Diane Thorne [Sisters of Lonewood 01] Nikki's Story [Evernight, RotG] (pdf)

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2012 Diane Thorne



Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Sisters of Lonewood, 1

Diane Thorne

Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

"I'm sorry, Nicole, but the food poisoning is limiting what

Father Thomas can do. If his condition worsens, he's going to check
into the hospital. At this point, it doesn't look like he can preside over
your wedding," said Donna Clemmons, the elderly woman who'd
worked at the Catholic Church as the secretary since Nikki was five.

"Okay." Nikki sighed. She sat on the sofa with her cell phone

pressed to her ear and her head lowered to avoid looking at her two
sisters standing nearby. "Thank you for calling, Mrs. Clemmons."

Nikki tried to sound positive, but her low and dreary voice

undoubtedly reflected her less than cheery mood. The Father's sudden
illness put her in a tight bind. The rehearsal was set for this evening
and the wedding on Saturday night, two days away. With the pastor
sick, she wondered if she would even have a wedding.

"I'll call the other churches and see if a pastor is available,"

said Mrs. Clemmons.

Nikki lifted her head. Hope crept back into her. There were

three other Catholic Churches in the small town of Lonewood,
Illinois. Maybe she wouldn't have to cancel her wedding after all. "Do
you think there's a chance—"

"I'm not sure, honey, but I'll do my best to find someone.

Father Henry is visiting family. Father Lucas is out of town. I'm not
sure about Father Jacob or Father Michael."

The small bit of hope lifted her spirit if only a little. "I'd really

appreciate if you can see if one of them is available to fill in. We
planned this seven months ago, and a lot people are coming to town."

Not only would Stephen's family be upset if they had to cancel

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or postpone the wedding, so would Nikki and her six sisters. She was
the first of them in the family to marry aside from their deceased
parents. This event meant a lot to her and her sisters.

"I understand how important it is to you."
"My sisters and I have put a lot of time and effort in

preparation for this wedding. I would be very grateful if you can find
a replacement."

She hoped she didn't sound too pushy, but she needed Mrs.

Clemmons to cooperate, otherwise months and months of work would
go to waste. Lisa, her oldest sister, was the baker in the family and
one of the best caterers in the town. She was a fine seamstress, too.
Lisa had made the cake and had altered their mother's wedding dress
just for Nikki. Her other five sisters had helped as well. Each one had
taken time from their busy lives and done something to make the
wedding day memorable. On top of all that, Stephen's family had
helped finance some of the expenses. If the wedding couldn't go
through as planned, her big day would turn into the worst ones of her

"I'll call the other churches and see if anyone is available,"

Mrs. Clemmons said. "Have faith. The Lord works in mysterious

The religious context should've eased Nikki's worry, but it

didn't; and she frowned. Every time she heard it, she thought the
Lord's mysterious ways seemed downright cruel and unjust. Her dad
had died suddenly of a heart attack when Nikki was seven. Her mom
had died two years later, leaving Grandma Sharon to care for them for
five years. By the time Grandma Sharon passed, Lisa had reached
eighteen and managed to claim guardianship. Fortunately, their
Grandma had paid for the home, leaving the utilities as their only true
bills. They'd struggled for years, each girl working odd jobs when
they were old enough while going to school. They'd even shared
clothes. Growing up poor and with little parental guidance had been
difficult, but they had worked together and persevered. Their love for
each other kept them going, not faith.

"What's she saying?" Brenda asked.
Nikki looked up at her sisters. Lisa chewed on a fingernail

while holding one arm across her ribs. Worry reflected in her bluish-
gray eyes. Unlike Lisa, Brenda appeared tense with her tight brows.
She was the second to the last baby in the family and a damn good

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fighter. Her aggressive and tough as nails approach served her well,
but often led to trouble. Yet when she wanted something, she usually
got it.

Brenda reached for the phone. "Let me speak to her."
Nikki jerked back to keep from her sister’s reach. "Call me

when you have an update, Mrs. Clemmons. The rehearsal is tonight."
She said the words fast before Brenda could snatch the phone.

"All right, dear. I won't make any promises."
Brenda moved forward. "Give me the phone. Let me talk to


Lisa grabbed Brenda's arm and tugged her back gently. "Let

her handle this."

Brenda gave Lisa the look of death as she pushed Lisa's hand


"Thank you, Mrs. Clemmons. I will wait to hear from you."

Nikki hurried off the phone and then placed it next to her thigh.

"What the hell is going on now?" Brenda asked as she crossed

her arms.

Lisa took a seat in the chair closest to Nikki. "What's the

problem?" Her tone seemed calm, unlike Brenda's angry one.

Nikki shook her head in disgust. "Father Thomas got food

poisoning yesterday. It was mild, and he thought he would be okay in
twenty-four hours, so he didn't notify anyone."

"Great." Brenda tossed up her hands. "Let me guess. He's not

okay, and there's not going to be any rehearsal."

Nikki inhaled a deep breath. "His symptoms worsened

overnight. He can't make it to the rehearsal."

Brenda paced in the room, shaking her head. "Damn it! If he'd

notified us earlier, we might have been able to get someone to fill in
for him."

"A day wouldn't have mattered," Lisa said with a slight shrug.

"Besides, we can get by without a rehearsal. It's the wedding that's

Nikki nodded in agreement. While she disliked canceling the

rehearsal, they could manage without it. The one memorable day
planned for her took precedence above all others.

Brenda swung around to face them. Her eyes were wide with

fright. "Is he going to make it to the wedding?"

"Because he's so ill, he doesn't think he can. Mrs. Clemmons

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is going to call around for a replacement."

"The wedding is two days away," Brenda said as she stepped

closer to them. "Please tell me this is a joke."

"I'm afraid not. It's just bad luck."
"We always have bad luck." Brenda plopped on the sofa next

to Nikki and bounced slightly. "Whenever something positive is about
to happen, there are always half a dozen bad things that prevent it."

Nikki couldn't discount the accuracy of her sister's statement.

Since she'd returned home to Lonewood five days ago, a string of
accidents had occurred. Her wedding dress had torn in two places,
causing Lisa to spend extra time trying to repair it. The party store
they'd rented tables and chairs from had marked the wrong date in
their books and forced Nikki to go to the next town to get furniture for
the reception, which cost them twice as much to rent. A spider had
bitten her hand while she was working in the garden two days ago.
Her fingers had swollen up so big she had to remove her engagement
ring. The pressure in her hand had lessened, but she still doubted a
band could slip over her digit. Then, she'd hit a bad pothole late one
night when she was out with her sisters. Her car now had a rattling
sound in the engine and shook at stops. One problem after another had
emerged since Nikki had ventured back to town. But out of
everything, the Father's sudden illness seemed the worst. Without an
ordained minister of the Catholic faith, Nikki and Stephen couldn't

"Hopefully Mrs. Clemmons will find someone," Nikki said.
"Do you absolutely have to have a Catholic priest preside over

the wedding?" Lisa asked.

