, that was fine. He wondered if Rafe

made little enough as an agent to steal him away as a
personal masseur.

Chuckling huskily, Rafe shifted carefully, coming a little

closer so that his foot rested right on Rafe's package. Then
his other leg was taken, his flip-flop slipped off as Rafe
started rubbing and digging into the muscles.

He pressed a little against Rafe's crotch, just enough to

enjoy the heat, the swelling of that heavy cock. Breath
hitching, Rafe bucked his hips up just a little, pushing against
his foot.

"Perv." They couldn't get off on the boat. Play? Yes. Hump

like bunnies? Not so much.

Those cheeks managed to flush just a bit for him. "Hey,

you started it." Rafe hadn't let go of his other foot though,
fingers running up and down.

"You know it. This is the best part of fishing."
"The part where we don't actually fish?" Rafe's fingers

tickled behind his knee, his angel's tongue sliding out to lick
at sweet lips.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Fucker. We're fishing. There's a line in..." He jerked, butt

sliding a little as Rafe hit a ticklish spot.

"I've got a line right here," Rafe suggested, rubbing his

foot against the hard bulge again. "Just for you."

"Oh, that was bad." He hooted a little, toes curling. "You

want to row in? Take this somewhere less capsizeable?"

Groaning, Rafe nodded, face suddenly serious. "Yeah, I do.

Now." His feet were dropped, Rafe grabbing for the oars.

"Mmm. Row, baby. Row." That was a fine, fine fucking


Rafe grinned over at him, muscles working hard beneath

the t-shirt. It didn't take him long at all to get them over to

"Last one to the cabin has to do dishes." He hopped out of

the boat, running a little half-assed because his flip-flops
were falling off.

"Cheater!" Rafe's laughing voice called after him. He

glanced back, seeing Rafe tugging the boat up onto shore
before his angel turned and came after him.

Oh, damn, Rafe didn't have a flip-flop problem. Shit. Run.

Run. He was laughing too hard to run much faster; he just
pushed as hard as he could. Rafe tackled him to the ground,
one arm hooking under his broken wrist to keep it up in the
air. They went down together, Rafe's laugher ringing out with
his own.

He pushed up, mouth crashing into Rafe's, tongue pushing

into those open, hungry lips. Sweet moans filled his mouth,
Rafe turning him so he was on his back, that solid body slowly

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


lowering onto him. Fuck him, that was hot. Fine. More. More,
he needed more.

Rafe let him feel that weight, pushed him into the ground

as their tongues tangled, mouths mashed together. Solid and
hot, Rafe rubbed down and he bucked up, both of them
humping good and hard.

"Oh, fuck. Daniel. Fuck." Rafe bit at his bottom lip, eyes

utterly wanton as they stared down at him.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Fuck." He was a fan. Fucking. Sucking.

Touching. He was easy.

One big hand slid between them, Rafe working open their

shorts. They'd both taken to going commando, so just like
that their pricks pushed together.

He pulled up Rafe's t-shirt and let his hand slide down

Rafe's back, the skin heated and slick with sweat. He could
damn near see it, glowing in the sun. His angel was so
responsive, arching up into the touch, hips grinding down

"Stud." He nipped Rafe's bottom lip, tugging a little.
Jerking, Rafe moaned for him. "You. I. Christ."
"Uh-huh. More." Right there. Right fucking there.
Rafe nodded, hips driving. The tip of Daniel's cock rubbed

against Rafe's skin, pushed to hit the side of Rafe's hip over
and over again as his angel moved above him. Rafe pushed
harder, faster, the drops leaking from them both keeping
things moist and slick between them.

Everything went a little shimmery and he lost focus, just

coming hard, toes curled.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Oh! Daniel!" Groaning, Rafe kept moving, shoving that

hot cock across his belly. Then, with another cry, Rafe came,
more heat splashing up between them.

"Honey. Way. Way better than fishing."
Rafe laughed against his shoulder, breath warm and

tickling. "Way better than pretty much anything."

"You know it."

* * * *

Rafe whistled as he threw together a pasta primavera to

go with the fish Daniel was cooking up on the grill out on the
back deck. Some vegetables from their quick run into town
the other day, penne pasta, some salt, some pepper. He
could manage the basics just fine.

He could manage a lot of things just fine, and it was all

getting easy and good here at the cabin. He couldn't
remember the last time he'd enjoyed himself so much.
Although he had a sneaking suspicion he could find himself
just about anywhere with Daniel and feel that way. He turned
the heat right down on his pan and covered it before grabbing
two beers out of the fridge and wandering out. "That fish
almost done?"

"Two seconds, Angel." Daniel looked fabulous, tanned and

sleek, rested and happy. Hell, they'd taken the cast off
together last night and that hand was skinny, but working
just fine.

"K." He spent a moment just staring, a little heat in his

belly and balls at the sight. Yeah, it was the man not the
place that was doing it for him.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


He set their drinks on the little table and went back to dish

up his portion of their supper, making short work of plating
the pasta and bringing it back out.

"Man, I think I ought to make this home base. I forget

sometimes, how much I love it."

"Yeah? Your people wouldn't take a fit if you moved out

into the middle of nowhere?" It was easy to forget that Daniel
was a music star, that there was a whole army of people,
responsibilities that the man had.

"Sure they would. So what?" Daniel winked, shrugged.
He laughed, surprised and charmed, as usual. Daniel had

the ability to just cut to the quick, to thumb his nose at
authority and convention, whereas Rafe was a good little
Italian Catholic son...

They sat to eat together, the fish looking amazing as

Daniel dished it up onto their plates. Daniel whistled as he
worked—it was becoming more and more frequent, more and
more common as the days went on.

"You got words for that one yet?" It really was quite

something, the way Daniel just wrote songs, just like that.

"Working on it. I've got the hook. Swinging in my baby's

arms. It'll do well."

"Yeah? Can you tell? And why would you make ones that

weren't going to do well if you could?"

He had a mouthful of fish, eyes closing. Damn, that was


"Because sometimes it's not about the money. Sometimes

it's about doing what I love."

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Oh, that's cool." He smiled over at Dan. "Everyone should

be able to do that."

"Yeah. Yeah, they should." He got this look, one eyebrow

lifting. "What would you do?"

"You know, I'm not sure. I thought it was this..." He

shrugged. "I like what I do—I do. But I like the parts like this,
where I get to help people one on one better than the
paperwork and the task force stuff."

"Well, I bet you have options, man. I mean, you're young."

Right, like Daniel was an old man.

"Oh yeah, I'm still wet behind the ears." He rolled his eyes

and reached out to touch Daniel's arm. Personal bodyguard
was sounding pretty good right now. Of course he'd be
particular as to which body he guarded...

"Mmm." He got a grin, Daniel leaning a little. "You don't do

too bad, for all wet."

Oh, he knew that look. He liked that look. He grinned

back. "Food's good."

"It is. Man, have you ever been to Oklahoma City? They've

got a couple of solid fish places."

"Yeah? My Mama's a great believer in smothering fish to

death with sauce. But then I don't think she's had it this fresh

"I don't know how I feel about fish with sauce. I mean,

tartar sauce? Okay. But I sorta just like a little butter, a little

Rafe nodded. "This is amazing. But Mama likes tomato

sauce with everything. She makes her own." He wondered

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


what his Mama would think of Daniel. He'd bet the man would
charm the socks off her.

