Diane Thorne [Sisters of Lonewood 02] Kate's Story [Evernight, RotG] (pdf)

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2013 Diane Thorne



Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Sisters of Lonewood, 2

Diane Thorne

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Kate held her cell phone to her ear as she stared out the

window from her classroom. Children played joyfully in the school's
playground. They climbed on the monkey bars, swung back and forth
in the swings, and chatted with their classmates. As she enjoyed
watching them smile, laugh, and have fun, she longed for a day when
her children would do the same. First, she had to meet a decent man
and fall in love, which seemed impossible.

"Are you there, Kate?" her sister, Nikki, asked.
"I'm here."
"Sorry, room service just arrived."
"So, you're having a good time?" Kate ambled toward the

front of the classroom.

"Oh, Kate, I'm having a wonderful time. The weather is

perfect. The cruise is perfect. Everyone is so nice. Stephen and I are
have the best time ever."

Kate grinned at the sound of her sister's cheerful voice. A few

days ago, Nikki had had a series of mishaps before her wedding.
Thinking the accidents were signs telling her to cancel the big day,
she nearly did. But her heart yearned for Stephen. Nikki worked
everything out, and the wedding stayed on track. The newlyweds had
left for their cruise three days ago, and from the sound of her sister's
voice, she couldn't be happier.

"It's good to hear you're happy and enjoying the trip. You

deserve it." Kate turned, her shoes grinding into the floor, then
strolled along the length of the window again.

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"Oh, thank you, Kate. I owe a lot to Stephen. He's a wonderful

man. I hope all my sisters get to meet someone who is just as loving,
gracious, full of life, sexy—"

"I get the picture, sis. He completes you."
Kate stopped and faced the window. Sighing, she wished

Prince Charming would show up and sweep her off her feet. She
pictured him six feet tall with dark hair and blue eyes. A beard would
be okay, same for glasses. Her knight in shining armor would have
brains and like a good challenge. He would be a professor or someone
with a love for knowledge but also have a kind and sensitive heart.
He'd love her passionately and want to have many children they could
teach together. Yes, she dreamed for such a man. But in reality, he
didn't exist. Not in Lonewood, Illinois.

"One day, you will meet Mr. Right. I know you will," her

sister said boldly.

"I wish I shared your confidence, but have you forgotten

where I live?"

Nikki chuckled. "Of course, I can't. Maybe you should take

some time off and visit somewhere. You don't have to travel far.
Drive to Evansville or Nashville and have a little fun. You never
know, Kate. You might meet someone and fall in love."

"I'm a teacher. I can't—"
"You get breaks. Why not go on a trip then?"
Kate pressed her lips together in an effort to avoid an

argument with her sister on her honeymoon. An educator's job never
ended when school closed. She always had tests to review, grades to
finalize, prep work for the return of classes and getting organized.
Kate had plenty to do during the breaks, making it impossible to
travel and “have fun” as her sister put it. Maybe she could spare time
over the summer, but that season was eight months away.

"I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt for you to get out of that town

every now and then," Nikki said. "You're only twenty-eight. Still
young. Enjoy life."

"I'll think about it."
"Do I need to show up in Lonewood, get Heather and the two

of us give you a makeover like we used to do? I'll do it, Kate. Then
we'll kidnap you and take you across the state line if that's what it

Kate couldn't stop the grin from forming on her face. Nikki

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was younger than Kate by three years, and Heather by half that. When
Kate was a senior in high school, Nikki and Heather would give her a
makeover on the weekends with games or school events. They'd apply
makeup to her face, force her to remove her glasses, curl her hair, and
pad her bra before going out. Kate felt uncomfortable dolled up and
would've preferred staying home and reading a good book in her
pajamas, but she enjoyed time with her sisters and didn't want to
disappoint them. So, she played along with their girlish games, and
what fun times they had had.

"I'll tell our sisters you called and you're having a great time,"

Kate said.

"You're doing it again, changing the subject."
"Because recess is almost over and I have to get back to


Kate headed toward the front of the classroom at a slow pace.

Although she still had ten minutes before the kids were due back, she
no longer wanted to discuss her future or men with her now married
sister. Kate doubted she'd ever meet her prince, and she'd come to
accept it. No man would want a geeky woman with a lean frame and
small tits, who preferred pajamas over sexy lingerie, reading over
television, who craved knowledge and devoted her time to education,
who loved kids and enjoyed nurturing them. In her experience of
dating, men wanted sexy and fashionable women with big breasts
whom they could cuddle with while watching hours of TV. And the
men she dated weren't interested in children. Where did this leave
her? Alone, as usual, but at least she could do what she wanted and
take heart in knowing she helped young minds. And if she needed
sexual satisfaction, she could always turn to BOB to satisfy her needs.

"All right," Nikki said with a sigh. "I miss you. Send everyone

my love."

Kate stopped at her desk and opened her bottom drawer. "I

will pass the word on. Call us later."

"Bye, Kate."
Kate lowered her phone and watched her sister's number blink

before disappearing from her screen. A touch of sadness surfaced.
Now that Nikki had married, she might visit Lonewood less. Kate and
her other five sisters might only see her once a year, at Christmas or
Thanksgiving. They'd always been a close family. Even though Nikki

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lived and worked in Chicago, she visited frequently. Since Nikki had
started a new family and found a man to complete her, Kate suspected
her happy sister wouldn't show up much. Although Kate was glad for
Nikki, the thought of losing her made Kate want to cry.

She lowered her phone and hid it behind her as Mrs.

Steinbacher, the superintendent, and a young man walked into the
classroom. Kate's gaze lingered on the man with brown locks as the
two approached her. He was her height, maybe an inch or two shorter,
and had a slim frame. His trimmed goatee added a few years to his
youthful look. Staring into his caramel colored eyes, warmth spread
within her body. She felt flush, and her heart thumped faster. What
was wrong with her?

The two stopped in front of her.
"I'd like you to meet Mr. Dylan Wallace," Mrs. Steinbacher

said, then faced him. "This is Kate Reynolds. She's taught here for six
years, and the kids adore her."

He smiled as he offered his hand. "Nice to meet you."
Kate accepted his greeting. "Hi." For some reason, she

couldn't think of anything else to say as he gripped her hand. She also
could not stop staring at his eyes. But she did notice how hot she
suddenly felt, especially her face. Was she blushing?

"He's going to sub for us for a while until we can hire him full

time as a teacher. I'd like him to observe you in class for a couple
days, perhaps a week, and then he can sit in the other classes if
needed. I'm hoping it won't take more than a week for the board to
give the final approval to hire him."

"Okay. Sure," she said as their hands parted.
"Excellent. I'll leave you to work out the details." Mrs.

Steinbacher looked at Dylan. "If you have any questions, stop by my
office. Otherwise, let's plan to meet Friday afternoon."

