Diane Thorne [Sisters of Lonewood 04] Penny's Story [Evernight, RotG] (pdf)

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2013 Diane Thorne

ISBN: 978-1-77130-290-6

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Sisters of Lonewood, 4

Diane Thorne

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

The bell above the door jingled as the last customer left. Large

flakes of snow landed on the customers the minute they stepped
outside the pet clinic. A cool draft rushed inside and reached the
counter where Penny and her coworker, Annabel, stood. Penny
welcomed the breeze on her bare arms and the fresh air.

"Damn, it's cold," Annabel said the minute the door shut,

leaving her and Penny alone in the lobby. "I'm glad we have a heater
over here."

Penny glanced at the electric machine behind the counter and

close to Annabel's feet. The orange grid in the front radiated heat. Too
much for Penny's liking. As usual, she had an elevated temperature
from running around to help the resident veterinarian and retrieving
pets for customers. She'd dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, hoping to stay
cool. Typically, like every other day her efforts didn't pay off, and a
bit of moisture coated her forehead.

"I wonder how much more snow we're going to get," Penny


"I checked a few hours ago, and the forecast hadn't changed.

They're still saying three to six inches, but probably on the lower end
since most of the system is heading north."

"I guess that's good. It's New Year's Eve tomorrow, and

everyone always hangs out at the restaurants and bars in town. My
sister, Alison, who is a bartender, makes great tips on holidays like
New Year's. And my sister, Heather, made great tips at Sherrie's
diner, too."

"Is she going to quit working there?"

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"Yeah." Penny stepped around the counter, dragging her hand

over the surface. She needed to get away from the heat before she
started to sweat worse. "Yesterday was her last day. She's moving to
Chicago in a few days to move in with her boyfriend, Matthew."

"Tammy told me she was leaving when I ate at Sherrie's over a

week ago. I forgot to ask you. We've been so busy. Are you going to
miss her? Seems like all of you Reynolds girls were always close, and
now this will make the second one to move away."

Penny lowered her gaze. "I'll miss her, but she's a phone call

away, like Nikki. Sometime I'll drive up there to visit them, and I'm
sure they'll come back to visit, too."

She held back from admitting she'd cried when Heather had

told her the news. They'd shared the same home and had seen each
other daily for as long as Penny could remember. She was the baby of
the family and had received a lot of attention from all six sisters,
especially after their dad had died when she was two, and their mother
passed before she'd made it to kindergarten. But as Heather had
explained, she'd met a man who loved her. A man her heart and soul
craved. Heather still loved Penny, and that would never change, but
the time had come for her to move on and perhaps start a family in the
future. After Penny met Matthew, who happened to be the brother to
Stephen, Nikki's husband, Penny understood Heather more clearly.
Matthew cared deeply for Heather and made her smile and glow. If
there was one thing Penny wanted in life it was to see all her sisters
completely happy.

"Well, you still have four other sisters close by. And with the

number of hours you work, volunteering, and school, you probably
won't miss Heather much."

Penny lifted her head and nodded. "I'll be fine."
From the time she was in grade school, she'd volunteered at

various places. Her efforts had paid off in many ways, including
getting the job at the pet clinic. When she was too young for them to
hire her, she had helped part time with cleaning and grooming. After
she graduated from high school, Dr. Gladden had hired her full time.
She signed up at the community college and took only a few classes
every semester. She'd held the same busy schedule since.

"I picked up an extra class this coming semester since the two

pet shelters said they'd only need me once a week for a few hours.
Same for the hospital."

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Annabel leaned her elbows on the counter and slid her hands

inside each sleeve of her green sweater. "What class did you go with
this time?"

"It's a business accounting class."
"Well, that will be nice. Still working on a business degree?"
"Business or finance. I haven't decided yet. Either one will

probably take me another four years to get at the rate I'm going."

Annabel slid her hand out of her sleeve and patted Penny's

hand. "Honey, you're doing better than a lot of us. Look at me; I'm in
my late thirties with only a two-year degree. You're still young."

"Yeah…" Penny looked at Annabel's fingers and noticed the

purplish tint under her nails. "You might want to put on gloves or
stick your hands near the heater for a bit."

She chuckled and drew her hand back. "Oops. Maybe I


As she moved toward the cash register, the bell above the door

jingled. Penny turned as a young man walked into the clinic carrying
a white miniature schnauzer. The man had short blondish-brown hair
with blond bangs covering his forehead and wore gold-framed
glasses. Big snowflakes lay on his navy blue jacket. He stomped his
shoes on the mat while carefully holding the dog under his arm.

Penny watched the attractive man and tried to recall if she'd

seen him before. Most customers were regular clients. On occasion, a
new one showed up after a kid had talked his or her parents into
buying a pet. Based on the youthful look of the man, she doubted he
fit into that category. So who was he?

As the man closed the door, Penny headed to the opposite side

of the counter. She stopped next to Annabel and waited while the
customer approached them. He stood a good foot taller than Penny
did and had the bluest eyes she'd ever seen on a man. She couldn't
help but stare. Strangely, a wave of heat warmed her, but she didn't
think it was from the electrical unit on the floor. The heated feeling
stirred within her body and branched out. She even felt flush.

"Can we help you?" Annabel asked.
The man stopped in front of them and set the shaking dog on

the counter. A brownish color covered the pooch’s paws, underbelly,
and neck while part of the fur clumped together.

"Hi, I apologize for the late hour, but I need my dog

groomed," he said.

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Penny held her palm toward the dog, and its wet nose sniffed

her fingers.

"How soon do you need her groomed?" Annabel asked.

"We're pretty booked since tomorrow is the holiday."

"I need her cleaned up within two days. My parents are out of

town, and as you can see, she's been playing in the mud. I wiped off
as much as I could, but she needs a good bath. I really don't want my
parents to come home and see her like this."

The shaking pooch licked Penny's digits "What's her name?"
"Ms. Molly."
"How old is she?" Penny slowly petted Ms. Molly's head.
"Well, my mother ordered her from a breeder when I was

sixteen. So, she's six years old, maybe a little older. I'm surprised
she's not barking or trying to bite you."

"All animals like Penny. I've never seen one bite her,"

Annabel said.

"You can't let them sense any fear," Penny said softly as she

massaged her fingers over the dog's head and back.

"My father would disagree with you about that. He doesn't

have any fear of Ms. Molly, yet she constantly barks and growls at

"Penny has a very loving heart, not that your father doesn't. I

think animals sense her compassion, and that’s why they respond to
her in kind," Annabel said.

"Oh, really? That's good to know."
Penny glanced at Mr. Blue Eyes and found him smiling at her.

Immediately, her cheeks heated. She blinked and looked down at the
dog. "She's cold and probably nervous."

"I'm afraid two days will not give us enough time," Annabel

said. "We're full right now. The soonest we could get to her would be
in four days."

"If I throw in an extra twenty, could you take her?" My mother

is going to flip out if she comes home from her vacation and sees Ms.
Molly like this."