"Oh, man. I love a good spaghetti sauce. You just can't get

it right out of a bottle."

"When this is over I'll take you home and you can taste the

real thing." He shut his mouth closed, the offer having come
out without his really even thinking about it.

"I'd like that." Daniel reached out, patted his hand a little.

"If they let you see me, that is."

He nodded, sighed. This whole operation had been fucked

up from the start and he was going to be lucky if he wasn't
riding a desk for the rest of his natural life.

"Hey. Just chill. We'll figure it. Later. Now we eat."
"Yeah, yeah. I think they've all forgotten we exist,

anyway." He couldn't say the idea upset him. At all.

"That would be nice, huh? My label, though, they haven't


"They've got you by the balls, huh?"
"Shit. I'll be hooked behind the sacs until I die."
That didn't seem right, that someone as good as Daniel

couldn't be his own man. "Good thing you love it."

"Yep. It's the best job on Earth." Daniel finished another


"You look happier now than you did during the tour." More

relaxed. Fucking good.

"Have you ever done a big tour? It's exhausting—

rehearsals, set up, performing, promoting, travel. It's like

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"It looks like such a glamorous lifestyle from the outside."

He took a swing of his beer, his dinner nearly done.

"It does and there are cool parts. Real cool parts, but it's

hard on a body." Daniel sighed, shrugged. "I don't want to
complain, man. There's a zillion people that want what I got."

"Well this part of it is really nice—the relaxing, taking it

easy part. Of course I think that's the best part of every job."
He winked and stood, going around to rub Daniel's shoulders.

Daniel groaned, pushed the food away and slumped

forward a little. Jesus, just talking about going back had the
man stiff as a board.

He tugged off Daniel's shirt and just kept rubbing, working

those tight muscles. "Just forget about it for now."

"You..." He got another groan, a nod. "'kay."
"Just focus on this, yeah?" He grinned and leaned in to

whisper. "I know how to make you feel good."

"Perv." Daniel's grin just went on and on.
He laughed. "Oh, now I do believe you've taught me pretty

much everything I know in that department, Mr. Young."

"I'm one Hell of a teacher, huh?"
"Uh-huh. I hope I've been a good student." He leaned in

and breathed Daniel in. "Teacher's pet even?" He loved that
soft, warm laugh, loved the way Daniel's hair tickled him as
Daniel nodded. "Oh, good. Good." He started pressing kisses
on Daniel's shoulders.

Daniel melted for him, stretched out, long and lazy under

his lips, that soft humming starting up again.

"Love that sound." He murmured the words against

Daniel's skin, tongue searching out his spine.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Don't stop, Angel. Just love on me a bit." Yeah. Yeah, that

he could do.

He followed Daniel's spine down along until the chair got in

the way, and then he tongued his way back up the long back.
The tanned skin went pink, warming under his tongue. "You
make me want, Daniel." Want such wicked things.

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing at all, Angel." No. No,

it didn't.

"Uh-uh." He nibbled his way along Daniel's jaw, pushing

the blond hair out of the way. His lips met Daniel's, his mouth
opening into the kiss.

The sheer impact of those kisses wasn't fading, not at all.

Daniel just rocked his world, made his heart race like nothing
else. Groaning, he pressed in deeper, one hand sliding
through Daniel's hair. Daniel tasted like supper, like beer, like
them and that wet tongue slid against his, hot as Hell.

He shifted, coming around and straddling Daniel's legs, the

chair creaking as his weight settled. It let their kisses go
deeper, let their tongues play without straining his neck. It
also let Daniel's hands slide down his back, working his
muscles just like he'd rubbed Daniel's. Oh, fuck. That was
fine. It was even better when Daniel's fingers tugged on the
waistband of his shirt, pulling it up over his head.

Rafe loved the dress code here, loved going commando

and wearing only what they needed to. He was pretty sure
the only reason they both continued to wear pants every day
was to protect the jewels. Well and it was getting a little
cooler everyday, though mostly it was the nights where they
noticed it was solidly into fall.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


His thoughts flew away with a moan as Daniel's fingers

played his spine like an instrument.

"Happy sounds. I like it." Daniel licked his bottom lip, then

traced the line of his teeth.

He gave up another moan, his hips pushing, rolling his

hard-on against Daniel's as his fingers moved over hot skin.

"Hope this chair holds." Daniel arched, ass scooting on the


"Shit, that might be a mood killer if it doesn't." It

depended on how hard they landed ... Bending, he licked at
Daniel's collarbone, tasting sweat salt and sunshine.

"So long as I don't get butt-fucked by a leg..."
"So long as you..." Rafe trailed off, and he leaned his

forehead on Daniel's collarbone and started to laugh. Oh God.
That was too funny.

He could feel Daniel's grin, wide and unashamed against

his temple, the soft chuckles tickling him. God, he loved that,
loved how Daniel could make him laugh, whether they were
out fishing, or in bed, or whatever. He nipped at Daniel's
nipple as soon as his laughter had faded, and then smiled up
at the man, his fingers teasing the other nipple.

"Mmm. Hey there, Angel." Daniel rubbed their noses

together, those intense eyes warm for him.

"Hey." His breath hitched and he rolled their hips together

again, caught in Daniel's eyes as he pinched that hard little
nipple between his fingers. "I want you," he said, the words
feeling rather inadequate.

"You got me, honey. Balls to bones." That little bit of skin

went tight-tight, wrinkling up under his fingers.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Oh, fuck." He pushed into another kiss, putting everything

he was feeling into it, really kissing Daniel with everything he

Daniel's hands landed on his ass, dragging him in and

holding him close He pushed one of his hands down into their
crotches, working open buttons and zippers, crying out when
their pricks finally pushed against each other. Yeah. Yeah,
that's what he wanted. Needed.

It didn't matter their zippers occasionally bit into their

flesh, didn't matter that it wasn't perfect, all that mattered
was the amazing glide and rub of their pricks. All that
mattered was the laughter, the way Daniel shifted and held
on, loved him.

Loved him.
He cried out, hips bucking hard as he came. The heat

splashed up onto their bellies, warmth going through him,
from his head to his toes.

"Oh, Hell. Hell, Angel. You're fine." Daniel was panting,

eyes rolling a little.

"Yours," he muttered, hand sliding between them to grab

Daniel's prick, his own come smoothing the way for quick,
hard strokes. "I'm your angel."

"You know it. Gonna ... gonna fight to keep you..." Daniel's

head tossed, lips open and swollen.

Oh, man. If he hadn't already come that would have done

it. It was a good goal. "Me, too." He nodded, rubbing his
thumb across the tip of Daniel's prick.

Heat sprayed over his fingers, Daniel jerking and coming


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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Mmm ... yeah." He could smell them together, the musk

of them so strong, good. He nuzzled Daniel's face, tasting the

"Man, you're something. I swear to God." Daniel's smile

tasted great.