"I'll be sure to stop by," he said.
Mrs. Steinbacher gazed past Kate at the window, then at the

clock above the dry erase board.

"I need to bring them back inside," Kate said before Mrs.

Steinbacher could make a comment about recess running a few
minutes past the scheduled time. Kate had released the kids late since
they were taking a test. She didn't dare say as much to Mrs.
Steinbacher. The old woman strictly followed a clock regardless if

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classes extended into breaks. If the kids played beyond the set time,
the old woman always had something negative to say about it.

She gave Kate a cold look, then walked out of the classroom.
Dylan glanced at the door as if he wanted to ensure Mrs.

Steinbacher had left. "Is there a problem?"

"According to the time on the clock, the kids should be back

in class now. But I let them out late due to a test, and I wanted them to
enjoy their full recess."

"Ah." He gave her a warm smile. "So you're one of the few

kind-hearted women who place the needs of the kids first and
sometimes disobeys the hard rules of the cold overlord."

Kate bit her lip as more heat rushed to her face. What did he

mean by few kind-hearted women? Was it a compliment? He was
dead right about Mrs. Steinbacher.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was kidding about the last part. Don't tell her

I said that."

She couldn't stop the grin from forming on her face. "It's okay.

You're description is accurate. When it comes to fun and games, she's
a stickler for time. But if a child is in detention, she makes sure to
keep them past their scheduled leave."

He shook his head. "A perfect example of why students and

parents don't like the superintendent."

"Yes, but nobody has voted her out. She's been in charge since

I was a kid."

He slid his hands into the pockets of his khaki pants. "So,

you're from Lonewood?"

"Born and raised. And you?"
"I'm from Evansville. I just moved here a few days—"
Hearing the scream of one of the kids outside, they both shot

their attention to the window. Jessica and Kristin ran around the slide
with their mouths wide open. Zack and Chris chased the girls. The
grins on their faces indicated they were playing.

"That's my cue." Kate dropped her phone in her purse, then

slid the drawer shut. "I better get them before she comes back."

"Would you like me to wait here?"
"Yes, I have an extra desk in the back corner." She lifted her

arm and pointed. "You can sit there and observe. I believe there are
pens and notebooks in the drawers if you need to take notes."


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"And I'll introduce you to the kids before I start English."
"Sounds good," he said with a nod.
Kate stepped past him and headed for the door.
She stopped and turned to meet his gaze.
"I have a feeling I'm right about you. Just so you know, I'm a

bit of a rebel myself."

Not knowing how to respond, she swallowed hard and

continued toward the door.

Her heart sped as she walked down the hall. What was wrong

with her? Why did she continue to flush in front of Dylan? She
conjured a list of possible explanations. To begin with, a man hadn't
complimented her in a long time. Her last date had occurred five years
ago, and that was the last time a man had kissed her. It had been even
longer since the last time she had sex. Perhaps her hormones were
stirring for those very reasons.

She pushed the door open and held it. As she held her arm up,

the kids started running toward her. Waiting for them to trickle inside,
her thoughts returned to the handsome man in her classroom. She
couldn't deny she was attracted to him. Although he didn't fit the
picture of her Prince Charming, his cute smile, kind words, sense of
humor, and concern for kids appealed to her. At least, she assumed he
liked children since he was going to take a teaching position and
confessed to breaking rules. He'd also complimented her even though
he didn't know her. Did that indicate he had an interest in her?

The more she pondered about Dylan Wallace, the more her

curiosity rose. She wanted to know more about him. What kind of
man was he? What did he like to do? Did he come from a big family
in Evansville? What were his goals in life? A plethora of questions
she planned to ask came to mind. Fortunately, she had plenty of time
to obtain answers since he'd moved to Lonewood recently. He
probably didn't have friends or know many people. A new home and a
new job equaled a ton of questions. She welcomed the opportunity to
help him.

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Chapter Two

The end-of-school alarm sounded as Kate finished writing on

the dry-erase board. She sighed with relief the day had finally ended.
All afternoon her gaze had drifted to the corner where Dylan sat
behind a desk. He had watched her and the students intently. Only a
few times did she find him writing notes. On the few times their gazes
met, he flashed a smile. That one move lit a fire within her, and she
tried to keep it cooled, but damn he made it difficult for her.

Kate spun to face the class and snapped the cap back on her

marker. Boys and girls hurried to stuff their notebooks and pencils in
their backpacks and desks.

"Don't forget the math test tomorrow and book report due on

Thursday," Kate said.

"Bye, Ms. Reynolds," Jessica said as she headed toward the

door. Three other students said their goodbyes, too, before scurrying
away with the rest of the crowd.

"I really enjoyed sitting in your class today," Dylan said,

standing next to her desk.

Kate placed her marker on the wall plate next to the board. "I

didn't bore you too much, did I?"

"Oh, no, no. I like your style. You don't lecture the kids much.

You challenge them to think by asking questions and involving them
in discussions. Plus, I like your reward system. I don't think I've ever
seen a teacher hand out treats like that."

"Well, I had to get permission slips signed and learn if any of

the kids had allergies. Mrs. Steinbacher doesn't approve, but since I
have written approval from the parents, she can't stop me."

A wide grin spread over his face. "I like the way you think.

Where there's a will, you find a way."

She shrugged as she moved toward her desk. "It benefits the

kids in the long run. And that's what it's all about. Helping and
educating them."

"I couldn't agree with you more."
Kate slid the bottom drawer open and grabbed her purse. "You

can leave whenever you like. I don't stay after to grade tests. I take
them home with me." She plopped her bag on her desk, then
organized the book and papers.

He stepped around her desk, his hands in his pockets. "I was

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wondering if you were busy tonight?"

Kate froze, bent over as she prepared to dump her book and

documents into one of the drawers. "Well, not really." She slowly
lowered the items into the drawer.

"Would you want to go out to dinner and talk? I'm new here

and…" He shrugged. "I'd really enjoy your company."

"Oh, sure." Her heart fluttered. "But I don't have car to meet

you somewhere. My sister, Brenda, is coming to pick me up."

"Do you need a ride?" He asked with a touch of excitement in

his tone. "I would be glad to take you home."

"Oh, no. That's okay. She's already on her way and should be

here in a few minutes."

"Well, may I pick you up tonight then? I don't mind."
Kate shut her drawers and locked them. "That would be nice. I

usually just grade papers and eat dinner with my sisters." She flushed
after she said the last sentence, realizing she probably sounded like
some boring person who stayed around their house all night long.
How could she get a boyfriend if she sounded like a dull person?

"How many sisters do you have?"
"Six. One recently got married. The rest of us are single."
"Wow, you have a big family. I have two younger brothers

and an older sister. She's expecting her first child in seven months."