Penny raised her head to her coworker. "We could fit her in.

One more won't hurt."

Annabel gave Penny a disapproving look, as if Penny were a

young child asking for cookies before dinner. "You already scheduled

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three extra for tomorrow. This will be your fourth, Penny. You'll be
here all night on New Year's Eve."

"I don't go out anyway."
"But it's—"
"Okay, Annabel. He's trying to avoid repercussions and has

offered to pay extra. I can handle it."

"Wait," Mr. Blue Eyes said. "You're willing to work on your

holiday to groom my parents’ dog when you don't even know me?"

Annabel chuckled. "She does it all the time. She volunteers at

shelters and hospitals, and takes on extra jobs to help people out."

"It's not a big deal. I already have three others I agreed to

clean up. Another one won't make much of a difference." Penny
allotted an hour for each animal. After her shift ended at five, she'd
run home to have dinner, clean up, then return by seven. If her
estimate on time worked right, she'd be home in time to celebrate the
dropping of the ball with her sisters.

Before Annabel could finish, Penny reached over and grabbed

the planner lying near the register. She slid it toward and snatched a
pen from the tray under the counter. "What's your name?"

"Ben Carrington."
"I need your address and a number to reach you at," she said.
As he gave her the information, she wrote it in the schedule.
"Do you want her just bathed, or does she need nails trimmed

and a haircut?" Penny appraised Ms. Molly's nails and lifted her chin.
"Her nails look okay, but I recommend a haircut."

"Just a bath is fine. I don't want to make it too noticeable that I

took her somewhere."

"It's $25.00 for a shampoo. With the extra $20.00, your final

cost will be around $40.00 plus tax," Annabel said.

"That's fine. Do I pay you now?"
"No, we'll call you when she's ready. You pay when you pick

her up," Annabel said.

He shifted his gaze to Penny. "I really appreciate this."
"Sure, glad I could help."
Ben tilted his head. "You look familiar."
Penny slid the book closer to Annabel. "Unless you work at

shelters or the hospital, I doubt you've seen me around."

"I'm home from college. This is my last year."

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"Congratulations." Penny picked up Ms. Molly and brought

the dog close to her chest.

"Do you have any sisters maybe?"
"She has six of them," Annabel said. "She's a Reynolds."
He pointed his finger at her, and his eyes widened. "That's it.

Is Brenda Reynolds one of your sisters?"

"Yeah. Do you know her?"
"I went to high school with her. She graduated with me. You

look a little similar. And there was another woman at Sherrie's

"That's my sister Heather. She's getting ready to move to

Chicago in a few days."

"Wow. You look like her, too."
"They all have similar eyes and noses if you ask me," Annabel


Penny swallowed hard, uncomfortable with them both looking

at her. The dog whimpered and licked her chin. "If you don't need me
anymore, I'm going to take Ms. Molly to the back and get her

She twisted and headed for the door off to the side that led to

the guest rooms, kennel, and grooming facilities.

"Penny," Ben said, and she stopped. "I really do appreciate

what you're doing for me. If there's ever anything I can do for you…"

"Thanks. Have a Happy New Year." Before he could stop her

again, she hurried to the door.

Relief flowed through her as she walked down the hall,

heading for the kennel. What was with her? Every time she glanced at
Ben, she got lost in his blue eyes and charming smile. Her
temperature had risen, and she was fairly sure her heart had jumped.
Men had turned her on before, but never like that. As clichéd as it
sounded, he really took her breath away. But the idea of a man like
Ben Carrington liking her was absurd. Men didn't flirt with her, didn't
ask her out, and as far as she knew, they didn't notice her. She'd been
on three dates in her life, and her sisters had set them up. Since she
stayed busy with volunteer work, school, and her job, she paid little
attention to them. Why bother since they weren't interested?

She pushed the swinging door to the kennel and stepped

inside. Instantly, dogs yapped at her. Ms. Molly fidgeted under arm
and whimpered.

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"Sh…" She rubbed the dog's head. "It's okay. You'll be fine."
Dogs and a few cats occupied cages in the kennel. Half were

empty. Most of the ones filled were from owners leaving them while
they were on vacation. Several others were there for grooming
tomorrow or medical treatment and were under observation. Penny
stopped in front of an empty cage and unlatched the door. She
massaged the dog behind her ear.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. There's a warm bed in there with

a toy. Someone will check on you later tonight, and then I'll be back
for you tomorrow."

Ms. Molly licked her chin as if she were trying to bribe Penny

from putting her in the cage. They either fought, whined, or pleaded
not to go in by crying or licking.

"Sorry, hun. It's not going to work." She set the dog inside the

cage, quickly shut the screened door, then locked it into place. "And
don't look at me with those sad eyes. Get some sleep."

The dog lowered her head and sniffed the floor. Within

seconds, Ms. Molly found the bed and curled inside the fuzzy lining.

Satisfied with the dog's response, Penny walked out of the

kennel. She returned to the lobby where Annabel waited, holding a
business card between her fingers. A quick glimpse revealed Ben had

"What have you got there?" Penny asked, coming to stop near


She held the little card up and waved it. "I knew I'd heard the

name before."

"What name?"
Penny narrowed her gaze. "What about it?"
"The Carringtons are one of the richest families in town. They

own several of the strip malls and a bunch of land outside of town. If I
remember correctly, they're worth millions, and Ben is their only son.
I heard rumors he'd gone to Princeton after high school."

"Is that his card?"
Annabel handed it to her. "He said to give it to you."
Penny took the card and read the front. Mrs. Margaret

Carrington was a certified accountant and listed a PO box, along with
two phone numbers, an email address, and website hyperlink. She'd

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listed High Class Accounting as her business name. All the letters
were embossed.

"Nice card."
"Read the back," Annabel said smiling.
Penny flipped the card over. Ben had written his name and

telephone number.

"He said he wanted to thank you again and for you to call


She jerked her head up. "What?"
"I think he likes you."
Annabel's mischievous grin made Penny very suspicious of

her coworker. While Penny was the quiet employee who stuck to
doing her job and maintaining a professional attitude at all times,
Annabel was the opposite. She kept the atmosphere lively, joked
around, and kept everyone on their toes. Given how she liked to kid
around, Penny wondered if Annabel was fooling her now.

"He asked me about you, too."
"Really," Penny said flatly, finding Annabel's statement too

difficult to believe.

"He did." Annabel nodded. "He asked if you had a boyfriend

or were seeing anyone."

She pressed her lips together and crossed her arms. Penny now

knew her coworker was pulling a prank. No man asked such a thing
about Penny.

"I said you were single, and you worked here while you took

classes and volunteered at a few places. He acted interested and said
for you to call him."

"I think you should call him."
Penny shook her head and spun. Enough was enough for the

joke. "I need to feed and clean up in the back before we leave." She
headed for the side door.

"Are you going to call him?"
She pushed open the door. "When his mother's dog is ready to

be picked up, I'll call."

