Diane Thorne [Sisters of Lonewood 06] Lisa's Story [Evernight, RotG] (pdf)

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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2013 Diane Thorne

ISBN: 978-1-77130-331-6

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Sisters of Lonewood, 6

Diane Thorne

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Lisa pulled a chair from underneath the small rectangular table

in the kitchen, scraping the legs over the floor, then sat. "I hear you're
seeing two cops."

Alison swallowed the cola she'd recently poured into her

mouth and set the plastic bottle down. "Gee, I wonder where you
heard that from." She leaned back in her seat at the end of the table,
and a buckle from her leather jacket made a soft clanging sound.
Dressed in her usual T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, she appeared

"Nothing is secret in our family. You know this."
Alison shrugged one shoulder. "They're nice guys. You'd like


Lisa smiled at her younger sister. Alison had the glow of

happiness like many of her other younger sisters had when they'd
fallen in love. Although Lisa never would've thought Alison would
meet two men, it didn't shock Lisa. Alison was the wild one of the
seven of them, always exploring and adventurous. No surprise, she
liked men who had the same exploratory attitude. Regardless of the
type of men her six sisters had interest in, Lisa wanted them all to find
respectable men who made them happy. And if it included more than
one, well, so be it. Lisa would love her sister no matter what.

"If you say they're nice, then I believe you. I just want you to

be happy, and it looks like you are." Lisa pulled the edges of her long
sweater across her chest, layering them over her. Although the
unseasonably warm March temperature was nice, she still needed an
extra layer of clothing over her long-sleeved shirt.

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"I am, Lisa. They are wonderful men. I want you to meet


"We should set up a dinner night. I'll fix lasagna, and you can

bring them over."

"Oh, they'll like that."
The pow-pow-pow and bang-bang-bang on the roof shifted

their gazes to the front of the house. Looking out the front window,
Lisa saw Charles Buckman standing on the front porch. He spoke to a
man next to him and pointed above him.

"Do you think they'll finish the roof today?" Alison asked.
"I hope so. The forecast called for more rain late tonight."
"That was nice of Charlie to move you to the top of the list."
"Yeah, and that stays between you and me. We don't need his

employees or customers finding out."

The last thing in the world Lisa wanted was for anyone else to

find out. When she'd called Charles a day ago, after the big hailstorm,
he'd informed her he had a list of clients who'd already called for roof
repairs. He'd asked her to hold off calling anyone else, and he'd get
back with her in twenty-four hours. She hadn't been prepared when he
showed up with his crew at seven A.M., but she sure wasn't going to
turn him away either. He pulled her aside and told her to pretend she
saw a leak in one of the rooms. Customers often lied to get quicker
service. Lisa disliked the idea of fibbing to move in front of others in
line, and let him know it. As always, he assured her everything would
be okay. He doubted any of them would check for the leak anyway.
The secret would be between them. Since the men had begun
working, Lisa agreed. She'd updated Alison upon her arrival to avoid
her asking them questions. Fortunately, her sisters could keep secrets.
They just couldn't do it among themselves.

"You know why he did it, right?" Alison gave a sly look.
"Because he's a kind man and a good friend. We've known

each other since high school."

"Lisa." Alison moved forward and gestured with her arm

toward the window. "The guy likes you. He always has. That's why he
comes running whenever you call."

"We're just friends."
"You've been on dates with him. I remember."

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Lisa stood. "Yeah, friendly dates. Nothing happened." At

least, that's what her sisters thought, and she wanted to keep it that

Holding her sweater close to her body, she headed for the

front door.

"He likes you," Alison called out with a hint of playfulness in

her tone.

Lisa waved her hand up as if to say "whatever" and continued

on her path. She and Charles had gone to football games in high
school and dated a few times. Okay, she had lost her virginity to him,
but they had done it out of curiosity and need, not out of love. They'd
both agreed to remain friends. Since then, they'd gone to the movies
and had dinner a few times. They'd run into each other at the store or
bank and chat for a bit. He'd also come to Nikki's wedding and the
reception. And yes, they'd had sex a few times, too, over the last ten
years when both of them were between relationships. He'd always
been a good friend, loyal, trustworthy, helpful, and sympathetic. He
had a heart of gold, and she admired him for it. Maybe he liked her,
but it was because they had a history. A friendly one with the
occasional bump and grind. Surely, there wasn't anything wrong with

She pushed the screen door open and descended the front

steps. The banging on the roof was loud enough to give her a
headache if she stayed outside for too long. At the end of the porch,
Charles stood near a ladder, holding a toolbox. He said something to
the worker next to him as the guy started climbing. Lisa veered from
the concrete sidewalk and stepped on the lawn.

The screen door slapped against the frame.
"Hey, Lisa!"
She stopped and looked up. Alison leaned on railing of the

porch. "Want to go to the store with me?"

"Yeah, sure." A break from all the pounding and noise seemed

like a great idea. "Give me a few minutes."

Alison nodded, so Lisa continued toward Charles. He climbed

a few steps before handing the toolbox to the person on the roof.
Typical of him, he wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a T-shirt with the
construction company's name, which his father owned. He had a
healthy body with robust muscles, no doubt from all the construction
work he'd done since high school. Smiling, Lisa remembered

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touching his solid body, especially the big muscle he kept tucked on
the other side of his pants.

"Hey, Charles," Lisa said.
He jumped from the ladder and gave her a smile. His dimples

always made him look younger and attractive. He picked up a small
towel from the ground behind the ladder, then ran his hand through
his short brown locks. "What can I do for you?"

Lisa stopped in front of him, next to the ladder. "Do you think

they'll be done today?"

"Well…" He lifted his arm and glanced at his watch. "We

should be able to."

"The forecast called for more rain tonight."
"Yeah, these early storms are good, but they make it difficult

for us to get work done since they come frequently. Today's a good
day, and I've got two other crews working."

"If you don't need me to stick around, I'm going to leave for a

bit with Alison."

A loud sound from the porch roof above came as she finished

her sentence. The noise grew louder as if it were moving closer, or
down the roof. In a split second, Charles grabbed her arms and spun
her around. He backed her into the bushes as something fell and
crashed with a loud bang on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Charles asked, his hands gripping her firmly.
Lisa stared past his arm while her heart pounded. The toolbox

and tools were scattered in the spot she'd been standing.

"Hey." He placed his palm on her cheek. "Are you all right?"
Her thoughts raced. He'd saved her. In a matter of mere

seconds, her life could've ended if Charles hadn't pulled her out of the
way. Dear Lord, the man was a saint. An ordinary person might not
have responded so fast.

She swallowed and met his gaze as tears built in her eyes.

"Thank you."

So many times in her life, he'd been there for her. He'd always

come when she needed assistance. No matter what was going on in
his life, he'd made time for her. She took his friendship and
willingness to help deep into her heart. He was unlike any man she'd
ever met, and she owed him a world of gratitude. There was no way
she could ever repay him for saving her life, but she had to do

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something. If only she could find a way for him to accept some token
of her appreciation.

"Lisa?" Alison yelled.
Lisa blinked to stop the tears. She turned her head toward the

porch. "We're okay," she yelled.

Charles lowered his hand to her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Lisa. I

can't believe…" He twisted and looked at the mess on the ground and
ran his fingers through his hair. "That was too close. Way too close."