Kate slid the strap of her purse over her arm. "Oh,

congratulations. You're going to be an uncle."

He grinned. "Yeah, I'm happy for her."
"Do they live in Evansville?" She picked up her folder with

the tests.

"Yes, they do. I was the first one to move away."
Kate headed for the door. "It must have been hard for you to

leave all your family behind."

"Not really. I talk to them regularly, and they aren't that far

away." He escorted her from the class and into the hall. "They
understood how much I wanted to get a job teaching. I couldn't find
any immediate openings in Evansville."

"Well, Lonewood is a lot smaller, but everyone's pretty nice

here. It's not too small of a town, but probably a lot different from
where you’re from."

"I can manage, with the right company."
Kate swallowed and looked away. The man consistently

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smiled at her, and it warmed her soul. It also revved her hormones,
especially when they locked gazes. She thoroughly enjoyed staring at
his caramel-colored eyes.

"Is it okay if I pick you up at six?" he asked.
"Yes, that will be fine. I live on 6112 Wildberry Road. Do you

need directions?"

He withdrew a phone from one of his pockets. "I can find it.

My phone has GPS."

She turned the corner and headed for the exit. Dylan walked

next to her while he typed on his phone. Kate glanced at the glass
doors and saw Brenda's Mustang parked near the curb.

"My ride's here."
Dylan stopped and looked up. "The Mustang?"
"Yeah, she works at an auto shop. One of the local car dealers

always takes his car there, and he offered a bunch of discounts to the
employees. She got the car at half the cost and with all the bells and

"Good deal for your sister."
"Yeah." She pushed the door open and stepped outside. To her

surprise, he followed her. "So I'll see you at six."

He followed her to the car like a lost dog. "I hope you don't

mind picking out where to go. I haven't ventured outside my
apartment much."

Kate opened the door to the Mustang. "There's a diner in town

my sister Heather works at. We can go there."

"Thanks, Kate. I look forward to seeing you later."
"Sure thing. See you in a couple hours."
Kate fell into the passenger seat and shut the door.
"Who is that?" Brenda asked, her gaze following Dylan as he

walked down the sidewalk.

"He's going to be taking the teaching position. Mrs.

Steinbacher wants him to sit in my class and observe for the rest of
the week."

"And you're seeing him later?" Brenda asked as she shifted the


"He's going to pick me up at six and take me dinner to talk. He

just moved here a couple days ago from Evansville."

"Oh, so he's new to the town, too." Brenda braked, then turned

out of the parking lot.

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"Yeah, he said he has two younger brothers and an older sister

who is expecting in seven months."

"Seems like he's shared a lot with you. Does he like you or


Kate avoided looking at her sister and stared out her side


"Does he?"
She hesitated, then finally said, "I think he's looking for a

friend since he's new."

Kate knew if she didn't say something, Brenda would continue

to pester her for an answer. The problem with discussing men with
Brenda was she didn't understand them the same way. To her sister,
they were all big brothers. She'd never been in love or had a
boyfriend, so she wouldn't be able to offer any good advice.

"That makes sense," Brenda said with a nod. "And since he

has to sit in your class all week, he probably wants to ask questions
about the school and town."

Silence lasted while Brenda sped out of town. Surprisingly,

her lead foot had only earned her two tickets in her five and a half
years of driving experience.

"Do you like him?" Brenda asked as she steered the car onto

the main county road.

Kate slid her fingers under glasses and rubbed one of her eyes.

"He's a nice guy. And he's kind of cute and funny. I can tell he likes

"So you do like him?"
"I don't know him enough."
"You're right. You don't. So, keep that in mind. Get to know

him and see what he's like. Find out what his hang-ups are."

A grin slid across Kate's face. "Are you giving me advice?"
"I'm just saying I would never do anything with a guy unless I

really knew him. Not that I'd do anything with a guy anyway, but you
know what I mean."

Kate twisted in the seat, and her skirt made a rubbing sound on

the leather. "Why don't you ever go out on a date?"

"I go out with guys."
"But not on a date where you kiss and—"
"Oh stop right there. First of all, I know these guys, and I'd

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never want to kiss or make out with them. Hell no."

"There's never been a man who just made you hot and want to

kiss him and make—"

"No. No. No." Brenda shook her head and stole a glimpse at

Kate. "Is that how he makes you feel?"

Kate felt flush again. Damn it, why did she keep blushing? It

had to be because she hadn't been with a man in such a long time.

"Can you just drive, please? I need to grade these tests and

clean up before he arrives."

Brenda sighed heavily. "All right."
Although Kate hadn't responded to her sister's question, the

answer was obvious on her face. Any of her other sisters would've
noticed. Lust brewed within her even though she knew very little
about Dylan. She kept telling herself to go slow and be a friend first
and foremost. She also reminded herself that she wasn't the kind of
woman a man wanted, so she shouldn't get her hopes up. Sure, he
seemed interested, but she could be so horny she misread him. As
she'd mentioned earlier, he probably just wanted a friendly co-worker
since he was new to Lonewood.

Neither one of them spoke the rest of the way. Brenda parked

in the driveway, but left the engine running.

"You're not coming in?" Kate asked as she shut the door.
"No, Jill and I are going out later."
Brenda lived with a friend from high school, Jill. Many people

thought the two were lovers since they both dressed and acted like
tomboys. Kate and her sisters didn't care if they were or not. They
merely wanted to see Brenda happy.

"Thanks for the ride. Oh, and Nikki called today. She's

enjoying the cruise, and she sends her love."

"That's, good. Hey, I'll see you tomorrow." Brenda faced the

back window and backed out of the driveway.

Kate jogged up the steps and across the front porch before

entering her family's country house. Her parents had purchased the
house, barn, and land before any of them were born. Then her dad had
died when she was ten and her mother two years later. Grandma
Sharon had moved in and cared for them until her death five years
later. During the years of hardship, each sister took a role in helping
the others. Kate assisted by educating her sisters. She'd read books
from the library and shared the knowledge. She provided guidance

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with their homework so they could obtain a diploma and go to college
if they wanted, like Nikki had done. Kate's knowledge also included
household fixes, which had benefited them over the years so they
didn't need to call a licensed professional. A few sisters had moved
from the family home, but Lisa, her oldest sister, Heather, and Penny
still shared residence with her. The only bills they had to pay were
utilities, taxes, insurance, and the upkeep of the property, which were
affordable when split among the four of them.

The screen door slapped the frame as Kate strode into the

living room. She passed through the wide room and headed for the
kitchen. Lisa stood near the refrigerator door with a bottle of water in
her hand. Kate stopped at the table on the opposite side. She set her
purse and folder with the tests on the table before she scooted a chair
out and sat.

"Long day?" Lisa asked. "Need a drink?"
Kate removed her glasses and set them on the folder. "No. No

drink." She leaned back in the wooden chair.