"I'm afraid so. Stephen's not religious, and I know he couldn't

care if we got married in a church or not. But his parents are devout
followers, and they had made it clear from the start we had to wed
under the Catholic faith. Neither of us wants to disappoint them, and
since they helped pay some expenses, we feel obligated to obey their
one little request."

Nikki didn't care one way or the other where they wed or who

ministered the ceremony, but she did want to stay on the good side of
her future in-laws. They'd been nothing but kind to her since she'd
met them. Granting their one wish was the least she could do.

"Are you going to call Stephen and tell him what's going on?"

Lisa asked.

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Nikki lowered her gaze. "No, I'd rather not."
Truth be known, she didn't want to worry him, nor did she

want him to think she was incapable of managing any of the wedding
arrangements. She'd always fought her own battles and fixed her own
problems. That's how she grew up and how she liked him to see her—
independent and strong. She didn't want him to think for a second that
she was someone who complained and waited for others to solve her

"Besides, he'll be here later tonight. I can bring him up to

speed then."

"That's probably a good idea," Brenda said as she relaxed

against the back of the sofa. "It's not like he can do anything now to
help the situation anyway."

"Yeah," Nikki said grimly.
Her mood soured the more she thought about Stephen. She

loved him dearly and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, but
the events over the last five days played on her mind constantly. Were
they signs telling her not to get married?

"Honey, are you okay?" Lisa asked.
She gave a light nod. "Yeah, I'll be all right."
"Having second thoughts?" Brenda asked.
Nikki looked into Brenda's blue eyes. Unlike the rest of her

sisters, Brenda didn't wear makeup. She always kept her dirty-blonde
hair tied behind her head and never wore jewelry. Of them all, she
was the tomboy in the family. Her wealth of knowledge about
automobiles had saved them a lot of money over the years. She'd
stopped by to look at Nikki's car before starting her shift at a local car
shop. Her arrival came minutes before Nikki had answered the phone
call from Mrs. Clemmons.

"What time do you have to be at work?" Nikki asked, hoping

Brenda wouldn't notice the change of subject. If she did, she'd use the
excuse she didn't want her sister to be late for her job.

"Uh…" Brenda picked up Nikki's phone and pressed a button

on the side. The screen illuminated, and she stared at it. "My shift
starts at noon."

"That's a little less than two hours, Bren. Maybe you should

look at her car now so you can have time to fix it and clean up," Lisa

Brenda rose. "Yeah, yeah. I'll look at it." Her unenergetic tone

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clearly indicated she'd rather stay and chat. "I suppose if I have to get
parts, that will take time, too."

"I have money if you need some," Nikki said as Brenda

walked past them, heading for the front door.

"I'll let you know." Brenda opened the door and left, shutting

it behind her. The screen door proceeded to slap against the

"Well done," Lisa said. "It's not a good idea to talk to her

about canceling the wedding or any problems with men. She loves
you and wants you to be happy, but she doesn't understand … men.
She doesn't know what it's like to be in love or to have romantic
feelings toward a man. Even though she's almost twenty-two, she still
thinks they're all like big brothers."

"Has she had a boyfriend yet?"
"No, she hasn't, and as far as I know, not a single guy has hit

on her. I'm sure if one had, she would've told one of us. And you
know how that goes."

Nikki chuckled. Keeping secrets among sisters was

impossible. "One day, she's going to see men differently."

"I hope so." Lisa glanced at the window, then returned her

gaze to Nikki. "So tell me, is everything okay?"

"I—" Hearing the ring of a phone and feeling a vibration on

her leg, Nikki shot her gaze down to her cell. Stephen's name and
photo lit up the screen. Her heart accelerated with excitement as she
lifted her cell and answered it. "Hey."

She looked at Lisa and mouthed “Stephen” to her. Lisa left her

seat and headed toward the kitchen.

"And good morning to you. How is my adorable bride-to-be?"

His deep, smooth voice sounded cheerful.

"I'm fine."
"Fine? That's it?"
"Well, I haven't had my coffee yet." Maybe it was a poor

excuse to disguise her distress, but the statement was true; and he
knew how lack of caffeine affected her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you would've been up and moving by


"I was out late with my sisters," Nikki said, feeling the need to

explain. "I woke up a little while ago."

"Did you have fun?"

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"Yeah, a couple of us had a few drinks and played billiards at

the bar my sister Alison works at. We had a bet going with another
group to see who could win. Heather, Kate, and I won $120.00, which
we split."

"Wow, that's good, honey. Wish I could've been there to offer

my support. Speaking of being there, I'm hoping to leave in an hour.
My parents left with Joshua and Matt an hour ago. They'll probably
arrive before me."

Nikki pressed her lips together and held back her groan. She'd

hoped he would arrive before his family. In the event Mrs. Clemmons
couldn't find a pastor, she wanted to tell him first.

"How fast do your parents drive?"
"My mom is driving, and I take after her."
Stephen drove with a lead foot. Since he'd learned from his

mother, then she, too, liked to speed. The drive from Chicago took
around seven hours for a normal driver. With one of them behind the
wheel, they'd knock off an hour or more.

"I was hoping you would show up before them," she said in a

soft voice.

"Mom called me from the road and sprang the news on me. I

suspect she knew I would've tried to talk her out of leaving early if
she had called me. I'll do my best to catch up."

"Don't get any tickets or endanger yourself."
"Still wanting to marry me?" There was a hint of playfulness

in his tone.

She leaned back against the sofa and smiled. "Well you do

have a hot body."

"I see. So, it's my body you’re after, not my charm."
"Well, a guy with good tools is a must. And knowing how to

use said tools is very important."

"Mmm, good to know I fit your requirements."
Her body warmed, thinking of Stephen's large cock and skilled

tongue. The man always kept sex fun and very pleasurable. She
couldn't wait to see him. Since they hadn't seen each other in five
days, maybe she'd be able sweet-talk him into having sex prior to the

"I miss you," she said.
"I miss you, too. I'll get there as soon as I can, and I promise to

make sure my body and tools arrive safely."

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She chuckled. "Thank you."
"Nikki, I have to tell you something else, and you're probably

not going to like it."

In a matter of seconds, her warm and fuzzy feeling

transformed into fear. What now? What could make her day worse?
While she guessed he wasn't calling off the wedding or anything quite
as bad, whatever news he was about to share couldn't be good,
especially since he'd said she probably wouldn't like it.

"What is it?" she asked hesitantly.
"My parents booked a ten-day cruise for us. They paid for

everything, and our flight leaves Sunday."

She jolted forward. "What?"
Lisa peeked from the kitchen, holding the coffee pot in her


"I know. I know. I told them they shouldn't have. They insist

we go."

Nikki rose and paced in the large living room. "Stephen, they

lent enough money to us for the wedding. I can't—"

"I know, Nikki, but this was out of my control. Mom informed

me last night. The news stunned me, too, but we can't say no."

Anger coursed through her. She wasn't sure if the fact he knew

last night and hadn't called until now infuriated her more, or the fact
his parents had again spent additional money for the wedding. Well,
for them.