Without stopping, she headed back to the kennel. She swung

her arms at her sides and the card between her thumb and finger. She
had to spend a few hours at the hospital early in the morning before

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coming to work. Pets needed to be trimmed and bathed. Even if what
Annabel had said was true, Penny didn't have time for a boyfriend.

Boyfriend. What a joke. She'd had only one before, and she

had been in grade school. The relationship had lasted one week before
he dumped her and went for a blonde. How could Ben Carrington, a
handsome young man attending Princeton, find her attractive or
remotely interesting? He couldn't.

She stopped in front of the kennel door and looked at the back

of the card. The writing was thin and sloppy, not bubbly like
Annabel's typically was. The number two in the phone number didn't
have a loop. The number four had a sideways triangle instead of an
open top. She studied each letter and digit closer. The penmanship
didn't resemble Annabel's at all.

Her heart rate accelerated. Could he have really said those

things? Did he really want her to call? He had written it.

She pushed the card into her front pocket, then shoved the

door open. She had too much to do to ponder over such nonsense. In
less than two days, she'd return Ms. Molly to him and find out the
answers to her questions. Her body warmed at the thought of gazing
into his blue eyes and viewing his charming smile. The opportunity to
see him couldn't come quick enough.

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Chapter Two

The oversized cat shivered as Penny held it on the counter.

She aimed the loud blow dryer at the animal, and the warm air
brushed over the cat's fur in waves. She'd managed to dry most of the
cat's coat, but as usual, the underbelly was still damp. Hair lay
everywhere, and the scent of the shampoo lingered. The cat smelled
ten times better from an hour and a half ago.

Penny glanced at the clock on the wall. The time showed 8:40

pm. She still had two dogs and a cat left to bathe, one of which was
Ms. Molly. The feline she'd cleaned had taken longer than she'd
estimated due to the animal's long hair. She had had to brush the cat's
teeth, trim the nails, and cut several tangled knots. Then, the darn cat
continuously tried to escape from the tub. Still, if she hurried, she
could make it home before midnight to watch the dropping of the ball
at Times Square with her sisters.

She pressed the off button on the dryer and laid it to the side.

The cat looked at her and meowed loudly, as if it were cursing at her.

"All right. Calm down. I'll take your furry butt back to the

cage, and you can sleep the rest of the night. How's that?"

She picked up the cat and received another meow. Perhaps it

was a good thing she couldn't understand animal lingo. Judging from
the piercing tone, the feline was not happy.

Penny carried her from the grooming room and turned the

corner. She passed the bathroom before reaching the kennel. The dogs
yapped as soon as the door opened.

"Take it down a notch, guys," she said as she returned the cat

to one of the empty cages. It stood immobile while she secured the
screened door.

Sarah, the German Shepherd in the big cage sat and watched

Penny. Big ears stood at attention. Penny approached Sarah, and she
rose, wagging her tail.

A knock stopped Penny before she reached the cage. The

German Shepherd's gaze now faced the exit behind Penny. The dog
barked along with the others.

Penny spun and looked at the exit. Her heart thumped faster,

wondering who was outside. She wasn't expecting any visitors. Since
it was New Year's Eve, most people were spending the night with

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friends or family, including her boss. She hoped and prayed some
punks weren't trying to break into the clinic and cause problems.

The knock came again, louder. "Penny, it's Ben Carrington."
She stared at the exit with her heart now racing. Was this a

joke? The man sounded like Ben. Why would he show up at such a
late hour on New Year's Eve?

"May I come in, Penny? Please?"
She headed for the exit. Maybe he had changed his mind and

come to get Ms. Molly. "Hold on."

She unlatched the lock and pushed on the metal bar to open

the door. Cold air rushed in. Ben stood under the light wearing his
navy blue coat, arms squeezed close to his body, and hands hiding in
the pockets. Steam rose from his breath.

"Hey, Penny. May I come inside?"
Nodding, she pushed the door open wider. Ben walked inside

as she stepped back, rubbing her arms. Even when the door closed,
the dogs continued barking.

"Thanks. I tried the front, but after five minutes I came around

to the back and saw the light on." He kept his hands in his coat
pockets, but his arms relaxed.

"Is there a problem?" she asked.
"No, no problem. I came to check on you and see how you

were doing."

She stopped rubbing her arms. "You came to check on me?

Are you okay?" Was he drunk? Why would he do such a thing?

"I was hoping you'd call so we could talk. But since you

didn't, I thought…" He shrugged. "I thought I'd come by and talk to

The chill in her body quickly changed into heat as she stared

at him. "I'm … kind of … busy."

"I know. That's another reason I came by. I thought I could

help you."

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm fine. I'm just working."
"If you don't mind company, I'd like to help."
Penny swallowed hard. His appearance surprised her, and his

explanation for showing up left her speechless. What would he do if
she said no? She guessed he'd probably go home or to a bar for a few
drinks. What would he do if she agreed to let him stay? The thought

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of him helping entertained her, but surely, he'd rather be with his

"It's New Year's Eve. Don't you have somewhere to go? A

party or something?"

"I've been to plenty. They're all the same."
For a moment, Penny wondered if she were dreaming. She'd

never been in a situation where a man appeared at her job, or house,
and wanted to talk to her.

"If you want me to go, I'll go. I just wanted to talk to you and


"No, it's fine." The words flew from her mouth before she

realized what she'd said.

"Really? You don't mind?"
"No." Would she mind his company? No, she welcomed it.

"But it might get messy."

He removed his hands from his pockets and unbuttoned his

coat. His eyes gleamed as if he were excited. "I don't mind. Do you
have a place I can put this?" He slid his arms from the sleeves.

"You can put it in one of the rooms down the hall." She took a

step back.

"Great. Don't start without me." He dashed out of the room,

and his swiftness brought more yaps from the dogs.

Shaking her head, Penny headed for Sarah's cage. She still had

a difficult time believing Ben had showed up wanting to talk to her on
New Year's Eve. Although she didn't fully understand him, she
wouldn't turn him away. She wouldn't miss a chance to look into his
blue eyes or get a glimpse of his body.

She opened the cage slowly and grabbed Sarah's collar.

Sarah’s tail wagged, and she jumped slightly, trying to lick Penny's

"Easy, girl."
"Is she friendly?" Ben asked as he walked into the kennel, the

door swinging behind him. He wore jeans and a long sleeved black
shirt underneath a t-shirt. Compared to most men, he had a leaner
frame. His blonde bangs went well with his gold-trimmed glasses.

The dog looked at him and whimpered as he approached.
"Sit, Sarah," Penny said, and the dog obeyed.
Ben held out his palm and bent. Sara immediately sniffed his


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"She's friendlier than most. She's been trained, so I usually

don't have any trouble with her."

"Her name's Sarah?"
He ran his hand over Sarah's head. "She looks similar to a

German Shepherd I had once when I was fifteen. My mother made me
give her away. Said I was too young and irresponsible. She bought
Ms. Molly months later."