He grinned, puffing up a little. Daniel definitely made him

feel like something; that was for sure. "You want some

"After a shower. I'm thinking shower and nap, man."
"Oh, you all wet—that's one of my favorite things."
"Mmmhmm. Me. All wet. And boneless." They levered up,

stumbling toward the bathroom.

A shiver went through him as they came out of the sun

and he turned back once they'd cleared the back door and
shot the lock home. Just because.

"You really think they'll come here? Find us?"
"I hope not." Hell, he hadn't patrolled the perimeter in

days—he was getting lazy, comfortable. "I keep thinking if
they were going to, they already would have." And yet no one
had called him to give him the all-clear either.

"Yeah. Yeah, they've prob'ly forgot about my happy ass."
"Yep. You're old news to them by now." From their lips to

God's ears. "Let's get that happy ass wet."

"Yeah. Yeah, man."
One of the things he'd learned was that Daniel loved the

water. Whether it was out on the lake, or in the shower, the
man just loved being wet. And he looked amazing, too, with
his skin shining, drops of water collecting in his collarbone,
sliding down his chest.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


The sight always made him happy.
Daniel turned the water on, got in and started smiling.

Look at that happy son of a bitch. Rafe stepped out of his
jeans and followed, leaning against the tile instead of pushing
up close. Sometimes he just liked to look his fill, take Daniel

Daniel stretched, the water pouring over that tanned skin.

The man looked amazing, happy, relaxed. Rafe spread his
legs and wrapped his hand around his prick, stroking slow
and easy as he admired.

"Mmm. Look at you, so pretty." Daniel grabbed the soap,

started washing himself, the suds highlighting each little

"Me? I'm just standing here admiring you." He licked his

lips, watching one particular set of suds slide down over
Daniel's belly. That little indented bellybutton caught the
bubbles, letting them hang there for a second. Groaning, he
slid his thumb across the head of his prick, the sensation
sudden and sharp, good.

As he watched the suds finally dropped free of Daniel's

navel, dropping into the blond curls. "Mmm." The bar of soap
slid over those heavy balls, Daniel moaning with it.

His own balls drew up in response, going tight as the lazy

strokes suddenly weren't enough.

"No hurry, now. Just take your time." Like that deep,

rough voice helped.

He laughed a little, the sound catching in his throat, and

despite Daniel's words he stroked faster. "You'll have to hurry
to catch up."

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"I'm not a kid anymore." No. No, but that wasn't the grin

of an old man.

He made a long, slow visual inspection of Daniel, starting

at the man's feet and working all the way up to those eyes.
"No, that's not the body of a kid."

Daniel just beamed, swallowing hard, arching for him.
"God, you're just amazing." His hand sped, his breath

coming faster and faster. He'd never met anyone like Daniel.

"Just like where I am, honey."
He nodded. He liked where he was, too, now. Here with

Daniel, the man looking so good. Rafe slid his free hand down
to cup his balls as he really let fly around his cock with the

"Look. Look at you. Fuck." Daniel's head fell back, hips

moving that long cock through Daniel's hand.

"No, I'm looking at you." He was. Looking and fucking his

hand like he wanted to be fucking Daniel's mouth, or his ass.

"Uh-huh. It's hot."
"Yeah. It is." Who'd have thought that standing across

from your lover and jacking off would be this hot? Because,
yeah. It so was.

He squeezed a little, trying to hold off his orgasm, wanting

Daniel to be the first to come this time. Daniel went up on his
toes, tugging his balls, belly going rosy red. "Oh! Oh, Daniel.
Fuck. Please." He jacked himself harder, a shudder going
through him. Shit. He was gonna. Yeah.

He came, crying out Daniel's name.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


Daniel lurched forward, jerking against him, rubbing

furiously and groaning out his pleasure. His arms went around
the man, holding Daniel as he came. God, they smelled good

"Damn. Damn, honey." Daniel just leaned, hard, heart


He kissed Daniel's forehead, hand stroking down along the

bumpy spine. "That nap is sounding pretty good about now,
isn't it?" Too bad he didn't think he could make it to the
bedroom. Maybe they could camp out in the tub.

"Uh-huh." Boneless, sated, quiet—Daniel was leaning hard.
He figured they could stay right where they were for a

couple more minutes before the hot water ran out on them.
He'd worry about making his legs work and getting them to
the bed then.

For now he was just going to enjoy having an armful of

wet, sated man.

* * * *

Dan leaned back, strumming idly on his guitar, scribbling

notes as he built his new album.

They'd had a great run here—weeks of relaxation and

sunshine and sex and damn, he was having fun.

It was time, though.
He needed to work.
The front door rattled, and he looked up, rolling his head

on his shoulders. "Man, are you back already? The
perimeter's either getting smaller or you're getting faster."

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


The rattle came again and then suddenly the door

slammed open, three men in camo gear spilling in.

Shit. He took off like a rabbit on a dog track, heading for

the bedroom. There was a pistol there, a window.

Rafe, man.
What the fuck is this?
The back door burst open, two more men coming in as he

turned into the bedroom and slammed the door on them.

Jesus. Jesus, okay. He grabbed the pistol and a knife and

headed for the window. He didn't fucking believe this.

Fucking assholes.
"He's in there!" The door burst open and one of the

assholes launched themselves at him.

He got one shot off before his back hit the window hard

enough to crack it. "I'll fucking shoot you all!"

A shot hit the window sill, just over his right shoulder and

the crack in the pane got bigger.

"Don't kill him, you stupid fuck. We need him alive."
"I ain't going with y'all." He searched the men, looking for

someone he knew.

They surrounded him in a half circle. Five of them, three

with guns, faces painted. "Yes, you are."

"No." He cocked the pistol again, keeping his back flat

against the window. "I ain't. Where's Rafe?"

Hard blue eyes met his. "Don't make this hard on yourself,

Young. Come quietly and we won't have to hurt you."

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Y'all aren't here for my fucking good looks, asshole. I'm

not a fucking fool." He slammed his elbow against the pane,
glass shattering. Come on, Rafe, honey. Hear me here. He
was in deep fucking shit and...

He pointed the gun at one of them that moved. "I will

fucking shoot your ass."

"And I'll aim for your leg."
Another man came in, spoke quietly to the man with the

hard blue eyes. Dan could only make out some of it. "...took
him out ... south ... clear."

Oh, fuck, Rafe.
"Bring it on, motherfuckers." He'd fucking go down, but he

wouldn't go down alone. Not even a little bit.

* * * *

Rafe groaned, hand going to his head, which was

pounding. Hard.

Cracking one eye open, all he saw was darkness. There

were twigs and grass and dirt under him. He was out in the

What the Hell?
He opened his eyes again, wincing as even that small

movement sent pulses of pain into his head.

There moon wasn't much more than a sliver, but it threw a

little light on things. He was out on the west end of Daniel's
property. He was cold. And he hurt.

He'd been doing his perimeter walk when he'd been

jumped from behind. His hand went to his ribs. Oh yeah, he'd

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


taken a couple of punches before being clocked by something

Heart starting to pound, he climbed to his feet, swaying a

little as he stood.

Damn it. If anything had happened to Daniel...
Stumbling forward, he made it to a tree, leaning against it

as he looked around, trying to get his bearings.