She touched his chest and felt his heart pounding. "Thank God

you shoved me out the way."

A touch of red colored his cheeks while he pressed his lips

together. "These kind of things in our line of work can be controlled."

"Well, maybe. But accidents happen. And you saved me. I

owe you. Really owe you."

"You don't owe me anything, Lisa."
She expected he'd say that. He always did.
"Please, let me at least take you out to dinner and a movie."
"Everyone okay?" asked the man descending the ladder.
"We're fine," Lisa answered.
Charles glared at him. "Clean it up, and get back to work."
Lisa stepped out of the bushes. "We can talk later if you want,

but I won't take no for an answer."

His hand slid down her arm, then gripped her hand and

stopped her before she could walk away. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. It scared me, but I'm fine. Thank you, and pick a time."
He glanced at the worker, then strolled toward the stairs on the

side of the porch. Lisa walked next to him. His grip from her hand
lessened when they reached the steps.

"Tonight too soon?" He kept his voice low.
"No. Tonight is good. Seven?"
He looked around and nodded. "I want to kick his ass from

here to the moon. I'd fire him now, but I need him to get this job

She rubbed her hand up and down his arm, trying to soothe

him. "Hey, it was an accident."

He looked deep into her eyes. "It's not acceptable when

people’s lives are at stake. The box would've killed you." He
swallowed hard.

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"But it didn't. You saved me, and we're okay." She squeezed

the upper part of his arm and felt his tense muscle. "Hey, calm down."

"You coming, Lisa?" Alison asked, somewhere behind her on

the porch. "Hi, Charlie."

"Hi, Alison." His tone lacked the friendliness it usually


"Pick me up at seven. I'll treat you to dinner and whatever

movie you want to see." And afterward, she'd treat him to a little sex
if he was interested, which she hoped he would be. Although her idea
of showing him gratitude seemed miniscule compared to saving her
life, at least he would accept and appreciate her small effort.

Lisa stepped away from him and jogged up the steps.
"Everything all right?" Alison asked as Lisa caught up to her.
"Yeah, he's just worked up. That's all," Lisa said as they

headed for the front door together.

"About what? That crash? That was incredibly loud."
Lisa opened the door, and Alison strode inside first. "Well, I

happened to be standing in the spot where the toolbox fell. Had
Charles not—"

Alison stopped in the middle of the room and spun to face

Lisa. "Are you kidding me?"

"Would you calm down, please?" Lisa lifted her hands up.

"I'm okay. No harm done, not even a scratch."

"Are you saying that toolbox could've killed you?"
The screen door smacked, and Alison shifted her gaze. Lisa

turned and found Charles standing inside by the door.

"Is everything okay, Charles?" Lisa asked.
He took a step forward. "Could I possibly have a glass of


"Of course. Come in." Lisa walked past her sister and headed

for the kitchen. "Have a seat in here with me."

She grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and turned

to give it to him, but he wasn't in sight. Oddly, neither was Alison.
Lisa heard a soft whisper and moved toward the archway separating
the two rooms. She saw Alison hugging him. Her sister lowered her
arms, then stepped away from him.

Alison looked at Lisa. "Call me when you're ready to go. I'll

be outside." She passed Charles and left.

Charles moved toward her. "Well, that was weird."

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"She gave me a hug for saving your life." His gaze lowered.

"Is that mine?"

She looked at the bottle of water in her hand. "Oh, yes."
"I'm not sure I can handle anything more unusual today," he

said as he accepted the bottle.

"She's grateful. I am, too."
"Not nearly as much as I am. If that had hit you…" He shook

his head.

Chills crawled through her as she stared into his light brown

eyes. The man cared for her deeply. She placed her hand on the side
of his face. "Don't think about it. What's in the past is gone. We have
now and the future."

He moved his face toward her hand, then took it and kissed

her palm. "You're special to me, Lisa. You always have been."

In awe of such a wonderful man, she wrapped her arms around

him and gave him a tight embrace. "And you are one of a kind."

He breathed near her ear, then kissed it. "I have to get back to

work. I just wanted to make sure you were truly all right."

"I am." She let go of him and stepped back. "Thank you."
He held up the bottle. "Thank you." He turned and walked

toward the door.

"I expect to see you tonight," Lisa said.
Pausing half inside and half out of the house, he met her gaze.

"I wouldn't miss it." He left without another word.

Lisa headed for the stairs with a warm feeling in her heart and

soul. Charles was the best male friend she'd ever met. Some day, he
would make a woman very proud and happy. She hoped he'd find her
soon because he deserved a piece of heaven, to settle down and enjoy
life with his special love. Until he found her, Lisa would enjoy every
minute with him. And if they ended up in bed, she wouldn't mind and
was certain he wouldn't either. In fact, the more she thought about
him, she considered spending more time with him. Why not? They
were both single.

Climbing the staircase, she made a decision. Charles had

always had fun with her, always laughed and left happy in the
mornings. She could repay him by giving him more of that happiness.
They both had busy lives, but any time she could allot for him, she
would. She'd fix dinner for him, then curl up next to him every night

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if that would make him content. Somehow, some way, she'd ensure
his days were pleasant ones he'd remember. And she'd start with their
date tonight.

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Chapter Two

Lisa held the strap of her purse as she strode into the family

room where Kate and her fiancé, Dylan, sat. Kate had her head on his
chest, and he had his arm wrapped around her, holding her close to his
body while his outstretched leg lay flat on the sofa. The white sock
covering his foot stuck out like a sore thumb. Appearing quite
comfortable, they faced the television until Lisa's clacking boots
gathered their attention.

Kate lifted her head and sat upright. "Lisa, you look nice."
She stopped and smoothed a hand along her side. "I found this

in Heather's closet."

The thick long-sleeved outfit reached an inch past her knees. It

was a perfect spring or fall dress since it didn't require a jacket. Lisa
had spent months sewing it for Heather, who now lived in Chicago
with her boyfriend. Heather had left several articles of clothing
behind, including the cream-colored boots that matched the dress.
Luckily, she and Heather were similar in dress and shoe size.

"Do you think this is too … I don't know … young for me?"

Lisa asked.

Although Lisa didn't consider herself past her prime, she was

the oldest of all of them. On top of that, her child-bearing years were
dwindling. She'd turn thirty soon, and women in their thirties had
more difficulties producing children. Making matters worse, she
didn't have a boyfriend or husband. Her youth was gone, and the time
for settling down and producing a healthy child with little
complications would be disappear in a few years, too. She pushed the
thoughts aside and focused on the present.

"No," Kate and Dylan said in unison.
"It looks great on you," Kate said, lowering her gaze. "The

boots go well with it, too."

A car horn blasted from their driveway. Kate and Dylan both

twisted to look out the window. A pair of headlights shone brightly in
the darkness.

"That's Charles. I'm not sure when I'll be home," Lisa said,

heading for the door.

"Have fun," Kate said.
The wind tossed strands of Lisa’s long hair as soon as she

stepped onto the porch. Although the temperature hovered in the

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upper fifties, the breeze still brought a slight chill to her legs. The
boots didn't quite reach her kneecaps, which left a little bit of her skin
exposed. She hurried across the porch, down the steps, and past the
parked cars on the driveway.

Charles stood in front of one of the lights. "Is that outfit new?"
"I made it for Heather," Lisa said as he escorted her to the

passenger side. "She hasn't moved all her clothes yet."