"Do you just like dogs or other animals, too?"
"I prefer dogs, but cats, rabbits, and fish don't bother me."
"Yeah." He straightened. "I had a couple when I was a kid.

Every time I found a new one, my mother made me set it free in the
woods near our house."

"It seems most people don't like rabbits as pets, but they can

be like cats. I found a lot in the garden near my house. My sisters and
I would move them to the barn and take care of them."

Bent sideways, Penny tugged on the collar and headed for the

door. Although Sarah was a trained dog, she wouldn't take a chance
the Shepherd might leap and try to tackle Ben, even for kisses.

"I saw one of your sisters, Brenda, today at the garage when I

was on my way the store. I stopped to talk to her for a bit."

Penny pushed the door open. "Oh? What did she say?" She

walked slowly past the bathroom and toward the bathing room.

"She didn't remember me at first. I told her I was home from

college for a bit, and I'd met you at Gladden's Pet Clinic. Funny how
she looks pretty much like she did in high school."

Penny stopped near the cabinets and pulled out a drawer.

Spotting a set of clippers, she grabbed them.

"Do you need help?"
"No." She shut the door. "I just need to trim her nails before

giving her a bath."

Holding the clippers, she guided the dog toward the two small

chairs by the wall. Ben followed her.

"Have you been doing this a long time?"
She sat in one of the flimsy chairs. "Sit, Sarah." She bent and

lifted one of the paws. "Um, yeah. I volunteered for a while. Then,
Dr. Gladden hired me after I graduated."

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Ben sat next to her as she clipped the dog's nails. "Do you like


"Well, I don't mind it. I'd rather be doing something else, but I

don't have any degree yet. I'm paying my way through college, so I
can only take a few classes at a time."

Sarah's nails made a clicking sound every time she squeezed

them between the jaws of the clippers. The small pieces fell to the
floor where Penny would sweep them up later.

"What classes are you taking?"
"Well, I just picked up a business accounting class. Most of

the ones I've taken so far are the basics."

"What kind of degree are you working toward?"
She set the one paw down and reached for the other. "Business

or finance. I haven't decided."

"Oh, really? I'm almost finished with my degree in finance.

My mother wants me to take over her CPA business one day. If you
ever need help with your classes, just let me know."

"Does that mean you plan to move back to Lonewood when

you're done?" she asked as she clipped the nails from Sarah's other
front paw.

"Yeah. I like it here. I always feel at home."
She glimpsed at him and found him watching her. He had a

slight curve at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you sure you don't need help?"
She finished trimming the nails and set the paw down. "Well,

you can hold her collar while I trim the back."

"Sure." He took hold of Sarah and nudged her toward him.
Penny lowered to the floor. On her knees, she scooted to the

other side of the dog and faced Ben. Why was he still watching her?

"Are you sure you want to stay here when you can be out with

your friends? This isn't that exciting."

His lips twitched, and the curve in the corner grew. "I'm

absolutely certain. I want to be here, with you."

Her cheeks heated, and she looked down. A man she found

attractive admitted to wanting to be with her. Too unbelievable. And
he had the same interest in finance as she did. She had a feeling Ben
would make an excellent friend. Did he think the same of her?

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Ben petted the dog to keep her content while Penny trimmed

all the back nails. After she finished, she stood and dusted her jeans.
"Okay, we need to give her a bath," she said.

He rose with a wide smile. "I bet this is where it gets really


"I hope you don't mind getting wet."
"Only if you don't."

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Chapter Three

Ben held the cat in the tub while Penny sprayed water over the

feline's back. The cat let out a loud meow, and Ben laughed.

"I think he's telling us we can go to hell," Ben said.
Although he'd rolled his sleeves up past his elbows in an effort

to avoid getting wet, his efforts had been in vain. Bubbles remained
on his arms and damp shirt. The cat had jumped from the tub twice.
The first time the feline leaped while Penny was pouring soap in her
hand. Ben had caught the cat and wrestled him back into the tub. The
second escape attempt had occurred when Penny had sprayed water
on the feline to wash the soap away. The cat had writhed within Ben's
grasp, causing Penny to splash water on Ben. Then the feline had
leaped. Ben had taken hold of the soaking wet cat again and managed
to place him back in the tub. Since then, the cat screamed in a tone
that clearly indicated he hated them.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Penny said with a chuckle.
She pushed the water along the cat's back. A glance down

showed the suds were gone. She'd finished bathing pet number two
and would soon be able to clean Ms. Molly.

The clock showed almost 10:30 pm. The last two hours

chatting with Ben had been wonderful. She learned quite a bit about
him and shared plenty about herself. When the animals got out of
control, they laughed together. By all accounts, he seemed to be
having a good time. Without any doubt, so was Penny.

She set the flexible spray at the bottom of the tub. "Let me get

a towel."

Penny rose and snatched a cloth from the counter. She'd set a

pile on the edge, knowing she'd have to grab one fast. As she
unfolded the towel, Ben stood. The feline twisted and latched onto his
shirt before Ben could stop him.

"Oh, crap," he said.
Penny laughed as she wrapped the cloth around the animal

that looked like a rat with big eyes. "I think he likes you."

"Likes to make sure I'm as drenched as he is."
With the cloth over the feline, she took hold of him and

carried him to the table where her blow drier waited.

Ben shook his arms. "I never realized how difficult this could


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"Oh, it's not so bad. Like anything, you get used to it after a

while. I always bring a spare change of clothes, too."

She rubbed the cloth over the cat's body. The feline continued

to yell at her, and she giggled more.

Movement from the corner of her eye stole her attention. Ben

had his shirt over his head. He tugged his arms out of the sleeves, then
ran his fingers through his hair.

Penny gaped at his bare chest. For a lean man, he had an

incredible torso with row after row of muscle. A thin layer of light
brown hair covered his chest. Heat rose to her face as she studied him.
Looking closely, she noticed a red scratch on his lower left side. She
guessed the cat had scratched him earlier.

He balled his shirt, then tossed it to the chair as if it were a

basketball. "You wouldn't happen to have any extra shirts that fit a
man, would you?" He walked toward her and stopped on the opposite
side of the table.

She swallowed hard as she fought to remove her gaze from his

chest. His perky nipples looked irresistible, lickable, and suckable.
The temptation to touch him pressed upon her.

"No," she finally said.
He picked up the blow drier. "I could use this." He pushed the

button, and air shot out with a loud noise.

The sound frightened the cat, and he tried to leap onto Penny.

Ben quickly set down the blow dryer and grabbed the cat. When his
hands touched Penny's, she felt his warmth.

"I've got him," she said as she pulled the cat away from her,

scooting his wet paws over the counter.

"Are you sure? I'd hate for those back claws to get you."
"I'll hold him, and you aim the dryer at him. Just move it up

and down the body."

She removed the towel as he lifted the drier. The cat jerked his

head and hissed at Ben. For a moment, she thought the feline might
bite him.

