Sean Michael Angel 01 Flight or Fight

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Chapter One


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Daniel smiled at Ben and Roxy, nodded when they gave him the thumbs-up.

The crowd was screaming as the band played the opening chords of 'Damned Fine' and he took a deep,
deep breath. Okay, Daniel. Time to show 'em what all you got.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Dusty Young!"

The lights blinded him for a second, swirling blue and red and yellow, but he was expecting it, his fingers
moving on the guitar strings automatically. The crowd was loud enough he couldn't hear himself play and
he could feel it surge forward.

Security, dressed head to toe in denim pushed them back, keeping the screaming fans from getting to the
stage. He shook his ass, leaning down into the mic and started singing, pitching his voice deep and husky,
grinning as the crowd went wild. Hell, yes. The girls up front tossed him flowers and underwear, one
trying to toss herself on stage. A dark-haired security guard caught her around the waist and put her back
on her feet in the midst of the crowd.

Man, if they only knew what a waste of silky panties that was. He moved across the stage, dancing with
Timmy and Darla, tsking under his breath as the two of them flirted wildly with each other. Horndogs.

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The show went off without a hitch, Daniel feeding off the audience, getting more and more pumped the
longer the show went on. That fed the audience in return and near to the end of the final set of songs a girl
got past security and onto the stage, launching herself at him. He stepped back, instinctively. The flash of
metal startled him, and he put his hands up, stumbling over some cords. Someone large and
denim-dressed pushed the girl out of the way before wrapping around him and pulling him toward the

"Jesus fucking Christ. Did she have a gun?" He stumbled along, heart just pounding. "Where are we

"Leaving the fucking building. Are you hurt anywhere, Mr. Young?" The arms around him were strong,
the security guard tall, muscled, voice deep.

"Leaving the... but I got a show to finish! The label's going fucking burn me."

"Protocol is to get you out of the building until it's cleared, Mr. Young."

"Cleared? You don't just..." A series of shots rang out and he went stiff. "Jesus fucking Christ! Tell me
my band's being moved."

Sweet fuck.

Was he hurt?

Did he even know?


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Mr. Muscles started running, pulling him along, not saying a word, just pulling him through the winding
corridors of the concert hall. Suddenly they were out and he was being hustled into the back of a car, his
security guard coming with him. He shook his head, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. "My
guys. I need to get my guys."

"You suddenly bullet-proof?" His protector nodded to the driver. "Get us out of here."

The car peeled away, leaving the concert hall behind.

"What the fuck?" He twisted, reaching in his back pocket for his cell. He'd call Aimee, tell his manager
that this shit wasn't going to work.

One big hand swallowed the phone up. "Sorry, Mr. Young. Protocol is that we get you out and that
there's no contact until we know it's safe."

The guy pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Archangel here, I've got the primary. What's going on back there?"

"Chaos. Pure fucking chaos. Get the hell out of dodge."

"Got you."

The walkie-talkie was turned off and tucked away again in the denim jacket. "Location B."

The driver nodded.

"Bullshit. Give me my fucking phone." No fucking way. He was a singer, not the goddamn president.
Something smelled like shit.

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His daddy always said, smelled like shit? Probably didn't taste like granny's biscuits.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Young, I can't do that." The warm brown eyes really did look sorry.

Okay. Okay. Think. Keep talking. The next stop light. Hit the door. Bastard couldn't be locked in here,
too. "Sure you can. This ain't national fucking security. It's country music."

"That girl had a gun, Mr. Young. She very nearly shot you."

"Yeah, yeah. Obviously the cops got her. Lemme check on my band." Okay, his door or try to take the
big guy's door. He reached behind him, testing. Okay. Fuck. Fuck. Okay.

"Don't try it," murmured his... captor?

"What the fuck's going on?" Shit, now he was going into sorta scared. Fuck.

"I'm just trying to keep you safe, Mr. Young."

"Bullshit. I want my phone."

"Just relax, Mr. Young." The guy leaned forward and murmured something to the driver who nodded.

He took his chance as the car slowed, pushing himself across the man's back and driving toward the
door. Whatever this was, it wasn't in his fucking contract and he was getting the hell out of Dodge. Daniel
got the door handle and shoved it hard. Come on. Come on. Come on.

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"Whoa there!" A strong arm went around his waist, and he was pushed between the big body and the
back of the car, his captor's other hand reaching over and pulling his hand off the car door. "Are you
nuts? You're going to kill yourself!"

"Let me out or give me my fucking phone." He was still buzzing from the concert, still vibrating from the

The big asshole just shook his head, using sheer brute force to right him, put him back upright in his seat.
"Sorry, Mr. Young. I just can't do that right now."

"What the fuck is this?" He wrapped his hand around the neck of his guitar, holding on. He really didn't
want to use her for a club. He would, but he didn't want to.

"I'm taking you somewhere safe, Mr. Young. You're going to need to trust me." The man held out his
hand. "I'm Rafe."

"Safe from who? I didn't fall out of the fucking turnip truck this morning." He shook the man's hand once,
refusing to release the guitar.

Rafe's hand was warm and solid. His own hand was given a gentle squeeze. "I don't have any
information to give you, but I can promise you that you won't be harmed. Not on my watch."

The car was picking up speed, the street lights fading away behind them.

Okay. Fuck. What was he supposed to do? "No information? Where are we going? Why won't you
give me a phone? Who the fuck's paying your paycheck?"

Those dark brown eyes looked at him. "What about 'no information' are you not getting here?"

"The part where I'm in a strange fucking car with strange fucking muscle. This is fucking asinine."

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"Need to know basis, Mr. Young." Rafe turned to look out the window. "We'll be there soon."

Okay, Dan. You aren't stupid. The second this car stops and your feet hit ground, you run and you run

They made the rest of the trip in silence, Rafe turning to look at him now and then, but not saying
anything. From what he could see out the window, they'd left the city and were traveling through
countryside. They slowed and turned right, onto a bumpy, unpaved road.

Well, there couldn't be dick out in Oklahoma that he hadn't camped in out in West Texas.

They pulled up in front of a big old farmhouse, two cars already in front of the house, both large, dark
Lincoln Towncars.

"All right, let’s get you inside."

"Where are we?" He went to open his door.


The driver got out and came around to open his door for him.

He'd played running back his entire fucking life, it wasn't anything to duck under one arm and run like
hell, heading straight for the line of trees.


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Rafe wasn't surprised when Daniel Young ran as soon as he had the chance. The man wasn't an idiot
and knew something was up, likely figured he was being kidnapped. If it had been Rafe's choice, he'd
have let the man in on what was going on, but need to know meant exactly that and what he knew was
that he didn't give out any information unless he was told to.

Hell, Daniel might not have believed him in any case.

So he gave chase, impressed with the man's speed, but still catching him just past the tree line before
Daniel had a chance to get in and hide. They went down like a ton of bricks, Daniel breaking his fall.
Well, shit, he hoped he hadn't broken anything. Daniel grunted, gasping for air, the wind knocked right
out of the man.

He rolled, one arm and one leg wrapping around the man as his other hand roamed, looking for anything
broken. There was a bit of a bloodied lip under that straw-colored mustache, but besides that? They
were gold. Winded and still for right this second, but gold.

"Sorry I landed on you, Mr. Young." He hauled himself and Daniel up and thought that the boss was
going to be really proud of him for apologizing instead of going off on Daniel for running in the first place.
Go him.

"Now you can walk back and into the house on your own power or I can carry you in over my
shoulder. That part is up to you, but youare going in."

"I don't think so." Daniel's eyes were either panicked or furious, maybe both.

"Oh, come on, Dusty, don't make me carry you." He knew it hadn't been easy on Dusty, but fuck, he'd
just proven he could outrun the man and tackle him to the ground.

That chin lifted, went stubborn and hard. "You fucking touch me and I'll knock you into next week. I've
had seventeen hours of sleep in the last seven days. I'm supposed to be drinking a beer and
congratulating my bass player right now and then heading home to Amarillo. I amnot in a good fucking

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"No, and mine's quickly heading south. Get in the house and I'll call my boss and see what I can tell you.
I can probably even help with the beer."

"What thefuck is goingon? " The cowboy hat was slung off, the famous mass of gold curls bobbing.

Damn, the man was downright pretty.

He picked up the hat and handed it back. "I'm not at liberty to say. Now come on in with me and I'll call
and see what Ican tell you."

The hat was taken from him, and Daniel stormed toward the house, cursing violently, hands clenched
into fists. He followed, noting that the famous Dusty Young ass was indeed worth checking out.

He dialed in as he climbed the front stairs. "It's Archangel. The primary's a little... hot under the collar.
Would like to know what's going on."

"Then tell him." The phone clicked and Rafe rolled his eyes.

"You want some coffee, Daniel?"

"No. I want fucking answers."

"All right, but I need a cup of coffee first." He poured himself one, nodding at Ben who was in charge of
perimeter security. He sat at the table in the kitchen, waiting for Daniel to sit, too. "How well do you
know Sam Gaherty?" Sam was a new back up guitarist for Dusty. Not a nice man if the files he'd seen
were anything to go by.

The singer stopped his pacing from window to window, looked over. "He plays a decent riff; he'll never
be great, but he won't starve. Why?"

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"You ever heard of the American Liberation League?"

"Is that a band?"

He snorted. "No, they're a militia group based right here in Oklahoma. From what we've put together,
Sam was planted in with your band when the opening came up. The attack tonight was a set-up -- you
were supposed to be kidnapped by the ALL."

"Me? Kidnapped. Right. Uh... Still a hat show singer, man. Not Lindbergh's baby."

"No? But you're hot right now. Even crossing over into the pop charts. It would be amazing publicity.
And your label would pay dearly to get you back." He shrugged; Daniel didn't have to believe him. "Not
to mention if they could convert you they'd have one hell of a spokesperson."

"Okay. I'm saved. Give me my phone."

"You think they're going to give up just because we got you out of there before they could take you?"
His orders were to keep Daniel until he got the all clear.

"Who thefuck do you work for?" Daniel picked up a paperweight, tossed it from hand to hand.

"This is a joint FBI and ATF operation." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his badge.
"Agent Rafael Gialto."