"Why can't we reject it? I can't just take off from work for ten


"Well, Dad is the one who told me. As head of the company

we work for, he granted the time away from work and insisted you

Nikki stopped pacing and gritted her teeth. She'd hoped

marrying into the family business wouldn't affect her job in any form,
but she'd obviously deceived herself. A little over two years ago, she'd
accepted a job as a magazine editor for the company Stephen's dad
owned. She greatly enjoyed the work, reading various stories, and
meeting different people. Shortly after she started, she'd met Stephen
at a company function and discovered he worked in another part of
the company as a local interviewer. During the year, they'd dated and
the time they'd lived together, she'd maintained a professional
appearance and kept her personal relationship with Stephen separate

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from her job. She worked hard and wanted to make a name for
herself, based on her skills and qualifications. Getting any special
treatment because of her connection to the family was unacceptable in
her book.

"Honey, there's nothing we can do. If we don't go, it will hurt

their feelings."

"Can we talk to them and explain their gift is too much? I

don't want to delay any articles from publication, or—"

"Trust me, I talked to my dad for fifteen minutes about this. I

know how you feel about accepting gifts or money from them. I tried
to get out of the trip and even talked with my mom to see if she could
help. They both are adamant we go. They're as stubborn as bulls,
Nikki. They won't budge."

She sighed heavily. "And they'll be here before you."
"Yes. I'm sorry, baby. Please believe me."
The remorseful sound of his voice eased her frustration some,

but the fact remained she might have to deal with this sort of issue
again since she was marrying a man whose father owned the company
she worked for. And that didn't sit well with her.

"Obviously it doesn't matter what I say."
"I'm sorry, honey. Try to look at the positive side—we'll be on

a nice trip together. Just you, me, and my tools."

She headed for the kitchen with a defeated feeling in her gut.

Although the positive aspect sounded pleasant, she still didn't approve
of what his parents had done.

"So you're leaving soon, then."
"Within the hour. I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Be careful."
"I love you, Nikki."
She paused. "I love you, too."
Upon hearing the silence, she lowered the phone.
Lisa approached with a cup of coffee. "Trouble?"
Nikki placed her phone on the counter and took the mug from

her. "His family are on the road and will be here before Stephen."

"Is that all? You sounded pretty upset."
"I'd rather not talk about it." She pressed the cup to her lips

and slowly drank her coffee to avoid providing more details. Knowing
her older sister, she'd somehow convince Nikki to accept the trip as

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what it was, a gift, and encourage her to have fun.

"Well…" Lisa sipped on her caffeinated drink. "Why don't we

get cleaned up and go have some lunch at Sherrie's Diner? Maybe
getting out of the house will help. We can leave when Brenda's done."

"That's fine."
The smack of the screen door grabbed their attention. Brenda

walked toward them with her hands covered in filth.

"I hate to break this to you, but your car is going to have to

come with me to work."

"Why? What's wrong?" Nikki asked.
Brenda turned on the taps and began pouring soap into her

hands. "It's got a leak. I can fix it, but it will take a little time. You can
borrow my car for now."

"Is it bad, Bren?" Lisa asked.
"Well, the leak is causing other problems that will worsen if

it's not fixed. You definitely don't want to drive around with it,
especially long distances. You wouldn't make it back to Chicago."

The defeated feeling Nikki felt earlier returned in full force

like a punch to her stomach. Everything that could go wrong was
going wrong. Maybe they were signs telling her not to marry Stephen.
Did she really want people at work to think she could get her way
because she married one of the owner's sons? Would Stephen's
parents hate her if Mrs. Clemmons couldn't find a Catholic priest and
she had a Baptist one preside at the wedding? At least it might
motivate them to take their gift back.

Nikki loved Stephen with her heart and soul, but was all the

trouble worth this wedding and having to argue with his parents in the
future? What would happen if she backed out now? Could she return
to her job? Given her skills and experience she'd gained at the
company, she had confidence she could find an equally satisfying job.
So the bottom line question was: Should she follow her heart and
marry Stephen?

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Chapter Two

Trees whizzed by as Nikki stared out the passenger side

window. Lisa sat in the driver's seat and steered the car along the back
road, heading toward the central part of Lonewood. Some of the trees
had changed color, though only slightly. Fall would arrive soon. Nikki
had always enjoyed watching the leaves change into various shades of
orange, red, and yellow. They'd fly through the air and scurry across
the roads as if they were glad to be free so they could explore the
world. Nikki sympathized with the leaves. She had flown away from
her home, full of happiness and energy, ready to explore. She landed
in Chicago, finished college, and now called the city her home. While
she liked the city life and all its opportunities, she missed nature's
beauty, especially in her hometown. The few young trees along the
city streets didn't offer the splendor the mature ones in rural areas did.
Sometimes she wished she could return to Lonewood, find a house or
apartment close to her sisters, and secure a job where she could work
from home. Life was full of ups and downs in Lonewood, but she
always had her sisters to keep company with.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked.
Nikki blinked and veered her gaze from the window. "Yeah."
She looked at the dash, and the clock showed 12:43. The diner

would probably be crowded with a lunch crowd, but Nikki couldn't
help her delay in leaving the house. She'd failed to pack enough jeans
and had to quickly throw what she'd worn over the last several days
into the washer. Her jeans were still damp around her thighs and
waist, but she barely noticed.

"You've been very quiet since you got off the phone with


"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now. Everything

seems to be happening so fast."

"I'm sure it will all settle down after the wedding."
"Yes, but the problem is getting to the wedding. One thing

after another is getting in the way. Stephen's parents are due to arrive
this evening before Stephen. They're going to freak out when I tell
them I don't have a Catholic priest to marry Stephen and me."

"The wedding is in two days. There's still time to find one."
Nikki looked away as she shook her head. "My car is busted. I

can't fit a ring on my finger."

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"Brenda can repair your car. You'll have it back in a day. Who

cares if you can't wear a wedding band right away?"

"You don't understand."
"Then help me. Tell me what's bothering you."
Nikki took in a deep breath. "Remember how I said Stephen's

father owns the company I work at?"

Lisa took her gaze off the road briefly. "Yeah."
"Well, he purchased a ten day cruise for us."
"Really?" Lisa asked excitedly. "Nikki, that's so nice of him."
Nikki frowned at her sister.
Lisa's gaze jumped from the road to Nikki. "What?"
"People at work are going to think I can get away with

anything now that I'm going to be part of the family. I don't have ten
extra days of vacation time to cover my absence."

"It's a gift, Nikki."
"We agreed the money they gave us for the wedding expenses

would be our gift."

Lisa stared out the front window and pressed her lips together.

"Nikki, I think you should let this go."

"But what's next, Lisa? It won't stop."
The car slowed as they approached a stoplight.
"I'm sure your work ethic speaks for itself. As for his family

allowing you to take extra paid time off to spend time with their
son…" Lisa looked both ways before turning the car.

"Yes?" Nikki said when Lisa didn't finish her sentence.
"You love him, right? Why not take the gift and make the

most out of it? His parents obviously care and want both of you to
live a happy life together."