"Stop it," she told the cat as she patted his rear end. Ben had a

scratch already. He didn't need a bite mark, too.

"Have you given this one a bath before?"
"Once, and I think it might have been six months ago, during

the summer."

"Have any of them ever bitten you?"

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"No, they just hiss and yell. The dogs don't mind baths as

much, but some do try to run away."

He smirked as he pointed the blow dryer at the cat. "This is the

most fun I've had in a long time." He looked up and met her gaze.
"I'm glad I got to spend the holiday with you."

Heat spread within Penny's body as she stared past his lenses

and into his blue eyes. She loved his kindness and charm, the way he
looked at her, and the way he touched her gently. He made her feel
special, wanted, and … wet. Yes, her panties were getting wetter by
the second. She desired him, hungered for him to kiss her and touch
her sensitive places. The thought of him doing so made her squeeze
her thighs together.

"I'm glad you're here," she said.
"You know … you're very beautiful."
Her heart pounded while her temperature spiked. She

wondered if she'd spontaneously combust. Between her legs, she felt a
spasm. Was this really happening to her? Was he hitting on her?

She looked down at the cat. "We, uh, have to still wash Ms.

Molly." She pressed her lips together and focused on the feline,
hoping it would calm her raging hormones.

"Right. Right."
He moved the drier over the cat's body. Penny pushed the

damp towel out of the way and raked her fingers through the feline's
hair to loosen it up. For twenty minutes, they worked together to dry
as much fur as possible. She combed the cat with a brush before
taking him back to his cage.

"Hopefully we'll have her done in less than an hour," Penny

said, carrying Ms. Molly from the kennel.

Ben held the door open. "I'm not in a hurry to be anywhere."

He followed her into the bathing room.

Penny went straight to the tub and set the dog carefully inside

it. Ms. Molly whined, probably not liking the wet and slippery feel
under her paws. Penny held the dog under her neck as she kneeled.
Ben lowered into position next to her.

"I'll hold her," he said.
Similar to the other two times, Penny grabbed the spray and

gently spread water over the animal.

"Do you have any plans after this?" Ben asked.

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She moved the spray back and forth to make sure the dog's

coat soaked in all the water. "Well, I'm supposed to meet my sisters at
my house."

Penny recognized the disappointment in his soft voice.
"We don't really do much. Just watch the ball drop and chat.

You're welcome to come over if you want."

"Thanks." He gave her a smile, then took the sprayer from her

hand. "Time for the shampoo."

Penny twisted and dumped soap in her hand from one of the

nearby bottles. For a few minutes, she ran her hands over the dog and
lathered the goo into Ms. Molly's fur until suds covered the pooch's
entire body.

"Ready?" Ben asked, and she nodded.
He pressed the button on the spray and rinsed the bubbles

away. The dog stood still, shaking a little, as water showered her
body. After several cycles, the water ran clear, and Penny reached for
the conditioner.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" Ben asked as she

squeezed the thick liquid onto the dog's back.

"Uh … I'll be at the hospital for a few hours in the morning. In

the afternoon, I'm helping at a pet shelter for couple of hours. That's
it. My evening is free." She set the bottle down, then lathered the
conditioner into Ms. Molly's wet hair.

"Would you want to go out with me?"
She paused and looked at him.
"Dinner, and maybe a movie. I'm in town for another week,

and then I have to go back to Princeton."

"What about your parents?"
"I pick them up at the airport in the early afternoon."
Penny rubbed the suds over the dog's entire body. Ben waited,

holding the spray. When Penny finished, she sat back on her feet. Ms.
Molly took advantage of the lack of hands on her and wiggled.
Bubbles flew everywhere. Instinctively, Penny raised her arms to
shield her eyes. Ben leaned back and laughed. Then the dog leaped.

Penny let out a sound similar to a laugh and a scream. She

reached for the dog and caught her mid air. She fell backwards,
clutching the messy dog to her chest. Laughter flew from her.

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"Oh my God," Ben said as he, too, laughed. "Are you all


She was laughing so hard she couldn't speak, so she nodded.

The dog raised her head and took to licking Penny's chin, furthering
the humor of the situation.

Ben took hold of the dog and slowly lifted her. "You are such

a mess."

Penny sat up as he placed Ms. Molly in the tub. A quick

glance at her clothes indicated he was referring to her and not so
much the dog. Her white T-shirt was damp with an outline of her bra
now showing. Moisture darkened the upper part of her jeans, too. Her
laughter slowly faded as she returned the dog to the tub.

"You hold her. I'll rinse," he said with a hint of playfulness

still in his tone.

Penny obeyed and held the dog as he doused water over her.

Slowly, the bubbles slid away.

"I can't believe I did that," Penny said. "It's not like me to let

go when I have an animal in the tub. I learned not to do that when I
first started."

He chuckled. "It was pretty funny. And you have soap all over

your shirt."

She looked down, and a second later, water hit her chest. She

screamed, and he roared with laugher.

"You're crazy!" she said as her clothes soaked in the water.
"No. I just like seeing you wet and happy." He aimed the spray

at her and shot another stream at her.

"No!" The one word flew out of her mouth in the form of a

high-pitched scream.

His vocal contentment motivated her to take retaliation. She

reached for the spray and caught the end of it in her hand. He pushed
the button again. This time the water hit her hands.

"If I have to go shirtless, so do you," he said as he laughed.
The dog was quick to notice nobody held her. She leaped from

the tub again and slid two seconds after landing on the tiled floor.
Penny and Ben both paused their fight for the spray and watched the
dog stand, then shake. Water flew everywhere, and they both lifted
their arms to shield their eyes.

"Moll-ly!" Ben said, and it sounded as if he were scolding her.
The dog let out a yap, then took off.

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"Molly, wait," Penny yelled and stood.
She took a step to go after the dog, but Ben wrapped his hand

around her waist and stopped her.

"She can't go far," he said. "Right?"
"Yes, but she's wet."
"And so are you." He looked down at her chest. "You need to

clean up first, and I can help with that."

Penny glanced at her front. Her sopping wet shirt clung to her

and revealed her white bra underneath. She looked like she'd come
from a wet T-shirt contest. Her panties and jeans stuck to her, too,
which made her slightly uncomfortable. But what captured her
attention the most was his arm around her and how close he stood.
Within seconds, her temperature rose.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are right now?" he


As she lifted her gaze, she took in his chest. Each row of

muscle looked solid and tantalizing. She wanted to touch them.

"I'm…" She licked her lips and continued her path up until she

found his blue eyes. "Wet."

One of his brows arched. "Are you?"
Her heart raced while that stirring within her loins grew.


"Let me help remove these clothes and see how wet you are."
His heated words acted like a furnace. She felt insanely hot

and aroused.