He didn't even have his fucking gun with him; he'd left it

behind just in case Daniel needed it. Way to protect the
primary. He'd gotten comfortable. He'd assumed the militia
had given up on Daniel and had treated this like a holiday.

And standing there thinking of all the things he'd done

wrong, wasn't going to help Daniel.

Rafe picked a direction, pretty sure he was headed the

right way. The pounding in his head became easier to ignore
the farther he went, and he found a nice, thick branch to use
as a club. The wood was rough and solid against his palm,
and he gripped it tightly.

He would have the advantage of surprise.
As he got closer to the cabin, he could see movement, and

hear sound—the militia making no effort whatsoever to be
quiet. Shit.

Rafe prayed he wasn't too late.
There were fucking broken windows, one covered in blood.

Jesus. It looked like world war fucking three had happened.

He listened hard for some sigh of Daniel, but there was

nothing to tell him the man was alive.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


Those men milling around the place had sure as Hell better

hope that Daniel wasn't dead, because he would take each
and every one of them down.

There was a lone guard at the south end of the house, and

Rafe circled slowly, taking his time so he didn't make any
noise. Creeping up to the man, he let the tree branch fly, the
man going down like a rock. Boom. Just like that.

The window there was broken, and he climbed through it

into the bedroom. It was empty, though the door was open,
and he could hear voices. There was blood and broken glass
and the bedside table had been knocked over.

He closed his eyes and listened hard, but couldn't hear

anything to tell him how Daniel was doing.

At least he had the guy's piece, now. The door frame was

shot out, one suitcase on the bed. He moved to the door,
squinting. Daniel was there, bound to a kitchen chair. The
man looked like he'd been hit with a frying pan ten or twelve
times, and there was blood seeping down one leg, pooling on
the floor. Still, Daniel was awake, chin set stubbornly.

Relief flooded through him.
Okay. Time to rescue Daniel and be the big damn hero.
There were three men in the kitchen with Daniel, two of

them milling around, one leaning over the table, growling at

He put his head around the door, trying to determine if

there were any others in the house. There was one down in
there on the floor, covered in a bloody sheet.


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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


There was a shout, the man confronting Daniel slamming

his hands down on the table.

Rafe took a breath and decided he needed to better the

odds. He ducked back into the room and grabbed one of
Daniel's books. Then, his heart pounding, his back against the
wall by the door, he chucked the book at the wall, hoping one
of the men in the house would come back and investigate.

He gripped his acquired gun in his hand and waited.
The guy came up and he swung. The butt of his gun made

a dull thud, the guy going down in a heap of arms and legs,
pistol hitting the floor. He grabbed the weapon and tucked it
in the back of his jeans, and then grabbed one of the sheets
off the bed and tied the man's arms together, and then the
ankles. He took two seconds to grab one of the pillowcases
and use it as a gag.

Adrenaline pumping, he forced himself to take it easy,

keep it slow and deliberate.

Cocking his gun, he crept down the hall, hoping to get

Daniel's attention. If Daniel knew he was coming, the man
could dive out of the way when he took the room.

Daniel's eyes widened when the man saw him and that

mouth started moving, keeping the others attention. Good
man. He knew from their first meeting that Daniel was
someone to have next to you in a fight.

He was counting on that.
The man at the table didn't have a gun on him. The other

one did, but he wasn't expecting anything, would take a
second or two to shoot. That was Rafe's window. He'd get to

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the door, shoot the man with the gun, and then rush the
asshole in Daniel's face.

He held his hand up and when Daniel glanced over,

showed three fingers. Then, counting down to one, he
bounced on the balls of his feet. He rushed the room, and
shot the gunman before tackling the big guy near Daniel.
Daniel shoved off the table, crashing to the ground with a
groan, the chair he was bound to making a terrible noise.

Rafe's momentum had given him the upper hand with the

asshole he'd tackled, and he laid in a few good punches to the
man's belly, aiming for the kidneys. Then he straddled the
man and went for his jaw, looking to make him pass out.

Of course, when a broken table leg came crashing down,

busting a vast amount of the man's face?

It really, really helped.
He grinned wildly up at Daniel and punched the man again,

just to be sure he was really out.

It all happened in a short time, thank God, because the

shot was sure to have the guards left outside running. Sure
enough, as he hauled himself up, and grabbed the gun off the
man he'd shot, he heard the front door crashing open.

"Bedroom." He grabbed Daniel's arm and dragged him

down the hall.

Daniel was sweaty, slick and heavy. "Window's broken,

man. You ... they said you were dead."

"Nope. Though my head is killing me. And I know it's

broken—it's how I came in." He closed the bedroom door and
started shoving the wardrobe against it. "I took out the guard
on this side of the house—check and see if it's clear and we'll

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make a run for it." He thought they'd have a better chance in
the woods they knew than trapped here in the bedroom.

"Shit, Angel. I ain't runnin' nowhere. You go on, find

yourself a way out of here." He looked over, really looked at
the bullet hole in Daniel's thigh, the way blood was pooling on
the floor.

"Fuck. Okay, change of plans." He checked the ammo they

had between their three guns. "All right, let's get the mattress
up against that window and we'll try to pick them off out
there." And if they hadn't searched the place really well, his
cell phone was on the bedside table.

"You can run, Rafe." Those famous blue eyes drilled into

him. "I wouldn't blame you, not one bit."

"Shut up, Daniel. I'm not leaving you behind." Not for one

fucking second. "Now help me get this fucking mattress up
against the window."

"Yes, boss." Daniel's chuckle sounded damn near like a

sob. "You got it."

He just grunted and grabbed the mattress. Between the

two of them, they got it up over the window, leaving a crack
open where they could see out and shoot at anything that

The bedside table had been knocked over and he did a

quick search, finding his phone on the ground in the corner—
probably why it hadn't been seen and confiscated.

He grabbed it and settled next to the window, peering out.

There was no one out there yet—they were all focused on the
bedroom door, banging and shouting. It wouldn't be long

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before they started trying to break it down, and he just hoped
that heavy wardrobe held.

"Come sit, I'll see if I can make a tourniquet for your leg."
"You worry about finding your fucking phone. You got a

knife on you?"

"I've got the phone." Now it just had to work. "And no. I

don't have a knife, my gun. I was out there fucking strolling
along the perimeter like I was going for a Sunday walk in the
goddammed park."

Stupid, he'd been so fucking stupid. Lazy, comfortable.
"Gimme the sheet, man." He tossed one over and Daniel

tore it into strips.

The pounding on the door got louder, the wardrobe moving

with each thumping sound. Shit.

Rafe flipped open the phone, the battery was low, but he

should have enough juice to connect and send up an SOS. He
hit the speed dial and, the minute it was picked up gave his
field name and called out an agent in distress, but before he
was done the phone went dead in his hand. Shit. He had no
way of knowing whether or not his message had been

A couple of shots were fired at the door, the wardrobe

moving more as the men on the other side hit it with more

Peeking out the window, Rafe realized the goons were all

at that door, trying to bash it in. Idiots. Obviously with their
leader down they were just winging it. The carport was just
across the yard. "You think you could manage a run to the

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Daniel had tied a few strips of sheet around his thigh, the

flow of blood slowing. "I'll do my best. Give me a piece."