"Uh-oh." Lisa walked toward her. "Something's on your

mind." She sat in a chair next to Kate and faced her.

"I'm going out at six."
"With a guy." Kate swallowed hard. "He moved here from

Evansville, and he's going to be a teacher at my school."

Lisa tilted her head slightly. "And you like him?"
Kate closed her eyes briefly. "Yes, but I think it's just because

I haven't been out with a man in so long that my body is jumping at
the first man who seems interested. I don't want to ruin this date. I
know I should just be friends and get to know him."

"But you think there could be something more and you want

to find out?"

Kate tossed her hands up in exasperation. "It's stupid of me to

think it. I'm a nerdy twenty-eight-year-old who doesn't own one bit of
makeup or sexy clothing. I'm not a girly-girl, and I spend all my time
helping kids, teaching, working around the house, and reading. I don't
go out and have fun like most people. I'm boring Kate."

"Now stop that right now. You're not boring at all, Kate. I

don't know what we would've done over the years without you.
You're a great educator and fixer-upper. So what, you don't wear
stylish clothes or got to bars and socialize like everyone else. What's

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important is that you're happy. Are you?"

Kate nodded. She was happy, but she was also lonely. BOB

just wasn't a good enough. She wanted a companion who shared her
interests and goals, wanted kids, and liked to shag. God, she needed to
get laid.

Lisa leaned closer and placed her hand on Kate's knee. "You

have a lot to offer a man. Be yourself."

"I don't want to get my hopes up."
"Then take things slow. Let your heart guide you."
Kate stared into her sister's compassionate eyes. As usual, she

was right. And, as usual, Kate over thought the situation. Worrying
about her less than stellar qualities only lowered her self-esteem.
She'd done plenty over the years to help children and her own family.
The right man would see her value. If Dylan wasn't Mr. Right, then so
be it. The love of her life had to exist somewhere.

"Thanks, Lisa. I think I needed to talk about it, and Brenda

was not the best person to discuss this with."

Lisa rose with a chuckle. "Yeah, we all know that. But one

day, she will be asking us for advice. She will meet someone who will
change her world, and she'll be asking each of us what to do."

Kate slid her glasses back on, then gathered her belongings

and stood. "I'm going to head upstairs. I've got some tests to grade
before I clean up."

Lisa placed her hand on Kate's arm. "You're such a warm-

hearted, brilliant woman, Kate. He has to see it, or he's not the one."

"Thanks, sis."
As Lisa walked toward the living room and Kate followed,

heading for the stairs, confidence filled Kate's soul. Yes, she still
hungered for a man to make passionate love to her, a man who
wanted children and shared her aspirations of helping them, but until
she found him BOB would have to keep her company. She hoped
Dylan might be the one, but she'd survive if he weren't. Now, how
could she separate love from lust?

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Chapter Three

Kate huffed as she fidgeted with the clip of the necklace for

the fifth time, trying to connect the two ends. She'd borrowed the
black necklace from her sister Alison, who'd left it at the house a few
days ago. Since Kate had donned a dark gray v-neck shirt and black
skirt with tights and knee high boots, the petite vintage style beads
went well with her attire. If only she could get the damn clip to catch
on to the loop.

Sighing, she lowered her arms and stared in the mirror. Her

brown wavy locks flowed nicely over her shoulders. She'd spent an
extra ten minutes styling her hair, curling the strands. Adding lip gloss
to her lips wasn't part of her routine either, but she'd applied the thin
layer, and now her lips were smooth and tasted of strawberries.

A knock on the bathroom door startled her, and she flinched.

"Kate, do you need any help?"

She recognized Lisa's voice instantly and felt a sense of relief.

"Yeah. Actually, I do."

Kate watched via the mirror as her sister stepped into the

bathroom. "I can't seem to get this necklace to clip together." She
wrapped the frustrating item around her neck and waited for Lisa to
assist her.

"How about I do that and you hold your hair up so I can see?"
Without saying a word, Kate gave her the necklace. Once Lisa

had it, Kate lifted her hair from her shoulders and neck. Lisa stepped
close behind Kate and looked in the mirror.

"You look very nice. This necklace goes well with your

outfit." She wrapped it around her neck, and within ten seconds, she
clipped the ends together. "There."

"Thank you." Kate let go of her hair and lowered her arms.
"Penny and Alison are sitting outside."
Kate twisted to face her sister. "Why is Alison here?"
"Brenda called her and told her she thought you had the hots

for some new guy in town."

"I swear…" Kate shook her head.
"Don't get mad. You know we all love you, and we just want

to check this guy out." Lisa offered a kind smile, but it did little to
ease the anger bubbling within Kate.

"Some things never change." Secrets were very difficult to

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keep among six sisters.

"It's almost six. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, I just need to grab my purse."
"I'll wait downstairs with the others." Lisa headed for the door.
"Thanks for helping, Lisa."
She paused at the door. "Anything for my sisters."
Once she left, Kate stored the curling iron and brush, then

wiped off the counter. She headed for her bedroom, smoothing her
skirt. Although the length came to her knees, she still felt a wee bit
uncomfortable. The skirts she typically wore extended past her
kneecaps. She logically acknowledged she was fine with tights
covering her legs, so she really had nothing to fret.

After collecting her purse and phone from her bedroom, she

headed downstairs. Anxiety churned in her stomach, decreasing her
appetite. While she held confidence she would be fine on her date and
would continue her life as normal, she eagerly wanted to learn if
Dylan was her Prince Charming. What would she do if he was? How
would she know? How could she know if what she felt was love and
not lust? How could she be sure?

She reached the bottom of the staircase and glanced at the

living room. The lamp in the corner illuminated the room, and not a
soul was around. Voices outside indicated her sisters were waiting on
the front porch. Upon hearing the sound of another voice, a masculine
one, she quickly pushed the screen door open.

Dylan stood in front of Lisa. He looked exactly as he had

earlier with the same clothes he'd worn to school. The minute she
stepped outside, his gaze shot to her. He gave her a quick once-over,
and he smiled.

"Wow. Had I known you were going to change, I would've,

too. Now I feel like a looser."

Penny, the baby of them all at the young of age of twenty,

chuckled. She sat beside Alison in the swinging bench.

Kate reached for the door. "I can change into some jeans."
"No, you're fine." He took a step closer. "Really."
Alison came to stand next to Kate. She crossed her arms over

her chest. "Where are you taking our sister?"

"A diner to start with, then … I don't know." He looked from

Alison to Kate.

"Heather's working tonight at Sherrie's," Penny said, sitting on

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the bench with her legs stretched in front of her.

"I know. That's where were going."
Lisa stepped toward her. "You should get going. Have a nice

time, Kate."