He opened the door for her. "It's nice. I like it."
She climbed into his truck before he shut the door. After

stowing her purse near her feet, she fastened her safety belt.

Charles settled in the driver's seat. He'd dressed in a casual but

nice polo shirt and jeans. With his muscles and somewhat tanned
skinned from spending so many days in the sun, he resembled an
older version of a wealthy college frat boy, which was completely the
opposite of his usual T-shirt and rugged jeans construction look. As
he shifted the gear, his gaze lingered on her legs. "Where would you
like to eat?"

"It's up to you. This is my small way of saying thank you."
"Hmm. Well, I know you always enjoy Italian."
"Charles," she said sternly. "What do you have a taste for?"
Typical of their other days, he tried to select places she would

enjoy rather than himself.

He turned onto the main road and scrubbed a hand across his

chin. "Well, I'm actually in the mood for a cheeseburger."

"That's it?"
He shrugged. "Maybe a shake, too. And some chili-cheese

fries. I haven't had them in a while."

Lisa grinned at his selection of food. It reminded her so much

of their late teen years. "If that's what you want, then let's go to
Sherrie's Diner. They have the best shakes."

A smile formed on his face, but he didn't say anything.
"What?" Lisa asked.
He glanced from the road. "Reminds me of old times."
"I was just thinking that, too. And, by the way, thank you for

having the roof finished today. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, sure. If you need anything else done around the house,

just let me know. I'll find a way to work you in."

Lisa pressed her lips together to keep from mentioning all the

odd jobs she needed worked on in the house. One of the toilets ran too

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much water. A light switch failed to work properly. The kitchen
faucet leaked, but fortunately, not under the sink. Four other minor
issues needing attention came to mind, too. She wasn't some lazy
person and had tried to fix what she could, but when it came to
plumbing, electrical, or anything heavy she avoided it. The house was
built in the 1940s and definitely could use some extra care, but with
her limited income she fixed only the urgent items. Charles knew this
and consistently offered to let her make payments to him. While she
appreciated his proposal, she knew he'd end up refusing the money.
She couldn't live with that on her conscience, so she refrained from
mentioning her house problems.

The wind rocked the truck slightly as he sped down the main

country road.

"The storm isn't supposed to come until midnight or early

morning. I think we'll have time to get a movie in," Lisa said.

"Did you check the listing of shows?"
"Yeah, there's some new horror flick that came out last week. I

thought we could check it out. I know how you like to poke fun at the

He grinned and met her gaze briefly. "You know me too well."
That she did, and what a sweet and generous man he was. If

only Mrs. Right would show up to complete him.

They arrived at Sherrie's Diner and found a spot near the

entrance. Lisa expected to find a waiting list after they stepped inside,
but surprisingly the hostess took them straight to a booth. Two menus
lay flat on the table. Neither Charles nor Lisa looked at them.

"You know what you want?" he asked.
Grinning, she said. "I do."
He leaned over the table, arched brows, and gazed deep into

her eyes. "I've seen that look before."

"You know me too well."
He chuckled as the waitress appeared.
"Can I get either of you anything to drink?" Her ponytail

swayed as she turned her head to meet each of their gazes.

Charles read off the entire order for both of them. Having

eaten there multiple times together, he knew what she preferred.

"Well done," Lisa said after the waitress left.
He threaded his fingers together and leaned forward. After a

deep breath he said, "You look lovely tonight."

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She moved closer and laid her arms on top of each other, on

the table. "Thank you, again."

For several seconds, they simply gazed into each other's eyes.

She wondered what he was thinking, but clearly from his curled lips,
he had happy thoughts.

"We've known each other a long time." Charles spoke first.
"Since my junior year. My sisters gave me hell because you

were a year behind me."

"I remember they'd give me dirty looks. But your grandmother

liked me."

"You always helped carry things for her, and you had


"I still do." He relaxed and lowered his arms.
"No question about that." Lisa leaned back against the booth.

"No new girlfriend?"

"Nah, dated a lady from the bank for a few weeks. It didn't

work out. I didn't really care for her."

The story sounded familiar. He'd said it plenty of times over

the years. "What was wrong with this one?"

He looked away from her and shook his head.
"What is it?"
"You'll laugh if I tell you."
Lisa's curiosity rose. She jerked forward. "Tell me. I won't

laugh. Promise."

He stared into her eyes, then moved closer and put his arm on

the table. Head lowered, he said, "She liked rough sex."

Lisa swallowed the laughter that attempted to leap from her

and pressed her lips together.

"I tried a few things, but it wasn't me," he said. "Does that

make sense?"

She reached across the table and placed her hand over his. "It

makes perfect sense. If you're not comfortable, then you should say so
and walk away."

"I did, and I avoid going into that bank as much as possible."
The laughter jumped from Lisa before she could catch it with

a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry."

The waitress appeared in time with their milkshakes, both

chocolate. She set them on the table with long spoons and straws
before she left.

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Charles took his straw and tore the paper off. "Bottom line to

answer your question, no. What about you?"

Lisa stripped the paper from her straw, then stuck it in her

shake. "I've been too busy since Nikki's wedding and a few other odd
jobs. You know, she's pregnant."

"Really?" he asked excitedly. "That's great."
"Yeah, and we might have another wedding this summer. Kate

and Dylan are engaged." Lisa took a sip of her thick milkshake.

"Heather moved to Chicago with her boyfriend, right? Is she

going to get married, too?"

Lisa swallowed, then licked her lips. "Not yet. She wants to

wait. The move and new job are big changes for her."

"That leaves Alison, whom I saw today, Brenda, and Penny."
"Penny's boyfriend moves back here in late May after he

graduates from Princeton. Then, she may move in with him

"Princeton? Wow."
"Yeah, and Alison is … involved. She's doing well."
"I guess that leaves you and Brenda as the only ones


Lisa sighed. "And my time is running out. I'll be thirty soon.

Too old to have kids."

He paused from stirring his shake with his straw. "Are you

kidding? You're still young. You have plenty of time. Women have
babies in their forties."

"But it's difficult, and sometimes women have complications. I

don't want to wait until I'm forty."

"How many kids do you want?"
"Well, I was hoping for three, but I'd settle for one at this

point." She took the straw between her lips and sucked.

"There's still time to get what you want."
The waitress appeared with their orders and set the dishes in

front of them.

"What about you?" Lisa asked. "Since you're not far behind

me in age, how many kids are you wanting?"

"Whatever my wife wants. I just want her to be happy, and I

want to wake up every day to her smiling face."

Lisa picked up a french fry. "That sounds very reasonable. We

need to find your Mrs. Right." She bit into her fry.

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Charles grinned at her as he unwrapped the napkin from his

utensils. "Maybe I already have."

He stared at her, and Lisa's heart picked up a few extra beats.

Had he found his Mrs. Right and not shared who it was with Lisa?
Again, her level of curiosity went up a notch. She considered asking,
but she didn't want to seem too nosy. Besides, she wanted him to feel
comfortable telling her.

She reached for her wrapped utensils. "I thought you said you

didn't have a girlfriend."

"Technically, she's not. But we've known each other a while."
"Well, whoever it is, I hope she makes you happy, too. You're

a wonderful man and deserve the best, Charles."

"She's an amazing woman. Beautiful, compassionate, and

sexy. I wish I would've told her sooner, but life got in the way. She
was always busy, and so was I."