"Other people don't get special treatment. They don't get extra

paid days off from work."

They reached a red light, and Lisa faced her. "You didn't

answer my question, Nikki. Do you love him?"

"I love him. I do. He makes me laugh. He's charming,

considerate, passionate…" She turned her gaze away.

"But?" Lisa asked after enough silence.
The car moved forward.
"I've only known him two years. Maybe I'm rushing into this."
"Do you really think so?"
"Maybe." She shrugged. If she hadn't had one problem after

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another creep up, then she wouldn't have given the wedding a second
thought. But every time something new arose, she had to consider the
possibility that God or someone was trying to tell her not to marry

Lisa turned the wheel as she steered the car into the parking

lot for the diner. "Are you afraid of losing us?"

Nikki hesitated to answer. As much as she loved them and

always would, she knew that starting a life with a man would
eventually lead to starting a new family, and she wouldn't be able to
see her sisters as often.

"Things will change. They always do."
Lisa parked the car on the crowded lot and then cut the engine.

She twisted to face Nikki. "Yes, everything changes with time, but the
love people share never does. We will always be your family. We will
always be here for you, even when you're forty and your kids are
driving you crazy."

Nikki couldn't help grin sliding across her face. "You would

come to Chicago and save me from my wild rugrats?"

"I'm not saying I would, but one of us would. I am your oldest

sister, so maybe one of the younger ones would have more energy to
keep up with your children."

Laughter burst from Nikki. Of all of her six sisters, Lisa was

unquestionably the most compassionate of them all. And here she was
admitting she might not be able to handle future nieces or nephews.
Too funny.

Lisa shoved her door open. "Come on, let's get something to


They left the car and headed toward the entrance of Sherrie's

Diner. Two groups of people left before they'd reached the glass
doors. They stepped inside and came to a quick halt near the hostess
booth. No surprise, the crowded restaurant had few vacant tables.

"Hi," said a young woman with her sandy blonde hair tied in a

ponytail behind her head. She wore a white shirt and black pants. A
nametag above her right breast showed her name was Tammy. She
grabbed a couple of menus from the shelf near the hostess stand. "Just

"Yes," Lisa said and nodded.
"Follow me."
Tammy led the way to the back of the restaurant. The aroma

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of burgers and grease drifted while the clatter of voices made it
difficult to hear the rock music playing. Nikki followed behind Lisa
and gazed over the booths in the center of the restaurant to the kitchen
area in search of Heather. At the young age of sixteen, her sister had
started working as a waitress at Sherrie's and still did. Heather told
her she enjoyed the atmosphere and conversations. Plus the days flew

"Is this okay?" Tammy said, and they stopped next to a booth.

"We don't have many tables available right now."

Lisa slid over the vinyl seat. "It's fine. Thank you."
"I'll let Heather know you're here," Tammy said as she stepped


Nikki waited until Tammy left, then sat across from Lisa.

"This place hasn't changed much from the last time I was here."

Her gaze scooted from the left side where the ends of tables

met the windows. The cream colored walls with decorative metal
signs appeared in the same spots from her last visit. She glimpsed at
faces as she scanned the dinner. Catching sight of someone familiar,
she veered her gaze back to him.

"Oh. My. God."
Lisa lowered the plastic menu she'd been holding. "What?"
Nikki stared at Kenny Hostettler, her first boyfriend, the man

she'd lost her virginity to, and the guy she would've married had she
not gone off to college. "Kenny is here."

Age suited Kenny well. He was three months older than Nikki,

twenty-five and a half, if she remembered his birthday correctly. He
had short-clipped, light brown hair with waves. His smile caught her
gaze as he laughed with his friends. Remembering those strong lips
and how they used to kiss her added beats to her heart. A gray T-shirt
covering his broad shoulders and torso revealed he'd acquired stocky
muscles over the years. He wore jeans, and even his legs seemed
longer from the memories she had of him. The man looked healthy
and active, full of life and happy. She'd hated breaking up with him
when she moved away.

Lisa twisted around the booth.
"Don't stare at…" Nikki lost track of her words when his gaze

shifted to meet her.

Lisa returned to facing Nikki. "He came back into town a year

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ago. He's a lawyer and set up his own office a block from Main

"A lawyer, huh? That's good. Did he—"
"Hey, guys." Heather, one of Nikki's older sisters, emerged at

the end of their table. She took out a pen and small note pad. "Do you
know what you want to order?"

Nikki had wanted to ask if Kenny had settled down with a

girlfriend or married. Perhaps Heather's interruption came at a good
time. Although Nikki was curious, she pushed the question out of her
head since the answer didn't really matter. Her relationship with
Kenny had ended long ago.

Lisa read off her order to Heather. When it came time for

Nikki to make her request, she caught movement from Heather's side.
Nikki tilted her head slightly. Her heart accelerated as the man walked

Kenny stopped next to Heather. "Hi, Nikki. How are you?" He

faced her older sister and gave a nod. "Lisa."

"Kenny, nice to see you again," Lisa said.
"Nikki, do you know what you want?" Heather asked.
She paused for a minute. What a question—one she'd been

considering all morning long. Her gaze shifted from Heather, to
Kenny, and then Lisa.

"What are you hungry for?" Lisa asked with a smile.
Nikki blinked as she managed to regain her collective thought

process. "Turkey club with bacon is fine."

Heather and Lisa exchanged glances, then Heather said, "I'll

put the order in and come back in a few."

After she left, Lisa scooted to the end of her seat. "I need to

clean up."

"Oh, okay." She wanted to tell her sister to stay so Kenny

would leave, but apparently, Lisa misread the shock on her face.

Kenny sat across from Nikki once Lisa walked away. "I heard

you were in town. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. I'm not staying in town long." She relaxed

against the vinyl booth.

He threaded her fingers together and leaned on the table.

"Heather told me a month ago you were coming in town to get
married. Congratulations."

"Thanks. That's very nice of you."

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"I hope it works out for you." He gave a slight smile that

looked a bit forced.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." She bit her lip, not sure what else to

say to him. Should she invite him to the reception? They were close
once. The courteous thing to do would be to invite him, but Stephen
might get upset if he found out Kenny was the man who'd popped her

"So, how are you doing? I heard you're a lawyer now."
"Yes, actually I started my own firm. I've been pretty busy."
"That's good." She smiled and nodded.
"You look nice, and happy. Sometimes I wonder—"
The sound of a smack and splash from nearby jerked their

attention to the ground. A toddler lay face down in the middle of the
walkway. Her cry started within seconds.

"Oh my gosh." Nikki rushed out of her seat to help the little


On her knees, she carefully helped the young girl to her feet.

Tears rolled down the child's puffy cheeks. The sound of her cry
touched Nikki's heart. She wanted to help the little girl somehow.
"Honey, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

As the girl pointed at the spilled drink on the floor, a little boy

about six or seven years old came running toward Nikki. He stopped
near the little girl and spun her to face him. "Kristy, are you all right?"
He scanned her face and body as if he were searching for anything
that might indicate an injury.