He checked all three guns quickly, and handed the one

with the most rounds. "We both go out the window and you
head for the carport while I cover you. No stopping, no
looking back." He got the side table drawer open, the keys
right there where he'd left them.

He handed them over. "Get the car started. If I'm not

there in two minutes, you go."

"I ain't leaving you here, no more than you'd leave me, so

just fucking run for it." Daniel was swaying more, skin just

"All right. You go first and I'll cover you. I think we're

good—they're all at that door that's about to go. So let's get

He pushed the mattress out of the way and checked again.

Clear. He was over the sill and on the ground in a second,
turning back up. "Come on, we have to move quickly."

"Yeah. I hear you. Your fucking agency's buying me a new

fucking guitar." Daniel slid down and started moving, each
step looking about as painful as could be.

Shit. He ran forward, praying there really was no one

waiting to shoot at them, and grabbed Daniel around the
waist, supporting him as they moved.

With his help, Daniel moved faster, head down. "Come on.

Come on. Hurry. I ain't gonna be able to keep this up,

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"Just to the car." He'd drag or carry the man if he had to—

he was not losing Daniel, not to a bullet, not to these
madmen who were after the man.

He could hear the sound of the wardrobe hitting the floor

just as they reached the carport and he shoved Daniel toward
the passenger side. "We need to get out of here. Now."

Daniel tossed him the keys, wrenched the door open and

slumped in. The fucking keys were slick with blood, wet, and
he struggled to get them in the ignition. The gun shots
started, the rear window shattering, going all spider-webbed.
"Go. Start the fucking car, Rafe."

The engine started right away, thank God, and he peeled

out in reverse, pulling the wheel around so they were facing
the road out. "Get down," he ordered, hunching into as small
a target as possible and gunning it.

"Yes, boss." Daniel just crumbled, face on the car seat,

cheek on one arm.

"And no dying on me."
He winced as they hit a bump. They needed that

transmission to get them down the lane and off this

The shooting didn't stop, but he just kept driving, praying

nothing crucial got hit. A glance in the rearview once the
shooting stopped showed a black hummer coming down the
lane behind them.

"I got your back, Angel. Drive." Daniel crawled up the back

of the seat, balanced on one knee, pistol cocked, aimed. The
first shot made his ears ring.

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Made the Hummer swerve, too.
Rafe thought again that there was no one else he'd want

beside him in a fight than this man, even as he wished that
Daniel wasn't right in the middle of this mess with him.

He could see the gate up ahead of them, and he stepped

on the gas. "Hold on—I'm not stopping for the gate."

"Just go, honey. Go go go." Another shot rang out, the

Hummer swerving, sliding on the road.

"Hang on!" he shouted as the car accelerated, hitting the

gate and bucking a little, but going through it.

"Woo!" With Daniel's shooting, they just might make it to

the main road. Now all they needed was for the fucking
cavalry to show up.

The Hummer got closer, Daniel squinting and muttering

under his breath. "Come on. A little closer, you motherfucker.
A little closer."

"We're turning onto the road in about thirty seconds," he

warned. Whatever Daniel was going to do, he needed to do

"I hear you." Daniel took a deep breath, fired off two more

rounds and the Hummer screeched, hitting the ditch and
rolling over and over.

"Woooohooo! Yes!" He'd have pumped his hands in the air,

but he figured they were better left holding on to the wheel.
"Turning," he warned, hoping there was no one on that road,
because he was going to hit it hard.

Their luck held out, the road empty as they turned onto it,

tires screaming.

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Daniel nodded, slumping back into the floorboards. "Where

you goin'?"

"Yeah, I guess I need a better destination than the fuck

out of range, huh?" He glanced over at Daniel. Now that they
weren't being chased by crazy assholes with guns in a
Hummer, he was worried about Daniel. "You have any clue
where the nearest hospital is?"

"Uh ... Lander, maybe? A drive, no matter what..."
"You need me to stop and fix that tourniquet?" He was

barreling down the road and after nearly losing it on a hairpin
turn, he figured he'd better back off on the speed a little.

"I..." Daniel's head bobbed, he wasn't sure if it was a nod

or not.

He drove another two minutes, and found a spot where the

shoulder was a little wider. Pulling over, he left the engine
idling. Just in case.

"Can you get up on the seat, man?"
"I don't know." Daniel's eyes were a little askew, throat


He leaned over and put the passenger seat down, and then

got his hands under Daniel's arms, and hauled him up.

"Shit. Shit, that hurts. Fucker shot me."
"Yeah, I know. We got him, though. You took him out with

that chair leg."

He ripped Daniel's pants up to the tourniquet and checked

out the wound.

Fuck him. The shot hadn't blown the femoral, but it was

nicked, Daniel bleeding, slow but sure, that thigh swelling. He

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pulled off his sweatshirt and re-wrapped the wound, tying it
as tight as he could.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Daniel's head tossed, throat working.

"Angel. Honey, please."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He searched through the

glove compartment, finding a nearly empty bottle of Tylenol,
left over from their drive up.

"Here." He handed a couple of pills over.
Daniel dry-swallowed them, throat working. "Okay. Come

on. Where's your folks, come to save us?"

"Yeah, good question. My phone's out of juice—hopefully

we'll meet them coming up the highway."

He patted Daniel's good leg, belted the man in, and settled

back into his seat, his heart just pumping wildly. He forced
himself to take a few deep breaths, to calm down just a
little—the last thing they needed was to crash or go off the

"Okay. Let's go find you a doctor."

* * * *

He could hear something.
A beeping.
A steady, sure beeping.
What the fuck?
Danny frowned, trying to get his eyes open. Come on.

Come on. What's up?

Something warm and solid slid into his hand, squeezed.

"Hey, Daniel."

"I." Oh. Oh, fuck. His throat hurt. "Where?"

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"The hospital. You lost a whole lot of blood. You want some

water?" The hand holding his disappeared, a straw pressing
between his lips.

"Uh-huh." He sucked hard, the water splashing in his belly.
"Careful, you don't want to make yourself sick." His angel's

fingers slid over his stomach, wiping the water away.

"I." His stomach clenched and he eased back. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am. My ass is a little sore for the reaming I

had to sit through, but I'm fine. How about you? You look like

"Feel like it. You get busted by your bosses? Am ... Did

they catch folks?"

"They did. My call went through and they showed up at the

cabin. Of course, we were gone by then, but they got the
guys in the hummer, the guys we left at the house. One
dead, three critical." Rafe looked tired, but good, a bruise
going dark on his cheek.

"I ... am I in trouble, man?" He'd fucking killed someone.

He didn't even feel bad about it.

Rafe shook his head. "No. No, you're not in any trouble.

You were the victim here."

"Are you?" He couldn't fucking focus, couldn't think.
"I did what I had to do to save you. That was my job.

They'll make me ride a desk for awhile, go to therapy. Shit,
Daniel, I'll take whatever they dish out—I'm just glad you're

"Yeah. Yeah." He reached out, squeezed. "They do surgery

on my leg, honey?"