Lisa finished slicing her burger and set the knife down. "I

understand completely." Her heart thumped fast. She wanted to know
who this woman was, especially since he'd said he'd known her a
while. But she couldn't ask. It wouldn't be right.

"I plan to tell her soon. She's not expecting it."
"I want a full report after you do. We're good friends, so I

hope you keep me informed."

He grinned as he picked up his sandwich. "I'll let you know."
While they ate their food, Lisa tried to imagine who this

mysterious woman was. Had he mentioned her in the past? Was she a
prior girlfriend? Lisa pondered who it could be and recalled one
potential woman. He'd been with Kayla for nearly three years and had
known her longer since she was a receptionist for the company office.
Although Kayla was five years younger than Charles was, she had
made him happy. He'd ended the relationship because he felt
pressured from her to marry. He didn't want to. Maybe now he did.

As Lisa munched on her fries, she considered her plan for the

evening. She'd originally thought they might end up in bed together.
Hell, she was hoping they would and was more than ready to spend
the night with him. So much for that idea. With his news, she doubted
there would be any sex. In fact, she'd probably never get to have sex
with him again. The loss saddened her, but her heart leaped with joy
for Charles. He'd met the woman he wanted to settle down with and

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bear his children. Kudos to him. She couldn't be happier for her

Now, Lisa needed to figure out if Kayla was his bride-to-be or

if there was someone else.

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Chapter Three

Lisa stepped into the movie theatre with Charles behind her.

She stopped at the first row of seats and looked around. One couple
sat near the front and near the aisle.

"Either this movie is bad, or people are afraid of the weather,"

she said.

Charles grabbed her hand. "Either way, I'm glad since we're

nearly alone. Come on."

He pulled her to the first row and led her to the end. Stopping

at the second to the last seat, he moved aside and ushered her past

"Oh, I get the end?" she asked.
"A man has to protect his woman." He lowered the cushion

and sat.

Lisa chuckled as she pushed her seat down. "Nice excuse."
He flipped the dividing armrest up, then raised his arm behind

her. "Come here."

She set her purse by her feet and moved until their legs

touched. "It should be starting soon."

Thunder roared outside.
"Sounds like that storm is moving in." Charles squeezed his

arm around her, pulling her closer.

She rested her head on his shoulder and crossed her legs. "It's

not supposed to be here for a few more hours. At least, that's what the
weatherman said."

"We'll be fine. I'm not worried about it."
When he inhaled, she felt his chest expand. His soft musky

scent filled her nose. It was the same one she'd smelled so many times
before, including the first time she'd had sex with him. And no
surprise, heat radiated from his body. The man was her personal

"I'm going to miss this," she said.
The lights dimmed the next second, and the screen

illuminated. Charles rubbed her arm and gave her a kiss on her
forehead. The gentle man she'd known since high school and had lost

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her virginity to would slowly disappear from her life. Well, not
entirely. They could remain friends and would, she hoped.

A quarter into the movie, the couple near the front seemed to

have their eyes on each other. Lisa lifted her head to see if anyone
else had showed up.

"What's wrong?" Charles asked.
"Nothing. Just checking for others."
She put her head back on his shoulder.
Charles slid his hand under her skirt. "This is better." He

rubbed his hand along her thigh.

Desire and confusion consumed her thoughts. Without any

doubt, she wanted to have sex with him. But was it the right thing to
do since he was about to propose to another woman? Technically, he
was a free man and had told her so. If she did have sex with him, it
would likely be the last time. Biting her lip while her panties
moistened from his hand moving closer to her apex, she pondered
what to do.

Lisa lifted her head. "Are you sure about this?"
He brushed her nose and lips. "Positive."
Enough said, she pressed his lips to his and curled her hand

around the back of his neck. As their tongues entwined, heat coiled
within her and spread through her body. He slid his hand between her
legs, lifted the one on top, then moved it over his thigh. Gently, he
lowered her leg, then slithered his hand over her flesh, heading toward
the center between her legs. Like all times before, his touch aroused
and made her hungry for him. She longed to take his cock deep inside
her, for it to fill her and bring sweet bliss. Although he'd done a good
job spreading her legs apart, she widened them more to allow him
easy access to her center. In a matter of seconds, he wedged his
fingers inside her thin cotton panties and pushed them between her
pussy lips.

The kiss ended with both of them breathing more heavily than


"You're so wet. I love touching you," he said.
She kissed his neck while she moved her hand down his chest.

His heart thumped fast, and she felt the vibrations. "Touch me more."

He rubbed his digits over her clit as she reached the button of

his jeans. Anticipation escalated as he slipped two fingers inside her.
She bit her lip while she hurried to unfasten his pants. He pushed

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them deep, then withdrew them and circled increasingly sensitive nub.
By the time he delved inside her again, she freed his stiff member and
took it into her hand.

"Oh, Charles. Don't stop."
His palm pressed against her clit as he moved his digits in and

out. Her climax approached fast and consumed her every thought. It
had been too long since she'd last been with a man, longer since she'd
slept with Charles. Her body needed him, starved for him to deliver
that magic moment when all would be well. She stroked his erection
with her hand and rubbed the head with her thumb. His warm breath
hit her cheek as her head lay against his shoulder. Nothing else
mattered but the two of them together, right now, touching and
pleasing each other. He withdrew his fingers and caressed her nub
again. The build-up became too much. When he slipped his digits
back inside her, she held his hand over her pussy and gasped. Her
orgasm came fast, and she didn't want to miss a single beat of it.

"Wait," she said, careful not to grip his erection too tightly.
He kissed her head. "I'm not moving."
While the release brought her a sense of tranquility, her

spasms didn't last nearly as long as she'd liked. She still longed for his
thick member to fill her. And since the date was supposed to be more
for his pleasure than hers, it was only fitting to give him what he

Lisa lifted her head and quickly scanned the theatre. The

couple farther down were engaged in their own carnal endeavors.
They probably wouldn't notice or bother to comment if Lisa and
Charles did the same. Ordinarily, she wasn't the type of person to
have sex in public. Given her situation and the chance she might
never have sex with Charles again, she pushed her standards aside.

Taking his hand from between her legs, she lifted it and rose.
"What?" he asked softly.
She pressed her finger to her lips as she lowered to his lap.
He took her face into his hands and claimed her in a kiss.

Desire coursed through her again, ignited by his greedy tongue. She
pressed her breasts against his chest and tugged his pants away from
his erection. She took it into her hands and noticed it was overly
warm and hard, no doubt eager to find his release. Lucky for him, she
was ready to deliver what he sought.

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Lifting herself slightly, she pulled aside her panties and

positioned him near her entrance. He broke the kiss and moved his
hands to help her.

"Let me," he said as he rubbed the head of his cock over her


Need rushed through her. She suddenly wished they were in a

private room where she could mold her naked body to his. "I'm so
horny right now."

He grinned and tugged her panties back further. "You're not

the only one."

She kissed his cheek as he slipped past her slick entrance.

Slowly, she lowered and let his wide cock move deeper. The slight
discomfort would disappear soon, as it usually did until she adjusted
to accommodate him.

He slid his hands around to her ass. "Do you know how much

I'm crazy for you?"

Lisa ran her fingers through his soft hair and gazed into his

eyes. "Tell me again."