Daniel looked at him. Just stood, looked and turned for the door, muttering under his breath.

"Hey! You can't go anywhere." He got up and headed Daniel off at the door. "We'retrying to keep you
safe, you know."

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"Tell the candid camera crew I'm not fucking amused." The paperweight went into the wood of the door,
close enough to make him jump. "And get out of my way before I fucking rip your tongue out and beat
you to death with it."

"You think this is a joke? Do I look like I'm laughing?" He had half a mind to call the ALL and tip them
off himself, just to see Daniel take him seriously.

"Do I look like anidiot ? I'm a piece-of-shit country singer in a band. If you were telling the truth, why
thehell didn't you just take Sammy?"

"Because we have a man undercover with ALL and if we took Sammy, he'd be dead right now."

"Well you don't have him. You haveme and I'm goinghome !" Fuck, the man was hot when he was
pissed. And that line of thought was going to get him into trouble, especially with his prick following
happily along.

"We're pretty sure their plan B will be to take you from your home. You go back there you're going to
walk right into that."

"It doesn't make sense. You don't make sense. Fuck, I have a headache."

"Look, you're safe here. It's late. Why don't you make use of the bedroom we've got for you and who
knows, maybe by morning we'll have everything wrapped up."

"Why can't I call Aimee? My mom?" Stubborn cowboy.

"It's just a precaution. Come on, Mr. Young. Play ball with us until morning when we've all had a chance
to sleep and have some up to date intel." And if Daniel refused him again he was going to use the back of
his gun to knock the guy out.

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"This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever experienced. Ever. Christ." Daniel patted through his
pockets, growling. "Jesus fucking Christ, couldn't you steal me in real fucking clothes?"

"I think your suitcase is up in your room," he noted dryly.

"My motherfucking guitar had better be, too." The long hands were starting to shake, not much, just
enough for him to see.

He reached out and caught one in his, squeezed. "You need anything, Mr. Young? Some food? A stiff

"I... Fuck, I don't know."

"Right. Come and sit." Keeping hold of Daniel's hand, he tugged the man back into the kitchen and sat
him down. There were some pre-made sandwiches in the fridge and he took one out and put it down in
front of Daniel along with a big glass of milk.

He figured something alcoholic on top of whatever had Daniel all shaky was not necessarily a good idea.
Once the man had eaten, they could both down a shot or two of something and see if they couldn't get
Daniel into bed. On his own. Rafe repeated the words in his head. Daniel blinked at the sandwich, then
drank the milk down, throat working like the man was parched. Of course, he'd just put on a huge show,
sweating and dancing and working -- he probably was. Rafe grunted and filled the glass again and then
another with water. He got a grunt, both glasses drained. "Bathroom?"

"Take a right out of here and it's the first door on the right." He refilled the milk and the water, and kept
an ear out, making sure Daniel didn't take off again.

The water started running, kept running. And running. And running. Frowning, he headed over to the
bathroom and knocked.

There wasn't an answer, but when he tried the door, the knob turned for him and he pushed it open.
"Daniel? You okay in here, man?"

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The costume was folded in a neat pile, Daniel sitting, eyes closed under the shower spray. He averted
his eyes, but not before getting a look at Daniel through the shower door and mist. "You um..." he
cleared this throat. “You okay in there, man?"

"Yeah. Just resting."

"Yeah, okay. Sorry, didn't mean to. Yeah." Stare. Get turned on. Be a rude barging in asshole. Any of
those would do.

He closed the door and went back to the kitchen, at loose ends. The water turned off eventually, but
Daniel didn't come out. And didn't come out. And didn't come out.


He went back to the bathroom and knocked. "Come on, Mr. Young. Why don't you come out now?"

He heard a vague murmur in answer, nothing else.


"Unless I hear you say different, I'm coming in there." For all he knew the guy was lying on the floor, half

Or escaping out the little window.

Nothing. Damn it.

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He opened the door, bursting in, ready for anything.

Daniel sat up from where he'd been sleeping, ears under as he floated. "What? Fuck! God damn!"

"Jesus Christ, you trying to drown yourself?" He grabbed Daniel by his arms and hauled him out of the

"Uh, no. I was sleeping."

"In the tub..." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the naked body. "There's a perfectly good
bed for you upstairs."

"I was tired. Hot. I like the water."

He snorted. "Well you're not allowed to drown on my watch. Come on, I'll show you to your room."

Daniel rolled blood-red eyes, mouth swollen and bruised dark from earlier. "Does it have a bathroom?"

"What?" He wondered if Daniel was on something and tried not to feel guilty about having tackled Daniel
and done that to him.

Daniel shook his head, rubbed his forehead. "Fuck. Sorry. I'm in hotel mode. I haven't been in a place
that wasn't a bus or a hotel in months."

"Look, why don't I show you to the bed and you can have the shut-eye you need. Want." He grinned.
"The bedroom doesn't have a bathroom, but there's one right down the hall."

"I'm supposed to go home. This concert and then home."

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He nodded, leading Daniel upstairs. "Hopefully tomorrow, yeah?"

"No hopefully. I got a vacation coming." Fuck, the man was whipcord lean and smelled fine.

"Doing anything special on this vacation of yours?" He knew an ATF agent who was interested...

"Swimming. Sleeping. Then more swimming."

"Let me guess -- you like the water." He chuckled, that maybe explained the sleeping in the tub.

"Yep. Got a pool at my house. Get to see my horses. Maybe do some riding, some camping. Anything,
so long as it's home."

He opened the door to the first room at the top of the stairs, grunting in satisfaction as that proved to be
where the guys had put Daniel's bags. "Here you go."

"Thank y..."

He didn't know what knocked him to his knees for a second, the sound so huge, so unexpected he
couldn't process it.



He wrapped himself around Daniel and dragged the man down onto the floor, gun out as he crawled
them over to the bed. "Get under it," he hissed.

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Daniel grabbed the suitcase, dragging it with him. "Not getting blown up naked, man."

That startled a laugh out of him. "No getting blown up, period."

"Excellent plan. I'm a big fan. What the fuck is going on?"

"Candid Camera's looking pretty good now, isn't it?" He pulled out his phone and flipped it open, hit
autodial. "What the fuck, Jer?"

"It's the ALL, man. Better hunker down."

He closed the phone back up. "Fuck. Stay here."

Daniel nodded, working on a pair of jeans, digging out socks and boots. Keeping low, he made his way
to the oak dresser, pushing the fucker in front of the door. Shit, that would keep pretty much anyone
from gaining entrance through the door, heavy as it was.

Then he upended the bed onto its side and put it in front of the window. "You know how to use a gun?"

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Two pocket-knives went into pockets, then t-shirt and over shirt.

He reached down for his ankle piece, checking the chamber and handing it over. "Anything comes in that
door you shoot it, our guys will radio first."

"You got it." Daniel checked the safety, looked natural as he could be. "Man, you should've just given
me my fucking phone."

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"Because you have a direct line to the militia and could have headed this off at the pass?" He ducked
automatically as shots were fired.

"Go fuck yourself. I'm a god damn singer." He got a snort, a wink, a towel tossed at him.

The shots got closer. That wasn't good.

"How's your crawling skills," he asked as his eyes landed on the trapdoor in the ceiling that he was
counting on getting them into the attic. If they could get to the other end of the house and get down a
drainpipe or something, they maybe could make it to one of the cars.

"We going up into the crawlspace or out the window? 'Cause I ain't staying in here."

"Crawlspace. And yeah, we're getting the hell out of dodge. Let's go." He grabbed the small desk and
shoved it under the trapdoor. "You first."

Daniel nodded, reached up and pulled himself into the space, tight ass disappearing. Rafe admired it, and
more shots fired reminding him why they were here. He went over and pushed open the window just
enough a man could get through it and then went back to the open space in the ceiling, pulling himself up
after Daniel and closing the trap door behind him.

"Careful," he muttered.

"Yeah, no shit. Stay on the boards or you'll go straight through the ceiling."

"Yeah, if the fall didn't kill us, the ALL would. Is there a window at the far end there?" He couldn't see
anything past Daniel's ass. Not that he was complaining about the view.

"Yeah, one of them little round ones. Watch the nails in the roof now, they're a bitch."

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He snorted. "That sounds like the voice of experience."

"You know it. Five years on a roofing crew." The man could move, sliding and shifting on the thin

The shooting had stopped, but his phone didn't ring and that wasn't a good sign. Not a good sign at all.
He and Daniel had to get to one of the cars and get the fuck out of here. They made it to the window
without anyone popping up through the trapdoor. "How's it look? Is there any way for us to get down?"

Daniel shook his head. "Not with the size of your shoulders, man. We can go up, maybe, or down into
the house."

"I have to be honest with you, Daniel. I've seen the schematics for the house, but this is my first time
here. And we had three other guys here besides myself and I have a hunch it's just you and me left.
We've got limited ammunition between us and I have no idea how many guys are out there, though I
suspect from the intel that it'll be a half dozen at least, maybe even twice that. We don't get out of here
and we're screwed."

"Fuck. Okay. Okay. Uh. If we go up on the roof, we can wait them out. You got my phone, we could
call the cops."

He nodded. "Roof it is. I'll call the boss. See if they know what the hell is going on, if they've got
someone coming."

"Okay, I'll find a weak spot in the shingles. You hold tight out of the way." Daniel started poking around,
searching, pushing at the boards. It felt wrong, letting Daniel take care of him, do the doing. But this was
the plan, so he crouched in the corner, hoping like hell Daniel could get them up onto the roof before the
ALL got into the room they'd been in and realize they were up in the crawlspace because they were
sitting ducks up here. "Okay. Here." Daniel pried a piece of soffit off, then another. "I'm going to check it

Then there he went, up and out.

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If they made it out of this alive, his ass was so grass.

He was out of his element though. Not out here in the field, but Daniel... he had a feeling if they'd let the
ALL kidnap him, Daniel just might have not only bamboozled his way out of it, but taken some of them
down in the process. He heard thumps coming from the other end of the house.

"Hurry," he hissed, “they're at the bedroom door.”

One dirty hand stuck down toward him through the hole. "Come on then. Don't fucking fall. I need a
minute to fix the shingles."

He grabbed Daniel's hand and hauled himself up, staying low.