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"Yeah. The bullet nicked the artery and you were losing

blood like it was water. The doctors said you weren't going to
be able to use it for awhile but you're supposed to make a full
recovery." Rafe gave him a wry grin. "I think that's the only
reason I wasn't fired."

"No firing. I ... Shit, how long 'til I lose you?" He wasn't

ready. They hadn't gotten a good goodbye.

"I have to report to my boss in New York first thing

Monday morning." Rafe's hand tightened, like his angel didn't
want to let go.

"Yeah. I. I guess my people are coming up to fetch me?"
"Shit, Daniel, I don't know. They haven't told me anything.

I snuck up here and talked to the nurse and then came to see
you as soon as they were done yelling at me. You want me to
call anyone, make sure?"

"No. No, Angel. I got it. Just hang with me for a bit." He

fucking hated being dopey. "Thank you, man, huh? So much."

"I'm not sure you should be thanking me—I got you shot."

Rafe's fingers slid over his cheek, eyes on his face.

"You rescued me. Loved me, huh?"
"I do, you know."
"I do now." He squeezed Rafe's hand but hard.
Rafe squeezed back, leaning in a little, gaze never leaving


"I ... You take my cell number with you, yeah? Keep in

touch? Let me know about the folks you're rescuing?"

Rafe nodded, looking miserable. "A part of me wishes we

were still holed up in your cabin. Stupid, isn't it?"

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"I don't think so, Angel. We were having fun." He'd been

having the time of his life.

"Yeah. Maybe you can come up to New York. I want you to

meet my mother."

"Yeah? I bet I'm free to recover for a bit after this." Hell,

he'd been due a long vacation. After this shit, God knew what
his publicist was going to do.

Rafe's eyes lit up. "Yeah? That would be awesome. Really."
"So long as you're there, Angel. I can manage." New York.


"I'll take care of you, Daniel." Leaning over him, Rafe

pressed their lips together in a quick, short kiss.

His head swam a little and he shifted, groaning at the dull

grinding throb in his leg.

"Why don't you try to get some more sleep. I'll just sit with

you until they kick my ass out."

"Promise?" He didn't want to sound weak, but damn.
"I promise."
"Thanks, Angel. I've gotten real used to you." He pushed

the button on the morphine machine, eyelids going heavy.

Rafe's hand squeezed his. "Sleep. I've got your back."
Yeah. Yeah, he could believe that.

* * * *

Rafe waited at the passenger exit for domestic flights, an

eager smile on his face every time the doors opened.

He checked the arrival board again and got the same

information as the last dozen times. Daniel's plane had landed
at 5:42 and was at the gate. So why the heck hadn't Daniel

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come out those doors yet? He was tempted to start stopping
people as they came out and demand where they'd just flown
in from.

He hadn't seen Daniel in nine weeks, not since Daniel's

people had descended on the singer's hospital room and
announced that Rafe was no longer needed or wanted. He'd
managed to give Daniel's hand one last squeeze before he'd
been pushed out and every attempt to talk to Daniel after
that had been thwarted, until he'd finally accepted that he
wasn't going to get to see the singer again and he'd flown

Thank God for cell phones.
It wasn't the same though, and he couldn't wait to see

Daniel in person, to take the man home and ... well, he didn't
want a hard-on in the middle of the airport.

He checked his watch again and growled as the doors

opened on more people who weren't Daniel.

How long did it take to get off a damned plane?
The doors opened again and another set of people came

out, Daniel not among them.

Oh man. What if Daniel had changed his mind? What if

he'd decided to spend the holiday with his own family instead
of with Rafe's?

What if he pulled out his weapon and shot the speaker to

get that tinny Christmas musak to fucking stop?

Okay, so he wasn't carrying and he was maybe

overreacting to having to wait, but he'd bet good money the
other folks waiting with him would approve if he did it—that
musak was fucking annoying.

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He didn't let himself check the board again, or his watch.

Instead he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over
his chest—he'd wait as long as he had to because Daniel was
worth it.

Rafe heard Daniel before he saw him, the man whistling

that same goddamn song.

If he hadn't known the tune, he wouldn't have recognized

the man, all bundled up, hiding under a ball cap, still limping
some. Ah. Famous star, incognito.

He pushed off the wall, his cheeks almost aching from how

hard he was smiling. "Hey, over here."

"Angel. Merry Christmas." Look at that smile.
Just look at that smile.
He opened his arms and wrapped Daniel up in them, just

holding on. He could feel Daniel's lanky body beneath the
bulky clothes and he didn't want to let go.

"Yeah, Merry Christmas. I'm so glad you're here."
"Yep. That layover in Chicago was a bear. You're looking

good." Those bright eyes dragged over him. "Real good."

"I'd say the same, but I can't see a bit of you through all

that padding. You feel good though," he added softly.

"I'm doing good. Lots of therapy, but the leg's getting

there. Take me home?"

"Yeah, come on. I can't wait to get you there." He grabbed

Daniel's bag and led the way out to parking.

Daniel moved slower, limping a bit, looking around. "Man,

there's nothing like that snow, is there? Wow."

"It isn't Christmas without it." He slowed a little, wishing

he could just grab Daniel's hand as they walked. "I parked

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pretty close, but you can wait here if you want and I'll pull the
car around."

"Nah. Walking's good for me. You're gonna take me to the

Falls, right? Let me see?"

"Yeah, the Falls are really amazing this time of year. They

throw off this mist, yeah? And it freezes on everything, coats
it all in this amazing ice. I've got all sorts of stuff we can do if
we want. And Mama wants you over for supper before
tomorrow night. She said she wanted to meet you before
Christmas so that you aren't a stranger at our table on the
big day." He'd never brought anyone home before and his
Mama was being really good about it.

"Cool." Daniel looked at him. "You taking me to your place

first, honey?"

"I'm taking you home and I'm not planning on letting you

out until tomorrow afternoon when we go see my folks. I kind
of have plans—I hope that's okay." He'd been waiting for
weeks to have Daniel back and now there was that odd
feeling because they hadn't seen each other in person in so
long and he wanted a kiss so badly because he just knew that
would set everything right.

"You better have fuck like bunnies on the list." Oh.
He grinned; maybe that kiss wasn't needed to set things to

right, not that he didn't want that it...

"It might even be on the list more than once." He nearly

walked by the car he so busy smiling at Daniel and imagining
all the things they were going to do. "Oh, this is us."

"No blue sedan? How non-FBI of you, agent."

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"Yeah, that's what I keep hearing." He gave Daniel a wink

and closed the door for him.

He stuck Daniel's bag in the trunk along with Daniel's

guitar, and came around to the driver's side.

It felt like they had a bit of privacy within the confines of

the car, and he leaned over to take that kiss he wanted so
badly, looking into Daniel's eyes. Daniel looked so fucking
happy; it made him just need. The kiss though? The kiss
made him ache.

Groaning, he parted their lips for a breath and then dove

into another kiss. He could feel it through his entire body, all
the way to his toes. Daniel's hand cupped the back of his
head, dragging him closer. Those callused fingertips brushed
the back of his neck, making him gasp.

He wanted to climb into Daniel's lap and rub off against

the man. He wanted to drag Daniel into the back seat and
fuck him. Instead, he whimpered and drew back, resting his
forehead against Daniel's. "Hold that thought for fifteen
minutes, yeah?"