She lifted slowly, then rocked toward him. He thrust into her,

and she opened her mouth for a quick breath. Seizing the opportunity,
he covered her mouth and shoved his tongue inside. Together, they
worked in unison grinding their bodies and exploring each other's
mouths. His need was intense as he pumped into her each time she
lowered herself. He fit snugly inside her, sliding deep and hitting her
g-spot perfectly. She quickened her rocking motions, seeking the
same goal as he. Fingers digging into her ass, he thrust his shaft
deeper inside her. His heart pounded against her chest. So much
passion consumed them. His cock slid in and out, again and again.
She gasped for air as her body was on the edge of another orgasm.

"I want you. Forever," he said as he shoved his cock deep.
Her orgasm burst free with gripping strength, and she moaned

softly. She continued grinding into him, and he impaled her while
pure bliss flowed through. Her muscles tightened around his cock
over and over again. When his release finally came, he pressed his
lips to her neck and breathed heavily. His large muscle pulsed
vibrantly within her, and like all other times they'd had sex, deep
compassion for Charles filled her heart and soul.

For a while she laid against him, savoring the beat of his cock

and the euphoric feeling within her body. She felt complete with

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Charles, as if everything were right in the world. She'd miss the
intimacy with him, but at least they'd still have their friendship.

He kissed her ear. "That was wonderful."
"Mm…" She pressed her lips to his. "I'll miss this."
"Going somewhere?"
She lifted, and his cock slipped easily from within her, though

not completely out. "Well, I should stop at the bathroom and clean up
a bit."

She glanced over her shoulder for the couple near the screen.

They were nowhere in sight.

Charles kissed her neck. "They're still there. I think they

stretched out on the seats."

A loud burst of thunder shook the building.
Lisa tucked strands of hair behind her ear. "Maybe we should

get home in case the storm hits early."

"Your place or mine?"
"Mine. If you stay, I'll fix you breakfast in the morning."
"How can I resist?" He pecked her lips, then gave her a nudge.
Slowly, she raised her body, and his cock slid from her. She

backed away and stood on wobbly legs. Happiness flowed within her.
If only she could hold onto the feeling forever.

"I'll hurry." She straightened the crotch of her panties, then

grabbed her purse from the floor.

"I'll meet you in the lobby."
Slow with her steps, she headed for the end of the row.

Dramatic music played while the screen flashed. Too occupied with
trying to get to the restroom, she didn't even glance at the movie.

From the theatre, she hurried down the hall. A quick glance at

the lobby windows showed darkness and flickers of lightning. She'd
hoped they would make it to her house before the storm hit.

Lisa stepped into one of the stalls in the bathroom and shut the

door. The large room was quiet, and as far as she could tell, she was
alone. She lowered her drenched panties and shocked herself by how
soaked they were. As she cleaned herself, she decided not to wear the
wet garment any longer. She stripped the underwear from her legs,
balled them, and stuffed them in her purse. After she washed her
hands, she strode from the facility carrying her purse and feeling
naked without her panties. But her level of comfort increased when
she saw Charles waiting for her.

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A warm smile spread across his face. He offered his hand to

her. "Ready?"

"Yeah." She took his hand and squeezed it.
Surprising her, he pulled her close to his body and wrapped an

arm around her waist. He kissed her gently. Within seconds, she
wanted to melt into his arms.

A burst of thunder interrupted them.
"We should go," he said.
"We can finish this at my place."
Holding her hand, he escorted her through the lobby. They

reached the exit, and more flashes of lightning lit up the dark sky.

"I'm really glad you got my roof done today," Lisa said as she

held one side of her dress to keep it from flying up. "I hope I won't
need another new one after this storm."

Charles disarmed his truck with a click on his remote. "It will

be fine, I'm sure."

They were in his vehicle and leaving the parking lot within a

few short minutes. Stoplights and signs swayed from the strong

Charles reached over and placed his hand on her knee. His

warm touch always spread tingles through her and stirred her
hormones. "That was incredibly sexy back there. Thinking about it
makes me hard."

"I thoroughly enjoyed it." She grinned. Normally, she wouldn't

have done such a thing in a public setting. But with Charles, she didn't
regret a single minute with him.

"I hope we can stay friends after you propose to Mrs. Right."
He glimpsed at her, then gripped the wheel with both hands as

a gust of wind rocked the truck. "I don't foresee that as a problem."

She waited for him to say something more, but he kept his

focus on the road. Why wouldn't he tell her if Kayla was Mrs. Right
or if someone else fit the bill? Curiosity gnawed at her. Damn it, she
wanted to know.

"Do I get to find out who she is?" She gave up waiting for him

to tell her and asked bluntly.

He half smiled and chuckled. "You haven't figured it out yet?"
Men and their games. She crossed her arms. "I think it's


"No." He shook his head and had a flat voice. "It's not Kayla."

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Lisa stared out the window and tried to think whom else he'd

dated and known for a while. He'd always shared with her if he had a
girlfriend or was dating, but there were times they hadn't spoken for
months. Could he have met someone and not told her? It didn't seem
possible since they'd always been open and honest with each other.

"This woman … she's always been in my heart," he said.

"She'll know soon enough."

They sat in silence for a while, and Lisa continued to mull

over possibilities for his Mrs. Right. The more she thought about it,
the more she wondered if having him stay the night was such a good
thing. If he truly cared for this woman, shouldn't he want to be with
her instead of Lisa?

Rain poured onto the car as he turned into her driveway.
"Oh, no. It couldn't wait a few more minutes?" she asked.
Charles parked off to the side of the other vehicles so he

wasn't blocking them. "It's just rain. We'll be fine."

He cut the engine and reached for the handle on the door.


Lisa unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her purse. "Ready as

I'll ever be."

At the same time, they shoved their doors open. Rain hit Lisa

in the face as she leaped from her seat. She slammed the door and
raced in front of the truck. Charles stood near the headlight, waiting
for her. She raced past him while using her purse to shield her face.
Laughing, she jogged up the side steps. Only when she reached the
dry porch she slowed her pace.

"Well, I guess I've had my shower." She shook her free arm.
Charles wiped his eyes. "That is definitely a good look for


She dug inside her purse for the keys as she headed for the

door. "I feel like a wet dog." Strands of hair clung to her face, and her
dress felt heavier with the added moisture. She doubted she looked
the least bit attractive.

Charles curled his arms around her and pressed his body to her

backside as she unlocked the door. "You're incredibly sexy when
you're wet." He lowered one hand and held it over her pussy. "Here,

Even though her dress prevented him from touching her skin,

his closeness quickened her pulse.

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She turned her head to the side and softly said, "I'm not

wearing any underwear."

"I took them off in the bathroom."
He tugged her dress and slid his hand between her legs. "Oh,

dear Lord." He moved his hand lower and slipped a digit between her
pussy lips.

In awe of his touch, she forgot about the rightness of having

sex with him now that he had a Mrs. Right. If this would be their last
night to share pleasure together, then she'd enjoy every minute.

He rubbed his groin against her, and she felt his stiff cock. "I

think we should move this inside," he said.

Nodding, she turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Charles removed his hand quickly, and her skirt fell into place. The
house was dark and quiet as they stepped inside, which probably
meant her roommates had gone to their beds. Charles shut the door
and locked it. As soon as he finished, she jogged up the staircase.