Kate walked past her, heading for the steps. She glanced at

Dylan. "Ready?"

"Definitely." He followed closely.
A blue pickup truck she had never seen before sat in the

driveway. Assuming it belonged to Dylan, she headed for it.

He moved to her side. "This is a nice piece of land. Do you

and your sisters own it?"

"Yes. Our parents have been gone for a while, so our

grandmother took over until her death. Lisa was old enough to claim
guardianship at that time, so she did, and we all worked odd jobs to
keep the home. I love the home, but it's a lot of work and upkeep."

She strode in front of the truck on her way to the passenger


"Let me get the door for you," Dylan said.
She stopped as he opened the door. It squealed horribly.
"It's an old truck, but it's paid for and runs well."
"Nothing wrong with old. The two vehicles sitting on the

driveway are way past their prime," she said as she settled into his

Dylan shut the door, then walked in front of the car. Kate's

sisters watched like hawks from the front porch.

"Your sisters are nice," he said after he slammed his squeaky

door. "You must be very close with them."

"Since we mostly grew up without parents and our

grandmother couldn't really do much, we took care of each other.
Lisa's the oldest. She'll be thirty in a few months. I'm second in line."

He looked over his shoulder as he backed out of the driveway.

"I know a little bit what it's like growing up without parents."

"Oh? Are your parents gone, too?"
He stopped on the road to change gears, then accelerated. "No.

My dad came back injured from the first Iraq war. He couldn't work
again due to a spinal injury. He has to take five different pills to help
him deal with the pain he goes through every day. My mom broke
down within a year. She worked, but she couldn't afford to take care
of him and the four of us, even with his monthly benefit. So, my sister

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stepped up to the plate, and we all pitched in to help each other. We
all wanted to get out of the house. Thankfully, dad's disabled veteran
status paid for our college educations."

"Let me guess, you took on the role of educating your


He grinned as he glanced at her. "Yeah. I love comics, science

fiction, and mystery. I'd read to them all the time and help my
brothers with their studies."

"I love to read."
"Can I tell you something and you promise not to laugh?" He

stole a glimpse at her.

She gave him a warm smile. "I promise."
"I don't even own a television. I haven't bought one since I

moved away from home."

A sense of joy filled Kate. It seemed she had more in common

with Dylan after all. They both enjoyed reading, helping others, and
they didn't waste time watching TV. The man was a rare find. She
wondered if they shared more interests.

"Your secret is safe with me."
Dylan braked at the stop sign and checked each direction

before looking at her. "Thanks. I was hoping you would understand.
Which way do I go from here?"

"Left. You'll stay on this road for a couple miles. I'll tell you

when to turn."

He turned the steering wheel and accelerated.
"Mind if I ask a couple questions?" Kate asked.
"No. Not at all."
"How old are you?"
"Twenty-four. I finished my master's degree in the spring and

took a job subbing over the summer in Evansville. They didn't need
me after that." He briefly shifted his gaze from the road. "Can I ask
you a question?"

"Of course."
"Why did you choose to teach at an elementary school?"
"Well…" She clasped her hands in her lap. "I found kids are

more open-minded when they are young. They may be set in their
routines because of their environments, but they are open to change
and like to explore. I try to encourage them."

"You did a great job from the little bit I've seen."

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"Thanks. I think teenagers focus on their own world. And I

don't mean that in a negative way. They know what they have to do to
move on with whatever they want to do, so they tend not to listen to
advice of adults. They listen to their friends. I don't think I'd have
much success if I had to teach at a high school. I helped my siblings
through high school, but family is different.

"True, especially if you're close to your siblings."
She nodded. "What about you? Why younger kids instead of


He scrubbed a hand over his mouth and goatee. "To be honest,

I would prefer to work with older kids."

Kate tilted her head. "Really?"
"I connect better with middle to high school aged students. In

elementary, they're not interested in math or science. Those areas are
my strongest. Truthfully, I almost didn't take this job; but I need to
build my resume, and I need a full time job. I don't mind younger
children. I love teaching. I just feel younger ones are more difficult to
reach in the areas I specialize in."

"You'll want to turn right at the next stop. Sherrie's Diner is a

mile down the road, on your left."

He slowed the vehicle as they approached the light. "Oh,


Kate stared out her window as she processed their

conversation. They were alike in many ways, but also different. She
had a feeling she could explain in detail her philosophy on teaching
young kids, and he would absorb her words like a sponge. She could
give him tips to reach the students, which would help him hone his
skills, too. In return, she realized she could learn a lot from him. His
specialties were her weakest areas. He could probably offer her
advice. Bottom line, they both wanted to educate kids, and that alone
filled her with happiness.

After Dylan parked on the side of Sherrie's Diner, he opened

the door for her and escorted her toward the front. A cool breeze
tossed leaves across the lot and strands of her hair over her face. Kate
ran her fingers through her hair to brush them away from her eyes.

"That's a pretty necklace. It suits you."
Her heart jumped a beat. "Thank you."
They stopped at the entrance, and he opened the door for her.

"Your hair is beautiful, too. You look very nice, Kate."

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His praise took her by surprise, and she couldn't think of a

response. Lips pressed together, she grinned and entered the diner.
Heat rushed to her head for acting so immaturely. She avoided
looking at him and gave her attention to Tammy, the hostess standing
near the podium.

"Two please," Kate said.
Tammy gathered the menus, then said, "Follow me."
As Kate strolled through the diner, she chided herself for the

way she acted toward Dylan. Obviously, he liked her, and they
seemed compatible. She should've thanked him for the compliment,
not acted like an adolescent.

"How's this?" Tammy asked as she gestured toward a booth.
"It's fine. Thank you." Kate scooted over the seat until she

reached the middle.

"Thank you," Dylan said before he sat across from Kate.
"Your waitress will be right with you."
Kate lifted her hand to stop her. "Will you let Heather know

I'm here?"

"Of course. It's Kate, right? I don't see you as much as the


"Yes, I'm Kate."
"I'll let her know."
After Tammy walked away, Kate directed her attention to

Dylan. He had a curious look in his eyes as he stared at her.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Do I make you feel


"No. Well…" She inhaled deeply. "First, I want to apologize

for the way I acted a minute ago. Quite honestly, I haven't been out on
a date in a long time, and I'm not used to getting compliments. I
appreciate them, and I'm sorry for acting so—"

He quickly reached over the table and placed his hand over

hers. "It's okay. I'm glad you're honest. If it makes you feel any better,
I haven’t dated in a couple of years. So, if I screw up, please forgive

A small tingle snaked through her from his gentle touch. His

warm hand, kind eyes, and sympathetic words fueled her heartbeat.

"Somehow I doubt you can screw up. You're an intelligent and

courteous man."