"Careful of the pitch. We're on the back -- looks like dormer windows are under us."

"You got an English translation for that?" Shit, he hated looking stupid and boy, was he looking stupid

"The roof is tilty and you're standing on a window."

He moved over, lying flat on the roof. "You think if we're still and quiet they'll miss us here? Think we've
gone out the window and into the woods?"

"I sure as shit hope so."

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He lay next to Daniel, nodding. "So... you ever get an inkling from Sam that something was hinky?"

"Shit, man. Sam's family. Some cousin or something. My Aunt Peggy wanted him in the band."

"Peggy Martins? She's one of them. One of their supporters anyway. Lots of money and favors, though
she's not been actively involved with anything illegal that we know of." They spoke quietly, the stars
bright this far out of Oklahoma City.

"Hey, now. Don't go badmouthing my Aunt Peg."

"I'm not badmouthing anyone. We've got proof she's been giving them money, Daniel. And you say she's
the one who wanted him in the band. I'm not saying she knew what they were planning, but she was
accommodating to him once he told her he wanted in your band."

"Yeah, but that's just a favor, you know? Being cool to family."

He turned and gave Daniel a look. "And was that what Sam was being when he planned to kidnap you
into the ALL? Being cool to family?"

"Nope. That was Sammy being a jackass prick." Daniel gave him a wink. "Must've got that from his

He chuckled quietly. "This is more than being a jackass prick though, Daniel. They want you alive, but
I'm guessing I'm as expendable as the other three agents who were guarding this place."

"Well, I'm gonna pray Sammy doesn't know nothing about that."

"That's pretty naive. He was in on the kidnapping you plot. What makes you think he didn't know about
plan B?"

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"Because he's my kin, man. I know him. He's no killer."

"That's what the militia are all about, Daniel."

There was a shout from in the house and he put his hand over Daniel's mouth, going as still and quiet as
possible. If they were found out, he was dead and Daniel was kidnapped. Daniel nodded, mouth closing,
eyes huge. Shit, it would be easy to forget the man didn't do this for a living.

His gun clenched in his other hand, his whole body was tense. Daniel breathed through his nose, each
breath hot on Rafe's hand. He'd have moved it except he was absolutely frozen, keeping still, quiet.

"Gideon! They took off out the window, man! Down the North side of the house."

"I didn't see nobody run, man! Not nobody!"

"Well they obviously came up here and this is the only way out unless they went back down."

"Search the house again and then we'll take the woods."

"Fuck, that son of a bitch is wily. You sure they got him here even?"

"It coulda been a decoy."

"No, I found his stage costume, Captain."

"He's not a city-boy, Captain. He's a camper, a hunter. These woods wouldn't scare him."

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"He'll make a great Leaguer. Find him. Now."

Rafe could feel Daniel growling, tensing up to move. He tightened his hand over Daniel's mouth in
warning, caught the man's eyes and shook his head. Fuck, there was fury there, and fear, and a shocked

"Later," he mouthed. Daniel could shout and scream and rant and be as pissed off as he wanted to be
once they were safe.

Daniel looked into him, staring, watching, slowly relaxing. He nodded. Yeah, that was it. Just be cool,
pretend we're not here, wait the fuckers in the house out. He loosened his hold on Daniel's mouth, let his
hand slide away. Daniel sat, leaning on the roof shingles, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

And they waited. Hearing the ALL calling out to each other as they searched the house, the grounds.
Finally they took off into the woods, leaving a man behind to guard the vehicles.

"What now?"

"Well. We can shoot him and run like hell for one of the cars and hope we make it before the guys in the
woods get back here. Or we can try and get him up close and personal, more dangerous, but quiet. If
one of us goes for it, the other one can cover, which might mean we're back to running for a car, but has
a chance at doing it quietly."

"I'm not shooting anybody. I'm a hunter, not a murderer." Daniel shook his head. "There's got to be a
non-lethal way."

"You could hypnotize him with your dulcet voice," he suggested dryly.

"Don't make me beat you, asshole."

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"I'll take a raincheck for a time we aren't being hunted by men with guns. You don't want me to shoot
him, you come up with a better idea."

"Oh.. .Okay. Okay, I can." To his horror, Daniel slid down the dormer window, then headed down the
fucking drain pipe.

Fucking shit.

He did the only thing he could; he got a bead on the asshole left behind and waited to see what stupid
fucked up thing Daniel did next. The man obviously hadn't been paying attention -- these guys had
already killed three men. Non-lethal had pretty much already sailed.

Daniel did the dumbest fucking think he'd ever seen. The bastard just walked right up to the guy left by
the car, tapped him on the shoulder and knocked the son of a bitch out with one punch.

"Jesus fuck." He slid down the dormer window and shimmied down the drain pipe, dropping the last ten
feet in his haste.

"Are you insane?" he hissed, grabbing the guy's legs and dragging him over behind one of the cars. "Get
in the Lincoln. The keys should be under the sun visor."

"I didn't kill him." Daniel slid into the driver's seat, grabbed the keys and started her up. "Come on,
pretty boy. Let's ride."

He snorted. "Watch out who you're calling pretty and shove over -- I'm driving."

"Fuck off. Get in the car. And you are pretty. Move."

Jesus Christ, this guy had been nothing but trouble from the moment he'd pulled him out of range of the
deranged fan. He got into the car though, there was half dozen assholes with guns out for them and he
wasn't stupid.

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"Let's get out of here."

And he was not pretty.

Chapter Two

Dan shot down the road like a bat out of hell, hand throbbing and pounding, head doing about the same.
Fuck a duck, he was sure going to get to the city, find him a hotel and a cup of coffee and a couple of
pain pills and a nap. Then tomorrow?

Home. H. O. M. E. Home. He was going to stomp a mud hole in Sammy's ass and walk it dry. Asshole.
Stupid bastard. Little prick.

He hit the highway going eighty-five, driving like a man with a mission.

"Shit, Daniel, you get us killed on this highway and all that drama will have been for nothing." The pretty
boy ATF agent was clinging to the car door.

He arched an eyebrow. Okay. That was a touch weird. "What? I'm driving fine."

Rafe snorted. "Right. Oh!" Rafe reached in his pocket and picked up his phone, dialed. "Boss?
Archangel. I'm on the move with the primary. We've got trouble." Rafe winced and Dan could hear an
angry voice, though not the specifics.

"Tell him to be nice and I won't get nasty about this whole thing. Oh, and I want a good hotel room on
the far side of OKC." He grinned over, swerving to miss a raccoon in the road. "Oh, and archangel?
That's adorable. Is your real name Rafael?" Man, if he was going to get hit, kidnapped and fucked
around with, he might as well have fun.

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Rafe flipped him the bird and gave him another glare. "Yes, sir. No, sir, given that information I think we
should pick the hotel ourselves at random. Yes, sir, I'll make sure it's within the budget. I'll check in
sometime in the morning. Yes, sir. Yes, sir." Rafe hung up and sighed. "They're sending a clean up team
into the safehouse. Looks like there must have been a leak of some sort -- they knew exactly where to
find you."

"Hey, maybe they knew where to findyou . I am a goddamned singer. Which reminds me, give me my
phone. I need to call Aimee." His manager would be in a panic and the poor girl was six months

"You're supposed to still be in my custody," Rafe told him. "And I keep telling you that you were the
target of a kidnapping plot. These guys want you on board and they don't care how they get you there."

"Yeah, becauseI am the joining type. Give me the phone, angel." Oh, now. That was cute and irritating.
He liked it.

Rafe glared at him. "The name isRafe . Or Agent Gialto."

"Nice glare. Does it work often?"

Rafe's mouth dropped open and then snapped shut again. "People are trying to kidnap you. Three
agents are wounded, captured or more likely dead. We're on the run from a band of militia men with
guns. Are youalways this glib, or only when it's a life or death situation?"

"Usually when it's a life or death situation, sometimes when I'm fighting a migraine, periodically when I'm
trying to get my feet under me, almost always when I break my hand." His temper flared, white-hot and
sudden. "And let me remind you -- I ain't done dick to have somebody kidnap me, I didn't hurt your
agents, and I didn'task the militia to play follow the leader!"

"I never said you did!" Rafe sighed and shook his head. "The whole situation sucks. We're supposed to
find a room to hole up in for what's left of the night and I'll call the boss in the morning for the all clear."

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"Cool. I'll head southeast and find something quiet. You'll have to go in and register us, most likely."

"Yep, that's the idea. Hopefully this'll all be cleared up by morning and you can go home without
worrying about the militia coming after you again."

Yeah, right. Tomorrow morning? He wasgone . Headed home or to Granny's or hell, maybe Darla's up
in Alaska. Her and Tiny'd let him stay.

Rafe seemed to collect himself, face going neutral again, body looking firm, large. "Nothing too flashy,
Mr. Young. We don't want to attract attention."

"Attracting attention is myjob , Angel." He pulled into a Motel 6, screeching to a halt. "Go on, get

He got another glare and the door slammed hard behind Rafe, the man stiff as anything as he made his
way to the front desk. Christ Rafe was far too easy.

Daniel watched, then searched the car for information, an extra phone, a fucking first aid kit. He was
hiding it well, but his knuckles were swelling and turning dark, he needed some aspirin and some ice. Still,
hitting that guy had been fun. He'd had to remember that.

The damned car was clean and Rafe was coming back. "Room twelve, at the end. I'll walk there while
you park the car."

Damn it. They were far enough out of the city that his chances of a twenty-four hour Wal-Mart were
none and slim. He parked the car, pocketed the keys. There we go.

Rafe let them in and immediately went over to the air conditioner, cranking it high. "I don't know whether
to collapse or take a shower first. Oh, I'll take the bed by the door. I'm still responsible for your safety.
Speaking of which, I'd like my piece back, please."

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"You can have it when I get my phone. I'm going to get a bucket of ice."

"You're not going out there with my gun." His phone was handed over along with the admonition not to
be on for longer than thirty seconds and not to tell anyone where they were.

Dan handed the gun over and headed outside, dialing as he walked.

"Danny?" Aimee'd been crying, he could tell.

"Yeah, sweetie. I'm okay. Some..."