From the top of the stairs, Lisa headed down the hall to her

room. Closed doors confirmed her suspicion about her sisters'
whereabouts. The floorboards squeaked as Charles followed behind
her. She entered her room and set her purse on the dresser. Charles
quietly shut the door behind him.

Lisa had the biggest room in the house and rightfully so. She

was the oldest and had taken over as guardian for her sisters after their
grandmother's death. The four-poster bed, one long dresser, a tall one,
and the armoire were antiques. The desk and sewing supplies in one
half of the room were probably the only items that hadn't reached
ancient status.

She unzipped her boots, then slid them off. At the same time,

Charles removed his shirt. She stepped from one of her shoes and
marveled at the ripples of muscle along his chest.

"You're staring," he said with a crooked grin.
"Can't help it." She freed her second foot, then pushed the

boots aside.

Charles stepped out of his shoes as he pushed his jeans down.

Naturally, her gaze zoned in on his erection. She'd seen it many times,
yet it still didn't seem enough. She admired his girth and stiffness. By
far, he was a well-hung man.

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She lifted her dress over her head and dropped the wet

garment while he finished freeing his legs from his clothes. Lightning
flashed, and more rain splashed on the windows. Staring outside, she
reached behind her.

"I'll get that," he said, moving toward her.
She faced the bed as he took over unlatching her bra. The

straps loosened, and then they fell from her arms. As the bra landed
on the floor, Charles glided his hands over her shoulders. He gathered
her hair, pushed it to one side, then kissed the back of her neck.

"You're so beautiful, Lisa."
He rolled his tongue down her neck and along her left

shoulder blade, pausing to plant a few kisses. Chills scurried over her
flesh. Her nipples ached, and her pussy moistened. She leaned her
head back as he secured his arms around her.

"I can't imagine life without you, Lisa." He nudged her toward

the bed. "I want you so much, and only you."

She moved forward with his erection pressing against her

lower back. He moved a hand between her legs, and another claimed
one of her breasts. Passion burned hot inside her, and she knew only
one way to appease it. She had to have him inside her. When she
bumped into the bed, she crawled on it and bent with her legs spread

"Fill me, Charles. I need you."
He pushed several fingers inside her slick pussy and kissed her

back. "Oh, honey." He withdrew them, then tortured her clit. "I can't
live without you, Lisa."

Need blazed from throughout her body. She starved for his

touch, his kiss, and his cock to fill her again and again. Every second
that passed without his love seemed like an eternity.

She gripped the covers as he slowly pushed his mammoth

erection inside her. He held onto her hips and filled her exactly the
way she wanted. Then gently, he moved in and out while he groaned.

Mouth open wide, she breathed deeply and enjoyed the feeling

of him moving deep inside her. She moved her ass toward him as he
pumped into her. His progression increased as the anticipation rose.
He thrust into her quicker, hitting her g-spot and making her gasp.
Light flashed in the room while rain battered the house. His groans
became more vocal as did her gasps. Her vaginal walls devoured him
and thirsted for more. The ride to heaven was a fast one with her body

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sweating and heart racing. She was close and sensed he was, too, from
the way he pounded into her. His body smacked against hers again
and again. He shoved his cock deep inside her, and a second later his
shaft hammered against her walls.

"Come for me, Lisa." He stroked her clit with his fingers while

he drove his pulsing cock in and out of her wet pussy.

The massage of her nub, the blows to her g-spot, and the

vibrations of his hard member became too much for Lisa. Her orgasm
exploded, and she screamed. Fortunately, thunder sounded at the
same time and covered her cry of pleasure.

"Yes. Oh, yes," he said as her walls squeezed his thumping


Euphoria flowed through her body with each beat of her

orgasm. God, she felt alive. Every time she climaxed with Charles, it
was as if he brought a sacred piece of tranquility.

He placed his knees between her legs. "Move forward."
She crawled on the bed as he stayed inside her. Then slowly,

she lay on her stomach and he lowered his body on top of her. He
rolled to the side, taking her with him so his erection stayed inside

"I never tire of loving you, Lisa." He kissed her shoulder while

he took one of her hands and threaded his fingers between hers.

For a while, they lay quietly together. As she continued to

ponder about his mysterious Mrs. Right sadness gripped her heart.
She realized how close she was to Charles, how much she cared for
him and wanted to hear his stories, kiss him, touch him, and make
love to him. They had so many happy memories together and a ton of
laughs. Heartache spread to her soul. She was going to lose her best
male friend and lover. She should've told him sooner how she felt
about him. Now, it was too late.

She closed her eyes, swallowed hard, and squeezed his hand.

"I'm going to miss it."

He kissed her ear. "There's nothing to miss. I love you. I

always have. I just never said it."

Her heart jumped. She opened her eyes, and she twisted to

face him. "What?"

"I realized today that a simple act could take you from me, and

I would be devastated. I pretended for years we were just friends who
occasionally had sex, but in my heart I wanted more. You were busy

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taking care of your sisters and trying to make ends meet. I took over
running the business for my dad. I pushed aside my love for you, but I
can't do it anymore."

Lisa stared at him in shock. For over ten years he'd loved her

and never said a word. He'd always been kind and offering to help her
before others. He cared for her the way a man loves a woman. How
could she not see it? Was it possible they'd both loved each other and
had ignored their feelings to carry on with their day-to-day lives?

"I kept dropping hints today, hoping you'd realize the truth,"

he said.

Her eyes clouded with tears as she recalled some of his words.

All night long, he'd said a few lines that left her thinking about them.
At dinner, he'd said he'd already met Mrs. Right and known her a long
time. During the movie, he'd said he wanted her forever. Then, in the
car when he'd mentioned Mrs. Right had always been in her heart.
Even this morning he'd told her how special she was. How could she
not have seen the writing on the wall? Working odd jobs, caring for
her sisters, and tending to the house constantly occupied her time.
That had to be why she'd failed to recognize he was more than a
friend and lover. She never had time for more.

Tears rolled down her face.
"Hey, why are you crying?" He let go of her hand and wiped

one side of her face.

"I didn't know."
"No. It's not your fault. I didn't tell you."
"I should've figured it out." She sniffled. "You always put me

in front of others."

"I love you, Lisa. You said it right this morning. What's in the

past is gone. We have now and the future. Well, I'm not missing
another minute without you. You're my Mrs. Right."

She took hold of one side of his face and pressed her lips to

his as more tears escaped her eyes. "You're my Mr. Right."

A wide grin formed on his face. "Is that a yes?"
"Finally," he said before covering her mouth.
As she kissed him with the same fiery passion he had, the

feelings she had for him became clear. He completed her like no other
because he was her Mr. Right. She'd missed noticing the signs, but

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now that she knew the truth, she wouldn't let him go. The future
looked bright, and she couldn't wait to share it with him.

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Chapter Four

Lisa sighed as she sat at the kitchen table. She tapped her

fingers as she stared at the cell phone next to her. Anger and angst
fought for dominance of her emotions. For the last three days, all she
had thought about was Charles. He hadn't called her or returned any
of her messages. Why? As she considered the various reasons for his
lack of communication, she gained a powerful headache.

"Take these." Alison handed her two pills and a glass of water.
She took the aspirin and tossed them into her mouth.

"Thanks." As she secured the glass, Alison sat across from her.