Seconds later, a woman holding hands with another young girl

rushed toward Nikki. "Kristy Jacobs, I told you to wait by me."

Nikki rose from her kneeling position. "She fell. I think she's

okay. You might check her."

The woman picked up little Kristy. "Now, now." She rubbed

Kristy's back as the girl laid her head on the woman's shoulder.

Tammy, the hostess, appeared with a yellow sign in her hand.

A young man holding a long wood handle pushed a mop bucket
behind her. Nikki returned to her booth to stay out of the way.

"I'll clean this up, ma'am. Don't worry about it," Tammy said.
"Thank you. Sorry about this." The woman held Kristy and

glanced down. "Chelsea, Timothy, let's go."

"Now don't you just wish you had kids?" Kenny asked as

Nikki settled back into her seat.

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"Someday, yes. I like kids."
He glanced at the young man mopping. "They're prone to

accidents and messes."

"Accidents are part of life. I thought it was cute how her

brother checked her out to make sure she was okay. It's nice to have
family to help out and be there when things happen."

Elbows on the table, Kenny rubbed his hands together. "I

suppose so, but if the girl would've paid attention to what she was
doing she probably wouldn't have fallen. Not to mention the fact her
parents were nowhere in sight. Perhaps they need to keep a closer eye
on their kids."

Nikki pressed her lips together and refrained from

commenting. While she agreed with part of his comment, she also
believed accidents still happened. And when they did, turning to a
brother or sister for help or guidance always eased some of the worry.
Kenny didn't understand this and never had since he was an only

Her thoughts shifted to Stephen. He had two older brothers,

and he'd mentioned countless times how they helped him deal with
problems. When he and Nikki had discussed having kids one day they
both agreed at least three. They wanted their children to understand
and share the same kind of relationship they had with their siblings.
Deep in her heart, she believed Stephen would make a great father.

"Kids will be kids," Nikki said with a slight shrug of one

shoulder. "One day, I hope to have several of them. And when mom
and dad are busy, their brothers or sisters will be there for them."

He grinned. "Ready to have kids so soon?"
"I wouldn't say that. I just know what I want." And she did. As

if an angel had given her a shot of reality, she knew marrying Stephen
was what her heart and soul yearned for. She wanted to bear his
children one day and spend the rest of her life with him. Whatever
problems they'd encounter, they could handle together as husband and
wife. And to clear up her concern about getting special treatment at
her job she'd talk to her father-in-law to be. She'd accept his wedding
gift for what it was and enjoy the time with Stephen. But she'd make
it clear to his dad that in the future she didn't want him to treat her
differently from regular employees. Everything would work out fine.

"I'm happy for you, Nikki. Not many people in their mid-

twenties can say they know what they want and mean it."

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"I don't know if you have a girlfriend or not, but I hope you

find someone who makes you happy."

He grinned. "I guess that's my cue."
"You're a great guy. I wish the best for you."
He took a deep breath and then scooted out from the booth.

Before leaving, he reached for his back pocket. "If you or your sisters
ever need legal advice or services, give me a call." He slid his
business card over the countertop.

"Thanks, Kenny."
"Don't be a stranger." He winked at her.
She took the card and placed it in her front pocket. "Take


He returned to the table with his friends, sat in the vacant

chair, and then smiled one last time at her.

"So?" Lisa emerged from behind her. She slid onto the booth.

"What did Kenny have to say?"

Heather appeared with a tall glass of iced-tea in each hand.

She set the drinks on the table. "Was he nice? I mentioned to him a
while back you were getting married." She removed straws from her
pocket and handed them to Lisa and Nikki.

"He was nice. He congratulated me." Nikki tore the paper

from her straw.

"Is that it?" Lisa asked.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Did you invite him to the wedding or reception?" Heather


"No, I don't think that's a good idea. Besides, what's in the past

is in the past. I'm ready to move forward." She placed the straw in her
tea, leaned forward, and pressed it between her lips.

Lisa smiled at her. "Welcome back. Now, let's talk about what

we can do to make sure this wedding happens on Saturday."

Nikki swallowed and grinned. "Maybe we can call—"
She stopped short when her cell vibrated in her back pocket.

She lifted her phone, and the digits displayed on the screen included a
Chicago area code, but she didn't recognize the number. After sliding
the bar across the screen, she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Nikki, it's Marilyn Krissman."
"Hi, Mrs. Krissman. Stephen called me earlier and told me

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you were on the way."

"Yes, dear. We stopped for lunch, and we’re back on the road

now. We should be there in a couple of hours. I just wanted to let you

A touch of fear raced through her. She'd have to deal with

Stephen's family without him. And if she didn't find a pastor to
preside at the wedding, they were not going to be happy. Shit. She
really wished Stephen had left first.

"All right. Thank you. Be careful on the road."
"I always am, dear," she said with a slight chuckle. "See you


Nikki lowered the phone to her lap where she held it. She

pressed her elbow to the table and her forehead to her hand. Anxiety
churned within her and toyed with her appetite.

"What's wrong, Nikki?" Heather asked.
"Oh, just my in-laws are due to arrive in a couple hours. The

rehearsal is probably going to be canceled, and if I can't find a
Catholic priest for the wedding they're going to flip out big time."

"Oh, shit." Heather covered her mouth with her hand.
"Yeah, this isn't good," Nikki said. "You might want to

withdraw my lunch order. I'm not hungry anymore."

Somehow, someway she had to find a Catholic priest. And if

she didn't find one soon, the next two days would undoubtedly be the
most stressful ones in her life.

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Chapter Three

"Mrs. Clemmons, could you repeat that please? I'm having bad

reception due to the storm," Nikki said as she paced in the living

Lisa stood near the refrigerator, preparing a drink for Mrs.

Krissman. Penny and Alison, both younger sisters, stood near the arch
separating the kitchen from the living room. They remained silent as
their gazes followed Nikki.

The lights flickered again, and she stopped pacing. One close

lightning strike and the lights would probably go out. Rain battered
the house and against the windows. The storm had started over an
hour ago, before the Krissmans had shown up, and had yet to
dissipate. Nikki wondered if the bad weather was yet another sign of
impending trouble.

Mrs. Krissman moved toward Nikki. The slender woman still

looked elegant even though the rain had made her long, wavy hair
frizzy and had dampened her pressed shirt and slacks, which now
clung to her slightly. "Hand me the phone, dear. Let me talk to her."

Nikki took a step back and lifted one finger while she shook

her head.

"I said Father Michael has a commitment, and I haven't been

able to reach Father Jacob. I left a message at his number," Mrs.
Clemmons said.

"How long ago did you leave the message? Maybe one of us

should try?"

"I left one long message early this afternoon and another

message a few hours ago. I'm sure he will call when he can."

Nikki ambled around the room with her gaze briefly touching

Mr. Krissman and Stephen's two brothers, Joshua and Matt. They
each had a towel and watched with weary eyes, dark, wet hair, and
damp clothes. Instead of checking in at their hotel, they came to the
house first. Even though they'd dashed through the rain, they appeared
as if they'd had a bucket of water poured over them. None of them had
a happy look on their face, especially Mrs. Krissman. And after Nikki
had informed them about the pastor situation, Mr. and Mrs.
Krissman's mood worsened.