He pressed his lips to hers so fast she didn't realize what was

happening. But her body and legs did and responded promptly. Her
knees quivered, and tingles spread from her breasts down to the apex
between her thighs. He moved closer, and she leaned into him. A
hunger inside her grew, wanting fulfillment, wanting him to touch and
please her. He held her to his chest while he slithered his tongue into
her mouth. Oh, when that one little organ brushed against hers, she
wanted to melt into his arms.

A soft moan slipped from her as he explored her mouth. Her

head felt light and her body starving. He tugged her shirt up and
bumped her arms. She lifted and curled them around his neck,
allowing him to continue to remove her top. Cool air hit her heated
flesh, but she didn't chill. She was lost in the moment, too disoriented

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from his kiss. And what a kisser he was, stroking and sucking on her
tongue. Yes, she liked it. She wanted more and indicated so by
tangling her tongue with his. He stopped pulling her shirt when he
reached her breasts. He moved his hands to her tits and squeezed.
Pure need flooded her mind and body. At any second she thought she
might climax.

She broke the kiss and nearly panted to gather enough air. He

kissed her cheek, then jaw bone.

"You're incredible," he said, and moved his hands around to

her back. "I want to kiss ever inch of you, Penny."

She bit her lip. Every inch? Dear Lord. Well, at least she'd

showered and changed before she returned for her grooming duties.

He unhooked her bra, and it slackened. She tensed slightly as

he slid his hands from her back to her breasts where he covered them
completely. The feel of his warm hands on her felt right, as if they
belonged there. He gently rubbed his fingers over her nipples, and
sparks of desire made them ache.

"I'm going to take good care of you. Always," he said before

he kissed her cheek again.

He took hold of her shirt, then slipped it over her head and

arms. As he dropped it to the floor, she scooted the straps of her bra
off her shoulders. He watched as she let it fall to the floor, but his
gaze stayed on her breasts.

As he looked at her, she suddenly felt cold, tiny, inadequate.

She lifted her arms and covered her breasts. "I'm sorry." She lowered
her head. "Maybe—"

"No. No." He took her face into his hands. "Don't be ashamed.

You're beautiful."

"I'm small."
"No. You're perfect." His tone matched the firmness of his

gaze. "And they look delicious. I want them. Please don't deny me."

He kissed her and gently flicked her tongue. That one touch

brought heat back to her body. Slowly, he deepened the kiss. The
hunger within her loins rose again. She wrapped her arms around him,
no longer concerned how small she might be. He wanted her, evident
from the way he devoured her. So much feeling and emotion
consumed her mind and body. How could she satisfy it? How could
she get what she needed?

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She figured out the answer as her breasts pressed to his hard

chest and something solid touched her belly. Kissing and touching
were all well and good, but she craved something else to fill her. She
wedged a hand between them and felt his erection. Yes, it would do
just fine.

"Does it feel too small?" he asked as she rubbed his length.
"No. It's perfect."
He grinned before planting another kiss on her lips. "I'll make

sure he doesn't fall short of any expectations."

Penny couldn't help but chuckle. She'd been so concerned

about her looks that she never considered he might be, too. And did it
really matter?

He lowered to his knees in front of her and covered her breasts

with his hands. "Wow."

She stared deep into his eyes while he thumbed her hard

pearls. Tendrils of longing stirred within her from his touch.

"I'm so…" She licked her lips. "Starving."
He kissed her belly and moved his hands to her jeans. "I know

what you need. I want to give it to you." He unfastened and unzipped
her jeans.

A touch of panic hit her, and her pulse quickened. Could she

let him see her? Could she allow him to touch her and kiss her there?

He gripped the edges of her jeans and panties with his fingers,

then pushed them down her hips. She wouldn't stop what he wanted to
do. She wanted it too bad, and she wanted only him to please her.
When he reached her ankles, she balanced herself by leaning on his
shoulder and lifted one foot at a time until he cleared her clothes

The air graced her skin, and she realized how wet she was

between her legs. His lips curled at both ends while his eyes took on a
hungry gaze. He slid his hands up her thighs, then pressed his mouth
to her pubic mound.

"You smell so good. I want to taste you so bad." He kissed the

area around her bush, then pressed his lips to her pussy lips.

Penny tensed, hoping and waiting for him to do what he'd

suggested. And when he did, she thought her legs would give out and
she'd fall to the floor. He delved his tongue inside her and flicked her
clit. Zings of raw passion shot through her, and she wanted more. He
stroked and circled her increasingly sensitive spot. Mouth hanging

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open, she gasped. Pleasure overwhelmed her as he stroked her again
and again. She ran her fingers through his soft hair as she climbed an
imaginary ladder. She needed to reach the peak. She yearned to burst
free. Fingers digging into her hips, he held her and licked her clit
ravenously as if as if he truly starved in the same way she did. The
burning need for more pushed her to the top. When she finally made
it, all the tension building disappeared, and a spasm inside her womb

"Oh, Ben. It's incredible. Oh, yes." She massaged his head as

the ripples continued.

He kissed her curly hair, then her navel. "I could never tire of

doing that to you. Never."

Smiling, she agreed she wouldn't ever grow bored of his

tongue pleasuring her.

Ben stood, and the bulge in his pants looked painful. She

placed her hand over it, and he closed his eyes briefly.

"I have an idea." She unfastened his pants. Since he'd more

than pleased her, it seemed fitting for her to return the favor.

"Are you sure about this?"
She lowered to her knees. "Very sure. I want to make you feel

as good as you've made me feel."

She scooted her crumpled jeans under her knees to avoid any

discomfort, and then she looked up. He glided his fingers down the
side of her face and under her chin.

"You truly are amazing. I knew it the minute I laid my eyes on


"My turn now."
She unzipped his pants, then slowly pulled them down. When

his cock sprang free she briefly wondered how she could fit
something so big inside her mouth. But the thought of pleasing him
encouraged her to find a way. She wanted to make him happy and
enjoy the bliss she'd felt.

"I'm so hard, Penny. Just thinking of your lips on my cock

makes me want to come."

She grinned as she gently wrapped her fingers around his

erection. The bulbous head had a purplish tint with a small slit in the
center. This was her first time viewing a cock so close, and she
couldn't help but marvel at it. At Ben. She deeply wanted to satisfy
his need.

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Holding his length up, she started at the base and dragged her

tongue all the way to the top. She heard him take in air and noticed
his body stiffen slightly. Gazing up at him, she wrapped her lips
around his member and slowly took him into her mouth.

The hard shaft brushed over her tongue, and she moved

forward and back, taking him deeper each time. She wiggled her
tongue underneath to see what he would do. He moaned and placed
both hands on her head.

"Oh … that feels so good."
She increased her movements as she sucked on his cock. He

filled her mouth, yet she didn't feel the need to gag. He groaned
louder, and she stroked him faster. Back and forth, her tongue and lips
encompassed him. She slid a hand between his legs and carefully
cupped his balls. He tensed as he pumped into her mouth. She sensed
he was close and hurried with her tongue and lips to give him what he
needed. His balls and entire body seemed to stiffen. Then warm fluid
spilled into her throat, and he grunted. A pulse tapped her tongue. She
slowed her pace but didn't stop sucking until he completely relaxed.