Lisa welcomed her sister's company. Alison worked nights as

a bartender, so she had free rein during the days to do whatever she
wanted. Lately, she'd stopped by the house to check in with Lisa and
help with anything if needed. Conversation and time with her sisters
always brought a smile to her face, especially since they had their
own lives and some had moved away. Regardless of all the struggles
and challenges they endured, she missed the family closeness when
they all lived under one roof.

"Still no word from him?" Alison asked.
Lisa set the half empty glass on the table. "No. I left another

message for him this morning. It's almost four, and he hasn't called."

Alison leaned back and crossed her arms. "It seems very

unlike him to ignore your messages."

"Very. I don't understand."
Lisa rubbed her temple. Charles and she had spent the night of

the storm making love. In the morning, she'd fixed him a nice
breakfast before he left for work. He had called her during his lunch
and told her he would contact her after work to arrange plans for
dinner. The call had never come. She had left a message late at night
and never heard back. Needless-to-say, she didn't sleep well. The next
day, she left two more voice mails. He still didn't respond. Yesterday,
she left two more messages. When she didn't receive a response,
anger fueled her into action. She cleaned house, sewed clothes,
prepped the garden for spring vegetables, and cooked items to sell at
two churches. Today was the third day and she was starting to think
he no longer wanted her as Mrs. Right.

"Maybe he's been busy. It's been sunny every day since the

storm. I imagine his company has a lot of roofs to repair," Alison said.

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The tense look on her face indicated she didn't believe the

excuse either. Lisa had had the same thought, but considering how
their night of bliss went, she didn't think he'd blow her off for a

"He's always returned my calls promptly. I don't believe he'd

claim he was too busy."

Alison lowered her arms and leaned an elbow on the table.

"So, what did he tell you during your date?"

Lisa twisted the glass of water as she stared at it. "Oh, we just

went to Sherrie's and chatted. Then we went to the movies." She
really didn't want to share with her sister she'd had sex with him at the
theatre, so she avoided saying too much.

"But what did he tell you?"
"We talked about old times."
"You're not good at hiding things, Lisa. You never were."
"Well…" She lifted the glass. "What did you tell him when

you gave him a hug the other day?"

Grinning, Alison said, "I told him he needed to come clean

with you and share how he really felt before it was too late. Then, I
thanked him for saving your life."

Suddenly, Lisa's stomach churned, and she felt ill. She

lowered the glass.

Alison grabbed Lisa's hand before she withdrew it. "Are you

okay? You look pale."

"You actually told him that?"
"We all knew he liked you, more than liked you."
Lisa's head continued to throb as tears swelled in her eyes.

One escaped before she could stop it.

"Oh, no. Something is definitely wrong."
She pressed her hands over her eyes. "He told he loved me and

he always had. But if that's true, why is he ignoring me?"

"Hang on."
Lisa heard the squeal of the chair over the floor and footsteps

heading away from her. She wiped her eyes and found Alison
returning to the kitchen with a tissue box in her hand.

"I feel so stupid, like a helpless teenager." Lisa plucked a

tissue from the box. "This is ridiculous. I'll be thirty years old. I don't
need a man. I have plenty to do."

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Alison sat and put the box on the table. "Honey, you love him.

You didn't want to admit it, and he didn't either. Now you both know
the truth, and something's happened. You can't rush into any

"But why won't he call?"
"I don't know, but I'm sure he has a good answer. You have to

know that in your heart."

Lisa’s heart ached to know where was and if he was all right.

The man had confessed his love after he'd spent years hiding it. They
wanted to live together, marry, and have children. Something had to
prevent him from getting to her. But what?

Shadows moved in front of the windows in the living room.

They both looked. Two uniformed officers headed for the front door.

"Oh." Alison stood. "That's Ben and Tony. I wanted you to

meet them, but…" She held her hand up in front of Lisa. "Stay here."

Lisa blotted her eyes as Alison rushed to the door. She stepped

outside and out of Lisa's hearing range. While sadness wrought havoc
in her heart, she couldn't sit around crying. She stood, tossed her
tissue in the trash, then headed to meet Alison's lovers.

Alison stepped inside, and the two policeman left before Lisa

made it to the door.

"Where are they going?" Lisa asked, watching them descend

the steps. "I wanted to meet them."

"I don't think this is a good time."
"What did you tell them?"
"I asked them to look for Charlie. I told them about his father's

company and to check there. I also asked…" She paused and took a
deep breath. "I asked if they could review their police reports for any

Lisa jerked her head to her sister as pain stabbed at her heart.

"You really don't—"

Alison grabbed her arm and directed her to the sofa. "We

know he loves you, and he would never wait this long to return your
call. If something did happen, we should find out from a reliable

And if something had happened to her Mr. Right, she'd never

forgive herself for ignoring the signs of love. Her lip quivered, and
more tears built in her eye. Silently, she prayed for Charles's safety.

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"I'll stay until I have to leave for work," Alison said as she

encouraged Lisa to sit. She took off to the kitchen as Lisa fell onto the

Fear and heartache lurked in Lisa's heart and soul. She fought

thinking about the possibilities, but in reality, only something horrible
would've stopped him from contacting her.

Alison handed the tissue box and cell phone to her. "Just in

case. I told them to call me as soon as they had news."

"Thank you." Lisa picked a tissue and patted each eye.
"How about some TV for a bit?" Alison snatched the remote

from the coffee table, then powered the television.

She sat next to Lisa and flipped through the various channels.

Upon finding a home decorating show, Alison set the remote down.

Lisa sat quietly watching show after show. Her well of tears

stopped as she resisted thinking about Charles and tried to watch the
programs. Of course, he never left her thoughts. She checked her
phone every twenty minutes or so. Alison looked at her cell and sent a
few text messages, but made no comment to Lisa. Assuming her sister
was chatting with her friends, Lisa didn't bother to question her for
any updates.

Time passed slowly. They watched a local news broadcast and

were halfway into another when Alison's phone rang.

"Find anything?" Alison answered with her cell to her ear.
Lisa watched her sister closely.
"Uh-huh." She met Lisa's gaze. "Really?" There was another

pause. "Okay, I'll let her know. Thank you so much. I owe you."

Lisa clenched her fists as she waited for her sister to end the


Alison chuckled. "Okay, we'll talk about it later. Bye."
"What did he say?" Lisa asked as Alison moved the cell away

from her ear.

"They had a run, so they didn't get to visit the office right

away. But when they did, the receptionist informed them he was in an
accident a few days ago. She wasn't certain which hospital."

"Oh my God." Lisa covered her mouth as nausea threatened to

make her puke.

Alison placed her hand on Lisa's knee. "Calm down. He's

alive, and that's what is important."

Lisa nodded and blinked as tears streamed from her eyes.

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"Ben called a couple hospitals and found him at St. Mary's.

He's in stable condition. They don't know what exactly happened
because they didn't want to raise too many questions. The receptionist
said he can see visitors until closing at nine."

Lisa grabbed her cell and pressed the button on the side. The

screen illuminated and showed the time nearing six.

"I have to see him." Lisa shot up.
Alison stood, and Lisa embraced her in a tight hug. "Thank

you so much. I love you," Lisa said.

Two seconds later, she raced past her sister and headed for the

stairs. She ran up the staircase, then toward her room where she
snatched her purse. As she fished her keys out, she dropped her phone
inside. She rushed out of her room and down the staircase.