"Yeah, yeah. They came and got all of us. I got questioned.Questioned. The label's furious. Where are

He growled low, pushed his hand into the ice. "In a hotel. Don't worry yourself. I'm fine. You rest and
call Granny and 'em. Let them know you heard from me."

"Okay. Okay Danny. You be safe. We're praying for you."

"Yeah, lady. Tell that husband of yours to make you some tea and calm your happy ass down." He hung
up, crouching there for a minute, letting the cold seep in.

Rafe popped his head out. "Mr. Young?" The man frowned and started toward him. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. Getting some ice. Just got off the phone." He stood and filled the ice bucket up. Christ, the sun
was coming up. No wonder his head hurt.

"Shit, look at your hand!" Rafe took the bucket of ice from him, holding onto his wrists and sort of
dragging him back to the hotel. "I am so fired," muttered Rafe under his breath.

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"It'll be okay. Nobody ever died from broken fingers." So long as he could still play after, not that this
guy knew dick-all about music, he'd be gold. "Don't worry, Angel. I won't tell. I just want some migraine
medicine, the ice, and a nap. Maybe pancakes." He thought about it a second, shook his head. "Nah. It's
been a long night. No food."

Rafe gave him another glare, though this one was half-hearted. "I'm not sure about the migraine
medicine, Mr. Young. There's a first aid kit in the trunk of the car, there might be some Tylenol at least in
it. You go ahead and lie down; I'll see what I can find."

"Thanks." He got his boots off, dunked his head in the sink. Fuck, he looked terrible. Bloodshot eyes,
bruised and bloody lip, broken hand -- Damn.

"You look like hell," Rafe noted, coming back in with a sizeable first aid kit. He opened it and rustled
through it, coming up with a tube of ointment and a bottle of pills. "There. For your head and the stuff in
the bottle should help keep the swelling down on your face and hand."

"Cool." He took a handful of the pills, doctored his lip and hand. "And looking like hell isnot in my

Rafe nodded glumly. "I know. I'm sorry. Like I said -- so fired. I was supposed to be protecting you not
mucking up your lip and letting you get us out of there."

Oh, God. So fucking cute.

"How long have you been a... an agent?"

Rafe got all stiff again, standing straight and puffing out his chest. "Four years. This is my first job in the
field," Rafe finished, muttering. "And last."

"Oh, now. You can't give up yet. I'm still alive."

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"Yeah, and me, too and that was touch and go there, wasn't it?” Rafe gave him a wry smile. "I don't
deserve high marks for this one, Mr. Young."

"Hey. You kept a really scared guy from panicking. That's something." He chuckled, shook his head.
"More than something."

Rafe nodded. "The other agents are probably dead though." Rafe shook his head. "Shit, what a mess."

Well, his patting and ego-stroking was all used up for the night. Morning. Whatever. Daniel stuck his
hand back into the bucket of ice, trying to tell himself he wasn't queasy. Was. Not.

"Do you think I should take you to the hospital, Mr. Young?"

"Nah. The hand's broken, but I'll take it to someone tomorrow. And we're way past the Misters, yeah? I
crawled around an attic with you."

"That sounds way more fun than it was." Rafe gave him a grin. "You want me to call you Daniel or

"Dusty is my stage name. My family calls me Danny, friends call me DJ." He grinned right back.

"So Daniel it is, I guess. Seeing as I kind of don't fit any of those categories. Hey, why don't you have a
personal bodyguard? There's a lot of crazies out there, you know."

"Oh, I'm not that big yet. I'm just now playing the big venues."

"You're big enough the militia thought kidnapping you would be big news."

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"Yeah, well. I got a couple three number ones, you know?" Maybe four or five.

"And enough screaming girls to warrant several dozen security guards around the stage." Rafe stretched
out on the bed nearest the door, groaning.

"Yeah." He yawned, blinking a little. "I'm not interested in the girls."

Rafe gave him a look. "You're not?" And was that a squeak in Rafe's voice?

He blinked, trying to focus. "I probably shouldn't have said that, huh?"

"You're just such a... stud." Rafe cleared his throat. "I mean there're all those girls."

"Yeah, but that's just not my thing."

Rafe actually nodded, cheeks a touch red. "Not mine either."

"Yeah?" That made it easier, knowing they both had something to lose.

"Yeah." Rafe's eyes were deep brown, just looking at him.

He blinked again, smiled. "Cool, Angel. Real cool."

Rafe rolled his eyes and tossed a pillow at his head. "My name's Rafe."

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"Is it really Rafael?" So cute.

"If I say no, will you stop calling me Angel?"

"Probably not."

Rafe stuck out his tongue. "Then yeah, it really is Rafael. And my older brother is Gabriel and my
younger brother is Michael."

He chuckled, eyes closing. "Oh, man. I love it. Are you all cute or is it just you?"

Rafe's other pillow hit him in the head.

"Thank you." He tucked the other pillows under him. "Now, answer the question. All studly, or are you a
singular studmuffin?"

"You're making fun of me. And you stole my pillows."

"I am not making fun and you offered the pillows." God, this was fun.

"I didn't offer, I threw." One of them was grabbed, tugged out from under him.

"Oh! So mean! Abuse! Abuse!" He had the late night giggles now, snorting and chuckling.

Rafe laughed. "Oh, now I know you didn't have brothers if you thinkthat is abuse."

"Actually, I'm the only boy. My twin sister lives in Maui." He liked Rafe's laugh.

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"A twin? What's that like?" Rafe had put the pillow under his head, lying on his side, watching.

"She's like having a best friend that never goes away. She's married to a great guy. I see her a lot. Well,
I used to. I'm busy now and she's got a new baby."

"Yeah? You like kids, Daniel?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I do. I mean, I don't reckon I'll ever adopt any, but I like them."

"I've got a ton of nieces and nephews. Gabe's personally making up for my being gay."

He chuckled again, imagining that big body draped with kids. "You out of the closet, then?"

"With the immediate family, yeah. The rest of them just think I can't find the right girl."

"Ah. That's cool." His folks had been gone way before he'd thought about what floated his boat.

"What about you? I know you're not out publicly, why risk telling me?"

"I didn't. You assumed." He grinned, watching the spots swirl on the back of his eyelids.

"I assumed? No. No, you definitely said you weren't into girls."

"I said I didn't care about the girls." Didn't he?

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"No, you said you weren't interested. And then you figured you maybe shouldn't have said it." Rafe
sounded smug. "That means you're into guys. Oh. Or that you're celibate." Rafe looked him up and
down, he couldfeel it. "I can't believe you're celibate."

He snorted, unable to stop it. "If I am, it's not on purpose, Angel. It's because I'm being careful."

"You think it would affect your sales? Does your label know?" And he might have heard another
muttered, "Name's not Angel."

"Affect them? Try destroy them. My manager knows. My sister knows. That's enough."

"You gotta be more careful who you tell then. If I was unscrupulous I'd blackmail you now."

He opened his eyes, looked over and winked. "Kid, you're something else, but you know what? You
kidnapped me from my concert, busted my lip and got my hand broke. Just try blackmail. I'm a singer,
not stupid."

He did like the kid.

A lot.

"I did not kidnap you! I was under orders. And you broke your own hand. I did bust your lip though."

Dan chuckled. "See? Brutality."

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Daniel. I really didn't." Fingers ghosted over his lip, just close enough to feel
the warmth of them. "I'm sorry."

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"Oh." His lips parted on a gasp, the motion brushing Rafe's fingers.

Rafe's fingers were snatched away. "Sorry. It's still pretty sore, huh?"

"No. I mean, yeah, but that wasn't what I 'oh'ed for."

"No?" The fingers came back, one sliding along his cheekbone, two touching the bottom of his lip. "It
makes you look like a real tough guy."

Oh, sweet fuck. It would almost be worth last night to keep being touched.

"It's not just the girls that like how you look." The words were whispered and then Rafe's heat
disappeared, the sound of the springs on the kid's bed loud.

"You didn't have to disappear, Angel. I don't bite." Hard.

"I'm supposed to be looking after you," whispered Rafe. "Not taking advantage."

"It's only advantage if I'm not fully in control of faculties." He looked over, admiring the muscles, the

Rafe's mouth quirked into a half smile. "I don't know, Daniel, it's what? Almost six a.m. and you haven't
slept yet and you were nearly killed earlier. I'm not sure either of us are in full control of our faculties."

He chuckled, tickled deep down. "Man, we haven't had pancakes either."

Rafe frowned, looking puzzled. "Is that some sort of gay code I don't know about?"

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He started laughing, deep and low and harsh, the sounds echoing in the room. "No. No, man. I'm just

Rafe went a little red, but he was laughing, too. "I think we need to get some sleep before we go get
food, Daniel. I don't trust either of us to drive. But I promise you a big old plate of pancakes on the
Agency's tab later."

"That sounds like a fair deal, Angel." He shifted, sliding on the sheets, suddenly exhausted.

"Rafe," came the quiet response and he could feel those brown eyes on him before letting go.

"Mmm... yeah. Rafael. It's a pretty name..." He started snoring, fingers still dangling in the bucket of
melting ice.

Chapter Three

It was the ringing of his phone that woke Rafe up and he sat up out of his deep sleep, heart thumping

Christ, he hadn't even taken off his denim security jacket before falling asleep and it was kind of twisted
up. He finally got the phone out and open. "'Lo?"

"Rafe, where the hell are you?"

"Boss?" He cleared his throat and sat up straight, squinting at the time. Just after three. "A motel outside
of Oklahoma City."

"Your charge okay?"

He looked over at Daniel, the man still snoring softly. "Yeah. Yeah, sleeping. It was a long night."

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"We cleaned up the safehouse. Perez, Archibald and Turner are all dead."

Rafe winced, a fist settling in his belly. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault. We caught three of the bastards, they're claiming that's all there were."

"No. No, there were at least six. We saw them from the roof. They thought Dani -- Mr. Young and I
had gone into the forest. We took out the man they'd left behind and hightailed it out of there."

"Nice work on him, by the way. He was still out when we moved in."

Rafe winced again and figured he'd just keep mum about who exactly had taken that risk for now. He
figured he was in for a big enough ass reaming as it was.