"And you're an incredibly beautiful woman with brains and a

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heart of gold. I love to look at you and hear you talk. I've never met
someone like you, and I knew as I watched you teach…" He took a
deep breath. "I really like being with you. I want to know more about

Kate stared into his eyes as she fought the urge to reach over

the table and kiss him. The man admitted his interest in her. He had
feelings for her even though they'd met less than twelve hours ago.
And he was as nervous as she was about the date. Was she dreaming?
She considered if she should pinch herself.

"Why don't we take this slow and get to know each other? We

have time, right?" She couldn't believe she'd actually spoken the
words. Although her body wanted to jump on Dylan Wallace and go
for a ride, her brain clearly had control of the situation.

He slid his hand away. "You're right. We do. I just moved

here, and I'm not going anywhere. We have plenty of time to talk,
especially since we'll be working in the same building."

She lifted her menu and smiled. "First day at work. First date

in your new town. Life can only get better for you."

With a playful grin, he nodded. "I like your style of thinking."
"When you've lived here as long as I have, you learn a few

tricks to survive."

"Like breaking a few rules here and there?"
She lowered the menu. "Technically, I didn't break any. I just

take different routes to accomplish my goals, and not everyone agrees
with my ways. That's not my fault."

He chuckled softly. "Smart and rebellious. I love it. I have a

great idea where we can go after dinner."

Her curiosity rose a notch. "Oh? Where?"
Dylan lifted his menu. "You'll just have to wait and see."
His flirtation stirred her hormones more. He called her smart

and rebellious. He'd also said she was beautiful and she had a heart of
gold. A man had never said such words to her. Yep, he definitely
earned a kiss tonight. First, she had to figure out where he planned to
take her later. If he thought he could hide behind the menu and get
away with teasing her, then he'd soon discover she was up to any of
his playful challenges.

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Chapter Four

"I wish you would tell me why you asked to borrow an apron

from my sister," Kate said as they strolled from the diner.

Dylan swung it at his side as he walked next to her. "For the

tenth time, you'll find out soon enough."

Kate stomped her feet on the sidewalk. He'd informed her

sister what his intentions were. Why couldn't he spill the beans? Why
keep it a secret? She'd have to say a few words to Heather later for
making matters worse by not sharing Dylan's plan.

She stopped next to the passenger door and crossed her arms.

"I don't see what the big deal is."

He opened the door for her. "You'll see."
Pressing her lips together, she got inside the car. They'd had a

wonderful dinner and chatted for nearly three hours. The night had
gone well, until he refused to tell her why he needed the apron.
Perhaps she wouldn't give him a kiss later after all.

Dylan settled behind the steering wheel and started the engine.

Before shifting the gear, he looked at her. "I'm going to need you to
trust me, Kate."

"Trust you with what?"
"I want to tie this over your eyes so you can't see." He held the

apron to her.

"What?" she asked with a burst of laughter.
"I want to surprise you. Can you let me cover your eyes?"
"And you told my sister?"
"Well of course. She thought it was a great idea." His eyes

widened with excitement.

Kate shook her head in disapproval. How could her sister

approve of him covering her eyes? Where did he plan to take her?
Although she didn't like the idea of not being able to see where they
were going, she knew in her heart that he wouldn't hurt her. The
comments he'd made during their conversations had more than proved
he had more than a friendly interest in her. So why was she holding
back from him?

She lowered her arms. "Fine."
His eyes lit up, and he grinned widely. "Turn around."
She twisted to face the window and watched his reflection. He

bunched the white apron until it resembled a thick belt.

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"I hope this works and doesn't fall down. I've never done this

before," he said before he held it in front of her face.

"You mean kidnap a person."
He pressed the thick cloth over her eyes and fiddled with it

behind her head. Oddly, she felt aroused.

He placed his hands on her shoulders. "Is it too tight?"
When his breath brushed over her ear, she squeezed her legs

together. "No, it's fine."

"Can you see anything?" he asked, still close enough to give

her a chill. "Be honest."

She turned her head in the direction of his voice. "No."
The one word caressed her cheek and sent her heart into a fast

tempo. She couldn't see anything, and he was so close to her. How
erotic. She liked his game. She really liked him.

He removed his hands from her shoulders. "You can relax

now. It will take me a few minutes to get there."

"And where's that?"
The car moved as she twisted to sit straight in the seat.
"You can keep asking, but I'm not telling."
"I'm going to get you back for this."
"Oh, I'm sure you will. And I'll retaliate with something


She folded her arms over her chest again. "I thought you were

smarter than that."

"For you, Kate, I will endeavor to challenge you as often as I

can. Admit it, you like it. You crave it."

"Maybe." She shrugged and turned to hide her grin.
"For the record, you're very sexy when you try to figure things

out, and it frustrates you. The gleam in your eyes, back at the diner,

When he didn't finish, she asked, "What?"
"Let's just say you motivated me to want to challenge you."
Did that mean she'd turned him on? Gave him a woody? But

she hadn't done anything. Sure, they teased each other, but that was it.
Damn, she wished she could peek at his groin.

"Well, I do like to inspire."
They sat in silence, and then she thought she heard him

whisper “tease”. She opened her mouth to question him, but decided

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against it. She enjoyed playing his game and took pleasure in
knowing she had an effect on him. He made her smile and feel
confident. He also made her wet with need, and she longed to touch
him. A kiss might not be enough at the end of the date. Then, she
reminded herself to slow the progress of their relationship. If Dylan
and she were destined to fall in love, then they could wait to wrap
their arms around each other and have wild monkey sex. She hoped.

She waited patiently until the minute he announced they were

almost there, but then her anxiety kicked into gear. Where had he
taken her? What if he'd brought her to his apartment? No, her sister
wouldn't have stood for that. Or would she?

The truck veered to the left and continued at a slow pace,

judging by the low hum of the engine. When the vehicle came to a
stop, it took every ounce of Kate's will not to rip the cloth from her

"Don't remove the apron yet," Dylan said.
She blew out a breath she hadn’t realized she'd been holding.

"How much longer?" She heard the squeal of his door.

"Soon. Just hold on."
The door slammed shut. She sat in silence for a few seconds

before she heard another shrill sound from her side.

"Give me your hand," he said.
"Why don't I just take this off—"
He grabbed her hand and tugged it gently. "It's just a little bit

farther, Kate. Be a good girl and play along."

She slid from the truck, biting her tongue so she wouldn't say

something derogatory in return. Why was he making her wait so
long? And he thought she was a tease? He needed to look in the
mirror. Oh, she would find a way to pay him back in spades.

Dylan held onto her hand as he shut the door. A sliver of

warmth spread through her body. She loved the feel of him holding
and touching her.

"Come on, slowly. I'll guide you."
She held her free hand in front of her as she walked with him.

"Can you give me a hint where we're going?"