"Fifteen minutes. I can do that." Daniel grinned, nodded.


"If it was darker I'd blow you right here." He sat back and

put on his belt, starting the car.

"That would be bad for your career."
"Would be good for my cock though." He winked over.

Besides, it would probably be even worse for Daniel's career
than his own. It wasn't like he was doing anything but riding
a desk and honestly, he'd kind of lost the love for the job.

"You know it." Daniel's hand slid over onto his thigh.

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He dropped his hand down on top of Daniel's, squeezing.

God, he could hardly believe Daniel was here. "Did you get
those last two songs written?" he asked, trying to distract
himself a little from the way his cock was trying to get the
attention of Daniel's hand.

"I have a whole album. I'm going into the studio in the


"That's great. I know I've liked what I've heard so far."

Country music wasn't his thing, but he loved Daniel's voice
and had been there when a lot of those songs had been
written. "So what are your plans until you go into the studio?"

"I don't have many. One weekend I'll go to Nashville, film

a little show. Just relax. Recover." Those fingers dragged up
his thigh, brushed his balls.

He groaned and grabbed the wheel hard with both hands.

"So you..." He turned off the highway, slowing the car down.
"You can stay for awhile?"

"Yep. At least 'til February, so long as you don't get tired

of me."

"I'm not going to get tired of you, Daniel. Not a chance."

Hell, they'd been together for ages out at Daniel's cabin with
nothing to do but each other. "Won't be long now."

"No? You like it up here?" Daniel kept staring outside the

car window, looking amazed.

"I do. I grew up here. You'll get used to the snow," he

promised, grinning. They were going to have to have a
snowball fight and make snowmen. He turned onto his block.
"Check out the lights—we'll have to go for a walk one evening
because the lights are just amazing after dark."

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"Oh, Hell yes. I'm so there. I love the whole Christmas

thing. We'll have to sing carols." They did have Daniel's guitar
case in the trunk.

"Oh, you're going to fit right in with my family. Oh, hey, I

hope you don't mind shopping—I haven't bought any of my
presents yet." He slowed right down and turned into the
driveway of his little two story house.

"Well, we'll have to do it early or late, but I'm a fan." Oh.

Right. Famous lover.

"I keep forgetting—we didn't have to worry about stuff like

that out at your cabin." No, then he just had to worry about
dangerous felons out to kidnap Daniel ... He turned off the
engine. "Home sweet home. The bank owns most of it, but
aside from that, it's mine."

"Oh, man. Look at that." Little and quaint, with a yard and

a little porch—it was cute. Sweet.

"Come on. It's even better on the inside." Where they

could touch and kiss and get each other off, and then do it all
over again.

He got out and grabbed Daniel's bag and his guitar,

meeting the man up by the front door. "Keys are in my front
right pocket." His hands were full after all.

"Oooh..." Daniel's hand slid into his pocket, searching and

wriggling and rubbing.

Eyes nearly closing, he groaned, hips pushing toward

Daniel's touch. "Hurry," he whispered. Much as he was
enjoying this, he wanted so much more than they could
manage out on his porch.

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"Uh-huh. My leg's still needs a couch or something to prop

it." The keys were tugged out, the door opened.

"How about a bed?" he asked, putting Daniel's stuff down

just inside the door and grabbing the man's jacket, tugging
him close, and covering those warm lips without giving Daniel
a chance to answer.

Daniel's deep little cry pushed into his lips, those strong

hands grabbing his arms and tugging him close. Their teeth
crashed together, the kiss wild, necessary. Groaning, he
pushed his tongue into Daniel's mouth, the flavor just what
he needed.

"Shit. Shit, Angel. Missed you bad." Daniel gave him a wild

grin, pushing back into the kiss.

He held on tight to Daniel's jacket and turned them,

pushing Daniel up against the door and devouring his mouth.
His cock was hard, pushing against his zipper, and he pressed
their hips together, wanting so bad.

"Love ... Come on. Been so long." He wasn't the only one

hard, wanting. Not the only one at all.

He pushed the thick jacket off Daniel's shoulders, dragging

it down along his lover's arms as he went to his knees.
Mouthing Daniel's prick, he working on the button and zipper,
eager to see if Daniel tasted like he remembered.

"Rafe..." Daniel smelled so fucking good, sweet and heady.

Rich and male enough that it made his mouth water.

Soon as he had those jeans open Daniel's prick pushed

out, slapping him in the face and he groaned, taking the tip
into his mouth. Hot silk and the slight salt of Daniel's pre-
come. His own prick jerked hard.

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He heard his name ring out, heard the slam of Daniel's

head against the wall. Oh yeah. It all came flooding back: the
tastes, the sounds, the feeling of loving on this man. His head
started to bob, his lips tight as he could manage around the
long, hard cock. He wasn't interested in drawing it out this
time, he just needed to make Daniel come.

Rafe didn't think he was going to have a hard time doing

that, either. Not with the way Daniel was arching, pushing
into his lips, fucking his lips. He slid his hands up over
Daniel's thighs, his hips, and over to that sweet belly. He
stroked the muscles there, and slid his hands further up,
searching for the little nipples.

"Gonna..." Daniel stared at him, hips jerking as he shot,

seed just filling his mouth.

Moaning, he swallowed it all down, eager for every drop,

for the taste of Daniel flooding his mouth. He licked and
sucked, pulling out every last drop and then cleaning Daniel's
cock. "Missed you," he whispered, kissing the tip. "Missed you
so much."

"God, yes." Daniel's fingers traced his eyes, his face. He

nuzzled into the touch, looking up at Daniel, so happy inside
it was nearly pain. "What do you need, Angel?"

"You. Any way I can get you." He rubbed his cock through

his jeans; he'd be willing to just tug himself off while Daniel
touched his face.

"Fucking love you, Rafe." Daniel grinned at him, eyes

laughing. "I can't get down there with you, honey."

He kissed the dip at Daniel's hip, and stood up, doing up

Daniel's button and then tugging him off the door. "Come to

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


bed with me." He could wait that long, he could wait as they
moved to the stairs and started up them.

"Oh, man." Daniel chuckled, leaned against him. "My

therapist would be so proud."

"Oh, shit. I didn't even think ... are you okay?" They were

about halfway up. "We could go back down ... I can set up
the couch for you to sleep on." He could drag his mattress
downstairs was what he could do, because there was no way
he wasn't sleeping with Daniel. Now way.

"Nope. No, I'm solid. I'm healing." Daniel stretched, kissed

his jaw. "Keep going."

"Oh, good." He grinned and looped his arm around Daniel's

waist so he could help a little more, getting them up the

His bed was a king, and he all but dragged Daniel to it,

starting to get rid of their clothes.

"Damn, your bed's bigger than mine." Daniel bounced a

bit. He'd lost a little of his tan, a little muscle, and that thigh
still looked raw and red, but it didn't matter.

Not one bit.
Daniel was here, with him.
He lay down next to Daniel, fingers sliding, mouth finding

Daniel's as he humped against the good leg.

"Mmm. Hey." Daniel's hand landed on his ass, brushing his


"Uh-huh. Hey." His prick was leaking, making it slick, and

he pushed harder, prick just rubbing.