"So what do you want me to do with Mr. Young? He's pretty anxious to get home."

"We've got a safehouse in Abilene that should do."

"With all due respect, sir, he wants to go home."

"We can't guarantee his safety at his place. Too many people know where that is. Especially the ALL
who are going to want him worse than ever now. Possibly to trade for their members we have in custody.
Bring him to Abilene."

Rafe shook his head. "We didn't exactly keep him safe at the farmhouse. Boss, I'm pretty sure he won't
cooperate if I try to take him to Abilene and frankly, I can't say I blame him."

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"You're awfully mouthy for a kid fresh off a desk, Rafael."

Man, his wince was going to become permanent at this rate. Still, he figured he was in enough shit on this
one already, a little more couldn't hurt. "I'm sorry, sir, but having spent a bit of time with Mr. Young, I
can assure you that short of my tying him up and forcing him, he won't go to Abilene, or anywhere else
for that matter."

"All right, Rafe. You're on guard duty then. Take him wherever he wants to go, but if those bastards lay
one finger on him you're finished."

He swallowed. "Yes, sir."

The phone went dead and he winced again.

"You stood up for me pretty well, Rafael." Daniel sat up, stretching. The man's hand looked like hell,
black and swollen. "I appreciate it."

He managed to wince again at the sight of that hand. "I figure I owe you one." Or two or three.

Daniel nodded. "It looks worse than it feels, I think. What do you feel about Wyoming?"

"Wyoming? I thought you lived in Dallas?"

"I live in Amarillo, which is absolutely not Dallas. But I don't exactly live in a hidden compound, do I?
I'm thinking I have a little hunting cabin in the mountains outside of Cheyenne. Quiet. Private. Hot tub."

It sounded sweet. And it made sense, to go somewhere unexpected, just disappear. "Okay, but first we
get food and you to the doctor."

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"Works for me. My guitar's still in the car. I can buy jeans anywhere."

"All right. You ready to go?" His loudly growling stomach suggested they get the food first, but he didn't
like the look of Daniel's hand. "We should do the hospital first."

"Oh, hell no. Hospitals have sick people and long lines." Daniel grabbed his phone, dialed a number.
"Aimee? Baby? I need a doctor in southeast Oklahoma City. Yeah. Hand. Don't ask, lovely. I'm taking
my break in the mountains, you know? Through the holidays. Of course I'll come when the baby's born.
Get me an appointment."

Rafe grinned. Daniel was one of those people who knew how to get stuff done. Which would explain in
part why he was so pissed off at being virtually kidnapped to save his life. Rafe checked the hotel room
out, making sure they weren't leaving anything behind, but it wasn't like they had luggage, now was it?

"Now. Feed me. Aimee'll call."

"Hand over the keys and we'll find an IHOP."

"I'm not driving?" Right, with that hand?

He just snorted and held out his hand for the keys. "Try again, Cowboy."

"They're in my pocket." Those eyes were evil.

Pure evil.

"You saying you want me to go fishing?" And how come just the thought of that had his prick working
on standing at attention, pushing at his jeans?

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Daniel gave him that famous little wiggle. "You think you can?"


"I'm not sure this is a good idea," he said softly, eyes definitely below Daniel's belt.

"No? I won't push you, Angel. Hold on, I'll grab them." He got to watch those hips wiggle, Daniel
reaching across for the pocket.

He licked his lips, he couldn't help it. "I just... I'm supposed to be looking out for you, Daniel, not..." He
waved his hand at Daniel's pants.

"But you are looking."

He swallowed and nodded, voice thick when he replied. "I guess I am at that. And it seems silly to make
you reach over like that..."

"Then get your keys, Angel."

"Not my name," he murmured, eyes flicking to Daniel's as he stepped closer, hand reaching for the man's

"Rafael. Rafe." Daniel smelled male, strong.

He nodded, slipping his hand into Daniel's pocket. Damn, those were tight jeans. He bit his bottom lip,
pushing his fingers in deeper.

"Mmm..." Daniel sucked in and, fuck, he felt it. Daniel’s belly justrippled . He might have whimpered

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and he was definitely disappointed when his fingers found the keys. "Damn. You could drop them; go
fishing for them."

His eyes widened, fingers fluttering and dropping the keys. "Oh. I didn't. Not on purpose. I."

"Shh..." Daniel smiled, tongue wetting those pretty lips. "It's cool."

He was mesmerized by the shine on the red lips. He could smell Daniel, hot and male, and the man was
so warm. His fingers went for the keys again and he gasped softly as his fingers brushed against what had
to be Daniel's cock.

"Oh..." Daniel leaned, cock brushing his fingers. "You're warm."

"And you're hot." He just stood there, looking at Daniel, fingers in the man's pocket.

"You going to freak out if I kiss you?"

"Is your lip okay?" he asked. The ointment seemed to have done a good job getting down the swelling,
but it still looked a little sore.

"It's a little tender. Nothing worth worrying over." God, the man's eyes were blue. Real blue.

"Then I guess I'm not going to freak."

He leaned in a little, eyes watching Daniel's get closer. There were a lot of reasons why this wasn't a
good idea. Then Daniel's tongue slid over his lips, soft and right, hot as fire. Oh, man. Then there was the
reason it was. He made a sound, soft and needy, fingers curling in Daniel's pocket.

"Mmm-hmm. So fucking pretty." Daniel pushed the kiss a little deeper, tongue slipping into his lips.

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He wasn't pretty. And he might have said so, except Daniel's tongue was in his mouth and it was so hot.
He moaned, letting his mouth open, letting Daniel in. He'd been kissed before, but this? This was warm
and slow, controlled. It was like Daniel was tasting him and feeling him and offering him something really
good all at once. Another not whimper pushed from him and his free hand reached out, finding Daniel's
hip and holding on.

Daniel moaned, the sound vibrating his lips. Oh, God. Oh, God. He moved his fingers, touching the tip
of Daniel's cock again through his pocket.

"That's it. Damn, Angel. That's just fine."

"Name's Rafe," he whispered, though just now it didn't seem very important. No, not important at all.

"Mmhmm. Rafe. Rafael. Pretty Angel. Kiss me again."

"Okay." He didn't argue the point that he wasn't pretty and angel wasn't his name. He didn't argue the
point that it had been Daniel kissing him. He just pushed their lips back together again, his own tongue
sliding into Daniel's lips this time. Daniel opened, let him in, sucked on his tongue, just humming away.

He shivered, his cock going all the way hard, making him push against Daniel. That made the hums
louder, the suction harder. Fuck, he needed, wanted. He pushed harder against Daniel, hands pulling
Daniel toward him. Daniel pressed close, entire body rubbing against him. Hard cock rubbing against

"Oh, God. I want you."

"There's two beds. Pick one. Food'll wait."

He pushed Daniel back, going down with him, his finger still stuck in Daniel's pocket. Daniel's sore hand
stayed up out of the way, free hand stroking over his head and tugging him closer. He rubbed them

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together, his cock aching as he slid against Daniel's body.

"Let me feel you. Skin on skin. Come on."

He nodded, tugging his hand out of Daniel's pocket. Rolling to the side, he started in on the buttons on
Daniel's shirt. Daniel's chest was lightly muscled, nipples flat and pale, broad shoulders leading down into
a tiny waist.

"Oh, you're the pretty one. Well... handsome. You're gorgeous." He popped the top button of Daniel's
jeans, looking up into the blue eyes to make sure it was still all right.

"Just a singer. You? Fuck, you've got promise."

"What am I promising?" he asked, smiling as his fingers slid on Daniel's skin. So hot and smooth, little
hairs just above the waistband catching on his fingertips.

"Mmm... Pleasure, Angel." Daniel just responded to every touch, moving like no lover he'd ever had.

He slid his hands back up to tease the pretty pink nipples, watching as they hardened up for his fingers.
He knew he was blushing, but Daniel's words made him warm, too. Hot.

"Men could write songs about those fingers, I swear." Daniel pressed up against him, hard and wanting.

"Hey, you don't have to make stuff up; I'm kind of a sure thing, here."

"Good. Lose the shirt? Let me see?" Daniel leaned up, nuzzling into his neck.

"Yeah." He nodded, sitting up to tug off the damned denim jacket and pull off the black t-shirt that went
with it.

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"Oh, look at that belly..." Daniel reached out with his good hand, petting and stroking and moaning.

His muscles rippled beneath Daniel's touch. He worked out -- it was nice to have it noticed. He leaned
back down slowly, mouth pressing against Daniel's again, fingers sliding on Daniel's skin. Oh, man. They
fit together well, belly to belly, one of Daniel's legs wrapped around his. He moaned into Daniel's mouth,
tongue sneaking back in between Daniel's lips.

He could feel the heat of Daniel's cock pressing against his own through too many layers of denim. "I
want more," he told Daniel.

"Hell yes. I'm all about more." His lips were nipped, sucked.

He moaned and started working on Daniel's zipper, trying hard not to bump or zipper the man's prick.
Fuck. Daniel was wet-tipped and hard, prick pushing out toward his hand. He gasped softly, fingers
siding over the wet, picking up the slightly sticky liquid.

"Mmm... yeah. Right there. Right fucking there."

He nodded, pushing his index finger against the leaking slit, his breath catching in his throat. A dull flush
rushed up Daniel's belly, sexy as anything. He dropped his fingers to circle just the head, squeezing
slightly and then moving up and down. God, Daniel was hot, silky. It felt like forever since he had
touched a cock not his own.

He moaned, his mouth crashing down on Daniel's as the need suddenly rode him hard. His hand circled
Daniel's prick and he rubbed against Daniel's thigh. Daniel pushed into the kisses, groaning, tongue sliding
against his. That free hand worked furiously, tugging and pulling at his belt, his slacks. There was
something sexy about that, about Daniel wanting him that badly, too and he wasn't helping at all, hips
driving him against Daniel's hand as he tongue fucked Daniel's lips.

Daniel's fingers wrapped around his cock, tugging it out. Those fingers were so hot, so sure. It had been
a long time since he'd been touched by another man, not since before he'd started working for the agency
and all it took was that touch, Daniel's fingers like magic, right from the start. He cried out, shuddering as

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the pleasure spilled through him, his come spurting over both their bellies.