"Keep us posted if you hear from him," Nikki said.
"Don't worry, I'll call the minute I hear from him," the old

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woman said.

"Thank you. Good bye, Mrs. Clemmons."
Nikki lowered the phone and faced Mrs. Krissman. Her future

mother-in-law had her arms crossed and a frown of clear displeasure
on her face.

"She left two messages for Father Jacob, and she's waiting to

hear from him."

"The wedding is Saturday night." Mrs. Krissman threw out her

arms. "How could there not be a priest available?"

"We live in a small town," Lisa said as she walked into the

room holding a cup on a saucer. Light steam floated from the cup.

"Are there other towns nearby with Catholic churches?" Mrs.

Krissman took the drink from Lisa. "Thank you."

"We called a couple churches earlier today," Nikki said as she

slid her phone into her pocket. "All the pastors at one have
commitments. We called another and left messages for two of the
pastors. That's as far as we got."

"This is horrible. Absolutely horrible." Mrs. Krissman sipped

on her hot drink.

Mr. Krissman rose and left his towel on the sofa. "Marilyn, it's

a fluke accident." He moved toward her.

"They have to have a Catholic priest marry them."
"She knows that, and they're trying to find a replacement." He

stopped in front of her.

Nikki moved closer to Stephen's parents. "First thing in the

morning, I'll call the other churches. I won't stop calling until I reach

Mrs. Krissman lowered her gaze as she set her cup on the

saucer. Pursed lips associated with her frown revealed her discontent.
"Perhaps if you'd started calling this morning you might have found
someone by now."

"Honey, it's been a long day. Why don't we go to our hotel,

relax, and get some rest?"

"Yes, that's fine." Mrs. Krissman lifted her gaze to Nikki's. "If

you can't reach someone by tomorrow night, I think you should
postpone the wedding."

The protests from Lisa and her younger sister, Penny, started

immediately, along with one from Stephen's brother, Joshua. He
promptly rose and said, "Dad."

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"Why don't we give them a chance? There's still time," Mr.

Krissman said to his wife.

"I am. If a Catholic priest can't be found, they can postpone

the wedding and have it in Chicago."

"What?" Penny said loudly and looked at Nikki. "That's not

fair to us. We can't all afford to travel to Chicago."

"Mom, Dad, can we just go to the hotel?" Joshua said as he

took a step forward, but kept his distance from his parents. The
twenty-eight-year-old photographer had as much charm, good looks,
and manners as Stephen.

The lights flashed, silencing them all. They stood in darkness

for several seconds before the lights returned. Roaring thunder
lengthened the quietness.

A soft ding from Alison gathered everyone's attention. She

withdrew her phone from her black leather jacket and tapped the
screen. "Uh, guys, we may want to stay here for a while."

"What's wrong?" Nikki asked.
Alison stared at her cell, then lifted her head. "A tornado

touched down outside of town, and a warning has been issued. There
are signs of another tornado according to one of the local news

Although Nikki didn't fear storms, an eerie feeling stirred

within her. She hadn't heard from Stephen since he'd called in the
morning. Was he driving in the bad weather? "When was the last time
anyone heard from Stephen?"

All eyes turned to Mrs. Krissman. "I spoke to him about forty

minutes before we arrived in town. He said he wasn't far behind. He
wasn't making any stops except for gas."

"Typical Indiana weather," Alison said nonchalantly as she

returned her phone to her coat pocket.

Storms didn't bother Nikki as they often rolled through

Lonewood, but unease churned within her this time. Odds were likely
Stephen had driven into the storm. She hoped he would make it
through all right.

"What about the wedding, Nikki?" Penny asked with a look of

concern and a hint of irritation. "We can't drive up to Chicago, you
know that."

Nikki held up her palms. "The wedding isn't going to be in

Chicago. Just calm down."

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"You can't get married without a Catholic priest performing

the ceremony," Mrs. Krissman said adamantly.

"Can't someone else preside at the ceremony?" Penny asked.

"There's plenty of Christian and other churches."

"Our family is Catholic, and we want to stay in the faith," Mrs.

Krissman said.

A slight throb in Nikki's head emerged as Penny and Stephen's

mom argued. Mr. Krissman tried to calm his wife, but his efforts were
fruitless. The bickering and her worry for Stephen overwhelmed
Nikki, intensifying the pulse in her brain. She needed to get out, get
away, if only for a little bit to ease her stress. From the angry tone in
Mrs. Krissman's voice, she needed to calm down, too.

"Nikki." Lisa placed her hand on Nikki's shoulder. "I think—"
"Where are the keys to Brenda's car?"
Her brows drew together. "What?"
"Brenda's keys, where are they?"
"The dish by the door."
Nikki stormed past the Krissmans and paused at the lamp

sitting on the end table by the door. A long dish lay on the table and
held several sets of keys. Spotting a key chain in the shape of racecar
and labeled Castello's Garage with a set of keys, she grabbed it. When
she opened the door, the squabbling group silenced.

She looked at Mrs. Krissman. "I have a day and a half to find a

Catholic priest, and I will find one. I will. Please, just give me a

Lisa stepped forward. "Nikki—"
"I need to be alone for a while."
"But the storm," Lisa said.
"I'll be fine. It'll pass like they always do."
Before anyone could say another word, she pushed the screen

door and rushed across the front porch to the steps on the side. She
jogged down them as the rain smacked her face and head. A mixture
of emotions stirred within her. If she didn't get away from everyone,
she'd burst a blood vessel or puke. Without looking back, she ran
across the gravel driveway to Brenda's car and deactivated the alarm.
By the time she settled in the front seat, water coated her face and her
arms. In less than a minute, she was heading for the road.

Nikki wiped her eyes while the windshield wipers swooshed

back and forth on the window. The urge to cry took hold of her, but

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she resisted. She could get through all the delays and problems. She
could find a Catholic priest to please the Krissmans. She could do
anything if people would give her a chance to prove herself.

A gust of wind rocked the car. Angst for Stephen surfaced

again. She hoped he was okay and could find his way through the
storm. Since he had a GPS navigation device, she doubted he'd get
lost. But what if he hadn't seen the tornado and it tossed his car off the
road? The odds seemed unlikely, but lately bad luck followed her.
Concern for him grew. She decided to drive into town, stop at the
diner, and try to call him.

Gripping the steering wheel, she turned onto the main road

heading toward town. Buckets of rain hit the windows and hindered
her visibility. The lack of lights along the dark road often forced many
night travelers to slow their speed, but Nikki knew her way well.
She'd traveled the country roads late at night plenty of times. Still, she
held the wheel tight. After all, she'd encountered enough accidents
already and didn't want to damage her sister's Mustang.

A few miles from the house, she saw two lights on the far left.