He breathed heavily. "Oh, Penny. That was incredible.

Absolutely incredible."

She withdrew his erection from her mouth and stood. "Did I

do it right?"

He chuckled. "You did it perfectly."
He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her to his body.

"You're the best New Year's gift ever. I will never let you go."

His hold on her seemed too unbelievable, especially

considering how they'd only recently met. On top of that, he had to
return to Princeton to finish school. Surely, he didn't think their
relationship wouldn't last with the distance between them.

The thought of losing him saddened her heart, and she laid her

head on his chest. She had him for a week. Until he had to leave, she'd
take full advantage of their time together and accept whatever games
he wanted to play, especially the ones involving sex.

"Are we still going out on a date tomorrow?" she asked, then

met his gaze.

He kissed her forehead. "You better believe it. I'm looking

forward to it already."

So was she.

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Chapter Four

Penny giggled as she jogged up the stairs behind Ben. He

gripped her hand and refused to let go. Between the laughs and
quieted taps of their socked feet on the steps, they sounded like kids
playing. They were, in a different kind of way.

At the top of the staircase, Ben turned and pulled her along.

The hall had doors on each side, and one wall contained a mosaic of
framed pictures, all of which were family related. Penny caught a
glimpse of a young boy in several photos and slowed her pace.

"Is that you?" she asked.
He gently pulled her toward him. "Yes. Now come to my

room. I want to do naughty things to you."

She couldn't help but smile and give in to his demand. If he

wanted to do naughty things to her, then she wouldn't stop him.

Ben brought her into the last room on the left. She came to a

halt in the middle of the room while he shut the door behind her. Two
windows with drawn curtains were on the side and back walls. Dark
wood shelves holding books, a stereo, and a television stood between
the pair of windows on her right. To her left she found a bed and
nightstand on each side. A leather chair in the corner held strewn
clothes. All the furniture was dark, cherry wood if she guessed right,
and matched well with the crown molding near the ceilings and

"Nice room," she said.
He wrapped his arms around her, squeezed her backside to his

body, and kissed her ear. "Glad you like it. Shall we proceed to the

She twisted in his embrace and claimed hold of his face.


Penny pressed her lips to his and started a slow and gentle

kiss. All week long, their kisses had begun in such a way. She wanted
to savor each one, each caress of his tongue, and enjoy the heat and
need growing within her. From the way he touched, kissed, and held
her, she guessed he wanted to relish each moment, too. And similar to
the many times before, the tender kiss transformed into a more fervent
one with his tongue frolicking with hers. Desire built within her. She
hungered for him and what he could give her. At the same time, her

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heart longed for him to stay with her in Lonewood. Knowing she
couldn't have what her heart wanted, she tried not to think about it.

Ben moved his kisses to her chin, then neck.
"How much time do you think we have?" she asked.
"Mm. Difficult to say. They went out for dinner."
He nipped her neck, and an erotic zing shot to her breasts. She

clenched her thighs together as her panties became wet.

"Then we shouldn't waste any time."
He kissed her lips and took hold of the bottom of her shirt.

"Do we ever?"

She grinned as he lifted her top over her head. True to every

other meeting they'd had alone, they'd taken pleasure in every minute,
even if it were in his car. She'd explored his body and vice versa, but
they'd yet to have sex. Since it would be her first time, Ben had
refused to pop her cherry in his car. And finding a mutual time when
they could be alone in a house with a bed had proven to be extremely

He dropped her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. "Are you sure

about this?"

"I've waited a long time." She unhooked her bra. "I'm more

than sure." Ben meant the world to her. If she would only have sex
once, she wanted it to be with him.

"I've waited a long time for you," he said as he unzipped her


He covered her mouth as her bra fell free from her. His words

and his passionate kiss sent her head spinning and heart pounding.
She had to have this one moment with him, this one time when he
could fill her and make her insides tremble with bliss. With her body
hungering for him, she took to setting his cock free.

He ended the kiss and gripped his shirt. "I've got this. How

about you remove those pants and lay your naked body on my bed."

As he hurried to remove his shirt, she stripped off the

remainder of her clothes.

"A naked woman in my room. I thought I'd never see this

day," he said as he pushed his jeans down his legs.

She crawled over the queen-sized bed until she reached his

pillows. Then, she turned to lie on her back. "Maybe there will be
more after you finish school and move back."

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Ben removed his glasses as he walked to the nightstand.

Naked now, his cock jutted out nicely. He set his glasses next to the
clock and met her gaze.

"I sincerely hope to see more of your naked body here. If not

in this house, then in yours or an apartment. I don't care where as long
as I get to have you for myself."

Her heart fluttered as he walked around the bed, his gaze fixed

on her body. Was this a relationship, a long term one?

"You mean a lot to me, Ben. You make me feel … loved. I

want this to last, but I fear…"

He stopped at the end of the bed and stared into her eyes.

"You are loved. I never intended to have some winter break fling with
you. If you wait for me to finish school, I will come back and give
you unlimited love."

She swallowed hard and lifted her knees up as he crawled

toward her. "I must be the luckiest girl in the world to find a man as
kind and loving—"

"Very loving." He stopped between her legs and planted a kiss

on each kneecap. "And I'm the luckiest man to find such a beautiful,
honest, and caring woman."

He placed his hands on her knees and glided them toward her

apex, parting her thighs. Heat spread through her body while moisture
seeped from her pussy. Her hard nipples begged from him to touch
her. She bit her bottom lip as he reached her curly pubic hair. When
he parted her lips and dragged his tongue over her clit, she gasped and
let desire take full control.

"You have no idea how much I will miss you." He licked her

again and again.

She gripped the covers of his bed and arched her back as a

flood of sensations scurried through her. He'd miss her? She would
miss him.

He kissed her mound and continued up her body. The fire he'd

started within her body lessened, but still thrived. He slithered his
hands to her breasts, and then when his mouth reached them, he took
one of the nipples into his mouth.

She writhed under him as strings of longing played a needy

tune inside her. His erection pressed against the inside of her thigh, oh
so close to the home she wanted for it. He sucked and pulled on her
bud, making her ache pleasantly and moan. Then he moved to the

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other nipple and devoured it equally. More yearning stirred between
her legs. In a matter of seconds, she was climbing the ladder to
blissville again.

Ben raised his head and met her gaze. "I love you, Penny. I

mean it. And if you ask me to stop now, I will. I can wait until you're

She placed her palms on his face and pressed her lips to his.

"I'm ready now."

He kissed her, and a tsunami of passion and love flooded her.

She was in awe of him, his compassion, and his heartfelt concern for
her. There was nothing not to admire. She'd met the love of her life,
and she wanted to spend every minute she could with him. Body
burning with need, she rubbed her breasts against his chest while she
sucked on his tongue. He lifted his body and glided his hand down
hers. The soft touch made her wetter and hornier. Then, his hand
disappeared. Seconds later, she felt the head of his cock brush over
her clit then stop past it.