He panted, forehead resting on Daniel's shoulder. "Oh, God. Shit, I'm sorry. It just. I." He squeezed
Daniel's cock and started stroking purposefully.

"No sorrys. No... Oh, God. That's fine, Angel. Just fine."

He worked Daniel's cock a little harder, determined not to make the man wait after having come so fast
himself. He squeezed just a little harder every time he passed the ridge of the head and his thumb
repeatedly passed across the slit, pulling the leaking drops down to slick the passage of Daniel's cock
along his hand.

Daniel grunted, shoulders leaving the mattress, lips parted. "Oh. Fuck. Right there."

He couldn't resist going in for another kiss as he kept working Daniel's cock, hand moving like crazy
now, stroking hard and fast. Heat sprayed over his fingers, Daniel pushing hard into the kiss. It sent a
shiver down his own spine and he moaned softly, hand slowing and then stopping.

Rafe settled on his side next to Daniel, watching Daniel's face. His hand was covered in Daniel's come,
and he just kind of surreptitiously wiped it into the skin of his own belly. He liked the sharp, salty smell of
Daniel's come.

Daniel had a smile on his face, happy and sort of goofy. "That was a nice wake up."

He grinned and nodded. "Yeah. Not in the agency handbook, but nice."

"Oh, I bet you and me could add a chapter to that handbook, Angel."

"A whole chapter?" Wouldn't that be nice. To have a whole chapter's worth of time together.

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"You know it. My skinny ass needs protecting, remember?" Daniel sat up, winked. "And feeding and

"Oh, yeah." He nodded and popped up, pulling his pants closed and getting his t-shirt back on. "Do you
need help getting dressed again?"

"If you don't mind. The zipper'll give me fits."

"It might give me fits and all," he murmured, both itching to get his hands back on Daniel and knowing he

"We'll never know 'til we try..." Daniel wiggled for him, eyes dancing.

"If you ever want to get fed, you're going to have to stop doing that," he warned, his stupid cock jumping
in his pants.

Daniel licked his lips. "Food is overrated."

He whimpered just a little, eyes following Daniel's tongue. "I thought you were dying for pancakes."

"IHOP's open twenty-four hours."

He didn't need any more convincing than that. He leaned in, giving into his instincts and taking Daniel's
mouth. Daniel moaned, one arm wrapping around his neck, tongue pushing alongside his own. Oh, fuck,
they were going to do this again. He tugged Daniel back down onto the bed.

"Mmm... a two-fer. We need to get rubbers while we're getting supplies, Angel." Those blue eyes were

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"And lube," he suggested, deciding he might as well jump right in.

"Oh, hell yes. I like how you think."

"Well there's a change," he teased.

"Don't make me beat you, kid." Daniel's laugh made him grin, made him harder.

"We just got you all wrapped back up," he noted, fingers tugging Daniel's buttons open again.

He didn't make the joke about beatings, just concentrated on the naked again part.

"When we get to the cabin? We can do more naked, less wrapping. You hunt any?"

He shook his head. "No, but I know how to hunt this." He opened Daniel's pants and reached in.

Daniel twisted, cock filling, pushing up into his touch. He moaned, fingers exploring this time, sliding over
the heat, the silk, tracing the veins.

"Oh, that's nice. Fucking fine, Angel."

"You're hot," he murmured, fingers sliding down further to fondle Daniel's balls.

"It's been a long time since someone touched me like this." Daniel moaned, spreading wide.

"It's been a long time since I've touched someone like this." Shit, Daniel was something to see.

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"Then we're well-matched."

He nodded, focus on the softness of the skin beneath his fingers, the way Daniel's balls moved. Daniel
relaxed for him, moaning and shifting, responsive to every touch. He could get lost in this, in exploring
and fucking. He could so totally forget what he was supposed to be doing.

"A man could so get used to you, Angel. Damn." Daniel's fingers slid through his hair, just petting. He
was feeling too good to complain about the nickname.

He closed his lips over Daniel's, hand sliding back up to wrap around Daniel's cock and stroke. Daniel
moaned into the kiss, tongue fucking his lips over and over. He was making his own sounds, little
whimpers mostly, he just couldn't seem to stop. He rubbed against Daniel's hip, only a small part of his
brain registering that he only had the one pair of pants and didn't really want to come in them.

"Get your cock out, Angel. Work us together."

He gasped, fingers fumbling with his zipper. His head buried into Daniel's neck, a groan coming from
deep inside him as he took them both in his hand.

"Oh, sweet fuck. Just. Like. That." Daniel planted his feet on the mattress, hips working good and hard.

Rafe wrapped his lips around Daniel's shoulder, sucking the salty skin, muffling his cries as he kept his
hand moving. Daniel's cock moved against his own, moved against his fingers, just burning. He licked his
way down to Daniel's nipple, taking the hard little bit of flesh into his mouth and sucking.

"Oh, damn." Daniel went still, heartbeat pounding beneath his lips.

He used his tongue to flick at the very tip of the tiny bit of flesh in his mouth, and then licked with it flat
against Daniel's nipple before going back to sucking. His hand kept working them, too, his own cock just
jumping at the contact with Daniel's.

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"Fuck, you. Your mouth. Fuck." Daniel moved and jerked, shuddering beneath him.

He was taking that as a good sign and so he just kept nibbling and sucking on the flesh in his mouth, just
loving Daniel's reaction.

"More. Fuck. More, Angel. Harder."

He bit down on Daniel's nipple, let his teeth sink into the flesh as his hand squeezed hard, making his
own hips buck. Daniel cried out as heat sprayed over his fingers, over his cock. Oh, fuck, that was good.
So good.

He bit hard as his own hips jerked, more heat spreading between them. He lay there, gasping, hand still
clenched around their cocks.

"Damn. Angel, you're special."

"No, that's the FBI guys. 'Special Agents'."

Daniel snorted, swatted his ass. "What are you, then?"

"Hey now, no abusing the person guarding your life." Not that he was doing the greatest job at that right
now. "But I'm just a regular old ATF agent."

"You're a cute ATF guy, though."

He felt himself blushing, surprised he still could after what they'd just done. "You're not so bad for a
primary yourself."

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"Thank you ever so." Daniel's eyes just sparkled.

He chuckled, and wiped his hand off on the sheets. "We should maybe get back to the plan," he said
softly, rolling off Daniel.

"Picky picky picky. Pancakes. Pain pills. Better casual clothes for you."

"You don't like my outfit?" He pouted, trying not to laugh. "It's my best suit."

"It's adorable and you'll stick out like a sore thumb."

"It's not adorable. And honestly? It's your people's idea of a suit. Adorable. Cute. Angel. He had the
distinct feeling Daniel didn't take him seriously.

"Well, I don't get to choose that. I'll talk to Aimee."

"You put a lot of faith in this Aimee." He did himself back up and started helping Daniel get dressed.

"She’s my manager, my agent, my best friend. She and her man are fixing to have their first baby."

"You know you're going to have to stay away from her, right? You don't want to bring any of this on
her." He grinned wryly after he'd done up Daniel's pants. "And you've still got the keys in your pocket --
we're back where we started."

Daniel cackled. "Don't even think about it, man. I'm too old to get it up again."

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He reached into Daniel's jeans and snagged the keys, pulling them out. "Let’s go get pancakes, Mr.

"Oh, hell yes. IHOP, here we come."

Damn, that smile was something else.

And he had a feeling it was going to get him into a whole lot of trouble.

Chapter Four

His belly was full. His hand was in a cast. He had a new suitcase, two pairs of jeans and five t-shirts,
along with the bare essentials -- razor, shampoo, ball cap, toothpaste, Alan Jackson's Greatest Hits,
Merle Haggard boxed set, socks.

Then they got his pain pills and some road munchies and they were off.

Well, Rafe was off.

He was snoozing and half-singing with the radio.

There'd been an argument about what station it should go on, but Rafe had finally sighed, muttered
something about just being the guard and it was left on country radio. It had helped Dan’s argument that
there was precious little other radio to be found.

It was very dark when Rafe shook his shoulder. "Daniel? You'll need to tell me where to go."

"Uh. Hotel? Hotel works. And food." Fuck, he'd been sleeping hard.

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"All right. There's been signs for Ruby's Motel and Diner. It'll be another ten minutes or so." Rafe gave
him a smile.

"Cool. Cool. Did I snore?"

"Nope. But you snuffled some and I'm pretty sure you were drooling." Rafe grinned wickedly.

"Bitch." He chuckled, grimacing as he whapped his cast against the car door. "This thing's unwieldy as

"Careful, Daniel. You don't want to hurt yourself worse." Rafe had been horrified that he'd needed the
cast. "I don't want to be responsible for you not being able to play anymore..."

"The doctor says it's just a precaution. Four weeks isn't bad." And if he was a little worried, well, he
wasn't saying.

Rafe nodded, but didn't look happy about it at all.

"Oh, here we are!" Rafe turned into Ruby's, parking on the motel side.

He opened the door, one of his songs playing on the radio. "Man, I should've bought coats. You sign us
in? I don't want publicity."

"Yeah, not to mention I haven't a clue what cover story they've got out on you right now and we don't
want to blow that. Order me the brisket and a Coke, okay?"

"Yeah, gimme my cap." His lip was swollen enough to make him less recognizable.

He went in, kept his head down and ordered a barbeque plate, a burger and onion rings and two Cokes

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from a hefty red-head in a warm-looking grey sweater. "Oh, and two coconut cream pie slices, please

"Sure thing, honey. You look like you've been on the wrong end of a couple of fists, sugar."

"Yeah, tore it up a little. Happens sometimes, you know?"

"You take care of yourself now, sugar. Some girl's gotta be worried about you." She gave him a wink
and headed off, just as Rafe was coming in.

Rafe sat down across from him. "Your lip's pretty colorful -- is it hurting?"

"Nah. It's just pretty." He gave Rafe a grin. "You get a room for the night?"

"I did. It's. I." Rafe blushed nicely.

"Good sized bed?" He could eat the kid up with a spoon.

Rafe's color got darker and he nodded. "It was king sized or twins. They didn't have any rooms with
two doubles vacant. I figured we'd have more room in the king than the two twins. I wasn't assuming
anything at all."