The lights held still, as if the driver had pulled off to the side of the
road. Nikki slowed her vehicle as she approached and peered as best
she could through the pouring rain. She spotted the shape of a person
near one of the tires. As she slowed the car, she looked closer and saw
a man attempting to change a flat tire.

Nikki checked her mirrors and found no other cars in sight.

Although she worried greatly for Stephen, the need to take time and
help the man pricked at her soul. Without a doubt, he was soaking wet
and could use assistance.

As she approached the immobile car at a crawling speed, she

reached into her pocket and jerked her phone out. One glance at the
illuminated screen sent her mood tumbling. The satellite icon
indicated her cell was searching for a signal.

Frustrated, she tossed the phone on the passenger seat. The

man needed help, and his phone probably wasn't working either. Guilt
would plague her if she abandoned the person. Since she was already
wet, she decided to offer assistance. After passing his car, she spun
her wheel and parked behind the stranded one. Immediately she
noticed the Illinois license plate and the silver letters showing the
word Lexis.

The crouched man stood and headed toward her with his head

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tilted down. Nikki waited with her finger near the button to lower her
window. The man's clothes, a black T-shirt and jeans, clung to his
body, and what a muscular body he had. Although he had a medium-
sized frame, sculpted arms and ripples down his torso showed this
man could carry his weight. Dark bangs hung in front of his forehead,
held down by the rain. When he lifted his head, shook it vigorously,
and then ran his fingers through his short locks, Nikki's heart jumped.

She shoved open the car door and rushed out of the car.


He stopped near her front tire and stared as if he were in

shock. "Nicole?"

She slammed the door and ran to him. Elation flooded her

heart and soul. Bumping into his body, she wrapped her arms around
his neck and squeezed him tightly. "Oh, Steven. I can't believe it's

He coiled his arms around her and held her pressed to his

body. "Nikki, what are you doing here?"

The rain rolled down their faces.
"I had to get away. This week has been hell. My dress tore.

The party store wrote the wrong date for the wedding, so I had to go
somewhere else to rent furniture, which cost twice as much. A spider
bit my hand, and my ring finger is still swollen. My car has a leak,
and the priest who I scheduled to preside at the wedding has food
poisoning. This week's been horrible. Absolutely horrible. And I
started to fear something had happened to you after I heard about the
tornado. I've missed you so much." She rambled every word so fast
she stunned herself.

"Hey, calm down." He took her face into his hands. "I'm here

now. We can work through this."

She stared deep into his loving eyes. "You have no idea how

much I've missed you."

He kissed her lips and then pressed his forehead to hers. "I

think I do."

Before she could respond, their lips joined, and a kiss full of

need and passion locked them together. He thrust his tongue into her
mouth and explored it as if they were kissing for the first time. Her
heart raced while her body heated, excited and full of longing. The
week had been beyond difficult to deal with, but all the stress
suddenly vanished. She had him now, his love, his warmth, and knew

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everything would be all right.

They stood under the shower of rain with their tongues

playing and their bodies rubbing together. Stephen tugged at her shirt
and lifted it as he nudged her back. She refused to let go of him, kept
her arms secured around his neck, and took delight from his excited
kiss while she took one baby step back after another. He stopped her
past the backdoor and wedged her between him and the car. When he
pressed his hard cock against her navel, she couldn't resist the urge to
free it. Desire raged within her as she hurried to unfasten his pants.
She had to have him now, his cock inside her and filling her.

"I need you, Stephen. I need you now."
He lifted her shirt over her head. As he lowered her shirt and

dropped it, he looked from one direction to the next.

She carefully lowered the zipper of his jeans. "It's not a

heavily traveled road. If we hurry—"

He claimed hold of her face and thrust his tongue back inside

her mouth. Electric currents of pleasure flowed within her body. Their
tongues frolicked again while he slid one hand down her neck and to
her chest. He pushed her bra aside and squeezed one of her breasts.
More tingles raced to her sex. Longing to touch him, she slid her hand
inside his boxers. She found his rigid length, and as she rubbed her
wet hand over it, he moaned. The thought of his thick, hot cock
pumping into her brought forth a spasm in her pussy. She craved his
love, and if he gave it to her she would return it in kind and never let
him go.

She tugged at the edge of his wet pants while she gripped his

cock and glided her thumb over the head. He pried his lips from her.

"I want you so bad, Nikki."
"I want you, too."
She placed her palm flat on his chest and nudged him back.

Then she kneeled on the ground before him, rain battering her face
and lashes. Without waiting another second, she wrapped her lips
around his cock and took him into her mouth.

"Oh, Nikki." He threaded his fingers in her drenched hair.
She stroked his length with her lips and tongue.
"I love you so much."
She slid him in and out, sucking and taking him deeper each

time. The heat of his cock brushed over her tongue, warming and
arousing her. He filled her mouth and tested her gag reflex as she took

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him deep into her throat, but she endeavored to give him what he
desired. With each in and out motion, he moved his hips slightly.
When he tightened his grip on her head, she sensed he was close to
coming and quickened her efforts. Then he let go of her and brushed
her wet hair out of her face.

"Stop, Nikki. Stop."
She slipped his rigid length from her mouth. "What's wrong?"
"Stand up."
Without questioning, she did as he'd told her. He immediately

started to unfasten her pants. "I want to come inside you. In the car."

She grinned as he quickly unzipped her jeans. Taking them by

the edge, he looked in both directions and then tugged them along
with her bikini down her legs. The wet clothes didn't obey his wishes
as easily as she did, but he still got his way and ended up leaving her
clothes at her feet. On his way up, he grabbed the handle to the door
and opened it. He pushed the driver's seat forward, and she crawled
into the back. When he smacked her ass, she stopped on her hands
and knees and shot a wide grin to him.

"I thought you were a fan of the moon."
He stuck his head inside the car. Rain dripped from his hair

and chin as he gave her a mischievous smile. "I'm very much a Luna

He leaned forward and slapped her rear again. The sound

stung her ears slightly. A slight twinge of pain tingled under her flesh,
but she ignored it as he moved his warm hand between her legs. He
slid his fingers into her pussy, and in an instant her body hungered
with need.

"You are so wet." He pushed his digits deep inside her. When

he removed them, he caressed her clit. "Feel good?"

She bit her lip and nodded. The way he treated her sensitive

clit nearly made her want to come right then and there. Damn, she'd
missed him more than she realized.

"I can't wait much longer." He yanked her shoes off and then

removed the clothes wrapped around her ankles.

"Don't forget my shirt," Nikki said as she twisted around to

face him. She sat in the center of the back seat. Glad her legs were
free, she stretched them apart for him.

Stephen dropped her soaked shirt on the floor with the pile of

her other clothes and shoes. He leaned into the back, and when he

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lifted his gaze slightly, he came to a quick stop. Staring at her pussy,
his eyes grew wide.

"Like what you see?" she asked.
"You know I do."
Grinning, he pressed his face between her legs and flicked her

clit with his tongue. A soft gasp slipped from her while a tingle
coursed straight to her breasts. Her nipples ached as he laved her
pussy over and over again. Each caress created erotic zings that left
her desperately needing more. The brush of his tongue brought her
close to her release. She wanted to come, badly, but she wanted to
reach her climax with his cock inside her, just as he, too, did.