She laid her head on the pillow and spread her legs wide.
"It may hurt at first," he said as if he hesitated to go further.
"I know." She caressed his face with her fingers, then glided

her thumb over his lips. "I want you inside me. I love you, Ben."

He kissed her gently as he had so many times before, then

slowly broke through her thin barrier and pushed his cock past her
entrance. A slight burn radiated, but he took time sliding his hard
member in and out, stretching her to accommodate him. In little time
the discomfort ended, and she found a rhythm to match his
movements. She loved the way he filled her and made her feel
complete. Whole. Womanly. Hands on each side of her and holding
his body slightly above hers, he increased his pumps and drove his
shaft deeper. She curled her toes and gasped each time he filled her.
He hit a spot that intensified her hunger, drove her crazy wanting
more. She met his thrusts and thought she would implode at any
second. When her release finally came, she moaned in ecstasy. Her
inner walls contracted, and euphoria spread through her in pulsing

"I feel you, Penny. It feels so good."
He plunged his erection into her again and again. Her spasms

continued, no doubt supported by his desire to seek his release. A
peaceful high filled her heart and soul. He ground deep inside her, and

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they both vocalized their pleasure. The next time he groaned, she felt
a vibrant throb within her and it came from him.

"I can feel you," she said.
He moved his arms to each side of her head and slowly

lowered his body. His breaths were quick as if he'd recently come
from a heavy workout. Well, he had in a sense. She wrapped her arms
around him and kissed his lips.

"That was better than I imagined. When I get back, we're

having sex every night," he said.

She chuckled as she ran the tips of her fingers along his back.

"I would love that."

"Did it hurt?"
"A little, but not for long."
"I didn't—"
She covered his mouth with her lips. "I know. It's okay." As

she stared into his blue eyes, she felt the strong pulse of his cock
inside her. She wanted to feel that hard member driving into her
again. "It's more than okay."

He gave her a kiss and playfully flicked her tongue. Between

her legs, she felt a lively beat. Another round of loving sex seemed
like an excellent idea, especially since she'd have to say goodbye to
him tomorrow.

Her need for him grew fast as their tongues mingled and

bodies moved together. Then suddenly, Ben stopped and lifted his
head. He looked at the door as a female's voice became louder.

"Shit." He withdrew his cock.
"What?" Penny's heart jumped.
He gripped the blanket on top of his bedspread. As he moved

away from her, he tugged the blanket and tossed it over her body.

"Ben? Whose car is in the driveway?"
Hearing the woman's voice, Penny gasped and clutched the

fleece throw close to her.

Ben leaped from the bed and dove for an article of clothing.

As he straightened with his shirt over his groin, the door opened. An
older woman with thick blonde hair stopped in the doorway. Her gaze
moved from Ben to Penny.

"What is going on here?" she asked.
Ben ran his fingers through his hair. "Mom, can you please


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"This is my house."
Ms. Molly barked at Ben's mom, then strolled past her and

jumped onto the bed.

"You're not supposed to have girls in this house," Mrs.

Carrington said strongly. "I want her gone in the next five minutes.
Then, we're having a talk."

"No," Ben said.
She glared at him. "Excuse me?"
"Penny is staying. In fact, she's spending the night. I have to

leave tomorrow, and I want to spend the remainder of my time with

Mrs. Carrington stiffened, and a reddish tint colored her

cheeks. "This is my house. You will do what I say and tell your
female friend to leave and not come back."

"No!" He said louder. "Penny is my girlfriend, and I'm in love

with her. You can't force me to get rid of her like she's some pet. I'm
twenty-two years old—"

"And still living under my roof." She placed her hand on her


"As soon as I graduate, I'm moving out. Penny and I can get

our own place."

Her heated expression changed as she looked at Penny, then

Ben. "How do you know you love her? You never introduced her or
even mentioned her."

"Because I know it in my heart that I love her. I haven't

introduced her to you yet because frankly, I wanted her to myself
before I have to go back to Princeton. And I know how you can be.
Like right now, you'd rather argue than let me enjoy my time with
her. Jesus, Mom, for once can't you let me enjoy my life?"

"What's going on here?" A man with light brown hair and

glasses peeked inside the room. "Uh, honey, maybe you should give
them some privacy."

Penny lowered her head as she held the blanket over her body.

Embarrassment warmed her cheeks. Ben's parents had seen her with
nothing but a throw covering her. Since she hadn't met them, she
probably looked like some kind of whore. If it weren't for Ms. Molly
licking her fingers and rolling on the bed next to her leg, Penny
probably would've cried.

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"Ben, I only want what's best," Mrs. Carrington said. "You

have your whole life ahead of you. I want—"

"Would you listen to what I want for once?" Ben's firm voice

demanded attention.

Mrs. Carrington lowered her arms to her sides. "Okay. I'm


Ben took a deep breath. "I love Penny. She's staying the night

because I want to spend my last few hours with her. After I graduate,
Penny and I will get our own place."

"What about my CPA business? You were going to take it

over one day."

"And I still can, but Penny is the woman I want to be with.

You either accept her, or I leave. It's that simple. I will not let you
ruin our happiness."

Mrs. Carrington turned her attention to Penny, then to the dog.

Ms. Molly lay against Penny's leg with her neck resting on Penny's
her knee. "She likes you," Ben's mom said.

"And you will, too, if you give her a chance," Ben said.
Mr. Carrington placed his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Honey, he's an adult. He should decide on his future. Now, let our
son enjoy his time before he has to leave."

Mrs. Carrington lowered her head.
"Come on," Mr. Carrington said as he steered his wife from

the doorway. He gave Ben a curt nod, then shut the door.

Still holding his shirt over his groin, Ben looked at Penny.

"I'm so sorry you had to witness that."

She nodded as he walked to the side of the bed. The last few

minutes had left her mind spinning. One minute they were embracing
each other. The next, Ben was arguing with his mother and telling her
that he loved Penny. She didn't know what to say.

He dropped the shirt and crawled to her side. "I meant every

word. I love you. After I get back, I'll find a job, and we can get a
place of our own. I want a life with you, and nothing, not even my
mother, is going to stop me."

Tears built in Penny's eyes, and she swallowed to hold back

her cry. Although they hadn't known each other more than week, she
loved him with her heart and soul. She belonged with him.

"I love you, Ben."

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He pressed his palm to her cheek. "Stay with me tonight.

Please? I'd very much like to wake up and see your face."

She couldn't refuse such a caring and loving man, especially

one naked at her side. "All right."

As he kissed her tenderly, she started to feel warm again, and

all her worries disappeared. They had a plan, a future together. The
time apart would sadden her, but brighter days would come. She'd
wait for him, just as he'd wait and return to her. Their love for each
other would only strengthen. Four and half months from now, they
could really celebration the New Year. Without any doubt, it would
be explosive.

The End


Other Books by Diane Thorne:


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