That hand dropped down, wrapping around his prick and

working it good and hard.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Daniel!" He cried out, hips bucking wildly, hands grabbing

onto Daniel's arms as the pleasure shot through him.

"Jesus, Angel. You do it for me, I swear to God." Daniel

hugged him hard, holding on tight.

He wrapped his own arms around Daniel, holding on just

as tight. "Me, too." He buried his face in Daniel's throat, just
breathing the man in.

"I got you. I got you, honey." Daniel rocked him, nice and

slow. "Man, it's been a long few weeks, huh?"

"The longest. I didn't know being away from you would be

so hard." He'd never loved anyone before. Not like how he did

"No. I hear you. I ... Shit, I hate the idea of never seeing

your fine ass."

"I want you to see it every day. Hell, I've half a mind to

just quit and turn into one of those groupies that follow you
from concert to concert."

"There you go. You'd make a great groupie." Daniel

chuckled, nuzzling his jaw.

"You think I'm joking." He wasn't so sure he was. He was

still riding the desk on the job and not particularly happy
about it. He loved his folks, his brothers and their families,
but they all had each other...

"You couldn't just be a groupie, lover. You'd hate me."
"Well, I'd hope you'd promote me to head groupie. With


"Mmm. Blow jobs in the dressing room. Massages on the

bus ... I could handle that."

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Your own personal love slave." He chuckled, rubbing a

little. Right now it sounded just about perfect.

"Mmhmm. My own personal love slave with a degree and a

gun and a body like a god." Daniel licked his shoulder,
grinning like a Cheshire cat.

He couldn't help grinning back, couldn't help puffing up a

little—Daniel always did make him feel ten feet tall. "Need
you, yeah?"

"Yeah, honey. I know." Daniel's fingers traced his face,

just exploring him. "What do you want for Christmas?"

He closed his eyes, enjoying the touches, reveling in them.

"I've got everything I want right here."

"Yeah. Yeah, I hear that, Angel. You. Me. The snow.

Christmas. Man, this is like a dream."

"Don't ever wake me up." He grinned suddenly and nipped

at Daniel's shoulder. "Unless it's to make out."

"Mmm. Or to eat and shower. I like showers with you."

Daniel chuckled, nuzzling his temple.

"Yeah. Everything's good." He slid his hands over the lean

form, wondering how he was supposed to just go back to
work and pretend he wasn't missing the Hell out of Daniel.

"It is. Hell, Angel, it's Christmas. No worries."
"Yeah, Santa will make all our wishes come true, right?"

He could go for that.

"You know it, honey. You know it." Daniel leaned into his

touch, stretching high.

His fingers were drawn to Daniel's thigh, gently tracing the

scar. "I want to make sure no one ever hurts you again."

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


"Wouldn't that be something?" That scar was thick,


"It would." He looked up to meet Daniel's eyes. "It really

would." He grinned suddenly. "I'd be your angel for real."

"Shit, you already are." That look was serious, completely


Heat spread out through him at that look, his heart

thumping hard. "Daniel..."

"Yeah, Rafe?" One hand cupped his jaw, fingers caressing

his cheek.

He nuzzled into the touch, his own hands finding Daniel's

hips and tugging him closer, holding on. "Love you," he said,
the words coming straight from his heart.

"Good." The kiss told him all he needed to know about how

Daniel felt.

That kiss made him believe in Christmas miracles. The

man in his arms made him believe. Period.

* * * *

The screaming meanies were outside the door, making one

Hell of a racket, screaming out his name, over and over.

"Dusty! Dusty! Dusty!"
Daniel put on his headphones and rolled his shoulders,

blocking them out. His leg wasn't ever going to be the same,
but in his jeans, you couldn't tell he'd been shot and he'd
been practicing wiggling his ass for weeks.

Well, practicing wiggling his ass, promoting the new

album, and enjoying that whole number one single thing.

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


Who'd've thought "Buckshot Angel" would hit like it did?
Maybe he ought to get in deep shit more often.

He caught sight of himself in the mirror, looking lean and

mean and fucking excited about opening the tour. Looking
like a fucking star.

He heard a rap on the door through his earphones, and

then the door opened, letting in the built stud who was his
new head of security.

He waved, nodded. "How much time?"
"About twenty minutes." The man licked his lips and came

closer. "You look incredible."

"I'm ready. Been in the studio too long." He grinned,

bounced on his toes a little. "Did you have your men check
the crowd? Last concert I did there was a surprise at the

The biggest goddamn surprise of his life.
"I went out front myself and walked among them while the

opening act was playing. You think I'd take a chance with
your life, Daniel?" His angel's eyes stared earnestly into his

"No. No, I don't think you would." He grinned, tweaked

Rafe's nose. "You're the best acquisition my manager's ever
made, former Agent Gialto."

"I'm glad they didn't hold what happened to you against

me." Rafe's hands slid around his waist, holding onto his hips.
"I really like the perks that go along with this job."

"Are you suggesting that you have a lenient boss?"

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


Rafe tilted his head. "Doesn't lenient mean soft?" One

hand slid to press against his crotch. "Soft's not what I think
about when I think of you."

Rafe's eyes were hot, mouth closing in for a kiss. He

leaned in, breath speeding up. It'd taken six months for them
to work out a way to do this, to be together and work and
live. He was a lucky son of a bitch, to do what he loved and
have his angel with him.

Rafe's tongue opened his lips, slid inside as that hand

worked his prick through his tight jeans. "You taste so good."
Rafe rubbed their noses together. "Wanna suck you."

"I have to work. After." It would keep them both on their

toes, revved up.

"See? Not a lenient bone in your body." Rafe kissed him

again, hand sliding back to his hip to tug him close against
the hard lines of his very own personal angel bodyguard. "I'm
going to be watching you from the wings. Anything looks
hinky and I'm coming out there to protect you."

"I'll be fine. They love me, right?"
"They do. Almost as much as I do."
"Yeah. Yeah." Daniel started bouncing a little. "I'm ready

to go. I look good?"

"Hmm ... let me see." Rafe let go of him and slowly circled

him, gaze almost a physical touch. "Damn, those jeans are
tight—just look at your ass..."

He struck a wide-legged pose, going up on his toes, just

showing off.

Rafe's hands grabbed his ass, that big, strong body coming

up tight behind him, mouth nuzzling along his neck. "You look

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Guardian Angel: Fight

by Sean Michael


fucking amazing. Every person in that audience is going to
want you."

"Good. Only one gets to fuck me tonight."
"Me." There was strength and surety in that one word, his

angel knowing where he belonged, the confidence sexy.

"You know it. You listen for your song, Angel. You know

I'm singing to you." Tonight and every night.

"I'll be waiting for it." Rafe squeezed him tight, face buried

in his neck.

Then his angel stepped away. "Go on, Mr. Young. You go

shake that ass for them. I'll be here when you're done."

"You got it, man. Time to make our money." He grabbed

his new guitar. "Plow the road, Mr. Security. It's time."

Rafe grabbed his head and gave him a hot, hard kiss.
Then his angel was all business, going out the door and

leading him out to the stage.

Leading him home to his fans.

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