"No? I am." Oh, cute as could be.

"Oh. Oh!" And didn't that blush get all the darker. Poor kid was going to be purple any minute. "It was
nice," Rafe admitted, not quite meeting his eyes.

"I can handle nice." He let his voice lower. "And not so nice."

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"Mr. Young!" Rafe sounded shocked, those dark brown eyes looked it, too.

"What? Am I supposed to pretend?"

"Well... no, I guess not." Rafe ducked his head. "What's not so nice?"

He leaned forward, whispered. "I'm thinking some of the things we got up to this morning were less nice
than not."

He wondered if Rafe was going to be able to pass that color off as a sunburn. "I liked this morning. I
bought lube and condoms."

"Yeah? I'd like a few hours reliving the moment. Maybe we could be naked."

Rafe laughed, the sound almost a snort. "Yeah. Yeah, that would be nice."

"Nice." He started laughing, the sound drawing looks and grins, but he couldn't help it.

Rafe kicked him under the table. "Nice is a good word, Daniel."

"Nice is a nice word, Angel."

Rafe rolled his eyes. "You do know my name, right?"

"Yes. Rafael, which is really exceptionally neat. Are you Italian?"

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"My grandparents on my father's side, yeah." The waitress came with their food, big, full plates and Rafe
actually moaned at the sight of it.

He chuckled, shook his head. Must take a shitload of food for a guy that size. "Eat up."

Rafe nodded and dug in, eating like he was starving. Which he likely was as they hadn't eaten since

"This is fantastic." He nodded, having a hell of a time eating his hamburger one-handed. Rafe was about
halfway through his meal when he reached out, touching Dan on the back of his good hand. "How about
I cut that for you?"

He found himself blushing now, nodding. "Do you mind?"

"Nope. I'm an uncle of many, remember?" Rafe winked and quickly cut his hamburger up into bite sized

"Thanks. I'm a little gimpy." Just a little.

"Not where it counts," Rafe told him softly, eyes warm.

"Yeah. Let's get our dessert to go."

"Okay." Rafe's foot slid along his calf. "Sounds good."

Oh, now. That was almost flirtatious. Impressive.

"That it does."

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Rafe grinned, head ducking, but smile sweet. "Maybe even nice."

"Maybe." He laughed again, shook his head. "There's a song in that."

"Is that how you get your inspiration? The things people say?"

"Lots of times, yeah. Sometimes it just hits me."

"Yeah? Cool. I like most of your songs."

"You do?" He found himself blushing, cheeks burning. That felt incredibly good.

Rafe nodded. "And I'm not sucking up, I swear."

"Thanks, man. I didn't think you'd know my music."

"What -- because I'm a 'Yankee'?"

"Yeah, actually. And because you're young and don't wear cowboy boots."

"It's not my usual music, but I bought your albums when your name came into the case. Kind of listened
to them a lot, to try and get a bead on you and the genre."

"What did you learn?" He leaned back, nibbling on his fries.

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"It's not all twangy, someone shot my dog so I shot his daddy shit."

He chuckled and nodded. "Not all of it. Wait for the next album, Angel."

"Don't tell me you're leaving country music for rock and roll." Rafe's eyes twinkled.

"Not fucking likely. I love what I do, balls to bones. Won't give it up for love or money." Hell, if this
hadn't been the last concert? He'd be on the road right now.

Rafe chuckled and finished the last of his brisket. "That was really good." That foot was back, sliding
along his calf.

"It wasn't bad. Let’s get that dessert and go." He had better ideas than polite chitchat in the restaurant.

"Yeah, did you already order it? If not, I want to try the coconut cream pie, they say it's the best in the
south on their menu."

"I did and that's what I picked. It sounded good."

Rafe gave him a smile. "Yeah, cream pie sounds good." Damn, the kid was cute when he tried to flirt.

"It's one of a dozen things that does."

"You know a dozen ways?"

"At least." Especially if you multiplied by two.

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"Oh." Rafe's eyes were glued to him. Rafe licked his lips.

"Uh-huh. Pie. To go. I'll pay."

"If I pay it goes on the agency's tab."

"Oh, even better. I like that." He grinned, levered himself up and headed for the counter. "Could we get
that pie to go, honey? I'm beat."

Rafe came up beside him and took out his wallet, paying cash. "I need a receipt, please."

She gave Rafe a long look. "You're not responsible for this boy's bruises are you?"

Rafe choked and sort of shook his head. "Um, not exactly."

"He's my rescuer, actually. Pulled my butt out of the fire." Rafeso owed him.

Rafe shot him a grateful look and grabbed his change, leaving their waitress a large tip. The kid headed
out at all but a run.

He watched the kid go, chuckling under his breath.

"He's a doll-baby." The waitress gave him a wink.

Dan just nodded. "He is. He just doesn't like to admit it. Yet."

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He headed out the door, humming along with the radio. It was going to be a grand evening. He could

Chapter Five

Rafe was blushing so hard the tips of his ears were burning. Fuck, what that waitress must have thought
of him. Thing was, he was kind of responsible for Daniel's injuries, now wasn't he? He'd been the one to
tackle Daniel and give him the fat lip and if Rafe had been doing his job, Daniel wouldn't have had to take
out the militia guy and save both their asses.

As he opened the door to their room with the big old king sized bed, he couldn't help but think that he
was doing a pretty poor job at looking out for his primary. And to top it off, he was dallying with the man
as well. It was a strange word, but he could just hear it in his head in Deputy Chief Carson's sharp voice.

Maybe he should make sure he stopped doing that. Be professional from here on out. The thought of
doing that put a pang in his stomach, almost like he'd been sucker punched.

A dull kick to the door made him jump, Dan's voice ringing out. "Little help? My hands are full."

"Oh! Sorry!" Damn it. He shook his head at himself. He had to get it together.

He opened the door for Dan. "Sorry. I suck."

"Good to know." One of the pieces of pie was handed over, Dan offering him a grin. God, the man was
too confident for his own good.

That grin made him feel good though, even if he was blushing harder than ever at how Dan had
interpreted his comment. He opened his container and made a soft noise, embarrassment forgotten. "Oh,
this looks wonderful. How come it's the middle of nowhere places that have the best food?"

"They have to keep the same folks coming back over and over." Dan settled on the end of the bed, cap
tossed off. "I grew up working at a little coffee shop -- nothing fancy, biscuits and meatloaf and

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hamburgers -- but I tell you, the same people came in every damned day."

"Yeah? So you can cook? I can put together pasta with tomatoes and spices and stuff. Homemade
pizza. Nothing fancy, Italian style." Rafe passed a fork to Dan and sat next to him on the bed. "I definitely
can't cook dessert, let alone something incredible like this."

"I'm not big on baking, but I can follow instructions well enough." Dan balanced the box on his thighs,
holding the top with the tips of the casted fingers.

"You okay there?" Rafe asked, watching Dan's lips move. "I could bring a chair over or something for
you to set your container on."

"Nah, I got it." Dan licked some whipped cream off the fork, tongue sliding.

Rafe groaned, eyes dropping down to his pie. Oh, his good intentions were disappearingfast .

"Good pie, huh?" Dan smiled, nodded, making soft, satisfied noises that were remarkably similar to ones
he heard earlier.

He swallowed and nodded, eyes meeting Dan's again. He could barely taste the pie now, which was a
shame, but his whole focus was on Dan and his cock was taking notice and distracting his mouth from the

Dan moaned soft, scooped a bite up onto one finger and offered it over.

"Oh." He leaned over and licked at Dan's finger and then, moaning softly, wrapped his lips around it and
sucked it clean of the sweet stuff. Dan's skin was salty and male beneath the cream. His cock liked that
more than the sweet and he let his eyes close, kept sucking.

The dessert boxes got pushed away, Daniel scooting over to land in his lap. "Oh, man. You're special."

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He gasped and laughed softly, arms automatically going around Daniel, holding him. "You're the special
one, Daniel. Famous singer and all..." Sexy.

"Oh, hat acts are a dime a dozen. I'm just a guy." Daniel leaned down, lips brushing against his own.

"Just a guy who makes me ache," murmured Rafe, pushing into the kiss.

Daniel wrapped those arms around him, the kiss going deep and sharp-edged, hungry and hot, just like
that. Pie forgotten, he opened his mouth wide and leaned back on the bed, Daniel's weight feeling good
on top of him. His hands slid and grabbed that sweet ass, squeezed.

Daniel was hard against him, hips rocking and rubbing them together. A part of his brain reminded him
that they were supposed to do it without any clothes this time, but most of him was focused on
responding eagerly, humping up, hands wandering.

"Mmm... touch me. You've got sweet hands."

Moaning softly, he tugged at Daniel's shirt, pulling it out of the tight jeans so he could run his hands up
along Daniel's back. Warm, smooth skin met his fingertips, making him moan again.

"Oh. Oh, that's good. Oh, just fine, Angel."

He felt too good himself to argue about the nickname, fingers too busy learning the trail of Daniel's bony
spine. And now that he was touching skin he wanted more. "Naked."

"Oh, hell yes. Been wanting to see those muscles for hours."

That had him blushing again and he rolled Daniel off, figuring if he was going to be the one making them
naked, and given Daniel's hand, that was a fair bet, then he needed to get it all done at once and without

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distractions or it just wasn't going to happen.

He opened Daniel's shirt, fingers not quite steady. "You're not so bad yourself," he murmured. Daniel
wasn't ripped or anything, but his lean body had strong, clean lined muscles that just drew his fingers.

"You like? You can see it all." Daniel stretched, thighs spread for him.

He nodded, swallowing as his fingers and eyes followed the little glory trail that disappeared down into
Daniel's jeans. His fingers went from not quite steady to outright trembling, but he got Daniel's jeans
undone and damn, the man wasn't wearing any underwear.

"You too, Angel. You, too. I want to see it all."

He nodded, but he was far more interested in touching the acreage of skin pulling off Daniel's jeans and
boots revealed, his fingertips sliding along Daniel's legs, the hairs tickling. Daniel chuckled, moaned, just
offered up all of these sweet little sounds.