"Take me now. Please, Stephen."
He licked her pussy one last time and then kissed her thigh.

"I'm about to burst."

He backed out of the car and looked in both directions. Nikki

glanced out the back window, checking for any signs of cars. When
she returned her gaze forward she saw Stephen bent over and
removing his jeans. He dropped them with the other pile, and then
filled in the back seat, closing the door behind him.

"My sister is going to kill me if she finds out about this." She

tugged on his shirt.

He kneeled between her legs on the leather seat and pulled his

clingy shirt over his head. "Let's not tell her. We'll clean the car in the

The second she saw his sculpted chest she dragged her

fingertips down his torso. As she felt each ripple of hard muscle, she
struggled with the urge to slowly run her tongue over every one of
them. He moved closer with his cock in his hand. Drops of rain rolled
down his body. As if they could read each other's mind, they joined
their lips, and he invaded her mouth again. At the same time, he
rubbed the tip of his cock along her pussy. She moaned softly, loving
the way he touched her and played with her tongue. Her temperature
rose fast, fueled by desire and stimulated by the heat of his solid body.
She wrapped her arms around him and ran her fingers through his wet
hair. When he slipped his cock past her entrance and gave a single
thrust, their lips parted, and she gasped with delight.

"I love it when you fill me."
He planted kisses along her neck as he slid his arms under her

legs and lifted, keeping them spread wide. "I love you so much,

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Nikki." His warm breath tickled her ear, and then he nipped her neck.

Pleasure branched out through her body like a fast growing

vine, and her hard nipples ached more. "I love you, and I'm never
letting you go."

He withdrew his cock slowly, then plunged into her and she

gasped again. Molten hot passion burned within her. She wanted
more, wanted him to pound every ounce of his love into her. Holding
her legs wide apart, he slid out and then pumped back inside her,
filling and stretching her inner walls. His cock fit snugly inside her,
and in her open-to-the-world position he stimulated her g-spot
exquisitely. In and out, he worked faster and drove his cock deeper.
Her nipples yearned for his touch, so she pushed her breasts forward
and rubbed them along his chest. Anticipation escalated quickly, as if
she were a teenager about to come for the first time. He groaned and
thrust. She breathed heavily and moaned. Then finally the pleasure
overwhelmed her, and her orgasm came with a viselike grip around
his cock.

"Oh, Stephen. Yes. Oh…"
He kissed her chin and licked it all as he pounded harder into

her. The lively pulse of her orgasm continued while euphoria spread
within her. His warm and heavy breaths swept over her cheek. She
sensed he was close and dug her nails into the back of his shoulder.

"I love you." He drove deep inside her, and his orgasm came

with a vibrant pulse that nearly matched her own.

Panting, sweating, he let go of her legs, and they began to

relax while with their orgasms piggy-backed each other. Her insides
squeezed his cock, and then his cock throbbed in response. The
powerful hammering of his cock against her canal kept her orgasm
alive and the ecstasy flowing. She never wanted to let him go, never
wanted to miss a chance when they could engage their passions. The
thought of their ten-day vacation away from everyone appealed to her
more than ever now.

Stephen kissed her lips and then met her gaze. "That was

incredible 'I missed you' sex."

Nikki chuckled and looked at the steam-covered windows. "I

guess we really heated things up."

He glanced in the same direction, and a grin formed on his

face. "Well, since it's still raining out…"

He kissed her tenderly this time, gently exploring and

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brushing her tongue with his. Slowly, he fell on his back, taking her
with him. But the back seat wasn't big enough, and the side of the
vehicle propped his head up. Nikki leaned over him, their mouths
locked and his cock still inside her. He claimed hold of her breasts,
and when he tweaked her nipples, the urge to take him again besieged

She pried her lips and sat up on him. "I love you, Stephen


He gave her a warm smile. "I love you, Nikki Krissman."
His words zapped all her stress and turned into a distant

memory. They loved each other, and together, they could overcome
any problem. She had no doubt about it. The events over the last five
days might have looked like signs telling her to walk away, but her
heart knew the truth. And she would follow her heart's desire.

She'd start with another round of sex in the backseat of her

sister's Mustang.

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"Do you, Stephen Michael Krissman, take Nicole Elizabeth

Reynolds to be your wife? Do you promise to be true to her in good
times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honor her all
the days of your life?" Father Jacob asked.

Stephen stared deep into Nikki's eyes. "I do."
"And do you, Nicole Elizabeth Reynolds, take Stephen

Michael Krissman to be your husband? Do you promise to be true to
him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and
honor him all the days of your life?"

The beat of her heart accelerated as she gazed happily into

Stephen's blue eyes. She'd finally reached the magic moment and
could say the two words she'd been longing to say in front of a
Catholic priest, her family and friends, and Stephen's family and

"I do."
Father Jacob continued with his spiel. Stephen's two brothers

stood nearby, and when the priest called for the rings, Joshua stepped
forward. Stephen took the wedding ring from his brother. Smiling,
Stephen slid it onto Nikki's forefinger instead of the usual one since
the swelling hadn't lessened, and said his line. For a brief moment, it
seemed as if the world outside of her and Stephen didn't exist. Her
legs quivered, and she fought the overwhelming urge to embrace and
kiss him.

The Father spoke up again, and Nikki snapped out of her

dreamlike trance. Seconds later, her sister Lisa appeared with the ring
for Stephen. She'd nearly forgotten her bridesmaids, Lisa and Kate,
were standing near her side. The choice of selecting bridesmaids had
been difficult considering she had six sisters, but since Stephen had
two brothers, she decided to select only two of her sisters—the oldest

She took the ring, and as she slid it onto Stephen's finger, she

recited the words he'd said earlier. Stephen smiled again, and her heart
picked up more beats again. She couldn't wait to get him alone so she
could kiss him and do naughty, loving things with him.

Father Jacob continued with the ceremony and said a prayer.

Nikki bit her lip while she waited for him to finish. After he finally
said the last words pronouncing them husband and wife, Stephen

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reached for her face and claimed her lips. The kiss made her knees
weak, and she leaned into his body.

The clapping of hands and cheers from the audience ended to

their tender moment, but Stephen held onto her. Pressing his forehead
to hers, he said, "I love you, Nicole Krissman."

A wide smile spread across her face. "And I love you, Stephen


He planted a short kiss on her lips as he took her hand, and

then they turned to face the crowd gathered to witness their wedding.
Elation filled Nikki's heart and soul. Life was full of surprises and
challenges, evidence given from the last week she'd spent preparing
for the wedding. But she'd resolved them and now had the man her
heart desired. She couldn't be happier. As she gazed at her six loving
sisters and two brother-in-laws she hoped they, too, could find their
true love one day and share in the wealth of such happiness.

The End


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If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

Baby, It’s Cold Outside by Vanessa Devereaux

Her Accidental Lover by London Saint James

Love After the Gone by Isabella Olivia Ellis

Evernight Publishing



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