"You'll see."
"I can't see anything as long as you keep this apron over my



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She did. "What's wrong?"
"There's a concrete parking block two steps away. Take one

step, then lift your other foot." He nudged her forward.

She obeyed his instructions and clasped his hand tight.
"That's good," he said.
After she lifted her second foot, she felt his grip lessen.
"You're clear now."
"May I take this off?" She reached for the cloth.
He tugged on her hand. "No-no. Not yet. We're almost there."
Kate moved forward. The soft swishing sound and the fact her

heels sank into the ground indicated they were walking on grass.
Where the hell was he leading her?

"Okay, stop." He unfastened the tie behind her head.
Kate couldn't believe her eyes when the cloth fell away. A

long swing set stood in a large boxed in area not far from her. Two
tall, large slides stood to the left. One coiled, and the other sloped
straight down. Two merry-go-rounds were on the right with monkey
bars and a tire structure for climbing further back. A big gazebo was
even farther away. She remembered it well as it had a large bench
swing. She'd visited and sat on it plenty of times with her sisters.

"This is King's Park."
"I live close to here and drove by a few times. I thought we

could hang out here for a bit and talk. What do you think?"

Her heart pumped vibrantly while happiness filled her.
"Do you want to swing first?"
Even in the darkness, she saw love and pure kindness in his

eyes. They barely knew each other, yet he had deep feelings for her. If
she weren't so happy, she would've cried.

"I'd love to," she said.
Glee spread over his face in the form of a wide smile. "Come

on. I'll push."

He left the apron on the ground as they headed for the large

swing set.

"It's been several years since I last came here. When I was

younger, my sisters and I would play here often. The slides are the
tallest ones of all the playgrounds."

"I hoped you would like my idea."
"I love it."
She never would've figured out his plan. A park was a perfect

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place to feel free from everything. A perfect place to relax, talk, and
gaze at the sky. Dylan was more intelligent than she'd first thought.
He knew how to touch her heart.

Dylan took a position behind her as she claimed a rubber

swing. Standing with the seat near her ass, she gripped the chains.
Then she fell into the seat and lifted her feet from the ground. She
swung forward, and on her way back, Dylan gave her a slight push.
She giggled as she continued swinging. As she climbed higher, she
felt incredibly alive and happy.

"Swing with me," she said.
"Nah, I'm a slide kind of guy." He took off jogging toward the

tall structures.

Kate brushed her feet along the ground. While she enjoyed

swinging, she wanted to be closer to Dylan. When her swing slowed
enough, she leaped from it and dashed toward the slide. He came
whooshing down with his arms stretched above him.

She laughed in support of his happiness and climbed the

ladder to the top.

"Be careful, Kate."
"If you can do it, so can I." She lowered herself on the slide

with her feet in front of her. Before pushing off, she removed her

"What are you doing?" he asked as she dropped one, then

slipped the other off her foot.

"I can't slide with my boots on." She dropped her shoe, then

let herself go.

A cool wind caressed her skin as she slid straight down. Not

far from the end, a joyous Dylan watched her. Her ride came to a
quick end, and the force of the descent sent her flying toward him.

"Whoa," he said as he squeezed his arms around her. "Careful


She gripped his shoulders, but couldn't stop her body from

falling against his. When she regained her balance, she realized how
close they were, how warm he was, how his kissable lips appeared
inches from her.

His gaze lowered to her mouth. "I'm trying hard not kiss you

right now, but you're making it difficult for me."

She'd wanted to take the slow road to their relationship, but

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with desire burning in her veins and his arms secured around her, she
changed her mind. Why wait for love when it was staring at her?

Kate pressed her lips to his. She sensed his hesitation, but it

didn't last long. He kissed her back, and within seconds, passion
ignited. His tongue slid into her mouth and tangled with hers. Warmth
spread through her while need grew between her legs, and her panties
became wet. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her fingers
into his hair. His hard body pressed against hers. She loved the feel of
him, and his silky hair. She wanted him. She needed him. Screw

"Oh, Kate…" He leaned against her forehead. "You smell so

good. You feel good." He kissed her lips. "I could eat you alive."

She covered his mouth and flicked his tongue. When he

responded with an equally playful move, she moaned softly. Her heart
sped while tendrils of longing branched out within her, hardening her
nipples and increasing the moisture between her legs. He moved his
hands down her back to her ass and squeezed. A whimper slipped
from her.

"Kate, you're driving me insane. I fear this is a dream. I want

you so bad."

She took his face into his hands and gazed deep into his eyes.

"If it's a dream, let's make it a memorable one."

He nodded, then claimed her lips again. As his tongue

frolicked with hers, he backed her up to the slide. Each time their
bodies bumped, she felt something hard brush below her navel.
Slowly, he leaned toward her, lowering her to the slide.

She let go of the man she was falling in love with and lay

against the hard surface.

"Think anyone will drive by and see us?" he asked.
She scooted up so she could place her feet flat on the slide.

"No, we’re too far away. Plus this sits behind the shelter."

He placed his hands on her knees and glided them down her

thighs. "Are you sure about this? I really want to lick every inch of
you, and in this position—"

"Why do you think I'm like this?" She lifted her leg, placed it

on his shoulder, and then used her heel to nudge him closer.

"Did I ever mention how I like the way you think?"
He slid his hands under her skirt and kissed her.
"I think you might have mentioned it a time or two."

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He hooked his fingers on her tights and panties. As he pealed

them from her, she lifted her bottom to aid his effort. When her ass
touched the cool slide, she pressed her lips together to stifle her gasp.

He dropped her clothing nearby, then ran his hands along her

bare thighs. "Such beautiful legs."

His warm touch sent a quiver through her, and she bit her lip.

He stared with a hungry gaze at the center between her legs. Then he
placed one hand over her pubic mound and teased the lips with his

She placed both legs on his shoulders this time. "No more

teasing, please."

"Not this time."
He kneeled, and she scooted closer toward him. Part of her

couldn't believe what they were doing, in a park no less. But she
craved him, his touch, and his kiss. When he parted her wet folds and
slipped his tongue inside her, she gave up all worries and succumbed
to the pleasure he was giving her.

She arched her back as he brushed his tongue over her clit.

Need burned hotter within her body. Each lick brought her closer and
closer to the sweet heaven where she longed to be. She moaned and
tightened her legs around his head. The anticipation escalated so fast,
especially when he inserted his fingers and pushed them in and out.
She couldn't help it. She wanted to burst. His tongue tortured her
while he pumped his digits into her. When her orgasm finally came,
she screamed softly and reveled in the waves of euphoria flowing
through her.

Dylan lifted his head. "Oh, Kate. I could do this every night

and never tire of it." He slowly removed his fingers.