"Good luck," Alison said as Lisa dashed past her.
"I'll text you later."
She made it to her car and backed out of the driveway faster

than she ever had before. As she turned onto the road, she recognized
Dylan's vehicle approaching. She waved as she passed them.

Several thoughts swirled in her mind as she sped to get to the

hospital. So, he'd been in an accident. How bad could it be? Since he
hadn't called, the accident had to be serious. What if he'd broken his
back and couldn't walk again? What if he'd hit his head and lost all his
memories? The various scenarios played in her head, and she came to
one conclusion. She didn't care what kind of condition he was in
because she loved him, and nothing would change how she felt.

The drive took seventeen minutes out of her life. In the

parking lot, she swung into the first vacant spot she found. Purse in
hand, she rushed inside the hospital and stopped at the information

"Can you tell me what room Charles Buckman is in?"
The older African-American woman shifted her gaze to a

monitor. She typed on the keyboard while Lisa tapped her fingers on
the wall separating her from the receptionist.

"He's in room 371," the woman said.
"371." Lisa looked at the hall to her left.
"Follow the hall to the end, then turn right. Go a little way,

and you'll find a couple elevators on your right. Take them to the third
floor. You'll see signs and a nursing station when you step off the

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"Thank you very much. I appreciate it."
The woman smiled. "My pleasure."
Lisa strode down the hall with her purse in hand and heart

racing. She followed the directions and found the elevators. As she
waited, she tried to calm herself in preparation for seeing Charles.

The ride on the elevator seemed to take forever, and she

wished she'd walked up the stairs. Her hands shook slightly, and her
heart continued to pound. Since she had no idea how bad his injuries
were, she feared the worst.

She stepped from the elevator and searched for a sign on the

wall. The nursing station lay several feet ahead, but a sign on the wall
gave directions with room numbers. She opted to follow the arrow
instead of asking a nurse for help.

As she walked down the hall, she gazed from left to right,

scanning the room numbers. Doors were open and offered a glimpse
inside the room. At the end of the hall she turned. Odd numbers were
on the left and even on the right. She passed nearly ten rooms before
she reached room three hundred seventy-one.

The door was ajar, but she couldn't see into the room. She

moved closer and couldn't hear any sounds from inside. Heart ready
to burst from her, she pushed the door open slowly.

Clutching her purse in front of her, she entered the room. She

passed a bathroom, then stopped at the corner. Charles lay flat in a
bed with his left leg in a cast. Blankets covered the rest of his body,
preventing her from seeing if he had other injuries. A small tube ran
from his arm and ended in an IV bag. With slow steps, she moved
toward him.

"Charles?" she asked in a soft voice.
He didn't move.
She glanced at the devices above his head. None of them

appeared powered or connected to him. Stopping at his side, she
noticed his closed eyes.

She grazed her fingers over his forehead. Aside from the extra

hair growth on his face, she couldn't see any changes or signs of
injury above his shoulders. The thin blanket reached his upper chest
and revealed he wore a light blue hospital gown. She considered
peeking under the cover to find out if he had hidden injuries but opted
for pressing her hand to his cheek instead. The light brown stubble
tickled her hand, but more importantly, gave him quite the sexy look.

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Catching her by surprise, he inhaled deeply and blinked. Lisa

removed her hand and stared, hoping and waiting for him to say

He rubbed his eyes. "Lisa?"
A sense of joy filled her heart. Her eyes filled with moisture.

He recognized her. "I came as soon as I found out where you were."

"How…" He focused his gaze on her. "How did you find me?"
"One of my sisters knows a few cops. They found you for me.

Charles, I've been so worried. What happened? Are you okay?" She
swallowed as a tear dribbled from one of her eyes.

He reached for her face. Wincing, he wiped her cheek. "Don't


"I've been calling you for days." She took his hand from her

face and squeezed it. "Tell me what happened, please."

"You shouldn't have come. I don't want you to see me like


"I love you regardless, Charles. There's nothing that will stop

me from loving you." She set her purse on the edge of the bed and
placed her other hand on the side of his face. "I mean that with all my

He swallowed and turned his gaze away. "I'm no good to you

this way. I'm useless. I'm getting old, and I'll never be the same."

Pain stabbed at her heart and forced more tears to roll down

her cheeks. Something horrible had happened for him to think such
things. Whatever the problem was and the challenges that lay ahead,
she refused to let it tear her away from him. She would always love
him, hold him in her heart, and take care of him.

"Charles, look at me," she said sternly.
He twitched his nose and blinked as he turned his head.
Lisa looked into his watery eyes and said, "No matter what's

happened, I still love you. I will always love and take care of you."
She bent and kissed his lips.

He tightened his grip on her hand and used his other to brush

the hair from her face. "I love you so much."

She hovered over his face. "We'll get through this together."
He nodded, and then she kissed him again.
"I'm sorry I didn't call," he said as she straightened. "I haven't

been able to focus or think straight at all. Today is the first day my
head doesn't feel like it will explode."

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"Can you concentrate enough to tell me what happened?"
He took a deep breath, and his face tensed as if he were in


"As you know, I fired the guy who let the toolbox fall."
She nodded as she recalled him telling her during their dinner


"I had a vacancy and plenty of roof repair jobs scheduled. By

the afternoon, I could see we weren't going to get this one job
completed, so I decided to help. One of the tools started to slip down
the roof. I caught it and lost my balance."

Lisa lifted her hand and covered her mouth. "Charles!"
"I know, it was stupid. I rolled off that roof, landed hard on

my leg, then fell back and hit my head. I blacked out after that. Doctor
told me this morning that I had a concussion, and they want to keep
an eye on me for a while. He also said I broke my leg and several
vertebrae in my back. I'll be immobile for at least six weeks. Then, I
have to go through physical therapy. I'll have to walk with a cane for a
while like some old man."

"What about your head?"
"They think I'll be fine. X-rays didn't show anything."
She grinned as sense of calm flowed through her. Broken

bones would heal with time, and then they could go about their lives
as normal. Her saint would be fine.

"I don't want you to think I'm some weak old man."
She lightly chuckled. "I would never think that, you big goof."

She kissed his lips again.

"You're not … angry or upset."
"I was angry when you didn't call, but then I worried

something bad had happened and I'd never see you again. Then, I
found out you were here, and I decided I didn't care what condition
you were in. I wanted you, and I would take care of you."

He tugged the cover from his uninjured side. "Hop into bed

with me."

Through the opening in his gown, she saw the cast around his

lower torso. "I don't want to hurt—"

"You won't. Please, lay with me."

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She set her purse on the floor and stretched out on her side,

next to him. As she settled her head in the crevice of his arm and
chest, he tossed the blanket over her.

"I feel better already." He kissed her head.
Taking his face into her hand, she leaned forward and kissed

him. "I love you."

"I love you, Mrs. Right."
Smiling, she rested her head on his chest and her hand on his

heart. It thumped strongly while heat from his body warmed her flesh.
Serenity filled her soul. The man she loved and wanted to have
children with would be around longer. Time would heal his wounds,
and life would resume its normal path. They had a wedding to plan.
Then soon, they'd work on producing children. She'd enjoy every
minute with him, and she had a feeling he would, too.

The End


Other Books by Diane Thorne:


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An Emerald Heart by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Confession of Love by Vanessa Devereaux

Her Accidental Lover by London Saint James

Evernight Publishing



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