He bent and kissed the skin on the inside of Daniel's knee, and then farther up, his kiss spreading
Daniel's legs out a little, letting loose a waft of heat that smelled like Daniel and like pure man. He
moaned, hips jerking, cock leaking inside his pants.

"Fuck, Rafael. Skin.Skin , Angel."

He nodded and groaned. "Yeah, feels good. Warm. Smells good, too." Such lovely skin.

Daniel spread a little farther, heavy balls drawing up a little.

"Oh, pretty." He reached out and touched, sliding them gently in his fingers and then the long cock that
curved up and ended in wet kisses on Daniel's belly. He nosed the balls next, breathing in deeply before
licking, dragging his tongue over the soft skin. His hips were working the bed, humping like crazy.

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"C'mon Angel. Please. Let me see." Oh, man. No one'd ever sounded like they'd wanted him so much
before. It pushed him out of his daze, made him realize what Daniel was asking, what the man wanted
and he nodded, licked his lips.

"Sorry," he muttered, standing and stripping down quickly. It was something that usually would have
made him a little embarrassed, stripping in front of another guy like that, while the man watched, but
Daniel... he felt more sexy than shy doing this for Daniel. And with his cast, it wasn't like Daniel could do
it very well himself, now was it? Finally he stood there, naked, gazing down at the lines and planes of
Daniel's body.

"Oh, sweet fuck. You're beautiful. Fucking stunning." Daniel sounded like a starving man.

That did make him blush, his cock jerking against his belly. He climbed back onto the bed, lying next to
Daniel so they could kiss, so he could touch and rub against Daniel. Oh, this had been good before, but
naked it was just wonderful. Daniel cuddled right in, moaning and purring, long cock snuggled against his.

"Oh, fuck, Daniel. Daniel..." He pushed against Daniel, started rocking them together. Daniel nodded,
pushing right back.

He found Daniel's mouth with his own, groaning into the wet heat, tongue sliding against Daniel's.
Daniel's kiss got deeper, sharper, tongue hot and slick. Rafe whimpered, pushed harder, hand sliding
down to grab Daniel's ass, pull them closer together.

They found a rhythm, rocking and rubbing, pricks just kissing each other. He worked his free hand
between them, finding Daniel's nipples and teasing them. Daniel's fingers slid over the small of his back,
up along his spine. He shivered, whimpered again at the sweet touches. The hotel comforter scratched
against his skin, a sharp contrast to the touches of Daniel's fingers, Daniel's body.

"Mmm... Like that sound. Want more."

"Sound?" he asked, pushing Daniel over, and rocking harder against him, their cocks sliding together like

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"Sound. You. More."

He shook his head. He still wasn't sure what Daniel meant, he wasn't doing anything special. He figured
he'd just keep doing what he was doing, so he moved faster, gasping as their cocks slid and pressed,
squeezed between their bodies.

"Mmm..." Daniel's mouth nipped and nibbled all the way down his shoulder.

That made him whimper again and he gasped softly. "'S good. Really good." He slid his hand through
Daniel's hair, kept moving his hips.

"Can you get the rubbers? I want to suck you off."

"Oh fuck." He nodded and looked around, trying to remember where they should be. "In your bag?"

"Yeah. Can you reach?" Daniel slipped down, mouth moving along his chest.

Not from the bed and he whimpered, tearing himself away from Daniel. He grabbed Daniel’s bag and
opened it, dumped it out and rustling through Daniel’s clothes. He snagged the lube and the condoms,
tossing them onto the bed before climbing back on himself. "Got them."

"Oh, stay just like that." Daniel slid beneath him, grabbing a rubber as he went.

He whimpered again, elbows locking, as he looked down his body, watched Daniel.

Fuck, those eyes were the bluest things he'd ever seen and he'd bet that Daniel didn't even understand
how charismatic he was.

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He swallowed hard, his cock bobbing right over Daniel like it was begging for the man's attention.

"Mmm. Pretty man." Those famous lips took the rubber and started working it down him.

"Oh, God." He locked his elbows in place, all his muscles going tight as Daniel's hot mouth slowly took
in his prick.

There was something to be said for breath control. Breath control and fingers that slid over his thighs.
Hell, even the rough brush of the cast wasn't terrible.

His body wanted to thrust, but he forced it not to, kept himself kneeling there on the bed as Daniel blew
his mind. Well his cock, but his mind was definitely involved, too, or at least noticing. Something. Oh,

He whimpered some more.

Daniel moaned, tongue sliding along the heavy vein in his prick, fluttering against it.

"Daniel..." The word came out as little more than a squeak, and his eyes closed tight as he curled his
fingers into the sheets, trying to hold on.

Daniel's good hand started moving him, encouraging him to move, to drive into that hot mouth.

He didn't need more than that to stop holding back and he let go, let his hips do what they so
desperately wanted to, fucking Daniel's mouth. It was incredible, watching his prick pushing between
Daniel's lips, spreading them, and feeling it as it happened.

A shudder went through him and he moved faster.

A groan sort of pushed around his prick, vibrating it, and he jerked, sliding deep, down to the root.

"Dan!" He screamed the name out, his back arching as he came, filling the condom in rapid pulses.

Oh, fuck. Oh, he. Yeah. Yeah, needed that.

So fucking bad.

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He pulled out of Daniel's mouth and collapsed down sideways, panting and groaning as he reached
down to pat Daniel's head. He wanted to say thanks and wow, that was incredible, and what can I do
for you, but he only managed a grunt and a few more pats.

Daniel chuckled, lips soft on his belly, eyes dancing.

He grinned down, his patting becoming proper stroking as he slowly got his coordination back. "Wow.
That was. Yeah, wow."

"Mmmhmm. Touch me, Angel. I got one hell of a need."

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry. Sorry." He slid down so they were face to face, and pressed their lips together, his
hand moving over Daniel's belly.

"Mmm." Daniel bucked against him, rubbing, pushing that wet-tipped prick toward his hand.

Grinning, he wrapped his hand around Daniel's cock, slowly jacking it. It was hot, and felt so good. "I
could suck you, too," he said, and started wriggling down the bed.

"Oh, sweet Jesus. Yeah. Yeah, Angel. It's been awhile, huh?"

He snagged a condom as he came face to... well, as he was faced with Daniel's cock. He licked at the
tip, taking in the drops of pre-come.

"I'll do my best to make it good," he murmured.

"You'll do fine, honey. Just fine."

That soft drawl was so sexy, and Daniel's words settled nicely in his belly and made him feel like he
would do just fine.

He tongued down one side, and then up the other, exploring the shape and flavor and heat before he had
to put on the condom.

"Oh. Oh, you. Yeah, Angel." Daniel stretched out, just rocking, pushing up toward him.

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He could get used to Daniel calling him Angel if it was in that tone of voice that said he was making
Daniel go nuts.

He licked some more, making sure he got every bit of Daniel's cock, making it shine wetly.

Daniel started rocking, ass sliding on the sheets. Fuck, that was sexy.

Going lower, he nuzzled Daniel's balls, licked and nibbled on them.

"Oh, you're something. Come on, honey. I hurt with needing you."

He considered doing the trick with putting the condom on with his mouth, but he couldn't quite figure out
how to get that started, so he just went with sliding it on with his hand, and following that up by taking the
tip into his mouth.

He ignored the taste and concentrated on the heat, sucking hard.

Daniel made the best motherfucking sounds, almost singing to him, the sound raw-toned and edgy.

He wrapped his hand around the base of Daniel's cock and started bobbing his head, hand coming up to
meet his lips.

"Yes. Yes. So good." Daniel's hand brushed his hair. "Don't stop, honey. Please."

He shook his head, lips sliding back and forth across Daniel's prick. He wasn't going to stop until Daniel
felt as good as he did.

He bobbed faster and increased his suction, lips dragging over Daniel's prick every time it slid out of his

"Soon." The word growled out, fingers tightening in his hair.

He let go of the base of Daniel's cock and tried his best to take it all in, forcing himself not to gag as the
hard prick hit the back of his throat.

Daniel arched and stilled, cock jerking and throbbing in his lips, pulsing and filling the condom.

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He swallowed and pulled partway off, still sucking lightly.

"Oh. Oh, man." Daniel panted, sprawled and melted on the bed.

He got rid of the condom and crawled up, curling into Daniel and taking a kiss.

"Mmmm. Hey." Daniel nuzzled in, licking his lips.

He smiled, feeling pretty good all over just now. "Hey."

If nothing else, being stuck in the middle of nowhere with Daniel was going to be fun. Except maybe they
needed more condoms.


He looked down the road, the mountains still far enough away to seem unreal, to seem like huge posters
hanging from the sky.

Daniel chuckled, wishing his hand was better, because he could so sit and pick a while, write a song
while Rafe drove.

"You sure you want to come hide out in the mountains with me, Angel? It's damned remote."

"And no one knows about it, so I should be able to do a better job keeping you safe than I have so far."
Rafe shot him a rueful smile. "If it was anyone else I'd be dreading it."

"Yeah? You sorta jonesing on the idea of having me at will for a bit?" God knew he was.

Rafe's cheeks picked up a bit of color. "Yeah. I am."

"Yeah." He chuckled, propped his boots on the dashboard, wishing for his guitar again.

"Yeah, me too."

Guardian Angel: Flight or Fight

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Copyright © 2007 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For
information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Single Shot electronic edition / March 2007

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

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Podobne podstrony:
Sean Michael Angel 02 Flight
Sean Michael Angel 03 Fight
Sean Michael Jarheads 01 5 Dogtags and Cowboy Boots
Sean Michael Bast 01 5 Playing Dress Up
Sean Michael Cereus 01 The Building
Sean Michael Center 01 Center of the Earth and Sky
Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 23 Christmas Angel
Sean Michael Between Friends 01 Between Friends
Patterson James & Ledwidge Michael Michael Bennett 01 Negocjator
Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 22 Burn
Play Ball Sean Michael, Syd McGinley, B A Tortuga, Julia Talbot, Dean Durber, Emil
Sean Michael Jarheads Rig and the Gym Bunnies
Sean Michael Marked
Sean Michael Secrets Skin and Leather
Sean Michael Velvet Glove Volume III
Sean Michael Velvet Glove Volume I
Sean Michael Love in an Elevator
Sean Michael Going for the Gold Ramping Up
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