Although she felt a sense of bliss from her climax, she wasn't

in paradise. She lowered her legs and sat upright. "I want you, Dylan
Wallace. I want you to make love to me right here, right now." She
unzipped his pants and pushed them down.

He brushed her hair away from her face. "It would give me

great pleasure to make love to you, Kate Reynolds. Love of my life.
Woman of my dreams."

Love and happiness filled her soul as she rose. "Dreams do

come true, don't they?"

He took her face into his hands and gazed deep into her eyes.

"I'm a believer now. You are my woman, my dream. I will love you

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She merged her lips with his and kissed him with enough

devout love that she quivered. This was her man, her Mr. Right. Her
heart and soul knew it. She never wanted to let him go.

"I'm all yours," she said as she wrapped her arms around his


He stepped from his khakis and reached under her ass. "Hold

on." He lifted her, and she quickly locked her legs around him.

Kate held her breath as he carried her. For a slim guy he must

have had strong muscles hidden under his shirt. She'd investigate
another time.

He stopped near the stairs of the slide and gently eased her

onto one of the steps. The cold metal didn't bother her this time.

"I have a confession. I've never done this before standing up,"

he said.

"That makes two of us. But I'm ready to try anything with


One of his brows rose. "Anything."
She laughed and kissed him. "Anything."
He took hold of his stiff rod and rubbed it between her wet

folds. Desire sparked like a match. She craved him filling her. She'd
waited too long for her man. As she sucked on his tongue, he found
her entrance and slowly sank his cock inside her.

"Oh, Kate."
She held her body close to his and wished they were naked in

each other's arms. But as he slid in and out of her, she gave in to the
moment. They could extend foreplay and explore each other's bodies
next time.

She breathed short breaths and clung to him as he propelled

his shaft into her. And what a big one he had. He filled and stretched
her as he drove deeper and deeper. His pace quickened in tune with
her growing need for another orgasm. He hit her g-spot again and
again as he buried himself within her. She gripped his hair and dug
her nails into his shoulder. Thrust after thrust brought her closer to

"Yes. Oh, yes," she breathed out.
The climb to her peak didn't last long. She came with another


"Oh … I feel you," he said.

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Pleasure rippled through her as he pumped his rigid member

inside her. It didn't take long for him to reach his climax. With a loud
groan and vibrant pulse between her legs, she knew he'd finally come.
Relief spread through her. Tension eased from his body while his
cock thumped within her inner walls, and what a pleasant beat it was.
She leaned her head on his shoulder and savored the blissful moment.
She'd met the one man she wanted. She'd reached her heaven.

Life had new meaning and purpose. Together, they could

teach and assist many kids. And one day, they could have their own.
She couldn't wait to begin, and she'd enjoy every minute during
production. Without any doubt, they completed each other. Time held
no boundaries with love.

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Chapter Five

Kate sighed as she stared out the window of her classroom.

The afternoon sun disappeared behind a dark cloud. As the sky
darkened, so did Kate's mood. She hadn't seen Dylan since class
resumed after lunch. All week they were inseparable lovers giddy and
full of life. Full of love. They'd admitted it every day and night. The
nights were the best as they showed their feelings, bared their flesh,
and pleasured each other thoroughly. A grin spread over face. Yes,
what a fine man he was with his muscles and big cock. Okay, charm
and wit, too. She loved her Mr. Right.

And she planned to marry him.
Her heart fluttered as she thought about it again. The moment

had taken her by surprise last night, but she'd never forget it. They
were lying naked in bed, resting in each other's arms and talking.
Then he'd moved to the floor, faced her on his knees, and had asked
her to be his wife. The answer had come out fast. "Yes." She didn't
care about how little they'd known each other. She'd met the only man
she wanted to be with, and she sure as hell wouldn't let him slip away.
The plan was she'd move in with him for a while, and they'd
considered a summer wedding. First, she had to share the news with
her sisters, and she planned to do fill them in during dinner later

She tapped her phone. The screen lit up and showed she had

no new e-mails or text messages. The time showed 2:05. Concern
gnawed at her. Dylan had to meet with Mrs. Steinbacher at 1:30, but
she'd asked to meet with him at noon. Why? Where the hell was he?

Hearing the taps of shoes, she turned her gaze to the open

door. Seconds later, Dylan walked into the classroom.

She shot up. "Where have you been?" The less than happy

look on his face sent butterflies scurrying within her belly.

He took her hands and squeezed them. Eyes downcast, he

faced her. "The board didn't approve the position. Mrs. Steinbacher
can't hire me."

"What? How can—"
"They discussed their budget and decided to wait another six

months. But even then, they can't guarantee they will hire a full time


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"There's nothing she can do."
Tears clouded Kate's eyes. "What does this mean?" And what

about their plans to marry?

"I love you with all my heart, Kate. I don't want to leave, but I

need a job. I spent the last two hours on the phone, and an hour
talking with one of the high school superintendents. I begged him for
a job. He said they have funds in their budget for a part time
substitution position right now. He can't guarantee anything more, but
he's heard a rumor one of the teachers might move to Nashville next
school year."

Kate wiped the tears rolling down her face. "So what happens


He lowered his head. "I can't pay for an apartment on a part

time sub job. I called, and they said since I haven't been there thirty
days, they can void my contract."

Kate's heart jumped as an idea came to her. "You can move in

with me and my sisters. We have plenty of room."

He swallowed hard. "Oh Kate."
"You can't leave."
"I don't want to. My heart is in pain, and I feel sick just

thinking about it."

"Then don't. We can work this out. Move in, and we will

figure everything out."

"But if I don't get a full time job in a year—"
"Then so be it." She shrugged. "There's plenty to do around

the house that you can help with. As for the wedding, we can
postpone it or just have a small reception at the house. We can make
this work."

He ran his hand through his hair. "If I do this, I don't want you

or your sisters thinking I'm mooching from you. I'll earn my keep and
pay as much as I can."

She took hold of his face. "I don't care about money. I care

about us. Everything will work out. I know it will, as long as we are

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I love

you so much, Kate. I want us to be together."

"And we will."
"In our own place."
"We will one day."

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"Married and with kids running around."
She chuckled and lowered her hands to his chest. "I want all

that." She felt the vibration of his fast beating heart. It matched hers.
"Stay and we will get by this bump in the road. We will live our
dreams, together."

He gently kissed her lips. "I'm in love with you. I can't leave. I


Bliss filled her as she embraced him in a hug. She loved him

with every fiber in her body. His tight hold clearly indicated he felt
the same about her. Love was their strength and umbrella. Together,
they could ride out any storm. Together, they would see bright skies
again. They would survive. And Kate had no doubt her sisters would
agree with her.

The End

Other Books by Diane Thorne:


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A Twister of Fate by Misty Burke

Stand and Deliver by Marie Medina

Love, Desperately by Erin M. Leaf

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Evernight Publishing



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